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2307 Lebanon Road

Nashville, TN 37214
Non-Profit Org
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Lebanon Road
Nashville, TN
Permit 2464
Church of Christ
2307 Lebanon Road; Nashville, TN, 37214 * (615) 883-6918

Current Resident or Volume 57, No.32 August 9, 2009

But It’s SO Long! Adam Faughn

Joe Adams
The Bible is the greatest because I’m familiar can come from doing 773-2331
book ever written. Even if with them.” We can this.
one considers it as noth- do better, and we Johny Baker
Let’s think about it this 758-7654
ing more than “another should.
book,” it is the greatest Ralph Brewer
This morning, we are
piece of literature ever
going to begin a series ∞ 871-4849
from the book We were so pleased to
Worship With Us Wayne Davidson
But it is far more. of Revelation. welcome Joel and Carol
Sunday: Worship 9 AM & 6 PM * Bible Classes 10:20 AM 758-2705
Wednesday: Bible Classes 7 PM The Bible is Seven times in Green to the Lebanon
God’s breathed that final book, Road family last Sunday. Earl Flynn
out Word (cf. there are They have been with us 889-1659
Second Timothy “beatitudes”
The Sanitized Bible James Hayes 3:16), and the listed. Seven
for some time, but we’re
glad they decided to
Ted Fox
Thomas Jefferson was a deist. He Timothy 3:16). sanitize the Bible. Read the Old Tes- “power” to save “blessed’s” are 754-7607
make this their church
believed that God created the world, Although we maintain a deep rev- tament. Put a dot beside every verse (Romans 1:16). It is there, and we want to home. Steve Ledbetter
but he did not believe that God was/ erence for God’s word, it is easy for that describes a war, a murder or an where we learn about see what they are. The
is involved in the affairs of men. He the Bible student to edit His word, execution. Then put a dot beside Monday night, Chris 889-8614
and other deists rejected Jesus as nonetheless. There are many forms every verse that describes a sexual God, Christ, the Holy first is “Blessed are
Presson came by my of- Charles Myers
God’s Son. To illustrate his beliefs, of editing. One might use certain sin. Finally, note the verses that re- Spirit, the Church, sin, they that read.”
fice and desired to be 883-6837
he produced a New Testament that passages to his or her favor in order count a theft, a lie or some sort of salvation, the cross,
Think of that! If we are restored to faithfulness.
was devoid of any miracles. He also to avoid responsibility. That person treachery. If the Old Testament heaven, hell, and scores of
deleted any reference to Jesus’ deity. is quick to say, “Judge not lest you were filmed as a documentary, it
blessed by reading that After studying and think- Jim Schroeder
other life-changing sub-
The result was a very thin New Testa- be judged,” but he or she will ignore would be rated “R.” But that is not difficult book, how ing together, we prayed 754-8990
ment…and a very distorted view of other passages that deal with the how we see it in our mind’s eye. We blessed will we be if we that God would forgive
Cliff Wilson
God’s word. stain of sin. Another Bible student see it through a children’s story book. Some, though, don’t read take the time to read his sins. Chris wants this
The idea of editing the Bible is might categorize passages as “The We see clean, freshly groomed peo- 889-6477
the Bible. They might the entirety of God’s to be known so we all
blasphemous to Christians. We are Ones That Matter” and “The Ones ple who speak in KJV, NASB or say, “It’s so long! I can’t Word! Many of you can bring his name be- Pulpit Minister
familiar with Revelation 22:19: “…and That Do Not Matter.” John 3:16 NKJV. We do not see blood or dis- find anything in it.” Oth- are taking that chal- fore God’s throne in Adam Faughn
if anyone takes away from the words matters because it connects belief ease or famine. We do not see the
of the book of this prophecy, God and salvation, but other verses that violence. But it’s there—right in front ers might say, “I just read lenge this year, but oth- prayers of encourage- 973-4483
will take away his part from the tree discuss baptism, the organization of of us. It is as if God is saying, “Look a few favorite passages, ers need to see what ment and help.
of life and from the holy city, which the church, and hell are insignifi- how disgusting sin is.” Outreach Minister
are written in this book.” We hold cant. God decided what was impor- Read the Bible for all it is worth. Do Harry Middleton
up the Bible as the infallible word of tant so we would not have to. He not just read the edited, sanitized Sunday Sermon Preview 292-3164
God. God’s will is not contained in does not need us to be editors. version.
the Bible; it is the Bible. “All scrip- The most pervasive form of Bible —Joelton, TN AM: Beatitudes of Revelation #1: “Blessed Are Those Who Read” (Adam Faughn) Youth Minister
ture is inspired by God and profitable editing is the kind that happens in PM: Report from Beech Island, South Carolina (J.D. Buckner) JD Buckner
for teaching, for reproof, for correc- our minds as we envision Bible ac- (731) 336-4768
tion, for training in righteousness” (II counts. I am afraid that we often
The Sick Worship Leaders by Harry Middleton Chris’ Summer Column
David Adams, husband of Emily Adams, is at Centennial Sunday Morning (Contact: Ralph 871-4849) I RESOLVE WITH ALL MY HEART: I think the sounds of school bells are starting to ring in
