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I would like to share a few quotes with you and Bible texts(in Q & A Format), and I ask that

you read them with prayer Q !) "hat are the purposes of #llen "hite$s %estimonies& '%he (ord desi)ns to warn you, to repro*e, to +ounsel, throu)h the testimonies )i*en, and to impress your minds with the importan+e of the truth of ,is word %he written testimonies are not to )i*e new li)ht, but to impress *i*idly upon the heart the truths of inspiration already re*ealed -an$s duty to .od and to his fellow man has been distin+tly spe+ified in .od$s word, yet but few of you are obedient to the li)ht )i*en Additional truth is not brou)ht out/ but .od has throu)h the %estimonies simplified the )reat truths already )i*en and in ,is own +hosen way brou)ht them before the people to awaken and impress the mind with them, that all may be left without ex+use ' %estimonies, *olume 0, p) 110 2A prophet$s purpose is to show .od$s people what is needed of them to be obedient, and to +orre+t .od$s people from their errors 23ee 4omans !1561, #7ekiel !851 & 9e+hariah !5:;

Q 6) Are all of the testimonies )i*en throu)h #llen "hite really from .od, or are they <ust her own opinion& "hy do we ha*e them& '%he (ord has )i*en me mu+h li)ht that I want the people to ha*e/ for there is instru+tion that the (ord has )i*en me for ,is people It is li)ht that they should ha*e, line upon line, and pre+ept upon pre+ept, here a little and there a little %his is now to +ome before the people, be+ause it has been )i*en to +orre+t spe+ious errors and to spe+ify what is truth %he (ord has re*ealed many thin)s pointin) out the truth, thus sayin), %his is the way, walk ye in it ' ((etter !6=, !>!?) 2.od speaks to ,is +hur+h throu)h people known as prophets 3ee ! 3amuel 6@51, 6 Ain)s 6!5!?, Behemiah >561;

Q :) Bow that we know that A(( of #llen "hite$s writin)s were inspired by .od, what is our +ounsel +on+ernin) them&

C%he *olumes of 3pirit of Drophe+y 2forerunners of the Eonfli+t of the A)es 3eries;, and also the %estimonies, should be introdu+ed into e*ery 3abbathkeepin) family, and the brethren should know their *alue and be ur)ed to read themF -any are )oin) dire+tly +ontrary to the li)ht whi+h .od has )i*en to ,is people, be+ause they do not read the books whi+h +ontain the li)ht and knowled)e in +autions, reproofs, and warnin)s GH%estimonies, *ol 8, p)s :>?, :>! 23ee 6 Ain)s !=5!: & #7ekiel 6?5!@I!>;

Q 8) "hat should we not do with her testimonies& 'And now, brethren, I entreat you not to interpose between me and the people, and turn away the li)ht whi+h .od would ha*e +ome to them Jo not by your +riti+isms take out all the for+e, all the point and power, from the %estimonies Jo not feel that you +an disse+t them to suit your own ideas, +laimin) that .od has )i*en you ability to dis+ern what is li)ht from hea*en and what is the expression of mere human wisdom If the %estimonies speak not a++ordin) to the word of .od, re<e+t them Ehrist and

Belial +annot be united For Ehrist$s sake do not +onfuse the minds of the people with human sophistry and skepti+ism, and make of none effe+t the work that the (ord would do Jo not, by your la+k of spiritual dis+ernment, make of this a)en+y of .od a ro+k of offense whereby many shall be +aused to stumble and fall, Kand be snared, and be taken LGH%estimonies, *ol 0, D 1>! 2"e should not pla+e our opinions and ideas abo*e what .od has said throu)h ,is prophets 3ee -ark =5=I> & Mohn !856@; Q 0) 3in+e .od spoke to ,is +hur+h throu)h #llen "hite, will 3atan try to +ause +onfusion and de+eption about her writin)s&

