KP - System Messages 1501-2000

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1501 From: anant raichur <anant_1608@...

> Date: Mon Nov 15, 2004 0:54am Subject: Re: RP and DAy Lord anant_1608 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 In KP the charts are cast according to the STANDARD Time of Birth. No referenc e is made to Sun Rise. So the Day is also reckoned from 12.0 Midnight. This is my understanding so far. Jyotish Dham <> wrote: Dear Member While calculating RP the day lord is the lord of week day. Now How we calculate New week Day in KP a) After 12 O clock Night or b) After 5:30 am in morning or c)After sunrise Thanks Shunny Nigam Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online.

-----------------------------------------A.R.Raichur bombay USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY tel: 022-2506 2609 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Do you Yahoo!? Check out the new Yahoo! Front Page.

1502 From: anant raichur <anant_1608@...> Date: Mon Nov 15, 2004 1:05am Subject: RE: RP and DAy Lord anant_1608 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Day Lord. I checked up the Book " R.P &K.P" by K.Subramaniam and k.Hariharan, sons of Lat e Prof KSK.

On page xvi of the book it is stated " Here the day is taken into consideration according to Hindu Theorey from the Moment of Sunrise to the moment of succeedin g Sun rise " please ignore by previous posting. Vaidun Vidyadhar <> wrote: Dear Shunny, As per vedic norms, the new day starts AT sunrise. KP follows the same rule. With regards. Vaidun Vidyadhar 1 / 94 Marius Street Tamworth, NSW 2340 Australia Tel: 61-2-67 668428 (home) Mobile: 0414 870 083 Email:

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------From: Jyotish Dham [] Sent: Monday, 15 November 2004 2:54 AM To: KP System Subject: [k_p_system] RP and DAy Lord Dear Member While calculating RP the day lord is the lord of week day. Now How we calculate New week Day in KP a) After 12 O clock Night or b) After 5:30 am in morning or c)After sunrise Thanks Shunny Nigam Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online.

-----------------------------------------A.R.Raichur bombay USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY tel: 022-2506 2609

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1503 From: anant raichur <anant_1608@...> Date: Mon Nov 15, 2004 1:23am Subject: Re: KPBC1 annalysis. anant_1608 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Very good ananlysis. I now realise why I drew the wrong conclusions. The Dasa/ Bhukti/and Antara Lords indicated 1oth house matter. So connected with Professio n. They also indicated 6th house (5th also). So wrong deduction of Success in s ervice. 8th house was indicateds, This shd have been considered. Next House 2 w as involved. This is both weath and also a Maraka house . The Badhaka was forgot ten. THIS TEACHES US TO CONSIDER ALL ASPECTS WHEN CONSIDERING BLIND CHARTS. Congratulaions to those who correctly worked out the result. Good Luck ] rongaunt <> wrote: Prior to being involved with KP, and being disappointed in the inconsistent results from dasas, I evolved a technique for prognostication using the Solar Eclipse (SE). My theory is that the SE is the crucible for near term events, ie before the next SE. I think the Solar Eclipse is very powerful when planets and angles link up with radical planets and angles. The eclipse shuts down the solar radiation, and restarts as the Sun re-emerges. This acts on the sensitive areas of a radical chart like a fibrillator on a clinically dead body. So for this case I first look at the last SE before the accident on 12 Sep 1931. Most obvious is the heavy tenancy of radical 8th house (obstructions and death) by the Eclipse point itself, Neptune, Mercury and Eclipse Asc. Here we see Mercury, Neptune and Asc in very close conjunction on Rasi Lagna (same degree as radical ascendant) This suggests the possibility of death as Mercury is Badhaka for Sagitarian Asc - provided Marakas for 2nd and 7th are also involved - which they are, because 7th Lord again is Mercury and 2nd Lord is Saturn. Saturn in the SE closely aspects radical Saturn. Radical Saturn (which is close to its high point in debilitation) in turn opposes radical Mercury which is combust the Sun. This is a very ominous combination particularly as it involves the Sun which is closely contra parallel Saturn, and Sun is the Lord of the 8th house. Neptune according to Carter the doyen of Western astrologers says Neptune is transport - so we might see an accident death involving transport in some way. So I expect a possible death before the 11th October 1931 - the

time of the next SE. The question is when? Using dasa 22:22:30 circa 1900, dasas for the event are Me/Ve/Ju/Ra. Mercury is both Badhaka and Maraka and is intimately involved in every house except 11 and 12, either in its own right or by aspect with Saturn. Venus is in the star of the Sun Lord of the 8th house of death, and the sub of Saturn. Also Sun is first rate significator for the 3rd house of short journeys. Again very appropriate. Jupiter is in its own star and sub is Sun. Jupiter is significator for 1,3 and 10 which might suggest problems in career but does not suggest accident or death. Rahu substitutes for Mars significator of 2,4,5,11,12 or Jupiter (by aspect) as above. Again no suggestion of accident or death. So the dasas to my mind do not support the idea of death. There is a strong feeling of accident from Mercury and Venus but Jupiter just does not seem to fit the event. However, looking at dasa dates I note that Saturn replaces Jupiter only 3days later on the 13th October 31. Resetting the dasa for 1900 to 22:22:00 I note that the dasas for the event now become Me/Ve/Sa/Sa. This appears far more appropriate. In fact resetting the dasa to 22:21:51 as set for KP by Parasara Light software gives Me/Ve/Sa/Sa/Me. Here we have the Badhaka planet Mercury and the Maraka planet Saturn operating between 8th October and 11th October 1931; and of course the accident occurred on the 10th. Also interesting is that transit Saturn on the day of the event moves in Ven/Merc which is the same Lord and Sub as natal Saturn. Another point: the 8th sub Lord is the Moon which is in the star of Saturn and the sub of Mercury. So we have another clear indication from these two planets critically placed in the radical chart of the possibility of death. Here is a point that will interest our members using Mr Raichur's software. The natal goecentric Asc is 13Sag24:40 in the star of Venus and the Sub of Venus. SE Asc is Ven/Ven, also SE Mer is Ven/Ven. SE Neptune which is Ketu/Merc (same as natal geographical Asc) moves to Ve/Ve on the day of death. Also transiting Asc on the day of death is Ve/Ve aspecting SE Mercury Badhaka of the natal chart and transit Neptune (death in transport accident) !!!. Of course aspects to the geographical Asc are also extremely close ( In fact would be considered to be exact - being less than 1*) but it is still an interesting observation. As I am only a few weeks into my study of KP I will be happy for correction if any of my KP observations are not correct. Ron Gaunt

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-----------------------------------------A.R.Raichur bombay USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY tel: 022-2506 2609 -----------------------------------------__________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around

1504 From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@...> Date: Mon Nov 15, 2004 1:26am Subject: Re: KPBC1 answer lyrastro1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Ron, I was quite pleased to hear that my analysis was qite near the mar k...but I missed the point that death will take place the next day...! In any case a near-miss,in my book, means I've scored a big zero,a s per the standards I've set for myself... However I am sending you alongwith,the chart cast for the time of the event...which together with the BC.(sent along with my answer),had helped me

arrive at the answer I had given... Members are kindly requested to please point out how and why I re ally should not have really MISSED the death of the person involved....? With the very best wishes,I am, Yours sincerely, lyrastro1

rongaunt <> wrote: The answer to the first Blind Chart is that the native died when pillion riding from his job with a fellow workman. They were knocked down by a car and the native's head was terribly injured. The accident occurred at 5:45pm, October 10, 1931 at Nottingham and the native died the following day. Congratulations to Yogesh and TW who both cited Badhaka and Maraka planets as likely to cause an accident. Yogesh saw a serious accident but protection from the aspects of Jupiter. This did not transpire - why? We will wait a few days to discuss this chart before moving on to KPBC2. Ron Gaunt Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online. M A N G E S H M A H A L A X M I P R A S S A N N A L.Y.RAO 132 MINA Shivaji Park Rd.2 Mumbai 400 028 TEL: 2445 7401:3091 5319 email: lyr@...:lyastro1@...

ASTROLOGER:L.Y.RAO:Tel:2445 7401:3091 5319 ----------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | | | | | |Uran 23 26 10| | | | |IX 20 5 39| | | | |Rahu 5 28 2|X 23 42 23| |X1 2 47 5| |Ven 1 11 12| | |Plut-R 27 37 30| | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------| | NAME:r/o RONGAUNT | | | | MONDAY 10 -10 -1931 | | |VIII 24 30 8| Time 17 45 0 | | |Moon 7 56 59| | | |VII 5 4 50| SID.TIME 2 h. 56 m. 14 s. |XII 7 33 58|

| | |Jup -R 24 48 16| | | NAKS:Shat.-PADA 1 | | | | | | :---------------| PLACE:IPSWICH ENGLAND UK * |---------------| | | | | |Sun 24 56 32| LAT 52 deg 6 min N | | |Mars 23 28 19| |Asc. 5 4 50| |Merc 11 18 46| Long 1 deg 10 min E |Nept-R 14 18 21| |VI 7 33 58| |For 18 5 16| |Sat 5 23 9| Ayan 22 d. 49 m. 8 s. |II 24 30 8| | | | | | |CAST BY:L.Y.RAO | | ----------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |V 2 47 5| |IV 23 42 23| | | | | |Ketu 5 28 2| | | | |III 20 5 39| | | | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------DASA BAL. Rahu 16 Y. 97 Days ENDS ON 14 5 1948 BHK. Bal. Rahu 0 Y. 353 Days: ANT. Bal. Ketu 0 Days: SOOK Bal. Merc 0 Days CUSP ASC 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th Sgl Sun Sun Mer Ven Jup Sat Sat Sat Jup Mar Mer Moo Stl Ket Ven Moo Jup Ket Sun Mar Jup Mer Ven Mar Sat Sbl Mar Mer Ket Sat Ven Ket Sun Mer Ven Sat Ven Ket Ssl Sat Ven Rah Jup Mer Sat Rah Ven Mar Rah Ven Moo :PLANET :SUN. :MOON :MARS :MERC :JUP.-R :VEN. :SAT. :RAHU :KETU :URAN :NEPT-R :FOR. :PLUT-R Sgl Sat Sat Sat Sat Moo Jup Sat Jup Mer Jup Sun Sun Mer Stl Mar Rah Mar Moo Mer Jup Sun Sat Sun Mer Ven Ven Jup Sbl Rah Rah Mar Mar Rah Mar Mer Mer Mer Mar Ven Mar Ven SsL Sat Ket Rah Jup Sat Ven Ket Mer Ket Rah Rah Moo Rah

ASTROLOGER:L.Y.RAO:Tel:2445 7401:3091 5319 BIRTH DETAILS OF r/o RONGAUNT SIGNIFICATORS OF HOUSES SIGNIFICATORS ARE SHOWN IN THE FOLLOWING ORDER OF IMPORTANCE A-Planets in Star of Occupants of House: B-Planets in House C-Planets in stars of House Lord: D-House Lord: E= Planets Aspected by A,B,C,D Trad aspects BY SIGN : F=Sub Lord HOUSE A B C D E F ---------------------------------------------------------------------ASC | |NEP:FOR: |SAT:KET: |Sun|MA:ME:JU:SA|Mar | | | | |SU:VE:RA: |

2nd | |KET: |SAT:KET: |Sun|MA:ME:JU:SA|Mer | | | | |SU:VE:RA: | 3rd | | |JUP:URA: |Mer|SU:MA:JU:SA|Ket | | | | |ME:VE:RA: | 4th | | |NEP:FOR: |Ven|RA:KE: |Sat | | | | | | 5th | | |VEN:PLU: |Jup|SU:MA:ME:VE|Ven | | | | |SA:RA:KE: | 6th |SAT:KET:SUN:MAR|SUN:MAR:MER:SAT|RAH: |Sat|SU:MA:ME:JU|Ket |JUP:URA:RAH: | | | |VE:RA:KE:SA| 7th |MER: |MOO: |RAH: |Sat|SU:MA:ME:JU|Sun | | | | |VE:RA:KE:SA| 8th |NEP:FOR:MOO: |VEN:RAH: |RAH: |Sat|SU:MA:ME:JU|Mer | | | | |VE:RA:KE: | 9th | |URA: |VEN:PLU: |Jup|SU:MA:ME:VE|Ven | | | | |SA:RA:KE: | 10th | | |SUN:MAR: |Mar|SU:ME:JU:SA|Sat | | | | |MA: | 11th | |PLU: |JUP:URA: |Mer|SU:MA:JU:SA|Ven | | | | |ME:VE:RA: | 12th |VEN:PLU: |JUP: |MER: |Moo|SU:MA:JU:SA|Ket | | | | |ME:VE:RA:KE| ---------------------------------------------------------------------PLANET House Numbers Signified: SUN. MOON MARS MERC JUP. VEN. SAT. RAHU KETU URAN NEPT FOR. PLUT Aspecting Planets

A-06,B-06,C-10,D-As,D-02, :MA:ME:JU:SA:F- 7, A-08,B-07,D-12, :FA-06,B-06,C-10,D-10, :SU:ME:JU:SA:F- 1, A-07,B-06,C-12,D-03,D-11, :SU:MA:JU:SA:F- 2, 8, A-06,B-12,C-03,C-11,D-05,D-09,:SU:MA:ME:SA:FA-12,B-08,C-05,C-09,D-04, :JU:SA:RA:KE:F- 5, 9,11, A-06,B-06,C-As,C-02,D-06,D-07,D-08, :SU:MA:ME:JU:F- 4,10, A-06,B-08,C-06,C-07,C-08, :JU:VE:SA:KE:FA-06,B-02,C-As,C-02, :VE:RA:F- 3, 6,12, A-06,B-09,C-03,C-11, :JU:VE:SA:RA:KE:FA-08,B-As,C-04, :MO:MA:FA-08,B-As,C-04, :MO:MA:FA-12,B-11,C-05,C-09, :F-

RAHU will ACT as AGENT for Jup,Sat also KETU will ACT as AGENT for Mer,Sun also Planets EXALTED or in OWN house Strongly signify the house owned These are : MARS:EXA JUP.:EXA VEN.:EXA SAT.:OWN PAGE END OBSERVATIONS : 1) This is the chart of the heavens at Ipswitch,on,10-10-1931,at 17-45 PM. 2) This is for your information... 3) This chart helped me judge the event fairly accurately... 4) This chart read along-with the birtth-chart,as a matter=of-fact was used by me to arrive at the conclusion that I did...

1505 From: rongaunt <rongaunt@...>

Date: Mon Nov 15, 2004 1:45am Subject: Blind Chart submissions rongaunt1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Will any member who wishes to submit a blind chart, please forward it direct to me at rongaunt@... Please only submit where birth times are reasonably expected to be correct. The events should be major events in a native's life. The details required are: Date of Birth, Time of Birth, Place of birth. Long and Lat. Time Zone Date (and time if known) of event. Place of event. Long and Lat Time Zone Ascendant When forwarding to me please do not include the actual event, as I would like to participate in the exercise myself. Contributing members will be asked to post the result direct to the List on a certain date. Ron Gaunt

1506 From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@...> Date: Mon Nov 15, 2004 3:34am Subject: Re: Re: Fwd: Food for thought... lyrastro1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear tw853, Thank you,but I guess It'll still take me some more convincing, especially because the North Indian pundits and the westerners, get things surpr isingly right, by considering the Xth house for representing the father. Any way,presently,personally I consider the IXth,to represent F ather,as taught in K.P.... Thanks, any way,for taking the trouble to refer the article,whi ch specifically talks about the Soth Indians and their preference for taking the IX th house for Father and the reasons etc... Yours sincerely, lyrastro1 GOOD LUCK !

tw853 <> wrote: Dear Yogesh Rao Lajmi, The following article "House of Father by Wandy Vasicek" may help to some extent -- Best regards, tw --- In, Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@y...> wrote: > > > Note: forwarded message attached. > > Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline. > Dear Members, > Since long,in Vedic astrology,(this includes all schools), the houses IV and IX have been designated as "mother's" and "father's" houses...respectively... > > Now, several dichotomies arise : > a) If the VIIth from the IVth(mother's house) is taken for the father' works out to be the Xth ! > b) If we take the opposite way,the the VIIth from from the IXth(father's) works out to be the IIIrd,which should denote the mother. ! > c) Again,it is said that from a wife's chart,the VIIth denotes the husband...In that case,in a male's chart,the the IVth is for mother,and the VIthfrom the IVth,which is the IXTh from the lagna,is taken to denote the father...and... > d) If we take the the IXth as denoting the father,the VIIIth from the IXth, (which is the fourth from the Lagna,denoting mother...leads to all-round confusion...! ! > > It is felt,therefore,that a lot of (basic) research,needs to be done to designate the Mother's and Father's houses respectively,in a scientific way... ? ! > > I am keenly looking forward to comments from all to how could this problem be solved satisfactorily... > > With kind regards, > lyrastro1 > > GOOD LUCK ! > > > > Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline.

Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online.

1507 From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@...> Date: Mon Nov 15, 2004 3:43am Subject: Re: astrolger or politician r stock broker lyrastro1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Raju, Analyse the Xth house in detail... K.P., books give detailed Sign,Star,Sub-wise details...refer the b ook PROFESSION...for further details... Also analyse Fortuna Pt., Dasa,bhukti,anthara in progress... With best wishes, lyrastro1 GOOD LUCK ! raju bokaariya <> wrote: MY dob 10 JULY 1964 TIME 8.55 AM PLACE IS BARSI (SOLAPUR.-MAHRASHTRA) INDIA vENUS DASHA START IN 2006-7...VENUS IN NKASHTRA OF MARS AND MARS AND VENUS CONJUNCTION IN TAURUS IN TENTH HOUSE OF CHART (DHARMAKARMADHIPATI YOG) VENUS ALSO SUB LORD OF 7-9-11 HOUSE FOR leo ASC .... CAN ANY ONE DESCRIBE IN WHICH FIELD DOES THIS DASHA GIVE FRUITS Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online.

1508 From: Ron Day <ron@...> Date: Mon Nov 15, 2004 4:48pm Subject: KPBC1 Analysis ronday_au Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 >Jupiter is in its own star and sub is Sun. Jupiter is significator for 1,3 and 10 which might suggest problems in career but does not suggest accident or death. Rahu substitutes for Mars significator of 2,4,5,11,12 or Jupiter (by aspect) as above. Again no suggestion of accident or death. So the dasas to my mind do not support the idea of death. There is a strong feeling of accident from Mercury and Venus but Jupiter just does not seem to fit the event. However, looking at dasa dates I note that Saturn replaces Jupiter only 3days later on the 13th October 31. Resetting the dasa for 1900 to 22:22:00 I note that the dasas for the event now become Me/Ve/Sa/Sa. This appears far more appropriate.<

Ron , All good points. I had a look at the ruling planets for this chart . The Moon came out as a strong RP(Me was not a RP) so I would consider moving the ascendent to JU Ve Ve Mo ie in the range 13:48:53 Sg to 14:00:00Sg This should then get the correct dasa for the accident event. Ron Day

1509 From: rongaunt <rongaunt@...> Date: Mon Nov 15, 2004 5:20pm Subject: Re: KPBC1 answer rongaunt1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Yogesh, The most critical part of the natal chart was the close opposition of Mercury to Saturn. You had it right as Mercury is Badhaka and Maraka, and Saturn is also Maraka. All three pointed to accidental death. Confirmed by 8th sub lord Moon being in the star of Saturn and Sub of Mercury. Transiting Maraka Saturn at the time of the accident came EXACTLY in aspect with the natal Saturn in the critical natal Mercury/Saturn configuration. At the same time transit Mars (note the sub of natal Mars is also Saturn) came EXACTLY conjunct natal Mercury in the same configuration. So we have the two accident planets Mars and Saturn activating both ends of the death axis of Mercury/Saturn. It is also interesting that transiting Part of Fortune was EXACTLY conjunct natal Saturn. The finishing stroke was provided TO THE MINUTE when transiting Asc came EXACTLY aspect to natal Asc, SE Asc and Mercury and Transit Neptune at the time of the accident. What would have been confusing to me if I had not known the outcome - was the dasas. The involvement of Jupiter just does not seem correct to me. As I explained moving the ayanamsa slightly provides an answer. Whether such a change will be valid in other cases remains to be seen.

Ron Gaunt

On Mon, 15 Nov 2004 07:26:25 +0000, you wrote: >Dear Ron, > I was quite pleased to hear that my analysis was qite near the mark...but I missed the point that death will take place the next day...! > In any case a near-miss,in my book, means I've scored a big zero,as per the standards I've set for myself...

> > However I am sending you alongwith,the chart cast for the time of the event...which together with the BC.(sent along with my answer),had helped me arrive at the answer I had given... > > Members are kindly requested to please point out how and why I really should not have really MISSED the death of the person involved....? > > With the very best wishes,I am, > > Yours sincerely, > lyrastro1 > > > > > >rongaunt <rongaunt@...> wrote: > >The answer to the first Blind Chart is that the native died when >pillion riding from his job with a fellow workman. They were >knocked down by a car and the native's head was terribly injured. >The accident occurred at 5:45pm, October 10, 1931 at Nottingham >and the native died the following day. > >Congratulations to Yogesh and TW who both cited Badhaka and >Maraka planets as likely to cause an accident. Yogesh saw a >serious accident but protection from the aspects of Jupiter. >This did not transpire - why? > >We will wait a few days to discuss this chart before moving on to >KPBC2. > > >Ron Gaunt > >Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT > Eliminate Your Debt! >Get out of Debt Now Christian counselors availableClick here to find out how you can become free from debt. > >-------------------------------->Yahoo! Groups Links > > To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. > > > >Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline.

1510 From: rongaunt <rongaunt@...> Date: Mon Nov 15, 2004 5:57pm

Subject: Re: KPBC1 Analysis rongaunt1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Ron, Please see reply ** .....................** Ron Gaunt

On Tue, 16 Nov 2004 08:48:23 +1000, you wrote: > > >Jupiter is in its own star and sub is Sun. Jupiter is significator for >1,3 and 10 which might suggest problems in career but does not suggest >accident or death. >Rahu substitutes for Mars significator of 2,4,5,11,12 or Jupiter (by >aspect) as above. Again no suggestion of accident or death. >So the dasas to my mind do not support the idea of death. There is a strong >feeling of accident from Mercury and Venus but Jupiter just does not seem >to fit the event. However, looking at dasa dates I note that Saturn >replaces Jupiter only 3days later on the 13th October 31. Resetting the >dasa for 1900 to 22:22:00 I note that the dasas for the event now become >Me/Ve/Sa/Sa. This appears far more appropriate.< > > >Ron , > >All good points. > I had a look at the ruling planets for this chart . The Moon came out >as a strong RP(Me was not a RP) so I would consider moving the ascendent >to JU Ve Ve Mo ie in the range 13:48:53 Sg to 14:00:00Sg > >This should then get the correct dasa for the accident event. ** You mention that Moon came out strong but Me was not a RP. However, note that Moon is situated in Saturn Star and Mercury Sub. These are the critical planets in the chart and constitute the 'death axis'. Whilst your suggestion is a possibility; to my mind Saturn is more likely as part of the dasa, due to its prominence in the natal chart and its involvement in the S.E, and its exact aspect to the death axis on the day of the accident. Also effecting such a change would need an adjustment of up to 2 minutes in the time of birth. I wonder if this is likely when the birth time is precisely quoted as 11:48am. Also note transiting Asc at the time of the accident is in exact aspect to natal Asc which suggests that the calculated Asc is correct. One point that I didn't mention was that it is possible to keep the 'accepted' ayanamsa of 22:22:30 and still come up with acceptable dasas. This is using Parallax Moon. We then get Me/Ve/Sa/Me.

1511 From: Ron Day <ron@...> Date: Mon Nov 15, 2004 6:21pm Subject: Re: KPBC1 Analysis ronday_au Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 > > > > Ron, Sorry I was not clear here. I did a prashna for the chart in question and found ruling planets from this. So consider a change in birth time. In any case, from my version of PL using the 11.48 am time, I get a dasa of ME Ve Sa Sa for the event date of 10 Oct 1931 using krishnamurti ayanamsha. Ron Day > One point that I didn't mention was that it is possible to keep the 'accepted' ayanamsa of 22:22:30 and still come up with acceptable dasas. This is using Parallax Moon. We then get Me/Ve/Sa/Me.<

1512 From: rongaunt <rongaunt@...> Date: Mon Nov 15, 2004 6:44pm Subject: Re: KPBC1 Analysis rongaunt1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Ron Please see comments ** Ron Gaunt On Tue, 16 Nov 2004 10:21:11 +1000, you wrote: > > >> > One point that I didn't mention was that it is possible to >> keep the 'accepted' ayanamsa of 22:22:30 and still come up >> with acceptable dasas. This is using Parallax Moon. >> We then get Me/Ve/Sa/Me.< > >Ron, > >Sorry I was not clear here. I did a prashna for the chart in question and >found ruling planets from this. >So consider a change in birth time. >In any case, from my version of PL using the 11.48 am time, I get a dasa of >ME Ve Sa Sa for the event date of 10 Oct 1931 using krishnamurti ayanamsha. ** Yes, with PL I also get Me/Ve/Sa/Sa. However, I am referring to Parallax Moon above; and PL (as far as I am aware) does not have an option for Parallax. You will have .............. **

to use either Goravani Jyotish or Solar Fire for Parallax. As S.F. only shows Dasa and Buhkti you will have to check the 'ayanamsa of date' (after setting the Parallax option), and program PL with the same to come up with Parallax to show the dasas. **

1513 From: Punit Pandey <punitp@...> Date: Tue Nov 16, 2004 0:07am Subject: Re: KPBC1 answer pandeypunit Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Ron ji, I was not part of this analysis. I'll try to participate in future charts. I must congratulate you for this fine attempt. IMO Blind Charts are the best methods for practical learning. Keep it up. Regards, Punit Pandey

On Mon, 15 Nov 2004 10:32:26 +1000, rongaunt <rongaunt@...> wrote: > > The answer to the first Blind Chart is that the native died when > pillion riding from his job with a fellow workman. They were > knocked down by a car and the native's head was terribly injured. > The accident occurred at 5:45pm, October 10, 1931 at Nottingham > and the native died the following day. > > Congratulations to Yogesh and TW who both cited Badhaka and > Maraka planets as likely to cause an accident. Yogesh saw a > serious accident but protection from the aspects of Jupiter. > This did not transpire - why? > > We will wait a few days to discuss this chart before moving on to > KPBC2. > > > Ron Gaunt > > > Yahoo! Groups Sponsor > > ADVERTISEMENT > > > > > Eliminate Your Debt! > Get out of Debt Now Christian counselors available > Click here to find out how you can become free from debt. >

> > > > > > > > > > > > >

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1514 From: Punit Pandey <punitp@...> Date: Tue Nov 16, 2004 0:22am Subject: Re: Need attention pandeypunit Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Tiwari ji, You will have to analyze horoscope in the context of all events. It is the responsibility of the astrologer to check first about the health and mental condition and then only predict about the marriage. Suppose in the horoscope there is yoga for balarishta (death in childhood) so all other yoga for marriage, profession etc. nullify itself. Regards, Punit Pandey

On Thu, 11 Nov 2004 08:06:31 -0800 (PST), Vinay Tiwari <techn0pandit@...> wrote: > > Respected Guruz & friends, > > Shubh deepawali. > > I am at learning stage and need some help regarding the chart mentioned > below. > > 1) As per Great KP rule , regarding marriage , > > Marriage is confirmed , if seventh sublord signifies 2 , 7 , or 11 .If > i am not wrong somewhere. > > 2) Birth details of native, > > 03rd June 1984 , morning 05:45 , Ghatkopar , mumbai , India. > > For the above native seventh sublord is Rahu.which is signifactor of 2nd > house as well. > > But the native is mentally retard , So what should i conclude?

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

I have asked this chart details for learning only. Kindly also guide me how can i find the above said health matter in chart. Thanks in advance. Regards Vinay Tiwari

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1515 From: Sesh Krish <kseshadri_2000@...> Date: Tue Nov 16, 2004 0:24am Subject: Re: Re: Which is the best software program for KP - KPBC1 & A TEST- ks eshadri_2000 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Well, I am catching up the new KP AY,. But what I like to share is this. 25 ye ars back or earlier, when I started learning KP astrology I had predicted when a friend would come, when the failed electrictiy will come , when the booked trun k call will come. All of them came out correctly. So that Ayanamsa must be good. Yes you need a clinching test. Best is to look for incidents like hospitalisatio n, where 12th must operate and if one comes across conflicting evidence then one can follow through. Seshadri

.com> wrote: Dear Rongaunt IN kp, Horary one has to check the MOON (mind). This must fully connect to the q uestion asked. Only if this satisfied, the KP ASTROLOGER goes ahead. Otherwise, the qusetion is taken up at another time. My personal experience is KP HORARY with RPS, gives 99% correct result. It is be st, if the querrent is present in Person, so minor points can be got confirmed.

rongaunt <> wrote: Yogesh, Good question. The immediate answer is that whilst I have studied many areas of astrology over 33 years I have never looked at Horary. I hope to remedy this in the not too distant future. The implication in your question is that if you get good results from horary the ayanamsa, angles and planetary data must be valid. I wonder if this is correct. We see many people using different ways ie. time of question, with a number 108, with number 249, even using the tropical system. Many claim consistent results from these varied ways. We see Prof. K.K. getting acclaim for demonstrated results, yet it is now claimed that his ayanamsa is incorrect. What this suggests is that it is really synchronicity that is at work here. ie. a person instinctively chooses a time, number, system which aligns to his own sub conscious inclinations. This might then produce the correct answer without necessarily having the right chart details. Those who are successful with this method possibly have a very good sense of timing and intuition to match. Ron Gaunt ====== Yahoo! My Yahoo! Mail Welcome, raon1008 [Sign Out, My Account] Groups Home - Help

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Sort by Date 1516 From: anant raichur <anant_1608@...> Date: Tue Nov 16, 2004 0:58am Subject: Re: Re: Which is the best software program for KP - KPBC1 & A TEST- an ant_1608 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 THE So called NEW kp ayanamsa is not new, in the sense the Basic Year of Coinc idence of the Two Systems (Sayan and Nirayan) coincided on 21st March 291 ( Not 285 as given by Laheri). The rate of precicion was 50.23... as per Newcomb. What was not stated the exact formula to derive the Ayanamsa for each year. The figures for 1840 to 2000 were given to the nearest minute. It was also stated th at this shd be taken as constant thru out the year. When accurate computers were not easily availble, and even Table of Houses were not giving results upto minutes for houses otherr than ASC. The whole system was in consonance with the standards of accuracy possibel then. To day with computers easily availble, astrologers calculate the Planetary posit ions which are given to the nearest seconds. The Ayanamsa has also to be correc t to seconds, otherwise if one uses an ayanmsa correct only to Nearest Minute, t he resulting Nirayana positions will only be correct to the minute, through expr essed in Seconds. Prof Balchandra,considered this, and with changing the Basics of KSK, i.e. year 291 AD and the Newcombs rate of precission , and also allowing for a fact that t he rate of precision, changes significantly for a span of 100 years, caame out w ith a formuale for the KP Aynamsa. This again is now rounded to 30 seconds. Except in BORDERLINE cases, all Lords including the SUB-LORD remain the same.

It is ultimately the Lords we consider for prediction, and not the exact deg. or min of the House cusps. good lukc Sesh Krish <> wrote: Well, I am catching up the new KP AY,. But what I like to share is this. 25 year s back or earlier, when I started learning KP astrology I had predicted when a f riend would come, when the failed electrictiy will come , when the booked trunk call will come. All of them came out correctly. So that Ayanamsa must be good. Yes you need a clinching test. Best is to look for incidents like hospitalisatio n, where 12th must operate and if one comes across conflicting evidence then one can follow through. Seshadri

.com> wrote: Dear Rongaunt IN kp, Horary one has to check the MOON (mind). This must fully connect to the q uestion asked. Only if this satisfied, the KP ASTROLOGER goes ahead. Otherwise, the qusetion is taken up at another time. My personal experience is KP HORARY with RPS, gives 99% correct result. It is be st, if the querrent is present in Person, so minor points can be got confirmed.

rongaunt <> wrote: Yogesh, Good question. The immediate answer is that whilst I have studied many areas of astrology over 33 years I have never looked at Horary. I hope to remedy this in the not too distant future. The implication in your question is that if you get good results from horary the ayanamsa, angles and planetary data must be valid. I wonder if this is correct. We see many people using different ways ie. time of question, with a number 108, with number 249, even using the tropical system. Many claim consistent results from these varied ways. We see Prof. K.K. getting acclaim for demonstrated results, yet it is now claimed that his ayanamsa is incorrect. What this suggests is that it is really synchronicity that is at work here. ie. a person instinctively chooses a time, number, system which aligns to his own sub conscious inclinations. This might then produce the correct answer without necessarily having the right chart details. Those who are successful with this method possibly have a very good sense of timing and intuition to match.

Ron Gaunt

On Thu, 11 Nov 2004 09:29:53 +0000, you wrote: >Dear Ron, > I have been reading with interest the discussion on Ayanamsa...but I keep wond ering why a simple method of verifying the Ayanamsa used is not experimented wit h by you Ron... > Use RPs for timing events like "at what time,exactly, will expected friend arr ive ?" etc....which I am sure will help you get the time to the nearest second a nd verify it by actual observation...! > You could carry out such experiments many times,as you have your computer,and try out different ayanamsas...and compare the results...such experiments can be done with arrival of trains,planes,interstate busses etc... > I am not a mathematical genius like uall,hence I am suggesting a simple calcul ation... > With best wishes, > Yours sincerely, > L.Y.Rao. > GOOD LUCK ! > >rongaunt wrote: >On Thu, 11 Nov 2004 04:13:23 +0000, you wrote: > >tw, > >Please see ** ............. ** > >Ron Gaunt > > >> >> >>Dear Ron Gaunt, >> >>Could you check Sid Time 14:34:29 in relation to Asc 13Sag09:21. >> >>Asc 13Sag09:21 >>Moon 6Pis20:34 >>ST 0* 14:34:29 > >** ST at 0*= 14:34:29 = LST 14:39:09 ** > >> >>Ayanamsa at date of birth 7Pi28:12 ie 22:31:48 >> >>Typing error in reverse? in Asc 13Sag08:54 for geographic and >>13Sag24:01 for geocentric > >** No typing error. What is a little confusing is that the >"co-ordinate system" is shown as "geocentric" even when one >applies the option for "geocentric latitude". What appears >to happen in most programs is that it is taken as given that the >angles are "geographic" whilst the planetary data is >"geocentric". (I have assumed this as most other programs >seem not to give an option, but obviously display geographic

>angles with geocentric planetary positions.) > > > >> >>Thanks and best regards, >> >>tw >> >> >>--- In, "tw853" wrote: >>> >>> Dear Ron Gaunt, >>> >>> Asc for KPBC1 253-08-44, New KPA 22-32-10 @ DOB is Geocentric. >>> >>> It's very strange that Solar Fire is giving 13Sag24:01 for >>geocentric. >>> >>> >>> >By the way using ayanamsa 22:22:30 circa 1900, Solar Fire shows >>> > Asc 13Sag08:54 for geographic and 13Sag24:01 for geocentric. >>> >>> It's very strange that Solar Fire is giving 13Sag24:01 for >>geocentric. >>> >>> Best regards, >>> >>> tw >>> >>> >>> --- In, rongaunt wrote: >>> > >>> > Anant, >>> > >>> > I decided to do a bit of further investigation, and have found >>> > that Solar Fire does in fact have an option for Geocentric >>> > calculation. I was of the opinion that the program did this >>> > automatically. But obviously I had it set up for geographic, >>> > and had never queried it, as nearly all other programs come up >>> > with the same or nearly the same Ascendant. >>> > >>> > Are you suggesting that the correct way is to always calculate >>> > angles using Geocentric? If so has any studies been done on >>> > this? >>> > >>> > One thing that has always been at the back of my mind is that as >>> > we live on the surface of the earth this should be the datum >>> > point. Garth Allen an excellent astrologer of the Western >>> > Sidereal system did a lot of work on the parallax Moon and showed >>> > it to be more important in casting Lunar Returns. Likewise my >>> > main method of prognostication for some years has been the Solar >>> > Eclipse, and I have found parallax Moon angles to be extremely >>> > accurate compared to geocentric. Another point is that I have >>> > frequently seen transit Ascendant exact aspect to a critical >>> > planet at the time of an accident - using the geographic >>> > calculation. However, I would need to do some micro checking >>> > to see how geocentric compares. >>> > >>> > By the way using ayanamsa 22:22:30 circa 1900, Solar Fire shows

>>> > Asc 13Sag08:54 for geographic and 13Sag24:01 for geocentric. How >>> > does your program compare? >>> > >>> > >>> > Ron Gaunt >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > On Wed, 10 Nov 2004 17:49:53 +1000, I wrote: >>> > >>> > > >>> > > >>> > >Anant, >>> > > >>> > >Sorry, I possibly got a bit mixed up here. What Solar Fire has >>> > >is a function to calculate Parallax Moon (which is Geographic ie >>> > >relative to the position on the surface of the earth) as well as >>> > >the Geocentric position for the Moon. It doesn't actually >>> > >change the angles of the chart. As far as I am aware Solar >>> > >Fire and all other programs show Geocentric positions for the >>> > >planets. This is why there is a different calculation for >>> > >parallax Moon. >>> > > >>> > >Ron Gaunt >>> > > >>> > > >>> > >On Tue, 09 Nov 2004 22:49:44 -0800, you wrote: >>> > > >>> > >>Dear Rongaunt >>> > >> >>> > >>What exactly does the option mean ? Does it allow you to enter >>> Geoceentric >>> > >>Lat. instead of Geographic. ? Try both alternatives entering >>the >>> same value and then this will be clear. >>> > >> >>> > >>I have presumed that users do not know the Geocentric Lat, but >>> only the Geograpgic, and enter this figure. In the programme I >>change >>> this geographic Lat to Geocenrtc Lat for further calculations. >>> > >> >>> > >>Good Luck] >>> > >> >>> > >> >>> > >>rongaunt wrote: >>> > >> >>> > >> >>> > >>Anant, >>> > >> >>> > >>Thanks for the information. From this I gather that your method >>> > >>of calculating the Asc position is correct. But, the calculation >>> > >>by Solar Fire is obviously also correct - because of the >>accuracy >>> > >>shown in the example. But there is still a difference between >>> > >>the two calculated ascendants. I wonder why? By the way >>> > >>Solar Fire offers options of geographic and geocentric. I used >>> > >>geocentric in my example. >>> > >> >>> > >>Ron Gaunt >>> > >>

>>> > >> >>> > >>On Mon, 08 Nov 2004 21:24:32 -0800, you wrote: >>> > >> >>> > >>>Dear Rongaunt >>> > >>> >>> > >>>The checking of the ASC with Sunrise, Center of Sun,s Disk, is >>> to verify wether the >>> > >>>calculations used for ASC are correct or not. The Ayanmsa has >>> part in this comparison, as in any calculation, the SAYANA position >>> of SUN, and The Sayana ASC are calculated, and then the Nirayan >>> Positions are found by deducting the Ayanamsa from them. >>> > >>> >>> > >>>Your statement that the Sun's Longitude at Sunrise, and the >>Asc >>> at that time, do not differ by more than 2 min, means that the >>> calculations of Asc are acceptable. The Asc moves roughly 15 >>minutes >>> for every minute of time. The Time of Sun Rise, from upper limb to >>> center varies from 3 to 4 minutes. 30 seconds of diff will mean 30 >>X >>> 15 = 7.5 minutes in the ASC. >>> > >>> >>> > >>>The other equally sensitive point is the Siderial Time, which >>> determines the ASC. >>> > >>> >>> > >>>I do not find any difference to give the 17 minutes diff in >>ASC. >>> > >>> >>> > >>>I am happy you are making a deep study of this. >>> > >>> >>> > >>>One VERY IMPORTANT THING IS We have to use the GEO-CENTRIC >>> Latitude, in our calculations. My prog. converts the Geograprphic >>Lat >>> to Geogentric, before getting the ASC and other House Cusps >>> > >>>Good Luck >>> > >>> >>> > >>> >>> > >>>rongaunt wrote: >>> > >>> >>> > >>> >>> > >>>Anant, >>> > >>> >>> > >>>I have experimented with Solar Fire which gives sunrise, etc >>> > >>>positions. S.F. obviously shows the mid point of the Sun as the >>> > >>>Sun is within 2' of the Ascendant at sunrise on the day of our >>> > >>>Blind Chart example. However, calculating with your ayanamsa, >>> > >>>and the one I was working with shows no difference in either >>Asc >>> > >>>or Sun positions. In fact changing the ayanamsa considerably >>> > >>>whilst it changes the degrees and minutes of the Sun and Asc >>the >>> > >>>differential between and Asc and Sun remains the same ie 2'. >>> > >>>I cannot see how this can be used to prove the validity of the >>> > >>>Asc position. >>> > >>> >>> > >>> >>> > >>>Ron Gaunt >>> > >>> >>> > >>> >>> > >>>

>>> > >>>On Sun, 07 Nov 2004 23:38:24 -0800, you wrote: >>> > >>> >>> > >>>>difference in ASC. >>> > >>>> >>> > >>>>There is a simple test. Find out the correct time of SUN Rise >>> at a place. The usual Time is given for the Upper Limb to be at the >>> Horizon. Add 3mt, 30 sec. to this time. This gives the Time when >>> Sun's Centre is on the Horizon. >>> > >>>> >>> > >>>>Now cast the Horoscope for this time. The Sun's Longitude and >>> ASC should be very nearly the same.. >>> > >>>> >>> > >>>>Similar test for MID Day .Half the Sum of Sunrise+sunset. >>> > >>>> >>> > >>>>For this time, Suns, Long must be same as 10th cusp. >>> > >>>> >>> > >>>>For sunset : Deduct 3 m. 30 sec from stand sunset. The Sun >>> should be almost exactly on the 7th Cusp >>> > >>>> >>> > >>>>I have based by prog on basis of Formuale given By Raphel >>> > >>>> >>> > >>>>I am open to correction, If my method is not correct >>> > >>>> >>> > >>>>good luck >>> > >>>> >>> > >>>>Try it then Judge. >>> > >>>> >>> > >>>>tw853 wrote: >>> > >>>> >>> > >>>> >>> > >>>>Dear All, >>> > >>>> >>> > >>>>For your attention and review a comparison of different >>> software >>> > >>>>results are given as follows: >>> > >>>> >>> > >>>> >>> > >>>>Example 1: KPBC1, Male, 3 November 1911, Fr, 11:48 AM UT + >>> 00.00, >>> > >>>>Ipswich, England, 52N04, 001E10 >>> > >>>> >>> > >>>>1(a). Comparison of Asc position by using the same New KPA >>22D>>> 32m>>> > >>>>10s as given by Raichur Software posted in KP Group. >>> > >>>> >>> > >>>>SN D-M-S RL-SL-S Software >>> > >>>>1. 253-25-31 Ju-Ve-Ve Raichurs >>> > >>>>2. 253-08-59 Ju-Ke-Ke Solar Fire >>> > >>>>3. 253-08-44 Ju-Ke-Ke Astro-Kundli >>> > >>>>4. 253-08-44 Ju-Ke-Ke Astrodienst >>> > >>>>5. 253-08-48 Ju-Ke-Ke Astraura >>> > >>>>6. 253-08-11 Ju-Ke-Ke Old One >>> > >>>>7. 253-08-36 Ju-Ke-Ke JHL >>> > >>>>8. 253-07-50 Ju-Ke-Ke Junior Jyotish >>> > >>>> >>> > >>>>Basic Data >>> > >>>> >>> > >>>>Sr Software Sid Time Asc D-M-S KPA >>> > >>>>1.Raichur 14-39-10 253-25-31 22-32-10

>>> > >>>>2.Solar Fire 14-34-29? 153-09-21 22-31-48 >>> > >>>>3.Astro-Kundli 253-09-10 22-31-44 >>> > >>>>4.Astrodienst 14-39-09 275-40-45 22-37-32* >>> > >>>>5.Astraura 14-39-09 253-09-35.48 22-31-23 >>> > >>>>6.Old One 14-39-09 253-09-21 22-31 >>> > >>>>7.JHL 14-39-09 253-09-26.04 22-31-19.29 >>> > >>>>8.Jr Jyotish 253-03 22-37* >>> > >>>> >>> > >>>>* Lahiri Ayanamsa >>> > >>>> >>> > >>>>Differences from New KPA: 1) 0 (base), 2) 22s, 3) 26s, 4) >>> +5m.22s, >>> > >>>>5) 47s, 6) 1.10, 7) 50.31s, 8) +4m.50s >>> > >>>> >>> > >>>>Explanations: >>> > >>>>1. Pl note 253-22-49 (Ju-Ve-Ve) in posting of KP Group Msg # >>> 1410 due >>> > >>>>to Lat 52N06 other than 52N04. >>> > >>>>2. Western Tropical, very close to Goravani Jyotish & >>Parashara >>> > >>>>Light, as per kind favor of Ron Ganut in KP Group Msg # 1420 >>> > >>>>3. KP & Vedic, >>> > >>>>4. Western tropical, also available sideral with Lahiri >>> Ayanamsa >>> > >>>>5. KP & Vedic, >>> > >>>>6. based on KPA from KSK's tables & UTOH >>> > >>>>7. Jagannatha Hora Lite (Pandit Sanjay Rath's Study Group) >>> > >>>>8. Prof V. K. Choudhry'a SA Study Group (Vedic for 1700-2300 >>> only) >>> > >>>> >>> > >>>> >>> > >>>>ATTENTION: >>> > >>>> >>> > >>>>1. SN 1 Software gives around 17d higher Asc with different >>> Star >>> > >>>>Lord & Sub Lord. (For other cusps more or less the same, ie >>> same SL & >>> > >>>>SL) >>> > >>>> >>> > >>>>2. For other softwares no difference in deg-min, SL & S, >>except >>> > >>>>around 30sec lower in SN 6 Software. >>> > >>>> >>> > >>>>3. House system is not the problem, because Asc is the same >>> > >>>>whether Placidus, Koch or Equal is used. Something is wrong >>> somewhere. >>> > >>>> >>> > >>>> >>> > >>>>1 (b). Comparison of Moon position by using the same New KPA >>22>>> 32-10 >>> > >>>> >>> > >>>>Sr Deg-Min-Sec Software >>> > >>>>1. 336-20-09 Raichurs >>> > >>>>2. 336-20-34 Solar Fire >>> > >>>>3. 336-20-21 Astro-Kundli >>> > >>>>4. 336-20-12 Astrodienst >>> > >>>>5 336-20-12 Astraura >>> > >>>>6 336-21-20 Old One >>> > >>>>7 336-20-14 JHL

>>> > >>>>8 336-19-50 Junior Jyotish >>> > >>>> >>> > >>>>Not much difference except in SN 6 & 8. (For other planets >>more >>> or >>> > >>>>less the same) >>> > >>>> >>> > >>>>Example 2. Leonardo da Vinci, 23 April 1452, 9-40 PM LMT, UT>>> 0.44, >>> > >>>>Vinci, Italy, 43N47, 10E55 >>> > >>>> >>> > >>>>For comparison the same KPA 16d-07m-15s is used. >>> > >>>> >>> > >>>>SN Asc D-M-S Moon D-M-S Software >>> > >>>>1. 227-30-40 078-01-54 Raichur >>> > >>>>2. 230-27-45 316-53-45 AstroDatabank >>> > >>>>3. 230-31-23 316-53-51 Astrodienst >>> > >>>>4. 230-30-53 078-04-18 Astraura >>> > >>>>5. 238-26-01 092-20-55 Old One >>> > >>>>6. 230-27-26 316-54-03 JHL >>> > >>>>7. 230-32-27 316-54-10 Khaldea >>> > >>>> >>> > >>>>ATTENTION: SN 1, 4 & 5 sofware have gone out of line. Solar >>> Fire >>> > >>>>will be very useful. >>> > >>>> >>> > >>>>Basic Data >>> > >>>> >>> > >>>>SN Software Sid Time KPA >>> > >>>>1. Raichur 11-31-41 16-07-46 >>> > >>>>2. Astrodienst 11-47-47 16-12-57* >>> > >>>>3. Astraura 11-47-44 16-07-19 >>> > >>>>4. Old One 12-27-04 16-09-00 >>> > >>>>5. JHL 11-47-27 16-07-14.65 >>> > >>>> >>> > >>>>* Lahiri Ayanamsa >>> > >>>> >>> > >>>>Good Luck! >>> > >>>> >>> > >>>>tw >>> > >>>> >>> > >>>> >>> > >>>>--- In, Yogesh Rao Lajmi >>> > >>>>wrote: >>> > >>>>> Dear Members, >>> > >>>>> I have with me Mr.K.Subramaniam's K.P. >>> > >>>>> Software,but after I bought and began using the >>> > >>>>> Software developed by Shri A.R.Raichur(upto subsub >>> > >>>>> levels),I have found it most useful and >>> > >>>>> simple-to-use,and Shri Raichur also provides a >>> > >>>>> specially developed on K.P. Dasavidha Poruthams >>> > >>>>> principles,a software for horoscope matching...which >>> > >>>>> in my humble opinion is prhaps the best Software for >>> > >>>>> K.P., developed so far... >>> > >>>>> I therefore would strongly recommend >>> > >>>>> Shri Raichur's Software...for K.P. followers...his >>> > >>>>> e-mai ID has appeared in these columns already... >>> > >>>>> With best wishes,I am, >>> > >>>>> Yours sincerely, >>> > >>>>> lyrastro1

>>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>>

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

>>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>>

GOOD LUCK ! --------------------------------Vaidun ji, Have a look at "Varahamihira for Windows" and "Mobile Kundli for PalmOS" by the company running this group. Both are designed KP astrologers in mind. The details are available at Regards, Punit Pandey

On Thu, 28 Oct 2004 21:40:15 +1000, Vaidun Vidyadhar wrote: > Dear List Members, > > I am new to this list though I was introduced to KP in 1988 when I was > living in Madras. My introduction to vedic astrology was with KP. I had > bought all the books of Shri Krishnamurthi then and was very impressed with > his astrological skills. There are few who can match the phenomenal > accuracy of his predictions. Those days, I had to MANUALLY cast each chart, > be it natal or horary, with the help of tables and the ephemeris. It used > to take 2 hours of manual calculations to be able to finally arrive at the > table of significators. Now, with computers, the same job can be done in > seconds. Amazing. > > I have Goravani Jyotish which has some element of KP in it but maybe not > enough. I am thinking of buying some other astrology program which > incorporates the elements of KP more fully. Can I request members to kindly > advise me as to which would be the best program for this. I will be much > obliged. > > I have always had an enduring interest in KP but was unable to find a > website or list which was fully devoted to KP, until now. I hope to be able > to learn a lot from you all and hone my KP skills. > > Thanks for your time. With best regards. > > Vaidun Vidyadhar > 1 / 94 Marius Street

>>> > >>>>> > Tamworth, NSW 2340 >>> > >>>>> > Australia >>> > >>>>> > Tel: 61-2-67 668428 (home) >>> > >>>>> > Mobile: 0414 870 083 >>> > >>>>> > Email: vvidya@o... >>> > >>>>> > >>> > >>>>> > >>> > >>>>> > >>> > >>>>> > >>> > >>>>> > >>> > >>>>> > >>> > >>>>> > Yahoo! Groups Sponsor >>> > >>>>> > >>> > >>>>> > >>> > >>>>> > Get unlimited calls to >>> > >>>>> > >>> > >>>>> > U.S./Canada >>> > >>>>> > >>> > >>>>> > ________________________________ >>> > >>>>> > Yahoo! Groups Links >>> > >>>>> > >>> > >>>>> > To visit your group on the web, go to: >>> > >>>>> > >>> > >>>>> > >>> > >>>>> > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: >>> > >>>>> > >>> > >>>>> > >>> > >>>>> > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! >>> > >>>>> Terms of Service. >>> > >>>>> > >>> > >>>>> > >>> > >>>>> > >>> > >>>>> >>> > >>>>> Yahoo! Groups Sponsor >>> > >>>>> Get unlimited calls to >>> > >>>>> >>> > >>>>> U.S./Canada >>> > >>>>> >>> > >>>>> >>> > >>>>> -------------------------------->>> > >>>>> Yahoo! Groups Links >>> > >>>>> >>> > >>>>> To visit your group on the web, go to: >>> > >>>>> >>> > >>>>> >>> > >>>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: >>> > >>>>> >>> > >>>>> >>> > >>>>> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! >>> > >>>>> Terms of Service. >>> > >>>>> >>> > >>>>> >>> > >>>>> >>> > >>> >>>>>>__________________________________________________________________ >>> ____ >>> > >>>>__ >>> > >>>>> Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online >>> > >>>>> Go to:

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1517 From: rongaunt <rongaunt@...> Date: Tue Nov 16, 2004 6:12am Subject: Re: KPBC1 answer rongaunt1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Punit, I'm glad to see you find the BCs interesting. Participation not only hones ones skills in astrology but puts methods to the test. By a process of eliminating what doesn't work consistently, even a few dedicated astrologers may be able to find out what does work. With the wealth of experience of members of this List we should be able to achieve results which will benefit all. We look forward to your participation. Ron Gaunt On Tue, 16 Nov 2004 11:37:59 +0530, you wrote: > >Ron ji, > >I was not part of this analysis. I'll try to participate in future >charts. I must congratulate you for this fine attempt. IMO Blind >Charts are the best methods for practical learning. > >Keep it up. > >Regards, > >Punit Pandey > >

> >On Mon, 15 Nov 2004 10:32:26 +1000, rongaunt <rongaunt@...> wrote: >> >> The answer to the first Blind Chart is that the native died when >> pillion riding from his job with a fellow workman. They were >> knocked down by a car and the native's head was terribly injured. >> The accident occurred at 5:45pm, October 10, 1931 at Nottingham >> and the native died the following day. >> >> Congratulations to Yogesh and TW who both cited Badhaka and >> Maraka planets as likely to cause an accident. Yogesh saw a >> serious accident but protection from the aspects of Jupiter. >> This did not transpire - why? >> >> We will wait a few days to discuss this chart before moving on to >> KPBC2. >> >> >> Ron Gaunt >> >> >> Yahoo! Groups Sponsor >> >> ADVERTISEMENT >> >> >> >> >> Eliminate Your Debt! >> Get out of Debt Now Christian counselors available >> Click here to find out how you can become free from debt. >> >> >> ________________________________ >> Yahoo! Groups Links >> >> To visit your group on the web, go to: >> >> >> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: >> >> >> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. >> >> > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > >

1518 From: Punit Pandey <punitp@...>

Date: Tue Nov 16, 2004 10:43am Subject: Re: why Shankaracharya JI is Facing Jail? pandeypunit Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Tiwari ji, Mr. M. Pandit has done basic analysis of Shanaracharya's horoscope. Birth particulars are as follows Date of Birth: Time of Birth: Time Zone of Birth: Longitude of Birth: Latitude of Birth: July 18, 1935 7:00:00 pm 5:30 East of GMT 79 E 26 10 N 42

You can check his analysis at Regards, Punit Pandey On Fri, 12 Nov 2004 20:05:23 -0800 (PST), Vinay Tiwari <techn0pandit@...> wrote: > > Respected guruz & friends, > > I want to know birth details of Shankaracharya JI , kindly send > accross if any one knows. > > Dear Guruz please analyze , why he is facing Jail? > > Can we find whether he is indulged in Murder? Or when can he will be freed ? > by KP Horary? > > > Regards, > > Vinay Tiwari > > > > ________________________________ > Do you Yahoo!? > Check out the new Yahoo! Front Page. > > Yahoo! Groups Sponsor > > ADVERTISEMENT > > > > > Eliminate Your Debt! > Get out of Debt Now Christian counselors available

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

Click here to find out how you can become free from debt. ________________________________ Yahoo! Groups Links To visit your group on the web, go to: To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.

1519 From: rongaunt <rongaunt@...> Date: Tue Nov 16, 2004 4:21pm Subject: KPBC1 Wrap up rongaunt1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Are there any further comments or questions before we wrap up and go on to KPBC2? Ron Gaunt

1520 From: "tw853" <tw853@...> Date: Tue Nov 16, 2004 7:43pm Subject: Re: KPBC1 Wrap up tw853 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Owner, Moderator & All Members, 1. Let me express my gratitude to all of you for your encouragement for my lucky hit and giving me opportunities to learn more about KP. It's thanks to the lovely spirit of Guruji KSK and also luck, ie, an event with some conclusive indicators. 2. Even though Dr. B.V. Raman says, "-----After an event has happened, we can justify it in some way or the other, but it is in the prior application of these principles and prediction of events to happen in future that the real value of astrology lies." in his editorial in December 1977 Astrological Magazine, it's interesting that any KP reasoning can't be found in three dasa levels for Tony Blair's becoming PM in May 1997. Birth data is "AA" rating of AstroDatabank. Blair's chart, like Chairo and Catherine Zeta-Jone, is a rare type of chart with four signs without any house cusp (four intercepted signs or floaters in Western astrology, Msg#865) that can't be found in KP Six Readers. Even some Western astrologers are saying in AstroDatabank discussion that Zeta-Jone's chart is more appropriate to analyze by Equal House system.

3. Regarding KPBC1, simple basic approach on the basis of data posted in Msg# 1394 --Three level dasa --- Me-Ve-Sa, Pl Me Ve Sa (RL,SL,SL) (Ve-Ju-Me) (Me-Su-Sa) (Ma-Ve-Me) Significators 10,10,1,3,7,9H 9,8,8,5,6,10H 8,4,5,6,10,2H

No planet in Me star; Sa is in Ve star; Moon in Sa star. 10H @1st rank in Tula, 4th rak in Antara & Pyatntara; Maraka, death, Badhaka, faster death in Tula; Accident 8H @2nd & 3rd ranks of Antara, again at top of Pyatantara; 6H in Antara & Pyatantara, good for 10H, but bad for 8H; Maraka/money 2H @4th of Pyatantara; but Arthur 11H missing. Marka,death,--- badhaka, faster death, --- accident @20 ?? (2,7,12H & badhaka ?) Career advancement?? (2,6,10 & 11H) One thing very interesting is the idea of taking planets connected to 10H as maraka --- Sri K. Hariharan's HOW TO JUDJE LONGEVITY. Marriage?? (2,7 &11) 4. In my KP observation of three level death-related dasas of 40 notable horoscopes ---- from Nostradamus (d. 1556), Napoleon (d. 1821) ---- to JFK JR (d. 1995), B V Raman (d. 1998), --- frequency of 6H with any of three dasa level is 35/40 --- 75%, 8H connection is 62% --- 12H involvement is 70% in any level of dasa, ----- of course Maraka (2 or 7H) at top with 90% and Badhaka 72% ---------- (Msg#993) SIMPLE Transit results --- affliction of Asc or Asc lord by any of Ma, Sa, Ra 95% (38/40 cases); Moon afflicted by any of Ma, Sa, Ra 72%, Sun 52%, 2H afflicted by any of Ma, Sa, Ra 70%, 6H 70%, 7H 70%, 8H 55% and 12H75%. (One interesting thing is that 8H counted from Moon afflicted by any of Ma, Sa, Ra 82% with compared to 55% for 8H counting from Asc., but not much difference for others) 4 . KP Longevity Analysis

Cusp Sub Significators I Me Maraka, Badhaka III Ve 8H, 6H VIII Su 8H, Maraka through const Rahu Very clearly, --- short life. 5. In KPBC1's natal chart, Ma & Ra aspecting Asc. Asc lord and Sun are afflicted by Sa & Ra or Ke. It's only a partial indication of sudden/unnatural death. It doesn't show affliction of 8H by malefic Ma & Rahu which is generally found in charts with sudden

death of Indira Gandhi & son Rajiv, JFK & son JFK Jr, Dodi Fayed, Monroe, Ali Bhutto, Yitzhak Rabin etc and charts no. 64 to 84 except 66, 69 & 71 in BV Raman's HOW TO JUDGE A HOROSCOPE , VOL II. Despite sudden death, the above mentioned bad position of malefic Mars and Rahu can't be found in the charts of Diana , Sanjay Gandhi, Lincoln and Cristina Onassis and above mentioned exceptional charts no. 66, 69 & 71. 6. No protection of Jupiter in KPBC1's chart. In the chart of Napoleon who fought sixty big battles and countless small ones, nineteen horses had been killed from under him, and yet he had only been wounded twice Ju is conj Asc and aspecting Asc lord, and both Asc and Asc lord are clean of aspects from papa Ma & Sa. 7. For Sag Asc, all Me (Badhaka) ,Ve & Sa (Marakas) are malefics (particularly for health) by the experience of astrologers like G.S. Agarwal, Practical Vedic Astrology, p 70 & 339; James T. Braha, Ancient Hindu Astrology from thr Modern Western Astrloger, p 50 etc. In Jataka Chundrika only Ve is malefic, and Ve & other planets are marakas. In Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra Ve is malefic and Sa & Ve are marakas for Sag Asc. 8. Simple transit, Sa Ra Ma No over natal Asc; over natal Moon and aspecting 12H; conjunct Asc lord Ju & Sun and aspecting 12L natal Ma in 6H; saving of Ju; KP transit, Sa Su Mo Me Ve Sa (Ju-Ve-Me) (Me-Ma-Ma) (Me-Mo-Ra) (Me-Me-Me) (Ve-Ma-Ke) (Ju-Ve-Me)

Clear favor of maraka, badhaka, accident other than career advancement or marriage. 9. Both dasa and transit are in line for mraka, badhaka, accident. That is also consistent with --"---- unless an event is promised broadly in the natal chart the actual occurrence of the event may not materialize with the transit of the planets in the Horary astrology" by Pemmaraju V.R. Rayudu and M.C.Appa, in a KP research paper "Daily Events Check With Horary and Birth Chart" in "The Times of Astrology" Magazine of New Delhi in Sep 1999 issue. 10. This time transit helps me decisive. Last time it made me wavering from KP dasa & transit indications, ie. "-----As per KP, without mentioning details, the timing of three level dasa period and transits on November 2, 2004 election day may be in favor of President Bush, since Rahu antara Dasa is not beneficial for Senator Kerry. However,---" in Msg#852. It's noteworthy: "An astrologer must have an unbiased mind and judge only the

influence of the planets, he must not judge the person in making predictions--- Chakrapani Ullal ---in Comments on the 2004 US Election ---May 31st 2004" . "This is an article I prepared over a few weeks, but decided not to publish in the mainstream magazine I had planned on, since I am a supporter of one candidate, but not the candidate the charts are pointing out --- Sat Siri Khalsa --- in ELECTION 2004 as seen in Sarvatobhadra chakra --- posted in SJC Group site on Sept 30, 2004." Best wishes, Wszystkiego Najlepszego (in Polish), tw P.S. Comments in English and Polish are welcome.

APPENDIX: "SOME VIEWS ON BADHAKA" 1. KP --- The Bhadhaka houses are the worst malefics for death. (Msg#993) --- the worst malefics in cutting one's life without hesitation. 2. Prasna Marga --- a house of harm --- applicable to only horary astrology and not in natal astrology. 3. Jataka Parijata --- an additional condition: the badhaka lord for a particular lagana should be treated as an actual badhaka, if it simultaneously be the lord of the house tenanted by Mandi (Gulika) or Kharesha (Lord of 22 nd drekkana from the lagna). That is why, "Don't worry about it." --- Dr. M.V. Mehta. 4. V. K. Choudhry (System's Analysis-SA) ---SA doest not believe in ---- maraka planets, --- badhaka principles --- if not closely associated with other functional malefic planet or the most malefic planet, its influence on any planet or the most effective point of a house, would never be bad. (according to SA, for KPBC1 functional malefics are Moon, Rahu & Ketu, most malefic planet is Moon, and most effective point is Asc position 13d-9m) 5. Sanjay Rath --- obstruction --- in various forms ---an evil --should not be taken lightly --- with neechabhanga rajayoga in badhaka sign, ---- Aurangzeb killed his brothers and imprisoned his father (till death) and grabbed the Mogul Empire. 6. Sumeet Chugh --- "Timing of Events", badhka Mercury in 2nd house destroyed Tagore's family life; badhaka Saturn in 9 th killed Omar Khayyam's father early in life but that same Saturn in own house with Jupiter gave him sharp intellect to become a mathematician, philosopher and doctor; Henry Bower died in the return from expedition to south pole during Venus dasa of badhaka lord and also 22nd Drekkana in 12th and hemmed between malefics.

--- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: >

> Are there any further comments or questions before we wrap up and > go on to KPBC2? > > > Ron Gaunt

1521 From: "mydna21" <mydna21@...> Date: Tue Nov 16, 2004 9:10pm Subject: Kal Sarpa Yoga mydna21 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Om Gam Ganapathi Namaha, Greetings, Happy Day Guru, I am Devarajen Rajagopal. I join as KP group about 1 year ago. I still in early stage in learning about Astrology and K.P system. I have an enquiry which I need member's expert advice. I need more info on Kal Sarpa Dosham and Pavithara Yoga. (1) From my understanding, Kal Sarpa Dosham occur when Ragu and Ketu sandwich all the other planets in the native chart. If this dosham occur that means the native will have hard life, no career development and unhappy married life etc. until he reach 30 years. Is that true? I also came across an article about Kal Sarpa Dosham and interesting part is that if the Kal Sarpa Dosham occur and if we found out Ketu came 1st(Not Ragu), that mean the native has Yogammane Kal Sarpa which the native will have prospective and happiness in life. If that true? Example : Native born in Taiping, Malaysia( 4n51,100e44),21st March 1978,2.15pm. Lagna : Cancer/Gemini(1st House)-Not sure lagna, assume Cancer as lagna Moon : Cancer (1st House) Mars : Cancer (1st House) Saturn : Leo (2nd House) Ketu : Libra (3rd house) Venus : Pieces (9th house) Jupiter Pieces (9th house) Sun : Pieces( 9th house) Ragu :Pieces (9th house) Mercury : Gemini (12th house) This Native has Yogammane Kal Sarpa because Ketu came 1st (3rd house){If take Cancer as lagna}then only follow by Ragu at 9th House. Is that true? For this native, the Kal Sarpa occur at 3rd house and 9th house. What that it means? Is that mean the native cant get along or stay with his father?

How about if the phenomena occur at 4th house and 10th house? (2) From my understanding pavithra yogam occur when the planet exchange their places with their each own house. Example : Using the native chart above, Jupiter and Mercury exchange their place in the chart. Is that mean we assume Jupiter and Mercury in their own house? Hope dear Guru's will reply my enquires. Thank you. Devarajen Rajagopal Om Shivaye Namaha.

1522 From: "tw853" <tw853@...> Date: Tue Nov 16, 2004 9:36pm Subject: Re: Kal Sarpa Yoga tw853 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Devarajen Rajagopal, Don't worry. Some are saying it isn't as bad as papakatrika. One thing interesting for 6 & 12 axis --- long-term imprisonment & foreign land --- 12H ---for Pandit Nehru altogether more than nine years in jail, between 1921 and 1945 --- for Nelson Mandela more than 27 years imprisonment---Western Astrologer and Musician Basil Fearrington has travelled to every corner of the world (more than 16 passports so far). For the time being, you can read some interesting articles about KSY from Msg#948 of this Group. Later, when I have time, I may add something interesting. Best regards, tw --- In, "mydna21" <mydna21@h...> wrote: > > Om Gam Ganapathi Namaha, > > Greetings, > > Happy Day Guru, > > I am Devarajen Rajagopal. I join as KP group about 1 year ago. I > still in early stage in learning about Astrology and K.P system. I > have an enquiry which I need member's expert advice. I need more > info on Kal Sarpa Dosham and Pavithara Yoga.

> > (1) From my understanding, Kal Sarpa Dosham occur when Ragu and > Ketu sandwich > all the other planets in the native chart. If this dosham occur that > means the native will have hard life, no career development and > unhappy married life etc. until he reach 30 years. Is that true? > > I also came across an article about Kal Sarpa Dosham and interesting > part is that if the Kal Sarpa Dosham occur and if we found out Ketu > came 1st(Not Ragu), that mean the native has Yogammane Kal Sarpa > which the native will have prospective and happiness in life. If > that true? > > Example : Native born in Taiping, Malaysia( 4n51,100e44),21st March > 1978,2.15pm. > > Lagna : Cancer/Gemini(1st House)-Not sure lagna, assume Cancer as > lagna > Moon : Cancer (1st House) > Mars : Cancer (1st House) > Saturn : Leo (2nd House) > Ketu : Libra (3rd house) > Venus : Pieces (9th house) > Jupiter Pieces (9th house) > Sun : Pieces( 9th house) > Ragu :Pieces (9th house) > Mercury : Gemini (12th house) > > This Native has Yogammane Kal Sarpa because Ketu came 1st (3rd > house){If take Cancer as lagna}then only follow by Ragu at 9th > House. Is that true? > > For this native, the Kal Sarpa occur at 3rd house and 9th house. > What that it means? Is that mean the native cant get along or stay > with his father? > How about if the phenomena occur at 4th house and 10th house? > > (2) From my understanding pavithra yogam occur when the planet > exchange their > places with their each own house. > > Example : Using the native chart above, Jupiter and Mercury exchange > their place > in the chart. Is that mean we assume Jupiter and Mercury in their > own house? > > Hope dear Guru's will reply my enquires. > > Thank you. > > Devarajen Rajagopal > > Om Shivaye Namaha.

1523 From: "tw853" <tw853@...>

Date: Tue Nov 16, 2004 10:09pm Subject: Re: Kal Sarpa Yoga tw853 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Kalsarpa Yoga & K. P. (K.P. & ASTRLOGY 2002) 1. 1st H sub-lord is Rahu--- not a proportionate body. 2. Rahu as SubL for 2nd Cusp ---never a satisfactory bank position; 3. Rahu as SubL for 3rdC brothers and sisters; never happy in relation to his kins,

4. -- 4thC ---no peace & comfort; 5. --- 5th C --- lot of obstructions in games & amusement; 6. --- 6thC --- not strong body resistence; 7. --- 7thC --- not a peaceful married life; 8. --- 8thC --- prone for Akal Mrityu--- health not proper, loss of money etc; 9. --- 9thC --- poor fate lots of struggle in life; 10. ---10thC--- never attain any regulation loss in every aspect; 11. ---11th C--- difficulty in realising even small wishes--mental state confused; 12. --- 12thC--- away from his kins & motherland. Note: Generally matters of a particular house are destroyed like Ketu is deposited. More planets are in const or sub of Rahu more times ups & down--- if not, less effect.

In, "tw853" <tw853@y...> wrote: > > Dear Devarajen Rajagopal, > > Don't worry. Some are saying it isn't as bad as papakatrika. > > One thing interesting for 6 & 12 axis --- long-term imprisonment & > foreign land --- 12H ---for Pandit Nehru altogether more than nine > years in jail, between 1921 and 1945 --- for Nelson Mandela more than > 27 years imprisonment---Western Astrologer and Musician Basil > Fearrington has travelled to every corner of the world (more than 16 > passports so far).

> > For the time being, you can read some interesting articles about KSY > from Msg#948 of this Group. > > Later, when I have time, I may add something interesting. > > > Best regards, > > tw > --- In, "mydna21" <mydna21@h...> wrote: > > > > Om Gam Ganapathi Namaha, > > > > Greetings, > > > > Happy Day Guru, > > > > I am Devarajen Rajagopal. I join as KP group about 1 year ago. I > > still in early stage in learning about Astrology and K.P system. I > > have an enquiry which I need member's expert advice. I need more > > info on Kal Sarpa Dosham and Pavithara Yoga. > > > > (1) From my understanding, Kal Sarpa Dosham occur when Ragu and > > Ketu sandwich > > all the other planets in the native chart. If this dosham occur > that > > means the native will have hard life, no career development and > > unhappy married life etc. until he reach 30 years. Is that true? > > > > I also came across an article about Kal Sarpa Dosham and > interesting > > part is that if the Kal Sarpa Dosham occur and if we found out Ketu > > came 1st(Not Ragu), that mean the native has Yogammane Kal Sarpa > > which the native will have prospective and happiness in life. If > > that true? > > > > Example : Native born in Taiping, Malaysia( 4n51,100e44),21st March > > 1978,2.15pm. > > > > Lagna : Cancer/Gemini(1st House)-Not sure lagna, assume Cancer as > > lagna > > Moon : Cancer (1st House) > > Mars : Cancer (1st House) > > Saturn : Leo (2nd House) > > Ketu : Libra (3rd house) > > Venus : Pieces (9th house) > > Jupiter Pieces (9th house) > > Sun : Pieces( 9th house) > > Ragu :Pieces (9th house) > > Mercury : Gemini (12th house) > > > > This Native has Yogammane Kal Sarpa because Ketu came 1st (3rd > > house){If take Cancer as lagna}then only follow by Ragu at 9th > > House. Is that true?

> > > > For this native, the Kal Sarpa occur at 3rd house and 9th house. > > What that it means? Is that mean the native cant get along or stay > > with his father? > > How about if the phenomena occur at 4th house and 10th house? > > > > (2) From my understanding pavithra yogam occur when the planet > > exchange their > > places with their each own house. > > > > Example : Using the native chart above, Jupiter and Mercury > exchange > > their place > > in the chart. Is that mean we assume Jupiter and Mercury in their > > own house? > > > > Hope dear Guru's will reply my enquires. > > > > Thank you. > > > > Devarajen Rajagopal > > > > Om Shivaye Namaha.

1524 From: raju bokaariya <bhr_rbokariya@...> Date: Tue Nov 16, 2004 10:25pm Subject: Re: Re: Kal Sarpa Yoga bokariya Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 --Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system ( Version: 6.0.795 / Virus Database: 539 - Release Date: 12-Nov-04

1525 From: raju bokaariya <bhr_rbokariya@...> Date: Tue Nov 16, 2004 10:28pm Subject: Re: Re: Kal Sarpa Yoga bokariya Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 --Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system ( Version: 6.0.795 / Virus Database: 539 - Release Date: 12-Nov-04

1526 From: anant raichur <anant_1608@...> Date: Wed Nov 17, 2004 0:43am Subject: Re: Kal Sarpa Yoga anant_1608 Offline Send Email

Invite to Yahoo! 360 in KP the traditional yogas are not considerred. It is advisble to stick to on e syatem only, especially for learners mydna21 <> wrote: Om Gam Ganapathi Namaha, Greetings, Happy Day Guru, I am Devarajen Rajagopal. I join as KP group about 1 year ago. I still in early stage in learning about Astrology and K.P system. I have an enquiry which I need member's expert advice. I need more info on Kal Sarpa Dosham and Pavithara Yoga. (1) From my understanding, Kal Sarpa Dosham occur when Ragu and Ketu sandwich all the other planets in the native chart. If this dosham occur that means the native will have hard life, no career development and unhappy married life etc. until he reach 30 years. Is that true? I also came across an article about Kal Sarpa Dosham and interesting part is that if the Kal Sarpa Dosham occur and if we found out Ketu came 1st(Not Ragu), that mean the native has Yogammane Kal Sarpa which the native will have prospective and happiness in life. If that true? Example : Native born in Taiping, Malaysia( 4n51,100e44),21st March 1978,2.15pm. Lagna : Cancer/Gemini(1st House)-Not sure lagna, assume Cancer as lagna Moon : Cancer (1st House) Mars : Cancer (1st House) Saturn : Leo (2nd House) Ketu : Libra (3rd house) Venus : Pieces (9th house) Jupiter Pieces (9th house) Sun : Pieces( 9th house) Ragu :Pieces (9th house) Mercury : Gemini (12th house) This Native has Yogammane Kal Sarpa because Ketu came 1st (3rd house){If take Cancer as lagna}then only follow by Ragu at 9th House. Is that true? For this native, the Kal Sarpa occur at 3rd house and 9th house. What that it means? Is that mean the native cant get along or stay with his father? How about if the phenomena occur at 4th house and 10th house? (2) From my understanding pavithra yogam occur when the planet exchange their places with their each own house.

Example : Using the native chart above, Jupiter and Mercury exchange their place in the chart. Is that mean we assume Jupiter and Mercury in their own house? Hope dear Guru's will reply my enquires. Thank you. Devarajen Rajagopal Om Shivaye Namaha.

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1527 From: rongaunt <rongaunt@...> Date: Wed Nov 17, 2004 2:31am Subject: Re: Re: KPBC1 Wrap up rongaunt1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 tw, Thanks for your analysis. astrologers work. Just a couple of comments. Regarding para 3 'Longevity' your subs for 1,3&8 houses are Me/Ve/Su. My software comes up nearly the same but Me/Ve/Mo. You appear to relate these subs to house lordship and position and come up with correct indication . Looking at this I came up with the idea that maybe the house subs are pointers to the planets themselves rather than houses and position. Looking at it in this fashion I note that Me=Ju/Me (Me sub Badhaka), Ve=Su/Sa (Sa sub Maraka), Mo=Sa/Me (Sa star L. Maraka, Me sub Badhaka) Looks like something more than coincidence. In para 6 you state: > "In KPBC1's natal chart, Ma & Ra aspecting Asc. Asc lord and >Sun are afflicted by Sa & Ra or Ke. It's only a partial indication >of sudden/unnatural death. It doesn't show affliction of 8H by >malefic Ma & Rahu which is generally found in charts with sudden >death Mars at 16 Ta 30 actually afflicts 8th house rasi lagna at 13 Sag 10 (same degree as natal Asc) by 4th aspect. Also Rahu afflicts 8th house rasi lagna from 7 Aries 41 by trine aspect. This is a slightly wide orb, but it is fairly close to 5* Ron Gaunt It is interesting to see how other

On Wed, 17 Nov 2004 01:43:08 +0000, you wrote: > > >Dear Owner, Moderator & All Members, > >1. Let me express my gratitude to all of you for your >encouragement for my lucky hit and giving me opportunities to learn >more about KP. It's thanks to the lovely spirit of Guruji KSK and >also luck, ie, an event with some conclusive indicators. > >2. Even though Dr. B.V. Raman says, "-----After an event has >happened, we can justify it in some way or the other, but it is in >the prior application of these principles and prediction of events to >happen in future that the real value of astrology lies." in his >editorial in December 1977 Astrological Magazine, it's interesting

>that any KP reasoning can't be found in three dasa levels for Tony >Blair's becoming PM in May 1997. Birth data is "AA" rating of >AstroDatabank. Blair's chart, like Chairo and Catherine Zeta-Jone, is >a rare type of chart with four signs without any house cusp (four >intercepted signs or floaters in Western astrology, Msg#865) that >can't be found in KP Six Readers. Even some Western astrologers are >saying in AstroDatabank discussion that Zeta-Jone's chart is more >appropriate to analyze by Equal House system. > >3. Regarding KPBC1, simple basic approach on the basis of data >posted in >Msg# 1394 --> >Three level dasa --- Me-Ve-Sa, > >Pl (RL,SL,SL) Significators >Me (Ve-Ju-Me) 10,10,1,3,7,9H >Ve (Me-Su-Sa) 9,8,8,5,6,10H >Sa (Ma-Ve-Me) 8,4,5,6,10,2H > >No planet in Me star; >Sa is in Ve star; >Moon in Sa star. > >10H @1st rank in Tula, 4th rak in Antara & Pyatntara; >Maraka, death, Badhaka, faster death in Tula; >Accident 8H @2nd & 3rd ranks of Antara, again at top of Pyatantara; >6H in Antara & Pyatantara, good for 10H, but bad for 8H; >Maraka/money 2H @4th of Pyatantara; >but Arthur 11H missing. > >Marka,death,--- badhaka, faster death, --- accident @20 ?? (2,7,12H >& badhaka ?) > >Career advancement?? (2,6,10 & 11H) > >One thing very interesting is the idea of taking planets connected >to 10H as maraka --- Sri K. Hariharan's HOW TO JUDJE LONGEVITY. > >Marriage?? (2,7 &11) > >4. In my KP observation of three level death-related dasas of 40 >notable horoscopes ---- from Nostradamus (d. 1556), Napoleon (d. >1821) ---- to JFK JR (d. 1995), B V Raman (d. 1998), --- frequency of >6H with any of three dasa level is 35/40 --- 75%, 8H connection is >62% --- 12H involvement is 70% in any level of dasa, ----- of course >Maraka (2 or 7H) at top with 90% and Badhaka 72% ---------- (Msg#993) > >SIMPLE Transit results --- affliction of Asc or Asc lord by any of >Ma, Sa, Ra 95% (38/40 cases); Moon afflicted by any of Ma, Sa, Ra >72%, Sun 52%, 2H afflicted by any of Ma, Sa, Ra 70%, 6H 70%, 7H >70%, 8H 55% and 12H75%. (One interesting thing is that 8H counted >from Moon afflicted by any of Ma, Sa, Ra 82% with compared to 55% >for 8H counting from Asc., but not much difference for others) > >4 . KP Longevity Analysis > >Cusp Sub Significators >I Me Maraka, Badhaka >III Ve 8H, 6H

>VIII Su 8H, Maraka through const Rahu > >Very clearly, --- short life. > >5. In KPBC1's natal chart, Ma & Ra aspecting Asc. Asc lord and >Sun are afflicted by Sa & Ra or Ke. It's only a partial indication >of sudden/unnatural death. It doesn't show affliction of 8H by >malefic Ma & Rahu which is generally found in charts with sudden >death of Indira Gandhi & son Rajiv, JFK & son JFK Jr, Dodi Fayed, >Monroe, Ali Bhutto, Yitzhak Rabin etc and charts no. 64 to 84 except >66, 69 & 71 in BV Raman's HOW TO JUDGE A HOROSCOPE , VOL II. Despite >sudden death, the above mentioned bad position of malefic Mars and >Rahu can't be found in the charts of Diana , Sanjay Gandhi, Lincoln >and Cristina Onassis and above mentioned exceptional charts no. 66, >69 & 71. > >6. No protection of Jupiter in KPBC1's chart. In the chart of >Napoleon who fought sixty big battles and countless small ones, >nineteen horses had been killed from under him, and yet he had only >been wounded twice Ju is conj Asc and aspecting Asc lord, and both >Asc and Asc lord are clean of aspects from papa Ma & Sa. > >7. For Sag Asc, all Me (Badhaka) ,Ve & Sa (Marakas) are malefics >(particularly for health) by the experience of astrologers like G.S. >Agarwal, Practical Vedic Astrology, p 70 & 339; James T. Braha, >Ancient Hindu Astrology from thr Modern Western Astrloger, p 50 etc. >In Jataka Chundrika only Ve is malefic, and Ve & other planets are >marakas. In Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra Ve is malefic and Sa & Ve >are marakas for Sag Asc. > >8. Simple transit, > >Sa over natal Asc; >Ra over natal Moon and aspecting 12H; >Ma conjunct Asc lord Ju & Sun and aspecting 12L natal Ma in 6H; >No saving of Ju; > > KP transit, > >Sa (Ju-Ve-Me) >Su (Me-Ma-Ma) >Mo (Me-Mo-Ra) >Me (Me-Me-Me) >Ve (Ve-Ma-Ke) >Sa (Ju-Ve-Me) > >Clear favor of maraka, badhaka, accident other than career >advancement or marriage. > >9. Both dasa and transit are in line for mraka, badhaka, accident. >That is also consistent with --> >"---- unless an event is promised broadly in the natal chart the >actual occurrence of the event may not materialize with the transit >of the planets in the Horary astrology" by Pemmaraju V.R. Rayudu and >M.C.Appa, in a KP research paper "Daily Events Check With Horary and >Birth Chart" in "The Times of Astrology" Magazine of New Delhi in >Sep 1999 issue. > >10. This time transit helps me decisive. Last time it made me

>wavering from KP dasa & transit indications, ie. > >"-----As per KP, without mentioning details, the timing of three >level dasa period and transits on November 2, 2004 election day may >be in favor of President Bush, since Rahu antara Dasa is not >beneficial for Senator Kerry. However,---" in Msg#852. > It's noteworthy: >"An astrologer must have an unbiased mind and judge only the >influence of the planets, he must not judge the person in making >predictions--- Chakrapani Ullal ---in Comments on the 2004 US >Election ---May 31st 2004" . >"This is an article I prepared over a few weeks, but decided not >to publish in the mainstream magazine I had planned on, since I am >a supporter of one candidate, but not the candidate the charts are >pointing out --- Sat Siri Khalsa --- in ELECTION 2004 as seen in >Sarvatobhadra chakra --- posted in SJC Group site on Sept 30, 2004." > > >Best wishes, > >Wszystkiego Najlepszego (in Polish), > >tw > >P.S. Comments in English and Polish are welcome. > > > >APPENDIX: "SOME VIEWS ON BADHAKA" > >1. KP --- The Bhadhaka houses are the worst malefics for death. >(Msg#993) --- the worst malefics in cutting one's life without >hesitation. > >2. Prasna Marga --- a house of harm --- applicable to only >horary astrology and not in natal astrology. > >3. Jataka Parijata --- an additional condition: the badhaka lord >for a particular lagana should be treated as an actual badhaka, if it >simultaneously be the lord of the house tenanted by Mandi (Gulika) or >Kharesha (Lord of 22 nd drekkana from the lagna). That is >why, "Don't worry about it." --- Dr. M.V. Mehta. > >4. V. K. Choudhry (System's Analysis-SA) ---SA doest not believe >in ---- maraka planets, --- badhaka principles --- if not closely >associated with other functional malefic planet or the most malefic >planet, its influence on any planet or the most effective point of a >house, would never be bad. (according to SA, for KPBC1 functional >malefics are Moon, Rahu & Ketu, most malefic planet is Moon, and most >effective point is Asc position 13d-9m) > >5. Sanjay Rath --- obstruction --- in various forms ---an evil ->-should not be taken lightly --- with neechabhanga rajayoga in >badhaka sign, ---- Aurangzeb killed his brothers and imprisoned his >father (till death) and grabbed the Mogul Empire. > >6. Sumeet Chugh --- "Timing of Events", badhka Mercury in 2nd >house destroyed Tagore's family life; badhaka Saturn in 9 th killed >Omar Khayyam's father early in life but that same Saturn in own house >with Jupiter gave him sharp intellect to become a mathematician,

>philosopher and doctor; Henry Bower died in the return from >expedition to south pole during Venus dasa of badhaka lord and also >22nd Drekkana in 12th and hemmed between malefics. > > > >--- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: >> >> Are there any further comments or questions before we wrap up and >> go on to KPBC2? >> >> >> Ron Gaunt > > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > >

1528 From: "tw853" <tw853@...> Date: Wed Nov 17, 2004 6:25pm Subject: Re: Kal Sarpa Yoga tw853 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Devarajen Rajagopal, 1. Guruji KSK's answer to Raja yoga, in KP Reader III, under content heading `Kendra Adhipathya", sub heading `DOUBT 4', Fourth Edition, August 1984, Part II, p. 296-300. 2. Answers to Vipareetha Rajayoga and Gaja-Kesariyoga by Sri K Hariharan in HOW TO CAST AND READ YOUR HOROSCOPE, July 1966, p. 138140; answer by Sri K Hariharan to Rajayogas, in HAND BOOK ON ASTRLOGY, December 1998, p.71-79. 3. Sun conjunct Venus forming Neechabhangarajayoga, exchange signs of 9L & 10L raising sthooladharmakarmadhipayoga, Adhiyoga etc in Guruji KSK's horoscope in "The Horoscope of Sothida Mannan, Jyothish Marthand Prof. K. S. KRISHNAMURTI" in NOTABLE PERSONS & KRISHNAMURTI PADHDHATI , by K. HARIHARAN, June 1993, p. 8-33, and the same article by SRI M. G. G. NAYAR, in ASTROSECRETS & KRISHNAMURTI PADHDHATI, PART II, p. 249-271,. 4. President George W. Bush's horoscope has 5 & 11 axis Kala Sarpa Yoga and parivartana yoga of exchange of 1HL & 3HL. KSY with Rahu in 11H (gain), exalted in Tauras by some, is supposed good. Regarding Bush's parivartana yoga, how much Jeb Bush,the President's

brother, could directly or indirectly help George get elected in 2000? Best regards, tw --- In, "tw853" <tw853@y...> wrote: > > Kalsarpa Yoga & K. P. (K.P. & ASTRLOGY 2002) > > 1. 1st H sub-lord is Rahu--- not a proportionate body. > > 2. Rahu as SubL for 2nd Cusp ---never a satisfactory bank > position; > > 3. Rahu as SubL for 3rdC never happy in relation to his kins, > brothers and sisters; > > 4. -- 4thC ---no peace & comfort; > > 5. --- 5th C --- lot of obstructions in games & amusement; > > 6. --- 6thC --- not strong body resistence; > > 7. --- 7thC --- not a peaceful married life; > > 8. --- 8thC --- prone for Akal Mrityu--- health not proper, loss > of money etc; > > 9. --- 9thC --- poor fate lots of struggle in life; > > 10. ---10thC--- never attain any regulation loss in every aspect; > > 11. ---11th C--- difficulty in realising even small wishes--> mental state confused; > > 12. --- 12thC--- away from his kins & motherland. > > Note: Generally matters of a particular house are destroyed like > Ketu is deposited. > > More planets are in const or sub of Rahu more times ups & down--if > not, less effect. > > > > > > In, "tw853" <tw853@y...> wrote: > > > > Dear Devarajen Rajagopal, > > > > Don't worry. Some are saying it isn't as bad as papakatrika. > > > > One thing interesting for 6 & 12 axis --- long-term imprisonment & > > foreign land --- 12H ---for Pandit Nehru altogether more than

nine > > years in jail, between 1921 and 1945 --- for Nelson Mandela more > than > > 27 years imprisonment---Western Astrologer and Musician Basil > > Fearrington has travelled to every corner of the world (more than > 16 > > passports so far). > > > > For the time being, you can read some interesting articles about > KSY > > from Msg#948 of this Group. > > > > Later, when I have time, I may add something interesting. > > > > > > Best regards, > > > > tw > > --- In, "mydna21" <mydna21@h...> wrote: > > > > > > Om Gam Ganapathi Namaha, > > > > > > Greetings, > > > > > > Happy Day Guru, > > > > > > I am Devarajen Rajagopal. I join as KP group about 1 year ago. I > > > still in early stage in learning about Astrology and K.P system. > I > > > have an enquiry which I need member's expert advice. I need more > > > info on Kal Sarpa Dosham and Pavithara Yoga. > > > > > > (1) From my understanding, Kal Sarpa Dosham occur when > Ragu and > > > Ketu sandwich > > > all the other planets in the native chart. If this dosham occur > > that > > > means the native will have hard life, no career development and > > > unhappy married life etc. until he reach 30 years. Is that true? > > > > > > I also came across an article about Kal Sarpa Dosham and > > interesting > > > part is that if the Kal Sarpa Dosham occur and if we found out > Ketu > > > came 1st(Not Ragu), that mean the native has Yogammane Kal Sarpa > > > which the native will have prospective and happiness in life. If > > > that true? > > > > > > Example : Native born in Taiping, Malaysia( 4n51,100e44),21st > March > > > 1978,2.15pm. > > > > > > Lagna : Cancer/Gemini(1st House)-Not sure lagna, assume Cancer as

> > > lagna > > > Moon : Cancer (1st House) > > > Mars : Cancer (1st House) > > > Saturn : Leo (2nd House) > > > Ketu : Libra (3rd house) > > > Venus : Pieces (9th house) > > > Jupiter Pieces (9th house) > > > Sun : Pieces( 9th house) > > > Ragu :Pieces (9th house) > > > Mercury : Gemini (12th house) > > > > > > This Native has Yogammane Kal Sarpa because Ketu came 1st (3rd > > > house){If take Cancer as lagna}then only follow by Ragu at 9th > > > House. Is that true? > > > > > > For this native, the Kal Sarpa occur at 3rd house and 9th house. > > > What that it means? Is that mean the native cant get along or > stay > > > with his father? > > > How about if the phenomena occur at 4th house and 10th house? > > > > > > (2) From my understanding pavithra yogam occur when the planet > > > exchange their > > > places with their each own house. > > > > > > Example : Using the native chart above, Jupiter and Mercury > > exchange > > > their place > > > in the chart. Is that mean we assume Jupiter and Mercury in their > > > own house? > > > > > > Hope dear Guru's will reply my enquires. > > > > > > Thank you. > > > > > > Devarajen Rajagopal > > > > > > Om Shivaye Namaha.

1529 From: rongaunt <rongaunt@...> Date: Wed Nov 17, 2004 6:59pm Subject: KPBC2 rongaunt1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Chart details are: Male, D.O.B. 20th Dec 1950 Time 5:02am I.S.T -5:30 10N46, 076E42 Asc 12 Scorpio 20 (ayanamsa 22:22:30)

What happened on the 2 November 1979? Choose from one of the following: 1. 2. 3. 4 Got married. Emigrated to the USA Son Born. Promotion in job.

It would be preferable if respondents could give reasons up front to help others in their understanding. However, if time is at a premium just the answer is acceptable initially. But please be prepared to elaborate later if you answer correctly. Please reply by 00:00am GMT Tuesday 23 Nov 04. answer will be provided. Ron Gaunt After which the

1530 From: "tw853" <tw853@...> Date: Wed Nov 17, 2004 11:55pm Subject: IN DEFENCE OF KP AYANAMSA by PROF. K. BALACHANDRAN tw853 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 IN DEFENCE OF KP AYANAMSA Based on M.G.G. Nair's article May 1980 in A&A, by PROF. K. BALACHANDRAN (K.P. & ASTROLOGY 2003, P. 88-91) 1. According to Shri Lahiri's Tables of the Sun based on Prof. New Combs accurate values, the longtitude of the Sayana mean Sun would be exactly 360* or 0' (Aries) at 8:21 IST on the 23rd March of 291 A.D. That is to say, the mean vernal equinox of 291 A.D. occurred at that epoch which w as the the Epoch of coincidence of the tropical and sidereal Zodiacs orthe Zero Epoch of Zero Ayanamsa. 2. According to Shri Lahiri, there is a positive ayanamsa of 4'59''.31 at our zero Ayanamsa epoch (viz. 4h:41m:18s on the 23 rd March 291 A.D.) 3. Formula to calculate Ayanamsa for 5:30 AM IST of April 15 of every year = 22* + (1350 + <t-1900>*50.2388475)/3600 + (<t-1900>*<t-1900>*0.000111)/3600 where t = (birth) year (The similar formula to the one of adjusted Equation (6) in Msg#1481. The difference is 1350 for April 15 here and 1335 for 1st January there.) 4. Examples I: Ayanamsa for 1920: 22*39'15'', II for 1950:

23*4'22'', III for 1980: 23*29'30'', IV for 2049: 24*27'18''. -----------------------------------------------------------------Note: In easier form, KPA = 22.375 +d (50.2388475 + 0.000111d)/ 3600 where d = birth year 1900

(Similar to Equation (7) in Msg#1481, the difference is here 22.375 for April 15 and 22.3708 for 1st January there) For 1900, KPA = 22.375 = 22*22'30'' Fine tuning for 1st January 1900, Number day of the year to April 15 = 105 Adjustment (105/365)* (50.2388475 + 0.000111*20) = 14.45sec KPA for 1st January 1990 = 22*22'30'' 14.45sec = 22*22'15.55sec = 22*22'16'' OR for easier way, KPA for 1991 KPA for 1991 (from table)

=22-23-21 minus 22-22-30 = 51 sec Adjustment = 51*(105/365) = 14.67sec = 15sec KPA for 1 st January 1990 = 22*22'30'' 15sec = 22*22'15sec

(Only 1sec difference due to rounding; 360 may be taken in place of 365) For 1920, KPA = 22.375 + 20 (50.2388475 + 0.000111*20)/3600 = 22.375 + 0.2791 = 22.6541 = 22*39'15'' KPA for 1st January 1920 = 22*39'15''- 50*(105/365) =22*39'15''- 14sec= 22*39'1'' ------------------------------------------------------------------EDITOR SKEAKS, K. SUBRAMANIAM (K.P. & ASTRLOGY 2003) 1. Regarding the vexed question of "Ayanamsa" our Guruji Shri K.S.K. says that those who follows this K.P. System are advised to take the ayanamsa which he has given in his books which is the only correct ayanamsa for predictive purpose. He also advised to give the Ayanamsa correction only from the year beyond 2001, for each year, we have to add at the rate of 50.2388475 sec/year. 2. So, I advise all my readers & followers of this K.P. System to follow only our Guruji's Ayanamsa and there will not be any second opinion regarding this subject of ie. "K.P. Ayanamsa". 3. Those who want to write artcles based on other than the K.P. Ayanamsa advised by our Guruji K.S.K. will not be published hereafter in this magazine. I request the co-operation of all the K.P.

followers as regards in this matter. 4. In this issue we are publishing an accurate Tables of Ayanamsa for the years 1900-2052 AD on New Comb's precision for the benefit of readers and K.P. follwoers. These values are as on 15th April every year. (Table added to file) 5. We, the committee members hereby declare that the values of ayanamsa found in the tables published in this issue is the final table and also these tables supersedes all the previous Tables of ayanamsa published in K. P. Reader I & all ephemeris (Krishman & C.) K.P.T.O.H. & H.T.O.H. etc.

1531 From: Date: Wed Nov 17, 2004 11:58pm Subject: New file uploaded to k_p_system Send Email Hello, This email message is a notification to let you know that a file has been uploaded to the Files area of the k_p_system group. File : /KPA.doc Uploaded by : tw853 <tw853@...> Description : TABLE OF KPA AYANAMSA (KP & ASTROLOGY 2003) You can access this file at the URL: To learn more about file sharing for your group, please visit: Regards, tw853 <tw853@...>

1532 From: anant raichur <anant_1608@...> Date: Thu Nov 18, 2004 0:45am Subject: Re: KPBC2 anant_1608 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 The AYANAMSA specified in the BLC2. appears to be incorrect. As per the NEW KP A tables, uploaded to-day, the AYAN on 15th April 1950 is 23-04-22. On 20th Dec 1950, i.e. appr 8 monthss later, the Ayan will be 23 37 27(app). The specified ayanmasa 0f 22 22 30 is less by 15 minutes. This will affect Moon's position a nd also the Dasa on date of Event. This restriction should not be put, and the members be advised to follow the new kpa aynamsa.

rongaunt <> wrote: Chart details are: Male, D.O.B. 20th Dec 1950 Time 5:02am I.S.T -5:30 10N46, 076E42 Asc 12 Scorpio 20 (ayanamsa 22:22:30) What happened on the 2 November 1979? Choose from one of the following: 1. Got married. 2. Emigrated to the USA 3. Son Born. 4 Promotion in job. It would be preferable if respondents could give reasons up front to help others in their understanding. However, if time is at a premium just the answer is acceptable initially. But please be prepared to elaborate later if you answer correctly. Please reply by 00:00am GMT Tuesday 23 Nov 04. After which the answer will be provided. Ron Gaunt ------------------------ Yahoo! Groups Sponsor --------------------~--> $9.95 domain names from Yahoo!. Register anything. --------------------------------------------------------------------~-> Yahoo! Groups Links <*> To visit your group on the web, go to: <*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: <*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to:

-----------------------------------------A.R.Raichur bombay USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY tel: 022-2506 2609 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Do you Yahoo!? Meet the all-new My Yahoo! Try it today!

1533 From: rongaunt <rongaunt@...> Date: Thu Nov 18, 2004 7:25am Subject: Re: KPBC2 rongaunt1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Anant, Sorry, that was a bit misleading. I should have stated that ayanamsa 2:22:30 was for circa 1900. I think you will find the Asc is in fact correct. Ron Gaunt

On Wed, 17 Nov 2004 22:45:49 -0800, you wrote: >The AYANAMSA specified in the BLC2. appears to be incorrect. As per the NEW KPA tables, uploaded to-day, the AYAN on 15th April 1950 is 23-04-22. On 20th Dec 1950, i.e. appr 8 monthss later, the Ayan will be 23 37 27(app). The specified ayanmasa 0f 22 22 30 is less by 15 minutes. This will affect Moon's position and also the Dasa on date of Event. > >This restriction should not be put, and the members be advised to follow the new kpa aynamsa. > > > >rongaunt <rongaunt@...> wrote: > >Chart details are: > >Male, >D.O.B. 20th Dec 1950 >Time 5:02am >I.S.T -5:30 >10N46, 076E42 > >Asc 12 Scorpio 20 (ayanamsa 22:22:30) > > >What happened on the 2 November 1979? Choose from one >of the following:

> > >1. Got married. >2. Emigrated to the USA >3. Son Born. >4 Promotion in job. > > >It would be preferable if respondents could give reasons up front >to help others in their understanding. However, if time is at >a premium just the answer is acceptable initially. But please >be prepared to elaborate later if you answer correctly. > > >Please reply by 00:00am GMT Tuesday 23 Nov 04. After which the >answer will be provided. > > >Ron Gaunt > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > > > > > >----------------------------------------->A.R.Raichur bombay >anant_1608@... >raichuranant@... >USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY >tel: 022-2506 2609 >-----------------------------------------> > > > > > > > >-------------------------------->Do you Yahoo!? Try it today! > Meet the all-new My Yahoo!

1534 From: rongaunt <rongaunt@...> Date: Thu Nov 18, 2004 7:31am Subject: Re: KPBC2 rongaunt1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360

Sorry again. Typing error in last message. Ayanamsa should have read 22:22:30 NOT 2:22:30 Ron Gaunt

On Thu, 18 Nov 2004 23:25:08 +1000, you wrote: > >Anant, > >Sorry, that was a bit misleading. I should have stated that >ayanamsa 2:22:30 was for circa 1900. I think you will find the >Asc is in fact correct. > >Ron Gaunt > > > >On Wed, 17 Nov 2004 22:45:49 -0800, you wrote: > >>The AYANAMSA specified in the BLC2. appears to be incorrect. As per the NEW KPA tables, uploaded to-day, the AYAN on 15th April 1950 is 23-04-22. On 20th Dec 1950, i.e. appr 8 monthss later, the Ayan will be 23 37 27(app). The specified ayanmasa 0f 22 22 30 is less by 15 minutes. This will affect Moon's position and also the Dasa on date of Event. >> >>This restriction should not be put, and the members be advised to follow the new kpa aynamsa. >> >> >> >>rongaunt <rongaunt@...> wrote: >> >>Chart details are: >> >>Male, >>D.O.B. 20th Dec 1950 >>Time 5:02am >>I.S.T -5:30 >>10N46, 076E42 >> >>Asc 12 Scorpio 20 (ayanamsa 22:22:30) >> >> >>What happened on the 2 November 1979? Choose from one >>of the following: >> >> >>1. Got married. >>2. Emigrated to the USA >>3. Son Born. >>4 Promotion in job. >> >> >>It would be preferable if respondents could give reasons up front >>to help others in their understanding. However, if time is at >>a premium just the answer is acceptable initially. But please

>>be prepared to elaborate later if you answer correctly. >> >> >>Please reply by 00:00am GMT Tuesday 23 Nov 04. After which the >>answer will be provided. >> >> >>Ron Gaunt >> >> >> >> >>Yahoo! Groups Links >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>----------------------------------------->>A.R.Raichur bombay >>anant_1608@... >>raichuranant@... >>USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY >>tel: 022-2506 2609 >>----------------------------------------->> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>-------------------------------->>Do you Yahoo!? >> Meet the all-new My Yahoo! Try it today! > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > >

1535 From: "tw853" <tw853@...> Date: Thu Nov 18, 2004 7:54am Subject: Re: KPBC2 tw853 Offline Send Email

Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear All, KPA for 20 December 1950 1. KPA from KP & ASTROLOGY 2003 a. 15 Apr 1951 b. 15 Apr 1950 c. 23-05-13 23-04-22 00-51sec

Increase by Table

d. Increase by formula = 50.2388475 +0.000111 (1950 - 1900) = 50.2388475 + 0.00555 = 50.2444sec e. Number Day of Year for Apr 15 = 105, for Dec 20 =354 f. Difference in NDOY =354-105 =249 days g. Fine tuning for 249 days = 50.2444 (249/365) = 34.28 sec (Note: for easier calculation , by taking 00-51sec of "c" 34.79sec) h. KPA for 20 Dec 1950 = 23-04-22 + 34.28sec = 23-04-56

2. KPA from Table in KP Reader I (Just for comparison or academic purpose) a. 1950 23-04

b. Fine tuning for Dec 25, 50.2444 (354/365)= 48.73 sec (same as in above "1.g", the difference is here for 354 days) c. 20 Dec 1950 = 23-04 + 49 sec = 23-04-49

3. KPA from KP & ASTROLOGY 2003 for 1st January 1950 (Just for academic purpose) a. Fine tuning 50.2444 (105/365) = 14.45c b. KPA for 1st Jan 1950 = 23-04-22 minus 14.45sec = 23-04-07.55

4. For KPBC2 , according to Jjagnnatha Hora Light (JHL), by entering KPA 23-04-56 REPEAT 23-04-56 (its own KPA is 23-04-43.57), a. Asc b. Moon 222-18-06.40 16-02-10.20

c. Sun d.

244-26-02.57 Venus Tula dasa balance at birth 16y-11m-10d

5. Highly appreciated for providing birth place of KPBC2 to be able to check with Astrdienst No Palghat 10N47, 76E39, No Chittur 10N42, 76E45, ???? Best regards, tw

--- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > Anant, > > Sorry, that was a bit misleading. I should have stated that > ayanamsa 2:22:30 was for circa 1900. I think you will find the > Asc is in fact correct. > > Ron Gaunt > > > > On Wed, 17 Nov 2004 22:45:49 -0800, you wrote: > > >The AYANAMSA specified in the BLC2. appears to be incorrect. As per the NEW KPA tables, uploaded to-day, the AYAN on 15th April 1950 is 23-04-22. On 20th Dec 1950, i.e. appr 8 monthss later, the Ayan will be 23 37 27(app). The specified ayanmasa 0f 22 22 30 is less by 15 minutes. This will affect Moon's position and also the Dasa on date of Event. > > > >This restriction should not be put, and the members be advised to follow the new kpa aynamsa. > > > > > > > >rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > > > >Chart details are: > > > >Male, > >D.O.B. 20th Dec 1950 > >Time 5:02am > >I.S.T -5:30 > >10N46, 076E42 > > > >Asc 12 Scorpio 20 (ayanamsa 22:22:30) > > > > > >What happened on the 2 November 1979? Choose from one > >of the following: > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

>1. Got married. >2. Emigrated to the USA >3. Son Born. >4 Promotion in job. > > >It would be preferable if respondents could give reasons up front >to help others in their understanding. However, if time is at >a premium just the answer is acceptable initially. But please >be prepared to elaborate later if you answer correctly. > > >Please reply by 00:00am GMT Tuesday 23 Nov 04. After which the >answer will be provided. > > >Ron Gaunt > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > > > > > >----------------------------------------->A.R.Raichur bombay >anant_1608@y... >raichuranant@y... >USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY >tel: 022-2506 2609 >-----------------------------------------> > > > > > > > >-------------------------------->Do you Yahoo!? Try it today! > Meet the all-new My Yahoo!

1536 From: "Sandy Crowther" <sandy@...> Date: Thu Nov 18, 2004 8:37am Subject: RE: KPBC2 detective_dunno Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Hi Everyone,

I m new to this group and new to KP, but not so new to Astrology. Anyway, I have a few concerns about the corrected KP Ayanamsa posted below in light of the new KP Table posted for the years 1900 to 2052. (Thanks for that Table from tw853 didn t catch your name sorry J).

Please enlighten me if my logic is fuzzy According to my calculations with respect to the new Table posted for the KP Ayanamsa (which I am trying to get straight once and for all), the correct KP Ayanamsa for KPBC2 for December 20th, 1950 is actually 23:04:58. This figure was derived from re-setting the KP Ayanamsa in SJ S (Shri Jyoti Star5) to reflect the values posted in the email and Table that fo llowed. If for April 15th 1950 the ayanamsa is 23:04:22, and the ayanamsa for Ap ril 15th 1951 is 23:05:13, I do NOT see how the correct ayanamsa for December 20 th 1950 can be anything other than 23:04:58. This ayanamsa give a lagna of 12 Sc orpio 17, and a dasha sequence of Mo Me Ju Ke for the date in question: November 2, 1979.

If anyone uses SJS and is interested in how I derived at this corrected (I belie ve?) KP ayanamsa based on the Table posted earlier - I went into the SJS Global Options set for the KP Ayanamsa and did a Custom setting to reflect the accuracy based on the new Table given in the previous email. I left the setting on KP an d then custom set the Epoch to January 1, 1900, custom set the Value at Epoch to 22:22:16 (to reflect the KP ayanamsa for Jan 1, 1900), and then custom set the Annual Precession to 50:2388475.

All the Best, Sandy Crowther

-----Original Message----From: rongaunt [] Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2004 8:32 AM To: Subject: Re: [k_p_system] KPBC2

Sorry again. Typing error in last message. Ayanamsa should have read 22:22:30 NOT 2:22:30 Ron Gaunt

On Thu, 18 Nov 2004 23:25:08 +1000, you wrote: > >Anant, > >Sorry, that was a bit misleading. I should have stated that >ayanamsa 2:22:30 was for circa 1900. I think you will find the >Asc is in fact correct. > >Ron Gaunt > > > >On Wed, 17 Nov 2004 22:45:49 -0800, you wrote: > >>The AYANAMSA specified in the BLC2. appears to be incorrect. As per the NEW KP A tables, uploaded to-day, the AYAN on 15th April 1950 is 23-04-22. On 20th Dec 1950, i.e. appr 8 monthss later, the Ayan will be 23 37 27(app). The specified ayanmasa 0f 22 22 30 is less by 15 minutes. This will affect Moon's position a nd also the Dasa on date of Event. >> >>This restriction should not be put, and the members be advised to follow the n ew kpa aynamsa. >> >> >> >>rongaunt <> wrote: >> >>Chart details are: >> >>Male, >>D.O.B. 20th Dec 1950 >>Time 5:02am >>I.S.T -5:30 >>10N46, 076E42 >> >>Asc 12 Scorpio 20 (ayanamsa 22:22:30) >> >> >>What happened on the 2 November 1979? Choose from one >>of the following: >> >> >>1. Got married. >>2. Emigrated to the USA >>3. Son Born. >>4 Promotion in job. >> >>

>>It would be preferable if respondents could give reasons up front >>to help others in their understanding. However, if time is at >>a premium just the answer is acceptable initially. But please >>be prepared to elaborate later if you answer correctly. >> >> >>Please reply by 00:00am GMT Tuesday 23 Nov 04. After which the >>answer will be provided. >> >> >>Ron Gaunt >> >> >> >> >>Yahoo! Groups Links >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>----------------------------------------->>A.R.Raichur bombay >> >> >>USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY >>tel: 022-2506 2609 >>----------------------------------------->> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>-------------------------------->>Do you Yahoo!? >> Meet the all-new My Yahoo! Try it today! > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > >

Attachment: (image/gif) image001.gif [not stored]

1537 From: "tw853" <tw853@...> Date: Thu Nov 18, 2004 9:26am Subject: Re: KPBC2 tw853 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Sandy Crowther, My manual calculation gives 23*4'56'' in Msg#1535, which is very close to your computer calculation 23*4'58''. A great pleasure to welcome a friend of late Barbara Cameron, who wrote the most popular MaHaBote (Myanmar Astrology) book in English after learning in Myanmar (before Burma). Now out of print, quoted in hundred $ in old book market. Best regards, tw --- In, "Sandy Crowther" <sandy@t...> wrote: > Hi Everyone, > > > > I'm new to this group and new to KP, but not so new to Astrology. > Anyway, I have a few concerns about the "corrected" KP Ayanamsa posted > below in light of the new KP Table posted for the years 1900 to 2052. > (Thanks for that Table from tw853 - didn't catch your name sorry :-)). > > > > Please enlighten me if my logic is fuzzy.According to my calculations > with respect to the new Table posted for the KP Ayanamsa (which I am > trying to get straight once and for all), the correct KP Ayanamsa for > KPBC2 for December 20th, 1950 is actually 23:04:58. This figure was > derived from re-setting the KP Ayanamsa in SJS (Shri Jyoti Star5) to > reflect the values posted in the email and Table that followed. If for > April 15th 1950 the ayanamsa is 23:04:22, and the ayanamsa for April > 15th 1951 is 23:05:13, I do NOT see how the correct ayanamsa for > December 20th 1950 can be anything other than 23:04:58. This ayanamsa > give a lagna of 12 Scorpio 17, and a dasha sequence of Mo Me Ju Ke for

> the date in question: November 2, 1979. > > > > If anyone uses SJS and is interested in how I derived at this corrected > (I believe?) KP ayanamsa based on the Table posted earlier - I went into > the SJS Global Options set for the KP Ayanamsa and did a Custom setting > to reflect the accuracy based on the new Table given in the previous > email. I left the setting on KP and then custom set the Epoch to January > 1, 1900, custom set the Value at Epoch to 22:22:16 (to reflect the KP > ayanamsa for Jan 1, 1900), and then custom set the Annual Precession to > 50:2388475. > > > > > > > > All the Best, > > Sandy Crowther > > <> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > -----Original Message----> From: rongaunt [mailto:rongaunt@b...] > Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2004 8:32 AM > To: > Subject: Re: [k_p_system] KPBC2 > > > > > Sorry again. Typing error in last message. Ayanamsa should > have read 22:22:30 NOT 2:22:30 > > Ron Gaunt > > > > On Thu, 18 Nov 2004 23:25:08 +1000, you wrote:

> > > > >Anant, > > > >Sorry, that was a bit misleading. I should have stated that > >ayanamsa 2:22:30 was for circa 1900. I think you will find the > >Asc is in fact correct. > > > >Ron Gaunt > > > > > > > >On Wed, 17 Nov 2004 22:45:49 -0800, you wrote: > > > >>The AYANAMSA specified in the BLC2. appears to be incorrect. As per > the NEW KPA tables, uploaded to-day, the AYAN on 15th April 1950 is > 23-04-22. On 20th Dec 1950, i.e. appr 8 monthss later, the Ayan will be > 23 37 27(app). The specified ayanmasa 0f 22 22 30 is less by 15 > minutes. This will affect Moon's position and also the Dasa on date of > Event. > >> > >>This restriction should not be put, and the members be advised to > follow the new kpa aynamsa. > >> > >> > >> > >>rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > >> > >>Chart details are: > >> > >>Male, > >>D.O.B. 20th Dec 1950 > >>Time 5:02am > >>I.S.T -5:30 > >>10N46, 076E42 > >> > >>Asc 12 Scorpio 20 (ayanamsa 22:22:30) > >> > >> > >>What happened on the 2 November 1979? Choose from one > >>of the following: > >> > >> > >>1. Got married. > >>2. Emigrated to the USA > >>3. Son Born. > >>4 Promotion in job. > >> > >> > >>It would be preferable if respondents could give reasons up front > >>to help others in their understanding. However, if time is at > >>a premium just the answer is acceptable initially. But please > >>be prepared to elaborate later if you answer correctly. > >> > >> > >>Please reply by 00:00am GMT Tuesday 23 Nov 04. After which the > >>answer will be provided.

> >> > >> > >>Ron Gaunt > >> > >> > >> > >> > >>Yahoo! Groups Links > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >>-----------------------------------------> >>A.R.Raichur bombay > >>anant_1608@y... > >>raichuranant@y... > >>USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY > >>tel: 022-2506 2609 > >>-----------------------------------------> >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >>--------------------------------> >>Do you Yahoo!? > >> Meet the all-new My Yahoo! - Try it today! > > > > > > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Yahoo! Groups Sponsor > > > > ADVERTISEMENT > > <

6/ > D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1100871094/A=2434971/R=0/SIG=11eeoolb0/*h tt > p:/> click here > > > > < M=298184.5584357.6650215.3001176/D=group > s/S=:HM/A=2434971/rand=781464111> > > > > _____ > > Yahoo! Groups Links > > * To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > > * To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > <> > > > * Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of > Service <> .

1538 From: ABCD EFGH <sachdumps@...> Date: Thu Nov 18, 2004 1:28pm Subject: Re: Re: KPBC2 sachdumps Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear All KP Guru's, I am regular reader of all the messages posted on this group. You guys are grea t in every aspect of KP Astrology. Since I am a new to KP System, I would appre ciate if anyone of you can post or mail correct KPBC chart along with its details bas ed on correct Ayanamsa to continue with Analysis. Thanks tw853, Ron and all of y ou for providing such indepth analysis Thanks Sacham tw853 <> wrote: Dear Sandy Crowther, My manual calculation gives 23*4'56'' in Msg#1535, which is very close to your computer calculation 23*4'58''.

A great pleasure to welcome a friend of late Barbara Cameron, who wrote the most popular MaHaBote (Myanmar Astrology) book in English after learning in Myanmar (before Burma). Now out of print, quoted in hundred $ in old book market. Best regards, tw --- In, "Sandy Crowther" <sandy@t...> wrote: > Hi Everyone, > > > > I'm new to this group and new to KP, but not so new to Astrology. > Anyway, I have a few concerns about the "corrected" KP Ayanamsa posted > below in light of the new KP Table posted for the years 1900 to 2052. > (Thanks for that Table from tw853 - didn't catch your name sorry :-)). > > > > Please enlighten me if my logic is fuzzy.According to my calculations > with respect to the new Table posted for the KP Ayanamsa (which I am > trying to get straight once and for all), the correct KP Ayanamsa for > KPBC2 for December 20th, 1950 is actually 23:04:58. This figure was > derived from re-setting the KP Ayanamsa in SJS (Shri Jyoti Star5) to > reflect the values posted in the email and Table that followed. If for > April 15th 1950 the ayanamsa is 23:04:22, and the ayanamsa for April > 15th 1951 is 23:05:13, I do NOT see how the correct ayanamsa for > December 20th 1950 can be anything other than 23:04:58. This ayanamsa > give a lagna of 12 Scorpio 17, and a dasha sequence of Mo Me Ju Ke for > the date in question: November 2, 1979. > > > > If anyone uses SJS and is interested in how I derived at this corrected > (I believe?) KP ayanamsa based on the Table posted earlier - I went into > the SJS Global Options set for the KP Ayanamsa and did a Custom setting > to reflect the accuracy based on the new Table given in the previous > email. I left the setting on KP and then custom set the Epoch to January > 1, 1900, custom set the Value at Epoch to 22:22:16 (to reflect the KP > ayanamsa for Jan 1, 1900), and then custom set the Annual Precession to > 50:2388475. >

> > > > > > > All the Best, > > Sandy Crowther > > <> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > -----Original Message----> From: rongaunt [mailto:rongaunt@b...] > Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2004 8:32 AM > To: > Subject: Re: [k_p_system] KPBC2 > > > > > Sorry again. Typing error in last message. Ayanamsa should > have read 22:22:30 NOT 2:22:30 > > Ron Gaunt > > > > On Thu, 18 Nov 2004 23:25:08 +1000, you wrote: > > > > >Anant, > > > >Sorry, that was a bit misleading. I should have stated that > >ayanamsa 2:22:30 was for circa 1900. I think you will find the > >Asc is in fact correct. > > > >Ron Gaunt > > > > > > > >On Wed, 17 Nov 2004 22:45:49 -0800, you wrote: > > > >>The AYANAMSA specified in the BLC2. appears to be incorrect. As per > the NEW KPA tables, uploaded to-day, the AYAN on 15th April 1950 is > 23-04-22. On 20th Dec 1950, i.e. appr 8 monthss later, the Ayan will be

> 23 37 27(app). The specified ayanmasa 0f 22 22 30 is less by 15 > minutes. This will affect Moon's position and also the Dasa on date of > Event. > >> > >>This restriction should not be put, and the members be advised to > follow the new kpa aynamsa. > >> > >> > >> > >>rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > >> > >>Chart details are: > >> > >>Male, > >>D.O.B. 20th Dec 1950 > >>Time 5:02am > >>I.S.T -5:30 > >>10N46, 076E42 > >> > >>Asc 12 Scorpio 20 (ayanamsa 22:22:30) > >> > >> > >>What happened on the 2 November 1979? Choose from one > >>of the following: > >> > >> > >>1. Got married. > >>2. Emigrated to the USA > >>3. Son Born. > >>4 Promotion in job. > >> > >> > >>It would be preferable if respondents could give reasons up front > >>to help others in their understanding. However, if time is at > >>a premium just the answer is acceptable initially. But please > >>be prepared to elaborate later if you answer correctly. > >> > >> > >>Please reply by 00:00am GMT Tuesday 23 Nov 04. After which the > >>answer will be provided. > >> > >> > >>Ron Gaunt > >> > >> > >> > >> > >>Yahoo! Groups Links > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >>-----------------------------------------> >>A.R.Raichur bombay

> >>anant_1608@y... > >>raichuranant@y... > >>USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY > >>tel: 022-2506 2609 > >>-----------------------------------------> >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >>--------------------------------> >>Do you Yahoo!? > >> Meet the all-new My Yahoo! - Try it today! > > > > > > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Yahoo! Groups Sponsor > > > > ADVERTISEMENT > > < 6/ > D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1100871094/A=2434971/R=0/SIG=11eeoolb0/*h tt > p:/> click here > > > > < M=298184.5584357.6650215.3001176/D=group > s/S=:HM/A=2434971/rand=781464111> > > > > _____ > > Yahoo! Groups Links > > * To visit your group on the web, go to:

> > > > * To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > <> > > > * Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of > Service <> .

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Do you Yahoo!? The all-new My Yahoo! Get yours free!

1539 From: "Vaidun Vidyadhar" <vvidya@...> Date: Thu Nov 18, 2004 2:19pm Subject: RE: KPBC2 vidyaau Send IM Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Hi Sandy, How are you? Welcome to KP. Vidyadhar Vaidun Vidyadhar 1 / 94 Marius Street Tamworth, NSW 2340 Australia Tel: 61-2-67 668428 (home) Mobile: 0414 870 083 Email:

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------From: Sandy Crowther [] Sent: Friday, 19 November 2004 1:37 AM To: Subject: RE: [k_p_system] KPBC2 Hi Everyone,

I m new to this group and new to KP, but not so new to Astrology. Anyway, I have a few concerns about the corrected KP Ayanamsa posted below in light of the new KP Table posted for the years 1900 to 2052. (Thanks for that Table from tw853 didn t catch your name sorry J).

Please enlighten me if my logic is fuzzy According to my calculations with respect to the new Table posted for the KP Ayanamsa (which I am trying to get straight once and for all), the correct KP Ayanamsa for KPBC2 for December 20th, 1950 is actually 23:04:58. This figure was derived from re-setting the KP Ayanamsa in SJ S (Shri Jyoti Star5) to reflect the values posted in the email and Table that fo llowed. If for April 15th 1950 the ayanamsa is 23:04:22, and the ayanamsa for Ap ril 15th 1951 is 23:05:13, I do NOT see how the correct ayanamsa for December 20 th 1950 can be anything other than 23:04:58. This ayanamsa give a lagna of 12 Sc orpio 17, and a dasha sequence of Mo Me Ju Ke for the date in question: November 2, 1979.

If anyone uses SJS and is interested in how I derived at this corrected (I belie ve?) KP ayanamsa based on the Table posted earlier - I went into the SJS Global Options set for the KP Ayanamsa and did a Custom setting to reflect the accuracy based on the new Table given in the previous email. I left the setting on KP an d then custom set the Epoch to January 1, 1900, custom set the Value at Epoch to 22:22:16 (to reflect the KP ayanamsa for Jan 1, 1900), and then custom set the Annual Precession to 50:2388475.

All the Best, Sandy Crowther

-----Original Message----From: rongaunt [] Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2004 8:32 AM To: Subject: Re: [k_p_system] KPBC2

Sorry again. Typing error in last message. Ayanamsa should have read 22:22:30 NOT 2:22:30 Ron Gaunt

On Thu, 18 Nov 2004 23:25:08 +1000, you wrote: > >Anant, > >Sorry, that was a bit misleading. I should have stated that >ayanamsa 2:22:30 was for circa 1900. I think you will find the >Asc is in fact correct. > >Ron Gaunt > > > >On Wed, 17 Nov 2004 22:45:49 -0800, you wrote: > >>The AYANAMSA specified in the BLC2. appears to be incorrect. As per the NEW KP A tables, uploaded to-day, the AYAN on 15th April 1950 is 23-04-22. On 20th Dec 1950, i.e. appr 8 monthss later, the Ayan will be 23 37 27(app). The specified ayanmasa 0f 22 22 30 is less by 15 minutes. This will affect Moon's position a nd also the Dasa on date of Event. >> >>This restriction should not be put, and the members be advised to follow the n ew kpa aynamsa. >> >> >> >>rongaunt <> wrote: >> >>Chart details are: >> >>Male, >>D.O.B. 20th Dec 1950 >>Time 5:02am >>I.S.T -5:30 >>10N46, 076E42 >> >>Asc 12 Scorpio 20 (ayanamsa 22:22:30) >> >> >>What happened on the 2 November 1979? Choose from one >>of the following: >> >> >>1. Got married. >>2. Emigrated to the USA >>3. Son Born. >>4 Promotion in job. >> >> >>It would be preferable if respondents could give reasons up front

>>to help others in their understanding. However, if time is at >>a premium just the answer is acceptable initially. But please >>be prepared to elaborate later if you answer correctly. >> >> >>Please reply by 00:00am GMT Tuesday 23 Nov 04. After which the >>answer will be provided. >> >> >>Ron Gaunt >> >> >> >> >>Yahoo! Groups Links >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>----------------------------------------->>A.R.Raichur bombay >> >> >>USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY >>tel: 022-2506 2609 >>----------------------------------------->> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>-------------------------------->>Do you Yahoo!? >> Meet the all-new My Yahoo! Try it today! > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > >

1540 From: rongaunt <rongaunt@...> Date: Thu Nov 18, 2004 4:22pm Subject: Re: KPBC2 rongaunt1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Sandy, Great to see you on this List. Don't worry about being new to KP, so am I and possibly many others. It should be a great place to learn. Regarding you settings they seem almost spot on. I have programmed GJ with the table and it comes up with 23:04:56 within 2" of your calculation. We have recently had discussions on this List regarding calculating the Asc and I have realized that most Western authored software programs use GEOGRAPHICAL angles and GEOCENTRIC planetary positions. Mr Raichur's program which appears to be used by many of our Indian colleagues, converts the geographical angles to geocentric. This means that there is a slight difference between the Ascendants and house cusps. In KPBC2 our Western astrology programs shows - as you state - an Asc of around 12 Scorpio 17, but using Geocentric angles the Ascendant is 12Scorpio08:14. This difference will only be an issue when the Asc falls very close to the cusp of the subs, and in most cases will give the same data. The dasa sequence is as you stated for the event. The only Western produced program that appears to have an option to convert to Geocentric angles that I know is Solar Fire. I have mailed Parashara Light with suggestions to include this and parallax in any future upgrade. Ron Gaunt

On Thu, 18 Nov 2004 09:37:03 -0500, you wrote: >Hi Everyone, > > > >I'm new to this group and new to KP, but not so new to Astrology. >Anyway, I have a few concerns about the "corrected" KP Ayanamsa posted >below in light of the new KP Table posted for the years 1900 to 2052. >(Thanks for that Table from tw853 - didn't catch your name - sorry :-)). > >

> >Please enlighten me if my logic is fuzzy.According to my calculations >with respect to the new Table posted for the KP Ayanamsa (which I am >trying to get straight once and for all), the correct KP Ayanamsa for >KPBC2 for December 20th, 1950 is actually 23:04:58. This figure was >derived from re-setting the KP Ayanamsa in SJS (Shri Jyoti Star5) to >reflect the values posted in the email and Table that followed. If for >April 15th 1950 the ayanamsa is 23:04:22, and the ayanamsa for April >15th 1951 is 23:05:13, I do NOT see how the correct ayanamsa for >December 20th 1950 can be anything other than 23:04:58. This ayanamsa >give a lagna of 12 Scorpio 17, and a dasha sequence of Mo Me Ju Ke for >the date in question: November 2, 1979. > > > >If anyone uses SJS and is interested in how I derived at this corrected >(I believe?) KP ayanamsa based on the Table posted earlier - I went into >the SJS Global Options set for the KP Ayanamsa and did a Custom setting >to reflect the accuracy based on the new Table given in the previous >email. I left the setting on KP and then custom set the Epoch to January >1, 1900, custom set the Value at Epoch to 22:22:16 (to reflect the KP >ayanamsa for Jan 1, 1900), and then custom set the Annual Precession to >50:2388475. > > > > > > > > All the Best, > > Sandy Crowther > > <> > > > > > > > > > > > > > >-----Original Message---->From: rongaunt [mailto:rongaunt@...] >Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2004 8:32 AM >To: >Subject: Re: [k_p_system] KPBC2 > > > > >Sorry again. Typing error in last message. Ayanamsa should >have read 22:22:30 NOT 2:22:30 >

>Ron Gaunt > > > >On Thu, 18 Nov 2004 23:25:08 +1000, you wrote: > >> >>Anant, >> >>Sorry, that was a bit misleading. I should have stated that >>ayanamsa 2:22:30 was for circa 1900. I think you will find the >>Asc is in fact correct. >> >>Ron Gaunt >> >> >> >>On Wed, 17 Nov 2004 22:45:49 -0800, you wrote: >> >>>The AYANAMSA specified in the BLC2. appears to be incorrect. As per >the NEW KPA tables, uploaded to-day, the AYAN on 15th April 1950 is >23-04-22. On 20th Dec 1950, i.e. appr 8 monthss later, the Ayan will be >23 37 27(app). The specified ayanmasa 0f 22 22 30 is less by 15 >minutes. This will affect Moon's position and also the Dasa on date of >Event. >>> >>>This restriction should not be put, and the members be advised to >follow the new kpa aynamsa. >>> >>> >>> >>>rongaunt <rongaunt@...> wrote: >>> >>>Chart details are: >>> >>>Male, >>>D.O.B. 20th Dec 1950 >>>Time 5:02am >>>I.S.T -5:30 >>>10N46, 076E42 >>> >>>Asc 12 Scorpio 20 (ayanamsa 22:22:30) >>> >>> >>>What happened on the 2 November 1979? Choose from one >>>of the following: >>> >>> >>>1. Got married. >>>2. Emigrated to the USA >>>3. Son Born. >>>4 Promotion in job. >>> >>> >>>It would be preferable if respondents could give reasons up front >>>to help others in their understanding. However, if time is at >>>a premium just the answer is acceptable initially. But please >>>be prepared to elaborate later if you answer correctly. >>> >>>

>>>Please reply by 00:00am GMT Tuesday 23 Nov 04. After which the >>>answer will be provided. >>> >>> >>>Ron Gaunt >>> >>> >>> >>> >>>Yahoo! Groups Links >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>>----------------------------------------->>>A.R.Raichur bombay >>>anant_1608@... >>>raichuranant@... >>>USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY >>>tel: 022-2506 2609 >>>----------------------------------------->>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>>-------------------------------->>>Do you Yahoo!? >>> Meet the all-new My Yahoo! - Try it today! >> >> >> >> >> >>Yahoo! Groups Links >> >> >> >> >> >> > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Sponsor > > > >ADVERTISEMENT >

>< >D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1100871094/A=2434971/R=0/SIG=11eeoolb0/*htt >p:/> click here > > > >< >s/S=:HM/A=2434971/rand=781464111> > > > > _____ > >Yahoo! Groups Links > >* To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > >* To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > ><> > > >* Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of >Service <> .

1541 From: rongaunt <rongaunt@...> Date: Thu Nov 18, 2004 4:42pm Subject: Re: Re: KPBC2 rongaunt1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 tw, The only information I was given was the co-ordinates. However, I have checked with an atlas and it appears that the native was born at Palghat. Ron Gaunt

On Thu, 18 Nov 2004 13:54:04 +0000, you wrote: > > >Dear All, > >KPA for 20 December 1950 > > >1. KPA from KP & ASTROLOGY 2003 > >a. 15 Apr 1951 23-05-13 >b. 15 Apr 1950 23-04-22

> >c. Increase by Table 00-51sec > >d. Increase by formula = 50.2388475 +0.000111 (1950 - 1900) > = 50.2388475 + 0.00555 > = 50.2444sec > >e. Number Day of Year for Apr 15 = 105, for Dec 20 =354 > >f. Difference in NDOY =354-105 =249 days > >g. Fine tuning for 249 days = 50.2444 (249/365) = 34.28 sec > >(Note: for easier calculation , by taking 00-51sec of "c" 34.79sec) > >h. KPA for 20 Dec 1950 = 23-04-22 + 34.28sec > = 23-04-56 > > > >2. KPA from Table in KP Reader I (Just for comparison or academic >purpose) > >a. 1950 23-04 > >b. Fine tuning for Dec 25, 50.2444 (354/365)= 48.73 sec > > (same as in above "1.g", the difference is here for 354 days) > >c. 20 Dec 1950 = 23-04 + 49 sec = 23-04-49 > > > >3. KPA from KP & ASTROLOGY 2003 for 1st January 1950 >(Just for academic purpose) > >a. Fine tuning 50.2444 (105/365) = 14.45c > >b. KPA for 1st Jan 1950 = 23-04-22 minus 14.45sec = 23-04-07.55 > > > >4. For KPBC2 , according to Jjagnnatha Hora Light (JHL), by >entering KPA 23-04-56 REPEAT 23-04-56 (its own KPA is 23-04-43.57), > >a. Asc 222-18-06.40 > >b. Moon 16-02-10.20 > >c. Sun 244-26-02.57 > >d. Venus Tula dasa balance at birth 16y-11m-10d > > > >5. Highly appreciated for providing birth place of KPBC2 to be >able to check with Astrdienst > >No Palghat 10N47, 76E39, No Chittur 10N42, 76E45, ???? >

> >Best regards, > >tw > > > >--- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: >> Anant, >> >> Sorry, that was a bit misleading. I should have stated that >> ayanamsa 2:22:30 was for circa 1900. I think you will find the >> Asc is in fact correct. >> >> Ron Gaunt >> >> >> >> On Wed, 17 Nov 2004 22:45:49 -0800, you wrote: >> >> >The AYANAMSA specified in the BLC2. appears to be incorrect. As >per the NEW KPA tables, uploaded to-day, the AYAN on 15th April 1950 >is 23-04-22. On 20th Dec 1950, i.e. appr 8 monthss later, the Ayan >will be 23 37 27(app). The specified ayanmasa 0f 22 22 30 is less >by 15 minutes. This will affect Moon's position and also the Dasa on >date of Event. >> > >> >This restriction should not be put, and the members be advised to >follow the new kpa aynamsa. >> > >> > >> > >> >rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: >> > >> >Chart details are: >> > >> >Male, >> >D.O.B. 20th Dec 1950 >> >Time 5:02am >> >I.S.T -5:30 >> >10N46, 076E42 >> > >> >Asc 12 Scorpio 20 (ayanamsa 22:22:30) >> > >> > >> >What happened on the 2 November 1979? Choose from one >> >of the following: >> > >> > >> >1. Got married. >> >2. Emigrated to the USA >> >3. Son Born. >> >4 Promotion in job. >> > >> > >> >It would be preferable if respondents could give reasons up front >> >to help others in their understanding. However, if time is at >> >a premium just the answer is acceptable initially. But please >> >be prepared to elaborate later if you answer correctly. >> >

>> > >> >Please reply by 00:00am GMT Tuesday 23 Nov 04. After which the >> >answer will be provided. >> > >> > >> >Ron Gaunt >> > >> > >> > >> > >> >Yahoo! Groups Links >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> >----------------------------------------->> >A.R.Raichur bombay >> >anant_1608@y... >> >raichuranant@y... >> >USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY >> >tel: 022-2506 2609 >> >----------------------------------------->> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> >-------------------------------->> >Do you Yahoo!? Try it today! >> > Meet the all-new My Yahoo! > > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > >

1542 From: "tw853" <tw853@...> Date: Thu Nov 18, 2004 8:29pm Subject: Re: KPBC2 tw853 Offline Send Email

Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Ron, 1. "Place of birth" is usually given in AstroDatabank horoscopes, Astrodienst charts, Khaldea charts, etc to be able to check latitude and longitude. 2. For example, birth place of KPBC2 , Palghat, "10N46, 76E42" given and Astro-Kundli is also showing the same figures. However, as given in Msg#1535, "10N47, 76E39" according to Astrodienst atlas commonly used by astrologers and referred by astrological websites. RAND McNALLY, Atlas of the World, Masterpiece Edition, also shows the same figures. 3. There can be a difference of around 12sec in Sid. Time, consequently around 3deg difference in Asc, possible differences in "sub-sub" lords of cusps 1, 4,6, 8, 9,10, 11 &12. "Sub lord" of cusp 9 also can be different. 4. Which one to take, given figures or Astrodienst ones ? Of course, results may not be the same. Also how about only six days timeline to give answer from the view point of wider participation and quality drive of brain work? Best regards, tw

--- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > > tw, > > The only information I was given was the co-ordinates. However, > I have checked with an atlas and it appears that the native was > born at Palghat. > > > Ron Gaunt > > > > On Thu, 18 Nov 2004 13:54:04 +0000, you wrote: > > > > > > >Dear All, > > > >KPA for 20 December 1950 > > > > > >1. KPA from KP & ASTROLOGY 2003 > > > >a. 15 Apr 1951 23-05-13 > >b. 15 Apr 1950 23-04-22 > > > >c. Increase by Table 00-51sec > >

> >d. Increase by formula = 50.2388475 +0.000111 (1950 - 1900) > > = 50.2388475 + 0.00555 > > = 50.2444sec > > > >e. Number Day of Year for Apr 15 = 105, for Dec 20 =354 > > > >f. Difference in NDOY =354-105 =249 days > > > >g. Fine tuning for 249 days = 50.2444 (249/365) = 34.28 sec > > > >(Note: for easier calculation , by taking 00-51sec of "c" 34.79sec) > > > >h. KPA for 20 Dec 1950 = 23-04-22 + 34.28sec > > = 23-04-56 > > > > > > > >2. KPA from Table in KP Reader I (Just for comparison or academic > >purpose) > > > >a. 1950 23-04 > > > >b. Fine tuning for Dec 25, 50.2444 (354/365)= 48.73 sec > > > > (same as in above "1.g", the difference is here for 354 days) > > > >c. 20 Dec 1950 = 23-04 + 49 sec = 23-04-49 > > > > > > > >3. KPA from KP & ASTROLOGY 2003 for 1st January 1950 > >(Just for academic purpose) > > > >a. Fine tuning 50.2444 (105/365) = 14.45c > > > >b. KPA for 1st Jan 1950 = 23-04-22 minus 14.45sec = 23-04-07.55 > > > > > > > >4. For KPBC2 , according to Jjagnnatha Hora Light (JHL), by > >entering KPA 23-04-56 REPEAT 23-04-56 (its own KPA is 23-0443.57), > > > >a. Asc 222-18-06.40 > > > >b. Moon 16-02-10.20 > > > >c. Sun 244-26-02.57 > > > >d. Venus Tula dasa balance at birth 16y-11m-10d > > > > > > > >5. Highly appreciated for providing birth place of KPBC2 to be > >able to check with Astrdienst > > > >No Palghat 10N47, 76E39, No Chittur 10N42, 76E45, ???? > >

> > > >Best regards, > > > >tw > > > > > > > >--- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > >> Anant, > >> > >> Sorry, that was a bit misleading. I should have stated that > >> ayanamsa 2:22:30 was for circa 1900. I think you will find the > >> Asc is in fact correct. > >> > >> Ron Gaunt > >> > >> > >> > >> On Wed, 17 Nov 2004 22:45:49 -0800, you wrote: > >> > >> >The AYANAMSA specified in the BLC2. appears to be incorrect. As > >per the NEW KPA tables, uploaded to-day, the AYAN on 15th April 1950 > >is 23-04-22. On 20th Dec 1950, i.e. appr 8 monthss later, the Ayan > >will be 23 37 27(app). The specified ayanmasa 0f 22 22 30 is less > >by 15 minutes. This will affect Moon's position and also the Dasa on > >date of Event. > >> > > >> >This restriction should not be put, and the members be advised to > >follow the new kpa aynamsa. > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> >rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > >> > > >> >Chart details are: > >> > > >> >Male, > >> >D.O.B. 20th Dec 1950 > >> >Time 5:02am > >> >I.S.T -5:30 > >> >10N46, 076E42 > >> > > >> >Asc 12 Scorpio 20 (ayanamsa 22:22:30) > >> > > >> > > >> >What happened on the 2 November 1979? Choose from one > >> >of the following: > >> > > >> > > >> >1. Got married. > >> >2. Emigrated to the USA > >> >3. Son Born. > >> >4 Promotion in job. > >> > > >> > > >> >It would be preferable if respondents could give reasons up

front > >> >to help others in their understanding. However, if time is at > >> >a premium just the answer is acceptable initially. But please > >> >be prepared to elaborate later if you answer correctly. > >> > > >> > > >> >Please reply by 00:00am GMT Tuesday 23 Nov 04. After which the > >> >answer will be provided. > >> > > >> > > >> >Ron Gaunt > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> >Yahoo! Groups Links > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> >-----------------------------------------> >> >A.R.Raichur bombay > >> >anant_1608@y... > >> >raichuranant@y... > >> >USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY > >> >tel: 022-2506 2609 > >> >-----------------------------------------> >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> >--------------------------------> >> >Do you Yahoo!? > >> > Meet the all-new My Yahoo! Try it today! > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > > > > > > > >

1543 From: rongaunt <rongaunt@...> Date: Thu Nov 18, 2004 9:44pm Subject: Re: Re: KPBC2 rongaunt1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 tw, I make it that there is only about 48" in sidereal time and about 13' in longitude and 40' in latitude difference between both angles. This should not make too much difference unless near the cusps. My two Atlases 'The University Atlas' and the 'Myer Atlas' both show 10N46 and 76E42. As these were also the co-ordinates given by a respected local astrologer for this particular case, I suggest we go with these. Ron Gaunt On Fri, 19 Nov 2004 02:29:25 +0000, you wrote: > > >Dear Ron, > >1. "Place of birth" is usually given in AstroDatabank >horoscopes, Astrodienst charts, Khaldea charts, etc to be able to >check latitude and longitude. > >2. For example, birth place of KPBC2 , Palghat, "10N46, 76E42" >given and Astro-Kundli is also showing the same figures. However, as >given in Msg#1535, "10N47, 76E39" according to Astrodienst atlas >commonly used by astrologers and referred by astrological websites. >RAND McNALLY, Atlas of the World, Masterpiece Edition, also shows the >same figures. > >3. There can be a difference of around 12sec in Sid. Time, >consequently around 3deg difference in Asc, possible differences >in "sub-sub" lords of cusps 1, 4,6, 8, 9,10, 11 &12. "Sub lord" of >cusp 9 also can be different. > >4. Which one to take, given figures or Astrodienst ones ? Of >course, results may not be the same. Also how about only six days >timeline to give answer from the view point of wider participation >and quality drive of brain work? > >Best regards, > >tw > > > >--- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: >> >> tw, >>

>> The only information I was given was the co-ordinates. However, >> I have checked with an atlas and it appears that the native was >> born at Palghat. >> >> >> Ron Gaunt >> >> >> >> On Thu, 18 Nov 2004 13:54:04 +0000, you wrote: >> >> > >> > >> >Dear All, >> > >> >KPA for 20 December 1950 >> > >> > >> >1. KPA from KP & ASTROLOGY 2003 >> > >> >a. 15 Apr 1951 23-05-13 >> >b. 15 Apr 1950 23-04-22 >> > >> >c. Increase by Table 00-51sec >> > >> >d. Increase by formula = 50.2388475 +0.000111 (1950 - 1900) >> > = 50.2388475 + 0.00555 >> > = 50.2444sec >> > >> >e. Number Day of Year for Apr 15 = 105, for Dec 20 =354 >> > >> >f. Difference in NDOY =354-105 =249 days >> > >> >g. Fine tuning for 249 days = 50.2444 (249/365) = 34.28 sec >> > >> >(Note: for easier calculation , by taking 00-51sec of "c" 34.79sec) >> > >> >h. KPA for 20 Dec 1950 = 23-04-22 + 34.28sec >> > = 23-04-56 >> > >> > >> > >> >2. KPA from Table in KP Reader I (Just for comparison or >academic >> >purpose) >> > >> >a. 1950 23-04 >> > >> >b. Fine tuning for Dec 25, 50.2444 (354/365)= 48.73 sec >> > >> > (same as in above "1.g", the difference is here for 354 >days) >> > >> >c. 20 Dec 1950 = 23-04 + 49 sec = 23-04-49 >> > >> > >> > >> >3. KPA from KP & ASTROLOGY 2003 for 1st January 1950 >> >(Just for academic purpose) >> >

>> >a. Fine tuning 50.2444 (105/365) = 14.45c >> > >> >b. KPA for 1st Jan 1950 = 23-04-22 minus 14.45sec = 23-04-07.55 >> > >> > >> > >> >4. For KPBC2 , according to Jjagnnatha Hora Light (JHL), by >> >entering KPA 23-04-56 REPEAT 23-04-56 (its own KPA is 23-04>43.57), >> > >> >a. Asc 222-18-06.40 >> > >> >b. Moon 16-02-10.20 >> > >> >c. Sun 244-26-02.57 >> > >> >d. Venus Tula dasa balance at birth 16y-11m-10d >> > >> > >> > >> >5. Highly appreciated for providing birth place of KPBC2 to be >> >able to check with Astrdienst >> > >> >No Palghat 10N47, 76E39, No Chittur 10N42, 76E45, ???? >> > >> > >> >Best regards, >> > >> >tw >> > >> > >> > >> >--- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: >> >> Anant, >> >> >> >> Sorry, that was a bit misleading. I should have stated that >> >> ayanamsa 2:22:30 was for circa 1900. I think you will find the >> >> Asc is in fact correct. >> >> >> >> Ron Gaunt >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> On Wed, 17 Nov 2004 22:45:49 -0800, you wrote: >> >> >> >> >The AYANAMSA specified in the BLC2. appears to be incorrect. As >> >per the NEW KPA tables, uploaded to-day, the AYAN on 15th April >1950 >> >is 23-04-22. On 20th Dec 1950, i.e. appr 8 monthss later, the Ayan >> >will be 23 37 27(app). The specified ayanmasa 0f 22 22 30 is >less >> >by 15 minutes. This will affect Moon's position and also the Dasa >on >> >date of Event. >> >> > >> >> >This restriction should not be put, and the members be advised >to >> >follow the new kpa aynamsa. >> >> > >> >> >

>> >> > >> >> >rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: >> >> > >> >> >Chart details are: >> >> > >> >> >Male, >> >> >D.O.B. 20th Dec 1950 >> >> >Time 5:02am >> >> >I.S.T -5:30 >> >> >10N46, 076E42 >> >> > >> >> >Asc 12 Scorpio 20 (ayanamsa 22:22:30) >> >> > >> >> > >> >> >What happened on the 2 November 1979? Choose from one >> >> >of the following: >> >> > >> >> > >> >> >1. Got married. >> >> >2. Emigrated to the USA >> >> >3. Son Born. >> >> >4 Promotion in job. >> >> > >> >> > >> >> >It would be preferable if respondents could give reasons up >front >> >> >to help others in their understanding. However, if time is at >> >> >a premium just the answer is acceptable initially. But please >> >> >be prepared to elaborate later if you answer correctly. >> >> > >> >> > >> >> >Please reply by 00:00am GMT Tuesday 23 Nov 04. After which the >> >> >answer will be provided. >> >> > >> >> > >> >> >Ron Gaunt >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> >Yahoo! Groups Links >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> >----------------------------------------->> >> >A.R.Raichur bombay >> >> >anant_1608@y... >> >> >raichuranant@y... >> >> >USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY >> >> >tel: 022-2506 2609 >> >> >----------------------------------------->> >> > >> >> > >> >> >

>> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> >-------------------------------->> >> >Do you Yahoo!? >> >> > Meet the all-new My Yahoo! Try it today! >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> >Yahoo! Groups Links >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > > > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > >

1544 From: "tw853" <tw853@...> Date: Thu Nov 18, 2004 10:31pm Subject: Re: KPBC2 tw853 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Sacham, 1. As mentioned in Msg#1528, Guruji KSK's horoscope and analysis in full length have been shown in two books written or edited by Guruji's two sons, ie, "The Horoscope of Sothida Mannan, Jyothish Marthand Prof. K. S. KRISHNAMURTI" in NOTABLE PERSONS & KRISHNAMURTI PADHDHATI , by K. HARIHARAN, June 1993, p. 8-33, and the same article by SRI M. G. G. NAYAR, in ASTROSECRETS & KRISHNAMURTI PADHDHATI, PART II, p. 249-271. 2. Birth data given in the above mentioned article: 1st November 1908 12-11 PM IST, 6-41 AM GMT

Thiruvaiyaru, India, 10N48, 79E15 3. Using Rapheal's Ephemeris , Universal Tables of Houses and KPA 22*29, Asc and planet positions are the same except slight adjustment for Sun 195-58 in place of 195-57, for Rahu 65-50 in place of 64-49, and for Moon 281-52 in place of 282-27 (typing error because dasa balance is the same to number of days both in Reader III & the article) in p. 217, KP Reader III, Part II,1984 Fourth Edition under the heading "TIME OF SANCTION OF PENSION", side by side with Nvamsa chart. (Fortuna 6-54) Cusps are I 281-00, II 314-16, III 34819, IV 19-37, V 47-21, VI 73-30, VII 101-00, VIII 134-16, IX 168-19, X 199-37, XI 227-21, XII 253-30; Balance of Moon Dasa at Birth: 8y-7m6d; (Astro-Kundli's results are more or less the same within around one degree difference.) According to New Table of Ayanamsa and fine tuning, KPA for 1st Nov1908 = 22*29'12'' + 50.24 (200/365) = 22*29'39''. Difference of 39sec can be deducted from Asc, planets & cusps positions to get positions with KPA 22*29'39'' in place of 22*29. Moon dasa balance will be 3 days more, ie 8y-7m-9d. 4. Timeline: 1) Aug 1926 (Ra-Ra-Ve dasa) received scholarship in St. Joseph's College; 2) 14-07-27 (Ra-Ju-Sa) entered Government service; 3) 15-02-53 (Ju-Su-Ra) son born;4) 19-09-61 (Sa-Me-Me) retired from service voluntarily; 5) 20-03-63 (Sa-Me-Ra) bith of his Magazine followed by Six Readers; 6) 1964 (Sa-Me to Sa-Ke) Jyothish Marthand was conferred by Governor of Maharashtra; 7) 29-06-70 (Sa-MoMe) Sothida Mannan was conferred by the Malayan Astrological Society; 8) 30-03-72 (Sa-Ra-Ra) death. Best regards, tw

--- In, ABCD EFGH <sachdumps@y...> wrote: > > Dear All KP Guru's, > > I am regular reader of all the messages posted on this group. You guys are great in every aspect of KP Astrology. Since I am a new to KP System, I would appreciate > if anyone of you can post or mail correct KPBC chart along with its details based on correct Ayanamsa to continue with Analysis. Thanks tw853, Ron and all of you for providing such indepth analysis > > Thanks > Sacham > > tw853 <tw853@y...> wrote: > > Dear Sandy Crowther, > > My manual calculation gives 23*4'56'' in Msg#1535, which is very > close to your computer calculation 23*4'58''. > > A great pleasure to welcome a friend of late Barbara Cameron, who > wrote the most popular MaHaBote (Myanmar Astrology) book in English > after learning in Myanmar (before Burma). Now out of print, quoted in

> hundred $ in old book market. > > Best regards, > > tw > > > --- In, "Sandy Crowther" <sandy@t...> > wrote: > > Hi Everyone, > > > > > > > > I'm new to this group and new to KP, but not so new to Astrology. > > Anyway, I have a few concerns about the "corrected" KP Ayanamsa > posted > > below in light of the new KP Table posted for the years 1900 to > 2052. > > (Thanks for that Table from tw853 - didn't catch your name > sorry :-)). > > > > > > > > Please enlighten me if my logic is fuzzy.According to my > calculations > > with respect to the new Table posted for the KP Ayanamsa (which I am > > trying to get straight once and for all), the correct KP Ayanamsa > for > > KPBC2 for December 20th, 1950 is actually 23:04:58. This figure was > > derived from re-setting the KP Ayanamsa in SJS (Shri Jyoti Star5) to > > reflect the values posted in the email and Table that followed. If > for > > April 15th 1950 the ayanamsa is 23:04:22, and the ayanamsa for April > > 15th 1951 is 23:05:13, I do NOT see how the correct ayanamsa for > > December 20th 1950 can be anything other than 23:04:58. This > ayanamsa > > give a lagna of 12 Scorpio 17, and a dasha sequence of Mo Me Ju Ke > for > > the date in question: November 2, 1979. > > > > > > > > If anyone uses SJS and is interested in how I derived at this > corrected > > (I believe?) KP ayanamsa based on the Table posted earlier - I went > into > > the SJS Global Options set for the KP Ayanamsa and did a Custom > setting > > to reflect the accuracy based on the new Table given in the previous > > email. I left the setting on KP and then custom set the Epoch to > January > > 1, 1900, custom set the Value at Epoch to 22:22:16 (to reflect

the > KP > > ayanamsa for Jan 1, 1900), and then custom set the Annual > Precession to > > 50:2388475. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > All the Best, > > > > Sandy Crowther > > > > <> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > -----Original Message----> > From: rongaunt [mailto:rongaunt@b...] > > Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2004 8:32 AM > > To: > > Subject: Re: [k_p_system] KPBC2 > > > > > > > > > > Sorry again. Typing error in last message. Ayanamsa should > > have read 22:22:30 NOT 2:22:30 > > > > Ron Gaunt > > > > > > > > On Thu, 18 Nov 2004 23:25:08 +1000, you wrote: > > > > > > > >Anant, > > > > > >Sorry, that was a bit misleading. I should have stated that > > >ayanamsa 2:22:30 was for circa 1900. I think you will find the > > >Asc is in fact correct. > > > > > >Ron Gaunt > > > > > > > > > > > >On Wed, 17 Nov 2004 22:45:49 -0800, you wrote:

> > > > > >>The AYANAMSA specified in the BLC2. appears to be incorrect. As > per > > the NEW KPA tables, uploaded to-day, the AYAN on 15th April 1950 is > > 23-04-22. On 20th Dec 1950, i.e. appr 8 monthss later, the Ayan > will be > > 23 37 27(app). The specified ayanmasa 0f 22 22 30 is less by 15 > > minutes. This will affect Moon's position and also the Dasa on > date of > > Event. > > >> > > >>This restriction should not be put, and the members be advised to > > follow the new kpa aynamsa. > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >>rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > > >> > > >>Chart details are: > > >> > > >>Male, > > >>D.O.B. 20th Dec 1950 > > >>Time 5:02am > > >>I.S.T -5:30 > > >>10N46, 076E42 > > >> > > >>Asc 12 Scorpio 20 (ayanamsa 22:22:30) > > >> > > >> > > >>What happened on the 2 November 1979? Choose from one > > >>of the following: > > >> > > >> > > >>1. Got married. > > >>2. Emigrated to the USA > > >>3. Son Born. > > >>4 Promotion in job. > > >> > > >> > > >>It would be preferable if respondents could give reasons up front > > >>to help others in their understanding. However, if time is at > > >>a premium just the answer is acceptable initially. But please > > >>be prepared to elaborate later if you answer correctly. > > >> > > >> > > >>Please reply by 00:00am GMT Tuesday 23 Nov 04. After which the > > >>answer will be provided. > > >> > > >> > > >>Ron Gaunt > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >>Yahoo! Groups Links > > >> > > >>

> > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >>-----------------------------------------> > >>A.R.Raichur bombay > > >>anant_1608@y... > > >>raichuranant@y... > > >>USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY > > >>tel: 022-2506 2609 > > >>-----------------------------------------> > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >>--------------------------------> > >>Do you Yahoo!? > > >> Meet the all-new My Yahoo! - Try it today! > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Yahoo! Groups Sponsor > > > > > > > > ADVERTISEMENT > > > > > < > 6/ > > > D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1100871094/A=2434971/R=0/SIG=11eeoolb0/*h > tt > > p:/> click here > > > > > >

> > < > M=298184.5584357.6650215.3001176/D=group > > s/S=:HM/A=2434971/rand=781464111> > > > > > > > > _____ > > > > Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > * To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > > > > > > * To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > > < subject=Unsubscribe> > > > > > > * Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms > of > > Service <> . > > > > > Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT > > > --------------------------------> Yahoo! Groups Links > > To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. > > > > --------------------------------> Do you Yahoo!? Get yours free! > The all-new My Yahoo!

1545 From: "tw853" <tw853@...> Date: Thu Nov 18, 2004 10:55pm Subject: Re: KPBC2 tw853 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Ron,

"Difference of around 12sec difference in Asc, possible 1, 4,6, 8, 9,10, 11 &12 and make difference in analysis Best regards, tw ====== Yahoo! My Yahoo! Mail Welcome, raon1008 [Sign Out, My Account] Groups Home - Help

in Sid. Time, consequently around 3deg differences in "sub-sub" lords of cusps also in "Sub lord" of cusp 9" should not of this particular KPBC1 chart?

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raon1008 | Pending Member - Edit Membership Start a Group | My Groups k_p_system Krishnamurti Paddhati (K. P. System) Home Messages Members Only Chat Files Photos Links Database Polls Calendar Promote Yahoo! Groups Tips Did you know... Find new compatriots and unite. Start a New Group. Yahoo! 360 Keep connected to your friends and family through blogs, photos and more. Create your own 360 page now. Already receiving group email? Messages Messages Help Message # Search: View: Simple | Summary | Expanded As: Msg List | Thread 1546 - 1575 of 8072 Last Sort by Date 1546 From: rongaunt <rongaunt@...> Date: Fri Nov 19, 2004 0:28am Subject: Re: Re: KPBC2 rongaunt1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 tw, The easiest way to check this is simply put up the chart with the different co-ordinates. When you do this you will see that at:

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10N46, 76E42 the Asc is 12 Sco 19, and MC is 12 Leo 49. 10N47, 76E39 the Asc is 12Sco 16 and MC is 12 Leo 46. The difference is only 3 minutes not degrees. Ron Gaunt On Fri, 19 Nov 2004 04:55:23 +0000, you wrote: > > >Dear Ron, > >"Difference of around 12sec in Sid. Time, consequently around 3deg >difference in Asc, possible differences in "sub-sub" lords of cusps >1, 4,6, 8, 9,10, 11 &12 and also in "Sub lord" of cusp 9" should not >make difference in analysis of this particular KPBC1 chart? > >Best regards, > >tw > > >--- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: >> >> tw, >> >> I make it that there is only about 48" in sidereal time and about >> 13' in longitude and 40' in latitude difference between both >> angles. This should not make too much difference unless near >> the cusps. >> >> My two Atlases 'The University Atlas' and the 'Myer Atlas' both >> show 10N46 and 76E42. As these were also the co-ordinates >> given by a respected local astrologer for this particular case, I >> suggest we go with these. >> >> >> Ron Gaunt >> >> >> On Fri, 19 Nov 2004 02:29:25 +0000, you wrote: >> >> > >> > >> >Dear Ron, >> > >> >1. "Place of birth" is usually given in AstroDatabank >> >horoscopes, Astrodienst charts, Khaldea charts, etc to be able to >> >check latitude and longitude. >> > >> >2. For example, birth place of KPBC2 , Palghat, "10N46, 76E42" >> >given and Astro-Kundli is also showing the same figures. However, >as >> >given in Msg#1535, "10N47, 76E39" according to Astrodienst atlas

>> >commonly used by astrologers and referred by astrological >websites. >> >RAND McNALLY, Atlas of the World, Masterpiece Edition, also shows >the >> >same figures. >> > >> >3. There can be a difference of around 12sec in Sid. Time, >> >consequently around 3deg difference in Asc, possible differences >> >in "sub-sub" lords of cusps 1, 4,6, 8, 9,10, 11 &12. "Sub lord" >of >> >cusp 9 also can be different. >> > >> >4. Which one to take, given figures or Astrodienst ones ? Of >> >course, results may not be the same. Also how about only six days >> >timeline to give answer from the view point of wider participation >> >and quality drive of brain work? >> > >> >Best regards, >> > >> >tw >> > >> > >> > >> >--- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: >> >> >> >> tw, >> >> >> >> The only information I was given was the co-ordinates. However, >> >> I have checked with an atlas and it appears that the native was >> >> born at Palghat. >> >> >> >> >> >> Ron Gaunt >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> On Thu, 18 Nov 2004 13:54:04 +0000, you wrote: >> >> >> >> > >> >> > >> >> >Dear All, >> >> > >> >> >KPA for 20 December 1950 >> >> > >> >> > >> >> >1. KPA from KP & ASTROLOGY 2003 >> >> > >> >> >a. 15 Apr 1951 23-05-13 >> >> >b. 15 Apr 1950 23-04-22 >> >> > >> >> >c. Increase by Table 00-51sec >> >> > >> >> >d. Increase by formula = 50.2388475 +0.000111 (1950 >1900) >> >> > = 50.2388475 + 0.00555 >> >> > = 50.2444sec >> >> > >> >> >e. Number Day of Year for Apr 15 = 105, for Dec 20 =354 >> >> > >> >> >f. Difference in NDOY =354-105 =249 days

>> >> > >> >> >g. Fine tuning for 249 days = 50.2444 (249/365) = 34.28 >sec >> >> > >> >> >(Note: for easier calculation , by taking 00-51sec of "c" >34.79sec) >> >> > >> >> >h. KPA for 20 Dec 1950 = 23-04-22 + 34.28sec >> >> > = 23-04-56 >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> >2. KPA from Table in KP Reader I (Just for comparison or >> >academic >> >> >purpose) >> >> > >> >> >a. 1950 23-04 >> >> > >> >> >b. Fine tuning for Dec 25, 50.2444 (354/365)= 48.73 sec >> >> > >> >> > (same as in above "1.g", the difference is here for 354 >> >days) >> >> > >> >> >c. 20 Dec 1950 = 23-04 + 49 sec = 23-04-49 >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> >3. KPA from KP & ASTROLOGY 2003 for 1st January 1950 >> >> >(Just for academic purpose) >> >> > >> >> >a. Fine tuning 50.2444 (105/365) = 14.45c >> >> > >> >> >b. KPA for 1st Jan 1950 = 23-04-22 minus 14.45sec = 23>04-07.55 >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> >4. For KPBC2 , according to Jjagnnatha Hora Light (JHL), >by >> >> >entering KPA 23-04-56 REPEAT 23-04-56 (its own KPA is 23-04>> >43.57), >> >> > >> >> >a. Asc 222-18-06.40 >> >> > >> >> >b. Moon 16-02-10.20 >> >> > >> >> >c. Sun 244-26-02.57 >> >> > >> >> >d. Venus Tula dasa balance at birth 16y-11m-10d >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> >5. Highly appreciated for providing birth place of KPBC2 >to be >> >> >able to check with Astrdienst >> >> > >> >> >No Palghat 10N47, 76E39, No Chittur 10N42, 76E45, ???? >> >> > >> >> > >> >> >Best regards,

>> >> > >> >> >tw >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> >--- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> >wrote: >> >> >> Anant, >> >> >> >> >> >> Sorry, that was a bit misleading. I should have stated that >> >> >> ayanamsa 2:22:30 was for circa 1900. I think you will find >the >> >> >> Asc is in fact correct. >> >> >> >> >> >> Ron Gaunt >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> On Wed, 17 Nov 2004 22:45:49 -0800, you wrote: >> >> >> >> >> >> >The AYANAMSA specified in the BLC2. appears to be incorrect. >As >> >> >per the NEW KPA tables, uploaded to-day, the AYAN on 15th April >> >1950 >> >> >is 23-04-22. On 20th Dec 1950, i.e. appr 8 monthss later, the >Ayan >> >> >will be 23 37 27(app). The specified ayanmasa 0f 22 22 30 is >> >less >> >> >by 15 minutes. This will affect Moon's position and also the >Dasa >> >on >> >> >date of Event. >> >> >> > >> >> >> >This restriction should not be put, and the members be >advised >> >to >> >> >follow the new kpa aynamsa. >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> >rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: >> >> >> > >> >> >> >Chart details are: >> >> >> > >> >> >> >Male, >> >> >> >D.O.B. 20th Dec 1950 >> >> >> >Time 5:02am >> >> >> >I.S.T -5:30 >> >> >> >10N46, 076E42 >> >> >> > >> >> >> >Asc 12 Scorpio 20 (ayanamsa 22:22:30) >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> >What happened on the 2 November 1979? Choose from one >> >> >> >of the following: >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> >1. Got married. >> >> >> >2. Emigrated to the USA >> >> >> >3. Son Born.

>> >> >> >4 Promotion in job. >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> >It would be preferable if respondents could give reasons up >> >front >> >> >> >to help others in their understanding. However, if time is at >> >> >> >a premium just the answer is acceptable initially. But please >> >> >> >be prepared to elaborate later if you answer correctly. >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> >Please reply by 00:00am GMT Tuesday 23 Nov 04. After which >the >> >> >> >answer will be provided. >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> >Ron Gaunt >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> >Yahoo! Groups Links >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> >----------------------------------------->> >> >> >A.R.Raichur bombay >> >> >> >anant_1608@y... >> >> >> >raichuranant@y... >> >> >> >USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY >> >> >> >tel: 022-2506 2609 >> >> >> >----------------------------------------->> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> >-------------------------------->> >> >> >Do you Yahoo!? >> >> >> > Meet the all-new My Yahoo! Try it today! >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> >Yahoo! Groups Links >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> >

>> >> > >> >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> >Yahoo! Groups Links >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > > > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > >

1547 From: "Vaidun Vidyadhar" <vvidya@...> Date: Fri Nov 19, 2004 0:48am Subject: RE: KPBC2 vidyaau Send IM Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Ron, How do you program GJ with this table? I know GJ has the facility to set your o wn figures etc for the chosen ayanamsa. What are the exact steps involved? Wha t are the figures I need to enter and where? Thanks for your help. Best regards. Vaidun Vidyadhar 1 / 94 Marius Street Tamworth, NSW 2340 Australia Tel: 61-2-67 668428 (home) Mobile: 0414 870 083 Email:

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------From: rongaunt [] Sent: Friday, 19 November 2004 9:23 AM To: Subject: Re: [k_p_system] KPBC2

Sandy, Great to see you on this List. Don't worry about being new to KP, so am I and possibly many others. It should be a great place to learn. Regarding you settings they seem almost spot on. I have programmed GJ with the table and it comes up with 23:04:56 within 2" of your calculation. We have recently had discussions on this List regarding calculating the Asc and I have realized that most Western authored software programs use GEOGRAPHICAL angles and GEOCENTRIC planetary positions. Mr Raichur's program which appears to be used by many of our Indian colleagues, converts the geographical angles to geocentric. This means that there is a slight difference between the Ascendants and house cusps. In KPBC2 our Western astrology programs shows - as you state - an Asc of around 12 Scorpio 17, but using Geocentric angles the Ascendant is 12Scorpio08:14. This difference will only be an issue when the Asc falls very close to the cusp of the subs, and in most cases will give the same data. The dasa sequence is as you stated for the event. The only Western produced program that appears to have an option to convert to Geocentric angles that I know is Solar Fire. I have mailed Parashara Light with suggestions to include this and parallax in any future upgrade. Ron Gaunt

On Thu, 18 Nov 2004 09:37:03 -0500, you wrote: >Hi Everyone, > > > >I'm new to this group and new to KP, but not so new to Astrology. >Anyway, I have a few concerns about the "corrected" KP Ayanamsa posted >below in light of the new KP Table posted for the years 1900 to 2052. >(Thanks for that Table from tw853 - didn't catch your name - sorry :-)). > > >

>Please enlighten me if my logic is fuzzy.According to my calculations >with respect to the new Table posted for the KP Ayanamsa (which I am >trying to get straight once and for all), the correct KP Ayanamsa for >KPBC2 for December 20th, 1950 is actually 23:04:58. This figure was >derived from re-setting the KP Ayanamsa in SJS (Shri Jyoti Star5) to >reflect the values posted in the email and Table that followed. If for >April 15th 1950 the ayanamsa is 23:04:22, and the ayanamsa for April >15th 1951 is 23:05:13, I do NOT see how the correct ayanamsa for >December 20th 1950 can be anything other than 23:04:58. This ayanamsa >give a lagna of 12 Scorpio 17, and a dasha sequence of Mo Me Ju Ke for >the date in question: November 2, 1979. > > > >If anyone uses SJS and is interested in how I derived at this corrected >(I believe?) KP ayanamsa based on the Table posted earlier - I went into >the SJS Global Options set for the KP Ayanamsa and did a Custom setting >to reflect the accuracy based on the new Table given in the previous >email. I left the setting on KP and then custom set the Epoch to January >1, 1900, custom set the Value at Epoch to 22:22:16 (to reflect the KP >ayanamsa for Jan 1, 1900), and then custom set the Annual Precession to >50:2388475. > > > > > > > > All the Best, > > Sandy Crowther > > <> > > > > > > > > > > > > > >-----Original Message---->From: rongaunt [] >Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2004 8:32 AM >To: >Subject: Re: [k_p_system] KPBC2 > > > > >Sorry again. Typing error in last message. Ayanamsa should >have read 22:22:30 NOT 2:22:30 > >Ron Gaunt

> > > >On Thu, 18 Nov 2004 23:25:08 +1000, you wrote: > >> >>Anant, >> >>Sorry, that was a bit misleading. I should have stated that >>ayanamsa 2:22:30 was for circa 1900. I think you will find the >>Asc is in fact correct. >> >>Ron Gaunt >> >> >> >>On Wed, 17 Nov 2004 22:45:49 -0800, you wrote: >> >>>The AYANAMSA specified in the BLC2. appears to be incorrect. As per >the NEW KPA tables, uploaded to-day, the AYAN on 15th April 1950 is >23-04-22. On 20th Dec 1950, i.e. appr 8 monthss later, the Ayan will be >23 37 27(app). The specified ayanmasa 0f 22 22 30 is less by 15 >minutes. This will affect Moon's position and also the Dasa on date of >Event. >>> >>>This restriction should not be put, and the members be advised to >follow the new kpa aynamsa. >>> >>> >>> >>>rongaunt <> wrote: >>> >>>Chart details are: >>> >>>Male, >>>D.O.B. 20th Dec 1950 >>>Time 5:02am >>>I.S.T -5:30 >>>10N46, 076E42 >>> >>>Asc 12 Scorpio 20 (ayanamsa 22:22:30) >>> >>> >>>What happened on the 2 November 1979? Choose from one >>>of the following: >>> >>> >>>1. Got married. >>>2. Emigrated to the USA >>>3. Son Born. >>>4 Promotion in job. >>> >>> >>>It would be preferable if respondents could give reasons up front >>>to help others in their understanding. However, if time is at >>>a premium just the answer is acceptable initially. But please >>>be prepared to elaborate later if you answer correctly. >>> >>> >>>Please reply by 00:00am GMT Tuesday 23 Nov 04. After which the

>>>answer will be provided. >>> >>> >>>Ron Gaunt >>> >>> >>> >>> >>>Yahoo! Groups Links >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>>----------------------------------------->>>A.R.Raichur bombay >>> >>> >>>USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY >>>tel: 022-2506 2609 >>>----------------------------------------->>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>>-------------------------------->>>Do you Yahoo!? >>> Meet the all-new My Yahoo! - Try it today! >> >> >> >> >> >>Yahoo! Groups Links >> >> >> >> >> >> > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Sponsor > > > >ADVERTISEMENT > ><

>D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1100871094/A=2434971/R=0/SIG=11eeoolb0/*htt >p:/> click here > > > >< >s/S=:HM/A=2434971/rand=781464111> > > > > _____ > >Yahoo! Groups Links > >* To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > >* To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > ><> > > >* Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of >Service <> .

1548 From: rongaunt <rongaunt@...> Date: Fri Nov 19, 2004 5:54am Subject: Re: KPBC2 rongaunt1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Vaidun, First go to and click on k_p_system. Go to the 'Files' Section and download the file KPA.doc dated 17th Nov 2004. This gives over 150 years of the Krishnamurthi ayanamsas since 1900. In GJ toward the top left click 'Prefs'. On the drop down menu second from bottom click on 'Ayanamsa Prefs'. Under the slot for 'Krishnamurthi' mark 'use List also'. A window will open to the right and you can place the various years ayanamsas as required. Note toward the top tick 'Use manual below' as this switches the operation to your entries. Also note each years ayanamsa should start on the 15th April ie the first will be 15/4/1900 if you have GJ set up for European timing. The alignment date should be 23/3/0291 and the preces rate 50.2388475

I have actually programmed back from the alignment date at 500 year intervals using the figures obtained from Solar Fire as I think they will be more accurate than the long interval between 0291 and 1900. If you want these I can provide them. I have entered mine in 2year steps ie 1900, 1902,1904 etc so that I should be very close to being exact, but I suspect that 5 year intervals would also be pretty close. All the best Ron Gaunt

On Fri, 19 Nov 2004 17:48:11 +1100, you wrote: >Ron, > >How do you program GJ with this table? I know GJ has the facility to set >your own figures etc for the chosen ayanamsa. What are the exact steps >involved? What are the figures I need to enter and where? > >Thanks for your help. > >Best regards. > >Vaidun Vidyadhar >1 / 94 Marius Street >Tamworth, NSW 2340 >Australia >Tel: 61-2-67 668428 (home) >Mobile: 0414 870 083 >Email: <mailto:vvidya@...> vvidya@... > > > > > > _____ > >From: rongaunt [mailto:rongaunt@...] >Sent: Friday, 19 November 2004 9:23 AM >To: >Subject: Re: [k_p_system] KPBC2 > > > >Sandy, > >Great to see you on this List. Don't worry about being new to >KP, so am I and possibly many others. It should be a great >place to learn. > >Regarding you settings they seem almost spot on. I have >programmed GJ with the table and it comes up with 23:04:56 >within 2" of your calculation. > >We have recently had discussions on this List regarding

>calculating the Asc and I have realized that most Western >authored software programs use GEOGRAPHICAL angles and >GEOCENTRIC planetary positions. Mr Raichur's program which >appears to be used by many of our Indian colleagues, converts the >geographical angles to geocentric. This means that there is a >slight difference between the Ascendants and house cusps. >In KPBC2 our Western astrology programs shows - as you state - an >Asc of around 12 Scorpio 17, but using Geocentric angles the >Ascendant is 12Scorpio08:14. This difference will only be an >issue when the Asc falls very close to the cusp of the subs, and >in most cases will give the same data. The dasa sequence is as >you stated for the event. > >The only Western produced program that appears to have an option >to convert to Geocentric angles that I know is Solar Fire. I >have mailed Parashara Light with suggestions to include this >and parallax in any future upgrade. > > >Ron Gaunt > > > > >On Thu, 18 Nov 2004 09:37:03 -0500, you wrote: > >>Hi Everyone, >> >> >> >>I'm new to this group and new to KP, but not so new to Astrology. >>Anyway, I have a few concerns about the "corrected" KP Ayanamsa posted >>below in light of the new KP Table posted for the years 1900 to 2052. >>(Thanks for that Table from tw853 - didn't catch your name - sorry :-)). >> >> >> >>Please enlighten me if my logic is fuzzy.According to my calculations >>with respect to the new Table posted for the KP Ayanamsa (which I am >>trying to get straight once and for all), the correct KP Ayanamsa for >>KPBC2 for December 20th, 1950 is actually 23:04:58. This figure was >>derived from re-setting the KP Ayanamsa in SJS (Shri Jyoti Star5) to >>reflect the values posted in the email and Table that followed. If for >>April 15th 1950 the ayanamsa is 23:04:22, and the ayanamsa for April >>15th 1951 is 23:05:13, I do NOT see how the correct ayanamsa for >>December 20th 1950 can be anything other than 23:04:58. This ayanamsa >>give a lagna of 12 Scorpio 17, and a dasha sequence of Mo Me Ju Ke for >>the date in question: November 2, 1979. >> >> >> >>If anyone uses SJS and is interested in how I derived at this corrected >>(I believe?) KP ayanamsa based on the Table posted earlier - I went into >>the SJS Global Options set for the KP Ayanamsa and did a Custom setting >>to reflect the accuracy based on the new Table given in the previous >>email. I left the setting on KP and then custom set the Epoch to January >>1, 1900, custom set the Value at Epoch to 22:22:16 (to reflect the KP >>ayanamsa for Jan 1, 1900), and then custom set the Annual Precession to >>50:2388475. >>

>> >> >> >> >> >> >> All the Best, >> >> Sandy Crowther >> >> <> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>-----Original Message---->>From: rongaunt [mailto:rongaunt@...] >>Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2004 8:32 AM >>To: >>Subject: Re: [k_p_system] KPBC2 >> >> >> >> >>Sorry again. Typing error in last message. Ayanamsa should >>have read 22:22:30 NOT 2:22:30 >> >>Ron Gaunt >> >> >> >>On Thu, 18 Nov 2004 23:25:08 +1000, you wrote: >> >>> >>>Anant, >>> >>>Sorry, that was a bit misleading. I should have stated that >>>ayanamsa 2:22:30 was for circa 1900. I think you will find the >>>Asc is in fact correct. >>> >>>Ron Gaunt >>> >>> >>> >>>On Wed, 17 Nov 2004 22:45:49 -0800, you wrote: >>> >>>>The AYANAMSA specified in the BLC2. appears to be incorrect. As per >>the NEW KPA tables, uploaded to-day, the AYAN on 15th April 1950 is >>23-04-22. On 20th Dec 1950, i.e. appr 8 monthss later, the Ayan will be >>23 37 27(app). The specified ayanmasa 0f 22 22 30 is less by 15 >>minutes. This will affect Moon's position and also the Dasa on date of

>>Event. >>>> >>>>This restriction should not be put, and the members be advised to >>follow the new kpa aynamsa. >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>>rongaunt <rongaunt@...> wrote: >>>> >>>>Chart details are: >>>> >>>>Male, >>>>D.O.B. 20th Dec 1950 >>>>Time 5:02am >>>>I.S.T -5:30 >>>>10N46, 076E42 >>>> >>>>Asc 12 Scorpio 20 (ayanamsa 22:22:30) >>>> >>>> >>>>What happened on the 2 November 1979? Choose from one >>>>of the following: >>>> >>>> >>>>1. Got married. >>>>2. Emigrated to the USA >>>>3. Son Born. >>>>4 Promotion in job. >>>> >>>> >>>>It would be preferable if respondents could give reasons up front >>>>to help others in their understanding. However, if time is at >>>>a premium just the answer is acceptable initially. But please >>>>be prepared to elaborate later if you answer correctly. >>>> >>>> >>>>Please reply by 00:00am GMT Tuesday 23 Nov 04. After which the >>>>answer will be provided. >>>> >>>> >>>>Ron Gaunt >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>>Yahoo! Groups Links >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>>----------------------------------------->>>>A.R.Raichur bombay >>>>anant_1608@... >>>>raichuranant@... >>>>USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY

>>>>tel: 022-2506 2609 >>>>----------------------------------------->>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>>-------------------------------->>>>Do you Yahoo!? >>>> Meet the all-new My Yahoo! - Try it today! >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>>Yahoo! Groups Links >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >> >> >> >> >> >>Yahoo! Groups Sponsor >> >> >> >>ADVERTISEMENT >> >>< >>D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1100871094/A=2434971/R=0/SIG=11eeoolb0/*htt >>p:/> click here >> >> >> >>< >>s/S=:HM/A=2434971/rand=781464111> >> >> >> >> _____ >> >>Yahoo! Groups Links >> >>* To visit your group on the web, go to: >> >> >> >>* To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: >> >><> >> >>

>>* Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of >>Service <> . > > > >Yahoo! Groups Sponsor > >ADVERTISEMENT > >< >oups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1100902958/A=2434970/R=0/SIG=11edksnhv/*http://www. >> click here > >< >:HM/A=2434970/rand=399208780> > > _____ > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > >* To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > >* To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > ><> > > >* Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service ><> . >

1549 From: "Sandy Crowther" <sandy@...> Date: Fri Nov 19, 2004 9:00am Subject: RE: KPBC2 detective_dunno Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear TW, Vidyadhar, and Ron,

Thanks for the warm welcome.

I look forward to learning all about the KP System (as time permits) and perhaps this list will be a great place to start. I had purchased (a while back) all 6 KP Readers, and hope to start investigating them thoroughly very soon, and event ually adding KP to my repertoire of astrological systems. So forgive me if I lur k for a while, while trying to digest at least the basics of the system, which I am not totally familiar with as of yet. If there is a KP overview written up an ywhere please direct me to it.

A few (amateur) comments about KPBC2:

With the heavy involvement of the dasha planets leading straight back to signifi cations of the 2nd house, and the 2nd house being highly significant for at leas t three of the four selections (marriage, birth, and job related activities giv en in the options listed in the blind chart choices), I will be very interested in the KP systematic delineation process that leads one to conclude the correct event at play on Nov. 2, 1979 So I hope that those who are correct in their answer are prepared to delineate the KP way on list for the benefit of those wanting to learn the analytical process involved with KP delineations Thanks!

All the Best, Sandy Crowther

-----Original Message----From: rongaunt [] Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2004 5:23 PM To: Subject: Re: [k_p_system] KPBC2

Sandy, Great to see you on this List. Don't worry about being new to KP, so am I and possibly many others. It should be a great place to learn. Regarding you settings they seem almost spot on. I have programmed GJ with the table and it comes up with 23:04:56 within 2" of your calculation. We have recently had discussions on this List regarding calculating the Asc and I have realized that most Western authored software programs use GEOGRAPHICAL angles and GEOCENTRIC planetary positions. Mr Raichur's program which appears to be used by many of our Indian colleagues, converts the geographical angles to geocentric. This means that there is a slight difference between the Ascendants and house cusps.

In KPBC2 our Western astrology programs shows - as you state - an Asc of around 12 Scorpio 17, but using Geocentric angles the Ascendant is 12Scorpio08:14. This difference will only be an issue when the Asc falls very close to the cusp of the subs, and in most cases will give the same data. The dasa sequence is as you stated for the event. The only Western produced program that appears to have an option to convert to Geocentric angles that I know is Solar Fire. I have mailed Parashara Light with suggestions to include this and parallax in any future upgrade. Ron Gaunt

On Thu, 18 Nov 2004 09:37:03 -0500, you wrote: >Hi Everyone, > > > >I'm new to this group and new to KP, but not so new to Astrology. >Anyway, I have a few concerns about the "corrected" KP Ayanamsa posted >below in light of the new KP Table posted for the years 1900 to 2052. >(Thanks for that Table from tw853 - didn't catch your name - sorry :-)). > > > >Please enlighten me if my logic is fuzzy.According to my calculations >with respect to the new Table posted for the KP Ayanamsa (which I am >trying to get straight once and for all), the correct KP Ayanamsa for >KPBC2 for December 20th, 1950 is actually 23:04:58. This figure was >derived from re-setting the KP Ayanamsa in SJS (Shri Jyoti Star5) to >reflect the values posted in the email and Table that followed. If for >April 15th 1950 the ayanamsa is 23:04:22, and the ayanamsa for April >15th 1951 is 23:05:13, I do NOT see how the correct ayanamsa for >December 20th 1950 can be anything other than 23:04:58. This ayanamsa >give a lagna of 12 Scorpio 17, and a dasha sequence of Mo Me Ju Ke for >the date in question: November 2, 1979. > > > >If anyone uses SJS and is interested in how I derived at this corrected >(I believe?) KP ayanamsa based on the Table posted earlier - I went into >the SJS Global Options set for the KP Ayanamsa and did a Custom setting >to reflect the accuracy based on the new Table given in the previous >email. I left the setting on KP and then custom set the Epoch to January >1, 1900, custom set the Value at Epoch to 22:22:16 (to reflect the KP >ayanamsa for Jan 1, 1900), and then custom set the Annual Precession to >50:2388475. > > > > > > >

> All the Best, > > Sandy Crowther > > <> > > > > > > > > > > > > > >-----Original Message---->From: rongaunt [] >Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2004 8:32 AM >To: >Subject: Re: [k_p_system] KPBC2 > > > > >Sorry again. Typing error in last message. Ayanamsa should >have read 22:22:30 NOT 2:22:30 > >Ron Gaunt > > > >On Thu, 18 Nov 2004 23:25:08 +1000, you wrote: > >> >>Anant, >> >>Sorry, that was a bit misleading. I should have stated that >>ayanamsa 2:22:30 was for circa 1900. I think you will find the >>Asc is in fact correct. >> >>Ron Gaunt >> >> >> >>On Wed, 17 Nov 2004 22:45:49 -0800, you wrote: >> >>>The AYANAMSA specified in the BLC2. appears to be incorrect. As per >the NEW KPA tables, uploaded to-day, the AYAN on 15th April 1950 is >23-04-22. On 20th Dec 1950, i.e. appr 8 monthss later, the Ayan will be >23 37 27(app). The specified ayanmasa 0f 22 22 30 is less by 15 >minutes. This will affect Moon's position and also the Dasa on date of >Event. >>> >>>This restriction should not be put, and the members be advised to >follow the new kpa aynamsa. >>> >>>

>>> >>>rongaunt <> wrote: >>> >>>Chart details are: >>> >>>Male, >>>D.O.B. 20th Dec 1950 >>>Time 5:02am >>>I.S.T -5:30 >>>10N46, 076E42 >>> >>>Asc 12 Scorpio 20 (ayanamsa 22:22:30) >>> >>> >>>What happened on the 2 November 1979? Choose from one >>>of the following: >>> >>> >>>1. Got married. >>>2. Emigrated to the USA >>>3. Son Born. >>>4 Promotion in job. >>> >>> >>>It would be preferable if respondents could give reasons up front >>>to help others in their understanding. However, if time is at >>>a premium just the answer is acceptable initially. But please >>>be prepared to elaborate later if you answer correctly. >>> >>> >>>Please reply by 00:00am GMT Tuesday 23 Nov 04. After which the >>>answer will be provided. >>> >>> >>>Ron Gaunt >>> >>> >>> >>> >>>Yahoo! Groups Links >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>>----------------------------------------->>>A.R.Raichur bombay >>> >>> >>>USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY >>>tel: 022-2506 2609 >>>----------------------------------------->>> >>> >>> >>>

>>> >>> >>> >>> >>>-------------------------------->>>Do you Yahoo!? >>> Meet the all-new My Yahoo! - Try it today! >> >> >> >> >> >>Yahoo! Groups Links >> >> >> >> >> >> > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Sponsor > > > >ADVERTISEMENT > >< >D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1100871094/A=2434971/R=0/SIG=11eeoolb0/*htt >p:/> click here > > > >< >s/S=:HM/A=2434971/rand=781464111> > > > > _____ > >Yahoo! Groups Links > >* To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > >* To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > ><> > > >* Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of >Service <> .

Attachment: (image/gif) image001.gif [not stored]

1550 From: Bharat Vyas <bharatvyas@...> Date: Fri Nov 19, 2004 9:02am Subject: Re: KPBC2 bharat216 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Hi Sandy: Went through ur site pretty amazing knowledge u have got. Would be interested in reading ur horoscope if you dont mind posting it. BTW you are good looking so surely u have well placed lagna lord and u have grace of jupiter and moon as far as i feel. Cheers !! Bharat

On Fri, 19 Nov 2004 10:00:27 -0500, Sandy Crowther <sandy@...> wrote: > > > > Dear TW, Vidyadhar, and Ron, > > > > Thanks for the warm welcome. > > > > I look forward to learning all about the KP System (as time permits) and > perhaps this list will be a great place to start. I had purchased (a while > back) all 6 KP Readers, and hope to start investigating them thoroughly very > soon, and eventually adding KP to my repertoire of astrological systems. So > forgive me if I lurk for a while, while trying to digest at least the basics > of the system, which I am not totally familiar with as of yet. If there is a > KP overview written up anywhere please direct me to it. > > > > A few (amateur) comments about KPBC2: > > > > With the heavy involvement of the dasha planets leading straight back to > significations of the 2nd house, and the 2nd house being highly significant > for at least three of the four selections (marriage, birth, and job related > activities given in the options listed in the blind chart choices), I will > be very interested in the KP systematic delineation process that leads one > to conclude the correct event at play on Nov. 2, 1979 So I hope that those > who are correct in their answer are prepared to delineate the "KP way" on > list for the benefit of those wanting to learn the analytical process > involved with KP delineations Thanks!

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

All the Best, Sandy Crowther

-----Original Message----From: rongaunt [mailto:rongaunt@...] Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2004 5:23 PM To: Subject: Re: [k_p_system] KPBC2

Sandy, Great to see you on this List. Don't worry about being new to KP, so am I and possibly many others. It should be a great place to learn. Regarding you settings they seem almost spot on. I have programmed GJ with the table and it comes up with 23:04:56 within 2" of your calculation. We have recently had discussions on this List regarding calculating the Asc and I have realized that most Western authored software programs use GEOGRAPHICAL angles and GEOCENTRIC planetary positions. Mr Raichur's program which appears to be used by many of our Indian colleagues, converts the geographical angles to geocentric. This means that there is a slight difference between the Ascendants and house cusps. In KPBC2 our Western astrology programs shows - as you state - an Asc of around 12 Scorpio 17, but using Geocentric angles the Ascendant is 12Scorpio08:14. This difference will only be an issue when the Asc falls very close to the cusp of the subs, and in most cases will give the same data. The dasa sequence is as you stated for the event. The only Western produced program that appears to have an option to convert to Geocentric angles that I know is Solar Fire. I have mailed Parashara Light with suggestions to include this and parallax in any future upgrade.

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

Ron Gaunt

On Thu, 18 Nov 2004 09:37:03 -0500, you wrote: >Hi Everyone, > > > >I'm new to this group and new to KP, but not so new to Astrology. >Anyway, I have a few concerns about the "corrected" KP Ayanamsa posted >below in light of the new KP Table posted for the years 1900 to 2052. >(Thanks for that Table from tw853 - didn't catch your name - sorry :-)). > > > >Please enlighten me if my logic is fuzzy.According to my calculations >with respect to the new Table posted for the KP Ayanamsa (which I am >trying to get straight once and for all), the correct KP Ayanamsa for >KPBC2 for December 20th, 1950 is actually 23:04:58. This figure was >derived from re-setting the KP Ayanamsa in SJS (Shri Jyoti Star5) to >reflect the values posted in the email and Table that followed. If for >April 15th 1950 the ayanamsa is 23:04:22, and the ayanamsa for April >15th 1951 is 23:05:13, I do NOT see how the correct ayanamsa for >December 20th 1950 can be anything other than 23:04:58. This ayanamsa >give a lagna of 12 Scorpio 17, and a dasha sequence of Mo Me Ju Ke for >the date in question: November 2, 1979. > > > >If anyone uses SJS and is interested in how I derived at this corrected >(I believe?) KP ayanamsa based on the Table posted earlier - I went into >the SJS Global Options set for the KP Ayanamsa and did a Custom setting >to reflect the accuracy based on the new Table given in the previous >email. I left the setting on KP and then custom set the Epoch to January >1, 1900, custom set the Value at Epoch to 22:22:16 (to reflect the KP >ayanamsa for Jan 1, 1900), and then custom set the Annual Precession to >50:2388475. > > > > > > > > All the Best, > > Sandy Crowther > > <> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > >-----Original Message---->From: rongaunt [mailto:rongaunt@...] >Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2004 8:32 AM >To: >Subject: Re: [k_p_system] KPBC2 > > > > >Sorry again. Typing error in last message. Ayanamsa should >have read 22:22:30 NOT 2:22:30 > >Ron Gaunt > > > >On Thu, 18 Nov 2004 23:25:08 +1000, you wrote: > >> >>Anant, >> >>Sorry, that was a bit misleading. I should have stated that >>ayanamsa 2:22:30 was for circa 1900. I think you will find the >>Asc is in fact correct. >> >>Ron Gaunt >> >> >> >>On Wed, 17 Nov 2004 22:45:49 -0800, you wrote: >> >>>The AYANAMSA specified in the BLC2. appears to be incorrect. As per >the NEW KPA tables, uploaded to-day, the AYAN on 15th April 1950 is >23-04-22. On 20th Dec 1950, i.e. appr 8 monthss later, the Ayan will be >23 37 27(app). The specified ayanmasa 0f 22 22 30 is less by 15 >minutes. This will affect Moon's position and also the Dasa on date of >Event. >>> >>>This restriction should not be put, and the members be advised to >follow the new kpa aynamsa. >>> >>> >>> >>>rongaunt <rongaunt@...> wrote: >>> >>>Chart details are: >>> >>>Male, >>>D.O.B. 20th Dec 1950 >>>Time 5:02am >>>I.S.T -5:30 >>>10N46, 076E42 >>> >>>Asc 12 Scorpio 20 (ayanamsa 22:22:30)

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

>>> >>> >>>What happened on the 2 November 1979? Choose from one >>>of the following: >>> >>> >>>1. Got married. >>>2. Emigrated to the USA >>>3. Son Born. >>>4 Promotion in job. >>> >>> >>>It would be preferable if respondents could give reasons up front >>>to help others in their understanding. However, if time is at >>>a premium just the answer is acceptable initially. But please >>>be prepared to elaborate later if you answer correctly. >>> >>> >>>Please reply by 00:00am GMT Tuesday 23 Nov 04. After which the >>>answer will be provided. >>> >>> >>>Ron Gaunt >>> >>> >>> >>> >>>Yahoo! Groups Links >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>>----------------------------------------->>>A.R.Raichur bombay >>>anant_1608@... >>>raichuranant@... >>>USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY >>>tel: 022-2506 2609 >>>----------------------------------------->>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>>-------------------------------->>>Do you Yahoo!? >>> Meet the all-new My Yahoo! - Try it today! >> >> >> >> >>

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

>>Yahoo! Groups Links >> >> >> >> >> >> > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Sponsor > > > >ADVERTISEMENT > >< >D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1100871094/A=2434971/R=0/SIG=11eeoolb0/*htt >p:/> click here > > > >< >s/S=:HM/A=2434971/rand=781464111> > > > > _____ > >Yahoo! Groups Links > >* To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > >* To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > ><> > > >* Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of >Service <> .

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To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. ________________________________ Yahoo! Groups Links To visit your group on the web, go to: To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.

1551 From: "tw853" <tw853@...> Date: Fri Nov 19, 2004 9:06am Subject: Re: KPBC2 tw853 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Ron Gaunt, Quation was raised after do doing so as given below. Best Regards, tw

KPA 23*4'56'' Comparison for 10N46, 76E42 & 10N47, 76E39 Cp D-M-S D-M-S I 222-17-57 222-14-50 II 251-05-26 251-02-23 III 281-00-48 280-57-43 IV 312-49-16 312-46-05 V 345-04-05 345-00-53 VI 15-08-09 15-05-02 VII 42-17-57 42-14-50 VIII 71-05-26 71-02-23 IX 101-00-48 100-57-43 X 132-49-16 132-46-05 XI 165-04-05 165-00-53 XII 195-08-09 195-05-02 Note: (1) Sid Time 10-30-46 (2) Roughly 3min difference in cusp positions Comparison for 10N46, 76E42 & 10N47, 76E39

Cp Sgl-Stl-Sbl-Ssl Sgl-Stl-Sbl-Ssl I Ma-Sa-Ma-Ju Ma-Sa-Ma-Ra II Ju-Ke-Sa-Ra Ju-Ke-Sa-Ra III Sa-Mo-Mo-Ve Sa-Mo-Mo-Ve IV Sa-Ra-Me-Me Sa-Ra-Me-Me V Ju-Sa-Ju-Ju Ju-Sa-Ju-Ju VI Ma-Ve-Ve-Me Ma-Ve-Ve-Sa VII Ve-Mo-Ra-Ju Ve-Mo-Ra-Ju VIII Me-Ra-Sa-Ke Me-Ra-Sa-Me IX Mo-Sa-Mo-Mo Mo-Sa-Su-Ve X Su-Ke-Me-Ju Su-Ke-Me-Ra XI Me-Mo-Ju-Su Me-Mo-Ju-Ve XII Ve-Ra-Ke-Me Ve-Ra-Ke-Sa Note: (1) Sid Time 10-30-34 (2) Differences in "Sub-sub" lords of Cusps 1, 6, 8, 9,10, 11 &12 and also in "Sub lord" of cusp 9 as mentioned in Msg# 1542 &1545.

--- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > > tw, > > The easiest way to check this is simply put up the chart with the > different co-ordinates. > > When you do this you will see that at: > > 10N46, 76E42 the Asc is > 12 Sco 19, and MC is 12 Leo 49. > > 10N47, 76E39 the Asc is > 12Sco 16 and MC is 12 Leo 46. > > The difference is only 3 minutes not degrees. > > > Ron Gaunt > > > On Fri, 19 Nov 2004 04:55:23 +0000, you wrote: > > > > > > >Dear Ron, > > > >"Difference of around 12sec in Sid. Time, consequently around 3deg > >difference in Asc, possible differences in "sub-sub" lords of cusps > >1, 4,6, 8, 9,10, 11 &12 and also in "Sub lord" of cusp 9" should not > >make difference in analysis of this particular KPBC1 chart? > > > >Best regards, > > > >tw > > > >

> >--- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > >> > >> tw, > >> > >> I make it that there is only about 48" in sidereal time and about > >> 13' in longitude and 40' in latitude difference between both > >> angles. This should not make too much difference unless near > >> the cusps. > >> > >> My two Atlases 'The University Atlas' and the 'Myer Atlas' both > >> show 10N46 and 76E42. As these were also the co-ordinates > >> given by a respected local astrologer for this particular case, I > >> suggest we go with these. > >> > >> > >> Ron Gaunt > >> > >> > >> On Fri, 19 Nov 2004 02:29:25 +0000, you wrote: > >> > >> > > >> > > >> >Dear Ron, > >> > > >> >1. "Place of birth" is usually given in AstroDatabank > >> >horoscopes, Astrodienst charts, Khaldea charts, etc to be able to > >> >check latitude and longitude. > >> > > >> >2. For example, birth place of KPBC2 , Palghat, "10N46, 76E42" > >> >given and Astro-Kundli is also showing the same figures. However, > >as > >> >given in Msg#1535, "10N47, 76E39" according to Astrodienst atlas > >> >commonly used by astrologers and referred by astrological > >websites. > >> >RAND McNALLY, Atlas of the World, Masterpiece Edition, also shows > >the > >> >same figures. > >> > > >> >3. There can be a difference of around 12sec in Sid. Time, > >> >consequently around 3deg difference in Asc, possible differences > >> >in "sub-sub" lords of cusps 1, 4,6, 8, 9,10, 11 &12. "Sub lord" > >of > >> >cusp 9 also can be different. > >> > > >> >4. Which one to take, given figures or Astrodienst ones ? Of > >> >course, results may not be the same. Also how about only six days > >> >timeline to give answer from the view point of wider participation > >> >and quality drive of brain work? > >> >

> >> >Best regards, > >> > > >> >tw > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> >--- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > >> >> > >> >> tw, > >> >> > >> >> The only information I was given was the co-ordinates. However, > >> >> I have checked with an atlas and it appears that the native was > >> >> born at Palghat. > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> Ron Gaunt > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> On Thu, 18 Nov 2004 13:54:04 +0000, you wrote: > >> >> > >> >> > > >> >> > > >> >> >Dear All, > >> >> > > >> >> >KPA for 20 December 1950 > >> >> > > >> >> > > >> >> >1. KPA from KP & ASTROLOGY 2003 > >> >> > > >> >> >a. 15 Apr 1951 23-05-13 > >> >> >b. 15 Apr 1950 23-04-22 > >> >> > > >> >> >c. Increase by Table 00-51sec > >> >> > > >> >> >d. Increase by formula = 50.2388475 +0.000111 (1950 > >1900) > >> >> > = 50.2388475 + 0.00555 > >> >> > = 50.2444sec > >> >> > > >> >> >e. Number Day of Year for Apr 15 = 105, for Dec 20 =354 > >> >> > > >> >> >f. Difference in NDOY =354-105 =249 days > >> >> > > >> >> >g. Fine tuning for 249 days = 50.2444 (249/365) = 34.28 > >sec > >> >> > > >> >> >(Note: for easier calculation , by taking 00-51sec of "c" > >34.79sec) > >> >> > > >> >> >h. KPA for 20 Dec 1950 = 23-04-22 + 34.28sec > >> >> > = 23-04-56 > >> >> > > >> >> > > >> >> > > >> >> >2. KPA from Table in KP Reader I (Just for comparison or

> >> >academic > >> >> >purpose) > >> >> > > >> >> >a. 1950 23-04 > >> >> > > >> >> >b. Fine tuning for Dec 25, 50.2444 (354/365)= 48.73 sec > >> >> > > >> >> > (same as in above "1.g", the difference is here for 354 > >> >days) > >> >> > > >> >> >c. 20 Dec 1950 = 23-04 + 49 sec = 23-04-49 > >> >> > > >> >> > > >> >> > > >> >> >3. KPA from KP & ASTROLOGY 2003 for 1st January 1950 > >> >> >(Just for academic purpose) > >> >> > > >> >> >a. Fine tuning 50.2444 (105/365) = 14.45c > >> >> > > >> >> >b. KPA for 1st Jan 1950 = 23-04-22 minus 14.45sec = 23> >04-07.55 > >> >> > > >> >> > > >> >> > > >> >> >4. For KPBC2 , according to Jjagnnatha Hora Light (JHL), > >by > >> >> >entering KPA 23-04-56 REPEAT 23-04-56 (its own KPA is 23-04> >> >43.57), > >> >> > > >> >> >a. Asc 222-18-06.40 > >> >> > > >> >> >b. Moon 16-02-10.20 > >> >> > > >> >> >c. Sun 244-26-02.57 > >> >> > > >> >> >d. Venus Tula dasa balance at birth 16y-11m-10d > >> >> > > >> >> > > >> >> > > >> >> >5. Highly appreciated for providing birth place of KPBC2 > >to be > >> >> >able to check with Astrdienst > >> >> > > >> >> >No Palghat 10N47, 76E39, No Chittur 10N42, 76E45, ???? > >> >> > > >> >> > > >> >> >Best regards, > >> >> > > >> >> >tw > >> >> > > >> >> > > >> >> > > >> >> >--- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> > >wrote: > >> >> >> Anant, > >> >> >> > >> >> >> Sorry, that was a bit misleading. I should have stated that > >> >> >> ayanamsa 2:22:30 was for circa 1900. I think you will

find > >the > >> >> >> Asc is in fact correct. > >> >> >> > >> >> >> Ron Gaunt > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> On Wed, 17 Nov 2004 22:45:49 -0800, you wrote: > >> >> >> > >> >> >> >The AYANAMSA specified in the BLC2. appears to be incorrect. > >As > >> >> >per the NEW KPA tables, uploaded to-day, the AYAN on 15th April > >> >1950 > >> >> >is 23-04-22. On 20th Dec 1950, i.e. appr 8 monthss later, the > >Ayan > >> >> >will be 23 37 27(app). The specified ayanmasa 0f 22 22 30 is > >> >less > >> >> >by 15 minutes. This will affect Moon's position and also the > >Dasa > >> >on > >> >> >date of Event. > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >This restriction should not be put, and the members be > >advised > >> >to > >> >> >follow the new kpa aynamsa. > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >Chart details are: > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >Male, > >> >> >> >D.O.B. 20th Dec 1950 > >> >> >> >Time 5:02am > >> >> >> >I.S.T -5:30 > >> >> >> >10N46, 076E42 > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >Asc 12 Scorpio 20 (ayanamsa 22:22:30) > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >What happened on the 2 November 1979? Choose from one > >> >> >> >of the following: > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >1. Got married. > >> >> >> >2. Emigrated to the USA > >> >> >> >3. Son Born. > >> >> >> >4 Promotion in job. > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >It would be preferable if respondents could give reasons up

> >> >front > >> >> >> >to help others in their understanding. However, if time is at > >> >> >> >a premium just the answer is acceptable initially. But please > >> >> >> >be prepared to elaborate later if you answer correctly. > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >Please reply by 00:00am GMT Tuesday 23 Nov 04. After which > >the > >> >> >> >answer will be provided. > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >Ron Gaunt > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >Yahoo! Groups Links > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >-----------------------------------------> >> >> >> >A.R.Raichur bombay > >> >> >> >anant_1608@y... > >> >> >> >raichuranant@y... > >> >> >> >USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY > >> >> >> >tel: 022-2506 2609 > >> >> >> >-----------------------------------------> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >--------------------------------> >> >> >> >Do you Yahoo!? Try it today! > >> >> >> > Meet the all-new My Yahoo! > >> >> > > >> >> > > >> >> > > >> >> > > >> >> > > >> >> > > >> >> > > >> >> >Yahoo! Groups Links > >> >> > > >> >> > > >> >> > > >> >> > > >> >> >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

>> >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> >Yahoo! Groups Links >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > > > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > >

1552 From: "tw853" <tw853@...> Date: Fri Nov 19, 2004 9:48am Subject: Re: KPBC2 tw853 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Sandy Crowther, 1.Rules of the Krishnamurti Padhdhati (including about Richard Houck who declared George W. Bush President , commenting in one year advance of the elction that Bush's victory was the strangest win pattern he had never seen. His follower Christopher Kevil also correctly predicted re-election of Presedent Bush. Also a marginal test case of softwares to get Jupiter / Moon / Saturn, --- Saturn antara dasa at his death.) 2. Ruling Planets in KP By Dr Satya Prakash Chowdhary 3. IN DEFENSE OF KRISHNAMURTI PADHDHATI RAGHUNATH REBUTTAL By Sat Siri Khalsa Best regards, tw --- In, "Sandy Crowther" <sandy@t...> wrote: > Dear TW, Vidyadhar, and Ron, > > > > Thanks for the warm welcome. > > > > I look forward to learning all about the KP System (as time permits) > and perhaps this list will be a great place to start. I had purchased (a > while back) all 6 KP Readers, and hope to start investigating them > thoroughly very soon, and eventually adding KP to my repertoire of > astrological systems. So forgive me if I lurk for a while, while trying > to digest at least the basics of the system, which I am not totally > familiar with as of yet. If there is a KP overview written up anywhere > please direct me to it. > > > > A few (amateur) comments about KPBC2: > > > > With the heavy involvement of the dasha planets leading straight back to > significations of the 2nd house, and the 2nd house being highly > significant for at least three of the four selections (marriage, birth, > and job related activities given in the options listed in the blind > chart choices), I will be very interested in the KP systematic > delineation process that leads one to conclude the correct event at play > on Nov. 2, 1979.So I hope that those who are correct in their answer are > prepared to delineate the "KP way" on list for the benefit of those > wanting to learn the analytical process involved with KP > delineations.Thanks! > > > > All the Best, > > Sandy Crowther >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >


-----Original Message----From: rongaunt [mailto:rongaunt@b...] Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2004 5:23 PM To: Subject: Re: [k_p_system] KPBC2

Sandy, Great to see you on this List. Don't worry about being new to KP, so am I and possibly many others. It should be a great place to learn. Regarding you settings they seem almost spot on. I have programmed GJ with the table and it comes up with 23:04:56 within 2" of your calculation. We have recently had discussions on this List regarding calculating the Asc and I have realized that most Western authored software programs use GEOGRAPHICAL angles and GEOCENTRIC planetary positions. Mr Raichur's program which appears to be used by many of our Indian colleagues, converts the geographical angles to geocentric. This means that there is a slight difference between the Ascendants and house cusps. In KPBC2 our Western astrology programs shows - as you state - an Asc of around 12 Scorpio 17, but using Geocentric angles the Ascendant is 12Scorpio08:14. This difference will only be an issue when the Asc falls very close to the cusp of the subs, and in most cases will give the same data. The dasa sequence is as you stated for the event. The only Western produced program that appears to have an option to convert to Geocentric angles that I know is Solar Fire. I have mailed Parashara Light with suggestions to include this and parallax in any future upgrade. Ron Gaunt

On Thu, 18 Nov 2004 09:37:03 -0500, you wrote:

> >Hi Everyone, > > > > > > > >I'm new to this group and new to KP, but not so new to Astrology. > >Anyway, I have a few concerns about the "corrected" KP Ayanamsa posted > >below in light of the new KP Table posted for the years 1900 to 2052. > >(Thanks for that Table from tw853 - didn't catch your name - sorry > :-)). > > > > > > > >Please enlighten me if my logic is fuzzy.According to my calculations > >with respect to the new Table posted for the KP Ayanamsa (which I am > >trying to get straight once and for all), the correct KP Ayanamsa for > >KPBC2 for December 20th, 1950 is actually 23:04:58. This figure was > >derived from re-setting the KP Ayanamsa in SJS (Shri Jyoti Star5) to > >reflect the values posted in the email and Table that followed. If for > >April 15th 1950 the ayanamsa is 23:04:22, and the ayanamsa for April > >15th 1951 is 23:05:13, I do NOT see how the correct ayanamsa for > >December 20th 1950 can be anything other than 23:04:58. This ayanamsa > >give a lagna of 12 Scorpio 17, and a dasha sequence of Mo Me Ju Ke for > >the date in question: November 2, 1979. > > > > > > > >If anyone uses SJS and is interested in how I derived at this corrected > >(I believe?) KP ayanamsa based on the Table posted earlier - I went > into > >the SJS Global Options set for the KP Ayanamsa and did a Custom setting > >to reflect the accuracy based on the new Table given in the previous > >email. I left the setting on KP and then custom set the Epoch to > January > >1, 1900, custom set the Value at Epoch to 22:22:16 (to reflect the KP > >ayanamsa for Jan 1, 1900), and then custom set the Annual Precession to > >50:2388475. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > All the Best, > >

> > Sandy Crowther > > > > <> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >-----Original Message----> >From: rongaunt [mailto:rongaunt@b...] > >Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2004 8:32 AM > >To: > >Subject: Re: [k_p_system] KPBC2 > > > > > > > > > >Sorry again. Typing error in last message. Ayanamsa should > >have read 22:22:30 NOT 2:22:30 > > > >Ron Gaunt > > > > > > > >On Thu, 18 Nov 2004 23:25:08 +1000, you wrote: > > > >> > >>Anant, > >> > >>Sorry, that was a bit misleading. I should have stated that > >>ayanamsa 2:22:30 was for circa 1900. I think you will find the > >>Asc is in fact correct. > >> > >>Ron Gaunt > >> > >> > >> > >>On Wed, 17 Nov 2004 22:45:49 -0800, you wrote: > >> > >>>The AYANAMSA specified in the BLC2. appears to be incorrect. As per > >the NEW KPA tables, uploaded to-day, the AYAN on 15th April 1950 is > >23-04-22. On 20th Dec 1950, i.e. appr 8 monthss later, the Ayan will be > >23 37 27(app). The specified ayanmasa 0f 22 22 30 is less by 15 > >minutes. This will affect Moon's position and also the Dasa on date of > >Event. > >>> > >>>This restriction should not be put, and the members be advised to > >follow the new kpa aynamsa. > >>>

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

>>> >>> >>>rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: >>> >>>Chart details are: >>> >>>Male, >>>D.O.B. 20th Dec 1950 >>>Time 5:02am >>>I.S.T -5:30 >>>10N46, 076E42 >>> >>>Asc 12 Scorpio 20 (ayanamsa 22:22:30) >>> >>> >>>What happened on the 2 November 1979? Choose from one >>>of the following: >>> >>> >>>1. Got married. >>>2. Emigrated to the USA >>>3. Son Born. >>>4 Promotion in job. >>> >>> >>>It would be preferable if respondents could give reasons up front >>>to help others in their understanding. However, if time is at >>>a premium just the answer is acceptable initially. But please >>>be prepared to elaborate later if you answer correctly. >>> >>> >>>Please reply by 00:00am GMT Tuesday 23 Nov 04. After which the >>>answer will be provided. >>> >>> >>>Ron Gaunt >>> >>> >>> >>> >>>Yahoo! Groups Links >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>>----------------------------------------->>>A.R.Raichur bombay >>>anant_1608@y... >>>raichuranant@y... >>>USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY >>>tel: 022-2506 2609 >>>----------------------------------------->>> >>> >>>

> >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>>--------------------------------> >>>Do you Yahoo!? > >>> Meet the all-new My Yahoo! - Try it today! > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >>Yahoo! Groups Links > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > > > > > > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Sponsor > > > > > > > >ADVERTISEMENT > > > >< 76 > / > >D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1100871094/A=2434971/R=0/SIG=11eeoolb0/* ht > t > >p:/> click here > > > > > > > >< M=298184.5584357.6650215.3001176/D=grou > p > >s/S=:HM/A=2434971/rand=781464111> > > > > > > > > _____ > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > >* To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > > > > > >* To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > >

> >< subject=Unsubscribe> > > > > > >* Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of > >Service <> . > > > Yahoo! Groups Sponsor > > > > ADVERTISEMENT > > < 6/ > D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1100902958/A=2434970/R=0/SIG=11edksnhv/*h tt > p:/> click here > > > > < M=298184.5584357.6650215.3001176/D=group > s/S=:HM/A=2434970/rand=399208780> > > > > _____ > > Yahoo! Groups Links > > * To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > > * To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > <> > > > * Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of > Service <> .

1553 From: Jyotish Dham <jyotishdham@...> Date: Fri Nov 19, 2004 11:57am Subject: How to find Allotment results?? jyotishdham Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Members I wish to apply for getting flat under Housing scheme and I wanted to know throu

gh KP Horary No.16 Whether I will get allotment of flat? Now I am stuck up with Main and primary houses to see the above noted question Should I take 4 sublord with 6-9-11-12 as primary house or 4th Sublord and Mars with 6-9-11-12 or 4th Sublord with 11 or 3rd Sublord with 3-8-11 (to see result of Lottery) as this allotment is based on Lottery system Kindly guide me and ignore any of my mistake in asking the house and sublords. Thanks in advance Shunny Nigam

Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online.

1554 From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@...> Date: Fri Nov 19, 2004 0:14pm Subject: Re: How to find Allotment results?? lyrastro1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Jyotish Dham, My humble suggestion would be to examine the IIIrd c usp sub-lord,it should signify I,IV,(VIII) & XI... Though,I have not had any experience in dealing with such a horary question,as yet.... Do let me know your experience and the houses you to ok into consideration... With the very best wishes, lyrastro1 GOOD LUCK ! Jyotish Dham <> wrote: Dear Members I wish to apply for getting flat under Housing scheme and I wanted to know throu gh KP Horary No.16 Whether I will get allotment of flat? Now I am stuck up with Main and primary houses to see the above noted question Should I take 4 sublord with 6-9-11-12 as primary house or 4th Sublord and Mars with 6-9-11-12 or 4th Sublord with 11 or 3rd Sublord with 3-8-11 (to see result of Lottery) as this allotment is based on

Lottery system Kindly guide me and ignore any of my mistake in asking the house and sublords. Thanks in advance Shunny Nigam

Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online. Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online.

1555 From: Sourav Guchhait <sourav6282@...> Date: Fri Nov 19, 2004 2:55pm Subject: Re: KPBC2 sourav6282 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Respected Group members, Accoding to me, possibility of option 4.(Promotion in job) is more than other o ptions. - Sourav. rongaunt <> wrote: Chart details are: Male, D.O.B. 20th Dec 1950 Time 5:02am I.S.T -5:30 10N46, 076E42 Asc 12 Scorpio 20 (ayanamsa 22:22:30) What happened on the 2 November 1979? Choose from one of the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. Got married. Emigrated to the USA Son Born. Promotion in job.

It would be preferable if respondents could give reasons up front to help others in their understanding. However, if time is at a premium just the answer is acceptable initially. But please be prepared to elaborate later if you answer correctly. Please reply by 00:00am GMT Tuesday 23 Nov 04. After which the answer will be provided. Ron Gaunt

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1556 From: "Vaidun Vidyadhar" <vvidya@...> Date: Fri Nov 19, 2004 3:03pm Subject: RE: KPBC2 vidyaau Send IM Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Ron, Thanks for the info. I am not able to access and download the file KPA.doc. I get a message "This page cannot be displayed". If you have this document with y ou, can I trouble you to send it to me please. I'll take it from there. Thanks again for your time. With best regards. Vaidun Vidyadhar 1 / 94 Marius Street Tamworth, NSW 2340 Australia Tel: 61-2-67 668428 (home) Mobile: 0414 870 083 Email:

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------From: rongaunt [] Sent: Friday, 19 November 2004 10:54 PM To: Subject: Re: [k_p_system] KPBC2

Vaidun, First go to and click on k_p_system. Go to the 'Files' Section and download the file KPA.doc dated 17th Nov 2004. This gives over 150 years of the Krishnamurthi ayanamsas since 1900. In GJ toward the top left click 'Prefs'. On the drop down menu second from bottom click on 'Ayanamsa Prefs'. Under the slot for 'Krishnamurthi' mark 'use List also'. A window will open to the right and you can place the various years ayanamsas as required. Note toward the top tick 'Use manual below' as this switches the

operation to your entries. Also note each years ayanamsa should start on the 15th April ie the first will be 15/4/1900 if you have GJ set up for European timing. The alignment date should be 23/3/0291 and the preces rate 50.2388475 I have actually programmed back from the alignment date at 500 year intervals using the figures obtained from Solar Fire as I think they will be more accurate than the long interval between 0291 and 1900. If you want these I can provide them. I have entered mine in 2year steps ie 1900, 1902,1904 etc so that I should be very close to being exact, but I suspect that 5 year intervals would also be pretty close. All the best Ron Gaunt

On Fri, 19 Nov 2004 17:48:11 +1100, you wrote: >Ron, > >How do you program GJ with this table? I know GJ has the facility to set >your own figures etc for the chosen ayanamsa. What are the exact steps >involved? What are the figures I need to enter and where? > >Thanks for your help. > >Best regards. > >Vaidun Vidyadhar >1 / 94 Marius Street >Tamworth, NSW 2340 >Australia >Tel: 61-2-67 668428 (home) >Mobile: 0414 870 083 >Email: <> > > > > > > _____ > >From: rongaunt [] >Sent: Friday, 19 November 2004 9:23 AM >To: >Subject: Re: [k_p_system] KPBC2 > > > >Sandy, > >Great to see you on this List. Don't worry about being new to >KP, so am I and possibly many others. It should be a great

>place to learn. > >Regarding you settings they seem almost spot on. I have >programmed GJ with the table and it comes up with 23:04:56 >within 2" of your calculation. > >We have recently had discussions on this List regarding >calculating the Asc and I have realized that most Western >authored software programs use GEOGRAPHICAL angles and >GEOCENTRIC planetary positions. Mr Raichur's program which >appears to be used by many of our Indian colleagues, converts the >geographical angles to geocentric. This means that there is a >slight difference between the Ascendants and house cusps. >In KPBC2 our Western astrology programs shows - as you state - an >Asc of around 12 Scorpio 17, but using Geocentric angles the >Ascendant is 12Scorpio08:14. This difference will only be an >issue when the Asc falls very close to the cusp of the subs, and >in most cases will give the same data. The dasa sequence is as >you stated for the event. > >The only Western produced program that appears to have an option >to convert to Geocentric angles that I know is Solar Fire. I >have mailed Parashara Light with suggestions to include this >and parallax in any future upgrade. > > >Ron Gaunt > > > > >On Thu, 18 Nov 2004 09:37:03 -0500, you wrote: > >>Hi Everyone, >> >> >> >>I'm new to this group and new to KP, but not so new to Astrology. >>Anyway, I have a few concerns about the "corrected" KP Ayanamsa posted >>below in light of the new KP Table posted for the years 1900 to 2052. >>(Thanks for that Table from tw853 - didn't catch your name - sorry :-)). >> >> >> >>Please enlighten me if my logic is fuzzy.According to my calculations >>with respect to the new Table posted for the KP Ayanamsa (which I am >>trying to get straight once and for all), the correct KP Ayanamsa for >>KPBC2 for December 20th, 1950 is actually 23:04:58. This figure was >>derived from re-setting the KP Ayanamsa in SJS (Shri Jyoti Star5) to >>reflect the values posted in the email and Table that followed. If for >>April 15th 1950 the ayanamsa is 23:04:22, and the ayanamsa for April >>15th 1951 is 23:05:13, I do NOT see how the correct ayanamsa for >>December 20th 1950 can be anything other than 23:04:58. This ayanamsa >>give a lagna of 12 Scorpio 17, and a dasha sequence of Mo Me Ju Ke for >>the date in question: November 2, 1979. >> >> >> >>If anyone uses SJS and is interested in how I derived at this corrected >>(I believe?) KP ayanamsa based on the Table posted earlier - I went into

>>the SJS Global Options set for the KP Ayanamsa and did a Custom setting >>to reflect the accuracy based on the new Table given in the previous >>email. I left the setting on KP and then custom set the Epoch to January >>1, 1900, custom set the Value at Epoch to 22:22:16 (to reflect the KP >>ayanamsa for Jan 1, 1900), and then custom set the Annual Precession to >>50:2388475. >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> All the Best, >> >> Sandy Crowther >> >> <> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>-----Original Message---->>From: rongaunt [] >>Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2004 8:32 AM >>To: >>Subject: Re: [k_p_system] KPBC2 >> >> >> >> >>Sorry again. Typing error in last message. Ayanamsa should >>have read 22:22:30 NOT 2:22:30 >> >>Ron Gaunt >> >> >> >>On Thu, 18 Nov 2004 23:25:08 +1000, you wrote: >> >>> >>>Anant, >>> >>>Sorry, that was a bit misleading. I should have stated that >>>ayanamsa 2:22:30 was for circa 1900. I think you will find the >>>Asc is in fact correct. >>> >>>Ron Gaunt >>> >>> >>>

>>>On Wed, 17 Nov 2004 22:45:49 -0800, you wrote: >>> >>>>The AYANAMSA specified in the BLC2. appears to be incorrect. As per >>the NEW KPA tables, uploaded to-day, the AYAN on 15th April 1950 is >>23-04-22. On 20th Dec 1950, i.e. appr 8 monthss later, the Ayan will be >>23 37 27(app). The specified ayanmasa 0f 22 22 30 is less by 15 >>minutes. This will affect Moon's position and also the Dasa on date of >>Event. >>>> >>>>This restriction should not be put, and the members be advised to >>follow the new kpa aynamsa. >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>>rongaunt <> wrote: >>>> >>>>Chart details are: >>>> >>>>Male, >>>>D.O.B. 20th Dec 1950 >>>>Time 5:02am >>>>I.S.T -5:30 >>>>10N46, 076E42 >>>> >>>>Asc 12 Scorpio 20 (ayanamsa 22:22:30) >>>> >>>> >>>>What happened on the 2 November 1979? Choose from one >>>>of the following: >>>> >>>> >>>>1. Got married. >>>>2. Emigrated to the USA >>>>3. Son Born. >>>>4 Promotion in job. >>>> >>>> >>>>It would be preferable if respondents could give reasons up front >>>>to help others in their understanding. However, if time is at >>>>a premium just the answer is acceptable initially. But please >>>>be prepared to elaborate later if you answer correctly. >>>> >>>> >>>>Please reply by 00:00am GMT Tuesday 23 Nov 04. After which the >>>>answer will be provided. >>>> >>>> >>>>Ron Gaunt >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>>Yahoo! Groups Links >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>>

>>>> >>>> >>>>----------------------------------------->>>>A.R.Raichur bombay >>>> >>>> >>>>USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY >>>>tel: 022-2506 2609 >>>>----------------------------------------->>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>>-------------------------------->>>>Do you Yahoo!? >>>> Meet the all-new My Yahoo! - Try it today! >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>>Yahoo! Groups Links >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >> >> >> >> >> >>Yahoo! Groups Sponsor >> >> >> >>ADVERTISEMENT >> >>< >>D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1100871094/A=2434971/R=0/SIG=11eeoolb0/*htt >>p:/> click here >> >> >> >>< >>s/S=:HM/A=2434971/rand=781464111> >> >> >> >> _____ >> >>Yahoo! Groups Links >> >>* To visit your group on the web, go to: >>

>> >> >>* To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: >> >><> >> >> >>* Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of >>Service <> . > > > >Yahoo! Groups Sponsor > >ADVERTISEMENT > >< >oups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1100902958/A=2434970/R=0/SIG=11edksnhv/*http://www. >> click here > >< >:HM/A=2434970/rand=399208780> > > _____ > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > >* To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > >* To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > ><> > > >* Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service ><> . >

1557 From: rongaunt <rongaunt@...> Date: Fri Nov 19, 2004 4:38pm Subject: Re: Re: KPBC2 rongaunt1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 tw, For all practical purposes most KP astrologers seem to only work to the sub lord level. At the micro sub sub lord level it is inevitable that there is going to be differences between different programs; and I suspect that this is why this area is

as yet relatively unexplored - because of the possibility of computational error. Also note that you are using GEOGRAPHICAL angles and houses, whereas many Indian astrologers on this list appear to be using GEOCENTRIC angles. This again can introduce differences, particularly at the sub sub level. The remaining point of difference is the sub of the 9th house where one calculation shows sub as Moon and the other as Sun, because here is close to the cusp of the sub. Really nothing has changed from my original data. I simply stated as a result of your request to know the name of the town, that I noted that Palghat had the same coordinates as given in the data. From there we have deviated, because some atlases give slightly different coordinates for Palghat. However others do in fact give exactly the same coordinates. I don't think we should get hung up on the fact that the 9th cusp sub lord is different because some atlases may give the wrong coordinates. The crux of the matter is that the information was provided by a well respected local astrologer. He only specified the coordinates not the name of the town. I suggest we stick with his data of 10N46, 76E42 Ron Gaunt On Fri, 19 Nov 2004 15:06:44 +0000, you wrote: > > >Dear Ron Gaunt, > >Quation was raised after do doing so as given below. > >Best Regards, > >tw > > > >KPA 23*4'56'' > >Comparison for 10N46, 76E42 & 10N47, 76E39 > >Cp D-M-S D-M-S >I 222-17-57 222-14-50 >II 251-05-26 251-02-23 >III 281-00-48 280-57-43 >IV 312-49-16 312-46-05 >V 345-04-05 345-00-53 >VI 15-08-09 15-05-02 >VII 42-17-57 42-14-50 >VIII 71-05-26 71-02-23 >IX 101-00-48 100-57-43 >X 132-49-16 132-46-05 >XI 165-04-05 165-00-53 >XII 195-08-09 195-05-02

> >Note: (1) Sid Time 10-30-46 > (2) Roughly 3min difference in cusp positions > > Comparison for 10N46, 76E42 & 10N47, 76E39 > >Cp Sgl-Stl-Sbl-Ssl Sgl-Stl-Sbl-Ssl >I Ma-Sa-Ma-Ju Ma-Sa-Ma-Ra >II Ju-Ke-Sa-Ra Ju-Ke-Sa-Ra >III Sa-Mo-Mo-Ve Sa-Mo-Mo-Ve >IV Sa-Ra-Me-Me Sa-Ra-Me-Me >V Ju-Sa-Ju-Ju Ju-Sa-Ju-Ju >VI Ma-Ve-Ve-Me Ma-Ve-Ve-Sa >VII Ve-Mo-Ra-Ju Ve-Mo-Ra-Ju >VIII Me-Ra-Sa-Ke Me-Ra-Sa-Me >IX Mo-Sa-Mo-Mo Mo-Sa-Su-Ve >X Su-Ke-Me-Ju Su-Ke-Me-Ra >XI Me-Mo-Ju-Su Me-Mo-Ju-Ve >XII Ve-Ra-Ke-Me Ve-Ra-Ke-Sa > >Note: (1) Sid Time 10-30-34 > (2) Differences in "Sub-sub" lords of Cusps 1, 6, 8, 9,10, 11 > &12 and also in "Sub lord" of cusp 9 as mentioned in Msg# > 1542 &1545. > > > >--- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: >> >> tw, >> >> The easiest way to check this is simply put up the chart with the >> different co-ordinates. >> >> When you do this you will see that at: >> >> 10N46, 76E42 the Asc is >> 12 Sco 19, and MC is 12 Leo 49. >> >> 10N47, 76E39 the Asc is >> 12Sco 16 and MC is 12 Leo 46. >> >> The difference is only 3 minutes not degrees. >> >> >> Ron Gaunt >> >> >> On Fri, 19 Nov 2004 04:55:23 +0000, you wrote: >> >> > >> > >> >Dear Ron, >> > >> >"Difference of around 12sec in Sid. Time, consequently around 3deg >> >difference in Asc, possible differences in "sub-sub" lords of >cusps >> >1, 4,6, 8, 9,10, 11 &12 and also in "Sub lord" of cusp 9" should >not >> >make difference in analysis of this particular KPBC1 chart?

>> > >> >Best regards, >> > >> >tw >> > >> > >> >--- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: >> >> >> >> tw, >> >> >> >> I make it that there is only about 48" in sidereal time and about >> >> 13' in longitude and 40' in latitude difference between both >> >> angles. This should not make too much difference unless near >> >> the cusps. >> >> >> >> My two Atlases 'The University Atlas' and the 'Myer Atlas' both >> >> show 10N46 and 76E42. As these were also the co-ordinates >> >> given by a respected local astrologer for this particular case, I >> >> suggest we go with these. >> >> >> >> >> >> Ron Gaunt >> >> >> >> >> >> On Fri, 19 Nov 2004 02:29:25 +0000, you wrote: >> >> >> >> > >> >> > >> >> >Dear Ron, >> >> > >> >> >1. "Place of birth" is usually given in AstroDatabank >> >> >horoscopes, Astrodienst charts, Khaldea charts, etc to be able >to >> >> >check latitude and longitude. >> >> > >> >> >2. For example, birth place of KPBC2 , Palghat, "10N46, >76E42" >> >> >given and Astro-Kundli is also showing the same figures. >However, >> >as >> >> >given in Msg#1535, "10N47, 76E39" according to Astrodienst >atlas >> >> >commonly used by astrologers and referred by astrological >> >websites. >> >> >RAND McNALLY, Atlas of the World, Masterpiece Edition, also >shows >> >the >> >> >same figures. >> >> > >> >> >3. There can be a difference of around 12sec in Sid. >Time, >> >> >consequently around 3deg difference in Asc, possible >differences >> >> >in "sub-sub" lords of cusps 1, 4,6, 8, 9,10, 11 &12. "Sub >lord" >> >of >> >> >cusp 9 also can be different. >> >> > >> >> >4. Which one to take, given figures or Astrodienst >ones ? Of

>> >> >course, results may not be the same. Also how about only six >days >> >> >timeline to give answer from the view point of wider >participation >> >> >and quality drive of brain work? >> >> > >> >> >Best regards, >> >> > >> >> >tw >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> >--- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> >wrote: >> >> >> >> >> >> tw, >> >> >> >> >> >> The only information I was given was the co-ordinates. >However, >> >> >> I have checked with an atlas and it appears that the native >was >> >> >> born at Palghat. >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> Ron Gaunt >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> On Thu, 18 Nov 2004 13:54:04 +0000, you wrote: >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> >Dear All, >> >> >> > >> >> >> >KPA for 20 December 1950 >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> >1. KPA from KP & ASTROLOGY 2003 >> >> >> > >> >> >> >a. 15 Apr 1951 23-05-13 >> >> >> >b. 15 Apr 1950 23-04-22 >> >> >> > >> >> >> >c. Increase by Table 00-51sec >> >> >> > >> >> >> >d. Increase by formula = 50.2388475 +0.000111 (1950 >> >1900) >> >> >> > = 50.2388475 + >0.00555 >> >> >> > = 50.2444sec >> >> >> > >> >> >> >e. Number Day of Year for Apr 15 = 105, for Dec 20 =354 >> >> >> > >> >> >> >f. Difference in NDOY =354-105 =249 days >> >> >> > >> >> >> >g. Fine tuning for 249 days = 50.2444 (249/365) = 34.28 >> >sec >> >> >> > >> >> >> >(Note: for easier calculation , by taking 00-51sec of "c" >> >34.79sec) >> >> >> >

>> >> >> >h. KPA for 20 Dec 1950 = 23-04-22 + 34.28sec >> >> >> > = 23-04-56 >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> >2. KPA from Table in KP Reader I (Just for comparison or >> >> >academic >> >> >> >purpose) >> >> >> > >> >> >> >a. 1950 23-04 >> >> >> > >> >> >> >b. Fine tuning for Dec 25, 50.2444 (354/365)= 48.73 sec >> >> >> > >> >> >> > (same as in above "1.g", the difference is here for >354 >> >> >days) >> >> >> > >> >> >> >c. 20 Dec 1950 = 23-04 + 49 sec = 23-04-49 >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> >3. KPA from KP & ASTROLOGY 2003 for 1st January 1950 >> >> >> >(Just for academic purpose) >> >> >> > >> >> >> >a. Fine tuning 50.2444 (105/365) = 14.45c >> >> >> > >> >> >> >b. KPA for 1st Jan 1950 = 23-04-22 minus 14.45sec = 23>> >04-07.55 >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> >4. For KPBC2 , according to Jjagnnatha Hora Light (JHL), >> >by >> >> >> >entering KPA 23-04-56 REPEAT 23-04-56 (its own KPA is 23-04>> >> >43.57), >> >> >> > >> >> >> >a. Asc 222-18-06.40 >> >> >> > >> >> >> >b. Moon 16-02-10.20 >> >> >> > >> >> >> >c. Sun 244-26-02.57 >> >> >> > >> >> >> >d. Venus Tula dasa balance at birth 16y-11m-10d >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> >5. Highly appreciated for providing birth place of KPBC2 >> >to be >> >> >> >able to check with Astrdienst >> >> >> > >> >> >> >No Palghat 10N47, 76E39, No Chittur 10N42, 76E45, ???? >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> >Best regards, >> >> >> > >> >> >> >tw >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> >--- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...>

>> >wrote: >> >> >> >> Anant, >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> Sorry, that was a bit misleading. I should have stated >that >> >> >> >> ayanamsa 2:22:30 was for circa 1900. I think you will >find >> >the >> >> >> >> Asc is in fact correct. >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> Ron Gaunt >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> On Wed, 17 Nov 2004 22:45:49 -0800, you wrote: >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >The AYANAMSA specified in the BLC2. appears to be >incorrect. >> >As >> >> >> >per the NEW KPA tables, uploaded to-day, the AYAN on 15th >April >> >> >1950 >> >> >> >is 23-04-22. On 20th Dec 1950, i.e. appr 8 monthss later, >the >> >Ayan >> >> >> >will be 23 37 27(app). The specified ayanmasa 0f 22 22 30 >is >> >> >less >> >> >> >by 15 minutes. This will affect Moon's position and also >the >> >Dasa >> >> >on >> >> >> >date of Event. >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >This restriction should not be put, and the members be >> >advised >> >> >to >> >> >> >follow the new kpa aynamsa. >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >Chart details are: >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >Male, >> >> >> >> >D.O.B. 20th Dec 1950 >> >> >> >> >Time 5:02am >> >> >> >> >I.S.T -5:30 >> >> >> >> >10N46, 076E42 >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >Asc 12 Scorpio 20 (ayanamsa 22:22:30) >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >What happened on the 2 November 1979? Choose from one >> >> >> >> >of the following: >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >1. Got married. >> >> >> >> >2. Emigrated to the USA

>> >> >> >> >3. Son Born. >> >> >> >> >4 Promotion in job. >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >It would be preferable if respondents could give reasons >up >> >> >front >> >> >> >> >to help others in their understanding. However, if time >is at >> >> >> >> >a premium just the answer is acceptable initially. But >please >> >> >> >> >be prepared to elaborate later if you answer correctly. >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >Please reply by 00:00am GMT Tuesday 23 Nov 04. After >which >> >the >> >> >> >> >answer will be provided. >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >Ron Gaunt >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >Yahoo! Groups Links >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >----------------------------------------->> >> >> >> >A.R.Raichur bombay >> >> >> >> >anant_1608@y... >> >> >> >> >raichuranant@y... >> >> >> >> >USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY >> >> >> >> >tel: 022-2506 2609 >> >> >> >> >----------------------------------------->> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >-------------------------------->> >> >> >> >Do you Yahoo!? Try it today! >> >> >> >> > Meet the all-new My Yahoo! >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> >

>> >> >> >Yahoo! Groups Links >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> >Yahoo! Groups Links >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> >Yahoo! Groups Links >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > > > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > >

1558 From: rongaunt <rongaunt@...> Date: Fri Nov 19, 2004 4:57pm Subject: Re: KPBC2 rongaunt1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Vaidun,

Enclosed is the file as an attachment. Ron Gaunt On Sat, 20 Nov 2004 08:03:06 +1100, you wrote: >Ron, > >Thanks for the info. I am not able to access and download the file KPA.doc. >I get a message "This page cannot be displayed". If you have this document >with you, can I trouble you to send it to me please. I'll take it from >there. > >Thanks again for your time. > >With best regards. > >Vaidun Vidyadhar >1 / 94 Marius Street >Tamworth, NSW 2340 >Australia >Tel: 61-2-67 668428 (home) >Mobile: 0414 870 083 >Email: <mailto:vvidya@...> vvidya@... > > > > > > _____ > >From: rongaunt [mailto:rongaunt@...] >Sent: Friday, 19 November 2004 10:54 PM >To: >Subject: Re: [k_p_system] KPBC2 > > > >Vaidun, > >First go to and click on k_p_system. >Go to the 'Files' Section and download the file KPA.doc dated >17th Nov 2004. This gives over 150 years of the Krishnamurthi >ayanamsas since 1900. > >In GJ toward the top left click 'Prefs'. On the drop down menu >second from bottom click on 'Ayanamsa Prefs'. Under the >slot for 'Krishnamurthi' mark 'use List also'. A window will >open to the right and you can place the various years ayanamsas >as required. > >Note toward the top tick 'Use manual below' as this switches the >operation to your entries. Also note each years ayanamsa >should start on the 15th April ie the first will be 15/4/1900 if >you have GJ set up for European timing. > >The alignment date should be 23/3/0291 and the preces rate >50.2388475

> >I have actually programmed back from the alignment date at >500 year intervals using the figures obtained from Solar Fire as >I think they will be more accurate than the long interval between >0291 and 1900. If you want these I can provide them. > >I have entered mine in 2year steps ie 1900, 1902,1904 etc so that >I should be very close to being exact, but I suspect that 5 year >intervals would also be pretty close. > >All the best > > >Ron Gaunt > > > >On Fri, 19 Nov 2004 17:48:11 +1100, you wrote: > >>Ron, >> >>How do you program GJ with this table? I know GJ has the facility to set >>your own figures etc for the chosen ayanamsa. What are the exact steps >>involved? What are the figures I need to enter and where? >> >>Thanks for your help. >> >>Best regards. >> >>Vaidun Vidyadhar >>1 / 94 Marius Street >>Tamworth, NSW 2340 >>Australia >>Tel: 61-2-67 668428 (home) >>Mobile: 0414 870 083 >>Email: <mailto:vvidya@...> vvidya@... >> >> >> >> >> >> _____ >> >>From: rongaunt [mailto:rongaunt@...] >>Sent: Friday, 19 November 2004 9:23 AM >>To: >>Subject: Re: [k_p_system] KPBC2 >> >> >> >>Sandy, >> >>Great to see you on this List. Don't worry about being new to >>KP, so am I and possibly many others. It should be a great >>place to learn. >> >>Regarding you settings they seem almost spot on. I have >>programmed GJ with the table and it comes up with 23:04:56 >>within 2" of your calculation. >>

>>We have recently had discussions on this List regarding >>calculating the Asc and I have realized that most Western >>authored software programs use GEOGRAPHICAL angles and >>GEOCENTRIC planetary positions. Mr Raichur's program which >>appears to be used by many of our Indian colleagues, converts the >>geographical angles to geocentric. This means that there is a >>slight difference between the Ascendants and house cusps. >>In KPBC2 our Western astrology programs shows - as you state - an >>Asc of around 12 Scorpio 17, but using Geocentric angles the >>Ascendant is 12Scorpio08:14. This difference will only be an >>issue when the Asc falls very close to the cusp of the subs, and >>in most cases will give the same data. The dasa sequence is as >>you stated for the event. >> >>The only Western produced program that appears to have an option >>to convert to Geocentric angles that I know is Solar Fire. I >>have mailed Parashara Light with suggestions to include this >>and parallax in any future upgrade. >> >> >>Ron Gaunt >> >> >> >> >>On Thu, 18 Nov 2004 09:37:03 -0500, you wrote: >> >>>Hi Everyone, >>> >>> >>> >>>I'm new to this group and new to KP, but not so new to Astrology. >>>Anyway, I have a few concerns about the "corrected" KP Ayanamsa posted >>>below in light of the new KP Table posted for the years 1900 to 2052. >>>(Thanks for that Table from tw853 - didn't catch your name - sorry :-)). >>> >>> >>> >>>Please enlighten me if my logic is fuzzy.According to my calculations >>>with respect to the new Table posted for the KP Ayanamsa (which I am >>>trying to get straight once and for all), the correct KP Ayanamsa for >>>KPBC2 for December 20th, 1950 is actually 23:04:58. This figure was >>>derived from re-setting the KP Ayanamsa in SJS (Shri Jyoti Star5) to >>>reflect the values posted in the email and Table that followed. If for >>>April 15th 1950 the ayanamsa is 23:04:22, and the ayanamsa for April >>>15th 1951 is 23:05:13, I do NOT see how the correct ayanamsa for >>>December 20th 1950 can be anything other than 23:04:58. This ayanamsa >>>give a lagna of 12 Scorpio 17, and a dasha sequence of Mo Me Ju Ke for >>>the date in question: November 2, 1979. >>> >>> >>> >>>If anyone uses SJS and is interested in how I derived at this corrected >>>(I believe?) KP ayanamsa based on the Table posted earlier - I went into >>>the SJS Global Options set for the KP Ayanamsa and did a Custom setting >>>to reflect the accuracy based on the new Table given in the previous >>>email. I left the setting on KP and then custom set the Epoch to January >>>1, 1900, custom set the Value at Epoch to 22:22:16 (to reflect the KP >>>ayanamsa for Jan 1, 1900), and then custom set the Annual Precession to >>>50:2388475.

>>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> All the Best, >>> >>> Sandy Crowther >>> >>> <> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>>-----Original Message---->>>From: rongaunt [mailto:rongaunt@...] >>>Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2004 8:32 AM >>>To: >>>Subject: Re: [k_p_system] KPBC2 >>> >>> >>> >>> >>>Sorry again. Typing error in last message. Ayanamsa should >>>have read 22:22:30 NOT 2:22:30 >>> >>>Ron Gaunt >>> >>> >>> >>>On Thu, 18 Nov 2004 23:25:08 +1000, you wrote: >>> >>>> >>>>Anant, >>>> >>>>Sorry, that was a bit misleading. I should have stated that >>>>ayanamsa 2:22:30 was for circa 1900. I think you will find the >>>>Asc is in fact correct. >>>> >>>>Ron Gaunt >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>>On Wed, 17 Nov 2004 22:45:49 -0800, you wrote: >>>> >>>>>The AYANAMSA specified in the BLC2. appears to be incorrect. As per >>>the NEW KPA tables, uploaded to-day, the AYAN on 15th April 1950 is >>>23-04-22. On 20th Dec 1950, i.e. appr 8 monthss later, the Ayan will be >>>23 37 27(app). The specified ayanmasa 0f 22 22 30 is less by 15

>>>minutes. This will affect Moon's position and also the Dasa on date of >>>Event. >>>>> >>>>>This restriction should not be put, and the members be advised to >>>follow the new kpa aynamsa. >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>>rongaunt <rongaunt@...> wrote: >>>>> >>>>>Chart details are: >>>>> >>>>>Male, >>>>>D.O.B. 20th Dec 1950 >>>>>Time 5:02am >>>>>I.S.T -5:30 >>>>>10N46, 076E42 >>>>> >>>>>Asc 12 Scorpio 20 (ayanamsa 22:22:30) >>>>> >>>>> >>>>>What happened on the 2 November 1979? Choose from one >>>>>of the following: >>>>> >>>>> >>>>>1. Got married. >>>>>2. Emigrated to the USA >>>>>3. Son Born. >>>>>4 Promotion in job. >>>>> >>>>> >>>>>It would be preferable if respondents could give reasons up front >>>>>to help others in their understanding. However, if time is at >>>>>a premium just the answer is acceptable initially. But please >>>>>be prepared to elaborate later if you answer correctly. >>>>> >>>>> >>>>>Please reply by 00:00am GMT Tuesday 23 Nov 04. After which the >>>>>answer will be provided. >>>>> >>>>> >>>>>Ron Gaunt >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>>Yahoo! Groups Links >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>>----------------------------------------->>>>>A.R.Raichur bombay >>>>>anant_1608@... >>>>>raichuranant@...

>>>>>USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY >>>>>tel: 022-2506 2609 >>>>>----------------------------------------->>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>>-------------------------------->>>>>Do you Yahoo!? >>>>> Meet the all-new My Yahoo! - Try it today! >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>>Yahoo! Groups Links >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>>Yahoo! Groups Sponsor >>> >>> >>> >>>ADVERTISEMENT >>> >>>< >>>D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1100871094/A=2434971/R=0/SIG=11eeoolb0/*htt >>>p:/> click here >>> >>> >>> >>>< >>>s/S=:HM/A=2434971/rand=781464111> >>> >>> >>> >>> _____ >>> >>>Yahoo! Groups Links >>> >>>* To visit your group on the web, go to: >>> >>> >>> >>>* To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: >>> >>><> >>>

>>> >>>* Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of >>>Service <> . >> >> >> >>Yahoo! Groups Sponsor >> >>ADVERTISEMENT >> >>< >r >>oups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1100902958/A=2434970/R=0/SIG=11edksnhv/*http://www >. >>> click here >> >>< >= >>:HM/A=2434970/rand=399208780> >> >> _____ >> >>Yahoo! Groups Links >> >> >>* To visit your group on the web, go to: >> >> >> >>* To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: >> >><> >> >> >>* Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service >><> . >> > > > >Yahoo! Groups Sponsor > >ADVERTISEMENT > >< >oups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1100951673/A=2434971/R=0/SIG=11eeoolb0/*http://www. >> click here > >< >:HM/A=2434971/rand=518185275> > > _____ > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > >* To visit your group on the web, go to: > > >

>* To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > ><> > > >* Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service ><> . > Attachment: (application/octet-stream) KPA.doc [not stored]

1559 From: "Vaidun Vidyadhar" <vvidya@...> Date: Fri Nov 19, 2004 5:31pm Subject: RE: KPBC2 vidyaau Send IM Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Thank you Ron Vaidun Vidyadhar 1 / 94 Marius Street Tamworth, NSW 2340 Australia Tel: 61-2-67 668428 (home) Mobile: 0414 870 083 Email:

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------From: rongaunt [] Sent: Saturday, 20 November 2004 9:57 AM To: Subject: Re: [k_p_system] KPBC2

Vaidun, Enclosed is the file as an attachment. Ron Gaunt On Sat, 20 Nov 2004 08:03:06 +1100, you wrote: >Ron, > >Thanks for the info. I am not able to access and download the file KPA.doc. >I get a message "This page cannot be displayed". If you have this document >with you, can I trouble you to send it to me please. I'll take it from >there. > >Thanks again for your time.

> >With best regards. > >Vaidun Vidyadhar >1 / 94 Marius Street >Tamworth, NSW 2340 >Australia >Tel: 61-2-67 668428 (home) >Mobile: 0414 870 083 >Email: <> > > > > > > _____ > >From: rongaunt [] >Sent: Friday, 19 November 2004 10:54 PM >To: >Subject: Re: [k_p_system] KPBC2 > > > >Vaidun, > >First go to and click on k_p_system. >Go to the 'Files' Section and download the file KPA.doc dated >17th Nov 2004. This gives over 150 years of the Krishnamurthi >ayanamsas since 1900. > >In GJ toward the top left click 'Prefs'. On the drop down menu >second from bottom click on 'Ayanamsa Prefs'. Under the >slot for 'Krishnamurthi' mark 'use List also'. A window will >open to the right and you can place the various years ayanamsas >as required. > >Note toward the top tick 'Use manual below' as this switches the >operation to your entries. Also note each years ayanamsa >should start on the 15th April ie the first will be 15/4/1900 if >you have GJ set up for European timing. > >The alignment date should be 23/3/0291 and the preces rate >50.2388475 > >I have actually programmed back from the alignment date at >500 year intervals using the figures obtained from Solar Fire as >I think they will be more accurate than the long interval between >0291 and 1900. If you want these I can provide them. > >I have entered mine in 2year steps ie 1900, 1902,1904 etc so that >I should be very close to being exact, but I suspect that 5 year >intervals would also be pretty close. > >All the best > > >Ron Gaunt > >

> >On Fri, 19 Nov 2004 17:48:11 +1100, you wrote: > >>Ron, >> >>How do you program GJ with this table? I know GJ has the facility to set >>your own figures etc for the chosen ayanamsa. What are the exact steps >>involved? What are the figures I need to enter and where? >> >>Thanks for your help. >> >>Best regards. >> >>Vaidun Vidyadhar >>1 / 94 Marius Street >>Tamworth, NSW 2340 >>Australia >>Tel: 61-2-67 668428 (home) >>Mobile: 0414 870 083 >>Email: <> >> >> >> >> >> >> _____ >> >>From: rongaunt [] >>Sent: Friday, 19 November 2004 9:23 AM >>To: >>Subject: Re: [k_p_system] KPBC2 >> >> >> >>Sandy, >> >>Great to see you on this List. Don't worry about being new to >>KP, so am I and possibly many others. It should be a great >>place to learn. >> >>Regarding you settings they seem almost spot on. I have >>programmed GJ with the table and it comes up with 23:04:56 >>within 2" of your calculation. >> >>We have recently had discussions on this List regarding >>calculating the Asc and I have realized that most Western >>authored software programs use GEOGRAPHICAL angles and >>GEOCENTRIC planetary positions. Mr Raichur's program which >>appears to be used by many of our Indian colleagues, converts the >>geographical angles to geocentric. This means that there is a >>slight difference between the Ascendants and house cusps. >>In KPBC2 our Western astrology programs shows - as you state - an >>Asc of around 12 Scorpio 17, but using Geocentric angles the >>Ascendant is 12Scorpio08:14. This difference will only be an >>issue when the Asc falls very close to the cusp of the subs, and >>in most cases will give the same data. The dasa sequence is as >>you stated for the event. >> >>The only Western produced program that appears to have an option >>to convert to Geocentric angles that I know is Solar Fire. I

>>have mailed Parashara Light with suggestions to include this >>and parallax in any future upgrade. >> >> >>Ron Gaunt >> >> >> >> >>On Thu, 18 Nov 2004 09:37:03 -0500, you wrote: >> >>>Hi Everyone, >>> >>> >>> >>>I'm new to this group and new to KP, but not so new to Astrology. >>>Anyway, I have a few concerns about the "corrected" KP Ayanamsa posted >>>below in light of the new KP Table posted for the years 1900 to 2052. >>>(Thanks for that Table from tw853 - didn't catch your name - sorry :-)). >>> >>> >>> >>>Please enlighten me if my logic is fuzzy.According to my calculations >>>with respect to the new Table posted for the KP Ayanamsa (which I am >>>trying to get straight once and for all), the correct KP Ayanamsa for >>>KPBC2 for December 20th, 1950 is actually 23:04:58. This figure was >>>derived from re-setting the KP Ayanamsa in SJS (Shri Jyoti Star5) to >>>reflect the values posted in the email and Table that followed. If for >>>April 15th 1950 the ayanamsa is 23:04:22, and the ayanamsa for April >>>15th 1951 is 23:05:13, I do NOT see how the correct ayanamsa for >>>December 20th 1950 can be anything other than 23:04:58. This ayanamsa >>>give a lagna of 12 Scorpio 17, and a dasha sequence of Mo Me Ju Ke for >>>the date in question: November 2, 1979. >>> >>> >>> >>>If anyone uses SJS and is interested in how I derived at this corrected >>>(I believe?) KP ayanamsa based on the Table posted earlier - I went into >>>the SJS Global Options set for the KP Ayanamsa and did a Custom setting >>>to reflect the accuracy based on the new Table given in the previous >>>email. I left the setting on KP and then custom set the Epoch to January >>>1, 1900, custom set the Value at Epoch to 22:22:16 (to reflect the KP >>>ayanamsa for Jan 1, 1900), and then custom set the Annual Precession to >>>50:2388475. >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> All the Best, >>> >>> Sandy Crowther >>> >>> <> >>> >>> >>> >>>

>>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>>-----Original Message---->>>From: rongaunt [] >>>Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2004 8:32 AM >>>To: >>>Subject: Re: [k_p_system] KPBC2 >>> >>> >>> >>> >>>Sorry again. Typing error in last message. Ayanamsa should >>>have read 22:22:30 NOT 2:22:30 >>> >>>Ron Gaunt >>> >>> >>> >>>On Thu, 18 Nov 2004 23:25:08 +1000, you wrote: >>> >>>> >>>>Anant, >>>> >>>>Sorry, that was a bit misleading. I should have stated that >>>>ayanamsa 2:22:30 was for circa 1900. I think you will find the >>>>Asc is in fact correct. >>>> >>>>Ron Gaunt >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>>On Wed, 17 Nov 2004 22:45:49 -0800, you wrote: >>>> >>>>>The AYANAMSA specified in the BLC2. appears to be incorrect. As per >>>the NEW KPA tables, uploaded to-day, the AYAN on 15th April 1950 is >>>23-04-22. On 20th Dec 1950, i.e. appr 8 monthss later, the Ayan will be >>>23 37 27(app). The specified ayanmasa 0f 22 22 30 is less by 15 >>>minutes. This will affect Moon's position and also the Dasa on date of >>>Event. >>>>> >>>>>This restriction should not be put, and the members be advised to >>>follow the new kpa aynamsa. >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>>rongaunt <> wrote: >>>>> >>>>>Chart details are: >>>>> >>>>>Male, >>>>>D.O.B. 20th Dec 1950 >>>>>Time 5:02am >>>>>I.S.T -5:30

>>>>>10N46, 076E42 >>>>> >>>>>Asc 12 Scorpio 20 (ayanamsa 22:22:30) >>>>> >>>>> >>>>>What happened on the 2 November 1979? Choose from one >>>>>of the following: >>>>> >>>>> >>>>>1. Got married. >>>>>2. Emigrated to the USA >>>>>3. Son Born. >>>>>4 Promotion in job. >>>>> >>>>> >>>>>It would be preferable if respondents could give reasons up front >>>>>to help others in their understanding. However, if time is at >>>>>a premium just the answer is acceptable initially. But please >>>>>be prepared to elaborate later if you answer correctly. >>>>> >>>>> >>>>>Please reply by 00:00am GMT Tuesday 23 Nov 04. After which the >>>>>answer will be provided. >>>>> >>>>> >>>>>Ron Gaunt >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>>Yahoo! Groups Links >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>>----------------------------------------->>>>>A.R.Raichur bombay >>>>> >>>>> >>>>>USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY >>>>>tel: 022-2506 2609 >>>>>----------------------------------------->>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>>-------------------------------->>>>>Do you Yahoo!? >>>>> Meet the all-new My Yahoo! - Try it today! >>>> >>>>

>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>>Yahoo! Groups Links >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>>Yahoo! Groups Sponsor >>> >>> >>> >>>ADVERTISEMENT >>> >>>< >>>D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1100871094/A=2434971/R=0/SIG=11eeoolb0/*htt >>>p:/> click here >>> >>> >>> >>>< >>>s/S=:HM/A=2434971/rand=781464111> >>> >>> >>> >>> _____ >>> >>>Yahoo! Groups Links >>> >>>* To visit your group on the web, go to: >>> >>> >>> >>>* To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: >>> >>><> >>> >>> >>>* Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of >>>Service <> . >> >> >> >>Yahoo! Groups Sponsor >> >>ADVERTISEMENT >> >>< >r >>oups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1100902958/A=2434970/R=0/SIG=11edksnhv/*http://www >. >>> click here >>

>>< >= >>:HM/A=2434970/rand=399208780> >> >> _____ >> >>Yahoo! Groups Links >> >> >>* To visit your group on the web, go to: >> >> >> >>* To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: >> >><> >> >> >>* Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service >><> . >> > > > >Yahoo! Groups Sponsor > >ADVERTISEMENT > >< >oups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1100951673/A=2434971/R=0/SIG=11eeoolb0/*http://www. >> click here > >< >:HM/A=2434971/rand=518185275> > > _____ > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > >* To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > >* To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > ><> > > >* Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service ><> . >

1560 From: "tw853" <tw853@...>

Date: Fri Nov 19, 2004 7:24pm Subject: Re: KPBC2 tw853 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Vaidun Vidyadhar, The table has been sent to you. Best regards, tw --- In, "Vaidun Vidyadhar" <vvidya@o...> wrote: > Ron, > > How do you program GJ with this table? I know GJ has the facility to set > your own figures etc for the chosen ayanamsa. What are the exact steps > involved? What are the figures I need to enter and where? > > Thanks for your help. > > Best regards. > > Vaidun Vidyadhar > 1 / 94 Marius Street > Tamworth, NSW 2340 > Australia > Tel: 61-2-67 668428 (home) > Mobile: 0414 870 083 > Email: <mailto:vvidya@o...> vvidya@o... > > > > > > _____ > > From: rongaunt [mailto:rongaunt@b...] > Sent: Friday, 19 November 2004 9:23 AM > To: > Subject: Re: [k_p_system] KPBC2 > > > > Sandy, > > Great to see you on this List. Don't worry about being new to > KP, so am I and possibly many others. It should be a great > place to learn. > > Regarding you settings they seem almost spot on. I have > programmed GJ with the table and it comes up with 23:04:56 > within 2" of your calculation. >

> We have recently had discussions on this List regarding > calculating the Asc and I have realized that most Western > authored software programs use GEOGRAPHICAL angles and > GEOCENTRIC planetary positions. Mr Raichur's program which > appears to be used by many of our Indian colleagues, converts the > geographical angles to geocentric. This means that there is a > slight difference between the Ascendants and house cusps. > In KPBC2 our Western astrology programs shows - as you state - an > Asc of around 12 Scorpio 17, but using Geocentric angles the > Ascendant is 12Scorpio08:14. This difference will only be an > issue when the Asc falls very close to the cusp of the subs, and > in most cases will give the same data. The dasa sequence is as > you stated for the event. > > The only Western produced program that appears to have an option > to convert to Geocentric angles that I know is Solar Fire. I > have mailed Parashara Light with suggestions to include this > and parallax in any future upgrade. > > > Ron Gaunt > > > > > On Thu, 18 Nov 2004 09:37:03 -0500, you wrote: > > >Hi Everyone, > > > > > > > >I'm new to this group and new to KP, but not so new to Astrology. > >Anyway, I have a few concerns about the "corrected" KP Ayanamsa posted > >below in light of the new KP Table posted for the years 1900 to 2052. > >(Thanks for that Table from tw853 - didn't catch your name sorry :-)). > > > > > > > >Please enlighten me if my logic is fuzzy.According to my calculations > >with respect to the new Table posted for the KP Ayanamsa (which I am > >trying to get straight once and for all), the correct KP Ayanamsa for > >KPBC2 for December 20th, 1950 is actually 23:04:58. This figure was > >derived from re-setting the KP Ayanamsa in SJS (Shri Jyoti Star5) to > >reflect the values posted in the email and Table that followed. If for > >April 15th 1950 the ayanamsa is 23:04:22, and the ayanamsa for April > >15th 1951 is 23:05:13, I do NOT see how the correct ayanamsa for > >December 20th 1950 can be anything other than 23:04:58. This ayanamsa > >give a lagna of 12 Scorpio 17, and a dasha sequence of Mo Me Ju Ke for > >the date in question: November 2, 1979.

> > > > > > > >If anyone uses SJS and is interested in how I derived at this corrected > >(I believe?) KP ayanamsa based on the Table posted earlier - I went into > >the SJS Global Options set for the KP Ayanamsa and did a Custom setting > >to reflect the accuracy based on the new Table given in the previous > >email. I left the setting on KP and then custom set the Epoch to January > >1, 1900, custom set the Value at Epoch to 22:22:16 (to reflect the KP > >ayanamsa for Jan 1, 1900), and then custom set the Annual Precession to > >50:2388475. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > All the Best, > > > > Sandy Crowther > > > > <> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >-----Original Message----> >From: rongaunt [mailto:rongaunt@b...] > >Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2004 8:32 AM > >To: > >Subject: Re: [k_p_system] KPBC2 > > > > > > > > > >Sorry again. Typing error in last message. Ayanamsa should > >have read 22:22:30 NOT 2:22:30 > > > >Ron Gaunt > > > > > > > >On Thu, 18 Nov 2004 23:25:08 +1000, you wrote:

> > > >> > >>Anant, > >> > >>Sorry, that was a bit misleading. I should have stated that > >>ayanamsa 2:22:30 was for circa 1900. I think you will find the > >>Asc is in fact correct. > >> > >>Ron Gaunt > >> > >> > >> > >>On Wed, 17 Nov 2004 22:45:49 -0800, you wrote: > >> > >>>The AYANAMSA specified in the BLC2. appears to be incorrect. As per > >the NEW KPA tables, uploaded to-day, the AYAN on 15th April 1950 is > >23-04-22. On 20th Dec 1950, i.e. appr 8 monthss later, the Ayan will be > >23 37 27(app). The specified ayanmasa 0f 22 22 30 is less by 15 > >minutes. This will affect Moon's position and also the Dasa on date of > >Event. > >>> > >>>This restriction should not be put, and the members be advised to > >follow the new kpa aynamsa. > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>>rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > >>> > >>>Chart details are: > >>> > >>>Male, > >>>D.O.B. 20th Dec 1950 > >>>Time 5:02am > >>>I.S.T -5:30 > >>>10N46, 076E42 > >>> > >>>Asc 12 Scorpio 20 (ayanamsa 22:22:30) > >>> > >>> > >>>What happened on the 2 November 1979? Choose from one > >>>of the following: > >>> > >>> > >>>1. Got married. > >>>2. Emigrated to the USA > >>>3. Son Born. > >>>4 Promotion in job. > >>> > >>> > >>>It would be preferable if respondents could give reasons up front > >>>to help others in their understanding. However, if time is at > >>>a premium just the answer is acceptable initially. But please > >>>be prepared to elaborate later if you answer correctly. > >>> > >>> > >>>Please reply by 00:00am GMT Tuesday 23 Nov 04. After which the > >>>answer will be provided.

> >>> > >>> > >>>Ron Gaunt > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>>Yahoo! Groups Links > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>>-----------------------------------------> >>>A.R.Raichur bombay > >>>anant_1608@y... > >>>raichuranant@y... > >>>USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY > >>>tel: 022-2506 2609 > >>>-----------------------------------------> >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>>--------------------------------> >>>Do you Yahoo!? > >>> Meet the all-new My Yahoo! - Try it today! > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >>Yahoo! Groups Links > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > > > > > > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Sponsor > > > > > > > >ADVERTISEMENT > > > ><

76/ > >D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1100871094/A=2434971/R=0/SIG=11eeoolb0/* htt > >p:/> click here > > > > > > > >< M=298184.5584357.6650215.3001176/D=group > >s/S=:HM/A=2434971/rand=781464111> > > > > > > > > _____ > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > >* To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > > > > > >* To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > >< subject=Unsubscribe> > > > > > >* Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of > >Service <> . > > > > Yahoo! Groups Sponsor > > ADVERTISEMENT > > < 6/D=gr > oups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1100902958/A=2434970/R=0/SIG=11edksnhv/*http: //www. >> click here > > < M=298184.5584357.6650215.3001176/D=groups/S= > :HM/A=2434970/rand=399208780> > > _____ > > Yahoo! Groups Links > > > * To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > > * To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:

> > <> > > > * Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service > <> .

1561 From: "tw853" <tw853@...> Date: Fri Nov 19, 2004 7:35pm Subject: Re: KPBC2 tw853 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Vaidun Vidyadhar, Pl provide KPBC1 chart data with Geocentric angles to be able for participants to use it in this particular case. Thank you. Best regards, tw --- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > > tw, > > For all practical purposes most KP astrologers seem to only work > to the sub lord level. At the micro sub sub lord level it is > inevitable that there is going to be differences between > different programs; and I suspect that this is why this area is > as yet relatively unexplored - because of the possibility of > computational error. Also note that you are using > GEOGRAPHICAL angles and houses, whereas many Indian > astrologers on this list appear to be using GEOCENTRIC angles. > This again can introduce differences, particularly at the sub sub > level. > > The remaining point of difference is the sub of the 9th house > where one calculation shows sub as Moon and the other as Sun, > because here is close to the cusp of the sub. > > Really nothing has changed from my original data. I simply > stated as a result of your request to know the name of the town, > that I noted that Palghat had the same coordinates as given in > the data. From there we have deviated, because some atlases > give slightly different coordinates for Palghat. However > others do in fact give exactly the same coordinates. > > I don't think we should get hung up on the fact that the 9th cusp > sub lord is different because some atlases may give the wrong > coordinates. The crux of the matter is that the information > was provided by a well respected local astrologer. He only > specified the coordinates not the name of the town. I suggest > we stick with his data of 10N46, 76E42

> > > Vaidun Vidyadhar > > > On Fri, 19 Nov 2004 15:06:44 +0000, you wrote: > > > > > > >Dear Ron Gaunt, > > > >Quation was raised after do doing so as given below. > > > >Best Regards, > > > >tw > > > > > > > >KPA 23*4'56'' > > > >Comparison for 10N46, 76E42 & 10N47, 76E39 > > > >Cp D-M-S D-M-S > >I 222-17-57 222-14-50 > >II 251-05-26 251-02-23 > >III 281-00-48 280-57-43 > >IV 312-49-16 312-46-05 > >V 345-04-05 345-00-53 > >VI 15-08-09 15-05-02 > >VII 42-17-57 42-14-50 > >VIII 71-05-26 71-02-23 > >IX 101-00-48 100-57-43 > >X 132-49-16 132-46-05 > >XI 165-04-05 165-00-53 > >XII 195-08-09 195-05-02 > > > >Note: (1) Sid Time 10-30-46 > > (2) Roughly 3min difference in cusp positions > > > > Comparison for 10N46, 76E42 & 10N47, 76E39 > > > >Cp Sgl-Stl-Sbl-Ssl Sgl-Stl-Sbl-Ssl > >I Ma-Sa-Ma-Ju Ma-Sa-Ma-Ra > >II Ju-Ke-Sa-Ra Ju-Ke-Sa-Ra > >III Sa-Mo-Mo-Ve Sa-Mo-Mo-Ve > >IV Sa-Ra-Me-Me Sa-Ra-Me-Me > >V Ju-Sa-Ju-Ju Ju-Sa-Ju-Ju > >VI Ma-Ve-Ve-Me Ma-Ve-Ve-Sa > >VII Ve-Mo-Ra-Ju Ve-Mo-Ra-Ju > >VIII Me-Ra-Sa-Ke Me-Ra-Sa-Me > >IX Mo-Sa-Mo-Mo Mo-Sa-Su-Ve > >X Su-Ke-Me-Ju Su-Ke-Me-Ra > >XI Me-Mo-Ju-Su Me-Mo-Ju-Ve > >XII Ve-Ra-Ke-Me Ve-Ra-Ke-Sa > > > >Note: (1) Sid Time 10-30-34 > > (2) Differences in "Sub-sub" lords of Cusps 1, 6, 8, 9,10, 11 > > &12 and also in "Sub lord" of cusp 9 as mentioned in Msg#

> > 1542 &1545. > > > > > > > >--- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > >> > >> tw, > >> > >> The easiest way to check this is simply put up the chart with the > >> different co-ordinates. > >> > >> When you do this you will see that at: > >> > >> 10N46, 76E42 the Asc is > >> 12 Sco 19, and MC is 12 Leo 49. > >> > >> 10N47, 76E39 the Asc is > >> 12Sco 16 and MC is 12 Leo 46. > >> > >> The difference is only 3 minutes not degrees. > >> > >> > >> Ron Gaunt > >> > >> > >> On Fri, 19 Nov 2004 04:55:23 +0000, you wrote: > >> > >> > > >> > > >> >Dear Ron, > >> > > >> >"Difference of around 12sec in Sid. Time, consequently around 3deg > >> >difference in Asc, possible differences in "sub-sub" lords of > >cusps > >> >1, 4,6, 8, 9,10, 11 &12 and also in "Sub lord" of cusp 9" should > >not > >> >make difference in analysis of this particular KPBC1 chart? > >> > > >> >Best regards, > >> > > >> >tw > >> > > >> > > >> >--- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > >> >> > >> >> tw, > >> >> > >> >> I make it that there is only about 48" in sidereal time and about > >> >> 13' in longitude and 40' in latitude difference between both > >> >> angles. This should not make too much difference unless near > >> >> the cusps. > >> >> > >> >> My two Atlases 'The University Atlas' and the 'Myer Atlas' both > >> >> show 10N46 and 76E42. As these were also the co-

ordinates > >> >> given by a respected local astrologer for this particular case, I > >> >> suggest we go with these. > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> Ron Gaunt > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> On Fri, 19 Nov 2004 02:29:25 +0000, you wrote: > >> >> > >> >> > > >> >> > > >> >> >Dear Ron, > >> >> > > >> >> >1. "Place of birth" is usually given in AstroDatabank > >> >> >horoscopes, Astrodienst charts, Khaldea charts, etc to be able > >to > >> >> >check latitude and longitude. > >> >> > > >> >> >2. For example, birth place of KPBC2 , Palghat, "10N46, > >76E42" > >> >> >given and Astro-Kundli is also showing the same figures. > >However, > >> >as > >> >> >given in Msg#1535, "10N47, 76E39" according to Astrodienst > >atlas > >> >> >commonly used by astrologers and referred by astrological > >> >websites. > >> >> >RAND McNALLY, Atlas of the World, Masterpiece Edition, also > >shows > >> >the > >> >> >same figures. > >> >> > > >> >> >3. There can be a difference of around 12sec in Sid. > >Time, > >> >> >consequently around 3deg difference in Asc, possible > >differences > >> >> >in "sub-sub" lords of cusps 1, 4,6, 8, 9,10, 11 &12. "Sub > >lord" > >> >of > >> >> >cusp 9 also can be different. > >> >> > > >> >> >4. Which one to take, given figures or Astrodienst > >ones ? Of > >> >> >course, results may not be the same. Also how about only six > >days > >> >> >timeline to give answer from the view point of wider > >participation > >> >> >and quality drive of brain work? > >> >> > > >> >> >Best regards, > >> >> > > >> >> >tw > >> >> > > >> >> > > >> >> > > >> >> >--- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> > >wrote:

> >> >> >> > >> >> >> tw, > >> >> >> > >> >> >> The only information I was given was the co-ordinates. > >However, > >> >> >> I have checked with an atlas and it appears that the native > >was > >> >> >> born at Palghat. > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> Ron Gaunt > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> On Thu, 18 Nov 2004 13:54:04 +0000, you wrote: > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >Dear All, > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >KPA for 20 December 1950 > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >1. KPA from KP & ASTROLOGY 2003 > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >a. 15 Apr 1951 23-05-13 > >> >> >> >b. 15 Apr 1950 23-04-22 > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >c. Increase by Table 00-51sec > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >d. Increase by formula = 50.2388475 +0.000111 (1950 > >> >1900) > >> >> >> > = 50.2388475 + > >0.00555 > >> >> >> > = 50.2444sec > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >e. Number Day of Year for Apr 15 = 105, for Dec 20 =354 > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >f. Difference in NDOY =354-105 =249 days > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >g. Fine tuning for 249 days = 50.2444 (249/365) = 34.28 > >> >sec > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >(Note: for easier calculation , by taking 00-51sec of "c" > >> >34.79sec) > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >h. KPA for 20 Dec 1950 = 23-04-22 + 34.28sec > >> >> >> > = 23-04-56 > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >2. KPA from Table in KP Reader I (Just for comparison or > >> >> >academic > >> >> >> >purpose) > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >a. 1950 23-04 > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >b. Fine tuning for Dec 25, 50.2444 (354/365)= 48.73 sec

> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> > (same as in above "1.g", the difference is here for > >354 > >> >> >days) > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >c. 20 Dec 1950 = 23-04 + 49 sec = 23-04-49 > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >3. KPA from KP & ASTROLOGY 2003 for 1st January 1950 > >> >> >> >(Just for academic purpose) > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >a. Fine tuning 50.2444 (105/365) = 14.45c > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >b. KPA for 1st Jan 1950 = 23-04-22 minus 14.45sec = 23> >> >04-07.55 > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >4. For KPBC2 , according to Jjagnnatha Hora Light (JHL), > >> >by > >> >> >> >entering KPA 23-04-56 REPEAT 23-04-56 (its own KPA is 2304> >> >> >43.57), > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >a. Asc 222-18-06.40 > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >b. Moon 16-02-10.20 > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >c. Sun 244-26-02.57 > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >d. Venus Tula dasa balance at birth 16y-11m-10d > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >5. Highly appreciated for providing birth place of KPBC2 > >> >to be > >> >> >> >able to check with Astrdienst > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >No Palghat 10N47, 76E39, No Chittur 10N42, 76E45, ???? > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >Best regards, > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >tw > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >--- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> > >> >wrote: > >> >> >> >> Anant, > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> Sorry, that was a bit misleading. I should have stated > >that > >> >> >> >> ayanamsa 2:22:30 was for circa 1900. I think you will > >find > >> >the

> >> >> >> >> Asc is in fact correct. > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> Ron Gaunt > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> On Wed, 17 Nov 2004 22:45:49 -0800, you wrote: > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >The AYANAMSA specified in the BLC2. appears to be > >incorrect. > >> >As > >> >> >> >per the NEW KPA tables, uploaded to-day, the AYAN on 15th > >April > >> >> >1950 > >> >> >> >is 23-04-22. On 20th Dec 1950, i.e. appr 8 monthss later, > >the > >> >Ayan > >> >> >> >will be 23 37 27(app). The specified ayanmasa 0f 22 22 30 > >is > >> >> >less > >> >> >> >by 15 minutes. This will affect Moon's position and also > >the > >> >Dasa > >> >> >on > >> >> >> >date of Event. > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >This restriction should not be put, and the members be > >> >advised > >> >> >to > >> >> >> >follow the new kpa aynamsa. > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >Chart details are: > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >Male, > >> >> >> >> >D.O.B. 20th Dec 1950 > >> >> >> >> >Time 5:02am > >> >> >> >> >I.S.T -5:30 > >> >> >> >> >10N46, 076E42 > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >Asc 12 Scorpio 20 (ayanamsa 22:22:30) > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >What happened on the 2 November 1979? Choose from one > >> >> >> >> >of the following: > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >1. Got married. > >> >> >> >> >2. Emigrated to the USA > >> >> >> >> >3. Son Born. > >> >> >> >> >4 Promotion in job. > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >It would be preferable if respondents could give reasons > >up

> >> >> >front > >> >> >> >> >to help others in their understanding. However, if time > >is at > >> >> >> >> >a premium just the answer is acceptable initially. But > >please > >> >> >> >> >be prepared to elaborate later if you answer correctly. > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >Please reply by 00:00am GMT Tuesday 23 Nov 04. After > >which > >> >the > >> >> >> >> >answer will be provided. > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >Ron Gaunt > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >Yahoo! Groups Links > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >-----------------------------------------> >> >> >> >> >A.R.Raichur bombay > >> >> >> >> >anant_1608@y... > >> >> >> >> >raichuranant@y... > >> >> >> >> >USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY > >> >> >> >> >tel: 022-2506 2609 > >> >> >> >> >-----------------------------------------> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >--------------------------------> >> >> >> >> >Do you Yahoo!? Try it today! > >> >> >> >> > Meet the all-new My Yahoo! > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >Yahoo! Groups Links > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

>> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> >Yahoo! Groups Links >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> >Yahoo! Groups Links >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > > > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > >

1562 From: "Kanakkumar Bosmia" <kanbosastro@...> Date: Fri Nov 19, 2004 7:51pm Subject: Re: KPBC2 kanbosastro Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Friends, Accoding to me, possibility of option 1. Got married. is more than other option s. kanak bosmia

>From: Sourav Guchhait <> >Reply-To: >To: >Subject: Re: [k_p_system] KPBC2 >Date: Fri, 19 Nov 2004 12:55:22 -0800 (PST) > >Respected Group members, >Accoding to me, possibility of option 4.(Promotion in job) is more than other options. > - Sourav. > >rongaunt <> wrote: > >Chart details are: > >Male, >D.O.B. 20th Dec 1950 >Time 5:02am >I.S.T -5:30 >10N46, 076E42 > >Asc 12 Scorpio 20 (ayanamsa 22:22:30) > >What happened on the 2 November 1979? Choose from one of the following: > >1. Got married. >2. Emigrated to the USA >3. Son Born. >4. Promotion in job. > > >It would be preferable if respondents could give reasons up front >to help others in their understanding. However, if time is at >a premium just the answer is acceptable initially. But please >be prepared to elaborate later if you answer correctly. > >Please reply by 00:00am GMT Tuesday 23 Nov 04. After which the >answer will be provided. > >Ron Gaunt > > > >-------------------------------->Do you Yahoo!? > Discover all that s new in My Yahoo! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------VeriProfile. A matrimonial profile verification service. Only at BharatMatrimony .com

1563 From: rongaunt <rongaunt@...> Date: Fri Nov 19, 2004 7:59pm Subject: Re: Re: KPBC2 rongaunt1

Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 tw, I think you may have meant this for me. Vaidun has yet to program his GJ software - and it does not give Geocentric angles anyhow. My only access to Geocentric angles is through Solar Fire and this is not suitable for transmission except to other S.F. Users - and anyhow would show slightly different to Mr Raichurs program because of the differences in precession between the programs. I do have a demo version of Mr Raichur's program but trying it on KPBC2 I come up with such a large difference between it and my other programs that I think I must have a corrupted version. Hence I cannot supply a chart with Geocentric angles. Would one of our Indian friends like to post a chart using Mr Raichurs software? Ron Gaunt

On Sat, 20 Nov 2004 01:35:18 +0000, you wrote: > > >Dear Vaidun Vidyadhar, > >Pl provide KPBC1 chart data with Geocentric angles to be able for >participants to use it in this particular case. > >Thank you. > >Best regards, > >tw > >--- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: >> >> tw, >> >> For all practical purposes most KP astrologers seem to only work >> to the sub lord level. At the micro sub sub lord level it is >> inevitable that there is going to be differences between >> different programs; and I suspect that this is why this area is >> as yet relatively unexplored - because of the possibility of >> computational error. Also note that you are using >> GEOGRAPHICAL angles and houses, whereas many Indian >> astrologers on this list appear to be using GEOCENTRIC angles. >> This again can introduce differences, particularly at the sub sub >> level. >>

>> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>

The remaining point of difference is the sub of the 9th house where one calculation shows sub as Moon and the other as Sun, because here is close to the cusp of the sub. Really nothing has changed from my original data. I simply stated as a result of your request to know the name of the town, that I noted that Palghat had the same coordinates as given in the data. From there we have deviated, because some atlases give slightly different coordinates for Palghat. However others do in fact give exactly the same coordinates. I don't think we should get hung up on the fact that the 9th cusp sub lord is different because some atlases may give the wrong coordinates. The crux of the matter is that the information was provided by a well respected local astrologer. He only specified the coordinates not the name of the town. I suggest we stick with his data of 10N46, 76E42 Vaidun Vidyadhar > On Fri, 19 Nov 2004 15:06:44 +0000, you wrote: > > >Dear Ron Gaunt, > >Quation was raised after do doing so as given below. > >Best Regards, > >tw > > > >KPA 23*4'56'' > >Comparison for 10N46, 76E42 & 10N47, 76E39 > >Cp D-M-S D-M-S >I 222-17-57 222-14-50 >II 251-05-26 251-02-23 >III 281-00-48 280-57-43 >IV 312-49-16 312-46-05 >V 345-04-05 345-00-53 >VI 15-08-09 15-05-02 >VII 42-17-57 42-14-50 >VIII 71-05-26 71-02-23 >IX 101-00-48 100-57-43 >X 132-49-16 132-46-05 >XI 165-04-05 165-00-53 >XII 195-08-09 195-05-02 > >Note: (1) Sid Time 10-30-46 > (2) Roughly 3min difference in cusp positions > > Comparison for 10N46, 76E42 & 10N47, 76E39 > >Cp Sgl-Stl-Sbl-Ssl Sgl-Stl-Sbl-Ssl >I Ma-Sa-Ma-Ju Ma-Sa-Ma-Ra

>> >II Ju-Ke-Sa-Ra Ju-Ke-Sa-Ra >> >III Sa-Mo-Mo-Ve Sa-Mo-Mo-Ve >> >IV Sa-Ra-Me-Me Sa-Ra-Me-Me >> >V Ju-Sa-Ju-Ju Ju-Sa-Ju-Ju >> >VI Ma-Ve-Ve-Me Ma-Ve-Ve-Sa >> >VII Ve-Mo-Ra-Ju Ve-Mo-Ra-Ju >> >VIII Me-Ra-Sa-Ke Me-Ra-Sa-Me >> >IX Mo-Sa-Mo-Mo Mo-Sa-Su-Ve >> >X Su-Ke-Me-Ju Su-Ke-Me-Ra >> >XI Me-Mo-Ju-Su Me-Mo-Ju-Ve >> >XII Ve-Ra-Ke-Me Ve-Ra-Ke-Sa >> > >> >Note: (1) Sid Time 10-30-34 >> > (2) Differences in "Sub-sub" lords of Cusps 1, 6, 8, 9,10, >11 >> > &12 and also in "Sub lord" of cusp 9 as mentioned in >Msg# >> > 1542 &1545. >> > >> > >> > >> >--- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: >> >> >> >> tw, >> >> >> >> The easiest way to check this is simply put up the chart with the >> >> different co-ordinates. >> >> >> >> When you do this you will see that at: >> >> >> >> 10N46, 76E42 the Asc is >> >> 12 Sco 19, and MC is 12 Leo 49. >> >> >> >> 10N47, 76E39 the Asc is >> >> 12Sco 16 and MC is 12 Leo 46. >> >> >> >> The difference is only 3 minutes not degrees. >> >> >> >> >> >> Ron Gaunt >> >> >> >> >> >> On Fri, 19 Nov 2004 04:55:23 +0000, you wrote: >> >> >> >> > >> >> > >> >> >Dear Ron, >> >> > >> >> >"Difference of around 12sec in Sid. Time, consequently around >3deg >> >> >difference in Asc, possible differences in "sub-sub" lords of >> >cusps >> >> >1, 4,6, 8, 9,10, 11 &12 and also in "Sub lord" of cusp 9" >should >> >not >> >> >make difference in analysis of this particular KPBC1 chart? >> >> > >> >> >Best regards, >> >> > >> >> >tw

>> >> > >> >> > >> >> >--- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> >wrote: >> >> >> >> >> >> tw, >> >> >> >> >> >> I make it that there is only about 48" in sidereal time and >about >> >> >> 13' in longitude and 40' in latitude difference between both >> >> >> angles. This should not make too much difference unless >near >> >> >> the cusps. >> >> >> >> >> >> My two Atlases 'The University Atlas' and the 'Myer Atlas' >both >> >> >> show 10N46 and 76E42. As these were also the co>ordinates >> >> >> given by a respected local astrologer for this particular >case, I >> >> >> suggest we go with these. >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> Ron Gaunt >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> On Fri, 19 Nov 2004 02:29:25 +0000, you wrote: >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> >Dear Ron, >> >> >> > >> >> >> >1. "Place of birth" is usually given in AstroDatabank >> >> >> >horoscopes, Astrodienst charts, Khaldea charts, etc to be >able >> >to >> >> >> >check latitude and longitude. >> >> >> > >> >> >> >2. For example, birth place of KPBC2 , Palghat, "10N46, >> >76E42" >> >> >> >given and Astro-Kundli is also showing the same figures. >> >However, >> >> >as >> >> >> >given in Msg#1535, "10N47, 76E39" according to Astrodienst >> >atlas >> >> >> >commonly used by astrologers and referred by astrological >> >> >websites. >> >> >> >RAND McNALLY, Atlas of the World, Masterpiece Edition, also >> >shows >> >> >the >> >> >> >same figures. >> >> >> > >> >> >> >3. There can be a difference of around 12sec in Sid. >> >Time, >> >> >> >consequently around 3deg difference in Asc, possible >> >differences >> >> >> >in "sub-sub" lords of cusps 1, 4,6, 8, 9,10, 11 &12. "Sub >> >lord" >> >> >of >> >> >> >cusp 9 also can be different.

