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Scientific Conference AAAM

Associa onfortheAdvancementofAutomo ve Medicine



September2225,2013 QubecCity,Canada

General Information Conference Specifics
Objectives Participants of this Program will: Assess published and active research in multidisciplinary approaches to automotive-related trauma in areas such as epidemiology, biomechanics, treatment and management, transport, psychology, accidentology, and human factors. Review injuries and injury mechanisms, human tolerance as related to vehicular injury, restraint systems effects, crashworthiness and risk analysis. Effectively treat and prevent injuries stemming from an automotive environment. Attendance Who Should Attend: This program is intended for emergency physicians and nurses, orthopedic surgeons, trauma surgeons, neurosurgeons, radiologists, physiatrists, urologists, emergency medical personnel, biomechanics and vehicle design engineers, automotive engineers, crash investigators, health policy specialists, internists, psychologists, epidemiologists, other human factor specialists, accident reconstructionists and road safety experts as well as and other clinicians and allied health professionals, representatives from the insurance industry and automotive engineering professionals.

Social Program Accompany Persons Tour on Monday: A description of this day tour can be found in this announcement. It is being offered for the delegates spouses, family members and/ or guests. The daytime program may be cancelled without sufficient response. Reception and Dinner: Our welcome reception will be celebrated at the Hilton Quebec Hotel on Sunday evening at 6:30 pm. Light horsdouvres will be served. The traditional recognition dinner and awards ceremony will be held on Tuesday evening at 6:00 pm at: Assemblee nationale du Quebec, Hotel du Parlement (located directly across the street from the official conference venue) 1045, rue des Parlementaires Quebec, QC G1A 1A3, Canada Venue

Hilton Quebec 1100 Boulevard Rene-Levesque Est Quebec, QC G1R 4P3, Canada Telephone: 418-647-2411 Fax: 418-647-6488


September 22
Student Symposium 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

4th Annual Student Symposium Sponsored by:

This special day features works in progress presented by young researchers. 9:00 - WELCOME Joel Stitzel, PhD, Scientific Program Chair 9:15 Drowsiness During Prolonged Driving in a Simulator Martin Lavallire, PhD candidate, Laval University, Department of Kinesiology, Faculty of Medicine, Qubec, Canada 9:45 Injury Risk of Direct Steering Wheel Impacts in Vehicles Equipped with Advanced Airbags Rong Chen, PhD candidate, School of Biomedical Engineering and Sciences, Virginia Tech Wake Forest University, Blacksburg, VA 10:15 - BREAK 10:30 The Development of a Simplified Thorax Model for Parametric Studies of a Full Body Finite Element Model Nicholas A. Vavalle, PhD candidate, Virginia Tech Wake Forest University Center for Injury Biomechanics, Wake Forest School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, NC 11:00 Quantifying Material Properties of Liver Parenchyma Using Tensile Testing and Optimization Techniques Yuan-Chiao Lu, PhD candidate, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 11:30 Study of the Human Humerus Behavior Under LowVelocity Impact Using a Micromechanical Model Florian Vandenbulcke, PhD candidate, Laboratory LAMIH, University of Valenciennes, Valenciennes, France 12:00 1:30 - LUNCH Abdominal Injury Patterns in Motor Vehicle CrashesA NASS CDS Database Analysis Rakshit Ramachandra, PhD candidate, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 2:00 Hold that Pose: The Effect of Posture on Thoracic Skeletal Structures in Cadaver Tests John Paul Donlon, PhD candidate, University of Virginia Center for Applied Biomechanics, Charlottesville, VA 2:30 - CLOSING REMARKS and NETWORKING -3- Sunday, September 22 6:30 PM - WELCOME RECEPTION - Preceding the formal opening of the conferences general sessions, AAAM invites all attendees to enjoy an evening with friends and colleagues. The reception will be held at The Hilton Quebec, our venue for the conference.

3:305:00 - 2ND ANNUAL MENTORING SESSION Matthew Maltese, PhDOrganizer Ready, set, mentor! After a very successful event last year, AAAM will continue to offer the speed mentoring session. This lively interactive session allows students and young professionals to interact with more experienced, distinguished AAAM members. Based on a speed dating model, this event offers a tremendous opportunity for networking and shared learning in an interesting and innovative setting.

