The Rock - Foundation Academy - February 08

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Online Registration is now available! February 2008 February 18th Home School

February 19th - 22nd Sr. Project Exhibitions (904) 241-3515 February 2008
Senior Project Exhibitions need to be
March 4th Spring Concert SACS CASI Accreditation & NIPSA Accreditation
ready by February 19th!
March 14th Spanish Festival

Parents are also invited to the Spanish March 21st End of 3rd Grading Period

Festival! March 21st - 24th Easter Register Online

March 28th - April 6th Spring Break
Registration for the new school year is available on-line at: In Memory of a Great

You are now able to complete and submit the application at your leisure. If you don't have Herb Scheidel
Workshops access to the internet, come by the office to pick up a 2008 - 2009 application and complete and
A generous man who
What is my child’s (or for that matter, My)
return as soon as possible.
thought highly about
Temperament? education and choice for all.
American Teens Investigate the Meaning of “Teenager”
He understood that private
Ever wonder why your child acts the way th th
As all TFA students explored “What is my America?” 9 and 10 graders investigated the concept schools should be an option
he/she does sometimes? Or why you “Teenagers are an American Invention.” Essential questions derived from that assertion ranged from music to regardless of your economic
can’t get them to clean their room? Or skateboarding, fashion to psychology. Two exhibitions were chosen to present before panelists, but all students helped situation.
“He who lives forever has placed himself at the head of a band of pilgrims who mutter, their classmates prepare by observing their presentations several times, making suggestions for improvement, and
play with the kids down the street? They perhaps most important, asking questions they imagined the panel might ask. It became clear that some questions
‘How long, O Lord? How long?’” (Ps. 89:46) He was a contributor to
may have inherited their habits and allowed the presenters to further showcase their work, while other questions required quick thinking to maximize the
You have questions that, especially when you get angry or even irritated, you ask in H.E.R.O.E.S., a scholarship
decisions from you. Do you even know opportunity to show deep thinking. Everyone agreed that these “practice” sessions were, in fact, one way of
spiritual sarcasm: “How long must I be sick?” “How long must I be married to this -KLSH fund for low income
your own temperament, and why you do experiencing and benefiting from the real thing.
person?” “How long must I put up with my parents?” “How long will I endure these families.
educational courses?” the things you do? God gave you your
temperament for a reason. This is an He created a scholarship
Do you really want God to answer your embittered inquiries? He could, you know.
He could tell you the “here and now” and the “where and when” in detailed increments
invaluable workshop where you can learn endowment at FCCJ and
of time if He wanted. “You will be sick for two more years.” “You will be married the about yourself and your child, and how UNF for students from
rest of your life.” “Your parents will bother you for five more years.” “You will you can become a more effective parent Habitat for Humanity homes,
graduate high school in six years (Hopefully not/Just kidding).” and greater servant of God. The Foundation Academy
Why doesn’t He do that? Why doesn’t He tell you exactly what is going to happen, and and several other
when and why? Because He doesn’t want you to live in the future. Every command of organizations.
the Bible has to do with the “here and now.” You are required to live for the moment, Tuesdays, March 11th & 18th, 7-9 pm
to enjoy the present, and be grateful for the life that you have. One of our biggest He believed in our students
problems is we worry about the “there and then” more than the “here and now”. and would often tell me how
Adam said, “I’m okay as a man, but if I eat this fruit, I will be a God.” We need to learn Dr. Keith Johnson is a noted speaker and
TFA students are some of his
to be content as we seek God’s guidance through so many human struggles. author who has traveled the world helping
There is another reason that God doesn’t let us know the future: It isn’t written yet. missionaries and has dedicated his life to Integrating Biology, Ethics, and Economics best Scheidel scholars.
The past is settled, the present is now being lived, and the future is what we determine helping families become stronger through Although he was a busy and
to make it. God has left much of the future up to us, and it is in our hands as much as Christian Principles. As Moderator of The Mrs. Clifford's science class just finished a unit of study integrating biology, ethics and economics. The unit started with successful business man, he
His. What we do with our present determines our future, and God wants us to make Foundation Academy, he has designed the study of organs, specifically the lungs and the effect that smoking has on them. Next, the class moved on to the always had time to
the most of our life, but so much of our life-to-be is determined by how we shape it in study of the function of the kidneys. Then the students analyzed hypothetical supply and demand curves, assuming it was
the present.
these workshops based on Scriptural legal to buy and sell organs in this country. The analysis included the effect this proposal would have on people of encourage his scholars and
Truths to bring the family closer together various income levels.
How’s your future looking? while establishing each life on Christian
Principles. Entire families are encouraged At this point, a TFA alumnus, currently on the kidney transplant waiting list, came to speak of his ordeal. He described I will miss him.
to attend, including your children. the cause of his own renal failure and the step-by-step process of the dialysis treatments he must under go three times
a week. Finally he discussed his place on the transplant list and the time frame he is looking at to obtain a kidney. " A good name is more
If you have any questions, please call desirable than great riches; to
241-3515. Then the students got to work comparing the current system and three other proposals. The groups had to choose be esteemed is better than
107 Third Avenue South, Jacksonville Beach FL 32250 which option they thought should be in place. They outlined their points and created visuals to defend their positions. silver or gold."
Then they presented their position to the class (standing in for a U.S. Senate Subcommittee). The groups defended
Phone: (904) 241-3515 Fax: (904) 241-9857 Web: various positions, but all were very aware of the ethics involved in their choices. Proverbs. 22:1

