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MENU Nokia WCDMA Base Station BTS Alarm Descriptions BTS SW WN3.

0 dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en # Nokia Corporation 1 (148)

MENU BTS Alarm Descriptions The information in this document is subject to change without notice and describ es only the product defined in the introduction of this documentation. This docu ment is intended for the use of Nokia's customers only for the purposes of the a greement under which the document is submitted, and no part of it may be reprodu ced or transmitted in any form or means without the prior written permission of Nokia. The document has been prepared to be used by professional and properly tr ained personnel, and the customer assumes full responsibility when using it. Nok ia welcomes customer comments as part of the process of continuous development a nd improvement of the documentation. The information or statements given in this document concerning the suitability, capacity, or performance of the mentioned hardware or software products cannot be considered binding but shall be defined in the agreement made between Nokia and the customer. However, Nokia has made al l reasonable efforts to ensure that the instructions contained in the document a re adequate and free of material errors and omissions. Nokia will, if necessary, explain issues which may not be covered by the document. Nokia's liability for any errors in the document is limited to the documentary correction of errors. N OKIA WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE IN ANY EVENT FOR ERRORS IN THIS DOCUMENT OR FOR ANY DAMAGES, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL (INCLUDING MONETARY LOSSES), that might ar ise from the use of this document or the information in it. This document and th e product it describes are considered protected by copyright according to the ap plicable laws. NOKIA logo is a registered trademark of Nokia Corporation. Other product names mentioned in this document may be trademarks of their respective c ompanies, and they are mentioned for identification purposes only. Copyright Noki a Corporation 2006. All rights reserved. 2 (148) # Nokia Corporation dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en

MENU Contents Contents Contents 3 1 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 3 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 4.15 4.16 4.17 4.18 4.19 4.20 4.21 4.22 4.23 4.24 4.25 4.26 4.27 4.28 4.29 4.30 4.31 4.32 4.33 4.34 4.35 About this document 7 Alarm handling 9 General 9 Instructions for solving problems Blocking and locking 10 Identifying faulty units 10 9 Nokia UltraSite and MetroSite WCDMA BTS alarm table 25 Alarms 27 Active clock tu ning fault 27 Antenna# connection fault 28 ATM, A2EA configuration error 29 ATM cell loss 29 ATM faulty 30 ATM processor faulty 31 ATM traffic overload 32 Base station ambient temperature below minimum limit 32 Base station ambient temperat ure exceeds maximum limit 33 BS SW download or activation failed 34 BTS Blocked 35 BTS config error (all units in a cell must be of same freq) 36 BTS config err or (different WTR variants cannot coexist in cell) 36 BTS config error (incorrec t carrier candidates) 37 BTS config error (Not enough HW for LCR) 38 BTS config error (SRC DL must use same WTR TRXs) 39 BTS config error (WAF overload, 50W not in dual WPA config) 39 BTS config error (WPA / WSMA version conflict in cell) 4 0 BTS config error (WSMA and WSMB cannot coexist) 41 BTS config error (WTR used as dual TRX behind WSMA) 41 BTS file error 42 BTS RNC interface signalling link failure 43 BTS time not corrected 44 Cabinet door open 45 Cell blocked 46 Cell b lock rejected by RNC 46 Cell calibration failure 47 Cell power monitoring 48 Cel l power parameter out of range 49 Commissioning parameter mismatch 49 Communicat ion failure inside WSP 50 Communication failure with RNC 51 Default antenna dela y value is used for LCS-RTT 52 Difference between BTS master clock and reference frequency 53 Diversity branch masthead amplifier fault 56 dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en # Nokia Corporation 3 (148)

MENU BTS Alarm Descriptions 4.36 4.52 4.68 4.84 4.37 4.53 4.69 4.85 4.38 4.39 4.40 4.41 4.42 4.43 4.44 4.45 4.46 4.47 4.48 4.49 4.50 4.51 4.54 4.55 4.56 4.57 4.58 4.59 4.60 4.61 4.62 4.63 4.64 4.65 4.66 4.67 4.70 4.71 4.72 4.73 4.74 4.75 4.76 4.77 4.78 4.79 4.80 4.81 4.82 4.83 4.86

DSC-bus failure 57 DSP failure in radiolink creation 58 Error in commissioning d ata 59 Error in file server during SW download 60 Failure in AXU initialization 60 Fan module operation degraded 61 Fatal alarm 62 Fault between WAM and WSP SFN (WSP) 63 Fault in ATM interface 64 Fault in ATM interface 65 Fault in OM and DS P SW interface 66 File corrupted in SW download 66 Flash operation failure 67 Ga in adjust alarm 68 Incompatible SW version detected 69 Incompatible unit detecte d 70 Initial calibration not started because other cell not cleared 71 Invalid c arrier in WTR 71 Invalid frequency channel for the BTS HW 72 LPA faulty 73 LPA g ain fault 74 LPA input signal level is too high 74 LPA linearization fault 75 LP A power supply alarm 76 LPA reflected power too high 76 LPA temperature is dange rously high 77 Main branch masthead amplifier fault 78 Mains power break, runnin g battery backup 79 Major alarm 79 Minor alarm 80 Missing NBAP cell parameters, defaults are used 81 No connection to AXU 82 No connection to unit 82 No connect ion to WEA and unable to detect External alarms 84 Non-fatal ATM traffic overloa d 85 Not enough WAF resources in LCR 86 Not enough WSP resources per cell 86 No WSM resources 87 Oven oscillator clock missing 88 Oven oscillator heating failur e 89 POST test failed 89 Power unit input voltage fault 90 Power unit output vol tage fault 91 R-bus error 92 ROM disk corrupted during SW update 93 SFN synchron ization failure 93 SFN synchronization failure 94 SFN synchronization failure 95 Smoke alarm 96 SW does not support commissioning file 96 System frame clock mis sing 97 4 (148) # Nokia Corporation dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en

MENU Contents 4.87 4.88 4.89 4.90 4.91 4.92 4.93 4.94 4.95 4.96 4.97 4.98 4.99 4.100 4.101 4.1 02 4.103 4.104 4.105 4.106 4.107 4.108 4.109 4.110 4.111 4.112 4.113 4.114 4.115 4.116 4.117 4.118 4.119 4.120 4.121 4.122 4.123 4.124 4.125 4.126 4.127 4.128 4 .129 4.130 4.131 4.132 4.133 4.134 4.135 4.136 4.137 System frame clock signal missing 98 T-bus error 98 Telecom cell enabling or dis abling failed 99 Telecom configuration failure 100 Timeout, commissioned resourc e not ready 101 Too many carriers allocated for LPA 102 Traffic flow in a non-ex istent ATM connection 102 Transmission clock missing 103 Unit autonomous reset a s a recovery action 104 Unit blocked 105 Unit has lost connection to temperature sensor 106 Unit initialization failure 107 Unit initialization failure 107 Unit not supported by current BTS SW version 108 Unit SW download failed 109 Unit sy nchronization failed 111 Unit temperature is high 111 Unknown cabinet type 112 U nknown HW resource 113 [User defined] 114 WAF low noise amplifier faulty 114 WAM SFN polling timeout 115 WCI baseband reference clock failure 116 WEA power regu lator fault 117 WIB unit AC line break fault 118 WIB unit battery failure 119 WI B unit battery temperature out of range 119 WIB unit power back-up time alarm 12 0 WMC oven oscillator fault 121 WPA power level changed 122 WSC oven oscillator fault 122 WSC phase difference jammed to zero reading 126 WSC switch unsuccessfu l 127 WSC/WMC transmission clock missing 128 WSMA RR-bus error 129 WSMA SR-bus e rror 130 WSMA ST-bus error 131 WSMA T-bus error 132 WSMB does not receive frame clock 133 WSMB RR-bus error 133 WSMB SR-bus error 134 WSMB ST-bus error 135 WSMB T-bus error 136 WSMB unit reset 137 WSP PCI-bus failure 138 WSP unit internal f ailure 139 WTR internal clock faulty 139 WTR internal clock faulty 140 WTR local oscillator not locked 141 WTR loop synthesizer not locked 141 WTR or WPA output power measurement fault 142 dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en # Nokia Corporation 5 (148)

MENU BTS Alarm Descriptions 4.138 4.139 4.140 4.141 4.142 4.143 WTR WTR WTR WTR WTR WTR output power decreased 143 output power fault 144 power supply voltage fault 145 RT-bus fault 145 synthesizer is not locked 146 temperature is high 147 6 (148) # Nokia Corporation dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en

MENU About this document 1 About this document The purpose of this document is to describe the alarms and alarm handling of the Nokia UltraSite WCDMA Base Station (BTS) family, the Nokia MetroSite WCDMA Base Station and the Nokia MetroSite 50 WCDMA Base Station. BTS software (SW) uses t hese alarms as a basis for internal diagnosis and fault reporting through the Ra dio Network Controller (RNC) to the Operations Support System (OSS) and BTS Site Manager. dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en # Nokia Corporation 7 (148)

MENU BTS Alarm Descriptions 8 (148) # Nokia Corporation dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en

MENU Alarm handling 2 2.1 Alarm handling General Base Station (BTS) alarm handling is based on unit state information. It prevent s the sending of unnecessary alarms by checking and updating unit states. Fault messages come either from hardware devices or software components. The faults ar e system or hardware specific. The Fault Diagnosis System creates upper network alarms, which are based on an analysis of the faults, and sends them to the BTS Site Manager and RNC. In addition to routing to the RNC, the alarms are buffered and, for example, active BTS alarms can be seen from the RNC. NetAct is used fo r handling the BTS alarms. The BTS is able to maintain alarm handling after it h as been commissioned and is in a configured state. During the start-up, the BTS waits for the real time clock from the Network Time Protocol (NTP) server, and t he fault diagnosis starts after the time has been set or a time-out has been det ected. If the BTS is unable to set the time using the NTP server, the default ti me (1.1.1990) will be used. 2.2 Instructions for solving problems When starting to solve a problem, first refer to the instructions given in the i ndividual alarm descriptions. Verify the configuration of a BTS by checking the commissioning, cabling and correct installation of the units at the BTS. Make su re the environment does not cause the fault. For more information on implementat ion, normal daily operations, maintenance, and troubleshooting, refer to Nokia U ltraSite WCDMA Base Station (BTS) family, Nokia MetroSite WCDMA Base Station and Nokia MetroSite 50 WCDMA Base Station Product Documentation sets. dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en # Nokia Corporation 9 (148)

MENU BTS Alarm Descriptions If an active alarm is a 'Start' alarm, a unit block/unblock (if supported by the unit) or site reset is required to cancel it. If the site reset or unit block/u nblock does not help, replace the faulty unit. See the fields 'Source of the ala rm' and 'Instructions' in the corresponding alarm description. If you cannot sol ve the problem by yourself, contact the local Help Desk. 2.3 Blocking and locking The 'Cancel' alarms are always sent to hosts (BTS Site Manager and RNC). When th e unit or cell is in a blocked state, the 'Start' alarms are only sent to the BT S Site Manager. When a unit or cell is unblocked, all the active alarms related to the unblocked unit or cell are automatically sent to the hosts. The locked or unlocked state of a cell has no effect on sending alarms to the hosts. 2.4 Identifying faulty units This section describes how the plug-in units are identified in different WCDMA B TS cabinets and how a faulty unit can be located with the NetAct system. See bel ow the explanations of an example 'Alarm Dialog' window for different fields in Figure NetAct Alarms window. . 7652 *: reported severity Suppl info field: fault name Diag info field: (01) (02 ) (0A) (0010) (WFAA 04) number of the rack where the plug-in unit is located (HE X) number of the shelf where the plug-in unit is located (HEX) number of the slo t where the plug-in unit is located (HEX) not applicable faulty unit and ID . . 10 (148) # Nokia Corporation dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en

MENU Alarm handling Unit location numbers are used in alarm information to locate a failed unit. The main principle for numbering locations is from top to bottom and from the left to the right. Location numbers are defined with the following parameters: RACK S HELF SLOT Specifies the rack of the cabinet and separates BB and RF compartments from each other Specifies the shelf in the cabinet Specifies the location on th e shelf The figures below indicate how the rack, shelf and slot are defined in different WCDMA BTS cabinets. dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en # Nokia Corporation 11 (148)

MENU BTS Alarm Descriptions Figure 1. Supreme cabinet 12 (148) # Nokia Corporation dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en

MENU Alarm handling Figure 2. Optima cabinet dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en # Nokia Corporation 13 (148)

MENU BTS Alarm Descriptions Figure 3. Optima Compact Outdoor (WREB) cabinet 14 (148) # Nokia Corporation dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en

MENU Alarm handling Figure 4. Optima Compact IBBU cabinet dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en # Nokia Corporation 15 (148)

MENU BTS Alarm Descriptions Figure 5. Optima Compact RF extension cabinet 16 (148) # Nokia Corporation dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en

MENU Alarm handling Figure 6. Triple-mode cabinet dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en # Nokia Corporation 17 (148)

MENU BTS Alarm Descriptions Figure 7. MetroSite cabinet 18 (148) # Nokia Corporation dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en

MENU Alarm handling Figure 8. MetroSite 50 cabinet The figures below indicate how the fans are defined in different WCDMA BTS cabin ets. Note fan control naming: 'FAN UNIT' refers to a group of fans including the fan control unit. A 'fan' is a single blower. dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en # Nokia Corporation 19 (148)

MENU BTS Alarm Descriptions Figure 9. Fan mapping in Supreme cabinet HEX FAN 59 WPA WEAC 53 54 55 56 57 58 WTR WFD 155 MFUA 153 154 MFUA MFUA Figure 10. Fan mapping in Optima Compact Outdoor (WREB) cabinet 20 (148) # Nokia Corporation dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en

MENU Alarm handling Figure 11. Fan mapping in Optima Compact IBBU cabinet Figure 12. Fan mapping in Optima Compact RF extension cabinet dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en # Nokia Corporation 21 (148)

MENU BTS Alarm Descriptions Figure 13. Fan mapping in Triple-mode cabinet 22 (148) # Nokia Corporation dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en

MENU Alarm handling Figure 14. Fan mapping in MetroSite cabinet dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en # Nokia Corporation 23 (148)

MENU BTS Alarm Descriptions Figure 15. Fan mapping in MetroSite 50 cabinet 24 (148) # Nokia Corporation dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en

MENU Nokia UltraSite and MetroSite WCDMA BTS alarm table 3 Name: Product: Detecting unit: Fault source: Nokia UltraSite and MetroSite WCDMA BTS alarm table The table below describes the fields in the alarm table: Table 1. Description of the fields in the alarm table The name of the fault. The name of the product in question. The unit that detect s the fault. The equipment suspected to be faulty (sub-unit in parentheses). Not e that sometimes the actual source of the alarm is different than the one that d etects the fault. Meaning: Event type: A description of the fault situation. The options are: Event (Transient or Distu r) . . . . . Event type alarms can be seen in the RNC in 'Alarm History' Notification type al arm 'Event' alarm is not cancelled, because it is never active No recovery actio ns Event type alarm is shown in the BTS Site Manager as 'Transient' and in RNC a s 'Distur' Alarm, a fault situation The alarm is not automatically cleared (with out manual operation and maintenance work), even though the problem has been sol ved, but requires at least blocking/ unblocking the unit or site reset. Recovery actions depend on the reported severity Faults can be in a start or cancel stat e The alarm is automatically cleared when the problem has been solved Start . . . Start/Cancel . . dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en # Nokia Corporation 25 (148)

MENU BTS Alarm Descriptions Table 1. Unit status: Description of the fields in the alarm table (cont.) The options are: Out of order Degraded Working Info Effect: The unit does not work The main functions of the unit work, but not all All func tions are working, but some trouble has been notified Status change information A description of how this fault affects the operations of this unit, and how it affects the operations of other units. The following questions are considered: Does the status of the unit or its sub-units have any effect on the interpretati on of the fault? Does the fault have an effect on other active faults? Reported alarms: 7650 BASE STATION FAULTY . . . Start, disables all cells Cancel, causes a site reset No new 7651, 7653 or 7654 alarms are reported when 7650 is active There is no limit to how many 7651 alarm s can be active at the same time There is no limit to how many 7652 alarms can b e active at the same time Start, the affected cell state is set disabled Cancel, the affected cell state is set enabled There is no limit to how many 7654 alarm s can be active at the same time There is no limit to how many 7655 alarms can b e active at the same time 7651 BASE STATION OPERATION DEGRADED . 7652 BASE STATION NOTIFICATION . 7653 CELL FAULTY . . 7654 CELL OPERATION DEGRADED . 7655 CELL NOTIFICATION . LED display: The colour of the LED representing the fault level of the unit. The options are: Stable red Blinking red Stable yellow Blinking yellow Stable green Major alarm Minor alarm Unit in standby state or unit blocking Unit in self-heat ing state or software downloading Unit on and working Alternating red and green MHA faulty Instructions: Describes the actions required to clear the alarm. 26 (148)

