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February 2007
© Copyright 2007 by Pramod K. Uday
All rights reserved worldwide. Reprint only with permission from copyright holder.

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What Makes Words Powerful
Transmute your sexuality into creativity
Awesome Radio, This Radio
Coffee House
a. Featured books of the month
b. Hot from the press
c. Freebies
Attention Writers: Do you want free reviews?
Free Online Psychological Counseling
General & Unsubscribe Info.

“There’s nothing like biting off more than you can chew, and then
chewing anyway.”
- Mark Burnett on “Dateline NBC”

Hi Friends,
In a way, this e-zine is the result of a snap decision made by
me. Still, this is also my dream come true. Even as a kid, I dreamed
of becoming an editor. So, naturally, I attach a lot of importance to
this fulfillment of my long-time dream.

Let me admit that I’m just a rookie; I’m not just wet but
drenched behind the ears! I yearn to receive your comments /
suggestions / feedback on how to make this book better. As I always
say, the real owner of a book is YOU, the READER. So please mail
to me your comments and suggestions.

I bring out this book in a blissful ignorance of its future; I just

don’t know whatever will happen to this book tomorrow, or next
month or, may be, next year. It is as that writer said: “As the pen
knows what letter the author is going to write next or the ball knows
where the athlete is going to move it next to.”

I hesitated naming this book ‘Shalom’ as then at least a few

might take this for a religious tract, which it is NOT. But then I love
that word. In ‘Manifest your Destiny’, Dyer points out that the sound
‘aaah’ is there in all the different names of God, such as Krishna,
Buddha, Jehovah, Mahavira, Yahweh, Allah, Kali Durga, Rama,
Nagual, Ato and Ra. He goes on to say that if we reduced anything
that we can observe on the physical plane to its ultimate sound
vibration, we would hear the sound ‘om’. It is the universal sound of
creation. And it is no accident that the sounds of ‘aaah’ and ‘om’,
when combined, translate to the Hebrew word that means ‘peace’ or
‘enlightenment’, ‘Shalom’ – “Shaaah … looom”. I think it is really,
really beautiful! Hence the name.

I had the time of my life preparing this e-zine and I hope you
enjoy it too. Kneeling on the floor in total humility, I place this e-zine
before you. I LOVE YOU!
In Spirit, Love and Light,
Pramod K. Uday
(India, Feb 2, 2007).

What makes words powerful?
Pramod Uday
(Note: The following article is an extract from Pramod’s ‘How to Get
your Dream Job’. It has been reprinted with the permission of the

When work started on the Kentucky Dam, the Tennessee

Valley Authority devised a series of questions to pick the
best workmen for the project. One applicant was thrown
for a loss by the first question: “What does hydrodynamics
mean?” The man thought for a while, then wrote, “It
means I don’t get a job.”
- All about Words.

Every line bristled with many-syllabled words he did not

understand. He sat up in bed, and the dictionary was in
front of him more often than the book. He looked up so
many new words that when they recurred, he had
forgotten their meaning and had to look them up again.
He devised the plan of writing the definitions in a note-
book and filled page after page with them.
– Jack London, Martin Eden.

Polonius: What do you read, my lord?

Hamlet: Words, words, words.
Polonius: What is the matter, my lord?
Hamlet: Between who?
Polonius: I mean the matter that you read, my lord.
- William Shakespeare, Hamlet.

Abstract: This paper has been divided into two parts. The first part
concentrates on the benefits of having a good vocabulary. The
second section enlists some of the effective strategies for boosting
one's vocabulary.

Key words: vocabulary, words, word power, ideas.
"Word power" is a phrase commonly employed to denote vocabulary,
especially by the myriads of books and guides in the market which
promise to act as vocabulary builders. This paper aims at assessing
the aptness of the phrase.

Norman Lewis, in the introduction to his monumental book, Word

Power Made Easy, states that the entire bestseller is built on a basic
premise. He defines words as "verbal symbols of ideas". The
definition is self-explanatory. The striking facet of this beautiful
definition is that it sheds light on the amazing power of words. The
following corollary can be easily derived from the aforesaid definition.
(It is so important that it has been stated separately below.)