4 107 Third Avenue South, Jacksonville

1 Beach, FL 32250
Phone: (904) 241-3515 Fax: (904) 241-9857 Web:
We have a lot to report from Elementary this month… Why Arts Education Matters
By Steven Perrin
1. The kids are right in the middle of a Math-a-thon! All K-6 students are doing math problems to
raise money for the St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. If you are interested in sponsoring a Excerpts from Education Week selected by Nadia Hionides.
mini-mathematician, contact Miss Mandi.
"Because of the importance of 21st-century learning skills, we believe this demands that arts education be part of the core
2. Miss Mandi’s 3rd and 4th graders love the Hurricane Herald so much, they’ve decided to create
their own newspaper! The Kid Expression will be accepting donations Friday (2/8) at 25 cents per (Arts are a main component of the curriculum at TFA)
copy. This month includes a spotlight on Harry Houdini, Valentine’s Day poems, The Nursing Home
Report, and Ethan reveals a magic trick secret. Request yours today! All money will go to The ...A panel of educators, researchers, and policy makers made (this) case. They pointed specifically to the following five
Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. challenges, which demonstrate why learning in and through the arts will better equip students to thrive in this new century.
1. America continues to face declining social engagement and a culture of division. Arts education develops in students a
3. This month I will begin training for the Lymphoma and Leukemia Society’s Team in Training capacity for empathy and collaborative work.
Marathon. I will be fundraising and training for the next six months in preparation for the Rock 2. One of the greatest public health issues in America, it could be argued, is failure of the education system to provide direction
‘n’ Roll Marathon in San Diego. I am very excited about this, but am going to need a lot of
and purpose to young people, particularly adolescents. Because training in the arts often engages the whole child, it is also
support. Please consider partnering with me by donating to LLS. I have set up a website where you
can donate online (, or you can send your donations with your
effective in schools with student populations that have a wide variety of learning styles, experiences, and backgrounds. It has
student to be collected in his/her advisory. The advisory that raises the most money by March 10 been shown, for example, to reduce the incidence of such problems as apathy and aggression among students.
will win a special prize from me! Make checks payable to The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Thank you 3. The impact of "globalization" of culture and commerce...the arts share a global language and a common culture of training
so much! and production, they can provide a ready pathway for global communication.
Miss Mandi 4. America is in danger of losing its competitive advantage to emerging nations that increasingly use the arts education as a
learning tool to help nurture an innovative and flexible workforce. The study of the arts promotes the development of such skills
4. The Elementary Science Fair will be on Wednesday, February 27 from 9-10:30 am at the Goodwill and capacities as risk-taking and creative thinking.
Building. Listen out for more details.
5. The crisis of this American century is not material or intellectual, but spiritual. Unlike traditional academic disciplines, arts
education can support an outcome greater than personal success. The study of the arts asks young people to consider the
meaning of the phrase “both personal and communal?"

Last month I wrote about my embarrassment with my college’s choral group. And now I have a chance to redeem myself and
the reputation of the beaches!


Once again, the Speech & Debate students will have an opportunity in the limelight. Dave Siebert
of WZNZ 1450 AM radio is hosting a discussion with Florida House of Representative candidates and has
asked our students to be on the panel. Tune your radio on Saturday, March 1, for an exciting conversation
on Florida government. Will we find out what has happened to the pregnant pigs?

The week of February 19 - 22 will see the Seniors exhibit their Senior Projects.
March 8th, Saturday, 7:30 PM
These are the culmination of service work for Senior students and include the following: The Hiram College Choral Choir will perform at the:
Anti Litter, the Ronald MacDonald House, Save the Music, Support Graffiti and Food for the Homeless. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Of the Beaches
If you would like to observe any of these presentations, let Ms. Gill or Ms. Nadia know. 2125 Oceanfront & Seagate
Neptune Beach FL
Elementary Spirit
When the 3rd and 4th graders decided they wanted to help the community this Christmas, they let I was relieved to find a venue as our former theater, now the Vineyard Church, is undergoing renovation and would not be avail-
their creative juices take over. The class designed and made 85 Christmas cards, which were all able. Neptune Baptist Church has accommodated us graciously in the past but has services on Saturday evenings. I tried several other
sold at the Annual Christmas Concert. On Tuesday, December 11, the class surprised BEAM volunteers churches before the First Christian Church easily agreed. I hope you can all attend what will be a lovely performance.
with two crates of canned food items and $90 to help fulfill local needs. Good work, kids!
Ms. Mandy I do need to find housing for the 8 girls, 7 boys and the director as they will be staying overnight with an early departure for
Sanibel in the morning. Anyone interested in housing 2 or more squeaky clean college students, please let Ms. Gill know.

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