# Nokia Corporation dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en

MENU Alarms 4 4.1 Alarms Active clock tuning fault Name Product Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Active clock tuning fault Supre me; Optima; MetroSite; Triplemode WAM Active WSC, WMC Phase measurement cannot b e per formed in the active WSC or WMC. Start / Cancel Degraded If there is only one WSC or both the ac tive and redundant WSCs are faulty, the synchronisation d oes not work and the BTS is not operational. If there is a re dundant WSC and th e recovery switch operation was successful, the BTS can work normally. If the un it is WMC and it is faulty, the synchronisation does not work and the BTS is not operational. 7651 BASE STATION OPERATION DEGRADED (if no working WSC or WMC) 76 52 BASE STATION NOTIFICATION (if working redundant WSC available) LED display In structions Stable red 1. Block/unblock the faulty unit. 2. Replace the faulty un its. Event type Unit status Effect Reported alarms dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en # Nokia Corporation 27 (148)

MENU BTS Alarm Descriptions Note that because of a fault situation in the active clock, the redundant clock is not tuned. To make sure that the tuning is correct, run "Fast Tune BTS Clock" with the BTS Site Manager after switchover when the new WSC is taken into use. If there is a WMC or only one WSC, the tuning will continue but cells will remai n disabled. 4.2 Antenna# connection fault Name Product Antenna# connection fault Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optima Comp act RF Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 WAF WAF The Bias-T has det ected that the re flected TX power from the antenna has increased. The antenna c able between the WAF and MHA is faulty or the anten na is faulty. The BIAS-T may be faulty. Start Out of order The cell is out of use. 7653 CELL FAULTY (all TX/ RX-BTUs in the cell are faulty) 7654 CELL OPERATION DEGRADED (there is a working /degraded BTU in the cell) LED display Instructions N/A 1. Check the cabling in the commissioning file. 2. Check the antenna line. 3. Check the PITA Cable conn ection (RJ45). Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Event type Unit status Effect Reported alarms 28 (148) # Nokia Corporation dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en

MENU Alarms 4. Check the Bias-T. 4.3 ATM, A2EA configuration error Name Product ATM, A2EA configuration error Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optima Compact RF Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 WAM WAM The RNC A2EA t ransport layer address does not comply with the given BTS A2EA address. Start Wo rking If AAL2 multiplexing is not in use, BTS operation is not affected. If the error is in the AXC (if AAL2 multiplexing is in use), the BTS may reject AAL2 co nnection es tablishment requests. 7652 BASE STATION NOTIFICATION Stable green Ch eck and re-commission the AXC (if AAL2 multiplexing is in use), RNC or BTS with the correct BTS A2EA ad dresses. Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Event type Unit status Effect Reported alarms LED display Instructions 4.4 ATM cell loss Name Product ATM cell loss Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Otima Compact RF Extens ion; MetroSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en # Nokia Corporation 29 (148)

MENU BTS Alarm Descriptions Detecting unit Fault source Meaning WAM WAM ATM cells are lost. The cell loss can be caused by a traffic overload, b y the WAM receiving an invalid ATM cell or AAL5 packet, or by the data corruptio n on Iub. Start / Cancel Working This can result in data loss and resend ing of data. 7652 BASE STATION NOTIFICATION Blinking red 1. Check the WAM, AXU and the cabling between them. 2. Check the other active alarms. 3. Check the ATM configu ration. 4. Check the data integrity from the incoming Iub. Event type Unit status Effect Reported alarms LED display Instructions 4.5 ATM faulty Name Product ATM faulty Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optima Compact RF Extensio n; MetroSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 WAM WAM A WAM internal failure. Start Out of order Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Event type Unit status Effect 30 (148) # Nokia Corporation dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en

MENU Alarms The BTS capacity decreases. If the faulty unit is the master WAM, the BTS is fau lty. Reported alarms 7650 BASE STATION FAULTY (master WAM) 7651 BASE STATION OPE RATION DEGRADED (slave WAM) LED display Instructions Stable red 1. Check the AXC settings. 2. Reset the BTS. 3. If the BTS reset does not help, change the alarm ing unit. 4.6 ATM processor faulty Name Product ATM processor faulty Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optima Compact R F Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 WAM WAM, WSPC, WSPD, WSPE There is a fault in the WAM processor SFN interrupt or the SFN is not being up dated in the WSPC/WSPD/WSPE MCU. There is a fault in the WAM internal bus or between t he WAM and WSP. There is a MCU failure in the WAM or the ATM loop test at startu p has failed. Event type Unit status Effect Reported alarms Start Out of order T he BTS capacity is decreased. 7651 BASE STATION OPERATION DEGRADED Stable red Detecting unit Fault source Meaning LED display dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en # Nokia Corporation 31 (148)

MENU BTS Alarm Descriptions Instructions 1. Check the AXC settings (WAM loopback VC, for example). 2. Reset the BTS. 3. I f the BTS reset does not help, change the alarming unit. 4.7 ATM traffic overload Name Product ATM traffic overload Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optima Compact R F Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 UltraSite, MetroSite, MetroSite 50, Triple-mode: WAM Ultra Site, MetroSite, MetroSite 50, Triple-mode: WAM, WSP C A buffer overflow caused by traffic over load. The maximum capacity is ex ceed ed and some data discarded. Start / Cancel Degraded This alarm has variable cons equences. Calls may be cut off and, in worst cases, cells may be disabled. 7651 BASE STATION OPERATION DEGRADED Blinking red 1. Check and correct the ATM config uration. 2. Check the other active transmissionrelated alarms. Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Event type Unit status Effect Reported alarms LED display Instructions 4.8 Base station ambient temperature below minimum limit 32 (148) # Nokia Corporation dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en

MENU Alarms Name Base station ambient temperature below minimum limit Supreme; Optima; Optima IBB U; Optima Compact RF Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 WAM Transmis sion WFA, BB_WFA, WFD The sensor measuring temperature out side the cabinet, has reported that the ambient temperature is below the mini mum allowed value. Star t / Cancel Working Possibly results in other faults. 7652 BASE STATION NOTIFICAT ION Check the environment conditions of the site. Product Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Event type Unit status Effect Reported alarms LED display Instructions 4.9 Base station ambient temperature exceeds maximum limit Name Base station ambient temperature ex ceeds maximum limit Supreme; Optima; Op tima IBBU; Optima Compact RF Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 WAM Transmission WFA, BB_WFA, WFD Product Detecting unit Fault source Meaning dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en # Nokia Corporation 33 (148)

MENU BTS Alarm Descriptions The sensor measuring the temperature outside the cabinet, has reported that the ambient temperature is above the maximum allowed value. Event type Unit status E ffect Reported alarms LED display Instructions Start / Cancel Working Possibly r esults in other faults. 7652 BASE STATION NOTIFICATION Check the environment con ditions of the site. 4.10 BS SW download or activation failed Name Product BS SW download or activation failed Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; O ptima Compact RF Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 UltraSite, Tripl e-mode, MetroSite, MetroSite 50: WAM UltraSite, Triple-mode, MetroSite, MetroSit e 50: WAM, WTR, WPA/WMP The SW update to the BTS has failed. The error can be ca used by a unit reset during the SW update, a hardware pro blem in the unit or ca binet, or a cor rupted flash file system. Start / Cancel Degraded The SW update to this BTS may not be possible without special actions. The BTS continues its o peration with the old software. 7651 BASE STATION OPERATION DEGRADED Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Event type Unit status Effect Reported alarms 34 (148) # Nokia Corporation dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en

MENU Alarms LED display Instructions Blinking red 1. If the 'ROM disk corrupted during SW update' or other flash memo ry-related alarm is active for the faulty unit at the same time, replace the fau lty unit. 2. Retry the SW update. 3. Replace the failing unit. 4.11 BTS Blocked Name Product BTS Blocked Supreme; Optima;Optima IBBU; Optima Compact RF Extensio n; MetroSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 UltraSite, MetroSite, MetroSite 50, Tripl e-mode: WAM UltraSite, MetroSite, MetroSite 50, Triple-mode: Master WAM The BTS is blocked with the BTS Site Manager. The meaning of the fault is to avoid alarm s that may rise during a BTS maintenance task. Start Working The BTS does not se nd alarms to the RNC when the BTS is blocked. Alarm cancels are sent to the RNC. All cells are disabled. Reported alarms LED display Instructions 7650 BASE STAT ION FAULTY Stable green To cancel the alarm, unblock the BTS. Unblocking the BTS causes a site reset. Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Event type Unit status Effect dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en # Nokia Corporation 35 (148)

MENU BTS Alarm Descriptions 4.12 BTS config error (all units in a cell must be of same freq) Name BTS config error (all units in a cell must be of same freq) Supreme; Optima ; Optima IBBU; Optima Compact RF Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode WAM CELL A uni t with an incompatible frequency type has been detected. All units in the cell m ust be of the same frequency type. Start / Cancel Out of order The capacity drop s. Cell(s) may remain down. 7653 CELL FAULTY Product Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Event type Unit status Effect Reported alarms LED display Instructions Stable red Check the unit frequency types in the cell and replace the incompatib le unit with a compatible one. 4.13 BTS config error (different WTR variants cannot coexist in cell) Name BTS config error (different WTR variants cannot coexist in cell) Supreme; O ptima; Optima IBBU; Optima Compact RF Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode WAM Product Detecting unit 36 (148) # Nokia Corporation dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en

MENU Alarms Fault source Meaning RX - WTR There are different WTR variants in the same cell. Start / Cancel Degra ded The conflicting WTR unit is marked as faulty (not used by the Telecom), and the cell coverage may therefore de crease. For example, if the conflicting WTRA is configured as the transmitter for the cell, the cell may also be shut down. 7 654 CELL OPERATION DEGRADED Blinking red Replace the conflicting WTR unit with a compatible unit. Event type Unit status Effect Reported alarms LED display Instructions 4.14 BTS config error (incorrect carrier candidates) Name BTS config error (incorrect carrier candi dates) Supreme; Optima; Optima IB BU; Optima Compact RF Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 UltraSite, MetroSite, MetroSite 50, Triple-mode: WAM UltraSite, MetroSite, MetroSite 50, Tr iple-mode: LCR Carrier candidates are commissioned for each cell (not WTR/LTX sp ecific). Start Degraded UltraSite, MetroSite, MetroSite 50, Triple-mode: Product Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Event type Unit status Effect dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en # Nokia Corporation 37 (148)

MENU BTS Alarm Descriptions The BTS cannot configure the TRX to a channel that is not physically supported b y the WTR. The WTR or TRX is inoperational. Reported alarms LED display Instruct ions 7654 CELL OPERATION DEGRADED Blinking red Recommission (Reconfiguration com mis sioning) the BTS with the correct carrier candidate values. 4.15 BTS config error (Not enough HW for LCR) Name BTS config error (Not enough HW for LCR) Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Opti ma Compact RF Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 WAM LCR A dual carr ier WTR has been replaced with a single carrier WTR, and it cannot serve both ce lls commissioned to the WTR. Start/Cancel Out of order The BTS capacity drops. 7 653 CELL FAULTY Stable red Replace the single carrier WTR with a dual carrier WT R. Product Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Event type Unit status Effect Reported alarms LED display Instructions 38 (148) # Nokia Corporation dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en

MENU Alarms 4.16 BTS config error (SRC DL must use same WTR TRXs) Name BTS config error (SRC DL must use same WTR TRXs) Supreme; Optima; Optima IB BU; Optima Compact RF Extension; Triplemode WAM WTRB, WTRD, WTRF, WTRG Main and diversity transmission branches are located on different WTR units (they must be in the same WTR with the Smart Radio Concept downlink (SRC DL) configuration). Start Out of order The cell capacity decreases. 7654 CELL OPERATION DEGRADED Rec ommission the BTS with the correct TRX parameters. Product Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Event type Unit status Effect Reported alarms LED display Instructions 4.17 BTS config error (WAF overload, 50W not in dual WPA config) Name BTS config error (WAF overload, 50W not in dual WPA config) Supreme; Optima ; Optima IBBU; Optima Compact RF Extension WAM WPA Product Detecting unit Fault source Meaning dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en # Nokia Corporation 39 (148)

MENU BTS Alarm Descriptions Two 50 W WPAs are coupled to one WAF, or one 50 W WPA and one 28 W WPA are coupl ed to one WAF. Only two 28 W WPAs can be coupled together to one WAF unit. Event type Unit status Effect Start / Cancel Out of order The TX power is not turned on in the TX chain. The BTS capacity drops. Cell(s) may remain down. 7653 CELL F AULTY Reported alarms LED display Instructions Stable red Replace the 50 W WPAs with the 28 W WPAs. 4.18 BTS config error (WPA / WSMA version conflict in cell) Name BTS config error (WPA / WSMA version conflict in cell) Supreme; Optima; Opt ima IBBU; Optima Compact RF Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode WAM WPA A WPAI/WPAJ with two carriers and a WOC were detected in the combination with a WSMA. Start / Cancel Out of order The related cell is disabled. 7653 CELL FAULTY Product Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Event type Unit status Effect Reported alarms 40 (148) # Nokia Corporation dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en

MENU Alarms LED display Instructions Stable red Replace the WSMA with a WSMB. Or replace the WPAI and WPAJ with a WPA A/WPAB. 4.19 BTS config error (WSMA and WSMB cannot coexist) Name BTS config error (WSMA and WSMB cannot coexist) Supreme; Optima; Optima IBB U; Optima Compact RF Extension WAM WSMA WSMA and WSMB units are detected in the same cabinet. They cannot coexist in the BTS. Start / Cancel Out of order The BT S is out of order. 7650 BASE STATION FAULTY Stable red Replace the conflicting u nit WSMA with the WSMB, or vice versa. Product Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Event type Unit status Effect Reported alarms LED display Instructions 4.20 BTS config error (WTR used as dual TRX behind WSMA) Name BTS config error (WTR used as dual TRX behind WSMA) dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en # Nokia Corporation 41 (148)

MENU BTS Alarm Descriptions Product Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optima Compact RF Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode WAM WTRB, WTRD A WTR/WSM conflict is detected. The in compatible WTR cannot ope rate with the WSMA when two TRXs are used. Start Out of order The cell capacity drops or the cell is dis abled. The WTR capacity in the subrack remains unused. The incompatible WTR unit remains unconfigured. Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Event type Unit status Effect Reported alarms LED display Instructions 7653 CELL FAULTY Stable red Replace the incompatible unit or recom mission the B TS (Reconfiguration Commissioning) with only one TRX on. 4.21 BTS file error Name Product BTS file error Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optima Compact RF Exte nsion; MetroSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 UltraSite, MetroSite, MetroSite 50, T riple-mode: WAM UltraSite, MetroSite, MetroSite 50 and Triple-mode: WAM Detecting unit Fault source Meaning 42 (148) # Nokia Corporation dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en

MENU Alarms UltraSite, MetroSite, MetroSite 50, Triple-mode: The BTS unit properties data is invalid or missing. Event type Unit status Effect Reported alarms Start Out of order The BTS does not operate. UltraSite, MetroSite, MetroSite 50, Triple-mode: 7650 BASE STATION FAULTY (master WAM) 7651 BASE STATION OPERATION DEGRADED (sla ve WAM) 7653 CELL FAULTY (WTR or WPA with no redundant unit in a cell) 7654 CELL OPERATION DEGRADED (WTR or WPA with a redundant unit in a cell) LED display Ins tructions Stable red 1. Download the SW again. 2. UltraSite, MetroSite, MetroSit e 50, Triple-mode: If the fault still exists after 10 minutes, replace the alarm ing unit. 4.22 BTS RNC interface signalling link failure Name Product BTS RNC interface signalling link failure Supreme; Optima; Optima I BBU; Optima Compact RF Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 UltraSite, Triple-mode, MetroSite, MetroSite 50: WAM UltraSite, Triple-mode, MetroSite, Me troSite 50: WAM, (RNC) Detecting unit Fault source Meaning dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en # Nokia Corporation 43 (148)

MENU BTS Alarm Descriptions A common or a dedicated Node-B Application Protocol (NBAP) or an AAL2 signalling link failure. It can be caused either by a broken WAM, the RNC, or a transmissi on network problem. Event type Unit status Effect Start / Cancel Degraded The te lecom SW does not operate (on the Telecom Master WAM) and therefore the WAM is n ot operational. The RNC NBAP starts link re-establishment proce dures and keeps on trying until it either succeeds or the link is removed. Signalling and calls through the related cell(s) do not work. The user data cannot be used in the rel ated cell(s), but the WAM can still work as a Telecom Master WAM. Reported alarm s 7651 BASE STATION OPERATION DEGRADED Blinking red UltraSite, MetroSite, MetroS ite 50, Triple-mode: 1. Reset the AXC. 2. Check the transmission links to the RN C. 3. Check the BTS and RNC transmission settings. 4. Check the WAM unit. LED display Instructions 4.23 BTS time not corrected Name Product BTS time not corrected Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optima Compact RF Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 UltraSite: WAM UltraSite: WAM Detecting unit Fault source 44 (148) # Nokia Corporation dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en

MENU Alarms Meaning The SNTP time can not be fetched from the transport system (MRS/AXC) within the time limit. Start / Cancel Working No real time available. Alarms, logs and all reports include an incorrect time. 7652 BASE STATION NOTIFICATION Stable green C heck the MRS/AXC and RNC transmis sion, and the NTP settings. Event type Unit status Effect Reported alarms LED display Instructions 4.24 Cabinet door open Name Product Cabinet door open Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optima Compact RF E xtension; MetroSite; MetroSite 50 WEA WEA The cabinet door is open or the cabine t door sensor is faulty. Start / Cancel Working No direct effect on the BTS oper ation. Note that the WHX fan does not stop even when the door is open. 7651 BASE STATION DEGRADED (MetroSite, MetroSite 50) 7652 BASE STATION NOTIFICATION (othe r products) LED display N/A Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Event type Unit status Effect Reported alarms dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en # Nokia Corporation 45 (148)