>> >> >> > >> >> >> >4. Which one to take, given figures or Astrodienst >> >ones ? Of >> >> >> >course, results may not be the same. Also how about only six >> >days >> >> >> >timeline to give answer from the view point of wider >> >participation >> >> >> >and quality drive of brain work? >> >> >> > >> >> >> >Best regards, >> >> >> > >> >> >> >tw >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> >--- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> >> >wrote: >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> tw, >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> The only information I was given was the co-ordinates. >> >However, >> >> >> >> I have checked with an atlas and it appears that the >native >> >was >> >> >> >> born at Palghat. >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> Ron Gaunt >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> On Thu, 18 Nov 2004 13:54:04 +0000, you wrote: >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >Dear All, >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >KPA for 20 December 1950 >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >1. KPA from KP & ASTROLOGY 2003 >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >a. 15 Apr 1951 23-05-13 >> >> >> >> >b. 15 Apr 1950 23-04-22 >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >c. Increase by Table 00-51sec >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >d. Increase by formula = 50.2388475 +0.000111 (1950 >> >> >1900) >> >> >> >> > = 50.2388475 + >> >0.00555 >> >> >> >> > = 50.2444sec >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >e. Number Day of Year for Apr 15 = 105, for Dec 20 =354 >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >f. Difference in NDOY =354-105 =249 days >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >g. Fine tuning for 249 days = 50.2444 (249/365) = 34.28 >> >> >sec

>> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >(Note: for easier calculation , by taking 00-51sec of "c" >> >> >34.79sec) >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >h. KPA for 20 Dec 1950 = 23-04-22 + 34.28sec >> >> >> >> > = 23-04-56 >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >2. KPA from Table in KP Reader I (Just for comparison >or >> >> >> >academic >> >> >> >> >purpose) >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >a. 1950 23-04 >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >b. Fine tuning for Dec 25, 50.2444 (354/365)= 48.73 sec >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > (same as in above "1.g", the difference is here >for >> >354 >> >> >> >days) >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >c. 20 Dec 1950 = 23-04 + 49 sec = 23-04-49 >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >3. KPA from KP & ASTROLOGY 2003 for 1st January 1950 >> >> >> >> >(Just for academic purpose) >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >a. Fine tuning 50.2444 (105/365) = 14.45c >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >b. KPA for 1st Jan 1950 = 23-04-22 minus 14.45sec = 23>> >> >04-07.55 >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >4. For KPBC2 , according to Jjagnnatha Hora Light (JHL), >> >> >by >> >> >> >> >entering KPA 23-04-56 REPEAT 23-04-56 (its own KPA is 23>04>> >> >> >43.57), >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >a. Asc 222-18-06.40 >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >b. Moon 16-02-10.20 >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >c. Sun 244-26-02.57 >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >d. Venus Tula dasa balance at birth 16y-11m-10d >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >5. Highly appreciated for providing birth place of KPBC2 >> >> >to be >> >> >> >> >able to check with Astrdienst >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >No Palghat 10N47, 76E39, No Chittur 10N42, 76E45, ???? >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >

>> >> >> >> >Best regards, >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >tw >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >--- In, rongaunt ><rongaunt@b...> >> >> >wrote: >> >> >> >> >> Anant, >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> Sorry, that was a bit misleading. I should have >stated >> >that >> >> >> >> >> ayanamsa 2:22:30 was for circa 1900. I think you will >> >find >> >> >the >> >> >> >> >> Asc is in fact correct. >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> Ron Gaunt >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> On Wed, 17 Nov 2004 22:45:49 -0800, you wrote: >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >The AYANAMSA specified in the BLC2. appears to be >> >incorrect. >> >> >As >> >> >> >> >per the NEW KPA tables, uploaded to-day, the AYAN on 15th >> >April >> >> >> >1950 >> >> >> >> >is 23-04-22. On 20th Dec 1950, i.e. appr 8 monthss later, >> >the >> >> >Ayan >> >> >> >> >will be 23 37 27(app). The specified ayanmasa 0f 22 22 >30 >> >is >> >> >> >less >> >> >> >> >by 15 minutes. This will affect Moon's position and also >> >the >> >> >Dasa >> >> >> >on >> >> >> >> >date of Event. >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >This restriction should not be put, and the members be >> >> >advised >> >> >> >to >> >> >> >> >follow the new kpa aynamsa. >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >Chart details are: >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >Male, >> >> >> >> >> >D.O.B. 20th Dec 1950 >> >> >> >> >> >Time 5:02am >> >> >> >> >> >I.S.T -5:30 >> >> >> >> >> >10N46, 076E42

>> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >Asc 12 Scorpio 20 (ayanamsa 22:22:30) >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >What happened on the 2 November 1979? Choose from one >> >> >> >> >> >of the following: >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >1. Got married. >> >> >> >> >> >2. Emigrated to the USA >> >> >> >> >> >3. Son Born. >> >> >> >> >> >4 Promotion in job. >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >It would be preferable if respondents could give >reasons >> >up >> >> >> >front >> >> >> >> >> >to help others in their understanding. However, if >time >> >is at >> >> >> >> >> >a premium just the answer is acceptable initially. But >> >please >> >> >> >> >> >be prepared to elaborate later if you answer correctly. >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >Please reply by 00:00am GMT Tuesday 23 Nov 04. After >> >which >> >> >the >> >> >> >> >> >answer will be provided. >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >Ron Gaunt >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >Yahoo! Groups Links >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >----------------------------------------->> >> >> >> >> >A.R.Raichur bombay >> >> >> >> >> >anant_1608@y... >> >> >> >> >> >raichuranant@y... >> >> >> >> >> >USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY >> >> >> >> >> >tel: 022-2506 2609 >> >> >> >> >> >----------------------------------------->> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >

>> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>

>> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >-------------------------------->> >> >> >> >Do you Yahoo!? >> >> >> >> > Meet the all-new My Yahoo! Try it today! >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> >Yahoo! Groups Links >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> >Yahoo! Groups Links >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> >Yahoo! Groups Links >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > > > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > >

>> > > > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > >

1564 From: "tw853" <tw853@...> Date: Fri Nov 19, 2004 8:18pm Subject: Re: KPBC2 tw853 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Ron Gaunt, It's okay. I can get it. I forgot to change a key for Geocentric in Astraura. Astrodienst also can give both ways but there I have to follow its latitude and longitude and do additional calculations. It's common practice in all TOH to use Geocetric to ensure much more accuracy and precision. We're living on earth not in the haven and true center of earth is geocentric latitude. All astrological considerations are based on geocentric positions of planets, since Astrology is concerned with planetary motions only as they affect the earth. I can't run Sri Raichur's demo anymore. I mean I can't raed the results. Tahnk you. Best regards, tw

--- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > > tw, > > I think you may have meant this for me. Vaidun has yet to > program his GJ software - and it does not give Geocentric angles > anyhow. > > My only access to Geocentric angles is through Solar Fire and > this is not suitable for transmission except to other S.F. Users > - and anyhow would show slightly different to Mr Raichurs program

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

because of the differences in precession between the programs. I do have a demo version of Mr Raichur's program but trying it on KPBC2 I come up with such a large difference between it and my other programs that I think I must have a corrupted version. Hence I cannot supply a chart with Geocentric angles. Would one of our Indian friends like to post a chart using Mr Raichurs software? Ron Gaunt

On Sat, 20 Nov 2004 01:35:18 +0000, you wrote: > > >Dear Vaidun Vidyadhar, > >Pl provide KPBC1 chart data with Geocentric angles to be able for >participants to use it in this particular case. > >Thank you. > >Best regards, > >tw > >--- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: >> >> tw, >> >> For all practical purposes most KP astrologers seem to only work >> to the sub lord level. At the micro sub sub lord level it is >> inevitable that there is going to be differences between >> different programs; and I suspect that this is why this area is >> as yet relatively unexplored - because of the possibility of >> computational error. Also note that you are using >> GEOGRAPHICAL angles and houses, whereas many Indian >> astrologers on this list appear to be using GEOCENTRIC angles. >> This again can introduce differences, particularly at the sub sub >> level. >> >> The remaining point of difference is the sub of the 9th house >> where one calculation shows sub as Moon and the other as Sun, >> because here is close to the cusp of the sub. >> >> Really nothing has changed from my original data. I simply >> stated as a result of your request to know the name of the town, >> that I noted that Palghat had the same coordinates as given in >> the data. From there we have deviated, because some atlases >> give slightly different coordinates for Palghat. However >> others do in fact give exactly the same coordinates. >> >> I don't think we should get hung up on the fact that the 9th cusp >> sub lord is different because some atlases may give the wrong

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

>> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>

coordinates. The crux of the matter is that the information was provided by a well respected local astrologer. He only specified the coordinates not the name of the town. I suggest we stick with his data of 10N46, 76E42 Vaidun Vidyadhar > On Fri, 19 Nov 2004 15:06:44 +0000, you wrote: > > >Dear Ron Gaunt, > >Quation was raised after do doing so as given below. > >Best Regards, > >tw > > > >KPA 23*4'56'' > >Comparison for 10N46, 76E42 & 10N47, 76E39 > >Cp D-M-S D-M-S >I 222-17-57 222-14-50 >II 251-05-26 251-02-23 >III 281-00-48 280-57-43 >IV 312-49-16 312-46-05 >V 345-04-05 345-00-53 >VI 15-08-09 15-05-02 >VII 42-17-57 42-14-50 >VIII 71-05-26 71-02-23 >IX 101-00-48 100-57-43 >X 132-49-16 132-46-05 >XI 165-04-05 165-00-53 >XII 195-08-09 195-05-02 > >Note: (1) Sid Time 10-30-46 > (2) Roughly 3min difference in cusp positions > > Comparison for 10N46, 76E42 & 10N47, 76E39 > >Cp Sgl-Stl-Sbl-Ssl Sgl-Stl-Sbl-Ssl >I Ma-Sa-Ma-Ju Ma-Sa-Ma-Ra >II Ju-Ke-Sa-Ra Ju-Ke-Sa-Ra >III Sa-Mo-Mo-Ve Sa-Mo-Mo-Ve >IV Sa-Ra-Me-Me Sa-Ra-Me-Me >V Ju-Sa-Ju-Ju Ju-Sa-Ju-Ju >VI Ma-Ve-Ve-Me Ma-Ve-Ve-Sa >VII Ve-Mo-Ra-Ju Ve-Mo-Ra-Ju >VIII Me-Ra-Sa-Ke Me-Ra-Sa-Me >IX Mo-Sa-Mo-Mo Mo-Sa-Su-Ve >X Su-Ke-Me-Ju Su-Ke-Me-Ra >XI Me-Mo-Ju-Su Me-Mo-Ju-Ve >XII Ve-Ra-Ke-Me Ve-Ra-Ke-Sa > >Note: (1) Sid Time 10-30-34

> >> > (2) Differences in "Sub-sub" lords of Cusps 1, 6, 8, 9,10, > >11 > >> > &12 and also in "Sub lord" of cusp 9 as mentioned in > >Msg# > >> > 1542 &1545. > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> >--- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > >> >> > >> >> tw, > >> >> > >> >> The easiest way to check this is simply put up the chart with the > >> >> different co-ordinates. > >> >> > >> >> When you do this you will see that at: > >> >> > >> >> 10N46, 76E42 the Asc is > >> >> 12 Sco 19, and MC is 12 Leo 49. > >> >> > >> >> 10N47, 76E39 the Asc is > >> >> 12Sco 16 and MC is 12 Leo 46. > >> >> > >> >> The difference is only 3 minutes not degrees. > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> Ron Gaunt > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> On Fri, 19 Nov 2004 04:55:23 +0000, you wrote: > >> >> > >> >> > > >> >> > > >> >> >Dear Ron, > >> >> > > >> >> >"Difference of around 12sec in Sid. Time, consequently around > >3deg > >> >> >difference in Asc, possible differences in "sub-sub" lords of > >> >cusps > >> >> >1, 4,6, 8, 9,10, 11 &12 and also in "Sub lord" of cusp 9" > >should > >> >not > >> >> >make difference in analysis of this particular KPBC1 chart? > >> >> > > >> >> >Best regards, > >> >> > > >> >> >tw > >> >> > > >> >> > > >> >> >--- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> > >wrote: > >> >> >> > >> >> >> tw, > >> >> >> > >> >> >> I make it that there is only about 48" in sidereal time

and > >about > >> >> >> 13' in longitude and 40' in latitude difference between both > >> >> >> angles. This should not make too much difference unless > >near > >> >> >> the cusps. > >> >> >> > >> >> >> My two Atlases 'The University Atlas' and the 'Myer Atlas' > >both > >> >> >> show 10N46 and 76E42. As these were also the co> >ordinates > >> >> >> given by a respected local astrologer for this particular > >case, I > >> >> >> suggest we go with these. > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> Ron Gaunt > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> On Fri, 19 Nov 2004 02:29:25 +0000, you wrote: > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >Dear Ron, > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >1. "Place of birth" is usually given in AstroDatabank > >> >> >> >horoscopes, Astrodienst charts, Khaldea charts, etc to be > >able > >> >to > >> >> >> >check latitude and longitude. > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >2. For example, birth place of KPBC2 , Palghat, "10N46, > >> >76E42" > >> >> >> >given and Astro-Kundli is also showing the same figures. > >> >However, > >> >> >as > >> >> >> >given in Msg#1535, "10N47, 76E39" according to Astrodienst > >> >atlas > >> >> >> >commonly used by astrologers and referred by astrological > >> >> >websites. > >> >> >> >RAND McNALLY, Atlas of the World, Masterpiece Edition, also > >> >shows > >> >> >the > >> >> >> >same figures. > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >3. There can be a difference of around 12sec in Sid. > >> >Time, > >> >> >> >consequently around 3deg difference in Asc, possible > >> >differences > >> >> >> >in "sub-sub" lords of cusps 1, 4,6, 8, 9,10, 11 &12. "Sub > >> >lord" > >> >> >of > >> >> >> >cusp 9 also can be different. > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >4. Which one to take, given figures or Astrodienst > >> >ones ? Of

> >> >> >> >course, results may not be the same. Also how about only six > >> >days > >> >> >> >timeline to give answer from the view point of wider > >> >participation > >> >> >> >and quality drive of brain work? > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >Best regards, > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >tw > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >--- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> > >> >wrote: > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> tw, > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> The only information I was given was the co-ordinates. > >> >However, > >> >> >> >> I have checked with an atlas and it appears that the > >native > >> >was > >> >> >> >> born at Palghat. > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> Ron Gaunt > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> On Thu, 18 Nov 2004 13:54:04 +0000, you wrote: > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >Dear All, > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >KPA for 20 December 1950 > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >1. KPA from KP & ASTROLOGY 2003 > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >a. 15 Apr 1951 23-05-13 > >> >> >> >> >b. 15 Apr 1950 23-04-22 > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >c. Increase by Table 00-51sec > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >d. Increase by formula = 50.2388475 +0.000111 (1950 > >> >> >1900) > >> >> >> >> > = 50.2388475 + > >> >0.00555 > >> >> >> >> > = 50.2444sec > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >e. Number Day of Year for Apr 15 = 105, for Dec 20 =354 > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >f. Difference in NDOY =354-105 =249 days > >> >> >> >> >

> >> >> >> >> >g. Fine tuning for 249 days = 50.2444 (249/365) = 34.28 > >> >> >sec > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >(Note: for easier calculation , by taking 00-51sec of "c" > >> >> >34.79sec) > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >h. KPA for 20 Dec 1950 = 23-04-22 + 34.28sec > >> >> >> >> > = 23-04-56 > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >2. KPA from Table in KP Reader I (Just for comparison > >or > >> >> >> >academic > >> >> >> >> >purpose) > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >a. 1950 23-04 > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >b. Fine tuning for Dec 25, 50.2444 (354/365)= 48.73 sec > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> > (same as in above "1.g", the difference is here > >for > >> >354 > >> >> >> >days) > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >c. 20 Dec 1950 = 23-04 + 49 sec = 23-04-49 > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >3. KPA from KP & ASTROLOGY 2003 for 1st January 1950 > >> >> >> >> >(Just for academic purpose) > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >a. Fine tuning 50.2444 (105/365) = 14.45c > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >b. KPA for 1st Jan 1950 = 23-04-22 minus 14.45sec = 23> >> >> >04-07.55 > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >4. For KPBC2 , according to Jjagnnatha Hora Light (JHL), > >> >> >by > >> >> >> >> >entering KPA 23-04-56 REPEAT 23-04-56 (its own KPA is 23> >04> >> >> >> >43.57), > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >a. Asc 222-18-06.40 > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >b. Moon 16-02-10.20 > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >c. Sun 244-26-02.57 > >> >> >> >> >

> >> >> >> >> >d. Venus Tula dasa balance at birth 16y-11m-10d > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >5. Highly appreciated for providing birth place of KPBC2 > >> >> >to be > >> >> >> >> >able to check with Astrdienst > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >No Palghat 10N47, 76E39, No Chittur 10N42, 76E45, ???? > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >Best regards, > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >tw > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >--- In, rongaunt > ><rongaunt@b...> > >> >> >wrote: > >> >> >> >> >> Anant, > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> Sorry, that was a bit misleading. I should have > >stated > >> >that > >> >> >> >> >> ayanamsa 2:22:30 was for circa 1900. I think you will > >> >find > >> >> >the > >> >> >> >> >> Asc is in fact correct. > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> Ron Gaunt > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> On Wed, 17 Nov 2004 22:45:49 -0800, you wrote: > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >The AYANAMSA specified in the BLC2. appears to be > >> >incorrect. > >> >> >As > >> >> >> >> >per the NEW KPA tables, uploaded to-day, the AYAN on 15th > >> >April > >> >> >> >1950 > >> >> >> >> >is 23-04-22. On 20th Dec 1950, i.e. appr 8 monthss later, > >> >the > >> >> >Ayan > >> >> >> >> >will be 23 37 27(app). The specified ayanmasa 0f 22 22 > >30 > >> >is > >> >> >> >less > >> >> >> >> >by 15 minutes. This will affect Moon's position and also > >> >the > >> >> >Dasa > >> >> >> >on > >> >> >> >> >date of Event.

> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >This restriction should not be put, and the members be > >> >> >advised > >> >> >> >to > >> >> >> >> >follow the new kpa aynamsa. > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >Chart details are: > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >Male, > >> >> >> >> >> >D.O.B. 20th Dec 1950 > >> >> >> >> >> >Time 5:02am > >> >> >> >> >> >I.S.T -5:30 > >> >> >> >> >> >10N46, 076E42 > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >Asc 12 Scorpio 20 (ayanamsa 22:22:30) > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >What happened on the 2 November 1979? Choose from one > >> >> >> >> >> >of the following: > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >1. Got married. > >> >> >> >> >> >2. Emigrated to the USA > >> >> >> >> >> >3. Son Born. > >> >> >> >> >> >4 Promotion in job. > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >It would be preferable if respondents could give > >reasons > >> >up > >> >> >> >front > >> >> >> >> >> >to help others in their understanding. However, if > >time > >> >is at > >> >> >> >> >> >a premium just the answer is acceptable initially. But > >> >please > >> >> >> >> >> >be prepared to elaborate later if you answer correctly. > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >Please reply by 00:00am GMT Tuesday 23 Nov 04. After > >> >which > >> >> >the > >> >> >> >> >> >answer will be provided. > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >Ron Gaunt > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >Yahoo! Groups Links

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

>> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>

>> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>

>> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > > > > >

>> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> >----------------------------------------->> >> >A.R.Raichur bombay >> >> >anant_1608@y... >> >> >raichuranant@y... >> >> >USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY >> >> >tel: 022-2506 2609 >> >> >----------------------------------------->> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> >-------------------------------->> >> >Do you Yahoo!? >> >> > Meet the all-new My Yahoo! Try it today! >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> >Yahoo! Groups Links >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > > > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

>> >> > >> >> > >> >> >Yahoo! Groups Links >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> >Yahoo! Groups Links >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > > > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > >

1565 From: "Kanakkumar Bosmia" <kanbosastro@...> Date: Fri Nov 19, 2004 8:16pm Subject: Re: Re: KPBC2 / CHART kanbosastro Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 : JAY MAI GADHECHI MA : No. 28 Sahakar 2- Jagabhai Park Rambaug: Maninagar AHMEDABAD 380 008 TEL: 079-25431165 MOBILE: 9825131165 email: BIRTH DETAILS OF KPBC2 REF NO KP_GROUP


: KARTIK : 1-6-11 : RAVIVAR : MAGHA : 1st : 1st

: MARGASHIRA: 11: SAMVAT 2007 DAY : 10 H. 30 M. 34 S. : 23 D. 4 M. 56 S. PRAHARA : SAGTARIUS (Sayana) CHANDRA STAR

Cast By Kanakkumar.B. Bosmia ON 20-11-2004 Programme by RAICHUR 8/147 GARODIANAGAR BOMBAY-77

: JAY MAI GADHECHI MA : No. 28 Sahakar 2- Jagabhai Park Rambaug: Maninagar AHMEDABAD 380 008 TEL: 079-25431165 MOBILE: 9825131165 email: BIRTH DETAILS OF KPBC2 TRADITIONAL BIRTH CHART: PLANETS WITH + ARE RETROGRADE NAKSHATRA: Bhar.- PADA 1 DASA BAL. Ven. 15 Y. 347 Days ENDS ON 2 12 1966 *----------------*----------------*----------------*----------------*

| * SUN. MERC VEN. * * * | | 10 * * 8 * * 6 | |MARS * 9 * * 7 * SAT. KETU | | * * NEPT | | * * * * | | * 11 * * 5 * | | * * * * | * JUP. * * | * * * * | | 12 * * 2 * * 4 | |RAHU FOR. * * * * PLU+ | | * * | | * 1 * * 3 * | | * MOON * * URA+ * | | * * * * | *----------------*----------------*----------------*----------------* TRADITIONAL NAVAMASA CHART *----------------*----------------*----------------*----------------* | * MERC * * * | | 9 * * 7 * * 5 | |JUP. * 8 * * 6 * MOON NEPT | | * * | | * * * * | | * 10 * * 4 * | | * * * * | * KETU * VEN. RAHU * | * * * * | | 11 * * 1 * * 3 | |URAN FOR. * * * * | |PLUT * MARS * | | * 12 * * 2 * | | * SAT. * * SUN. * | | * * * * | *----------------*----------------*----------------*----------------* Programme by RAICHUR 8/147 GARODIANAGAR BOMBAY-77

: JAY MAI GADHECHI MA : No. 28 Sahakar 2- Jagabhai Park Rambaug: Maninagar AHMEDABAD 380 008 TEL: 079-25431165 MOBILE: 9825131165 email: DASAS TO BE ENJOYED BY KPBC2 VIMSOTTARI DASAS --- BHUKTIES Ven DASA 02 12 1946 -> 02 12 1966 |Sun |Sun Sun Bhk. 20 12 1950 -> 02 04 1951 |Moo Moo Bhk. 02 04 1951 -> 02 12 1952 |Mar Mar Bhk. 02 12 1952 -> 02 02 1954 |Rah Rah Bhk. 02 02 1954 -> 02 02 1957 |Jup Jup Bhk. 02 02 1957 -> 02 10 1959 |Sat Sat Bhk. 02 10 1959 -> 02 12 1962 |Mer Mer Bhk. 02 12 1962 -> 02 10 1965 |Ket Ket Bhk. 02 10 1965 -> 02 12 1966 |Ven DASA Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. 02 02 20 20 26 20 08 20 26 02 12 12 03 09 01 12 10 09 07 12 1966 1966 1967 1967 1968 1968 1969 1970 1971 1971 -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> 02 20 20 26 20 08 20 26 02 02 12 03 09 01 12 10 09 07 12 12 1972 1967 1967 1968 1968 1969 1970 1971 1971 1972

Moo DASA 02 12 1972 -> 02 12 1982 |Mar DASA 02 12 1982 -> 02 12 1989

Moo Mar Rah Jup Sat Mer Ket Ven Sun Rah Rah Jup Sat Mer Ket Ven Sun Moo Mar Sat Sat Mer Ket Ven Sun Moo Mar Rah Jup Ket Ket Ven Sun Moo Mar Rah Jup Sat Mer

Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. DASA Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. DASA Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. DASA Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk.

02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 14 08 14 02 20 20 14 14 02 02 05 14 23 23 05 05 14 20 02 02 29 29 05 05 02 20 26 05

12 10 05 11 03 10 03 10 06 12 12 08 01 11 06 06 06 05 11 12 12 12 08 09 11 11 06 07 05 12 12 04 06 11 06 11 11 10 12

1972 1973 1974 1975 1977 1978 1980 1980 1982 1989 1989 1992 1995 1997 2000 2001 2004 2005 2006 2023 2023 2026 2029 2030 2033 2034 2036 2037 2040 2059 2059 2060 2061 2061 2062 2062 2063 2064 2065

-> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> ->

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10 05 11 03 10 03 10 06 12 12 08 01 11 06 06 06 05 11 12 12 12 08 09 11 11 06 07 05 12 12 04 06 11 06 11 11 10 12 12

1973 1974 1975 1977 1978 1980 1980 1982 1982 2007 1992 1995 1997 2000 2001 2004 2005 2006 2007 2042 2026 2029 2030 2033 2034 2036 2037 2040 2042 2066 2060 2061 2061 2062 2062 2063 2064 2065 2066

|Mar |Rah |Jup |Sat |Mer |Ket |Ven |Sun |Moo |Jup |Jup |Sat |Mer |Ket |Ven |Sun |Moo |Mar |Rah |Mer |Mer |Ket |Ven |Sun |Moo |Mar |Rah |Jup |Sat | | | | | | | | | |

Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. DASA Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. DASA Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk.

02 29 17 23 02 29 26 26 02 02 02 20 02 08 14 14 02 02 08 02 02 29 26 26 02 02 29 17 23

12 04 05 04 06 05 10 12 05 12 12 01 08 11 10 06 04 08 07 12 12 04 04 02 01 06 05 12 03

1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1987 1988 1989 2007 2007 2010 2012 2014 2015 2018 2019 2020 2021 2042 2042 2045 2046 2049 2050 2051 2052 2054 2057

-> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> ->

29 17 23 02 29 26 26 02 02 02 20 02 08 14 14 02 02 08 02 02 29 26 26 02 02 29 17 23 02

04 05 04 06 05 10 12 05 12 12 01 08 11 10 06 04 08 07 12 12 04 04 02 01 06 05 12 03 12

1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1987 1988 1989 1989 2023 2010 2012 2014 2015 2018 2019 2020 2021 2023 2059 2045 2046 2049 2050 2051 2052 2054 2057 2059

ASTROLOGER: Kanakkumar.B. Bosmia DASA TO BE ENJOYED BY KPBC2 MOO Dasa 2 12 1972 TO 2 12 1982 MOO MOO MAR RAH JUP SAT MER KET VEN SUN Bhk. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. 2 2 27 14 1 9 27 9 27 17 12 12 12 1 3 4 5 7 7 9 1972 1972 1972 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO 2 27 14 1 9 27 9 27 17 2 10 12 1 3 4 5 7 7 9 10 1973 1972 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 |MAR |MAR |RAH |JUP |SAT |MER |KET |VEN |SUN |MOO Bhk. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. 2 2 14 16 14 17 17 1 4 15 10 10 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 4 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1974 1974 1974 1974 1974 TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO 2 14 16 14 17 17 1 4 15 2 5 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 4 5 1974 1973 1973 1973 1974 1974 1974 1974 1974 1974

RAH Bhk. 2 5 1974 TO 2 11 1975 |JUP Bhk. 2 11 1975 TO 2 3 1977


Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Bhk. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Bhk. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Bhk. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant.

2 23 5 31 17 19 19 16 1 2 2 2 23 26 1 30 17 21 16 2 2 14 19 30 17 30 1 29 2 2 2 11 26 7 4 28 26 22 2

5 7 10 12 3 4 7 8 10 3 3 6 8 9 1 1 3 4 7 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 7 7 9 6 6 6 6 7 8 8 9 10 11

1974 1974 1974 1974 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1978 1978 1978 1978 1978 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982


23 5 31 17 19 19 16 1 2 2 2 23 26 1 30 17 21 16 2 2 14 19 30 17 30 1 29 2 2 2 11 26 7 4 28 26 22 2 2

7 10 12 3 4 7 8 10 11 10 6 8 9 1 1 3 4 7 10 10 3 4 4 5 5 7 7 9 10 12 6 6 7 8 8 9 10 11 12

1974 1974 1974 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1978 1977 1977 1977 1978 1978 1978 1978 1978 1978 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982


Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Bhk. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Bhk. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant.

2 6 22 30 28 18 12 22 20 2 2 14 14 9 5 17 17 3 11 2 2 12 12 2 7 7 27 2 27

11 1 3 5 6 9 10 11 12 10 10 12 1 4 5 6 7 10 12 10 10 1 2 4 5 8 10 2 4

1975 1976 1976 1976 1976 1976 1976 1976 1976 1978 1978 1978 1979 1979 1979 1979 1979 1979 1979 1980 1980 1981 1981 1981 1981 1981 1981 1982 1982


6 22 30 28 18 12 22 20 2 2 14 14 9 5 17 17 3 11 2 2 12 12 2 7 7 27 2 27 2

1 3 5 6 9 10 11 12 3 3 12 1 4 5 6 7 10 12 3 6 1 2 4 5 8 10 2 4 6

1976 1976 1976 1976 1976 1976 1976 1976 1977 1980 1978 1979 1979 1979 1979 1979 1979 1979 1980 1982 1981 1981 1981 1981 1981 1981 1982 1982 1982

: JAY MAI GADHECHI MA : No. 28 Sahakar 2- Jagabhai Park Rambaug: Maninagar AHMEDABAD 380 008 TEL: 079-25431165 MOBILE: 9825131165 email: BIRTH DETAILS OF KPBC2 W E S T E R N A S P E C T S








ORBS Conj,opp =8.Sq. Trine 6,SEXT 6,Semis 2, Rest 2 deg. Programme by RAICHUR 8/147 GARODIANAGAR BOMBAY-77 : JAY MAI GADHECHI MA : No. 28 Sahakar 2- Jagabhai Park Rambaug: Maninagar AHMEDABAD 380 008 TEL: 079-25431165 MOBILE: 9825131165 email: QUERY: DATE :WEDNESDAY: 20 - 12 - 1950 : TIME: 5 H. 2 M. 0 S. DASA BAL. : Ven 15 Y. 11 M. 12 Days: ENDS on 2 - 12 - 1966 Planet S D M se Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl :Cusp S D M se Sgl Stl Sbl SsL SUN. MOON MARS MERC JUP. VEN. SAT. RAHU KETU URAN-R NEPT FOR. PLUT-R 9 1 10 9 11 9 6 12 6 3 6 12 4 4 16 10 23 9 13 8 0 0 14 26 23 26 25 1 31 59 30 11 47 20 20 46 9 52 33 57 56 21 13 26 9 38 20 20 18 40 22 11 Jup Mar Sat Jup Sat Jup Mer Jup Mer Mer Mer Jup Moo Ket Ven Moo Ven Rah Ket Sun Jup Sun Rah Mar Mer Mer Moo Sun Moo Sat Jup Mer Ven Moo Rah Ket Jup Mar Jup Mer Mer Sat Jup Ket Sat Rah Ven Mer Rah Jup Ket Sat :ASC :2nd :3rd :4th :5th :6th :7th :8th :9th :10th :11th :12th 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 12 11 10 12 15 15 12 11 10 12 15 15 16 3 58 46 0 5 16 3 58 46 0 5 23 36 19 8 56 41 23 36 19 8 56 41 Mar Jup Sat Sat Jup Mar Ven Mer Moo Sun Mer Ven Sat Ket Moo Rah Sat Ven Moo Rah Sat Ket Moo Rah Mar Sat Moo Mer Jup Ven Rah Sat Sun Mer Jup Ket Jup Rah Ven Mer Jup Sat Jup Mer Ven Rah Ven Sat

CUSP KUNDALI AS PER K.P. Shows Planets,Cusps,with Rasi Sign only. For retrogression,Deg Min refer to table above. Signs intercepted BUT with no planets in them are not printed.. *----------------------------------*----------------------------------* | * * * * | | * Ma 10 Me 9 * * * | | * Ve 9 * * * | |3rd 10 * 2nd 9 * * 12t 7 * | | Ju 11 * * Asc 8 * * | | * Su 9 * | | * * * * Ne 6| | * * * * 11t 6| | * * * * | | * * * * | | * 4th 11 * * * | * Ra 12 * * | * * * Sa 6 Ke 6 * | | * * * 10t 5 * | | * * * * | |5th 12 * * * * | | Fo 12 * * * * | | * * | | * * * * Pl 4| | * 6th 1 * 7th 2 * 8th 3 * 9th 4| | * Mo 1 * * Ur 3 * | | * * * * | | * * * * | *----------------------------------*----------------------------------*

: JAY MAI GADHECHI MA : No. 28 Sahakar 2- Jagabhai Park Rambaug: Maninagar AHMEDABAD 380 008 TEL: 079-25431165 MOBILE: 9825131165 email: BIRTH DETAILS OF KPBC2 SIGNIFICATORS OF HOUSES SIGNIFICATORS ARE SHOWN IN THE FOLLOWING ORDER OF IMPORTANCE A-Planets in Star of Occupants of House: B-Planets in House C-Planets in stars of House Lord: D-House Lord: E= Planets Aspected by A,B,C,D Trad aspects BY SIGN : F=Sub Lord HOUSE A B C D E F ---------------------------------------------------------------------ASC |SAT:KET: |SUN: |NEP: |Mar|MO:ME:VE:RA|Mar | | | | |KE:SA: | 2nd |FOR:PLU:MOO:MER|MER:VEN: |RAH: |Jup|SA:KE:SU:VE|Sat | | | | |ME: | 3rd |NEP: |MAR: | |Sat|RA:KE:MO: |Moo | | | | | | 4th |RAH:JUP:URA: |JUP:RAH: | |Sat|RA:KE:SA: |Mer | | | | | | 5th | |FOR: |RAH: |Jup|SA:KE: |Jup | | | | | | 6th |MAR: |MOO: |NEP: |Mar|MO: |Ven | | | | | |

7th | | |MOO:MER: |Ven|SU:ME:VE: |Rah | | | | | | 8th | |URA: |FOR:PLU: |Mer|SU:VE: |Sat | | | | | | 9th | |PLU: |MAR: |Moo|MO: |Sun | | | | | | 10th |SUN:VEN: |SAT:KET: |SAT:KET: |Sun|ME:VE:RA:KE|Mer | | | | |SA:SU: | 11th | |NEP: |FOR:PLU: |Mer|SU:VE: |Jup | | | | | | 12th | | |MOO:MER: |Ven|SU:ME:VE: |Ket | | | | | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------PLANET House Numbers Signified: SUN. MOON MARS MERC JUP. VEN. SAT. RAHU KETU URAN NEPT FOR. PLUT Aspecting Planets

A-10,B-As,D-10, :ME:VE:F- 9, A-02,B-06,C-07,C-12,D-09, :MA:F- 3, A-06,B-03,C-09,D-As,D-06, :F- 1, A-02,B-02,C-07,C-12,D-08,D-11,:SU:VE:F- 4,10, A-04,B-04,D-02,D-05, :F- 5,11, A-10,B-02,D-07,D-12, :SU:ME:F- 6, A-As,B-10,C-10,D-03,D-04, :RA:KE:F- 2, 8, A-04,B-04,C-02,C-05, :SA:KE:F- 7, A-As,B-10,C-10, :SA:RA:F-12, A-04,B-08, :SU:ME:JU:VE:SA:FA-03,B-11,C-As,C-06, :SA:RA:KE:FA-02,B-05,C-08,C-11, :SA:RA:KE:FA-02,B-09,C-08,C-11, :MA:F-

RAHU will ACT as AGENT for Jup,Jup also KETU will ACT as AGENT for Mer,Sun also Planets EXALTED or in OWN house Strongly signify the house owned These are : MARS:EXA

>From: rongaunt <> >Reply-To: >To: >Subject: Re: [k_p_system] Re: KPBC2 >Date: Sat, 20 Nov 2004 11:59:38 +1000 > > >tw, > >I think you may have meant this for me. Vaidun has yet to >program his GJ software - and it does not give Geocentric angles >anyhow. > >My only access to Geocentric angles is through Solar Fire and >this is not suitable for transmission except to other S.F. Users >- and anyhow would show slightly different to Mr Raichurs program >because of the differences in precession between the programs. > >I do have a demo version of Mr Raichur's program but trying it on >KPBC2 I come up with such a large difference between it and my >other programs that I think I must have a corrupted version.

>Hence I cannot supply a chart with Geocentric angles. > >Would one of our Indian friends like to post a chart using Mr >Raichurs software? > > >Ron Gaunt > > > > > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Choose what you want to read. Protect your mail from spam. Win the war in 9 step s!

1566 From: "tw853" <tw853@...> Date: Fri Nov 19, 2004 8:22pm Subject: Re: KPBC2 / CHART tw853 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Kanakkumar Bosmia, Thank you very much. Best regards, tw --- In, "Kanakkumar Bosmia" <kanbosastro@h...> wrote: >

1567 From: ramesh mishra <aarceemastro2002@...> Date: Fri Nov 19, 2004 10:39pm Subject: Re:k_p_system->feed back aarceemastro... Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Respected Gurujans and mocerator, I am learning kp system now a days.I want to know about casting of horoscopes ac cording to this system. Des it cast as per the method of vedic astrology or any other method is followed ? Of course KP Ayanamsa is used and cusp is taken from starting point of bhav as opposed to the centre point of cusp according to vedic astrology. So kindly help me out the method of casting horoscope first.I may as k you time to time in connection with KP System. Thanks and best regards. Ramesh Mishra Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online.

1568 From: "mehtakunal2707" <mehtakunal2707@...> Date: Sat Nov 20, 2004 0:34am Subject: New Member / Can you please help. mehtakunal2707 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Members, I have just joined this group. Can anyone please find time to go through my chart with regards to 1)financial position 2)Likely time of marraige 18/06/1977 8=15am Mumbai waiting in anticipation Regards, Kunal

1569 From: anant raichur <anant_1608@...> Date: Sat Nov 20, 2004 1:06am Subject: Re: Re: KPBC2 anant_1608 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 For attempting to solve Blind Charts, I am prepared to send to the group my De mo programme to the group. For getting full details, one may have to use other programmes or do some work. This would, I beleive, ensure what one may call unf orm playing field to all to test/improve there inter prtive skills. Please let me know if this suits one and all rongaunt <> wrote: tw, I think you may have meant this for me. Vaidun has yet to program his GJ software - and it does not give Geocentric angles anyhow. My only access to Geocentric angles is through Solar Fire and this is not suitable for transmission except to other S.F. Users - and anyhow would show slightly different to Mr Raichurs program because of the differences in precession between the programs. I do have a demo version of Mr Raichur's program but trying it on KPBC2 I come up with such a large difference between it and my other programs that I think I must have a corrupted version.

Hence I cannot supply a chart with Geocentric angles. Would one of our Indian friends like to post a chart using Mr Raichurs software? Ron Gaunt

On Sat, 20 Nov 2004 01:35:18 +0000, you wrote: > > >Dear Vaidun Vidyadhar, > >Pl provide KPBC1 chart data with Geocentric angles to be able for >participants to use it in this particular case. > >Thank you. > >Best regards, > >tw > >--- In, rongaunt wrote: >> >> tw, >> >> For all practical purposes most KP astrologers seem to only work >> to the sub lord level. At the micro sub sub lord level it is >> inevitable that there is going to be differences between >> different programs; and I suspect that this is why this area is >> as yet relatively unexplored - because of the possibility of >> computational error. Also note that you are using >> GEOGRAPHICAL angles and houses, whereas many Indian >> astrologers on this list appear to be using GEOCENTRIC angles. >> This again can introduce differences, particularly at the sub sub >> level. >> >> The remaining point of difference is the sub of the 9th house >> where one calculation shows sub as Moon and the other as Sun, >> because here is close to the cusp of the sub. >> >> Really nothing has changed from my original data. I simply >> stated as a result of your request to know the name of the town, >> that I noted that Palghat had the same coordinates as given in >> the data. From there we have deviated, because some atlases >> give slightly different coordinates for Palghat. However >> others do in fact give exactly the same coordinates. >> >> I don't think we should get hung up on the fact that the 9th cusp >> sub lord is different because some atlases may give the wrong >> coordinates. The crux of the matter is that the information >> was provided by a well respected local astrologer. He only >> specified the coordinates not the name of the town. I suggest >> we stick with his data of 10N46, 76E42 >>

>> >> Vaidun Vidyadhar > >> >> On Fri, 19 Nov 2004 15:06:44 +0000, you wrote: >> >> > >> > >> >Dear Ron Gaunt, >> > >> >Quation was raised after do doing so as given below. >> > >> >Best Regards, >> > >> >tw >> > >> > >> > >> >KPA 23*4'56'' >> > >> >Comparison for 10N46, 76E42 & 10N47, 76E39 >> > >> >Cp D-M-S D-M-S >> >I 222-17-57 222-14-50 >> >II 251-05-26 251-02-23 >> >III 281-00-48 280-57-43 >> >IV 312-49-16 312-46-05 >> >V 345-04-05 345-00-53 >> >VI 15-08-09 15-05-02 >> >VII 42-17-57 42-14-50 >> >VIII 71-05-26 71-02-23 >> >IX 101-00-48 100-57-43 >> >X 132-49-16 132-46-05 >> >XI 165-04-05 165-00-53 >> >XII 195-08-09 195-05-02 >> > >> >Note: (1) Sid Time 10-30-46 >> > (2) Roughly 3min difference in cusp positions >> > >> > Comparison for 10N46, 76E42 & 10N47, 76E39 >> > >> >Cp Sgl-Stl-Sbl-Ssl Sgl-Stl-Sbl-Ssl >> >I Ma-Sa-Ma-Ju Ma-Sa-Ma-Ra >> >II Ju-Ke-Sa-Ra Ju-Ke-Sa-Ra >> >III Sa-Mo-Mo-Ve Sa-Mo-Mo-Ve >> >IV Sa-Ra-Me-Me Sa-Ra-Me-Me >> >V Ju-Sa-Ju-Ju Ju-Sa-Ju-Ju >> >VI Ma-Ve-Ve-Me Ma-Ve-Ve-Sa >> >VII Ve-Mo-Ra-Ju Ve-Mo-Ra-Ju >> >VIII Me-Ra-Sa-Ke Me-Ra-Sa-Me >> >IX Mo-Sa-Mo-Mo Mo-Sa-Su-Ve >> >X Su-Ke-Me-Ju Su-Ke-Me-Ra >> >XI Me-Mo-Ju-Su Me-Mo-Ju-Ve >> >XII Ve-Ra-Ke-Me Ve-Ra-Ke-Sa >> > >> >Note: (1) Sid Time 10-30-34 >> > (2) Differences in "Sub-sub" lords of Cusps 1, 6, 8, 9,10, >11 >> > &12 and also in "Sub lord" of cusp 9 as mentioned in >Msg# >> > 1542 &1545.

>> > >> > >> > >> >--- In, rongaunt wrote: >> >> >> >> tw, >> >> >> >> The easiest way to check this is simply put up the chart with the >> >> different co-ordinates. >> >> >> >> When you do this you will see that at: >> >> >> >> 10N46, 76E42 the Asc is >> >> 12 Sco 19, and MC is 12 Leo 49. >> >> >> >> 10N47, 76E39 the Asc is >> >> 12Sco 16 and MC is 12 Leo 46. >> >> >> >> The difference is only 3 minutes not degrees. >> >> >> >> >> >> Ron Gaunt >> >> >> >> >> >> On Fri, 19 Nov 2004 04:55:23 +0000, you wrote: >> >> >> >> > >> >> > >> >> >Dear Ron, >> >> > >> >> >"Difference of around 12sec in Sid. Time, consequently around >3deg >> >> >difference in Asc, possible differences in "sub-sub" lords of >> >cusps >> >> >1, 4,6, 8, 9,10, 11 &12 and also in "Sub lord" of cusp 9" >should >> >not >> >> >make difference in analysis of this particular KPBC1 chart? >> >> > >> >> >Best regards, >> >> > >> >> >tw >> >> > >> >> > >> >> >--- In, rongaunt >wrote: >> >> >> >> >> >> tw, >> >> >> >> >> >> I make it that there is only about 48" in sidereal time and >about >> >> >> 13' in longitude and 40' in latitude difference between both >> >> >> angles. This should not make too much difference unless >near >> >> >> the cusps. >> >> >> >> >> >> My two Atlases 'The University Atlas' and the 'Myer Atlas' >both >> >> >> show 10N46 and 76E42. As these were also the co>ordinates

>> >> >> given by a respected local astrologer for this particular >case, I >> >> >> suggest we go with these. >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> Ron Gaunt >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> On Fri, 19 Nov 2004 02:29:25 +0000, you wrote: >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> >Dear Ron, >> >> >> > >> >> >> >1. "Place of birth" is usually given in AstroDatabank >> >> >> >horoscopes, Astrodienst charts, Khaldea charts, etc to be >able >> >to >> >> >> >check latitude and longitude. >> >> >> > >> >> >> >2. For example, birth place of KPBC2 , Palghat, "10N46, >> >76E42" >> >> >> >given and Astro-Kundli is also showing the same figures. >> >However, >> >> >as >> >> >> >given in Msg#1535, "10N47, 76E39" according to Astrodienst >> >atlas >> >> >> >commonly used by astrologers and referred by astrological >> >> >websites. >> >> >> >RAND McNALLY, Atlas of the World, Masterpiece Edition, also >> >shows >> >> >the >> >> >> >same figures. >> >> >> > >> >> >> >3. There can be a difference of around 12sec in Sid. >> >Time, >> >> >> >consequently around 3deg difference in Asc, possible >> >differences >> >> >> >in "sub-sub" lords of cusps 1, 4,6, 8, 9,10, 11 &12. "Sub >> >lord" >> >> >of >> >> >> >cusp 9 also can be different. >> >> >> > >> >> >> >4. Which one to take, given figures or Astrodienst >> >ones ? Of >> >> >> >course, results may not be the same. Also how about only six >> >days >> >> >> >timeline to give answer from the view point of wider >> >participation >> >> >> >and quality drive of brain work? >> >> >> > >> >> >> >Best regards, >> >> >> > >> >> >> >tw >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> >--- In, rongaunt >> >wrote: >> >> >> >>

>> >> >> >> tw, >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> The only information I was given was the co-ordinates. >> >However, >> >> >> >> I have checked with an atlas and it appears that the >native >> >was >> >> >> >> born at Palghat. >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> Ron Gaunt >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> On Thu, 18 Nov 2004 13:54:04 +0000, you wrote: >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >Dear All, >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >KPA for 20 December 1950 >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >1. KPA from KP & ASTROLOGY 2003 >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >a. 15 Apr 1951 23-05-13 >> >> >> >> >b. 15 Apr 1950 23-04-22 >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >c. Increase by Table 00-51sec >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >d. Increase by formula = 50.2388475 +0.000111 (1950 >> >> >1900) >> >> >> >> > = 50.2388475 + >> >0.00555 >> >> >> >> > = 50.2444sec >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >e. Number Day of Year for Apr 15 = 105, for Dec 20 =354 >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >f. Difference in NDOY =354-105 =249 days >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >g. Fine tuning for 249 days = 50.2444 (249/365) = 34.28 >> >> >sec >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >(Note: for easier calculation , by taking 00-51sec of "c" >> >> >34.79sec) >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >h. KPA for 20 Dec 1950 = 23-04-22 + 34.28sec >> >> >> >> > = 23-04-56 >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >2. KPA from Table in KP Reader I (Just for comparison >or >> >> >> >academic >> >> >> >> >purpose) >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >a. 1950 23-04 >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >b. Fine tuning for Dec 25, 50.2444 (354/365)= 48.73 sec >> >> >> >> >

>> >> >> >> > (same as in above "1.g", the difference is here >for >> >354 >> >> >> >days) >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >c. 20 Dec 1950 = 23-04 + 49 sec = 23-04-49 >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >3. KPA from KP & ASTROLOGY 2003 for 1st January 1950 >> >> >> >> >(Just for academic purpose) >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >a. Fine tuning 50.2444 (105/365) = 14.45c >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >b. KPA for 1st Jan 1950 = 23-04-22 minus 14.45sec = 23>> >> >04-07.55 >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >4. For KPBC2 , according to Jjagnnatha Hora Light (JHL), >> >> >by >> >> >> >> >entering KPA 23-04-56 REPEAT 23-04-56 (its own KPA is 23>04>> >> >> >43.57), >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >a. Asc 222-18-06.40 >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >b. Moon 16-02-10.20 >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >c. Sun 244-26-02.57 >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >d. Venus Tula dasa balance at birth 16y-11m-10d >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >5. Highly appreciated for providing birth place of KPBC2 >> >> >to be >> >> >> >> >able to check with Astrdienst >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >No Palghat 10N47, 76E39, No Chittur 10N42, 76E45, ???? >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >Best regards, >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >tw >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >--- In, rongaunt > >> >> >wrote: >> >> >> >> >> Anant, >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> Sorry, that was a bit misleading. I should have >stated >> >that >> >> >> >> >> ayanamsa 2:22:30 was for circa 1900. I think you will >> >find >> >> >the >> >> >> >> >> Asc is in fact correct.

>> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> Ron Gaunt >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> On Wed, 17 Nov 2004 22:45:49 -0800, you wrote: >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >The AYANAMSA specified in the BLC2. appears to be >> >incorrect. >> >> >As >> >> >> >> >per the NEW KPA tables, uploaded to-day, the AYAN on 15th >> >April >> >> >> >1950 >> >> >> >> >is 23-04-22. On 20th Dec 1950, i.e. appr 8 monthss later, >> >the >> >> >Ayan >> >> >> >> >will be 23 37 27(app). The specified ayanmasa 0f 22 22 >30 >> >is >> >> >> >less >> >> >> >> >by 15 minutes. This will affect Moon's position and also >> >the >> >> >Dasa >> >> >> >on >> >> >> >> >date of Event. >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >This restriction should not be put, and the members be >> >> >advised >> >> >> >to >> >> >> >> >follow the new kpa aynamsa. >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >rongaunt wrote: >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >Chart details are: >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >Male, >> >> >> >> >> >D.O.B. 20th Dec 1950 >> >> >> >> >> >Time 5:02am >> >> >> >> >> >I.S.T -5:30 >> >> >> >> >> >10N46, 076E42 >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >Asc 12 Scorpio 20 (ayanamsa 22:22:30) >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >What happened on the 2 November 1979? Choose from one >> >> >> >> >> >of the following: >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >1. Got married. >> >> >> >> >> >2. Emigrated to the USA >> >> >> >> >> >3. Son Born. >> >> >> >> >> >4 Promotion in job. >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >It would be preferable if respondents could give >reasons >> >up >> >> >> >front

>> >> >> >> >time >> >is at >> >> >> >> >> >please >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >which >> >> >the >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>

>> >to help others in their understanding. However, if >> >a premium just the answer is acceptable initially. But >> >> >> >> >be prepared to elaborate later if you answer correctly. > > >Please reply by 00:00am GMT Tuesday 23 Nov 04. After

>> >answer will be provided. >> > >> > >> >Ron Gaunt >> > >> > >> > >> > >> >Yahoo! Groups Links >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> >----------------------------------------->> >A.R.Raichur bombay >> >anant_1608@y... >> >raichuranant@y... >> >USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY >> >tel: 022-2506 2609 >> >----------------------------------------->> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> >-------------------------------->> >Do you Yahoo!? Try it today! >> > Meet the all-new My Yahoo! > > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > >

>> >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> >Yahoo! Groups Links >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> >Yahoo! Groups Links >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> >Yahoo! Groups Links >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > > > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > >

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1570 From: anant raichur <anant_1608@...> Date: Sat Nov 20, 2004 1:12am Subject: Re: Re:k_p_system->feed back anant_1608 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Ramesh KP uses the PLACIDIUS SYSTEM OF house division, as used by Western Astrologers. This division gives different widths for different house, based on the LATITUDE (GEOCENTRIC) of the Place. good luck ramesh mishra <> wrote: Respected Gurujans and mocerator, I am learning kp system now a days.I want to know about casting of horoscopes ac cording to this system. Des it cast as per the method of vedic astrology or any other method is followed ? Of course KP Ayanamsa is used and cusp is taken from starting point of bhav as opposed to the centre point of cusp according to vedic

astrology. So kindly help me out the method of casting horoscope first.I may as k you time to time in connection with KP System. Thanks and best regards. Ramesh Mishra Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online.

-----------------------------------------A.R.Raichur bombay USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY tel: 022-2506 2609 -----------------------------------------__________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around

1571 From: rongaunt <rongaunt@...> Date: Sat Nov 20, 2004 1:13am Subject: Re: Re: KPBC2 rongaunt1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Anant, That is very good of you. Thanks Ron Gaunt On Fri, 19 Nov 2004 23:06:08 -0800, you wrote: >For attempting to solve Blind Charts, I am prepared to send to the group my Demo programme to the group. For getting full details, one may have to use other programmes or do some work. This would, I beleive, ensure what one may call unform playing field to all to test/improve there inter prtive skills. >Please let me know if this suits one and all > > >rongaunt <rongaunt@...> wrote: > > >tw, > >I think you may have meant this for me. Vaidun has yet to >program his GJ software - and it does not give Geocentric angles >anyhow. > >My only access to Geocentric angles is through Solar Fire and >this is not suitable for transmission except to other S.F. Users It will help enormously.

>- and anyhow would show slightly different to Mr Raichurs program >because of the differences in precession between the programs. > >I do have a demo version of Mr Raichur's program but trying it on >KPBC2 I come up with such a large difference between it and my >other programs that I think I must have a corrupted version. >Hence I cannot supply a chart with Geocentric angles. > >Would one of our Indian friends like to post a chart using Mr >Raichurs software? > > >Ron Gaunt > > > > > >On Sat, 20 Nov 2004 01:35:18 +0000, you wrote: > >> >> >>Dear Vaidun Vidyadhar, >> >>Pl provide KPBC1 chart data with Geocentric angles to be able for >>participants to use it in this particular case. >> >>Thank you. >> >>Best regards, >> >>tw >> >>--- In, rongaunt wrote: >>> >>> tw, >>> >>> For all practical purposes most KP astrologers seem to only work >>> to the sub lord level. At the micro sub sub lord level it is >>> inevitable that there is going to be differences between >>> different programs; and I suspect that this is why this area is >>> as yet relatively unexplored - because of the possibility of >>> computational error. Also note that you are using >>> GEOGRAPHICAL angles and houses, whereas many Indian >>> astrologers on this list appear to be using GEOCENTRIC angles. >>> This again can introduce differences, particularly at the sub sub >>> level. >>> >>> The remaining point of difference is the sub of the 9th house >>> where one calculation shows sub as Moon and the other as Sun, >>> because here is close to the cusp of the sub. >>> >>> Really nothing has changed from my original data. I simply >>> stated as a result of your request to know the name of the town, >>> that I noted that Palghat had the same coordinates as given in >>> the data. From there we have deviated, because some atlases >>> give slightly different coordinates for Palghat. However >>> others do in fact give exactly the same coordinates. >>> >>> I don't think we should get hung up on the fact that the 9th cusp

>>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>>

sub lord is different because some atlases may give the wrong coordinates. The crux of the matter is that the information was provided by a well respected local astrologer. He only specified the coordinates not the name of the town. I suggest we stick with his data of 10N46, 76E42 Vaidun Vidyadhar > On Fri, 19 Nov 2004 15:06:44 +0000, you wrote: > > >Dear Ron Gaunt, > >Quation was raised after do doing so as given below. > >Best Regards, > >tw > > > >KPA 23*4'56'' > >Comparison for 10N46, 76E42 & 10N47, 76E39 > >Cp D-M-S D-M-S >I 222-17-57 222-14-50 >II 251-05-26 251-02-23 >III 281-00-48 280-57-43 >IV 312-49-16 312-46-05 >V 345-04-05 345-00-53 >VI 15-08-09 15-05-02 >VII 42-17-57 42-14-50 >VIII 71-05-26 71-02-23 >IX 101-00-48 100-57-43 >X 132-49-16 132-46-05 >XI 165-04-05 165-00-53 >XII 195-08-09 195-05-02 > >Note: (1) Sid Time 10-30-46 > (2) Roughly 3min difference in cusp positions > > Comparison for 10N46, 76E42 & 10N47, 76E39 > >Cp Sgl-Stl-Sbl-Ssl Sgl-Stl-Sbl-Ssl >I Ma-Sa-Ma-Ju Ma-Sa-Ma-Ra >II Ju-Ke-Sa-Ra Ju-Ke-Sa-Ra >III Sa-Mo-Mo-Ve Sa-Mo-Mo-Ve >IV Sa-Ra-Me-Me Sa-Ra-Me-Me >V Ju-Sa-Ju-Ju Ju-Sa-Ju-Ju >VI Ma-Ve-Ve-Me Ma-Ve-Ve-Sa >VII Ve-Mo-Ra-Ju Ve-Mo-Ra-Ju >VIII Me-Ra-Sa-Ke Me-Ra-Sa-Me >IX Mo-Sa-Mo-Mo Mo-Sa-Su-Ve >X Su-Ke-Me-Ju Su-Ke-Me-Ra >XI Me-Mo-Ju-Su Me-Mo-Ju-Ve >XII Ve-Ra-Ke-Me Ve-Ra-Ke-Sa >

>>> >Note: (1) Sid Time 10-30-34 >>> > (2) Differences in "Sub-sub" lords of Cusps 1, 6, 8, 9,10, >>11 >>> > &12 and also in "Sub lord" of cusp 9 as mentioned in >>Msg# >>> > 1542 &1545. >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> >--- In, rongaunt wrote: >>> >> >>> >> tw, >>> >> >>> >> The easiest way to check this is simply put up the chart with the >>> >> different co-ordinates. >>> >> >>> >> When you do this you will see that at: >>> >> >>> >> 10N46, 76E42 the Asc is >>> >> 12 Sco 19, and MC is 12 Leo 49. >>> >> >>> >> 10N47, 76E39 the Asc is >>> >> 12Sco 16 and MC is 12 Leo 46. >>> >> >>> >> The difference is only 3 minutes not degrees. >>> >> >>> >> >>> >> Ron Gaunt >>> >> >>> >> >>> >> On Fri, 19 Nov 2004 04:55:23 +0000, you wrote: >>> >> >>> >> > >>> >> > >>> >> >Dear Ron, >>> >> > >>> >> >"Difference of around 12sec in Sid. Time, consequently around >>3deg >>> >> >difference in Asc, possible differences in "sub-sub" lords of >>> >cusps >>> >> >1, 4,6, 8, 9,10, 11 &12 and also in "Sub lord" of cusp 9" >>should >>> >not >>> >> >make difference in analysis of this particular KPBC1 chart? >>> >> > >>> >> >Best regards, >>> >> > >>> >> >tw >>> >> > >>> >> > >>> >> >--- In, rongaunt >>wrote: >>> >> >> >>> >> >> tw, >>> >> >> >>> >> >> I make it that there is only about 48" in sidereal time and >>about >>> >> >> 13' in longitude and 40' in latitude difference between both >>> >> >> angles. This should not make too much difference unless >>near

>>> >> >> the cusps. >>> >> >> >>> >> >> My two Atlases 'The University Atlas' and the 'Myer Atlas' >>both >>> >> >> show 10N46 and 76E42. As these were also the co>>ordinates >>> >> >> given by a respected local astrologer for this particular >>case, I >>> >> >> suggest we go with these. >>> >> >> >>> >> >> >>> >> >> Ron Gaunt >>> >> >> >>> >> >> >>> >> >> On Fri, 19 Nov 2004 02:29:25 +0000, you wrote: >>> >> >> >>> >> >> > >>> >> >> > >>> >> >> >Dear Ron, >>> >> >> > >>> >> >> >1. "Place of birth" is usually given in AstroDatabank >>> >> >> >horoscopes, Astrodienst charts, Khaldea charts, etc to be >>able >>> >to >>> >> >> >check latitude and longitude. >>> >> >> > >>> >> >> >2. For example, birth place of KPBC2 , Palghat, "10N46, >>> >76E42" >>> >> >> >given and Astro-Kundli is also showing the same figures. >>> >However, >>> >> >as >>> >> >> >given in Msg#1535, "10N47, 76E39" according to Astrodienst >>> >atlas >>> >> >> >commonly used by astrologers and referred by astrological >>> >> >websites. >>> >> >> >RAND McNALLY, Atlas of the World, Masterpiece Edition, also >>> >shows >>> >> >the >>> >> >> >same figures. >>> >> >> > >>> >> >> >3. There can be a difference of around 12sec in Sid. >>> >Time, >>> >> >> >consequently around 3deg difference in Asc, possible >>> >differences >>> >> >> >in "sub-sub" lords of cusps 1, 4,6, 8, 9,10, 11 &12. "Sub >>> >lord" >>> >> >of >>> >> >> >cusp 9 also can be different. >>> >> >> > >>> >> >> >4. Which one to take, given figures or Astrodienst >>> >ones ? Of >>> >> >> >course, results may not be the same. Also how about only six >>> >days >>> >> >> >timeline to give answer from the view point of wider >>> >participation >>> >> >> >and quality drive of brain work? >>> >> >> > >>> >> >> >Best regards, >>> >> >> > >>> >> >> >tw

>>> >> >> > >>> >> >> > >>> >> >> > >>> >> >> >--- In, rongaunt >>> >wrote: >>> >> >> >> >>> >> >> >> tw, >>> >> >> >> >>> >> >> >> The only information I was given was the co-ordinates. >>> >However, >>> >> >> >> I have checked with an atlas and it appears that the >>native >>> >was >>> >> >> >> born at Palghat. >>> >> >> >> >>> >> >> >> >>> >> >> >> Ron Gaunt >>> >> >> >> >>> >> >> >> >>> >> >> >> >>> >> >> >> On Thu, 18 Nov 2004 13:54:04 +0000, you wrote: >>> >> >> >> >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >Dear All, >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >KPA for 20 December 1950 >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >1. KPA from KP & ASTROLOGY 2003 >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >a. 15 Apr 1951 23-05-13 >>> >> >> >> >b. 15 Apr 1950 23-04-22 >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >c. Increase by Table 00-51sec >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >d. Increase by formula = 50.2388475 +0.000111 (1950 >>> >> >1900) >>> >> >> >> > = 50.2388475 + >>> >0.00555 >>> >> >> >> > = 50.2444sec >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >e. Number Day of Year for Apr 15 = 105, for Dec 20 =354 >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >f. Difference in NDOY =354-105 =249 days >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >g. Fine tuning for 249 days = 50.2444 (249/365) = 34.28 >>> >> >sec >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >(Note: for easier calculation , by taking 00-51sec of "c" >>> >> >34.79sec) >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >h. KPA for 20 Dec 1950 = 23-04-22 + 34.28sec >>> >> >> >> > = 23-04-56 >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >2. KPA from Table in KP Reader I (Just for comparison >>or >>> >> >> >academic

>>> >> >> >> >purpose) >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >a. 1950 23-04 >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >b. Fine tuning for Dec 25, 50.2444 (354/365)= 48.73 sec >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> > (same as in above "1.g", the difference is here >>for >>> >354 >>> >> >> >days) >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >c. 20 Dec 1950 = 23-04 + 49 sec = 23-04-49 >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >3. KPA from KP & ASTROLOGY 2003 for 1st January 1950 >>> >> >> >> >(Just for academic purpose) >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >a. Fine tuning 50.2444 (105/365) = 14.45c >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >b. KPA for 1st Jan 1950 = 23-04-22 minus 14.45sec = 23>>> >> >04-07.55 >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >4. For KPBC2 , according to Jjagnnatha Hora Light (JHL), >>> >> >by >>> >> >> >> >entering KPA 23-04-56 REPEAT 23-04-56 (its own KPA is 23>>04>>> >> >> >43.57), >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >a. Asc 222-18-06.40 >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >b. Moon 16-02-10.20 >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >c. Sun 244-26-02.57 >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >d. Venus Tula dasa balance at birth 16y-11m-10d >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >5. Highly appreciated for providing birth place of KPBC2 >>> >> >to be >>> >> >> >> >able to check with Astrdienst >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >No Palghat 10N47, 76E39, No Chittur 10N42, 76E45, ???? >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >Best regards, >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >tw >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >--- In, rongaunt >> >>> >> >wrote: >>> >> >> >> >> Anant, >>> >> >> >> >> >>> >> >> >> >> Sorry, that was a bit misleading. I should have

>>stated >>> >that >>> >> >> >> >> ayanamsa 2:22:30 was for circa 1900. I think you will >>> >find >>> >> >the >>> >> >> >> >> Asc is in fact correct. >>> >> >> >> >> >>> >> >> >> >> Ron Gaunt >>> >> >> >> >> >>> >> >> >> >> >>> >> >> >> >> >>> >> >> >> >> On Wed, 17 Nov 2004 22:45:49 -0800, you wrote: >>> >> >> >> >> >>> >> >> >> >> >The AYANAMSA specified in the BLC2. appears to be >>> >incorrect. >>> >> >As >>> >> >> >> >per the NEW KPA tables, uploaded to-day, the AYAN on 15th >>> >April >>> >> >> >1950 >>> >> >> >> >is 23-04-22. On 20th Dec 1950, i.e. appr 8 monthss later, >>> >the >>> >> >Ayan >>> >> >> >> >will be 23 37 27(app). The specified ayanmasa 0f 22 22 >>30 >>> >is >>> >> >> >less >>> >> >> >> >by 15 minutes. This will affect Moon's position and also >>> >the >>> >> >Dasa >>> >> >> >on >>> >> >> >> >date of Event. >>> >> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >> >This restriction should not be put, and the members be >>> >> >advised >>> >> >> >to >>> >> >> >> >follow the new kpa aynamsa. >>> >> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >> >rongaunt wrote: >>> >> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >> >Chart details are: >>> >> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >> >Male, >>> >> >> >> >> >D.O.B. 20th Dec 1950 >>> >> >> >> >> >Time 5:02am >>> >> >> >> >> >I.S.T -5:30 >>> >> >> >> >> >10N46, 076E42 >>> >> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >> >Asc 12 Scorpio 20 (ayanamsa 22:22:30) >>> >> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >> >What happened on the 2 November 1979? Choose from one >>> >> >> >> >> >of the following: >>> >> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >> >1. Got married. >>> >> >> >> >> >2. Emigrated to the USA >>> >> >> >> >> >3. Son Born. >>> >> >> >> >> >4 Promotion in job.

>>> >> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >> >It would be preferable if respondents could give >>reasons >>> >up >>> >> >> >front >>> >> >> >> >> >to help others in their understanding. However, if >>time >>> >is at >>> >> >> >> >> >a premium just the answer is acceptable initially. But >>> >please >>> >> >> >> >> >be prepared to elaborate later if you answer correctly. >>> >> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >> >Please reply by 00:00am GMT Tuesday 23 Nov 04. After >>> >which >>> >> >the >>> >> >> >> >> >answer will be provided. >>> >> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >> >Ron Gaunt >>> >> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >> >Yahoo! Groups Links >>> >> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >> >----------------------------------------->>> >> >> >> >> >A.R.Raichur bombay >>> >> >> >> >> >anant_1608@y... >>> >> >> >> >> >raichuranant@y... >>> >> >> >> >> >USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY >>> >> >> >> >> >tel: 022-2506 2609 >>> >> >> >> >> >----------------------------------------->>> >> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >> >-------------------------------->>> >> >> >> >> >Do you Yahoo!? Try it today! >>> >> >> >> >> > Meet the all-new My Yahoo! >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >

>>> >> >> >> >Yahoo! Groups Links >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> > >>> >> >> > >>> >> >> > >>> >> >> > >>> >> >> > >>> >> >> > >>> >> >> > >>> >> >> >Yahoo! Groups Links >>> >> >> > >>> >> >> > >>> >> >> > >>> >> >> > >>> >> >> > >>> >> >> > >>> >> > >>> >> > >>> >> > >>> >> > >>> >> > >>> >> > >>> >> > >>> >> >Yahoo! Groups Links >>> >> > >>> >> > >>> >> > >>> >> > >>> >> > >>> >> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> >Yahoo! Groups Links >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>Yahoo! Groups Links >> >> >>

>> >> >> > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > > > > > >----------------------------------------->A.R.Raichur bombay >anant_1608@... >raichuranant@... >USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY >tel: 022-2506 2609 >-----------------------------------------> > > > > > > > >-------------------------------->Do you Yahoo!? > Discover all that s new in My Yahoo!

1572 From: anant raichur <anant_1608@...> Date: Sat Nov 20, 2004 1:43am Subject: Re: Re: KPBC2 anant_1608 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 dEAR RON attached is the FREEHOR.EXE to be run underr DOS. rongaunt <> wrote: Anant, That is very good of you. It will help enormously. Thanks Ron Gaunt

On Fri, 19 Nov 2004 23:06:08 -0800, you wrote: >For attempting to solve Blind Charts, I am prepared to send to the group my Dem o programme to the group. For getting full details, one may have to use other pr ogrammes or do some work. This would, I beleive, ensure what one may call unform playing field to all to test/improve there inter prtive skills. >Please let me know if this suits one and all > > >rongaunt wrote: > > >tw, > >I think you may have meant this for me. Vaidun has yet to >program his GJ software - and it does not give Geocentric angles >anyhow. > >My only access to Geocentric angles is through Solar Fire and >this is not suitable for transmission except to other S.F. Users >- and anyhow would show slightly different to Mr Raichurs program >because of the differences in precession between the programs. > >I do have a demo version of Mr Raichur's program but trying it on >KPBC2 I come up with such a large difference between it and my >other programs that I think I must have a corrupted version. >Hence I cannot supply a chart with Geocentric angles. > >Would one of our Indian friends like to post a chart using Mr >Raichurs software? > > >Ron Gaunt > > > > > >On Sat, 20 Nov 2004 01:35:18 +0000, you wrote: > >> >> >>Dear Vaidun Vidyadhar, >> >>Pl provide KPBC1 chart data with Geocentric angles to be able for >>participants to use it in this particular case. >> >>Thank you. >> >>Best regards, >> >>tw >> >>--- In, rongaunt wrote: >>> >>> tw, >>> >>> For all practical purposes most KP astrologers seem to only work >>> to the sub lord level. At the micro sub sub lord level it is

>>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>>

inevitable that there is going to be differences between different programs; and I suspect that this is why this area is as yet relatively unexplored - because of the possibility of computational error. Also note that you are using GEOGRAPHICAL angles and houses, whereas many Indian astrologers on this list appear to be using GEOCENTRIC angles. This again can introduce differences, particularly at the sub sub level. The remaining point of difference is the sub of the 9th house where one calculation shows sub as Moon and the other as Sun, because here is close to the cusp of the sub. Really nothing has changed from my original data. I simply stated as a result of your request to know the name of the town, that I noted that Palghat had the same coordinates as given in the data. From there we have deviated, because some atlases give slightly different coordinates for Palghat. However others do in fact give exactly the same coordinates. I don't think we should get hung up on the fact that the 9th cusp sub lord is different because some atlases may give the wrong coordinates. The crux of the matter is that the information was provided by a well respected local astrologer. He only specified the coordinates not the name of the town. I suggest we stick with his data of 10N46, 76E42 Vaidun Vidyadhar > On Fri, 19 Nov 2004 15:06:44 +0000, you wrote: > > >Dear Ron Gaunt, > >Quation was raised after do doing so as given below. > >Best Regards, > >tw > > > >KPA 23*4'56'' > >Comparison for 10N46, 76E42 & 10N47, 76E39 > >Cp D-M-S D-M-S >I 222-17-57 222-14-50 >II 251-05-26 251-02-23 >III 281-00-48 280-57-43 >IV 312-49-16 312-46-05 >V 345-04-05 345-00-53 >VI 15-08-09 15-05-02 >VII 42-17-57 42-14-50 >VIII 71-05-26 71-02-23 >IX 101-00-48 100-57-43 >X 132-49-16 132-46-05 >XI 165-04-05 165-00-53

>>> >XII 195-08-09 195-05-02 >>> > >>> >Note: (1) Sid Time 10-30-46 >>> > (2) Roughly 3min difference in cusp positions >>> > >>> > Comparison for 10N46, 76E42 & 10N47, 76E39 >>> > >>> >Cp Sgl-Stl-Sbl-Ssl Sgl-Stl-Sbl-Ssl >>> >I Ma-Sa-Ma-Ju Ma-Sa-Ma-Ra >>> >II Ju-Ke-Sa-Ra Ju-Ke-Sa-Ra >>> >III Sa-Mo-Mo-Ve Sa-Mo-Mo-Ve >>> >IV Sa-Ra-Me-Me Sa-Ra-Me-Me >>> >V Ju-Sa-Ju-Ju Ju-Sa-Ju-Ju >>> >VI Ma-Ve-Ve-Me Ma-Ve-Ve-Sa >>> >VII Ve-Mo-Ra-Ju Ve-Mo-Ra-Ju >>> >VIII Me-Ra-Sa-Ke Me-Ra-Sa-Me >>> >IX Mo-Sa-Mo-Mo Mo-Sa-Su-Ve >>> >X Su-Ke-Me-Ju Su-Ke-Me-Ra >>> >XI Me-Mo-Ju-Su Me-Mo-Ju-Ve >>> >XII Ve-Ra-Ke-Me Ve-Ra-Ke-Sa >>> > >>> >Note: (1) Sid Time 10-30-34 >>> > (2) Differences in "Sub-sub" lords of Cusps 1, 6, 8, 9,10, >>11 >>> > &12 and also in "Sub lord" of cusp 9 as mentioned in >>Msg# >>> > 1542 &1545. >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> >--- In, rongaunt wrote: >>> >> >>> >> tw, >>> >> >>> >> The easiest way to check this is simply put up the chart with the >>> >> different co-ordinates. >>> >> >>> >> When you do this you will see that at: >>> >> >>> >> 10N46, 76E42 the Asc is >>> >> 12 Sco 19, and MC is 12 Leo 49. >>> >> >>> >> 10N47, 76E39 the Asc is >>> >> 12Sco 16 and MC is 12 Leo 46. >>> >> >>> >> The difference is only 3 minutes not degrees. >>> >> >>> >> >>> >> Ron Gaunt >>> >> >>> >> >>> >> On Fri, 19 Nov 2004 04:55:23 +0000, you wrote: >>> >> >>> >> > >>> >> > >>> >> >Dear Ron, >>> >> > >>> >> >"Difference of around 12sec in Sid. Time, consequently around >>3deg >>> >> >difference in Asc, possible differences in "sub-sub" lords of

>>> >cusps >>> >> >1, 4,6, 8, 9,10, 11 &12 and also in "Sub lord" of cusp 9" >>should >>> >not >>> >> >make difference in analysis of this particular KPBC1 chart? >>> >> > >>> >> >Best regards, >>> >> > >>> >> >tw >>> >> > >>> >> > >>> >> >--- In, rongaunt >>wrote: >>> >> >> >>> >> >> tw, >>> >> >> >>> >> >> I make it that there is only about 48" in sidereal time and >>about >>> >> >> 13' in longitude and 40' in latitude difference between both >>> >> >> angles. This should not make too much difference unless >>near >>> >> >> the cusps. >>> >> >> >>> >> >> My two Atlases 'The University Atlas' and the 'Myer Atlas' >>both >>> >> >> show 10N46 and 76E42. As these were also the co>>ordinates >>> >> >> given by a respected local astrologer for this particular >>case, I >>> >> >> suggest we go with these. >>> >> >> >>> >> >> >>> >> >> Ron Gaunt >>> >> >> >>> >> >> >>> >> >> On Fri, 19 Nov 2004 02:29:25 +0000, you wrote: >>> >> >> >>> >> >> > >>> >> >> > >>> >> >> >Dear Ron, >>> >> >> > >>> >> >> >1. "Place of birth" is usually given in AstroDatabank >>> >> >> >horoscopes, Astrodienst charts, Khaldea charts, etc to be >>able >>> >to >>> >> >> >check latitude and longitude. >>> >> >> > >>> >> >> >2. For example, birth place of KPBC2 , Palghat, "10N46, >>> >76E42" >>> >> >> >given and Astro-Kundli is also showing the same figures. >>> >However, >>> >> >as >>> >> >> >given in Msg#1535, "10N47, 76E39" according to Astrodienst >>> >atlas >>> >> >> >commonly used by astrologers and referred by astrological >>> >> >websites. >>> >> >> >RAND McNALLY, Atlas of the World, Masterpiece Edition, also >>> >shows >>> >> >the >>> >> >> >same figures.

>>> >> >> > >>> >> >> >3. There can be a difference of around 12sec in Sid. >>> >Time, >>> >> >> >consequently around 3deg difference in Asc, possible >>> >differences >>> >> >> >in "sub-sub" lords of cusps 1, 4,6, 8, 9,10, 11 &12. "Sub >>> >lord" >>> >> >of >>> >> >> >cusp 9 also can be different. >>> >> >> > >>> >> >> >4. Which one to take, given figures or Astrodienst >>> >ones ? Of >>> >> >> >course, results may not be the same. Also how about only six >>> >days >>> >> >> >timeline to give answer from the view point of wider >>> >participation >>> >> >> >and quality drive of brain work? >>> >> >> > >>> >> >> >Best regards, >>> >> >> > >>> >> >> >tw >>> >> >> > >>> >> >> > >>> >> >> > >>> >> >> >--- In, rongaunt >>> >wrote: >>> >> >> >> >>> >> >> >> tw, >>> >> >> >> >>> >> >> >> The only information I was given was the co-ordinates. >>> >However, >>> >> >> >> I have checked with an atlas and it appears that the >>native >>> >was >>> >> >> >> born at Palghat. >>> >> >> >> >>> >> >> >> >>> >> >> >> Ron Gaunt >>> >> >> >> >>> >> >> >> >>> >> >> >> >>> >> >> >> On Thu, 18 Nov 2004 13:54:04 +0000, you wrote: >>> >> >> >> >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >Dear All, >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >KPA for 20 December 1950 >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >1. KPA from KP & ASTROLOGY 2003 >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >a. 15 Apr 1951 23-05-13 >>> >> >> >> >b. 15 Apr 1950 23-04-22 >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >c. Increase by Table 00-51sec >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >d. Increase by formula = 50.2388475 +0.000111 (1950 >>> >> >1900) >>> >> >> >> > = 50.2388475 +

>>> >0.00555 >>> >> >> >> > = 50.2444sec >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >e. Number Day of Year for Apr 15 = 105, for Dec 20 =354 >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >f. Difference in NDOY =354-105 =249 days >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >g. Fine tuning for 249 days = 50.2444 (249/365) = 34.28 >>> >> >sec >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >(Note: for easier calculation , by taking 00-51sec of "c" >>> >> >34.79sec) >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >h. KPA for 20 Dec 1950 = 23-04-22 + 34.28sec >>> >> >> >> > = 23-04-56 >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >2. KPA from Table in KP Reader I (Just for comparison >>or >>> >> >> >academic >>> >> >> >> >purpose) >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >a. 1950 23-04 >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >b. Fine tuning for Dec 25, 50.2444 (354/365)= 48.73 sec >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> > (same as in above "1.g", the difference is here >>for >>> >354 >>> >> >> >days) >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >c. 20 Dec 1950 = 23-04 + 49 sec = 23-04-49 >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >3. KPA from KP & ASTROLOGY 2003 for 1st January 1950 >>> >> >> >> >(Just for academic purpose) >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >a. Fine tuning 50.2444 (105/365) = 14.45c >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >b. KPA for 1st Jan 1950 = 23-04-22 minus 14.45sec = 23>>> >> >04-07.55 >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >4. For KPBC2 , according to Jjagnnatha Hora Light (JHL), >>> >> >by >>> >> >> >> >entering KPA 23-04-56 REPEAT 23-04-56 (its own KPA is 23>>04>>> >> >> >43.57), >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >a. Asc 222-18-06.40 >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >b. Moon 16-02-10.20 >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >c. Sun 244-26-02.57 >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >d. Venus Tula dasa balance at birth 16y-11m-10d >>> >> >> >> >

>>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >5. Highly appreciated for providing birth place of KPBC2 >>> >> >to be >>> >> >> >> >able to check with Astrdienst >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >No Palghat 10N47, 76E39, No Chittur 10N42, 76E45, ???? >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >Best regards, >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >tw >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >--- In, rongaunt >> >>> >> >wrote: >>> >> >> >> >> Anant, >>> >> >> >> >> >>> >> >> >> >> Sorry, that was a bit misleading. I should have >>stated >>> >that >>> >> >> >> >> ayanamsa 2:22:30 was for circa 1900. I think you will >>> >find >>> >> >the >>> >> >> >> >> Asc is in fact correct. >>> >> >> >> >> >>> >> >> >> >> Ron Gaunt >>> >> >> >> >> >>> >> >> >> >> >>> >> >> >> >> >>> >> >> >> >> On Wed, 17 Nov 2004 22:45:49 -0800, you wrote: >>> >> >> >> >> >>> >> >> >> >> >The AYANAMSA specified in the BLC2. appears to be >>> >incorrect. >>> >> >As >>> >> >> >> >per the NEW KPA tables, uploaded to-day, the AYAN on 15th >>> >April >>> >> >> >1950 >>> >> >> >> >is 23-04-22. On 20th Dec 1950, i.e. appr 8 monthss later, >>> >the >>> >> >Ayan >>> >> >> >> >will be 23 37 27(app). The specified ayanmasa 0f 22 22 >>30 >>> >is >>> >> >> >less >>> >> >> >> >by 15 minutes. This will affect Moon's position and also >>> >the >>> >> >Dasa >>> >> >> >on >>> >> >> >> >date of Event. >>> >> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >> >This restriction should not be put, and the members be >>> >> >advised >>> >> >> >to >>> >> >> >> >follow the new kpa aynamsa. >>> >> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >> >

>>> >> >> >> >> >rongaunt wrote: >>> >> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >> >Chart details are: >>> >> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >> >Male, >>> >> >> >> >> >D.O.B. 20th Dec 1950 >>> >> >> >> >> >Time 5:02am >>> >> >> >> >> >I.S.T -5:30 >>> >> >> >> >> >10N46, 076E42 >>> >> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >> >Asc 12 Scorpio 20 (ayanamsa 22:22:30) >>> >> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >> >What happened on the 2 November 1979? Choose from one >>> >> >> >> >> >of the following: >>> >> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >> >1. Got married. >>> >> >> >> >> >2. Emigrated to the USA >>> >> >> >> >> >3. Son Born. >>> >> >> >> >> >4 Promotion in job. >>> >> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >> >It would be preferable if respondents could give >>reasons >>> >up >>> >> >> >front >>> >> >> >> >> >to help others in their understanding. However, if >>time >>> >is at >>> >> >> >> >> >a premium just the answer is acceptable initially. But >>> >please >>> >> >> >> >> >be prepared to elaborate later if you answer correctly. >>> >> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >> >Please reply by 00:00am GMT Tuesday 23 Nov 04. After >>> >which >>> >> >the >>> >> >> >> >> >answer will be provided. >>> >> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >> >Ron Gaunt >>> >> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >> >Yahoo! Groups Links >>> >> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >> > >>> >> >> >> >> >----------------------------------------->>> >> >> >> >> >A.R.Raichur bombay >>> >> >> >> >> >anant_1608@y... >>> >> >> >> >> >raichuranant@y...

>>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>>

>> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > > > >

>> >> >> >USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY >> >> >> >tel: 022-2506 2609 >> >> >> >----------------------------------------->> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> >-------------------------------->> >> >> >Do you Yahoo!? >> >> >> > Meet the all-new My Yahoo! Try it today! >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> >Yahoo! Groups Links >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> >Yahoo! Groups Links >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > > > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > >

>>> > >>> > >>> > >>> >Yahoo! Groups Links >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>Yahoo! Groups Links >> >> >> >> >> >> > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > > > > > >----------------------------------------->A.R.Raichur bombay > > >USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY >tel: 022-2506 2609 >-----------------------------------------> > > > > > > > >-------------------------------->Do you Yahoo!? > Discover all that s new in My Yahoo!

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-----------------------------------------A.R.Raichur bombay USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY tel: 022-2506 2609 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Do you Yahoo!? Discover all that s new in My Yahoo! Attachment: (application/octet-stream) FREEHOR.EXE [not stored]

1573 From: ramesh mishra <aarceemastro2002@...> Date: Sat Nov 20, 2004 2:08am Subject: Re: Re:k_p_system->feed back aarceemastro... Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Respexted Anant Saheb, Namaskar Will you mind to tell me about Placidius System in connection with casting horos cope.You r talking about house division whereas I want to know whether horoscope is cast simply as we cast it according to vedic astrology style.The difference is in division of houses which is according to placidius system.When we have fou nd out the longitude of lagna then this longitude is the starting point of 1st h ouse and not the centre point of lagna as taken in the vedic astrology. Actually here in Delhi,India I am not getting the books of kp system in any of t he book stalls which are known to me. Regards Ramesh Mishra

anant raichur <> wrote: Dear Ramesh KP uses the PLACIDIUS SYSTEM OF house division, as used by Western Astrologers. This division gives different widths for different house, based on the LATITUDE (GEOCENTRIC) of the Place. good luck ramesh mishra <> wrote: Respected Gurujans and mocerator, I am learning kp system now a days.I want to know about casting of horoscopes ac cording to this system. Des it cast as per the method of vedic astrology or any other method is followed ? Of course KP Ayanamsa is used and cusp is taken from starting point of bhav as opposed to the centre point of cusp according to vedic astrology. So kindly help me out the method of casting horoscope first.I may as k you time to time in connection with KP System. Thanks and best regards. Ramesh Mishra Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online.

-----------------------------------------A.R.Raichur bombay USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY tel: 022-2506 2609 -----------------------------------------__________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online.

1574 From: Vinay Tiwari <techn0pandit@...> Date: Sat Nov 20, 2004 3:19am Subject: Re: Re: KPBC2 techn0pandit Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Sirji, Thanks in advance. anant raichur <> wrote: For attempting to solve Blind Charts, I am prepared to send to the group my Demo programme to the group. For getting full details, one may have to use other pr ogrammes or do some work. This would, I beleive, ensure what one may call unfor m playing field to all to test/improve there inter prtive skills. Please let me know if this suits one and all

rongaunt <> wrote: tw, I think you may have meant this for me. Vaidun has yet to program his GJ software - and it does not give Geocentric angles anyhow. My only access to Geocentric angles is through Solar Fire and this is not suitable for transmission except to other S.F. Users - and anyhow would show slightly different to Mr Raichurs program because of the differences in precession between the programs. I do have a demo version of Mr Raichur's program but trying it on KPBC2 I come up with such a large difference between it and my other programs that I think I must have a corrupted version. Hence I cannot supply a chart with Geocentric angles. Would one of our Indian friends like to post a chart using Mr Raichurs software? Ron Gaunt

On Sat, 20 Nov 2004 01:35:18 +0000, you wrote: > > >Dear Vaidun Vidyadhar, > >Pl provide KPBC1 chart data with Geocentric angles to be able for >participants to use it in this particular case. > >Thank you. > >Best regards, > >tw > >--- In, rongaunt wrote: >> >> tw, >> >> For all practical purposes most KP astrologers seem to only work >> to the sub lord level. At the micro sub sub lord level it is >> inevitable that there is going to be differences between >> different programs; and I suspect that this is why this area is >> as yet relatively unexplored - because of the possibility of >> computational error. Also note that you are using >> GEOGRAPHICAL angles and houses, whereas many Indian >> astrologers on this list appear to be using GEOCENTRIC angles. >> This again can introduce differences, particularly at the sub sub >> level.

>> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>

The remaining point of difference is the sub of the 9th house where one calculation shows sub as Moon and the other as Sun, because here is close to the cusp of the sub. Really nothing has changed from my original data. I simply stated as a result of your request to know the name of the town, that I noted that Palghat had the same coordinates as given in the data. From there we have deviated, because some atlases give slightly different coordinates for Palghat. However others do in fact give exactly the same coordinates. I don't think we should get hung up on the fact that the 9th cusp sub lord is different because some atlases may give the wrong coordinates. The crux of the matter is that the information was provided by a well respected local astrologer. He only specified the coordinates not the name of the town. I suggest we stick with his data of 10N46, 76E42 Vaidun Vidyadhar > On Fri, 19 Nov 2004 15:06:44 +0000, you wrote: > > >Dear Ron Gaunt, > >Quation was raised after do doing so as given below. > >Best Regards, > >tw > > > >KPA 23*4'56'' > >Comparison for 10N46, 76E42 & 10N47, 76E39 > >Cp D-M-S D-M-S >I 222-17-57 222-14-50 >II 251-05-26 251-02-23 >III 281-00-48 280-57-43 >IV 312-49-16 312-46-05 >V 345-04-05 345-00-53 >VI 15-08-09 15-05-02 >VII 42-17-57 42-14-50 >VIII 71-05-26 71-02-23 >IX 101-00-48 100-57-43 >X 132-49-16 132-46-05 >XI 165-04-05 165-00-53 >XII 195-08-09 195-05-02 > >Note: (1) Sid Time 10-30-46 > (2) Roughly 3min difference in cusp positions > > Comparison for 10N46, 76E42 & 10N47, 76E39 > >Cp Sgl-Stl-Sbl-Ssl Sgl-Stl-Sbl-Ssl

>> >I Ma-Sa-Ma-Ju Ma-Sa-Ma-Ra >> >II Ju-Ke-Sa-Ra Ju-Ke-Sa-Ra >> >III Sa-Mo-Mo-Ve Sa-Mo-Mo-Ve >> >IV Sa-Ra-Me-Me Sa-Ra-Me-Me >> >V Ju-Sa-Ju-Ju Ju-Sa-Ju-Ju >> >VI Ma-Ve-Ve-Me Ma-Ve-Ve-Sa >> >VII Ve-Mo-Ra-Ju Ve-Mo-Ra-Ju >> >VIII Me-Ra-Sa-Ke Me-Ra-Sa-Me >> >IX Mo-Sa-Mo-Mo Mo-Sa-Su-Ve >> >X Su-Ke-Me-Ju Su-Ke-Me-Ra >> >XI Me-Mo-Ju-Su Me-Mo-Ju-Ve >> >XII Ve-Ra-Ke-Me Ve-Ra-Ke-Sa >> > >> >Note: (1) Sid Time 10-30-34 >> > (2) Differences in "Sub-sub" lords of Cusps 1, 6, 8, 9,10, >11 >> > &12 and also in "Sub lord" of cusp 9 as mentioned in >Msg# >> > 1542 &1545. >> > >> > >> > >> >--- In, rongaunt wrote: >> >> >> >> tw, >> >> >> >> The easiest way to check this is simply put up the chart with the >> >> different co-ordinates. >> >> >> >> When you do this you will see that at: >> >> >> >> 10N46, 76E42 the Asc is >> >> 12 Sco 19, and MC is 12 Leo 49. >> >> >> >> 10N47, 76E39 the Asc is >> >> 12Sco 16 and MC is 12 Leo 46. >> >> >> >> The difference is only 3 minutes not degrees. >> >> >> >> >> >> Ron Gaunt >> >> >> >> >> >> On Fri, 19 Nov 2004 04:55:23 +0000, you wrote: >> >> >> >> > >> >> > >> >> >Dear Ron, >> >> > >> >> >"Difference of around 12sec in Sid. Time, consequently around >3deg >> >> >difference in Asc, possible differences in "sub-sub" lords of >> >cusps >> >> >1, 4,6, 8, 9,10, 11 &12 and also in "Sub lord" of cusp 9" >should >> >not >> >> >make difference in analysis of this particular KPBC1 chart? >> >> > >> >> >Best regards, >> >> >

>> >> >tw >> >> > >> >> > >> >> >--- In, rongaunt >wrote: >> >> >> >> >> >> tw, >> >> >> >> >> >> I make it that there is only about 48" in sidereal time and >about >> >> >> 13' in longitude and 40' in latitude difference between both >> >> >> angles. This should not make too much difference unless >near >> >> >> the cusps. >> >> >> >> >> >> My two Atlases 'The University Atlas' and the 'Myer Atlas' >both >> >> >> show 10N46 and 76E42. As these were also the co>ordinates >> >> >> given by a respected local astrologer for this particular >case, I >> >> >> suggest we go with these. >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> Ron Gaunt >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> On Fri, 19 Nov 2004 02:29:25 +0000, you wrote: >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> >Dear Ron, >> >> >> > >> >> >> >1. "Place of birth" is usually given in AstroDatabank >> >> >> >horoscopes, Astrodienst charts, Khaldea charts, etc to be >able >> >to >> >> >> >check latitude and longitude. >> >> >> > >> >> >> >2. For example, birth place of KPBC2 , Palghat, "10N46, >> >76E42" >> >> >> >given and Astro-Kundli is also showing the same figures. >> >However, >> >> >as >> >> >> >given in Msg#1535, "10N47, 76E39" according to Astrodienst >> >atlas >> >> >> >commonly used by astrologers and referred by astrological >> >> >websites. >> >> >> >RAND McNALLY, Atlas of the World, Masterpiece Edition, also >> >shows >> >> >the >> >> >> >same figures. >> >> >> > >> >> >> >3. There can be a difference of around 12sec in Sid. >> >Time, >> >> >> >consequently around 3deg difference in Asc, possible >> >differences >> >> >> >in "sub-sub" lords of cusps 1, 4,6, 8, 9,10, 11 &12. "Sub >> >lord" >> >> >of

>> >> >> >cusp 9 also can be different. >> >> >> > >> >> >> >4. Which one to take, given figures or Astrodienst >> >ones ? Of >> >> >> >course, results may not be the same. Also how about only six >> >days >> >> >> >timeline to give answer from the view point of wider >> >participation >> >> >> >and quality drive of brain work? >> >> >> > >> >> >> >Best regards, >> >> >> > >> >> >> >tw >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> >--- In, rongaunt >> >wrote: >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> tw, >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> The only information I was given was the co-ordinates. >> >However, >> >> >> >> I have checked with an atlas and it appears that the >native >> >was >> >> >> >> born at Palghat. >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> Ron Gaunt >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> On Thu, 18 Nov 2004 13:54:04 +0000, you wrote: >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >Dear All, >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >KPA for 20 December 1950 >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >1. KPA from KP & ASTROLOGY 2003 >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >a. 15 Apr 1951 23-05-13 >> >> >> >> >b. 15 Apr 1950 23-04-22 >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >c. Increase by Table 00-51sec >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >d. Increase by formula = 50.2388475 +0.000111 (1950 >> >> >1900) >> >> >> >> > = 50.2388475 + >> >0.00555 >> >> >> >> > = 50.2444sec >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >e. Number Day of Year for Apr 15 = 105, for Dec 20 =354 >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >f. Difference in NDOY =354-105 =249 days >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >g. Fine tuning for 249 days = 50.2444 (249/365) = 34.28

>> >> >sec >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >(Note: for easier calculation , by taking 00-51sec of "c" >> >> >34.79sec) >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >h. KPA for 20 Dec 1950 = 23-04-22 + 34.28sec >> >> >> >> > = 23-04-56 >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >2. KPA from Table in KP Reader I (Just for comparison >or >> >> >> >academic >> >> >> >> >purpose) >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >a. 1950 23-04 >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >b. Fine tuning for Dec 25, 50.2444 (354/365)= 48.73 sec >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > (same as in above "1.g", the difference is here >for >> >354 >> >> >> >days) >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >c. 20 Dec 1950 = 23-04 + 49 sec = 23-04-49 >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >3. KPA from KP & ASTROLOGY 2003 for 1st January 1950 >> >> >> >> >(Just for academic purpose) >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >a. Fine tuning 50.2444 (105/365) = 14.45c >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >b. KPA for 1st Jan 1950 = 23-04-22 minus 14.45sec = 23>> >> >04-07.55 >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >4. For KPBC2 , according to Jjagnnatha Hora Light (JHL), >> >> >by >> >> >> >> >entering KPA 23-04-56 REPEAT 23-04-56 (its own KPA is 23>04>> >> >> >43.57), >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >a. Asc 222-18-06.40 >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >b. Moon 16-02-10.20 >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >c. Sun 244-26-02.57 >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >d. Venus Tula dasa balance at birth 16y-11m-10d >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >5. Highly appreciated for providing birth place of KPBC2 >> >> >to be >> >> >> >> >able to check with Astrdienst >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >No Palghat 10N47, 76E39, No Chittur 10N42, 76E45, ???? >> >> >> >> >

>> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >Best regards, >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >tw >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >--- In, rongaunt > >> >> >wrote: >> >> >> >> >> Anant, >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> Sorry, that was a bit misleading. I should have >stated >> >that >> >> >> >> >> ayanamsa 2:22:30 was for circa 1900. I think you will >> >find >> >> >the >> >> >> >> >> Asc is in fact correct. >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> Ron Gaunt >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> On Wed, 17 Nov 2004 22:45:49 -0800, you wrote: >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >The AYANAMSA specified in the BLC2. appears to be >> >incorrect. >> >> >As >> >> >> >> >per the NEW KPA tables, uploaded to-day, the AYAN on 15th >> >April >> >> >> >1950 >> >> >> >> >is 23-04-22. On 20th Dec 1950, i.e. appr 8 monthss later, >> >the >> >> >Ayan >> >> >> >> >will be 23 37 27(app). The specified ayanmasa 0f 22 22 >30 >> >is >> >> >> >less >> >> >> >> >by 15 minutes. This will affect Moon's position and also >> >the >> >> >Dasa >> >> >> >on >> >> >> >> >date of Event. >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >This restriction should not be put, and the members be >> >> >advised >> >> >> >to >> >> >> >> >follow the new kpa aynamsa. >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >rongaunt wrote: >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >Chart details are: >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >Male, >> >> >> >> >> >D.O.B. 20th Dec 1950 >> >> >> >> >> >Time 5:02am >> >> >> >> >> >I.S.T -5:30

>> >> >> >> >> >10N46, 076E42 >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >Asc 12 Scorpio 20 (ayanamsa 22:22:30) >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >What happened on the 2 November 1979? Choose from one >> >> >> >> >> >of the following: >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >1. Got married. >> >> >> >> >> >2. Emigrated to the USA >> >> >> >> >> >3. Son Born. >> >> >> >> >> >4 Promotion in job. >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >It would be preferable if respondents could give >reasons >> >up >> >> >> >front >> >> >> >> >> >to help others in their understanding. However, if >time >> >is at >> >> >> >> >> >a premium just the answer is acceptable initially. But >> >please >> >> >> >> >> >be prepared to elaborate later if you answer correctly. >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >Please reply by 00:00am GMT Tuesday 23 Nov 04. After >> >which >> >> >the >> >> >> >> >> >answer will be provided. >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >Ron Gaunt >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >Yahoo! Groups Links >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >----------------------------------------->> >> >> >> >> >A.R.Raichur bombay >> >> >> >> >> >anant_1608@y... >> >> >> >> >> >raichuranant@y... >> >> >> >> >> >USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY >> >> >> >> >> >tel: 022-2506 2609 >> >> >> >> >> >----------------------------------------->> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >

>> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>

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1575 From: rongaunt <rongaunt@...> Date: Sat Nov 20, 2004 4:17am Subject: Re: Re: KPBC2 rongaunt1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 yw, Glad you found a way to get geocentric angles. Regarding geocentric being the correct way, I think I will have to wait and see, before I go whole hearted into it. My experience as a result of Garth Allen's work suggests that parallax moon (which is geographic) produces good results in eclipse and new moon situations. Consequently I suspect that geographic is valid at least in some situations. Fortunately, there is little difference between the two and in most cases would not change the Sub Lord. Ron Gaunt ===== Yahoo! My Yahoo! Mail Welcome, raon1008 [Sign Out, My Account] Groups Home - Help

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View: Simple | Summary | Expanded As: Msg List | Thread 1576 - 1605 of 8072 Last Sort by Date 1576 From: "tw853" <tw853@...> Date: Sat Nov 20, 2004 5:15am Subject: Re: KPBC2 tw853 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Sri Anant Raichur, Very good idea and highly appreciated. With my respect and wishes, tw

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--- In, anant raichur <anant_1608@y...> wrote: > For attempting to solve Blind Charts, I am prepared to send to the group my Demo programme to the group. For getting full details, one may have to use other programmes or do some work. This would, I beleive, ensure what one may call unform playing field to all to test/improve there inter prtive skills. > Please let me know if this suits one and all > > > rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > > > tw, > > I think you may have meant this for me. Vaidun has yet to > program his GJ software - and it does not give Geocentric angles > anyhow. > > My only access to Geocentric angles is through Solar Fire and > this is not suitable for transmission except to other S.F. Users > - and anyhow would show slightly different to Mr Raichurs program > because of the differences in precession between the programs. > > I do have a demo version of Mr Raichur's program but trying it on > KPBC2 I come up with such a large difference between it and my > other programs that I think I must have a corrupted version. > Hence I cannot supply a chart with Geocentric angles. > > Would one of our Indian friends like to post a chart using Mr > Raichurs software? > > > Ron Gaunt > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

On Sat, 20 Nov 2004 01:35:18 +0000, you wrote: > > >Dear Vaidun Vidyadhar, > >Pl provide KPBC1 chart data with Geocentric angles to be able for >participants to use it in this particular case. > >Thank you. > >Best regards, > >tw > >--- In, rongaunt wrote: >> >> tw, >> >> For all practical purposes most KP astrologers seem to only work >> to the sub lord level. At the micro sub sub lord level it is >> inevitable that there is going to be differences between >> different programs; and I suspect that this is why this area is >> as yet relatively unexplored - because of the possibility of >> computational error. Also note that you are using >> GEOGRAPHICAL angles and houses, whereas many Indian >> astrologers on this list appear to be using GEOCENTRIC angles. >> This again can introduce differences, particularly at the sub sub >> level. >> >> The remaining point of difference is the sub of the 9th house >> where one calculation shows sub as Moon and the other as Sun, >> because here is close to the cusp of the sub. >> >> Really nothing has changed from my original data. I simply >> stated as a result of your request to know the name of the town, >> that I noted that Palghat had the same coordinates as given in >> the data. From there we have deviated, because some atlases >> give slightly different coordinates for Palghat. However >> others do in fact give exactly the same coordinates. >> >> I don't think we should get hung up on the fact that the 9th cusp >> sub lord is different because some atlases may give the wrong >> coordinates. The crux of the matter is that the information >> was provided by a well respected local astrologer. He only >> specified the coordinates not the name of the town. I suggest >> we stick with his data of 10N46, 76E42 >> >> >> Vaidun Vidyadhar > >> >> On Fri, 19 Nov 2004 15:06:44 +0000, you wrote: >> >> > >> > >> >Dear Ron Gaunt, >> > >> >Quation was raised after do doing so as given below. >> > >> >Best Regards,

> >> > > >> >tw > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> >KPA 23*4'56'' > >> > > >> >Comparison for 10N46, 76E42 & 10N47, 76E39 > >> > > >> >Cp D-M-S D-M-S > >> >I 222-17-57 222-14-50 > >> >II 251-05-26 251-02-23 > >> >III 281-00-48 280-57-43 > >> >IV 312-49-16 312-46-05 > >> >V 345-04-05 345-00-53 > >> >VI 15-08-09 15-05-02 > >> >VII 42-17-57 42-14-50 > >> >VIII 71-05-26 71-02-23 > >> >IX 101-00-48 100-57-43 > >> >X 132-49-16 132-46-05 > >> >XI 165-04-05 165-00-53 > >> >XII 195-08-09 195-05-02 > >> > > >> >Note: (1) Sid Time 10-30-46 > >> > (2) Roughly 3min difference in cusp positions > >> > > >> > Comparison for 10N46, 76E42 & 10N47, 76E39 > >> > > >> >Cp Sgl-Stl-Sbl-Ssl Sgl-Stl-Sbl-Ssl > >> >I Ma-Sa-Ma-Ju Ma-Sa-Ma-Ra > >> >II Ju-Ke-Sa-Ra Ju-Ke-Sa-Ra > >> >III Sa-Mo-Mo-Ve Sa-Mo-Mo-Ve > >> >IV Sa-Ra-Me-Me Sa-Ra-Me-Me > >> >V Ju-Sa-Ju-Ju Ju-Sa-Ju-Ju > >> >VI Ma-Ve-Ve-Me Ma-Ve-Ve-Sa > >> >VII Ve-Mo-Ra-Ju Ve-Mo-Ra-Ju > >> >VIII Me-Ra-Sa-Ke Me-Ra-Sa-Me > >> >IX Mo-Sa-Mo-Mo Mo-Sa-Su-Ve > >> >X Su-Ke-Me-Ju Su-Ke-Me-Ra > >> >XI Me-Mo-Ju-Su Me-Mo-Ju-Ve > >> >XII Ve-Ra-Ke-Me Ve-Ra-Ke-Sa > >> > > >> >Note: (1) Sid Time 10-30-34 > >> > (2) Differences in "Sub-sub" lords of Cusps 1, 6, 8, 9,10, > >11 > >> > &12 and also in "Sub lord" of cusp 9 as mentioned in > >Msg# > >> > 1542 &1545. > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> >--- In, rongaunt wrote: > >> >> > >> >> tw, > >> >> > >> >> The easiest way to check this is simply put up the chart with the > >> >> different co-ordinates. > >> >> > >> >> When you do this you will see that at:

> >> >> > >> >> 10N46, 76E42 the Asc is > >> >> 12 Sco 19, and MC is 12 Leo 49. > >> >> > >> >> 10N47, 76E39 the Asc is > >> >> 12Sco 16 and MC is 12 Leo 46. > >> >> > >> >> The difference is only 3 minutes not degrees. > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> Ron Gaunt > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> On Fri, 19 Nov 2004 04:55:23 +0000, you wrote: > >> >> > >> >> > > >> >> > > >> >> >Dear Ron, > >> >> > > >> >> >"Difference of around 12sec in Sid. Time, consequently around > >3deg > >> >> >difference in Asc, possible differences in "sub-sub" lords of > >> >cusps > >> >> >1, 4,6, 8, 9,10, 11 &12 and also in "Sub lord" of cusp 9" > >should > >> >not > >> >> >make difference in analysis of this particular KPBC1 chart? > >> >> > > >> >> >Best regards, > >> >> > > >> >> >tw > >> >> > > >> >> > > >> >> >--- In, rongaunt > >wrote: > >> >> >> > >> >> >> tw, > >> >> >> > >> >> >> I make it that there is only about 48" in sidereal time and > >about > >> >> >> 13' in longitude and 40' in latitude difference between both > >> >> >> angles. This should not make too much difference unless > >near > >> >> >> the cusps. > >> >> >> > >> >> >> My two Atlases 'The University Atlas' and the 'Myer Atlas' > >both > >> >> >> show 10N46 and 76E42. As these were also the co> >ordinates > >> >> >> given by a respected local astrologer for this particular > >case, I > >> >> >> suggest we go with these. > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> Ron Gaunt > >> >> >>

> >> >> >> > >> >> >> On Fri, 19 Nov 2004 02:29:25 +0000, you wrote: > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >Dear Ron, > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >1. "Place of birth" is usually given in AstroDatabank > >> >> >> >horoscopes, Astrodienst charts, Khaldea charts, etc to be > >able > >> >to > >> >> >> >check latitude and longitude. > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >2. For example, birth place of KPBC2 , Palghat, "10N46, > >> >76E42" > >> >> >> >given and Astro-Kundli is also showing the same figures. > >> >However, > >> >> >as > >> >> >> >given in Msg#1535, "10N47, 76E39" according to Astrodienst > >> >atlas > >> >> >> >commonly used by astrologers and referred by astrological > >> >> >websites. > >> >> >> >RAND McNALLY, Atlas of the World, Masterpiece Edition, also > >> >shows > >> >> >the > >> >> >> >same figures. > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >3. There can be a difference of around 12sec in Sid. > >> >Time, > >> >> >> >consequently around 3deg difference in Asc, possible > >> >differences > >> >> >> >in "sub-sub" lords of cusps 1, 4,6, 8, 9,10, 11 &12. "Sub > >> >lord" > >> >> >of > >> >> >> >cusp 9 also can be different. > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >4. Which one to take, given figures or Astrodienst > >> >ones ? Of > >> >> >> >course, results may not be the same. Also how about only six > >> >days > >> >> >> >timeline to give answer from the view point of wider > >> >participation > >> >> >> >and quality drive of brain work? > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >Best regards, > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >tw > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >--- In, rongaunt > >> >wrote: > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> tw, > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> The only information I was given was the co-ordinates. > >> >However,

> >> >> >> >> I have checked with an atlas and it appears that the > >native > >> >was > >> >> >> >> born at Palghat. > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> Ron Gaunt > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> On Thu, 18 Nov 2004 13:54:04 +0000, you wrote: > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >Dear All, > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >KPA for 20 December 1950 > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >1. KPA from KP & ASTROLOGY 2003 > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >a. 15 Apr 1951 23-05-13 > >> >> >> >> >b. 15 Apr 1950 23-04-22 > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >c. Increase by Table 00-51sec > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >d. Increase by formula = 50.2388475 +0.000111 (1950 > >> >> >1900) > >> >> >> >> > = 50.2388475 + > >> >0.00555 > >> >> >> >> > = 50.2444sec > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >e. Number Day of Year for Apr 15 = 105, for Dec 20 =354 > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >f. Difference in NDOY =354-105 =249 days > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >g. Fine tuning for 249 days = 50.2444 (249/365) = 34.28 > >> >> >sec > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >(Note: for easier calculation , by taking 00-51sec of "c" > >> >> >34.79sec) > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >h. KPA for 20 Dec 1950 = 23-04-22 + 34.28sec > >> >> >> >> > = 23-04-56 > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >2. KPA from Table in KP Reader I (Just for comparison > >or > >> >> >> >academic > >> >> >> >> >purpose) > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >a. 1950 23-04 > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >b. Fine tuning for Dec 25, 50.2444 (354/365)= 48.73 sec > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> > (same as in above "1.g", the difference is here > >for

> >> >354 > >> >> >> >days) > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >c. 20 Dec 1950 = 23-04 + 49 sec = 23-04-49 > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >3. KPA from KP & ASTROLOGY 2003 for 1st January 1950 > >> >> >> >> >(Just for academic purpose) > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >a. Fine tuning 50.2444 (105/365) = 14.45c > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >b. KPA for 1st Jan 1950 = 23-04-22 minus 14.45sec = 23> >> >> >04-07.55 > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >4. For KPBC2 , according to Jjagnnatha Hora Light (JHL), > >> >> >by > >> >> >> >> >entering KPA 23-04-56 REPEAT 23-04-56 (its own KPA is 23> >04> >> >> >> >43.57), > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >a. Asc 222-18-06.40 > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >b. Moon 16-02-10.20 > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >c. Sun 244-26-02.57 > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >d. Venus Tula dasa balance at birth 16y-11m-10d > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >5. Highly appreciated for providing birth place of KPBC2 > >> >> >to be > >> >> >> >> >able to check with Astrdienst > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >No Palghat 10N47, 76E39, No Chittur 10N42, 76E45, ???? > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >Best regards, > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >tw > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >--- In, rongaunt > > > >> >> >wrote: > >> >> >> >> >> Anant, > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> Sorry, that was a bit misleading. I should have > >stated > >> >that > >> >> >> >> >> ayanamsa 2:22:30 was for circa 1900. I think you will > >> >find

> >> >> >the > >> >> >> >> >> Asc is in fact correct. > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> Ron Gaunt > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> On Wed, 17 Nov 2004 22:45:49 -0800, you wrote: > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >The AYANAMSA specified in the BLC2. appears to be > >> >incorrect. > >> >> >As > >> >> >> >> >per the NEW KPA tables, uploaded to-day, the AYAN on 15th > >> >April > >> >> >> >1950 > >> >> >> >> >is 23-04-22. On 20th Dec 1950, i.e. appr 8 monthss later, > >> >the > >> >> >Ayan > >> >> >> >> >will be 23 37 27(app). The specified ayanmasa 0f 22 22 > >30 > >> >is > >> >> >> >less > >> >> >> >> >by 15 minutes. This will affect Moon's position and also > >> >the > >> >> >Dasa > >> >> >> >on > >> >> >> >> >date of Event. > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >This restriction should not be put, and the members be > >> >> >advised > >> >> >> >to > >> >> >> >> >follow the new kpa aynamsa. > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >rongaunt wrote: > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >Chart details are: > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >Male, > >> >> >> >> >> >D.O.B. 20th Dec 1950 > >> >> >> >> >> >Time 5:02am > >> >> >> >> >> >I.S.T -5:30 > >> >> >> >> >> >10N46, 076E42 > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >Asc 12 Scorpio 20 (ayanamsa 22:22:30) > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >What happened on the 2 November 1979? Choose from one > >> >> >> >> >> >of the following: > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >1. Got married. > >> >> >> >> >> >2. Emigrated to the USA > >> >> >> >> >> >3. Son Born.

> >> >> >> >> >> >4 Promotion in job. > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >It would be preferable if respondents could give > >reasons > >> >up > >> >> >> >front > >> >> >> >> >> >to help others in their understanding. However, if > >time > >> >is at > >> >> >> >> >> >a premium just the answer is acceptable initially. But > >> >please > >> >> >> >> >> >be prepared to elaborate later if you answer correctly. > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >Please reply by 00:00am GMT Tuesday 23 Nov 04. After > >> >which > >> >> >the > >> >> >> >> >> >answer will be provided. > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >Ron Gaunt > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >Yahoo! Groups Links > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >-----------------------------------------> >> >> >> >> >> >A.R.Raichur bombay > >> >> >> >> >> >anant_1608@y... > >> >> >> >> >> >raichuranant@y... > >> >> >> >> >> >USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY > >> >> >> >> >> >tel: 022-2506 2609 > >> >> >> >> >> >-----------------------------------------> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >--------------------------------> >> >> >> >> >> >Do you Yahoo!? > >> >> >> >> >> > Meet the all-new My Yahoo! Try it today! > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >

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>> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > > > > > > >

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1577 From: "tw853" <tw853@...> Date: Sat Nov 20, 2004 5:44am Subject: Re:k_p_system->feed back tw853 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Ramesh Mishra, 1. All KP books and magazine are available at the following book store. Manorama Ocult Publications Manorama Bhawan, 170B, Bank Enclave Delhi, India-110092 Ph (91) (11) 22468683 E-mail: manoramaoccult@...

2. For international order 3. Free Vedic & KP horoscope For accuracy and precision, it's advisable to choose "Geocentric", otherwise it will give "Geographic" autometically. 4. For reading Best regards, tw

--- In, ramesh mishra <aarceemastro2002@y...> wrote: > Respexted Anant Saheb, > Namaskar > Will you mind to tell me about Placidius System in connection with casting horoscope.You r talking about house division whereas I want to know whether horoscope is cast simply as we cast it according to vedic astrology style.The difference is in division of houses which is according to placidius system.When we have found out the longitude of lagna then this longitude is the starting point of 1st house and not the centre point of lagna as taken in the vedic astrology. > Actually here in Delhi,India I am not getting the books of kp system in any of the book stalls which are known to me. > Regards > Ramesh Mishra > > anant raichur <anant_1608@y...> wrote: > Dear Ramesh > > KP uses the PLACIDIUS SYSTEM OF house division, as used by Western Astrologers. This division gives different widths for different house, based on the LATITUDE (GEOCENTRIC) of the Place. > > good luck > > ramesh mishra <aarceemastro2002@y...> wrote: > Respected Gurujans and mocerator, > I am learning kp system now a days.I want to know about casting of horoscopes according to this system. Des it cast as per the method of vedic astrology or any other method is followed ? Of course KP

Ayanamsa is used and cusp is taken from starting point of bhav as opposed to the centre point of cusp according to vedic astrology. So kindly help me out the method of casting horoscope first.I may ask you time to time in connection with KP System. > Thanks and best regards. > Ramesh Mishra > > Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online. > > > > -----------------------------------------> A.R.Raichur bombay > anant_1608@y... > raichuranant@y... > USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY > tel: 022-2506 2609 > -----------------------------------------> > > > > > > > __________________________________________________ > Do You Yahoo!? > Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around > > Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT > > > --------------------------------> Yahoo! Groups Links > > To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. > > > Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline.

1578 From: "tw853" <tw853@...> Date: Sat Nov 20, 2004 5:58am Subject: Re: KPBC2 tw853 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Ron Gaunt, "Geocentric and Geographic" are explained in


--- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > > yw, > > Glad you found a way to get geocentric angles. > > Regarding geocentric being the correct way, I think I will have > to wait and see, before I go whole hearted into it. My > experience as a result of Garth Allen's work suggests that > parallax moon (which is geographic) produces good results in > eclipse and new moon situations. Consequently I suspect that > geographic is valid at least in some situations. > > Fortunately, there is little difference between the two and in > most cases would not change the Sub Lord. > > > Ron Gaunt > > > On Sat, 20 Nov 2004 02:18:09 +0000, you wrote: > > > > > > >Dear Ron Gaunt, > > > >It's okay. I can get it. I forgot to change a key for Geocentric in > >Astraura. Astrodienst also can give both ways but there I have to > >follow its latitude and longitude and do additional calculations. > >It's common practice in all TOH to use Geocetric to ensure much more > >accuracy and precision. We're living on earth not in the haven and > >true center of earth is geocentric latitude. All astrological > >considerations are based on geocentric positions of planets, since > >Astrology is concerned with planetary motions only as they affect the > >earth. I can't run Sri Raichur's demo anymore. I mean I can't raed > >the results. > > > >Tahnk you. > > > >Best regards, > > > >tw > > > >

> > > > > > > > > >--- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > >> > >> tw, > >> > >> I think you may have meant this for me. Vaidun has yet to > >> program his GJ software - and it does not give Geocentric angles > >> anyhow. > >> > >> My only access to Geocentric angles is through Solar Fire and > >> this is not suitable for transmission except to other S.F. Users > >> - and anyhow would show slightly different to Mr Raichurs program > >> because of the differences in precession between the programs. > >> > >> I do have a demo version of Mr Raichur's program but trying it on > >> KPBC2 I come up with such a large difference between it and my > >> other programs that I think I must have a corrupted version. > >> Hence I cannot supply a chart with Geocentric angles. > >> > >> Would one of our Indian friends like to post a chart using Mr > >> Raichurs software? > >> > >> > >> Ron Gaunt > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> On Sat, 20 Nov 2004 01:35:18 +0000, you wrote: > >> > >> > > >> > > >> >Dear Vaidun Vidyadhar, > >> > > >> >Pl provide KPBC1 chart data with Geocentric angles to be able for > >> >participants to use it in this particular case. > >> > > >> >Thank you. > >> > > >> >Best regards, > >> > > >> >tw > >> > > >> >--- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > >> >> > >> >> tw, > >> >> > >> >> For all practical purposes most KP astrologers seem to only work > >> >> to the sub lord level. At the micro sub sub lord level it is > >> >> inevitable that there is going to be differences between > >> >> different programs; and I suspect that this is why this area is > >> >> as yet relatively unexplored - because of the possibility of

> >> >> computational error. Also note that you are using > >> >> GEOGRAPHICAL angles and houses, whereas many Indian > >> >> astrologers on this list appear to be using GEOCENTRIC angles. > >> >> This again can introduce differences, particularly at the sub sub > >> >> level. > >> >> > >> >> The remaining point of difference is the sub of the 9th house > >> >> where one calculation shows sub as Moon and the other as Sun, > >> >> because here is close to the cusp of the sub. > >> >> > >> >> Really nothing has changed from my original data. I simply > >> >> stated as a result of your request to know the name of the town, > >> >> that I noted that Palghat had the same coordinates as given in > >> >> the data. From there we have deviated, because some atlases > >> >> give slightly different coordinates for Palghat. However > >> >> others do in fact give exactly the same coordinates. > >> >> > >> >> I don't think we should get hung up on the fact that the 9th cusp > >> >> sub lord is different because some atlases may give the wrong > >> >> coordinates. The crux of the matter is that the information > >> >> was provided by a well respected local astrologer. He only > >> >> specified the coordinates not the name of the town. I suggest > >> >> we stick with his data of 10N46, 76E42 > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> Vaidun Vidyadhar > > >> >> > >> >> On Fri, 19 Nov 2004 15:06:44 +0000, you wrote: > >> >> > >> >> > > >> >> > > >> >> >Dear Ron Gaunt, > >> >> > > >> >> >Quation was raised after do doing so as given below. > >> >> > > >> >> >Best Regards, > >> >> > > >> >> >tw > >> >> > > >> >> > > >> >> > > >> >> >KPA 23*4'56'' > >> >> > > >> >> >Comparison for 10N46, 76E42 & 10N47, 76E39 > >> >> > > >> >> >Cp D-M-S D-M-S > >> >> >I 222-17-57 222-14-50 > >> >> >II 251-05-26 251-02-23 > >> >> >III 281-00-48 280-57-43 > >> >> >IV 312-49-16 312-46-05 > >> >> >V 345-04-05 345-00-53 > >> >> >VI 15-08-09 15-05-02 > >> >> >VII 42-17-57 42-14-50 > >> >> >VIII 71-05-26 71-02-23 > >> >> >IX 101-00-48 100-57-43

> >> >> >X 132-49-16 132-46-05 > >> >> >XI 165-04-05 165-00-53 > >> >> >XII 195-08-09 195-05-02 > >> >> > > >> >> >Note: (1) Sid Time 10-30-46 > >> >> > (2) Roughly 3min difference in cusp positions > >> >> > > >> >> > Comparison for 10N46, 76E42 & 10N47, 76E39 > >> >> > > >> >> >Cp Sgl-Stl-Sbl-Ssl Sgl-Stl-Sbl-Ssl > >> >> >I Ma-Sa-Ma-Ju Ma-Sa-Ma-Ra > >> >> >II Ju-Ke-Sa-Ra Ju-Ke-Sa-Ra > >> >> >III Sa-Mo-Mo-Ve Sa-Mo-Mo-Ve > >> >> >IV Sa-Ra-Me-Me Sa-Ra-Me-Me > >> >> >V Ju-Sa-Ju-Ju Ju-Sa-Ju-Ju > >> >> >VI Ma-Ve-Ve-Me Ma-Ve-Ve-Sa > >> >> >VII Ve-Mo-Ra-Ju Ve-Mo-Ra-Ju > >> >> >VIII Me-Ra-Sa-Ke Me-Ra-Sa-Me > >> >> >IX Mo-Sa-Mo-Mo Mo-Sa-Su-Ve > >> >> >X Su-Ke-Me-Ju Su-Ke-Me-Ra > >> >> >XI Me-Mo-Ju-Su Me-Mo-Ju-Ve > >> >> >XII Ve-Ra-Ke-Me Ve-Ra-Ke-Sa > >> >> > > >> >> >Note: (1) Sid Time 10-30-34 > >> >> > (2) Differences in "Sub-sub" lords of Cusps 1, 6, 8, > >9,10, > >> >11 > >> >> > &12 and also in "Sub lord" of cusp 9 as mentioned in > >> >Msg# > >> >> > 1542 &1545. > >> >> > > >> >> > > >> >> > > >> >> >--- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> > >wrote: > >> >> >> > >> >> >> tw, > >> >> >> > >> >> >> The easiest way to check this is simply put up the chart with > >the > >> >> >> different co-ordinates. > >> >> >> > >> >> >> When you do this you will see that at: > >> >> >> > >> >> >> 10N46, 76E42 the Asc is > >> >> >> 12 Sco 19, and MC is 12 Leo 49. > >> >> >> > >> >> >> 10N47, 76E39 the Asc is > >> >> >> 12Sco 16 and MC is 12 Leo 46. > >> >> >> > >> >> >> The difference is only 3 minutes not degrees. > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> Ron Gaunt > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> On Fri, 19 Nov 2004 04:55:23 +0000, you wrote: > >> >> >>

> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >Dear Ron, > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >"Difference of around 12sec in Sid. Time, consequently > >around > >> >3deg > >> >> >> >difference in Asc, possible differences in "sub-sub" lords > >of > >> >> >cusps > >> >> >> >1, 4,6, 8, 9,10, 11 &12 and also in "Sub lord" of cusp 9" > >> >should > >> >> >not > >> >> >> >make difference in analysis of this particular KPBC1 chart? > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >Best regards, > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >tw > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >--- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> > >> >wrote: > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> tw, > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> I make it that there is only about 48" in sidereal time > >and > >> >about > >> >> >> >> 13' in longitude and 40' in latitude difference between > >both > >> >> >> >> angles. This should not make too much difference unless > >> >near > >> >> >> >> the cusps. > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> My two Atlases 'The University Atlas' and the 'Myer Atlas' > >> >both > >> >> >> >> show 10N46 and 76E42. As these were also the co> >> >ordinates > >> >> >> >> given by a respected local astrologer for this particular > >> >case, I > >> >> >> >> suggest we go with these. > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> Ron Gaunt > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> On Fri, 19 Nov 2004 02:29:25 +0000, you wrote: > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >Dear Ron, > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >1. "Place of birth" is usually given in

AstroDatabank > >> >> >> >> >horoscopes, Astrodienst charts, Khaldea charts, etc to be > >> >able > >> >> >to > >> >> >> >> >check latitude and longitude. > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >2. For example, birth place of KPBC2 , Palghat, "10N46, > >> >> >76E42" > >> >> >> >> >given and Astro-Kundli is also showing the same figures. > >> >> >However, > >> >> >> >as > >> >> >> >> >given in Msg#1535, "10N47, 76E39" according to > >Astrodienst > >> >> >atlas > >> >> >> >> >commonly used by astrologers and referred by astrological > >> >> >> >websites. > >> >> >> >> >RAND McNALLY, Atlas of the World, Masterpiece Edition, > >also > >> >> >shows > >> >> >> >the > >> >> >> >> >same figures. > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >3. There can be a difference of around 12sec in Sid. > >> >> >Time, > >> >> >> >> >consequently around 3deg difference in Asc, possible > >> >> >differences > >> >> >> >> >in "sub-sub" lords of cusps 1, 4,6, 8, 9,10, 11 > >&12. "Sub > >> >> >lord" > >> >> >> >of > >> >> >> >> >cusp 9 also can be different. > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >4. Which one to take, given figures or Astrodienst > >> >> >ones ? Of > >> >> >> >> >course, results may not be the same. Also how about only > >six > >> >> >days > >> >> >> >> >timeline to give answer from the view point of wider > >> >> >participation > >> >> >> >> >and quality drive of brain work? > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >Best regards, > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >tw > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >--- In, rongaunt > ><rongaunt@b...> > >> >> >wrote: > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> tw, > >> >> >> >> >>

> >> >> >> >> >> The only information I was given was the coordinates. > >> >> >However, > >> >> >> >> >> I have checked with an atlas and it appears that the > >> >native > >> >> >was > >> >> >> >> >> born at Palghat. > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> Ron Gaunt > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> On Thu, 18 Nov 2004 13:54:04 +0000, you wrote: > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >Dear All, > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >KPA for 20 December 1950 > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >1. KPA from KP & ASTROLOGY 2003 > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >a. 15 Apr 1951 23-05-13 > >> >> >> >> >> >b. 15 Apr 1950 23-04-22 > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >c. Increase by Table 00-51sec > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >d. Increase by formula = 50.2388475 +0.000111 > >(1950 > >> >> >> >1900) > >> >> >> >> >> > = 50.2388475 > >+ > >> >> >0.00555 > >> >> >> >> >> > = 50.2444sec > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >e. Number Day of Year for Apr 15 = 105, for Dec > >20 =354 > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >f. Difference in NDOY =354-105 =249 days > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >g. Fine tuning for 249 days = 50.2444 (249/365) > >= 34.28 > >> >> >> >sec > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >(Note: for easier calculation , by taking 00-51sec > >of "c" > >> >> >> >34.79sec) > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >h. KPA for 20 Dec 1950 = 23-04-22 + 34.28sec > >> >> >> >> >> > = 23-04-56 > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >2. KPA from Table in KP Reader I (Just for > >comparison > >> >or

> >> >> >> >> >academic > >> >> >> >> >> >purpose) > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >a. 1950 23-04 > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >b. Fine tuning for Dec 25, 50.2444 (354/365)= > >48.73 sec > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> > (same as in above "1.g", the difference is > >here > >> >for > >> >> >354 > >> >> >> >> >days) > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >c. 20 Dec 1950 = 23-04 + 49 sec = 23-04-49 > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >3. KPA from KP & ASTROLOGY 2003 for 1st January > >1950 > >> >> >> >> >> >(Just for academic purpose) > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >a. Fine tuning 50.2444 (105/365) = 14.45c > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >b. KPA for 1st Jan 1950 = 23-04-22 minus > >14.45sec = 23> >> >> >> >04-07.55 > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >4. For KPBC2 , according to Jjagnnatha Hora > >Light (JHL), > >> >> >> >by > >> >> >> >> >> >entering KPA 23-04-56 REPEAT 23-04-56 (its own KPA is > >23> >> >04> >> >> >> >> >43.57), > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >a. Asc 222-18-06.40 > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >b. Moon 16-02-10.20 > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >c. Sun 244-26-02.57 > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >d. Venus Tula dasa balance at birth 16y-11m10d > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >5. Highly appreciated for providing birth place > >of KPBC2 > >> >> >> >to be > >> >> >> >> >> >able to check with Astrdienst > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >No Palghat 10N47, 76E39, No Chittur 10N42, 76E45, ???? > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >Best regards,

> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >tw > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >--- In, rongaunt > >> ><rongaunt@b...> > >> >> >> >wrote: > >> >> >> >> >> >> Anant, > >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> Sorry, that was a bit misleading. I should have > >> >stated > >> >> >that > >> >> >> >> >> >> ayanamsa 2:22:30 was for circa 1900. I think you > >will > >> >> >find > >> >> >> >the > >> >> >> >> >> >> Asc is in fact correct. > >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> Ron Gaunt > >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> On Wed, 17 Nov 2004 22:45:49 -0800, you wrote: > >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> >The AYANAMSA specified in the BLC2. appears to be > >> >> >incorrect. > >> >> >> >As > >> >> >> >> >> >per the NEW KPA tables, uploaded to-day, the AYAN on > >15th > >> >> >April > >> >> >> >> >1950 > >> >> >> >> >> >is 23-04-22. On 20th Dec 1950, i.e. appr 8 monthss > >later, > >> >> >the > >> >> >> >Ayan > >> >> >> >> >> >will be 23 37 27(app). The specified ayanmasa 0f 22 > >22 > >> >30 > >> >> >is > >> >> >> >> >less > >> >> >> >> >> >by 15 minutes. This will affect Moon's position and > >also > >> >> >the > >> >> >> >Dasa > >> >> >> >> >on > >> >> >> >> >> >date of Event. > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> >This restriction should not be put, and the members > >be > >> >> >> >advised > >> >> >> >> >to > >> >> >> >> >> >follow the new kpa aynamsa.

> >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> >rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> >Chart details are: > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> >Male, > >> >> >> >> >> >> >D.O.B. 20th Dec 1950 > >> >> >> >> >> >> >Time 5:02am > >> >> >> >> >> >> >I.S.T -5:30 > >> >> >> >> >> >> >10N46, 076E42 > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> >Asc 12 Scorpio 20 (ayanamsa 22:22:30) > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> >What happened on the 2 November 1979? Choose from > >one > >> >> >> >> >> >> >of the following: > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> >1. Got married. > >> >> >> >> >> >> >2. Emigrated to the USA > >> >> >> >> >> >> >3. Son Born. > >> >> >> >> >> >> >4 Promotion in job. > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> >It would be preferable if respondents could give > >> >reasons > >> >> >up > >> >> >> >> >front > >> >> >> >> >> >> >to help others in their understanding. However, if > >> >time > >> >> >is at > >> >> >> >> >> >> >a premium just the answer is acceptable initially. > >But > >> >> >please > >> >> >> >> >> >> >be prepared to elaborate later if you answer > >correctly. > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> >Please reply by 00:00am GMT Tuesday 23 Nov 04. > >After > >> >> >which > >> >> >> >the > >> >> >> >> >> >> >answer will be provided. > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> >Ron Gaunt > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> >Yahoo! Groups Links > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

>> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>

>> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>

>> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>

>> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> >----------------------------------------->> >> >> >A.R.Raichur bombay >> >> >> >anant_1608@y... >> >> >> >raichuranant@y... >> >> >> >USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY >> >> >> >tel: 022-2506 2609 >> >> >> >----------------------------------------->> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> >-------------------------------->> >> >> >Do you Yahoo!? Try it today! >> >> >> > Meet the all-new My Yahoo! >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> >Yahoo! Groups Links >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> >Yahoo! Groups Links >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > > > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

>> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> >Yahoo! Groups Links >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> >Yahoo! Groups Links >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > > > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > >

1579 From: "tw853" <tw853@...> Date: Sat Nov 20, 2004 6:56am Subject: Re: KPBC2 tw853 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Ron Gaunt,

1. It was my understanding that all Astro softwares are basiccaly set for "Geocentric". 2. Astrodienst showis "Western geocentric (tropical)". And there are options for "Hindu/Lahiri geocentric (tropical)", "heliocentric" options and so on. 3. In AstroDatabank sample charts, it's clearly shown Geocentric. 4. By using same Swiss ephemeris, Astrodienst and Astro-Kundli usually give more or less same results except in some cases, indicating both are Geocentric. 5. Dos-written and printable on dot-matrix "Old One" software also give more or less the same results for young natives showing Geocentric. 6. GHL(Sanjay Rath Group) Junoir Jyotish (SA Group) also gives more or less same results indicating they are also Geocentric. 7. However, Astroura is set for Geographic and it's necessary to change for Geocentric. Thanks for reminding me to make sure that I'm using Geocentric. NO MORE DOUBT. Best Regards, tw P.S. "Geocentric and Geographic" are explained in 1.HOW TO CAST AND READ YOUR GOROSCOPE (K. HARIHARAN), p. 78-79 & others, and 2.ASTROSECRETS & KP, P.302-320 (LlATITUDES AND LONGITUDES, GEOCENTRIC LATITUDE.) --- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > > yw, > > Glad you found a way to get geocentric angles. > > Regarding geocentric being the correct way, I think I will have > to wait and see, before I go whole hearted into it. My > experience as a result of Garth Allen's work suggests that > parallax moon (which is geographic) produces good results in > eclipse and new moon situations. Consequently I suspect that > geographic is valid at least in some situations. > > Fortunately, there is little difference between the two and in > most cases would not change the Sub Lord. >

> > Ron Gaunt > > > On Sat, 20 Nov 2004 02:18:09 +0000, you wrote: > > > > > > >Dear Ron Gaunt, > > > >It's okay. I can get it. I forgot to change a key for Geocentric in > >Astraura. Astrodienst also can give both ways but there I have to > >follow its latitude and longitude and do additional calculations. > >It's common practice in all TOH to use Geocetric to ensure much more > >accuracy and precision. We're living on earth not in the haven and > >true center of earth is geocentric latitude. All astrological > >considerations are based on geocentric positions of planets, since > >Astrology is concerned with planetary motions only as they affect the > >earth. I can't run Sri Raichur's demo anymore. I mean I can't raed > >the results. > > > >Tahnk you. > > > >Best regards, > > > >tw > > > > > > > > > > > > > >--- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > >> > >> tw, > >> > >> I think you may have meant this for me. Vaidun has yet to > >> program his GJ software - and it does not give Geocentric angles > >> anyhow. > >> > >> My only access to Geocentric angles is through Solar Fire and > >> this is not suitable for transmission except to other S.F. Users > >> - and anyhow would show slightly different to Mr Raichurs program > >> because of the differences in precession between the programs. > >> > >> I do have a demo version of Mr Raichur's program but trying it on > >> KPBC2 I come up with such a large difference between it and my > >> other programs that I think I must have a corrupted version. > >> Hence I cannot supply a chart with Geocentric angles. > >> > >> Would one of our Indian friends like to post a chart using Mr > >> Raichurs software? > >> > >> > >> Ron Gaunt > >> > >>

> >> > >> > >> > >> On Sat, 20 Nov 2004 01:35:18 +0000, you wrote: > >> > >> > > >> > > >> >Dear Vaidun Vidyadhar, > >> > > >> >Pl provide KPBC1 chart data with Geocentric angles to be able for > >> >participants to use it in this particular case. > >> > > >> >Thank you. > >> > > >> >Best regards, > >> > > >> >tw > >> > > >> >--- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > >> >> > >> >> tw, > >> >> > >> >> For all practical purposes most KP astrologers seem to only work > >> >> to the sub lord level. At the micro sub sub lord level it is > >> >> inevitable that there is going to be differences between > >> >> different programs; and I suspect that this is why this area is > >> >> as yet relatively unexplored - because of the possibility of > >> >> computational error. Also note that you are using > >> >> GEOGRAPHICAL angles and houses, whereas many Indian > >> >> astrologers on this list appear to be using GEOCENTRIC angles. > >> >> This again can introduce differences, particularly at the sub sub > >> >> level. > >> >> > >> >> The remaining point of difference is the sub of the 9th house > >> >> where one calculation shows sub as Moon and the other as Sun, > >> >> because here is close to the cusp of the sub. > >> >> > >> >> Really nothing has changed from my original data. I simply > >> >> stated as a result of your request to know the name of the town, > >> >> that I noted that Palghat had the same coordinates as given in > >> >> the data. From there we have deviated, because some atlases > >> >> give slightly different coordinates for Palghat. However > >> >> others do in fact give exactly the same coordinates. > >> >> > >> >> I don't think we should get hung up on the fact that the 9th cusp > >> >> sub lord is different because some atlases may give the wrong > >> >> coordinates. The crux of the matter is that the information > >> >> was provided by a well respected local astrologer. He only > >> >> specified the coordinates not the name of the town. I suggest > >> >> we stick with his data of 10N46, 76E42 > >> >>

> >> >> > >> >> Vaidun Vidyadhar > > >> >> > >> >> On Fri, 19 Nov 2004 15:06:44 +0000, you wrote: > >> >> > >> >> > > >> >> > > >> >> >Dear Ron Gaunt, > >> >> > > >> >> >Quation was raised after do doing so as given below. > >> >> > > >> >> >Best Regards, > >> >> > > >> >> >tw > >> >> > > >> >> > > >> >> > > >> >> >KPA 23*4'56'' > >> >> > > >> >> >Comparison for 10N46, 76E42 & 10N47, 76E39 > >> >> > > >> >> >Cp D-M-S D-M-S > >> >> >I 222-17-57 222-14-50 > >> >> >II 251-05-26 251-02-23 > >> >> >III 281-00-48 280-57-43 > >> >> >IV 312-49-16 312-46-05 > >> >> >V 345-04-05 345-00-53 > >> >> >VI 15-08-09 15-05-02 > >> >> >VII 42-17-57 42-14-50 > >> >> >VIII 71-05-26 71-02-23 > >> >> >IX 101-00-48 100-57-43 > >> >> >X 132-49-16 132-46-05 > >> >> >XI 165-04-05 165-00-53 > >> >> >XII 195-08-09 195-05-02 > >> >> > > >> >> >Note: (1) Sid Time 10-30-46 > >> >> > (2) Roughly 3min difference in cusp positions > >> >> > > >> >> > Comparison for 10N46, 76E42 & 10N47, 76E39 > >> >> > > >> >> >Cp Sgl-Stl-Sbl-Ssl Sgl-Stl-Sbl-Ssl > >> >> >I Ma-Sa-Ma-Ju Ma-Sa-Ma-Ra > >> >> >II Ju-Ke-Sa-Ra Ju-Ke-Sa-Ra > >> >> >III Sa-Mo-Mo-Ve Sa-Mo-Mo-Ve > >> >> >IV Sa-Ra-Me-Me Sa-Ra-Me-Me > >> >> >V Ju-Sa-Ju-Ju Ju-Sa-Ju-Ju > >> >> >VI Ma-Ve-Ve-Me Ma-Ve-Ve-Sa > >> >> >VII Ve-Mo-Ra-Ju Ve-Mo-Ra-Ju > >> >> >VIII Me-Ra-Sa-Ke Me-Ra-Sa-Me > >> >> >IX Mo-Sa-Mo-Mo Mo-Sa-Su-Ve > >> >> >X Su-Ke-Me-Ju Su-Ke-Me-Ra > >> >> >XI Me-Mo-Ju-Su Me-Mo-Ju-Ve > >> >> >XII Ve-Ra-Ke-Me Ve-Ra-Ke-Sa > >> >> > > >> >> >Note: (1) Sid Time 10-30-34 > >> >> > (2) Differences in "Sub-sub" lords of Cusps 1, 6, 8, > >9,10, > >> >11 > >> >> > &12 and also in "Sub lord" of cusp 9 as mentioned in

> >> >Msg# > >> >> > 1542 &1545. > >> >> > > >> >> > > >> >> > > >> >> >--- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> > >wrote: > >> >> >> > >> >> >> tw, > >> >> >> > >> >> >> The easiest way to check this is simply put up the chart with > >the > >> >> >> different co-ordinates. > >> >> >> > >> >> >> When you do this you will see that at: > >> >> >> > >> >> >> 10N46, 76E42 the Asc is > >> >> >> 12 Sco 19, and MC is 12 Leo 49. > >> >> >> > >> >> >> 10N47, 76E39 the Asc is > >> >> >> 12Sco 16 and MC is 12 Leo 46. > >> >> >> > >> >> >> The difference is only 3 minutes not degrees. > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> Ron Gaunt > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> On Fri, 19 Nov 2004 04:55:23 +0000, you wrote: > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >Dear Ron, > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >"Difference of around 12sec in Sid. Time, consequently > >around > >> >3deg > >> >> >> >difference in Asc, possible differences in "sub-sub" lords > >of > >> >> >cusps > >> >> >> >1, 4,6, 8, 9,10, 11 &12 and also in "Sub lord" of cusp 9" > >> >should > >> >> >not > >> >> >> >make difference in analysis of this particular KPBC1 chart? > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >Best regards, > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >tw > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >--- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> > >> >wrote: > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> tw, > >> >> >> >>

> >> >> >> >> I make it that there is only about 48" in sidereal time > >and > >> >about > >> >> >> >> 13' in longitude and 40' in latitude difference between > >both > >> >> >> >> angles. This should not make too much difference unless > >> >near > >> >> >> >> the cusps. > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> My two Atlases 'The University Atlas' and the 'Myer Atlas' > >> >both > >> >> >> >> show 10N46 and 76E42. As these were also the co> >> >ordinates > >> >> >> >> given by a respected local astrologer for this particular > >> >case, I > >> >> >> >> suggest we go with these. > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> Ron Gaunt > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> On Fri, 19 Nov 2004 02:29:25 +0000, you wrote: > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >Dear Ron, > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >1. "Place of birth" is usually given in AstroDatabank > >> >> >> >> >horoscopes, Astrodienst charts, Khaldea charts, etc to be > >> >able > >> >> >to > >> >> >> >> >check latitude and longitude. > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >2. For example, birth place of KPBC2 , Palghat, "10N46, > >> >> >76E42" > >> >> >> >> >given and Astro-Kundli is also showing the same figures. > >> >> >However, > >> >> >> >as > >> >> >> >> >given in Msg#1535, "10N47, 76E39" according to > >Astrodienst > >> >> >atlas > >> >> >> >> >commonly used by astrologers and referred by astrological > >> >> >> >websites. > >> >> >> >> >RAND McNALLY, Atlas of the World, Masterpiece Edition, > >also > >> >> >shows > >> >> >> >the > >> >> >> >> >same figures. > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >3. There can be a difference of around 12sec in Sid. > >> >> >Time,

> >> >> >> >> >consequently around 3deg difference in Asc, possible > >> >> >differences > >> >> >> >> >in "sub-sub" lords of cusps 1, 4,6, 8, 9,10, 11 > >&12. "Sub > >> >> >lord" > >> >> >> >of > >> >> >> >> >cusp 9 also can be different. > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >4. Which one to take, given figures or Astrodienst > >> >> >ones ? Of > >> >> >> >> >course, results may not be the same. Also how about only > >six > >> >> >days > >> >> >> >> >timeline to give answer from the view point of wider > >> >> >participation > >> >> >> >> >and quality drive of brain work? > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >Best regards, > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >tw > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >--- In, rongaunt > ><rongaunt@b...> > >> >> >wrote: > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> tw, > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> The only information I was given was the coordinates. > >> >> >However, > >> >> >> >> >> I have checked with an atlas and it appears that the > >> >native > >> >> >was > >> >> >> >> >> born at Palghat. > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> Ron Gaunt > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> On Thu, 18 Nov 2004 13:54:04 +0000, you wrote: > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >Dear All, > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >KPA for 20 December 1950 > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >1. KPA from KP & ASTROLOGY 2003 > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >a. 15 Apr 1951 23-05-13 > >> >> >> >> >> >b. 15 Apr 1950 23-04-22 > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >c. Increase by Table 00-51sec > >> >> >> >> >> >

> >> >> >> >> >> >d. Increase by formula = 50.2388475 +0.000111 > >(1950 > >> >> >> >1900) > >> >> >> >> >> > = 50.2388475 > >+ > >> >> >0.00555 > >> >> >> >> >> > = 50.2444sec > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >e. Number Day of Year for Apr 15 = 105, for Dec > >20 =354 > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >f. Difference in NDOY =354-105 =249 days > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >g. Fine tuning for 249 days = 50.2444 (249/365) > >= 34.28 > >> >> >> >sec > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >(Note: for easier calculation , by taking 00-51sec > >of "c" > >> >> >> >34.79sec) > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >h. KPA for 20 Dec 1950 = 23-04-22 + 34.28sec > >> >> >> >> >> > = 23-04-56 > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >2. KPA from Table in KP Reader I (Just for > >comparison > >> >or > >> >> >> >> >academic > >> >> >> >> >> >purpose) > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >a. 1950 23-04 > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >b. Fine tuning for Dec 25, 50.2444 (354/365)= > >48.73 sec > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> > (same as in above "1.g", the difference is > >here > >> >for > >> >> >354 > >> >> >> >> >days) > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >c. 20 Dec 1950 = 23-04 + 49 sec = 23-04-49 > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >3. KPA from KP & ASTROLOGY 2003 for 1st January > >1950 > >> >> >> >> >> >(Just for academic purpose) > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >a. Fine tuning 50.2444 (105/365) = 14.45c > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >b. KPA for 1st Jan 1950 = 23-04-22 minus > >14.45sec = 23> >> >> >> >04-07.55 > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >

> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >4. For KPBC2 , according to Jjagnnatha Hora > >Light (JHL), > >> >> >> >by > >> >> >> >> >> >entering KPA 23-04-56 REPEAT 23-04-56 (its own KPA is > >23> >> >04> >> >> >> >> >43.57), > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >a. Asc 222-18-06.40 > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >b. Moon 16-02-10.20 > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >c. Sun 244-26-02.57 > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >d. Venus Tula dasa balance at birth 16y-11m10d > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >5. Highly appreciated for providing birth place > >of KPBC2 > >> >> >> >to be > >> >> >> >> >> >able to check with Astrdienst > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >No Palghat 10N47, 76E39, No Chittur 10N42, 76E45, ???? > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >Best regards, > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >tw > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >--- In, rongaunt > >> ><rongaunt@b...> > >> >> >> >wrote: > >> >> >> >> >> >> Anant, > >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> Sorry, that was a bit misleading. I should have > >> >stated > >> >> >that > >> >> >> >> >> >> ayanamsa 2:22:30 was for circa 1900. I think you > >will > >> >> >find > >> >> >> >the > >> >> >> >> >> >> Asc is in fact correct. > >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> Ron Gaunt > >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> On Wed, 17 Nov 2004 22:45:49 -0800, you wrote: > >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> >The AYANAMSA specified in the BLC2. appears to be

> >> >> >incorrect. > >> >> >> >As > >> >> >> >> >> >per the NEW KPA tables, uploaded to-day, the AYAN on > >15th > >> >> >April > >> >> >> >> >1950 > >> >> >> >> >> >is 23-04-22. On 20th Dec 1950, i.e. appr 8 monthss > >later, > >> >> >the > >> >> >> >Ayan > >> >> >> >> >> >will be 23 37 27(app). The specified ayanmasa 0f 22 > >22 > >> >30 > >> >> >is > >> >> >> >> >less > >> >> >> >> >> >by 15 minutes. This will affect Moon's position and > >also > >> >> >the > >> >> >> >Dasa > >> >> >> >> >on > >> >> >> >> >> >date of Event. > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> >This restriction should not be put, and the members > >be > >> >> >> >advised > >> >> >> >> >to > >> >> >> >> >> >follow the new kpa aynamsa. > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> >rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> >Chart details are: > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> >Male, > >> >> >> >> >> >> >D.O.B. 20th Dec 1950 > >> >> >> >> >> >> >Time 5:02am > >> >> >> >> >> >> >I.S.T -5:30 > >> >> >> >> >> >> >10N46, 076E42 > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> >Asc 12 Scorpio 20 (ayanamsa 22:22:30) > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> >What happened on the 2 November 1979? Choose from > >one > >> >> >> >> >> >> >of the following: > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> >1. Got married. > >> >> >> >> >> >> >2. Emigrated to the USA > >> >> >> >> >> >> >3. Son Born. > >> >> >> >> >> >> >4 Promotion in job. > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> >It would be preferable if respondents could give

> >> >reasons > >> >> >up > >> >> >> >> >front > >> >> >> >> >> >> >to help others in their understanding. However, if > >> >time > >> >> >is at > >> >> >> >> >> >> >a premium just the answer is acceptable initially. > >But > >> >> >please > >> >> >> >> >> >> >be prepared to elaborate later if you answer > >correctly. > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> >Please reply by 00:00am GMT Tuesday 23 Nov 04. > >After > >> >> >which > >> >> >> >the > >> >> >> >> >> >> >answer will be provided. > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> >Ron Gaunt > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> >Yahoo! Groups Links > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> >-----------------------------------------> >> >> >> >> >> >> >A.R.Raichur bombay > >> >> >> >> >> >> >anant_1608@y... > >> >> >> >> >> >> >raichuranant@y... > >> >> >> >> >> >> >USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY > >> >> >> >> >> >> >tel: 022-2506 2609 > >> >> >> >> >> >> >-----------------------------------------> >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> >--------------------------------> >> >> >> >> >> >> >Do you Yahoo!? Try it today! > >> >> >> >> >> >> > Meet the all-new My Yahoo! > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

>> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>

>> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >Yahoo! Groups Links >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> >Yahoo! Groups Links >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> >Yahoo! Groups Links >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> >Yahoo! Groups Links >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > > > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

>> > >> > >> > >> > >> > > > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > >

1580 From: "Sandy Crowther" <sandy@...> Date: Sat Nov 20, 2004 7:12am Subject: KP Info (Was RE: Re: KPBC2) detective_dunno Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Thanks TW,

If I m not mistaken, I believe that the first 2 URL s you listed below are those of Andrew Lynn s (logbags) website, which appears to now be out of commission and off the web however the 3rd URL is a very well written article. You are well resear ched when it comes to being a source of information on KP J So thanks again.

All the Best, Sandy Crowther

-----Original Message----From: tw853 []

Sent: Friday, November 19, 2004 10:48 AM To: Subject: [k_p_system] Re: KPBC2

Dear Sandy Crowther, 1.Rules of the Krishnamurti Padhdhati (including about Richard Houck who declared George W. Bush President , commenting in one year advance of the elction that Bush's victory was the strangest win pattern he had never seen. His follower Christopher Kevil also correctly predicted re-election of Presedent Bush. Also a marginal test case of softwares to get Jupiter / Moon / Saturn, --- Saturn antara dasa at his death.) 2. Ruling Planets in KP By Dr Satya Prakash Chowdhary 3. IN DEFENSE OF KRISHNAMURTI PADHDHATI RAGHUNATH REBUTTAL By Sat Siri Khalsa Best regards, tw --- In, "Sandy Crowther" <sandy@t...> wrote: > Dear TW, Vidyadhar, and Ron, > > > > Thanks for the warm welcome. > > > > I look forward to learning all about the KP System (as time permits) > and perhaps this list will be a great place to start. I had purchased (a > while back) all 6 KP Readers, and hope to start investigating them > thoroughly very soon, and eventually adding KP to my repertoire of > astrological systems. So forgive me if I lurk for a while, while trying > to digest at least the basics of the system, which I am not totally > familiar with as of yet. If there is a KP overview written up anywhere > please direct me to it.

> > > > A few (amateur) comments about KPBC2: > > > > With the heavy involvement of the dasha planets leading straight back to > significations of the 2nd house, and the 2nd house being highly > significant for at least three of the four selections (marriage, birth, > and job related activities given in the options listed in the blind > chart choices), I will be very interested in the KP systematic > delineation process that leads one to conclude the correct event at play > on Nov. 2, 1979.So I hope that those who are correct in their answer are > prepared to delineate the "KP way" on list for the benefit of those > wanting to learn the analytical process involved with KP > delineations.Thanks! > > > > All the Best, > > Sandy Crowther > > <> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > -----Original Message----> From: rongaunt [mailto:rongaunt@b...] > Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2004 5:23 PM > To: > Subject: Re: [k_p_system] KPBC2 > > > > > Sandy, > > Great to see you on this List. Don't worry about being new to > KP, so am I and possibly many others. It should be a great > place to learn. > > Regarding you settings they seem almost spot on. I have > programmed GJ with the table and it comes up with 23:04:56 > within 2" of your calculation.

> > We have recently had discussions on this List regarding > calculating the Asc and I have realized that most Western > authored software programs use GEOGRAPHICAL angles and > GEOCENTRIC planetary positions. Mr Raichur's program which > appears to be used by many of our Indian colleagues, converts the > geographical angles to geocentric. This means that there is a > slight difference between the Ascendants and house cusps. > In KPBC2 our Western astrology programs shows - as you state - an > Asc of around 12 Scorpio 17, but using Geocentric angles the > Ascendant is 12Scorpio08:14. This difference will only be an > issue when the Asc falls very close to the cusp of the subs, and > in most cases will give the same data. The dasa sequence is as > you stated for the event. > > The only Western produced program that appears to have an option > to convert to Geocentric angles that I know is Solar Fire. I > have mailed Parashara Light with suggestions to include this > and parallax in any future upgrade. > > > Ron Gaunt > > > > > On Thu, 18 Nov 2004 09:37:03 -0500, you wrote: > > >Hi Everyone, > > > > > > > >I'm new to this group and new to KP, but not so new to Astrology. > >Anyway, I have a few concerns about the "corrected" KP Ayanamsa posted > >below in light of the new KP Table posted for the years 1900 to 2052. > >(Thanks for that Table from tw853 - didn't catch your name - sorry > :-)). > > > > > > > >Please enlighten me if my logic is fuzzy.According to my calculations > >with respect to the new Table posted for the KP Ayanamsa (which I am > >trying to get straight once and for all), the correct KP Ayanamsa for > >KPBC2 for December 20th, 1950 is actually 23:04:58. This figure was > >derived from re-setting the KP Ayanamsa in SJS (Shri Jyoti Star5) to > >reflect the values posted in the email and Table that followed. If for > >April 15th 1950 the ayanamsa is 23:04:22, and the ayanamsa for April > >15th 1951 is 23:05:13, I do NOT see how the correct ayanamsa for > >December 20th 1950 can be anything other than 23:04:58. This ayanamsa > >give a lagna of 12 Scorpio 17, and a dasha sequence of Mo Me Ju Ke for

> >the date in question: November 2, 1979. > > > > > > > >If anyone uses SJS and is interested in how I derived at this corrected > >(I believe?) KP ayanamsa based on the Table posted earlier - I went > into > >the SJS Global Options set for the KP Ayanamsa and did a Custom setting > >to reflect the accuracy based on the new Table given in the previous > >email. I left the setting on KP and then custom set the Epoch to > January > >1, 1900, custom set the Value at Epoch to 22:22:16 (to reflect the KP > >ayanamsa for Jan 1, 1900), and then custom set the Annual Precession to > >50:2388475. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > All the Best, > > > > Sandy Crowther > > > > <> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >-----Original Message----> >From: rongaunt [mailto:rongaunt@b...] > >Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2004 8:32 AM > >To: > >Subject: Re: [k_p_system] KPBC2 > > > > > > > > > >Sorry again. Typing error in last message. Ayanamsa should > >have read 22:22:30 NOT 2:22:30 > > > >Ron Gaunt > > > > > >

> >On Thu, 18 Nov 2004 23:25:08 +1000, you wrote: > > > >> > >>Anant, > >> > >>Sorry, that was a bit misleading. I should have stated that > >>ayanamsa 2:22:30 was for circa 1900. I think you will find the > >>Asc is in fact correct. > >> > >>Ron Gaunt > >> > >> > >> > >>On Wed, 17 Nov 2004 22:45:49 -0800, you wrote: > >> > >>>The AYANAMSA specified in the BLC2. appears to be incorrect. As per > >the NEW KPA tables, uploaded to-day, the AYAN on 15th April 1950 is > >23-04-22. On 20th Dec 1950, i.e. appr 8 monthss later, the Ayan will be > >23 37 27(app). The specified ayanmasa 0f 22 22 30 is less by 15 > >minutes. This will affect Moon's position and also the Dasa on date of > >Event. > >>> > >>>This restriction should not be put, and the members be advised to > >follow the new kpa aynamsa. > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>>rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > >>> > >>>Chart details are: > >>> > >>>Male, > >>>D.O.B. 20th Dec 1950 > >>>Time 5:02am > >>>I.S.T -5:30 > >>>10N46, 076E42 > >>> > >>>Asc 12 Scorpio 20 (ayanamsa 22:22:30) > >>> > >>> > >>>What happened on the 2 November 1979? Choose from one > >>>of the following: > >>> > >>> > >>>1. Got married. > >>>2. Emigrated to the USA > >>>3. Son Born. > >>>4 Promotion in job. > >>> > >>> > >>>It would be preferable if respondents could give reasons up front > >>>to help others in their understanding. However, if time is at > >>>a premium just the answer is acceptable initially. But please > >>>be prepared to elaborate later if you answer correctly. > >>> > >>> > >>>Please reply by 00:00am GMT Tuesday 23 Nov 04. After which the

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

>>>answer will be provided. >>> >>> >>>Ron Gaunt >>> >>> >>> >>> >>>Yahoo! Groups Links >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>>----------------------------------------->>>A.R.Raichur bombay >>>anant_1608@y... >>>raichuranant@y... >>>USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY >>>tel: 022-2506 2609 >>>----------------------------------------->>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>>-------------------------------->>>Do you Yahoo!? >>> Meet the all-new My Yahoo! - Try it today! >> >> >> >> >> >>Yahoo! Groups Links >> >> >> >> >> >> > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Sponsor > > > >ADVERTISEMENT >

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1581 From: "Sandy Crowther" <sandy@...> Date: Sat Nov 20, 2004 7:19am Subject: RE: Re: KPBC2 detective_dunno Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Anant Raichur,

Such a generous and giving offer Thanks.

Do you have a website you can direct me to which offers detailed information abo ut your software program?

All the Best, Sandy Crowther

-----Original Message----From: anant raichur [] Sent: Saturday, November 20, 2004 2:06 AM To: Subject: Re: [k_p_system] Re: KPBC2

For attempting to solve Blind Charts, I am prepared to send to the group my Demo programme to the group. For getting full details, one may have to use other pr ogrammes or do some work. This would, I beleive, ensure what one may call unfor m playing field to all to test/improve there inter prtive skills. Please let me know if this suits one and all

rongaunt <> wrote:

tw, I think you may have meant this for me. Vaidun has yet to program his GJ software - and it does not give Geocentric angles anyhow. My only access to Geocentric angles is through Solar Fire and this is not suitable for transmission except to other S.F. Users - and anyhow would show slightly different to Mr Raichurs program because of the differences in precession between the programs. I do have a demo version of Mr Raichur's program but trying it on KPBC2 I come up with such a large difference between it and my other programs that I think I must have a corrupted version. Hence I cannot supply a chart with Geocentric angles. Would one of our Indian friends like to post a chart using Mr Raichurs software? Ron Gaunt

On Sat, 20 Nov 2004 01:35:18 +0000, you wrote: > > >Dear Vaidun Vidyadhar, > >Pl provide KPBC1 chart data with Geocentric angles to be able for >participants to use it in this particular case.

> >Thank you. > >Best regards, > >tw > >--- In, rongaunt wrote: >> >> tw, >> >> For all practical purposes most KP astrologers seem to only work >> to the sub lord level. At the micro sub sub lord level it is >> inevitable that there is going to be differences between >> different programs; and I suspect that this is why this area is >> as yet relatively unexplored - because of the possibility of >> computational error. Also note that you are using >> GEOGRAPHICAL angles and houses, whereas many Indian >> astrologers on this list appear to be using GEOCENTRIC angles. >> This again can introduce differences, particularly at the sub sub >> level. >> >> The remaining point of difference is the sub of the 9th house >> where one calculation shows sub as Moon and the other as Sun, >> because here is close to the cusp of the sub. >> >> Really nothing has changed from my original data. I simply >> stated as a result of your request to know the name of the town, >> that I noted that Palghat had the same coordinates as given in >> the data. From there we have deviated, because some atlases >> give slightly different coordinates for Palghat. However >> others do in fact give exactly the same coordinates. >> >> I don't think we should get hung up on the fact that the 9th cusp >> sub lord is different because some atlases may give the wrong >> coordinates. The crux of the matter is that the information >> was provided by a well respected local astrologer. He only >> specified the coordinates not the name of the town. I suggest >> we stick with his data of 10N46, 76E42 >> >> >> Vaidun Vidyadhar > >> >> On Fri, 19 Nov 2004 15:06:44 +0000, you wrote: >> >> > >> > >> >Dear Ron Gaunt, >> > >> >Quation was raised after do doing so as given below. >> > >> >Best Regards, >> > >> >tw >> > >> > >> > >> >KPA 23*4'56'' >> > >> >Comparison for 10N46, 76E42 & 10N47, 76E39

>> > >> >Cp D-M-S D-M-S >> >I 222-17-57 222-14-50 >> >II 251-05-26 251-02-23 >> >III 281-00-48 280-57-43 >> >IV 312-49-16 312-46-05 >> >V 345-04-05 345-00-53 >> >VI 15-08-09 15-05-02 >> >VII 42-17-57 42-14-50 >> >VIII 71-05-26 71-02-23 >> >IX 101-00-48 100-57-43 >> >X 132-49-16 132-46-05 >> >XI 165-04-05 165-00-53 >> >XII 195-08-09 195-05-02 >> > >> >Note: (1) Sid Time 10-30-46 >> > (2) Roughly 3min difference in cusp positions >> > >> > Comparison for 10N46, 76E42 & 10N47, 76E39 >> > >> >Cp Sgl-Stl-Sbl-Ssl Sgl-Stl-Sbl-Ssl >> >I Ma-Sa-Ma-Ju Ma-Sa-Ma-Ra >> >II Ju-Ke-Sa-Ra Ju-Ke-Sa-Ra >> >III Sa-Mo-Mo-Ve Sa-Mo-Mo-Ve >> >IV Sa-Ra-Me-Me Sa-Ra-Me-Me >> >V Ju-Sa-Ju-Ju Ju-Sa-Ju-Ju >> >VI Ma-Ve-Ve-Me Ma-Ve-Ve-Sa >> >VII Ve-Mo-Ra-Ju Ve-Mo-Ra-Ju >> >VIII Me-Ra-Sa-Ke Me-Ra-Sa-Me >> >IX Mo-Sa-Mo-Mo Mo-Sa-Su-Ve >> >X Su-Ke-Me-Ju Su-Ke-Me-Ra >> >XI Me-Mo-Ju-Su Me-Mo-Ju-Ve >> >XII Ve-Ra-Ke-Me Ve-Ra-Ke-Sa >> > >> >Note: (1) Sid Time 10-30-34 >> > (2) Differences in "Sub-sub" lords of Cusps 1, 6, 8, 9,10, >11 >> > &12 and also in "Sub lord" of cusp 9 as mentioned in >Msg# >> > 1542 &1545. >> > >> > >> > >> >--- In, rongaunt wrote: >> >> >> >> tw, >> >> >> >> The easiest way to check this is simply put up the chart with the >> >> different co-ordinates. >> >> >> >> When you do this you will see that at: >> >> >> >> 10N46, 76E42 the Asc is >> >> 12 Sco 19, and MC is 12 Leo 49. >> >> >> >> 10N47, 76E39 the Asc is >> >> 12Sco 16 and MC is 12 Leo 46. >> >> >> >> The difference is only 3 minutes not degrees. >> >>

>> >> >> >> Ron Gaunt >> >> >> >> >> >> On Fri, 19 Nov 2004 04:55:23 +0000, you wrote: >> >> >> >> > >> >> > >> >> >Dear Ron, >> >> > >> >> >"Difference of around 12sec in Sid. Time, consequently around >3deg >> >> >difference in Asc, possible differences in "sub-sub" lords of >> >cusps >> >> >1, 4,6, 8, 9,10, 11 &12 and also in "Sub lord" of cusp 9" >should >> >not >> >> >make difference in analysis of this particular KPBC1 chart? >> >> > >> >> >Best regards, >> >> > >> >> >tw >> >> > >> >> > >> >> >--- In, rongaunt >wrote: >> >> >> >> >> >> tw, >> >> >> >> >> >> I make it that there is only about 48" in sidereal time and >about >> >> >> 13' in longitude and 40' in latitude difference between both >> >> >> angles. This should not make too much difference unless >near >> >> >> the cusps. >> >> >> >> >> >> My two Atlases 'The University Atlas' and the 'Myer Atlas' >both >> >> >> show 10N46 and 76E42. As these were also the co>ordinates >> >> >> given by a respected local astrologer for this particular >case, I >> >> >> suggest we go with these. >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> Ron Gaunt >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> On Fri, 19 Nov 2004 02:29:25 +0000, you wrote: >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> >Dear Ron, >> >> >> > >> >> >> >1. "Place of birth" is usually given in AstroDatabank >> >> >> >horoscopes, Astrodienst charts, Khaldea charts, etc to be >able >> >to >> >> >> >check latitude and longitude. >> >> >> >

>> >> >> >2. For example, birth place of KPBC2 , Palghat, "10N46, >> >76E42" >> >> >> >given and Astro-Kundli is also showing the same figures. >> >However, >> >> >as >> >> >> >given in Msg#1535, "10N47, 76E39" according to Astrodienst >> >atlas >> >> >> >commonly used by astrologers and referred by astrological >> >> >websites. >> >> >> >RAND McNALLY, Atlas of the World, Masterpiece Edition, also >> >shows >> >> >the >> >> >> >same figures. >> >> >> > >> >> >> >3. There can be a difference of around 12sec in Sid. >> >Time, >> >> >> >consequently around 3deg difference in Asc, possible >> >differences >> >> >> >in "sub-sub" lords of cusps 1, 4,6, 8, 9,10, 11 &12. "Sub >> >lord" >> >> >of >> >> >> >cusp 9 also can be different. >> >> >> > >> >> >> >4. Which one to take, given figures or Astrodienst >> >ones ? Of >> >> >> >course, results may not be the same. Also how about only six >> >days >> >> >> >timeline to give answer from the view point of wider >> >participation >> >> >> >and quality drive of brain work? >> >> >> > >> >> >> >Best regards, >> >> >> > >> >> >> >tw >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> >--- In, rongaunt >> >wrote: >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> tw, >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> The only information I was given was the co-ordinates. >> >However, >> >> >> >> I have checked with an atlas and it appears that the >native >> >was >> >> >> >> born at Palghat. >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> Ron Gaunt >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> On Thu, 18 Nov 2004 13:54:04 +0000, you wrote: >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >Dear All, >> >> >> >> >

>> >> >> >> >KPA for 20 December 1950 >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >1. KPA from KP & ASTROLOGY 2003 >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >a. 15 Apr 1951 23-05-13 >> >> >> >> >b. 15 Apr 1950 23-04-22 >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >c. Increase by Table 00-51sec >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >d. Increase by formula = 50.2388475 +0.000111 (1950 >> >> >1900) >> >> >> >> > = 50.2388475 + >> >0.00555 >> >> >> >> > = 50.2444sec >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >e. Number Day of Year for Apr 15 = 105, for Dec 20 =354 >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >f. Difference in NDOY =354-105 =249 days >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >g. Fine tuning for 249 days = 50.2444 (249/365) = 34.28 >> >> >sec >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >(Note: for easier calculation , by taking 00-51sec of "c" >> >> >34.79sec) >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >h. KPA for 20 Dec 1950 = 23-04-22 + 34.28sec >> >> >> >> > = 23-04-56 >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >2. KPA from Table in KP Reader I (Just for comparison >or >> >> >> >academic >> >> >> >> >purpose) >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >a. 1950 23-04 >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >b. Fine tuning for Dec 25, 50.2444 (354/365)= 48.73 sec >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > (same as in above "1.g", the difference is here >for >> >354 >> >> >> >days) >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >c. 20 Dec 1950 = 23-04 + 49 sec = 23-04-49 >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >3. KPA from KP & ASTROLOGY 2003 for 1st January 1950 >> >> >> >> >(Just for academic purpose) >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >a. Fine tuning 50.2444 (105/365) = 14.45c >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >b. KPA for 1st Jan 1950 = 23-04-22 minus 14.45sec = 23>> >> >04-07.55 >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >4. For KPBC2 , according to Jjagnnatha Hora Light (JHL),

>> >> >by >> >> >> >> >entering KPA 23-04-56 REPEAT 23-04-56 (its own KPA is 23>04>> >> >> >43.57), >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >a. Asc 222-18-06.40 >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >b. Moon 16-02-10.20 >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >c. Sun 244-26-02.57 >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >d. Venus Tula dasa balance at birth 16y-11m-10d >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >5. Highly appreciated for providing birth place of KPBC2 >> >> >to be >> >> >> >> >able to check with Astrdienst >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >No Palghat 10N47, 76E39, No Chittur 10N42, 76E45, ???? >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >Best regards, >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >tw >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >--- In, rongaunt > >> >> >wrote: >> >> >> >> >> Anant, >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> Sorry, that was a bit misleading. I should have >stated >> >that >> >> >> >> >> ayanamsa 2:22:30 was for circa 1900. I think you will >> >find >> >> >the >> >> >> >> >> Asc is in fact correct. >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> Ron Gaunt >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> On Wed, 17 Nov 2004 22:45:49 -0800, you wrote: >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >The AYANAMSA specified in the BLC2. appears to be >> >incorrect. >> >> >As >> >> >> >> >per the NEW KPA tables, uploaded to-day, the AYAN on 15th >> >April >> >> >> >1950 >> >> >> >> >is 23-04-22. On 20th Dec 1950, i.e. appr 8 monthss later, >> >the >> >> >Ayan >> >> >> >> >will be 23 37 27(app). The specified ayanmasa 0f 22 22 >30 >> >is >> >> >> >less

>> >> >> >> >by 15 minutes. This will affect Moon's position and also >> >the >> >> >Dasa >> >> >> >on >> >> >> >> >date of Event. >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >This restriction should not be put, and the members be >> >> >advised >> >> >> >to >> >> >> >> >follow the new kpa aynamsa. >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >rongaunt wrote: >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >Chart details are: >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >Male, >> >> >> >> >> >D.O.B. 20th Dec 1950 >> >> >> >> >> >Time 5:02am >> >> >> >> >> >I.S.T -5:30 >> >> >> >> >> >10N46, 076E42 >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >Asc 12 Scorpio 20 (ayanamsa 22:22:30) >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >What happened on the 2 November 1979? Choose from one >> >> >> >> >> >of the following: >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >1. Got married. >> >> >> >> >> >2. Emigrated to the USA >> >> >> >> >> >3. Son Born. >> >> >> >> >> >4 Promotion in job. >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >It would be preferable if respondents could give >reasons >> >up >> >> >> >front >> >> >> >> >> >to help others in their understanding. However, if >time >> >is at >> >> >> >> >> >a premium just the answer is acceptable initially. But >> >please >> >> >> >> >> >be prepared to elaborate later if you answer correctly. >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >Please reply by 00:00am GMT Tuesday 23 Nov 04. After >> >which >> >> >the >> >> >> >> >> >answer will be provided. >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >Ron Gaunt >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >Yahoo! Groups Links

>> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>

>> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>

>> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > > > > >

>> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> >----------------------------------------->> >> >A.R.Raichur bombay >> >> >anant_1608@y... >> >> >raichuranant@y... >> >> >USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY >> >> >tel: 022-2506 2609 >> >> >----------------------------------------->> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> >-------------------------------->> >> >Do you Yahoo!? Try it today! >> >> > Meet the all-new My Yahoo! >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> >Yahoo! Groups Links >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > > > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > >

>> >> > >> >> > >> >> >Yahoo! Groups Links >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> >Yahoo! Groups Links >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > > > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > >

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1582 From: Rajneesh Bajpai <brajneesh@...> Date: Sat Nov 20, 2004 10:35am Subject: Re: Re: KPBC2 brajneesh Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear TW, Do you know if Goravani Jyotish uses, Geographic or Geocentric? Thanks -r --- tw853 <tw853@...> wrote: > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Dear Ron Gaunt, 1. It was my understanding that all Astro softwares are basiccaly set for "Geocentric". 2. Astrodienst showis "Western geocentric (tropical)". And there are options for "Hindu/Lahiri geocentric (tropical)", "heliocentric" options and so on. 3. In AstroDatabank sample charts, it's clearly shown Geocentric. 4. By using same Swiss ephemeris, Astrodienst and Astro-Kundli usually give more or less same results except in some cases,

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

indicating both are Geocentric. 5. Dos-written and printable on dot-matrix "Old One" software also give more or less the same results for young natives showing Geocentric. 6. GHL(Sanjay Rath Group) Junoir Jyotish (SA Group) also gives more or less same results indicating they are also Geocentric. 7. However, Astroura is set for Geographic and it's necessary to change for Geocentric. Thanks for reminding me to make sure that I'm using Geocentric. NO MORE DOUBT. Best Regards, tw P.S. "Geocentric and Geographic" are explained in 1.HOW TO CAST AND READ YOUR GOROSCOPE (K. HARIHARAN), p. 78-79 & others, and 2.ASTROSECRETS & KP, P.302-320 (LlATITUDES AND LONGITUDES, GEOCENTRIC LATITUDE.) --- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > > yw, > > Glad you found a way to get geocentric angles. > > Regarding geocentric being the correct way, I think I will have > to wait and see, before I go whole hearted into it. My > experience as a result of Garth Allen's work suggests that > parallax moon (which is geographic) produces good results in > eclipse and new moon situations. Consequently I suspect that > geographic is valid at least in some situations. >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> Fortunately, there is little difference between the two and in > most cases would not change the Sub Lord. > > > Ron Gaunt > > > On Sat, 20 Nov 2004 02:18:09 +0000, you wrote: > > > > > > >Dear Ron Gaunt, > > > >It's okay. I can get it. I forgot to change a key for Geocentric in > >Astraura. Astrodienst also can give both ways but there I have to > >follow its latitude and longitude and do additional calculations. > >It's common practice in all TOH to use Geocetric to ensure much more > >accuracy and precision. We're living on earth not in the haven and > >true center of earth is geocentric latitude. All astrological > >considerations are based on geocentric positions of planets, since > >Astrology is concerned with planetary motions only as they affect the > >earth. I can't run Sri Raichur's demo anymore. I mean I can't raed > >the results. > > > >Tahnk you. > > > >Best regards, > > > >tw > > > > > > > > > > > > > >--- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > >> > >> tw, > >> > >> I think you may have meant this for me. Vaidun has yet to > >> program his GJ software - and it does not give Geocentric angles > >> anyhow. > >> > >> My only access to Geocentric angles is through

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

Solar Fire and > >> this is not suitable for transmission except to other S.F. Users > >> - and anyhow would show slightly different to Mr Raichurs program > >> because of the differences in precession between the programs. > >> > >> I do have a demo version of Mr Raichur's program but trying it on > >> KPBC2 I come up with such a large difference between it and my > >> other programs that I think I must have a corrupted version. > >> Hence I cannot supply a chart with Geocentric angles. > >> > >> Would one of our Indian friends like to post a chart using Mr > >> Raichurs software? > >> > >> > >> Ron Gaunt > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> On Sat, 20 Nov 2004 01:35:18 +0000, you wrote: > >> > >> > > >> > > >> >Dear Vaidun Vidyadhar, > >> > > >> >Pl provide KPBC1 chart data with Geocentric angles to be able for > >> >participants to use it in this particular case. > >> > > >> >Thank you. > >> > > >> >Best regards, > >> > > >> >tw > >> > > >> >--- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > >> >> > >> >> tw, > >> >> > >> >> For all practical purposes most KP astrologers seem to only work > >> >> to the sub lord level. At the micro sub sub lord level it is > >> >> inevitable that there is going to be differences between > >> >> different programs; and I suspect that this

> is why this area > === message truncated ===

__________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? The all-new My Yahoo! - Get yours free!

1583 From: ramesh mishra <aarceemastro2002@...> Date: Sat Nov 20, 2004 11:11am Subject: Re: Re:k_p_system->feed back aarceemastro... Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Sender,Namaskar, I addressed you as a sender because u r hiding ur name.Pls do not mind for that.However many many thanks to u for this help. You have given phone no. also.Now it is very easy to approach the bookstall. I will let u know for the progressive approach.Thanks once again. Regards, Ramesh Mishra

--- tw853 <tw853@...> wrote: --------------------------------Dear Ramesh Mishra, 1. All KP books and magazine are available at the following book store. Manorama Ocult Publications Manorama Bhawan, 170B, Bank Enclave Delhi, India-110092 Ph (91) (11) 22468683 E-mail: manoramaoccult@... 2. For international order 3. Free Vedic & KP horoscope For accuracy and precision, it's advisable to choose "Geocentric", otherwise it will give "Geographic" autometically.

4. For reading Best regards, tw

--- In, ramesh mishra <aarceemastro2002@y...> wrote: > Respexted Anant Saheb, > Namaskar > Will you mind to tell me about Placidius System in connection with casting horoscope.You r talking about house division whereas I want to know whether horoscope is cast simply as we cast it according to vedic astrology style.The difference is in division of houses which is according to placidius system.When we have found out the longitude of lagna then this longitude is the starting point of 1st house and not the centre point of lagna as taken in the vedic astrology. > Actually here in Delhi,India I am not getting the books of kp system in any of the book stalls which are known to me. > Regards > Ramesh Mishra > > anant raichur <anant_1608@y...> wrote: > Dear Ramesh > > KP uses the PLACIDIUS SYSTEM OF house division, as used by Western Astrologers. This division gives different widths for different house, based on the LATITUDE (GEOCENTRIC) of the Place. > > good luck > > ramesh mishra <aarceemastro2002@y...> wrote: > Respected Gurujans and mocerator, > I am learning kp system now a days.I want to know about casting of

horoscopes according to this system. Des it cast as per the method of vedic astrology or any other method is followed ? Of course KP Ayanamsa is used and cusp is taken from starting point of bhav as opposed to the centre point of cusp according to vedic astrology. So kindly help me out the method of casting horoscope first.I may ask you time to time in connection with KP System. > Thanks and best regards. > Ramesh Mishra > > Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online. > > > > -----------------------------------------> A.R.Raichur bombay > anant_1608@y... > raichuranant@y... > USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY > tel: 022-2506 2609 > -----------------------------------------> > > > > > > > __________________________________________________ > Do You Yahoo!? > Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around > > Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT > > > --------------------------------> Yahoo! Groups Links > > To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. > > > Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline.

Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ADVERTISEMENT --------------------------------Yahoo! Groups Links To visit your group on the web, go to: To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. ________________________________________________________________________ Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online Go to:

1584 From: rongaunt <rongaunt@...> Date: Sat Nov 20, 2004 4:20pm Subject: Re: Re: KPBC2 rongaunt1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 tw, Thanks for the references. Looks like the KP experts have laid it down that it should be Geocentric angles. Ron Gaunt On Sat, 20 Nov 2004 12:56:17 +0000, you wrote: > > >Dear Ron Gaunt, > >1. It was my understanding that all Astro softwares are >basiccaly set for "Geocentric". > >2. Astrodienst showis "Western geocentric (tropical)". And there >are options for "Hindu/Lahiri geocentric (tropical)", "heliocentric" >options and so on. > >3. In AstroDatabank sample charts, it's clearly shown Geocentric. > >4. By using same Swiss ephemeris, Astrodienst and Astro-Kundli >usually give more or less same results except in some cases, >indicating both are Geocentric. > >5. Dos-written and printable on dot-matrix "Old One" software >also give more or less the same results for young natives showing >Geocentric. >

>6. GHL(Sanjay Rath Group) Junoir Jyotish (SA Group) also gives >more or less same results indicating they are also Geocentric. > > >7. However, Astroura is set for Geographic and it's necessary to >change for Geocentric. > >Thanks for reminding me to make sure that I'm using Geocentric. > >NO MORE DOUBT. > > >Best Regards, > >tw > >P.S. > >"Geocentric and Geographic" are explained in > >1.HOW TO CAST AND READ YOUR GOROSCOPE (K. HARIHARAN), p. 78-79 & >others, and > >2.ASTROSECRETS & KP, P.302-320 (LlATITUDES AND LONGITUDES, GEOCENTRIC >LATITUDE.) > > >--- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: >> >> yw, >> >> Glad you found a way to get geocentric angles. >> >> Regarding geocentric being the correct way, I think I will have >> to wait and see, before I go whole hearted into it. My >> experience as a result of Garth Allen's work suggests that >> parallax moon (which is geographic) produces good results in >> eclipse and new moon situations. Consequently I suspect that >> geographic is valid at least in some situations. >> >> Fortunately, there is little difference between the two and in >> most cases would not change the Sub Lord. >> >> >> Ron Gaunt >> >> >> On Sat, 20 Nov 2004 02:18:09 +0000, you wrote: >> >> > >> > >> >Dear Ron Gaunt, >> > >> >It's okay. I can get it. I forgot to change a key for Geocentric >in >> >Astraura. Astrodienst also can give both ways but there I have to >> >follow its latitude and longitude and do additional calculations. >> >It's common practice in all TOH to use Geocetric to ensure much >more >> >accuracy and precision. We're living on earth not in the haven and

>> >true center of earth is geocentric latitude. All astrological >> >considerations are based on geocentric positions of planets, since >> >Astrology is concerned with planetary motions only as they affect >the >> >earth. I can't run Sri Raichur's demo anymore. I mean I can't raed >> >the results. >> > >> >Tahnk you. >> > >> >Best regards, >> > >> >tw >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> >--- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: >> >> >> >> tw, >> >> >> >> I think you may have meant this for me. Vaidun has yet to >> >> program his GJ software - and it does not give Geocentric angles >> >> anyhow. >> >> >> >> My only access to Geocentric angles is through Solar Fire and >> >> this is not suitable for transmission except to other S.F. Users >> >> - and anyhow would show slightly different to Mr Raichurs program >> >> because of the differences in precession between the programs. >> >> >> >> I do have a demo version of Mr Raichur's program but trying it on >> >> KPBC2 I come up with such a large difference between it and my >> >> other programs that I think I must have a corrupted version. >> >> Hence I cannot supply a chart with Geocentric angles. >> >> >> >> Would one of our Indian friends like to post a chart using Mr >> >> Raichurs software? >> >> >> >> >> >> Ron Gaunt >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> On Sat, 20 Nov 2004 01:35:18 +0000, you wrote: >> >> >> >> > >> >> > >> >> >Dear Vaidun Vidyadhar, >> >> > >> >> >Pl provide KPBC1 chart data with Geocentric angles to be able >for >> >> >participants to use it in this particular case. >> >> > >> >> >Thank you. >> >> > >> >> >Best regards, >> >> >

>> >> >tw >> >> > >> >> >--- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> >wrote: >> >> >> >> >> >> tw, >> >> >> >> >> >> For all practical purposes most KP astrologers seem to only >work >> >> >> to the sub lord level. At the micro sub sub lord level it is >> >> >> inevitable that there is going to be differences between >> >> >> different programs; and I suspect that this is why this area >is >> >> >> as yet relatively unexplored - because of the possibility of >> >> >> computational error. Also note that you are using >> >> >> GEOGRAPHICAL angles and houses, whereas many Indian >> >> >> astrologers on this list appear to be using GEOCENTRIC angles. >> >> >> This again can introduce differences, particularly at the sub >sub >> >> >> level. >> >> >> >> >> >> The remaining point of difference is the sub of the 9th house >> >> >> where one calculation shows sub as Moon and the other as Sun, >> >> >> because here is close to the cusp of the sub. >> >> >> >> >> >> Really nothing has changed from my original data. I simply >> >> >> stated as a result of your request to know the name of the >town, >> >> >> that I noted that Palghat had the same coordinates as given in >> >> >> the data. From there we have deviated, because some atlases >> >> >> give slightly different coordinates for Palghat. However >> >> >> others do in fact give exactly the same coordinates. >> >> >> >> >> >> I don't think we should get hung up on the fact that the 9th >cusp >> >> >> sub lord is different because some atlases may give the wrong >> >> >> coordinates. The crux of the matter is that the >information >> >> >> was provided by a well respected local astrologer. He only >> >> >> specified the coordinates not the name of the town. I >suggest >> >> >> we stick with his data of 10N46, 76E42 >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> Vaidun Vidyadhar > >> >> >> >> >> >> On Fri, 19 Nov 2004 15:06:44 +0000, you wrote: >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> >Dear Ron Gaunt, >> >> >> > >> >> >> >Quation was raised after do doing so as given below. >> >> >> > >> >> >> >Best Regards, >> >> >> > >> >> >> >tw >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> >

>> >> >> >KPA 23*4'56'' >> >> >> > >> >> >> >Comparison for 10N46, 76E42 & 10N47, 76E39 >> >> >> > >> >> >> >Cp D-M-S D-M-S >> >> >> >I 222-17-57 222-14-50 >> >> >> >II 251-05-26 251-02-23 >> >> >> >III 281-00-48 280-57-43 >> >> >> >IV 312-49-16 312-46-05 >> >> >> >V 345-04-05 345-00-53 >> >> >> >VI 15-08-09 15-05-02 >> >> >> >VII 42-17-57 42-14-50 >> >> >> >VIII 71-05-26 71-02-23 >> >> >> >IX 101-00-48 100-57-43 >> >> >> >X 132-49-16 132-46-05 >> >> >> >XI 165-04-05 165-00-53 >> >> >> >XII 195-08-09 195-05-02 >> >> >> > >> >> >> >Note: (1) Sid Time 10-30-46 >> >> >> > (2) Roughly 3min difference in cusp positions >> >> >> > >> >> >> > Comparison for 10N46, 76E42 & 10N47, 76E39 >> >> >> > >> >> >> >Cp Sgl-Stl-Sbl-Ssl Sgl-Stl-Sbl-Ssl >> >> >> >I Ma-Sa-Ma-Ju Ma-Sa-Ma-Ra >> >> >> >II Ju-Ke-Sa-Ra Ju-Ke-Sa-Ra >> >> >> >III Sa-Mo-Mo-Ve Sa-Mo-Mo-Ve >> >> >> >IV Sa-Ra-Me-Me Sa-Ra-Me-Me >> >> >> >V Ju-Sa-Ju-Ju Ju-Sa-Ju-Ju >> >> >> >VI Ma-Ve-Ve-Me Ma-Ve-Ve-Sa >> >> >> >VII Ve-Mo-Ra-Ju Ve-Mo-Ra-Ju >> >> >> >VIII Me-Ra-Sa-Ke Me-Ra-Sa-Me >> >> >> >IX Mo-Sa-Mo-Mo Mo-Sa-Su-Ve >> >> >> >X Su-Ke-Me-Ju Su-Ke-Me-Ra >> >> >> >XI Me-Mo-Ju-Su Me-Mo-Ju-Ve >> >> >> >XII Ve-Ra-Ke-Me Ve-Ra-Ke-Sa >> >> >> > >> >> >> >Note: (1) Sid Time 10-30-34 >> >> >> > (2) Differences in "Sub-sub" lords of Cusps 1, 6, 8, >> >9,10, >> >> >11 >> >> >> > &12 and also in "Sub lord" of cusp 9 as mentioned >in >> >> >Msg# >> >> >> > 1542 &1545. >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> >--- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> >> >wrote: >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> tw, >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> The easiest way to check this is simply put up the chart >with >> >the >> >> >> >> different co-ordinates. >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> When you do this you will see that at: >> >> >> >>

>> >> >> >> 10N46, 76E42 the Asc is >> >> >> >> 12 Sco 19, and MC is 12 Leo 49. >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> 10N47, 76E39 the Asc is >> >> >> >> 12Sco 16 and MC is 12 Leo 46. >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> The difference is only 3 minutes not degrees. >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> Ron Gaunt >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> On Fri, 19 Nov 2004 04:55:23 +0000, you wrote: >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >Dear Ron, >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >"Difference of around 12sec in Sid. Time, consequently >> >around >> >> >3deg >> >> >> >> >difference in Asc, possible differences in "sub-sub" >lords >> >of >> >> >> >cusps >> >> >> >> >1, 4,6, 8, 9,10, 11 &12 and also in "Sub lord" of cusp >9" >> >> >should >> >> >> >not >> >> >> >> >make difference in analysis of this particular KPBC1 >chart? >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >Best regards, >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >tw >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >--- In, rongaunt ><rongaunt@b...> >> >> >wrote: >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> tw, >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> I make it that there is only about 48" in sidereal time >> >and >> >> >about >> >> >> >> >> 13' in longitude and 40' in latitude difference between >> >both >> >> >> >> >> angles. This should not make too much difference >unless >> >> >near >> >> >> >> >> the cusps. >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> My two Atlases 'The University Atlas' and the 'Myer >Atlas' >> >> >both >> >> >> >> >> show 10N46 and 76E42. As these were also the co>> >> >ordinates >> >> >> >> >> given by a respected local astrologer for this >particular

>> >> >case, I >> >> >> >> >> suggest we go with these. >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> Ron Gaunt >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> On Fri, 19 Nov 2004 02:29:25 +0000, you wrote: >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >Dear Ron, >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >1. "Place of birth" is usually given in >AstroDatabank >> >> >> >> >> >horoscopes, Astrodienst charts, Khaldea charts, etc to >be >> >> >able >> >> >> >to >> >> >> >> >> >check latitude and longitude. >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >2. For example, birth place of KPBC2 , >Palghat, "10N46, >> >> >> >76E42" >> >> >> >> >> >given and Astro-Kundli is also showing the same >figures. >> >> >> >However, >> >> >> >> >as >> >> >> >> >> >given in Msg#1535, "10N47, 76E39" according to >> >Astrodienst >> >> >> >atlas >> >> >> >> >> >commonly used by astrologers and referred by >astrological >> >> >> >> >websites. >> >> >> >> >> >RAND McNALLY, Atlas of the World, Masterpiece Edition, >> >also >> >> >> >shows >> >> >> >> >the >> >> >> >> >> >same figures. >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >3. There can be a difference of around 12sec in >Sid. >> >> >> >Time, >> >> >> >> >> >consequently around 3deg difference in Asc, possible >> >> >> >differences >> >> >> >> >> >in "sub-sub" lords of cusps 1, 4,6, 8, 9,10, 11 >> >&12. "Sub >> >> >> >lord" >> >> >> >> >of >> >> >> >> >> >cusp 9 also can be different. >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >4. Which one to take, given figures or >Astrodienst >> >> >> >ones ? Of >> >> >> >> >> >course, results may not be the same. Also how about >only >> >six >> >> >> >days >> >> >> >> >> >timeline to give answer from the view point of wider >> >> >> >participation

>> >> >> >> >> >and quality drive of brain work? >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >Best regards, >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >tw >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >--- In, rongaunt >> ><rongaunt@b...> >> >> >> >wrote: >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> tw, >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> The only information I was given was the co>ordinates. >> >> >> >However, >> >> >> >> >> >> I have checked with an atlas and it appears that the >> >> >native >> >> >> >was >> >> >> >> >> >> born at Palghat. >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> Ron Gaunt >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> On Thu, 18 Nov 2004 13:54:04 +0000, you wrote: >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> >Dear All, >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> >KPA for 20 December 1950 >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> >1. KPA from KP & ASTROLOGY 2003 >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> >a. 15 Apr 1951 23-05-13 >> >> >> >> >> >> >b. 15 Apr 1950 23-04-22 >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> >c. Increase by Table 00-51sec >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> >d. Increase by formula = 50.2388475 +0.000111 >> >(1950 >> >> >> >> >1900) >> >> >> >> >> >> > = >50.2388475 >> >+ >> >> >> >0.00555 >> >> >> >> >> >> > = >50.2444sec >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> >e. Number Day of Year for Apr 15 = 105, for Dec >> >20 =354 >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> >f. Difference in NDOY =354-105 =249 days >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> >g. Fine tuning for 249 days = 50.2444 (249/365) >> >= 34.28

>> >> >> >> >sec >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> >(Note: for easier calculation , by taking 00-51sec >> >of "c" >> >> >> >> >34.79sec) >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> >h. KPA for 20 Dec 1950 = 23-04-22 + 34.28sec >> >> >> >> >> >> > = 23-04-56 >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> >2. KPA from Table in KP Reader I (Just for >> >comparison >> >> >or >> >> >> >> >> >academic >> >> >> >> >> >> >purpose) >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> >a. 1950 23-04 >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> >b. Fine tuning for Dec 25, 50.2444 (354/365)= >> >48.73 sec >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> > (same as in above "1.g", the difference is >> >here >> >> >for >> >> >> >354 >> >> >> >> >> >days) >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> >c. 20 Dec 1950 = 23-04 + 49 sec = 23-04-49 >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> >3. KPA from KP & ASTROLOGY 2003 for 1st January >> >1950 >> >> >> >> >> >> >(Just for academic purpose) >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> >a. Fine tuning 50.2444 (105/365) = 14.45c >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> >b. KPA for 1st Jan 1950 = 23-04-22 minus >> >14.45sec = 23>> >> >> >> >04-07.55 >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> >4. For KPBC2 , according to Jjagnnatha Hora >> >Light (JHL), >> >> >> >> >by >> >> >> >> >> >> >entering KPA 23-04-56 REPEAT 23-04-56 (its own KPA >is >> >23>> >> >04>> >> >> >> >> >43.57), >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> >a. Asc 222-18-06.40 >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> >b. Moon 16-02-10.20 >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> >c. Sun 244-26-02.57 >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> >d. Venus Tula dasa balance at birth 16y-11m-

>10d >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> >5. Highly appreciated for providing birth place >> >of KPBC2 >> >> >> >> >to be >> >> >> >> >> >> >able to check with Astrdienst >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> >No Palghat 10N47, 76E39, No Chittur 10N42, >76E45, ???? >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> >Best regards, >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> >tw >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> >--- In, rongaunt >> >> ><rongaunt@b...> >> >> >> >> >wrote: >> >> >> >> >> >> >> Anant, >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> Sorry, that was a bit misleading. I should >have >> >> >stated >> >> >> >that >> >> >> >> >> >> >> ayanamsa 2:22:30 was for circa 1900. I think >you >> >will >> >> >> >find >> >> >> >> >the >> >> >> >> >> >> >> Asc is in fact correct. >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> Ron Gaunt >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> On Wed, 17 Nov 2004 22:45:49 -0800, you wrote: >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >The AYANAMSA specified in the BLC2. appears to >be >> >> >> >incorrect. >> >> >> >> >As >> >> >> >> >> >> >per the NEW KPA tables, uploaded to-day, the AYAN >on >> >15th >> >> >> >April >> >> >> >> >> >1950 >> >> >> >> >> >> >is 23-04-22. On 20th Dec 1950, i.e. appr 8 monthss >> >later, >> >> >> >the >> >> >> >> >Ayan >> >> >> >> >> >> >will be 23 37 27(app). The specified ayanmasa 0f >22 >> >22 >> >> >30 >> >> >> >is >> >> >> >> >> >less

>> >> >> >> >> >> >by 15 minutes. This will affect Moon's position >and >> >also >> >> >> >the >> >> >> >> >Dasa >> >> >> >> >> >on >> >> >> >> >> >> >date of Event. >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >This restriction should not be put, and the >members >> >be >> >> >> >> >advised >> >> >> >> >> >to >> >> >> >> >> >> >follow the new kpa aynamsa. >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >Chart details are: >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >Male, >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >D.O.B. 20th Dec 1950 >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >Time 5:02am >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >I.S.T -5:30 >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >10N46, 076E42 >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >Asc 12 Scorpio 20 (ayanamsa 22:22:30) >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >What happened on the 2 November 1979? Choose >from >> >one >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >of the following: >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >1. Got married. >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >2. Emigrated to the USA >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >3. Son Born. >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >4 Promotion in job. >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >It would be preferable if respondents could give >> >> >reasons >> >> >> >up >> >> >> >> >> >front >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >to help others in their understanding. However, >if >> >> >time >> >> >> >is at >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >a premium just the answer is acceptable >initially. >> >But >> >> >> >please >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >be prepared to elaborate later if you answer >> >correctly. >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >Please reply by 00:00am GMT Tuesday 23 Nov 04. >> >After

>> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>

>> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>

>> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>

>which >> >the >> >> >> >> >answer will be provided. >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >Ron Gaunt >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >Yahoo! Groups Links >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >----------------------------------------->> >> >> >> >A.R.Raichur bombay >> >> >> >> >anant_1608@y... >> >> >> >> >raichuranant@y... >> >> >> >> >USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY >> >> >> >> >tel: 022-2506 2609 >> >> >> >> >----------------------------------------->> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >-------------------------------->> >> >> >> >Do you Yahoo!? >> >> >> >> > Meet the all-new My Yahoo! Try it today! >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> >Yahoo! Groups Links >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> >Yahoo! Groups Links

>> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>

>> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> >Yahoo! Groups Links >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> >Yahoo! Groups Links >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> >Yahoo! Groups Links >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > > > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > >

>> > >> > > > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > >

1585 From: rongaunt <rongaunt@...> Date: Sat Nov 20, 2004 4:24pm Subject: Re: KP Info (Was RE: Re: KPBC2) rongaunt1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Sandy, Try Andrew's site again. I get through OK. By the way with your interest in the Jon Bennet case, have a look at his write up on the Chamberlain case, where baby Azaria was taken by a dingo. Ron Gaunt

On Sat, 20 Nov 2004 08:12:24 -0500, you wrote: >Thanks TW, > > > >If I'm not mistaken, I believe that the first 2 URL's you listed below >are those of Andrew Lynn's (logbags) website, which appears to now be >out of commission and off the web - however the 3rd URL is a very well >written article. You are well researched when it comes to being a source >of information on KP.:-) So thanks again. > > > > All the Best, > > Sandy Crowther > > <> > >

> > > > > > > > > > > >-----Original Message---->From: tw853 [mailto:tw853@...] >Sent: Friday, November 19, 2004 10:48 AM >To: >Subject: [k_p_system] Re: KPBC2 > > > > >Dear Sandy Crowther, > >1.Rules of the Krishnamurti Padhdhati > >(including about Richard Houck who declared George W. Bush >President , commenting in one year advance of the elction that Bush's >victory was the strangest win pattern he had never seen. His follower >Christopher Kevil also correctly predicted re-election of Presedent >Bush. Also a marginal test case of softwares to get Jupiter / Moon / >Saturn, --- Saturn antara dasa at his death.) > > > > >2. Ruling Planets in KP By Dr Satya Prakash Chowdhary > > > > >3. IN DEFENSE OF KRISHNAMURTI PADHDHATI RAGHUNATH REBUTTAL >By Sat Siri Khalsa > > > > > >Best regards, > >tw > > >--- In, "Sandy Crowther" <sandy@t...> >wrote: >> Dear TW, Vidyadhar, and Ron, >> >> >> >> Thanks for the warm welcome. >> >>

>> >> I look forward to learning all about the KP System (as time >permits) >> and perhaps this list will be a great place to start. I had >purchased (a >> while back) all 6 KP Readers, and hope to start investigating them >> thoroughly very soon, and eventually adding KP to my repertoire of >> astrological systems. So forgive me if I lurk for a while, while >trying >> to digest at least the basics of the system, which I am not totally >> familiar with as of yet. If there is a KP overview written up >anywhere >> please direct me to it. >> >> >> >> A few (amateur) comments about KPBC2: >> >> >> >> With the heavy involvement of the dasha planets leading straight >back to >> significations of the 2nd house, and the 2nd house being highly >> significant for at least three of the four selections (marriage, >birth, >> and job related activities given in the options listed in the blind >> chart choices), I will be very interested in the KP systematic >> delineation process that leads one to conclude the correct event at >play >> on Nov. 2, 1979.So I hope that those who are correct in their >answer are >> prepared to delineate the "KP way" on list for the benefit of those >> wanting to learn the analytical process involved with KP >> delineations.Thanks! >> >> >> >> All the Best, >> >> Sandy Crowther >> >> <> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> -----Original Message---->> From: rongaunt [mailto:rongaunt@b...] >> Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2004 5:23 PM >> To: >> Subject: Re: [k_p_system] KPBC2

>> >> >> >> >> Sandy, >> >> Great to see you on this List. Don't worry about being new to >> KP, so am I and possibly many others. It should be a great >> place to learn. >> >> Regarding you settings they seem almost spot on. I have >> programmed GJ with the table and it comes up with 23:04:56 >> within 2" of your calculation. >> >> We have recently had discussions on this List regarding >> calculating the Asc and I have realized that most Western >> authored software programs use GEOGRAPHICAL angles and >> GEOCENTRIC planetary positions. Mr Raichur's program which >> appears to be used by many of our Indian colleagues, converts the >> geographical angles to geocentric. This means that there is a >> slight difference between the Ascendants and house cusps. >> In KPBC2 our Western astrology programs shows - as you state - an >> Asc of around 12 Scorpio 17, but using Geocentric angles the >> Ascendant is 12Scorpio08:14. This difference will only be an >> issue when the Asc falls very close to the cusp of the subs, and >> in most cases will give the same data. The dasa sequence is as >> you stated for the event. >> >> The only Western produced program that appears to have an option >> to convert to Geocentric angles that I know is Solar Fire. I >> have mailed Parashara Light with suggestions to include this >> and parallax in any future upgrade. >> >> >> Ron Gaunt >> >> >> >> >> On Thu, 18 Nov 2004 09:37:03 -0500, you wrote: >> >> >Hi Everyone, >> > >> > >> > >> >I'm new to this group and new to KP, but not so new to Astrology. >> >Anyway, I have a few concerns about the "corrected" KP Ayanamsa >posted >> >below in light of the new KP Table posted for the years 1900 to >2052. >> >(Thanks for that Table from tw853 - didn't catch your name - sorry >> :-)). >> > >> > >> > >> >Please enlighten me if my logic is fuzzy.According to my >calculations >> >with respect to the new Table posted for the KP Ayanamsa (which I >am >> >trying to get straight once and for all), the correct KP Ayanamsa

>for >> >KPBC2 for December 20th, 1950 is actually 23:04:58. This figure was >> >derived from re-setting the KP Ayanamsa in SJS (Shri Jyoti Star5) >to >> >reflect the values posted in the email and Table that followed. If >for >> >April 15th 1950 the ayanamsa is 23:04:22, and the ayanamsa for >April >> >15th 1951 is 23:05:13, I do NOT see how the correct ayanamsa for >> >December 20th 1950 can be anything other than 23:04:58. This >ayanamsa >> >give a lagna of 12 Scorpio 17, and a dasha sequence of Mo Me Ju Ke >for >> >the date in question: November 2, 1979. >> > >> > >> > >> >If anyone uses SJS and is interested in how I derived at this >corrected >> >(I believe?) KP ayanamsa based on the Table posted earlier - I went >> into >> >the SJS Global Options set for the KP Ayanamsa and did a Custom >setting >> >to reflect the accuracy based on the new Table given in the >previous >> >email. I left the setting on KP and then custom set the Epoch to >> January >> >1, 1900, custom set the Value at Epoch to 22:22:16 (to reflect the >KP >> >ayanamsa for Jan 1, 1900), and then custom set the Annual >Precession to >> >50:2388475. >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > All the Best, >> > >> > Sandy Crowther >> > >> > <> >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> >-----Original Message---->> >From: rongaunt [mailto:rongaunt@b...] >> >Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2004 8:32 AM

>> >To: >> >Subject: Re: [k_p_system] KPBC2 >> > >> > >> > >> > >> >Sorry again. Typing error in last message. Ayanamsa should >> >have read 22:22:30 NOT 2:22:30 >> > >> >Ron Gaunt >> > >> > >> > >> >On Thu, 18 Nov 2004 23:25:08 +1000, you wrote: >> > >> >> >> >>Anant, >> >> >> >>Sorry, that was a bit misleading. I should have stated that >> >>ayanamsa 2:22:30 was for circa 1900. I think you will find the >> >>Asc is in fact correct. >> >> >> >>Ron Gaunt >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>On Wed, 17 Nov 2004 22:45:49 -0800, you wrote: >> >> >> >>>The AYANAMSA specified in the BLC2. appears to be incorrect. As >per >> >the NEW KPA tables, uploaded to-day, the AYAN on 15th April 1950 is >> >23-04-22. On 20th Dec 1950, i.e. appr 8 monthss later, the Ayan >will be >> >23 37 27(app). The specified ayanmasa 0f 22 22 30 is less by 15 >> >minutes. This will affect Moon's position and also the Dasa on >date of >> >Event. >> >>> >> >>>This restriction should not be put, and the members be advised to >> >follow the new kpa aynamsa. >> >>> >> >>> >> >>> >> >>>rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: >> >>> >> >>>Chart details are: >> >>> >> >>>Male, >> >>>D.O.B. 20th Dec 1950 >> >>>Time 5:02am >> >>>I.S.T -5:30 >> >>>10N46, 076E42 >> >>> >> >>>Asc 12 Scorpio 20 (ayanamsa 22:22:30) >> >>> >> >>> >> >>>What happened on the 2 November 1979? Choose from one >> >>>of the following: >> >>> >> >>>

>> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>

>>>1. Got married. >>>2. Emigrated to the USA >>>3. Son Born. >>>4 Promotion in job. >>> >>> >>>It would be preferable if respondents could give reasons up front >>>to help others in their understanding. However, if time is at >>>a premium just the answer is acceptable initially. But please >>>be prepared to elaborate later if you answer correctly. >>> >>> >>>Please reply by 00:00am GMT Tuesday 23 Nov 04. After which the >>>answer will be provided. >>> >>> >>>Ron Gaunt >>> >>> >>> >>> >>>Yahoo! Groups Links >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>>----------------------------------------->>>A.R.Raichur bombay >>>anant_1608@y... >>>raichuranant@y... >>>USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY >>>tel: 022-2506 2609 >>>----------------------------------------->>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>>-------------------------------->>>Do you Yahoo!? >>> Meet the all-new My Yahoo! - Try it today! >> >> >> >> >> >>Yahoo! Groups Links >> >> >> >> >>

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>D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1100902958/A=2434970/R=0/SIG=11edksnhv/*h >tt >> p:/> click here >> >> >> >> < >M=298184.5584357.6650215.3001176/D=group >> s/S=:HM/A=2434970/rand=399208780> >> >> >> >> _____ >> >> Yahoo! Groups Links >> >> * To visit your group on the web, go to: >> >> >> >> * To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: >> >> <> >> >> >> * Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms >of >> Service <> . > > > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Sponsor > > > >< >D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1100965689/A=2343726/R=0/SIG=12i3sqt27/*htt >p:/ >9855> >< >D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1100965689/A=2343726/R=1/SIG=12i3sqt27/*htt >p:/ >9855> > >Get unlimited calls to >< >D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1100965689/A=2343726/R=1/SIG=12i3sqt27/*htt >p:/ >9855> > >U.S./Canada >< >D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1100965689/A=2343726/R=1/SIG=12i3sqt27/*htt >p:/ >9855>

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1586 From: rongaunt <rongaunt@...> Date: Sat Nov 20, 2004 4:55pm Subject: Re: Re: KPBC2 rongaunt1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Rajneesh, I can answer this. I don't think tw has G.J.

GJ uses geographic angles and house cusps. By the way I would suggest that you do not use the Krishnamurti ayanamsa as set up as standard, as it is quite different in modern times to those currently used and discussed on this List. The best way is to reprogram as set out in my mail headed KPBC2 of both 19th and 20th Nov to Vaidun. You can then easily check and make manual adjustment if necessary to get Geocentric angles by using Mr Raichur's demo program. Ron Gaunt.

On Sat, 20 Nov 2004 08:35:32 -0800, you wrote:

> >Dear TW, >Do you know if Goravani Jyotish uses, Geographic or >Geocentric? >Thanks >-r >--- tw853 <tw853@...> wrote: > >> >> Dear Ron Gaunt, >> >> 1. It was my understanding that all Astro softwares >> are >> basiccaly set for "Geocentric". >> >> 2. Astrodienst showis "Western geocentric >> (tropical)". And there >> are options for "Hindu/Lahiri geocentric >> (tropical)", "heliocentric" >> options and so on. >> >> 3. In AstroDatabank sample charts, it's clearly >> shown Geocentric. >> >> 4. By using same Swiss ephemeris, Astrodienst and >> Astro-Kundli >> usually give more or less same results except in >> some cases, >> indicating both are Geocentric. >> >> 5. Dos-written and printable on dot-matrix "Old One" >> software >> also give more or less the same results for young >> natives showing >> Geocentric. >> >> 6. GHL(Sanjay Rath Group) Junoir Jyotish (SA Group) >> also gives >> more or less same results indicating they are also >> Geocentric. >> >> >> 7. However, Astroura is set for Geographic and it's >> necessary to >> change for Geocentric. >> >> Thanks for reminding me to make sure that I'm using >> Geocentric. >> >> NO MORE DOUBT. >> >> >> Best Regards, >> >> tw >> >> P.S. >> >> "Geocentric and Geographic" are explained in >>

>> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>

1.HOW TO CAST AND READ YOUR GOROSCOPE (K. HARIHARAN), p. 78-79 & others, and 2.ASTROSECRETS & KP, P.302-320 (LlATITUDES AND LONGITUDES, GEOCENTRIC LATITUDE.) --- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > > yw, > > Glad you found a way to get geocentric angles. > > Regarding geocentric being the correct way, I think I will have > to wait and see, before I go whole hearted into it. My > experience as a result of Garth Allen's work suggests that > parallax moon (which is geographic) produces good results in > eclipse and new moon situations. Consequently I suspect that > geographic is valid at least in some situations. > > Fortunately, there is little difference between the two and in > most cases would not change the Sub Lord. > > > Ron Gaunt > > > On Sat, 20 Nov 2004 02:18:09 +0000, you wrote: > > > > > > >Dear Ron Gaunt, > > > >It's okay. I can get it. I forgot to change a key for Geocentric in > >Astraura. Astrodienst also can give both ways but there I have to > >follow its latitude and longitude and do additional calculations. > >It's common practice in all TOH to use Geocetric to ensure much more > >accuracy and precision. We're living on earth not in the haven and > >true center of earth is geocentric latitude. All astrological > >considerations are based on geocentric positions of planets, since > >Astrology is concerned with planetary motions only as they affect

>> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>

the > >earth. I can't run Sri Raichur's demo anymore. I mean I can't raed > >the results. > > > >Tahnk you. > > > >Best regards, > > > >tw > > > > > > > > > > > > > >--- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > >> > >> tw, > >> > >> I think you may have meant this for me. Vaidun has yet to > >> program his GJ software - and it does not give Geocentric angles > >> anyhow. > >> > >> My only access to Geocentric angles is through Solar Fire and > >> this is not suitable for transmission except to other S.F. Users > >> - and anyhow would show slightly different to Mr Raichurs program > >> because of the differences in precession between the programs. > >> > >> I do have a demo version of Mr Raichur's program but trying it on > >> KPBC2 I come up with such a large difference between it and my > >> other programs that I think I must have a corrupted version. > >> Hence I cannot supply a chart with Geocentric angles. > >> > >> Would one of our Indian friends like to post a chart using Mr > >> Raichurs software? > >> > >> > >> Ron Gaunt > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> On Sat, 20 Nov 2004 01:35:18 +0000, you wrote: > >> > >> > > >> >

>> > >> >Dear Vaidun Vidyadhar, >> > >> > >> > >> >Pl provide KPBC1 chart data with Geocentric >> angles to be able >> for >> > >> >participants to use it in this particular >> case. >> > >> > >> > >> >Thank you. >> > >> > >> > >> >Best regards, >> > >> > >> > >> >tw >> > >> > >> > >> >--- In, rongaunt >> <rongaunt@b...> >> wrote: >> > >> >> >> > >> >> tw, >> > >> >> >> > >> >> For all practical purposes most KP >> astrologers seem to only >> work >> > >> >> to the sub lord level. At the micro sub >> sub lord level it is >> > >> >> inevitable that there is going to be >> differences between >> > >> >> different programs; and I suspect that this >> is why this area >> >=== message truncated === > > > > >__________________________________ >Do you Yahoo!? >The all-new My Yahoo! - Get yours free! > > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > >

1587 From: "tw853" <tw853@...> Date: Sat Nov 20, 2004 7:15pm Subject: Re: KPBC2 tw853 Offline Send Email

Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Rajneesh Bajpai, I don't know about Goravani and have access to it. It's easy to know by comparing with results from free Astrodienst after adjusting Ayanamsa difference. Best regards, tw --- In, Rajneesh Bajpai <brajneesh@y...> wrote: > Dear TW, > Do you know if Goravani Jyotish uses, Geographic or > Geocentric? > Thanks > -r > --- tw853 <tw853@y...> wrote: > > > > > Dear Ron Gaunt, > > > > 1. It was my understanding that all Astro softwares > > are > > basiccaly set for "Geocentric". > > > > 2. Astrodienst showis "Western geocentric > > (tropical)". And there > > are options for "Hindu/Lahiri geocentric > > (tropical)", "heliocentric" > > options and so on. > > > > 3. In AstroDatabank sample charts, it's clearly > > shown Geocentric. > > > > 4. By using same Swiss ephemeris, Astrodienst and > > Astro-Kundli > > usually give more or less same results except in > > some cases, > > indicating both are Geocentric. > > > > 5. Dos-written and printable on dot-matrix "Old One" > > software > > also give more or less the same results for young > > natives showing > > Geocentric. > > > > 6. GHL(Sanjay Rath Group) Junoir Jyotish (SA Group) > > also gives > > more or less same results indicating they are also > > Geocentric. > > > > > > 7. However, Astroura is set for Geographic and it's > > necessary to > > change for Geocentric. > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

Thanks for reminding me to make sure that I'm using Geocentric. NO MORE DOUBT. Best Regards, tw P.S. "Geocentric and Geographic" are explained in 1.HOW TO CAST AND READ YOUR GOROSCOPE (K. HARIHARAN), p. 78-79 & others, and 2.ASTROSECRETS & KP, P.302-320 (LlATITUDES AND LONGITUDES, GEOCENTRIC LATITUDE.) --- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > > yw, > > Glad you found a way to get geocentric angles. > > Regarding geocentric being the correct way, I think I will have > to wait and see, before I go whole hearted into it. My > experience as a result of Garth Allen's work suggests that > parallax moon (which is geographic) produces good results in > eclipse and new moon situations. Consequently I suspect that > geographic is valid at least in some situations. > > Fortunately, there is little difference between the two and in > most cases would not change the Sub Lord. > > > Ron Gaunt > > > On Sat, 20 Nov 2004 02:18:09 +0000, you wrote: > > > > > > >Dear Ron Gaunt, > > > >It's okay. I can get it. I forgot to change a key for Geocentric in > >Astraura. Astrodienst also can give both ways but

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

there I have to > >follow its latitude and longitude and do additional calculations. > >It's common practice in all TOH to use Geocetric to ensure much more > >accuracy and precision. We're living on earth not in the haven and > >true center of earth is geocentric latitude. All astrological > >considerations are based on geocentric positions of planets, since > >Astrology is concerned with planetary motions only as they affect the > >earth. I can't run Sri Raichur's demo anymore. I mean I can't raed > >the results. > > > >Tahnk you. > > > >Best regards, > > > >tw > > > > > > > > > > > > > >--- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > >> > >> tw, > >> > >> I think you may have meant this for me. Vaidun has yet to > >> program his GJ software - and it does not give Geocentric angles > >> anyhow. > >> > >> My only access to Geocentric angles is through Solar Fire and > >> this is not suitable for transmission except to other S.F. Users > >> - and anyhow would show slightly different to Mr Raichurs program > >> because of the differences in precession between the programs. > >> > >> I do have a demo version of Mr Raichur's program but trying it on > >> KPBC2 I come up with such a large difference between it and my > >> other programs that I think I must have a corrupted version. > >> Hence I cannot supply a chart with Geocentric angles. > >> > >> Would one of our Indian friends like to post a

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> chart using Mr > > >> Raichurs software? > > >> > > >> > > >> Ron Gaunt > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> On Sat, 20 Nov 2004 01:35:18 +0000, you wrote: > > >> > > >> > > > >> > > > >> >Dear Vaidun Vidyadhar, > > >> > > > >> >Pl provide KPBC1 chart data with Geocentric > angles to be able > for > > >> >participants to use it in this particular > case. > > >> > > > >> >Thank you. > > >> > > > >> >Best regards, > > >> > > > >> >tw > > >> > > > >> >--- In, rongaunt > <rongaunt@b...> > wrote: > > >> >> > > >> >> tw, > > >> >> > > >> >> For all practical purposes most KP > astrologers seem to only > work > > >> >> to the sub lord level. At the micro sub > sub lord level it is > > >> >> inevitable that there is going to be > differences between > > >> >> different programs; and I suspect that this > is why this area > === message truncated ===

__________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? The all-new My Yahoo! - Get yours free!

1588 From: "tw853" <tw853@...> Date: Sat Nov 20, 2004 8:02pm Subject: KP Info (Was RE: Re: KPBC2) tw853 Offline

Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Sandy Crowther, Pl try Best regards, tw --- In, "Sandy Crowther" <sandy@t...> wrote: > Thanks TW, > > > > If I'm not mistaken, I believe that the first 2 URL's you listed below > are those of Andrew Lynn's (logbags) website, which appears to now be > out of commission and off the web - however the 3rd URL is a very well > written article. You are well researched when it comes to being a source > of information on KP.:-) So thanks again. > > > > All the Best, > > Sandy Crowther > > <> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > -----Original Message----> From: tw853 [mailto:tw853@y...] > Sent: Friday, November 19, 2004 10:48 AM > To: > Subject: [k_p_system] Re: KPBC2 > > > > > Dear Sandy Crowther,

> > 1.Rules of the Krishnamurti Padhdhati > > (including about Richard Houck who declared George W. Bush > President , commenting in one year advance of the elction that Bush's > victory was the strangest win pattern he had never seen. His follower > Christopher Kevil also correctly predicted re-election of Presedent > Bush. Also a marginal test case of softwares to get Jupiter / Moon / > Saturn, --- Saturn antara dasa at his death.) > > > > > 2. Ruling Planets in KP By Dr Satya Prakash Chowdhary > > > > > 3. IN DEFENSE OF KRISHNAMURTI PADHDHATI RAGHUNATH REBUTTAL > By Sat Siri Khalsa > > > > > > Best regards, > > tw > > > --- In, "Sandy Crowther" <sandy@t...> > wrote: > > Dear TW, Vidyadhar, and Ron, > > > > > > > > Thanks for the warm welcome. > > > > > > > > I look forward to learning all about the KP System (as time > permits) > > and perhaps this list will be a great place to start. I had > purchased (a > > while back) all 6 KP Readers, and hope to start investigating them > > thoroughly very soon, and eventually adding KP to my repertoire of > > astrological systems. So forgive me if I lurk for a while, while > trying > > to digest at least the basics of the system, which I am not totally > > familiar with as of yet. If there is a KP overview written up > anywhere > > please direct me to it. > > > > > >

> > A few (amateur) comments about KPBC2: > > > > > > > > With the heavy involvement of the dasha planets leading straight > back to > > significations of the 2nd house, and the 2nd house being highly > > significant for at least three of the four selections (marriage, > birth, > > and job related activities given in the options listed in the blind > > chart choices), I will be very interested in the KP systematic > > delineation process that leads one to conclude the correct event at > play > > on Nov. 2, 1979.So I hope that those who are correct in their > answer are > > prepared to delineate the "KP way" on list for the benefit of those > > wanting to learn the analytical process involved with KP > > delineations.Thanks! > > > > > > > > All the Best, > > > > Sandy Crowther > > > > <> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > -----Original Message----> > From: rongaunt [mailto:rongaunt@b...] > > Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2004 5:23 PM > > To: > > Subject: Re: [k_p_system] KPBC2 > > > > > > > > > > Sandy, > > > > Great to see you on this List. Don't worry about being new to > > KP, so am I and possibly many others. It should be a great > > place to learn. > > > > Regarding you settings they seem almost spot on. I have > > programmed GJ with the table and it comes up with 23:04:56 > > within 2" of your calculation.

> > > > We have recently had discussions on this List regarding > > calculating the Asc and I have realized that most Western > > authored software programs use GEOGRAPHICAL angles and > > GEOCENTRIC planetary positions. Mr Raichur's program which > > appears to be used by many of our Indian colleagues, converts the > > geographical angles to geocentric. This means that there is a > > slight difference between the Ascendants and house cusps. > > In KPBC2 our Western astrology programs shows - as you state - an > > Asc of around 12 Scorpio 17, but using Geocentric angles the > > Ascendant is 12Scorpio08:14. This difference will only be an > > issue when the Asc falls very close to the cusp of the subs, and > > in most cases will give the same data. The dasa sequence is as > > you stated for the event. > > > > The only Western produced program that appears to have an option > > to convert to Geocentric angles that I know is Solar Fire. I > > have mailed Parashara Light with suggestions to include this > > and parallax in any future upgrade. > > > > > > Ron Gaunt > > > > > > > > > > On Thu, 18 Nov 2004 09:37:03 -0500, you wrote: > > > > >Hi Everyone, > > > > > > > > > > > >I'm new to this group and new to KP, but not so new to Astrology. > > >Anyway, I have a few concerns about the "corrected" KP Ayanamsa > posted > > >below in light of the new KP Table posted for the years 1900 to > 2052. > > >(Thanks for that Table from tw853 - didn't catch your name sorry > > :-)). > > > > > > > > > > > >Please enlighten me if my logic is fuzzy.According to my > calculations > > >with respect to the new Table posted for the KP Ayanamsa (which I > am > > >trying to get straight once and for all), the correct KP Ayanamsa > for > > >KPBC2 for December 20th, 1950 is actually 23:04:58. This figure was > > >derived from re-setting the KP Ayanamsa in SJS (Shri Jyoti Star5) > to > > >reflect the values posted in the email and Table that followed. If > for > > >April 15th 1950 the ayanamsa is 23:04:22, and the ayanamsa for

> April > > >15th 1951 is 23:05:13, I do NOT see how the correct ayanamsa for > > >December 20th 1950 can be anything other than 23:04:58. This > ayanamsa > > >give a lagna of 12 Scorpio 17, and a dasha sequence of Mo Me Ju Ke > for > > >the date in question: November 2, 1979. > > > > > > > > > > > >If anyone uses SJS and is interested in how I derived at this > corrected > > >(I believe?) KP ayanamsa based on the Table posted earlier - I went > > into > > >the SJS Global Options set for the KP Ayanamsa and did a Custom > setting > > >to reflect the accuracy based on the new Table given in the > previous > > >email. I left the setting on KP and then custom set the Epoch to > > January > > >1, 1900, custom set the Value at Epoch to 22:22:16 (to reflect the > KP > > >ayanamsa for Jan 1, 1900), and then custom set the Annual > Precession to > > >50:2388475. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > All the Best, > > > > > > Sandy Crowther > > > > > > <> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >-----Original Message----> > >From: rongaunt [mailto:rongaunt@b...] > > >Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2004 8:32 AM > > >To: > > >Subject: Re: [k_p_system] KPBC2 > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > >Sorry again. Typing error in last message. Ayanamsa should > > >have read 22:22:30 NOT 2:22:30 > > > > > >Ron Gaunt > > > > > > > > > > > >On Thu, 18 Nov 2004 23:25:08 +1000, you wrote: > > > > > >> > > >>Anant, > > >> > > >>Sorry, that was a bit misleading. I should have stated that > > >>ayanamsa 2:22:30 was for circa 1900. I think you will find the > > >>Asc is in fact correct. > > >> > > >>Ron Gaunt > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >>On Wed, 17 Nov 2004 22:45:49 -0800, you wrote: > > >> > > >>>The AYANAMSA specified in the BLC2. appears to be incorrect. As > per > > >the NEW KPA tables, uploaded to-day, the AYAN on 15th April 1950 is > > >23-04-22. On 20th Dec 1950, i.e. appr 8 monthss later, the Ayan > will be > > >23 37 27(app). The specified ayanmasa 0f 22 22 30 is less by 15 > > >minutes. This will affect Moon's position and also the Dasa on > date of > > >Event. > > >>> > > >>>This restriction should not be put, and the members be advised to > > >follow the new kpa aynamsa. > > >>> > > >>> > > >>> > > >>>rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > > >>> > > >>>Chart details are: > > >>> > > >>>Male, > > >>>D.O.B. 20th Dec 1950 > > >>>Time 5:02am > > >>>I.S.T -5:30 > > >>>10N46, 076E42 > > >>> > > >>>Asc 12 Scorpio 20 (ayanamsa 22:22:30) > > >>> > > >>> > > >>>What happened on the 2 November 1979? Choose from one > > >>>of the following: > > >>> > > >>> > > >>>1. Got married.

> > >>>2. Emigrated to the USA > > >>>3. Son Born. > > >>>4 Promotion in job. > > >>> > > >>> > > >>>It would be preferable if respondents could give reasons up front > > >>>to help others in their understanding. However, if time is at > > >>>a premium just the answer is acceptable initially. But please > > >>>be prepared to elaborate later if you answer correctly. > > >>> > > >>> > > >>>Please reply by 00:00am GMT Tuesday 23 Nov 04. After which the > > >>>answer will be provided. > > >>> > > >>> > > >>>Ron Gaunt > > >>> > > >>> > > >>> > > >>> > > >>>Yahoo! Groups Links > > >>> > > >>> > > >>> > > >>> > > >>> > > >>> > > >>> > > >>> > > >>> > > >>>-----------------------------------------> > >>>A.R.Raichur bombay > > >>>anant_1608@y... > > >>>raichuranant@y... > > >>>USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY > > >>>tel: 022-2506 2609 > > >>>-----------------------------------------> > >>> > > >>> > > >>> > > >>> > > >>> > > >>> > > >>> > > >>> > > >>>--------------------------------> > >>>Do you Yahoo!? > > >>> Meet the all-new My Yahoo! - Try it today! > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >>Yahoo! Groups Links > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >>

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1589 From: "tw853" <tw853@...> Date: Sat Nov 20, 2004 9:14pm Subject: Re: KPBC2 tw853 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Ron Gaunt, I'm still a KP learner and reading here and there. That is why KPBC2's birth place is found as Palghat according to Astro-Kundli atlas. Asking about 3min difference is just for academic purpose because of a big issue for 30-40sec difference between OKPA & NKPA. Also difference will be difference mathematically as long as it's compared in the same Geographic or Geocentric, but not mix and match. Best regards, tw --- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > > tw, > > Thanks for the references. Looks like the KP experts have laid > it down that it should be Geocentric angles. > > Ron Gaunt > > On Sat, 20 Nov 2004 12:56:17 +0000, you wrote: > > > > > > >Dear Ron Gaunt, > > > >1. It was my understanding that all Astro softwares are > >basiccaly set for "Geocentric". > > > >2. Astrodienst showis "Western geocentric (tropical)". And there > >are options for "Hindu/Lahiri geocentric (tropical)", "heliocentric" > >options and so on. > > > >3. In AstroDatabank sample charts, it's clearly shown Geocentric. > > > >4. By using same Swiss ephemeris, Astrodienst and Astro-Kundli > >usually give more or less same results except in some cases, > >indicating both are Geocentric. > > > >5. Dos-written and printable on dot-matrix "Old One" software > >also give more or less the same results for young natives showing > >Geocentric. > > > >6. GHL(Sanjay Rath Group) Junoir Jyotish (SA Group) also gives

> >more or less same results indicating they are also Geocentric. > > > > > >7. However, Astroura is set for Geographic and it's necessary to > >change for Geocentric. > > > >Thanks for reminding me to make sure that I'm using Geocentric. > > > >NO MORE DOUBT. > > > > > >Best Regards, > > > >tw > > > >P.S. > > > >"Geocentric and Geographic" are explained in > > > >1.HOW TO CAST AND READ YOUR GOROSCOPE (K. HARIHARAN), p. 78-79 & > >others, and > > > >2.ASTROSECRETS & KP, P.302-320 (LlATITUDES AND LONGITUDES, GEOCENTRIC > >LATITUDE.) > > > > > >--- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > >> > >> yw, > >> > >> Glad you found a way to get geocentric angles. > >> > >> Regarding geocentric being the correct way, I think I will have > >> to wait and see, before I go whole hearted into it. My > >> experience as a result of Garth Allen's work suggests that > >> parallax moon (which is geographic) produces good results in > >> eclipse and new moon situations. Consequently I suspect that > >> geographic is valid at least in some situations. > >> > >> Fortunately, there is little difference between the two and in > >> most cases would not change the Sub Lord. > >> > >> > >> Ron Gaunt > >> > >> > >> On Sat, 20 Nov 2004 02:18:09 +0000, you wrote: > >> > >> > > >> > > >> >Dear Ron Gaunt, > >> > > >> >It's okay. I can get it. I forgot to change a key for Geocentric > >in > >> >Astraura. Astrodienst also can give both ways but there I have to > >> >follow its latitude and longitude and do additional calculations.

> >> >It's common practice in all TOH to use Geocetric to ensure much > >more > >> >accuracy and precision. We're living on earth not in the haven and > >> >true center of earth is geocentric latitude. All astrological > >> >considerations are based on geocentric positions of planets, since > >> >Astrology is concerned with planetary motions only as they affect > >the > >> >earth. I can't run Sri Raichur's demo anymore. I mean I can't raed > >> >the results. > >> > > >> >Tahnk you. > >> > > >> >Best regards, > >> > > >> >tw > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> >--- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > >> >> > >> >> tw, > >> >> > >> >> I think you may have meant this for me. Vaidun has yet to > >> >> program his GJ software - and it does not give Geocentric angles > >> >> anyhow. > >> >> > >> >> My only access to Geocentric angles is through Solar Fire and > >> >> this is not suitable for transmission except to other S.F. Users > >> >> - and anyhow would show slightly different to Mr Raichurs program > >> >> because of the differences in precession between the programs. > >> >> > >> >> I do have a demo version of Mr Raichur's program but trying it on > >> >> KPBC2 I come up with such a large difference between it and my > >> >> other programs that I think I must have a corrupted version. > >> >> Hence I cannot supply a chart with Geocentric angles. > >> >> > >> >> Would one of our Indian friends like to post a chart using Mr > >> >> Raichurs software? > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> Ron Gaunt > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> On Sat, 20 Nov 2004 01:35:18 +0000, you wrote: > >> >>

> >> >> > > >> >> > > >> >> >Dear Vaidun Vidyadhar, > >> >> > > >> >> >Pl provide KPBC1 chart data with Geocentric angles to be able > >for > >> >> >participants to use it in this particular case. > >> >> > > >> >> >Thank you. > >> >> > > >> >> >Best regards, > >> >> > > >> >> >tw > >> >> > > >> >> >--- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> > >wrote: > >> >> >> > >> >> >> tw, > >> >> >> > >> >> >> For all practical purposes most KP astrologers seem to only > >work > >> >> >> to the sub lord level. At the micro sub sub lord level it is > >> >> >> inevitable that there is going to be differences between > >> >> >> different programs; and I suspect that this is why this area > >is > >> >> >> as yet relatively unexplored - because of the possibility of > >> >> >> computational error. Also note that you are using > >> >> >> GEOGRAPHICAL angles and houses, whereas many Indian > >> >> >> astrologers on this list appear to be using GEOCENTRIC angles. > >> >> >> This again can introduce differences, particularly at the sub > >sub > >> >> >> level. > >> >> >> > >> >> >> The remaining point of difference is the sub of the 9th house > >> >> >> where one calculation shows sub as Moon and the other as Sun, > >> >> >> because here is close to the cusp of the sub. > >> >> >> > >> >> >> Really nothing has changed from my original data. I simply > >> >> >> stated as a result of your request to know the name of the > >town, > >> >> >> that I noted that Palghat had the same coordinates as given in > >> >> >> the data. From there we have deviated, because some atlases > >> >> >> give slightly different coordinates for Palghat. However > >> >> >> others do in fact give exactly the same coordinates. > >> >> >> > >> >> >> I don't think we should get hung up on the fact that the 9th > >cusp

> >> >> >> sub lord is different because some atlases may give the wrong > >> >> >> coordinates. The crux of the matter is that the > >information > >> >> >> was provided by a well respected local astrologer. He only > >> >> >> specified the coordinates not the name of the town. I > >suggest > >> >> >> we stick with his data of 10N46, 76E42 > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> Vaidun Vidyadhar > > >> >> >> > >> >> >> On Fri, 19 Nov 2004 15:06:44 +0000, you wrote: > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >Dear Ron Gaunt, > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >Quation was raised after do doing so as given below. > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >Best Regards, > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >tw > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >KPA 23*4'56'' > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >Comparison for 10N46, 76E42 & 10N47, 76E39 > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >Cp D-M-S D-M-S > >> >> >> >I 222-17-57 222-14-50 > >> >> >> >II 251-05-26 251-02-23 > >> >> >> >III 281-00-48 280-57-43 > >> >> >> >IV 312-49-16 312-46-05 > >> >> >> >V 345-04-05 345-00-53 > >> >> >> >VI 15-08-09 15-05-02 > >> >> >> >VII 42-17-57 42-14-50 > >> >> >> >VIII 71-05-26 71-02-23 > >> >> >> >IX 101-00-48 100-57-43 > >> >> >> >X 132-49-16 132-46-05 > >> >> >> >XI 165-04-05 165-00-53 > >> >> >> >XII 195-08-09 195-05-02 > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >Note: (1) Sid Time 10-30-46 > >> >> >> > (2) Roughly 3min difference in cusp positions > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> > Comparison for 10N46, 76E42 & 10N47, 76E39 > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >Cp Sgl-Stl-Sbl-Ssl Sgl-Stl-Sbl-Ssl > >> >> >> >I Ma-Sa-Ma-Ju Ma-Sa-Ma-Ra > >> >> >> >II Ju-Ke-Sa-Ra Ju-Ke-Sa-Ra > >> >> >> >III Sa-Mo-Mo-Ve Sa-Mo-Mo-Ve > >> >> >> >IV Sa-Ra-Me-Me Sa-Ra-Me-Me > >> >> >> >V Ju-Sa-Ju-Ju Ju-Sa-Ju-Ju > >> >> >> >VI Ma-Ve-Ve-Me Ma-Ve-Ve-Sa > >> >> >> >VII Ve-Mo-Ra-Ju Ve-Mo-Ra-Ju > >> >> >> >VIII Me-Ra-Sa-Ke Me-Ra-Sa-Me > >> >> >> >IX Mo-Sa-Mo-Mo Mo-Sa-Su-Ve

> >> >> >> >X Su-Ke-Me-Ju Su-Ke-Me-Ra > >> >> >> >XI Me-Mo-Ju-Su Me-Mo-Ju-Ve > >> >> >> >XII Ve-Ra-Ke-Me Ve-Ra-Ke-Sa > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >Note: (1) Sid Time 10-30-34 > >> >> >> > (2) Differences in "Sub-sub" lords of Cusps 1, 6, 8, > >> >9,10, > >> >> >11 > >> >> >> > &12 and also in "Sub lord" of cusp 9 as mentioned > >in > >> >> >Msg# > >> >> >> > 1542 &1545. > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >--- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> > >> >wrote: > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> tw, > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> The easiest way to check this is simply put up the chart > >with > >> >the > >> >> >> >> different co-ordinates. > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> When you do this you will see that at: > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> 10N46, 76E42 the Asc is > >> >> >> >> 12 Sco 19, and MC is 12 Leo 49. > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> 10N47, 76E39 the Asc is > >> >> >> >> 12Sco 16 and MC is 12 Leo 46. > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> The difference is only 3 minutes not degrees. > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> Ron Gaunt > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> On Fri, 19 Nov 2004 04:55:23 +0000, you wrote: > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >Dear Ron, > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >"Difference of around 12sec in Sid. Time, consequently > >> >around > >> >> >3deg > >> >> >> >> >difference in Asc, possible differences in "sub-sub" > >lords > >> >of > >> >> >> >cusps > >> >> >> >> >1, 4,6, 8, 9,10, 11 &12 and also in "Sub lord" of cusp > >9" > >> >> >should > >> >> >> >not

> >> >> >> >> >make difference in analysis of this particular KPBC1 > >chart? > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >Best regards, > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >tw > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >--- In, rongaunt > ><rongaunt@b...> > >> >> >wrote: > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> tw, > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> I make it that there is only about 48" in sidereal time > >> >and > >> >> >about > >> >> >> >> >> 13' in longitude and 40' in latitude difference between > >> >both > >> >> >> >> >> angles. This should not make too much difference > >unless > >> >> >near > >> >> >> >> >> the cusps. > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> My two Atlases 'The University Atlas' and the 'Myer > >Atlas' > >> >> >both > >> >> >> >> >> show 10N46 and 76E42. As these were also the co> >> >> >ordinates > >> >> >> >> >> given by a respected local astrologer for this > >particular > >> >> >case, I > >> >> >> >> >> suggest we go with these. > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> Ron Gaunt > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> On Fri, 19 Nov 2004 02:29:25 +0000, you wrote: > >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >Dear Ron, > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >1. "Place of birth" is usually given in > >AstroDatabank > >> >> >> >> >> >horoscopes, Astrodienst charts, Khaldea charts, etc to > >be > >> >> >able > >> >> >> >to > >> >> >> >> >> >check latitude and longitude. > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >2. For example, birth place of KPBC2 , > >Palghat, "10N46, > >> >> >> >76E42" > >> >> >> >> >> >given and Astro-Kundli is also showing the same

> >figures. > >> >> >> >However, > >> >> >> >> >as > >> >> >> >> >> >given in Msg#1535, "10N47, 76E39" according to > >> >Astrodienst > >> >> >> >atlas > >> >> >> >> >> >commonly used by astrologers and referred by > >astrological > >> >> >> >> >websites. > >> >> >> >> >> >RAND McNALLY, Atlas of the World, Masterpiece Edition, > >> >also > >> >> >> >shows > >> >> >> >> >the > >> >> >> >> >> >same figures. > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >3. There can be a difference of around 12sec in > >Sid. > >> >> >> >Time, > >> >> >> >> >> >consequently around 3deg difference in Asc, possible > >> >> >> >differences > >> >> >> >> >> >in "sub-sub" lords of cusps 1, 4,6, 8, 9,10, 11 > >> >&12. "Sub > >> >> >> >lord" > >> >> >> >> >of > >> >> >> >> >> >cusp 9 also can be different. > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >4. Which one to take, given figures or > >Astrodienst > >> >> >> >ones ? Of > >> >> >> >> >> >course, results may not be the same. Also how about > >only > >> >six > >> >> >> >days > >> >> >> >> >> >timeline to give answer from the view point of wider > >> >> >> >participation > >> >> >> >> >> >and quality drive of brain work? > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >Best regards, > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >tw > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >--- In, rongaunt > >> ><rongaunt@b...> > >> >> >> >wrote: > >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> tw, > >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> The only information I was given was the co> >ordinates. > >> >> >> >However, > >> >> >> >> >> >> I have checked with an atlas and it appears that the > >> >> >native > >> >> >> >was > >> >> >> >> >> >> born at Palghat.

> >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> Ron Gaunt > >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> On Thu, 18 Nov 2004 13:54:04 +0000, you wrote: > >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> >Dear All, > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> >KPA for 20 December 1950 > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> >1. KPA from KP & ASTROLOGY 2003 > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> >a. 15 Apr 1951 23-05-13 > >> >> >> >> >> >> >b. 15 Apr 1950 23-04-22 > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> >c. Increase by Table 00-51sec > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> >d. Increase by formula = 50.2388475 +0.000111 > >> >(1950 > >> >> >> >> >1900) > >> >> >> >> >> >> > = > >50.2388475 > >> >+ > >> >> >> >0.00555 > >> >> >> >> >> >> > = > >50.2444sec > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> >e. Number Day of Year for Apr 15 = 105, for Dec > >> >20 =354 > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> >f. Difference in NDOY =354-105 =249 days > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> >g. Fine tuning for 249 days = 50.2444 (249/365) > >> >= 34.28 > >> >> >> >> >sec > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> >(Note: for easier calculation , by taking 0051sec > >> >of "c" > >> >> >> >> >34.79sec) > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> >h. KPA for 20 Dec 1950 = 23-04-22 + 34.28sec > >> >> >> >> >> >> > = 23-04-56 > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> >2. KPA from Table in KP Reader I (Just for > >> >comparison > >> >> >or > >> >> >> >> >> >academic > >> >> >> >> >> >> >purpose) > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> >a. 1950 23-04 > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> >b. Fine tuning for Dec 25, 50.2444 (354/365)=

> >> >48.73 sec > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> > (same as in above "1.g", the difference is > >> >here > >> >> >for > >> >> >> >354 > >> >> >> >> >> >days) > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> >c. 20 Dec 1950 = 23-04 + 49 sec = 23-04-49 > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> >3. KPA from KP & ASTROLOGY 2003 for 1st January > >> >1950 > >> >> >> >> >> >> >(Just for academic purpose) > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> >a. Fine tuning 50.2444 (105/365) = 14.45c > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> >b. KPA for 1st Jan 1950 = 23-04-22 minus > >> >14.45sec = 23> >> >> >> >> >04-07.55 > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> >4. For KPBC2 , according to Jjagnnatha Hora > >> >Light (JHL), > >> >> >> >> >by > >> >> >> >> >> >> >entering KPA 23-04-56 REPEAT 23-04-56 (its own KPA > >is > >> >23> >> >> >04> >> >> >> >> >> >43.57), > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> >a. Asc 222-18-06.40 > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> >b. Moon 16-02-10.20 > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> >c. Sun 244-26-02.57 > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> >d. Venus Tula dasa balance at birth 16y11m> >10d > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> >5. Highly appreciated for providing birth place > >> >of KPBC2 > >> >> >> >> >to be > >> >> >> >> >> >> >able to check with Astrdienst > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> >No Palghat 10N47, 76E39, No Chittur 10N42, > >76E45, ???? > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> >Best regards, > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> >tw > >> >> >> >> >> >> >

> >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> >--- In, rongaunt > >> >> ><rongaunt@b...> > >> >> >> >> >wrote: > >> >> >> >> >> >> >> Anant, > >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> >> Sorry, that was a bit misleading. I should > >have > >> >> >stated > >> >> >> >that > >> >> >> >> >> >> >> ayanamsa 2:22:30 was for circa 1900. I think > >you > >> >will > >> >> >> >find > >> >> >> >> >the > >> >> >> >> >> >> >> Asc is in fact correct. > >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> >> Ron Gaunt > >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> >> On Wed, 17 Nov 2004 22:45:49 -0800, you wrote: > >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >The AYANAMSA specified in the BLC2. appears to > >be > >> >> >> >incorrect. > >> >> >> >> >As > >> >> >> >> >> >> >per the NEW KPA tables, uploaded to-day, the AYAN > >on > >> >15th > >> >> >> >April > >> >> >> >> >> >1950 > >> >> >> >> >> >> >is 23-04-22. On 20th Dec 1950, i.e. appr 8 monthss > >> >later, > >> >> >> >the > >> >> >> >> >Ayan > >> >> >> >> >> >> >will be 23 37 27(app). The specified ayanmasa 0f > >22 > >> >22 > >> >> >30 > >> >> >> >is > >> >> >> >> >> >less > >> >> >> >> >> >> >by 15 minutes. This will affect Moon's position > >and > >> >also > >> >> >> >the > >> >> >> >> >Dasa > >> >> >> >> >> >on > >> >> >> >> >> >> >date of Event. > >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >This restriction should not be put, and the > >members > >> >be > >> >> >> >> >advised > >> >> >> >> >> >to

> >> >> >> >> >> >> >follow the new kpa aynamsa. > >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >Chart details are: > >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >Male, > >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >D.O.B. 20th Dec 1950 > >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >Time 5:02am > >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >I.S.T -5:30 > >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >10N46, 076E42 > >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >Asc 12 Scorpio 20 (ayanamsa 22:22:30) > >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >What happened on the 2 November 1979? Choose > >from > >> >one > >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >of the following: > >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >1. Got married. > >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >2. Emigrated to the USA > >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >3. Son Born. > >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >4 Promotion in job. > >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >It would be preferable if respondents could give > >> >> >reasons > >> >> >> >up > >> >> >> >> >> >front > >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >to help others in their understanding. However, > >if > >> >> >time > >> >> >> >is at > >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >a premium just the answer is acceptable > >initially. > >> >But > >> >> >> >please > >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >be prepared to elaborate later if you answer > >> >correctly. > >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >Please reply by 00:00am GMT Tuesday 23 Nov 04. > >> >After > >> >> >> >which > >> >> >> >> >the > >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >answer will be provided. > >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >Ron Gaunt > >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

>> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>

>> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>

>> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>

>> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>

>> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > > > >

>> >> >Yahoo! Groups Links >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> >----------------------------------------->> >> >A.R.Raichur bombay >> >> >anant_1608@y... >> >> >raichuranant@y... >> >> >USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY >> >> >tel: 022-2506 2609 >> >> >----------------------------------------->> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> >-------------------------------->> >> >Do you Yahoo!? Try it today! >> >> > Meet the all-new My Yahoo! >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> >Yahoo! Groups Links >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > > > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

>> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> >Yahoo! Groups Links >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> >Yahoo! Groups Links >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> >Yahoo! Groups Links >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> >Yahoo! Groups Links >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > > > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

1590 From: anant raichur <anant_1608@...> Date: Sun Nov 21, 2004 0:24am Subject: Re: Re: KPBC2 anant_1608 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 The Difference In Latitude may be mathematically a diffrence. No one knows exa ctly the correct geographical latitude, and longitude of Birth Place. Is this go ing to affect the results?. Ultimately in KP we consider the Sign,Star,Sub lord s for any prediction. So long as these do not change, the minor uncertainty abo ut Latitude/Longitude does not matter. Another Mathmatical correctness is the House Occupied by a Planet. When the lon gitude of the Planet is slighly less than that of the cusp, the Planet is shown, in the previous house (mathematically correct). But, in actual practice this p lanet gives results as though it is in the next house. The star/sub lords will b e same as the next cusp. So in prediction, ONE HAS TO CONSIDER the planet to be in the NEXT house,to what is shown mathamatically. tw853 <> wrote: Dear Ron Gaunt, I'm still a KP learner and reading here and there. That is why KPBC2's birth place is found as Palghat according to Astro-Kundli atlas. Asking about 3min difference is just for academic purpose because of a big issue for 30-40sec difference between OKPA & NKPA. Also difference will be difference mathematically as long as it's compared in the same Geographic or Geocentric, but not mix and match. Best regards, tw -

-----------------------------------------A.R.Raichur bombay USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY tel: 022-2506 2609 ------------------------------------------

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Do you Yahoo!? Discover all that s new in My Yahoo!

1591 From: "Sandy Crowther" <sandy@...> Date: Sun Nov 21, 2004 7:00am Subject: Website URL detective_dunno Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Hi Ron,

I DID try Andrew s site - several times and on several different days - and still no luck. L The display is always "This page is not available..(yada, yada) Cannot find server". The URL I am using is index.htm - and I tried every variation of it. Has the site name or URL been ch anged? From over here in the USA it simply looks like the site has been taken do wn and is no longer active or on the web. However, I can get a display of an old er version of his site (or any site for that matter by using the web archive URL ) from March 6, 2004 by going to the web archived URL at web/*/

At any rate, tw was kind enough to mail me the articles, along with the Chamberl ain case, so I look forward to reading those.

All the Best, Sandy Crowther

-----Original Message----From: rongaunt [] Sent: Saturday, November 20, 2004 5:25 PM To: Subject: Re: KP Info (Was RE: [k_p_system] Re: KPBC2)

Sandy, Try Andrew's site again. I get through OK. By the way with your interest in the Jon Bennet case, have a look at his write up on the Chamberlain case, where baby Azaria was taken by a dingo. Ron Gaunt

On Sat, 20 Nov 2004 08:12:24 -0500, you wrote: >Thanks TW, > > > >If I'm not mistaken, I believe that the first 2 URL's you listed below >are those of Andrew Lynn's (logbags) website, which appears to now be >out of commission and off the web - however the 3rd URL is a very well >written article. You are well researched when it comes to being a source >of information on KP.:-) So thanks again. > > > > All the Best, > > Sandy Crowther > > <> > > > > > > > > >

Attachment: (image/gif) image001.gif [not stored]

1592 From: rongaunt <rongaunt@...> Date: Sun Nov 21, 2004 8:25am Subject: Re: Website URL rongaunt1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Sandy,

I pasted from your mail below and it works for me. Ron Gaunt On Sun, 21 Nov 2004 08:00:31 -0500, you wrote: >Hi Ron, > > > >I DID try Andrew's site - several times and on several different days >and still no luck. :-( The display is always "This page is not >available..(yada, yada).Cannot find server". The URL I am using is > - and I tried >every variation of it. Has the site name or URL been changed? From over >here in the USA - it simply looks like the site has been taken down and >is no longer active or on the web. However, I can get a display of an >older version of his site (or any site for that matter by using the web >archive URL) from March 6, 2004 by going to the web archived URL at >*/ >htm > > > >At any rate, tw was kind enough to mail me the articles, along with the >Chamberlain case, so I look forward to reading those. > > > > All the Best, > > Sandy Crowther > > <> > > > > > > > > > > > > > >-----Original Message---->From: rongaunt [mailto:rongaunt@...] >Sent: Saturday, November 20, 2004 5:25 PM >To: >Subject: Re: KP Info (Was RE: [k_p_system] Re: KPBC2) > > > > >Sandy, >

>Try Andrew's site again. I get through OK. > >By the way with your interest in the Jon Bennet case, have a look >at his write up on the Chamberlain case, where baby Azaria was >taken by a dingo. > > >Ron Gaunt > > > >On Sat, 20 Nov 2004 08:12:24 -0500, you wrote: > >>Thanks TW, >> >> >> >>If I'm not mistaken, I believe that the first 2 URL's you listed below >>are those of Andrew Lynn's (logbags) website, which appears to now be >>out of commission and off the web - however the 3rd URL is a very well >>written article. You are well researched when it comes to being a >source >>of information on KP.:-) So thanks again. >> >> >> >> All the Best, >> >> Sandy Crowther >> >> <> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >

1593 From: ABCD EFGH <sachdumps@...> Date: Sun Nov 21, 2004 8:57am Subject: URGENT !!! Please reply soon all of you. sachdumps Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear KP Astrology Guru's Namaskar, It is very urgent and a kind of research too. One of my friends Son ( Name: Harkirat ), not even a year old, is hospitalised from last 2 weeks. Diagnosed to have brain tumor, more over the tumer is blasted and spreaded into brain cells. Now all Doctors of Philadelphia hospital said, They dont have any treatment for the child. Even the treatment they have is not to cure but to reduce the pain. The only thing is left for my friend is to see

his son dying. You all guys seems to have very good Knowledge of KP as compared to me. Can you see this childs life ? Name : Harkirat Date of Birth : December 1st 2003 Place of Birth : Flushing NY USA Time of Birth : 6.45 PM EST Once again your analysis, advice and research on this chart will be higly apprec iated. If possible please pray for this childs life. Thanks to all of you. Sacham. __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around

1594 From: "Sandy Crowther" <sandy@...> Date: Sun Nov 21, 2004 9:33am Subject: RE: Website URL detective_dunno Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Ron That s very weird because I have no problem connecting to any other sites on the web, but here s (below) exactly what I get when I try to go to Andrew s site: ( I ve checked my settings and they are fine.)

Cannot find server or DNS Error Internet Explorer

The page cannot be displayed The page you are looking for is currently unavailable. The Web site might be exp eriencing technical difficulties, or you may need to adjust your browser setting s. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please try the following: Click the Refresh button, or try again later. If you typed the page address in the Address bar, make sure that it is spelled c orrectly. To check your connection settings, click the Tools menu, and then click Internet Options. On the Connections tab, click Settings. The settings should match thos e provided by your local area network (LAN) administrator or Internet service pr

ovider (ISP). If your Network Administrator has enabled it, Microsoft Windows can examine your network and automatically discover network connection settings. If you would like Windows to try and discover them, click Detect Network Settings Some sites require 128-bit connection security. Click the Help menu and then cli ck About Internet Explorer to determine what strength security you have installe d. If you are trying to reach a secure site, make sure your Security settings can s upport it. Click the Tools menu, and then click Internet Options. On the Advance d tab, scroll to the Security section and check settings for SSL 2.0, SSL 3.0, T LS 1.0, PCT 1.0. Click the Back button to try another link. Cannot find server or DNS Error Internet Explorer

All the Best, Sandy Crowther

-----Original Message----From: rongaunt [] Sent: Sunday, November 21, 2004 9:26 AM To: Subject: Re: [k_p_system] Website URL

Sandy, I pasted from your mail below and it works for me. Ron Gaunt On Sun, 21 Nov 2004 08:00:31 -0500, you wrote: >Hi Ron,

> > > >I DID try Andrew's site - several times and on several different days >and still no luck. :-( The display is always "This page is not >available..(yada, yada).Cannot find server". The URL I am using is > - and I tried >every variation of it. Has the site name or URL been changed? From over >here in the USA - it simply looks like the site has been taken down and >is no longer active or on the web. However, I can get a display of an >older version of his site (or any site for that matter by using the web >archive URL) from March 6, 2004 by going to the web archived URL at >*/ >htm > > > >At any rate, tw was kind enough to mail me the articles, along with the >Chamberlain case, so I look forward to reading those. > > > > All the Best, > > Sandy Crowther > > <> > > > > > > > > > > > > > >-----Original Message---->From: rongaunt [] >Sent: Saturday, November 20, 2004 5:25 PM >To: >Subject: Re: KP Info (Was RE: [k_p_system] Re: KPBC2) > > > > >Sandy, > >Try Andrew's site again. I get through OK. > >By the way with your interest in the Jon Bennet case, have a look >at his write up on the Chamberlain case, where baby Azaria was >taken by a dingo. > > >Ron Gaunt >

> > >On Sat, 20 Nov 2004 08:12:24 -0500, you wrote: > >>Thanks TW, >> >> >> >>If I'm not mistaken, I believe that the first 2 URL's you listed below >>are those of Andrew Lynn's (logbags) website, which appears to now be >>out of commission and off the web - however the 3rd URL is a very well >>written article. You are well researched when it comes to being a >source >>of information on KP.:-) So thanks again. >> >> >> >> All the Best, >> >> Sandy Crowther >> >> <> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >

Attachment: (image/gif) image001.gif [not stored]

1595 From: "tw853" <tw853@...> Date: Sun Nov 21, 2004 10:26am Subject: Re: KPBC2 tw853 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Rajneesh, It's true. I don't have G.J. However, could you provide your G.J. results for KPBC2 @ "10N47, 76E39" as used in Astrodienst to be able to compare with Astrodienst results, particularly Sid Time (a check point in using different softwares), Asc position, Ayanamsa used , any one, (adjustable manually to a desired level)also Moon position to compare accuracy for dasa. It's interesting to make a comparison in order to know how come G.J. is giving Geographic, not Geocentric, having full faith in expertise

of software programmers, except a little bit in accuracy like a watch made in Swiss (hand or factory made) or Japan (some Japanese ones also very accurate). Best regards, tw --- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > > Rajneesh, > > I can answer this. I don't think tw has G.J. > > GJ uses geographic angles and house cusps. > > By the way I would suggest that you do not use the > Krishnamurti ayanamsa as set up as standard, as it is quite > different in modern times to those currently used and discussed > on this List. The best way is to reprogram as set out in my > mail headed KPBC2 of both 19th and 20th Nov to Vaidun. > > You can then easily check and make manual adjustment if necessary > to get Geocentric angles by using Mr Raichur's demo program. > > > Ron Gaunt. > > > > > On Sat, 20 Nov 2004 08:35:32 -0800, you wrote: > > > > >Dear TW, > >Do you know if Goravani Jyotish uses, Geographic or > >Geocentric? > >Thanks > >-r > >--- tw853 <tw853@y...> wrote: > > > >> > >> Dear Ron Gaunt, > >> > >> 1. It was my understanding that all Astro softwares > >> are > >> basiccaly set for "Geocentric". > >> > >> 2. Astrodienst showis "Western geocentric > >> (tropical)". And there > >> are options for "Hindu/Lahiri geocentric > >> (tropical)", "heliocentric" > >> options and so on. > >> > >> 3. In AstroDatabank sample charts, it's clearly > >> shown Geocentric. > >> > >> 4. By using same Swiss ephemeris, Astrodienst and > >> Astro-Kundli

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

>> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>

usually give more or less same results except in some cases, indicating both are Geocentric. 5. Dos-written and printable on dot-matrix "Old One" software also give more or less the same results for young natives showing Geocentric. 6. GHL(Sanjay Rath Group) Junoir Jyotish (SA Group) also gives more or less same results indicating they are also Geocentric. 7. However, Astroura is set for Geographic and it's necessary to change for Geocentric. Thanks for reminding me to make sure that I'm using Geocentric. NO MORE DOUBT. Best Regards, tw P.S. "Geocentric and Geographic" are explained in 1.HOW TO CAST AND READ YOUR GOROSCOPE (K. HARIHARAN), p. 78-79 & others, and 2.ASTROSECRETS & KP, P.302-320 (LlATITUDES AND LONGITUDES, GEOCENTRIC LATITUDE.) --- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > > yw, > > Glad you found a way to get geocentric angles. > > Regarding geocentric being the correct way, I think I will have > to wait and see, before I go whole hearted into it. My > experience as a result of Garth Allen's work suggests that > parallax moon (which is geographic) produces good results in > eclipse and new moon situations. Consequently I suspect that

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

>> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>

> geographic is valid at least in some situations. > > Fortunately, there is little difference between the two and in > most cases would not change the Sub Lord. > > > Ron Gaunt > > > On Sat, 20 Nov 2004 02:18:09 +0000, you wrote: > > > > > > >Dear Ron Gaunt, > > > >It's okay. I can get it. I forgot to change a key for Geocentric in > >Astraura. Astrodienst also can give both ways but there I have to > >follow its latitude and longitude and do additional calculations. > >It's common practice in all TOH to use Geocetric to ensure much more > >accuracy and precision. We're living on earth not in the haven and > >true center of earth is geocentric latitude. All astrological > >considerations are based on geocentric positions of planets, since > >Astrology is concerned with planetary motions only as they affect the > >earth. I can't run Sri Raichur's demo anymore. I mean I can't raed > >the results. > > > >Tahnk you. > > > >Best regards, > > > >tw > > > > > > > > > > > > > >--- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > >> > >> tw, > >> > >> I think you may have meant this for me. Vaidun has yet to > >> program his GJ software - and it does not give Geocentric angles > >> anyhow.

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

>> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>

> >> > >> My only access to Geocentric angles is through Solar Fire and > >> this is not suitable for transmission except to other S.F. Users > >> - and anyhow would show slightly different to Mr Raichurs program > >> because of the differences in precession between the programs. > >> > >> I do have a demo version of Mr Raichur's program but trying it on > >> KPBC2 I come up with such a large difference between it and my > >> other programs that I think I must have a corrupted version. > >> Hence I cannot supply a chart with Geocentric angles. > >> > >> Would one of our Indian friends like to post a chart using Mr > >> Raichurs software? > >> > >> > >> Ron Gaunt > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> On Sat, 20 Nov 2004 01:35:18 +0000, you wrote: > >> > >> > > >> > > >> >Dear Vaidun Vidyadhar, > >> > > >> >Pl provide KPBC1 chart data with Geocentric angles to be able for > >> >participants to use it in this particular case. > >> > > >> >Thank you. > >> > > >> >Best regards, > >> > > >> >tw > >> > > >> >--- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > >> >> > >> >> tw, > >> >> > >> >> For all practical purposes most KP astrologers seem to only work > >> >> to the sub lord level. At the micro sub sub lord level it is > >> >> inevitable that there is going to be

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

>> differences between >> > >> >> different programs; and I suspect that this >> is why this area >> >=== message truncated === > > > > >__________________________________ >Do you Yahoo!? >The all-new My Yahoo! - Get yours free! > > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > >

1596 From: "Vaidun Vidyadhar" <vvidya@...> Date: Sun Nov 21, 2004 11:54am Subject: RE: Website URL vidyaau Send IM Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Sandy, I pasted the url and it works fine for me too. No problem there. Vaidun Vidyadhar 1 / 94 Marius Street Tamworth, NSW 2340 Australia Tel: 61-2-67 668428 (home) Mobile: 0414 870 083 Email:

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------From: Sandy Crowther [] Sent: Monday, 22 November 2004 2:33 AM To: Subject: RE: [k_p_system] Website URL

Ron That s very weird because I have no problem connecting to any other sites on t he web, but here s (below) exactly what I get when I try to go to Andrew s site: (I ve checked my settings and they are fine.)

Cannot find server or DNS Error Internet Explorer

The page cannot be displayed The page you are looking for is currently unavailable. The Web site might be exp eriencing technical difficulties, or you may need to adjust your browser setting s. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please try the following: Click the Refresh button, or try again later. If you typed the page address in the Address bar, make sure that it is spelled c orrectly. To check your connection settings, click the Tools menu, and then click Internet Options. On the Connections tab, click Settings. The settings should match thos e provided by your local area network (LAN) administrator or Internet service pr ovider (ISP). If your Network Administrator has enabled it, Microsoft Windows can examine your network and automatically discover network connection settings. If you would like Windows to try and discover them, click Detect Network Settings Some sites require 128-bit connection security. Click the Help menu and then cli ck About Internet Explorer to determine what strength security you have installe d. If you are trying to reach a secure site, make sure your Security settings can s upport it. Click the Tools menu, and then click Internet Options. On the Advance d tab, scroll to the Security section and check settings for SSL 2.0, SSL 3.0, T LS 1.0, PCT 1.0. Click the Back button to try another link. Cannot find server or DNS Error Internet Explorer

All the Best, Sandy Crowther

-----Original Message----From: rongaunt [] Sent: Sunday, November 21, 2004 9:26 AM To: Subject: Re: [k_p_system] Website URL

Sandy, I pasted from your mail below and it works for me. Ron Gaunt On Sun, 21 Nov 2004 08:00:31 -0500, you wrote: >Hi Ron, > > > >I DID try Andrew's site - several times and on several different days >and still no luck. :-( The display is always "This page is not >available..(yada, yada).Cannot find server". The URL I am using is > - and I tried >every variation of it. Has the site name or URL been changed? From over >here in the USA - it simply looks like the site has been taken down and >is no longer active or on the web. However, I can get a display of an >older version of his site (or any site for that matter by using the web >archive URL) from March 6, 2004 by going to the web archived URL at >*/ >htm > > > >At any rate, tw was kind enough to mail me the articles, along with the >Chamberlain case, so I look forward to reading those. > > > > All the Best, > > Sandy Crowther > > <> > > > >

> > > > > > > > > >-----Original Message---->From: rongaunt [] >Sent: Saturday, November 20, 2004 5:25 PM >To: >Subject: Re: KP Info (Was RE: [k_p_system] Re: KPBC2) > > > > >Sandy, > >Try Andrew's site again. I get through OK. > >By the way with your interest in the Jon Bennet case, have a look >at his write up on the Chamberlain case, where baby Azaria was >taken by a dingo. > > >Ron Gaunt > > > >On Sat, 20 Nov 2004 08:12:24 -0500, you wrote: > >>Thanks TW, >> >> >> >>If I'm not mistaken, I believe that the first 2 URL's you listed below >>are those of Andrew Lynn's (logbags) website, which appears to now be >>out of commission and off the web - however the 3rd URL is a very well >>written article. You are well researched when it comes to being a >source >>of information on KP.:-) So thanks again. >> >> >> >> All the Best, >> >> Sandy Crowther >> >> <> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>


1597 From: Ravinder Grover <astrology@...> Date: Sun Nov 21, 2004 2:26pm Subject: Re: URGENT !!! Please reply soon all of you. rgrover100008 Send IM Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 22 Nov 2004 Dear brotehrs and sisters, I tried to do a quick analysis. Please go through this and if you cann please h elp this person in URGENT NEED OF HELP Date of Judgement: 22 Nov 2004, 8:19 am,. Auckland, NZDST

Native: Harkirat, 1st Dec 2003, 18:45, Flushing NY USA

KP Nakshatra Lords for the Planets Planet Sign Degree Lord Sub Sub Sub -------------------------------------------Sun SCO 15 27 Sat Jup Merc Moon PIS 0 19 Jup Moon Ven Mars AQU 27 56 Jup Ven Jup

Mercury SAG 4 53 Ketu Mars Rahu Jupiter LEO 23 19 Ven Sat Mars Venus SAG 12 14 Ketu Merc Moon

Saturn GEM 18 7 Rahu Moon Moon Rahu ARI 25 23 Ven Merc Jup Ketu LIB 25 23 Jup Merc Jup Uranus AQU 5 13 Mars Sun Sat

Neptune CAP 16 56 Moon Sat Moon

Pluto SCO 25 28

Merc Rahu Ven

KP Nakshatra Lords for the Planets Cusps Sign Degree Lord Sub Sub Sub -----------------------------------------1 GEM 19 4 Rahu Moon Ven 2 CAN 8 35 Sat Ven Moon 3 LEO 0 35 Ketu Ketu Sat 4 LEO 28 19 Sun Moon Ven

5 LIB 4 5 Mars Ven Jup 6 SCO 14 3 Sat Rahu Merc

7 SAG 19 4 Ven Rahu Merc 8 CAP 8 35 Sun Ven Rahu 9 AQU 0 35 Mars Merc Ven 10 AQU 28 19 Jup Ven Sat 11 ARI 4 5 Ketu Moon Jup 12 TAU 14 3 LONGEVITY Disposition of the SLC(1) is the deciding factor in the assessment of longevity SLC(1) = Mon, Mon in Star(Jup) Sub(Mon) Maraksthana houses are (2,7) Bhadhakstahan house is (7) Diseases are signified by Houses (6,8,12) Mon signifies houses (3,10,7,2) Jup signifies houses (6,3,5,12,7) Here Jup is connected with Maraksthans and Bhadhakstahan and is connected to 6 THEN Life span could be between 0 to 33.5 years Moon Jup Jup

Further Judge the strength of Jup as well

Jup in Star(Ven) Sub(Sat-R) Jup signifies (6,3,5,12,7) Ven signifies (5,6,5,12) Sat signifies (11,12,8,9,10) Here houses (5 & 11) signifies some improvement and/or cure but houses(6,8,12) s ignify Disease, Danger and Hospitalisation Jup is aspected by Mars, which signifies (3,9,7,6,11) Jup is aspected by Rahu, which signifies (6,11,5,12) Jup is aspected by Sat-R, which signifies (11,12,8,9,10)

NAVAMSA L(1) = Jup in H(8) Danger to Health L(12) = Sat in H(1) L(1) in D1 = Merc in D9-H(3) with Ketu, aspected by Sun and Sat

Rasi(1) Aries is occupied by Rahu aspected by Jup Jup is the Planet of expansion,so here it is EXPANDING its NEGATIVE ENERGY

S(2,7) are (2Mon, Mars, Ketu, Jup)

CURE SLC(5) = Ven in Star(Ketu) Sub(Merc) Ven signifies (5,6,5,12) some recovery and hopsitalisation Ketu signifies(3,5,7), signifies (6,3,5,12,7) through Jup Danger Merc signifies (5,6,1) some cure also Disease SLC(11) = Mon, as above

S(5,11) = (Merc, 2Ven, Ketu, Jup, 2Rahu, Sat, Mars)

RP RP (now) = Ketu, Jup, Jup, Sat, Mon Mars and Venus are Conjuct Ketu, so take them too Therefore, RP = Ketu, Mars, Ven, Jup, Sat, Mon S(2,7) = (2Mon, Mars, Ketu, Jup) S(5,11) = (Merc, 2Ven, Ketu, Jup, 2Rahu, Sat, Mars)

Mon in Sub(Mon) stronger for S(2,7) Mars in Sub(Ven) stronger for S(2,7) S(5,11) Ketu in sub(Merc) stronger for S(5,11) Jup in Sub(Sat-R) stronger for S(5,11)

DASA Dasa = Jup, in Star(Ven) Sub(Sat-R) As discussed above Jup is the SLC(12) that is Hospitalisation Bhukti = Mars in Star(Jup) Sub(Ven) Mars signifies (3,9,7,6,11) Jup signifies (6,3,5,12,7) Ven signifies (5,6,5,12)

Next Bhukti = Rahu in Star(Ven) Sub(Merc) Rahu signifies (6,11,5,6) Rahu signifies (5,6,5,12) through Venus

Rahu signifies (11,12,8,9,10) through Saturn Rahu signifies (6,3,5,12,7) through Jupiter s aspect to it

Conclusion: Dasa of Jup is very Difficult. I will request to all senior Astrolge rs to look at this chart with URGENCY and with Extreme CARE and please provide s ome solution to strengthen the Chart. I believe Dasa of Saturn can do some Miracle


RAVINDER GROVER ----- Original Message ----From: ABCD EFGH To: ; Sent: Monday, November 22, 2004 3:57 AM Subject: [k_p_system] URGENT !!! Please reply soon all of you. Dear KP Astrology Guru's Namaskar, It is very urgent and a kind of research too. One of my friends Son ( Name: Harkirat ), not even a year old, is hospitalised from last 2 weeks. Diagnosed to have brain tumor, more over the tumer is blasted and spreaded into brain cells. Now all Doctors of Philadelphia hospital said, They dont have any treatment for the child. Even the treatment they have is not to cure but to reduce the pain. The only thing is left for my friend is to see his son dying. You all guys seems to have very good Knowledge of KP as compared to me. Can you see this childs life ? Name : Harkirat Date of Birth : December 1st 2003 Place of Birth : Flushing NY USA Time of Birth : 6.45 PM EST Once again your analysis, advice and research on this chart will be higly apprec iated. If possible please pray for this childs life. Thanks to all of you. Sacham. __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!?

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1598 From: rongaunt <rongaunt@...> Date: Sun Nov 21, 2004 4:27pm Subject: Re: Website URL rongaunt1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Sandy, I was thinking about your experience, and reflected on the events in my normally uneventful house over the last week. First our air conditioner in the car went kaput, just as we enter the hot season. 2nd the washing machine decided to go on strike and refused to accept water. 3rd our dishwasher also refused to work 4th Last night I was called at my son's home by our remote security company, saying that the alarm had gone off and showed activity in our lounge room. On arrival home there was no sign of intrusion. This has never happened before. 5th Like you - a computer problem. I installed Mr Raichur's KP software. It worked fine the first time; but thereafter it gives me different results every time I tried it. Even reinstalling didn't solve the problem. I wonder whether, this is because I am running it on XP Professional which may not recognize certain DOS commands? Anyone else had this problem? I also trapped my dog's ear in the hatchback car door. Blood all over the boot, the back seat, the garage and because he dashed into the house - all over the lounge carpet. What next?

Ron Gaunt

On Sun, 21 Nov 2004 10:33:22 -0500, you wrote: >Ron - That's very weird because I have no problem connecting to any >other sites on the web, but here's (below) exactly what I get when I try >to go to Andrew's site: (I've checked my settings and they are fine.)

> > > >Cannot find server or DNS Error >Internet Explorer > > > > > >The page cannot be displayed > > >The page you are looking for is currently unavailable. The Web site >might be experiencing technical difficulties, or you may need to adjust >your browser settings. > > > _____ > >Please try the following: > >* Click the Refresh button, or try again later. >* If you typed the page address in the Address bar, make sure that >it is spelled correctly. >* To check your connection settings, click the Tools menu, and >then click Internet Options. On the Connections tab, click Settings. The >settings should match those provided by your local area network (LAN) >administrator or Internet service provider (ISP). >* If your Network Administrator has enabled it, Microsoft Windows >can examine your network and automatically discover network connection >settings. >If you would like Windows to try and discover them, >click <javascript:doNetDetect()> Detect Network Settings >* Some sites require 128-bit connection security. Click the Help >menu and then click About Internet Explorer to determine what strength >security you have installed. >* If you are trying to reach a secure site, make sure your >Security settings can support it. Click the Tools menu, and then click >Internet Options. On the Advanced tab, scroll to the Security section >and check settings for SSL 2.0, SSL 3.0, TLS 1.0, PCT 1.0. >* Click the <javascript:history.back(1)> Back button to try >another link. > > > > >Cannot find server or DNS Error >Internet Explorer > > > > > > > All the Best, > > Sandy Crowther > > <>

> > > > > > > > > > > > > >-----Original Message---->From: rongaunt [mailto:rongaunt@...] >Sent: Sunday, November 21, 2004 9:26 AM >To: >Subject: Re: [k_p_system] Website URL > > > > >Sandy, > >I pasted >from your mail below and it works for me. > >Ron Gaunt > > >On Sun, 21 Nov 2004 08:00:31 -0500, you wrote: > >>Hi Ron, >> >> >> >>I DID try Andrew's site - several times and on several different days >>and still no luck. :-( The display is always "This page is not >>available..(yada, yada).Cannot find server". The URL I am using is >> - and I tried >>every variation of it. Has the site name or URL been changed? From over >>here in the USA - it simply looks like the site has been taken down and >>is no longer active or on the web. However, I can get a display of an >>older version of his site (or any site for that matter by using the web >>archive URL) from March 6, 2004 by going to the web archived URL at >>*/ >. >>htm >> >> >> >>At any rate, tw was kind enough to mail me the articles, along with the >>Chamberlain case, so I look forward to reading those. >> >> >> >> All the Best, >> >> Sandy Crowther >>

>> <> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>-----Original Message---->>From: rongaunt [mailto:rongaunt@...] >>Sent: Saturday, November 20, 2004 5:25 PM >>To: >>Subject: Re: KP Info (Was RE: [k_p_system] Re: KPBC2) >> >> >> >> >>Sandy, >> >>Try Andrew's site again. I get through OK. >> >>By the way with your interest in the Jon Bennet case, have a look >>at his write up on the Chamberlain case, where baby Azaria was >>taken by a dingo. >> >> >>Ron Gaunt >> >> >> >>On Sat, 20 Nov 2004 08:12:24 -0500, you wrote: >> >>>Thanks TW, >>> >>> >>> >>>If I'm not mistaken, I believe that the first 2 URL's you listed below >>>are those of Andrew Lynn's (logbags) website, which appears to now be >>>out of commission and off the web - however the 3rd URL is a very well >>>written article. You are well researched when it comes to being a >>source >>>of information on KP.:-) So thanks again. >>> >>> >>> >>> All the Best, >>> >>> Sandy Crowther >>> >>> <> >>> >>> >>> >>>

>>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >> > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Sponsor > > > >ADVERTISEMENT > >< >D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1101133549/A=2434971/R=0/SIG=11eeoolb0/*htt >p:/> click here > > > >< >s/S=:HM/A=2434971/rand=189376822> > > > > _____ > >Yahoo! Groups Links > >* To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > >* To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > ><> > > >* Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of ><> Service.

1599 From: rongaunt <rongaunt@...> Date: Sun Nov 21, 2004 8:28pm Subject: KPBC2 submissions rongaunt1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Please note deadline for submissions for KPBC2 is tomorrow 00:00am GMT Tuesday 23 Nov 04. After which the answer will be provided. Ron Gaunt

Chart details are: Male, D.O.B. 20th Dec 1950 Time 5:02am I.S.T -5:30 10N46, 076E42 Asc 12 Scorpio 20 (ayanamsa 22:22:30) What happened on the 2 November 1979? Choose from one of the following: 1. 2. 3. 4 Got married. Emigrated to the USA Son Born. Promotion in job.

It would be preferable if respondents could give reasons up front to help others in their understanding. However, if time is at a premium just the answer is acceptable initially. But please be prepared to elaborate later if you answer correctly.

Ron Gaunt

1600 From: rongaunt <rongaunt@...> Date: Sun Nov 21, 2004 8:48pm Subject: Re: Re: KPBC2 rongaunt1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Anant, Please see question below **................. ** Ron Gaunt On Sat, 20 Nov 2004 22:24:09 -0800, you wrote: >The Difference In Latitude may be mathematically a diffrence. No one knows exactly the correct geographical latitude, and longitude of Birth Place. Is this going to affect the results?. Ultimately in KP we consider the Sign,Star,Sub lords for any prediction. So long as these do not change, the minor uncertainty about Latitude/Longitude does not matter. >Another Mathmatical correctness is the House Occupied by a Planet. When the longitude of the Planet is slighly less than that of the cusp, the Planet is shown, in the previous house (mathematically correct). But, in actual practice

this planet gives results as though it is in the next house. The star/sub lords will be same as the next cusp. ** I give an example to clarify my question. Assume Lagna at 00 Aries 00 where the previous sub boundary is at say 28 Pisces 00 - with a planet at 27 Pisces in that sub. Are you saying that the planet's Lord and sub Lord would be as if the planet is positioned at 00 Aries 00 and not at 27 Pisces? ** > >So in prediction, ONE HAS TO CONSIDER the planet to be in the NEXT house,to what is shown mathamatically.

