ENGL1102 Assignment2 Draft2 Reflection - Odt

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Reflection Although my group agreed that my paper was compelling and clear, I could not help but think

that my wording was poorly chosen and the way I discussed my topic was not compelling. Looking back towards other things I could have added into the paper, such as China's social sterilization (one child policy and other non!eugenic sterilization that could have e"plored the intricacies o# morality o# sterilization #urther, even i# not done genetically or surgically. $he %azi's had a cruel method that was not comparable to the genophage, and #elt more like a cheap plea at a good paper than being naturally similar. $he peers that commented on my paper really en&oyed the imagery I used ('(lock )*+ rings the bell the sends shivers down any Auschwitz survivor's spine. , the 'authenticity o# my voice', and how much background in#ormation I used to get others up to speed with the universe be#ore I discussed comple" issues within it (entire second section . I #eel like without this in#ormation, there was no way that I could have compared real!world sterilization to the genophage. ,ven though a lot o# the compliments were not necessarily use#ul to editing my paper, it was still a con#idence booster and I really needed that #or my writing. -ithout going into too much detail, I have had bad e"periences with writing instructors that have basically killed any con#idence I ever had in my own writing. A lot o# help#ul comments came #rom the style and #low o# my paper, such as one peer advising that I moved a large portion o# the conversation into the conclusion. A lot o# the editing I did, however, ended up coming #rom my own personal grievances with my writing. I #ollowed most, i# not all, advice that was given #or my paper. I #elt that a ma&ority o# the comments made were legitimately trying to change my paper #or the better, and I can honestly say that this was the #irst college workshop I have been a part o# that has been this constructive, even with the motley!crew o# people attending #or that particular day. I think the best parts o# my paper were ones that were recognized by peers. I do #eel like I made it my personal goal to e"plain the world o# .ass ,##ect in an interesting way, and I #eel like I succeeded in that account. $hat could have also attributed to the 'authentic voice' that was pointed out. $he visuals and voice that were pointed out as being good were outweighed by weak connections and horrible wording (in my opinion . I #eel like I wrote too in#ormally #or a research paper, and a lot o# con#usion as spiked #rom the #act that I had to deviate so #ar #rom how I had been taught to write a research paper. $hat being said I #eel like I did my best making connections between sterilizations that man is used to or has heard o# and comparing it to a #ictional universe. I would like #eedback on a meta!scale o# how these connections match up. I would also like #eedback on the wording I used and i# the paper is clear and compelling (my two goals #or this assignment . All in all, I did very much en&oy writing the paper even i# I #eel like I could have done it way better.

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