If words come from ideas, then it follows that ideas should come
from words.

This may not be such a novel idea. Still, it undoubtedly is an idea that
is often overlooked. This ability of words to suggest ideas is known to
every lover of words, who is skilled in using a thesaurus to the fullest
possible extent. Though the phenomenal success achieved by P. M.
Roget's Thesaurus has inspired an umpteen number of imitations, it
still remains unparalleled. The preface to the Penguin Books 2000
edition of the book recognizes this alluring capability:
Those who are in need of inspiration will find that as well
as the right words, the Thesaurus, ..., has the capacity to
suggest ideas as well as words.

A man who comprehends and accepts this fact cannot but gape at
the marvelous range of possibilities that words open up for him.
When a person deals in words, he is, in fact, dealing in ideas. This
notion may aid in dispelling some of the erroneous ideas regarding
vocabulary that militate against many-a-would-be-vocabulary-
enthusiast's indulgence in an endeavor to boost their vocabulary.
Many, who are yet blind to the possibility of words generating ideas,
regard vocabulary building as an onerous task calling for hours of
perusal of voluminous dictionaries, which are mere compilations of
dead words.

But the premise we discussed can fruitfully alter the egregiously faulty
perspective; it can literally breathe life into words. For words, once
the fact is known, become carriers of powerful, living ideas, ideas that
can revolutionize lives. A person who studies words is really studying
all subjects. He may study a scientific word now and a slang word
later. Every field is his field. There is a great variety in his field.

Part 2: Following are a few effective tips for boosting word power:

It is always good to study words in groups. Rather than allowing

words to remain as discrete units, tie them together by establishing
connections between them. Words may be put into groups such as
synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, homophones, etc. When words
are connected in this manner (the connection being one established
by you – a totally personal association), one word which comes to

you will magically pull out all the other words in its group, out of the
uncanny and awesome folds and grooves of the grey matter.

A useful technique touched upon in the previous paragraph is that of

personalizing words. The meaning of every new word that we come
across may be sealed indelibly on our hearts by making the word
personally, or rather emotionally significant to us. It can be done by
relating the word to some memorable incident, our significant other,
some important person or thing in our lives. Describe or narrate the
person or thing using the word - that's it. (Pg # 36 - 38).

1. Lewis, Norman. "Word Power Made Easy"
2. Roget, P. M. "Roget's Thesaurus".

(This book can be downloaded ABSOLUTELY FREE. To download

your FREE COPY, or to purchase a low-price paperback version,
please control click here.)

“Divine help often comes when the horizon is the darkest.”

- M. K. Gandhi
Delighted at getting his first job in a theater, a young man rushed
home to tell his father. “Guess what,” he says, “I play a man who’s
been married for 30 years.” “Never mind, son,” says his father, “I’m
sure you’ll get a speaking part next time.”
- Melanie Lodge. (from RD; Aug 2004).


(Note: The following article is an extract from Pramod’s ‘It’s All in

your Mind: A Complete Guide to a Joyful Sex and Love Life’. It
has been reprinted with the permission of the publishers)

Normally people with highly sexed nature are both sensuous

and sensual. They always enjoy the physical feelings that reach us
through our senses. When they eat a piece of cake or an especially
juicy slice of an apple or when they drink coffee or tea or whatever
they like, they think only about the taste of the food that is tickling
their taste buds. They do not think about the pressing deadlines
issued by their boss while relishing a bar of chocolate. Again, when
they are at office, they focus their mental energy completely on the
task they are involved in. They just love everything they do,
everything they come across, their texture, color, shape, size, smell,
and what not! They are extremely skilled in living in the present
moment. How different are they from those who think about the
warmth and coziness of their bedrooms at their offices and those who
pine for the facilities of their offices and the company of colleagues in
their bedrooms! Little wonder, sensuous people always enjoy life,
they “drink life to the lees”, as Tennyson put it decades ago, whereas
those who are not sensuous, hate life and themselves.

