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Fleet and Family Support Center Programs November 2013

Sun Mon






s !e "elebrate #eteran$s %ay on the 11 and Than&sgiving %ay on the 2' ( please &no! that your Fleet and Family Support Center than&s you )or the sa"ri)i"es you ma&e )or the good o) the Navy and our Nation* November is the +Month o) the Military Family*, Than& you* 3 Daylight Savings Time ends. FALL BACK at

Transition GPS 5Day class begins

0800; SAPR



POC Meeting( 0'00.0/00 Effective Fathe h!!d"##00

Fathe h!!d"##00 C!mbat Ad&'stment #(00


11 Veterans Day

12 Navy Spouse C ash C!' se* +,!tlight !n T-.CA-E /

-es!' ces" #000%#200

13 NMC3S 4udget 1- SAP !o""an#

)or 4aby5 call



NMCRS at 8712610; S P3 Command 6iaison Training 080016305 Effective

Fathe h!!d"##00

01C T aining" 0800%#200

F 'gal Living"
##23%#240 5Light
L'nch 0 !vided ! B ing 6!' 17n8

C!mbat Ad&'stment #(00


1' Mar$eting
6!' self f! a

1/ Ca,st!ne Event"

+ec!nd Ca ee
5f! +eni! Enlisted and 1ffice s / Thei +,!'ses8 0840%#040 Eff. Fathe h!!d"##00

20 Effective
Fathe h!!d"##00




C!mbat Ad&'stment #(00; .. A. Family

9athe ing #(00

Fleet and Family Support Center Programs November 2013

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


20 Effective
Fathe h!!d"##00

21 C1:+E0 f! ;id% Te me s" Begins


22 Effective
Fathe h!!d"##00 C!mbat Ad&'stment #(00

2' Than$sgiving Day



N7#8M483 2013 FFSC Programs:

Please call Fleet and Family Support Center at 228-871-3000 to pre-register. Anger & Stress Management, by appointment, call FFSC at 871-3457.

Capstone !ent" #$ :!v" #000%#200.

Assists se vice membe s in c!m,leting thei t ansiti!n ,lans.

Combat A"#$stment %rogram, Each Wednesday, 1600-1730. Call FFSC at &&8-871-3''' to sign $p. ()is *-session class "isc$sses stress reactions to combat.

C+,S % -or Mi"-(ermers, begins &* ,o!, '8''. Co!ers special programs to en)ance t)e military member.s career.
/01% 2/omestic 0iolence 1nter!ention %rogram3, Tuesdays at 1600. Call FFSC to sign $p in a"!ance at &&8-871-3'''. /esigne" to )elp en" partner-on-partner ab$se. ,+( 4 /01% -or 5+M , is a!ailable at a separate time6 call FFSC at &&8-871-3''' -or in-ormation. --ecti!e Fat)er)oo", Mondays and Wednesdays at 1100. ()is is an on-going series -or men an" any -at)er is in!ite"6 call FFSC at 871-3''' -or more in-ormation an" to sign $p. Atten"ees are 7elcome to bring a l$nc) an" eat "$ring t)e class.

Fr$gal 8i!ing, 14 Nov, 1145-1230.

.n this inf! mal class" 7e<ll disc'ss st ategies f! saving m!ney. .f y!' a e 'nable t! find day ca e

f! y!' child en" y!' may b ing them 7ith y!' int! the class !!m.

1n"i!i"$al A$gmentee Family 9at)ering 20 Nov, 1600-1700. %ro!i"es s$pport:in-ormation to -amilies o- 1n"i!i"$al A$gmentees. Call FFSC at 871-3''' -or in-ormation.

Mar;eting <o$rsel- -or a Secon" Career, 18 ,o!, 0830-1030.

and thei s,!'ses.

This e=ec'tive%level class is !ffe ed t! seni! enlisted" !ffice s"

,MC=S >$"get -or >aby, 13 Nov, Call ,a!y-Marine Corps =elie- Society at 871-&*1' to sign $p an" obtain class time.

Navy Spouse C ash C!' se" 12 Nov, 1000-1200.

and th !'gh the :avy.

9ea ed t! ne7e :avy s,!'ses b't a,, !, iate f! all" this 2%h!' c ash c!' se incl'des a g'est

s,ea>e f !m T-.CA-E and base s,ea>e s t! disc'ss va i!'s , !g ams available !n base

%arenting Class, by appointment, call FFSC at 871-3457.

SAPR Command Liaison Training, 13 Nov, 0800-1630. (rains Comman"-selecte" 8iaisons to per-orm "$ties in t)e SA%= realm. SAPR POC Training, 14 Nov, 0800-1200. (rains Comman"-selecte" %+C.s -or t)eir SA%= "$ties.

Smoot) Mo!es, * ,o!, '?''-1&''. 9eare" especially to anyone 7it)in t)e ne@t -e7 mont)s, t)is class co!ers entitlements & reA$irements. (ransition 9%S Class -or Separatees an" =etirees, 4-8 Nov, 0800 dai y. For members separating or retiring, t)is class co!ers #ob-)$nting s;ills as 7ell as Bnee"-to-;no7C items rele!ant to lea!ing t)e ser!ice. Members must be enrolled by their Command Career Counselors.

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