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Genesis 8:1-2 God used wind to assist in stopping the water.

. God has the power to manipulate and control the elements of nature. Genesis 8:3-14 The water which caused the flood began during the second month and the seventeenth da of the month. !ccording to Genesis ":12# the rain continued for fort da s. This passage# Genesis 8:3-$# sa s that the water on the earth began to die down after 1%& da s from the time when the waters first came. 'oo(ing at Genesis ":11# the water first came on the seventeenth da of the second month. This passage indicates that the water begins to die down on the seventeenth da of the seventh month. Therefore# at this point where the water is d ing down# )oah# the animals# and his famil were in the ar( for five months and seven da s*seven da s coming from the seven-da wait that the e+perienced according to Genesis ":"-,-. This means that the e+perienced at least 21 sabbath da s during this time. This also means that )oah# his famil # and the animals had enough food during this time. .rom this / can see that the (ind of calendar which )oah had was different from the (ind of calendar we have toda . .rom 0arch 1" to !ugust 14 is 1%& da s. /f )oah had the (ind of calendar we had toda # the scripture would have said that the waters began receding on the fourteenth da of the seventh month. The reason wh our end date for 1%& da s from 0arch 1" is !ugust 14 and not !ugust 1" is because the months of 0arch# 0a # and 1ul have 31 da s as opposed to 3& da s. 2ad those months had thirt da s# the date for the 1%& da -period for our time would have been !ugust 1". 3o what (ind of calendar did )oah have4 /t seems to me that )oah had a calendar which had 3& da s per month with at least 11 months. !s the rest of the 5ld Testament shall verif # / am sure )oah6s calendar was a 3$& da calendar which had 3& da s per month within a 12 month-c cle. 2 7ings 2%:2" /t too( more than a ear for the water to dr . Genesis 8:1%-1" God cared for the animals and wanted to see the earth filled with animals 8ust li(e 2e wanted to see the world filled with humans. God told )oah to ta(e the animals. Genesis 8:18-2& !t this point# there is a distinction made between clean and unclean beasts. )oah ma(es an altar and sacrifices one of ever clean beast to God. / wonder how long that too(.. The first place an offering is mentioned is in Genesis 4. /t seems li(e this tradition of worshiping God through burnt offerings of clean fowls and beasts was passed down b word of mouth.

Genesis 8:21 God said that 2e would no longer curse the ground for man6s sa(e. God sa s that men have an evil mind from their outh. )o wonder 3olomon said# 9:emember now th ;reator in the da s of th outh# while the evil da s come not# nor the ears draw nigh# when thou shalt sa # / have no pleasure in them.< -=cclesiastes 12:1 Genesis 8:22 God promised that seed-time# harvest# cold# heat# summer# winter# da # nor night# will cease.

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