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Genesis 3 v1) In verse one, we see that the serpent is talking to the woman.

As we know, animals are unable to talk with man. So how is it then, that this serpent is talking? The answer is that the snake is possessed b Satan. Satan is known as the !old serpent" in #evelation 1$%& and he possesses the abilit to talk to humans'See (atthew )%*+1,). Satan in this verse is tr ing to lead the woman to doubt the goodness oGod b making it seem that God -orbade her -rom eating o- ever tree. .-tentimes, Satan tries to lead us to doubt the goodness o- God b tr ing to /$+3) The woman then replies to Satan and tells him what God said in Genesis $%10. She lets Satan know that the penalt -or disobedien1e is death. Sin1e the wages o- sin is death'See #omans 2%$3), and sin1e sin is the transgression o- the law'See 1 3ohn 3%)), the prin1iples o- God4s ten 1ommandment law had to e5ist be-ore 6e verball spoke it in 75odus $,. v)+8) At this point, Satan blatantl tells 7ve two lies. 6e tells 7ve that she will not die even though she transgresses God4s law about the tree. It is -rom this lie that the idea o- man having an immortal soul spread throughout humanit . .n top o- that lie, Satan tells 7ve that eating the -ruit o- the tree will 1ause her to enter upon a higher state o- e5isten1e. Trul , 3esus spoke the truth when 6e 1alled Satan the -ather o- lies'See 3ohn *%))). 9 this we know that lies originated -rom Satan, and not God. /2) 7ve desired the -ruit -or three reasons. The tree had the abilit to give her the wisdom o- whi1h Satan spoke, it was outwardl attra1tive, and it was able to satis- her appetite. Thus 7ve sinned b 1hoosing -alse wisdom'See 1 :orinthians 1%$1) as opposed to 1hoosing to obtain whi1h :hrist o--ers'See :olossians $%3). She also sinned b obe ing her passions o- sight and appetite over obe ing the word o- God through her reasoning powers and thus -ell where :hrist was vi1torious 'See (atthew )%)+1,). A-ter 7ve sinned, she then be1ame Satan4s agent to tempt her husband to sin, and sadl , he gave in as well. /0+*) Satan4s predi1tion was 22; 1orre1t. The 1ouple4s e es were opened. The did end up knowing good and evil. 6owever, the did not be1ome gods. This lets me know that Satan 1an mi5 his lies with some elements o- truth. <oti1e also that the 1ouple does something a-ter the reali=e their nakedness. Instead o- going to God with their nakedness problem, the tr to adorn their bodies in order to remed their mistake. This 1an be the e>uivalent o- a 1over up in whi1h the situation looks oka but in realit the root o- the problem is not taken 1are o-. Instead o- 1oming to God with their problem'?salm 3$%8), Adam and 7ve sought to hide the problem'whi1h was the truth about themselves) -rom God. This lets me know that de-ault human nature is ashamed and proud. 6uman nature does not like the shame that 1omes along when one4s -ault is e5posed. 6uman nature also likes to tr and take 1are o- a problem instead o- humbl going to someone who knows how to take 1are o- the problem. <evertheless, it is onl b humble 1on-ession and repentan1e that humans 1an obtain -orgiveness -rom God'3ames )%*+1,). v&) God, who knows the end -rom the beginning'Isaiah )2%1,) asked Adam about 6is lo1ation. 6is -irst words were not words o- 1riti1al denun1iation or 1ondemnation. The were words whi1h gave Adam an opportunit to let God know about 6is 1ondition. As I meditate on this thought, I 1an see how it is that the goodness o- God leads men to repentan1e'#omans $%)).

v1,) Adam was a-raid be1ause Adam knew that he was now naked. 6e was aware o- his own 1ondition. <evertheless, Adam 1hose to hide -rom God when God was near. Adam, who was a-raid and naked, 1hose to hide. This is what de-ault sin-ul human nature tends to do when it is naked and a-raid. /11) God then asks Adam how did he -ind out about his own nakedness. God also asked i- Adam disobe ed 6is 1ommand to not eat -rom the -orbidden tree. Again, we see that although God knows all things, 6e asks humans who 1ommit sin >uestions that give them the opportunit to 1on-ess and admit their sins. In other words, the wa God relates to sin-ul human beings is b 1reating a situation in whi1h the 1an have the opportunit to go through the a1t that pre1edes -orgiveness'1 3ohn 1%&). v1$) Again we see the wa de-ault human nature a1ts when it disobe s the :reator. Adam 1hose to 1ast blame upon 7ve b sa ing that she was the reason wh he disobe ed. Adam also puts some o- the blame upon God b blaming 6im -or marr ing himsel- and 7ve. @rom this I glean that de-ault human nature does not like to take the responsibilit -or wrongs or mistakes. I- de-ault human nature sins or makes a mistake, de-ault human nature will attribute the -ault to God, another human, or 1ir1umstan1es. /13) God asks 7ve what did she do. 7ve hersel- e5plains what she did b 1asting the blame upon the serpent whi1h in turn 1asts some o- the blame upon God be1ause 6e 1reated the serpent. In either male or -emale, de-ault human nature seeks to 1ast blame upon God, another human, 1ir1umstan1es, or even animals -or being un-aith-ul. /1)+18) God 1urses the serpent and promises that there will be enmit , or hatred, between both the woman and the snake as well as the woman4s 1hildren and the snake4s 1hildren. God de1lares that the woman will de-eat the serpent eventuall in spite o- the -a1t that the serpent will do some damage to the woman. /12) God punishes 7ve b giving allowing her to go through great pain during 1hildbirth. I see this as a mer1i-ul punishment be1ause 7ve never had a 1hild be-ore the -all. Thus, she never had an !eas " 1hildbirth with whi1h she had to 1ompare the more pain-ul 1hildbirth. God also gives 7ve a submissive role to pla in the post+sin marriage relation. /10+1&) God 1urses the ground -or man4s sake be1ause Adam listened to his wi-e instead o- listening to his :reator. 6e also tells Adam that sorrow will have to a11ompan him during his meals. .n top othis, Adam would have to work hard with a stubborn soil in order to provide himsel- with more -ood. Adam also had vegetables added to his -ood 1hoi1es. Aastl , Adam will eventuall die and be1ome dust on1e again. /$,+$1) 9e-ore Adam and 7ve were -or1ed to leave the garden o- 7den, God 1lothed them with 1oats that were made o- animal skin. I am sure that this 1oat that was given to Adam and 7ve was a perpetual reminder that their sin 1ost the li-e o- something inno1ent. This obBe1t lesson ma have pointed Adam and 7ve to the promise o- the Aamb who was to take awa the sins o- the world'3ohn 1%$&). v$$+$)) God drove Adam and 7ve out o- the garden be1ause the garden 1ontained a tree whi1h would perpetuate the li-espan o- Adam and 7ve. God did not want the lives o- sin-ul human beings to go on -orever. God also pla1ed :herubim at the east o- 7den so that Adam and 7ve would be met with resistan1e i- either o- them de1ided to tr and enter the garden o- 7den on1e more. :on1lusion% Chen man believes and lives b words that are not in a11ordan1e with truth, he subBe1ts himsel- to miser and death. @ortunatel , God is willing to help su1h people, even i- it 1osts 6im pain.

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