Mapinfo Automator

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Mapinfo Automator
By Mazhar Kazi

2. Mapinfo Automator
Mapinfo Automator is a mapbasic tool that does variety of task from Drive test analysis to Cluster KPI computing and much more. Used for Cluster KPI Computing

Displays the Drive Selection Menu About the Tool Enable the Cell Selection Mode The basic features of the tool are discussed below:-


Cluster KPI Computing

The Cluster KPI Computing function can be used to process raw stats on custom selection of cells and displays the graphical trend of major KPIs in Mapinfo. This is helpful in identifying cluster level improvement or degradation.

RF Optimization Tools

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by Mazhar Kazi


Drive Test Sample Reduction

BSC Level Drive Test logs are difficult/extremely slow to work in mapinfo due to its huge size. This function can be used to remove all the redundant samples from the drive without losing any valuable information. It can approximately reduce a 500MB tems exported map file to 50MB. This significantly reduces the processing delay of the drive. It can only reduce Dedicated and Scanned Drive.

In the Drive Selection Menu select the Map File of the drive and click Reduce Size Button.

RF Optimization Tools

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by Mazhar Kazi

2.2 Drive Analysis

2.2.1 Scanned Drive Analysis Strongest Scanned Server Filters a particular BCCH-BSIC from the drive

Select the below mentioned parameters in the drive selection menu and click button Done. Select the Tems exported Map file.

Attribute (Levels) on which thematic will be applied.

Drive Attribute containing BCCH. Drive Attribute containing BSIC.

In the tool menu select the Cell Selection Mode Button and select any cell in the cell file to display its strongest server plot.

Strongest Scanned Server Plot of this cell.

RF Optimization Tools

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by Mazhar Kazi

Filters a particular BCCH from the drive

In Figure: - Three cells have the same BCCH (63) in this area. The labels of 27, 65 & 63 are the BSIC of these cells.

It filters the BCCH of the cell that is selected irrespective of the BSIC. Scanned Server

Scanned Server Plot of this cell.

RF Optimization Tools

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by Mazhar Kazi


Dedicated Drive Analysis Filters a particular BCCH-BSIC from the drive

Dedicated Serving Area of this cell. Filters a particular BCCH from the drive

RF Optimization Tools

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by Mazhar Kazi Plots
After Processing the dedicated drive the tool generates four plots which are described below:-

Quality Plot
The averaged quality of every cell in the drive is calculated and is plotted on the CELL_FILE(CF) with the quality thematic. This instantly helps in identifying bad quality cells in the drive.

Good Quality Cell

Bad Quality Cell


The Cell_File(CF) and the drive thematic is based on the BCCH. It is helpful in determining the coverage area of a cell, overshooting and low dominance etc

RF Optimization Tools

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by Mazhar Kazi

TA Plot
The averaged TA of every cell in the drive is calculated and is plotted on the CELL_FILE(CF) with the TA thematic. This instantly helps in identifying Overshooting cells in the drive.

Low TA Cell

High TA Cell

Speech Codec Plot

All cells on which the call is handed over during the drive is Pink.

Call is not handed over to this cell during the drive. Might be a missing neighbor, Unavailability etc.

Note: All the above plots can be viewed with simple keyboard shortcut keys. Z Quality Plot, X BCCH Plot, C TA Plot, V Speech Codec Plot.

RF Optimization Tools

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by Mazhar Kazi

InterCell Handovers
Each Line represents a single InterCell Handover during the drive. The source point is the source cell i.e. from which the handover is initiated and the destination point is the location where the handover took place.

RF Optimization Tools

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by Mazhar Kazi

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