In the same book mentioned above, Napoleon Hill speaks about a
“teacher, who has trained and directed the efforts of more than
30,000 salespeople”. This teacher found “that highly sexed men are
the most efficient salesmen”. He equates “personal magnetism” with
sex energy. Hill goes on and enlists five desirable characteristics of
highly sexed people, namely:

Model: Samir Dattani (Indian Actor)

The hand-shake – By touching a person’s hand and feeling the

degree of body warmth, we can say instantly whether the person is
magnetic or not. From our experience we know this is true. A few
men, when we shake hands, enthusiastically clasp our hands and
sometimes squeeze them gently and warmly in a pleasant gesture of
friendliness. But there are those who shake hands cautiously, as if
they are afraid that they might contract some contagious disease
from us. The magic of physical touch is really great.

The tone of voice – Magnetism can “color” a person’s voice,

making it musical and charming. To understand this, we only need to
recall those ladies with mellifluous voices whom we have met and
instantly admired or those men who have impressed us by their deep
and yet cheerful voices, which indicated their high levels of
confidence and self-esteem.

Posture and carriage of the body – Again, it is true that highly
sexed people move about with grace and elegance. They walk briskly
and in strong, firm, sure and purposeful steps, their gait appearing to
us like the steps of an attractive dance form in which we move our
bodies swiftly.

The vibrations of thought – Highly sexed

people mix sex energy with their thoughts,
stepping up the frequencies of their thoughts
and accelerating them to a unimaginable
velocity. They can do this mixing at will,
whenever they want and thereby can influence
those around them. The energy field itself that surrounds them will be
positive and magnetic and little wonder, highly sexed people always
exude warmth and confidence.

Body adornment – Highly sexed people are careful about their

physical appearance and the clothes that they wear. They have their
own fashion and style sense which may be entirely different from the
latest trends in world fashion, but they always look attractive, to use a
mild adjective, in the clothes that they wear. ….

In sex transmutation, instead of wasting sexual energy through

physical expression, we conserve it and let it flow through the proper
channels. This is not a new concept. History speaks of sex
transmutation in many of its golden leaves. Here is Wily Walnut on
“courtly love” practiced by the ancient French knights:

Knights in shining armor – fantasy figures for
hundreds of years of women right to the present day it
seems – had a special code of conduct when it came to
amour … they called it courtly love. … The basic idea
runs something like this …

The dashing young knight … arrives at the castle

and soon falls in love with a nobleman’s pretty wife and
vice versa. He however is a man of honor and she a
virtuous woman. Under the rules of courtly love they can
let their passion flow unbridled as long as they don’t
engage in physical intercourse. This was known as a
donnoi relationship. So while the knight and the lady
might engage in sleeping together nude, nude caresses
and embraces, they can’t and won’t copulate! But you can
be sure there were hours and hours of ravishing with the
eyes, punctuated by doting, frustrated sighs!

So we had better learn to tease our desire and maintain it at fever

pitch, as arousal will render us more active physically, mentally and
spiritually. Note that I said “desire”, not sexual desire; that is, you can
do this with any desire, even desire for yummy food. Tantalize
yourself with a bunch of juicy and sweet grapes, but do not give in to
the desire. Do not eat grapes. You might be able to transform this
energy into creativity. Do you find it difficult to accept? Have you seen
how our body heats up when we contemplate the objects of our
desires? It is because our brain instructs the cells of our bodies to

generate high amounts of energy that we can use to attain what we
want. But the simple truth is that sexual energy is one of the strongest
energies, if not the strongest energy. This accounts for the
importance that we are attaching to sex transmutation.
(From Chapter # 6: pg # 84 – 90)
(This book can be downloaded ABSOLUTELY FREE. To download
your FREE COPY, or to purchase a low-price paperback version,
please control click here.)