MENU BTS Alarm Descriptions Instructions 1. Ensure that the cabinet door(s) are properly closed. 2. Check that the door s witches function correctly and that they have been adjusted correctly. 4.25 Cell blocked Name Product Cell blocked Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optima Compact RF Extens ion; MetroSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 UltraSite, MetroSite, MetroSite 50, Tri ple-mode: WAM UltraSite, MetroSite, MetroSite 50, Triplemode: WTR The user has b locked the cell with the BTS Site Manager. Start / Cancel Working The BTS does n ot send to the RNC any alarms related to the blocked cell or the units commissio ned to the blocked cell. Alarm sending to the BTS Site Manager is always enabled . Alarm cancels are al ways sent to the RNC. Calls through the blocked cell are transferred to another cell. It is not possible to establish new calls through t he blocked cell. Reported alarms LED display Instructions 7653 CELL FAULTY Stabl e green To cancel the alarm, unblock the cell. Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Event type Unit status Effect 4.26 Cell block rejected by RNC 46 (148) # Nokia Corporation dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en

MENU Alarms Name Product Cell block rejected by RNC Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optima Compact RF Exten sion; MetroSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 UltraSite, Triple-mode, MetroSite, Met roSite 50: WAM LCR The cell has been disabled due to BTS internal reasons, for e xample if the RNC has rejected the normal cell blocking dur ing the Intelligent Shutdown. Start / Cancel Working The cell is disabled. 7653 CELL FAULTY Stable g reen 1. Check the other active alarms. 2. Check the mains power supply. Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Event type Unit status Effect Reported alarms LED display Instructions 4.27 Cell calibration failure Name Product Cell calibration failure Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optima Compa ct RF Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 WAM WTR TX power calibratio n failure: a CPICH setup failure, a CPICH release failure or a general initial c alibration failure. Start Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Event type dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en # Nokia Corporation 47 (148)

MENU BTS Alarm Descriptions Unit status Effect Out of order If the initial calibration fails, the cell is faulty. 7653 CELL FAU LTY Stable red 1. Check the unit and RF cabling. 2. Check the alarms for the WPA (s) connected to the faulty WTR. 3. Block/unblock the faulty unit or the WPA con nected to the faulty WTR. The unit needs to be blocked/ unblocked to get it init ialised/ configured again if there was an internal failure or sticking in unit S W. 4. Replace the faulty unit. Reported alarms LED display Instructions 4.28 Cell power monitoring Name Product Cell power monitoring Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optima Compact RF Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 UltraSite, MetroSite, MetroSit e 50, Triple-mode: WAM UltraSite, MetroSite, MetroSite 50, Triple-mode: WPA The WPA/Radio output power has dropped. There is a fault in the down link transmissi on path. Start Out of order The cell is disabled. 7653 CELL FAULTY Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Event type Unit status Effect Reported alarms LED display Stable red 48 (148) # Nokia Corporation dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en

MENU Alarms Instructions UltraSite, MetroSite, MetroSite 50, Triple-mode: 1. Block/unblock the WPA. The u nit needs to be blocked/unblocked to get it initialised/configured again if ther e was an internal failure or sticking in the unit SW. 2. Check the RF TX cabling . 3. Check the WTR. 4. Replace the faulty unit. 4.29 Cell power parameter out of range Name Product Cell power parameter out of range Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Opt ima Compact RF Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 UltraSite, MetroSi te, MetroSite 50, Triple-mode: WAM LCR The power values in the cell configura ti on data sent by the RNC are out of range. Start / Cancel Degraded In a cell setup, the cell is set inactive un til valid cell configuration data has been recei ved. In a cell reconfiguration, the cell continues operating with the pre vious configuration data. 7655 CELL NOTIFICATION Blinking red Set the correct power va lues to the RNC. Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Event type Unit status Effect Reported alarms LED display Instructions 4.30 Commissioning parameter mismatch dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en # Nokia Corporation 49 (148)

MENU BTS Alarm Descriptions Name Product Commissioning parameter mismatch Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optima Compact RF Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 UltraSite, MetroSite, MetroSite 50, Triple-mode: WAM UltraSite, MetroSite, MetroSite 50, Triple-mode: WAM A comm issioning parameter does not have a valid value (the parameter is missing or it has a value outside the va lue range) or there are errors in the com missioning file. Start Degraded The BTS capacity may decrease or there may be interference in calls. 7651 BASE STATION OPERATION DEGRADED Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Event type Unit status Effect Reported alarms LED display Instructions Blinking red Reconfigure the BTS with Commissioning Wizard. 4.31 Communication failure inside WSP Name Product Communication failure inside WSP Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Opti ma Compact RF Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 UltraSite, MetroSit e, MetroSite 50, Triple-mode: WSP Detecting unit Fault source 50 (148) # Nokia Corporation dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en

MENU Alarms UltraSite, MetroSite, MetroSite 50, Triple-mode: WSP Meaning An internal communi cation failure be tween the DSP processors. Start / Cancel Out of order The BTS capacity possibly decreases. The Digital Signal Processing (DSP) does not work c orrectly. UltraSite, MetroSite, MetroSite 50, Triple-mode: 7650 BASE STATION FAU LTY (all WSPs are faulty) 7651 BASE STATION OPERATION DEGARDED (at least one wor king WSP) LED display UltraSite, MetroSite, MetroSite 50, Triple-mode: Stable re d UltraSite, MetroSite, MetroSite 50, Triple-mode: 1. If only one WSP in the cab inet generates this alarm, the WSP is faulty. 2. If all WSPs in a subrack genera te this alarm, the WAM is faulty. 3. If all WSPs generate this alarm, the WSC/WM C is faulty. Otherwise, check for other alarms. If the "Unit autonomous reset as a recovery action" alarm has occurred for the faulty WSP, replace the faulty WS P unit. Event type Unit status Effect Reported alarms Instructions 4.32 Communication failure with RNC Name Product Communication failure with RNC Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optima Compact RF Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en # Nokia Corporation 51 (148)

MENU BTS Alarm Descriptions Detecting unit UltraSite, MetroSite, MetroSite 50, Triple-mode: WAM UltraSite, MetroSite, Metro Site 50, Triple-mode: WAM, (RNC) The BTS does not receive a response from the RN C (a block request). Transient Working Handing traffic over to another cell may not work. 7652 BASE STATION NOTIFICATION Fault source Meaning Event type Unit status Effect Reported alarms LED display Instructions Stable green Check the signalling link settings and the RNC connections. 4.33 Default antenna delay value is used for LCS-RTT Name Default antenna delay value is used for LCS-RTT Supreme; Optima; Optima IBB U; Optima Compact RF Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 WAM WAM Loca tion Calculation Service (LCS) uses the default delay values. Start Working The LCS-RTT values are not correct in this cell. Location Calculation Service Round Trip Time (LCS - RTT) Product Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Event type Unit status Effect 52 (148) # Nokia Corporation dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en

MENU Alarms Reported alarms 7655 CELL NOTIFICATION LED display Instructions Check the commissioning file and config uration. 4.34 Difference between BTS master clock and reference frequency Name Difference between BTS master clock and reference frequency Supreme; Optima ; Optima IBBU; Optima Compact RF Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 WAM WSC/WMC The reference frequency that the BTS master clock receives from the transport part has changed by about 0.2 ppm or more (which equals the change mag ni tude of 204 DAC steps or more) during the measurement period (about 20 min ut es), compared to the BTS master clock frequency. The cause of the alarm can be: 1. The Iub reference frequency has changed due to a fault in the transmission ne twork synchronisation (which in turn is caused by an equipment fault or a settin g error). Note that if the network synchronisation malfunction lasts a long time , the alarm is cancelled when the BTS frequency reaches the faulty Iub synchroni sation. The alarm can also be activated if the faulty Iub synchronisation is cor rected and there is again the difference of 0.2 ppm or more. The alarm is cancel led whenever the difference becomes smaller than 0.2 ppm. Product Detecting unit Fault source Meaning dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en # Nokia Corporation 53 (148)

MENU BTS Alarm Descriptions 2. The Iub reference frequency fluctuates continuously due to a great deal of ji tter/wander in the transmission network. The alarm is continuously activated/can celled (however, the alarming state may predominate). There is always some jitte r/wander in the transmission network; the limits are defined in ITUT G.823/824/8 25. 3. If the BTS integrated transport part receives the synchronisation informa tion via the 2.048 MHz synchronisation input (external clock source), the alarm situation may be caused by a fault of that signal. In that case, the alarm behav iour notifications listed with the Iub signal (see above) are also valid in this case. 4. There is an equipment fault in the BTS. The equipment fault is, howeve r, not the most common reason. Normally the reason can be found in the Iub/refer ence signal behaviour (see the descriptions above). Note that if the alarm 7651 BASE STATION OPERATION DEGRADED: 'WSC oven oscillator fault' becomes active, it may cause the alarm 7652 BASE STATION NOTIFICATION: 'Difference between BTS mast er clock and reference frequency' to cancel. Event type Unit status Effect Start / Cancel Degraded This fault does not immediately affect the operations of the BTS, but it is a noti fication that the BTS frequency deviates from the Iub refe rence. The BTS master clock tuning continues in spite of the alarm, but because the BTS master clock adjustment is quite slow in order to filter the instabiliti es of the Iub interface, it takes some time (even several hours) before the BTS operations start to be af fected. 7652 BASE STATION NOTIFICATION Blinking red (W SC/WMC) Reported alarms LED display Instructions 54 (148) # Nokia Corporation dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en

MENU Alarms Because there are several possibilities for the alarm activation, a BTS Clock Fr equency History feature has been de veloped. The stored history data can be acce ssed via the BTS Site Manager. The history data can be used as a tool for findin g out the reason for the fault/ alarm situation (for further instructions about the history feature, see the online Help of the BTS Site Manager). Depending on the possible reason, fol low the instructions below: 1. In case of fault in the transmission network synchronisation, the network synchronisation must be correc ted. The long-term accuracy of the Iub signal must be 0.015 ppm or better (check the correct Iub accuracy by measuring it). No actions on the BTS are necessaril y needed. 2. If the basic accuracy of the Iub signal is in order but there is to o much instability, that is, the jitter/wander is outside the acceptable limits, the synchronisation of the transmission network must be corrected. The limits f or the jitter/wander are defined in the ITU-T G.823/824/825. No actions on the B TS are needed. 3. In case of BTS equipment fault, the location may be: a. Transp ort part . First check the alarms of the AXC node with the AXC Manager and act accordingly. If there are no alarms, check the AXC synchronisation settings. If both the Iub reference signal accuracy and the AXC node are in order but the WSC unit is sti ll alarming, run the fast tuning with the BTS Site Manager. If the alarm is stil l active after the fast tuning is finished, reset the site. If that does not hel p, replace the WSC unit. . b. WSC unit . . . dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en # Nokia Corporation 55 (148)

MENU BTS Alarm Descriptions Note that if the reason is in the transmission network synchronisation, replacin g the WSC unit does not correct the situation. Furthermore, the alarm activity ( frequent alarms/ cancels) points to instability in the transmission network, not to a fault in the unit. 4. After the fault situation has been cleared, the BTS master clock may also require tuning because the BTS master clock adjustment is quite slow. The tuning may be done: . manually by changing the DAC word (during a site visit) or with fast tuning, in which the BTS master clock is tuned in a few minutes automatically near the Iub reference (normal tuning takes care of the fine tuning). Note, however, that the fast tuning should only be used in case the Iub reference signal is known as a good one. Otherwise the BTS frequency may be tuned into a totally incorrect valu e, causing serious problems in the network performance. . Background information: The principle is that in the mobile network, the synchro nisation goes from MSC => RNC => BTS. But in reality that chain might be broken somewhere and, for example, when using leased lines, the BTS may take the refere nce synchronisation from the transmission network of another operator. This does not harm the system if the synchronisation of the leased line service provider is also accurate/stabile enough. The BTS uses the incoming synchronisation signa l as a reference for the Air interface, the accuracy requirement of which is set by 3GPP. 4.35 Diversity branch masthead amplifier fault 56 (148) # Nokia Corporation dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en

MENU Alarms Name Product Diversity branch masthead amplifier fault Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optima C ompact RF Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 WAF (WAF), MHA The oper ating voltage of the Mast Head Amplifier (MHA) is supplied through the Bias-T fr om the WAF. The WAF monitors the consumption of the current and gen erates an al arm if it deviates from the normal consumption. The cable between the MHA and WA F is faulty, the Bias-T is faulty, the MHA is faulty or the MHA does not exist. Start Out of order If the MHA is faulty, the RX performance is degraded. The siz e of the cell may be reduced. 7654 CELL OPERATION DEGRADED Alternating red and g reen 1. Check the RF cabling and Bias-T. 2. Check the MHA and WAF units. Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Event type Unit status Effect Reported alarms LED display Instructions 4.36 DSC-bus failure Name Product DSC-bus failure Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optima Compact RF Ext ension; MetroSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 WAM WAM, WSP Detecting unit Fault source dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en # Nokia Corporation 57 (148)

MENU BTS Alarm Descriptions Meaning There is a failure in the bus between the WAM and WSP (DSC bus), which means tha t messages do not get through via that DSC bus. Start Out of order; Degraded If the source of the fault is at the WSP end of the bus, the DSP capacity de crease s. If the source of the fault is at the WAM end of the bus, it is possible that calls will not get through at all. 7651 BASE STATION OPERATION DEGRADED Blinking red (WAM), Stable red (WSP) Replace the alarming unit. Event type Unit status Effect Reported alarms LED display Instructions 4.37 DSP failure in radiolink creation Name Product DSP failure in radiolink creation Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Opt ima Compact RF Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 UltraSite, MetroSi te, MetroSite50, Triplemode: WAM; FlexiBTS: FCM UltraSite, MetroSite, MetroSite 50, Triple-mode: WSP Radiolink creation has failed repeatedly due to DSP rejecti on or no response from the DSP CPU. Start Out of order The BTS capacity may decr ease. 7651 BASE STATION OPERATION DEGRADED Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Event type Unit status Effect Reported alarms 58 (148) # Nokia Corporation dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en

MENU Alarms LED display Instructions Stable red UltraSite, MetroSite, MetroSite 50, Triple-mode: 1. Check the WSP uni ts. 2. Replace the faulty unit. 4.38 Error in commissioning data Name Product Error in commissioning data Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optima Co mpact RF Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 WAM WTR The WTR initiali sation parameters are faulty. The error can be caused by a missing parameter in the commissioning file: the cabling information (main, diver sity), feeder loss, local cell resources, for example. Start Working The WTR is initialised with th e default va lues. The BTS capacity may decrease or there may be interference in calls. Reported alarms 7651 BASE STATION OPERATION DEGRADED Stable green 1. Che ck that the cell parameters, RX cabling, feeder loss and MHA gain are correct in the commissioning file. 2. Update the information if needed. Reconfiguration co mmissioning is required for correcting the values. Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Event type Unit status Effect LED display Instructions dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en # Nokia Corporation 59 (148)

MENU BTS Alarm Descriptions 4.39 Error in file server during SW download Name Product Error in file server during SW download Supreme; Optima; Optima IBB U; Optima Compact RF Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 WAM WAM The BTS is unable to obtain a file from the file server (error in FTP open or FTP ge t). The file server is down, the file is missing, or the path is incorrect. A po ssi ble error in the DCN and Iub, or a user administration error (invalid userna me or password, or the user does not have ac cess rights for the files). Start / Cancel Degraded The BTS continues its operation with the old software. 7652 BAS E STATION NOTIFICATION Blinking red 1. Try to repeat the SW download a few times . 2. Check the FTP account user settings. 3. Check the file and path names. 4. C heck the administration log on the file server. Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Event type Unit status Effect Reported alarms LED display Instructions 4.40 Failure in AXU initialization Name Product Failure in AXU initialization Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optima Compact RF Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 60 (148) # Nokia Corporation dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en

MENU Alarms Detecting unit Fault source Meaning WAM WAM The BTS has lost connection to the AXU or the AXU SW is incompatible. Th e AXU does not respond to requests from the BTS. Start / Cancel Degraded The RNC connection and the remote BTS Site Manager connection will not work. The CNBAP will stay down. The BTS is not operational. 7651 BASE STATION OPERATION DEGRADED Blinking red 1. Check the RNC, AXC or BTS connections/settings. 2. Block/unbloc k the BTS (using the local BTS Site Manager connection if a remote connection is not possible). 3. Reset the AXU or remove/reinsert it. 4. Replace the AXU. Event type Unit status Effect Reported alarms LED display Instructions 4.41 Fan module operation degraded Name Product Fan module operation degraded Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optima Compact RF Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 UltraSite, MetroSite, MetroSite 50, Triple-mode: WAM Supreme: WFA, WPA and WHX fans Optima family: WFA , WPA and WHX fans Triple-mode: WFA, WMP/WTR and WHX fans Detecting unit Fault source dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en # Nokia Corporation 61 (148)

