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Authors (years) Takako Nishino (2007)

Title Beginning to read extensively: A case study with Mako and u!i

Aim Objectives "ongitudinal case study on the reading strategies and !otivation o# 2 $a%anese !iddle school students &eginning to read extensively in 'nglish( to investigate the e##ect o# the teacher0s reading aloud on the reading co!%rehensio n o# ' " students reading a story 7nvestigate the res%onse %ractices o# college instructors+ with s%ecial attention given to how the instructors descri&ed their a%%roaches to

Research questions )hat are the learners* ex%eriences o# reading 'nglish extensively with a #ocus on the develo%!ent o# reading strategies and !otivation

Participants u!i and Mako+, &oth aged ,- at the &eginning o# the study+ were cousins and good #riends

Metho ds .ase study

Data C ! interviews ti!es+ gave tests regularly+ and o&served %artici%ant &ehavior in each reading session

Results " #indin$s The results show that the 2 %artici%ants used a variety o# reading strategies and that their "2 reading !otivation changed as they &eca!e increasingly #luent readers( The #indings reveal signi#icant individual di##erences in the use o# reading strategies and su%%ort a dyna!ic view o# "2 reading !otivation(

A!er (,//7)

The e##ect o# the teacher0s reading sloud on the reading co!%rehensio n o# ' " students

)hat is the e##ect o# the teacher0s reading aloud on the reading co!%rehension o# sixth1grade ' " students reading a narrative text2

'6673 (20,,)

6es%onding to "2 3tudents in .ollege )riting .lasses: Teacher 8ers%ectives

what writing teachers actually do in res%onding to "2 student writing+ one !ust also consider+ at least in so!e contexts+ the views and %ractices o# instructors who would not identi#y

3eventy1#ive 4th grade !ale students at an inter!ediate school in .airo (5/ students in ex%eri!ental class and 54 sts o# control class) college writing instructors in &oth !ainstrea! and s%eciali9ed "2 writing contexts

'x%eri !ent

a !ulti%le1 choice test and a story #ra!e test

6esults showed that the ex%eri!ental grou% out%er#or!ed the control grou% on &oth !easures( This indicated that reading aloud &y the teacher !ay have a signi#icant %ositive e##ect on learners0 reading co!%rehension(

%imitations " &u$$estions This is a s!all case study( There were only two %artici%ants+ and their extensive reading ex%erience took %lace in a very %articular setting with a large a!ount o# tutor su%%ort( Also+ the %artici%ants were co!%aratively !otivated students who had so!e knowledge o# gra!!ar and voca&ulary when they started to read extensively( urther research is needed in this area with di##erent age grou%s and di##erent ty%es o# text(


!ulti%le1 choice survey res%onses+ written survey co!!ents+ interview and sa!%les o# co!!entary on student %a%ers

1 Most o# the college writing instructors have not had any su&stantive #or!al training in working with "2 writers: 1 nearly two1thirds o# our sa!%le re%orted ada%ting their #eed&ack to the needs o# "2 writers at least so!eti!es: 1 the nature o# these ada%tations varied considera&ly;although so!e instructors re%orted that they #ocused !ore intensively and directively on gra!!ar or language issues+ others said that they si!%ly instructed their "2 students to go elsewhere #or extra hel%+ and still others clai!ed to %rovide extra attention+

%imitation' did not evaluate student outco!es as %art o# the study &u$$estion' study grou%s o# writers+ including those in designated "2 courses and those in !ainstrea! courses+ to assess not only how their teachers* a%%roaches to res%onse (and to instruction in general) do or do not di##er #ro! one another &ut also what the e##ects o# such

#eed&ack #or the "2 students in their courses(

the!selves %ri!arily as "2 or 'nglish as a second language ('3") writing teachers(

assistance+ and encourage!ent to their "2 writers through their #eed&ack 1 attitudes or stances toward res%onding to "2 writers also di##ered su&stantially+ and these sel#1 re%orted teacher stances were o#ten also o&serva&le through exa!ining their #eed&ack %atterns on sa!%le student texts 500 so%ho!ores in 3handong $ian9hu <niversity at the %rovincial level 4 classes with an average o# =0 students in each class !a>oring in &usiness+ !echanics+ electricity+ environ!ent al engineering+ heat energy engineering+ and civil engineering( correla tion The study used a ?uestionnaire including three %arts: individual &ackground+ !otivation+ and 3trategy 7nventory #or "anguage "earning( 1 there are three ty%es o# !otivations: instru!ental+ cultural and situational( The results show that !ost o# the students have strong instru!ental !otivation &ecause 'nglish is !ainly a tool #or .hinese students( 1 the study shows that !ost .hinese ' " students are aware o# using learning strategies+ &ut in di##erent ways( 7n the choice o# learning strategies+ learners !ore o#ten use co!%ensation strategies+ !etacognitive strategies and cognitive strategies( 1 The results show that !otivation has signi#icant correlation with strategies( 3trong !otivation generates &oth the necessity and desire #or the e!%loy!ent o# a wider range o# strategies( 7n addition+ cultural !otivation and instru!ental !otivation are correlated with the six categories o# learning strategies( 7n conclusion+ !otivation does have an i!%ortant in#luence on learners* use o# learning strategies(

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A .orrelational 3tudy o# "anguage "earning Motivation and 3trategies o# .hinese <ndergraduate

The study ai!s to show whether !otivation is related to learning strategies+ and to shed light on the study o# learning !otivation+ learning strategies+ and %edagogy(

di##erences on students* attitudes and writing %rogress !ight &e( 1 A si!ilar set o# studies could involve &e#ore1and1a#ter research on teacher %re%aration %rocesses #or develo%ing e##ective res%onse strategies( urther investigation into the relationshi% &etween !otivation and strategies can &e done( By surveying !ore %artici%ants+ the relationshi%s &etween the two #actors can &e o&tained( 3econd+ #urther research should #ocus on the creation o# a new !otivation ?uestionnaire &ased on @ao*s and the !odi#ication o# 37""( the current study &ased on cross1section and correlation design+ is not ca%a&le o# de#initely esta&lishing causality &etween learning !otivation and strategies( #urther research would &e needed to esta&lish causality(

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