3atan is +onstantly pressin) in the spuriousIIto lead away from the truth %he *ery last de+eption of 3atan will be to make of none effe+t the testimony of the 3pirit of .od '"here there is no *ision, the people perish' (Dro* 6>5!@) 3atan will work in)eniously, in different ways and throu)h different a)en+ies, to unsettle the +onfiden+e of .od$s remnant people in the true testimony 23ee -ark 85!0 & 4e*elation !65!=; %here will be a hatred kindled a)ainst the testimonies whi+h is satani+ %he workin)s of 3atan will be to unsettle the faith of the +hur+hes in them, for this reason5 3atan +annot ha*e so +lear a tra+k to brin) in his de+eptions and bind up souls in his delusions if the warnin)s and reproofs and +ounsels of the 3pirit of .od are heeded I! 3ele+ted -essa)es p) 8@ 23atan is the one who inspires la+k of faith 3ee (uke 665:?I:!;

Q 1) Are we really re<e+tin) .od when we re<e+t the writin)s of #llen "hite& Answer !a 'It does not be+ome anyone to drop a word of doubt here and there that shall work like poison in other minds, shakin) their +onfiden+e in the messa)es whi+h .od has )i*en, whi+h ha*e aided in layin) the foundation of this work, and ha*e attended it to the present day, in reproofs, warnin)s, +orre+tions, and en+oura)ements %o all who ha*e stood in the way of the %estimonies, I would say, .od has )i*en a messa)e to ,is people, and ,is *oi+e will be heard, whether you hear or forbear Nour opposition has not hindered me/ but you must )i*e an a++ount to the .od of hea*en, who has sent these warnin)s and instru+tions to keep ,is people in the ri)ht way Nou will ha*e to answer to ,im for your blindness, for bein) a stumblin) blo+k in the way of sinners ' (! 3ele+ted -essa)es p) 8:) 23ee ! 3amuel @56 & Janiel >5@I!? ;

Answer !b 'I saw the state of some who stood on present truth, but disre)arded the *isions,IIthe way .od had +hosen to tea+h in some +ases, those who erred from Bible truth I saw that in strikin) a)ainst the *isions they did not strike a)ainst the wormIIthe feeble instrument that .od spake throu)hIIbut a)ainst the ,oly .host I saw it was a small thin) to speak a)ainst the instrument, but it was dan)erous to sli)ht the words of .od I saw if they were in error and .od +hose to show them their errors throu)h *isions, and they disre)arded the tea+hin)s of .od throu)h *isions, they would be left to take their own way, and run in the way of error, and think they were ri)ht, until they would find it out too late ' (! 3ele+ted -essa)es p) 8?) 2It is foolish for us not to belie*e the prophesyin)s of a prophet of .od 3ee (uke 68560 "e are +ommanded not to re<e+t these prophesyin)s 3ee ! %hessalonians 056?;

Q =)"hat mar*elous promise is )i*en to us +on+ernin) obedien+e to #llen "hite$s writin)s whi+h .od ,imself inspired&

'All who belie*e the (ord has spoken throu)h 3ister "hite, and has )i*en her a messa)e, will be safe from the many delusions that will +ome in these last days ' (: 3- @8) 2 .od has wonderful blessin)s for us if we obey ,is words throu)h ,is prophets ,e has not )i*en us these testimonies to make our li*es a burden (Jeuteronomy 056> & ! Mohn 05:) ,ere are some texts to show the blessin)s of obedien+e to .od$s words And remember, <ust as ,e )a*e us the Bible throu)h ,oly men of .od speakin) throu)h the ,oly .hostO6 Deter !56!P (some of whi+h by the way were prophets) so ,e has spoken unto us throu)h #llen "hite 3ee #xodus 6:56!, Jeuteronomy !!561I6@, Mob :150I!6, Isaiah 8@5!@, Jeuteronomy 05!, :6I::, Isaiah !5!>I6?, -atthew !>5!=, & ,ebrews 05>

%hou)h we may be +hallen)ed by the thin)s .od has told us to do in the Bible and in the writin)s of #llen "hite, ne*er for)et that ,e will pro*ide the means for us to obey

'A new heart also will I )i*e you, and a new spirit will I put within you5 and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will )i*e you an heart of flesh And I will put my spirit within you, and +ause you to walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my <ud)ments, and do them ' I#7ekiel :1561I6=

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