in room 5121. Opening Prayer: Bill Myers To be about my Father’s business. everybody’s ears. Whether we want to hear it or not, all
Sarah Adcox is at Trevecca Health & Rehab, room 307A. the students have started, or are getting ready to start,
Juanita Bradley is at McKendree room 287N.
Closing Prayer: Ricky Biggs To keep a pure heart, a clear head, and a classes. But even when classes get into full swing there is
Felix Gower is at Donelson Place in room 229. Read Scripture: Steve Ledbetter hand willing to do good work. still plenty to do at church. There’s a devotional this eve-
Mary Catherine Thompson had knee surgery on Tuesday. Sermon: Adam Faughn To set my affections on things above, not on ning, I hope that all the youth can come and be a part of
Song Leader: Philip Autry things of the earth. that and escape from the world for a little while to fellow-
Thank You Serving Lord’s Supper: (Contact: David 754-7085) To keep myself from idols---those things ship and praise God. We also have meltdown on Wednes-
day for anyone who wants to head to church early after-
I want to thank everyone for the calls, cards, deli-
Shane Williams 1 which hinder me in serving the Lord. school.
cious food, and the many prayers that have been Bill Wolfe 2 To be considerate of the rights, privileges, We all have different paths we walk. Whether we’re
worded on my behalf during my recent back sur- Lynn Wright 3 and the feelings of others. spending the hours of the week in a classroom, at a desk,
gery. Your kindness and concern is most encourag- Paul Tramel 4 To fear nothing but sin and the danger of on a job site, at home working, or wherever else God puts
ing and greatly appreciated. In Christian Love, Tim Roberts 5 falling short of that which my Heavenly us, we need to ensure that we are constantly striving to
Linda Brewer represent Christ in it all. Paul writes,
Many thanks to the brethren here at Lebanon Road
Austin Nichols 6 Father requires at my hand.
“I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies
for your cards, calls, and food. Especially thank you Cliff Wilson 7 To forget and forgive all the injuries ren- of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice,
for your concern for me while I am trying to recu- Tim Ledbetter 8 dered me. holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual
perate. Eunice Petty Sunday Evening (Contact: Cary 883-5909) To be more interested on finding good than worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be
Dear Friends, The past months have been very diffi- Opening Prayer: Lon Keele evil in the lives of those I meet day by transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by
cult ones for our family, but your love and concern Closing Prayer: Alan Witt day. testing you may discern what is the will of God, what
have helped us through. Thank you for the many is good and acceptable and perfect” (Romans 12:1-2
cards, visits, prayers, and every act of kindness Read Scripture: Wes Carnahan To refrain my tongue from evil---the evil of ESV).
shown to us during Jimmy's surgeries and at the Sermon: JD Buckner gossip, of slander, or unjust criticism--- We are to be ambassadors for Christ (2 Corinthians 5:20).
passing of my Mom. You are truly a loving and Song Leader: Lynn Wright and my lips that they speak no guile. We are to be the salt and the light of the world (Matthew
caring church family. In Christian Love, Ruth and Serving Lord’s Supper (Room) To be my brother’s keeper, lifting him when 5:13, 14). Christians aren’t to just check in to work for 2
Jimmy Owen Bill Ross 1 he falls, supporting him when he is weak hours on Sunday and 1 hour on Wednesday. Christians
are called to live a lifestyle that glorifies God. Sure we all
Give Away Day Steve Ledbetter 2 and restoring him when he strays from mess up but we know God is faithful to forgive (1 John
duty’s path. 1:9). Let us all continue the good fight and be as Peter
Saturday, August 8th Wednesday, August 12th (Contact: Billy 642-6817) To the end that I may have strength to do writes,
Read Scripture: Jarrod Barefoot these things, I will look unto God con- “As you come to him, a living stone rejected by men
11:00A.M.-1:00A.M. Opening Prayer: Cary Clay tinually. He is my refuge and strength, a but in the sight of God chosen and precious, you
yourselves like living stones are being built up as a
Speaker: JD Buckner very present help in trouble.
spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer
Song Leader: Song Service spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus
Wednesday, August 12th WRITERS WILL MEET AFTER WORSHIP Christ” (1 Peter 2:4-5 ESV).
Announcements: —-Chris
5:30-6:30 p.m. SUNDAY EVENING!!!
Harry Middleton - Johny Baker
Chicken tetrazzini, cucumber salad, glazed
carrots, rolls & dessert Nursery Attendants
Mark Your Calendar...
$4 per person/$15 family max LeAnn Fitzgerald & Amy Mullican
RSVP on your attendance card Monday: Elders, Deacons and Preachers Meeting at 7PM
The Record August 12: Time Saver Supper Returns!
Golf Scramble Sunday Morning Worship: 335 August 15: Golf Scramble at Ravenwood
Saturday, August 15th Sunday Evening Worship: —- August 22: Blood Drive in fellowship hall 9:00-1:-00. Sign up to donate!
Sunday Bible Study: 257
Country Club
12:00 noon Wednesday Night: 207
Contribution: $14,548.00

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