MENU BTS Alarm Descriptions MetroSite, MetroSite 50: WFA fans Meaning A fan does not rotate or rotates slowe r than at the requested speed, or the RPM info is not available for the fan. Sta rt / Cancel Degraded If the redundant fans cannot cool the ca binet sufficiently , a unit overheating may occur. For example, a temperature alarm from the WPA/WM P or WTR may be generated. 7652 BASE STATION NOTIFICATION Stable red 1. Check th e fan ID from the alarm text and locate the problematic fan. See the Fan mapping figures. 2. Check the fan and cabling. 3. If that does not help, replace the WF A, WFD or MFU module or the fan controlled by the WFA, WFD or MFU. Fan control: 'FAN UNIT' refers to a group of fans including the fan control unit. A 'fan' is a single blower. Event type Unit status Effect Reported alarms LED display Instructions 4.42 Fatal alarm Name Product Fatal alarm Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optima Compact RF Extensi on WAM WOU ARIO has detected a Fatal level alarm. Some ARIO alarms can be cancel led without reset, but most ARIO alarms re quire a WOU block/unblock to cancel. Start / Cancel Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Event type 62 (148) # Nokia Corporation dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en

MENU Alarms Unit status Effect Reported alarms LED display Instructions Out of order The related cell is faulty. 7653 CELL FAULTY Stable red Check the W OU or WRUs. Use the ARIO Local Management Tool and Nokia Advanced Indoor Radio u ser docu mentation to diagnose the error cause. 4.43 Fault between WAM and WSP SFN (WSP) Name Fault between WAM and WSP SFN (WSP) Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optima Co mpact RF Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 UltraSite, MetroSite, Me troSite 50, Triple-mode: WSP UltraSite, MetroSite, MetroSite 50, Triple-mode: WS P, (WAM) UltraSite, MetroSite, MetroSite 50, Triple-mode: Synchronisation betwee n the WAM and WSP is lost. Start Out of order The BTS capacity possibly decrease s. The Digital Signal Processing (DSP) does not work correctly. UltraSite, Metro Site, MetroSite 50, Triple-mode: 7650 BASE STATION FAULTY (all WSPs are faulty) 7651 BASE STATION OPERATION DEGARDED (at least one working WSP) Product Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Event type Unit status Effect Reported alarms dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en # Nokia Corporation 63 (148)

MENU BTS Alarm Descriptions LED display UltraSite, MetroSite, MetroSite 50, Triple-mode: Stable red UltraSite, MetroSite , MetroSite 50, Triple-mode: 1. If only one WSP in the cabinet generates this al arm, the WSP is faulty. 2. If all WSPs in a subrack generate this alarm, the WAM is faulty. 3. If all WSPs generate this alarm, the WSC/WMC is faulty. Otherwise , check for other alarms. If the "Unit autonomous reset as a recovery action" al arm has occurred for the faulty WSP, replace the faulty WSP unit. Instructions 4.44 Fault in ATM interface Name Product Fault in ATM interface Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optima Compact RF Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 WAM WAM WAM ATM interface is not responding correctly. Start Out of order The BTS capacity decreases. If the mas ter WAM is faulty, the changeover of the master will be done as a recovery a c tion. This will cause a site reset. 7651 BASE STATION OPERATION DEGRADED Stabl e red 1. Block/unblock the faulty unit (this will reset the BTS). Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Event type Unit status Effect Reported alarms LED display Instructions 64 (148) # Nokia Corporation dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en

MENU Alarms 2. If that does not help, replace the faulty unit. 4.45 Fault in ATM interface Name Product Fault in ATM interface Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optima Compact RF Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 WAM WAM WAM ATM interface, AX C or CIF bus fail ure. The AXC may have been reset. A WAM processor failure. Eve nt type Unit status Effect Start Out of order Communication to other WAMs is not functioning. The BTS capacity decreases. The BTS is faulty if the BTS configura tion has only one WAM or all WSPs are under the faulty WAM. Reported alarms 7650 BASE STATION FAULTY (without slave WAM recovery) 7651 BASE STATION OPERATION DE GRADED (several WAMs with WSPs) LED display Instructions Stable red 1. Block/unb lock the faulty unit (this will reset the BTS). 2. Replace the faulty WAM unit. 3. Check the AXU. 4. Check the backplane connection between the WAM and AXU. Detecting unit Fault source Meaning dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en # Nokia Corporation 65 (148)

MENU BTS Alarm Descriptions 4.46 Fault in OM and DSP SW interface Name Product Fault in OM and DSP SW interface Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Opti ma Compact RF Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 UltraSite, MetroSit e, MetroSite 50, Triple-mode: WAM UltraSite, MetroSite, MetroSite 50, Triple-mod e: WSPA, WSPC UltraSite, MetroSite, MetroSite 50, Triple-mode: A communication f ailure be tween the WAM and DSP. Start Out of order The Digital Signal Processin g (DSP) does not work correctly. The BTS capa city possibly decreases. 7651 BASE STATION OPERATION DEGRADED Stable red UltraSite, MetroSite, MetroSite 50, Tripl e-mode: 1. Check the other active alarms. 2. Replace the faulty unit. Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Event type Unit status Effect Reported alarms LED display Instructions 4.47 File corrupted in SW download Name Product File corrupted in SW download Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optima Compact RF Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 UltraSite, Triple-mode , MetroSite, MetroSite 50: WAM Detecting unit 66 (148) # Nokia Corporation dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en

MENU Alarms Fault source UltraSite, Triple-mode, MetroSite, MetroSite 50: WAM The SW being downloaded is corrupted or incorrectly formed. Start / Cancel Working The BTS continues its op eration with the old software. 7652 BASE STATION NOTIFICATION Stable green 1. Re try the SW update. 2. Fetch BTS log files and check the download status from the BTS SWDL report. Meaning Event type Unit status Effect Reported alarms LED display Instructions 4.48 Flash operation failure Name Product Flash operation failure Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optima Compac t RF Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 UltraSite, MetroSite, MetroS ite 50, Triple-mode: WAM,WTR,WPA/WMP, WSPC,WSPD,WSPE UltraSite, MetroSite, Metro Site 50, Triple-mode: WAM, WTR, WPA/WMP, WSPC, WSPD, WSPE The flash memory opera tion failure. If this alarm appears continuously, the flash chip may be broken. Start Degraded Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Event type Unit status Effect dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en # Nokia Corporation 67 (148)

MENU BTS Alarm Descriptions BTS memory operations are not stable, for example the software download and para meter updates. Reported alarms UltraSite, MetroSite, MetroSite 50, Triple-mode: 7651 BASE STATION OPERATION DEGRADED (if unit is WAM, WSPC) 7654 CELL OPERATION DEGRADED (if unit is WPA/WMP or WTR) LED display Instructions Blinking red Ultra Site, MetroSite, MetroSite 50, Triple-mode: 1. Check the other active alarms. If the ROM disk is corrupted, change the alarming unit. 2. Block/unblock the fault y unit. There are no recovery actions and due to that the block/unblock can be t ried once. If that does not help, replace the faulty unit. 4.49 Gain adjust alarm Name Product Gain adjust alarm Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optima Compact RF E xtension; MetroSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 WAM WTR The WTR cannot adjust the TX output power. Start / Cancel Degraded The WTR gain fluctuations cannot be ad justed, which affects the cell output power accuracy. The operation of the re la ted cell is degraded and there may be disturbances or cutoffs in calls. Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Event type Unit status Effect 68 (148) # Nokia Corporation dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en

MENU Alarms Reported alarms 7654 CELL OPERATION DEGRADED LED display Instructions Blinking red (WTR) 1. Block/unblock the WTR. The unit needs to be blocked/unbloc ked to get it initialised/configured again if there was an internal failure or s ticking in unit SW. 2. Check the WTR and RF cabling. 3. If that does not help, r eplace the faulty unit. 4.50 Incompatible SW version detected Name Product Incompatible SW version detected Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Opti ma Compact RF Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 UltraSite, Triple-m ode, MetroSite, MetroSite 50: WAM UltraSite, Triple-mode, MetroSite, MetroSite 5 0: WAM, WTR, WPA/WMP A new unit with an incompatible SW has probably been insert ed in the BTS. Start / Cancel Out of order The resources provided by the unit ca n not be used. 7651 BASE STATION OPERATION DEGRADED (UltraSite, MetroSite, Metro Site 50, Triple-mode: WAM (or un defined)) 7653 CELL FAULTY (UltraSite, MetroSit e, MetroSite 50, Triple-mode: WPA/WMP or the only WTR in the cell) Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Event type Unit status Effect Reported alarms dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en # Nokia Corporation 69 (148)

MENU BTS Alarm Descriptions 7654 CELL OPERATION DEGRADED (UltraSite, MetroSite, MetroSite 50, Triple-mode: W TR) LED display Instructions Stable green Update the compatible SW to the BTS (c heck the SW versions to see the ac tive SW version, and update the active SW ver sion), unless it is automatically updated by the NetAct. 4.51 Incompatible unit detected Name Product Incompatible unit detected Supreme; Optima IBBU; Optima Compact RF Extension; MetroSite 50 WAM WSMA, (WTRA, WSPA), WMCM MetroSite 50/WN3.0: WMCM12, WTRB An unsupported unit (for example a WSMA, WTRA, WSPA, WMCM or WTRB) has bee n detected in the cabi net. Start Out of order The BTS is faulty or the capacity is de creased. 7650 BASE STATION FAULTY (WMC) 7651 BASE STATION OPERATION DEGRA DED (WSP, MetroSite 50) 7653 CELL FAULTY (WSM, WTR) LED display Instructions Sta ble red Replace the unsupported unit with a unit of the correct type. Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Event type Unit status Effect Reported alarms 70 (148) # Nokia Corporation dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en

MENU Alarms 4.52 Initial calibration not started because other cell not cleared Name Initial calibration not started because other cell not cleared Supreme; Opt ima; Optima IBBU; Optima Compact RF Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 WAM WTR There is a shared WPA/WMP in the con figuration (WPA serves two cells ). The first cell needs to be calibrated and there fore the second active cell n eeds to be cleared, but the clearing fails. Start / Cancel Degraded The initial power level of the cell is inac curate. Continuous calibration is not per formed . The cell size may differ from the planned coverage. 7654 CELL OPERATION DEGRAD ED Blinking red 1. Block/unblock the cell. The unit needs to be blocked/unblocke d to get it initialised/configured again if there was an internal failure or sti cking in unit SW. 2. Check the other active alarms. Product Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Event type Unit status Effect Reported alarms LED display Instructions 4.53 Invalid carrier in WTR Name Product Invalid carrier in WTR Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optima Compact RF Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en # Nokia Corporation 71 (148)

MENU BTS Alarm Descriptions Detecting unit Fault source Meaning WAM WTR There was an attempt to set the WTR to a channel not supported by the WT R (on a different frequency band). Start / Cancel Out of order The related cells are disabled. 7653 CELL FAULTY Stable red 1. Make sure that correct carrier num bers are in use in the RNC. 2. Commission the BTS with the correct WCDMA carrier values for the WTR. Event type Unit status Effect Reported alarms LED display Instructions 4.54 Invalid frequency channel for the BTS HW Name Invalid frequency channel for the BTS HW Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Opti ma Compact RF Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 WAM WTR, WPA, WIC, WAF, WMP The requested channel in the cell set-up is not acceptable, that is, th e frequency band and/or the carrier spacing and/or the number of carriers is/are not accepta ble for the BTS HW. Transient Working The BTS capacity possibly dec reases. Product Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Event type Unit status Effect 72 (148) # Nokia Corporation dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en

MENU Alarms Reported alarms LED display Instructions 7655 CELL NOTIFICATION Stable green Check the RNC cell parameters against the BT S HW configuration. The cell fre quency is out of the minimum/maximum limit of t he HW, or the number of carriers for the HW type is exceeded, or the car rier sp acing limit is exceeded. There are different type variations of the HW that may have limitations in the supported fre quency range and bandwidth. 4.55 LPA faulty Name Product LPA faulty Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optima Compact RF Extensio n; MetroSite; Triplemode WPA/WMP WPA/WMP The unit is broken, because the startup self-test fails, the FPGA file downloading from flash fails, or the synthesiser is mal functioning. This fault can only occur in the self-test phase. Start Out of order The unit does not operate. The related cell becomes faulty. 7653 CELL FAULTY Stable red 1. Block/unblock the WPA/WMP. 2. Check the faulty unit. 3. If that does not help, replace the WPA/ WMP. Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Event type Unit status Effect Reported alarms LED display Instructions dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en # Nokia Corporation 73 (148)

MENU BTS Alarm Descriptions 4.56 LPA gain fault Name Product LPA gain fault Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optima Compact RF Exte nsion; MetroSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 WPA/WMP WPA/WMP A malfunction in some part of the ampli fier, which therefore cannot perform the specified gain. Star t / Cancel Degraded The BTS capacity possibly decreases. 7654 CELL OPERATION DEG RADED Blinking red 1. Block/unblock the WPA/WMP. 2. Check the faulty unit. If th at does not help, replace the WPA. Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Event type Unit status Effect Reported alarms LED display Instructions 4.57 LPA input signal level is too high Name Product LPA input signal level is too high Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Op tima Compact RF Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 WPA/WMP, WOU WPA/ WMP, (WTR), WOU The input signal level from the WTR is critically high. The LPA gain is too low. Start Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Event type 74 (148) # Nokia Corporation dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en

MENU Alarms Unit status Effect Out of order There is no RF output from the WPA/ WMP, WOU. The related cell beco mes faulty. 7653 CELL FAULTY Stable red 1. Block/unblock the WTR and WPA/ WMP or WOU. 2. Check the faulty unit (WTR or WPA/ WMP or WOU). 3. Replace the faulty u nit. Reported alarms LED display Instructions 4.58 LPA linearization fault Name Product LPA linearization fault Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optima Compac t RF Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 WPA/WMP WPA/WMP The quality of the output signal is poor, or the synthesizers are not locked. Start Out of o rder There is no RF output from the WPA/ WMP. The related cell becomes faulty. 7 653 CELL FAULTY Stable red 1. Block/unblock the WPA/WMP. 2. Check the faulty uni t. 3. Replace the faulty unit. Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Event type Unit status Effect Reported alarms LED display Instructions dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en # Nokia Corporation 75 (148)

MENU BTS Alarm Descriptions 4.59 LPA power supply alarm Name Product LPA power supply alarm Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optima Compact RF Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode WPA/WMP, WOU WPA/WMP, WOU The internal powe r supply of the unit is malfunctioning. Start Out of order There is no RF signal at the WPA/WMP or WOU output. The related cell be comes faulty. 7653 CELL FAULT Y Stable red 1. Block/unblock the WPA/WMP, WOU. 2. Check the faulty unit. 3. Rep lace the faulty unit. Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Event type Unit status Effect Reported alarms LED display Instructions 4.60 LPA reflected power too high Name Product LPA reflected power too high Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optima C ompact RF Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 WPA/WMP/WOU WPA/WMP/WOU , WAF, (cable) A serious increase in the output impe dance. A cable may be broke n or a cable connection may be faulty. Detecting unit Fault source Meaning 76 (148) # Nokia Corporation dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en

MENU Alarms Event type Unit status Effect Start Out of order There is no RF output from the WPA/ WMP/WOU. The related cell s are dis abled. 7653 CELL FAULTY Stable red 1. Block/unblock the WPA. 2. Check the RF cabling between the WPA and WAF. 3. Check the WOC (in the redundant confi guration) installation in accordance with the installation instructions (check t he cable codes). 4. Check the WAF, the antenna cabling and cables. 5. Replace th e WPA. Reported alarms LED display Instructions 4.61 LPA temperature is dangerously high Name Product LPA temperature is dangerously high Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; O ptima Compact RF Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 WPA/WMP, WOU WPA /WMP, WOU The temperature of the unit is critical. It has reached its maximum ac ceptable le vel. It is also possible that the temperature sensor is broken. Even t type Unit status Effect Start Out of order There is no output from the WPA/WMP or WOU. The related cell becomes faulty. Detecting unit Fault source Meaning dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en # Nokia Corporation 77 (148)

MENU BTS Alarm Descriptions Reported alarms LED display Instructions 7653 CELL FAULTY Stable red 1. Check the other active alarms related to temperat ure or cooling fan. 2. If you cannot find a reason, the WPA, WOU, or its interna l temperature sensor is probably broken. Replace the unit. 4.62 Main branch masthead amplifier fault Name Product Main branch masthead amplifier fault Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optima Compact RF Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 WAF (WAF), MHA The operating voltage of the MHA is sup plied through the Bias-T from the WAF. T he WAF monitors the consumption of the current and generates an alarm if it devi ates from the normal consumption. The cable between the MHA and WAF is faulty, t he Bias-T is faulty, the MHA is faulty, or the MHA does not exist. Start Out of order If the MHA is faulty, the RX performance is degraded. The size of the cell may be reduced. 7654 CELL OPERATION DEGRADED Alternating red and green (WAF) 1. Check the RF cabling and Bias-T. 2. Check the MHA and WAF units. Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Event type Unit status Effect Reported alarms LED display Instructions 78 (148) # Nokia Corporation dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en

MENU Alarms 4.63 Mains power break, running battery backup Name Mains power break, running battery back up Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Op tima Compact RF Extension; MetroSite; MetroSite 50 UltraSite, MetroSite, MetroSi te 50: WAM. UltraSite, MetroSite, MetroSite 50: O&M master WAM There is a fault in the mains power sup ply. The BTS has received a Battery Backup alarm and the Intelligent Shutdown procedure has been started. Start / Cancel Degraded The bat tery backup unit is partly or com pletely in use. The intelligent shutdown opera tion is started. If the mains power does not return, the cells are shut down acc ording to the predefined parameters. 7651 BASE STATION OPERATION DEGRADED Product Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Event type Unit status Effect Reported alarms LED display Instructions Stable green Check the mains power supply. 4.64 Major alarm Name Product Major alarm Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optima Compact RF Extensi on WAM WOU Detecting unit Fault source dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en # Nokia Corporation 79 (148)