1601 From: "tw853" <tw853@...> Date: Sun Nov 21, 2004 9:05pm Subject: Re: KPBC2 tw853 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Sri Anant Raichur, Thank you very much for Software demon (working well) and sharing your experience for KP learners like me, among others: (1) "Ultimately in KP we consider the Sign,Star,Sub lords for any prediction," (pasted from Msg# 1516) (2min39sec difference in Asc of KPBC2, differences in sub-lord of cusp 5 and subs of 2,4,5,10,11 & 12 cusps according to demon, "Is this going to affect the results?." Academically yes, practically no. (Appendix I) (2) "Another Mathmatical correctness is the House Occupied by a Planet. When the longitude of the Planet is slighly less than that of the cusp, the Planet is shown, in the previous house (mathematically correct). But, in actual practice this planet gives results as though it is in the next house. The star/sub lords will be same as the next cusp." (pasted from Msg#1590) (Also an example in "K.P. in Every Corner" by T. Rajendra Kumar, KP ANNUAL 2003, p.45-4: Jupiter (R 280-22) is actually in 5H (6th cusp 281-32), but it signifies 6H as per "ORB Theory" which says a planet within 1 or 2 deg behind the cusp of a house and no other planet in the following house, gains the significance of the following house, ie. Jupiter gains significance of 6H and loses signification of 5H where Jupiter actually located since there is no planet in 6H). (3) Regarding OKPA, "----The figures for 1840 to 2000 were given to the nearest minute. It was also stated that this shd be taken as constant thru out the year." (pasted from Msg#1516) which may be Guruji KSK's intention for easier calculation in old days.(Appendix II). (4) "While the controversy of the Correct Ayanamsa was going on, in the UTOH, the aynamsa adopted was really laheri's, though not so stated. Hence that 6ms diff." (pasted from Msg#1487) With highest regards,

tw APPENDIX I ACCURACY OF ASTRO DATA AND PREDICTION RESULTS (1) KSK, "Many general rules which should not be strictly applied. Many modifications are to be included.--- Analytical study, correct intuition and good judgment are needed - " KP Reader III. (2) B. V. Raman, "Astrology is a subject where not only an insight into its techniques is needed but also certain amount of intuition. Experience can gradually make appreciate the nuances of the predictive art. The literature available on Nadi astrology in the market could only be of academic interest. They do not give one an insight into the technique of the system. The late Mr. Gopalakrishna Rao (Meena) has given the Nadi method as revealed by his Guru in his book Nadi Jyotisha. But unfortunately the book has been out of print for a long time". (A Note On Problems In Prediction, by Pemmaraju V.R.Rayudu) (3) Anant Raichur, "prediction is not just applying rules --- IT IS GOD WHO FINLLY DETREMINES THE RESULT". (pasted from Msg# 1319) (4) Punit Pandey, "there is no clear cut method has been given to trace the events of one's life. One has to rely heavily on his/her own logic for predicting events." (pasted from Msg#1312) (5) June 1991 Grahavani journal (of Hyderabad, AP., India): "According to almost all ephemeris, Saturn had gone into retrogression and entered Dhanus (Sagittarius) and again reentered Makara (Capricorn) on 15 December 1990. But according to Vakya Panchanga (ephemeris) followed by Nadi astrologers in South India, Saturn entered Makara on 10 February 1991, that is, a difference of 55 days. Then what is the fate of the children born between 15 Dec 1990 to 10 Feb 1991, whether Saturn is to be placed in Dhanus or Makara. According to Vakya Panchanga, such a situation is common for Saturn whenever it retrogrades or entering the signs, there will be a difference of nearly 90 days, and for Jupiter 15 days and for fast moving planets Budha (Mercury), Sukra (Venus) for 1 to 3 days will be there. How to reconcile this position is for scholars in the science to decide. All Nadi literature was based on Vakya Panchanga and the predictions arrived on such calculations are 80% coming true. In view of the different Graha Gathis (planetary movements) even the horoscope charts prepared through computers are of no use". (6) It seems no problem for difference of a Bhukti for many events in analysis of B.V. Raman`s horoscope according to KP/Lahiri and Raman ayanamsas, as shown below: Difference in Bhukti according to KP/L & Raman Ayanamsas Event Date Mother's death Apr 1914 Marriage 30-10-30 Ra-Ke Father's death Sept 1943 5th visit to US 08-05-81 6th visit to US Oct 1992 KP/L Raman Ma-Ju Ma-Sa Ra-Ve Ju-Me Ju-Ke Me-Ma Me-Ra Ke-Ra Ke-Ju

Note: Raman ayanamsa is used in MY EXPERIENCES IN ASTROLOGY by B.V. . Raman and Lahiri by S. Rajagopala Iyer, in "Bangalore Venkata Raman" in NOTABLE HOROSCOPES, p. 401-421. (7)Mostly used Asc For Rajiv Gandhi is Leo in astrological analysis, but using a Virgo Asc L. D. Madan correctly predicted becoming PM, losing election in Nov 1989 and assassination in his 47th year. (Sumeet Chugh: DETERMING PROFESSION AND UPS & DOWNS IN CAREER, p. 158) (8) B.V. Raman correctly predicted Mussolini's rise and fall by using Scorpio Asc. But Astrodienst gives Libra Asc for the same birth particulars. (9) In some cases, TOB may not be accurate even with BC and so many systems for Birth Time Rectification. (10) Regarding a BORDERLINE case, R. Santhanam states in DEVA KERALAM: "To wit, if a planet, say Saturn is in Aries 19-59 as per Lahiri Ayanamsha, another Ayanamsha even with a small difference of minus 2' of arc can place Saturn somewhat ahead and give it Libra navamsha instead of Virgo navamsha due to Lahiri. Saturn even in Aries Rashi with Libra navamsha protects one from heart ailments, gives him longevity and helps him progress in his calling. The same Saturn with Aries sign position but in Virgo navamsha makes him wholly unreliable and makes him a victim of some sort of diseases of hands and legs."

APPENDIX II 365 or 360 DAY YEAR (1) KSK, "For convenience and for easy calculation of sub sub periods 360 days are taken, as the difference is negligible. But 3651/2 days must be taken--- as mentioned by Mantreswarar, in Paladheepika " Reader I, p. 97. (2)B.V. Raman, Bepin Behari (The Timing of Events, p. 15), V.K. Choudhry (SA), Sanjay Rath and other astrologers have used 365 day year. 365.25 day year is clearly shown on SA charts. Free JHL software of Sanjay Rath Group gives an option to calculate dasa for 360 day year. (3)Jyotish Sastri advocates 365 day year in his comprehensive article "How Long is a Year In Vimsottari Mahadasa?" (Oct & Nov 2000 Astrological Magazine), concluding with H.R. Shankar's remark, " If we are to go with --- 360 day year---, it would turn out that a native may have to celebrate his 72 birthday even while he has yet to complete his 71st year under Vimsottari reckoning." ( Some Misgivings On Calculating Mahadasa ,AM, January, 1974) (4) Rohini Ranjan, "--- whole sign method, Lahiri ayanamsa, 360 day year --- very good results" referring Usha-Shashi's 12 months of 30 days each" in their "Hindu Astrological Calculations ". (For Beginners in Jyotish-3) (5) N. Sundara Rajan recently advocates 360 day year in his article "Dasa-Bhukti Computation- 360 or 365 Days, January 2004 Astrological Magazine, p.87-90, 96-97.

(6) All India Astrological Services, "----It seems that we are taking a year as 360 days only - 12 months x 30 days per month. However, this is a wrong understanding.---" in Know your Dasha ( (7) The real mystery in Vimsottari dasa is why recommended to follow a particular order of planet periods, and also why allotted each planet a particular numbers of years. Also the main difference in ayanamsas is the date of coincidence of both zodiacs ie. zero ayanamsa year, Lahiri 285 A.D., KP 291 A.D., Raman 397 A.D.

--- In, anant raichur <anant_1608@y...> wrote: > The Difference In Latitude may be mathematically a diffrence. No one knows exactly the correct geographical latitude, and longitude of Birth Place. Is this going to affect the results?. Ultimately in KP we consider the Sign,Star,Sub lords for any prediction. So long as these do not change, the minor uncertainty about Latitude/Longitude does not matter. > Another Mathmatical correctness is the House Occupied by a Planet. When the longitude of the Planet is slighly less than that of the cusp, the Planet is shown, in the previous house (mathematically correct). But, in actual practice this planet gives results as though it is in the next house. The star/sub lords will be same as the next cusp. > > So in prediction, ONE HAS TO CONSIDER the planet to be in the NEXT house,to what is shown mathamatically. > > > tw853 <tw853@y...> wrote: > > > Dear Ron Gaunt, > > I'm still a KP learner and reading here and there. That is why > KPBC2's birth place is found as Palghat according to Astro-Kundli > atlas. Asking about 3min difference is just for academic purpose > because of a big issue for 30-40sec difference between OKPA & NKPA. > Also difference will be difference mathematically as long as it's > compared in the same Geographic or Geocentric, but not mix and match. > > Best regards, > > tw > > > > > -----------------------------------------> A.R.Raichur bombay > anant_1608@y... > raichuranant@y... > USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY > tel: 022-2506 2609 > ------------------------------------------

> > > > > > > > > --------------------------------> Do you Yahoo!? > Discover all that's new in My Yahoo!

1602 From: "tw853" <tw853@...> Date: Sun Nov 21, 2004 9:13pm Subject: Re: KPBC2 submissions tw853 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Ron Gaunt, A very good choice of timing indicating all events possible in their own ways. I choose an akward one, "emigrated to USA". Best regards, tw --- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > > Please note deadline for submissions for KPBC2 is tomorrow > 00:00am GMT Tuesday 23 Nov 04. After which the answer will be > provided. > > Ron Gaunt > > > > > Chart details are: > > Male, > D.O.B. 20th Dec 1950 > Time 5:02am > I.S.T -5:30 > 10N46, 076E42 > > Asc 12 Scorpio 20 (ayanamsa 22:22:30) > > > What happened on the 2 November 1979? Choose from one > of the following: > > > 1. Got married. > 2. Emigrated to the USA > 3. Son Born.

> > > > > > > > > > > >

Promotion in job.

It would be preferable if respondents could give reasons up front to help others in their understanding. However, if time is at a premium just the answer is acceptable initially. But please be prepared to elaborate later if you answer correctly.

Ron Gaunt

1603 From: "mehtakunal2707" <mehtakunal2707@...> Date: Sun Nov 21, 2004 11:45pm Subject: Re: New Member / Can you please help. mehtakunal2707 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Astrologers please go through my chart and give ur valuable comments. 1)Financial Position 2). Likely time of marraige Male 18/06/1977 8=15am mumbai (india) Regards, Kunal

--- In, "mehtakunal2707" <mehtakunal2707@y...> wrote: > > Dear Members, > > I have just joined this group. Can anyone please find time to go > through my chart with regards to > > 1)financial position > 2)Likely time of marraige > > 18/06/1977 > 8=15am > Mumbai > > waiting in anticipation > > Regards, >

> Kunal

1604 From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@...> Date: Mon Nov 22, 2004 0:12am Subject: Persistent Threatened one particular correspondent... lyr astro1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Mr.Sahni, As per K.P.,if the sublord of the VIIIth is deposited in th e star of a planet signifying maraka or badhaka houses,and also the VIIIth house ,and is connected to Mars,a suicidal death can be predicted...! But,as per our Guruji,the late Jyotish Marthand,Shri K.S.Kr ishnamurthiji,a good astrologer should refrain from predicting about death...hen ce I had not written about this earlier...but the persistent nature of the queri es,strongly suggest to me that the querant will not commit suicide...he's only t hreatening to...! With best wishes, lyrastro1 Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online.

1605 From: anant raichur <anant_1608@...> Date: Mon Nov 22, 2004 0:24am Subject: Re: URGENT !!! Please reply soon all of you. anant_1608 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 dear Ravinder I also did a quick study, and I concurwith your findings. Unfortunately, I know No remedies excepy Prayers. good Luck Ravinder Grover <> wrote: 22 Nov 2004 Dear brotehrs and sisters, I tried to do a quick analysis. Please go through this and if you cann please h elp this person in URGENT NEED OF HELP Date of Judgement: 22 Nov 2004, 8:19 am,. Auckland, NZDST

Native: Harkirat, 1st Dec 2003, 18:45, Flushing NY USA

KP Nakshatra Lords for the Planets Planet Sign Degree Lord Sub Sub Sub --------------------------------------------

Sun SCO 15 27 Sat Jup Merc Moon PIS 0 19 Jup Moon Ven Mars AQU 27 56 Jup Ven Jup

Mercury SAG 4 53 Ketu Mars Rahu Jupiter LEO 23 19 Ven Sat Mars Venus SAG 12 14 Ketu Merc Moon

Saturn GEM 18 7 Rahu Moon Moon Rahu ARI 25 23 Ven Merc Jup Ketu LIB 25 23 Jup Merc Jup Uranus AQU 5 13 Mars Sun Sat

Neptune CAP 16 56 Moon Sat Moon Pluto SCO 25 28 Merc Rahu Ven

KP Nakshatra Lords for the Planets Cusps Sign Degree Lord Sub Sub Sub -----------------------------------------1 GEM 19 4 Rahu Moon Ven 2 CAN 8 35 Sat Ven Moon 3 LEO 0 35 Ketu Ketu Sat 4 LEO 28 19 Sun Moon Ven

5 LIB 4 5 Mars Ven Jup 6 SCO 14 3 Sat Rahu Merc

7 SAG 19 4 Ven Rahu Merc 8 CAP 8 35 Sun Ven Rahu 9 AQU 0 35 Mars Merc Ven 10 AQU 28 19 Jup Ven Sat 11 ARI 4 5 Ketu Moon Jup 12 TAU 14 3 LONGEVITY Disposition of the SLC(1) is the deciding factor in the assessment of longevity Moon Jup Jup

SLC(1) = Mon, Mon in Star(Jup) Sub(Mon) Maraksthana houses are (2,7) Bhadhakstahan house is (7) Diseases are signified by Houses (6,8,12) Mon signifies houses (3,10,7,2) Jup signifies houses (6,3,5,12,7) Here Jup is connected with Maraksthans and Bhadhakstahan and is connected to 6 THEN Life span could be between 0 to 33.5 years

Further Judge the strength of Jup as well Jup in Star(Ven) Sub(Sat-R) Jup signifies (6,3,5,12,7) Ven signifies (5,6,5,12) Sat signifies (11,12,8,9,10) Here houses (5 & 11) signifies some improvement and/or cure but houses(6,8,12) s ignify Disease, Danger and Hospitalisation Jup is aspected by Mars, which signifies (3,9,7,6,11) Jup is aspected by Rahu, which signifies (6,11,5,12) Jup is aspected by Sat-R, which signifies (11,12,8,9,10)

NAVAMSA L(1) = Jup in H(8) Danger to Health L(12) = Sat in H(1) L(1) in D1 = Merc in D9-H(3) with Ketu, aspected by Sun and Sat

Rasi(1) Aries is occupied by Rahu aspected by Jup

Jup is the Planet of expansion,so here it is EXPANDING its NEGATIVE ENERGY

S(2,7) are (2Mon, Mars, Ketu, Jup)

CURE SLC(5) = Ven in Star(Ketu) Sub(Merc) Ven signifies (5,6,5,12) some recovery and hopsitalisation Ketu signifies(3,5,7), signifies (6,3,5,12,7) through Jup Danger Merc signifies (5,6,1) some cure also Disease SLC(11) = Mon, as above S(5,11) = (Merc, 2Ven, Ketu, Jup, 2Rahu, Sat, Mars)

RP RP (now) = Ketu, Jup, Jup, Sat, Mon Mars and Venus are Conjuct Ketu, so take them too Therefore, RP = Ketu, Mars, Ven, Jup, Sat, Mon S(2,7) = (2Mon, Mars, Ketu, Jup) S(5,11) = (Merc, 2Ven, Ketu, Jup, 2Rahu, Sat, Mars)

Mon in Sub(Mon) stronger for S(2,7) Mars in Sub(Ven) stronger for S(2,7) S(5,11) Ketu in sub(Merc) stronger for S(5,11) Jup in Sub(Sat-R) stronger for S(5,11)

DASA Dasa = Jup, in Star(Ven) Sub(Sat-R)

As discussed above Jup is the SLC(12) that is Hospitalisation Bhukti = Mars in Star(Jup) Sub(Ven) Mars signifies (3,9,7,6,11) Jup signifies (6,3,5,12,7) Ven signifies (5,6,5,12)

Next Bhukti = Rahu in Star(Ven) Sub(Merc) Rahu signifies (6,11,5,6) Rahu signifies (5,6,5,12) through Venus Rahu signifies (11,12,8,9,10) through Saturn Rahu signifies (6,3,5,12,7) through Jupiter s aspect to it

Conclusion: Dasa of Jup is very Difficult. I will request to all senior Astrolge rs to look at this chart with URGENCY and with Extreme CARE and please provide s ome solution to strengthen the Chart. I believe Dasa of Saturn can do some Miracle


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Please note deadline for submissions for KPBC2 is tomorrow 00:00am GMT Tuesday 23 Nov 04. After which the answer will be provided. Ron Gaunt

Chart details are: Male, D.O.B. 20th Dec 1950 Time 5:02am I.S.T -5:30 10N46, 076E42 Asc 12 Scorpio 20 (ayanamsa 22:22:30) What happened on the 2 November 1979? Choose from one of the following: 1. Got married. 2. Emigrated to the USA 3. Son Born. 4 Promotion in job. It would be preferable if respondents could give reasons up front to help others in their understanding. However, if time is at a premium just the answer is acceptable initially. But please be prepared to elaborate later if you answer correctly.

Ron Gaunt ------------------------ Yahoo! Groups Sponsor --------------------~--> $9.95 domain names from Yahoo!. Register anything. --------------------------------------------------------------------~-> Yahoo! Groups Links <*> To visit your group on the web, go to: <*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: <*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to:

-----------------------------------------A.R.Raichur bombay USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY tel: 022-2506 2609 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Do you Yahoo!? The all-new My Yahoo! Get yours free!

1607 From: anant raichur <anant_1608@...> Date: Mon Nov 22, 2004 1:05am Subject: Re: Re: KPBC2 anant_1608 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 YES THAT IS MY EXPERIENCE. But if you want to test it out, amend the Rule to s ay that if the Cusp Lords are same as that of the Planet, then Planet to be cons idered as on the cusp. This is because the Sub Lord has certain Span of Long. good Luck rongaunt <> wrote: Anant, Please see question below **................. ** Ron Gaunt On Sat, 20 Nov 2004 22:24:09 -0800, you wrote: >The Difference In Latitude may be mathematically a diffrence. No one knows exac tly the correct geographical latitude, and longitude of Birth Place. Is this goi ng to affect the results?. Ultimately in KP we consider the Sign,Star,Sub lords for any prediction. So long as these do not change, the minor uncertainty about Latitude/Longitude does not matter. >Another Mathmatical correctness is the House Occupied by a Planet. When the lon gitude of the Planet is slighly less than that of the cusp, the Planet is shown, in the previous house (mathematically correct). But, in actual practice this pl anet gives results as though it is in the next house. The star/sub lords will be same as the next cusp. ** I give an example to clarify my question. Assume Lagna at 00 Aries 00 where the previous sub boundary is at say 28 Pisces 00 - with a planet at 27 Pisces in that sub. Are you saying

that the planet's Lord and sub Lord would be as if the planet is positioned at 00 Aries 00 and not at 27 Pisces? ** > >So in prediction, ONE HAS TO CONSIDER the planet to be in the NEXT house,to wha t is shown mathamatically.

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-----------------------------------------A.R.Raichur bombay USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY tel: 022-2506 2609 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Do you Yahoo!? Discover all that s new in My Yahoo!

1608 From: anant raichur <anant_1608@...> Date: Mon Nov 22, 2004 1:10am Subject: Re: Re: KPBC2 anant_1608 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dera TW$53 One thing at a time can be discussed. Not so many questions in one post

tw853 <> wrote: Dear Sri Anant Raichur, Thank you very much for Software demon (working well) and sharing your experience for KP learners like me, among others: (1) "Ultimately in KP we consider the Sign,Star,Sub lords for any prediction," (pasted from Msg# 1516) (2min39sec difference in Asc of KPBC2, differences in sub-lord of cusp 5 and subs of 2,4,5,10,11 & 12 cusps according to demon, "Is this going to affect the results?." Academically yes, practically no. (Appendix I) (2) "Another Mathmatical correctness is the House Occupied by a Planet. When the longitude of the Planet is slighly less than that of the cusp, the Planet is shown, in the previous house (mathematically correct). But, in actual practice this planet gives results as though it is in the next house. The star/sub lords will be same as the next cusp." (pasted from Msg#1590) (Also an example in "K.P. in Every Corner" by T. Rajendra Kumar, KP ANNUAL 2003, p.45-4: Jupiter (R 280-22) is actually in 5H (6th cusp 281-32), but it signifies 6H as per "ORB Theory" which says a planet within 1 or 2 deg behind the cusp of a house and no other planet in the following house, gains the significance of the following house, ie. Jupiter gains significance of 6H and loses signification of 5H where Jupiter actually located since there is no planet in 6H). (3) Regarding OKPA, "----The figures for 1840 to 2000 were given to the nearest minute. It was also stated that this shd be taken as constant thru out the year." (pasted from Msg#1516) which may be Guruji KSK's intention for easier calculation in old days.(Appendix II). (4) "While the controversy of the Correct Ayanamsa was going on, in the UTOH, the aynamsa adopted was really laheri's, though not so stated. Hence that 6ms diff." (pasted from Msg#1487) With highest regards, tw APPENDIX I ACCURACY OF ASTRO DATA AND PREDICTION RESULTS (1) KSK, "Many general rules which should not be strictly applied. Many modifications are to be included.--- Analytical study, correct intuition and good judgment are needed - " KP Reader III. (2) B. V. Raman, "Astrology is a subject where not only an insight into its techniques is needed but also certain amount of intuition. Experience can gradually make appreciate the nuances of the predictive art. The literature available on Nadi astrology in the market could only be of academic interest. They do not give one an insight into the technique of the system. The late Mr.

Gopalakrishna Rao (Meena) has given the Nadi method as revealed by his Guru in his book Nadi Jyotisha. But unfortunately the book has been out of print for a long time". (A Note On Problems In Prediction, by Pemmaraju V.R.Rayudu) (3) Anant Raichur, "prediction is not just applying rules --- IT IS GOD WHO FINLLY DETREMINES THE RESULT". (pasted from Msg# 1319) (4) Punit Pandey, "there is no clear cut method has been given to trace the events of one's life. One has to rely heavily on his/her own logic for predicting events." (pasted from Msg#1312) (5) June 1991 Grahavani journal (of Hyderabad, AP., India): "According to almost all ephemeris, Saturn had gone into retrogression and entered Dhanus (Sagittarius) and again reentered Makara (Capricorn) on 15 December 1990. But according to Vakya Panchanga (ephemeris) followed by Nadi astrologers in South India, Saturn entered Makara on 10 February 1991, that is, a difference of 55 days. Then what is the fate of the children born between 15 Dec 1990 to 10 Feb 1991, whether Saturn is to be placed in Dhanus or Makara. According to Vakya Panchanga, such a situation is common for Saturn whenever it retrogrades or entering the signs, there will be a difference of nearly 90 days, and for Jupiter 15 days and for fast moving planets Budha (Mercury), Sukra (Venus) for 1 to 3 days will be there. How to reconcile this position is for scholars in the science to decide. All Nadi literature was based on Vakya Panchanga and the predictions arrived on such calculations are 80% coming true. In view of the different Graha Gathis (planetary movements) even the horoscope charts prepared through computers are of no use". (6) It seems no problem for difference of a Bhukti for many events in analysis of B.V. Raman`s horoscope according to KP/Lahiri and Raman ayanamsas, as shown below: Difference in Bhukti according to KP/L & Raman Ayanamsas Event Date KP/L Raman Mother's death Apr 1914 Ma-Ju Ma-Sa Marriage 30-10-30 Ra-Ke Ra-Ve Father's death Sept 1943 Ju-Me Ju-Ke 5th visit to US 08-05-81 Me-Ma Me-Ra 6th visit to US Oct 1992 Ke-Ra Ke-Ju Note: Raman ayanamsa is used in MY EXPERIENCES IN ASTROLOGY by B.V. . Raman and Lahiri by S. Rajagopala Iyer, in "Bangalore Venkata Raman" in NOTABLE HOROSCOPES, p. 401-421. (7)Mostly used Asc For Rajiv Gandhi is Leo in astrological analysis, but using a Virgo Asc L. D. Madan correctly predicted becoming PM, losing election in Nov 1989 and assassination in his 47th year. (Sumeet Chugh: DETERMING PROFESSION AND UPS & DOWNS IN CAREER, p. 158) (8) B.V. Raman correctly predicted Mussolini's rise and fall by using Scorpio Asc. But Astrodienst gives Libra Asc for the same birth particulars. (9) In some cases, TOB may not be accurate even with BC and so many systems for Birth Time Rectification. (10) Regarding a BORDERLINE case, R. Santhanam states in DEVA

KERALAM: "To wit, if a planet, say Saturn is in Aries 19-59 as per Lahiri Ayanamsha, another Ayanamsha even with a small difference of minus 2' of arc can place Saturn somewhat ahead and give it Libra navamsha instead of Virgo navamsha due to Lahiri. Saturn even in Aries Rashi with Libra navamsha protects one from heart ailments, gives him longevity and helps him progress in his calling. The same Saturn with Aries sign position but in Virgo navamsha makes him wholly unreliable and makes him a victim of some sort of diseases of hands and legs."

APPENDIX II 365 or 360 DAY YEAR (1) KSK, "For convenience and for easy calculation of sub sub periods 360 days are taken, as the difference is negligible. But 3651/2 days must be taken--- as mentioned by Mantreswarar, in Paladheepika " Reader I, p. 97. (2)B.V. Raman, Bepin Behari (The Timing of Events, p. 15), V.K. Choudhry (SA), Sanjay Rath and other astrologers have used 365 day year. 365.25 day year is clearly shown on SA charts. Free JHL software of Sanjay Rath Group gives an option to calculate dasa for 360 day year. (3)Jyotish Sastri advocates 365 day year in his comprehensive article "How Long is a Year In Vimsottari Mahadasa?" (Oct & Nov 2000 Astrological Magazine), concluding with H.R. Shankar's remark, " If we are to go with --- 360 day year---, it would turn out that a native may have to celebrate his 72 birthday even while he has yet to complete his 71st year under Vimsottari reckoning." ( Some Misgivings On Calculating Mahadasa ,AM, January, 1974) (4) Rohini Ranjan, "--- whole sign method, Lahiri ayanamsa, 360 day year --- very good results" referring Usha-Shashi's 12 months of 30 days each" in their "Hindu Astrological Calculations ". (For Beginners in Jyotish-3) (5) N. Sundara Rajan recently advocates 360 day year in his article "Dasa-Bhukti Computation- 360 or 365 Days, January 2004 Astrological Magazine, p.87-90, 96-97. (6) All India Astrological Services, "----It seems that we are taking a year as 360 days only - 12 months x 30 days per month. However, this is a wrong understanding.---" in Know your Dasha ( (7) The real mystery in Vimsottari dasa is why recommended to follow a particular order of planet periods, and also why allotted each planet a particular numbers of years. Also the main difference in ayanamsas is the date of coincidence of both zodiacs ie. zero ayanamsa year, Lahiri 285 A.D., KP 291 A.D., Raman 397 A.D.

--- In, anant raichur wrote: > The Difference In Latitude may be mathematically a diffrence. No

one knows exactly the correct geographical latitude, and longitude of Birth Place. Is this going to affect the results?. Ultimately in KP we consider the Sign,Star,Sub lords for any prediction. So long as these do not change, the minor uncertainty about Latitude/Longitude does not matter. > Another Mathmatical correctness is the House Occupied by a Planet. When the longitude of the Planet is slighly less than that of the cusp, the Planet is shown, in the previous house (mathematically correct). But, in actual practice this planet gives results as though it is in the next house. The star/sub lords will be same as the next cusp. > > So in prediction, ONE HAS TO CONSIDER the planet to be in the NEXT house,to what is shown mathamatically. > > > tw853 wrote: > > > Dear Ron Gaunt, > > I'm still a KP learner and reading here and there. That is why > KPBC2's birth place is found as Palghat according to Astro-Kundli > atlas. Asking about 3min difference is just for academic purpose > because of a big issue for 30-40sec difference between OKPA & NKPA. > Also difference will be difference mathematically as long as it's > compared in the same Geographic or Geocentric, but not mix and match. > > Best regards, > > tw > > > > > -----------------------------------------> A.R.Raichur bombay > anant_1608@y... > raichuranant@y... > USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY > tel: 022-2506 2609 > -----------------------------------------> > > > > > > > > --------------------------------> Do you Yahoo!? > Discover all that's new in My Yahoo!

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1609 From: "sen_prakash" <sen_prakash@...> Date: Mon Nov 22, 2004 2:26am Subject: hi -plz analyse my horoscope sen_prakash Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Hi, I got your mail id form k_p_system yahoo groups and was impressed with ur replies. My DOB 4th nov 1979 sunday 1.10 a.m. 1. I work as a software engineer and I tried my best to travel abroad and earn money, but till now i am not succesful. when will i go abroad??? 2. Predictions for Year 2005. 3. I was in love for past 2 yrs(from nov 2002), she was also sincere.

but their parents are not agreeing due to caste problems and she is not ready to leave them. Now her parents are looking for alliance to make her marry someone. I am very much disturbed. The problem started from sep 2004. Will i get her??? will mine be a arranged/love marriage? If any parikara need to be done, do let me know that also. 4.My future. Awaiting your reply, Thanks in advance, Senthilprakash.

1610 From: rongaunt <rongaunt@...> Date: Mon Nov 22, 2004 6:18pm Subject: KPBC2 answer. rongaunt1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 There were eight attempts to uncover the event, and answers covered all 4 possibilities. Two members sent attempts direct to me and I would request that all such attempts should be sent to the List as a learning exercise for other members - if possible. Please only send to me submissions of birth data and date of event, which you would like attempted by other members. as a Blind Chart. These will be processed in the order received. The event sought in KPBC2 was that the native got married. Congratulations to Anant and Kanak who provided the correct answer. Ron Gaunt

1611 From: "tw853" <tw853@...> Date: Mon Nov 22, 2004 7:12pm Subject: Re: KPBC2 answer. tw853 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Anant and Kanak, Cogratulations for correct prediction. Best regards, tw --- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > > There were eight attempts to uncover the event, and answers > covered all 4 possibilities. Two members sent attempts direct > to me and I would request that all such attempts should be sent > to the List as a learning exercise for other members - if

> > > > > > > > > >

possible. Please only send to me submissions of birth data and date of event, which you would like attempted by other members. as a Blind Chart. These will be processed in the order received. The event sought in KPBC2 was that the native got married. Congratulations to Anant and Kanak who provided the correct answer. Ron Gaunt

1612 From: rongaunt <rongaunt@...> Date: Mon Nov 22, 2004 9:01pm Subject: KPBC2 annalysis rongaunt1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Anant gave an excellent and concise analysis to come to the correct answer and I would like to expand from a somewhat different approach. LAST SOLAR ECLIPSE As explained in KPBC1 I like to look at near term possibilities by assessing the previous Solar Eclipse (SE). In the last SE on 22nd Aug 1979 there was a bunching of all traditional planets except Mars in late Cancer to mid Leo. Most prominent was the eclipse point in close conjunction with Venus. SE Venus Star Lord is Ketu, and Sub is Moon. There is an exact trine aspect to natal Sun - which is also Ketu/Moon. Venus is Lord of partner's 7th house. The native can expect a personal Venusian 7th house event. SE Rahu is in close trine to natal Moon and natal Venus. Rahu represents dispositor Jupiter; and Jupiter is in the star of Rahu sub Jupiter. Both SE Rahu and natal Moon are in the star of Venus Lord of the 7th house. 7th house confirmation. Jupiter is Lord of 2nd House and natal Venus is on the cusp (and on the Rasi Lagna (ie close equivalent degree to Ascendant). Natal Venus forms an axis in opposition to natal Uranus. As Uranus is also close the 8th cusp and Rasi Lagna, this is a contract axis activating a 2nd and 8th house event. This axis is activated by SE Mars coming close conjunction with natal Uranus. SE Mars is in the Star of Rahu (representing Jupiter) with Venus Sub. Therefore there are 2nd and 7 house effects leading to a contract. ie a marriage contract The natal Venus Uranus opposition is further activated by coming close trine aspect to Uranus. Also natal Moon activated by exact conjunction SE Ascendant. Natal Moon Asc are in Venus Star. The SE Asc has Moon sub, so again there is 7th house and female emphasis. SE Ketu is and SE we see

The Solar Eclipse suggests that there will be a marriage before

the next SE on 16th Feb 1980. KP ANNALYSIS To have a marriage we need to have Significators for 2nd (family), 7 partnership (marriage), 11th (happiness). Possibly also 8th (legal contract) The dasas were Moon/Mercury/Jupiter/Ketu (see note at end of mail) Marriage is sought: the 7th house Lord. Dasa Moon is in the Star of Venus - showing

For marriage the Significators should relate to 2nd, 7th and 11th houses. Here we see that Buhkti Lord Mercury is in all of these houses so marriage can proceed. Antara Lord is Jupiter which is Lord of the 2nd, associated with the 7th through Rahu being in the sub of the Moon and Rahu being proxy for Jupiter. Jupiter is also associated with the 11th as Lord Mercury is in Jupiter sign Sagittarius. So again marriage can proceed. Sookshma Lord is Ketu. Ketu is related to 2nd, 7th, and 11th houses through dispositor Lord Mercury being Significator. So again marriage can proceed. As the 8th house Lord is also Mercury this ties in the contract to cement the marriage. TRANSITS The marriage we are told took place on the 2nd Nov 1979 between 6 and 7 am. Transit Jupiter and Rahu were in close conjunction and in very close trine aspect to natal Venus (on the Venus Uranus marriage contract axis). At the same time transit Ketu came exact trine aspect to Uranus on the other end of the axis. Now Transit Sun comes exact opposition to natal Moon with transit Ascendant being conjunct transit Sun and opposition natal Moon and SE Ascendant. All this took place just before 6:30am. What this does is set up an exact Grand Trine of SE Mars (conjunct natal Uranus) trine SE Ketu trine transit Sun, all centred on the marriage contract axis.

Ron Gaunt PS. I note that both Anant and Kanak who got the correct answer ended the Dasa sequence with Sooksma Lord Mercury. The difference is not due to the fact that I have used a different ayanamsa. It is because there is obviously a slight difference in the calculation of the moon. It is interesting that both give the correct result.

1613 From: anant raichur <anant_1608@...> Date: Tue Nov 23, 2004 0:14am Subject: Re: Re: KPBC2 answer. anant_1608 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 THANKS. I SIMPLY APPLIED KP-RULES, AND CAME TO THE CORRECT CONCLUSION. IT WAS RELATIVELY EASY AS ONE COULD ELIMINATE THE ALTERNATIVES, BY APPLYING SIMPLE WEL L ESTABLISHED RULES GOOD LUCK tw853 <> wrote: Dear Anant and Kanak, Cogratulations for correct prediction. Best regards, tw --- In, rongaunt wrote: > > There were eight attempts to uncover the event, and answers > covered all 4 possibilities. Two members sent attempts direct > to me and I would request that all such attempts should be sent > to the List as a learning exercise for other members - if > possible. Please only send to me submissions of birth data and > date of event, which you would like attempted by other members. > as a Blind Chart. These will be processed in the order received. > > The event sought in KPBC2 was that the native got married. > Congratulations to Anant and Kanak who provided the correct > answer. > > > Ron Gaunt

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1614 From: "mehtakunal2707" <mehtakunal2707@...> Date: Tue Nov 23, 2004 0:24am Subject: Re: New Member / Can you please help. / Please look mehtakunal2707 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Astrologers please go through my chart and give ur valuable comments. 1)Financial Position> 2). Likely time of marraige Male 18/06/1977 8=15am mumbai (india) Regards, Kunal > > > > > > --- In, "mehtakunal2707" > <mehtakunal2707@y...> wrote: > > > > Dear Members, > > > > I have just joined this group. Can anyone please find time to go > > through my chart with regards to > >

> > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > >

1)financial position 2)Likely time of marraige 18/06/1977 8=15am Mumbai waiting in anticipation Regards, Kunal

1615 From: "Madathil Rajendran Nair" <madathilnair@...> Date: Tue Nov 23, 2004 6:02am Subject: Re: KPBC2 annalysis madathilnair Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Namaste. Thanks Mr. Gaunt for an excellent analysis. However, may I ask these questions with trepidation? Apart from the SE angle which you have introduced into this discussion, is there any reason why the event did not fall through in Moon/Mercury/Rahu. Doesn't Rahu represent Jupiter by being in his star and sign as well? If we use, Lahiri Ayanamsa and apply the other tenets of KP, the event took place in Moon/Mercury/Rahu? How can we then silence those who advocate Lahiri Ayanamsa? The rest of your arguments (like those relating to legal contract, trine aspects etc. etc.) are still valid for this Lahiri scenario. Right? I would love to read your learned views. Regards. Madathil Nair _________________ --- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: ...... > KP ANNALYSIS > > To have a marriage we need to have Significators for 2nd > (family), 7 partnership (marriage), 11th (happiness). > Possibly also 8th (legal contract) > > The dasas were Moon/Mercury/Jupiter/Ketu (see note at end of > mail) > > Marriage is sought: Dasa Moon is in the Star of Venus - showing > the 7th house Lord. > > For marriage the Significators should relate to 2nd, 7th and 11th > houses. Here we see that Buhkti Lord Mercury is in all of these

> houses so marriage can proceed. > > Antara Lord is Jupiter which is Lord of the 2nd, associated with > the 7th through Rahu being in the sub of the Moon and Rahu being > proxy for Jupiter. Jupiter is also associated with the 11th as > Lord Mercury is in Jupiter sign Sagittarius. So again marriage > can proceed. > > Sookshma Lord is Ketu. Ketu is related to 2nd, 7th, and 11th > houses through dispositor Lord Mercury being Significator. > So again marriage can proceed. > > As the 8th house Lord is also Mercury this ties in the contract > to cement the marriage. .........

1616 From: kapisthalam jagannathan <jagannathankr@...> Date: Tue Nov 23, 2004 7:56am Subject: Re: Re: New Member / Can you please help. / Please look jagannathankr Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 To Respected Mehta Kunal, 5-1-1999 to 16-9-2001 was the period of Mercury bhukthi in saturn dasa.Mercury is the sign dispositor of Sun who is the dwithiyadhipathy.Mercury is in labhast hanam and therefore during this period your financial position was fine.There wa s increase of bank balance.Of course expenditure too was inevitable.This is so b ecause, mercury is the vyayadhipathy also.Sun is debilitated in Navamsa chakram. There is no planet in Suns stars.There is no planet in Jupiters satrs.saturn and Ketu are in Mercurys stars.Mars and Venus are in the stars of Venus. the ruking planets are Aswini-Ketu and Mars,Gemini lagnam-Mars and Merxury,Tuesday and Mars.So,Mercurys bhukthi would have been fruitful regarding financial matters.From 12-24-2005 fo r a short period financial problems amy crop up. Regarding marriage, Before 24-12-2005 fair chances are there as transit Jupiter transits over to Lib ra.Till that date the running bhukthi will be that of Venus. Presently you are undergoing the period of seven and half year shani.Shani in ad dition has transited to his natal position. With best regards, jagannathan. mehtakunal2707 <> wrote:

Dear Astrologers please go through my chart and give ur valuable comments. 1)Financial Position> 2). Likely time of marraige Male 18/06/1977 8=15am mumbai (india) Regards,

Kunal > > > > > > --- In, "mehtakunal2707" > <mehtakunal2707@y...> wrote: > > > > Dear Members, > > > > I have just joined this group. Can anyone please find time to go > > through my chart with regards to > > > > 1)financial position > > 2)Likely time of marraige > > > > 18/06/1977 > > 8=15am > > Mumbai > > > > waiting in anticipation > > > > Regards, > > > > Kunal

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Jagannathan .

1617 From: rongaunt <rongaunt@...> Date: Tue Nov 23, 2004 7:57pm Subject: Re: Re: KPBC2 annalysis rongaunt1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Madathil, Yes Rahu represents Jupiter, and Rahu antara starts 15th July 1979. But in my way of looking at it wouldn't happen until after being activated by the Solar Eclipse of 22nd Aug 1979.

Even ignoring the eclipse I don't think it would have happened until the appropriate transits occurred. These were Jupiter and Rahu conjoined aspecting Venus at one end of the Venus Uranus axis (and on the 8th house cusp and 8th Rasi Lagna) with Ketu aspecting Uranus at the other end.. This as we saw occurred on the marriage date 2 Nov 1979. Ron Gaunt On Tue, 23 Nov 2004 12:02:51 +0000, you wrote: > > >Namaste. > >Thanks Mr. Gaunt for an excellent analysis. > >However, may I ask these questions with trepidation? > >Apart from the SE angle which you have introduced into this >discussion, is there any reason why the event did not fall through in >Moon/Mercury/Rahu. Doesn't Rahu represent Jupiter by being in his >star and sign as well? If we use, Lahiri Ayanamsa and apply the >other tenets of KP, the event took place in Moon/Mercury/Rahu? How >can we then silence those who advocate Lahiri Ayanamsa? The rest of >your arguments (like those relating to legal contract, trine aspects >etc. etc.) are still valid for this Lahiri scenario. Right? > >I would love to read your learned views. > >Regards. > >Madathil Nair >_________________ > >--- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: >...... >> KP ANNALYSIS >> >> To have a marriage we need to have Significators for 2nd >> (family), 7 partnership (marriage), 11th (happiness). >> Possibly also 8th (legal contract) >> >> The dasas were Moon/Mercury/Jupiter/Ketu (see note at end of >> mail) >> >> Marriage is sought: Dasa Moon is in the Star of Venus - showing >> the 7th house Lord. >> >> For marriage the Significators should relate to 2nd, 7th and 11th >> houses. Here we see that Buhkti Lord Mercury is in all of these >> houses so marriage can proceed. >> >> Antara Lord is Jupiter which is Lord of the 2nd, associated with >> the 7th through Rahu being in the sub of the Moon and Rahu being >> proxy for Jupiter. Jupiter is also associated with the 11th as >> Lord Mercury is in Jupiter sign Sagittarius. So again marriage >> can proceed.

>> >> Sookshma Lord is Ketu. Ketu is related to 2nd, 7th, and 11th >> houses through dispositor Lord Mercury being Significator. >> So again marriage can proceed. >> >> As the 8th house Lord is also Mercury this ties in the contract >> to cement the marriage. >......... > > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > >

1618 From: "Balaji G.krishnan" <balaji_g_krishnan@...> Date: Tue Nov 23, 2004 8:53pm Subject: Re: Website URL balaji_g_kri... Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Mr.Rongaunt Thank you so much for given me a very useful website.I have already visited this long time ago.Well,its working fine and has a lot to read especially astrologer s like us. Wish you all the best. Balaji Gopalakrishnan CHENNAI. unt <> wrote: Sandy, I pasted from your mail below and it works for me. Ron Gaunt On Sun, 21 Nov 2004 08:00:31 -0500, you wrote: >Hi Ron, > > > >I DID try Andrew's site - several times and on several different days -

>and still no luck. :-( The display is always "This page is not >available..(yada, yada).Cannot find server". The URL I am using is > - and I tried >every variation of it. Has the site name or URL been changed? From over >here in the USA - it simply looks like the site has been taken down and >is no longer active or on the web. However, I can get a display of an >older version of his site (or any site for that matter by using the web >archive URL) from March 6, 2004 by going to the web archived URL at >*/ >htm > > > >At any rate, tw was kind enough to mail me the articles, along with the >Chamberlain case, so I look forward to reading those. > > > > All the Best, > > Sandy Crowther > > <> > > > > > > > > > > > > > >-----Original Message---->From: rongaunt [] >Sent: Saturday, November 20, 2004 5:25 PM >To: >Subject: Re: KP Info (Was RE: [k_p_system] Re: KPBC2) > > > > >Sandy, > >Try Andrew's site again. I get through OK. > >By the way with your interest in the Jon Bennet case, have a look >at his write up on the Chamberlain case, where baby Azaria was >taken by a dingo. > > >Ron Gaunt > > > >On Sat, 20 Nov 2004 08:12:24 -0500, you wrote: >

>>Thanks TW, >> >> >> >>If I'm not mistaken, I believe that the first 2 URL's you listed below >>are those of Andrew Lynn's (logbags) website, which appears to now be >>out of commission and off the web - however the 3rd URL is a very well >>written article. You are well researched when it comes to being a >source >>of information on KP.:-) So thanks again. >> >> >> >> All the Best, >> >> Sandy Crowther >> >> <> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >

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1619 From: Ravinder Grover <astrology@...> Date: Tue Nov 23, 2004 10:00pm Subject: Fw: [hanskpvedic] Re: Moon-Rahu opp Venus-Ketu - 24th Nov 2004 rgrover 100008 Send IM Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 ----- Original Message ----From: Ravinder Grover

To: Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 2004 4:59 PM Subject: Re: [hanskpvedic] Re: Moon-Rahu opp Venus-Ketu - 24th Nov 2004 Dear Brother Inderjit ji Today morning one of my friend's ex wife came to see me. As a my habit, I constructed the Horary Chart for the momemt, i.,e 24th Nov 2004 , 09:22:39 am, NSDST, Auckland RP= VEn, Jup, Ketu, Mars, Merc and they indicated me that she wanted to ask some thing about her Domestic LIfe, Relationship and PRofessional life. WHen I enqui red, she confirmed it She did not have her Time of Birth, I asked her a KP number (1-249). She gave KP number 6 Here Ketu, Mars and VEnus are in H(7) and I found Her husband is a Lawyer (not police man but may be along the same line) , Is it due to the THREE three planet s in H(7)? FOr Harmony in Married Life, SLC(12) should not be connected with (6,8,12) in an yway Here SLC(12) = Mon, Signifying (7,12,4) ==> indicating Disharmony in married lif e For state f Married Life and Hamony and concord in married life is to be seen fr om the disposition of the SLC(11). Here SLC(11) = Merc, signifying (8,3,6) ==> Quarrel, some negotiation through co mmunication as MErc is involved too, etc Merc in Star(MErc) sub(Sat-r). Retrogation is NOt helpful here or the native w ould think again over married life matters. Sub LordSat in H(3) i.e, H(5) from cusp(11) in consideration , so I thought it i s NOT beneficial for cusp(11) but at the same time it is in H(3) from Lagna ==> Beneficial . I think as End result, SLC(11) = MErc is NOT beneficial to the na tive Let us look at other cusps related to married life, as SLC(2) = Sat-R, Signifying (6,3,9,12,10,11), Sat in Star(Jup) Sub(Rahu) Is Rahu beneficial to cusp(2)? If it occupies (1,2,3,6,10,11) from the cusp in cosnsideration then it is. HEre Rahu is in H(1) that is in H(12) from cusp(2). AS IT is NOT beneficial for cusp(2) but on the other hand it is in H(1) from La gna. So what should I deduce from this? I think as End result, SLC(2) = Sat-R i s NOT beneficial to the native till it is Retrogate SLC(7) = Mon, S(7,12,4), in Star(Ketu) SUb(Mon), Mon is in H(6) from H(7) ==> OK for H(7) but in H(12) from Lagna ==> even though good for H(7) but not good for the native. I think as End result, SLC(7) = Mon is NOT beneficial to the na tive I was curious to see if there is SEPARTION sort of thing SLC(1) = Rahu, S(1,7), in ry beneficla for H(1) SLC(6) = Mars, S(1,7,1,8) in H(7) from cusp(1) ==> SLC(10) = Ven, S(1,7,2,7) d in H(4) from h(10) ==> Star(Ketu) Sub(Rahu), Rahu in H(1) from cusp(1) ==> ve in Star(Rahu) SUb(Ketu), Ketu in H(2) from cusp(6) and benecifial in STar(Rahu) Sub(Rahu), Rahu in H(1) from cusp(1), an OK

My question is WHAT DO (1,6,10) INDICATE HERE? If they are ine BEnmeficial SUBS to their respective CUSP then WILL THEY BREAK THE MARRIAGE? I am not putting down further analysis, keeping it for further discussion later on. RG ----- Original Message ----From: Inder Jit Sahni To: Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 2004 3:53 PM Subject: Re: [hanskpvedic] Re: Moon-Rahu opp Venus-Ketu - 24th Nov 2004 Through Nadi , it is Daughter in law with flag opposing Mother in law in trouble. Venus is strong in fight with Mars in his favor in his house During last three days , my visitors were Police troubled , Police involved , this looks like a Mars Ketu combination along my natal axis.An I was working on Shankra Chariya case, even I was ready to give an astrological statement in the Press. A police Inspector on duty with Manmohan Singh PM droped in for two hours from Delhi to enquire about her daughter marriage and moved back. This police and police troubled persons can not be with every astrologer , this is surely due to Mars and axis transit. And I am giving consulation to a woman which too has threat from her Martial Police type Ex-Husband. This is through emails. But all can not be co incidence. Inder Jit Sahni, House No.1351-HIG, Model Town Phase-1 Bhatinda-151001 phone 0164-2211360 ----- Original Message ----From: "Sateesh Batas" <> To: <> Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 2004 11:02 PM Subject: Re: [hanskpvedic] Re: Moon-Rahu opp Venus-Ketu - 24th Nov 2004 > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

Dear Inder, Possible troubles to female things in general - so many things can happen with 4 planets involved though. Sateesh. ======== ----- Original Message ----From: "Inder" <> To: <> Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 2004 9:19 AM Subject: [hanskpvedic] Re: Moon-Rahu opp Venus-Ketu - 24th Nov 2004 :

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

: : Dear Satish, : What do you think its signficance should be? : InderV : --Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system ( Version: 6.0.799 / Virus Database: 543 - Release Date: 19/11/2004

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1620 From: "Madathil Rajendran Nair" <madathilnair@...> Date: Tue Nov 23, 2004 11:30pm Subject: Re: KPBC2 annalysis madathilnair Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Namaste Mr. Gaunt. My point is that, if Lahiri Ayanamsa is used, Moon/Mercury/Rahu runs from 10.9.79 to 27.9.79. The event is within that period. SE, Jupiter-Rahu conjuction trine to Venus and the rest of the supporting justifications remain unchanged. Moreover, traditionally, it is considered that Rahu periods are favourable for marriage particularly if Rahu indicates marriage. In these circumstances, how can we effectively counter an astrolger who advocates Lahiri - unless of course we assert, based on other proven experiences, that KP Ayanamsa is right? About SE - an eclipse (solar) occurs when the Moon and Sun are in conjuction longitudinally and declinatinoally. Some new Moons at least are close eclipses - let us say narrow shaves. Besides, solar eclipses can be full or partial. Again, eclipes are not global events as, when we have one in India partial or full, it may not be visible in Australia and most certainly not at all visible in the US the opposite side of the globe. I do not know if the SE you considered for answering KPBC2 was visible in Palghat - the place of nativity. It could have been just a New Moon there.

In these circumstances, what will be the guiding criteria, i.e. if it would be the place of nativity or the place where the KPBC2 event occured or where the native was at eclipse time and if the eclipse was visible from these locations. I hope these questions are not silly and am not unduly bothering you. Your learned opinion will certainly enlighten all of us here as you seem to have done serious and pioneering researches on this eclipse angle of predictions. Thanks and best regards. Madathil Nair ___________________ --- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > > Madathil, > > Yes Rahu represents Jupiter, and Rahu antara starts 15th July > 1979. But in my way of looking at it wouldn't happen until > after being activated by the Solar Eclipse of 22nd Aug 1979. > > Even ignoring the eclipse I don't think it would have happened > until the appropriate transits occurred. These were Jupiter and > Rahu conjoined aspecting Venus at one end of the Venus Uranus > axis (and on the 8th house cusp and 8th Rasi Lagna) with Ketu > aspecting Uranus at the other end.. This as we saw occurred > on the marriage date 2 Nov 1979. > > > Ron Gaunt

1621 From: "mehtakunal2707" <mehtakunal2707@...> Date: Tue Nov 23, 2004 11:51pm Subject: Re: New Member / Can you please help. / Please look mehtakunal2707 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Sir, Thanks for your time to go through my chart. From arnd 2000, financial problems have started crreping in. Anyways, just one last qst... how do u see the overall financial status of this chart...? And also marraige...? Please respond when time permits Regards, Kunal

--- In, kapisthalam jagannathan <jagannathankr@y...> wrote: > To Respected Mehta Kunal, > 5-1-1999 to 16-9-2001 was the period of Mercury bhukthi in saturn dasa.Mercury is the sign dispositor of Sun who is the dwithiyadhipathy.Mercury is in labhasthanam and therefore during this period your financial position was fine.There was increase of bank balance.Of course expenditure too was inevitable.This is so because, mercury is the vyayadhipathy also.Sun is debilitated in Navamsa chakram. > There is no planet in Suns stars.There is no planet in Jupiters satrs.saturn and Ketu are in Mercurys stars.Mars and Venus are in the stars of Venus. > the ruking planets are > Aswini-Ketu and Mars,Gemini lagnam-Mars and Merxury,Tuesday and Mars.So,Mercurys bhukthi would have been fruitful regarding financial matters.From 12-24-2005 for a short period financial problems amy crop up. > Regarding marriage, > Before 24-12-2005 fair chances are there as transit Jupiter transits over to Libra.Till that date the running bhukthi will be that of Venus. > Presently you are undergoing the period of seven and half year shani.Shani in addition has transited to his natal position. > With best regards, > jagannathan. > > mehtakunal2707 <mehtakunal2707@y...> wrote: > > > > Dear Astrologers please go through my chart and give ur valuable > comments. > > 1)Financial Position> 2). Likely time of marraige > > Male > 18/06/1977 > 8=15am > mumbai (india) > > Regards, > > Kunal > > > > > > > > > > > > --- In, "mehtakunal2707" > > <mehtakunal2707@y...> wrote: > > > > > > Dear Members, > > > > > > I have just joined this group. Can anyone please find time to go > > > through my chart with regards to > > > > > > 1)financial position > > > 2)Likely time of marraige

> > > > > > 18/06/1977 > > > 8=15am > > > Mumbai > > > > > > waiting in anticipation > > > > > > Regards, > > > > > > Kunal > > > > > Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT > > > --------------------------------> Yahoo! Groups Links > > To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. > > > > > > > > Jagannathan .

1622 From: anant raichur <anant_1608@...> Date: Wed Nov 24, 2004 0:44am Subject: Re: Re: KPBC2 annalysis anant_1608 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Iff we apply Laheri Aynamsa, abiut 6 minutes diff, the Sooksma will change. Th e sub Lords may remain same. Madathil Rajendran Nair <> wrote: Namaste. Thanks Mr. Gaunt for an excellent analysis. However, may I ask these questions with trepidation? Apart from the SE angle which you have introduced into this discussion, is there any reason why the event did not fall through in

Moon/Mercury/Rahu. Doesn't Rahu represent Jupiter by being in his star and sign as well? If we use, Lahiri Ayanamsa and apply the other tenets of KP, the event took place in Moon/Mercury/Rahu? How can we then silence those who advocate Lahiri Ayanamsa? The rest of your arguments (like those relating to legal contract, trine aspects etc. etc.) are still valid for this Lahiri scenario. Right? I would love to read your learned views. Regards. Madathil Nair _________________ --- In, rongaunt wrote: ...... > KP ANNALYSIS > > To have a marriage we need to have Significators for 2nd > (family), 7 partnership (marriage), 11th (happiness). > Possibly also 8th (legal contract) > > The dasas were Moon/Mercury/Jupiter/Ketu (see note at end of > mail) > > Marriage is sought: Dasa Moon is in the Star of Venus - showing > the 7th house Lord. > > For marriage the Significators should relate to 2nd, 7th and 11th > houses. Here we see that Buhkti Lord Mercury is in all of these > houses so marriage can proceed. > > Antara Lord is Jupiter which is Lord of the 2nd, associated with > the 7th through Rahu being in the sub of the Moon and Rahu being > proxy for Jupiter. Jupiter is also associated with the 11th as > Lord Mercury is in Jupiter sign Sagittarius. So again marriage > can proceed. > > Sookshma Lord is Ketu. Ketu is related to 2nd, 7th, and 11th > houses through dispositor Lord Mercury being Significator. > So again marriage can proceed. > > As the 8th house Lord is also Mercury this ties in the contract > to cement the marriage. .........

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1623 From: anant raichur <anant_1608@...> Date: Wed Nov 24, 2004 1:01am Subject: Re: free software anant_1608 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Reporting-MTA: Final-Recipient: rfc822; Action: failed Status: 5.1.1 Diagnostic-Code: X-Notes; Cannot route mail to user (

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1624 From: raju bokaariya <bhr_rbokariya@...> Date: Wed Nov 24, 2004 1:07am Subject: Re: free software bokariya Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 what is this where is site ----- Originwhat al Message ----From: anant raichur To: Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 2004 12:31 PM Subject: Re: [k_p_system] free software Reporting-MTA: Final-Recipient: rfc822; Action: failed Status: 5.1.1 Diagnostic-Code: X-Notes; Cannot route mail to user (

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1625 From: "Madathil Rajendran Nair" <madathilnair@...> Date: Wed Nov 24, 2004 2:28am Subject: Re: KPBC2 annalysis madathilnair Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Namaste Anantji.

Well, you are right there. Yet, do we have to forget that the two winners in this test got the right answer with Moon in Mercury sookshma whereas Shri Gaunt pitched for Ketu sookshma? Moon in another sookshma means a lot of difference in time (@ 33 minutes of longitude in half an hour) resulting in big bhava variances. Besides, due to the large number of significators (at least 6 in this case), we might still find right significators owning Lahiri sookshmas. I don't have the means with me to check the sookshmas for the bhavas/significators in either the natal chart or for the event chart. Can somebody look into these details with Lahiri ayanamsa? That will be really revealing. Hope I am not bothering you. Regards. Madathil Nair ______________________ --- In, anant raichur <anant_1608@y...> wrote: > Iff we apply Laheri Aynamsa, abiut 6 minutes diff, the Sooksma will change. The sub Lords may remain same.

1626 From: rongaunt <rongaunt@...> Date: Wed Nov 24, 2004 2:34am Subject: Re: Re: KPBC2 annalysis rongaunt1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Madathil, Please see replies ** .................... ** Ron Gaunt On Wed, 24 Nov 2004 05:30:21 +0000, you wrote: > > >Namaste Mr. Gaunt. > >My point is that, if Lahiri Ayanamsa is used, Moon/Mercury/Rahu runs >from 10.9.79 to 27.9.79. The event is within that period. SE, >Jupiter-Rahu conjuction trine to Venus and the rest of the supporting >justifications remain unchanged. Moreover, traditionally, it is >considered that Rahu periods are favourable for marriage >particularly if Rahu indicates marriage. In these circumstances, how >can we effectively counter an astrolger who advocates Lahiri - unless >of course we assert, based on other proven experiences, that KP >Ayanamsa is right? ** It is inevitable that occasionally close ayanamsas will show the same results. The question is which one shows consistently correct results?. That is the one we need to use ** > >About SE - an eclipse (solar) occurs when the Moon and Sun are in

>conjuction longitudinally and declinatinoally. Some new Moons at >least are close eclipses - let us say narrow shaves. Besides, solar >eclipses can be full or partial. Again, eclipes are not global >events as, when we have one in India partial or full, it may not be >visible in Australia and most certainly not at all visible in the US >the opposite side of the globe. I do not know if the SE you >considered for answering KPBC2 was visible in Palghat - the place of >nativity. It could have been just a New Moon there. > >In these circumstances, what will be the guiding criteria, i.e. if it >would be the place of nativity or the place where the KPBC2 event >occured or where the native was at eclipse time and if the eclipse >was visible from these locations. ** I only work with S.Es not New Moons as I find them unconvincing. The fact that an eclipse is not seen at a certain location does not in my experience invalidate effects. If it did, to be consistent, we would have to ignore all planets out of our view in all other forms of astrology. ie planets on the other side of the earth to where we are located. What is happening is that the earth gets consistently bombarded with solar radiation. This radiation covers the whole earth not just the part facing the Sun. However during the period of a Solar Eclipse. this radiation temporarily ceases. As the radiation returns it is like starting a new life, with predominance being given to S.E. planets and sensitive points that are in contact with natal position. This effect on the natal chart I liken to the effect of a fibrillator on a clinically dead person. I find that the effects of a S.E lasts until the next S.E when the processes is repeated. ** > >I hope these questions are not silly and am not unduly bothering >you. Your learned opinion will certainly enlighten all of us here as >you seem to have done serious and pioneering researches on this >eclipse angle of predictions. ** Not silly at all, and I don't know whether my opinion can be considered learned. It is just a technique I evolved when I realized that the ancients were very fond of eclipse prediction, and I couldn't find a dasa system that seemed to work before the event. However how the ancients did it appears to have been lost when one sees some of the stupidities of so called SE prediction. ie. only using the eclipse point, or saying that the effect will last as long in years as the eclipse lasts in hours. If this latter case was correct, the effect could last for four plus years. In the meantime there could be another say 8 to 10 eclipses if also considering Lunar Eclipses. Of course using this method in four years time you would be able to see anything your wanted from so many eclipses. ** > >Thanks and best regards. > >Madathil Nair >___________________ > >--- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote:

>> >> Madathil, >> >> Yes Rahu represents Jupiter, and Rahu antara starts 15th July >> 1979. But in my way of looking at it wouldn't happen until >> after being activated by the Solar Eclipse of 22nd Aug 1979. >> >> Even ignoring the eclipse I don't think it would have happened >> until the appropriate transits occurred. These were Jupiter and >> Rahu conjoined aspecting Venus at one end of the Venus Uranus >> axis (and on the 8th house cusp and 8th Rasi Lagna) with Ketu >> aspecting Uranus at the other end.. This as we saw occurred >> on the marriage date 2 Nov 1979. >> >> >> Ron Gaunt > > > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > >

1627 From: "Madathil Rajendran Nair" <madathilnair@...> Date: Wed Nov 24, 2004 3:07am Subject: Re: KPBC2 annalysis madathilnair Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Namaste Mr. Gaunt. Thanks for taking pains to answer me. Your comments have satisfied my curiosity. I will now make it a point the consider SEs also in my analyses. Thanks and best regards. Madathil Nair

1628 From: "mehtakunal2707" <mehtakunal2707@...> Date: Wed Nov 24, 2004 3:25am Subject: Re: New Member / Please look/ Mr. Ron / Mr.Raichur mehtakunal2707 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360

> > > > > > > > > > > >

Dear Astrologers please go through my chart and give ur valuable > comments. > > 1)Financial Position> 2). Likely time of marraige > > Male > 18/06/1977 > 8=15am > mumbai (india) > > Regards, > > Kunal

--- In, "mehtakunal2707" <mehtakunal2707@y...> wrote: > > Dear Sir, > > Thanks for your time to go through my chart. From arnd 2000, > financial problems have started crreping in. Anyways, just one last > qst... > > how do u see the overall financial status of this chart...? > And also marraige...? > > Please respond when time permits > > Regards, > > Kunal > > > > --- In, kapisthalam jagannathan > <jagannathankr@y...> wrote: > > To Respected Mehta Kunal, > > 5-1-1999 to 16-9-2001 was the period of Mercury bhukthi in saturn > dasa.Mercury is the sign dispositor of Sun who is the > dwithiyadhipathy.Mercury is in labhasthanam and therefore during this > period your financial position was fine.There was increase of bank > balance.Of course expenditure too was inevitable.This is so because, > mercury is the vyayadhipathy also.Sun is debilitated in Navamsa > chakram. > > There is no planet in Suns stars.There is no planet in Jupiters > satrs.saturn and Ketu are in Mercurys stars.Mars and Venus are in the > stars of Venus. > > the ruking planets are > > Aswini-Ketu and Mars,Gemini lagnam-Mars and Merxury,Tuesday and > Mars.So,Mercurys bhukthi would have been fruitful regarding financial

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

matters.From 12-24-2005 for a short period financial problems amy crop up. > Regarding marriage, > Before 24-12-2005 fair chances are there as transit Jupiter transits over to Libra.Till that date the running bhukthi will be that of Venus. > Presently you are undergoing the period of seven and half year shani.Shani in addition has transited to his natal position. > With best regards, > jagannathan. > > mehtakunal2707 <mehtakunal2707@y...> wrote: > > > > Dear Astrologers please go through my chart and give ur valuable > comments. > > 1)Financial Position> 2). Likely time of marraige > > Male > 18/06/1977 > 8=15am > mumbai (india) > > Regards, > > Kunal > > > > > > > > > > > > --- In, "mehtakunal2707" > > <mehtakunal2707@y...> wrote: > > > > > > Dear Members, > > > > > > I have just joined this group. Can anyone please find time to go > > > through my chart with regards to > > > > > > 1)financial position > > > 2)Likely time of marraige > > > > > > 18/06/1977 > > > 8=15am > > > Mumbai > > > > > > waiting in anticipation > > > > > > Regards, > > > > > > Kunal > > > > > Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > --------------------------------> Yahoo! Groups Links > > To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. > > > > > > > > Jagannathan .

1629 From: "amitpuri20" <amitpuri20@...> Date: Wed Nov 24, 2004 4:59am Subject: i need help amitpuri20 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 hello group i need help i met with an accident two year back in 31 march 2002 and till date i m in trouble and not able to walk proper and operated three times and more over my father expired last year in june 2003., i need to know what time i will be ok and will i be able to walk proper and is there any chance of govt job in this chart and what should i do to remove evil effect in my chart


1630 From: kapisthalam jagannathan <jagannathankr@...> Date: Wed Nov 24, 2004 10:30am Subject: Re: Re: New Member / Can you please help. / Please look jagannathankr Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Sir, Moon is the lord of the second house from Moon sign.Sun is the second lord from lagnam.Both of them togather and it is good to be so.The sign dispositor of the two lords ,Mercury is in the eleventh house.It is good to be so.The elventh lor d Venus is with Mars who is in own sign.venus is quite strong.The sixth lord is

in the eleventh house.So your financial prospects are fairly good in general. saturn s sub period is in progress now.He has to yield results related to fouth house matters such as , sukham, properties, Mother etc.You will be getting such results between 26-10-2002 and 24-12-2005. As saturn aspects venus extramarital circumstances may crop up.Your wifes health may be at stake.etc.Married liffe will be airly good. Regards, jagannathan. mehtakunal2707 <> wrote: Dear Sir, Thanks for your time to go through my chart. From arnd 2000, financial problems have started crreping in. Anyways, just one last qst... how do u see the overall financial status of this chart...? And also marraige...? Please respond when time permits Regards, Kunal

--- In, kapisthalam jagannathan <jagannathankr@y...> wrote: > To Respected Mehta Kunal, > 5-1-1999 to 16-9-2001 was the period of Mercury bhukthi in saturn dasa.Mercury is the sign dispositor of Sun who is the dwithiyadhipathy.Mercury is in labhasthanam and therefore during this period your financial position was fine.There was increase of bank balance.Of course expenditure too was inevitable.This is so because, mercury is the vyayadhipathy also.Sun is debilitated in Navamsa chakram. > There is no planet in Suns stars.There is no planet in Jupiters satrs.saturn and Ketu are in Mercurys stars.Mars and Venus are in the stars of Venus. > the ruking planets are > Aswini-Ketu and Mars,Gemini lagnam-Mars and Merxury,Tuesday and Mars.So,Mercurys bhukthi would have been fruitful regarding financial matters.From 12-24-2005 for a short period financial problems amy crop up. > Regarding marriage, > Before 24-12-2005 fair chances are there as transit Jupiter transits over to Libra.Till that date the running bhukthi will be that of Venus. > Presently you are undergoing the period of seven and half year shani.Shani in addition has transited to his natal position. > With best regards, > jagannathan. > > mehtakunal2707 <mehtakunal2707@y...> wrote: > > > > Dear Astrologers please go through my chart and give ur valuable > comments.

> > 1)Financial Position> 2). Likely time of marraige > > Male > 18/06/1977 > 8=15am > mumbai (india) > > Regards, > > Kunal > > > > > > > > > > > > --- In, "mehtakunal2707" > > <mehtakunal2707@y...> wrote: > > > > > > Dear Members, > > > > > > I have just joined this group. Can anyone please find time to go > > > through my chart with regards to > > > > > > 1)financial position > > > 2)Likely time of marraige > > > > > > 18/06/1977 > > > 8=15am > > > Mumbai > > > > > > waiting in anticipation > > > > > > Regards, > > > > > > Kunal > > > > > Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT > > > --------------------------------> Yahoo! Groups Links > > To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. > > > > >

> > > Jagannathan .

Jagannathan .

1631 From: rongaunt <rongaunt@...> Date: Wed Nov 24, 2004 9:37pm Subject: Re: Rectification exercise. (was Series of accidents ) rongaunt1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Yogesh and anyone else interested in a rectification exercise, here are event details. Ron Gaunt, D.O.B. 13 Aug 1936 Bridlington England 54N05 000W12 BST -1:00 Time of birth unknown. Grandmother said in letter morning birth. (morning in England is considered to be between midnight and 12 noon). Wasn't able to speak to her to narrow this down before she died. Father died 1st Mar 1941 Mother born 23 Jun 1911 (time unknown) killed in road accident. Knocked of bicycle 12th Jan 1952. Died 17th Jan 1952 at approx 5:30pm after being in coma since accident. Major turning point in my life as I left school, and at the end January 1952 left home to live with Aunt in another part of England. March 1952 started work as a machine tool apprentice. 2nd March 1954 joined the British Army. Another major turning point in my life. 15 March left to go for army basic training. 18th Aug 1954 promoted L/Cpl. and posted to Preston. 25th Aug 1955 left by boat from Liverpool for posting to Singapore. 26th Sep 1955 started duties in Singapore.

May 1956 accelerated promotion to Sgt and posted to Kuala Lumpur. 1st Oct 1956 accelerated promotion to Staff Sgt. A period of success as I leapfrogged hundreds of other competitors. 12th Aug 1958 Flew back to England on completion of tour. 27th Oct 1958 posted to Muncheon Gladback near Dortmund Germany. This was a unique period of my life as I went right out of character. Became a leader of a group of NCOs and made whoopee with the ladies. 8th Feb 1960 became engaged to get married. 7th Oct 1960 Married at Stanmore in England. 16th December 1960 left by air for posting to Malacca Malaya. promotion to Warrant Officer. 8th Feb 1962 daughter born. Beginning May 1962 health problems. Had started wearing contact lenses (when they were glass) and persevered beyond normal tolerances. Rings round lights, balance problems and possibly the start of low blood sugar problems (which was only found many years later). June 1962 Nose operation to help breathing. A time of failure. 1961 had seen the cresting of the successful period and now it seemed like going down hill. 11th June 1963 Son born. 5th Nov 1963 back to England on completion of tour. 18th Feb 1964 posted to Bielefeld Germany as Chief Clerk. This was a problem Unit and I was given the task of cleaning it up. This was impossible as the Commanding Officer was engaged in homosexual activity with the junior ranks who then lorded it over the NCOs. I soon ran foul of the Commanding Officer who gave me a poor annual confidential report because I had disciplined his 'boy'. This was a major testing time (possibly July/Aug 1964) as I appealed against the report. In the army it is well known that you can never win against a superior officer, especially the Commanding Officer. He threatened me with all sorts of dire consequences; but I insisted on the appeal going to higher authority, as I had logged all the misdemeanors that had been reported to me. I was contacted directly by the higher authorities who realized there was something amiss, in that the statements in the Confidential Report completely contradicted all my previous Commanding Officers who had recommended me for accelerated promotion. Within two days the Commanding Officer was posted out of the Unit and the Executive Officer was ordered to write a new Confidential Report. This time I received a glowing report on what I had achieved in a very short period. Nevertheless I decided to leave the army. 26th June 1965 posted to Hounslow Middlesex England prior to demobilization.

January 1966 bought first house. 4th March left the army. Another major change in my life. Took a job as a Tax Officer. March 1967 started training as an Instrument mechanic. 17th Nov 1967. after previously selling first house bought Second house. 1st April 1968 Started as a trouble shooter as an engineer for an Instrument Company. Out of my depth through lack of experience. Managed to cope but stressed. April 1969 Plan to emigrate to Australia stopped by: 6th May 1969 serious left ear operation. Had a massive mastoid that had obviously been festering for years. Surgeon removed all bones and cleaned up. Became totally deaf in left ear. Had spiritual revelation during operation. 7th July 1969 started work in charge of new instrument department in chemical factory. January 1970 New phase of my life. Started selling life insurance part time. Quickly graduated to selling Australian property to English investors. 22 May 1970 First land property sale - started me on a new career. Dec 1970 eye operation to control lazy muscle. 4th March 1971 son born. Mid May 1971 applied for astrology course. 31st October 1971. Emigrated to Australia. Left by air from Heathrow 3:15pm. Still live in Australia 3rd March 1972 started new job with land company 7th March 1972 Bought house in Brisbane, where we lived for 31 years. 9th Apr 1972 First sale in big project. 11th April to 2nd July 1974 pilot training. Only did it because I was apprehensive of flying. 17th Sep 1974 Joined and quickly became top producer for a land sale Company. First sale 23 Sep 1974. 6th Jan 1979 Wife left home due to emotional problems. I looked after the children. 18th Jan 1980 wife returned home. Since then exceptionally happy marriage. 20th July 1982 started video rental business. Very successful for one year until competitors problems dried up financing for

clients buying equipment. Mar 1985/87 Very successful period as one of the top producers for major Life Insurance Company. 10th Apr 1988 major oversees trip to Egypt, Greece and Turkey. 5th Jun 1984 Hernia Operation 1989 - 1994 Very successful period 7th Jan 1994 large cyst removed from centre of back. !0th Aug 2003 Contract for new home. 24 Sep 2003 Contract settled and moved in. 10th Oct 2003 Sold home General. My character is reserved. I feel happier on my own or one to one with people who can talk my language - which isn't many. My wife once said I should be in a cave in the Himalayas. I told her I was once!! Not very active physically. As a child I was very sick with chest, and ear infections. Extremely severe asthma at a time when there was no remedy or 'puffers'. Have outgrown this problem. I 'died' (clinically dead) three times when I was young- went through the tunnel and light experience each time. But apparently I still had a lot to learn so am still here. Have got better as I have aged and learned to eat the right foods ( I have food intolerances). Also I have low blood sugar which I control with diet. The mental side is very obvious I become very focused and can go for days, even weeks concentrating on one thing. Unfortunately memory is poor. A very wide ranging mind in that when I tackle a problem I look at it from all sides. Hence I see things that others miss. However, as the army testers told me I come up with ingenious ideas that they had never seen before that do work BUT I tend to miss the obvious. ( I think I do see the obvious but in examining everything I forget it). I therefore tend to be a slow learner, I need to examine the nuts and bolts to find out how it all works. My interests are primarily astrology and over the years I have canvassed many areas. Unfortunately, only coming to KP late in life. In business people said that I was a brilliant salesman because I appear to easily outsell others. However, I don't think this is correct. I have to compensate for lack of 'social selling' skills ie. no small talk, by developing fascinating presentations which people find they can easily understand and are very persuasive. In other works I am more a teacher than a salesman. I had no higher education having to leave school at 15.

I have one elder sister who is still alive. Because there is a fair amount of information above I would point out that one date seems prominent in my life and that is around the 4th March. This is when I have freqently changed jobs or started projects; and my second son was born on this day. I realise most members will not have the time to canvass most of the above events but even a two or three might be an interesting learning exercise for other members. It will be interesting to see what members come up with and how it compares to my rectification. RonGaunt

On Mon, 22 Nov 2004 06:49:12 +0000, you wrote: >Dear Ron, > There's no harm in trying...and,I do not mind giving it a go., it will help sharpen my least...for sure... > Pl. send whatever you think is necessary and whatever info you can send... > With best wishes, > lyrastro1 > GOOD LUCK ! > >rongaunt <rongaunt@...> wrote: > >Yogesh, > >Unfortunately, I can't cross check my own horoscope. >I don't know it!! I only know the day I was born and whilst >my grandmother said I was born in the morning she had no idea of >the time. Both my parents died before I came to astrology. > >Whilst I was one of the winners of the Astrodatabank >rectification competition, trying to rectify ones own chart from >a 24 hour period is rather difficult. I think I have done it >BUT there is always the uncertainty of not knowing for certain. > >Now if anyone out there would like an exercise in difficult >rectification I can post my data and quite a few events. Would >be interesting to see if anyone came up with my results. > > >Ron Gaunt > > >On Mon, 22 Nov 2004 05:25:57 +0000, you wrote: > >>Dear Ron, >> I couldn't help my curiosity getting the better of me,after reading your mail to Sandy... >> Could you kindly just cross check with your own Horoscope...and verify as suggested ? >> As per K.P., such minor accidents can take place when >>the sublord of the VIIIth transits the constellation of the significator of

the VIIIth,and happen only in the conjoined period of the significators of I & VIII...( It could even result in serious consequences if the s/l of the VIIIth,is in the constellation of the significator of the Badhaka or Marakasthanas...) >> I shall be very grateful if you could please enlighten me on this...a little research exercise for us ...(?). >> Thanks,and with best wishes,I am, >> Yours sincerely, >> lyrastro1 >> GOOD LUCK ! >> >> >> >>Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline. > > >Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline.

1632 From: "Kanakkumar Bosmia" <kanbosastro@...> Date: Thu Nov 25, 2004 8:31am Subject: RE: Re: Rectification exercise. (was Series of accidents ) kanbosastro Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Ron, In my opinion your time of birth is 08:43:30 AM . regards kanak bosmia

>From: rongaunt <> >Reply-To: >To: >Subject: [k_p_system] Re: Rectification exercise. (was Series of accidents ) >Date: Thu, 25 Nov 2004 13:37:08 +1000 > > >Yogesh and anyone else interested in a rectification exercise, >here are event details. > >Ron Gaunt, >D.O.B. 13 Aug 1936 >Bridlington >England >54N05 000W12 >BST -1:00 > >Time of birth unknown. Grandmother said in letter morning >birth. (morning in England is considered to be between midnight >and 12 noon). Wasn't able to speak to her to narrow this down >before she died. >

>Father died 1st Mar 1941 > >Mother born 23 Jun 1911 (time unknown) killed in road accident. >Knocked of bicycle 12th Jan 1952. Died 17th Jan 1952 at approx >5:30pm after being in coma since accident. Major turning point >in my life as I left school, and at the end January 1952 left >home to live with Aunt in another part of England. > >March 1952 started work as a machine tool apprentice. > >2nd March 1954 joined the British Army. Another major turning >point in my life. >15 March left to go for army basic training. > >18th Aug 1954 promoted L/Cpl. and posted to Preston. > >25th Aug 1955 left by boat from Liverpool for posting to >Singapore. >26th Sep 1955 started duties in Singapore. > >May 1956 accelerated promotion to Sgt and posted to Kuala Lumpur. >1st Oct 1956 accelerated promotion to Staff Sgt. >A period of success as I leapfrogged hundreds of other >competitors. > >12th Aug 1958 Flew back to England on completion of tour. > >27th Oct 1958 posted to Muncheon Gladback near Dortmund >Germany. This was a unique period of my life as I went right >out of character. Became a leader of a group of NCOs and made >whoopee with the ladies. > >8th Feb 1960 became engaged to get married. >7th Oct 1960 Married at Stanmore in England. > >16th December 1960 left by air for posting to Malacca Malaya. >promotion to Warrant Officer. > >8th Feb 1962 daughter born. > >Beginning May 1962 health problems. Had started wearing contact >lenses (when they were glass) and persevered beyond normal >tolerances. Rings round lights, balance problems and possibly >the start of low blood sugar problems (which was only found many >years later). > >June 1962 Nose operation to help breathing. A time of failure. >1961 had seen the cresting of the successful period and now it >seemed like going down hill. > >11th June 1963 Son born. > >5th Nov 1963 back to England on completion of tour. > >18th Feb 1964 posted to Bielefeld Germany as Chief Clerk. >This was a problem Unit and I was given the task of cleaning it >up. This was impossible as the Commanding Officer was engaged >in homosexual activity with the junior ranks who then lorded it >over the NCOs. I soon ran foul of the Commanding Officer who >gave me a poor annual confidential report because I had

>disciplined his 'boy'. This was a major testing time >(possibly July/Aug 1964) as I appealed against the report. >In the army it is well known that you can never win against a >superior officer, especially the Commanding Officer. He >threatened me with all sorts of dire consequences; but I insisted >on the appeal going to higher authority, as I had logged all the >misdemeanors that had been reported to me. I was contacted >directly by the higher authorities who realized there was >something amiss, in that the statements in the Confidential >Report completely contradicted all my previous Commanding >Officers who had recommended me for accelerated promotion. >Within two days the Commanding Officer was posted out of the Unit >and the Executive Officer was ordered to write a new Confidential >Report. This time I received a glowing report on what I had >achieved in a very short period. Nevertheless I decided to >leave the army. > >26th June 1965 posted to Hounslow Middlesex England prior to >demobilization. > >January 1966 bought first house. > >4th March left the army. Another major change in my life. >Took a job as a Tax Officer. > >March 1967 started training as an Instrument mechanic. > >17th Nov 1967. after previously selling first house bought >Second house. > >1st April 1968 Started as a trouble shooter as an engineer >for an Instrument Company. Out of my depth through >lack of experience. Managed to cope but stressed. > >April 1969 Plan to emigrate to Australia stopped by: >6th May 1969 serious left ear operation. Had a massive >mastoid that had obviously been festering for years. Surgeon >removed all bones and cleaned up. Became totally deaf in left >ear. Had spiritual revelation during operation. > >7th July 1969 started work in charge of new instrument department >in chemical factory. > >January 1970 New phase of my life. Started selling life >insurance part time. Quickly graduated to selling Australian >property to English investors. > >22 May 1970 First land property sale - started me on a new >career. > >Dec 1970 eye operation to control lazy muscle. > >4th March 1971 son born. > >Mid May 1971 applied for astrology course. > >31st October 1971. Emigrated to Australia. Left by air from >Heathrow 3:15pm. Still live in Australia > >3rd March 1972 started new job with land company

> >7th March 1972 Bought house in Brisbane, where we lived for > 31 years. > >9th Apr 1972 First sale in big project. > >11th April to 2nd July 1974 pilot training. Only did it because >I was apprehensive of flying. > >17th Sep 1974 Joined and quickly became top producer for a land >sale Company. First sale 23 Sep 1974. > >6th Jan 1979 Wife left home due to emotional problems. I >looked after the children. > >18th Jan 1980 wife returned home. Since then exceptionally >happy marriage. > >20th July 1982 started video rental business. Very successful >for one year until competitors problems dried up financing for >clients buying equipment. > >Mar 1985/87 Very successful period as one of the top producers >for major Life Insurance Company. > >10th Apr 1988 major oversees trip to Egypt, Greece and Turkey. > >5th Jun 1984 Hernia Operation > >1989 - 1994 Very successful period > >7th Jan 1994 large cyst removed from centre of back. > >!0th Aug 2003 Contract for new home. >24 Sep 2003 Contract settled and moved in. > >10th Oct 2003 Sold home > >General. > >My character is reserved. I feel happier on my own or one to one >with people who can talk my language - which isn't many. My >wife once said I should be in a cave in the Himalayas. I told >her I was once!! Not very active physically. As a child I >was very sick with chest, and ear infections. Extremely severe >asthma at a time when there was no remedy or 'puffers'. Have >outgrown this problem. > > I 'died' (clinically dead) three times when I was young- went >through the tunnel and light experience each time. But >apparently I still had a lot to learn so am still here. Have >got better as I have aged and learned to eat the right foods ( I >have food intolerances). Also I have low blood sugar which I >control with diet. > >The mental side is very obvious I become very focused and can go >for days, even weeks concentrating on one thing. Unfortunately >memory is poor. A very wide ranging mind in that when I >tackle a problem I look at it from all sides. Hence I see >things that others miss. However, as the army testers told me

>I come up with ingenious ideas that they had never seen before >that do work BUT I tend to miss the obvious. ( I think I do >see the obvious but in examining everything I forget it). I >therefore tend to be a slow learner, I need to examine the nuts >and bolts to find out how it all works. > >My interests are primarily astrology and over the years I have >canvassed many areas. Unfortunately, only coming to KP late in >life. > >In business people said that I was a brilliant salesman because I >appear to easily outsell others. However, I don't think this >is correct. I have to compensate for lack of 'social selling' >skills ie. no small talk, by developing fascinating >presentations which people find they can easily understand and >are very persuasive. In other works I am more a teacher than a >salesman. > >I had no higher education having to leave school at 15. > >I have one elder sister who is still alive. > >Because there is a fair amount of information above I would point >out that one date seems prominent in my life and that is around >the 4th March. This is when I have freqently changed jobs or >started projects; and my second son was born on this day. > >I realise most members will not have the time to canvass most of >the above events but even a two or three might be an interesting >learning exercise for other members. It will be interesting to >see what members come up with and how it compares to my >rectification. > > >RonGaunt > > > >On Mon, 22 Nov 2004 06:49:12 +0000, you wrote: > > >Dear Ron, > > There's no harm in trying...and,I do not mind giving it a go., it will help sharpen my least...for sure... > > Pl. send whatever you think is necessary and whatever info you can send... > > With best wishes, > > lyrastro1 > > GOOD LUCK ! > > > >rongaunt <> wrote: > > > >Yogesh, > > > >Unfortunately, I can't cross check my own horoscope. > >I don't know it!! I only know the day I was born and whilst > >my grandmother said I was born in the morning she had no idea of > >the time. Both my parents died before I came to astrology. > > > >Whilst I was one of the winners of the Astrodatabank > >rectification competition, trying to rectify ones own chart from

> >a 24 hour period is rather difficult. I think I have done it > >BUT there is always the uncertainty of not knowing for certain. > > > >Now if anyone out there would like an exercise in difficult > >rectification I can post my data and quite a few events. Would > >be interesting to see if anyone came up with my results. > > > > > >Ron Gaunt > > > > > >On Mon, 22 Nov 2004 05:25:57 +0000, you wrote: > > > >>Dear Ron, > >> I couldn't help my curiosity getting the better of me,after reading your ma il to Sandy... > >> Could you kindly just cross check with your own Horoscope...and verify as s uggested ? > >> As per K.P., such minor accidents can take place when > >>the sublord of the VIIIth transits the constellation of the significator of the VIIIth,and happen only in the conjoined period of the significators of I & V III...( It could even result in serious consequences if the s/l of the VIIIth,is in the constellation of the significator of the Badhaka or Marakasthanas...) > >> I shall be very grateful if you could please enlighten me on this...a littl e research exercise for us ...(?). > >> Thanks,and with best wishes,I am, > >> Yours sincerely, > >> lyrastro1 > >> GOOD LUCK ! > >> > >> > >> > >>Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline. > > > > > >Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------NRIs! Choose values with free money transfers!

1633 From: "Vaidun Vidyadhar" <vvidya@...> Date: Thu Nov 25, 2004 1:07pm Subject: RE: Re: Rectification exercise. (was Series of accidents ) vidyaau Send IM Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Ron, Very interesting past. You've done a lot of very many things in life. Happy to hear that you live in Brisbane. I am coming to Maroochydore next week for a jo b interview. My wife and I will come to live there if I get selected. Maybe, I 'll see more of you then. With best regards. Vaidun Vidyadhar

1 / 94 Marius Street Tamworth, NSW 2340 Australia Tel: 61-2-67 668428 (home) Mobile: 0414 870 083 Email:

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------From: rongaunt [] Sent: Thursday, 25 November 2004 2:37 PM To: Subject: [k_p_system] Re: Rectification exercise. (was Series of accidents )

Yogesh and anyone else interested in a rectification exercise, here are event details. Ron Gaunt, D.O.B. 13 Aug 1936 Bridlington England 54N05 000W12 BST -1:00 Time of birth unknown. Grandmother said in letter morning birth. (morning in England is considered to be between midnight and 12 noon). Wasn't able to speak to her to narrow this down before she died. Father died 1st Mar 1941 Mother born 23 Jun 1911 (time unknown) killed in road accident. Knocked of bicycle 12th Jan 1952. Died 17th Jan 1952 at approx 5:30pm after being in coma since accident. Major turning point in my life as I left school, and at the end January 1952 left home to live with Aunt in another part of England. March 1952 started work as a machine tool apprentice. 2nd March 1954 joined the British Army. Another major turning point in my life. 15 March left to go for army basic training. 18th Aug 1954 promoted L/Cpl. and posted to Preston. 25th Aug 1955 left by boat from Liverpool for posting to Singapore. 26th Sep 1955 started duties in Singapore. May 1956 accelerated promotion to Sgt and posted to Kuala Lumpur. 1st Oct 1956 accelerated promotion to Staff Sgt. A period of success as I leapfrogged hundreds of other

competitors. 12th Aug 1958 Flew back to England on completion of tour. 27th Oct 1958 posted to Muncheon Gladback near Dortmund Germany. This was a unique period of my life as I went right out of character. Became a leader of a group of NCOs and made whoopee with the ladies. 8th Feb 1960 became engaged to get married. 7th Oct 1960 Married at Stanmore in England. 16th December 1960 left by air for posting to Malacca Malaya. promotion to Warrant Officer. 8th Feb 1962 daughter born. Beginning May 1962 health problems. Had started wearing contact lenses (when they were glass) and persevered beyond normal tolerances. Rings round lights, balance problems and possibly the start of low blood sugar problems (which was only found many years later). June 1962 Nose operation to help breathing. A time of failure. 1961 had seen the cresting of the successful period and now it seemed like going down hill. 11th June 1963 Son born. 5th Nov 1963 back to England on completion of tour. 18th Feb 1964 posted to Bielefeld Germany as Chief Clerk. This was a problem Unit and I was given the task of cleaning it up. This was impossible as the Commanding Officer was engaged in homosexual activity with the junior ranks who then lorded it over the NCOs. I soon ran foul of the Commanding Officer who gave me a poor annual confidential report because I had disciplined his 'boy'. This was a major testing time (possibly July/Aug 1964) as I appealed against the report. In the army it is well known that you can never win against a superior officer, especially the Commanding Officer. He threatened me with all sorts of dire consequences; but I insisted on the appeal going to higher authority, as I had logged all the misdemeanors that had been reported to me. I was contacted directly by the higher authorities who realized there was something amiss, in that the statements in the Confidential Report completely contradicted all my previous Commanding Officers who had recommended me for accelerated promotion. Within two days the Commanding Officer was posted out of the Unit and the Executive Officer was ordered to write a new Confidential Report. This time I received a glowing report on what I had achieved in a very short period. Nevertheless I decided to leave the army. 26th June 1965 posted to Hounslow Middlesex England prior to demobilization. January 1966 bought first house. 4th March left the army. Another major change in my life.

Took a job as a Tax Officer. March 1967 started training as an Instrument mechanic. 17th Nov 1967. after previously selling first house bought Second house. 1st April 1968 Started as a trouble shooter as an engineer for an Instrument Company. Out of my depth through lack of experience. Managed to cope but stressed. April 1969 Plan to emigrate to Australia stopped by: 6th May 1969 serious left ear operation. Had a massive mastoid that had obviously been festering for years. Surgeon removed all bones and cleaned up. Became totally deaf in left ear. Had spiritual revelation during operation. 7th July 1969 started work in charge of new instrument department in chemical factory. January 1970 New phase of my life. Started selling life insurance part time. Quickly graduated to selling Australian property to English investors. 22 May 1970 First land property sale - started me on a new career. Dec 1970 eye operation to control lazy muscle. 4th March 1971 son born. Mid May 1971 applied for astrology course. 31st October 1971. Emigrated to Australia. Left by air from Heathrow 3:15pm. Still live in Australia 3rd March 1972 started new job with land company 7th March 1972 Bought house in Brisbane, where we lived for 31 years. 9th Apr 1972 First sale in big project. 11th April to 2nd July 1974 pilot training. Only did it because I was apprehensive of flying. 17th Sep 1974 Joined and quickly became top producer for a land sale Company. First sale 23 Sep 1974. 6th Jan 1979 Wife left home due to emotional problems. I looked after the children. 18th Jan 1980 wife returned home. Since then exceptionally happy marriage. 20th July 1982 started video rental business. Very successful for one year until competitors problems dried up financing for clients buying equipment. Mar 1985/87 Very successful period as one of the top producers

for major Life Insurance Company. 10th Apr 1988 major oversees trip to Egypt, Greece and Turkey. 5th Jun 1984 Hernia Operation 1989 - 1994 Very successful period 7th Jan 1994 large cyst removed from centre of back. !0th Aug 2003 Contract for new home. 24 Sep 2003 Contract settled and moved in. 10th Oct 2003 Sold home General. My character is reserved. I feel happier on my own or one to one with people who can talk my language - which isn't many. My wife once said I should be in a cave in the Himalayas. I told her I was once!! Not very active physically. As a child I was very sick with chest, and ear infections. Extremely severe asthma at a time when there was no remedy or 'puffers'. Have outgrown this problem. I 'died' (clinically dead) three times when I was young- went through the tunnel and light experience each time. But apparently I still had a lot to learn so am still here. Have got better as I have aged and learned to eat the right foods ( I have food intolerances). Also I have low blood sugar which I control with diet. The mental side is very obvious I become very focused and can go for days, even weeks concentrating on one thing. Unfortunately memory is poor. A very wide ranging mind in that when I tackle a problem I look at it from all sides. Hence I see things that others miss. However, as the army testers told me I come up with ingenious ideas that they had never seen before that do work BUT I tend to miss the obvious. ( I think I do see the obvious but in examining everything I forget it). I therefore tend to be a slow learner, I need to examine the nuts and bolts to find out how it all works. My interests are primarily astrology and over the years I have canvassed many areas. Unfortunately, only coming to KP late in life. In business people said that I was a brilliant salesman because I appear to easily outsell others. However, I don't think this is correct. I have to compensate for lack of 'social selling' skills ie. no small talk, by developing fascinating presentations which people find they can easily understand and are very persuasive. In other works I am more a teacher than a salesman. I had no higher education having to leave school at 15. I have one elder sister who is still alive. Because there is a fair amount of information above I would point

out that one date seems prominent in my life and that is around the 4th March. This is when I have freqently changed jobs or started projects; and my second son was born on this day. I realise most members will not have the time to canvass most of the above events but even a two or three might be an interesting learning exercise for other members. It will be interesting to see what members come up with and how it compares to my rectification. RonGaunt

On Mon, 22 Nov 2004 06:49:12 +0000, you wrote: >Dear Ron, > There's no harm in trying...and,I do not mind giving it a go., it will help sharpen my least...for sure... > Pl. send whatever you think is necessary and whatever info you ca n send... > With best wishes, > lyrastro1 > GOOD LUCK ! > >rongaunt <> wrote: > >Yogesh, > >Unfortunately, I can't cross check my own horoscope. >I don't know it!! I only know the day I was born and whilst >my grandmother said I was born in the morning she had no idea of >the time. Both my parents died before I came to astrology. > >Whilst I was one of the winners of the Astrodatabank >rectification competition, trying to rectify ones own chart from >a 24 hour period is rather difficult. I think I have done it >BUT there is always the uncertainty of not knowing for certain. > >Now if anyone out there would like an exercise in difficult >rectification I can post my data and quite a few events. Would >be interesting to see if anyone came up with my results. > > >Ron Gaunt > > >On Mon, 22 Nov 2004 05:25:57 +0000, you wrote: > >>Dear Ron, >> I couldn't help my curiosity getting the better of me,after reading your mail to Sandy... >> Could you kindly just cross check with your own Horoscope...and verify as sug gested ? >> As per K.P., such minor accidents can take place when >>the sublord of the VIIIth transits the constellation of the significator of th e VIIIth,and happen only in the conjoined period of the significators of I & VII I...( It could even result in serious consequences if the s/l of the VIIIth,is i n the constellation of the significator of the Badhaka or Marakasthanas...)

>> I shall be very grateful if you could please enlighten me on this...a little research exercise for us ...(?). >> Thanks,and with best wishes,I am, >> Yours sincerely, >> lyrastro1 >> GOOD LUCK ! >> >> >> >>Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline. > > >Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline.

1634 From: Ravinder Grover <astrology@...> Date: Thu Nov 25, 2004 1:15pm Subject: UNDERSTANDING KP IN A SIMPLE WAY rgrover100008 Send IM Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 26th Nov 2004 Dear all In KP there are three IMPORATNT STEPS to be UNDERSTOOD CLEARLY, as follows: STEP1: Is the event Promised? (Which houses to Judge?) STEP2: Is it FAVOURABLE? (How do we decide FAVOURABLE?) STEP3: When THE EVENT will take place? (Role of Significators, Transits, Dasas , etc) CAN ANYBODY THROW LIGHT ON THESE STEPS WITH SOME SOUND AND EASY TO UNDERSTAND E XAMPLES. LOVE RAVINDER GROVER

1635 From: Ron Day <ron@...> Date: Thu Nov 25, 2004 6:46pm Subject: Re: Re: Rectification exercise. (was Series of accidents ) ronday_au Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 > >Ron Gaunt, >D.O.B. 13 Aug 1936 >Bridlington >England

>54N05 000W12 >BST -1:00 > >Time of birth unknown. Ron ,


I cast a prasna chart for the ascendent when I saw your message. 25 Nov 2004 17.23.12 Brisbane ,Australia Ascendent 27 Aries Moon 22 Aries Ruling Planets ASC MO DAY Ma Su Su Ma Ve Sa Ju +Ke +Ra

It looks like the ascendent is a sign of Mars or Leo. For a Mars ruled ascendent, Aries is preferred since Scorpio has the nak rulers Ju, Sa Me which are not strong ruling planets. So the strong possibilities are Aries and Leo. Based on the data--1. Emigration 2. Reserved nature 3.Higher education 4. Love of astrology I would choose Leo ascendent. The nakshatra rulers are Ketu ,Venus and Sun. Ketu and venus aspect the ascendent so the nakshatra ruler should be one of these. It gets tricky here because both are equally likely. Ketu is in the sub of Moon and Venus is in sub of Jupiter. Ju is a RP so I will choose Venus as the nak ruler but the possibility still exists for Ketu since it is a strong RP but secondary. Having chosen Ve as the nak ruler, the sub has to be determined. The most likely subs are Ma and Ra. This will put the ascendent at 17Le20 to 20Le 6 40. I will go for Ra as the sub since it is in the ascendent and Ma appears twice as a RP and Ra can act for Ma. It is also closely aspected by another RP Saturn. If we take the the middle of the Ra sub the ascendent will be at 19 Le. The ascendent should be between 19 and 20degrees Leo because the strong RPs are in this region. I would go for 19Le 30 and refine it from there. It's taken me 20 min to get this far. To refine it further could take 20 days. Let me know if this agrees with your rectificaton. If this doesn't agree then we need to go back to Leo Ke Ma/Ra and check the divisional charts for some events. Regards Ron Day ====== Yahoo! My Yahoo! Welcome, raon1008


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Sort by Date 1636 From: rongaunt <rongaunt@...> Date: Thu Nov 25, 2004 8:03pm Subject: Re: Re: Rectification exercise. (was Series of accidents ) rongaunt1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Ron, Thanks for the input. No your tentative rectification is not the same as mine - but that means nothing. Mine was done using techniques other than KP. I'm as much in the dark as you are. What I am hoping is that we can come up with a time that matches the events using KP. Ron Gaunt On Fri, 26 Nov 2004 10:46:23 +1000, you wrote: > > >> >Ron Gaunt, >>D.O.B. 13 Aug 1936 >>Bridlington

>>England >>54N05 000W12 >>BST -1:00 >> >>Time of birth unknown. < > > >Ron , > >I cast a prasna chart for the ascendent when I saw your message. >25 Nov 2004 17.23.12 Brisbane ,Australia > >Ascendent 27 Aries >Moon 22 Aries > >Ruling Planets > >ASC Ma Su Su +Ke +Ra >MO Ma Ve Sa >DAY Ju > >It looks like the ascendent is a sign of Mars or Leo. >For a Mars ruled ascendent, Aries is preferred since Scorpio has the nak >rulers Ju, Sa Me which are not strong ruling planets. > >So the strong possibilities are Aries and Leo. >Based on the data-->1. Emigration >2. Reserved nature >3.Higher education >4. Love of astrology > >I would choose Leo ascendent. The nakshatra rulers are Ketu ,Venus and Sun. >Ketu and venus aspect the ascendent so the nakshatra ruler should be one of >these. >It gets tricky here because both are equally likely. >Ketu is in the sub of Moon and Venus is in sub of Jupiter. >Ju is a RP so I will choose Venus as the nak ruler but the possibility >still exists for Ketu since it is a strong RP but secondary. > >Having chosen Ve as the nak ruler, the sub has to be determined. The most >likely subs are Ma and Ra. This will put the ascendent at 17Le20 to 20Le >6 40. >I will go for Ra as the sub since it is in the ascendent and Ma appears >twice as a RP and Ra can act for Ma. It is also closely aspected by another >RP Saturn. > >If we take the the middle of the Ra sub the ascendent will be at 19 Le. >The ascendent should be between 19 and 20degrees Leo because the strong RPs >are in this region. I would go for 19Le 30 and refine it from there. >It's taken me 20 min to get this far. To refine it further could take 20 days. >Let me know if this agrees with your rectificaton. >If this doesn't agree then we need to go back to Leo Ke Ma/Ra and check the >divisional charts for some events. > > >Regards >Ron Day > >

> > > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > >

1637 From: rongaunt <rongaunt@...> Date: Thu Nov 25, 2004 8:07pm Subject: Re: Re: Rectification exercise. (was Series of accidents ) rongaunt1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Kanak, Thank you for your input. When you have time could you please give the reasons. This would be a helpful learning exercise for members. Ron Gaunt

On Thu, 25 Nov 2004 20:01:57 +0530, you wrote: Dear Ron, In my opinion your time of birth is 08:43:30 AM . regards kanak bosmia

>From: rongaunt <rongaunt@...> >Reply-To: >To: >Subject: [k_p_system] Re: Rectification exercise. (was Series of accidents ) >Date: Thu, 25 Nov 2004 13:37:08 +1000 > > >Yogesh and anyone else interested in a rectification exercise, >here are event details. > >Ron Gaunt,

>D.O.B. 13 Aug 1936 >Bridlington >England >54N05 000W12 >BST -1:00 > >Time of birth unknown.

1638 From: rongaunt <rongaunt@...> Date: Thu Nov 25, 2004 8:16pm Subject: KPBC2 wrap up rongaunt1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 If there are no further comments or questions on KPBC2 I will shortly be going on to the next Blind Chart. I would appreciate feed back from members regarding the desired frequency of postings for these charts. I realise that members will have other duties and may not have the time for too frequent exercises. Any suggestions? Should we have them once a fortnight, three weekly, monthly. etc? Ron Gaunt

1639 From: rongaunt <rongaunt@...> Date: Thu Nov 25, 2004 9:58pm Subject: Re: Re: Rectification exercise. (was Series of accidents ) rongaunt1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Vaidun, You will be welcome in the Sunshine State anytime. Interesting I had a dream about Tamworth before I emigrated and I hadn't even heard of or knew where the place was. I still wonder at the connection. Hope your interview goes well. Ron Gaunt

On Fri, 26 Nov 2004 06:07:29 +1100, you wrote: >Ron, > >Very interesting past. You've done a lot of very many things in life. >Happy to hear that you live in Brisbane. I am coming to Maroochydore next

>week for a job interview. My wife and I will come to live there if I get >selected. Maybe, I'll see more of you then. > >With best regards. > >Vaidun Vidyadhar >1 / 94 Marius Street >Tamworth, NSW 2340 >Australia >Tel: 61-2-67 668428 (home) >Mobile: 0414 870 083 >Email: <mailto:vvidya@...> vvidya@... > > > > > > _____ > >From: rongaunt [mailto:rongaunt@...] >Sent: Thursday, 25 November 2004 2:37 PM >To: >Subject: [k_p_system] Re: Rectification exercise. (was Series of accidents ) > > > >Yogesh and anyone else interested in a rectification exercise, >here are event details. > >Ron Gaunt, >D.O.B. 13 Aug 1936 >Bridlington >England >54N05 000W12 >BST -1:00 > >Time of birth unknown. Grandmother said in letter morning >birth. (morning in England is considered to be between midnight >and 12 noon). Wasn't able to speak to her to narrow this down >before she died. > >Father died 1st Mar 1941 > >Mother born 23 Jun 1911 (time unknown) killed in road accident. >Knocked of bicycle 12th Jan 1952. Died 17th Jan 1952 at approx >5:30pm after being in coma since accident. Major turning point >in my life as I left school, and at the end January 1952 left >home to live with Aunt in another part of England. > >March 1952 started work as a machine tool apprentice. > >2nd March 1954 joined the British Army. Another major turning >point in my life. >15 March left to go for army basic training. > >18th Aug 1954 promoted L/Cpl. and posted to Preston. > >25th Aug 1955 left by boat from Liverpool for posting to >Singapore. >26th Sep 1955 started duties in Singapore.

> >May 1956 accelerated promotion to Sgt and posted to Kuala Lumpur. >1st Oct 1956 accelerated promotion to Staff Sgt. >A period of success as I leapfrogged hundreds of other >competitors. > >12th Aug 1958 Flew back to England on completion of tour. > >27th Oct 1958 posted to Muncheon Gladback near Dortmund >Germany. This was a unique period of my life as I went right >out of character. Became a leader of a group of NCOs and made >whoopee with the ladies. > >8th Feb 1960 became engaged to get married. >7th Oct 1960 Married at Stanmore in England. > >16th December 1960 left by air for posting to Malacca Malaya. >promotion to Warrant Officer. > >8th Feb 1962 daughter born. > >Beginning May 1962 health problems. Had started wearing contact >lenses (when they were glass) and persevered beyond normal >tolerances. Rings round lights, balance problems and possibly >the start of low blood sugar problems (which was only found many >years later). > >June 1962 Nose operation to help breathing. A time of failure. >1961 had seen the cresting of the successful period and now it >seemed like going down hill. > >11th June 1963 Son born. > >5th Nov 1963 back to England on completion of tour. > >18th Feb 1964 posted to Bielefeld Germany as Chief Clerk. >This was a problem Unit and I was given the task of cleaning it >up. This was impossible as the Commanding Officer was engaged >in homosexual activity with the junior ranks who then lorded it >over the NCOs. I soon ran foul of the Commanding Officer who >gave me a poor annual confidential report because I had >disciplined his 'boy'. This was a major testing time >(possibly July/Aug 1964) as I appealed against the report. >In the army it is well known that you can never win against a >superior officer, especially the Commanding Officer. He >threatened me with all sorts of dire consequences; but I insisted >on the appeal going to higher authority, as I had logged all the >misdemeanors that had been reported to me. I was contacted >directly by the higher authorities who realized there was >something amiss, in that the statements in the Confidential >Report completely contradicted all my previous Commanding >Officers who had recommended me for accelerated promotion. >Within two days the Commanding Officer was posted out of the Unit >and the Executive Officer was ordered to write a new Confidential >Report. This time I received a glowing report on what I had >achieved in a very short period. Nevertheless I decided to >leave the army. > >26th June 1965 posted to Hounslow Middlesex England prior to >demobilization.

> >January 1966 bought first house. > >4th March left the army. Another major change in my life. >Took a job as a Tax Officer. > >March 1967 started training as an Instrument mechanic. > >17th Nov 1967. after previously selling first house bought >Second house. > >1st April 1968 Started as a trouble shooter as an engineer >for an Instrument Company. Out of my depth through >lack of experience. Managed to cope but stressed. > >April 1969 Plan to emigrate to Australia stopped by: >6th May 1969 serious left ear operation. Had a massive >mastoid that had obviously been festering for years. Surgeon >removed all bones and cleaned up. Became totally deaf in left >ear. Had spiritual revelation during operation. > >7th July 1969 started work in charge of new instrument department >in chemical factory. > >January 1970 New phase of my life. Started selling life >insurance part time. Quickly graduated to selling Australian >property to English investors. > >22 May 1970 First land property sale - started me on a new >career. > >Dec 1970 eye operation to control lazy muscle. > >4th March 1971 son born. > >Mid May 1971 applied for astrology course. > >31st October 1971. Emigrated to Australia. Left by air from >Heathrow 3:15pm. Still live in Australia > >3rd March 1972 started new job with land company > >7th March 1972 Bought house in Brisbane, where we lived for >31 years. > >9th Apr 1972 First sale in big project. > >11th April to 2nd July 1974 pilot training. Only did it because >I was apprehensive of flying. > >17th Sep 1974 Joined and quickly became top producer for a land >sale Company. First sale 23 Sep 1974. > >6th Jan 1979 Wife left home due to emotional problems. I >looked after the children. > >18th Jan 1980 wife returned home. Since then exceptionally >happy marriage. > >20th July 1982 started video rental business. Very successful

>for one year until competitors problems dried up financing for >clients buying equipment. > >Mar 1985/87 Very successful period as one of the top producers >for major Life Insurance Company. > >10th Apr 1988 major oversees trip to Egypt, Greece and Turkey. > >5th Jun 1984 Hernia Operation > >1989 - 1994 Very successful period > >7th Jan 1994 large cyst removed from centre of back. > >!0th Aug 2003 Contract for new home. >24 Sep 2003 Contract settled and moved in. > >10th Oct 2003 Sold home > >General. > >My character is reserved. I feel happier on my own or one to one >with people who can talk my language - which isn't many. My >wife once said I should be in a cave in the Himalayas. I told >her I was once!! Not very active physically. As a child I >was very sick with chest, and ear infections. Extremely severe >asthma at a time when there was no remedy or 'puffers'. Have >outgrown this problem. > >I 'died' (clinically dead) three times when I was young- went >through the tunnel and light experience each time. But >apparently I still had a lot to learn so am still here. Have >got better as I have aged and learned to eat the right foods ( I >have food intolerances). Also I have low blood sugar which I >control with diet. > >The mental side is very obvious I become very focused and can go >for days, even weeks concentrating on one thing. Unfortunately >memory is poor. A very wide ranging mind in that when I >tackle a problem I look at it from all sides. Hence I see >things that others miss. However, as the army testers told me >I come up with ingenious ideas that they had never seen before >that do work BUT I tend to miss the obvious. ( I think I do >see the obvious but in examining everything I forget it). I >therefore tend to be a slow learner, I need to examine the nuts >and bolts to find out how it all works. > >My interests are primarily astrology and over the years I have >canvassed many areas. Unfortunately, only coming to KP late in >life. > >In business people said that I was a brilliant salesman because I >appear to easily outsell others. However, I don't think this >is correct. I have to compensate for lack of 'social selling' >skills ie. no small talk, by developing fascinating >presentations which people find they can easily understand and >are very persuasive. In other works I am more a teacher than a >salesman. > >I had no higher education having to leave school at 15.

> >I have one elder sister who is still alive. > >Because there is a fair amount of information above I would point >out that one date seems prominent in my life and that is around >the 4th March. This is when I have freqently changed jobs or >started projects; and my second son was born on this day. > >I realise most members will not have the time to canvass most of >the above events but even a two or three might be an interesting >learning exercise for other members. It will be interesting to >see what members come up with and how it compares to my >rectification. > > >RonGaunt > > > >On Mon, 22 Nov 2004 06:49:12 +0000, you wrote: > >>Dear Ron, >> There's no harm in trying...and,I do not mind giving it a >go., it will help sharpen my least...for sure... >> Pl. send whatever you think is necessary and whatever info >you can send... >> With best wishes, >> lyrastro1 >> GOOD LUCK ! >> >>rongaunt <rongaunt@...> wrote: >> >>Yogesh, >> >>Unfortunately, I can't cross check my own horoscope. >>I don't know it!! I only know the day I was born and whilst >>my grandmother said I was born in the morning she had no idea of >>the time. Both my parents died before I came to astrology. >> >>Whilst I was one of the winners of the Astrodatabank >>rectification competition, trying to rectify ones own chart from >>a 24 hour period is rather difficult. I think I have done it >>BUT there is always the uncertainty of not knowing for certain. >> >>Now if anyone out there would like an exercise in difficult >>rectification I can post my data and quite a few events. Would >>be interesting to see if anyone came up with my results. >> >> >>Ron Gaunt >> >> >>On Mon, 22 Nov 2004 05:25:57 +0000, you wrote: >> >>>Dear Ron, >>> I couldn't help my curiosity getting the better of me,after reading your >mail to Sandy... >>> Could you kindly just cross check with your own Horoscope...and verify as >suggested ? >>> As per K.P., such minor accidents can take place when

>>>the sublord of the VIIIth transits the constellation of the significator >of the VIIIth,and happen only in the conjoined period of the significators >of I & VIII...( It could even result in serious consequences if the s/l of >the VIIIth,is in the constellation of the significator of the Badhaka or >Marakasthanas...) >>> I shall be very grateful if you could please enlighten me on this...a >little research exercise for us ...(?). >>> Thanks,and with best wishes,I am, >>> Yours sincerely, >>> lyrastro1 >>> GOOD LUCK ! >>> >>> >>> >>>Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline. >> >> >>Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline. > > > >Yahoo! Groups Sponsor > >ADVERTISEMENT > >< >oups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1101440233/A=2434971/R=0/SIG=11eeoolb0/*http://www. >> click here > >< >:HM/A=2434971/rand=363284950> > > _____ > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > >* To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > >* To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > ><> > > >* Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service ><> . >

1640 From: anant raichur <anant_1608@...> Date: Fri Nov 26, 2004 0:36am Subject: Re: KPBC2 wrap up anant_1608 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 The frequency should be Fortnightly. The Blind chart should be to TIME the ev

ent. This will be more useful. The BLC2 could have asked WHEN DID THIS PERSON M ARRY ? You should also post the letters of the Winners, so that other can learn from it . Since our postings are reflected, back, we are not sure that they have reached t he group. In case of Blind charts, you should withold such postings till date is over rongaunt <> wrote: If there are no further comments or questions on KPBC2 I will shortly be going on to the next Blind Chart. I would appreciate feed back from members regarding the desired frequency of postings for these charts. I realise that members will have other duties and may not have the time for too frequent exercises. Any suggestions? Should we have them once a fortnight, three weekly, monthly. etc? Ron Gaunt ------------------------ Yahoo! Groups Sponsor --------------------~--> $9.95 domain names from Yahoo!. Register anything. --------------------------------------------------------------------~-> Yahoo! Groups Links <*> To visit your group on the web, go to: <*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: <*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to:

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1641 From: "Kanakkumar Bosmia" <kanbosastro@...> Date: Fri Nov 26, 2004 0:42am Subject: Re: Re: Rectification exercise. (was Series of accidents ) kanbosastro Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Ron, if my time is correct then i will give full details with all mathemstical cacula tions. regards kanak bosmia

>From: rongaunt <> >Reply-To: >To: >Subject: Re: [k_p_system] Re: Rectification exercise. (was Series of accidents ) >Date: Fri, 26 Nov 2004 12:07:54 +1000 > > >Kanak, > >Thank you for your input. When you have time could you please >give the reasons. This would be a helpful learning exercise >for members. > > >Ron Gaunt > > > > >On Thu, 25 Nov 2004 20:01:57 +0530, you wrote: > >Dear Ron, > >In my opinion your time of birth is 08:43:30 AM . > >regards > >kanak bosmia > > > > >From: rongaunt <> > >Reply-To:

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

>To: >Subject: [k_p_system] Re: Rectification exercise. (was Series of accidents ) >Date: Thu, 25 Nov 2004 13:37:08 +1000 > > >Yogesh and anyone else interested in a rectification exercise, >here are event details. > >Ron Gaunt, >D.O.B. 13 Aug 1936 >Bridlington >England >54N05 000W12 >BST -1:00 > >Time of birth unknown.

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THE SIGNIFICTIORS OF THE HOUSES 2,7& 11 ARE AS FOLLOWS SIGNIFICATORS ARE SHOWN IN THE FOLLOWING ORDER OF IMPORTANCE A-Planets in Star of Occupants of House: B-Planets in House C-Planets in stars of House Lord: D-House Lord : A B C D 2 MER MER KETU MARS 7 11 KETU MARS SUN


PRAHARA : 1st SUN SIGN : SAGTARIUS SAYANA CHANDRA : 1st Cast By K.K.SAMPATHKUMAR ON 26-11-2004 Programme by RAICHUR.A.R 8/147 Garodianagar BOMBAY-77 PRESS ENTER FOR NEXT VIEW NOTE : PLACE DATE DASA BAL. HOR.NO: 133 : : : : KARTEEK 12 CHENNAI : STATE : : COUNTRY: 23 - 11 - 2004 : TIME: 21 H. 12 M. Ketu 6 Y. 1 M. 18 Days ENDS on 11 - 1 - 2011 Asc.for RP 88 Deg 21 Min LORDS : Merc,Jup.,Ven.,Merc PLANETS AND CUSPS Planet S D M sec Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sbl SsL SUN. 8 7 52 39 Mar Sat Ket Sat Mer Mer Cusp ASC S D M sec Sgl Stl 7 12 33 20 Ven Rah

MOON 1 Moo Ven MARS 7 Sat Rah MERC 8 Moo Sun JUP. 6 Sat Jup VEN. 7 Rah Sat SAT.-R 4 Mer Rah RAHU 1 Rah Rah KETU 7 Sat Ket URAN 11 Moo Moo NEPT 10 Mer Moo FOR. 12 Rah Sun

1 38 45 Mar Ket Ven Rah 14 28 44 Ven Rah Ket Ket 29 42 22 Mar Mer Sat Rah 18 10 54 Mer Moo Mer Ven 7 31 28 Ven Rah Rah Sat 3 16 27 Moo Jup Rah Mar 6 31 35 Mar Ket Rah Mer 6 31 35 Ven Mar Moo Ven 9 6 18 Sat Rah Jup Sat 19 3 2 Sat Moo Mer Rah 6 19 27 Jup Sat Mer Moo

2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th

8 11 54 35 Mar Sat 9 11 5 44 Jup Ket 10 11 5 28 Sat Moo 11 12 23 14 Sat Rah 12 13 35 36 Jup Sat 1 12 33 20 Mar Ket 2 11 54 35 Ven Moo 3 11 5 44 Mer Rah 4 11 5 28 Moo Sat 5 12 23 14 Sun Ket 6 13 35 36 Mer Moo

WANT TRADITIONAL HOROS/NAVAMSA Y/N ? TRADITIONAL RASI CHART |--------------------------------------------------------------| |FOR. | | | | | -| |URAN |SAT. | | | | -| |NEPT | | | | | -| | |JUP. | | | | | | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------| | |VEN. KETU |SUN. MERC |ASC.......MARS | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | |---------------| |-------------| | | | | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------| | | |MOON RAHU |

-| TRADITIONAL NAVAMSA CHART |--------------------------------------------------------------| NEPT | | | -| |MARS |SAT. | | | | -| |FOR. | | -| |SUN. | | -| Cast By K.K.SAMPATHKUMAR ON 26-11-2004 Programme by RAICHUR.A.R 8/147 Garodianagar BOMBAY-77 A S P E C T S Planet SUN. MOON MARS MERC JUP. VEN. SAT. RAHU KETU URAN NEPT FOR. SUN. SQUR. TRINE MOON TRINE MARS Ssqr. SQUR. MERC TRINE Ssqr. JUP. TRINE VEN. Sextl .OPP. CONJ. TRINE *150* SAT. TRINE SQUR. Sextl TRINE *150* Sextl .OPP. SQUR. CONJ. .OPP. CONJ. TRINE *126* SQUR. .OPP. CONJ. SQUR. SQUR. |VEN. URAN |KETU | | | | | | | | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------|ASC....... | | | | | | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------| | | |---------------| |-------------| | | |MERC | | | | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------|MOON | |RAHU | |JUP.


TRINE *150* CONJ. *126* Sextl Sextl .OPP. *150* SQUR. TRINE SQUR. TRINE




Ssqr. *150* TRINE Sextl *150*




Cast By K.K.SAMPATHKUMAR ON 26-11-2004 Programme by RAICHUR.A.R 8/147 Garodianagar BOMBAY-77 PRESS ENTER FOR NEXT VIEW SIGNIFICATORS OF HOUSES SIGNIFICATORS ARE SHOWN IN THE FOLLOWING ORDER OF IMPORTANCE A-Planets in Star of Occupants of House: B-Planets in House C-Planets in stars of House Lord: D-House Lord : HOUSE No. 1 A-KETU:B-SUN.:B-MARS:D-Ven. HOUSE No. 2

A-MERC:B-MERC:C-KETU:D-Mars HOUSE No. 3 C-SAT.:D-Jup. HOUSE No. 4 B-URAN:B-NEPT:C-SUN.:C-FOR.:D-Sat. HOUSE No. 5 B-FOR.:C-SUN.:C-FOR.:D-Sat. HOUSE No. 6 A-JUP.:A-NEPT:A-MARS:A-VEN.:A-URAN:B-MOON:B-RAHU:C-SAT.:D-Jup. PRESS ENTER FOR NEXT VIEW HOUSE No. 7 C-KETU:D-Mars HOUSE No. 8 D-Ven. HOUSE No. 9 A-SUN.:A-FOR.:B-SAT.:C-MERC:D-Merc HOUSE No. 10 C-JUP.:C-NEPT:D-Moon HOUSE No. 11 D-Sun. HOUSE No. 12 A-SAT.:A-MOON:A-RAHU:B-JUP.:B-VEN.:B-KETU:C-MERC:D-Merc PRESS ENTER FOR NEXT VIEW PLANET Houses Signified SUN. MOON MARS MERC JUP. VEN. SAT. RAHU KETU URAN NEPT FOR. A-9th A-12th A-6th A-2nd A-6th A-6th A-12th A-12th A-ASC A-6th A-6th A-9th ,B-ASC ,B-6th ,B-ASC ,B-2nd ,B-12th ,B-12th ,B-9th ,B-6th ,B-12th ,B-4th ,B-4th ,B-5th ,C-4th ,D-10th ,D-2nd ,C-9th ,C-10th ,D-ASC ,C-3rd , ,C-2nd , ,C-10th ,C-4th ,C-5th , ,D-7th ,C-12th ,D-3rd ,D-8th ,C-6th ,D-11th , , ,D-9th ,D-12th , ,D-6th , , ,D-4th ,D-5th ,

,C-7th , , ,C-5th ,

Programme by RAICHUR.A.R 8/147 Garodianagar BOMBAY77 PRESS ENTER FOR NEXT VIEW DASAS AND BHUKTIES Ketu DASA 11 1 2004 TO 11 1 2011 Ven. DASA 11 1 2011 TO 11 1

2031 Ven. Bhk. 11 1 2011 TO 11 5 2014 Ven. Bhk. 11 5 2015 Sun. Bhk. 11 1 2017 Moon Bhk. 11 3 2018 Mars Bhk. 11 3 2021 Rahu Bhk. 11 11 2023 Jup. Bhk. 11 1 2027 Sat. Bhk. 11 11 2029 Merc Bhk. 11 1 2031 23 11 2004 TO 8 8 2005 Sun. Bhk. 11 5 2014 TO Moon Bhk. 11 5 2015 TO Mars Bhk. 11 1 2017 TO Rahu Bhk. 11 3 2018 TO Jup. Bhk. 11 3 2021 TO Sat. Bhk. 11 11 2023 TO Merc Bhk. 11 1 2027 TO Ketu Bhk. 11 11 2029 TO 8 8 2005 TO 14 12 2005 14 12 2005 TO 14 7 2006 14 7 2006 TO 11 12 2006 11 12 2006 TO 29 12 2007 29 12 2007 TO 5 12 2008

5 12 2008 TO 14 1 2010 14 1 2010 TO 11 1 2011

PRESS ENTER FOR NEXT VIEW KETU Dasa 11 1 2004 TO 11 1 2011 KETU Bhk. 11 1 2004 TO 8 8 2005 KETU Ant. 11 18 8 2004 VEN Ant. 20 9 9 2004 SUN Ant. 14 10 2004 MOON Ant. 21 11 2004 MARS Ant. 4 12 1 2005 RAHU Ant. 12 8 3 2005 JUP Ant. 4 14 5 2005 SAT Ant. 24 14 7 2005 MERC Ant. 17 8 8 2005 8 6 2004 VEN Bhk. 8 6 2004 TO VEN Ant. 8 6 2004 TO SUN Ant. 18 8 2004 TO MOON Ant. 9 9 2004 TO 14 MARS Ant. 14 10 2004 TO RAHU Ant. 9 11 2004 TO JUP Ant. 12 1 2005 TO SAT Ant. 8 3 2005 TO MERC Ant. 14 5 2005 TO KETU Ant. 14 7 2005 TO MOON Bhk. 14 12 2005 TO MOON Ant. 14 12 2005 TO MARS Ant. 1 1 2006 TO RAHU Ant. 14 1 2006 TO JUP Ant. 15 2 2006 TO SAT Ant. 13 3 2006 TO 9

1 2004 TO 20 1 2004 1 2004 TO 14 2 2004 2 2004 TO 21 2 2004 2 2004 TO 4 3 2004

3 2004 TO 12 3 2004 3 2004 TO 4 4 2004

4 2004 TO 24 4 2004 4 2004 TO 17 5 2004 5 2004 TO 8 6 2004

SUN Bhk. 8 8 2005 TO 14 12 2005 14 7 2006 SUN Ant. 8 1 1 2006 MOON Ant. 14 14 1 2006 MARS Ant. 25 15 2 2006 RAHU Ant. 2 13 3 2006 JUP Ant. 21 17 4 2006 8 2005 TO 14 8 2005 8 2005 TO 25 8 2005 8 2005 TO 2 9 2005

9 2005 TO 21 9 2005 9 2005 TO 8 10 2005

SAT Ant. 8 16 5 2006 MERC Ant. 28 29 5 2006 KETU Ant. 16 4 7 2006 VEN Ant. 23 14 7 2006

10 2005 TO 28 10 2005 10 2005 TO 16 11 2005 11 2005 TO 23 11 2005 11 2005 TO 14 12 2005

MERC Ant. 17 4 2006 TO KETU Ant. 16 5 2006 TO VEN Ant. 29 5 2006 TO SUN Ant. 4 7 2006 TO VEN Bhk. 8 6 2004 TO JUP Ant. 12 1 2005 TO JUP Soo. 12 1 2005 TO SAT Soo. 19 1 2005 TO MERC Soo. 28 1 2005 TO KETU Soo. 6 2 2005 TO VEN Soo. 9 2 2005 TO SUN Soo. 18 2 2005 TO MOON Soo. 21 2 2005 TO MARS Soo. 26 2 2005 TO RAHU Soo. 1 3 2005 TO MERC Ant. 14 5 2005 TO MERC Soo. 14 5 2005 TO KETU Soo. 22 5 2005 TO VEN Soo. 26 5 2005 TO SUN Soo. 6 6 2005 TO MOON Soo. 9 6 2005 TO MARS Soo. 14 6 2005 TO RAHU Soo. 17 6 2005 TO JUP Soo. 26 6 2005 TO SAT Soo. 4 7 2005 TO 8 8

KETU Dasa 11 1 2004 TO 11 1 2011 2005 RAHU Ant. 9 11 2004 TO 12 1 2005 8 3 2005 RAHU Soo. 9 19 1 2005 JUP Soo. 18 28 1 2005 SAT Soo. 26 6 2 2005 MERC Soo. 6 9 2 2005 KETU Soo. 15 18 2 2005 VEN Soo. 19 21 2 2005 SUN Soo. 29 26 2 2005 MOON Soo. 3 1 3 2005 MARS Soo. 8 8 3 2005 11 2004 TO 18 11 2004 11 2004 TO 26 11 2004 11 2004 TO 6 12 2004

12 2004 TO 15 12 2004 12 2004 TO 19 12 2004 12 2004 TO 29 12 2004 12 2004 TO 1 2005 TO 3 1 2005 8 1 2005

1 2005 TO 12 1 2005

SAT Ant. 8 3 2005 TO 14 5 2005 14 7 2005 SAT Soo. 8 22 5 2005 MERC Soo. 18 26 5 2005 KETU Soo. 27 6 6 2005 VEN Soo. 1 9 6 2005 SUN Soo. 12 14 6 2005 MOON Soo. 16 17 6 2005 MARS Soo. 21 26 6 2005 RAHU Soo. 25 4 7 2005 JUP Soo. 5 14 7 2005 3 2005 TO 18 3 2005 3 2005 TO 27 3 2005 3 2005 TO 1 4 2005

4 2005 TO 12 4 2005 4 2005 TO 16 4 2005 4 2005 TO 21 4 2005 4 2005 TO 25 4 2005 4 2005 TO 5 5 2005

5 2005 TO 14 5 2005 8 8 2005

KETU Ant. 14 7 2005 TO

KETU Soo. 14 7 2005 TO 15 7 2005 VEN Soo. 15 7 2005 TO 19 7 2005


Soo. Soo. Soo. Soo. Soo. Soo. Soo.

19 20 22 24 27 31 5

7 7 7 7 7 7 8

2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005


20 22 24 27 31 5 8

7 7 7 7 7 8 8

2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005

RULING PLANETS Ascendent ,Moon any Time of the DAY For North Latitude and East longitude only TYPE WITH COMMA(,) between Deg,Min & date,month,year,hrs,min Latitude Longitude Deg,Min? 13,4 Deg,Min? 80,17(CHENNAI)

DATE Date,Month,Year? 23,11,2004 TIME I.S.T. DAY LORD IS ASC= MOON RAHU KETU 88 21 58 1 37 41 6 31 35 186 31 35 MARS MERC JUP VEN MERC RAHU MERC VEN Hrs.Min ? 21,12



1643 From: "lalu_75" <lalu_75@...> Date: Fri Nov 26, 2004 8:27am Subject: consider the following hohary chart of x lalu_75 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 dear pundit pandey sir, I request for your valuable analysis on the result concluded and advice me. thanking you lalitha

1644 From: ABCD EFGH <sachdumps@...> Date: Fri Nov 26, 2004 9:09am Subject: Please reply soon ( You All )... sachdumps Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear All, ( Ravinder Grover, Rongaut, tw38, Inderjeet Sahani, Anant, Ilona and All )

Please bear with me as I always gives you cases who are having health related p roblem. Please find some time to analyse this persons chart, as person is unable to walk ( Why ?? I dont know ) Following are the details of My Unlce. ( Name : Nayan Bhai ) He was born on 12/24/1931 at 9:45 in the morning at Halol, near Baroda :Latitude: 22o30'N Longitude: 73o30'E He was fine and walking before two years and than one fine day he became sick an d one problem lead to another and finally he is in India, and cannot walk. He is totally invalid. I want to ask you the following questions: 1. He wants to come back here in US as we all are here- We have to go back and b ring him back to USA. When should We do this? 2. Will he ever walk? He is very tired of this dependable life - is there any solution to this??? Please find some time and if possible reply soon. I know you guys did a great Jo b for Harkiat. Harkirat is still strugling for his life. Since I am having a lo ng weekend, I went to Philadelphia and able to see this little child. What to sa y about him, Just wait and watch. I converyed the message to childs parents to consult a good homeopath. Thanks God Blesss you all. Sacham, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Do you Yahoo!? Try it today! Meet the all-new My Yahoo!

1645 From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@...> Date: Sat Nov 27, 2004 5:05am Subject: Re: why Shankaracharya JI is Facing Jail? lyrastro1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Punit, I am attaching herewith a K.P. birthchart for the TOB and POB an d DOB,given by you,courtesy Mr.Pandit... I have applied K.P. rules to the best of my knowledge,and they s eem to explain satisfactorily the sudden and shocking imprisonment of Sri Sri Sh ankaracharyaji... I hope readers will find thais satisfactory... In my humble opinion,however the TOB requires,in my humble opini on a little fine-tuning...(the exact TOB should be when the Sublord of the Ascen dant is the Starlord of the Moon...) With best wishes, Yours sincerely, lyrastro1 GOOD LUCK !

Punit Pandey <> wrote: Tiwari ji, Mr. M. Pandit has done basic analysis of Shanaracharya's horoscope. Birth particulars are as follows Date of Birth: Time of Birth: Time Zone of Birth: Longitude of Birth: Latitude of Birth: July 18, 1935 7:00:00 pm 5:30 East of GMT 79 E 26 10 N 42

You can check his analysis at Regards, Punit Pandey On Fri, 12 Nov 2004 20:05:23 -0800 (PST), Vinay Tiwari <> wrote: > > Respected guruz & friends, > > I want to know birth details of Shankaracharya JI , kindly send > accross if any one knows. > > Dear Guruz please analyze , why he is facing Jail? > > Can we find whether he is indulged in Murder? Or when can he will be freed ? > by KP Horary? > > > Regards, > > Vinay Tiwari > > > > ________________________________ > Do you Yahoo!? > Check out the new Yahoo! Front Page. > > Yahoo! Groups Sponsor > > ADVERTISEMENT > > > > > Eliminate Your Debt! > Get out of Debt Now Christian counselors available > Click here to find out how you can become free from debt. > > > ________________________________ > Yahoo! Groups Links

> > > > > > > > > >

To visit your group on the web, go to: To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.

Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online. M A N G E S H M A H A L A X M I P R A S S A N N A L.Y.RAO 132 MINA Shivaji Park Rd.2 Mumbai 400 028 TEL: 2445 7401:3091 5319 email: lyr@...:lyastro1@... BIRTH DETAILS OF Sri Sri Shankaracharya ji as per time and place given by Shri Punit Pandey... REF NO Shankaracharya bc


: CHAITRA : 3-8-13


: K. 3 : 14 H. 29 M. 26 S. : 22 D. 52 M. 1 S.


: GURUVAR : ARIDRA : 3rD : 11th

: CANCER (Sayana) Cast By L.Y.RAO ON 27-11-2004


Programme by RAICHUR 8/147 GARODIANAGAR BOMBAY-77 PAGE ENDS M A N G E S H M A H A L A X M I P R A S S A N N A L.Y.RAO 132 MINA Shivaji Park Rd.2 Mumbai 400 028 TEL: 2445 7401:3091 5319 email: lyr@...:lyastro1@... BIRTH DETAILS OF Sri Sri Shankaracharya ji TRADITIONAL RASI CHART -PLANETS WITH + ARE RETROGRADE NAKSHATRA: Dhani PADA - 4 DASA BAL. Mars 1 Y. 21 Days ENDS ON 7 8 1936

|---------------------------------------------------------------| | |URAN | |MERC KETU | | | | | | | | | | | |---------------------------------------------------------------| |MOON +SAT | |SUN. PLUT | | | | | | | | | |---------------| |---------------| |ASC....... | |VEN. NEPT FOR. | | | | | | | | | |---------------------------------------------------------------| |RAHU | |MARS JUP. | | | | | | | | | | | | |---------------------------------------------------------------|

TRADITIONAL NAVAMSA CHART |---------------------------------------------------------------| |ASC.......+SAT |JUP. | |KETU | | | | | | | | | | | |---------------------------------------------------------------| | | |SUN. URAN FOR. | | | |PLUT | | | | | |---------------| |---------------| |MERC | |VEN. | | | | |

| | | | |---------------------------------------------------------------| |RAHU |MOON |MARS |NEPT | | | | | | | | | | | |---------------------------------------------------------------| Cast By L.Y.RAO ON 27-11-2004 Programme by RAICHUR 8/147 GARODIANAGAR BOMBAY-77 PAGE ENDS ASTROLOGER:L.Y.RAO Tel:2445 7401:3091 5319 DASAS TO BE ENJOYED BY Sri Sri Shankaracharya ji VIMSOTTARI DASAS --- BHUKTIES Mar DASA 08 08 1929 -> 08 08 1936 |Rah |Rah |Jup |Sat |Mer |Ket |Ven Ven Bhk. 18 07 1935 -> 02 09 1935 |Sun Sun Bhk. 02 09 1935 -> 08 01 1936 |Moo Moo Bhk. 08 01 1936 -> 08 08 1936 |Mar Jup Jup Sat Mer Ket Ven Sun Moo Mar Rah Mer Mer Ket Ven Sun Moo Mar Rah Jup Sat Ven Ven Sun Moo Mar Rah Jup Sat Mer Ket DASA Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. DASA Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. DASA Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. 08 08 26 08 14 20 20 08 08 14 08 08 05 02 02 08 08 05 23 29 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 09 04 07 06 02 12 04 03 08 08 01 01 11 09 02 02 08 11 08 08 12 12 08 10 10 06 08 06 1954 1954 1956 1959 1961 1962 1965 1965 1967 1968 1989 1989 1992 1993 1995 1996 1998 1999 2001 2003 2013 2013 2016 2017 2019 2020 2023 2026 2029 2032 -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> 08 26 08 14 20 20 08 08 14 08 08 05 02 02 08 08 05 23 29 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 09 04 07 06 02 12 04 03 08 08 01 01 11 09 02 02 08 11 08 08 12 12 08 10 10 06 08 06 08 1970 1956 1959 1961 1962 1965 1965 1967 1968 1970 2006 1992 1993 1995 1996 1998 1999 2001 2003 2006 2033 2016 2017 2019 2020 2023 2026 2029 2032 2033 |Sat |Sat |Mer |Ket |Ven |Sun |Moo |Mar |Rah |Jup |Ket |Ket |Ven |Sun |Moo |Mar |Rah |Jup |Sat |Mer |Sun |Sun |Moo |Mar |Rah |Jup |Sat |Mer |Ket |Ven DASA Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. DASA Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. DASA Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. DASA Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. 08 08 20 14 20 08 26 26 20 20 08 08 11 20 29 29 11 11 20 26 08 08 05 05 11 11 08 26 02 11 08 08 26 26 02 26 14 26 02 08 08 08 04 09 07 02 02 02 01 07 08 08 08 04 05 07 07 02 03 01 08 08 01 03 07 02 07 07 07 08 08 08 11 05 10 08 06 05 04 08 1936 1936 1939 1941 1944 1947 1948 1951 1952 1953 1970 1970 1973 1976 1977 1980 1981 1983 1984 1987 2006 2006 2007 2008 2008 2009 2009 2010 2011 2012 2033 2033 2033 2034 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2038 -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> 08 20 14 20 08 26 26 20 20 08 08 11 20 29 29 11 11 20 26 08 08 05 05 11 11 08 26 02 11 08 08 26 26 02 26 14 26 02 08 08 08 04 09 07 02 02 02 01 07 08 08 08 04 05 07 07 02 03 01 08 08 01 03 07 02 07 07 07 08 08 08 11 05 10 08 06 05 04 08 08 1954 1939 1941 1944 1947 1948 1951 1952 1953 1954 1989 1973 1976 1977 1980 1981 1983 1984 1987 1989 2013 2007 2008 2008 2009 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2039 2033 2034 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2038 2039

Moo Moo Mar Rah Jup Sat Mer Ket Ven Sun

DASA Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk.

08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08

08 08 06 01 07 11 06 11 06 02

2039 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2045 2046 2047 2049

-> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> ->

08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08

08 06 01 07 11 06 11 06 02 08

2049 2040 2041 2042 2043 2045 2046 2047 2049 2049

| | | | | | | | | |

ASTROLOGER: L.Y.RAO DASA TO BE ENJOYED BY Sri Sri Shankaracharya ji MER Dasa 8 8 1989 TO 8 8 2006 MER MER KET VEN SUN MOO MAR RAH JUP SAT VEN VEN SUN MOO MAR RAH JUP SAT MER KET MOO MOO MAR RAH JUP SAT MER KET VEN SUN RAH RAH JUP SAT MER KET VEN SUN MOO MAR SAT SAT MER KET VEN SUN MOO MAR RAH JUP Bhk. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Bhk. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Bhk. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Bhk. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Bhk. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. 8 8 11 1 26 9 21 12 22 18 2 2 22 13 8 8 11 27 8 3 8 8 21 20 7 15 6 18 18 13 5 5 23 25 20 30 24 27 13 29 29 29 2 20 16 28 16 7 4 29 8 8 12 2 6 8 10 12 4 8 1 1 6 8 11 1 6 10 4 9 9 9 10 11 2 4 7 9 10 1 2 2 6 10 3 7 9 2 4 6 11 11 5 9 11 4 6 9 11 3 1989 1989 1989 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1991 1991 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1994 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 1996 1996 1996 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1998 1999 1999 1999 1999 2000 2000 2000 2001 2001 2001 2003 2003 2004 2004 2004 2005 2005 2005 2005 2006 TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO 5 11 1 26 9 21 12 22 18 5 2 22 13 8 8 11 27 8 3 2 8 21 20 7 15 6 18 18 13 8 23 23 25 20 30 24 27 13 29 23 8 2 20 16 28 16 7 4 29 8 1 12 2 6 8 10 12 4 8 1 11 6 8 11 1 6 10 4 9 11 2 10 11 2 4 7 9 10 1 2 8 6 10 3 7 9 2 4 6 8 8 5 9 11 4 6 9 11 3 8 1992 1989 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1991 1991 1992 1995 1993 1993 1993 1994 1994 1994 1995 1995 1995 1998 1996 1996 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1998 1998 2001 1999 1999 2000 2000 2000 2001 2001 2001 2001 2006 2004 2004 2004 2005 2005 2005 2005 2006 2006 |KET |KET |VEN |SUN |MOO |MAR |RAH |JUP |SAT |MER |SUN |SUN |MOO |MAR |RAH |JUP |SAT |MER |KET |VEN |MAR |MAR |RAH |JUP |SAT |MER |KET |VEN |SUN |MOO |JUP |JUP |SAT |MER |KET |VEN |SUN |MOO |MAR |RAH Bhk. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Bhk. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Bhk. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Bhk. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. 5 5 26 25 13 13 4 27 15 11 2 2 17 13 31 17 27 16 29 17 8 8 1 22 10 7 27 18 17 5 23 23 12 21 17 4 20 1 9 27 1 1 1 3 4 5 6 7 9 11 11 11 11 12 12 2 3 5 6 7 2 2 3 4 6 8 9 10 12 1 8 8 12 4 8 10 2 4 6 7 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1999 2001 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 2003 2003 2003 2003 TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO 2 26 25 13 13 4 27 15 11 2 8 17 13 31 17 27 16 29 17 8 5 1 22 10 7 27 18 17 5 5 29 12 21 17 4 20 1 9 27 29 1 1 3 4 5 6 7 9 11 1 9 11 12 12 2 3 5 6 7 9 2 3 4 6 8 9 10 12 1 2 11 12 4 8 10 2 4 6 7 11 1993 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1993 1996 1995 1995 1995 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1999 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1999 1999 2003 2001 2002 2002 2002 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003

M A N G E S H M A H A L A X M I P R A S S A N N A L.Y.RAO 132 MINA Shivaji Park Rd.2 Mumbai 400 028 TEL: 2445 7401:3091 5319 email: lyr@...:lyastro1@... BIRTH DETAILS OF Sri Sri Shankaracharya ji W E S T E R N A S P E C T S





ORBS Conj,opp =8.Sq. Trine 6,SEXT 6,Semis 2, Rest 2 deg. Programme by RAICHUR 8/147 GARODIANAGAR BOMBAY-77 ASTROLOGER:L.Y.RAO:Tel:2445 7401:3091 5319 ----------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |III 15 22 8| | |VI 11 2 23| | |Uran 12 24 11|V 14 51 24|Merc 12 8 19| | |IV 16 53 50| |Ketu 28 51 56|

| | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------| | NAME:Sri Sri Shankaracharya j | | | | THURSDAY 18 7 1935 | | |Sat -R 16 44 58| Time 19 0 0 | | |II 11 21 13| |Sun 2 7 10| |Moon 4 39 3| SID.TIME 14 h. 29 m. 26 s. |Plut 2 36 4| | | |VII 8 22 16| | | NAKS:Dhani-PADA 4 | | | | | | :---------------| PLACE:TAMIL NADU INDIA |---------------| | | | | | | LAT 10 deg 42 min N | | | | |For 10 54 8| |Asc. 8 22 16| Long 79 deg 26 min E |VIII 11 21 13| | | |Ven 16 5 13| | | Ayan 22 d. 52 m. 1 s. |Nept 19 43 11| | | | | | |CAST BY:L.Y.RAO | | ----------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | | | | | |Rahu 28 51 56| |Jup 20 37 12| | |XII 11 2 23|X1 14 51 24|X 16 53 50| | | | |Mars 1 19 15|IX 15 22 8| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------DASA BAL. Mars 1 Y. 21 Days ENDS ON 7 8 1936 BHK. Bal. Ven. 0 Y. 45 Days: ANT. Bal. Merc 20 Days: SOOK Bal. Rahu 3 Days CUSP ASC 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th PAGE ENDS ASTROLOGER:L.Y.RAO:Tel:2445 7401:3091 5319 BIRTH DETAILS OF Sri Sri Shankaracharya ji SIGNIFICATORS OF HOUSES SIGNIFICATORS ARE SHOWN IN THE FOLLOWING ORDER OF IMPORTANCE A-Planets in Star of Occupants of House: B-Planets in House C-Planets in stars of House Lord: D-House Lord: E= Planets Aspected by A,B,C,D Trad aspects BY SIGN : F=Sub Lord HOUSE A B C D E F ---------------------------------------------------------------------Sgl Sat Sat Jup Mar Ven Mer Moo Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Stl Sun Rah Sat Ven Moo Rah Sat Ket Moo Rah Sat Ket Sbl Ven Sat Jup Moo Jup Sat Ven Sat Jup Ven Rah Sat Ssl Moo Ven Sat Mer Ven Mer Ven Jup Mar Sat Mar Rah :PLANET :SUN. :MOON :MARS :MERC :JUP. :VEN. :SAT.-R :RAHU :KETU :URAN :NEPT :FOR. :PLUT Sgl Moo Sat Ven Mer Ven Sun Sat Jup Mer Mar Sun Sun Moo Stl Jup Mar Mar Rah Jup Ven Rah Sun Jup Ket Ven Ket Jup Sbl Rah Ven Mer Sat Jup Sun Ven Mar Sun Mer Rah Sat Rah SsL SIGNIFICATORS Sat Mer Rah Rah Mer Ket Sat Mer Moo Mar Ven Rah Ket

ASC | |MOO: | |Sat|MO:VE:SA: |Ven | | | | | | 2nd | |SAT: | |Sat|MO:VE: |Sat | | | | | | 3rd | |URA: |SUN:JUP:KET|Jup|MO:MA:ME:SA|Jup | | |PLU: | |KE:RA: | 4th | | |MOO:MAR: |Mar|JU:VE:SA: |Moo | | | | | | 5th | | |VEN:NEP: |Ven|MO:SA: |Jup | | | | | | 6th |RAH:URA:FOR: |SUN:MER:KET:PLU| |Mer|RA:KE:ME: |Sat | | | | | | 7th | | | |Moo|VE:SA: |Ven | | | | | | 8th |VEN:NEP: |VEN:NEP:FOR: |RAH: |Sun|ME:KE:MO:SA|Sat | | | | | | 9th |MOO:MAR: |MAR: | |Mer|RA:KE:JU:VE|Jup | | | | |SA: | 10th |SUN:JUP:KET:PLU|JUP: |VEN:NEP: |Ven|MO:SA:MA:ME|Ven | | | | |KE:RA: | 11th | | |MOO:MAR: |Mar|JU:VE:SA: |Rah | | | | | | 12th |MER:SAT: |RAH: |SUN:JUP:KET|Jup|MO:MA:ME:SA|Sat | | |PLU: | |KE:RA:VE: | ---------------------------------------------------------------------PLANET House Numbers Signified: SUN. MOON MARS MERC JUP. VEN. SAT. RAHU KETU URAN NEPT FOR. PLUT Aspecting Planets 4, 9, 7,10, 2, 6, 8,12,

A-10,B-06,C-03,C-12,D-08, :FA-09,B-As,C-04,C-11,D-07, :JU:VE:SA:FA-09,B-09,C-04,C-11,D-04,D-11,:JU:FA-12,B-06,D-06,D-09, :JU:RA:KE:FA-10,B-10,C-03,C-12,D-03,D-12,:MA:F- 3, 5, A-08,B-08,C-05,C-10,D-05,D-10,:MO:SA:F- 1, A-12,B-02,D-As,D-02, :MO:JU:VE:FA-06,B-12,C-08, :ME:KE:F-11, A-10,B-06,C-03,C-12, :ME:JU:RA:FA-06,B-03, :MA:JU:SA:FA-08,B-08,C-05,C-10, :MO:VE:SA:FA-06,B-08, :MO:VE:SA:FA-10,B-06,C-03,C-12, :SU:F-

RAHU will ACT as AGENT for Jup,Sun also KETU will ACT as AGENT for Mer,Jup also SUN. Planets EXALTED or in OWN house Strongly signify the house owned These are : MERC:OWN SAT.:OWN PAGE END ANALYSIS : 1) Present dasa running is Merc Dasa,Sat Bhukti,Venus anthara,Venus sookshma from 16-11-2004 and will run upto 13-12-2004... 2) As per K.P.,imprisonment is seen if the s/l of XII the signifies II,III,VIII and XII... 3) In this case : a) The Dasa,bhukti,anthara and sookshma lords are significators of : Merc - VI XII & IX

Sat - I,II & XII VEN - V,VIII & XII... b) Also the Sat is the sublord of XII,VIII,VI & II. ! ! 4) This,Mr. Punit Pandey,perhaps explains the Shankaracharya's per K.P. !

1646 From: Yogesh Date: Sat Nov 27, Subject: Fwd: Re: Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! Dear Punit,

Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@...> 2004 5:49am why Shankaracharya JI is Facing Jail? lyrastro1 360

I forgot to add that Deepavali Day is annAmavasya day,when Moon the significator of IV & XI is "combust" due to rapt conjunction with Sun...sig nificator 0f VI VIII & XII...! ! . Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online. Date: Sat, 27 Nov 2004 11:05:51 +0000 (GMT) From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi lyrastro1@... Subject: Re: [k_p_system] why Shankaracharya JI is Facing Jail? To: In-Reply-To: fbe6bfed041116084328b6303b@...Dear Punit, I am attaching herewith a K.P. birthchart for the TOB and POB an d DOB,given by you,courtesy Mr.Pandit... I have applied K.P. rules to the best of my knowledge,and they s eem to explain satisfactorily the sudden and shocking imprisonment of Sri Sri Sh ankaracharyaji... I hope readers will find thais satisfactory... In my humble opinion,however the TOB requires,in my humble opini on a little fine-tuning...(the exact TOB should be when the Sublord of the Ascen dant is the Starlord of the Moon...) With best wishes, Yours sincerely, lyrastro1 GOOD LUCK ! Punit Pandey <> wrote: Tiwari ji, Mr. M. Pandit has done basic analysis of Shanaracharya's horoscope. Birth particulars are as follows Date of Birth: Time of Birth: Time Zone of Birth: Longitude of Birth: Latitude of Birth: July 18, 1935 7:00:00 pm 5:30 East of GMT 79 E 26 10 N 42

You can check his analysis at - Regards, Punit Pandey On Fri, 12 Nov 2004 20:05:23 -0800 (PST), Vinay Tiwari <> wrote: > > Respected guruz & friends, > > I want to know birth details of Shankaracharya JI , kindly send > accross if any one knows. > > Dear Guruz please analyze , why he is facing Jail? > > Can we find whether he is indulged in Murder? Or when can he will be freed ? > by KP Horary? > > > Regards, > > Vinay Tiwari > > > > ________________________________ > Do you Yahoo!? > Check out the new Yahoo! Front Page. > > Yahoo! Groups Sponsor > > ADVERTISEMENT > > > > > Eliminate Your Debt! > Get out of Debt Now Christian counselors available > Click here to find out how you can become free from debt. > > > ________________________________ > Yahoo! Groups Links > > To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. > > Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online. M A N G E S H M A H A L A X M I P R A S S A N N A

L.Y.RAO 132 MINA Shivaji Park Rd.2 Mumbai 400 028 TEL: 2445 7401:3091 5319 email: lyr@...:lyastro1@... BIRTH DETAILS OF Sri Sri Shankaracharya ji as per time and place given by Shri Punit Pandey... REF NO Shankaracharya bc



M A N G E S H M A H A L A X M I P R A S S A N N A L.Y.RAO 132 MINA Shivaji Park Rd.2 Mumbai 400 028 TEL: 2445 7401:3091 5319 email: lyr@...:lyastro1@... BIRTH DETAILS OF Sri Sri Shankaracharya ji TRADITIONAL RASI CHART -PLANETS WITH + ARE RETROGRADE NAKSHATRA: Dhani PADA - 4 DASA BAL. Mars 1 Y. 21 Days ENDS ON 7 8 1936

|---------------------------------------------------------------| | |URAN | |MERC KETU | | | | | | | | | | | |---------------------------------------------------------------| |MOON +SAT | |SUN. PLUT | | | | | | | | | |---------------| |---------------| |ASC....... | |VEN. NEPT FOR. | | | | | | | | | |---------------------------------------------------------------| |RAHU | |MARS JUP. | | | | | | | | | | | | |---------------------------------------------------------------|

TRADITIONAL NAVAMSA CHART |---------------------------------------------------------------| |ASC.......+SAT |JUP. | |KETU | | | | | | | | | | | |---------------------------------------------------------------| | | |SUN. URAN FOR. | | | |PLUT | | | | | |---------------| |---------------| |MERC | |VEN. | | | | | | | | | |---------------------------------------------------------------| |RAHU |MOON |MARS |NEPT | | | | | | | | | | | |---------------------------------------------------------------| Cast By L.Y.RAO ON 27-11-2004 Programme by RAICHUR 8/147 GARODIANAGAR BOMBAY-77 PAGE ENDS ASTROLOGER:L.Y.RAO Tel:2445 7401:3091 5319 DASAS TO BE ENJOYED BY Sri Sri Shankaracharya ji

VIMSOTTARI DASAS --- BHUKTIES Mar DASA 08 08 1929 -> 08 08 1936 |Rah |Rah |Jup |Sat |Mer |Ket |Ven Ven Bhk. 18 07 1935 -> 02 09 1935 |Sun Sun Bhk. 02 09 1935 -> 08 01 1936 |Moo Moo Bhk. 08 01 1936 -> 08 08 1936 |Mar Jup Jup Sat Mer Ket Ven Sun Moo Mar Rah Mer Mer Ket Ven Sun Moo Mar Rah Jup Sat Ven Ven Sun Moo Mar Rah Jup Sat Mer Ket Moo Moo Mar Rah Jup Sat Mer Ket Ven Sun DASA Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. DASA Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. DASA Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. DASA Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. 08 08 26 08 14 20 20 08 08 14 08 08 05 02 02 08 08 05 23 29 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 09 04 07 06 02 12 04 03 08 08 01 01 11 09 02 02 08 11 08 08 12 12 08 10 10 06 08 06 08 08 06 01 07 11 06 11 06 02 1954 1954 1956 1959 1961 1962 1965 1965 1967 1968 1989 1989 1992 1993 1995 1996 1998 1999 2001 2003 2013 2013 2016 2017 2019 2020 2023 2026 2029 2032 2039 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2045 2046 2047 2049 -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> 08 26 08 14 20 20 08 08 14 08 08 05 02 02 08 08 05 23 29 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 09 04 07 06 02 12 04 03 08 08 01 01 11 09 02 02 08 11 08 08 12 12 08 10 10 06 08 06 08 08 06 01 07 11 06 11 06 02 08 1970 1956 1959 1961 1962 1965 1965 1967 1968 1970 2006 1992 1993 1995 1996 1998 1999 2001 2003 2006 2033 2016 2017 2019 2020 2023 2026 2029 2032 2033 2049 2040 2041 2042 2043 2045 2046 2047 2049 2049 |Sat |Sat |Mer |Ket |Ven |Sun |Moo |Mar |Rah |Jup |Ket |Ket |Ven |Sun |Moo |Mar |Rah |Jup |Sat |Mer |Sun |Sun |Moo |Mar |Rah |Jup |Sat |Mer |Ket |Ven | | | | | | | | | | DASA Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. DASA Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. DASA Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. DASA Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. 08 08 20 14 20 08 26 26 20 20 08 08 11 20 29 29 11 11 20 26 08 08 05 05 11 11 08 26 02 11 08 08 26 26 02 26 14 26 02 08 08 08 04 09 07 02 02 02 01 07 08 08 08 04 05 07 07 02 03 01 08 08 01 03 07 02 07 07 07 08 08 08 11 05 10 08 06 05 04 08 1936 1936 1939 1941 1944 1947 1948 1951 1952 1953 1970 1970 1973 1976 1977 1980 1981 1983 1984 1987 2006 2006 2007 2008 2008 2009 2009 2010 2011 2012 2033 2033 2033 2034 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2038 -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> 08 20 14 20 08 26 26 20 20 08 08 11 20 29 29 11 11 20 26 08 08 05 05 11 11 08 26 02 11 08 08 26 26 02 26 14 26 02 08 08 08 04 09 07 02 02 02 01 07 08 08 08 04 05 07 07 02 03 01 08 08 01 03 07 02 07 07 07 08 08 08 11 05 10 08 06 05 04 08 08 1954 1939 1941 1944 1947 1948 1951 1952 1953 1954 1989 1973 1976 1977 1980 1981 1983 1984 1987 1989 2013 2007 2008 2008 2009 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2039 2033 2034 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2038 2039

ASTROLOGER: L.Y.RAO DASA TO BE ENJOYED BY Sri Sri Shankaracharya ji MER Dasa 8 8 1989 TO 8 8 2006 MER MER KET VEN SUN MOO MAR RAH JUP SAT VEN VEN SUN MOO MAR RAH JUP SAT MER KET MOO MOO MAR RAH JUP SAT MER KET VEN SUN RAH RAH JUP SAT MER KET VEN SUN MOO MAR SAT SAT MER KET VEN SUN MOO MAR RAH JUP Bhk. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Bhk. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Bhk. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Bhk. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Bhk. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. 8 8 11 1 26 9 21 12 22 18 2 2 22 13 8 8 11 27 8 3 8 8 21 20 7 15 6 18 18 13 5 5 23 25 20 30 24 27 13 29 29 29 2 20 16 28 16 7 4 29 8 8 12 2 6 8 10 12 4 8 1 1 6 8 11 1 6 10 4 9 9 9 10 11 2 4 7 9 10 1 2 2 6 10 3 7 9 2 4 6 11 11 5 9 11 4 6 9 11 3 1989 1989 1989 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1991 1991 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1994 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 1996 1996 1996 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1998 1999 1999 1999 1999 2000 2000 2000 2001 2001 2001 2003 2003 2004 2004 2004 2005 2005 2005 2005 2006 TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO 5 11 1 26 9 21 12 22 18 5 2 22 13 8 8 11 27 8 3 2 8 21 20 7 15 6 18 18 13 8 23 23 25 20 30 24 27 13 29 23 8 2 20 16 28 16 7 4 29 8 1 12 2 6 8 10 12 4 8 1 11 6 8 11 1 6 10 4 9 11 2 10 11 2 4 7 9 10 1 2 8 6 10 3 7 9 2 4 6 8 8 5 9 11 4 6 9 11 3 8 1992 1989 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1991 1991 1992 1995 1993 1993 1993 1994 1994 1994 1995 1995 1995 1998 1996 1996 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1998 1998 2001 1999 1999 2000 2000 2000 2001 2001 2001 2001 2006 2004 2004 2004 2005 2005 2005 2005 2006 2006 |KET |KET |VEN |SUN |MOO |MAR |RAH |JUP |SAT |MER |SUN |SUN |MOO |MAR |RAH |JUP |SAT |MER |KET |VEN |MAR |MAR |RAH |JUP |SAT |MER |KET |VEN |SUN |MOO |JUP |JUP |SAT |MER |KET |VEN |SUN |MOO |MAR |RAH Bhk. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Bhk. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Bhk. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Bhk. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. 5 5 26 25 13 13 4 27 15 11 2 2 17 13 31 17 27 16 29 17 8 8 1 22 10 7 27 18 17 5 23 23 12 21 17 4 20 1 9 27 1 1 1 3 4 5 6 7 9 11 11 11 11 12 12 2 3 5 6 7 2 2 3 4 6 8 9 10 12 1 8 8 12 4 8 10 2 4 6 7 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1999 2001 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 2003 2003 2003 2003 TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO 2 26 25 13 13 4 27 15 11 2 8 17 13 31 17 27 16 29 17 8 5 1 22 10 7 27 18 17 5 5 29 12 21 17 4 20 1 9 27 29 1 1 3 4 5 6 7 9 11 1 9 11 12 12 2 3 5 6 7 9 2 3 4 6 8 9 10 12 1 2 11 12 4 8 10 2 4 6 7 11 1993 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1993 1996 1995 1995 1995 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1999 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1999 1999 2003 2001 2002 2002 2002 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003

M A N G E S H M A H A L A X M I P R A S S A N N A L.Y.RAO 132 MINA Shivaji Park Rd.2 Mumbai 400 028 TEL: 2445 7401:3091 5319 email: lyr@...:lyastro1@... BIRTH DETAILS OF Sri Sri Shankaracharya ji W E S T E R N A S P E C T S





ORBS Conj,opp =8.Sq. Trine 6,SEXT 6,Semis 2, Rest 2 deg. Programme by RAICHUR 8/147 GARODIANAGAR BOMBAY-77 ASTROLOGER:L.Y.RAO:Tel:2445 7401:3091 5319 ----------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |III 15 22 8| | |VI 11 2 23| | |Uran 12 24 11|V 14 51 24|Merc 12 8 19| | |IV 16 53 50| |Ketu 28 51 56|

| | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------| | NAME:Sri Sri Shankaracharya j | | | | THURSDAY 18 7 1935 | | |Sat -R 16 44 58| Time 19 0 0 | | |II 11 21 13| |Sun 2 7 10| |Moon 4 39 3| SID.TIME 14 h. 29 m. 26 s. |Plut 2 36 4| | | |VII 8 22 16| | | NAKS:Dhani-PADA 4 | | | | | | :---------------| PLACE:TAMIL NADU INDIA |---------------| | | | | | | LAT 10 deg 42 min N | | | | |For 10 54 8| |Asc. 8 22 16| Long 79 deg 26 min E |VIII 11 21 13| | | |Ven 16 5 13| | | Ayan 22 d. 52 m. 1 s. |Nept 19 43 11| | | | | | |CAST BY:L.Y.RAO | | ----------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | | | | | |Rahu 28 51 56| |Jup 20 37 12| | |XII 11 2 23|X1 14 51 24|X 16 53 50| | | | |Mars 1 19 15|IX 15 22 8| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------DASA BAL. Mars 1 Y. 21 Days ENDS ON 7 8 1936 BHK. Bal. Ven. 0 Y. 45 Days: ANT. Bal. Merc 20 Days: SOOK Bal. Rahu 3 Days CUSP ASC 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th PAGE ENDS ASTROLOGER:L.Y.RAO:Tel:2445 7401:3091 5319 BIRTH DETAILS OF Sri Sri Shankaracharya ji SIGNIFICATORS OF HOUSES SIGNIFICATORS ARE SHOWN IN THE FOLLOWING ORDER OF IMPORTANCE A-Planets in Star of Occupants of House: B-Planets in House C-Planets in stars of House Lord: D-House Lord: E= Planets Aspected by A,B,C,D Trad aspects BY SIGN : F=Sub Lord HOUSE A B C D E F ---------------------------------------------------------------------Sgl Sat Sat Jup Mar Ven Mer Moo Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Stl Sun Rah Sat Ven Moo Rah Sat Ket Moo Rah Sat Ket Sbl Ven Sat Jup Moo Jup Sat Ven Sat Jup Ven Rah Sat Ssl Moo Ven Sat Mer Ven Mer Ven Jup Mar Sat Mar Rah :PLANET :SUN. :MOON :MARS :MERC :JUP. :VEN. :SAT.-R :RAHU :KETU :URAN :NEPT :FOR. :PLUT Sgl Moo Sat Ven Mer Ven Sun Sat Jup Mer Mar Sun Sun Moo Stl Jup Mar Mar Rah Jup Ven Rah Sun Jup Ket Ven Ket Jup Sbl Rah Ven Mer Sat Jup Sun Ven Mar Sun Mer Rah Sat Rah SsL SIGNIFICATORS Sat Mer Rah Rah Mer Ket Sat Mer Moo Mar Ven Rah Ket

ASC | |MOO: | |Sat|MO:VE:SA: |Ven | | | | | | 2nd | |SAT: | |Sat|MO:VE: |Sat | | | | | | 3rd | |URA: |SUN:JUP:KET|Jup|MO:MA:ME:SA|Jup | | |PLU: | |KE:RA: | 4th | | |MOO:MAR: |Mar|JU:VE:SA: |Moo | | | | | | 5th | | |VEN:NEP: |Ven|MO:SA: |Jup | | | | | | 6th |RAH:URA:FOR: |SUN:MER:KET:PLU| |Mer|RA:KE:ME: |Sat | | | | | | 7th | | | |Moo|VE:SA: |Ven | | | | | | 8th |VEN:NEP: |VEN:NEP:FOR: |RAH: |Sun|ME:KE:MO:SA|Sat | | | | | | 9th |MOO:MAR: |MAR: | |Mer|RA:KE:JU:VE|Jup | | | | |SA: | 10th |SUN:JUP:KET:PLU|JUP: |VEN:NEP: |Ven|MO:SA:MA:ME|Ven | | | | |KE:RA: | 11th | | |MOO:MAR: |Mar|JU:VE:SA: |Rah | | | | | | 12th |MER:SAT: |RAH: |SUN:JUP:KET|Jup|MO:MA:ME:SA|Sat | | |PLU: | |KE:RA:VE: | ---------------------------------------------------------------------PLANET House Numbers Signified: SUN. MOON MARS MERC JUP. VEN. SAT. RAHU KETU URAN NEPT FOR. PLUT Aspecting Planets 4, 9, 7,10, 2, 6, 8,12,

A-10,B-06,C-03,C-12,D-08, :FA-09,B-As,C-04,C-11,D-07, :JU:VE:SA:FA-09,B-09,C-04,C-11,D-04,D-11,:JU:FA-12,B-06,D-06,D-09, :JU:RA:KE:FA-10,B-10,C-03,C-12,D-03,D-12,:MA:F- 3, 5, A-08,B-08,C-05,C-10,D-05,D-10,:MO:SA:F- 1, A-12,B-02,D-As,D-02, :MO:JU:VE:FA-06,B-12,C-08, :ME:KE:F-11, A-10,B-06,C-03,C-12, :ME:JU:RA:FA-06,B-03, :MA:JU:SA:FA-08,B-08,C-05,C-10, :MO:VE:SA:FA-06,B-08, :MO:VE:SA:FA-10,B-06,C-03,C-12, :SU:F-

RAHU will ACT as AGENT for Jup,Sun also KETU will ACT as AGENT for Mer,Jup also SUN. Planets EXALTED or in OWN house Strongly signify the house owned These are : MERC:OWN SAT.:OWN PAGE END ANALYSIS : 1) Present dasa running is Merc Dasa,Sat Bhukti,Venus anthara,Venus sookshma from 16-11-2004 and will run upto 13-12-2004... 2) As per K.P.,imprisonment is seen if the s/l of XII the signifies II,III,VIII and XII... 3) In this case : a) The Dasa,bhukti,anthara and sookshma lords are significators of : Merc - VI XII & IX

Sat - I,II & XII VEN - V,VIII & XII... b) Also the Sat is the sublord of XII,VIII,VI & II. ! ! 4) This,Mr. Punit Pandey,perhaps explains the Shankaracharya's per K.P. !




THE SIGNIFICTIORS OF THE HOUSES 2,7& 11 ARE AS FOLLOWS SIGNIFICATORS ARE SHOWN IN THE FOLLOWING ORDER OF IMPORTANCE A-Planets in Star of Occupants of House: B-Planets in House C-Planets in stars of House Lord: D-House Lord : A 2 7 11 MER B MER KETU SUN C D KETU MARS MARS



: 1st : 1st

KARTEEK 12 CHENNAI : STATE : : COUNTRY: 23 - 11 - 2004 : TIME: 21 H. 12 M. Ketu 6 Y. 1 M. 18 Days ENDS on 11 - 1 - 2011 Asc.for RP 88 Deg 21 Min LORDS : Merc,Jup.,Ven.,Merc PLANETS AND CUSPS

Planet S D M sec Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sbl SsL SUN. 8 7 52 39 Mar Sat Ket Sat Mer Mer MOON 1 1 38 45 Mar Ket Ven Rah

Cusp ASC 2nd

S D M sec Sgl Stl 7 12 33 20 Ven Rah 8 11 54 35 Mar Sat

Moo Ven MARS 7 Sat Rah MERC 8 Moo Sun JUP. 6 Sat Jup VEN. 7 Rah Sat SAT.-R 4 Mer Rah RAHU 1 Rah Rah KETU 7 Sat Ket URAN 11 Moo Moo NEPT 10 Mer Moo FOR. 12 Rah Sun

14 28 44 Ven Rah Ket Ket 29 42 22 Mar Mer Sat Rah 18 10 54 Mer Moo Mer Ven 7 31 28 Ven Rah Rah Sat 3 16 27 Moo Jup Rah Mar 6 31 35 Mar Ket Rah Mer 6 31 35 Ven Mar Moo Ven 9 6 18 Sat Rah Jup Sat 19 3 2 Sat Moo Mer Rah 6 19 27 Jup Sat Mer Moo

3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th

9 11 5 44 Jup Ket 10 11 5 28 Sat Moo 11 12 23 14 Sat Rah 12 13 35 36 Jup Sat 1 12 33 20 Mar Ket 2 11 54 35 Ven Moo 3 11 5 44 Mer Rah 4 11 5 28 Moo Sat 5 12 23 14 Sun Ket 6 13 35 36 Mer Moo

WANT TRADITIONAL HOROS/NAVAMSA Y/N ? TRADITIONAL RASI CHART |--------------------------------------------------------------| |FOR. | | | | | -| |URAN |SAT. | | | | -| |NEPT | | | | | -| | |JUP. | | | | -| | | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------| | |VEN. KETU |SUN. MERC |ASC.......MARS | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | |---------------| |-------------| | | | | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------| | | |MOON RAHU |

TRADITIONAL NAVAMSA CHART |--------------------------------------------------------------| NEPT | | | -| |MARS |SAT. | | | | -| |FOR. | | -| |SUN. | | -| Cast By K.K.SAMPATHKUMAR ON 26-11-2004 Programme by RAICHUR.A.R 8/147 Garodianagar BOMBAY-77 A S P E C T S Planet SUN. MOON MARS MERC JUP. VEN. SAT. RAHU KETU URAN NEPT FOR. SUN. SQUR. TRINE MOON TRINE MARS Ssqr. SQUR. MERC TRINE Ssqr. JUP. TRINE VEN. Sextl .OPP. CONJ. TRINE *150* SAT. TRINE SQUR. SQUR. TRINE Sextl TRINE *150* Sextl .OPP. SQUR. CONJ. .OPP. CONJ. TRINE *126* SQUR. .OPP. CONJ. SQUR. SQUR. |VEN. URAN |KETU | | | | | | | | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------|ASC....... | | | | | | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------| | | |---------------| |-------------| | | |MERC | | | | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------|MOON | |RAHU | |JUP.


*150* CONJ. *126* Sextl Sextl .OPP. *150* SQUR. TRINE SQUR. TRINE




Ssqr. *150* TRINE Sextl *150*




Cast By K.K.SAMPATHKUMAR ON 26-11-2004 Programme by RAICHUR.A.R 8/147 Garodianagar BOMBAY-77 PRESS ENTER FOR NEXT VIEW SIGNIFICATORS OF HOUSES SIGNIFICATORS ARE SHOWN IN THE FOLLOWING ORDER OF IMPORTANCE A-Planets in Star of Occupants of House: B-Planets in House C-Planets in stars of House Lord: D-House Lord : HOUSE No. 1 A-KETU:B-SUN.:B-MARS:D-Ven. HOUSE No. 2 A-MERC:B-MERC:C-KETU:D-Mars

HOUSE No. 3 C-SAT.:D-Jup. HOUSE No. 4 B-URAN:B-NEPT:C-SUN.:C-FOR.:D-Sat. HOUSE No. 5 B-FOR.:C-SUN.:C-FOR.:D-Sat. HOUSE No. 6 A-JUP.:A-NEPT:A-MARS:A-VEN.:A-URAN:B-MOON:B-RAHU:C-SAT.:D-Jup. PRESS ENTER FOR NEXT VIEW HOUSE No. 7 C-KETU:D-Mars HOUSE No. 8 D-Ven. HOUSE No. 9 A-SUN.:A-FOR.:B-SAT.:C-MERC:D-Merc HOUSE No. 10 C-JUP.:C-NEPT:D-Moon HOUSE No. 11 D-Sun. HOUSE No. 12 A-SAT.:A-MOON:A-RAHU:B-JUP.:B-VEN.:B-KETU:C-MERC:D-Merc PRESS ENTER FOR NEXT VIEW PLANET Houses Signified SUN. MOON MARS MERC JUP. VEN. SAT. RAHU KETU URAN NEPT FOR. A-9th A-12th A-6th A-2nd A-6th A-6th A-12th A-12th A-ASC A-6th A-6th A-9th ,B-ASC ,B-6th ,B-ASC ,B-2nd ,B-12th ,B-12th ,B-9th ,B-6th ,B-12th ,B-4th ,B-4th ,B-5th ,C-4th ,D-10th ,D-2nd ,C-9th ,C-10th ,D-ASC ,C-3rd , ,C-2nd , ,C-10th ,C-4th ,C-5th , ,D-7th ,C-12th ,D-3rd ,D-8th ,C-6th ,D-11th , , ,D-9th ,D-12th , ,D-6th , , ,D-4th ,D-5th ,

,C-7th , , ,C-5th ,

Programme by RAICHUR.A.R 8/147 Garodianagar BOMBAY77 PRESS ENTER FOR NEXT VIEW DASAS AND BHUKTIES Ketu DASA 11 1 2004 TO 11 1 2011 2031 Ven. DASA 11 1 2011 TO 11 1

Ven. Bhk. 11 1 2011 TO 11 5 2014 Ven. Bhk. 11 5 2015 Sun. Bhk. 11 1 2017 Moon Bhk. 11 3 2018 Mars Bhk. 11 3 2021 Rahu Bhk. 11 11 2023 Jup. Bhk. 11 1 2027 Sat. Bhk. 11 11 2029 Merc Bhk. 11 1 2031 23 11 2004 TO 8 8 2005 Sun. Bhk. 11 5 2014 TO Moon Bhk. 11 5 2015 TO Mars Bhk. 11 1 2017 TO Rahu Bhk. 11 3 2018 TO Jup. Bhk. 11 3 2021 TO Sat. Bhk. 11 11 2023 TO Merc Bhk. 11 1 2027 TO Ketu Bhk. 11 11 2029 TO 8 8 2005 TO 14 12 2005 14 12 2005 TO 14 7 2006 14 7 2006 TO 11 12 2006 11 12 2006 TO 29 12 2007 29 12 2007 TO 5 12 2008

5 12 2008 TO 14 1 2010 14 1 2010 TO 11 1 2011

PRESS ENTER FOR NEXT VIEW KETU Dasa 11 1 2004 TO 11 1 2011 KETU Bhk. 11 1 2004 TO 8 8 2005 KETU Ant. 11 18 8 2004 VEN Ant. 20 9 9 2004 SUN Ant. 14 10 2004 MOON Ant. 21 11 2004 MARS Ant. 4 12 1 2005 RAHU Ant. 12 8 3 2005 JUP Ant. 4 14 5 2005 SAT Ant. 24 14 7 2005 MERC Ant. 17 8 8 2005 8 6 2004 VEN Bhk. 8 6 2004 TO VEN Ant. 8 6 2004 TO SUN Ant. 18 8 2004 TO MOON Ant. 9 9 2004 TO 14 MARS Ant. 14 10 2004 TO RAHU Ant. 9 11 2004 TO JUP Ant. 12 1 2005 TO SAT Ant. 8 3 2005 TO MERC Ant. 14 5 2005 TO KETU Ant. 14 7 2005 TO MOON Bhk. 14 12 2005 TO MOON Ant. 14 12 2005 TO MARS Ant. 1 1 2006 TO RAHU Ant. 14 1 2006 TO JUP Ant. 15 2 2006 TO SAT Ant. 13 3 2006 TO MERC Ant. 17 4 2006 TO 9

1 2004 TO 20 1 2004 1 2004 TO 14 2 2004 2 2004 TO 21 2 2004 2 2004 TO 4 3 2004

3 2004 TO 12 3 2004 3 2004 TO 4 4 2004

4 2004 TO 24 4 2004 4 2004 TO 17 5 2004 5 2004 TO 8 6 2004

SUN Bhk. 8 8 2005 TO 14 12 2005 14 7 2006 SUN Ant. 8 1 1 2006 MOON Ant. 14 14 1 2006 MARS Ant. 25 15 2 2006 RAHU Ant. 2 13 3 2006 JUP Ant. 21 17 4 2006 SAT Ant. 8 8 2005 TO 14 8 2005 8 2005 TO 25 8 2005 8 2005 TO 2 9 2005

9 2005 TO 21 9 2005 9 2005 TO 8 10 2005

10 2005 TO 28 10 2005

16 5 2006 MERC Ant. 28 10 2005 TO 16 11 2005 29 5 2006 KETU Ant. 16 11 2005 TO 23 11 2005 4 7 2006 VEN Ant. 23 11 2005 TO 14 12 2005 14 7 2006 KETU Dasa 11 1 2004 TO 11 1 2011 2005 RAHU Ant. 9 11 2004 TO 12 1 2005 8 3 2005 RAHU Soo. 9 19 1 2005 JUP Soo. 18 28 1 2005 SAT Soo. 26 6 2 2005 MERC Soo. 6 9 2 2005 KETU Soo. 15 18 2 2005 VEN Soo. 19 21 2 2005 SUN Soo. 29 26 2 2005 MOON Soo. 3 1 3 2005 MARS Soo. 8 8 3 2005 11 2004 TO 18 11 2004 11 2004 TO 26 11 2004 11 2004 TO 6 12 2004

KETU Ant. 16 5 2006 TO VEN Ant. 29 5 2006 TO SUN Ant. 4 7 2006 TO VEN Bhk. 8 6 2004 TO JUP Ant. 12 1 2005 TO JUP Soo. 12 1 2005 TO SAT Soo. 19 1 2005 TO MERC Soo. 28 1 2005 TO KETU Soo. 6 2 2005 TO VEN Soo. 9 2 2005 TO SUN Soo. 18 2 2005 TO MOON Soo. 21 2 2005 TO MARS Soo. 26 2 2005 TO RAHU Soo. 1 3 2005 TO MERC Ant. 14 5 2005 TO MERC Soo. 14 5 2005 TO KETU Soo. 22 5 2005 TO VEN Soo. 26 5 2005 TO SUN Soo. 6 6 2005 TO MOON Soo. 9 6 2005 TO MARS Soo. 14 6 2005 TO RAHU Soo. 17 6 2005 TO JUP Soo. 26 6 2005 TO SAT Soo. 4 7 2005 TO 8 8

12 2004 TO 15 12 2004 12 2004 TO 19 12 2004 12 2004 TO 29 12 2004 12 2004 TO 1 2005 TO 3 1 2005 8 1 2005

1 2005 TO 12 1 2005

SAT Ant. 8 3 2005 TO 14 5 2005 14 7 2005 SAT Soo. 8 22 5 2005 MERC Soo. 18 26 5 2005 KETU Soo. 27 6 6 2005 VEN Soo. 1 9 6 2005 SUN Soo. 12 14 6 2005 MOON Soo. 16 17 6 2005 MARS Soo. 21 26 6 2005 RAHU Soo. 25 4 7 2005 JUP Soo. 5 14 7 2005 3 2005 TO 18 3 2005 3 2005 TO 27 3 2005 3 2005 TO 1 4 2005

4 2005 TO 12 4 2005 4 2005 TO 16 4 2005 4 2005 TO 21 4 2005 4 2005 TO 25 4 2005 4 2005 TO 5 5 2005

5 2005 TO 14 5 2005 8 8 2005

KETU Ant. 14 7 2005 TO

KETU Soo. 14 7 2005 TO 15 7 2005 VEN Soo. 15 7 2005 TO 19 7 2005 SUN Soo. 19 7 2005 TO 20 7 2005


Soo. Soo. Soo. Soo. Soo. Soo.

20 22 24 27 31 5

7 7 7 7 7 8

2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005


22 24 27 31 5 8

7 7 7 7 8 8

2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005

RULING PLANETS Ascendent ,Moon any Time of the DAY For North Latitude and East longitude only TYPE WITH COMMA(,) between Deg,Min & date,month,year,hrs,min Latitude Longitude Deg,Min? 13,4 Deg,Min? 80,17(CHENNAI)

DATE Date,Month,Year? 23,11,2004 TIME I.S.T. DAY LORD IS ASC= MOON RAHU KETU 88 21 58 1 37 41 6 31 35 186 31 35 MARS MERC JUP VEN MERC RAHU MERC VEN Hrs.Min ? 21,12



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1648 From: Punit Pandey <punitp@...> Date: Sat Nov 27, 2004 1:00pm Subject: Re: consider the following hohary chart of x pandeypunit Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Lalu_75 ji, Why you have taken Venus Bhukti though it is not signifying marriage houses? Regards,

Punit Pandey On Fri, 26 Nov 2004 14:27:51 -0000, lalu_75 <lalu_75@...> wrote: > > dear pundit pandey sir, > I request for your valuable analysis on the result concluded and > advice me. > > thanking you > lalitha > > > > > > > > > Yahoo! Groups Sponsor > > ADVERTISEMENT > > > ________________________________ > Yahoo! Groups Links > > To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.

1649 From: rongaunt <rongaunt@...> Date: Sun Nov 28, 2004 6:08pm Subject: Re: KPBC2 wrap up rongaunt1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Anant, Please see comments ** ............ ** Ron Gaunt

On Thu, 25 Nov 2004 22:36:12 -0800, you wrote: >The frequency should be Fortnightly. ** As you were the only one who responded I will go by the majority and post fortnightly ** > The Blind chart should be to TIME the event. This will be more useful. The BLC2 could have asked WHEN DID THIS PERSON MARRY ?

** Point taken, I will include this type of question in the cases I select; but it will also depend on how I get questions from members. As I suspect your type of question would be harder for beginners, I will also continue to include alternative and 'what happened' type of questions. ** > >You should also post the letters of the Winners, so that other can learn from it. ** The problem here is that some members do not give reasons for their answer. However I will append the correct assessments to the answer in future. ** > >Since our postings are reflected, back, we are not sure that they have reached the group. ** I don't understand this. Surely if your postings are received back by you in your mailbox, they will have also been received by other members ** > >In case of Blind charts, you should withold such postings till date is over > > >rongaunt <rongaunt@...> wrote: > > >If there are no further comments or questions on KPBC2 I will >shortly be going on to the next Blind Chart. > >I would appreciate feed back from members regarding the desired >frequency of postings for these charts. I realise that >members will have other duties and may not have the time for too >frequent exercises. Any suggestions? Should we have them >once a fortnight, three weekly, monthly. etc? > > >Ron Gaunt > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > > > > > >----------------------------------------->A.R.Raichur bombay >anant_1608@... >raichuranant@... >USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY >tel: 022-2506 2609

>-----------------------------------------> > > > > > > > >-------------------------------->Do you Yahoo!? > Take Yahoo! Mail with you! Get it on your mobile phone.

1650 From: rongaunt <rongaunt@...> Date: Sun Nov 28, 2004 6:23pm Subject: KPBC3 rongaunt1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 We will stick with the native who got married on 2 Nov 1979 in KPBC2. His details again are: Male D.O.B. 20 Dec 1950 5:02am IST -5:30 10N46 76E42 Assume he comes to you his astrologer not long after his marriage. He tells you he is eager to start a family and he wants to know when he can expect to have his first child. He would like to know when this will be, and what will be the sex of the child. What do you tell him? If you think there are two or three possible times please put them in priority order. Ron Gaunt PS. In hindsight we now know that he did in fact have a child within a period of 3 years.

1651 From: rongaunt <rongaunt@...> Date: Sun Nov 28, 2004 6:29pm Subject: Re: KPBC3 rongaunt1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Sorry, I forgot to put in the deadline. Please post answers by 00:01 am GMT Fri 3rd Dec 04 after which the answer will be posted.

Ron Gaunt On Mon, 29 Nov 2004 10:23:55 +1000,I wrote: > >We will stick with the native who got married on 2 Nov 1979 >in KPBC2. > >His details again are: > >Male >D.O.B. 20 Dec 1950 >5:02am >IST -5:30 >10N46 >76E42 > >Assume he comes to you his astrologer not long after his >marriage. He tells you he is eager to start a family and >he wants to know when he can expect to have his first child. >He would like to know when this will be, and what will be the sex >of the child. What do you tell him? > >If you think there are two or three possible times please put >them in priority order. > >Ron Gaunt > >PS. In hindsight we now know that he did in fact have a child >within a period of 3 years. > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > >

1652 From: anant raichur <anant_1608@...> Date: Sun Nov 28, 2004 0:07am Subject: Re: KPBC2 wrap up anant_1608 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Thanks for reply. No comments at present. When you want questions on timing, I an supply many cases from my own family rec ords. These can be of Marriage, Birth of 1st child, 2nd child, good Luck

rongaunt <> wrote: Anant, Please see comments ** ............ ** Ron Gaunt

On Thu, 25 Nov 2004 22:36:12 -0800, you wrote: >The frequency should be Fortnightly. ** As you were the only one who responded I will go by the majority and post fortnightly ** > The Blind chart should be to TIME the event. This will be more useful. The BLC 2 could have asked WHEN DID THIS PERSON MARRY ? ** Point taken, I will include this type of question in the cases I select; but it will also depend on how I get questions from members. As I suspect your type of question would be harder for beginners, I will also continue to include alternative and 'what happened' type of questions. ** > >You should also post the letters of the Winners, so that other can learn from i t. ** The problem here is that some members do not give reasons for their answer. However I will append the correct assessments to the answer in future. ** > >Since our postings are reflected, back, we are not sure that they have reached the group. ** I don't understand this. Surely if your postings are received back by you in your mailbox, they will have also been received by other members ** > >In case of Blind charts, you should withold such postings till date is over > > >rongaunt wrote: > > >If there are no further comments or questions on KPBC2 I will >shortly be going on to the next Blind Chart. > >I would appreciate feed back from members regarding the desired >frequency of postings for these charts. I realise that >members will have other duties and may not have the time for too >frequent exercises. Any suggestions? Should we have them >once a fortnight, three weekly, monthly. etc? > > >Ron Gaunt

> > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > > > > > >----------------------------------------->A.R.Raichur bombay > > >USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY >tel: 022-2506 2609 >-----------------------------------------> > > > > > > > >-------------------------------->Do you Yahoo!? > Take Yahoo! Mail with you! Get it on your mobile phone.

------------------------ Yahoo! Groups Sponsor --------------------~--> $9.95 domain names from Yahoo!. Register anything. --------------------------------------------------------------------~-> Yahoo! Groups Links <*> To visit your group on the web, go to: <*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: <*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to:


A.R.Raichur bombay USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY tel: 022-2506 2609 -----------------------------------------__________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around

1653 From: "lalu_75" <lalu_75@...> Date: Sun Nov 28, 2004 0:32am Subject: Fwd: Re: consider the following hohary chart of x lalu_75 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 dear Punit Pandey & Yogesh Rao Lajmi sir, first of all I thank you for your valuable interest shown to analyse the chart. i have taken the consideration of the ruling planets of the day RULING PLANETS Ascendent ,Moon any Time of the DAY For North Latitude and East longitude only TYPE WITH COMMA(,) between Deg,Min & date,month,year,hrs,min Latitude Longitude Deg,Min? 13,4 Deg,Min? 80,17(CHENNAI)

DATE Date,Month,Year? 23,11,2004 TIME I.S.T. DAY LORD IS ASC= MOON RAHU KETU 88 21 58 1 37 41 6 31 35 186 31 35 MARS MERC JUP VEN MERC RAHU MERC VEN Hrs.Min ? 21,12


since in kp systems the sub lord takes the stronger preference and since the asc/moon is in ven sub i had taken venus sub and more over the ketu is in conj with venus. if it is not correct then which bukthi would be fruitful. awaiting for your valuable answer. thanking you lalitha --- In, Punit Pandey <punitp@g...> wrote: Lalu_75 ji, Why you have taken Venus Bhukti though it is not signifying marriage

houses? Regards, Punit Pandey On Fri, 26 Nov 2004 14:27:51 -0000, lalu_75 <lalu_75@y...> wrote: > > dear pundit pandey sir, > I request for your valuable analysis on the result concluded and > advice me. > > thanking you > lalitha > > > > > > > > > Yahoo! Groups Sponsor > > ADVERTISEMENT > > > ________________________________ > Yahoo! Groups Links > > To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. --- End forwarded message ---

1654 From: Punit Pandey <punitp@...> Date: Sun Nov 28, 2004 1:25am Subject: Re: KPBC2 wrap up pandeypunit Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Hello, Here I disagree with Mr. Raichur. KP is well known for timing events and it is very easy in KP. I personally like to see more "what happened" types of question i.e. finding events. We can also have chat sessions on the same topic ( once in a week or fortnight. Regards,

Punit Pandey On Sat, 27 Nov 2004 22:07:45 -0800 (PST), anant raichur <anant_1608@...> wrote: > > Thanks for reply. No comments at present. > When you want questions on timing, I an supply many cases from my own family > records. These can be of Marriage, Birth of 1st child, 2nd child, > good Luck > > > > > rongaunt <rongaunt@...> wrote: > > > Anant, > > Please see comments ** ............ ** > > Ron Gaunt > > > > On Thu, 25 Nov 2004 22:36:12 -0800, you wrote: > > >The frequency should be Fortnightly. > ** As you were the only one who responded I will go by the > majority and post fortnightly ** > > > The Blind chart should be to TIME the event. This will be more useful. The > BLC2 could have asked WHEN DID THIS PERSON MARRY ? > > ** Point taken, I will include this type of question in the cases > I select; but it will also depend on how I get questions > from members. As I suspect your type of question would > be harder for beginners, I will also continue to include > alternative and 'what happened' type of questions. ** > > > >You should also post the letters of the Winners, so that other can learn > from it. > > ** The problem here is that some members do not give reasons for > their answer. However I will append the correct > assessments to the answer in future. ** > > > >Since our postings are reflected, back, we are not sure that they have > reached the group. > > ** I don't understand this. Surely if your postings are > received back by you in your mailbox, they will have also > been received by other members ** > > > >In case of Blind charts, you should withold such postings till date is over > > > > > > > >rongaunt wrote:

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > >If there are no further comments or questions on KPBC2 I will >shortly be going on to the next Blind Chart. > >I would appreciate feed back from members regarding the desired >frequency of postings for these charts. I realise that >members will have other duties and may not have the time for too >frequent exercises. Any suggestions? Should we have them >once a fortnight, three weekly, monthly. etc? > > >Ron Gaunt > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > > > > > >----------------------------------------->A.R.Raichur bombay >anant_1608@... >raichuranant@... >USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY >tel: 022-2506 2609 >-----------------------------------------> > > > > > > > >-------------------------------->Do you Yahoo!? > Take Yahoo! Mail with you! Get it on your mobile phone.

Yahoo! Groups Links

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

-----------------------------------------A.R.Raichur bombay anant_1608@... raichuranant@... USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY tel: 022-2506 2609 -----------------------------------------__________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around Yahoo! Groups Sponsor Get unlimited calls to U.S./Canada ________________________________ Yahoo! Groups Links To visit your group on the web, go to: To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. ________________________________ Yahoo! Groups Links To visit your group on the web, go to: To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.

1655 From: Yogesh Date: Sun Nov 28, Subject: Reply to te... lyrastro1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo!

Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@...> 2004 2:27am query of Mr.M.M.Pandit,posted by Shri Punit Pandey on group si


Dear Members, Am pleased attach the Birth-Chart of our Jagatguru, S ri Sri Jayendra Saraswatiji, as per details,very kindly provided by Shri M.M.Pan dit,via Shri Punit Pandey,on the group site... I am looking forward to the erudite and learned comment s/suggestions/corrections of all members very keenly please... With regards, Yours sincerely, lyrastro1 GOOD LUCK ! Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online.

1656 From: Yogesh Date: Sun Nov 28, Subject: Reply to Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! Dear Members,

Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@...> 2004 2:37am query by Shri Punit ... lyrastro1 360

I am sending alongwith the Birth-Chart of the Shankarachar ya,as per birth-details provided by Shri M.M.Pandit, via Shri Punitji,who poste d it on the group site... I am also keenly looking forward to the erudite and learne d K.P.Astrologers' to comments/suggestions etc., on this analysis... Yours sincerely, lyrastro1 GOOD LUCK ! Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online. M A N G E S H M A H A L A X M I P R A S S A N N A L.Y.RAO 132 MINA Shivaji Park Rd.2 Mumbai 400 028 TEL: 2445 7401:3091 5319 email: lyr@...:lyastro1@... BIRTH DETAILS OF Sri Sri Shankaracharya ji as per time and place given by Shri Punit Pandey... REF NO Shankaracharya bc







: 10 Deg. 42 Min. N : 79 Deg. 26 Min. E : Capricorn-Makara : Sat : Aquarius-Kumbha : Sat : Dhani 4 - Pada : Mar : K. 3 : 14 H. 29 M. 26 S. : 22 D. 52 M. 1 S.




: CHAITRA : 3-8-13 : GURUVAR : ARIDRA : 3rD : 11th

: CANCER (Sayana) Cast By L.Y.RAO ON 27-11-2004


Programme by RAICHUR 8/147 GARODIANAGAR BOMBAY-77 PAGE ENDS M A N G E S H M A H A L A X M I P R A S S A N N A L.Y.RAO 132 MINA Shivaji Park Rd.2 Mumbai 400 028 TEL: 2445 7401:3091 5319 email: lyr@...:lyastro1@... BIRTH DETAILS OF Sri Sri Shankaracharya ji TRADITIONAL RASI CHART -PLANETS WITH + ARE RETROGRADE NAKSHATRA: Dhani PADA - 4 DASA BAL. Mars 1 Y. 21 Days ENDS ON 7 8 1936

|---------------------------------------------------------------| | |URAN | |MERC KETU | | | | | | | | | | | |---------------------------------------------------------------| |MOON +SAT | |SUN. PLUT | | | | | | | | | |---------------| |---------------| |ASC....... | |VEN. NEPT FOR. | | | | | | | | | |---------------------------------------------------------------|

|RAHU | |MARS JUP. | | | | | | | | | | | | |---------------------------------------------------------------|

TRADITIONAL NAVAMSA CHART |---------------------------------------------------------------| |ASC.......+SAT |JUP. | |KETU | | | | | | | | | | | |---------------------------------------------------------------| | | |SUN. URAN FOR. | | | |PLUT | | | | | |---------------| |---------------| |MERC | |VEN. | | | | | | | | | |---------------------------------------------------------------| |RAHU |MOON |MARS |NEPT | | | | | | | | | | | |---------------------------------------------------------------| Cast By L.Y.RAO ON 27-11-2004 Programme by RAICHUR 8/147 GARODIANAGAR BOMBAY-77 PAGE ENDS ASTROLOGER:L.Y.RAO Tel:2445 7401:3091 5319 DASAS TO BE ENJOYED BY Sri Sri Shankaracharya ji VIMSOTTARI DASAS --- BHUKTIES Mar DASA 08 08 1929 -> 08 08 1936 |Rah |Rah |Jup |Sat |Mer |Ket |Ven Ven Bhk. 18 07 1935 -> 02 09 1935 |Sun Sun Bhk. 02 09 1935 -> 08 01 1936 |Moo Moo Bhk. 08 01 1936 -> 08 08 1936 |Mar Jup Jup Sat Mer Ket Ven Sun Moo Mar Rah DASA Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. 08 08 26 08 14 20 20 08 08 14 08 08 09 04 07 06 02 12 04 03 1954 1954 1956 1959 1961 1962 1965 1965 1967 1968 -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> 08 26 08 14 20 20 08 08 14 08 08 09 04 07 06 02 12 04 03 08 1970 1956 1959 1961 1962 1965 1965 1967 1968 1970 |Sat |Sat |Mer |Ket |Ven |Sun |Moo |Mar |Rah |Jup DASA Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. DASA Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. 08 08 20 14 20 08 26 26 20 20 08 08 11 20 29 29 11 11 20 26 08 08 04 09 07 02 02 02 01 07 08 08 08 04 05 07 07 02 03 01 1936 1936 1939 1941 1944 1947 1948 1951 1952 1953 1970 1970 1973 1976 1977 1980 1981 1983 1984 1987 -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> 08 20 14 20 08 26 26 20 20 08 08 11 20 29 29 11 11 20 26 08 08 04 09 07 02 02 02 01 07 08 08 08 04 05 07 07 02 03 01 08 1954 1939 1941 1944 1947 1948 1951 1952 1953 1954 1989 1973 1976 1977 1980 1981 1983 1984 1987 1989

Mer DASA 08 08 1989 -> 08 08 2006 |Ket DASA 08 08 2006 -> 08 08 2013

Mer Ket Ven Sun Moo Mar Rah Jup Sat Ven Ven Sun Moo Mar Rah Jup Sat Mer Ket Moo Moo Mar Rah Jup Sat Mer Ket Ven Sun

Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. DASA Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. DASA Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk.

08 05 02 02 08 08 05 23 29 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08

08 01 01 11 09 02 02 08 11 08 08 12 12 08 10 10 06 08 06 08 08 06 01 07 11 06 11 06 02

1989 1992 1993 1995 1996 1998 1999 2001 2003 2013 2013 2016 2017 2019 2020 2023 2026 2029 2032 2039 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2045 2046 2047 2049

-> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> ->

05 02 02 08 08 05 23 29 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08

01 01 11 09 02 02 08 11 08 08 12 12 08 10 10 06 08 06 08 08 06 01 07 11 06 11 06 02 08

1992 1993 1995 1996 1998 1999 2001 2003 2006 2033 2016 2017 2019 2020 2023 2026 2029 2032 2033 2049 2040 2041 2042 2043 2045 2046 2047 2049 2049

|Ket |Ven |Sun |Moo |Mar |Rah |Jup |Sat |Mer |Sun |Sun |Moo |Mar |Rah |Jup |Sat |Mer |Ket |Ven | | | | | | | | | |

Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. DASA Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk.

08 05 05 11 11 08 26 02 11 08 08 26 26 02 26 14 26 02 08

08 01 03 07 02 07 07 07 08 08 08 11 05 10 08 06 05 04 08

2006 2007 2008 2008 2009 2009 2010 2011 2012 2033 2033 2033 2034 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2038

-> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> ->

05 05 11 11 08 26 02 11 08 08 26 26 02 26 14 26 02 08 08

01 03 07 02 07 07 07 08 08 08 11 05 10 08 06 05 04 08 08

2007 2008 2008 2009 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2039 2033 2034 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2038 2039

ASTROLOGER: L.Y.RAO DASA TO BE ENJOYED BY Sri Sri Shankaracharya ji MER Dasa 8 8 1989 TO 8 8 2006 MER MER KET VEN SUN MOO MAR RAH JUP SAT VEN VEN SUN MOO MAR RAH JUP SAT MER KET MOO MOO MAR RAH JUP SAT MER KET VEN SUN RAH RAH JUP SAT MER KET VEN SUN MOO MAR SAT SAT MER KET VEN SUN MOO MAR RAH JUP Bhk. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Bhk. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Bhk. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Bhk. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Bhk. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. 8 8 11 1 26 9 21 12 22 18 2 2 22 13 8 8 11 27 8 3 8 8 21 20 7 15 6 18 18 13 5 5 23 25 20 30 24 27 13 29 29 29 2 20 16 28 16 7 4 29 8 8 12 2 6 8 10 12 4 8 1 1 6 8 11 1 6 10 4 9 9 9 10 11 2 4 7 9 10 1 2 2 6 10 3 7 9 2 4 6 11 11 5 9 11 4 6 9 11 3 1989 1989 1989 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1991 1991 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1994 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 1996 1996 1996 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1998 1999 1999 1999 1999 2000 2000 2000 2001 2001 2001 2003 2003 2004 2004 2004 2005 2005 2005 2005 2006 TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO 5 11 1 26 9 21 12 22 18 5 2 22 13 8 8 11 27 8 3 2 8 21 20 7 15 6 18 18 13 8 23 23 25 20 30 24 27 13 29 23 8 2 20 16 28 16 7 4 29 8 1 12 2 6 8 10 12 4 8 1 11 6 8 11 1 6 10 4 9 11 2 10 11 2 4 7 9 10 1 2 8 6 10 3 7 9 2 4 6 8 8 5 9 11 4 6 9 11 3 8 1992 1989 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1991 1991 1992 1995 1993 1993 1993 1994 1994 1994 1995 1995 1995 1998 1996 1996 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1998 1998 2001 1999 1999 2000 2000 2000 2001 2001 2001 2001 2006 2004 2004 2004 2005 2005 2005 2005 2006 2006 |KET |KET |VEN |SUN |MOO |MAR |RAH |JUP |SAT |MER |SUN |SUN |MOO |MAR |RAH |JUP |SAT |MER |KET |VEN |MAR |MAR |RAH |JUP |SAT |MER |KET |VEN |SUN |MOO |JUP |JUP |SAT |MER |KET |VEN |SUN |MOO |MAR |RAH Bhk. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Bhk. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Bhk. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Bhk. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. 5 5 26 25 13 13 4 27 15 11 2 2 17 13 31 17 27 16 29 17 8 8 1 22 10 7 27 18 17 5 23 23 12 21 17 4 20 1 9 27 1 1 1 3 4 5 6 7 9 11 11 11 11 12 12 2 3 5 6 7 2 2 3 4 6 8 9 10 12 1 8 8 12 4 8 10 2 4 6 7 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1999 2001 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 2003 2003 2003 2003 TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO 2 26 25 13 13 4 27 15 11 2 8 17 13 31 17 27 16 29 17 8 5 1 22 10 7 27 18 17 5 5 29 12 21 17 4 20 1 9 27 29 1 1 3 4 5 6 7 9 11 1 9 11 12 12 2 3 5 6 7 9 2 3 4 6 8 9 10 12 1 2 11 12 4 8 10 2 4 6 7 11 1993 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1993 1996 1995 1995 1995 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1999 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1999 1999 2003 2001 2002 2002 2002 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003

M A N G E S H M A H A L A X M I P R A S S A N N A L.Y.RAO 132 MINA Shivaji Park Rd.2 Mumbai 400 028 TEL: 2445 7401:3091 5319 email: lyr@...:lyastro1@... BIRTH DETAILS OF Sri Sri Shankaracharya ji W E S T E R N A S P E C T S





ORBS Conj,opp =8.Sq. Trine 6,SEXT 6,Semis 2, Rest 2 deg. Programme by RAICHUR 8/147 GARODIANAGAR BOMBAY-77 ASTROLOGER:L.Y.RAO:Tel:2445 7401:3091 5319 ----------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |III 15 22 8| | |VI 11 2 23| | |Uran 12 24 11|V 14 51 24|Merc 12 8 19| | |IV 16 53 50| |Ketu 28 51 56|

| | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------| | NAME:Sri Sri Shankaracharya j | | | | THURSDAY 18 7 1935 | | |Sat -R 16 44 58| Time 19 0 0 | | |II 11 21 13| |Sun 2 7 10| |Moon 4 39 3| SID.TIME 14 h. 29 m. 26 s. |Plut 2 36 4| | | |VII 8 22 16| | | NAKS:Dhani-PADA 4 | | | | | | :---------------| PLACE:TAMIL NADU INDIA |---------------| | | | | | | LAT 10 deg 42 min N | | | | |For 10 54 8| |Asc. 8 22 16| Long 79 deg 26 min E |VIII 11 21 13| | | |Ven 16 5 13| | | Ayan 22 d. 52 m. 1 s. |Nept 19 43 11| | | | | | |CAST BY:L.Y.RAO | | ----------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | | | | | |Rahu 28 51 56| |Jup 20 37 12| | |XII 11 2 23|X1 14 51 24|X 16 53 50| | | | |Mars 1 19 15|IX 15 22 8| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------DASA BAL. Mars 1 Y. 21 Days ENDS ON 7 8 1936 BHK. Bal. Ven. 0 Y. 45 Days: ANT. Bal. Merc 20 Days: SOOK Bal. Rahu 3 Days CUSP ASC 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th PAGE ENDS ASTROLOGER:L.Y.RAO:Tel:2445 7401:3091 5319 BIRTH DETAILS OF Sri Sri Shankaracharya ji SIGNIFICATORS OF HOUSES SIGNIFICATORS ARE SHOWN IN THE FOLLOWING ORDER OF IMPORTANCE A-Planets in Star of Occupants of House: B-Planets in House C-Planets in stars of House Lord: D-House Lord: E= Planets Aspected by A,B,C,D Trad aspects BY SIGN : F=Sub Lord HOUSE A B C D E F ---------------------------------------------------------------------Sgl Sat Sat Jup Mar Ven Mer Moo Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Stl Sun Rah Sat Ven Moo Rah Sat Ket Moo Rah Sat Ket Sbl Ven Sat Jup Moo Jup Sat Ven Sat Jup Ven Rah Sat Ssl Moo Ven Sat Mer Ven Mer Ven Jup Mar Sat Mar Rah :PLANET :SUN. :MOON :MARS :MERC :JUP. :VEN. :SAT.-R :RAHU :KETU :URAN :NEPT :FOR. :PLUT Sgl Moo Sat Ven Mer Ven Sun Sat Jup Mer Mar Sun Sun Moo Stl Jup Mar Mar Rah Jup Ven Rah Sun Jup Ket Ven Ket Jup Sbl Rah Ven Mer Sat Jup Sun Ven Mar Sun Mer Rah Sat Rah SsL SIGNIFICATORS Sat Mer Rah Rah Mer Ket Sat Mer Moo Mar Ven Rah Ket

ASC | |MOO: | |Sat|MO:VE:SA: |Ven | | | | | | 2nd | |SAT: | |Sat|MO:VE: |Sat | | | | | | 3rd | |URA: |SUN:JUP:KET|Jup|MO:MA:ME:SA|Jup | | |PLU: | |KE:RA: | 4th | | |MOO:MAR: |Mar|JU:VE:SA: |Moo | | | | | | 5th | | |VEN:NEP: |Ven|MO:SA: |Jup | | | | | | 6th |RAH:URA:FOR: |SUN:MER:KET:PLU| |Mer|RA:KE:ME: |Sat | | | | | | 7th | | | |Moo|VE:SA: |Ven | | | | | | 8th |VEN:NEP: |VEN:NEP:FOR: |RAH: |Sun|ME:KE:MO:SA|Sat | | | | | | 9th |MOO:MAR: |MAR: | |Mer|RA:KE:JU:VE|Jup | | | | |SA: | 10th |SUN:JUP:KET:PLU|JUP: |VEN:NEP: |Ven|MO:SA:MA:ME|Ven | | | | |KE:RA: | 11th | | |MOO:MAR: |Mar|JU:VE:SA: |Rah | | | | | | 12th |MER:SAT: |RAH: |SUN:JUP:KET|Jup|MO:MA:ME:SA|Sat | | |PLU: | |KE:RA:VE: | ---------------------------------------------------------------------PLANET House Numbers Signified: SUN. MOON MARS MERC JUP. VEN. SAT. RAHU KETU URAN NEPT FOR. PLUT Aspecting Planets 4, 9, 7,10, 2, 6, 8,12,

A-10,B-06,C-03,C-12,D-08, :FA-09,B-As,C-04,C-11,D-07, :JU:VE:SA:FA-09,B-09,C-04,C-11,D-04,D-11,:JU:FA-12,B-06,D-06,D-09, :JU:RA:KE:FA-10,B-10,C-03,C-12,D-03,D-12,:MA:F- 3, 5, A-08,B-08,C-05,C-10,D-05,D-10,:MO:SA:F- 1, A-12,B-02,D-As,D-02, :MO:JU:VE:FA-06,B-12,C-08, :ME:KE:F-11, A-10,B-06,C-03,C-12, :ME:JU:RA:FA-06,B-03, :MA:JU:SA:FA-08,B-08,C-05,C-10, :MO:VE:SA:FA-06,B-08, :MO:VE:SA:FA-10,B-06,C-03,C-12, :SU:F-

RAHU will ACT as AGENT for Jup,Sun also KETU will ACT as AGENT for Mer,Jup also SUN. Planets EXALTED or in OWN house Strongly signify the house owned These are : MERC:OWN SAT.:OWN PAGE END ANALYSIS : 1) Present dasa running is Merc Dasa,Sat Bhukti,Venus anthara,Venus sookshma from 16-11-2004 and will run upto 13-12-2004... 2) As per K.P.,imprisonment is seen if the s/l of XII the signifies II,III,VIII and XII... 3) In this case : a) The Dasa,bhukti,anthara and sookshma lords are significators of : Merc - VI XII & IX

Sat - I,II & XII VEN - V,VIII & XII... b) Also the Sat is the sublord of XII,VIII,VI & II. ! ! 4) This,Mr. Punit Pandey,perhaps explains the Shankaracharya's per K.P. ! 5) He was arrested on an amavasya day...when Moon the lord of IV & XI was combust by Sun significator of VI,VIII & XII.(Deepavali day is an Amavasya day)...

1657 From: "Baba Rajesh" <babarajesh@...> Date: Sun Nov 28, 2004 4:31am Subject: Can Anyone help me out???? babarajesh Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Respected Astro Gurus/Group Members, Namaskar. Today while surfing the net just i came across this yahoo group. And i got an idea to clearify my astrological problems.If u have any Consultation fee for it, Please avoid the mail. Because today i am not in a position to pay you. Here i enclosed my birth details My Details: Name: Baba Rajesh Kumar Sahu Sex: Male Date of Birth: 8th oct 1971 Time: 10.28AM Place of birth : RAYAGADA,ORISSA, INDIA. 19n10, 83e25 Some important years of my life. Passes MCA 1996 Death of my Father 1996 Sept 25 Started job at AHMEDABAD 1997 - 2001 Presently AT Hyderabad 2002 - till date Since jan 2001 i am facing a lot of problems. I suffered from gujarat earth quake. A Big set back in my life. I am a software Professional. I lost my job,Property and my deposits in bank( i.e MMCB Scam). I came to Zero. I came back to Hyderabad and started searching a job. I didnt get a job...mean while i have gone through a course. Then started hunting for a biz. Came across some person and lost @ 10 lakhs... Now i doesnt have a job or biz. I am on Roads. I am not getting atleast a call letter. I am struggling for my survivable. Very Odd things. Didnt able to stay at a single place. My Questions: When Can i able to get a job? i.e. start earning.(Job/Biz)

Which Place will suit me for job or biz? Chances of going aborad if yes when? Can I able to get back my money which i investested in biz? Chances of Marriage??? If you want any more details feel free. Regards, Baba Rajesh

1658 From: rongaunt <rongaunt@...> Date: Mon Nov 29, 2004 10:51pm Subject: Re: Shankarachaha (wasReply to query by Shri Punit ...) rongaunt1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Yogesh & anyone interested, I Know nothing of the politics or the circumstances surrounding the detention of Shankaracharya but there has been sufficient comments to rouse my curiosity. So I decided to have a look at his chart. The first thing I note is that he has a critical configuration of Sun Pluto on the nodal axis in the 6th house. Sun Pluto principle is 'The striving for power, the craving for rulership'. 'martyrs to their own ideas' (Ebertin). Whether this will manifest positively or negatively depends on situation and condition. Here we see a negative situation on the nodal axis across the 6th and 12th house. Looking at it from a KP point of view this is also very negative as Ketu is in the star of 12th house Lord Jupiter, with Lord of the 8th Sun as sub. Both Sun and Pluto, the other two partners in this triple conjunction are in the star of Jupiter and sub of Rahu - again emphasizing 12th house. This might have spiritual connotations, but Pluto's involvement suggest a rather worldly struggle for power. Another natal critical configuration is Saturn exact opposition to Venus and close opposition to Neptune. Here again we see 12th house emphasis with Saturn in the Star of Rahu (which is the de facto ruler of the 12th house), and in the sub of Venus. Natal Venus is in its own star and in 8th house Lord sub Sun. Neptune is in Venus star and Rahu sub. SOLAR ECLIPSE Looking at the last S.E. (before detention) on 14th Oct 04 we see the eclipse point conjunct natal Mars and squaring the critical triple natal conjunction of Sun Pluto and Ketu. At the same time SE Saturn comes exact conjunction with SE Sun and Pluto (and conjunction Ketu), and SE Saturn was exactly conjunct

SE MC. As natal Sun and Pluto and SE Saturn and MC are all in Jupiter Star, Rahu Sub, this specifically points to a negative 6th and 12th house event. SE Venus exactly conjuncts natal Neptune in its own star and Rahu sub from the 8th house, again pinpointing negative 12th house effects. SE Rahu and SE Ketu exactly aspect the 12th and 6th rasi lagna again bringing to prominence the 12th and 6th houses. Here we see tremendous negative influence on the 12th house with Saturn as the catalyst. ie The SE suggests a very negative 12th house event for Shankaracharya before the next SE on 8th April 2005. TRANSITS I understand that Shankaracharya was apprehended on the 11th Nov 2004. On this date transit Ketu came close square to natal Ascendant. Transit Ketu was in Rahu Star and Rahu sub pinpointing a 12th house event with negative indications. Transit Mars was in close conjunction with transit Ketu. Transit Saturn was still in close conjunction to natal Sun and Pluto, but had moved to Saturn star and Saturn sub. As natal Saturn is in the star of Rahu, this continues to emphasize the 12th house. I do not know what time he was arrested but I suspect it was at around 10:01 pm as transit Ascendant had moved into star of Jupiter (12th house) and sub of Sun (8th house). Dasas The dasas for the Solar Eclipse were Me/Sa/Ke/Ra and for the day of arrest Me/Sa/Ke/Me. Imprisonment is signified by the sub lord of the 12th related to 2nd, 3rd, 8th and 12th houses. The 12th house cusp is in the star of Ketu and sub of Saturn. Here we see that Saturn is the Buhkti and Ketu the anthara Lord. Sookshma Lord Mercury is in Rahu Star Saturn Sub. Saturn is : Lord of the 2nd house: is related to the 3rd house because Jupiter is Lord but is superseded by Rahu, and Saturn is in Rahu's star: is related to 8th house - again by Saturn being in Rahu's star: is significator for 12th and again related through Jupiter and Rahu. So all the conditions for imprisonment are met. As Yogesh has pointed out Saturn in the natal chart is in the sub of all the relevant house cusps ie 2,6,8, and 12. Moreover Rahu is the star of the 2nd and 6th houses and Ketu is in the star of 8th and 12th. So we see the nodes being very prominent in this event. What are Shankaracharys's prospects of an early release? I suspect he has little chance of this. The earliest might be after Mid June 2005 when he goes into Moon anthara. But even then his path doesn't look very smooth. Ron Gaunt

On Sun, 28 Nov 2004 08:37:53 +0000, you wrote: >Dear Members, > I am sending alongwith the Birth-Chart of the Shankaracharya,as per birth-details provided by Shri M.M.Pandit, via Shri Punitji,who posted it on the group site... > I am also keenly looking forward to the erudite and learned K.P.Astrologers' to comments/suggestions etc., on this analysis... > Yours sincerely, > lyrastro1 > GOOD LUCK ! > >Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline.

1659 From: "amitpuri20" <amitpuri20@...> Date: Sun Nov 28, 2004 10:09pm Subject: i need help amitpuri20 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 i met with an accident two year back in 31 march 2002 and till date i m in trouble and not able to walk proper and operated three times and more over my father expired last year in june 2003., i need to know what time i will be ok and will i be able to walk proper and is there any chance of govt job in this chart and what should i do to remove evil effect in my chart my details are 20-03-1973 time 4.12am, chandigarh

1660 From: dilip ranade <dilipdsr@...> Date: Mon Nov 29, 2004 1:02am Subject: Re: KPBC3 dilipdsr Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 29-Nov-04

Dear Friends, 1. KPBC3 has been cast with help of Astro kundali software for the details as given by Ron. 2. The indl probably had a son by 25/05/1981.During the DBA of Mon-Ven-Rah-Jup. 3. The 5th sub L is Jup and it is sig of (priority wise)4,3,5,2 houses .It is in Rah star which also represents Jup.Rah being placed in the 4th house,ie,12th to 5th shows a strong negation to the event.This might have been an abnormal birth/event for the parents.Rah being in Mon sub the overall result is good. 4. The lords of DBA are also the sig of the reqd houses. With warm regards Ranade --- rongaunt <rongaunt@...> wrote: --------------------------------Sorry, I forgot to put in the deadline. Please post answers by 00:01 am GMT Fri 3rd Dec 04 after which the answer will be posted. Ron Gaunt On Mon, 29 Nov 2004 10:23:55 +1000,I wrote: > >We will stick with the native who got married on 2 Nov 1979 >in KPBC2. > >His details again are: > >Male >D.O.B. 20 Dec 1950 >5:02am >IST -5:30 >10N46 >76E42 > >Assume he comes to you his astrologer not long after his >marriage. He tells you he is eager to start a family and >he wants to know when he can expect to have his first child. >He would like to know when this will be, and what will be the sex

>of the child. What do you tell him? > >If you think there are two or three possible times please put >them in priority order. > >Ron Gaunt > >PS. In hindsight we now know that he did in fact have a child >within a period of 3 years. > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > > Yahoo! Groups Sponsor Get unlimited calls to U.S./Canada --------------------------------Yahoo! Groups Links To visit your group on the web, go to: To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. ________________________________________________________________________ Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online Go to:

1661 From: "Kanakkumar Bosmia" <kanbosastro@...> Date: Mon Nov 29, 2004 1:54am Subject: RE: Reply to query by Shri Punit ... kanbosastro Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Sri Yogesh ji,

i want to add this......... " if the sub lord of the cusp 12th signifies 2,3,8,and 12 and RAHU ALSO WELL CON NECTED to the sub lord, imprisonment is indicated." in sankracharyaji's chart 12th sub is SAT and SAT is in the star of RAHU. BAIL: 4th cusp sub signifies 2,4.11 one can gat Bail. in sankracharyaji's chart 4th cusp sub is MOON an she signifies 4,11 but moon is with SAT so PUNARPHOO DOSHA seen so delay in Bail. WHEN: sigificator of 2,4,11 are MOON,MAR & SAT Buy atpresant Runing DASA is MER.anr M ER is not in significator so in my opinion no chances for bail till MER dasa end . regards

kanak bosmia >From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi <> >Reply-To: >To: All Members <> >Subject: [k_p_system] Reply to query by Shri Punit ... >Date: Sun, 28 Nov 2004 08:37:53 +0000 (GMT) > >Dear Members, > I am sending alongwith the Birth-Chart of the Shankarach arya,as per birth-details provided by Shri M.M.Pandit, via Shri Punitji,who pos ted it on the group site... > I am also keenly looking forward to the erudite and lear ned K.P.Astrologers' to comments/suggestions etc., on this analysis... > Yours sincerely, > lyrastro1 > GOOD LUCK ! > >Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline. > M A N G E S H M A H A L A X M I P R A S S A N N A > L.Y.RAO 132 MINA Shivaji Park Rd.2 Mumbai 400 028 > > TEL: 2445 7401:3091 5319 > email: > > BIRTH DETAILS OF Sri Sri Shankaracharya ji > as per time and place given by Shri Punit Pandey... > > > REF NO Shankaracharya bc > > > > DETAILS OF BIRTH CHART > > DATE : 18 7 1935 OTHER USEFUL INFORMATIO N

> > DAY : THURSDAY RASI : KUMBHA > > TIME : 19 H. 0 M. 0 S. STAR : Dhani > > PLACE : TAMIL NADU; > CHARANA : FOURTH > > COUNTRY :INDIA NADI : ANTYA > > YONI : GAJA > > LAT. : 10 Deg. 42 Min. N GANA : DEVA > > LONG. : 79 Deg. 26 Min. E VARNA : SHUDRA > > LAGNA. : Capricorn-Makara TATWA : VAYU > > LORD : Sat VASHYA : MANAVA > > RASI : Aquarius-Kumbha > > LORD : Sat GHATACHAKRA [MALEFICS ] > > NAKSHATRA : Dhani 4 - Pada MONTH : CHAITRA > > NAK.LORD : Mar TITHI : 3-8-13 > > TITHI : K. 3 DAY : GURUVAR > > SID.TIME : 14 H. 29 M. 26 S. STAR : ARIDRA > > AYANAMSA : 22 D. 52 M. 1 S. > PRAHARA : 3rD > > SUN SIGN : CANCER (Sayana) CHANDRA : 11th > > Cast By L.Y.RAO ON 27-11-2004 > > Programme by RAICHUR 8/147 GARODIANAGAR BOMBAY-77 >PAGE ENDS > > > M A N G E S H M A H A L A X M I P R A S S A N N A > L.Y.RAO 132 MINA Shivaji Park Rd.2 Mumbai 400 028 > > TEL: 2445 7401:3091 5319 > email: > > BIRTH DETAILS OF Sri Sri Shankaracharya ji > TRADITIONAL RASI CHART -PLANETS WITH + ARE RETROGRADE > > NAKSHATRA: Dhani PADA - 4 > DASA BAL. Mars 1 Y. 21 Days ENDS ON 7 8 1936 > > |---------------------------------------------------------------| > | |URAN | |MERC KETU | > | | | | | > | | | | |

> |---------------------------------------------------------------| > |MOON +SAT | |SUN. PLUT | > | | | | > | | | | > |---------------| |---------------| > |ASC....... | |VEN. NEPT FOR. | > | | | | > | | | | > |---------------------------------------------------------------| > |RAHU | |MARS JUP. | | > | | | | | > | | | | | > |---------------------------------------------------------------| > > > > TRADITIONAL NAVAMSA CHART > > |---------------------------------------------------------------| > |ASC.......+SAT |JUP. | |KETU | > | | | | | > | | | | | > |---------------------------------------------------------------| > | | |SUN. URAN FOR. | > | | |PLUT | > | | | | > |---------------| |---------------| > |MERC | |VEN. | > | | | | > | | | | > |---------------------------------------------------------------| > |RAHU |MOON |MARS |NEPT | > | | | | | > | | | | | > |---------------------------------------------------------------| > > Cast By L.Y.RAO ON 27-11-2004 > Programme by RAICHUR 8/147 GARODIANAGAR BOMBAY-77 >PAGE ENDS > > ASTROLOGER:L.Y.RAO Tel:2445 7401:3091 5319 > > DASAS TO BE ENJOYED BY Sri Sri Shankaracharya ji > > VIMSOTTARI DASAS --- BHUKTIES > > Mar DASA 08 08 1929 -> 08 08 1936 |Rah DASA 08 08 1936 -> 08 08 1954 > > > > > > |Rah Bhk. 08 08 1936 -> 20 04 1939 |Jup Bhk. 20 04 1939 -> 14 09 1941 |Sat Bhk. 14 09 1941 -> 20 07 1944 |Mer Bhk. 20 07 1944 -> 08 02 1947 |Ket Bhk. 08 02 1947 -> 26 02 1948 |Ven Bhk. 26 02 1948 -> 26 02 1951

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

Ven Bhk. 18 07 1935 -> 02 09 1935 |Sun Bhk. 26 02 1951 -> 20 01 1952 Sun Bhk. 02 09 1935 -> 08 01 1936 |Moo Bhk. 20 01 1952 -> 20 07 1953 Moo Bhk. 08 01 1936 -> 08 08 1936 |Mar Bhk. 20 07 1953 -> 08 08 1954 Jup DASA 08 08 1954 -> 08 08 1970 |Sat DASA 08 08 1970 -> 08 08 1989 Jup Bhk. 08 08 1954 -> 26 09 1956 |Sat Bhk. 08 08 1970 -> 11 08 1973 Sat Bhk. 26 09 1956 -> 08 04 1959 |Mer Bhk. 11 08 1973 -> 20 04 1976 Mer Bhk. 08 04 1959 -> 14 07 1961 |Ket Bhk. 20 04 1976 -> 29 05 1977 Ket Bhk. 14 07 1961 -> 20 06 1962 |Ven Bhk. 29 05 1977 -> 29 07 1980 Ven Bhk. 20 06 1962 -> 20 02 1965 |Sun Bhk. 29 07 1980 -> 11 07 1981 Sun Bhk. 20 02 1965 -> 08 12 1965 |Moo Bhk. 11 07 1981 -> 11 02 1983 Moo Bhk. 08 12 1965 -> 08 04 1967 |Mar Bhk. 11 02 1983 -> 20 03 1984 Mar Bhk. 08 04 1967 -> 14 03 1968 |Rah Bhk. 20 03 1984 -> 26 01 1987 Rah Bhk. 14 03 1968 -> 08 08 1970 |Jup Bhk. 26 01 1987 -> 08 08 1989 Mer DASA 08 08 1989 -> 08 08 2006 |Ket DASA 08 08 2006 -> 08 08 2013 Mer Bhk. 08 08 1989 -> 05 01 1992 |Ket Bhk. 08 08 2006 -> 05 01 2007 Ket Bhk. 05 01 1992 -> 02 01 1993 |Ven Bhk. 05 01 2007 -> 05 03 2008 Ven Bhk. 02 01 1993 -> 02 11 1995 |Sun Bhk. 05 03 2008 -> 11 07 2008 Sun Bhk. 02 11 1995 -> 08 09 1996 |Moo Bhk. 11 07 2008 -> 11 02 2009 Moo Bhk. 08 09 1996 -> 08 02 1998 |Mar Bhk. 11 02 2009 -> 08 07 2009 Mar Bhk. 08 02 1998 -> 05 02 1999 |Rah Bhk. 08 07 2009 -> 26 07 2010 Rah Bhk. 05 02 1999 -> 23 08 2001 |Jup Bhk. 26 07 2010 -> 02 07 2011 Jup Bhk. 23 08 2001 -> 29 11 2003 |Sat Bhk. 02 07 2011 -> 11 08 2012 Sat Bhk. 29 11 2003 -> 08 08 2006 |Mer Bhk. 11 08 2012 -> 08 08 2013 Ven DASA 08 08 2013 -> 08 08 2033 |Sun DASA 08 08 2033 -> 08 08 2039 Ven Bhk. 08 08 2013 -> 08 12 2016 |Sun Bhk. 08 08 2033 -> 26 11 2033 Sun Bhk. 08 12 2016 -> 08 12 2017 |Moo Bhk. 26 11 2033 -> 26 05 2034 Moo Bhk. 08 12 2017 -> 08 08 2019 |Mar Bhk. 26 05 2034 -> 02 10 2034 Mar Bhk. 08 08 2019 -> 08 10 2020 |Rah Bhk. 02 10 2034 -> 26 08 2035 Rah Bhk. 08 10 2020 -> 08 10 2023 |Jup Bhk. 26 08 2035 -> 14 06 2036

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

Jup Bhk. 08 10 2023 -> 08 06 2026 |Sat Bhk. 14 06 2036 -> 26 05 2037 Sat Bhk. 08 06 2026 -> 08 08 2029 |Mer Bhk. 26 05 2037 -> 02 04 2038 Mer Bhk. 08 08 2029 -> 08 06 2032 |Ket Bhk. 02 04 2038 -> 08 08 2038 Ket Bhk. 08 06 2032 -> 08 08 2033 |Ven Bhk. 08 08 2038 -> 08 08 2039 Moo Moo Mar Rah Jup Sat Mer Ket Ven Sun DASA Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 06 01 07 11 06 11 06 02 2039 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2045 2046 2047 2049 -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 06 01 07 11 06 11 06 02 08 2049 2040 2041 2042 2043 2045 2046 2047 2049 2049 | | | | | | | | | |

ASTROLOGER: L.Y.RAO DASA TO BE ENJOYED BY Sri Sri Shankaracharya ji MER Dasa 8 8 1989 TO 8 8 2006 MER Bhk. 8 8 1989 TO 5 1 1992 |KET Bhk. 5 1 1992 TO 2 1 1993 MER Ant. 8 8 1989 TO 11 12 1989 |KET Ant. 5 1 1992 TO 26 1 1992 KET Ant. 11 12 1989 TO 1 2 1990 |VEN Ant. 26 1 1992 TO 25 3 1992 VEN Ant. 1 2 1990 TO 26 6 1990 |SUN Ant. 25 3 1992 TO 13 4 1992 SUN Ant. 26 6 1990 TO 9 8 1990 |MOO Ant. 13 4 1992 TO 13 5 1992 MOO Ant. 9 8 1990 TO 21 10 1990 |MAR Ant. 13 5 1992 TO 4 6 1992 MAR Ant. 21 10 1990 TO 12 12 1990 |RAH Ant. 4 6 1992 TO 27 7 1992 RAH Ant. 12 12 1990 TO 22 4 1991 |JUP Ant. 27 7 1992 TO 15 9 1992 JUP Ant. 22 4 1991 TO 18 8 1991 |SAT Ant. 15 9 1992 TO 11 11 1992 SAT Ant. 18 8 1991 TO 5 1 1992 |MER Ant. 11 11 1992 TO 2 1 1993 VEN Bhk. 2 1 1993 TO 2 11 1995 |SUN Bhk. 2 11 1995 TO 8 9 1996 VEN Ant. 2 1 1993 TO 22 6 1993 |SUN Ant. 2 11 1995 TO 17 11 1995 SUN Ant. 22 6 1993 TO 13 8 1993 |MOO Ant. 17 11 1995 TO 13 12 1995 MOO Ant. 13 8 1993 TO 8 11 1993 |MAR Ant. 13 12 1995 TO 31 12 1995 MAR Ant. 8 11 1993 TO 8 1 1994 |RAH Ant. 31 12 1995 TO 17 2 1996 RAH Ant. 8 1 1994 TO 11 6 1994 |JUP Ant. 17 2 1996 TO 27 3 1996 JUP Ant. 11 6 1994 TO 27 10 1994 |SAT Ant. 27 3 1996 TO 16 5 1996

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

SAT Ant. 27 10 1994 TO 8 4 1995 |MER Ant. 16 5 1996 TO 29 6 1996 MER Ant. 8 4 1995 TO 3 9 1995 |KET Ant. 29 6 1996 TO 17 7 1996 KET Ant. 3 9 1995 TO 2 11 1995 |VEN Ant. 17 7 1996 TO 8 9 1996 MOO Bhk. 8 9 1996 TO 8 2 1998 |MAR Bhk. 8 2 1998 TO 5 2 1999 MOO Ant. 8 9 1996 TO 21 10 1996 |MAR Ant. 8 2 1998 TO 1 3 1998 MAR Ant. 21 10 1996 TO 20 11 1996 |RAH Ant. 1 3 1998 TO 22 4 1998 RAH Ant. 20 11 1996 TO 7 2 1997 |JUP Ant. 22 4 1998 TO 10 6 1998 JUP Ant. 7 2 1997 TO 15 4 1997 |SAT Ant. 10 6 1998 TO 7 8 1998 SAT Ant. 15 4 1997 TO 6 7 1997 |MER Ant. 7 8 1998 TO 27 9 1998 MER Ant. 6 7 1997 TO 18 9 1997 |KET Ant. 27 9 1998 TO 18 10 1998 KET Ant. 18 9 1997 TO 18 10 1997 |VEN Ant. 18 10 1998 TO 17 12 1998 VEN Ant. 18 10 1997 TO 13 1 1998 |SUN Ant. 17 12 1998 TO 5 1 1999 SUN Ant. 13 1 1998 TO 8 2 1998 |MOO Ant. 5 1 1999 TO 5 2 1999 RAH Bhk. 5 2 1999 TO 23 8 2001 |JUP Bhk. 23 8 2001 TO 29 11 2003 RAH Ant. 5 2 1999 TO 23 6 1999 |JUP Ant. 23 8 2001 TO 12 12 2001 JUP Ant. 23 6 1999 TO 25 10 1999 |SAT Ant. 12 12 2001 TO 21 4 2002 SAT Ant. 25 10 1999 TO 20 3 2000 |MER Ant. 21 4 2002 TO 17 8 2002 MER Ant. 20 3 2000 TO 30 7 2000 |KET Ant. 17 8 2002 TO 4 10 2002 KET Ant. 30 7 2000 TO 24 9 2000 |VEN Ant. 4 10 2002 TO 20 2 2003 VEN Ant. 24 9 2000 TO 27 2 2001 |SUN Ant. 20 2 2003 TO 1 4 2003 SUN Ant. 27 2 2001 TO 13 4 2001 |MOO Ant. 1 4 2003 TO 9 6 2003 MOO Ant. 13 4 2001 TO 29 6 2001 |MAR Ant. 9 6 2003 TO 27 7 2003 MAR Ant. 29 6 2001 TO 23 8 2001 |RAH Ant. 27 7 2003 TO 29 11 2003 SAT SAT MER KET VEN SUN MOO MAR RAH JUP Bhk. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. 29 29 2 20 16 28 16 7 4 29 11 11 5 9 11 4 6 9 11 3 2003 2003 2004 2004 2004 2005 2005 2005 2005 2006 TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO 8 2 20 16 28 16 7 4 29 8 8 5 9 11 4 6 9 11 3 8 2006 2004 2004 2004 2005 2005 2005 2005 2006 2006

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

M A N G E S H M A H A L A X M I P R A S S A N N A L.Y.RAO 132 MINA Shivaji Park Rd.2 Mumbai 400 028 TEL: 2445 7401:3091 5319 email: BIRTH DETAILS OF Sri Sri Shankaracharya ji W E S T E R N A S P E C T S





ORBS Conj,opp =8.Sq. Trine 6,SEXT 6,Semis 2, Rest 2 deg. Programme by RAICHUR 8/147 GARODIANAGAR BOMBAY-77 ASTROLOGER:L.Y.RAO:Tel:2445 7401:3091 5319

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >PAGE ENDS > > > > >

----------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |III 15 22 8| | |VI 11 2 23| | |Uran 12 24 11|V 14 51 24|Merc 12 8 19| | |IV 16 53 50| |Ketu 28 51 56| | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------| | NAME:Sri Sri Shankaracharya j | | | | THURSDAY 18 7 1935 | | |Sat -R 16 44 58| Time 19 0 0 | | |II 11 21 13| |Sun 2 7 10| |Moon 4 39 3| SID.TIME 14 h. 29 m. 26 s. |Plut 2 36 4| | | |VII 8 22 16| | | NAKS:Dhani-PADA 4 | | | | | | :---------------| PLACE:TAMIL NADU INDIA |---------------| | | | | | | LAT 10 deg 42 min N | | | | |For 10 54 8| |Asc. 8 22 16| Long 79 deg 26 min E |VIII 11 21 13| | | |Ven 16 5 13| | | Ayan 22 d. 52 m. 1 s. |Nept 19 43 11| | | | | | |CAST BY:L.Y.RAO | | ----------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | | | | | |Rahu 28 51 56| |Jup 20 37 12| | |XII 11 2 23|X1 14 51 24|X 16 53 50| | | | |Mars 1 19 15|IX 15 22 8| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------DASA BAL. Mars 1 Y. 21 Days ENDS ON 7 8 1936 BHK. Bal. Ven. 0 Y. 45 Days: ANT. Bal. Merc 20 Days: SOOK Bal. Rahu 3 Days CUSP ASC 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th Sgl Sat Sat Jup Mar Ven Mer Moo Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Stl Sun Rah Sat Ven Moo Rah Sat Ket Moo Rah Sat Ket Sbl Ven Sat Jup Moo Jup Sat Ven Sat Jup Ven Rah Sat Ssl Moo Ven Sat Mer Ven Mer Ven Jup Mar Sat Mar Rah :PLANET :SUN. :MOON :MARS :MERC :JUP. :VEN. :SAT.-R :RAHU :KETU :URAN :NEPT :FOR. :PLUT Sgl Moo Sat Ven Mer Ven Sun Sat Jup Mer Mar Sun Sun Moo Stl Jup Mar Mar Rah Jup Ven Rah Sun Jup Ket Ven Ket Jup Sbl Rah Ven Mer Sat Jup Sun Ven Mar Sun Mer Rah Sat Rah SsL SIGNIFICATORS Sat Mer Rah Rah Mer Ket Sat Mer Moo Mar Ven Rah Ket

ASTROLOGER:L.Y.RAO:Tel:2445 7401:3091 5319 BIRTH DETAILS OF Sri Sri Shankaracharya ji SIGNIFICATORS OF HOUSES

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

SIGNIFICATORS ARE SHOWN IN THE FOLLOWING ORDER OF IMPORTANCE A-Planets in Star of Occupants of House: B-Planets in House C-Planets in stars of House Lord: D-House Lord: E= Planets Aspected by A,B,C,D Trad aspects BY SIGN : F=Sub Lord HOUSE A B C D E F

--------------------------------------------------------------------ASC | | 2nd | | 3rd | | 4th | | 5th | | 6th |RAH:URA:FOR: | 7th | | 8th |VEN:NEP: | 9th |MOO:MAR: |MOO: | |SAT: | |URA: | | | | | | | |Sat|MO:VE:SA: |Ven | | |Sat|MO:VE: | |Sat

| | | | |SUN:JUP:KET|Jup|MO:MA:ME:SA|Jup |PLU: |MOO:MAR: | |VEN:NEP: | |KE:RA: | |Mar|JU:VE:SA: |Moo | | |Ven|MO:SA: | |Jup

| | |SUN:MER:KET:PLU| | | | |VEN:NEP:FOR: | |MAR: | | | |RAH: | | | |VEN:NEP: | |MOO:MAR:

| | | |Mer|RA:KE:ME: |Sat | | |Moo|VE:SA: | |Ven

| | | |Sun|ME:KE:MO:SA|Sat | | | |Mer|RA:KE:JU:VE|Jup | |SA: | |Ven|MO:SA:MA:ME|Ven | |KE:RA: | |Mar|JU:VE:SA: |Rah

| | 10th |SUN:JUP:KET:PLU|JUP: | 11th | | 12th |MER:SAT: | | | |RAH:

| | | | |SUN:JUP:KET|Jup|MO:MA:ME:SA|Sat

| | |PLU: | |KE:RA:VE: | --------------------------------------------------------------------PLANET House Numbers Signified: SUN. MOON MARS MERC JUP. VEN. SAT. RAHU KETU URAN Aspecting Planets 4, 9, 7,10, 2, 6, 8,12,

A-10,B-06,C-03,C-12,D-08, :FA-09,B-As,C-04,C-11,D-07, :JU:VE:SA:FA-09,B-09,C-04,C-11,D-04,D-11,:JU:FA-12,B-06,D-06,D-09, :JU:RA:KE:FA-10,B-10,C-03,C-12,D-03,D-12,:MA:F- 3, 5, A-08,B-08,C-05,C-10,D-05,D-10,:MO:SA:F- 1, A-12,B-02,D-As,D-02, :MO:JU:VE:FA-06,B-12,C-08, :ME:KE:F-11, A-10,B-06,C-03,C-12, :ME:JU:RA:FA-06,B-03, :MA:JU:SA:F-

> NEPT A-08,B-08,C-05,C-10, :MO:VE:SA:F> FOR. A-06,B-08, :MO:VE:SA:F> PLUT A-10,B-06,C-03,C-12, :SU:F> > RAHU will ACT as AGENT for Jup,Sun also > KETU will ACT as AGENT for Mer,Jup also SUN. > Planets EXALTED or in OWN house Strongly signify the house owned > These are : MERC:OWN SAT.:OWN >PAGE END > > ANALYSIS : > 1) Present dasa running is Merc Dasa,Sat Bhukti,Venus antha ra,Venus sookshma from 16-11-2004 > and will run upto 13-12-2004... > > 2) As per K.P.,imprisonment is seen if the s/l of XII the signifies II,III,VIII and XII... > > 3) In this case : > a) The Dasa,bhukti,anthara and sookshma lords are sign ificators of : > Merc - VI XII & IX > Sat - I,II & XII > VEN - V,VIII & XII... > > b) Also the Sat is the sublord of XII,VIII,VI & II. ! ! > > 4) This,Mr. Punit Pandey,perhaps explains the Shankarachar ya's per K.P. ! > > 5) He was arrested on an amavasya day...when Moon the lord of IV & XI was combust by Sun significator of > VI,VIII & XII.(Deepavali day is an Amavasya day)... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rock, jazz, country, soul &; more. Find the music you love on MSN Music!

1662 From: "Kanakkumar Bosmia" <kanbosastro@...> Date: Mon Nov 29, 2004 2:27am Subject: RE: KPBC3 kanbosastro Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear ron, in my opinion child birth was in MOON-VEN-RAHU 7/5/1981 to 7/8/1981

significator of 2,5,11 are MOON,MER,VEN,RAHU,JUP and KET(Agent of MER) In MAY to Aug. transit of SUN was : in MAY : FROM 7Th MAY to 10/5 star lord of S UN is VEN . 10/5/81 to 24 /5/81 in star of SUN(sun is nit signifies 2,5,11)

24/5/81 to 7/6/81 in star of MOON ( 7/6/81 to 21/6/81 in star of MAR(mar is not sigifies 2,5,11) 21/6/81 to 5/7/81 in star of RAHU 5/7/81 to 19/7/81 in star of JUP 19/7/81 to 2/8/81 in star of SAT( sat is not sigifies 2,5,11) 2/8/81 to 16/8/81 in star of MER so posible dates are (1) 15/5/81 to 25/5 (2) 16/6/81 to 27/6/81 (3) 8/7/81 to 19/7/81 (4) 30/7/81 to 7/8/81 Regards kanak bosmia >From: rongaunt <> >Reply-To: >To: >Subject: [k_p_system] KPBC3 >Date: Mon, 29 Nov 2004 10:23:55 +1000 > >We will stick with the native who got married on 2 Nov 1979 >in KPBC2. > >His details again are: > >Male >D.O.B. 20 Dec 1950 >5:02am >IST -5:30 >10N46 >76E42 > >Assume he comes to you his astrologer not long after his >marriage. He tells you he is eager to start a family and >he wants to know when he can expect to have his first child. >He would like to know when this will be, and what will be the sex >of the child. What do you tell him? > >If you think there are two or three possible times please put >them in priority order. > >Ron Gaunt > >PS. In hindsight we now know that he did in fact have a child >within a period of 3 years. > > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Find the music you love on MSN Music. Start downloading now!

1663 From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@...> Date: Mon Nov 29, 2004 6:06am Subject: RE: Reply to query by Shri Punit ... lyrastro1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Kanak, I agree with you entirely...and infact,and that was precisely why I had deliberately refrained from making any further comments... Yours sincerely, lyrastro1 GOOD LUCK ! Kanakkumar Bosmia <> wrote: Sri Yogesh ji, i want to add this......... " if the sub lord of the cusp 12th signifies 2,3,8,and 12 and RAHU ALSO WELL CON NECTED to the sub lord, imprisonment is indicated." in sankracharyaji's chart 12th sub is SAT and SAT is in the star of RAHU. BAIL: 4th cusp sub signifies 2,4.11 one can gat Bail. in sankracharyaji's chart 4th cusp sub is MOON an she signifies 4,11 but moon is with SAT so PUNARPHOO DOSHA seen so delay in Bail. WHEN: sigificator of 2,4,11 are MOON,MAR & SAT Buy atpresant Runing DASA is MER.anr M ER is not in significator so in my opinion no chances for bail till MER dasa end . regards

kanak bosmia >From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi <> >Reply-To: >To: All Members <> >Subject: [k_p_system] Reply to query by Shri Punit ... >Date: Sun, 28 Nov 2004 08:37:53 +0000 (GMT) > >Dear Members, > I am sending alongwith the Birth-Chart of the Shankarach arya,as per birth-details provided by Shri M.M.Pandit, via Shri Punitji,who pos ted it on the group site... > I am also keenly looking forward to the erudite and lear ned K.P.Astrologers' to comments/suggestions etc., on this analysis... > Yours sincerely, > lyrastro1 > GOOD LUCK ! > >Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline. > M A N G E S H M A H A L A X M I P R A S S A N N A

> > > > > > > Pandey... > > > > > > > > > N > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > ] > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >PAGE ENDS

L.Y.RAO 132 MINA Shivaji Park Rd.2 Mumbai 400 028 TEL: 2445 7401:3091 5319 email: BIRTH DETAILS OF Sri Sri Shankaracharya ji as per time and place given by Shri Punit


Shankaracharya bc



> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >PAGE ENDS > > >

M A N G E S H M A H A L A X M I P R A S S A N N A L.Y.RAO 132 MINA Shivaji Park Rd.2 Mumbai 400 028 TEL: 2445 7401:3091 5319 email: BIRTH DETAILS OF Sri Sri Shankaracharya ji TRADITIONAL RASI CHART -PLANETS WITH + ARE RETROGRADE NAKSHATRA: Dhani PADA - 4 DASA BAL. Mars 1 Y. 21 Days ENDS ON 7 8 1936

|---------------------------------------------------------------| | |URAN | |MERC KETU | | | | | | | | | | | |---------------------------------------------------------------| |MOON +SAT | |SUN. PLUT | | | | | | | | | |---------------| |---------------| |ASC....... | |VEN. NEPT FOR. | | | | | | | | | |---------------------------------------------------------------| |RAHU | |MARS JUP. | | | | | | | | | | | | |---------------------------------------------------------------|

TRADITIONAL NAVAMSA CHART |---------------------------------------------------------------| |ASC.......+SAT |JUP. | |KETU | | | | | | | | | | | |---------------------------------------------------------------| | | |SUN. URAN FOR. | | | |PLUT | | | | | |---------------| |---------------| |MERC | |VEN. | | | | | | | | | |---------------------------------------------------------------| |RAHU |MOON |MARS |NEPT | | | | | | | | | | | |---------------------------------------------------------------| Cast By L.Y.RAO ON 27-11-2004 Programme by RAICHUR 8/147 GARODIANAGAR BOMBAY-77 ASTROLOGER:L.Y.RAO Tel:2445 7401:3091 5319

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

DASAS TO BE ENJOYED BY Sri Sri Shankaracharya ji VIMSOTTARI DASAS --- BHUKTIES Mar DASA 08 08 1929 -> 08 08 1936 |Rah DASA 08 08 1936 -> 08 08 1954 |Rah Bhk. 08 08 1936 -> 20 04 1939 |Jup Bhk. 20 04 1939 -> 14 09 1941 |Sat Bhk. 14 09 1941 -> 20 07 1944 |Mer Bhk. 20 07 1944 -> 08 02 1947 |Ket Bhk. 08 02 1947 -> 26 02 1948 |Ven Bhk. 26 02 1948 -> 26 02 1951 Ven Bhk. 18 07 1935 -> 02 09 1935 |Sun Bhk. 26 02 1951 -> 20 01 1952 Sun Bhk. 02 09 1935 -> 08 01 1936 |Moo Bhk. 20 01 1952 -> 20 07 1953 Moo Bhk. 08 01 1936 -> 08 08 1936 |Mar Bhk. 20 07 1953 -> 08 08 1954 Jup DASA 08 08 1954 -> 08 08 1970 |Sat DASA 08 08 1970 -> 08 08 1989 Jup Bhk. 08 08 1954 -> 26 09 1956 |Sat Bhk. 08 08 1970 -> 11 08 1973 Sat Bhk. 26 09 1956 -> 08 04 1959 |Mer Bhk. 11 08 1973 -> 20 04 1976 Mer Bhk. 08 04 1959 -> 14 07 1961 |Ket Bhk. 20 04 1976 -> 29 05 1977 Ket Bhk. 14 07 1961 -> 20 06 1962 |Ven Bhk. 29 05 1977 -> 29 07 1980 Ven Bhk. 20 06 1962 -> 20 02 1965 |Sun Bhk. 29 07 1980 -> 11 07 1981 Sun Bhk. 20 02 1965 -> 08 12 1965 |Moo Bhk. 11 07 1981 -> 11 02 1983 Moo Bhk. 08 12 1965 -> 08 04 1967 |Mar Bhk. 11 02 1983 -> 20 03 1984 Mar Bhk. 08 04 1967 -> 14 03 1968 |Rah Bhk. 20 03 1984 -> 26 01 1987 Rah Bhk. 14 03 1968 -> 08 08 1970 |Jup Bhk. 26 01 1987 -> 08 08 1989 Mer DASA 08 08 1989 -> 08 08 2006 |Ket DASA 08 08 2006 -> 08 08 2013 Mer Bhk. 08 08 1989 -> 05 01 1992 |Ket Bhk. 08 08 2006 -> 05 01 2007 Ket Bhk. 05 01 1992 -> 02 01 1993 |Ven Bhk. 05 01 2007 -> 05 03 2008 Ven Bhk. 02 01 1993 -> 02 11 1995 |Sun Bhk. 05 03 2008 -> 11 07 2008 Sun Bhk. 02 11 1995 -> 08 09 1996 |Moo Bhk. 11 07 2008 -> 11 02 2009 Moo Bhk. 08 09 1996 -> 08 02 1998 |Mar Bhk. 11 02 2009 -> 08 07 2009 Mar Bhk. 08 02 1998 -> 05 02 1999 |Rah Bhk. 08 07 2009 -> 26 07 2010

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

Rah Bhk. 05 02 1999 -> 23 08 2001 |Jup Bhk. 26 07 2010 -> 02 07 2011 Jup Bhk. 23 08 2001 -> 29 11 2003 |Sat Bhk. 02 07 2011 -> 11 08 2012 Sat Bhk. 29 11 2003 -> 08 08 2006 |Mer Bhk. 11 08 2012 -> 08 08 2013 Ven DASA 08 08 2013 -> 08 08 2033 |Sun DASA 08 08 2033 -> 08 08 2039 Ven Bhk. 08 08 2013 -> 08 12 2016 |Sun Bhk. 08 08 2033 -> 26 11 2033 Sun Bhk. 08 12 2016 -> 08 12 2017 |Moo Bhk. 26 11 2033 -> 26 05 2034 Moo Bhk. 08 12 2017 -> 08 08 2019 |Mar Bhk. 26 05 2034 -> 02 10 2034 Mar Bhk. 08 08 2019 -> 08 10 2020 |Rah Bhk. 02 10 2034 -> 26 08 2035 Rah Bhk. 08 10 2020 -> 08 10 2023 |Jup Bhk. 26 08 2035 -> 14 06 2036 Jup Bhk. 08 10 2023 -> 08 06 2026 |Sat Bhk. 14 06 2036 -> 26 05 2037 Sat Bhk. 08 06 2026 -> 08 08 2029 |Mer Bhk. 26 05 2037 -> 02 04 2038 Mer Bhk. 08 08 2029 -> 08 06 2032 |Ket Bhk. 02 04 2038 -> 08 08 2038 Ket Bhk. 08 06 2032 -> 08 08 2033 |Ven Bhk. 08 08 2038 -> 08 08 2039 Moo Moo Mar Rah Jup Sat Mer Ket Ven Sun DASA Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 06 01 07 11 06 11 06 02 2039 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2045 2046 2047 2049 -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 06 01 07 11 06 11 06 02 08 2049 2040 2041 2042 2043 2045 2046 2047 2049 2049 | | | | | | | | | |

ASTROLOGER: L.Y.RAO DASA TO BE ENJOYED BY Sri Sri Shankaracharya ji MER Dasa 8 8 1989 TO 8 8 2006 MER Bhk. 8 8 1989 TO 5 1 1992 |KET Bhk. 5 1 1992 TO 2 1 1993 MER Ant. 8 8 1989 TO 11 12 1989 |KET Ant. 5 1 1992 TO 26 1 1992 KET Ant. 11 12 1989 TO 1 2 1990 |VEN Ant. 26 1 1992 TO 25 3 1992 VEN Ant. 1 2 1990 TO 26 6 1990 |SUN Ant. 25 3 1992 TO 13 4 1992 SUN Ant. 26 6 1990 TO 9 8 1990 |MOO Ant. 13 4 1992 TO 13 5 1992 MOO Ant. 9 8 1990 TO 21 10 1990 |MAR Ant. 13 5 1992 TO 4 6 1992 MAR Ant. 21 10 1990 TO 12 12 1990 |RAH Ant. 4 6 1992 TO 27 7 1992 RAH Ant. 12 12 1990 TO 22 4 1991 |JUP Ant. 27 7 1992 TO 15 9 1992

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

JUP Ant. 22 4 1991 TO 18 8 1991 |SAT Ant. 15 9 1992 TO 11 11 1992 SAT Ant. 18 8 1991 TO 5 1 1992 |MER Ant. 11 11 1992 TO 2 1 1993 VEN Bhk. 2 1 1993 TO 2 11 1995 |SUN Bhk. 2 11 1995 TO 8 9 1996 VEN Ant. 2 1 1993 TO 22 6 1993 |SUN Ant. 2 11 1995 TO 17 11 1995 SUN Ant. 22 6 1993 TO 13 8 1993 |MOO Ant. 17 11 1995 TO 13 12 1995 MOO Ant. 13 8 1993 TO 8 11 1993 |MAR Ant. 13 12 1995 TO 31 12 1995 MAR Ant. 8 11 1993 TO 8 1 1994 |RAH Ant. 31 12 1995 TO 17 2 1996 RAH Ant. 8 1 1994 TO 11 6 1994 |JUP Ant. 17 2 1996 TO 27 3 1996 JUP Ant. 11 6 1994 TO 27 10 1994 |SAT Ant. 27 3 1996 TO 16 5 1996 SAT Ant. 27 10 1994 TO 8 4 1995 |MER Ant. 16 5 1996 TO 29 6 1996 MER Ant. 8 4 1995 TO 3 9 1995 |KET Ant. 29 6 1996 TO 17 7 1996 KET Ant. 3 9 1995 TO 2 11 1995 |VEN Ant. 17 7 1996 TO 8 9 1996 MOO Bhk. 8 9 1996 TO 8 2 1998 |MAR Bhk. 8 2 1998 TO 5 2 1999 MOO Ant. 8 9 1996 TO 21 10 1996 |MAR Ant. 8 2 1998 TO 1 3 1998 MAR Ant. 21 10 1996 TO 20 11 1996 |RAH Ant. 1 3 1998 TO 22 4 1998 RAH Ant. 20 11 1996 TO 7 2 1997 |JUP Ant. 22 4 1998 TO 10 6 1998 JUP Ant. 7 2 1997 TO 15 4 1997 |SAT Ant. 10 6 1998 TO 7 8 1998 SAT Ant. 15 4 1997 TO 6 7 1997 |MER Ant. 7 8 1998 TO 27 9 1998 MER Ant. 6 7 1997 TO 18 9 1997 |KET Ant. 27 9 1998 TO 18 10 1998 KET Ant. 18 9 1997 TO 18 10 1997 |VEN Ant. 18 10 1998 TO 17 12 1998 VEN Ant. 18 10 1997 TO 13 1 1998 |SUN Ant. 17 12 1998 TO 5 1 1999 SUN Ant. 13 1 1998 TO 8 2 1998 |MOO Ant. 5 1 1999 TO 5 2 1999 RAH Bhk. 5 2 1999 TO 23 8 2001 |JUP Bhk. 23 8 2001 TO 29 11 2003 RAH Ant. 5 2 1999 TO 23 6 1999 |JUP Ant. 23 8 2001 TO 12 12 2001 JUP Ant. 23 6 1999 TO 25 10 1999 |SAT Ant. 12 12 2001 TO 21 4 2002 SAT Ant. 25 10 1999 TO 20 3 2000 |MER Ant. 21 4 2002 TO 17 8 2002 MER Ant. 20 3 2000 TO 30 7 2000 |KET Ant. 17 8 2002 TO 4 10 2002 KET Ant. 30 7 2000 TO 24 9 2000 |VEN Ant. 4 10 2002 TO 20 2 2003 VEN Ant. 24 9 2000 TO 27 2 2001 |SUN Ant. 20 2 2003 TO 1 4 2003

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

SUN Ant. 27 2 2001 TO 13 4 2001 |MOO Ant. 1 4 2003 TO 9 6 2003 MOO Ant. 13 4 2001 TO 29 6 2001 |MAR Ant. 9 6 2003 TO 27 7 2003 MAR Ant. 29 6 2001 TO 23 8 2001 |RAH Ant. 27 7 2003 TO 29 11 2003 SAT SAT MER KET VEN SUN MOO MAR RAH JUP Bhk. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. 29 29 2 20 16 28 16 7 4 29 11 11 5 9 11 4 6 9 11 3 2003 2003 2004 2004 2004 2005 2005 2005 2005 2006 TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO 8 2 20 16 28 16 7 4 29 8 8 5 9 11 4 6 9 11 3 8 2006 2004 2004 2004 2005 2005 2005 2005 2006 2006

M A N G E S H M A H A L A X M I P R A S S A N N A L.Y.RAO 132 MINA Shivaji Park Rd.2 Mumbai 400 028 TEL: 2445 7401:3091 5319 email: BIRTH DETAILS OF Sri Sri Shankaracharya ji W E S T E R N A S P E C T S


Planet ASC 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th SUN. MOON MARS MERC OPP CONJ TRIN CONJ CONJ OPP Ssqr SXTL SQUR TRIN 150 OPP

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >






ORBS Conj,opp =8.Sq. Trine 6,SEXT 6,Semis 2, Rest 2 deg. Programme by RAICHUR 8/147 GARODIANAGAR BOMBAY-77 ASTROLOGER:L.Y.RAO:Tel:2445 7401:3091 5319 ----------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |III 15 22 8| | |VI 11 2 23| | |Uran 12 24 11|V 14 51 24|Merc 12 8 19| | |IV 16 53 50| |Ketu 28 51 56| | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------| | NAME:Sri Sri Shankaracharya j | | | | THURSDAY 18 7 1935 | | |Sat -R 16 44 58| Time 19 0 0 | | |II 11 21 13| |Sun 2 7 10| |Moon 4 39 3| SID.TIME 14 h. 29 m. 26 s. |Plut 2 36 4| | | |VII 8 22 16| | | NAKS:Dhani-PADA 4 | | | | | | :---------------| PLACE:TAMIL NADU INDIA |---------------| | | | | | | LAT 10 deg 42 min N | | | | |For 10 54 8| |Asc. 8 22 16| Long 79 deg 26 min E |VIII 11 21 13| | | |Ven 16 5 13| | | Ayan 22 d. 52 m. 1 s. |Nept 19 43 11| | | | | | |CAST BY:L.Y.RAO | | ----------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | | | | | |Rahu 28 51 56| |Jup 20 37 12| | |XII 11 2 23|X1 14 51 24|X 16 53 50| | | | |Mars 1 19 15|IX 15 22 8| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------DASA BAL. Mars 1 Y. 21 Days ENDS ON 7 8 1936 BHK. Bal. Ven. 0 Y. 45 Days: ANT. Bal. Merc 20 Days: SOOK Bal. Rahu 3 Days CUSP ASC Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl :PLANET Sgl Stl Sbl SsL SIGNIFICATORS Sat Sun Ven Moo :SUN. Moo Jup Rah Sat

> 2nd Sat Rah Sat Ven :MOON Sat Mar Ven Mer > 3rd Jup Sat Jup Sat :MARS Ven Mar Mer Rah > 4th Mar Ven Moo Mer :MERC Mer Rah Sat Rah > 5th Ven Moo Jup Ven :JUP. Ven Jup Jup Mer > 6th Mer Rah Sat Mer :VEN. Sun Ven Sun Ket > 7th Moo Sat Ven Ven :SAT.-R Sat Rah Ven Sat > 8th Sun Ket Sat Jup :RAHU Jup Sun Mar Mer > 9th Mer Moo Jup Mar :KETU Mer Jup Sun Moo > 10th Ven Rah Ven Sat :URAN Mar Ket Mer Mar > 11th Mar Sat Rah Mar :NEPT Sun Ven Rah Ven > 12th Jup Ket Sat Rah :FOR. Sun Ket Sat Rah > :PLUT Moo Jup Rah Ket >PAGE ENDS > > ASTROLOGER:L.Y.RAO:Tel:2445 7401:3091 5319 > BIRTH DETAILS OF Sri Sri Shankaracharya ji > SIGNIFICATORS OF HOUSES > > SIGNIFICATORS ARE SHOWN IN THE FOLLOWING ORDER OF IMPORTANCE > A-Planets in Star of Occupants of House: B-Planets in House > C-Planets in stars of House Lord: D-House Lord: E= Planets > Aspected by A,B,C,D Trad aspects BY SIGN : F=Sub Lord > > HOUSE A B C D E > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

--------------------------------------------------------------------ASC | | 2nd | | 3rd | | 4th | | 5th | | 6th |RAH:URA:FOR: | 7th | | 8th |VEN:NEP: | 9th |MOO:MAR: |MOO: | |SAT: | |URA: | | | | | | | |Sat|MO:VE:SA: |Ven | | |Sat|MO:VE: | |Sat

| | | | |SUN:JUP:KET|Jup|MO:MA:ME:SA|Jup |PLU: |MOO:MAR: | |VEN:NEP: | |KE:RA: | |Mar|JU:VE:SA: |Moo | | |Ven|MO:SA: | |Jup

| | |SUN:MER:KET:PLU| | | | |VEN:NEP:FOR: | |MAR: | | | |RAH: | | | |VEN:NEP: | |MOO:MAR: |

| | | |Mer|RA:KE:ME: |Sat | | |Moo|VE:SA: | |Ven

| | | |Sun|ME:KE:MO:SA|Sat | | | |Mer|RA:KE:JU:VE|Jup | |SA: | |Ven|MO:SA:MA:ME|Ven | |KE:RA: | |Mar|JU:VE:SA: |Rah | | |

| | 10th |SUN:JUP:KET:PLU|JUP: | 11th | | | | |


12th |MER:SAT:



> | | |PLU: | |KE:RA:VE: | > --------------------------------------------------------------------> > PLANET House Numbers Signified: Aspecting Planets > > SUN. A-10,B-06,C-03,C-12,D-08, :F> MOON A-09,B-As,C-04,C-11,D-07, :JU:VE:SA:F- 4, > MARS A-09,B-09,C-04,C-11,D-04,D-11,:JU:F> MERC A-12,B-06,D-06,D-09, :JU:RA:KE:F> JUP. A-10,B-10,C-03,C-12,D-03,D-12,:MA:F- 3, 5, 9, > VEN. A-08,B-08,C-05,C-10,D-05,D-10,:MO:SA:F- 1, 7,10, > SAT. A-12,B-02,D-As,D-02, :MO:JU:VE:F- 2, 6, 8,12, > RAHU A-06,B-12,C-08, :ME:KE:F-11, > KETU A-10,B-06,C-03,C-12, :ME:JU:RA:F> URAN A-06,B-03, :MA:JU:SA:F> NEPT A-08,B-08,C-05,C-10, :MO:VE:SA:F> FOR. A-06,B-08, :MO:VE:SA:F> PLUT A-10,B-06,C-03,C-12, :SU:F> > RAHU will ACT as AGENT for Jup,Sun also > KETU will ACT as AGENT for Mer,Jup also SUN. > Planets EXALTED or in OWN house Strongly signify the house owned > These are : MERC:OWN SAT.:OWN >PAGE END > > ANALYSIS : > 1) Present dasa running is Merc Dasa,Sat Bhukti,Venus antha ra,Venus sookshma from 16-11-2004 > and will run upto 13-12-2004... > > 2) As per K.P.,imprisonment is seen if the s/l of XII the signifies II,III,VIII and XII... > > 3) In this case : > a) The Dasa,bhukti,anthara and sookshma lords are sign ificators of : > Merc - VI XII & IX > Sat - I,II & XII > VEN - V,VIII & XII... > > b) Also the Sat is the sublord of XII,VIII,VI & II. ! ! > > 4) This,Mr. Punit Pandey,perhaps explains the Shankarachar ya's per K.P. ! > > 5) He was arrested on an amavasya day...when Moon the lord of IV & XI was combust by Sun significator of > VI,VIII & XII.(Deepavali day is an Amavasya day)... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rock, jazz, country, soul & more. Find the music you love on MSN Music! Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online.

1664 From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@...> Date: Mon Nov 29, 2004 6:13am Subject: Re: Shankarachaha (wasReply to query by Shri Punit ...) lyrastro1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Ron, I guess you now know why I had deliberately frefrained from making any further comments,after giving a specific reply to a specific query... Regards, Yours sincerely, lyrastro1 GOOD LUCK ! rongaunt <> wrote: Yogesh & anyone interested, I Know nothing of the politics or the circumstances surrounding the detention of Shankaracharya but there has been sufficient comments to rouse my curiosity. So I decided to have a look at his chart. The first thing I note is that he has a critical configuration of Sun Pluto on the nodal axis in the 6th house. Sun Pluto principle is 'The striving for power, the craving for rulership'. 'martyrs to their own ideas' (Ebertin). Whether this will manifest positively or negatively depends on situation and condition. Here we see a negative situation on the nodal axis across the 6th and 12th house. Looking at it from a KP point of view this is also very negative as Ketu is in the star of 12th house Lord Jupiter, with Lord of the 8th Sun as sub. Both Sun and Pluto, the other two partners in this triple conjunction are in the star of Jupiter and sub of Rahu - again emphasizing 12th house. This might have spiritual connotations, but Pluto's involvement suggest a rather worldly struggle for power. Another natal critical configuration is Saturn exact opposition to Venus and close opposition to Neptune. Here again we see 12th house emphasis with Saturn in the Star of Rahu (which is the de facto ruler of the 12th house), and in the sub of Venus. Natal Venus is in its own star and in 8th house Lord sub Sun. Neptune is in Venus star and Rahu sub. SOLAR ECLIPSE Looking at the last S.E. (before detention) on 14th Oct 04 we see the eclipse point conjunct natal Mars and squaring the critical triple natal conjunction of Sun Pluto and Ketu. At the same time SE Saturn comes exact conjunction with SE Sun and Pluto (and conjunction Ketu), and SE Saturn was exactly conjunct SE MC. As natal Sun and Pluto and SE Saturn and MC are all in Jupiter Star, Rahu Sub, this specifically points to a negative 6th and 12th house event. SE Venus exactly conjuncts natal

Neptune in its own star and Rahu sub from the 8th house, again pinpointing negative 12th house effects. SE Rahu and SE Ketu exactly aspect the 12th and 6th rasi lagna again bringing to prominence the 12th and 6th houses. Here we see tremendous negative influence on the 12th house with Saturn as the catalyst. ie The SE suggests a very negative 12th house event for Shankaracharya before the next SE on 8th April 2005. TRANSITS I understand that Shankaracharya was apprehended on the 11th Nov 2004. On this date transit Ketu came close square to natal Ascendant. Transit Ketu was in Rahu Star and Rahu sub pinpointing a 12th house event with negative indications. Transit Mars was in close conjunction with transit Ketu. Transit Saturn was still in close conjunction to natal Sun and Pluto, but had moved to Saturn star and Saturn sub. As natal Saturn is in the star of Rahu, this continues to emphasize the 12th house. I do not know what time he was arrested but I suspect it was at around 10:01 pm as transit Ascendant had moved into star of Jupiter (12th house) and sub of Sun (8th house). Dasas The dasas for the Solar Eclipse were Me/Sa/Ke/Ra and for the day of arrest Me/Sa/Ke/Me. Imprisonment is signified by the sub lord of the 12th related to 2nd, 3rd, 8th and 12th houses. The 12th house cusp is in the star of Ketu and sub of Saturn. Here we see that Saturn is the Buhkti and Ketu the anthara Lord. Sookshma Lord Mercury is in Rahu Star Saturn Sub. Saturn is : Lord of the 2nd house: is related to the 3rd house because Jupiter is Lord but is superseded by Rahu, and Saturn is in Rahu's star: is related to 8th house - again by Saturn being in Rahu's star: is significator for 12th and again related through Jupiter and Rahu. So all the conditions for imprisonment are met. As Yogesh has pointed out Saturn in the natal chart is in the sub of all the relevant house cusps ie 2,6,8, and 12. Moreover Rahu is the star of the 2nd and 6th houses and Ketu is in the star of 8th and 12th. So we see the nodes being very prominent in this event. What are Shankaracharys's prospects of an early release? I suspect he has little chance of this. The earliest might be after Mid June 2005 when he goes into Moon anthara. But even then his path doesn't look very smooth. Ron Gaunt

On Sun, 28 Nov 2004 08:37:53 +0000, you wrote: >Dear Members, > I am sending alongwith the Birth-Chart of the Shankaracha rya,as per birth-details provided by Shri M.M.Pandit, via Shri Punitji,who post ed it on the group site... > I am also keenly looking forward to the erudite and learn ed K.P.Astrologers' to comments/suggestions etc., on this analysis... > Yours sincerely, > lyrastro1 > GOOD LUCK ! > >Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline.

Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online.

1665 From: lalitha sathia <lalu_75@...> Date: Mon Nov 29, 2004 8:33am Subject: Re: consider the following hohary chart of x lalu_75 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 sir, please kindly tell me wether the bukthi whar ever i have selected is correct, wh ether it is ketu dasa venus bukthit and ketu anthra or ketu dasa sun bukthi and ketu antra. i have taken venus bukthi first considering the ruling planet which is coorect. kindly guide me. thankig you lalitha Yogesh Rao Lajmi <> wrote: Dear lalu_75, This is in reference tio your query regarding the Horary cha rt,cast by you... Pl. take Kethu,as he represents Merc and is stronger... Also fine-tune by transits... Best wishes, Yours sincerely, lyrastro1






: : : : : : : : : : : : : :

CHENNAI 13 Deg. 4 Min. N 80 Deg. 17 Min. E Libra-Thulam Ven. Aries-Mesha Mars Aswini 1 - Pada Ketu KARTEEK 12 1 H. 14 M. 56 S. 23 Deg. 49 Min. 39 Sec


: : : : : : :




: 1st : 1st

KARTEEK 12 CHENNAI : STATE : : COUNTRY: 23 - 11 - 2004 : TIME: 21 H. 12 M. Ketu 6 Y. 1 M. 18 Days ENDS on 11 - 1 - 2011 Asc.for RP 88 Deg 21 Min LORDS : Merc,Jup.,Ven.,Merc PLANETS AND CUSPS

Planet S Sbl SsL SUN. 8 Mer Mer MOON 1 Moo Ven MARS 7 Sat Rah MERC 8 Moo Sun JUP. 6 Sat Jup VEN. 7 Rah Sat SAT.-R 4 Mer Rah RAHU 1 Rah Rah KETU 7 Sat Ket URAN 11 Moo Moo NEPT 10 Mer Moo FOR. 12 Rah Sun

D M sec Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl 7 52 39 Mar Sat Ket Sat 1 38 45 Mar Ket Ven Rah 14 28 44 Ven Rah Ket Ket 29 42 22 Mar Mer Sat Rah 18 10 54 Mer Moo Mer Ven 7 31 28 Ven Rah Rah Sat 3 16 27 Moo Jup Rah Mar 6 31 35 Mar Ket Rah Mer 6 31 35 Ven Mar Moo Ven 9 6 18 Sat Rah Jup Sat 19 3 2 Sat Moo Mer Rah 6 19 27 Jup Sat Mer Moo

Cusp ASC 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th

S D M sec Sgl Stl 7 12 33 20 Ven Rah 8 11 54 35 Mar Sat 9 11 5 44 Jup Ket 10 11 5 28 Sat Moo 11 12 23 14 Sat Rah 12 13 35 36 Jup Sat 1 12 33 20 Mar Ket 2 11 54 35 Ven Moo 3 11 5 44 Mer Rah 4 11 5 28 Moo Sat 5 12 23 14 Sun Ket 6 13 35 36 Mer Moo


|--------------------------------------------------------------| |FOR. | | | | | -| |URAN |SAT. | | | | -| |NEPT | | | | | -| | |JUP. | | | | -| TRADITIONAL NAVAMSA CHART |--------------------------------------------------------------| NEPT | | | -| |MARS |SAT. | | | | -| |FOR. |ASC....... | | | | | | | |---------------| |-------------| | | |MERC | | | | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------|MOON | |RAHU | |JUP. | | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------| | |VEN. KETU |SUN. MERC |ASC.......MARS | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | |---------------| |-------------| | | | | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------| | | |MOON RAHU |

| | | -| |SUN. | | -|

| | | |-------------------------------------------------------------|VEN. URAN |KETU | | | | | | | | | | |--------------------------------------------------------------


Ssqr. *150* TRINE Sextl *150*

PRESS ENTER FOR NEXT VIEW Planet ASC 11th 12th SUN. SQUR. MOON MARS SXTL. MERC JUP. TRINE SXTL. CONJ. Sextl Ssqr. SXTL. CONJ. SXTL. SQUR. TRINE *150* .OPP. *135* .OPP. TRINE SQUR. 2nd CONJ. 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th .OPP. TRINE



CONJ. *126* .OPP. CONJ.






C-JUP.:C-NEPT:D-Moon HOUSE No. 11 D-Sun. HOUSE No. 12 A-SAT.:A-MOON:A-RAHU:B-JUP.:B-VEN.:B-KETU:C-MERC:D-Merc PRESS ENTER FOR NEXT VIEW PLANET Houses Signified SUN. MOON MARS MERC JUP. VEN. SAT. RAHU KETU URAN NEPT FOR. A-9th A-12th A-6th A-2nd A-6th A-6th A-12th A-12th A-ASC A-6th A-6th A-9th ,B-ASC ,B-6th ,B-ASC ,B-2nd ,B-12th ,B-12th ,B-9th ,B-6th ,B-12th ,B-4th ,B-4th ,B-5th ,C-4th ,D-10th ,D-2nd ,C-9th ,C-10th ,D-ASC ,C-3rd , ,C-2nd , ,C-10th ,C-4th ,C-5th , ,D-7th ,C-12th ,D-3rd ,D-8th ,C-6th ,D-11th , , ,D-9th ,D-12th , ,D-6th , , ,D-4th ,D-5th ,

,C-7th , , ,C-5th ,

Programme by RAICHUR.A.R 8/147 Garodianagar BOMBAY77 PRESS ENTER FOR NEXT VIEW DASAS AND BHUKTIES Ketu DASA 11 1 2004 TO 11 1 2011 2031 2014 Ven. Bhk. 11 5 2015 Sun. Bhk. 11 1 2017 Moon Bhk. 11 3 2018 Mars Bhk. 11 3 2021 Rahu Bhk. 11 11 2023 Jup. Bhk. 11 1 2027 Sat. Bhk. 11 11 2029 Merc Bhk. 11 1 2031 23 11 2004 TO 8 8 2005 Sun. Bhk. 11 5 2014 TO Moon Bhk. 11 5 2015 TO Mars Bhk. 11 1 2017 TO Rahu Bhk. 11 3 2018 TO Jup. Bhk. 11 3 2021 TO Sat. Bhk. 11 11 2023 TO Merc Bhk. 11 1 2027 TO Ketu Bhk. 11 11 2029 TO 8 8 2005 TO 14 12 2005 14 12 2005 TO 14 7 2006 14 7 2006 TO 11 12 2006 11 12 2006 TO 29 12 2007 29 12 2007 TO 5 12 2008 Ven. DASA 11 1 2011 TO 11 1 Ven. Bhk. 11 1 2011 TO 11 5

5 12 2008 TO 14 1 2010 14 1 2010 TO 11 1 2011

PRESS ENTER FOR NEXT VIEW KETU Dasa 11 1 2004 TO 11 1 2011 KETU Bhk. 11 1 2004 TO 8 6 2004 VEN Bhk. 8 6 2004 TO

8 8 2005 KETU Ant. 11 18 8 2004 VEN Ant. 20 9 9 2004 SUN Ant. 14 10 2004 MOON Ant. 21 11 2004 MARS Ant. 4 12 1 2005 RAHU Ant. 12 8 3 2005 JUP Ant. 4 14 5 2005 SAT Ant. 24 14 7 2005 MERC Ant. 17 8 8 2005 1 2004 TO 20 1 2004 1 2004 TO 14 2 2004 2 2004 TO 21 2 2004 2 2004 TO 4 3 2004 VEN Ant. 8 6 2004 TO SUN Ant. 18 8 2004 TO MOON Ant. 9 9 2004 TO 14 MARS Ant. 14 10 2004 TO RAHU Ant. 9 11 2004 TO JUP Ant. 12 1 2005 TO SAT Ant. 8 3 2005 TO MERC Ant. 14 5 2005 TO KETU Ant. 14 7 2005 TO MOON Bhk. 14 12 2005 TO MOON Ant. 14 12 2005 TO MARS Ant. 1 1 2006 TO RAHU Ant. 14 1 2006 TO JUP Ant. 15 2 2006 TO SAT Ant. 13 3 2006 TO MERC Ant. 17 4 2006 TO KETU Ant. 16 5 2006 TO VEN Ant. 29 5 2006 TO SUN Ant. 4 7 2006 TO VEN Bhk. 8 6 2004 TO JUP Ant. 12 1 2005 TO JUP Soo. 12 1 2005 TO SAT Soo. 19 1 2005 TO MERC Soo. 28 1 2005 TO KETU Soo. 6 2 2005 TO VEN Soo. 9 2 2005 TO SUN Soo. 18 2 2005 TO 8 8 9

3 2004 TO 12 3 2004 3 2004 TO 4 4 2004

4 2004 TO 24 4 2004 4 2004 TO 17 5 2004 5 2004 TO 8 6 2004

SUN Bhk. 8 8 2005 TO 14 12 2005 14 7 2006 SUN Ant. 8 1 1 2006 MOON Ant. 14 14 1 2006 MARS Ant. 25 15 2 2006 RAHU Ant. 2 13 3 2006 JUP Ant. 21 17 4 2006 SAT Ant. 8 16 5 2006 MERC Ant. 28 29 5 2006 KETU Ant. 16 4 7 2006 VEN Ant. 23 14 7 2006 8 2005 TO 14 8 2005 8 2005 TO 25 8 2005 8 2005 TO 2 9 2005

9 2005 TO 21 9 2005 9 2005 TO 8 10 2005

10 2005 TO 28 10 2005 10 2005 TO 16 11 2005 11 2005 TO 23 11 2005 11 2005 TO 14 12 2005

KETU Dasa 11 1 2004 TO 11 1 2011 2005 RAHU Ant. 9 11 2004 TO 12 1 2005 8 3 2005 RAHU Soo. 9 19 1 2005 JUP Soo. 18 28 1 2005 SAT Soo. 26 6 2 2005 MERC Soo. 6 9 2 2005 KETU Soo. 15 18 2 2005 VEN Soo. 19 11 2004 TO 18 11 2004 11 2004 TO 26 11 2004 11 2004 TO 6 12 2004

12 2004 TO 15 12 2004 12 2004 TO 19 12 2004 12 2004 TO 29 12 2004

21 2 2005 SUN Soo. 29 12 2004 TO 3 1 2005 26 2 2005 MOON Soo. 3 1 2005 TO 8 1 2005 1 3 2005 MARS Soo. 8 1 2005 TO 12 1 2005 8 3 2005 SAT Ant. 8 3 2005 TO 14 5 2005 14 7 2005 SAT Soo. 8 22 5 2005 MERC Soo. 18 26 5 2005 KETU Soo. 27 6 6 2005 VEN Soo. 1 9 6 2005 SUN Soo. 12 14 6 2005 MOON Soo. 16 17 6 2005 MARS Soo. 21 26 6 2005 RAHU Soo. 25 4 7 2005 JUP Soo. 5 14 7 2005 3 2005 TO 18 3 2005 3 2005 TO 27 3 2005 3 2005 TO 1 4 2005

MOON Soo. 21 2 2005 TO MARS Soo. 26 2 2005 TO RAHU Soo. 1 3 2005 TO MERC Ant. 14 5 2005 TO MERC Soo. 14 5 2005 TO KETU Soo. 22 5 2005 TO VEN Soo. 26 5 2005 TO SUN Soo. 6 6 2005 TO MOON Soo. 9 6 2005 TO MARS Soo. 14 6 2005 TO RAHU Soo. 17 6 2005 TO JUP Soo. 26 6 2005 TO SAT Soo. 4 7 2005 TO

4 2005 TO 12 4 2005 4 2005 TO 16 4 2005 4 2005 TO 21 4 2005 4 2005 TO 25 4 2005 4 2005 TO 5 5 2005

5 2005 TO 14 5 2005 8 8 2005 15 19 20 22 24 27 31 5 8 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005

KETU Ant. 14 7 2005 TO KETU VEN SUN MOON MARS RAHU JUP SAT MERC Soo. Soo. Soo. Soo. Soo. Soo. Soo. Soo. Soo. 14 15 19 20 22 24 27 31 5 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO

RULING PLANETS Ascendent ,Moon any Time of the DAY For North Latitude and East longitude only TYPE WITH COMMA(,) between Deg,Min & date,month,year,hrs,min Latitude Longitude Deg,Min? 13,4 Deg,Min? 80,17(CHENNAI)

DATE Date,Month,Year? 23,11,2004 TIME I.S.T. DAY LORD IS ASC= 88 21 58 MARS MERC JUP VEN MERC Hrs.Min ? 21,12


1 37 41 6 31 35 186 31 35



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First | < Previous | Next > |

I had a few minutes over the Holiday week-end to get my KP feet wet, so trying m y neophyte hand at an attempt on this blind chart, I came up with the following. (I am just beginning my study of this system so please bear with me as I could

be off the wall with my choices J This is a learning experience for me.)

My first choice for this subject being blessed with a child would be during his Mo/Ve/Ra dasha - covering the period from May 7, 1981 to August 5, 1981. The st rongest time frame that I can reasonably conclude (using Shri Jyoti Star 5) is d uring the dates encompassing May 15, 1981 through May 30, 1981. These dates indi cate running dasha sequences of Mo/Ve/Ra/Ra Mo/Ve/Ra/Ju respectively.

My reasoning: Transit Sun at this time occupies bhukti lord Venus sign of Taurus in the 11th from the prantyantardasha lord (Rahu). Transit prantyantardasha (sub -lord) Rahu, who is natal 5th lord s (Jupiter) star lord, is posited in Mahadasha lord s (Moon) sign of Cancer, and is transiting the 5th from the natal 5th house, and 11th from natal 11th and natal Saturn (Jupiter s dispositor and star lord of t he natal 5th house) possibly indicating a long or complicated labor, or simply a difficult labor with a few false starts (braxton hicks). I believe the sex of the first born child is male, and my conclusion for choosing male is based purel y on the 7th varga (D-7-Saptamsha) delineation, as I am not familiar with KP s way to determine the sex of a child, and would love it if anyone on the list cares to share that info. J

My second choice is Mo/Ve/Ju: from August 6, 1981 through October 26, 1981

My third choice would be Mo/Ve/Me: from January 30, 1982 through April 27, 1982.

This was fun I hope others will participate in these exercises so we may all learn from those on this list who are more experienced and seasoned in KP, and theref ore more accurate in their assessments. Any comments about where my logic appear s to be fuzzy, are certainly welcome. Thanks.

