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○ Top bottom - Bottom up curriculum
○ Centralization - Decentralization
○ Receive – creating
b. Content
○ The observation
○ The material development
○ Authentic material
○ Consideration of using authentic
○ How to make a ready made material
c. Conclusion

The reasons why material development is an important thing are:
Look at this, let us start to analyze from Top bottom – Bottom up Curriculum.
1. Top –bottom curriculum
Starting point of curriculum in Indonesia was able to cal top bottom
curriculum; look back to the history of curriculum Indonesia. Here they
The first curriculum is in 1945-1968, familiar with “rencana pembelajaran
1947”, but it was just hold in 1950. The main of the curriculum divide into
two; those are list of subject and time allocation for the
instruction/teaching and the main of instruction/teaching. The
orientations of this curriculum are moral education, the awareness of
being good civil and society.
In the end of Soekarno presidency (1964), born a new curriculum
“Rencana Pendidikan 1964” that focus in the development of ability to
create, feel, creative, wish, and moral (panca wardana). The subjects
were classified into five field; moral, intelligence, emotional, skill and
Then in 1968, politically born the replacement of rencana pendidikan
1964, it was 1968 curriculum, as a consideration to formed/produced
“manusia pancasila sejati”. 1968 curriculum concentrated in kelompok
pembinaan pancasila, general/basic knowledge, and special skill/ability.
The management of objective (MBO) was one factor that influenced the
next curriculum, 1975 curriculum. The method, materials and the purpose
of instruction detailed in prosedur pengembangan system instructional
(PPSI) that familiar called “satuan pelajaran”
1984 curriculum that also called “kurikulum 1975 yang disempurnakan”
use “process skill approach” in this curriculum, pupils was placed as the
learning subject. The activities were about observation, grouping,
discussion, and making report. This model called cara belajar siswa aktif
(CBSA) or student active learning (SAL).
The mixing or combining the curriculums before (mainly 1975 & 1984
curriculum) produced new curriculum, called 1994 curriculum. But it
didn’t work well; it seems too complex, whether national content or local
The replacement of 1994 curriculum is 2004 curriculum that called
Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi (KBK). It is a programme/education
planning that base on competence that must contain thee main aspects;
those are choosing/selecting an appropriate competence, the standard
objectives of evaluation to measure the achievement of competence, and
development of instructions. The characteristic of KPB is focus in
achieving pupils’ competence individually or classical, oriented in learning
outcome and varieties.
From the sample of curriculums above, we can take one similarity; that is
top-bottom curriculum. I believe that there will be a question like this
“why?” or “how could it be?” let start form top-bottom curriculum it self.
In simple way, top-bottom curriculum is a curriculum that has a
centralization type, central to the government.
A top-down model of curriculum development may be conceptualized in
terms of a set of hierarchically ordered processes that are centrally
initiated and controlled and that are usually performed by selected expert
committees. A decision is made by the supreme authority in the
educational system to start the whole process. A steering committee will
be entrusted with the production of the educational philosophy. A number
of working committees will be selected for producing the curriculum
guides/ frameworks for different stages and school subjects or subject
areas. A co-coordinating committee will be entrusted with the co-
ordination of work done in different committees at different levels. The
duties of the working committees might include the production of a
retrospective scope-and-sequence through the analysis of existing
curriculum documents and then producing the prospective scope-and-
sequence based on the goals and broad guidelines specified in the
educational philosophy/strategy.
Materials will then be produced or selected. Materials production takes
many forms and involves various processes depending upon several
factors. In most cases, however, this will be the work of committees
including textbook writers and editors.
2. Bottom-up curriculum/school-based curriculum development (SBCD)
Bezzina in “A Proposed Model for EFL Teacher Involvement in on-going
Curriculum development by Mohamed El-Okda” defines school-based
curriculum development as
"…a process in which some or all of the members of a school community
plan, implement, and/ or evaluate an aspect or aspects of the curriculum
offering of the school. This may involve adapting an existing curriculum,
adopting it unchanged, or creating a new curriculum. SBCD is a
collaborative effort which should not be confused with the individual
efforts of teachers or administrators operating outside the boundaries of
a collaboratively accepted framework."
From the definition above, we can conclude that today’s Indonesia
curriculum “KTSP” is a school based curriculum development. On bottom-
up curriculum, there are some important things to remember, those are;
teachers are responsible not only for the implementation of curriculum,
but also for its development, bottom-up curriculum is a collaborative
process, an on-going process and teachers must be absolutely creative.
So, the problem that will appear in SBCD is teacher professionalism.