MENU BTS Alarm Descriptions Meaning ARIO has detected a Major level alarm. Some ARIO alarms can be cancelled without reset, but most ARIO alarms re quire a WOU block/unblock to cancel. Start / Can cel Degraded The functionality of the specific cell is de graded. 7654 CELL OPER ATION DEGRADED Blinking red Check the WOU or WRUs. Use the ARIO Local Management Tool and Nokia Advanced Indoor Radio user docu mentation to diagnose the error cause. Event type Unit status Effect Reported alarms LED display Instructions 4.65 Minor alarm Name Product Minor alarm Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optima Compact RF Extensi on WAM WOU ARIO has detected a Minor level alarm. Some ARIO alarms can be cancel led without reset, but most ARIO alarms re quire a WOU block/unblock to cancel. Start / Cancel Degraded The functionality of the specific cell is de graded. 765 4 CELL OPERATION DEGRADED Blinking red Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Event type Unit status Effect Reported alarms LED display 80 (148) # Nokia Corporation dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en

MENU Alarms Instructions Check the WOU or WRUs. Use the ARIO Local Management Tool and Nokia Advanced Ind oor Radio user docu mentation to diagnose the error cause. 4.66 Missing NBAP cell parameters, defaults are used Name Missing NBAP cell parameters, defaults are used Supreme; Optima; Optima IBB U; Optima Compact RF Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 UltraSite, M etroSite, MetroSite 50, Triple-mode: WAM UltraSite, MetroSite, MetroSite 50, Tri ple-mode: WAM An alarm is generated if even one cell parameter is missing from t he RNC con figuration data and BTS commissioning file. Start Degraded Default va lues are used for the cell. The cell operation may become degraded. 7651 BASE ST ATION OPERATION DEGRADED Product Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Event type Unit status Effect Reported alarms LED display Instructions Blinking red 1. Lock the cell from the RNC. Send new cell parameters (such as ce ll radius, rampdown time/step) to the BTS with a Private Configuration Data mess age. Unlock the cell from the RNC. 2. Reconfigure the BTS with Commissioning Wiz ard, if the default values for the cell parameters (such as cell radius, rampdow n time/step) are not appropriate. dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en # Nokia Corporation 81 (148)

MENU BTS Alarm Descriptions 4.67 No connection to AXU Name Product No connection to AXU Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optima Compact R F Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 WAM AXU The master WAM detected that the AXU does not respond to polling messages. Start / Cancel Out of order Links to the RNC will not work and calls are not possible. The site is reset aft er the alarm is cancelled. 7650 BASE STATION FAULTY Stable red 1. Check the AXU. 2. Reboot the AXU with the AXC Manager if the AXU is jammed. Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Event type Unit status Effect Reported alarms LED display Instructions 3. Remove/reinsert the AXU. 4. Replace the AXU. 4.68 No connection to unit Name Product No connection to unit Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optima Compact RF Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 UltraSite, MetroSite, MetroSit e 50, Triple-mode: WAM Detecting unit 82 (148) # Nokia Corporation dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en

MENU Alarms Fault source UltraSite, MetroSite, MetroSite 50, Triple-mode: WAM, WSC, WTR, WPA, WSP, WAF, W SM, WMC, WMP, WIB, WPS, WHX, WCI, WIC, WID, IFU, AXU, MHA, WEA, WFA, WOU, WFD, W CC The connection to a unit that belongs to the BTS configuration has been lost. Start / Cancel Out of order UltraSite, MetroSite, MetroSite 50, Triple-mode: If the WSC is lost, the redundant WSC is brought into use automatically. Depending on whether the WAM is the cabinet master, subrack primary or secondary WAM, the cell(s) or cell group (s) are lost or their capacity decreases, or the whole BT S is faulty. If the alarm source is the WMC or WCI, the BTS is faulty. If the al arm source is the WTR, WAF, WSM, WOU or WPA, the cell is blocked. If the alarm s ource is the WIC, it may not be possible to read WAF alarms. Furthermore, additi onal 'No connection to unit' alarms may be issued from other units (WAM, WPA, WT R). If a cancellation of the alarm 'No connection to unit' of the WSM or primary WAM is sent, a site reset occurs as a recovery action. This alarm cancels all a ctive alarms for the same unit. Meaning Event type Unit status Effect Reported alarms 7650 BASE STATION FAULTY (UltraSite, MetroSite, MetroSite 50, Triple-mode: O&M m aster WAM, no re dundant WSC, WMC, WCI) 7651 BASE STATION OPERATION DEGRADED (Ul traSite, MetroSite, MetroSite 50, Triple-mode: other WAM, WSP, WPS, WPS_EXT, WPS _TR, WIC) dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en # Nokia Corporation 83 (148)

MENU BTS Alarm Descriptions 7652 BASE STATION NOTIFICATION (UltraSite, MetroSite, MetroSite 50, Triple-mode: if redundant WSC available, WID, BB_WFA, TR_WFA, WFA WHX, WIB) 7653 CELL FAULTY (UltraSite, MetroSite, MetroSite 50, Triple-mode: TX/RX-WTR or WAF (all TX/RX W AFs in cell are broken), WSM_TR, WSM, WPA/WMP/WOU (one WPA/WMP in a cell)) 7654 CELL OPERATION DEGRADED (UltraSite, MetroSite, MetroSite 50, Triple-mode: RX-WTR or WAF (a working TX/RX WAF exists in a cell), WPA/WMP (other working WPA/WMP i n a cell) LED display Instructions Stable red UltraSite, MetroSite, MetroSite 50 , Triple-mode: 1. Check that the unit is properly connected. If the unit led doe s not light up, the unit is faulty. The fault may also be in the WPS unit or bac kplane. 2. Check the faulty unit. 3. Check the alarm history. Cancel alarms: Rem oving and inserting the WIC, WSM or primary WAM causes a site reset. If both WSC s are removed, inserting the first removed WSC back into the cabinet causes a si te reset. If the 7650 BASE STATION FAULTY alarm is issued, reset the site. First try to reset the site by the software. If that does not help, replace the fault y unit. 4.69 No connection to WEA and unable to detect External alarms Name No connection to WEA and unable to de tect External alarms Product 84 (148) # Nokia Corporation dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en

MENU Alarms Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optima Compact RF Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode ; MetroSite 50 Detecting unit Fault source Meaning WAM WEA The WEA unit is missi ng from the BTS or it cannot be detected. Start / Cancel Out of order The extern al alarms will not be detected. There are problems with reporting door and smoke alarms, for example. 7652 BASE STATION NOTIFICATION Event type Unit status Effect Reported alarms LED display Instructions Stable red 1. Check the WEA and cabling. 2. If that does not help, replace the f aulty unit. 4.70 Non-fatal ATM traffic overload Name Product Non-fatal ATM traffic overload Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optima Compact RF Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 WAM WAM Traffic load is approaching the maximum capacity. However, no data is discarded yet. Start / Cancel Working Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Event type Unit status dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en # Nokia Corporation 85 (148)

MENU BTS Alarm Descriptions Effect Reported alarms LED display Instructions Quality of service may be degraded. 7652 BASE STATION NOTIFICATION Blinking red Check that the ATM configurations in the BTS, AXC and RNC match. 4.71 Not enough WAF resources in LCR Name Product Not enough WAF resources in LCR Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optim a Compact RF Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 WAM WTR There are no t enough WAF units in a cell. Start / Cancel Out of order Some cells are inactiv e. 7653 CELL FAULTY Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Event type Unit status Effect Reported alarms LED display Instructions Stable red Increase the number of WAF units in the BTS. MetroSite 50: Change the WAF. 4.72 Not enough WSP resources per cell Name Not enough WSP resources per cell 86 (148) # Nokia Corporation dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en

MENU Alarms Product Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optima Compact RF Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode ; MetroSite 50 WAM Master WAM The number of WSP units in the BTS is too small. F or every three cells, there must be at least one WSP present. Start / Cancel Wor king The BTS capacity drops, cell(s) may be inactive. 7651 BASE STATION OPERATIO N DEGRADED Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Event type Unit status Effect Reported alarms LED display Instructions Stable green Increase the number of WSP units in the BTS. 4.73 No WSM resources Name Product No WSM resources Optima IBBU; Optima Compact RF Extension WAM WSM T here should be two WSM units in the subrack 1. The WSM2 must always be connected when the WSM1 is used. If there is no connection to the WSM2, this fault is gen erated for the WSM1. Start Out of order Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Event type Unit status dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en # Nokia Corporation 87 (148)

MENU BTS Alarm Descriptions Effect Reported alarms The cell is disabled. 7653 CELL FAULTY LED display Instructions Stable red Insert the WSM2. 4.74 Oven oscillator clock missing Name Product Oven oscillator clock missing Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optima Compact RF Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 WSC/WMC WSC/WMC The WS C cannot deliver the clock sig nals required by the other units. Start / Cancel Out of order If there is only one clock in the cabinet, the BTS is not operation al. UltraSite: If there is an operating WSC in the BTS, the redundant clock is b rought into operation in case the active clock generates an alarm. Reported alar ms 7650 BASE STATION FAULTY (No re dundant WSC) 7652 BASE STATION NOTIFICATION ( redundant WSC available) LED display Instructions Stable red (WSC/WMC ) Replace the clock unit. Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Event type Unit status Effect 88 (148) # Nokia Corporation dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en

MENU Alarms 4.75 Oven oscillator heating failure Name Product Oven oscillator heating failure Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optim a Compact RF Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 WSC/WMC WSC/WMC The heating of oven oscillator fails and the unit is broken. The ambient tempera tur e can also be too low or change too fast. Start / Cancel Degraded If there is on ly one clock in the cabinet, the BTS can function properly for a few days withou t an external reference, but the network performance may start to de crease grad ually. UltraSite: If there is an operating WSC in the BTS, the redundant clock i s brought into operation in case the active clock generates an alarm. Reported a larms 7651 BASE STATION DEGRADED (no redundant WSC) 7652 BASE STATION NOTIFICATI ON (redundant WSC available) LED display Instructions Blinking red (WSC/WMC) 1. Check the active fan alarms. 2. Replace the clock unit. Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Event type Unit status Effect 4.76 POST test failed Name Product POST test failed dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en # Nokia Corporation 89 (148)

MENU BTS Alarm Descriptions Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optima Compact RF Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode ; MetroSite 50 Detecting unit UltraSite, MetroSite, MetroSite 50, Triple-mode: W AM UltraSite, MetroSite, MetroSite 50, Triplemode: WSP The unit or module has be en tested dur ing the BTS power-on self test (POST) and a failure has been detec ted. Start Out of order The faulty WSP or FSP is not config ured, so the BTS cap acity decreases. 7651 BASE STATION OPERATION DEGRADED Stable red 1. Remove/reins ert the faulty unit. 2. Replace the faulty unit. Fault source Meaning Event type Unit status Effect Reported alarms LED display Instructions 4.77 Power unit input voltage fault Name Product Power unit input voltage fault Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optima Compact RF Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 WPS WPS (AC/DC line) The input voltage of the BTS has de creased. Start / Cancel Degraded Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Event type Unit status 90 (148) # Nokia Corporation dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en

MENU Alarms Effect If the voltage continues to decrease, the BTS stops functioning. 7651 BASE STATI ON OPERATION DEGRADED Stable red (WPS) 1. Check the other active alarms. 2. Chec k the power supply voltage. If it is OK, replace the power cable. 3. Check the p ower unit. Reported alarms LED display Instructions 4.78 Power unit output voltage fault Name Product Power unit output voltage fault Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optim a Compact RF Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 WPS WPS The output v oltage is too low or too high. Usually the reason for the fault is the unit itse lf, but in some cases the reason can be the unit that the WPS feeds. If a short circuit occurs in the fed unit, it may affect the WPS and the "Output Voltage Fa ult" alarm is generated. Event type Unit status Effect Start / Cancel Out of ord er The subrack and cell under the WPS unit may become degraded or faulty. A sing le faulty power unit will not adversely affect the operation of other power unit s in the system. Reported alarms 7650 BASE STATION FAULTY (when this fault is ac tive for all WPS units) Detecting unit Fault source Meaning dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en # Nokia Corporation 91 (148)

MENU BTS Alarm Descriptions 7651 BASE STATION OPERATION DEGRADED (single WPS) LED display Instructions Stabl e red (WPS) 1. Check the other active alarms. 2. Check the units that are suppli ed by the alarming WPS. 3. Replace the alarming WPS. 4.79 R-bus error Name Product R-bus error Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optima Compact RF Extensi on; MetroSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 UltraSite, MetroSite, MetroSite 50, Trip le-mode:WSP UltraSite, MetroSite, MetroSite 50, Triple-mode: WTR UltraSite, Metr oSite, MetroSite 50, Triple-mode: The bus between the WSP and WTR does not work. The R bus errors are probably caused by a faulty WSM or WTR. Event type Unit st atus Effect Start / Cancel Out of order; Degraded The BTS capacity possibly decr eases. Calls in the affected cell may not be pos sible. UltraSite, MetroSite, Me troSite 50, Triple-mode: 7651 BASE STATION OPERATION DEGRADED (WSP) 7653 CELL FA ULTY (WTR/TRX) 7654 CELL OPERATION DEGRADED (WTR/TRX) Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Reported alarms 92 (148) # Nokia Corporation dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en

MENU Alarms LED display UltraSite, MetroSite, MetroSite 50, Triple-mode: Stable red UltraSite, , MetroSite 50, Triple-mode: 1. If the WSM/WMC also generates an alarm R unit, check the WTR and WSM cable. 2. If there are no active WSM/WMC he reason for the alarm is a faulty WSM/WMC or WSP. 3. Run a WCDMA BTS to locate the faulty unit. 4. If the WSP is faulty, block/unblock it. e the faulty unit. Instructions 4.80 ROM disk corrupted during SW update Name Product ROM disk corrupted during SW update Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; O ptima Compact RF Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 WAM, WTR, WMP, N okia WPA WAM, WTR, WMP, Nokia WPA The file storing to flash fails because of a c orrupted file system. Start Working The SW update does not work. 7652 BASE STATI ON NOTIFICATION Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Event type Unit status Effect Reported alarms LED display Instructions Stable green Replace the faulty unit. 4.81 SFN synchronization failure dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en # Nokia Corporation 93 (148) MetroSite from a WT alarms, t loop test 5. Replac

MENU BTS Alarm Descriptions Name Product SFN synchronization failure Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optima Compact RF Exte nsion; MetroSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 UltraSite, Triple-mode, MetroSite, Me troSite 50: WAM UltraSite, Triple-mode, MetroSite, MetroSite 50: WSPC UltraSite, Triple-mode, MetroSite, MetroSite 50: The WSP is not synchro nised with the WAM . Start Out of order The BTS capacity decreases and calls may be dropped. 7651 B ASE STATION OPERATION DEGRADED Stable red 1. Block/unblock the faulty unit. 2. I f that does not help, replace the faulty unit. Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Event type Unit status Effect Reported alarms LED display Instructions 4.82 SFN synchronization failure Name Product SFN synchronization failure Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optima Co mpact RF Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode WAM WAM WAM internal synchronisation f ailure. Detecting unit Fault source Meaning 94 (148) # Nokia Corporation dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en

MENU Alarms Event type Unit status Effect Start Out of order The BTS capacity decreases, some cells may become disabled. 7 651 BASE STATION OPERATION DEGRADED Stable red 1. Check the other active alarms. 2. Check the WAM. 3. Replace the WAM. 4. Check and correct the ATM configuratio n. Reported alarms LED display Instructions 4.83 SFN synchronization failure Name Product SFN synchronization failure Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optima Co mpact RF Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode WAM Slave WAM The slave WAM is not syn chronised with the master WAM. Start Out of order The BTS capacity decreases, so me cell (s) may become faulty. 7651 BASE STATION OPERATION DEGRADED Stable red 1 . Check the other active alarms. 2. Block/unblock the faulty unit. Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Event type Unit status Effect Reported alarms LED display Instructions dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en # Nokia Corporation 95 (148)

MENU BTS Alarm Descriptions 3. If that does not help, replace the faulty unit. 4.84 Smoke alarm Name Product Smoke alarm Supreme; Optima IBBU; Optima Compact RF Extension WEA W EA The internal smoke detector has de tected smoke in the cabinet. Start / Cance l Working None 7652 BASE STATION NOTIFICATION N/A 1. To cancel the alarm, remove the smoke detector from its base and put it back. 2. Check the other active ala rms. Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Event type Unit status Effect Reported alarms LED display Instructions 4.85 SW does not support commissioning file Name Product SW does not support commissioning file Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU ; Optima Compact RF Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 UltraSite, Tr iple-mode, MetroSite, MetroSite 50: WAM UltraSite, Triple-mode, MetroSite, Metro Site 50: WAM Detecting unit Fault source 96 (148) # Nokia Corporation dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en

