An Exposition of Genesis Chapter 7

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Genesis 7:1-11 Noah was considered to be righteous in the eyes of God in the midst of a sinful generation.

. Holiness is not completely dependent upon circumstances. Noah does the things which God tells him to do. Genesis 6:22 Genesis 7:!. Noah enters into the ar" with the animals and with his family. #hat is interesting is that Noah$s brothers and sisters do not enter the ar" with him. Genesis !:%&. 'his seems to be the case because Noah and his sons are the only men who enter into the ar". (erhaps Noah$s sister is his wife but the )ible is silent on this topic. Noah was in the ar" for se*en days before the rain started. + wonder if he was moc"ed for that period of time by those who refused to enter into the ar". 'he flood of the waters seems to ha*e come from both the ground and the s"y. 'he flood of waters is said to ha*e started in the 6&&th year of Noah$s life on the 17th day of the 2nd month. 'his means that Noah entered into the ar" in the 6&&th year of his life on the 1&th day of the 2nd month. 'his also means that ,ethuselah must ha*e died sometime during that year of Noah$s life. -therwise ,ethuselah would ha*e also entered into the ar". Genesis 7:12-2. Noah and his family enter the ar". Noah$s family goes in two-by-two also. 'he animals enter with him. /*ery sort of animal is said to enter into the ar". Genesis 7:1. +f this in fact includes dinosaurs then either dinosaurs died after the flood or dinosaurs did not enter into the ar" because they were sterile creatures. 0fter all some animals were destroyed by the flood. Genesis 6:7 0nimals are said to ha*e the breath of life. Genesis 7:1! God was the -ne who closed Noah within the ar". 'he down pour of rain1*erse 122 continued for forty days and forty nights. 'he water reaches a height of 1! cubits abo*e the mountains. 'hat turns out to be 27& inches of water which is 22132 feet of water abo*e the highest mountain. 'he people and the land animals died. God does not ta"e delight in the death of His creatures. /4e"iel 15:%2. Ne*ertheless God$s hatred for sin is stronger than His lo*e for His creatures. 'his is re*ealed at the cross. God hates sin so much that He was willing to allow His 6on to die on the cross in order to get rid of sin. 'hough God destroyed the ma7ority of His creation He cannot be labeled as a tyrant because He ga*e His precious creatures 12& years to ma"e a decision as to whether or not they would obey Him. Genesis 6:% Genesis 7:22-2% leads me to belie*e that only the land animals and birds died. + may be wrong though. 0ccording to Genesis 7:. it rained for forty days and forty nights. Howe*er once it stopped raining the water stayed upon the earth for an additional 1!& days.

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