I recently made a great “online discovery” while browsing. A book that
I recently purchased directed me to the web site of Hay House Radio.
I decided to check it out and was really amazed to see this fabulous
site. All the greatest motivational writers and speakers have
assembled here and they are awaiting their chance to regale us.
You’ll meet Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, Sylvia Browne, Esther Hicks and
Abraham, Summer McStravick, John Holland, Gordon Smith, Debbie
Ford, Colette Baron-Reid, Louise L. Hay and many more. You may
either listen to the live broadcasts or may get access to the ‘Listen
Again’ archives by signing up in a few seconds. What’s more, IT’S
ALL ABSOLUTELY FREE! I had always longed to buy those tapes
and audio books, but the price stood in the way! Now, I can download
hours and hours of inspiring words from my favorite writers for free,
burn it into a CD and savor it, away from my computer, even when
I’m commuting or while I’m at my office. Or I can go for the free pod
casts. This is truly “Radio for your Soul” TM

Visit this awesome site today, NOW and start listening to your favorite
authors and speakers. Here is a link to this site:



Sandra Lusk: That’s the Way it is (Content Rating: Mature) (Listed

in Romance)
Printed: 361 pages, 6" x 9", perfect binding, black and white interior
ink. ISBN: 978-0-6151-3557-1
Author’s Description: All of my life, I have heard the saying that
people aren’t who they pretend to be. I have found that in the realm of
love, lust, lies and free will, we can all find our place. This is Maria’s
story and she finds her place in this realm and wants to rise above it.
Can she find what she’s looking for? Will she learn to love and trust?
My review: This author has definitely developed a fresh and unique
style, as is clear from the decision to do away with quotation marks
while quoting (It doesn't affect clarity) and also from the fast-moving
narration. I love the way in which the author makes the plunge into
the main plot on the first page itself. Above all, what I loved is the way

in which the author makes the protagonist indulge in a painfully
detailed introspection, which she begins at her home and continues
at the church, even in front of the "piercing eyes" of the priest. I
gather the skilled writer has resolved to focus more on the internal
events, rather than the externals. It might not be easy to deal with the
invisible realm of amorphous thoughts, but it is definitely worth it. One
look at all those sellouts tells us that most often an author shoots to
fame by concentrating more on mind rather than matter. Even when
they do look at matter, it is from the vantage point of the internal
paradigms and perspectives of the characters. Events are treated as
the effects of the internal causes, not the other way round.
To purchase this book now, please control click here

Michelle Rossi: All About Me (Listed in Self-improvement)

Printed: 103 pages, 8.5" x 11", perfect binding, black and white
interior ink. ISBN: 978-1-4116-3147-2

Author’s Description: "All About Me," inspires young adults by

guiding them into understanding more about themselves. There are
many problems with today's youth. "All About Me," with its genial tone
and open-ended questions, provides a wonderful way for young
people to build self-esteem by learning more about who they are. The
reader interacts with the context utilizing my easy, entertaining
techniques and methods. The book is motivational and stresses on
matters such as communication, the creative mind, goal setting and
positive thinking. "All About Me," guides the reader into a realistic
frame of mind. Who really are your friends? How do you know? In a
reverse psychological way, the reader will be determined to answer
questions, share some of their answers, and self-reflect. The book
develops positive self-esteem and will bring any young teen closer to

Dr. Michael G. MacDonald’s review: (MacDonald is Assistant
Professor of Education at Oakland University, Educational
Psychologist, and Teacher): "All About Me provides the young reader
with an opportunity develop their motivational potential through
affirmation and self-reflection. Michelle's book invites the reader to
learn skills in areas such as communication, positive thinking and
goal setting. A very readable and helpful guide for moving
toward one's interests, goals and motivational possibilities."

To purchase this book now, please control click here.