MENU Alarms Meaning The software does not support the new commissioning file loaded to the BTS. Star t Out of order The BTS is not commissioned or opera tional. 7650 BASE STATION FA ULTY Event type Unit status Effect Reported alarms LED display Instructions Stable red Check and correct the contents of the commissioning file. Load the co rrect com missioning file to the BTS. OR Update the BTS software. 4.86 System frame clock missing Name Product System frame clock missing Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optima Com pact RF Extension; Triplemode WCI WCI The WCI does not deliver the system frame clock for the WAM, because either the transceiver circuit in the WCI or the bus is faulty, or the WCI does not distri bute the clock source. Start / Cancel Out of order The BTS is not operational. 7650 BASE STATION FAULTY Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Event type Unit status Effect Reported alarms LED display dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en # Nokia Corporation 97 (148)

MENU BTS Alarm Descriptions Instructions 1. Reset the site. 2. Check the WCI. 3. Replace the faulty WCI. 4.87 System frame clock signal missing Name Product System frame clock signal missing Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Opt ima Compact RF Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 WAM WAM, WCI The W AM does not receive a system frame clock (SFCLK) from the WCI/ WMC, because of t he transceiver circuit in the WCI, the receiver circuit in the WAM, or the syste m frame clock bus is faulty. Start Degraded Calls via the faulty sector(s) are n ot pos sible. 7651 BASE STATION OPERATION DEGRADED Blinking red (WAM) 1. Block/u nblock the faulty unit (WAM). This ensures that nothing unexpected has happened in the unit start-up phase. It also resets the GENIO (Frame number and interrupt controlling). 2. If that does not help, replace the faulty unit (WAM). Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Event type Unit status Effect Reported alarms LED display Instructions 4.88 T-bus error 98 (148) # Nokia Corporation dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en

MENU Alarms Name Product Detecting unit Fault source Meaning T-bus error MetroSite WMC WSP The WMC has detected parity or syn chronisation er rors in the TX samples of the incoming T-bus from the WSP unit. Transient Workin g The capacity drops. The WTR and WSP capacity in the subrack remains unused. Event type Unit status Effect Reported alarms LED display Instructions 7652 BASE STATION NOTIFICATION Stable green 1. Check the WSP in the same subrack . 2. Check the alarm history. If the alarm occurs frequently, replace the WMC or WSP. 4.89 Telecom cell enabling or disabling failed Name Product Telecom cell enabling or disabling failed Supreme; Optima; Optima I BBU; Optima Compact RF Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 UltraSite, MetroSite, MetroSite 50, Triple-mode: WAM LCR Detecting unit Fault source Meaning dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en # Nokia Corporation 99 (148)

MENU BTS Alarm Descriptions The cell enabling (the set-up of CPICH and BCH) failed, or the cell disabling (t he release of common channels) failed. The reason could be a hardware or a bus p roblem, or a lack of DSP or ATM re sources. Event type Unit status Effect Start / Cancel Working The affected cell state remains un changed. 7655 CELL NOTIFICAT ION Reported alarms LED display Instructions Stable green UltraSite, MetroSite, MetroSite 50, Triple-mode: 1. Check the other active alarms. 2. Check the number of WSP units. 4.90 Telecom configuration failure Name Product Telecom configuration failure Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optima Compact RF Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 WAM WAM, WSP, WTR, WPA /WMP A Telecom slave configurations or regis trations failure. A unit RNW config uration failure. A Telecom RNW reconfiguration failure. Or a WSP unit to WAM all ocation failure. Start Out of order Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Event type Unit status Effect 100 (148) # Nokia Corporation dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en

MENU Alarms The affected WAM unit is not opera tional. In case of a WSP fault, the chan nel capacity is lost and cell(s) may be come unavailable. In case of a WTR or WPA/WM P, the associated cell(s) be come faulty. Reported alarms 7651 BASE STATION OPER ATION DEGRADED (if unit is WAM, WSP) 7653 CELL FAULTY (TX/RX-WTR, WPA/WMP with n o redundancy) 7654 CELL OPERATION DEGRADED (RX-WTR or WPA/WMP with redundancy) L ED display Instructions Stable red 1. Check the other active alarms. 2. Block/un block the faulty unit. The unit needs to be blocked/unblocked to get it initiali sed/configured again if there was an internal failure or sticking in unit SW. 4.91 Timeout, commissioned resource not ready Name Timeout, commissioned resource not ready Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Opti ma Compact RF Extension; MetroSite; MetroSite 50 WAM WAM, WPA, WTR, WSM The faul ty unit has not been configured or initialised. Start Out of order The BTS capac ity is decreased. 7651 BASE STATION OPERATION DEGRADED (WAM) Product Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Event type Unit status Effect Reported alarms dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en # Nokia Corporation 101 (148)

MENU BTS Alarm Descriptions 7653 CELL FAULTY (WPA, TX WTR/ TRX) 7654 CELL OPERATION DEGRADED (RX WTR/TRX) LE D display Instructions Stable red Replace the faulty unit. 4.92 Too many carriers allocated for LPA Name Product Too many carriers allocated for LPA Supreme; Optima;Optima IBBU; Op tima Compact RF Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 WAM WPA/WMP Too m any carriers have been allocated to the WPA/WMP. Start Out of order The WPA/WMP remains unconfigured. The affected cell stays inactive. 7653 CELL FAULTY Stable red Remove the additional carrier in the Reconfiguration commissioning. Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Event type Unit status Effect Reported alarms LED display Instructions 4.93 Traffic flow in a non-existent ATM connection Name Traffic flow in a non-existent ATM con nection Product 102 (148) # Nokia Corporation dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en

MENU Alarms Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optima Compact RF Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode ; MetroSite 50 Detecting unit Fault source Meaning WAM WAM, (AXC) Traffic flow i n a non-existent ATM con nection, for example due to an incorrect configuration. Start / Cancel Degraded The BTS capacity may be decreased. 7651 BASE STATION OP ERATION DEGRADED Blinking red 1. Check and correct the ATM configuration in the BTS, AXC and RNC. 2. Check the other active alarms. Event type Unit status Effect Reported alarms LED display Instructions 4.94 Transmission clock missing Name Product Transmission clock missing Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optima Com pact RF Extension; Triplemode WCI WCI, (AXU, IFU) The clock of the BTS, the WSC/ WMC unit, uses the Iub or the signal received from an external clock as a clock refer ence. The signal is routed through the AXC and WCI to the WSC. This alarm is generated if the WCI does not receive the clock reference signal. Start / Can cel Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Event type dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en # Nokia Corporation 103 (148)

MENU BTS Alarm Descriptions Unit status Effect Working Tuning does not follow the external refer ence. The BTS continues its op eration with its own oven oscillator. The BTS can function properly for a few da ys without an external reference, but the network performance may start to decre ase gradually. Reported alarms 7651 BASE STATION OPERATION DEGRADED LED display Instructions Stable red 1. Check the other transmission-related alarms. 2. Check the transmis sion cabling. 3. Check the AXC settings. 4. Check the WCI. 4.95 Unit autonomous reset as a recovery action Name Unit autonomous reset as a recovery ac tion Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; O ptima Compact RF Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 WAM WSP, WAM, WT R There are problems in a unit. The BTS tries to correct the situation by perfor m ing a recovery reset to the faulty unit. Transient Working The faulty unit is reset. 7652 BASE STATION NOTIFICATION Product Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Event type Unit status Effect Reported alarms 104 (148) # Nokia Corporation dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en

MENU Alarms LED display Instructions Stable green Check the other active alarms of the unit. 4.96 Unit blocked Name Product Unit blocked Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optima Compact RF Extens ion; MetroSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 UltraSite, MetroSite, MetroSite 50, Tri ple-mode: WAM Supreme: slave WAM, WTR, WPA, WSP, WAF, WSC MetroSite: WTR, WMP, W SP, WAF Optima: slave WAM, WTR, WPA, WSP, WAF, WSC Triple-mode: slave WAM, WTR, WMP, WSP, WAF MetroSite 50: WTR, WMP, WSP, WAF ARIO: WOU Meaning A unit is block ed with the BTS Site Manager. The purpose of the fault is to avoid alarms that m ay rise during the unit maintenance task. Event type Unit status Effect Start / Cancel Out of order The BTS does not send alarms related to the blocked unit to the RNC. Alarm sending to the BTS Site Manager is al ways enabled. The alarm can cels are al ways sent to the RNC. It is not possible to establish phone calls th rough the blocked unit. Reported alarms UltraSite, MetroSite, MetroSite 50, Trip lemode: Detecting unit Fault source dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en # Nokia Corporation 105 (148)

MENU BTS Alarm Descriptions 7651 BASE STATION OPERATION DEGRADED (WAM, WSP) 7653 CELL FAULTY (TX/RX-WTR or W AF (all TX/RX WAFs in a cell are broken), WPA/WMP (one WPA/WMP in a cell)) 7654 CELL OPERATION DEGRADED (RX-WTR or WAF (a working TX/RX WAF exists in a cell), W PA/WMP (other working WPA/WMP in a cell)) LED display Instructions Stable red To cancel the alarm, unblock the unit. 4.97 Unit has lost connection to temperature sensor Name Unit has lost connection to temperature sensor Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU ; Optima Compact RF Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 UltraSite: WA M WAM, WSP, WPS, WSC/WMC, WPA/ WMP, WTR, WFA The temperature sensor may be broke n or the temperature value from the tem perature sensor is unavailable, unreli a ble or outside the defined limits. Start / Cancel Working Temperature control tr ies to stabilize the temperature according to the correlated temperature informa tion from the adja cent units. 7652 BASE STATION NOTIFICATION Stable green Repla ce the faulty unit. Product Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Event type Unit status Effect Reported alarms LED display Instructions 106 (148) # Nokia Corporation dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en

MENU Alarms 4.98 Unit initialization failure Name Product Unit initialization failure Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optima Co mpact RF Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 WAM WSP Connection to th e WSP fails due to a WSP internal failure. Start Out of order The BTS capacity d ecreases, cell(s) may remain down. 7651 BASE STATION OPERATION DEGRADED Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Event type Unit status Effect Reported alarms LED display Instructions Stable red 1. Block/unblock the faulty unit. 2. Remove/reinsert the faulty unit. 3. Replace the faulty unit. 4.99 Unit initialization failure Name Product Unit initialization failure Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optima Co mpact RF Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 WAM WSM, WSC/WMC, WAM, W TR, WSP, WPA/WMP, (AXU) Detecting unit Fault source Meaning dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en # Nokia Corporation 107 (148)

MENU BTS Alarm Descriptions A unit or an IP address initialisation has failed. Event type Unit status Effect Start Out of order; Degraded If the fault source is WSC/WMC, the BTS is not ope rational. If the fault source is AXU, connections to the RNC and BTS are not wor king. If the fault source is WAM, either the ATM or Telecom in that unit is not working. 7650 BASE STATION FAULTY (unit is WSC (non redundant), WMC, master WAM) 7651 BASE STATION OPERATION DEGRADED (WAM, WSM, WSP, redundant WSC available) 7 653 CELL FAULTY (TX/RX-WTR, WPA/WMP) 7654 CELL OPERATION DEGRADED (RX-WTR) LED d isplay Blinking red (WAM) Stable red (other faulty units) Instructions 1. Block/ unblock the faulty unit. If that does not help, replace the faulty unit. 2. If t he 7650 BASE STATION FAULTY alarm is issued, reset the site. 3. If the WAM is th e alarm source, check the RNC IP address in the commissioning file and modify th e file if needed. If that does not help, perform a power-off reset. 4. If Step 3 does not help, replace the faulty unit. Reported alarms 4.100 Unit not supported by current BTS SW version Name Unit not supported by current BTS SW version Product 108 (148) # Nokia Corporation dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en

MENU Alarms Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optima Compact RF Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode ; MetroSite 50 Detecting unit UltraSite, MetroSite, MetroSite 50, Triple-mode: W AM All possible units. An unsupported unit was found in the BTS. Typically this happens when a new unit version is installed and there is an older BTS SW in use that does not sup port the new unit version. Start Out of order The BTS capacit y decreases. UltraSite, MetroSite, MetroSite 50, Triple-mode: 7650 BASE STATION FAULTY (O&M master WAM, no redundant WSC, WMC, WCI) 7651 BASE STATION OPERATION DEGRADED (other WAM, WSP, WPS, WPS_EXT, WPS_TR, WIC) 7652 BASE STATION NOTIFICAT ION (if redundant WSC available, WID, BB_WFA, TR_WFA, WFA WHX, WIB, WEA) 7653 CE LL FAULTY (TX/RX-WTR or WAF (all TX/RX WAFs in the cell are broken), WSM_TR, WSM , WPA/WMP (one WPA/WMP in the cell)) 7654 CELL OPERATION DEGRADED (RX-WTR or WAF (a working TX/RX WAF exists in the cell), WPA/WMP (other working WPA/WMP in the cell)) LED display Instructions Stable red Replace the unit or upgrade the BTS SW. Fault source Meaning Event type Unit status Effect Reported alarms 4.101 Unit SW download failed dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en # Nokia Corporation 109 (148)

MENU BTS Alarm Descriptions Name Product Unit SW download failed Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optima Compact RF Extensio n; MetroSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 WAM WAM (ATM SW), WSP (DSP SW), WSPC (MCU SW), WPA (WPA SW) The software update to the unit or subu nit has failed. Start Out of order If the ATM SW update to an O&M mas ter WAM fails or the ATM Post f ails, the BTS is not operational. If the ATM SW update to slave WAMs fails or th e ATM Post fails, the subrack is not operational. If the DSP SW or WSPC (MCU SW) update fails, the BTS capacity drops. If the WPA SW update fails, the cell is f aulty. If the optical interface FPGA SW update fails, communication to radio mod ules does not work and the BTS is not operational. Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Event type Unit status Effect Reported alarms 7651 BASE STATION OPERATION DEGRADED (WAM or WSP) 7653 CELL FAULTY (WPA (one WPA in the cell)) 7654 CELL OPERATION DEGRADED (WPA (other working WPA in the cell) ) LED display Instructions Stable red 1. Block/unblock the WSP. 2. If Step 1 does not help, replace the fau lty unit. OR 1. WAM, WPA: Reset the BTS. 2. If Step 1 does not help, replace the faulty unit. 110 (148) # Nokia Corporation dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en

MENU Alarms 4.102 Unit synchronization failed Name Product Unit synchronization failed Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optima Co mpact RF Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 WAM WAM, WSPC The WAM/WS PC synchronisation has failed. Start Out of order The BTS capacity possibly decr eases. Some cells may become disabled. 7650 BASE STATION FAULTY (O&M master WAM) 7651 BASE STATION OPERATION DEGRADED (WSPC) LED display Instructions Stable red 1. Check the other alarms. 2. Block/unblock the faulty WSP unit. 3. If the 7650 BASE STATION FAULTY alarm is issued, reset the site. 4. Replace the faulty unit . Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Event type Unit status Effect Reported alarms 4.103 Unit temperature is high Name Product Unit temperature is high Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optima Compa ct RF Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 UltraSite, MetroSite, Metro Site 50, Triple-mode: WAM Detecting unit dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en # Nokia Corporation 111 (148)

MENU BTS Alarm Descriptions Fault source UltraSite, MetroSite, MetroSite 50, Triple-mode: WAM, WSP, WPS, WSC/ WMC The tem perature of a unit exceeds the threshold value. Start / Cancel Working The opera tion of the BTS possibly de creases. 7652 BASE STATION NOTIFICATION Stable green Check the active fan alarms, the ambi ent temperature alarms and the airflow of the BTS. Meaning Event type Unit status Effect Reported alarms LED display Instructions 4.104 Unknown cabinet type Name Product Unknown cabinet type Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optima Compact R F Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 WAM WAM The cabinet cannot be i dentified by its product code (or object ID). The problem is probably in the WID id. Start Degraded The BTS starts up as a previously de tected cabinet type. If the previous cabi net type cannot be determined, the BTS starts up as a Supreme cabinet. Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Event type Unit status Effect Reported alarms 112 (148) # Nokia Corporation dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en

MENU Alarms 7651 BASE STATION OPERATION DEGRADED LED display Instructions Blinking red Check the WID. 4.105 Unknown HW resource Name Product Unknown HW resource Supreme; Optima IBBU; Optima Compact RF Extensi on; MetroSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 UltraSite, Triple-mode, MetroSite, Metro site 50: WAM All possible units according to the unit id. A unit cannot be ident ified by its product code or by its physical device address (object ID). Start O ut of order The BTS capacity decreases. 7650 BASE STATION FAULTY 7651 BASE STATI ON OPERATION DEGRADED (UltraSite, Triple-mode, MetroSite, MetroSite 50: WAM, WSP , WPS, WIC, WSC, WMC, WCI, WID, WFA, WHX, WIB, WEA) 7653 CELL FAULTY (UltraSite, Triplemode, MetroSite, MetroSite 50: TX/RXWTR or WAF (all TX/RX WAFs in cell ar e broken), WSM, WPA/WMP (one WPA/WMP in cell).) 7654 CELL OPERATION DEGRADED (Ul traSite, Triple-mode, MetroSite, MetroSite 50: RX-WTR or WAF (a working TX/RX WA F exists in cell), WPA/WMP (other working WPA/WMP in cell).) Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Event type Unit status Effect Reported alarms dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en # Nokia Corporation 113 (148)

