Final 2

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1. If you on chatting , I.. you out of the classroom !

a. will go / will send ; b. go / would send ; c. would go / would have sent ; d. went / will send ;

2. ..earlier, I ..such a thing.

a. If I had known / will have done ;
b. Had I known / wouldnt have done;
c. Knew I / wouldnt do ;
d. Should I know / wont do ;

3. We are going on a excursion . raining .

a. supposing it doesnt start ; b. unless it starts ; c. unless it doesnt start ;

d. whether it wont start ;


4. I. long hours this week. On top of that , the au-pair girl .for a few days leave.
a. work / is asking ;
b. am working / has asked ;
c. have been working / asked ;
d. am working / asks ;

5.We thought they ..before dinner, but they ..until midnight.

a. were arriving / didnt arrive ;
b. arrived / hadnt arrived ;
c. had arrived / didnt arrive ;
d. would arrive / werent arriving ;

6. You my report by the end of the morning. In fact,. I within the next hour.
a. can have had / will finish ;
b. can have / will be finishing ;
c. can have / will have finished ;
d. cant have had / will have been finishing ;

7. They ..exhausted ; they ..up all night with the baby.

a. were being / had been ; b. were/ had been ; c. were / had been being ; d. had been / were being ;

8. Father .. a tough time at the office at the moment and he ... about fifty cigarettes a day!
a. is having / is smoking ; b. has / smokes ; c. is having / smokes ;
d. has / is smoking ;

9. My uncle . like a fish, and for years.

a. is drinking / has been doing ; b. has drunk / has done ; c. drinks / did ;

d. drinks / has done ;


10. Grandmother wishes she ..someone to help her and we all wish she working so hard.
a. would have / stopped ; b. would have / would stop ; c. had / would stop ; d. has / will stop ;

11. Rather than .., he prefers . . ( hinder =

a. help / to hinder ;
b. to help / hindering ;
c. helping / hindering ;

d. help / hindering ;


12. The ...noise you make , the . annoyed I get.

a. much / most ;
b. much / much ;
c. more / more ;
d. more / most ;

13. If you .. smoke, please go outside.

a. need ;
b. may ;
c. ought ;

d. must ;


14. I go to France - it depends how much it costs.

a. may not to be able to ;
b. might not be able to;
c. might not could ;

d. may not can ;


15. Don't be so mean to July !

~ You ---- forever .. comments about her weight !
a. are making ;
b. make ;
c. have been made ;
d. will have made ;

16. A wedding in a Romanian village is really worth .

a. to see ;
b. see ;
c. seeing ;
d. to be seen ;

17. In the days before television, people ............. to the radio.

a. were sitting and listening ; b. would sit and listen ; c. used to sitting and listening ;

d. sit and listened;


18. The economic situation in the country is going from ..after the stockmarket crash.
a. bad to worse ;
b. badly to worse ;
c. worse to worst ;
d. worse to worse

19. No sooner ..into her flat .... she ... .

a. had she been stepping / than / would faint ;
b. had she stepped / than / fainted ;
c. did she step / than / had fainted ;
d. had she stepped / when / was fainting ;

20. John graduated , but he didnt seem ... what to do with his life.
a. to know ; b. knowing ;
c. having known ;
d. would know ;

21. It was such.difficult homework . nobody managed it.

a. a / that ;

b. a / so that ;

c. - / then ;

d. - / that



22. To ignore the invitation would be rude,.?

a. isnt it ;
b. dont you ;
c. wont it ;
d. wouldnt it ;

23. That plant will want . once a month whereas these flowers need .. every day. ( want = require = + ing )
a. to be watered / to be watered ;
b. watering / to be watered ;
c. watering / be watered ;
d. to being watered / being ;

24. Mother always insists that Jimmy ..his room neat.

a. keeps ; b. is keeping ;
c. keep ;
d. to keep ; e. will keep ;

25. Daca doresti sa prinzi autobuzul , ai face mai bine sa te grabesti !

a. If you want to catch the bus, youd better hurry up ;
b. If you want to catch the bus, you should better hurry up ;
c. If you will want to catch the bus, youd better hurry up ;
d. If you would like to catch the bus, you would better hurry up ;

26. The software makes it easy . colourful charts and graphs.

a. for creating ;
b. to create ;
c. create ;
d. created ;

27. The prosecutor has alleged that the police . shot when they . the men's car for a routine check.
a. were / stopped ; b. was / stopped ; c. was / were stopping ; d. has been / have been stopping ;

28. Doctors said they.. happy with how the operation . .

a. have been / has gone ;
b. were / went ;
c. were / had gone ;

d. would be / has gone ;


29. I asked Tom what .

a. he wanted ;
b. did he want ;
c. he was wanting ;

d. was he wanting ;


30. During the meeting several of the teachers present added that more money ..on books.
a. shall be spend ; b. should be spent ;
c. should have spent ; d. should have been spent ;

1. I saw him standing ...the queue but I dont know whether he got the bus or not.
a. at / inside ; b. for / into ; c. in / on ; d. in / at ; e. behind / for ;
2. Several glasses slid ...the tray and crashed ...the floor.
a. off / to ;
b. out / on ;
c. off / by ;
d. from / on ;

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