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t It is as if I am trying to make the other person see things my way do things my way, take action the same way that I would have with the same value and ethics that I do but they do not cooperate! Others are trying to make me do things their way, without logic or value, having control over some aspect of my job or my life without seeming to care how this is affecting me. hey won!t discuss or negotiate it, or if they do it is just to placate for the moment. It is not a genuine commitment to make the changes or institute the programs. here is discussion behind my back that others are aware of but I am not included. "omething I have carefully and thoughtfully built, taking into consideration all of the limitations of the situation while still focusing on the outcome and successfully producing it, can be torn down by others without acknowledgement, appreciation or reali#ation of the effort or value. hey make random changes based on whim or personal preference and e$pect me to go along with their decisions without comment. If I do comment or complain I am perceived as argumentative, irrational or controlling. %esentment is about being discounted, overlooked, unacknowledged, or seeing those you love discounted. It is about not being valued or appreciated for the hard work, effort, blood, sweat and tears that I put into the project that is discarded as if of no value. %esentment my diligent efforts are thwarted without any regard for the effect it has on me. I am of no regard. What is this resentment energetically& 'art of it is hanging onto my stance my ideas, projects, creations, like a possession like a dog with a bone. "tubborn is the word I was told. I feel this energy of resentment in my body "tomach& (allbladder& hroat& "omething cathartic about getting it down on paper. )ntangling the confusion in knots in my stomach. What happens energetically& "imilar to frustration energy is blocked*stopped une$pressed, bottled up. he energy is trapped. Frustration no e$it for bottled up energy flood of creativity, ideas,

love, happiness, joy but no outlet. Resentment energy is e$pressed but not allowed to come to fruition. It is thwarted in some way. hroughout your lifetime all of the hopes and dreams, creations and e$pressions you have put out into the world like soaking seeds in water and nutrients until they germinate. +ou are so e$cited and pleased at the prospect of the beautiful plant that is forming like a miracle. ,ut the plant never has the chance to thrive not enough water, not enough sunlight, or is smashed by a careless footstep, pulled up like a weed or eaten by a cow. -ach time we have a creation, an e$pression of who we are, that was never allowed to mature and grow to its full beauty we feel that loss. -ven though this may be the impetus for us to try harder and develop an even more versatile design, we still e$perience that loss like a little death because the beautiful e$pression that we sent out into the world was lost. .ike a piece of us is gone forever. Over time this causes us to lose hope and we become afraid to venture out and try new things because at some level we dread the prospect of another loss. Opening the heart is the free flowing full e$pression of who you are without limitation. If we are e$periencing this loss and fear of loss /which we may be able to identify from e$periences of resentment0 we cannot e$press the full power of who we are. I found that playing beautiful music began the process of untangling these knots of resentment energy inside me. I was shown that we can make a timeline /from the time of conception through the present day0 of all those events that caused us to feel resentment. We can move into our 1erkaba body and activate it, spin it through this timeline gathering up all of the ama#ing ideas, creativity, and e$pression that we have put out into the world that has been un2received, underappreciated, devalued, or discounted. his energy of creation can be brought back into us, purified by divine love energy, restored and rejuvenated to its original splendor. When we have gathered up all of our previous energy from these events in this lifetime, we can send the 1erkaba back through our maternal and paternal line and back through our own timeline to the time of soul emergence, clearing all resentments and reclaiming and purifying all of our creative energy. We can truly e$press who we are,

be the person we are here to be, unencumbered by these previous events and censorship.

THE ART OF LETTING GO RESENTMENT RECLAIMING WHAT WAS LOST 3. .ook back over your life to those times when you e$perienced resentment. 1ake a list of those events that still seem to be affecting you. 4. In meditation ask which event to work with at this time. 5. ,ring up the details about your feelings in this situation. What is it that actually bothers you the most& When you have the time, writing these things down may be very beneficial for you to begin unraveling this energy. 6. What is happening energetically in your body because of this resentment& 7. 'lay some beautiful music as you see, feel the energy ties untangle inside you. 8. 9sk your helpers, :What else can I do to release this energy of resentment&; :<an you help me retrieve what has been lost&; =. ,uild and activate your 1erkaba body. /"ee handout0 >. (o back to the time of your conception this lifetime and spin the activated 1erkaba body, retrieving any energy of creation trapped by resentment. ,ring this creative energy into you as you make your way through your life up to the present day. "pin the 1erkaba body to purify and integrate this energy back into yourself. ?. 9sk the divine love energy to fill you up. "end the 1erkaba vehicle back through your mother!s ancestral line clearing any energy trapped by resentment. @low the divine love energy through your mother!s ancestral line. Ao the same for your father!s ancestral line. 3B. ravel back through your own personal lineage through space and time in your spinning 1erkaba vehicle to the place and time of soul emergence. <lear and clean, retrieve and purify all of your creative energy that has been trapped in the energy of

resentment. 33. <ome back to your present day self. @eel the new e$pansiveness and the freedom to be yourself that you have gained by clearing the energy of resentment from your energy field.

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