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Genesis 2 V1) For six consecutive days, God brought something into existence.

He has brought everything that He felt needed to exist into existence, and thus has finished His loving wor of !reation. V2) "fter the sixth day #assed, the seventh day came. $n day seven, God decides not to add anything extra to His creation. %nstead, God decides to rest on this day. %t is not that God rested out of fatigue, for He never grows weary&see %saiah '()2*). +ather, God sim#ly ceased from creating anything new. V,) God #ronounces a blessing on the seventh day and decides to sanctify it because it was the day that He ceased from creating. -hus, the origin of a wee ly cycle originated from the !reator Himself. /otice also that God #ronounced a blessing on the seventh day of the wee . He did not #ronounce such a blessing on the first, nor the third, nor the sixth day of the creation wee . -herefore, no matter how hard man tries to ma e one of those other days holy, the day will never be holy because God #ronounced the seventh day holy. 0ust li e there was no sixteenth a#ostle because God never ordained a sixteenth a#ostle, so there is no other sanctified and blessed day of the wee , for God never has blessed another day of the wee . %t was God who chose to sanctify the seventh day of the wee , which we now today as 1aturday, and not man. %n the same way that 2alaam could not curse %srael because God blessed %srael&1ee /umbers 2,)2(), so man, not matter what ind of earthly title he holds, cannot undo God3s blessing u#on the seventh day&1aturday) and confer that blessing to another day of the wee . 1uch men who see to change God3s law in that way say through their actions that the !reator made a mista e in His #erfect&4salm 15)6) and good&+omans 6)6) law, and in this they do err greatly. V'.7) %t seems to me that there was a time where the earth was self.sustaining to the #oint where man did not have to contribute to the well.being of the earth by way of tilling the ground. V6) -his verse ex#lains the origin of man. 8an did not come about through the #rocess of evolution. -he !reator of the universe formed "dam3s body from the dust of the ground and breathed into his body the breath of life. /otice that the verse also says that man became a living soul. 8an does not have an immortal and eternal soul which can live on after man dies. -his idea has made inroads into many denominations of !hristianity from the Gree #hiloso#hical #resu##ositions of the #hiloso#her "ristotle. -he 2ible does not su##ort the idea that man3s #ossesses a soul that is ca#able of going to heaven after man dies. 4lease recogni9e that man needed two things in order to become a soul. :ithout the breath of life&which is synonymous with the word ;s#irit<=1ee 0ob 26),.'>), man would not exist. :ithout the functional and healthy body that was formed from the dust of the ground, man still would not exist. %t is the combination of both body and breath that #roduces the existence of man. -here are two reasons why men die. -he first reason why men die is because of sin, for the wages of sin is death&+omans 7)2,). -he second reason why men die is because there comes a #oint where man3s body is no longer a ca#able vessel in which the s#irit can dwell. -hus, when a man dies, his body becomes decom#oses in the earth again, and the s#irit then returns to God who gave it&1ee ?cclesiastes 12)6). -his is the reason why ing @avid is not in heaven&1ee "cts 2)25 and "cts 2),').

v*) God is such a loving !reator. "gain we see that the !reator #rovides man with his ideal environment, the garden, and leads him to that #lace. -he garden is the #lace where "dam can find useful em#loyment, food, water, sunshine, and fresh air. -hus it is evident that God is interested in ee#ing man healthy. % find it interesting that God #laces man in the garden without a house. V5) %n this verse it is seen that God delights in beauty. He creates trees that are #leasant to loo u#on. God also #rovides food that is a##ro#riate for man. -herefore, God ta es #leasure in catering to man3s #hysical needs. He also li es to #rovide man with beautiful obAects to behold. V1(.1') God created a huge river which divided into four rivers. -he first river3s name is 4ison. -his river surrounded the land of Havilah. :hat is interesting is that Havilah is an area n which there is gold, for the record of creation found in Genesis cha#ter one does not mention anything about gold. % assume then, that when God created the dry land nown as earth&1ee Genesis 1)5.1(), this included all sorts of minerals and #recious stones as well. God is indeed a lover of the beautiful and the ideal. !oncerning the other rivers that were mentioned, % assume that they also had a #ur#ose to fulfill in their creation. 4erha#s they housed a myriad of sea creatures. 8aybe God created them in order to allow the #lant life to thrive. :hatever the reason may be, we do now that when God creates something, it is good, and therefore God made these rivers for a good reason. 1omething else that is interesting to now is that God is interested in naming His creation, even if they are inanimate obAects. V1B) % wonder what it must be to be ta en by God Himself to a #lace. 8aybe God too "dam by the hand and wal ed him to the garden. $r maybe, God carried "dam to the garden or had him trans#orted by the heavenly angels. God brings "dam to the garden so that "dam may ta e care of the garden. From this we can conclude that God believes that useful labor is necessary in order for man to have the most ideal existence. "fter all, God is not an advocate of idleness&1ee ?9e iel 17)'5.B(). God will also have useful labor, such as #lanting vineyards and building houses&1ee %saiah 77)21.2,) as a #art of the new earth that He will create. V17.16) God gave man the #ermission to eat from every fruit.bearing tree that was in the garden with the exce#tion of only one tree. God made it clear that if man disobeyed, he would die. -he restriction on the tree was not in order to limit "dam3s ha##iness. $n the contrary, it was to #romote man3s ha##iness&1ee 4roverbs 25)1*) and to ee# him safe from destruction&1ee 4salms 16)'). % do not thin that the tree in and of itself is what would cause the death of man. +ather, what would cause the death of man in this situation would be disobedience to God3s law, which is sin &1ee +omans 7)2,). %f the tree in and of itself had the #ower to ill its eater, % do not believe God would have created it, for the destruction of man was never #art of God3s original #lan&1ee Cu e 5)B7). %f God was really out to cause man misery, he would have made ninety.nine #ercent of the trees with #ain and disease.causing fruit without telling man which fruits have the #oison. !an you imagine the inAustice on the #art of God if He never told "dam which tree3s fruit could cause his deathD 2ut instead of this #icture, we see that God is on man3s side. He first warns man about the danger in eating from the tree before man was tem#ted by 1atan. -herefore, God3s laws were always meant to #romote our ha##iness and well.being.