Pramod K. Uday: Ninety Vitamin Tablets from the Bible (Listed in


Printed: 290 pages, 6" x 9", perfect binding, 60# cream interior paper,
black and white interior ink, 100# white exterior paper, full-color
exterior ink

Author’s Description: This book is a therapeutic gold mine of

painstakingly compiled and psychologically sound Biblical quotations.
This is ideal for individuals desirous of leading effective prayer lives
as well as for use in churches, religious organizations and prayer
groups. This compact little book also includes 96 powerful PHOTO
PLATES for picture meditation as well as highly informative interludes
on a smorgasbord of topics ranging from how to meditate in the
Christian way to real stories of miracles from the lives of Christian
saints, brief and power-packed meditations from ancient Christian
literature to the latest bestsellers by Christian authors, positive one-
liners to profound discussions on Our Lord, amazing facts on the

Bible and much more! Live in Our Lord’s presence always and help
others do the same. Let this beautiful book help you embark on an
inspiringly ecstatic, exciting and positively eventful prayer life today,
NOW! (For details on your FREE GIFT, see the back of this book!)

To purchase this book now, please control click here.



Mary C. Miller: Am I Crazy or Just Haunted (Audio book) (Listed

in Religion & Spirituality) (Total time: 1 hr 23 min)

Author’s Description: This book will empower you to · Identify

possible explanations for strange experiences · Use a simple method
to categorize your experiences · Feel confident of your conclusions
about each experience · Know how to live with paranormal & non-
paranormal experiences

My review: This book impressed me with its objective analysis of

events that are traditionally attributed to the part of the brain that
dominates and dictates our emotional proclivities. Perhaps the
greatest thing I learnt from this book is that “You can separate
emotions from psychic feelings with experience.” (Miller, Mary C;
Preface). It is truly difficult to draw that very thin line – the line
between objectivity and the analysis of psychic events, which are by
nature subjective. At the opening, Mary sets forth as one of her
objectives the “unbiased” analysis of paranormal events. She has
succeeded in striking a balance between skepticism and naivety. As I
listened to the first chapter, I thought, “God this is so technical. I’m

not going to make head or tail out of it. But then it all made perfect
sense to me. Yet I feel the elaborate discussion of the gadgets
employed in the scientific analysis of paranormal experiences is a bit
too technical and as such might not hold the interest of the lazy
layman. And I said a ‘lazy’ layman! Personally, my favorite is the
section on the internal “voices” or spiritual promptings felt during deep
mental prayer. As Mary warns us, we “Treasure them (Such
paranormal experiences) in your heart.” and should be wary of
approaching the so-called skeptical “experts” for guidance, as they
“insult the Universe” by “trampling on them.” As she says, we
shouldn’t “cast (our) pearls before the swine.” I also love the chapter
“I am not alone.” The narration is again crystal clear. The diction is
perfect. But there is some disturbance in the tape at the first chapter
and it lasts till the end of the first chapter. Anyway, it does not render
it incomprehensible. I still can’t believe Mary is giving away her audio
books and the print versions ABSOLUTELY FREE! Selfless indeed!
Thank you Mary!

To download this highly informative FREE audio book now, please

control click here.

Attention Writers: Do you want free reviews?

Hi! I have been working as a reviewer / editor for an Indian publishing

company for the past one year and two months. I am definitely no
expert, but I believe I am a not-so-bad reviewer / editor. Let me make
it clear that I've NOT yet been approved by Lulu as a reviewer /

If you want my services, just drop me an e-mail. There is NO

want me to review the first chapter / preview / first few pages of your
book, mail the PDF / Word document to me. My e-mail ID is:

For more details, visit


Free Online Psychological Counseling

Here is a special offer from me for all the readers of this book.
It is a free gift from me to you, a special gift of love. Anyone who
wants my counseling services may contact me at the contact
information given below. I have done a course in psychology and I
have been counseling successfully for the past one year. Whatever
be your problem, if you feel a psychologist can help you, e-mail to me
all the details of your problem. You may choose to remain
anonymous if you feel so. Or you may include your name, contact
information (preferably e-mail address), gender and any other
personal information that you think is relevant. I promise that as long
as my hectic schedule permits me, I will try my best to get back to
you in at least three days. I also solicit any case study that you may
have with you. And what’s more, this online counseling service is
absolutely free for all the readers of this book.
So, what are you waiting for? Tap those keys and click your

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from this book. Thank You! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~



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