All the Best, Sandy Crowther

-----Original Message-----

From: rongaunt [] Sent: Sunday, November 28, 2004 7:29 PM To: Subject: Re: [k_p_system] KPBC3

Sorry, I forgot to put in the deadline. Please post answers by 00:01 am GMT Fri 3rd Dec 04 after which the answer will be posted. Ron Gaunt On Mon, 29 Nov 2004 10:23:55 +1000,I wrote: > >We will stick with the native who got married on 2 Nov 1979 >in KPBC2. > >His details again are: > >Male >D.O.B. 20 Dec 1950 >5:02am >IST -5:30 >10N46 >76E42 > >Assume he comes to you his astrologer not long after his >marriage. He tells you he is eager to start a family and >he wants to know when he can expect to have his first child. >He would like to know when this will be, and what will be the sex >of the child. What do you tell him? > >If you think there are two or three possible times please put >them in priority order. > >Ron Gaunt > >PS. In hindsight we now know that he did in fact have a child >within a period of 3 years. > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > >

Attachment: (image/gif) image001.gif [not stored]

1667 From: Date: Mon Nov 29, 2004 11:18pm Subject: New file uploaded to k_p_system Send Email Hello, This email message is a notification to let you know that a file has been uploaded to the Files area of the k_p_system group. File : /HOUSE OF FATHER.doc Uploaded by : tw853 <tw853@...> Description : You can access this file at the URL: To learn more about file sharing for your group, please visit: Regards, tw853 <tw853@...>

1668 From: "tw853" <tw853@...> Date: Mon Nov 29, 2004 11:26pm Subject: THEORACTICAL & EMPIRICAL REVIEW ON HOUSE OF FATHER tw853 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear All, Theoractical and empirical review on "HOUSE OF FATHER" (referring to `Food for Thought' of Shri Yogesh Rao Lajmi in Msg# 1488 and research method of linkage between cusp sub lord and Asc mentioned in Msg#1493 and KP Annual 2004, p 42)is temporily uploaded in the file for information and comments. Best regards, tw

1669 From: anant raichur <anant_1608@...> Date: Tue Nov 30, 2004 0:27am Subject: RE: KPBC3 anant_1608 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360

My answer is 23-5-1981 : Girl Sandy Crowther <> wrote:

-----Original Message----From: rongaunt [] Sent: Sunday, November 28, 2004 7:29 PM To: Subject: Re: [k_p_system] KPBC3

Sorry, I forgot to put in the deadline. Please post answers by 00:01 am GMT Fri 3rd Dec 04 after which the answer will be posted. Ron Gaunt On Mon, 29 Nov 2004 10:23:55 +1000,I wrote: > >We will stick with the native who got married on 2 Nov 1979 >in KPBC2. > >His details again are: > >Male >D.O.B. 20 Dec 1950 >5:02am >IST -5:30 >10N46 >76E42 > >Assume he comes to you his astrologer not long after his >marriage. He tells you he is eager to start a family and >he wants to know when he can expect to have his first child. >He would like to know when this will be, and what will be the sex >of the child. What do you tell him? > >If you think there are two or three possible times please put >them in priority order. > >Ron Gaunt > >PS. In hindsight we now know that he did in fact have a child >within a period of 3 years. > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links >

> > > > >

-----------------------------------------A.R.Raichur bombay USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY tel: 022-2506 2609 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Do you Yahoo!? All your favorites on one personal page Try My Yahoo!

1670 From: kunal mehta <mehtakunal2707@...> Date: Tue Nov 30, 2004 0:44am Subject: Reading request / Mr.Ron/ mehtakunal2707 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Hello, I tried to post this request, Can anyone predict time of likely time of marraige (type of wife) 18/06/1977 8=15am mumbai Regards, Kunal -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Moving house? Beach bar in Thailand? New Wardrobe? Win 10k with Yahoo! Mail to ma ke your dream a reality.

1671 From: Ajay Pandav <leojay5@...> Date: Tue Nov 30, 2004 1:47am


> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

please bear with me as I could be off the wall with my choices.:-) This is a learning experience for me.)

My first choice for this subject being blessed with a child would be during his Mo/Ve/Ra dasha - covering the period from May 7, 1981 to August 5, 1981. The strongest time frame that I can reasonably conclude (using Shri Jyoti Star 5) is during the dates encompassing May 15, 1981 through May 30, 1981. These dates indicate running dasha sequences of Mo/Ve/Ra/Ra - Mo/Ve/Ra/Ju respectively.

My reasoning: Transit Sun at this time occupies bhukti lord Venus' sign of Taurus in the 11th from the prantyantardasha lord (Rahu). Transit prantyantardasha (sub-lord) Rahu, who is natal 5th lord's (Jupiter) star lord, is posited in Mahadasha lord's (Moon) sign of Cancer, and is transiting the 5th from the natal 5th house, and 11th from natal 11th and natal Saturn (Jupiter's dispositor and star lord of the natal 5th house) possibly indicating a long or complicated labor, or simply a difficult labor with a few false starts (braxton hicks). I believe the sex of the first born child is male, and my conclusion for choosing male is based purely on the 7th varga (D-7-Saptamsha) delineation, as I am not familiar with KP's way to determine the sex of a child, and would love it if anyone on the list cares to share that info. :-)

My second choice is Mo/Ve/Ju: from August 6, 1981 through October 26, 1981

My third choice would be Mo/Ve/Me: from January 30, 1982 through April 27, 1982.

This was fun.I hope others will participate in these

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

exercises so we may all learn from those on this list who are more experienced and seasoned in KP, and therefore more accurate in their assessments. Any comments about where my logic appears to be fuzzy, are certainly welcome. Thanks.

All the Best, Sandy Crowther <>

-----Original Message----From: rongaunt [mailto:rongaunt@...] Sent: Sunday, November 28, 2004 7:29 PM To: Subject: Re: [k_p_system] KPBC3

Sorry, I forgot to put in the deadline. Please post answers by 00:01 am GMT Fri 3rd Dec 04 after which the answer will be posted. Ron Gaunt On Mon, 29 Nov 2004 10:23:55 +1000,I wrote: > >We will stick with the native who got married on 2 Nov 1979 >in KPBC2. > >His details again are: > >Male >D.O.B. 20 Dec 1950 >5:02am >IST -5:30

> >10N46 > >76E42 > > > >Assume he comes to you his astrologer not long > after his > >marriage. He tells you he is eager to start a > family and > >he wants to know when he can expect to have his > first child. > >He would like to know when this will be, and what > will be the sex > >of the child. What do you tell him? > > > >If you think there are two or three possible times > please put > >them in priority order. > > > >Ron Gaunt > > > >PS. In hindsight we now know that he did in fact > have a child > >within a period of 3 years. > > > > > > > > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Yahoo! Groups Sponsor > > > > < > D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1101684485/A=2343726/R=0/SIG=12i2di8g7/*htt > p:/ > 1294> > < > D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1101684485/A=2343726/R=1/SIG=12i2di8g7/*htt > p:/ > 1294> >

> Get unlimited calls to > < > D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1101684485/A=2343726/R=1/SIG=12i2di8g7/*htt > p:/ > 1294> > > U.S./Canada > < > D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1101684485/A=2343726/R=1/SIG=12i2di8g7/*htt > p:/ > 1294> > > > < > 598085471294> > > > === message truncated === ________________________________________________________________________ Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online Go to:


SEEN, WHETHER HE IS HAVING A CHANCE TO HAVE CHILDREN. THE RULE IN KP SAYS THE SUBLORD OF THE 5TH HOUSE SHOULD BE THE STRONG SIGNIFICATOR OF 2, 5, 11 HOUSES AND THE PERIOD OF MAHADASHA SHOULD RELATE TO THAT HOUSE WHEN THE CHILD BIRTH IS EXPECTED. WHEN ANY COUPLE ENQUIRES, WHETHER THEY WILL HAVE A MALE OR FEMALE CHILD, THEN THE HOROSCOPE OF LADY AND ALSO HER HUSBAND SHOULD BE CONSIDERED, AND THE RULE SAYS THAT THE SUBLORD OF 5TH AND 11TH HOUSE SHOULD BE IN FIRM SIGNS I.E. TAURUS, LEO, SCORPIO AND AQUARIES, AND SHOULD NOT BE IN DUAL SIGN I.E. GEMINI, VIRGO, SAGGITARUS AND PISCES, AND SUBLORD SHOULD BE STRONG SIGNIFICATOR OF 2, 5, 11 HOUSES. WHILE JUDGING HOROSCOPE OF HUSBAND OF THAT LADY, THE SUBLORD OF 11TH HOUSE SHOULD BE STRONG SIGNIFICATOR OF 2, 5, 11 HOUSES. THE PERIOD OF MAHADASHA SHOULD RELATE TO THESE STRONG SIGNIFICATOR. IF THIS RULE FULFILS, THE COUPLE WILL HAVE A CHILD OF THEIR OWN CHOICE, A MALE OR FEMALE. SO I FEEL JUDGING THIS QUESTION MAINLY ON THE HOROSCOPE OF A MAN IS NOT CORRECT. THESE ARE SOME POINTS, WHICH I FEEL TO CONTRIBUTE. IF THERE IS ANY WRONG, PLEASE LET ME KNOW. WITH REGARDS TO ALL AJAY PANDAV --- Sandy Crowther <> wrote: > Hi Ron and Group, > > > > I had a few minutes over the Holiday week-end to get > my KP feet wet, so > trying my neophyte hand at an attempt on this blind > chart, I came up > with the following. (I am just beginning my study of > this system - so > please bear with me as I could be off the wall with > my choices.:-) This > is a learning experience for me.) > > > > My first choice for this subject being blessed with > a child would be > during his Mo/Ve/Ra dasha - covering the period from > May 7, 1981 to > August 5, 1981. The strongest time frame that I can > reasonably conclude > (using Shri Jyoti Star 5) is during the dates > encompassing May 15, 1981 > through May 30, 1981. These dates indicate running > dasha sequences of > Mo/Ve/Ra/Ra - Mo/Ve/Ra/Ju respectively. >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

My reasoning: Transit Sun at this time occupies bhukti lord Venus' sign of Taurus in the 11th from the prantyantardasha lord (Rahu). Transit prantyantardasha (sub-lord) Rahu, who is natal 5th lord's (Jupiter) star lord, is posited in Mahadasha lord's (Moon) sign of Cancer, and is transiting the 5th from the natal 5th house, and 11th from natal 11th and natal Saturn (Jupiter's dispositor and star lord of the natal 5th house) possibly indicating a long or complicated labor, or simply a difficult labor with a few false starts (braxton hicks). I believe the sex of the first born child is male, and my conclusion for choosing male is based purely on the 7th varga (D-7-Saptamsha) delineation, as I am not familiar with KP's way to determine the sex of a child, and would love it if anyone on the list cares to share that info. :-)

My second choice is Mo/Ve/Ju: from August 6, 1981 through October 26, 1981

My third choice would be Mo/Ve/Me: from January 30, 1982 through April 27, 1982.

This was fun.I hope others will participate in these exercises so we may all learn from those on this list who are more experienced and seasoned in KP, and therefore more accurate in their assessments. Any comments about where my logic appears to be fuzzy, are certainly welcome. Thanks.

All the Best, Sandy Crowther <>

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

-----Original Message----From: rongaunt [] Sent: Sunday, November 28, 2004 7:29 PM To: Subject: Re: [k_p_system] KPBC3

Sorry, I forgot to put in the deadline. Please post answers by 00:01 am GMT Fri 3rd Dec 04 after which the answer will be posted. Ron Gaunt On Mon, 29 Nov 2004 10:23:55 +1000,I wrote: > >We will stick with the native who got married on 2 Nov 1979 >in KPBC2. > >His details again are: > >Male >D.O.B. 20 Dec 1950 >5:02am >IST -5:30 >10N46 >76E42 > >Assume he comes to you his astrologer not long after his >marriage. He tells you he is eager to start a family and >he wants to know when he can expect to have his first child. >He would like to know when this will be, and what will be the sex >of the child. What do you tell him? > >If you think there are two or three possible times please put >them in priority order. > >Ron Gaunt

> > > >PS. In hindsight we now know that he did in fact > have a child > >within a period of 3 years. > > > > > > > > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Yahoo! Groups Sponsor > > > > < > D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1101684485/A=2343726/R=0/SIG=12i2di8g7/*htt > p:/ > 1294> > < > D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1101684485/A=2343726/R=1/SIG=12i2di8g7/*htt > p:/ > 1294> > > Get unlimited calls to > < > D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1101684485/A=2343726/R=1/SIG=12i2di8g7/*htt > p:/ > 1294> > > U.S./Canada > < > D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1101684485/A=2343726/R=1/SIG=12i2di8g7/*htt > p:/ > 1294> >

> > < > 598085471294> > > > === message truncated === ________________________________________________________________________ Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online Go to: Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online.

1673 From: "Upadhyaya, Srinivasa" <srinivasa.upadyaya@...> Date: Tue Nov 30, 2004 3:13am Subject: RE: KPBC3 upadhyaya_p_s Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Members, I have tried to analyse the chart, please let me know your comments / suggestions. Regards, Upadhyaya PLANETS UNDER RETROGRESSION : URAN;PLUT; +--------+--------+--------+--------+ |RAH FOR |CHA | |URA GUL | | | | | | +--------+--------+--------+--------+ |GUR | |PLU | | | | | +--------+ R A S I +--------+ |KUJ | | | | | | | +--------+--------+--------+--------+ |SUR BUD |LAG | |SAN KET | |SUK | | |NEP | +--------+--------+--------+--------+ +--------+--------+--------+--------+ |SAN |KUJ |SUR | | | | | | | +--------+--------+--------+--------+ |URA PLU | |SUK RAH | |GUL FOR | | | +--------+ NAVAMSA +--------+ |KET | |CHA NEP | | | | | +--------+--------+--------+--------+ |GUR |BUD |LAG | | | | | | | +--------+--------+--------+--------+

+--------+--------+--------+--------+ |FOR |CHA | |URA GUL | | | | | | +--------+--------+--------+--------+ |RAH | |PLU | | | | | +--------+ B H A V A +--------+ |GUR | |SAN KET | | | | | +--------+--------+--------+--------+ |KUJ BUD |SUR LAG | |NEP |

|SUK | | | | +--------+--------+--------+--------+ Planet Significations : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Planet Lords Significations Sign-Star-Sub Star General -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sur Gur-Ket-Cha 10, 1, 10, Cha Kuj-Suk-Sur 2, 7, 12, 6, 9, Kuj San-Cha-Cha 6, 9, 2, 1, 6, Bud Gur-Suk-San 2, 7, 12, 2, 8, 11, Gur San-Rah-Gur 4, 3, 2, 5, Suk Gur-Ket-Bud 10, 2, 7, 12, San Bud-Sur-Suk 1, 10, 10, 3, 4, Rah Gur-Gur-Cha 3, 2, 5, 4, Ket Bud-Sur-Rah 1, 10, 10, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------House Significators : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cusp Star-Sub Lord In Lord's Occupant In Occupant's Constellation Constellation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 San-Kuj Kuj Sur Ket San -------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 Ket-San Gur Rah Suk Cha Bud Kuj Bud -------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 Cha-Cha San Gur Rah -------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 Rah-Bud San Rah Gur -------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 San-Gur Gur Rah -------------------------------------------------------------------------------6 Suk-Suk Kuj Cha Kuj -------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 Cha-Rah Suk Cha Bud -------------------------------------------------------------------------------8 Rah-San Bud -------------------------------------------------------------------------------9 San-Cha Cha Kuj -------------------------------------------------------------------------------10 Ket-Bud Sur Ket San Ket Suk Sur San -------------------------------------------------------------------------------11 Cha-Gur Bud -------------------------------------------------------------------------------12 Rah-Ket Suk Cha Bud --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Child Birth promised? 5 cusp sublord is Guru, is lord of 2nd and 5th in 3rd. He is rahu star. Rahu occupies 4th house, but he is in Guru's star, so he represents 2,5, and 3. Sub lord of Guru is Guru. So Birth of the child is promised.

No planet in the 11th house. It is owned by Mercury, a fast moving planet. So quick results may be expected. Ruling planets at the time of judgement (30-Nov-2004, at Bangalore, IST 14:03) Sign Lord Star Lord Sub Asc : Ju Sa Ma Moon : Me Ju Sa Day : Ma Rah is in Ae, Mar sign Sa, Ju, Me, Ma, Ra. For child birth, we have to consider 2, 5 and 11. House Significators : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cusp Star-Sub Lord In Lord's Occupant In Occupant's Constellation Constellation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 Ket-San Gur Rah Suk Cha Bud Kuj Bud -------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 San-Gur Gur Rah -------------------------------------------------------------------------------11 Cha-Gur Bud -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mer, Mar, Sa stars are untenated. So they are strong significators. significators : Me, Ma, Mo, Ra, Ve, Ju, Sa Common significators are Me, Ma, Ra, Ju, Sa

Me is 11th lord in 2nd house. Also Me is in Ve star, who is in the 2nd house. Sub of Me is Sa, Sub lord of 2nd house. So Me is a very strong significator. Ma is in 2nd house, in the star and Sub of Mo. Mo signifies 6&9. So mars is not a strong significator Ra is in 4th house, aspected by 3rd, 4th lord & 2nd Sub lord Sa. Rh is in Ju star, who signifies 2 & 5. Rh is in sub of Mo. So Ra is medium in strength. Ju is the lord of 2 & 5 in 3rd, in the star of Rh who signifies Sa (2nd sub), and Ju in the sub of Ju. So a strong signifier. Sa is the 2nd sub lord, in the 10th house, lord of 3 & 4. Sa in the star of Su, in the 1st house, in the 10th. Also Sublord of Sa is Ve, who occupies 2nd house. Looks like Sa is medium in strength. So, in the descending order of strength, Me, Ju, Rh, Sa, Ma From the above analysis, I not sure if the native can have child in Moon dasa. But, as Moon is in the star of Ve (Occupant of 2nd house). I will include Moon too. Also Moon dasa will not end in 3 years after marriage.

Birth of the child will happen in the conjoined period of Me, Ju, Ra. So the sensitive point in the zodiac is ruled by Me, Ju, Ra. As ke represents Me, I will include Ke too. So the probable period is Mo-Ke-Me 03-09-1980 06-10-1980 From the transit the event could have happened on 1-10-1980 Sg-St-Sb Sun 14 Vi 28 Hastha 2 Me-Mo-Ju Moon 12 Ge 33 Aardra 2 Me-Rh-Ve Mercury 7 Li 44 Swathi 1 Ve-Rh-Rh Ketu 23 Cp 54 Dhanishtha 1 Sa-Ma-Ma Sex of the child? Do not know ;-))

-----Original Message----From: rongaunt [mailto:rongaunt@...] Sent: Monday, November 29, 2004 5:54 AM To: Subject: [k_p_system] KPBC3

We will stick with the native who got married on 2 Nov 1979 in KPBC2. His details again are: Male D.O.B. 20 Dec 1950 5:02am IST -5:30 10N46 76E42 Assume he comes to you his astrologer not long after his marriage. He tells you he is eager to start a family and he wants to know when he can expect to have his first child. He would like to know when this will be, and what will be the sex of the child. What do you tell him? If you think there are two or three possible times please put them in priority order. Ron Gaunt PS. In hindsight we now know that he did in fact have a child

within a period of 3 years.

Yahoo! Groups Links

1674 From: Jyotish Dham <jyotishdham@...> Date: Tue Nov 30, 2004 4:02am Subject: Court decision How to see?? jyotishdham Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Group Members I wish to solve horary chart for question by the native Will Court decision will be in my favour? I wish to know am I in right track by selecting 7 sublord should have significator of 11 and 6 ( to win over an enemy page 157 A strosecret ..) because VII refers those with whome the native is engaged in quarre ls and comes into open through arguments or litigation (ref Fundamental of astro logy by Prof KSK) or any other houses I should see like 1-6-11 (lagna sublord significator of 6 and 11) Kindly guide me with your vast experiences in KP Also I would like to know when we consider Horary chart should we also cross che ck the same sublord and siginificator etc in Natal chart or only one at a time i s required to analyse in KP either Horary or Natal. Thanking in advance

Shunny Nigam Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online.

1675 From: "Upadhyaya, Srinivasa" <srinivasa.upadyaya@...> Date: Tue Nov 30, 2004 4:46am Subject: Marriage timings upadhyaya_p_s Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear members,

I am trying to analyze my friend's horoscope for marriage prospects. Please guide me. Is my analysis correct. Regards, Upadhyaya PLANETS UNDER RETROGRESSION : URAN;NEPT;PLUT; +--------+--------+--------+--------+ +--------+--------+--------+--------+ | |SUK |SUR KET |BUD SAN | |FOR |GUR PLU | |SUR CHA | | | | | | | | | |SUK | +--------+--------+--------+--------+ +--------+--------+--------+--------+ |GUR | |KUJ LAG | |RAH LAG | |KUJ | | | | | | | | | +--------+ R A S I +--------+ +--------+ NAVAMSA +--------+ |FOR | | | |BUD SAN | |KET GUL | | | | | | | | | +--------+--------+--------+--------+ +--------+--------+--------+--------+ | |RAH NEP |CHA URA |PLU GUL | | |NEP |URA | | | | | | | | | | | | +--------+--------+--------+--------+ +--------+--------+--------+--------+ +--------+--------+--------+--------+ |SUK |SUR KET |BUD SAN |KUJ | | | | | | +--------+--------+--------+--------+ | | |LAG | | | | | +--------+ B H A V A +--------+ |GUR | |PLU GUL | | | | | +--------+--------+--------+--------+ |FOR | |CHA RAH |URA | | | |NEP | | +--------+--------+--------+--------+ Planet Significations : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Planet Lords Significations Sign-Star-Sub Star General -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sur Suk-Cha-Bud 4, 1, 10, 2, Cha Suk-Gur-Sur 7, 6, 9, 4, 1, Kuj Cha-Gur-Rah 7, 6, 9, 12, 5, 10, Bud Bud-Rah-San 4, 11, 3, 12, Gur San-Gur-San 7, 6, 9, 7, 6, 9, Suk Kuj-Ket-San 10, 9, 4, 11, San Bud-Rah-San 4, 11, 7, 8, Rah Kuj-Bud-Gur 11, 3, 12, 4, Ket Suk-Kuj-Gur 12, 5, 10, 10, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------House Significators : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cusp Star-Sub Lord In Lord's Occupant In Occupant's Constellation Constellation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 Bud-Gur Cha Sur --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2 Suk-Bud Sur -------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 Kuj-Gur Bud Rah -------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 Gur-Suk Suk Cha Sur Rah San Bud -------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 Bud-San Kuj Ket -------------------------------------------------------------------------------6 Sur-Sur Gur Cha Kuj Gur -------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 Kuj-Gur San Gur Cha Kuj Gur -------------------------------------------------------------------------------8 Gur-Bud San -------------------------------------------------------------------------------9 Bud-Gur Gur Cha Kuj Gur Suk -------------------------------------------------------------------------------10 Sur-Cha Kuj Ket Ket Suk Sur -------------------------------------------------------------------------------11 Kuj-San Suk San Bud Rah -------------------------------------------------------------------------------12 Gur-Suk Bud Rah Kuj Ket -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Marriage promised? 7 CSL is Ju. Ju is in the 7th house, in its own star. So strong significator. Marriage is promised. Sub lord of Ju is Sa => delay? Significators: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 Suk-Bud Sur -------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 Kuj-Gur San Gur Cha Kuj Gur -------------------------------------------------------------------------------11 Kuj-San Suk San Bud Rah -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ra represents Su, Ma Ke represents Su, Ve Ju, Rh, Sa, Ma, Mo, Ve, Me, Su RPs (3:57 IST at Bangalore on 30-Nov-2004) Asc: Ma-Ve Mon: Me-Ju Day: Ma Rh => Ma Ke => Ve RPs : Ma, Me, Ve, Ju Ju, Rh, Sa, Ma, Mo, Ve, Me, Su Common Significators: Ma, Me, Ve, Ju

The person may get married during Me-Ma-Ju (12-12-2006 - 29-01-2007)

1676 From: "Upadhyaya, Srinivasa" <srinivasa.upadyaya@...> Date: Tue Nov 30, 2004 4:49am Subject: RE: Marriage timings upadhyaya_p_s Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Sorry. I did not include the birth details. DOB: 3-Jun-1974 TOB: 11:00AM PoB: Mangalore Regards -----Original Message----From: Upadhyaya, Srinivasa Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 2004 4:17 PM To: Subject: [k_p_system] Marriage timings

Dear members, I am trying to analyze my friend's horoscope for marriage prospects. Please guide me. Is my analysis correct. Regards, Upadhyaya PLANETS UNDER RETROGRESSION : URAN;NEPT;PLUT; +--------+--------+--------+--------+ +--------+--------+--------+--------+ | |SUK |SUR KET |BUD SAN | |FOR |GUR PLU | |SUR CHA | | | | | | | | | |SUK | +--------+--------+--------+--------+ +--------+--------+--------+--------+ |GUR | |KUJ LAG | |RAH LAG | |KUJ | | | | | | | | | +--------+ R A S I +--------+ +--------+ NAVAMSA +--------+ |FOR | | | |BUD SAN | |KET GUL | | | | | | | | | +--------+--------+--------+--------+ +--------+--------+--------+--------+ | |RAH NEP |CHA URA |PLU GUL | | |NEP |URA | | | | | | | | | | | | +--------+--------+--------+--------+ +--------+--------+--------+--------+ +--------+--------+--------+--------+ |SUK |SUR KET |BUD SAN |KUJ | | | | | | +--------+--------+--------+--------+ | | |LAG | | | | | +--------+ B H A V A +--------+ |GUR | |PLU GUL |

| | | | +--------+--------+--------+--------+ |FOR | |CHA RAH |URA | | | |NEP | | +--------+--------+--------+--------+ Planet Significations : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Planet Lords Significations Sign-Star-Sub Star General -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sur Suk-Cha-Bud 4, 1, 10, 2, Cha Suk-Gur-Sur 7, 6, 9, 4, 1, Kuj Cha-Gur-Rah 7, 6, 9, 12, 5, 10, Bud Bud-Rah-San 4, 11, 3, 12, Gur San-Gur-San 7, 6, 9, 7, 6, 9, Suk Kuj-Ket-San 10, 9, 4, 11, San Bud-Rah-San 4, 11, 7, 8, Rah Kuj-Bud-Gur 11, 3, 12, 4, Ket Suk-Kuj-Gur 12, 5, 10, 10, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------House Significators : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cusp Star-Sub Lord In Lord's Occupant In Occupant's Constellation Constellation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 Bud-Gur Cha Sur -------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 Suk-Bud Sur -------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 Kuj-Gur Bud Rah -------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 Gur-Suk Suk Cha Sur Rah San Bud -------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 Bud-San Kuj Ket -------------------------------------------------------------------------------6 Sur-Sur Gur Cha Kuj Gur -------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 Kuj-Gur San Gur Cha Kuj Gur -------------------------------------------------------------------------------8 Gur-Bud San -------------------------------------------------------------------------------9 Bud-Gur Gur Cha Kuj Gur Suk -------------------------------------------------------------------------------10 Sur-Cha Kuj Ket Ket Suk Sur -------------------------------------------------------------------------------11 Kuj-San Suk San Bud Rah -------------------------------------------------------------------------------12 Gur-Suk Bud Rah Kuj Ket -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Marriage promised? 7 CSL is Ju. Ju is in the 7th house, in its own star. So strong significator. Marriage is promised. Sub lord of Ju is Sa => delay?

Significators: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 Suk-Bud Sur -------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 Kuj-Gur San Gur Cha Kuj Gur -------------------------------------------------------------------------------11 Kuj-San Suk San Bud Rah -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ra represents Su, Ma Ke represents Su, Ve Ju, Rh, Sa, Ma, Mo, Ve, Me, Su RPs (3:57 IST at Bangalore on 30-Nov-2004) Asc: Ma-Ve Mon: Me-Ju Day: Ma Rh => Ma Ke => Ve RPs : Ma, Me, Ve, Ju Ju, Rh, Sa, Ma, Mo, Ve, Me, Su Common Significators: Ma, Me, Ve, Ju The person may get married during Me-Ma-Ju (12-12-2006 - 29-01-2007)

Yahoo! Groups Links

1677 From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@...> Date: Tue Nov 30, 2004 6:19am Subject: Re: Court decision How to see?? lyrastro1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Jyotish Dham, If the sub-lord of the VIth signifies I,VI & XI...o nly then success in litigation is promised...if the IIIrd and IX th houses also figure,a compromise will be arrived/reached at... Yours sincerely, lyrastro1 GOOD LUCK ! Jyotish Dham <> wrote: Dear Group Members I wish to solve horary chart for question by the native Will Court decision will be in my favour?

I wish to know am I in right track by selecting 7 sublord should have significator of 11 and 6 ( to win over an enemy page 157 A strosecret ..) because VII refers those with whome the native is engaged in quarre ls and comes into open through arguments or litigation (ref Fundamental of astro logy by Prof KSK) or any other houses I should see like 1-6-11 (lagna sublord significator of 6 and 11) Kindly guide me with your vast experiences in KP Also I would like to know when we consider Horary chart should we also cross che ck the same sublord and siginificator etc in Natal chart or only one at a time i s required to analyse in KP either Horary or Natal. Thanking in advance

Shunny Nigam Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online. Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online.

1678 From: set <cheekudg@...> Date: Tue Nov 30, 2004 6:33am Subject: need help cheekudg Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear fellow(s), i am very much confused about my kundi, because i have 4 diff. versions. if u could do the correct analysis, that would be great... DOB- july 01, 1973, chicago, ILLINOIS, USA, 8:07am, satuday!! thanks, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Mail - You care about security. So do we.

1679 From: Vinay Tiwari <techn0pandit@...> Date: Tue Nov 30, 2004 9:18am Subject: RE: KPBC3 techn0pandit Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360

Om Ganeshaya namah: Respected Guruz and friends, I am very very new to this field.After calculation I feel the child woul d have born in may 1982 probably after 12 th may and before 30th .ie; Mo-ve-mer . In these dates also i feel last week of may. Lets C what I am going to learn more with the results. Thanks. Regards Vinay Tiwari


SO I FEEL JUDGING THIS QUESTION MAINLY ON THE HOROSCOPE OF A MAN IS NOT CORRECT. THESE ARE SOME POINTS, WHICH I FEEL TO CONTRIBUTE. IF THERE IS ANY WRONG, PLEASE LET ME KNOW. WITH REGARDS TO ALL AJAY PANDAV --- Sandy Crowther <> wrote: > Hi Ron and Group, > > > > I had a few minutes over the Holiday week-end to get > my KP feet wet, so > trying my neophyte hand at an attempt on this blind > chart, I came up > with the following. (I am just beginning my study of > this system - so > please bear with me as I could be off the wall with > my choices.:-) This > is a learning experience for me.) > > > > My first choice for this subject being blessed with > a child would be > during his Mo/Ve/Ra dasha - covering the period from > May 7, 1981 to > August 5, 1981. The strongest time frame that I can > reasonably conclude > (using Shri Jyoti Star 5) is during the dates > encompassing May 15, 1981 > through May 30, 1981. These dates indicate running > dasha sequences of > Mo/Ve/Ra/Ra - Mo/Ve/Ra/Ju respectively. > > > > My reasoning: Transit Sun at this time occupies > bhukti lord Venus' sign > of Taurus in the 11th from the prantyantardasha lord > (Rahu). Transit > prantyantardasha (sub-lord) Rahu, who is natal 5th > lord's (Jupiter) star > lord, is posited in Mahadasha lord's (Moon) sign of > Cancer, and is > transiting the 5th from the natal 5th house, and > 11th from natal 11th > and natal Saturn (Jupiter's dispositor and star lord > of the natal 5th > house) possibly indicating a long or complicated > labor, or simply a > difficult labor with a few false starts (braxton > hicks). I believe the > sex of the first born child is male, and my > conclusion for choosing male > is based purely on the 7th varga (D-7-Saptamsha) > delineation, as I am

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

not familiar with KP's way to determine the sex of a child, and would love it if anyone on the list cares to share that info. :-)

My second choice is Mo/Ve/Ju: from August 6, 1981 through October 26, 1981

My third choice would be Mo/Ve/Me: from January 30, 1982 through April 27, 1982.

This was fun.I hope others will participate in these exercises so we may all learn from those on this list who are more experienced and seasoned in KP, and therefore more accurate in their assessments. Any comments about where my logic appears to be fuzzy, are certainly welcome. Thanks.

All the Best, Sandy Crowther <>

-----Original Message----From: rongaunt [] Sent: Sunday, November 28, 2004 7:29 PM To: Subject: Re: [k_p_system] KPBC3

Sorry, I forgot to put in the deadline. post answers by


> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

00:01 am GMT Fri 3rd Dec 04 after which the answer will be posted. Ron Gaunt On Mon, 29 Nov 2004 10:23:55 +1000,I wrote: > >We will stick with the native who got married on 2 Nov 1979 >in KPBC2. > >His details again are: > >Male >D.O.B. 20 Dec 1950 >5:02am >IST -5:30 >10N46 >76E42 > >Assume he comes to you his astrologer not long after his >marriage. He tells you he is eager to start a family and >he wants to know when he can expect to have his first child. >He would like to know when this will be, and what will be the sex >of the child. What do you tell him? > >If you think there are two or three possible times please put >them in priority order. > >Ron Gaunt > >PS. In hindsight we now know that he did in fact have a child >within a period of 3 years. > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > >

> > Yahoo! Groups Sponsor > > > > < > D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1101684485/A=2343726/R=0/SIG=12i2di8g7/*htt > p:/ > 1294> > < > D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1101684485/A=2343726/R=1/SIG=12i2di8g7/*htt > p:/ > 1294> > > Get unlimited calls to > < > D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1101684485/A=2343726/R=1/SIG=12i2di8g7/*htt > p:/ > 1294> > > U.S./Canada > < > D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1101684485/A=2343726/R=1/SIG=12i2di8g7/*htt > p:/ > 1294> > > > < > 598085471294> > > > === message truncated === ________________________________________________________________________ Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online Go to: Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online.

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1680 From: "tw853" <tw853@...> Date: Tue Nov 30, 2004 11:58am Subject: Re: KPBC3 tw853 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Sandy Crowther, As regards child's sex, it's said in KP Reader IV, 1984, p 221 that a general rule not yet found, and in p 213-214 Beejam for boy and Kshetram for girl mentioned. In Astrosecrets I, 2003, p 292 and Astrosecrets III, 2002, p 84, it's suggested to analyze 5th cusp, stlord, sublord, stlord of sublord, their location in rasi, female/ male rasi, aspect, conjunction, Rahu/Ketu connections etc. Best regards, tw

--- In, "Sandy Crowther" <sandy@t...> wrote: > Hi Ron and Group, > > > > I had a few minutes over the Holiday week-end to get my KP feet wet, so > trying my neophyte hand at an attempt on this blind chart, I came up > with the following. (I am just beginning my study of this system so > please bear with me as I could be off the wall with my choices.:-) This > is a learning experience for me.) > > > > My first choice for this subject being blessed with a child would be > during his Mo/Ve/Ra dasha - covering the period from May 7, 1981 to > August 5, 1981. The strongest time frame that I can reasonably conclude > (using Shri Jyoti Star 5) is during the dates encompassing May 15, 1981 > through May 30, 1981. These dates indicate running dasha sequences of > Mo/Ve/Ra/Ra - Mo/Ve/Ra/Ju respectively. > > > > My reasoning: Transit Sun at this time occupies bhukti lord Venus' sign

> of Taurus in the 11th from the prantyantardasha lord (Rahu). Transit > prantyantardasha (sub-lord) Rahu, who is natal 5th lord's (Jupiter) star > lord, is posited in Mahadasha lord's (Moon) sign of Cancer, and is > transiting the 5th from the natal 5th house, and 11th from natal 11th > and natal Saturn (Jupiter's dispositor and star lord of the natal 5th > house) possibly indicating a long or complicated labor, or simply a > difficult labor with a few false starts (braxton hicks). I believe the > sex of the first born child is male, and my conclusion for choosing male > is based purely on the 7th varga (D-7-Saptamsha) delineation, as I am > not familiar with KP's way to determine the sex of a child, and would > love it if anyone on the list cares to share that info. :-) > > > > My second choice is Mo/Ve/Ju: from August 6, 1981 through October 26, > 1981 > > > > My third choice would be Mo/Ve/Me: from January 30, 1982 through April > 27, 1982. > > > > This was fun.I hope others will participate in these exercises so we may > all learn from those on this list who are more experienced and seasoned > in KP, and therefore more accurate in their assessments. Any comments > about where my logic appears to be fuzzy, are certainly welcome. Thanks. > > > > All the Best, > > Sandy Crowther > > <> > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

-----Original Message----From: rongaunt [mailto:rongaunt@b...] Sent: Sunday, November 28, 2004 7:29 PM To: Subject: Re: [k_p_system] KPBC3

Sorry, I forgot to put in the deadline. Please post answers by 00:01 am GMT Fri 3rd Dec 04 after which the answer will be posted. Ron Gaunt On Mon, 29 Nov 2004 10:23:55 +1000,I wrote: > >We will stick with the native who got married on 2 Nov 1979 >in KPBC2. > >His details again are: > >Male >D.O.B. 20 Dec 1950 >5:02am >IST -5:30 >10N46 >76E42 > >Assume he comes to you his astrologer not long after his >marriage. He tells you he is eager to start a family and >he wants to know when he can expect to have his first child. >He would like to know when this will be, and what will be the sex >of the child. What do you tell him? > >If you think there are two or three possible times please put >them in priority order. > >Ron Gaunt > >PS. In hindsight we now know that he did in fact have a child >within a period of 3 years. > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > >

> > > > > > Yahoo! Groups Sponsor > > > > < 6/ > D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1101684485/A=2343726/R=0/SIG=12i2di8g7/*h tt > p:/ 47 > 1294> > < 6/ > D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1101684485/A=2343726/R=1/SIG=12i2di8g7/*h tt > p:/ 47 > 1294> > > Get unlimited calls to > < 6/ > D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1101684485/A=2343726/R=1/SIG=12i2di8g7/*h tt > p:/ 47 > 1294> > > U.S./Canada > < 6/ > D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1101684485/A=2343726/R=1/SIG=12i2di8g7/*h tt > p:/ 47 > 1294> > > > < 01 > 598085471294> >

> > > < M=296572.5585671.6651487.3001176/D=group > s/S=:HM/A=2343726/rand=278546259> > > > > _____ > > Yahoo! Groups Links > > * To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > > * To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > <> > > > * Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of > <> Service.

1681 From: "tw853" <tw853@...> Date: Tue Nov 30, 2004 0:01pm Subject: Re: KPBC3 tw853 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Ajay Pandav, Despite remarks to judge charts of both husband and wife in p 210, KP Reader IV, 1984 and mother's chart to get correct results in p 241, Reader IV, more examples for male are given by Guruji KSK , in Reader IV, DOB 4-5-1938, 8 PM, p 209, 214-215; DOB 5-1-1932 p 216-217; Horary no 247, p 223-224; Horary no 235, p 226-228, Mr. D. G. H no 220, p 232-233, Horary no 135, p 237-241; in KP Reader VI, Horary no 245, p 204-209. Also an horary example for male in Asrtosecrets III, 2002, p 79-84, and a natal chart example for male by G. Subramanian in KP Annual 2004, p 39-43. Best regards, tw

--- In, Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@y...> wrote: > Dear Ajay,

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >


> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

this system - so please bear with me as I could be off the wall with my choices.:-) This is a learning experience for me.)

My first choice for this subject being blessed with a child would be during his Mo/Ve/Ra dasha - covering the period from May 7, 1981 to August 5, 1981. The strongest time frame that I can reasonably conclude (using Shri Jyoti Star 5) is during the dates encompassing May 15, 1981 through May 30, 1981. These dates indicate running dasha sequences of Mo/Ve/Ra/Ra - Mo/Ve/Ra/Ju respectively.

My reasoning: Transit Sun at this time occupies bhukti lord Venus' sign of Taurus in the 11th from the prantyantardasha lord (Rahu). Transit prantyantardasha (sub-lord) Rahu, who is natal 5th lord's (Jupiter) star lord, is posited in Mahadasha lord's (Moon) sign of Cancer, and is transiting the 5th from the natal 5th house, and 11th from natal 11th and natal Saturn (Jupiter's dispositor and star lord of the natal 5th house) possibly indicating a long or complicated labor, or simply a difficult labor with a few false starts (braxton hicks). I believe the sex of the first born child is male, and my conclusion for choosing male is based purely on the 7th varga (D-7-Saptamsha) delineation, as I am not familiar with KP's way to determine the sex of a child, and would love it if anyone on the list cares to share that info. :-)

My second choice is Mo/Ve/Ju: from August 6, 1981 through October 26, 1981

My third choice would be Mo/Ve/Me: from January 30, 1982 through April 27, 1982.

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

This was fun.I hope others will participate in these exercises so we may all learn from those on this list who are more experienced and seasoned in KP, and therefore more accurate in their assessments. Any comments about where my logic appears to be fuzzy, are certainly welcome. Thanks.

All the Best, Sandy Crowther <>

-----Original Message----From: rongaunt [mailto:rongaunt@b...] Sent: Sunday, November 28, 2004 7:29 PM To: Subject: Re: [k_p_system] KPBC3

Sorry, I forgot to put in the deadline. Please post answers by 00:01 am GMT Fri 3rd Dec 04 after which the answer will be posted. Ron Gaunt On Mon, 29 Nov 2004 10:23:55 +1000,I wrote: > >We will stick with the native who got married on 2 Nov 1979 >in KPBC2. > >His details again are: > >Male >D.O.B. 20 Dec 1950 >5:02am

> > >IST -5:30 > > >10N46 > > >76E42 > > > > > >Assume he comes to you his astrologer not long > > after his > > >marriage. He tells you he is eager to start a > > family and > > >he wants to know when he can expect to have his > > first child. > > >He would like to know when this will be, and what > > will be the sex > > >of the child. What do you tell him? > > > > > >If you think there are two or three possible times > > please put > > >them in priority order. > > > > > >Ron Gaunt > > > > > >PS. In hindsight we now know that he did in fact > > have a child > > >within a period of 3 years. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Yahoo! Groups Sponsor > > > > > > > > > < 6/ > > > D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1101684485/A=2343726/R=0/SIG=12i2di8g7/*h tt > > > p:/ 47 > > 1294> > >

> < 6/ > > > D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1101684485/A=2343726/R=1/SIG=12i2di8g7/*h tt > > > p:/ 47 > > 1294> > > > > Get unlimited calls to > > > < 6/ > > > D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1101684485/A=2343726/R=1/SIG=12i2di8g7/*h tt > > > p:/ 47 > > 1294> > > > > U.S./Canada > > > < 6/ > > > D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1101684485/A=2343726/R=1/SIG=12i2di8g7/*h tt > > > p:/ 47 > > 1294> > > > > > > > < 01 > > 598085471294> > > > > > > > === message truncated === > > ______________________________________________________________________ __ > Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online > Go to: >

> Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT > > > --------------------------------> Yahoo! Groups Links > > To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. > > > Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline.

1682 From: rongaunt <rongaunt@...> Date: Tue Nov 30, 2004 3:58pm Subject: KPBC3 reminder rongaunt1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Members are reminded that submissions for KPBC3 should be sent by 00:01 am Thur 2nd Dec 04. Ron Gaunt

1683 From: "tw853" <tw853@...> Date: Tue Nov 30, 2004 4:09pm Subject: Re: KPBC3 reminder tw853 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Ron Gaunt, Is there any reason to change the given deadline? Best regards, tw Message 1651 of 1682 | Previous | Next [ Up Thread ] Message Index Msg # From: rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> Date: Sun Nov 28, 2004 7:29 pm Subject: Re: [k_p_system] KPBC3 Sorry, I forgot to put in the deadline. Please post answers by

00:01 am GMT Fri 3rd Dec 04 after which the answer will be posted. Ron Gaunt --- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > > Members are reminded that submissions for KPBC3 should be sent by > 00:01 am Thur 2nd Dec 04. > > Ron Gaunt

1684 From: rongaunt <rongaunt@...> Date: Tue Nov 30, 2004 4:23pm Subject: Re: Re: KPBC3 reminder rongaunt1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 tw and members, Sorry my mistake. deadline is Fri 3rd Dec 04 as stated previously. Thanks for pointing it out. Ron Gaunt

On Tue, 30 Nov 2004 22:09:50 +0000, you wrote: > > >Dear Ron Gaunt, > >Is there any reason to change the given deadline? > >Best regards, > >tw > > > Message 1651 of 1682 | Previous | Next [ Up Thread ] Message >Index Msg # > > >From: rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> >Date: Sun Nov 28, 2004 7:29 pm >Subject: Re: [k_p_system] KPBC3 > > >Sorry, I forgot to put in the deadline. Please post answers by >00:01 am GMT Fri 3rd Dec 04 after which the answer will be >posted. >

>Ron Gaunt > > >--- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: >> >> Members are reminded that submissions for KPBC3 should be sent by >> 00:01 am Thur 2nd Dec 04. >> >> Ron Gaunt > > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > >

1685 From: "Sandy Crowther" <sandy@...> Date: Tue Nov 30, 2004 5:52pm Subject: Determining Male or Female Child using KP System detective_dunno Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Ajay and tw,

Thank you both for your the sex of a child The investigative research. e that works all of the

input, and for the additional information on determining more we learn, the more questions we have leading to more What I AM certain of is that I have found nothing to dat time. Oh if life were that simple J

All the Best, Sandy Crowther





Dear Sandy Crowther, As regards child's sex, it's said in KP Reader IV, 1984, p 221 that a general rule not yet found, and in p 213-214 Beejam for boy and Kshetram for girl mentioned. In Astrosecrets I, 2003, p 292 and Astrosecrets III, 2002, p 84, it's suggested to analyze 5th cusp, stlord, sublord, stlord of sublord, their location in rasi, female/ male rasi, aspect, conjunction, Rahu/Ketu connections etc. Best regards, tw

Attachment: (image/gif) image001.gif [not stored]

1686 From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@...> Date: Tue Nov 30, 2004 11:41pm Subject: Re: Determining Male or Female Child using KP System lyrastro1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Deary Sandy, Allow me to quote from a research article by a prominent and quite senior practitioner of K.P., Mr.A.Balasekar...(ref. K.P. & Astrology Annua l,2000,Pp 39-41.). If the sublord of the Vth cusp or it's star lord,is posited in the Sun's Hora, it is a male child...and vice-versa...etc... Sun's hora,and Moon's hora : a) In odd signs,the first 15 degrees is the Sun's Hora,t he next 15 deg. is called the Moon's Hora... b) In the same way,in even signs the first 15 deg. is ca lled the Moon's hora and the next ,the Sun's hora... In my personal experience I have found this to be very accura te indeed...I suggest,Sandy,you also experiment with this theory,and do let me k now... Yours sincerely, lyrastro1 GOOD LUCK !

Sandy Crowther <> wrote: Dear Ajay and tw,

Thank you both for your the sex of a child The investigative research. e that works all of the

input, and for the additional information on determining more we learn, the more questions we have leading to more What I AM certain of is that I have found nothing to dat time. Oh if life were that simple J

All the Best, Sandy Crowther




Dear Sandy Crowther, As regards child's sex, it's said in KP Reader IV, 1984, p 221 that a general rule not yet found, and in p 213-214 Beejam for boy and Kshetram for girl mentioned. In Astrosecrets I, 2003, p 292 and Astrosecrets III, 2002, p 84, it's suggested to analyze 5th cusp, stlord, sublord, stlord of sublord, their location in rasi, female/ male rasi, aspect, conjunction, Rahu/Ketu connections etc. Best regards, tw

Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online.

1687 From: rongaunt <rongaunt@...> Date: Wed Dec 1, 2004 0:08am Subject: Re: Determining Male or Female Child using KP System rongaunt1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Yogesh, Please see question ** ............... ** Ron Gaunt On Wed, 01 Dec 2004 05:41:58 +0000, you wrote: >Deary Sandy, > Allow me to quote from a research article by a prominent and quite senior practitioner of K.P., Mr.A.Balasekar...(ref. K.P. & Astrology Annual,2000,Pp 39-41.). > If the sublord of the Vth cusp or it's star lord,is posited in the Sun's Hora, it is a male child...and vice-versa...etc... ** does this mean the star lord of the Vth cusp, or the starlord of the planet acting as sublord? ** ** also is this specific to a woman's chart only? ** > > Sun's hora,and Moon's hora : > a) In odd signs,the first 15 degrees is the Sun's Hora,the next 15 deg. is called the Moon's Hora... > b) In the same way,in even signs the first 15 deg. is

called the Moon's hora and the next ,the Sun's hora... > In my personal experience I have found this to be very accurate indeed...I suggest,Sandy,you also experiment with this theory,and do let me know... > Yours sincerely, > lyrastro1 > GOOD LUCK ! > > > >Sandy Crowther <sandy@...> wrote: > >Dear Ajay and tw, > > > >Thank you both for your input, and for the additional information on determining the sex of a child The more we learn, the more questions we have leading to more investigative research. What I AM certain of is that I have found nothing to date that works all of the time. Oh if life were that simple J > > > > All the Best, > > Sandy Crowther > > > > > > > > AND THE RULE >SAYS THAT THE SUBLORD OF 5TH AND 11TH HOUSE SHOULD BE >IN FIRM SIGNS I.E. TAURUS, LEO, SCORPIO AND AQUARIES, >AND SHOULD NOT BE IN DUAL SIGN I.E. GEMINI, VIRGO, >SAGGITARUS AND PISCES, AND SUBLORD SHOULD BE STRONG >SIGNIFICATOR OF 2, 5, 11 HOUSES. WHILE JUDGING >HOROSCOPE OF HUSBAND OF THAT LADY, THE SUBLORD OF 11TH >HOUSE SHOULD BE STRONG SIGNIFICATOR OF 2, 5, 11 >HOUSES. >THE PERIOD OF MAHADASHA SHOULD RELATE TO THESE STRONG >SIGNIFICATOR. IF THIS RULE FULFILS, THE COUPLE WILL >HAVE A CHILD OF THEIR OWN CHOICE, A MALE OR FEMALE. > > > > > > > >WHEN ANY COUPLE ENQUIRES, WHETHER THEY WILL HAVE A >MALE OR FEMALE CHILD, THEN THE HOROSCOPE OF LADY AND >ALSO HER HUSBAND SHOULD BE CONSIDERED, AND THE RULE >SAYS THAT THE SUBLORD OF 5TH AND 11TH HOUSE SHOULD BE >IN FIRM SIGNS I.E. TAURUS, LEO, SCORPIO AND AQUARIES, >AND SHOULD NOT BE IN DUAL SIGN I.E. GEMINI, VIRGO, >SAGGITARUS AND PISCES, AND SUBLORD SHOULD BE STRONG

>SIGNIFICATOR OF 2, 5, 11 HOUSES. WHILE JUDGING >HOROSCOPE OF HUSBAND OF THAT LADY, THE SUBLORD OF 11TH >HOUSE SHOULD BE STRONG SIGNIFICATOR OF 2, 5, 11 >HOUSES. >THE PERIOD OF MAHADASHA SHOULD RELATE TO THESE STRONG >SIGNIFICATOR. IF THIS RULE FULFILS, THE COUPLE WILL >HAVE A CHILD OF THEIR OWN CHOICE, A MALE OR FEMALE. > > > >WITH REGARDS TO ALL > >AJAY PANDAV > > > > Dear Sandy Crowther, > >As regards child's sex, it's said in KP Reader IV, 1984, p 221 that a >general rule not yet found, and in p 213-214 Beejam for boy and >Kshetram for girl mentioned. In Astrosecrets I, 2003, p 292 and >Astrosecrets III, 2002, p 84, it's suggested to analyze 5th cusp, >stlord, sublord, stlord of sublord, their location in rasi, female/ >male rasi, aspect, conjunction, Rahu/Ketu connections etc. > > >Best regards, > >tw > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT > > >-------------------------------->Yahoo! Groups Links > > To visit your group on the web, go to: >

> > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. > > >Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline.

1688 From: "Upadhyaya, Srinivasa" <srinivasa.upadyaya@...> Date: Wed Dec 1, 2004 0:33am Subject: RE: Determining Male or Female Child using KP System upadhyaya_p_s Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Hi members, I have a chart (male) where both 5th & 11th Cusp sublord is Venus and Venus is in Rahu Star. Both Venus and Rahu are in Sun hora. But this person has 2 daughters !! DOB : 10- 7-1955 POB : 1245'N 75 1'E TOB : 19:30HRS (IST) By the way, how to find the sex of the child from D7? Regards, Upadhyaya -----Original Message----From: rongaunt [mailto:rongaunt@...] Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 2004 11:39 AM To: Subject: Re: [k_p_system] Determining Male or Female Child using KP System

Yogesh, Please see question ** ............... ** Ron Gaunt On Wed, 01 Dec 2004 05:41:58 +0000, you wrote: >Deary Sandy, > Allow me to quote from a research article by a prominent and quite senior practitioner of K.P., Mr.A.Balasekar...(ref. K.P. & Astrology Annual,2000,Pp 39-41.). > If the sublord of the Vth cusp or it's star lord,is posited in the Sun's Hora, it is a male child...and vice-versa...etc... ** does this mean the star lord of the Vth cusp, or the starlord

of the planet acting as sublord? ** ** also is this specific to a woman's chart only? ** > > Sun's hora,and Moon's hora : > a) In odd signs,the first 15 degrees is the Sun's Hora,the next 15 deg. is called the Moon's Hora... > b) In the same way,in even signs the first 15 deg. is called the Moon's hora and the next ,the Sun's hora... > In my personal experience I have found this to be very accurate indeed...I suggest,Sandy,you also experiment with this theory,and do let me know... > Yours sincerely, > lyrastro1 > GOOD LUCK ! > > > >Sandy Crowther <sandy@...> wrote: > >Dear Ajay and tw, > > > >Thank you both for your input, and for the additional information on determining the sex of a child...The more we learn, the more questions we have leading to more investigative research. What I AM certain of is that I have found nothing to date that works all of the time. Oh - if life were that simple...J > > > > All the Best, > > Sandy Crowther > > > > > > > >"AND THE RULE >SAYS THAT THE SUBLORD OF 5TH AND 11TH HOUSE SHOULD BE >IN FIRM SIGNS I.E. TAURUS, LEO, SCORPIO AND AQUARIES, >AND SHOULD NOT BE IN DUAL SIGN I.E. GEMINI, VIRGO, >SAGGITARUS AND PISCES, AND SUBLORD SHOULD BE STRONG >SIGNIFICATOR OF 2, 5, 11 HOUSES. WHILE JUDGING >HOROSCOPE OF HUSBAND OF THAT LADY, THE SUBLORD OF 11TH >HOUSE SHOULD BE STRONG SIGNIFICATOR OF 2, 5, 11 >HOUSES. >THE PERIOD OF MAHADASHA SHOULD RELATE TO THESE STRONG >SIGNIFICATOR. IF THIS RULE FULFILS, THE COUPLE WILL >HAVE A CHILD OF THEIR OWN CHOICE, A MALE OR FEMALE." > > > > > >

> >WHEN ANY COUPLE ENQUIRES, WHETHER THEY WILL HAVE A >MALE OR FEMALE CHILD, THEN THE HOROSCOPE OF LADY AND >ALSO HER HUSBAND SHOULD BE CONSIDERED, AND THE RULE >SAYS THAT THE SUBLORD OF 5TH AND 11TH HOUSE SHOULD BE >IN FIRM SIGNS I.E. TAURUS, LEO, SCORPIO AND AQUARIES, >AND SHOULD NOT BE IN DUAL SIGN I.E. GEMINI, VIRGO, >SAGGITARUS AND PISCES, AND SUBLORD SHOULD BE STRONG >SIGNIFICATOR OF 2, 5, 11 HOUSES. WHILE JUDGING >HOROSCOPE OF HUSBAND OF THAT LADY, THE SUBLORD OF 11TH >HOUSE SHOULD BE STRONG SIGNIFICATOR OF 2, 5, 11 >HOUSES. >THE PERIOD OF MAHADASHA SHOULD RELATE TO THESE STRONG >SIGNIFICATOR. IF THIS RULE FULFILS, THE COUPLE WILL >HAVE A CHILD OF THEIR OWN CHOICE, A MALE OR FEMALE. > > > >WITH REGARDS TO ALL > >AJAY PANDAV > > > > Dear Sandy Crowther, > >As regards child's sex, it's said in KP Reader IV, 1984, p 221 that a >general rule not yet found, and in p 213-214 Beejam for boy and >Kshetram for girl mentioned. In Astrosecrets I, 2003, p 292 and >Astrosecrets III, 2002, p 84, it's suggested to analyze 5th cusp, >stlord, sublord, stlord of sublord, their location in rasi, female/ >male rasi, aspect, conjunction, Rahu/Ketu connections etc. > > >Best regards, > >tw > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

>Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT > > >-------------------------------->Yahoo! Groups Links > > To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. > > >Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline.

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1689 From: anant raichur <anant_1608@...> Date: Wed Dec 1, 2004 1:06am Subject: Re: Reading request / Mr.Ron/ anant_1608 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Mr Metha Mumbai(Bombay) is a big city, esp spread in N_S direction. Mentioning the Suburb of Mumbai will enable one to get a better chart with Lat and Long nearer the bi rth place. kunal mehta <> wrote: Hello, I tried to post this request, Can anyone predict time of likely time of marraige (type of wife) 18/06/1977 8=15am mumbai Regards, Kunal -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Moving house? Beach bar in Thailand? New Wardrobe? Win 10k with Yahoo! Mail to ma ke your dream a reality.

-----------------------------------------A.R.Raichur bombay USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY tel: 022-2506 2609 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Do you Yahoo!? All your favorites on one personal page Try My Yahoo!


THE PERIOD OF MAHADASHA SHOULD RELATE TO THESE STRONG SIGNIFICATOR. IF THIS RULE FULFILS, THE COUPLE WILL HAVE A CHILD OF THEIR OWN CHOICE, A MALE OR FEMALE. SO I FEEL JUDGING THIS QUESTION MAINLY ON THE HOROSCOPE OF A MAN IS NOT CORRECT. THESE ARE SOME POINTS, WHICH I FEEL TO CONTRIBUTE. IF THERE IS ANY WRONG, PLEASE LET ME KNOW. WITH REGARDS TO ALL AJAY PANDAV --- Sandy Crowther wrote: > Hi Ron and Group, > > > > I had a few minutes over the Holiday week-end to get > my KP feet wet, so > trying my neophyte hand at an attempt on this blind > chart, I came up > with the following. (I am just beginning my study of > this system - so > please bear with me as I could be off the wall with > my choices.:-) This > is a learning experience for me.) > > > > My first choice for this subject being blessed with > a child would be > during his Mo/Ve/Ra dasha - covering the period from > May 7, 1981 to > August 5, 1981. The strongest time frame that I can > reasonably conclude > (using Shri Jyoti Star 5) is during the dates > encompassing May 15, 1981 > through May 30, 1981. These dates indicate running > dasha sequences of > Mo/Ve/Ra/Ra - Mo/Ve/Ra/Ju respectively. > > > > My reasoning: Transit Sun at this time occupies > bhukti lord Venus' sign > of Taurus in the 11th from the prantyantardasha lord > (Rahu). Transit > prantyantardasha (sub-lord) Rahu, who is natal 5th > lord's (Jupiter) star > lord, is posited in Mahadasha lord's (Moon) sign of > Cancer, and is > transiting the 5th from the natal 5th house, and > 11th from natal 11th > and natal Saturn (Jupiter's dispositor and star lord > of the natal 5th > house) possibly indicating a long or complicated > labor, or simply a > difficult labor with a few false starts (braxton > hicks). I believe the

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

sex of the first born child is male, and my conclusion for choosing male is based purely on the 7th varga (D-7-Saptamsha) delineation, as I am not familiar with KP's way to determine the sex of a child, and would love it if anyone on the list cares to share that info. :-)

My second choice is Mo/Ve/Ju: from August 6, 1981 through October 26, 1981

My third choice would be Mo/Ve/Me: from January 30, 1982 through April 27, 1982.

This was fun.I hope others will participate in these exercises so we may all learn from those on this list who are more experienced and seasoned in KP, and therefore more accurate in their assessments. Any comments about where my logic appears to be fuzzy, are certainly welcome. Thanks.

All the Best, Sandy Crowther

-----Original Message----From: rongaunt [] Sent: Sunday, November 28, 2004 7:29 PM To: Subject: Re: [k_p_system] KPBC3

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

Sorry, I forgot to put in the deadline. Please post answers by 00:01 am GMT Fri 3rd Dec 04 after which the answer will be posted. Ron Gaunt On Mon, 29 Nov 2004 10:23:55 +1000,I wrote: > >We will stick with the native who got married on 2 Nov 1979 >in KPBC2. > >His details again are: > >Male >D.O.B. 20 Dec 1950 >5:02am >IST -5:30 >10N46 >76E42 > >Assume he comes to you his astrologer not long after his >marriage. He tells you he is eager to start a family and >he wants to know when he can expect to have his first child. >He would like to know when this will be, and what will be the sex >of the child. What do you tell him? > >If you think there are two or three possible times please put >them in priority order. > >Ron Gaunt > >PS. In hindsight we now know that he did in fact have a child >within a period of 3 years. > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > >

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1691 From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@...> Date: Wed Dec 1, 2004 5:59am Subject: RE: Determining Male or Female Child using KP System lyrastro1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Srinivasa, When applying K.P. rules,one must first ensure that the cha rt is correct... Check whether the sublord of the Ascendant "tells" the bir th-star...if it is so,then alone,the chart is correct...else it needs to be suit ably corrected using K.P.Ayanamsa alone.(ref : Astrosecrets and K.P.,by Mr.K.Sub ramaniam). With best wishes, lyrastro1. GOOD LUCK ! "Upadhyaya, Srinivasa" <> wrote: Hi members, I have a chart (male) where both 5th & 11th Cusp sublord is Venus and Venus is i n Rahu Star. Both Venus and Rahu are in Sun hora. But this person has 2 daughter s !! DOB : 10- 7-1955 POB : 1245'N 75 1'E TOB : 19:30HRS (IST)

By the way, how to find the sex of the child from D7? Regards, Upadhyaya -----Original Message----From: rongaunt [] Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 2004 11:39 AM To: Subject: Re: [k_p_system] Determining Male or Female Child using KP System

Yogesh, Please see question ** ............... ** Ron Gaunt On Wed, 01 Dec 2004 05:41:58 +0000, you wrote: >Deary Sandy, > Allow me to quote from a research article by a prominent and quite senior practitioner of K.P., Mr.A.Balasekar...(ref. K.P. & Astrology Annu al,2000,Pp 39-41.). > If the sublord of the Vth cusp or it's star lord,is posited in the Sun's Hora, it is a male child...and vice-versa...etc... ** does this mean the star lord of the Vth cusp, or the starlord of the planet acting as sublord? ** ** also is this specific to a woman's chart only? ** > > Sun's hora,and Moon's hora : > a) In odd signs,the first 15 degrees is the Sun's Hora, the next 15 deg. is called the Moon's Hora... > b) In the same way,in even signs the first 15 deg. is c alled the Moon's hora and the next ,the Sun's hora... > In my personal experience I have found this to be very accur ate indeed...I suggest,Sandy,you also experiment with this theory,and do let me know... > Yours sincerely, > lyrastro1 > GOOD LUCK ! > > > >Sandy Crowther <> wrote: > >Dear Ajay and tw, > > > >Thank you both for your input, and for the additional information on determinin g the sex of a child...The more we learn, the more questions we have - leading t o more investigative research. What I AM certain of is that I have found nothing to date that works all of the time. Oh - if life were that simple...J


>Astrosecrets III, 2002, p 84, it's suggested to analyze 5th cusp, >stlord, sublord, stlord of sublord, their location in rasi, female/ >male rasi, aspect, conjunction, Rahu/Ketu connections etc. > > >Best regards, > >tw > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT > > >-------------------------------->Yahoo! Groups Links > > To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. > > >Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline.

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1692 From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@...> Date: Wed Dec 1, 2004 5:33am Subject: Re: Determining Male or Female Child using KP System lyrastro1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Ron, This is in reply to a few more similar queries also... a) If you are analysing a female's chart take the Vth cusp for an alysis,if it is the father's chart,take the XIth cusp for analysis,as rightly su ggested by Shri Raichur... b) The starlord of the sub...Ron. With best wishes, lyrastro1 rongaunt <> wrote: Yogesh, Please see question ** ............... ** Ron Gaunt On Wed, 01 Dec 2004 05:41:58 +0000, you wrote: >Deary Sandy, > Allow me to quote from a research article by a prominent and quite senior practitioner of K.P., Mr.A.Balasekar...(ref. K.P. & Astrology Annu al,2000,Pp 39-41.). > If the sublord of the Vth cusp or it's star lord,is posited in the Sun's Hora, it is a male child...and vice-versa...etc... ** does this mean the star lord of the Vth cusp, or the starlord of the planet acting as sublord? ** ** also is this specific to a woman's chart only? ** > > Sun's hora,and Moon's hora : > a) In odd signs,the first 15 degrees is the Sun's Hora, the next 15 deg. is called the Moon's Hora... > b) In the same way,in even signs the first 15 deg. is c alled the Moon's hora and the next ,the Sun's hora... > In my personal experience I have found this to be very accur ate indeed...I suggest,Sandy,you also experiment with this theory,and do let me know... > Yours sincerely, > lyrastro1 > GOOD LUCK ! > >


>WITH REGARDS TO ALL > >AJAY PANDAV > > > > Dear Sandy Crowther, > >As regards child's sex, it's said in KP Reader IV, 1984, p 221 that a >general rule not yet found, and in p 213-214 Beejam for boy and >Kshetram for girl mentioned. In Astrosecrets I, 2003, p 292 and >Astrosecrets III, 2002, p 84, it's suggested to analyze 5th cusp, >stlord, sublord, stlord of sublord, their location in rasi, female/ >male rasi, aspect, conjunction, Rahu/Ketu connections etc. > > >Best regards, > >tw > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT > > >-------------------------------->Yahoo! Groups Links > > To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. > > >Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline.

Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online.

1693 From: "Upadhyaya, Srinivasa" <srinivasa.upadyaya@...> Date: Wed Dec 1, 2004 6:07am Subject: RE: Determining Male or Female Child using KP System upadhyaya_p_s Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Hi Yogesh, Thanks for the response. I have made sure that Asc sublord is the birth star lord before posting. Please throw some light on this issue. Regards, Upadhyaya HOROSCOPE OF CHANDRASHEKAR RAO (PACKAGE VER 6:8/98)27:10:2004 PAGE:1 DATE OF BIRTH: 10- 7-1955 SUNDAY TIME:19:30HRS( ) TIME ZONE: 5.50 HRS (MANMATHA AANI 26 SUNDAY NIGHT) PLACE:1245'N 75 1'E PUTTUR SIDR.TIME:14:10:56 AYANAMSA:23 8' 5" SUNRISE/SET: 6:13/18:56 ( ) STAR:PURVBDRA FROM 8:13 PADA 2 THITHI:KRISHNA SASHTI FROM 16: 6 YOGA:SUABAGYA FROM 1:23 KARANA:KARASA FROM 16: 6 , SIDHDHA YOGA NIRAYANA LONGITUDES: ------------------PLANET DEG:MIN STAR SURY KUJA GURU SANI KETU URAN PLUT FORT 84:24 96:21 102:33 201:24 62:11 94: 9 122: 1 154:20 PUNARVAS PUSHYAMI PUSHYAMI VISAKHA MRIGSIRA PUSHYAMI MAKHA UTTARA




PLANETS UNDER RETROGRESSION : SANI; +--------+--------+--------+--------+ |GUL | | |SUR BUD | | | | |SUK KET | +--------+--------+--------+--------+ |CHA | |KUJ GUR | | | |URA | +--------+ R A S I +--------+ |LAG | |PLU | | | | | +--------+--------+--------+--------+ |RAH | |SAN NEP |FOR | | | | | | +--------+--------+--------+--------+

+--------+--------+--------+--------+ | |SAN RAH |SUR CHA | | | |PLU | | | +--------+--------+--------+--------+ |FOR | |GUL | | | | | +--------+ NAVAMSA +--------+ |SUK LAG | |KUJ URA | | | | | +--------+--------+--------+--------+ | |BUD |GUR KET | | | | |NEP | | +--------+--------+--------+--------+


DASA ENDS ON BUKTHI ENDS BUKTHI ENDS BUKTHI ENDS BUKTHI ENDS BUKTHI ENDS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------GURU 9MAR1964 KET 21JAN56 SUK 21SEP58 SUR 9JUL59 CHA 9NOV60 KUJ 15OCT6 1 RAH 9MAR64 SANI 9MAR1983 SAN 12MAR67 BUD 21NOV69 KET 1JAN71 SUK 1MAR74 SUR 12FEB7 5 CHA 12SEP76 KUJ 21OCT77 RAH 27AUG80 GUR 9MAR83 BUDH 9MAR2000 BUD 6AUG85 KET 3AUG86 SUK 3JUN89 SUR 9APR90 CHA 9SEP9 1 KUJ 6SEP92 RAH 24MAR95 GUR 1JUL97 SAN 9MAR 0 KETU 9MAR2007 KET 6AUG 0 SUK 6OCT 1 SUR 12FEB 2 CHA 12SEP 2 KUJ 9FEB 3 RAH 27FEB 4 GUR 3FEB 5 SAN 12MAR 6 BUD 9MAR 7 SUKR 9MAR2027 SUK 9JUL10 SUR 9JUL11 CHA 9MAR13 KUJ 9MAY14 RAH 9MAY1 7 GUR 9JAN20 SAN 9MAR23 BUD 9JAN26 KET 9MAR27 SURY 9MAR2033 SUR 27JUN27 CHA 27DEC27 KUJ 3MAY28 RAH 27MAR29 GUR 15JAN3 0 SAN 27DEC30 BUD 3NOV31 KET 9MAR32 SUK 9MAR33 CHAN 9MAR2043 CHA 9JAN34 KUJ 9AUG34 RAH 9FEB36 GUR 9JUN37 SAN 9JAN3 9 BUD 9JUN40 KET 9JAN41 SUK 9SEP42 SUR 9MAR43 KUJA 9MAR2050 KUJ 6AUG43 RAH 24AUG44 GUR 1AUG45 SAN 9SEP46 BUD 6SEP4 7 KET 3FEB48 SUK 3APR49 SUR 9AUG49 CHA 9MAR50 BAVA MIDDLE START BAVA BAVA MIDDLE START BAVA BAVA MIDDLE START BAVA DEG:MN DEG:MN LORD DEG:MN DEG:MN LORD DEG:MN DEG:MN LORD 1 289: 7 272:37 SANI 2 322:47 305:37 SANI 3 355:54 339:56 GURU 4 25:56 11:52 KUJA 5 52:57 39:59 SUKR 6 79:16 65:55 BUDH 7 109: 7 92:37 CHAN 8 142:47 125:37 SURY 9 175:54 159:56 BUDH 10 205:56 191:52 SUKR 11 232:57 219:59 KUJA 12 259:16 245:55 GURU HOROSCOPE OF CHANDRASHEKAR RAO (PACKAGE VER 6:8/98)27:10:2004 +--------+--------+--------+--------+ | | |BUD KET |SUR SUK | | | | | | +--------+--------+--------+--------+ |CHA GUL | |KUJ GUR | | | |URA PLU | +--------+ B H A V A +--------+ |LAG | |FOR | | | | | +--------+--------+--------+--------+ | |RAH |SAN |NEP | | | | | | +--------+--------+--------+--------+ VARGAS: ******* SURY CHAN KUJA BUDH GURU SUKR SANI RAHU KETU PAGE:2


LAGN MESH 6/2 6/0 7/2 6/2 6/3 6/2 6/3

MAKARA CHANDRA MAKARA KATAKA MAKARA KUMBHA SUKRA *** ASHTAGA VARGA *** RISH MITH KATA SIMH KANY THUL VRCH 5/1 *3/0 4/0 3/0 1/0 4/1 6/2 2/0 3/0 2/0 6/0 3/1 4/1 4/2 4/0 3/2 *3/1 4/2 0/0 5/4 4/2 6/1 *5/0 4/1 5/3 2/0 6/1 5/2 3/0 4/0 *6/3 4/1 5/2 6/2 3/0 6/2 *4/1 2/0 4/1 4/0 3/0 4/2 4/2 4/3 2/0 1/0 2/0 *1/0 5/3 DHAN 5/1 6/0 2/0 2/0 3/0 3/0 5/2 MAKR KUMB 3/2 3/0 3/0 *4/1 4/4 1/0 4/1 6/1 4/0 7/3 5/0 6/3 3/0 2/1 MEEN 5/1 6/4 2/0 3/0 5/2 5/3 4/2

KANYA * PINDAS * RAS GRH SOD 78 5 83 87 10 97 118 72 190 97 28 125 124 79 203 137 32 169 142 56 198


SARV 4314 30 6 26 6 23 5 27 7 17 3 29 9 3113 26 3 26 7 29 9 3012 SHADBALA-RUPAS:MALEFIC MOON & BENEFIC MERCURY --------------------------------------------STHAN DIK CHEST NYSAR KALA DHRIS SHADBAL REL.STR SURY 2.15 .32 .00 1.00 3.80 -.25 7.02 1.40 CHAN 2.57 .67 .00 .86 4.14 -.11 8.12 1.35 KUJA 2.87 .39 .09 .29 2.19 -.17 5.65 1.13 BUDH 3.09 .25 .62 .43 2.27 -.33 6.34 .91 GURU 4.21 .04 .11 .57 3.66 -.11 8.48 1.30 SUKR 2.66 .76 .15 .71 1.75 -.31 5.72 1.04 SANI 3.65 .49 .66 .14 2.03 -.19 6.79 1.36

ISHTA .73 .64 .10 .52 .32 .30 .81

KASHT -.20 -.36 -.90 -.46 -.19 -.59 -.05

NET .53 .29 -.79 .06 .13 -.28 .76

BHAVA BALA: BHAVA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 DIKBALA .50 .83 .83 .00 .17 .17 .50 .67 .33 .50 .33 .67 ADIPATI 6.79 6.79 8.48 5.65 5.72 6.34 8.12 7.02 6.34 5.72 5.65 8.48 DHRSHTI .95 .64 .80 -.19 -.36 -.27 .05 .46 .67 .37 1.45 .94 TOTAL 8.23 8.26 10.11 5.46 5.53 6.24 8.67 8.15 7.35 6.59 7.43 10.08

Planet Significations : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Planet Lords Significations Sign-Star-Sub Star General -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sur Bud-Gur-Bud 7, 3, 12, 6, 8, Cha San-Gur-Ket 7, 3, 12, 2, 7, Kuj Cha-San-Bud 10, 1, 2, 7, 4, 11, Bud Bud-Kuj-Suk 7, 4, 11, 5, 6, 9, Gur Cha-San-Kuj 10, 1, 2, 7, 3, 12, Suk Bud-Rah-Gur 11, 6, 5, 10, San Suk-Gur-Gur 7, 3, 12, 10, 1, 2, Rah Gur-Ket-Suk 5, 11, Ket Bud-Kuj-Ket 7, 4, 11, 5, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------House Significators : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cusp Star-Sub Lord In Lord's Occupant In Occupant's Constellation Constellation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 Sur-Gur San Kuj Gur -------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 Kuj-Cha San Kuj Gur Cha -------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 San-Suk Gur Sur Cha San

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 Ket-Bud Kuj Ket Bud -------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 Sur-Suk Suk Ket Rah Bud -------------------------------------------------------------------------------6 Kuj-Cha Bud Suk Sur -------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 Gur-Rah Cha Kuj Ket Bud Gur Sur Cha San -------------------------------------------------------------------------------8 Ket-Rah Sur -------------------------------------------------------------------------------9 Sur-Suk Bud -------------------------------------------------------------------------------10 Rah-San Suk San Kuj Gur -------------------------------------------------------------------------------11 San-Suk Kuj Ket Bud Rah Suk -------------------------------------------------------------------------------12 Ket-Rah Gur Sur Cha San ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Original Message----From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi [mailto:lyrastro1@...] Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 2004 5:30 PM To: Subject: RE: [k_p_system] Determining Male or Female Child using KP System Dear Srinivasa, When applying K.P. rules,one must first ensure that the chart is correct... Check whether the sublord of the Ascendant "tells" the birth-star...if it is so,then alone,the chart is correct...else it needs to be suitably corrected using K.P.Ayanamsa alone.(ref : Astrosecrets and K.P.,by Mr.K.Subramaniam). With best wishes, lyrastro1. GOOD LUCK ! "Upadhyaya, Srinivasa" <srinivasa.upadyaya@...> wrote: Hi members, I have a chart (male) where both 5th & 11th Cusp sublord is Venus and Venus is in Rahu Star. Both Venus and Rahu are in Sun hora. But this person has 2 daughters !! DOB : 10- 7-1955 POB : 1245'N 75 1'E TOB : 19:30HRS (IST) By the way, how to find the sex of the child from D7? Regards, Upadhyaya -----Original Message-----

From: rongaunt [mailto:rongaunt@...] Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 2004 11:39 AM To: Subject: Re: [k_p_system] Determining Male or Female Child using KP System

Yogesh, Please see question ** ............... ** Ron Gaunt On Wed, 01 Dec 2004 05:41:58 +0000, you wrote: >Deary Sandy, > &n bsp; Allow me to quote from a research article by a prominent and quite senior practitioner of K.P., Mr.A.Balasekar...(ref. K.P. & Astrology Annual,2000,Pp 39-41.). > If the sublord of the Vth cusp or it's star lord,is posited in the Sun's Hora, it is a male child...and vice-versa...etc... ** does this mean the star lord of the Vth cusp, or the starlord of the planet acting as sublord? ** ** also is this specific to a woman's chart only? ** > > Sun's hora,and Moon's hora : > a) In odd signs,the first 15 degrees is the Sun's Hora,the next 15 deg. is called the Moon's Hora... > b) In the same way,in even signs the first 15 deg. is called the Moon's hora and the next ,the Sun's hora... > In my personal experience I have found this to be very accurate indeed...I suggest,Sandy,you also experiment with this theory,and do let me know... > Yours sincerely, > lyrastro1 > GOOD LUCK ! > > > >Sandy Crowther <sandy@...> wrote: > >Dear Ajay and tw, > > > >Thank you both for your input, and for the additional information on determining the sex of a child...The more we learn, the more questions we have leading to more investigative research. What I AM certain of is that I have found nothing to date that works all of the time. Oh - if life were that simple...J > > > > All the Best, >


>Best regards, > >tw > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT > > >-------------------------------->Yahoo! Groups Links > > To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. > > >Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline.

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1694 From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@...> Date: Wed Dec 1, 2004 6:44am Subject: RE: Determining Male or Female Child using KP System lyrastro1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Srinivas, BUT YOU HAVE NOT USED K. P. AYANAMSA...! lyr@astro1 "Upadhyaya, Srinivasa" <> wrote: Hi Yogesh, Thanks for the response. I have made sure that Asc sublord is the birth star lor d before posting. Please throw some light on this issue. Regards, Upadhyaya HOROSCOPE OF CHANDRASHEKAR RAO (PACKAGE VER 6:8/98)27:10:2004 PAGE:1 DATE OF BIRTH: 10- 7-1955 SUNDAY TIME:19:30HRS( ) TIME ZONE: 5.50 HRS (MANMATHA AANI 26 SUNDAY NIGHT) PLACE:1245'N 75 1'E PUTTUR SIDR.TIME:14:10:56 AYANAMSA:23 8' 5" SUNRISE/SET: 6:13/18:56 ( ) STAR:PURVBDRA FROM 8:13 PADA 2 THITHI:KRISHNA SASHTI FROM 16: 6 YOGA:SUABAGYA FROM 1:23 KARANA:KARASA FROM 16: 6 , SIDHDHA YOGA NIRAYANA LONGITUDES: ------------------PLANET DEG:MIN STAR SURY KUJA GURU SANI KETU URAN PLUT FORT 84:24 96:21 102:33 201:24 62:11 94: 9 122: 1 154:20 PUNARVAS PUSHYAMI PUSHYAMI VISAKHA MRIGSIRA PUSHYAMI MAKHA UTTARA




PLANETS UNDER RETROGRESSION : SANI; +--------+--------+--------+--------+ |GUL | | |SUR BUD | | | | |SUK KET | +--------+--------+--------+--------+ |CHA | |KUJ GUR | | | |URA | +--------+ R A S I +--------+ |LAG | |PLU | | | | | +--------+--------+--------+--------+ |RAH | |SAN NEP |FOR | | | | | | +--------+--------+--------+--------+

+--------+--------+--------+--------+ | |SAN RAH |SUR CHA | | | |PLU | | | +--------+--------+--------+--------+ |FOR | |GUL | | | | | +--------+ NAVAMSA +--------+ |SUK LAG | |KUJ URA | | | | | +--------+--------+--------+--------+ | |BUD |GUR KET | | | | |NEP | | +--------+--------+--------+--------+

GURU DASA REMAINING AT TIME OF BIRTH 8 YEARS 7 MONTHS 29 DAYS ON 27-10-2004 KETU DASA GURU BUKTHI IS RUNNING(TILL 3- 2-2005) DASA ENDS ON BUKTHI ENDS BUKTHI ENDS BUKTHI ENDS BUKTHI ENDS BUKTHI ENDS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------GURU 9MAR1964 KET 21JAN56 SUK 21SEP58 SUR 9JUL59 CHA 9NOV60 KUJ 15OCT61 RAH 9MAR64 SANI 9MAR1983 SAN 12MAR67 BUD 21NOV69 KET 1JAN71 SUK 1MAR74 SUR 12FEB75 CHA 12SEP76 KUJ 21OCT77 RAH 27AUG80 GUR 9MAR83 BUDH 9MAR2000 BUD 6AUG85 KET 3AUG86 SUK 3JUN89 SUR 9APR90 CHA 9SEP91 KUJ 6SEP92 RAH 24MAR95 GUR 1JUL97 SAN 9MAR 0 KETU 9MAR2007 KET 6AUG 0 SUK 6OCT 1 SUR 12FEB 2 CHA 12SEP 2 KUJ 9FEB 3 RAH 27FEB 4 GUR 3FEB 5 SAN 12MAR 6 BUD 9MAR 7 SUKR 9MAR2027 SUK 9JUL10 SUR 9JUL11 CHA 9MAR13 KUJ 9MAY14 RAH 9MAY17 GUR 9JAN20 SAN 9MAR23 BUD 9JAN26 KET 9MAR27 SURY 9MAR2033 SUR 27JUN27 CHA 27DEC27 KUJ 3MAY28 RAH 27MAR29 GUR 15JAN30 SAN 27DEC30 BUD 3NOV31 KET 9MAR32 SUK 9MAR33 CHAN 9MAR2043 CHA 9JAN34 KUJ 9AUG34 RAH 9FEB36 GUR 9JUN37 SAN 9JAN39 BUD 9JUN40 KET 9JAN41 SUK 9SEP42 SUR 9MAR43 KUJA 9MAR2050 KUJ 6AUG43 RAH 24AUG44 GUR 1AUG45 SAN 9SEP46 BUD 6SEP47 KET 3FEB48 SUK 3APR49 SUR 9AUG49 CHA 9MAR50 BAVA MIDDLE START BAVA BAVA MIDDLE START BAVA BAVA MIDDLE START BAVA DEG:MN DEG:MN LORD DEG:MN DEG:MN LORD DEG:MN DEG:MN LORD 1 289: 7 272:37 SANI 2 322:47 305:37 SANI 3 355:54 339:56 GURU 4 25:56 11:52 KUJA 5 52:57 39:59 SUKR 6 79:16 65:55 BUDH 7 109: 7 92:37 CHAN 8 142:47 125:37 SURY 9 175:54 159:56 BUDH 10 205:56 191:52 SUKR 11 232:57 219:59 KUJA 12 259:16 245:55 GURU HOROSCOPE OF CHANDRASHEKAR RAO (PACKAGE VER 6:8/98)27:10:2004 +--------+--------+--------+--------+ | | |BUD KET |SUR SUK | | | | | | +--------+--------+--------+--------+ |CHA GUL | |KUJ GUR | | | |URA PLU | +--------+ B H A V A +--------+ |LAG | |FOR | | | | | +--------+--------+--------+--------+ | |RAH |SAN |NEP | | | | | | +--------+--------+--------+--------+ PAGE:2

VARGAS: RASI HORA DREKAN SAPTMSA NAVAMSA DWADASA THRIMSA DASAMSA ******* ----------------------------------------------------------------









KUMBHA THULA RISHABA KATAKA KATAKA KANYA RISHABA DHANUS MITHUNA KANYA * PINDAS * RAS GRH SOD 78 5 83 87 10 97 118 72 190 97 28 125 124 79 203 137 32 169 142 56 198


*** ASHTAGA VARGA *** MESH RISH MITH KATA SIMH KANY THUL VRCH DHAN MAKR KUMB MEEN 6/2 5/1 *3/0 4/0 3/0 1/0 4/1 6/2 5/1 3/2 3/0 5/1 6/0 2/0 3/0 2/0 6/0 3/1 4/1 4/2 6/0 3/0 *4/1 6/4 7/2 4/0 3/2 *3/1 4/2 0/0 5/4 4/2 2/0 4/4 1/0 2/0 6/2 6/1 *5/0 4/1 5/3 2/0 6/1 5/2 2/0 4/1 6/1 3/0 6/3 3/0 4/0 *6/3 4/1 5/2 6/2 3/0 3/0 4/0 7/3 5/2 6/2 6/2 *4/1 2/0 4/1 4/0 3/0 4/2 3/0 5/0 6/3 5/3 6/3 4/2 4/3 2/0 1/0 2/0 *1/0 5/3 5/2 3/0 2/1 4/2

SARV 4314 30 6 26 6 23 5 27 7 17 3 29 9 3113 26 3 26 7 29 9 3012 SHADBALA-RUPAS:MALEFIC MOON & BENEFIC MERCURY --------------------------------------------STHAN DIK CHEST NYSAR KALA DHRIS SHADBAL SURY 2.15 .32 .00 1.00 3.80 -.25 7.02 CHAN 2.57 .67 .00 .86 4.14 -.11 8.12 KUJA 2.87 .39 .09 .29 2.19 -.17 5.65 BUDH 3.09 .25 .62 .43 2.27 -.33 6.34 GURU 4.21 .04 .11 .57 3.66 -.11 8.48 SUKR 2.66 .76 .15 .71 1.75 -.31 5.72 SANI 3.65 .49 .66 .14 2.03 -.19 6.79

REL.STR 1.40 1.35 1.13 .91 1.30 1.04 1.36

ISHTA KASHT NET .73 -.20 .53 .64 -.36 .29 .10 -.90 -.79 .52 -.46 .06 .32 -.19 .13 .30 -.59 -.28 .81 -.05 .76

BHAVA BALA: BHAVA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 DIKBALA .50 .83 .83 .00 .17 .17 .50 .67 .33 .50 .33 .67 ADIPATI 6.79 6.79 8.48 5.65 5.72 6.34 8.12 7.02 6.34 5.72 5.65 8.48 DHRSHTI .95 .64 .80 -.19 -.36 -.27 .05 .46 .67 .37 1.45 .94 TOTAL 8.23 8.26 10.11 5.46 5.53 6.24 8.67 8.15 7.35 6.59 7.43 10.08

Planet Significations : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Planet Lords Significations Sign-Star-Sub Star General -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sur Bud-Gur-Bud 7, 3, 12, 6, 8, Cha San-Gur-Ket 7, 3, 12, 2, 7, Kuj Cha-San-Bud 10, 1, 2, 7, 4, 11, Bud Bud-Kuj-Suk 7, 4, 11, 5, 6, 9, Gur Cha-San-Kuj 10, 1, 2, 7, 3, 12, Suk Bud-Rah-Gur 11, 6, 5, 10, San Suk-Gur-Gur 7, 3, 12, 10, 1, 2, Rah Gur-Ket-Suk 5, 11, Ket Bud-Kuj-Ket 7, 4, 11, 5, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------House Significators :

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cusp Star-Sub Lord In Lord's Occupant In Occupant's Constellation Constellation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 Sur-Gur San Kuj Gur -------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 Kuj-Cha San Kuj Gur Cha -------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 San-Suk Gur Sur Cha San -------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 Ket-Bud Kuj Ket Bud -------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 Sur-Suk Suk Ket Rah Bud -------------------------------------------------------------------------------6 Kuj-Cha Bud Suk Sur -------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 Gur-Rah Cha Kuj Ket Bud Gur Sur Cha San -------------------------------------------------------------------------------8 Ket-Rah Sur -------------------------------------------------------------------------------9 Sur-Suk Bud -------------------------------------------------------------------------------10 Rah-San Suk San Kuj Gur -------------------------------------------------------------------------------11 San-Suk Kuj Ket Bud Rah Suk -------------------------------------------------------------------------------12 Ket-Rah Gur Sur Cha San ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Original Message----From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi [] Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 2004 5:30 PM To: Subject: RE: [k_p_system] Determining Male or Female Child using KP System Dear Srinivasa, When applying K.P. rules,one must first ensure that the cha rt is correct... Check whether the sublord of the Ascendant "tells" the bir th-star...if it is so,then alone,the chart is correct...else it needs to be suit ably corrected using K.P.Ayanamsa alone.(ref : Astrosecrets and K.P.,by Mr.K.Sub ramaniam). With best wishes, lyrastro1. GOOD LUCK ! "Upadhyaya, Srinivasa" <> wrote: Hi members, I have a chart (male) where both 5th & 11th Cusp sublord is Venus and Venus is i n Rahu Star. Both Venus and Rahu are in Sun hora. But this person has 2 daughter s !! DOB : 10- 7-1955

POB : 1245'N 75 1'E TOB : 19:30HRS (IST) By the way, how to find the sex of the child from D7? Regards, Upadhyaya -----Original Message----From: rongaunt [] Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 2004 11:39 AM To: Subject: Re: [k_p_system] Determining Male or Female Child using KP System

Yogesh, Please see question ** ............... ** Ron Gaunt On Wed, 01 Dec 2004 05:41:58 +0000, you wrote: >Deary Sandy, > &n bsp; Allow me to quote from a research article by a promine nt and quite senior practitioner of K.P., Mr.A.Balasekar...(ref. K.P. & Astrolog y Annual,2000,Pp 39-41.). > If the sublord of the Vth cusp or it's star lord,is posited in the Sun's Hora, it is a male child...and vice-versa...etc... ** does this mean the star lord of the Vth cusp, or the starlord of the planet acting as sublord? ** ** also is this specific to a woman's chart only? ** > > Sun's hora,and Moon's hora : > a) In odd signs,the first 15 degrees is the Sun's Hora, the next 15 deg. is called the Moon's Hora... > b) In the same way,in even signs the first 15 deg. is c alled the Moon's hora and the next ,the Sun's hora... > In my personal experience I have found this to be very accur ate indeed...I suggest,Sandy,you also experiment with this theory,and do let me know... > Yours sincerely, > lyrastro1 > GOOD LUCK ! > > > >Sandy Crowther <> wrote: > >Dear Ajay and tw, > > > >Thank you both for your input, and for the additional information on determinin


>As regards child's sex, it's said in KP Reader IV, 1984, p 221 that a >general rule not yet found, and in p 213-214 Beejam for boy and >Kshetram for girl mentioned. In Astrosecrets I, 2003, p 292 and >Astrosecrets III, 2002, p 84, it's suggested to analyze 5th cusp, >stlord, sublord, stlord of sublord, their location in rasi, female/ >male rasi, aspect, conjunction, Rahu/Ketu connections etc. > > >Best regards, > >tw > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT > > >-------------------------------->Yahoo! Groups Links > > To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. > > >Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline.

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1695 From: "tw853" <tw853@...> Date: Wed Dec 1, 2004 7:36am Subject: Re: Determining Male or Female Child using KP System tw853 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Yogesh Rao Lajmi, >>Allow me to quote from a research article by a prominent >>and quite senior practitioner of K.P., >>Mr.A.Balasekar...(ref. K.P. & Astrology Annual,2000,Pp >>39-41.) 1. Is it for the first child only or any child? Because the cusp taken for the second child is different from the first one in KP Reader IV, 1984, p 241 "SECOND DELIVERY". >>>This is in reply to a few more similar queries also... >> a) If you are analysing a female's chart take the Vth cusp for analysis,if it is the father's chart,take the XIth cusp for >>>analysis,as rightly suggested by Shri Raichur... 2. Is it to check "whether birth of children is promised or not" as mentioned in KP Reader IV, 1984, p 211, 224, 227 & 230? Or something new?

Best regards, tw ====== Yahoo! My Yahoo! Mail Welcome, raon1008 [Sign Out, My Account] Groups Home - Help

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I had a few minutes over the Holiday week-end to get my KP feet wet, so trying m y neophyte hand at an attempt on this blind chart, I came up with the following. (I am just beginning my study of this system so please bear with me as I could be off the wall with my choices J This is a learning experience for me.)

My first choice for this subject being blessed with a child would be during his Mo/Ve/Ra dasha - covering the period from May 7, 1981 to August 5, 1981. The st rongest time frame that I can reasonably conclude (using Shri Jyoti Star 5) is d uring the dates encompassing May 15, 1981 through May 30, 1981. These dates indi cate running dasha sequences of Mo/Ve/Ra/Ra Mo/Ve/Ra/Ju respectively.

My reasoning: Transit Sun at this time occupies bhukti lord Venus sign of Taurus in the 11th from the prantyantardasha lord (Rahu). Transit prantyantardasha (sub -lord) Rahu, who is natal 5th lord s (Jupiter) star lord, is posited in Mahadasha lord s (Moon) sign of Cancer, and is transiting the 5th from the natal 5th house, and 11th from natal 11th and natal Saturn (Jupiter s dispositor and star lord of t he natal 5th house) possibly indicating a long or complicated labor, or simply a difficult labor with a few false starts (braxton hicks). I believe the sex of the first born child is male, and my conclusion for choosing male is based purel y on the 7th varga (D-7-Saptamsha) delineation, as I am not familiar with KP s way to determine the sex of a child, and would love it if anyone on the list cares to share that info. J

My second choice is Mo/Ve/Ju: from August 6, 1981 through October 26, 1981

My third choice would be Mo/Ve/Me: from January 30, 1982 through April 27, 1982.

This was fun I hope others will participate in these exercises so we may all learn from those on this list who are more experienced and seasoned in KP, and theref ore more accurate in their assessments. Any comments about where my logic appear s to be fuzzy, are certainly welcome. Thanks.

All the Best, Sandy Crowther

-----Original Message----From: rongaunt [] Sent: Sunday, November 28, 2004 7:29 PM To: Subject: Re: [k_p_system] KPBC3

Sorry, I forgot to put in the deadline. Please post answers by 00:01 am GMT Fri 3rd Dec 04 after which the answer will be posted. Ron Gaunt On Mon, 29 Nov 2004 10:23:55 +1000,I wrote: > >We will stick with the native who got married on 2 Nov 1979 >in KPBC2. > >His details again are: > >Male >D.O.B. 20 Dec 1950 >5:02am >IST -5:30 >10N46 >76E42 > >Assume he comes to you his astrologer not long after his >marriage. He tells you he is eager to start a family and >he wants to know when he can expect to have his first child. >He would like to know when this will be, and what will be the sex >of the child. What do you tell him? > >If you think there are two or three possible times please put >them in priority order. > >Ron Gaunt > >PS. In hindsight we now know that he did in fact have a child >within a period of 3 years. > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > >

Attachment: (image/gif) image001.gif [not stored]

1667 From: Date: Mon Nov 29, 2004 11:18pm Subject: New file uploaded to k_p_system Send Email Hello, This email message is a notification to let you know that a file has been uploaded to the Files area of the k_p_system group. File : /HOUSE OF FATHER.doc Uploaded by : tw853 <tw853@...> Description : You can access this file at the URL: To learn more about file sharing for your group, please visit: Regards, tw853 <tw853@...>

1668 From: "tw853" <tw853@...> Date: Mon Nov 29, 2004 11:26pm Subject: THEORACTICAL & EMPIRICAL REVIEW ON HOUSE OF FATHER tw853 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear All, Theoractical and empirical review on "HOUSE OF FATHER" (referring to `Food for Thought' of Shri Yogesh Rao Lajmi in Msg# 1488 and research method of linkage between cusp sub lord and Asc mentioned in Msg#1493 and KP Annual 2004, p 42)is temporily uploaded in the file for information and comments. Best regards, tw

1669 From: anant raichur <anant_1608@...> Date: Tue Nov 30, 2004 0:27am Subject: RE: KPBC3 anant_1608 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 My answer is 23-5-1981 : Girl Sandy Crowther <> wrote:

-----Original Message----From: rongaunt [] Sent: Sunday, November 28, 2004 7:29 PM To: Subject: Re: [k_p_system] KPBC3

Sorry, I forgot to put in the deadline. Please post answers by 00:01 am GMT Fri 3rd Dec 04 after which the answer will be posted. Ron Gaunt On Mon, 29 Nov 2004 10:23:55 +1000,I wrote: > >We will stick with the native who got married on 2 Nov 1979 >in KPBC2. > >His details again are: > >Male >D.O.B. 20 Dec 1950 >5:02am >IST -5:30 >10N46 >76E42 > >Assume he comes to you his astrologer not long after his >marriage. He tells you he is eager to start a family and >he wants to know when he can expect to have his first child. >He would like to know when this will be, and what will be the sex >of the child. What do you tell him? > >If you think there are two or three possible times please put >them in priority order. > >Ron Gaunt > >PS. In hindsight we now know that he did in fact have a child >within a period of 3 years. > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > >


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1670 From: kunal mehta <mehtakunal2707@...> Date: Tue Nov 30, 2004 0:44am Subject: Reading request / Mr.Ron/ mehtakunal2707 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Hello, I tried to post this request, Can anyone predict time of likely time of marraige (type of wife) 18/06/1977 8=15am mumbai Regards, Kunal -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Moving house? Beach bar in Thailand? New Wardrobe? Win 10k with Yahoo! Mail to ma ke your dream a reality.

1671 From: Ajay Pandav <leojay5@...> Date: Tue Nov 30, 2004 1:47am Subject: RE: KPBC3 leojaykp5 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360


> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

My first choice for this subject being blessed with a child would be during his Mo/Ve/Ra dasha - covering the period from May 7, 1981 to August 5, 1981. The strongest time frame that I can reasonably conclude (using Shri Jyoti Star 5) is during the dates encompassing May 15, 1981 through May 30, 1981. These dates indicate running dasha sequences of Mo/Ve/Ra/Ra - Mo/Ve/Ra/Ju respectively.

My reasoning: Transit Sun at this time occupies bhukti lord Venus' sign of Taurus in the 11th from the prantyantardasha lord (Rahu). Transit prantyantardasha (sub-lord) Rahu, who is natal 5th lord's (Jupiter) star lord, is posited in Mahadasha lord's (Moon) sign of Cancer, and is transiting the 5th from the natal 5th house, and 11th from natal 11th and natal Saturn (Jupiter's dispositor and star lord of the natal 5th house) possibly indicating a long or complicated labor, or simply a difficult labor with a few false starts (braxton hicks). I believe the sex of the first born child is male, and my conclusion for choosing male is based purely on the 7th varga (D-7-Saptamsha) delineation, as I am not familiar with KP's way to determine the sex of a child, and would love it if anyone on the list cares to share that info. :-)

My second choice is Mo/Ve/Ju: from August 6, 1981 through October 26, 1981

My third choice would be Mo/Ve/Me: from January 30, 1982 through April 27, 1982.

This was fun.I hope others will participate in these exercises so we may all learn from those on this list who are more experienced and seasoned in KP, and therefore more accurate in their

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

assessments. Any comments about where my logic appears to be fuzzy, are certainly welcome. Thanks.

All the Best, Sandy Crowther <>

-----Original Message----From: rongaunt [mailto:rongaunt@...] Sent: Sunday, November 28, 2004 7:29 PM To: Subject: Re: [k_p_system] KPBC3

Sorry, I forgot to put in the deadline. Please post answers by 00:01 am GMT Fri 3rd Dec 04 after which the answer will be posted. Ron Gaunt On Mon, 29 Nov 2004 10:23:55 +1000,I wrote: > >We will stick with the native who got married on 2 Nov 1979 >in KPBC2. > >His details again are: > >Male >D.O.B. 20 Dec 1950 >5:02am >IST -5:30 >10N46 >76E42 > >Assume he comes to you his astrologer not long

> after his > >marriage. He tells you he is eager to start a > family and > >he wants to know when he can expect to have his > first child. > >He would like to know when this will be, and what > will be the sex > >of the child. What do you tell him? > > > >If you think there are two or three possible times > please put > >them in priority order. > > > >Ron Gaunt > > > >PS. In hindsight we now know that he did in fact > have a child > >within a period of 3 years. > > > > > > > > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Yahoo! Groups Sponsor > > > > < > D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1101684485/A=2343726/R=0/SIG=12i2di8g7/*htt > p:/ > 1294> > < > D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1101684485/A=2343726/R=1/SIG=12i2di8g7/*htt > p:/ > 1294> > > Get unlimited calls to > < >

D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1101684485/A=2343726/R=1/SIG=12i2di8g7/*htt > p:/ > 1294> > > U.S./Canada > < > D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1101684485/A=2343726/R=1/SIG=12i2di8g7/*htt > p:/ > 1294> > > > < > 598085471294> > > > === message truncated === ________________________________________________________________________ Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online Go to:


SIGNIFICATOR OF 2, 5, 11 HOUSES AND THE PERIOD OF MAHADASHA SHOULD RELATE TO THAT HOUSE WHEN THE CHILD BIRTH IS EXPECTED. WHEN ANY COUPLE ENQUIRES, WHETHER THEY WILL HAVE A MALE OR FEMALE CHILD, THEN THE HOROSCOPE OF LADY AND ALSO HER HUSBAND SHOULD BE CONSIDERED, AND THE RULE SAYS THAT THE SUBLORD OF 5TH AND 11TH HOUSE SHOULD BE IN FIRM SIGNS I.E. TAURUS, LEO, SCORPIO AND AQUARIES, AND SHOULD NOT BE IN DUAL SIGN I.E. GEMINI, VIRGO, SAGGITARUS AND PISCES, AND SUBLORD SHOULD BE STRONG SIGNIFICATOR OF 2, 5, 11 HOUSES. WHILE JUDGING HOROSCOPE OF HUSBAND OF THAT LADY, THE SUBLORD OF 11TH HOUSE SHOULD BE STRONG SIGNIFICATOR OF 2, 5, 11 HOUSES. THE PERIOD OF MAHADASHA SHOULD RELATE TO THESE STRONG SIGNIFICATOR. IF THIS RULE FULFILS, THE COUPLE WILL HAVE A CHILD OF THEIR OWN CHOICE, A MALE OR FEMALE. SO I FEEL JUDGING THIS QUESTION MAINLY ON THE HOROSCOPE OF A MAN IS NOT CORRECT. THESE ARE SOME POINTS, WHICH I FEEL TO CONTRIBUTE. IF THERE IS ANY WRONG, PLEASE LET ME KNOW. WITH REGARDS TO ALL AJAY PANDAV --- Sandy Crowther <> wrote: > Hi Ron and Group, > > > > I had a few minutes over the Holiday week-end to get > my KP feet wet, so > trying my neophyte hand at an attempt on this blind > chart, I came up > with the following. (I am just beginning my study of > this system - so > please bear with me as I could be off the wall with > my choices.:-) This > is a learning experience for me.) > > > > My first choice for this subject being blessed with > a child would be > during his Mo/Ve/Ra dasha - covering the period from > May 7, 1981 to > August 5, 1981. The strongest time frame that I can > reasonably conclude > (using Shri Jyoti Star 5) is during the dates > encompassing May 15, 1981 > through May 30, 1981. These dates indicate running > dasha sequences of > Mo/Ve/Ra/Ra - Mo/Ve/Ra/Ju respectively. > > > > My reasoning: Transit Sun at this time occupies > bhukti lord Venus' sign

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

of Taurus in the 11th from the prantyantardasha lord (Rahu). Transit prantyantardasha (sub-lord) Rahu, who is natal 5th lord's (Jupiter) star lord, is posited in Mahadasha lord's (Moon) sign of Cancer, and is transiting the 5th from the natal 5th house, and 11th from natal 11th and natal Saturn (Jupiter's dispositor and star lord of the natal 5th house) possibly indicating a long or complicated labor, or simply a difficult labor with a few false starts (braxton hicks). I believe the sex of the first born child is male, and my conclusion for choosing male is based purely on the 7th varga (D-7-Saptamsha) delineation, as I am not familiar with KP's way to determine the sex of a child, and would love it if anyone on the list cares to share that info. :-)

My second choice is Mo/Ve/Ju: from August 6, 1981 through October 26, 1981

My third choice would be Mo/Ve/Me: from January 30, 1982 through April 27, 1982.

This was fun.I hope others will participate in these exercises so we may all learn from those on this list who are more experienced and seasoned in KP, and therefore more accurate in their assessments. Any comments about where my logic appears to be fuzzy, are certainly welcome. Thanks.

All the Best, Sandy Crowther <>

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

-----Original Message----From: rongaunt [] Sent: Sunday, November 28, 2004 7:29 PM To: Subject: Re: [k_p_system] KPBC3

Sorry, I forgot to put in the deadline. Please post answers by 00:01 am GMT Fri 3rd Dec 04 after which the answer will be posted. Ron Gaunt On Mon, 29 Nov 2004 10:23:55 +1000,I wrote: > >We will stick with the native who got married on 2 Nov 1979 >in KPBC2. > >His details again are: > >Male >D.O.B. 20 Dec 1950 >5:02am >IST -5:30 >10N46 >76E42 > >Assume he comes to you his astrologer not long after his >marriage. He tells you he is eager to start a family and >he wants to know when he can expect to have his first child. >He would like to know when this will be, and what will be the sex >of the child. What do you tell him? > >If you think there are two or three possible times please put >them in priority order. > >Ron Gaunt > >PS. In hindsight we now know that he did in fact have a child >within a period of 3 years.

> > > > > > > > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Yahoo! Groups Sponsor > > > > < > D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1101684485/A=2343726/R=0/SIG=12i2di8g7/*htt > p:/ > 1294> > < > D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1101684485/A=2343726/R=1/SIG=12i2di8g7/*htt > p:/ > 1294> > > Get unlimited calls to > < > D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1101684485/A=2343726/R=1/SIG=12i2di8g7/*htt > p:/ > 1294> > > U.S./Canada > < > D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1101684485/A=2343726/R=1/SIG=12i2di8g7/*htt > p:/ > 1294> > > > < > 598085471294>

> > > === message truncated === ________________________________________________________________________ Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online Go to: Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online.

1673 From: "Upadhyaya, Srinivasa" <srinivasa.upadyaya@...> Date: Tue Nov 30, 2004 3:13am Subject: RE: KPBC3 upadhyaya_p_s Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Members, I have tried to analyse the chart, please let me know your comments / suggestions. Regards, Upadhyaya PLANETS UNDER RETROGRESSION : URAN;PLUT; +--------+--------+--------+--------+ |RAH FOR |CHA | |URA GUL | | | | | | +--------+--------+--------+--------+ |GUR | |PLU | | | | | +--------+ R A S I +--------+ |KUJ | | | | | | | +--------+--------+--------+--------+ |SUR BUD |LAG | |SAN KET | |SUK | | |NEP | +--------+--------+--------+--------+ +--------+--------+--------+--------+ |SAN |KUJ |SUR | | | | | | | +--------+--------+--------+--------+ |URA PLU | |SUK RAH | |GUL FOR | | | +--------+ NAVAMSA +--------+ |KET | |CHA NEP | | | | | +--------+--------+--------+--------+ |GUR |BUD |LAG | | | | | | | +--------+--------+--------+--------+

+--------+--------+--------+--------+ |FOR |CHA | |URA GUL | | | | | | +--------+--------+--------+--------+ |RAH | |PLU | | | | | +--------+ B H A V A +--------+ |GUR | |SAN KET | | | | | +--------+--------+--------+--------+ |KUJ BUD |SUR LAG | |NEP | |SUK | | | | +--------+--------+--------+--------+

Planet Significations : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Planet Lords Significations Sign-Star-Sub Star General -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sur Gur-Ket-Cha 10, 1, 10, Cha Kuj-Suk-Sur 2, 7, 12, 6, 9, Kuj San-Cha-Cha 6, 9, 2, 1, 6, Bud Gur-Suk-San 2, 7, 12, 2, 8, 11, Gur San-Rah-Gur 4, 3, 2, 5, Suk Gur-Ket-Bud 10, 2, 7, 12, San Bud-Sur-Suk 1, 10, 10, 3, 4, Rah Gur-Gur-Cha 3, 2, 5, 4, Ket Bud-Sur-Rah 1, 10, 10, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------House Significators : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cusp Star-Sub Lord In Lord's Occupant In Occupant's Constellation Constellation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 San-Kuj Kuj Sur Ket San -------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 Ket-San Gur Rah Suk Cha Bud Kuj Bud -------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 Cha-Cha San Gur Rah -------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 Rah-Bud San Rah Gur -------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 San-Gur Gur Rah -------------------------------------------------------------------------------6 Suk-Suk Kuj Cha Kuj -------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 Cha-Rah Suk Cha Bud -------------------------------------------------------------------------------8 Rah-San Bud -------------------------------------------------------------------------------9 San-Cha Cha Kuj -------------------------------------------------------------------------------10 Ket-Bud Sur Ket San Ket Suk Sur San -------------------------------------------------------------------------------11 Cha-Gur Bud -------------------------------------------------------------------------------12 Rah-Ket Suk Cha Bud --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Child Birth promised? 5 cusp sublord is Guru, is lord of 2nd and 5th in 3rd. He is rahu star. Rahu occupies 4th house, but he is in Guru's star, so he represents 2,5, and 3. Sub lord of Guru is Guru. So Birth of the child is promised. No planet in the 11th house. It is owned by Mercury, a fast moving planet. So quick results may be expected.

Ruling planets at the time of judgement (30-Nov-2004, at Bangalore, IST 14:03) Sign Lord Star Lord Sub Asc : Ju Sa Ma Moon : Me Ju Sa Day : Ma Rah is in Ae, Mar sign Sa, Ju, Me, Ma, Ra. For child birth, we have to consider 2, 5 and 11. House Significators : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cusp Star-Sub Lord In Lord's Occupant In Occupant's Constellation Constellation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 Ket-San Gur Rah Suk Cha Bud Kuj Bud -------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 San-Gur Gur Rah -------------------------------------------------------------------------------11 Cha-Gur Bud -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mer, Mar, Sa stars are untenated. So they are strong significators. significators : Me, Ma, Mo, Ra, Ve, Ju, Sa Common significators are Me, Ma, Ra, Ju, Sa

Me is 11th lord in 2nd house. Also Me is in Ve star, who is in the 2nd house. Sub of Me is Sa, Sub lord of 2nd house. So Me is a very strong significator. Ma is in 2nd house, in the star and Sub of Mo. Mo signifies 6&9. So mars is not a strong significator Ra is in 4th house, aspected by 3rd, 4th lord & 2nd Sub lord Sa. Rh is in Ju star, who signifies 2 & 5. Rh is in sub of Mo. So Ra is medium in strength. Ju is the lord of 2 & 5 in 3rd, in the star of Rh who signifies Sa (2nd sub), and Ju in the sub of Ju. So a strong signifier. Sa is the 2nd sub lord, in the 10th house, lord of 3 & 4. Sa in the star of Su, in the 1st house, in the 10th. Also Sublord of Sa is Ve, who occupies 2nd house. Looks like Sa is medium in strength. So, in the descending order of strength, Me, Ju, Rh, Sa, Ma From the above analysis, I not sure if the native can have child in Moon dasa. But, as Moon is in the star of Ve (Occupant of 2nd house). I will include Moon too. Also Moon dasa will not end in 3 years after marriage. Birth of the child will happen in the conjoined period of Me, Ju, Ra. So the sensitive point in the zodiac is ruled by Me, Ju, Ra. As ke represents Me, I will include Ke too.

So the probable period is Mo-Ke-Me 03-09-1980 06-10-1980 From the transit the event could have happened on 1-10-1980 Sg-St-Sb Sun 14 Vi 28 Hastha 2 Me-Mo-Ju Moon 12 Ge 33 Aardra 2 Me-Rh-Ve Mercury 7 Li 44 Swathi 1 Ve-Rh-Rh Ketu 23 Cp 54 Dhanishtha 1 Sa-Ma-Ma Sex of the child? Do not know ;-))

-----Original Message----From: rongaunt [mailto:rongaunt@...] Sent: Monday, November 29, 2004 5:54 AM To: Subject: [k_p_system] KPBC3

We will stick with the native who got married on 2 Nov 1979 in KPBC2. His details again are: Male D.O.B. 20 Dec 1950 5:02am IST -5:30 10N46 76E42 Assume he comes to you his astrologer not long after his marriage. He tells you he is eager to start a family and he wants to know when he can expect to have his first child. He would like to know when this will be, and what will be the sex of the child. What do you tell him? If you think there are two or three possible times please put them in priority order. Ron Gaunt PS. In hindsight we now know that he did in fact have a child within a period of 3 years.

Yahoo! Groups Links

1674 From: Jyotish Dham <jyotishdham@...> Date: Tue Nov 30, 2004 4:02am Subject: Court decision How to see?? jyotishdham Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Group Members I wish to solve horary chart for question by the native Will Court decision will be in my favour? I wish to know am I in right track by selecting 7 sublord should have significator of 11 and 6 ( to win over an enemy page 157 A strosecret ..) because VII refers those with whome the native is engaged in quarre ls and comes into open through arguments or litigation (ref Fundamental of astro logy by Prof KSK) or any other houses I should see like 1-6-11 (lagna sublord significator of 6 and 11) Kindly guide me with your vast experiences in KP Also I would like to know when we consider Horary chart should we also cross che ck the same sublord and siginificator etc in Natal chart or only one at a time i s required to analyse in KP either Horary or Natal. Thanking in advance

Shunny Nigam Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online.

1675 From: "Upadhyaya, Srinivasa" <srinivasa.upadyaya@...> Date: Tue Nov 30, 2004 4:46am Subject: Marriage timings upadhyaya_p_s Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear members, I am trying to analyze my friend's horoscope for marriage prospects. Please guide me. Is my analysis correct.

Regards, Upadhyaya PLANETS UNDER RETROGRESSION : URAN;NEPT;PLUT; +--------+--------+--------+--------+ +--------+--------+--------+--------+ | |SUK |SUR KET |BUD SAN | |FOR |GUR PLU | |SUR CHA | | | | | | | | | |SUK | +--------+--------+--------+--------+ +--------+--------+--------+--------+ |GUR | |KUJ LAG | |RAH LAG | |KUJ | | | | | | | | | +--------+ R A S I +--------+ +--------+ NAVAMSA +--------+ |FOR | | | |BUD SAN | |KET GUL | | | | | | | | | +--------+--------+--------+--------+ +--------+--------+--------+--------+ | |RAH NEP |CHA URA |PLU GUL | | |NEP |URA | | | | | | | | | | | | +--------+--------+--------+--------+ +--------+--------+--------+--------+ +--------+--------+--------+--------+ |SUK |SUR KET |BUD SAN |KUJ | | | | | | +--------+--------+--------+--------+ | | |LAG | | | | | +--------+ B H A V A +--------+ |GUR | |PLU GUL | | | | | +--------+--------+--------+--------+ |FOR | |CHA RAH |URA | | | |NEP | | +--------+--------+--------+--------+ Planet Significations : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Planet Lords Significations Sign-Star-Sub Star General -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sur Suk-Cha-Bud 4, 1, 10, 2, Cha Suk-Gur-Sur 7, 6, 9, 4, 1, Kuj Cha-Gur-Rah 7, 6, 9, 12, 5, 10, Bud Bud-Rah-San 4, 11, 3, 12, Gur San-Gur-San 7, 6, 9, 7, 6, 9, Suk Kuj-Ket-San 10, 9, 4, 11, San Bud-Rah-San 4, 11, 7, 8, Rah Kuj-Bud-Gur 11, 3, 12, 4, Ket Suk-Kuj-Gur 12, 5, 10, 10, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------House Significators : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cusp Star-Sub Lord In Lord's Occupant In Occupant's Constellation Constellation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 Bud-Gur Cha Sur -------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 Suk-Bud Sur -------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 Kuj-Gur Bud Rah --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4 Gur-Suk

Sur Rah San Bud -------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 Bud-San Kuj Ket -------------------------------------------------------------------------------6 Sur-Sur Gur Cha Kuj Gur -------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 Kuj-Gur San Gur Cha Kuj Gur -------------------------------------------------------------------------------8 Gur-Bud San -------------------------------------------------------------------------------9 Bud-Gur Gur Cha Kuj Gur Suk -------------------------------------------------------------------------------10 Sur-Cha Kuj Ket Ket Suk Sur -------------------------------------------------------------------------------11 Kuj-San Suk San Bud Rah -------------------------------------------------------------------------------12 Gur-Suk Bud Rah Kuj Ket -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Marriage promised? 7 CSL is Ju. Ju is in the 7th house, in its own star. So strong significator. Marriage is promised. Sub lord of Ju is Sa => delay? Significators: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 Suk-Bud Sur -------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 Kuj-Gur San Gur Cha Kuj Gur -------------------------------------------------------------------------------11 Kuj-San Suk San Bud Rah -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ra represents Su, Ma Ke represents Su, Ve Ju, Rh, Sa, Ma, Mo, Ve, Me, Su RPs (3:57 IST at Bangalore on 30-Nov-2004) Asc: Ma-Ve Mon: Me-Ju Day: Ma Rh => Ma Ke => Ve RPs : Ma, Me, Ve, Ju Ju, Rh, Sa, Ma, Mo, Ve, Me, Su Common Significators: Ma, Me, Ve, Ju The person may get married during Me-Ma-Ju (12-12-2006 - 29-01-2007)



1676 From: "Upadhyaya, Srinivasa" <srinivasa.upadyaya@...> Date: Tue Nov 30, 2004 4:49am Subject: RE: Marriage timings upadhyaya_p_s Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Sorry. I did not include the birth details. DOB: 3-Jun-1974 TOB: 11:00AM PoB: Mangalore Regards -----Original Message----From: Upadhyaya, Srinivasa Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 2004 4:17 PM To: Subject: [k_p_system] Marriage timings

Dear members, I am trying to analyze my friend's horoscope for marriage prospects. Please guide me. Is my analysis correct. Regards, Upadhyaya PLANETS UNDER RETROGRESSION : URAN;NEPT;PLUT; +--------+--------+--------+--------+ +--------+--------+--------+--------+ | |SUK |SUR KET |BUD SAN | |FOR |GUR PLU | |SUR CHA | | | | | | | | | |SUK | +--------+--------+--------+--------+ +--------+--------+--------+--------+ |GUR | |KUJ LAG | |RAH LAG | |KUJ | | | | | | | | | +--------+ R A S I +--------+ +--------+ NAVAMSA +--------+ |FOR | | | |BUD SAN | |KET GUL | | | | | | | | | +--------+--------+--------+--------+ +--------+--------+--------+--------+ | |RAH NEP |CHA URA |PLU GUL | | |NEP |URA | | | | | | | | | | | | +--------+--------+--------+--------+ +--------+--------+--------+--------+ +--------+--------+--------+--------+ |SUK |SUR KET |BUD SAN |KUJ | | | | | | +--------+--------+--------+--------+ | | |LAG | | | | | +--------+ B H A V A +--------+ |GUR | |PLU GUL | | | | | +--------+--------+--------+--------+ |FOR | |CHA RAH |URA | | | |NEP | |

+--------+--------+--------+--------+ Planet Significations : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Planet Lords Significations Sign-Star-Sub Star General -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sur Suk-Cha-Bud 4, 1, 10, 2, Cha Suk-Gur-Sur 7, 6, 9, 4, 1, Kuj Cha-Gur-Rah 7, 6, 9, 12, 5, 10, Bud Bud-Rah-San 4, 11, 3, 12, Gur San-Gur-San 7, 6, 9, 7, 6, 9, Suk Kuj-Ket-San 10, 9, 4, 11, San Bud-Rah-San 4, 11, 7, 8, Rah Kuj-Bud-Gur 11, 3, 12, 4, Ket Suk-Kuj-Gur 12, 5, 10, 10, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------House Significators : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cusp Star-Sub Lord In Lord's Occupant In Occupant's Constellation Constellation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 Bud-Gur Cha Sur -------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 Suk-Bud Sur -------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 Kuj-Gur Bud Rah -------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 Gur-Suk Suk Cha Sur Rah San Bud -------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 Bud-San Kuj Ket -------------------------------------------------------------------------------6 Sur-Sur Gur Cha Kuj Gur -------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 Kuj-Gur San Gur Cha Kuj Gur -------------------------------------------------------------------------------8 Gur-Bud San -------------------------------------------------------------------------------9 Bud-Gur Gur Cha Kuj Gur Suk -------------------------------------------------------------------------------10 Sur-Cha Kuj Ket Ket Suk Sur -------------------------------------------------------------------------------11 Kuj-San Suk San Bud Rah -------------------------------------------------------------------------------12 Gur-Suk Bud Rah Kuj Ket -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Marriage promised? 7 CSL is Ju. Ju is in the 7th house, in its own star. So strong significator. Marriage is promised. Sub lord of Ju is Sa => delay? Significators: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 Suk-Bud Sur

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 Kuj-Gur San Gur Cha Kuj Gur -------------------------------------------------------------------------------11 Kuj-San Suk San Bud Rah -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ra represents Su, Ma Ke represents Su, Ve Ju, Rh, Sa, Ma, Mo, Ve, Me, Su RPs (3:57 IST at Bangalore on 30-Nov-2004) Asc: Ma-Ve Mon: Me-Ju Day: Ma Rh => Ma Ke => Ve RPs : Ma, Me, Ve, Ju Ju, Rh, Sa, Ma, Mo, Ve, Me, Su Common Significators: Ma, Me, Ve, Ju The person may get married during Me-Ma-Ju (12-12-2006 - 29-01-2007)

Yahoo! Groups Links

1677 From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@...> Date: Tue Nov 30, 2004 6:19am Subject: Re: Court decision How to see?? lyrastro1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Jyotish Dham, If the sub-lord of the VIth signifies I,VI & XI...o nly then success in litigation is promised...if the IIIrd and IX th houses also figure,a compromise will be arrived/reached at... Yours sincerely, lyrastro1 GOOD LUCK ! Jyotish Dham <> wrote: Dear Group Members I wish to solve horary chart for question by the native Will Court decision will be in my favour? I wish to know am I in right track by selecting 7 sublord should have significator of 11 and 6 ( to win over an enemy page 157 A

strosecret ..) because VII refers those with whome the native is engaged in quarre ls and comes into open through arguments or litigation (ref Fundamental of astro logy by Prof KSK) or any other houses I should see like 1-6-11 (lagna sublord significator of 6 and 11) Kindly guide me with your vast experiences in KP Also I would like to know when we consider Horary chart should we also cross che ck the same sublord and siginificator etc in Natal chart or only one at a time i s required to analyse in KP either Horary or Natal. Thanking in advance

Shunny Nigam Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online. Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online.

1678 From: set <cheekudg@...> Date: Tue Nov 30, 2004 6:33am Subject: need help cheekudg Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear fellow(s), i am very much confused about my kundi, because i have 4 diff. versions. if u could do the correct analysis, that would be great... DOB- july 01, 1973, chicago, ILLINOIS, USA, 8:07am, satuday!! thanks, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Mail - You care about security. So do we.

1679 From: Vinay Tiwari <techn0pandit@...> Date: Tue Nov 30, 2004 9:18am Subject: RE: KPBC3 techn0pandit Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Om Ganeshaya namah:

Respected Guruz and friends, I am very very new to this field.After calculation I feel the child woul d have born in may 1982 probably after 12 th may and before 30th .ie; Mo-ve-mer . In these dates also i feel last week of may. Lets C what I am going to learn more with the results. Thanks. Regards Vinay Tiwari


IF THERE IS ANY WRONG, PLEASE LET ME KNOW. WITH REGARDS TO ALL AJAY PANDAV --- Sandy Crowther <> wrote: > Hi Ron and Group, > > > > I had a few minutes over the Holiday week-end to get > my KP feet wet, so > trying my neophyte hand at an attempt on this blind > chart, I came up > with the following. (I am just beginning my study of > this system - so > please bear with me as I could be off the wall with > my choices.:-) This > is a learning experience for me.) > > > > My first choice for this subject being blessed with > a child would be > during his Mo/Ve/Ra dasha - covering the period from > May 7, 1981 to > August 5, 1981. The strongest time frame that I can > reasonably conclude > (using Shri Jyoti Star 5) is during the dates > encompassing May 15, 1981 > through May 30, 1981. These dates indicate running > dasha sequences of > Mo/Ve/Ra/Ra - Mo/Ve/Ra/Ju respectively. > > > > My reasoning: Transit Sun at this time occupies > bhukti lord Venus' sign > of Taurus in the 11th from the prantyantardasha lord > (Rahu). Transit > prantyantardasha (sub-lord) Rahu, who is natal 5th > lord's (Jupiter) star > lord, is posited in Mahadasha lord's (Moon) sign of > Cancer, and is > transiting the 5th from the natal 5th house, and > 11th from natal 11th > and natal Saturn (Jupiter's dispositor and star lord > of the natal 5th > house) possibly indicating a long or complicated > labor, or simply a > difficult labor with a few false starts (braxton > hicks). I believe the > sex of the first born child is male, and my > conclusion for choosing male > is based purely on the 7th varga (D-7-Saptamsha) > delineation, as I am > not familiar with KP's way to determine the sex of a > child, and would > love it if anyone on the list cares to share that > info. :-)

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

My second choice is Mo/Ve/Ju: from August 6, 1981 through October 26, 1981

My third choice would be Mo/Ve/Me: from January 30, 1982 through April 27, 1982.

This was fun.I hope others will participate in these exercises so we may all learn from those on this list who are more experienced and seasoned in KP, and therefore more accurate in their assessments. Any comments about where my logic appears to be fuzzy, are certainly welcome. Thanks.

All the Best, Sandy Crowther <>

-----Original Message----From: rongaunt [] Sent: Sunday, November 28, 2004 7:29 PM To: Subject: Re: [k_p_system] KPBC3

Sorry, I forgot to put in the deadline. Please post answers by 00:01 am GMT Fri 3rd Dec 04 after which the answer will be posted.

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

Ron Gaunt On Mon, 29 Nov 2004 10:23:55 +1000,I wrote: > >We will stick with the native who got married on 2 Nov 1979 >in KPBC2. > >His details again are: > >Male >D.O.B. 20 Dec 1950 >5:02am >IST -5:30 >10N46 >76E42 > >Assume he comes to you his astrologer not long after his >marriage. He tells you he is eager to start a family and >he wants to know when he can expect to have his first child. >He would like to know when this will be, and what will be the sex >of the child. What do you tell him? > >If you think there are two or three possible times please put >them in priority order. > >Ron Gaunt > >PS. In hindsight we now know that he did in fact have a child >within a period of 3 years. > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > >

Yahoo! Groups Sponsor

> > < > D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1101684485/A=2343726/R=0/SIG=12i2di8g7/*htt > p:/ > 1294> > < > D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1101684485/A=2343726/R=1/SIG=12i2di8g7/*htt > p:/ > 1294> > > Get unlimited calls to > < > D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1101684485/A=2343726/R=1/SIG=12i2di8g7/*htt > p:/ > 1294> > > U.S./Canada > < > D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1101684485/A=2343726/R=1/SIG=12i2di8g7/*htt > p:/ > 1294> > > > < > 598085471294> > > > === message truncated === ________________________________________________________________________ Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online Go to: Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online.

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1680 From: "tw853" <tw853@...>

Date: Tue Nov 30, 2004 11:58am Subject: Re: KPBC3 tw853 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Sandy Crowther, As regards child's sex, it's said in KP Reader IV, 1984, p 221 that a general rule not yet found, and in p 213-214 Beejam for boy and Kshetram for girl mentioned. In Astrosecrets I, 2003, p 292 and Astrosecrets III, 2002, p 84, it's suggested to analyze 5th cusp, stlord, sublord, stlord of sublord, their location in rasi, female/ male rasi, aspect, conjunction, Rahu/Ketu connections etc. Best regards, tw

--- In, "Sandy Crowther" <sandy@t...> wrote: > Hi Ron and Group, > > > > I had a few minutes over the Holiday week-end to get my KP feet wet, so > trying my neophyte hand at an attempt on this blind chart, I came up > with the following. (I am just beginning my study of this system so > please bear with me as I could be off the wall with my choices.:-) This > is a learning experience for me.) > > > > My first choice for this subject being blessed with a child would be > during his Mo/Ve/Ra dasha - covering the period from May 7, 1981 to > August 5, 1981. The strongest time frame that I can reasonably conclude > (using Shri Jyoti Star 5) is during the dates encompassing May 15, 1981 > through May 30, 1981. These dates indicate running dasha sequences of > Mo/Ve/Ra/Ra - Mo/Ve/Ra/Ju respectively. > > > > My reasoning: Transit Sun at this time occupies bhukti lord Venus' sign > of Taurus in the 11th from the prantyantardasha lord (Rahu). Transit > prantyantardasha (sub-lord) Rahu, who is natal 5th lord's (Jupiter) star > lord, is posited in Mahadasha lord's (Moon) sign of Cancer, and is

> transiting the 5th from the natal 5th house, and 11th from natal 11th > and natal Saturn (Jupiter's dispositor and star lord of the natal 5th > house) possibly indicating a long or complicated labor, or simply a > difficult labor with a few false starts (braxton hicks). I believe the > sex of the first born child is male, and my conclusion for choosing male > is based purely on the 7th varga (D-7-Saptamsha) delineation, as I am > not familiar with KP's way to determine the sex of a child, and would > love it if anyone on the list cares to share that info. :-) > > > > My second choice is Mo/Ve/Ju: from August 6, 1981 through October 26, > 1981 > > > > My third choice would be Mo/Ve/Me: from January 30, 1982 through April > 27, 1982. > > > > This was fun.I hope others will participate in these exercises so we may > all learn from those on this list who are more experienced and seasoned > in KP, and therefore more accurate in their assessments. Any comments > about where my logic appears to be fuzzy, are certainly welcome. Thanks. > > > > All the Best, > > Sandy Crowther > > <> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > -----Original Message----> From: rongaunt [mailto:rongaunt@b...]

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

Sent: Sunday, November 28, 2004 7:29 PM To: Subject: Re: [k_p_system] KPBC3

Sorry, I forgot to put in the deadline. Please post answers by 00:01 am GMT Fri 3rd Dec 04 after which the answer will be posted. Ron Gaunt On Mon, 29 Nov 2004 10:23:55 +1000,I wrote: > >We will stick with the native who got married on 2 Nov 1979 >in KPBC2. > >His details again are: > >Male >D.O.B. 20 Dec 1950 >5:02am >IST -5:30 >10N46 >76E42 > >Assume he comes to you his astrologer not long after his >marriage. He tells you he is eager to start a family and >he wants to know when he can expect to have his first child. >He would like to know when this will be, and what will be the sex >of the child. What do you tell him? > >If you think there are two or three possible times please put >them in priority order. > >Ron Gaunt > >PS. In hindsight we now know that he did in fact have a child >within a period of 3 years. > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > >

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1681 From: "tw853" <tw853@...> Date: Tue Nov 30, 2004 0:01pm Subject: Re: KPBC3 tw853 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Ajay Pandav, Despite remarks to judge charts of both husband and wife in p 210, KP Reader IV, 1984 and mother's chart to get correct results in p 241, Reader IV, more examples for male are given by Guruji KSK , in Reader IV, DOB 4-5-1938, 8 PM, p 209, 214-215; DOB 5-1-1932 p 216-217; Horary no 247, p 223-224; Horary no 235, p 226-228, Mr. D. G. H no 220, p 232-233, Horary no 135, p 237-241; in KP Reader VI, Horary no 245, p 204-209. Also an horary example for male in Asrtosecrets III, 2002, p 79-84, and a natal chart example for male by G. Subramanian in KP Annual 2004, p 39-43. Best regards, tw

--- In, Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@y...> wrote: > Dear Ajay, > I agree with your views entirely... > Yours sincerely, > lyrastro1 > GOOD LUCK !

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >


> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

My first choice for this subject being blessed with a child would be during his Mo/Ve/Ra dasha - covering the period from May 7, 1981 to August 5, 1981. The strongest time frame that I can reasonably conclude (using Shri Jyoti Star 5) is during the dates encompassing May 15, 1981 through May 30, 1981. These dates indicate running dasha sequences of Mo/Ve/Ra/Ra - Mo/Ve/Ra/Ju respectively.

My reasoning: Transit Sun at this time occupies bhukti lord Venus' sign of Taurus in the 11th from the prantyantardasha lord (Rahu). Transit prantyantardasha (sub-lord) Rahu, who is natal 5th lord's (Jupiter) star lord, is posited in Mahadasha lord's (Moon) sign of Cancer, and is transiting the 5th from the natal 5th house, and 11th from natal 11th and natal Saturn (Jupiter's dispositor and star lord of the natal 5th house) possibly indicating a long or complicated labor, or simply a difficult labor with a few false starts (braxton hicks). I believe the sex of the first born child is male, and my conclusion for choosing male is based purely on the 7th varga (D-7-Saptamsha) delineation, as I am not familiar with KP's way to determine the sex of a child, and would love it if anyone on the list cares to share that info. :-)

My second choice is Mo/Ve/Ju: from August 6, 1981 through October 26, 1981

My third choice would be Mo/Ve/Me: from January 30, 1982 through April 27, 1982.

This was fun.I hope others will participate in these exercises so we may all learn from those on this list who are more experienced and seasoned

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

in KP, and therefore more accurate in their assessments. Any comments about where my logic appears to be fuzzy, are certainly welcome. Thanks.

All the Best, Sandy Crowther <>

-----Original Message----From: rongaunt [mailto:rongaunt@b...] Sent: Sunday, November 28, 2004 7:29 PM To: Subject: Re: [k_p_system] KPBC3

Sorry, I forgot to put in the deadline. Please post answers by 00:01 am GMT Fri 3rd Dec 04 after which the answer will be posted. Ron Gaunt On Mon, 29 Nov 2004 10:23:55 +1000,I wrote: > >We will stick with the native who got married on 2 Nov 1979 >in KPBC2. > >His details again are: > >Male >D.O.B. 20 Dec 1950 >5:02am >IST -5:30 >10N46 >76E42 >

> > >Assume he comes to you his astrologer not long > > after his > > >marriage. He tells you he is eager to start a > > family and > > >he wants to know when he can expect to have his > > first child. > > >He would like to know when this will be, and what > > will be the sex > > >of the child. What do you tell him? > > > > > >If you think there are two or three possible times > > please put > > >them in priority order. > > > > > >Ron Gaunt > > > > > >PS. In hindsight we now know that he did in fact > > have a child > > >within a period of 3 years. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Yahoo! Groups Sponsor > > > > > > > > > < 6/ > > > D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1101684485/A=2343726/R=0/SIG=12i2di8g7/*h tt > > > p:/ 47 > > 1294> > > > < 6/ > >

> D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1101684485/A=2343726/R=1/SIG=12i2di8g7/*h tt > > > p:/ 47 > > 1294> > > > > Get unlimited calls to > > > < 6/ > > > D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1101684485/A=2343726/R=1/SIG=12i2di8g7/*h tt > > > p:/ 47 > > 1294> > > > > U.S./Canada > > > < 6/ > > > D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1101684485/A=2343726/R=1/SIG=12i2di8g7/*h tt > > > p:/ 47 > > 1294> > > > > > > > < 01 > > 598085471294> > > > > > > > === message truncated === > > ______________________________________________________________________ __ > Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online > Go to: > > Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT > > > ---------------------------------

> Yahoo! Groups Links > > To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. > > > Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline.

1682 From: rongaunt <rongaunt@...> Date: Tue Nov 30, 2004 3:58pm Subject: KPBC3 reminder rongaunt1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Members are reminded that submissions for KPBC3 should be sent by 00:01 am Thur 2nd Dec 04. Ron Gaunt

1683 From: "tw853" <tw853@...> Date: Tue Nov 30, 2004 4:09pm Subject: Re: KPBC3 reminder tw853 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Ron Gaunt, Is there any reason to change the given deadline? Best regards, tw Message 1651 of 1682 | Previous | Next [ Up Thread ] Message Index Msg # From: rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> Date: Sun Nov 28, 2004 7:29 pm Subject: Re: [k_p_system] KPBC3 Sorry, I forgot to put in the deadline. Please post answers by 00:01 am GMT Fri 3rd Dec 04 after which the answer will be posted. Ron Gaunt

--- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > > Members are reminded that submissions for KPBC3 should be sent by > 00:01 am Thur 2nd Dec 04. > > Ron Gaunt

1684 From: rongaunt <rongaunt@...> Date: Tue Nov 30, 2004 4:23pm Subject: Re: Re: KPBC3 reminder rongaunt1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 tw and members, Sorry my mistake. deadline is Fri 3rd Dec 04 as stated previously. Thanks for pointing it out. Ron Gaunt

On Tue, 30 Nov 2004 22:09:50 +0000, you wrote: > > >Dear Ron Gaunt, > >Is there any reason to change the given deadline? > >Best regards, > >tw > > > Message 1651 of 1682 | Previous | Next [ Up Thread ] Message >Index Msg # > > >From: rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> >Date: Sun Nov 28, 2004 7:29 pm >Subject: Re: [k_p_system] KPBC3 > > >Sorry, I forgot to put in the deadline. Please post answers by >00:01 am GMT Fri 3rd Dec 04 after which the answer will be >posted. > >Ron Gaunt > > >--- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote:

>> >> Members are reminded that submissions for KPBC3 should be sent by >> 00:01 am Thur 2nd Dec 04. >> >> Ron Gaunt > > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > >

1685 From: "Sandy Crowther" <sandy@...> Date: Tue Nov 30, 2004 5:52pm Subject: Determining Male or Female Child using KP System detective_dunno Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Ajay and tw,

Thank you both for your the sex of a child The investigative research. e that works all of the

input, and for the additional information on determining more we learn, the more questions we have leading to more What I AM certain of is that I have found nothing to dat time. Oh if life were that simple J

All the Best, Sandy Crowther





Dear Sandy Crowther, As regards child's sex, it's said in KP Reader IV, 1984, p 221 that a general rule not yet found, and in p 213-214 Beejam for boy and Kshetram for girl mentioned. In Astrosecrets I, 2003, p 292 and Astrosecrets III, 2002, p 84, it's suggested to analyze 5th cusp, stlord, sublord, stlord of sublord, their location in rasi, female/ male rasi, aspect, conjunction, Rahu/Ketu connections etc. Best regards, tw

Attachment: (image/gif) image001.gif [not stored]

1686 From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@...> Date: Tue Nov 30, 2004 11:41pm Subject: Re: Determining Male or Female Child using KP System lyrastro1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Deary Sandy, Allow me to quote from a research article by a prominent and quite senior practitioner of K.P., Mr.A.Balasekar...(ref. K.P. & Astrology Annua l,2000,Pp 39-41.). If the sublord of the Vth cusp or it's star lord,is posited in the Sun's Hora, it is a male child...and vice-versa...etc... Sun's hora,and Moon's hora : a) In odd signs,the first 15 degrees is the Sun's Hora,t he next 15 deg. is called the Moon's Hora... b) In the same way,in even signs the first 15 deg. is ca lled the Moon's hora and the next ,the Sun's hora... In my personal experience I have found this to be very accura te indeed...I suggest,Sandy,you also experiment with this theory,and do let me k now... Yours sincerely, lyrastro1 GOOD LUCK !

Sandy Crowther <> wrote: Dear Ajay and tw,

Thank you both for your the sex of a child The investigative research. e that works all of the

input, and for the additional information on determining more we learn, the more questions we have leading to more What I AM certain of is that I have found nothing to dat time. Oh if life were that simple J

All the Best, Sandy Crowther




Dear Sandy Crowther, As regards child's sex, it's said in KP Reader IV, 1984, p 221 that a general rule not yet found, and in p 213-214 Beejam for boy and Kshetram for girl mentioned. In Astrosecrets I, 2003, p 292 and Astrosecrets III, 2002, p 84, it's suggested to analyze 5th cusp, stlord, sublord, stlord of sublord, their location in rasi, female/ male rasi, aspect, conjunction, Rahu/Ketu connections etc. Best regards, tw

Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online.

1687 From: rongaunt <rongaunt@...> Date: Wed Dec 1, 2004 0:08am Subject: Re: Determining Male or Female Child using KP System rongaunt1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Yogesh, Please see question ** ............... ** Ron Gaunt On Wed, 01 Dec 2004 05:41:58 +0000, you wrote: >Deary Sandy, > Allow me to quote from a research article by a prominent and quite senior practitioner of K.P., Mr.A.Balasekar...(ref. K.P. & Astrology Annual,2000,Pp 39-41.). > If the sublord of the Vth cusp or it's star lord,is posited in the Sun's Hora, it is a male child...and vice-versa...etc... ** does this mean the star lord of the Vth cusp, or the starlord of the planet acting as sublord? ** ** also is this specific to a woman's chart only? ** > > Sun's hora,and Moon's hora : > a) In odd signs,the first 15 degrees is the Sun's Hora,the next 15 deg. is called the Moon's Hora... > b) In the same way,in even signs the first 15 deg. is called the Moon's hora and the next ,the Sun's hora... > In my personal experience I have found this to be very accurate indeed...I suggest,Sandy,you also experiment with this theory,and do let me know...


>THE PERIOD OF MAHADASHA SHOULD RELATE TO THESE STRONG >SIGNIFICATOR. IF THIS RULE FULFILS, THE COUPLE WILL >HAVE A CHILD OF THEIR OWN CHOICE, A MALE OR FEMALE. > > > >WITH REGARDS TO ALL > >AJAY PANDAV > > > > Dear Sandy Crowther, > >As regards child's sex, it's said in KP Reader IV, 1984, p 221 that a >general rule not yet found, and in p 213-214 Beejam for boy and >Kshetram for girl mentioned. In Astrosecrets I, 2003, p 292 and >Astrosecrets III, 2002, p 84, it's suggested to analyze 5th cusp, >stlord, sublord, stlord of sublord, their location in rasi, female/ >male rasi, aspect, conjunction, Rahu/Ketu connections etc. > > >Best regards, > >tw > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT > > >-------------------------------->Yahoo! Groups Links > > To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > >

> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. > > >Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline.

1688 From: "Upadhyaya, Srinivasa" <srinivasa.upadyaya@...> Date: Wed Dec 1, 2004 0:33am Subject: RE: Determining Male or Female Child using KP System upadhyaya_p_s Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Hi members, I have a chart (male) where both 5th & 11th Cusp sublord is Venus and Venus is in Rahu Star. Both Venus and Rahu are in Sun hora. But this person has 2 daughters !! DOB : 10- 7-1955 POB : 1245'N 75 1'E TOB : 19:30HRS (IST) By the way, how to find the sex of the child from D7? Regards, Upadhyaya -----Original Message----From: rongaunt [mailto:rongaunt@...] Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 2004 11:39 AM To: Subject: Re: [k_p_system] Determining Male or Female Child using KP System

Yogesh, Please see question ** ............... ** Ron Gaunt On Wed, 01 Dec 2004 05:41:58 +0000, you wrote: >Deary Sandy, > Allow me to quote from a research article by a prominent and quite senior practitioner of K.P., Mr.A.Balasekar...(ref. K.P. & Astrology Annual,2000,Pp 39-41.). > If the sublord of the Vth cusp or it's star lord,is posited in the Sun's Hora, it is a male child...and vice-versa...etc... ** does this mean the star lord of the Vth cusp, or the starlord of the planet acting as sublord? ** ** also is this specific to a woman's chart only? ** >

> Sun's hora,and Moon's hora : > a) In odd signs,the first 15 degrees is the Sun's Hora,the next 15 deg. is called the Moon's Hora... > b) In the same way,in even signs the first 15 deg. is called the Moon's hora and the next ,the Sun's hora... > In my personal experience I have found this to be very accurate indeed...I suggest,Sandy,you also experiment with this theory,and do let me know... > Yours sincerely, > lyrastro1 > GOOD LUCK ! > > > >Sandy Crowther <sandy@...> wrote: > >Dear Ajay and tw, > > > >Thank you both for your input, and for the additional information on determining the sex of a child...The more we learn, the more questions we have leading to more investigative research. What I AM certain of is that I have found nothing to date that works all of the time. Oh - if life were that simple...J > > > > All the Best, > > Sandy Crowther > > > > > > > >"AND THE RULE >SAYS THAT THE SUBLORD OF 5TH AND 11TH HOUSE SHOULD BE >IN FIRM SIGNS I.E. TAURUS, LEO, SCORPIO AND AQUARIES, >AND SHOULD NOT BE IN DUAL SIGN I.E. GEMINI, VIRGO, >SAGGITARUS AND PISCES, AND SUBLORD SHOULD BE STRONG >SIGNIFICATOR OF 2, 5, 11 HOUSES. WHILE JUDGING >HOROSCOPE OF HUSBAND OF THAT LADY, THE SUBLORD OF 11TH >HOUSE SHOULD BE STRONG SIGNIFICATOR OF 2, 5, 11 >HOUSES. >THE PERIOD OF MAHADASHA SHOULD RELATE TO THESE STRONG >SIGNIFICATOR. IF THIS RULE FULFILS, THE COUPLE WILL >HAVE A CHILD OF THEIR OWN CHOICE, A MALE OR FEMALE." > > > > > > > >WHEN ANY COUPLE ENQUIRES, WHETHER THEY WILL HAVE A >MALE OR FEMALE CHILD, THEN THE HOROSCOPE OF LADY AND >ALSO HER HUSBAND SHOULD BE CONSIDERED, AND THE RULE

>SAYS THAT THE SUBLORD OF 5TH AND 11TH HOUSE SHOULD BE >IN FIRM SIGNS I.E. TAURUS, LEO, SCORPIO AND AQUARIES, >AND SHOULD NOT BE IN DUAL SIGN I.E. GEMINI, VIRGO, >SAGGITARUS AND PISCES, AND SUBLORD SHOULD BE STRONG >SIGNIFICATOR OF 2, 5, 11 HOUSES. WHILE JUDGING >HOROSCOPE OF HUSBAND OF THAT LADY, THE SUBLORD OF 11TH >HOUSE SHOULD BE STRONG SIGNIFICATOR OF 2, 5, 11 >HOUSES. >THE PERIOD OF MAHADASHA SHOULD RELATE TO THESE STRONG >SIGNIFICATOR. IF THIS RULE FULFILS, THE COUPLE WILL >HAVE A CHILD OF THEIR OWN CHOICE, A MALE OR FEMALE. > > > >WITH REGARDS TO ALL > >AJAY PANDAV > > > > Dear Sandy Crowther, > >As regards child's sex, it's said in KP Reader IV, 1984, p 221 that a >general rule not yet found, and in p 213-214 Beejam for boy and >Kshetram for girl mentioned. In Astrosecrets I, 2003, p 292 and >Astrosecrets III, 2002, p 84, it's suggested to analyze 5th cusp, >stlord, sublord, stlord of sublord, their location in rasi, female/ >male rasi, aspect, conjunction, Rahu/Ketu connections etc. > > >Best regards, > >tw > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT > > >---------------------------------

>Yahoo! Groups Links > > To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. > > >Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline.

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1689 From: anant raichur <anant_1608@...> Date: Wed Dec 1, 2004 1:06am Subject: Re: Reading request / Mr.Ron/ anant_1608 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Mr Metha Mumbai(Bombay) is a big city, esp spread in N_S direction. Mentioning the Suburb of Mumbai will enable one to get a better chart with Lat and Long nearer the bi rth place. kunal mehta <> wrote: Hello, I tried to post this request, Can anyone predict time of likely time of marraige (type of wife) 18/06/1977 8=15am mumbai Regards, Kunal -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Moving house? Beach bar in Thailand? New Wardrobe? Win 10k with Yahoo! Mail to ma ke your dream a reality.

-----------------------------------------A.R.Raichur bombay USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY tel: 022-2506 2609 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Do you Yahoo!? All your favorites on one personal page Try My Yahoo!


SO I FEEL JUDGING THIS QUESTION MAINLY ON THE HOROSCOPE OF A MAN IS NOT CORRECT. THESE ARE SOME POINTS, WHICH I FEEL TO CONTRIBUTE. IF THERE IS ANY WRONG, PLEASE LET ME KNOW. WITH REGARDS TO ALL AJAY PANDAV --- Sandy Crowther wrote: > Hi Ron and Group, > > > > I had a few minutes over the Holiday week-end to get > my KP feet wet, so > trying my neophyte hand at an attempt on this blind > chart, I came up > with the following. (I am just beginning my study of > this system - so > please bear with me as I could be off the wall with > my choices.:-) This > is a learning experience for me.) > > > > My first choice for this subject being blessed with > a child would be > during his Mo/Ve/Ra dasha - covering the period from > May 7, 1981 to > August 5, 1981. The strongest time frame that I can > reasonably conclude > (using Shri Jyoti Star 5) is during the dates > encompassing May 15, 1981 > through May 30, 1981. These dates indicate running > dasha sequences of > Mo/Ve/Ra/Ra - Mo/Ve/Ra/Ju respectively. > > > > My reasoning: Transit Sun at this time occupies > bhukti lord Venus' sign > of Taurus in the 11th from the prantyantardasha lord > (Rahu). Transit > prantyantardasha (sub-lord) Rahu, who is natal 5th > lord's (Jupiter) star > lord, is posited in Mahadasha lord's (Moon) sign of > Cancer, and is > transiting the 5th from the natal 5th house, and > 11th from natal 11th > and natal Saturn (Jupiter's dispositor and star lord > of the natal 5th > house) possibly indicating a long or complicated > labor, or simply a > difficult labor with a few false starts (braxton > hicks). I believe the > sex of the first born child is male, and my > conclusion for choosing male > is based purely on the 7th varga (D-7-Saptamsha) > delineation, as I am

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

not familiar with KP's way to determine the sex of a child, and would love it if anyone on the list cares to share that info. :-)

My second choice is Mo/Ve/Ju: from August 6, 1981 through October 26, 1981

My third choice would be Mo/Ve/Me: from January 30, 1982 through April 27, 1982.

This was fun.I hope others will participate in these exercises so we may all learn from those on this list who are more experienced and seasoned in KP, and therefore more accurate in their assessments. Any comments about where my logic appears to be fuzzy, are certainly welcome. Thanks.

All the Best, Sandy Crowther

-----Original Message----From: rongaunt [] Sent: Sunday, November 28, 2004 7:29 PM To: Subject: Re: [k_p_system] KPBC3

Sorry, I forgot to put in the deadline. Please post answers by

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

00:01 am GMT Fri 3rd Dec 04 after which the answer will be posted. Ron Gaunt On Mon, 29 Nov 2004 10:23:55 +1000,I wrote: > >We will stick with the native who got married on 2 Nov 1979 >in KPBC2. > >His details again are: > >Male >D.O.B. 20 Dec 1950 >5:02am >IST -5:30 >10N46 >76E42 > >Assume he comes to you his astrologer not long after his >marriage. He tells you he is eager to start a family and >he wants to know when he can expect to have his first child. >He would like to know when this will be, and what will be the sex >of the child. What do you tell him? > >If you think there are two or three possible times please put >them in priority order. > >Ron Gaunt > >PS. In hindsight we now know that he did in fact have a child >within a period of 3 years. > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > >

> > Yahoo! Groups Sponsor > > > > > D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1101684485/A=2343726/R=0/SIG=12i2di8g7/*htt > p:/ > 1294> > > D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1101684485/A=2343726/R=1/SIG=12i2di8g7/*htt > p:/ > 1294> > > Get unlimited calls to > > D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1101684485/A=2343726/R=1/SIG=12i2di8g7/*htt > p:/ > 1294> > > U.S./Canada > > D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1101684485/A=2343726/R=1/SIG=12i2di8g7/*htt > p:/ > 1294> > > > > 598085471294> > > > === message truncated === ________________________________________________________________________ Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online Go to: ------------------------ Yahoo! Groups Sponsor --------------------~--> $9.95 domain names from Yahoo!. Register anything. --------------------------------------------------------------------~-> Yahoo! Groups Links <*> To visit your group on the web, go to: <*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:

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-----------------------------------------A.R.Raichur bombay USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY tel: 022-2506 2609 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Do you Yahoo!? The all-new My Yahoo! What will yours do?

1691 From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@...> Date: Wed Dec 1, 2004 5:59am Subject: RE: Determining Male or Female Child using KP System lyrastro1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Srinivasa, When applying K.P. rules,one must first ensure that the cha rt is correct... Check whether the sublord of the Ascendant "tells" the bir th-star...if it is so,then alone,the chart is correct...else it needs to be suit ably corrected using K.P.Ayanamsa alone.(ref : Astrosecrets and K.P.,by Mr.K.Sub ramaniam). With best wishes, lyrastro1. GOOD LUCK ! "Upadhyaya, Srinivasa" <> wrote: Hi members, I have a chart (male) where both 5th & 11th Cusp sublord is Venus and Venus is i n Rahu Star. Both Venus and Rahu are in Sun hora. But this person has 2 daughter s !! DOB : 10- 7-1955 POB : 1245'N 75 1'E TOB : 19:30HRS (IST) By the way, how to find the sex of the child from D7? Regards, Upadhyaya

-----Original Message----From: rongaunt [] Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 2004 11:39 AM To: Subject: Re: [k_p_system] Determining Male or Female Child using KP System

Yogesh, Please see question ** ............... ** Ron Gaunt On Wed, 01 Dec 2004 05:41:58 +0000, you wrote: >Deary Sandy, > Allow me to quote from a research article by a prominent and quite senior practitioner of K.P., Mr.A.Balasekar...(ref. K.P. & Astrology Annu al,2000,Pp 39-41.). > If the sublord of the Vth cusp or it's star lord,is posited in the Sun's Hora, it is a male child...and vice-versa...etc... ** does this mean the star lord of the Vth cusp, or the starlord of the planet acting as sublord? ** ** also is this specific to a woman's chart only? ** > > Sun's hora,and Moon's hora : > a) In odd signs,the first 15 degrees is the Sun's Hora, the next 15 deg. is called the Moon's Hora... > b) In the same way,in even signs the first 15 deg. is c alled the Moon's hora and the next ,the Sun's hora... > In my personal experience I have found this to be very accur ate indeed...I suggest,Sandy,you also experiment with this theory,and do let me know... > Yours sincerely, > lyrastro1 > GOOD LUCK ! > > > >Sandy Crowther <> wrote: > >Dear Ajay and tw, > > > >Thank you both for your input, and for the additional information on determinin g the sex of a child...The more we learn, the more questions we have - leading t o more investigative research. What I AM certain of is that I have found nothing to date that works all of the time. Oh - if life were that simple...J > > > > All the Best,


> >Best regards, > >tw > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT > > >-------------------------------->Yahoo! Groups Links > > To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. > > >Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline.

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1692 From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@...> Date: Wed Dec 1, 2004 5:33am Subject: Re: Determining Male or Female Child using KP System lyrastro1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Ron, This is in reply to a few more similar queries also... a) If you are analysing a female's chart take the Vth cusp for an alysis,if it is the father's chart,take the XIth cusp for analysis,as rightly su ggested by Shri Raichur... b) The starlord of the sub...Ron. With best wishes, lyrastro1 rongaunt <> wrote: Yogesh, Please see question ** ............... ** Ron Gaunt On Wed, 01 Dec 2004 05:41:58 +0000, you wrote: >Deary Sandy, > Allow me to quote from a research article by a prominent and quite senior practitioner of K.P., Mr.A.Balasekar...(ref. K.P. & Astrology Annu al,2000,Pp 39-41.). > If the sublord of the Vth cusp or it's star lord,is posited in the Sun's Hora, it is a male child...and vice-versa...etc... ** does this mean the star lord of the Vth cusp, or the starlord of the planet acting as sublord? ** ** also is this specific to a woman's chart only? ** > > Sun's hora,and Moon's hora : > a) In odd signs,the first 15 degrees is the Sun's Hora, the next 15 deg. is called the Moon's Hora... > b) In the same way,in even signs the first 15 deg. is c alled the Moon's hora and the next ,the Sun's hora... > In my personal experience I have found this to be very accur ate indeed...I suggest,Sandy,you also experiment with this theory,and do let me know... > Yours sincerely, > lyrastro1 > GOOD LUCK ! > > > >Sandy Crowther <> wrote: > >Dear Ajay and tw,


> > > Dear Sandy Crowther, > >As regards child's sex, it's said in KP Reader IV, 1984, p 221 that a >general rule not yet found, and in p 213-214 Beejam for boy and >Kshetram for girl mentioned. In Astrosecrets I, 2003, p 292 and >Astrosecrets III, 2002, p 84, it's suggested to analyze 5th cusp, >stlord, sublord, stlord of sublord, their location in rasi, female/ >male rasi, aspect, conjunction, Rahu/Ketu connections etc. > > >Best regards, > >tw > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT > > >-------------------------------->Yahoo! Groups Links > > To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. > > >Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline.

Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online.

1693 From: "Upadhyaya, Srinivasa" <srinivasa.upadyaya@...> Date: Wed Dec 1, 2004 6:07am Subject: RE: Determining Male or Female Child using KP System upadhyaya_p_s Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Hi Yogesh, Thanks for the response. I have made sure that Asc sublord is the birth star lord before posting. Please throw some light on this issue. Regards, Upadhyaya HOROSCOPE OF CHANDRASHEKAR RAO (PACKAGE VER 6:8/98)27:10:2004 PAGE:1 DATE OF BIRTH: 10- 7-1955 SUNDAY TIME:19:30HRS( ) TIME ZONE: 5.50 HRS (MANMATHA AANI 26 SUNDAY NIGHT) PLACE:1245'N 75 1'E PUTTUR SIDR.TIME:14:10:56 AYANAMSA:23 8' 5" SUNRISE/SET: 6:13/18:56 ( ) STAR:PURVBDRA FROM 8:13 PADA 2 THITHI:KRISHNA SASHTI FROM 16: 6 YOGA:SUABAGYA FROM 1:23 KARANA:KARASA FROM 16: 6 , SIDHDHA YOGA NIRAYANA LONGITUDES: ------------------PLANET DEG:MIN STAR SURY KUJA GURU SANI KETU URAN PLUT FORT 84:24 96:21 102:33 201:24 62:11 94: 9 122: 1 154:20 PUNARVAS PUSHYAMI PUSHYAMI VISAKHA MRIGSIRA PUSHYAMI MAKHA UTTARA




PLANETS UNDER RETROGRESSION : SANI; +--------+--------+--------+--------+ |GUL | | |SUR BUD | | | | |SUK KET | +--------+--------+--------+--------+ |CHA | |KUJ GUR | | | |URA | +--------+ R A S I +--------+ |LAG | |PLU | | | | | +--------+--------+--------+--------+ |RAH | |SAN NEP |FOR | | | | | | +--------+--------+--------+--------+

+--------+--------+--------+--------+ | |SAN RAH |SUR CHA | | | |PLU | | | +--------+--------+--------+--------+ |FOR | |GUL | | | | | +--------+ NAVAMSA +--------+ |SUK LAG | |KUJ URA | | | | | +--------+--------+--------+--------+ | |BUD |GUR KET | | | | |NEP | | +--------+--------+--------+--------+


1 RAH 9MAR64 SANI 9MAR1983 SAN 12MAR67 BUD 21NOV69 KET 1JAN71 SUK 1MAR74 SUR 12FEB7 5 CHA 12SEP76 KUJ 21OCT77 RAH 27AUG80 GUR 9MAR83 BUDH 9MAR2000 BUD 6AUG85 KET 3AUG86 SUK 3JUN89 SUR 9APR90 CHA 9SEP9 1 KUJ 6SEP92 RAH 24MAR95 GUR 1JUL97 SAN 9MAR 0 KETU 9MAR2007 KET 6AUG 0 SUK 6OCT 1 SUR 12FEB 2 CHA 12SEP 2 KUJ 9FEB 3 RAH 27FEB 4 GUR 3FEB 5 SAN 12MAR 6 BUD 9MAR 7 SUKR 9MAR2027 SUK 9JUL10 SUR 9JUL11 CHA 9MAR13 KUJ 9MAY14 RAH 9MAY1 7 GUR 9JAN20 SAN 9MAR23 BUD 9JAN26 KET 9MAR27 SURY 9MAR2033 SUR 27JUN27 CHA 27DEC27 KUJ 3MAY28 RAH 27MAR29 GUR 15JAN3 0 SAN 27DEC30 BUD 3NOV31 KET 9MAR32 SUK 9MAR33 CHAN 9MAR2043 CHA 9JAN34 KUJ 9AUG34 RAH 9FEB36 GUR 9JUN37 SAN 9JAN3 9 BUD 9JUN40 KET 9JAN41 SUK 9SEP42 SUR 9MAR43 KUJA 9MAR2050 KUJ 6AUG43 RAH 24AUG44 GUR 1AUG45 SAN 9SEP46 BUD 6SEP4 7 BAVA MIDDLE DEG:MN 1 289: 7 4 25:56 7 109: 7 10 205:56 KET START DEG:MN 272:37 11:52 92:37 191:52 3FEB48 SUK 3APR49 SUR BAVA BAVA MIDDLE START LORD DEG:MN DEG:MN SANI 2 322:47 305:37 KUJA 5 52:57 39:59 CHAN 8 142:47 125:37 SUKR 11 232:57 219:59 9AUG49 CHA 9MAR50 BAVA BAVA MIDDLE START LORD DEG:MN DEG:MN SANI 3 355:54 339:56 SUKR 6 79:16 65:55 SURY 9 175:54 159:56 KUJA 12 259:16 245:55 BAVA LORD GURU BUDH BUDH GURU PAGE:2

HOROSCOPE OF CHANDRASHEKAR RAO (PACKAGE VER 6:8/98)27:10:2004 +--------+--------+--------+--------+ | | |BUD KET |SUR SUK | | | | | | +--------+--------+--------+--------+ |CHA GUL | |KUJ GUR | | | |URA PLU | +--------+ B H A V A +--------+ |LAG | |FOR | | | | | +--------+--------+--------+--------+ | |RAH |SAN |NEP | | | | | | +--------+--------+--------+--------+ VARGAS: ******* SURY CHAN KUJA BUDH GURU SUKR SANI RAHU KETU LAGN




6/2 6/0 7/2 6/2 6/3 6/2 6/3

5/1 2/0 4/0 6/1 3/0 6/2 4/2

*3/0 3/0 3/2 *5/0 4/0 *4/1 4/3

4/0 2/0 *3/1 4/1 *6/3 2/0 2/0

3/0 6/0 4/2 5/3 4/1 4/1 1/0

1/0 3/1 0/0 2/0 5/2 4/0 2/0

4/1 4/1 5/4 6/1 6/2 3/0 *1/0

6/2 4/2 4/2 5/2 3/0 4/2 5/3

5/1 6/0 2/0 2/0 3/0 3/0 5/2

3/2 3/0 4/4 4/1 4/0 5/0 3/0

3/0 *4/1 1/0 6/1 7/3 6/3 2/1

5/1 6/4 2/0 3/0 5/2 5/3 4/2

78 87 118 97 124 137 142

5 10 72 28 79 32 56

83 97 190 125 203 169 198

SARV 4314 30 6 26 6 23 5 27 7 17 3 29 9 3113 26 3 26 7 29 9 3012 SHADBALA-RUPAS:MALEFIC MOON & BENEFIC MERCURY --------------------------------------------STHAN DIK CHEST NYSAR KALA DHRIS SHADBAL REL.STR SURY 2.15 .32 .00 1.00 3.80 -.25 7.02 1.40 CHAN 2.57 .67 .00 .86 4.14 -.11 8.12 1.35 KUJA 2.87 .39 .09 .29 2.19 -.17 5.65 1.13 BUDH 3.09 .25 .62 .43 2.27 -.33 6.34 .91 GURU 4.21 .04 .11 .57 3.66 -.11 8.48 1.30 SUKR 2.66 .76 .15 .71 1.75 -.31 5.72 1.04 SANI 3.65 .49 .66 .14 2.03 -.19 6.79 1.36

ISHTA .73 .64 .10 .52 .32 .30 .81

KASHT -.20 -.36 -.90 -.46 -.19 -.59 -.05

NET .53 .29 -.79 .06 .13 -.28 .76

BHAVA BALA: BHAVA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 DIKBALA .50 .83 .83 .00 .17 .17 .50 .67 .33 .50 .33 .67 ADIPATI 6.79 6.79 8.48 5.65 5.72 6.34 8.12 7.02 6.34 5.72 5.65 8.48 DHRSHTI .95 .64 .80 -.19 -.36 -.27 .05 .46 .67 .37 1.45 .94 TOTAL 8.23 8.26 10.11 5.46 5.53 6.24 8.67 8.15 7.35 6.59 7.43 10.08

Planet Significations : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Planet Lords Significations Sign-Star-Sub Star General -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sur Bud-Gur-Bud 7, 3, 12, 6, 8, Cha San-Gur-Ket 7, 3, 12, 2, 7, Kuj Cha-San-Bud 10, 1, 2, 7, 4, 11, Bud Bud-Kuj-Suk 7, 4, 11, 5, 6, 9, Gur Cha-San-Kuj 10, 1, 2, 7, 3, 12, Suk Bud-Rah-Gur 11, 6, 5, 10, San Suk-Gur-Gur 7, 3, 12, 10, 1, 2, Rah Gur-Ket-Suk 5, 11, Ket Bud-Kuj-Ket 7, 4, 11, 5, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------House Significators : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cusp Star-Sub Lord In Lord's Occupant In Occupant's Constellation Constellation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 Sur-Gur San Kuj Gur -------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 Kuj-Cha San Kuj Gur Cha -------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 San-Suk Gur Sur Cha San -------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 Ket-Bud Kuj Ket Bud -------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 Sur-Suk Suk Ket Rah

Bud -------------------------------------------------------------------------------6 Kuj-Cha Bud Suk Sur -------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 Gur-Rah Cha Kuj Ket Bud Gur Sur Cha San -------------------------------------------------------------------------------8 Ket-Rah Sur -------------------------------------------------------------------------------9 Sur-Suk Bud -------------------------------------------------------------------------------10 Rah-San Suk San Kuj Gur -------------------------------------------------------------------------------11 San-Suk Kuj Ket Bud Rah Suk -------------------------------------------------------------------------------12 Ket-Rah Gur Sur Cha San ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Original Message----From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi [mailto:lyrastro1@...] Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 2004 5:30 PM To: Subject: RE: [k_p_system] Determining Male or Female Child using KP System Dear Srinivasa, When applying K.P. rules,one must first ensure that the chart is correct... Check whether the sublord of the Ascendant "tells" the birth-star...if it is so,then alone,the chart is correct...else it needs to be suitably corrected using K.P.Ayanamsa alone.(ref : Astrosecrets and K.P.,by Mr.K.Subramaniam). With best wishes, lyrastro1. GOOD LUCK ! "Upadhyaya, Srinivasa" <srinivasa.upadyaya@...> wrote: Hi members, I have a chart (male) where both 5th & 11th Cusp sublord is Venus and Venus is in Rahu Star. Both Venus and Rahu are in Sun hora. But this person has 2 daughters !! DOB : 10- 7-1955 POB : 1245'N 75 1'E TOB : 19:30HRS (IST) By the way, how to find the sex of the child from D7? Regards, Upadhyaya -----Original Message----From: rongaunt [mailto:rongaunt@...] Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 2004 11:39 AM To: Subject: Re: [k_p_system] Determining Male or Female Child using KP


Yogesh, Please see question ** ............... ** Ron Gaunt On Wed, 01 Dec 2004 05:41:58 +0000, you wrote: >Deary Sandy, > &n bsp; Allow me to quote from a research article by a prominent and quite senior practitioner of K.P., Mr.A.Balasekar...(ref. K.P. & Astrology Annual,2000,Pp 39-41.). > If the sublord of the Vth cusp or it's star lord,is posited in the Sun's Hora, it is a male child...and vice-versa...etc... ** does this mean the star lord of the Vth cusp, or the starlord of the planet acting as sublord? ** ** also is this specific to a woman's chart only? ** > > Sun's hora,and Moon's hora : > a) In odd signs,the first 15 degrees is the Sun's Hora,the next 15 deg. is called the Moon's Hora... > b) In the same way,in even signs the first 15 deg. is called the Moon's hora and the next ,the Sun's hora... > In my personal experience I have found this to be very accurate indeed...I suggest,Sandy,you also experiment with this theory,and do let me know... > Yours sincerely, > lyrastro1 > GOOD LUCK ! > > > >Sandy Crowther <sandy@...> wrote: > >Dear Ajay and tw, > > > >Thank you both for your input, and for the additional information on determining the sex of a child...The more we learn, the more questions we have leading to more investigative research. What I AM certain of is that I have found nothing to date that works all of the time. Oh - if life were that simple...J > > > > All the Best, > > Sandy Crowther > > >


> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT > > >-------------------------------->Yahoo! Groups Links > > To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. > > >Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline.

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Yahoo! Groups Links To visit your group on the web, go to: To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.

1694 From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@...> Date: Wed Dec 1, 2004 6:44am Subject: RE: Determining Male or Female Child using KP System lyrastro1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Srinivas, BUT YOU HAVE NOT USED K. P. AYANAMSA...! lyr@astro1 "Upadhyaya, Srinivasa" <> wrote: Hi Yogesh, Thanks for the response. I have made sure that Asc sublord is the birth star lor d before posting. Please throw some light on this issue. Regards, Upadhyaya HOROSCOPE OF CHANDRASHEKAR RAO (PACKAGE VER 6:8/98)27:10:2004 PAGE:1 DATE OF BIRTH: 10- 7-1955 SUNDAY TIME:19:30HRS( ) TIME ZONE: 5.50 HRS (MANMATHA AANI 26 SUNDAY NIGHT) PLACE:1245'N 75 1'E PUTTUR SIDR.TIME:14:10:56 AYANAMSA:23 8' 5" SUNRISE/SET: 6:13/18:56 ( ) STAR:PURVBDRA FROM 8:13 PADA 2 THITHI:KRISHNA SASHTI FROM 16: 6 YOGA:SUABAGYA FROM 1:23 KARANA:KARASA FROM 16: 6 , SIDHDHA YOGA NIRAYANA LONGITUDES: ------------------PLANET DEG:MIN STAR SURY KUJA GURU SANI KETU URAN PLUT FORT 84:24 96:21 102:33 201:24 62:11 94: 9 122: 1 154:20 PUNARVAS PUSHYAMI PUSHYAMI VISAKHA MRIGSIRA PUSHYAMI MAKHA UTTARA




PLANETS UNDER RETROGRESSION : SANI; +--------+--------+--------+--------+ |GUL | | |SUR BUD | | | | |SUK KET |

+--------+--------+--------+--------+ | |SAN RAH |SUR CHA | | | |PLU | | |

+--------+--------+--------+--------+ |CHA | |KUJ GUR | | | |URA | +--------+ R A S I +--------+ |LAG | |PLU | | | | | +--------+--------+--------+--------+ |RAH | |SAN NEP |FOR | | | | | | +--------+--------+--------+--------+

+--------+--------+--------+--------+ |FOR | |GUL | | | | | +--------+ NAVAMSA +--------+ |SUK LAG | |KUJ URA | | | | | +--------+--------+--------+--------+ | |BUD |GUR KET | | | | |NEP | | +--------+--------+--------+--------+

GURU DASA REMAINING AT TIME OF BIRTH 8 YEARS 7 MONTHS 29 DAYS ON 27-10-2004 KETU DASA GURU BUKTHI IS RUNNING(TILL 3- 2-2005) DASA ENDS ON BUKTHI ENDS BUKTHI ENDS BUKTHI ENDS BUKTHI ENDS BUKTHI ENDS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------GURU 9MAR1964 KET 21JAN56 SUK 21SEP58 SUR 9JUL59 CHA 9NOV60 KUJ 15OCT61 RAH 9MAR64 SANI 9MAR1983 SAN 12MAR67 BUD 21NOV69 KET 1JAN71 SUK 1MAR74 SUR 12FEB75 CHA 12SEP76 KUJ 21OCT77 RAH 27AUG80 GUR 9MAR83 BUDH 9MAR2000 BUD 6AUG85 KET 3AUG86 SUK 3JUN89 SUR 9APR90 CHA 9SEP91 KUJ 6SEP92 RAH 24MAR95 GUR 1JUL97 SAN 9MAR 0 KETU 9MAR2007 KET 6AUG 0 SUK 6OCT 1 SUR 12FEB 2 CHA 12SEP 2 KUJ 9FEB 3 RAH 27FEB 4 GUR 3FEB 5 SAN 12MAR 6 BUD 9MAR 7 SUKR 9MAR2027 SUK 9JUL10 SUR 9JUL11 CHA 9MAR13 KUJ 9MAY14 RAH 9MAY17 GUR 9JAN20 SAN 9MAR23 BUD 9JAN26 KET 9MAR27 SURY 9MAR2033 SUR 27JUN27 CHA 27DEC27 KUJ 3MAY28 RAH 27MAR29 GUR 15JAN30 SAN 27DEC30 BUD 3NOV31 KET 9MAR32 SUK 9MAR33 CHAN 9MAR2043 CHA 9JAN34 KUJ 9AUG34 RAH 9FEB36 GUR 9JUN37 SAN 9JAN39 BUD 9JUN40 KET 9JAN41 SUK 9SEP42 SUR 9MAR43 KUJA 9MAR2050 KUJ 6AUG43 RAH 24AUG44 GUR 1AUG45 SAN 9SEP46 BUD 6SEP47 KET 3FEB48 SUK 3APR49 SUR 9AUG49 CHA 9MAR50 BAVA MIDDLE START BAVA BAVA MIDDLE START BAVA BAVA MIDDLE START BAVA DEG:MN DEG:MN LORD DEG:MN DEG:MN LORD DEG:MN DEG:MN LORD 1 289: 7 272:37 SANI 2 322:47 305:37 SANI 3 355:54 339:56 GURU 4 25:56 11:52 KUJA 5 52:57 39:59 SUKR 6 79:16 65:55 BUDH 7 109: 7 92:37 CHAN 8 142:47 125:37 SURY 9 175:54 159:56 BUDH 10 205:56 191:52 SUKR 11 232:57 219:59 KUJA 12 259:16 245:55 GURU HOROSCOPE OF CHANDRASHEKAR RAO (PACKAGE VER 6:8/98)27:10:2004 +--------+--------+--------+--------+ | | |BUD KET |SUR SUK | | | | | | +--------+--------+--------+--------+ |CHA GUL | |KUJ GUR | | | |URA PLU | +--------+ B H A V A +--------+ |LAG | |FOR | | | | | +--------+--------+--------+--------+ | |RAH |SAN |NEP | | | | | | +--------+--------+--------+--------+ VARGAS: ******* SURY CHAN KUJA BUDH PAGE:2










KATAKA KANYA RISHABA DHANUS MITHUNA KANYA * PINDAS * RAS GRH SOD 78 5 83 87 10 97 118 72 190 97 28 125 124 79 203 137 32 169 142 56 198


*** ASHTAGA VARGA *** MESH RISH MITH KATA SIMH KANY THUL VRCH DHAN MAKR KUMB MEEN 6/2 5/1 *3/0 4/0 3/0 1/0 4/1 6/2 5/1 3/2 3/0 5/1 6/0 2/0 3/0 2/0 6/0 3/1 4/1 4/2 6/0 3/0 *4/1 6/4 7/2 4/0 3/2 *3/1 4/2 0/0 5/4 4/2 2/0 4/4 1/0 2/0 6/2 6/1 *5/0 4/1 5/3 2/0 6/1 5/2 2/0 4/1 6/1 3/0 6/3 3/0 4/0 *6/3 4/1 5/2 6/2 3/0 3/0 4/0 7/3 5/2 6/2 6/2 *4/1 2/0 4/1 4/0 3/0 4/2 3/0 5/0 6/3 5/3 6/3 4/2 4/3 2/0 1/0 2/0 *1/0 5/3 5/2 3/0 2/1 4/2

SARV 4314 30 6 26 6 23 5 27 7 17 3 29 9 3113 26 3 26 7 29 9 3012 SHADBALA-RUPAS:MALEFIC MOON & BENEFIC MERCURY --------------------------------------------STHAN DIK CHEST NYSAR KALA DHRIS SHADBAL SURY 2.15 .32 .00 1.00 3.80 -.25 7.02 CHAN 2.57 .67 .00 .86 4.14 -.11 8.12 KUJA 2.87 .39 .09 .29 2.19 -.17 5.65 BUDH 3.09 .25 .62 .43 2.27 -.33 6.34 GURU 4.21 .04 .11 .57 3.66 -.11 8.48 SUKR 2.66 .76 .15 .71 1.75 -.31 5.72 SANI 3.65 .49 .66 .14 2.03 -.19 6.79

REL.STR 1.40 1.35 1.13 .91 1.30 1.04 1.36

ISHTA KASHT NET .73 -.20 .53 .64 -.36 .29 .10 -.90 -.79 .52 -.46 .06 .32 -.19 .13 .30 -.59 -.28 .81 -.05 .76

BHAVA BALA: BHAVA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 DIKBALA .50 .83 .83 .00 .17 .17 .50 .67 .33 .50 .33 .67 ADIPATI 6.79 6.79 8.48 5.65 5.72 6.34 8.12 7.02 6.34 5.72 5.65 8.48 DHRSHTI .95 .64 .80 -.19 -.36 -.27 .05 .46 .67 .37 1.45 .94 TOTAL 8.23 8.26 10.11 5.46 5.53 6.24 8.67 8.15 7.35 6.59 7.43 10.08

Planet Significations : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Planet Lords Significations Sign-Star-Sub Star General -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sur Bud-Gur-Bud 7, 3, 12, 6, 8, Cha San-Gur-Ket 7, 3, 12, 2, 7, Kuj Cha-San-Bud 10, 1, 2, 7, 4, 11, Bud Bud-Kuj-Suk 7, 4, 11, 5, 6, 9, Gur Cha-San-Kuj 10, 1, 2, 7, 3, 12, Suk Bud-Rah-Gur 11, 6, 5, 10, San Suk-Gur-Gur 7, 3, 12, 10, 1, 2, Rah Gur-Ket-Suk 5, 11, Ket Bud-Kuj-Ket 7, 4, 11, 5, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------House Significators : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cusp Star-Sub Lord In Lord's Occupant In Occupant's Constellation Constellation --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1 Sur-Gur San Kuj Gur -------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 Kuj-Cha San Kuj Gur Cha -------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 San-Suk Gur Sur Cha San -------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 Ket-Bud Kuj Ket Bud -------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 Sur-Suk Suk Ket Rah Bud -------------------------------------------------------------------------------6 Kuj-Cha Bud Suk Sur -------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 Gur-Rah Cha Kuj Ket Bud Gur Sur Cha San -------------------------------------------------------------------------------8 Ket-Rah Sur -------------------------------------------------------------------------------9 Sur-Suk Bud -------------------------------------------------------------------------------10 Rah-San Suk San Kuj Gur -------------------------------------------------------------------------------11 San-Suk Kuj Ket Bud Rah Suk -------------------------------------------------------------------------------12 Ket-Rah Gur Sur Cha San ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Original Message----From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi [] Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 2004 5:30 PM To: Subject: RE: [k_p_system] Determining Male or Female Child using KP System Dear Srinivasa, When applying K.P. rules,one must first ensure that the cha rt is correct... Check whether the sublord of the Ascendant "tells" the bir th-star...if it is so,then alone,the chart is correct...else it needs to be suit ably corrected using K.P.Ayanamsa alone.(ref : Astrosecrets and K.P.,by Mr.K.Sub ramaniam). With best wishes, lyrastro1. GOOD LUCK ! "Upadhyaya, Srinivasa" <> wrote: Hi members, I have a chart (male) where both 5th & 11th Cusp sublord is Venus and Venus is i n Rahu Star. Both Venus and Rahu are in Sun hora. But this person has 2 daughter s !! DOB : 10- 7-1955 POB : 1245'N 75 1'E TOB : 19:30HRS (IST) By the way, how to find the sex of the child from D7?

Regards, Upadhyaya -----Original Message----From: rongaunt [] Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 2004 11:39 AM To: Subject: Re: [k_p_system] Determining Male or Female Child using KP System

Yogesh, Please see question ** ............... ** Ron Gaunt On Wed, 01 Dec 2004 05:41:58 +0000, you wrote: >Deary Sandy, > &n bsp; Allow me to quote from a research article by a promine nt and quite senior practitioner of K.P., Mr.A.Balasekar...(ref. K.P. & Astrolog y Annual,2000,Pp 39-41.). > If the sublord of the Vth cusp or it's star lord,is posited in the Sun's Hora, it is a male child...and vice-versa...etc... ** does this mean the star lord of the Vth cusp, or the starlord of the planet acting as sublord? ** ** also is this specific to a woman's chart only? ** > > Sun's hora,and Moon's hora : > a) In odd signs,the first 15 degrees is the Sun's Hora, the next 15 deg. is called the Moon's Hora... > b) In the same way,in even signs the first 15 deg. is c alled the Moon's hora and the next ,the Sun's hora... > In my personal experience I have found this to be very accur ate indeed...I suggest,Sandy,you also experiment with this theory,and do let me know... > Yours sincerely, > lyrastro1 > GOOD LUCK ! > > > >Sandy Crowther <> wrote: > >Dear Ajay and tw, > > > >Thank you both for your input, and for the additional information on determinin g the sex of a child...The more we learn, the more questions we have - leading t o more investigative research. What I AM certain of is that I have found nothing to date that works all of the time. Oh - if life were that simple...J >


>stlord, sublord, stlord of sublord, their location in rasi, female/ >male rasi, aspect, conjunction, Rahu/Ketu connections etc. > > >Best regards, > >tw > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT > > >-------------------------------->Yahoo! Groups Links > > To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. > > >Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline.

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1695 From: "tw853" <tw853@...> Date: Wed Dec 1, 2004 7:36am Subject: Re: Determining Male or Female Child using KP System tw853 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Yogesh Rao Lajmi, >>Allow me to quote from a research article by a prominent >>and quite senior practitioner of K.P., >>Mr.A.Balasekar...(ref. K.P. & Astrology Annual,2000,Pp >>39-41.) 1. Is it for the first child only or any child? Because the cusp taken for the second child is different from the first one in KP Reader IV, 1984, p 241 "SECOND DELIVERY". >>>This is in reply to a few more similar queries also... >> a) If you are analysing a female's chart take the Vth cusp for analysis,if it is the father's chart,take the XIth cusp for >>>analysis,as rightly suggested by Shri Raichur... 2. Is it to check "whether birth of children is promised or not" as mentioned in KP Reader IV, 1984, p 211, 224, 227 & 230? Or something new? Best regards, tw ======

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of dasa lord Moon. The methodology in Astrosecrets I & III passed the test for child's sex. And if the child birth is during Mo-Ve-Me-Ma dasa sequence, an experimental method in p 236, KP Reader IV also passed the test.

--- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > The test was to find the birth date and sex of a child. No > one got the date of the event which was 22 March 1982 and was a > boy. However, Vinay was close, with only one selection he > chose dasha sequence Moon Venus Mercury. > Sandy also selected this sequence as her third choice. She also > correctly came up with the child being a boy. > > Vinays and Sandy's assessments are shown for reference. > > > Ron Gaunt > .................................................................... ................ > > I am very new to this field.After calculation I feel the child > would have born in may 1982 probably after 12 th may and before > 30th .ie; Mo-ve-mer . > > In these dates also i feel last week of may. > > Lets C what I am going to learn more with the results. > > Thanks. > > Regards > Vinay Tiwari > > .................................................................... ......................................... > > > > I had a few minutes over the Holiday week-end to get my KP feet > wet, so > trying my neophyte hand at an attempt on this blind chart, I came > up > with the following. (I am just beginning my study of this system > - so > please bear with me as I could be off the wall with my > choices.:-) This > is a learning experience for me.) > > > > My first choice for this subject being blessed with a child would > be > during his Mo/Ve/Ra dasha - covering the period from May 7, 1981 > to > August 5, 1981. The strongest time frame that I can reasonably > conclude > (using Shri Jyoti Star 5) is during the dates encompassing May

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

15, 1981 through May 30, 1981. These dates indicate running dasha sequences of Mo/Ve/Ra/Ra - Mo/Ve/Ra/Ju respectively.

My reasoning: Transit Sun at this time occupies bhukti lord Venus' sign of Taurus in the 11th from the prantyantardasha lord (Rahu). Transit prantyantardasha (sub-lord) Rahu, who is natal 5th lord's (Jupiter) star lord, is posited in Mahadasha lord's (Moon) sign of Cancer, and is transiting the 5th from the natal 5th house, and 11th from natal 11th and natal Saturn (Jupiter's dispositor and star lord of the natal 5th house) possibly indicating a long or complicated labor, or simply a difficult labor with a few false starts (braxton hicks). I believe the sex of the first born child is male, and my conclusion for choosing male is based purely on the 7th varga (D-7-Saptamsha) delineation, as I am not familiar with KP's way to determine the sex of a child, and would love it if anyone on the list cares to share that info. :-)

My second choice is Mo/Ve/Ju: from August 6, 1981 through October 26, 1981

My third choice would be Mo/Ve/Me: from January 30, 1982 through April 27, 1982.

This was fun.I hope others will participate in these exercises so we may all learn from those on this list who are more experienced and seasoned in KP, and therefore more accurate in their assessments. Any comments about where my logic appears to be fuzzy, are certainly welcome. Thanks.

1727 From: "tw853" <tw853@...> Date: Fri Dec 3, 2004 7:18am Subject: Re: D-7: Saptamsha and Gender of Child tw853 Offline

Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Yogesh Rao Lajmi, Thank you very much. Once again I fully agree to keep to KP. For me KP is what written by Guruji KSK in his six Readers, eventhough i study what his disciples or sons are saying for better knowledge. It will be clearer if it is possible to classify which are not KP like in the case of SA as follows. (it seems not possible practically) "SA does not believe in: (i) Chalit (ii) Jamini karakas (iii) jamini dasas (iv) important yogas as laid down in the fixed mode without identifying the functional nature of the planets (v) maraka planets (vi) that the benefics owning good houses become malefic planets (vii) Badhaka principles, (vii) calculation of strengths per traditional graha and bhava balas (viii) traditional manglik (ix) traditional sade-sati, (x) conditional dasas, etc. etc. The advocates of the traditional astrology principles can never match (i) the shortest time required for learning predictive techniques, (ii) confidence, (iii) competence and (iv) speed of an SA astrologer. However, choice is with the person his/her own self. " It is said that the SUB of KP is not equal to the Navamasa of the Traditional Astrology. The Nav division is equal, the SUB is unequal divisions. The SUB-SUB is an un equal division of the SUB. Of course, it's well known that KP constellation, sub and sub-sub are devided according to the unequal Vimsottari proportion (attributed to the venerable Sage Parasara hailed as father of Indian/Traditional Predictive Astrology who lived roughly around 5,000 years ago)which is mysterious why recommended to follow a particular order of planet periods, and also why allotted each planet a particular numbers of years. Dr. Kar tries in KP Annual 2004 to shed some light on this mystery (a very nice word used by Guruji KSK). Let me stop here for the sake of our Group since Navamsa is one of traditional divisional charts. Best regards, tw

--- In, anant raichur <anant_1608@y...> wrote: > I appreciate the research being carried out by Pt. K.R.Kar, and have read a few of his articles. > > The SUB of KP is not equal to the Navamasa of the Traditional Astrology. The Nav division is equal, the SUB is unequal divisions. The SUB-SUB is an un equal division of the SUB.The NAVNAV is an equal division of Navamasa, though this is not used (as far as I am aware) in Vedic Astrology. > > Let us try to keep to KP. Let us not mix up other systems, though they seem to give better results at times. > > good luck >

> > Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@y...> wrote: > Dear tw, > Recent research,especially by Pt.K.R.Kar,has researched quite a bit about the sub and sub-sub...and Mr.Kar has equated subsub to Navamsa of Navamsa (NN)he calls it...! > He has published a series of articles from as far back as in 1956 on the sub-sub is very interesting and perhaps more accurate,as vouched for,even by stalwarts like Prof.Balachandran,but in actual practice,I find it a bit too lengthy,perhaps a bit more tedious and cumbersome,(lazy as I am), and the presently followed K.P., system,easy and very practicable,though slightly less accurate...probably...but satisfying to most of the people who consult me...! > Probably you have also read a few articles on the fact, in the 2004 Annual...there are quite a few articles using the sub-sub... > With the very best wishes, > lyrastro1 > > tw853 <tw853@y...> wrote: > > Dear Yogesh Rao Lajmi, > > 1. First of all, let me express my sincere gratitude to you for > encouraging me to read K. Subramanium's books, esp Astrosecrets and > KP Annuals which help me a lot to learn more about KP. As a token of > this, house of father is studied for your food for thought. > > 2. I fully agree with the request made by Sri Ranchai and you to > stick to Krishnamurty Padhdhati only. > > 3. Again, however, since out of three pillars of KP, two namely > the constellational zidiac and the mysterious unequal Vimsottari > propotion are of Hindu/Traditional Astrlogy (third one is the Western > Placidian cusps), sometimes it may not easy to mark a border line. > For example, NAVAMSA, KSK's Rasi and Navamsa are shown side by side > in p 217, KP Reader III, 1984, Self-explanatory Table to erect both > the rasi & Navamsa Chart is includes in p 78-80, KP Reader I, 1982. > In this regard, I'm very pleased to learn from the information > provided by you that a KP research is going. If to show a good > navamsa, it may be G W Bush's which is much more stronger than > rasi. "In his ninefold birth chart with Scorpio ascendant, there are > 6 planets (including outer planets) in the tenth house, the house of > profession, action, and achievements. ---This confirms that politics > is the destiny of this man. --- virtually assure him that he would be > a very successful politician. And he certainly became the ultimate > politician and the world leader, the president of the United > states." Jagdish C. Maheshri > ( ) "--- exposed to

> KP in late sixties--- tried a few variation of KP --- in early > nineties accidentally discovered --- the Ninefold Progression > techniques--- not new in Indian astrology" . (It's All in Timing, > 1997) (Note: Ninefold is more or less similar to Navamsa.) > > 4. There is a interesting note in the main page of Jyotish > (Vedic Astrology) and Remedies, Members: 2532, Created: Mar 20, > 2003, "Schools allowed in this forum are pure Vedic Astrology, KP > (Krishnamurti Paddhati), and some Western Astrology only when they do > not contradict Vedic Astrology. SA (Systems Approach) which > fundamentally contradicts original Vedic Astrology, is not allowed > here". > > > Best regards, > > tw > > > > --- In, Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@y...> > wrote: > > Dears Sandy Cowther & Srinivas Upadyay, > > I was > under the impression that we are discusing in the is > no place for sapthamsa,navamsas,dasamsas or forthat matter any amsas > for judgement purposes... > > > Members are requested to stick to Krishnamurty Padhdhati only...else > we will only arrive at a "hotch-potch" of " the various Vedic > Astrology our anxiety to prove one's point anywhich > way,end up with nothing worthwhile..." > > I > sincerely request ALL members to therefore stick to K.P.,only in > this group... > > > Yours sincerely, > > > lyrastro1 > > GOOD LUCK ! > > > > "Upadhyaya, Srinivasa" <srinivasa.upadyaya@h...> wrote: > > @font-face { font-family: Wingdings;}@font-face { fontfamily: > Verdana;}@font-face { font-family: Comic Sans MS;}@page Section1 > {size: 8.5in 11.0in; margin: 1.0in 1.25in 1.0in 1.25in; } P.MsoNormal { > FONT-SIZE: 12pt; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; FONT-FAMILY: "Times New > Roman"}LI.MsoNormal { FONT-SIZE: 12pt; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; FONT> FAMILY: "Times New Roman"}DIV.MsoNormal { FONT-SIZE: 12pt; > MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; FONT-FAMILY: "Times New Roman"}A:link { > COLOR: blue; TEXT-DECORATION: underline}SPAN.MsoHyperlink {

> COLOR: blue; TEXT-DECORATION: underline}A:visited { > COLOR: purple; TEXT-DECORATION: underline} > SPAN.MsoHyperlinkFollowed { COLOR: purple; TEXT-DECORATION: > underline}P.MsoAutoSig { FONT-SIZE: 12pt; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; > FONT-FAMILY: "Times New Roman"}LI.MsoAutoSig { FONT-SIZE: 12pt; > MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; FONT-FAMILY: "Times New Roman"}DIV.MsoAutoSig { > FONT-SIZE: 12pt; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; FONT-FAMILY: "Times New > Roman"}SPAN.EmailStyle17 { COLOR: navy; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana} > DIV.Section1 { > > page: Section1}OL { MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0in}UL { MARGIN> BOTTOM: 0in}Dear Sandy, > > > > Thanks a lot for sharing this methodology. I will experiment this > with few charts that I have and get back to you soon. Is there a way > to find out the number of childern one can have? > > > > Regards, > > Upadhyaya > > -----Original Message----> > From: Sandy Crowther [mailto:sandy@t...] > > Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 2004 11:33 PM > > To: > > Subject: [k_p_system] D-7: Saptamsha and Gender of Child > > > > > > > > Dear Upadhyaya and Group, > > > > > > > > With respect to using the D-7 to determine the sex of each child > here is the methodology: > > > > > > > > Viewing the Saptamsha for the male (husband's) chart, the first > born is determined by the lord of the 5th house from the D-7 lagna, > while for the female (wife's) chart, the first child is determined > from a reverse count to the 5th from the D-7 lagna - (or the lord of > the 9th house). > > > > > > > > A son is predicted if the lord of the child (5th house) is > posited in an odd sign or Cancer or Pisces. > > or the lord is exalted, or conjunct exalted or male planets > (Su/Ju/Ma/Ra). > > > > > > > > A daughter is predicted if the lord of the child (9th lord > which is 5th lord in reverse) is placed in an even sign or Gemini or > Aquarius > > or the lord is debilitated, conjunct debilitated or female

> planets (Mo/Ve/Me/Ke/Sa - There are no eunuch considerations). > > > > > > > > For determining future children, the lords of every third house as > counted from the fifth (for male charts it would be 7th lord for > second born, 9th lord for 3rd born, etc) and counting every third > house as counted from the reverse fifth (for female charts like > first born is 9th lord, 2nd born is 7th lord, etc.) > > > > > > > > Using the KPBC2 Chart to demonstrate, here's what I come up with > and why I said this man was having a son: (I also said that NO > methodology is 100% infallible) J > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Husband's D-7th chart has Cancer lagna. Fifth lord is Mars posited > in Virgo (female sign), but conjunct male planet, Rahu. So with this > methodology, 1st born is a son. Second Born shows Saturn as lord of > the 7th, posited in Taurus (female sign) and conjoining Mercury > (female), so second child is female. The house for determining a > third child contains Ketu so no third child. The nodal axis > disrupts the cycle for subsequent births. So according to this > methodology, the owner of KPBC2 should have a son first, and then a > daughter. > > > > > > > > > > > > All the Best, > > > > Sandy Crowther > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT > > > > > > --------------------------------> > Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > To visit your group on the web, go to:

> > > > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of > Service. > > > > > > Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline. > > > > > > Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online. > Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT > > > --------------------------------> Yahoo! Groups Links > > To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. > > > > -----------------------------------------> A.R.Raichur bombay > anant_1608@y... > raichuranant@y... > USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY > tel: 022-2506 2609 > -----------------------------------------> > > > > > > > > --------------------------------> Do you Yahoo!? > Yahoo! Mail - Easier than ever with enhanced search. Learn more.

1728 From: BM <boomrangx@...> Date: Fri Dec 3, 2004 7:40am Subject: Marriage Date? boomrangx Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360

Respected Sirs/Mames I am more in vedic astrology than kp, and now a days I am studing kp system also. Please check my date of marriage through the give data... Date of birth: 17/4/1971 (17th April 1971) Time of birth: 3:43:00 (03.43AM) Place of birth: VIJAYAWADA Latitude:16:31:N Longitude:80:37:E Current Place of living: Bangalore Country: INDIA Zone: 82:30:E Thanks in advance Vivek

1729 From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@...> Date: Fri Dec 3, 2004 8:07am Subject: Re: Re: D-7: Saptamsha and Gender of Child lyrastro1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear tw853, I agree with you,tw,even Mr.Raichur has pointed out the same. The article I was refering to, by K.R.Kar,was where he has "equ ated it" to Navamsa of his words...although both,the Navamsa and N of N divisions are equal divisions,while Vimshottari is based on the unequal div ision of the Zodiac into subs,and sub-subs, as inunciated by KSK...! KSK has proved umpteen numbers of time,that this 'unequal' divi sion into subs is correct, by repeatedly demonstrating the very accurate results this enabled astrologers to produce,in predictive astrology,and called it Krish namurthi Padhdhati,as we all know... His subsequent discovery of "Ruling Planets"...crowned him with unparallelled success in this field of predictive astrology... All this,is history ofcourse...but in my very considered opinio n,Parasara did invent the Navamsa and other amsas,but as a better and more accur ate division system has appeared on the scene,and has been proven to be very cor rect indeed,atleast in the experience of countless numbers of K.P. followers... I would trust the K.P. sub and sub-sub theory, more,while keeping in my mind,in the back ground as additional info,the navamsa theory...and other 'principles in unciated long long ago,and found,not as accurate as K.P., but nevertheless,effec tive in its own way... that, then is my present attitude and position... I hope you appreciate my rationale...and position... Wishing you the very best,I am, Yours sincerely, lyrastro1 GOOD LUCK ! tw853 <> wrote: Dear Yogesh Rao Lajmi,

Thank you very much. Once again I fully agree to keep to KP. For me KP is what written by Guruji KSK in his six Readers, eventhough i study what his disciples or sons are saying for better knowledge. It will be clearer if it is possible to classify which are not KP like in the case of SA as follows. (it seems not possible practically) "SA does not believe in: (i) Chalit (ii) Jamini karakas (iii) jamini dasas (iv) important yogas as laid down in the fixed mode without identifying the functional nature of the planets (v) maraka planets (vi) that the benefics owning good houses become malefic planets (vii) Badhaka principles, (vii) calculation of strengths per traditional graha and bhava balas (viii) traditional manglik (ix) traditional sade-sati, (x) conditional dasas, etc. etc. The advocates of the traditional astrology principles can never match (i) the shortest time required for learning predictive techniques, (ii) confidence, (iii) competence and (iv) speed of an SA astrologer. However, choice is with the person his/her own self. " It is said that the SUB of KP is not equal to the Navamasa of the Traditional Astrology. The Nav division is equal, the SUB is unequal divisions. The SUB-SUB is an un equal division of the SUB. Of course, it's well known that KP constellation, sub and sub-sub are devided according to the unequal Vimsottari proportion (attributed to the venerable Sage Parasara hailed as father of Indian/Traditional Predictive Astrology who lived roughly around 5,000 years ago)which is mysterious why recommended to follow a particular order of planet periods, and also why allotted each planet a particular numbers of years. Dr. Kar tries in KP Annual 2004 to shed some light on this mystery (a very nice word used by Guruji KSK). Let me stop here for the sake of our Group since Navamsa is one of traditional divisional charts. Best regards, tw

--- In, anant raichur <anant_1608@y...> wrote: > I appreciate the research being carried out by Pt. K.R.Kar, and have read a few of his articles. > > The SUB of KP is not equal to the Navamasa of the Traditional Astrology. The Nav division is equal, the SUB is unequal divisions. The SUB-SUB is an un equal division of the SUB.The NAVNAV is an equal division of Navamasa, though this is not used (as far as I am aware) in Vedic Astrology. > > Let us try to keep to KP. Let us not mix up other systems, though they seem to give better results at times. > > good luck > > > Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@y...> wrote: > Dear tw, > Recent research,especially by Pt.K.R.Kar,has researched

quite a bit about the sub and sub-sub...and Mr.Kar has equated subsub to Navamsa of Navamsa (NN)he calls it...! > He has published a series of articles from as far back as in 1956 on the sub-sub is very interesting and perhaps more accurate,as vouched for,even by stalwarts like Prof.Balachandran,but in actual practice,I find it a bit too lengthy,perhaps a bit more tedious and cumbersome,(lazy as I am), and the presently followed K.P., system,easy and very practicable,though slightly less accurate...probably...but satisfying to most of the people who consult me...! > Probably you have also read a few articles on the fact, in the 2004 Annual...there are quite a few articles using the sub-sub... > With the very best wishes, > lyrastro1 > > tw853 <tw853@y...> wrote: > > Dear Yogesh Rao Lajmi, > > 1. First of all, let me express my sincere gratitude to you for > encouraging me to read K. Subramanium's books, esp Astrosecrets and > KP Annuals which help me a lot to learn more about KP. As a token of > this, house of father is studied for your food for thought. > > 2. I fully agree with the request made by Sri Ranchai and you to > stick to Krishnamurty Padhdhati only. > > 3. Again, however, since out of three pillars of KP, two namely > the constellational zidiac and the mysterious unequal Vimsottari > propotion are of Hindu/Traditional Astrlogy (third one is the Western > Placidian cusps), sometimes it may not easy to mark a border line. > For example, NAVAMSA, KSK's Rasi and Navamsa are shown side by side > in p 217, KP Reader III, 1984, Self-explanatory Table to erect both > the rasi & Navamsa Chart is includes in p 78-80, KP Reader I, 1982. > In this regard, I'm very pleased to learn from the information > provided by you that a KP research is going. If to show a good > navamsa, it may be G W Bush's which is much more stronger than > rasi. "In his ninefold birth chart with Scorpio ascendant, there are > 6 planets (including outer planets) in the tenth house, the house of > profession, action, and achievements. ---This confirms that politics > is the destiny of this man. --- virtually assure him that he would be > a very successful politician. And he certainly became the ultimate > politician and the world leader, the president of the United > states." Jagdish C. Maheshri > ( ) "--- exposed to > KP in late sixties--- tried a few variation of KP --- in early > nineties accidentally discovered --- the Ninefold Progression > techniques--- not new in Indian astrology" . (It's All in Timing, > 1997) (Note: Ninefold is more or less similar to Navamsa.)

> > 4. There is a interesting note in the main page of Jyotish > (Vedic Astrology) and Remedies, Members: 2532, Created: Mar 20, > 2003, "Schools allowed in this forum are pure Vedic Astrology, KP > (Krishnamurti Paddhati), and some Western Astrology only when they do > not contradict Vedic Astrology. SA (Systems Approach) which > fundamentally contradicts original Vedic Astrology, is not allowed > here". > > > Best regards, > > tw > > > > --- In, Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@y...> > wrote: > > Dears Sandy Cowther & Srinivas Upadyay, > > I was > under the impression that we are discusing in the is > no place for sapthamsa,navamsas,dasamsas or forthat matter any amsas > for judgement purposes... > > > Members are requested to stick to Krishnamurty Padhdhati only...else > we will only arrive at a "hotch-potch" of " the various Vedic > Astrology our anxiety to prove one's point anywhich > way,end up with nothing worthwhile..." > > I > sincerely request ALL members to therefore stick to K.P.,only in > this group... > > > Yours sincerely, > > > lyrastro1 > > GOOD LUCK ! > > > > "Upadhyaya, Srinivasa" <srinivasa.upadyaya@h...> wrote: > > @font-face { font-family: Wingdings;}@font-face { fontfamily: > Verdana;}@font-face { font-family: Comic Sans MS;}@page Section1 > {size: 8.5in 11.0in; margin: 1.0in 1.25in 1.0in 1.25in; } P.MsoNormal { > FONT-SIZE: 12pt; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; FONT-FAMILY: "Times New > Roman"}LI.MsoNormal { FONT-SIZE: 12pt; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; FONT> FAMILY: "Times New Roman"}DIV.MsoNormal { FONT-SIZE: 12pt; > MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; FONT-FAMILY: "Times New Roman"}A:link { > COLOR: blue; TEXT-DECORATION: underline}SPAN.MsoHyperlink { > COLOR: blue; TEXT-DECORATION: underline}A:visited { > COLOR: purple; TEXT-DECORATION: underline} > SPAN.MsoHyperlinkFollowed { COLOR: purple; TEXT-DECORATION: > underline}P.MsoAutoSig { FONT-SIZE: 12pt; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt;

> FONT-FAMILY: "Times New Roman"}LI.MsoAutoSig { FONT-SIZE: 12pt; > MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; FONT-FAMILY: "Times New Roman"}DIV.MsoAutoSig { > FONT-SIZE: 12pt; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; FONT-FAMILY: "Times New > Roman"}SPAN.EmailStyle17 { COLOR: navy; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana} > DIV.Section1 { > > page: Section1}OL { MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0in}UL { MARGIN> BOTTOM: 0in}Dear Sandy, > > > > Thanks a lot for sharing this methodology. I will experiment this > with few charts that I have and get back to you soon. Is there a way > to find out the number of childern one can have? > > > > Regards, > > Upadhyaya > > -----Original Message----> > From: Sandy Crowther [mailto:sandy@t...] > > Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 2004 11:33 PM > > To: > > Subject: [k_p_system] D-7: Saptamsha and Gender of Child > > > > > > > > Dear Upadhyaya and Group, > > > > > > > > With respect to using the D-7 to determine the sex of each child > here is the methodology: > > > > > > > > Viewing the Saptamsha for the male (husband's) chart, the first > born is determined by the lord of the 5th house from the D-7 lagna, > while for the female (wife's) chart, the first child is determined > from a reverse count to the 5th from the D-7 lagna - (or the lord of > the 9th house). > > > > > > > > A son is predicted if the lord of the child (5th house) is > posited in an odd sign or Cancer or Pisces. > > or the lord is exalted, or conjunct exalted or male planets > (Su/Ju/Ma/Ra). > > > > > > > > A daughter is predicted if the lord of the child (9th lord > which is 5th lord in reverse) is placed in an even sign or Gemini or > Aquarius > > or the lord is debilitated, conjunct debilitated or female > planets (Mo/Ve/Me/Ke/Sa - There are no eunuch considerations). > > > > > >

> > For determining future children, the lords of every third house as > counted from the fifth (for male charts it would be 7th lord for > second born, 9th lord for 3rd born, etc) and counting every third > house as counted from the reverse fifth (for female charts like > first born is 9th lord, 2nd born is 7th lord, etc.) > > > > > > > > Using the KPBC2 Chart to demonstrate, here's what I come up with > and why I said this man was having a son: (I also said that NO > methodology is 100% infallible) J > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Husband's D-7th chart has Cancer lagna. Fifth lord is Mars posited > in Virgo (female sign), but conjunct male planet, Rahu. So with this > methodology, 1st born is a son. Second Born shows Saturn as lord of > the 7th, posited in Taurus (female sign) and conjoining Mercury > (female), so second child is female. The house for determining a > third child contains Ketu so no third child. The nodal axis > disrupts the cycle for subsequent births. So according to this > methodology, the owner of KPBC2 should have a son first, and then a > daughter. > > > > > > > > > > > > All the Best, > > > > Sandy Crowther > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT > > > > > > --------------------------------> > Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > >

> > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of > Service. > > > > > > Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline. > > > > > > Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online. > Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT > > > --------------------------------> Yahoo! Groups Links > > To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. > > > > -----------------------------------------> A.R.Raichur bombay > anant_1608@y... > raichuranant@y... > USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY > tel: 022-2506 2609 > -----------------------------------------> > > > > > > > > --------------------------------> Do you Yahoo!? > Yahoo! Mail - Easier than ever with enhanced search. Learn more.

Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online.

1730 From: Vinay Tiwari <techn0pandit@...> Date: Fri Dec 3, 2004 8:10am Subject: Re: Re: KPBC3 Answer. techn0pandit

Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 SirJI , Thanks a lot for appreciation which i need more from guruz like you.But i sti ll feel , i was not upto mark.I need more to do. I am an Computer engineer , where i deal with communication . for me either it's 0 or 1. Here it was 0. Need more help and guidence from you all. Thanks again sir. Kind Regards Vinay Tiwari. tw853 <> wrote: Dear Vinay Tiwari and Sandy Crowther, Congratulations for the correct choice of dasa sequence. Best wishes and regards, tw P.S. Again like in KPBC2, it's a lesson for me that dasa is superior than transit. Mercury is clearly stronger than Rahu, but Mercury was dropped out because no more transit Jupiter in Virgo forming double transit. Anyway basic principles are working except a strange sublord of dasa lord Moon. The methodology in Astrosecrets I & III passed the test for child's sex. And if the child birth is during Mo-Ve-Me-Ma dasa sequence, an experimental method in p 236, KP Reader IV also passed the test.

--- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > The test was to find the birth date and sex of a child. No > one got the date of the event which was 22 March 1982 and was a > boy. However, Vinay was close, with only one selection he > chose dasha sequence Moon Venus Mercury. > Sandy also selected this sequence as her third choice. She also > correctly came up with the child being a boy. > > Vinays and Sandy's assessments are shown for reference. > > > Ron Gaunt > .................................................................... ................ > > I am very new to this field.After calculation I feel the child > would have born in may 1982 probably after 12 th may and before

> 30th .ie; Mo-ve-mer . > > In these dates also i feel last week of may. > > Lets C what I am going to learn more with the results. > > Thanks. > > Regards > Vinay Tiwari > > .................................................................... ......................................... > > > > I had a few minutes over the Holiday week-end to get my KP feet > wet, so > trying my neophyte hand at an attempt on this blind chart, I came > up > with the following. (I am just beginning my study of this system > - so > please bear with me as I could be off the wall with my > choices.:-) This > is a learning experience for me.) > > > > My first choice for this subject being blessed with a child would > be > during his Mo/Ve/Ra dasha - covering the period from May 7, 1981 > to > August 5, 1981. The strongest time frame that I can reasonably > conclude > (using Shri Jyoti Star 5) is during the dates encompassing May > 15, 1981 > through May 30, 1981. These dates indicate running dasha > sequences of > Mo/Ve/Ra/Ra - Mo/Ve/Ra/Ju respectively. > > > > My reasoning: Transit Sun at this time occupies bhukti lord > Venus' sign > of Taurus in the 11th from the prantyantardasha lord (Rahu). > Transit > prantyantardasha (sub-lord) Rahu, who is natal 5th lord's > (Jupiter) star > lord, is posited in Mahadasha lord's (Moon) sign of Cancer, and > is > transiting the 5th from the natal 5th house, and 11th from natal > 11th > and natal Saturn (Jupiter's dispositor and star lord of the natal > 5th > house) possibly indicating a long or complicated labor, or simply > a > difficult labor with a few false starts (braxton hicks). I > believe the > sex of the first born child is male, and my conclusion for > choosing male

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

is based purely on the 7th varga (D-7-Saptamsha) delineation, as I am not familiar with KP's way to determine the sex of a child, and would love it if anyone on the list cares to share that info. :-)

My second choice is Mo/Ve/Ju: from August 6, 1981 through October 26, 1981

My third choice would be Mo/Ve/Me: from January 30, 1982 through April 27, 1982.

This was fun.I hope others will participate in these exercises so we may all learn from those on this list who are more experienced and seasoned in KP, and therefore more accurate in their assessments. Any comments about where my logic appears to be fuzzy, are certainly welcome. Thanks.

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1731 From: rajiv bokariya <bhr_rbokariya@...> Date: Fri Dec 3, 2004 8:23am Subject: check my birth with marraige and children;s birth details bokariya Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Respected Sirs/Mames I am doing and practising in vedic astrology , and now a days I am studing kp system also. Please check my date of marriage through the give data... name rajiv bokariya Date of birth: 10th July 1964 Time of birth: 8:55:00 am Place of birth: BARSI Latitude:18:14:N Longitude:75:48:E

Current Place of living: beed Country: INDIA marraige date 12 july 1989 dahanuroad with Ranjana (her birth details) dOB 9-jan 1972 time 21.20 POB dahanu road Dist thane mahrashtra India first child date 07 NON 1991 son male 10.40 am place dahanuroad socnd girl Shruti date of birth 9 jun 1993 time 19.40 place dahanu (dahanuraod ) Pl check whether these dates match with my birth details

1732 From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@...> Date: Fri Dec 3, 2004 8:35am Subject: Re: Re: KPBC3 Answer. lyrastro1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dears Ron & Tw893, Doesn't that,in a way strengthen my contention that the mother's chart will give better and more accurate results ? Yours 'ly, lyrastro1 GOOD LUCK ! tw853 <> wrote: Dear Vinay Tiwari and Sandy Crowther, Congratulations for the correct choice of dasa sequence. Best wishes and regards, tw P.S. Again like in KPBC2, it's a lesson for me that dasa is superior than transit. Mercury is clearly stronger than Rahu, but Mercury was dropped out because no more transit Jupiter in Virgo forming double transit. Anyway basic principles are working except a strange sublord of dasa lord Moon. The methodology in Astrosecrets I & III passed the test for child's sex. And if the child birth is during Mo-Ve-Me-Ma dasa sequence, an experimental method in p 236, KP Reader IV also passed the test.

--- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > The test was to find the birth date and sex of a child. No > one got the date of the event which was 22 March 1982 and was a > boy. However, Vinay was close, with only one selection he > chose dasha sequence Moon Venus Mercury. > Sandy also selected this sequence as her third choice. She also

> correctly came up with the child being a boy. > > Vinays and Sandy's assessments are shown for reference. > > > Ron Gaunt > .................................................................... ................ > > I am very new to this field.After calculation I feel the child > would have born in may 1982 probably after 12 th may and before > 30th .ie; Mo-ve-mer . > > In these dates also i feel last week of may. > > Lets C what I am going to learn more with the results. > > Thanks. > > Regards > Vinay Tiwari > > .................................................................... ......................................... > > > > I had a few minutes over the Holiday week-end to get my KP feet > wet, so > trying my neophyte hand at an attempt on this blind chart, I came > up > with the following. (I am just beginning my study of this system > - so > please bear with me as I could be off the wall with my > choices.:-) This > is a learning experience for me.) > > > > My first choice for this subject being blessed with a child would > be > during his Mo/Ve/Ra dasha - covering the period from May 7, 1981 > to > August 5, 1981. The strongest time frame that I can reasonably > conclude > (using Shri Jyoti Star 5) is during the dates encompassing May > 15, 1981 > through May 30, 1981. These dates indicate running dasha > sequences of > Mo/Ve/Ra/Ra - Mo/Ve/Ra/Ju respectively. > > > > My reasoning: Transit Sun at this time occupies bhukti lord > Venus' sign > of Taurus in the 11th from the prantyantardasha lord (Rahu). > Transit > prantyantardasha (sub-lord) Rahu, who is natal 5th lord's > (Jupiter) star > lord, is posited in Mahadasha lord's (Moon) sign of Cancer, and

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

is transiting the 5th from the natal 5th house, and 11th from natal 11th and natal Saturn (Jupiter's dispositor and star lord of the natal 5th house) possibly indicating a long or complicated labor, or simply a difficult labor with a few false starts (braxton hicks). I believe the sex of the first born child is male, and my conclusion for choosing male is based purely on the 7th varga (D-7-Saptamsha) delineation, as I am not familiar with KP's way to determine the sex of a child, and would love it if anyone on the list cares to share that info. :-)

My second choice is Mo/Ve/Ju: from August 6, 1981 through October 26, 1981

My third choice would be Mo/Ve/Me: from January 30, 1982 through April 27, 1982.

This was fun.I hope others will participate in these exercises so we may all learn from those on this list who are more experienced and seasoned in KP, and therefore more accurate in their assessments. Any comments about where my logic appears to be fuzzy, are certainly welcome. Thanks.

Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online.

1733 From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@...> Date: Fri Dec 3, 2004 8:47am Subject: Re: Marriage Date? lyrastro1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear BOOM, What is the date that Vedic Astrology predicts ? Let us then copare whether K.P., is more accurate ? ! Yours ' ly,

lyrastro1 BM <> wrote: Respected Sirs/Mames I am more in vedic astrology than kp, and now a days I am studing kp system also. Please check my date of marriage through the give data... Date of birth: 17/4/1971 (17th April 1971) Time of birth: 3:43:00 (03.43AM) Place of birth: VIJAYAWADA Latitude:16:31:N Longitude:80:37:E Current Place of living: Bangalore Country: INDIA Zone: 82:30:E Thanks in advance Vivek

Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online.

1734 From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@...> Date: Fri Dec 3, 2004 8:54am Subject: Re: lyrastro1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Ravinder, Find out when the sublord of XIth transits the Vth cusp,or v ice-versa... Also check if this transit agrees with RPs and the dasa runni ng at that time...! With best wishes, lyrastro1 GOOD LUCK ! Ravinder Grover <> wrote: Dear all Can anybody help me with the TIMING of the EVENT. Thsi question has been just a sked to me. Tha analysis is as follows: Date of Query and Judgement: 3rd Dec 2004, 19:49:53 hours, DST: 1 hour, Lat: 36 S 52, Long: 174 E 46 Query related to Cusp(5,11) RP = Mon, Ven, Merc, Mon, Ven, (Take, Ketu as in Libra and Rahu as aspected by V en) Question in mind: Mon is S(2, 3, 5, 7). Mon does indicate (5)

Sub Lord Cusp(1): Mon is S(2, 3, 5, 7). Mon does indicate (5) Is the Event promised? Mon does indicate the H(5) matters SLC(11) also indicates H(5) matters SLC(11) = Rahu Retrogate OK SLC(11) = Rahu in Star(Ketu) and Ketu is NOT retrogate OK SLC(11) = Rahu in S(5,11) OK SLC(5)= Rahu and Rahu in S(5,11) OK SLC(11) = Rahu and Rahu in S(5,11) OK The above configuration indicates that the Event is promised Find Significations (5,11) S(5) = 2Merc, Rahu, Ven, Ketu, Sun, Mon Reject Sun as in Star and Sub(Merc-R), R eject Mon as in Sub(Sat-R) Hence S(5) = Rahu, Ven, Ketu, Merc S(11) = Ven, Rahu, Mars, Sat, Jup

Find Fruitful Significations (5,11) Find S(5,11) which are in Star of SLC95,11) Here SLC(5,11) = Rahu and Ven is in Star(Rahu) So Ven is the FRUITFUL Significator Timing of the Event Sub Lord Cusp(11) = Rahu, SLOW moving planet and in Moveable sign R(1), Hence th e matter will fructify in a few days. Hence Move Moon Move Mon to Fruitful S(5,11) Ven, Rahu (Ketu) Libra 6 deg 40 min to Libra 20 deg Thurday, 9th Dec 2004

Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online.

1735 From: "tw853" <tw853@...> Date: Fri Dec 3, 2004 9:25am Subject: Re: KPBC3 Answer. tw853 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360

Dear Yogesh Rao Lajmi, Let us see some more samples. How can we refuse a male asking whether he can have a child and tell him to bring his wife?. Best regards, tw

--- In, Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@y...> wrote: > Dears Ron & Tw893, > Doesn't that,in a way strengthen my contention that the mother's chart will give better and more accurate results ? > Yours 'ly, > lyrastro1 > GOOD LUCK ! > > tw853 <tw853@y...> wrote: > > Dear Vinay Tiwari and Sandy Crowther, > > Congratulations for the correct choice of dasa sequence. > > Best wishes and regards, > > tw > > > P.S. > > Again like in KPBC2, it's a lesson for me that dasa is superior than > transit. Mercury is clearly stronger than Rahu, but Mercury was > dropped out because no more transit Jupiter in Virgo forming double > transit. Anyway basic principles are working except a strange sublord > of dasa lord Moon. The methodology in Astrosecrets I & III passed the > test for child's sex. And if the child birth is during Mo-Ve-Me-Ma > dasa sequence, an experimental method in p 236, KP Reader IV also > passed the test. > > > > > --- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > > The test was to find the birth date and sex of a child. No > > one got the date of the event which was 22 March 1982 and was a > > boy. However, Vinay was close, with only one selection he > > chose dasha sequence Moon Venus Mercury. > > Sandy also selected this sequence as her third choice. She also > > correctly came up with the child being a boy. > > > > Vinays and Sandy's assessments are shown for reference.

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > Ron Gaunt .................................................................... ................ > > I am very new to this field.After calculation I feel the child > would have born in may 1982 probably after 12 th may and before > 30th .ie; Mo-ve-mer . > > In these dates also i feel last week of may. > > Lets C what I am going to learn more with the results. > > Thanks. > > Regards > Vinay Tiwari > .................................................................... ......................................... > > > > I had a few minutes over the Holiday week-end to get my KP feet > wet, so > trying my neophyte hand at an attempt on this blind chart, I came > up > with the following. (I am just beginning my study of this system > - so > please bear with me as I could be off the wall with my > choices.:-) This > is a learning experience for me.) > > > > My first choice for this subject being blessed with a child would > be > during his Mo/Ve/Ra dasha - covering the period from May 7, 1981 > to > August 5, 1981. The strongest time frame that I can reasonably > conclude > (using Shri Jyoti Star 5) is during the dates encompassing May > 15, 1981 > through May 30, 1981. These dates indicate running dasha > sequences of > Mo/Ve/Ra/Ra - Mo/Ve/Ra/Ju respectively. > > > > My reasoning: Transit Sun at this time occupies bhukti lord > Venus' sign > of Taurus in the 11th from the prantyantardasha lord (Rahu). > Transit > prantyantardasha (sub-lord) Rahu, who is natal 5th lord's > (Jupiter) star > lord, is posited in Mahadasha lord's (Moon) sign of Cancer, and > is

> > transiting the 5th from the natal 5th house, and 11th from natal > > 11th > > and natal Saturn (Jupiter's dispositor and star lord of the natal > > 5th > > house) possibly indicating a long or complicated labor, or simply > > a > > difficult labor with a few false starts (braxton hicks). I > > believe the > > sex of the first born child is male, and my conclusion for > > choosing male > > is based purely on the 7th varga (D-7-Saptamsha) delineation, as > > I am > > not familiar with KP's way to determine the sex of a child, and > > would > > love it if anyone on the list cares to share that info. :-) > > > > > > > > My second choice is Mo/Ve/Ju: from August 6, 1981 through October > > 26, > > 1981 > > > > > > > > My third choice would be Mo/Ve/Me: from January 30, 1982 through > > April > > 27, 1982. > > > > > > > > This was fun.I hope others will participate in these exercises so > > we may > > all learn from those on this list who are more experienced and > > seasoned > > in KP, and therefore more accurate in their assessments. Any > > comments > > about where my logic appears to be fuzzy, are certainly welcome. > > Thanks. > > > > > Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT > > > --------------------------------> Yahoo! Groups Links > > To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. > > > Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline.

1736 From: Astrologer Ajit Amin <astrologer_ajitamin@...> Date: Fri Dec 3, 2004 10:05am Subject: G R A T I T U D E astrologer_a... Send IM Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360

To my all dear friends......... I m sure you woul like to read this.....after all life is to love and share A GLASS OF MILK > >One day, a poor boy who was selling goods from door to door to pay his way >through school, found he had only one thin dime left, and he was hungry. > >He decided he would ask for a meal at the next house. > >However, he lost his nerve when a lovely young woman opened the door. > >Instead of a meal he asked for a drink of water. She thought he looked >hungry so brought him a large glass of milk. He drank it slowly, and then >asked, How much do I owe you?" > >"You don't owe me anything," she replied. "Mother has taught us never to >accept pay for a kindness." > >He said..... "Then I thank you from my heart." > >As Howard Kelly left that house, he not only felt stronger physically, but >his faith in God and man was strong also. He had been ready to give up and >quit. > >Many year's later that same young woman became critically ill. The local >doctors were baffled. They finally sent her to the big city, where they >called in specialists to study her rare disease. > >Dr. Howard Kelly was called in for the consultation. When he heard the >name >of the town she came from, a strange light filled his eyes. > >Immediately he rose and went down the hall of the hospital to her room. > >Dressed in his doctor's gown he went in to see her. He recognized her at >once. > >He went back to the consultation room determined to do his best to save >her >life. >From that day he gave special attention to her case. > >After a long struggle, the battle was won. > >Dr. Kelly requested the business office to pass the final bill to him for

>approval. He looked at it, then wrote something on the edge and the bill >was >sent to her room. She feared to open it, for she was sure it would take >the >rest of her life to pay for it all. Finally she looked, and something >caught >her attention on the side of the bill. She read these words..... > >"Paid in full with one glass of milk" > >(Signed) Dr. Howard Kelly. > >Tears of joy flooded her eyes as her happy heart prayed: "Thank You, > >God, that Your love has spread broad through human hearts and hands." > >There's a saying which goes something like this: Bread cast on the waters >comes back to you. The good deed you do today may benefit you or someone >you >love at the least expected time. If you never see the deed again at least >you will have made the world a better place - And, after all, isn't that >what life is all about?

A S T R O - C L I N I C A s t r o l o g e r A j i t A m i n For Any probelms of life AT any Age 2625, Kings Brooke Lane Duluth , ATLANTA GA 30097 U S A 404 281 9438 [ Plz leave message with details]


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1737 From: "Sandy Crowther" <sandy@...> Date: Fri Dec 3, 2004 11:15am Subject: RE: Re: KPBC3 Answer. detective_dunno

Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear TW and Yogesh Rao Lajmi, Ron, and Group,


thanks for your kind congratulatory words

Yogesh Rao Lagmi wrote:

Doesn't that,in a way strengthen my contention that the mother's chart will give better and more accurate results ? Yours 'ly, lyrastro1 GOOD LUCK !

WHY??? Because only 2 people out of 8 came close? I m amused. Does KP boast a 100% accuracy rate? I agree that having the charts of BOTH parents would have made d elineation a bit easier but in real life that isn t always an option



How can we refuse a male asking whether he can have a child and tell him to bring his wife?. I agree TW Perhaps it is time for participation on Blind charts from you, Mr. Yog esh Rao Lajmi, to demonstrate both your point and your expertise in KP delineati on which brings me to my next point...

Yogesh Rao Lagmi With all due respect, I believe you are a bit over the top with many of your posts this being another post of a few that I have observed in the s hort time I have been a member of this list .Anyway allow me to respond to your ac cusations of my personal motivations before I unsubscribe

You wrote: Dears Sandy Cowther & Srinivas Upadyay, I was under the imp ression that we are discusing in the is no place for sapthamsa, navamsas,dasamsas or forthat matter any amsas for judgement purposes...

Members are request ed to stick to Krishnamurty Padhdhati only...else we will only arrive at a "hotc h-potch" of " the various Vedic Astrology our anxiety to prove one's point anywhich way,end up with nothing worthwhile..." I sincerely reques t ALL members to therefore stick to K.P.,only in this group... Yours sincerely, lyrastro1 GOOD LUCK !

Interesting diatribe Are Eclipses part of KP? You don t know me - nor do you know wh at my motivations are. I was simply respectfully responding to a question put fo rth by a list member nothing more simply sharing a technique. Now although I am a seasoned astrologer of 35 years, I am not experienced in KP and thought this li st might be a good place to start after a respected colleague of mine - Ron Gaun t - mentioned the list to me. So, for the record, I have just begun my journey o f studying KP therefore I am not familiar with what techniques are accepted by K P, and what techniques are rejected by KP. For that I apologize. However, you c ertainly set me straight real quick. Forgive me if I crossed the line of list di scussion I meant no disrespect.

However, due to the derogatory manner in which I was addressed (directly and ind irectly) by you on 2 separate occasions you can rest assured that I will not be posting to this KP list anymore. You see, I was not trying to prove anything, and unfortunately, for whatever your reasons, you have painted an inaccurate pictur e of my motives to this list, while showing a great deal of disrespect towards m e. I have little tolerance for unprovoked verbal hostility on any list. Your com ments on a few occasions were unnecessary and quite immature. You could have bro ught forth your point about amsa s, any amsa s , in a kinder manner like Anant Raichur did without resorting to implying to other list members your own delusional assu mptions about others, or suggesting such absurd inaccuracies of my personal moti vations such as - to prove one s point any which way . You couldn t be further from the truth I have nothing to prove, nor do I have any need to prove anything.

And again:

Therefore,personally, I stick to the pure and simple K.P., of old...and I had me ntioned it especially for those who are interested in more research etc...the "i n-thing" abroad...I guess...

Hmm Guess you don t like the fact that I enjoy

research ?

At any rate, I have no time for this nonsense. But I do wish you and the list al

l the best and hope you will at least think about the manner and tone with which you come across to others in your plight to exert your authority/superiority on this list. Goodbye and GOOD LUCK! J

P.S. Message for Ron Gaunt with respect to KPBC3:

Ron - In Vinay s assessment dates for the birth of the child he states the dates o f 5/12/82 to 5/30/82 (May) and states that these dates fall in a Mo/Ve/Me dasha. There is some mistake here because these May dates he predicted do not fall in a Mo/Ve/Me dasha, but rather in a Mo/Ve/Ra dasha. The birth took place, accordin g to your post, on 3/22/82 which is March not May. I just wanted to bring that t o your attention in case list members are following the Blind Charts. Thanks.

All the Best, Sandy Crowther

-----Original Message----From: tw853 [] Sent: Friday, December 03, 2004 10:26 AM To: Subject: [k_p_system] Re: KPBC3 Answer.

Dear Yogesh Rao Lajmi, Let us see some more samples. How can we refuse a male asking whether he can have a child and tell him to bring his wife?. Best regards, tw

--- In, Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@y...> wrote: > Dears Ron & Tw893, > Doesn't that,in a way strengthen my contention that the mother's chart will give better and more accurate results ? > Yours 'ly, > lyrastro1 > GOOD LUCK ! > > tw853 <tw853@y...> wrote: > > Dear Vinay Tiwari and Sandy Crowther, > > Congratulations for the correct choice of dasa sequence. > > Best wishes and regards, > > tw > > > P.S. > > Again like in KPBC2, it's a lesson for me that dasa is superior than > transit. Mercury is clearly stronger than Rahu, but Mercury was > dropped out because no more transit Jupiter in Virgo forming double > transit. Anyway basic principles are working except a strange sublord > of dasa lord Moon. The methodology in Astrosecrets I & III passed the > test for child's sex. And if the child birth is during Mo-Ve-Me-Ma > dasa sequence, an experimental method in p 236, KP Reader IV also > passed the test. > > > > > --- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > > The test was to find the birth date and sex of a child. No > > one got the date of the event which was 22 March 1982 and was a > > boy. However, Vinay was close, with only one selection he > > chose dasha sequence Moon Venus Mercury. > > Sandy also selected this sequence as her third choice. She also > > correctly came up with the child being a boy. > > > > Vinays and Sandy's assessments are shown for reference. > > > > > > Ron Gaunt > > .................................................................... > ................ > > > > I am very new to this field.After calculation I feel the child > > would have born in may 1982 probably after 12 th may and before > > 30th .ie; Mo-ve-mer . > > > > In these dates also i feel last week of may.

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > >

Lets C what I am going to learn more with the results. Thanks. Regards Vinay Tiwari

.................................................................... ......................................... > > > > I had a few minutes over the Holiday week-end to get my KP feet > wet, so > trying my neophyte hand at an attempt on this blind chart, I came > up > with the following. (I am just beginning my study of this system > - so > please bear with me as I could be off the wall with my > choices.:-) This > is a learning experience for me.) > > > > My first choice for this subject being blessed with a child would > be > during his Mo/Ve/Ra dasha - covering the period from May 7, 1981 > to > August 5, 1981. The strongest time frame that I can reasonably > conclude > (using Shri Jyoti Star 5) is during the dates encompassing May > 15, 1981 > through May 30, 1981. These dates indicate running dasha > sequences of > Mo/Ve/Ra/Ra - Mo/Ve/Ra/Ju respectively. > > > > My reasoning: Transit Sun at this time occupies bhukti lord > Venus' sign > of Taurus in the 11th from the prantyantardasha lord (Rahu). > Transit > prantyantardasha (sub-lord) Rahu, who is natal 5th lord's > (Jupiter) star > lord, is posited in Mahadasha lord's (Moon) sign of Cancer, and > is > transiting the 5th from the natal 5th house, and 11th from natal > 11th > and natal Saturn (Jupiter's dispositor and star lord of the natal > 5th > house) possibly indicating a long or complicated labor, or simply > a > difficult labor with a few false starts (braxton hicks). I > believe the > sex of the first born child is male, and my conclusion for > choosing male > is based purely on the 7th varga (D-7-Saptamsha) delineation, as > I am

> > not familiar with KP's way to determine the sex of a child, and > > would > > love it if anyone on the list cares to share that info. :-) > > > > > > > > My second choice is Mo/Ve/Ju: from August 6, 1981 through October > > 26, > > 1981 > > > > > > > > My third choice would be Mo/Ve/Me: from January 30, 1982 through > > April > > 27, 1982. > > > > > > > > This was fun.I hope others will participate in these exercises so > > we may > > all learn from those on this list who are more experienced and > > seasoned > > in KP, and therefore more accurate in their assessments. Any > > comments > > about where my logic appears to be fuzzy, are certainly welcome. > > Thanks. > > > > > Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT > > > --------------------------------> Yahoo! Groups Links > > To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. > > > Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline.

Attachment: (image/gif) image001.gif [not stored] Attachment: (image/gif) image002.gif [not stored]

1738 From: Date: Fri Dec 3, 2004 0:30pm Subject: New file uploaded to k_p_system Send Email Hello, This email message is a notification to let you know that a file has been uploaded to the Files area of the k_p_system group. File : /Pan_DEC_04.txt Uploaded by : kanbosastro <kanbosastro@...> Description : Panchang For Dec.2004 You can access this file at the URL: To learn more about file sharing for your group, please visit: Regards, kanbosastro <kanbosastro@...>

1739 From: Vinay Tiwari <techn0pandit@...> Date: Fri Dec 3, 2004 0:42pm Subject: RE: Re: KPBC3 Answer. techn0pandit Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Respected sandyji, I request you to be on this group. And regarding dates yaa there was mistake, when i analysed i used KP anaymsa , but when i posted i forgot to change the ana yamsa in application .Blindly i looked for the date according to calculation for mon-v en-mer-rah. it came may , which was lahiri system. Analysis was on different dat e and i posted on different date.I am very much new , infact this was my first a ttempt to blind chart in this group. There may be chances that by mistake i reac hed to the dasa .But i am satisfied , I went accoding to books. I am attaching analysis below, 13/11/2004 19:07 Vikhroli mumbai. RP: sat,sun,2sat,ven,mar,jup,2sun ========= Birth child: 2,5,11 ============================================================= 2nd cusp : Ju-Ke-Sat ________________________ occupant: mar-mer-ven plan in mar nak:= none , mar lord of 1 and 6. plan in ven nak:= mon,mer, mon lord of 9 placed in 6, mer lord of 11 and 8

plan in mer nak:= no , sub ven _______________________________ house Lord : Jup Plane in jup nak :=Rahu , placed in 4th =============================================================== 5th cusp : ju-sa-ju _____________________ occupant: None Lord Jup plan in jup nak : Rahu aspect : mar , mar (2) ________________________ ================================================================ 11th cusp : me-mo-ju ________________________ occupant: none, lord: mer: no sub ven, mer main ================================== rah represents : Jup, ket represnts ; sun ================================ mon-mer-ven-rah between: 28-01-1982 :''''-sat 25-04-1982 :mon-ven-mer

Sandy Crowther <> wrote: Dear TW and Yogesh Rao Lajmi, Ron, and Group,


thanks for your kind congratulatory words

Yogesh Rao Lagmi wrote:

Doesn't that,in a way strengthen my contention that the mother's chart will give better and more accurate results ? Yours 'ly, lyrastro1 GOOD LUCK !

WHY??? Because only 2 people out of 8 came close? I m amused. Does KP boast a 100%

accuracy rate? I agree that having the charts of BOTH parents would have made d elineation a bit easier but in real life that isn t always an option



How can we refuse a male asking whether he can have a child and tell him to bring his wife?. I agree TW Perhaps it is time for participation on Blind charts from you, Mr. Yog esh Rao Lajmi, to demonstrate both your point and your expertise in KP delineati on which brings me to my next point...

Yogesh Rao Lagmi With all due respect, I believe you are a bit over the top with many of your posts this being another post of a few that I have observed in the s hort time I have been a member of this list .Anyway allow me to respond to your ac cusations of my personal motivations before I unsubscribe

You wrote: Dears Sandy Cowther & Srinivas Upadyay, I was under the imp ression that we are discusing in the is no place for sapthamsa, navamsas,dasamsas or forthat matter any amsas for judgement purposes... Members are request ed to stick to Krishnamurty Padhdhati only...else we will only arrive at a "hotc h-potch" of " the various Vedic Astrology our anxiety to prove one's point anywhich way,end up with nothing worthwhile..." I sincerely reques t ALL members to therefore stick to K.P.,only in this group... Yours sincerely, lyrastro1 GOOD LUCK !

Interesting diatribe Are Eclipses part of KP? You don t know me - nor do you know wh at my motivations are. I was simply respectfully responding to a question put fo rth by a list member nothing more simply sharing a technique. Now although I am a seasoned astrologer of 35 years, I am not experienced in KP and thought this li st might be a good place to start after a respected colleague of mine - Ron Gaun t - mentioned the list to me. So, for the record, I have just begun my journey o f studying KP therefore I am not familiar with what techniques are accepted by K P, and what techniques are rejected by KP. For that I apologize. However, you c ertainly set me straight real quick. Forgive me if I crossed the line of list di scussion I meant no disrespect.

However, due to the derogatory manner in which I was addressed (directly and ind irectly) by you on 2 separate occasions you can rest assured that I will not be posting to this KP list anymore. You see, I was not trying to prove anything, and unfortunately, for whatever your reasons, you have painted an inaccurate pictur e of my motives to this list, while showing a great deal of disrespect towards m e. I have little tolerance for unprovoked verbal hostility on any list. Your com ments on a few occasions were unnecessary and quite immature. You could have bro ught forth your point about amsa s, any amsa s , in a kinder manner like Anant Raichur did without resorting to implying to other list members your own delusional assu mptions about others, or suggesting such absurd inaccuracies of my personal moti vations such as - to prove one s point any which way . You couldn t be further from the truth I have nothing to prove, nor do I have any need to prove anything.

And again:

Therefore,personally, I stick to the pure and simple K.P., of old...and I had me ntioned it especially for those who are interested in more research etc...the "i n-thing" abroad...I guess...

Hmm Guess you don t like the fact that I enjoy

research ?

At any rate, I have l the best and hope you come across to this list. Goodbye

no time for this nonsense. But I do wish you and the list al you will at least think about the manner and tone with which others in your plight to exert your authority/superiority on and GOOD LUCK! J

P.S. Message for Ron Gaunt with respect to KPBC3:

Ron - In Vinay s assessment dates for the birth of the child he states the dates o f 5/12/82 to 5/30/82 (May) and states that these dates fall in a Mo/Ve/Me dasha. There is some mistake here because these May dates he predicted do not fall in a Mo/Ve/Me dasha, but rather in a Mo/Ve/Ra dasha. The birth took place, accordin g to your post, on 3/22/82 which is March not May. I just wanted to bring that t o your attention in case list members are following the Blind Charts. Thanks.

All the Best, Sandy Crowther

-----Original Message----From: tw853 [] Sent: Friday, December 03, 2004 10:26 AM To: Subject: [k_p_system] Re: KPBC3 Answer.

Dear Yogesh Rao Lajmi, Let us see some more samples. How can we refuse a male asking whether he can have a child and tell him to bring his wife?. Best regards, tw

--- In, Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@y...> wrote: > Dears Ron & Tw893, > Doesn't that,in a way strengthen my contention that the mother's chart will give better and more accurate results ? > Yours 'ly, > lyrastro1 > GOOD LUCK ! > > tw853 <tw853@y...> wrote: > > Dear Vinay Tiwari and Sandy Crowther, > > Congratulations for the correct choice of dasa sequence. > > Best wishes and regards, > > tw > > > P.S. > > Again like in KPBC2, it's a lesson for me that dasa is superior than > transit. Mercury is clearly stronger than Rahu, but Mercury was > dropped out because no more transit Jupiter in Virgo forming double

> transit. Anyway basic principles are working except a strange sublord > of dasa lord Moon. The methodology in Astrosecrets I & III passed the > test for child's sex. And if the child birth is during Mo-Ve-Me-Ma > dasa sequence, an experimental method in p 236, KP Reader IV also > passed the test. > > > > > --- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > > The test was to find the birth date and sex of a child. No > > one got the date of the event which was 22 March 1982 and was a > > boy. However, Vinay was close, with only one selection he > > chose dasha sequence Moon Venus Mercury. > > Sandy also selected this sequence as her third choice. She also > > correctly came up with the child being a boy. > > > > Vinays and Sandy's assessments are shown for reference. > > > > > > Ron Gaunt > > .................................................................... > ................ > > > > I am very new to this field.After calculation I feel the child > > would have born in may 1982 probably after 12 th may and before > > 30th .ie; Mo-ve-mer . > > > > In these dates also i feel last week of may. > > > > Lets C what I am going to learn more with the results. > > > > Thanks. > > > > Regards > > Vinay Tiwari > > > > .................................................................... > ......................................... > > > > > > > > I had a few minutes over the Holiday week-end to get my KP feet > > wet, so > > trying my neophyte hand at an attempt on this blind chart, I came > > up > > with the following. (I am just beginning my study of this system > > - so > > please bear with me as I could be off the wall with my > > choices.:-) This > > is a learning experience for me.) > > > > > > > > My first choice for this subject being blessed with a child would > > be

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

during his Mo/Ve/Ra dasha - covering the period from May 7, 1981 to August 5, 1981. The strongest time frame that I can reasonably conclude (using Shri Jyoti Star 5) is during the dates encompassing May 15, 1981 through May 30, 1981. These dates indicate running dasha sequences of Mo/Ve/Ra/Ra - Mo/Ve/Ra/Ju respectively.

My reasoning: Transit Sun at this time occupies bhukti lord Venus' sign of Taurus in the 11th from the prantyantardasha lord (Rahu). Transit prantyantardasha (sub-lord) Rahu, who is natal 5th lord's (Jupiter) star lord, is posited in Mahadasha lord's (Moon) sign of Cancer, and is transiting the 5th from the natal 5th house, and 11th from natal 11th and natal Saturn (Jupiter's dispositor and star lord of the natal 5th house) possibly indicating a long or complicated labor, or simply a difficult labor with a few false starts (braxton hicks). I believe the sex of the first born child is male, and my conclusion for choosing male is based purely on the 7th varga (D-7-Saptamsha) delineation, as I am not familiar with KP's way to determine the sex of a child, and would love it if anyone on the list cares to share that info. :-)

My second choice is Mo/Ve/Ju: from August 6, 1981 through October 26, 1981

My third choice would be Mo/Ve/Me: from January 30, 1982 through April 27, 1982.

This was fun.I hope others will participate in these exercises so we may all learn from those on this list who are more experienced and seasoned in KP, and therefore more accurate in their assessments. Any comments about where my logic appears to be fuzzy, are certainly welcome. Thanks.

> > > Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT > > > --------------------------------> Yahoo! Groups Links > > To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. > > > Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline.

__________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around

1740 From: "Kanakkumar Bosmia" <kanbosastro@...> Date: Fri Dec 3, 2004 0:52pm Subject: RE: Re: KPBC3 Answer. kanbosastro Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Shri sandy ji, we all are GURU BANDU , pls dont leave group regards kanak bosmia >From: Vinay Tiwari <> >Reply-To: >To: >Subject: RE: [k_p_system] Re: KPBC3 Answer. >Date: Fri, 3 Dec 2004 10:42:11 -0800 (PST) > >Respected sandyji,

> > I request you to be on this group. > >And regarding dates yaa there was mistake, >when i analysed i used KP anaymsa , but when i posted i forgot to change the an ayamsa >in application .Blindly i looked for the date according to calculation for monven-mer-rah. it came may , which was lahiri system. Analysis was on different da te and i posted on different date.I am very much new , infact this was my first attempt to blind chart in this group. There may be chances that by mistake i rea ched to the dasa .But i am satisfied , I went accoding to books. >I am attaching analysis below, > >13/11/2004 19:07 Vikhroli mumbai. >RP: sat,sun,2sat,ven,mar,jup,2sun >========= >Birth child: >2,5,11 >============================================================= >2nd cusp : Ju-Ke-Sat >________________________ >occupant: mar-mer-ven >plan in mar nak:= none , mar lord of 1 and 6. >plan in ven nak:= mon,mer, >mon lord of 9 placed in 6, mer lord of 11 and 8 >plan in mer nak:= no , sub ven >_______________________________ >house Lord : Jup >Plane in jup nak :=Rahu , placed in 4th >=============================================================== >5th cusp : ju-sa-ju >_____________________ >occupant: None >Lord Jup >plan in jup nak : Rahu >aspect : mar , mar (2) >________________________ > >================================================================ >11th cusp : me-mo-ju >________________________ >occupant: none, >lord: mer: no sub ven, >mer main >================================== >rah represents : Jup, >ket represnts ; sun >================================ > >mon-mer-ven-rah > >between: >28-01-1982 :''''-sat >25-04-1982 :mon-ven-mer > > > > > >

>Sandy Crowther <> wrote: > >Dear TW and Yogesh Rao Lajmi, Ron, and Group, > > > >TW thanks for your kind congratulatory words > > > >Yogesh Rao Lagmi wrote: > > > >Doesn't that,in a way strengthen my contention that the mother's chart will giv e better and more accurate results ? > > Yours 'ly, > > lyrastro1 > > GOOD LUCK ! > > > >WHY??? Because only 2 people out of 8 came close? I m amused. Does KP boast a 100 % accuracy rate? I agree that having the charts of BOTH parents would have made delineation a bit easier but in real life that isn t always an option > > > >TW wrote: > > > >How can we refuse a male asking whether he can have a child and tell >him to bring his wife?. > >I agree TW Perhaps it is time for participation on Blind charts from you, Mr. Yo gesh Rao Lajmi, to demonstrate both your point and your expertise in KP delineat ion which brings me to my next point... > > > >Yogesh Rao Lagmi With all due respect, I believe you are a bit over the top wit h many of your posts this being another post of a few that I have observed in the short time I have been a member of this list .Anyway allow me to respond to your a ccusations of my personal motivations before I unsubscribe > > > >You wrote: > >Dears Sandy Cowther & Srinivas Upadyay, > > I was under the i mpression that we are discusing in the is no place for sapthams a,navamsas,dasamsas or forthat matter any amsas for judgement purposes... > > Members are reque

sted to stick to Krishnamurty Padhdhati only...else we will only arrive at a "ho tch-potch" of " the various Vedic Astrology our anxiety to prove one 's point anywhich way,end up with nothing worthwhile..." > > I sincerely requ est ALL members to therefore stick to K.P.,only in this group... > > Yours sincerely , > > lyrastro1 > > GOOD LUCK ! > > > >Interesting diatribe Are Eclipses part of KP? You don t know me - nor do you know w hat my motivations are. I was simply respectfully responding to a question put f orth by a list member nothing more simply sharing a technique. Now although I am a seasoned astrologer of 35 years, I am not experienced in KP and thought this l ist might be a good place to start after a respected colleague of mine - Ron Gau nt - mentioned the list to me. So, for the record, I have just begun my journey of studying KP therefore I am not familiar with what techniques are accepted by KP, and what techniques are rejected by KP. For that I apologize. However, you certainly set me straight real quick. Forgive me if I crossed the line of list d iscussion I meant no disrespect. > > > >However, due to the derogatory manner in which I was addressed (directly and in directly) by you on 2 separate occasions you can rest assured that I will not be posting to this KP list anymore. You see, I was not trying to prove anything, an d unfortunately, for whatever your reasons, you have painted an inaccurate pictu re of my motives to this list, while showing a great deal of disrespect towards me. I have little tolerance for unprovoked verbal hostility on any list. Your co mments on a few occasions were unnecessary and quite immature. You could have br ought forth your point about amsa s, any amsa s , in a kinder manner like Anant Raichur did without resorting to implying to other list members your own delusional ass umptions about others, or suggesting such absurd inaccuracies of my personal mot ivations such as - to prove one s point any which way . You couldn t be further from th e truth I have nothing to prove, nor do I have any need to prove anything. > > > >And again: > > > >Therefore,personally, I stick to the pure and simple K.P., of old...and I had m entioned it especially for those who are interested in more research etc...the " in-thing" abroad...I guess... > > > >Hmm Guess you don t like the fact that I enjoy research ? > > > >At any rate, I have no time for this nonsense. But I do wish you and the list a ll the best and hope you will at least think about the manner and tone with whic

h you come across to others in your plight to exert your authority/superiority o n this list. Goodbye and GOOD LUCK! J > > > >P.S. Message for Ron Gaunt with respect to KPBC3: > > > >Ron - In Vinay s assessment dates for the birth of the child he states the dates of 5/12/82 to 5/30/82 (May) and states that these dates fall in a Mo/Ve/Me dasha . There is some mistake here because these May dates he predicted do not fall in a Mo/Ve/Me dasha, but rather in a Mo/Ve/Ra dasha. The birth took place, accordi ng to your post, on 3/22/82 which is March not May. I just wanted to bring that to your attention in case list members are following the Blind Charts. Thanks. > > > > > > All the Best, > > Sandy Crowther > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >-----Original Message---->From: tw853 [] >Sent: Friday, December 03, 2004 10:26 AM >To: >Subject: [k_p_system] Re: KPBC3 Answer. > > > > >Dear Yogesh Rao Lajmi, > >Let us see some more samples. > >How can we refuse a male asking whether he can have a child and tell >him to bring his wife?. > >Best regards, > >tw > >

> >--- In, Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@y...> >wrote: > > Dears Ron & Tw893, > > Doesn't that,in a way strengthen my >contention that the mother's chart will give better and more accurate >results ? > > Yours 'ly, > > lyrastro1 > > GOOD LUCK ! > > > > tw853 <tw853@y...> wrote: > > > > Dear Vinay Tiwari and Sandy Crowther, > > > > Congratulations for the correct choice of dasa sequence. > > > > Best wishes and regards, > > > > tw > > > > > > P.S. > > > > Again like in KPBC2, it's a lesson for me that dasa is superior >than > > transit. Mercury is clearly stronger than Rahu, but Mercury was > > dropped out because no more transit Jupiter in Virgo forming double > > transit. Anyway basic principles are working except a strange >sublord > > of dasa lord Moon. The methodology in Astrosecrets I & III passed >the > > test for child's sex. And if the child birth is during Mo-Ve-Me-Ma > > dasa sequence, an experimental method in p 236, KP Reader IV also > > passed the test. > > > > > > > > > > --- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > > > The test was to find the birth date and sex of a child. No > > > one got the date of the event which was 22 March 1982 and was a > > > boy. However, Vinay was close, with only one selection he > > > chose dasha sequence Moon Venus Mercury. > > > Sandy also selected this sequence as her third choice. She also > > > correctly came up with the child being a boy. > > > > > > Vinays and Sandy's assessments are shown for reference. > > > > > > > > > Ron Gaunt > > > > .................................................................... > > ................ > > > > > > I am very new to this field.After calculation I feel the child > > > would have born in may 1982 probably after 12 th may and before > > > 30th .ie; Mo-ve-mer . > > > > > > In these dates also i feel last week of may.

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > >

Lets C what I am going to learn more with the results. Thanks. Regards Vinay Tiwari

.................................................................... ......................................... > > > > I had a few minutes over the Holiday week-end to get my KP feet > wet, so > trying my neophyte hand at an attempt on this blind chart, I came > up > with the following. (I am just beginning my study of this system > - so > please bear with me as I could be off the wall with my > choices.:-) This > is a learning experience for me.) > > > > My first choice for this subject being blessed with a child would > be > during his Mo/Ve/Ra dasha - covering the period from May 7, 1981 > to > August 5, 1981. The strongest time frame that I can reasonably > conclude > (using Shri Jyoti Star 5) is during the dates encompassing May > 15, 1981 > through May 30, 1981. These dates indicate running dasha > sequences of > Mo/Ve/Ra/Ra - Mo/Ve/Ra/Ju respectively. > > > > My reasoning: Transit Sun at this time occupies bhukti lord > Venus' sign > of Taurus in the 11th from the prantyantardasha lord (Rahu). > Transit > prantyantardasha (sub-lord) Rahu, who is natal 5th lord's > (Jupiter) star > lord, is posited in Mahadasha lord's (Moon) sign of Cancer, and > is > transiting the 5th from the natal 5th house, and 11th from natal > 11th > and natal Saturn (Jupiter's dispositor and star lord of the natal > 5th > house) possibly indicating a long or complicated labor, or simply > a > difficult labor with a few false starts (braxton hicks). I > believe the > sex of the first born child is male, and my conclusion for > choosing male > is based purely on the 7th varga (D-7-Saptamsha) delineation, as > I am

> > > not familiar with KP's way to determine the sex of a child, and > > > would > > > love it if anyone on the list cares to share that info. :-) > > > > > > > > > > > > My second choice is Mo/Ve/Ju: from August 6, 1981 through October > > > 26, > > > 1981 > > > > > > > > > > > > My third choice would be Mo/Ve/Me: from January 30, 1982 through > > > April > > > 27, 1982. > > > > > > > > > > > > This was fun.I hope others will participate in these exercises so > > > we may > > > all learn from those on this list who are more experienced and > > > seasoned > > > in KP, and therefore more accurate in their assessments. Any > > > comments > > > about where my logic appears to be fuzzy, are certainly welcome. > > > Thanks. > > > > > > > > > > Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT > > > > > > --------------------------------> > Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of >Service. > > > > > > Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline. > > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT > > >-------------------------------->Yahoo! Groups Links >

> To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. > > > >__________________________________________________ >Do You Yahoo!? >Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Find the music you love on MSN Music. Start downloading now!

1741 From: rongaunt <rongaunt@...> Date: Fri Dec 3, 2004 4:41pm Subject: Re: Re: KPBC3 Answer. rongaunt1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Sandy, I echo the thoughts of other members and ask you to reconsider your decision to leave the Group. I feel certain that Yogesh was not being vindictive, but as moderator just concerned that the introduction of other forms of astrology would create distractions. I must admit that I have introduced the idea of the Solar Eclipse. But this is not really a different system, as the way I use it is exactly as I use transits. So it is simply a special type of transit, and as such will fit into all systems of astrology - as they all use transits. If this is not acceptable to members I will stop posting SE details; however, there is no way that I would stop using them myself as I consider that the SE is the crucible of events. In my experience over many years the SE always shows appropriate planetary aspects to the natal chart for the major event due to unfold. SEs also are very appropriate for KP theory, and I think this system will make them even more useful. Sandy with your experience I suspect that you will find KP and excellent tool, and it is on a List such as this one can fast track the learning process. All the best Ron Gaunt

On Fri, 03 Dec 2004 12:15:37 -0500, you wrote: >Dear TW and Yogesh Rao Lajmi, Ron, and Group, > > > >TW - thanks for your kind congratulatory words. > > > >Yogesh Rao Lagmi wrote: > > > >Doesn't that,in a way strengthen my contention that the mother's chart >will give better and more accurate results ? > > Yours 'ly, > > lyrastro1 > > GOOD LUCK ! > > > >WHY??? Because only 2 people out of 8 came close? I'm amused. Does KP >boast a 100% accuracy rate? I agree that having the charts of BOTH >parents would have made delineation a bit easier - but in real life >that isn't always an option. > > > >TW - wrote: > > > >How can we refuse a male asking whether he can have a child and tell >him to bring his wife?. > >I agree TW. Perhaps it is time for participation on Blind charts from >you, Mr. Yogesh Rao Lajmi, to demonstrate both your point and your >expertise in KP delineation - which brings me to my next point... > > > >Yogesh Rao Lagmi - With all due respect, I believe you are a bit over >the top with many of your posts.this being another post of a few that I >have observed in the short time I have been a member of this >list..Anyway - allow me to respond to your accusations of my personal >motivations before I unsubscribe. > > > >You wrote: >

>Dears Sandy Cowther & Srinivas Upadyay, > > I was under >the impression that we are discusing in the is no place >for sapthamsa,navamsas,dasamsas or forthat matter any amsas for >judgement purposes... > > Members are >requested to stick to Krishnamurty Padhdhati only...else we will only >arrive at a "hotch-potch" of " the various Vedic Astrology >our anxiety to prove one's point anywhich way,end up with nothing >worthwhile..." > > I >sincerely request ALL members to therefore stick to K.P.,only in this >group... > > Yours >sincerely, > > >lyrastro1 > > GOOD LUCK >! > > > >Interesting diatribe.Are Eclipses part of KP? You don't know me - nor do >you know what my motivations are. I was simply respectfully responding >to a question put forth by a list member - nothing more. simply sharing >a technique. Now although I am a seasoned astrologer of 35 years, I am >not experienced in KP and thought this list might be a good place to >start after a respected colleague of mine - Ron Gaunt - mentioned the >list to me. So, for the record, I have just begun my journey of studying >KP - therefore I am not familiar with what techniques are accepted by >KP, and what techniques are rejected by KP. For that I apologize. >However, you certainly set me straight real quick. Forgive me if I >crossed the line of list discussion - I meant no disrespect. > > > >However, due to the derogatory manner in which I was addressed (directly >and indirectly) by you on 2 separate occasions - you can rest assured >that I will not be posting to this KP list anymore. You see, I was not >trying to "prove" anything, and unfortunately, for whatever your >reasons, you have painted an inaccurate picture of my motives to this >list, while showing a great deal of disrespect towards me. I have little >tolerance for unprovoked verbal hostility on any list. Your comments on >a few occasions were unnecessary and quite immature. You could have >brought forth your point about amsa's, "any amsa's", in a kinder manner >- like Anant Raichur did - without resorting to implying to other list >members your own delusional assumptions about others, or suggesting such >absurd inaccuracies of my personal motivations - such as - to "prove >one's point any which way". You couldn't be further from the truth.I >have nothing to prove, nor do I have any need to prove anything. > > > >And again:

> > > >Therefore,personally, I stick to the pure and simple K.P., of old...and >I had mentioned it especially for those who are interested in more >research etc...the "in-thing" abroad...I guess... > > > >Hmm.Guess you don't like the fact that I enjoy "research"? > > > >At any rate, I have no time for this nonsense. But I do wish you and the >list all the best and hope you will at least think about the manner and >tone with which you come across to others in your plight to exert your >authority/superiority on this list. Goodbye and GOOD LUCK! :-) > > > >P.S. Message for Ron Gaunt with respect to KPBC3: > > > >Ron - In Vinay's assessment dates for the birth of the child he states >the dates of 5/12/82 to 5/30/82 (May) and states that these dates fall >in a Mo/Ve/Me dasha. There is some mistake here because these May dates >he predicted do not fall in a Mo/Ve/Me dasha, but rather in a Mo/Ve/Ra >dasha. The birth took place, according to your post, on 3/22/82 - which >is March - not May. I just wanted to bring that to your attention in >case list members are following the Blind Charts. Thanks. > > > > > > All the Best, > > Sandy Crowther > > <> > > > > > > > > > > > > > >-----Original Message---->From: tw853 [mailto:tw853@...] >Sent: Friday, December 03, 2004 10:26 AM >To: >Subject: [k_p_system] Re: KPBC3 Answer. >

> > > >Dear Yogesh Rao Lajmi, > >Let us see some more samples. > >How can we refuse a male asking whether he can have a child and tell >him to bring his wife?. > >Best regards, > >tw > > > >--- In, Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@y...> >wrote: >> Dears Ron & Tw893, >> Doesn't that,in a way strengthen my >contention that the mother's chart will give better and more accurate >results ? >> Yours 'ly, >> lyrastro1 >> GOOD LUCK ! >> >> tw853 <tw853@y...> wrote: >> >> Dear Vinay Tiwari and Sandy Crowther, >> >> Congratulations for the correct choice of dasa sequence. >> >> Best wishes and regards, >> >> tw >> >> >> P.S. >> >> Again like in KPBC2, it's a lesson for me that dasa is superior >than >> transit. Mercury is clearly stronger than Rahu, but Mercury was >> dropped out because no more transit Jupiter in Virgo forming double >> transit. Anyway basic principles are working except a strange >sublord >> of dasa lord Moon. The methodology in Astrosecrets I & III passed >the >> test for child's sex. And if the child birth is during Mo-Ve-Me-Ma >> dasa sequence, an experimental method in p 236, KP Reader IV also >> passed the test. >> >> >> >> >> --- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: >> > The test was to find the birth date and sex of a child. No >> > one got the date of the event which was 22 March 1982 and was a >> > boy. However, Vinay was close, with only one selection he >> > chose dasha sequence Moon Venus Mercury. >> > Sandy also selected this sequence as her third choice. She also

>> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>

> correctly came up with the child being a boy. > > Vinays and Sandy's assessments are shown for reference. > > > Ron Gaunt .................................................................... ................ > > I am very new to this field.After calculation I feel the child > would have born in may 1982 probably after 12 th may and before > 30th .ie; Mo-ve-mer . > > In these dates also i feel last week of may. > > Lets C what I am going to learn more with the results. > > Thanks. > > Regards > Vinay Tiwari > .................................................................... ......................................... > > > > I had a few minutes over the Holiday week-end to get my KP feet > wet, so > trying my neophyte hand at an attempt on this blind chart, I came > up > with the following. (I am just beginning my study of this system > - so > please bear with me as I could be off the wall with my > choices.:-) This > is a learning experience for me.) > > > > My first choice for this subject being blessed with a child would > be > during his Mo/Ve/Ra dasha - covering the period from May 7, 1981 > to > August 5, 1981. The strongest time frame that I can reasonably > conclude > (using Shri Jyoti Star 5) is during the dates encompassing May > 15, 1981 > through May 30, 1981. These dates indicate running dasha > sequences of > Mo/Ve/Ra/Ra - Mo/Ve/Ra/Ju respectively. > > > > My reasoning: Transit Sun at this time occupies bhukti lord > Venus' sign > of Taurus in the 11th from the prantyantardasha lord (Rahu). > Transit > prantyantardasha (sub-lord) Rahu, who is natal 5th lord's

>> > (Jupiter) star >> > lord, is posited in Mahadasha lord's (Moon) sign of Cancer, and >> > is >> > transiting the 5th from the natal 5th house, and 11th from natal >> > 11th >> > and natal Saturn (Jupiter's dispositor and star lord of the natal >> > 5th >> > house) possibly indicating a long or complicated labor, or simply >> > a >> > difficult labor with a few false starts (braxton hicks). I >> > believe the >> > sex of the first born child is male, and my conclusion for >> > choosing male >> > is based purely on the 7th varga (D-7-Saptamsha) delineation, as >> > I am >> > not familiar with KP's way to determine the sex of a child, and >> > would >> > love it if anyone on the list cares to share that info. :-) >> > >> > >> > >> > My second choice is Mo/Ve/Ju: from August 6, 1981 through October >> > 26, >> > 1981 >> > >> > >> > >> > My third choice would be Mo/Ve/Me: from January 30, 1982 through >> > April >> > 27, 1982. >> > >> > >> > >> > This was fun.I hope others will participate in these exercises so >> > we may >> > all learn from those on this list who are more experienced and >> > seasoned >> > in KP, and therefore more accurate in their assessments. Any >> > comments >> > about where my logic appears to be fuzzy, are certainly welcome. >> > Thanks. >> >> >> >> >> Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT >> >> >> -------------------------------->> Yahoo! Groups Links >> >> To visit your group on the web, go to: >> >> >> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: >> >> >> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of >Service. >>

>> >> Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline. > > > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Sponsor > > > >ADVERTISEMENT > >< >D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1102173982/A=2434971/R=0/SIG=11eeoolb0/*htt >p:/> click here > > > >< >s/S=:HM/A=2434971/rand=792319122> > > > > _____ > >Yahoo! Groups Links > >* To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > >* To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > ><> > > >* Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of ><> Service.

1742 From: rongaunt <rongaunt@...> Date: Fri Dec 3, 2004 5:00pm Subject: Re: Re: KPBC3 Answer. rongaunt1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Yogesh, I echo tw sentiments. Whilst I agree that looking at the mother's chart would be more appropriate, sometimes this may not be possible. If such inconsequential matters as timing the arrival of a person at your home is a valid matter for enquiry, surely the

birth and arrival of one's own child into the home should be an important part in a male's life, and presumably should show up in relation to the natal chart. We have had a lot of discussion on the question of whether and how to assess the male's chart for a birth. So I would point out that the events for the native of KPBC2 &3 are taken from Astrosecrets Part 1 pages 160 (for marriage) and 148 (for birth of the child). In these we see the author has exclusively used the chart of the father. All the best Ron Gaunt

On Fri, 03 Dec 2004 15:25:51 +0000, you wrote: > > >Dear Yogesh Rao Lajmi, > >Let us see some more samples. > >How can we refuse a male asking whether he can have a child and tell >him to bring his wife?. > >Best regards, > >tw > > > >--- In, Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@y...> >wrote: >> Dears Ron & Tw893, >> Doesn't that,in a way strengthen my >contention that the mother's chart will give better and more accurate >results ? >> Yours 'ly, >> lyrastro1 >> GOOD LUCK ! >> >> tw853 <tw853@y...> wrote: >> >> Dear Vinay Tiwari and Sandy Crowther, >> >> Congratulations for the correct choice of dasa sequence. >> >> Best wishes and regards, >> >> tw >> >> >> P.S. >> >> Again like in KPBC2, it's a lesson for me that dasa is superior >than

>> transit. Mercury is clearly stronger than Rahu, but Mercury was >> dropped out because no more transit Jupiter in Virgo forming double >> transit. Anyway basic principles are working except a strange >sublord >> of dasa lord Moon. The methodology in Astrosecrets I & III passed >the >> test for child's sex. And if the child birth is during Mo-Ve-Me-Ma >> dasa sequence, an experimental method in p 236, KP Reader IV also >> passed the test. >> >> >> >> >> --- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: >> > The test was to find the birth date and sex of a child. No >> > one got the date of the event which was 22 March 1982 and was a >> > boy. However, Vinay was close, with only one selection he >> > chose dasha sequence Moon Venus Mercury. >> > Sandy also selected this sequence as her third choice. She also >> > correctly came up with the child being a boy. >> > >> > Vinays and Sandy's assessments are shown for reference. >> > >> > >> > Ron Gaunt >> >> .................................................................... >> ................ >> > >> > I am very new to this field.After calculation I feel the child >> > would have born in may 1982 probably after 12 th may and before >> > 30th .ie; Mo-ve-mer . >> > >> > In these dates also i feel last week of may. >> > >> > Lets C what I am going to learn more with the results. >> > >> > Thanks. >> > >> > Regards >> > Vinay Tiwari >> > >> >> .................................................................... >> ......................................... >> > >> > >> > >> > I had a few minutes over the Holiday week-end to get my KP feet >> > wet, so >> > trying my neophyte hand at an attempt on this blind chart, I came >> > up >> > with the following. (I am just beginning my study of this system >> > - so >> > please bear with me as I could be off the wall with my >> > choices.:-) This >> > is a learning experience for me.) >> > >> > >> >

>> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

My first choice for this subject being blessed with a child would be during his Mo/Ve/Ra dasha - covering the period from May 7, 1981 to August 5, 1981. The strongest time frame that I can reasonably conclude (using Shri Jyoti Star 5) is during the dates encompassing May 15, 1981 through May 30, 1981. These dates indicate running dasha sequences of Mo/Ve/Ra/Ra - Mo/Ve/Ra/Ju respectively.

My reasoning: Transit Sun at this time occupies bhukti lord Venus' sign of Taurus in the 11th from the prantyantardasha lord (Rahu). Transit prantyantardasha (sub-lord) Rahu, who is natal 5th lord's (Jupiter) star lord, is posited in Mahadasha lord's (Moon) sign of Cancer, and is transiting the 5th from the natal 5th house, and 11th from natal 11th and natal Saturn (Jupiter's dispositor and star lord of the natal 5th house) possibly indicating a long or complicated labor, or simply a difficult labor with a few false starts (braxton hicks). I believe the sex of the first born child is male, and my conclusion for choosing male is based purely on the 7th varga (D-7-Saptamsha) delineation, as I am not familiar with KP's way to determine the sex of a child, and would love it if anyone on the list cares to share that info. :-)

My second choice is Mo/Ve/Ju: from August 6, 1981 through October 26, 1981

My third choice would be Mo/Ve/Me: from January 30, 1982 through April 27, 1982.

This was fun.I hope others will participate in these exercises so we may all learn from those on this list who are more experienced and seasoned in KP, and therefore more accurate in their assessments. Any comments about where my logic appears to be fuzzy, are certainly welcome. Thanks.

>> >> >> >> >> Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT >> >> >> -------------------------------->> Yahoo! Groups Links >> >> To visit your group on the web, go to: >> >> >> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: >> >> >> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of >Service. >> >> >> Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline. > > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > >

1743 From: rongaunt <rongaunt@...> Date: Fri Dec 3, 2004 6:56pm Subject: KPBC3 Analysis rongaunt1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 HOUSES AND SIGNIFICATORS The event was the birth of a child. The relevant houses are 2 for family, 5 for children, and 11 for desire. Lord of 2 and 5 is Jupiter who is in the star of Rahu sub Jupiter. Natal Rahu is in Jupiter Rasi hence all important de-facto ruler of the 5th house. Natal Rahu is in the star of Jupiter, so there is intimate and close connection between Jupiter and Rahu. Lord of 11 is Mercury who is in the star of Venus sub of Saturn, hence there may be some delay in having the first child. Natal Mercury is associated with Venus and both are in the 2nd house disposed by Jupiter hence associated with Rahu.

Therefore all 3 houses 2,5, and 11, promise a child through Mercury as 11 house significator who is resident in 2 and linked through Jupiter and Rahu to the 5th house. DASAS The first appropriate dasa sequence appears to be Mo/Ke/Mer. commencing 31st Aug 1980. Ketu is in Mercury's rashi and would appear ideal. However, as we have seen Mercury is in the sub of Saturn hence likely to delay. Mo/Ve starts 30th Sep 1980. Venus Buhkti is promising in that natal Venus is in the 2nd house, associated with Mercury, in Sag Jupiter's rashi which is the same for the 5th house. In Handbook of Astrology Part 1 page 47 the author states 'Child birth can only be expected during the period of that planet which is placed favorably in the sub of one occupying or owning the 2nd,5th, or the 11th.' The only planet fulfilling this condition is Mercury which is in the sub of Venus occupying the 2nd house. Therefore the dasa sequence that fulfills the conditions is Mo/Ve/Me which runs from 30th Jan 1982 to 25th April 1982. However Mo/Ve/Ke (Ke substitutes for Mercury) runs from 25/4/1982 to 31st May 1982. So the birth could take place between 30th Jan to 25th April 1982. SOLAR ECLIPSE AND TRANSITS The last SE before 30th Jan 1982 occurred on 25th Jan 1982. In this we see SE Rahu closely aspecting by trine natal Rahu Lord of the 5th house. SE Rahu is the star of Jupiter and Sub of Venus both which specifically relate to the 5th house and promises success. The Rahu/Ketu axis was approaching opposition/conjunction with the all important anthara lord Mercury. The child was born on 22nd March 1982 when transit Ketu was in close conjunction with natal Mercury and was in Venus star and Mercury sub. Furthermore the sookshma Lord is Rahu for the period 19th Mar to 1st April 1982. Transit Rahu was in Jupiter star and Mercury sub. Also transit Jupiter Lord of 5th exactly opposed natal Moon and transit Jupiter is in Rahu star and Venus sub signifying the appropriate houses. Hence we see the promise of Mercury to produce a child being fulfilled 0n the 22nd Mar 1982 Regarding the question of sex of this child - quoting from 'astrosecrets' Part 1 page 148, the author states "5th Cusp sublord is Rahu. Rahu is in the star of Jupiter and the 9 divisions Rahu is in the division of the Moon. This is for a male. Similarly for his wife -5th Bhava (from vii)- X1 bhava sub lord is also Rahu which also is found to be the same."

Ron Gaunt

1744 From: "tw853" <tw853@...> Date: Fri Dec 3, 2004 8:25pm Subject: Re: KPBC3 Answer. tw853 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Vinay Tiwari, It's okay. I believe you. Early mornig I also checked the date and dasa sequence, but I thought it was just a slight difference. May be I was also confused. Don't worry, Man, idea is more important. Wishing you all the best, tw --- In, Vinay Tiwari <techn0pandit@y...> wrote: > Respected sandyji, > > I request you to be on this group. > > And regarding dates yaa there was mistake, > when i analysed i used KP anaymsa , but when i posted i forgot to change the anayamsa > in application .Blindly i looked for the date according to calculation for mon-ven-mer-rah. it came may , which was lahiri system. Analysis was on different date and i posted on different date.I am very much new , infact this was my first attempt to blind chart in this group. There may be chances that by mistake i reached to the dasa .But i am satisfied , I went accoding to books. > I am attaching analysis below, > > 13/11/2004 19:07 Vikhroli mumbai. > RP: sat,sun,2sat,ven,mar,jup,2sun > ========= > Birth child: > 2,5,11 > ============================================================= > 2nd cusp : Ju-Ke-Sat > ________________________ > occupant: mar-mer-ven > plan in mar nak:= none , mar lord of 1 and 6. > plan in ven nak:= mon,mer, > mon lord of 9 placed in 6, mer lord of 11 and 8 > plan in mer nak:= no , sub ven > _______________________________ > house Lord : Jup > Plane in jup nak :=Rahu , placed in 4th > =============================================================== > 5th cusp : ju-sa-ju > _____________________ > occupant: None > Lord Jup

> plan in jup nak : Rahu > aspect : mar , mar (2) > ________________________ > > ================================================================ > 11th cusp : me-mo-ju > ________________________ > occupant: none, > lord: mer: no sub ven, > mer main > ================================== > rah represents : Jup, > ket represnts ; sun > ================================ > > mon-mer-ven-rah > > between: > 28-01-1982 :''''-sat > 25-04-1982 :mon-ven-mer > > > > > > > Sandy Crowther <sandy@t...> wrote: > > Dear TW and Yogesh Rao Lajmi, Ron, and Group, > > > thanks for your kind congratulatory words > TW > > > > Yogesh Rao Lagmi wrote: > > > > Doesn't that,in a way strengthen my contention that the mother's chart will give better and more accurate results ? > > Yours 'ly, > > lyrastro1 > > GOOD LUCK ! > > > > WHY??? Because only 2 people out of 8 came close? I'm amused. Does KP boast a 100% accuracy rate? I agree that having the charts of BOTH parents would have made delineation a bit easier but in real life that isn't always an option > > > > TW wrote: >

> > > How can we refuse a male asking whether he can have a child and tell > him to bring his wife?. > > I agree TW Perhaps it is time for participation on Blind charts from you, Mr. Yogesh Rao Lajmi, to demonstrate both your point and your expertise in KP delineation which brings me to my next point... > > > > Yogesh Rao Lagmi With all due respect, I believe you are a bit over the top with many of your posts this being another post of a few that I have observed in the short time I have been a member of this list .Anyway allow me to respond to your accusations of my personal motivations before I unsubscribe > > > > You wrote: > > Dears Sandy Cowther & Srinivas Upadyay, > > I was under the impression that we are discusing in the is no place for sapthamsa,navamsas,dasamsas or forthat matter any amsas for judgement purposes... > > Members are requested to stick to Krishnamurty Padhdhati only...else we will only arrive at a "hotch-potch" of " the various Vedic Astrology our anxiety to prove one's point anywhich way,end up with nothing worthwhile..." > > I sincerely request ALL members to therefore stick to K.P.,only in this group... > > Yours sincerely, > > lyrastro1 > > GOOD LUCK ! > > > > Interesting diatribe Are Eclipses part of KP? You don't know me nor do you know what my motivations are. I was simply respectfully responding to a question put forth by a list member nothing more simply sharing a technique. Now although I am a seasoned astrologer of 35 years, I am not experienced in KP and thought this list might be a good place to start after a respected colleague of mine - Ron Gaunt - mentioned the list to me. So, for the record, I have just begun my journey of studying KP therefore I am not familiar with what techniques are accepted by KP, and what techniques are rejected

by KP. For that I apologize. However, you certainly set me straight real quick. Forgive me if I crossed the line of list discussion I meant no disrespect. > > > > However, due to the derogatory manner in which I was addressed (directly and indirectly) by you on 2 separate occasions you can rest assured that I will not be posting to this KP list anymore. You see, I was not trying to "prove" anything, and unfortunately, for whatever your reasons, you have painted an inaccurate picture of my motives to this list, while showing a great deal of disrespect towards me. I have little tolerance for unprovoked verbal hostility on any list. Your comments on a few occasions were unnecessary and quite immature. You could have brought forth your point about amsa's, "any amsa's", in a kinder manner like Anant Raichur did without resorting to implying to other list members your own delusional assumptions about others, or suggesting such absurd inaccuracies of my personal motivations such as - to "prove one's point any which way". You couldn't be further from the truth I have nothing to prove, nor do I have any need to prove anything. > > > > And again: > > > > Therefore,personally, I stick to the pure and simple K.P., of old...and I had mentioned it especially for those who are interested in more research etc...the "in-thing" abroad...I guess... > > > > Hmm Guess you don't like the fact that I enjoy "research"? > > > > At any rate, I have no time for this nonsense. But I do wish you and the list all the best and hope you will at least think about the manner and tone with which you come across to others in your plight to exert your authority/superiority on this list. Goodbye and GOOD LUCK! J > > > > P.S. Message for Ron Gaunt with respect to KPBC3: > > > > Ron - In Vinay's assessment dates for the birth of the child he states the dates of 5/12/82 to 5/30/82 (May) and states that these dates fall in a Mo/Ve/Me dasha. There is some mistake here because these May dates he predicted do not fall in a Mo/Ve/Me dasha, but rather in a Mo/Ve/Ra dasha. The birth took place, according to your post, on 3/22/82 which is March not May. I just wanted to bring that to your attention in case list members are following the Blind Charts. Thanks. > >

> > > > All the Best, > > Sandy Crowther > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > -----Original Message----> From: tw853 [mailto:tw853@y...] > Sent: Friday, December 03, 2004 10:26 AM > To: > Subject: [k_p_system] Re: KPBC3 Answer. > > > > > Dear Yogesh Rao Lajmi, > > Let us see some more samples. > > How can we refuse a male asking whether he can have a child and tell > him to bring his wife?. > > Best regards, > > tw > > > > --- In, Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@y...> > wrote: > > Dears Ron & Tw893, > > Doesn't that,in a way strengthen my > contention that the mother's chart will give better and more accurate > results ? > > Yours 'ly, > > lyrastro1 > > GOOD LUCK ! > > > > tw853 <tw853@y...> wrote: > > > > Dear Vinay Tiwari and Sandy Crowther,

> > > > Congratulations for the correct choice of dasa sequence. > > > > Best wishes and regards, > > > > tw > > > > > > P.S. > > > > Again like in KPBC2, it's a lesson for me that dasa is superior > than > > transit. Mercury is clearly stronger than Rahu, but Mercury was > > dropped out because no more transit Jupiter in Virgo forming double > > transit. Anyway basic principles are working except a strange > sublord > > of dasa lord Moon. The methodology in Astrosecrets I & III passed > the > > test for child's sex. And if the child birth is during Mo-Ve-MeMa > > dasa sequence, an experimental method in p 236, KP Reader IV also > > passed the test. > > > > > > > > > > --- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > > > The test was to find the birth date and sex of a child. No > > > one got the date of the event which was 22 March 1982 and was a > > > boy. However, Vinay was close, with only one selection he > > > chose dasha sequence Moon Venus Mercury. > > > Sandy also selected this sequence as her third choice. She also > > > correctly came up with the child being a boy. > > > > > > Vinays and Sandy's assessments are shown for reference. > > > > > > > > > Ron Gaunt > > > > .................................................................... > > ................ > > > > > > I am very new to this field.After calculation I feel the child > > > would have born in may 1982 probably after 12 th may and before > > > 30th .ie; Mo-ve-mer . > > > > > > In these dates also i feel last week of may. > > > > > > Lets C what I am going to learn more with the results. > > > > > > Thanks. > > > > > > Regards > > > Vinay Tiwari > > > > >

> > .................................................................... > > ......................................... > > > > > > > > > > > > I had a few minutes over the Holiday week-end to get my KP feet > > > wet, so > > > trying my neophyte hand at an attempt on this blind chart, I came > > > up > > > with the following. (I am just beginning my study of this system > > > - so > > > please bear with me as I could be off the wall with my > > > choices.:-) This > > > is a learning experience for me.) > > > > > > > > > > > > My first choice for this subject being blessed with a child would > > > be > > > during his Mo/Ve/Ra dasha - covering the period from May 7, 1981 > > > to > > > August 5, 1981. The strongest time frame that I can reasonably > > > conclude > > > (using Shri Jyoti Star 5) is during the dates encompassing May > > > 15, 1981 > > > through May 30, 1981. These dates indicate running dasha > > > sequences of > > > Mo/Ve/Ra/Ra - Mo/Ve/Ra/Ju respectively. > > > > > > > > > > > > My reasoning: Transit Sun at this time occupies bhukti lord > > > Venus' sign > > > of Taurus in the 11th from the prantyantardasha lord (Rahu). > > > Transit > > > prantyantardasha (sub-lord) Rahu, who is natal 5th lord's > > > (Jupiter) star > > > lord, is posited in Mahadasha lord's (Moon) sign of Cancer, and > > > is > > > transiting the 5th from the natal 5th house, and 11th from natal > > > 11th > > > and natal Saturn (Jupiter's dispositor and star lord of the natal > > > 5th > > > house) possibly indicating a long or complicated labor, or simply > > > a > > > difficult labor with a few false starts (braxton hicks). I > > > believe the > > > sex of the first born child is male, and my conclusion for > > > choosing male > > > is based purely on the 7th varga (D-7-Saptamsha) delineation, as > > > I am > > > not familiar with KP's way to determine the sex of a child, and > > > would > > > love it if anyone on the list cares to share that info. :-) > > >

> > > > > > > > > My second choice is Mo/Ve/Ju: from August 6, 1981 through October > > > 26, > > > 1981 > > > > > > > > > > > > My third choice would be Mo/Ve/Me: from January 30, 1982 through > > > April > > > 27, 1982. > > > > > > > > > > > > This was fun.I hope others will participate in these exercises so > > > we may > > > all learn from those on this list who are more experienced and > > > seasoned > > > in KP, and therefore more accurate in their assessments. Any > > > comments > > > about where my logic appears to be fuzzy, are certainly welcome. > > > Thanks. > > > > > > > > > > Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT > > > > > > --------------------------------> > Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of > Service. > > > > > > Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline. > > > > > > > > Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT > > > --------------------------------> Yahoo! Groups Links > > To visit your group on the web, go to: >

> > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. > > > > __________________________________________________ > Do You Yahoo!? > Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around >

1745 From: anant raichur <anant_1608@...> Date: Fri Dec 3, 2004 11:40pm Subject: Re: KPBC3 Analysis anant_1608 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Rongaunt Very few got the correct date. So although KP gives a method to get the date of the Event, I feel that more practice is required to get at the correct time of the event. I had therefore suggested that the quizez may be on this TIMING. I missed both the time and SEX rongaunt <> wrote:

HOUSES AND SIGNIFICATORS The event was the birth of a child. The relevant houses are 2 for family, 5 for children, and 11 for desire. Lord of 2 and 5 is Jupiter who is in the star of Rahu sub Jupiter. Natal Rahu is in Jupiter Rasi hence all important de-facto ruler of the 5th house. Natal Rahu is in the star of Jupiter, so there is intimate and close connection between Jupiter and Rahu. Lord of 11 is Mercury who is in the star of Venus sub of Saturn, hence there may be some delay in having the first child. Natal Mercury is associated with Venus and both are in the 2nd house disposed by Jupiter hence associated with Rahu. Therefore all 3 houses 2,5, and 11, promise a child through Mercury as 11 house significator who is resident in 2 and linked through Jupiter and Rahu to the 5th house. DASAS The first appropriate dasa sequence appears to be Mo/Ke/Mer.

commencing 31st Aug 1980. Ketu is in Mercury's rashi and would appear ideal. However, as we have seen Mercury is in the sub of Saturn hence likely to delay. Mo/Ve starts 30th Sep 1980. Venus Buhkti is promising in that natal Venus is in the 2nd house, associated with Mercury, in Sag Jupiter's rashi which is the same for the 5th house. In Handbook of Astrology Part 1 page 47 the author states 'Child birth can only be expected during the period of that planet which is placed favorably in the sub of one occupying or owning the 2nd,5th, or the 11th.' The only planet fulfilling this condition is Mercury which is in the sub of Venus occupying the 2nd house. Therefore the dasa sequence that fulfills the conditions is Mo/Ve/Me which runs from 30th Jan 1982 to 25th April 1982. However Mo/Ve/Ke (Ke substitutes for Mercury) runs from 25/4/1982 to 31st May 1982. So the birth could take place between 30th Jan to 25th April 1982. SOLAR ECLIPSE AND TRANSITS The last SE before 30th Jan 1982 occurred on 25th Jan 1982. In this we see SE Rahu closely aspecting by trine natal Rahu Lord of the 5th house. SE Rahu is the star of Jupiter and Sub of Venus both which specifically relate to the 5th house and promises success. The Rahu/Ketu axis was approaching opposition/conjunction with the all important anthara lord Mercury. The child was born on 22nd March 1982 when transit Ketu was in close conjunction with natal Mercury and was in Venus star and Mercury sub. Furthermore the sookshma Lord is Rahu for the period 19th Mar to 1st April 1982. Transit Rahu was in Jupiter star and Mercury sub. Also transit Jupiter Lord of 5th exactly opposed natal Moon and transit Jupiter is in Rahu star and Venus sub signifying the appropriate houses. Hence we see the promise of Mercury to produce a child being fulfilled 0n the 22nd Mar 1982 Regarding the question of sex of this child - quoting from 'astrosecrets' Part 1 page 148, the author states "5th Cusp sublord is Rahu. Rahu is in the star of Jupiter and the 9 divisions Rahu is in the division of the Moon. This is for a male. Similarly for his wife -5th Bhava (from vii)- X1 bhava sub lord is also Rahu which also is found to be the same."