V1*) %t is God who saw man3s need of a com#anion in the #erson of a wife. He is also the #erson who made the hel# meet for man. From this verse the #rinci#le can be gleaned that God nows who is best for which #erson. "dam did not as God for his wife. %t was God who gave "dam his wife. -herefore, "dam must have ;obtained favour of the Cord<&1ee 4roverbs 1*)22). $n to# of this, ?ve must have been a #rudent wife because she was ;from the Cord<&1ee 4roverbs 15)1'). v15.2() -hese are very interesting verses. -he verse lets us now that the land and s y creatures were formed from the dust of the ground. :ater creatures are not mentioned. -his verse also lets us now that "dam was the one who named the creatures. However, it seems as if "dam did not name the sea creatures. -herefore, humanity can than "dam for many of the names that are attributed to the animals that are in existence today. V21.22) God has the ability to cause man to enter into a dee# slee#. He also has the ability to remove internal body #arts. -his is what He did to "dam so that one of "dam3s ribs could be used in order to ma e ?ve. "fter ?ve was created, God was the $ne who brought the her to "dam. God was the $ne who was orchestrating the relationshi# between "dam and ?ve. God does not loo down u#on marriage. -he attendance of 0esus at the wedding of !ana is #roof to this&1ee 0ohn 2)1.,). v2,.2') "dam was also the one who gave the name ;woman< to the first female. -he marriage between "dam and ?ve was orchestrated by God Himself. %n this verse, a #rinci#le in regards to marriage is found. :hen a man becomes married, he should leave his #arents and cleave unto his wife so that they could ma e a family. "lso notice that in God3s #erfect #lan, #olygamy nor marriage was never #art of the idea. %f God really delighted in #olygamy and marriage, He would have created two or three ;?ve3s< and a ;2ob< for "dam instead of Aust one ?ve. -hus, #olygamy is sim#ly a #erversion of the original marriage institution which was divinely ordained by God. V2B) From this verse % gather that married cou#les ought not to be ashamed of one another. -he man should not be ashamed of his wife3s na edness and vice versa. 4roverbs B)15 brings out the idea that both the man and woman should be satisfied with one another. %n conclusion, Genesis cha#ter two brings out some fundamental #rinci#les about God3s law, man3s creation, and the holy institution of marriage. For one, God3s law does not include the ten commandments only, but it also includes s#ecific counsel that comes from His mouth&i.e, do not eat from the tree) which ought to be obeyed with Aust as much authority as the ten commandment law. -he seventh day of the wee , which is 1aturday, is the day that God Himself ordained to be the 1abbath at the end of His six day creation. -his 1abbath is the fourth commandment of God3s law, and was set u# way before the existence of the 0ewish nation. -herefore, all humanity is under obligation to ee# the 1abbath, for this 1abbath was made for man ind, and not for the 0ewish nation alone&1ee 8ar 2)26). 1econdly, man does not have an eternal and immortal soul. God did not give man a soul, but instead, man became a soul&the fusion of a body and the breathEs#irit from God). %f man does in fact have a soul, then 4eter3s statement concerning @avid is false, which in turn means that the Holy 1#irit is a liar&for 4eter s#o e under the ins#iration of the Holy 1#irit&1ee "cts 2)', 11, 25, and ,'). -herefore, if the Holy 1#irit is a liar, we can no longer trust in the 2ible as the guide for life since it was the Holy 1#irit that ins#ired men to write the word of God&1ee 2 4eter 1)21).

Castly, marriage is a blessed institution that was set u# by God Himself. God intended that marriage should be between one male and one female. 8arriage can be a huge blessing if it is God who orchestrated the marriage. " married cou#le should not live in the home of their #arents, but should begin a new family elsewhere. 8arriage ought to bring satisfaction to both #ersons, and each #erson should now that ;8arriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled) but whoremongers and adulterers God will Audge<&Hebrews 1,)').

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