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The Healing Codes

Healing Codes: How The Healing Codes Work !!

The Healing Code - Timer"q#FVs$%Vh" &he'()aye) I'p)ay'that'a**'%+ow+'a+ 'u+%+ow+'+e,ative'ima,es-'u+hea*thy'be*ie.s-' est)uctive' ce**u*a)'memo)ies-'a+ 'a**'physica*'issues')e*ate 'to'//////////'wou* 'be'.ou+ -' ope+e 'a+ 'hea*e 'by'.i**i+,'me'with'the'*i,ht-'*i.e-'a+ '*ove'o.'0o .'I'a*so'p)ay'that' the'e..ective+ess'o.'this'hea*i+,'be'i+c)ease 'by'100'times'o)'mo)e 1234567389:';<:';=5>'3:'?@A4<B>'C9:'D?@A4<5>'92@E<:CB>'5:C;@5>-'9@FG?:5:@B>' H5H3:FI45:>-'C9<94<23J:CI'CG<<92:CI'8@I8E-'C9:';=9'<9'JG4:CD'KE<I89<9'H3G' 475<LK3@<9:'85'M8B@9'<3@NNN.@9'O25F36@-'@9'9@3:7F36@'C9:'@9'F529H5GF36@'85' <E@'H=I2A4E'83G'85'<3'JA>-'<E'KAI'C9:'<E@'9?DHE'<3G'P536.'MHL4E>'H234567389:'E' 9H3<5=5489<:C;<E<9'9G<I>'<E>'F529H5L9>'@9'9GQEF5L'C9<D'100'J32B>'I'H52:44;<523.

Music For The Healing Code, (u)chase'0)eece http://www. iopt)a.,)/Viv*io/2U2/T0U/&heVhea*i+,Vco e/
Wetai*s Doing The Healing Codes Every Code uses a combination of hand positions aimed at one or two of the four healing centers on the neck and head. The Four Healing Centers Adams Apple: directly over the Adams apple. Temples:one half inch above the temple, and one half inch toward the back of the head, on either or both sides of the head. Bridge:in between the bridge of the nose and the middle of the eyebrow, if the eyebrows were grown together.

Jaw: on the bottom back corner of the jawbone, on either or both sides of the head. er!orming the Codes All hand positions are done by aiming all five fingertips (not the prints or nails of each hand at the appropriate healing center from two to three inches away. Aim them as if the tips of your fingers are little flashlights aiming at the healing center. !t doesnt matter if your fingers are straight or curved (whatever is most comfortable for you , only that the fingertips are aimed at the area surrounding the healing center. "or the normal positions, your fingertips are two to three inches off the body from the healing center. "or the resting positions, your fingertips aim across the top of the healing center from two to three inches below or beside the center. #aving your fingertips two to three inches away from the healing center is several times more effective than touching them with your fingers. !t creates an energy field over the entrance of the healing center that allows the body to automatically produce the precise positive$negative energy pattern needed for healing. Each of the four healing centers has a normal hand position and a resting hand position e%cept the Adams apple, whose normal position is a resting position. &he resting positions are provided so you can rest your hands on your body and do the treatments more comfortably. Add a few minutes to the Code when using the resting positions. !f your arms become too fatigued to continue the position for the specified amount of time, try the resting positions, or prop your arms up with a pillow, or rest your elbows on a table or desk. "! #our hands dri!t o!! the center$ healing will still occur% &our intention to heal is !ar more important than 'eing per!ect at holding the hand positions% !t is helpful to rate how much discomfort you feel when thinking about your issue or problem on a scale from ' to (' ((' being the most discomfort before doing any treatment. &his is the best way to measure your progress as you see the discomfort level decrease until it reaches a ' or (. )o the Codes in a *uiet, private, place where you can rela% without distractions or interruptions.

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