MENU BTS Alarm Descriptions LED display Instructions Blinking red Replace the unit. 4.106 [User defined] Name Product [User defined] Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optima Compact RF Exte nsion; MetroSite; MetroSite 50 UltraSite, MetroSite, MetroSite 50: WEA UltraSite , MetroSite, MetroSite 50: WEA (1400: EFaultId_ExtAl0 ... 1423: EFaultId_ExtAl23 ) High or low voltage on the external alarm line. The user specifies the fault t ext during commissioning. Event type Unit status Effect Start / Cancel Working F or example, with the intelligent shut down, the WPA/WMP and the local cell resou rces are blocked to minimize the power consumption. Therefore, the bat tery back up can keep the AXU unit up and running longer than the other BTS units. 7401 7424 (EAC1=7401, EAC2=7402 and so on) N/A [User defined] Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Reported alarms LED display Instructions 4.107 WAF low noise amplifier faulty 114 (148) # Nokia Corporation dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en

MENU Alarms Name Product WAF low noise amplifier faulty Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optima Compact RF E xtension; MetroSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 WAF WAF One of the two RX preampli fiers (one in the main branch and the other in the di versity branch) is faulty. The LED indi cates the faulty unit. MetroSite 50: One, some or all of the RX pr eamplifiers (max 6) are faulty. The LED indicates the faulty unit. Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Event type Unit status Effect Start Out of order; Degraded There are up to six antennas in a cell and if one o f the antennas is functioning, the cell is operational. However, the cell and RX performance are degraded. 7653 CELL FAULTY (UltraSite, MetroSite, Triple-mode: both branches are faulty. MetroSite 50: all branches are faulty) 7654 CELL OPERA TION DEGRADED (UltraSite, MetroSite, Triple-mode: single branch. MetroSite 50: o ne or more branches) Reported alarms LED display Instructions Stable red 1. Block/unblock the WAF unit. This is most likely a HW fault, but bl ocking/ unblocking the unit ensures that before a site visit. 2. If that does no t help, replace the faulty unit. 4.108 WAM SFN polling timeout dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en # Nokia Corporation 115 (148)

MENU BTS Alarm Descriptions Name Product WAM SFN polling timeout Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optima Compact RF Extensio n; MetroSite; Triplemode WAM Slave WAM The slave WAM is not synchronised with th e master WAM. Start Out of order The BTS capacity decreases. Cells may become fa ulty. 7651 BASE STATION OPERATION DEGRADED Stable red 1. Check the other active alarms. 2. Block/unblock the faulty unit. Note: After a WAM bloc/unblock, the BT S will be restarted. 3. If that does not help, replace the faulty unit. Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Event type Unit status Effect Reported alarms LED display Instructions 4.109 WCI baseband reference clock failure Name Product WCI baseband reference clock failure Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optima Compact RF Extension; Triplemode WCI Master/Redundant WSC Detecting unit Fault source Meaning 116 (148) # Nokia Corporation dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en

MENU Alarms The master or redundant WSC does not generate Baseband Reference Clock (BRCLK) t o the WCI because of an inter nal failure or a clock driver failure in the WSC u nit. Event type Unit status Effect Start / Cancel Out of order If there is only one clock in the cabinet, the BTS is not operational. UltraSite: If there is an operating WSC in the BTS, the redundant clock is brought into operation in case the active clock generates an alarm. Reported alarms 7650 BASE STATION FAULTY (i f both WSCs are faulty) 7652 BASE STATION NOTIFICATION (else) LED display Instru ctions N/A 1. If there is only one clock unit in the cabinet, replace the WSC. 2 . If Step 1 does not help, replace the WCI. 3. If there are two clock units in t he cabinet, replace the WCI. 4. If Step 3 does not help, replace both WSC units. 4.110 WEA power regulator fault Name Product WEA power regulator fault Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optima Comp act RF Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 WEA WEA Detecting unit Fault source Meaning dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en # Nokia Corporation 117 (148)

MENU BTS Alarm Descriptions The WEA unit external interface connec tors are connected incorrectly, or there is a shot circuit in the +5 VCD. Event type Unit status Effect Start / Cancel Wo rking The external connectors are not function ing. 7652 BASE STATION NOTIFICATI ON Stable red 1. Disconnect the external cables and check whether the alarm disa ppears. Reported alarms LED display Instructions 2. If that does not help, check the external cables and switching. 3. If the ala rm does not disappear, check the WEA and replace it if faulty. 4.111 WIB unit AC line break fault Name Product Detecting unit Fault source Meaning WIB unit AC line break fault Me troSite WIB WIB, (AC Line) There is a mains break. The BTS power supply is cut o ff. Start / Cancel Working The WIB starts to supply voltage to the WPSM and cont inues the power supply for 10 s. If the mains power does not recover during the 10 seconds, the BTS will shut down due to the lack of power. Reported alarms 765 0 BASE STATION FAULTY Event type Unit status Effect 118 (148) # Nokia Corporation dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en

MENU Alarms LED display Instructions Stable green Check the power supply to the BTS. 4.112 WIB unit battery failure Name Product Detecting unit Fault source Meaning WIB unit battery failure MetroS ite WIB WIB WIB unit battery failure: . Several battery blocks (cells) are dead and the back-up system is out of order. Some of the battery blocks (cells) reached an overcharge or a discharge voltage in a stand-by condition. The voltage of one cell is not compatible with the othe r cell voltages. . . Event type Unit status Effect Start / Cancel Degraded The WIB does not work at all, or it can not supply suffi cient power to the WPS. 7652 BASE STATION NOTIFICATION Blinking red 1. Check the battery cabling. 2. Replace the WIB unit and battery. Reported alarms LED display Instructions 4.113 WIB unit battery temperature out of range Name WIB unit battery temperature out of range dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en # Nokia Corporation 119 (148)

MENU BTS Alarm Descriptions Product Detecting unit Fault source Meaning MetroSite WIB WIB Because the heater or heater control unit does not work correc tly, the tempera ture measured inside the unit is out of normal temperature rang e. Start / Cancel Working If the WIB is still used, the battery will run out muc h sooner than expected. 7652 BASE STATION NOTIFICATION Blinking red (WIB) Replac e the WIB unit. Event type Unit status Effect Reported alarms LED display Instructions 4.114 WIB unit power back-up time alarm Name Product Detecting unit Fault source Meaning WIB unit power back-up time ala rm MetroSite WIB WIB The WIB cannot supply nominal power for 10 seconds and/or t he estimated bat tery life is 26 weeks or less. Start / Cancel Degraded If the W IB is still used, the battery runs out as shown in the Remaining Battery Life In dicator. If the battery life has ended, the "WIB unit battery failure" alarm is generated. Event type Unit status Effect 120 (148) # Nokia Corporation dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en

MENU Alarms Reported alarms LED display 7652 BASE STATION NOTIFICATION Blinking red (WIB, battery life still left) Stabl e red (WIB, no battery left) Instructions Replace the WIB unit. 4.115 WMC oven oscillator fault Name Product Detecting unit Fault source Meaning WMC oven oscillator fault Metro Site WAM WMC The oven oscillator adjusting area has reached its limit value. Sta rt / Cancel Degraded The severity of the fault depends on the situation: . Event type Unit status Effect If the WMC unit (OCXO) is approaching the end of its lifetime but the reference frequency is still correct, the BTS and system performance may be normal for mon ths or even one year after the alarm activation (provided that the DAC is not at the edge of the adjustment area). The other faults may cause the BTS and system performance to collapse due to an incorrect air interface frequency. . Reported alarms 7651 BASE STATION OPERATION DEGRADED LED display Instructions Stable green 1. Run the fast tuning with the BTS Site Manager. 2. Replace the WMC unit. dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en # Nokia Corporation 121 (148)

MENU BTS Alarm Descriptions 4.116 WPA power level changed Name Product WPA power level changed Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optima Compac t RF Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode WAM WPA The power level of a replaced WPA unit differs from the original WPA unit. Start / Cancel Out of order The capacit y drops. Cell(s) may remain down. 7653 CELL FAULTY Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Event type Unit status Effect Reported alarms LED display Instructions Stable red If the WPA is intentionally changed to a different power level, repla ce the conflict ing WPA unit. 4.117 WSC oven oscillator fault Name Product WSC oven oscillator fault Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optima Comp act RF Extension; Triplemode WSC WSC Detecting unit Fault source Meaning 122 (148) # Nokia Corporation dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en

MENU Alarms The oven oscillator adjusting area is reaching its limit value. The alarm is act i vated if the WSC tunes the oven oscilla tor so that the DAC word (parameter to control the oven oscillator output fre quency) value becomes lower than 205 or greater than 3891 (5% of the total ad justment area). The range for the DAC word is 0 - 4095. The cause of the alarm can be: . The Iub reference frequency has been incorrect for a long time (up to several da ys) due to a fault in the transmission network synchronisation (which in turn is caused by an equipment fault or a setting error). Before activating this alarm, the alarm 7652 BASE STATION NOTIFICATION: 'Difference between BTS master clock and reference frequency' may have been active. If the BTS integrated transport p art receives the synchronisation information via the 2.048 MHz synchronisation i nput (external clock source), the alarm situation may be caused by a fault in th at signal. In that case the alarm behaviour notifications listed with the Iub si gnal (see above) are also valid in this case. The fast tuning action of the BTS master clock may have been executed without checking if the reference signal is correct or not. If the reference signal is incorrect during the fast tuning exec ution, it may result in adjusting the BTS master clock frequency far from the no minal value, which causes serious problems in the network performance. There is an equipment fault in the BTS. Due to the oven oscillator (OCXO) aging inside th e WSC unit, the unit may be approaching the end of its lifetime. In such case, a fter the alarm activation, the DAC value is quite stable, whereas in the other f ault cases it may be very unstable or at the edge of the adjustment area (0 or 4 095). . . . . dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en # Nokia Corporation 123 (148)

MENU BTS Alarm Descriptions Note that if the alarm 7651 BASE STATION OPERATION DEGRADED: 'WSC oven oscillato r fault' becomes active, it may cause the alarm 7652 BASE STATION NOTIFICATION: 'Difference between BTS master clock and reference frequency' to cancel. Event t ype Unit status Effect Start / Cancel Degraded The severity of the fault depends on the situation: . If the WSC unit (OCXO) is approaching the end of its lifetime but frequency is still correct, the BTS and system performance may be ths or even a year after the alarm activation (if the DAC word is e of the adjustment area). The other faults may cause the BTS and ance to collapse due to incorrect air interface frequency. . Reported alarms 7651 BASE STATION OPERATION DEGRADED (WMC or only one WSC) 7652 BASE STATION NOT IFICATION (if redundant WSC available) LED display Instructions Stable red (WSC) Background information: The principle is that in a mobile netwo rk, the synchronisation goes from MSC => RNC => BTS. But in reality that chain m ight be broken somewhere and, for example, when using leased lines, the BTS may take the reference synchronisation from the transmission network of another oper ator. This does not harm the system if also the synchronisation of the leased li ne service provider is accurate/stable enough. The BTS uses the incoming synchro nisation signal as a reference for the Air interface, the accuracy requirement o f which is set by 3GPP. 124 (148) # Nokia Corporation dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en the reference normal for mon not at the edg system perform

MENU Alarms 1. In case of fault in the transmission network synchronisation, the network syn chronisation must be corrected. The long-term accuracy of the Iub signal must be 0.015 ppm or better. 2. In case of BTS equipment fault, the location may be: a. Transport part . First check the alarms of the AXC node with the AXC Manager and act accordingly. If there are no alarms, check the AXC synchronisation settings. If both the Iub reference signal accuracy and the AXC node are in order but the WSC unit is sti ll alarming, run the fast tuning procedure with the BTS Site Manager. If there i s no cure in a few minutes, reset the site. If that does not help, replace the W SC unit. Note: In case the BTS is equipped with two WSCs, the redundant unit tak es over the operation of the faulty unit. But if the fault situation is caused b y an incorrect reference signal, both the WSC units may start alarming sooner or later. . b. WSC unit . . . 3. After the fault situation has been cleared, the BTS master clock may also req uire tuning, because the BTS master clock adjustment is quite slow. The tuning m ay be done: . Manually, by changing the DAC word (during a site visit). Or with fast tuning, b y which the BTS master clock is tuned in a few minutes automatically near the Iu b reference (normal tuning takes care of the fine tuning). Note, however, that t he fast tuning should only be used in case the Iub reference signal is known to be a good one. Otherwise the BTS . dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en # Nokia Corporation 125 (148)

MENU BTS Alarm Descriptions frequency may be tuned into a totally incorrect value, causing serious problems in the network performance. 4.118 WSC phase difference jammed to zero reading Name WSC phase difference jammed to zero reading Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; O ptima Compact RF Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 WAM WSC The WSC phase measurement is jammed and the tuning operation is de graded. The problem c an be caused by a WSC fault or a too fast frequency change on the Iub. Event typ e Unit status Effect Start / Cancel Degraded The BTS master clock (OCXO) is in t he hold-over mode because it cannot use the synchronisation reference informa ti on. The BTS air interface stability is not affected, but the accuracy starts to drift slowly. It may take even several weeks before the BTS/RAN operations start to be affected. 7651 BASE STATION OPERATION DEGRADED (WMC or only one WSC) 7652 BASE STATION NOTIFICATION (if redundant WSC available) LED display Instructions Blinking red (WCS) 1. If the basic accuracy of the Iub signal is in order but t here is too much instability (the jitter/wander is outside the acceptable limits ), the Product Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Reported alarms 126 (148) # Nokia Corporation dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en

MENU Alarms synchronisation of the transmission network must be corrected. The limits for th e jitter/wander are defined in the ITU-T G.823. No actions on the BTS are needed . 2. Reset the site and wait about 10 minutes. 3. Try a power-on reset. If the a larm reappears, replace the unit. If the alarm reappears during the next few wee ks or the clock seems unstable, replace the unit. Background information: The pr inciple in the mobile network is that the synchronisation goes from MSC => RNC = > BTS. But in reality that chain might be broken somewhere and, for example, whe n using leased lines the BTS may take the reference synchronisation from the tra nsmission network of another operator. This does not harm the system if also the synchronisation of the leased line service provider is accurate/stable enough. The BTS uses the incoming synchronisation signal as a reference for the Air inte rface, the accuracy requirement of which is set by 3GPP. 4.119 WSC switch unsuccessful Name Product WSC switch unsuccessful Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optima Compac t RF Extension; Triplemode WAM Redundant WSC The WSC recovery switch over failed . Start Working Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Event type Unit status Effect dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en # Nokia Corporation 127 (148)

MENU BTS Alarm Descriptions The BTS is not operational because the active WSC was removed or it is faulty an d the recovery switch was unsuccess ful. There is no working WSC unit and the sy nchronisation does not work. Reported alarms LED display Instructions 7652 BASE STATION NOTIFICATION Green 1. Block/unblock the faulty unit. This may cause a BT S reset. 2. Fast tune the active unit. 4.120 WSC/WMC transmission clock missing Name Product WSC/WMC transmission clock missing Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Op tima Compact RF Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 WSC/WMC WSC/WMC T he clock of the BTS, the WSC/WMC unit, uses the Iub or the signal received from an external clock as a clock refer ence. The signal is routed through the AXC an d WCI to the WSC. This alarm is generated if the WCI does not receive the clock reference signal. Start / Cancel Degraded Tuning does not follow the external re fer ence. The BTS continues its operation with its own oven oscillator. The BTS can function properly for a few days without an external reference, but the netw ork performance may start to decrease gradually. Reported alarms Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Event type Unit status Effect 128 (148) # Nokia Corporation dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en

MENU Alarms 7651 BASE STATION OPERATION DEGRADED LED display Instructions Stable red (set by the WSC/WMC itself) 1. Check the other transmission-related alarms. 2. Check th e transmission cabling. 3. Check the AXC settings. 4. Check the WCI. 5. Check th e WSC. 4.121 WSMA RR-bus error Name Product WSMA RR-bus error Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optima Compact RF E xtension; MetroSite; Triplemode WSMA/WMC WTR The signal is transported from the WTR to the WSP via the WSM. This alarm is generated when the WSMA/WMC unit detec ts errors in the incoming RR bus from the WTR unit. The reason for the failure i s probably the WTR or WSMA/WMC unit. The unit may have been installed incorrectl y or the backplane cabling is faulty. This alarm is generated only once. Event t ype Unit status Effect Transient Working The capacity drops. The cell is lost. I n most cases, this generates an R-bus er ror alarm and the cell is blocked. 7655 CELL NOTIFICATION Stable green Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Reported alarms LED display dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en # Nokia Corporation 129 (148)

MENU BTS Alarm Descriptions Instructions 1. Check the cabling. 2. Replace the WTR and WSMA/WMC units indicated in the ala rm one by one. 4.122 WSMA SR-bus error Name Product WSMA SR-bus error Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optima Compact RF E xtension; Triplemode WSM Alarming WSM, (cable) Triplemode: WTR (cable) Meaning U ltraSite: The RX signal is transported from the WTR unit to all WSP units via th e WSMs. The WSM units in different subracks are connected to each other via the SR buses. This alarm is generated, when the WSM unit detects errors in the incom ing SR bus from the adjacent WSM unit. The reason for the failure is the cable b etween the WSM front panels or the WSM units indicated in the alarm. Triplemode: The RX signal is transported from the WTR30 and WRT20 units (connected to the S R bus) to the WSP units via the SR bus. This alarm is generated, when the WSM de tects errors in the incoming SR bus from the WTR unit. The reason for the failur e is the WSM or WTR unit, or the cable between the WSM front panel and the backp lane. This alarm is generated only once. Event type Unit status Effect Transient Working Detecting unit Fault source 130 (148) # Nokia Corporation dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en