Ron Gaunt

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1746 From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@...> Date: Fri Dec 3, 2004 11:55pm Subject: RE: Re: KPBC3 Answer. lyrastro1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear ALL menbers ,(especially,those who were "touched-to-the-quick" with some of my " hurtful (?)" remarks...), I must hasten to clarify,that no "personal" 'insinuations' were made,o r even,intended,at any time,my remarks were made during frank and free discussio ns...and there is no need to to get "touched",to the extent of leaving this foru m Sandy,in particular,et al... I was quite taken aback,at the way my remarks have been interpreted, I was only suggesteng that we do not mix up the principles of K.P., with other m ethods existing in Vedic Astrology... K,P,. was developed,in an effort to make up for several topics for whi ch the old classical astrology did not have a logical explanation... The uneven division of a star,in proportion to the Vimshottari dasa pe riods allotted to each planet,seemed not only logical,but was subsequently prove n to be correct by K.S.K., by citing numerous examples...which,in other words m eant that K.P., was only an improvement over classical Vedic astrology Parashar et al.,

Those who are not aware of the "history" of the "developmental" stages of K.P., simply cannot imagine the nubers of times that this "invention" of K.S.K., was sought to be debunked by followers of other systems of Vedic astr ology...and the numberless times K.S.K., and his followers have discussed these very issues,as perhaps is evident from most of the Readers... Perhaps,the raising up again,(of some of such issues which have been, by now,been proven and established,beyond any doubt), my replies to them, could have betrayed the anguish/exasperation I was going through...( my impatience, a lso perhaps comes out,inadvertently...)... In any case Sandy, Tw et al, I hasten to assure ALL of you that my in tentions are purely only academic,not at any time intended to to hurt any one .. .I hope you will and request u all, to bear with me... With best wishes, lyrastro1 GOOD LUCK ! Vinay Tiwari <> wrote: Respected sandyji, I request you to be on this group. And regarding dates yaa there was mistake, when i analysed i used KP anaymsa , but when i posted i forgot to change the ana yamsa in application .Blindly i looked for the date according to calculation for mon-v en-mer-rah. it came may , which was lahiri system. Analysis was on different dat e and i posted on different date.I am very much new , infact this was my first a ttempt to blind chart in this group. There may be chances that by mistake i reac hed to the dasa .But i am satisfied , I went accoding to books. I am attaching analysis below, 13/11/2004 19:07 Vikhroli mumbai. RP: sat,sun,2sat,ven,mar,jup,2sun ========= Birth child: 2,5,11 ============================================================= 2nd cusp : Ju-Ke-Sat ________________________ occupant: mar-mer-ven plan in mar nak:= none , mar lord of 1 and 6. plan in ven nak:= mon,mer, mon lord of 9 placed in 6, mer lord of 11 and 8 plan in mer nak:= no , sub ven _______________________________ house Lord : Jup Plane in jup nak :=Rahu , placed in 4th =============================================================== 5th cusp : ju-sa-ju _____________________ occupant: None Lord Jup plan in jup nak : Rahu aspect : mar , mar (2) ________________________ ================================================================ 11th cusp : me-mo-ju ________________________

occupant: none, lord: mer: no sub ven, mer main ================================== rah represents : Jup, ket represnts ; sun ================================ mon-mer-ven-rah between: 28-01-1982 :''''-sat 25-04-1982 :mon-ven-mer

Sandy Crowther <> wrote: Dear TW and Yogesh Rao Lajmi, Ron, and Group,


thanks for your kind congratulatory words

Yogesh Rao Lagmi wrote:

Doesn't that,in a way strengthen my contention that the mother's chart will give better and more accurate results ? Yours 'ly, lyrastro1 GOOD LUCK !

WHY??? Because only 2 people out of 8 came close? I m amused. Does KP boast a 100% accuracy rate? I agree that having the charts of BOTH parents would have made d elineation a bit easier but in real life that isn t always an option



How can we refuse a male asking whether he can have a child and tell him to bring his wife?. I agree TW Perhaps it is time for participation on Blind charts from you, Mr. Yog esh Rao Lajmi, to demonstrate both your point and your expertise in KP delineati on which brings me to my next point...

Yogesh Rao Lagmi With all due respect, I believe you are a bit over the top with many of your posts this being another post of a few that I have observed in the s hort time I have been a member of this list .Anyway allow me to respond to your ac cusations of my personal motivations before I unsubscribe

You wrote: Dears Sandy Cowther & Srinivas Upadyay, I was under the imp ression that we are discusing in the is no place for sapthamsa, navamsas,dasamsas or forthat matter any amsas for judgement purposes... Members are request ed to stick to Krishnamurty Padhdhati only...else we will only arrive at a "hotc h-potch" of " the various Vedic Astrology our anxiety to prove one's point anywhich way,end up with nothing worthwhile..." I sincerely reques t ALL members to therefore stick to K.P.,only in this group... Yours sincerely, lyrastro1 GOOD LUCK !

Interesting diatribe Are Eclipses part of KP? You don t know me - nor do you know wh at my motivations are. I was simply respectfully responding to a question put fo rth by a list member nothing more simply sharing a technique. Now although I am a seasoned astrologer of 35 years, I am not experienced in KP and thought this li st might be a good place to start after a respected colleague of mine - Ron Gaun t - mentioned the list to me. So, for the record, I have just begun my journey o f studying KP therefore I am not familiar with what techniques are accepted by K P, and what techniques are rejected by KP. For that I apologize. However, you c ertainly set me straight real quick. Forgive me if I crossed the line of list di scussion I meant no disrespect.

However, due to the derogatory manner in which I was addressed (directly and ind irectly) by you on 2 separate occasions you can rest assured that I will not be posting to this KP list anymore. You see, I was not trying to prove anything, and unfortunately, for whatever your reasons, you have painted an inaccurate pictur e of my motives to this list, while showing a great deal of disrespect towards m e. I have little tolerance for unprovoked verbal hostility on any list. Your com ments on a few occasions were unnecessary and quite immature. You could have bro ught forth your point about amsa s, any amsa s , in a kinder manner like Anant Raichur did without resorting to implying to other list members your own delusional assu mptions about others, or suggesting such absurd inaccuracies of my personal moti vations such as - to prove one s point any which way . You couldn t be further from the truth I have nothing to prove, nor do I have any need to prove anything.

And again:

Therefore,personally, I stick to the pure and simple K.P., of old...and I had me ntioned it especially for those who are interested in more research etc...the "i n-thing" abroad...I guess...

Hmm Guess you don t like the fact that I enjoy

research ?

At any rate, I have l the best and hope you come across to this list. Goodbye

no time for this nonsense. But I do wish you and the list al you will at least think about the manner and tone with which others in your plight to exert your authority/superiority on and GOOD LUCK! J

P.S. Message for Ron Gaunt with respect to KPBC3:

Ron - In Vinay s assessment dates for the birth of the child he states the dates o f 5/12/82 to 5/30/82 (May) and states that these dates fall in a Mo/Ve/Me dasha. There is some mistake here because these May dates he predicted do not fall in a Mo/Ve/Me dasha, but rather in a Mo/Ve/Ra dasha. The birth took place, accordin g to your post, on 3/22/82 which is March not May. I just wanted to bring that t o your attention in case list members are following the Blind Charts. Thanks.

All the Best, Sandy Crowther

-----Original Message----From: tw853 [] Sent: Friday, December 03, 2004 10:26 AM To: Subject: [k_p_system] Re: KPBC3 Answer.

Dear Yogesh Rao Lajmi, Let us see some more samples. How can we refuse a male asking whether he can have a child and tell him to bring his wife?. Best regards, tw

--- In, Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@y...> wrote: > Dears Ron & Tw893, > Doesn't that,in a way strengthen my contention that the mother's chart will give better and more accurate results ? > Yours 'ly, > lyrastro1 > GOOD LUCK ! > > tw853 <tw853@y...> wrote: > > Dear Vinay Tiwari and Sandy Crowther, > > Congratulations for the correct choice of dasa sequence. > > Best wishes and regards, > > tw > > > P.S. > > Again like in KPBC2, it's a lesson for me that dasa is superior than > transit. Mercury is clearly stronger than Rahu, but Mercury was > dropped out because no more transit Jupiter in Virgo forming double > transit. Anyway basic principles are working except a strange sublord > of dasa lord Moon. The methodology in Astrosecrets I & III passed the > test for child's sex. And if the child birth is during Mo-Ve-Me-Ma > dasa sequence, an experimental method in p 236, KP Reader IV also > passed the test. > > > > > --- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > > The test was to find the birth date and sex of a child. No > > one got the date of the event which was 22 March 1982 and was a > > boy. However, Vinay was close, with only one selection he > > chose dasha sequence Moon Venus Mercury.

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

Sandy also selected this sequence as her third choice. correctly came up with the child being a boy. Vinays and Sandy's assessments are shown for reference. Ron Gaunt

She also

.................................................................... ................ > > I am very new to this field.After calculation I feel the child > would have born in may 1982 probably after 12 th may and before > 30th .ie; Mo-ve-mer . > > In these dates also i feel last week of may. > > Lets C what I am going to learn more with the results. > > Thanks. > > Regards > Vinay Tiwari > .................................................................... ......................................... > > > > I had a few minutes over the Holiday week-end to get my KP feet > wet, so > trying my neophyte hand at an attempt on this blind chart, I came > up > with the following. (I am just beginning my study of this system > - so > please bear with me as I could be off the wall with my > choices.:-) This > is a learning experience for me.) > > > > My first choice for this subject being blessed with a child would > be > during his Mo/Ve/Ra dasha - covering the period from May 7, 1981 > to > August 5, 1981. The strongest time frame that I can reasonably > conclude > (using Shri Jyoti Star 5) is during the dates encompassing May > 15, 1981 > through May 30, 1981. These dates indicate running dasha > sequences of > Mo/Ve/Ra/Ra - Mo/Ve/Ra/Ju respectively. > > > > My reasoning: Transit Sun at this time occupies bhukti lord > Venus' sign > of Taurus in the 11th from the prantyantardasha lord (Rahu). > Transit

> > prantyantardasha (sub-lord) Rahu, who is natal 5th lord's > > (Jupiter) star > > lord, is posited in Mahadasha lord's (Moon) sign of Cancer, and > > is > > transiting the 5th from the natal 5th house, and 11th from natal > > 11th > > and natal Saturn (Jupiter's dispositor and star lord of the natal > > 5th > > house) possibly indicating a long or complicated labor, or simply > > a > > difficult labor with a few false starts (braxton hicks). I > > believe the > > sex of the first born child is male, and my conclusion for > > choosing male > > is based purely on the 7th varga (D-7-Saptamsha) delineation, as > > I am > > not familiar with KP's way to determine the sex of a child, and > > would > > love it if anyone on the list cares to share that info. :-) > > > > > > > > My second choice is Mo/Ve/Ju: from August 6, 1981 through October > > 26, > > 1981 > > > > > > > > My third choice would be Mo/Ve/Me: from January 30, 1982 through > > April > > 27, 1982. > > > > > > > > This was fun.I hope others will participate in these exercises so > > we may > > all learn from those on this list who are more experienced and > > seasoned > > in KP, and therefore more accurate in their assessments. Any > > comments > > about where my logic appears to be fuzzy, are certainly welcome. > > Thanks. > > > > > Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT > > > --------------------------------> Yahoo! Groups Links > > To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.

> > > Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline.

__________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online.

1747 From: rajiv bokariya <bhr_rbokariya@...> Date: Sat Dec 4, 2004 0:36am Subject: anybody who wish to guide learning KP bokariya Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear memebrs i and there are few members who do not understand short form language . as well as we are not familier with many of Kp terms Can anybody wishing to guide us from first like ABCD of Kp clear terms Somebody gives reference of Kp books as we want to

AS we are not practising or professional astrolgers we can get ready to buy a ll books and get refernce books easily So hope u understand get reference ..then get book and get answer may be a month or more than month long long mean time new problem and queery arise so it gets BAD mood to solve problem and learn on own Freinds we had joined to learn something of Kp...WE do not want to get compliments and we are not examiners or public for marketing ur abilities .For reading or anlsyisng own chart is the best media and hope all u have leanrt from ur own chart Like tallying charts and rectifing time is the good process. KP is not familier as we are not getting any guide and gurus in our to wn the Kp astrolgers percentage is very low .. TO give KP ..somebody must come up and ask for traning or gudience .. PErson who is not after money can gudie well

Hope this is FEEDBACK and not comments or crticising matter hope any body comes up and invite confernce on yahoo messanger once a we ek rajiv

1748 From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@...> Date: Sat Dec 4, 2004 2:47am Subject: RE: Re: KPBC3 Answer. lyrastro1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Sandy, It makes me sad to see that you've taken exception to my innoce nt remarks,made only to impress upon you and ALL members that K.P., is indeed as accurate as can is quite possible that my impatience has "peeped out".. .I hope you will bear with me,and REMASIN in the Group... In my own personal experience I have been able to achieve almos t an 85-90 % success-rate in Horary astrological prognostications... I however,strongly recommend follow the step-wise method of analysis, recommended by KSK...and I assure you that you will also reach an over 90% accuracy,provided you are using K.P. Ayanamsha,only... I have already reiterated several times that I use horary horos copes(the number 1-249 method) in the interests of accuracy...Aas in my experien ce most Natal Horoscopes do not give the exact TOB,which,as per K.P., is the tim e of the FIRST CRY...! Yes, there are methods to correct the BC ...the most correct b irth-time is which shows the sublord of the Ascendant,as the moon-star lord at b irth... Also,I wish to clarify once again why a mother's Vth cusp will yield better/more correct results regarding the sex of the expected child... a) It is only the mother who alone knows who the true father of the child is...(in the days when astrology was invented there were no tests a vailable,like the presently available "paternity tests") technically therefore, the astrologer depended upon the mother's Vth cusp...alone,since long... b) I have no objection whatsoever to analysing both horoscope s for the Vth and XI th cusp of the mother and the father,krespectively... I am also giving below, the various steps to be followed metic ulously to ensure most accurate results in Horary Horoscopy based on the number 1-249,as per K.P. : 1) Cast the Horary horoscope strictly according to K.P.,using only Krishnamuthi Ayanamsa. 2) Prepare a table of significators (most programmes provide for th is today) 3) List down the houses to be judged for the matter under considera tion...and find out from the sub-lord of the Karaka house,whether the matter is promised to take place or not...Only then proceed further... ( ...for example while examining a horary chart for marriage,th e karaka house is the VIIth...and the relevant houses are II,VII,& XI...marriage is promised only if the sublord of the VIIth is a significator of the II,VII or XIth). 4) After confirming that the event is promised,work out the signi

ficators of the 5) 6) 7)

relevant houses... Work out the Dasa,Bhukti,Anthara periods etc... Next,work out the Expected Period of the Event (EPE)... Now comes the most challenging task...Timing the Event... For this I follow the following method... a) Take the RPs.,at that moment of time...and select from am ong the significators,only those planets among the RPs and the apropriate nodes if appearing as significators etc. b) Then,take the planets common among these and the Dasa.Bhuk ti,anthara,sookshma...and mark out 3/4 points in the Zidiac ruled by these 3/4 p lanets...(If Sat appears as one of the RPs,or significators...take the last sens itive point for consideration of transits...) c) Next, if the sublord of the XIth (the house for fulfillmen t of desire),if situated in a Airy,Fixed or Common sign,) accordingly fix the se nsitive point to be considered for transit of Sun,Moon or Dasa lord...or Jup etc ... d) If the sublord of the XIth is Moon and in an Airy sign,the n the event will take place within the month...and take the Moon's transit over the first sensetive point to FIX the day...of the event....(If fixed sign then s econd sensitive point,if Common then the third sensitive point and if Sat is inv olved then remember ONLY SAT will give results,it will NOT allow any other plane t to give the results.) e) If the sublord of the XIth is Sun and in an airy sign ta ke sun's transit of the first sensitive point and so on... I have endeavoured to give below a step-wise method of using K.P. to accurately prognostication...( in case I've missed anything,I'll send a supplementary) Wishing you the very best,I remain, Yours sincerely, lyrastro1 GOOD LUCK ! Sandy Crowther <> wrote: Dear TW and Yogesh Rao Lajmi, Ron, and Group,


thanks for your kind congratulatory words

Yogesh Rao Lagmi wrote:

Doesn't that,in a way strengthen my contention that the mother's chart will give better and more accurate results ? Yours 'ly, lyrastro1 GOOD LUCK !

WHY??? Because only 2 people out of 8 came close? I m amused. Does KP boast a 100% accuracy rate? I agree that having the charts of BOTH parents would have made d

elineation a bit easier

but in real life

that isn t always an option



How can we refuse a male asking whether he can have a child and tell him to bring his wife?. I agree TW Perhaps it is time for participation on Blind charts from you, Mr. Yog esh Rao Lajmi, to demonstrate both your point and your expertise in KP delineati on which brings me to my next point...

Yogesh Rao Lagmi With all due respect, I believe you are a bit over the top with many of your posts this being another post of a few that I have observed in the s hort time I have been a member of this list .Anyway allow me to respond to your ac cusations of my personal motivations before I unsubscribe

You wrote: Dears Sandy Cowther & Srinivas Upadyay, I was under the imp ression that we are discusing in the is no place for sapthamsa, navamsas,dasamsas or forthat matter any amsas for judgement purposes... Members are request ed to stick to Krishnamurty Padhdhati only...else we will only arrive at a "hotc h-potch" of " the various Vedic Astrology our anxiety to prove one's point anywhich way,end up with nothing worthwhile..." I sincerely reques t ALL members to therefore stick to K.P.,only in this group... Yours sincerely, lyrastro1 GOOD LUCK !

Interesting diatribe Are Eclipses part of KP? You don t know me - nor do you know wh at my motivations are. I was simply respectfully responding to a question put fo rth by a list member nothing more simply sharing a technique. Now although I am a seasoned astrologer of 35 years, I am not experienced in KP and thought this li st might be a good place to start after a respected colleague of mine - Ron Gaun t - mentioned the list to me. So, for the record, I have just begun my journey o f studying KP therefore I am not familiar with what techniques are accepted by K P, and what techniques are rejected by KP. For that I apologize. However, you c ertainly set me straight real quick. Forgive me if I crossed the line of list di scussion I meant no disrespect.

However, due to the derogatory manner in which I was addressed (directly and ind irectly) by you on 2 separate occasions you can rest assured that I will not be posting to this KP list anymore. You see, I was not trying to prove anything, and unfortunately, for whatever your reasons, you have painted an inaccurate pictur e of my motives to this list, while showing a great deal of disrespect towards m e. I have little tolerance for unprovoked verbal hostility on any list. Your com ments on a few occasions were unnecessary and quite immature. You could have bro ught forth your point about amsa s, any amsa s , in a kinder manner like Anant Raichur did without resorting to implying to other list members your own delusional assu mptions about others, or suggesting such absurd inaccuracies of my personal moti vations such as - to prove one s point any which way . You couldn t be further from the truth I have nothing to prove, nor do I have any need to prove anything.

And again:

Therefore,personally, I stick to the pure and simple K.P., of old...and I had me ntioned it especially for those who are interested in more research etc...the "i n-thing" abroad...I guess...

Hmm Guess you don t like the fact that I enjoy

research ?

At any rate, I have l the best and hope you come across to this list. Goodbye

no time for this nonsense. But I do wish you and the list al you will at least think about the manner and tone with which others in your plight to exert your authority/superiority on and GOOD LUCK! J

P.S. Message for Ron Gaunt with respect to KPBC3:

Ron - In Vinay s assessment dates for the birth of the child he states the dates o f 5/12/82 to 5/30/82 (May) and states that these dates fall in a Mo/Ve/Me dasha. There is some mistake here because these May dates he predicted do not fall in a Mo/Ve/Me dasha, but rather in a Mo/Ve/Ra dasha. The birth took place, accordin g to your post, on 3/22/82 which is March not May. I just wanted to bring that t o your attention in case list members are following the Blind Charts. Thanks.

All the Best, Sandy Crowther

-----Original Message----From: tw853 [] Sent: Friday, December 03, 2004 10:26 AM To: Subject: [k_p_system] Re: KPBC3 Answer.

Dear Yogesh Rao Lajmi, Let us see some more samples. How can we refuse a male asking whether he can have a child and tell him to bring his wife?. Best regards, tw

--- In, Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@y...> wrote: > Dears Ron & Tw893, > Doesn't that,in a way strengthen my contention that the mother's chart will give better and more accurate results ? > Yours 'ly, > lyrastro1 > GOOD LUCK ! > > tw853 <tw853@y...> wrote: > > Dear Vinay Tiwari and Sandy Crowther, > > Congratulations for the correct choice of dasa sequence. > > Best wishes and regards, > > tw > > > P.S. > > Again like in KPBC2, it's a lesson for me that dasa is superior than > transit. Mercury is clearly stronger than Rahu, but Mercury was > dropped out because no more transit Jupiter in Virgo forming double > transit. Anyway basic principles are working except a strange

sublord > of dasa lord Moon. The methodology in Astrosecrets I & III passed the > test for child's sex. And if the child birth is during Mo-Ve-Me-Ma > dasa sequence, an experimental method in p 236, KP Reader IV also > passed the test. > > > > > --- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > > The test was to find the birth date and sex of a child. No > > one got the date of the event which was 22 March 1982 and was a > > boy. However, Vinay was close, with only one selection he > > chose dasha sequence Moon Venus Mercury. > > Sandy also selected this sequence as her third choice. She also > > correctly came up with the child being a boy. > > > > Vinays and Sandy's assessments are shown for reference. > > > > > > Ron Gaunt > > .................................................................... > ................ > > > > I am very new to this field.After calculation I feel the child > > would have born in may 1982 probably after 12 th may and before > > 30th .ie; Mo-ve-mer . > > > > In these dates also i feel last week of may. > > > > Lets C what I am going to learn more with the results. > > > > Thanks. > > > > Regards > > Vinay Tiwari > > > > .................................................................... > ......................................... > > > > > > > > I had a few minutes over the Holiday week-end to get my KP feet > > wet, so > > trying my neophyte hand at an attempt on this blind chart, I came > > up > > with the following. (I am just beginning my study of this system > > - so > > please bear with me as I could be off the wall with my > > choices.:-) This > > is a learning experience for me.) > > > > > > > > My first choice for this subject being blessed with a child would > > be > > during his Mo/Ve/Ra dasha - covering the period from May 7, 1981

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

to August 5, 1981. The strongest time frame that I can reasonably conclude (using Shri Jyoti Star 5) is during the dates encompassing May 15, 1981 through May 30, 1981. These dates indicate running dasha sequences of Mo/Ve/Ra/Ra - Mo/Ve/Ra/Ju respectively.

My reasoning: Transit Sun at this time occupies bhukti lord Venus' sign of Taurus in the 11th from the prantyantardasha lord (Rahu). Transit prantyantardasha (sub-lord) Rahu, who is natal 5th lord's (Jupiter) star lord, is posited in Mahadasha lord's (Moon) sign of Cancer, and is transiting the 5th from the natal 5th house, and 11th from natal 11th and natal Saturn (Jupiter's dispositor and star lord of the natal 5th house) possibly indicating a long or complicated labor, or simply a difficult labor with a few false starts (braxton hicks). I believe the sex of the first born child is male, and my conclusion for choosing male is based purely on the 7th varga (D-7-Saptamsha) delineation, as I am not familiar with KP's way to determine the sex of a child, and would love it if anyone on the list cares to share that info. :-)

My second choice is Mo/Ve/Ju: from August 6, 1981 through October 26, 1981

My third choice would be Mo/Ve/Me: from January 30, 1982 through April 27, 1982.

This was fun.I hope others will participate in these exercises so we may all learn from those on this list who are more experienced and seasoned in KP, and therefore more accurate in their assessments. Any comments about where my logic appears to be fuzzy, are certainly welcome. Thanks.

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Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online.

1749 From: "lalu_75" <lalu_75@...> Date: Sat Dec 4, 2004 4:33am Subject: Fwd: Re: consider the following hohary chart of x lalu_75 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 dear all, I have come accrossed from one of the website stating that the untennanted planets are stronger and are likley to give strong results, memers pl give comments about that. in the hohary chart presented by me venus & sun are untennanted planets and sun is in sub of merc and 11 the house lord. according to the hohary chart thus the strong significators are ketu, merc, ketu & sun hence the period is ketu dasa sun bukthi merc ant and ketu sook is that correct witch is between 28-10-2005 to 16-11-2005 is that correct. i need your help members. thanking you lalitha --- In, lalitha sathia <lalu_75@y...> wrote: sir, please kindly tell me wether the bukthi whar ever i have selected is correct, whether it is ketu dasa venus bukthit and ketu anthra or ketu dasa sun bukthi and ketu antra. i have taken venus bukthi first considering the ruling planet which is coorect. kindly guide me.







PRAHARA : 1st SUN SIGN : SAGTARIUS SAYANA CHANDRA : 1st Cast By K.K.SAMPATHKUMAR ON 26-11-2004 Programme by RAICHUR.A.R 8/147 Garodianagar BOMBAY-77 PRESS ENTER FOR NEXT VIEW NOTE : PLACE DATE DASA BAL. HOR.NO: 133 : : : : KARTEEK 12 CHENNAI : STATE : : COUNTRY: 23 - 11 - 2004 : TIME: 21 H. 12 M. Ketu 6 Y. 1 M. 18 Days ENDS on 11 - 1 - 2011 Asc.for RP 88 Deg 21 Min LORDS : Merc,Jup.,Ven.,Merc PLANETS AND CUSPS Planet Sbl SsL SUN. Mer Mer MOON Moo Ven MARS Sat Rah MERC Moo Sun JUP. Sat Jup VEN. Rah Sat SAT.-R Mer Rah S D M sec Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl 8 7 52 39 Mar Sat Ket Sat 1 1 38 45 Mar Ket Ven Rah 7 14 28 44 Ven Rah Ket Ket 8 29 42 22 Mar Mer Sat Rah 6 18 10 54 Mer Moo Mer Ven 7 7 31 28 Ven Rah Rah Sat 4 3 16 27 Moo Jup Rah Mar Cusp ASC 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th S D M sec Sgl Stl 7 12 33 20 Ven Rah 8 11 54 35 Mar Sat 9 11 5 44 Jup Ket 10 11 5 28 Sat Moo 11 12 23 14 Sat Rah 12 13 35 36 Jup Sat 1 12 33 20 Mar Ket

RAHU 1 Rah Rah KETU 7 Sat Ket URAN 11 Moo Moo NEPT 10 Mer Moo FOR. 12 Rah Sun

6 31 35 Mar Ket Rah Mer 6 31 35 Ven Mar Moo Ven 9 6 18 Sat Rah Jup Sat 19 3 2 Sat Moo Mer Rah 6 19 27 Jup Sat Mer Moo

8th 9th 10th 11th 12th

2 11 54 35 Ven Moo 3 11 5 44 Mer Rah 4 11 5 28 Moo Sat 5 12 23 14 Sun Ket 6 13 35 36 Mer Moo

WANT TRADITIONAL HOROS/NAVAMSA Y/N ? TRADITIONAL RASI CHART |--------------------------------------------------------------| |FOR. | | | | | -| |URAN |SAT. | | | | -| |NEPT | | | | | -| | |JUP. | | | | -| TRADITIONAL NAVAMSA CHART |--------------------------------------------------------------| NEPT | | |MERC | | | | | |MOON | |RAHU | |JUP. | | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------| | |VEN. KETU |SUN. MERC |ASC.......MARS | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | |---------------| |-------------| | | | | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------| | | |MOON RAHU |

| -|

| |-------------------------------------------------------------|MARS | | | | | | | | |---------------| |--------------

|SAT. | | -| |FOR. | | -| |SUN. | | -|

|ASC....... | | | | | | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------|VEN. URAN |KETU | | | | | | | | | | |--------------------------------------------------------------


Ssqr. *150* TRINE Sextl *150*




Cast By K.K.SAMPATHKUMAR ON 26-11-2004 Programme by RAICHUR.A.R 8/147 Garodianagar BOMBAY-77 PRESS ENTER FOR NEXT VIEW SIGNIFICATORS OF HOUSES SIGNIFICATORS ARE SHOWN IN THE FOLLOWING ORDER OF IMPORTANCE A-Planets in Star of Occupants of House: B-Planets in House C-Planets in stars of House Lord: D-House Lord : HOUSE No. 1 A-KETU:B-SUN.:B-MARS:D-Ven. HOUSE No. 2 A-MERC:B-MERC:C-KETU:D-Mars HOUSE No. 3 C-SAT.:D-Jup. HOUSE No. 4 B-URAN:B-NEPT:C-SUN.:C-FOR.:D-Sat. HOUSE No. 5 B-FOR.:C-SUN.:C-FOR.:D-Sat. HOUSE No. 6

A-JUP.:A-NEPT:A-MARS:A-VEN.:A-URAN:B-MOON:B-RAHU:C-SAT.:D-Jup. PRESS ENTER FOR NEXT VIEW HOUSE No. 7 C-KETU:D-Mars HOUSE No. 8 D-Ven. HOUSE No. 9 A-SUN.:A-FOR.:B-SAT.:C-MERC:D-Merc HOUSE No. 10 C-JUP.:C-NEPT:D-Moon HOUSE No. 11 D-Sun. HOUSE No. 12 A-SAT.:A-MOON:A-RAHU:B-JUP.:B-VEN.:B-KETU:C-MERC:D-Merc PRESS ENTER FOR NEXT VIEW PLANET Houses Signified SUN. MOON MARS MERC JUP. VEN. SAT. RAHU KETU URAN NEPT FOR. A-9th A-12th A-6th A-2nd A-6th A-6th A-12th A-12th A-ASC A-6th A-6th A-9th ,B-ASC ,B-6th ,B-ASC ,B-2nd ,B-12th ,B-12th ,B-9th ,B-6th ,B-12th ,B-4th ,B-4th ,B-5th ,C-4th ,D-10th ,D-2nd ,C-9th ,C-10th ,D-ASC ,C-3rd , ,C-2nd , ,C-10th ,C-4th ,C-5th , ,D-7th ,C-12th ,D-3rd ,D-8th ,C-6th ,D-11th , , ,D-9th ,D-12th , ,D-6th , , ,D-4th ,D-5th ,

,C-7th , , ,C-5th ,

Programme by RAICHUR.A.R 8/147 Garodianagar BOMBAY77 PRESS ENTER FOR NEXT VIEW DASAS AND BHUKTIES Ketu DASA 11 1 2004 TO 11 1 2011 2031 2014 Ven. Bhk. 23 11 2004 TO 8 8 2005 11 5 2015 Sun. Bhk. 8 8 2005 TO 14 12 2005 11 1 2017 Moon Bhk. 14 12 2005 TO 14 7 2006 11 3 2018 Mars Bhk. 14 7 2006 TO 11 12 2006 11 3 2021 Sun. Bhk. 11 5 2014 TO Moon Bhk. 11 5 2015 TO Mars Bhk. 11 1 2017 TO Rahu Bhk. 11 3 2018 TO Ven. DASA 11 1 2011 TO 11 1 Ven. Bhk. 11 1 2011 TO 11 5

Rahu Bhk. 11 12 2006 TO 29 12 2007 11 11 2023 Jup. Bhk. 29 12 2007 TO 5 12 2008 11 1 2027 Sat. Bhk. 5 12 2008 TO 14 1 2010 11 11 2029 Merc Bhk. 14 1 2010 TO 11 1 2011 11 1 2031 PRESS ENTER FOR NEXT VIEW KETU Dasa 11 1 2004 TO 11 1 2011 KETU Bhk. 11 1 2004 TO 8 8 2005 KETU Ant. 11 18 8 2004 VEN Ant. 20 9 9 2004 SUN Ant. 14 10 2004 MOON Ant. 21 11 2004 MARS Ant. 4 12 1 2005 RAHU Ant. 12 8 3 2005 JUP Ant. 4 14 5 2005 SAT Ant. 24 14 7 2005 MERC Ant. 17 8 8 2005 8 6 2004

Jup. Bhk. 11 3 2021 TO Sat. Bhk. 11 11 2023 TO Merc Bhk. 11 1 2027 TO Ketu Bhk. 11 11 2029 TO

VEN Bhk. 8 6 2004 TO VEN Ant. 8 6 2004 TO SUN Ant. 18 8 2004 TO MOON Ant. 9 9 2004 TO 14 MARS Ant. 14 10 2004 TO RAHU Ant. 9 11 2004 TO JUP Ant. 12 1 2005 TO SAT Ant. 8 3 2005 TO MERC Ant. 14 5 2005 TO KETU Ant. 14 7 2005 TO MOON Bhk. 14 12 2005 TO MOON Ant. 14 12 2005 TO MARS Ant. 1 1 2006 TO RAHU Ant. 14 1 2006 TO JUP Ant. 15 2 2006 TO SAT Ant. 13 3 2006 TO MERC Ant. 17 4 2006 TO KETU Ant. 16 5 2006 TO VEN Ant. 29 5 2006 TO SUN Ant. 4 7 2006 TO VEN Bhk. 8 6 2004 TO 8 8 9

1 2004 TO 20 1 2004 1 2004 TO 14 2 2004 2 2004 TO 21 2 2004 2 2004 TO 4 3 2004

3 2004 TO 12 3 2004 3 2004 TO 4 4 2004

4 2004 TO 24 4 2004 4 2004 TO 17 5 2004 5 2004 TO 8 6 2004

SUN Bhk. 8 8 2005 TO 14 12 2005 14 7 2006 SUN Ant. 8 1 1 2006 MOON Ant. 14 14 1 2006 MARS Ant. 25 15 2 2006 RAHU Ant. 2 13 3 2006 JUP Ant. 21 17 4 2006 SAT Ant. 8 16 5 2006 MERC Ant. 28 29 5 2006 KETU Ant. 16 4 7 2006 VEN Ant. 23 14 7 2006 8 2005 TO 14 8 2005 8 2005 TO 25 8 2005 8 2005 TO 2 9 2005

9 2005 TO 21 9 2005 9 2005 TO 8 10 2005

10 2005 TO 28 10 2005 10 2005 TO 16 11 2005 11 2005 TO 23 11 2005 11 2005 TO 14 12 2005

KETU Dasa 11 1 2004 TO 11 1 2011 2005

RAHU Ant. 9 11 2004 TO 12 1 2005 8 3 2005 RAHU Soo. 9 19 1 2005 JUP Soo. 18 28 1 2005 SAT Soo. 26 6 2 2005 MERC Soo. 6 9 2 2005 KETU Soo. 15 18 2 2005 VEN Soo. 19 21 2 2005 SUN Soo. 29 26 2 2005 MOON Soo. 3 1 3 2005 MARS Soo. 8 8 3 2005 11 2004 TO 18 11 2004 11 2004 TO 26 11 2004 11 2004 TO 6 12 2004

JUP Ant. 12 1 2005 TO JUP Soo. 12 1 2005 TO SAT Soo. 19 1 2005 TO MERC Soo. 28 1 2005 TO KETU Soo. 6 2 2005 TO VEN Soo. 9 2 2005 TO SUN Soo. 18 2 2005 TO MOON Soo. 21 2 2005 TO MARS Soo. 26 2 2005 TO RAHU Soo. 1 3 2005 TO MERC Ant. 14 5 2005 TO MERC Soo. 14 5 2005 TO KETU Soo. 22 5 2005 TO VEN Soo. 26 5 2005 TO SUN Soo. 6 6 2005 TO MOON Soo. 9 6 2005 TO MARS Soo. 14 6 2005 TO RAHU Soo. 17 6 2005 TO JUP Soo. 26 6 2005 TO SAT Soo. 4 7 2005 TO

12 2004 TO 15 12 2004 12 2004 TO 19 12 2004 12 2004 TO 29 12 2004 12 2004 TO 1 2005 TO 3 1 2005 8 1 2005

1 2005 TO 12 1 2005

SAT Ant. 8 3 2005 TO 14 5 2005 14 7 2005 SAT Soo. 8 22 5 2005 MERC Soo. 18 26 5 2005 KETU Soo. 27 6 6 2005 VEN Soo. 1 9 6 2005 SUN Soo. 12 14 6 2005 MOON Soo. 16 17 6 2005 MARS Soo. 21 26 6 2005 RAHU Soo. 25 4 7 2005 JUP Soo. 5 14 7 2005 3 2005 TO 18 3 2005 3 2005 TO 27 3 2005 3 2005 TO 1 4 2005

4 2005 TO 12 4 2005 4 2005 TO 16 4 2005 4 2005 TO 21 4 2005 4 2005 TO 25 4 2005 4 2005 TO 5 5 2005

5 2005 TO 14 5 2005 8 8 2005 15 19 20 22 24 27 31 5 8 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005

KETU Ant. 14 7 2005 TO KETU VEN SUN MOON MARS RAHU JUP SAT MERC Soo. Soo. Soo. Soo. Soo. Soo. Soo. Soo. Soo. 14 15 19 20 22 24 27 31 5 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO

RULING PLANETS Ascendent ,Moon any Time of the DAY For North Latitude and East longitude only

TYPE WITH COMMA(,) between Deg,Min & date,month,year,hrs,min Latitude Longitude Deg,Min? 13,4 Deg,Min? 80,17(CHENNAI)

DATE Date,Month,Year? 23,11,2004 TIME I.S.T. DAY LORD IS ASC= MOON RAHU KETU 88 21 58 1 37 41 6 31 35 186 31 35 MARS MERC JUP VEN MERC RAHU MERC VEN Hrs.Min ? 21,12



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1750 From: "tw853" <tw853@...> Date: Sat Dec 4, 2004 6:11am Subject: Double Standard ? tw853 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear All,

1. After thinking one night about the very sad (for me) case of Sandy, I feel that double standard cannot be applied towards East and West systems. It's not only for the sake of this Group but also the dignity of the Group. 2. Practicing oneself is the personal right, for example for me I can't find a better system than traditional Hindu astrology in analyzing birth potential whether a native is born to be a big person, rich person, womanizer etc. 3. In every Group running at the courtesy of Yahoo, everyone has the right to participate within the set rules, not being pressured to believe in this or that. For our Group "This group intends to discuss KP System of Astrology. Krishnamurti Paddhati astrologer can discuss, research, inquire, and analyze horoscopes here." 4. Accuracy of a system may be assessed by world wide well known records, not by here say personal records. 5. Finally I wish a better atmosphere as already done one time before. Thank you for your time. With my best wishes and due regards, tw

1751 From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@...> Date: Sat Dec 4, 2004 8:20am Subject: Re: Double Standard ? lyrastro1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear tw, It certainly is a fact that K.P., is a very healthy blend of both th e Western & the Indian style(Parashar) of astrology...truly I feel sorry for you too...! Yours sincerely, lyrastro1 GOOD LUCK ! tw853 <> wrote: Dear All, 1. After thinking one night about the very sad (for me) case of Sandy, I feel that double standard cannot be applied towards East and West systems. It's not only for the sake of this Group but also the dignity of the Group. 2. Practicing oneself is the personal right, for example for

me I can't find a better system than traditional Hindu astrology in analyzing birth potential whether a native is born to be a big person, rich person, womanizer etc. 3. In every Group running at the courtesy of Yahoo, everyone has the right to participate within the set rules, not being pressured to believe in this or that. For our Group "This group intends to discuss KP System of Astrology. Krishnamurti Paddhati astrologer can discuss, research, inquire, and analyze horoscopes here." 4. Accuracy of a system may be assessed by world wide well known records, not by here say personal records. 5. Finally I wish a better atmosphere as already done one time before. Thank you for your time. With my best wishes and due regards, tw

Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online.

1752 From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@...> Date: Sat Dec 4, 2004 8:26am Subject: Re: Fwd: Re: consider the following hohary chart of x lyrastro1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear lalu 75, The first part,that untenanted planets are stronger to give res ults,are give results is correct as per K.P.but the sub it is posi ted in will be the final decider...for good or bad... The other part of your letter I have not probed into...! Yours 'ly, lyrastro1 lalu_75 <> wrote: dear all, I have come accrossed from one of the website stating that the untennanted planets are stronger and are likley to give strong results, memers pl give comments about that. in the hohary chart presented by me venus & sun are untennanted planets and sun is in sub of merc and 11 the house lord. according to the hohary chart thus the

strong significators are ketu, merc, ketu & sun hence the period is ketu dasa sun bukthi merc ant and ketu sook is that correct witch is between 28-10-2005 to 16-11-2005 is that correct. i need your help members. thanking you lalitha --- In, lalitha sathia <lalu_75@y...> wrote: sir, please kindly tell me wether the bukthi whar ever i have selected is correct, whether it is ketu dasa venus bukthit and ketu anthra or ketu dasa sun bukthi and ketu antra. i have taken venus bukthi first considering the ruling planet which is coorect. kindly guide me. thankig you lalitha Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@y...> wrote: Dear lalu_75, This is in reference tio your query regarding the Horary chart,cast by you... Pl. take Kethu,as he represents Merc and is stronger... Also fine-tune by transits... Best wishes, Yours sincerely, lyrastro1 GOOD LUCK ! lalu_75 <lalu_75@y...> wrote: DEAR ALL, I AM THE BEGGINER WHO IS LEARNING KP ASTROLOGY IN SELF, I REQUEST ALL THE MEMBERS OF THIS FORUM TO GUIDE ME ON THAT, I HAVE ATTACHED THE CHART OF THE HOHARY TAKEN FOR MARRIGAE AND I HAVE PREDICTED SOME RESULTS ON THAT PLEASE GUIDE ME ON THAT TO BRING WETHER THE PRDICTIONS MAID OR COOORECT AND TO CORRTECT IF MADE WRONG, PLEASE HELPME RESULTS 1. FOR THE HOHARY CALCULATED FOR MARRIAGE THE HOUSES 2,7,11 HAS TO BE TAKEN FOR JUDGEMENT IN THE CHART THE 7TH CUPS SUBLORD IS MERCURY AND THE MERCURY IS IN 2ND HOUSE AND IT SIGNIFIES STRONGLY THAT THE MARRIAGE WILL TAKE PLACE FOR THE PERSON 2. THE CURRENT DASA RUNNING IS KETU AND BUTKTHI IS VENUS TILL 8-8-2005 SINCE KETU IS SIGNIFIYING 2 & 7 KETU - A-ASC ,B-12th ,C-2nd ,C-7th , THE MARRIAGE WILL TAKE PLACE IN THIS DASA NEXT IN WHICH BUKTHI IF WE CONSIDER THE RULING PLANETS OF THE DAY IT IS ASC= MOON 88 21 58 1 37 41 MERC JUP VEN MERC RAHU





: 1st : 1st

KARTEEK 12 CHENNAI : STATE : : COUNTRY: 23 - 11 - 2004 : TIME: 21 H. 12 M. Ketu 6 Y. 1 M. 18 Days ENDS on 11 - 1 - 2011 Asc.for RP 88 Deg 21 Min LORDS : Merc,Jup.,Ven.,Merc PLANETS AND CUSPS

Planet S D M sec Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl


S D M sec Sgl Stl

Sbl SsL SUN. 8 Mer Mer MOON 1 Moo Ven MARS 7 Sat Rah MERC 8 Moo Sun JUP. 6 Sat Jup VEN. 7 Rah Sat SAT.-R 4 Mer Rah RAHU 1 Rah Rah KETU 7 Sat Ket URAN 11 Moo Moo NEPT 10 Mer Moo FOR. 12 Rah Sun

7 52 39 Mar Sat Ket Sat 1 38 45 Mar Ket Ven Rah 14 28 44 Ven Rah Ket Ket 29 42 22 Mar Mer Sat Rah 18 10 54 Mer Moo Mer Ven 7 31 28 Ven Rah Rah Sat 3 16 27 Moo Jup Rah Mar 6 31 35 Mar Ket Rah Mer 6 31 35 Ven Mar Moo Ven 9 6 18 Sat Rah Jup Sat 19 3 2 Sat Moo Mer Rah 6 19 27 Jup Sat Mer Moo

ASC 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th

7 12 33 20 Ven Rah 8 11 54 35 Mar Sat 9 11 5 44 Jup Ket 10 11 5 28 Sat Moo 11 12 23 14 Sat Rah 12 13 35 36 Jup Sat 1 12 33 20 Mar Ket 2 11 54 35 Ven Moo 3 11 5 44 Mer Rah 4 11 5 28 Moo Sat 5 12 23 14 Sun Ket 6 13 35 36 Mer Moo

WANT TRADITIONAL HOROS/NAVAMSA Y/N ? TRADITIONAL RASI CHART |--------------------------------------------------------------| |FOR. | | | | | -| |URAN |SAT. | | | | -| |NEPT | | | | | -| | |JUP. | | | | | |VEN. KETU |SUN. MERC |ASC.......MARS | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | |---------------| |-------------| | | | | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------| | | |MOON RAHU |

| | -|

| | | |--------------------------------------------------------------

TRADITIONAL NAVAMSA CHART |--------------------------------------------------------------| NEPT | | | -| |MARS |SAT. | | | | -| |FOR. | | -| |SUN. | | -| Cast By K.K.SAMPATHKUMAR ON 26-11-2004 Programme by RAICHUR.A.R 8/147 Garodianagar BOMBAY-77 A S P E C T S Planet SUN. MOON MARS MERC JUP. VEN. SAT. RAHU KETU URAN NEPT FOR. SUN. SQUR. MOON MARS SQUR. MERC JUP. TRINE Sextl TRINE *150* Sextl TRINE TRINE Ssqr. TRINE Ssqr. .OPP. SQUR. CONJ. .OPP. CONJ. TRINE *126* |VEN. URAN |KETU | | | | | | | | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------|ASC....... | | | | | | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------| | | |---------------| |-------------| | | |MERC | | | | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------|MOON | |RAHU | |JUP.


Sextl .OPP. CONJ. *150* TRINE SQUR. TRINE *150* CONJ. *126* Sextl Sextl .OPP. *150* SQUR. TRINE SQUR. TRINE


Ssqr. *150* TRINE Sextl *150*




Cast By K.K.SAMPATHKUMAR ON 26-11-2004 Programme by RAICHUR.A.R 8/147 Garodianagar BOMBAY-77 PRESS ENTER FOR NEXT VIEW SIGNIFICATORS OF HOUSES SIGNIFICATORS ARE SHOWN IN THE FOLLOWING ORDER OF IMPORTANCE A-Planets in Star of Occupants of House: B-Planets in House C-Planets in stars of House Lord: D-House Lord : HOUSE No. 1

A-KETU:B-SUN.:B-MARS:D-Ven. HOUSE No. 2 A-MERC:B-MERC:C-KETU:D-Mars HOUSE No. 3 C-SAT.:D-Jup. HOUSE No. 4 B-URAN:B-NEPT:C-SUN.:C-FOR.:D-Sat. HOUSE No. 5 B-FOR.:C-SUN.:C-FOR.:D-Sat. HOUSE No. 6 A-JUP.:A-NEPT:A-MARS:A-VEN.:A-URAN:B-MOON:B-RAHU:C-SAT.:D-Jup. PRESS ENTER FOR NEXT VIEW HOUSE No. 7 C-KETU:D-Mars HOUSE No. 8 D-Ven. HOUSE No. 9 A-SUN.:A-FOR.:B-SAT.:C-MERC:D-Merc HOUSE No. 10 C-JUP.:C-NEPT:D-Moon HOUSE No. 11 D-Sun. HOUSE No. 12 A-SAT.:A-MOON:A-RAHU:B-JUP.:B-VEN.:B-KETU:C-MERC:D-Merc PRESS ENTER FOR NEXT VIEW PLANET Houses Signified SUN. MOON MARS MERC JUP. VEN. SAT. RAHU KETU URAN NEPT FOR. A-9th A-12th A-6th A-2nd A-6th A-6th A-12th A-12th A-ASC A-6th A-6th A-9th ,B-ASC ,B-6th ,B-ASC ,B-2nd ,B-12th ,B-12th ,B-9th ,B-6th ,B-12th ,B-4th ,B-4th ,B-5th ,C-4th ,D-10th ,D-2nd ,C-9th ,C-10th ,D-ASC ,C-3rd , ,C-2nd , ,C-10th ,C-4th ,C-5th , ,D-7th ,C-12th ,D-3rd ,D-8th ,C-6th ,D-11th , , ,D-9th ,D-12th , ,D-6th , , ,D-4th ,D-5th ,

,C-7th , , ,C-5th ,

Programme by RAICHUR.A.R 8/147 Garodianagar BOMBAY77 PRESS ENTER FOR NEXT VIEW

DASAS AND BHUKTIES Ketu DASA 11 1 2004 TO 11 1 2011 2031 2014 Ven. Bhk. 11 5 2015 Sun. Bhk. 11 1 2017 Moon Bhk. 11 3 2018 Mars Bhk. 11 3 2021 Rahu Bhk. 11 11 2023 Jup. Bhk. 11 1 2027 Sat. Bhk. 11 11 2029 Merc Bhk. 11 1 2031 23 11 2004 TO 8 8 2005 Sun. Bhk. 11 5 2014 TO Moon Bhk. 11 5 2015 TO Mars Bhk. 11 1 2017 TO Rahu Bhk. 11 3 2018 TO Jup. Bhk. 11 3 2021 TO Sat. Bhk. 11 11 2023 TO Merc Bhk. 11 1 2027 TO Ketu Bhk. 11 11 2029 TO 8 8 2005 TO 14 12 2005 14 12 2005 TO 14 7 2006 14 7 2006 TO 11 12 2006 11 12 2006 TO 29 12 2007 29 12 2007 TO 5 12 2008 Ven. DASA 11 1 2011 TO 11 1 Ven. Bhk. 11 1 2011 TO 11 5

5 12 2008 TO 14 1 2010 14 1 2010 TO 11 1 2011

PRESS ENTER FOR NEXT VIEW KETU Dasa 11 1 2004 TO 11 1 2011 KETU Bhk. 11 1 2004 TO 8 8 2005 KETU Ant. 11 18 8 2004 VEN Ant. 20 9 9 2004 SUN Ant. 14 10 2004 MOON Ant. 21 11 2004 MARS Ant. 4 12 1 2005 RAHU Ant. 12 8 3 2005 JUP Ant. 4 14 5 2005 SAT Ant. 24 14 7 2005 MERC Ant. 17 8 8 2005 8 6 2004 VEN Bhk. 8 6 2004 TO VEN Ant. 8 6 2004 TO SUN Ant. 18 8 2004 TO MOON Ant. 9 9 2004 TO 14 MARS Ant. 14 10 2004 TO RAHU Ant. 9 11 2004 TO JUP Ant. 12 1 2005 TO SAT Ant. 8 3 2005 TO MERC Ant. 14 5 2005 TO KETU Ant. 14 7 2005 TO MOON Bhk. 14 12 2005 TO MOON Ant. 14 12 2005 TO MARS Ant. 1 1 2006 TO RAHU Ant. 14 1 2006 TO JUP Ant. 15 2 2006 TO 9

1 2004 TO 20 1 2004 1 2004 TO 14 2 2004 2 2004 TO 21 2 2004 2 2004 TO 4 3 2004

3 2004 TO 12 3 2004 3 2004 TO 4 4 2004

4 2004 TO 24 4 2004 4 2004 TO 17 5 2004 5 2004 TO 8 6 2004

SUN Bhk. 8 8 2005 TO 14 12 2005 14 7 2006 SUN Ant. 8 1 1 2006 MOON Ant. 14 14 1 2006 MARS Ant. 25 15 2 2006 RAHU Ant. 2 8 2005 TO 14 8 2005 8 2005 TO 25 8 2005 8 2005 TO 2 9 2005

9 2005 TO 21 9 2005

13 3 2006 JUP Ant. 21 17 4 2006 SAT Ant. 8 16 5 2006 MERC Ant. 28 29 5 2006 KETU Ant. 16 4 7 2006 VEN Ant. 23 14 7 2006

9 2005 TO

8 10 2005

SAT Ant. 13 3 2006 TO MERC Ant. 17 4 2006 TO KETU Ant. 16 5 2006 TO VEN Ant. 29 5 2006 TO SUN Ant. 4 7 2006 TO VEN Bhk. 8 6 2004 TO JUP Ant. 12 1 2005 TO JUP Soo. 12 1 2005 TO SAT Soo. 19 1 2005 TO MERC Soo. 28 1 2005 TO KETU Soo. 6 2 2005 TO VEN Soo. 9 2 2005 TO SUN Soo. 18 2 2005 TO MOON Soo. 21 2 2005 TO MARS Soo. 26 2 2005 TO RAHU Soo. 1 3 2005 TO MERC Ant. 14 5 2005 TO MERC Soo. 14 5 2005 TO KETU Soo. 22 5 2005 TO VEN Soo. 26 5 2005 TO SUN Soo. 6 6 2005 TO MOON Soo. 9 6 2005 TO MARS Soo. 14 6 2005 TO RAHU Soo. 17 6 2005 TO JUP Soo. 26 6 2005 TO SAT Soo. 4 7 2005 TO 8 8

10 2005 TO 28 10 2005 10 2005 TO 16 11 2005 11 2005 TO 23 11 2005 11 2005 TO 14 12 2005

KETU Dasa 11 1 2004 TO 11 1 2011 2005 RAHU Ant. 9 11 2004 TO 12 1 2005 8 3 2005 RAHU Soo. 9 19 1 2005 JUP Soo. 18 28 1 2005 SAT Soo. 26 6 2 2005 MERC Soo. 6 9 2 2005 KETU Soo. 15 18 2 2005 VEN Soo. 19 21 2 2005 SUN Soo. 29 26 2 2005 MOON Soo. 3 1 3 2005 MARS Soo. 8 8 3 2005 11 2004 TO 18 11 2004 11 2004 TO 26 11 2004 11 2004 TO 6 12 2004

12 2004 TO 15 12 2004 12 2004 TO 19 12 2004 12 2004 TO 29 12 2004 12 2004 TO 1 2005 TO 3 1 2005 8 1 2005

1 2005 TO 12 1 2005

SAT Ant. 8 3 2005 TO 14 5 2005 14 7 2005 SAT Soo. 8 22 5 2005 MERC Soo. 18 26 5 2005 KETU Soo. 27 6 6 2005 VEN Soo. 1 9 6 2005 SUN Soo. 12 14 6 2005 MOON Soo. 16 17 6 2005 MARS Soo. 21 26 6 2005 RAHU Soo. 25 4 7 2005 JUP Soo. 5 14 7 2005 3 2005 TO 18 3 2005 3 2005 TO 27 3 2005 3 2005 TO 1 4 2005

4 2005 TO 12 4 2005 4 2005 TO 16 4 2005 4 2005 TO 21 4 2005 4 2005 TO 25 4 2005 4 2005 TO 5 5 2005

5 2005 TO 14 5 2005 8 8 2005

KETU Ant. 14 7 2005 TO


Soo. Soo. Soo. Soo. Soo. Soo. Soo. Soo. Soo.

14 15 19 20 22 24 27 31 5

7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8

2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005


15 19 20 22 24 27 31 5 8

7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8

2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005

RULING PLANETS Ascendent ,Moon any Time of the DAY For North Latitude and East longitude only TYPE WITH COMMA(,) between Deg,Min & date,month,year,hrs,min Latitude Longitude Deg,Min? 13,4 Deg,Min? 80,17(CHENNAI)

DATE Date,Month,Year? 23,11,2004 TIME I.S.T. DAY LORD IS ASC= MOON RAHU KETU 88 21 58 1 37 41 6 31 35 186 31 35 MARS MERC JUP VEN MERC RAHU MERC VEN Hrs.Min ? 21,12



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1753 From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@...> Date: Sat Dec 4, 2004 9:12am Subject: Re: Double Standard ? lyrastro1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear tw853, Don't you think you are in the K.P. group "by mistake" ? Since you are a "hard core enthusiast of traditional astrology" you proclaim... Have you,then, joined this group to rundown K.P.,or to find "ho les" in this theory of unequal division...was that your hidden objective/agenda all the while ? Yours 'ly, lyrastro1 GOOD LUCK ! tw853 <> wrote: Dear All, 1. After thinking one night about the very sad (for me) case of Sandy, I feel that double standard cannot be applied towards East and West systems. It's not only for the sake of this Group but also the dignity of the Group. 2. Practicing oneself is the personal right, for example for me I can't find a better system than traditional Hindu astrology in analyzing birth potential whether a native is born to be a big person, rich person, womanizer etc. 3. In every Group running at the courtesy of Yahoo, everyone has the right to participate within the set rules, not being pressured to believe in this or that. For our Group "This group intends to discuss KP System of Astrology. Krishnamurti Paddhati astrologer can discuss, research, inquire, and analyze horoscopes here." 4. Accuracy of a system may be assessed by world wide well known records, not by here say personal records. 5. Finally I wish a better atmosphere as already done one time before.

Thank you for your time. With my best wishes and due regards, tw

Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online.

1754 From: "tw853" <tw853@...> Date: Sat Dec 4, 2004 9:45am Subject: Re: Double Standard ? tw853 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Yogesh Rao Lajmi, 1. No, Sir. It's to learn more KP by discussion.

2. You can imagine how long I've studied KP by the issue date of my old KP six Readers. 3. How can I learn KP properly without the basic knowledge of Hindu astrology on which KP is havily based. 4. I'm open minded, not one track minded.

5. I'm for the unity of the Group, not for the devision of the Group. 6. There are some records of my contribution in this for the development of KP. Let other members decide. Best regards, tw --- In, Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@y...> wrote: > Dear tw853, > Don't you think you are in the K.P. group "by mistake" ? > Since you are a "hard core enthusiast of traditional astrology" you proclaim... > Have you,then, joined this group to rundown K.P.,or to find "holes" in this theory of unequal division...was that

your hidden objective/agenda all the while ? > Yours 'ly, > lyrastro1 > GOOD LUCK ! > > tw853 <tw853@y...> wrote: > > Dear All, > > 1. After thinking one night about the very sad (for me) case > of Sandy, I feel that double standard cannot be applied towards East > and West systems. It's not only for the sake of this Group but also > the dignity of the Group. > > 2. Practicing oneself is the personal right, for example for > me I can't find a better system than traditional Hindu astrology in > analyzing birth potential whether a native is born to be a big > person, rich person, womanizer etc. > > 3. In every Group running at the courtesy of Yahoo, everyone > has the right to participate within the set rules, not being > pressured to believe in this or that. For our Group "This group > intends to discuss KP System of Astrology. Krishnamurti Paddhati > astrologer can discuss, research, inquire, and analyze horoscopes > here." > > 4. Accuracy of a system may be assessed by world wide well > known records, not by here say personal records. > > 5. Finally I wish a better atmosphere as already done one > time before. > > > Thank you for your time. > > > With my best wishes and due regards, > > tw > > > > > > > Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT > > > --------------------------------> Yahoo! Groups Links > > To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.

> > > Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline.

1755 From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@...> Date: Sat Dec 4, 2004 10:09am Subject: Re: Re: Double Standard ? lyrastro1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear tw853, Glad to learn that you are learning K.P., and that you have an open mind... So do I...I keep an open mind and therefore, sometimes I appear to be brusque,which I think is the reason for some people's displeasure...? You can depend upon me for any help you may require,please feel ask... Wishing you the very best, Yours sincerely, lyrastro1 GOOD LUCK ! ===== Yahoo! My Yahoo! Mail Welcome, raon1008 [Sign Out, My Account] Groups Home - Help Make Yahoo! your home page

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Last Sort by Date 1756 From: Vinay Tiwari <techn0pandit@...> Date: Sat Dec 4, 2004 10:36am Subject: Re: Re: Double Standard ? techn0pandit Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Respected Guruz, Is there any way to find out when is this tension going to solve. My no. is 55 . Please lets proceed with discussion .I know i am too small to say that , but i r equest you all please. Miles to go before we sleep. Thanks. Cool Regards, Vinay Tiwari Yogesh Rao Lajmi <> wrote: Dear tw853, Glad to learn that you are learning K.P., and that you have an open mind... So do I...I keep an open mind and therefore, sometimes I appear to be brusque,which I think is the reason for some people's displeasure...? You can depend upon me for any help you may require,please feel ask... Wishing you the very best, Yours sincerely, lyrastro1 GOOD LUCK !

tw853 <> wrote: Dear Yogesh Rao Lajmi, 1. No, Sir. It's to learn more KP by discussion.

2. You can imagine how long I've studied KP by the issue date of my old KP six Readers. 3. How can I learn KP properly without the basic knowledge of Hindu astrology on which KP is havily based. 4. I'm open minded, not one track minded.

5. I'm for the unity of the Group, not for the devision of the Group. 6. There are some records of my contribution in this for the development of KP. Let other members decide.

Best regards, tw --- In, Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@y...> wrote: > Dear tw853, > Don't you think you are in the K.P. group "by mistake" ? > Since you are a "hard core enthusiast of traditional astrology" you proclaim... > Have you,then, joined this group to rundown K.P.,or to find "holes" in this theory of unequal division...was that your hidden objective/agenda all the while ? > Yours 'ly, > lyrastro1 > GOOD LUCK ! > > tw853 <tw853@y...> wrote: > > Dear All, > > 1. After thinking one night about the very sad (for me) case > of Sandy, I feel that double standard cannot be applied towards East > and West systems. It's not only for the sake of this Group but also > the dignity of the Group. > > 2. Practicing oneself is the personal right, for example for > me I can't find a better system than traditional Hindu astrology in > analyzing birth potential whether a native is born to be a big > person, rich person, womanizer etc. > > 3. In every Group running at the courtesy of Yahoo, everyone > has the right to participate within the set rules, not being > pressured to believe in this or that. For our Group "This group > intends to discuss KP System of Astrology. Krishnamurti Paddhati > astrologer can discuss, research, inquire, and analyze horoscopes > here." > > 4. Accuracy of a system may be assessed by world wide well > known records, not by here say personal records. > > 5. Finally I wish a better atmosphere as already done one > time before. > > > Thank you for your time. > > > With my best wishes and due regards, > > tw > > >

> > > > Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT > > > --------------------------------> Yahoo! Groups Links > > To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. > > > Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline.

Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online.

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1757 From: "Kanakkumar Bosmia" <kanbosastro@...> Date: Sat Dec 4, 2004 10:54am Subject: Re: Re: Double Standard ?/Shri TW Ji, and Lajmi Ji kanbosastro Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Shri TW ji & Lajmi Ji,

please please stop this discussion . and satrt some heathy discussion. with very sed feelings kanak bosmia >From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi <> >Reply-To: >To: >Subject: Re: [k_p_system] Re: Double Standard ? >Date: Sat, 4 Dec 2004 16:09:25 +0000 (GMT)

> >Dear tw853, > Glad to learn that you are learning K.P., and that you have a n open mind... > So do I...I keep an open mind and therefore, sometimes I appe ar to be brusque,which I think is the reason for some people's displeasure...? > You can depend upon me for any help you may require,please fe el ask... > Wishing you the very best, > Yours sincerely, > lyrastro1 > GOOD LUCK ! > > > > >tw853 <> wrote: > >Dear Yogesh Rao Lajmi, > >1. No, Sir. It's to learn more KP by discussion. > >2. You can imagine how long I've studied KP by the issue date of my >old KP six Readers. > >3. How can I learn KP properly without the basic knowledge of Hindu >astrology on which KP is havily based. > >4. I'm open minded, not one track minded. > >5. I'm for the unity of the Group, not for the devision of the >Group. > >6. There are some records of my contribution in this for the >development of KP. Let other members decide. > > >Best regards, > > >tw > > >--- In, Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@y...> >wrote: > > Dear tw853, > > Don't you think you are in the K.P. group "by >mistake" ? > > Since you are a "hard core enthusiast of >traditional astrology" you proclaim... > > Have you,then, joined this group to rundown >K.P.,or to find "holes" in this theory of unequal division...was that >your hidden objective/agenda all the while ? > > Yours 'ly, > > lyrastro1 > > GOOD LUCK ! > > > > tw853 <tw853@y...> wrote: > > > > Dear All,

> > > > 1. After thinking one night about the very sad (for me) case > > of Sandy, I feel that double standard cannot be applied towards >East > > and West systems. It's not only for the sake of this Group but also > > the dignity of the Group. > > > > 2. Practicing oneself is the personal right, for example for > > me I can't find a better system than traditional Hindu astrology in > > analyzing birth potential whether a native is born to be a big > > person, rich person, womanizer etc. > > > > 3. In every Group running at the courtesy of Yahoo, everyone > > has the right to participate within the set rules, not being > > pressured to believe in this or that. For our Group "This group > > intends to discuss KP System of Astrology. Krishnamurti Paddhati > > astrologer can discuss, research, inquire, and analyze horoscopes > > here." > > > > 4. Accuracy of a system may be assessed by world wide well > > known records, not by here say personal records. > > > > 5. Finally I wish a better atmosphere as already done one > > time before. > > > > > > Thank you for your time. > > > > > > With my best wishes and due regards, > > > > tw > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT > > > > > > --------------------------------> > Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of >Service. > > > > > > Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline. > > > > >Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT

> > >-------------------------------->Yahoo! Groups Links > > To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. > > >Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Download the new MSN Toolbar Suite now you can search your PC, too!

1758 From: "tw853" <tw853@...> Date: Sat Dec 4, 2004 7:45pm Subject: Re: Double Standard ? tw853 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Yogesh Rao Lajmi, Dear Yogesh Rao Lajmi and All Members, 1. Believe me I'm still here to learn and contribute something for the lovely spirit of Guruji KSK. Otherwise there is no reason to waste your time and mine. Astrology is just my crazy hobby, not giving me anything. 2. We can improve or sharpen our skill by exchange of views which required more study and more thinking. Sometimes views may be different, for example it was said in this forum that Nadi is useless; Guruji KSK says in Reader II that orginal Nadi sages can not fail; idea of constellation and ruling planets can be traced in old Nadi litrature like Father of Nadi Astrology Satyachary's Dhruvandi, Nadi books by R.Gopalakrishna Rao (nick name Meena) and N V Raghavachary (Meena II). 3. Since we're approaching the final stage of age, let me tell you I'm really very sorry for anything disturbing your peace of mind. With my best wishes and due regards, tw --- In, Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@y...> wrote: > Dear tw853, > Glad to learn that you are learning K.P., and that you have an open mind...

> So do I...I keep an open mind and therefore, sometimes I appear to be brusque,which I think is the reason for some people's displeasure...? > You can depend upon me for any help you may require,please feel ask... > Wishing you the very best, > Yours sincerely, > lyrastro1 > GOOD LUCK ! > > > > > tw853 <tw853@y...> wrote: > > Dear Yogesh Rao Lajmi, > > 1. No, Sir. It's to learn more KP by discussion. > > 2. You can imagine how long I've studied KP by the issue date of my > old KP six Readers. > > 3. How can I learn KP properly without the basic knowledge of Hindu > astrology on which KP is havily based. > > 4. I'm open minded, not one track minded. > > 5. I'm for the unity of the Group, not for the devision of the > Group. > > 6. There are some records of my contribution in this for the > development of KP. Let other members decide. > > > Best regards, > > > tw > > > --- In, Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@y...> > wrote: > > Dear tw853, > > Don't you think you are in the K.P. group "by > mistake" ? > > Since you are a "hard core enthusiast of > traditional astrology" you proclaim... > > Have you,then, joined this group to rundown > K.P.,or to find "holes" in this theory of unequal division...was that > your hidden objective/agenda all the while ? > > Yours 'ly, > > lyrastro1 > > GOOD LUCK ! > > > > tw853 <tw853@y...> wrote: > >

> > Dear All, > > > > 1. After thinking one night about the very sad (for me) case > > of Sandy, I feel that double standard cannot be applied towards > East > > and West systems. It's not only for the sake of this Group but also > > the dignity of the Group. > > > > 2. Practicing oneself is the personal right, for example for > > me I can't find a better system than traditional Hindu astrology in > > analyzing birth potential whether a native is born to be a big > > person, rich person, womanizer etc. > > > > 3. In every Group running at the courtesy of Yahoo, everyone > > has the right to participate within the set rules, not being > > pressured to believe in this or that. For our Group "This group > > intends to discuss KP System of Astrology. Krishnamurti Paddhati > > astrologer can discuss, research, inquire, and analyze horoscopes > > here." > > > > 4. Accuracy of a system may be assessed by world wide well > > known records, not by here say personal records. > > > > 5. Finally I wish a better atmosphere as already done one > > time before. > > > > > > Thank you for your time. > > > > > > With my best wishes and due regards, > > > > tw > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT > > > > > > --------------------------------> > Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of > Service. > > > >

> > Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline. > > > > > Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT > > > --------------------------------> Yahoo! Groups Links > > To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. > > > Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline.

1759 From: "tw853" <tw853@...> Date: Sat Dec 4, 2004 7:51pm Subject: Re: Double Standard ? tw853 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Vinay Tiwari, Of course as an old man entering the age near to death I should give piece of mind to a younger man. It's okay. Wishing you all the best, tw --- In, Vinay Tiwari <techn0pandit@y...> wrote: > Respected Guruz, > > Is there any way to find out when is this tension going to solve. My no. is 55. > > Please lets proceed with discussion .I know i am too small to say that , but i request you all please. > > Miles to go before we sleep. > > Thanks. > > Cool Regards, > > Vinay Tiwari

> Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@y...> wrote: > Dear tw853, > Glad to learn that you are learning K.P., and that you have an open mind... > So do I...I keep an open mind and therefore, sometimes I appear to be brusque,which I think is the reason for some people's displeasure...? > You can depend upon me for any help you may require,please feel ask... > Wishing you the very best, > Yours sincerely, > lyrastro1 > GOOD LUCK ! > > > > > tw853 <tw853@y...> wrote: > > Dear Yogesh Rao Lajmi, > > 1. No, Sir. It's to learn more KP by discussion. > > 2. You can imagine how long I've studied KP by the issue date of my > old KP six Readers. > > 3. How can I learn KP properly without the basic knowledge of Hindu > astrology on which KP is havily based. > > 4. I'm open minded, not one track minded. > > 5. I'm for the unity of the Group, not for the devision of the > Group. > > 6. There are some records of my contribution in this for the > development of KP. Let other members decide. > > > Best regards, > > > tw > > > --- In, Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@y...> > wrote: > > Dear tw853, > > Don't you think you are in the K.P. group "by > mistake" ? > > Since you are a "hard core enthusiast of > traditional astrology" you proclaim... > > Have you,then, joined this group to rundown > K.P.,or to find "holes" in this theory of unequal division...was that > your hidden objective/agenda all the while ? > > Yours 'ly, > > lyrastro1

> > GOOD LUCK ! > > > > tw853 <tw853@y...> wrote: > > > > Dear All, > > > > 1. After thinking one night about the very sad (for me) case > > of Sandy, I feel that double standard cannot be applied towards > East > > and West systems. It's not only for the sake of this Group but also > > the dignity of the Group. > > > > 2. Practicing oneself is the personal right, for example for > > me I can't find a better system than traditional Hindu astrology in > > analyzing birth potential whether a native is born to be a big > > person, rich person, womanizer etc. > > > > 3. In every Group running at the courtesy of Yahoo, everyone > > has the right to participate within the set rules, not being > > pressured to believe in this or that. For our Group "This group > > intends to discuss KP System of Astrology. Krishnamurti Paddhati > > astrologer can discuss, research, inquire, and analyze horoscopes > > here." > > > > 4. Accuracy of a system may be assessed by world wide well > > known records, not by here say personal records. > > > > 5. Finally I wish a better atmosphere as already done one > > time before. > > > > > > Thank you for your time. > > > > > > With my best wishes and due regards, > > > > tw > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT > > > > > > --------------------------------> > Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > >

> > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of > Service. > > > > > > Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline. > > > > > > Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online. > Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT > > > --------------------------------> Yahoo! Groups Links > > To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. > > > > --------------------------------> Do you Yahoo!? > Yahoo! Mail - Easier than ever with enhanced search. Learn more.

1760 From: "tw853" <tw853@...> Date: Sat Dec 4, 2004 7:56pm Subject: Re: Double Standard ?/Shri TW Ji, and Lajmi Ji tw853 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Kanakkumar Bosmia, Thank you for your cocern. Really very sorry for disturbing your piece of mind. It's okay. Of course we all hope fruitful discussion for the further development of Guruji KSK's lovely spirit. Wishing you all the best, tw --- In, "Kanakkumar Bosmia" <kanbosastro@h...> wrote: >

1761 From: lalitha sathia <lalu_75@...> Date: Sat Dec 4, 2004 11:19pm Subject: Re: Fwd: Re: consider the following hohary chart of x lalu_75

Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 dear sir, thanks for your valuable explanation, in the hohary chart what i have presente d as i mention the two untenanted planets are sun & venus in that the sun is the 11 th house lord and its sub lord is merc. since the 7th cup sub lord is merc a nd it is located in 2nd house, it shows that the untenanted planet sun is more s tronger. please guide me whether the period of marrige what ever predicted by me is correct, then i will concentrate on the transits to arrive at the timing, pl ease guide me. thanking you lalitha Yogesh Rao Lajmi <> wrote: Dear lalu 75, The first part,that untenanted planets are stronger to give res ults,are give results is correct as per K.P.but the sub it is posi ted in will be the final decider...for good or bad... The other part of your letter I have not probed into...! Yours 'ly, lyrastro1 lalu_75 <> wrote: dear all, I have come accrossed from one of the website stating that the untennanted planets are stronger and are likley to give strong results, memers pl give comments about that. in the hohary chart presented by me venus & sun are untennanted planets and sun is in sub of merc and 11 the house lord. according to the hohary chart thus the strong significators are ketu, merc, ketu & sun hence the period is ketu dasa sun bukthi merc ant and ketu sook is that correct witch is between 28-10-2005 to 16-11-2005 is that correct. i need your help members. thanking you lalitha --- In, lalitha sathia <lalu_75@y...> wrote: sir, please kindly tell me wether the bukthi whar ever i have selected is correct, whether it is ketu dasa venus bukthit and ketu anthra or ketu dasa sun bukthi and ketu antra. i have taken venus bukthi first considering the ruling planet which is coorect. kindly guide me. thankig you lalitha Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@y...> wrote: Dear lalu_75, This is in reference tio your query regarding the Horary chart,cast by you... Pl. take Kethu,as he represents Merc and is stronger... Also fine-tune by transits...






: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :

23 11 2004 TUESDAY 21 Hrs. 12 Min. CHENNAI 13 Deg. 4 Min. N 80 Deg. 17 Min. E Libra-Thulam Ven. Aries-Mesha Mars Aswini 1 - Pada Ketu KARTEEK 12 1 H. 14 M. 56 S. 23 Deg. 49 Min. 39 Sec



: 1st : 1st

KARTEEK 12 CHENNAI : STATE : : COUNTRY: 23 - 11 - 2004 : TIME: 21 H. 12 M. Ketu 6 Y. 1 M. 18 Days ENDS on 11 - 1 - 2011 Asc.for RP 88 Deg 21 Min LORDS : Merc,Jup.,Ven.,Merc PLANETS AND CUSPS

Planet S Sbl SsL SUN. 8 Mer Mer MOON 1 Moo Ven MARS 7 Sat Rah MERC 8 Moo Sun JUP. 6 Sat Jup VEN. 7 Rah Sat SAT.-R 4 Mer Rah RAHU 1 Rah Rah KETU 7 Sat Ket URAN 11 Moo Moo NEPT 10 Mer Moo FOR. 12 Rah Sun

D M sec Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl 7 52 39 Mar Sat Ket Sat 1 38 45 Mar Ket Ven Rah 14 28 44 Ven Rah Ket Ket 29 42 22 Mar Mer Sat Rah 18 10 54 Mer Moo Mer Ven 7 31 28 Ven Rah Rah Sat 3 16 27 Moo Jup Rah Mar 6 31 35 Mar Ket Rah Mer 6 31 35 Ven Mar Moo Ven 9 6 18 Sat Rah Jup Sat 19 3 2 Sat Moo Mer Rah 6 19 27 Jup Sat Mer Moo

Cusp ASC 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th

S D M sec Sgl Stl 7 12 33 20 Ven Rah 8 11 54 35 Mar Sat 9 11 5 44 Jup Ket 10 11 5 28 Sat Moo 11 12 23 14 Sat Rah 12 13 35 36 Jup Sat 1 12 33 20 Mar Ket 2 11 54 35 Ven Moo 3 11 5 44 Mer Rah 4 11 5 28 Moo Sat 5 12 23 14 Sun Ket 6 13 35 36 Mer Moo

WANT TRADITIONAL HOROS/NAVAMSA Y/N ? TRADITIONAL RASI CHART |--------------------------------------------------------------| |FOR. | | | | | -| |URAN |SAT. | | | | -| |NEPT | | | | | -| | |JUP. | | | | -| TRADITIONAL NAVAMSA CHART |--------------------------------------------------------------| NEPT | | | -| |MARS |SAT. | | | | -| | | | |---------------| |-------------| | | |MERC | | | | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------|MOON | |RAHU | |JUP. | | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------| | |VEN. KETU |SUN. MERC |ASC.......MARS | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | |---------------| |-------------| | | | | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------| | | |MOON RAHU |

|FOR. | | -| |SUN. | | -|

|ASC....... | | | | | | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------|VEN. URAN |KETU | | | | | | | | | | |--------------------------------------------------------------


Ssqr. *150* TRINE Sextl *150*

PRESS ENTER FOR NEXT VIEW Planet ASC 11th 12th 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th







A-SUN.:A-FOR.:B-SAT.:C-MERC:D-Merc HOUSE No. 10 C-JUP.:C-NEPT:D-Moon HOUSE No. 11 D-Sun. HOUSE No. 12 A-SAT.:A-MOON:A-RAHU:B-JUP.:B-VEN.:B-KETU:C-MERC:D-Merc PRESS ENTER FOR NEXT VIEW PLANET Houses Signified SUN. MOON MARS MERC JUP. VEN. SAT. RAHU KETU URAN NEPT FOR. A-9th A-12th A-6th A-2nd A-6th A-6th A-12th A-12th A-ASC A-6th A-6th A-9th ,B-ASC ,B-6th ,B-ASC ,B-2nd ,B-12th ,B-12th ,B-9th ,B-6th ,B-12th ,B-4th ,B-4th ,B-5th ,C-4th ,D-10th ,D-2nd ,C-9th ,C-10th ,D-ASC ,C-3rd , ,C-2nd , ,C-10th ,C-4th ,C-5th , ,D-7th ,C-12th ,D-3rd ,D-8th ,C-6th ,D-11th , , ,D-9th ,D-12th , ,D-6th , , ,D-4th ,D-5th ,

,C-7th , , ,C-5th ,

Programme by RAICHUR.A.R 8/147 Garodianagar BOMBAY77 PRESS ENTER FOR NEXT VIEW DASAS AND BHUKTIES Ketu DASA 11 1 2004 TO 11 1 2011 2031 2014 Ven. Bhk. 11 5 2015 Sun. Bhk. 11 1 2017 Moon Bhk. 11 3 2018 Mars Bhk. 11 3 2021 Rahu Bhk. 11 11 2023 Jup. Bhk. 11 1 2027 Sat. Bhk. 11 11 2029 Merc Bhk. 11 1 2031 23 11 2004 TO 8 8 2005 Sun. Bhk. 11 5 2014 TO Moon Bhk. 11 5 2015 TO Mars Bhk. 11 1 2017 TO Rahu Bhk. 11 3 2018 TO Jup. Bhk. 11 3 2021 TO Sat. Bhk. 11 11 2023 TO Merc Bhk. 11 1 2027 TO Ketu Bhk. 11 11 2029 TO 8 8 2005 TO 14 12 2005 14 12 2005 TO 14 7 2006 14 7 2006 TO 11 12 2006 11 12 2006 TO 29 12 2007 29 12 2007 TO 5 12 2008 Ven. DASA 11 1 2011 TO 11 1 Ven. Bhk. 11 1 2011 TO 11 5

5 12 2008 TO 14 1 2010 14 1 2010 TO 11 1 2011


KETU Dasa 11 1 2004 TO 11 1 2011 KETU Bhk. 11 1 2004 TO 8 8 2005 KETU Ant. 11 18 8 2004 VEN Ant. 20 9 9 2004 SUN Ant. 14 10 2004 MOON Ant. 21 11 2004 MARS Ant. 4 12 1 2005 RAHU Ant. 12 8 3 2005 JUP Ant. 4 14 5 2005 SAT Ant. 24 14 7 2005 MERC Ant. 17 8 8 2005 8 6 2004 VEN Bhk. 8 6 2004 TO VEN Ant. 8 6 2004 TO SUN Ant. 18 8 2004 TO MOON Ant. 9 9 2004 TO 14 MARS Ant. 14 10 2004 TO RAHU Ant. 9 11 2004 TO JUP Ant. 12 1 2005 TO SAT Ant. 8 3 2005 TO MERC Ant. 14 5 2005 TO KETU Ant. 14 7 2005 TO MOON Bhk. 14 12 2005 TO MOON Ant. 14 12 2005 TO MARS Ant. 1 1 2006 TO RAHU Ant. 14 1 2006 TO JUP Ant. 15 2 2006 TO SAT Ant. 13 3 2006 TO MERC Ant. 17 4 2006 TO KETU Ant. 16 5 2006 TO VEN Ant. 29 5 2006 TO SUN Ant. 4 7 2006 TO VEN Bhk. 8 6 2004 TO JUP Ant. 12 1 2005 TO JUP Soo. 12 1 2005 TO SAT Soo. 19 1 2005 TO MERC Soo. 28 1 2005 TO KETU Soo. 6 2 2005 TO 8 8 9

1 2004 TO 20 1 2004 1 2004 TO 14 2 2004 2 2004 TO 21 2 2004 2 2004 TO 4 3 2004

3 2004 TO 12 3 2004 3 2004 TO 4 4 2004

4 2004 TO 24 4 2004 4 2004 TO 17 5 2004 5 2004 TO 8 6 2004

SUN Bhk. 8 8 2005 TO 14 12 2005 14 7 2006 SUN Ant. 8 1 1 2006 MOON Ant. 14 14 1 2006 MARS Ant. 25 15 2 2006 RAHU Ant. 2 13 3 2006 JUP Ant. 21 17 4 2006 SAT Ant. 8 16 5 2006 MERC Ant. 28 29 5 2006 KETU Ant. 16 4 7 2006 VEN Ant. 23 14 7 2006 8 2005 TO 14 8 2005 8 2005 TO 25 8 2005 8 2005 TO 2 9 2005

9 2005 TO 21 9 2005 9 2005 TO 8 10 2005

10 2005 TO 28 10 2005 10 2005 TO 16 11 2005 11 2005 TO 23 11 2005 11 2005 TO 14 12 2005

KETU Dasa 11 1 2004 TO 11 1 2011 2005 RAHU Ant. 9 11 2004 TO 12 1 2005 8 3 2005 RAHU Soo. 9 19 1 2005 JUP Soo. 18 28 1 2005 SAT Soo. 26 6 2 2005 MERC Soo. 6 9 2 2005 11 2004 TO 18 11 2004 11 2004 TO 26 11 2004 11 2004 TO 6 12 2004

12 2004 TO 15 12 2004

KETU Soo. 15 18 2 2005 VEN Soo. 19 21 2 2005 SUN Soo. 29 26 2 2005 MOON Soo. 3 1 3 2005 MARS Soo. 8 8 3 2005

12 2004 TO 19 12 2004 12 2004 TO 29 12 2004 12 2004 TO 1 2005 TO 3 1 2005 8 1 2005

VEN Soo. 9 2 2005 TO SUN Soo. 18 2 2005 TO MOON Soo. 21 2 2005 TO MARS Soo. 26 2 2005 TO RAHU Soo. 1 3 2005 TO MERC Ant. 14 5 2005 TO MERC Soo. 14 5 2005 TO KETU Soo. 22 5 2005 TO VEN Soo. 26 5 2005 TO SUN Soo. 6 6 2005 TO MOON Soo. 9 6 2005 TO MARS Soo. 14 6 2005 TO RAHU Soo. 17 6 2005 TO JUP Soo. 26 6 2005 TO SAT Soo. 4 7 2005 TO

1 2005 TO 12 1 2005

SAT Ant. 8 3 2005 TO 14 5 2005 14 7 2005 SAT Soo. 8 22 5 2005 MERC Soo. 18 26 5 2005 KETU Soo. 27 6 6 2005 VEN Soo. 1 9 6 2005 SUN Soo. 12 14 6 2005 MOON Soo. 16 17 6 2005 MARS Soo. 21 26 6 2005 RAHU Soo. 25 4 7 2005 JUP Soo. 5 14 7 2005 3 2005 TO 18 3 2005 3 2005 TO 27 3 2005 3 2005 TO 1 4 2005

4 2005 TO 12 4 2005 4 2005 TO 16 4 2005 4 2005 TO 21 4 2005 4 2005 TO 25 4 2005 4 2005 TO 5 5 2005

5 2005 TO 14 5 2005 8 8 2005 15 19 20 22 24 27 31 5 8 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005

KETU Ant. 14 7 2005 TO KETU VEN SUN MOON MARS RAHU JUP SAT MERC Soo. Soo. Soo. Soo. Soo. Soo. Soo. Soo. Soo. 14 15 19 20 22 24 27 31 5 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO

RULING PLANETS Ascendent ,Moon any Time of the DAY For North Latitude and East longitude only TYPE WITH COMMA(,) between Deg,Min & date,month,year,hrs,min Latitude Longitude Deg,Min? 13,4 Deg,Min? 80,17(CHENNAI)

DATE Date,Month,Year? 23,11,2004 TIME I.S.T. Hrs.Min ? 21,12

DAY LORD IS ASC= MOON RAHU KETU 88 21 58 1 37 41 6 31 35 186 31 35




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1762 From: Ravinder Grover <astrology@...> Date: Sat Dec 4, 2004 11:46pm Subject: RECTIFICATION OF TIME OF BIRTH rgrover100008 Send IM Send Email

Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear all Help required to Rectify TOB, as follows: Date of Query: 5th October 2004, 18:32:23 hours, NZDST, Auckland, New Zealand Query: Rectify TOB if required? Date of Birth: 8th Oct 1958, Recorded time of Birth : 00:01 am, Place: New Delhi , India This gives Lagna as Gemini 28deg 21 min 36 sec ruled by Merc, Jup, Ven, Merc and Mon at Cancer 11 deg 35 min 7 sec, ruled by Mon, Sat, Mon, Sat To rectify TOB, as per rule, Sub Lord Cusp(1) should be same as Moon's Star Lord Here Sub Lord Cusp(1) = VENUS and Star Lord of Moon is SAT To get SLC(1) = Sat, Lagna should be moved to either at Gemini 21-46-40 to 23-53-20 that is, Rectified TOB should be 23.46 hou rs on 7th October 1958 OR Cancer 3-20-00 to 5-26-40 that is, Rectified TOB should be 11:25 hours Question is : Which is the right TOB? Love

Ravinder GRover

1763 From: anant raichur <anant_1608@...> Date: Sun Dec 5, 2004 0:18am Subject: RE: Re: KPBC3 Answer. anant_1608 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Mr Rao has very carefully laid out the procedure for predictions from horary c harts. However, the MOST important point, before one statrts the exercise, is the CHECK WETHER THE MOON (IT'S SIGN,STAR,SUBLORD) ARE CONNECTED with the matters under study. If they are, then only the question is aserious one. If not, it is a teaser, N ot to be proceeded further. good luck

Yogesh Rao Lajmi <> wrote: Dear Sandy, It makes me sad to see that you've taken exception to my innoce nt remarks,made only to impress upon you and ALL members that K.P., is indeed as accurate as can is quite possible that my impatience has "peeped out".. .I hope you will bear with me,and REMASIN in the Group... In my own personal experience I have been able to achieve almos t an 85-90 % success-rate in Horary astrological prognostications... I however,strongly recommend follow the step-wise method of analysis, recommended by KSK...and I assure you that you will also reach an over 90% accuracy,provided you are using K.P. Ayanamsha,only... I have already reiterated several times that I use horary horos copes(the number 1-249 method) in the interests of accuracy...Aas in my experien ce most Natal Horoscopes do not give the exact TOB,which,as per K.P., is the tim e of the FIRST CRY...! Yes, there are methods to correct the BC ...the most correct b irth-time is which shows the sublord of the Ascendant,as the moon-star lord at b irth... Also,I wish to clarify once again why a mother's Vth cusp will yield better/more correct results regarding the sex of the expected child... a) It is only the mother who alone knows who the true father of the child is...(in the days when astrology was invented there were no tests a vailable,like the presently available "paternity tests") technically therefore, the astrologer depended upon the mother's Vth cusp...alone,since long... b) I have no objection whatsoever to analysing both horoscope s for the Vth and XI th cusp of the mother and the father,krespectively... I am also giving below, the various steps to be followed metic ulously to ensure most accurate results in Horary Horoscopy based on the number 1-249,as per K.P. : 1) Cast the Horary horoscope strictly according to K.P.,using only Krishnamuthi Ayanamsa. 2) Prepare a table of significators (most programmes provide for th is today) 3) List down the houses to be judged for the matter under considera tion...and find out from the sub-lord of the Karaka house,whether the matter is promised to take place or not...Only then proceed further... ( ...for example while examining a horary chart for marriage,th e karaka house is the VIIth...and the relevant houses are II,VII,& XI...marriage is promised only if the sublord of the VIIth is a significator of the II,VII or XIth). 4) After confirming that the event is promised,work out the signi ficators of the relevant houses... 5) Work out the Dasa,Bhukti,Anthara periods etc... 6) Next,work out the Expected Period of the Event (EPE)... 7) Now comes the most challenging task...Timing the Event... For this I follow the following method... a) Take the RPs.,at that moment of time...and select from am ong the significators,only those planets among the RPs and the apropriate nodes if appearing as significators etc. b) Then,take the planets common among these and the Dasa.Bhuk ti,anthara,sookshma...and mark out 3/4 points in the Zidiac ruled by these 3/4 p lanets...(If Sat appears as one of the RPs,or significators...take the last sens itive point for consideration of transits...) c) Next, if the sublord of the XIth (the house for fulfillmen t of desire),if situated in a Airy,Fixed or Common sign,) accordingly fix the se nsitive point to be considered for transit of Sun,Moon or Dasa lord...or Jup etc ... d) If the sublord of the XIth is Moon and in an Airy sign,the

n the event will take place within the month...and take the Moon's transit over the first sensetive point to FIX the day...of the event....(If fixed sign then s econd sensitive point,if Common then the third sensitive point and if Sat is inv olved then remember ONLY SAT will give results,it will NOT allow any other plane t to give the results.) e) If the sublord of the XIth is Sun and in an airy sign ta ke sun's transit of the first sensitive point and so on... I have endeavoured to give below a step-wise method of using K.P. to accurately prognostication...( in case I've missed anything,I'll send a supplementary) Wishing you the very best,I remain, Yours sincerely, lyrastro1 GOOD LUCK ! Sandy Crowther <> wrote: Dear TW and Yogesh Rao Lajmi, Ron, and Group,


thanks for your kind congratulatory words

Yogesh Rao Lagmi wrote:

Doesn't that,in a way strengthen my contention that the mother's chart will give better and more accurate results ? Yours 'ly, lyrastro1 GOOD LUCK !

WHY??? Because only 2 people out of 8 came close? I m amused. Does KP boast a 100% accuracy rate? I agree that having the charts of BOTH parents would have made d elineation a bit easier but in real life that isn t always an option



How can we refuse a male asking whether he can have a child and tell him to bring his wife?. I agree TW Perhaps it is time for participation on Blind charts from you, Mr. Yog esh Rao Lajmi, to demonstrate both your point and your expertise in KP delineati on which brings me to my next point...

Yogesh Rao Lagmi With all due respect, I believe you are a bit over the top with many of your posts this being another post of a few that I have observed in the s hort time I have been a member of this list .Anyway allow me to respond to your ac cusations of my personal motivations before I unsubscribe

You wrote: Dears Sandy Cowther & Srinivas Upadyay, I was under the imp ression that we are discusing in the is no place for sapthamsa, navamsas,dasamsas or forthat matter any amsas for judgement purposes... Members are request ed to stick to Krishnamurty Padhdhati only...else we will only arrive at a "hotc h-potch" of " the various Vedic Astrology our anxiety to prove one's point anywhich way,end up with nothing worthwhile..." I sincerely reques t ALL members to therefore stick to K.P.,only in this group... Yours sincerely, lyrastro1 GOOD LUCK !

Interesting diatribe Are Eclipses part of KP? You don t know me - nor do you know wh at my motivations are. I was simply respectfully responding to a question put fo rth by a list member nothing more simply sharing a technique. Now although I am a seasoned astrologer of 35 years, I am not experienced in KP and thought this li st might be a good place to start after a respected colleague of mine - Ron Gaun t - mentioned the list to me. So, for the record, I have just begun my journey o f studying KP therefore I am not familiar with what techniques are accepted by K P, and what techniques are rejected by KP. For that I apologize. However, you c ertainly set me straight real quick. Forgive me if I crossed the line of list di scussion I meant no disrespect.

However, due to the derogatory manner in which I was addressed (directly and ind irectly) by you on 2 separate occasions you can rest assured that I will not be posting to this KP list anymore. You see, I was not trying to prove anything, and unfortunately, for whatever your reasons, you have painted an inaccurate pictur e of my motives to this list, while showing a great deal of disrespect towards m e. I have little tolerance for unprovoked verbal hostility on any list. Your com ments on a few occasions were unnecessary and quite immature. You could have bro ught forth your point about amsa s, any amsa s , in a kinder manner like Anant Raichur did without resorting to implying to other list members your own delusional assu mptions about others, or suggesting such absurd inaccuracies of my personal moti vations such as - to prove one s point any which way . You couldn t be further from the truth I have nothing to prove, nor do I have any need to prove anything.

And again:

Therefore,personally, I stick to the pure and simple K.P., of old...and I had me ntioned it especially for those who are interested in more research etc...the "i n-thing" abroad...I guess...

Hmm Guess you don t like the fact that I enjoy

research ?

At any rate, I have l the best and hope you come across to this list. Goodbye

no time for this nonsense. But I do wish you and the list al you will at least think about the manner and tone with which others in your plight to exert your authority/superiority on and GOOD LUCK! J

P.S. Message for Ron Gaunt with respect to KPBC3:

Ron - In Vinay s assessment dates for the birth of the child he states the dates o f 5/12/82 to 5/30/82 (May) and states that these dates fall in a Mo/Ve/Me dasha. There is some mistake here because these May dates he predicted do not fall in a Mo/Ve/Me dasha, but rather in a Mo/Ve/Ra dasha. The birth took place, accordin g to your post, on 3/22/82 which is March not May. I just wanted to bring that t o your attention in case list members are following the Blind Charts. Thanks.

All the Best, Sandy Crowther

-----Original Message----From: tw853 [] Sent: Friday, December 03, 2004 10:26 AM To: Subject: [k_p_system] Re: KPBC3 Answer.

Dear Yogesh Rao Lajmi, Let us see some more samples. How can we refuse a male asking whether he can have a child and tell him to bring his wife?. Best regards, tw

--- In, Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@y...> wrote: > Dears Ron & Tw893, > Doesn't that,in a way strengthen my contention that the mother's chart will give better and more accurate results ? > Yours 'ly, > lyrastro1 > GOOD LUCK ! > > tw853 <tw853@y...> wrote: > > Dear Vinay Tiwari and Sandy Crowther, > > Congratulations for the correct choice of dasa sequence. > > Best wishes and regards, > > tw > > > P.S. > > Again like in KPBC2, it's a lesson for me that dasa is superior than > transit. Mercury is clearly stronger than Rahu, but Mercury was > dropped out because no more transit Jupiter in Virgo forming double > transit. Anyway basic principles are working except a strange sublord > of dasa lord Moon. The methodology in Astrosecrets I & III passed the > test for child's sex. And if the child birth is during Mo-Ve-Me-Ma > dasa sequence, an experimental method in p 236, KP Reader IV also > passed the test. > > > > > --- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > > The test was to find the birth date and sex of a child. No > > one got the date of the event which was 22 March 1982 and was a > > boy. However, Vinay was close, with only one selection he > > chose dasha sequence Moon Venus Mercury. > > Sandy also selected this sequence as her third choice. She also > > correctly came up with the child being a boy.

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > Vinays and Sandy's assessments are shown for reference. > > > Ron Gaunt .................................................................... ................ > > I am very new to this field.After calculation I feel the child > would have born in may 1982 probably after 12 th may and before > 30th .ie; Mo-ve-mer . > > In these dates also i feel last week of may. > > Lets C what I am going to learn more with the results. > > Thanks. > > Regards > Vinay Tiwari > .................................................................... ......................................... > > > > I had a few minutes over the Holiday week-end to get my KP feet > wet, so > trying my neophyte hand at an attempt on this blind chart, I came > up > with the following. (I am just beginning my study of this system > - so > please bear with me as I could be off the wall with my > choices.:-) This > is a learning experience for me.) > > > > My first choice for this subject being blessed with a child would > be > during his Mo/Ve/Ra dasha - covering the period from May 7, 1981 > to > August 5, 1981. The strongest time frame that I can reasonably > conclude > (using Shri Jyoti Star 5) is during the dates encompassing May > 15, 1981 > through May 30, 1981. These dates indicate running dasha > sequences of > Mo/Ve/Ra/Ra - Mo/Ve/Ra/Ju respectively. > > > > My reasoning: Transit Sun at this time occupies bhukti lord > Venus' sign > of Taurus in the 11th from the prantyantardasha lord (Rahu). > Transit > prantyantardasha (sub-lord) Rahu, who is natal 5th lord's > (Jupiter) star

> > lord, is posited in Mahadasha lord's (Moon) sign of Cancer, and > > is > > transiting the 5th from the natal 5th house, and 11th from natal > > 11th > > and natal Saturn (Jupiter's dispositor and star lord of the natal > > 5th > > house) possibly indicating a long or complicated labor, or simply > > a > > difficult labor with a few false starts (braxton hicks). I > > believe the > > sex of the first born child is male, and my conclusion for > > choosing male > > is based purely on the 7th varga (D-7-Saptamsha) delineation, as > > I am > > not familiar with KP's way to determine the sex of a child, and > > would > > love it if anyone on the list cares to share that info. :-) > > > > > > > > My second choice is Mo/Ve/Ju: from August 6, 1981 through October > > 26, > > 1981 > > > > > > > > My third choice would be Mo/Ve/Me: from January 30, 1982 through > > April > > 27, 1982. > > > > > > > > This was fun.I hope others will participate in these exercises so > > we may > > all learn from those on this list who are more experienced and > > seasoned > > in KP, and therefore more accurate in their assessments. Any > > comments > > about where my logic appears to be fuzzy, are certainly welcome. > > Thanks. > > > > > Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT > > > --------------------------------> Yahoo! Groups Links > > To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. > >

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-----------------------------------------A.R.Raichur bombay USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY tel: 022-2506 2609 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Mail - Helps protect you from nasty viruses.

1764 From: anant raichur <anant_1608@...> Date: Sun Dec 5, 2004 0:25am Subject: Re: Fwd: Re: consider the following hohary chart of x anant_1608 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Lalitha A planet cannot be tenanted or untenanted. IT is only A HOUSE that can be tenen ated9 occupied by one or more planets), or untenated (empty). What the Web site means, is that there are no ther planets in the STARS of the P lanet, considered. In Such a case this Planet, becomes the Significator of the 1st oder, and will signify strongly the House which it OCCUPIES. good luck lalu_75 <> wrote: dear all, I have come accrossed from one of the website stating that the untennanted planets are stronger and are likley to give strong results, memers pl give comments about that. in the hohary chart presented by me venus & sun are untennanted planets and sun is in sub of merc and 11 the house lord. according to the hohary chart thus the strong significators are ketu, merc, ketu & sun hence the period is

ketu dasa sun bukthi merc ant and ketu sook is that correct witch is between 28-10-2005 to 16-11-2005 is that correct. i need your help members. thanking you lalitha --- In, lalitha sathia wrote: sir, please kindly tell me wether the bukthi whar ever i have selected is correct, whether it is ketu dasa venus bukthit and ketu anthra or ketu dasa sun bukthi and ketu antra. i have taken venus bukthi first considering the ruling planet which is coorect. kindly guide me. thankig you lalitha Yogesh Rao Lajmi wrote: Dear lalu_75, This is in reference tio your query regarding the Horary chart,cast by you... Pl. take Kethu,as he represents Merc and is stronger... Also fine-tune by transits... Best wishes, Yours sincerely, lyrastro1 GOOD LUCK ! lalu_75 wrote: DEAR ALL, I AM THE BEGGINER WHO IS LEARNING KP ASTROLOGY IN SELF, I REQUEST ALL THE MEMBERS OF THIS FORUM TO GUIDE ME ON THAT, I HAVE ATTACHED THE CHART OF THE HOHARY TAKEN FOR MARRIGAE AND I HAVE PREDICTED SOME RESULTS ON THAT PLEASE GUIDE ME ON THAT TO BRING WETHER THE PRDICTIONS MAID OR COOORECT AND TO CORRTECT IF MADE WRONG, PLEASE HELPME RESULTS 1. FOR THE HOHARY CALCULATED FOR MARRIAGE THE HOUSES 2,7,11 HAS TO BE TAKEN FOR JUDGEMENT IN THE CHART THE 7TH CUPS SUBLORD IS MERCURY AND THE MERCURY IS IN 2ND HOUSE AND IT SIGNIFIES STRONGLY THAT THE MARRIAGE WILL TAKE PLACE FOR THE PERSON 2. THE CURRENT DASA RUNNING IS KETU AND BUTKTHI IS VENUS TILL 8-8-2005 SINCE KETU IS SIGNIFIYING 2 & 7 KETU - A-ASC ,B-12th ,C-2nd ,C-7th , THE MARRIAGE WILL TAKE PLACE IN THIS DASA NEXT IN WHICH BUKTHI IF WE CONSIDER THE RULING PLANETS OF THE DAY IT IS ASC= 88 21 58 MERC JUP VEN MERC MOON 1 37 41 MARS KETU VEN RAHU


SUN. 8 7 52 39 Mar Sat Ket Sat ASC 7 12 33 20 Ven Rah Mer Mer MOON 1 1 38 45 Mar Ket Ven Rah 2nd 8 11 54 35 Mar Sat Moo Ven MARS 7 14 28 44 Ven Rah Ket Ket 3rd 9 11 5 44 Jup Ket Sat Rah MERC 8 29 42 22 Mar Mer Sat Rah 4th 10 11 5 28 Sat Moo Moo Sun JUP. 6 18 10 54 Mer Moo Mer Ven 5th 11 12 23 14 Sat Rah Sat Jup VEN. 7 7 31 28 Ven Rah Rah Sat 6th 12 13 35 36 Jup Sat Rah Sat SAT.-R 4 3 16 27 Moo Jup Rah Mar 7th 1 12 33 20 Mar Ket Mer Rah RAHU 1 6 31 35 Mar Ket Rah Mer 8th 2 11 54 35 Ven Moo Rah Rah KETU 7 6 31 35 Ven Mar Moo Ven 9th 3 11 5 44 Mer Rah Sat Ket URAN 11 9 6 18 Sat Rah Jup Sat 10th 4 11 5 28 Moo Sat Moo Moo NEPT 10 19 3 2 Sat Moo Mer Rah 11th 5 12 23 14 Sun Ket Mer Moo FOR. 12 6 19 27 Jup Sat Mer Moo 12th 6 13 35 36 Mer Moo Rah Sun WANT TRADITIONAL HOROS/NAVAMSA Y/N ? TRADITIONAL RASI CHART |--------------------------------------------------------------| |FOR. |MOON RAHU | | | | | | | | | | | | | |--------------------------------------------------------------| |URAN | |SAT. | | | | | | | | | |---------------| |--------------| |NEPT | | | | | | | | | | | |--------------------------------------------------------------| | |SUN. MERC |ASC.......MARS |JUP. | | | |VEN. KETU | | | | |

| | |--------------------------------------------------------------| TRADITIONAL NAVAMSA CHART |--------------------------------------------------------------| |MERC |MOON |RAHU |JUP. NEPT | | | | | | | | | | | |--------------------------------------------------------------| |MARS | |SAT. | | | | | | | | | |---------------| |--------------| |ASC....... | |FOR. | | | | | | | | | |--------------------------------------------------------------| |VEN. URAN |KETU | |SUN. | | | | | | | | | | | |--------------------------------------------------------------| Cast By K.K.SAMPATHKUMAR ON 26-11-2004 Programme by RAICHUR.A.R 8/147 Garodianagar BOMBAY-77 A S P E C T S Planet SUN. MOON MARS MERC JUP. VEN. SAT. RAHU KETU URAN NEPT FOR. SUN. Sextl TRINE SQUR. TRINE MOON TRINE .OPP. MARS Ssqr. CONJ. SQUR. MERC TRINE Ssqr. JUP. TRINE VEN. Sextl .OPP. *150* Sextl SQUR. CONJ. .OPP. TRINE *126* CONJ. SQUR. .OPP. CONJ.






Cast By K.K.SAMPATHKUMAR ON 26-11-2004 Programme by RAICHUR.A.R 8/147 Garodianagar BOMBAY-77 PRESS ENTER FOR NEXT VIEW SIGNIFICATORS OF HOUSES SIGNIFICATORS ARE SHOWN IN THE FOLLOWING ORDER OF IMPORTANCE A-Planets in Star of Occupants of House: B-Planets in House C-Planets in stars of House Lord: D-House Lord : HOUSE No. 1 A-KETU:B-SUN.:B-MARS:D-Ven.

HOUSE No. 2 A-MERC:B-MERC:C-KETU:D-Mars HOUSE No. 3 C-SAT.:D-Jup. HOUSE No. 4 B-URAN:B-NEPT:C-SUN.:C-FOR.:D-Sat. HOUSE No. 5 B-FOR.:C-SUN.:C-FOR.:D-Sat. HOUSE No. 6 A-JUP.:A-NEPT:A-MARS:A-VEN.:A-URAN:B-MOON:B-RAHU:C-SAT.:D-Jup. PRESS ENTER FOR NEXT VIEW HOUSE No. 7 C-KETU:D-Mars HOUSE No. 8 D-Ven. HOUSE No. 9 A-SUN.:A-FOR.:B-SAT.:C-MERC:D-Merc HOUSE No. 10 C-JUP.:C-NEPT:D-Moon HOUSE No. 11 D-Sun. HOUSE No. 12 A-SAT.:A-MOON:A-RAHU:B-JUP.:B-VEN.:B-KETU:C-MERC:D-Merc PRESS ENTER FOR NEXT VIEW PLANET Houses Signified SUN. MOON MARS MERC JUP. VEN. SAT. RAHU KETU URAN NEPT FOR. A-9th ,B-ASC ,C-4th ,C-5th ,D-11th , A-12th ,B-6th ,D-10th , A-6th ,B-ASC ,D-2nd ,D-7th , A-2nd ,B-2nd ,C-9th ,C-12th ,D-9th ,D-12th , A-6th ,B-12th ,C-10th ,D-3rd ,D-6th , A-6th ,B-12th ,D-ASC ,D-8th , A-12th ,B-9th ,C-3rd ,C-6th ,D-4th ,D-5th , A-12th ,B-6th , A-ASC ,B-12th ,C-2nd ,C-7th , A-6th ,B-4th , A-6th ,B-4th ,C-10th , A-9th ,B-5th ,C-4th ,C-5th ,


Ketu DASA 11 1 2004 TO 11 1 2011 Ven. DASA 11 1 2011 TO 11 1 2031 Ven. Bhk. 11 1 2011 TO 11 5 2014 Ven. Bhk. 23 11 2004 TO 8 8 2005 Sun. Bhk. 11 5 2014 TO 11 5 2015 Sun. Bhk. 8 8 2005 TO 14 12 2005 Moon Bhk. 11 5 2015 TO 11 1 2017 Moon Bhk. 14 12 2005 TO 14 7 2006 Mars Bhk. 11 1 2017 TO 11 3 2018 Mars Bhk. 14 7 2006 TO 11 12 2006 Rahu Bhk. 11 3 2018 TO 11 3 2021 Rahu Bhk. 11 12 2006 TO 29 12 2007 Jup. Bhk. 11 3 2021 TO 11 11 2023 Jup. Bhk. 29 12 2007 TO 5 12 2008 Sat. Bhk. 11 11 2023 TO 11 1 2027 Sat. Bhk. 5 12 2008 TO 14 1 2010 Merc Bhk. 11 1 2027 TO 11 11 2029 Merc Bhk. 14 1 2010 TO 11 1 2011 Ketu Bhk. 11 11 2029 TO 11 1 2031 PRESS ENTER FOR NEXT VIEW KETU Dasa 11 1 2004 TO 11 1 2011 KETU Bhk. 11 1 2004 TO 8 6 2004 VEN Bhk. 8 6 2004 TO 8 8 2005 KETU Ant. 11 1 2004 TO 20 1 2004 VEN Ant. 8 6 2004 TO 18 8 2004 VEN Ant. 20 1 2004 TO 14 2 2004 SUN Ant. 18 8 2004 TO 9 9 2004 SUN Ant. 14 2 2004 TO 21 2 2004 MOON Ant. 9 9 2004 TO 14 10 2004 MOON Ant. 21 2 2004 TO 4 3 2004 MARS Ant. 14 10 2004 TO 9 11 2004 MARS Ant. 4 3 2004 TO 12 3 2004 RAHU Ant. 9 11 2004 TO 12 1 2005 RAHU Ant. 12 3 2004 TO 4 4 2004 JUP Ant. 12 1 2005 TO 8 3 2005 JUP Ant. 4 4 2004 TO 24 4 2004 SAT Ant. 8 3 2005 TO 14 5 2005 SAT Ant. 24 4 2004 TO 17 5 2004 MERC Ant. 14 5 2005 TO 14 7 2005 MERC Ant. 17 5 2004 TO 8 6 2004 KETU Ant. 14 7 2005 TO 8 8 2005 SUN Bhk. 8 8 2005 TO 14 12 2005 MOON Bhk. 14 12 2005 TO 14 7 2006 SUN Ant. 8 8 2005 TO 14 8 2005 MOON Ant. 14 12 2005 TO 1 1 2006 MOON Ant. 14 8 2005 TO 25 8 2005 MARS Ant. 1 1 2006 TO 14 1 2006 MARS Ant. 25 8 2005 TO 2 9 2005 RAHU Ant. 14 1 2006 TO 15 2 2006 RAHU Ant. 2 9 2005 TO 21 9 2005 JUP Ant. 15 2 2006 TO 13 3 2006

JUP Ant. 21 9 2005 TO 8 10 2005 SAT Ant. 13 3 2006 TO 17 4 2006 SAT Ant. 8 10 2005 TO 28 10 2005 MERC Ant. 17 4 2006 TO 16 5 2006 MERC Ant. 28 10 2005 TO 16 11 2005 KETU Ant. 16 5 2006 TO 29 5 2006 KETU Ant. 16 11 2005 TO 23 11 2005 VEN Ant. 29 5 2006 TO 4 7 2006 VEN Ant. 23 11 2005 TO 14 12 2005 SUN Ant. 4 7 2006 TO 14 7 2006 KETU Dasa 11 1 2004 TO 11 1 2011 VEN Bhk. 8 6 2004 TO 8 8 2005 RAHU Ant. 9 11 2004 TO 12 1 2005 JUP Ant. 12 1 2005 TO 8 3 2005 RAHU Soo. 9 11 2004 TO 18 11 2004 JUP Soo. 12 1 2005 TO 19 1 2005 JUP Soo. 18 11 2004 TO 26 11 2004 SAT Soo. 19 1 2005 TO 28 1 2005 SAT Soo. 26 11 2004 TO 6 12 2004 MERC Soo. 28 1 2005 TO 6 2 2005 MERC Soo. 6 12 2004 TO 15 12 2004 KETU Soo. 6 2 2005 TO 9 2 2005 KETU Soo. 15 12 2004 TO 19 12 2004 VEN Soo. 9 2 2005 TO 18 2 2005 VEN Soo. 19 12 2004 TO 29 12 2004 SUN Soo. 18 2 2005 TO 21 2 2005 SUN Soo. 29 12 2004 TO 3 1 2005 MOON Soo. 21 2 2005 TO 26 2 2005 MOON Soo. 3 1 2005 TO 8 1 2005 MARS Soo. 26 2 2005 TO 1 3 2005 MARS Soo. 8 1 2005 TO 12 1 2005 RAHU Soo. 1 3 2005 TO 8 3 2005 SAT Ant. 8 3 2005 TO 14 5 2005 MERC Ant. 14 5 2005 TO 14 7 2005 SAT Soo. 8 3 2005 TO 18 3 2005 MERC Soo. 14 5 2005 TO 22 5 2005 MERC Soo. 18 3 2005 TO 27 3 2005 KETU Soo. 22 5 2005 TO 26 5 2005 KETU Soo. 27 3 2005 TO 1 4 2005 VEN Soo. 26 5 2005 TO 6 6 2005 VEN Soo. 1 4 2005 TO 12 4 2005 SUN Soo. 6 6 2005 TO 9 6 2005 SUN Soo. 12 4 2005 TO 16 4 2005 MOON Soo. 9 6 2005 TO 14 6 2005 MOON Soo. 16 4 2005 TO 21 4 2005 MARS Soo. 14 6 2005 TO 17 6 2005 MARS Soo. 21 4 2005 TO 25 4 2005 RAHU Soo. 17 6 2005 TO 26 6 2005 RAHU Soo. 25 4 2005 TO 5 5 2005 JUP Soo. 26 6 2005 TO 4 7 2005 JUP Soo. 5 5 2005 TO 14 5 2005 SAT Soo. 4 7 2005 TO 14 7 2005 KETU Ant. 14 7 2005 TO 8 8 2005

KETU Soo. 14 7 2005 TO 15 7 2005 VEN Soo. 15 7 2005 TO 19 7 2005 SUN Soo. 19 7 2005 TO 20 7 2005 MOON Soo. 20 7 2005 TO 22 7 2005 MARS Soo. 22 7 2005 TO 24 7 2005 RAHU Soo. 24 7 2005 TO 27 7 2005 JUP Soo. 27 7 2005 TO 31 7 2005 SAT Soo. 31 7 2005 TO 5 8 2005 MERC Soo. 5 8 2005 TO 8 8 2005 RULING PLANETS Ascendent ,Moon any Time of the DAY For North Latitude and East longitude only TYPE WITH COMMA(,) between Deg,Min & date,month,year,hrs,min Latitude Deg,Min? 13,4 Longitude Deg,Min? 80,17(CHENNAI) DATE Date,Month,Year? 23,11,2004 TIME I.S.T. Hrs.Min ? 21,12 DAY LORD IS MARS ASC= 88 21 58 MERC JUP VEN MERC MOON 1 37 41 MARS KETU VEN RAHU RAHU 6 31 35 MARS KETU RAHU MERC KETU 186 31 35 VEN MARS MOON VEN ANOTHER NO Y/N ?

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1765 From: anant raichur <anant_1608@...> Date: Sun Dec 5, 2004 0:49am Subject: Re: RECTIFICATION OF TIME OF BIRTH anant_1608 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Friends Will someone enlighten me on the RULE "the sub-lord of the Asc must be the Star Lord of the MOON. "

The Moon remains in one Nakstra for nearly 2 days. Thus the Moons star lord doe s not change in these 2 days. According to the RULE, all births in this two day period should have the SAME SUB. This is not at all logical. I for one do not u se this rule. good luck Ravinder Grover <> wrote: Dear all Help required to Rectify TOB, as follows: Date of Query: 5th October 2004, 18:32:23 hours, NZDST, Auckland, New Zealand Query: Rectify TOB if required? Date of Birth: 8th Oct 1958, Recorded time of Birth : 00:01 am, Place: New Delhi , India This gives Lagna as Gemini 28deg 21 min 36 sec ruled by Merc, Jup, Ven, Merc and Mon at Cancer 11 deg 35 min 7 sec, ruled by Mon, Sat, Mon, Sat To rectify TOB, as per rule, Sub Lord Cusp(1) should be same as Moon's Star Lord Here Sub Lord Cusp(1) = VENUS and Star Lord of Moon is SAT To get SLC(1) = Sat, Lagna should be moved to either at Gemini 21-46-40 to 23-53-20 that is, Rectified TOB should be 23.46 hou rs on 7th October 1958 OR Cancer 3-20-00 to 5-26-40 that is, Rectified TOB should be 11:25 hours Question is : Which is the right TOB? Love

Ravinder GRover

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1766 From: "Kanakkumar Bosmia" <kanbosastro@...> Date: Sun Dec 5, 2004 0:54am Subject: RE: RECTIFICATION OF TIME OF BIRTH kanbosastro Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Ravindra i am not agree with you. you mean to say moon was in SAT star so Asc sub is also SAT . it means all day all child birth with asc sub as SAT ???????? bcoz moon s tar was SAT!!!!!!!!!!!!! i dont think it is right method to check birth time. pls refer Book " SECRETS OF R.P. & THE BIRTH TIME By: K.Baskaran Publishe KRISH MAN & CO 804 Mount Road, Chhennai 600 002 " according to him RP MOON = Bith Asc. and RP Asc. = Birth Moon.( ksk himself wrot e in any one reader about RP Moon = Birth Asc. but i dont remember no: and Page No.) frist you go up to birth Mon Sub-Sub-Sub level . and calcutet asc for that time you can found Bith asc as RP MOON most of case. i found very accuret result by this method. and it is my personal view . kanak bosmia

>From: Ravinder Grover <> >Reply-To: >To: >CC: >Subject: [k_p_system] RECTIFICATION OF TIME OF BIRTH >Date: Sun, 05 Dec 2004 18:46:51 +1300 > >Dear all > >Help required to Rectify TOB, as follows: > > >Date of Query: 5th October 2004, 18:32:23 hours, NZDST, Auckland, New Zealand > >Query: Rectify TOB if required? > >Date of Birth: 8th Oct 1958, Recorded time of Birth : 00:01 am, Place: New Delh i , India > >This gives Lagna as Gemini 28deg 21 min 36 sec ruled by Merc, Jup, Ven, Merc > >and Mon at Cancer 11 deg 35 min 7 sec, ruled by Mon, Sat, Mon, Sat > >To rectify TOB, as per rule, Sub Lord Cusp(1) should be same as Moon's Star Lor d >

>Here Sub Lord Cusp(1) = VENUS and Star Lord of Moon is SAT > >To get SLC(1) = Sat, Lagna should be moved to > > a.. either at Gemini 21-46-40 to 23-53-20 that is, Rectified TOB should be 2 3.46 hours on 7th October 1958 > b.. OR Cancer 3-20-00 to 5-26-40 that is, Rectified TOB should be 11:25 hour s >Question is : Which is the right TOB? > >Love > > > >Ravinder GRover > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Claim your Space NOW! Have fun sharing blogs, photos and music lists online.

1767 From: anant raichur <anant_1608@...> Date: Sun Dec 5, 2004 1:10am Subject: rectification of birth anant_1608 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 I am sorry I made a mistake, in my last posting. The Moon remains in the same Nakshatra(STAR) for 20 to 28 hours. So Star Lord remains same. We cannot accept that all Births within this span of Time, will have the same SUB as the MOON's star lord. If I am wrong, I am prepared to relearn my basics

-----------------------------------------A.R.Raichur bombay USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY tel: 022-2506 2609 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Do you Yahoo!? Take Yahoo! Mail with you! Get it on your mobile phone.

1768 From: Vinay Tiwari <techn0pandit@...> Date: Sun Dec 5, 2004 1:49am Subject: Query regarding birth of second child? techn0pandit Offline Send Email

Invite to Yahoo! 360 Respected gurus and friends, I was just going through a chart , for birth of his second child. Dear Guruz , Can you kindly answer for following queries, 1) Which houses should be considered? 2)If i am not wrong 2,7,11 for second child ie ; 7 is 3rd from 5th . But 2,7,11 also gives marriage? 3)If i want to confirm whether birth of second child is there in chart should i C 7th sublord connection? or how Please i need guidence regarding same. Thanks In advance, Regards, Vinay Tiwari -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Do you Yahoo!? Take Yahoo! Mail with you! Get it on your mobile phone.

1769 From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@...> Date: Sun Dec 5, 2004 3:11am Subject: Re: RECTIFICATION OF TIME OF BIRTH lyrastro1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Mr.Raichur, The Moon star may remain the same,as you point out,but,t he sub-lord of the Ascendant keeps changing very rapidly... This is the rule to examine whether a given chart is cor rect or not,as given in Astrosecrets and K.P., by K.Subramaniam,p.237. With highest regards, lyrastro1 GOOD LUCK ! Dear Friends Will someone enlighten me on the RULE "the sub-lord of the Asc must be the Star Lord of the MOON. " The Moon remains in one Nakstra for nearly 2 days. Thus the Moons star lord doe s not change in these 2 days. According to the RULE, all births in this two day period should have the SAME SUB. This is not at all logical. I for one do not u se this rule. good luck Ravinder Grover <> wrote: Dear all

Help required to Rectify TOB, as follows: Date of Query: 5th October 2004, 18:32:23 hours, NZDST, Auckland, New Zealand Query: Rectify TOB if required? Date of Birth: 8th Oct 1958, Recorded time of Birth : 00:01 am, Place: New Delhi , India This gives Lagna as Gemini 28deg 21 min 36 sec ruled by Merc, Jup, Ven, Merc and Mon at Cancer 11 deg 35 min 7 sec, ruled by Mon, Sat, Mon, Sat To rectify TOB, as per rule, Sub Lord Cusp(1) should be same as Moon's Star Lord Here Sub Lord Cusp(1) = VENUS and Star Lord of Moon is SAT To get SLC(1) = Sat, Lagna should be moved to either at Gemini 21-46-40 to 23-53-20 that is, Rectified TOB should be 23.46 hou rs on 7th October 1958 OR Cancer 3-20-00 to 5-26-40 that is, Rectified TOB should be 11:25 hours Question is : Which is the right TOB? Love

Ravinder GRover

-----------------------------------------A.R.Raichur bombay USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY tel: 022-2506 2609 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Do you Yahoo!? Meet the all-new My Yahoo! Try it today! Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online.

1770 From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@...> Date: Sun Dec 5, 2004 3:15am Subject: Re: RECTIFICATION OF TIME OF BIRTH lyrastro1 Offline

Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Ravinder, When in doubt,always follow the Golden Rule in K.P., : Confirm with the help of RPs...! Yours sincerely, lyrastro1 Ravinder Grover <> wrote: Dear all Help required to Rectify TOB, as follows: Date of Query: 5th October 2004, 18:32:23 hours, NZDST, Auckland, New Zealand Query: Rectify TOB if required? Date of Birth: 8th Oct 1958, Recorded time of Birth : 00:01 am, Place: New Delhi , India This gives Lagna as Gemini 28deg 21 min 36 sec ruled by Merc, Jup, Ven, Merc and Mon at Cancer 11 deg 35 min 7 sec, ruled by Mon, Sat, Mon, Sat To rectify TOB, as per rule, Sub Lord Cusp(1) should be same as Moon's Star Lord Here Sub Lord Cusp(1) = VENUS and Star Lord of Moon is SAT To get SLC(1) = Sat, Lagna should be moved to either at Gemini 21-46-40 to 23-53-20 that is, Rectified TOB should be 23.46 hou rs on 7th October 1958 OR Cancer 3-20-00 to 5-26-40 that is, Rectified TOB should be 11:25 hours Question is : Which is the right TOB? Love

Ravinder GRover

Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online.

1771 From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@...> Date: Sun Dec 5, 2004 3:21am Subject: Re: Fwd: Re: consider the following hohary chart of x lyrastro1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Lalitha,

As per your observations,the sublord of the XI as well as the sublord of the VIIth is Merc,posited in II, the marriage is Promised...! With best wishes, lyrastro1 GOOD LUCK ! lalitha sathia <> wrote: dear sir, thanks for your valuable explanation, in the hohary chart what i have presente d as i mention the two untenanted planets are sun & venus in that the sun is the 11 th house lord and its sub lord is merc. since the 7th cup sub lord is merc a nd it is located in 2nd house, it shows that the untenanted planet sun is more s tronger. please guide me whether the period of marrige what ever predicted by me is correct, then i will concentrate on the transits to arrive at the timing, pl ease guide me. thanking you lalitha Yogesh Rao Lajmi <> wrote: Dear lalu 75, The first part,that untenanted planets are stronger to give res ults,are give results is correct as per K.P.but the sub it is posi ted in will be the final decider...for good or bad... The other part of your letter I have not probed into...! Yours 'ly, lyrastro1 lalu_75 <> wrote: dear all, I have come accrossed from one of the website stating that the untennanted planets are stronger and are likley to give strong results, memers pl give comments about that. in the hohary chart presented by me venus & sun are untennanted planets and sun is in sub of merc and 11 the house lord. according to the hohary chart thus the strong significators are ketu, merc, ketu & sun hence the period is ketu dasa sun bukthi merc ant and ketu sook is that correct witch is between 28-10-2005 to 16-11-2005 is that correct. i need your help members. thanking you lalitha --- In, lalitha sathia <lalu_75@y...> wrote: sir, please kindly tell me wether the bukthi whar ever i have selected is correct, whether it is ketu dasa venus bukthit and ketu anthra or ketu dasa sun bukthi and ketu antra. i have taken venus bukthi first considering the ruling planet which is coorect. kindly guide me. thankig you lalitha Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@y...> wrote: Dear lalu_75, This is in reference tio your query regarding the Horary chart,cast by you...







: 1st : 1st

KARTEEK 12 CHENNAI : STATE : : COUNTRY: 23 - 11 - 2004 : TIME: 21 H. 12 M. Ketu 6 Y. 1 M. 18 Days ENDS on 11 - 1 - 2011 Asc.for RP 88 Deg 21 Min LORDS : Merc,Jup.,Ven.,Merc PLANETS AND CUSPS

Planet S Sbl SsL SUN. 8 Mer Mer MOON 1 Moo Ven MARS 7 Sat Rah MERC 8 Moo Sun JUP. 6 Sat Jup VEN. 7 Rah Sat SAT.-R 4 Mer Rah RAHU 1 Rah Rah KETU 7 Sat Ket URAN 11 Moo Moo NEPT 10 Mer Moo

D M sec Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl 7 52 39 Mar Sat Ket Sat 1 38 45 Mar Ket Ven Rah 14 28 44 Ven Rah Ket Ket 29 42 22 Mar Mer Sat Rah 18 10 54 Mer Moo Mer Ven 7 31 28 Ven Rah Rah Sat 3 16 27 Moo Jup Rah Mar 6 31 35 Mar Ket Rah Mer 6 31 35 Ven Mar Moo Ven 9 6 18 Sat Rah Jup Sat 19 3 2 Sat Moo Mer Rah

Cusp ASC 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th

S D M sec Sgl Stl 7 12 33 20 Ven Rah 8 11 54 35 Mar Sat 9 11 5 44 Jup Ket 10 11 5 28 Sat Moo 11 12 23 14 Sat Rah 12 13 35 36 Jup Sat 1 12 33 20 Mar Ket 2 11 54 35 Ven Moo 3 11 5 44 Mer Rah 4 11 5 28 Moo Sat 5 12 23 14 Sun Ket

FOR. 12 6 19 27 Jup Sat Mer Moo Rah Sun WANT TRADITIONAL HOROS/NAVAMSA Y/N ?


6 13 35 36 Mer Moo

TRADITIONAL RASI CHART |--------------------------------------------------------------| |FOR. | | | | | -| |URAN |SAT. | | | | -| |NEPT | | | | | -| | |JUP. | | | | -| TRADITIONAL NAVAMSA CHART |--------------------------------------------------------------| NEPT | | | -| |MARS |SAT. | | | | | | | | |MERC | | | | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------|MOON | |RAHU | |JUP. | | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------| | |VEN. KETU |SUN. MERC |ASC.......MARS | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | |---------------| |-------------| | | | | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------| | | |MOON RAHU |

| -| |FOR. | | -| |SUN. | | -|

| |---------------|


|ASC....... | | | | | | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------|VEN. URAN |KETU | | | | | | | | | | |--------------------------------------------------------------


Ssqr. *150* TRINE Sextl *150*

PRESS ENTER FOR NEXT VIEW Planet ASC 11th 12th 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th .OPP. TRINE




CONJ. Sextl Ssqr. SXTL. CONJ. *126* .OPP. CONJ.






D-Ven. HOUSE No. 9 A-SUN.:A-FOR.:B-SAT.:C-MERC:D-Merc HOUSE No. 10 C-JUP.:C-NEPT:D-Moon HOUSE No. 11 D-Sun. HOUSE No. 12 A-SAT.:A-MOON:A-RAHU:B-JUP.:B-VEN.:B-KETU:C-MERC:D-Merc PRESS ENTER FOR NEXT VIEW PLANET Houses Signified SUN. MOON MARS MERC JUP. VEN. SAT. RAHU KETU URAN NEPT FOR. A-9th A-12th A-6th A-2nd A-6th A-6th A-12th A-12th A-ASC A-6th A-6th A-9th ,B-ASC ,B-6th ,B-ASC ,B-2nd ,B-12th ,B-12th ,B-9th ,B-6th ,B-12th ,B-4th ,B-4th ,B-5th ,C-4th ,D-10th ,D-2nd ,C-9th ,C-10th ,D-ASC ,C-3rd , ,C-2nd , ,C-10th ,C-4th ,C-5th , ,D-7th ,C-12th ,D-3rd ,D-8th ,C-6th ,D-11th , , ,D-9th ,D-12th , ,D-6th , , ,D-4th ,D-5th ,

,C-7th , , ,C-5th ,

Programme by RAICHUR.A.R 8/147 Garodianagar BOMBAY77 PRESS ENTER FOR NEXT VIEW DASAS AND BHUKTIES Ketu DASA 11 1 2004 TO 11 1 2011 2031 2014 Ven. Bhk. 11 5 2015 Sun. Bhk. 11 1 2017 Moon Bhk. 11 3 2018 Mars Bhk. 11 3 2021 Rahu Bhk. 11 11 2023 Jup. Bhk. 11 1 2027 Sat. Bhk. 11 11 2029 Merc Bhk. 11 1 2031 23 11 2004 TO 8 8 2005 Sun. Bhk. 11 5 2014 TO Moon Bhk. 11 5 2015 TO Mars Bhk. 11 1 2017 TO Rahu Bhk. 11 3 2018 TO Jup. Bhk. 11 3 2021 TO Sat. Bhk. 11 11 2023 TO Merc Bhk. 11 1 2027 TO Ketu Bhk. 11 11 2029 TO 8 8 2005 TO 14 12 2005 14 12 2005 TO 14 7 2006 14 7 2006 TO 11 12 2006 11 12 2006 TO 29 12 2007 29 12 2007 TO 5 12 2008 Ven. DASA 11 1 2011 TO 11 1 Ven. Bhk. 11 1 2011 TO 11 5

5 12 2008 TO 14 1 2010 14 1 2010 TO 11 1 2011

PRESS ENTER FOR NEXT VIEW KETU Dasa 11 1 2004 TO 11 1 2011 KETU Bhk. 11 1 2004 TO 8 8 2005 KETU Ant. 11 18 8 2004 VEN Ant. 20 9 9 2004 SUN Ant. 14 10 2004 MOON Ant. 21 11 2004 MARS Ant. 4 12 1 2005 RAHU Ant. 12 8 3 2005 JUP Ant. 4 14 5 2005 SAT Ant. 24 14 7 2005 MERC Ant. 17 8 8 2005 8 6 2004 VEN Bhk. 8 6 2004 TO VEN Ant. 8 6 2004 TO SUN Ant. 18 8 2004 TO MOON Ant. 9 9 2004 TO 14 MARS Ant. 14 10 2004 TO RAHU Ant. 9 11 2004 TO JUP Ant. 12 1 2005 TO SAT Ant. 8 3 2005 TO MERC Ant. 14 5 2005 TO KETU Ant. 14 7 2005 TO MOON Bhk. 14 12 2005 TO MOON Ant. 14 12 2005 TO MARS Ant. 1 1 2006 TO RAHU Ant. 14 1 2006 TO JUP Ant. 15 2 2006 TO SAT Ant. 13 3 2006 TO MERC Ant. 17 4 2006 TO KETU Ant. 16 5 2006 TO VEN Ant. 29 5 2006 TO SUN Ant. 4 7 2006 TO VEN Bhk. 8 6 2004 TO JUP Ant. 12 1 2005 TO JUP Soo. 12 1 2005 TO SAT Soo. 19 1 2005 TO MERC Soo. 28 1 2005 TO 8 8 9

1 2004 TO 20 1 2004 1 2004 TO 14 2 2004 2 2004 TO 21 2 2004 2 2004 TO 4 3 2004

3 2004 TO 12 3 2004 3 2004 TO 4 4 2004

4 2004 TO 24 4 2004 4 2004 TO 17 5 2004 5 2004 TO 8 6 2004

SUN Bhk. 8 8 2005 TO 14 12 2005 14 7 2006 SUN Ant. 8 1 1 2006 MOON Ant. 14 14 1 2006 MARS Ant. 25 15 2 2006 RAHU Ant. 2 13 3 2006 JUP Ant. 21 17 4 2006 SAT Ant. 8 16 5 2006 MERC Ant. 28 29 5 2006 KETU Ant. 16 4 7 2006 VEN Ant. 23 14 7 2006 8 2005 TO 14 8 2005 8 2005 TO 25 8 2005 8 2005 TO 2 9 2005

9 2005 TO 21 9 2005 9 2005 TO 8 10 2005

10 2005 TO 28 10 2005 10 2005 TO 16 11 2005 11 2005 TO 23 11 2005 11 2005 TO 14 12 2005

KETU Dasa 11 1 2004 TO 11 1 2011 2005 RAHU Ant. 9 11 2004 TO 12 1 2005 8 3 2005 RAHU Soo. 9 11 2004 TO 18 11 2004 19 1 2005 JUP Soo. 18 11 2004 TO 26 11 2004 28 1 2005 SAT Soo. 26 11 2004 TO 6 12 2004

6 2 2005 MERC Soo. 6 9 2 2005 KETU Soo. 15 18 2 2005 VEN Soo. 19 21 2 2005 SUN Soo. 29 26 2 2005 MOON Soo. 3 1 3 2005 MARS Soo. 8 8 3 2005

12 2004 TO 15 12 2004 12 2004 TO 19 12 2004 12 2004 TO 29 12 2004 12 2004 TO 1 2005 TO 3 1 2005 8 1 2005

KETU Soo. 6 2 2005 TO VEN Soo. 9 2 2005 TO SUN Soo. 18 2 2005 TO MOON Soo. 21 2 2005 TO MARS Soo. 26 2 2005 TO RAHU Soo. 1 3 2005 TO MERC Ant. 14 5 2005 TO MERC Soo. 14 5 2005 TO KETU Soo. 22 5 2005 TO VEN Soo. 26 5 2005 TO SUN Soo. 6 6 2005 TO MOON Soo. 9 6 2005 TO MARS Soo. 14 6 2005 TO RAHU Soo. 17 6 2005 TO JUP Soo. 26 6 2005 TO SAT Soo. 4 7 2005 TO

1 2005 TO 12 1 2005

SAT Ant. 8 3 2005 TO 14 5 2005 14 7 2005 SAT Soo. 8 22 5 2005 MERC Soo. 18 26 5 2005 KETU Soo. 27 6 6 2005 VEN Soo. 1 9 6 2005 SUN Soo. 12 14 6 2005 MOON Soo. 16 17 6 2005 MARS Soo. 21 26 6 2005 RAHU Soo. 25 4 7 2005 JUP Soo. 5 14 7 2005 3 2005 TO 18 3 2005 3 2005 TO 27 3 2005 3 2005 TO 1 4 2005

4 2005 TO 12 4 2005 4 2005 TO 16 4 2005 4 2005 TO 21 4 2005 4 2005 TO 25 4 2005 4 2005 TO 5 5 2005

5 2005 TO 14 5 2005 8 8 2005 15 19 20 22 24 27 31 5 8 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005

KETU Ant. 14 7 2005 TO KETU VEN SUN MOON MARS RAHU JUP SAT MERC Soo. Soo. Soo. Soo. Soo. Soo. Soo. Soo. Soo. 14 15 19 20 22 24 27 31 5 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO

RULING PLANETS Ascendent ,Moon any Time of the DAY For North Latitude and East longitude only TYPE WITH COMMA(,) between Deg,Min & date,month,year,hrs,min Latitude Longitude Deg,Min? 13,4 Deg,Min? 80,17(CHENNAI)

DATE Date,Month,Year? 23,11,2004

TIME I.S.T. DAY LORD IS ASC= MOON RAHU KETU 88 21 58 1 37 41 6 31 35 186 31 35 MARS

Hrs.Min ? 21,12






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1772 From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@...> Date: Sun Dec 5, 2004 4:01am Subject: Re: Query regarding birth of second child? lyrastro1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Vinay, You are very correct,for the second child it is recommended tha t the VIIth cusp sublord shoul be per K.P., recently also there wa s a discussion on the issue of whether Father's chart or Mother's chart should b e analysed...etc. But for the second child I do not think there is any 'dispute' on taking the VIIth cusp for consideration... Yours sincerely, lyrastro1 GOOD LUCK ! Vinay Tiwari <> wrote: Respected gurus and friends, I was just going through a chart , for birth of his second child. Dear Guruz , Can you kindly answer for following queries, 1) Which houses should be considered? 2)If i am not wrong 2,7,11 for second child ie ; 7 is 3rd from 5th . But 2,7,11 also gives marriage? 3)If i want to confirm whether birth of second child is there in chart should i C 7th sublord connection? or how Please i need guidence regarding same. Thanks In advance, Regards, Vinay Tiwari -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Do you Yahoo!? Take Yahoo! Mail with you! Get it on your mobile phone. Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online.

1773 From: "lalu_75" <lalu_75@...> Date: Sun Dec 5, 2004 7:26am Subject: Re: Fwd: Re: consider the following hohary chart of x lalu_75 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 dear sir, according to the hohary chart presented the marriage will take place at ketu dasa sun bukthi mer antra between 28-10-2005 to 16-112005 is that correct. awaiting for your valuable reply as such this is the first hohary chart i have started analysing.

the website has given the following A SYSTEMATATIC STEP-WISE PROCEDURE FOR K.P. SYSTEM IN ASTROLOGY. i hope this would be useful for the new begginers like me. (A) For Horary Astrology (B) For Natal Astrology APPENDIX-1 :- An example from Horary Astrology APPENDIX-2 :- An example from Natal Astrology I had taken keen interest in studying,analyzing and using K.P. system in astrology for about last ten years. It is my experience and also the experience of many other sincere astrologers that,while considering a certain matter, we often forget some points to consider and also many times we fail to follow a systematic sequence of logical steps for analysis, as each time we depend on our memory. Therefore, it is felt that for the benefit of vast majority of followers of the K.P. system,a systematic stepwise procedure should be followed in a logical and scientific manner for the convenience, accuracy and simplicity of the analysis by including all the important and useful information,which need consideration. Here I have tried my best to include the points,both for the natal and horary astrology,and request my friend astrologers to kindly indicate any modification or omission to improve upon these steps. Step-Wise Prediction Procedure:(A) For Horary Astrology :1. Concentrate on the topic and think of a number for your case (or ask the querist to tell a number) between 1 to 249. It is still better to open a book and see the right side page number. This will give the required horary number. 2. Examine mind: Moon and sub lord of first cusp shows mind. Mind should reflect the event. Then only proceed, otherwise not. 3. From the study of the important cuspal sub lord of the event, first find out matters whether the event will take place or not. Sub lord of the cusp gives and the significators give through which these matters materialize. 4. Find Dasa, Bhukti, Anthara running at present. 5. Find the ruling planets at the time of drawing the chart and continue prediction following it. Seven planets i.e. the star lords and sign lords and sub lords of the ascendant and the moon position at the time of drawing the chart followed by judgement and the day lord are alone the ruling planets. If any node(Rahu or Ketu)happens to be conjoined with or aspected by or in the signs of any of the ruling planet,then such node should be taken as a strong ruling planet and may replace that planet while giving the result.Drop out those planets placed on stars and subs of retrograde planets.(For short predictions,they are valid and should be taken into consideration.) 6. Draw chart for planetary positions and cusps. 7. See the 11th house planets, 11th cusp sub lord and 1st cusp sub lord to know late or fast materialization of the event.

In natal, planets in the 11th house indicate,but only in horary,1st cusp sub lord tells. 8. i. Obtain the list of significators as (a)List those planets which are deposited on the constellations of planets occupying or owning relevant houses or untenanted planets. (b)Sub lord of the most relevant cusp of the event, if untenanted, becomes a strong significator of the event (K.P. and Astrology, 1991, pp.1-3). (c)If a significator of an event becomes a strong and a single significator of the 12th house of the event, it will not give result and should not be considered ("Marriage Book" p.145). ii. List the planets,which are untenanted.Chose the favourable ones from them for the event.These are very strong in giving results. Planets,which are significators of the event and have these untenanted significator planets as sub lord, are very beneficial to give the result (golden rule). iii. Reduce them, looking at untenanted significators,subs(golden rule) or as per sub-sub multi-stellar theory.Keep only the fruitful significators. iv. Retrograde planets give result, with obstacles and delay, after they become direct (and pass beyond the point from where retrograde motion has started). Planets (whether moving direct or retrograde) placed on retrograde stars give failure in long predictions (valid for short predictions only.) Planets, in retrograde sub lord causes delay and during its periods and sub periods, event falls through (p.146 Horary Book.). 9. Select the planets judiciously from among those planets, common between the ruling planets and the significators. It happens at times, that some planets,which are very much useful for the event to take place, do not appear in the list of ruling planets.They must be included as fruitful significators, considering if they are single significators of very important house which need representation, or Dasa-Bhukti -Anthara etc. to get the correct prediction (One such case is shown in each of the examples presented in this paper under Appendix 1 and 2). Check up for punarphoo dasa, if exists, or saturn, causing delay, which needs consideration. 10. From the predicted Dasa-Bhukti-Anthara period of the event to take place and the fruitful significators,select the sensitive zone in the zodiac for possible materialization of the event. (In Sub-sub theory F1 to F4 or sub theory may be used to check up favourable Dasa, Bhukti and Anthara periods).These sensitive points should be in the zones of ruling planets or significators, but not in negating or unfavourable houses(Sensitive points are D-B-A,in all combinations,else,D-B in any combination(in any sign)). D-B-A lords or luminaries must transit these sensitive points in the zodiac (at the time of materialization of event. 11. Now, proceed to find the time of materialization of the event considering the common planets and may be some others also,Dasa, Bhukti and Anthra and the transit of the ascendant,luminaries and the planets ruling the Dasa ,Bhukti and Anthara ("Transit Book" p.153)at the sensitive point in the zodiac. Consider co-operation of Bhukti lord and Anthara lord with major lord of Dasa("Harary Book" p.133).Consider the sensitive

point falling in the house of the ruling planets or significators and not those in the denying or unfavourable houses. These sensitive points in the favourable zones alone materialize the event. Consider transit of slow moving planets and gradually come to fast moving planets and lastly to the day when moon transits a sensitive point in the zodiac,and moves in a favourable sub in that day. During this period,locate a favourable time when ascendant moves through a sensitive point. This gives the time of materialization of the event in that day. Example is given in Appendix-I, which explains these steps clearly in a practical case. thanking you lalitha --- In, Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@y...> wrote: Dear Lalitha, As per your observations,the sublord of the XI as well as the sublord of the VIIth is Merc,posited in II, the marriage is Promised...! With best wishes, lyrastro1 GOOD LUCK ! lalitha sathia <lalu_75@y...> wrote: dear sir, thanks for your valuable explanation, in the hohary chart what i have presented as i mention the two untenanted planets are sun & venus in that the sun is the 11 th house lord and its sub lord is merc. since the 7th cup sub lord is merc and it is located in 2nd house, it shows that the untenanted planet sun is more stronger. please guide me whether the period of marrige what ever predicted by me is correct, then i will concentrate on the transits to arrive at the timing, please guide me. thanking you lalitha Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@y...> wrote: Dear lalu 75, The first part,that untenanted planets are stronger to give results,are give results is correct as per K.P.but the sub it is posited in will be the final decider...for good or bad... The other part of your letter I have not probed into...! Yours 'ly, lyrastro1 lalu_75 <lalu_75@y...> wrote: dear all, I have come accrossed from one of the website stating that the untennanted planets are stronger and are likley to give strong results, memers pl give comments about that. in the hohary chart presented by me venus & sun are untennanted planets and sun is in sub

of merc and 11 the house lord. according to the hohary chart thus the strong significators are ketu, merc, ketu & sun hence the period is ketu dasa sun bukthi merc ant and ketu sook is that correct witch is between 28-10-2005 to 16-11-2005 is that correct. i need your help members. thanking you lalitha --- In, lalitha sathia <lalu_75@y...> wrote: sir, please kindly tell me wether the bukthi whar ever i have selected is correct, whether it is ketu dasa venus bukthit and ketu anthra or ketu dasa sun bukthi and ketu antra. i have taken venus bukthi first considering the ruling planet which is coorect. kindly guide me. thankig you lalitha Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@y...> wrote: Dear lalu_75, This is in reference tio your query regarding the Horary chart,cast by you... Pl. take Kethu,as he represents Merc and is stronger... Also fine-tune by transits... Best wishes, Yours sincerely, lyrastro1 GOOD LUCK ! lalu_75 <lalu_75@y...> wrote: DEAR ALL, I AM THE BEGGINER WHO IS LEARNING KP ASTROLOGY IN SELF, I REQUEST ALL THE MEMBERS OF THIS FORUM TO GUIDE ME ON THAT, I HAVE ATTACHED THE CHART OF THE HOHARY TAKEN FOR MARRIGAE AND I HAVE PREDICTED SOME RESULTS ON THAT PLEASE GUIDE ME ON THAT TO BRING WETHER THE PRDICTIONS MAID OR COOORECT AND TO CORRTECT IF MADE WRONG, PLEASE HELPME RESULTS 1. FOR THE HOHARY CALCULATED FOR MARRIAGE THE HOUSES 2,7,11 HAS TO BE TAKEN FOR JUDGEMENT IN THE CHART THE 7TH CUPS SUBLORD IS MERCURY AND THE MERCURY IS IN 2ND HOUSE AND IT SIGNIFIES STRONGLY THAT THE MARRIAGE WILL TAKE PLACE FOR THE PERSON 2. THE CURRENT DASA RUNNING IS KETU AND BUTKTHI IS VENUS TILL 8-8-2005 SINCE KETU IS SIGNIFIYING 2 & 7 KETU - A-ASC ,B-12th ,C-2nd ,C-7th , THE MARRIAGE WILL TAKE PLACE IN THIS DASA NEXT IN WHICH BUKTHI IF WE CONSIDER THE RULING PLANETS OF THE DAY IT IS ASC= 88 21 58 MERC JUP VEN MERC


1 37 41





PRAHARA : 1st SUN SIGN : SAGTARIUS SAYANA CHANDRA : 1st Cast By K.K.SAMPATHKUMAR ON 26-11-2004 Programme by RAICHUR.A.R 8/147 Garodianagar BOMBAY-77 PRESS ENTER FOR NEXT VIEW NOTE : PLACE DATE DASA BAL. HOR.NO: 133 : : : : KARTEEK 12 CHENNAI : STATE : : COUNTRY: 23 - 11 - 2004 : TIME: 21 H. 12 M. Ketu 6 Y. 1 M. 18 Days ENDS on 11 - 1 - 2011 Asc.for RP 88 Deg 21 Min LORDS : Merc,Jup.,Ven.,Merc PLANETS AND CUSPS

Planet S Sbl SsL SUN. 8 Mer Mer MOON 1 Moo Ven MARS 7 Sat Rah MERC 8 Moo Sun JUP. 6 Sat Jup VEN. 7 Rah Sat SAT.-R 4 Mer Rah RAHU 1 Rah Rah KETU 7 Sat Ket URAN 11 Moo Moo NEPT 10 Mer Moo FOR. 12 Rah Sun

D M sec Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl 7 52 39 Mar Sat Ket Sat 1 38 45 Mar Ket Ven Rah 14 28 44 Ven Rah Ket Ket 29 42 22 Mar Mer Sat Rah 18 10 54 Mer Moo Mer Ven 7 31 28 Ven Rah Rah Sat 3 16 27 Moo Jup Rah Mar 6 31 35 Mar Ket Rah Mer 6 31 35 Ven Mar Moo Ven 9 6 18 Sat Rah Jup Sat 19 3 2 Sat Moo Mer Rah 6 19 27 Jup Sat Mer Moo

Cusp ASC 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th

S D M sec Sgl Stl 7 12 33 20 Ven Rah 8 11 54 35 Mar Sat 9 11 5 44 Jup Ket 10 11 5 28 Sat Moo 11 12 23 14 Sat Rah 12 13 35 36 Jup Sat 1 12 33 20 Mar Ket 2 11 54 35 Ven Moo 3 11 5 44 Mer Rah 4 11 5 28 Moo Sat 5 12 23 14 Sun Ket 6 13 35 36 Mer Moo

WANT TRADITIONAL HOROS/NAVAMSA Y/N ? TRADITIONAL RASI CHART |--------------------------------------------------------------| |FOR. | | | | | -| |URAN |SAT. | | | | -| |NEPT | | | | | -| | |JUP. | | | |VEN. KETU |SUN. MERC |ASC.......MARS | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | |---------------| |-------------| | | | | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------| | | |MOON RAHU |

| | | -|

| | | | |--------------------------------------------------------------

TRADITIONAL NAVAMSA CHART |--------------------------------------------------------------| NEPT | | | -| |MARS |SAT. | | | | -| |FOR. | | -| |SUN. | | -| Cast By K.K.SAMPATHKUMAR ON 26-11-2004 Programme by RAICHUR.A.R 8/147 Garodianagar BOMBAY-77 A S P E C T S Planet SUN. MOON MARS MERC JUP. VEN. SAT. RAHU KETU URAN NEPT FOR. SUN. SQUR. MOON MARS SQUR. MERC JUP. Sextl TRINE *150* Sextl TRINE TRINE Ssqr. TRINE Ssqr. .OPP. SQUR. CONJ. .OPP. CONJ. TRINE *126* |VEN. URAN |KETU | | | | | | | | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------|ASC....... | | | | | | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------| | | |---------------| |-------------| | | |MERC | | | | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------|MOON | |RAHU | |JUP.


Sextl .OPP. CONJ. *150* TRINE SQUR. TRINE *150* CONJ. *126* Sextl Sextl .OPP. *150* SQUR. TRINE SQUR. TRINE


Ssqr. *150* TRINE Sextl *150*




Cast By K.K.SAMPATHKUMAR ON 26-11-2004 Programme by RAICHUR.A.R 8/147 Garodianagar BOMBAY-77 PRESS ENTER FOR NEXT VIEW SIGNIFICATORS OF HOUSES SIGNIFICATORS ARE SHOWN IN THE FOLLOWING ORDER OF IMPORTANCE A-Planets in Star of Occupants of House: B-Planets in House C-Planets in stars of House Lord: D-House Lord :

HOUSE No. 1 A-KETU:B-SUN.:B-MARS:D-Ven. HOUSE No. 2 A-MERC:B-MERC:C-KETU:D-Mars HOUSE No. 3 C-SAT.:D-Jup. HOUSE No. 4 B-URAN:B-NEPT:C-SUN.:C-FOR.:D-Sat. HOUSE No. 5 B-FOR.:C-SUN.:C-FOR.:D-Sat. HOUSE No. 6 A-JUP.:A-NEPT:A-MARS:A-VEN.:A-URAN:B-MOON:B-RAHU:C-SAT.:D-Jup. PRESS ENTER FOR NEXT VIEW HOUSE No. 7 C-KETU:D-Mars HOUSE No. 8 D-Ven. HOUSE No. 9 A-SUN.:A-FOR.:B-SAT.:C-MERC:D-Merc HOUSE No. 10 C-JUP.:C-NEPT:D-Moon HOUSE No. 11 D-Sun. HOUSE No. 12 A-SAT.:A-MOON:A-RAHU:B-JUP.:B-VEN.:B-KETU:C-MERC:D-Merc PRESS ENTER FOR NEXT VIEW PLANET Houses Signified SUN. MOON MARS MERC JUP. VEN. SAT. RAHU KETU URAN NEPT FOR. A-9th A-12th A-6th A-2nd A-6th A-6th A-12th A-12th A-ASC A-6th A-6th A-9th ,B-ASC ,B-6th ,B-ASC ,B-2nd ,B-12th ,B-12th ,B-9th ,B-6th ,B-12th ,B-4th ,B-4th ,B-5th ,C-4th ,D-10th ,D-2nd ,C-9th ,C-10th ,D-ASC ,C-3rd , ,C-2nd , ,C-10th ,C-4th ,C-5th , ,D-7th ,C-12th ,D-3rd ,D-8th ,C-6th ,D-11th , , ,D-9th ,D-12th , ,D-6th , , ,D-4th ,D-5th ,

,C-7th , , ,C-5th ,

Programme by RAICHUR.A.R 8/147 Garodianagar BOMBAY77 PRESS ENTER FOR NEXT VIEW

DASAS AND BHUKTIES Ketu DASA 11 1 2004 TO 11 1 2011 2031 2014 Ven. Bhk. 11 5 2015 Sun. Bhk. 11 1 2017 Moon Bhk. 11 3 2018 Mars Bhk. 11 3 2021 Rahu Bhk. 11 11 2023 Jup. Bhk. 11 1 2027 Sat. Bhk. 11 11 2029 Merc Bhk. 11 1 2031 23 11 2004 TO 8 8 2005 Sun. Bhk. 11 5 2014 TO Moon Bhk. 11 5 2015 TO Mars Bhk. 11 1 2017 TO Rahu Bhk. 11 3 2018 TO Jup. Bhk. 11 3 2021 TO Sat. Bhk. 11 11 2023 TO Merc Bhk. 11 1 2027 TO Ketu Bhk. 11 11 2029 TO 8 8 2005 TO 14 12 2005 14 12 2005 TO 14 7 2006 14 7 2006 TO 11 12 2006 11 12 2006 TO 29 12 2007 29 12 2007 TO 5 12 2008 Ven. DASA 11 1 2011 TO 11 1 Ven. Bhk. 11 1 2011 TO 11 5

5 12 2008 TO 14 1 2010 14 1 2010 TO 11 1 2011

PRESS ENTER FOR NEXT VIEW KETU Dasa 11 1 2004 TO 11 1 2011 KETU Bhk. 11 1 2004 TO 8 8 2005 KETU Ant. 11 18 8 2004 VEN Ant. 20 9 9 2004 SUN Ant. 14 10 2004 MOON Ant. 21 11 2004 MARS Ant. 4 12 1 2005 RAHU Ant. 12 8 3 2005 JUP Ant. 4 14 5 2005 SAT Ant. 24 14 7 2005 MERC Ant. 17 8 8 2005 8 6 2004 VEN Bhk. 8 6 2004 TO VEN Ant. 8 6 2004 TO SUN Ant. 18 8 2004 TO MOON Ant. 9 9 2004 TO 14 MARS Ant. 14 10 2004 TO RAHU Ant. 9 11 2004 TO JUP Ant. 12 1 2005 TO SAT Ant. 8 3 2005 TO MERC Ant. 14 5 2005 TO KETU Ant. 14 7 2005 TO MOON Bhk. 14 12 2005 TO MOON Ant. 14 12 2005 TO MARS Ant. 1 1 2006 TO RAHU Ant. 14 1 2006 TO 9

1 2004 TO 20 1 2004 1 2004 TO 14 2 2004 2 2004 TO 21 2 2004 2 2004 TO 4 3 2004

3 2004 TO 12 3 2004 3 2004 TO 4 4 2004

4 2004 TO 24 4 2004 4 2004 TO 17 5 2004 5 2004 TO 8 6 2004

SUN Bhk. 8 8 2005 TO 14 12 2005 14 7 2006 SUN Ant. 8 8 2005 TO 14 8 2005 1 1 2006 MOON Ant. 14 8 2005 TO 25 8 2005 14 1 2006 MARS Ant. 25 8 2005 TO 2 9 2005 15 2 2006

RAHU Ant. 2 13 3 2006 JUP Ant. 21 17 4 2006 SAT Ant. 8 16 5 2006 MERC Ant. 28 29 5 2006 KETU Ant. 16 4 7 2006 VEN Ant. 23 14 7 2006

9 2005 TO 21 9 2005 9 2005 TO 8 10 2005

JUP Ant. 15 2 2006 TO SAT Ant. 13 3 2006 TO MERC Ant. 17 4 2006 TO KETU Ant. 16 5 2006 TO VEN Ant. 29 5 2006 TO SUN Ant. 4 7 2006 TO VEN Bhk. 8 6 2004 TO JUP Ant. 12 1 2005 TO JUP Soo. 12 1 2005 TO SAT Soo. 19 1 2005 TO MERC Soo. 28 1 2005 TO KETU Soo. 6 2 2005 TO VEN Soo. 9 2 2005 TO SUN Soo. 18 2 2005 TO MOON Soo. 21 2 2005 TO MARS Soo. 26 2 2005 TO RAHU Soo. 1 3 2005 TO MERC Ant. 14 5 2005 TO MERC Soo. 14 5 2005 TO KETU Soo. 22 5 2005 TO VEN Soo. 26 5 2005 TO SUN Soo. 6 6 2005 TO MOON Soo. 9 6 2005 TO MARS Soo. 14 6 2005 TO RAHU Soo. 17 6 2005 TO JUP Soo. 26 6 2005 TO SAT Soo. 4 7 2005 TO 8 8

10 2005 TO 28 10 2005 10 2005 TO 16 11 2005 11 2005 TO 23 11 2005 11 2005 TO 14 12 2005

KETU Dasa 11 1 2004 TO 11 1 2011 2005 RAHU Ant. 9 11 2004 TO 12 1 2005 8 3 2005 RAHU Soo. 9 19 1 2005 JUP Soo. 18 28 1 2005 SAT Soo. 26 6 2 2005 MERC Soo. 6 9 2 2005 KETU Soo. 15 18 2 2005 VEN Soo. 19 21 2 2005 SUN Soo. 29 26 2 2005 MOON Soo. 3 1 3 2005 MARS Soo. 8 8 3 2005 11 2004 TO 18 11 2004 11 2004 TO 26 11 2004 11 2004 TO 6 12 2004

12 2004 TO 15 12 2004 12 2004 TO 19 12 2004 12 2004 TO 29 12 2004 12 2004 TO 1 2005 TO 3 1 2005 8 1 2005

1 2005 TO 12 1 2005

SAT Ant. 8 3 2005 TO 14 5 2005 14 7 2005 SAT Soo. 8 22 5 2005 MERC Soo. 18 26 5 2005 KETU Soo. 27 6 6 2005 VEN Soo. 1 9 6 2005 SUN Soo. 12 14 6 2005 MOON Soo. 16 17 6 2005 MARS Soo. 21 26 6 2005 RAHU Soo. 25 4 7 2005 JUP Soo. 5 14 7 2005 3 2005 TO 18 3 2005 3 2005 TO 27 3 2005 3 2005 TO 1 4 2005

4 2005 TO 12 4 2005 4 2005 TO 16 4 2005 4 2005 TO 21 4 2005 4 2005 TO 25 4 2005 4 2005 TO 5 5 2005

5 2005 TO 14 5 2005

KETU Ant. 14 7 2005 TO KETU VEN SUN MOON MARS RAHU JUP SAT MERC Soo. Soo. Soo. Soo. Soo. Soo. Soo. Soo. Soo. 14 15 19 20 22 24 27 31 5 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO

8 8 2005 15 19 20 22 24 27 31 5 8 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005

RULING PLANETS Ascendent ,Moon any Time of the DAY For North Latitude and East longitude only TYPE WITH COMMA(,) between Deg,Min & date,month,year,hrs,min Latitude Longitude Deg,Min? 13,4 Deg,Min? 80,17(CHENNAI)

DATE Date,Month,Year? 23,11,2004 TIME I.S.T. DAY LORD IS ASC= MOON RAHU KETU 88 21 58 1 37 41 6 31 35 186 31 35 MARS MERC JUP VEN MERC RAHU MERC VEN Hrs.Min ? 21,12



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1774 From: "tw853" <tw853@...> Date: Sun Dec 5, 2004 7:33am Subject: Re: Query regarding birth of second child? tw853 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Vinay Tiwari, It's worthy to note: 1. to judge houses 2,5,7, and 11 for second conception, KP Reader IV, p 242 (for timing of child birth in general); 2. as mentioned before, both houses 5 & 11 are taken in judging "Is child birth promised or not?" in examples for both male and female, for male p 224, p. 227, and for female p 230, KP Reader IV; 3. not to be confused, just to let you know how importance is given to 5th (house of progeny and pleasure of persuits etc,

Punarphoo, p. 113). Best regards, tw --- In, Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@y...> wrote: > Dear Vinay, > You are very correct,for the second child it is recommended that the VIIth cusp sublord shoul be per K.P., recently also there was a discussion on the issue of whether Father's chart or Mother's chart should be analysed...etc. > But for the second child I do not think there is any 'dispute' on taking the VIIth cusp for consideration... > Yours sincerely, > lyrastro1 > GOOD LUCK ! > > Vinay Tiwari <techn0pandit@y...> wrote: > Respected gurus and friends, > > I was just going through a chart , for birth of his second child. > Dear Guruz , Can you kindly answer for following queries, > 1) Which houses should be considered? > 2)If i am not wrong 2,7,11 for second child ie ; 7 is 3rd from 5th . > But 2,7,11 also gives marriage? > 3)If i want to confirm whether birth of second child is there in chart should i C 7th sublord connection? or how > > Please i need guidence regarding same. > > > Thanks In advance, > > Regards, > Vinay Tiwari > > > --------------------------------> Do you Yahoo!? > Take Yahoo! Mail with you! Get it on your mobile phone. > Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT > > > --------------------------------> Yahoo! Groups Links > > To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. > >

> Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline.

1775 From: "tw853" <tw853@...> Date: Sun Dec 5, 2004 7:35am Subject: Re: RECTIFICATION OF TIME OF BIRTH tw853 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Kanakkumar Bosmia, 1. Some interesting points in K Baskaran's book among others, importance of Moon, correctness of KPA, Raichur Emphem, dogmatic approach, decisive role of father's horoscope in deciding the sex of child because the male sperms determines the sex of child. 2. Perhaps it's Rectification of Birth Time, KP Reader III, p 317-329, to refer KP Reader. In p 325, inter-link of the time of birth and --- the moment of query are understandable from a horary horoscope erected according to Varaha Mihira's Brihat Jataka --- no second opinion, lord of the sign in which Moon is --- and lord of the Lagna--- will be the same -----Best regards, tw

--- In, "Kanakkumar Bosmia" <kanbosastro@h...> wrote: >

1776 From: Jyotish Dham <jyotishdham@...> Date: Sun Dec 5, 2004 7:59am Subject: Parents and Cordial Relations jyotishdham Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear All Learned members 4H represent mother and 9 H represents father which house is for Parents? One lady querent asked about the chances of cordial relation between parents (he r In laws) and son (her Husband). I wish to know how should I proceed because the question asked by the lady is ab out her husband. 7th sublord (husband) should signify 3rd (9th from 7th representing father) and for amicable relationship both 7 sublord and 3 sublord should not be enemy, not

in the star of enemy and retrograde planet. Are these houses (7 and 3 ) correct one to solve the above query? Thanking everybody in advance Shunny Nigam Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online.

1777 From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@...> Date: Sun Dec 5, 2004 8:23am Subject: Re: Re: RECTIFICATION OF TIME OF BIRTH lyrastro1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear tw853, The father's horoscope can be taken,provided one is certain tha t the person whose horoscope you are analysing,is the true father,and that he ha s impregnated the mother,which fact, only the mother knows for sure, and can vou ch for...Isn't it ? That is the only reason why the mother's chart is more logical ...and rational to consider,in case of child-birth... Personally I feel that there is no need to stretch this point to this extent,unless the father is considered so very important,( male chavini sm at work ?,) but truly speaking scientifically the male "officially married to ",and hence called the husband,and assumed to be the father of the child of th e woman "he married",need not necessarily be the father of the child...only the woman can vouch for paternity...! And that,dear tw, is an incontrovertible scientific fact ! With best wishes, lyrastro1 tw853 <> wrote: Dear Kanakkumar Bosmia, 1. Some interesting points in K Baskaran's book among others, importance of Moon, correctness of KPA, Raichur Emphem, dogmatic approach, decisive role of father's horoscope in deciding the sex of child because the male sperms determines the sex of child. 2. Perhaps it's Rectification of Birth Time, KP Reader III, p 317-329, to refer KP Reader. In p 325, inter-link of the time of birth and --- the moment of query are understandable from a horary horoscope erected according to Varaha Mihira's Brihat Jataka --- no second opinion, lord of the sign in which Moon is --- and lord of the Lagna--- will be the same -----Best regards, tw

--- In, "Kanakkumar Bosmia" <kanbosastro@h...> wrote: >

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1778 From: "tw853" <tw853@...> Date: Sun Dec 5, 2004 5:49pm Subject: Re: RECTIFICATION OF TIME OF BIRTH tw853 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Yogesh Rao Lajmi, It's K Baskaran's view referring to some kind of practical scientific test like DNA which has a logical reasoning for food for thought. Best regards, tw

--- In, Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@y...> wrote: > Dear tw853, > The father's horoscope can be taken,provided one is certain that the person whose horoscope you are analysing,is the true father,and that he has impregnated the mother,which fact, only the mother knows for sure, and can vouch for...Isn't it ? > That is the only reason why the mother's chart is more logical...and rational to consider,in case of child-birth... > Personally I feel that there is no need to stretch this point to this extent,unless the father is considered so very important,( male chavinism at work ?,) but truly speaking scientifically the male "officially married to",and hence called the husband,and assumed to be the father of the child of the woman "he married",need not necessarily be the father of the child...only the woman > can vouch for paternity...! > And that,dear tw, is an incontrovertible scientific fact ! > With best wishes, > lyrastro1 > >

> tw853 <tw853@y...> wrote: > > Dear Kanakkumar Bosmia, > > > 1. Some interesting points in K Baskaran's book among others, > importance of Moon, correctness of KPA, Raichur Emphem, dogmatic > approach, decisive role of father's horoscope in deciding the sex of > child because the male sperms determines the sex of child. > > 2. Perhaps it's Rectification of Birth Time, KP Reader III, p > 317-329, to refer KP Reader. In p 325, inter-link of the time of > birth and --- the moment of query are understandable from a horary > horoscope erected according to Varaha Mihira's Brihat Jataka --- no > second opinion, lord of the sign in which Moon is --- and lord of the > Lagna--- will be the same -----> > > Best regards, > > tw > > > > > > --- In, "Kanakkumar Bosmia" > <kanbosastro@h...> wrote: > > > > > > > Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT > > > --------------------------------> Yahoo! Groups Links > > To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. > > > Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline.

1779 From: "tw853" <tw853@...> Date: Sun Dec 5, 2004 6:23pm Subject: Re: RECTIFICATION OF TIME OF BIRTH tw853 Offline Send Email

Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Yogesh Rao Lajmi, Yes, I got an idea, from the view point of ultra sound test for child's sex only mother can be taken. Best regards, tw --- In, "tw853" <tw853@y...> wrote: > > Dear Yogesh Rao Lajmi, > > It's K Baskaran's view referring to some kind of practical scientific > test like DNA which has a logical reasoning for food for thought. > > > Best regards, > > tw > > > > --- In, Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@y...> > wrote: > > Dear tw853, > > The father's horoscope can be taken,provided one > is certain that the person whose horoscope you are analysing,is the > true father,and that he has impregnated the mother,which fact, only > the mother knows for sure, and can vouch for...Isn't it ? > > That is the only reason why the mother's chart is > more logical...and rational to consider,in case of child-birth... > > Personally I feel that there is no need to > stretch this point to this extent,unless the father is considered so > very important,( male chavinism at work ?,) but truly speaking > scientifically the male "officially married to",and hence called the > husband,and assumed to be the father of the child of the woman "he > married",need not necessarily be the father of the child...only the > woman > > can vouch for paternity...! > > And that,dear tw, is an incontrovertible > scientific fact ! > > With best wishes, > > lyrastro1 > > > > > > tw853 <tw853@y...> wrote: > > > > Dear Kanakkumar Bosmia, > > > > > > 1. Some interesting points in K Baskaran's book among

others, > > importance of Moon, correctness of KPA, Raichur Emphem, dogmatic > > approach, decisive role of father's horoscope in deciding the sex > of > > child because the male sperms determines the sex of child. > > > > 2. Perhaps it's Rectification of Birth Time, KP Reader III, p > > 317-329, to refer KP Reader. In p 325, inter-link of the time of > > birth and --- the moment of query are understandable from a horary > > horoscope erected according to Varaha Mihira's Brihat Jataka --no > > second opinion, lord of the sign in which Moon is --- and lord of > the > > Lagna--- will be the same -----> > > > > > Best regards, > > > > tw > > > > > > > > > > > > --- In, "Kanakkumar Bosmia" > > <kanbosastro@h...> wrote: > > > > > > > > > > > > > Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT > > > > > > --------------------------------> > Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of > Service. > > > > > > Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline.

1780 From: "tw853" <tw853@...> Date: Sun Dec 5, 2004 7:59pm Subject: Re: astrolger or politician r stock broker - - For Raju Bokaariya tw85 3 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360

Dear Raju Bokaariya, 1. Sorry for not being able to share knowledge as promised. Not yet late, I think, since your main interest is whether Venus dasa which will start August 2006 is fruitful for politics having in mind that 10L in 10H (name, fame) with 9L (karma/fortune) and 10 Sbl in 7H (public/popularity). 2. Possibility may be strong reaching peak during Venus-Jupiter dasa sequence. Reasoning is as follows. a. Jupiter, Mercury, Mars and Saturn are mostly signifying 1,6,9,10, 11 houses for political success, and planets except Mercury are strong enough. (KP Reader III, p 222-227) Jupiter signifying 10,9,3,10,5,8 houses; only 5,8 are not favorable, gain for opponent. Mercury signifying 7,12,6,7,2,11; only 12H is unfavorable. Mars signifying 11,10,12,4,9; again only 12 is not good. Saturn signifying 11,7,6,7, clearly in a gain position. b. Effect of 9L Mars can given in Venus dasa and for 10L Venus in Jupiter dasa. (KP Reader III, p 296-300 or K Hariharan's Hand Book on Astrology, II, p 71-79 or K Hariharan's How to Cast and Read Your Horoscope, p 138-140. Sbl Jupiter of dasaL Venus is agreeable with signification of Venus & Stl. 10Sbl in 7H and 10L being Sbl of 7,9 & 11H (gain, fulfillment of desire) also can be very helpful. Stl of 10H is also Stl of 2 &6. Sbl of 10H is also Sbl of 4, 6 & 12H. Well connection of houses of profession 10, 2 & 6 is also supposed to be a supporting sign. c. Politics karaka Sun in 11H and Jupiter's position in relation to Moon may be said favorable for politics. 3. A friendly advice is to be aware of ladies when success in politics. Wishing fulfillment of your artha, tw


1781 From: "vijay kumar" <v_kumar@...> Date: Sun Dec 5, 2004 10:11pm Subject: Request to Sandy vk1608 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Sandy, Kindly excuse me to intrude in. Your posts and that of Mr. Yogesh etc have very good over the time and I sincere ly feel that you should not withdraw from the forum. This forum is a place for l earning which should of course be in a very humble environment. The divisional charts are wonders in parashara classics and should not be underestimated. My humble feeling is that some statistical evaluation is necessary to amalgamate the D-charts with the Classical KP chart of Placidus system. It woul d bring out many pearls of wisdom. Mr. Sandy, kindly keep up your deliberations to the forum. Regards, Vijay Kumar ----- Original Message ----From: Sandy Crowther To: Sent: Friday, December 03, 2004 10:45 PM Subject: RE: [k_p_system] Re: KPBC3 Answer. Dear TW and Yogesh Rao Lajmi, Ron, and Group,


thanks for your kind congratulatory words

Yogesh Rao Lagmi wrote:

Doesn't that,in a way strengthen my contention that the mother's chart will give better and more accurate results ? Yours 'ly, lyrastro1 GOOD LUCK !

WHY??? Because only 2 people out of 8 came close? I m amused. Does KP boast a 100% accuracy rate? I agree that having the charts of BOTH parents would have made d elineation a bit easier but in real life that isn t always an option



How can we refuse a male asking whether he can have a child and tell him to bring his wife?. I agree TW Perhaps it is time for participation on Blind charts from you, Mr. Yog esh Rao Lajmi, to demonstrate both your point and your expertise in KP delineati on which brings me to my next point...

Yogesh Rao Lagmi With all due respect, I believe you are a bit over the top with many of your posts this being another post of a few that I have observed in the s hort time I have been a member of this list .Anyway allow me to respond to your ac cusations of my personal motivations before I unsubscribe

You wrote: Dears Sandy Cowther & Srinivas Upadyay, I was under the imp ression that we are discusing in the is no place for sapthamsa, navamsas,dasamsas or forthat matter any amsas for judgement purposes... Members are request ed to stick to Krishnamurty Padhdhati only...else we will only arrive at a "hotc h-potch" of " the various Vedic Astrology our anxiety to prove one's point anywhich way,end up with nothing worthwhile..." I sincerely reques t ALL members to therefore stick to K.P.,only in this group... Yours sincerely, lyrastro1 GOOD LUCK !

Interesting diatribe Are Eclipses part of KP? You don t know me - nor do you know wh at my motivations are. I was simply respectfully responding to a question put fo rth by a list member nothing more simply sharing a technique. Now although I am a seasoned astrologer of 35 years, I am not experienced in KP and thought this li st might be a good place to start after a respected colleague of mine - Ron Gaun t - mentioned the list to me. So, for the record, I have just begun my journey o f studying KP therefore I am not familiar with what techniques are accepted by K P, and what techniques are rejected by KP. For that I apologize. However, you c ertainly set me straight real quick. Forgive me if I crossed the line of list di scussion I meant no disrespect.

However, due to the derogatory manner in which I was addressed (directly and ind irectly) by you on 2 separate occasions you can rest assured that I will not be

posting to this KP list anymore. You see, I was not trying to prove anything, and unfortunately, for whatever your reasons, you have painted an inaccurate pictur e of my motives to this list, while showing a great deal of disrespect towards m e. I have little tolerance for unprovoked verbal hostility on any list. Your com ments on a few occasions were unnecessary and quite immature. You could have bro ught forth your point about amsa s, any amsa s , in a kinder manner like Anant Raichur did without resorting to implying to other list members your own delusional assu mptions about others, or suggesting such absurd inaccuracies of my personal moti vations such as - to prove one s point any which way . You couldn t be further from the truth I have nothing to prove, nor do I have any need to prove anything.

And again:

Therefore,personally, I stick to the pure and simple K.P., of old...and I had me ntioned it especially for those who are interested in more research etc...the "i n-thing" abroad...I guess...

Hmm Guess you don t like the fact that I enjoy

research ?

At any rate, I have l the best and hope you come across to this list. Goodbye

no time for this nonsense. But I do wish you and the list al you will at least think about the manner and tone with which others in your plight to exert your authority/superiority on and GOOD LUCK! J

P.S. Message for Ron Gaunt with respect to KPBC3:

Ron - In Vinay s assessment dates for the birth of the child he states the dates o f 5/12/82 to 5/30/82 (May) and states that these dates fall in a Mo/Ve/Me dasha. There is some mistake here because these May dates he predicted do not fall in a Mo/Ve/Me dasha, but rather in a Mo/Ve/Ra dasha. The birth took place, accordin g to your post, on 3/22/82 which is March not May. I just wanted to bring that t o your attention in case list members are following the Blind Charts. Thanks.

All the Best, Sandy Crowther

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1782 From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@...> Date: Sun Dec 5, 2004 10:30pm Subject: Re: Re: RECTIFICATION OF TIME OF BIRTH lyrastro1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear tw853, Truly,I admire your "stick-to-it-iveness", we are discussing th e use of astrological prognosis,precisely to avoid the need for all these expens ive tests modern-day-tests... ? ! With best wishes, lyrastro1 tw853 <> wrote: Dear Yogesh Rao Lajmi, Yes, I got an idea, from the view point of ultra sound test for child's sex only mother can be taken. Best regards, tw --- In, "tw853" <tw853@y...> wrote: > > Dear Yogesh Rao Lajmi, > > It's K Baskaran's view referring to some kind of practical scientific > test like DNA which has a logical reasoning for food for thought. > > > Best regards, > > tw > > > > --- In, Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@y...> > wrote: > > Dear tw853, > > The father's horoscope can be taken,provided one > is certain that the person whose horoscope you are analysing,is the > true father,and that he has impregnated the mother,which fact, only > the mother knows for sure, and can vouch for...Isn't it ? > > That is the only reason why the mother's chart is > more logical...and rational to consider,in case of child-birth... > > Personally I feel that there is no need to > stretch this point to this extent,unless the father is considered so > very important,( male chavinism at work ?,) but truly speaking

> scientifically the male "officially married to",and hence called the > husband,and assumed to be the father of the child of the woman "he > married",need not necessarily be the father of the child...only the > woman > > can vouch for paternity...! > > And that,dear tw, is an incontrovertible > scientific fact ! > > With best wishes, > > lyrastro1 > > > > > > tw853 <tw853@y...> wrote: > > > > Dear Kanakkumar Bosmia, > > > > > > 1. Some interesting points in K Baskaran's book among others, > > importance of Moon, correctness of KPA, Raichur Emphem, dogmatic > > approach, decisive role of father's horoscope in deciding the sex > of > > child because the male sperms determines the sex of child. > > > > 2. Perhaps it's Rectification of Birth Time, KP Reader III, p > > 317-329, to refer KP Reader. In p 325, inter-link of the time of > > birth and --- the moment of query are understandable from a horary > > horoscope erected according to Varaha Mihira's Brihat Jataka --no > > second opinion, lord of the sign in which Moon is --- and lord of > the > > Lagna--- will be the same -----> > > > > > Best regards, > > > > tw > > > > > > > > > > > > --- In, "Kanakkumar Bosmia" > > <kanbosastro@h...> wrote: > > > > > > > > > > > > > Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT > > > > > > --------------------------------> > Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > To visit your group on the web, go to: > >

> > > > > > > > >

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1783 From: BM <boomrangx@...> Date: Mon Dec 6, 2004 0:08am Subject: Re: Marriage Date? boomrangx Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Shri Lajmi Sir, With due respect I am not comparing Vedic and KP methods, I just mentioned I know some vedic astrology and studing KP now a days to know about this too. Also again with due respect please calculate it with KP first and I will tell with all explaination date acording to vedic analysis and dont misunderstood me I am not challengeing any thing it is just a study. Thank you very much Vivek Waiting --- In, Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@y...> wrote: > Dear BOOM, > What is the date that Vedic Astrology predicts ? > Let us then copare whether K.P., is more accurate ? ! > Yours ' ly, > lyrastro1 > > > BM <boomrangx@y...> wrote: > > Respected Sirs/Mames > > I am more in vedic astrology than kp, and now a days I am studing kp > system also. > Please check my date of marriage through the give data... > Date of birth: 17/4/1971 (17th April 1971) > Time of birth: 3:43:00 (03.43AM) > Place of birth: VIJAYAWADA Latitude:16:31:N Longitude:80:37:E

> Current Place of living: Bangalore > Country: INDIA Zone: 82:30:E > > Thanks in advance > Vivek > > > > > Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT > > > --------------------------------> Yahoo! Groups Links > > To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. > > > Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline.

1784 From: "Mandar Behere" <mandarbehere@...> Date: Mon Dec 6, 2004 1:04am Subject: Re: KPBC3 Analysis mandarbehere Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Hi, I have few queries regarding the analysis. Could you please answer them? Please look for ***. --- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > > > HOUSES AND SIGNIFICATORS > > The event was the birth of a child. The relevant houses are 2 > for family, 5 for children, and 11 for desire. > > Lord of 2 and 5 is Jupiter who is in the star of Rahu sub > Jupiter. Natal Rahu is in Jupiter Rasi hence all important > de-facto ruler of the 5th house. Natal Rahu is in the star of > Jupiter, so there is intimate and close connection between > Jupiter and Rahu. > > Lord of 11 is Mercury who is in the star of Venus sub of Saturn, > hence there may be some delay in having the first child. > Natal Mercury is associated with Venus and both are in > the 2nd house disposed by Jupiter hence associated with Rahu. >

> Therefore all 3 houses 2,5, and 11, promise a child through > Mercury as 11 house significator who is resident in 2 and linked > through Jupiter and Rahu to the 5th house. *** Is it mandatory that all the 3 houses should promise a child or there is a OR condition? > > > DASAS > > The first appropriate dasa sequence appears to be Mo/Ke/Mer. > commencing 31st Aug 1980. Ketu is in Mercury's rashi and would > appear ideal. However, as we have seen Mercury is in the sub > of Saturn hence likely to delay. > > Mo/Ve starts 30th Sep 1980. Venus Buhkti is promising in that > natal Venus is in the 2nd house, associated with Mercury, in Sag > Jupiter's rashi which is the same for the 5th house. > In Handbook of Astrology Part 1 page 47 the author states > 'Child birth can only be expected during the period of that > planet which is placed favorably in the sub of one occupying or > owning the 2nd,5th, or the 11th.' The only planet fulfilling > this condition is Mercury which is in the sub of Venus occupying > the 2nd house. > > Therefore the dasa sequence that fulfills the conditions is > Mo/Ve/Me which runs from 30th Jan 1982 to 25th April 1982. > However Mo/Ve/Ke (Ke substitutes for Mercury) runs from 25/4/1982 > to 31st May 1982. So the birth could take place between 30th > Jan to 25th April 1982. *** Since ketu is signifiying 1 and 10 i.e. 12th of 2 and 11 respectively, wouldn't it give negative effects on the result? Since nodes are stronger than planets, I forced myself to leave out ketu period, and Mercury period as well. And hence landed up with the dasa sequence Moon/Ven/Ven or Moon/Ven/Moon. Was my assumption wrong? What is the exact rule regarding this? Thanks is advance, Mandar

1785 From: anant raichur <anant_1608@...> Date: Mon Dec 6, 2004 1:23am Subject: Re: RECTIFICATION OF TIME OF BIRTH anant_1608 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Mr Rao Since the MOON,s Star Lord remains the same, in one day, while the sub of Asc ch anges very rapidly, we can get many solutions to the Rule ASC Sub must be same a s MOON Star. One cannot accept such a rule,blindly. Comments of other members are invited. Yogesh Rao Lajmi <> wrote: Dear Mr.Raichur, The Moon star may remain the same,as you point out,but,t he sub-lord of the Ascendant keeps changing very rapidly...

This is the rule to examine whether a given chart is cor rect or not,as given in Astrosecrets and K.P., by K.Subramaniam,p.237. With highest regards, lyrastro1 GOOD LUCK ! Dear Friends Will someone enlighten me on the RULE "the sub-lord of the Asc must be the Star Lord of the MOON. " The Moon remains in one Nakstra for nearly 2 days. Thus the Moons star lord doe s not change in these 2 days. According to the RULE, all births in this two day period should have the SAME SUB. This is not at all logical. I for one do not u se this rule. good luck Ravinder Grover <> wrote: Dear all Help required to Rectify TOB, as follows: Date of Query: 5th October 2004, 18:32:23 hours, NZDST, Auckland, New Zealand Query: Rectify TOB if required? Date of Birth: 8th Oct 1958, Recorded time of Birth : 00:01 am, Place: New Delhi , India This gives Lagna as Gemini 28deg 21 min 36 sec ruled by Merc, Jup, Ven, Merc and Mon at Cancer 11 deg 35 min 7 sec, ruled by Mon, Sat, Mon, Sat To rectify TOB, as per rule, Sub Lord Cusp(1) should be same as Moon's Star Lord Here Sub Lord Cusp(1) = VENUS and Star Lord of Moon is SAT To get SLC(1) = Sat, Lagna should be moved to either at Gemini 21-46-40 to 23-53-20 that is, Rectified TOB should be 23.46 hou rs on 7th October 1958 OR Cancer 3-20-00 to 5-26-40 that is, Rectified TOB should be 11:25 hours Question is : Which is the right TOB? Love

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Sort by Date 1786 From: "Kanakkumar Bosmia" <kanbosastro@...> Date: Mon Dec 6, 2004 1:37am Subject: Re: RECTIFICATION OF TIME OF BIRTH kanbosastro Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Raichur ji, i am not agree with this rule. "This is the rule to examine whether a given chart is correct or not,as given in Astrosecrets and K.P., by K.Subramaniam,p.237." how many examples given? 1-2-100 ???? pls read Secrets of R.P. & Birth Time by; K Bhaskaran. as faras i remember i am sending you this book(zerox copy). pls coment on this book. regards kanak bosmia >From: anant raichur <> >Reply-To: >To: >Subject: Re: [k_p_system] RECTIFICATION OF TIME OF BIRTH >Date: Sun, 5 Dec 2004 23:23:14 -0800 (PST) >

>Dear Mr Rao > >Since the MOON,s Star Lord remains the same, in one day, while the sub of Asc c hanges very rapidly, we can get many solutions to the Rule ASC Sub must be same as MOON Star. > >One cannot accept such a rule,blindly. Comments of other members are invited. > >Yogesh Rao Lajmi <> wrote: >Dear Mr.Raichur, > The Moon star may remain the same,as you point out,but ,the sub-lord of the Ascendant keeps changing very rapidly... > This is the rule to examine whether a given chart is c orrect or not,as given in Astrosecrets and K.P., by K.Subramaniam,p.237. > With highest regards, > lyrastro1 > GOOD LUCK ! > > >Dear Friends > >Will someone enlighten me on the RULE "the sub-lord of the Asc must be the Star Lord of the MOON. " > >The Moon remains in one Nakstra for nearly 2 days. Thus the Moons star lord do es not change in these 2 days. According to the RULE, all births in this two da y period should have the SAME SUB. This is not at all logical. I for one do not use this rule. > >good luck > > >Ravinder Grover <> wrote: >Dear all > >Help required to Rectify TOB, as follows: > > > >Date of Query: 5th October 2004, 18:32:23 hours, NZDST, Auckland, New Zealand > >Query: Rectify TOB if required? > >Date of Birth: 8th Oct 1958, Recorded time of Birth : 00:01 am, Place: New Delh i , India > >This gives Lagna as Gemini 28deg 21 min 36 sec ruled by Merc, Jup, Ven, Merc > >and Mon at Cancer 11 deg 35 min 7 sec, ruled by Mon, Sat, Mon, Sat > >To rectify TOB, as per rule, Sub Lord Cusp(1) should be same as Moon's Star Lor d > >Here Sub Lord Cusp(1) = VENUS and Star Lord of Moon is SAT > >To get SLC(1) = Sat, Lagna should be moved to > > either at Gemini 21-46-40 to 23-53-20 that is, Rectified TOB should be 23.4 6 hours on 7th October 1958 > OR Cancer 3-20-00 to 5-26-40 that is, Rectified TOB should be 11:25 hours

> >Question is : Which is the right TOB? > >Love > > > >Ravinder GRover > > > > > > >----------------------------------------->A.R.Raichur bombay > > >USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY >tel: 022-2506 2609 >-----------------------------------------> > > > > > > > >-------------------------------->Do you Yahoo!? Try it today! >Meet the all-new My Yahoo! > >Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online. >Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT > > >-------------------------------->Yahoo! Groups Links > > To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. > > > >----------------------------------------->A.R.Raichur bombay > > >USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY >tel: 022-2506 2609 >-----------------------------------------> > >

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1787 From: anant raichur <anant_1608@...> Date: Mon Dec 6, 2004 1:40am Subject: Re: Query regarding birth of second child? anant_1608 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Vinay This is a really serious issue. It is right to consider 7th Cusp, and its connec tion with 2nd and 11th, for the 2nd child. But as you correctly raised the ques tion, this is also the consideration for marriage. Since marriage is already fo rseen, and foregone, the answer will be the same. So it would be as good as stating, that One you are promised Marriage, You are p romised the 2nd child as well. ||| I feel we should also consider the 5th House, as it denotes child birth in gener al, besides, the 1st child of a lady. The other solution is to consider the 3rd cusp of the 1st Born? Is a Sibling pro mised ? This would be a better solution. Yogesh Rao Lajmi <> wrote: Dear Vinay, You are very correct,for the second child it is recommended tha t the VIIth cusp sublord shoul be per K.P., recently also there wa s a discussion on the issue of whether Father's chart or Mother's chart should b e analysed...etc. But for the second child I do not think there is any 'dispute' on taking the VIIth cusp for consideration... Yours sincerely, lyrastro1 GOOD LUCK ! Vinay Tiwari <> wrote: Respected gurus and friends, I was just going through a chart , for birth of his second child. Dear Guruz , Can you kindly answer for following queries, 1) Which houses should be considered? 2)If i am not wrong 2,7,11 for second child ie ; 7 is 3rd from 5th . But 2,7,11 also gives marriage? 3)If i want to confirm whether birth of second child is there in chart should i

C 7th sublord connection? or how Please i need guidence regarding same. Thanks In advance, Regards, Vinay Tiwari -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Do you Yahoo!? Take Yahoo! Mail with you! Get it on your mobile phone. Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online.

-----------------------------------------A.R.Raichur bombay USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY tel: 022-2506 2609 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Do you Yahoo!? Try it today! Meet the all-new My Yahoo!

1788 From: rongaunt <rongaunt@...> Date: Mon Dec 6, 2004 1:46am Subject: RECTIFICATION OF TIME OF BIRTH rongaunt1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Kanak, Would you mind giving us an example so that we can follow it more closely. Thanks Ron Gaunt >Dear Ravindra > i dont think it is right method to check birth timeV pls refer Book " SECRETS OF R.P. & THE BIRTH TIME By: K.Baskaran Publishe KRISHMAN & CO 804 Mount Road, Chhennai 600 002 " >according to him RP MOON = Bith Asc. and RP Asc. = Birth Moon.( ksk himself wrote in any one reader about RP Moon = Birth Asc. but i dont remember no: and Page No.)

>frist you go up to birth Mon Sub-Sub-Sub level . and calcutet asc for that time you can found Bith asc as RP MOON most of case. >i found very accuret result by this method. and it is my personal view . >kanak bosmia

1789 From: "vijay kumar" <v_kumar@...> Date: Mon Dec 6, 2004 2:06am Subject: Address Reqd vk1608 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Mr. Bosmia, Would it be possible to kindly give the publisher's details like address, teleph one no, prize etc of the book "Secrets of R.P. & Birth Time by; K Bhaskaran". I have heard about this book and have been searching it for long but of no avail . Kindly help. Regards, Vijay Kumar

1790 From: "Kanakkumar Bosmia" <kanbosastro@...> Date: Mon Dec 6, 2004 2:09am Subject: RE: RECTIFICATION OF TIME OF BIRTH kanbosastro Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 ron, Sure i will post today nigh most brobably regards kanak bosmia

>From: rongaunt <> >Reply-To: >To: >Subject: [k_p_system] RECTIFICATION OF TIME OF BIRTH >Date: Mon, 06 Dec 2004 17:46:24 +1000 > > >Kanak, >

>Would you mind giving us an example so that we can follow it more >closely. Thanks > > >Ron Gaunt > > >Dear Ravindra > > > i dont think it is right method to check birth timeV pls refer Book " SECRET S OF R.P. & THE BIRTH TIME By: K.Baskaran Publishe KRISHMAN & CO 804 Mount Road , Chhennai 600 002 " > > >according to him RP MOON = Bith Asc. and RP Asc. = Birth Moon.( ksk himself w rote in any one reader about RP Moon = Birth Asc. but i dont remember no: and Pa ge No.) > > >frist you go up to birth Mon Sub-Sub-Sub level . and calcutet asc for that t ime you can found Bith asc as RP MOON most of case. > > >i found very accuret result by this method. and it is my personal view . > > >kanak bosmia > > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------now you can search your PC, too! Download the new MSN Toolbar Suite

1791 From: rongaunt <rongaunt@...> Date: Mon Dec 6, 2004 2:14am Subject: Re: Re: KPBC3 Analysis rongaunt1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Mandar, Please see replies ++.....................++ Ron Gaunt

On Mon, 06 Dec 2004 07:04:52 +0000, you wrote: > > >Hi, > >I have few queries regarding the analysis. Could you please answer >them? Please look for ***. > >--- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: >> >> >> HOUSES AND SIGNIFICATORS >>

>> The event was the birth of a child. The relevant houses are 2 >> for family, 5 for children, and 11 for desire. >> >> Lord of 2 and 5 is Jupiter who is in the star of Rahu sub >> Jupiter. Natal Rahu is in Jupiter Rasi hence all important >> de-facto ruler of the 5th house. Natal Rahu is in the star of >> Jupiter, so there is intimate and close connection between >> Jupiter and Rahu. >> >> Lord of 11 is Mercury who is in the star of Venus sub of Saturn, >> hence there may be some delay in having the first child. >> Natal Mercury is associated with Venus and both are in >> the 2nd house disposed by Jupiter hence associated with Rahu. >> >> Therefore all 3 houses 2,5, and 11, promise a child through >> Mercury as 11 house significator who is resident in 2 and linked >> through Jupiter and Rahu to the 5th house. >*** Is it mandatory that all the 3 houses should promise a child or >there is a OR condition? ++ I have taken it myself that all 3 houses should promise a child. However, I am relatively new to KP and if this is not correct I would appreciate views from experienced members. ++ >> >> >> DASAS >> >> The first appropriate dasa sequence appears to be Mo/Ke/Mer. >> commencing 31st Aug 1980. Ketu is in Mercury's rashi and would >> appear ideal. However, as we have seen Mercury is in the sub >> of Saturn hence likely to delay. >> >> Mo/Ve starts 30th Sep 1980. Venus Buhkti is promising in that >> natal Venus is in the 2nd house, associated with Mercury, in Sag >> Jupiter's rashi which is the same for the 5th house. >> In Handbook of Astrology Part 1 page 47 the author states >> 'Child birth can only be expected during the period of that >> planet which is placed favorably in the sub of one occupying or >> owning the 2nd,5th, or the 11th.' The only planet fulfilling >> this condition is Mercury which is in the sub of Venus occupying >> the 2nd house. >> >> Therefore the dasa sequence that fulfills the conditions is >> Mo/Ve/Me which runs from 30th Jan 1982 to 25th April 1982. >> However Mo/Ve/Ke (Ke substitutes for Mercury) runs from 25/4/1982 >> to 31st May 1982. So the birth could take place between 30th >> Jan to 25th April 1982. >*** Since ketu is signifiying 1 and 10 i.e. 12th of 2 and 11 >respectively, wouldn't it give negative effects on the result? Since >nodes are stronger than planets, I forced myself to leave out ketu >period, and Mercury period as well. And hence landed up with the dasa >sequence Moon/Ven/Ven or Moon/Ven/Moon. Was my assumption wrong? What >is the exact rule regarding this? > ++ Sorry due to my inexperience in KP I cannot quote a rule. I simply took it for granted that if a planet which is "placed favorably in the sub of one occupying or owning the 2nd,5th, or the 11th". the event would fructify. Again, perhaps more experienced members can

answer. ++ >Thanks is advance, >Mandar > > > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > >

1792 From: "Kanakkumar Bosmia" <kanbosastro@...> Date: Mon Dec 6, 2004 2:19am Subject: RE: Address Reqd kanbosastro Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Vijay, SECRETS OF R.P. AND BIRTH TIME PUBLISHER: KRISHMAN & CO 804 MOUNT ROAD CHENNAI 600002 regards kanak bosmia

>From: "vijay kumar" <> >Reply-To: >To: <> >Subject: [k_p_system] Address Reqd >Date: Mon, 6 Dec 2004 13:36:23 +0530 > >Dear Mr. Bosmia, > >Would it be possible to kindly give the publisher's details like address, telep hone no, prize etc of the book "Secrets of R.P. & Birth Time by; K Bhaskaran". > >I have heard about this book and have been searching it for long but of no avai l. Kindly help. > >Regards,

> >Vijay Kumar -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Find things faster with MSN Search try it now!

1793 From: anant raichur <anant_1608@...> Date: Mon Dec 6, 2004 2:32am Subject: Re: Address Reqd anant_1608 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Publishers of "Secretc of RP and the Birth Time, are M.s KRISHMAN & CO, 804 M OUNT ROAD CHENNAI 600 002. Price RS 100/ vijay kumar <> wrote: Dear Mr. Bosmia, Would it be possible to kindly give the publisher's details like address, teleph one no, prize etc of the book "Secrets of R.P. & Birth Time by; K Bhaskaran". I have heard about this book and have been searching it for long but of no avail . Kindly help. Regards, Vijay Kumar

-----------------------------------------A.R.Raichur bombay USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY tel: 022-2506 2609 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Mail - Helps protect you from nasty viruses.

1794 From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@...> Date: Mon Dec 6, 2004 3:34am Subject: Re: Re: Marriage Date? lyrastro1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear BOOM, I charge fees...for this query it is Rs 500/- to be sent in ad

vance. Kindly indicate willingness,asnd I will tell you where to send the draft... Yours sincerely, L.Y.Rao. GOOD LUCK ! BM <> wrote: Shri Lajmi Sir, With due respect I am not comparing Vedic and KP methods, I just mentioned I know some vedic astrology and studing KP now a days to know about this too. Also again with due respect please calculate it with KP first and I will tell with all explaination date acording to vedic analysis and dont misunderstood me I am not challengeing any thing it is just a study. Thank you very much Vivek Waiting --- In, Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@y...> wrote: > Dear BOOM, > What is the date that Vedic Astrology predicts ? > Let us then copare whether K.P., is more accurate ? ! > Yours ' ly, > lyrastro1 > > > BM <boomrangx@y...> wrote: > > Respected Sirs/Mames > > I am more in vedic astrology than kp, and now a days I am studing kp > system also. > Please check my date of marriage through the give data... > Date of birth: 17/4/1971 (17th April 1971) > Time of birth: 3:43:00 (03.43AM) > Place of birth: VIJAYAWADA Latitude:16:31:N Longitude:80:37:E > Current Place of living: Bangalore > Country: INDIA Zone: 82:30:E > > Thanks in advance > Vivek > > > > > Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT > > > --------------------------------> Yahoo! Groups Links > > To visit your group on the web, go to: > >

> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. > > > Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline.

Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online.

1795 From: BM <boomrangx@...> Date: Mon Dec 6, 2004 3:47am Subject: Re: Marriage Date? boomrangx Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Respected Lajmi Sir, Thanks for your reply, and I am not asking about my marriage date because I am eager to know it, it is just because of acadamic interest. What I feel is If things gose as per the prediction in my life than it is the best way to learn by predicting my future event and cross checking it. Thank you again, thanks for your offer, but I am not interested in it. Vivek --- In, Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@y...> wrote: > Dear BOOM, > I charge fees...for this query it is Rs 500/- to be sent in advance. > Kindly indicate willingness,asnd I will tell you where to send the draft... > Yours sincerely, > L.Y.Rao. > GOOD LUCK ! > BM <boomrangx@y...> wrote: > > Shri Lajmi Sir, > With due respect I am not comparing Vedic and KP methods, I just > mentioned I know some vedic astrology and studing KP now a days to > know about this too. > Also again with due respect please calculate it with KP first and I > will tell with all explaination date acording to vedic analysis and > dont misunderstood me I am not challengeing any thing it is just a > study. > Thank you very much > Vivek > > Waiting >

> --- In, Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@y...> > wrote: > > Dear BOOM, > > What is the date that Vedic Astrology predicts ? > > Let us then copare whether K.P., is more > accurate ? ! > > Yours ' ly, > > lyrastro1 > > > > > > BM <boomrangx@y...> wrote: > > > > Respected Sirs/Mames > > > > I am more in vedic astrology than kp, and now a days I am studing > kp > > system also. > > Please check my date of marriage through the give data... > > Date of birth: 17/4/1971 (17th April 1971) > > Time of birth: 3:43:00 (03.43AM) > > Place of birth: VIJAYAWADA Latitude:16:31:N Longitude:80:37:E > > Current Place of living: Bangalore > > Country: INDIA Zone: 82:30:E > > > > Thanks in advance > > Vivek > > > > > > > > > > Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT > > > > > > --------------------------------> > Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of > Service. > > > > > > Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline. > > > > > Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT > > > --------------------------------> Yahoo! Groups Links > > To visit your group on the web, go to: >

> > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. > > > Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline.

1796 From: "tw853" <tw853@...> Date: Mon Dec 6, 2004 6:29am Subject: Re: RECTIFICATION OF TIME OF BIRTH tw853 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Yogesh Rao Lajmi, What I mean is to take mother may be okay. Best regards, tw --- In, Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@y...> wrote: > Dear tw853, > Truly,I admire your "stick-to-it-iveness", we are discussing the use of astrological prognosis,precisely to avoid the need for all these expensive tests modern-day-tests... ? ! > With best wishes, > lyrastro1 > > tw853 <tw853@y...> wrote: > > Dear Yogesh Rao Lajmi, > > Yes, I got an idea, from the view point of ultra sound test for > child's sex only mother can be taken. > > Best regards, > > tw > > --- In, "tw853" <tw853@y...> wrote: > > > > Dear Yogesh Rao Lajmi, > > > > It's K Baskaran's view referring to some kind of practical > scientific > > test like DNA which has a logical reasoning for food for thought. > > > > > > Best regards, > > > > tw > > > >

> > > > --- In, Yogesh Rao Lajmi > <lyrastro1@y...> > > wrote: > > > Dear tw853, > > > The father's horoscope can be taken,provided one > > is certain that the person whose horoscope you are analysing,is the > > true father,and that he has impregnated the mother,which fact, only > > the mother knows for sure, and can vouch for...Isn't it ? > > > That is the only reason why the mother's chart > is > > more logical...and rational to consider,in case of child-birth... > > > Personally I feel that there is no need to > > stretch this point to this extent,unless the father is considered > so > > very important,( male chavinism at work ?,) but truly speaking > > scientifically the male "officially married to",and hence called > the > > husband,and assumed to be the father of the child of the > woman "he > > married",need not necessarily be the father of the child...only the > > woman > > > can vouch for paternity...! > > > And that,dear tw, is an incontrovertible > > scientific fact ! > > > With best wishes, > > > lyrastro1 > > > > > > > > > tw853 <tw853@y...> wrote: > > > > > > Dear Kanakkumar Bosmia, > > > > > > > > > 1. Some interesting points in K Baskaran's book among > others, > > > importance of Moon, correctness of KPA, Raichur Emphem, dogmatic > > > approach, decisive role of father's horoscope in deciding the sex > > of > > > child because the male sperms determines the sex of child. > > > > > > 2. Perhaps it's Rectification of Birth Time, KP Reader III, > p > > > 317-329, to refer KP Reader. In p 325, inter-link of the time of > > > birth and --- the moment of query are understandable from a > horary > > > horoscope erected according to Varaha Mihira's Brihat Jataka --> no > > > second opinion, lord of the sign in which Moon is --- and lord of

> > the > > > Lagna--- will be the same -----> > > > > > > > > Best regards, > > > > > > tw > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > --- In, "Kanakkumar Bosmia" > > > <kanbosastro@h...> wrote: > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT > > > > > > > > > --------------------------------> > > Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > > To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > > > > > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > > > > > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of > > Service. > > > > > > > > > Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline. > > > > > Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT > > > --------------------------------> Yahoo! Groups Links > > To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. > > > > Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline.

1797 From: "tw853" <tw853@...> Date: Mon Dec 6, 2004 6:58am Subject: Re: Address Reqd tw853 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Vijay Kumar, Manorama Ocult Publications Manorama Bhawan, 170 B, Bank Enclave Delhi, India 110092 Ph (91) (11) 22468683 E-mail: manoramaoccult@... For international order MASub580 Secrets of K.P. & The Birth Time (Research in K. P.) by K. Subramainiam $10.00 (including registered airmail postage) (Price Rs: 100, 1999 Edition, Publishers: Krishman & Co, Chennai) Best regards, tw --- In, "vijay kumar" <v_kumar@c...> wrote: > Dear Mr. Bosmia, > > Would it be possible to kindly give the publisher's details like address, telephone no, prize etc of the book "Secrets of R.P. & Birth Time by; K Bhaskaran". > > I have heard about this book and have been searching it for long but of no avail. Kindly help. > > Regards, > > Vijay Kumar

1798 From: "tw853" <tw853@...> Date: Mon Dec 6, 2004 7:05am Subject: Re: RECTIFICATION OF TIME OF BIRTH tw853 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Ron Gaunt, I'm thinkig you may be interested to check your birth time and would

like to send you one copy free if you don't mine to send any mail adrress for you to my private e-mail. It will reach within one week. By mistake they sent me two copies, of course charging two times. Best regards, tw --- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > > Kanak, > > Would you mind giving us an example so that we can follow it more > closely. Thanks > > > Ron Gaunt > > >Dear Ravindra > > > i dont think it is right method to check birth timeV pls refer Book " SECRETS OF R.P. & THE BIRTH TIME By: K.Baskaran Publishe KRISHMAN & CO 804 Mount Road, Chhennai 600 002 " > > >according to him RP MOON = Bith Asc. and RP Asc. = Birth Moon.( ksk himself wrote in any one reader about RP Moon = Birth Asc. but i dont remember no: and Page No.) > > >frist you go up to birth Mon Sub-Sub-Sub level . and calcutet asc for that time you can found Bith asc as RP MOON most of case. > > >i found very accuret result by this method. and it is my personal view . > > >kanak bosmia

1799 From: "tw853" <tw853@...> Date: Mon Dec 6, 2004 7:23am Subject: Re: Address Reqd tw853 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Vijay Kumar, Latest details on inside cover of KP & Astrology 2004 KRISHMAN & CO 804, Annasalal, (Opp. LIC Building) Chennai- 600 002 Ph Off. 2852 0078, 5214 1012, 5214 1289 Res. Ph. 2499 7705, 5210 7184 Best regards, tw --- In, "tw853" <tw853@y...> wrote:

> > > Dear Vijay Kumar, > > > Manorama Ocult Publications > Manorama Bhawan, 170 B, Bank Enclave > Delhi, India 110092 Ph (91) (11) 22468683 > E-mail: manoramaoccult@h... > > > > For international order > > > > MASub580 > Secrets of K.P. & The Birth Time (Research in K. P.) by K. > Subramainiam > $10.00 (including registered airmail postage) > > > (Price Rs: 100, 1999 Edition, Publishers: Krishman & Co, Chennai) > > Best regards, > > tw > > --- In, "vijay kumar" <v_kumar@c...> wrote: > > Dear Mr. Bosmia, > > > > Would it be possible to kindly give the publisher's details like > address, telephone no, prize etc of the book "Secrets of R.P. & Birth > Time by; K Bhaskaran". > > > > I have heard about this book and have been searching it for long > but of no avail. Kindly help. > > > > Regards, > > > > Vijay Kumar

1800 From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@...> Date: Mon Dec 6, 2004 8:04am Subject: Re: Re: RECTIFICATION OF TIME OF BIRTH lyrastro1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear tw853, Thank you for your prompt reply... Yours sincerely, lyrastro1 GOOD LUCK !

tw853 <> wrote: Dear Yogesh Rao Lajmi, What I mean is to take mother may be okay. Best regards, tw --- In, Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@y...> wrote: > Dear tw853, > Truly,I admire your "stick-to-it-iveness", we are discussing the use of astrological prognosis,precisely to avoid the need for all these expensive tests modern-day-tests... ? ! > With best wishes, > lyrastro1 > > tw853 <tw853@y...> wrote: > > Dear Yogesh Rao Lajmi, > > Yes, I got an idea, from the view point of ultra sound test for > child's sex only mother can be taken. > > Best regards, > > tw > > --- In, "tw853" <tw853@y...> wrote: > > > > Dear Yogesh Rao Lajmi, > > > > It's K Baskaran's view referring to some kind of practical > scientific > > test like DNA which has a logical reasoning for food for thought. > > > > > > Best regards, > > > > tw > > > > > > > > --- In, Yogesh Rao Lajmi > <lyrastro1@y...> > > wrote: > > > Dear tw853, > > > The father's horoscope can be taken,provided one > > is certain that the person whose horoscope you are analysing,is the > > true father,and that he has impregnated the mother,which fact, only > > the mother knows for sure, and can vouch for...Isn't it ? > > > That is the only reason why the mother's chart > is > > more logical...and rational to consider,in case of child-birth... > > > Personally I feel that there is no need to

> > stretch this point to this extent,unless the father is considered > so > > very important,( male chavinism at work ?,) but truly speaking > > scientifically the male "officially married to",and hence called > the > > husband,and assumed to be the father of the child of the > woman "he > > married",need not necessarily be the father of the child...only the > > woman > > > can vouch for paternity...! > > > And that,dear tw, is an incontrovertible > > scientific fact ! > > > With best wishes, > > > lyrastro1 > > > > > > > > > tw853 <tw853@y...> wrote: > > > > > > Dear Kanakkumar Bosmia, > > > > > > > > > 1. Some interesting points in K Baskaran's book among > others, > > > importance of Moon, correctness of KPA, Raichur Emphem, dogmatic > > > approach, decisive role of father's horoscope in deciding the sex > > of > > > child because the male sperms determines the sex of child. > > > > > > 2. Perhaps it's Rectification of Birth Time, KP Reader III, > p > > > 317-329, to refer KP Reader. In p 325, inter-link of the time of > > > birth and --- the moment of query are understandable from a > horary > > > horoscope erected according to Varaha Mihira's Brihat Jataka --> no > > > second opinion, lord of the sign in which Moon is --- and lord of > > the > > > Lagna--- will be the same -----> > > > > > > > > Best regards, > > > > > > tw > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > --- In, "Kanakkumar Bosmia" > > > <kanbosastro@h...> wrote: > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT > > > > > > > > > --------------------------------> > > Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > > To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > > > > > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > > > > > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of > > Service. > > > > > > > > > Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline. > > > > > Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT > > > --------------------------------> Yahoo! Groups Links > > To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. > > > > Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline.

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1801 From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@...> Date: Mon Dec 6, 2004 9:08am Subject: Re: Query regarding birth of second child? lyrastro1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Mr.Raichur, The VIIth cusp,can,like any other cusp, stand for differ

ent things,but it depends upon the astrologer to select the appropriate signific ations,for the particular query/judgement,don't you think so ? For example the Vth can denote a lover,a child or a card -game,opponent's victory/gain...and so on,depending upon the circumstances preva iling,or, being considered at the TOJ... Therefore,in my humble opinion,Mr.Raichur,the VII cusp f or the second child,based on the IIIrd from the Vth,as younger sibling of the fi rst-born,seems to me to be correct... With highest regards, lyrastro1 GOOD LUCK ! anant raichur <> wrote: Dear Vinay This is a really serious issue. It is right to consider 7th Cusp, and its connec tion with 2nd and 11th, for the 2nd child. But as you correctly raised the ques tion, this is also the consideration for marriage. Since marriage is already fo rseen, and foregone, the answer will be the same. So it would be as good as stating, that One you are promised Marriage, You are p romised the 2nd child as well. ||| I feel we should also consider the 5th House, as it denotes child birth in gener al, besides, the 1st child of a lady. The other solution is to consider the 3rd cusp of the 1st Born? Is a Sibling pro mised ? This would be a better solution. Yogesh Rao Lajmi <> wrote: Dear Vinay, You are very correct,for the second child it is recommended tha t the VIIth cusp sublord shoul be per K.P., recently also there wa s a discussion on the issue of whether Father's chart or Mother's chart should b e analysed...etc. But for the second child I do not think there is any 'dispute' on taking the VIIth cusp for consideration... Yours sincerely, lyrastro1 GOOD LUCK ! Vinay Tiwari <> wrote: Respected gurus and friends, I was just going through a chart , for birth of his second child. Dear Guruz , Can you kindly answer for following queries, 1) Which houses should be considered? 2)If i am not wrong 2,7,11 for second child ie ; 7 is 3rd from 5th . But 2,7,11 also gives marriage? 3)If i want to confirm whether birth of second child is there in chart should i C 7th sublord connection? or how Please i need guidence regarding same. Thanks In advance, Regards, Vinay Tiwari

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1802 From: "tw853" <tw853@...> Date: Mon Dec 6, 2004 0:54pm Subject: Re: Query regarding birth of second child? tw853 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Yogesh Rao Lajmi, Is it not the same as mentioned in Msg # 1774, "to judge houses 2,5,7, and 11 for second conception, KP Reader IV, p 242 (for timing of child birth in general)" Best regards, tw --- In, Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@y...> wrote: > Dear Mr.Raichur, > The VIIth cusp,can,like any other cusp, stand for different things,but it depends upon the astrologer to select the appropriate significations,for the particular query/judgement,don't you think so ? > For example the Vth can denote a lover,a child or a card-game,opponent's victory/gain...and so on,depending upon the circumstances prevailing,or, being considered at the TOJ... > Therefore,in my humble opinion,Mr.Raichur,the VII cusp for the second child,based on the

IIIrd from the Vth,as younger sibling of the first-born,seems to me to be correct... > With highest regards, > lyrastro1 > GOOD LUCK ! > > anant raichur <anant_1608@y...> wrote: > Dear Vinay > > This is a really serious issue. It is right to consider 7th Cusp, and its connection with 2nd and 11th, for the 2nd child. But as you correctly raised the question, this is also the consideration for marriage. Since marriage is already forseen, and foregone, the answer will be the same. > > So it would be as good as stating, that One you are promised Marriage, You are promised the 2nd child as well. ||| > > I feel we should also consider the 5th House, as it denotes child birth in general, besides, the 1st child of a lady. > > The other solution is to consider the 3rd cusp of the 1st Born? Is a Sibling promised ? This would be a better solution. > > > Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@y...> wrote: > Dear Vinay, > You are very correct,for the second child it is recommended that the VIIth cusp sublord shoul be per K.P., recently also there was a discussion on the issue of whether Father's chart or Mother's chart should be analysed...etc. > But for the second child I do not think there is any 'dispute' on taking the VIIth cusp for consideration... > Yours sincerely, > lyrastro1 > GOOD LUCK ! > > Vinay Tiwari <techn0pandit@y...> wrote: > Respected gurus and friends, > > I was just going through a chart , for birth of his second child. > Dear Guruz , Can you kindly answer for following queries, > 1) Which houses should be considered? > 2)If i am not wrong 2,7,11 for second child ie ; 7 is 3rd from 5th . > But 2,7,11 also gives marriage? > 3)If i want to confirm whether birth of second child is there in chart should i C 7th sublord connection? or how > > Please i need guidence regarding same. > > > Thanks In advance, > > Regards, > Vinay Tiwari > > > --------------------------------> Do you Yahoo!?

> Take Yahoo! Mail with you! Get it on your mobile phone. > > Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online. > > > > -----------------------------------------> A.R.Raichur bombay > anant_1608@y... > raichuranant@y... > USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY > tel: 022-2506 2609 > -----------------------------------------> > > > > > > > > --------------------------------> Do you Yahoo!? Try it today! > Meet the all-new My Yahoo! > Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT > > > --------------------------------> Yahoo! Groups Links > > To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. > > > Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline.

1803 From: Sourav Guchhait <sourav6282@...> Date: Mon Dec 6, 2004 2:55pm Subject: Re: Re: Query regarding birth of second child? sourav6282 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Mr.Raichur,Yogesh Rao Lajmiji and tw, My opinion is :5'th cusp sublord signifying houses 2,5,11 means birth of 1'st child is promised. If 5th sublord signifies 2,5,11 "then only" one should check for 7th cusp sublord for 2'nd child(without "1'st" it is not possible for having "2'nd" including miscarriage). After that, if 7th cusp sublord signifies 2,7,11 then

birth of 2'nd child is promised. I have two questions:How can we calculate considering the 3rd cusp of the 1st Born, a Sibling promised or not? (3'rd cusp sublord signifying 2,3,11 houses ? 2 is 12 to 3!) Also, How can we calculate considering the 11th cusp of the 2nd Born, there is an Elder sibling or not? (11'th cusp sublord signifying 2,11 ? Means good income!) - Regards Sourav. --- tw853 <tw853@...> wrote: --------------------------------Dear Yogesh Rao Lajmi, Is it not the same as mentioned in Msg # 1774, "to judge houses 2,5,7, and 11 for second conception, KP Reader IV, p 242 (for timing of child birth in general)" Best regards, tw --- In, Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@y...> wrote: > Dear Mr.Raichur, > The VIIth cusp,can,like any other cusp, stand for different things,but it depends upon the astrologer to select the appropriate significations,for the particular query/judgement,don't you think so ? > For example the Vth can denote a lover,a child or a card-game,opponent's victory/gain...and so on,depending upon the circumstances prevailing,or, being considered at the TOJ... > Therefore,in my humble opinion,Mr.Raichur,the VII cusp for the second child,based on the IIIrd from the Vth,as younger sibling of the first-born,seems to me to be correct... > With highest regards, > lyrastro1

> GOOD LUCK ! > > anant raichur <anant_1608@y...> wrote: > Dear Vinay > > This is a really serious issue. It is right to consider 7th Cusp, and its connection with 2nd and 11th, for the 2nd child. But as you correctly raised the question, this is also the consideration for marriage. Since marriage is already forseen, and foregone, the answer will be the same. > > So it would be as good as stating, that One you are promised Marriage, You are promised the 2nd child as well. ||| > > I feel we should also consider the 5th House, as it denotes child birth in general, besides, the 1st child of a lady. > > The other solution is to consider the 3rd cusp of the 1st Born? Is a Sibling promised ? This would be a better solution. > > > Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@y...> wrote: > Dear Vinay, > You are very correct,for the second child it is recommended that the VIIth cusp sublord shoul be per K.P., recently also there was a discussion on the issue of whether Father's chart or Mother's chart should be analysed...etc. > But for the second child I do not think there is any 'dispute' on taking the VIIth cusp for consideration... > Yours sincerely, > lyrastro1 > GOOD LUCK ! > > Vinay Tiwari <techn0pandit@y...> wrote: > Respected gurus and friends, > > I was just going through a chart , for birth of his second child. > Dear Guruz , Can you kindly answer for following queries, > 1) Which houses should be considered? > 2)If i am not wrong 2,7,11 for second child ie ; 7 is 3rd from 5th . > But 2,7,11 also gives marriage? > 3)If i want to confirm whether birth of second child

is there in chart should i C 7th sublord connection? or how > > Please i need guidence regarding same. > > > Thanks In advance, > > Regards, > Vinay Tiwari > > > --------------------------------> Do you Yahoo!? > Take Yahoo! Mail with you! Get it on your mobile phone. > > Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online. > > > > -----------------------------------------> A.R.Raichur bombay > anant_1608@y... > raichuranant@y... > USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY > tel: 022-2506 2609 > -----------------------------------------> > > > > > > > > --------------------------------> Do you Yahoo!? Try it today! > Meet the all-new My Yahoo! > Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT > > > --------------------------------> Yahoo! Groups Links > > To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. > > > Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline.

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1804 From: "Sandy Crowther" <sandy@...> Date: Mon Dec 6, 2004 5:51pm Subject: Re: Request to Sandy detective_dunno Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Vijay Kumar and List, Thank you. This is just a short note to let you know that Ron Gaunt's persistent - but gentle persuasion (and forwarded emails of support :)) lured me back to reconsider my decision to leave the group, so I'm back. Thanks for your support...Hopefully we can all do our best to keep the peace and respect one another when we communicate. Communicating by email is a tough enough medium to decipher and translate emotions and intent - and misunderstandings can certainly occur. As it is there is enough discord in the world without us contributing to the same. I'd also like to add that I apologize if I have misunderstood a certain few posts, or made anyone uncomfortable with my words or actions. All the Best, Sandy Crowther P.S. to Vijay: I'm female :-)

--- In, "vijay kumar" <v_kumar@c...> wrote: > Dear Sandy, > > Kindly excuse me to intrude in. > > Your posts and that of Mr. Yogesh etc have very good over the time and I sincerely feel that you should not withdraw from the forum. This forum is a place for learning which should of course be in a very humble environment. > > The divisional charts are wonders in parashara classics and should not be under-estimated. My humble feeling is that some statistical evaluation is necessary to amalgamate the D-charts with the Classical KP chart of Placidus system. It would bring out many pearls of wisdom. > > Mr. Sandy, kindly keep up your deliberations to the forum. > > Regards, > > Vijay Kumar > ----- Original Message ----> From: Sandy Crowther > To: > Sent: Friday, December 03, 2004 10:45 PM > Subject: RE: [k_p_system] Re: KPBC3 Answer. > > > Dear TW and Yogesh Rao Lajmi, Ron, and Group, > > > > TW - thanks for your kind congratulatory words. > > > > Yogesh Rao Lagmi wrote: > > > > Doesn't that,in a way strengthen my contention that the mother's chart will give better and more accurate results ? > > Yours 'ly, > > lyrastro1 > > GOOD LUCK ! > > > > WHY??? Because only 2 people out of 8 came close? I'm amused. Does KP boast a 100% accuracy rate? I agree that having the charts of BOTH parents would have made delineation a bit easier - but in real life - that isn't always an option. > > > > TW - wrote: > >

> > How can we refuse a male asking whether he can have a child and tell > him to bring his wife?. > > I agree TW. Perhaps it is time for participation on Blind charts from you, Mr. Yogesh Rao Lajmi, to demonstrate both your point and your expertise in KP delineation - which brings me to my next point... > > > > Yogesh Rao Lagmi - With all due respect, I believe you are a bit over the top with many of your posts.this being another post of a few that I have observed in the short time I have been a member of this list..Anyway - allow me to respond to your accusations of my personal motivations before I unsubscribe. > > > > You wrote: > > Dears Sandy Cowther & Srinivas Upadyay, > > I was under the impression that we are discusing in the is no place for sapthamsa,navamsas,dasamsas or forthat matter any amsas for judgement purposes... > > Members are requested to stick to Krishnamurty Padhdhati only...else we will only arrive at a "hotch-potch" of " the various Vedic Astrology our anxiety to prove one's point anywhich way,end up with nothing worthwhile..." > > I sincerely request ALL members to therefore stick to K.P.,only in this group... > > Yours sincerely, > > lyrastro1 > > GOOD LUCK ! > > > > Interesting diatribe.Are Eclipses part of KP? You don't know me nor do you know what my motivations are. I was simply respectfully responding to a question put forth by a list member - nothing more. simply sharing a technique. Now although I am a seasoned astrologer of 35 years, I am not experienced in KP and thought this list might be a good place to start after a respected colleague of mine - Ron Gaunt - mentioned the list to me. So, for the record, I have just begun my journey of studying KP - therefore I am not familiar with what techniques are accepted by KP, and what techniques are rejected by KP. For that I apologize. However, you certainly set me straight

real quick. Forgive me if I crossed the line of list discussion - I meant no disrespect. > > > > However, due to the derogatory manner in which I was addressed (directly and indirectly) by you on 2 separate occasions - you can rest assured that I will not be posting to this KP list anymore. You see, I was not trying to "prove" anything, and unfortunately, for whatever your reasons, you have painted an inaccurate picture of my motives to this list, while showing a great deal of disrespect towards me. I have little tolerance for unprovoked verbal hostility on any list. Your comments on a few occasions were unnecessary and quite immature. You could have brought forth your point about amsa's, "any amsa's", in a kinder manner - like Anant Raichur did without resorting to implying to other list members your own delusional assumptions about others, or suggesting such absurd inaccuracies of my personal motivations - such as - to "prove one's point any which way". You couldn't be further from the truth.I have nothing to prove, nor do I have any need to prove anything. > > > > And again: > > > > Therefore,personally, I stick to the pure and simple K.P., of old...and I had mentioned it especially for those who are interested in more research etc...the "in-thing" abroad...I guess... > > > > Hmm.Guess you don't like the fact that I enjoy "research"? > > > > At any rate, I have no time for this nonsense. But I do wish you and the list all the best and hope you will at least think about the manner and tone with which you come across to others in your plight to exert your authority/superiority on this list. Goodbye and GOOD LUCK! J > > > > P.S. Message for Ron Gaunt with respect to KPBC3: > > > > Ron - In Vinay's assessment dates for the birth of the child he states the dates of 5/12/82 to 5/30/82 (May) and states that these dates fall in a Mo/Ve/Me dasha. There is some mistake here because these May dates he predicted do not fall in a Mo/Ve/Me dasha, but rather in a Mo/Ve/Ra dasha. The birth took place, according to your post, on 3/22/82 - which is March - not May. I just wanted to bring that to your attention in case list members are following the Blind Charts. Thanks. > > >

> > > > > > >

All the Best, Sandy Crowther

1805 From: "tw853" <tw853@...> Date: Mon Dec 6, 2004 6:10pm Subject: Re: Query regarding birth of second child? tw853 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Sourav Guchhait, 1. For 1st child, 5th & 11 th cusps are taken in judging "Is child birth promised or not?" in examples for both male and female, and generally houses 2, 5 and 11 are judged for the time of child birth, examples for male p 224 & p 227, and example for female p 230, KP Reader IV. (2nd is the increase in number of members of family by birth of children; 5th for offspring; 11th not only fruit of one's action, but also 5 th to 7 th partner, p 210 KP Reader IV) 2. For 2nd child, to judge houses 2,5,7, and 11; 7th is 3rd from 5th, 3rd is younger child, in an example, KP Reader IV, p 242. Best regards, tw

--- In, Sourav Guchhait <sourav6282@y...> wrote: > Dear Mr.Raichur,Yogesh Rao Lajmiji and tw, > > My opinion is :> 5'th cusp sublord signifying houses 2,5,11 means birth > of 1'st child is promised. If 5th sublord signifies > 2,5,11 "then only" one should check for 7th cusp > sublord for 2'nd child(without "1'st" it is not > possible for having "2'nd" including miscarriage). > After that, if 7th cusp sublord signifies 2,7,11 then > birth of 2'nd child is promised. > > I have two questions:> > How can we calculate considering the 3rd cusp of the > 1st Born, a Sibling promised or not? (3'rd cusp > sublord signifying 2,3,11 houses ? 2 is 12 to 3!) > > Also, How can we calculate considering the 11th cusp > of the 2nd Born, there is an Elder sibling or not? > (11'th cusp sublord signifying 2,11 ? Means good

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

income!) - Regards Sourav. --- tw853 <tw853@y...> wrote: --------------------------------Dear Yogesh Rao Lajmi, Is it not the same as mentioned in Msg # 1774, "to judge houses 2,5,7, and 11 for second conception, KP Reader IV, p 242 (for timing of child birth in general)" Best regards, tw --- In, Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@y...> wrote: > Dear Mr.Raichur, > The VIIth cusp,can,like any other cusp, stand for different things,but it depends upon the astrologer to select the appropriate significations,for the particular query/judgement,don't you think so ? > For example the Vth can denote a lover,a child or a card-game,opponent's victory/gain...and so on,depending upon the circumstances prevailing,or, being considered at the TOJ... > Therefore,in my humble opinion,Mr.Raichur,the VII cusp for the second child,based on the IIIrd from the Vth,as younger sibling of the first-born,seems to me to be correct... > With highest regards, > lyrastro1 > GOOD LUCK ! > > anant raichur <anant_1608@y...> wrote: > Dear Vinay > > This is a really serious issue. It is right to consider 7th Cusp, and its connection with 2nd and 11th, for the 2nd child. But as you correctly raised the question, this is also the

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

consideration for marriage. Since marriage is already forseen, and foregone, the answer will be the same. > > So it would be as good as stating, that One you are promised Marriage, You are promised the 2nd child as well. ||| > > I feel we should also consider the 5th House, as it denotes child birth in general, besides, the 1st child of a lady. > > The other solution is to consider the 3rd cusp of the 1st Born? Is a Sibling promised ? This would be a better solution. > > > Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@y...> wrote: > Dear Vinay, > You are very correct,for the second child it is recommended that the VIIth cusp sublord shoul be per K.P., recently also there was a discussion on the issue of whether Father's chart or Mother's chart should be analysed...etc. > But for the second child I do not think there is any 'dispute' on taking the VIIth cusp for consideration... > Yours sincerely, > lyrastro1 > GOOD LUCK ! > > Vinay Tiwari <techn0pandit@y...> wrote: > Respected gurus and friends, > > I was just going through a chart , for birth of his second child. > Dear Guruz , Can you kindly answer for following queries, > 1) Which houses should be considered? > 2)If i am not wrong 2,7,11 for second child ie ; 7 is 3rd from 5th . > But 2,7,11 also gives marriage? > 3)If i want to confirm whether birth of second child is there in chart should i C 7th sublord connection? or how > > Please i need guidence regarding same. > > > Thanks In advance, > > Regards, > Vinay Tiwari >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > --------------------------------> Do you Yahoo!? > Take Yahoo! Mail with you! Get it on your mobile phone. > > Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online. > > > > -----------------------------------------> A.R.Raichur bombay > anant_1608@y... > raichuranant@y... > USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY > tel: 022-2506 2609 > -----------------------------------------> > > > > > > > > --------------------------------> Do you Yahoo!? Try it today! > Meet the all-new My Yahoo! > Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT > > > --------------------------------> Yahoo! Groups Links > > To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. > > > Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline.

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1806 From: "Vaidun Vidyadhar" <vvidya@...> Date: Mon Dec 6, 2004 6:36pm Subject: RE: Re: Request to Sandy vidyaau Send IM Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Good to have you with us Sandy. You are such a kind, wonderful, warm-hearted person. With best regards. Vaidun Vidyadhar 1 / 94 Marius Street Tamworth, NSW 2340 Australia Tel: 61-2-67 668428 (home) Mobile: 0414 870 083 Email:

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------From: Sandy Crowther [] Sent: Tuesday, 7 December 2004 10:51 AM To: Subject: [k_p_system] Re: Request to Sandy

Dear Vijay Kumar and List, Thank you. This is just a short note to let you know that Ron Gaunt's persistent - but gentle persuasion (and forwarded emails of support :)) lured me back to reconsider my decision to leave the group, so I'm back.

Thanks for your support...Hopefully we can all do our best to keep the peace and respect one another when we communicate. Communicating by email is a tough enough medium to decipher and translate emotions and intent - and misunderstandings can certainly occur. As it is there is enough discord in the world without us contributing to the same. I'd also like to add that I apologize if I have misunderstood a certain few posts, or made anyone uncomfortable with my words or actions. All the Best, Sandy Crowther P.S. to Vijay: I'm female :-) --- In, "vijay kumar" <v_kumar@c...> wrote: > Dear Sandy, > > Kindly excuse me to intrude in. > > Your posts and that of Mr. Yogesh etc have very good over the time and I sincerely feel that you should not withdraw from the forum. This forum is a place for learning which should of course be in a very humble environment. > > The divisional charts are wonders in parashara classics and should not be under-estimated. My humble feeling is that some statistical evaluation is necessary to amalgamate the D-charts with the Classical KP chart of Placidus system. It would bring out many pearls of wisdom. > > Mr. Sandy, kindly keep up your deliberations to the forum. > > Regards, > > Vijay Kumar > ----- Original Message ----> From: Sandy Crowther > To: > Sent: Friday, December 03, 2004 10:45 PM > Subject: RE: [k_p_system] Re: KPBC3 Answer. > > > Dear TW and Yogesh Rao Lajmi, Ron, and Group, > > > > TW - thanks for your kind congratulatory words. > > > > Yogesh Rao Lagmi wrote: > > > > Doesn't that,in a way strengthen my contention that the mother's chart will give better and more accurate results ? > > Yours 'ly,

> > lyrastro1 > > GOOD LUCK ! > > > > WHY??? Because only 2 people out of 8 came close? I'm amused. Does KP boast a 100% accuracy rate? I agree that having the charts of BOTH parents would have made delineation a bit easier - but in real life - that isn't always an option. > > > > TW - wrote: > > > > How can we refuse a male asking whether he can have a child and tell > him to bring his wife?. > > I agree TW. Perhaps it is time for participation on Blind charts from you, Mr. Yogesh Rao Lajmi, to demonstrate both your point and your expertise in KP delineation - which brings me to my next point... > > > > Yogesh Rao Lagmi - With all due respect, I believe you are a bit over the top with many of your posts.this being another post of a few that I have observed in the short time I have been a member of this list..Anyway - allow me to respond to your accusations of my personal motivations before I unsubscribe. > > > > You wrote: > > Dears Sandy Cowther & Srinivas Upadyay, > > I was under the impression that we are discusing in the is no place for sapthamsa,navamsas,dasamsas or forthat matter any amsas for judgement purposes... > > Members are requested to stick to Krishnamurty Padhdhati only...else we will only arrive at a "hotch-potch" of " the various Vedic Astrology our anxiety to prove one's point anywhich way,end up with nothing worthwhile..." > > I sincerely request ALL members to therefore stick to K.P.,only in this group... > > Yours sincerely, > >

lyrastro1 > > GOOD LUCK ! > > > > Interesting diatribe.Are Eclipses part of KP? You don't know me nor do you know what my motivations are. I was simply respectfully responding to a question put forth by a list member - nothing more. simply sharing a technique. Now although I am a seasoned astrologer of 35 years, I am not experienced in KP and thought this list might be a good place to start after a respected colleague of mine - Ron Gaunt - mentioned the list to me. So, for the record, I have just begun my journey of studying KP - therefore I am not familiar with what techniques are accepted by KP, and what techniques are rejected by KP. For that I apologize. However, you certainly set me straight real quick. Forgive me if I crossed the line of list discussion - I meant no disrespect. > > > > However, due to the derogatory manner in which I was addressed (directly and indirectly) by you on 2 separate occasions - you can rest assured that I will not be posting to this KP list anymore. You see, I was not trying to "prove" anything, and unfortunately, for whatever your reasons, you have painted an inaccurate picture of my motives to this list, while showing a great deal of disrespect towards me. I have little tolerance for unprovoked verbal hostility on any list. Your comments on a few occasions were unnecessary and quite immature. You could have brought forth your point about amsa's, "any amsa's", in a kinder manner - like Anant Raichur did without resorting to implying to other list members your own delusional assumptions about others, or suggesting such absurd inaccuracies of my personal motivations - such as - to "prove one's point any which way". You couldn't be further from the truth.I have nothing to prove, nor do I have any need to prove anything. > > > > And again: > > > > Therefore,personally, I stick to the pure and simple K.P., of old...and I had mentioned it especially for those who are interested in more research etc...the "in-thing" abroad...I guess... > > > > Hmm.Guess you don't like the fact that I enjoy "research"? > > > > At any rate, I have no time for this nonsense. But I do wish you and the list all the best and hope you will at least think about the manner and tone with which you come across to others in your plight to exert your authority/superiority on this list. Goodbye and GOOD LUCK! J >

> > > P.S. Message for Ron Gaunt with respect to KPBC3: > > > > Ron - In Vinay's assessment dates for the birth of the child he states the dates of 5/12/82 to 5/30/82 (May) and states that these dates fall in a Mo/Ve/Me dasha. There is some mistake here because these May dates he predicted do not fall in a Mo/Ve/Me dasha, but rather in a Mo/Ve/Ra dasha. The birth took place, according to your post, on 3/22/82 - which is March - not May. I just wanted to bring that to your attention in case list members are following the Blind Charts. Thanks. > > > > > > All the Best, > > Sandy Crowther > >

1807 From: "tw853" <tw853@...> Date: Mon Dec 6, 2004 6:38pm Subject: Re: Request to Sandy tw853 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Sandy Crowther, I'm really very delighted to welcome you back, quoting 1. SATAYA PRAKASH CHOWDAHRY, a KP scholar, "One has to be open minded and work hard. Krishnamurti himself wanted his students to be open and research minded so that they could take KP forward. I respect and love all the great minds who researched and revealed jyotish, but no one has monopoly over the truth. --- May the truth set us free." in RULING PLANETS IN KP. 2. K. HARIHARAN, S/o Guruji KSK, "In the preliminary chapters of K.P. Reader II Prof. Krishnamurti exhorts students of Astrology to learn thoroughly the works of our Sages and all books on Astrology written by the scholars on the subject" in NOTABLE PERSONS & KRISHNAMURTI PADHDHATI. 3. K. SUBRAMANIAM, S/o Guruji KSK, "The knowledge which we have

gained by years of unceasing labour, we are sharing and with the world. We give it and if others can add it, we shall rejoice", on back cover of ASTROLOGY & EDUCATION. Best regards, tw

--- In, "Sandy Crowther" <sandy@t...> wrote: > > > Dear Vijay Kumar and List, > > Thank you. This is just a short note to let you know that Ron Gaunt's > persistent - but gentle persuasion (and forwarded emails of support :> )) lured me back to reconsider my decision to leave the group, so I'm > back. > > Thanks for your support...Hopefully we can all do our best to keep > the peace and respect one another when we communicate. Communicating > by email is a tough enough medium to decipher and translate emotions > and intent - and misunderstandings can certainly occur. As it is > there is enough discord in the world without us contributing to the > same. > > I'd also like to add that I apologize if I have misunderstood a > certain few posts, or made anyone uncomfortable with my words or > actions. > > All the Best, > Sandy Crowther > > > P.S. to Vijay: I'm female :-) > > --- In, "vijay kumar" <v_kumar@c...> wrote: > > Dear Sandy, > > > > Kindly excuse me to intrude in. > > > > Your posts and that of Mr. Yogesh etc have very good over the time > and I sincerely feel that you should not withdraw from the forum. > This forum is a place for learning which should of course be in a > very humble environment. > > > > The divisional charts are wonders in parashara classics and should > not be under-estimated. My humble feeling is that some statistical > evaluation is necessary to amalgamate the D-charts with the Classical

> KP chart of Placidus system. It would bring out many pearls of wisdom. > > > > Mr. Sandy, kindly keep up your deliberations to the forum. > > > > Regards, > > > > Vijay Kumar > > ----- Original Message ----> > From: Sandy Crowther > > To: > > Sent: Friday, December 03, 2004 10:45 PM > > Subject: RE: [k_p_system] Re: KPBC3 Answer. > > > > > > Dear TW and Yogesh Rao Lajmi, Ron, and Group, > > > > > > > > TW - thanks for your kind congratulatory words. > > > > > > > > Yogesh Rao Lagmi wrote: > > > > > > > > Doesn't that,in a way strengthen my contention that the mother's > chart will give better and more accurate results ? > > > > Yours 'ly, > > > > lyrastro1 > > > > GOOD LUCK ! > > > > > > > > WHY??? Because only 2 people out of 8 came close? I'm amused. > Does KP boast a 100% accuracy rate? I agree that having the charts of > BOTH parents would have made delineation a bit easier - but in real > life - that isn't always an option. > > > > > > > > TW - wrote: > > > > > > > > How can we refuse a male asking whether he can have a child and > tell > > him to bring his wife?. > > > > I agree TW. Perhaps it is time for participation on Blind charts > from you, Mr. Yogesh Rao Lajmi, to demonstrate both your point and > your expertise in KP delineation - which brings me to my next > point...

> > > > > > > > Yogesh Rao Lagmi - With all due respect, I believe you are a bit > over the top with many of your posts.this being another post of a few > that I have observed in the short time I have been a member of this > list..Anyway - allow me to respond to your accusations of my personal > motivations before I unsubscribe. > > > > > > > > You wrote: > > > > Dears Sandy Cowther & Srinivas Upadyay, > > > > I > was under the impression that we are discusing in the > is no place for sapthamsa,navamsas,dasamsas or > forthat matter any amsas for judgement purposes... > > > > > Members are requested to stick to Krishnamurty Padhdhati only...else > we will only arrive at a "hotch-potch" of " the various Vedic > Astrology our anxiety to prove one's point anywhich > way,end up with nothing worthwhile..." > > > > I > sincerely request ALL members to therefore stick to K.P.,only in > this group... > > > > > Yours sincerely, > > > > > lyrastro1 > > > > > GOOD LUCK ! > > > > > > > > Interesting diatribe.Are Eclipses part of KP? You don't know me > nor do you know what my motivations are. I was simply respectfully > responding to a question put forth by a list member - nothing more. > simply sharing a technique. Now although I am a seasoned astrologer > of 35 years, I am not experienced in KP and thought this list might > be a good place to start after a respected colleague of mine - Ron > Gaunt - mentioned the list to me. So, for the record, I have just > begun my journey of studying KP - therefore I am not familiar with > what techniques are accepted by KP, and what techniques are rejected > by KP. For that I apologize. However, you certainly set me straight > real quick. Forgive me if I crossed the line of list discussion - I > meant no disrespect.

> > > > > > > > However, due to the derogatory manner in which I was addressed > (directly and indirectly) by you on 2 separate occasions - you can > rest assured that I will not be posting to this KP list anymore. You > see, I was not trying to "prove" anything, and unfortunately, for > whatever your reasons, you have painted an inaccurate picture of my > motives to this list, while showing a great deal of disrespect > towards me. I have little tolerance for unprovoked verbal hostility > on any list. Your comments on a few occasions were unnecessary and > quite immature. You could have brought forth your point about > amsa's, "any amsa's", in a kinder manner - like Anant Raichur did > without resorting to implying to other list members your own > delusional assumptions about others, or suggesting such absurd > inaccuracies of my personal motivations - such as - to "prove one's > point any which way". You couldn't be further from the truth.I have > nothing to prove, nor do I have any need to prove anything. > > > > > > > > And again: > > > > > > > > Therefore,personally, I stick to the pure and simple K.P., of > old...and I had mentioned it especially for those who are interested > in more research etc...the "in-thing" abroad...I guess... > > > > > > > > Hmm.Guess you don't like the fact that I enjoy "research"? > > > > > > > > At any rate, I have no time for this nonsense. But I do wish you > and the list all the best and hope you will at least think about the > manner and tone with which you come across to others in your plight > to exert your authority/superiority on this list. Goodbye and GOOD > LUCK! J > > > > > > > > P.S. Message for Ron Gaunt with respect to KPBC3: > > > > > > > > Ron - In Vinay's assessment dates for the birth of the child he > states the dates of 5/12/82 to 5/30/82 (May) and states that these > dates fall in a Mo/Ve/Me dasha. There is some mistake here because > these May dates he predicted do not fall in a Mo/Ve/Me dasha, but > rather in a Mo/Ve/Ra dasha. The birth took place, according to your > post, on 3/22/82 - which is March - not May. I just wanted to bring > that to your attention in case list members are following the Blind > Charts. Thanks. > >

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > >

All the Best, Sandy Crowther

1808 From: rongaunt <rongaunt@...> Date: Mon Dec 6, 2004 6:43pm Subject: Re: Re: Query regarding birth of second child? rongaunt1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 To all interested in this question of 2nd, 3rd births etc. Does anyone have birth details of say four or more children to the same mother. We could then check what appears to work best. Ron Gaunt

On Tue, 07 Dec 2004 00:10:42 +0000, you wrote: > > >Dear Sourav Guchhait, > >1. For 1st child, 5th & 11 th cusps are taken in >judging "Is child birth promised or not?" in examples for both male >and female, and generally houses 2, 5 and 11 are judged for the time >of child birth, examples for male p 224 & p 227, and example for >female p 230, KP Reader IV. (2nd is the increase in number of members >of family by birth of children; 5th for offspring; 11th not only >fruit of one's action, but also 5 th to 7 th partner, p 210 KP Reader >IV) > >2. For 2nd child, to judge houses 2,5,7, and 11; 7th is 3rd from 5th, >3rd is younger child, in an example, KP Reader IV, p 242. > >Best regards, > >tw > > > > >--- In, Sourav Guchhait <sourav6282@y...> >wrote: >> Dear Mr.Raichur,Yogesh Rao Lajmiji and tw, >> >> My opinion is :-

>> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>

5'th cusp sublord signifying houses 2,5,11 means birth of 1'st child is promised. If 5th sublord signifies 2,5,11 "then only" one should check for 7th cusp sublord for 2'nd child(without "1'st" it is not possible for having "2'nd" including miscarriage). After that, if 7th cusp sublord signifies 2,7,11 then birth of 2'nd child is promised. I have two questions:How can we calculate considering the 3rd cusp of the 1st Born, a Sibling promised or not? (3'rd cusp sublord signifying 2,3,11 houses ? 2 is 12 to 3!) Also, How can we calculate considering the 11th cusp of the 2nd Born, there is an Elder sibling or not? (11'th cusp sublord signifying 2,11 ? Means good income!) - Regards Sourav. --- tw853 <tw853@y...> wrote: --------------------------------Dear Yogesh Rao Lajmi, Is it not the same as mentioned in Msg # 1774, "to judge houses 2,5,7, and 11 for second conception, KP Reader IV, p 242 (for timing of child birth in general)" Best regards, tw --- In, Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@y...> wrote: > Dear Mr.Raichur, > The VIIth cusp,can,like any other cusp, stand for different things,but it depends upon the astrologer to select the appropriate significations,for the particular query/judgement,don't you think so ? > For example the Vth can denote a lover,a child or a card-game,opponent's victory/gain...and so on,depending upon the circumstances prevailing,or, being considered at the TOJ... > Therefore,in my humble opinion,Mr.Raichur,the VII cusp for the second

>> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>

child,based on the IIIrd from the Vth,as younger sibling of the first-born,seems to me to be correct... > With highest regards, > lyrastro1 > GOOD LUCK ! > > anant raichur <anant_1608@y...> wrote: > Dear Vinay > > This is a really serious issue. It is right to consider 7th Cusp, and its connection with 2nd and 11th, for the 2nd child. But as you correctly raised the question, this is also the consideration for marriage. Since marriage is already forseen, and foregone, the answer will be the same. > > So it would be as good as stating, that One you are promised Marriage, You are promised the 2nd child as well. ||| > > I feel we should also consider the 5th House, as it denotes child birth in general, besides, the 1st child of a lady. > > The other solution is to consider the 3rd cusp of the 1st Born? Is a Sibling promised ? This would be a better solution. > > > Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@y...> wrote: > Dear Vinay, > You are very correct,for the second child it is recommended that the VIIth cusp sublord shoul be per K.P., recently also there was a discussion on the issue of whether Father's chart or Mother's chart should be analysed...etc. > But for the second child I do not think there is any 'dispute' on taking the VIIth cusp for consideration... > Yours sincerely, > lyrastro1 > GOOD LUCK ! > > Vinay Tiwari <techn0pandit@y...> wrote: > Respected gurus and friends, > > I was just going through a chart , for birth of his second child. > Dear Guruz , Can you kindly answer for following

>> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>

queries, > 1) Which houses should be considered? > 2)If i am not wrong 2,7,11 for second child ie ; 7 is 3rd from 5th . > But 2,7,11 also gives marriage? > 3)If i want to confirm whether birth of second child is there in chart should i C 7th sublord connection? or how > > Please i need guidence regarding same. > > > Thanks In advance, > > Regards, > Vinay Tiwari > > > --------------------------------> Do you Yahoo!? > Take Yahoo! Mail with you! Get it on your mobile phone. > > Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online. > > > > -----------------------------------------> A.R.Raichur bombay > anant_1608@y... > raichuranant@y... > USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY > tel: 022-2506 2609 > -----------------------------------------> > > > > > > > > --------------------------------> Do you Yahoo!? Try it today! > Meet the all-new My Yahoo! > Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT > > > --------------------------------> Yahoo! Groups Links > > To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of

>> Service. >> > >> > >> > Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life >> partneronline. >> >> >> >> >> Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ADVERTISEMENT >> >> >> -------------------------------->> Yahoo! Groups Links >> >> To visit your group on the web, go to: >> >> >> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: >> >> >> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! >> Terms of Service. >> >> >> >> >> >> __________________________________ >> Do you Yahoo!? Try My Yahoo! >> All your favorites on one personal page >> > > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > >

1809 From: "tw853" <tw853@...> Date: Mon Dec 6, 2004 8:53pm Subject: Re: Query regarding birth of second child? tw853 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Ron Gaunt, Prince Philip, Father, 10 June 1921, Fr, 21:46 PM EET, 2h East, (GMT

19:46), Corfu, Greece, 39N36, 19E56 (Asc Sg 20:54) Queen Elizabeth II, Mother, 21 April 1926, We, 2:40 AM DST (GMT 1:40), London, 51N30, 00W10 (Asc Sg 28:39) 1. Prince Charles, 1st child, son, 14 Nov 1948, Su, 21:14 GMT, London (Asc Cn 12:21) 2. Princes Anne, 2nd child, daughter, 15 August 1950, Tu, 9:50 GMT, London (Asc Vi 21:25) 3. Prince Andrew, 3rd child, son, 19 February 1960, Fr, 15:38 GMT, London (Asc Cn 29:45) 4. Prince Edward, 4th child, son, 11 March 1964, We, 20:20 GMT, London (Asc Vi 23:53) Prince Rainer III, Father, 31 May 1923, Th, 6:00 AM, 1h East, (5:00 GMT), Monte Carlo, Monaco, 43N45, 07E25 (Asc Ge 02:16) Grace Kelly, Mother, 12 Nov 1929, 05:31 AM, 5hWest, (10:31 GMT), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US (Asc Li 11:57) 1. Princes Caroline, 1st child, daughter, 23 January 1957, We, 9:27 AM ST, 1hEast, (8:27 GMT), Monte Carlo, Monaco (Asc Aq 12:25) 2. Prince Albert, 2nd child, son, 14 March 1958, 10:50 AM, 1hEast, (9:50 GMT), Monte Carlo, Monaco (Asc Ta 28:11) 3. Princes Stephine, 3rd child, daughter, 1 Feb 1965, Mo, 18:25 PM, 1hEast, (17:25 GMT), Monte Carlo, Monaco (Asc Cn 28:43) Best regards, tw

--- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > > To all interested in this question of 2nd, 3rd births etc. > > Does anyone have birth details of say four or more children to > the same mother. We could then check what appears to work > best. > > Ron Gaunt > > > > > On Tue, 07 Dec 2004 00:10:42 +0000, you wrote: > > > > > > >Dear Sourav Guchhait, > > > >1. For 1st child, 5th & 11 th cusps are taken in > >judging "Is child birth promised or not?" in examples for both male

> >and female, and generally houses 2, 5 and 11 are judged for the time > >of child birth, examples for male p 224 & p 227, and example for > >female p 230, KP Reader IV. (2nd is the increase in number of members > >of family by birth of children; 5th for offspring; 11th not only > >fruit of one's action, but also 5 th to 7 th partner, p 210 KP Reader > >IV) > > > >2. For 2nd child, to judge houses 2,5,7, and 11; 7th is 3rd from 5th, > >3rd is younger child, in an example, KP Reader IV, p 242. > > > >Best regards, > > > >tw > > > > > > > > > >--- In, Sourav Guchhait <sourav6282@y...> > >wrote: > >> Dear Mr.Raichur,Yogesh Rao Lajmiji and tw, > >> > >> My opinion is :> >> 5'th cusp sublord signifying houses 2,5,11 means birth > >> of 1'st child is promised. If 5th sublord signifies > >> 2,5,11 "then only" one should check for 7th cusp > >> sublord for 2'nd child(without "1'st" it is not > >> possible for having "2'nd" including miscarriage). > >> After that, if 7th cusp sublord signifies 2,7,11 then > >> birth of 2'nd child is promised. > >> > >> I have two questions:> >> > >> How can we calculate considering the 3rd cusp of the > >> 1st Born, a Sibling promised or not? (3'rd cusp > >> sublord signifying 2,3,11 houses ? 2 is 12 to 3!) > >> > >> Also, How can we calculate considering the 11th cusp > >> of the 2nd Born, there is an Elder sibling or not? > >> (11'th cusp sublord signifying 2,11 ? Means good > >> income!) > >> > >> - Regards > >> Sourav. > >> > >> > >> --- tw853 <tw853@y...> wrote: > >> > >> > >> --------------------------------> >> > >> Dear Yogesh Rao Lajmi, > >> > >> Is it not the same as mentioned in Msg # 1774, > >> > >> "to judge houses 2,5,7, and 11 for second conception,

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

>> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>

KP Reader IV, p 242 (for timing of child birth in general)" Best regards, tw --- In, Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@y...> wrote: > Dear Mr.Raichur, > The VIIth cusp,can,like any other cusp, stand for different things,but it depends upon the astrologer to select the appropriate significations,for the particular query/judgement,don't you think so ? > For example the Vth can denote a lover,a child or a card-game,opponent's victory/gain...and so on,depending upon the circumstances prevailing,or, being considered at the TOJ... > Therefore,in my humble opinion,Mr.Raichur,the VII cusp for the second child,based on the IIIrd from the Vth,as younger sibling of the first-born,seems to me to be correct... > With highest regards, > lyrastro1 > GOOD LUCK ! > > anant raichur <anant_1608@y...> wrote: > Dear Vinay > > This is a really serious issue. It is right to consider 7th Cusp, and its connection with 2nd and 11th, for the 2nd child. But as you correctly raised the question, this is also the consideration for marriage. Since marriage is already forseen, and foregone, the answer will be the same. > > So it would be as good as stating, that One you are promised Marriage, You are promised the 2nd child as well. ||| > > I feel we should also consider the 5th House, as it denotes child birth in general, besides, the 1st child of a lady. > > The other solution is to consider the 3rd cusp of the 1st Born? Is a Sibling promised ? This would be a better solution.

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

>> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>

> > > Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@y...> wrote: > Dear Vinay, > You are very correct,for the second child it is recommended that the VIIth cusp sublord shoul be per K.P., recently also there was a discussion on the issue of whether Father's chart or Mother's chart should be analysed...etc. > But for the second child I do not think there is any 'dispute' on taking the VIIth cusp for consideration... > Yours sincerely, > lyrastro1 > GOOD LUCK ! > > Vinay Tiwari <techn0pandit@y...> wrote: > Respected gurus and friends, > > I was just going through a chart , for birth of his second child. > Dear Guruz , Can you kindly answer for following queries, > 1) Which houses should be considered? > 2)If i am not wrong 2,7,11 for second child ie ; 7 is 3rd from 5th . > But 2,7,11 also gives marriage? > 3)If i want to confirm whether birth of second child is there in chart should i C 7th sublord connection? or how > > Please i need guidence regarding same. > > > Thanks In advance, > > Regards, > Vinay Tiwari > > > --------------------------------> Do you Yahoo!? > Take Yahoo! Mail with you! Get it on your mobile phone. > > Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online. > > > > -----------------------------------------> A.R.Raichur bombay > anant_1608@y... > raichuranant@y... > USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

>> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >

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1810 From: "Shirish Jain" <shirishcom@...> Date: Mon Dec 6, 2004 9:08pm Subject: Data for Multiple Births Study shirishcom Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Greetings Ron and all group members: Rose Kennedy (matriarch of the Kennedy family in the US) had nine children (including four who died tragically). Her birth data: DOB: July 22, 1890. TOB: 10:00 am POB: Boston, MA (42N21-30; 71W03-31) Her Husband's birth data: Joe Kennedy, Sr DOB: June 9, 1888 TOB: 6:00 am POB: East Boston, MA (42N22-30; 71W02-23) They had nine children (youngest to oldest): Edward, Jean, Robert, Patricia, Eunice, Kathleen, Rosemary, Jack, and Joe, Jr. Joe Jr. died during WWII when his plane exploded mid flight. JFK and Robert were both assassinated. Kathleen was twice married, moved to England, and died in a plane crash. Rosemary underwent a lobotomy and was subsequently institutionalized. Joe Jr: July 28, 1915 - August 12, 1944 (WWII) JFK: May 29, 1917 - November 22, 1963 (Assassinated) Rosemary: September 13, 1918 (institutionalized) Kathleen: February 20, 1920 - May 13, 1948 (Died in plane crash) Eunice: July 10, 1921 Patricia: May 5, 1924 Robert: November 20, 1925 - June 6, 1968 (Assassinated) Jean: February 20, 1928 Edward (Ted): February 22, 1932

I believe there is enough raw material to study the multiple birth questions raised in the last couple of days. I hope all members find this information to be useful. Good luck to all. Shirish

1811 From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@...> Date: Mon Dec 6, 2004 10:01pm Subject: Re: Re: Query regarding birth of second child? lyrastro1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear K.P. Group Members, A lot of (needless)"hair-splitting" seems to have crept in these this group,(possibly because of superficial reading of the KP Readers).I would suggest that we apply the known principles wi th a lot of care, and... I dare-say, a lot of common-sense and presence of mind. .. Any textbook in astrology will tell you t hat, of the 12 houses every house signifies a number of different and probably, even unrelated matters...thus,the proper and judicious selection/application of the significations,as said earlier, will depend upon the matter under examinatio n and also the context in which the examination is being made...There, lies the skill of an accomplished astrologer,which differentiates him from a run-of-the-m ill-fortune-teller...! It will be worthwhile to remember,that i n prognostication,choosing of the correct and appropriate signification, after due care, to be applied,in reference to context,to the house/s being examined w ill decide to a large extent the accuracy and correctness of the prognostication ... In the example cited above,by Sourav, we have to consider the IIIrd from the Vth,i.e., the VIIth for the sibling...not t he IIIrd cusp...of the mother...rules should therefore be interpreted and unders tood properly,and also applied in the proper context of the matter under examina tion... A simple and straightforward literal mea ning if applied,could lead to wrong conclusions/results... With best wishes, lyrastro1 GOOD LUCK ! Sourav Guchhait <> wrote: Dear Mr.Raichur,Yogesh Rao Lajmiji and tw, My opinion is :5'th cusp sublord signifying houses 2,5,11 means birth of 1'st child is promised. If 5th sublord signifies 2,5,11 "then only" one should check for 7th cusp sublord for 2'nd child(without "1'st" it is not possible for having "2'nd" including miscarriage). After that, if 7th cusp sublord signifies 2,7,11 then birth of 2'nd child is promised. I have two questions:How can we calculate considering the 3rd cusp of the

1st Born, a Sibling promised or not? (3'rd cusp sublord signifying 2,3,11 houses ? 2 is 12 to 3!) Also, How can we calculate considering the 11th cusp of the 2nd Born, there is an Elder sibling or not? (11'th cusp sublord signifying 2,11 ? Means good income!) - Regards Sourav. --- tw853 <> wrote: --------------------------------Dear Yogesh Rao Lajmi, Is it not the same as mentioned in Msg # 1774, "to judge houses 2,5,7, and 11 for second conception, KP Reader IV, p 242 (for timing of child birth in general)" Best regards, tw --- In, Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@y...> wrote: > Dear Mr.Raichur, > The VIIth cusp,can,like any other cusp, stand for different things,but it depends upon the astrologer to select the appropriate significations,for the particular query/judgement,don't you think so ? > For example the Vth can denote a lover,a child or a card-game,opponent's victory/gain...and so on,depending upon the circumstances prevailing,or, being considered at the TOJ... > Therefore,in my humble opinion,Mr.Raichur,the VII cusp for the second child,based on the IIIrd from the Vth,as younger sibling of the first-born,seems to me to be correct... > With highest regards, > lyrastro1 > GOOD LUCK ! > > anant raichur <anant_1608@y...> wrote: > Dear Vinay

> > This is a really serious issue. It is right to consider 7th Cusp, and its connection with 2nd and 11th, for the 2nd child. But as you correctly raised the question, this is also the consideration for marriage. Since marriage is already forseen, and foregone, the answer will be the same. > > So it would be as good as stating, that One you are promised Marriage, You are promised the 2nd child as well. ||| > > I feel we should also consider the 5th House, as it denotes child birth in general, besides, the 1st child of a lady. > > The other solution is to consider the 3rd cusp of the 1st Born? Is a Sibling promised ? This would be a better solution. > > > Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@y...> wrote: > Dear Vinay, > You are very correct,for the second child it is recommended that the VIIth cusp sublord shoul be per K.P., recently also there was a discussion on the issue of whether Father's chart or Mother's chart should be analysed...etc. > But for the second child I do not think there is any 'dispute' on taking the VIIth cusp for consideration... > Yours sincerely, > lyrastro1 > GOOD LUCK ! > > Vinay Tiwari <techn0pandit@y...> wrote: > Respected gurus and friends, > > I was just going through a chart , for birth of his second child. > Dear Guruz , Can you kindly answer for following queries, > 1) Which houses should be considered? > 2)If i am not wrong 2,7,11 for second child ie ; 7 is 3rd from 5th . > But 2,7,11 also gives marriage? > 3)If i want to confirm whether birth of second child is there in chart should i C 7th sublord connection? or how > > Please i need guidence regarding same. >

> > Thanks In advance, > > Regards, > Vinay Tiwari > > > --------------------------------> Do you Yahoo!? > Take Yahoo! Mail with you! Get it on your mobile phone. > > Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online. > > > > -----------------------------------------> A.R.Raichur bombay > anant_1608@y... > raichuranant@y... > USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY > tel: 022-2506 2609 > -----------------------------------------> > > > > > > > > --------------------------------> Do you Yahoo!? Try it today! > Meet the all-new My Yahoo! > Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT > > > --------------------------------> Yahoo! Groups Links > > To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. > > > Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline.

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1812 From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@...> Date: Mon Dec 6, 2004 10:17pm Subject: Re: Re: Request to Sandy lyrastro1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Sandy, I am glad,dear Sandy,that you are now back with all of the group... I also hasten to add that you will understand that I let,a litt le of my impatience, peep out,inadvertently,and I reiterate that there were no " evil" intentions at all of any kind at any time...! Any way,I guess all's well that ends well,and I am certainly gl ad that you're back in the group... Wishing you the very best,I remain, Yours sincerely, lyrastro1 GOOD LUCK ! Sandy Crowther <> wrote: Dear Vijay Kumar and List, Thank you. This is just a short note to let you know that Ron Gaunt's persistent - but gentle persuasion (and forwarded emails of support :)) lured me back to reconsider my decision to leave the group, so I'm back. Thanks for your support...Hopefully we can all do our best to keep the peace and respect one another when we communicate. Communicating

by email is a tough enough medium to decipher and translate emotions and intent - and misunderstandings can certainly occur. As it is there is enough discord in the world without us contributing to the same. I'd also like to add that I apologize if I have misunderstood a certain few posts, or made anyone uncomfortable with my words or actions. All the Best, Sandy Crowther P.S. to Vijay: I'm female :-) --- In, "vijay kumar" <v_kumar@c...> wrote: > Dear Sandy, > > Kindly excuse me to intrude in. > > Your posts and that of Mr. Yogesh etc have very good over the time and I sincerely feel that you should not withdraw from the forum. This forum is a place for learning which should of course be in a very humble environment. > > The divisional charts are wonders in parashara classics and should not be under-estimated. My humble feeling is that some statistical evaluation is necessary to amalgamate the D-charts with the Classical KP chart of Placidus system. It would bring out many pearls of wisdom. > > Mr. Sandy, kindly keep up your deliberations to the forum. > > Regards, > > Vijay Kumar > ----- Original Message ----> From: Sandy Crowther > To: > Sent: Friday, December 03, 2004 10:45 PM > Subject: RE: [k_p_system] Re: KPBC3 Answer. > > > Dear TW and Yogesh Rao Lajmi, Ron, and Group, > > > > TW - thanks for your kind congratulatory words. > > > > Yogesh Rao Lagmi wrote: > > > > Doesn't that,in a way strengthen my contention that the mother's chart will give better and more accurate results ? > > Yours 'ly, > > lyrastro1

> > GOOD LUCK ! > > > > WHY??? Because only 2 people out of 8 came close? I'm amused. Does KP boast a 100% accuracy rate? I agree that having the charts of BOTH parents would have made delineation a bit easier - but in real life - that isn't always an option. > > > > TW - wrote: > > > > How can we refuse a male asking whether he can have a child and tell > him to bring his wife?. > > I agree TW. Perhaps it is time for participation on Blind charts from you, Mr. Yogesh Rao Lajmi, to demonstrate both your point and your expertise in KP delineation - which brings me to my next point... > > > > Yogesh Rao Lagmi - With all due respect, I believe you are a bit over the top with many of your posts.this being another post of a few that I have observed in the short time I have been a member of this list..Anyway - allow me to respond to your accusations of my personal motivations before I unsubscribe. > > > > You wrote: > > Dears Sandy Cowther & Srinivas Upadyay, > > I was under the impression that we are discusing in the is no place for sapthamsa,navamsas,dasamsas or forthat matter any amsas for judgement purposes... > > Members are requested to stick to Krishnamurty Padhdhati only...else we will only arrive at a "hotch-potch" of " the various Vedic Astrology our anxiety to prove one's point anywhich way,end up with nothing worthwhile..." > > I sincerely request ALL members to therefore stick to K.P.,only in this group... > > Yours sincerely, > > lyrastro1 >

> GOOD LUCK ! > > > > Interesting diatribe.Are Eclipses part of KP? You don't know me nor do you know what my motivations are. I was simply respectfully responding to a question put forth by a list member - nothing more. simply sharing a technique. Now although I am a seasoned astrologer of 35 years, I am not experienced in KP and thought this list might be a good place to start after a respected colleague of mine - Ron Gaunt - mentioned the list to me. So, for the record, I have just begun my journey of studying KP - therefore I am not familiar with what techniques are accepted by KP, and what techniques are rejected by KP. For that I apologize. However, you certainly set me straight real quick. Forgive me if I crossed the line of list discussion - I meant no disrespect. > > > > However, due to the derogatory manner in which I was addressed (directly and indirectly) by you on 2 separate occasions - you can rest assured that I will not be posting to this KP list anymore. You see, I was not trying to "prove" anything, and unfortunately, for whatever your reasons, you have painted an inaccurate picture of my motives to this list, while showing a great deal of disrespect towards me. I have little tolerance for unprovoked verbal hostility on any list. Your comments on a few occasions were unnecessary and quite immature. You could have brought forth your point about amsa's, "any amsa's", in a kinder manner - like Anant Raichur did without resorting to implying to other list members your own delusional assumptions about others, or suggesting such absurd inaccuracies of my personal motivations - such as - to "prove one's point any which way". You couldn't be further from the truth.I have nothing to prove, nor do I have any need to prove anything. > > > > And again: > > > > Therefore,personally, I stick to the pure and simple K.P., of old...and I had mentioned it especially for those who are interested in more research etc...the "in-thing" abroad...I guess... > > > > Hmm.Guess you don't like the fact that I enjoy "research"? > > > > At any rate, I have no time for this nonsense. But I do wish you and the list all the best and hope you will at least think about the manner and tone with which you come across to others in your plight to exert your authority/superiority on this list. Goodbye and GOOD LUCK! J > > >

> P.S. Message for Ron Gaunt with respect to KPBC3: > > > > Ron - In Vinay's assessment dates for the birth of the child he states the dates of 5/12/82 to 5/30/82 (May) and states that these dates fall in a Mo/Ve/Me dasha. There is some mistake here because these May dates he predicted do not fall in a Mo/Ve/Me dasha, but rather in a Mo/Ve/Ra dasha. The birth took place, according to your post, on 3/22/82 - which is March - not May. I just wanted to bring that to your attention in case list members are following the Blind Charts. Thanks. > > > > > > All the Best, > > Sandy Crowther > >

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1813 From: Mandar Behere <mandarbehere@...> Date: Mon Dec 6, 2004 10:23pm Subject: Re: Re: KPBC3 Analysis mandarbehere Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Thanks Ron for your reply. For others, can anybody throw some light on my queries? Stating here again: 1. in KPBC3, while choosing the Dasa sequence, I left Ketu, since Ketu was signifying 1st and 10th cusp. But it seems that Ketu only gave the result. Any reasoning for this? 2. For having a child is it necessary that 5th Sub should signify 2 AND 5 AND 11th cusp or it can signify any one of 2,5,11th cusp? - Mandar --- rongaunt <rongaunt@...> wrote: > > Mandar, > > Please see replies ++.....................++ >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

Ron Gaunt

On Mon, 06 Dec 2004 07:04:52 +0000, you wrote: > > >Hi, > >I have few queries regarding the analysis. Could you please answer >them? Please look for ***. > >--- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: >> >> >> HOUSES AND SIGNIFICATORS >> >> The event was the birth of a child. The relevant houses are 2 >> for family, 5 for children, and 11 for desire. >> >> Lord of 2 and 5 is Jupiter who is in the star of Rahu sub >> Jupiter. Natal Rahu is in Jupiter Rasi hence all important >> de-facto ruler of the 5th house. Natal Rahu is in the star of >> Jupiter, so there is intimate and close connection between >> Jupiter and Rahu. >> >> Lord of 11 is Mercury who is in the star of Venus sub of Saturn, >> hence there may be some delay in having the first child. >> Natal Mercury is associated with Venus and both are in >> the 2nd house disposed by Jupiter hence associated with Rahu. >> >> Therefore all 3 houses 2,5, and 11, promise a child through >> Mercury as 11 house significator who is resident in 2 and linked >> through Jupiter and Rahu to the 5th house. >*** Is it mandatory that all the 3 houses should promise a child or >there is a OR condition? ++ I have taken it myself that all 3 houses should promise a child. However, I am relatively new to KP and if this is not correct I would appreciate views from experienced members. ++ >>

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

>> >> DASAS >> >> The first appropriate dasa sequence appears to be Mo/Ke/Mer. >> commencing 31st Aug 1980. Ketu is in Mercury's rashi and would >> appear ideal. However, as we have seen Mercury is in the sub >> of Saturn hence likely to delay. >> >> Mo/Ve starts 30th Sep 1980. Venus Buhkti is promising in that >> natal Venus is in the 2nd house, associated with Mercury, in Sag >> Jupiter's rashi which is the same for the 5th house. >> In Handbook of Astrology Part 1 page 47 the author states >> 'Child birth can only be expected during the period of that >> planet which is placed favorably in the sub of one occupying or >> owning the 2nd,5th, or the 11th.' The only planet fulfilling >> this condition is Mercury which is in the sub of Venus occupying >> the 2nd house. >> >> Therefore the dasa sequence that fulfills the conditions is >> Mo/Ve/Me which runs from 30th Jan 1982 to 25th April 1982. >> However Mo/Ve/Ke (Ke substitutes for Mercury) runs from 25/4/1982 >> to 31st May 1982. So the birth could take place between 30th >> Jan to 25th April 1982. >*** Since ketu is signifiying 1 and 10 i.e. 12th of 2 and 11 >respectively, wouldn't it give negative effects on the result? Since >nodes are stronger than planets, I forced myself to leave out ketu >period, and Mercury period as well. And hence landed up with the dasa >sequence Moon/Ven/Ven or Moon/Ven/Moon. Was my assumption wrong? What >is the exact rule regarding this? > ++ Sorry due to my inexperience in KP I cannot quote a rule. I simply took it for granted that if a planet which is "placed favorably in the sub of one occupying or owning the 2nd,5th, or the 11th". the event would fructify. Again, perhaps more experienced members can

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

answer. ++ >Thanks is advance, >Mandar > > > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > >

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1814 From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@...> Date: Mon Dec 6, 2004 11:30pm Subject: Re: Re: Request to Sandy lyrastro1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Vijay Kumar, I appreciate your keen desire to "amalgamate" K.P., an d Parasara's house division...etc... The Placidus system holds that the cusp of the house i s from the house begins and it ends at the begining of the next house ... wherea s,Parasara's and several other Traditional systems hold that the midpoint of the house is the starting point of a house till the midpoint of the next house,and advocate the EQUAL division of the 12 houses in the Zodiac,regardless of the Lat titude and Longitude etc, some even give very great importance to the M.C. point ... (the mid point of the Xth house,the point when Sun a is at its Zenith at 12 noon)...there are thus, many systems being followed by Astrologers the world ove r... Under the circumstances we will only,perhaps be trying to amalgamate,let's say a system like the metric system with old British System of weights and measures...! ! The basics are entirely different... and the chances of confusion/mistakes are multiple...if due care is not taken... In my considered opinion,however,it will be an exercis e in futility,as many erudite researchers/students etc., have,in the past, tried to, and could not,so far...arrive at any consensus,at least,as per my humble kn owledge... K.P., is a very simple and straight forward system,ver

y easily mastered, and there's very little ambiguity,in its rules,which are app licable easily...and most importantly,it is a judicious ,and most successful ble nd of the Traditional Vedic Astrology with the Western(Placidus system of House division,aspects etc.)...the best of BOTH...! The discoveries of the unequal sub,the decisive role o f the sub-lord,the Ruling Planets theory...etc., are the unique inventions of Sh ri K.S.Krishnamurthiji,( but as contended in these columns,as originally discove red by Meena...only to perhaps,discredit KSK ?)... What's more is that,no other system has equalled the accuracy of K.P.,as demonstrated all over the world at lecture-demos, by KSK,and his several erudite students,repeatedly... In the Final Analysis,as our revered Guruji,Jyotish M arthand, the late Shri KSK says,the proof of the pudding is in eating it...! ! ! I have given,in these columns a step-wise method of a pplying K.P.,in both horary and Natal horoscopy...which if diligently followed w ill enable one to achieve a success-rate of atleast 80-90 %. The proof of the in eating it . The Ball's now in your friends... Yours sincerely, lyrastro1. GOOD LUCK !

Yogesh Rao Lajmi <> wrote: Dear Sandy, I am glad,dear Sandy,that you are now back with all of the group... I also hasten to add that you will understand that I let,a litt le of my impatience, peep out,inadvertently,and I reiterate that there were no " evil" intentions at all of any kind at any time...! Any way,I guess all's well that ends well,and I am certainly gl ad that you're back in the group... Wishing you the very best,I remain, Yours sincerely, lyrastro1 GOOD LUCK ! Sandy Crowther <> wrote: Dear Vijay Kumar and List, Thank you. This is just a short note to let you know that Ron Gaunt's persistent - but gentle persuasion (and forwarded emails of support :)) lured me back to reconsider my decision to leave the group, so I'm back. Thanks for your support...Hopefully we can all do our best to keep the peace and respect one another when we communicate. Communicating by email is a tough enough medium to decipher and translate emotions and intent - and misunderstandings can certainly occur. As it is there is enough discord in the world without us contributing to the same. I'd also like to add that I apologize if I have misunderstood a certain few posts, or made anyone uncomfortable with my words or actions.

All the Best, Sandy Crowther P.S. to Vijay: I'm female :-) --- In, "vijay kumar" <v_kumar@c...> wrote: > Dear Sandy, > > Kindly excuse me to intrude in. > > Your posts and that of Mr. Yogesh etc have very good over the time and I sincerely feel that you should not withdraw from the forum. This forum is a place for learning which should of course be in a very humble environment. > > The divisional charts are wonders in parashara classics and should not be under-estimated. My humble feeling is that some statistical evaluation is necessary to amalgamate the D-charts with the Classical KP chart of Placidus system. It would bring out many pearls of wisdom. > > Mr. Sandy, kindly keep up your deliberations to the forum. > > Regards, > > Vijay Kumar > ----- Original Message ----> From: Sandy Crowther > To: > Sent: Friday, December 03, 2004 10:45 PM > Subject: RE: [k_p_system] Re: KPBC3 Answer. > > > Dear TW and Yogesh Rao Lajmi, Ron, and Group, > > > > TW - thanks for your kind congratulatory words. > > > > Yogesh Rao Lagmi wrote: > > > > Doesn't that,in a way strengthen my contention that the mother's chart will give better and more accurate results ? > > Yours 'ly, > > lyrastro1 > > GOOD LUCK ! > > > > WHY??? Because only 2 people out of 8 came close? I'm amused. Does KP boast a 100% accuracy rate? I agree that having the charts of BOTH parents would have made delineation a bit easier - but in real life - that isn't always an option.

