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1. DEALAWARE (The First State; The Diamond State; The Blue Hen State) D !"# STAT" $ TT % Li&ert' and inde(enden)e 2. PENNSYLVANIA (The *e'stone State; The +ua,er State) HA##ISBU#!irtue. li&ert'. and inde(enden)e 3. NEW JERSEY (The -arden State) / T#"0T 0 Li&ert' and (ros(erit' 4. GEORGIA (The Pea)h State; The "m(ire State o1 the South) ATLA0TA 2isdom. 3usti)e. and moderation 5. CONNETICUT (The Constitution State) HA#TF #D Qui transtulit sustinet (He 4ho trans(lanted still sustains) 6. MASSACHUSETTS (The Ba' State; The Pil5rim State; The Puritan State) B ST 0 Ense petit placidam sub libertate quietem (B' the s4ord 4e see, (ea)e. &ut (ea)e onl' under li&ert') 7. MARYLAND (The ld Line State) A00AP LIS Fatti maschii, parole femine (Stron5 deeds. 5entle 4ords) 8. SOUTH CAROLINA (The Palmetto State) #AL"I-H Dum spiro, spero (2hile I &reathe. I ho(e) 9. NEW HAMPSHIRE (The -ranite State) C 0C #D Li6e 1ree or die 1 . VIRGINIA (The ld Dominion State) #ICH$ 0D Sic semper tyrannis (Thus al4a's to t'rants) 11. NEW YOR! (The "m(ire State) ALBA07 Excelsior (Hi5her) 12. NORTH CAROLINA (The Tar Heel State) C LU$BIA Esse quam videri (To &e rather than to seem) 13. RHODE ISLAND (The )ean State; Little #hod') P# !ID"0C" Ho(e 14. VERMONT (The -reen $ountain State) $ 0TP"LI"# Freedom and unit' 15. !ENTUC!Y (The Blue5rass State) F#A0*F #T United 4e stand. di6ided 4e 1all 16. TENNESSEE (The !olunteer State) 0ASH!ILL" A5ri)ulture and )ommer)e 17. OHIO (The Bu),e'e State) C LU$BUS 2ith -od. all thin5s are (ossi&le 18. LOUISIANA (The Peli)an State; The Creole State; The Ba'ou State) BAT 0 # U-" Union. 3usti)e. and )on1iden)e

19. INDIANA (The Hoosier State) I0DIA0AP LIS The )rossroads o1 Ameri)a 2 . MISSISSIPPI (The $a5nolia State) 8AC*S 0 Virtute et armis (B' 6alor and arms) 21. ILLINOIS (The Prairie State) SP#I0-FI"LD State so6erei5nt'/national union 22. ALA"AMA (The 7ello4hammer State) $ 0T- $"#7 Audemus iura nostra defendere (2e dare de1end our ri5hts) 23. MAINE (The Pine Tree State) AU-USTA Diri o (I lead) 24. MISSOURI (The Sho4 $e State) 8"FF"#S 0 CIT7 Salus populi suprema lex est (Let the 4el1are o1 the (eo(le &e the su(reme la4) 25. AR!ANSAS (The 0atural State) LITTL" # C* !e nat populus (The (eo(le rule) 26. MICHIGAN (The 2ol6erine State) LA0SI0Si quaeris peninsulam amoenam circumspice (I1 'ou see, a (leasant (eninsula. loo, a&out 'ou) 27. #LORIDA (The Sunshine State; The "6er5lade State; The ran5e State) TALLAHASS"" In -od 2e Trust 28. TE$AS (The Lone Star State) AUSTI0 Friendshi( 29. IOWA (The Ha4,e'e State) D"S $ I0"S ur li&erties 4e (ri9e and our ri5hts 4e 4ill maintain 3 . WISCONSIN (The Bad5er State) $ADIS 0 For4ard 31. CALI#ORNIA (The -olden State) SAC#A$"0T Eure"a (I ha6e 1ound it) 32. MINNESOTA (The Land 1 :;.;;; La,es; The -o(her State; The 0orth Star State) ST. PAUL #$etoile du %ord (Star o1 the 0orth) 33. OREGON (The Bea6er State) SAL"$ Alis volat propriis (She 1lies 4ith her o4n 4in5s) 34. !ANSAS (The Sun1lo4er State; 8a'ha4,) T P"*A Ad astra per aspera (To the stars throu5h di11i)ult') 35. WEST VIRGINIA (The $ountain State; The Panhandle State) CHA#L"ST 0 $ontani sem(er li&er ($ountaineers are al4a's 1ree) 36. NEVADA (The Sil6er State) CA#S 0 CIT7 All 1or our )ountr'

37. NE"RAS!A (The Cornhus,er State) LI0C L0 "<ualit' &e1ore the la4 38. COLORADO (The Centennial State) D"0!"# %il sine numine (0othin5 4ithout (ro6iden)e) 39. NORTH DA!OTA (The Pea)e -arden State; The Siou= State; The Fli),ertail State) BIS$A#C* Li&ert' and union. no4 and 1ore6er. one and inse(ara&le 4 . SOUTH DA!OTA (The $ount #ushmore State) PI"##" Under -od the (eo(le rule 41. MONTANA (The Treasure State) H"L"0A &ro y plata (-old and sil6er) 42. WASHINGTON (The "6er5reen State) L7$PIA Al"i (B' and &') 43. IDAHO (The -em State; The Potato State) B IS" Esto perpetua (It endures 1ore6er) 44. WYOMING (The "<ualit' State; The Co4&o' State) CH"7"00" "<ual ri5hts 45. UTAH (The Beehi6e State) SALT LA*" CIT7 Industr' 46. O!LAHOMA (The Sooner State) *LAH $A CIT7 #abor omnia vincit (La&or )on<uers all thin5s) 47. NEW ME$ICO (Land o1 "n)hantment) SA0TA F" 'rescit eundo (It 5ro4s as it 5oes) 48. ARI%ONA (The -rand Can'on State) PH "0I> Ditat Deus (-od enri)hes) 49. ALAS!A (The Last Frontier; The Land o1 the $idni5ht Sun) 8U0"AU 0orth to the 1uture 5 . HAWAII (The Aloha State) H 0 LULU Ua mau ,e ea o ,a aina i ,a (ono (The li1e o1 the land is (er(etuated in ri5hteousness)

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