An Exposition of Genesis Chapter 9

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Genesis 9:1-3 God tells Noah and his family to be fruitful, multiply, and replenish the earth.

. I wonder how vegetation fruits, grains, nuts, and vegetables! were preserved, or reintrodu"ed into the earth again after the flood. #erhaps we should be than$ful that Noah and his family $new something about agri"ulture. God intended this earth to be filled with %is "reation. Isaiah &':1(. God tells Noah that every moving thing that has life "an be eaten. )t this point God does not go into detail about appropriate food "hoi"es. Nevertheless, this statement refers to the "lean animals whi"h Noah was "ommanded to ta$e into the ar$ by sevens. Genesis *:+. ) detailed list of "lean and un"lean animals is found in ,eviti"us 11. -ust be"ause this list is not listed here does not mean Noah negle"ted those same prin"iples. .his verse is not a mandate for man to eat all animals. If the te/t is going to be ta$en literally without any referen"e or "onne"tion to other verses in the 0ible, then God is an advo"ate of "annibalism, for at that time Noah1s son was a moving thing whi"h had life. Genesis 9:&-2 God instru"ts Noah to refrain from eating the blood of the flesh animals that he is permitted to eat. 3"ien"e today proves why eating blood is detrimental to health. God law, in"luding his health laws, shows that %e has man1s well-being in mind. 3 -ohn + God loves humanity. 1 -ohn &:19. .herefore, God does not want the blood of humanity to be shed by neither man nor beast. God ma$es a rule that those who shed blood will have their blood shed by other men. .his rule we see played out in the life of #eter and #aul, for they were men who shed blood who ended up having their blood shed. 4atthew +2:'+, -ohn +1:1*-1(. Genesis 9:*-13 God gives Noah and his family the instru"tion to reprodu"e abundantly. )gain, we see the desire of God to see the world filled with %is "reation. God %imself establishes a "ovenant with man and beast. Isn1t this an en"ouraging thought5 God %imself by %is own word pledged that %e will not destroy the whole earth with a flood of water li$e %e did before. God "annot lie. .itus 1:+. %en"e, when God ma$es a "ovenant, %e will be faithful to fulfill %is "ovenant. In order for us to have assuran"e that God would be faithful to %is "ovenant and6or %is word, God set a rainbow in the s$y as a symbol or a sign of surety that %e will faithfully do %is part. .he rainbow was for our sa$es, not %is. 3in"e %e $nows that we are 7slow of heart to believe8, ,u$e +&:+', God gave us a reminder, or a pledge, of %is faithfulness. I wonder if the same truth applies when God ma$es the "ovenant to transform us and save us from our sins... 9hat is the to$en, or pledge, that %e will be faithful to "omplete the wor$ whi"h %e "ovenanted to finish5 I believe the to$en is the giving of the %oly 3pirit. + :orinthians 1:+1-++, ;phesians 1:11-1& .he new "ovenant promise is that God will forgive our sins, put the law within our hearts, and be our God. -eremiah 31:31-33. 9hen we a""ept -esus as our 3aviour and trust %im to redeem us and help us over"ome, ;phesians 1:1+-13, we are adopted into the family of God, Galatians &:&-', and be"ome parta$ers of the new "ovenant, of whi"h -esus is the mediator. %ebrews 1+:+& )fter the adoption, we re"eive the 3pirit, Galatians &:2, whi"h san"tifies us and enables

us to be obedient to %is law. + .hessalonians +:13, 1 #eter 1:+ Genesis 9:1&-1* God assures Noah that %e will remember to be faithful to the "ovenant that %e has made. God said that %e will loo$ upon the rainbow as a reminder of %is "ovenant. In li$e manner, God remembers the sub<e"ts of the new "ovenant by loo$ing at the wounds in -esus1 hands as a reminder to be faithful to %is "ovenant. Isaiah &9:1&-12, ,u$e 1:2(-*' Genesis 9:1(-19 3hem, %am, and -apheth were the sons of Noah and they were the ones responsible for repopulating the earth. Genesis 9:+=-+* )fter the flood, Noah be"omes a farmer and plants a vineyard. Noah be"ame drun$ with the fermented wine that he obtained from his vineyard and thus laid in his tent without "lothing. .his was very irresponsible of Noah. 4y hypothesis is that after the flood, Noah thought that sin"e there was no more danger, he "an be"ome "omfortable, and messed up. .he 0ible gives warning about the ill-effe"ts of drin$ing any fermented beverage and how its users may so lose their reasoning that they remove their "lothing. %aba$$u$ +:1' .hough Noah was irresponsible, the sin of his son :anaan was without e/"use. :anaan should have had reveren"e for his father and should not have loo$ed upon his na$edness. ,eviti"us 1(:2-* states the following: 7None of you shall approa"h to any that is near of $in to him, to un"over their na$edness: I am the ,>?@. .he na$edness of thy father, or the na$edness of thy mother, shalt thou not un"over: she is thy motherA thou shalt not un"over her na$edness.8 .hough the boo$ of Genesis does not state this truth verbatim, the prin"iple still e/ists. >therwise, Noah1s father would have never "ursed his son. .he fa"t that Noah "urses his son gives eviden"e that his son1s a"tion was immoral, wrong, and una""eptable. Genesis 9:+(-+9 Noah lives for 3'= years after the flood ta$es pla"e. Noah dies at 9'= years of age.

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