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News from Heaven:

In the Beginning

Hello there, this is Jesus.

Yes, the Jesus you’ve heard so much about…

The same from some of those older, sometimes rather boring movies where this guy always
winds up hanging on a cross, and it never really made much sense to you, nor why so many
people should worship such a guy, and kneel down on Sundays in buildings with colored
windows, in front of some kind of replica of Me on the cross.

I know, it doesn’t really seem to make much sense at first glance.

There seems to be this general consensus that I’m supposed to have stopped talking, and
pretty much stopped doing anything at all since My resurrection and ascension back to My
Home roughly 2000 ago, but contrary to that misconception, I’ve been alive and active
(though largely behind the scenes) ever since, and I’ve been talking to this friend of Mine
here for quite a while now, just as I have been talking to thousands of others of My friends
around the world; and today He has asked Me to say something that would address you, yes,
you, the reader of this blog, perhaps in order to bring a little light into that fog in your mind
that makes it so hard to make any sense of the things you see around you and the mess the
world is in.

Like the question, why is the earth so small in comparison to the rest of the universe, and why
would I have chosen such a seeming spec of dust in the big bunch of everything for such
important things to happen as My crucifixion, if I’m really the Ruler of the Universe?

It’s true, most folks are rather into big things: big cars, big houses, big screens and whatever
they can get for their money, make it preferably big. But I’m different. While size, distance
and even time are basically irrelevant to Me (although that may be hard for you to imagine),
I’m really specially fond of little things.

Like little old you on your seemingly tiny little planet. I like to devote my attention to the
intricate details in My creation.
Did you know that there’s tons of information stored up and being exchanged in each tiny cell
within your body and every living thing? Scientists are finding out that what they once used
to call a “simple cell” turns out to be as complicated as a whole galaxy… And your body
consists of millions of those. Just to show you how much I am into little things, and how
irrelevant size is to Me.
As far as I’m concerned, you are a whole universe in itself, and that’s how much I care about
you, and about every human being, and in fact, I care about every living thing, especially

That’s probably pretty hard for you to fathom, but there is a simple, 3 word explanation in the
Bible that wraps it all up, just why that is so, and that says, “God is love.”

If you can’t figure Me out, just remember that “God is love,” and that will do for now.
“Well, then, if You are love,” some people figure, “how come You’re allowing all these bad
things to happen in our world, like wars and disasters? You sure seem far away sometimes,
and it’s like You don’t seem to care.”

Well, one thing you must know about the history of this earth, is that some things went wrong
right at the start. Not that I didn’t allow those things to happen, but…

“Wait a minute! I thought you were born and crucified 2000 years ago… how could You have
been around at Creation?” Well, if you read the Gospel of John in My Book, that I helped My
believers to write for you, you will understand why. Just read the first chapter of John’s
version of My story, and it will explain that I have been around right from the beginning and
that through Me all things were made…

What went wrong, came about like this:

You see, Heaven is not a lonely place with just My Dad, the Holy Spirit and Myself sitting
around wondering what to do all day. It’s a Place buzzing with action. In fact, if you think,
the universe is big, you ought to get a glimpse of the Spirit World, that’s when you can really
start talking about BIG.

So, there are billions of angels and other spiritual beings inhabiting My Realm, and they all
have one thing in common with you: everybody has the majesty of free choice.

The Father and I didn’t want to have robot-like creatures obeying and serving us all day just
because We made them to. We want everybody to like Us and to love Us voluntarily, because
they choose and want to.

Well, some of the guys Up Here chose not to play the game according to Our rules, but
wanted to start their own game, and one guy in particular wanted to be his own boss, and
even boss of the world, if he could get a chance at it, and so we made a deal, that if he could
get the first two people, Adam and Eve, to choose to believe his words over Ours, then he
could run the world for some time.

Well, guess what Adam and Eve chose?

There was only one commandment back in the Garden of Eden where they lived, that they
had to keep, and Satan got them to break that and disobey, and ever since, things aren’t quite
the same on earth as We had originally intended, but things are under the curse of
disobedience right now, which the first man, your own ancestor – not a monkey or ape man,
by the way, but a pretty much perfect prototype, and a spitting image of Me – brought into the
world, enabling Satan to play the boss around here for a while, and lord it out over those who
don’t choose Me as their Boss.

Sounds complicated?
I know you’re wondering, “But if You’re all-powerful and all that… how could You let this
I know, it doesn’t make sense right away to you that a perfect God in His right mind would
have allowed things to slip out of His hands and into such an imperfect, downright chaotic
state, but I’m afraid you’re just going to have to trust Me that I do happen to know that things
are going to turn out just perfect in the end, anyhow.
Even more perfect than they would have otherwise, if I wouldn’t have allowed that
“accident” to happen…

The price mankind had to pay for their disobedience was death, which was not an original
part or component of creation. But when it happened, it was immediately clear to Me that it
was I Who was going to have to rectify the situation and do something in order to save
mankind out of the mess they had gotten themselves into, and the plan was that I was going
to come to earth as a Human Myself and lay down My life for those who wanted to find their
way back to God’s way.
And anybody who will believe that and accept My sacrifice on the cross is forgiven for any
and all of their sins, wrong-doings and disobediences, and will come to live with Me in the
Place that I have prepared for those who accept My sacrifice.
Your body may die, but your spirit will continue to live forever and soon receive an eternal
body that will never die.

Just because spiritual things are not visible to you right now, doesn’t mean they’re less real
than the things you can touch and feel and see, as you will find out someday soon.
My heavenly City is going to be visible to everybody one day, and it’s even going to come
down to earth and make the earth the Headquarters of the universe, so to speak, as you can
find described in the last two chapters of the Bible…

So, just like Adam and Eve, you also have a choice to make, whether you believe My Word
and My input on things, or you’d rather listen to the tempting offers of My Enemy.

He promised that man would not surely die if they disobeyed Me, but they did, eventually,
and continue to do so, and he also promised that they would be like gods. So, the choice is,
do you want to be your own god, or would you like to give Me a chance?

You can decide right now in your heart whether you’ll take Me, or you continue to find out
just where the story will lead under its current direction.
Just remember that if ever things get too tough for you, and they stop making sense
altogether, I’ll be there for you, ready to take you, if you’ll take Me.

Whenever you’re ready, say, “Jesus, I believe You,” and I’ll come and rescue you.

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