> > > > TW - wrote: > > > > How can we refuse a male asking whether he can have a child and tell > him to bring his wife?. > > I agree TW. Perhaps it is time for participation on Blind charts from you, Mr. Yogesh Rao Lajmi, to demonstrate both your point and your expertise in KP delineation - which brings me to my next point... > > > > Yogesh Rao Lagmi - With all due respect, I believe you are a bit over the top with many of your posts.this being another post of a few that I have observed in the short time I have been a member of this list..Anyway - allow me to respond to your accusations of my personal motivations before I unsubscribe. > > > > You wrote: > > Dears Sandy Cowther & Srinivas Upadyay, > > I was under the impression that we are discusing in the is no place for sapthamsa,navamsas,dasamsas or forthat matter any amsas for judgement purposes... > > Members are requested to stick to Krishnamurty Padhdhati only...else we will only arrive at a "hotch-potch" of " the various Vedic Astrology our anxiety to prove one's point anywhich way,end up with nothing worthwhile..." > > I sincerely request ALL members to therefore stick to K.P.,only in this group... > > Yours sincerely, > > lyrastro1 > > GOOD LUCK ! > > > > Interesting diatribe.Are Eclipses part of KP? You don't know me nor do you know what my motivations are. I was simply respectfully responding to a question put forth by a list member - nothing more. simply sharing a technique. Now although I am a seasoned astrologer

of 35 years, I am not experienced in KP and thought this list might be a good place to start after a respected colleague of mine - Ron Gaunt - mentioned the list to me. So, for the record, I have just begun my journey of studying KP - therefore I am not familiar with what techniques are accepted by KP, and what techniques are rejected by KP. For that I apologize. However, you certainly set me straight real quick. Forgive me if I crossed the line of list discussion - I meant no disrespect. > > > > However, due to the derogatory manner in which I was addressed (directly and indirectly) by you on 2 separate occasions - you can rest assured that I will not be posting to this KP list anymore. You see, I was not trying to "prove" anything, and unfortunately, for whatever your reasons, you have painted an inaccurate picture of my motives to this list, while showing a great deal of disrespect towards me. I have little tolerance for unprovoked verbal hostility on any list. Your comments on a few occasions were unnecessary and quite immature. You could have brought forth your point about amsa's, "any amsa's", in a kinder manner - like Anant Raichur did without resorting to implying to other list members your own delusional assumptions about others, or suggesting such absurd inaccuracies of my personal motivations - such as - to "prove one's point any which way". You couldn't be further from the truth.I have nothing to prove, nor do I have any need to prove anything. > > > > And again: > > > > Therefore,personally, I stick to the pure and simple K.P., of old...and I had mentioned it especially for those who are interested in more research etc...the "in-thing" abroad...I guess... > > > > Hmm.Guess you don't like the fact that I enjoy "research"? > > > > At any rate, I have no time for this nonsense. But I do wish you and the list all the best and hope you will at least think about the manner and tone with which you come across to others in your plight to exert your authority/superiority on this list. Goodbye and GOOD LUCK! J > > > > P.S. Message for Ron Gaunt with respect to KPBC3: > > > > Ron - In Vinay's assessment dates for the birth of the child he states the dates of 5/12/82 to 5/30/82 (May) and states that these dates fall in a Mo/Ve/Me dasha. There is some mistake here because these May dates he predicted do not fall in a Mo/Ve/Me dasha, but rather in a Mo/Ve/Ra dasha. The birth took place, according to your

post, on 3/22/82 - which is March - not May. I just wanted to bring that to your attention in case list members are following the Blind Charts. Thanks. > > > > > > All the Best, > > Sandy Crowther > >

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1815 From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@...> Date: Mon Dec 6, 2004 11:40pm Subject: Re: Re: KPBC3 Analysis lyrastro1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Mandar, " Very simple,My Dear Dr.Watson...", In K.P.,the node is always stronger,to give results...and a lot depends upon the sub in which it is posited... Yours sincerely, lyrastro1 GOOD LUCK ! Mandar Behere <> wrote: Thanks Ron for your reply. For others, can anybody throw some light on my queries? Stating here again: 1. in KPBC3, while choosing the Dasa sequence, I left Ketu, since Ketu was signifying 1st and 10th cusp. But it seems that Ketu only gave the result. Any reasoning for this? 2. For having a child is it necessary that 5th Sub should signify 2 AND 5 AND 11th cusp or it can signify any one of 2,5,11th cusp? - Mandar ===== Yahoo! My Yahoo! Welcome, raon1008


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raon1008 | Pending Member - Edit Membership Start a Group | My Groups k_p_system Krishnamurti Paddhati (K. P. System) Home Messages Members Only Chat Files Photos Links Database Polls Calendar Promote Yahoo! Groups Tips Did you know... Bring your friends and family together. Start a Family Group Now. Yahoo! 360 Keep connected to your friends and family through blogs, photos and more. Create your own 360 page now. Already receiving group email? Messages Messages Help Message # Search: View: Simple | Summary | Expanded As: Msg List | Thread 1816 - 1845 of 8072 Last Sort by Date 1816 From: "vijay kumar" <v_kumar@...> Date: Mon Dec 6, 2004 11:47pm Subject: Re: Re: Request to Sandy vk1608 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Ms. Sandy, Welcome to the list back. We wish to have your lively presence always. Kindly excuse me, I did not know your gender. Thanks again & Regards, Vijay Kumar ----- Original Message ----From: "Sandy Crowther" <sandy@...> To: <> Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 2004 5:21 AM Subject: [k_p_system] Re: Request to Sandy >

First | < Previous | Next > |

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

Dear Vijay Kumar and List, Thank you. This is just a short note to let you know that Ron Gaunt's persistent - but gentle persuasion (and forwarded emails of support :)) lured me back to reconsider my decision to leave the group, so I'm back. Thanks for your support...Hopefully we can all do our best to keep the peace and respect one another when we communicate. Communicating by email is a tough enough medium to decipher and translate emotions and intent - and misunderstandings can certainly occur. As it is there is enough discord in the world without us contributing to the same. I'd also like to add that I apologize if I have misunderstood a certain few posts, or made anyone uncomfortable with my words or actions. All the Best, Sandy Crowther P.S. to Vijay: I'm female :-) --- In, "vijay kumar" <v_kumar@c...> wrote: > Dear Sandy, > > Kindly excuse me to intrude in. > > Your posts and that of Mr. Yogesh etc have very good over the time and I sincerely feel that you should not withdraw from the forum. This forum is a place for learning which should of course be in a very humble environment. > > The divisional charts are wonders in parashara classics and should not be under-estimated. My humble feeling is that some statistical evaluation is necessary to amalgamate the D-charts with the Classical KP chart of Placidus system. It would bring out many pearls of wisdom. > > Mr. Sandy, kindly keep up your deliberations to the forum. > > Regards, > > Vijay Kumar > ----- Original Message ----> From: Sandy Crowther > To: > Sent: Friday, December 03, 2004 10:45 PM > Subject: RE: [k_p_system] Re: KPBC3 Answer. > > > Dear TW and Yogesh Rao Lajmi, Ron, and Group, > > > > TW - thanks for your kind congratulatory words. > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > Yogesh Rao Lagmi wrote: > > > > Doesn't that,in a way strengthen my contention that the mother's chart will give better and more accurate results ? > > Yours 'ly, > > lyrastro1 > > GOOD LUCK ! > > > > WHY??? Because only 2 people out of 8 came close? I'm amused. Does KP boast a 100% accuracy rate? I agree that having the charts of BOTH parents would have made delineation a bit easier - but in real life - that isn't always an option. > > > > TW - wrote: > > > > How can we refuse a male asking whether he can have a child and tell > him to bring his wife?. > > I agree TW. Perhaps it is time for participation on Blind charts from you, Mr. Yogesh Rao Lajmi, to demonstrate both your point and your expertise in KP delineation - which brings me to my next point... > > > > Yogesh Rao Lagmi - With all due respect, I believe you are a bit over the top with many of your posts.this being another post of a few that I have observed in the short time I have been a member of this list..Anyway - allow me to respond to your accusations of my personal motivations before I unsubscribe. > > > > You wrote: > > Dears Sandy Cowther & Srinivas Upadyay, > > I was under the impression that we are discusing in the is no place for sapthamsa,navamsas,dasamsas or forthat matter any amsas for judgement purposes... > > Members are requested to stick to Krishnamurty Padhdhati only...else we will only arrive at a "hotch-potch" of " the various Vedic Astrology our anxiety to prove one's point anywhich way,end up with nothing worthwhile..."

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > I sincerely request ALL members to therefore stick to K.P.,only in this group... > > Yours sincerely, > > lyrastro1 > > GOOD LUCK ! > > > > Interesting diatribe.Are Eclipses part of KP? You don't know me nor do you know what my motivations are. I was simply respectfully responding to a question put forth by a list member - nothing more. simply sharing a technique. Now although I am a seasoned astrologer of 35 years, I am not experienced in KP and thought this list might be a good place to start after a respected colleague of mine - Ron Gaunt - mentioned the list to me. So, for the record, I have just begun my journey of studying KP - therefore I am not familiar with what techniques are accepted by KP, and what techniques are rejected by KP. For that I apologize. However, you certainly set me straight real quick. Forgive me if I crossed the line of list discussion - I meant no disrespect. > > > > However, due to the derogatory manner in which I was addressed (directly and indirectly) by you on 2 separate occasions - you can rest assured that I will not be posting to this KP list anymore. You see, I was not trying to "prove" anything, and unfortunately, for whatever your reasons, you have painted an inaccurate picture of my motives to this list, while showing a great deal of disrespect towards me. I have little tolerance for unprovoked verbal hostility on any list. Your comments on a few occasions were unnecessary and quite immature. You could have brought forth your point about amsa's, "any amsa's", in a kinder manner - like Anant Raichur did without resorting to implying to other list members your own delusional assumptions about others, or suggesting such absurd inaccuracies of my personal motivations - such as - to "prove one's point any which way". You couldn't be further from the truth.I have nothing to prove, nor do I have any need to prove anything. > > > > And again: > > > > Therefore,personally, I stick to the pure and simple K.P., of old...and I had mentioned it especially for those who are interested in more research etc...the "in-thing" abroad...I guess... > > > > Hmm.Guess you don't like the fact that I enjoy "research"?

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > At any rate, I have no time for this nonsense. But I do wish you and the list all the best and hope you will at least think about the manner and tone with which you come across to others in your plight to exert your authority/superiority on this list. Goodbye and GOOD LUCK! J > > > > P.S. Message for Ron Gaunt with respect to KPBC3: > > > > Ron - In Vinay's assessment dates for the birth of the child he states the dates of 5/12/82 to 5/30/82 (May) and states that these dates fall in a Mo/Ve/Me dasha. There is some mistake here because these May dates he predicted do not fall in a Mo/Ve/Me dasha, but rather in a Mo/Ve/Ra dasha. The birth took place, according to your post, on 3/22/82 - which is March - not May. I just wanted to bring that to your attention in case list members are following the Blind Charts. Thanks. > > > > > > All the Best, > > Sandy Crowther > >

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1817 From: "Kanakkumar Bosmia" <kanbosastro@...> Date: Mon Dec 6, 2004 11:49pm Subject: Re: Re: KPBC3 Analysis kanbosastro Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Mander,

ketu is in sign of mer and mer is lord of 11th. kanak bosmia

>From: Mandar Behere <> >Reply-To: >To: >Subject: Re: [k_p_system] Re: KPBC3 Analysis >Date: Mon, 6 Dec 2004 20:23:14 -0800 (PST) > >Thanks Ron for your reply. > >For others, can anybody throw some light on my >queries? >Stating here again: >1. in KPBC3, while choosing the Dasa sequence, I left >Ketu, since Ketu was signifying 1st and 10th cusp. But >it seems that Ketu only gave the result. Any reasoning >for this? >2. For having a child is it necessary that 5th Sub >should signify 2 AND 5 AND 11th cusp or it can signify >any one of 2,5,11th cusp? > >- Mandar >--- rongaunt <> wrote: > > > > > Mandar, > > > > Please see replies ++.....................++ > > > > Ron Gaunt > > > > > > > > On Mon, 06 Dec 2004 07:04:52 +0000, you wrote: > > > > > > > > > > >Hi, > > > > > >I have few queries regarding the analysis. Could > > you please answer > > >them? Please look for ***. > > > > > >--- In, rongaunt > > <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > > >> > > >> > > >> HOUSES AND SIGNIFICATORS > > >> > > >> The event was the birth of a child. The > > relevant houses are 2 > > >> for family, 5 for children, and 11 for desire. > > >> > > >> Lord of 2 and 5 is Jupiter who is in the star of > > Rahu sub

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

>> Jupiter. Natal Rahu is in Jupiter Rasi hence all important >> de-facto ruler of the 5th house. Natal Rahu is in the star of >> Jupiter, so there is intimate and close connection between >> Jupiter and Rahu. >> >> Lord of 11 is Mercury who is in the star of Venus sub of Saturn, >> hence there may be some delay in having the first child. >> Natal Mercury is associated with Venus and both are in >> the 2nd house disposed by Jupiter hence associated with Rahu. >> >> Therefore all 3 houses 2,5, and 11, promise a child through >> Mercury as 11 house significator who is resident in 2 and linked >> through Jupiter and Rahu to the 5th house. >*** Is it mandatory that all the 3 houses should promise a child or >there is a OR condition? ++ I have taken it myself that all 3 houses should promise a child. However, I am relatively new to KP and if this is not correct I would appreciate views from experienced members. ++ >> >> >> DASAS >> >> The first appropriate dasa sequence appears to be Mo/Ke/Mer. >> commencing 31st Aug 1980. Ketu is in Mercury's rashi and would >> appear ideal. However, as we have seen Mercury is in the sub >> of Saturn hence likely to delay. >> >> Mo/Ve starts 30th Sep 1980. Venus Buhkti is promising in that >> natal Venus is in the 2nd house, associated with Mercury, in Sag >> Jupiter's rashi which is the same for the 5th house. >> In Handbook of Astrology Part 1 page 47 the author states >> 'Child birth can only be expected during the period of that >> planet which is placed favorably in the sub of one occupying or >> owning the 2nd,5th, or the 11th.' The only planet fulfilling >> this condition is Mercury which is in the sub of

> > Venus occupying > > >> the 2nd house. > > >> > > >> Therefore the dasa sequence that fulfills the > > conditions is > > >> Mo/Ve/Me which runs from 30th Jan 1982 to 25th > > April 1982. > > >> However Mo/Ve/Ke (Ke substitutes for Mercury) > > runs from 25/4/1982 > > >> to 31st May 1982. So the birth could take place > > between 30th > > >> Jan to 25th April 1982. > > >*** Since ketu is signifiying 1 and 10 i.e. 12th of > > 2 and 11 > > >respectively, wouldn't it give negative effects on > > the result? Since > > >nodes are stronger than planets, I forced myself to > > leave out ketu > > >period, and Mercury period as well. And hence > > landed up with the dasa > > >sequence Moon/Ven/Ven or Moon/Ven/Moon. Was my > > assumption wrong? What > > >is the exact rule regarding this? > > > > > ++ Sorry due to my inexperience in KP I cannot > > quote a rule. > > I simply took it for granted that if a > > planet which is > > "placed favorably in the sub of one occupying > > or > > owning the 2nd,5th, or the 11th". the event > > would > > fructify. Again, perhaps more experienced > > members can > > answer. ++ > > > > >Thanks is advance, > > >Mandar > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >__________________________________

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1818 From: "mehtakunal2707" <mehtakunal2707@...> Date: Mon Dec 6, 2004 11:50pm Subject: Please Help / Mr. Ron / Mr. Raichur mehtakunal2707 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Respected Astrologers, I requuest you to please look at my chart. Have only two queries, 1).Financial Position 2). Marraige (Likely time/wife) 18/06/1977 8=15am Mumbai Please oblige, Regards, Kunal

1819 From: "Upadhyaya, Srinivasa" <srinivasa.upadyaya@...> Date: Mon Dec 6, 2004 11:55pm Subject: RE: KPBC3 upadhyaya_p_s Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear members, I got the wrong Ruling planets. Why did I get wrong ruling planets? If anyone gets the wrong RPs, whole prediction will go for a toss. Please let me know how to handle these type of situations. Regards, Upadhyaya >Ruling planets at the time of judgement (30-Nov-2004, at Bangalore, IST 14:03) > Sign Lord Star Lord Sub >Asc : Ju Sa Ma >Moon : Me Ju Sa >Day : Ma >Rah is in Ae, Mar sign >

> Sa, Ju, Me, Ma, Ra.

1820 From: Mandar Behere <mandarbehere@...> Date: Tue Dec 7, 2004 0:00am Subject: Re: Re: KPBC3 Analysis mandarbehere Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 The chart for KPBC3 shows that Ketu is at 6-0-20-51 and hence posited in 10th cusp (11th cusp starts at 6-15-4-39). So Ketu would signify 10th house and not 11th house. Is this correct? If so, since 10th house is 12th of 11th, Ketu would give negative effects since node is stronger than planet. Also start lord of Ketu is Sun posited in 1st cusp and hence ketu also signifies 1st i.e. 12th of 2nd house. Hence in this way as well, ketu will negate the effects when we are considering event related to 2nd. What am I missing here? Thanks for your reply. - Mandar --- Kanakkumar Bosmia <kanbosastro@...> wrote: --------------------------------Dear Mander, ketu is in sign of mer and mer is lord of 11th. kanak bosmia

>From: Mandar Behere <mandarbehere@...> >Reply-To: >To: >Subject: Re: [k_p_system] Re: KPBC3 Analysis >Date: Mon, 6 Dec 2004 20:23:14 -0800 (PST) > >Thanks Ron for your reply. > >For others, can anybody throw some light on my >queries? >Stating here again: >1. in KPBC3, while choosing the Dasa sequence, I left >Ketu, since Ketu was signifying 1st and 10th cusp. But >it seems that Ketu only gave the result. Any reasoning >for this? >2. For having a child is it necessary that 5th Sub >should signify 2 AND 5 AND 11th cusp or it can

signify >any one of 2,5,11th cusp? > >- Mandar >--- rongaunt <rongaunt@...> wrote: > > > > > Mandar, > > > > Please see replies ++.....................++ > > > > Ron Gaunt > > > > > > > > On Mon, 06 Dec 2004 07:04:52 +0000, you wrote: > > > > > > > > > > >Hi, > > > > > >I have few queries regarding the analysis. Could > > you please answer > > >them? Please look for ***. > > > > > >--- In, rongaunt > > <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > > >> > > >> > > >> HOUSES AND SIGNIFICATORS > > >> > > >> The event was the birth of a child. The > > relevant houses are 2 > > >> for family, 5 for children, and 11 for desire. > > >> > > >> Lord of 2 and 5 is Jupiter who is in the star of > > Rahu sub > > >> Jupiter. Natal Rahu is in Jupiter Rasi hence > > all important > > >> de-facto ruler of the 5th house. Natal Rahu is > > in the star of > > >> Jupiter, so there is intimate and close > > connection between > > >> Jupiter and Rahu. > > >> > > >> Lord of 11 is Mercury who is in the star of > > Venus sub of Saturn, > > >> hence there may be some delay in having the first > > child. > > >> Natal Mercury is associated with Venus and both > > are in > > >> the 2nd house disposed by Jupiter hence > > associated with Rahu. > > >> > > >> Therefore all 3 houses 2,5, and 11, promise a > > child through > > >> Mercury as 11 house significator who is resident

> > in 2 and linked > > >> through Jupiter and Rahu to the 5th house. > > >*** Is it mandatory that all the 3 houses should > > promise a child or > > >there is a OR condition? > > > > ++ I have taken it myself that all 3 houses should > > promise a > > child. However, I am relatively new to KP > > and if this is > > not correct I would appreciate views from > > experienced > > members. ++ > > >> > > >> > > >> DASAS > > >> > > >> The first appropriate dasa sequence appears to be > > Mo/Ke/Mer. > > >> commencing 31st Aug 1980. Ketu is in Mercury's > > rashi and would > > >> appear ideal. However, as we have seen Mercury > > is in the sub > > >> of Saturn hence likely to delay. > > >> > > >> Mo/Ve starts 30th Sep 1980. Venus Buhkti is > > promising in that > > >> natal Venus is in the 2nd house, associated with > > Mercury, in Sag > > >> Jupiter's rashi which is the same for the 5th > > house. > > >> In Handbook of Astrology Part 1 page 47 the > > author states > > >> 'Child birth can only be expected during the > > period of that > > >> planet which is placed favorably in the sub of > > one occupying or > > >> owning the 2nd,5th, or the 11th.' The only > > planet fulfilling > > >> this condition is Mercury which is in the sub of > > Venus occupying > > >> the 2nd house. > > >> > > >> Therefore the dasa sequence that fulfills the > > conditions is > > >> Mo/Ve/Me which runs from 30th Jan 1982 to 25th > > April 1982. > > >> However Mo/Ve/Ke (Ke substitutes for Mercury) > > runs from 25/4/1982 > > >> to 31st May 1982. So the birth could take place > > between 30th > > >> Jan to 25th April 1982. > > >*** Since ketu is signifiying 1 and 10 i.e. 12th of

> > 2 and 11 > > >respectively, wouldn't it give negative effects on > > the result? Since > > >nodes are stronger than planets, I forced myself to > > leave out ketu > > >period, and Mercury period as well. And hence > > landed up with the dasa > > >sequence Moon/Ven/Ven or Moon/Ven/Moon. Was my > > assumption wrong? What > > >is the exact rule regarding this? > > > > > ++ Sorry due to my inexperience in KP I cannot > > quote a rule. > > I simply took it for granted that if a > > planet which is > > "placed favorably in the sub of one occupying > > or > > owning the 2nd,5th, or the 11th". the event > > would > > fructify. Again, perhaps more experienced > > members can > > answer. ++ > > > > >Thanks is advance, > > >Mandar > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >__________________________________ >Do you Yahoo!? >Yahoo! Mail - Find what you need with new enhanced search. >

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1821 From: "mehtakunal2707" <mehtakunal2707@...> Date: Tue Dec 7, 2004 0:09am Subject: Re: Reading request / Mr.Ron/ mehtakunal2707 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Sir, Born around Matunga/Dadar area. I hope that helps. Long:72E50 Lat: 18N58 Please let me know abt state of finance / marraige, Regards, Kunal

--- In, anant raichur <anant_1608@y...> wrote: > Dear Mr Metha > Mumbai(Bombay) is a big city, esp spread in N_S direction. Mentioning the Suburb of Mumbai will enable one to get a better chart with Lat and Long nearer the birth place. > > > kunal mehta <mehtakunal2707@y...> wrote: > Hello,

> > I tried to post this request, > > Can anyone predict time of likely time of marraige (type of wife) > > 18/06/1977 > 8=15am > mumbai > > Regards, > > Kunal > > > --------------------------------> Moving house? Beach bar in Thailand? New Wardrobe? Win 10k with Yahoo! Mail to make your dream a reality. > Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT > > > --------------------------------> Yahoo! Groups Links > > To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. > > > > -----------------------------------------> A.R.Raichur bombay > anant_1608@y... > raichuranant@y... > USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY > tel: 022-2506 2609 > -----------------------------------------> > > > > > > > > --------------------------------> Do you Yahoo!? Try My Yahoo! > All your favorites on one personal page

1822 From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@...> Date: Tue Dec 7, 2004 0:16am Subject: RE: KPBC3 lyrastro1 Offline Send Email

Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Srinivasa, The RPs you've mentioned are,indeed,correct...! Kindly clarify further,as to what exactly is the problem ? Pl. also,while asking such questions pl. inform the Ayanams a and the Ephemeris used... Yours sincerely, lyrastro1 "Upadhyaya, Srinivasa" <> wrote: Dear members, I got the wrong Ruling planets. Why did I get wrong ruling planets? If anyone ge ts the wrong RPs, whole prediction will go for a toss. Please let me know how to handle these type of situations. Regards, Upadhyaya >Ruling planets at the time of judgement (30-Nov-2004, at Bangalore, IST 14:03) > Sign Lord Star Lord Sub >Asc : Ju Sa Ma >Moon : Me Ju Sa >Day : Ma >Rah is in Ae, Mar sign > > Sa, Ju, Me, Ma, Ra.

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1823 From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@...> Date: Tue Dec 7, 2004 0:26am Subject: Re: Re: KPBC3 Analysis lyrastro1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Mandar, As Mr.Bosmia says,Kethu is in Merc's sign,hence it represents read chapter on Nodes...and study it thoroughly,you will find out wh at you are missing... In one of my very recent contribution to this group,I have me ntioned about how a superfluous reading can hamper one's more su ggestion,while studying K.P., one should have his mind CLEANED OF all previous l earning...and begin anew all avoid possible confusions due to past imp ressions deeply engraved perhaps... Yours sincerely, lyrastro1 GOOD LUCK ! Mandar Behere <> wrote: The chart for KPBC3 shows that Ketu is at 6-0-20-51 and hence posited in 10th cusp (11th cusp starts at 6-15-4-39). So Ketu would signify 10th house and not

11th house. Is this correct? If so, since 10th house is 12th of 11th, Ketu would give negative effects since node is stronger than planet. Also start lord of Ketu is Sun posited in 1st cusp and hence ketu also signifies 1st i.e. 12th of 2nd house. Hence in this way as well, ketu will negate the effects when we are considering event related to 2nd. What am I missing here? Thanks for your reply. - Mandar --- Kanakkumar Bosmia <> wrote: --------------------------------Dear Mander, ketu is in sign of mer and mer is lord of 11th. kanak bosmia

>From: Mandar Behere <> >Reply-To: >To: >Subject: Re: [k_p_system] Re: KPBC3 Analysis >Date: Mon, 6 Dec 2004 20:23:14 -0800 (PST) > >Thanks Ron for your reply. > >For others, can anybody throw some light on my >queries? >Stating here again: >1. in KPBC3, while choosing the Dasa sequence, I left >Ketu, since Ketu was signifying 1st and 10th cusp. But >it seems that Ketu only gave the result. Any reasoning >for this? >2. For having a child is it necessary that 5th Sub >should signify 2 AND 5 AND 11th cusp or it can signify >any one of 2,5,11th cusp? > >- Mandar >--- rongaunt <> wrote: > > > > > Mandar, > > > > Please see replies ++.....................++ > > > > Ron Gaunt > > > >

> > > > On Mon, 06 Dec 2004 07:04:52 +0000, you wrote: > > > > > > > > > > >Hi, > > > > > >I have few queries regarding the analysis. Could > > you please answer > > >them? Please look for ***. > > > > > >--- In, rongaunt > > <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > > >> > > >> > > >> HOUSES AND SIGNIFICATORS > > >> > > >> The event was the birth of a child. The > > relevant houses are 2 > > >> for family, 5 for children, and 11 for desire. > > >> > > >> Lord of 2 and 5 is Jupiter who is in the star of > > Rahu sub > > >> Jupiter. Natal Rahu is in Jupiter Rasi hence > > all important > > >> de-facto ruler of the 5th house. Natal Rahu is > > in the star of > > >> Jupiter, so there is intimate and close > > connection between > > >> Jupiter and Rahu. > > >> > > >> Lord of 11 is Mercury who is in the star of > > Venus sub of Saturn, > > >> hence there may be some delay in having the first > > child. > > >> Natal Mercury is associated with Venus and both > > are in > > >> the 2nd house disposed by Jupiter hence > > associated with Rahu. > > >> > > >> Therefore all 3 houses 2,5, and 11, promise a > > child through > > >> Mercury as 11 house significator who is resident > > in 2 and linked > > >> through Jupiter and Rahu to the 5th house. > > >*** Is it mandatory that all the 3 houses should > > promise a child or > > >there is a OR condition? > > > > ++ I have taken it myself that all 3 houses should > > promise a > > child. However, I am relatively new to KP > > and if this is > > not correct I would appreciate views from > > experienced > > members. ++ > > >>

> > >> > > >> DASAS > > >> > > >> The first appropriate dasa sequence appears to be > > Mo/Ke/Mer. > > >> commencing 31st Aug 1980. Ketu is in Mercury's > > rashi and would > > >> appear ideal. However, as we have seen Mercury > > is in the sub > > >> of Saturn hence likely to delay. > > >> > > >> Mo/Ve starts 30th Sep 1980. Venus Buhkti is > > promising in that > > >> natal Venus is in the 2nd house, associated with > > Mercury, in Sag > > >> Jupiter's rashi which is the same for the 5th > > house. > > >> In Handbook of Astrology Part 1 page 47 the > > author states > > >> 'Child birth can only be expected during the > > period of that > > >> planet which is placed favorably in the sub of > > one occupying or > > >> owning the 2nd,5th, or the 11th.' The only > > planet fulfilling > > >> this condition is Mercury which is in the sub of > > Venus occupying > > >> the 2nd house. > > >> > > >> Therefore the dasa sequence that fulfills the > > conditions is > > >> Mo/Ve/Me which runs from 30th Jan 1982 to 25th > > April 1982. > > >> However Mo/Ve/Ke (Ke substitutes for Mercury) > > runs from 25/4/1982 > > >> to 31st May 1982. So the birth could take place > > between 30th > > >> Jan to 25th April 1982. > > >*** Since ketu is signifiying 1 and 10 i.e. 12th of > > 2 and 11 > > >respectively, wouldn't it give negative effects on > > the result? Since > > >nodes are stronger than planets, I forced myself to > > leave out ketu > > >period, and Mercury period as well. And hence > > landed up with the dasa > > >sequence Moon/Ven/Ven or Moon/Ven/Moon. Was my > > assumption wrong? What > > >is the exact rule regarding this? > > > > > ++ Sorry due to my inexperience in KP I cannot

> > quote a rule. > > I simply took it for granted that if a > > planet which is > > "placed favorably in the sub of one occupying > > or > > owning the 2nd,5th, or the 11th". the event > > would > > fructify. Again, perhaps more experienced > > members can > > answer. ++ > > > > >Thanks is advance, > > >Mandar > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >__________________________________ >Do you Yahoo!? >Yahoo! Mail - Find what you need with new enhanced search. >

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1824 From: "Upadhyaya, Srinivasa" <srinivasa.upadyaya@...> Date: Tue Dec 7, 2004 0:44am Subject: RE: KPBC3 upadhyaya_p_s Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Yogesh, I used a software to generate the birth chart of the native of KPBC3. I have not used any ephemeries to calculate the chart, whatever the ayanamsha the software used, I made use of it. I do not know whether the following ayanamsha is correct for year 1950 AYANAMSA:23 4'18" The details are as follows DATE OF BIRTH: 20-12-1950 WEDNSDAY TIME: 5: 2HRS( ) TIME ZONE: 5.50 HRS (VIKRUTHI MARGAZHI 4 TUESDAY NIGHT) PLACE:1046'N 7642'E DONT SIDR.TIME:10:30:46 AYANAMSA:23 4'18" SUNRISE/SET: 6:39/18: 1 ( ) STAR:BHARANI FULDAY PADA 1 THITHI:SUKLA EKADASI TILL 5:55 YOGA:SIVA TILL 16:32 KARANA:BHADRA TILL 5:55 , SIDHDHA YOGA The problem is my prediction failed because RPs did not provide the right dasa, bukthi and anthara lords (for which I used the same software to generate the birth chart as well as to generate RPs). What would have gone wrong? Also Moon is not at all a RP. Regards, Upadhyaya -----Original Message----From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi [mailto:lyrastro1@...] Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 2004 11:46 AM To: Subject: RE: [k_p_system] KPBC3 Dear Srinivasa, The RPs you've mentioned are,indeed,correct...!

Kindly clarify further,as to what exactly is the problem ? Pl. also,while asking such questions pl. inform the Ayanamsa and the Ephemeris used... Yours sincerely, lyrastro1 "Upadhyaya, Srinivasa" <srinivasa.upadyaya@...> wrote: Dear members, I got the wrong Ruling planets. Why did I get wrong ruling planets? If anyone gets the wrong RPs, whole prediction will go for a toss. Please let me know how to handle these type of situations. Regards, Upadhyaya >Ruling planets at the time of judgement (30-Nov-2004, at Bangalore, IST 14:03) > Sign Lord Star Lord Sub >Asc : Ju Sa Ma >Moon : Me Ju Sa >Day : Ma >Rah is in Ae, Mar sign > > Sa, Ju, Me, Ma, Ra.

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1825 From: anant raichur <anant_1608@...> Date: Tue Dec 7, 2004 0:54am Subject: Re: Query regarding birth of second child? anant_1608 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Mr Yogesh Rao I agree. The Astrologer has to have intutuion to select the correct matter and correct house.

Mere application of Rules does not help Good Luck Yogesh Rao Lajmi <> wrote: Dear Mr.Raichur, The VIIth cusp,can,like any other cusp, stand for differ ent things,but it depends upon the astrologer to select the appropriate signific ations,for the particular query/judgement,don't you think so ? For example the Vth can denote a lover,a child or a card -game,opponent's victory/gain...and so on,depending upon the circumstances preva iling,or, being considered at the TOJ... Therefore,in my humble opinion,Mr.Raichur,the VII cusp f or the second child,based on the IIIrd from the Vth,as younger sibling of the fi rst-born,seems to me to be correct... With highest regards, lyrastro1 GOOD LUCK ! anant raichur <> wrote: Dear Vinay This is a really serious issue. It is right to consider 7th Cusp, and its connec tion with 2nd and 11th, for the 2nd child. But as you correctly raised the ques tion, this is also the consideration for marriage. Since marriage is already fo rseen, and foregone, the answer will be the same. So it would be as good as stating, that One you are promised Marriage, You are p romised the 2nd child as well. ||| I feel we should also consider the 5th House, as it denotes child birth in gener al, besides, the 1st child of a lady. The other solution is to consider the 3rd cusp of the 1st Born? Is a Sibling pro mised ? This would be a better solution. Yogesh Rao Lajmi <> wrote: Dear Vinay, You are very correct,for the second child it is recommended tha t the VIIth cusp sublord shoul be per K.P., recently also there wa s a discussion on the issue of whether Father's chart or Mother's chart should b e analysed...etc. But for the second child I do not think there is any 'dispute' on taking the VIIth cusp for consideration... Yours sincerely, lyrastro1 GOOD LUCK ! Vinay Tiwari <> wrote: Respected gurus and friends, I was just going through a chart , for birth of his second child. Dear Guruz , Can you kindly answer for following queries, 1) Which houses should be considered? 2)If i am not wrong 2,7,11 for second child ie ; 7 is 3rd from 5th . But 2,7,11 also gives marriage? 3)If i want to confirm whether birth of second child is there in chart should i C 7th sublord connection? or how

Please i need guidence regarding same. Thanks In advance, Regards, Vinay Tiwari -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Do you Yahoo!? Take Yahoo! Mail with you! Get it on your mobile phone. Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online.

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1826 From: anant raichur <anant_1608@...> Date: Tue Dec 7, 2004 1:01am Subject: Re: Re: Query regarding birth of second child? anant_1608 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360

When we check for the 3rd sub lord of the 1st born, we just see where this Sub lord is placed. If he is in a favourable place 1,2,3 6,10,11 then we conclude t hat the native will get favourable results of the 3rd house. So we may conclude that he will have siblings. This is my opinion, not any rule given in a book. Sourav Guchhait <> wrote: Dear Mr.Raichur,Yogesh Rao Lajmiji and tw, My opinion is :5'th cusp sublord signifying houses 2,5,11 means birth of 1'st child is promised. If 5th sublord signifies 2,5,11 "then only" one should check for 7th cusp sublord for 2'nd child(without "1'st" it is not possible for having "2'nd" including miscarriage). After that, if 7th cusp sublord signifies 2,7,11 then birth of 2'nd child is promised. I have two questions:How can we calculate considering the 3rd cusp of the 1st Born, a Sibling promised or not? (3'rd cusp sublord signifying 2,3,11 houses ? 2 is 12 to 3!) Also, How can we calculate considering the 11th cusp of the 2nd Born, there is an Elder sibling or not? (11'th cusp sublord signifying 2,11 ? Means good income!) - Regards Sourav. --- tw853 wrote: --------------------------------Dear Yogesh Rao Lajmi, Is it not the same as mentioned in Msg # 1774, "to judge houses 2,5,7, and 11 for second conception, KP Reader IV, p 242 (for timing of child birth in general)" Best regards, tw --- In, Yogesh Rao Lajmi wrote: > Dear Mr.Raichur, > The VIIth cusp,can,like any other cusp,

stand for different things,but it depends upon the astrologer to select the appropriate significations,for the particular query/judgement,don't you think so ? > For example the Vth can denote a lover,a child or a card-game,opponent's victory/gain...and so on,depending upon the circumstances prevailing,or, being considered at the TOJ... > Therefore,in my humble opinion,Mr.Raichur,the VII cusp for the second child,based on the IIIrd from the Vth,as younger sibling of the first-born,seems to me to be correct... > With highest regards, > lyrastro1 > GOOD LUCK ! > > anant raichur wrote: > Dear Vinay > > This is a really serious issue. It is right to consider 7th Cusp, and its connection with 2nd and 11th, for the 2nd child. But as you correctly raised the question, this is also the consideration for marriage. Since marriage is already forseen, and foregone, the answer will be the same. > > So it would be as good as stating, that One you are promised Marriage, You are promised the 2nd child as well. ||| > > I feel we should also consider the 5th House, as it denotes child birth in general, besides, the 1st child of a lady. > > The other solution is to consider the 3rd cusp of the 1st Born? Is a Sibling promised ? This would be a better solution. > > > Yogesh Rao Lajmi wrote: > Dear Vinay, > You are very correct,for the second child it is recommended that the VIIth cusp sublord shoul be per K.P., recently also there was a discussion on the issue of whether Father's chart or Mother's chart should be analysed...etc. > But for the second child I do not think there is

any 'dispute' on taking the VIIth cusp for consideration... > Yours sincerely, > lyrastro1 > GOOD LUCK ! > > Vinay Tiwari wrote: > Respected gurus and friends, > > I was just going through a chart , for birth of his second child. > Dear Guruz , Can you kindly answer for following queries, > 1) Which houses should be considered? > 2)If i am not wrong 2,7,11 for second child ie ; 7 is 3rd from 5th . > But 2,7,11 also gives marriage? > 3)If i want to confirm whether birth of second child is there in chart should i C 7th sublord connection? or how > > Please i need guidence regarding same. > > > Thanks In advance, > > Regards, > Vinay Tiwari > > > --------------------------------> Do you Yahoo!? > Take Yahoo! Mail with you! Get it on your mobile phone. > > Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online. > > > > -----------------------------------------> A.R.Raichur bombay > anant_1608@y... > raichuranant@y... > USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY > tel: 022-2506 2609 > -----------------------------------------> > > > > > > > > --------------------------------> Do you Yahoo!? Try it today! > Meet the all-new My Yahoo! > Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT

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1827 From: Vinay Tiwari <techn0pandit@...> Date: Tue Dec 7, 2004 1:08am Subject: Re: Re: Request to Sandy techn0pandit Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Thanks. Sandy Crowther <> wrote: Dear Vijay Kumar and List, Thank you. This is just a short note to let you know that Ron Gaunt's persistent - but gentle persuasion (and forwarded emails of support :)) lured me back to reconsider my decision to leave the group, so I'm back. Thanks for your support...Hopefully we can all do our best to keep the peace and respect one another when we communicate. Communicating by email is a tough enough medium to decipher and translate emotions and intent - and misunderstandings can certainly occur. As it is there is enough discord in the world without us contributing to the same. I'd also like to add that I apologize if I have misunderstood a certain few posts, or made anyone uncomfortable with my words or actions. All the Best, Sandy Crowther

P.S. to Vijay: I'm female :-) --- In, "vijay kumar" <v_kumar@c...> wrote: > Dear Sandy, > > Kindly excuse me to intrude in. > > Your posts and that of Mr. Yogesh etc have very good over the time and I sincerely feel that you should not withdraw from the forum. This forum is a place for learning which should of course be in a very humble environment. > > The divisional charts are wonders in parashara classics and should not be under-estimated. My humble feeling is that some statistical evaluation is necessary to amalgamate the D-charts with the Classical KP chart of Placidus system. It would bring out many pearls of wisdom. > > Mr. Sandy, kindly keep up your deliberations to the forum. > > Regards, > > Vijay Kumar > ----- Original Message ----> From: Sandy Crowther > To: > Sent: Friday, December 03, 2004 10:45 PM > Subject: RE: [k_p_system] Re: KPBC3 Answer. > > > Dear TW and Yogesh Rao Lajmi, Ron, and Group, > > > > TW - thanks for your kind congratulatory words. > > > > Yogesh Rao Lagmi wrote: > > > > Doesn't that,in a way strengthen my contention that the mother's chart will give better and more accurate results ? > > Yours 'ly, > > lyrastro1 > > GOOD LUCK ! > > > > WHY??? Because only 2 people out of 8 came close? I'm amused. Does KP boast a 100% accuracy rate? I agree that having the charts of BOTH parents would have made delineation a bit easier - but in real life - that isn't always an option. > > > > TW - wrote:

> > > > How can we refuse a male asking whether he can have a child and tell > him to bring his wife?. > > I agree TW. Perhaps it is time for participation on Blind charts from you, Mr. Yogesh Rao Lajmi, to demonstrate both your point and your expertise in KP delineation - which brings me to my next point... > > > > Yogesh Rao Lagmi - With all due respect, I believe you are a bit over the top with many of your posts.this being another post of a few that I have observed in the short time I have been a member of this list..Anyway - allow me to respond to your accusations of my personal motivations before I unsubscribe. > > > > You wrote: > > Dears Sandy Cowther & Srinivas Upadyay, > > I was under the impression that we are discusing in the is no place for sapthamsa,navamsas,dasamsas or forthat matter any amsas for judgement purposes... > > Members are requested to stick to Krishnamurty Padhdhati only...else we will only arrive at a "hotch-potch" of " the various Vedic Astrology our anxiety to prove one's point anywhich way,end up with nothing worthwhile..." > > I sincerely request ALL members to therefore stick to K.P.,only in this group... > > Yours sincerely, > > lyrastro1 > > GOOD LUCK ! > > > > Interesting diatribe.Are Eclipses part of KP? You don't know me nor do you know what my motivations are. I was simply respectfully responding to a question put forth by a list member - nothing more. simply sharing a technique. Now although I am a seasoned astrologer of 35 years, I am not experienced in KP and thought this list might be a good place to start after a respected colleague of mine - Ron Gaunt - mentioned the list to me. So, for the record, I have just begun my journey of studying KP - therefore I am not familiar with

what techniques are accepted by KP, and what techniques are rejected by KP. For that I apologize. However, you certainly set me straight real quick. Forgive me if I crossed the line of list discussion - I meant no disrespect. > > > > However, due to the derogatory manner in which I was addressed (directly and indirectly) by you on 2 separate occasions - you can rest assured that I will not be posting to this KP list anymore. You see, I was not trying to "prove" anything, and unfortunately, for whatever your reasons, you have painted an inaccurate picture of my motives to this list, while showing a great deal of disrespect towards me. I have little tolerance for unprovoked verbal hostility on any list. Your comments on a few occasions were unnecessary and quite immature. You could have brought forth your point about amsa's, "any amsa's", in a kinder manner - like Anant Raichur did without resorting to implying to other list members your own delusional assumptions about others, or suggesting such absurd inaccuracies of my personal motivations - such as - to "prove one's point any which way". You couldn't be further from the truth.I have nothing to prove, nor do I have any need to prove anything. > > > > And again: > > > > Therefore,personally, I stick to the pure and simple K.P., of old...and I had mentioned it especially for those who are interested in more research etc...the "in-thing" abroad...I guess... > > > > Hmm.Guess you don't like the fact that I enjoy "research"? > > > > At any rate, I have no time for this nonsense. But I do wish you and the list all the best and hope you will at least think about the manner and tone with which you come across to others in your plight to exert your authority/superiority on this list. Goodbye and GOOD LUCK! J > > > > P.S. Message for Ron Gaunt with respect to KPBC3: > > > > Ron - In Vinay's assessment dates for the birth of the child he states the dates of 5/12/82 to 5/30/82 (May) and states that these dates fall in a Mo/Ve/Me dasha. There is some mistake here because these May dates he predicted do not fall in a Mo/Ve/Me dasha, but rather in a Mo/Ve/Ra dasha. The birth took place, according to your post, on 3/22/82 - which is March - not May. I just wanted to bring that to your attention in case list members are following the Blind Charts. Thanks. >

> > > > > > > > >

All the Best, Sandy Crowther

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1828 From: "vijay kumar" <v_kumar@...> Date: Tue Dec 7, 2004 1:12am Subject: Re: Re: Request to Sandy vk1608 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Sh. Rao, No match to KP, it is a truth !! I am a humble follower to both Parashara and KP and have very high respect to bo th the systems. However, the fact remains that any system is yet not perfect bec ause of our limitations of understanding it. If we humbly agree to it, we shall have lesser reservations to navigate between different systems of prognosticatio ns for better understanding of the mysteries of planets. Let us say, if a planet is identified negative for a matter in KP way, it may al so be assessed whether the same planet is indicating similar situation in releva nt D-charts of Parashara. By certain D-charts, we could even know whether the tr ouble area is because of the karmas of previous janmas etc. There is always a go od chance that we may get a lot of guidance on a planetary situation by looking on both the systems to our advantage without breaking the barriers of any system . In such studies, the statistical analysis over a large number of cases may be required for establishing some set of rules to look for. Of course, while looki ng to the Parahara way, we may use KP ayanamsha to keep the reference same. In a similar way, the details may be worked out for positive planets for a matter in sight. This is not the ultimate, but this is only an example of what I wanted t o say. It is a fact that Shri KSK had done a marvellous homewok in Parashari astrology and negated many of its rules, which is eye-opener for all of us and we all are indebted to his efforts. However, the KP system is left un-perfected because of early demise of Shri KSK. Perhaps, if KSK had remained alive for some more years , he would have taken this art to a better perfection. Let us not ignore the fac t that there are many occassions which bring us to cross roads on predictions ev en in KP way of analysis. In case, if it sounds offending, I withdraw it here it self.

I humbly understand all what has been mentioned as reply to this mail and I appr eciate your reminder to me again. Thanks. PS : Mr. Rao, if you kindly recollect that I had mailed you long ago to find your cre dentials in KP astrology, which you had assured me through a seperate mail. Sinc e, your view points in your writings are very crisp, I had the urge to know more about your goodself in respect of your contribution related to your writeups, e xperiences etc on KP. This has no other motive whatsoever. Thanks and Regards, Vijay Kumar ----- Original Message ----From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi To: Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 2004 11:00 AM Subject: Re: [k_p_system] Re: Request to Sandy Dear Vijay Kumar, I appreciate your keen desire to "amalgamate" K.P., an d Parasara's house division...etc... The Placidus system holds that the cusp of the house i s from the house begins and it ends at the begining of the next house ... wherea s,Parasara's and several other Traditional systems hold that the midpoint of the house is the starting point of a house till the midpoint of the next house,and advocate the EQUAL division of the 12 houses in the Zodiac,regardless of the Lat titude and Longitude etc, some even give very great importance to the M.C. point ... (the mid point of the Xth house,the point when Sun a is at its Zenith at 12 noon)...there are thus, many systems being followed by Astrologers the world ove r... Under the circumstances we will only,perhaps be trying to amalgamate,let's say a system like the metric system with old British System of weights and measures...! ! The basics are entirely different... and the chances of confusion/mistakes are multiple...if due care is not taken... In my considered opinion,however,it will be an exercis e in futility,as many erudite researchers/students etc., have,in the past, tried to, and could not,so far...arrive at any consensus,at least,as per my humble kn owledge... K.P., is a very simple and straight forward system,ver y easily mastered, and there's very little ambiguity,in its rules,which are app licable easily...and most importantly,it is a judicious ,and most successful ble nd of the Traditional Vedic Astrology with the Western(Placidus system of House division,aspects etc.)...the best of BOTH...! The discoveries of the unequal sub,the decisive role o f the sub-lord,the Ruling Planets theory...etc., are the unique inventions of Sh ri K.S.Krishnamurthiji,( but as contended in these columns,as originally discove red by Meena...only to perhaps,discredit KSK ?)... What's more is that,no other system has equalled the accuracy of K.P.,as demonstrated all over the world at lecture-demos, by KSK,and his several erudite students,repeatedly... In the Final Analysis,as our revered Guruji,Jyotish M arthand, the late Shri KSK says,the proof of the pudding is in eating it...! ! ! I have given,in these columns a step-wise method of a pplying K.P.,in both horary and Natal horoscopy...which if diligently followed w ill enable one to achieve a success-rate of atleast 80-90 %.

The proof of the in eating it . The Ball's now in your friends... Yours sincerely, lyrastro1. GOOD LUCK !

Yogesh Rao Lajmi <> wrote: Dear Sandy, I am glad,dear Sandy,that you are now back with all of the group... I also hasten to add that you will understand that I let,a litt le of my impatience, peep out,inadvertently,and I reiterate that there were no " evil" intentions at all of any kind at any time...! Any way,I guess all's well that ends well,and I am certainly gl ad that you're back in the group... Wishing you the very best,I remain, Yours sincerely, lyrastro1 GOOD LUCK ! Sandy Crowther <> wrote: Dear Vijay Kumar and List, Thank you. This is just a short note to let you know that Ron Gaunt's persistent - but gentle persuasion (and forwarded emails of support :)) lured me back to reconsider my decision to leave the group, so I'm back. Thanks for your support...Hopefully we can all do our best to keep the peace and respect one another when we communicate. Communicating by email is a tough enough medium to decipher and translate emotions and intent - and misunderstandings can certainly occur. As it is there is enough discord in the world without us contributing to the same. I'd also like to add that I apologize if I have misunderstood a certain few posts, or made anyone uncomfortable with my words or actions. All the Best, Sandy Crowther P.S. to Vijay: I'm female :-) --- In, "vijay kumar" <v_kumar@c...> wrote: > Dear Sandy, > > Kindly excuse me to intrude in. > > Your posts and that of Mr. Yogesh etc have very good over the time and I sincerely feel that you should not withdraw from the forum. This forum is a place for learning which should of course be in a very humble environment. >

> The divisional charts are wonders in parashara classics and should not be under-estimated. My humble feeling is that some statistical evaluation is necessary to amalgamate the D-charts with the Classical KP chart of Placidus system. It would bring out many pearls of wisdom. > > Mr. Sandy, kindly keep up your deliberations to the forum. > > Regards, > > Vijay Kumar > ----- Original Message ----> From: Sandy Crowther > To: > Sent: Friday, December 03, 2004 10:45 PM > Subject: RE: [k_p_system] Re: KPBC3 Answer. > > > Dear TW and Yogesh Rao Lajmi, Ron, and Group, > > > > TW - thanks for your kind congratulatory words. > > > > Yogesh Rao Lagmi wrote: > > > > Doesn't that,in a way strengthen my contention that the mother's chart will give better and more accurate results ? > > Yours 'ly, > > lyrastro1 > > GOOD LUCK ! > > > > WHY??? Because only 2 people out of 8 came close? I'm amused. Does KP boast a 100% accuracy rate? I agree that having the charts of BOTH parents would have made delineation a bit easier - but in real life - that isn't always an option. > > > > TW - wrote: > > > > How can we refuse a male asking whether he can have a child and tell > him to bring his wife?. > > I agree TW. Perhaps it is time for participation on Blind charts from you, Mr. Yogesh Rao Lajmi, to demonstrate both your point and your expertise in KP delineation - which brings me to my next point... >

> > > Yogesh Rao Lagmi - With all due respect, I believe you are a bit over the top with many of your posts.this being another post of a few that I have observed in the short time I have been a member of this list..Anyway - allow me to respond to your accusations of my personal motivations before I unsubscribe. > > > > You wrote: > > Dears Sandy Cowther & Srinivas Upadyay, > > I was under the impression that we are discusing in the is no place for sapthamsa,navamsas,dasamsas or forthat matter any amsas for judgement purposes... > > Members are requested to stick to Krishnamurty Padhdhati only...else we will only arrive at a "hotch-potch" of " the various Vedic Astrology our anxiety to prove one's point anywhich way,end up with nothing worthwhile..." > > I sincerely request ALL members to therefore stick to K.P.,only in this group... > > Yours sincerely, > > lyrastro1 > > GOOD LUCK ! > > > > Interesting diatribe.Are Eclipses part of KP? You don't know me nor do you know what my motivations are. I was simply respectfully responding to a question put forth by a list member - nothing more. simply sharing a technique. Now although I am a seasoned astrologer of 35 years, I am not experienced in KP and thought this list might be a good place to start after a respected colleague of mine - Ron Gaunt - mentioned the list to me. So, for the record, I have just begun my journey of studying KP - therefore I am not familiar with what techniques are accepted by KP, and what techniques are rejected by KP. For that I apologize. However, you certainly set me straight real quick. Forgive me if I crossed the line of list discussion - I meant no disrespect. > > > > However, due to the derogatory manner in which I was addressed (directly and indirectly) by you on 2 separate occasions - you can rest assured that I will not be posting to this KP list anymore. You see, I was not trying to "prove" anything, and unfortunately, for whatever your reasons, you have painted an inaccurate picture of my

motives to this list, while showing a great deal of disrespect towards me. I have little tolerance for unprovoked verbal hostility on any list. Your comments on a few occasions were unnecessary and quite immature. You could have brought forth your point about amsa's, "any amsa's", in a kinder manner - like Anant Raichur did without resorting to implying to other list members your own delusional assumptions about others, or suggesting such absurd inaccuracies of my personal motivations - such as - to "prove one's point any which way". You couldn't be further from the truth.I have nothing to prove, nor do I have any need to prove anything. > > > > And again: > > > > Therefore,personally, I stick to the pure and simple K.P., of old...and I had mentioned it especially for those who are interested in more research etc...the "in-thing" abroad...I guess... > > > > Hmm.Guess you don't like the fact that I enjoy "research"? > > > > At any rate, I have no time for this nonsense. But I do wish you and the list all the best and hope you will at least think about the manner and tone with which you come across to others in your plight to exert your authority/superiority on this list. Goodbye and GOOD LUCK! J > > > > P.S. Message for Ron Gaunt with respect to KPBC3: > > > > Ron - In Vinay's assessment dates for the birth of the child he states the dates of 5/12/82 to 5/30/82 (May) and states that these dates fall in a Mo/Ve/Me dasha. There is some mistake here because these May dates he predicted do not fall in a Mo/Ve/Me dasha, but rather in a Mo/Ve/Ra dasha. The birth took place, according to your post, on 3/22/82 - which is March - not May. I just wanted to bring that to your attention in case list members are following the Blind Charts. Thanks. > > > > > > All the Best, > > Sandy Crowther > >

Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online. Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online.

1829 From: anant raichur <anant_1608@...> Date: Tue Dec 7, 2004 1:11am Subject: Re: Re: Query regarding birth of second child? anant_1608 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Ron I have the full details of my own 4 children. If you want them I can send it to the Group, including the details of the Mother of all four.

rongaunt <> wrote: To all interested in this question of 2nd, 3rd births etc. Does anyone have birth details of say four or more children to the same mother. We could then check what appears to work best. Ron Gaunt

On Tue, 07 Dec 2004 00:10:42 +0000, you wrote: > > >Dear Sourav Guchhait, > >1. For 1st child, 5th & 11 th cusps are taken in >judging "Is child birth promised or not?" in examples for both male >and female, and generally houses 2, 5 and 11 are judged for the time >of child birth, examples for male p 224 & p 227, and example for >female p 230, KP Reader IV. (2nd is the increase in number of members >of family by birth of children; 5th for offspring; 11th not only >fruit of one's action, but also 5 th to 7 th partner, p 210 KP Reader >IV) > >2. For 2nd child, to judge houses 2,5,7, and 11; 7th is 3rd from 5th, >3rd is younger child, in an example, KP Reader IV, p 242. > >Best regards, >

>tw > > > > >--- In, Sourav Guchhait >wrote: >> Dear Mr.Raichur,Yogesh Rao Lajmiji and tw, >> >> My opinion is :>> 5'th cusp sublord signifying houses 2,5,11 means birth >> of 1'st child is promised. If 5th sublord signifies >> 2,5,11 "then only" one should check for 7th cusp >> sublord for 2'nd child(without "1'st" it is not >> possible for having "2'nd" including miscarriage). >> After that, if 7th cusp sublord signifies 2,7,11 then >> birth of 2'nd child is promised. >> >> I have two questions:>> >> How can we calculate considering the 3rd cusp of the >> 1st Born, a Sibling promised or not? (3'rd cusp >> sublord signifying 2,3,11 houses ? 2 is 12 to 3!) >> >> Also, How can we calculate considering the 11th cusp >> of the 2nd Born, there is an Elder sibling or not? >> (11'th cusp sublord signifying 2,11 ? Means good >> income!) >> >> - Regards >> Sourav. >> >> >> --- tw853 wrote: >> >> >> -------------------------------->> >> Dear Yogesh Rao Lajmi, >> >> Is it not the same as mentioned in Msg # 1774, >> >> "to judge houses 2,5,7, and 11 for second conception, >> KP >> Reader IV, p 242 (for timing of child birth in >> general)" >> >> Best regards, >> >> tw >> >> --- In, Yogesh Rao Lajmi >> >> wrote: >> > Dear Mr.Raichur, >> > The VIIth cusp,can,like any >> other cusp, >> stand for different things,but it depends upon the >> astrologer to >> select the appropriate significations,for the

>> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>

particular query/judgement,don't you think so ? > For example the Vth can denote a lover,a child or a card-game,opponent's victory/gain...and so on,depending upon the circumstances prevailing,or, being considered at the TOJ... > Therefore,in my humble opinion,Mr.Raichur,the VII cusp for the second child,based on the IIIrd from the Vth,as younger sibling of the first-born,seems to me to be correct... > With highest regards, > lyrastro1 > GOOD LUCK ! > > anant raichur wrote: > Dear Vinay > > This is a really serious issue. It is right to consider 7th Cusp, and its connection with 2nd and 11th, for the 2nd child. But as you correctly raised the question, this is also the consideration for marriage. Since marriage is already forseen, and foregone, the answer will be the same. > > So it would be as good as stating, that One you are promised Marriage, You are promised the 2nd child as well. ||| > > I feel we should also consider the 5th House, as it denotes child birth in general, besides, the 1st child of a lady. > > The other solution is to consider the 3rd cusp of the 1st Born? Is a Sibling promised ? This would be a better solution. > > > Yogesh Rao Lajmi wrote: > Dear Vinay, > You are very correct,for the second child it is recommended that the VIIth cusp sublord shoul be per K.P., recently also there was a discussion on the issue of whether Father's chart or Mother's chart should be analysed...etc. > But for the second child I do not think there is any 'dispute' on taking the VIIth cusp for consideration... > Yours sincerely,

>> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>

> lyrastro1 > GOOD LUCK ! > > Vinay Tiwari wrote: > Respected gurus and friends, > > I was just going through a chart , for birth of his second child. > Dear Guruz , Can you kindly answer for following queries, > 1) Which houses should be considered? > 2)If i am not wrong 2,7,11 for second child ie ; 7 is 3rd from 5th . > But 2,7,11 also gives marriage? > 3)If i want to confirm whether birth of second child is there in chart should i C 7th sublord connection? or how > > Please i need guidence regarding same. > > > Thanks In advance, > > Regards, > Vinay Tiwari > > > --------------------------------> Do you Yahoo!? > Take Yahoo! Mail with you! Get it on your mobile phone. > > Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online. > > > > -----------------------------------------> A.R.Raichur bombay > anant_1608@y... > raichuranant@y... > USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY > tel: 022-2506 2609 > -----------------------------------------> > > > > > > > > --------------------------------> Do you Yahoo!? Try it today! > Meet the all-new My Yahoo! > Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT > > > ---------------------------------

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1830 From: anant raichur <anant_1608@...> Date: Tue Dec 7, 2004 1:19am Subject: Re: Re: KPBC3 Analysis anant_1608 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Rule is 5th sub cusp should signify 5th or 11th or 2nd, not necessarily all. Mandar Behere <> wrote: Thanks Ron for your reply. For others, can anybody throw some light on my queries? Stating here again: 1. in KPBC3, while choosing the Dasa sequence, I left Ketu, since Ketu was signifying 1st and 10th cusp. But it seems that Ketu only gave the result. Any reasoning for this? 2. For having a child is it necessary that 5th Sub

should signify 2 AND 5 AND 11th cusp or it can signify any one of 2,5,11th cusp? - Mandar --- rongaunt wrote: > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Mandar, Please see replies ++.....................++ Ron Gaunt

On Mon, 06 Dec 2004 07:04:52 +0000, you wrote: > > >Hi, > >I have few queries regarding the analysis. Could you please answer >them? Please look for ***. > >--- In, rongaunt wrote: >> >> >> HOUSES AND SIGNIFICATORS >> >> The event was the birth of a child. The relevant houses are 2 >> for family, 5 for children, and 11 for desire. >> >> Lord of 2 and 5 is Jupiter who is in the star of Rahu sub >> Jupiter. Natal Rahu is in Jupiter Rasi hence all important >> de-facto ruler of the 5th house. Natal Rahu is in the star of >> Jupiter, so there is intimate and close connection between >> Jupiter and Rahu. >> >> Lord of 11 is Mercury who is in the star of Venus sub of Saturn, >> hence there may be some delay in having the first child. >> Natal Mercury is associated with Venus and both are in >> the 2nd house disposed by Jupiter hence associated with Rahu. >> >> Therefore all 3 houses 2,5, and 11, promise a child through >> Mercury as 11 house significator who is resident in 2 and linked >> through Jupiter and Rahu to the 5th house. >*** Is it mandatory that all the 3 houses should

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

promise a child or >there is a OR condition? ++ I have taken it myself that all 3 houses should promise a child. However, I am relatively new to KP and if this is not correct I would appreciate views from experienced members. ++ >> >> >> DASAS >> >> The first appropriate dasa sequence appears to be Mo/Ke/Mer. >> commencing 31st Aug 1980. Ketu is in Mercury's rashi and would >> appear ideal. However, as we have seen Mercury is in the sub >> of Saturn hence likely to delay. >> >> Mo/Ve starts 30th Sep 1980. Venus Buhkti is promising in that >> natal Venus is in the 2nd house, associated with Mercury, in Sag >> Jupiter's rashi which is the same for the 5th house. >> In Handbook of Astrology Part 1 page 47 the author states >> 'Child birth can only be expected during the period of that >> planet which is placed favorably in the sub of one occupying or >> owning the 2nd,5th, or the 11th.' The only planet fulfilling >> this condition is Mercury which is in the sub of Venus occupying >> the 2nd house. >> >> Therefore the dasa sequence that fulfills the conditions is >> Mo/Ve/Me which runs from 30th Jan 1982 to 25th April 1982. >> However Mo/Ve/Ke (Ke substitutes for Mercury) runs from 25/4/1982 >> to 31st May 1982. So the birth could take place between 30th >> Jan to 25th April 1982. >*** Since ketu is signifiying 1 and 10 i.e. 12th of 2 and 11 >respectively, wouldn't it give negative effects on the result? Since >nodes are stronger than planets, I forced myself to leave out ketu >period, and Mercury period as well. And hence landed up with the dasa >sequence Moon/Ven/Ven or Moon/Ven/Moon. Was my assumption wrong? What >is the exact rule regarding this?

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> ++ Sorry due to my inexperience in KP I cannot quote a rule. I simply took it for granted that if a planet which is "placed favorably in the sub of one occupying or owning the 2nd,5th, or the 11th". the event would fructify. Again, perhaps more experienced members can answer. ++ >Thanks is advance, >Mandar > > > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > >

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-----------------------------------------A.R.Raichur bombay USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY tel: 022-2506 2609 -----------------------------------------__________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around

1831 From: anant raichur <anant_1608@...> Date: Tue Dec 7, 2004 1:20am Subject: Re: Re: KPBC3 Analysis anant_1608 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Rule is 5th sub cusp should signify 5th or 11th or 2nd, not necessarily all. Mandar Behere <> wrote: Thanks Ron for your reply. For others, can anybody throw some light on my queries? Stating here again: 1. in KPBC3, while choosing the Dasa sequence, I left Ketu, since Ketu was signifying 1st and 10th cusp. But it seems that Ketu only gave the result. Any reasoning for this? 2. For having a child is it necessary that 5th Sub should signify 2 AND 5 AND 11th cusp or it can signify any one of 2,5,11th cusp? - Mandar --- rongaunt wrote: > > > > > > > > > > > > Mandar, Please see replies ++.....................++ Ron Gaunt

On Mon, 06 Dec 2004 07:04:52 +0000, you wrote: >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> >Hi, > >I have few queries regarding the analysis. Could you please answer >them? Please look for ***. > >--- In, rongaunt wrote: >> >> >> HOUSES AND SIGNIFICATORS >> >> The event was the birth of a child. The relevant houses are 2 >> for family, 5 for children, and 11 for desire. >> >> Lord of 2 and 5 is Jupiter who is in the star of Rahu sub >> Jupiter. Natal Rahu is in Jupiter Rasi hence all important >> de-facto ruler of the 5th house. Natal Rahu is in the star of >> Jupiter, so there is intimate and close connection between >> Jupiter and Rahu. >> >> Lord of 11 is Mercury who is in the star of Venus sub of Saturn, >> hence there may be some delay in having the first child. >> Natal Mercury is associated with Venus and both are in >> the 2nd house disposed by Jupiter hence associated with Rahu. >> >> Therefore all 3 houses 2,5, and 11, promise a child through >> Mercury as 11 house significator who is resident in 2 and linked >> through Jupiter and Rahu to the 5th house. >*** Is it mandatory that all the 3 houses should promise a child or >there is a OR condition? ++ I have taken it myself that all 3 houses should promise a child. However, I am relatively new to KP and if this is not correct I would appreciate views from experienced members. ++ >> >> >> DASAS >> >> The first appropriate dasa sequence appears to be Mo/Ke/Mer. >> commencing 31st Aug 1980. Ketu is in Mercury's rashi and would

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

>> appear ideal. However, as we have seen Mercury is in the sub >> of Saturn hence likely to delay. >> >> Mo/Ve starts 30th Sep 1980. Venus Buhkti is promising in that >> natal Venus is in the 2nd house, associated with Mercury, in Sag >> Jupiter's rashi which is the same for the 5th house. >> In Handbook of Astrology Part 1 page 47 the author states >> 'Child birth can only be expected during the period of that >> planet which is placed favorably in the sub of one occupying or >> owning the 2nd,5th, or the 11th.' The only planet fulfilling >> this condition is Mercury which is in the sub of Venus occupying >> the 2nd house. >> >> Therefore the dasa sequence that fulfills the conditions is >> Mo/Ve/Me which runs from 30th Jan 1982 to 25th April 1982. >> However Mo/Ve/Ke (Ke substitutes for Mercury) runs from 25/4/1982 >> to 31st May 1982. So the birth could take place between 30th >> Jan to 25th April 1982. >*** Since ketu is signifiying 1 and 10 i.e. 12th of 2 and 11 >respectively, wouldn't it give negative effects on the result? Since >nodes are stronger than planets, I forced myself to leave out ketu >period, and Mercury period as well. And hence landed up with the dasa >sequence Moon/Ven/Ven or Moon/Ven/Moon. Was my assumption wrong? What >is the exact rule regarding this? > ++ Sorry due to my inexperience in KP I cannot quote a rule. I simply took it for granted that if a planet which is "placed favorably in the sub of one occupying or owning the 2nd,5th, or the 11th". the event would fructify. Again, perhaps more experienced members can answer. ++ >Thanks is advance, >Mandar > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > >

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1832 From: "tw853" <tw853@...> Date: Tue Dec 7, 2004 4:41am Subject: Re: KPBC3 Analysis tw853 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Yogesh Rao Lajmi, I. KP Reader III, 1984, Part I, p. 123 1. Rahu & Kethu indicates the results of planet which they are conjoined. 2. If no planet in conjunction, the results of planets aspecting them. 3. If neither conjoined nor aspected, the results of the Stl. 4. Lastly the result of the sign. II. KP Reader III, 1984, Part I, p. 124 1. Rahu or Kethu gives results to greater extent than what Stl can offer. 2. Imagine as though Stl is posited in that house in which Rahu or Ketu tenanted. 3. Also imagine that Stl is posited in that bhava. And it gives results to greater extent. KPBC3 III. As per rules in p. 123, KP Reader III, 1. 2. 3. 4. Saturn signifying 1,10,10,3,4 Nil Sun indicating 10,1,10 Mercury indicating 2,2,7,12,8,11

IV. As per explanation in p. 124, KP Reader III, It is imagined as though Sun is posited in 10H. Note: Computer results are showing basic houses signified by Kethu as 1,10, 10, by Raichur or any other. tw

--- In, Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@y...>

wrote: > Dear Mandar, > As Mr.Bosmia says,Kethu is in Merc's sign,hence it represents read chapter on Nodes...and study it thoroughly,you will find out what you are missing... > In one of my very recent contribution to this group,I have mentioned about how a superfluous reading can hamper one's more suggestion,while studying K.P., one should have his mind CLEANED OF all previous learning...and begin anew all avoid possible confusions due to past impressions deeply engraved perhaps... > Yours sincerely, > lyrastro1 > GOOD LUCK ! > > Mandar Behere <mandarbehere@y...> wrote: > The chart for KPBC3 shows that Ketu is at 6-0-20-51 > and hence posited in 10th cusp (11th cusp starts at > 6-15-4-39). So Ketu would signify 10th house and not > 11th house. Is this correct? If so, since 10th house > is 12th of 11th, Ketu would give negative effects > since node is stronger than planet. > > Also start lord of Ketu is Sun posited in 1st cusp and > hence ketu also signifies 1st i.e. 12th of 2nd house. > Hence in this way as well, ketu will negate the > effects when we are considering event related to 2nd. > > What am I missing here? > > Thanks for your reply. > - Mandar > --- Kanakkumar Bosmia <kanbosastro@h...> wrote: > > > --------------------------------> > Dear Mander, > > ketu is in sign of mer and mer is lord of 11th. > > kanak bosmia > > > > > >From: Mandar Behere <mandarbehere@y...> > >Reply-To: > >To: > >Subject: Re: [k_p_system] Re: KPBC3 Analysis > >Date: Mon, 6 Dec 2004 20:23:14 -0800 (PST) > > > >Thanks Ron for your reply. > > > >For others, can anybody throw some light on my > >queries? > >Stating here again: > >1. in KPBC3, while choosing the Dasa sequence, I left > >Ketu, since Ketu was signifying 1st and 10th cusp. > But

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

>it seems that Ketu only gave the result. Any reasoning >for this? >2. For having a child is it necessary that 5th Sub >should signify 2 AND 5 AND 11th cusp or it can signify >any one of 2,5,11th cusp? > >- Mandar >--- rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > > > > > Mandar, > > > > Please see replies ++.....................++ > > > > Ron Gaunt > > > > > > > > On Mon, 06 Dec 2004 07:04:52 +0000, you wrote: > > > > > > > > > > >Hi, > > > > > >I have few queries regarding the analysis. Could > > you please answer > > >them? Please look for ***. > > > > > >--- In, rongaunt > > <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > > >> > > >> > > >> HOUSES AND SIGNIFICATORS > > >> > > >> The event was the birth of a child. The > > relevant houses are 2 > > >> for family, 5 for children, and 11 for desire. > > >> > > >> Lord of 2 and 5 is Jupiter who is in the star of > > Rahu sub > > >> Jupiter. Natal Rahu is in Jupiter Rasi hence > > all important > > >> de-facto ruler of the 5th house. Natal Rahu is > > in the star of > > >> Jupiter, so there is intimate and close > > connection between > > >> Jupiter and Rahu. > > >> > > >> Lord of 11 is Mercury who is in the star of > > Venus sub of Saturn, > > >> hence there may be some delay in having the first > > child. > > >> Natal Mercury is associated with Venus and both > > are in > > >> the 2nd house disposed by Jupiter hence > > associated with Rahu.

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > >> > > >> Therefore all 3 houses 2,5, and 11, promise a > > child through > > >> Mercury as 11 house significator who is resident > > in 2 and linked > > >> through Jupiter and Rahu to the 5th house. > > >*** Is it mandatory that all the 3 houses should > > promise a child or > > >there is a OR condition? > > > > ++ I have taken it myself that all 3 houses should > > promise a > > child. However, I am relatively new to KP > > and if this is > > not correct I would appreciate views from > > experienced > > members. ++ > > >> > > >> > > >> DASAS > > >> > > >> The first appropriate dasa sequence appears to be > > Mo/Ke/Mer. > > >> commencing 31st Aug 1980. Ketu is in Mercury's > > rashi and would > > >> appear ideal. However, as we have seen Mercury > > is in the sub > > >> of Saturn hence likely to delay. > > >> > > >> Mo/Ve starts 30th Sep 1980. Venus Buhkti is > > promising in that > > >> natal Venus is in the 2nd house, associated with > > Mercury, in Sag > > >> Jupiter's rashi which is the same for the 5th > > house. > > >> In Handbook of Astrology Part 1 page 47 the > > author states > > >> 'Child birth can only be expected during the > > period of that > > >> planet which is placed favorably in the sub of > > one occupying or > > >> owning the 2nd,5th, or the 11th.' The only > > planet fulfilling > > >> this condition is Mercury which is in the sub of > > Venus occupying > > >> the 2nd house. > > >> > > >> Therefore the dasa sequence that fulfills the > > conditions is > > >> Mo/Ve/Me which runs from 30th Jan 1982 to 25th > > April 1982. > > >> However Mo/Ve/Ke (Ke substitutes for Mercury) > > runs from 25/4/1982 > > >> to 31st May 1982. So the birth could take

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

place > > between 30th > > >> Jan to 25th April 1982. > > >*** Since ketu is signifiying 1 and 10 i.e. 12th of > > 2 and 11 > > >respectively, wouldn't it give negative effects on > > the result? Since > > >nodes are stronger than planets, I forced myself to > > leave out ketu > > >period, and Mercury period as well. And hence > > landed up with the dasa > > >sequence Moon/Ven/Ven or Moon/Ven/Moon. Was my > > assumption wrong? What > > >is the exact rule regarding this? > > > > > ++ Sorry due to my inexperience in KP I cannot > > quote a rule. > > I simply took it for granted that if a > > planet which is > > "placed favorably in the sub of one occupying > > or > > owning the 2nd,5th, or the 11th". the event > > would > > fructify. Again, perhaps more experienced > > members can > > answer. ++ > > > > >Thanks is advance, > > >Mandar > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >__________________________________ >Do you Yahoo!? >Yahoo! Mail - Find what you need with new enhanced search. >

> > > > --------------------------------> MSN Premium helps protect against viruses, hackers, > junk e-mail & pop-ups. > Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT > > > --------------------------------> Yahoo! Groups Links > > To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! > Terms of Service. > > > > > > __________________________________ > Do you Yahoo!? > Yahoo! Mail - Find what you need with new enhanced search. > > > Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT > > > --------------------------------> Yahoo! Groups Links > > To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. > > > Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline.

1833 From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@...> Date: Tue Dec 7, 2004 7:21am Subject: Re: Re: KPBC3 Analysis lyrastro1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear tw853, are right,therefore, Kethu does represent Merc,the lo rd of the sign he is posited in... also...but that comes last in strength...Comp

uter Programmes may have given the best houses the last option is very obvious...perhaps... Thanks for the input... Yours sincerely, lyrastro1 tw853 <> wrote: Dear Yogesh Rao Lajmi, I. KP Reader III, 1984, Part I, p. 123 1. Rahu & Kethu indicates the results of planet which they are conjoined. 2. them. 3. 4. If no planet in conjunction, the results of planets aspecting If neither conjoined nor aspected, the results of the Stl. Lastly the result of the sign.

II. KP Reader III, 1984, Part I, p. 124 1. Rahu or Kethu gives results to greater extent than what Stl can offer. 2. Imagine as though Stl is posited in that house in which Rahu or Ketu tenanted. 3. Also imagine that Stl is posited in that bhava. And it gives results to greater extent. KPBC3 III. As per rules in p. 123, KP Reader III, 1. 2. 3. 4. Saturn signifying 1,10,10,3,4 Nil Sun indicating 10,1,10 Mercury indicating 2,2,7,12,8,11

IV. As per explanation in p. 124, KP Reader III, It is imagined as though Sun is posited in 10H. Note: Computer results are showing basic houses signified by Kethu as 1,10, 10, by Raichur or any other. tw

--- In, Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@y...> wrote:

> Dear Mandar, > As Mr.Bosmia says,Kethu is in Merc's sign,hence it represents read chapter on Nodes...and study it thoroughly,you will find out what you are missing... > In one of my very recent contribution to this group,I have mentioned about how a superfluous reading can hamper one's more suggestion,while studying K.P., one should have his mind CLEANED OF all previous learning...and begin anew all avoid possible confusions due to past impressions deeply engraved perhaps... > Yours sincerely, > lyrastro1 > GOOD LUCK ! > > Mandar Behere <mandarbehere@y...> wrote: > The chart for KPBC3 shows that Ketu is at 6-0-20-51 > and hence posited in 10th cusp (11th cusp starts at > 6-15-4-39). So Ketu would signify 10th house and not > 11th house. Is this correct? If so, since 10th house > is 12th of 11th, Ketu would give negative effects > since node is stronger than planet. > > Also start lord of Ketu is Sun posited in 1st cusp and > hence ketu also signifies 1st i.e. 12th of 2nd house. > Hence in this way as well, ketu will negate the > effects when we are considering event related to 2nd. > > What am I missing here? > > Thanks for your reply. > - Mandar > --- Kanakkumar Bosmia <kanbosastro@h...> wrote: > > > --------------------------------> > Dear Mander, > > ketu is in sign of mer and mer is lord of 11th. > > kanak bosmia > > > > > >From: Mandar Behere <mandarbehere@y...> > >Reply-To: > >To: > >Subject: Re: [k_p_system] Re: KPBC3 Analysis > >Date: Mon, 6 Dec 2004 20:23:14 -0800 (PST) > > > >Thanks Ron for your reply. > > > >For others, can anybody throw some light on my > >queries? > >Stating here again: > >1. in KPBC3, while choosing the Dasa sequence, I left > >Ketu, since Ketu was signifying 1st and 10th cusp. > But > >it seems that Ketu only gave the result. Any

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

reasoning >for this? >2. For having a child is it necessary that 5th Sub >should signify 2 AND 5 AND 11th cusp or it can signify >any one of 2,5,11th cusp? > >- Mandar >--- rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > > > > > Mandar, > > > > Please see replies ++.....................++ > > > > Ron Gaunt > > > > > > > > On Mon, 06 Dec 2004 07:04:52 +0000, you wrote: > > > > > > > > > > >Hi, > > > > > >I have few queries regarding the analysis. Could > > you please answer > > >them? Please look for ***. > > > > > >--- In, rongaunt > > <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > > >> > > >> > > >> HOUSES AND SIGNIFICATORS > > >> > > >> The event was the birth of a child. The > > relevant houses are 2 > > >> for family, 5 for children, and 11 for desire. > > >> > > >> Lord of 2 and 5 is Jupiter who is in the star of > > Rahu sub > > >> Jupiter. Natal Rahu is in Jupiter Rasi hence > > all important > > >> de-facto ruler of the 5th house. Natal Rahu is > > in the star of > > >> Jupiter, so there is intimate and close > > connection between > > >> Jupiter and Rahu. > > >> > > >> Lord of 11 is Mercury who is in the star of > > Venus sub of Saturn, > > >> hence there may be some delay in having the first > > child. > > >> Natal Mercury is associated with Venus and both > > are in > > >> the 2nd house disposed by Jupiter hence > > associated with Rahu. > > >>

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > >> Therefore all 3 houses 2,5, and 11, promise a > > child through > > >> Mercury as 11 house significator who is resident > > in 2 and linked > > >> through Jupiter and Rahu to the 5th house. > > >*** Is it mandatory that all the 3 houses should > > promise a child or > > >there is a OR condition? > > > > ++ I have taken it myself that all 3 houses should > > promise a > > child. However, I am relatively new to KP > > and if this is > > not correct I would appreciate views from > > experienced > > members. ++ > > >> > > >> > > >> DASAS > > >> > > >> The first appropriate dasa sequence appears to be > > Mo/Ke/Mer. > > >> commencing 31st Aug 1980. Ketu is in Mercury's > > rashi and would > > >> appear ideal. However, as we have seen Mercury > > is in the sub > > >> of Saturn hence likely to delay. > > >> > > >> Mo/Ve starts 30th Sep 1980. Venus Buhkti is > > promising in that > > >> natal Venus is in the 2nd house, associated with > > Mercury, in Sag > > >> Jupiter's rashi which is the same for the 5th > > house. > > >> In Handbook of Astrology Part 1 page 47 the > > author states > > >> 'Child birth can only be expected during the > > period of that > > >> planet which is placed favorably in the sub of > > one occupying or > > >> owning the 2nd,5th, or the 11th.' The only > > planet fulfilling > > >> this condition is Mercury which is in the sub of > > Venus occupying > > >> the 2nd house. > > >> > > >> Therefore the dasa sequence that fulfills the > > conditions is > > >> Mo/Ve/Me which runs from 30th Jan 1982 to 25th > > April 1982. > > >> However Mo/Ve/Ke (Ke substitutes for Mercury) > > runs from 25/4/1982 > > >> to 31st May 1982. So the birth could take place

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > between 30th > > >> Jan to 25th April 1982. > > >*** Since ketu is signifiying 1 and 10 i.e. 12th of > > 2 and 11 > > >respectively, wouldn't it give negative effects on > > the result? Since > > >nodes are stronger than planets, I forced myself to > > leave out ketu > > >period, and Mercury period as well. And hence > > landed up with the dasa > > >sequence Moon/Ven/Ven or Moon/Ven/Moon. Was my > > assumption wrong? What > > >is the exact rule regarding this? > > > > > ++ Sorry due to my inexperience in KP I cannot > > quote a rule. > > I simply took it for granted that if a > > planet which is > > "placed favorably in the sub of one occupying > > or > > owning the 2nd,5th, or the 11th". the event > > would > > fructify. Again, perhaps more experienced > > members can > > answer. ++ > > > > >Thanks is advance, > > >Mandar > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >__________________________________ >Do you Yahoo!? >Yahoo! Mail - Find what you need with new enhanced search. >

> > > --------------------------------> MSN Premium helps protect against viruses, hackers, > junk e-mail & pop-ups. > Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT > > > --------------------------------> Yahoo! Groups Links > > To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! > Terms of Service. > > > > > > __________________________________ > Do you Yahoo!? > Yahoo! Mail - Find what you need with new enhanced search. > > > Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT > > > --------------------------------> Yahoo! Groups Links > > To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. > > > Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline.

Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online.

1834 From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@...> Date: Tue Dec 7, 2004 8:40am Subject: Re: Re: Request to Sandy lyrastro1 Offline

Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Vijay, Since the early demise of our Guruji..his illustrious students,l ike Vaikary Ramamurthy,Prof.Balachandran,Pt.K.R.Kar,A.Balasekar,A.R.Raichur Narh ari Khake,K.P.Kuppu Ganapathi, and a host of other erudite scholars are perfect ing K.P.System,to bring about more accuracy and refinement, the sub-sub theory,the DRPE theory,methods of ultra fast/instant predictions et c., have been regularly appearing in K.P. & Astrology Magazine...however,as for me,I am perfectly satisfied with the 85-90% accuracy achieved by me using K.P. p ropounded by our Guruji KSK...and so are most of my clients...and I am still lea rning...! I agree with you that there is always scope for improvement in any scientific endeavour...but there is a limit to which perfection should be so ught after,and after a time the effort required to get higher and higher accurac y becomes meaningless and self-defeating,as the law of diminishing returns begin s to operate...? ! A perusal of these above mentioned theories certainly proves t hat more perfection is always possible...but the question I ask myself always is , to what purpose...? And,is it worth the effort ? Therefore I am satisfied with the accuracy I can achieve with the present system I use,and so are the vast majority of my clients... I used to ,in the early days of my practice,startle a client by telling him his birthstar. ..correctly,upon his entering the room...(just as KSK's daughter used to do when she was just a child)...but I have stopped doing all this "showmanship"...becau se after doing all this if your predictions are way off target,you have achieved nothing...hence I began concetrating on a systematic analysis of the horoscope, and offering accurate predictions...and have been able to achieve a 85-90% succe ss-rate,after a lot of practice,perhaps, one's intuition also gets sharpened and begins to work well... I began learning Astrology way back in the early 60's...and sometime in ' 75-76 when I was in posted at Bhopal,but I had almost given up stu dying astrology as it was NOT giving me any correct readings,so much so,that I w as thoroughly disillusioned with,and had begun debunking astrology...but fortuna tely for me,as luck would have it our local Astrologers' Association,arranged a lecture-cum-demonstration by the then already famous-for-his-accuracy-and-speed ,Prof. K.S.Krishnamurthi...! I was so tremendously impressed by his invention the "Krishn amurthi Padhdhati...", that I decided to become his disciple then and there... Ever since, I began learning and experimenting with the wond erful K.P. System...startling my colleagues at work,accurately predicting the e xact time of return of the peon sent by me,from the accurate predi ctions regarding their children,their admission to school,College,etc...and slow ly developed a lot of expertise, and confidence,in various branches of prognosti cation...and after my retirement as Dy.Gen.Mgr.(Mktg.),Raptakos Brett & Co. Ltd. ,in the year 1999,I began practising K.P. Astrology professionally. I hope,dear Vijay,that satisfies your curiosity about me... Wishing you the very best,I am, Yours sincerely, lyrastro1 GOOD LUCK ! vijay kumar <> wrote: Dear Sh. Rao, No match to KP, it is a truth !! I am a humble follower to both Parashara and KP and have very high respect to bo th the systems. However, the fact remains that any system is yet not perfect bec

ause of our limitations of understanding it. If we humbly agree to it, we shall have lesser reservations to navigate between different systems of prognosticatio ns for better understanding of the mysteries of planets. Let us say, if a planet is identified negative for a matter in KP way, it may al so be assessed whether the same planet is indicating similar situation in releva nt D-charts of Parashara. By certain D-charts, we could even know whether the tr ouble area is because of the karmas of previous janmas etc. There is always a go od chance that we may get a lot of guidance on a planetary situation by looking on both the systems to our advantage without breaking the barriers of any system . In such studies, the statistical analysis over a large number of cases may be required for establishing some set of rules to look for. Of course, while looki ng to the Parahara way, we may use KP ayanamsha to keep the reference same. In a similar way, the details may be worked out for positive planets for a matter in sight. This is not the ultimate, but this is only an example of what I wanted t o say. It is a fact that Shri KSK had done a marvellous homewok in Parashari astrology and negated many of its rules, which is eye-opener for all of us and we all are indebted to his efforts. However, the KP system is left un-perfected because of early demise of Shri KSK. Perhaps, if KSK had remained alive for some more years , he would have taken this art to a better perfection. Let us not ignore the fac t that there are many occassions which bring us to cross roads on predictions ev en in KP way of analysis. In case, if it sounds offending, I withdraw it here it self. I humbly understand all what has been mentioned as reply to this mail and I appr eciate your reminder to me again. Thanks. PS : Mr. Rao, if you kindly recollect that I had mailed you long ago to find your cre dentials in KP astrology, which you had assured me through a seperate mail. Sinc e, your view points in your writings are very crisp, I had the urge to know more about your goodself in respect of your contribution related to your writeups, e xperiences etc on KP. This has no other motive whatsoever. Thanks and Regards, Vijay Kumar ----- Original Message ----From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi To: Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 2004 11:00 AM Subject: Re: [k_p_system] Re: Request to Sandy Dear Vijay Kumar, I appreciate your keen desire to "amalgamate" K.P., an d Parasara's house division...etc... The Placidus system holds that the cusp of the house i s from the house begins and it ends at the begining of the next house ... wherea s,Parasara's and several other Traditional systems hold that the midpoint of the house is the starting point of a house till the midpoint of the next house,and advocate the EQUAL division of the 12 houses in the Zodiac,regardless of the Lat titude and Longitude etc, some even give very great importance to the M.C. point ... (the mid point of the Xth house,the point when Sun a is at its Zenith at 12 noon)...there are thus, many systems being followed by Astrologers the world ove r...

Under the circumstances we will only,perhaps be trying to amalgamate,let's say a system like the metric system with old British System of weights and measures...! ! The basics are entirely different... and the chances of confusion/mistakes are multiple...if due care is not taken... In my considered opinion,however,it will be an exercis e in futility,as many erudite researchers/students etc., have,in the past, tried to, and could not,so far...arrive at any consensus,at least,as per my humble kn owledge... K.P., is a very simple and straight forward system,ver y easily mastered, and there's very little ambiguity,in its rules,which are app licable easily...and most importantly,it is a judicious ,and most successful ble nd of the Traditional Vedic Astrology with the Western(Placidus system of House division,aspects etc.)...the best of BOTH...! The discoveries of the unequal sub,the decisive role o f the sub-lord,the Ruling Planets theory...etc., are the unique inventions of Sh ri K.S.Krishnamurthiji,( but as contended in these columns,as originally discove red by Meena...only to perhaps,discredit KSK ?)... What's more is that,no other system has equalled the accuracy of K.P.,as demonstrated all over the world at lecture-demos, by KSK,and his several erudite students,repeatedly... In the Final Analysis,as our revered Guruji,Jyotish M arthand, the late Shri KSK says,the proof of the pudding is in eating it...! ! ! I have given,in these columns a step-wise method of a pplying K.P.,in both horary and Natal horoscopy...which if diligently followed w ill enable one to achieve a success-rate of atleast 80-90 %. The proof of the in eating it . The Ball's now in your friends... Yours sincerely, lyrastro1. GOOD LUCK !

Yogesh Rao Lajmi <> wrote: Dear Sandy, I am glad,dear Sandy,that you are now back with all of the group... I also hasten to add that you will understand that I let,a litt le of my impatience, peep out,inadvertently,and I reiterate that there were no " evil" intentions at all of any kind at any time...! Any way,I guess all's well that ends well,and I am certainly gl ad that you're back in the group... Wishing you the very best,I remain, Yours sincerely, lyrastro1 GOOD LUCK ! Sandy Crowther <> wrote: Dear Vijay Kumar and List, Thank you. This is just a short note to let you know that Ron Gaunt's persistent - but gentle persuasion (and forwarded emails of support :)) lured me back to reconsider my decision to leave the group, so I'm back. Thanks for your support...Hopefully we can all do our best to keep the peace and respect one another when we communicate. Communicating

by email is a tough enough medium to decipher and translate emotions and intent - and misunderstandings can certainly occur. As it is there is enough discord in the world without us contributing to the same. I'd also like to add that I apologize if I have misunderstood a certain few posts, or made anyone uncomfortable with my words or actions. All the Best, Sandy Crowther P.S. to Vijay: I'm female :-) --- In, "vijay kumar" <v_kumar@c...> wrote: > Dear Sandy, > > Kindly excuse me to intrude in. > > Your posts and that of Mr. Yogesh etc have very good over the time and I sincerely feel that you should not withdraw from the forum. This forum is a place for learning which should of course be in a very humble environment. > > The divisional charts are wonders in parashara classics and should not be under-estimated. My humble feeling is that some statistical evaluation is necessary to amalgamate the D-charts with the Classical KP chart of Placidus system. It would bring out many pearls of wisdom. > > Mr. Sandy, kindly keep up your deliberations to the forum. > > Regards, > > Vijay Kumar > ----- Original Message ----> From: Sandy Crowther > To: > Sent: Friday, December 03, 2004 10:45 PM > Subject: RE: [k_p_system] Re: KPBC3 Answer. > > > Dear TW and Yogesh Rao Lajmi, Ron, and Group, > > > > TW - thanks for your kind congratulatory words. > > > > Yogesh Rao Lagmi wrote: > > > > Doesn't that,in a way strengthen my contention that the mother's chart will give better and more accurate results ? > > Yours 'ly, > > lyrastro1

> > GOOD LUCK ! > > > > WHY??? Because only 2 people out of 8 came close? I'm amused. Does KP boast a 100% accuracy rate? I agree that having the charts of BOTH parents would have made delineation a bit easier - but in real life - that isn't always an option. > > > > TW - wrote: > > > > How can we refuse a male asking whether he can have a child and tell > him to bring his wife?. > > I agree TW. Perhaps it is time for participation on Blind charts from you, Mr. Yogesh Rao Lajmi, to demonstrate both your point and your expertise in KP delineation - which brings me to my next point... > > > > Yogesh Rao Lagmi - With all due respect, I believe you are a bit over the top with many of your posts.this being another post of a few that I have observed in the short time I have been a member of this list..Anyway - allow me to respond to your accusations of my personal motivations before I unsubscribe. > > > > You wrote: > > Dears Sandy Cowther & Srinivas Upadyay, > > I was under the impression that we are discusing in the is no place for sapthamsa,navamsas,dasamsas or forthat matter any amsas for judgement purposes... > > Members are requested to stick to Krishnamurty Padhdhati only...else we will only arrive at a "hotch-potch" of " the various Vedic Astrology our anxiety to prove one's point anywhich way,end up with nothing worthwhile..." > > I sincerely request ALL members to therefore stick to K.P.,only in this group... > > Yours sincerely, > > lyrastro1 >

> GOOD LUCK ! > > > > Interesting diatribe.Are Eclipses part of KP? You don't know me nor do you know what my motivations are. I was simply respectfully responding to a question put forth by a list member - nothing more. simply sharing a technique. Now although I am a seasoned astrologer of 35 years, I am not experienced in KP and thought this list might be a good place to start after a respected colleague of mine - Ron Gaunt - mentioned the list to me. So, for the record, I have just begun my journey of studying KP - therefore I am not familiar with what techniques are accepted by KP, and what techniques are rejected by KP. For that I apologize. However, you certainly set me straight real quick. Forgive me if I crossed the line of list discussion - I meant no disrespect. > > > > However, due to the derogatory manner in which I was addressed (directly and indirectly) by you on 2 separate occasions - you can rest assured that I will not be posting to this KP list anymore. You see, I was not trying to "prove" anything, and unfortunately, for whatever your reasons, you have painted an inaccurate picture of my motives to this list, while showing a great deal of disrespect towards me. I have little tolerance for unprovoked verbal hostility on any list. Your comments on a few occasions were unnecessary and quite immature. You could have brought forth your point about amsa's, "any amsa's", in a kinder manner - like Anant Raichur did without resorting to implying to other list members your own delusional assumptions about others, or suggesting such absurd inaccuracies of my personal motivations - such as - to "prove one's point any which way". You couldn't be further from the truth.I have nothing to prove, nor do I have any need to prove anything. > > > > And again: > > > > Therefore,personally, I stick to the pure and simple K.P., of old...and I had mentioned it especially for those who are interested in more research etc...the "in-thing" abroad...I guess... > > > > Hmm.Guess you don't like the fact that I enjoy "research"? > > > > At any rate, I have no time for this nonsense. But I do wish you and the list all the best and hope you will at least think about the manner and tone with which you come across to others in your plight to exert your authority/superiority on this list. Goodbye and GOOD LUCK! J > > >

> P.S. Message for Ron Gaunt with respect to KPBC3: > > > > Ron - In Vinay's assessment dates for the birth of the child he states the dates of 5/12/82 to 5/30/82 (May) and states that these dates fall in a Mo/Ve/Me dasha. There is some mistake here because these May dates he predicted do not fall in a Mo/Ve/Me dasha, but rather in a Mo/Ve/Ra dasha. The birth took place, according to your post, on 3/22/82 - which is March - not May. I just wanted to bring that to your attention in case list members are following the Blind Charts. Thanks. > > > > > > All the Best, > > Sandy Crowther > >

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1835 From: dilip ranade <dilipdsr@...> Date: Tue Dec 7, 2004 9:26am Subject: Re: Re: Query regarding birth of second child? dilipdsr Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Ron, 1. I am giving the details for the study of multiple births. 2. Wife:- DOB--- 06 JUL 1915 TOB----Place 18E 31: 73N 55 3. The details of the children are as under: Son; D= Daughter (a) (b) S D 16 oct 1931 20 jul 1934 1810 hrs S=

(c) S (d) (e) (f) D D D

25 feb 1937 22jul 1938 18 jul 1940 05 Aug 1942 S & D 13 Mar 1950 4 Nov 1947

(g) Twins (h) S

4. I am finding the details of the husbands POB and will be posting it soon. I hope the data proves to be a good exerscise. Also two children have died apart from those given above(all living at present).Their details follow With best wishes and regards Ranade

--- rongaunt <rongaunt@...> wrote: --------------------------------To all interested in this question of 2nd, 3rd births etc. Does anyone have birth details of say four or more children to the same mother. We could then check what appears to work best. Ron Gaunt

On Tue, 07 Dec 2004 00:10:42 +0000, you wrote: > > >Dear Sourav Guchhait, > >1. For 1st child, 5th & 11 th in >judging "Is child birth promised or for both male >and female, and generally houses 2, judged for the time >of child birth, examples for male p example for >female p 230, KP Reader IV. (2nd is number of members

cusps are taken not?" in examples 5 and 11 are 224 & p 227, and the increase in

>of family by birth of children; 5th for offspring; 11th not only >fruit of one's action, but also 5 th to 7 th partner, p 210 KP Reader >IV) > >2. For 2nd child, to judge houses 2,5,7, and 11; 7th is 3rd from 5th, >3rd is younger child, in an example, KP Reader IV, p 242. > >Best regards, > >tw > > > > >--- In, Sourav Guchhait <sourav6282@y...> >wrote: >> Dear Mr.Raichur,Yogesh Rao Lajmiji and tw, >> >> My opinion is :>> 5'th cusp sublord signifying houses 2,5,11 means birth >> of 1'st child is promised. If 5th sublord signifies >> 2,5,11 "then only" one should check for 7th cusp >> sublord for 2'nd child(without "1'st" it is not >> possible for having "2'nd" including miscarriage). >> After that, if 7th cusp sublord signifies 2,7,11 then >> birth of 2'nd child is promised. >> >> I have two questions:>> >> How can we calculate considering the 3rd cusp of the >> 1st Born, a Sibling promised or not? (3'rd cusp >> sublord signifying 2,3,11 houses ? 2 is 12 to 3!) >> >> Also, How can we calculate considering the 11th cusp >> of the 2nd Born, there is an Elder sibling or not? >> (11'th cusp sublord signifying 2,11 ? Means good >> income!) >> >> - Regards >> Sourav. >> >> >> --- tw853 <tw853@y...> wrote: >> >> >> -------------------------------->> >> Dear Yogesh Rao Lajmi, >> >> Is it not the same as mentioned in Msg # 1774, >>

>> "to judge houses 2,5,7, and 11 for second conception, >> KP >> Reader IV, p 242 (for timing of child birth in >> general)" >> >> Best regards, >> >> tw >> >> --- In, Yogesh Rao Lajmi >> <lyrastro1@y...> >> wrote: >> > Dear Mr.Raichur, >> > The VIIth cusp,can,like any >> other cusp, >> stand for different things,but it depends upon the >> astrologer to >> select the appropriate significations,for the >> particular >> query/judgement,don't you think so ? >> > For example the Vth can >> denote a lover,a >> child or a card-game,opponent's victory/gain...and so >> on,depending >> upon the circumstances prevailing,or, being considered >> at the TOJ... >> > Therefore,in my humble >> opinion,Mr.Raichur,the VII cusp for the second >> child,based on the >> IIIrd from the Vth,as younger sibling of the >> first-born,seems to me >> to be correct... >> > With highest regards, >> > lyrastro1 >> > GOOD LUCK >> ! >> > >> > anant raichur <anant_1608@y...> wrote: >> > Dear Vinay >> > >> > This is a really serious issue. It is right to >> consider 7th Cusp, >> and its connection with 2nd and 11th, for the 2nd >> child. But as you >> correctly raised the question, this is also the >> consideration for >> marriage. Since marriage is already forseen, and >> foregone, the >> answer will be the same. >> > >> > So it would be as good as stating, that One you are >> promised >> Marriage, You are promised the 2nd child as well. |||

>> >> it >> >>

> > I feel we should also consider the 5th House, as denotes child birth in general, besides, the 1st child of a lady.

>> > >> > The other solution is to consider the 3rd cusp of >> the 1st Born? Is >> a Sibling promised ? This would be a better solution. >> > >> > >> > Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@y...> wrote: >> > Dear Vinay, >> > You are very correct,for the second >> child it is >> recommended that the VIIth cusp sublord shoul be >> per >> K.P., recently also there was a discussion on the >> issue of whether >> Father's chart or Mother's chart should be >> analysed...etc. >> > But for the second child I do not >> think there is >> any 'dispute' on taking the VIIth cusp for >> consideration... >> > Yours sincerely, >> > lyrastro1 >> > GOOD LUCK ! >> > >> > Vinay Tiwari <techn0pandit@y...> wrote: >> > Respected gurus and friends, >> > >> > I was just going through a chart , for >> birth of his second >> child. >> > Dear Guruz , Can you kindly answer for following >> queries, >> > 1) Which houses should be considered? >> > 2)If i am not wrong 2,7,11 for second child ie ; 7 >> is 3rd from 5th . >> > But 2,7,11 also gives marriage? >> > 3)If i want to confirm whether birth of second child >> is there in >> chart should i C 7th sublord connection? or how >> > >> > Please i need guidence regarding same. >> > >> > >> > Thanks In advance, >> > >> > Regards, >> > Vinay Tiwari >> >

>> > >> > -------------------------------->> > Do you Yahoo!? >> > Take Yahoo! Mail with you! Get it on your mobile >> phone. >> > >> > Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner >> online. >> > >> > >> > >> > ----------------------------------------->> > A.R.Raichur bombay >> > anant_1608@y... >> > raichuranant@y... >> > USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY >> > tel: 022-2506 2609 >> > ----------------------------------------->> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > -------------------------------->> > Do you Yahoo!? Try it today! >> > Meet the all-new My Yahoo! >> > Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT >> > >> > >> > -------------------------------->> > Yahoo! Groups Links >> > >> > To visit your group on the web, go to: >> > >> > >> > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: >> > >> > >> > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the >> Yahoo! Terms of >> Service. >> > >> > >> > Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life >> partneronline. >> >> >> >> >> Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ADVERTISEMENT >> >> >> -------------------------------->> Yahoo! Groups Links >> >> To visit your group on the web, go to:

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1836 From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@...> Date: Tue Dec 7, 2004 9:29am Subject: RE: KPBC3 lyrastro1

Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Srinivas, You must use a proper K.P. Mr. Raichur's... The answers u were looking for are : 1) RPs at Birth are : Asc St lord - Sat sub-lord is Mars Asc Sign lord - Mars Moon St lord - Venus sublord is Sun Moon sign lord - Mars Day lord - Merc 2) There is no such rule that the Moon MUST be one of the R Ps... 3) Sun's dasa begins on 2-12-1966. I hope you've got your answers... With best wishes, lyrastro1 GOOD LUCK !

"Upadhyaya, Srinivasa" <> wrote: Dear Yogesh, I used a software to generate the birth chart of the native of KPBC3. I have not used any ephemeries to calculate the chart, whatever the ayanamsha the software used, I made use of it. I do not know whether the following ayanamsha is correct for year 1950 AYANAMSA:23 4'18" The details are as follows DATE OF BIRTH: 20-12-1950 WEDNSDAY TIME: 5: 2HRS( ) TIME ZONE: 5.50 HRS (VIKRUTHI MARGAZHI 4 TUESDAY NIGHT) PLACE:1046'N 7642'E DONT SIDR.TIME:10:30:46 AYANAMSA:23 4'18" SUNRISE/SET: 6:39/18: 1 ( ) STAR:BHARANI FULDAY PADA 1 THITHI:SUKLA EKADASI TILL 5:55 YOGA:SIVA TILL 16:32 KARANA:BHADRA TILL 5:55 , SIDHDHA YOGA The problem is my prediction failed because RPs did not provide the right dasa, bukthi and anthara lords (for which I used the same software to generate the bir th chart as well as to generate RPs). What would have gone wrong? Also Moon is not at all a RP. Regards, Upadhyaya -----Original Message----From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi [] Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 2004 11:46 AM To: Subject: RE: [k_p_system] KPBC3 Dear Srinivasa,

The RPs you've mentioned are,indeed,correct...! Kindly clarify further,as to what exactly is the problem ? Pl. also,while asking such questions pl. inform the Ayanams a and the Ephemeris used... Yours sincerely, lyrastro1 "Upadhyaya, Srinivasa" <> wrote: Dear members, I got the wrong Ruling planets. Why did I get wrong ruling planets? If anyone ge ts the wrong RPs, whole prediction will go for a toss. Please let me know how to handle these type of situations. Regards, Upadhyaya >Ruling planets at the time of judgement (30-Nov-2004, at Bangalore, IST 14:03) > Sign Lord Star Lord Sub >Asc : Ju Sa Ma >Moon : Me Ju Sa >Day : Ma >Rah is in Ae, Mar sign > > Sa, Ju, Me, Ma, Ra.

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1837 From: "Kanakkumar Bosmia" <kanbosastro@...> Date: Tue Dec 7, 2004 9:53am Subject: BIRTH TIME RECTIFICATION OF OSAMA BIN LADEN kanbosastro Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360

Dear KP Lovers, I found on web birth details of Osama bin laden. acording to three dates areavailable as under: 30th july 1957 . 10th march 1957 , 27th june 1957 BITH PLCE JEDDAH thay quote somany astrologer about date and time. but i start checking by KP Met hod so i put Ruling planet on 04th dec.2004 @20:59:57 at L G Hospital/Ahmedabad India 23 N 00 72 E 36 D.L. : SAT Asc. 03:02:18:24 MOO , JUP , RAHU , MER MOON : 04:14:33:35 SUN , VEN , VEN , JUP according to rule RP Asc = Birth Moon For Day we have to check Mon , For Month we have to chack Sun and for Year we ha ve to check JUP 10th March 1957 JUP was @4:00 AM (jeddah)(00.00 GMT) JUP Rt. MER ,SUN ,SAT 27TH Jun 1957 JUP was @4:00 AM (jeddah)(00.00 GMT) JUP MER, SUN, RAHU 30Th JULY 1957 JUP was @4:00 AM (jeddah)(00.00 GMT) JUP MER, SUN, MER RP Asc = MOO , JUP , RAHU , MER sub lord is supremo so check JUP 's sub for all three year. In our RP SAT is not available so 10th March 1957 is out of question. Now MER and RAHU both are in RP but we accept only Rahu b'coz MER is in VEN sub and Rahu is in Rahu sub. Ven is not in our RP(RP Asc.) so the Year of birth is only JUN 1957 is correct. --------------------------------------------------------------------------DATE SATURDAY 4 12 2004 5.30 am I.S.T.SID TIME AT 5.30 LT= 10 H. 22 M. 35 S. Time show is for sub ending +/- 1 min. SUN. 7 18 20 44 Mar Mer Mer : ends at 10:27)(Mer-Ket 28:47) MOON 4 6 39 32 Sun Ket Rah : ends at 07:16) MOON 1 4 12 45 43 Sun Ket Mer : MARS 6 21 25 43 Ven Jup Jup : ends at 17:53) MERC -R 8 1 50 28 Jup Ket Ven : NO end JUP. 5 19 52 50 Mer Moo Ket : NO END VEN. 6 20 20 4 Ven Jup Jup : NO END SAT. -R 3 2 52 38 Moo Jup Rah : NO end RAHU -R 0 5 58 14 Mar Ket Rah : NO end KETU -R 6 5 58 14 Ven Mar Moo : NO end URAN 10 9 14 53 Sat Rah Jup : NO END NEPT 9 19 14 40 Sat Moo Mer : NO END MOON:(Ket-Jup 10:50)(Ket-Sat 14:56)(Ket-Mer 18:37)(Ven-Ven 23:00) (Ven-Sun 24:18)(Ven-Moo 26:29)(Ven-Mar 28:01) --------------------------------------------------------------------------for checking of Day we have to check MOON --------------------------------------------------------------------------DATE THURSDAY 27 6 1957 5.30 am I.S.T.SID TIME AT 5.30 LT= 23 H. 49 M. 20 S.

Time show is for sub ending +/- 1 min. SUN. 2 11 54 8 Mer Rah Sat : ends at 21:54) MOON 2 0 18 26 Mer Mar Mer : ends at 08:10) MOON 1 2 7 24 37 Mer Rah Rah : MARS 3 10 15 58 Moo Sat Ven : ends at 08:04) MERC 2 3 11 8 Mer Mar Ven : ends at 24:47) JUP. 5 0 49 36 Mer Sun Rah : NO END VEN. 3 1 24 9 Moo Jup Rah : NO END SAT. -R 7 16 3 38 Mar Sat Jup : NO end RAHU -R 6 24 9 49 Ven Jup Mer : NO end KETU -R 0 24 9 49 Mar Ven Mer : NO end URAN 3 12 5 58 Moo Sat Moo : ends at 10:33) NEPT -R 6 6 42 25 Ven Rah Rah : NO end MOON:(Mar-Ket 09:35)(Mar-Ven 13:17)(Mar-Sun 14:24)(Mar-Moo 16:15) (Rah-Rah 19:37)(Rah-Jup 22:38)(Rah-Sat 26:12)(Rah-Mer 29:23) --------------------------------------------------------------------------DATE FRIDAY 28 6 1957 5.30 am I.S.T.SID TIME AT 5.30 LT= 23 H. 53 M. 17 S. Time show is for sub ending +/- 1 min. SUN. 2 12 51 28 Mer Rah Mer : NO END MOON 2 14 35 41 Mer Rah Ket : ends at 06:32) MOON 1 2 21 50 54 Mer Jup Sat : MARS 3 10 53 38 Moo Sat Sun : ends at 09:34) MERC 2 5 18 20 Mer Mar Sun : ends at 08:19)(Mar-Moo 20:48) JUP. 5 0 56 3 Mer Sun Rah : NO END VEN. 3 2 37 29 Moo Jup Rah : ends at 19:27) SAT. -R 7 15 59 53 Mar Sat Jup : NO end RAHU -R 6 24 6 39 Ven Jup Mer : NO end KETU -R 0 24 6 39 Mar Ven Mer : NO end URAN 3 12 9 18 Moo Sat Mar : NO END NEPT -R 6 6 41 58 Ven Rah Rah : NO end MOON:(Rah-Ven 10:16)(Rah-Sun 11:22)(Rah-Moo 13:11)(Rah-Mar 14:28) (Jup-Jup 17:23)(Jup-Sat 20:53)(Jup-Mer 24:00)(Jup-Ket 25:17) (Jup-Ven 28:58) --------------------------------------------------------------------------(NOTE: GIVEN TIME IN PANCHANG IS IST. FOR JEDDAH TIME - 1HRS.-30Mn.FROM IST ) ( RASI GIVAN IN THIS POST IS AS 0=ARIES 1=TAURUS 2=GEMINI etc.) on 27th Moon was in MAR Star and on 28th in RAHU star. on 27th Moon star MAR is not in our RP so 28th June 1957 was correct date of Osama Bin Laden According to "Michael Rideount: According to an interview with Bin Laden which can be found o n various web pages he him self given his year of birth as 1377 Hegira. If that is so then he had to have been born sometimes between approximetaly July 29th 10 57 and 17th July1958 given or take a day or so far Both dates. this would mean that 10th march is out of question : April 17th and June 28th be cerrect " AND KP PROVE IT. Now we go for Moon's sub division FOR 28TH JUNE 1957 MOON On 4am : 2 14 35 41 Mer Rah Ket : ends at 05:02) (Rah-Ven 08:46)(Rah-Sun 09:52)(Rah-Moo 11:41)(Rah-Mar 12:58)(Jup-Jup 15:53)(Jup-Sat 19:23)(Jup-Mer 22:3 0)(Times given are Jeddah time AND END TIME ) Our RP Asc is MOO , JUP , RAHU , MER Frist sub is KETU End on 05:02 is out of question , Ven & sun are not in RP .Moo n sub is ok.

Moon sub start @ 09,52 end @ 11,41 Now we divide Moon sub ferther to sub sub level with help of TABELS FOR ASTROLOG ERS BY: Mrs. KOUSALYA SATTAINATHAN PUBLISHER; KRISHNAMURTI PUBLICATIONS. Page no : 120 (Rah-Moo-Moo 10:01:05)(Rah-Moo-Mar 10:07:26)(Rah-Moo-Rahu 10:23:47)(Rah-Moo-Jup 10:38:19)(Rah-Moo-Sat 10:55:35)(Rah-Moo-Mer 11:11:02)(Rah-Moo-Ket 11:17:23)(RahMoo-Ven 11:35:34)(Rah-Moo-Sun 11:41:01) we have consider RP Asc Rahu as Starlord and Moon as Sub lord. so Now Only two sub sub Mer and Jup are for we select JUP as sub sub Moon at birth was in Rahu-Moon-Jup now we ferther divide sub sub sub level with help of TABELS FOR ASTROLOGERS Page no: 127 (Rah-Moo-Jup-Jup 10:25:43)(Rah-Moo-Jup-Sat 10:28:00)(Rah-Moo-Jup-Mer 10:30:04)(R ah-Moo-Jup-Ket 10:30:56)(Rah-Moo-Jup-Ven 10:33:20)(Rah-Moo-Jup-Sun 10:34:05)(Rah -Moo-Jup-Moo 10:35:18)(Rah-Moo-Jup-Mar 10:36:10)(Rah-Moo-Jup-Rahu 10:38:20) so the birth time will be Rah-Moo-Jup-Mer 10:28:00 to 10:30:04 Now we calcutale Asc for Both time: 10:28 :- ASC 4 2 2 14 Sun Ket Ven Jup 10:30:04 :- Asc.4 2 30 20 Sun Ket Ven Sat No Sub Sub Between both time. According to rule RP Moon = Birth Asc. Our RP Moon is SUN , VEN , VEN , JUP all are in Birth time 10:28 ( Ketu is in th e sign of Ven so he represant Ven) THIS IS THE WONDER OF KP. MOST OF CASE WHEN Y OU DIVIDE BIRTH MOON UP TO SUB SUB SUB LEVEL AND CALCULATE ASC FOR THAT TIME YOU CAN FOUND SAME AS RP MOON . In MY EXPERIEANCE ABOUT 70% YOU GAT RP MOON AS BIRTH Asc AUTOMATIC. I Am not check his all details with chart but only one event i have check that O sama Bin Laden Marry 4 times so his 7th cusp sub lord is must Mer and signify 2, 11 . so i less .45 second from his founded birth time 10.28 .BIRTH TIME IS 10H.2 7H.15S (SPECIAL NOTE:GIVEN BIRTH MOON DIVISION IN TO SUB SUB SUB LEVEL HAS POSSIBILITY FOR +/- 1 MINITE ERRER) I AM VERY WEEK IN ENGLISH. SO FERGET ABOUT ANY GRAMMATICAL AND SPELLING MISTEK. HPRPSCOP OF OSAMA BIN LADEN AS UNDER( Please read chart in courernew font with 1 0 size) I REQUEST ALL MEMBERS TO COMENT ON OSAMA'S CHART regards kanak bosmia : JAY MAI GADHECHI MA : No. 28 Sahakar 2- Jagabhai Park Rambaug: Maninagar AHMEDABAD 380 008 TEL: 079-25431165 MOBILE: 9825131165 email: BIRTH DETAILS OF OSAMA BIN LADEN REF NO KP GROUP OTHER USEFUL INFORMATION RASI : MITHUNA



: 10 H. 27 M. 15 S. : JEDDA; :SAUDI ARABIA : : : : : : : : : : : 21 Deg. 34 Min. N 39 Deg. 9 Min. E Leo-Simha Sun Gemini-Mithuna Mer Aridr 4 - Pada Rah ASHADHA: 1: SAMVAT 2013 3 H. 28 M. 12 S. 23 D. 10 M. 24 S.




PRAHARA : 3rd : CANCER (Sayana) CHANDRA : 9th Cast By Kanakkumar.B. Bosmia ON 07-12-2004 Programme by RAICHUR 8/147 GARODIANAGAR BOMBAY-77

: JAY MAI GADHECHI MA : No. 28 Sahakar 2- Jagabhai Park Rambaug: Maninagar AHMEDABAD 380 008 TEL: 079-25431165 MOBILE: 9825131165 email: BIRTH DETAILS OF OSAMA BIN LADEN TRADITIONAL BIRTH CHART: PLANETS WITH + ARE RETROGRADE NAKSHATRA: Aridr- PADA 4 DASA BAL. Rahu 2 Y. 11 Days ENDS ON 9 7 1959 *----------------*----------------*----------------*----------------* | * JUP. * * MARS VEN. URAN * | | 7 * * 5 * * 3 | |RAHU NEP+ * 6 * * 4 * SUN. MOON | | * FOR. PLUT * MERC | | * * * * | | * 8 * * 2 * | | * * * * | * SAT+ * * | * * * * | | 9 * * 11 * * 1 | | * * * * KETU | | * * | | * 10 * * 12 * | | * * * * | | * * * * | *----------------*----------------*----------------*----------------* TRADITIONAL NAVAMASA CHART *----------------*----------------*----------------*----------------* | * RAHU PLUT * * MOON * | | 3 * * 1 * * 11 | |FOR. * 2 * * 12 * | | * * | | * * * * | | * 4 * * 10 * | | * * * * | * VEN. * SUN. JUP. * | * * * * | | 5 * * 7 * * 9 | | * * * * NEPT |

| * MARS URAN * | | * 6 * * 8 * | | * * * MERC SAT. KETU * | | * * * * | *----------------*----------------*----------------*----------------* Programme by RAICHUR 8/147 GARODIANAGAR BOMBAY-77 : JAY MAI GADHECHI MA : No. 28 Sahakar 2- Jagabhai Park Rambaug: Maninagar AHMEDABAD 380 008 TEL: 079-25431165 MOBILE: 9825131165 email: DASAS TO BE ENJOYED BY OSAMA BIN LADEN VIMSOTTARI DASAS --- BHUKTIES 08 07 1941 -> 08 07 1959 |Jup DASA 08 07 1959 |Jup Bhk. 08 07 1959 |Sat Bhk. 26 08 1961 |Mer Bhk. 08 03 1964 |Ket Bhk. 14 06 1966 |Ven Bhk. 20 05 1967 |Sun Bhk. 20 01 1970 |Moo Bhk. 08 11 1970 28 06 1957 -> 20 06 1958 |Mar Bhk. 08 03 1972 20 06 1958 -> 08 07 1959 |Rah Bhk. 14 02 1973 08 07 1975 -> 08 07 1994 |Mer DASA 08 07 1994 08 07 1975 -> 11 07 1978 |Mer Bhk. 08 07 1994 11 07 1978 -> 20 03 1981 |Ket Bhk. 05 12 1996 20 03 1981 -> 29 04 1982 |Ven Bhk. 02 12 1997 29 04 1982 -> 29 06 1985 |Sun Bhk. 02 10 2000 29 06 1985 -> 11 06 1986 |Moo Bhk. 08 08 2001 11 06 1986 -> 11 01 1988 |Mar Bhk. 08 01 2003 11 01 1988 -> 20 02 1989 |Rah Bhk. 05 01 2004 20 02 1989 -> 26 12 1991 |Jup Bhk. 23 07 2006 26 12 1991 -> 08 07 1994 |Sat Bhk. 29 10 2008 08 07 2011 -> 08 07 2018 |Ven DASA 08 07 2018 08 07 2011 -> 05 12 2011 |Ven Bhk. 08 07 2018 05 12 2011 -> 05 02 2013 |Sun Bhk. 08 11 2021 05 02 2013 -> 11 06 2013 |Moo Bhk. 08 11 2022 11 06 2013 -> 11 01 2014 |Mar Bhk. 08 07 2024 11 01 2014 -> 08 06 2014 |Rah Bhk. 08 09 2025 08 06 2014 -> 26 06 2015 |Jup Bhk. 08 09 2028 26 06 2015 -> 02 06 2016 |Sat Bhk. 08 05 2031 02 06 2016 -> 11 07 2017 |Mer Bhk. 08 07 2034 11 07 2017 -> 08 07 2018 |Ket Bhk. 08 05 2037 08 07 2038 -> 08 07 2044 |Moo DASA 08 07 2044 08 07 2038 -> 26 10 2038 |Moo Bhk. 08 07 2044 26 10 2038 -> 26 04 2039 |Mar Bhk. 08 05 2045 26 04 2039 -> 02 09 2039 |Rah Bhk. 08 12 2045 02 09 2039 -> 26 07 2040 |Jup Bhk. 08 06 2047 26 07 2040 -> 14 05 2041 |Sat Bhk. 08 10 2048 14 05 2041 -> 26 04 2042 |Mer Bhk. 08 05 2050 26 04 2042 -> 02 03 2043 |Ket Bhk. 08 10 2051 02 03 2043 -> 08 07 2043 |Ven Bhk. 08 05 2052 08 07 2043 -> 08 07 2044 |Sun Bhk. 08 01 2054 08 07 2054 -> 08 07 2061 | 08 07 2054 -> 05 12 2054 | 05 12 2054 -> 23 12 2055 | 23 12 2055 -> 29 11 2056 | 29 11 2056 -> 08 01 2058 |


Moo Mar Sat Sat Mer Ket Ven Sun Moo Mar Rah Jup Ket Ket Ven Sun Moo Mar Rah Jup Sat Mer Sun Sun Moo Mar Rah Jup Sat Mer Ket Ven Mar Mar Rah Jup Sat

Bhk. Bhk. DASA Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. DASA Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. DASA Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. DASA Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk.

-> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> ->

08 26 08 14 20 20 08 08 14 08 08 05 02 02 08 08 05 23 29 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08

07 08 03 06 05 01 11 03 02 07 07 12 12 10 08 01 01 07 10 07 07 11 11 07 09 09 05 07 05 07 07 05 12 06 10 05 10 05 01 07

1975 1961 1964 1966 1967 1970 1970 1972 1973 1975 2011 1996 1997 2000 2001 2003 2004 2006 2008 2011 2038 2021 2022 2024 2025 2028 2031 2034 2037 2038 2054 2045 2045 2047 2048 2050 2051 2052 2054 2054

Mer Bhk. 08 01 2058 -> 05 01 2059 | Ket Bhk. 05 01 2059 -> 02 06 2059 | Ven Bhk. 02 06 2059 -> 02 08 2060 | Sun Bhk. 02 08 2060 -> 08 12 2060 | Moo Bhk. 08 12 2060 -> 08 07 2061 | ASTROLOGER: Kanakkumar.B. Bosmia DASA TO BE ENJOYED BY OSAMA BIN LADEN SAT Dasa 8 7 1975 TO SAT Bhk. 8 7 1975 TO 11 7 1978 |MER SAT Ant. 8 7 1975 TO 29 12 1975 |MER MER Ant. 29 12 1975 TO 3 6 1976 |KET KET Ant. 3 6 1976 TO 6 8 1976 |VEN VEN Ant. 6 8 1976 TO 7 2 1977 |SUN SUN Ant. 7 2 1977 TO 31 3 1977 |MOO MOO Ant. 31 3 1977 TO 1 7 1977 |MAR MAR Ant. 1 7 1977 TO 4 9 1977 |RAH RAH Ant. 4 9 1977 TO 17 2 1978 |JUP JUP Ant. 17 2 1978 TO 11 7 1978 |SAT KET Bhk. 20 3 1981 TO 29 4 1982 |VEN KET Ant. 20 3 1981 TO 13 4 1981 |VEN VEN Ant. 13 4 1981 TO 20 6 1981 |SUN SUN Ant. 20 6 1981 TO 10 7 1981 |MOO MOO Ant. 10 7 1981 TO 13 8 1981 |MAR MAR Ant. 13 8 1981 TO 6 9 1981 |RAH RAH Ant. 6 9 1981 TO 6 11 1981 |JUP JUP Ant. 6 11 1981 TO 29 12 1981 |SAT SAT Ant. 29 12 1981 TO 3 3 1982 |MER MER Ant. 3 3 1982 TO 29 4 1982 |KET SUN Bhk. 29 6 1985 TO 11 6 1986 |MOO SUN Ant. 29 6 1985 TO 16 7 1985 |MOO MOO Ant. 16 7 1985 TO 15 8 1985 |MAR MAR Ant. 15 8 1985 TO 5 9 1985 |RAH RAH Ant. 5 9 1985 TO 26 10 1985 |JUP JUP Ant. 26 10 1985 TO 11 12 1985 |SAT SAT Ant. 11 12 1985 TO 6 2 1986 |MER MER Ant. 6 2 1986 TO 24 3 1986 |KET KET Ant. 24 3 1986 TO 14 4 1986 |VEN VEN Ant. 14 4 1986 TO 11 6 1986 |SUN MAR Bhk. 11 1 1988 TO 20 2 1989 |RAH MAR Ant. 11 1 1988 TO 4 2 1988 |RAH RAH Ant. 4 2 1988 TO 4 4 1988 |JUP JUP Ant. 4 4 1988 TO 27 5 1988 |SAT SAT Ant. 27 5 1988 TO 30 7 1988 |MER MER Ant. 30 7 1988 TO 27 9 1988 |KET KET Ant. 27 9 1988 TO 20 10 1988 |VEN VEN Ant. 20 10 1988 TO 27 12 1988 |SUN SUN Ant. 27 12 1988 TO 17 1 1989 |MOO MOO Ant. 17 1 1989 TO 20 2 1989 |MAR JUP Bhk. 26 12 1991 TO 8 7 1994 JUP Ant. 26 12 1991 TO 27 4 1992 SAT Ant. 27 4 1992 TO 22 9 1992 MER Ant. 22 9 1992 TO 1 2 1993 KET Ant. 1 2 1993 TO 24 3 1993 VEN Ant. 24 3 1993 TO 26 8 1993 SUN Ant. 26 8 1993 TO 12 10 1993 MOO Ant. 12 10 1993 TO 28 12 1993 MAR Ant. 28 12 1993 TO 21 2 1994 RAH Ant. 21 2 1994 TO 8 7 1994 ASTROLOGER: Kanakkumar.B. Bosmia

8 7 1994 Bhk. 11 7 Ant. 11 7 Ant. 28 11 Ant. 25 1 Ant. 6 7 Ant. 25 8 Ant. 16 11 Ant. 12 1 Ant. 7 6 Ant. 17 10 Bhk. 29 4 Ant. 29 4 Ant. 9 11 Ant. 6 1 Ant. 11 4 Ant. 17 6 Ant. 8 12 Ant. 10 5 Ant. 11 11 Ant. 22 4 Bhk. 11 6 Ant. 11 6 Ant. 28 7 Ant. 2 9 Ant. 27 11 Ant. 13 2 Ant. 13 5 Ant. 4 8 Ant. 7 9 Ant. 12 12 Bhk. 20 2 Ant. 20 2 Ant. 24 7 Ant. 11 12 Ant. 23 5 Ant. 18 10 Ant. 18 12 Ant. 9 6 Ant. 31 7 Ant. 26 10

1978 1978 1978 1979 1979 1979 1979 1980 1980 1980 1982 1982 1982 1983 1983 1983 1983 1984 1984 1985 1986 1986 1986 1986 1986 1987 1987 1987 1987 1987 1989 1989 1989 1989 1990 1990 1990 1991 1991 1991


20 28 25 6 25 16 12 7 17 20 29 9 6 11 17 8 10 11 22 29 11 28 2 27 13 13 4 7 12 11 26 24 11 23 18 18 9 31 26 26

3 11 1 7 8 11 1 6 10 3 6 11 1 4 6 12 5 11 4 6 1 7 9 11 2 5 8 9 12 1 12 7 12 5 10 12 6 7 10 12

1981 1978 1979 1979 1979 1979 1980 1980 1980 1981 1985 1982 1983 1983 1983 1983 1984 1984 1985 1985 1988 1986 1986 1986 1987 1987 1987 1987 1987 1988 1991 1989 1989 1990 1990 1990 1991 1991 1991 1991

DASA TO BE ENJOYED BY OSAMA BIN LADEN MER Dasa 8 7 1994 TO MER Bhk. 8 7 1994 TO 5 12 1996 |KET MER Ant. 8 7 1994 TO 11 11 1994 |KET KET Ant. 11 11 1994 TO 1 1 1995 |VEN VEN Ant. 1 1 1995 TO 26 5 1995 |SUN SUN Ant. 26 5 1995 TO 9 7 1995 |MOO MOO Ant. 9 7 1995 TO 21 9 1995 |MAR MAR Ant. 21 9 1995 TO 12 11 1995 |RAH RAH Ant. 12 11 1995 TO 22 3 1996 |JUP JUP Ant. 22 3 1996 TO 18 7 1996 |SAT SAT Ant. 18 7 1996 TO 5 12 1996 |MER VEN Bhk. 2 12 1997 TO 2 10 2000 |SUN VEN Ant. 2 12 1997 TO 22 5 1998 |SUN SUN Ant. 22 5 1998 TO 13 7 1998 |MOO MOO Ant. 13 7 1998 TO 8 10 1998 |MAR MAR Ant. 8 10 1998 TO 7 12 1998 |RAH RAH Ant. 7 12 1998 TO 11 5 1999 |JUP JUP Ant. 11 5 1999 TO 27 9 1999 |SAT SAT Ant. 27 9 1999 TO 8 3 2000 |MER MER Ant. 8 3 2000 TO 3 8 2000 |KET KET Ant. 3 8 2000 TO 2 10 2000 |VEN MOO Bhk. 8 8 2001 TO 8 1 2003 |MAR MOO Ant. 8 8 2001 TO 20 9 2001 |MAR MAR Ant. 20 9 2001 TO 20 10 2001 |RAH RAH Ant. 20 10 2001 TO 7 1 2002 |JUP JUP Ant. 7 1 2002 TO 15 3 2002 |SAT SAT Ant. 15 3 2002 TO 6 6 2002 |MER MER Ant. 6 6 2002 TO 18 8 2002 |KET KET Ant. 18 8 2002 TO 18 9 2002 |VEN VEN Ant. 18 9 2002 TO 12 12 2002 |SUN SUN Ant. 12 12 2002 TO 8 1 2003 |MOO RAH Bhk. 5 1 2004 TO 23 7 2006 |JUP RAH Ant. 5 1 2004 TO 23 5 2004 |JUP JUP Ant. 23 5 2004 TO 25 9 2004 |SAT SAT Ant. 25 9 2004 TO 20 2 2005 |MER MER Ant. 20 2 2005 TO 30 6 2005 |KET KET Ant. 30 6 2005 TO 24 8 2005 |VEN VEN Ant. 24 8 2005 TO 27 1 2006 |SUN SUN Ant. 27 1 2006 TO 13 3 2006 |MOO MOO Ant. 13 3 2006 TO 29 5 2006 |MAR MAR Ant. 29 5 2006 TO 23 7 2006 |RAH SAT Bhk. 29 10 2008 TO 8 7 2011 SAT Ant. 29 10 2008 TO 2 4 2009 MER Ant. 2 4 2009 TO 20 8 2009 KET Ant. 20 8 2009 TO 16 10 2009 VEN Ant. 16 10 2009 TO 28 3 2010 SUN Ant. 28 3 2010 TO 16 5 2010 MOO Ant. 16 5 2010 TO 7 8 2010 MAR Ant. 7 8 2010 TO 4 10 2010 RAH Ant. 4 10 2010 TO 1 3 2011 JUP Ant. 1 3 2011 TO 8 7 2011

8 7 2011 Bhk. 5 12 Ant. 5 12 Ant. 26 12 Ant. 25 2 Ant. 13 3 Ant. 13 4 Ant. 4 5 Ant. 27 6 Ant. 15 8 Ant. 11 10 Bhk. 2 10 Ant. 2 10 Ant. 17 10 Ant. 13 11 Ant. 1 12 Ant. 17 1 Ant. 27 2 Ant. 16 4 Ant. 29 5 Ant. 17 6 Bhk. 8 1 Ant. 8 1 Ant. 29 1 Ant. 22 3 Ant. 10 5 Ant. 6 7 Ant. 27 8 Ant. 18 9 Ant. 17 11 Ant. 5 12 Bhk. 23 7 Ant. 23 7 Ant. 12 11 Ant. 21 3 Ant. 17 7 Ant. 4 9 Ant. 20 1 Ant. 1 3 Ant. 9 5 Ant. 27 6

1996 1996 1996 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2006 2006 2006 2007 2007 2007 2008 2008 2008 2008


2 26 25 13 13 4 27 15 11 2 8 17 13 1 17 27 16 29 17 8 5 29 22 10 6 27 18 17 5 5 29 12 21 17 4 20 1 9 27 29

12 12 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 8 10 11 12 1 2 4 5 6 8 1 1 3 5 7 8 9 11 12 1 10 11 3 7 9 1 3 5 6 10

1997 1996 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 2001 2000 2000 2000 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2004 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2004 2008 2006 2007 2007 2007 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008

: JAY MAI GADHECHI MA : No. 28 Sahakar 2- Jagabhai Park Rambaug: Maninagar AHMEDABAD 380 008 TEL: 079-25431165 MOBILE: 9825131165 email: BIRTH DETAILS OF OSAMA BIN LADEN




ORBS Conj,opp =8.Sq. Trine 6,SEXT 6,Semis 2, Rest 2 deg. Programme by RAICHUR 8/147 GARODIANAGAR BOMBAY-77 : JAY MAI GADHECHI MA : No. 28 Sahakar 2- Jagabhai Park Rambaug: Maninagar AHMEDABAD 380 008 TEL: 079-25431165 MOBILE: 9825131165 email: QUERY: DATE : 11 - 57 15 ) DASA BAL. : Rah 2 Y. 0 M. 10 Days: ENDS on 8 - 7 - 1959 Planet SUN. MOON MARS MERC JUP. VEN. SAT.-R RAHU KETU URAN NEPT-R FOR. PLUT S 3 3 4 3 6 4 8 7 1 4 7 5 5 D 13 18 11 5 0 2 15 24 24 12 6 7 5 M 6 29 3 52 57 57 58 5 5 10 41 14 18 se 50 46 45 48 49 9 54 47 47 12 52 58 48 Sgl Mer Mer Moo Mer Mer Moo Mar Ven Mar Moo Ven Sun Sun Stl Rah Rah Sat Mar Sun Jup Sat Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket Ket Sbl Mer Moo Moo Moo Rah Rah Jup Mer Mer Mar Rah Rah Mar Ssl Ven Jup Moo Jup Moo Sun Ven Mer Mer Rah Rah Sun Ket :Cusp :ASC :2nd :3rd :4th :5th :6th :7th :8th :9th :10th :11th :12th S 5 5 6 8 9 10 11 11 12 2 3 4 D 1 29 29 1 2 2 1 29 29 1 2 2 M 52 2 24 14 31 39 52 2 24 14 31 39 se 3 55 42 25 0 39 3 55 42 25 0 39 Sgl Sun Sun Mer Mar Jup Sat Sat Sat Jup Ven Mer Moo Stl Ket Sun Mar Jup Ket Sun Mar Jup Mer Sun Mar Jup Sbl Ven Mar Sat Mar Ven Jup Mer Sun Sat Jup Ket Rah SsL Rah Ven Rah Sun Sat Mar Sat Jup Rah Jup Sat Ven :FRIDAY: 28 - 6 - 1957 : TIME: 10 H. 27 M. 15 S.(I.S.T is 28

CUSP KUNDALI AS PER K.P. Shows Planets,Cusps,with Rasi Sign only. For retrogression,Deg Min refer to table above. Signs intercepted BUT with no planets in them are not printed.. *----------------------------------*----------------------------------* | * * * * | | * * * Ur 4 Ma 4 * | | * Ju 6 * * Ve 4 * | |3rd 6 * 2nd 5 * * 12t 4 * | | Ne 7 Ra 7 * * Asc 5 * * | | * Pl 5 Fo 5 * Mo 3| | * * * * Su 3 Me 3| | * * * * 11t 3| | * * * * | | * * * * | | * 4th 8 * * * | * Sa 8 * * | * * * * | | * * * 10t 2 * | | * * * * | |5th 9 * * * * | | * * * * | | * * | | * * * * Ke 1| | * 6th 10 * 7th 11 * 8th 11 * 9th 12| | * * * * | | * * * * | | * * * * | *----------------------------------*----------------------------------* : JAY MAI GADHECHI MA : No. 28 Sahakar 2- Jagabhai Park Rambaug: Maninagar AHMEDABAD 380 008 TEL: 079-25431165 MOBILE: 9825131165 email: BIRTH DETAILS OF OSAMA BIN LADEN SIGNIFICATORS OF HOUSES SIGNIFICATORS ARE SHOWN IN THE FOLLOWING ORDER OF IMPORTANCE A-Planets in Star of Occupants of House: B-Planets in House C-Planets in stars of House Lord: D-House Lord: E= Planets Aspected by A,B,C,D Trad aspects BY SIGN : F=Sub Lord HOUSE A B C D E F ---------------------------------------------------------------------ASC | |FOR:PLU: |JUP: |Sun|MO:ME: |Ven | | | | | | 2nd |VEN:RAH: |JUP: |JUP: |Sun|MO:ME:MA:KE|Mar | | | | | | 3rd |SUN:MOO:NEP: |RAH:NEP: | |Mer|SU:MO:KE:ME|Sat | | | | | | 4th |MAR:SAT:URA: |SAT: |MER: |Mar|VE:RA:SU:MO|Mar | | | | | | 5th | | |VEN:RAH: |Jup|MA:KE: |Ven | | | | | | 6th | | |MAR:SAT:URA|Sat|VE:RA: |Jup | | | | | | 7th | | |MAR:SAT:URA|Sat|VE:RA: |Mer | | | | | | 8th | | |MAR:SAT:URA|Sat|VE:RA: |Sun | | | | | |

9th |FOR:PLU: |KET: |VEN:RAH: |Jup|MA:KE:RA: |Sat | | | | | | 10th | | |KET: |Ven|MA:RA: |Jup | | | | | | 11th |JUP: |SUN:MOO:MER: | |Mer|SU:MO:ME: |Ket | | | | | | 12th |MER:KET: |MAR:VEN:URA: | |Moo|SU:ME:VE:RA|Rah | | | | |MO:MA: | ---------------------------------------------------------------------PLANET House Numbers Signified: Aspecting Planets SUN. A-03,B-11,D-As,D-02, :MO:ME:F- 8, MOON A-03,B-11,D-12, :SU:ME:FMARS A-04,B-12,C-06,C-07,C-08,D-04,:VE:F- 2, 4, MERC A-12,B-11,C-04,D-03,D-11, :SU:MO:F- 7, JUP. A-11,B-02,C-As,C-02,D-05,D-09,:F- 6,10, VEN. A-02,B-12,C-05,C-09,D-10, :MA:F- 1, 5, SAT. A-04,B-04,C-06,C-07,C-08,D-06,D-07,D-08, :F- 3, 9, RAHU A-02,B-03,C-05,C-09, :MA:KE:F-12, KETU A-12,B-09,C-10, :RA:F-11, URAN A-04,B-12,C-06,C-07,C-08, :MA:VE:FNEPT A-03,B-03, :MA:RA:KE:FFOR. A-09,B-As, :SA:FPLUT A-09,B-As, :SA:FRAHU will ACT as AGENT for Ven,Jup also KETU will ACT as AGENT for Mar,Ven also Planets EXALTED or in OWN house Strongly signify the house owned These are : MERC:OWN

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1838 From: Sourav Guchhait <sourav6282@...> Date: Tue Dec 7, 2004 3:26pm Subject: Re: Re: Query regarding birth of second child? sourav6282 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear tw, Thanks for your kind reply. Whatever you have written is absolutely true. It is true that 5th and 11th cusps are to be judged for promise of birth of 1'st child. But primarily, according to me, 5th cusp sublord is examined for "How to declare that one cannot have a child at all?" (KP Reader III, p 425.) 11th cusp is always important in money matters(2,6,11), job(2,6,10,11), marriage (2,7,11), child(2,5,11) etc specially in horary charts. Regards, Sourav.

--- tw853 <tw853@...> wrote: --------------------------------Dear Sourav Guchhait, 1. For 1st child, 5th & 11 th cusps are taken in judging "Is child birth promised or not?" in examples for both male and female, and generally houses 2, 5 and 11 are judged for the time of child birth, examples for male p 224 & p 227, and example for female p 230, KP Reader IV. (2nd is the increase in number of members of family by birth of children; 5th for offspring; 11th not only fruit of one's action, but also 5 th to 7 th partner, p 210 KP Reader IV) 2. For 2nd child, to judge houses 2,5,7, and 11; 7th is 3rd from 5th, 3rd is younger child, in an example, KP Reader IV, p 242. Best regards, tw

--- In, Sourav Guchhait <sourav6282@y...> wrote: > Dear Mr.Raichur,Yogesh Rao Lajmiji and tw, > > My opinion is :> 5'th cusp sublord signifying houses 2,5,11 means birth > of 1'st child is promised. If 5th sublord signifies > 2,5,11 "then only" one should check for 7th cusp > sublord for 2'nd child(without "1'st" it is not > possible for having "2'nd" including miscarriage). > After that, if 7th cusp sublord signifies 2,7,11 then > birth of 2'nd child is promised. > > I have two questions:> > How can we calculate considering the 3rd cusp of the > 1st Born, a Sibling promised or not? (3'rd cusp > sublord signifying 2,3,11 houses ? 2 is 12 to 3!) > > Also, How can we calculate considering the 11th cusp > of the 2nd Born, there is an Elder sibling or not? > (11'th cusp sublord signifying 2,11 ? Means good > income!)

> > - Regards > Sourav. > > > --- tw853 <tw853@y...> wrote: > > > --------------------------------> > Dear Yogesh Rao Lajmi, > > Is it not the same as mentioned in Msg # 1774, > > "to judge houses 2,5,7, and 11 for second conception, > KP > Reader IV, p 242 (for timing of child birth in > general)" > > Best regards, > > tw > > --- In, Yogesh Rao Lajmi > <lyrastro1@y...> > wrote: > > Dear Mr.Raichur, > > The VIIth cusp,can,like any > other cusp, > stand for different things,but it depends upon the > astrologer to > select the appropriate significations,for the > particular > query/judgement,don't you think so ? > > For example the Vth can > denote a lover,a > child or a card-game,opponent's victory/gain...and so > on,depending > upon the circumstances prevailing,or, being considered > at the TOJ... > > Therefore,in my humble > opinion,Mr.Raichur,the VII cusp for the second > child,based on the > IIIrd from the Vth,as younger sibling of the > first-born,seems to me > to be correct... > > With highest regards, > > lyrastro1 > > GOOD LUCK > ! > > > > anant raichur <anant_1608@y...> wrote: > > Dear Vinay > > > > This is a really serious issue. It is right to

> consider 7th Cusp, > and its connection with 2nd and 11th, for the 2nd > child. But as you > correctly raised the question, this is also the > consideration for > marriage. Since marriage is already forseen, and > foregone, the > answer will be the same. > > > > So it would be as good as stating, that One you are > promised > Marriage, You are promised the 2nd child as well. ||| > > > > I feel we should also consider the 5th House, as it > denotes child > birth in general, besides, the 1st child of a lady. > > > > The other solution is to consider the 3rd cusp of > the 1st Born? Is > a Sibling promised ? This would be a better solution. > > > > > > Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@y...> wrote: > > Dear Vinay, > > You are very correct,for the second > child it is > recommended that the VIIth cusp sublord shoul be > per > K.P., recently also there was a discussion on the > issue of whether > Father's chart or Mother's chart should be > analysed...etc. > > But for the second child I do not > think there is > any 'dispute' on taking the VIIth cusp for > consideration... > > Yours sincerely, > > lyrastro1 > > GOOD LUCK ! > > > > Vinay Tiwari <techn0pandit@y...> wrote: > > Respected gurus and friends, > > > > I was just going through a chart , for > birth of his second > child. > > Dear Guruz , Can you kindly answer for following > queries, > > 1) Which houses should be considered? > > 2)If i am not wrong 2,7,11 for second child ie ; 7 > is 3rd from 5th . > > But 2,7,11 also gives marriage? > > 3)If i want to confirm whether birth of second

child > is there in > chart should i C 7th sublord connection? or how > > > > Please i need guidence regarding same. > > > > > > Thanks In advance, > > > > Regards, > > Vinay Tiwari > > > > > > --------------------------------> > Do you Yahoo!? > > Take Yahoo! Mail with you! Get it on your mobile > phone. > > > > Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner > online. > > > > > > > > -----------------------------------------> > A.R.Raichur bombay > > anant_1608@y... > > raichuranant@y... > > USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY > > tel: 022-2506 2609 > > -----------------------------------------> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > --------------------------------> > Do you Yahoo!? Try it today! > > Meet the all-new My Yahoo! > > Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT > > > > > > --------------------------------> > Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the > Yahoo! Terms of > Service. > > > > > > Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life

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1839 From: Sourav Guchhait <sourav6282@...> Date: Tue Dec 7, 2004 3:28pm Subject: Re: Re: Query regarding birth of second child? sourav6282 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Group members, Thanks for your kind reply, specially to Mr.Raichur and tw. Mr. Yogesh Rao Lajmiji, I don't pretend/consider myself as an "astrolger" and even a "run-of-the-mill-fortune-teller". I am just a learner of KP. You have written "In the example..,by Sourav, we have to consider the IIIrd from the Vth,i.e., the VIIth for the sibling...not the IIIrd cusp...of the mother...rules should...........under examination..." - Well, I have not mentioned 3'rd cusp of the mother to check for 2'nd child of her, read my message again. - Regards Sourav. --- Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@...> wrote: > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Dear K.P. Group Members, A lot of (needless)"hair-splitting" seems to have crept in these this group,(possibly because of superficial reading of the KP Readers).I would suggest that we apply the known principles with a lot of care, and... I dare-say, a lot of common-sense and presence of mind... Any textbook in astrology will tell you that, of the 12 houses every house signifies a number of different and probably, even unrelated matters...thus,the proper and judicious selection/application of the significations,as said earlier, will depend upon the matter under examination and also the context in which the examination is being made...There, lies the skill of an accomplished astrologer,which differentiates him from a run-of-the-mill-fortune-teller...! It will be worthwhile to remember,that in prognostication,choosing of the correct and appropriate signification, after due care, to be applied,in reference to context,to the house/s being examined will decide to a large extent the accuracy and correctness of the prognostication... In the example cited above,by Sourav, we have to consider the IIIrd from the Vth,i.e., the VIIth for the sibling...not the IIIrd cusp...of the mother...rules should therefore be interpreted and understood properly,and also applied in the proper context of the matter under examination...

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

A simple and straightforward literal meaning if applied,could lead to wrong conclusions/results... With best wishes, lyrastro1 GOOD LUCK ! Sourav Guchhait <sourav6282@...> wrote: Dear Mr.Raichur,Yogesh Rao Lajmiji and tw, My opinion is :5'th cusp sublord signifying houses 2,5,11 means birth of 1'st child is promised. If 5th sublord signifies 2,5,11 "then only" one should check for 7th cusp sublord for 2'nd child(without "1'st" it is not possible for having "2'nd" including miscarriage). After that, if 7th cusp sublord signifies 2,7,11 then birth of 2'nd child is promised. I have two questions:How can we calculate considering the 3rd cusp of the 1st Born, a Sibling promised or not? (3'rd cusp sublord signifying 2,3,11 houses ? 2 is 12 to 3!) Also, How can we calculate considering the 11th cusp of the 2nd Born, there is an Elder sibling or not? (11'th cusp sublord signifying 2,11 ? Means good income!) - Regards Sourav. --- tw853 <tw853@...> wrote: --------------------------------Dear Yogesh Rao Lajmi, Is it not the same as mentioned in Msg # 1774, "to judge houses 2,5,7, and 11 for second conception, KP Reader IV, p 242 (for timing of child birth in general)" Best regards, tw --- In, Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@y...> wrote:

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> Dear Mr.Raichur, > The VIIth cusp,can,like any other cusp, stand for different things,but it depends upon the astrologer to select the appropriate significations,for the particular query/judgement,don't you think so ? > For example the Vth can denote a lover,a child or a card-game,opponent's victory/gain...and so on,depending upon the circumstances prevailing,or, being considered at the TOJ... > Therefore,in my humble opinion,Mr.Raichur,the VII cusp for the second child,based on the IIIrd from the Vth,as younger sibling of the first-born,seems to me to be correct... > With highest regards, > lyrastro1 > GOOD LUCK ! > > anant raichur <anant_1608@y...> wrote: > Dear Vinay > > This is a really serious issue. It is right to consider 7th Cusp, and its connection with 2nd and 11th, for the 2nd child. But as you correctly raised the question, this is also the consideration for marriage. Since marriage is already forseen, and foregone, the answer will be the same. > > So it would be as good as stating, that One you are promised Marriage, You are promised the 2nd child as well. ||| > > I feel we should also consider the 5th House, as it denotes child birth in general, besides, the 1st child of a lady. > > The other solution is to consider the 3rd cusp of the 1st Born? Is a Sibling promised ? This would be a better solution. > > > Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@y...> wrote:

> > Dear Vinay, > > You are very correct,for the > second > child it is > recommended that the VIIth cusp sublord shoul be > per > K.P., recently also there was a discussion on the > issue of whether > Father's chart or Mother's chart should be > analysed...etc. > > But for the second child I do > not > think there is > any 'dispute' on taking the VIIth cusp for > consideration... > > Yours sincerely, > > lyrastro1 > > GOOD LUCK > ! > > > > Vinay Tiwari <techn0pandit@y...> wrote: > > Respected gurus and friends, > > > > I was just going through a chart , for > birth of his second > child. > > Dear Guruz , Can you kindly answer for following > queries, > > 1) Which houses should be considered? > > 2)If i am not wrong 2,7,11 for second child ie ; 7 > is 3rd from 5th . > > But 2,7,11 also gives marriage? > > 3)If i want to confirm whether birth of second > child > is there in > chart should i C 7th sublord connection? or how > > > > Please i need guidence regarding same. > > > > > > Thanks In advance, > > > > Regards, > > Vinay Tiwari > > > > > > --------------------------------> > Do you Yahoo!? > === message truncated ===

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1840 From: "Sandy Crowther" <sandy@...> Date: Tue Dec 7, 2004 5:10pm Subject: Techniques: KP approved or not? detective_dunno Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear List Members,

Before I get myself in trouble again (J) by discussing Vedic techniques that are NOT KP approved, I thought I d ask a few questions of the more seasoned KP practi tioners on the list, to get your opinions on just a few Vedic techniques and the ir applicability (or not) to the system of KP.

I know the following techniques I am inquiring about may not be the primary indi cators/focus due to the KP strong emphasis on star and sub-lords, but what I wou ld like to know is if the following techniques are completely off limits (like t he Divisionals are) for delineation KP style - and therefore have no place in th is KP forum or if they are acceptable and given due consideration in KP delineat ions?

Badhakas (troublemakers) and Badhaka Sthanas (trouble spots?) Chara Karakas (temporary karakas based on priority of highest planetary degree), and if these are given KP consideration, is Rahu included in the Chara Karaka s cheme (8 planets used), or just the use of the 7 planet Chara Karakas scheme? Wh at about Sthira Karakas (fixed significators to assist in timing the death of re latives?) What about planets falling in Marana Karaka Sthana (indicators that houses owned by certain planets falling in certain placements will suffer like 12th for Sun, 8th for Moon, etc? If this is not a KP approved technique, has any research bee n done to date(that anyone is aware of) to discredit or address when the sub for a planetary significator falls in Marana Karaka Sthana ? I can think of more techniques, but I ll stop my questions at these. I m just trying to discern what s what J because I was blown away at the non-usage of vargas, so this is a start.

Important to me: I would also like to know if one or two of the above techniques are acceptable in KP, and a third is not, (or vice-versa), is it because resear ch has been done indicating that the technique has already been researched and h as no value in KP, or is it because no one has previously mentioned the techniqu e in their writings OR done any research on its applicability therefore it is no t (yet) considered a viable possibility in KP delineation so it may or may not b e applicable? Just curious Thanks.

All the Best,

Sandy Crowther

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1841 From: rongaunt <rongaunt@...> Date: Tue Dec 7, 2004 5:36pm Subject: Re: Re: KPBC3 Analysis rongaunt1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Yogesh, tw and any others interested, As a beginner in KP I have watched the priority order of Rahu and Ketu substitution as stated below. What I have noticed is that authors do always stick to this order. ie. they may quote the sign ruler as operative, when say Rahu is closely conjoined to a planet. It appears that there is at least a suspicion that the Rahu and Ketu can represent ALL rather than just the obvious one ie the first in rank order. This could be likened to a group of students around a Guru. There will be one who is predominant and close to the teacher. There will be others occasionally active and those who will be peripheral and seldom take active part. However, occasionally to make a point or when predominant students are not participating, the Guru may focus his attention on the inactive student because the point is very relevant to his situation. Any comments or observations on whether only one planet is represented by the Node or all factors are represented? Ron Gaunt

On Tue, 07 Dec 2004 13:21:03 +0000, you wrote: >Dear tw853, > are right,therefore, Kethu does represent Merc,the lord of the sign he is posited in... also...but that comes last in strength...Computer Programmes may have given the best houses the last option is very obvious...perhaps... > Thanks for the input... > Yours sincerely, > lyrastro1

> > >tw853 <tw853@...> wrote: > >Dear Yogesh Rao Lajmi, > > >I. KP Reader III, 1984, Part I, p. 123 > >1. Rahu & Kethu indicates the results of planet which they are >conjoined. > >2. If no planet in conjunction, the results of planets aspecting >them. > >3. If neither conjoined nor aspected, the results of the Stl. > >4. Lastly the result of the sign. > > >II. KP Reader III, 1984, Part I, p. 124 > >1. Rahu or Kethu gives results to greater extent than what Stl >can offer. > >2. Imagine as though Stl is posited in that house in which Rahu >or Ketu tenanted. > >3. Also imagine that Stl is posited in that bhava. And it gives >results to greater extent. > > >KPBC3 > >III. As per rules in p. 123, KP Reader III, > >1. Saturn signifying 1,10,10,3,4 >2. Nil >3. Sun indicating 10,1,10 >4. Mercury indicating 2,2,7,12,8,11 > >IV. As per explanation in p. 124, KP Reader III, > >It is imagined as though Sun is posited in 10H. > >Note: Computer results are showing basic houses signified by Kethu as >1,10, 10, by Raichur or any other. > > >tw > > > >--- In, Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@y...> >wrote: >> Dear Mandar, >> As Mr.Bosmia says,Kethu is in Merc's sign,hence >it represents read chapter on Nodes...and study it >thoroughly,you will find out what you are missing... >> In one of my very recent contribution to this

>group,I have mentioned about how a superfluous reading can hamper >one's more suggestion,while studying K.P., one should >have his mind CLEANED OF all previous learning...and begin anew all > avoid possible confusions due to past impressions deeply >engraved perhaps... >> Yours sincerely, >> lyrastro1 >> GOOD LUCK ! >> >> Mandar Behere <mandarbehere@y...> wrote: >> The chart for KPBC3 shows that Ketu is at 6-0-20-51 >> and hence posited in 10th cusp (11th cusp starts at >> 6-15-4-39). So Ketu would signify 10th house and not >> 11th house. Is this correct? If so, since 10th house >> is 12th of 11th, Ketu would give negative effects >> since node is stronger than planet. >> >> Also start lord of Ketu is Sun posited in 1st cusp and >> hence ketu also signifies 1st i.e. 12th of 2nd house. >> Hence in this way as well, ketu will negate the >> effects when we are considering event related to 2nd. >> >> What am I missing here? >> >> Thanks for your reply. >> - Mandar >> --- Kanakkumar Bosmia <kanbosastro@h...> wrote: >> >> >> -------------------------------->> >> Dear Mander, >> >> ketu is in sign of mer and mer is lord of 11th. >> >> kanak bosmia >> >> >> >> >> >From: Mandar Behere <mandarbehere@y...> >> >Reply-To: >> >To: >> >Subject: Re: [k_p_system] Re: KPBC3 Analysis >> >Date: Mon, 6 Dec 2004 20:23:14 -0800 (PST) >> > >> >Thanks Ron for your reply. >> > >> >For others, can anybody throw some light on my >> >queries? >> >Stating here again: >> >1. in KPBC3, while choosing the Dasa sequence, I left >> >Ketu, since Ketu was signifying 1st and 10th cusp. >> But >> >it seems that Ketu only gave the result. Any >> reasoning >> >for this? >> >2. For having a child is it necessary that 5th Sub >> >should signify 2 AND 5 AND 11th cusp or it can >> signify

>> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>

>any one of 2,5,11th cusp? > >- Mandar >--- rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > > > > > Mandar, > > > > Please see replies ++.....................++ > > > > Ron Gaunt > > > > > > > > On Mon, 06 Dec 2004 07:04:52 +0000, you wrote: > > > > > > > > > > >Hi, > > > > > >I have few queries regarding the analysis. Could > > you please answer > > >them? Please look for ***. > > > > > >--- In, rongaunt > > <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > > >> > > >> > > >> HOUSES AND SIGNIFICATORS > > >> > > >> The event was the birth of a child. The > > relevant houses are 2 > > >> for family, 5 for children, and 11 for desire. > > >> > > >> Lord of 2 and 5 is Jupiter who is in the star of > > Rahu sub > > >> Jupiter. Natal Rahu is in Jupiter Rasi hence > > all important > > >> de-facto ruler of the 5th house. Natal Rahu is > > in the star of > > >> Jupiter, so there is intimate and close > > connection between > > >> Jupiter and Rahu. > > >> > > >> Lord of 11 is Mercury who is in the star of > > Venus sub of Saturn, > > >> hence there may be some delay in having the first > > child. > > >> Natal Mercury is associated with Venus and both > > are in > > >> the 2nd house disposed by Jupiter hence > > associated with Rahu. > > >> > > >> Therefore all 3 houses 2,5, and 11, promise a > > child through > > >> Mercury as 11 house significator who is resident > > in 2 and linked

>> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>

> > >> through Jupiter and Rahu to the 5th house. > > >*** Is it mandatory that all the 3 houses should > > promise a child or > > >there is a OR condition? > > > > ++ I have taken it myself that all 3 houses should > > promise a > > child. However, I am relatively new to KP > > and if this is > > not correct I would appreciate views from > > experienced > > members. ++ > > >> > > >> > > >> DASAS > > >> > > >> The first appropriate dasa sequence appears to be > > Mo/Ke/Mer. > > >> commencing 31st Aug 1980. Ketu is in Mercury's > > rashi and would > > >> appear ideal. However, as we have seen Mercury > > is in the sub > > >> of Saturn hence likely to delay. > > >> > > >> Mo/Ve starts 30th Sep 1980. Venus Buhkti is > > promising in that > > >> natal Venus is in the 2nd house, associated with > > Mercury, in Sag > > >> Jupiter's rashi which is the same for the 5th > > house. > > >> In Handbook of Astrology Part 1 page 47 the > > author states > > >> 'Child birth can only be expected during the > > period of that > > >> planet which is placed favorably in the sub of > > one occupying or > > >> owning the 2nd,5th, or the 11th.' The only > > planet fulfilling > > >> this condition is Mercury which is in the sub of > > Venus occupying > > >> the 2nd house. > > >> > > >> Therefore the dasa sequence that fulfills the > > conditions is > > >> Mo/Ve/Me which runs from 30th Jan 1982 to 25th > > April 1982. > > >> However Mo/Ve/Ke (Ke substitutes for Mercury) > > runs from 25/4/1982 > > >> to 31st May 1982. So the birth could take place > > between 30th > > >> Jan to 25th April 1982. > > >*** Since ketu is signifiying 1 and 10 i.e. 12th of > > 2 and 11

>> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>

> > >respectively, wouldn't it give negative effects on > > the result? Since > > >nodes are stronger than planets, I forced myself to > > leave out ketu > > >period, and Mercury period as well. And hence > > landed up with the dasa > > >sequence Moon/Ven/Ven or Moon/Ven/Moon. Was my > > assumption wrong? What > > >is the exact rule regarding this? > > > > > ++ Sorry due to my inexperience in KP I cannot > > quote a rule. > > I simply took it for granted that if a > > planet which is > > "placed favorably in the sub of one occupying > > or > > owning the 2nd,5th, or the 11th". the event > > would > > fructify. Again, perhaps more experienced > > members can > > answer. ++ > > > > >Thanks is advance, > > >Mandar > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >__________________________________ >Do you Yahoo!? >Yahoo! Mail - Find what you need with new enhanced search. >

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1842 From: "tw853" <tw853@...> Date: Tue Dec 7, 2004 9:48pm Subject: Re: KPBC3 Analysis tw853 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Ron Gaunt, 1. No suspicion that Nodes can represent ALL as explained simultaneously in three KP Readers, after crowing discovery of Sbl by research and further research has crowned him with success; a. KP Reader III, 1984, Part One, p.137-144 b. KP Reader V, 1983, p. 137-144 c. KP Reader VI, 1978, p. 81-87 2. What mentioned in p 123-124, KP Reader III, p 123-124, KP Reader V & p 307-313, Astrosecrets & KP, Part I is the importance given to Nodes with priotization, which is a specific feature of KP. Best regards, tw

--- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > > Yogesh, tw and any others interested, > > As a beginner in KP I have watched the priority order of Rahu and > Ketu substitution as stated below. What I have noticed is > that authors do always stick to this order. ie. they may quote > the sign ruler as operative, when say Rahu is closely conjoined > to a planet. > > It appears that there is at least a suspicion that the Rahu and > Ketu can represent ALL rather than just the obvious one ie the > first in rank order. This could be likened to a group of > students around a Guru. There will be one who is predominant > and close to the teacher. There will be others occasionally > active and those who will be peripheral and seldom take active > part. However, occasionally to make a point or when > predominant students are not participating, the Guru may focus > his attention on the inactive student because the point is very > relevant to his situation. > > Any comments or observations on whether only one planet is > represented by the Node or all factors are represented? > >

> Ron Gaunt > > > > On Tue, 07 Dec 2004 13:21:03 +0000, you wrote: > > >Dear tw853, > > are right,therefore, Kethu does represent Merc,the lord of the sign he is posited in... also...but that comes last in strength...Computer Programmes may have given the best houses the last option is very obvious...perhaps... > > Thanks for the input... > > Yours sincerely, > > lyrastro1 > > > > > >tw853 <tw853@y...> wrote: > > > >Dear Yogesh Rao Lajmi, > > > > > >I. KP Reader III, 1984, Part I, p. 123 > > > >1. Rahu & Kethu indicates the results of planet which they are > >conjoined. > > > >2. If no planet in conjunction, the results of planets aspecting > >them. > > > >3. If neither conjoined nor aspected, the results of the Stl. > > > >4. Lastly the result of the sign. > > > > > >II. KP Reader III, 1984, Part I, p. 124 > > > >1. Rahu or Kethu gives results to greater extent than what Stl > >can offer. > > > >2. Imagine as though Stl is posited in that house in which Rahu > >or Ketu tenanted. > > > >3. Also imagine that Stl is posited in that bhava. And it gives > >results to greater extent. > > > > > >KPBC3 > > > >III. As per rules in p. 123, KP Reader III, > > > >1. Saturn signifying 1,10,10,3,4 > >2. Nil > >3. Sun indicating 10,1,10 > >4. Mercury indicating 2,2,7,12,8,11

> > > >IV. As per explanation in p. 124, KP Reader III, > > > >It is imagined as though Sun is posited in 10H. > > > >Note: Computer results are showing basic houses signified by Kethu as > >1,10, 10, by Raichur or any other. > > > > > >tw > > > > > > > >--- In, Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@y...> > >wrote: > >> Dear Mandar, > >> As Mr.Bosmia says,Kethu is in Merc's sign,hence > >it represents read chapter on Nodes...and study it > >thoroughly,you will find out what you are missing... > >> In one of my very recent contribution to this > >group,I have mentioned about how a superfluous reading can hamper > >one's more suggestion,while studying K.P., one should > >have his mind CLEANED OF all previous learning...and begin anew all > > avoid possible confusions due to past impressions deeply > >engraved perhaps... > >> Yours sincerely, > >> lyrastro1 > >> GOOD LUCK ! > >> > >> Mandar Behere <mandarbehere@y...> wrote: > >> The chart for KPBC3 shows that Ketu is at 6-0-20-51 > >> and hence posited in 10th cusp (11th cusp starts at > >> 6-15-4-39). So Ketu would signify 10th house and not > >> 11th house. Is this correct? If so, since 10th house > >> is 12th of 11th, Ketu would give negative effects > >> since node is stronger than planet. > >> > >> Also start lord of Ketu is Sun posited in 1st cusp and > >> hence ketu also signifies 1st i.e. 12th of 2nd house. > >> Hence in this way as well, ketu will negate the > >> effects when we are considering event related to 2nd. > >> > >> What am I missing here? > >> > >> Thanks for your reply. > >> - Mandar > >> --- Kanakkumar Bosmia <kanbosastro@h...> wrote: > >> > >> > >> --------------------------------> >> > >> Dear Mander, > >> > >> ketu is in sign of mer and mer is lord of 11th. > >>

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

>> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>

kanak bosmia

>From: Mandar Behere <mandarbehere@y...> >Reply-To: >To: >Subject: Re: [k_p_system] Re: KPBC3 Analysis >Date: Mon, 6 Dec 2004 20:23:14 -0800 (PST) > >Thanks Ron for your reply. > >For others, can anybody throw some light on my >queries? >Stating here again: >1. in KPBC3, while choosing the Dasa sequence, I left >Ketu, since Ketu was signifying 1st and 10th cusp. But >it seems that Ketu only gave the result. Any reasoning >for this? >2. For having a child is it necessary that 5th Sub >should signify 2 AND 5 AND 11th cusp or it can signify >any one of 2,5,11th cusp? > >- Mandar >--- rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > > > > > Mandar, > > > > Please see replies ++.....................++ > > > > Ron Gaunt > > > > > > > > On Mon, 06 Dec 2004 07:04:52 +0000, you wrote: > > > > > > > > > > >Hi, > > > > > >I have few queries regarding the analysis. Could > > you please answer > > >them? Please look for ***. > > > > > >--- In, rongaunt > > <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > > >> > > >> > > >> HOUSES AND SIGNIFICATORS > > >> > > >> The event was the birth of a child. The > > relevant houses are 2 > > >> for family, 5 for children, and 11 for desire. > > >> > > >> Lord of 2 and 5 is Jupiter who is in the star

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

>> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>

of > > Rahu sub > > >> Jupiter. Natal Rahu is in Jupiter Rasi hence > > all important > > >> de-facto ruler of the 5th house. Natal Rahu is > > in the star of > > >> Jupiter, so there is intimate and close > > connection between > > >> Jupiter and Rahu. > > >> > > >> Lord of 11 is Mercury who is in the star of > > Venus sub of Saturn, > > >> hence there may be some delay in having the first > > child. > > >> Natal Mercury is associated with Venus and both > > are in > > >> the 2nd house disposed by Jupiter hence > > associated with Rahu. > > >> > > >> Therefore all 3 houses 2,5, and 11, promise a > > child through > > >> Mercury as 11 house significator who is resident > > in 2 and linked > > >> through Jupiter and Rahu to the 5th house. > > >*** Is it mandatory that all the 3 houses should > > promise a child or > > >there is a OR condition? > > > > ++ I have taken it myself that all 3 houses should > > promise a > > child. However, I am relatively new to KP > > and if this is > > not correct I would appreciate views from > > experienced > > members. ++ > > >> > > >> > > >> DASAS > > >> > > >> The first appropriate dasa sequence appears to be > > Mo/Ke/Mer. > > >> commencing 31st Aug 1980. Ketu is in Mercury's > > rashi and would > > >> appear ideal. However, as we have seen Mercury > > is in the sub > > >> of Saturn hence likely to delay. > > >> > > >> Mo/Ve starts 30th Sep 1980. Venus Buhkti is > > promising in that > > >> natal Venus is in the 2nd house, associated with > > Mercury, in Sag > > >> Jupiter's rashi which is the same for the 5th > > house. > > >> In Handbook of Astrology Part 1 page 47 the

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

>> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>

> > author states > > >> 'Child birth can only be expected during the > > period of that > > >> planet which is placed favorably in the sub of > > one occupying or > > >> owning the 2nd,5th, or the 11th.' The only > > planet fulfilling > > >> this condition is Mercury which is in the sub of > > Venus occupying > > >> the 2nd house. > > >> > > >> Therefore the dasa sequence that fulfills the > > conditions is > > >> Mo/Ve/Me which runs from 30th Jan 1982 to 25th > > April 1982. > > >> However Mo/Ve/Ke (Ke substitutes for Mercury) > > runs from 25/4/1982 > > >> to 31st May 1982. So the birth could take place > > between 30th > > >> Jan to 25th April 1982. > > >*** Since ketu is signifiying 1 and 10 i.e. 12th of > > 2 and 11 > > >respectively, wouldn't it give negative effects on > > the result? Since > > >nodes are stronger than planets, I forced myself to > > leave out ketu > > >period, and Mercury period as well. And hence > > landed up with the dasa > > >sequence Moon/Ven/Ven or Moon/Ven/Moon. Was my > > assumption wrong? What > > >is the exact rule regarding this? > > > > > ++ Sorry due to my inexperience in KP I cannot > > quote a rule. > > I simply took it for granted that if a > > planet which is > > "placed favorably in the sub of one occupying > > or > > owning the 2nd,5th, or the 11th". the event > > would > > fructify. Again, perhaps more experienced > > members can > > answer. ++ > > > > >Thanks is advance, > > >Mandar > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

>> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>

> > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >__________________________________ >Do you Yahoo!? >Yahoo! Mail - Find what you need with new enhanced search. >

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1843 From: "tw853" <tw853@...> Date: Tue Dec 7, 2004 10:03pm Subject: Re: Techniques: KP approved or not? tw853 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Sandy Crowther, According to my limited KP knowledge, my personal opinion is as follows: 1. First one is okay. 2. Second one, not much familiar for me. 3. Third one may not be much problem except that generally Asc alone is applied in KP. Best regards, tw --- In, "Sandy Crowther" <sandy@t...> wrote: > Dear List Members, > > >

> Before I get myself in trouble again (:-)) by discussing Vedic > techniques that are NOT KP approved, I thought I'd ask a few questions > of the more seasoned KP practitioners on the list, to get your opinions > on just a few Vedic techniques and their applicability (or not) to the > system of KP. > > > > I know the following techniques I am inquiring about may not be the > primary indicators/focus due to the KP strong emphasis on star and > sub-lords, but what I would like to know is if the following techniques > are completely off limits (like the Divisionals are) for delineation KP > style - and therefore have no place in this KP forum - or if they are > acceptable and given due consideration in KP delineations? > > > > 1. Badhakas (troublemakers) and Badhaka Sthanas (trouble spots?) > 2. Chara Karakas (temporary karakas based on priority of highest > planetary degree), and if these are given KP consideration, is Rahu > included in the Chara Karaka scheme (8 planets used), or just the use of > the 7 planet Chara Karakas scheme? What about Sthira Karakas (fixed > significators to assist in timing the death of relatives?) > 3. What about planets falling in Marana Karaka Sthana (indicators > that houses owned by certain planets falling in certain placements will > suffer - like 12th for Sun, 8th for Moon, etc? If this is not a KP > approved technique, has any research been done to date(that anyone is > aware of) to discredit or address when the sub for a planetary > significator falls in Marana Karaka Sthana ? > > > > I can think of more techniques, but I'll stop my questions at these. I'm > just trying to discern "what's what".:-) because I was blown away at the > non-usage of vargas, so this is a start. > > > > Important to me: I would also like to know if one or two of the above > techniques are acceptable in KP, and a third is not, (or viceversa), is > it because research has been done indicating that the technique has > already been researched and has no value in KP, or is it because no one > has previously mentioned the technique in their writings OR done any > research on its applicability - therefore it is not (yet) considered a > viable possibility in KP delineation - so it may or may not be

> applicable? Just curious.Thanks. > > > > > > All the Best, > > Sandy Crowther > > > > <>

1844 From: "tw853" <tw853@...> Date: Tue Dec 7, 2004 11:10pm Subject: Re: Query regarding birth of second child? tw853 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Sourav Guchhait, 1. Just referring KP Readers not to be called a fortune teller. 2. "A child at all", KP Reader III, p 425 (Part II, p 252 in 1984 edition) may be comparable to "Any child at all", p 223-226, KP Reader V, 1984. 3. Among iportance of 10th as mentioned, 5 and 11 alone specify increase in number of the family by birth of children , p 226, KP Readr V. Best regards, tw

--- In, Sourav Guchhait <sourav6282@y...> wrote: > Dear tw, > Thanks for your kind reply. > Whatever you have written is absolutely true. It is > true that 5th and 11th cusps are to be judged for > promise of birth of 1'st child. > But primarily, according to me, 5th cusp sublord is > examined for "How to declare that one cannot have a > child at all?" (KP Reader III, p 425.) > > 11th cusp is always important in money > matters(2,6,11), job(2,6,10,11), marriage (2,7,11), > child(2,5,11) etc specially in horary charts. > > Regards, > Sourav. >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

--- tw853 <tw853@y...> wrote: --------------------------------Dear Sourav Guchhait, 1. For 1st child, 5th & 11 th cusps are taken in judging "Is child birth promised or not?" in examples for both male and female, and generally houses 2, 5 and 11 are judged for the time of child birth, examples for male p 224 & p 227, and example for female p 230, KP Reader IV. (2nd is the increase in number of members of family by birth of children; 5th for offspring; 11th not only fruit of one's action, but also 5 th to 7 th partner, p 210 KP Reader IV) 2. For 2nd child, to judge houses 2,5,7, and 11; 7th is 3rd from 5th, 3rd is younger child, in an example, KP Reader IV, p 242. Best regards, tw

--- In, Sourav Guchhait <sourav6282@y...> wrote: > Dear Mr.Raichur,Yogesh Rao Lajmiji and tw, > > My opinion is :> 5'th cusp sublord signifying houses 2,5,11 means birth > of 1'st child is promised. If 5th sublord signifies > 2,5,11 "then only" one should check for 7th cusp > sublord for 2'nd child(without "1'st" it is not > possible for having "2'nd" including miscarriage). > After that, if 7th cusp sublord signifies 2,7,11 then > birth of 2'nd child is promised. > > I have two questions:> > How can we calculate considering the 3rd cusp of the > 1st Born, a Sibling promised or not? (3'rd cusp > sublord signifying 2,3,11 houses ? 2 is 12 to 3!) > > Also, How can we calculate considering the 11th cusp > of the 2nd Born, there is an Elder sibling or not? > (11'th cusp sublord signifying 2,11 ? Means good > income!)

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > - Regards > Sourav. > > > --- tw853 <tw853@y...> wrote: > > > --------------------------------> > Dear Yogesh Rao Lajmi, > > Is it not the same as mentioned in Msg # 1774, > > "to judge houses 2,5,7, and 11 for second conception, > KP > Reader IV, p 242 (for timing of child birth in > general)" > > Best regards, > > tw > > --- In, Yogesh Rao Lajmi > <lyrastro1@y...> > wrote: > > Dear Mr.Raichur, > > The VIIth cusp,can,like any > other cusp, > stand for different things,but it depends upon the > astrologer to > select the appropriate significations,for the > particular > query/judgement,don't you think so ? > > For example the Vth can > denote a lover,a > child or a card-game,opponent's victory/gain...and so > on,depending > upon the circumstances prevailing,or, being considered > at the TOJ... > > Therefore,in my humble > opinion,Mr.Raichur,the VII cusp for the second > child,based on the > IIIrd from the Vth,as younger sibling of the > first-born,seems to me > to be correct... > > With highest regards, > > lyrastro1 > > GOOD LUCK > ! > > > > anant raichur <anant_1608@y...> wrote: > > Dear Vinay > > > > This is a really serious issue. It is right to

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> consider 7th Cusp, > and its connection with 2nd and 11th, for the 2nd > child. But as you > correctly raised the question, this is also the > consideration for > marriage. Since marriage is already forseen, and > foregone, the > answer will be the same. > > > > So it would be as good as stating, that One you are > promised > Marriage, You are promised the 2nd child as well. ||| > > > > I feel we should also consider the 5th House, as it > denotes child > birth in general, besides, the 1st child of a lady. > > > > The other solution is to consider the 3rd cusp of > the 1st Born? Is > a Sibling promised ? This would be a better solution. > > > > > > Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@y...> wrote: > > Dear Vinay, > > You are very correct,for the second > child it is > recommended that the VIIth cusp sublord shoul be > per > K.P., recently also there was a discussion on the > issue of whether > Father's chart or Mother's chart should be > analysed...etc. > > But for the second child I do not > think there is > any 'dispute' on taking the VIIth cusp for > consideration... > > Yours sincerely, > > lyrastro1 > > GOOD LUCK ! > > > > Vinay Tiwari <techn0pandit@y...> wrote: > > Respected gurus and friends, > > > > I was just going through a chart , for > birth of his second > child. > > Dear Guruz , Can you kindly answer for following > queries, > > 1) Which houses should be considered? > > 2)If i am not wrong 2,7,11 for second child ie ; 7 > is 3rd from 5th . > > But 2,7,11 also gives marriage? > > 3)If i want to confirm whether birth of second

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

child > is there in > chart should i C 7th sublord connection? or how > > > > Please i need guidence regarding same. > > > > > > Thanks In advance, > > > > Regards, > > Vinay Tiwari > > > > > > --------------------------------> > Do you Yahoo!? > > Take Yahoo! Mail with you! Get it on your mobile > phone. > > > > Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner > online. > > > > > > > > -----------------------------------------> > A.R.Raichur bombay > > anant_1608@y... > > raichuranant@y... > > USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY > > tel: 022-2506 2609 > > -----------------------------------------> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > --------------------------------> > Do you Yahoo!? Try it today! > > Meet the all-new My Yahoo! > > Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT > > > > > > --------------------------------> > Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the > Yahoo! Terms of > Service. > > > > > > Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life

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1845 From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@...> Date: Wed Dec 8, 2004 0:01am Subject: Re: BIRTH TIME RECTIFICATION OF OSAMA BIN LADEN lyrastro1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Kanak, I admire you for diligently working out Osama bin Laden's char t, and I shall study it and send you my a couple of days...please... Once again,allow me to thank you very much...and admire you fo r the effort you've taken to arrive at the Birth Time of Osama collating all dat a available and then applying the RPs for arriving at the correct TOB. ! Yours sincerely, lyrastro1 GOOD LUCK ! Kanakkumar Bosmia <> wrote: Dear KP Lovers, I found on web birth details of Osama bin laden. acording to three dates areavailable as under: 30th july 1957 . 10th march 1957 , 27th june 1957 BITH PLCE JEDDAH thay quote somany astrologer about date and time. but i start checking by KP Met hod so i put Ruling planet on 04th dec.2004 @20:59:57 at L G Hospital/Ahmedabad India 23 N 00 72 E 36 D.L. : SAT Asc. 03:02:18:24 MOO , JUP , RAHU , MER MOON : 04:14:33:35 SUN , VEN , VEN , JUP according to rule RP Asc = Birth Moon For Day we have to check Mon , For Month we have to chack Sun and for Year we ha ve to check JUP 10th March 1957 JUP was @4:00 AM (jeddah)(00.00 GMT) JUP Rt. MER ,SUN ,SAT 27TH Jun 1957 JUP was @4:00 AM (jeddah)(00.00 GMT) JUP MER, SUN, RAHU 30Th JULY 1957 JUP was @4:00 AM (jeddah)(00.00 GMT) JUP MER, SUN, MER RP Asc = MOO , JUP , RAHU , MER sub lord is supremo so check JUP 's sub for all three year. In our RP SAT is not available so 10th March 1957 is out of question. Now MER and RAHU both are in RP but we accept only Rahu b'coz MER is in VEN sub and Rahu is in Rahu sub. Ven is not in our RP(RP Asc.) so the Year of birth is only JUN 1957 is correct. --------------------------------------------------------------------------DATE SATURDAY 4 12 2004 5.30 am I.S.T.SID TIME AT 5.30 LT= 10 H. 22 M. 35 S. Time show is for sub ending +/- 1 min. SUN. 7 18 20 44 Mar Mer Mer : ends at 10:27)(Mer-Ket 28:47)

MOON 4 6 39 32 Sun Ket Rah : ends at 07:16) MOON 1 4 12 45 43 Sun Ket Mer : MARS 6 21 25 43 Ven Jup Jup : ends at 17:53) MERC -R 8 1 50 28 Jup Ket Ven : NO end JUP. 5 19 52 50 Mer Moo Ket : NO END VEN. 6 20 20 4 Ven Jup Jup : NO END SAT. -R 3 2 52 38 Moo Jup Rah : NO end RAHU -R 0 5 58 14 Mar Ket Rah : NO end KETU -R 6 5 58 14 Ven Mar Moo : NO end URAN 10 9 14 53 Sat Rah Jup : NO END NEPT 9 19 14 40 Sat Moo Mer : NO END MOON:(Ket-Jup 10:50)(Ket-Sat 14:56)(Ket-Mer 18:37)(Ven-Ven 23:00) (Ven-Sun 24:18)(Ven-Moo 26:29)(Ven-Mar 28:01) --------------------------------------------------------------------------for checking of Day we have to check MOON --------------------------------------------------------------------------DATE THURSDAY 27 6 1957 5.30 am I.S.T.SID TIME AT 5.30 LT= 23 H. 49 M. 20 S. Time show is for sub ending +/- 1 min. SUN. 2 11 54 8 Mer Rah Sat : ends at 21:54) MOON 2 0 18 26 Mer Mar Mer : ends at 08:10) MOON 1 2 7 24 37 Mer Rah Rah : MARS 3 10 15 58 Moo Sat Ven : ends at 08:04) MERC 2 3 11 8 Mer Mar Ven : ends at 24:47) JUP. 5 0 49 36 Mer Sun Rah : NO END VEN. 3 1 24 9 Moo Jup Rah : NO END SAT. -R 7 16 3 38 Mar Sat Jup : NO end RAHU -R 6 24 9 49 Ven Jup Mer : NO end KETU -R 0 24 9 49 Mar Ven Mer : NO end URAN 3 12 5 58 Moo Sat Moo : ends at 10:33) NEPT -R 6 6 42 25 Ven Rah Rah : NO end MOON:(Mar-Ket 09:35)(Mar-Ven 13:17)(Mar-Sun 14:24)(Mar-Moo 16:15) (Rah-Rah 19:37)(Rah-Jup 22:38)(Rah-Sat 26:12)(Rah-Mer 29:23) --------------------------------------------------------------------------DATE FRIDAY 28 6 1957 5.30 am I.S.T.SID TIME AT 5.30 LT= 23 H. 53 M. 17 S. Time show is for sub ending +/- 1 min. SUN. 2 12 51 28 Mer Rah Mer : NO END MOON 2 14 35 41 Mer Rah Ket : ends at 06:32) MOON 1 2 21 50 54 Mer Jup Sat : MARS 3 10 53 38 Moo Sat Sun : ends at 09:34) MERC 2 5 18 20 Mer Mar Sun : ends at 08:19)(Mar-Moo 20:48) JUP. 5 0 56 3 Mer Sun Rah : NO END VEN. 3 2 37 29 Moo Jup Rah : ends at 19:27) SAT. -R 7 15 59 53 Mar Sat Jup : NO end RAHU -R 6 24 6 39 Ven Jup Mer : NO end KETU -R 0 24 6 39 Mar Ven Mer : NO end URAN 3 12 9 18 Moo Sat Mar : NO END NEPT -R 6 6 41 58 Ven Rah Rah : NO end MOON:(Rah-Ven 10:16)(Rah-Sun 11:22)(Rah-Moo 13:11)(Rah-Mar 14:28) (Jup-Jup 17:23)(Jup-Sat 20:53)(Jup-Mer 24:00)(Jup-Ket 25:17) (Jup-Ven 28:58) --------------------------------------------------------------------------(NOTE: GIVEN TIME IN PANCHANG IS IST. FOR JEDDAH TIME - 1HRS.-30Mn.FROM IST ) ( RASI GIVAN IN THIS POST IS AS 0=ARIES 1=TAURUS 2=GEMINI etc.) on 27th Moon was in MAR Star and on 28th in RAHU star. on 27th Moon star MAR is not in our RP so 28th June 1957 was correct date of Osama Bin Laden

According to "Michael Rideount: According to an interview with Bin Laden which can be found o n various web pages he him self given his year of birth as 1377 Hegira. If that is so then he had to have been born sometimes between approximetaly July 29th 10 57 and 17th July1958 given or take a day or so far Both dates. this would mean that 10th march is out of question : April 17th and June 28th be cerrect " AND KP PROVE IT. Now we go for Moon's sub division FOR 28TH JUNE 1957 MOON On 4am : 2 14 35 41 Mer Rah Ket : ends at 05:02) (Rah-Ven 08:46)(Rah-Sun 09:52)(Rah-Moo 11:41)(Rah-Mar 12:58)(Jup-Jup 15:53)(Jup-Sat 19:23)(Jup-Mer 22:3 0)(Times given are Jeddah time AND END TIME ) Our RP Asc is MOO , JUP , RAHU , MER Frist sub is KETU End on 05:02 is out of question , Ven & sun are not in RP .Moo n sub is ok. Moon sub start @ 09,52 end @ 11,41 Now we divide Moon sub ferther to sub sub level with help of TABELS FOR ASTROLOG ERS BY: Mrs. KOUSALYA SATTAINATHAN PUBLISHER; KRISHNAMURTI PUBLICATIONS. Page no : 120 (Rah-Moo-Moo 10:01:05)(Rah-Moo-Mar 10:07:26)(Rah-Moo-Rahu 10:23:47)(Rah-Moo-Jup 10:38:19)(Rah-Moo-Sat 10:55:35)(Rah-Moo-Mer 11:11:02)(Rah-Moo-Ket 11:17:23)(RahMoo-Ven 11:35:34)(Rah-Moo-Sun 11:41:01) we have consider RP Asc Rahu as Starlord and Moon as Sub lord. so Now Only two sub sub Mer and Jup are for we select JUP as sub sub Moon at birth was in Rahu-Moon-Jup now we ferther divide sub sub sub level with help of TABELS FOR ASTROLOGERS Page no: 127 (Rah-Moo-Jup-Jup 10:25:43)(Rah-Moo-Jup-Sat 10:28:00)(Rah-Moo-Jup-Mer 10:30:04)(R ah-Moo-Jup-Ket 10:30:56)(Rah-Moo-Jup-Ven 10:33:20)(Rah-Moo-Jup-Sun 10:34:05)(Rah -Moo-Jup-Moo 10:35:18)(Rah-Moo-Jup-Mar 10:36:10)(Rah-Moo-Jup-Rahu 10:38:20) so the birth time will be Rah-Moo-Jup-Mer 10:28:00 to 10:30:04 Now we calcutale Asc for Both time: 10:28 :- ASC 4 2 2 14 Sun Ket Ven Jup 10:30:04 :- Asc.4 2 30 20 Sun Ket Ven Sat No Sub Sub Between both time. According to rule RP Moon = Birth Asc. Our RP Moon is SUN , VEN , VEN , JUP all are in Birth time 10:28 ( Ketu is in th e sign of Ven so he represant Ven) THIS IS THE WONDER OF KP. MOST OF CASE WHEN Y OU DIVIDE BIRTH MOON UP TO SUB SUB SUB LEVEL AND CALCULATE ASC FOR THAT TIME YOU CAN FOUND SAME AS RP MOON . In MY EXPERIEANCE ABOUT 70% YOU GAT RP MOON AS BIRTH Asc AUTOMATIC. I Am not check his all details with chart but only one event i have check that O sama Bin Laden Marry 4 times so his 7th cusp sub lord is must Mer and signify 2, 11 . so i less .45 second from his founded birth time 10.28 .BIRTH TIME IS 10H.2 7H.15S (SPECIAL NOTE:GIVEN BIRTH MOON DIVISION IN TO SUB SUB SUB LEVEL HAS POSSIBILITY FOR +/- 1 MINITE ERRER) I AM VERY WEEK IN ENGLISH. SO FERGET ABOUT ANY GRAMMATICAL AND SPELLING MISTEK. HPRPSCOP OF OSAMA BIN LADEN AS UNDER( Please read chart in courernew font with 1 0 size)


DETAILS OF BIRTH CHART DATE : 28 6 1957 DAY : FRIDAY TIME : 10 H. 27 M. 15 S. PLACE : JEDDA; COUNTRY LAT. LONG. LAGNA. LORD RASI LORD NAKSHATRA NAK.LORD TITHI SID.TIME AYANAMSA SUN SIGN :SAUDI ARABIA : : : : : : : : : : : 21 Deg. 34 Min. N 39 Deg. 9 Min. E Leo-Simha Sun Gemini-Mithuna Mer Aridr 4 - Pada Rah ASHADHA: 1: SAMVAT 2013 3 H. 28 M. 12 S. 23 D. 10 M. 24 S.


PRAHARA : 3rd : CANCER (Sayana) CHANDRA : 9th Cast By Kanakkumar.B. Bosmia ON 07-12-2004 Programme by RAICHUR 8/147 GARODIANAGAR BOMBAY-77

: JAY MAI GADHECHI MA : No. 28 Sahakar 2- Jagabhai Park Rambaug: Maninagar AHMEDABAD 380 008 TEL: 079-25431165 MOBILE: 9825131165 email: BIRTH DETAILS OF OSAMA BIN LADEN TRADITIONAL BIRTH CHART: PLANETS WITH + ARE RETROGRADE NAKSHATRA: Aridr- PADA 4 DASA BAL. Rahu 2 Y. 11 Days ENDS ON 9 7 1959 *----------------*----------------*----------------*----------------* | * JUP. * * MARS VEN. URAN * | | 7 * * 5 * * 3 | |RAHU NEP+ * 6 * * 4 * SUN. MOON | | * FOR. PLUT * MERC | | * * * * | | * 8 * * 2 * | | * * * * | * SAT+ * * | * * * * | | 9 * * 11 * * 1 |

| * * * * KETU | | * * | | * 10 * * 12 * | | * * * * | | * * * * | *----------------*----------------*----------------*----------------* TRADITIONAL NAVAMASA CHART *----------------*----------------*----------------*----------------* | * RAHU PLUT * * MOON * | | 3 * * 1 * * 11 | |FOR. * 2 * * 12 * | | * * | | * * * * | | * 4 * * 10 * | | * * * * | * VEN. * SUN. JUP. * | * * * * | | 5 * * 7 * * 9 | | * * * * NEPT | | * MARS URAN * | | * 6 * * 8 * | | * * * MERC SAT. KETU * | | * * * * | *----------------*----------------*----------------*----------------* Programme by RAICHUR 8/147 GARODIANAGAR BOMBAY-77 : JAY MAI GADHECHI MA : No. 28 Sahakar 2- Jagabhai Park Rambaug: Maninagar AHMEDABAD 380 008 TEL: 079-25431165 MOBILE: 9825131165 email: DASAS TO BE ENJOYED BY OSAMA BIN LADEN VIMSOTTARI DASAS --- BHUKTIES 08 07 1941 -> 08 07 1959 |Jup DASA 08 07 1959 |Jup Bhk. 08 07 1959 |Sat Bhk. 26 08 1961 |Mer Bhk. 08 03 1964 |Ket Bhk. 14 06 1966 |Ven Bhk. 20 05 1967 |Sun Bhk. 20 01 1970 |Moo Bhk. 08 11 1970 28 06 1957 -> 20 06 1958 |Mar Bhk. 08 03 1972 20 06 1958 -> 08 07 1959 |Rah Bhk. 14 02 1973 08 07 1975 -> 08 07 1994 |Mer DASA 08 07 1994 08 07 1975 -> 11 07 1978 |Mer Bhk. 08 07 1994 11 07 1978 -> 20 03 1981 |Ket Bhk. 05 12 1996 20 03 1981 -> 29 04 1982 |Ven Bhk. 02 12 1997 29 04 1982 -> 29 06 1985 |Sun Bhk. 02 10 2000 29 06 1985 -> 11 06 1986 |Moo Bhk. 08 08 2001 11 06 1986 -> 11 01 1988 |Mar Bhk. 08 01 2003 11 01 1988 -> 20 02 1989 |Rah Bhk. 05 01 2004 20 02 1989 -> 26 12 1991 |Jup Bhk. 23 07 2006 26 12 1991 -> 08 07 1994 |Sat Bhk. 29 10 2008 08 07 2011 -> 08 07 2018 |Ven DASA 08 07 2018 08 07 2011 -> 05 12 2011 |Ven Bhk. 08 07 2018 05 12 2011 -> 05 02 2013 |Sun Bhk. 08 11 2021 05 02 2013 -> 11 06 2013 |Moo Bhk. 08 11 2022 11 06 2013 -> 11 01 2014 |Mar Bhk. 08 07 2024 11 01 2014 -> 08 06 2014 |Rah Bhk. 08 09 2025


Moo Mar Sat Sat Mer Ket Ven Sun Moo Mar Rah Jup Ket Ket Ven Sun Moo Mar

Bhk. Bhk. DASA Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. DASA Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk.

-> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> ->

08 26 08 14 20 20 08 08 14 08 08 05 02 02 08 08 05 23 29 08 08 08 08 08 08 08

07 08 03 06 05 01 11 03 02 07 07 12 12 10 08 01 01 07 10 07 07 11 11 07 09 09

1975 1961 1964 1966 1967 1970 1970 1972 1973 1975 2011 1996 1997 2000 2001 2003 2004 2006 2008 2011 2038 2021 2022 2024 2025 2028

Rah Bhk. 08 06 2014 -> 26 06 2015 |Jup Jup Bhk. 26 06 2015 -> 02 06 2016 |Sat Sat Bhk. 02 06 2016 -> 11 07 2017 |Mer Mer Bhk. 11 07 2017 -> 08 07 2018 |Ket Sun DASA 08 07 2038 -> 08 07 2044 |Moo Sun Bhk. 08 07 2038 -> 26 10 2038 |Moo Moo Bhk. 26 10 2038 -> 26 04 2039 |Mar Mar Bhk. 26 04 2039 -> 02 09 2039 |Rah Rah Bhk. 02 09 2039 -> 26 07 2040 |Jup Jup Bhk. 26 07 2040 -> 14 05 2041 |Sat Sat Bhk. 14 05 2041 -> 26 04 2042 |Mer Mer Bhk. 26 04 2042 -> 02 03 2043 |Ket Ket Bhk. 02 03 2043 -> 08 07 2043 |Ven Ven Bhk. 08 07 2043 -> 08 07 2044 |Sun Mar DASA 08 07 2054 -> 08 07 2061 | Mar Bhk. 08 07 2054 -> 05 12 2054 | Rah Bhk. 05 12 2054 -> 23 12 2055 | Jup Bhk. 23 12 2055 -> 29 11 2056 | Sat Bhk. 29 11 2056 -> 08 01 2058 | Mer Bhk. 08 01 2058 -> 05 01 2059 | Ket Bhk. 05 01 2059 -> 02 06 2059 | Ven Bhk. 02 06 2059 -> 02 08 2060 | Sun Bhk. 02 08 2060 -> 08 12 2060 | Moo Bhk. 08 12 2060 -> 08 07 2061 | ASTROLOGER: Kanakkumar.B. Bosmia DASA TO BE ENJOYED BY OSAMA BIN LADEN SAT Dasa 8 7 1975 TO SAT Bhk. 8 7 1975 TO 11 7 1978 |MER SAT Ant. 8 7 1975 TO 29 12 1975 |MER MER Ant. 29 12 1975 TO 3 6 1976 |KET KET Ant. 3 6 1976 TO 6 8 1976 |VEN VEN Ant. 6 8 1976 TO 7 2 1977 |SUN SUN Ant. 7 2 1977 TO 31 3 1977 |MOO MOO Ant. 31 3 1977 TO 1 7 1977 |MAR MAR Ant. 1 7 1977 TO 4 9 1977 |RAH RAH Ant. 4 9 1977 TO 17 2 1978 |JUP JUP Ant. 17 2 1978 TO 11 7 1978 |SAT KET Bhk. 20 3 1981 TO 29 4 1982 |VEN KET Ant. 20 3 1981 TO 13 4 1981 |VEN VEN Ant. 13 4 1981 TO 20 6 1981 |SUN SUN Ant. 20 6 1981 TO 10 7 1981 |MOO MOO Ant. 10 7 1981 TO 13 8 1981 |MAR MAR Ant. 13 8 1981 TO 6 9 1981 |RAH RAH Ant. 6 9 1981 TO 6 11 1981 |JUP JUP Ant. 6 11 1981 TO 29 12 1981 |SAT SAT Ant. 29 12 1981 TO 3 3 1982 |MER MER Ant. 3 3 1982 TO 29 4 1982 |KET SUN Bhk. 29 6 1985 TO 11 6 1986 |MOO SUN Ant. 29 6 1985 TO 16 7 1985 |MOO MOO Ant. 16 7 1985 TO 15 8 1985 |MAR MAR Ant. 15 8 1985 TO 5 9 1985 |RAH RAH Ant. 5 9 1985 TO 26 10 1985 |JUP JUP Ant. 26 10 1985 TO 11 12 1985 |SAT SAT Ant. 11 12 1985 TO 6 2 1986 |MER MER Ant. 6 2 1986 TO 24 3 1986 |KET KET Ant. 24 3 1986 TO 14 4 1986 |VEN VEN Ant. 14 4 1986 TO 11 6 1986 |SUN MAR Bhk. 11 1 1988 TO 20 2 1989 |RAH MAR Ant. 11 1 1988 TO 4 2 1988 |RAH RAH Ant. 4 2 1988 TO 4 4 1988 |JUP

Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. DASA Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk.

08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08

09 05 07 05 07 07 05 12 06 10 05 10 05 01

2028 2031 2034 2037 2044 2044 2045 2045 2047 2048 2050 2051 2052 2054

-> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> ->

08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08

05 07 05 07 07 05 12 06 10 05 10 05 01 07

2031 2034 2037 2038 2054 2045 2045 2047 2048 2050 2051 2052 2054 2054

8 7 1994 Bhk. 11 7 Ant. 11 7 Ant. 28 11 Ant. 25 1 Ant. 6 7 Ant. 25 8 Ant. 16 11 Ant. 12 1 Ant. 7 6 Ant. 17 10 Bhk. 29 4 Ant. 29 4 Ant. 9 11 Ant. 6 1 Ant. 11 4 Ant. 17 6 Ant. 8 12 Ant. 10 5 Ant. 11 11 Ant. 22 4 Bhk. 11 6 Ant. 11 6 Ant. 28 7 Ant. 2 9 Ant. 27 11 Ant. 13 2 Ant. 13 5 Ant. 4 8 Ant. 7 9 Ant. 12 12 Bhk. 20 2 Ant. 20 2 Ant. 24 7

1978 1978 1978 1979 1979 1979 1979 1980 1980 1980 1982 1982 1982 1983 1983 1983 1983 1984 1984 1985 1986 1986 1986 1986 1986 1987 1987 1987 1987 1987 1989 1989 1989


20 28 25 6 25 16 12 7 17 20 29 9 6 11 17 8 10 11 22 29 11 28 2 27 13 13 4 7 12 11 26 24 11

3 11 1 7 8 11 1 6 10 3 6 11 1 4 6 12 5 11 4 6 1 7 9 11 2 5 8 9 12 1 12 7 12

1981 1978 1979 1979 1979 1979 1980 1980 1980 1981 1985 1982 1983 1983 1983 1983 1984 1984 1985 1985 1988 1986 1986 1986 1987 1987 1987 1987 1987 1988 1991 1989 1989


Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Bhk. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant.

4 27 30 27 20 27 17 26 26 27 22 1 24 26 12 28 21

4 5 7 9 10 12 1 12 12 4 9 2 3 8 10 12 2

1988 1988 1988 1988 1988 1988 1989 1991 1991 1992 1992 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1994


27 30 27 20 27 17 20 8 27 22 1 24 26 12 28 21 8

5 7 9 10 12 1 2 7 4 9 2 3 8 10 12 2 7

1988 1988 1988 1988 1988 1989 1989 1994 1992 1992 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1994 1994


Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant.

11 23 18 18 9 31 26

12 5 10 12 6 7 10

1989 1990 1990 1990 1991 1991 1991


23 18 18 9 31 26 26

5 10 12 6 7 10 12

1990 1990 1990 1991 1991 1991 1991

ASTROLOGER: Kanakkumar.B. Bosmia DASA TO BE ENJOYED BY OSAMA BIN LADEN MER Dasa 8 7 1994 TO MER Bhk. 8 7 1994 TO 5 12 1996 |KET MER Ant. 8 7 1994 TO 11 11 1994 |KET KET Ant. 11 11 1994 TO 1 1 1995 |VEN VEN Ant. 1 1 1995 TO 26 5 1995 |SUN SUN Ant. 26 5 1995 TO 9 7 1995 |MOO MOO Ant. 9 7 1995 TO 21 9 1995 |MAR MAR Ant. 21 9 1995 TO 12 11 1995 |RAH RAH Ant. 12 11 1995 TO 22 3 1996 |JUP JUP Ant. 22 3 1996 TO 18 7 1996 |SAT SAT Ant. 18 7 1996 TO 5 12 1996 |MER VEN Bhk. 2 12 1997 TO 2 10 2000 |SUN VEN Ant. 2 12 1997 TO 22 5 1998 |SUN SUN Ant. 22 5 1998 TO 13 7 1998 |MOO MOO Ant. 13 7 1998 TO 8 10 1998 |MAR MAR Ant. 8 10 1998 TO 7 12 1998 |RAH RAH Ant. 7 12 1998 TO 11 5 1999 |JUP JUP Ant. 11 5 1999 TO 27 9 1999 |SAT SAT Ant. 27 9 1999 TO 8 3 2000 |MER MER Ant. 8 3 2000 TO 3 8 2000 |KET KET Ant. 3 8 2000 TO 2 10 2000 |VEN MOO Bhk. 8 8 2001 TO 8 1 2003 |MAR MOO Ant. 8 8 2001 TO 20 9 2001 |MAR MAR Ant. 20 9 2001 TO 20 10 2001 |RAH RAH Ant. 20 10 2001 TO 7 1 2002 |JUP JUP Ant. 7 1 2002 TO 15 3 2002 |SAT SAT Ant. 15 3 2002 TO 6 6 2002 |MER MER Ant. 6 6 2002 TO 18 8 2002 |KET KET Ant. 18 8 2002 TO 18 9 2002 |VEN VEN Ant. 18 9 2002 TO 12 12 2002 |SUN SUN Ant. 12 12 2002 TO 8 1 2003 |MOO RAH Bhk. 5 1 2004 TO 23 7 2006 |JUP RAH Ant. 5 1 2004 TO 23 5 2004 |JUP JUP Ant. 23 5 2004 TO 25 9 2004 |SAT SAT Ant. 25 9 2004 TO 20 2 2005 |MER MER Ant. 20 2 2005 TO 30 6 2005 |KET KET Ant. 30 6 2005 TO 24 8 2005 |VEN VEN Ant. 24 8 2005 TO 27 1 2006 |SUN SUN Ant. 27 1 2006 TO 13 3 2006 |MOO MOO Ant. 13 3 2006 TO 29 5 2006 |MAR

8 7 2011 Bhk. 5 12 Ant. 5 12 Ant. 26 12 Ant. 25 2 Ant. 13 3 Ant. 13 4 Ant. 4 5 Ant. 27 6 Ant. 15 8 Ant. 11 10 Bhk. 2 10 Ant. 2 10 Ant. 17 10 Ant. 13 11 Ant. 1 12 Ant. 17 1 Ant. 27 2 Ant. 16 4 Ant. 29 5 Ant. 17 6 Bhk. 8 1 Ant. 8 1 Ant. 29 1 Ant. 22 3 Ant. 10 5 Ant. 6 7 Ant. 27 8 Ant. 18 9 Ant. 17 11 Ant. 5 12 Bhk. 23 7 Ant. 23 7 Ant. 12 11 Ant. 21 3 Ant. 17 7 Ant. 4 9 Ant. 20 1 Ant. 1 3 Ant. 9 5

1996 1996 1996 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2006 2006 2006 2007 2007 2007 2008 2008 2008


2 26 25 13 13 4 27 15 11 2 8 17 13 1 17 27 16 29 17 8 5 29 22 10 6 27 18 17 5 5 29 12 21 17 4 20 1 9 27

12 12 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 8 10 11 12 1 2 4 5 6 8 1 1 3 5 7 8 9 11 12 1 10 11 3 7 9 1 3 5 6

1997 1996 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 2001 2000 2000 2000 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2004 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2004 2008 2006 2007 2007 2007 2008 2008 2008 2008


Ant. Bhk. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant. Ant.

29 29 29 2 20 16 28 16 7 4 1

5 10 10 4 8 10 3 5 8 10 3

2006 2008 2008 2009 2009 2009 2010 2010 2010 2010 2011


23 8 2 20 16 28 16 7 4 1 8

7 7 4 8 10 3 5 8 10 3 7

2006 |RAH Ant. 27 6 2008 TO 29 10 2008 2011 2009 2009 2009 2010 2010 2010 2010 2011 2011



ORBS Conj,opp =8.Sq. Trine 6,SEXT 6,Semis 2, Rest 2 deg. Programme by RAICHUR 8/147 GARODIANAGAR BOMBAY-77 : JAY MAI GADHECHI MA : No. 28 Sahakar 2- Jagabhai Park Rambaug: Maninagar AHMEDABAD 380 008 TEL: 079-25431165 MOBILE: 9825131165 email: QUERY:

DATE : 11 - 57 15 )

:FRIDAY: 28 - 6 - 1957 : TIME: 10 H. 27 M. 15 S.(I.S.T is 28

DASA BAL. : Rah 2 Y. 0 M. 10 Days: ENDS on 8 - 7 - 1959 Sbl Ssl :Cusp S D M se Sgl Stl Sbl SsL Mer Ven :ASC 5 1 52 3 Sun Ket Ven Rah Moo Jup :2nd 5 29 2 55 Sun Sun Mar Ven Moo Moo :3rd 6 29 24 42 Mer Mar Sat Rah Moo Jup :4th 8 1 14 25 Mar Jup Mar Sun Rah Moo :5th 9 2 31 0 Jup Ket Ven Sat Rah Sun :6th 10 2 39 39 Sat Sun Jup Mar Jup Ven :7th 11 1 52 3 Sat Mar Mer Sat Mer Mer :8th 11 29 2 55 Sat Jup Sun Jup Mer Mer :9th 12 29 24 42 Jup Mer Sat Rah Mar Rah :10th 2 1 14 25 Ven Sun Jup Jup Rah Rah :11th 3 2 31 0 Mer Mar Ket Sat Rah Sun :12th 4 2 39 39 Moo Jup Rah Ven Mar Ket CUSP KUNDALI AS PER K.P. Shows Planets,Cusps,with Rasi Sign only. For retrogression,Deg Min refer to table above. Signs intercepted BUT with no planets in them are not printed.. *----------------------------------*----------------------------------* | * * * * | | * * * Ur 4 Ma 4 * | | * Ju 6 * * Ve 4 * | |3rd 6 * 2nd 5 * * 12t 4 * | | Ne 7 Ra 7 * * Asc 5 * * | | * Pl 5 Fo 5 * Mo 3| | * * * * Su 3 Me 3| | * * * * 11t 3| | * * * * | | * * * * | | * 4th 8 * * * | * Sa 8 * * | * * * * | | * * * 10t 2 * | | * * * * | |5th 9 * * * * | | * * * * | | * * | | * * * * Ke 1| | * 6th 10 * 7th 11 * 8th 11 * 9th 12| | * * * * | | * * * * | | * * * * | *----------------------------------*----------------------------------* : JAY MAI GADHECHI MA : No. 28 Sahakar 2- Jagabhai Park Rambaug: Maninagar AHMEDABAD 380 008 TEL: 079-25431165 MOBILE: 9825131165 email: BIRTH DETAILS OF OSAMA BIN LADEN SIGNIFICATORS OF HOUSES SIGNIFICATORS ARE SHOWN IN THE FOLLOWING ORDER OF IMPORTANCE A-Planets in Star of Occupants of House: B-Planets in House C-Planets in stars of House Lord: D-House Lord: E= Planets Planet SUN. MOON MARS MERC JUP. VEN. SAT.-R RAHU KETU URAN NEPT-R FOR. PLUT S 3 3 4 3 6 4 8 7 1 4 7 5 5 D 13 18 11 5 0 2 15 24 24 12 6 7 5 M 6 29 3 52 57 57 58 5 5 10 41 14 18 se 50 46 45 48 49 9 54 47 47 12 52 58 48 Sgl Mer Mer Moo Mer Mer Moo Mar Ven Mar Moo Ven Sun Sun Stl Rah Rah Sat Mar Sun Jup Sat Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket Ket

Aspected by A,B,C,D Trad aspects BY SIGN : F=Sub Lord HOUSE A B C D E F ---------------------------------------------------------------------ASC | |FOR:PLU: |JUP: |Sun|MO:ME: |Ven | | | | | | 2nd |VEN:RAH: |JUP: |JUP: |Sun|MO:ME:MA:KE|Mar | | | | | | 3rd |SUN:MOO:NEP: |RAH:NEP: | |Mer|SU:MO:KE:ME|Sat | | | | | | 4th |MAR:SAT:URA: |SAT: |MER: |Mar|VE:RA:SU:MO|Mar | | | | | | 5th | | |VEN:RAH: |Jup|MA:KE: |Ven | | | | | | 6th | | |MAR:SAT:URA|Sat|VE:RA: |Jup | | | | | | 7th | | |MAR:SAT:URA|Sat|VE:RA: |Mer | | | | | | 8th | | |MAR:SAT:URA|Sat|VE:RA: |Sun | | | | | | 9th |FOR:PLU: |KET: |VEN:RAH: |Jup|MA:KE:RA: |Sat | | | | | | 10th | | |KET: |Ven|MA:RA: |Jup | | | | | | 11th |JUP: |SUN:MOO:MER: | |Mer|SU:MO:ME: |Ket | | | | | | 12th |MER:KET: |MAR:VEN:URA: | |Moo|SU:ME:VE:RA|Rah | | | | |MO:MA: | ---------------------------------------------------------------------PLANET House Numbers Signified: Aspecting Planets SUN. A-03,B-11,D-As,D-02, :MO:ME:F- 8, MOON A-03,B-11,D-12, :SU:ME:FMARS A-04,B-12,C-06,C-07,C-08,D-04,:VE:F- 2, 4, MERC A-12,B-11,C-04,D-03,D-11, :SU:MO:F- 7, JUP. A-11,B-02,C-As,C-02,D-05,D-09,:F- 6,10, VEN. A-02,B-12,C-05,C-09,D-10, :MA:F- 1, 5, SAT. A-04,B-04,C-06,C-07,C-08,D-06,D-07,D-08, :F- 3, 9, RAHU A-02,B-03,C-05,C-09, :MA:KE:F-12, KETU A-12,B-09,C-10, :RA:F-11, URAN A-04,B-12,C-06,C-07,C-08, :MA:VE:FNEPT A-03,B-03, :MA:RA:KE:FFOR. A-09,B-As, :SA:FPLUT A-09,B-As, :SA:FRAHU will ACT as AGENT for Ven,Jup also KETU will ACT as AGENT for Mar,Ven also Planets EXALTED or in OWN house Strongly signify the house owned These are : MERC:OWN ====== Yahoo! My Yahoo! Mail Welcome, raon1008 [Sign Out, My Account] Groups Home - Help Make Yahoo! your home page

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, to what purpose...? And,is it worth the effort ? Therefore I am satisfied with the accuracy I can achieve with the present system I use,and so are the vast majority of my clients... I used to ,in the early days of my practice,startle a client by telling him his birthstar. ..correctly,upon his entering the room...(just as KSK's daughter used to do when she was just a child)...but I have stopped doing all this "showmanship"...becau se after doing all this if your predictions are way off target,you have achieved nothing...hence I began concetrating on a systematic analysis of the horoscope, and offering accurate predictions...and have been able to achieve a 85-90% succe ss-rate,after a lot of practice,perhaps, one's intuition also gets sharpened and begins to work well... I began learning Astrology way back in the early 60's...and sometime in ' 75-76 when I was in posted at Bhopal,but I had almost given up stu dying astrology as it was NOT giving me any correct readings,so much so,that I w as thoroughly disillusioned with,and had begun debunking astrology...but fortuna tely for me,as luck would have it our local Astrologers' Association,arranged a lecture-cum-demonstration by the then already famous-for-his-accuracy-and-speed ,Prof. K.S.Krishnamurthi...! I was so tremendously impressed by his invention the "Krishn amurthi Padhdhati...", that I decided to become his disciple then and there... Ever since, I began learning and experimenting with the wond erful K.P. System...startling my colleagues at work,accurately predicting the e xact time of return of the peon sent by me,from the accurate predi ctions regarding their children,their admission to school,College,etc...and slow ly developed a lot of expertise, and confidence,in various branches of prognosti cation...and after my retirement as Dy.Gen.Mgr.(Mktg.),Raptakos Brett & Co. Ltd. ,in the year 1999,I began practising K.P. Astrology professionally. I hope,dear Vijay,that satisfies your curiosity about me... Wishing you the very best,I am, Yours sincerely, lyrastro1 GOOD LUCK ! vijay kumar <> wrote: Dear Sh. Rao, No match to KP, it is a truth !! I am a humble follower to both Parashara and KP and have very high respect to bo th the systems. However, the fact remains that any system is yet not perfect bec ause of our limitations of understanding it. If we humbly agree to it, we shall have lesser reservations to navigate between different systems of prognosticatio ns for better understanding of the mysteries of planets. Let us say, if a planet is identified negative for a matter in KP way, it may al so be assessed whether the same planet is indicating similar situation in releva nt D-charts of Parashara. By certain D-charts, we could even know whether the tr ouble area is because of the karmas of previous janmas etc. There is always a go od chance that we may get a lot of guidance on a planetary situation by looking on both the systems to our advantage without breaking the barriers of any system . In such studies, the statistical analysis over a large number of cases may be required for establishing some set of rules to look for. Of course, while looki ng to the Parahara way, we may use KP ayanamsha to keep the reference same. In a similar way, the details may be worked out for positive planets for a matter in sight. This is not the ultimate, but this is only an example of what I wanted t o say. It is a fact that Shri KSK had done a marvellous homewok in Parashari astrology and negated many of its rules, which is eye-opener for all of us and we all are indebted to his efforts. However, the KP system is left un-perfected because of

early demise of Shri KSK. Perhaps, if KSK had remained alive for some more years , he would have taken this art to a better perfection. Let us not ignore the fac t that there are many occassions which bring us to cross roads on predictions ev en in KP way of analysis. In case, if it sounds offending, I withdraw it here it self. I humbly understand all what has been mentioned as reply to this mail and I appr eciate your reminder to me again. Thanks. PS : Mr. Rao, if you kindly recollect that I had mailed you long ago to find your cre dentials in KP astrology, which you had assured me through a seperate mail. Sinc e, your view points in your writings are very crisp, I had the urge to know more about your goodself in respect of your contribution related to your writeups, e xperiences etc on KP. This has no other motive whatsoever. Thanks and Regards, Vijay Kumar ----- Original Message ----From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi To: Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 2004 11:00 AM Subject: Re: [k_p_system] Re: Request to Sandy Dear Vijay Kumar, I appreciate your keen desire to "amalgamate" K.P., an d Parasara's house division...etc... The Placidus system holds that the cusp of the house i s from the house begins and it ends at the begining of the next house ... wherea s,Parasara's and several other Traditional systems hold that the midpoint of the house is the starting point of a house till the midpoint of the next house,and advocate the EQUAL division of the 12 houses in the Zodiac,regardless of the Lat titude and Longitude etc, some even give very great importance to the M.C. point ... (the mid point of the Xth house,the point when Sun a is at its Zenith at 12 noon)...there are thus, many systems being followed by Astrologers the world ove r... Under the circumstances we will only,perhaps be trying to amalgamate,let's say a system like the metric system with old British System of weights and measures...! ! The basics are entirely different... and the chances of confusion/mistakes are multiple...if due care is not taken... In my considered opinion,however,it will be an exercis e in futility,as many erudite researchers/students etc., have,in the past, tried to, and could not,so far...arrive at any consensus,at least,as per my humble kn owledge... K.P., is a very simple and straight forward system,ver y easily mastered, and there's very little ambiguity,in its rules,which are app licable easily...and most importantly,it is a judicious ,and most successful ble nd of the Traditional Vedic Astrology with the Western(Placidus system of House division,aspects etc.)...the best of BOTH...! The discoveries of the unequal sub,the decisive role o f the sub-lord,the Ruling Planets theory...etc., are the unique inventions of Sh ri K.S.Krishnamurthiji,( but as contended in these columns,as originally discove red by Meena...only to perhaps,discredit KSK ?)... What's more is that,no other system has equalled the accuracy of K.P.,as demonstrated all over the world at lecture-demos, by KSK,and his several erudite students,repeatedly...

In the Final Analysis,as our revered Guruji,Jyotish arthand, the late Shri KSK says,the proof of the pudding is in eating it...! ! I have given,in these columns a step-wise method of pplying K.P.,in both horary and Natal horoscopy...which if diligently followed ill enable one to achieve a success-rate of atleast 80-90 %. The proof of the in eating it . The Ball's now in your friends... Yours sincerely, lyrastro1. GOOD LUCK !

M ! a w

Yogesh Rao Lajmi <> wrote: Dear Sandy, I am glad,dear Sandy,that you are now back with all of the group... I also hasten to add that you will understand that I let,a litt le of my impatience, peep out,inadvertently,and I reiterate that there were no " evil" intentions at all of any kind at any time...! Any way,I guess all's well that ends well,and I am certainly gl ad that you're back in the group... Wishing you the very best,I remain, Yours sincerely, lyrastro1 GOOD LUCK ! Sandy Crowther <> wrote: Dear Vijay Kumar and List, Thank you. This is just a short note to let you know that Ron Gaunt's persistent - but gentle persuasion (and forwarded emails of support :)) lured me back to reconsider my decision to leave the group, so I'm back. Thanks for your support...Hopefully we can all do our best to keep the peace and respect one another when we communicate. Communicating by email is a tough enough medium to decipher and translate emotions and intent - and misunderstandings can certainly occur. As it is there is enough discord in the world without us contributing to the same. I'd also like to add that I apologize if I have misunderstood a certain few posts, or made anyone uncomfortable with my words or actions. All the Best, Sandy Crowther P.S. to Vijay: I'm female :-) --- In, "vijay kumar" <v_kumar@c...> wrote: > Dear Sandy, > > Kindly excuse me to intrude in. >

> Your posts and that of Mr. Yogesh etc have very good over the time and I sincerely feel that you should not withdraw from the forum. This forum is a place for learning which should of course be in a very humble environment. > > The divisional charts are wonders in parashara classics and should not be under-estimated. My humble feeling is that some statistical evaluation is necessary to amalgamate the D-charts with the Classical KP chart of Placidus system. It would bring out many pearls of wisdom. > > Mr. Sandy, kindly keep up your deliberations to the forum. > > Regards, > > Vijay Kumar > ----- Original Message ----> From: Sandy Crowther > To: > Sent: Friday, December 03, 2004 10:45 PM > Subject: RE: [k_p_system] Re: KPBC3 Answer. > > > Dear TW and Yogesh Rao Lajmi, Ron, and Group, > > > > TW - thanks for your kind congratulatory words. > > > > Yogesh Rao Lagmi wrote: > > > > Doesn't that,in a way strengthen my contention that the mother's chart will give better and more accurate results ? > > Yours 'ly, > > lyrastro1 > > GOOD LUCK ! > > > > WHY??? Because only 2 people out of 8 came close? I'm amused. Does KP boast a 100% accuracy rate? I agree that having the charts of BOTH parents would have made delineation a bit easier - but in real life - that isn't always an option. > > > > TW - wrote: > > > > How can we refuse a male asking whether he can have a child and tell > him to bring his wife?. >

> I agree TW. Perhaps it is time for participation on Blind charts from you, Mr. Yogesh Rao Lajmi, to demonstrate both your point and your expertise in KP delineation - which brings me to my next point... > > > > Yogesh Rao Lagmi - With all due respect, I believe you are a bit over the top with many of your posts.this being another post of a few that I have observed in the short time I have been a member of this list..Anyway - allow me to respond to your accusations of my personal motivations before I unsubscribe. > > > > You wrote: > > Dears Sandy Cowther & Srinivas Upadyay, > > I was under the impression that we are discusing in the is no place for sapthamsa,navamsas,dasamsas or forthat matter any amsas for judgement purposes... > > Members are requested to stick to Krishnamurty Padhdhati only...else we will only arrive at a "hotch-potch" of " the various Vedic Astrology our anxiety to prove one's point anywhich way,end up with nothing worthwhile..." > > I sincerely request ALL members to therefore stick to K.P.,only in this group... > > Yours sincerely, > > lyrastro1 > > GOOD LUCK ! > > > > Interesting diatribe.Are Eclipses part of KP? You don't know me nor do you know what my motivations are. I was simply respectfully responding to a question put forth by a list member - nothing more. simply sharing a technique. Now although I am a seasoned astrologer of 35 years, I am not experienced in KP and thought this list might be a good place to start after a respected colleague of mine - Ron Gaunt - mentioned the list to me. So, for the record, I have just begun my journey of studying KP - therefore I am not familiar with what techniques are accepted by KP, and what techniques are rejected by KP. For that I apologize. However, you certainly set me straight real quick. Forgive me if I crossed the line of list discussion - I meant no disrespect. > > >

> However, due to the derogatory manner in which I was addressed (directly and indirectly) by you on 2 separate occasions - you can rest assured that I will not be posting to this KP list anymore. You see, I was not trying to "prove" anything, and unfortunately, for whatever your reasons, you have painted an inaccurate picture of my motives to this list, while showing a great deal of disrespect towards me. I have little tolerance for unprovoked verbal hostility on any list. Your comments on a few occasions were unnecessary and quite immature. You could have brought forth your point about amsa's, "any amsa's", in a kinder manner - like Anant Raichur did without resorting to implying to other list members your own delusional assumptions about others, or suggesting such absurd inaccuracies of my personal motivations - such as - to "prove one's point any which way". You couldn't be further from the truth.I have nothing to prove, nor do I have any need to prove anything. > > > > And again: > > > > Therefore,personally, I stick to the pure and simple K.P., of old...and I had mentioned it especially for those who are interested in more research etc...the "in-thing" abroad...I guess... > > > > Hmm.Guess you don't like the fact that I enjoy "research"? > > > > At any rate, I have no time for this nonsense. But I do wish you and the list all the best and hope you will at least think about the manner and tone with which you come across to others in your plight to exert your authority/superiority on this list. Goodbye and GOOD LUCK! J > > > > P.S. Message for Ron Gaunt with respect to KPBC3: > > > > Ron - In Vinay's assessment dates for the birth of the child he states the dates of 5/12/82 to 5/30/82 (May) and states that these dates fall in a Mo/Ve/Me dasha. There is some mistake here because these May dates he predicted do not fall in a Mo/Ve/Me dasha, but rather in a Mo/Ve/Ra dasha. The birth took place, according to your post, on 3/22/82 - which is March - not May. I just wanted to bring that to your attention in case list members are following the Blind Charts. Thanks. > > > > > > All the Best, > > Sandy Crowther

> >

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1847 From: "Upadhyaya, Srinivasa" <srinivasa.upadyaya@...> Date: Wed Dec 8, 2004 0:40am Subject: RE: KPBC3 upadhyaya_p_s Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Yogesh, Thanks a lot. I re-tried to get the RPs for (30-Nov-2004, at Bangalore, IST 14:03) using Raichur's s/w (downloaded from file section in yahoo groups). I got Jupiter as Moon-star lord. I have a small doubt,in the present case (kpbc3), Moon is not one of the RPs then on what basis we can consider Moon as a significator. For e.g,assume someone gets married during the initial period of Moon dasa (assuming Moon is a significator of 2,7,11). As moon dasa lasts for 10 years, the native may beget children during Moon dasa. But there are chances that ,even when the Moon is a significator of 2nd house, the native may not beget child in moon dasa. Assume during the time of judgement, moon is not one of RPs, then on what basis we can say if the native begets child during moon dasa. Regards, Upadhyaya HANSKPVEDIC@YAHOOGROUPS.COM ----------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

|Asc. 12 44 16| | | | | |Rahu 6 9 49|III 15 3 39|IV 11 9 22| | |II 16 20 5| |Moon 23 10 41| | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------| | NAME:RPs | | | | TUESDAY 30 11 2004 | | |Uran 9 11 5| Time 14 3 | | |XII 7 55 14| | | | | SID.TIME 18 h. 21 m. 45 s. |Sat -R 3 2 3| | | |V 7 47 3| | | NAKS:Revati-PADA 0 | | | | | | :---------------| PLACE:BANGALORE-KARNATAKA |---------------| | | | | | | LAT 12 deg 58 min N | | |Nept 19 10 3| | | |X1 7 47 3| Long 77 deg 38 min E | | | | |VI 7 55 14| | | Ayan 23 d. 50 m. 7 s. | | | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | | |For 21 15 53| | |X 11 9 22|Plut 27 41 45|Mars 18 58 18| | |Merc 2 53 44|IX 15 3 39|VIII 16 20 5| | | |Sun 14 39 4|Ven 15 48 41|VII 12 44 16| | | |Ketu 6 9 49|Jup 19 17 57| | | | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------DASA BAL. Jup. 12 Y. 68 Days ENDS ON 6 2 2017 BHK. Bal. Sat. 0 Y. 311 Days: ANT. Bal. Mars 49 Days: SOOK Bal. Rahu 6 Days CUSP ASC 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th :PLANET Sgl :SUN. Mar :MOON Mer :MARS Ven :MERC Jup :JUP. Mer :VEN. Ven :SAT.-R Moo :RAHU Mar :KETU Ven :URAN Sat :NEPT Sat :FOR. Ven :PLUT Mar PROGRAMME BY RAICHURS OF GHATKOPAR Sgl Jup Mar Ven Mer Moo Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat Sat Stl Sat Ven Moo Rah Sat Ket Moo Rah Sat Ket Sun Rah Sbl Mar Moo Jup Sat Ket Jup Rah Ven Jup Sat Ven Rah Ssl Ven Mar Sun Ket Jup Sat Sat Rah Jup Rah Ven Ket Stl Sat Jup Rah Ket Moo Rah Jup Ket Mar Rah Moo Jup Mer Sbl Rah Sat Moo Ven Mer Ven Rah Rah Moo Jup Mer Jup Jup SsL Moo Mar Ket Ket Jup Moo Sun Sat Sat Sat Jup Moo Rah

-----Original Message----From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi [mailto:lyrastro1@...] Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 2004 9:00 PM To: Subject: RE: [k_p_system] KPBC3

Dear Srinivas, You must use a proper K.P. Mr. Raichur's... The answers u were looking for are : 1) RPs at Birth are : Asc St lord - Sat sub-lord is Mars Asc Sign lord - Mars Moon St lord - Venus sublord is Sun Moon sign lord - Mars Day lord - Merc 2) There is no such rule that the Moon MUST be one of the RPs... 3) Sun's dasa begins on 2-12-1966. I hope you've got your answers... With best wishes, lyrastro1 GOOD LUCK !

"Upadhyaya, Srinivasa" <srinivasa.upadyaya@...> wrote: Dear Yogesh, I used a software to generate the birth chart of the native of KPBC3. I have not used any ephemeries to calculate the chart, whatever the ayanamsha the software used, I made use of it. I do not know whether the following ayanamsha is correct for year 1950 AYANAMSA:23 4'18" The details are as follows DATE OF BIRTH: 20-12-1950 WEDNSDAY TIME: 5: 2HRS( ) TIME ZONE: 5.50 HRS (VIKRUTHI MARGAZHI 4 TUESDAY NIGHT) PLACE:1046'N 7642'E DONT SIDR.TIME:10:30:46 AYANAMSA:23 4'18" SUNRISE/SET: 6:39/18: 1 ( ) STAR:BHARANI FULDAY PADA 1 THITHI:SUKLA EKADASI TILL 5:55 YOGA:SIVA TILL 16:32 KARANA:BHADRA TILL 5:55 , SIDHDHA YOGA The problem is my prediction failed because RPs did not provide the right dasa, bukthi and anthara lords (for which I used the same software to generate the birth chart as well as to generate RPs). What would have gone wrong? Also Moon is not at all a RP. Regards, Upadhyaya -----Original Message----From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi [mailto:lyrastro1@...] Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 2004 11:46 AM To: Subject: RE: [k_p_system] KPBC3 Dear Srinivasa, The RPs you've mentioned are,indeed,correct...! Kindly clarify further,as to what exactly is the problem ?

Pl. also,while asking such questions pl. inform the Ayanamsa and the Ephemeris used... Yours sincerely, lyrastro1 "Upadhyaya, Srinivasa" <srinivasa.upadyaya@...> wrote: Dear members, I got the wrong Ruling planets. Why did I get wrong ruling planets? If anyone gets the wrong RPs, whole prediction will go for a toss. Please let me know how to handle these type of situations. Regards, Upadhyaya >Ruling planets at the time of judgement (30-Nov-2004, at Bangalore, IST 14:03) > Sign Lord Star Lord Sub >Asc : Ju Sa Ma >Moon : Me Ju Sa >Day : Ma >Rah is in Ae, Mar sign > > Sa, Ju, Me, Ma, Ra.

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1848 From: anant raichur <anant_1608@...> Date: Wed Dec 8, 2004 1:06am Subject: Re: Re: Query regarding birth of second child? anant_1608 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Ranade Good efforts >The data will be more useful, if TOB,POB of children are also give n. One can then cast the charts, and check the connections: I am giving below the details of a family, for study and establishing the relati onships: FATHER: POB: 15N27 75E05 TOB 1;05 DOB 16-08-1923 MOTHER POB 15N52 74E34 TOB 07:12 DOB 22-03-1929 1ST CHILD POB 16N11 75E42 TOB 21:10 DOB 28-01-1949 2ND POB 19N05 74E44 TOB 08:04 DOB 09-04-1951 3RD POB 16N00 75E48 TOB 17:00 DOB 25-12-1953 4TH POB 15N52 74E34 TOB 21;40 DOB 09-12-1955 GOOD LUCK dilip ranade <> wrote: Dear Ron, 1. I am giving the details for the study of multiple births. 2. Wife:- DOB--- 06 JUL 1915 TOB----- 1810 hrs Place 18E 31: 73N 55 3. The details of the children are as under: S= Son; D= Daughter (a) S 16 oct 1931 (b) D 20 jul 1934 (c) S 25 feb 1937 (d) D 22jul 1938 (e) D 18 jul 1940 (f) D 05 Aug 1942 (g) Twins S & D 4 Nov 1947 (h) S 13 Mar 1950

4. I am finding the details of the husbands POB and will be posting it soon. I hope the data proves to be a good exerscise. Also two children have died apart from those given above(all living at present).Their details follow With best wishes and regards Ranade

--- rongaunt wrote: --------------------------------To all interested in this question of 2nd, 3rd births etc. Does anyone have birth details of say four or more children to the same mother. We could then check what appears to work best. Ron Gaunt

On Tue, 07 Dec 2004 00:10:42 +0000, you wrote: > > >Dear Sourav Guchhait, > >1. For 1st child, 5th & 11 th cusps are taken in >judging "Is child birth promised or not?" in examples for both male >and female, and generally houses 2, 5 and 11 are judged for the time >of child birth, examples for male p 224 & p 227, and example for >female p 230, KP Reader IV. (2nd is the increase in number of members >of family by birth of children; 5th for offspring; 11th not only >fruit of one's action, but also 5 th to 7 th partner, p 210 KP Reader >IV) > >2. For 2nd child, to judge houses 2,5,7, and 11; 7th is 3rd from 5th, >3rd is younger child, in an example, KP Reader IV, p 242. > >Best regards,

> >tw > > > > >--- In, Sourav Guchhait >wrote: >> Dear Mr.Raichur,Yogesh Rao Lajmiji and tw, >> >> My opinion is :>> 5'th cusp sublord signifying houses 2,5,11 means birth >> of 1'st child is promised. If 5th sublord signifies >> 2,5,11 "then only" one should check for 7th cusp >> sublord for 2'nd child(without "1'st" it is not >> possible for having "2'nd" including miscarriage). >> After that, if 7th cusp sublord signifies 2,7,11 then >> birth of 2'nd child is promised. >> >> I have two questions:>> >> How can we calculate considering the 3rd cusp of the >> 1st Born, a Sibling promised or not? (3'rd cusp >> sublord signifying 2,3,11 houses ? 2 is 12 to 3!) >> >> Also, How can we calculate considering the 11th cusp >> of the 2nd Born, there is an Elder sibling or not? >> (11'th cusp sublord signifying 2,11 ? Means good >> income!) >> >> - Regards >> Sourav. >> >> >> --- tw853 wrote: >> >> >> -------------------------------->> >> Dear Yogesh Rao Lajmi, >> >> Is it not the same as mentioned in Msg # 1774, >> >> "to judge houses 2,5,7, and 11 for second conception, >> KP >> Reader IV, p 242 (for timing of child birth in >> general)" >> >> Best regards, >> >> tw >> >> --- In, Yogesh Rao Lajmi >>

>> wrote: >> > Dear Mr.Raichur, >> > The VIIth cusp,can,like any >> other cusp, >> stand for different things,but it depends upon the >> astrologer to >> select the appropriate significations,for the >> particular >> query/judgement,don't you think so ? >> > For example the Vth can >> denote a lover,a >> child or a card-game,opponent's victory/gain...and so >> on,depending >> upon the circumstances prevailing,or, being considered >> at the TOJ... >> > Therefore,in my humble >> opinion,Mr.Raichur,the VII cusp for the second >> child,based on the >> IIIrd from the Vth,as younger sibling of the >> first-born,seems to me >> to be correct... >> > With highest regards, >> > lyrastro1 >> > GOOD LUCK >> ! >> > >> > anant raichur wrote: >> > Dear Vinay >> > >> > This is a really serious issue. It is right to >> consider 7th Cusp, >> and its connection with 2nd and 11th, for the 2nd >> child. But as you >> correctly raised the question, this is also the >> consideration for >> marriage. Since marriage is already forseen, and >> foregone, the >> answer will be the same. >> > >> > So it would be as good as stating, that One you are >> promised >> Marriage, You are promised the 2nd child as well. ||| >> > >> > I feel we should also consider the 5th House, as it >> denotes child >> birth in general, besides, the 1st child of a lady. >> > >> > The other solution is to consider the 3rd cusp of >> the 1st Born? Is >> a Sibling promised ? This would be a better solution. >> >

>> > >> > Yogesh Rao Lajmi wrote: >> > Dear Vinay, >> > You are very correct,for the second >> child it is >> recommended that the VIIth cusp sublord shoul be >> per >> K.P., recently also there was a discussion on the >> issue of whether >> Father's chart or Mother's chart should be >> analysed...etc. >> > But for the second child I do not >> think there is >> any 'dispute' on taking the VIIth cusp for >> consideration... >> > Yours sincerely, >> > lyrastro1 >> > GOOD LUCK ! >> > >> > Vinay Tiwari wrote: >> > Respected gurus and friends, >> > >> > I was just going through a chart , for >> birth of his second >> child. >> > Dear Guruz , Can you kindly answer for following >> queries, >> > 1) Which houses should be considered? >> > 2)If i am not wrong 2,7,11 for second child ie ; 7 >> is 3rd from 5th . >> > But 2,7,11 also gives marriage? >> > 3)If i want to confirm whether birth of second child >> is there in >> chart should i C 7th sublord connection? or how >> > >> > Please i need guidence regarding same. >> > >> > >> > Thanks In advance, >> > >> > Regards, >> > Vinay Tiwari >> > >> > >> > -------------------------------->> > Do you Yahoo!? >> > Take Yahoo! Mail with you! Get it on your mobile >> phone. >> > >> > Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner >> online. >> > >> > >> > >> > ------------------------------------------

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1849 From: anant raichur <anant_1608@...> Date: Wed Dec 8, 2004 1:16am Subject: Re: Techniques: KP approved or not? anant_1608 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Sandy The Badhaka Sthanas, and Maraka Sthanas(2,7) are taken into consideration in KP ONLY WHEN CONSIDERING THE END OF LIFE, and not for any other event of Life. Good Luck Sandy Crowther <> wrote: Dear List Members,

Before I get myself in trouble again (J) by discussing Vedic techniques that are NOT KP approved, I thought I d ask a few questions of the more seasoned KP practi tioners on the list, to get your opinions on just a few Vedic techniques and the ir applicability (or not) to the system of KP.

I know the following techniques I am inquiring about may not be the primary indi cators/focus due to the KP strong emphasis on star and sub-lords, but what I wou ld like to know is if the following techniques are completely off limits (like t he Divisionals are) for delineation KP style - and therefore have no place in th is KP forum or if they are acceptable and given due consideration in KP delineat ions?

Badhakas (troublemakers) and Badhaka Sthanas (trouble spots?)

Chara Karakas (temporary karakas based on priority of highest planetary degree), and if these are given KP consideration, is Rahu included in the Chara Karaka s cheme (8 planets used), or just the use of the 7 planet Chara Karakas scheme? Wh at about Sthira Karakas (fixed significators to assist in timing the death of re latives?) What about planets falling in Marana Karaka Sthana (indicators that houses owned by certain planets falling in certain placements will suffer like 12th for Sun, 8th for Moon, etc? If this is not a KP approved technique, has any research bee n done to date(that anyone is aware of) to discredit or address when the sub for a planetary significator falls in Marana Karaka Sthana ? I can think of more techniques, but I ll stop my questions at these. I m just trying to discern what s what J because I was blown away at the non-usage of vargas, so this is a start.

Important to me: I would also like to know if one or two of the above techniques are acceptable in KP, and a third is not, (or vice-versa), is it because resear ch has been done indicating that the technique has already been researched and h as no value in KP, or is it because no one has previously mentioned the techniqu e in their writings OR done any research on its applicability therefore it is no t (yet) considered a viable possibility in KP delineation so it may or may not b e applicable? Just curious Thanks.

All the Best, Sandy Crowther

-----------------------------------------A.R.Raichur bombay USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY tel: 022-2506 2609 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Mail - Find what you need with new enhanced search. Learn more.

1850 From: anant raichur <anant_1608@...> Date: Wed Dec 8, 2004 1:21am Subject: Re: Re: KPBC3 Analysis anant_1608 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Usually the highest priority is given to the Planet conjoined with Rahu. Here one must use the Western orbs for conjunction. Next the Star Lord, and last the Sign Lord of rahu's occupation. I have known astrologers, who consider all these effects, while predicting. good luck rongaunt <> wrote: Yogesh, tw and any others interested, As a beginner in KP I have watched the priority order of Rahu and Ketu substitution as stated below. What I have noticed is that authors do always stick to this order. ie. they may quote the sign ruler as operative, when say Rahu is closely conjoined to a planet. It appears that there is at least a suspicion that the Rahu and Ketu can represent ALL rather than just the obvious one ie the first in rank order. This could be likened to a group of students around a Guru. There will be one who is predominant and close to the teacher. There will be others occasionally active and those who will be peripheral and seldom take active part. However, occasionally to make a point or when predominant students are not participating, the Guru may focus his attention on the inactive student because the point is very relevant to his situation. Any comments or observations on whether only one planet is represented by the Node or all factors are represented? Ron Gaunt

On Tue, 07 Dec 2004 13:21:03 +0000, you wrote: >Dear tw853, > are right,therefore, Kethu does represent Merc,the lord of the sign he is posited in... also...but that comes last in strength...Computer Programmes may have given the best houses the last option is very obviou s...perhaps... > Thanks for the input... > Yours sincerely, > lyrastro1 > >

>tw853 wrote: > >Dear Yogesh Rao Lajmi, > > >I. KP Reader III, 1984, Part I, p. 123 > >1. Rahu & Kethu indicates the results of planet which they are >conjoined. > >2. If no planet in conjunction, the results of planets aspecting >them. > >3. If neither conjoined nor aspected, the results of the Stl. > >4. Lastly the result of the sign. > > >II. KP Reader III, 1984, Part I, p. 124 > >1. Rahu or Kethu gives results to greater extent than what Stl >can offer. > >2. Imagine as though Stl is posited in that house in which Rahu >or Ketu tenanted. > >3. Also imagine that Stl is posited in that bhava. And it gives >results to greater extent. > > >KPBC3 > >III. As per rules in p. 123, KP Reader III, > >1. Saturn signifying 1,10,10,3,4 >2. Nil >3. Sun indicating 10,1,10 >4. Mercury indicating 2,2,7,12,8,11 > >IV. As per explanation in p. 124, KP Reader III, > >It is imagined as though Sun is posited in 10H. > >Note: Computer results are showing basic houses signified by Kethu as >1,10, 10, by Raichur or any other. > > >tw > > > >--- In, Yogesh Rao Lajmi >wrote: >> Dear Mandar, >> As Mr.Bosmia says,Kethu is in Merc's sign,hence >it represents read chapter on Nodes...and study it >thoroughly,you will find out what you are missing... >> In one of my very recent contribution to this >group,I have mentioned about how a superfluous reading can hamper >one's more suggestion,while studying K.P., one should

>have his mind CLEANED OF all previous learning...and begin anew all > avoid possible confusions due to past impressions deeply >engraved perhaps... >> Yours sincerely, >> lyrastro1 >> GOOD LUCK ! >> >> Mandar Behere wrote: >> The chart for KPBC3 shows that Ketu is at 6-0-20-51 >> and hence posited in 10th cusp (11th cusp starts at >> 6-15-4-39). So Ketu would signify 10th house and not >> 11th house. Is this correct? If so, since 10th house >> is 12th of 11th, Ketu would give negative effects >> since node is stronger than planet. >> >> Also start lord of Ketu is Sun posited in 1st cusp and >> hence ketu also signifies 1st i.e. 12th of 2nd house. >> Hence in this way as well, ketu will negate the >> effects when we are considering event related to 2nd. >> >> What am I missing here? >> >> Thanks for your reply. >> - Mandar >> --- Kanakkumar Bosmia wrote: >> >> >> -------------------------------->> >> Dear Mander, >> >> ketu is in sign of mer and mer is lord of 11th. >> >> kanak bosmia >> >> >> >> >> >From: Mandar Behere >> >Reply-To: >> >To: >> >Subject: Re: [k_p_system] Re: KPBC3 Analysis >> >Date: Mon, 6 Dec 2004 20:23:14 -0800 (PST) >> > >> >Thanks Ron for your reply. >> > >> >For others, can anybody throw some light on my >> >queries? >> >Stating here again: >> >1. in KPBC3, while choosing the Dasa sequence, I left >> >Ketu, since Ketu was signifying 1st and 10th cusp. >> But >> >it seems that Ketu only gave the result. Any >> reasoning >> >for this? >> >2. For having a child is it necessary that 5th Sub >> >should signify 2 AND 5 AND 11th cusp or it can >> signify >> >any one of 2,5,11th cusp? >> >

>> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>

>- Mandar >--- rongaunt wrote: > > > > > Mandar, > > > > Please see replies ++.....................++ > > > > Ron Gaunt > > > > > > > > On Mon, 06 Dec 2004 07:04:52 +0000, you wrote: > > > > > > > > > > >Hi, > > > > > >I have few queries regarding the analysis. Could > > you please answer > > >them? Please look for ***. > > > > > >--- In, rongaunt > > wrote: > > >> > > >> > > >> HOUSES AND SIGNIFICATORS > > >> > > >> The event was the birth of a child. The > > relevant houses are 2 > > >> for family, 5 for children, and 11 for desire. > > >> > > >> Lord of 2 and 5 is Jupiter who is in the star of > > Rahu sub > > >> Jupiter. Natal Rahu is in Jupiter Rasi hence > > all important > > >> de-facto ruler of the 5th house. Natal Rahu is > > in the star of > > >> Jupiter, so there is intimate and close > > connection between > > >> Jupiter and Rahu. > > >> > > >> Lord of 11 is Mercury who is in the star of > > Venus sub of Saturn, > > >> hence there may be some delay in having the first > > child. > > >> Natal Mercury is associated with Venus and both > > are in > > >> the 2nd house disposed by Jupiter hence > > associated with Rahu. > > >> > > >> Therefore all 3 houses 2,5, and 11, promise a > > child through > > >> Mercury as 11 house significator who is resident > > in 2 and linked > > >> through Jupiter and Rahu to the 5th house. > > >*** Is it mandatory that all the 3 houses should

>> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>

> > promise a child or > > >there is a OR condition? > > > > ++ I have taken it myself that all 3 houses should > > promise a > > child. However, I am relatively new to KP > > and if this is > > not correct I would appreciate views from > > experienced > > members. ++ > > >> > > >> > > >> DASAS > > >> > > >> The first appropriate dasa sequence appears to be > > Mo/Ke/Mer. > > >> commencing 31st Aug 1980. Ketu is in Mercury's > > rashi and would > > >> appear ideal. However, as we have seen Mercury > > is in the sub > > >> of Saturn hence likely to delay. > > >> > > >> Mo/Ve starts 30th Sep 1980. Venus Buhkti is > > promising in that > > >> natal Venus is in the 2nd house, associated with > > Mercury, in Sag > > >> Jupiter's rashi which is the same for the 5th > > house. > > >> In Handbook of Astrology Part 1 page 47 the > > author states > > >> 'Child birth can only be expected during the > > period of that > > >> planet which is placed favorably in the sub of > > one occupying or > > >> owning the 2nd,5th, or the 11th.' The only > > planet fulfilling > > >> this condition is Mercury which is in the sub of > > Venus occupying > > >> the 2nd house. > > >> > > >> Therefore the dasa sequence that fulfills the > > conditions is > > >> Mo/Ve/Me which runs from 30th Jan 1982 to 25th > > April 1982. > > >> However Mo/Ve/Ke (Ke substitutes for Mercury) > > runs from 25/4/1982 > > >> to 31st May 1982. So the birth could take place > > between 30th > > >> Jan to 25th April 1982. > > >*** Since ketu is signifiying 1 and 10 i.e. 12th of > > 2 and 11 > > >respectively, wouldn't it give negative effects on

>> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>

> > the result? Since > > >nodes are stronger than planets, I forced myself to > > leave out ketu > > >period, and Mercury period as well. And hence > > landed up with the dasa > > >sequence Moon/Ven/Ven or Moon/Ven/Moon. Was my > > assumption wrong? What > > >is the exact rule regarding this? > > > > > ++ Sorry due to my inexperience in KP I cannot > > quote a rule. > > I simply took it for granted that if a > > planet which is > > "placed favorably in the sub of one occupying > > or > > owning the 2nd,5th, or the 11th". the event > > would > > fructify. Again, perhaps more experienced > > members can > > answer. ++ > > > > >Thanks is advance, > > >Mandar > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >__________________________________ >Do you Yahoo!? >Yahoo! Mail - Find what you need with new enhanced search. >

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1851 From: "Vaidun Vidyadhar" <vvidya@...> Date: Wed Dec 8, 2004 2:07am Subject: Will I get this job? vidyaau Send IM Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear List Members, I am trying my hand at KP after a break of more than 15 years. I seek the help of more knowledgeable KP stalwards on the list to see if I am working in the right direction. I will be highly obliged for your comments. Last Saturday I went for if I will get this job. came up with Number 45. Long 150E55. I sat down of one hour is presently a job interview to Queensland. I wish to find out I asked my wife to give me a horary number and she I am located at Tamworth, NSW Australia, Lat 31S05, to cast a horary chart at 17:28:15 Sydney time, DST on.

Ruling Planets Lagna: Ma Ve Sa Moon: Ve Ma Me Day: Me Therefore Ve, Ma and Me emerge as the RPs. Ke is in Libra replaced with Ke. Ra is in Aries therefore Ma is replaced then become Ke, Ra and Me. Ra is in the sub of Ke. Ke is Therefore Ke becomes a very strong significator. Me is in which is direct. Horary Number 45 : Me Ma Su Star lord of Hor No, Ma is sign lord of lagna and also star lord of Moon. Therefore the event WILL occur. I WILL get this job. Houses to be considered: 2, 6 and 10 When will I get this job? It should be within the next month or two. In which case we consider the position of Sun. When the Sun moves to a sensitive point ruled by the strong significators of the 2nd, 6th and 10th houses, in common with the RPs. Significators of 2nd house are Ju & Mo Significators of 6th house are Su, Me, Mo & Ma Significators of 10th house are Ke, Ma, Ve & Sa I will pick on Ju Ke Ra. Sun will enter this point on 21 Dec 04, a Tueday ruled by Ma which is a strong significator. Moon will be transitting in Ju Me Ra The above is my attempt. I request senior KP astrologers to kindly comment on my analysis. I will be most obliged. Thank you. With regards. Vaidun Vidyadhar 1 / 94 Marius Street Tamworth, NSW 2340 Australia Tel: 61-2-67 668428 (home) Mobile: 0414 870 083 Email: vvidya@... Attachment: (application/ms-tnef) winmail.dat [not stored] therefore Ve is by Ra. The RPs in its own sub. the sub of Ju

1852 From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@...> Date: Wed Dec 8, 2004 2:31am Subject: Re: Re: Request to Sandy lyrastro1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Raju, People who are interested,and understand, do read,however long the reply is...provided it is them ! lyrastro1

raju bokaariya <> wrote: CUT short ur replies so that anyone wishes to read carefully If u write so much ....even if it valuable it is not READ ----- Original Message ----From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi To: Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 2004 8:10 PM Subject: Re: [k_p_system] Re: Request to Sandy Dear Vijay, Since the early demise of our Guruji..his illustrious students,l ike Vaikary Ramamurthy,Prof.Balachandran,Pt.K.R.Kar,A.Balasekar,A.R.Raichur Narh ari Khake,K.P.Kuppu Ganapathi, and a host of other erudite scholars are perfect ing K.P.System,to bring about more accuracy and refinement, the sub-sub theory,the DRPE theory,methods of ultra fast/instant predictions et c., have been regularly appearing in K.P. & Astrology Magazine...however,as for me,I am perfectly satisfied with the 85-90% accuracy achieved by me using K.P. p ropounded by our Guruji KSK...and so are most of my clients...and I am still lea rning...! I agree with you that there is always scope for improvement in any scientific endeavour...but there is a limit to which perfection should be so ught after,and after a time the effort required to get higher and higher accurac y becomes meaningless and self-defeating,as the law of diminishing returns begin s to operate...? ! A perusal of these above mentioned theories certainly proves t hat more perfection is always possible...but the question I ask myself always is , to what purpose...? And,is it worth the effort ? Therefore I am satisfied with the accuracy I can achieve with the present system I use,and so are the vast majority of my clients... I used to ,in the early days of my practice,startle a client by telling him his birthstar. ..correctly,upon his entering the room...(just as KSK's daughter used to do when she was just a child)...but I have stopped doing all this "showmanship"...becau se after doing all this if your predictions are way off target,you have achieved nothing...hence I began concetrating on a systematic analysis of the horoscope, and offering accurate predictions...and have been able to achieve a 85-90% succe ss-rate,after a lot of practice,perhaps, one's intuition also gets sharpened and begins to work well... I began learning Astrology way back in the early 60's...and sometime in ' 75-76 when I was in posted at Bhopal,but I had almost given up stu dying astrology as it was NOT giving me any correct readings,so much so,that I w as thoroughly disillusioned with,and had begun debunking astrology...but fortuna tely for me,as luck would have it our local Astrologers' Association,arranged a lecture-cum-demonstration by the then already famous-for-his-accuracy-and-speed ,Prof. K.S.Krishnamurthi...! I was so tremendously impressed by his invention the "Krishn amurthi Padhdhati...", that I decided to become his disciple then and there... Ever since, I began learning and experimenting with the wond erful K.P. System...startling my colleagues at work,accurately predicting the e xact time of return of the peon sent by me,from the accurate predi ctions regarding their children,their admission to school,College,etc...and slow ly developed a lot of expertise, and confidence,in various branches of prognosti cation...and after my retirement as Dy.Gen.Mgr.(Mktg.),Raptakos Brett & Co. Ltd. ,in the year 1999,I began practising K.P. Astrology professionally. I hope,dear Vijay,that satisfies your curiosity about me... Wishing you the very best,I am, Yours sincerely, lyrastro1 GOOD LUCK !

vijay kumar <> wrote: Dear Sh. Rao, No match to KP, it is a truth !! I am a humble follower to both Parashara and KP and have very high respect to bo th the systems. However, the fact remains that any system is yet not perfect bec ause of our limitations of understanding it. If we humbly agree to it, we shall have lesser reservations to navigate between different systems of prognosticatio ns for better understanding of the mysteries of planets. Let us say, if a planet is identified negative for a matter in KP way, it may al so be assessed whether the same planet is indicating similar situation in releva nt D-charts of Parashara. By certain D-charts, we could even know whether the tr ouble area is because of the karmas of previous janmas etc. There is always a go od chance that we may get a lot of guidance on a planetary situation by looking on both the systems to our advantage without breaking the barriers of any system . In such studies, the statistical analysis over a large number of cases may be required for establishing some set of rules to look for. Of course, while looki ng to the Parahara way, we may use KP ayanamsha to keep the reference same. In a similar way, the details may be worked out for positive planets for a matter in sight. This is not the ultimate, but this is only an example of what I wanted t o say. It is a fact that Shri KSK had done a marvellous homewok in Parashari astrology and negated many of its rules, which is eye-opener for all of us and we all are indebted to his efforts. However, the KP system is left un-perfected because of early demise of Shri KSK. Perhaps, if KSK had remained alive for some more years , he would have taken this art to a better perfection. Let us not ignore the fac t that there are many occassions which bring us to cross roads on predictions ev en in KP way of analysis. In case, if it sounds offending, I withdraw it here it self. I humbly understand all what has been mentioned as reply to this mail and I appr eciate your reminder to me again. Thanks. PS : Mr. Rao, if you kindly recollect that I had mailed you long ago to find your cre dentials in KP astrology, which you had assured me through a seperate mail. Sinc e, your view points in your writings are very crisp, I had the urge to know more about your goodself in respect of your contribution related to your writeups, e xperiences etc on KP. This has no other motive whatsoever. Thanks and Regards, Vijay Kumar ----- Original Message ----From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi To: Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 2004 11:00 AM Subject: Re: [k_p_system] Re: Request to Sandy Dear Vijay Kumar, I appreciate your keen desire to "amalgamate" K.P., an d Parasara's house division...etc... The Placidus system holds that the cusp of the house i

s from the house begins and it ends at the begining of the next house ... wherea s,Parasara's and several other Traditional systems hold that the midpoint of the house is the starting point of a house till the midpoint of the next house,and advocate the EQUAL division of the 12 houses in the Zodiac,regardless of the Lat titude and Longitude etc, some even give very great importance to the M.C. point ... (the mid point of the Xth house,the point when Sun a is at its Zenith at 12 noon)...there are thus, many systems being followed by Astrologers the world ove r... Under the circumstances we will only,perhaps be trying to amalgamate,let's say a system like the metric system with old British System of weights and measures...! ! The basics are entirely different... and the chances of confusion/mistakes are multiple...if due care is not taken... In my considered opinion,however,it will be an exercis e in futility,as many erudite researchers/students etc., have,in the past, tried to, and could not,so far...arrive at any consensus,at least,as per my humble kn owledge... K.P., is a very simple and straight forward system,ver y easily mastered, and there's very little ambiguity,in its rules,which are app licable easily...and most importantly,it is a judicious ,and most successful ble nd of the Traditional Vedic Astrology with the Western(Placidus system of House division,aspects etc.)...the best of BOTH...! The discoveries of the unequal sub,the decisive role o f the sub-lord,the Ruling Planets theory...etc., are the unique inventions of Sh ri K.S.Krishnamurthiji,( but as contended in these columns,as originally discove red by Meena...only to perhaps,discredit KSK ?)... What's more is that,no other system has equalled the accuracy of K.P.,as demonstrated all over the world at lecture-demos, by KSK,and his several erudite students,repeatedly... In the Final Analysis,as our revered Guruji,Jyotish M arthand, the late Shri KSK says,the proof of the pudding is in eating it...! ! ! I have given,in these columns a step-wise method of a pplying K.P.,in both horary and Natal horoscopy...which if diligently followed w ill enable one to achieve a success-rate of atleast 80-90 %. The proof of the in eating it . The Ball's now in your friends... Yours sincerely, lyrastro1. GOOD LUCK !

Yogesh Rao Lajmi <> wrote: Dear Sandy, I am glad,dear Sandy,that you are now back with all of the group... I also hasten to add that you will understand that I let,a litt le of my impatience, peep out,inadvertently,and I reiterate that there were no " evil" intentions at all of any kind at any time...! Any way,I guess all's well that ends well,and I am certainly gl ad that you're back in the group... Wishing you the very best,I remain, Yours sincerely, lyrastro1 GOOD LUCK ! Sandy Crowther <> wrote: Dear Vijay Kumar and List,

Thank you. This is just a short note to let you know that Ron Gaunt's persistent - but gentle persuasion (and forwarded emails of support :)) lured me back to reconsider my decision to leave the group, so I'm back. Thanks for your support...Hopefully we can all do our best to keep the peace and respect one another when we communicate. Communicating by email is a tough enough medium to decipher and translate emotions and intent - and misunderstandings can certainly occur. As it is there is enough discord in the world without us contributing to the same. I'd also like to add that I apologize if I have misunderstood a certain few posts, or made anyone uncomfortable with my words or actions. All the Best, Sandy Crowther P.S. to Vijay: I'm female :-) --- In, "vijay kumar" <v_kumar@c...> wrote: > Dear Sandy, > > Kindly excuse me to intrude in. > > Your posts and that of Mr. Yogesh etc have very good over the time and I sincerely feel that you should not withdraw from the forum. This forum is a place for learning which should of course be in a very humble environment. > > The divisional charts are wonders in parashara classics and should not be under-estimated. My humble feeling is that some statistical evaluation is necessary to amalgamate the D-charts with the Classical KP chart of Placidus system. It would bring out many pearls of wisdom. > > Mr. Sandy, kindly keep up your deliberations to the forum. > > Regards, > > Vijay Kumar > ----- Original Message ----> From: Sandy Crowther > To: > Sent: Friday, December 03, 2004 10:45 PM > Subject: RE: [k_p_system] Re: KPBC3 Answer. > > > Dear TW and Yogesh Rao Lajmi, Ron, and Group, > > > > TW - thanks for your kind congratulatory words. > > > > Yogesh Rao Lagmi wrote: >

> > > Doesn't that,in a way strengthen my contention that the mother's chart will give better and more accurate results ? > > Yours 'ly, > > lyrastro1 > > GOOD LUCK ! > > > > WHY??? Because only 2 people out of 8 came close? I'm amused. Does KP boast a 100% accuracy rate? I agree that having the charts of BOTH parents would have made delineation a bit easier - but in real life - that isn't always an option. > > > > TW - wrote: > > > > How can we refuse a male asking whether he can have a child and tell > him to bring his wife?. > > I agree TW. Perhaps it is time for participation on Blind charts from you, Mr. Yogesh Rao Lajmi, to demonstrate both your point and your expertise in KP delineation - which brings me to my next point... > > > > Yogesh Rao Lagmi - With all due respect, I believe you are a bit over the top with many of your posts.this being another post of a few that I have observed in the short time I have been a member of this list..Anyway - allow me to respond to your accusations of my personal motivations before I unsubscribe. > > > > You wrote: > > Dears Sandy Cowther & Srinivas Upadyay, > > I was under the impression that we are discusing in the is no place for sapthamsa,navamsas,dasamsas or forthat matter any amsas for judgement purposes... > > Members are requested to stick to Krishnamurty Padhdhati only...else we will only arrive at a "hotch-potch" of " the various Vedic Astrology our anxiety to prove one's point anywhich way,end up with nothing worthwhile..." > > I sincerely request ALL members to therefore stick to K.P.,only in

this group... > > Yours sincerely, > > lyrastro1 > > GOOD LUCK ! > > > > Interesting diatribe.Are Eclipses part of KP? You don't know me nor do you know what my motivations are. I was simply respectfully responding to a question put forth by a list member - nothing more. simply sharing a technique. Now although I am a seasoned astrologer of 35 years, I am not experienced in KP and thought this list might be a good place to start after a respected colleague of mine - Ron Gaunt - mentioned the list to me. So, for the record, I have just begun my journey of studying KP - therefore I am not familiar with what techniques are accepted by KP, and what techniques are rejected by KP. For that I apologize. However, you certainly set me straight real quick. Forgive me if I crossed the line of list discussion - I meant no disrespect. > > > > However, due to the derogatory manner in which I was addressed (directly and indirectly) by you on 2 separate occasions - you can rest assured that I will not be posting to this KP list anymore. You see, I was not trying to "prove" anything, and unfortunately, for whatever your reasons, you have painted an inaccurate picture of my motives to this list, while showing a great deal of disrespect towards me. I have little tolerance for unprovoked verbal hostility on any list. Your comments on a few occasions were unnecessary and quite immature. You could have brought forth your point about amsa's, "any amsa's", in a kinder manner - like Anant Raichur did without resorting to implying to other list members your own delusional assumptions about others, or suggesting such absurd inaccuracies of my personal motivations - such as - to "prove one's point any which way". You couldn't be further from the truth.I have nothing to prove, nor do I have any need to prove anything. > > > > And again: > > > > Therefore,personally, I stick to the pure and simple K.P., of old...and I had mentioned it especially for those who are interested in more research etc...the "in-thing" abroad...I guess... > > > > Hmm.Guess you don't like the fact that I enjoy "research"? > > >

> At any rate, I have no time for this nonsense. But I do wish you and the list all the best and hope you will at least think about the manner and tone with which you come across to others in your plight to exert your authority/superiority on this list. Goodbye and GOOD LUCK! J > > > > P.S. Message for Ron Gaunt with respect to KPBC3: > > > > Ron - In Vinay's assessment dates for the birth of the child he states the dates of 5/12/82 to 5/30/82 (May) and states that these dates fall in a Mo/Ve/Me dasha. There is some mistake here because these May dates he predicted do not fall in a Mo/Ve/Me dasha, but rather in a Mo/Ve/Ra dasha. The birth took place, according to your post, on 3/22/82 - which is March - not May. I just wanted to bring that to your attention in case list members are following the Blind Charts. Thanks. > > > > > > All the Best, > > Sandy Crowther > >

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1853 From: "mehtakunal2707" <mehtakunal2707@...> Date: Wed Dec 8, 2004 2:40am Subject: Re: Reading request / Mr.Ron/Mr.Raichur mehtakunal2707 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Mr.Raichur, Please try and find time to look at the chart. I have given the area in Mumbai. Just wanted to know abt finance in life / time of marraige..type of wife...etc... Regards, Kunal

--- In, "mehtakunal2707" <mehtakunal2707@y...> wrote: > > Dear Sir, > > Born around Matunga/Dadar area. I hope that helps. > > Long:72E50 > Lat: 18N58 > > Please let me know abt state of finance / marraige, > > Regards, > > Kunal > > > > > --- In, anant raichur <anant_1608@y...> > wrote: > > Dear Mr Metha > > Mumbai(Bombay) is a big city, esp spread in N_S direction. > Mentioning the Suburb of Mumbai will enable one to get a better chart > with Lat and Long nearer the birth place. > > > > > > kunal mehta <mehtakunal2707@y...> wrote: > > Hello, > > > > I tried to post this request, > > > > Can anyone predict time of likely time of marraige (type of wife) > > > > 18/06/1977 > > 8=15am > > mumbai

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > Regards, > > Kunal > > > --------------------------------> Moving house? Beach bar in Thailand? New Wardrobe? Win 10k with Yahoo! Mail to make your dream a reality. > Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT > > > --------------------------------> Yahoo! Groups Links > > To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. > > > > -----------------------------------------> A.R.Raichur bombay > anant_1608@y... > raichuranant@y... > USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY > tel: 022-2506 2609 > -----------------------------------------> > > > > > > > > --------------------------------> Do you Yahoo!? > All your favorites on one personal page Try My Yahoo!

1854 From: "kanbosastro" <kanbosastro@...> Date: Wed Dec 8, 2004 3:22am Subject: Re: RECTIFICATION OF TIME OF BIRTH / Shri Ron and Raichur ji kanbosast ro Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 i am waing for you coment on bin laden's birthtime rectification. regards kanak bosmia

--- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > > Kanak, > > Would you mind giving us an example so that we can follow it more > closely. Thanks > > > Ron Gaunt > > >Dear Ravindra > > > i dont think it is right method to check birth timeV pls refer Book " SECRETS OF R.P. & THE BIRTH TIME By: K.Baskaran Publishe KRISHMAN & CO 804 Mount Road, Chhennai 600 002 " > > >according to him RP MOON = Bith Asc. and RP Asc. = Birth Moon.( ksk himself wrote in any one reader about RP Moon = Birth Asc. but i dont remember no: and Page No.) > > >frist you go up to birth Mon Sub-Sub-Sub level . and calcutet asc for that time you can found Bith asc as RP MOON most of case. > > >i found very accuret result by this method. and it is my personal view . > > >kanak bosmia

1855 From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@...> Date: Wed Dec 8, 2004 5:51am Subject: RE: KPBC3 lyrastro1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Srinivas, Pl. remember,as I have said earlier also,a planet may signify many things under the Sun,but the circumstances existing and under which,and to prognosticate what matter is the chart being analysed,will determine,the partic ular significations to consider for a planet to signify...I had given the exampl e of the sublord of the could signify,gambling,game of cards,lover,love -life,children,victory to opponent etc...exactly which signification to consider depends upon the astrologer's discretion... The skill and experience of the astrologer,will play an impo rtant role there... Yours sincerely, lyrastro1 "Upadhyaya, Srinivasa" <> wrote: Dear Yogesh, Thanks a lot. I re-tried to get the RPs for (30-Nov-2004, at Bangalore, IST 14:0 3) using Raichur's s/w (downloaded from file section in yahoo groups). I got Jup iter as Moon-star lord. I have a small doubt,in the present case (kpbc3), Moon is not one of the RPs the n on what basis we can consider Moon as a significator.

For e.g,assume someone gets married during the initial period of Moon dasa (assu ming Moon is a significator of 2,7,11). As moon dasa lasts for 10 years, the nat ive may beget children during Moon dasa. But there are chances that ,even when t he Moon is a significator of 2nd house, the native may not beget child in moon d asa. Assume during the time of judgement, moon is not one of RPs, then on what basis we can say if the native begets child during moon dasa. Regards, Upadhyaya HANSKPVEDIC@YAHOOGROUPS.COM ----------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Asc. 12 44 16| | | | | |Rahu 6 9 49|III 15 3 39|IV 11 9 22| | |II 16 20 5| |Moon 23 10 41| | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------| | NAME:RPs | | | | TUESDAY 30 11 2004 | | |Uran 9 11 5| Time 14 3 | | |XII 7 55 14| | | | | SID.TIME 18 h. 21 m. 45 s. |Sat -R 3 2 3| | | |V 7 47 3| | | NAKS:Revati-PADA 0 | | | | | | :---------------| PLACE:BANGALORE-KARNATAKA |---------------| | | | | | | LAT 12 deg 58 min N | | |Nept 19 10 3| | | |X1 7 47 3| Long 77 deg 38 min E | | | | |VI 7 55 14| | | Ayan 23 d. 50 m. 7 s. | | | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | | |For 21 15 53| | |X 11 9 22|Plut 27 41 45|Mars 18 58 18| | |Merc 2 53 44|IX 15 3 39|VIII 16 20 5| | | |Sun 14 39 4|Ven 15 48 41|VII 12 44 16| | | |Ketu 6 9 49|Jup 19 17 57| | | | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------DASA BAL. Jup. 12 Y. 68 Days ENDS ON 6 2 2017 BHK. Bal. Sat. 0 Y. 311 Days: ANT. Bal. Mars 49 Days: SOOK Bal. Rahu 6 Days CUSP ASC 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th Sgl Jup Mar Ven Mer Moo Sun Stl Sat Ven Moo Rah Sat Ket Sbl Mar Moo Jup Sat Ket Jup Ssl Ven Mar Sun Ket Jup Sat :PLANET :SUN. :MOON :MARS :MERC :JUP. :VEN. Sgl Mar Mer Ven Jup Mer Ven Stl Sat Jup Rah Ket Moo Rah Sbl Rah Sat Moo Ven Mer Ven SsL Moo Mar Ket Ket Jup Moo

7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th


Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat Sat

Moo Rah Sat Ket Sun Rah

Rah Ven Jup Sat Ven Rah

Sat Rah Jup Rah Ven Ket

Jup Ket Mar Rah Moo Jup Mer

Rah Rah Moo Jup Mer Jup Jup

Sun Sat Sat Sat Jup Moo Rah

-----Original Message----From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi [] Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 2004 9:00 PM To: Subject: RE: [k_p_system] KPBC3 Dear Srinivas, You must use a proper K.P. Mr. Raichur's... The answers u were looking for are : 1) RPs at Birth are : Asc St lord - Sat sub-lord is Mars Asc Sign lord - Mars Moon St lord - Venus sublord is Sun Moon sign lord - Mars Day lord - Merc 2) There is no such rule that the Moon MUST be one of the R Ps... 3) Sun's dasa begins on 2-12-1966. I hope you've got your answers... With best wishes, lyrastro1 GOOD LUCK !

"Upadhyaya, Srinivasa" <> wrote: Dear Yogesh, I used a software to generate the birth chart of the native of KPBC3. I have not used any ephemeries to calculate the chart, whatever the ayanamsha the software used, I made use of it. I do not know whether the following ayanamsha is correct for year 1950 AYANAMSA:23 4'18" The details are as follows DATE OF BIRTH: 20-12-1950 WEDNSDAY TIME: 5: 2HRS( ) TIME ZONE: 5.50 HRS (VIKRUTHI MARGAZHI 4 TUESDAY NIGHT) PLACE:1046'N 7642'E DONT SIDR.TIME:10:30:46 AYANAMSA:23 4'18" SUNRISE/SET: 6:39/18: 1 ( ) STAR:BHARANI FULDAY PADA 1 THITHI:SUKLA EKADASI TILL 5:55 YOGA:SIVA TILL 16:32 KARANA:BHADRA TILL 5:55 , SIDHDHA YOGA The problem is my prediction failed because RPs did not provide the right dasa, bukthi and anthara lords (for which I used the same software to generate the bir th chart as well as to generate RPs).

What would have gone wrong? Also Moon is not at all a RP. Regards, Upadhyaya -----Original Message----From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi [] Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 2004 11:46 AM To: Subject: RE: [k_p_system] KPBC3 Dear Srinivasa, The RPs you've mentioned are,indeed,correct...! Kindly clarify further,as to what exactly is the problem ? Pl. also,while asking such questions pl. inform the Ayanams a and the Ephemeris used... Yours sincerely, lyrastro1 "Upadhyaya, Srinivasa" <> wrote: Dear members, I got the wrong Ruling planets. Why did I get wrong ruling planets? If anyone ge ts the wrong RPs, whole prediction will go for a toss. Please let me know how to handle these type of situations. Regards, Upadhyaya >Ruling planets at the time of judgement (30-Nov-2004, at Bangalore, IST 14:03) > Sign Lord Star Lord Sub >Asc : Ju Sa Ma >Moon : Me Ju Sa >Day : Ma >Rah is in Ae, Mar sign > > Sa, Ju, Me, Ma, Ra.

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1856 From: "Upadhyaya, Srinivasa" <srinivasa.upadyaya@...> Date: Wed Dec 8, 2004 6:00am Subject: RE: KPBC3 upadhyaya_p_s Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Yogesh, Thanks a lot. Regards, Upadhyaya -----Original Message----From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi [] Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 2004 5:22 PM To: Subject: RE: [k_p_system] KPBC3 Dear Srinivas, Pl. remember,as I have said earlier also,a planet may signify many things under the Sun,but the circumstances existing and under which,and to prognosticate what matter is the chart being analysed,will determine,the partic ular significations to consider for a planet to signify...I had given the exampl e of the sublord of the could signify,gambling,game of cards,lover,love -life,children,victory to opponent etc...exactly which signification to consider depends upon the astrologer's discretion... The skill and experience of the astrologer,will play an impo rtant role there... Yours sincerely,

lyrastro1 "Upadhyaya, Srinivasa" <> wrote: Dear Yogesh, Thanks a lot. I re-tried to get the RPs for (30-Nov-2004, at Bangalore, IST 14:0 3) using Raichur's s/w (downloaded from file section in yahoo groups). I got Jup iter as Moon-star lord. I have a small doubt,in the present case (kpbc3), Moon is not one of the RPs the n on what basis we can consider Moon as a significator. For e.g,assume someone gets married during the initial period of Moon dasa (assu ming Moon is a significator of 2,7,11). As moon dasa lasts for 10 years, the nat ive may beget children during Moon dasa. But there are chances that ,even when t he Moon is a significator of 2nd house, the native may not beget child in moon d asa. Assume during the time of judgement, moon is not one of RPs, then on what basis we can say if the native begets child during moon dasa. Regards, Upadhyaya HANSKPVEDIC@YAHOOGROUPS.COM ----------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Asc. 12 44 16| | | | | |Rahu 6&n bsp; 9 49|III 15 3 39|IV 11 9 22| | |II 16 20 5| |Moon 23 10 41| | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------| | NAME:RPs | | | | TUESDAY 30 11 2004 | | |Uran 9 11 5| Time 14 3 | | |XII 7 55 14| | | | | SID.TIME 18 h. 21 m. 45 s. |Sat -R 3 2 3| | | |V 7 47 3| | | NAKS:Revati-PADA 0 | | | | | | :---------------| PLACE:BANGALORE-KARNATAKA |---------------| | | | | | | LAT 12 deg 58 min N | | |Nept 19 10 3| | | |X1 7 47 3| Long 77 deg 38 min E | | | | |VI 7 55 14| | | Ayan 23 d. 50 m. 7 s. | | | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | | |For 21 15 53| | |X 11 9 22|Plut 27 41 45|Mars 18 58 18| | |Merc 2 53 44|IX 15 3 39|VIII 16 20 5| | | |Sun 14 39 4|Ven 15 48 41|VII 12 44 16| | | |Ketu 6 9 49|Jup 19 17 57| | | | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------DASA BAL. Jup. 12 Y. 68 Days ENDS ON 6 2 2017

BHK. Bal. Sat. 0 Y. 311 Days: ANT. Bal. Mars 49 Days: SOOK Bal . Rahu 6 Days CUSP ASC 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th :PLANET Sgl :SUN. Mar :MOON Mer :MARS Ven :MERC Jup :JUP. Mer :VEN. Ven :SAT.-R Moo :RAHU Mar :KETU Ven :URAN Sat :NEPT Sat :FOR. Ven :PLUT Mar PROGRAMME BY RAICHURS OF GHATKOPAR Sgl Jup Mar Ven Mer Moo Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat Sat Stl Sat Ven Moo Rah Sat Ket Moo Rah Sat Ket Sun Rah Sbl Mar Moo Jup Sat Ket Jup Rah Ven Jup Sat Ven Rah Ssl Ven Mar Sun Ket Jup Sat Sat Rah Jup Rah Ven Ket Stl Sat Jup Rah Ket Moo Rah Jup Ket Mar Rah Moo Jup Mer Sbl Rah Sat Moo Ven Mer Ven Rah Rah Moo Jup Mer Jup Jup SsL Moo Mar Ket Ket Jup Moo Sun Sat Sat Sat Jup Moo Rah

-----Original Message----From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi [] Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 2004 9:00 PM To: Subject: RE: [k_p_system] KPBC3 Dear Srinivas, You must use a proper K.P. Mr. Raichur's... The answers u were looking for are : 1) RPs at Birth are : Asc St lord - Sat sub-lord is Mars Asc Sign lord - Mars Moon St lord - Venus sublord is Sun Moon sign lord - Mars Day lord - Merc 2) There is no such rule that the Moon MUST be one of the R Ps... 3) Sun's dasa begins on 2-12-1966. I hope you've got your answers... With best wishes, lyrastro1 GOOD LUCK !

"Upadhyaya, Srinivasa" <> wrote: Dear Yogesh, I used a software to generate the birth chart of the native of KPBC3. I have not used any ephemeries to calculate the chart, whatever the ayanamsha the software used, I made use of it. I do not know whether the following ayanamsha is correct for year 1950 AYANAMSA:23 4'1 8" The details are as follows

DATE OF BIRTH: 20-12-1950 WEDNSDAY TIME: 5: 2HRS( ) TIME ZONE: 5.50 HRS (VIKRUTHI MARGAZHI 4 TUESDAY NIGHT) PLACE:1046'N 7642'E DONT SIDR.TIME:10:30:46 AYANAMSA:23 4'18" SUNRISE/SET: 6:39/18: 1 ( ) STAR:BHARANI FULDAY PADA 1 THITHI:SUKLA EKADASI TILL 5:55 YOGA:SIVA TILL 16:32 KARANA:BHADRA TILL 5:55 , SIDHDHA YOGA The problem is my prediction failed because RPs did not provide the right dasa, bukthi and anthara lords (for which I used the same software to generate the bir th chart as well as to generate RPs). What would have gone wron g? Also Moon is not at all a RP. Regards, Upadhyaya -----Original Message----From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi [] Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 2004 11:46 AM To: Subject: RE: [k_p_system] KPBC3 Dear Srinivasa, The RPs you've mentioned are,indeed,correct...! Kindly clarify further,as to what exactly is the problem ? Pl. also,while asking such questions pl. inform the Ayanams a and the Ephemeris used... Yours sincerely, lyrastro1 "Upadhyaya, Srinivasa" <> wrote: Dear members, I got the wrong Ruling planets. Why did I get wrong ruling planets? If anyone ge ts the wrong RPs, whole prediction will go for a toss. Please let me know how to handle these type of situations. Regards, Upadhyaya >Ruling planets at the time of judgement (30-Nov-2004, at Bangalore, IST 14:03) > Sign Lord Star Lord Sub >Asc : Ju Sa Ma >Moon : Me Ju Sa >Day : Ma >Rah is in Ae, Mar sign > > Sa, Ju, Me, Ma, Ra.

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1857 From: "Sandy Crowther" <sandy@...> Date: Wed Dec 8, 2004 6:36am Subject: RE: Techniques: KP approved or not? detective_dunno Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Anant Raichur and Group,

Thanks Mr. Raichur, for the information on the Maraka Sthanas (2nd and 7th house s) and the Badhaka Sthanas, and for letting me know that these techniques are on ly taken into consideration in KP when considering the event respective only to the end of life. However, I think you may have misunderstood what I was referrin g to I was inquiring about the technique of Marana Karaka Sthanas, and wondering if any consideration (or discredit) is given to these placements in KP or if yo u know if any research has been done on this technique - like especially being a pplicable during their respective mahadashas/bhukti s/prantyantardashas, or perhap

s when a star/sub for a planetary significator addressing a specific planet and MKS house, happens to fall in these houses?

Marana Karaka Sthanas are different than Maraka Sthanas (2nd and 7th houses). Ma rana Karaka Sthana refer to a certain planet that occupies a certain house in a chart, that in turn causes the houses OWNED by that planet to suffer, (and there fore can be capable of danger or causing death.) These MKS house placements are 12th for the Sun, 8th for the Moon, 7th for Mars and Mercury, 3rd for Jupiter, 6 th for Venus, 1st for Saturn, and 9th for Rahu. I was just wondering if anyone k new whether or not this technique has ever been referenced in any of the KP writ ings and therefore been either KP accepted or discredited or perhaps it has never been mentioned at all in the writings?

One more question on amsas to satisfy my curiosity - if I may (and I m honestly no t trying to start trouble J or go off topic I m just curious). Is it specifically written or referenced somewhere in the KP writings that the divisionals have ab solutely no value to the KP System, and therefore have no place in KP? I m having a real hard time with that one, and cannot believe that their usage hasn t been im plemented at least in some small way somewhere along the way Thanks again.

All the Best, Sandy Crowther

-----Original Message----From: anant raichur [] Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 2004 2:17 AM To: Subject: Re: [k_p_system] Techniques: KP approved or not?

Dear Sandy

The Badhaka Sthanas, and Maraka Sthanas(2,7) are taken into consideration in KP ONLY WHEN CONSIDERING THE END OF LIFE, and not for any other event of Life.

Good Luck Sandy Crowther <> wrote: Dear List Members,

Before I get myself in trouble again (J) by discussing Vedic techniques that are NOT KP approved, I thought I d ask a few questions of the more seasoned KP practi tioners on the list, to get your opinions on just a few Vedic techniques and the ir applicability (or not) to the system of KP.

I know the following techniques I am inquiring about may not be the primary indi cators/focus due to the KP strong emphasis on star and sub-lords, but what I wou ld like to know is if the following techniques are completely off limits (like t he Divisionals are) for delineation KP style - and therefore have no place in th is KP forum or if they are acceptable and given due consideration in KP delineat ions?

1.Badhakas (troublemakers) and Badhaka Sthanas (trouble spots?) 2.Chara Karakas (temporary karakas based on priority of highest planetary degree ), and if these are given KP consideration, is Rahu included in the Chara Karaka scheme (8 planets used), or just the use of the 7 planet Chara Karakas scheme? What about Sthira Karakas (fixed significators to assist in timing the death of relatives?) 3.What about planets falling in Marana Karaka Sthana (indicators that houses own ed by certain planets falling in certain placements will suffer like 12th for Su n, 8th for Moon, etc? If this is not a KP approved technique, has any research b een done to date(that anyone is aware of) to discredit or address when the sub f or a planetary significator falls in Marana Karaka Sthana ?

I can think of more techniques, but I ll stop my questions at these. I m just trying to discern what s what J because I was blown away at the non-usage of vargas, so this is a start.

Important to me: I would also like to know if one or two of the above techniques are acceptable in KP, and a third is not, (or vice-versa), is it because resear ch has been done indicating that the technique has already been researched and h as no value in KP, or is it because no one has previously mentioned the techniqu e in their writings OR done any research on its applicability therefore it is no t (yet) considered a viable possibility in KP delineation so it may or may not b e applicable? Just curious Thanks.

All the Best,

Sandy Crowther

-----------------------------------------A.R.Raichur bombay USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY tel: 022-2506 2609 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Mail - Find what you need with new enhanced search. Learn more.

Attachment: (image/gif) image001.gif [not stored]

1858 From: "Sandy Crowther" <sandy@...> Date: Wed Dec 8, 2004 7:22am Subject: RE: Re: Techniques: KP approved or not? detective_dunno Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear tw,

Thanks. I have one more simple question if I may

One of the attractions for me to KP is that in many respects, the East meets the West , and therefore interesting concepts from both systems are utilized. But I m no t fully clear on what KP accepts as legit so a few more questions

1. Are declinations (parallels and contra-parallels) ever considered in KP?

2. Progressions? (If so, Secondary and Tertiary, or just Secondary?) Solar Retur ns? 3. Does the consideration of Midpoints have any value in KP?


that was 3 questions Thanks.)

All the Best, Sandy Crowther

-----Original Message----From: tw853 [] Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 2004 11:03 PM To: Subject: [k_p_system] Re: Techniques: KP approved or not?

