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Observation Assignment Shelander 1

Site Location: The Normandy

Location Description
The Normandy is an Alliance vessel that is many stories tall and consists of many decks, each of
which have their own figured worlds. Since the fictional character I am using as a viewpoint for
the observations does not have access to the majority of these, we will focus solely on the
command deck where access is most public and busy.

Figured World
The figured world of the Normandy is one that evolves from a vessel which encapsulates the
efforts and persons of those brave enough to venture deep into outer space to explore the efforts
of civilizations past, into a last stand; a bastion of hope against the final assault of the reapers, an
ancient autonomous collective of mechanical species who undergo a cycle for extermination of
highly evolved biological species. It is firstly a military vessel; a member of the Alliance Naval
Fleet. Therefore, the original regulations and discourse of this figured world are ones of which
that are typically appropriate for a military setting. This includes proper recognition and respect
towards members of a certain rank, customs and courtesies, and an aura of professionalism. To
be more specific, a member of a lower working class rank would be expected to render a salute
to members of a command authority rank before beginning of a conversation as well as
keeping conversation to a work-based report, rather than speaking on a friendly basis. Later on,
the Normandy becomes destroyed, rebuilt, and re-purposed for an anti-reaper task force and
henceforth changes the figured world of the vessel in a number of ways. Foremost, the members
of the vessel are not always military, which can cause a chaotic environment, not to mention the
fact that on numerous occasions certain personal act in very inappropriate ways. This includes,
but is not limited to: interpersonal relations, disrespect of command authority, dissent, command
authority acting on personal reasons rather than duty-inclined reasons, and more. This is what I
will be focusing most on, because I believe the Normandy itself (not commander Shepherd), is
the main character of the story of Mass Effect, and is a perfect figured world to research and
report on the dynamic of certain artifacts, actors, and not to mention the figured world itself.

Commander Shepard: Commander of the Normandy, Hero of the Alliance, Spectre, and Warrior.
Ashley Williams: Human Alliance Soldier aboard the Normandy.
Liara TSoni: Asari Researcher aboard the Normandy. Highly trained in Prothean history and
Kaidan Alenko: Human Sentinel and Systems Alliance Marine aboard the Normandy. Trained in
Garrus Vakarian: Former C-Sec Officer, Councils top Spectre, now serves Commander Shepard
aboard the Normandy as a master of arms.
TariZorah: Quarian Engineer aboard the Normandy. Shy, doesnt show face (part of Quarian
customs and dress).
Jeff Moreau (Joker): Flight Lieutenant and pilot of Normandy. Excellent pilot, arrogant, and
quick witted.
Urdnot Wrex: Krogan Battlemaster aboard Normandy. Arrogant, aggressive, concerned about
genophage and trying to create a future for the Krogans.
Admiral Hackett: Top-Ranking official of Alliance Navy. Previous commander of the

desktop support 9/12/13 8:24 AM
Comment [1]: WhaL ls an alllance vessel?
desktop support 9/12/13 8:24 AM
Comment [2]: Well why Lhe hell noL?
desktop support 9/12/13 8:28 AM
Comment [3]: WhaL ls anLl-reaper?
desktop support 9/12/13 8:30 AM
Comment [4]: l Lhlnk you do a really good [ob of
descrlblng Lhe flgured world ln a deLalled, Lhorough
desktop support 9/12/13 8:36 AM
Comment [5]: l don'L really know whaL some of
Lhls means- l.e. Asarl" SpecLre" eLc.
Observation Assignment Shelander 2
Site Location: The Normandy
Shepards Fish Tank: Commander Shepard loves to collect fish, put them in her tank, and never
feed them. Its almost sadistic, if you ask me.
EDI: After the Normandy was recreated, the ship contained an AI named EDI. This has been a
focal point for Jeff Moreau as he felt like he didnt have full control of the ship anymore.
Reactor: Focal point for a lot of the Engineers. They always feel like it can be better, and ends up
as a topic of importance with all of the technical crewmembers aboard.
Genophage: A topic that has split a lot of crew members and politicians. Those for it agree that
the Krogans are too violent of a people, and need to be weakened greatly if they continue to be a
part of the Alliance. Those against it agree universally that it is more or less genocide and should
be abolished.

Discourse Communities
Engineering: Most of the engineering and technical folk stick together in the technical bay, with
the reactor and all of the other sensitive electrical equipment. They communicate using more
technical language and do not tend to act out. These crew members stick closer to their comfort
zone than the others.
Military military: This includes those who are and embody the military concept. Gung-ho
weapon slinging brutes. They spend a lot of time lifting weights in the cargo bay and can be seen
communicating in looser English.
Command Staff: The high ranking officials. They spend a lot of time in the briefing room with
other high ranking officials, foreign dignitaries, and civilian consultants.

Literary Practices
1. Actual military members of the Normandy (during the periods in which it is actually a
military vessel) are seen rendering classical military customs. This includes saluting
higher ranking officers, starting and/or ending statements with sir or maam, marching,
briefing, debriefing, cleaning weaponry, etc.
2. Non-military members usually act as advisors, and as so can be seen occasionally
disrespecting others in a way that actual military members would never do. Emotions are
typically more amplified and these members do not filter what they say nearly as much as
literary practices from military members.
3. Political Officials / Foreign Dignitaries are consulted from time to time aboard the
Normandy, usually regarding some issue that goes beyond the command of the Alliance
Navy or Cerberus. These actors are usually the most unfiltered and least courteous of
guests aboard the Normandy.

*NOTE* I have taken a persona of an in-game journalist to make sense of these observations
within the context of the story.
[For this part, see this URL: hLLp://]

desktop support 9/12/13 8:38 AM
Comment [6]: l assume you mean ArLlflclal
lnLelllgence buL you know whaL happens when you
desktop support 9/12/13 8:39 AM
Comment [7]: ls Lhls a machlne of some sorL?
desktop support 9/12/13 8:39 AM
Comment [8]: 8uL whaL ls lL?
desktop support 9/12/13 8:41 AM
Comment [9]: l Lhlnk Lhls ls a really cool ldea and
lL helps me undersLand Lhe world and ldeas ln

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