MENU Alarms The capacity drops. The cell is lost. In most cases, this generates an R-bus er ror alarm and the cell is blocked. Reported alarms LED display Instructions 7652 BASE STATION NOTIFICATION N/A 1. Check the cabling. 2. Remove/reinsert the faul ty unit. 3. Check the other WSM units. 4. Replace the WSM units (and if that doe s not help, also the WTR units) indicated in the alarm one by one and check whet her the alarm is cleared. 4.123 WSMA ST-bus error Name Product WSMA ST-bus error Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optima Compact RF E xtension; Triplemode WSM Alarming WSM, (cable) Triple-mode: WTR (cable) Meaning The TX signal is transported from the WSP unit to all WTR units via the WSMs. Th e WSM units in different sub racks are connected to each other via the ST buses. This alarm is generated when the WSM unit detects errors in the incoming ST bus from the adjacent WSM unit. The reason for the failure is the cable between the WSM front panels or the WSM units indicated in the alarm. Event type Unit statu s Effect Reported alarms Transient Working The capacity drops. The cell is lost. 7652 BASE STATION NOTIFICATION Detecting unit Fault source dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en # Nokia Corporation 131 (148)

MENU BTS Alarm Descriptions LED display Instructions N/A 1. Run the WCDMA BTS loop test. 2. Check the WSM cables. 3. Replace the unit s indicated in the alarm one by one and check whether the problem is cleared. 4.124 WSMA T-bus error Name Product WSMA T-bus error Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optima Compact RF Ex tension; MetroSite; Triplemode WSM WSP The signal is transported from the WSP un it to the WTR unit via the WSM. This alarm is generated when the WSM unit detect s errors in the incoming T-bus from the WSP unit. The reason for the failure is probably the WSP or WSM unit. The unit may have been installed incorrectly or th e backplane cabling is faulty. Event type Unit status Effect Transient Working T he capacity drops. The WTR and WSP capacity in the subrack remains unused. Repor ted alarms LED display Instructions 7652 BASE STATION NOTIFICATION N/A 1. Run a loop test. 2. Check the WSM cables. 3. Replace the units indicated in the alarm one by one and check whether the problem is cleared. Detecting unit Fault source Meaning 132 (148) # Nokia Corporation dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en

MENU Alarms 4.125 WSMB does not receive frame clock Name Product Detecting unit Fault source Meaning WSMB does not receive frame clo ck Supreme; Optima; Triplemode WSMB WCI The WSMB does not receive the System Fra me Clock (SFCLK) correctly from the WCI unit. This fault may appear, if the only clock unit (WSC) is removed. Event type Unit status Effect Start / Cancel Degra ded The BTS capacity is degraded. The WTR and WSP capacity in the subrack is not used. Reported alarms 7651 BASE STATION OPERATION DEGRADED Blinking red Note! D o not perform a remote reset. 1. Replace the WSM units indicated in the alarm. 2 . Replace the WCI units one by one and check whether the alarm is cleared. 3. Ch eck the backplane cables. LED display Instructions 4.126 WSMB RR-bus error Name Product WSMB RR-bus error Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optima Compact RF E xtension; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 WSMB/WMC Detecting unit dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en # Nokia Corporation 133 (148)

MENU BTS Alarm Descriptions Fault source Meaning WTR The signal is transported from the WTR to the WSP via the WSM. This alarm is generated when the WSM/WMC unit de tects errors in the incoming RR bus from the WTR unit. The reason for the failure is probably the WTR or WSMB/WMC unit. The unit may have been installed incorrectly or the backplane cabling is faulty. Event type Unit status Effect Start Out of order The capacity drops. The cell is lost. In most cases, this gen erates an R bus er ror alarm and the cell is blocked. 7653 CELL FAULTY (TX/RX-WT R) 7654 CELL OPERATION DEGRADED (RX-WTR) Reported alarms LED display Instructions Stable red 1. Run the WCDMA BTS loop test. 2. Replace the units indicated in the alarm one by one and check whether the problem is cleared. 3. Check the backpla ne cables. 4.127 WSMB SR-bus error Name Product WSMB SR-bus error Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optima Compact RF E xtension; Triplemode WSM Adjacent/alarming WSM, (cable) Triple-mode: WTR (cable) Meaning UltraSite: Detecting unit Fault source 134 (148) # Nokia Corporation dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en

MENU Alarms The RX signal is transported from the WTR unit to all WSP units via the WSMs. Th e WSM units in different subracks are connected to each other via the SR buses. This alarm is generated, when the WSM unit detects errors in the incoming SR bus from the adjacent WSM unit. The reason for the failure is the cable between the WSM front panels or the WSM units indicated in the alarm. Triple-mode: The RX s ignal is transported from the WTR30 and WRT20 units (connected to the SR bus) to the WSP units via the SR bus. This alarm is generated, when the WSM detects err ors in the incoming SR bus from the WTR unit. The reason for the failure is the WSM or WTR unit or the cable between the WSM front panel and the backplane. Even t type Unit status Effect Start Degraded The capacity drops. The cell is lost. I n the most cases, this generates an R bus error alarm and the cell is blocked. 7 651 BASE STATION OPERATION DEGRADED Blinking red 1. Run the WCDMA BTS loop test. 2. Check the WSM cables. 3. Replace the units indicated in the alarm one by one and check whether the problem is cleared. Reported alarms LED display Instructions 4.128 WSMB ST-bus error Name Product WSMB ST-bus error Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optima Compact RF E xtension; Triplemode dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en # Nokia Corporation 135 (148)

MENU BTS Alarm Descriptions Detecting unit Fault source WSM Alarming WSM, (cable) Triple-mode: WTR (cable) Meaning The TX signal is transported from the WSP unit to all WTR units via the WSMs. Th e WSM units in different sub racks are connected to each other via the ST buses. This alarm is generated when the WSM unit detects errors in the incoming ST bus from the adjacent WSM unit. The reason for the failure is the cable between the WSM front panels or the WSM units indicated in the alarm. Event type Unit status Effect Reported alarms Start Degraded The capacity drops. The cell is lost. 7651 BASE STATION OPERATION DEGRADED Blinking red 1. Run the WCDMA BTS loop test. 2. Check the WSM cables. 3. Replace the units indicated in the alarm one by one and check whether the pro blem is cleared. LED display Instructions 4.129 WSMB T-bus error Name Product WSMB T-bus error Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optima Compact RF Ex tension; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 WSM/WMC WSP Detecting unit Fault source Meaning 136 (148) # Nokia Corporation dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en

MENU Alarms The signal is transported from the WSP unit to the WTR unit via the WSM. This al arm is generated when the WSM unit detects errors in the incoming T-bus from the WSP unit. The reason for the failure is probably the WSP or WSM unit. The unit may have been installed incorrectly or the backplane cabling is faulty. Event ty pe Unit status Effect Start Out of order The BTS capacity is decreased. The WTR and WSP capacity in the subrack remains unused. Reported alarms 7651 BASE STATIO N OPERATION DEGRADED Stable red 1. Run the WCDMA BTS loop test. 2. Check the WSM cables. 3. Replace the units indicated in the alarm one by one and check whethe r the problem is cleared. LED display Instructions 4.130 WSMB unit reset Name Product WSMB unit reset Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optima Compact RF Ext ension; Triplemode WSMB WSMB The WSM ASIC (UMAX or DSAX) has made a self-reset a t the WSMB start-up phase due to: . . . Detecting unit Fault source Meaning a disturbance in the voltage supply a reset given by the other ASIC a unit remov al or insertion dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en # Nokia Corporation 137 (148)

MENU BTS Alarm Descriptions Event type Unit status Effect Transient Working When the alarm "WSMB unit reset" has appeared, a site reset oc curs as a recov ery action. 7655 CELL NOTIFICATION Stable green 1. Remove/reinse rt the faulty unit. 2. Replace the WSMB unit. Reported alarms LED display Instructions 4.131 WSP PCI-bus failure Name Product WSP PCI-bus failure Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optima Compact RF Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 UltraSite, MetroSite, MetroSite 50, Triple-mode: WSPC UltraSite, MetroSite, MetroSite 50, Triple-mode: WSPC Ther e is a fault in the internal WSP/FSP PCI bus target (DSP) connections. Some of t he WSP/FSP DSP processors may be broken and out of use. Start Out of order The W SP/FSP unit resources are not available. The BTS capacity decreases. 7651 BASE S TATION OPERATION DEGRADED Stable red Replace the faulty unit. Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Event type Unit status Effect Reported alarms LED display Instructions 138 (148) # Nokia Corporation dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en

MENU Alarms 4.132 WSP unit internal failure Name Product WSP unit internal failure Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optima Comp act RF Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 WAM WSP The WAM and WSP ar e not synchro nised. Start Out of order The BTS capacity decreases. 7651 BASE ST ATION OPERATION DEGRADED Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Event type Unit status Effect Reported alarms LED display Instructions Stable red 1. Block/unblock the faulty unit. 2. Remove/reinsert the faulty unit. 3. If that does not help, replace the faulty unit. 4.133 WTR internal clock faulty Name Product WTR internal clock faulty Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optima Comp act RF Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 WTR WTR Detecting unit Fault source Meaning dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en # Nokia Corporation 139 (148)

MENU BTS Alarm Descriptions The WTR internal system clock is miss ing. This can be caused by a missing or ba d quality reference clock signal from the WSC, or a WTR unit HW failure. The tra nsmitted and received frequen cies are incorrect. Event type Unit status Effect Reported alarms Start Out of order The related cells are disabled. 7653 CELL FAU LTY (TX/RX-TRX) 7654 CELL OPERATION DEGRADED (RX-TRX) LED display Instructions S table red 1. Block/unblock the unit. 2. Replace the faulty unit. 4.134 WTR internal clock faulty Name Product WTR internal clock faulty Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optima Comp act RF Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 WTR WTR The WTR VCXO PLL i s not locked. This can be caused by a missing or bad qual ity reference clock si gnal from the WSC or a WTR unit HW failure. The trans mitted and received freque ncies are in correct. Start Out of order The related cells are disabled. 7653 CE LL FAULTY (TX/RX-WTR) Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Event type Unit status Effect Reported alarms 140 (148) # Nokia Corporation dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en

MENU Alarms 7654 CELL OPERATION DEGRADED (RX-WTR) LED display Instructions Stable red 1. Blo ck/unblock the unit. 2. Replace the faulty unit. 4.135 WTR local oscillator not locked Name Product WTR local oscillator not locked Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optim a Compact RF Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 WTRB WTRB The TX IF synthesizer (common to both TX chains) cannot lock to the defined fre quency. St art / Cancel Out of order The related cells are disabled. 7653 CELL FAULTY (TX-W TR) 7654 CELL DEGRADED (RX-WTR) LED display Instructions Stable red 1. Block/unb lock the faulty unit. 2. If Step 1 does not help, replace the faulty unit. Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Event type Unit status Effect Reported alarms 4.136 WTR loop synthesizer not locked Name WTR loop synthesizer not locked dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en # Nokia Corporation 141 (148)

MENU BTS Alarm Descriptions Product Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optima Compact RF Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode ; MetroSite 50 WTR WTR The RF loop does not function. The transmitter output sig nal is not down-con verted to the receiver frequency. Start / Cancel Working The RF loop tests do not function. The normal RX and TX functionality of the WTR ca n continue undisturbed. 7655 CELL NOTIFICATION Stable green 1. Try to perform th e loop test again. 2. Check the faulty unit. 3. Block/unblock the unit. Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Event type Unit status Effect Reported alarms LED display Instructions 4.137 WTR or WPA output power measurement fault Name WTR or WPA output power measure ment fault Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Op tima Compact RF Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 UltraSite, MetroS ite, MetroSite 50, Triple-mode: WAM UltraSite, MetroSite, MetroSite 50, Triple-m ode: WTR, WPA/WMP/WOU UltraSite, MetroSite, MetroSite 50, Triple-mode: The WTR o r WPA/WMP/ WOU output power measurement has failed. Product Detecting unit Fault source Meaning 142 (148) # Nokia Corporation dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en

MENU Alarms Event type Unit status Effect Start / Cancel Out of order The gain control feature is lost and it may generate interference to the net work. UltraSite, MetroSite, MetroSite 50, Triple-mode: The NBAP common measurement message is incorrect due to missing measurement data from the WTR, WPA/ WMP/WOU or RF module. Reported alarms 7653 CELL FAULTY (UltraSite, MetroSite, MetroSite 50, Triple-mode: TX/RX-WTR, WP A/WMP with no redun dancy.) 7654 CELL OPERATION DEGRADED (UltraSite, MetroSite, MetroSite 50, Triple-mode: RX-WTR or WPA/WMP with redundancy.) LED display Instructions Stable red UltraSite, MetroSite, MetroSite 50, Triple-mode: 1. Reset the alarmin g unit with block/ unblock function. The unit needs to be blocked/unblocked to g et it initialised/ configured again if there was an internal failure or sticking in unit SW. 2. Check the units and the RF cabling between the WPA/WMP/WOU and W TR units. 3. Replace the faulty unit. 4.138 WTR output power decreased Name Product WTR output power decreased Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optima Com pact RF Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode WTR Detecting unit dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en # Nokia Corporation 143 (148)

MENU BTS Alarm Descriptions Fault source Meaning WTR The TX1 RF and/or TX2 RF signal level of the main RF output is lower than th e predetermined level. Start Out of order The related cells are disabled. 7653 C ELL FAULTY Stable red 1. Block/unblock the faulty unit. 2. Replace the faulty un it. Event type Unit status Effect Reported alarms LED display Instructions 4.139 WTR output power fault Name Product WTR output power fault Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optima Compact RF Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode WTRB WTRB An amplifier stage is out of orde r in the TX chain. The TX is out of order and needs to be shut down. The downlin k transmission of the TX must be stopped. Start Out of order The related cells a re disabled. 7653 CELL FAULTY Stable red 1. Block/unblock the faulty unit. Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Event type Unit status Effect Reported alarms LED display Instructions 2. Replace the faulty unit. 144 (148) # Nokia Corporation dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en

MENU Alarms 4.140 WTR power supply voltage fault Name Product WTR power supply voltage fault Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optima Compact RF Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode WTRA WTRA There is a fault in the p ower feed or RF cabling, or there is external interference. One or more critical power supply voltages or BIAS currents are outside the allowed range. Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Event type Unit status Effect Start / Cancel Out of order The WTR does not transmit. One or both of the WTR re ceivers are not receiving. If either of the receivers is receiving, the cell is operational, but the cell performance is degraded due to a missing diversity rec eiver. Reported alarms 7653 CELL FAULTY (TX/RX-TRX) 7654 CELL OPERATION DEGRADED (RX-TRX) LED display Instructions Stable red 1. Check the WTR. 2. Check the WTR backplane connector. 3. Check the RF cabling, connectors, external devices in the antenna line (for example MHAs) and external interference of the RX band (with a spectrum analyser). 4.141 WTR RT-bus fault dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en # Nokia Corporation 145 (148)

MENU BTS Alarm Descriptions Name Product WTR RT-bus fault Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optima Compact RF Extension; Metr oSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 WTR WTR The bus clock signal is corrupted or mis sing in the RT bus. The signal fre quency should be exactly half of the sys tem clock frequency. Start / Cancel Out of order The related cells are disabled. 765 3 CELL FAULTY (TX/RX-TRX) 7654 CELL OPERATION DEGRADED (RX-TRX) Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Event type Unit status Effect Reported alarms LED display Instructions Stable red 1. Check the other active alarms. 2. Check the WSM, WSP and WTR. Note ! The problem can be in the unit connector, cabinet cabling or backplane. 4.142 WTR synthesizer is not locked Name Product WTR synthesizer is not locked Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optima Compact RF Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 WTR WTR Detecting unit Fault source 146 (148) # Nokia Corporation dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en

MENU Alarms Meaning The TX & RX RF synthesizer or the RX IF synthesizer is not locked (or the RF syn thesizer buffer amplifier is faulty). The output frequency of the transmitter ca n be wrong or missing, or the receiver might receive a wrong frequency or is not receiving. Start Out of order; Degraded The WTR cannot transmit and/or receive anything depending on which synthesi zer (TX/RX) is faulty. 7653 CELL FAULTY (TX /RX-TRX) 7654 CELL OPERATION DEGRADED (RX-TRX) 7655 CELL NOTIFICATION (RX-TRX) Event type Unit status Effect Reported alarms LED display Instructions Stable red 1. Block/unblock the faulty unit. 2. Replace the faulty unit. 4.143 WTR temperature is high Name Product WTR temperature is high Supreme; Optima; Optima IBBU; Optima Compac t RF Extension; MetroSite; Triplemode; MetroSite 50 WTR WTR The internal tempera ture of the WTR is dangerously high. Start / Cancel Out of order The related cel ls are disabled. Detecting unit Fault source Meaning Event type Unit status Effect dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en # Nokia Corporation 147 (148)

MENU BTS Alarm Descriptions Reported alarms 7653 CELL FAULTY (TX/RX-WTR) 7654 CELL OPERATION DEGRADED (RX-WTR) LED display Instructions Stable red 1. Check the other active temperature or cooling fan-related alarms. 2. If you can find no reason, the sensor is probably broken. Replace the unit. 148 (148) # Nokia Corporation dn7095963 Issue 1-0 en

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