Dear Sandy Crowther, According to my limited KP knowledge, my personal opinion is as follows: 1. First one is okay. 2. Second one, not much familiar for me. 3. Third one may not be much problem except that generally Asc alone is applied in KP. Best regards, tw --- In, "Sandy Crowther" <sandy@t...> wrote:

> Dear List Members, > > > > Before I get myself in trouble again (:-)) by discussing Vedic > techniques that are NOT KP approved, I thought I'd ask a few questions > of the more seasoned KP practitioners on the list, to get your opinions > on just a few Vedic techniques and their applicability (or not) to the > system of KP. > > > > I know the following techniques I am inquiring about may not be the > primary indicators/focus due to the KP strong emphasis on star and > sub-lords, but what I would like to know is if the following techniques > are completely off limits (like the Divisionals are) for delineation KP > style - and therefore have no place in this KP forum - or if they are > acceptable and given due consideration in KP delineations? > > > > 1. Badhakas (troublemakers) and Badhaka Sthanas (trouble spots?) > 2. Chara Karakas (temporary karakas based on priority of highest > planetary degree), and if these are given KP consideration, is Rahu > included in the Chara Karaka scheme (8 planets used), or just the use of > the 7 planet Chara Karakas scheme? What about Sthira Karakas (fixed > significators to assist in timing the death of relatives?) > 3. What about planets falling in Marana Karaka Sthana (indicators > that houses owned by certain planets falling in certain placements will > suffer - like 12th for Sun, 8th for Moon, etc? If this is not a KP > approved technique, has any research been done to date(that anyone is > aware of) to discredit or address when the sub for a planetary > significator falls in Marana Karaka Sthana ? > > > > I can think of more techniques, but I'll stop my questions at these. I'm > just trying to discern "what's what".:-) because I was blown away at the > non-usage of vargas, so this is a start. > > > > Important to me: I would also like to know if one or two of the above > techniques are acceptable in KP, and a third is not, (or viceversa), is > it because research has been done indicating that the technique has > already been researched and has no value in KP, or is it because no one

> has previously mentioned the technique in their writings OR done any > research on its applicability - therefore it is not (yet) considered a > viable possibility in KP delineation - so it may or may not be > applicable? Just curious.Thanks. > > > > > > All the Best, > > Sandy Crowther > > > > <>

Attachment: (image/gif) image001.gif [not stored]

1859 From: "Kanakkumar Bosmia" <kanbosastro@...> Date: Wed Dec 8, 2004 7:53am Subject: RE: Re: Techniques: KP approved or not? kanbosastro Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Sandy, befor 2-3 year beck i had try solar return and Progression in KP and i am found very good result but due to very length mathemetical work and no software avalia ble so i drop both.for solar return i calculate vimsotari dasa for 1 year. and found wonder full can pridict day to day pridiction,

kanak bosmia >From: "Sandy Crowther" <> >Reply-To: >To: <> >Subject: RE: [k_p_system] Re: Techniques: KP approved or not? >Date: Wed, 8 Dec 2004 08:22:13 -0500 > >Dear tw, > > > >Thanks. I have one more simple question if I may. > >

> >One of the attractions for me to KP is that in many respects, the "East >meets the West", and therefore interesting concepts from both systems >are utilized. But I'm not fully clear on what KP accepts as legit - so a >few more questions. > > > >1. Are declinations (parallels and contra-parallels) ever considered in >KP? > >2. Progressions? (If so, Secondary and Tertiary, or just Secondary?) >Solar Returns? > >3. Does the consideration of Midpoints have any value in KP? > > > >(Ooops - that was 3 questions.Thanks.) > > > > > > All the Best, > > Sandy Crowther > > <> > > > > > > > > > > > > > >-----Original Message---->From: tw853 [] >Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 2004 11:03 PM >To: >Subject: [k_p_system] Re: Techniques: KP approved or not? > > > > >Dear Sandy Crowther, > >According to my limited KP knowledge, my personal opinion is as >follows: > >1. First one is okay. > >2. Second one, not much familiar for me. >

>3. Third one may not be much problem except that generally Asc alone >is applied in KP. > >Best regards, > >tw > > >--- In, "Sandy Crowther" <sandy@t...> >wrote: > > Dear List Members, > > > > > > > > Before I get myself in trouble again (:-)) by discussing Vedic > > techniques that are NOT KP approved, I thought I'd ask a few >questions > > of the more seasoned KP practitioners on the list, to get your >opinions > > on just a few Vedic techniques and their applicability (or not) to >the > > system of KP. > > > > > > > > I know the following techniques I am inquiring about may not be the > > primary indicators/focus due to the KP strong emphasis on star and > > sub-lords, but what I would like to know is if the following >techniques > > are completely off limits (like the Divisionals are) for >delineation KP > > style - and therefore have no place in this KP forum - or if they >are > > acceptable and given due consideration in KP delineations? > > > > > > > > 1. Badhakas (troublemakers) and Badhaka Sthanas (trouble spots?) > > 2. Chara Karakas (temporary karakas based on priority of highest > > planetary degree), and if these are given KP consideration, is Rahu > > included in the Chara Karaka scheme (8 planets used), or just the >use of > > the 7 planet Chara Karakas scheme? What about Sthira Karakas (fixed > > significators to assist in timing the death of relatives?) > > 3. What about planets falling in Marana Karaka Sthana (indicators > > that houses owned by certain planets falling in certain placements >will > > suffer - like 12th for Sun, 8th for Moon, etc? If this is not a KP > > approved technique, has any research been done to date(that anyone >is > > aware of) to discredit or address when the sub for a planetary > > significator falls in Marana Karaka Sthana ? > > > > > > > > I can think of more techniques, but I'll stop my questions at >these. I'm > > just trying to discern "what's what".:-) because I was blown away >at the > > non-usage of vargas, so this is a start.

> > > > > > > > Important to me: I would also like to know if one or two of the >above > > techniques are acceptable in KP, and a third is not, (or vice>versa), is > > it because research has been done indicating that the technique has > > already been researched and has no value in KP, or is it because no >one > > has previously mentioned the technique in their writings OR done any > > research on its applicability - therefore it is not (yet) >considered a > > viable possibility in KP delineation - so it may or may not be > > applicable? Just curious.Thanks. > > > > > > > > > > > > All the Best, > > > > Sandy Crowther > > > > > > > > <> > > > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Sponsor > > > >< >D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1102565000/A=2343726/R=0/SIG=12i9a1n1o/*htt >p:/ >4768> >< >D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1102565000/A=2343726/R=1/SIG=12i9a1n1o/*htt >p:/ >4768> > >Get unlimited calls to >< >D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1102565000/A=2343726/R=1/SIG=12i9a1n1o/*htt >p:/ >4768> > >U.S./Canada >< >D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1102565000/A=2343726/R=1/SIG=12i9a1n1o/*htt >p:/ >4768> >

> >< >478600244768> > > > >< >s/S=:HM/A=2343726/rand=205259535> > > > > _____ > >Yahoo! Groups Links > >* To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > >* To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > ><> > > >* Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of ><> Service. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------MSN Premium helps protect against viruses, hackers, junk e-mail &; pop-ups.

1860 From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@...> Date: Wed Dec 8, 2004 8:41am Subject: RE: Techniques: KP approved or not? lyrastro1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Sandy, In K.P.,as far as my knowledge goes,there's is no place for an y kind of Amsas...Simply because,the different "amsas" are based upon the equal division of houses and stars...whereas,in K.P., the star is subdivided into uneq ual subs...! This unequal division of stars into subs (and sub-subs and sub -sub-subs etc.,) is unique to K.P.,where the sub is a division proportional to t he respective dasa periods alloted to the various planets,in the Vimshottari Das a sheme...( and so on to sub-sub etc...) In K.P., these subs alone, decide whether,a planet is finally a benefic or malefic to a person...depending upon its signification... All significators of II.III.VI.X XI are considered to be gener ally considered as beneficial to a person,as these houses are known as improvin g houses... Thus,Sandy,there is simply no place for amsas,infact in K.P.,

there is no such term employed...even ! Surely,there could be a more simple and lucid explanation,but at present,dear Sandy,this is my best effort... I hope I have been able to answer to your satisfaction... With best wishes, Yours sincerely, lyrastro1 GOOD LUCK !

Sandy Crowther <> wrote: Dear Anant Raichur and Group,

Thanks Mr. Raichur, for the information on the Maraka Sthanas (2nd and 7th house s) and the Badhaka Sthanas, and for letting me know that these techniques are on ly taken into consideration in KP when considering the event respective only to the end of life. However, I think you may have misunderstood what I was referrin g to I was inquiring about the technique of Marana Karaka Sthanas, and wondering if any consideration (or discredit) is given to these placements in KP or if yo u know if any research has been done on this technique - like especially being a pplicable during their respective mahadashas/bhukti s/prantyantardashas, or perhap s when a star/sub for a planetary significator addressing a specific planet and MKS house, happens to fall in these houses?

Marana Karaka Sthanas are different than Maraka Sthanas (2nd and 7th houses). Ma rana Karaka Sthana refer to a certain planet that occupies a certain house in a chart, that in turn causes the houses OWNED by that planet to suffer, (and there fore can be capable of danger or causing death.) These MKS house placements are 12th for the Sun, 8th for the Moon, 7th for Mars and Mercury, 3rd for Jupiter, 6 th for Venus, 1st for Saturn, and 9th for Rahu. I was just wondering if anyone k new whether or not this technique has ever been referenced in any of the KP writ ings and therefore been either KP accepted or discredited or perhaps it has never been mentioned at all in the writings?

One more question on amsas to satisfy my curiosity - if I may (and I m honestly no t trying to start trouble J or go off topic I m just curious). Is it specifically written or referenced somewhere in the KP writings that the divisionals have ab solutely no value to the KP System, and therefore have no place in KP? I m having a real hard time with that one, and cannot believe that their usage hasn t been im plemented at least in some small way somewhere along the way Thanks again.

All the Best, Sandy Crowther

-----Original Message----From: anant raichur [] Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 2004 2:17 AM To: Subject: Re: [k_p_system] Techniques: KP approved or not?

Dear Sandy

The Badhaka Sthanas, and Maraka Sthanas(2,7) are taken into consideration in KP ONLY WHEN CONSIDERING THE END OF LIFE, and not for any other event of Life.

Good Luck Sandy Crowther <> wrote: Dear List Members,

Before I get myself in trouble again (J) by discussing Vedic techniques that are NOT KP approved, I thought I d ask a few questions of the more seasoned KP practi tioners on the list, to get your opinions on just a few Vedic techniques and the ir applicability (or not) to the system of KP.

I know the following techniques I am inquiring about may not be the primary indi cators/focus due to the KP strong emphasis on star and sub-lords, but what I wou ld like to know is if the following techniques are completely off limits (like t he Divisionals are) for delineation KP style - and therefore have no place in th is KP forum or if they are acceptable and given due consideration in KP delineat ions?

1.Badhakas (troublemakers) and Badhaka Sthanas (trouble spots?) 2.Chara Karakas (temporary karakas based on priority of highest planetary degree ), and if these are given KP consideration, is Rahu included in the Chara Karaka scheme (8 planets used), or just the use of the 7 planet Chara Karakas scheme?

What about Sthira Karakas (fixed significators to assist in timing the death of relatives?) 3.What about planets falling in Marana Karaka Sthana (indicators that houses own ed by certain planets falling in certain placements will suffer like 12th for Su n, 8th for Moon, etc? If this is not a KP approved technique, has any research b een done to date(that anyone is aware of) to discredit or address when the sub f or a planetary significator falls in Marana Karaka Sthana ?

I can think of more techniques, but I ll stop my questions at these. I m just trying to discern what s what J because I was blown away at the non-usage of vargas, so this is a start.

Important to me: I would also like to know if one or two of the above techniques are acceptable in KP, and a third is not, (or vice-versa), is it because resear ch has been done indicating that the technique has already been researched and h as no value in KP, or is it because no one has previously mentioned the techniqu e in their writings OR done any research on its applicability therefore it is no t (yet) considered a viable possibility in KP delineation so it may or may not b e applicable? Just curious Thanks.

All the Best, Sandy Crowther

-----------------------------------------A.R.Raichur bombay USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY tel: 022-2506 2609 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Mail - Find what you need with new enhanced search. Learn more.

Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online.

1861 From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@...> Date: Wed Dec 8, 2004 9:16am Subject: RE: Re: Techniques: KP approved or not? lyrastro1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Sandy, Progression is used in K.P., but I have no experience...the Var shaphal method is also used,I am sure, by erecting a chart for that year,at the exact time when the Sun reaches the position of the natal Sun...! As for me,I do not use both methods,I prefer to use the Transit System for getting very accurate timing the event... If the sublord of the XIth cusp(fulfillment of desire),is posit ed in a Moveable,Fixed or Common Sign,I will take the transit on the first,secon d or the last Sensitive point follows... If the event is expected to take place within the year,I take t he Moon's transit,if within a few months and within a year,I take the Sun's tran sit,if more than a year...then Jupiter's transit for timing... and finalised wit h the transit of the Moon to narrow down to the exact day...and the Ascendant's transit,for arriving at the EXACT TIME...! ! And finally,the proof of the pudding is in eating it... Yours sincerely, lyrastro1 Kanakkumar Bosmia <> wrote: Dear Sandy, befor 2-3 year beck i had try solar return and Progression in KP and i am found very good result but due to very length mathemetical work and no software avalia ble so i drop both.for solar return i calculate vimsotari dasa for 1 year. and found wonder full can pridict day to day pridiction,

kanak bosmia >From: "Sandy Crowther" <> >Reply-To: >To: <> >Subject: RE: [k_p_system] Re: Techniques: KP approved or not? >Date: Wed, 8 Dec 2004 08:22:13 -0500 > >Dear tw, >

> > >Thanks. I have one more simple question if I may. > > > >One of the attractions for me to KP is that in many respects, the "East >meets the West", and therefore interesting concepts from both systems >are utilized. But I'm not fully clear on what KP accepts as legit - so a >few more questions. > > > >1. Are declinations (parallels and contra-parallels) ever considered in >KP? > >2. Progressions? (If so, Secondary and Tertiary, or just Secondary?) >Solar Returns? > >3. Does the consideration of Midpoints have any value in KP? > > > >(Ooops - that was 3 questions.Thanks.) > > > > > > All the Best, > > Sandy Crowther > > <> > > > > > > > > > > > > > >-----Original Message---->From: tw853 [] >Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 2004 11:03 PM >To: >Subject: [k_p_system] Re: Techniques: KP approved or not? > > > > >Dear Sandy Crowther, > >According to my limited KP knowledge, my personal opinion is as >follows:

> >1. First one is okay. > >2. Second one, not much familiar for me. > >3. Third one may not be much problem except that generally Asc alone >is applied in KP. > >Best regards, > >tw > > >--- In, "Sandy Crowther" <sandy@t...> >wrote: > > Dear List Members, > > > > > > > > Before I get myself in trouble again (:-)) by discussing Vedic > > techniques that are NOT KP approved, I thought I'd ask a few >questions > > of the more seasoned KP practitioners on the list, to get your >opinions > > on just a few Vedic techniques and their applicability (or not) to >the > > system of KP. > > > > > > > > I know the following techniques I am inquiring about may not be the > > primary indicators/focus due to the KP strong emphasis on star and > > sub-lords, but what I would like to know is if the following >techniques > > are completely off limits (like the Divisionals are) for >delineation KP > > style - and therefore have no place in this KP forum - or if they >are > > acceptable and given due consideration in KP delineations? > > > > > > > > 1. Badhakas (troublemakers) and Badhaka Sthanas (trouble spots?) > > 2. Chara Karakas (temporary karakas based on priority of highest > > planetary degree), and if these are given KP consideration, is Rahu > > included in the Chara Karaka scheme (8 planets used), or just the >use of > > the 7 planet Chara Karakas scheme? What about Sthira Karakas (fixed > > significators to assist in timing the death of relatives?) > > 3. What about planets falling in Marana Karaka Sthana (indicators > > that houses owned by certain planets falling in certain placements >will > > suffer - like 12th for Sun, 8th for Moon, etc? If this is not a KP > > approved technique, has any research been done to date(that anyone >is > > aware of) to discredit or address when the sub for a planetary > > significator falls in Marana Karaka Sthana ? > > > > > >

> > I can think of more techniques, but I'll stop my questions at >these. I'm > > just trying to discern "what's what".:-) because I was blown away >at the > > non-usage of vargas, so this is a start. > > > > > > > > Important to me: I would also like to know if one or two of the >above > > techniques are acceptable in KP, and a third is not, (or vice>versa), is > > it because research has been done indicating that the technique has > > already been researched and has no value in KP, or is it because no >one > > has previously mentioned the technique in their writings OR done any > > research on its applicability - therefore it is not (yet) >considered a > > viable possibility in KP delineation - so it may or may not be > > applicable? Just curious.Thanks. > > > > > > > > > > > > All the Best, > > > > Sandy Crowther > > > > > > > > <> > > > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Sponsor > > > >< >D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1102565000/A=2343726/R=0/SIG=12i9a1n1o/*htt >p:/ >4768> >< >D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1102565000/A=2343726/R=1/SIG=12i9a1n1o/*htt >p:/ >4768> > >Get unlimited calls to >< >D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1102565000/A=2343726/R=1/SIG=12i9a1n1o/*htt >p:/ >4768> > >U.S./Canada

>< >D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1102565000/A=2343726/R=1/SIG=12i9a1n1o/*htt >p:/ >4768> > > >< >478600244768> > > > >< >s/S=:HM/A=2343726/rand=205259535> > > > > _____ > >Yahoo! Groups Links > >* To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > >* To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > ><> > > >* Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of ><> Service. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------MSN Premium helps protect against viruses, hackers, junk e-mail & pop-ups. Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online.

1862 From: rongaunt <rongaunt@...> Date: Wed Dec 8, 2004 9:21am Subject: AN IDEA - (was Techniques: KP approved or not?) rongaunt1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 All members, I think this List is excellent as it has a wealth of talented KP astrologers, many who actually participate (unlike most Lists). I am glad I found it because for over 35 years I have wasted more time than I care to admit on checking out other peoples theories that in the end just do not work. As a neophyte KP convert I hope and think this will be different. I suspect that for many seasoned KP astrologers, KP as written up in the 'Readers' is all that is needed; as like Yogesh they

get the right answers nearly all the time. Having said this I recognize the frustrations some astrologers may have with not being able to explain their reason for coming to some determination because it is not normally used in KP. In my own case I have found to date only one method that is consistently correct for prognostication and that is Solar Eclipses. I have shown these on the List because I felt that they are not really outside the bounds of KP being simply transits - all though they are a special type of transit. I do however off list, double check using Solar Returns, Minor Progressions and divisionals for additional insights. My idea is that whilst recognizing the k-p-system as the parent we start a separate offspring List called k-psystem PLUS (or any other appropriate name.) In this List we could incorporate other ideas with KP. For instance I would post the Blind Charts to both Lists; anyone who wanted to respond with pristine KP would use 'k-p-system' and others who would like to incorporate other ideas would use the offspring List. This way the KP purist would not be bothered with sorting through masses of mails irrelevant to him, whilst others would have the opportunity to evaluate new ideas that might marry with KP. How do members feel about this? Ron Gaunt Any ideas or suggestions?

On Wed, 08 Dec 2004 08:22:13 -0500, you wrote: >Dear tw, > > > >Thanks. I have one more simple question if I may. > > > >One of the attractions for me to KP is that in many respects, the "East >meets the West", and therefore interesting concepts from both systems >are utilized. But I'm not fully clear on what KP accepts as legit - so a >few more questions. > > > >1. Are declinations (parallels and contra-parallels) ever considered in >KP? > >2. Progressions? (If so, Secondary and Tertiary, or just Secondary?) >Solar Returns? > >3. Does the consideration of Midpoints have any value in KP? > > >

>(Ooops - that was 3 questions.Thanks.) > > > > > > All the Best, > > Sandy Crowther > > <> > > > > > > > > > > > > > >-----Original Message---->From: tw853 [mailto:tw853@...] >Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 2004 11:03 PM >To: >Subject: [k_p_system] Re: Techniques: KP approved or not? > > > > >Dear Sandy Crowther, > >According to my limited KP knowledge, my personal opinion is as >follows: > >1. First one is okay. > >2. Second one, not much familiar for me. > >3. Third one may not be much problem except that generally Asc alone >is applied in KP. > >Best regards, > >tw > > >--- In, "Sandy Crowther" <sandy@t...> >wrote: >> Dear List Members, >> >> >> >> Before I get myself in trouble again (:-)) by discussing Vedic >> techniques that are NOT KP approved, I thought I'd ask a few >questions >> of the more seasoned KP practitioners on the list, to get your

>opinions >> on just a few Vedic techniques and their applicability (or not) to >the >> system of KP. >> >> >> >> I know the following techniques I am inquiring about may not be the >> primary indicators/focus due to the KP strong emphasis on star and >> sub-lords, but what I would like to know is if the following >techniques >> are completely off limits (like the Divisionals are) for >delineation KP >> style - and therefore have no place in this KP forum - or if they >are >> acceptable and given due consideration in KP delineations? >> >> >> >> 1. Badhakas (troublemakers) and Badhaka Sthanas (trouble spots?) >> 2. Chara Karakas (temporary karakas based on priority of highest >> planetary degree), and if these are given KP consideration, is Rahu >> included in the Chara Karaka scheme (8 planets used), or just the >use of >> the 7 planet Chara Karakas scheme? What about Sthira Karakas (fixed >> significators to assist in timing the death of relatives?) >> 3. What about planets falling in Marana Karaka Sthana (indicators >> that houses owned by certain planets falling in certain placements >will >> suffer - like 12th for Sun, 8th for Moon, etc? If this is not a KP >> approved technique, has any research been done to date(that anyone >is >> aware of) to discredit or address when the sub for a planetary >> significator falls in Marana Karaka Sthana ? >> >> >> >> I can think of more techniques, but I'll stop my questions at >these. I'm >> just trying to discern "what's what".:-) because I was blown away >at the >> non-usage of vargas, so this is a start. >> >> >> >> Important to me: I would also like to know if one or two of the >above >> techniques are acceptable in KP, and a third is not, (or vice>versa), is >> it because research has been done indicating that the technique has >> already been researched and has no value in KP, or is it because no >one >> has previously mentioned the technique in their writings OR done any >> research on its applicability - therefore it is not (yet) >considered a >> viable possibility in KP delineation - so it may or may not be >> applicable? Just curious.Thanks. >> >> >>

>> >> >> All the Best, >> >> Sandy Crowther >> >> >> >> <> > > > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Sponsor > > > >< >D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1102565000/A=2343726/R=0/SIG=12i9a1n1o/*htt >p:/ >4768> >< >D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1102565000/A=2343726/R=1/SIG=12i9a1n1o/*htt >p:/ >4768> > >Get unlimited calls to >< >D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1102565000/A=2343726/R=1/SIG=12i9a1n1o/*htt >p:/ >4768> > >U.S./Canada >< >D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1102565000/A=2343726/R=1/SIG=12i9a1n1o/*htt >p:/ >4768> > > >< >478600244768> > > > >< >s/S=:HM/A=2343726/rand=205259535> > > > > _____ > >Yahoo! Groups Links > >* To visit your group on the web, go to: > >

> >* To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > ><> > > >* Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of ><> Service.

1863 From: rongaunt <rongaunt@...> Date: Wed Dec 8, 2004 9:24am Subject: Re: Re: RECTIFICATION OF TIME OF BIRTH / Shri Ron and Raichur ji ronga unt1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Kanak, I have been very busy so have not yet had time to go through your mail, which looks very interesting. I hope to have time within the next couple of days. Ron Gaunt On Wed, 08 Dec 2004 09:22:43 +0000, you wrote: > > > >i am waing for you coment on bin laden's birthtime rectification. > >regards > >kanak bosmia > > >--- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: >> >> Kanak, >> >> Would you mind giving us an example so that we can follow it more >> closely. Thanks >> >> >> Ron Gaunt >> >> >Dear Ravindra >> >> > i dont think it is right method to check birth timeV pls refer >Book " SECRETS OF R.P. & THE BIRTH TIME By: K.Baskaran Publishe >KRISHMAN & CO 804 Mount Road, Chhennai 600 002 " >> >> >according to him RP MOON = Bith Asc. and RP Asc. = Birth Moon.( >ksk himself wrote in any one reader about RP Moon = Birth Asc. but i >dont remember no: and Page No.) >>

>> >frist you go up to birth Mon Sub-Sub-Sub level . and calcutet >asc for that time you can found Bith asc as RP MOON most of case. >> >> >i found very accuret result by this method. and it is my personal >view . >> >> >kanak bosmia > > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > >

1864 From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@...> Date: Wed Dec 8, 2004 9:33am Subject: Re: Will I get this job? lyrastro1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Vaidun, I suggest you take the XIth cusp sublord,for fullfilment of de sire...infact the Houses II,VI,X and XI are generally taken for judging employme nt...possibility and timing... With best wishes, lyrastro1 GOOD LUCK ! Vaidun Vidyadhar <> wrote: Dear List Members, I am trying my hand at KP after a break of more than 15 years. I seek the help of more knowledgeable KP stalwards on the list to see if I am working in the right direction. I will be highly obliged for your comments. Last Saturday I went for if I will get this job. came up with Number 45. Long 150E55. I sat down of one hour is presently Ruling Planets Lagna: Ma Ve Sa Moon: Ve Ma Me Day: Me Therefore Ve, Ma and Me emerge as the RPs. Ke is in Libra therefore Ve is replaced with Ke. Ra is in Aries therefore Ma is replaced by Ra. The RPs then become Ke, Ra and Me. Ra is in the sub of Ke. Ke is in its own sub. a job interview to Queensland. I wish to find out I asked my wife to give me a horary number and she I am located at Tamworth, NSW Australia, Lat 31S05, to cast a horary chart at 17:28:15 Sydney time, DST on.

Therefore Ke becomes a very strong significator. Me is in the sub of Ju which is direct. Horary Number 45 : Me Ma Su Star lord of Hor No, Ma is sign lord of lagna and also star lord of Moon. Therefore the event WILL occur. I WILL get this job. Houses to be considered: 2, 6 and 10 When will I get this job? It should be within the next month or two. In which case we consider the position of Sun. When the Sun moves to a sensitive point ruled by the strong significators of the 2nd, 6th and 10th houses, in common with the RPs. Significators of 2nd house are Ju & Mo Significators of 6th house are Su, Me, Mo & Ma Significators of 10th house are Ke, Ma, Ve & Sa I will pick on Ju Ke Ra. Sun will enter this point on 21 Dec 04, a Tueday ruled by Ma which is a strong significator. Moon will be transitting in Ju Me Ra The above is my attempt. I request senior KP astrologers to kindly comment on my analysis. I will be most obliged. Thank you. With regards. Vaidun Vidyadhar 1 / 94 Marius Street Tamworth, NSW 2340 Australia Tel: 61-2-67 668428 (home) Mobile: 0414 870 083 Email:

> ATTACHMENT part 2 application/ms-tnef name=winmail.dat Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online.

1865 From: Sourav Guchhait <sourav6282@...> Date: Wed Dec 8, 2004 2:08pm Subject: Re: Re: Query regarding birth of second child? sourav6282 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear tw, I never pretend myself as a fortune teller. If my

opinion was wrong, then simply say that it was wrong, please avoid indirect taunting. An intelligent and skilled person like you should not taunt other people of less intelligence. Also in this particular case I have not told anyone's fortune. Regards, Sourav. --- tw853 <tw853@...> wrote: --------------------------------Dear Sourav Guchhait, 1. Just referring KP Readers not to be called a fortune teller. 2. "A child at all", KP Reader III, p 425 (Part II, p 252 in 1984 edition) may be comparable to "Any child at all", p 223-226, KP Reader V, 1984. 3. Among iportance of 10th as mentioned, 5 and 11 alone specify increase in number of the family by birth of children , p 226, KP Readr V. Best regards, tw

--- In, Sourav Guchhait <sourav6282@y...> wrote: > Dear tw, > Thanks for your kind reply. > Whatever you have written is absolutely true. It is > true that 5th and 11th cusps are to be judged for > promise of birth of 1'st child. > But primarily, according to me, 5th cusp sublord is > examined for "How to declare that one cannot have a > child at all?" (KP Reader III, p 425.) > > 11th cusp is always important in money > matters(2,6,11), job(2,6,10,11), marriage (2,7,11), > child(2,5,11) etc specially in horary charts. > > Regards, > Sourav. > > --- tw853 <tw853@y...> wrote: > >

> --------------------------------> > Dear Sourav Guchhait, > > 1. For 1st child, 5th & 11 th cusps are taken in > judging "Is child birth promised or not?" in examples > for both male > and female, and generally houses 2, 5 and 11 are > judged for the time > of child birth, examples for male p 224 & p 227, and > example for > female p 230, KP Reader IV. (2nd is the increase in > number of members > of family by birth of children; 5th for offspring; > 11th not only > fruit of one's action, but also 5 th to 7 th partner, > p 210 KP Reader > IV) > > 2. For 2nd child, to judge houses 2,5,7, and 11; 7th > is 3rd from 5th, > 3rd is younger child, in an example, KP Reader IV, p > 242. > > Best regards, > > tw > > > > > --- In, Sourav Guchhait > <sourav6282@y...> > wrote: > > Dear Mr.Raichur,Yogesh Rao Lajmiji and tw, > > > > My opinion is :> > 5'th cusp sublord signifying houses 2,5,11 means > birth > > of 1'st child is promised. If 5th sublord signifies > > 2,5,11 "then only" one should check for 7th cusp > > sublord for 2'nd child(without "1'st" it is not > > possible for having "2'nd" including miscarriage). > > After that, if 7th cusp sublord signifies 2,7,11 > then > > birth of 2'nd child is promised. > > > > I have two questions:> > > > How can we calculate considering the 3rd cusp of the > > 1st Born, a Sibling promised or not? (3'rd cusp > > sublord signifying 2,3,11 houses ? 2 is 12 to 3!) > > > > Also, How can we calculate considering the 11th cusp

> > of the 2nd Born, there is an Elder sibling or not? > > (11'th cusp sublord signifying 2,11 ? Means good > > income!) > > > > - Regards > > Sourav. > > > > > > --- tw853 <tw853@y...> wrote: > > > > > > --------------------------------> > > > Dear Yogesh Rao Lajmi, > > > > Is it not the same as mentioned in Msg # 1774, > > > > "to judge houses 2,5,7, and 11 for second > conception, > > KP > > Reader IV, p 242 (for timing of child birth in > > general)" > > > > Best regards, > > > > tw > > > > --- In, Yogesh Rao Lajmi > > <lyrastro1@y...> > > wrote: > > > Dear Mr.Raichur, > > > The VIIth cusp,can,like > any > > other cusp, > > stand for different things,but it depends upon the > > astrologer to > > select the appropriate significations,for the > > particular > > query/judgement,don't you think so ? > > > For example the Vth can > > denote a lover,a > > child or a card-game,opponent's victory/gain...and > so > > on,depending > > upon the circumstances prevailing,or, being > considered > > at the TOJ... > > > Therefore,in my humble > > opinion,Mr.Raichur,the VII cusp for the second > > child,based on the > > IIIrd from the Vth,as younger sibling of the > > first-born,seems to me > > to be correct... > > > With highest regards, > > > lyrastro1 > > > GOOD > LUCK > > ! > > >

> > > anant raichur <anant_1608@y...> wrote: > > > Dear Vinay > > > > > > This is a really serious issue. It is right to > > consider 7th Cusp, > > and its connection with 2nd and 11th, for the 2nd > > child. But as you > > correctly raised the question, this is also the > > consideration for > > marriage. Since marriage is already forseen, and > > foregone, the > > answer will be the same. > > > > > > So it would be as good as stating, that One you > are > > promised > > Marriage, You are promised the 2nd child as well. > ||| > > > > > > I feel we should also consider the 5th House, as > it > > denotes child > > birth in general, besides, the 1st child of a lady. > > > > > > The other solution is to consider the 3rd cusp of > > the 1st Born? Is > > a Sibling promised ? This would be a better > solution. > > > > > > > > > Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@y...> wrote: > > > Dear Vinay, > > > You are very correct,for the > second > > child it is > > recommended that the VIIth cusp sublord shoul be > > per > > K.P., recently also there was a discussion on the > > issue of whether > > Father's chart or Mother's chart should be > > analysed...etc. > > > But for the second child I do > not > > think there is > > any 'dispute' on taking the VIIth cusp for > > consideration... > > > Yours sincerely, > > > lyrastro1 > > > GOOD LUCK > ! > > > > > > Vinay Tiwari <techn0pandit@y...> wrote: > > > Respected gurus and friends, > > > > > > I was just going through a chart , for > > birth of his second > > child.

> > > > 7 > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > >

> Dear Guruz , Can you kindly answer for following queries, > 1) Which houses should be considered? > 2)If i am not wrong 2,7,11 for second child ie ;

> is 3rd from 5th . > > But 2,7,11 also gives marriage? > > 3)If i want to confirm whether birth of second child > is there in > chart should i C 7th sublord connection? or how > > > > Please i need guidence regarding same. > > > > > > Thanks In advance, > > > > Regards, > > Vinay Tiwari > > > > > > --------------------------------> > Do you Yahoo!? > > Take Yahoo! Mail with you! Get it on your mobile > phone. > > > > Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner > online. > > > > > > > > -----------------------------------------> > A.R.Raichur bombay > > anant_1608@y... > > raichuranant@y... > > USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY > > tel: 022-2506 2609 > > -----------------------------------------> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > --------------------------------> > Do you Yahoo!? Try it today! > > Meet the all-new My Yahoo! > > Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT > > > > > > --------------------------------> > Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:

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1866 From: Punit Pandey <punitp@...> Date: Wed Dec 8, 2004 2:31pm Subject: Re: AN IDEA - (was Techniques: KP approved or not?) pandeypunit Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Ron, Bringing people on one platform is not easy task. It requires a lot of hard work and support at various levels. Even if we create a new group, I am sure that there are not many who will join. I have seen this hesitation in people in moving to another forum. Reason may be people don't want another bunch of mails. Also seeing the present size, I don't think that creating a new group will be a good idea. Normally I believe that any group with more than 1000 members should be split in more groups but this group is not even close to that. It is just my experience as I am moderating few more groups of different sizes.

It would be good to get opinion of other members. Thanks & Regards, Punit Pandey

On Thu, 09 Dec 2004 01:21:40 +1000, rongaunt <rongaunt@...> wrote: > > All members, > > I think this List is excellent as it has a wealth of talented KP > astrologers, many who actually participate (unlike most Lists). > I am glad I found it because for over 35 years I have wasted more > time than I care to admit on checking out other peoples theories > that in the end just do not work. As a neophyte KP convert I > hope and think this will be different. > > I suspect that for many seasoned KP astrologers, KP as written > up in the 'Readers' is all that is needed; as like Yogesh they > get the right answers nearly all the time. Having said this I > recognize the frustrations some astrologers may have with not > being able to explain their reason for coming to some > determination because it is not normally used in KP. In my own > case I have found to date only one method that is consistently > correct for prognostication and that is Solar Eclipses. I have > shown these on the List because I felt that they are not really > outside the bounds of KP being simply transits - all though they > are a special type of transit. I do however off list, double > check using Solar Returns, Minor Progressions and divisionals > for additional insights. > > My idea is that whilst recognizing the k-p-system as the parent > we start a separate offspring List called k-psystem PLUS (or any > other appropriate name.) In this List we could incorporate other > ideas with KP. For instance I would post the Blind Charts to > both Lists; anyone who wanted to respond with pristine KP would > use 'k-p-system' and others who would like to incorporate other > ideas would use the offspring List. This way the KP purist > would not be bothered with sorting through masses of mails > irrelevant to him, whilst others would have the opportunity to > evaluate new ideas that might marry with KP. > > > How do members feel about this? Any ideas or suggestions? > > > Ron Gaunt > > > > > > On Wed, 08 Dec 2004 08:22:13 -0500, you wrote: > > >Dear tw, > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

>Thanks. I have one more simple question if I may. > > > >One of the attractions for me to KP is that in many respects, the "East >meets the West", and therefore interesting concepts from both systems >are utilized. But I'm not fully clear on what KP accepts as legit - so a >few more questions. > > > >1. Are declinations (parallels and contra-parallels) ever considered in >KP? > >2. Progressions? (If so, Secondary and Tertiary, or just Secondary?) >Solar Returns? > >3. Does the consideration of Midpoints have any value in KP? > > > >(Ooops - that was 3 questions.Thanks.) > > > > > > All the Best, > > Sandy Crowther > > <> > > > > > > > > > > > > > >-----Original Message---->From: tw853 [mailto:tw853@...] >Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 2004 11:03 PM >To: >Subject: [k_p_system] Re: Techniques: KP approved or not? > > > > >Dear Sandy Crowther, > >According to my limited KP knowledge, my personal opinion is as >follows: > >1. First one is okay.

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> >2. Second one, not much familiar for me. > >3. Third one may not be much problem except that generally Asc alone >is applied in KP. > >Best regards, > >tw > > >--- In, "Sandy Crowther" <sandy@t...> >wrote: >> Dear List Members, >> >> >> >> Before I get myself in trouble again (:-)) by discussing Vedic >> techniques that are NOT KP approved, I thought I'd ask a few >questions >> of the more seasoned KP practitioners on the list, to get your >opinions >> on just a few Vedic techniques and their applicability (or not) to >the >> system of KP. >> >> >> >> I know the following techniques I am inquiring about may not be the >> primary indicators/focus due to the KP strong emphasis on star and >> sub-lords, but what I would like to know is if the following >techniques >> are completely off limits (like the Divisionals are) for >delineation KP >> style - and therefore have no place in this KP forum - or if they >are >> acceptable and given due consideration in KP delineations? >> >> >> >> 1. Badhakas (troublemakers) and Badhaka Sthanas (trouble spots?) >> 2. Chara Karakas (temporary karakas based on priority of highest >> planetary degree), and if these are given KP consideration, is Rahu >> included in the Chara Karaka scheme (8 planets used), or just the >use of >> the 7 planet Chara Karakas scheme? What about Sthira Karakas (fixed >> significators to assist in timing the death of relatives?) >> 3. What about planets falling in Marana Karaka Sthana (indicators >> that houses owned by certain planets falling in certain placements >will >> suffer - like 12th for Sun, 8th for Moon, etc? If this is not a KP >> approved technique, has any research been done to date(that anyone >is >> aware of) to discredit or address when the sub for a planetary >> significator falls in Marana Karaka Sthana ? >> >> >> >> I can think of more techniques, but I'll stop my questions at >these. I'm

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

>> just trying to discern "what's what".:-) because I was blown away >at the >> non-usage of vargas, so this is a start. >> >> >> >> Important to me: I would also like to know if one or two of the >above >> techniques are acceptable in KP, and a third is not, (or vice>versa), is >> it because research has been done indicating that the technique has >> already been researched and has no value in KP, or is it because no >one >> has previously mentioned the technique in their writings OR done any >> research on its applicability - therefore it is not (yet) >considered a >> viable possibility in KP delineation - so it may or may not be >> applicable? Just curious.Thanks. >> >> >> >> >> >> All the Best, >> >> Sandy Crowther >> >> >> >> <> > > > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Sponsor > > > >< >D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1102565000/A=2343726/R=0/SIG=12i9a1n1o/*htt >p:/ >4768> >< >D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1102565000/A=2343726/R=1/SIG=12i9a1n1o/*htt >p:/ >4768> > >Get unlimited calls to >< >D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1102565000/A=2343726/R=1/SIG=12i9a1n1o/*htt >p:/ >4768> > >U.S./Canada >< >D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1102565000/A=2343726/R=1/SIG=12i9a1n1o/*htt

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1867 From: Punit Pandey <punitp@...> Date: Wed Dec 8, 2004 2:39pm Subject: Re: Re: Techniques: KP approved or not? pandeypunit Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Sandy, Here are my answers (in BLOCK letters) -

> 1. Are declinations (parallels and contra-parallels) ever considered in KP? > NO > 2. Progressions? (If so, Secondary and Tertiary, or just Secondary?) Solar > Returns? > YES, BUT IT IS NOT A REGULAR PART OF KP. SRI KSK HAD MENTIONED IN 3RD READER THAT HE WAS GOING TO WRITE A BOOK ON PROGRESSION BUT DUE TO SOME REASON IT REMAINED INCOMPLETE. BUT HE HAS USED PROGRESSION AT FEW PLACES. SO WE CAN SAY THAT PROGRESSION IS PART OF KP SYSTEM. I AM NOT SURE ABOUT SECONDARY ETC. > 3. Does the consideration of Midpoints have any value in KP? NO Hope it will help. Keep it in mind that no real research has been done to establish the relationship between KP and above mentioned concepts. So these can be the part of KP in future. Regards, Punit Pandey On Wed, 8 Dec 2004 08:22:13 -0500, Sandy Crowther <sandy@...> wrote: > > > > Dear tw, > > > > Thanks. I have one more simple question if I may > > > > One of the attractions for me to KP is that in many respects, the "East > meets the West", and therefore interesting concepts from both systems are > utilized. But I'm not fully clear on what KP accepts as legit so a few > more questions > > > > 1. Are declinations (parallels and contra-parallels) ever considered in KP? > > 2. Progressions? (If so, Secondary and Tertiary, or just Secondary?) Solar > Returns? > > 3. Does the consideration of Midpoints have any value in KP? > > > > (Ooops that was 3 questions Thanks.) > > > > > > > > > All the Best,

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

Sandy Crowther

-----Original Message----From: tw853 [mailto:tw853@...] Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 2004 11:03 PM To: Subject: [k_p_system] Re: Techniques: KP approved or not?

Dear Sandy Crowther, According to my limited KP knowledge, my personal opinion is as follows: 1. First one is okay. 2. Second one, not much familiar for me. 3. Third one may not be much problem except that generally Asc alone is applied in KP. Best regards, tw --- In, "Sandy Crowther" <sandy@t...> wrote: > Dear List Members, > > > > Before I get myself in trouble again (:-)) by discussing Vedic > techniques that are NOT KP approved, I thought I'd ask a few questions > of the more seasoned KP practitioners on the list, to get your opinions > on just a few Vedic techniques and their applicability (or not) to the > system of KP. > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> I know the following techniques I am inquiring about may not be the > primary indicators/focus due to the KP strong emphasis on star and > sub-lords, but what I would like to know is if the following techniques > are completely off limits (like the Divisionals are) for delineation KP > style - and therefore have no place in this KP forum - or if they are > acceptable and given due consideration in KP delineations? > > > > 1. Badhakas (troublemakers) and Badhaka Sthanas (trouble spots?) > 2. Chara Karakas (temporary karakas based on priority of highest > planetary degree), and if these are given KP consideration, is Rahu > included in the Chara Karaka scheme (8 planets used), or just the use of > the 7 planet Chara Karakas scheme? What about Sthira Karakas (fixed > significators to assist in timing the death of relatives?) > 3. What about planets falling in Marana Karaka Sthana (indicators > that houses owned by certain planets falling in certain placements will > suffer - like 12th for Sun, 8th for Moon, etc? If this is not a KP > approved technique, has any research been done to date(that anyone is > aware of) to discredit or address when the sub for a planetary > significator falls in Marana Karaka Sthana ? > > > > I can think of more techniques, but I'll stop my questions at these. I'm > just trying to discern "what's what".:-) because I was blown away at the > non-usage of vargas, so this is a start. > > > > Important to me: I would also like to know if one or two of the above > techniques are acceptable in KP, and a third is not, (or viceversa), is > it because research has been done indicating that the technique has > already been researched and has no value in KP, or is it because no one > has previously mentioned the technique in their writings OR done any > research on its applicability - therefore it is not (yet) considered a > viable possibility in KP delineation - so it may or may not be > applicable? Just curious.Thanks. > > > > > > All the Best, > > Sandy Crowther > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > <>

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1868 From: "Vaidun Vidyadhar" <vvidya@...> Date: Wed Dec 8, 2004 3:04pm Subject: RE: Will I get this job? vidyaau Send IM Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Mr Rao, Thank you for your valued response. I appreciate it. 11th cusp sublord is Rahu. Rahu is positioned in the 10th house in the star of Ketu. Ketu itself is in the star of Rahu and also sub of Rahu. Ketu is prime s ignificator for the 10th house. Will I be right in therefore concluding, "I will get this job"? Thank you for your very valued comments. With best regards. Vaidun Vidyadhar 1 / 94 Marius Street Tamworth, NSW 2340 Australia Tel: 61-2-67 668428 (home) Mobile: 0414 870 083 Email:

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi [] Sent: Thursday, 9 December 2004 2:34 AM To: Subject: Re: [k_p_system] Will I get this job? Dear Vaidun, I suggest you take the XIth cusp sublord,for fullfilment of de sire...infact the Houses II,VI,X and XI are generally taken for judging employme nt...possibility and timing... With best wishes, lyrastro1 GOOD LUCK ! Vaidun Vidyadhar <> wrote: Dear List Members, I am trying my hand at KP after a break of more than 15 years. I seek the help of more knowledgeable KP stalwards on the list to see if I am working in the right direction. I will be highly obliged for your comments. Last Saturday I went for if I will get this job. came up with Number 45. Long 150E55. I sat down of one hour is presently Ruling Planets Lagna: Ma Ve Sa Moon: Ve Ma Me Day: Me Therefore Ve, Ma and Me emerge as the RPs. Ke is in Libra replaced with Ke. Ra is in Aries therefore Ma is replaced then become Ke, Ra and Me. Ra is in the sub of Ke. Ke is Therefore Ke becomes a very strong significator. Me is in which is direct. Horary Number 45 : Me Ma Su Star lord of Hor No, Ma is sign lord of lagna and also star lord of Moon. Therefore the event WILL occur. I WILL get this job. Houses to be considered: 2, 6 and 10 When will I get this job? It should be within the next month or two. In which case we consider the position of Sun. When the Sun moves to a sensitive point ruled by the strong significators of the 2nd, 6th and 10th houses, in common with the RPs. Significators of 2nd house are Ju & Mo Significators of 6th house are Su, Me, Mo & Ma Significators of 10th house are Ke, Ma, Ve & Sa I will pick on Ju Ke Ra. Sun will enter this point on 21 Dec 04, a Tueday ruled by Ma which is a strong significator. Moon will be transitting in Ju Me Ra therefore Ve is by Ra. The RPs in its own sub. the sub of Ju a job interview to Queensland. I wish to find out I asked my wife to give me a horary number and she I am located at Tamworth, NSW Australia, Lat 31S05, to cast a horary chart at 17:28:15 Sydney time, DST on.

The above is my attempt. I request senior KP astrologers to kindly comment on my analysis. I will be most obliged. Thank you. With regards. Vaidun Vidyadhar 1 / 94 Marius Street Tamworth, NSW 2340 Australia Tel: 61-2-67 668428 (home) Mobile: 0414 870 083 Email:

> ATTACHMENT part 2 application/ms-tnef name=winmail.dat Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online.

1869 From: ABCD EFGH <sachdumps@...> Date: Wed Dec 8, 2004 3:13pm Subject: Please Analyze this for study sachdumps Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Ron, Sandy, Yogesh Rao, Mandar, Tw, Anant, Vinay, Vijay, Inderjeet ( I me an All of you ) I am reading all of your post on KPBC3, for child birth and sex of child related to KPBC3. Well I am still not clear and not able to come on any conclusion. I was going th rough many details and many views from all of you guys. What I wanted to know is as follows 1) How to judge from the KP Chart that a person or (couple) has how many childre n? 2) Based on the same what would be the sex of his/her first child (still it s an i ssue for me) EXAMPLE 1 I was going through my Mom's Chart.

Again got confuse. Consider chart of my Mom, her birth details are as follows Date of Birth - November 11, 1952. Time of Birth - 8.15 PM Place Latitude 21-56 N and Longitude is 70-48 E. We are three brothers, I had an elder sister but she passed away. EXAMPLE 2 My younger brother s wife is pregnant and her birth details are as follows Date of Birth = November 27, 1977. Time of Birth = 8.18 AM Place of Birth = Ghatkopar suburb of MUMBAI CITY, INDIA Place Latitude = 19-5 N and Long = 72-55 E I did analyze her chart also. But again from all those rules which was posted on this group, I got a bit confused. This is second delivery of my younger brother s wife. She had already delivered a boy on 20-10-2000 in her Rahu/Mars/Saturn. What would be the sex of child in second delivery of my Younger brothers wife an d when? If you guys analyze these two charts give some light on this for learning purpos e (for a learner like me) It would be highly appreciated. Thanks Sacham. __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around

1870 From: "tw853" <tw853@...> Date: Wed Dec 8, 2004 8:22pm Subject: Re: Query regarding birth of second child? tw853 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Sourav Guchhait,

Verry sorry. I'm telling for myself not be accused as a fortune teller, absolutely not to you. Nothing wrong with your opinion. Best regards, tw --- In, Sourav Guchhait <sourav6282@y...> wrote: > Dear tw, > > I never pretend myself as a fortune teller. If my > opinion was wrong, then simply say that it was wrong, > please avoid indirect taunting. > An intelligent and skilled person like you should not > taunt other people of less intelligence. Also in this > particular case I have not told anyone's fortune. > > Regards, > Sourav. > > --- tw853 <tw853@y...> wrote: > > > --------------------------------> > Dear Sourav Guchhait, > > 1. Just referring KP Readers not to be called a > fortune teller. > > 2. "A child at all", KP Reader III, p 425 (Part > II, p 252 in > 1984 edition) may be comparable to "Any child at > all", p 223-226, KP > Reader V, 1984. > > 3. Among iportance of 10th as mentioned, 5 and 11 > alone specify > increase in number of the family by birth of children > , p 226, KP > Readr V. > > Best regards, > > tw > > > > > --- In, Sourav Guchhait > <sourav6282@y...> > wrote: > > Dear tw, > > Thanks for your kind reply.

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> Whatever you have written is absolutely true. It is > true that 5th and 11th cusps are to be judged for > promise of birth of 1'st child. > But primarily, according to me, 5th cusp sublord is > examined for "How to declare that one cannot have a > child at all?" (KP Reader III, p 425.) > > 11th cusp is always important in money > matters(2,6,11), job(2,6,10,11), marriage (2,7,11), > child(2,5,11) etc specially in horary charts. > > Regards, > Sourav. > > --- tw853 <tw853@y...> wrote: > > > --------------------------------> > Dear Sourav Guchhait, > > 1. For 1st child, 5th & 11 th cusps are taken in > judging "Is child birth promised or not?" in examples > for both male > and female, and generally houses 2, 5 and 11 are > judged for the time > of child birth, examples for male p 224 & p 227, and > example for > female p 230, KP Reader IV. (2nd is the increase in > number of members > of family by birth of children; 5th for offspring; > 11th not only > fruit of one's action, but also 5 th to 7 th partner, > p 210 KP Reader > IV) > > 2. For 2nd child, to judge houses 2,5,7, and 11; 7th > is 3rd from 5th, > 3rd is younger child, in an example, KP Reader IV, p > 242. > > Best regards, > > tw > > > > > --- In, Sourav Guchhait > <sourav6282@y...> > wrote: > > Dear Mr.Raichur,Yogesh Rao Lajmiji and tw, > > > > My opinion is :> > 5'th cusp sublord signifying houses 2,5,11 means > birth > > of 1'st child is promised. If 5th sublord

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

signifies > > 2,5,11 "then only" one should check for 7th cusp > > sublord for 2'nd child(without "1'st" it is not > > possible for having "2'nd" including miscarriage). > > After that, if 7th cusp sublord signifies 2,7,11 > then > > birth of 2'nd child is promised. > > > > I have two questions:> > > > How can we calculate considering the 3rd cusp of the > > 1st Born, a Sibling promised or not? (3'rd cusp > > sublord signifying 2,3,11 houses ? 2 is 12 to 3!) > > > > Also, How can we calculate considering the 11th cusp > > of the 2nd Born, there is an Elder sibling or not? > > (11'th cusp sublord signifying 2,11 ? Means good > > income!) > > > > - Regards > > Sourav. > > > > > > --- tw853 <tw853@y...> wrote: > > > > > > --------------------------------> > > > Dear Yogesh Rao Lajmi, > > > > Is it not the same as mentioned in Msg # 1774, > > > > "to judge houses 2,5,7, and 11 for second > conception, > > KP > > Reader IV, p 242 (for timing of child birth in > > general)" > > > > Best regards, > > > > tw > > > > --- In, Yogesh Rao Lajmi > > <lyrastro1@y...> > > wrote: > > > Dear Mr.Raichur, > > > The VIIth cusp,can,like > any > > other cusp, > > stand for different things,but it depends upon the > > astrologer to > > select the appropriate significations,for the > > particular > > query/judgement,don't you think so ? > > > For example the Vth can > > denote a lover,a > > child or a card-game,opponent's victory/gain...and

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> so > > on,depending > > upon the circumstances prevailing,or, being > considered > > at the TOJ... > > > Therefore,in my humble > > opinion,Mr.Raichur,the VII cusp for the second > > child,based on the > > IIIrd from the Vth,as younger sibling of the > > first-born,seems to me > > to be correct... > > > With highest regards, > > > lyrastro1 > > > GOOD > LUCK > > ! > > > > > > anant raichur <anant_1608@y...> wrote: > > > Dear Vinay > > > > > > This is a really serious issue. It is right to > > consider 7th Cusp, > > and its connection with 2nd and 11th, for the 2nd > > child. But as you > > correctly raised the question, this is also the > > consideration for > > marriage. Since marriage is already forseen, and > > foregone, the > > answer will be the same. > > > > > > So it would be as good as stating, that One you > are > > promised > > Marriage, You are promised the 2nd child as well. > ||| > > > > > > I feel we should also consider the 5th House, as > it > > denotes child > > birth in general, besides, the 1st child of a lady. > > > > > > The other solution is to consider the 3rd cusp of > > the 1st Born? Is > > a Sibling promised ? This would be a better > solution. > > > > > > > > > Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@y...> wrote: > > > Dear Vinay, > > > You are very correct,for the > second > > child it is > > recommended that the VIIth cusp sublord shoul be > > per > > K.P., recently also there was a discussion on the > > issue of whether > > Father's chart or Mother's chart should be > > analysed...etc.

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > But for the second child I do > not > > think there is > > any 'dispute' on taking the VIIth cusp for > > consideration... > > > Yours sincerely, > > > lyrastro1 > > > GOOD LUCK > ! > > > > > > Vinay Tiwari <techn0pandit@y...> wrote: > > > Respected gurus and friends, > > > > > > I was just going through a chart , for > > birth of his second > > child. > > > Dear Guruz , Can you kindly answer for following > > queries, > > > 1) Which houses should be considered? > > > 2)If i am not wrong 2,7,11 for second child ie ; 7 > > is 3rd from 5th . > > > But 2,7,11 also gives marriage? > > > 3)If i want to confirm whether birth of second > child > > is there in > > chart should i C 7th sublord connection? or how > > > > > > Please i need guidence regarding same. > > > > > > > > > Thanks In advance, > > > > > > Regards, > > > Vinay Tiwari > > > > > > > > > --------------------------------> > > Do you Yahoo!? > > > Take Yahoo! Mail with you! Get it on your mobile > > phone. > > > > > > Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner > > online. > > > > > > > > > > > > -----------------------------------------> > > A.R.Raichur bombay > > > anant_1608@y... > > > raichuranant@y... > > > USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY > > > tel: 022-2506 2609 > > > -----------------------------------------> > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

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1871 From: "tw853" <tw853@...> Date: Wed Dec 8, 2004 8:55pm Subject: Re: KPBC3 Analysis tw853

Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 1. If one must use the Western orbs, which one is preferrable 8* orb by Dr. Walter Coleman and Prof. Thomas Coleman , Dixie Turner, Malvin Artley, Glyph Test or 8*- 9* orb by Val Harrison or 10* orb by Dr. Eileen Nauman, or 13* by McCullough ? 2. Who are known astrlogers to study their views? 3. KP has own orbs as follows; Applying Seperating Sun 12* 17* Moon 8* 12* Other planets 6* 8*

good luck

--- In, anant raichur <anant_1608@y...> wrote: > Usually the highest priority is given to the Planet conjoined with Rahu. Here one must use the Western orbs for conjunction. Next the Star Lord, and last the Sign Lord of rahu's occupation. > > I have known astrologers, who consider all these effects, while predicting. > > good luck > > > rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > > > Yogesh, tw and any others interested, > > As a beginner in KP I have watched the priority order of Rahu and > Ketu substitution as stated below. What I have noticed is > that authors do always stick to this order. ie. they may quote > the sign ruler as operative, when say Rahu is closely conjoined > to a planet. > > It appears that there is at least a suspicion that the Rahu and > Ketu can represent ALL rather than just the obvious one ie the > first in rank order. This could be likened to a group of > students around a Guru. There will be one who is predominant > and close to the teacher. There will be others occasionally > active and those who will be peripheral and seldom take active > part. However, occasionally to make a point or when > predominant students are not participating, the Guru may focus > his attention on the inactive student because the point is very > relevant to his situation. >

> Any comments or observations on whether only one planet is > represented by the Node or all factors are represented? > > > Ron Gaunt > > > > On Tue, 07 Dec 2004 13:21:03 +0000, you wrote: > > >Dear tw853, > > are right,therefore, Kethu does represent Merc,the lord of the sign he is posited in... also...but that comes last in strength...Computer Programmes may have given the best houses the last option is very obvious...perhaps... > > Thanks for the input... > > Yours sincerely, > > lyrastro1 > > > > > >tw853 wrote: > > > >Dear Yogesh Rao Lajmi, > > > > > >I. KP Reader III, 1984, Part I, p. 123 > > > >1. Rahu & Kethu indicates the results of planet which they are > >conjoined. > > > >2. If no planet in conjunction, the results of planets aspecting > >them. > > > >3. If neither conjoined nor aspected, the results of the Stl. > > > >4. Lastly the result of the sign. > > > > > >II. KP Reader III, 1984, Part I, p. 124 > > > >1. Rahu or Kethu gives results to greater extent than what Stl > >can offer. > > > >2. Imagine as though Stl is posited in that house in which Rahu > >or Ketu tenanted. > > > >3. Also imagine that Stl is posited in that bhava. And it gives > >results to greater extent. > > > > > >KPBC3 > > > >III. As per rules in p. 123, KP Reader III, > > > >1. Saturn signifying 1,10,10,3,4 > >2. Nil > >3. Sun indicating 10,1,10 > >4. Mercury indicating 2,2,7,12,8,11 > > > >IV. As per explanation in p. 124, KP Reader III,

> > > >It is imagined as though Sun is posited in 10H. > > > >Note: Computer results are showing basic houses signified by Kethu as > >1,10, 10, by Raichur or any other. > > > > > >tw > > > > > > > >--- In, Yogesh Rao Lajmi > >wrote: > >> Dear Mandar, > >> As Mr.Bosmia says,Kethu is in Merc's sign,hence > >it represents read chapter on Nodes...and study it > >thoroughly,you will find out what you are missing... > >> In one of my very recent contribution to this > >group,I have mentioned about how a superfluous reading can hamper > >one's more suggestion,while studying K.P., one should > >have his mind CLEANED OF all previous learning...and begin anew all > > avoid possible confusions due to past impressions deeply > >engraved perhaps... > >> Yours sincerely, > >> lyrastro1 > >> GOOD LUCK ! > >> > >> Mandar Behere wrote: > >> The chart for KPBC3 shows that Ketu is at 6-0-20-51 > >> and hence posited in 10th cusp (11th cusp starts at > >> 6-15-4-39). So Ketu would signify 10th house and not > >> 11th house. Is this correct? If so, since 10th house > >> is 12th of 11th, Ketu would give negative effects > >> since node is stronger than planet. > >> > >> Also start lord of Ketu is Sun posited in 1st cusp and > >> hence ketu also signifies 1st i.e. 12th of 2nd house. > >> Hence in this way as well, ketu will negate the > >> effects when we are considering event related to 2nd. > >> > >> What am I missing here? > >> > >> Thanks for your reply. > >> - Mandar > >> --- Kanakkumar Bosmia wrote: > >> > >> > >> --------------------------------> >> > >> Dear Mander, > >> > >> ketu is in sign of mer and mer is lord of 11th. > >> > >> kanak bosmia > >> > >> > >>

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

>> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>

>From: Mandar Behere >Reply-To: >To: >Subject: Re: [k_p_system] Re: KPBC3 Analysis >Date: Mon, 6 Dec 2004 20:23:14 -0800 (PST) > >Thanks Ron for your reply. > >For others, can anybody throw some light on my >queries? >Stating here again: >1. in KPBC3, while choosing the Dasa sequence, I left >Ketu, since Ketu was signifying 1st and 10th cusp. But >it seems that Ketu only gave the result. Any reasoning >for this? >2. For having a child is it necessary that 5th Sub >should signify 2 AND 5 AND 11th cusp or it can signify >any one of 2,5,11th cusp? > >- Mandar >--- rongaunt wrote: > > > > > Mandar, > > > > Please see replies ++.....................++ > > > > Ron Gaunt > > > > > > > > On Mon, 06 Dec 2004 07:04:52 +0000, you wrote: > > > > > > > > > > >Hi, > > > > > >I have few queries regarding the analysis. Could > > you please answer > > >them? Please look for ***. > > > > > >--- In, rongaunt > > wrote: > > >> > > >> > > >> HOUSES AND SIGNIFICATORS > > >> > > >> The event was the birth of a child. The > > relevant houses are 2 > > >> for family, 5 for children, and 11 for desire. > > >> > > >> Lord of 2 and 5 is Jupiter who is in the star of > > Rahu sub > > >> Jupiter. Natal Rahu is in Jupiter Rasi hence > > all important

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

>> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>

> > >> de-facto ruler of the 5th house. Natal Rahu is > > in the star of > > >> Jupiter, so there is intimate and close > > connection between > > >> Jupiter and Rahu. > > >> > > >> Lord of 11 is Mercury who is in the star of > > Venus sub of Saturn, > > >> hence there may be some delay in having the first > > child. > > >> Natal Mercury is associated with Venus and both > > are in > > >> the 2nd house disposed by Jupiter hence > > associated with Rahu. > > >> > > >> Therefore all 3 houses 2,5, and 11, promise a > > child through > > >> Mercury as 11 house significator who is resident > > in 2 and linked > > >> through Jupiter and Rahu to the 5th house. > > >*** Is it mandatory that all the 3 houses should > > promise a child or > > >there is a OR condition? > > > > ++ I have taken it myself that all 3 houses should > > promise a > > child. However, I am relatively new to KP > > and if this is > > not correct I would appreciate views from > > experienced > > members. ++ > > >> > > >> > > >> DASAS > > >> > > >> The first appropriate dasa sequence appears to be > > Mo/Ke/Mer. > > >> commencing 31st Aug 1980. Ketu is in Mercury's > > rashi and would > > >> appear ideal. However, as we have seen Mercury > > is in the sub > > >> of Saturn hence likely to delay. > > >> > > >> Mo/Ve starts 30th Sep 1980. Venus Buhkti is > > promising in that > > >> natal Venus is in the 2nd house, associated with > > Mercury, in Sag > > >> Jupiter's rashi which is the same for the 5th > > house. > > >> In Handbook of Astrology Part 1 page 47 the > > author states > > >> 'Child birth can only be expected during the > > period of that > > >> planet which is placed favorably in the sub of

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

>> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>

> > one occupying or > > >> owning the 2nd,5th, or the 11th.' The only > > planet fulfilling > > >> this condition is Mercury which is in the sub of > > Venus occupying > > >> the 2nd house. > > >> > > >> Therefore the dasa sequence that fulfills the > > conditions is > > >> Mo/Ve/Me which runs from 30th Jan 1982 to 25th > > April 1982. > > >> However Mo/Ve/Ke (Ke substitutes for Mercury) > > runs from 25/4/1982 > > >> to 31st May 1982. So the birth could take place > > between 30th > > >> Jan to 25th April 1982. > > >*** Since ketu is signifiying 1 and 10 i.e. 12th of > > 2 and 11 > > >respectively, wouldn't it give negative effects on > > the result? Since > > >nodes are stronger than planets, I forced myself to > > leave out ketu > > >period, and Mercury period as well. And hence > > landed up with the dasa > > >sequence Moon/Ven/Ven or Moon/Ven/Moon. Was my > > assumption wrong? What > > >is the exact rule regarding this? > > > > > ++ Sorry due to my inexperience in KP I cannot > > quote a rule. > > I simply took it for granted that if a > > planet which is > > "placed favorably in the sub of one occupying > > or > > owning the 2nd,5th, or the 11th". the event > > would > > fructify. Again, perhaps more experienced > > members can > > answer. ++ > > > > >Thanks is advance, > > >Mandar > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

>> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > >> > > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> >__________________________________ >> >Do you Yahoo!? >> >Yahoo! Mail - Find what you need with new enhanced >> search. >> > >> >> >> >> -------------------------------->> MSN Premium helps protect against viruses, hackers, >> junk e-mail & pop-ups. >> Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT >> >> >> -------------------------------->> Yahoo! Groups Links >> >> To visit your group on the web, go to: >> >> >> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: >> >> >> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! >> Terms of Service. >> >> >> >> >> >> __________________________________ >> Do you Yahoo!? >> Yahoo! Mail - Find what you need with new enhanced search. >> >> >> Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT >> >> >> -------------------------------->> Yahoo! Groups Links >> >> To visit your group on the web, go to: >> >> >> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: >> >> >> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of >Service. >>

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1872 From: "tw853" <tw853@...>

Date: Wed Dec 8, 2004 9:35pm Subject: Re: Techniques: KP approved or not? tw853 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Sandy Crowther, 1. Not found in six KP Readers. 2. A thorough study of Dasa system, progression and annual horoscope are needed to pass correct judgement. (KP Reader III, 1984, Part II, 303) Prgessesion (p 304-305), Annual Horoscope (p 305-310) 3. Not found in six KP Readers.

Best regards, tw

--- In, Punit Pandey <punitp@g...> wrote: > Sandy, > > Here are my answers (in BLOCK letters) > > > 1. Are declinations (parallels and contra-parallels) ever considered in KP? > > NO > > > 2. Progressions? (If so, Secondary and Tertiary, or just Secondary?) Solar > > Returns? > > YES, BUT IT IS NOT A REGULAR PART OF KP. SRI KSK HAD MENTIONED IN 3RD READER THAT HE WAS GOING TO WRITE A BOOK ON PROGRESSION BUT DUE TO SOME REASON IT REMAINED INCOMPLETE. BUT HE HAS USED PROGRESSION AT FEW PLACES. SO WE CAN SAY THAT PROGRESSION IS PART OF KP SYSTEM. I AM NOT SURE ABOUT SECONDARY ETC. > > > 3. Does the consideration of Midpoints have any value in KP? > NO > > Hope it will help. Keep it in mind that no real research has been done > to establish the relationship between KP and above mentioned concepts. > So these can be the part of KP in future. > > Regards, > > Punit Pandey > > On Wed, 8 Dec 2004 08:22:13 -0500, Sandy Crowther <sandy@t...> wrote: > > > > > >

> > Dear tw, > > > > > > > > Thanks. I have one more simple question if I may > > > > > > > > One of the attractions for me to KP is that in many respects, the "East > > meets the West", and therefore interesting concepts from both systems are > > utilized. But I'm not fully clear on what KP accepts as legit " so a few > > more questions > > > > > > > > 1. Are declinations (parallels and contra-parallels) ever considered in KP? > > > > 2. Progressions? (If so, Secondary and Tertiary, or just Secondary?) Solar > > Returns? > > > > 3. Does the consideration of Midpoints have any value in KP? > > > > > > > > (Ooops " that was 3 questions Thanks.) > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > All the Best, > > > > Sandy Crowther > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > -----Original Message----> > From: tw853 [mailto:tw853@y...] > > Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 2004 11:03 PM > > To:

> > Subject: [k_p_system] Re: Techniques: KP approved or not? > > > > > > > > > > Dear Sandy Crowther, > > > > According to my limited KP knowledge, my personal opinion is as > > follows: > > > > 1. First one is okay. > > > > 2. Second one, not much familiar for me. > > > > 3. Third one may not be much problem except that generally Asc alone > > is applied in KP. > > > > Best regards, > > > > tw > > > > > > --- In, "Sandy Crowther" <sandy@t...> > > wrote: > > > Dear List Members, > > > > > > > > > > > > Before I get myself in trouble again (:-)) by discussing Vedic > > > techniques that are NOT KP approved, I thought I'd ask a few > > questions > > > of the more seasoned KP practitioners on the list, to get your > > opinions > > > on just a few Vedic techniques and their applicability (or not) to > > the > > > system of KP. > > > > > > > > > > > > I know the following techniques I am inquiring about may not be the > > > primary indicators/focus due to the KP strong emphasis on star and > > > sub-lords, but what I would like to know is if the following > > techniques > > > are completely off limits (like the Divisionals are) for > > delineation KP > > > style - and therefore have no place in this KP forum - or if they > > are > > > acceptable and given due consideration in KP delineations? > > > > > > > > > > > > 1. Badhakas (troublemakers) and Badhaka Sthanas (trouble spots?) > > > 2. Chara Karakas (temporary karakas based on priority of highest

> > > planetary degree), and if these are given KP consideration, is Rahu > > > included in the Chara Karaka scheme (8 planets used), or just the > > use of > > > the 7 planet Chara Karakas scheme? What about Sthira Karakas (fixed > > > significators to assist in timing the death of relatives?) > > > 3. What about planets falling in Marana Karaka Sthana (indicators > > > that houses owned by certain planets falling in certain placements > > will > > > suffer - like 12th for Sun, 8th for Moon, etc? If this is not a KP > > > approved technique, has any research been done to date(that anyone > > is > > > aware of) to discredit or address when the sub for a planetary > > > significator falls in Marana Karaka Sthana ? > > > > > > > > > > > > I can think of more techniques, but I'll stop my questions at > > these. I'm > > > just trying to discern "what's what".:-) because I was blown away > > at the > > > non-usage of vargas, so this is a start. > > > > > > > > > > > > Important to me: I would also like to know if one or two of the > > above > > > techniques are acceptable in KP, and a third is not, (or vice> > versa), is > > > it because research has been done indicating that the technique has > > > already been researched and has no value in KP, or is it because no > > one > > > has previously mentioned the technique in their writings OR done any > > > research on its applicability - therefore it is not (yet) > > considered a > > > viable possibility in KP delineation - so it may or may not be > > > applicable? Just curious.Thanks. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > All the Best, > > > > > > Sandy Crowther > > > > > > > > > > > > <> > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > Yahoo! Groups Sponsor > > > > > > Get unlimited calls to > > > > U.S./Canada > > > > ________________________________ > > Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.

1873 From: "tw853" <tw853@...> Date: Wed Dec 8, 2004 9:43pm Subject: Re: Techniques: KP approved or not? tw853 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Sandy Crowther, 1. 2. MKS not found in six KP Readers. Regarding Navamsa,

a. It is explained (including Vargothama), in p 74-76, KP Reader I, 1982, and Self-explanatory Table to erect both the rasi & Navamsa Chart, p 78-80, (Also Vargothama in p 290 & 291) b. Guruji KSK's Rasi and Navamsa are shown side by side, p 217, KP Reader III, Part II, 1984 c. The strength of planet is judged by noting ---- Vargothamamsa -p 59, KP Reader III, Part I & p 59, KP Reader V Best regards, tw --- In, "Sandy Crowther" <sandy@t...> wrote: > Dear Anant Raichur and Group, >

> > > Thanks Mr. Raichur, for the information on the Maraka Sthanas (2nd and > 7th houses) and the Badhaka Sthanas, and for letting me know that these > techniques are only taken into consideration in KP when considering the > event respective only to the end of life. However, I think you may have > misunderstood what I was referring to - I was inquiring about the > technique of Marana Karaka Sthanas, and wondering if any consideration > (or discredit) is given to these placements in KP - or if you know if > any research has been done on this technique - like especially being > applicable during their respective > mahadashas/bhukti's/prantyantardashas, or perhaps when a star/sub for a > planetary significator addressing a specific planet and MKS house, > happens to fall in these houses? > > > > Marana Karaka Sthanas are different than Maraka Sthanas (2nd and 7th > houses). Marana Karaka Sthana refer to a certain planet that occupies a > certain house in a chart, that in turn causes the houses OWNED by that > planet to suffer, (and therefore can be capable of danger or causing > death.) These MKS house placements are 12th for the Sun, 8th for the > Moon, 7th for Mars and Mercury, 3rd for Jupiter, 6th for Venus, 1st for > Saturn, and 9th for Rahu. I was just wondering if anyone knew whether or > not this technique has ever been referenced in any of the KP writings > and therefore been either KP accepted or discredited.or perhaps it has > never been mentioned at all in the writings? > > > > One more question on amsas to satisfy my curiosity - if I may (and I'm > honestly not trying to start trouble :-) or go off topic - I'm just > curious). Is it specifically written or referenced somewhere in the KP > writings that the divisionals have absolutely no value to the KP System, > and therefore have no place in KP? I'm having a real hard time with that > one, and cannot believe that their usage hasn't been implemented at > least in some small way - somewhere along the way.Thanks again. > > > > All the Best, >

> Sandy Crowther > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > -----Original Message----> From: anant raichur [mailto:anant_1608@y...] > Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 2004 2:17 AM > To: > Subject: Re: [k_p_system] Techniques: KP approved or not? > > > > Dear Sandy > > > > The Badhaka Sthanas, and Maraka Sthanas(2,7) are taken into > consideration in KP ONLY WHEN CONSIDERING THE END OF LIFE, and not for > any other event of Life. > > > > Good Luck > > Sandy Crowther <sandy@t...> wrote: > > Dear List Members, > > > > Before I get myself in trouble again (:-)) by discussing Vedic > techniques that are NOT KP approved, I thought I'd ask a few questions > of the more seasoned KP practitioners on the list, to get your opinions > on just a few Vedic techniques and their applicability (or not) to the > system of KP. > > > > I know the following techniques I am inquiring about may not be the > primary indicators/focus due to the KP strong emphasis on star and > sub-lords, but what I would like to know is if the following techniques > are completely off limits (like the Divisionals are) for delineation KP

> style - and therefore have no place in this KP forum - or if they are > acceptable and given due consideration in KP delineations? > > > > 1.Badhakas (troublemakers) and Badhaka Sthanas (trouble spots?) > > 2.Chara Karakas (temporary karakas based on priority of highest > planetary degree), and if these are given KP consideration, is Rahu > included in the Chara Karaka scheme (8 planets used), or just the use of > the 7 planet Chara Karakas scheme? What about Sthira Karakas (fixed > significators to assist in timing the death of relatives?) > > 3.What about planets falling in Marana Karaka Sthana (indicators that > houses owned by certain planets falling in certain placements will > suffer - like 12th for Sun, 8th for Moon, etc? If this is not a KP > approved technique, has any research been done to date(that anyone is > aware of) to discredit or address when the sub for a planetary > significator falls in Marana Karaka Sthana ? > > > > I can think of more techniques, but I'll stop my questions at these. I'm > just trying to discern "what's what".:-) because I was blown away at the > non-usage of vargas, so this is a start. > > > > Important to me: I would also like to know if one or two of the above > techniques are acceptable in KP, and a third is not, (or viceversa), is > it because research has been done indicating that the technique has > already been researched and has no value in KP, or is it because no one > has previously mentioned the technique in their writings OR done any > research on its applicability - therefore it is not (yet) considered a > viable possibility in KP delineation - so it may or may not be > applicable? Just curious.Thanks. > > > > > > All the Best, > > Sandy Crowther > > <> > > <> > >

> > > > > > > > -----------------------------------------> A.R.Raichur bombay > anant_1608@y... > > raichuranant@y... > > USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY > tel: 022-2506 2609 > -----------------------------------------> > _____ > > Do you Yahoo!? > Yahoo! Mail - Find what you need with new enhanced search. Learn > <*http:/> > more. > > > > > Yahoo! Groups Sponsor > > > > < 6/ > D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1102576605/A=2343726/R=0/SIG=12itm5inr/*h tt > p:/ 42 > 9867> > < 6/ > D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1102576605/A=2343726/R=1/SIG=12itm5inr/*h tt > p:/ 42 > 9867> > > Get unlimited calls to > < 6/ > D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1102576605/A=2343726/R=1/SIG=12itm5inr/*h tt

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1874 From: Vinay Tiwari <techn0pandit@...> Date: Wed Dec 8, 2004 10:15pm Subject: Re: AN IDEA - (was Techniques: KP approved or not?) techn0pandit Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear sirji, I fully agree with Punit JI, This family is very good as compared to others

with gr8 understanding between each other. Thanks. Regards, Vinay Punit Pandey <> wrote: Ron, Bringing people on one platform is not easy task. It requires a lot of hard work and support at various levels. Even if we create a new group, I am sure that there are not many who will join. I have seen this hesitation in people in moving to another forum. Reason may be people don't want another bunch of mails. Also seeing the present size, I don't think that creating a new group will be a good idea. Normally I believe that any group with more than 1000 members should be split in more groups but this group is not even close to that. It is just my experience as I am moderating few more groups of different sizes. It would be good to get opinion of other members. Thanks & Regards, Punit Pandey

On Thu, 09 Dec 2004 01:21:40 +1000, rongaunt <> wrote: > > All members, > > I think this List is excellent as it has a wealth of talented KP > astrologers, many who actually participate (unlike most Lists). > I am glad I found it because for over 35 years I have wasted more > time than I care to admit on checking out other peoples theories > that in the end just do not work. As a neophyte KP convert I > hope and think this will be different. > > I suspect that for many seasoned KP astrologers, KP as written > up in the 'Readers' is all that is needed; as like Yogesh they > get the right answers nearly all the time. Having said this I > recognize the frustrations some astrologers may have with not > being able to explain their reason for coming to some > determination because it is not normally used in KP. In my own > case I have found to date only one method that is consistently > correct for prognostication and that is Solar Eclipses. I have > shown these on the List because I felt that they are not really > outside the bounds of KP being simply transits - all though they > are a special type of transit. I do however off list, double > check using Solar Returns, Minor Progressions and divisionals > for additional insights. > > My idea is that whilst recognizing the k-p-system as the parent > we start a separate offspring List called k-psystem PLUS (or any > other appropriate name.) In this List we could incorporate other > ideas with KP. For instance I would post the Blind Charts to > both Lists; anyone who wanted to respond with pristine KP would > use 'k-p-system' and others who would like to incorporate other > ideas would use the offspring List. This way the KP purist

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

would not be bothered with sorting through masses of mails irrelevant to him, whilst others would have the opportunity to evaluate new ideas that might marry with KP. How do members feel about this? Ron Gaunt Any ideas or suggestions?

On Wed, 08 Dec 2004 08:22:13 -0500, you wrote: >Dear tw, > > > >Thanks. I have one more simple question if I may. > > > >One of the attractions for me to KP is that in many respects, the "East >meets the West", and therefore interesting concepts from both systems >are utilized. But I'm not fully clear on what KP accepts as legit - so a >few more questions. > > > >1. Are declinations (parallels and contra-parallels) ever considered in >KP? > >2. Progressions? (If so, Secondary and Tertiary, or just Secondary?) >Solar Returns? > >3. Does the consideration of Midpoints have any value in KP? > > > >(Ooops - that was 3 questions.Thanks.) > > > > > > All the Best, > > Sandy Crowther > > <> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > >-----Original Message---->From: tw853 [] >Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 2004 11:03 PM >To: >Subject: [k_p_system] Re: Techniques: KP approved or not? > > > > >Dear Sandy Crowther, > >According to my limited KP knowledge, my personal opinion is as >follows: > >1. First one is okay. > >2. Second one, not much familiar for me. > >3. Third one may not be much problem except that generally Asc alone >is applied in KP. > >Best regards, > >tw > > >--- In, "Sandy Crowther" <sandy@t...> >wrote: >> Dear List Members, >> >> >> >> Before I get myself in trouble again (:-)) by discussing Vedic >> techniques that are NOT KP approved, I thought I'd ask a few >questions >> of the more seasoned KP practitioners on the list, to get your >opinions >> on just a few Vedic techniques and their applicability (or not) to >the >> system of KP. >> >> >> >> I know the following techniques I am inquiring about may not be the >> primary indicators/focus due to the KP strong emphasis on star and >> sub-lords, but what I would like to know is if the following >techniques >> are completely off limits (like the Divisionals are) for >delineation KP >> style - and therefore have no place in this KP forum - or if they >are >> acceptable and given due consideration in KP delineations? >> >> >>

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

>> 1. Badhakas (troublemakers) and Badhaka Sthanas (trouble spots?) >> 2. Chara Karakas (temporary karakas based on priority of highest >> planetary degree), and if these are given KP consideration, is Rahu >> included in the Chara Karaka scheme (8 planets used), or just the >use of >> the 7 planet Chara Karakas scheme? What about Sthira Karakas (fixed >> significators to assist in timing the death of relatives?) >> 3. What about planets falling in Marana Karaka Sthana (indicators >> that houses owned by certain planets falling in certain placements >will >> suffer - like 12th for Sun, 8th for Moon, etc? If this is not a KP >> approved technique, has any research been done to date(that anyone >is >> aware of) to discredit or address when the sub for a planetary >> significator falls in Marana Karaka Sthana ? >> >> >> >> I can think of more techniques, but I'll stop my questions at >these. I'm >> just trying to discern "what's what".:-) because I was blown away >at the >> non-usage of vargas, so this is a start. >> >> >> >> Important to me: I would also like to know if one or two of the >above >> techniques are acceptable in KP, and a third is not, (or vice>versa), is >> it because research has been done indicating that the technique has >> already been researched and has no value in KP, or is it because no >one >> has previously mentioned the technique in their writings OR done any >> research on its applicability - therefore it is not (yet) >considered a >> viable possibility in KP delineation - so it may or may not be >> applicable? Just curious.Thanks. >> >> >> >> >> >> All the Best, >> >> Sandy Crowther >> >> >> >> <> > > > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Sponsor >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > >< >D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1102565000/A=2343726/R=0/SIG=12i9a1n1o/*htt >p:/ >4768> >< >D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1102565000/A=2343726/R=1/SIG=12i9a1n1o/*htt >p:/ >4768> > >Get unlimited calls to >< >D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1102565000/A=2343726/R=1/SIG=12i9a1n1o/*htt >p:/ >4768> > >U.S./Canada >< >D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1102565000/A=2343726/R=1/SIG=12i9a1n1o/*htt >p:/ >4768> > > >< >478600244768> > > > >< >s/S=:HM/A=2343726/rand=205259535> > > > > _____ > >Yahoo! Groups Links > >* To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > >* To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > ><> > > >* Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of ><> Service.

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1875 From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@...> Date: Wed Dec 8, 2004 10:49pm Subject: Re: AN IDEA - (was Techniques: KP approved or not?) lyrastro1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dears Sandy,Ron,Punit,tw et al, The main objective of KSK,the "in ventor of K.P.", was to make this Jyotish Shastra,hitherto shrouded in difficul t-to decipher,Sanskrit Shlokas, capable of being interpreted differently by diff erent people,at different times...simple,more accurate,giving reliable results c onsistently,while simultaneously ridding it of the plethora of,often contradicto ry and confusing rules...etc. In my opinion,KSK has succeeded most achieving this goal, indeed... For us,therefore,as his worthy discip les,the goal should be to keep this process of simplification an ongoing effort. .. It is in this direction that all what I write should be understood and seen...the entire effort is on simplification. ..! With best wishes, lyrastro1 GOOD LUCK ! Punit Pandey <> wrote: Ron, Bringing people on one platform is not easy task. It requires a lot of hard work and support at various levels. Even if we create a new group, I am sure that there are not many who will join. I have seen this hesitation in people in moving to another forum. Reason may be people don't want another bunch of mails. Also seeing the present size, I don't think that creating a new group will be a good idea. Normally I believe that any group with more than 1000 members should be split in more groups but this group is not even close to that. It is just my experience as I am moderating few more groups of different sizes.

It would be good to get opinion of other members. Thanks & Regards, Punit Pandey ===== Yahoo! My Yahoo! Mail Welcome, raon1008 [Sign Out, My Account] Groups Home - Help

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Sort by Date 1876 From: "tw853" <tw853@...> Date: Wed Dec 8, 2004 10:51pm Subject: Re: AN IDEA - (was Techniques: KP approved or not?) tw853 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Ron Gaunt, I fully agree with Punit Pandey and Vinay Tiwari. Our Group is too small to split into two. Best regards, tw

--- In, Vinay Tiwari <techn0pandit@y...> wrote: > Dear sirji, > > I fully agree with Punit JI, This family is very good as compared to others with gr8 understanding between each other. > > Thanks. > Regards, > Vinay > > Punit Pandey <punitp@g...> wrote: > Ron, > > Bringing people on one platform is not easy task. It requires a lot of > hard work and support at various levels. Even if we create a new > group, I am sure that there are not many who will join. I have seen > this hesitation in people in moving to another forum. Reason may be > people don't want another bunch of mails. Also seeing the present > size, I don't think that creating a new group will be a good idea. > Normally I believe that any group with more than 1000 members should > be split in more groups but this group is not even close to that. It > is just my experience as I am moderating few more groups of different > sizes. > > It would be good to get opinion of other members. > > Thanks & Regards, > > Punit Pandey > > > > On Thu, 09 Dec 2004 01:21:40 +1000, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > > > > All members, > > > > I think this List is excellent as it has a wealth of talented KP > > astrologers, many who actually participate (unlike most Lists). > > I am glad I found it because for over 35 years I have wasted more > > time than I care to admit on checking out other peoples theories > > that in the end just do not work. As a neophyte KP convert I > > hope and think this will be different. > > > > I suspect that for many seasoned KP astrologers, KP as written > > up in the 'Readers' is all that is needed; as like Yogesh they > > get the right answers nearly all the time. Having said this I > > recognize the frustrations some astrologers may have with not > > being able to explain their reason for coming to some > > determination because it is not normally used in KP. In my own > > case I have found to date only one method that is consistently > > correct for prognostication and that is Solar Eclipses. I have > > shown these on the List because I felt that they are not really > > outside the bounds of KP being simply transits - all though they > > are a special type of transit. I do however off list, double > > check using Solar Returns, Minor Progressions and divisionals > > for additional insights.

> > > > My idea is that whilst recognizing the k-p-system as the parent > > we start a separate offspring List called k-psystem PLUS (or any > > other appropriate name.) In this List we could incorporate other > > ideas with KP. For instance I would post the Blind Charts to > > both Lists; anyone who wanted to respond with pristine KP would > > use 'k-p-system' and others who would like to incorporate other > > ideas would use the offspring List. This way the KP purist > > would not be bothered with sorting through masses of mails > > irrelevant to him, whilst others would have the opportunity to > > evaluate new ideas that might marry with KP. > > > > > > How do members feel about this? Any ideas or suggestions? > > > > > > Ron Gaunt > > > > > > > > > > > > On Wed, 08 Dec 2004 08:22:13 -0500, you wrote: > > > > >Dear tw, > > > > > > > > > > > >Thanks. I have one more simple question if I may. > > > > > > > > > > > >One of the attractions for me to KP is that in many respects, the "East > > >meets the West", and therefore interesting concepts from both systems > > >are utilized. But I'm not fully clear on what KP accepts as legit - so a > > >few more questions. > > > > > > > > > > > >1. Are declinations (parallels and contra-parallels) ever considered in > > >KP? > > > > > >2. Progressions? (If so, Secondary and Tertiary, or just Secondary?) > > >Solar Returns? > > > > > >3. Does the consideration of Midpoints have any value in KP? > > > > > > > > > > > >(Ooops - that was 3 questions.Thanks.) > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > All the Best, > > > > > > Sandy Crowther > > > > > > <> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >-----Original Message----> > >From: tw853 [mailto:tw853@y...] > > >Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 2004 11:03 PM > > >To: > > >Subject: [k_p_system] Re: Techniques: KP approved or not? > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >Dear Sandy Crowther, > > > > > >According to my limited KP knowledge, my personal opinion is as > > >follows: > > > > > >1. First one is okay. > > > > > >2. Second one, not much familiar for me. > > > > > >3. Third one may not be much problem except that generally Asc alone > > >is applied in KP. > > > > > >Best regards, > > > > > >tw > > > > > > > > >--- In, "Sandy Crowther" <sandy@t...> > > >wrote: > > >> Dear List Members, > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> Before I get myself in trouble again (:-)) by discussing Vedic > > >> techniques that are NOT KP approved, I thought I'd ask a few > > >questions > > >> of the more seasoned KP practitioners on the list, to get your > > >opinions > > >> on just a few Vedic techniques and their applicability (or not) to > > >the > > >> system of KP.

> > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> I know the following techniques I am inquiring about may not be the > > >> primary indicators/focus due to the KP strong emphasis on star and > > >> sub-lords, but what I would like to know is if the following > > >techniques > > >> are completely off limits (like the Divisionals are) for > > >delineation KP > > >> style - and therefore have no place in this KP forum - or if they > > >are > > >> acceptable and given due consideration in KP delineations? > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> 1. Badhakas (troublemakers) and Badhaka Sthanas (trouble spots?) > > >> 2. Chara Karakas (temporary karakas based on priority of highest > > >> planetary degree), and if these are given KP consideration, is Rahu > > >> included in the Chara Karaka scheme (8 planets used), or just the > > >use of > > >> the 7 planet Chara Karakas scheme? What about Sthira Karakas (fixed > > >> significators to assist in timing the death of relatives?) > > >> 3. What about planets falling in Marana Karaka Sthana (indicators > > >> that houses owned by certain planets falling in certain placements > > >will > > >> suffer - like 12th for Sun, 8th for Moon, etc? If this is not a KP > > >> approved technique, has any research been done to date(that anyone > > >is > > >> aware of) to discredit or address when the sub for a planetary > > >> significator falls in Marana Karaka Sthana ? > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> I can think of more techniques, but I'll stop my questions at > > >these. I'm > > >> just trying to discern "what's what".:-) because I was blown away > > >at the > > >> non-usage of vargas, so this is a start. > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> Important to me: I would also like to know if one or two of the > > >above > > >> techniques are acceptable in KP, and a third is not, (or vice> > >versa), is > > >> it because research has been done indicating that the

technique has > > >> already been researched and has no value in KP, or is it because no > > >one > > >> has previously mentioned the technique in their writings OR done any > > >> research on its applicability - therefore it is not (yet) > > >considered a > > >> viable possibility in KP delineation - so it may or may not be > > >> applicable? Just curious.Thanks. > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> All the Best, > > >> > > >> Sandy Crowther > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> <> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Sponsor > > > > > > > > > > > >< 76/ > > >D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1102565000/A=2343726/R=0/SIG=12i9a1n1o/* htt > > >p:/ 024 > > >4768> > > >< 76/ > > >D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1102565000/A=2343726/R=1/SIG=12i9a1n1o/* htt > > >p:/ 024 > > >4768> > > > > > >Get unlimited calls to > > >< 76/ > >

>D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1102565000/A=2343726/R=1/SIG=12i9a1n1o/* htt > > >p:/ 024 > > >4768> > > > > > >U.S./Canada > > >< 76/ > > >D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1102565000/A=2343726/R=1/SIG=12i9a1n1o/* htt > > >p:/ 024 > > >4768> > > > > > > > > >< 102 > > >478600244768> > > > > > > > > > > > >< M=324847.5707096.6763800.3001176/D=group > > >s/S=:HM/A=2343726/rand=205259535> > > > > > > > > > > > > _____ > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > >* To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > > > > > > > > > >* To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > > > >< subject=Unsubscribe> > > > > > > > > >* Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of > > ><> Service. > > > > > > > > Yahoo! Groups Sponsor > > > > ADVERTISEMENT > > > > > > ________________________________ > > Yahoo! Groups Links

> > > > To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. > > Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT > > > --------------------------------> Yahoo! Groups Links > > To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. > > > > --------------------------------> Do you Yahoo!? What will yours do? > The all-new My Yahoo!

1877 From: "tw853" <tw853@...> Date: Wed Dec 8, 2004 10:58pm Subject: Brothers or sisters for 1st born ? tw853 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear All, A limited review of Shri Anant Raichur's opinion is as shown below. Best regards, tw From: anant raichur <anant_1608@y...> Date: Tue Dec 7, 2004 2:01 am Subject: Re: [k_p_system] Re: Query regarding birth of second child? When we check for the 3rd sub lord of the 1st born, we just see where this Sub lord is placed. If he is in a favourable place 1,2,3 6,10,11 then we conclude that the native will get favourable results of the 3rd house. So we may conclude that he will have siblings. This is my opinion, not any rule given in a book.

Name 5th Sbl H ? 1. 28-01-1949 Raichur Ketu 2 F 2. Caroline Kennedy Mercury 1 F 3. Mary Kennedy-Cuomo Mercury 9 Nf 4. George W Bush Rahu 11 F 5. Jane Fonda Venus 11 F 6. Nancy Sinatra Mercury 12 Nf 7. Prs Royal Victoria Mercury 9 Nf 8. KingEdward VII Moon 1 F 9. Queen Elizabeth II Jupiter 1 F 10. Prince Charles Jupiter 5 Nf 11. Prince William Mercury 5 Nf 12.Peter Phillips Rahu 9 Nf 13. Princes Beatrice Mars 2 F 14. Prs Caroline, Monaco Jupiter 7 Nf 15. Rajiv Gandhi Mercury 1 F 16. Rihan Gandhi-Vadra Sun 8 Nf Note: Favourable 8/16, 50%

1878 From: "Kanakkumar Bosmia" <kanbosastro@...> Date: Wed Dec 8, 2004 11:11pm Subject: RE: Re: AN IDEA - (was Techniques: KP approved or not?) kanbosastro Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear ron ji Our KP Family is like Indian Jointfamily. we want to remain jointly. there is n o question about total number of members. kanak bosmia >From: "tw853" <> >Reply-To: >To: >Subject: [k_p_system] Re: AN IDEA - (was Techniques: KP approved or not?) >Date: Thu, 09 Dec 2004 04:51:12 -0000 > > >Dear Ron Gaunt, > >I fully agree with Punit Pandey and Vinay Tiwari. Our Group is too >small to split into two. > >Best regards, > >tw > > >--- In, Vinay Tiwari <techn0pandit@y...> >wrote: > > Dear sirji, > > > > I fully agree with Punit JI, This family is very good as

>compared to others with gr8 understanding between each other. > > > > Thanks. > > Regards, > > Vinay > > > > Punit Pandey <punitp@g...> wrote: > > Ron, > > > > Bringing people on one platform is not easy task. It requires a lot >of > > hard work and support at various levels. Even if we create a new > > group, I am sure that there are not many who will join. I have seen > > this hesitation in people in moving to another forum. Reason may be > > people don't want another bunch of mails. Also seeing the present > > size, I don't think that creating a new group will be a good idea. > > Normally I believe that any group with more than 1000 members should > > be split in more groups but this group is not even close to that. It > > is just my experience as I am moderating few more groups of >different > > sizes. > > > > It would be good to get opinion of other members. > > > > Thanks & Regards, > > > > Punit Pandey > > > > > > > > On Thu, 09 Dec 2004 01:21:40 +1000, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > > > > > > All members, > > > > > > I think this List is excellent as it has a wealth of talented KP > > > astrologers, many who actually participate (unlike most Lists). > > > I am glad I found it because for over 35 years I have wasted more > > > time than I care to admit on checking out other peoples theories > > > that in the end just do not work. As a neophyte KP convert I > > > hope and think this will be different. > > > > > > I suspect that for many seasoned KP astrologers, KP as written > > > up in the 'Readers' is all that is needed; as like Yogesh they > > > get the right answers nearly all the time. Having said this I > > > recognize the frustrations some astrologers may have with not > > > being able to explain their reason for coming to some > > > determination because it is not normally used in KP. In my own > > > case I have found to date only one method that is consistently > > > correct for prognostication and that is Solar Eclipses. I have > > > shown these on the List because I felt that they are not really > > > outside the bounds of KP being simply transits - all though they > > > are a special type of transit. I do however off list, double > > > check using Solar Returns, Minor Progressions and divisionals > > > for additional insights. > > > > > > My idea is that whilst recognizing the k-p-system as the parent > > > we start a separate offspring List called k-psystem PLUS (or any > > > other appropriate name.) In this List we could incorporate other > > > ideas with KP. For instance I would post the Blind Charts to > > > both Lists; anyone who wanted to respond with pristine KP would

> > > use 'k-p-system' and others who would like to incorporate other > > > ideas would use the offspring List. This way the KP purist > > > would not be bothered with sorting through masses of mails > > > irrelevant to him, whilst others would have the opportunity to > > > evaluate new ideas that might marry with KP. > > > > > > > > > How do members feel about this? Any ideas or suggestions? > > > > > > > > > Ron Gaunt > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > On Wed, 08 Dec 2004 08:22:13 -0500, you wrote: > > > > > > >Dear tw, > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >Thanks. I have one more simple question if I may. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >One of the attractions for me to KP is that in many respects, >the "East > > > >meets the West", and therefore interesting concepts from both >systems > > > >are utilized. But I'm not fully clear on what KP accepts as >legit - so a > > > >few more questions. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >1. Are declinations (parallels and contra-parallels) ever >considered in > > > >KP? > > > > > > > >2. Progressions? (If so, Secondary and Tertiary, or just >Secondary?) > > > >Solar Returns? > > > > > > > >3. Does the consideration of Midpoints have any value in KP? > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >(Ooops - that was 3 questions.Thanks.) > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > All the Best, > > > > > > > > Sandy Crowther > > > > > > > > <> > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >-----Original Message----> > > >From: tw853 [mailto:tw853@y...] > > > >Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 2004 11:03 PM > > > >To: > > > >Subject: [k_p_system] Re: Techniques: KP approved or not? > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >Dear Sandy Crowther, > > > > > > > >According to my limited KP knowledge, my personal opinion is as > > > >follows: > > > > > > > >1. First one is okay. > > > > > > > >2. Second one, not much familiar for me. > > > > > > > >3. Third one may not be much problem except that generally Asc >alone > > > >is applied in KP. > > > > > > > >Best regards, > > > > > > > >tw > > > > > > > > > > > >--- In, "Sandy Crowther" <sandy@t...> > > > >wrote: > > > >> Dear List Members, > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> Before I get myself in trouble again (:-)) by discussing Vedic > > > >> techniques that are NOT KP approved, I thought I'd ask a few > > > >questions > > > >> of the more seasoned KP practitioners on the list, to get your > > > >opinions > > > >> on just a few Vedic techniques and their applicability (or >not) to > > > >the > > > >> system of KP. > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> I know the following techniques I am inquiring about may not >be the > > > >> primary indicators/focus due to the KP strong emphasis on star

>and > > > >> sub-lords, but what I would like to know is if the following > > > >techniques > > > >> are completely off limits (like the Divisionals are) for > > > >delineation KP > > > >> style - and therefore have no place in this KP forum - or if >they > > > >are > > > >> acceptable and given due consideration in KP delineations? > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> 1. Badhakas (troublemakers) and Badhaka Sthanas (trouble >spots?) > > > >> 2. Chara Karakas (temporary karakas based on priority of >highest > > > >> planetary degree), and if these are given KP consideration, is >Rahu > > > >> included in the Chara Karaka scheme (8 planets used), or just >the > > > >use of > > > >> the 7 planet Chara Karakas scheme? What about Sthira Karakas >(fixed > > > >> significators to assist in timing the death of relatives?) > > > >> 3. What about planets falling in Marana Karaka Sthana >(indicators > > > >> that houses owned by certain planets falling in certain >placements > > > >will > > > >> suffer - like 12th for Sun, 8th for Moon, etc? If this is not >a KP > > > >> approved technique, has any research been done to date(that >anyone > > > >is > > > >> aware of) to discredit or address when the sub for a planetary > > > >> significator falls in Marana Karaka Sthana ? > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> I can think of more techniques, but I'll stop my questions at > > > >these. I'm > > > >> just trying to discern "what's what".:-) because I was blown >away > > > >at the > > > >> non-usage of vargas, so this is a start. > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> Important to me: I would also like to know if one or two of >the > > > >above > > > >> techniques are acceptable in KP, and a third is not, (or vice> > > >versa), is > > > >> it because research has been done indicating that the >technique has > > > >> already been researched and has no value in KP, or is it >because no > > > >one > > > >> has previously mentioned the technique in their writings OR >done any

> > > >> research on its applicability - therefore it is not (yet) > > > >considered a > > > >> viable possibility in KP delineation - so it may or may not be > > > >> applicable? Just curious.Thanks. > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> All the Best, > > > >> > > > >> Sandy Crowther > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> <> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Sponsor > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >< >76/ > > > > >D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1102565000/A=2343726/R=0/SIG=12i9a1n1o/* >htt > > > > >p:/ >024 > > > >4768> > > > > >< >76/ > > > > >D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1102565000/A=2343726/R=1/SIG=12i9a1n1o/* >htt > > > > >p:/ >024 > > > >4768> > > > > > > > >Get unlimited calls to > > > > >< >76/ > > > > >D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1102565000/A=2343726/R=1/SIG=12i9a1n1o/* >htt > > > > >p:/ >024 > > > >4768>

> > > > > > > >U.S./Canada > > > > >< >76/ > > > > >D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1102565000/A=2343726/R=1/SIG=12i9a1n1o/* >htt > > > > >p:/ >024 > > > >4768> > > > > > > > > > > > > >< >102 > > > >478600244768> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >< >M=324847.5707096.6763800.3001176/D=group > > > >s/S=:HM/A=2343726/rand=205259535> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > _____ > > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > > > >* To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >* To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > > > > > >< >subject=Unsubscribe> > > > > > > > > > > > >* Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! >Terms of > > > ><> Service. > > > > > > > > > > > > Yahoo! Groups Sponsor > > > > > > ADVERTISEMENT > > > > > > > > > ________________________________ > > > Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > > To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > > > > > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > >

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1879 From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@...> Date: Wed Dec 8, 2004 11:44pm Subject: A Fervent appeal to all... lyrastro1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360

Note: forwarded message attached. Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online. Date: Thu, 9 Dec 2004 05:39:34 +0000 (GMT) From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi lyrastro1@... Subject: A Fervent appeal to all... To: ALL MEMBERS k_p_group@yahoogroups.comDear Members, It is truly fortunate that we have evolved,(despite the us ual starting hiccups,) into a nice team of people with a common interest - K.P., I think it will not be out of place to request all members to beware the human weakness,of attaching one's ego to one's opinion... That,Ladies & Gentlemen,as we all know,is a sure prescripti on for giving birth to needless conflict...! With the prayer that I will not be misunderstood... With my highest regards to all, lyrastro1 GOOD LUCK !

Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online.

1880 From: "mehtakunal2707" <mehtakunal2707@...> Date: Thu Dec 9, 2004 0:00am Subject: Re: Reading request / Mr.Ron/Mr Yogesh mehtakunal2707 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Sir, Please find to respond. Financial Position / Likely time of marraige. 18/06/1977 8=15am mumbai Regards, Kunal

--- In, "mehtakunal2707" <mehtakunal2707@y...> wrote: > > Dear Mr.Raichur, > > Please try and find time to look at the chart. I have given the area > in Mumbai. > > Just wanted to know abt finance in life / time of marraige..type of > wife...etc... > > Regards, > > Kunal > > > > --- In, "mehtakunal2707" > <mehtakunal2707@y...> wrote: > > > > Dear Sir, > > > > Born around Matunga/Dadar area. I hope that helps. > > > > Long:72E50 > > Lat: 18N58 > > > > Please let me know abt state of finance / marraige, > > > > Regards, > >

> > Kunal > > > > > > > > > > --- In, anant raichur <anant_1608@y...> > > wrote: > > > Dear Mr Metha > > > Mumbai(Bombay) is a big city, esp spread in N_S direction. > > Mentioning the Suburb of Mumbai will enable one to get a better > chart > > with Lat and Long nearer the birth place. > > > > > > > > > kunal mehta <mehtakunal2707@y...> wrote: > > > Hello, > > > > > > I tried to post this request, > > > > > > Can anyone predict time of likely time of marraige (type of wife) > > > > > > 18/06/1977 > > > 8=15am > > > mumbai > > > > > > Regards, > > > > > > Kunal > > > > > > > > > --------------------------------> > > Moving house? Beach bar in Thailand? New Wardrobe? Win 10k with > > Yahoo! Mail to make your dream a reality. > > > Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT > > > > > > > > > --------------------------------> > > Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > > To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > > > > > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > > > > > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of > > Service. > > > > > > > > > > > > -----------------------------------------> > > A.R.Raichur bombay > > > anant_1608@y... > > > raichuranant@y... > > > USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY > > > tel: 022-2506 2609 > > > ------------------------------------------

> > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > >

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Try My Yahoo!

1881 From: anant raichur <anant_1608@...> Date: Thu Dec 9, 2004 0:53am Subject: Re: Will I get this job? anant_1608 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 It is your wife who gave the Number. So try using 7th house as the ASC. Check on MOON . Does it signify thru its Lords, th1 1st, 10 and 11th houses ? Or if you take the 7th as asc, then Moon must signify 7th,4th and 5th of the Horary.

Vaidun Vidyadhar <> wrote: Dear List Members, I am trying my hand at KP after a break of more than 15 years. I seek the help of more knowledgeable KP stalwards on the list to see if I am working in the right direction. I will be highly obliged for your comments. Last Saturday I went for a job interview to Queensland. I wish to find out if I will get this job. I asked my wife to give me a horary number and she came up with Number 45. I am located at Tamworth, NSW Australia, Lat 31S05, Long 150E55. I sat down to cast a horary chart at 17:28:15 Sydney time, DST of one hour is presently on. Ruling Planets Lagna: Ma Ve Sa Moon: Ve Ma Me Day: Me Therefore Ve, Ma and Me emerge as the RPs. Ke is in Libra therefore Ve is replaced with Ke. Ra is in Aries therefore Ma is replaced by Ra. The RPs then become Ke, Ra and Me. Ra is in the sub of Ke. Ke is in its own sub. Therefore Ke becomes a very strong significator. Me is in the sub of Ju which is direct. Horary Number 45 : Me Ma Su Star lord of Hor No, Ma is sign lord of lagna and also star lord of Moon. Therefore the event WILL occur. I WILL get this job. Houses to be considered: 2, 6 and 10

When will I get this job? It should be within the next month or two. In which case we consider the position of Sun. When the Sun moves to a sensitive point ruled by the strong significators of the 2nd, 6th and 10th houses, in common with the RPs. Significators of 2nd house are Ju & Mo Significators of 6th house are Su, Me, Mo & Ma Significators of 10th house are Ke, Ma, Ve & Sa I will pick on Ju Ke Ra. Sun will enter this point on 21 Dec 04, a Tueday ruled by Ma which is a strong significator. Moon will be transitting in Ju Me Ra The above is my attempt. I request senior KP astrologers to kindly comment on my analysis. I will be most obliged. Thank you. With regards. Vaidun Vidyadhar 1 / 94 Marius Street Tamworth, NSW 2340 Australia Tel: 61-2-67 668428 (home) Mobile: 0414 870 083 Email:

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-----------------------------------------A.R.Raichur bombay USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY tel: 022-2506 2609 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Do you Yahoo!? Take Yahoo! Mail with you! Get it on your mobile phone.

1882 From: anant raichur <anant_1608@...> Date: Thu Dec 9, 2004 1:12am Subject: RE: Techniques: KP approved or not? anant_1608 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 For reply Please see paras Marked *** Sandy Crowther <> wrote: Dear Anant Raichur and Group,

Thanks Mr. Raichur, for the information on the Maraka Sthanas (2nd and 7th house s) and the Badhaka Sthanas, and for letting me know that these techniques are on ly taken into consideration in KP when considering the event respective only to the end of life. However, I think you may have misunderstood what I was referrin I was inquiring about the technique of Marana Karaka Sthanas, and wondering g to if any consideration (or discredit) is given to these placements in KP or if yo u know if any research has been done on this technique - like especially being a pplicable during their respective mahadashas/bhukti s/prantyantardashas, or perhap s when a star/sub for a planetary significator addressing a specific planet and MKS house, happens to fall in these houses?

*** KP does not take this placement into consideration at all

Marana Karaka Sthanas are different than Maraka Sthanas (2nd and 7th houses). Ma rana Karaka Sthana refer to a certain planet that occupies a certain house in a chart, that in turn causes the houses OWNED by that planet to suffer, (and there fore can be capable of danger or causing death.) These MKS house placements are 12th for the Sun, 8th for the Moon, 7th for Mars and Mercury, 3rd for Jupiter, 6 th for Venus, 1st for Saturn, and 9th for Rahu. I was just wondering if anyone k new whether or not this technique has ever been referenced in any of the KP writ ings and therefore been either KP accepted or discredited or perhaps it has never been mentioned at all in the writings? *** The above mentioned technique has not been refered or researched in KP, as f ar as I am aware

One more question on amsas to satisfy my curiosity - if I may (and I m honestly no t trying to start trouble J or go off topic I m just curious). Is it specifically

written or solutely no a real hard plemented

referenced somewhere in the KP writings that the divisionals have ab value to the KP System, and therefore have no place in KP? I m having time with that one, and cannot believe that their usage hasn t been im at least in some small way somewhere along the way Thanks again.

*** The Divisional charts have not been referred to any where in KP. Basically, the Divisional charts, depend on the Degees of the Planet. Kp does n ot consider this degree directly, but only the SIGN LORD (RASI LORD), THE STARLO RD, and SUB LORD. Except Retrogression, It does not concern itself with the other states of the Pl anet, like, Exaltation, Debilitation etc.

good luck raichur

All the Best, Sandy Crowther

-----Original Message----From: anant raichur [] Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 2004 2:17 AM To: Subject: Re: [k_p_system] Techniques: KP approved or not?

Dear Sandy

The Badhaka Sthanas, and Maraka Sthanas(2,7) are taken into consideration in KP ONLY WHEN CONSIDERING THE END OF LIFE, and not for any other event of Life.

Good Luck Sandy Crowther <> wrote:

Dear List Members,

Before I get myself in trouble again (J) by discussing Vedic techniques that are NOT KP approved, I thought I d ask a few questions of the more seasoned KP practi tioners on the list, to get your opinions on just a few Vedic techniques and the ir applicability (or not) to the system of KP.

I know the following techniques I am inquiring about may not be the primary indi cators/focus due to the KP strong emphasis on star and sub-lords, but what I wou ld like to know is if the following techniques are completely off limits (like t he Divisionals are) for delineation KP style - and therefore have no place in th is KP forum or if they are acceptable and given due consideration in KP delineat ions?

1.Badhakas (troublemakers) and Badhaka Sthanas (trouble spots?) 2.Chara Karakas (temporary karakas based on priority of highest planetary degree ), and if these are given KP consideration, is Rahu included in the Chara Karaka scheme (8 planets used), or just the use of the 7 planet Chara Karakas scheme? What about Sthira Karakas (fixed significators to assist in timing the death of relatives?) 3.What about planets falling in Marana Karaka Sthana (indicators that houses own ed by certain planets falling in certain placements will suffer like 12th for Su n, 8th for Moon, etc? If this is not a KP approved technique, has any research b een done to date(that anyone is aware of) to discredit or address when the sub f or a planetary significator falls in Marana Karaka Sthana ?

I can think of more techniques, but I ll stop my questions at these. I m just trying to discern what s what J because I was blown away at the non-usage of vargas, so this is a start.

Important to me: I would also like to know if one or two of the above techniques are acceptable in KP, and a third is not, (or vice-versa), is it because resear ch has been done indicating that the technique has already been researched and h as no value in KP, or is it because no one has previously mentioned the techniqu e in their writings OR done any research on its applicability therefore it is no t (yet) considered a viable possibility in KP delineation so it may or may not b e applicable? Just curious Thanks.

All the Best, Sandy Crowther

-----------------------------------------A.R.Raichur bombay USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY tel: 022-2506 2609 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Mail - Find what you need with new enhanced search. Learn more.

-----------------------------------------A.R.Raichur bombay USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY tel: 022-2506 2609 -----------------------------------------__________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around

1883 From: anant raichur <anant_1608@...> Date: Thu Dec 9, 2004 1:30am Subject: RE: Re: Techniques: KP approved or not? anant_1608 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Sandy KP has adopted the WESTERN SYSTEM of Division of Houses. Kp also recommndes, usi ng the Western Aspects with Orbs for predictions. Declinations, and Parallels AR

E NOT ADOPTED in KP. Progressions are not considered, as KP has DASAs (Vimsottari) which is in a way a progression. Solar Returns are not used in KP 3. Midpoints are not considered in KP. I hope it answers your questions. good Luck Sandy Crowther <> wrote: Dear tw,

Thanks. I have one more simple question if I may

One of the attractions for me to KP is that in many respects, the East meets the West , and therefore interesting concepts from both systems are utilized. But I m no t fully clear on what KP accepts as legit so a few more questions

1. Are declinations (parallels and contra-parallels) ever considered in KP? 2. Progressions? (If so, Secondary and Tertiary, or just Secondary?) Solar Retur ns? 3. Does the consideration of Midpoints have any value in KP?


that was 3 questions Thanks.)

All the Best, Sandy Crowther

-----Original Message----From: tw853 [] Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 2004 11:03 PM To: Subject: [k_p_system] Re: Techniques: KP approved or not?

Dear Sandy Crowther, According to my limited KP knowledge, my personal opinion is as follows: 1. First one is okay. 2. Second one, not much familiar for me. 3. Third one may not be much problem except that generally Asc alone is applied in KP. Best regards, tw --- In, "Sandy Crowther" <sandy@t...> wrote: > Dear List Members, > > > > Before I get myself in trouble again (:-)) by discussing Vedic > techniques that are NOT KP approved, I thought I'd ask a few questions > of the more seasoned KP practitioners on the list, to get your opinions > on just a few Vedic techniques and their applicability (or not) to the > system of KP. > > > > I know the following techniques I am inquiring about may not be the > primary indicators/focus due to the KP strong emphasis on star and > sub-lords, but what I would like to know is if the following techniques > are completely off limits (like the Divisionals are) for delineation KP > style - and therefore have no place in this KP forum - or if they are > acceptable and given due consideration in KP delineations? > > > > 1. Badhakas (troublemakers) and Badhaka Sthanas (trouble spots?) > 2. Chara Karakas (temporary karakas based on priority of highest > planetary degree), and if these are given KP consideration, is Rahu > included in the Chara Karaka scheme (8 planets used), or just the use of

> the 7 planet Chara Karakas scheme? What about Sthira Karakas (fixed > significators to assist in timing the death of relatives?) > 3. What about planets falling in Marana Karaka Sthana (indicators > that houses owned by certain planets falling in certain placements will > suffer - like 12th for Sun, 8th for Moon, etc? If this is not a KP > approved technique, has any research been done to date(that anyone is > aware of) to discredit or address when the sub for a planetary > significator falls in Marana Karaka Sthana ? > > > > I can think of more techniques, but I'll stop my questions at these. I'm > just trying to discern "what's what".:-) because I was blown away at the > non-usage of vargas, so this is a start. > > > > Important to me: I would also like to know if one or two of the above > techniques are acceptable in KP, and a third is not, (or viceversa), is > it because research has been done indicating that the technique has > already been researched and has no value in KP, or is it because no one > has previously mentioned the technique in their writings OR done any > research on its applicability - therefore it is not (yet) considered a > viable possibility in KP delineation - so it may or may not be > applicable? Just curious.Thanks. > > > > > > All the Best, > > Sandy Crowther > > > > <>

-----------------------------------------A.R.Raichur bombay USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY tel: 022-2506 2609 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Mail - You care about security. So do we.

1884 From: anant raichur <anant_1608@...> Date: Thu Dec 9, 2004 1:37am Subject: RE: Re: Techniques: KP approved or not? anant_1608 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 The Varshaphala Technique is not not A KP method. This is really a Persian Met hod, adopted by the Traditional Indian Astrologers. This corresponds to the SOL AR RETURN of the Western Astrology. I have used it, and it is generally correct, as results are in general terms.. The Method is TAJIK method. good luck Yogesh Rao Lajmi <> wrote: Dear Sandy, Progression is used in K.P., but I have no experience...the Var shaphal method is also used,I am sure, by erecting a chart for that year,at the exact time when the Sun reaches the position of the natal Sun...! As for me,I do not use both methods,I prefer to use the Transit System for getting very accurate timing the event... If the sublord of the XIth cusp(fulfillment of desire),is posit ed in a Moveable,Fixed or Common Sign,I will take the transit on the first,secon d or the last Sensitive point follows... If the event is expected to take place within the year,I take t he Moon's transit,if within a few months and within a year,I take the Sun's tran sit,if more than a year...then Jupiter's transit for timing... and finalised wit h the transit of the Moon to narrow down to the exact day...and the Ascendant's transit,for arriving at the EXACT TIME...! ! And finally,the proof of the pudding is in eating it... Yours sincerely, lyrastro1 Kanakkumar Bosmia <> wrote: Dear Sandy, befor 2-3 year beck i had try solar return and Progression in KP and i am found very good result but due to very length mathemetical work and no software avalia ble so i drop both.for solar return i calculate vimsotari dasa for 1 year. and found wonder full can pridict day to day pridiction,

kanak bosmia >From: "Sandy Crowther" <> >Reply-To: >To: <> >Subject: RE: [k_p_system] Re: Techniques: KP approved or not? >Date: Wed, 8 Dec 2004 08:22:13 -0500 > >Dear tw, > > > >Thanks. I have one more simple question if I may. > > > >One of the attractions for me to KP is that in many respects, the "East >meets the West", and therefore interesting concepts from both systems >are utilized. But I'm not fully clear on what KP accepts as legit - so a >few more questions. > > > >1. Are declinations (parallels and contra-parallels) ever considered in >KP? > >2. Progressions? (If so, Secondary and Tertiary, or just Secondary?) >Solar Returns? > >3. Does the consideration of Midpoints have any value in KP? > > > >(Ooops - that was 3 questions.Thanks.) > > > > > > All the Best, > > Sandy Crowther > > <> > > > > > > > > > > > > > >-----Original Message-----

>From: tw853 [] >Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 2004 11:03 PM >To: >Subject: [k_p_system] Re: Techniques: KP approved or not? > > > > >Dear Sandy Crowther, > >According to my limited KP knowledge, my personal opinion is as >follows: > >1. First one is okay. > >2. Second one, not much familiar for me. > >3. Third one may not be much problem except that generally Asc alone >is applied in KP. > >Best regards, > >tw > > >--- In, "Sandy Crowther" <sandy@t...> >wrote: > > Dear List Members, > > > > > > > > Before I get myself in trouble again (:-)) by discussing Vedic > > techniques that are NOT KP approved, I thought I'd ask a few >questions > > of the more seasoned KP practitioners on the list, to get your >opinions > > on just a few Vedic techniques and their applicability (or not) to >the > > system of KP. > > > > > > > > I know the following techniques I am inquiring about may not be the > > primary indicators/focus due to the KP strong emphasis on star and > > sub-lords, but what I would like to know is if the following >techniques > > are completely off limits (like the Divisionals are) for >delineation KP > > style - and therefore have no place in this KP forum - or if they >are > > acceptable and given due consideration in KP delineations? > > > > > > > > 1. Badhakas (troublemakers) and Badhaka Sthanas (trouble spots?) > > 2. Chara Karakas (temporary karakas based on priority of highest > > planetary degree), and if these are given KP consideration, is Rahu > > included in the Chara Karaka scheme (8 planets used), or just the >use of > > the 7 planet Chara Karakas scheme? What about Sthira Karakas (fixed

> > significators to assist in timing the death of relatives?) > > 3. What about planets falling in Marana Karaka Sthana (indicators > > that houses owned by certain planets falling in certain placements >will > > suffer - like 12th for Sun, 8th for Moon, etc? If this is not a KP > > approved technique, has any research been done to date(that anyone >is > > aware of) to discredit or address when the sub for a planetary > > significator falls in Marana Karaka Sthana ? > > > > > > > > I can think of more techniques, but I'll stop my questions at >these. I'm > > just trying to discern "what's what".:-) because I was blown away >at the > > non-usage of vargas, so this is a start. > > > > > > > > Important to me: I would also like to know if one or two of the >above > > techniques are acceptable in KP, and a third is not, (or vice>versa), is > > it because research has been done indicating that the technique has > > already been researched and has no value in KP, or is it because no >one > > has previously mentioned the technique in their writings OR done any > > research on its applicability - therefore it is not (yet) >considered a > > viable possibility in KP delineation - so it may or may not be > > applicable? Just curious.Thanks. > > > > > > > > > > > > All the Best, > > > > Sandy Crowther > > > > > > > > <> > > > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Sponsor > > > >< >D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1102565000/A=2343726/R=0/SIG=12i9a1n1o/*htt >p:/ >4768>

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1885 From: anant raichur <anant_1608@...> Date: Thu Dec 9, 2004 2:25am Subject: Re: Brothers or sisters for 1st born ? anant_1608 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear TW$53 Good effort. If we analyase atleast 100 cases, and then get 80 % as correct, th en we could adopt the suggesstion. The sampe is too small. Please continue the research with more charts, and let us have the benefit of yourstudies. Good Luck tw853 <> wrote: Dear All, A limited review of Shri Anant Raichur's opinion is as shown below. Best regards, tw From: anant raichur Date: Tue Dec 7, 2004 2:01 am Subject: Re: [k_p_system] Re: Query regarding birth of second child? When we check for the 3rd sub lord of the 1st born, we just see where this Sub lord is placed. If he is in a favourable place 1,2,3 6,10,11 then we conclude that the native will get favourable results of the 3rd house. So we may conclude that he will have siblings. This is my opinion, not any rule given in a book. Name 5th Sbl H ? 1. 28-01-1949 Raichur Ketu 2 F 2. Caroline Kennedy Mercury 1 F 3. Mary Kennedy-Cuomo Mercury 9 Nf 4. George W Bush Rahu 11 F 5. Jane Fonda Venus 11 F 6. Nancy Sinatra Mercury 12 Nf 7. Prs Royal Victoria Mercury 9 Nf 8. KingEdward VII Moon 1 F 9. Queen Elizabeth II Jupiter 1 F 10. Prince Charles Jupiter 5 Nf 11. Prince William Mercury 5 Nf

12.Peter Phillips Rahu 9 Nf 13. Princes Beatrice Mars 2 F 14. Prs Caroline, Monaco Jupiter 7 Nf 15. Rajiv Gandhi Mercury 1 F 16. Rihan Gandhi-Vadra Sun 8 Nf Note: Favourable 8/16, 50%

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1886 From: "Sandy Crowther" <sandy@...> Date: Thu Dec 9, 2004 7:40am Subject: RE: Re: Techniques: KP approved or not? detective_dunno Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear tw, Anant, Kanak, lyastro 1, Punit Pandey, and ALL (hopefully I didn t miss


Thank you all very much for sharing your knowledge, experience, research, opinio ns, references, and comments to my (often) endless questions on KP, and I certai nly appreciate you taking the time to do so.

And to my delight, some of you even threw in a few extra tidbits of KP information that I found extremely interesting and matters that I was not at all aware of K P s stance on - so thanks very much for elaborating. For example, I had no idea th at exaltation and debilitation were not considered in KP that only retrogression is considered. So considerations of planets being hosted by a friend or enemy or their compound relationships - obviously have no place in KP due to emphasis and placement of star and sub lords taking precedence. But if Vargottama IS ref erenced in a few of the 6 KP Readers as a viable and acceptable Rasi companion f or planetary assessments in KP, specifically used for assessing planetary streng th as mentioned, the Navamsa chart MUST be referenced at some level - Right? I m ean, we cannot have Vargottama without Navamsa (Uh-oh Here we go with that 4 let ter word again amsa J). So anyway, I m now off to do a bit of KP research myself - h opefully sometime today.

I think we ALL need to be on the same page as far as what is and isn t an accepted part of KP to date and then be able to back up with references in at least one of the 6 KP Readers. (Just my not so humble opinion guys J). I know as astrologe rs, we will always have our own style and preferences when it comes to chart ana lysis and delineation which we should have we are all individuals. But it looks to me like many things are still wide open for research Ooohhh - I only wish th ere were more hours in the day. Anyway Thanks so much again to everyone

P.S. To Ron Gaunt: I think your idea of opening another KP list, is a suggestion put forth with a pioneering spirit in mind of your greatness for researching te chniques to attain predictive accuracy which you know I m certainly ALL FOR BUT 7 months ago I vowed to never subscribe to another list due to time constraints and here I am. I cannot handle another list s email at this time. J Perhaps a more viable solution (if moderator approved here on this KP list) would be to simply add a rider (or addendum) to the bottom of any chart assessment posted on this list, where an analysis has been done correctly, but a KP technique was not used in that particular part of the assessment of the chart to reach that correct re sult, and then clearly stating that the method used is not an accepted part of K P, just a particular technique you personally found reliably consistent for pred ictive purposes like your usage of Solar Eclipses. That way it is left up to the list member to either accept or reject the technique because it is or is not KP approved, read it or not at the bottom of the email, and there is no confusion as to what is and isn t (to date) an accepted part of KP. And at the same time, we need not be silenced, as individual astrologers, for sharing a technique that i s not part of KP as long as it is in rider/attachment form. This would accommoda te all minds on the list. (You and the list all know that we, as astrologers, wi ll NEVER stop using what works for us J even if we are silenced from sharing how we (personally) reached the correct conclusion - so this is just a suggestion t o accommodate everyone under one KP forum.)

My 2 cents

but totally up to the Moderators of this list.

All the Best, Sandy Crowther

Attachment: (image/gif) image001.gif [not stored]

1887 From: Punit Pandey <punitp@...> Date: Thu Dec 9, 2004 8:09am Subject: Re: Re: Techniques: KP approved or not? pandeypunit Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Sandy ji, KP is a comparatively new research and incorporating new thoughts will only add value to it. So I am not against of using other techniques till the time those techniques are using at least few concepts of KP. I personally (as a member, not a moderator) liked your idea of rider and my +1 for it . But before we reach to any conclusion, I would like to get views of other members. Regards, Punit Pandey On Thu, 9 Dec 2004 08:40:37 -0500, Sandy Crowther <sandy@...> wrote: > > > > Dear tw, Anant, Kanak, lyastro 1, Punit Pandey, and ALL (hopefully I didn't > miss anyone), > > > > Thank you all very much for sharing your knowledge, experience, research,

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

opinions, references, and comments to my (often) endless questions on KP, and I certainly appreciate you taking the time to do so.

And to my delight, some of you even threw in a few "extra" tidbits of KP information that I found extremely interesting and matters that I was not at all aware of KP's stance on - so thanks very much for elaborating. For example, I had no idea that exaltation and debilitation were not considered in KP that only retrogression is considered. So considerations of planets being hosted by a friend or enemy - or their compound relationships obviously have no place in KP due to emphasis and placement of star and sub lords taking precedence. But if Vargottama IS referenced in a few of the 6 KP Readers as a viable and acceptable Rasi companion for planetary assessments in KP, specifically used for assessing planetary strength as mentioned, the Navamsa chart MUST be referenced at some level - Right? I mean, we cannot have Vargottama without Navamsa (Uh-oh Here we go with that 4 letter word again "amsa" J). So anyway, I'm now off to do a bit of KP research myself - hopefully sometime today.

I think we ALL need to be on the same page as far as what is and isn't an accepted part of KP to date and then be able to back up with references in at least one of the 6 KP Readers. (Just my not so humble opinion guys J). I know as astrologers, we will always have our own style and preferences when it comes to chart analysis and delineation which we should have we are all individuals. But it looks to me like many things are still wide open for research Ooohhh - I only wish there were more hours in the day. Anyway Thanks so much again to everyone

P.S. To Ron Gaunt: I think your idea of opening another KP list, is a suggestion put forth with a pioneering spirit in mind of your greatness for researching techniques to attain predictive accuracy which you know I'm certainly ALL FOR BUT - 7 months ago I vowed to never subscribe to another list due to time constraints and here I am. I cannot handle another list's email at this time. J Perhaps a more viable solution (if moderator approved here on this KP list) would be to simply add a rider (or addendum) to the bottom of any chart assessment posted on this list, where an analysis has been done correctly, but a KP technique was not used in that particular part of the assessment of the chart to reach that correct result, and then clearly stating that the method used is not an accepted part of KP, just a particular technique you personally found reliably consistent for predictive purposes like your usage of Solar Eclipses. That way it is left up to the list member to either accept or reject the technique because it is or is not KP approved, read it or not at the bottom of the email, and there is no confusion as to what is and isn't (to date) an accepted part of KP. And at the same time, we need not be silenced, as individual astrologers, for sharing a technique that is not part of KP as long as it is in rider/attachment form. This would accommodate all minds on the list. (You and the list all know that we, as astrologers, will NEVER stop using what works for us J even if we are silenced from sharing how we (personally) reached the correct conclusion - so this is just a suggestion to accommodate everyone under one KP forum.)

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

My 2 cents

but totally up to the Moderators of this list.

All the Best, Sandy Crowther

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1888 From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@...> Date: Thu Dec 9, 2004 9:46am Subject: RE: Re: Techniques: KP approved or not? lyrastro1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Sandy, I second your suggestion...let us "keep it simple",for the obvi ous ease of access...and reduced 'navigation'...possibly required... Also, we will all operate under the k_p_group umbrella...and th us remain on an easily identifiable as well as accessible site... My use of the computer is very limited indeed,restricted to K.P ., and surfing BBC,CNN and the usual Samachar ...hence my computer "skills"(if y ou can call them so...) are minimal...indeed.

I hope the "computer experts" will bear with me... With best wishes, lyrastro1 GOOD LUCK ! Sandy Crowther <> wrote: Dear tw, Anant, Kanak, lyastro 1, Punit Pandey, and ALL (hopefully I didn t miss a nyone),

Thank you all very much for sharing your knowledge, experience, research, opinio ns, references, and comments to my (often) endless questions on KP, and I certai nly appreciate you taking the time to do so.

And to my delight, some of you even threw in a few extra tidbits of KP information that I found extremely interesting and matters that I was not at all aware of K P s stance on - so thanks very much for elaborating. For example, I had no idea th at exaltation and debilitation were not considered in KP that only retrogression is considered. So considerations of planets being hosted by a friend or enemy or their compound relationships - obviously have no place in KP due to emphasis and placement of star and sub lords taking precedence. But if Vargottama IS ref erenced in a few of the 6 KP Readers as a viable and acceptable Rasi companion f or planetary assessments in KP, specifically used for assessing planetary streng th as mentioned, the Navamsa chart MUST be referenced at some level - Right? I m ean, we cannot have Vargottama without Navamsa (Uh-oh Here we go with that 4 let ter word again amsa J). So anyway, I m now off to do a bit of KP research myself - h opefully sometime today.

I think we ALL need to be on the same page as far as what is and isn t an accepted part of KP to date and then be able to back up with references in at least one of the 6 KP Readers. (Just my not so humble opinion guys J). I know as astrologe rs, we will always have our own style and preferences when it comes to chart ana lysis and delineation which we should have we are all individuals. But it looks to me like many things are still wide open for research Ooohhh - I only wish th ere were more hours in the day. Anyway Thanks so much again to everyone

P.S. To Ron Gaunt: I think your idea of opening another KP list, is a suggestion put forth with a pioneering spirit in mind of your greatness for researching te chniques to attain predictive accuracy which you know I m certainly ALL FOR BUT 7 months ago I vowed to never subscribe to another list due to time constraints and here I am. I cannot handle another list s email at this time. J Perhaps a more viable solution (if moderator approved here on this KP list) would be to simply add a rider (or addendum) to the bottom of any chart assessment posted on this list, where an analysis has been done correctly, but a KP technique was not used in that particular part of the assessment of the chart to reach that correct re sult, and then clearly stating that the method used is not an accepted part of K P, just a particular technique you personally found reliably consistent for pred ictive purposes like your usage of Solar Eclipses. That way it is left up to the list member to either accept or reject the technique because it is or is not KP approved, read it or not at the bottom of the email, and there is no confusion as to what is and isn t (to date) an accepted part of KP. And at the same time, we need not be silenced, as individual astrologers, for sharing a technique that i s not part of KP as long as it is in rider/attachment form. This would accommoda

te all minds on the list. (You and the list all know that we, as astrologers, wi ll NEVER stop using what works for us J even if we are silenced from sharing how we (personally) reached the correct conclusion - so this is just a suggestion t o accommodate everyone under one KP forum.)

My 2 cents

but totally up to the Moderators of this list.

All the Best, Sandy Crowther

Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online.

1889 From: lalkitab@... Date: Thu Dec 9, 2004 11:15am Subject: ego lalkitab Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Mr.Lajmi I support your views . Because of ego only many good relations come to an end. I hope our group will not get affected by this disease ( ego ). Regards Rajeev K Khattar

1890 From: Sourav Guchhait <sourav6282@...> Date: Thu Dec 9, 2004 2:23pm Subject: Re: Re: Query regarding birth of second child? sourav6282 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear tw,

Thank you very much for your reply. I am really sorry for misinterpreting your mail. Regards, Sourav. tw853 <> wrote: Dear Sourav Guchhait, Verry sorry. I'm telling for myself not be accused as a fortune teller, absolutely not to you. Nothing wrong with your opinion. Best regards, tw --- In, Sourav Guchhait <sourav6282@y...> wrote: > Dear tw, > > I never pretend myself as a fortune teller. If my > opinion was wrong, then simply say that it was wrong, > please avoid indirect taunting. > An intelligent and skilled person like you should not > taunt other people of less intelligence. Also in this > particular case I have not told anyone's fortune. > > Regards, > Sourav. > > --- tw853 <tw853@y...> wrote: > > > --------------------------------> > Dear Sourav Guchhait, > > 1. Just referring KP Readers not to be called a > fortune teller. > > 2. "A child at all", KP Reader III, p 425 (Part > II, p 252 in > 1984 edition) may be comparable to "Any child at > all", p 223-226, KP > Reader V, 1984. > > 3. Among iportance of 10th as mentioned, 5 and 11 > alone specify > increase in number of the family by birth of children > , p 226, KP > Readr V. > > Best regards,

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >


--- In, Sourav Guchhait <sourav6282@y...> wrote: > Dear tw, > Thanks for your kind reply. > Whatever you have written is absolutely true. It is > true that 5th and 11th cusps are to be judged for > promise of birth of 1'st child. > But primarily, according to me, 5th cusp sublord is > examined for "How to declare that one cannot have a > child at all?" (KP Reader III, p 425.) > > 11th cusp is always important in money > matters(2,6,11), job(2,6,10,11), marriage (2,7,11), > child(2,5,11) etc specially in horary charts. > > Regards, > Sourav. > > --- tw853 <tw853@y...> wrote: > > > --------------------------------> > Dear Sourav Guchhait, > > 1. For 1st child, 5th & 11 th cusps are taken in > judging "Is child birth promised or not?" in examples > for both male > and female, and generally houses 2, 5 and 11 are > judged for the time > of child birth, examples for male p 224 & p 227, and > example for > female p 230, KP Reader IV. (2nd is the increase in > number of members > of family by birth of children; 5th for offspring; > 11th not only > fruit of one's action, but also 5 th to 7 th partner, > p 210 KP Reader > IV) > > 2. For 2nd child, to judge houses 2,5,7, and 11; 7th > is 3rd from 5th, > 3rd is younger child, in an example, KP Reader IV, p > 242. > > Best regards, > > tw > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > --- In, Sourav Guchhait > <sourav6282@y...> > wrote: > > Dear Mr.Raichur,Yogesh Rao Lajmiji and tw, > > > > My opinion is :> > 5'th cusp sublord signifying houses 2,5,11 means > birth > > of 1'st child is promised. If 5th sublord signifies > > 2,5,11 "then only" one should check for 7th cusp > > sublord for 2'nd child(without "1'st" it is not > > possible for having "2'nd" including miscarriage). > > After that, if 7th cusp sublord signifies 2,7,11 > then > > birth of 2'nd child is promised. > > > > I have two questions:> > > > How can we calculate considering the 3rd cusp of the > > 1st Born, a Sibling promised or not? (3'rd cusp > > sublord signifying 2,3,11 houses ? 2 is 12 to 3!) > > > > Also, How can we calculate considering the 11th cusp > > of the 2nd Born, there is an Elder sibling or not? > > (11'th cusp sublord signifying 2,11 ? Means good > > income!) > > > > - Regards > > Sourav. > > > > > > --- tw853 <tw853@y...> wrote: > > > > > > --------------------------------> > > > Dear Yogesh Rao Lajmi, > > > > Is it not the same as mentioned in Msg # 1774, > > > > "to judge houses 2,5,7, and 11 for second > conception, > > KP > > Reader IV, p 242 (for timing of child birth in > > general)" > > > > Best regards, > > > > tw > > > > --- In, Yogesh Rao Lajmi > > <lyrastro1@y...> > > wrote: > > > Dear Mr.Raichur,

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > The VIIth cusp,can,like > any > > other cusp, > > stand for different things,but it depends upon the > > astrologer to > > select the appropriate significations,for the > > particular > > query/judgement,don't you think so ? > > > For example the Vth can > > denote a lover,a > > child or a card-game,opponent's victory/gain...and > so > > on,depending > > upon the circumstances prevailing,or, being > considered > > at the TOJ... > > > Therefore,in my humble > > opinion,Mr.Raichur,the VII cusp for the second > > child,based on the > > IIIrd from the Vth,as younger sibling of the > > first-born,seems to me > > to be correct... > > > With highest regards, > > > lyrastro1 > > > GOOD > LUCK > > ! > > > > > > anant raichur <anant_1608@y...> wrote: > > > Dear Vinay > > > > > > This is a really serious issue. It is right to > > consider 7th Cusp, > > and its connection with 2nd and 11th, for the 2nd > > child. But as you > > correctly raised the question, this is also the > > consideration for > > marriage. Since marriage is already forseen, and > > foregone, the > > answer will be the same. > > > > > > So it would be as good as stating, that One you > are > > promised > > Marriage, You are promised the 2nd child as well. > ||| > > > > > > I feel we should also consider the 5th House, as > it > > denotes child > > birth in general, besides, the 1st child of a lady. > > > > > > The other solution is to consider the 3rd cusp of > > the 1st Born? Is > > a Sibling promised ? This would be a better > solution. > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@y...> wrote: > > > Dear Vinay, > > > You are very correct,for the > second > > child it is > > recommended that the VIIth cusp sublord shoul be > > per > > K.P., recently also there was a discussion on the > > issue of whether > > Father's chart or Mother's chart should be > > analysed...etc. > > > But for the second child I do > not > > think there is > > any 'dispute' on taking the VIIth cusp for > > consideration... > > > Yours sincerely, > > > lyrastro1 > > > GOOD LUCK > ! > > > > > > Vinay Tiwari <techn0pandit@y...> wrote: > > > Respected gurus and friends, > > > > > > I was just going through a chart , for > > birth of his second > > child. > > > Dear Guruz , Can you kindly answer for following > > queries, > > > 1) Which houses should be considered? > > > 2)If i am not wrong 2,7,11 for second child ie ; 7 > > is 3rd from 5th . > > > But 2,7,11 also gives marriage? > > > 3)If i want to confirm whether birth of second > child > > is there in > > chart should i C 7th sublord connection? or how > > > > > > Please i need guidence regarding same. > > > > > > > > > Thanks In advance, > > > > > > Regards, > > > Vinay Tiwari > > > > > > > > > --------------------------------> > > Do you Yahoo!? > > > Take Yahoo! Mail with you! Get it on your mobile > > phone. > > > > > > Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner > > online. > > > > > > > > > > > > ------------------------------------------

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> > > A.R.Raichur bombay > > > anant_1608@y... > > > raichuranant@y... > > > USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY > > > tel: 022-2506 2609 > > > -----------------------------------------> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > --------------------------------> > > Do you Yahoo!? > > > Meet the all-new My Yahoo! Try it today! > > > Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT > > > > > > > > > --------------------------------> > > Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > > To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > > > > > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email > to: > > > > > > > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the > > Yahoo! Terms of > > Service. > > > > > > > > > Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life > > partneronline. > > > > > > > > > > Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ADVERTISEMENT > > > > > > --------------------------------> > Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the > Yahoo! > > Terms of Service. > > > > > >

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1891 From: rongaunt <rongaunt@...> Date: Thu Dec 9, 2004 3:52pm Subject: Re: Re: Techniques: KP approved or not? rongaunt1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 To all members, I haven't yet got round to even skimming through some of the many KP books I have received, so I do not know whether KP relegates or ignores the question of assessing the qualities of each individual planet. I would imagine that somewhere in the literature this point is covered. Meanwhile I use my previous learning to assess the quality of a sub and its likely outcomes. What I am leading to is the point made, that KP does not consider exaltation and debilitation. In 'Astrosecrets & Krishnamurti Padhadhati' April 2003 Edition pages 34 to 38 details when exaltation and debilitation ARE considered. The gist of it appears to be that they are considered when the planet is in the same sub as the highest point of exaltation or debilitation. Ron Gaunt

On Thu, 09 Dec 2004 15:46:06 +0000, you wrote: >Dear Sandy, > I second your suggestion...let us "keep it simple",for the obvious ease of access...and reduced 'navigation'...possibly required... > Also, we will all operate under the k_p_group umbrella...and thus remain on an easily identifiable as well as accessible site... > My use of the computer is very limited indeed,restricted to K.P., and surfing BBC,CNN and the usual Samachar ...hence my computer "skills"(if you can call them so...) are minimal...indeed. > I hope the "computer experts" will bear with me... > With best wishes, > lyrastro1 > GOOD LUCK ! > >Sandy Crowther <sandy@...> wrote: >

>Dear tw, Anant, Kanak, lyastro 1, Punit Pandey, and ALL (hopefully I didn t miss anyone), > > > >Thank you all very much for sharing your knowledge, experience, research, opinions, references, and comments to my (often) endless questions on KP, and I certainly appreciate you taking the time to do so. > > > >And to my delight, some of you even threw in a few extra tidbits of KP information that I found extremely interesting and matters that I was not at all aware of KP s stance on - so thanks very much for elaborating. For example, I had no idea that exaltation and debilitation were not considered in KP that only retrogression is considered. So considerations of planets being hosted by a friend or enemy - or their compound relationships - obviously have no place in KP due to emphasis and placement of star and sub lords taking precedence. But if Vargottama IS referenced in a few of the 6 KP Readers as a viable and acceptable Rasi companion for planetary assessments in KP, specifically used for assessing planetary strength as mentioned, the Navamsa chart MUST be referenced at some level - Right? I mean, we cannot have Vargottama without Navamsa (Uh-oh Here we go with that 4 letter word again amsa J). So anyway, I m now off to do a bit of KP research myself - hopefully sometime > today. > > > >I think we ALL need to be on the same page as far as what is and isn t an accepted part of KP to date and then be able to back up with references in at least one of the 6 KP Readers. (Just my not so humble opinion guys J). I know as astrologers, we will always have our own style and preferences when it comes to chart analysis and delineation which we should have we are all individuals. But it looks to me like many things are still wide open for research Ooohhh I only wish there were more hours in the day. Anyway Thanks so much again to everyone > > > >P.S. To Ron Gaunt: I think your idea of opening another KP list, is a suggestion put forth with a pioneering spirit in mind of your greatness for researching techniques to attain predictive accuracy which you know I m certainly ALL FOR BUT - 7 months ago I vowed to never subscribe to another list due to time constraints and here I am. I cannot handle another list s email at this time. J Perhaps a more viable solution (if moderator approved here on this KP list) would be to simply add a rider (or addendum) to the bottom of any chart assessment posted on this list, where an analysis has been done correctly, but a KP technique was not used in that particular part of the assessment of the chart to reach that correct result, and then clearly stating that the method used is not an accepted part of KP, just a particular technique you personally found reliably consistent for predictive purposes like your usage of Solar Eclipses. That way it is left up to the list member to either > accept or reject the technique because it is or is not KP approved, read it or not at the bottom of the email, and there is no confusion as to what is and isn t (to date) an accepted part of KP. And at the same time, we need not be silenced, as individual astrologers, for sharing a technique that is not part of KP as long as it is in rider/attachment form. This would accommodate all minds on the list. (You and the list all know that we, as astrologers, will NEVER stop using what works for us J even if we are silenced from sharing how we (personally) reached the correct conclusion - so this is just a suggestion to

accommodate everyone under one KP forum.) > > > >My 2 cents but totally up to the Moderators of this list. > > > > All the Best, > > Sandy Crowther > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT > > >-------------------------------->Yahoo! Groups Links > > To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. > > >Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline.

1892 From: Ravinder Grover <astrology@...> Date: Thu Dec 9, 2004 6:01pm Subject: ROle of Subs rgrover100008 Send IM Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear learned ones Can anybody explain me in a simple manner with some Live examples 'The Role of Subs' as given in Astrosecrets, vol 2, from pages 7-23

I would highly appreciate this effort. Love RG

1893 From: rongaunt <rongaunt@...> Date: Thu Dec 9, 2004 7:33pm Subject: Re: Re: RECTIFICATION OF TIME OF BIRTH / Shri Ron and Raichur ji ronga unt1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Kanak, Thanks for introducing us to a method of rectification that is interesting and unique. Going through the Astrodatabank file it appears that there is a spread of over four years of suggested birthdates. I would consider that it would be almost impossible to rectify by standard rectification techniques with the lack of verifiable data. It is interesting to see that KP has an approach to solve this problem. One thing that stand out for me is the Jamal Ismail interview in 1998 where Bin Laden says that he was born in the Muslim year of 1377. He also says he was born '45 years ago'. Now there is something wrong here because 45 years ago does not match 1377 (which is Gregorian 1957) By Western reckoning it would be 1953. If bin Laden was talking in Lunar years which is likely, this would then come to 1955. This is still not correct. So what gives? Thinking about my own reaction to similar questions I would unhesitatingly say that I was born in 1936 ( I have written it down hundreds of times), but if someone asks me how old I am I have to think about it. ie. what I am suggesting is that the quote on his Muslim birth year of 1377 is more likely to be correct. The start of the Muslim year 1377 was Gregorian 29th July 1957 and it finished on 17th July 1958. So either he was born between this period or he had his birth year wrong. I am also struck by the fact that Zip Dobyns had data for bin Laden from his hospital records. This is quoted as 10th March 1957 in Jeddah at 10:58am EET. This is very specific and is normally a good indication of an accurate time of birth. However, if it is as stated, it means that bin Laden is wrong about his birth year by nearly six months. There is however, a possible answer to this problem which has been canvassed in th ADB report, and that is that the date may have been read incorrectly. If the date had been written in numerals ie 10/3/???? it could have been the 10th month 3rd day. We don't know whether there was a transcription from Islamic year to Gregorian but it was quoted as 1957. Either way this would place the birth year in 1377 as stated by bin Laden.

So I personally would concentrate on 3rd to 5th Oct 1957 or March 10th 1957 with preference to the former. The reason for the spread 3-5th Oct 1957 is because if the hospital entry was written up with the Islamic date ie 3/10/1377 or 10/3/1377 ( I don't know which order they use) using three conversion calendars I get two quoting 5th Oct 1957 and one for 4th Oct 1957, with a possible error of one day due to sighting of the crescent Moon. Kanak I note that in your write up you have discarded 10th March 1957 because Jupiter's sub Saturn is not part of the Asc RPs. Looking at a similar case in 'Secrets of R.P & the Birth Time' Example 16 on page 89 the author uses a different technique; he contrasts the Asc RPs with the dasas at birth. For birth on the 10th March 1957 the dasas are Mars Venus Venus Saturn. A relationship would be established through Venus being in Rahu star and Venus sub. Looking at it this way suggests 10th March needs more investigation. I haven't pursued this any further because the RPs are the result of your question, and I should really broach the question myself to try my own rectification. All the best Ron Gaunt

On Wed, 08 Dec 2004 09:22:43 +0000, you wrote: > > > >i am waing for you coment on bin laden's birthtime rectification. > >regards > >kanak bosmia > > >--- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: >> >> Kanak, >> >> Would you mind giving us an example so that we can follow it more >> closely. Thanks >> >> >> Ron Gaunt >> >> >Dear Ravindra >> >> > i dont think it is right method to check birth timeV pls refer >Book " SECRETS OF R.P. & THE BIRTH TIME By: K.Baskaran Publishe

>KRISHMAN & CO 804 Mount Road, Chhennai 600 002 " >> >> >according to him RP MOON = Bith Asc. and RP Asc. = Birth Moon.( >ksk himself wrote in any one reader about RP Moon = Birth Asc. but i >dont remember no: and Page No.) >> >> >frist you go up to birth Mon Sub-Sub-Sub level . and calcutet >asc for that time you can found Bith asc as RP MOON most of case. >> >> >i found very accuret result by this method. and it is my personal >view . >> >> >kanak bosmia > > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > >

1894 From: "tw853" <tw853@...> Date: Thu Dec 9, 2004 10:37pm Subject: Re: Techniques: KP approved or not? tw853 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Sandy Crowther, 1. I fully agree with you to contribute something for further development of KP within the framework acceptable to the moderator and other members. 2. Let me fill up the gap in my message # 1873 "c. of planet is judged by noting ---- Vargothamamsa --p III, Part I & p 59, KP Reader V" i.e. by noting the whether it gets exalted or debilitated; whether it Wsakshethra or Vargothamamsa or in friendly quarters etc. The strength 59, KP Reader sign occupied by it is or enemy's camp,

3. Even though a decisive role is given to Stl & Sbl and house connections in KP, and discrediting like "Everything depends upon the sub, occupied by a planet, whether exalted or debilitated." (KP Reader IV, p 198), it is explained in p 145-146 & p 255-256, KP Reader VI how diamond is the exalted constellation lord and small packet is the debilitated sublord; 11th Sbl maybe debilitated if Stl is exalted, then most satisfactory dowry will be received--- (In Astrosecrets & KP, as mentioned by Ron Gaunt in Msg # 1891, emphasis is given to real exaltation or debilitation within prsecribed degrees.) In some cases, strength of planets is used to judge outcome

of events and for selection of significators along with ruling planets and sub theory. 4. It is not found in six KP Readers any kind of discrediting Navamsa. 5. In K Hariharan's Notable Horoscope & KP, Navamsa, Vargothamamsa (eg p 53, 77, 155, 156 without critics), exaltation and debilitation (eg p 58,77,99,105,155,173 sometimes discrediting) are widely applied. In addition to Vimshottari dasa, progression coupled with the transits in force approach is used. 6. Some traditional beliefs are modified by constellation theory, eg. Planets in constellation of the karaka planets occupying karaka sign will surely cause trouble; (KP Reader IV, p 257), Regarding Gaja-Kesariyoga, if Moon is in the constellation of Jupiter and Jupiter occupies any of the favorable houses 1,2,3,10 or 11 and if Jupiter is in the constellation of Moon in 1 or 2 or 6 or 10 or 11 and if the sub-lords are well posited, there will be beneficial results. (K Hariharan's How to Cast and Read Your Horoscope? , p 139). Sorry for taking your time with a long response. Best regards, tw P.S. Stellar Astrological Research Institute, Madaras, found out that the "eclipsed planets" give both good and bad results in their dasa -- (KP Reader VI, 154) --- In, "Sandy Crowther" <sandy@t...> wrote: > Dear tw, Anant, Kanak, lyastro 1, Punit Pandey, and ALL (hopefully I > didn't miss anyone), > > > > Thank you all very much for sharing your knowledge, experience, > research, opinions, references, and comments to my (often) endless > questions on KP, and I certainly appreciate you taking the time to do > so. > > > > And to my delight, some of you even threw in a few "extra" tidbits of KP > information that I found extremely interesting - and matters that I was > not at all aware of KP's stance on - so thanks very much for > elaborating. For example, I had no idea that exaltation and debilitation > were not considered in KP - that only retrogression is considered. So > considerations of planets being hosted by a friend or enemy - or their > compound relationships - obviously have no place in KP due to

emphasis > and placement of star and sub lords taking precedence. But if Vargottama > IS referenced in a few of the 6 KP Readers as a viable and acceptable > Rasi companion for planetary assessments in KP, specifically used for > assessing planetary strength as mentioned, the Navamsa chart MUST be > referenced at some level - Right? I mean, we cannot have Vargottama > without Navamsa (Uh-oh - Here we go with that 4 letter word again "amsa" > :-)). So anyway, I'm now off to do a bit of KP research myself > hopefully sometime today. > > > > I think we ALL need to be on the same page as far as what is and isn't > an accepted part of KP to date - and then be able to back up with > references in at least one of the 6 KP Readers. (Just my not so humble > opinion guys :-)). I know as astrologers, we will always have our own > style and preferences when it comes to chart analysis and delineation > which we should have - we are all individuals. But it looks to me like > many things are still wide open for research - Ooohhh - I only wish > there were more hours in the day. Anyway - Thanks so much again to > everyone. > > > > P.S. To Ron Gaunt: I think your idea of opening another KP list, is a > suggestion put forth with a pioneering spirit in mind of your greatness > for researching techniques to attain predictive accuracy - which you > know I'm certainly ALL FOR - BUT - 7 months ago I vowed to never > subscribe to another list due to time constraints - and here I am. I > cannot handle another list's email at this time. :-) Perhaps a more > viable solution (if moderator approved here on this KP list) would be to > simply add a rider (or addendum) to the bottom of any chart assessment > posted on this list, where an analysis has been done correctly, but a KP > technique was not used in that particular part of the assessment of the > chart to reach that correct result, and then clearly stating that the > method used is not an accepted part of KP, just a particular technique > you personally found reliably consistent for predictive purposes like > your usage of Solar Eclipses. That way it is left up to the list member > to either accept or reject the technique because it is or is not KP > approved, read it or not at the bottom of the email, and there is no > confusion as to what is and isn't (to date) an accepted part of KP.

And > at the same time, we need not be silenced, as individual astrologers, > for sharing a technique that is not part of KP - as long as it is in > rider/attachment form. This would accommodate all minds on the list. > (You and the list all know that we, as astrologers, will NEVER stop > using what works for us :-) - even if we are silenced from sharing how > we (personally) reached the correct conclusion - so this is just a > suggestion to accommodate everyone under one KP forum.) > > > > My 2 cents - but totally up to the Moderators of this list. > > > > All the Best, > > Sandy Crowther > >

1895 From: "tw853" <tw853@...> Date: Thu Dec 9, 2004 10:46pm Subject: Re: Query regarding birth of second child? tw853 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Sourav Guchhait, I can feell much relieved. We're the same, KP learners. Best regards, tw --- In, Sourav Guchhait <sourav6282@y...> wrote: > Dear tw, > > Thank you very much for your reply. > I am really sorry for misinterpreting your mail. > > Regards, > Sourav. > > tw853 <tw853@y...> wrote: > > Dear Sourav Guchhait, > > Verry sorry. > > I'm telling for myself not be accused as a fortune teller, absolutely

> not to you. > > Nothing wrong with your opinion. > > Best regards, > > tw > > > --- In, Sourav Guchhait <sourav6282@y...> > wrote: > > Dear tw, > > > > I never pretend myself as a fortune teller. If my > > opinion was wrong, then simply say that it was wrong, > > please avoid indirect taunting. > > An intelligent and skilled person like you should not > > taunt other people of less intelligence. Also in this > > particular case I have not told anyone's fortune. > > > > Regards, > > Sourav. > > > > --- tw853 <tw853@y...> wrote: > > > > > > --------------------------------> > > > Dear Sourav Guchhait, > > > > 1. Just referring KP Readers not to be called a > > fortune teller. > > > > 2. "A child at all", KP Reader III, p 425 (Part > > II, p 252 in > > 1984 edition) may be comparable to "Any child at > > all", p 223-226, KP > > Reader V, 1984. > > > > 3. Among iportance of 10th as mentioned, 5 and 11 > > alone specify > > increase in number of the family by birth of children > > , p 226, KP > > Readr V. > > > > Best regards, > > > > tw > > > > > > > > > > --- In, Sourav Guchhait > > <sourav6282@y...> > > wrote: > > > Dear tw, > > > Thanks for your kind reply. > > > Whatever you have written is absolutely true. It is > > > true that 5th and 11th cusps are to be judged for

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> promise of birth of 1'st child. > But primarily, according to me, 5th cusp sublord is > examined for "How to declare that one cannot have a > child at all?" (KP Reader III, p 425.) > > 11th cusp is always important in money > matters(2,6,11), job(2,6,10,11), marriage (2,7,11), > child(2,5,11) etc specially in horary charts. > > Regards, > Sourav. > > --- tw853 <tw853@y...> wrote: > > > --------------------------------> > Dear Sourav Guchhait, > > 1. For 1st child, 5th & 11 th cusps are taken in > judging "Is child birth promised or not?" in examples > for both male > and female, and generally houses 2, 5 and 11 are > judged for the time > of child birth, examples for male p 224 & p 227, and > example for > female p 230, KP Reader IV. (2nd is the increase in > number of members > of family by birth of children; 5th for offspring; > 11th not only > fruit of one's action, but also 5 th to 7 th partner, > p 210 KP Reader > IV) > > 2. For 2nd child, to judge houses 2,5,7, and 11; 7th > is 3rd from 5th, > 3rd is younger child, in an example, KP Reader IV, p > 242. > > Best regards, > > tw > > > > > --- In, Sourav Guchhait > <sourav6282@y...> > wrote: > > Dear Mr.Raichur,Yogesh Rao Lajmiji and tw, > > > > My opinion is :> > 5'th cusp sublord signifying houses 2,5,11 means > birth > > of 1'st child is promised. If 5th sublord signifies > > 2,5,11 "then only" one should check for 7th cusp

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > sublord for 2'nd child(without "1'st" it is not > > possible for having "2'nd" including miscarriage). > > After that, if 7th cusp sublord signifies 2,7,11 > then > > birth of 2'nd child is promised. > > > > I have two questions:> > > > How can we calculate considering the 3rd cusp of the > > 1st Born, a Sibling promised or not? (3'rd cusp > > sublord signifying 2,3,11 houses ? 2 is 12 to 3!) > > > > Also, How can we calculate considering the 11th cusp > > of the 2nd Born, there is an Elder sibling or not? > > (11'th cusp sublord signifying 2,11 ? Means good > > income!) > > > > - Regards > > Sourav. > > > > > > --- tw853 <tw853@y...> wrote: > > > > > > --------------------------------> > > > Dear Yogesh Rao Lajmi, > > > > Is it not the same as mentioned in Msg # 1774, > > > > "to judge houses 2,5,7, and 11 for second > conception, > > KP > > Reader IV, p 242 (for timing of child birth in > > general)" > > > > Best regards, > > > > tw > > > > --- In, Yogesh Rao Lajmi > > <lyrastro1@y...> > > wrote: > > > Dear Mr.Raichur, > > > The VIIth cusp,can,like > any > > other cusp, > > stand for different things,but it depends upon the > > astrologer to > > select the appropriate significations,for the > > particular > > query/judgement,don't you think so ? > > > For example the Vth can > > denote a lover,a > > child or a card-game,opponent's victory/gain...and > so > > on,depending

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > upon the circumstances prevailing,or, being > considered > > at the TOJ... > > > Therefore,in my humble > > opinion,Mr.Raichur,the VII cusp for the second > > child,based on the > > IIIrd from the Vth,as younger sibling of the > > first-born,seems to me > > to be correct... > > > With highest regards, > > > lyrastro1 > > > GOOD > LUCK > > ! > > > > > > anant raichur <anant_1608@y...> wrote: > > > Dear Vinay > > > > > > This is a really serious issue. It is right to > > consider 7th Cusp, > > and its connection with 2nd and 11th, for the 2nd > > child. But as you > > correctly raised the question, this is also the > > consideration for > > marriage. Since marriage is already forseen, and > > foregone, the > > answer will be the same. > > > > > > So it would be as good as stating, that One you > are > > promised > > Marriage, You are promised the 2nd child as well. > ||| > > > > > > I feel we should also consider the 5th House, as > it > > denotes child > > birth in general, besides, the 1st child of a lady. > > > > > > The other solution is to consider the 3rd cusp of > > the 1st Born? Is > > a Sibling promised ? This would be a better > solution. > > > > > > > > > Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@y...> wrote: > > > Dear Vinay, > > > You are very correct,for the > second > > child it is > > recommended that the VIIth cusp sublord shoul be > > per > > K.P., recently also there was a discussion on the > > issue of whether > > Father's chart or Mother's chart should be > > analysed...etc. > > > But for the second child I do > not

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > think there is > > any 'dispute' on taking the VIIth cusp for > > consideration... > > > Yours sincerely, > > > lyrastro1 > > > GOOD LUCK > ! > > > > > > Vinay Tiwari <techn0pandit@y...> wrote: > > > Respected gurus and friends, > > > > > > I was just going through a chart , for > > birth of his second > > child. > > > Dear Guruz , Can you kindly answer for following > > queries, > > > 1) Which houses should be considered? > > > 2)If i am not wrong 2,7,11 for second child ie ; 7 > > is 3rd from 5th . > > > But 2,7,11 also gives marriage? > > > 3)If i want to confirm whether birth of second > child > > is there in > > chart should i C 7th sublord connection? or how > > > > > > Please i need guidence regarding same. > > > > > > > > > Thanks In advance, > > > > > > Regards, > > > Vinay Tiwari > > > > > > > > > --------------------------------> > > Do you Yahoo!? > > > Take Yahoo! Mail with you! Get it on your mobile > > phone. > > > > > > Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner > > online. > > > > > > > > > > > > -----------------------------------------> > > A.R.Raichur bombay > > > anant_1608@y... > > > raichuranant@y... > > > USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY > > > tel: 022-2506 2609 > > > -----------------------------------------> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

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> > > --------------------------------> Yahoo! Groups Links > > To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. > > > Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline.

1896 From: rongaunt <rongaunt@...> Date: Fri Dec 10, 2004 0:39am Subject: Re: Re: Techniques: KP approved or not? rongaunt1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 All members, I apologize for an error in the following. The last line should read 'same star' not sub. ie. a planet is considered exalted if in the same star as the exaltation point. Ron Gaunt

On Fri, 10 Dec 2004 07:52:59 +1000, I wrote: > > >To all members, > >I haven't yet got round to even skimming through some of the many >KP books I have received, so I do not know whether KP relegates >or ignores the question of assessing the qualities of each >individual planet. I would imagine that somewhere in the >literature this point is covered. Meanwhile I use my previous >learning to assess the quality of a sub and its likely outcomes. > >What I am leading to is the point made, that KP does not consider >exaltation and debilitation. In 'Astrosecrets & Krishnamurti >Padhadhati' April 2003 Edition pages 34 to 38 details when >exaltation and debilitation ARE considered. The gist of it >appears to be that they are considered when the planet is in the >same sub as the highest point of exaltation or debilitation. > > >Ron Gaunt

> > > >On Thu, 09 Dec 2004 15:46:06 +0000, you wrote: > >>Dear Sandy, >> I second your suggestion...let us "keep it simple",for the obvious ease of access...and reduced 'navigation'...possibly required... >> Also, we will all operate under the k_p_group umbrella...and thus remain on an easily identifiable as well as accessible site... >> My use of the computer is very limited indeed,restricted to K.P., and surfing BBC,CNN and the usual Samachar ...hence my computer "skills"(if you can call them so...) are minimal...indeed. >> I hope the "computer experts" will bear with me... >> With best wishes, >> lyrastro1 >> GOOD LUCK ! >> >>Sandy Crowther <sandy@...> wrote: >> >>Dear tw, Anant, Kanak, lyastro 1, Punit Pandey, and ALL (hopefully I didn t miss anyone), >> >> >> >>Thank you all very much for sharing your knowledge, experience, research, opinions, references, and comments to my (often) endless questions on KP, and I certainly appreciate you taking the time to do so. >> >> >> >>And to my delight, some of you even threw in a few extra tidbits of KP information that I found extremely interesting and matters that I was not at all aware of KP s stance on - so thanks very much for elaborating. For example, I had no idea that exaltation and debilitation were not considered in KP that only retrogression is considered. So considerations of planets being hosted by a friend or enemy - or their compound relationships - obviously have no place in KP due to emphasis and placement of star and sub lords taking precedence. But if Vargottama IS referenced in a few of the 6 KP Readers as a viable and acceptable Rasi companion for planetary assessments in KP, specifically used for assessing planetary strength as mentioned, the Navamsa chart MUST be referenced at some level - Right? I mean, we cannot have Vargottama without Navamsa (Uh-oh Here we go with that 4 letter word again amsa J). So anyway, I m now off to do a bit of KP research myself - hopefully sometime >> today. >> >> >> >>I think we ALL need to be on the same page as far as what is and isn t an accepted part of KP to date and then be able to back up with references in at least one of the 6 KP Readers. (Just my not so humble opinion guys J). I know as astrologers, we will always have our own style and preferences when it comes to chart analysis and delineation which we should have we are all individuals. But it looks to me like many things are still wide open for research Ooohhh I only wish there were more hours in the day. Anyway Thanks so much again to everyone >> >> >> >>P.S. To Ron Gaunt: I think your idea of opening another KP list, is a

suggestion put forth with a pioneering spirit in mind of your greatness for researching techniques to attain predictive accuracy which you know I m certainly ALL FOR BUT - 7 months ago I vowed to never subscribe to another list due to time constraints and here I am. I cannot handle another list s email at this time. J Perhaps a more viable solution (if moderator approved here on this KP list) would be to simply add a rider (or addendum) to the bottom of any chart assessment posted on this list, where an analysis has been done correctly, but a KP technique was not used in that particular part of the assessment of the chart to reach that correct result, and then clearly stating that the method used is not an accepted part of KP, just a particular technique you personally found reliably consistent for predictive purposes like your usage of Solar Eclipses. That way it is left up to the list member to either >> accept or reject the technique because it is or is not KP approved, read it or not at the bottom of the email, and there is no confusion as to what is and isn t (to date) an accepted part of KP. And at the same time, we need not be silenced, as individual astrologers, for sharing a technique that is not part of KP as long as it is in rider/attachment form. This would accommodate all minds on the list. (You and the list all know that we, as astrologers, will NEVER stop using what works for us J even if we are silenced from sharing how we (personally) reached the correct conclusion - so this is just a suggestion to accommodate everyone under one KP forum.) >> >> >> >>My 2 cents but totally up to the Moderators of this list. >> >> >> >> All the Best, >> >> Sandy Crowther >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT >> >> >>-------------------------------->>Yahoo! Groups Links >> >> To visit your group on the web, go to: >> >> >> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: >>

>> >> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. >> >> >>Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline. > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > >

1897 From: "Kanakkumar Bosmia" <kanbosastro@...> Date: Fri Dec 10, 2004 1:52am Subject: Re: Re: RECTIFICATION OF TIME OF BIRTH / Shri Ron and Raichur ji kanbo sastro Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Ron, My Coment in Red

>From: rongaunt <> >Reply-To: >To: >Subject: Re: [k_p_system] Re: RECTIFICATION OF TIME OF BIRTH / Shri Ron and Rai chur ji >Date: Fri, 10 Dec 2004 11:33:12 +1000 > > >Kanak, > >Thanks for introducing us to a method of rectification that is >interesting and unique. > >Going through the Astrodatabank file it appears that there is a >spread of over four years of suggested birthdates. I would >consider that it would be almost impossible to rectify by >standard rectification techniques with the lack of verifiable >data. It is interesting to see that KP has an approach to solve >this problem. > >One thing that stand out for me is the Jamal Ismail interview in >1998 where Bin Laden says that he was born in the Muslim year of >1377. He also says he was born '45 years ago'. Now there is >something wrong here because 45 years ago does not match 1377

>(which is Gregorian 1957) By Western reckoning it would be >1953. If bin Laden was talking in Lunar years which is likely, >this would then come to 1955. This is still not correct. So >what gives? Thinking about my own reaction to similar >questions I would unhesitatingly say that I was born in 1936 ( I >have written it down hundreds of times), but if someone asks me >how old I am I have to think about it. ie. what I am suggesting >is that the quote on his Muslim birth year of 1377 is more likely >to be correct. > >The start of the Muslim year 1377 was Gregorian 29th July 1957 >and it finished on 17th July 1958. So either he was born >between this period or he had his birth year wrong. > >I am also struck by the fact that Zip Dobyns had data for bin >Laden from his hospital records. This is quoted as 10th March >1957 in Jeddah at 10:58am EET. This is very specific and is >normally a good indication of an accurate time of birth. >However, if it is as stated, it means that bin Laden is wrong >about his birth year by nearly six months. >There is however, a possible answer to this problem which has >been canvassed in th ADB report, and that is that the date may >have been read incorrectly. If the date had been written in >numerals ie 10/3/???? it could have been the 10th month 3rd day. >We don't know whether there was a transcription from Islamic year >to Gregorian but it was quoted as 1957. Either way this would >place the birth year in 1377 as stated by bin Laden. "As far as the other dates, I've personally seen people convert dates incorrectl y from one calendar to another. For example, I used to work for a Korean-born ma n (whose family moved to America when he was a child) who celebrates his birthda y as February 14, 1958, although he told me that he actually has two birthdays. When I asked him what he meant, he said he'd been told that he was born on the 1 4th day of the 2nd month of the Year of the Dog. The Year of the Dog began in 19 58, so he had arbitrarily decided to celebrate his birthday on February (2nd mon th) 14 (14th day), 1958 (Year of the Dog)-- even though a correct conversion wou ld put his birthday on about April 2, 1958 (depending on what time the day begin s in Korea, as well as time zone considerations). The Year of the Dog didn't eve n begin until February 18, 1958-- four days after the day he celebrates as his b irthday! It might be possible that Bin Laden's birthday-- if it's even known-- w as incorrectly converted in such a fashion (e.g., the 10th day of the 3rd month) . "I would also point out the uncertainty surrounding Dodi's birthday (remember Di ana and Dodi?), as his birthday had been given as April 15, but it was stated by several people that it's a fairly common practice in the Middle East to use the 15th of the month as the birthday, due to the fact that they don't always note the actual day of birth, just the month and year of birth. Even though none of t he dates given for Bin Laden fall on the 15th of a month in the Gregorian calend ar, we should beware of the possibility of a similar practice of using some arbi trary day of the Islamic month of birth. "Then there is the possibility that, some years ago, someone in an intelligence agency may have heard that Bin Laden had just celebrated his birthday (if he eve n celebrates his birthday) on some day of the year, such as March 10. They may h ave then taken that date and used it with his year of birth, which seems to have been 1957 (or perhaps 1958). If this sort of thing did happen, it would be wron g, as a particular date (month and day) in the Islamic year does not fall on the same date each year in the Gregorian calendar. For example, if it had been lear

ned that Bin-Laden had celebrated his 30th birthday on March 10, 1987, it would be incorrect to conclude that he was therefore born on March 10, 1957. It just d oesn't work that way. "Also, when Prince Dipendra murdered his family and shot himself, I saw some web pages which gave his birthday incorrectly, and they cited CIA sources! This mak es me wonder if the "field information" gathered by intelligence agencies can be trusted, especially when it comes to people's birthdays. "Additionally, there is always the chance that a Gregorian date written in numer ic format might be misread, such as 3-10-1957 being variously read as either Mar ch 10, 1957 or 3 October, 1957. "In light of these facts and considerations, I would be extremely cautious about accepting *any* date of birth for Bin Laden without a grain of salt the size of Jupiter." #Jayj Jacobs reports that "Bin Laden, Al-Jazeera - and I'' by Jamal Abdul Latif Ismail, includes an interview in which Bin Laden says he was born 45 years ago, in the Muslim year of 1377, in the Saud i capital of Riyadh. The family later moved between the two holy cities of Mecca and Medina and the port city of Jiddah. (Four months after Aug 1998 is December . 1998 minus 45 is 1953.) #David G. Baker deduces January 3, 1955, 8:50:03 AM. #Robert Currey writes 12/2001, "Justin Toper telephoned to say his contact confi rms UBL was born in July 1957 though he has no more details. So I am sorry not t o be able to provide at this stage. As I have mentioned his source [who Justin w ants to remain confidential] is a journalist in the Middle East who has kept a f ile on UBL from birth and though the journalist has access to 'official records' not open to the public, he says that the record of the day of birth was not kep t." "As far as the other dates, I've personally seen people convert dates incorrectl y from one calendar to another. For example, I used to work for a Korean-born ma n (whose family moved to America when he was a child) who celebrates his birthda y as February 14, 1958, although he told me that he actually has two birthdays. When I asked him what he meant, he said he'd been told that he was born on the 1 4th day of the 2nd month of the Year of the Dog. The Year of the Dog began in 19 58, so he had arbitrarily decided to celebrate his birthday on February (2nd mon th) 14 (14th day), 1958 (Year of the Dog)-- even though a correct conversion wou ld put his birthday on about April 2, 1958 (depending on what time the day begin s in Korea, as well as time zone considerations). The Year of the Dog didn't eve n begin until February 18, 1958-- four days after the day he celebrates as his b irthday! It might be possible that Bin Laden's birthday-- if it's even known-- w as incorrectly converted in such a fashion (e.g., the 10th day of the 3rd month) . "I would also point out the uncertainty surrounding Dodi's birthday (remember Di ana and Dodi?), as his birthday had been given as April 15, but it was stated by several people that it's a fairly common practice in the Middle East to use the 15th of the month as the birthday, due to the fact that they don't always note the actual day of birth, just the month and year of birth. Even though none of t he dates given for Bin Laden fall on the 15th of a month in the Gregorian calend ar, we should beware of the possibility of a similar practice of using some arbi trary day of the Islamic month of birth. "Then there is the possibility that, some years ago, someone in an intelligence agency may have heard that Bin Laden had just celebrated his birthday (if he eve n celebrates his birthday) on some day of the year, such as March 10. They may h ave then taken that date and used it with his year of birth, which seems to have

been 1957 (or perhaps 1958). If this sort of thing did happen, it would be wron g, as a particular date (month and day) in the Islamic year does not fall on the same date each year in the Gregorian calendar. For example, if it had been lear ned that Bin-Laden had celebrated his 30th birthday on March 10, 1987, it would be incorrect to conclude that he was therefore born on March 10, 1957. It just d oesn't work that way. "Also, when Prince Dipendra murdered his family and shot himself, I saw some web pages which gave his birthday incorrectly, and they cited CIA sources! This mak es me wonder if the "field information" gathered by intelligence agencies can be trusted, especially when it comes to people's birthdays. "Additionally, there is always the chance that a Gregorian date written in numer ic format might be misread, such as 3-10-1957 being variously read as either Mar ch 10, 1957 or 3 October, 1957. "In light of these facts and considerations, I would be extremely cautious about accepting *any* date of birth for Bin Laden without a grain of salt the size of Jupiter." #Jayj Jacobs reports that "Bin Laden, Al-Jazeera - and I'' by Jamal Abdul Latif Ismail, includes an interview in which Bin Laden says he was born 45 years ago, in the Muslim year of 1377, in the Saud i capital of Riyadh. The family later moved between the two holy cities of Mecca and Medina and the port city of Jiddah. (Four months after Aug 1998 is December . 1998 minus 45 is 1953.) #David G. Baker deduces January 3, 1955, 8:50:03 AM. #Robert Currey writes 12/2001, "Justin Toper telephoned to say his contact confi rms UBL was born in July 1957 though he has no more details. So I am sorry not t o be able to provide at this stage. As I have mentioned his source [who Justin w ants to remain confidential] is a journalist in the Middle East who has kept a f ile on UBL from birth and though the journalist has access to 'official records' not open to the public, he says that the record of the day of birth was not kep t." > >So I personally would concentrate on 3rd to 5th Oct 1957 or >March 10th 1957 with preference to the former. The reason for >the spread 3-5th Oct 1957 is because if the hospital entry was >written up with the Islamic date ie 3/10/1377 or 10/3/1377 >( I don't know which order they use) using three conversion >calendars I get two quoting 5th Oct 1957 and one for 4th Oct >1957, with a possible error of one day due to sighting of the >crescent Moon. > B'coz in book problem is for Year only not for date and month. we have three dat e,month and year so . check Page no: 86 . pls note that in this book so many ma themetical erros are there( page no: 68 ) " Thiruvonam star will end only when MON crosses 293 D 20 Min in MAKARAM sign.Th at means, Moon has to cross further 1Deg and 32 Min in MAKARAM. from its initial position of 290 D 48 Min at 0530Hrs. on 23.04.1957 With the use of the same bo ok "TABLES FOR ASTROLOGERS" P.N. 47 Col.7 row No.2, for a transit period of 11 D eg 23 Min , We will find that, it would be 3 hrs. 5 minutes and 48 seconds for c rossing the said 1 Degree and 32 Min of Thiruvonam. So.............. " Now question is if we diduct 293.20 - 290.48 = 2 Deg. 32 Min not 1 Deg. 32 Min

So defferance of 1 deg is 2hrs. 01 min 11 sec. i think it is not smoll we trying to find time correcton for 1- to 3 nim for proper pridiction but hear deff. is about 2 hrs. that means the calculation done is totaly wrong and meaning less. what i have to say is dont go blindly on book. i am rectified birth time on pri ncipls given in book but i work as my heart say. mathemetics is my fevourite subject and i never read books like story book. i am check all the calculation given in books. >Kanak I note that in your write up you have discarded 10th March >1957 because Jupiter's sub Saturn is not part of the Asc RPs. >Looking at a similar case in 'Secrets of R.P & the Birth Time' >Example 16 on page 89 the author uses a different technique; he >contrasts the Asc RPs with the dasas at birth. For birth on the >10th March 1957 the dasas are Mars Venus Venus Saturn. >A relationship would be established through Venus being in Rahu >star and Venus sub. Looking at it this way suggests 10th March >needs more investigation. I follow only " sublord is boss" . so i discard sat. > >I haven't pursued this any further because the RPs are the result >of your question, and I should really broach the question myself >to try my own rectification. > >All the best > > >Ron Gaunt > > > > > > >On Wed, 08 Dec 2004 09:22:43 +0000, you wrote: > > > > > > > > >i am waing for you coment on bin laden's birthtime rectification. > > > >regards > > > >kanak bosmia > > > > > >--- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > >> > >> Kanak, > >> > >> Would you mind giving us an example so that we can follow it more > >> closely. Thanks > >> > >> > >> Ron Gaunt > >>

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

>> >Dear Ravindra >> >> > i dont think it is right method to check birth timeV pls refer >Book " SECRETS OF R.P. & THE BIRTH TIME By: K.Baskaran Publishe >KRISHMAN & CO 804 Mount Road, Chhennai 600 002 " >> >> >according to him RP MOON = Bith Asc. and RP Asc. = Birth Moon.( >ksk himself wrote in any one reader about RP Moon = Birth Asc. but i >dont remember no: and Page No.) >> >> >frist you go up to birth Mon Sub-Sub-Sub level . and calcutet >asc for that time you can found Bith asc as RP MOON most of case. >> >> >i found very accuret result by this method. and it is my personal >view . >> >> >kanak bosmia > > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > >

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1898 From: "Sandy Date: Fri Dec 10, Subject: Avasthas Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo!

Crowther" <sandy@...> 2004 7:09am (Planetary Disposition) detective_dunno 360

Dear tw, Ron, and Group,

TW, thanks for all that research. I have also finally found the time to look, a nd also found the references you are speaking about with respect to the planetar y dispositions, and according to the KP Readers, (my Edition of the 6 KP Readers is the 8th year 2000 on page 62 in Readers 3 and 5 under Role of Sub ) many of the se states are definitely specific KP considerations including being hosted by a friend or enemy. Vargottama also appears to be a KP consideration, so that makes Navamsa acceptable for use in KP.

So my take is that, depending on the preference of how each of us as unique and individual astrologers elects to read and analyze charts, we at least now know t hat these planetary dispositions are not totally off limits in KP, and that it i s KP acceptable to weigh a planets strength and weakness for synthesis and integ ration with star and sub lords when reading charts KP style. I would also say th at because a few of these avasthas**(see below if unfamiliar) are mentioned in t he KP Readers, I wouldn t see where at least a good portion of the 10 or 12 catego ries relative to planetary disposition are off limits when weighing a planets st ate prior to making a final assessment.

Maybe the best way to avoid stepping on each other s toes around here - and ultima tely causing unnecessary bruising (OUCH J) is by practicing tolerance - like all owing each one of us the freedom of personal choice for example - usage (or not) of the above while also simultaneously appreciating the experience and opinions of the seasoned KP practitioners on this list which is invaluable. (Thanks guys) . Maybe the consideration that some decisions are simply best left up to the dis cretion of each astrologer as to what works (or not) for you, and what you are p ersonally comfortable with especially a bit of tolerance for us new old fogies try ing to learn new astrological tricks like KP - without throwing away ALL our old and useful astrological tools and toolboxes that we worked a lifetime to acquir e as long as these tools are KP approved. J And maybe we can agree to be given t he individual freedom to use (or not) avasthas and Navamsa on list like agree to disagree? J I can live with that. I just wanted it officially sorted out as ther e seemed to be some confusion and mixed opinions surrounding these issues as to whether or not they were KP approved J

So thanks once again to everyone for all your opinions, your take on this, your contributions, and the research that was turned up We are making progress as a gro up (Are we having fun yet? J) I need to quiet down now and get other things in lif e done Thanks for listening to me ramble on in my search for KP truths Have a gre at week-end everyone

All the Best, Sandy Crowther

**(For those not familiar with Avasthas, they are basically the disposition of a planet, and classified in categories such as: (1.) Deeptha, illuminated or exal ted; (2) Swastha, healthy, owning its own sign, (3) Mudita, joyous, owning a fri endly sign; (4) Shanthi, quiet, placed in auspicious subdivisions (5) Shakta, po werful, NO Vakra, in retrogression, (6) Peedya, tormented, occupying the last qu arter of a sign, (7) Vikal, mutilated, when a planet is combust, (8) Khala, misc hievous when it is debilitated, (9) Mulatrikona or Mooltrikona sign and (10) Ash ubha, inauspicious, when the planet is in its atichara or accelerated motion.)

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1899 From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@...> Date: Fri Dec 10, 2004 10:44am Subject: Re: Re: Techniques: KP approved or not? lyrastro1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Ron, The following is being submitted,for yours and the group's serious consideration...and I invite specific examples,in your experiences, clearly ill ustrating the practical use, of exaltation/debilitation,in predictive K.P.astrol ogy... Here's a quote from Astrosecrets & K.P., p.35... " To say of exaltation,ownership or debilitation,simply on the ent ering of a Rasi(sign) is not correct,in a sign,in a particular star,in a particu lar degree-minute only,as the planet moves should be reckoned for exaltation,or debilitation etc..." (italics mine) It is thus important to note that exaltation and debilitation has been defined in star and sub terms...and in a particular degree-minute only, as you have quoted... Also,more importantly,it is clearly stated that exaltation or debi litation does not change/alter the nature of the terms of being bene fic or the most,it will either hasten or slow down the result...! ! Therefore I wonder, "in practical terms" how much difference does this really make...and,if so, how can one measure this "accelleration and decell eration,in the number of hours/days/months..etc..".? If these differences are not quantifiable...simply saying a plane t is exalted/debilatated...and therefore...? ? (what do you suggest, we say...wh ich is measureable/quantifiable ?) Hence exaltation/debilitation are recognised theoretically (?),in K.P.,but no quantifiable and practical use is given...! ? (This is my personal opinion and also born out of experience). I therefore feel that exaltation/debilitation are good points onl y to debate about...and perhaps put forward to justify a successful or failed pr ediction ? ? Personally I hold a similar view on the various "avasthas"...of p being more of an academic my experience... As I have said earlier,astrology should be of practical use,to bo th,the consultant/client as well as the astrologer...and it must also felt by re aders to be truly useful,in practice... With regards, Yours sincerely, lyrastro1 GOOD LUCK !

rongaunt <> wrote: To all members, I haven't yet got round to even skimming through some of the many KP books I have received, so I do not know whether KP relegates or ignores the question of assessing the qualities of each individual planet. I would imagine that somewhere in the literature this point is covered. Meanwhile I use my previous learning to assess the quality of a sub and its likely outcomes. What I am leading to is the point made, that KP does not consider exaltation and debilitation. In 'Astrosecrets & Krishnamurti Padhadhati' April 2003 Edition pages 34 to 38 details when exaltation and debilitation ARE considered. The gist of it appears to be that they are considered when the planet is in the same sub as the highest point of exaltation or debilitation. Ron Gaunt

On Thu, 09 Dec 2004 15:46:06 +0000, you wrote: >Dear Sandy, > I second your suggestion...let us "keep it simple",for the obv ious ease of access...and reduced 'navigation'...possibly required... > Also, we will all operate under the k_p_group umbrella...and t hus remain on an easily identifiable as well as accessible site... > My use of the computer is very limited indeed,restricted to K. P., and surfing BBC,CNN and the usual Samachar ...hence my computer "skills"(if you can call them so...) are minimal...indeed. > I hope the "computer experts" will bear with me... > With best wishes, > lyrastro1 > GOOD LUCK ! > >Sandy Crowther <> wrote: > >Dear tw, Anant, Kanak, lyastro 1, Punit Pandey, and ALL (hopefully I didn t miss anyone), > > > >Thank you all very much for sharing your knowledge, experience, research, opini ons, references, and comments to my (often) endless questions on KP, and I certa inly appreciate you taking the time to do so. > >

> >And to my delight, some of you even threw in a few extra tidbits of KP informatio n that I found extremely interesting and matters that I was not at all aware of KP s stance on - so thanks very much for elaborating. For example, I had no idea t hat exaltation and debilitation were not considered in KP that only retrogressio n is considered. So considerations of planets being hosted by a friend or enemy - or their compound relationships - obviously have no place in KP due to emphasi s and placement of star and sub lords taking precedence. But if Vargottama IS re ferenced in a few of the 6 KP Readers as a viable and acceptable Rasi companion for planetary assessments in KP, specifically used for assessing planetary stren gth as mentioned, the Navamsa chart MUST be referenced at some level - Right? I mean, we cannot have Vargottama without Navamsa (Uh-oh Here we go with that 4 le tter word again amsa J). So anyway, I m now off to do a bit of KP research myself hopefully sometime > today. > > > >I think we ALL need to be on the same page as far as what is and isn t an accepte d part of KP to date and then be able to back up with references in at least one of the 6 KP Readers. (Just my not so humble opinion guys J). I know as astrolog ers, we will always have our own style and preferences when it comes to chart an alysis and delineation which we should have we are all individuals. But it looks to me like many things are still wide open for research Ooohhh - I only wish t here were more hours in the day. Anyway Thanks so much again to everyone > > > >P.S. To Ron Gaunt: I think your idea of opening another KP list, is a suggestio n put forth with a pioneering spirit in mind of your greatness for researching t echniques to attain predictive accuracy which you know I m certainly ALL FOR BUT 7 months ago I vowed to never subscribe to another list due to time constraints and here I am. I cannot handle another list s email at this time. J Perhaps a mor e viable solution (if moderator approved here on this KP list) would be to simpl y add a rider (or addendum) to the bottom of any chart assessment posted on this list, where an analysis has been done correctly, but a KP technique was not use d in that particular part of the assessment of the chart to reach that correct r esult, and then clearly stating that the method used is not an accepted part of KP, just a particular technique you personally found reliably consistent for pre dictive purposes like your usage of Solar Eclipses. That way it is left up to th e list member to either > accept or reject the technique because it is or is not KP approved, read it or not at the bottom of the email, and there is no confusion as to what is and isn t (to date) an accepted part of KP. And at the same time, we need not be silenced , as individual astrologers, for sharing a technique that is not part of KP as l ong as it is in rider/attachment form. This would accommodate all minds on the l ist. (You and the list all know that we, as astrologers, will NEVER stop using w hat works for us J even if we are silenced from sharing how we (personally) reac hed the correct conclusion - so this is just a suggestion to accommodate everyon e under one KP forum.) > > > >My 2 cents but totally up to the Moderators of this list. > > > > All the Best, > > Sandy Crowther

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT > > >-------------------------------->Yahoo! Groups Links > > To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. > > >Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline.

Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online.

1900 From: dilip ranade <dilipdsr@...> Date: Fri Dec 10, 2004 6:30pm Subject: Re: Re: Query regarding birth of second child? dilipdsr Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 12/11/2004 Dear Ron/ Mr Raichur, The new details are as reqd. 1. I am giving the details for the study of multiple births. 2. Wife:- DOB--- 06 JUL 1915 TOB----Place 18E 31: 73N 55 1800 hrs

3. The details of the children are as under: Son; D= Daughter (a) 75E35 (b) 75E35 (c) S 75E35 (d) 75E35 (e) 75E35 (f) 75E35 (g) Twins POB=20N05 79E59 (h) S S & D 4 Nov 1947 TOB- 0345 : D D D 22jul 1938 18 jul 1940 25 feb 1937 D S


16 oct 1931 TOB 2359 : POB= 21N01: 20 jul 1934 TOB-1446 : POB= 21N01: TOB-1933 : POB= 21N01: TOB-2035 : POB= 21N01: TOB- 0755: POB= 21N01:

05 Aug 1942 TOB- 0445: POB= 21N01:

13 Mar 1950: TOB-0945: POB=20N05 79E59

4. I am finding the details of the husbands POB and will be posting it soon. I hope the data proves to be a good exerscise. Also two children have died apart from those given above(all living at present).Their details follow With best wishes and regards Ranade PS:(a) Details of husband are as follows DOB-26 FEB 1908 TOB-2145 POB= 23N30: 86E40 (b) All times are in Indian Std Time. Regards Ranade

--- anant raichur <anant_1608@...> wrote: > Dear Ranade

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

Good efforts >The data will be more useful, if TOB,POB of children are also given. One can then cast the charts, and check the connections: I am giving below the details of a family, for study and establishing the relationships: FATHER: POB: 15N27 75E05 TOB 1;05 DOB 16-08-1923 MOTHER POB 15N52 74E34 TOB 07:12 DOB 22-03-1929 1ST CHILD POB 16N11 75E42 TOB 21:10 DOB 28-01-1949 2ND POB 19N05 74E44 TOB 08:04 DOB 09-04-1951 3RD POB 16N00 75E48 TOB 17:00 DOB 25-12-1953 4TH POB 15N52 74E34 TOB 21;40 DOB 09-12-1955 GOOD LUCK dilip ranade <dilipdsr@...> wrote: Dear Ron, 1. I am giving the details for the study of multiple births. 2. Wife:- DOB--- 06 JUL 1915 TOB----- 1810 hrs Place 18E 31: 73N 55 3. The details of the children are as under: S= Son; D= Daughter (a) S 16 oct 1931 (b) D 20 jul 1934 (c) S 25 feb 1937 (d) D 22jul 1938 (e) D 18 jul 1940 (f) D 05 Aug 1942 (g) Twins S & D 4 Nov 1947 (h) S 13 Mar 1950 4. I am finding the details of the husbands POB and will be posting it soon. I hope the data proves to be a good exerscise. Also two children have died apart from those given above(all living at present).Their details follow With best wishes and regards Ranade

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

--- rongaunt wrote: --------------------------------To all interested in this question of 2nd, 3rd births etc. Does anyone have birth details of say four or more children to the same mother. We could then check what appears to work best. Ron Gaunt

On Tue, 07 Dec 2004 00:10:42 +0000, you wrote: > > >Dear Sourav Guchhait, > >1. For 1st child, 5th & 11 th cusps are taken in >judging "Is child birth promised or not?" in examples for both male >and female, and generally houses 2, 5 and 11 are judged for the time >of child birth, examples for male p 224 & p 227, and example for >female p 230, KP Reader IV. (2nd is the increase in number of members >of family by birth of children; 5th for offspring; 11th not only >fruit of one's action, but also 5 th to 7 th partner, p 210 KP Reader >IV) > >2. For 2nd child, to judge houses 2,5,7, and 11; 7th is 3rd from 5th, >3rd is younger child, in an example, KP Reader IV, p 242. > >Best regards, > >tw >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > >--- In, Sourav Guchhait >wrote: >> Dear Mr.Raichur,Yogesh Rao Lajmiji and tw, >> >> My opinion is :>> 5'th cusp sublord signifying houses 2,5,11 means birth >> of 1'st child is promised. If 5th sublord signifies >> 2,5,11 "then only" one should check for 7th cusp >> sublord for 2'nd child(without "1'st" it is not >> possible for having "2'nd" including miscarriage). >> After that, if 7th cusp sublord signifies 2,7,11 then >> birth of 2'nd child is promised. >> >> I have two questions:>> >> How can we calculate considering the 3rd cusp of the >> 1st Born, a Sibling promised or not? (3'rd cusp >> sublord signifying 2,3,11 houses ? 2 is 12 to 3!) >> >> Also, How can we calculate considering the 11th cusp >> of the 2nd Born, there is an Elder sibling or not? >> (11'th cusp sublord signifying 2,11 ? Means good >> income!) >> >> - Regards >> Sourav. >> >> >> --- tw853 wrote: >> >> >> -------------------------------->> >> Dear Yogesh Rao Lajmi, >> >> Is it not the same as mentioned in Msg # 1774, >> >> "to judge houses 2,5,7, and 11 for second conception, >> KP >> Reader IV, p 242 (for timing of child birth in >> general)" >> >> Best regards, >> >> tw >> >> --- In, Yogesh Rao Lajmi

> >> > >> wrote: > >> > Dear Mr.Raichur, > >> > The VIIth cusp,can,like > any > >> other cusp, > >> stand for different things,but it depends upon > the > >> astrologer to > >> select the appropriate significations,for the > >> particular > >> query/judgement,don't you think so ? > >> > For example the Vth can > >> denote a lover,a > >> child or a card-game,opponent's > victory/gain...and > so > >> on,depending > >> upon the circumstances prevailing,or, being > considered > === message truncated === ________________________________________________________________________ Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online Go to:

1901 From: rongaunt <rongaunt@...> Date: Fri Dec 10, 2004 6:51pm Subject: Re: Re: Techniques: KP approved or not? rongaunt1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Yogesh, Some years ago I did a study on famous sportsmen expecting to a find statistically high level of exalted Mars. What I found surprised me, in that frequently pre eminent sportsmen in fact had debilitated Mars. Pondering on this I suspected that they had some type of weakness in a certain area, and used the principle of over-compensation to achieve success. In my own case I have a classical debilitated Mars, and I do have a Martian problem. I have always lacked physical energy ie I only have to push a lawn mower once across the lawn, and I feel as though all my energy is vacating my body. In a few minutes I feel as though I have run a marathon. As I matured I have managed better, mainly by eliminating certain foods. Nevertheless over the years I have compensated for bodily dysfunction by engaging in mental pursuits. On reflection after studying many examples I came to the conclusion that what exaltation and debilitation showed was a specific gift or inclination, lack or deficiency. In other words whilst the planet may function perfectly normal for most purposes there is one area where it is abnormal. Thinking in terms of KP it might be that where say Mars is significator for

the 1st, 5th and 10th houses, it may offer excellent results to the 5th and 10th whilst giving poor results to the 1st. This presumably would be seen in the quality of the sub or by malefic association or aspect with reference to the 1st. ie. in KP we might be able to see in what area an exalted or debilitated planet functions best or worst. I find it interesting that in a way the author of 'Astrosecrets' Pt 1 page 34 comes up with something similar but more limiting idea than mine when he says "Ownership exaltation or debilitation of planets are generally known responsible to indicate the strength or weakness of a human body constitution from head to foot, but does not take the responsibility to alter the results to be offered, say good to bad or bad to good". I personally believe that it isn't specific to bodily condition, but can be any area of life. The crux of the matter appears to me be that the planet shows a specific limited abnormality - in the normally accepted qualities of that planet. When I get the time I will have a look and see if I can find some examples that might show exaltation/debilitation in KP. Ron Gaunt

On Fri, 10 Dec 2004 16:44:09 +0000, you wrote: >Dear Ron, > The following is being submitted,for yours and the group's serious consideration...and I invite specific examples,in your experiences, clearly illustrating the practical use, of exaltation/debilitation,in predictive K.P.astrology... > > Here's a quote from Astrosecrets & K.P., p.35... > > " To say of exaltation,ownership or debilitation,simply on the entering of a Rasi(sign) is not correct,in a sign,in a particular star,in a particular degree-minute only,as the planet moves should be reckoned for exaltation,or debilitation etc..." (italics mine) > > It is thus important to note that exaltation and debilitation has been defined in star and sub terms...and in a particular degree-minute only, as you have quoted... > Also,more importantly,it is clearly stated that exaltation or debilitation does not change/alter the nature of the terms of being benefic or the most,it will either hasten or slow down the result...! ! > > Therefore I wonder, "in practical terms" how much difference does this really make...and,if so, how can one measure this "accelleration and decelleration,in the number of hours/days/months..etc..".? > If these differences are not quantifiable...simply saying a planet is exalted/debilatated...and therefore...? ? (what do you suggest, we say...which is measureable/quantifiable ?) > > Hence exaltation/debilitation are recognised theoretically (?),in K.P.,but no quantifiable and practical use is given...! ? (This is my

personal opinion and also born out of experience). > > I therefore feel that exaltation/debilitation are good points only to debate about...and perhaps put forward to justify a successful or failed prediction ? ? > > Personally I hold a similar view on the various "avasthas"...of being more of an academic my experience... > > As I have said earlier,astrology should be of practical use,to both,the consultant/client as well as the astrologer...and it must also felt by readers to be truly useful,in practice... > > With regards, > Yours sincerely, > lyrastro1 > GOOD LUCK ! > > > > > > > > > > > >rongaunt <rongaunt@...> wrote: > >To all members, > >I haven't yet got round to even skimming through some of the many >KP books I have received, so I do not know whether KP relegates >or ignores the question of assessing the qualities of each >individual planet. I would imagine that somewhere in the >literature this point is covered. Meanwhile I use my previous >learning to assess the quality of a sub and its likely outcomes. > >What I am leading to is the point made, that KP does not consider >exaltation and debilitation. In 'Astrosecrets & Krishnamurti >Padhadhati' April 2003 Edition pages 34 to 38 details when >exaltation and debilitation ARE considered. The gist of it >appears to be that they are considered when the planet is in the >same sub as the highest point of exaltation or debilitation. > > >Ron Gaunt > > > >On Thu, 09 Dec 2004 15:46:06 +0000, you wrote: > >>Dear Sandy, >> I second your suggestion...let us "keep it simple",for the obvious ease of access...and reduced 'navigation'...possibly required... >> Also, we will all operate under the k_p_group umbrella...and thus remain on an easily identifiable as well as accessible site... >> My use of the computer is very limited indeed,restricted to K.P., and surfing BBC,CNN and the usual Samachar ...hence my computer

"skills"(if you can call them so...) are minimal...indeed. >> I hope the "computer experts" will bear with me... >> With best wishes, >> lyrastro1 >> GOOD LUCK ! >> >>Sandy Crowther <sandy@...> wrote: >> >>Dear tw, Anant, Kanak, lyastro 1, Punit Pandey, and ALL (hopefully I didn t miss anyone), >> >> >> >>Thank you all very much for sharing your knowledge, experience, research, opinions, references, and comments to my (often) endless questions on KP, and I certainly appreciate you taking the time to do so. >> >> >> >>And to my delight, some of you even threw in a few extra tidbits of KP information that I found extremely interesting and matters that I was not at all aware of KP s stance on - so thanks very much for elaborating. For example, I had no idea that exaltation and debilitation were not considered in KP that only retrogression is considered. So considerations of planets being hosted by a friend or enemy - or their compound relationships - obviously have no place in KP due to emphasis and placement of star and sub lords taking precedence. But if Vargottama IS referenced in a few of the 6 KP Readers as a viable and acceptable Rasi companion for planetary assessments in KP, specifically used for assessing planetary strength as mentioned, the Navamsa chart MUST be referenced at some level - Right? I mean, we cannot have Vargottama without Navamsa (Uh-oh Here we go with that 4 letter word again amsa J). So anyway, I m now off to do a bit of KP research myself - hopefully sometime >> today. >> >> >> >>I think we ALL need to be on the same page as far as what is and isn t an accepted part of KP to date and then be able to back up with references in at least one of the 6 KP Readers. (Just my not so humble opinion guys J). I know as astrologers, we will always have our own style and preferences when it comes to chart analysis and delineation which we should have we are all individuals. But it looks to me like many things are still wide open for research Ooohhh I only wish there were more hours in the day. Anyway Thanks so much again to everyone >> >> >> >>P.S. To Ron Gaunt: I think your idea of opening another KP list, is a suggestion put forth with a pioneering spirit in mind of your greatness for researching techniques to attain predictive accuracy which you know I m certainly ALL FOR BUT - 7 months ago I vowed to never subscribe to another list due to time constraints and here I am. I cannot handle another list s email at this time. J Perhaps a more viable solution (if moderator approved here on this KP list) would be to simply add a rider (or addendum) to the bottom of any chart assessment posted on this list, where an analysis has been done correctly, but a KP technique was not used in that particular part of the assessment of the chart to reach that correct result, and then clearly stating that the method used is not an accepted part of KP, just a particular technique you personally found reliably consistent for predictive purposes like your usage of Solar Eclipses. That way it is left up to the list member to either

>> accept or reject the technique because it is or is not KP approved, read it or not at the bottom of the email, and there is no confusion as to what is and isn t (to date) an accepted part of KP. And at the same time, we need not be silenced, as individual astrologers, for sharing a technique that is not part of KP as long as it is in rider/attachment form. This would accommodate all minds on the list. (You and the list all know that we, as astrologers, will NEVER stop using what works for us J even if we are silenced from sharing how we (personally) reached the correct conclusion - so this is just a suggestion to accommodate everyone under one KP forum.) >> >> >> >>My 2 cents but totally up to the Moderators of this list. >> >> >> >> All the Best, >> >> Sandy Crowther >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT >> >> >>-------------------------------->>Yahoo! Groups Links >> >> To visit your group on the web, go to: >> >> >> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: >> >> >> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. >> >> >>Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline. > > >Yahoo! Groups Sponsor >Get unlimited calls to > >U.S./Canada >

> >-------------------------------->Yahoo! Groups Links > > To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. > > > >Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline.

1902 From: rongaunt <rongaunt@...> Date: Fri Dec 10, 2004 11:39pm Subject: KPBC4 rongaunt1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 There has been requests for more charts on timing, so this time we will look at career. Male D.O.B 19th Aug 1975 11:25pm IST -5.30 Trivandrum 08N29 076E55 Asc 24 Aries 16 The native comes to you his astrologer at the beginning of May 2000. He is thinking of putting feelers out to other companies and he wants to know when he is likely to get the best response in the next 3 months. When do you think this will be? This might be a good exercise for prasna or/and normal delineation. Ron Gaunt PS: in hindsight we now know that this native was offered 3 jobs with three different companies at a salary far above what he was getting from his existing company. These offers came in over a three day period beginning May 2000 to end July 2000. The offers were received when he was in Bangalore. Can you pin point these dates?

1903 From: raju bokaariya tel 02442-222802 <bhr_rbokariya@...> Date: Sat Dec 11, 2004 1:05am Subject: do u have mukesh ambani and anil amabani birth details bokariya Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 pl post any one had details

1904 From: rongaunt <rongaunt@...> Date: Sat Dec 11, 2004 1:32am Subject: Re: KPBC4 rongaunt1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Sorry I forgot to state the deadline. Please post answers by 00:01 am GMT Thursday 16 December. This should give us a week or so for discussion before Xmas intervenes. Ron Gaunt

On Sat, 11 Dec 2004 15:39:16 +1000, you wrote: > >There has been requests for more charts on timing, so this time >we will look at career. > >Male >D.O.B 19th Aug 1975 >11:25pm IST -5.30 >Trivandrum >08N29 076E55 > >Asc 24 Aries 16 > > >The native comes to you his astrologer at the beginning of >May 2000. He is thinking of putting feelers out to other >companies and he wants to know when he is likely to get the best >response in the next 3 months. When do you think this will >be? > >This might be a good exercise for prasna or/and normal >delineation. > > >Ron Gaunt > > >PS: in hindsight we now know that this native was offered 3 > jobs with three different companies at a salary far > above what he was getting from his existing company. > These offers came in over a three day period > beginning May 2000 to end July 2000. The offers were

> received when he was in Bangalore. > pin point these dates? > > > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > >

Can you

1905 From: "Sandy Crowther" <sandy@...> Date: Sat Dec 11, 2004 7:18am Subject: RE: KPBC4 detective_dunno Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Hi Ron,

I ll give it a shot My first choice would be that the job offers came between the da tes of June 21, 2000 and June 23, 2000. (If I get a chance I ll post my 2nd choic e later).

All the Best, Sandy Crowther ====== Yahoo! My Yahoo! Mail Make Yahoo! your home page Welcome, raon1008 [Sign Out, My Account] Groups Home - Help

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First | < Previous | Next > |

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

Ron Gaunt PS: in hindsight we now know that this native was offered 3 jobs with three different companies at a salary far above what he was getting from his existing company. These offers came in over a three day period beginning May 2000 to end July 2000. The offers were received when he was in Bangalore. Can you pin point these dates?

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1907 From: rongaunt <rongaunt@...> Date: Sat Dec 11, 2004 7:36am Subject: Re: KPBC4 rongaunt1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Punit, The native never consulted me. I received this information from another source. Is it not possible for an astrologer to take a prasna after the event in the same way as checking for a birth time ? Ron Gaunt. On Sat, 11 Dec 2004 18:57:14 +0530, you wrote: > >Ron,

> >Date of consultation is very important for KP. Could you please >provide that date and time when this guy consulted you? > >Thanks & Regards, > >Punit Pandey > > >On Sat, 11 Dec 2004 15:39:16 +1000, rongaunt <rongaunt@...> wrote: >> There has been requests for more charts on timing, so this time >> we will look at career. >> >> Male >> D.O.B 19th Aug 1975 >> 11:25pm IST -5.30 >> Trivandrum >> 08N29 076E55 >> >> Asc 24 Aries 16 >> >> >> The native comes to you his astrologer at the beginning of >> May 2000. He is thinking of putting feelers out to other >> companies and he wants to know when he is likely to get the best >> response in the next 3 months. When do you think this will >> be? >> >> This might be a good exercise for prasna or/and normal >> delineation. >> >> >> Ron Gaunt >> >> >> PS: in hindsight we now know that this native was offered 3 >> jobs with three different companies at a salary far >> above what he was getting from his existing company. >> These offers came in over a three day period >> beginning May 2000 to end July 2000. The offers were >> received when he was in Bangalore. Can you >> pin point these dates? >> >> >> >> >> >> >> Yahoo! Groups Sponsor >> >> ADVERTISEMENT >> >> >> ________________________________ >> Yahoo! Groups Links >> >> To visit your group on the web, go to: >> >> >> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:

>> >> >> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. >> >> > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > >

1908 From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@...> Date: Sat Dec 11, 2004 8:09am Subject: Re: Re: Techniques: KP approved or not? lyrastro1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Ron, Doesn't it thus seem to strengthen my case, that debilitation or e xaltation have little, or, no significant/measureable role to play, in predictiv e astrology... ? My friend,I have asked for concrete examples...precisely because I n my own experience I have not found any measureable/quantifiable role that such planets play...(I hope I am not labouring the point.) I also realise that I could,however, be wrong...or have missed it completely...and that my experience is a pittance as compared to that of Parasa ra and the many of his stature... who abounded in the past.. Yours sincerely, lyrastro1 GOOD LUCK ! rongaunt <> wrote: Yogesh, Some years ago I did a study on famous sportsmen expecting to a find statistically high level of exalted Mars. What I found surprised me, in that frequently pre eminent sportsmen in fact had debilitated Mars. Pondering on this I suspected that they had some type of weakness in a certain area, and used the principle of over-compensation to achieve success. In my own case I have a classical debilitated Mars, and I do have a Martian problem. I have always lacked physical energy ie I only have to push a lawn mower once across the lawn, and I feel as though all my energy is vacating my body. In a few minutes I feel as though I have run a marathon. As I matured I have managed better, mainly by eliminating certain foods. Nevertheless over the years I have compensated for bodily dysfunction by engaging in mental pursuits.

On reflection after studying many examples I came to the conclusion that what exaltation and debilitation showed was a specific gift or inclination, lack or deficiency. In other words whilst the planet may function perfectly normal for most purposes there is one area where it is abnormal. Thinking in terms of KP it might be that where say Mars is significator for the 1st, 5th and 10th houses, it may offer excellent results to the 5th and 10th whilst giving poor results to the 1st. This presumably would be seen in the quality of the sub or by malefic association or aspect with reference to the 1st. ie. in KP we might be able to see in what area an exalted or debilitated planet functions best or worst. I find it interesting that in a way the author of 'Astrosecrets' Pt 1 page 34 comes up with something similar but more limiting idea than mine when he says "Ownership exaltation or debilitation of planets are generally known responsible to indicate the strength or weakness of a human body constitution from head to foot, but does not take the responsibility to alter the results to be offered, say good to bad or bad to good". I personally believe that it isn't specific to bodily condition, but can be any area of life. The crux of the matter appears to me be that the planet shows a specific limited abnormality - in the normally accepted qualities of that planet. When I get the time I will have a look and see if I can find some examples that might show exaltation/debilitation in KP. Ron Gaunt

On Fri, 10 Dec 2004 16:44:09 +0000, you wrote: >Dear Ron, > The following is being submitted,for yours and the group's seriou s consideration...and I invite specific examples,in your experiences, clearly il lustrating the practical use, of exaltation/debilitation,in predictive K.P.astro logy... > > Here's a quote from Astrosecrets & K.P., p.35... > > " To say of exaltation,ownership or debilitation,simply on the en tering of a Rasi(sign) is not correct,in a sign,in a particular star,in a partic ular degree-minute only,as the planet moves should be reckoned for exaltation,or debilitation etc..." (italics mine) > > It is thus important to note that exaltation and debilitation has been defined in star and sub terms...and in a particular degree-minute only, as you have quoted... > Also,more importantly,it is clearly stated that exaltation or deb ilitation does not change/alter the nature of the terms of being ben efic or the most,it will either hasten or slow down the result...! ! > > Therefore I wonder, "in practical terms" how much difference does this really make...and,if so, how can one measure this "accelleration and decel leration,in the number of hours/days/months..etc..".?

> If these differences are not quantifiable...simply saying a plan et is exalted/debilatated...and therefore...? ? (what do you suggest, we say...w hich is measureable/quantifiable ?) > > Hence exaltation/debilitation are recognised theoretically (?),i n K.P.,but no quantifiable and practical use is given...! ? (This is my personal opinion and also born out of experience). > > I therefore feel that exaltation/debilitation are good points on ly to debate about...and perhaps put forward to justify a successful or failed p rediction ? ? > > Personally I hold a similar view on the various "avasthas"...of being more of an academic my experience... > > As I have said earlier,astrology should be of practical use,to b oth,the consultant/client as well as the astrologer...and it must also felt by r eaders to be truly useful,in practice... > > With regards, > Yours sincerely, > lyrastro1 > GOOD LUCK ! > > > > > > > > > > > >rongaunt <> wrote: > >To all members, > >I haven't yet got round to even skimming through some of the many >KP books I have received, so I do not know whether KP relegates >or ignores the question of assessing the qualities of each >individual planet. I would imagine that somewhere in the >literature this point is covered. Meanwhile I use my previous >learning to assess the quality of a sub and its likely outcomes. > >What I am leading to is the point made, that KP does not consider >exaltation and debilitation. In 'Astrosecrets & Krishnamurti >Padhadhati' April 2003 Edition pages 34 to 38 details when >exaltation and debilitation ARE considered. The gist of it >appears to be that they are considered when the planet is in the >same sub as the highest point of exaltation or debilitation. > > >Ron Gaunt > > > >On Thu, 09 Dec 2004 15:46:06 +0000, you wrote: > >>Dear Sandy,

>> I second your suggestion...let us "keep it simple",for the ob vious ease of access...and reduced 'navigation'...possibly required... >> Also, we will all operate under the k_p_group umbrella...and thus remain on an easily identifiable as well as accessible site... >> My use of the computer is very limited indeed,restricted to K .P., and surfing BBC,CNN and the usual Samachar ...hence my computer "skills"(if you can call them so...) are minimal...indeed. >> I hope the "computer experts" will bear with me... >> With best wishes, >> lyrastro1 >> GOOD LUCK ! >> >>Sandy Crowther <> wrote: >> >>Dear tw, Anant, Kanak, lyastro 1, Punit Pandey, and ALL (hopefully I didn t miss anyone), >> >> >> >>Thank you all very much for sharing your knowledge, experience, research, opin ions, references, and comments to my (often) endless questions on KP, and I cert ainly appreciate you taking the time to do so. >> >> >> >>And to my delight, some of you even threw in a few extra tidbits of KP informati on that I found extremely interesting and matters that I was not at all aware of KP s stance on - so thanks very much for elaborating. For example, I had no idea that exaltation and debilitation were not considered in KP that only retrogressi on is considered. So considerations of planets being hosted by a friend or enemy - or their compound relationships - obviously have no place in KP due to emphas is and placement of star and sub lords taking precedence. But if Vargottama IS r eferenced in a few of the 6 KP Readers as a viable and acceptable Rasi companion for planetary assessments in KP, specifically used for assessing planetary stre ngth as mentioned, the Navamsa chart MUST be referenced at some level - Right? I mean, we cannot have Vargottama without Navamsa (Uh-oh Here we go with that 4 l etter word again amsa J). So anyway, I m now off to do a bit of KP research myself hopefully sometime >> today. >> >> >> >>I think we ALL need to be on the same page as far as what is and isn t an accept ed part of KP to date and then be able to back up with references in at least on e of the 6 KP Readers. (Just my not so humble opinion guys J). I know as astrolo gers, we will always have our own style and preferences when it comes to chart a nalysis and delineation which we should have we are all individuals. But it look s to me like many things are still wide open for research Ooohhh - I only wish there were more hours in the day. Anyway Thanks so much again to everyone >> >> >> >>P.S. To Ron Gaunt: I think your idea of opening another KP list, is a suggesti on put forth with a pioneering spirit in mind of your greatness for researching techniques to attain predictive accuracy which you know I m certainly ALL FOR BUT - 7 months ago I vowed to never subscribe to another list due to time constraint s and here I am. I cannot handle another list s email at this time. J Perhaps a mo re viable solution (if moderator approved here on this KP list) would be to simp ly add a rider (or addendum) to the bottom of any chart assessment posted on thi s list, where an analysis has been done correctly, but a KP technique was not us

ed in that particular part of the assessment of the chart to reach that correct result, and then clearly stating that the method used is not an accepted part of KP, just a particular technique you personally found reliably consistent for pr edictive purposes like your usage of Solar Eclipses. That way it is left up to t he list member to either >> accept or reject the technique because it is or is not KP approved, read it o r not at the bottom of the email, and there is no confusion as to what is and is n t (to date) an accepted part of KP. And at the same time, we need not be silence d, as individual astrologers, for sharing a technique that is not part of KP as long as it is in rider/attachment form. This would accommodate all minds on the list. (You and the list all know that we, as astrologers, will NEVER stop using what works for us J even if we are silenced from sharing how we (personally) rea ched the correct conclusion - so this is just a suggestion to accommodate everyo ne under one KP forum.) >> >> >> >>My 2 cents but totally up to the Moderators of this list. >> >> >> >> All the Best, >> >> Sandy Crowther >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT >> >> >>-------------------------------->>Yahoo! Groups Links >> >> To visit your group on the web, go to: >> >> >> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: >> >> >> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. >> >> >>Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline. > >

>Yahoo! Groups Sponsor >Get unlimited calls to > >U.S./Canada > > >-------------------------------->Yahoo! Groups Links > > To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. > > > >Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline.

Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online.

1909 From: "tw853" <tw853@...> Date: Sat Dec 11, 2004 9:54am Subject: Re: KPBC4 tw853 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Ron Gaunt, Could you kindly check given birth data, esp latitude because, 1. for Trvandrum, Astrodienst is indicating 76E55, 08N29; AstroKundli (Indian source) 77E00, 08N31 (which was supposed more reliable in the case of KPBC3). 2. for 76E55, 06N29 Raichur is giving Asc 24 Ar 9, KPA 23-25-35. 3. for 76E55, 08N29 Raichur Asc 24 Ar 48, KPA 23-25-35; Astrodienst Asc 24 Ar 49, KPA 23-25-51 (NKPA) JHL Asc 24 Ar 49, KPA 23-25-48 Astraura Asc 24 Ar 48, KPA 23-25-15 (Note: ST 20-52-29 Raichur, 20-52-31 others) Best regards, tw --- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > There has been requests for more charts on timing, so this time > we will look at career.

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

Male D.O.B 19th Aug 1975 11:25pm IST -5.30 Trivandrum 08N29 076E55 Asc 24 Aries 16 The native comes to you his astrologer at the beginning of May 2000. He is thinking of putting feelers out to other companies and he wants to know when he is likely to get the best response in the next 3 months. When do you think this will be? This might be a good exercise for prasna or/and normal delineation. Ron Gaunt PS: in hindsight we now know that this native was offered 3 jobs with three different companies at a salary far above what he was getting from his existing company. These offers came in over a three day period beginning May 2000 to end July 2000. The offers were received when he was in Bangalore. Can you pin point these dates?

1910 From: "tw853" <tw853@...> Date: Sat Dec 11, 2004 10:23am Subject: Re: KPBC4 tw853 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Ron Gaunt, I'm really very sorry for my misreading of 06N29 for 08N29 that you mentioned correctly. RAND McNALLY, AtlasoftheWorld, Masterpice Edition is also showing 76E55, 08N29 for Trvandrum. Once again very sorry for my poor eyesight. Best regards, tw --- In, "tw853" <tw853@y...> wrote: > > Dear Ron Gaunt, > > Could you kindly check given birth data, esp latitude because, > > 1. for Trvandrum, Astrodienst is indicating 76E55, 08N29; Astro-

> Kundli (Indian source) 77E00, 08N31 (which was supposed more reliable > in the case of KPBC3). > > 2. for 76E55, 06N29 Raichur is giving Asc 24 Ar 9, KPA 23-25-35. > > 3. for 76E55, 08N29 Raichur Asc 24 Ar 48, KPA 23-25-35; > Astrodienst Asc 24 Ar 49, KPA 23-25-51 (NKPA) > JHL Asc 24 Ar 49, KPA 23-25-48 > Astraura Asc 24 Ar 48, KPA 23-25-15 > > (Note: ST 20-52-29 Raichur, 20-52-31 others) > > Best regards, > > tw > > > --- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > > There has been requests for more charts on timing, so this time > > we will look at career. > > > > Male > > D.O.B 19th Aug 1975 > > 11:25pm IST -5.30 > > Trivandrum > > 08N29 076E55 > > > > Asc 24 Aries 16 > > > > > > The native comes to you his astrologer at the beginning of > > May 2000. He is thinking of putting feelers out to other > > companies and he wants to know when he is likely to get the best > > response in the next 3 months. When do you think this will > > be? > > > > This might be a good exercise for prasna or/and normal > > delineation. > > > > > > Ron Gaunt > > > > > > PS: in hindsight we now know that this native was offered 3 > > jobs with three different companies at a salary far > > above what he was getting from his existing company. > > These offers came in over a three day period > > beginning May 2000 to end July 2000. The offers were > > received when he was in Bangalore. Can you > > pin point these dates?

1911 From: "Shirish Jain" <shirishcom@...> Date: Sat Dec 11, 2004 1:48pm Subject: Re: KPBC4 shirishcom Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360

Greetings Ron and Group: My attempt at identifying the 3 day period is: June 1-3. Thanks. Shirish --- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > There has been requests for more charts on timing, so this time > we will look at career. > > Male > D.O.B 19th Aug 1975 > 11:25pm IST -5.30 > Trivandrum > 08N29 076E55 > > Asc 24 Aries 16 > > > The native comes to you his astrologer at the beginning of > May 2000. He is thinking of putting feelers out to other > companies and he wants to know when he is likely to get the best > response in the next 3 months. When do you think this will > be? > > This might be a good exercise for prasna or/and normal > delineation. > > > Ron Gaunt > > > PS: in hindsight we now know that this native was offered 3 > jobs with three different companies at a salary far > above what he was getting from his existing company. > These offers came in over a three day period > beginning May 2000 to end July 2000. The offers were > received when he was in Bangalore. Can you > pin point these dates?

1912 From: Punit Pandey <punitp@...> Date: Sat Dec 11, 2004 2:21pm Subject: Re: KPBC4 pandeypunit Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Ron ji, I personally believe that RP only works for the time that has some association with the native. I don't use RPs in totally unrelated events. That's why I asked for the time of consultation. Regards, Punit Pandey

On Sat, 11 Dec 2004 23:36:20 +1000, rongaunt <rongaunt@...> wrote: > > Punit, > > The native never consulted me. I received this information from > another source. > > Is it not possible for an astrologer to take a prasna after the > event in the same way as checking for a birth time ? > > > Ron Gaunt. > > > > > On Sat, 11 Dec 2004 18:57:14 +0530, you wrote: > > > > >Ron, > > > >Date of consultation is very important for KP. Could you please > >provide that date and time when this guy consulted you? > > > >Thanks & Regards, > > > >Punit Pandey > > > > > >On Sat, 11 Dec 2004 15:39:16 +1000, rongaunt <rongaunt@...> > wrote: > >> There has been requests for more charts on timing, so this time > >> we will look at career. > >> > >> Male > >> D.O.B 19th Aug 1975 > >> 11:25pm IST -5.30 > >> Trivandrum > >> 08N29 076E55 > >> > >> Asc 24 Aries 16 > >> > >> > >> The native comes to you his astrologer at the beginning of > >> May 2000. He is thinking of putting feelers out to other > >> companies and he wants to know when he is likely to get the best > >> response in the next 3 months. When do you think this will > >> be? > >> > >> This might be a good exercise for prasna or/and normal > >> delineation. > >> > >> > >> Ron Gaunt > >> > >> > >> PS: in hindsight we now know that this native was offered 3 > >> jobs with three different companies at a salary far

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

>> above what he was getting from his existing company. >> These offers came in over a three day period >> beginning May 2000 to end July 2000. The offers were >> received when he was in Bangalore. Can you >> pin point these dates? >> >> >> >> >> >> >> Yahoo! Groups Sponsor >> >> ADVERTISEMENT >> >> >> ________________________________ >> Yahoo! Groups Links >> >> To visit your group on the web, go to: >> >> >> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: >> >> >> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. >> >> > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > >

Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ADVERTISEMENT ________________________________ Yahoo! Groups Links To visit your group on the web, go to: To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.

1913 From: rongaunt <rongaunt@...> Date: Sat Dec 11, 2004 9:42pm Subject: Re: Re: Techniques: KP approved or not? rongaunt1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Yogesh, I don't think it strengthens your case that debilitation and exaltation have little or no significant role to play. Surely, if as I suspect that these conditions depict an abnormality, this needs to be examined because it is going to be very important in the life of the native. Let's have a look at one case that comes to mind. This is Shirley Temple Black child star of the 1930s and later diplomat to a number of countries. Shirley in her early years would have been possibly the best know and loved person in the world. She has a superb chart, with Venus near its highest point of exaltation conjunct Jupiter in its own sign, both on the cusp of the 5th house of entertainment. These were also conjunct 11th house Lord Mercury. In addition Sun is at its highest point of exaltation; and Rahu is exalted in Venus sign Taurus in the 7th house, and Ketu exalted in Scorpio in the 1st. Also Jupiter and Mercury are Vargottama. Shirley's data is: DOB 23 April 1928 9:00 pm, PST +8:00 Santa Monica, California USA 34N1'10" 118W29'25 I suspect that birth time is slightly later than the published details (not much) ; but for the time being let's stick to the time given as it is rated AA by Astrodatabank. This makes a difference in the subs on the house cusps but not on the starlords, or the planets. Let's now have a look at KP and exaltation. Natal exalted Venus in the same star as the highest point of exaltation, is in the star of Mercury. Mercury is Lord of the 11th house. This young lady's star was really shining brightly and was seen at the very young age of 3 when she started making her 1st film on 18th Dec 1931. Dasas were Rahu/Jupiter/Mercury. Exalted Rahu as sole tenant of Taurus substitutes for Venus and is coupled with powerful Jupiter (natally both in the 5th house of films and entertainment) and Jupiter is Lord of the 5th of entertainment and Mercury Lord of the 11th. It is interesting to note that of the 12 planets (including outers) four planets were in the stars of exalted Rahu or Ketu and another four were in star of Mercury Lord of the 11th. At the time of the previous Solar Eclipse on the 11th Oct 1931 the SE point came Exactly opposition natal Venus Jupiter conjunction. Remember Shirley has a highly exalted Sun.

So we see two (natal) exalted planets aspecting each other. At the same time SE Jupiter comes exactly aspect to Venus Jupiter also. Here we see exalted Natal Venus getting primed for a major event. This event happened on the 18th December 1931 when transit Uranus and Moon in exact conjunction triggered natal Venus Jupiter by close conjunction. (note natal Uranus had been primed by an exact transit of Rahu in the last SE) This is what Ebertin states is the probable manifestation of Moon/Uranus - "Sacrifices for the attainment of special aims, help and assistance through friends, the attainment of sudden successes, the accomplishment of a change in one's circumstances". All this is spot on and this Moon Uranus transit is conjunct to the exalted Venus strong Jupiter natal configuration. Now we can easily relate this to an adult - but what about a 3 year old child?. I would suggest that is solely on the strength and condition of a fantastic Venus (ie exalted) related to the 11th house through star lard Mercury that this quickly propelled her to be the favorite film star in the world. Shirley has a great chart for astrological research. I could point out many interesting facts, but rather than bore members with too many details, I will just mention a couple of points about another milestone in her life. On the 20th May 1985 she was honored to receive a medal from the President of the United states for "Lifetime achievement and Service to the USA and the World". Here we see transit Venus coming exactly conjunct natal Venus, and transit Rahu coming exactly aspect natal MC. As Rahu substitutes for Venus in Shirley's chart we again see the tremendous part played by an exalted Venus and exalted Rahu (Venus). Her dasas for this event were Mercury Venus Sun ie. both her exalted planets and Mercury Lord of the 11th showing recognition of her great achievements. I think many astrologers would agree that the exaltations in Shirley's chart really do need to be taken into consideration. Ron Gaunt

On Sat, 11 Dec 2004 14:09:58 +0000, you wrote: >Dear Ron, > Doesn't it thus seem to strengthen my case, that debilitation or exaltation have little, or, no significant/measureable role to play, in predictive astrology... ? > My friend,I have asked for concrete examples...precisely because In my own experience I have not found any measureable/quantifiable role that such planets play...(I hope I am not labouring the point.) > I also realise that I could,however, be wrong...or have missed it

completely...and that my experience is a pittance as compared to that of Parasara and the many of his stature... who abounded in the past.. > Yours sincerely, > lyrastro1 > GOOD LUCK ! > >rongaunt <rongaunt@...> wrote: > >Yogesh, > >Some years ago I did a study on famous sportsmen expecting to a >find statistically high level of exalted Mars. What I found >surprised me, in that frequently pre eminent sportsmen in fact >had debilitated Mars. Pondering on this I suspected that they >had some type of weakness in a certain area, and used the >principle of over-compensation to achieve success. > >In my own case I have a classical debilitated Mars, and I do have >a Martian problem. I have always lacked physical energy ie I >only have to push a lawn mower once across the lawn, and I feel >as though all my energy is vacating my body. In a few minutes I >feel as though I have run a marathon. As I matured I have >managed better, mainly by eliminating certain foods. >Nevertheless over the years I have compensated for bodily >dysfunction by engaging in mental pursuits. > >On reflection after studying many examples I came to the >conclusion that what exaltation and debilitation showed was a >specific gift or inclination, lack or deficiency. In other >words whilst the planet may function perfectly normal for most >purposes there is one area where it is abnormal. Thinking in >terms of KP it might be that where say Mars is significator for >the 1st, 5th and 10th houses, it may offer excellent results to >the 5th and 10th whilst giving poor results to the 1st. This >presumably would be seen in the quality of the sub or by malefic >association or aspect with reference to the 1st. ie. in KP we >might be able to see in what area an exalted or debilitated >planet functions best or worst. > >I find it interesting that in a way the author of 'Astrosecrets' >Pt 1 page 34 comes up with something similar but more limiting >idea than mine when he says "Ownership exaltation or debilitation >of planets are generally known responsible to indicate the >strength or weakness of a human body constitution from head to >foot, but does not take the responsibility to alter the results >to be offered, say good to bad or bad to good". I personally >believe that it isn't specific to bodily condition, but can be >any area of life. The crux of the matter appears to me be that >the planet shows a specific limited abnormality - in the normally >accepted qualities of that planet. > >When I get the time I will have a look and see if I can find some >examples that might show exaltation/debilitation in KP. > > >Ron Gaunt > > > >

>On Fri, 10 Dec 2004 16:44:09 +0000, you wrote: > >>Dear Ron, >> The following is being submitted,for yours and the group's serious consideration...and I invite specific examples,in your experiences, clearly illustrating the practical use, of exaltation/debilitation,in predictive K.P.astrology... >> >> Here's a quote from Astrosecrets & K.P., p.35... >> >> " To say of exaltation,ownership or debilitation,simply on the entering of a Rasi(sign) is not correct,in a sign,in a particular star,in a particular degree-minute only,as the planet moves should be reckoned for exaltation,or debilitation etc..." (italics mine) >> >> It is thus important to note that exaltation and debilitation has been defined in star and sub terms...and in a particular degree-minute only, as you have quoted... >> Also,more importantly,it is clearly stated that exaltation or debilitation does not change/alter the nature of the terms of being benefic or the most,it will either hasten or slow down the result...! ! >> >> Therefore I wonder, "in practical terms" how much difference does this really make...and,if so, how can one measure this "accelleration and decelleration,in the number of hours/days/months..etc..".? >> If these differences are not quantifiable...simply saying a planet is exalted/debilatated...and therefore...? ? (what do you suggest, we say...which is measureable/quantifiable ?) >> >> Hence exaltation/debilitation are recognised theoretically (?),in K.P.,but no quantifiable and practical use is given...! ? (This is my personal opinion and also born out of experience). >> >> I therefore feel that exaltation/debilitation are good points only to debate about...and perhaps put forward to justify a successful or failed prediction ? ? >> >> Personally I hold a similar view on the various "avasthas"...of being more of an academic my experience... >> >> As I have said earlier,astrology should be of practical use,to both,the consultant/client as well as the astrologer...and it must also felt by readers to be truly useful,in practice... >> >> With regards, >> Yours sincerely, >> lyrastro1 >> GOOD LUCK ! >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>

>>rongaunt <rongaunt@...> wrote: >> >>To all members, >> >>I haven't yet got round to even skimming through some of the many >>KP books I have received, so I do not know whether KP relegates >>or ignores the question of assessing the qualities of each >>individual planet. I would imagine that somewhere in the >>literature this point is covered. Meanwhile I use my previous >>learning to assess the quality of a sub and its likely outcomes. >> >>What I am leading to is the point made, that KP does not consider >>exaltation and debilitation. In 'Astrosecrets & Krishnamurti >>Padhadhati' April 2003 Edition pages 34 to 38 details when >>exaltation and debilitation ARE considered. The gist of it >>appears to be that they are considered when the planet is in the >>same sub as the highest point of exaltation or debilitation. >> >> >>Ron Gaunt >> >> >> >>On Thu, 09 Dec 2004 15:46:06 +0000, you wrote: >> >>>Dear Sandy, >>> I second your suggestion...let us "keep it simple",for the obvious ease of access...and reduced 'navigation'...possibly required... >>> Also, we will all operate under the k_p_group umbrella...and thus remain on an easily identifiable as well as accessible site... >>> My use of the computer is very limited indeed,restricted to K.P., and surfing BBC,CNN and the usual Samachar ...hence my computer "skills"(if you can call them so...) are minimal...indeed. >>> I hope the "computer experts" will bear with me... >>> With best wishes, >>> lyrastro1 >>> GOOD LUCK ! >>> >>>Sandy Crowther <sandy@...> wrote: >>> >>>Dear tw, Anant, Kanak, lyastro 1, Punit Pandey, and ALL (hopefully I didn t miss anyone), >>> >>> >>> >>>Thank you all very much for sharing your knowledge, experience, research, opinions, references, and comments to my (often) endless questions on KP, and I certainly appreciate you taking the time to do so. >>> >>> >>> >>>And to my delight, some of you even threw in a few extra tidbits of KP information that I found extremely interesting and matters that I was not at all aware of KP s stance on - so thanks very much for elaborating. For example, I had no idea that exaltation and debilitation were not considered in KP that only retrogression is considered. So considerations of planets being hosted by a friend or enemy - or their compound relationships - obviously have no place in KP due to emphasis and placement of star and sub lords taking precedence. But if Vargottama IS referenced in a few of the 6 KP Readers as a viable and acceptable Rasi companion for planetary assessments in KP, specifically used for assessing

planetary strength as mentioned, the Navamsa chart MUST be referenced at some level - Right? I mean, we cannot have Vargottama without Navamsa (Uh-oh Here we go with that 4 letter word again amsa J). So anyway, I m now off to do a bit of KP research myself - hopefully sometime >>> today. >>> >>> >>> >>>I think we ALL need to be on the same page as far as what is and isn t an accepted part of KP to date and then be able to back up with references in at least one of the 6 KP Readers. (Just my not so humble opinion guys J). I know as astrologers, we will always have our own style and preferences when it comes to chart analysis and delineation which we should have we are all individuals. But it looks to me like many things are still wide open for research Ooohhh I only wish there were more hours in the day. Anyway Thanks so much again to everyone >>> >>> >>> >>>P.S. To Ron Gaunt: I think your idea of opening another KP list, is a suggestion put forth with a pioneering spirit in mind of your greatness for researching techniques to attain predictive accuracy which you know I m certainly ALL FOR BUT - 7 months ago I vowed to never subscribe to another list due to time constraints and here I am. I cannot handle another list s email at this time. J Perhaps a more viable solution (if moderator approved here on this KP list) would be to simply add a rider (or addendum) to the bottom of any chart assessment posted on this list, where an analysis has been done correctly, but a KP technique was not used in that particular part of the assessment of the chart to reach that correct result, and then clearly stating that the method used is not an accepted part of KP, just a particular technique you personally found reliably consistent for predictive purposes like your usage of Solar Eclipses. That way it is left up to the list member to either >>> accept or reject the technique because it is or is not KP approved, read it or not at the bottom of the email, and there is no confusion as to what is and isn t (to date) an accepted part of KP. And at the same time, we need not be silenced, as individual astrologers, for sharing a technique that is not part of KP as long as it is in rider/attachment form. This would accommodate all minds on the list. (You and the list all know that we, as astrologers, will NEVER stop using what works for us J even if we are silenced from sharing how we (personally) reached the correct conclusion - so this is just a suggestion to accommodate everyone under one KP forum.) >>> >>> >>> >>>My 2 cents but totally up to the Moderators of this list. >>> >>> >>> >>> All the Best, >>> >>> Sandy Crowther >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>>

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1914 From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@...> Date: Sat Dec 11, 2004 11:09pm Subject: Re: Re: Techniques: KP approved or not? lyrastro1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Ron, It does,Ron...(even if you keep insisting)...just ponder over... Had any one ever predicted,for sure, that Shirley will become a st ar...during so and so period ...etc.,before-hand,astrologically ? Or,are we still continuing to,as in the past, attribute "propertie s" in an effort to rationalise exaltation,"after the event ?" ! Accurate Prognostication,Ron...that's the game...astrology is all about,and that's the only acid test, for the unsurpassed efficacy of a particul ar system of astrology... Simply saying ..."one day you will become a famous person...",is n ot enough...a good system should be able to correctly say, when,and during whic h period one will become world-famous,and in what field... Don't you agree Ron,that,in this direction,K.P.,is extremely accu rate,consistently,and very simple,and a great improvement,as compared to any oth er known system,so far...? ! Yours sincerely, lyrastro1 GOOD LUCK !

rongaunt <> wrote: Yogesh, I don't think it strengthens your case that debilitation and exaltation have little or no significant role to play. Surely, if as I suspect that these conditions depict an abnormality, this needs to be examined because it is going to be very important in the life of the native. Let's have a look at one case that comes to mind. This is Shirley Temple Black child star of the 1930s and later diplomat to a number of countries. Shirley in her early years would have been possibly the best know and loved person in the world. She has a superb chart, with Venus near its highest point of exaltation conjunct Jupiter in its own sign, both on the cusp of the 5th house of entertainment. These were also conjunct 11th house Lord Mercury. In addition Sun is at its highest point of exaltation; and Rahu is exalted in Venus sign Taurus in the 7th house, and Ketu exalted in Scorpio in the 1st. Also Jupiter and Mercury are Vargottama.

Shirley's data is: DOB 23 April 1928 9:00 pm, PST +8:00 Santa Monica, California USA 34N1'10" 118W29'25 I suspect that birth time is slightly later than the published details (not much) ; but for the time being let's stick to the time given as it is rated AA by Astrodatabank. This makes a difference in the subs on the house cusps but not on the starlords, or the planets. Let's now have a look at KP and exaltation. Natal exalted Venus in the same star as the highest point of exaltation, is in the star of Mercury. Mercury is Lord of the 11th house. This young lady's star was really shining brightly and was seen at the very young age of 3 when she started making her 1st film on 18th Dec 1931. Dasas were Rahu/Jupiter/Mercury. Exalted Rahu as sole tenant of Taurus substitutes for Venus and is coupled with powerful Jupiter (natally both in the 5th house of films and entertainment) and Jupiter is Lord of the 5th of entertainment and Mercury Lord of the 11th. It is interesting to note that of the 12 planets (including outers) four planets were in the stars of exalted Rahu or Ketu and another four were in star of Mercury Lord of the 11th. At the time of the previous Solar Eclipse on the 11th Oct 1931 the SE point came Exactly opposition natal Venus Jupiter conjunction. Remember Shirley has a highly exalted Sun. So we see two (natal) exalted planets aspecting each other. At the same time SE Jupiter comes exactly aspect to Venus Jupiter also. Here we see exalted Natal Venus getting primed for a major event. This event happened on the 18th December 1931 when transit Uranus and Moon in exact conjunction triggered natal Venus Jupiter by close conjunction. (note natal Uranus had been primed by an exact transit of Rahu in the last SE) This is what Ebertin states is the probable manifestation of Moon/Uranus - "Sacrifices for the attainment of special aims, help and assistance through friends, the attainment of sudden successes, the accomplishment of a change in one's circumstances". All this is spot on and this Moon Uranus transit is conjunct to the exalted Venus strong Jupiter natal configuration. Now we can easily relate this to an adult - but what about a 3 year old child?. I would suggest that is solely on the strength and condition of a fantastic Venus (ie exalted) related to the 11th house through star lard Mercury that this quickly propelled her to be the favorite film star in the world. Shirley has a great chart for astrological research. I could point out many interesting facts, but rather than bore members with too many details, I will just mention a couple of points about another milestone in her life. On the 20th May 1985 she was honored to receive a medal from the President of the United states for "Lifetime achievement and Service to the USA

and the World". Here we see transit Venus coming exactly conjunct natal Venus, and transit Rahu coming exactly aspect natal MC. As Rahu substitutes for Venus in Shirley's chart we again see the tremendous part played by an exalted Venus and exalted Rahu (Venus). Her dasas for this event were Mercury Venus Sun ie. both her exalted planets and Mercury Lord of the 11th showing recognition of her great achievements. I think many astrologers would agree that the exaltations in Shirley's chart really do need to be taken into consideration. Ron Gaunt

On Sat, 11 Dec 2004 14:09:58 +0000, you wrote: >Dear Ron, > Doesn't it thus seem to strengthen my case, that debilitation or exaltation have little, or, no significant/measureable role to play, in predicti ve astrology... ? > My friend,I have asked for concrete examples...precisely because In my own experience I have not found any measureable/quantifiable role that suc h planets play...(I hope I am not labouring the point.) > I also realise that I could,however, be wrong...or have missed it completely...and that my experience is a pittance as compared to that of Paras ara and the many of his stature... who abounded in the past.. > Yours sincerely, > lyrastro1 > GOOD LUCK ! > >rongaunt <> wrote: > >Yogesh, > >Some years ago I did a study on famous sportsmen expecting to a >find statistically high level of exalted Mars. What I found >surprised me, in that frequently pre eminent sportsmen in fact >had debilitated Mars. Pondering on this I suspected that they >had some type of weakness in a certain area, and used the >principle of over-compensation to achieve success. > >In my own case I have a classical debilitated Mars, and I do have >a Martian problem. I have always lacked physical energy ie I >only have to push a lawn mower once across the lawn, and I feel >as though all my energy is vacating my body. In a few minutes I >feel as though I have run a marathon. As I matured I have >managed better, mainly by eliminating certain foods. >Nevertheless over the years I have compensated for bodily >dysfunction by engaging in mental pursuits. > >On reflection after studying many examples I came to the >conclusion that what exaltation and debilitation showed was a

>specific gift or inclination, lack or deficiency. In other >words whilst the planet may function perfectly normal for most >purposes there is one area where it is abnormal. Thinking in >terms of KP it might be that where say Mars is significator for >the 1st, 5th and 10th houses, it may offer excellent results to >the 5th and 10th whilst giving poor results to the 1st. This >presumably would be seen in the quality of the sub or by malefic >association or aspect with reference to the 1st. ie. in KP we >might be able to see in what area an exalted or debilitated >planet functions best or worst. > >I find it interesting that in a way the author of 'Astrosecrets' >Pt 1 page 34 comes up with something similar but more limiting >idea than mine when he says "Ownership exaltation or debilitation >of planets are generally known responsible to indicate the >strength or weakness of a human body constitution from head to >foot, but does not take the responsibility to alter the results >to be offered, say good to bad or bad to good". I personally >believe that it isn't specific to bodily condition, but can be >any area of life. The crux of the matter appears to me be that >the planet shows a specific limited abnormality - in the normally >accepted qualities of that planet. > >When I get the time I will have a look and see if I can find some >examples that might show exaltation/debilitation in KP. > > >Ron Gaunt > > > > >On Fri, 10 Dec 2004 16:44:09 +0000, you wrote: > >>Dear Ron, >> The following is being submitted,for yours and the group's serio us consideration...and I invite specific examples,in your experiences, clearly i llustrating the practical use, of exaltation/debilitation,in predictive K.P.astr ology... >> >> Here's a quote from Astrosecrets & K.P., p.35... >> >> " To say of exaltation,ownership or debilitation,simply on the e ntering of a Rasi(sign) is not correct,in a sign,in a particular star,in a parti cular degree-minute only,as the planet moves should be reckoned for exaltation,o r debilitation etc..." (italics mine) >> >> It is thus important to note that exaltation and debilitation ha s been defined in star and sub terms...and in a particular degree-minute only, a s you have quoted... >> Also,more importantly,it is clearly stated that exaltation or de bilitation does not change/alter the nature of the terms of being be nefic or the most,it will either hasten or slow down the result...! ! >> >> Therefore I wonder, "in practical terms" how much difference doe s this really make...and,if so, how can one measure this "accelleration and dece lleration,in the number of hours/days/months..etc..".? >> If these differences are not quantifiable...simply saying a pla net is exalted/debilatated...and therefore...? ? (what do you suggest, we say...

which is measureable/quantifiable ?) >> >> Hence exaltation/debilitation are recognised theoretically (?), in K.P.,but no quantifiable and practical use is given...! ? (This is my persona l opinion and also born out of experience). >> >> I therefore feel that exaltation/debilitation are good points o nly to debate about...and perhaps put forward to justify a successful or failed prediction ? ? >> >> Personally I hold a similar view on the various "avasthas"...of being more of an academic my experience... >> >> As I have said earlier,astrology should be of practical use,to both,the consultant/client as well as the astrologer...and it must also felt by readers to be truly useful,in practice... >> >> With regards, >> Yours sincerely, >> lyrastro1 >> GOOD LUCK ! >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>rongaunt <> wrote: >> >>To all members, >> >>I haven't yet got round to even skimming through some of the many >>KP books I have received, so I do not know whether KP relegates >>or ignores the question of assessing the qualities of each >>individual planet. I would imagine that somewhere in the >>literature this point is covered. Meanwhile I use my previous >>learning to assess the quality of a sub and its likely outcomes. >> >>What I am leading to is the point made, that KP does not consider >>exaltation and debilitation. In 'Astrosecrets & Krishnamurti >>Padhadhati' April 2003 Edition pages 34 to 38 details when >>exaltation and debilitation ARE considered. The gist of it >>appears to be that they are considered when the planet is in the >>same sub as the highest point of exaltation or debilitation. >> >> >>Ron Gaunt >> >> >> >>On Thu, 09 Dec 2004 15:46:06 +0000, you wrote: >> >>>Dear Sandy, >>> I second your suggestion...let us "keep it simple",for the o bvious ease of access...and reduced 'navigation'...possibly required...

>>> Also, we will all operate under the k_p_group umbrella...and thus remain on an easily identifiable as well as accessible site... >>> My use of the computer is very limited indeed,restricted to K.P., and surfing BBC,CNN and the usual Samachar ...hence my computer "skills"(i f you can call them so...) are minimal...indeed. >>> I hope the "computer experts" will bear with me... >>> With best wishes, >>> lyrastro1 >>> GOOD LUCK ! >>> >>>Sandy Crowther <> wrote: >>> >>>Dear tw, Anant, Kanak, lyastro 1, Punit Pandey, and ALL (hopefully I didn t mis s anyone), >>> >>> >>> >>>Thank you all very much for sharing your knowledge, experience, research, opi nions, references, and comments to my (often) endless questions on KP, and I cer tainly appreciate you taking the time to do so. >>> >>> >>> >>>And to my delight, some of you even threw in a few extra tidbits of KP informat ion that I found extremely interesting and matters that I was not at all aware o f KP s stance on - so thanks very much for elaborating. For example, I had no idea that exaltation and debilitation were not considered in KP that only retrogress ion is considered. So considerations of planets being hosted by a friend or enem y - or their compound relationships - obviously have no place in KP due to empha sis and placement of star and sub lords taking precedence. But if Vargottama IS referenced in a few of the 6 KP Readers as a viable and acceptable Rasi companio n for planetary assessments in KP, specifically used for assessing planetary str ength as mentioned, the Navamsa chart MUST be referenced at some level - Right? I mean, we cannot have Vargottama without Navamsa (Uh-oh Here we go with that 4 letter word again amsa J). So anyway, I m now off to do a bit of KP research myself - hopefully sometime >>> today. >>> >>> >>> >>>I think we ALL need to be on the same page as far as what is and isn t an accep ted part of KP to date and then be able to back up with references in at least o ne of the 6 KP Readers. (Just my not so humble opinion guys J). I know as astrol ogers, we will always have our own style and preferences when it comes to chart analysis and delineation which we should have we are all individuals. But it loo ks to me like many things are still wide open for research Ooohhh - I only wish there were more hours in the day. Anyway Thanks so much again to everyone >>> >>> >>> >>>P.S. To Ron Gaunt: I think your idea of opening another KP list, is a suggest ion put forth with a pioneering spirit in mind of your greatness for researching techniques to attain predictive accuracy which you know I m certainly ALL FOR BUT - 7 months ago I vowed to never subscribe to another list due to time constrain ts and here I am. I cannot handle another list s email at this time. J Perhaps a m ore viable solution (if moderator approved here on this KP list) would be to sim ply add a rider (or addendum) to the bottom of any chart assessment posted on th is list, where an analysis has been done correctly, but a KP technique was not u sed in that particular part of the assessment of the chart to reach that correct result, and then clearly stating that the method used is not an accepted part o

f KP, just a particular technique you personally found reliably consistent for p redictive purposes like your usage of Solar Eclipses. That way it is left up to the list member to either >>> accept or reject the technique because it is or is not KP approved, read it or not at the bottom of the email, and there is no confusion as to what is and i sn t (to date) an accepted part of KP. And at the same time, we need not be silenc ed, as individual astrologers, for sharing a technique that is not part of KP as long as it is in rider/attachment form. This would accommodate all minds on the list. (You and the list all know that we, as astrologers, will NEVER stop using what works for us J even if we are silenced from sharing how we (personally) re ached the correct conclusion - so this is just a suggestion to accommodate every one under one KP forum.) >>> >>> >>> >>>My 2 cents but totally up to the Moderators of this list. >>> >>> >>> >>> All the Best, >>> >>> Sandy Crowther >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>>Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT >>> >>> >>>-------------------------------->>>Yahoo! Groups Links >>> >>> To visit your group on the web, go to: >>> >>> >>> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: >>> >>> >>> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. >>> >>> >>>Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline. >> >> >>Yahoo! Groups Sponsor >>Get unlimited calls to

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1915 From: "AR" <rv.astro@...> Date: Sun Dec 12, 2004 2:17am Subject: ANY comments from our experts in the group ?? rvasu Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 1.QUERY of Mr KOTAK: Dear Friends, today is my birth day. 11 th December.

I hope good wishesh from all of my friends and group members. I thanks to all who wished me happy birth day by e-mail, call. Let me tell you that those who had gone through my messages on mobile and web, are happy that I had told about major support of Tifty @ 1969. market closed on exact 1969. No trend clear . Next minor support to my opinion is 1930. If monday break that support I do not predict where market can go. As per my recort, Stock Market has Makar lagna in in my Stock Planetary transit. in 8 th house , Ravi, Budh Shukra. on 13/12/04 @ 9.55 Lagna comes to Makar Loard of 10 th house in 11 th house , Shukra placed in Shatru house. load of 11 th house Labhesh is at 12 th house from its own ( 10 th ) and and that too, in Shatru house. Budh is asta from sun Degreecally. Shani in shatru House. which means, Shani, Mangal, Shukra, Guru Shatru house, though Shani is Vargottami. I wanted to study trend which may start from 13/12/04 from Varsha fal Kundali, I found little support on 17/12/04 but Till 27/01/2005 I do not found any good news for stock market. This is my login. I may be right or wrong. Every one is lerner in Astrology. Still I advise my friends that try to be on short selling trend in A group companies. Market looks me rest first @ 6150 then 6070 then 5985. Pl. do not ask me the logic for above index points. I found week stocks which are, Ril - 88/77 ONGC-810 /811 IPCL Hcl Tech, HDFC Bank, Satyam Hidalco ( most weak ) Infosys ( more weak ) 2020 and below Tisco - 305/302 Onion Bank-83 Arvind 98 Canara Bank-150 and belowmn M 485 and below SBI - 555 Nifty 1930 and and below Please trade with strick stop loss and kepp your self on bear trend

with Good wishesh skotak@... R- 0265 3013055 ( RIM ) R- 0265 2462037 Mob : 09825068211 2. The RESPONSE OF Mr BHARATH all let me wish u, happy birthday now coming to market u,r assumptions on bear market m,ay go wrong as shani is retrograde ie wakri and until and unless it becomes margi there r no chances of market coming heavily down there may be reactions here or there but nom major down fall , you may see a bounce back in market from monday itself note it down MARKET WILL AGAIN TURN BULLISH FROM MONDAY STEEL STOCKS AND TISCO WILL LEAD THE TREWND CHARTS OF TCS AND WIPRO HAVE TURNED POSITIVE AND TEC WILL JOIN THE BULLISH TREND SOONER THEN LATER SO DONT WORRY AND BE BULLISH , i may go wrong but owing to the planetary position simple tells that in this month itself NIFTY WILL CROSS 2025 MERRILY SO ENJOY YOU MAY CONTACT ME ON bharat692003@... regards bharat

1916 From: anant raichur <anant_1608@...> Date: Sun Dec 12, 2004 2:45am Subject: Re: Re: KPBC4 anant_1608 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Ron, and TW$53 The small differences pointed out in the ASC do not really affect the prediction , because in the case of ASC 24 Aries 48 and ASC Aries 49, the Lords INCLUDING SUBLORD REMAIN THE SAME for these two values. Good Luck tw853 <> wrote: Dear Ron Gaunt, Could you kindly check given birth data, esp latitude because, 1. for Trvandrum, Astrodienst is indicating 76E55, 08N29; AstroKundli (Indian source) 77E00, 08N31 (which was supposed more reliable in the case of KPBC3). 2. for 76E55, 06N29 Raichur is giving Asc 24 Ar 9, KPA 23-25-35. 3. for 76E55, 08N29 Raichur Asc 24 Ar 48, KPA 23-25-35; Astrodienst Asc 24 Ar 49, KPA 23-25-51 (NKPA) JHL Asc 24 Ar 49, KPA 23-25-48

Astraura Asc 24 Ar 48, KPA 23-25-15 (Note: ST 20-52-29 Raichur, 20-52-31 others) Best regards, tw --- In, rongaunt wrote: > There has been requests for more charts on timing, so this time > we will look at career. > > Male > D.O.B 19th Aug 1975 > 11:25pm IST -5.30 > Trivandrum > 08N29 076E55 > > Asc 24 Aries 16 > > > The native comes to you his astrologer at the beginning of > May 2000. He is thinking of putting feelers out to other > companies and he wants to know when he is likely to get the best > response in the next 3 months. When do you think this will > be? > > This might be a good exercise for prasna or/and normal > delineation. > > > Ron Gaunt > > > PS: in hindsight we now know that this native was offered 3 > jobs with three different companies at a salary far > above what he was getting from his existing company. > These offers came in over a three day period > beginning May 2000 to end July 2000. The offers were > received when he was in Bangalore. Can you > pin point these dates?

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1917 From: "tw853" <tw853@...> Date: Sun Dec 12, 2004 7:29am Subject: Re: Techniques: KP approved or not? tw853 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Yogesh Rao Lajmi, Yogesh Rao Lajmi 1. I agree with you as mentioned by B V Raman, "It is in the prior application of these principles and prediction of events to happen in future that the real value of astrology lies". (Editorial, Dec 1977 Astrological Magazine) 2. However, usually research can be done only as a post-mortem study. 3. Referring the example "Can I expect Dowry?', p. 255, KP Reader VI, 1978 (already mentioned in Msg # ), it may be predicted that the native will receive the most satisfactory dowry if the star lord of the 11th is exalted, even though the sublord of 11th is debilitated; less dowry if Stl is debilitated, even though Sbl is exalted. (like Sbl is small packet and Stl is diamond in that small packet.) Best regards, tw

--- In, Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@y...>

wrote: > Dear Ron, > It does,Ron...(even if you keep insisting)...just ponder over... > Had any one ever predicted,for sure, that Shirley will become a star...during so and so period ...etc.,beforehand,astrologically ? > Or,are we still continuing to,as in the past, attribute "properties" in an effort to rationalise exaltation,"after the event ?" ! > Accurate Prognostication,Ron...that's the game...astrology is all about,and that's the only acid test, for the unsurpassed efficacy of a particular system of astrology... > Simply saying ..."one day you will become a famous person...",is not enough...a good system should be able to correctly say, when,and during which period one will become world-famous,and in what field... > Don't you agree Ron,that,in this direction,K.P.,is extremely accurate,consistently,and very simple,and a great improvement,as compared to any other known system,so far...? ! > Yours sincerely, > lyrastro1 > GOOD LUCK ! > > > > rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > > Yogesh, > > I don't think it strengthens your case that debilitation and > exaltation have little or no significant role to play. Surely, > if as I suspect that these conditions depict an abnormality, > this needs to be examined because it is going to be very > important in the life of the native. > > Let's have a look at one case that comes to mind. This is > Shirley Temple Black child star of the 1930s and later diplomat > to a number of countries. Shirley in her early years would have > been possibly the best know and loved person in the world. > She has a superb chart, with Venus near its highest point of > exaltation conjunct Jupiter in its own sign, both on the cusp of > the 5th house of entertainment. These were also conjunct 11th > house Lord Mercury. In addition Sun is at its highest point of > exaltation; and Rahu is exalted in Venus sign Taurus in the 7th > house, and Ketu exalted in Scorpio in the 1st. Also Jupiter and > Mercury are Vargottama. > > Shirley's data is: > DOB 23 April 1928 > 9:00 pm, PST +8:00 > Santa Monica, California > USA > 34N1'10" 118W29'25 > > I suspect that birth time is slightly later than the published > details (not much) ; but for the time being let's stick to the > time given as it is rated AA by Astrodatabank. This makes a > difference in the subs on the house cusps but not on the > starlords, or the planets.

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

Let's now have a look at KP and exaltation. Natal exalted Venus in the same star as the highest point of exaltation, is in the star of Mercury. Mercury is Lord of the 11th house. This young lady's star was really shining brightly and was seen at the very young age of 3 when she started making her 1st film on 18th Dec 1931. Dasas were Rahu/Jupiter/Mercury. Exalted Rahu as sole tenant of Taurus substitutes for Venus and is coupled with powerful Jupiter (natally both in the 5th house of films and entertainment) and Jupiter is Lord of the 5th of entertainment and Mercury Lord of the 11th. It is interesting to note that of the 12 planets (including outers) four planets were in the stars of exalted Rahu or Ketu and another four were in star of Mercury Lord of the 11th. At the time of the previous Solar Eclipse on the 11th Oct 1931 the SE point came Exactly opposition natal Venus Jupiter conjunction. Remember Shirley has a highly exalted Sun. So we see two (natal) exalted planets aspecting each other. At the same time SE Jupiter comes exactly aspect to Venus Jupiter also. Here we see exalted Natal Venus getting primed for a major event. This event happened on the 18th December 1931 when transit Uranus and Moon in exact conjunction triggered natal Venus Jupiter by close conjunction. (note natal Uranus had been primed by an exact transit of Rahu in the last SE) This is what Ebertin states is the probable manifestation of Moon/Uranus - "Sacrifices for the attainment of special aims, help and assistance through friends, the attainment of sudden successes, the accomplishment of a change in one's circumstances". All this is spot on and this Moon Uranus transit is conjunct to the exalted Venus strong Jupiter natal configuration. Now we can easily relate this to an adult - but what about a 3 year old child?. I would suggest that is solely on the strength and condition of a fantastic Venus (ie exalted) related to the 11th house through star lard Mercury that this quickly propelled her to be the favorite film star in the world. Shirley has a great chart for astrological research. I could point out many interesting facts, but rather than bore members with too many details, I will just mention a couple of points about another milestone in her life. On the 20th May 1985 she was honored to receive a medal from the President of the United states for "Lifetime achievement and Service to the USA and the World". Here we see transit Venus coming exactly conjunct natal Venus, and transit Rahu coming exactly aspect natal MC. As Rahu substitutes for Venus in Shirley's chart we again see the tremendous part played by an exalted Venus and exalted Rahu (Venus). Her dasas for this event were Mercury Venus Sun ie. both her exalted planets and Mercury Lord of the 11th showing recognition of her great achievements. I think many astrologers would agree that the exaltations in Shirley's chart really do need to be taken into consideration.

> Ron Gaunt > > > > > > > > > On Sat, 11 Dec 2004 14:09:58 +0000, you wrote: > > >Dear Ron, > > Doesn't it thus seem to strengthen my case, that debilitation or exaltation have little, or, no significant/measureable role to play, in predictive astrology... ? > > My friend,I have asked for concrete examples...precisely because In my own experience I have not found any measureable/quantifiable role that such planets play...(I hope I am not labouring the point.) > > I also realise that I could,however, be wrong...or have missed it completely...and that my experience is a pittance as compared to that of Parasara and the many of his stature... who abounded in the past.. > > Yours sincerely, > > lyrastro1 > > GOOD LUCK ! > > > >rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > > > >Yogesh, > > > >Some years ago I did a study on famous sportsmen expecting to a > >find statistically high level of exalted Mars. What I found > >surprised me, in that frequently pre eminent sportsmen in fact > >had debilitated Mars. Pondering on this I suspected that they > >had some type of weakness in a certain area, and used the > >principle of over-compensation to achieve success. > > > >In my own case I have a classical debilitated Mars, and I do have > >a Martian problem. I have always lacked physical energy ie I > >only have to push a lawn mower once across the lawn, and I feel > >as though all my energy is vacating my body. In a few minutes I > >feel as though I have run a marathon. As I matured I have > >managed better, mainly by eliminating certain foods. > >Nevertheless over the years I have compensated for bodily > >dysfunction by engaging in mental pursuits. > > > >On reflection after studying many examples I came to the > >conclusion that what exaltation and debilitation showed was a > >specific gift or inclination, lack or deficiency. In other > >words whilst the planet may function perfectly normal for most > >purposes there is one area where it is abnormal. Thinking in > >terms of KP it might be that where say Mars is significator for > >the 1st, 5th and 10th houses, it may offer excellent results to > >the 5th and 10th whilst giving poor results to the 1st. This > >presumably would be seen in the quality of the sub or by malefic > >association or aspect with reference to the 1st. ie. in KP we > >might be able to see in what area an exalted or debilitated > >planet functions best or worst. > >

> >I find it interesting that in a way the author of 'Astrosecrets' > >Pt 1 page 34 comes up with something similar but more limiting > >idea than mine when he says "Ownership exaltation or debilitation > >of planets are generally known responsible to indicate the > >strength or weakness of a human body constitution from head to > >foot, but does not take the responsibility to alter the results > >to be offered, say good to bad or bad to good". I personally > >believe that it isn't specific to bodily condition, but can be > >any area of life. The crux of the matter appears to me be that > >the planet shows a specific limited abnormality - in the normally > >accepted qualities of that planet. > > > >When I get the time I will have a look and see if I can find some > >examples that might show exaltation/debilitation in KP. > > > > > >Ron Gaunt > > > > > > > > > >On Fri, 10 Dec 2004 16:44:09 +0000, you wrote: > > > >>Dear Ron, > >> The following is being submitted,for yours and the group's serious consideration...and I invite specific examples,in your experiences, clearly illustrating the practical use, of exaltation/debilitation,in predictive K.P.astrology... > >> > >> Here's a quote from Astrosecrets & K.P., p.35... > >> > >> " To say of exaltation,ownership or debilitation,simply on the entering of a Rasi(sign) is not correct,in a sign,in a particular star,in a particular degree-minute only,as the planet moves should be reckoned for exaltation,or debilitation etc..." (italics mine) > >> > >> It is thus important to note that exaltation and debilitation has been defined in star and sub terms...and in a particular degree-minute only, as you have quoted... > >> Also,more importantly,it is clearly stated that exaltation or debilitation does not change/alter the nature of the terms of being benefic or the most,it will either hasten or slow down the result...! ! > >> > >> Therefore I wonder, "in practical terms" how much difference does this really make...and,if so, how can one measure this "accelleration and decelleration,in the number of hours/days/months..etc..".? > >> If these differences are not quantifiable...simply saying a planet is exalted/debilatated...and therefore...? ? (what do you suggest, we say...which is measureable/quantifiable ?) > >> > >> Hence exaltation/debilitation are recognised theoretically (?),in K.P.,but no quantifiable and practical use is given...! ? (This is my personal opinion and also born out of experience). > >> > >> I therefore feel that exaltation/debilitation are good points only to debate about...and perhaps put forward to justify

a successful or failed prediction ? ? > >> > >> Personally I hold a similar view on the various "avasthas"...of being more of an academic my experience... > >> > >> As I have said earlier,astrology should be of practical use,to both,the consultant/client as well as the astrologer...and it must also felt by readers to be truly useful,in practice... > >> > >> With regards, > >> Yours sincerely, > >> lyrastro1 > >> GOOD LUCK ! > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >>rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > >> > >>To all members, > >> > >>I haven't yet got round to even skimming through some of the many > >>KP books I have received, so I do not know whether KP relegates > >>or ignores the question of assessing the qualities of each > >>individual planet. I would imagine that somewhere in the > >>literature this point is covered. Meanwhile I use my previous > >>learning to assess the quality of a sub and its likely outcomes. > >> > >>What I am leading to is the point made, that KP does not consider > >>exaltation and debilitation. In 'Astrosecrets & Krishnamurti > >>Padhadhati' April 2003 Edition pages 34 to 38 details when > >>exaltation and debilitation ARE considered. The gist of it > >>appears to be that they are considered when the planet is in the > >>same sub as the highest point of exaltation or debilitation. > >> > >> > >>Ron Gaunt > >> > >> > >> > >>On Thu, 09 Dec 2004 15:46:06 +0000, you wrote: > >> > >>>Dear Sandy, > >>> I second your suggestion...let us "keep it simple",for the obvious ease of access...and reduced 'navigation'...possibly required... > >>> Also, we will all operate under the k_p_group umbrella...and thus remain on an easily identifiable as well as accessible site... > >>> My use of the computer is very limited indeed,restricted to K.P., and surfing BBC,CNN and the usual

Samachar ...hence my computer "skills"(if you can call them so...) are minimal...indeed. > >>> I hope the "computer experts" will bear with me... > >>> With best wishes, > >>> lyrastro1 > >>> GOOD LUCK ! > >>> > >>>Sandy Crowther <sandy@t...> wrote: > >>> > >>>Dear tw, Anant, Kanak, lyastro 1, Punit Pandey, and ALL (hopefully I didn't miss anyone), > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>>Thank you all very much for sharing your knowledge, experience, research, opinions, references, and comments to my (often) endless questions on KP, and I certainly appreciate you taking the time to do so. > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>>And to my delight, some of you even threw in a few "extra" and tidbits of KP information that I found extremely interesting matters that I was not at all aware of KP's stance on - so thanks very much for elaborating. For example, I had no idea that exaltation and debilitation were not considered in KP that only retrogression is considered. So considerations of planets being hosted by a friend or enemy - or their compound relationships - obviously have no place in KP due to emphasis and placement of star and sub lords taking precedence. But if Vargottama IS referenced in a few of the 6 KP Readers as a viable and acceptable Rasi companion for planetary assessments in KP, specifically used for assessing planetary strength as mentioned, the Navamsa chart MUST be referenced at some level Right? I mean, we cannot have Vargottama without Navamsa (Uh-oh Here we go with that 4 letter word again "amsa" J). So anyway, I'm now off to do a bit of KP research myself - hopefully sometime > >>> today. > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>>I think we ALL need to be on the same page as far as what is and isn't an accepted part of KP to date and then be able to back up with references in at least one of the 6 KP Readers. (Just my not so humble opinion guys J). I know as astrologers, we will always have our own style and preferences when it comes to chart analysis and delineation which we should have we are all individuals. But it looks to me like many things are still wide open for research Ooohhh - I only wish there were more hours in the day. Anyway Thanks so much again to everyone > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>>P.S. To Ron Gaunt: I think your idea of opening another KP list, is a suggestion put forth with a pioneering spirit in mind of your greatness for researching techniques to attain predictive accuracy which you know I'm certainly ALL FOR BUT - 7 months ago I vowed to never subscribe to another list due to time constraints and here I am. I cannot handle another list's email at this time. J Perhaps a more viable solution (if moderator approved here on this KP list)

would be to simply add a rider (or addendum) to the bottom of any chart assessment posted on this list, where an analysis has been done correctly, but a KP technique was not used in that particular part of the assessment of the chart to reach that correct result, and then clearly stating that the method used is not an accepted part of KP, just a particular technique you personally found reliably consistent for predictive purposes like your usage of Solar Eclipses. That way it is left up to the list member to either > >>> accept or reject the technique because it is or is not KP approved, read it or not at the bottom of the email, and there is no confusion as to what is and isn't (to date) an accepted part of KP. And at the same time, we need not be silenced, as individual astrologers, for sharing a technique that is not part of KP as long as it is in rider/attachment form. This would accommodate all minds on the list. (You and the list all know that we, as astrologers, will NEVER stop using what works for us J even if we are silenced from sharing how we (personally) reached the correct conclusion - so this is just a suggestion to accommodate everyone under one KP forum.) > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>>My 2 cents but totally up to the Moderators of this list. > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> All the Best, > >>> > >>> Sandy Crowther > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>>Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT > >>> > >>> > >>>--------------------------------> >>>Yahoo! Groups Links > >>> > >>> To visit your group on the web, go to: > >>> > >>> > >>> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > >>> > >>> > >>> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.

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1918 From: "tw853" <tw853@...> Date: Sun Dec 12, 2004 7:53am Subject: Re: KPBC4 tw853 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Sri Anant Raichur, Thank you, it's correct. The problem was I misread 08N29 as 06N29. Best regards, tw --- In, anant raichur <anant_1608@y...> wrote: > Dear Ron, and TW$53 > > The small differences pointed out in the ASC do not really affect the prediction, because in the case of ASC 24 Aries 48 and ASC Aries 49, the Lords INCLUDING SUBLORD REMAIN THE SAME for these two values. > > Good Luck > > > tw853 <tw853@y...> wrote: > > > Dear Ron Gaunt, > > Could you kindly check given birth data, esp latitude because, > > 1. for Trvandrum, Astrodienst is indicating 76E55, 08N29; Astro> Kundli (Indian source) 77E00, 08N31 (which was supposed more reliable > in the case of KPBC3). > > 2. for 76E55, 06N29 Raichur is giving Asc 24 Ar 9, KPA 23-25-35. > > 3. for 76E55, 08N29 Raichur Asc 24 Ar 48, KPA 23-25-35; > Astrodienst Asc 24 Ar 49, KPA 23-25-51 (NKPA) > JHL Asc 24 Ar 49, KPA 23-25-48

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

Astraura Asc 24 Ar 48, KPA 23-25-15 (Note: ST 20-52-29 Raichur, 20-52-31 others) Best regards, tw --- In, rongaunt wrote: > There has been requests for more charts on timing, so this time > we will look at career. > > Male > D.O.B 19th Aug 1975 > 11:25pm IST -5.30 > Trivandrum > 08N29 076E55 > > Asc 24 Aries 16 > > > The native comes to you his astrologer at the beginning of > May 2000. He is thinking of putting feelers out to other > companies and he wants to know when he is likely to get the best > response in the next 3 months. When do you think this will > be? > > This might be a good exercise for prasna or/and normal > delineation. > > > Ron Gaunt > > > PS: in hindsight we now know that this native was offered 3 > jobs with three different companies at a salary far > above what he was getting from his existing company. > These offers came in over a three day period > beginning May 2000 to end July 2000. The offers were > received when he was in Bangalore. Can you > pin point these dates?

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> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

A.R.Raichur bombay anant_1608@y... raichuranant@y... USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY tel: 022-2506 2609 ------------------------------------------

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1919 From: "tw853" <tw853@...> Date: Sun Dec 12, 2004 8:04am Subject: Re: Query regarding birth of second child? - - - To Sri Anant Raichur tw853 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Sri Anant Raichur, Could you kindly provide sex of children to include in a test for child's sex? Thank you. Best regards, tw --- In, anant raichur <anant_1608@y...> wrote: > Dear Ranade > > Good efforts >The data will be more useful, if TOB,POB of children are also given. One can then cast the charts, and check the connections: > > I am giving below the details of a family, for study and establishing the relationships: > > FATHER: POB: 15N27 75E05 TOB 1;05 DOB 16-08-1923 > MOTHER POB 15N52 74E34 TOB 07:12 DOB 22-03-1929 > 1ST CHILD POB 16N11 75E42 TOB 21:10 DOB 28-01-1949 > 2ND POB 19N05 74E44 TOB 08:04 DOB 09-04-1951 > 3RD POB 16N00 75E48 TOB 17:00 DOB 25-12-1953 > 4TH POB 15N52 74E34 TOB 21;40 DOB 09-12-1955 > GOOD LUCK > dilip ranade <dilipdsr@y...> wrote: > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

Dear Ron, 1. I am giving the details for the study of multiple births. 2. Wife:- DOB--- 06 JUL 1915 TOB----- 1810 hrs Place 18E 31: 73N 55 3. The details of the children are as under: S= Son; D= Daughter (a) S 16 oct 1931 (b) D 20 jul 1934 (c) S 25 feb 1937 (d) D 22jul 1938 (e) D 18 jul 1940 (f) D 05 Aug 1942 (g) Twins S & D 4 Nov 1947 (h) S 13 Mar 1950 4. I am finding the details of the husbands POB and will be posting it soon. I hope the data proves to be a good exerscise. Also two children have died apart from those given above(all living at present).Their details follow With best wishes and regards Ranade

--- rongaunt wrote: --------------------------------To all interested in this question of 2nd, 3rd births etc. Does anyone have birth details of say four or more children to the same mother. We could then check what appears to work best. Ron Gaunt

On Tue, 07 Dec 2004 00:10:42 +0000, you wrote:

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > >Dear Sourav Guchhait, > >1. For 1st child, 5th & 11 th cusps are taken in >judging "Is child birth promised or not?" in examples for both male >and female, and generally houses 2, 5 and 11 are judged for the time >of child birth, examples for male p 224 & p 227, and example for >female p 230, KP Reader IV. (2nd is the increase in number of members >of family by birth of children; 5th for offspring; 11th not only >fruit of one's action, but also 5 th to 7 th partner, p 210 KP Reader >IV) > >2. For 2nd child, to judge houses 2,5,7, and 11; 7th is 3rd from 5th, >3rd is younger child, in an example, KP Reader IV, p 242. > >Best regards, > >tw > > > > >--- In, Sourav Guchhait >wrote: >> Dear Mr.Raichur,Yogesh Rao Lajmiji and tw, >> >> My opinion is :>> 5'th cusp sublord signifying houses 2,5,11 means birth >> of 1'st child is promised. If 5th sublord signifies >> 2,5,11 "then only" one should check for 7th cusp >> sublord for 2'nd child(without "1'st" it is not >> possible for having "2'nd" including miscarriage). >> After that, if 7th cusp sublord signifies 2,7,11 then >> birth of 2'nd child is promised. >> >> I have two questions:>> >> How can we calculate considering the 3rd cusp of the >> 1st Born, a Sibling promised or not? (3'rd cusp >> sublord signifying 2,3,11 houses ? 2 is 12 to 3!) >> >> Also, How can we calculate considering the 11th cusp >> of the 2nd Born, there is an Elder sibling or not? >> (11'th cusp sublord signifying 2,11 ? Means good >> income!)

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

>> >> - Regards >> Sourav. >> >> >> --- tw853 wrote: >> >> >> -------------------------------->> >> Dear Yogesh Rao Lajmi, >> >> Is it not the same as mentioned in Msg # 1774, >> >> "to judge houses 2,5,7, and 11 for second conception, >> KP >> Reader IV, p 242 (for timing of child birth in >> general)" >> >> Best regards, >> >> tw >> >> --- In, Yogesh Rao Lajmi >> >> wrote: >> > Dear Mr.Raichur, >> > The VIIth cusp,can,like any >> other cusp, >> stand for different things,but it depends upon the >> astrologer to >> select the appropriate significations,for the >> particular >> query/judgement,don't you think so ? >> > For example the Vth can >> denote a lover,a >> child or a card-game,opponent's victory/gain...and so >> on,depending >> upon the circumstances prevailing,or, being considered >> at the TOJ... >> > Therefore,in my humble >> opinion,Mr.Raichur,the VII cusp for the second >> child,based on the >> IIIrd from the Vth,as younger sibling of the >> first-born,seems to me >> to be correct... >> > With highest regards, >> > lyrastro1 >> > GOOD LUCK >> ! >> > >> > anant raichur wrote: >> > Dear Vinay >> > >> > This is a really serious issue. It is right to

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

>> consider 7th Cusp, >> and its connection with 2nd and 11th, for the 2nd >> child. But as you >> correctly raised the question, this is also the >> consideration for >> marriage. Since marriage is already forseen, and >> foregone, the >> answer will be the same. >> > >> > So it would be as good as stating, that One you are >> promised >> Marriage, You are promised the 2nd child as well. ||| >> > >> > I feel we should also consider the 5th House, as it >> denotes child >> birth in general, besides, the 1st child of a lady. >> > >> > The other solution is to consider the 3rd cusp of >> the 1st Born? Is >> a Sibling promised ? This would be a better solution. >> > >> > >> > Yogesh Rao Lajmi wrote: >> > Dear Vinay, >> > You are very correct,for the second >> child it is >> recommended that the VIIth cusp sublord shoul be >> per >> K.P., recently also there was a discussion on the >> issue of whether >> Father's chart or Mother's chart should be >> analysed...etc. >> > But for the second child I do not >> think there is >> any 'dispute' on taking the VIIth cusp for >> consideration... >> > Yours sincerely, >> > lyrastro1 >> > GOOD LUCK ! >> > >> > Vinay Tiwari wrote: >> > Respected gurus and friends, >> > >> > I was just going through a chart , for >> birth of his second >> child. >> > Dear Guruz , Can you kindly answer for following >> queries, >> > 1) Which houses should be considered? >> > 2)If i am not wrong 2,7,11 for second child ie ; 7 >> is 3rd from 5th .

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

>> > But 2,7,11 also gives marriage? >> > 3)If i want to confirm whether birth of second child >> is there in >> chart should i C 7th sublord connection? or how >> > >> > Please i need guidence regarding same. >> > >> > >> > Thanks In advance, >> > >> > Regards, >> > Vinay Tiwari >> > >> > >> > -------------------------------->> > Do you Yahoo!? >> > Take Yahoo! Mail with you! Get it on your mobile >> phone. >> > >> > Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner >> online. >> > >> > >> > >> > ----------------------------------------->> > A.R.Raichur bombay >> > anant_1608@y... >> > raichuranant@y... >> > USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY >> > tel: 022-2506 2609 >> > ----------------------------------------->> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > -------------------------------->> > Do you Yahoo!? >> > Meet the all-new My Yahoo! Try it today! >> > Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT >> > >> > >> > -------------------------------->> > Yahoo! Groups Links >> > >> > To visit your group on the web, go to: >> > >> > >> > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: >> > >> > >> > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the >> Yahoo! Terms of >> Service. >> >

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1920 From: "tw853" <tw853@...> Date: Sun Dec 12, 2004 8:11am Subject: Re: Query regarding birth of second child? - - To Dilip Ranade tw853 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Dilip Ranade , Could you kindly confirm "Wife:- DOB--- 06 JUL 1915 TOB----- 1800 hrs, Place 18E 31: 73N 55" or "18N31, 73E55" to include in a test for child's sex? Thank you.

