Food and Drink 2

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Lesson Plan Template

Teacher Candidate: ____Phalon Nolan___________________________

Date: ___Nov. 3, 2013_

School: _________________________ Subject: French Unit/Lesson Title/Number: Food and Drink Lesson 2 Context and Class Profile

Grade Level: _7___

Context: This lesson is the second lesson in the Food and Drink Unit. Students expand their vocabulary to encompass a restaurant or dining context. They will also learn preference verbs and vocabulary. Class Profile:

Common Core Standards


Communication skills: Students will be able to use language other than English for communication. a. Comprehend simple language consisting of basic vocabulary and structures in face-to-face conversations with peers and familiar adults b. Call upon repetition, rephrasing and nonverbal cue to derive or convey meaning from a language other than English c. Compose short, informal notes and messages to exchange information with members of the target culture.

Interdisciplinary Connections

Make judgments and decisions, work creatively with others, communicate clearly, collaborate with others 21st Century Skills Lesson Objectives
Label : (Blooms Taxonomy)

Must be numbered

1- Students will be able to recite new verbs in a restaurant/dining context (knowledge) 2- Students will be able to recall food/drink vocabulary from previous lesson (knowledge) 3- Students will be able to describe the like or dislike of certain foods (understand) 4- Students will be able to apply knowledge and make dinner plans with friends. (apply)

Acceptable Evidence
*Could be collected for accountability and/or auditing purposes.

1- Verb rings and ball toss (formative) 2- PALS work with textbook ordering food/buying food (formative) 3- Memory game with aimer (formative) 4- Look up restaurant and compose a text to friend making Friday dinner plans (formative)

Procedure Teacher input, development, instructional method(s), modeling,

Day 1 40 minute block 1. Hook (auditory): Teacher will ask class to describe what they ate for dinner last

guided practice, independent practice, and/or activities

Label: Bell Ringer Also may be called: set induction, anticipatory set, introduction/review, Do Now, Write Now, Silent Starter

Label: Transitions

night using the vocabulary known to them. a. The teacher will give class example by describing their dinner from the day before. Teacher will encourage students to use complete sentences in the simple past tense and help any students who struggle with the semi-new vocabulary terms. Teacher may call on whomever they wish. b. Students will (volunteer) to summarize what they ate for dinner last night and demonstrate their progress with last lessons vocabulary. 2. Verb Rings (visual) a. The teacher will ask students to retrieve their verb rings and textbooks. This should take less than 2 mins. Teacher will go over unfamiliar verbs demonstrating correct pronunciation. Teacher will practice the conjugation of one verb with class. This means verb with English definition and verb conjugated correctly with each subject pronoun. Teacher will circle room while students complete independently the verb charts for remaining new verbs. b. Students will gather verb rings and textbooks. Students will complete example verb chart with class. Students will employ conjugation process to complete the remaining verb charts independently. Students may ask to help if needed. (CSE) 3. PALS Work (v, a, kinesthetic-if students chose to truly act out waiter role) a. The teacher will ask students to quickly transition to PAL pairs that were assigned at beginning of quarter (see list). Teacher will instruct students to work with textbook and create authentic, short conversations where students are ordering or buying food. Students will take turns being the customer and the waiter. The teacher will ask 2 students to repeat the directions (CFU-directions). Teacher will walk around classroom and assess students abilities to illustrate their use of verbs and vocabulary. b. Students will pair themselves. Students will, with aid from their verb rings and textbooks, dramatize a short conversation between a customer and a waiter at a French restaurant. 4. Closure: (a) Teacher will ask two PALS pairs to demonstrate one dramatization they created. Teacher will encourage them to do it as best they can from memory. 5. Homework: Teacher will distribute handout of the homework assignment. Students will be asked to create a fictional text conversation with their French friend. They will be directed to use Yelp! to find a restaurant in France. Using the information on this site and in their textbook, they will make dinner plans for Friday night. Students must have two phrasing telling what they liked about the dishes at the restaurant and explain one dish. Day 2 6. Do Now: Ball Toss (a, k) a. The teacher will instruct student to form themselves into a circle. Teacher will demonstrate rules of the ball toss game. No over hand throws or pegging each other. First person will start with JE and conjugate the current verb to match this pronoun, the next student with continue with same verb using TU. This will continue as the class goes through their verb rings. If a student does not know the correct conjugation for a pronoun, they may pass. If a student passes they will receive a pass back meaning they will be asked to repeat the correct

Label: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic Accommodations for learning modalities

Label: Checks for Understanding: directions, procedures/routines, and/or content (formative) Ex. (CFU directions)

Label: Evidence of Cognitive Student Engagement (CSE)

Label: Closure

conjugation they did not know immediately after classmate has provided the correct response. The teacher will ask 3 students to repeat the directions (CFU-directions). b. Students will complete the activity with teacher participation. (CSE) 7. Memory Game (a) a. Teacher will ask students to take their seats. Teacher will introduce the memory game. Students will express their like or dislike of a certain food or dish. The next person, using the correct subject pronoun of the pervious person, say what they liked or disliked and add a like or dislike of their own. The likes/dislikes will compile on each other. Each person will be required to remember all that proceeded before them. If they cannot the chain will start over again. The goal is to get through everyone in the classroom. b. Students will complete the activity with teacher participation. (CSE)

Assessment/ Evaluation
Label formative or summative, describe purpose, and provide grading/feedback method.

Verb rings- formative assessment which will be used to review the proper conjugation and ending of verbs. PALS work- formative assessment which will allow teacher to subjectively assess students comprehension of new/old verbs and vocabulary. Homework- formative assessment which will help teacher gauge students ability to express opinions and create complete sentences, and their usage of the vocabulary. Ball Toss formative assessment which will be used demonstrate students abilities to conjugate verbs with some applied pressure similar to a test. It also serves as a review of spiraling verbs. Memory Game- formative assessment which will allow teacher to assess student mastery of vocabulary used throughout the unit and see which ones students are comfortable with and those that prove the most difficult.

Describe type and purpose. Include a back-up plan.

Computers or cellular phones to use Yelp! to look up restaurant in France. Computer or cellular phones again to compose a fictional text conversation between them and their French friend making dinner plans.

Academic Language required for the

Aimer, prfre, plus, moins, bon(ne), mauvais(e), goter, le restaurant, le menu, le petit-djeuner, le djeuner, le dner, dinner, un repas, le plat, une verre, une tasse, etc.


Accommodations, Student Supports, and/or Interactions with Co-Teachers and/or Support Staff Resources/ Materials

Students are allowed to come in during teachers free period or make arrangements after school to ask questions or seek extra help.

Computers, verb rings, toy ball, Yelp!

Time Required

Class period 40 mins

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