From those all thing about the relationship between curriculum and material
development, we can say that;
– If it top-bottom curriculum, it is no matter for the teachers to have no ability
to create a new material. Because all of the material is readymade material, it
means those teachers only need to read and apply it to the student.
– BUT, if the curriculum is bottom-up curriculum (in Indonesia is KTSP), the
students needs are complex. Every school has different needs, so it means
that the material should or must be made by teacher it self. This is the
complex matter to make a readymade material.
Because of those all, I want to know the readiness of the Indonesian teachers in
facing the new model of curriculum today.
1. The Observation
The observation held on Friday June 5 2009 on SMP Negeri 1
Mandiraja Banjarnegara, at the Seminar “Bahan Ajar” by Drs. Pudiono, M.
Pd. The Seminar was purposed to all teachers in SMP N 1 Mandiraja. It was
about how to develop material, or materials development.
In the beginning we were discussing about the material that they
always use to teach. They told that they usually used text books
(readymade materials) and combined them.
The interesting thing is, most of them had the same problem, they
already practiced it, but, among of them didn’t know its basic theory and
the format how to write or make the ready made materials.
The process of selecting material base on syllabus, they take ready
made materials (text book) from many books that use to fill each other.
They combine it only in using it, not combining them than created a new
one. The other consideration of choosing the materials was the students’
needs. Teachers had to be absolutely understand the students’ need by
observing them. The students’ level also becomes high consideration in
selecting the material. Most of the teachers considered it base on the
syllabus, so they didn’t find some difficulties on it.
The materials that given to the students ware the material that
were passed on the selecting process above. The materials usually
contain four sequences of skills; those are reading, listening, speaking and
writing. Besides that, the other important aspects such as vocabulary,
grammar, and pronunciation are inside. But because they didn’t know the
basic theory and the format how to write or make the ready made
materials, sometime they were not sure whether the materials had a good
sequence or not.
Because of the students’ needs, sometime they give the material
not like in sequence of text book (usually they use one book as the main
book and use another books to complete if there needs something to add).
This is not a serious problem according to them because as long as the
students can follow and enjoy it and useful for them. Teachers just give
them their best.
Then, the authentic materials is rare to use, because of limitations
of material and knowledge. They don’t even know where to find it? How to
know which is proper and improper? How to assemble it? And how to make
a good sequence on it?. Although most of them are still confuse about it,
but some of them try hard to use it. She uses the video documenter from
TV that taken from internet. She said she found it’s difficult in documented
it. But, the using of the video (documenter) absolutely shows a good
respect from the students. Most of them proved more interested to follow
the class activities.
Talking about classroom activities they had problem on it. They
confuse how to make communicative activities that interested for the
students and still inside the line of syllabus. One of them made an outdoor
activity but he found a problem, the problem was how to control the
students’ activity.
Another topic is evaluation, the evaluation can be from the result of
test or evaluation after the class, they usually use it to reinforce the
material that was presented, provide an opportunity for students to raise
questions and the last is to monitor individual student comprehension and
learning and among of them did it.
About the expanding activities (home work) some teachers tell that
it is effective, but some teachers also complain about it. The problem of it
is the students it self. Some of them don’t have good motivation, some
don’t know how and other reason.

Because of KTSP, the activity is communicative activities.

Most of the teachers usually combine the authentic and published

material. They said that they use


In discussion session, there answered so many questions
There showed some problems
2. The guidance to make a ready made material
As we know that according to grant (1987) that in making ready made
materials we need to decide whether the material that proper to use,
adapt, replace, omit and also add some materials in order the materials is
appropriate with the curriculum.
There were some considerations in choosing or creating a ready made
material; for example, we use some authentic materials. The
considerations are;
○ where do you find authentic materials?
○ How do you choose topics and select materials for a unit?
○ How do you assemble the unit?
○ What kinds of exercises and activities can you design?
Here are the solutions; a good teacher is a teacher who able to use
everything he/she has as teaching media. You can find it everywhere; it
can be newspaper, brochure, TV, radio, a model, etc.
The important thing is the materials is appropriate with the topic
(curriculum) and it is better if the materials is “rich” or you can make it
rich by adding the other material that appropriate to. In choosing
materials, you also have to consider about the level of students, how
much vocabulary they have, difficulty level and consider whether they like
or dislike it.
Remember, the making of readymade material should be in good
sequence and at least consist of two skills inside. The sequence means
that every material has to have relation each other.
The activity that you have to design is communicative activities. It means
that in designing the activities it should be involving the students in the
classroom activities. And another important this is; consider that the
students like it, so they motivated to follow the activities.


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