Best regards, tw

--- In, dilip ranade <dilipdsr@y...> wrote: > > > 12/11/2004 > Dear Ron/ Mr Raichur, > > The new details are as reqd. > > 1. I am giving the details for the study of multiple > births. > > 2. Wife:- DOB--- 06 JUL 1915 TOB----- 1800 hrs > Place 18E 31: 73N 55 > > 3. The details of the children are as under: S= > Son; D= Daughter > > (a) S 16 oct 1931 TOB 2359 : POB= 21N01: > 75E35 > > (b) D 20 jul 1934 TOB-1446 : POB= 21N01: > 75E35 > > (c) S 25 feb 1937 TOB-1933 : POB= 21N01: > 75E35 > > (d) D 22jul 1938 TOB-2035 : POB= 21N01: > 75E35 > > (e) D 18 jul 1940 TOB- 0755: POB= 21N01: > 75E35 > > (f) D 05 Aug 1942 TOB- 0445: POB= 21N01: > 75E35 > > (g) Twins S & D 4 Nov 1947 TOB- 0345 : > POB=20N05 79E59 > > (h) S 13 Mar 1950: TOB-0945: POB=20N05 79E59 > > > 4. I am finding the details of the husbands POB and > will be posting it soon. I hope the data proves to be > a good exerscise. Also two children have died apart > from those given above(all living at present).Their > details follow > > With best wishes and regards > Ranade > > > PS:> > (a) Details of husband are as follows DOB-26 FEB 1908

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

TOB-2145 POB= 23N30: 86E40 (b) All times are in Indian Std Time. Regards Ranade

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

--- anant raichur <anant_1608@y...> wrote: Dear Ranade Good efforts >The data will be more useful, if TOB,POB of children are also given. One can then cast the charts, and check the connections: I am giving below the details of a family, for study and establishing the relationships: FATHER: POB: 15N27 75E05 TOB 1;05 DOB 16-08-1923 MOTHER POB 15N52 74E34 TOB 07:12 DOB 22-03-1929 1ST CHILD POB 16N11 75E42 TOB 21:10 DOB 28-01-1949 2ND POB 19N05 74E44 TOB 08:04 DOB 09-04-1951 3RD POB 16N00 75E48 TOB 17:00 DOB 25-12-1953 4TH POB 15N52 74E34 TOB 21;40 DOB 09-12-1955 GOOD LUCK dilip ranade <dilipdsr@y...> wrote: Dear Ron, 1. I am giving the details for the study of multiple births. 2. Wife:- DOB--- 06 JUL 1915 TOB----- 1810 hrs Place 18E 31: 73N 55 3. The details of the children are as under: S= Son; D= Daughter (a) S 16 oct 1931 (b) D 20 jul 1934 (c) S 25 feb 1937

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

(d) D 22jul 1938 (e) D 18 jul 1940 (f) D 05 Aug 1942 (g) Twins S & D 4 Nov 1947 (h) S 13 Mar 1950 4. I am finding the details of the husbands POB and will be posting it soon. I hope the data proves to be a good exerscise. Also two children have died apart from those given above(all living at present).Their details follow With best wishes and regards Ranade

--- rongaunt wrote: --------------------------------To all interested in this question of 2nd, 3rd births etc. Does anyone have birth details of say four or more children to the same mother. We could then check what appears to work best. Ron Gaunt

On Tue, 07 Dec 2004 00:10:42 +0000, you wrote: > > >Dear Sourav Guchhait, > >1. For 1st child, 5th & 11 th cusps in >judging "Is child birth promised or examples for both male >and female, and generally houses 2, judged for the time >of child birth, examples for male p and example for

are taken not?" in 5 and 11 are 224 & p 227,

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

>female p 230, KP Reader IV. (2nd is the increase in number of members >of family by birth of children; 5th for offspring; 11th not only >fruit of one's action, but also 5 th to 7 th partner, p 210 KP Reader >IV) > >2. For 2nd child, to judge houses 2,5,7, and 11; 7th is 3rd from 5th, >3rd is younger child, in an example, KP Reader IV, p 242. > >Best regards, > >tw > > > > >--- In, Sourav Guchhait >wrote: >> Dear Mr.Raichur,Yogesh Rao Lajmiji and tw, >> >> My opinion is :>> 5'th cusp sublord signifying houses 2,5,11 means birth >> of 1'st child is promised. If 5th sublord signifies >> 2,5,11 "then only" one should check for 7th cusp >> sublord for 2'nd child(without "1'st" it is not >> possible for having "2'nd" including miscarriage). >> After that, if 7th cusp sublord signifies 2,7,11 then >> birth of 2'nd child is promised. >> >> I have two questions:>> >> How can we calculate considering the 3rd cusp of the >> 1st Born, a Sibling promised or not? (3'rd cusp >> sublord signifying 2,3,11 houses ? 2 is 12 to 3!) >> >> Also, How can we calculate considering the 11th cusp >> of the 2nd Born, there is an Elder sibling or not? >> (11'th cusp sublord signifying 2,11 ? Means good >> income!) >> >> - Regards >> Sourav. >> >> >> --- tw853 wrote:

> > >> > > >> > > >> --------------------------------> > >> > > >> Dear Yogesh Rao Lajmi, > > >> > > >> Is it not the same as mentioned in Msg # 1774, > > >> > > >> "to judge houses 2,5,7, and 11 for second > > conception, > > >> KP > > >> Reader IV, p 242 (for timing of child birth in > > >> general)" > > >> > > >> Best regards, > > >> > > >> tw > > >> > > >> --- In, Yogesh Rao > > Lajmi > > >> > > >> wrote: > > >> > Dear Mr.Raichur, > > >> > The VIIth cusp,can,like > > any > > >> other cusp, > > >> stand for different things,but it depends upon > > the > > >> astrologer to > > >> select the appropriate significations,for the > > >> particular > > >> query/judgement,don't you think so ? > > >> > For example the Vth can > > >> denote a lover,a > > >> child or a card-game,opponent's > > victory/gain...and > > so > > >> on,depending > > >> upon the circumstances prevailing,or, being > > considered > > > === message truncated === > > ______________________________________________________________________ __ > Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online > Go to:

1921 From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@...> Date: Sun Dec 12, 2004 8:11am Subject: Re: Re: Techniques: KP approved or not? lyrastro1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear tw853, Thank you,for acknowledging that the amount of dowry cannot be

quantified...that was precisely my submission...the sub only decides,whether one will get or not...if the sublord is Jup it is large,if Sat,it will be miserly,i f it is Sun,it could be gold ornaments...etc.,as per the nature of the planet... but,it also cannot quantify...more research has to be done...I have come across a couple of papers in which the author has quantified the amount to be received. ..but I cannot generalise,as they were only a couple of K.P. & Astro logy monthly Magazine,years ago,since then, nobody has quantified...,nor has he given any explanation for this... I am for all research,but that these debilitation/exaltation, amsas,avasthas,ashtakavargas...and what have you...cannot help quantify in measu reable terms,the effect to be expected... has been already experienced by me,ove r the years... I was only sharing my experience with members... Those who wish to disagree,are at liberty to do so,but I expect them to please cite concrete examples to support their case...and to be of valu e in predictive astrology... With best wishes, lyrastro1 GOOD LUCK ! tw853 <> wrote: Dear Yogesh Rao Lajmi, Yogesh Rao Lajmi 1. I agree with you as mentioned by B V Raman, "It is in the prior application of these principles and prediction of events to happen in future that the real value of astrology lies". (Editorial, Dec 1977 Astrological Magazine) 2. However, usually research can be done only as a post-mortem study. 3. Referring the example "Can I expect Dowry?', p. 255, KP Reader VI, 1978 (already mentioned in Msg # ), it may be predicted that the native will receive the most satisfactory dowry if the star lord of the 11th is exalted, even though the sublord of 11th is debilitated; less dowry if Stl is debilitated, even though Sbl is exalted. (like Sbl is small packet and Stl is diamond in that small packet.) Best regards, tw

--- In, Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@y...> wrote: > Dear Ron, > It does,Ron...(even if you keep insisting)...just ponder over... > Had any one ever predicted,for sure, that Shirley will become a star...during so and so period ...etc.,beforehand,astrologically ? > Or,are we still continuing to,as in the past, attribute "properties" in an effort to rationalise exaltation,"after the event ?" ! > Accurate Prognostication,Ron...that's the

game...astrology is all about,and that's the only acid test, for the unsurpassed efficacy of a particular system of astrology... > Simply saying ..."one day you will become a famous person...",is not enough...a good system should be able to correctly say, when,and during which period one will become world-famous,and in what field... > Don't you agree Ron,that,in this direction,K.P.,is extremely accurate,consistently,and very simple,and a great improvement,as compared to any other known system,so far...? ! > Yours sincerely, > lyrastro1 > GOOD LUCK ! > > > > rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > > Yogesh, > > I don't think it strengthens your case that debilitation and > exaltation have little or no significant role to play. Surely, > if as I suspect that these conditions depict an abnormality, > this needs to be examined because it is going to be very > important in the life of the native. > > Let's have a look at one case that comes to mind. This is > Shirley Temple Black child star of the 1930s and later diplomat > to a number of countries. Shirley in her early years would have > been possibly the best know and loved person in the world. > She has a superb chart, with Venus near its highest point of > exaltation conjunct Jupiter in its own sign, both on the cusp of > the 5th house of entertainment. These were also conjunct 11th > house Lord Mercury. In addition Sun is at its highest point of > exaltation; and Rahu is exalted in Venus sign Taurus in the 7th > house, and Ketu exalted in Scorpio in the 1st. Also Jupiter and > Mercury are Vargottama. > > Shirley's data is: > DOB 23 April 1928 > 9:00 pm, PST +8:00 > Santa Monica, California > USA > 34N1'10" 118W29'25 > > I suspect that birth time is slightly later than the published > details (not much) ; but for the time being let's stick to the > time given as it is rated AA by Astrodatabank. This makes a > difference in the subs on the house cusps but not on the > starlords, or the planets. > > Let's now have a look at KP and exaltation. Natal exalted Venus > in the same star as the highest point of exaltation, is in the > star of Mercury. Mercury is Lord of the 11th house. This > young lady's star was really shining brightly and was seen at the > very young age of 3 when she started making her 1st film on 18th > Dec 1931. Dasas were Rahu/Jupiter/Mercury. Exalted Rahu as > sole tenant of Taurus substitutes for Venus and is coupled with > powerful Jupiter (natally both in the 5th house of films and > entertainment) and Jupiter is Lord of the 5th of entertainment > and Mercury Lord of the 11th.

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

It is interesting to note that of the 12 planets (including outers) four planets were in the stars of exalted Rahu or Ketu and another four were in star of Mercury Lord of the 11th. At the time of the previous Solar Eclipse on the 11th Oct 1931 the SE point came Exactly opposition natal Venus Jupiter conjunction. Remember Shirley has a highly exalted Sun. So we see two (natal) exalted planets aspecting each other. At the same time SE Jupiter comes exactly aspect to Venus Jupiter also. Here we see exalted Natal Venus getting primed for a major event. This event happened on the 18th December 1931 when transit Uranus and Moon in exact conjunction triggered natal Venus Jupiter by close conjunction. (note natal Uranus had been primed by an exact transit of Rahu in the last SE) This is what Ebertin states is the probable manifestation of Moon/Uranus - "Sacrifices for the attainment of special aims, help and assistance through friends, the attainment of sudden successes, the accomplishment of a change in one's circumstances". All this is spot on and this Moon Uranus transit is conjunct to the exalted Venus strong Jupiter natal configuration. Now we can easily relate this to an adult - but what about a 3 year old child?. I would suggest that is solely on the strength and condition of a fantastic Venus (ie exalted) related to the 11th house through star lard Mercury that this quickly propelled her to be the favorite film star in the world. Shirley has a great chart for astrological research. I could point out many interesting facts, but rather than bore members with too many details, I will just mention a couple of points about another milestone in her life. On the 20th May 1985 she was honored to receive a medal from the President of the United states for "Lifetime achievement and Service to the USA and the World". Here we see transit Venus coming exactly conjunct natal Venus, and transit Rahu coming exactly aspect natal MC. As Rahu substitutes for Venus in Shirley's chart we again see the tremendous part played by an exalted Venus and exalted Rahu (Venus). Her dasas for this event were Mercury Venus Sun ie. both her exalted planets and Mercury Lord of the 11th showing recognition of her great achievements. I think many astrologers would agree that the exaltations in Shirley's chart really do need to be taken into consideration. Ron Gaunt

On Sat, 11 Dec 2004 14:09:58 +0000, you wrote:

> >Dear Ron, > > Doesn't it thus seem to strengthen my case, that debilitation or exaltation have little, or, no significant/measureable role to play, in predictive astrology... ? > > My friend,I have asked for concrete examples...precisely because In my own experience I have not found any measureable/quantifiable role that such planets play...(I hope I am not labouring the point.) > > I also realise that I could,however, be wrong...or have missed it completely...and that my experience is a pittance as compared to that of Parasara and the many of his stature... who abounded in the past.. > > Yours sincerely, > > lyrastro1 > > GOOD LUCK ! > > > >rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > > > >Yogesh, > > > >Some years ago I did a study on famous sportsmen expecting to a > >find statistically high level of exalted Mars. What I found > >surprised me, in that frequently pre eminent sportsmen in fact > >had debilitated Mars. Pondering on this I suspected that they > >had some type of weakness in a certain area, and used the > >principle of over-compensation to achieve success. > > > >In my own case I have a classical debilitated Mars, and I do have > >a Martian problem. I have always lacked physical energy ie I > >only have to push a lawn mower once across the lawn, and I feel > >as though all my energy is vacating my body. In a few minutes I > >feel as though I have run a marathon. As I matured I have > >managed better, mainly by eliminating certain foods. > >Nevertheless over the years I have compensated for bodily > >dysfunction by engaging in mental pursuits. > > > >On reflection after studying many examples I came to the > >conclusion that what exaltation and debilitation showed was a > >specific gift or inclination, lack or deficiency. In other > >words whilst the planet may function perfectly normal for most > >purposes there is one area where it is abnormal. Thinking in > >terms of KP it might be that where say Mars is significator for > >the 1st, 5th and 10th houses, it may offer excellent results to > >the 5th and 10th whilst giving poor results to the 1st. This > >presumably would be seen in the quality of the sub or by malefic > >association or aspect with reference to the 1st. ie. in KP we > >might be able to see in what area an exalted or debilitated > >planet functions best or worst. > > > >I find it interesting that in a way the author of 'Astrosecrets' > >Pt 1 page 34 comes up with something similar but more limiting > >idea than mine when he says "Ownership exaltation or debilitation > >of planets are generally known responsible to indicate the > >strength or weakness of a human body constitution from head to > >foot, but does not take the responsibility to alter the results > >to be offered, say good to bad or bad to good". I personally > >believe that it isn't specific to bodily condition, but can be > >any area of life. The crux of the matter appears to me be that > >the planet shows a specific limited abnormality - in the normally > >accepted qualities of that planet.

> > > >When I get the time I will have a look and see if I can find some > >examples that might show exaltation/debilitation in KP. > > > > > >Ron Gaunt > > > > > > > > > >On Fri, 10 Dec 2004 16:44:09 +0000, you wrote: > > > >>Dear Ron, > >> The following is being submitted,for yours and the group's serious consideration...and I invite specific examples,in your experiences, clearly illustrating the practical use, of exaltation/debilitation,in predictive K.P.astrology... > >> > >> Here's a quote from Astrosecrets & K.P., p.35... > >> > >> " To say of exaltation,ownership or debilitation,simply on the entering of a Rasi(sign) is not correct,in a sign,in a particular star,in a particular degree-minute only,as the planet moves should be reckoned for exaltation,or debilitation etc..." (italics mine) > >> > >> It is thus important to note that exaltation and debilitation has been defined in star and sub terms...and in a particular degree-minute only, as you have quoted... > >> Also,more importantly,it is clearly stated that exaltation or debilitation does not change/alter the nature of the terms of being benefic or the most,it will either hasten or slow down the result...! ! > >> > >> Therefore I wonder, "in practical terms" how much difference does this really make...and,if so, how can one measure this "accelleration and decelleration,in the number of hours/days/months..etc..".? > >> If these differences are not quantifiable...simply saying a planet is exalted/debilatated...and therefore...? ? (what do you suggest, we say...which is measureable/quantifiable ?) > >> > >> Hence exaltation/debilitation are recognised theoretically (?),in K.P.,but no quantifiable and practical use is given...! ? (This is my personal opinion and also born out of experience). > >> > >> I therefore feel that exaltation/debilitation are good points only to debate about...and perhaps put forward to justify a successful or failed prediction ? ? > >> > >> Personally I hold a similar view on the various "avasthas"...of being more of an academic my experience... > >> > >> As I have said earlier,astrology should be of practical use,to both,the consultant/client as well as the astrologer...and it must also felt by readers to be truly useful,in practice... > >>

> >> With regards, > >> Yours sincerely, > >> lyrastro1 > >> GOOD LUCK ! > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >>rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > >> > >>To all members, > >> > >>I haven't yet got round to even skimming through some of the many > >>KP books I have received, so I do not know whether KP relegates > >>or ignores the question of assessing the qualities of each > >>individual planet. I would imagine that somewhere in the > >>literature this point is covered. Meanwhile I use my previous > >>learning to assess the quality of a sub and its likely outcomes. > >> > >>What I am leading to is the point made, that KP does not consider > >>exaltation and debilitation. In 'Astrosecrets & Krishnamurti > >>Padhadhati' April 2003 Edition pages 34 to 38 details when > >>exaltation and debilitation ARE considered. The gist of it > >>appears to be that they are considered when the planet is in the > >>same sub as the highest point of exaltation or debilitation. > >> > >> > >>Ron Gaunt > >> > >> > >> > >>On Thu, 09 Dec 2004 15:46:06 +0000, you wrote: > >> > >>>Dear Sandy, > >>> I second your suggestion...let us "keep it simple",for the obvious ease of access...and reduced 'navigation'...possibly required... > >>> Also, we will all operate under the k_p_group umbrella...and thus remain on an easily identifiable as well as accessible site... > >>> My use of the computer is very limited indeed,restricted to K.P., and surfing BBC,CNN and the usual Samachar ...hence my computer "skills"(if you can call them so...) are minimal...indeed. > >>> I hope the "computer experts" will bear with me... > >>> With best wishes, > >>> lyrastro1 > >>> GOOD LUCK ! > >>> > >>>Sandy Crowther <sandy@t...> wrote: > >>> > >>>Dear tw, Anant, Kanak, lyastro 1, Punit Pandey, and ALL

(hopefully I didn't miss anyone), > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>>Thank you all very much for sharing your knowledge, experience, research, opinions, references, and comments to my (often) endless questions on KP, and I certainly appreciate you taking the time to do so. > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>>And to my delight, some of you even threw in a few "extra" tidbits of KP information that I found extremely interesting and matters that I was not at all aware of KP's stance on - so thanks very much for elaborating. For example, I had no idea that exaltation and debilitation were not considered in KP that only retrogression is considered. So considerations of planets being hosted by a friend or enemy - or their compound relationships - obviously have no place in KP due to emphasis and placement of star and sub lords taking precedence. But if Vargottama IS referenced in a few of the 6 KP Readers as a viable and acceptable Rasi companion for planetary assessments in KP, specifically used for assessing planetary strength as mentioned, the Navamsa chart MUST be referenced at some level Right? I mean, we cannot have Vargottama without Navamsa (Uh-oh Here we go with that 4 letter word again "amsa" J). So anyway, I'm now off to do a bit of KP research myself - hopefully sometime > >>> today. > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>>I think we ALL need to be on the same page as far as what is and isn't an accepted part of KP to date and then be able to back up with references in at least one of the 6 KP Readers. (Just my not so humble opinion guys J). I know as astrologers, we will always have our own style and preferences when it comes to chart analysis and delineation which we should have we are all individuals. But it looks to me like many things are still wide open for research Ooohhh - I only wish there were more hours in the day. Anyway Thanks so much again to everyone > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>>P.S. To Ron Gaunt: I think your idea of opening another KP list, is a suggestion put forth with a pioneering spirit in mind of your greatness for researching techniques to attain predictive accuracy which you know I'm certainly ALL FOR BUT - 7 months ago I vowed to never subscribe to another list due to time constraints and here I am. I cannot handle another list's email at this time. J Perhaps a more viable solution (if moderator approved here on this KP list) would be to simply add a rider (or addendum) to the bottom of any chart assessment posted on this list, where an analysis has been done correctly, but a KP technique was not used in that particular part of the assessment of the chart to reach that correct result, and then clearly stating that the method used is not an accepted part of KP, just a particular technique you personally found reliably consistent for predictive purposes like your usage of Solar Eclipses. That way it is left up to the list member to either > >>> accept or reject the technique because it is or is not KP approved, read it or not at the bottom of the email, and there is no confusion as to what is and isn't (to date) an accepted part of KP.

And at the same time, we need not be silenced, as individual astrologers, for sharing a technique that is not part of KP as long as it is in rider/attachment form. This would accommodate all minds on the list. (You and the list all know that we, as astrologers, will NEVER stop using what works for us J even if we are silenced from sharing how we (personally) reached the correct conclusion - so this is just a suggestion to accommodate everyone under one KP forum.) > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>>My 2 cents but totally up to the Moderators of this list. > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> All the Best, > >>> > >>> Sandy Crowther > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>>Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT > >>> > >>> > >>>--------------------------------> >>>Yahoo! Groups Links > >>> > >>> To visit your group on the web, go to: > >>> > >>> > >>> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > >>> > >>> > >>> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. > >>> > >>> > >>>Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline. > >> > >> > >>Yahoo! Groups Sponsor > >>Get unlimited calls to > >> > >>U.S./Canada > >> > >>

> >>--------------------------------> >>Yahoo! Groups Links > >> > >> To visit your group on the web, go to: > >> > >> > >> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > >> > >> > >> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. > >> > >> > >> > >>Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline. > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Sponsor > >Get unlimited calls to > > > >U.S./Canada > > > > > >--------------------------------> >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. > > > > > >Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline. > > > Yahoo! Groups Sponsor > Get unlimited calls to > > U.S./Canada > > > --------------------------------> Yahoo! Groups Links > > To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. > > > Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline.

Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online.

1922 From: Vinay Tiwari <techn0pandit@...> Date: Sun Dec 12, 2004 9:14am Subject: Re: Re: KPBC4 techn0pandit Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 dear friends, I am on official tour for 2 weeks so i am unable to use my comp , can some o ne please post the KP birth chart of the native mentioned below. Thanks in advance, Regards, Vinay tiwari anant raichur <> wrote: Dear Ron, and TW$53 The small differences pointed out in the ASC do not really affect the prediction , because in the case of ASC 24 Aries 48 and ASC Aries 49, the Lords INCLUDING SUBLORD REMAIN THE SAME for these two values. Good Luck tw853 <> wrote: Dear Ron Gaunt, Could you kindly check given birth data, esp latitude because, 1. for Trvandrum, Astrodienst is indicating 76E55, 08N29; AstroKundli (Indian source) 77E00, 08N31 (which was supposed more reliable in the case of KPBC3). 2. for 76E55, 06N29 Raichur is giving Asc 24 Ar 9, KPA 23-25-35. 3. for 76E55, 08N29 Raichur Asc 24 Ar 48, KPA 23-25-35; Astrodienst Asc 24 Ar 49, KPA 23-25-51 (NKPA) JHL Asc 24 Ar 49, KPA 23-25-48 Astraura Asc 24 Ar 48, KPA 23-25-15 (Note: ST 20-52-29 Raichur, 20-52-31 others) Best regards, tw

--- In, rongaunt wrote: > There has been requests for more charts on timing, so this time > we will look at career. > > Male > D.O.B 19th Aug 1975 > 11:25pm IST -5.30 > Trivandrum > 08N29 076E55 > > Asc 24 Aries 16 > > > The native comes to you his astrologer at the beginning of > May 2000. He is thinking of putting feelers out to other > companies and he wants to know when he is likely to get the best > response in the next 3 months. When do you think this will > be? > > This might be a good exercise for prasna or/and normal > delineation. > > > Ron Gaunt > > > PS: in hindsight we now know that this native was offered 3 > jobs with three different companies at a salary far > above what he was getting from his existing company. > These offers came in over a three day period > beginning May 2000 to end July 2000. The offers were > received when he was in Bangalore. Can you > pin point these dates?

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1923 From: "tw853" <tw853@...> Date: Sun Dec 12, 2004 9:25am Subject: Re: Techniques: KP approved or not? tw853 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Yogesh Rao Lajmi, 1. As per the mentioned KP example, debilitation or exaltation of the Diamond sublord, not Small Packet sublord, decides the amount of dowry that can be received, less or most (a kind of general quantification). Also mentioned there "This is the way how we have to find out whether a debilitated planet or exalted planet maintains its strength." 2. Of course, further research is required, and "choice is with the person his/her own self" as mentioned by V K Choudhry outright rejecting many traditional beliefs, but not debilitation or exaltation, amsas. (Exaltation,navamsa, vargothama, swakshethra etc have been applied in K Subramaniam's PROFESSION, BASIC ON KP.) "SA does not believe in: (i) Chalit (ii) Jamini karakas (iii) jamini dasas (iv) important yogas as laid down in the fixed mode without identifying the functional nature of the planets (v) maraka planets (vi) that the benefics owning good houses become malefic planets (vii) Badhaka principles, (vii) calculation of strengths per traditional graha and bhava balas (viii) traditional manglik (ix) traditional sade-sati, (x) conditional dasas, etc. etc. The advocates of the traditional astrology principles can never match (i) the shortest time required for learning predictive techniques, (ii) confidence, (iii) competence and (iv) speed of an SA astrologer. However, choice is with the person his/her own self. " Best regards,

tw --- In, Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@y...> wrote: > Dear tw853, > Thank you,for acknowledging that the amount of dowry cannot be quantified...that was precisely my submission...the sub only decides,whether one will get or not...if the sublord is Jup it is large,if Sat,it will be miserly,if it is Sun,it could be gold ornaments...etc.,as per the nature of the planet...but,it also cannot quantify...more research has to be done...I have come across a couple of papers in which the author has quantified the amount to be received...but I cannot generalise,as they were only a couple of K.P. & Astrology monthly Magazine,years ago,since then, nobody has quantified...,nor has he given any explanation for this... > I am for all research,but that these debilitation/exaltation, > amsas,avasthas,ashtakavargas...and what have you...cannot help quantify in measureable terms,the effect to be expected... has been already experienced by me,over the years... > I was only sharing my experience with members... > Those who wish to disagree,are at liberty to do so,but I expect them to please cite concrete examples to support their case...and to be of value in predictive astrology... > With best wishes, > lyrastro1 > GOOD LUCK ! > > tw853 <tw853@y...> wrote: > > Dear Yogesh Rao Lajmi, > > Yogesh Rao Lajmi > > 1. I agree with you as mentioned by B V Raman, "It is in the > prior application of these principles and prediction of events to > happen in future that the real value of astrology lies". (Editorial, > Dec 1977 Astrological Magazine) > > 2. However, usually research can be done only as a post-mortem > study. > > 3. Referring the example "Can I expect Dowry?', p. 255, KP > Reader VI, 1978 (already mentioned in Msg # ), it may be predicted > that the native will receive the most satisfactory dowry if the star > lord of the 11th is exalted, even though the sublord of 11th is > debilitated; less dowry if Stl is debilitated, even though Sbl is > exalted. (like Sbl is small packet and Stl is diamond in that small > packet.) > > Best regards, > > tw > >

> > --- In, Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@y...> > wrote: > > Dear Ron, > > It does,Ron...(even if you keep insisting)...just > ponder over... > > Had any one ever predicted,for sure, that Shirley > will become a star...during so and so period ...etc.,before> hand,astrologically ? > > Or,are we still continuing to,as in the past, > attribute "properties" in an effort to rationalise exaltation,"after > the event ?" ! > > Accurate Prognostication,Ron...that's the > game...astrology is all about,and that's the only acid test, for the > unsurpassed efficacy of a particular system of astrology... > > Simply saying ..."one day you will become a famous > person...",is not enough...a good system should be able to correctly > say, when,and during which period one will become world-famous,and > in what field... > > Don't you agree Ron,that,in this direction,K.P.,is > extremely accurate,consistently,and very simple,and a great > improvement,as compared to any other known system,so far...? ! > > Yours sincerely, > > lyrastro1 > > GOOD LUCK ! > > > > > > > > rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > > > > Yogesh, > > > > I don't think it strengthens your case that debilitation and > > exaltation have little or no significant role to play. Surely, > > if as I suspect that these conditions depict an abnormality, > > this needs to be examined because it is going to be very > > important in the life of the native. > > > > Let's have a look at one case that comes to mind. This is > > Shirley Temple Black child star of the 1930s and later diplomat > > to a number of countries. Shirley in her early years would have > > been possibly the best know and loved person in the world. > > She has a superb chart, with Venus near its highest point of > > exaltation conjunct Jupiter in its own sign, both on the cusp of > > the 5th house of entertainment. These were also conjunct 11th > > house Lord Mercury. In addition Sun is at its highest point of > > exaltation; and Rahu is exalted in Venus sign Taurus in the 7th > > house, and Ketu exalted in Scorpio in the 1st. Also Jupiter and > > Mercury are Vargottama. > > > > Shirley's data is: > > DOB 23 April 1928 > > 9:00 pm, PST +8:00 > > Santa Monica, California > > USA > > 34N1'10" 118W29'25

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

I suspect that birth time is slightly later than the published details (not much) ; but for the time being let's stick to the time given as it is rated AA by Astrodatabank. This makes a difference in the subs on the house cusps but not on the starlords, or the planets. Let's now have a look at KP and exaltation. Natal exalted Venus in the same star as the highest point of exaltation, is in the star of Mercury. Mercury is Lord of the 11th house. This young lady's star was really shining brightly and was seen at the very young age of 3 when she started making her 1st film on 18th Dec 1931. Dasas were Rahu/Jupiter/Mercury. Exalted Rahu as sole tenant of Taurus substitutes for Venus and is coupled with powerful Jupiter (natally both in the 5th house of films and entertainment) and Jupiter is Lord of the 5th of entertainment and Mercury Lord of the 11th. It is interesting to note that of the 12 planets (including outers) four planets were in the stars of exalted Rahu or Ketu and another four were in star of Mercury Lord of the 11th. At the time of the previous Solar Eclipse on the 11th Oct 1931 the SE point came Exactly opposition natal Venus Jupiter conjunction. Remember Shirley has a highly exalted Sun. So we see two (natal) exalted planets aspecting each other. At the same time SE Jupiter comes exactly aspect to Venus Jupiter also. Here we see exalted Natal Venus getting primed for a major event. This event happened on the 18th December 1931 when transit Uranus and Moon in exact conjunction triggered natal Venus Jupiter by close conjunction. (note natal Uranus had been primed by an exact transit of Rahu in the last SE) This is what Ebertin states is the probable manifestation of Moon/Uranus - "Sacrifices for the attainment of special aims, help and assistance through friends, the attainment of sudden successes, the accomplishment of a change in one's circumstances". All this is spot on and this Moon Uranus transit is conjunct to the exalted Venus strong Jupiter natal configuration. Now we can easily relate this to an adult - but what about a 3 year old child?. I would suggest that is solely on the strength and condition of a fantastic Venus (ie exalted) related to the 11th house through star lard Mercury that this quickly propelled her to be the favorite film star in the world. Shirley has a great chart for astrological research. I could point out many interesting facts, but rather than bore members with too many details, I will just mention a couple of points about another milestone in her life. On the 20th May 1985 she was honored to receive a medal from the President of the United states for "Lifetime achievement and Service to the USA and the World". Here we see transit Venus coming exactly conjunct natal Venus, and transit Rahu coming exactly aspect natal MC. As Rahu substitutes for Venus in Shirley's chart we again see the tremendous part played by an exalted Venus and exalted Rahu (Venus). Her dasas for this event were Mercury Venus Sun ie. both her exalted planets and Mercury Lord of the 11th showing recognition

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > I > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> of her great achievements. > > I think many astrologers would agree that the exaltations in > Shirley's chart really do need to be taken into consideration. > > > Ron Gaunt > > > > > > > > > On Sat, 11 Dec 2004 14:09:58 +0000, you wrote: > > >Dear Ron, > > Doesn't it thus seem to strengthen my case, that debilitation or exaltation have little, or, no significant/measureable role to play, in predictive astrology... ? > > My friend,I have asked for concrete examples...precisely because In my own experience I have not found any measureable/quantifiable role that such planets play...(I hope am not labouring the point.) > > I also realise that I could,however, be wrong...or have missed it completely...and that my experience is a pittance as compared to that of Parasara and the many of his stature... who abounded in the past.. > > Yours sincerely, > > lyrastro1 > > GOOD LUCK ! > > > >rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > > > >Yogesh, > > > >Some years ago I did a study on famous sportsmen expecting to a > >find statistically high level of exalted Mars. What I found > >surprised me, in that frequently pre eminent sportsmen in fact > >had debilitated Mars. Pondering on this I suspected that they > >had some type of weakness in a certain area, and used the > >principle of over-compensation to achieve success. > > > >In my own case I have a classical debilitated Mars, and I do have > >a Martian problem. I have always lacked physical energy ie I > >only have to push a lawn mower once across the lawn, and I feel > >as though all my energy is vacating my body. In a few minutes I > >feel as though I have run a marathon. As I matured I have > >managed better, mainly by eliminating certain foods. > >Nevertheless over the years I have compensated for bodily > >dysfunction by engaging in mental pursuits. > > > >On reflection after studying many examples I came to the > >conclusion that what exaltation and debilitation showed was a > >specific gift or inclination, lack or deficiency. In other > >words whilst the planet may function perfectly normal for most > >purposes there is one area where it is abnormal. Thinking in > >terms of KP it might be that where say Mars is significator for

> > >the 1st, 5th and 10th houses, it may offer excellent results to > > >the 5th and 10th whilst giving poor results to the 1st. This > > >presumably would be seen in the quality of the sub or by malefic > > >association or aspect with reference to the 1st. ie. in KP we > > >might be able to see in what area an exalted or debilitated > > >planet functions best or worst. > > > > > >I find it interesting that in a way the author of 'Astrosecrets' > > >Pt 1 page 34 comes up with something similar but more limiting > > >idea than mine when he says "Ownership exaltation or debilitation > > >of planets are generally known responsible to indicate the > > >strength or weakness of a human body constitution from head to > > >foot, but does not take the responsibility to alter the results > > >to be offered, say good to bad or bad to good". I personally > > >believe that it isn't specific to bodily condition, but can be > > >any area of life. The crux of the matter appears to me be that > > >the planet shows a specific limited abnormality - in the normally > > >accepted qualities of that planet. > > > > > >When I get the time I will have a look and see if I can find some > > >examples that might show exaltation/debilitation in KP. > > > > > > > > >Ron Gaunt > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >On Fri, 10 Dec 2004 16:44:09 +0000, you wrote: > > > > > >>Dear Ron, > > >> The following is being submitted,for yours and the > group's serious consideration...and I invite specific examples,in > your experiences, clearly illustrating the practical use, of > exaltation/debilitation,in predictive K.P.astrology... > > >> > > >> Here's a quote from Astrosecrets & K.P., p.35... > > >> > > >> " To say of exaltation,ownership or > debilitation,simply on the entering of a Rasi(sign) is not correct,in > a sign,in a particular star,in a particular degree-minute only,as the > planet moves should be reckoned for exaltation,or debilitation > etc..." (italics mine) > > >> > > >> It is thus important to note that exaltation and > debilitation has been defined in star and sub terms...and in a > particular degree-minute only, as you have quoted... > > >> Also,more importantly,it is clearly stated that > exaltation or debilitation does not change/alter the nature of the > terms of being benefic or the most,it will > either hasten or slow down the result...! ! > > >> > > >> Therefore I wonder, "in practical terms" how much > difference does this really make...and,if so, how can one measure > this "accelleration and decelleration,in the number of > hours/days/months..etc..".? > > >> If these differences are not

quantifiable...simply > saying a planet is exalted/debilatated...and therefore...? ? (what do > you suggest, we say...which is measureable/quantifiable ?) > > >> > > >> Hence exaltation/debilitation are recognised > theoretically (?),in K.P.,but no quantifiable and practical use is > given...! ? (This is my personal opinion and also born out of > experience). > > >> > > >> I therefore feel that exaltation/debilitation are > good points only to debate about...and perhaps put forward to justify > a successful or failed prediction ? ? > > >> > > >> Personally I hold a similar view on the > various "avasthas"...of being more of an academic > my experience... > > >> > > >> As I have said earlier,astrology should be of > practical use,to both,the consultant/client as well as the > astrologer...and it must also felt by readers to be truly useful,in > practice... > > >> > > >> With regards, > > >> Yours sincerely, > > >> lyrastro1 > > >> GOOD LUCK ! > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >>rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > > >> > > >>To all members, > > >> > > >>I haven't yet got round to even skimming through some of the many > > >>KP books I have received, so I do not know whether KP relegates > > >>or ignores the question of assessing the qualities of each > > >>individual planet. I would imagine that somewhere in the > > >>literature this point is covered. Meanwhile I use my previous > > >>learning to assess the quality of a sub and its likely outcomes. > > >> > > >>What I am leading to is the point made, that KP does not consider > > >>exaltation and debilitation. In 'Astrosecrets & Krishnamurti > > >>Padhadhati' April 2003 Edition pages 34 to 38 details when > > >>exaltation and debilitation ARE considered. The gist of it > > >>appears to be that they are considered when the planet is in the > > >>same sub as the highest point of exaltation or debilitation. > > >>

> > >> > > >>Ron Gaunt > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >>On Thu, 09 Dec 2004 15:46:06 +0000, you wrote: > > >> > > >>>Dear Sandy, > > >>> I second your suggestion...let us "keep it > simple",for the obvious ease of access...and > reduced 'navigation'...possibly required... > > >>> Also, we will all operate under the k_p_group > umbrella...and thus remain on an easily identifiable as well as > accessible site... > > >>> My use of the computer is very limited > indeed,restricted to K.P., and surfing BBC,CNN and the usual > Samachar ...hence my computer "skills"(if you can call them so...) > are minimal...indeed. > > >>> I hope the "computer experts" will bear with > me... > > >>> With best wishes, > > >>> lyrastro1 > > >>> GOOD LUCK ! > > >>> > > >>>Sandy Crowther <sandy@t...> wrote: > > >>> > > >>>Dear tw, Anant, Kanak, lyastro 1, Punit Pandey, and ALL > (hopefully I didn't miss anyone), > > >>> > > >>> > > >>> > > >>>Thank you all very much for sharing your knowledge, experience, > research, opinions, references, and comments to my (often) endless > questions on KP, and I certainly appreciate you taking the time to do > so. > > >>> > > >>> > > >>> > > >>>And to my delight, some of you even threw in a few "extra" and > tidbits of KP information that I found extremely interesting > matters that I was not at all aware of KP's stance on - so thanks > very much for elaborating. For example, I had no idea that exaltation > and debilitation were not considered in KP that only retrogression > is considered. So considerations of planets being hosted by a friend > or enemy - or their compound relationships - obviously have no place > in KP due to emphasis and placement of star and sub lords taking > precedence. But if Vargottama IS referenced in a few of the 6 KP > Readers as a viable and acceptable Rasi companion for planetary > assessments in KP, specifically used for assessing planetary strength > as mentioned, the Navamsa chart MUST be referenced at some level > Right? I mean, we cannot have Vargottama without Navamsa (Uh-oh > Here we go with that 4 letter word again "amsa" J). So anyway, I'm > now off to do a bit of KP research myself - hopefully sometime

> > >>> today. > > >>> > > >>> > > >>> > > >>>I think we ALL need to be on the same page as far as what is and > isn't an accepted part of KP to date and then be able to back up > with references in at least one of the 6 KP Readers. (Just my not so > humble opinion guys J). I know as astrologers, we will always have > our own style and preferences when it comes to chart analysis and > delineation which we should have we are all individuals. But it > looks to me like many things are still wide open for research > Ooohhh - I only wish there were more hours in the day. Anyway > Thanks so much again to everyone > > >>> > > >>> > > >>> > > >>>P.S. To Ron Gaunt: I think your idea of opening another KP list, > is a suggestion put forth with a pioneering spirit in mind of your > greatness for researching techniques to attain predictive accuracy > which you know I'm certainly ALL FOR BUT - 7 months ago I vowed to > never subscribe to another list due to time constraints and here I > am. I cannot handle another list's email at this time. J Perhaps a > more viable solution (if moderator approved here on this KP list) > would be to simply add a rider (or addendum) to the bottom of any > chart assessment posted on this list, where an analysis has been done > correctly, but a KP technique was not used in that particular part of > the assessment of the chart to reach that correct result, and then > clearly stating that the method used is not an accepted part of KP, > just a particular technique you personally found reliably consistent > for predictive purposes like your usage of Solar Eclipses. That way > it is left up to the list member to either > > >>> accept or reject the technique because it is or is not KP > approved, read it or not at the bottom of the email, and there is no > confusion as to what is and isn't (to date) an accepted part of KP. > And at the same time, we need not be silenced, as individual > astrologers, for sharing a technique that is not part of KP as long > as it is in rider/attachment form. This would accommodate all minds > on the list. (You and the list all know that we, as astrologers, will > NEVER stop using what works for us J even if we are silenced from > sharing how we (personally) reached the correct conclusion - so this > is just a suggestion to accommodate everyone under one KP forum.) > > >>> > > >>> > > >>> > > >>>My 2 cents but totally up to the Moderators of this list. > > >>>

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> >>> > >>> > >>> All the Best, > >>> > >>> Sandy Crowther > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>>Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT > >>> > >>> > >>>--------------------------------> >>>Yahoo! Groups Links > >>> > >>> To visit your group on the web, go to: > >>> > >>> > >>> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > >>> > >>> > >>> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. > >>> > >>> > >>>Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline. > >> > >> > >>Yahoo! Groups Sponsor > >>Get unlimited calls to > >> > >>U.S./Canada > >> > >> > >>--------------------------------> >>Yahoo! Groups Links > >> > >> To visit your group on the web, go to: > >> > >> > >> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > >> > >> > >> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. > >>

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1924 From: lalkitab@... Date: Sun Dec 12, 2004 11:12am Subject: Dear AR lalkitab Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear AR i wish u a very happy birthday. incidently you share your birthday with a very famous indian actor DILIP KUMAR and spiritual guru OSHO. Good luck Rajeev K Khattar

1925 From: lalkitab@... Date: Sun Dec 12, 2004 11:22am Subject: if you know the website lalkitab Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear members Can anybody let me know from which website can i get the rates ( date wise ) of gold and silver ? I am also interested to get the chronological record of sachin tendulkar...e.g dates of his first match,dates when he made centuries,date of his marriage , date of his father's death etc. etc. Thanks Rajeev K Khattar

1926 From: rongaunt <rongaunt@...> Date: Sun Dec 12, 2004 6:11pm Subject: Re: Re: Techniques: KP approved or not? rongaunt1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Yogesh, Please see comments **..................** Ron Gaunt

On Sun, 12 Dec 2004 05:09:23 +0000, you wrote:

>Dear Ron, > It does,Ron...(even if you keep insisting)...just ponder over... > Had any one ever predicted,for sure, that Shirley will become a star...during so and so period ...etc.,before-hand,astrologically ? ** I doubt it. Primarily because in the West it was not - and still is not - customary to consult an astrologer at birth or (for most people) even in later life. Now if Shirley's mother had shown me her chart at birth and had said that it was her (the mother's)ambition for Shirley to become a child actress and asked my opinion; I would have unhesitatingly said that she had the chart to excel in this area. Why because of her excellent Jupiter Mercury Sun in the 5th house and Venus on the cusp of the 5th. What's more she had Rahu dasa running from shortly after birth to 6th May 1945 when her halcyon days started to recede. (Rahu is exalted and stands for and is even more powerful than her exalted Venus). As for predicting a date an obvious starting point would have been in Rahu dasa Jupiter buhkti (due to natal Venus Jupiter conjunction) which started on 4th Feb 1931. It was in 1931 when she started her acting career. ** > Or,are we still continuing to,as in the past, attribute "properties" in an effort to rationalise exaltation,"after the event ?" ! ** Certainly it is easier to see things after the event, but that doesn't mean that events are not predicted in advance ** > Accurate Prognostication,Ron...that's the game...astrology is all about,and that's the only acid test, for the unsurpassed efficacy of a particular system of astrology... ** I agree. But however, certain we are of our own system I believe that one should always keep an open mind. Other systems too might have answers. For instance I predicted by Solar Eclipse well over a year in advance to the very day, when Israel would go to war against the Palestinians. ** > Simply saying ..."one day you will become a famous person...",is not enough...a good system should be able to correctly say, when,and during which period one will become world-famous,and in what field... ** Agreed. see above ** > Don't you agree Ron,that,in this direction,K.P.,is extremely accurate,consistently,and very simple,and a great improvement,as compared to any other known system,so far...? ! ** Yogesh, I wouldn't be on this List, or spending so much time learning KP if I didn't have high hopes for considerable improvement in my astrological skills. I do think that the star and sub lord system is a great improvement; and it carries the ring of truth. Whether it is extremely accurate I still don't know as my experience is still very limited. Consistent? well I cannot agree with you there. Currently I am wrestling with R.Ps. Going through the book 'Ruling Planets & Krishnamurti Pahdati' I am bemused by the lack of

consistency. ie the author notes in the preface what are Ruling Planets. He then goes on to give examples which vary from each other in who are the ruling planets. ie in the preface there is no mention of subs being Ruling Planets but in 'Time of Death' he uses subs as Ruling Planets for both the Moon and Lagna. On page 19 in the article 'A suggestion Regarding Ruling Planets' at the end, he accepts a suggestion and states that "we should select also the sub in the star to rise". So here we have three different suggestions for Ruling Planets - the standard set out in the Preface, the standard plus the sub of the Lagna, the standard plus the subs of both the Lagna and Moon. The author is obviously a gifted astrologer and I am not taking issue with his expertise. I suspect that the articles were a 'work in progress' and as such he is improving his methods as time goes by. We all need to add on what we find works. Nevertheless it is confusing to a beginner who is drifting in a sea of new ideas. > Yours sincerely, > lyrastro1 > GOOD LUCK ! > > > >rongaunt <rongaunt@...> wrote: > >Yogesh, > >I don't think it strengthens your case that debilitation and >exaltation have little or no significant role to play. Surely, >if as I suspect that these conditions depict an abnormality, >this needs to be examined because it is going to be very >important in the life of the native. > >Let's have a look at one case that comes to mind. This is >Shirley Temple Black child star of the 1930s and later diplomat >to a number of countries. Shirley in her early years would have >been possibly the best know and loved person in the world. >She has a superb chart, with Venus near its highest point of >exaltation conjunct Jupiter in its own sign, both on the cusp of >the 5th house of entertainment. These were also conjunct 11th >house Lord Mercury. In addition Sun is at its highest point of >exaltation; and Rahu is exalted in Venus sign Taurus in the 7th >house, and Ketu exalted in Scorpio in the 1st. Also Jupiter and >Mercury are Vargottama. > >Shirley's data is: >DOB 23 April 1928 >9:00 pm, PST +8:00 >Santa Monica, California >USA >34N1'10" 118W29'25 > >I suspect that birth time is slightly later than the published >details (not much) ; but for the time being let's stick to the >time given as it is rated AA by Astrodatabank. This makes a >difference in the subs on the house cusps but not on the >starlords, or the planets.

> >Let's now have a look at KP and exaltation. Natal exalted Venus >in the same star as the highest point of exaltation, is in the >star of Mercury. Mercury is Lord of the 11th house. This >young lady's star was really shining brightly and was seen at the >very young age of 3 when she started making her 1st film on 18th >Dec 1931. Dasas were Rahu/Jupiter/Mercury. Exalted Rahu as >sole tenant of Taurus substitutes for Venus and is coupled with >powerful Jupiter (natally both in the 5th house of films and >entertainment) and Jupiter is Lord of the 5th of entertainment >and Mercury Lord of the 11th. > >It is interesting to note that of the 12 planets (including >outers) four planets were in the stars of exalted Rahu or Ketu >and another four were in star of Mercury Lord of the 11th. > >At the time of the previous Solar Eclipse on the 11th Oct 1931 >the SE point came Exactly opposition natal Venus Jupiter >conjunction. Remember Shirley has a highly exalted Sun. >So we see two (natal) exalted planets aspecting each other. At >the same time SE Jupiter comes exactly aspect to Venus Jupiter >also. Here we see exalted Natal Venus getting primed for a >major event. > >This event happened on the 18th December 1931 when transit Uranus >and Moon in exact conjunction triggered natal Venus Jupiter by >close conjunction. (note natal Uranus had been primed by an >exact transit of Rahu in the last SE) >This is what Ebertin states is the probable manifestation of >Moon/Uranus - "Sacrifices for the attainment of special aims, >help and assistance through friends, the attainment of sudden >successes, the accomplishment of a change in one's >circumstances". All this is spot on and this Moon Uranus >transit is conjunct to the exalted Venus strong Jupiter natal >configuration. >Now we can easily relate this to an adult - but what about a 3 >year old child?. I would suggest that is solely on the >strength and condition of a fantastic Venus (ie exalted) related >to the 11th house through star lard Mercury that this quickly >propelled her to be the favorite film star in the world. > >Shirley has a great chart for astrological research. I could >point out many interesting facts, but rather than bore members >with too many details, I will just mention a couple of points >about another milestone in her life. On the 20th May 1985 >she was honored to receive a medal from the President of the >United states for "Lifetime achievement and Service to the USA >and the World". Here we see transit Venus coming exactly >conjunct natal Venus, and transit Rahu coming exactly aspect >natal MC. As Rahu substitutes for Venus in Shirley's chart >we again see the tremendous part played by an exalted Venus >and exalted Rahu (Venus). >Her dasas for this event were Mercury Venus Sun ie. both her >exalted planets and Mercury Lord of the 11th showing recognition >of her great achievements. > >I think many astrologers would agree that the exaltations in >Shirley's chart really do need to be taken into consideration. > >

>Ron Gaunt > > > > > > > > >On Sat, 11 Dec 2004 14:09:58 +0000, you wrote: > >>Dear Ron, >> Doesn't it thus seem to strengthen my case, that debilitation or exaltation have little, or, no significant/measureable role to play, in predictive astrology... ? >> My friend,I have asked for concrete examples...precisely because In my own experience I have not found any measureable/quantifiable role that such planets play...(I hope I am not labouring the point.) >> I also realise that I could,however, be wrong...or have missed it completely...and that my experience is a pittance as compared to that of Parasara and the many of his stature... who abounded in the past.. >> Yours sincerely, >> lyrastro1 >> GOOD LUCK ! >> >>rongaunt <rongaunt@...> wrote: >> >>Yogesh, >> >>Some years ago I did a study on famous sportsmen expecting to a >>find statistically high level of exalted Mars. What I found >>surprised me, in that frequently pre eminent sportsmen in fact >>had debilitated Mars. Pondering on this I suspected that they >>had some type of weakness in a certain area, and used the >>principle of over-compensation to achieve success. >> >>In my own case I have a classical debilitated Mars, and I do have >>a Martian problem. I have always lacked physical energy ie I >>only have to push a lawn mower once across the lawn, and I feel >>as though all my energy is vacating my body. In a few minutes I >>feel as though I have run a marathon. As I matured I have >>managed better, mainly by eliminating certain foods. >>Nevertheless over the years I have compensated for bodily >>dysfunction by engaging in mental pursuits. >> >>On reflection after studying many examples I came to the >>conclusion that what exaltation and debilitation showed was a >>specific gift or inclination, lack or deficiency. In other >>words whilst the planet may function perfectly normal for most >>purposes there is one area where it is abnormal. Thinking in >>terms of KP it might be that where say Mars is significator for >>the 1st, 5th and 10th houses, it may offer excellent results to >>the 5th and 10th whilst giving poor results to the 1st. This >>presumably would be seen in the quality of the sub or by malefic >>association or aspect with reference to the 1st. ie. in KP we >>might be able to see in what area an exalted or debilitated >>planet functions best or worst. >> >>I find it interesting that in a way the author of 'Astrosecrets' >>Pt 1 page 34 comes up with something similar but more limiting

>>idea than mine when he says "Ownership exaltation or debilitation >>of planets are generally known responsible to indicate the >>strength or weakness of a human body constitution from head to >>foot, but does not take the responsibility to alter the results >>to be offered, say good to bad or bad to good". I personally >>believe that it isn't specific to bodily condition, but can be >>any area of life. The crux of the matter appears to me be that >>the planet shows a specific limited abnormality - in the normally >>accepted qualities of that planet. >> >>When I get the time I will have a look and see if I can find some >>examples that might show exaltation/debilitation in KP. >> >> >>Ron Gaunt >> >> >> >> >>On Fri, 10 Dec 2004 16:44:09 +0000, you wrote: >> >>>Dear Ron, >>> The following is being submitted,for yours and the group's serious consideration...and I invite specific examples,in your experiences, clearly illustrating the practical use, of exaltation/debilitation,in predictive K.P.astrology... >>> >>> Here's a quote from Astrosecrets & K.P., p.35... >>> >>> " To say of exaltation,ownership or debilitation,simply on the entering of a Rasi(sign) is not correct,in a sign,in a particular star,in a particular degree-minute only,as the planet moves should be reckoned for exaltation,or debilitation etc..." (italics mine) >>> >>> It is thus important to note that exaltation and debilitation has been defined in star and sub terms...and in a particular degree-minute only, as you have quoted... >>> Also,more importantly,it is clearly stated that exaltation or debilitation does not change/alter the nature of the terms of being benefic or the most,it will either hasten or slow down the result...! ! >>> >>> Therefore I wonder, "in practical terms" how much difference does this really make...and,if so, how can one measure this "accelleration and decelleration,in the number of hours/days/months..etc..".? >>> If these differences are not quantifiable...simply saying a planet is exalted/debilatated...and therefore...? ? (what do you suggest, we say...which is measureable/quantifiable ?) >>> >>> Hence exaltation/debilitation are recognised theoretically (?),in K.P.,but no quantifiable and practical use is given...! ? (This is my personal opinion and also born out of experience). >>> >>> I therefore feel that exaltation/debilitation are good points only to debate about...and perhaps put forward to justify a successful or failed prediction ? ? >>> >>> Personally I hold a similar view on the various "avasthas"...of being more of an academic my experience...

>>> >>> As I have said earlier,astrology should be of practical use,to both,the consultant/client as well as the astrologer...and it must also felt by readers to be truly useful,in practice... >>> >>> With regards, >>> Yours sincerely, >>> lyrastro1 >>> GOOD LUCK ! >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>>rongaunt <rongaunt@...> wrote: >>> >>>To all members, >>> >>>I haven't yet got round to even skimming through some of the many >>>KP books I have received, so I do not know whether KP relegates >>>or ignores the question of assessing the qualities of each >>>individual planet. I would imagine that somewhere in the >>>literature this point is covered. Meanwhile I use my previous >>>learning to assess the quality of a sub and its likely outcomes. >>> >>>What I am leading to is the point made, that KP does not consider >>>exaltation and debilitation. In 'Astrosecrets & Krishnamurti >>>Padhadhati' April 2003 Edition pages 34 to 38 details when >>>exaltation and debilitation ARE considered. The gist of it >>>appears to be that they are considered when the planet is in the >>>same sub as the highest point of exaltation or debilitation. >>> >>> >>>Ron Gaunt >>> >>> >>> >>>On Thu, 09 Dec 2004 15:46:06 +0000, you wrote: >>> >>>>Dear Sandy, >>>> I second your suggestion...let us "keep it simple",for the obvious ease of access...and reduced 'navigation'...possibly required... >>>> Also, we will all operate under the k_p_group umbrella...and thus remain on an easily identifiable as well as accessible site... >>>> My use of the computer is very limited indeed,restricted to K.P., and surfing BBC,CNN and the usual Samachar ...hence my computer "skills"(if you can call them so...) are minimal...indeed. >>>> I hope the "computer experts" will bear with me... >>>> With best wishes, >>>> lyrastro1 >>>> GOOD LUCK ! >>>> >>>>Sandy Crowther <sandy@...> wrote:

>>>> >>>>Dear tw, Anant, Kanak, lyastro 1, Punit Pandey, and ALL (hopefully I didn t miss anyone), >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>>Thank you all very much for sharing your knowledge, experience, research, opinions, references, and comments to my (often) endless questions on KP, and I certainly appreciate you taking the time to do so. >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>>And to my delight, some of you even threw in a few extra tidbits of KP information that I found extremely interesting and matters that I was not at all aware of KP s stance on - so thanks very much for elaborating. For example, I had no idea that exaltation and debilitation were not considered in KP that only retrogression is considered. So considerations of planets being hosted by a friend or enemy - or their compound relationships - obviously have no place in KP due to emphasis and placement of star and sub lords taking precedence. But if Vargottama IS referenced in a few of the 6 KP Readers as a viable and acceptable Rasi companion for planetary assessments in KP, specifically used for assessing planetary strength as mentioned, the Navamsa chart MUST be referenced at some level - Right? I mean, we cannot have Vargottama without Navamsa (Uh-oh Here we go with that 4 letter word again amsa J). So anyway, I m now off to do a bit of KP research myself - hopefully sometime >>>> today. >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>>I think we ALL need to be on the same page as far as what is and isn t an accepted part of KP to date and then be able to back up with references in at least one of the 6 KP Readers. (Just my not so humble opinion guys J). I know as astrologers, we will always have our own style and preferences when it comes to chart analysis and delineation which we should have we are all individuals. But it looks to me like many things are still wide open for research Ooohhh I only wish there were more hours in the day. Anyway Thanks so much again to everyone >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>>P.S. To Ron Gaunt: I think your idea of opening another KP list, is a suggestion put forth with a pioneering spirit in mind of your greatness for researching techniques to attain predictive accuracy which you know I m certainly ALL FOR BUT - 7 months ago I vowed to never subscribe to another list due to time constraints and here I am. I cannot handle another list s email at this time. J Perhaps a more viable solution (if moderator approved here on this KP list) would be to simply add a rider (or addendum) to the bottom of any chart assessment posted on this list, where an analysis has been done correctly, but a KP technique was not used in that particular part of the assessment of the chart to reach that correct result, and then clearly stating that the method used is not an accepted part of KP, just a particular technique you personally found reliably consistent for predictive purposes like your usage of Solar Eclipses. That way it is left up to the list member to either >>>> accept or reject the technique because it is or is not KP approved, read it or not at the bottom of the email, and there is no confusion as to what is and isn t (to date) an accepted part of KP. And at the same time, we need not be silenced, as individual astrologers, for sharing a technique that is not part of KP as long as it is in rider/attachment form. This would accommodate all minds on the list. (You and the list all know that we, as astrologers, will NEVER stop using what works for us J even if we are silenced from sharing how we

(personally) reached the correct conclusion - so this is just a suggestion to accommodate everyone under one KP forum.) >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>>My 2 cents but totally up to the Moderators of this list. >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> All the Best, >>>> >>>> Sandy Crowther >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>>Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT >>>> >>>> >>>>-------------------------------->>>>Yahoo! Groups Links >>>> >>>> To visit your group on the web, go to: >>>> >>>> >>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: >>>> >>>> >>>> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. >>>> >>>> >>>>Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline. >>> >>> >>>Yahoo! Groups Sponsor >>>Get unlimited calls to >>> >>>U.S./Canada >>> >>> >>>-------------------------------->>>Yahoo! Groups Links >>> >>> To visit your group on the web, go to: >>> >>>

>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: >>> >>> >>> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. >>> >>> >>> >>>Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline. >> >> >>Yahoo! Groups Sponsor >>Get unlimited calls to >> >>U.S./Canada >> >> >>-------------------------------->>Yahoo! Groups Links >> >> To visit your group on the web, go to: >> >> >> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: >> >> >> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. >> >> >>Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline. > > >Yahoo! Groups Sponsor >Get unlimited calls to > >U.S./Canada > > >-------------------------------->Yahoo! Groups Links > > To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. > > >Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline.

1927 From: "Sandy Crowther" <sandy@...> Date: Sun Dec 12, 2004 6:57pm Subject: RE: KPBC4 detective_dunno Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360

Hi Ron and Group,

OK Ron In my not so humble opinion - this is definitely a tough one for KP beginne rs! J

I can see why the client consulted the astrologer about his decision to test the career waters in the beginning of May - with Saturn transiting Aries in the sta r of Venus in Mercury sub, but to actually try to pick, within 3 days, the dates that he received the three job offers, is a bit more difficult (and probably be st left to the KP experts). But I m giving it an honest try to sort out for myself a progressive learning method to my KP madness J, and in the hopes that I can l earn more about KP from this exercise. (My answers are based on the natal chart not Horary because I, too, think the consultation date and time are important (i n this case) for using RP s and that date wasn t available). So below are my very ne ophyte KP conclusions

1st Choice: June 21, 2000 2nd Choice: May 8, 2000 3rd Choice: July 11, 2000

June 23, 2000 May 10, 2000 July 13, 2000

All the Best, Sandy Crowther

-----Original Message----From: Sandy Crowther [] Sent: Saturday, December 11, 2004 8:19 AM To: Subject: RE: [k_p_system] KPBC4

Hi Ron,

I ll give it a shot My first choice would be that the job offers came between the da tes of June 21, 2000 and June 23, 2000. (If I get a chance I ll post my 2nd choic

e later).

All the Best, Sandy Crowther

-----Original Message----From: rongaunt [] Sent: Saturday, December 11, 2004 12:39 AM To: Subject: [k_p_system] KPBC4

There has been requests for more charts on timing, so this time we will look at career. Male D.O.B 19th Aug 1975 11:25pm IST -5.30 Trivandrum 08N29 076E55 Asc 24 Aries 16 The native comes to you his astrologer at the beginning of May 2000. He is thinking of putting feelers out to other companies and he wants to know when he is likely to get the best response in the next 3 months. When do you think this will be? This might be a good exercise for prasna or/and normal delineation. Ron Gaunt PS: in hindsight we now know that this native was offered 3 jobs with three different companies at a salary far above what he was getting from his existing company. These offers came in over a three day period beginning May 2000 to end July 2000. The offers were

received when he was in Bangalore. pin point these dates?

Can you

Attachment: (image/gif) image001.gif [not stored]

1928 From: "Sandy Crowther" <sandy@...> Date: Sun Dec 12, 2004 7:04pm Subject: RE: KPBC4 detective_dunno Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 OOPS! Sorry - I posted my answers in the wrong order L .Let me try again

1st Choice: June 21, 2000 2nd Choice: July 11, 2000 3rd Choice: May 8, 2000

June 23, 2000 July 13, 2000 May 10, 2000

All the Best, Sandy Crowther

-----Original Message----From: Sandy Crowther [] Sent: Sunday, December 12, 2004 7:57 PM

To: Subject: RE: [k_p_system] KPBC4

Hi Ron and Group,

OK Ron In my not so humble opinion - this is definitely a tough one for KP beginne rs! J

I can see why the client consulted the astrologer about his decision to test the career waters in the beginning of May - with Saturn transiting Aries in the sta r of Venus in Mercury sub, but to actually try to pick, within 3 days, the dates that he received the three job offers, is a bit more difficult (and probably be st left to the KP experts). But I m giving it an honest try to sort out for myself a progressive learning method to my KP madness J, and in the hopes that I can l earn more about KP from this exercise. (My answers are based on the natal chart not Horary because I, too, think the consultation date and time are important (i n this case) for using RP s and that date wasn t available). So below are my very ne ophyte KP conclusions

1st Choice: June 21, 2000 2nd Choice: May 8, 2000 3rd Choice: July 11, 2000

June 23, 2000 May 10, 2000 July 13, 2000

All the Best, Sandy Crowther

-----Original Message----From: Sandy Crowther [] Sent: Saturday, December 11, 2004 8:19 AM To: Subject: RE: [k_p_system] KPBC4

Hi Ron,

I ll give it a shot My first choice would be that the job offers came between the da tes of June 21, 2000 and June 23, 2000. (If I get a chance I ll post my 2nd choic e later).

All the Best, Sandy Crowther

-----Original Message----From: rongaunt [] Sent: Saturday, December 11, 2004 12:39 AM To: Subject: [k_p_system] KPBC4

There has been requests for more charts on timing, so this time we will look at career. Male D.O.B 19th Aug 1975 11:25pm IST -5.30 Trivandrum 08N29 076E55 Asc 24 Aries 16 The native comes to you his astrologer at the beginning of May 2000. He is thinking of putting feelers out to other companies and he wants to know when he is likely to get the best response in the next 3 months. When do you think this will be? This might be a good exercise for prasna or/and normal delineation. Ron Gaunt


in hindsight we now know that this native was offered 3 jobs with three different companies at a salary far above what he was getting from his existing company. These offers came in over a three day period beginning May 2000 to end July 2000. The offers were received when he was in Bangalore. Can you pin point these dates?

Attachment: (image/gif) image001.gif [not stored]

1929 From: "tw853" <tw853@...> Date: Sun Dec 12, 2004 8:00pm Subject: Re: KPBC4 tw853 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 NAME:KPBC4 TUESDAY 19 8 1975 Time 23 25 SID.TIME 20 h. 52 m. 29 s. NAKS:Revati-PADA 0 PLACE:TRIVANDRUM INDIA Long 76 deg 55 min E Long 76 deg 55 min E Ayan 23 d. 25 m. 35 s. Asc. II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X X1 XII Sun Moon Mars Merc Jup -R Ven -R 24 23 19 17 17 21 24 23 19 17 17 21 2 9 9 19 1 14 47 13 44 14 53 27 47 13 44 14 53 27 42 30 32 42 13 44 38 29 51 39 7 25 38 29 51 39 7 25 13 35 50 51 56 45 Ar Ta Ge Cn Le Vi Li Sc Sa Cp Aq Pi Le Cp Ta Le Ar Le (1,5,3,9,3) (4,6,6) (7,7,4) (2,3,9,4,6,1,6,2) (4,2,3,9,1) (4) (8,4,6,6) (3) (2,8,5) (7,7) (7,7) (8,5,8,5) (1,4,5) (4,9,5,4) (4,1,5,1,8) (4,5,2,7,3,6) (1,12,9,12) (4,4,2,7,2,7)

Sat Rahu Ketu For Uran Nept-R Plut

3 2 2 1 5 15 14

31 56 56 36 44 35 6

10 45 45 1 20 8 40

Cn (3,3,10,11,10,11) Sc (12,7,9,12) Ta (4,1,5) Li Li Sc Vi

DASA BAL. Sun. 0 Y. 80 Days ENDS ON 7 11 1975 BHK. Bal. Ven. 0 Y. 80 Days: ANT. Bal. Sat. 7 Days: SOOK Bal. Jup. 7 Days CUSP ASC 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th :PLANET Sgl :SUN. Sun :MOON Sat :MARS Ven :MERC Sun :JUP.-R Mar :VEN.-R Sun :SAT. Moo :RAHU Mar :KETU Ven :URAN Ven :NEPT-R Mar :FOR. Ven :PLUT Mer PROGRAMME BY RAICHURS OF GHATKOPAR (Dasa) Ra-Sa-Ra-Su 04-10 May 2000 Mo 12-25 May 2000 Ma 25 May-3 Jun Ra-Sa-Ju-Ju 3-22 Jun Sa 22 Jun-14 Jul Me 14 Jul- 3 Aug Ke 3-11 Aug Ve 11 Aug- 3 Sept Sgl Mar Ven Mer Moo Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat Sat Jup Stl Ven Moo Rah Mer Ven Moo Jup Mer Ven Moo Rah Mer Sbl Mer Sun Mar Mer Mar Ven Mer Moo Rah Sat Sun Ven Ssl Moo Ven Ket Ven Ven Rah Moo Ven Sun Rah Mer Ket Stl Ket Sun Sun Ven Ket Ven Sat Jup Sun Mar Sat Mar Moo Sbl Ven Ven Ven Rah Ven Ven Sat Rah Jup Moo Jup Mer Jup SsL Mer Sat Sat Ven Sun Jup Sat Ven Rah Rah Mer Sat Jup

--- In, Vinay Tiwari <techn0pandit@y...> wrote: > dear friends, > > I am on official tour for 2 weeks so i am unable to use my comp , can some one please post the KP birth chart of the native mentioned below. > > Thanks in advance, > Regards, > Vinay tiwari > > anant raichur <anant_1608@y...> wrote: > Dear Ron, and TW$53 > > The small differences pointed out in the ASC do not really affect

the prediction, because in the case of ASC 24 Aries 48 and ASC Aries 49, the Lords INCLUDING SUBLORD REMAIN THE SAME for these two values. > > Good Luck > > > tw853 <tw853@y...> wrote: > > > Dear Ron Gaunt, > > Could you kindly check given birth data, esp latitude because, > > 1. for Trvandrum, Astrodienst is indicating 76E55, 08N29; Astro> Kundli (Indian source) 77E00, 08N31 (which was supposed more reliable > in the case of KPBC3). > > 2. for 76E55, 06N29 Raichur is giving Asc 24 Ar 9, KPA 23-25-35. > > 3. for 76E55, 08N29 Raichur Asc 24 Ar 48, KPA 23-25-35; > Astrodienst Asc 24 Ar 49, KPA 23-25-51 (NKPA) > JHL Asc 24 Ar 49, KPA 23-25-48 > Astraura Asc 24 Ar 48, KPA 23-25-15 > > (Note: ST 20-52-29 Raichur, 20-52-31 others) > > Best regards, > > tw > > > --- In, rongaunt wrote: > > There has been requests for more charts on timing, so this time > > we will look at career. > > > > Male > > D.O.B 19th Aug 1975 > > 11:25pm IST -5.30 > > Trivandrum > > 08N29 076E55 > > > > Asc 24 Aries 16 > > > > > > The native comes to you his astrologer at the beginning of > > May 2000. He is thinking of putting feelers out to other > > companies and he wants to know when he is likely to get the best > > response in the next 3 months. When do you think this will > > be? > > > > This might be a good exercise for prasna or/and normal > > delineation. > > > > > > Ron Gaunt > > > > > > PS: in hindsight we now know that this native was offered 3 > > jobs with three different companies at a salary far

> > above what he was getting from his existing company. > > These offers came in over a three day period > > beginning May 2000 to end July 2000. The offers were > > received when he was in Bangalore. Can you > > pin point these dates? > > > > > > > > Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > > > > > > -----------------------------------------> A.R.Raichur bombay > anant_1608@y... > raichuranant@y... > USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY > tel: 022-2506 2609 > -----------------------------------------> > > > > > > > > --------------------------------> Do you Yahoo!? > Send holiday email and support a worthy cause. Do good. > Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT > > > --------------------------------> Yahoo! Groups Links > > To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. > > > > --------------------------------> Do you Yahoo!? What will yours do? > The all-new My Yahoo!

1930 From: "tw853" <tw853@...> Date: Sun Dec 12, 2004 8:23pm Subject: Re: KPBC4 tw853 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 (Dasa) Ra-Sa-Ra-Su Ra-Sa-Ra-Mo Ra-Sa-Ra-Ma Ra-Sa-Ju-Ju Ra-Sa-Ju-Sa Ra-Sa-Ju-Me Ra-Sa-Ju-Ke Ra-Sa-Ju-Ve 04-10 May 2000 12-25 May 2000 25 May-3 Jun 3-22 Jun 22 Jun-14 Jul 14 Jul- 3 Aug 3-11 Aug 11 Aug- 3 Sept

--- In, "tw853" <tw853@y...> wrote: > > NAME:KPBC4 > TUESDAY 19 8 1975 > Time 23 25 > SID.TIME 20 h. 52 m. 29 s. > NAKS:Revati-PADA 0 > PLACE:TRIVANDRUM INDIA > Long 76 deg 55 min E > Long 76 deg 55 min E > Ayan 23 d. 25 m. 35 s. > > Asc. 24 47 38 Ar (1,5,3,9,3) > II 23 13 29 Ta (4,6,6) > III 19 44 51 Ge (7,7,4) > IV 17 14 39 Cn (2,3,9,4,6,1,6,2) > V 17 53 7 Le (4,2,3,9,1) > VI 21 27 25 Vi (4) > VII 24 47 38 Li (8,4,6,6) > VIII 23 13 29 Sc (3) > IX 19 44 51 Sa (2,8,5) > X 17 14 39 Cp (7,7) > X1 17 53 7 Aq (7,7) > XII 21 27 25 Pi (8,5,8,5) > > Sun 2 42 13 Le (1,4,5) > Moon 9 30 35 Cp (4,9,5,4) > Mars 9 32 50 Ta (4,1,5,1,8) > Merc 19 42 51 Le (4,5,2,7,3,6) > Jup -R 1 13 56 Ar (1,12,9,12) > Ven -R 14 44 45 Le (4,4,2,7,2,7) > Sat 3 31 10 Cn (3,3,10,11,10,11) > Rahu 2 56 45 Sc (12,7,9,12) > Ketu 2 56 45 Ta (4,1,5) > For 1 36 1 Li > Uran 5 44 20 Li

> Nept-R 15 35 8 Sc > Plut 14 6 40 Vi > > DASA BAL. Sun. 0 Y. 80 Days ENDS ON 7 11 1975 > BHK. Bal. Ven. 0 Y. 80 Days: ANT. Bal. Sat. 7 Days: > SOOK Bal. Jup. 7 Days > > CUSP Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl :PLANET Sgl Stl Sbl SsL > ASC Mar Ven Mer Moo :SUN. Sun Ket Ven Mer > 2nd Ven Moo Sun Ven :MOON Sat Sun Ven Sat > 3rd Mer Rah Mar Ket :MARS Ven Sun Ven Sat > 4th Moo Mer Mer Ven :MERC Sun Ven Rah Ven > 5th Sun Ven Mar Ven :JUP.-R Mar Ket Ven Sun > 6th Mer Moo Ven Rah :VEN.-R Sun Ven Ven Jup > 7th Ven Jup Mer Moo :SAT. Moo Sat Sat Sat > 8th Mar Mer Moo Ven :RAHU Mar Jup Rah Ven > 9th Jup Ven Rah Sun :KETU Ven Sun Jup Rah > 10th Sat Moo Sat Rah :URAN Ven Mar Moo Rah > 11th Sat Rah Sun Mer :NEPT-R Mar Sat Jup Mer > 12th Jup Mer Ven Ket :FOR. Ven Mar Mer Sat > :PLUT Mer Moo Jup Jup > PROGRAMME BY RAICHURS OF GHATKOPAR > > (Dasa) > > Ra-Sa-Ra-Su 04-10 May 2000 > Mo 12-25 May 2000 > Ma 25 May-3 Jun > Ra-Sa-Ju-Ju 3-22 Jun > Sa 22 Jun-14 Jul > Me 14 Jul- 3 Aug > Ke 3-11 Aug > Ve 11 Aug- 3 Sept > > > > > > > --- In, Vinay Tiwari <techn0pandit@y...> > wrote: > > dear friends, > > > > I am on official tour for 2 weeks so i am unable to use my > comp , can some one please post the KP birth chart of the native > mentioned below. > > > > Thanks in advance, > > Regards, > > Vinay tiwari > > > > anant raichur <anant_1608@y...> wrote: > > Dear Ron, and TW$53 > > > > The small differences pointed out in the ASC do not really affect > the prediction, because in the case of ASC 24 Aries 48 and ASC Aries > 49, the Lords INCLUDING SUBLORD REMAIN THE SAME for these two values. > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> Good Luck > > > tw853 <tw853@y...> wrote: > > > Dear Ron Gaunt, > > Could you kindly check given birth data, esp latitude because, > > 1. for Trvandrum, Astrodienst is indicating 76E55, 08N29; Astro> Kundli (Indian source) 77E00, 08N31 (which was supposed more reliable > in the case of KPBC3). > > 2. for 76E55, 06N29 Raichur is giving Asc 24 Ar 9, KPA 23-25-35. > > 3. for 76E55, 08N29 Raichur Asc 24 Ar 48, KPA 23-25-35; > Astrodienst Asc 24 Ar 49, KPA 23-25-51 (NKPA) > JHL Asc 24 Ar 49, KPA 23-25-48 > Astraura Asc 24 Ar 48, KPA 23-25-15 > > (Note: ST 20-52-29 Raichur, 20-52-31 others) > > Best regards, > > tw > > > --- In, rongaunt wrote: > > There has been requests for more charts on timing, so this time > > we will look at career. > > > > Male > > D.O.B 19th Aug 1975 > > 11:25pm IST -5.30 > > Trivandrum > > 08N29 076E55 > > > > Asc 24 Aries 16 > > > > > > The native comes to you his astrologer at the beginning of > > May 2000. He is thinking of putting feelers out to other > > companies and he wants to know when he is likely to get the best > > response in the next 3 months. When do you think this will > > be? > > > > This might be a good exercise for prasna or/and normal > > delineation. > > > > > > Ron Gaunt > > > > > > PS: in hindsight we now know that this native was offered 3 > > jobs with three different companies at a salary far > > above what he was getting from his existing company. > > These offers came in over a three day period > > beginning May 2000 to end July 2000. The offers were

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > received when he was in Bangalore. Can you > > pin point these dates? > > > > > > > > Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > > > > > > -----------------------------------------> A.R.Raichur bombay > anant_1608@y... > raichuranant@y... > USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY > tel: 022-2506 2609 > -----------------------------------------> > > > > > > > > --------------------------------> Do you Yahoo!? > Send holiday email and support a worthy cause. Do good. > Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT > > > --------------------------------> Yahoo! Groups Links > > To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. > > > > --------------------------------> Do you Yahoo!? What will yours do? > The all-new My Yahoo!

1931 From: anant raichur <anant_1608@...> Date: Sun Dec 12, 2004 11:05pm Subject: Re: Re: Query regarding birth of second child? - - - To Sri Anant Raich ur anant_1608 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear TW$53 The last is a girl, the rest are boys. good luck tw853 <> wrote: Dear Sri Anant Raichur, Could you kindly provide sex of children to include in a test for child's sex? Thank you. Best regards, tw --- In, anant raichur wrote: > Dear Ranade > > Good efforts >The data will be more useful, if TOB,POB of children are also given. One can then cast the charts, and check the connections: > > I am giving below the details of a family, for study and establishing the relationships: > > FATHER: POB: 15N27 75E05 TOB 1;05 DOB 16-08-1923 > MOTHER POB 15N52 74E34 TOB 07:12 DOB 22-03-1929 > 1ST CHILD POB 16N11 75E42 TOB 21:10 DOB 28-01-1949 > 2ND POB 19N05 74E44 TOB 08:04 DOB 09-04-1951 > 3RD POB 16N00 75E48 TOB 17:00 DOB 25-12-1953 > 4TH POB 15N52 74E34 TOB 21;40 DOB 09-12-1955 > GOOD LUCK > dilip ranade wrote: > > > Dear Ron, > > 1. I am giving the details for the study of multiple > births. > > 2. Wife:- DOB--- 06 JUL 1915 TOB----- 1810 hrs > Place 18E 31: 73N 55 > > 3. The details of the children are as under: S= > Son; D= Daughter >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

(a) S 16 oct 1931 (b) D 20 jul 1934 (c) S 25 feb 1937 (d) D 22jul 1938 (e) D 18 jul 1940 (f) D 05 Aug 1942 (g) Twins S & D 4 Nov 1947 (h) S 13 Mar 1950 4. I am finding the details of the husbands POB and will be posting it soon. I hope the data proves to be a good exerscise. Also two children have died apart from those given above(all living at present).Their details follow With best wishes and regards Ranade

--- rongaunt wrote: --------------------------------To all interested in this question of 2nd, 3rd births etc. Does anyone have birth details of say four or more children to the same mother. We could then check what appears to work best. Ron Gaunt

On Tue, 07 Dec 2004 00:10:42 +0000, you wrote: > > >Dear Sourav Guchhait, > >1. For 1st child, 5th & 11 th cusps in >judging "Is child birth promised or for both male >and female, and generally houses 2, judged for the time >of child birth, examples for male p

are taken not?" in examples 5 and 11 are 224 & p 227, and

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

example for >female p 230, KP Reader IV. (2nd is the increase in number of members >of family by birth of children; 5th for offspring; 11th not only >fruit of one's action, but also 5 th to 7 th partner, p 210 KP Reader >IV) > >2. For 2nd child, to judge houses 2,5,7, and 11; 7th is 3rd from 5th, >3rd is younger child, in an example, KP Reader IV, p 242. > >Best regards, > >tw > > > > >--- In, Sourav Guchhait >wrote: >> Dear Mr.Raichur,Yogesh Rao Lajmiji and tw, >> >> My opinion is :>> 5'th cusp sublord signifying houses 2,5,11 means birth >> of 1'st child is promised. If 5th sublord signifies >> 2,5,11 "then only" one should check for 7th cusp >> sublord for 2'nd child(without "1'st" it is not >> possible for having "2'nd" including miscarriage). >> After that, if 7th cusp sublord signifies 2,7,11 then >> birth of 2'nd child is promised. >> >> I have two questions:>> >> How can we calculate considering the 3rd cusp of the >> 1st Born, a Sibling promised or not? (3'rd cusp >> sublord signifying 2,3,11 houses ? 2 is 12 to 3!) >> >> Also, How can we calculate considering the 11th cusp >> of the 2nd Born, there is an Elder sibling or not? >> (11'th cusp sublord signifying 2,11 ? Means good >> income!) >> >> - Regards >> Sourav. >> >> >> --- tw853 wrote: >> >> >> -------------------------------->> >> Dear Yogesh Rao Lajmi,

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

>> >> Is it not the same as mentioned in Msg # 1774, >> >> "to judge houses 2,5,7, and 11 for second conception, >> KP >> Reader IV, p 242 (for timing of child birth in >> general)" >> >> Best regards, >> >> tw >> >> --- In, Yogesh Rao Lajmi >> >> wrote: >> > Dear Mr.Raichur, >> > The VIIth cusp,can,like any >> other cusp, >> stand for different things,but it depends upon the >> astrologer to >> select the appropriate significations,for the >> particular >> query/judgement,don't you think so ? >> > For example the Vth can >> denote a lover,a >> child or a card-game,opponent's victory/gain...and so >> on,depending >> upon the circumstances prevailing,or, being considered >> at the TOJ... >> > Therefore,in my humble >> opinion,Mr.Raichur,the VII cusp for the second >> child,based on the >> IIIrd from the Vth,as younger sibling of the >> first-born,seems to me >> to be correct... >> > With highest regards, >> > lyrastro1 >> > GOOD LUCK >> ! >> > >> > anant raichur wrote: >> > Dear Vinay >> > >> > This is a really serious issue. It is right to >> consider 7th Cusp, >> and its connection with 2nd and 11th, for the 2nd >> child. But as you >> correctly raised the question, this is also the >> consideration for >> marriage. Since marriage is already forseen, and >> foregone, the >> answer will be the same. >> > >> > So it would be as good as stating, that One you are

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

>> promised >> Marriage, You are promised the 2nd child as well. ||| >> > >> > I feel we should also consider the 5th House, as it >> denotes child >> birth in general, besides, the 1st child of a lady. >> > >> > The other solution is to consider the 3rd cusp of >> the 1st Born? Is >> a Sibling promised ? This would be a better solution. >> > >> > >> > Yogesh Rao Lajmi wrote: >> > Dear Vinay, >> > You are very correct,for the second >> child it is >> recommended that the VIIth cusp sublord shoul be >> per >> K.P., recently also there was a discussion on the >> issue of whether >> Father's chart or Mother's chart should be >> analysed...etc. >> > But for the second child I do not >> think there is >> any 'dispute' on taking the VIIth cusp for >> consideration... >> > Yours sincerely, >> > lyrastro1 >> > GOOD LUCK ! >> > >> > Vinay Tiwari wrote: >> > Respected gurus and friends, >> > >> > I was just going through a chart , for >> birth of his second >> child. >> > Dear Guruz , Can you kindly answer for following >> queries, >> > 1) Which houses should be considered? >> > 2)If i am not wrong 2,7,11 for second child ie ; 7 >> is 3rd from 5th . >> > But 2,7,11 also gives marriage? >> > 3)If i want to confirm whether birth of second child >> is there in >> chart should i C 7th sublord connection? or how >> > >> > Please i need guidence regarding same. >> > >> > >> > Thanks In advance, >> >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

>> > Regards, >> > Vinay Tiwari >> > >> > >> > -------------------------------->> > Do you Yahoo!? >> > Take Yahoo! Mail with you! Get it on your mobile >> phone. >> > >> > Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner >> online. >> > >> > >> > >> > ----------------------------------------->> > A.R.Raichur bombay >> > anant_1608@y... >> > raichuranant@y... >> > USE ONE OF THESE ADDRESS ES ONLY >> > tel: 022-2506 2609 >> > ----------------------------------------->> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > -------------------------------->> > Do you Yahoo!? >> > Meet the all-new My Yahoo! Try it today! >> > Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT >> > >> > >> > -------------------------------->> > Yahoo! Groups Links >> > >> > To visit your group on the web, go to: >> > >> > >> > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: >> > >> > >> > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the >> Yahoo! Terms of >> Service. >> > >> > >> > Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life >> partneronline. >> >> >> >> >> Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ADVERTISEMENT >> >> >> ---------------------------------

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1932 From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@...> Date: Sun Dec 12, 2004 11:10pm Subject: Re: Re: Techniques: KP approved or not? lyrastro1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Ron, Only K.P., has developed a method for the correct (atleast 85-90% success),by atleast 2 well-established methods,using 'transits'...also... In my personal experience the transit of the sublord of the karaka planet,if properly matched by the transit of the sublord of the XIth cusp... AND the luminaries,or Jupiter,as the case may event can be predicte d to the very day...and the transit of the Ascendant on that day can help fix th e exact time...! ! Yes,as you aver,I am not very familiar with Western Astrological S ystems,but such a quality of precision, matching that of K.P., I have yet to co me accross with,in any system of astrology... I have only yesterday purchased a book written by a famous Numerol ogist, Shri Sethuraman,and will study it,and experiment with Numerology...partic ularly for its predictive accuracy...and then,perhaps I could assume the addit ional mantle of astro-numerologist ...? ? These days, a surfeit of ads keep appearing in News-papers, Magaz ines etc., of Astro-Numerologists...(whatever that means) ! With best wishes, Yours sincerely, lyrastro1 GOOD LUCK ! rongaunt <> wrote: Dear Yogesh, Please see comments **..................** Ron Gaunt

On Sun, 12 Dec 2004 05:09:23 +0000, you wrote: >Dear Ron, > It does,Ron...(even if you keep insisting)...just ponder over... > Had any one ever predicted,for sure, that Shirley will become a s tar...during so and so period ...etc.,before-hand,astrologically ?

** I doubt it. Primarily because in the West it was not - and still is not - customary to consult an astrologer at birth or (for most people) even in later life. Now if Shirley's mother had shown me her chart at birth and had said that it was her (the mother's)ambition for Shirley to become a child actress and asked my opinion; I would have unhesitatingly said that she had the chart to excel in this area. Why because of her excellent Jupiter Mercury Sun in the 5th house and Venus on the cusp of the 5th. What's more she had Rahu dasa running from shortly after birth to 6th May 1945 when her halcyon days started to recede. (Rahu is exalted and stands for and is even more powerful than her exalted Venus). As for predicting a date an obvious starting point would have been in Rahu dasa Jupiter buhkti (due to natal Venus Jupiter conjunction) which started on 4th Feb 1931. It was in 1931 when she started her acting career. ** > Or,are we still continuing to,as in the past, attribute "properti es" in an effort to rationalise exaltation,"after the event ?" ! ** Certainly it is easier to see things after the event, but that doesn't mean that events are not predicted in advance ** > Accurate Prognostication,Ron...that's the game...astrology is all about,and that's the only acid test, for the unsurpassed efficacy of a particu lar system of astrology... ** I agree. But however, certain we are of our own system I believe that one should always keep an open mind. Other systems too might have answers. For instance I predicted by Solar Eclipse well over a year in advance to the very day, when Israel would go to war against the Palestinians. ** > Simply saying ..."one day you will become a famous person...",is not enough...a good system should be able to correctly say, when,and during whi ch period one will become world-famous,and in what field... ** Agreed. see above ** > Don't you agree Ron,that,in this direction,K.P.,is extremely acc urate,consistently,and very simple,and a great improvement,as compared to any ot her known system,so far...? ! ** Yogesh, I wouldn't be on this List, or spending so much time learning KP if I didn't have high hopes for considerable improvement in my astrological skills. I do think that the star and sub lord system is a great improvement; and it carries the ring of truth. Whether it is extremely accurate I still don't know as my experience is still very limited. Consistent? well I cannot agree with you there. Currently I am wrestling with R.Ps. Going through the book 'Ruling Planets & Krishnamurti Pahdati' I am bemused by the lack of consistency. ie the author notes in the preface what are Ruling Planets. He then goes on to give examples which vary from each other in who are the ruling planets. ie in the preface there is no mention of subs being Ruling Planets but in 'Time of Death' he uses subs as Ruling

Planets for both the Moon and Lagna. On page 19 in the article 'A suggestion Regarding Ruling Planets' at the end, he accepts a suggestion and states that "we should select also the sub in the star to rise". So here we have three different suggestions for Ruling Planets - the standard set out in the Preface, the standard plus the sub of the Lagna, the standard plus the subs of both the Lagna and Moon. The author is obviously a gifted astrologer and I am not taking issue with his expertise. I suspect that the articles were a 'work in progress' and as such he is improving his methods as time goes by. We all need to add on what we find works. Nevertheless it is confusing to a beginner who is drifting in a sea of new ideas. > Yours sincerely, > lyrastro1 > GOOD LUCK ! > > > >rongaunt <> wrote: > >Yogesh, > >I don't think it strengthens your case that debilitation and >exaltation have little or no significant role to play. Surely, >if as I suspect that these conditions depict an abnormality, >this needs to be examined because it is going to be very >important in the life of the native. > >Let's have a look at one case that comes to mind. This is >Shirley Temple Black child star of the 1930s and later diplomat >to a number of countries. Shirley in her early years would have >been possibly the best know and loved person in the world. >She has a superb chart, with Venus near its highest point of >exaltation conjunct Jupiter in its own sign, both on the cusp of >the 5th house of entertainment. These were also conjunct 11th >house Lord Mercury. In addition Sun is at its highest point of >exaltation; and Rahu is exalted in Venus sign Taurus in the 7th >house, and Ketu exalted in Scorpio in the 1st. Also Jupiter and >Mercury are Vargottama. > >Shirley's data is: >DOB 23 April 1928 >9:00 pm, PST +8:00 >Santa Monica, California >USA >34N1'10" 118W29'25 > >I suspect that birth time is slightly later than the published >details (not much) ; but for the time being let's stick to the >time given as it is rated AA by Astrodatabank. This makes a >difference in the subs on the house cusps but not on the >starlords, or the planets. > >Let's now have a look at KP and exaltation. Natal exalted Venus >in the same star as the highest point of exaltation, is in the >star of Mercury. Mercury is Lord of the 11th house. This >young lady's star was really shining brightly and was seen at the

>very young age of 3 when she started making her 1st film on 18th >Dec 1931. Dasas were Rahu/Jupiter/Mercury. Exalted Rahu as >sole tenant of Taurus substitutes for Venus and is coupled with >powerful Jupiter (natally both in the 5th house of films and >entertainment) and Jupiter is Lord of the 5th of entertainment >and Mercury Lord of the 11th. > >It is interesting to note that of the 12 planets (including >outers) four planets were in the stars of exalted Rahu or Ketu >and another four were in star of Mercury Lord of the 11th. > >At the time of the previous Solar Eclipse on the 11th Oct 1931 >the SE point came Exactly opposition natal Venus Jupiter >conjunction. Remember Shirley has a highly exalted Sun. >So we see two (natal) exalted planets aspecting each other. At >the same time SE Jupiter comes exactly aspect to Venus Jupiter >also. Here we see exalted Natal Venus getting primed for a >major event. > >This event happened on the 18th December 1931 when transit Uranus >and Moon in exact conjunction triggered natal Venus Jupiter by >close conjunction. (note natal Uranus had been primed by an >exact transit of Rahu in the last SE) >This is what Ebertin states is the probable manifestation of >Moon/Uranus - "Sacrifices for the attainment of special aims, >help and assistance through friends, the attainment of sudden >successes, the accomplishment of a change in one's >circumstances". All this is spot on and this Moon Uranus >transit is conjunct to the exalted Venus strong Jupiter natal >configuration. >Now we can easily relate this to an adult - but what about a 3 >year old child?. I would suggest that is solely on the >strength and condition of a fantastic Venus (ie exalted) related >to the 11th house through star lard Mercury that this quickly >propelled her to be the favorite film star in the world. > >Shirley has a great chart for astrological research. I could >point out many interesting facts, but rather than bore members >with too many details, I will just mention a couple of points >about another milestone in her life. On the 20th May 1985 >she was honored to receive a medal from the President of the >United states for "Lifetime achievement and Service to the USA >and the World". Here we see transit Venus coming exactly >conjunct natal Venus, and transit Rahu coming exactly aspect >natal MC. As Rahu substitutes for Venus in Shirley's chart >we again see the tremendous part played by an exalted Venus >and exalted Rahu (Venus). >Her dasas for this event were Mercury Venus Sun ie. both her >exalted planets and Mercury Lord of the 11th showing recognition >of her great achievements. > >I think many astrologers would agree that the exaltations in >Shirley's chart really do need to be taken into consideration. > > >Ron Gaunt > > > >

> > > > >On Sat, 11 Dec 2004 14:09:58 +0000, you wrote: > >>Dear Ron, >> Doesn't it thus seem to strengthen my case, that debilitation or exaltation have little, or, no significant/measureable role to play, in predict ive astrology... ? >> My friend,I have asked for concrete examples...precisely because In my own experience I have not found any measureable/quantifiable role that su ch planets play...(I hope I am not labouring the point.) >> I also realise that I could,however, be wrong...or have missed i t completely...and that my experience is a pittance as compared to that of Para sara and the many of his stature... who abounded in the past.. >> Yours sincerely, >> lyrastro1 >> GOOD LUCK ! >> >>rongaunt <> wrote: >> >>Yogesh, >> >>Some years ago I did a study on famous sportsmen expecting to a >>find statistically high level of exalted Mars. What I found >>surprised me, in that frequently pre eminent sportsmen in fact >>had debilitated Mars. Pondering on this I suspected that they >>had some type of weakness in a certain area, and used the >>principle of over-compensation to achieve success. >> >>In my own case I have a classical debilitated Mars, and I do have >>a Martian problem. I have always lacked physical energy ie I >>only have to push a lawn mower once across the lawn, and I feel >>as though all my energy is vacating my body. In a few minutes I >>feel as though I have run a marathon. As I matured I have >>managed better, mainly by eliminating certain foods. >>Nevertheless over the years I have compensated for bodily >>dysfunction by engaging in mental pursuits. >> >>On reflection after studying many examples I came to the >>conclusion that what exaltation and debilitation showed was a >>specific gift or inclination, lack or deficiency. In other >>words whilst the planet may function perfectly normal for most >>purposes there is one area where it is abnormal. Thinking in >>terms of KP it might be that where say Mars is significator for >>the 1st, 5th and 10th houses, it may offer excellent results to >>the 5th and 10th whilst giving poor results to the 1st. This >>presumably would be seen in the quality of the sub or by malefic >>association or aspect with reference to the 1st. ie. in KP we >>might be able to see in what area an exalted or debilitated >>planet functions best or worst. >> >>I find it interesting that in a way the author of 'Astrosecrets' >>Pt 1 page 34 comes up with something similar but more limiting >>idea than mine when he says "Ownership exaltation or debilitation >>of planets are generally known responsible to indicate the >>strength or weakness of a human body constitution from head to >>foot, but does not take the responsibility to alter the results >>to be offered, say good to bad or bad to good". I personally

>>believe that it isn't specific to bodily condition, but can be >>any area of life. The crux of the matter appears to me be that >>the planet shows a specific limited abnormality - in the normally >>accepted qualities of that planet. >> >>When I get the time I will have a look and see if I can find some >>examples that might show exaltation/debilitation in KP. >> >> >>Ron Gaunt >> >> >> >> >>On Fri, 10 Dec 2004 16:44:09 +0000, you wrote: >> >>>Dear Ron, >>> The following is being submitted,for yours and the group's seri ous consideration...and I invite specific examples,in your experiences, clearly illustrating the practical use, of exaltation/debilitation,in predictive K.P.ast rology... >>> >>> Here's a quote from Astrosecrets & K.P., p.35... >>> >>> " To say of exaltation,ownership or debilitation,simply on the entering of a Rasi(sign) is not correct,in a sign,in a particular star,in a part icular degree-minute only,as the planet moves should be reckoned for exaltation, or debilitation etc..." (italics mine) >>> >>> It is thus important to note that exaltation and debilitation h as been defined in star and sub terms...and in a particular degree-minute only, as you have quoted... >>> Also,more importantly,it is clearly stated that exaltation or d ebilitation does not change/alter the nature of the terms of being b enefic or the most,it will either hasten or slow down the result... ! ! >>> >>> Therefore I wonder, "in practical terms" how much difference do es this really make...and,if so, how can one measure this "accelleration and dec elleration,in the number of hours/days/months..etc..".? >>> If these differences are not quantifiable...simply saying a pl anet is exalted/debilatated...and therefore...? ? (what do you suggest, we say.. .which is measureable/quantifiable ?) >>> >>> Hence exaltation/debilitation are recognised theoretically (?) ,in K.P.,but no quantifiable and practical use is given...! ? (This is my person al opinion and also born out of experience). >>> >>> I therefore feel that exaltation/debilitation are good points only to debate about...and perhaps put forward to justify a successful or failed prediction ? ? >>> >>> Personally I hold a similar view on the various "avasthas"...o f being more of an academic my experience... >>> >>> As I have said earlier,astrology should be of practical use,to both,the consultant/client as well as the astrologer...and it must also felt by readers to be truly useful,in practice... >>> >>> With regards,

>>> Yours sincerely, >>> lyrastro1 >>> GOOD LUCK ! >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>>rongaunt <> wrote: >>> >>>To all members, >>> >>>I haven't yet got round to even skimming through some of the many >>>KP books I have received, so I do not know whether KP relegates >>>or ignores the question of assessing the qualities of each >>>individual planet. I would imagine that somewhere in the >>>literature this point is covered. Meanwhile I use my previous >>>learning to assess the quality of a sub and its likely outcomes. >>> >>>What I am leading to is the point made, that KP does not consider >>>exaltation and debilitation. In 'Astrosecrets & Krishnamurti >>>Padhadhati' April 2003 Edition pages 34 to 38 details when >>>exaltation and debilitation ARE considered. The gist of it >>>appears to be that they are considered when the planet is in the >>>same sub as the highest point of exaltation or debilitation. >>> >>> >>>Ron Gaunt >>> >>> >>> >>>On Thu, 09 Dec 2004 15:46:06 +0000, you wrote: >>> >>>>Dear Sandy, >>>> I second your suggestion...let us "keep it simple",for the obvious ease of access...and reduced 'navigation'...possibly required... >>>> Also, we will all operate under the k_p_group d thus remain on an easily identifiable as well as accessible site... >>>> My use of the computer is very limited indeed,restricted to K.P., and surfing BBC,CNN and the usual Samachar ...hence my computer "skills"( if you can call them so...) are minimal...indeed. >>>> I hope the "computer experts" will bear with me... >>>> With best wishes, >>>> lyrastro1 >>>> GOOD LUCK ! >>>> >>>>Sandy Crowther <> wrote: >>>> >>>>Dear tw, Anant, Kanak, lyastro 1, Punit Pandey, and ALL (hopefully I didn t mi ss anyone), >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>>Thank you all very much for sharing your knowledge, experience, research, op

inions, references, and comments to my (often) endless questions on KP, and I ce rtainly appreciate you taking the time to do so. >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>>And to my delight, some of you even threw in a few extra tidbits of KP informa tion that I found extremely interesting and matters that I was not at all aware of KP s stance on - so thanks very much for elaborating. For example, I had no ide a that exaltation and debilitation were not considered in KP that only retrogres sion is considered. So considerations of planets being hosted by a friend or ene my - or their compound relationships - obviously have no place in KP due to emph asis and placement of star and sub lords taking precedence. But if Vargottama IS referenced in a few of the 6 KP Readers as a viable and acceptable Rasi compani on for planetary assessments in KP, specifically used for assessing planetary st rength as mentioned, the Navamsa chart MUST be referenced at some level - Right? I mean, we cannot have Vargottama without Navamsa (Uh-oh Here we go with that 4 letter word again amsa J). So anyway, I m now off to do a bit of KP research myself - hopefully sometime >>>> today. >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>>I think we ALL need to be on the same page as far as what is and isn t an acce pted part of KP to date and then be able to back up with references in at least one of the 6 KP Readers. (Just my not so humble opinion guys J). I know as astro logers, we will always have our own style and preferences when it comes to chart analysis and delineation which we should have we are all individuals. But it lo oks to me like many things are still wide open for research Ooohhh - I only wis h there were more hours in the day. Anyway Thanks so much again to everyone >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>>P.S. To Ron Gaunt: I think your idea of opening another KP list, is a sugges tion put forth with a pioneering spirit in mind of your greatness for researchin g techniques to attain predictive accuracy which you know I m certainly ALL FOR BU T - 7 months ago I vowed to never subscribe to another list due to time constrai nts and here I am. I cannot handle another list s email at this time. J Perhaps a more viable solution (if moderator approved here on this KP list) would be to si mply add a rider (or addendum) to the bottom of any chart assessment posted on t his list, where an analysis has been done correctly, but a KP technique was not used in that particular part of the assessment of the chart to reach that correc t result, and then clearly stating that the method used is not an accepted part of KP, just a particular technique you personally found reliably consistent for predictive purposes like your usage of Solar Eclipses. That way it is left up to the list member to either >>>> accept or reject the technique because it is or is not KP approved, read it or not at the bottom of the email, and there is no confusion as to what is and isn t (to date) an accepted part of KP. And at the same time, we need not be silen ced, as individual astrologers, for sharing a technique that is not part of KP a s long as it is in rider/attachment form. This would accommodate all minds on th e list. (You and the list all know that we, as astrologers, will NEVER stop usin g what works for us J even if we are silenced from sharing how we (personally) r eached the correct conclusion - so this is just a suggestion to accommodate ever yone under one KP forum.) >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>>My 2 cents but totally up to the Moderators of this list. >>>> >>>>

>>>> >>>> All the Best, >>>> >>>> Sandy Crowther >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>>Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT >>>> >>>> >>>>-------------------------------->>>>Yahoo! Groups Links >>>> >>>> To visit your group on the web, go to: >>>> >>>> >>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: >>>> >>>> >>>> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. >>>> >>>> >>>>Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline. >>> >>> >>>Yahoo! Groups Sponsor >>>Get unlimited calls to >>> >>>U.S./Canada >>> >>> >>>-------------------------------->>>Yahoo! Groups Links >>> >>> To visit your group on the web, go to: >>> >>> >>> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: >>> >>> >>> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. >>> >>> >>> >>>Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline.

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1933 From: pranjal swarup <coolpranjal@...> Date: Sun Dec 12, 2004 11:39pm Subject: astro-numerology concepts-letter compatibility coolpranjal Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 dear mr. lajmi, astro numerology is a science has much practical applications howerer while most people pay a lot of

attention on the date of birth numbers and adding up the numbers in the name letter to find out the destiny number etc..... in the indian system of numerology much is said about the compatibility of the intial name letter and the letters in a name..... and these concepts can be pretty much be confirmed from the fact that we see many big collaborations of people having the same initial name letter or a compatible one, for example...letters R D C A Y are considered very compatible to each other. how much do u think are these concepts correct n on what basis comapred to the astrological principals. regards, cool p --- Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@...> wrote: > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Dear Ron, Only K.P., has developed a method for the correct (atleast 85-90% success),by atleast 2 well-established methods,using 'transits'...also... In my personal experience the transit of the sublord of the karaka planet,if properly matched by the transit of the sublord of the XIth cusp... AND the luminaries,or Jupiter,as the case may event can be predicted to the very day...and the transit of the Ascendant on that day can help fix the exact time...! ! Yes,as you aver,I am not very familiar with Western Astrological Systems,but such a quality of precision, matching that of K.P., I have yet to come accross with,in any system of astrology... I have only yesterday purchased a book written by a famous Numerologist, Shri Sethuraman,and will study it,and experiment with Numerology...particularly for its predictive accuracy...and then,perhaps I could assume the additional mantle of astro-numerologist ...? ? These days, a surfeit of ads keep appearing in News-papers, Magazines etc., of Astro-Numerologists...(whatever that means) ! With best wishes, Yours sincerely, lyrastro1 GOOD LUCK ! > Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT --------------------------------Yahoo! Groups Links To visit your group on the web, go to:

> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the > Yahoo! Terms of Service. > > > Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline.

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1934 From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@...> Date: Mon Dec 13, 2004 0:19am Subject: Re: astro-numerology concepts-letter compatibility lyrastro1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear cool p, I have just taken possession of the book by Shri Sethraman,let me read,understand,digest its contents then will experiment with the theories given and only then will I be able to comment... Yours sincerely, lyrastro1 GOOD LUCK ! pranjal swarup <> wrote: dear mr. lajmi, astro numerology is a science has much practical applications howerer while most people pay a lot of attention on the date of birth numbers and adding up the numbers in the name letter to find out the destiny number etc..... in the indian system of numerology much is said about the compatibility of the intial name letter and the letters in a name..... and these concepts can be pretty much be confirmed from the fact that we see many big collaborations of people having the same initial name letter or a compatible one, for example...letters R D C A Y are considered very compatible to each other. how much do u think are these concepts correct n on what basis comapred to the astrological principals. regards, cool p ===== Yahoo! My Yahoo! Mail Welcome, raon1008 [Sign Out, My Account] Groups Home - Help Make Yahoo! your home page

raon1008 | Pending Member - Edit Membership Start a Group | My Groups k_p_system Krishnamurti Paddhati (K. P. System) Home Messages Members Only Chat Files Photos Links Database Polls Calendar Promote Yahoo! Groups Tips Did you know... Find new compatriots and unite. Start a New Group. Yahoo! 360 Keep connected to your friends and family through blogs, photos and more. Create your own 360 page now. Already receiving group email? Messages Messages Help Message # Search: View: Simple | Summary | Expanded As: Msg List | Thread 1936 - 1965 of 8072 Last Sort by Date 1936 From: "shivendra56" <shivendra56@...> Date: Mon Dec 13, 2004 2:25am Subject: Remarriage, WHEN? shivendra56 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Respected Members, I am furnishing the particulars of a girl and my observation thereupon for commenting upon. Native RACHNA GARG Father's Name:Shri S.C.Garg Time : 21.25 Date : July 06, 1979 Place : Delhi Long : 77 E 13 Lat. 28 N 38 Ayan : 23. 28. 26 Dasa : Sat 12 y. 0 M, 9 D. The above is the example case where native got married on Dec. 7, 2000 and separated within six month. Now case of divorce is pending before the Hon'ble Court of law. The horoscope was examined by me on 10.07.04 at 09.15 A. M. when Ascendant was rising in cancer sign ruled by Moon, in the star pushya ruled by Sat., Moon was transiting in Aries, in Aswini star ruled by Ketu and day was Sat. Hence ruling planets in order of their strength are Sat, Moon, Ketu, Mars and Sat. The ascendant at birth is Sat, Mars, Rahu and Ven. It may be noted that Rahu is in Aries and becomes a ruling planet and ketu represent Ven. Apart from this the birth ruling planets are Mars, Sat, and Ven. Rahu is conjoined with Sat and

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ketu is being aspected by Sat and become ruling planets. Hence correctness of the birth chart is confirmed. Now, according to Hon'ble KP, the significators of house (bhava or cusp) 2, 5 7 & 11 indicate not only the time of marriage, but reunion and happy life also. The significators of twelth bhava to the above bhava, i.e. 1, 4, 6 10 & 12 bhava are the bhava negates to them. If there is any connection between the desiring house and negative houses, no happy life is possible. Even divorce may be the result of this combination. In the above horoscope, 2nd bhava falls in the sub of Mer. occupy 6th and owned 8th and 5th, deposited in Sat star in 7 th house. Hence Mer. has mixed result likewise being connected with 5th & 7th gave marriage during her major dasa period (15.07.91 15.07.2008) in the Bhukti of Mars, Antra of Sun on 07.12.2000. But its connection with 8th house started quarrel between both. Hence not fully auspicious. The 5 th house falls in the sub of Ketu signify 1 & 7 hence 5th house is good. The 7th house sub lord is Rahu placed in 7 conjoined with lord of Lagan besides represent Sun in 5th and thus signify 5, 7 and lagan. As sun is deposited in 5th it indicate reunion, pleasure and affection. Further Rahu being cuspal sub lord of 7 in 7 promised marriage. The 11 house falls in Ven sub a significator of 5, 9 and 4. The significator of the 2 nd 11 th house are Sun and Jup. 7 th house significators are Mer, Moon, Ketu, Ven, Sat, Rahu and Mars. As stated above regarding sub lord of the houses are Mer, Rahu and Ven. respectively. Since Mer lord of 5 sub lord of 2 in the star of Sat in 7 conjoined with Rahu sub lord of 7 in the sub of Jup lord of 2 & 11 gave marriage. The significator of 1, 4, 6, 10 and 12 are Ketu, Moon, Mer Sat and Rahu for 1, Mars, Sat, Rahu and Ven for 4, Sun, Jup and Mer for 6, Mars and Moon for 10 and Sun & Jup for 12. Thus all the 9 planets are connected with negatives houses and are free to do unhappiness. During Rahu sub period, who is in Ven star lord of 4 in sub of Mars in 4 with no planet in its star, besides 4th aspect of Mars over Rahu brought separation. The sub Period of Jup will end finally with divorce. Cuspal sub lord of 7, Rahu represent Sun in Dual sign Gemini. Further Rahu is in Ven star deposited in Gemini i.e. dual sign hence remarriage is promised but when? May god gave her prosperity. Yours truly, Shivendra Tiwari @ Indiatimes.Com, Shivendra56@ & Shivendra.Tiwari @

1937 From: "Sandy Crowther" <sandy@...> Date: Mon Dec 13, 2004 7:18am Subject: Request for Yogesh: (was RE: Re: Techniques: KP approved or not?) dete ctive_dunno Offline

Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Yogesh,

You wrote: Only K.P., has developed a method for the correct (atlea st 85-90% success),by atleast 2 well-established methods,using 'transits'...also ... In my personal experience the transit of the sublord of the karaka planet,if properly matched by the transit of the sublord of the XIth cusp... AND the luminaries,or Jupiter,as the case may event can be predicte d to the very day...and the transit of the Ascendant on that day can help fix th e exact time...! !

Thanks very much for sharing this. I m very interested in your personal experience using KP, and in the KP technique above - it sounds fascinating to me as many o f the linking aspects of the KP system are.

I now have a request of you I m sure the whole list can benefit from y our personal experience in KP. So if you have time, can you elaborate on your me thod (above) using KPBC4 as an example? In other words, with your experience and using the above technique you mentioned, what 3 day period would you select for the 3 job offers using KPBC4? Thanks Yogesh.

All the Best, Sandy Crowther

-----Original Message----From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi [] Sent: Monday, December 13, 2004 12:10 AM To: Subject: Re: [k_p_system] Re: Techniques: KP approved or not?

Dear Ron, Only K.P., has developed a method for the correct (atleast 85-90% success),by atleast 2 well-established methods,using 'transits'...also... In my personal experience the transit of the sublord of the karaka planet,if properly matched by the transit of the sublord of the XIth cusp... AND the luminaries,or Jupiter,as the case may event can be predicte d to the very day...and the transit of the Ascendant on that day can help fix th e exact time...! ! Yes,as you aver,I am not very familiar with Western Astrological S ystems,but such a quality of precision, matching that of K.P., I have yet to co me accross with,in any system of astrology... I have only yesterday purchased a book written by a famous Numerol ogist, Shri Sethuraman,and will study it,and experiment with Numerology...partic ularly for its predictive accuracy...and then,perhaps I could assume the addit ional mantle of astro-numerologist ...? ? These days, a surfeit of ads keep appearing in News-papers, Magaz ines etc., of Astro-Numerologists...(whatever that means) ! With best wishes, Yours sincerely, lyrastro1

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1938 From: dilip ranade <dilipdsr@...> Date: Mon Dec 13, 2004 8:07am Subject: Re: Re: Query regarding birth of second child? - - To Dilip Ranade dil ipdsr Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear tw, Sorry the correct details are 18N31 and 73E 55 .Study of these charts will clarify KP study. Thanx for noticing it! Regards, Ranade

--- tw853 <tw853@...> wrote: --------------------------------Dear Dilip Ranade , Could you kindly confirm "Wife:- DOB--- 06 JUL 1915 TOB----- 1800 hrs, Place 18E 31: 73N 55" or "18N31, 73E55" to include in a test for child's sex? Thank you. Best regards, tw

--- In, dilip ranade <dilipdsr@y...> wrote: > > > 12/11/2004 > Dear Ron/ Mr Raichur, > > The new details are as reqd. > > 1. I am giving the details for the study of multiple > births. > > 2. Wife:- DOB--- 06 JUL 1915 TOB----- 1800 hrs > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Place 18E 31: 73N 55 3. The details of the children are as under: Son; D= Daughter (a) 75E35 (b) 75E35 (c) S 75E35 (d) 75E35 (e) 75E35 (f) 75E35 D D D S D S=

16 oct 1931 TOB 2359 : POB= 21N01: 20 jul 1934 TOB-1446 : POB= 21N01: 25 feb 1937 22jul 1938 18 jul 1940 TOB-1933 : POB= 21N01: TOB-2035 : POB= 21N01: TOB- 0755: POB= 21N01:

05 Aug 1942 TOB- 0445: POB= 21N01: S & D 4 Nov 1947 TOB- 0345 :

(g) Twins

> POB=20N05 79E59 > > (h) S 13 Mar 1950: TOB-0945: POB=20N05 79E59 > > > 4. I am finding the details of the husbands POB and > will be posting it soon. I hope the data proves to be > a good exerscise. Also two children have died apart > from those given above(all living at present).Their > details follow > > With best wishes and regards > Ranade > > > PS:> > (a) Details of husband are as follows DOB-26 FEB 1908 > TOB-2145 POB= 23N30: 86E40 > (b) All times are in Indian Std Time. > > Regards > Ranade > > > > > > > > > > > > > > --- anant raichur <anant_1608@y...> wrote: > > Dear Ranade > > > > Good efforts >The data will be more useful, if > > TOB,POB of children are also given. One can then > > cast the charts, and check the connections: > > > > I am giving below the details of a family, for study > > and establishing the relationships: > > > > FATHER: POB: 15N27 75E05 TOB 1;05 DOB > > 16-08-1923 > > MOTHER POB 15N52 74E34 TOB 07:12 DOB > > 22-03-1929 > > 1ST CHILD POB 16N11 75E42 TOB 21:10 DOB > > 28-01-1949 > > 2ND POB 19N05 74E44 TOB 08:04 DOB > > 09-04-1951 > > 3RD POB 16N00 75E48 TOB 17:00 DOB > > 25-12-1953

> > 4TH POB 15N52 74E34 TOB 21;40 DOB > > 09-12-1955 > > GOOD LUCK > > dilip ranade <dilipdsr@y...> wrote: > > > > > > Dear Ron, > > > > 1. I am giving the details for the study of multiple > > births. > > > > 2. Wife:- DOB--- 06 JUL 1915 TOB----- 1810 hrs > > Place 18E 31: 73N 55 > > > > 3. The details of the children are as under: S= > > Son; D= Daughter > > > > (a) S 16 oct 1931 > > > > (b) D 20 jul 1934 > > > > (c) S 25 feb 1937 > > > > (d) D 22jul 1938 > > > > (e) D 18 jul 1940 > > > > (f) D 05 Aug 1942 > > > > (g) Twins S & D 4 Nov 1947 > > > > (h) S 13 Mar 1950 > > > > 4. I am finding the details of the husbands POB and > > will be posting it soon. I hope the data proves to > > be > > a good exerscise. Also two children have died apart > > from those given above(all living at present).Their > > details follow > > > > With best wishes and regards > > Ranade > > > > > > > > > > > > --- rongaunt wrote: > > > > --------------------------------> > > > To all interested in this question of 2nd, 3rd > > births > > etc. > > > > Does anyone have birth details of say four or more

> > children to > > the same mother. We could then check what appears > > to work > > best. > > > > Ron Gaunt > > > > > > > > > > On Tue, 07 Dec 2004 00:10:42 +0000, you wrote: > > > > > > > > > > >Dear Sourav Guchhait, > > > > > >1. For 1st child, 5th & 11 th cusps are taken > > in > > >judging "Is child birth promised or not?" in > > examples > > for both male > > >and female, and generally houses 2, 5 and 11 are > > judged for the time > > >of child birth, examples for male p 224 & p 227, > > and > > example for > > >female p 230, KP Reader IV. (2nd is the increase in > > number of members > > >of family by birth of children; 5th for offspring; > > 11th not only > > >fruit of one's action, but also 5 th to 7 th > > partner, > > p 210 KP Reader > > >IV) > > > > > >2. For 2nd child, to judge houses 2,5,7, and 11; > > 7th > > is 3rd from 5th, > > >3rd is younger child, in an example, KP Reader IV, > > p > > 242. > > > > > >Best regards, > > > > > >tw > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >--- In, Sourav Guchhait > > > > >wrote: > > >> Dear Mr.Raichur,Yogesh Rao Lajmiji and tw, > > >> > > >> My opinion is :> > >> 5'th cusp sublord signifying houses 2,5,11

means > > birth > > >> of 1'st child is promised. If 5th sublord > > signifies > > >> 2,5,11 "then only" one should check for 7th cusp > > >> sublord for 2'nd child(without "1'st" it is not > > >> possible for having "2'nd" including > > miscarriage). > > >> After that, if 7th cusp sublord signifies 2,7,11 > > then > > >> birth of 2'nd child is promised. > > >> > > >> I have two questions:> > >> > > >> How can we calculate considering the 3rd cusp of > > the > > >> 1st Born, a Sibling promised or not? (3'rd cusp > > >> sublord signifying 2,3,11 houses ? 2 is 12 to 3!) > > >> > > >> Also, How can we calculate considering the 11th > > cusp > > >> of the 2nd Born, there is an Elder sibling or > > not? > > >> (11'th cusp sublord signifying 2,11 ? Means good > > >> income!) > > >> > > >> - Regards > > >> Sourav. > > >> > > >> > > >> --- tw853 wrote: > > >> > > >> > > >> --------------------------------> > >> > > >> Dear Yogesh Rao Lajmi, > > >> > > >> Is it not the same as mentioned in Msg # 1774, > > >> > > >> "to judge houses 2,5,7, and 11 for second > > conception, > > >> KP > > >> Reader IV, p 242 (for timing of child birth in > > >> general)" > > >> > > >> Best regards, > > >> > > >> tw > > >> > > >> --- In, Yogesh Rao > > Lajmi > > >> > > >> wrote: > > >> > Dear Mr.Raichur, > > >> > The VIIth cusp,can,like

> > any > > >> other cusp, > > >> stand for different things,but it depends upon > > the > > >> astrologer to > > >> select the appropriate significations,for the > > >> particular > > >> query/judgement,don't you think so ? > > >> > For example the Vth can > > >> denote a lover,a > > >> child or a card-game,opponent's > > victory/gain...and > > so > > >> on,depending > > >> upon the circumstances prevailing,or, being > > considered > > > === message truncated === > > ______________________________________________________________________ __ > Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online > Go to:

Yahoo! Groups Sponsor Get unlimited calls to U.S./Canada --------------------------------Yahoo! Groups Links To visit your group on the web, go to: To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. ________________________________________________________________________ Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online Go to:

1939 From: Date: Mon Dec 13, 2004 8:11am Subject: New file uploaded to k_p_system Send Email Hello,

This email message is a notification to let you know that a file has been uploaded to the Files area of the k_p_system group. File : /calculation of Sub Lord.doc Uploaded by : shiv_saturn789us <shiv_saturn789us@...> Description : You can access this file at the URL: To learn more about file sharing for your group, please visit: Regards, shiv_saturn789us <shiv_saturn789us@...>

1940 From: "shiv_saturn789us" <shiv_saturn789us@...> Date: Mon Dec 13, 2004 8:15am Subject: calulation of sub lord and all degrees/new file uploaded shiv_saturn7. .. Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Sir Yogesh Rao Lajmi and all other respected members, I hv made an effort to compute all sublords degree-wise in one Docfile. Hope U will like it. Pls hv a look in file section. thanxs and regards richa

1941 From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@...> Date: Mon Dec 13, 2004 8:33am Subject: Re: Request for Yogesh: (was RE: Re: Techniques: KP approved or not?) lyrastro1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Sandy, I refer you to one of my published article,in the K.P.& Astrol ogy 2004 Annual,"when will I get a job ?" Another article is to be soon published in the 2005 Annual is be released in the last week of Dec, 2004. The building in which we were residing was taken over by a ve ry reputed builder of Mumbai,and in preparation for the old building to be razed to the ground ...and so on...began in right earnest... But after all tenants were rehoused in temporarily hired fla ts nearby...and the razing began..suddenly ALL activities were stopped...alarm b ells started ringing...! The change of Govt., brought a change in the Municipal Commi ssioner...and he seemed to be taking his time over the file,in the meanwhile the environmentalists went about objecting to ALL new constructions unless the Govt ., put into place proper safeguards etc...

All of were getting that time I took it upon m yself to find out when construction work will Horary K.P., This prediction came out 100% correct...ON THE DOT...! It will be published in the 2005 informed earli er... There are many successful predictions in my bag... But,I'm afraid they are too personal ...and cannot be sent to you...fur posting on the group-site... You are requested to peruse both published articles,and the n we shall discuss a chart where many of the principles are discussed... Pl. send me ur personal e-mail that I will send you an interesting "live case"... most of the predictions are materialising slowly. me...,.! I have been a little too busy these days what with my gran d-neohew's forthcoming wedding in Bangalore...I shall be in B'lore from the 16th Dec, to the 8th January 2005... In the mean while,allow me to wish you your family,and ALL MEMBERS and their families... A MERRY CHRISTMAS !... AND... A VERY HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR...! ! Yours sincerely, lyrastro1 GOOD LUCK !

Sandy Crowther <> wrote: Dear Yogesh,

Only K.P., has developed a method for the correct (atlea You wrote: st 85-90% success),by atleast 2 well-established methods,using 'transits'...also ... In my personal experience the transit of the sublord of the karaka planet,if properly matched by the transit of the sublord of the XIth cusp... AND the luminaries,or Jupiter,as the case may event can be predicte d to the very day...and the transit of the Ascendant on that day can help fix th e exact time...! !

Thanks very much for sharing this. I m very interested in your personal experience using KP, and in the KP technique above - it sounds fascinating to me as many o f the linking aspects of the KP system are.

I now have a request of you I m sure the whole list can benefit from y our personal experience in KP. So if you have time, can you elaborate on your me thod (above) using KPBC4 as an example? In other words, with your experience and using the above technique you mentioned, what 3 day period would you select for the 3 job offers using KPBC4? Thanks Yogesh.

All the Best, Sandy Crowther

-----Original Message----From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi [] Sent: Monday, December 13, 2004 12:10 AM To: Subject: Re: [k_p_system] Re: Techniques: KP approved or not?

Dear Ron, Only K.P., has developed a method for the correct (atleast 85-90% success),by atleast 2 well-established methods,using 'transits'...also... In my personal experience the transit of the sublord of the karaka planet,if properly matched by the transit of the sublord of the XIth cusp... AND the luminaries,or Jupiter,as the case may event can be predicte d to the very day...and the transit of the Ascendant on that day can help fix th e exact time...! ! Yes,as you aver,I am not very familiar with Western Astrological S ystems,but such a quality of precision, matching that of K.P., I have yet to co me accross with,in any system of astrology... I have only yesterday purchased a book written by a famous Numerol ogist, Shri Sethuraman,and will study it,and experiment with Numerology...partic ularly for its predictive accuracy...and then,perhaps I could assume the addit ional mantle of astro-numerologist ...? ? These days, a surfeit of ads keep appearing in News-papers, Magaz ines etc., of Astro-Numerologists...(whatever that means) ! With best wishes, Yours sincerely, lyrastro1

Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online.

1942 From: Yogesh Date: Mon Dec 13, Subject: Leave of Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! Dear Friends,

Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@...> 2004 8:40am absence... lyrastro1 360

I shall be away from the 15th Dec,2004...and back in station from the 9th January,2005... WISHING YOU ALL... A MERRY CHRISTMAS ! AND A VERY HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR ! ! lyrastro1 Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online.

1943 From: "Sandy Crowther" <sandy@...> Date: Mon Dec 13, 2004 9:07am Subject: RE: Request for Yogesh: (was RE: Re: Techniques: KP approved or not?) detective_dunno Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Yogesh and Group,

Thanks for the references Yogesh. How does one subscribe to K.P. & Astrology Ann uals is there an online URL that accepts subscriptions for Westerners? Is K.P. & Astrology a magazine that is published monthly or bi-monthly or is it strictly an Annual publication? Thanks.

Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year also!

All the Best, Sandy Crowther

-----Original Message----From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi [] Sent: Monday, December 13, 2004 9:33 AM To: Subject: Re: Request for Yogesh: (was RE: [k_p_system] Re: Techniques: KP approv ed or not?)

Dear Sandy, I refer you to one of my published article,in the K.P.& Astrol ogy 2004 Annual,"when will I get a job ?" Another article is to be soon published in the 2005 Annual is be released in the last week of Dec, 2004. The building in which we were residing was taken over by a ve ry reputed builder of Mumbai,and in preparation for the old building to be razed to the ground ...and so on...began in right earnest... But after all tenants were rehoused in temporarily hired fla ts nearby...and the razing began..suddenly ALL activities were stopped...alarm b ells started ringing...! The change of Govt., brought a change in the Municipal Commi ssioner...and he seemed to be taking his time over the file,in the meanwhile the environmentalists went about objecting to ALL new constructions unless the Govt ., put into place proper safeguards etc... All of were getting that time I took it upon m yself to find out when construction work will Horary K.P., This prediction came out 100% correct...ON THE DOT...! It will be published in the 2005 informed earli er... There are many successful predictions in my bag... But,I'm afraid they are too personal ...and cannot be sent to you...fur posting on the group-site... You are requested to peruse both published articles,and the n we shall discuss a chart where many of the principles are discussed... Pl. send me ur personal e-mail that I will send you

an interesting "live case"... most of the predictions are materialising slowly. me...,.! I have been a little too busy these days what with my gran d-neohew's forthcoming wedding in Bangalore...I shall be in B'lore from the 16th Dec, to the 8th January 2005... In the mean while,allow me to wish you your family,and ALL MEMBERS and their families...


Yours sincerely, lyrastro1 GOOD LUCK !

Sandy Crowther <> wrote: Dear Yogesh,

You wrote: Only K.P., has developed a method for the correct (atlea st 85-90% success),by atleast 2 well-established methods,using 'transits'...also ... In my personal experience the transit of the sublord of the karaka planet,if properly matched by the transit of the sublord of the XIth cusp... AND the luminaries,or Jupiter,as the case may event can be predicte d to the very day...and the transit of the Ascendant on that day can help fix th e exact time...! !

Thanks very much for sharing this. I m very interested in your personal experience using KP, and in the KP technique above - it sounds fascinating to me as many o f the linking aspects of the KP system are.

I now have a request of you I m sure the whole list can benefit from y our personal experience in KP. So if you have time, can you elaborate on your me thod (above) using KPBC4 as an example? In other words, with your experience and using the above technique you mentioned, what 3 day period would you select for the 3 job offers using KPBC4? Thanks Yogesh.

All the Best, Sandy Crowther

-----Original Message----From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi [] Sent: Monday, December 13, 2004 12:10 AM To: Subject: Re: [k_p_system] Re: Techniques: KP approved or not?

Dear Ron, Only K.P., has developed a method for the correct (atleast 85-90% success),by atleast 2 well-established methods,using 'transits'...also... In my personal experience the transit of the sublord of the karaka planet,if properly matched by the transit of the sublord of the XIth cusp... AND the luminaries,or Jupiter,as the case may event can be predicte d to the very day...and the transit of the Ascendant on that day can help fix th e exact time...! ! Yes,as you aver,I am not very familiar with Western Astrological S ystems,but such a quality of precision, matching that of K.P., I have yet to co me accross with,in any system of astrology... I have only yesterday purchased a book written by a famous Numerol ogist, Shri Sethuraman,and will study it,and experiment with Numerology...partic ularly for its predictive accuracy...and then,perhaps I could assume the addit ional mantle of astro-numerologist ...? ? These days, a surfeit of ads keep appearing in News-papers, Magaz ines etc., of Astro-Numerologists...(whatever that means) ! With best wishes, Yours sincerely, lyrastro1

Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online.

Attachment: (image/gif) image001.gif [not stored]

1944 From: rongaunt <rongaunt@...> Date: Mon Dec 13, 2004 6:28pm Subject: Micro Rectification rongaunt1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 I am just starting to try my hand at micro rectification using KP, and I would appreciate learned members help and thoughts on my first case. I decided to check the chart of Shirley Temple Black because I am fairly certain that the birth certificate and documentation is approximately correct. My previous non KP attempts at rectification suggested a time slightly later than quoted. Details for Shirley are: DOB 23 April 1928 9:00 pm PST +8:00 Santa Monica, California 34N01'10" 118W29'25" My prasna was 11th December 2004 Brisbane, Australia 27S28 153E02 TZ -10:00. Time was 7:12:34pm Here I found the Day Lord to be Saturn, The Asc Rasi Lord Mercury, the Asc Star Lord Mars, the Moon Rasi Lord Mars, and the Moon Star Lord Saturn. Also Rahu is a strong R.P. as it is in the rasi of another R.P. - Mars. Here we see Mars, Saturn and Rahu as all being very strong. In Shirley's natal chart with a 9:00 pm birth the Asc is 12 Scorpio 29'29". Therefore Scorpio rasi is confirmed by strong RP Mars. Mars rasi, Saturn star and Mars sub covers Scorpio 12-6-40 to 12-53-20. and this confims Shirley was born within this configuration. The following configurations apply: 8.58 pm Ma/Sa/Mo/Su

9.00 pm 9:02 pm 9:04 pm 9:07 pm

Ma/Sa/Ma/Sa Ma/Sa/Ra/Ra Ma/Sa/Ra/Ju Ma/Sa/Ra/Me Likewise 9:04 pm

We can eliminate 8:58 pm as Moon is not a R.P. because sub sub Jupiter is also not a R.P.

This leaves 9:00 - 9:02 pm and 9:07 pm because Me is a R.P. Now it gets tricky how do we decide which is the correct sub? Presumably we look for strength. Here Mars, Saturn and Rahu are all very strong so I would eliminate Me at 9:07pm. This leaves the options of Ma/Sa/Ma/Sa OR Ma/Sa/Ra/Ra. Rahu appears very strong, but Saturn aspects Rahu in the Prasna and appears to be calling the shots. I would appreciate members comments on which of these two would be the relevant time, and why. Do we need to go even further and use sub-sub-subs? Ron Gaunt

1945 From: "tw853" <tw853@...> Date: Mon Dec 13, 2004 7:23pm Subject: Request for Yogesh: (was RE: Re: Techniques: KP approved or not?) tw85 3 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Sandy Crowther, Under "Magazine" MAVar1162 K. P. & Astrology Annual Issue 2004 $ 8.00 (including Registered Airmail postage) Back issues for 2002 & 2003 are also available. Best regards, tw

--- In, "Sandy Crowther" <sandy@t...> wrote: > Dear Yogesh and Group,

> > > > Thanks for the references Yogesh. How does one subscribe to K.P. & > Astrology Annuals - is there an online URL that accepts subscriptions > for Westerners? Is K.P. & Astrology a magazine that is published monthly > or bi-monthly - or is it strictly an Annual publication? Thanks. > > > > Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year also! > > > > All the Best, > > Sandy Crowther > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > -----Original Message----> From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi [mailto:lyrastro1@y...] > Sent: Monday, December 13, 2004 9:33 AM > To: > Subject: Re: Request for Yogesh: (was RE: [k_p_system] Re: Techniques: > KP approved or not?) > > > > Dear Sandy, > > I refer you to one of my published article,in the > K.P.& Astrology 2004 Annual,"when will I get a job ?" > > Another article is to be soon published in the 2005 > Annual be released in the last week of Dec, 2004. > > The building in which we were residing was taken over > by a very reputed builder of Mumbai,and in preparation for the old > building to be razed to the ground ...and so on...began in right > earnest... > > But after all tenants were rehoused in

temporarily > hired flats nearby...and the razing began..suddenly ALL activities were > stopped...alarm bells started ringing...! > > The change of Govt., brought a change in the > Municipal Commissioner...and he seemed to be taking his time over the > file,in the meanwhile the environmentalists went about objecting to ALL > new constructions unless the Govt., put into place proper safeguards > etc... > > All of were getting that time I took > it upon myself to find out when construction work will > Horary K.P., > > This prediction came out 100% correct...ON THE > DOT...! > > It will be published in the 2005 > informed earlier... > > There are many successful predictions in my bag... > > But,I'm afraid they are too personal ...and cannot > be sent to you...fur posting on the group-site... > > You are requested to peruse both published > articles,and then we shall discuss a chart where many of the principles > are discussed... > > Pl. send me ur personal e-mail that I will > send you an interesting "live case"... most of the predictions are > materialising me...,.! > > I have been a little too busy these days what with > my grand-neohew's forthcoming wedding in Bangalore...I shall be in > B'lore from the 16th Dec, to the 8th January 2005... > > In the mean while,allow me to wish you your > family,and ALL MEMBERS and their families... > > > > A MERRY CHRISTMAS !... > > AND... A VERY HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR...! ! > > > > Yours sincerely, >

> lyrastro1 > > GOOD LUCK ! > > > > > > > > Sandy Crowther <sandy@t...> wrote: > > Dear Yogesh, > > > > You wrote: " Only K.P., has developed a method for the > correct (atleast 85-90% success),by atleast 2 well-established > methods,using 'transits'...also... > > In my personal experience the transit of the sublord of > the karaka planet,if properly matched by the transit of the sublord of > the XIth cusp... > > AND the luminaries,or Jupiter,as the case may event can be > predicted to the very day...and the transit of the Ascendant on that day > can help fix the exact time...! !" > > > > Thanks very much for sharing this. I'm very interested in your personal > experience using KP, and in the KP technique above - it sounds > fascinating to me - as many of the "linking" aspects of the KP system > are. > > > > I now have a request of you I'm sure the whole list can > benefit from your personal experience in KP. So if you have time, can > you elaborate on your method (above) using KPBC4 as an example? In other > words, with your experience and using the above technique you mentioned, > what 3 day period would you select for the 3 job offers using KPBC4? > Thanks Yogesh. > > > > > > All the Best, > > Sandy Crowther

> > <> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > -----Original Message----> From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi [mailto:lyrastro1@y...] > Sent: Monday, December 13, 2004 12:10 AM > To: > Subject: Re: [k_p_system] Re: Techniques: KP approved or not? > > > > Dear Ron, > > Only K.P., has developed a method for the correct (atleast > 85-90% success),by atleast 2 well-established methods,using > 'transits'...also... > > In my personal experience the transit of the sublord of > the karaka planet,if properly matched by the transit of the sublord of > the XIth cusp... > > AND the luminaries,or Jupiter,as the case may event can be > predicted to the very day...and the transit of the Ascendant on that day > can help fix the exact time...! ! > > Yes,as you aver,I am not very familiar with Western > Astrological Systems,but such a quality of precision, matching that of > K.P., I have yet to come accross with,in any system of astrology... > > I have only yesterday purchased a book written by a famous > Numerologist, Shri Sethuraman,and will study it,and experiment with > Numerology...particularly for its predictive accuracy...and > then,perhaps I could assume the additional mantle of astronumerologist > ...? ? <> > <> > > These days, a surfeit of ads keep appearing in > News-papers, Magazines etc., of Astro-Numerologists...(whatever that > means) ! >

> With best wishes, > > Yours sincerely, > > lyrastro1 > > > > > > > <*http:/ > trimony/> Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online > <*http:/ -m > atrimony/> . > > > Yahoo! Groups Sponsor > > > > ADVERTISEMENT > > < 6/ > D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1103034815/A=2434971/R=0/SIG=11eeoolb0/*h tt > p:/> click here > > > > < M=298184.5639630.6699735.3001176/D=group > s/S=:HM/A=2434971/rand=687850494> > > > > _____ > > Yahoo! Groups Links > > * To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > > * To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > <> > > > * Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of > Service <> .

1946 From: "tw853" <tw853@...> Date: Mon Dec 13, 2004 7:35pm Subject: Re: calulation of sub lord and all degrees/new file uploaded tw853 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear shiv_saturn789us, A good attempt. In srijagannath Group there is an auomatic "Nakshatra lords, Sub and Sub Sub finder". Best regards, tw --- In, "shiv_saturn789us" <shiv_saturn789us@y...> wrote: > > Dear Sir Yogesh Rao Lajmi and all other respected members, > I hv made an effort to compute all sublords degree-wise in one Doc> file. Hope U will like it. Pls hv a look in file section. > thanxs and regards > richa

1947 From: "tw853" <tw853@...> Date: Mon Dec 13, 2004 7:52pm Subject: Re: Leave of absence... tw853 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Sri Anant Raichur, Yogesh Rao Lajmi, All Members, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2005! Wishing you Peace and Happiness, tw

-- In, Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@y...> wrote: > Dear Friends, > I shall be away from the 15th Dec,2004...and back in station from the 9th January,2005... > WISHING YOU ALL... > A MERRY CHRISTMAS ! > > AND >

> A VERY HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR ! ! > > lyrastro1 > > > Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline.

1948 From: "Balaji G.krishnan" <balaji_g_krishnan@...> Date: Mon Dec 13, 2004 9:29pm Subject: SUN TRANSIT ON THE CUSPAL POINT balaji_g_kri... Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear K.P astrologers, For a long time I am happy to be associated with this great group of my interest .I request everybody to discuss everytime useful topics with clear facts. Unnecessary diversions and arguments is waste of time and energy.As we know,ever ybody is finding very hard to allocate our daily time for this useful and wonder ful science. Pls discuss with focus and treat everybody as your friend with a open heart.The great Guruji,prof.K.S.K has spent his most of his hours in research and he has g iven this science to us with a open heart.He has created many legends of this fi eld as he spent his life for a purpose,HELPING THE SOCIETY WITH THIS SCIENCE. Coming to my query,Whether,sun transit exactly on the cupal point of the related event.example,buying a two wheeler......2,4,11.sun transiting on the 4th cuspal point on the day of purchase of vehicle. when i opened a bank account,the same day sun transits on the 6th cuspal point. KINDLY VERIFY AND SUGGEST ME. Thanks and regards Balaji Gopalakrishnan Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online.

1949 From: "Kanakkumar Bosmia" <kanbosastro@...> Date: Mon Dec 13, 2004 10:01pm Subject: RE: Micro Rectification kanbosastro Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Ron, RP Moon at you query is: TIME I.S.T.Hrs.Min,SEC ? 14,42,34 (Aus. time -4.30 = IST) DAY LORD IS SAT.


87 57 30




MOON/CHANDRA 226 17 18 RAHU 5 34 45 KETU 185 34 45 RP Moon indicate Birth Asc.


RP Moon is: MARS SAT JUP MOON and birth asc For 8.58 pm Ma/Sa/Mo/Su now you can found most of time that RP Moon = Birth it is. MAR.SAT,MOON are in both rp and birth Asc. now if we adjest as: MAR,SAT,MOON,JU P it was @ Scorpio 11-19-27 to 11-28-20. you have to go back for some seconds and you have found Asc. as MAR,SAT,MOON,JUP . regards kanak bosmia >From: rongaunt <> >Reply-To: >To: >Subject: [k_p_system] Micro Rectification >Date: Tue, 14 Dec 2004 10:28:32 +1000 > >I am just starting to try my hand at micro rectification using >KP, and I would appreciate learned members help and thoughts on >my first case. > >I decided to check the chart of Shirley Temple Black because I am >fairly certain that the birth certificate and documentation is >approximately correct. My previous non KP attempts at >rectification suggested a time slightly later than quoted. > >Details for Shirley are: > >DOB 23 April 1928 >9:00 pm PST +8:00 >Santa Monica, California >34N01'10" 118W29'25" > >My prasna was 11th December 2004 Brisbane, Australia 27S28 >153E02 TZ -10:00. Time was 7:12:34pm > >Here I found the Day Lord to be Saturn, The Asc Rasi Lord >Mercury, the Asc Star Lord Mars, the Moon Rasi Lord Mars, >and the Moon Star Lord Saturn. Also Rahu is a strong R.P. as it >is in the rasi of another R.P. - Mars. > >Here we see Mars, Saturn and Rahu as all being very strong. > >In Shirley's natal chart with a 9:00 pm birth the Asc is >12 Scorpio 29'29". Therefore Scorpio rasi is confirmed by >strong RP Mars.

> >Mars rasi, Saturn star and Mars sub covers Scorpio 12-6-40 to >12-53-20. and this confims Shirley was born within this >configuration. > > >The following configurations apply: > >8.58 pm Ma/Sa/Mo/Su > >9.00 pm Ma/Sa/Ma/Sa > >9:02 pm Ma/Sa/Ra/Ra > >9:04 pm Ma/Sa/Ra/Ju > >9:07 pm Ma/Sa/Ra/Me > >We can eliminate 8:58 pm as Moon is not a R.P. Likewise 9:04 pm >because sub sub Jupiter is also not a R.P. > >This leaves 9:00 - 9:02 pm and 9:07 pm because Me is a R.P. > >Now it gets tricky how do we decide which is the correct sub? >Presumably we look for strength. Here Mars, Saturn and Rahu >are all very strong so I would eliminate Me at 9:07pm. > >This leaves the options of Ma/Sa/Ma/Sa OR Ma/Sa/Ra/Ra. >Rahu appears very strong, but Saturn aspects Rahu in the Prasna >and appears to be calling the shots. > >I would appreciate members comments on which of these two would >be the relevant time, and why. Do we need to go even further >and use sub-sub-subs? > > >Ron Gaunt > > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------MSN Premium helps protect against viruses, hackers, junk e-mail &; pop-ups.

1950 From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@...> Date: Tue Dec 14, 2004 1:20am Subject: Re: Request for Yogesh: (was RE: Re: Techniques: KP approved or not?) lyrastro1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Sandy, Pl. go to K.Subramaniam,or, K.P.Astrology on the web,and you wi ll get Mr. K.Subramaniam's US distributor's address etc.,with the prices in US$. .. By the way,did you get the Natal chart of Mr.Chatterrjee,and my readings ? Kindly acknowledge,asap,as I will be leaving for B'lore tomorrow...

With best wishes, lyrastro1 GOOD LUCK ! tw853 <> wrote: Dear Sandy Crowther, Under "Magazine" MAVar1162 K. P. & Astrology Annual Issue 2004 $ 8.00 (including Registered Airmail postage) Back issues for 2002 & 2003 are also available. Best regards, tw

--- In, "Sandy Crowther" <sandy@t...> wrote: > Dear Yogesh and Group, > > > > Thanks for the references Yogesh. How does one subscribe to K.P. & > Astrology Annuals - is there an online URL that accepts subscriptions > for Westerners? Is K.P. & Astrology a magazine that is published monthly > or bi-monthly - or is it strictly an Annual publication? Thanks. > > > > Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year also! > > > > All the Best, > > Sandy Crowther > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > -----Original Message----> From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi [mailto:lyrastro1@y...] > Sent: Monday, December 13, 2004 9:33 AM > To: > Subject: Re: Request for Yogesh: (was RE: [k_p_system] Re: Techniques: > KP approved or not?) > > > > Dear Sandy, > > I refer you to one of my published article,in the > K.P.& Astrology 2004 Annual,"when will I get a job ?" > > Another article is to be soon published in the 2005 > Annual be released in the last week of Dec, 2004. > > The building in which we were residing was taken over > by a very reputed builder of Mumbai,and in preparation for the old > building to be razed to the ground ...and so on...began in right > earnest... > > But after all tenants were rehoused in temporarily > hired flats nearby...and the razing began..suddenly ALL activities were > stopped...alarm bells started ringing...! > > The change of Govt., brought a change in the > Municipal Commissioner...and he seemed to be taking his time over the > file,in the meanwhile the environmentalists went about objecting to ALL > new constructions unless the Govt., put into place proper safeguards > etc... > > All of were getting that time I took > it upon myself to find out when construction work will > Horary K.P., > > This prediction came out 100% correct...ON THE > DOT...! > > It will be published in the 2005 > informed earlier... > > There are many successful predictions in my bag... > > But,I'm afraid they are too personal ...and cannot > be sent to you...fur posting on the group-site... > > You are requested to peruse both published

> articles,and then we shall discuss a chart where many of the principles > are discussed... > > Pl. send me ur personal e-mail that I will > send you an interesting "live case"... most of the predictions are > materialising me...,.! > > I have been a little too busy these days what with > my grand-neohew's forthcoming wedding in Bangalore...I shall be in > B'lore from the 16th Dec, to the 8th January 2005... > > In the mean while,allow me to wish you your > family,and ALL MEMBERS and their families... > > > > A MERRY CHRISTMAS !... > > AND... A VERY HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR...! ! > > > > Yours sincerely, > > lyrastro1 > > GOOD LUCK ! > > > > > > > > Sandy Crowther <sandy@t...> wrote: > > Dear Yogesh, > > > > You wrote: " Only K.P., has developed a method for the > correct (atleast 85-90% success),by atleast 2 well-established > methods,using 'transits'...also... > > In my personal experience the transit of the sublord of > the karaka planet,if properly matched by the transit of the sublord of > the XIth cusp... > > AND the luminaries,or Jupiter,as the case may event can be > predicted to the very day...and the transit of the Ascendant on that day > can help fix the exact time...! !" > >

> > Thanks very much for sharing this. I'm very interested in your personal > experience using KP, and in the KP technique above - it sounds > fascinating to me - as many of the "linking" aspects of the KP system > are. > > > > I now have a request of you I'm sure the whole list can > benefit from your personal experience in KP. So if you have time, can > you elaborate on your method (above) using KPBC4 as an example? In other > words, with your experience and using the above technique you mentioned, > what 3 day period would you select for the 3 job offers using KPBC4? > Thanks Yogesh. > > > > > > All the Best, > > Sandy Crowther > > <> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > -----Original Message----> From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi [mailto:lyrastro1@y...] > Sent: Monday, December 13, 2004 12:10 AM > To: > Subject: Re: [k_p_system] Re: Techniques: KP approved or not? > > > > Dear Ron, > > Only K.P., has developed a method for the correct (atleast > 85-90% success),by atleast 2 well-established methods,using > 'transits'...also... > > In my personal experience the transit of the sublord of > the karaka planet,if properly matched by the transit of the sublord

of > the XIth cusp... > > AND the luminaries,or Jupiter,as the case may event can be > predicted to the very day...and the transit of the Ascendant on that day > can help fix the exact time...! ! > > Yes,as you aver,I am not very familiar with Western > Astrological Systems,but such a quality of precision, matching that of > K.P., I have yet to come accross with,in any system of astrology... > > I have only yesterday purchased a book written by a famous > Numerologist, Shri Sethuraman,and will study it,and experiment with > Numerology...particularly for its predictive accuracy...and > then,perhaps I could assume the additional mantle of astronumerologist > ...? ? <> > <> > > These days, a surfeit of ads keep appearing in > News-papers, Magazines etc., of Astro-Numerologists...(whatever that > means) ! > > With best wishes, > > Yours sincerely, > > lyrastro1 > > > > > > > <*http:/ > trimony/> Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online > <*http:/ -m > atrimony/> . > > > Yahoo! Groups Sponsor > > > > ADVERTISEMENT > > < 6/ > D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1103034815/A=2434971/R=0/SIG=11eeoolb0/*h tt

> p:/> click here > > > > < M=298184.5639630.6699735.3001176/D=group > s/S=:HM/A=2434971/rand=687850494> > > > > _____ > > Yahoo! Groups Links > > * To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > > * To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > <> > > > * Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of > Service <> .

Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online.

1951 From: rongaunt <rongaunt@...> Date: Tue Dec 14, 2004 2:04am Subject: Re: Micro Rectification rongaunt1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Kanak, Thanks for your explanation. Yours is a different method to the one I was following from a book. One thing I am 87 57 30 ie 27 4 Gemini 56:42 4 Gemini 49:36 Lagna. Are Ron Gaunt puzzled about is that you show the query Asc as Gemini 57 30. My software gives me with Solar Fire set to Geocentric Lagna and with Parashara Light which I suspect is Geographic you certain that you have computed for Brisbane?

On Mon, 13 Dec 2004 20:01:07 -0800, you wrote: Dear Ron, RP Moon at you query is: TIME I.S.T.Hrs.Min,SEC ? 14,42,34 (Aus. time -4.30 = IST) DAY LORD IS ASC= 87 57 30 SAT. MERC JUP VEN JUP MOON RAHU MOON

MOON/CHANDRA 226 17 18 RAHU 5 34 45 KETU 185 34 45 RP Moon indicate Birth Asc. RP Moon is: MARS SAT JUP and birth asc For 8.58 pm


MOON Ma/Sa/Mo/Su

now you can found most of time that RP Moon = Birth it is. MAR.SAT,MOON are in both rp and birth Asc. now if we adjest as: MAR,SAT,MOON,JUP it was @ Scorpio 11-19-27 to 11-28-20. you have to go back for some seconds and you have found Asc. as MAR,SAT,MOON,JUP . regards kanak bosmia >From: rongaunt <rongaunt@...> >Reply-To: >To: >Subject: [k_p_system] Micro Rectification >Date: Tue, 14 Dec 2004 10:28:32 +1000 > >I am just starting to try my hand at micro rectification using >KP, and I would appreciate learned members help and thoughts on >my first case. > >I decided to check the chart of Shirley Temple Black because I am >fairly certain that the birth certificate and documentation is >approximately correct. My previous non KP attempts at >rectification suggested a time slightly later than quoted. > >Details for Shirley are: > >DOB 23 April 1928 >9:00 pm PST +8:00 >Santa Monica, California >34N01'10" 118W29'25" > >My prasna was 11th December 2004 Brisbane, Australia 27S28 >153E02 TZ -10:00. Time was 7:12:34pm

> >Here I found the Day Lord to be Saturn, The Asc Rasi Lord >Mercury, the Asc Star Lord Mars, the Moon Rasi Lord Mars, >and the Moon Star Lord Saturn. Also Rahu is a strong R.P. as it >is in the rasi of another R.P. - Mars. > >Here we see Mars, Saturn and Rahu as all being very strong. > >In Shirley's natal chart with a 9:00 pm birth the Asc is >12 Scorpio 29'29". Therefore Scorpio rasi is confirmed by >strong RP Mars. > >Mars rasi, Saturn star and Mars sub covers Scorpio 12-6-40 to >12-53-20. and this confims Shirley was born within this >configuration. > > >The following configurations apply: > >8.58 pm Ma/Sa/Mo/Su > >9.00 pm Ma/Sa/Ma/Sa > >9:02 pm Ma/Sa/Ra/Ra > >9:04 pm Ma/Sa/Ra/Ju > >9:07 pm Ma/Sa/Ra/Me > >We can eliminate 8:58 pm as Moon is not a R.P. Likewise 9:04 pm >because sub sub Jupiter is also not a R.P. > >This leaves 9:00 - 9:02 pm and 9:07 pm because Me is a R.P. > >Now it gets tricky how do we decide which is the correct sub? >Presumably we look for strength. Here Mars, Saturn and Rahu >are all very strong so I would eliminate Me at 9:07pm. > >This leaves the options of Ma/Sa/Ma/Sa OR Ma/Sa/Ra/Ra. >Rahu appears very strong, but Saturn aspects Rahu in the Prasna >and appears to be calling the shots. > >I would appreciate members comments on which of these two would >be the relevant time, and why. Do we need to go even further >and use sub-sub-subs? > > >Ron Gaunt >

1952 From: "Kanakkumar Bosmia" <kanbosastro@...> Date: Tue Dec 14, 2004 2:43am Subject: Re: Micro Rectification kanbosastro Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Ron,

Name of Place,1ST 3/4 LETTERS ? BRISBANE 321 BRISBANE QUEENSLAND AUSTRALIA 27-29N 153-08E +10.00 -04.30 IS This the Correct Place.. Y/N ? some deferace in Lon. let. i hve check with THE INTERNATIONAL ATLAS ( ACS Publications USA) it was 27 S 28 153 E 02 somthig wrong in my software regards kanak bosmia >From: rongaunt <> >Reply-To: >To: >Subject: Re: [k_p_system] Micro Rectification >Date: Tue, 14 Dec 2004 18:04:18 +1000 > > >Dear Kanak, > >Thanks for your explanation. Yours is a different method to the >one I was following from a book. > >One thing I am puzzled about is that you show the query Asc as >87 57 30 ie 27 Gemini 57 30. My software gives me >4 Gemini 56:42 with Solar Fire set to Geocentric Lagna and >4 Gemini 49:36 with Parashara Light which I suspect is Geographic >Lagna. Are you certain that you have computed for Brisbane? > > >Ron Gaunt > > > > > >On Mon, 13 Dec 2004 20:01:07 -0800, you wrote: > >Dear Ron, > >RP Moon at you query is: > > TIME I.S.T.Hrs.Min,SEC ? 14,42,34 (Aus. time -4.30 = IST) > >DAY LORD IS SAT. > >ASC= 87 57 30 MERC JUP VEN JUP > >MOON/CHANDRA 226 17 18 MARS SAT JUP MOON >RAHU 5 34 45 MARS KETU RAHU RAHU >KETU 185 34 45 VEN MARS MOON MOON > >

>RP Moon indicate Birth Asc. > >RP Moon is: MARS SAT JUP MOON > and birth asc For 8.58 pm Ma/Sa/Mo/Su > >now you can found most of time that RP Moon = Birth it >is. > >MAR.SAT,MOON are in both rp and birth Asc. now if we adjest as: >MAR,SAT,MOON,JUP it was @ >Scorpio 11-19-27 to 11-28-20. you have to go back for some >seconds and you have found Asc. as MAR,SAT,MOON,JUP . > > >regards > >kanak bosmia > > >From: rongaunt <> > >Reply-To: > >To: > >Subject: [k_p_system] Micro Rectification > >Date: Tue, 14 Dec 2004 10:28:32 +1000 > > > >I am just starting to try my hand at micro rectification using > >KP, and I would appreciate learned members help and thoughts on > >my first case. > > > >I decided to check the chart of Shirley Temple Black because I am > >fairly certain that the birth certificate and documentation is > >approximately correct. My previous non KP attempts at > >rectification suggested a time slightly later than quoted. > > > >Details for Shirley are: > > > >DOB 23 April 1928 > >9:00 pm PST +8:00 > >Santa Monica, California > >34N01'10" 118W29'25" > > > >My prasna was 11th December 2004 Brisbane, Australia 27S28 > >153E02 TZ -10:00. Time was 7:12:34pm > > > >Here I found the Day Lord to be Saturn, The Asc Rasi Lord > >Mercury, the Asc Star Lord Mars, the Moon Rasi Lord Mars, > >and the Moon Star Lord Saturn. Also Rahu is a strong R.P. as it > >is in the rasi of another R.P. - Mars. > > > >Here we see Mars, Saturn and Rahu as all being very strong. > > > >In Shirley's natal chart with a 9:00 pm birth the Asc is > >12 Scorpio 29'29". Therefore Scorpio rasi is confirmed by > >strong RP Mars. > > > >Mars rasi, Saturn star and Mars sub covers Scorpio 12-6-40 to > >12-53-20. and this confims Shirley was born within this > >configuration. > > > > > >The following configurations apply:

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> >8.58 pm Ma/Sa/Mo/Su > >9.00 pm Ma/Sa/Ma/Sa > >9:02 pm Ma/Sa/Ra/Ra > >9:04 pm Ma/Sa/Ra/Ju > >9:07 pm Ma/Sa/Ra/Me > >We can eliminate 8:58 pm as Moon is not a R.P. Likewise 9:04 pm >because sub sub Jupiter is also not a R.P. > >This leaves 9:00 - 9:02 pm and 9:07 pm because Me is a R.P. > >Now it gets tricky how do we decide which is the correct sub? >Presumably we look for strength. Here Mars, Saturn and Rahu >are all very strong so I would eliminate Me at 9:07pm. > >This leaves the options of Ma/Sa/Ma/Sa OR Ma/Sa/Ra/Ra. >Rahu appears very strong, but Saturn aspects Rahu in the Prasna >and appears to be calling the shots. > >I would appreciate members comments on which of these two would >be the relevant time, and why. Do we need to go even further >and use sub-sub-subs? > > >Ron Gaunt >

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------tracks are just 99c! Find the music you love with MSN Music

1953 From: "Sandy Crowther" <sandy@...> Date: Tue Dec 14, 2004 6:04am Subject: RE: Request for Yogesh: (was RE: Re: Techniques: KP approved or not?) detective_dunno Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Thanks tw I have ordered from vedic web before (actually that is where I order ed my KP Readers) but I wasn t aware they carried Annuals so thanks!

All the Best, Sandy Crowther

-----Original Message----From: tw853 [] Sent: Monday, December 13, 2004 8:24 PM To: Subject: Request for Yogesh: (was RE: [k_p_system] Re: Techniques: KP approved o r not?)

Dear Sandy Crowther, Under "Magazine" MAVar1162 K. P. & Astrology Annual Issue 2004 $ 8.00 (including Registered Airmail postage) Back issues for 2002 & 2003 are also available. Best regards, tw

--- In, "Sandy Crowther" <sandy@t...> wrote: > Dear Yogesh and Group, > > > > Thanks for the references Yogesh. How does one subscribe to K.P. & > Astrology Annuals - is there an online URL that accepts subscriptions > for Westerners? Is K.P. & Astrology a magazine that is published monthly > or bi-monthly - or is it strictly an Annual publication? Thanks. > > > > Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year also! > > > > All the Best, > > Sandy Crowther

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > -----Original Message----> From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi [mailto:lyrastro1@y...] > Sent: Monday, December 13, 2004 9:33 AM > To: > Subject: Re: Request for Yogesh: (was RE: [k_p_system] Re: Techniques: > KP approved or not?) > > > > Dear Sandy, > > I refer you to one of my published article,in the > K.P.& Astrology 2004 Annual,"when will I get a job ?" > > Another article is to be soon published in the 2005 > Annual be released in the last week of Dec, 2004. > > The building in which we were residing was taken over > by a very reputed builder of Mumbai,and in preparation for the old > building to be razed to the ground ...and so on...began in right > earnest... > > But after all tenants were rehoused in temporarily > hired flats nearby...and the razing began..suddenly ALL activities were > stopped...alarm bells started ringing...! > > The change of Govt., brought a change in the > Municipal Commissioner...and he seemed to be taking his time over the > file,in the meanwhile the environmentalists went about objecting to ALL > new constructions unless the Govt., put into place proper safeguards > etc... > > All of were getting that time I took > it upon myself to find out when construction work will > Horary K.P., >

> This prediction came out 100% correct...ON THE > DOT...! > > It will be published in the 2005 > informed earlier... > > There are many successful predictions in my bag... > > But,I'm afraid they are too personal ...and cannot > be sent to you...fur posting on the group-site... > > You are requested to peruse both published > articles,and then we shall discuss a chart where many of the principles > are discussed... > > Pl. send me ur personal e-mail that I will > send you an interesting "live case"... most of the predictions are > materialising me...,.! > > I have been a little too busy these days what with > my grand-neohew's forthcoming wedding in Bangalore...I shall be in > B'lore from the 16th Dec, to the 8th January 2005... > > In the mean while,allow me to wish you your > family,and ALL MEMBERS and their families... > > > > A MERRY CHRISTMAS !... > > AND... A VERY HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR...! ! > > > > Yours sincerely, > > lyrastro1 > > GOOD LUCK ! > > > > > > > > Sandy Crowther <sandy@t...> wrote: > > Dear Yogesh, > > > > You wrote: " Only K.P., has developed a method for the > correct (atleast 85-90% success),by atleast 2 well-established > methods,using 'transits'...also...

> > In my personal experience the transit of the sublord of > the karaka planet,if properly matched by the transit of the sublord of > the XIth cusp... > > AND the luminaries,or Jupiter,as the case may event can be > predicted to the very day...and the transit of the Ascendant on that day > can help fix the exact time...! !" > > > > Thanks very much for sharing this. I'm very interested in your personal > experience using KP, and in the KP technique above - it sounds > fascinating to me - as many of the "linking" aspects of the KP system > are. > > > > I now have a request of you I'm sure the whole list can > benefit from your personal experience in KP. So if you have time, can > you elaborate on your method (above) using KPBC4 as an example? In other > words, with your experience and using the above technique you mentioned, > what 3 day period would you select for the 3 job offers using KPBC4? > Thanks Yogesh. > > > > > > All the Best, > > Sandy Crowther > > <> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > -----Original Message----> From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi [mailto:lyrastro1@y...] > Sent: Monday, December 13, 2004 12:10 AM > To:

> Subject: Re: [k_p_system] Re: Techniques: KP approved or not? > > > > Dear Ron, > > Only K.P., has developed a method for the correct (atleast > 85-90% success),by atleast 2 well-established methods,using > 'transits'...also... > > In my personal experience the transit of the sublord of > the karaka planet,if properly matched by the transit of the sublord of > the XIth cusp... > > AND the luminaries,or Jupiter,as the case may event can be > predicted to the very day...and the transit of the Ascendant on that day > can help fix the exact time...! ! > > Yes,as you aver,I am not very familiar with Western > Astrological Systems,but such a quality of precision, matching that of > K.P., I have yet to come accross with,in any system of astrology... > > I have only yesterday purchased a book written by a famous > Numerologist, Shri Sethuraman,and will study it,and experiment with > Numerology...particularly for its predictive accuracy...and > then,perhaps I could assume the additional mantle of astronumerologist > ...? ? <> > <> > > These days, a surfeit of ads keep appearing in > News-papers, Magazines etc., of Astro-Numerologists...(whatever that > means) ! > > With best wishes, > > Yours sincerely, > > lyrastro1 > > > > > > > <*http:/ > trimony/> Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online > <*http:/ -m > atrimony/> .

> > > Yahoo! Groups Sponsor > > > > ADVERTISEMENT > > < 6/ > D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1103034815/A=2434971/R=0/SIG=11eeoolb0/*h tt > p:/> click here > > > > < M=298184.5639630.6699735.3001176/D=group > s/S=:HM/A=2434971/rand=687850494> > > > > _____ > > Yahoo! Groups Links > > * To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > > * To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > <> > > > * Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of > Service <> .

Attachment: (image/gif) image001.gif [not stored]

1954 From: "Sandy Crowther" <sandy@...> Date: Tue Dec 14, 2004 6:08am Subject: RE: Request for Yogesh: (was RE: Re: Techniques: KP approved or not?) detective_dunno Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360

Dear Yogesh,

Thank you kindly And yes I did receive the info on your client serious homework Thanks and have a nice trip!

and will do some

All the Best, Sandy Crowther

-----Original Message----From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi [] Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 2004 2:20 AM To: Subject: Re: Request for Yogesh: (was RE: [k_p_system] Re: Techniques: KP approv ed or not?)

Dear Sandy, Pl. go to K.Subramaniam,or, K.P.Astrology on the web,and you wi ll get Mr. K.Subramaniam's US distributor's address etc.,with the prices in US$. .. By the way,did you get the Natal chart of Mr.Chatterrjee,and my readings ? Kindly acknowledge,asap,as I will be leaving for B'lore tomorrow... With best wishes, lyrastro1 GOOD LUCK ! tw853 <> wrote: Dear Sandy Crowther, Under "Magazine"

MAVar1162 K. P. & Astrology Annual Issue 2004 $ 8.00 (including Registered Airmail postage) Back issues for 2002 & 2003 are also available. Best regards, tw

--- In, "Sandy Crowther" <sandy@t...> wrote: > Dear Yogesh and Group, > > > > Thanks for the references Yogesh. How does one subscribe to K.P. & > Astrology Annuals - is there an online URL that accepts subscriptions > for Westerners? Is K.P. & Astrology a magazine that is published monthly > or bi-monthly - or is it strictly an Annual publication? Thanks. > > > > Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year also! > > > > All the Best, > > Sandy Crowther > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > -----Original Message----> From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi [mailto:lyrastro1@y...] > Sent: Monday, December 13, 2004 9:33 AM > To: > Subject: Re: Request for Yogesh: (was RE: [k_p_system] Re: Techniques: > KP approved or not?) > > > > Dear Sandy,

> > I refer you to one of my published article,in the > K.P.& Astrology 2004 Annual,"when will I get a job ?" > > Another article is to be soon published in the 2005 > Annual be released in the last week of Dec, 2004. > > The building in which we were residing was taken over > by a very reputed builder of Mumbai,and in preparation for the old > building to be razed to the ground ...and so on...began in right > earnest... > > But after all tenants were rehoused in temporarily > hired flats nearby...and the razing began..suddenly ALL activities were > stopped...alarm bells started ringing...! > > The change of Govt., brought a change in the > Municipal Commissioner...and he seemed to be taking his time over the > file,in the meanwhile the environmentalists went about objecting to ALL > new constructions unless the Govt., put into place proper safeguards > etc... > > All of were getting that time I took > it upon myself to find out when construction work will > Horary K.P., > > This prediction came out 100% correct...ON THE > DOT...! > > It will be published in the 2005 > informed earlier... > > There are many successful predictions in my bag... > > But,I'm afraid they are too personal ...and cannot > be sent to you...fur posting on the group-site... > > You are requested to peruse both published > articles,and then we shall discuss a chart where many of the principles > are discussed... > > Pl. send me ur personal e-mail that I will > send you an interesting "live case"... most of the predictions are > materialising me...,.! > > I have been a little too busy these days what with > my grand-neohew's forthcoming wedding in Bangalore...I shall be in

> B'lore from the 16th Dec, to the 8th January 2005... > > In the mean while,allow me to wish you your > family,and ALL MEMBERS and their families... > > > > A MERRY CHRISTMAS !... > > AND... A VERY HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR...! ! > > > > Yours sincerely, > > lyrastro1 > > GOOD LUCK ! > > > > > > > > Sandy Crowther <sandy@t...> wrote: > > Dear Yogesh, > > > > You wrote: " Only K.P., has developed a method for the > correct (atleast 85-90% success),by atleast 2 well-established > methods,using 'transits'...also... > > In my personal experience the transit of the sublord of > the karaka planet,if properly matched by the transit of the sublord of > the XIth cusp... > > AND the luminaries,or Jupiter,as the case may event can be > predicted to the very day...and the transit of the Ascendant on that day > can help fix the exact time...! !" > > > > Thanks very much for sharing this. I'm very interested in your personal > experience using KP, and in the KP technique above - it sounds > fascinating to me - as many of the "linking" aspects of the KP system > are. > > > > I now have a request of you I'm sure the whole list can > benefit from your personal experience in KP. So if you have time,

can > you elaborate on your method (above) using KPBC4 as an example? In other > words, with your experience and using the above technique you mentioned, > what 3 day period would you select for the 3 job offers using KPBC4? > Thanks Yogesh. > > > > > > All the Best, > > Sandy Crowther > > <> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > -----Original Message----> From: Yogesh Rao Lajmi [mailto:lyrastro1@y...] > Sent: Monday, December 13, 2004 12:10 AM > To: > Subject: Re: [k_p_system] Re: Techniques: KP approved or not? > > > > Dear Ron, > > Only K.P., has developed a method for the correct (atleast > 85-90% success),by atleast 2 well-established methods,using > 'transits'...also... > > In my personal experience the transit of the sublord of > the karaka planet,if properly matched by the transit of the sublord of > the XIth cusp... > > AND the luminaries,or Jupiter,as the case may event can be > predicted to the very day...and the transit of the Ascendant on that day > can help fix the exact time...! ! > > Yes,as you aver,I am not very familiar with Western > Astrological Systems,but such a quality of precision, matching that of

> K.P., I have yet to come accross with,in any system of astrology... > > I have only yesterday purchased a book written by a famous > Numerologist, Shri Sethuraman,and will study it,and experiment with > Numerology...particularly for its predictive accuracy...and > then,perhaps I could assume the additional mantle of astronumerologist > ...? ? <> > <> > > These days, a surfeit of ads keep appearing in > News-papers, Magazines etc., of Astro-Numerologists...(whatever that > means) ! > > With best wishes, > > Yours sincerely, > > lyrastro1 > > > > > > > <*http:/ > trimony/> Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online > <*http:/ -m > atrimony/> . > > > Yahoo! Groups Sponsor > > > > ADVERTISEMENT > > < 6/ > D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1103034815/A=2434971/R=0/SIG=11eeoolb0/*h tt > p:/> click here > > > > < M=298184.5639630.6699735.3001176/D=group > s/S=:HM/A=2434971/rand=687850494> > > > > _____ >

> Yahoo! Groups Links > > * To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > > * To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > <> > > > * Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of > Service <> .

Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online.

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1955 From: rongaunt <rongaunt@...> Date: Tue Dec 14, 2004 6:20am Subject: Re: Micro Rectification rongaunt1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Kanak, The co-ordinates for Brisbane are 27S28, 153E02 Ron Gaunt

>On Mon, 13 Dec 2004 20:01:07 -0800, you wrote: Dear Ron, Name of Place,1ST 3/4 LETTERS ? BRISBANE 321 BRISBANE QUEENSLAND AUSTRALIA 27-29N 153-08E +10.00 -04.30 IS This the Correct Place.. Y/N ? some deferace in Lon. let. i hve check with THE INTERNATIONAL ATLAS ( ACS Publications USA) it was 27 S 28 153 E 02

somthig wrong in my software regards kanak bosmia >From: rongaunt <rongaunt@...> >Reply-To: >To: >Subject: Re: [k_p_system] Micro Rectification >Date: Tue, 14 Dec 2004 18:04:18 +1000 > > >Dear Kanak, > >Thanks for your explanation. Yours is a different method to the >one I was following from a book. > >One thing I am puzzled about is that you show the query Asc as >87 57 30 ie 27 Gemini 57 30. My software gives me >4 Gemini 56:42 with Solar Fire set to Geocentric Lagna and >4 Gemini 49:36 with Parashara Light which I suspect is Geographic >Lagna. Are you certain that you have computed for Brisbane? > > >Ron Gaunt

1956 From: "tw853" <tw853@...> Date: Tue Dec 14, 2004 7:04am Subject: Re: Micro Rectification tw853 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Ron Gaunt, Kanak Bosmia, Astrodienst and RAND McNALLY, Atlas of the World, Masterpiece Edition also showing 27S28, 153E02 for Brisbane, Australia. Best regards, tw --- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > > Dear Kanak, > > The co-ordinates for Brisbane are 27S28, 153E02 > > > Ron Gaunt > > > > >On Mon, 13 Dec 2004 20:01:07 -0800, you wrote: >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

Dear Ron, Name of Place,1ST 3/4 LETTERS ? BRISBANE 321 BRISBANE QUEENSLAND AUSTRALIA 27-29N 153-08E +10.00 -04.30 IS This the Correct Place.. Y/N ? some deferace in Lon. let. i hve check with THE INTERNATIONAL ATLAS ( ACS Publications USA) it was 27 S 28 153 E 02 somthig wrong in my software regards kanak bosmia >From: rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> >Reply-To: >To: >Subject: Re: [k_p_system] Micro Rectification >Date: Tue, 14 Dec 2004 18:04:18 +1000 > > >Dear Kanak, > >Thanks for your explanation. Yours is a different method to the >one I was following from a book. > >One thing I am puzzled about is that you show the query Asc as >87 57 30 ie 27 Gemini 57 30. My software gives me >4 Gemini 56:42 with Solar Fire set to Geocentric Lagna and >4 Gemini 49:36 with Parashara Light which I suspect is Geographic >Lagna. Are you certain that you have computed for Brisbane? > > >Ron Gaunt

1957 From: rongaunt <rongaunt@...> Date: Tue Dec 14, 2004 5:53pm Subject: Re: Micro Rectification rongaunt1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Kanak, I have used the system you show to continue this rectification exercise. I get the birth Asc to be Ma/Sa/Ma/Sa and the RP for the prasna Moon to be Ma/Sa/Ju/Mo. The nearest alignment appears to move the Asc to Ma/Sa/Ju/Mo. This gives a time of birth of

9:17:43 pm. This is well away from the documented evidence. ie birth certificate and birth records. On reflection I had tried this method before in a discussion with Yogesh and again pointed out that the example was well away from the recorded birth time. Also a prior correspondent on this List also expressed misgivings when he checked a recorded birthtime. When I pointed this out, Yogesh said something to the effect to ignore using it, as it wasn't correct. How certain are you that this system works consistently? and if you are what might I be doing incorrectly? All the best Ron Gaunt

On Tue, 14 Dec 2004 18:04:18 +1000, you wrote: > > >Dear Kanak, > >Thanks for your explanation. Yours is a different method to the >one I was following from a book. > >One thing I am puzzled about is that you show the query Asc as >87 57 30 ie 27 Gemini 57 30. My software gives me >4 Gemini 56:42 with Solar Fire set to Geocentric Lagna and >4 Gemini 49:36 with Parashara Light which I suspect is Geographic >Lagna. Are you certain that you have computed for Brisbane? > > >Ron Gaunt > > > > > >On Mon, 13 Dec 2004 20:01:07 -0800, you wrote: > >Dear Ron, > >RP Moon at you query is: > > TIME I.S.T.Hrs.Min,SEC ? 14,42,34 (Aus. time -4.30 = IST) > >DAY LORD IS SAT. > >ASC= 87 57 30 MERC JUP VEN JUP > >MOON/CHANDRA 226 17 18 MARS SAT JUP MOON >RAHU 5 34 45 MARS KETU RAHU RAHU >KETU 185 34 45 VEN MARS MOON MOON > > >RP Moon indicate Birth Asc.

> >RP Moon is: MARS SAT JUP MOON > and birth asc For 8.58 pm Ma/Sa/Mo/Su > >now you can found most of time that RP Moon = Birth it >is. > >MAR.SAT,MOON are in both rp and birth Asc. now if we adjest as: >MAR,SAT,MOON,JUP it was @ >Scorpio 11-19-27 to 11-28-20. you have to go back for some >seconds and you have found Asc. as MAR,SAT,MOON,JUP . > > >regards > >kanak bosmia > >>From: rongaunt <rongaunt@...> >>Reply-To: >>To: >>Subject: [k_p_system] Micro Rectification >>Date: Tue, 14 Dec 2004 10:28:32 +1000 >> >>I am just starting to try my hand at micro rectification using >>KP, and I would appreciate learned members help and thoughts on >>my first case. >> >>I decided to check the chart of Shirley Temple Black because I am >>fairly certain that the birth certificate and documentation is >>approximately correct. My previous non KP attempts at >>rectification suggested a time slightly later than quoted. >> >>Details for Shirley are: >> >>DOB 23 April 1928 >>9:00 pm PST +8:00 >>Santa Monica, California >>34N01'10" 118W29'25" >> >>My prasna was 11th December 2004 Brisbane, Australia 27S28 >>153E02 TZ -10:00. Time was 7:12:34pm >> >>Here I found the Day Lord to be Saturn, The Asc Rasi Lord >>Mercury, the Asc Star Lord Mars, the Moon Rasi Lord Mars, >>and the Moon Star Lord Saturn. Also Rahu is a strong R.P. as it >>is in the rasi of another R.P. - Mars. >> >>Here we see Mars, Saturn and Rahu as all being very strong. >> >>In Shirley's natal chart with a 9:00 pm birth the Asc is >>12 Scorpio 29'29". Therefore Scorpio rasi is confirmed by >>strong RP Mars. >> >>Mars rasi, Saturn star and Mars sub covers Scorpio 12-6-40 to >>12-53-20. and this confims Shirley was born within this >>configuration. >> >> >>The following configurations apply: >>

>>8.58 pm Ma/Sa/Mo/Su >> >>9.00 pm Ma/Sa/Ma/Sa >> >>9:02 pm Ma/Sa/Ra/Ra >> >>9:04 pm Ma/Sa/Ra/Ju >> >>9:07 pm Ma/Sa/Ra/Me >> >>We can eliminate 8:58 pm as Moon is not a R.P. Likewise 9:04 pm >>because sub sub Jupiter is also not a R.P. >> >>This leaves 9:00 - 9:02 pm and 9:07 pm because Me is a R.P. >> >>Now it gets tricky how do we decide which is the correct sub? >>Presumably we look for strength. Here Mars, Saturn and Rahu >>are all very strong so I would eliminate Me at 9:07pm. >> >>This leaves the options of Ma/Sa/Ma/Sa OR Ma/Sa/Ra/Ra. >>Rahu appears very strong, but Saturn aspects Rahu in the Prasna >>and appears to be calling the shots. >> >>I would appreciate members comments on which of these two would >>be the relevant time, and why. Do we need to go even further >>and use sub-sub-subs? >> >> >>Ron Gaunt >> > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > >

1958 From: rongaunt <rongaunt@...> Date: Tue Dec 14, 2004 6:43pm Subject: Re: Re: Techniques: KP approved or not? rongaunt1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 CORRECTION Unfortunately in my cross check I mixed up lines and stated that on the 20th May 1985 Shirley received a medal for Lifetime acheivement from the President of the United States. In fact 20th May 1985 was the date Shirley received an Oscar from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts 2when they gave a 'Tribute to Shirley Temple'.

The medal for Lifetime Acheivement was presented in Washington on 6th Dec 1998. Ron Gaunt

On Mon, 13 Dec 2004 10:11:28 +1000, I wrote: > > >Dear Yogesh, > >Please see comments **..................** > >Ron Gaunt > > > >On Sun, 12 Dec 2004 05:09:23 +0000, you wrote: > >>Dear Ron, >> It does,Ron...(even if you keep insisting)...just ponder over... >> Had any one ever predicted,for sure, that Shirley will become a star...during so and so period ...etc.,before-hand,astrologically ? > >** I doubt it. Primarily because in the West it was not - and > still is not - customary to consult an astrologer at birth > or (for most people) even in later life. Now if Shirley's > mother had shown me her chart at birth and had said that it > was her (the mother's)ambition for Shirley to become a child > actress and asked my opinion; I would have unhesitatingly > said that she had the chart to excel in this area. Why > because of her excellent Jupiter Mercury Sun in the 5th > house and Venus on the cusp of the 5th. What's more > she had Rahu dasa running from shortly after birth to 6th > May 1945 when her halcyon days started to recede. (Rahu is > exalted and stands for and is even more powerful than her > exalted Venus). As for predicting a date an obvious > starting point would have been in Rahu dasa Jupiter buhkti > (due to natal Venus Jupiter conjunction) which started on > 4th Feb 1931. It was in 1931 when she started her acting > career. ** >> Or,are we still continuing to,as in the past, attribute "properties" in an effort to rationalise exaltation,"after the event ?" ! > >** Certainly it is easier to see things after the event, but that > doesn't mean that events are not predicted in advance ** > >> Accurate Prognostication,Ron...that's the game...astrology is all about,and that's the only acid test, for the unsurpassed efficacy of a particular system of astrology... > >** I agree. But however, certain we are of our own system I > believe that one should always keep an open mind. Other > systems too might have answers. For instance I > predicted by Solar Eclipse well over a year in advance to

> the very day, when Israel would go to war against the > Palestinians. ** > >> Simply saying ..."one day you will become a famous person...",is not enough...a good system should be able to correctly say, when,and during which period one will become world-famous,and in what field... > >** Agreed. see above ** > >> Don't you agree Ron,that,in this direction,K.P.,is extremely accurate,consistently,and very simple,and a great improvement,as compared to any other known system,so far...? ! > >** Yogesh, I wouldn't be on this List, or spending so much time > learning KP if I didn't have high hopes for considerable > improvement in my astrological skills. I do think that > the star and sub lord system is a great improvement; and it > carries the ring of truth. > Whether it is extremely accurate I still don't know as my > experience is still very limited. > Consistent? well I cannot agree with you there. Currently > I am wrestling with R.Ps. Going through the book 'Ruling > Planets & Krishnamurti Pahdati' I am bemused by the lack of > consistency. ie the author notes in the preface what are > Ruling Planets. He then goes on to give examples which > vary from each other in who are the ruling planets. > ie in the preface there is no mention of subs being Ruling > Planets but in 'Time of Death' he uses subs as Ruling > Planets for both the Moon and Lagna. On page 19 in the > article 'A suggestion Regarding Ruling Planets' at the end, > he accepts a suggestion and states that "we should select > also the sub in the star to rise". So here we have three > different suggestions for Ruling Planets > - the standard set out in the Preface, the standard plus > the sub of the Lagna, the standard plus the subs of both > the Lagna and Moon. The author is obviously a gifted > astrologer and I am not taking issue with his expertise. > I suspect that the articles were a 'work in progress' and > as such he is improving his methods as time goes by. > We all need to add on what we find works. Nevertheless > it is confusing to a beginner who is drifting in a sea of > new ideas. > >> Yours sincerely, >> lyrastro1 >> GOOD LUCK ! >> >> >> >>rongaunt <rongaunt@...> wrote: >> >>Yogesh, >> >>I don't think it strengthens your case that debilitation and >>exaltation have little or no significant role to play. Surely, >>if as I suspect that these conditions depict an abnormality, >>this needs to be examined because it is going to be very >>important in the life of the native. >> >>Let's have a look at one case that comes to mind. This is

>>Shirley Temple Black child star of the 1930s and later diplomat >>to a number of countries. Shirley in her early years would have >>been possibly the best know and loved person in the world. >>She has a superb chart, with Venus near its highest point of >>exaltation conjunct Jupiter in its own sign, both on the cusp of >>the 5th house of entertainment. These were also conjunct 11th >>house Lord Mercury. In addition Sun is at its highest point of >>exaltation; and Rahu is exalted in Venus sign Taurus in the 7th >>house, and Ketu exalted in Scorpio in the 1st. Also Jupiter and >>Mercury are Vargottama. >> >>Shirley's data is: >>DOB 23 April 1928 >>9:00 pm, PST +8:00 >>Santa Monica, California >>USA >>34N1'10" 118W29'25 >> >>I suspect that birth time is slightly later than the published >>details (not much) ; but for the time being let's stick to the >>time given as it is rated AA by Astrodatabank. This makes a >>difference in the subs on the house cusps but not on the >>starlords, or the planets. >> >>Let's now have a look at KP and exaltation. Natal exalted Venus >>in the same star as the highest point of exaltation, is in the >>star of Mercury. Mercury is Lord of the 11th house. This >>young lady's star was really shining brightly and was seen at the >>very young age of 3 when she started making her 1st film on 18th >>Dec 1931. Dasas were Rahu/Jupiter/Mercury. Exalted Rahu as >>sole tenant of Taurus substitutes for Venus and is coupled with >>powerful Jupiter (natally both in the 5th house of films and >>entertainment) and Jupiter is Lord of the 5th of entertainment >>and Mercury Lord of the 11th. >> >>It is interesting to note that of the 12 planets (including >>outers) four planets were in the stars of exalted Rahu or Ketu >>and another four were in star of Mercury Lord of the 11th. >> >>At the time of the previous Solar Eclipse on the 11th Oct 1931 >>the SE point came Exactly opposition natal Venus Jupiter >>conjunction. Remember Shirley has a highly exalted Sun. >>So we see two (natal) exalted planets aspecting each other. At >>the same time SE Jupiter comes exactly aspect to Venus Jupiter >>also. Here we see exalted Natal Venus getting primed for a >>major event. >> >>This event happened on the 18th December 1931 when transit Uranus >>and Moon in exact conjunction triggered natal Venus Jupiter by >>close conjunction. (note natal Uranus had been primed by an >>exact transit of Rahu in the last SE) >>This is what Ebertin states is the probable manifestation of >>Moon/Uranus - "Sacrifices for the attainment of special aims, >>help and assistance through friends, the attainment of sudden >>successes, the accomplishment of a change in one's >>circumstances". All this is spot on and this Moon Uranus >>transit is conjunct to the exalted Venus strong Jupiter natal >>configuration. >>Now we can easily relate this to an adult - but what about a 3 >>year old child?. I would suggest that is solely on the

>>strength and condition of a fantastic Venus (ie exalted) related >>to the 11th house through star lard Mercury that this quickly >>propelled her to be the favorite film star in the world. >> >>Shirley has a great chart for astrological research. I could >>point out many interesting facts, but rather than bore members >>with too many details, I will just mention a couple of points >>about another milestone in her life. On the 20th May 1985 >>she was honored to receive a medal from the President of the >>United states for "Lifetime achievement and Service to the USA >>and the World". Here we see transit Venus coming exactly >>conjunct natal Venus, and transit Rahu coming exactly aspect >>natal MC. As Rahu substitutes for Venus in Shirley's chart >>we again see the tremendous part played by an exalted Venus >>and exalted Rahu (Venus). >>Her dasas for this event were Mercury Venus Sun ie. both her >>exalted planets and Mercury Lord of the 11th showing recognition >>of her great achievements. >> >>I think many astrologers would agree that the exaltations in >>Shirley's chart really do need to be taken into consideration. >> >> >>Ron Gaunt >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>On Sat, 11 Dec 2004 14:09:58 +0000, you wrote: >> >>>Dear Ron, >>> Doesn't it thus seem to strengthen my case, that debilitation or exaltation have little, or, no significant/measureable role to play, in predictive astrology... ? >>> My friend,I have asked for concrete examples...precisely because In my own experience I have not found any measureable/quantifiable role that such planets play...(I hope I am not labouring the point.) >>> I also realise that I could,however, be wrong...or have missed it completely...and that my experience is a pittance as compared to that of Parasara and the many of his stature... who abounded in the past.. >>> Yours sincerely, >>> lyrastro1 >>> GOOD LUCK ! >>> >>>rongaunt <rongaunt@...> wrote: >>> >>>Yogesh, >>> >>>Some years ago I did a study on famous sportsmen expecting to a >>>find statistically high level of exalted Mars. What I found >>>surprised me, in that frequently pre eminent sportsmen in fact >>>had debilitated Mars. Pondering on this I suspected that they >>>had some type of weakness in a certain area, and used the >>>principle of over-compensation to achieve success. >>> >>>In my own case I have a classical debilitated Mars, and I do have

>>>a Martian problem. I have always lacked physical energy ie I >>>only have to push a lawn mower once across the lawn, and I feel >>>as though all my energy is vacating my body. In a few minutes I >>>feel as though I have run a marathon. As I matured I have >>>managed better, mainly by eliminating certain foods. >>>Nevertheless over the years I have compensated for bodily >>>dysfunction by engaging in mental pursuits. >>> >>>On reflection after studying many examples I came to the >>>conclusion that what exaltation and debilitation showed was a >>>specific gift or inclination, lack or deficiency. In other >>>words whilst the planet may function perfectly normal for most >>>purposes there is one area where it is abnormal. Thinking in >>>terms of KP it might be that where say Mars is significator for >>>the 1st, 5th and 10th houses, it may offer excellent results to >>>the 5th and 10th whilst giving poor results to the 1st. This >>>presumably would be seen in the quality of the sub or by malefic >>>association or aspect with reference to the 1st. ie. in KP we >>>might be able to see in what area an exalted or debilitated >>>planet functions best or worst. >>> >>>I find it interesting that in a way the author of 'Astrosecrets' >>>Pt 1 page 34 comes up with something similar but more limiting >>>idea than mine when he says "Ownership exaltation or debilitation >>>of planets are generally known responsible to indicate the >>>strength or weakness of a human body constitution from head to >>>foot, but does not take the responsibility to alter the results >>>to be offered, say good to bad or bad to good". I personally >>>believe that it isn't specific to bodily condition, but can be >>>any area of life. The crux of the matter appears to me be that >>>the planet shows a specific limited abnormality - in the normally >>>accepted qualities of that planet. >>> >>>When I get the time I will have a look and see if I can find some >>>examples that might show exaltation/debilitation in KP. >>> >>> >>>Ron Gaunt >>> >>> >>> >>> >>>On Fri, 10 Dec 2004 16:44:09 +0000, you wrote: >>> >>>>Dear Ron, >>>> The following is being submitted,for yours and the group's serious consideration...and I invite specific examples,in your experiences, clearly illustrating the practical use, of exaltation/debilitation,in predictive K.P.astrology... >>>> >>>> Here's a quote from Astrosecrets & K.P., p.35... >>>> >>>> " To say of exaltation,ownership or debilitation,simply on the entering of a Rasi(sign) is not correct,in a sign,in a particular star,in a particular degree-minute only,as the planet moves should be reckoned for exaltation,or debilitation etc..." (italics mine) >>>> >>>> It is thus important to note that exaltation and debilitation has been defined in star and sub terms...and in a particular degree-minute only, as you have quoted...

>>>> Also,more importantly,it is clearly stated that exaltation or debilitation does not change/alter the nature of the terms of being benefic or the most,it will either hasten or slow down the result...! ! >>>> >>>> Therefore I wonder, "in practical terms" how much difference does this really make...and,if so, how can one measure this "accelleration and decelleration,in the number of hours/days/months..etc..".? >>>> If these differences are not quantifiable...simply saying a planet is exalted/debilatated...and therefore...? ? (what do you suggest, we say...which is measureable/quantifiable ?) >>>> >>>> Hence exaltation/debilitation are recognised theoretically (?),in K.P.,but no quantifiable and practical use is given...! ? (This is my personal opinion and also born out of experience). >>>> >>>> I therefore feel that exaltation/debilitation are good points only to debate about...and perhaps put forward to justify a successful or failed prediction ? ? >>>> >>>> Personally I hold a similar view on the various "avasthas"...of being more of an academic my experience... >>>> >>>> As I have said earlier,astrology should be of practical use,to both,the consultant/client as well as the astrologer...and it must also felt by readers to be truly useful,in practice... >>>> >>>> With regards, >>>> Yours sincerely, >>>> lyrastro1 >>>> GOOD LUCK ! >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>>rongaunt <rongaunt@...> wrote: >>>> >>>>To all members, >>>> >>>>I haven't yet got round to even skimming through some of the many >>>>KP books I have received, so I do not know whether KP relegates >>>>or ignores the question of assessing the qualities of each >>>>individual planet. I would imagine that somewhere in the >>>>literature this point is covered. Meanwhile I use my previous >>>>learning to assess the quality of a sub and its likely outcomes. >>>> >>>>What I am leading to is the point made, that KP does not consider >>>>exaltation and debilitation. In 'Astrosecrets & Krishnamurti >>>>Padhadhati' April 2003 Edition pages 34 to 38 details when >>>>exaltation and debilitation ARE considered. The gist of it >>>>appears to be that they are considered when the planet is in the >>>>same sub as the highest point of exaltation or debilitation.

>>>> >>>> >>>>Ron Gaunt >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>>On Thu, 09 Dec 2004 15:46:06 +0000, you wrote: >>>> >>>>>Dear Sandy, >>>>> I second your suggestion...let us "keep it simple",for the obvious ease of access...and reduced 'navigation'...possibly required... >>>>> Also, we will all operate under the k_p_group umbrella...and thus remain on an easily identifiable as well as accessible site... >>>>> My use of the computer is very limited indeed,restricted to K.P., and surfing BBC,CNN and the usual Samachar ...hence my computer "skills"(if you can call them so...) are minimal...indeed. >>>>> I hope the "computer experts" will bear with me... >>>>> With best wishes, >>>>> lyrastro1 >>>>> GOOD LUCK ! >>>>> >>>>>Sandy Crowther <sandy@...> wrote: >>>>> >>>>>Dear tw, Anant, Kanak, lyastro 1, Punit Pandey, and ALL (hopefully I didn t miss anyone), >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>>Thank you all very much for sharing your knowledge, experience, research, opinions, references, and comments to my (often) endless questions on KP, and I certainly appreciate you taking the time to do so. >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>>And to my delight, some of you even threw in a few extra tidbits of KP information that I found extremely interesting and matters that I was not at all aware of KP s stance on - so thanks very much for elaborating. For example, I had no idea that exaltation and debilitation were not considered in KP that only retrogression is considered. So considerations of planets being hosted by a friend or enemy - or their compound relationships - obviously have no place in KP due to emphasis and placement of star and sub lords taking precedence. But if Vargottama IS referenced in a few of the 6 KP Readers as a viable and acceptable Rasi companion for planetary assessments in KP, specifically used for assessing planetary strength as mentioned, the Navamsa chart MUST be referenced at some level - Right? I mean, we cannot have Vargottama without Navamsa (Uh-oh Here we go with that 4 letter word again amsa J). So anyway, I m now off to do a bit of KP research myself - hopefully >sometime >>>>> today. >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>>I think we ALL need to be on the same page as far as what is and isn t an accepted part of KP to date and then be able to back up with references in at least one of the 6 KP Readers. (Just my not so humble opinion guys J). I know as astrologers, we will always have our own style and preferences when it comes to chart analysis and delineation which we should have we are all individuals. But it looks to me like many things are still wide open for research Ooohhh I only wish there were more hours in the day. Anyway Thanks so much again to

everyone >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>>P.S. To Ron Gaunt: I think your idea of opening another KP list, is a suggestion put forth with a pioneering spirit in mind of your greatness for researching techniques to attain predictive accuracy which you know I m certainly ALL FOR BUT - 7 months ago I vowed to never subscribe to another list due to time constraints and here I am. I cannot handle another list s email at this time. J Perhaps a more viable solution (if moderator approved here on this KP list) would be to simply add a rider (or addendum) to the bottom of any chart assessment posted on this list, where an analysis has been done correctly, but a KP technique was not used in that particular part of the assessment of the chart to reach that correct result, and then clearly stating that the method used is not an accepted part of KP, just a particular technique you personally found reliably consistent for predictive purposes like your usage of Solar Eclipses. That way it is left up to the list member to either >>>>> accept or reject the technique because it is or is not KP approved, read it or not at the bottom of the email, and there is no confusion as to what is and isn t (to date) an accepted part of KP. And at the same time, we need not be silenced, as individual astrologers, for sharing a technique that is not part of KP as long as it is in rider/attachment form. This would accommodate all minds on the list. (You and the list all know that we, as astrologers, will NEVER stop using what works for us J even if we are silenced from sharing how we (personally) reached the correct conclusion - so this is just a suggestion to accommodate everyone under one KP forum.) >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>>My 2 cents but totally up to the Moderators of this list. >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> All the Best, >>>>> >>>>> Sandy Crowther >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>>Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT >>>>> >>>>> >>>>>-------------------------------->>>>>Yahoo! Groups Links >>>>>

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1959 From: "Upadhyaya, Srinivasa" <srinivasa.upadyaya@...> Date: Wed Dec 15, 2004 3:20am Subject: Prasna - Job change upadhyaya_p_s Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear members, I am trying a prasna regarding "change in job" for myself, accoring to KP VI reader (Horary astrology). Please guide me and also clarify my doubts. ----------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |VIII 7 3 38| | | | | |Rahu 5 22 4|X 9 5 23|X1 8 42 16| | |IX 8 16 30| | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------| | NAME:Career | | | | WEDNESDAY 15 12 2004 | | |Uran 9 30 53| Time 14 26 | | |VII 7 33 20| | | | | SID.TIME 19 h. 43 m. 53 s. |Sat -R 2 15 18| | | |XII 7 55 49| | | NAKS:Revati-PADA 0 | | | | | |

:---------------| PLACE:BANGALORE-KARNATAKA |---------------| | | | | | | LAT 12 deg 57 min N | | |Nept 19 31 29| | | |Moon 16 32 28| Long 77 deg 37 min E | | |VI 7 55 49| |Asc. 7 33 20| | | Ayan 23 d. 50 m. 9 s. | | | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | |Sun 29 54 11| | | | |Plut 28 15 28|Mars 29 8 14| | |V 8 42 16|Merc-R 18 45 58|III 8 16 30|II 7 3 38| | |IV 9 5 23|Ketu 5 22 4|Jup 21 32 10| | |Ven 4 29 36| |For 24 11 36| | | | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------DASA BAL. BHK. Bal. SOOK Bal. HOR.NO : CUSP ASC 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th Sgl Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat Sat Jup Mar Ven Mer Moo Moon Sat. Mars 90 : Stl Ket Sun Rah Sat Ket Sun Rah Sat Ket Sun Rah Sat 5 Y. 34 Days ENDS ON 18 1 2010 0 Y. 338 Days: ANT. Bal. Ven. 64 Days: 2 Days Asc.for RP 6 Deg 59 Min LORDS : Mar,Ket,Rah,Ven Sbl Jup Ket Rah Ven Jup Ven Rah Mer Jup Ven Jup Ket Ssl Jup Ven Ven Rah Ven Ven Mer Sat Mer Jup Jup Sat Stl Mer Moo Jup Mer Moo Sat Jup Ket Mar Rah Moo Mar Mer Sbl Sat Sat Sun Ket Ven Sat Rah Mar Sun Jup Mer Rah Sat SsL Jup Ven Sat Sun Rah Sun Mer Ven Mer Ket Sat Rah Mer


Analysis =============== Query? Moon is in 6H MOON is in Sat-Moo-Sat (sign-star-sub) Moon in its own star (posited in the 6th) and sub of sat (Lord of 6,7 & posited in 11) So query regarding change in job is justified. Change? 10L => placement + association Ve in 3H (lord of 10 and 3) with mars (lord of 4,9 in 3rd) Change is indicated. Is change good or bad?

10 lord Ve is in Sat star and sub (11:6,7) (VEN. Mar Sat Sat )

As star & sub lord signify 11 house, change in the job will bring good fortune to the native. Timing of the event? Dasa Start --------- --------Mo-Sa-Ve 11-11-2004 Mo-Sa-Su 15-2-2005 Mo 16-3-2005 Ma 03-5-2005 Ra 06-6-2005 Ju 01-9-2005 ---------------------------The native may change the job either in Mo-Sa-Ve or Mo-Sa-Ma Is my analysis correct? What is the effect of retrograde Sat (11:6,7)? 11 CSL is Jup slow moving planet. Will this delay? Regards, Upadhyaya

1960 From: Date: Wed Dec 15, 2004 1:27pm Subject: New file uploaded to k_p_system Send Email Hello, This email message is a notification to let you know that a file has been uploaded to the Files area of the k_p_system group. File : /Ayanamsa Accelaration 1950 - 2100.Trp Uploaded by : snrajasekaran2004 <snrajasekaran2004@...> Description : Ayanamsa Accelaration Report By S.N.Rajasekaran You can access this file at the URL: \ -%202100.Trp To learn more about file sharing for your group, please visit: Regards, snrajasekaran2004 <snrajasekaran2004@...>

1961 From:

Date: Wed Dec 15, 2004 1:29pm Subject: New file uploaded to k_p_system Send Email Hello, This email message is a notification to let you know that a file has been uploaded to the Files area of the k_p_system group. File : /2005-Muhurthas.Trp Uploaded by : snrajasekaran2004 <snrajasekaran2004@...> Description : Muhurtha's - 2005 Report By S.N.Rajasekaran You can access this file at the URL: To learn more about file sharing for your group, please visit: Regards, snrajasekaran2004 <snrajasekaran2004@...>

1962 From: Date: Wed Dec 15, 2004 1:32pm Subject: New file uploaded to k_p_system Send Email Hello, This email message is a notification to let you know that a file has been uploaded to the Files area of the k_p_system group. File : /HinduEra.Trp Uploaded by : snrajasekaran2004 <snrajasekaran2004@...> Description : Hindu Era Report By S.N.Rajasekaran You can access this file at the URL: To learn more about file sharing for your group, please visit: Regards, snrajasekaran2004 <snrajasekaran2004@...>

1963 From: Date: Wed Dec 15, 2004 1:56pm Subject: New file uploaded to k_p_system Send Email Hello,

This email message is a notification to let you know that a file has been uploaded to the Files area of the k_p_system group. File : /Planet's Retrogation Report For 2005.Trp Uploaded by : snrajasekaran2004 <snrajasekaran2004@...> Description : Planet's Retrogation Report - 2005 By S.N.Rajasekaran You can access this file at the URL: \ %20For%202005.Trp To learn more about file sharing for your group, please visit: Regards, snrajasekaran2004 <snrajasekaran2004@...>

1964 From: Date: Wed Dec 15, 2004 1:58pm Subject: New file uploaded to k_p_system Send Email Hello, This email message is a notification to let you know that a file has been uploaded to the Files area of the k_p_system group. File : /Panchanga Report For 2005 (3 Months).Trp Uploaded by : snrajasekaran2004 <snrajasekaran2004@...> Description : Panchanga Report For 2005 ( 3 Months) You can access this file at the URL: \ 0%283%20Months%29.Trp To learn more about file sharing for your group, please visit: Regards, snrajasekaran2004 <snrajasekaran2004@...>

1965 From: Date: Wed Dec 15, 2004 2:02pm Subject: New file uploaded to k_p_system Send Email Hello, This email message is a notification to let you know that a file has been uploaded to the Files area of the k_p_system

group. File : /Panchanga Report For 2005 (3 Months).Trp Uploaded by : snrajasekaran2004 <snrajasekaran2004@...> Description : Panchanga Report For 2005 ( 3 Months ) By S.N.Rajasekaran You can access this file at the URL: \ 0%283%20Months%29.Trp To learn more about file sharing for your group, please visit: Regards, ====== Yahoo! My Yahoo! Mail Welcome, raon1008 [Sign Out, My Account] Groups Home - Help

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Sort by Date 1966 From: Date: Wed Dec 15, 2004 2:26pm Subject: New file uploaded to k_p_system Send Email Hello,

This email message is a notification to let you know that a file has been uploaded to the Files area of the k_p_system group. File : /Exclusive Eph - I.Trp Uploaded by : snrajasekaran2004 <snrajasekaran2004@...> Description : Exclusive Ephemeris For KP Astrologers... By S.N.Rajasekaran. You can access this file at the URL: To learn more about file sharing for your group, please visit: Regards, snrajasekaran2004 <snrajasekaran2004@...>

1967 From: Date: Wed Dec 15, 2004 2:28pm Subject: New file uploaded to k_p_system Send Email Hello, This email message is a notification to let you know that a file has been uploaded to the Files area of the k_p_system group. File : /Compact Eph.Trp Uploaded by : snrajasekaran2004 <snrajasekaran2004@...> Description : Compact Ephemeris For K.P Astrologers... By S.N.Rajasekaran . You can access this file at the URL: To learn more about file sharing for your group, please visit: Regards, snrajasekaran2004 <snrajasekaran2004@...>

1968 From: Date: Wed Dec 15, 2004 2:29pm Subject: New file uploaded to k_p_system Send Email Hello, This email message is a notification to let you know that a file has been uploaded to the Files area of the k_p_system group. File : /Tiny Eph.Trp

Uploaded by : snrajasekaran2004 <snrajasekaran2004@...> Description : Tiny Ephemeris For KP Astrologers... By S.N.Rajasekaran. You can access this file at the URL: To learn more about file sharing for your group, please visit: Regards, snrajasekaran2004 <snrajasekaran2004@...>

1969 From: Date: Wed Dec 15, 2004 3:24pm Subject: New file uploaded to k_p_system Send Email Hello, This email message is a notification to let you know that a file has been uploaded to the Files area of the k_p_system group. File : /Planetary Power Of The Hour ....Trp Uploaded by : snrajasekaran2004 <snrajasekaran2004@...> Description : Planetary Power of The Hour Report By S.N.Rajasekaran. You can access this file at the URL: \ ur%20....Trp To learn more about file sharing for your group, please visit: Regards, snrajasekaran2004 <snrajasekaran2004@...>

1970 From: Date: Wed Dec 15, 2004 3:25pm Subject: New file uploaded to k_p_system Send Email Hello, This email message is a notification to let you know that a file has been uploaded to the Files area of the k_p_system group. File : /Transit Report 2005.Trp Uploaded by : snrajasekaran2004 <snrajasekaran2004@...> Description : Transit Report 2005 By S.N.Rajasekaran You can access this file at the URL: To learn more about file sharing for your group, please visit: Regards, snrajasekaran2004 <snrajasekaran2004@...>

1971 From: rongaunt <rongaunt@...> Date: Wed Dec 15, 2004 6:32pm Subject: Re: KPBC4 rongaunt1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Members are reminded that the deadline for answers to KPBC4 is 00:01 am GMT Thursday 16 December. Ron Gaunt

>>There has been requests for more charts on timing, so this time >>we will look at career. >> >>Male >>D.O.B 19th Aug 1975 >>11:25pm IST -5.30 >>Trivandrum >>08N29 076E55 >> >>Asc 24 Aries 16 >> >> >>The native comes to you his astrologer at the beginning of >>May 2000. He is thinking of putting feelers out to other >>companies and he wants to know when he is likely to get the best >>response in the next 3 months. When do you think this will >>be? >> >>This might be a good exercise for prasna or/and normal >>delineation. >> >> >>Ron Gaunt >> >> >>PS: in hindsight we now know that this native was offered 3 >> jobs with three different companies at a salary far >> above what he was getting from his existing company. >> These offers came in over a three day period >> beginning May 2000 to end July 2000. The offers were >> received when he was in Bangalore. Can you >> pin point these dates?

1972 From: "tw853" <tw853@...> Date: Wed Dec 15, 2004 10:07pm Subject: Re: KPBC4 tw853 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Ron Gaunt Jul 17-19, 2000 Best regards, tw --- In, rongaunt <rongaunt@b...> wrote: > > Members are reminded that the deadline for answers to KPBC4 is > 00:01 am GMT Thursday 16 December. > > > Ron Gaunt > > > > >>There has been requests for more charts on timing, so this time > >>we will look at career. > >> > >>Male > >>D.O.B 19th Aug 1975 > >>11:25pm IST -5.30 > >>Trivandrum > >>08N29 076E55 > >> > >>Asc 24 Aries 16 > >> > >> > >>The native comes to you his astrologer at the beginning of > >>May 2000. He is thinking of putting feelers out to other > >>companies and he wants to know when he is likely to get the best > >>response in the next 3 months. When do you think this will > >>be? > >> > >>This might be a good exercise for prasna or/and normal > >>delineation. > >> > >> > >>Ron Gaunt > >> > >> > >>PS: in hindsight we now know that this native was offered 3 > >> jobs with three different companies at a salary far > >> above what he was getting from his existing company. > >> These offers came in over a three day period > >> beginning May 2000 to end July 2000. The offers were > >> received when he was in Bangalore. Can you > >> pin point these dates?

1973 From: "tw853" <tw853@...> Date: Thu Dec 16, 2004 7:01am Subject: Re: New file uploaded to k_p_system tw853 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear S.N.Rajasekaran, 1. A good job greatly appreciated. Fine tuning for a particular date will be much easier. 2. In this regard, worthy to note that KPA form KP Annual 2003 is a little bit higher, and the difference is declining from 24sec in 1950, to 23sec in 2000 and 21sec in 2050. Best regards, tw

--- In, wrote: > > > Hello, > > This email message is a notification to let you know that > a file has been uploaded to the Files area of the k_p_system > group. > > File : /Ayanamsa Accelaration 1950 - 2100.Trp > Uploaded by : snrajasekaran2004 <snrajasekaran2004@y...> > Description : Ayanamsa Accelaration Report By S.N.Rajasekaran > > You can access this file at the URL: > 20Accelaration%201950%20-%202100.Trp > > To learn more about file sharing for your group, please visit: > > > Regards, > > snrajasekaran2004 <snrajasekaran2004@y...>

1974 From: "Kanakkumar Bosmia" <kanbosastro@...> Date: Thu Dec 16, 2004 9:53am Subject: Re: Micro Rectification kanbosastro Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Ron, i dont know why but some defferance in my calculation

i attach horo. @8:54:30 PM . according to me it was right Birth time. ( in gene ral talk 8:54:30 = 8:55 and it was possible for 5minte defferance in that time.) Asc: MAR,SAT.MOON,JUP Note: it is not nessecery to take all Moon RP same as . you can adjest . Here ou r RP MOON is MARS SAT JUP MOON But we take : MAR,SAT,MOON,JUP acording to you 8:58 is MAR,SAT,MOON,SUN But in my software give some i attach horo pls check it .

sorry for late reply regards kanak bosmia : JAY MAI GADHECHI MA : No. 28 Sahakar 2- Jagabhai Park Rambaug: Maninagar AHMEDABAD 380 008 TEL: 079-25431165 Mobile: 9825131165 email: BIRTH DETAILS OF



: Mrigs 4 - Pada : Mar : VAISHAKH: 5: SAMVAT 1984 : 11 H. 8 M. 29 S. : 22 D. 45 M. 58 S.


: ASHADHA : 7-2-12 : SOMAVAR : SWATI : 3rd : 9th

: TAURUS (Sayana)


Cast By Kanakkumar.B. Bosmia ON 16-12-2004 Programme by RAICHUR 8/147 GARODIANAGAR BOMBAY-77 JAY MAI GADHECHI MA : No. 28 Sahakar 2- Jagabhai Park Rambaug: Maninagar AHMEDABAD 380 008 TEL: 079-25431165 Mobile: 9825131165 email: BIRTH DETAILS OF TRADITIONAL BIRTH CHART: PLANETS WITH + ARE RETROGRADE NAKSHATRA: Mrigs- PADA 4 DASA BAL. Mars 0 Y. 45 Days ENDS ON 8 6 1928 *----------------*----------------*----------------*----------------* | * * * * | | 10 * * 8 * * 6 | |FOR. * 9 * * 7 * | | * SAT+ KETU * | | * * * * | | * 11 * * 5 * | | * * * * | * MARS * NEP+ * | * * * * | | 12 * * 2 * * 4 | |JUP. VEN. * * * * | |URAN * RAHU * | | * 1 * * 3 * | | * SUN. MERC * * MOON PLUT * | | * * * * | *----------------*----------------*----------------*----------------* TRADITIONAL NAVAMASA CHART *----------------*----------------*----------------*----------------* | * MOON * * * | | 9 * * 7 * * 5 | |KETU * 8 * * 6 * | | * URAN * | | * * * * | | * 10 * * 4 * | | * * * * | * VEN. * SUN. * | * * * * | | 11 * * 1 * * 3 | |SAT. * * * * RAHU | | * MERC PLUT * | | * 12 * * 2 * |

| * MARS JUP. FOR. * * NEPT * | | * * * * | *----------------*----------------*----------------*----------------* Programme by RAICHUR 8/147 GARODIANAGAR BOMBAY-77 ASTROLOGER:Kanakkumar.B. Bosmia Tel:079-25431165 DASAS TO BE ENJOYED BY VIMSOTTARI DASAS --- BHUKTIES Mar DASA 08 06 1921 -> 08 06 1928 |Rah |Rah |Jup |Sat |Mer |Ket |Ven |Sun |Moo Moo Bhk. 24 04 1928 -> 08 06 1928 |Mar Jup Jup Sat Mer Ket Ven Sun Moo Mar Rah Mer Mer Ket Ven Sun Moo Mar Rah Jup Sat Ven Ven Sun Moo Mar Rah Jup Sat Mer Ket Moo Moo Mar Rah Jup Sat DASA Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. DASA Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. DASA Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. DASA Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. 08 08 26 08 14 20 20 08 08 14 08 08 05 02 02 08 08 05 23 29 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 06 06 07 02 05 04 12 10 02 01 06 06 11 11 09 07 12 12 06 09 06 06 10 10 06 08 08 04 06 04 06 06 04 11 05 09 1946 1946 1948 1951 1953 1954 1956 1957 1959 1960 1981 1981 1983 1984 1987 1988 1989 1990 1993 1995 2005 2005 2008 2009 2011 2012 2015 2018 2021 2024 2031 2031 2032 2032 2034 2035 -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> 08 26 08 14 20 20 08 08 14 08 08 05 02 02 08 08 05 23 29 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 06 07 02 05 04 12 10 02 01 06 06 11 11 09 07 12 12 06 09 06 06 10 10 06 08 08 04 06 04 06 06 04 11 05 09 04 1962 1948 1951 1953 1954 1956 1957 1959 1960 1962 1998 1983 1984 1987 1988 1989 1990 1993 1995 1998 2025 2008 2009 2011 2012 2015 2018 2021 2024 2025 2041 2032 2032 2034 2035 2037 |Sat |Sat |Mer |Ket |Ven |Sun |Moo |Mar |Rah |Jup |Ket |Ket |Ven |Sun |Moo |Mar |Rah |Jup |Sat |Mer |Sun |Sun |Moo |Mar |Rah |Jup |Sat |Mer |Ket |Ven | | | | | | DASA Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. DASA Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. DASA Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. DASA Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. 08 08 20 14 20 08 26 26 20 20 08 08 11 20 29 29 11 11 20 26 08 08 05 05 11 11 08 26 02 11 08 08 26 26 02 26 14 26 02 08 06 06 02 07 05 12 12 12 11 05 06 06 06 02 03 05 05 12 01 11 06 06 11 01 05 12 05 05 05 06 06 06 09 03 08 06 04 03 02 06 1928 1928 1931 1933 1936 1938 1939 1942 1943 1945 1962 1962 1965 1968 1969 1972 1973 1974 1976 1978 1998 1998 1998 2000 2000 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2025 2025 2025 2026 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2030 -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> 08 20 14 20 08 26 26 20 20 08 08 11 20 29 29 11 11 20 26 08 08 05 05 11 11 08 26 02 11 08 08 26 26 02 26 14 26 02 08 08 06 02 07 05 12 12 12 11 05 06 06 06 02 03 05 05 12 01 11 06 06 11 01 05 12 05 05 05 06 06 06 09 03 08 06 04 03 02 06 06 1946 1931 1933 1936 1938 1939 1942 1943 1945 1946 1981 1965 1968 1969 1972 1973 1974 1976 1978 1981 2005 1998 2000 2000 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2031 2025 2026 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2030 2031

Mer Ket Ven Sun

Bhk. Bhk. Bhk. Bhk.

08 08 08 08

04 09 04 12

2037 2038 2039 2040

-> -> -> ->

08 08 08 08

09 04 12 06

2038 2039 2040 2041

| | | |

: JAY MAI GADHECHI MA : No. 28 Sahakar 2- Jagabhai Park Rambaug: Maninagar AHMEDABAD 380 008 TEL: 079-25431165 Mobile: 9825131165 email: BIRTH DETAILS OF W E S T E R N A S P E C T S





ORBS Conj,opp =8.Sq. Trine 6,SEXT 6,Semis 2, Rest 2 deg. Programme by RAICHUR 8/147 GARODIANAGAR BOMBAY-77 : JAY MAI GADHECHI MA : No. 28 Sahakar 2- Jagabhai Park Rambaug: Maninagar AHMEDABAD 380 008 TEL: 079-25431165 Mobile: 9825131165 email:

QUERY: DATE :MONDAY: 23 - 4 - 1928 : TIME: 20 H. 54 M. 30 S.(I.S.T is 24 : 10 - 24 30 ) DASA BAL. : Mar 0 Y. 1 M. 14 Days: ENDS on 8 - 6 - 1928 Planet S D M se Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl :Cusp S D M se Sgl Stl Sbl SsL SUN. MOON MARS MERC JUP. VEN. SAT.-R RAHU KETU URAN NEPT-R FOR. PLUT Sat Rah :ASC 8 11 26 17 Mar Sat Moo Moo Ven :2nd 9 12 40 0 Jup Ket Mer Mar Moo :3rd 10 17 48 54 Sat Moo Mer Ket Mer :4th 11 23 14 26 Sat Jup Sat Sat Sat :5th 12 24 11 10 Jup Mer Rah Moo Sat :6th 1 19 37 40 Mar Ven Rah Rah Sun :7th 2 11 26 17 Ven Moo Mar Mer Rah :8th 3 12 40 0 Mer Rah Mer Ket Mar :9th 4 17 48 54 Moo Mer Mer Mar Jup :10th 5 23 14 26 Sun Ven Sat Moo Moo :11th 6 24 11 10 Mer Mar Rah Mer Sat :12th 7 19 37 40 Ven Rah Mar Sat Mer CUSP KUNDALI AS PER K.P. Shows Planets,Cusps,with Rasi Sign only. For retrogression,Deg Min refer to table above. Signs intercepted BUT with no planets in them are not printed.. 1 3 11 1 12 12 8 2 8 12 5 10 3 11 6 19 0 28 22 25 18 18 12 3 6 22 0 25 57 44 1 45 49 50 50 19 41 51 14 26 55 44 44 23 56 28 12 12 6 3 46 36 Mar Mer Sat Mar Jup Jup Mar Ven Mar Jup Sun Sat Mer Ket Mar Rah Ket Mer Mer Mer Moo Mer Sat Ket Sun Jup Jup Rah Mer Mar Rah Ven Sat Mer Rah Moo Rah Mer

*----------------------------------*----------------------------------* | * * * * | | * * * * | | * Fo 10 * * * | |3rd 10 * 2nd 9 * * 12t 7 * | | Ma 11 * * Asc 8 * * | | * Ke 8 Sa 8 * | | * * * * | | * * * * 11t 6| | * * * * | | * * * * | | * 4th 11 * * * | * Ur 12 Ve 12 * * | * * * * | | * * * 10t 5 * | | * * * * | |5th 12 * * * * | | Me 1 Su 1 * * * * | | Ju 12 * * | | * * Mo 3 Ra 2 * * Ne 5| | * 6th 1 * 7th 2 * 8th 3 * 9th 4| | * * * Pl 3 * | | * * * * | | * * * * | *----------------------------------*----------------------------------*

: JAY MAI GADHECHI MA : No. 28 Sahakar 2- Jagabhai Park Rambaug: Maninagar AHMEDABAD 380 008 TEL: 079-25431165 Mobile: 9825131165 email:

BIRTH DETAILS OF SIGNIFICATORS OF HOUSES SIGNIFICATORS ARE SHOWN IN THE FOLLOWING ORDER OF IMPORTANCE A-Planets in Star of Occupants of House: B-Planets in House C-Planets in stars of House Lord: D-House Lord: E= Planets Aspected by A,B,C,D Trad aspects BY SIGN : F=Sub Lord HOUSE A B C D E F ---------------------------------------------------------------------ASC |URA:SUN:MER:NEP|SAT:KET: |MOO: |Mar|RA:KE:SA:ME|Moo | | | | |SU: | 2nd | |FOR: |PLU: |Jup|VE:SA:KE: |Mer | | | | | | 3rd | | |URA: |Sat|RA:KE: |Mer | | | | | | 4th |MOO: |MAR:URA: |URA: |Sat|RA:KE: |Sat | | | | | | 5th |FOR:JUP:VEN:SAT|SUN:MER:JUP:VEN|PLU: |Jup|VE:SA:KE:ME|Rah |KET:PLU: | | | |SU:JU:RA: | 6th | | |MOO: |Mar|RA: |Rah | | | | | | 7th |RAH:MAR: |MOO:RAH: | |Ven|JU:SA:KE:RA|Mar | | | | | | 8th | |PLU: |JUP:VEN:SAT|Mer|SU:VE:SA:KE|Mer | | |KET: | |JU:RA: | 9th | |NEP: |RAH: |Moo|SA:KE: |Mer | | | | | | 10th | | |FOR: |Sun|ME: |Sat | | | | | | 11th | | |JUP:VEN:SAT|Mer|SU:VE:SA:KE|Rah | | |KET: | |JU:RA: | 12th | | | |Ven|JU: |Mar | | | | | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------PLANET House Numbers Signified: SUN. MOON MARS MERC JUP. VEN. SAT. RAHU KETU URAN NEPT FOR. PLUT Aspecting Planets

A-As,B-05,D-10, :ME:FA-04,B-07,C-As,C-06,D-09, :F- 1, A-07,B-04,D-As,D-06, :F- 7,12, A-As,B-05,D-08,D-11, :SU:F- 2, 3, 8, 9, A-05,B-05,C-08,C-11,D-02,D-05,:VE:FA-05,B-05,C-08,C-11,D-07,D-12,:JU:FA-05,B-As,C-08,C-11,D-03,D-04,:JU:RA:KE:F- 4,10, A-07,B-07,C-09, :MA:SA:KE:F- 5, 6,11, A-05,B-As,C-08,C-11, :JU:SA:RA:FA-As,B-04,C-03,C-04, :JU:VE:FA-As,B-09, :MA:SA:FA-05,B-02,C-10, :SA:FA-05,B-08,C-02,C-05, :MO:F-

RAHU will ACT as AGENT for Ven,Moo also KETU will ACT as AGENT for Mar,Mer also Planets EXALTED or in OWN house Strongly signify the house owned These are : SUN.:EXA JUP.:OWN VEN.:EXA

>From: rongaunt <> >Reply-To: >To: >Subject: Re: [k_p_system] Micro Rectification >Date: Wed, 15 Dec 2004 09:53:16 +1000 > > >Dear Kanak, > >I have used the system you show to continue this rectification >exercise. > >I get the birth Asc to be Ma/Sa/Ma/Sa >and the RP for the prasna Moon to be Ma/Sa/Ju/Mo. >The nearest alignment appears to move the Asc to >Ma/Sa/Ju/Mo. This gives a time of birth of >9:17:43 pm. This is well away from the documented evidence. >ie birth certificate and birth records. > >On reflection I had tried this method before in a discussion with >Yogesh and again pointed out that the example was well away from >the recorded birth time. Also a prior correspondent on this >List also expressed misgivings when he checked a recorded >birthtime. When I pointed this out, Yogesh said something to >the effect to ignore using it, as it wasn't correct. > >How certain are you that this system works consistently? >and if you are what might I be doing incorrectly? > >All the best > > >Ron Gaunt > > > >On Tue, 14 Dec 2004 18:04:18 +1000, you wrote: > > > > > > >Dear Kanak, > > > >Thanks for your explanation. Yours is a different method to the > >one I was following from a book. > > > >One thing I am puzzled about is that you show the query Asc as > >87 57 30 ie 27 Gemini 57 30. My software gives me > >4 Gemini 56:42 with Solar Fire set to Geocentric Lagna and > >4 Gemini 49:36 with Parashara Light which I suspect is Geographic > >Lagna. Are you certain that you have computed for Brisbane? > > > > > >Ron Gaunt > > > > > > > > > > > >On Mon, 13 Dec 2004 20:01:07 -0800, you wrote: > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

>Dear Ron, > >RP Moon at you query is: > > TIME I.S.T.Hrs.Min,SEC ? 14,42,34 (Aus. time -4.30 = IST) > >DAY LORD IS SAT. > >ASC= 87 57 30 MERC JUP VEN JUP > >MOON/CHANDRA 226 17 18 MARS SAT JUP MOON >RAHU 5 34 45 MARS KETU RAHU RAHU >KETU 185 34 45 VEN MARS MOON MOON > > >RP Moon indicate Birth Asc. > >RP Moon is: MARS SAT JUP MOON > and birth asc For 8.58 pm Ma/Sa/Mo/Su > >now you can found most of time that RP Moon = Birth it >is. > >MAR.SAT,MOON are in both rp and birth Asc. now if we adjest as: >MAR,SAT,MOON,JUP it was @ >Scorpio 11-19-27 to 11-28-20. you have to go back for some >seconds and you have found Asc. as MAR,SAT,MOON,JUP . > > >regards > >kanak bosmia > >>From: rongaunt <> >>Reply-To: >>To: >>Subject: [k_p_system] Micro Rectification >>Date: Tue, 14 Dec 2004 10:28:32 +1000 >> >>I am just starting to try my hand at micro rectification using >>KP, and I would appreciate learned members help and thoughts on >>my first case. >> >>I decided to check the chart of Shirley Temple Black because I am >>fairly certain that the birth certificate and documentation is >>approximately correct. My previous non KP attempts at >>rectification suggested a time slightly later than quoted. >> >>Details for Shirley are: >> >>DOB 23 April 1928 >>9:00 pm PST +8:00 >>Santa Monica, California >>34N01'10" 118W29'25" >> >>My prasna was 11th December 2004 Brisbane, Australia 27S28 >>153E02 TZ -10:00. Time was 7:12:34pm >> >>Here I found the Day Lord to be Saturn, The Asc Rasi Lord >>Mercury, the Asc Star Lord Mars, the Moon Rasi Lord Mars,

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

>>and the Moon Star Lord Saturn. Also Rahu is a strong R.P. as it >>is in the rasi of another R.P. - Mars. >> >>Here we see Mars, Saturn and Rahu as all being very strong. >> >>In Shirley's natal chart with a 9:00 pm birth the Asc is >>12 Scorpio 29'29". Therefore Scorpio rasi is confirmed by >>strong RP Mars. >> >>Mars rasi, Saturn star and Mars sub covers Scorpio 12-6-40 to >>12-53-20. and this confims Shirley was born within this >>configuration. >> >> >>The following configurations apply: >> >>8.58 pm Ma/Sa/Mo/Su >> >>9.00 pm Ma/Sa/Ma/Sa >> >>9:02 pm Ma/Sa/Ra/Ra >> >>9:04 pm Ma/Sa/Ra/Ju >> >>9:07 pm Ma/Sa/Ra/Me >> >>We can eliminate 8:58 pm as Moon is not a R.P. Likewise 9:04 pm >>because sub sub Jupiter is also not a R.P. >> >>This leaves 9:00 - 9:02 pm and 9:07 pm because Me is a R.P. >> >>Now it gets tricky how do we decide which is the correct sub? >>Presumably we look for strength. Here Mars, Saturn and Rahu >>are all very strong so I would eliminate Me at 9:07pm. >> >>This leaves the options of Ma/Sa/Ma/Sa OR Ma/Sa/Ra/Ra. >>Rahu appears very strong, but Saturn aspects Rahu in the Prasna >>and appears to be calling the shots. >> >>I would appreciate members comments on which of these two would >>be the relevant time, and why. Do we need to go even further >>and use sub-sub-subs? >> >> >>Ron Gaunt >> > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > >

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1975 From: rongaunt <rongaunt@...> Date: Thu Dec 16, 2004 6:15pm Subject: KPBC4 - Answer. rongaunt1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Between the 27th and 29th June the 2000 the native was offered 3 jobs from 3 different companies with salary offers far above the natives then earnings. Both Sandy and Anant arrived at the correct dasa sequence of Rahu/Saturn/Jupiter/Saturn but unfortunately not quite the right dates. This mirrors my own efforts in trying to tie down exact dates using RPs. The difficulty I find is assessing which is the correct sub sub when all the RP planets are available. I actually did this exercise myself using Prasna - with interesting results. I am committed to other things the rest of today but I will write up my attempt ASP. Sandy's reasons for her attempt are given below. If any other participant would like to state his reasons it could be a good learning exercise. Ron Gaunt SANDY'S ASSESSMENT I can see why the client consulted the astrologer about his decision to test the career waters in the beginning of May - with Saturn transiting Aries in the star of Venus in Mercury sub, but to actually try to pick, within 3 days, the dates that he received the three job offers, is a bit more difficult (and probably best left to the KP experts). But I'm giving it an honest try to sort out for myself a progressive learning method to my KP madness :-), and in the hopes that I can learn more about KP from this exercise. (My answers are based on the natal chart -not Horary - because I, too, think the consultation date and time are important (in this case) for using RP's - and that date wasn't available)

1976 From: "Sandy Crowther" <sandy@...> Date: Thu Dec 16, 2004 9:56pm Subject: RE: KPBC4 - Answer. detective_dunno Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360

Dear Ron and Group,

Thanks for the chart. I wanted to try an experiment with this 4th Blind Chart an d see if I could really narrow down some of the KP possibilities for choosing th e correct 3 day period of time, and I think I may have begun that process - at l east to some degree of satisfaction for myself however many more examples must a lso be tested, when I have the time, before I can reach any conclusive evidence that satisfies me on a much grander scale. However, interestingly enough prior t o me posting my first choice dates of June 21st to June 23rd I had ORIGINALLY ch osen the dates of June 26th to June 29th as my first choice but encompassing a 4 day period of time. (This experiment was based on following up on the last blind chart - the KPBC3 - to see why I correctly chose the dates but selected them as my 3rd choice rather than my 1st which was also an experiment for me in testing KP.) Since this blind chart request was for a 3 day time frame this time I opted to go with the initial dasha sequence of Ra/Sa/Ju/Sa/Sa instead which encompass ed the dates from June 21st to 23rd - and here is my reasoning for my experiment i n doing that and subsequently changing the dasha sequence I had originally selecte d. (I am now seriously thinking that the sub subs have everything to do with thi s but the intellectual side of my brain keeps saying that it HAS to be more diff icult that that but maybe not??? Maybe the KEYS are really in the sub subs of the da sha like using the 4th and 5th levels combined ) Could it be that simple??? J

First, I should make it known that I prefer to use Shri Jyoti Star 5 for most of my KP calculations with Parashara Light 6 and Solar Fire 5 as back-ups for more ease of research/aspect/RP info, and in addition to verifying relevant data. Th is is based on my preference of fully trusting over the years the SJS5 and SF5 c alculations above most other software programs, and on the accuracy of the KP ay anamsa produced when calculating with Shri Jyoti Star and customizing the KP aya namsa setting to reflect the epoch, value at epoch, and annual precession rate f or any date of birth based on the Ayanamsa Table provided in the File section ea rlier, by TW. (For the record so as not to discredit another program that I hear is really wonderful - I would like to also state that I have been unable to wor k with Mr. Raichur s software because I have not been able to successfully downloa d Anant Raichur s software demo from the Files section of the KP list. All I get i s a bunch of ++++ and ----- for data, with no legible data or readable informati on. I believe Mr. Raichur s program is DOS based and has a major conflict with ano ther DOS based astrology program I have downloaded in my computer [which is Hayd n s Jyotish]. So I m not exactly sure of what the conflict may be but at any rate, I am unfortunately unable to use Mr. Raichur s program for reference.)

Now that I have that out of the way, let me explain further my experiment above, a nd why I DID initially chose a 4 day period of June 26 to June 29, but DIDN T end up submitting those dates because of my beginning experimentation with certain sub subs.

First, we know that Saturn is a strong significator for houses 10 and 11, while Mercury is a significator for the 2nd and 6th and Venus a significator for the 2 nd. So what do we have? Saturn most definitely but should we use the double Satu rn subs because of Saturn s significance to the 10th and 11th houses, or would we be smarter and wiser to consider all three significators: Saturn, Mercury, and V enus?

So with respect to the above, we have a 5 level dasha sequence of:

1. Ra/Sa/Ju/Sa/Sa: (the beginning of double Saturn dasha subs) which accommodate s the dates of 6/21/200 through 6/23/2000 (the dates I settled on due to beginni ng the Sa double Saturn subs as a starting point for my experimentation.) Then w e have

2. Ra/Sa/Ju/Sa/Me: dasha subs running from 6/25/2000 through 6/27/2000: Correct time frame/correct 5 level dasha sequence.. 3. Ra/Sa/Ju/Sa/Ke: dasha subs running on 6/28/2000:(Ketu is in sub of SA in SJS [sub of Ju according to PL6, but PL6 KP ayanamsa is not as reliable as SJS in my not so humble opinion] but significant at any rate.) Correct time frame /correc t 5 level dasha sequence.. 4. Ra/Sa/Ju/Sa/Ve: dasha subs running on 6/29/2000: Correct time frame /correct 5 level dasha sequence..

So 2, 3 and 4 are the CORRECT dates, and include all 3 significators: Saturn, Me rcury, and Venus when using 5 level dasha sequence.

So the bottom line which I certainly must test out further because it is beginni ng to seriously pique my interest, is that perhaps the 5 level dashas specifical ly the 1. Mahadasha, 2. Antardasha, 3. Pratyantardasha, 4. Sookshma-antardasha, and 5. Praana-antardasha is a major key to prediction and therefore just may hav e a major something to say about it all? I am new to studying KP, so perhaps res earch of this nature has already been done or is in the process of being done??? It seems like a worthwhile research to me At any rate this is just my 2 cents, a nd I certainly must research this more elaborately myself on several dozen chart s when I have the time but these 5 level sequences appear to be forming a patter n that I have been noticing on a few charts

It s late, I m tired, and I m rambling Sorry

Anyone else have any comments???

All the Best, Sandy Crowther

-----Original Message----From: rongaunt [] Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2004 7:16 PM To: Subject: [k_p_system] KPBC4 - Answer.

Between the 27th and 29th June the 2000 the native was offered 3 jobs from 3 different companies with salary offers far above the natives then earnings. Both Sandy and Anant arrived at the correct dasa sequence of Rahu/Saturn/Jupiter/Saturn but unfortunately not quite the right dates. This mirrors my own efforts in trying to tie down exact dates using RPs. The difficulty I find is assessing which is the correct sub sub when all the RP planets are available. I actually did this exercise myself using Prasna - with interesting results. I am committed to other things the rest of today but I will write up my attempt ASP. Sandy's reasons for her attempt are given below. If any other participant would like to state his reasons it could be a good learning exercise. Ron Gaunt SANDY'S ASSESSMENT I can see why the client consulted the astrologer about his decision to test the career waters in the beginning of May - with Saturn transiting Aries in the star of Venus in Mercury sub, but to actually try to pick, within 3 days, the dates that he received the three job offers, is a bit more difficult (and probably best left to the KP experts). But I'm giving it an honest try to sort out for myself a progressive learning method to my KP madness :-), and in the hopes that I can learn more about KP from this exercise. (My answers are based on the natal chart -not Horary - because I, too, think the consultation date and time are important (in this case) for using RP's - and that date wasn't available)

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1977 From: rongaunt <rongaunt@...> Date: Fri Dec 17, 2004 0:25am Subject: Re: KPBC4 - Answer. rongaunt1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Sandy, I have also recently come to the same tentative conclusion as yourself that the 5 level dasha is the way to go. This is because the 5th level is the one that ties the event to within a day or so, and has appeared so relevent in the few cases I have studied. What has piqued my interest is the relationship between the Solar Eclipse positions and the Sookshma antardasha, and the continuation to the transit positions and relevent Praana antardasha. I will give examples when I write up my analysis of KPBC4. Ron Gaunt

On Thu, 16 Dec 2004 22:56:05 -0500, you wrote: >Dear Ron and Group, > > > >Thanks for the chart. I wanted to try an experiment with this 4th Blind >Chart and see if I could really narrow down some of the KP possibilities >for choosing the correct 3 day period of time, and I think I may have >begun that process - at least to some degree of satisfaction for myself >- however many more examples must also be tested, when I have the time, >before I can reach any conclusive evidence that satisfies me on a much >grander scale. However, interestingly enough - prior to me posting my >first choice dates of June 21st to June 23rd - I had ORIGINALLY chosen >the dates of June 26th to June 29th - as my first choice - but >encompassing a 4 day period of time. (This experiment was based on >"following up" on the last blind chart - the KPBC3 - to see why I >correctly chose the dates - but selected them as my 3rd choice rather >than my 1st - which was also an experiment for me in testing KP.) Since >this blind chart request was for a 3 day time frame this time - I opted >to go with the initial dasha sequence of Ra/Sa/Ju/Sa/Sa instead - which >encompassed the dates from June 21st to 23rd - and here is my reasoning >for my "experiment" in doing that.and subsequently changing the dasha >sequence I had originally selected. (I am now seriously thinking that >the sub subs have everything to do with this - but the intellectual side >of my brain keeps saying that it HAS to be more difficult that that >but maybe not??? Maybe the "KEYS" are really in the "sub subs" of the

>dasha - like using the 4th and 5th levels combined.) Could it be that >simple??? :-) > > > >First, I should make it known that I prefer to use Shri Jyoti Star 5 for >most of my KP calculations - with Parashara Light 6 and Solar Fire 5 as >back-ups for more ease of research/aspect/RP info, and in addition to >verifying relevant data. This is based on my preference of fully >trusting over the years the SJS5 and SF5 calculations above most other >software programs, and on the accuracy of the KP ayanamsa produced when >calculating with Shri Jyoti Star and customizing the KP ayanamsa setting >to reflect the epoch, value at epoch, and annual precession rate for any >date of birth based on the Ayanamsa Table provided in the File section >earlier, by TW. (For the record so as not to discredit another program >that I hear is really wonderful - I would like to also state that I have >been unable to work with Mr. Raichur's software because I have not been >able to successfully download Anant Raichur's software demo from the >Files section of the KP list. All I get is a bunch of ++++ and ----- for >data, with no legible data or readable information. I believe Mr. >Raichur's program is DOS based and has a major conflict with another DOS >based astrology program I have downloaded in my computer [which is >Haydn's Jyotish]. So I'm not exactly sure of what the conflict may be >but at any rate, I am unfortunately unable to use Mr. Raichur's program >for reference.) > > > >Now that I have that out of the way, let me explain further my >"experiment" above, and why I DID initially chose a 4 day period of June >26 to June 29, but DIDN'T end up submitting those dates because of my >"beginning experimentation" with certain sub subs. > > > >First, we know that Saturn is a strong significator for houses 10 and >11, while Mercury is a significator for the 2nd and 6th and Venus a >significator for the 2nd. So what do we have? Saturn most definitely >but should we use the double Saturn subs because of Saturn's >significance to the 10th and 11th houses, or would we be smarter and >wiser to consider all three significators: Saturn, Mercury, and Venus? > > > >So with respect to the above, we have a 5 level dasha sequence of: > > > >1. Ra/Sa/Ju/Sa/Sa: (the beginning of double Saturn dasha subs) which >accommodates the dates of 6/21/200 through 6/23/2000 (the dates I >settled on due to beginning the Sa double Saturn subs as a starting >point for my experimentation.) Then we have. > > > >2. Ra/Sa/Ju/Sa/Me: dasha subs running from 6/25/2000 through 6/27/2000: >Correct time frame/correct 5 level dasha sequence.. > >3. Ra/Sa/Ju/Sa/Ke: dasha subs running on 6/28/2000:(Ketu is in sub of SA >in SJS [sub of Ju according to PL6, but PL6 KP ayanamsa is not as

>reliable as SJS in my not so humble opinion] - but significant at any >rate.) Correct time frame /correct 5 level dasha sequence.. > >4. Ra/Sa/Ju/Sa/Ve: dasha subs running on 6/29/2000: Correct time frame >/correct 5 level dasha sequence.. > > > >So 2, 3 and 4 are the CORRECT dates, and include all 3 significators: >Saturn, Mercury, and Venus when using 5 level dasha sequence. > > > >So the bottom line - which I certainly must test out further because it >is beginning to seriously pique my interest, is that perhaps the 5 level >dashas - specifically the 1. Mahadasha, 2. Antardasha, 3. >Pratyantardasha, 4. Sookshma-antardasha, and 5. Praana-antardasha is a >major key to prediction and therefore just may have a major something to >say about it all? I am new to studying KP, so perhaps research of this >nature has already been done - or is in the process of being done??? It >seems like a worthwhile research to me. At any rate - this is just my 2 >cents, and I certainly must research this more elaborately myself on >several dozen charts when I have the time - but these 5 level sequences >appear to be forming a pattern that I have been noticing on a few >charts. > > > >It's late, I'm tired, and I'm rambling.Sorry. > > > >Anyone else have any comments??? > > > > All the Best, > > Sandy Crowther > > <> > > > > > > > > > > > > > >-----Original Message---->From: rongaunt [mailto:rongaunt@...] >Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2004 7:16 PM >To: >Subject: [k_p_system] KPBC4 - Answer. >

> > > >Between the 27th and 29th June the 2000 the native was offered >3 jobs from 3 different companies with salary offers far above >the natives then earnings. > >Both Sandy and Anant arrived at the correct dasa sequence >of Rahu/Saturn/Jupiter/Saturn but unfortunately not quite the >right dates. > >This mirrors my own efforts in trying to tie down >exact dates using RPs. The difficulty I find is assessing >which is the correct sub sub when all the RP planets are >available. I actually did this exercise myself using Prasna >- with interesting results. I am committed to other things >the rest of today but I will write up my attempt ASP. > >Sandy's reasons for her attempt are given below. If any other >participant would like to state his reasons it could be a good >learning exercise. > > >Ron Gaunt > > >SANDY'S ASSESSMENT > >I can see why the client consulted the astrologer about his >decision to test the career waters in the beginning of May - with >Saturn transiting Aries in the star of Venus in Mercury sub, but >to actually try to pick, within 3 days, the dates that he >received the three job offers, is a bit more difficult (and >probably best left to the KP experts). But I'm giving it an >honest try to sort out for myself a progressive learning >method to my KP madness :-), and in the hopes that I can learn >more about KP from this exercise. (My answers are based on the >natal chart -not Horary - because I, too, think the consultation >date and time are important (in this case) for using RP's - and >that date wasn't available) > > > >*

1978 From: Amitabh Amitabh <amitabh20a@...> Date: Fri Dec 17, 2004 0:45am Subject: RE: KPBC4 - Answer. amitabh20a Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Sandy, Ron and Group, I have been a silent observer to the discussion - an excellent analysis. I am a learner in KP myself. Over 20 years ago I came across the KP tables and have been using them ever since. I prefer to use these rather than rely on any software, though it is much more time

consuming. But chances of error are much less, if you are confident of your maths and calculations. My experiences have been mixed, RPs have often provided accurate results. Idea of 5 level dasha system is a welcome idea. Frankly, I had thought of it but never put it to practice - longer mahadasha periods obviously necessiate this; maybe a step more if one wants to go to the time in hrs, mins etc. with corresponding calculations. Another observation which I wish to bring to the notice of the group is that good periods (mahadashas, antar and pratyantar), though worthy of giving results are wasted if the gochar is not favourable. Compare it with a subject doing an excellent work and not getting the rewards for it, if there is none to judge the performance. Alternatively, if a ball is thrown and there is no one to catch, the ball falls on the ground into dust. All forces have to work concurrently for the benefits to be reaped. This is the beauty of KP analysis. (It's possible this may have been discussed earlier in this forum.) Keep it up, Amitabh --- Sandy Crowther <sandy@...> wrote: > Dear Ron and Group, > Thanks for the chart. I wanted to try an experiment > with this 4th Blind > Chart and see if I could really narrow down some of > the KP possibilities > for choosing the correct 3 day period of time, and I > think I may have > begun that process - at least to some degree of > satisfaction for myself > - however many more examples must also be tested, > when I have the time, > before I can reach any conclusive evidence that > satisfies me on a much > grander scale. However, interestingly enough - prior > to me posting my > first choice dates of June 21st to June 23rd - I had > ORIGINALLY chosen > the dates of June 26th to June 29th - as my first > choice - but > encompassing a 4 day period of time. (This > experiment was based on > "following up" on the last blind chart - the KPBC3 > to see why I > correctly chose the dates - but selected them as my > 3rd choice rather > than my 1st - which was also an experiment for me in > testing KP.) Since > this blind chart request was for a 3 day time frame > this time - I opted > to go with the initial dasha sequence of > Ra/Sa/Ju/Sa/Sa instead - which > encompassed the dates from June 21st to 23rd - and > here is my reasoning > for my "experiment" in doing that.and subsequently > changing the dasha

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

sequence I had originally selected. (I am now seriously thinking that the sub subs have everything to do with this - but the intellectual side of my brain keeps saying that it HAS to be more difficult that that but maybe not??? Maybe the "KEYS" are really in the "sub subs" of the dasha - like using the 4th and 5th levels combined.) Could it be that simple??? :-)

First, I should make it known that I prefer to use Shri Jyoti Star 5 for most of my KP calculations - with Parashara Light 6 and Solar Fire 5 as back-ups for more ease of research/aspect/RP info, and in addition to verifying relevant data. This is based on my preference of fully trusting over the years the SJS5 and SF5 calculations above most other software programs, and on the accuracy of the KP ayanamsa produced when calculating with Shri Jyoti Star and customizing the KP ayanamsa setting to reflect the epoch, value at epoch, and annual precession rate for any date of birth based on the Ayanamsa Table provided in the File section earlier, by TW. (For the record so as not to discredit another program that I hear is really wonderful - I would like to also state that I have been unable to work with Mr. Raichur's software because I have not been able to successfully download Anant Raichur's software demo from the Files section of the KP list. All I get is a bunch of ++++ and ----- for data, with no legible data or readable information. I believe Mr. Raichur's program is DOS based and has a major conflict with another DOS based astrology program I have downloaded in my computer [which is Haydn's Jyotish]. So I'm not exactly sure of what the conflict may be but at any rate, I am unfortunately unable to use Mr. Raichur's program for reference.)

Now that I have that out of the way, let me explain further my "experiment" above, and why I DID initially chose a 4 day period of June

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

26 to June 29, but DIDN'T end up submitting those dates because of my "beginning experimentation" with certain sub subs.

First, we know that Saturn is a strong significator for houses 10 and 11, while Mercury is a significator for the 2nd and 6th and Venus a significator for the 2nd. So what do we have? Saturn most definitely but should we use the double Saturn subs because of Saturn's significance to the 10th and 11th houses, or would we be smarter and wiser to consider all three significators: Saturn, Mercury, and Venus?

So with respect to the above, we have a 5 level dasha sequence of:

1. Ra/Sa/Ju/Sa/Sa: (the beginning of double Saturn dasha subs) which accommodates the dates of 6/21/200 through 6/23/2000 (the dates I settled on due to beginning the Sa double Saturn subs as a starting point for my experimentation.) Then we have.

2. Ra/Sa/Ju/Sa/Me: dasha subs running from 6/25/2000 through 6/27/2000: Correct time frame/correct 5 level dasha sequence.. 3. Ra/Sa/Ju/Sa/Ke: dasha subs running on 6/28/2000:(Ketu is in sub of SA in SJS [sub of Ju according to PL6, but PL6 KP ayanamsa is not as reliable as SJS in my not so humble opinion] - but significant at any rate.) Correct time frame /correct 5 level dasha sequence.. 4. Ra/Sa/Ju/Sa/Ve: dasha subs running on 6/29/2000: Correct time frame /correct 5 level dasha sequence..

So 2, 3 and 4 are the CORRECT dates, and include all 3 significators: Saturn, Mercury, and Venus when using 5 level dasha sequence.

> > > So the bottom line - which I certainly must test out > further because it > is beginning to seriously pique my interest, is that > perhaps the 5 level > dashas - specifically the 1. Mahadasha, 2. > Antardasha, 3. > Pratyantardasha, 4. Sookshma-antardasha, and 5. > Praana-antardasha is a > major key to prediction and therefore just may have > a major something to > say about it all? I am new to studying KP, so > perhaps research of this > nature has already been done - or is in the process > of being done??? It > seems like a worthwhile research to me. At any rate > - this is just my 2 > cents, and I certainly must research this more > elaborately myself on > several dozen charts when I have the time - but > these 5 level sequences > appear to be forming a pattern that I have been > noticing on a few > charts. > > > > It's late, I'm tired, and I'm rambling.Sorry. > > > > Anyone else have any comments??? > > > > All the Best, > > Sandy Crowther > > <> > > > === message truncated ===

___________________________________________________________ ALL-NEW Yahoo! Messenger - all new features - even more fun!

1979 From: "tw853" <tw853@...> Date: Fri Dec 17, 2004 3:43am Subject: Re: KPBC4 - Answer. tw853 Offline

Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Amitabh Amitabh, Sandy, Ron and Group, I agree with Amitabh that idea of 5 level dasha system is a welcome idea with the development of softwares. Choice of dasa lords and their sequence may be a very challanging task in future prediction and much easier for a post moterm study. For example, in the case of KPBC4, signification of houses is much more important than the strength of planets as shown by the dominant role of weak Saturn. In going to the particular date and time, the system of sublords is supposed to produce accurate predicting results with trnsiting planets. Best regards, tw --- In, Amitabh Amitabh <amitabh20a@y...> wrote: > Dear Sandy, Ron and Group, > I have been a silent observer to the discussion - an > excellent analysis. I am a learner in KP myself. Over > 20 years ago I came across the KP tables and have been > using them ever since. I prefer to use these rather > than rely on any software, though it is much more time > consuming. But chances of error are much less, if you > are confident of your maths and calculations. My > experiences have been mixed, RPs have often provided > accurate results. Idea of 5 level dasha system is a > welcome idea. Frankly, I had thought of it but never > put it to practice - longer mahadasha periods > obviously necessiate this; maybe a step more if one > wants to go to the time in hrs, mins etc. with > corresponding calculations. > Another observation which I wish to bring to the > notice of the group is that good periods (mahadashas, > antar and pratyantar), though worthy of giving results > are wasted if the gochar is not favourable. Compare it > with a subject doing an excellent work and not getting > the rewards for it, if there is none to judge the > performance. Alternatively, if a ball is thrown and > there is no one to catch, the ball falls on the ground > into dust. All forces have to work concurrently for > the benefits to be reaped. This is the beauty of KP > analysis. (It's possible this may have been discussed > earlier in this forum.) > Keep it up, > Amitabh > > --- Sandy Crowther <sandy@t...> wrote: > > Dear Ron and Group, > > Thanks for the chart. I wanted to try an experiment > > with this 4th Blind > > Chart and see if I could really narrow down some of > > the KP possibilities > > for choosing the correct 3 day period of time, and I > > think I may have

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

begun that process - at least to some degree of satisfaction for myself - however many more examples must also be tested, when I have the time, before I can reach any conclusive evidence that satisfies me on a much grander scale. However, interestingly enough - prior to me posting my first choice dates of June 21st to June 23rd - I had ORIGINALLY chosen the dates of June 26th to June 29th - as my first choice - but encompassing a 4 day period of time. (This experiment was based on "following up" on the last blind chart - the KPBC3 to see why I correctly chose the dates - but selected them as my 3rd choice rather than my 1st - which was also an experiment for me in testing KP.) Since this blind chart request was for a 3 day time frame this time - I opted to go with the initial dasha sequence of Ra/Sa/Ju/Sa/Sa instead - which encompassed the dates from June 21st to 23rd - and here is my reasoning for my "experiment" in doing that.and subsequently changing the dasha sequence I had originally selected. (I am now seriously thinking that the sub subs have everything to do with this - but the intellectual side of my brain keeps saying that it HAS to be more difficult that that but maybe not??? Maybe the "KEYS" are really in the "sub subs" of the dasha - like using the 4th and 5th levels combined.) Could it be that simple??? :-)

First, I should make it known that I prefer to use Shri Jyoti Star 5 for most of my KP calculations - with Parashara Light 6 and Solar Fire 5 as back-ups for more ease of research/aspect/RP info, and in addition to verifying relevant data. This is based on my preference of fully trusting over the years the SJS5 and SF5 calculations above most other software programs, and on the accuracy of the KP ayanamsa produced when calculating with Shri Jyoti Star and customizing the KP ayanamsa setting to reflect the epoch, value at epoch, and annual precession rate for any date of birth based on the Ayanamsa Table provided in the File section

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

earlier, by TW. (For the record so as not to discredit another program that I hear is really wonderful - I would like to also state that I have been unable to work with Mr. Raichur's software because I have not been able to successfully download Anant Raichur's software demo from the Files section of the KP list. All I get is a bunch of ++++ and ----- for data, with no legible data or readable information. I believe Mr. Raichur's program is DOS based and has a major conflict with another DOS based astrology program I have downloaded in my computer [which is Haydn's Jyotish]. So I'm not exactly sure of what the conflict may be but at any rate, I am unfortunately unable to use Mr. Raichur's program for reference.)

Now that I have that out of the way, let me explain further my "experiment" above, and why I DID initially chose a 4 day period of June 26 to June 29, but DIDN'T end up submitting those dates because of my "beginning experimentation" with certain sub subs.

First, we know that Saturn is a strong significator for houses 10 and 11, while Mercury is a significator for the 2nd and 6th and Venus a significator for the 2nd. So what do we have? Saturn most definitely but should we use the double Saturn subs because of Saturn's significance to the 10th and 11th houses, or would we be smarter and wiser to consider all three significators: Saturn, Mercury, and Venus?

So with respect to the above, we have a 5 level dasha sequence of:

1. Ra/Sa/Ju/Sa/Sa: (the beginning of double Saturn dasha subs) which accommodates the dates of 6/21/200 through 6/23/2000 (the dates I settled on due to beginning the Sa double Saturn subs as a starting

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

point for my experimentation.) Then we have.

2. Ra/Sa/Ju/Sa/Me: dasha subs running from 6/25/2000 through 6/27/2000: Correct time frame/correct 5 level dasha sequence.. 3. Ra/Sa/Ju/Sa/Ke: dasha subs running on 6/28/2000:(Ketu is in sub of SA in SJS [sub of Ju according to PL6, but PL6 KP ayanamsa is not as reliable as SJS in my not so humble opinion] - but significant at any rate.) Correct time frame /correct 5 level dasha sequence.. 4. Ra/Sa/Ju/Sa/Ve: dasha subs running on 6/29/2000: Correct time frame /correct 5 level dasha sequence..

So 2, 3 and 4 are the CORRECT dates, and include all 3 significators: Saturn, Mercury, and Venus when using 5 level dasha sequence.

So the bottom line - which I certainly must test out further because it is beginning to seriously pique my interest, is that perhaps the 5 level dashas - specifically the 1. Mahadasha, 2. Antardasha, 3. Pratyantardasha, 4. Sookshma-antardasha, and 5. Praana-antardasha is a major key to prediction and therefore just may have a major something to say about it all? I am new to studying KP, so perhaps research of this nature has already been done - or is in the process of being done??? It seems like a worthwhile research to me. At any rate - this is just my 2 cents, and I certainly must research this more elaborately myself on several dozen charts when I have the time - but these 5 level sequences appear to be forming a pattern that I have been noticing on a few charts.

It's late, I'm tired, and I'm rambling.Sorry.

> > Anyone else have any comments??? > > > > > > > > All the Best, > > > > Sandy Crowther > > > > <> > > > > > > > === message truncated === > > > > > > ___________________________________________________________ > ALL-NEW Yahoo! Messenger - all new features - even more fun!

1980 From: "tw853" <tw853@...> Date: Fri Dec 17, 2004 4:58am Subject: Re: Micro Rectification tw853 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Kanakkumar Bosmia, For your information, 23 Apr 1928, Mo 8:55 PM 118W29, 34N01 ST 11:08:58 (Astrodienst/Astro-Kundli/ JHL/ Astraura) St 11:08:29 (Raichur) By using KPA 22:45:58 (Rachur) Asc Asc Asc Asc 11 11 11 11 Sc Sc Sc Sc 26'17'' 27'09'' 26'54'' 26'52'' (Raichur) (Astrodienst/Astro-Kundli) (JHL) (Astraura) Mar-Sat-Moo-Jup Mar-Sat-Moo-Jup Mar-Sat-Moo-Jup Mar-Sat-Moo-Jup

Note: As usually all in Geocentric. Best regards, tw --- In, "Kanakkumar Bosmia" <kanbosastro@h...> wrote: >

1981 From: rongaunt <rongaunt@...> Date: Fri Dec 17, 2004 6:50am Subject: KPBC4 analysis rongaunt1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 I thought I would try my hand at this BC by using prasna something new to me. I thought the best way was to avoid the question of houses, and go straight to the timing through dasas. Therefor my query was "What planets are in the dasas for KPBA4 during the period of the 3 job offers?" The following is the date and number for the query: Date 16th December 2004 Time 01:01:40pm Brisbane, Australia 27S28 153E02 KP Prasna Number 64 Lagna 00 Cancer 33'20" Ruling Planets are: Day - Jupiter Lagna Lord - Moon Lagna Star - Jupiter Moon Sign - Saturn Moon Star - Mars In addition - Rahu (being in Mars sign) All are strong being in other RPs Stars (except Rahu) but Rahu takes over from Mars anyhow. The exercise was to find the three day period where the native received 3 good job offers during the period beginning May 2000 to end July 2000. Looking at the native's dasas for this three month period we see Rahu/Saturn/Rahu ceasing on 3rd June 2000 when Rahu/Saturn/Jupiter took over. This was followed by Rahu/Merc/Merc/ commencing 19th October 2000 Rahu/Saturn are RPs therefore correct, and now I had to find the Pratyantardasha. Is it Rahu or Jupiter? I chose Jupiter because it was very strong being the Lagna Star Lord in the Star of the Moon. Also Jupiter is the Day Lord. This narrows the time of the event from 3rd June to end July 2000. I think any KP astrologer even a beginner would come to this point without too much difficulty using the above data. However, now analysis becomes more difficult - having to choose the Sookshma antardasha. Rahu/Saturn/Jupiter/Jupiter started on 3rd June 2000 and Rahu/Saturn/Jupiter/Saturn started on 21st June to 13th July 2000 So is the Sookshma Lord Jupiter or Saturn? This is a hard one

because both Jupiter and Saturn are strong R.Ps. Fortunately, a few days ago I received the book 'Rectification of Birth Time' In it the author twice states that to decide the sub sub ie Sookshama Lord, take any planet that is in the Asc. In this case Saturn in the Prasna is less than two degrees conjunction with the Lagna. Therefore Saturn is the planet required and we narrow down the period of the event from 21st June to 13th July 2000. Now I needed to find the Praana-antardasha. Here I was totally lost. I skimmed through my books and found no reference as to how to select the Praana Lord. On a hunch and realizing that here we were dealing with daily changes I thought that transits may provide the answer. First however, I checked out the last Solar Eclipse (SE) because I consider that this is the crucible of events. This of course is checked relative to the natal chart. It is well worth studying because it is a mine of information. But I will restrict comments to the salient points. The SE point is on the Rasi Lagna of the 10th house of the birth chart highlighting employment issues. SE point is also conunct the MC which being the Placidean 10th cusp again shows career emphasis. The natal MC is also closely aspected by SE Saturn Lord of the 10th house. SE Jupiter aspects natal Saturn, Sun, Moon and Uranus. SE Mars exactly aspects natal Rahu and closely aspects natal Saturn. So we see all the Prasna RP planets very active. But the planet that stands out a mile is Ketu. In the natal chart Mars exactly aspects the Moon by trine. Both of these are RP planets in the prasna. In the SE, Ketu comes exact aspect by Star and Sub Lords both these planets by conjuncting the Moon. At the time of the event Ketu had moved on to exactly aspect natal Ketu by trine, in the same Star and Sub Lords. At the same time transit Saturn had come exact conjunction with natal Ketu again in the same Star and Sub Lords. Also transit Jupiter is close conjunction with transit Saturn and both conjunct natal Ketu and Mars. So this involvement of Ketu with all these RP planets suggest to me that we should consider Ketu as the Praana-antardasha Lord. In this case we end up with dasa sequence of : Rahu/Saturn/Jupiter/Saturn/Ketu which equates to 28th June 2000 the mid day of the 3 day target period. Ron Gaunt

1982 From: Date: Fri Dec 17, 2004 11:41am Subject: New file uploaded to k_p_system Send Email Hello, This email message is a notification to let you know that a file has been uploaded to the Files area of the k_p_system

group. File : /Moon Transit Over Stars & Subs.Trp Uploaded by : snrajasekaran2004 <snrajasekaran2004@...> Description : Moon's Transit Over Star & Sub By S.N.Rajasekaran You can access this file at the URL: \ 26%20Subs.Trp To learn more about file sharing for your group, please visit: Regards, snrajasekaran2004 <snrajasekaran2004@...>

1983 From: Date: Fri Dec 17, 2004 11:45am Subject: New file uploaded to k_p_system Send Email Hello, This email message is a notification to let you know that a file has been uploaded to the Files area of the k_p_system group. File : /II Level Sub Divisions.Trp Uploaded by : snrajasekaran2004 <snrajasekaran2004@...> Description : II Level Sub Divisions By S.N.Rajasekaran You can access this file at the URL: To learn more about file sharing for your group, please visit: Regards, snrajasekaran2004 <snrajasekaran2004@...>

1984 From: Date: Fri Dec 17, 2004 11:44am Subject: New file uploaded to k_p_system Send Email Hello, This email message is a notification to let you know that a file has been uploaded to the Files area of the k_p_system group. File : /New Comb's Ayanamsa Report Detailed Format.Trp Uploaded by : snrajasekaran2004 <snrajasekaran2004@...>

Description : New Comb's Ayanamsa Report Detailed Format By S.N.Rajasekaran You can access this file at the URL: \ t%20Detailed%20Format.Trp To learn more about file sharing for your group, please visit: Regards, snrajasekaran2004 <snrajasekaran2004@...>

1985 From: "Sandy Crowther" <sandy@...> Date: Fri Dec 17, 2004 0:08pm Subject: RE: KPBC4 analysis and PF detective_dunno Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Ron, Amitabh, TW, and Group,

Thanks guys for contributing your 2 cents on all this all points taken and well re ceived. I certainly agree that the transits definitely must support the dashas, and that the significator s sublords also play a highly significant role. I think that the keys to all the points raised may just be in looking for confluence, syn thesis, and integration of all factors mentioned but we all need a starting plac e from which to proceed when looking for a needle in a haystack. So a starting p lace to work from to narrow things down may just be to begin with 5 levels of da shas - (just a theory of mine, and not carved in concrete at this point in time more work needs to be done).

One thing I didn t mention earlier is that another reason why I chose to submit th e double Saturn dasha sub period is because I noted it would be a good diagnosti c starting point to experiment with - given the fact that Saturn is a significat or of both 10th and 11th houses which I felt were highly relevant to the questio n - along with Sa being in the sign, star, and subs of Mo/Sa/Sa/Sa/Ve respective ly, while dispositor Moon was posited in the sign, star and subs of Sa/Su/Ve/Sa/ Ju. So I wanted to determine how strong Saturn really could function to be able to pull this off singularly , when in comparison to pretty much dismissing the othe r 2 significators that could assist: Venus and Mercury. (My personal opinion is that Saturn has inherent natural qualities to consider no matter in what capacity it is chosen to function - and that therefore the help of BOTH Venus and Mercury along with Ketu may have been not only required, but necessary, to pull this of f.

Ron, I enjoyed your analysis and theories. Also consider this Solar Eclipse Mar s is in natal 11th quincunx Part of Fortune (PF) which brings me to my next poin t. I think considerations to the PF are also crucial in KP let me explain

According to researchers of the ancient astrological texts, the correct method f or calculating the PF is to use different formulas for day versus night births. For example: Asc + Moon Sun for day births and Asc + Sun Moon for night births. Most software programs favor (by default) the day birth methodology so perhaps i t is time we do our own testing on this, to determine what hits are relevant on day versus night births and whether we should just use one formula, or entertain the theories of the researchers that went before us, and use different formulas for day versus night births. (Both Shri Jyoti Star and Solar Fire 5 give us opt ions for use of either but most software uses the day births formula by default. )

Anyway for the day birth formula, the PF in KPBC4 is 01 Li 37, while using the n ight birth formula we have 17 SC 59. I haven t taken the time yet to do a comparis on on the hits of both day and night formulas, but a quick look using the night formula for calculating PF (which KPBC4 is) is that transit PF on the 27th of Ju ne, 2000 is applying conjunct Asc within an orb of 1:29 and additionally trine n atal Mercury who is sublord of Ascendant (bringing good fortune to this man via communications/letters, etc.) Just more stuff to consider when we have 2 more se conds in a row of unaccounted for time. J

All the Best, Sandy Crowther

-----Original Message----From: rongaunt [] Sent: Friday, December 17, 2004 7:51 AM To: Subject: [k_p_system] KPBC4 analysis

I thought I would try my hand at this BC by using prasna something new to me. I thought the best way was to avoid the question of houses, and go straight to the timing through dasas. Therefor my query was "What planets are in the dasas for KPBA4 during the period of the 3 job offers?" The following is the date and number for the query:

Date 16th December 2004 Time 01:01:40pm Brisbane, Australia 27S28 153E02 KP Prasna Number 64 Lagna 00 Cancer 33'20" Ruling Planets are: Day - Jupiter Lagna Lord - Moon Lagna Star - Jupiter Moon Sign - Saturn Moon Star - Mars In addition - Rahu (being in Mars sign) All are strong being in other RPs Stars (except Rahu) but Rahu takes over from Mars anyhow. The exercise was to find the three day period where the native received 3 good job offers during the period beginning May 2000 to end July 2000. Looking at the native's dasas for this three month period we see Rahu/Saturn/Rahu ceasing on 3rd June 2000 when Rahu/Saturn/Jupiter took over. This was followed by Rahu/Merc/Merc/ commencing 19th October 2000 Rahu/Saturn are RPs therefore correct, and now I had to find the Pratyantardasha. Is it Rahu or Jupiter? I chose Jupiter because it was very strong being the Lagna Star Lord in the Star of the Moon. Also Jupiter is the Day Lord. This narrows the time of the event from 3rd June to end July 2000. I think any KP astrologer even a beginner would come to this point without too much difficulty using the above data. However, now analysis becomes more difficult - having to choose the Sookshma antardasha. Rahu/Saturn/Jupiter/Jupiter started on 3rd June 2000 and Rahu/Saturn/Jupiter/Saturn started on 21st June to 13th July 2000 So is the Sookshma Lord Jupiter or Saturn? This is a hard one because both Jupiter and Saturn are strong R.Ps. Fortunately, a few days ago I received the book 'Rectification of Birth Time' In it the author twice states that to decide the sub sub ie Sookshama Lord, take any planet that is in the Asc. In this case Saturn in the Prasna is less than two degrees conjunction with the Lagna. Therefore Saturn is the planet required and we narrow down the period of the event from 21st June to 13th July 2000. Now I needed to find the Praana-antardasha. Here I was totally lost. I skimmed through my books and found no reference as to how to select the Praana Lord. On a hunch and realizing that here we were dealing with daily changes I thought that transits may provide the answer. First however, I checked out the last Solar Eclipse (SE) because I consider that this is the crucible of events. This of course is checked relative to the natal chart. It is well worth

studying because it is a mine of information. But I will restrict comments to the salient points. The SE point is on the Rasi Lagna of the 10th house of the birth chart highlighting employment issues. SE point is also conunct the MC which being the Placidean 10th cusp again shows career emphasis. The natal MC is also closely aspected by SE Saturn Lord of the 10th house. SE Jupiter aspects natal Saturn, Sun, Moon and Uranus. SE Mars exactly aspects natal Rahu and closely aspects natal Saturn. So we see all the Prasna RP planets very active. But the planet that stands out a mile is Ketu. In the natal chart Mars exactly aspects the Moon by trine. Both of these are RP planets in the prasna. In the SE, Ketu comes exact aspect by Star and Sub Lords both these planets by conjuncting the Moon. At the time of the event Ketu had moved on to exactly aspect natal Ketu by trine, in the same Star and Sub Lords. At the same time transit Saturn had come exact conjunction with natal Ketu again in the same Star and Sub Lords. Also transit Jupiter is close conjunction with transit Saturn and both conjunct natal Ketu and Mars. So this involvement of Ketu with all these RP planets suggest to me that we should consider Ketu as the Praana-antardasha Lord. In this case we end up with dasa sequence of : Rahu/Saturn/Jupiter/Saturn/Ketu which equates to 28th June 2000 the mid day of the 3 day target period. Ron Gaunt

1986 From: rongaunt <rongaunt@...> Date: Fri Dec 17, 2004 3:38pm Subject: Re: New file uploaded to k_p_system rongaunt1 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360

snrajasekaran, This is handy in that I don't have to constantly look up and thumb through books. Do you have the sub subs as well? Ron Gaunt

On Fri, 17 Dec 2004 17:45:56 +0000, you wrote: > > > >Hello, > >This email message is a notification to let you know that >a file has been uploaded to the Files area of the k_p_system >group. > > File : /II Level Sub Divisions.Trp > Uploaded by : snrajasekaran2004 <snrajasekaran2004@...> > Description : II Level Sub Divisions By S.N.Rajasekaran > >You can access this file at the URL: > > >To learn more about file sharing for your group, please visit: > > >Regards, > >snrajasekaran2004 <snrajasekaran2004@...> > > > > > > > > > > > >Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > >

1987 From: "tw853" <tw853@...> Date: Sat Dec 18, 2004 9:29am Subject: Re: KPBC4 analysis and PF tw853 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Sandy, Ron and Group, Job profit, Gains II VI X XI Me, Ve, Ve Me Sa Sa

Job Changes III Sa, Sa, Me XII Ra, Ju, Ra, Ju V Me, Mo, Ma, Ke, Su IX Mo, Ra, Ju As Upadhyaya, Srinivasa is asking about `Prasna - Job change' in Msg #1959, the most crucial test is: 1. to choose significators for dasa lords; 2. to decide the sequence of dasa lords in dasa levels up to 4th (usually in KP examples) or 5th. On timing of events, in a Natal chart usually it is chosen by Planet significators and transits of the Planets to time an event accurately (also taking into consideration of sublords, house relations, strength of planets); in a Horary chart by House significators supported by Ruling Planets, with transit of Sun and Moon to pin down the date etc. Ra/Sa/Ju/Sa/Me Ra/Sa/Ju/Sa/Ke Ra/Sa/Ju/Sa/Ve June 25-27, 2000 June 28, 2000 June 29, 2000

Mercury and Ketu are not among ruling planets of Horary chart in Brisbane, and Mercury is in retrograde (which can not be taken in Horary as per KP). Transits of planets on June 28, 2000 are in Sgl of Mo, Ma, Me, Ve & Sa, Stl of Su, Ju, Ve & Ra and Sbl of Me, Ju, Ve & Ra which are in the abovementioned dasa sequences except Su, Mo & Ma. Jupiter is strong due to Vargothama and conjunct with karaka Sun exalted in Navamsa and; Mercury exalted in Navamsa and in Stl Venus which is in Vargothama. Saturn is the only one significator of 10th & 11th, also in 10th of Navamsa, but deposited in the opposite sign of its own and the same thing with its depositor Moon. Since it is not easy even to justify the choice of dasa lords and their sequence in Ra/Sa/Ju/Sa/Ke for a post mortem study, it will be very difficult to do it in advance for a KP learner like me (but not for astrologer Haveli Ram Joshi who astonishingly foretold an exact

date for Pandit Nehru's death five years earlier, `Nehru, The Invention of India' by Shashi Tharoor, 2003, New York, p 214). Fortuna as per KP is taken as Moon plus Asc minus Sun (KP Reader I, 1982, p 98) like Pars Fortune, but not like Punya Saham of Neelakantha or Venkatesa (Fortune or Auspiciousness) differentiating day birth or night birth, in B V Raman's Varshaphal or Sumeet Chugh's Varshphal. Any research is welcome in this regard. (Mutha is in 11th of the annual Horoscope for 1999-2000; in 1st of May-June 200 Mothly Horoscope and 8th of June-July 2000 Monthly Horoscope and 2nd in JulyAugust 2000 Monthly Horoscope indicating to choose Mercury Sookshma dasa.) Best regards, tw

--- In, "Sandy Crowther" <sandy@t...> wrote: > Dear Ron, Amitabh, TW, and Group, > > > > Thanks guys for contributing your 2 cents on all this.all points taken > and well received. I certainly agree that the transits definitely must > support the dashas, and that the significator's sublords also play a > highly significant role. I think that the "keys" to all the points > raised may just be in looking for confluence, synthesis, and integration > of all factors mentioned - but we all need a starting place from which > to proceed when looking for a needle in a haystack. So a starting place > to work from to narrow things down may just be to begin with 5 levels of > dashas - (just a theory of mine, and not carved in concrete at this > point in time - more work needs to be done). > > > > One thing I didn't mention earlier is that another reason why I chose to > submit the double Saturn dasha sub period is because I noted it would be > a good diagnostic starting point to experiment with - given the fact > that Saturn is a significator of both 10th and 11th houses which I felt > were highly relevant to the question - along with Sa being in the sign, > star, and subs of Mo/Sa/Sa/Sa/Ve respectively, while dispositor Moon was > posited in the sign, star and subs of Sa/Su/Ve/Sa/Ju. So I wanted to > determine how strong Saturn really could function to be able to pull > this off "singularly", when in comparison to pretty much dismissing

the > other 2 significators that could assist: Venus and Mercury. (My personal > opinion is that Saturn has inherent "natural" qualities to consider - no > matter in what capacity it is chosen to function - and that therefore > the help of BOTH Venus and Mercury - along with Ketu - may have been not > only required, but necessary, to pull this off. > > > > Ron, I enjoyed your analysis and theories. Also consider this Solar > Eclipse Mars is in natal 11th quincunx Part of Fortune (PF) - which > brings me to my next point. I think considerations to the PF are also > crucial in KP - let me explain. > > > > According to researchers of the ancient astrological texts, the correct > method for calculating the PF is to use different formulas for day > versus night births. For example: Asc + Moon - Sun for day births and > Asc + Sun - Moon for night births. Most software programs favor (by > default) the day birth methodology - so perhaps it is time we do our own > testing on this, to determine what hits are relevant on day versus night > births and whether we should just use one formula, or entertain the > theories of the researchers that went before us, and use different > formulas for day versus night births. (Both Shri Jyoti Star and Solar > Fire 5 give us options for use of either - but most software uses the > day births formula by default.) > > > > Anyway - for the day birth formula, the PF in KPBC4 is 01 Li 37, while > using the night birth formula we have 17 SC 59. I haven't taken the time > yet to do a comparison on the hits of both day and night formulas, but a > quick look using the night formula for calculating PF (which KPBC4 is) > is that transit PF on the 27th of June, 2000 is applying conjunct Asc > within an orb of 1:29 and additionally trine natal Mercury - who is > sublord of Ascendant - (bringing good fortune to this man via > communications/letters, etc.) Just more stuff to consider when we have 2 > more seconds in a row of unaccounted for time. :-) > > >

> All the Best, > > <> > Sandy Crowther > > <> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > -----Original Message----> From: rongaunt [mailto:rongaunt@b...] > Sent: Friday, December 17, 2004 7:51 AM > To: > Subject: [k_p_system] KPBC4 analysis > > > > > I thought I would try my hand at this BC by using prasna > something new to me. I thought the best way was to avoid > the question of houses, and go straight to the timing through > dasas. Therefor my query was "What planets are in the dasas > for KPBA4 during the period of the 3 job offers?" > > The following is the date and number for the query: > > Date 16th December 2004 > Time 01:01:40pm > Brisbane, Australia > 27S28 153E02 > > KP Prasna Number 64 Lagna 00 Cancer 33'20" > > Ruling Planets are: > > Day - Jupiter > Lagna Lord - Moon > Lagna Star - Jupiter > Moon Sign - Saturn > Moon Star - Mars > In addition - Rahu (being in Mars sign) > > All are strong being in other RPs Stars (except Rahu) > but Rahu takes over from Mars anyhow. > > The exercise was to find the three day period where the native > received 3 good job offers during the period beginning May 2000 > to end July 2000. >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

Looking at the native's dasas for this three month period we see Rahu/Saturn/Rahu ceasing on 3rd June 2000 when Rahu/Saturn/Jupiter took over. This was followed by Rahu/Merc/Merc/ commencing 19th October 2000 Rahu/Saturn are RPs therefore correct, and now I had to find the Pratyantardasha. Is it Rahu or Jupiter? I chose Jupiter because it was very strong being the Lagna Star Lord in the Star of the Moon. Also Jupiter is the Day Lord. This narrows the time of the event from 3rd June to end July 2000. I think any KP astrologer even a beginner would come to this point without too much difficulty using the above data. However, now analysis becomes more difficult - having to choose the Sookshma antardasha. Rahu/Saturn/Jupiter/Jupiter started on 3rd June 2000 and Rahu/Saturn/Jupiter/Saturn started on 21st June to 13th July 2000 So is the Sookshma Lord Jupiter or Saturn? This is a hard one because both Jupiter and Saturn are strong R.Ps. Fortunately, a few days ago I received the book 'Rectification of Birth Time' In it the author twice states that to decide the sub sub ie Sookshama Lord, take any planet that is in the Asc. In this case Saturn in the Prasna is less than two degrees conjunction with the Lagna. Therefore Saturn is the planet required and we narrow down the period of the event from 21st June to 13th July 2000. Now I needed to find the Praana-antardasha. Here I was totally lost. I skimmed through my books and found no reference as to how to select the Praana Lord. On a hunch and realizing that here we were dealing with daily changes I thought that transits may provide the answer. First however, I checked out the last Solar Eclipse (SE) because I consider that this is the crucible of events. This of course is checked relative to the natal chart. It is well worth studying because it is a mine of information. But I will restrict comments to the salient points. The SE point is on the Rasi Lagna of the 10th house of the birth chart highlighting employment issues. SE point is also conunct the MC which being the Placidean 10th cusp again shows career emphasis. The natal MC is also closely aspected by SE Saturn Lord of the 10th house. SE Jupiter aspects natal Saturn, Sun, Moon and Uranus. SE Mars exactly aspects natal Rahu and closely aspects natal Saturn. So we see all the Prasna RP planets very active. But the planet that stands out a mile is Ketu. In the natal chart Mars exactly aspects the Moon by trine. Both of these are RP planets in the prasna. In the SE, Ketu comes exact aspect by Star and Sub Lords both these planets by conjuncting the Moon. At the time of the event Ketu had moved on to exactly aspect natal Ketu by trine, in the same Star and Sub Lords. At the same time transit Saturn had come exact conjunction with natal Ketu again in the same Star and Sub Lords. Also transit Jupiter is close conjunction with transit Saturn and both conjunct natal Ketu and Mars. So this involvement of Ketu with all these RP planets suggest to me that we should consider Ketu as the Praana-antardasha Lord.

> > In this case we end up with dasa sequence of : > Rahu/Saturn/Jupiter/Saturn/Ketu which equates to 28th June 2000 > the mid day of the 3 day target period. > > > Ron Gaunt > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Yahoo! Groups Sponsor > > > > ADVERTISEMENT > > < 6/ > D=groups/S=1705082690:HM/EXP=1103374315/A=2455396/R=0/SIG=119u9qmi7/*h tt > p:/> click here > > > > < M=294855.5468653.6549235.3001176/D=group > s/S=:HM/A=2455396/rand=726258143> > > > > _____ > > Yahoo! Groups Links > > * To visit your group on the web, go to: > > > > * To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > <> > >

> * Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of > <> Service.

1988 From: "tw853" <tw853@...> Date: Sat Dec 18, 2004 10:07am Subject: Re: New file uploaded to k_p_system tw853 Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear S.N.Rajasekaran, Really it's a great job providing a database for fine tuning. Almost the same as KPA in KP Yearbook 2003, for example only 2.25sec less in 1900, 0.7sec less in 1950, and 0.5sec higher in 2000, 2.4sec higher in 2050. Best regards, tw --- In, wrote: > > > Hello, > > This email message is a notification to let you know that > a file has been uploaded to the Files area of the k_p_system > group. > > File : /New Comb's Ayanamsa Report Detailed Format.Trp > Uploaded by : snrajasekaran2004 <snrajasekaran2004@y...> > Description : New Comb's Ayanamsa Report Detailed Format By S.N.Rajasekaran > > You can access this file at the URL: > 20Ayanamsa%20Report%20Detailed%20Format.Trp > > To learn more about file sharing for your group, please visit: > > > Regards, > > snrajasekaran2004 <snrajasekaran2004@y...>

1989 From: "kanbosastro" <kanbosastro@...> Date: Sat Dec 18, 2004 10:29am Subject: Re: New file uploaded to k_p_system kanbosastro Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear S.N. rajasekaran ji

you have done very gppd job. thanx. can you upload file for year 2005 up to sub sub leveal? regards kanak bosmia

--- In, wrote: > > > Hello, > > This email message is a notification to let you know that > a file has been uploaded to the Files area of the k_p_system > group. > > File : /Moon Transit Over Stars & Subs.Trp > Uploaded by : snrajasekaran2004 <snrajasekaran2004@y...> > Description : Moon's Transit Over Star & Sub By S.N.Rajasekaran > > You can access this file at the URL: > 20Over%20Stars%20%26%20Subs.Trp > > To learn more about file sharing for your group, please visit: > > > Regards, > > snrajasekaran2004 <snrajasekaran2004@y...>

1990 From: Date: Sat Dec 18, 2004 11:43am Subject: New file uploaded to k_p_system Send Email Hello, This email message is a notification to let you know that a file has been uploaded to the Files area of the k_p_system group. File : /IVth Level Sub Divisions Of Kethu ( MSN ) .zip Uploaded by : snrajasekaran2004 <snrajasekaran2004@...> Description : IVth Level Sub Divisions Of Kethu ( MSN ) By S.N.Rajasekaran You can access this file at the URL: \ To learn more about file sharing for your group, please visit:

Regards, snrajasekaran2004 <snrajasekaran2004@...>

1991 From: Date: Sat Dec 18, 2004 11:45am Subject: New file uploaded to k_p_system Send Email Hello, This email message is a notification to let you know that a file has been uploaded to the Files area of the k_p_system group. File : /Vth Level Sub Divisions Of Kethu ( MSN ) .zip Uploaded by : snrajasekaran2004 <snrajasekaran2004@...> Description : Vth Level Sub Divisions Of Kethu ( MSN ) By S.N.Rajasekaran You can access this file at the URL: \ To learn more about file sharing for your group, please visit: Regards, snrajasekaran2004 <snrajasekaran2004@...>

1992 From: Date: Sat Dec 18, 2004 0:44pm Subject: New file uploaded to k_p_system Send Email Hello, This email message is a notification to let you know that a file has been uploaded to the Files area of the k_p_system group. File : /Dear rongaunt.doc Uploaded by : snrajasekaran2004 <snrajasekaran2004@...> Description : To All Group Members .... From S.N.Rajasekaran. You can access this file at the URL: To learn more about file sharing for your group, please visit: Regards, snrajasekaran2004 <snrajasekaran2004@...>

1993 From: Date: Sat Dec 18, 2004 2:44pm Subject: New file uploaded to k_p_system Send Email Hello, This email message is a notification to let you know that a file has been uploaded to the Files area of the k_p_system group. File : /VII - (Seventh) Level Dhasa - Sample File.DRep Uploaded by : snrajasekaran2004 <snrajasekaran2004@...> Description : VII-Level Sample File By S.N.Rajasekaran You can access this file at the URL: \ 0Dhasa%20%20-%20%20Sample%20File.DRep To learn more about file sharing for your group, please visit: Regards, snrajasekaran2004 <snrajasekaran2004@...>

1994 From: Date: Sat Dec 18, 2004 2:43pm Subject: New file uploaded to k_p_system Send Email Hello, This email message is a notification to let you know that a file has been uploaded to the Files area of the k_p_system group. File : /VII-Level (Seconds Accuracy) Sample File.DRep Uploaded by : snrajasekaran2004 <snrajasekaran2004@...> Description : VII-Level (Seconds Accuracy) Sample File By S.N.Rajasekaran You can access this file at the URL: \ %29%20Sample%20File.DRep To learn more about file sharing for your group, please visit: Regards, snrajasekaran2004 <snrajasekaran2004@...>

1995 From: "Gaurav Ghosh" <gg_0202@...> Date: Sat Dec 18, 2004 9:47pm Subject: Please give me lessons gg_0202 Send IM Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Members, Can anybody please give me lessons how to make preictions using Krishnamurthy paddhati?I will be grateful if anybody does that. Thanking You, Gaurav Ghosh. ===== Yahoo! My Yahoo! Mail Make Yahoo! your home page Welcome, raon1008 [Sign Out, My Account] Groups Home - Help

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Sort by Date 1996 From: Date: Sat Dec 18, 2004 10:30pm Subject: New file uploaded to k_p_system Send Email Hello, This email message is a notification to let you know that a file has been uploaded to the Files area of the k_p_system

group. File : /Reply (Of Features).Trp Uploaded by : snrajasekaran2004 <snrajasekaran2004@...> Description : Some Of Fortune Discoverer's Output Formats .... S.N.Rajasekara n You can access this file at the URL: To learn more about file sharing for your group, please visit: Regards, snrajasekaran2004 <snrajasekaran2004@...>

1997 From: Date: Sun Dec 19, 2004 10:27am Subject: New file uploaded to k_p_system Send Email Hello, This email message is a notification to let you know that a file has been uploaded to the Files area of the k_p_system group. File : /Basic Version Details RTF.rtf Uploaded by : snrajasekaran2004 <snrajasekaran2004@...> Description : Basic Version Details By S.N.Rajasekaran You can access this file at the URL: \ F.rtf To learn more about file sharing for your group, please visit: Regards, snrajasekaran2004 <snrajasekaran2004@...>

1998 From: "shiv_saturn789us" <shiv_saturn789us@...> Date: Sun Dec 19, 2004 6:36pm Subject: KP cusp shiv_saturn7... Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Sir and all learned members of this group, I want to know how we can find out KP cusp in KP astrology. Is it the same method as we do in vedic astrology or anyother method??? If there is anyother method so what different data we need in compare to vedic astrology for computing KP cusp.........

Thanxs and regards Richa

1999 From: "Vaidun Vidyadhar" <vvidya@...> Date: Sun Dec 19, 2004 8:30pm Subject: Question of dasa periods and 360 days per year vidyaau Send IM Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 Dear Learned List Members, I would like to pose a couple of questions please, if I may: 1. Are we using the "360 days per year" scale in our calculations or do we adv ocate "365.25 days per year" scale? 2. Do we follow the dasa periods as given below, or do we follow a reduced per iod because of using the "360 days per year" scale: Ketu: 7 years Venus: 20 years Sun: 6 years Moon: 10 years Mars: 7 years Rahu: 18 years Jupiter: 16 years Saturn: 19 years Mercury: 17 years Thanks. With regards. Vaidun Vidyadhar 1 / 94 Marius Street Tamworth, NSW 2340 Australia Tel: 61-2-67 668428 (home) Mobile: 0414 870 083 Email:

2000 From: "Ritu Lalit" <sterlingritu@...> Date: Sun Dec 19, 2004 11:49pm Subject: Re: Please give me lessons sterlingritu Offline Send Email Invite to Yahoo! 360 I second this request please. I am also very keen to learn. Ritu --- In, "Gaurav Ghosh" <gg_0202@y...>

wrote: > > Dear Members, > Can anybody please give me lessons how to make preictions > using Krishnamurthy paddhati?I will be grateful if anybody does that. > Thanking You, > Gaurav Ghosh.

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