AAAM gratefully acknowledges the generous contribution from Nissan Motor Company


September 23

8:45 AM WELCOME ADDRESS Mary Pat McKay, MD AAAM President Joel Stitzel, PhD Scientific Program Chair 9:15 AM Keynote Address: Johanne St-Cyr, Vice President of Socit de l'assurance automobile du Qubec (SAAQ) Qubec City, Canada

1:00 PM2:00 PM POSTER PRESENTATIONS Moderator: Mark Sochor, MD

Are Strong Graduated Driver Licensing Laws Having Unintended Consequences? James C. Fell, MS, Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation, Calverton, MD Comparison of Adult and Teen Driver Crash Scenarios in a Nationally Representative Sample of Serious Crashes Allison E. Curry, PhD, MPH, The Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia, Center for Injury Research and Prevention, Philadelphia, PA Behaviors Increasing the Risk of Crash Injury in Latino Adolescent Males: The Influence of Acculturation and Parent Connectedness Daniel L. Summers, MPH, Yale University School of Medicine, Department of Emergency Medicine, New Haven, CT. Self-Pay Trauma Victims have a Higher Mortality Rate than Patients with Different Payment Methods Vatsal Chikani, MPH, Arizona Department of Health Services, Phoenix, AZ Do Speed Cameras Reduce Collisions? Jeffrey Skubic, DO, Banner Good Samaritan Medical Center, Dept of Trauma, Phoenix, AZ Departing from Risky Drivers? A Sociological Analysis of Passengers Protective Factors Jose Ignacio Nazif-Munoz, MA, McGill University, Montreal, Canada


Moderator: Jason Forman, PhD 10:00 AM Costs of Alcohol-Involved Crashes, US, 2010 Ted Miller, PhD, Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation, Calverton, MD. CoAuhors: Eduard Zaloshnja and Lawrence J. Blincoe 10:20 AM Identifying the Causes of Road Crashes in Europe Pete Thomas, Loughborough University, Transport Safety Research Centre, Loughborough, United Kingdom. CoAuthors: Andrew Morris, Rachel Talbot, and Helen Fagerlind 10:40 AM BREAK generously sponsored by:

Moderator: Jamie Dow, MD 2:00 PM Abdominal Organ Location, Morphology, and Rib Coverage for the 5th, 50th, and 95th Percentile Males and Females in the Supine and Seated Posture Using Multi-Modality Imaging F. Scott Gayzik, Wake Forest School of Medicine and VT-WFU School of Biomedical Engineering and Sciences, Winston-Salem, NC. CoAuthors: Ashley R. Hayes, Daniel P. Moreno, R. Shayn Martin, and Joel D. Stitzel 2:20 PM Biomechanics of Foot/Ankle Trauma with Variable Energy Impacts Kathryn Gallenberger, BA, Medical College of Wisconsin, Department of Neurosurgery, Milwaukee, WI. CoAuthors: Narayan Yoganandan and Frank Pintar 2:40 PM Injury Patterns to Other Body Regions and Load Vectors in Nearside Impact Occupants With and Without Shoulder Injuries Narayan Yoganandan, PhD, Medical College of Wisconsin, Department of Neurosurgery, Milwaukee, WI. CoAuthors: Gregory W. Stadter, Dale E. Halloway and Frank A. Pintar


11:00 AM Alcohol, Drugs and Driving: Implications for Evaluating Driver Impairment Gary Milavetz, PharmD, The University of Iowa, College of Pharmacy, Iowa City, IA. CoAuthors: Timothy Brown and Daryl J. Murry 11:20 AM Evaluation of Impaired Driving Assessments and Special Management Reviews in Reducing Impaired Driving Fatal Crashes in the US James C. Fell, MS, Pacific Institute for Research & Evaluation, Calverton, MD. CoAuthors: Amy AuldOwens, and Cecelia Snowden 11:40 AM Commuter Motorcycle Crashes in Malaysia: An Understanding of Contributing Factors Jennifer Oxley, PhD, Monash University Accident Research Centre, Melbourne, Australia. CoAuthors: Jeremy Yuen, Mano Deepa Ravi, Effie Hoareau, Mohammed Azman Aziz Mohammed, Harun Bakar, Saraswathy Venkatarman, and Prame Kumar Nair 12:00 PM LUNCH generously sponsored by:


Monday (continued)

September 23

3:00 PM BREAK generously sponsored by:


Moderator: Richard Frampton, PhD 3:20 PM Mortality-Based Quantification of Injury Severity for Frequently Occurring Motor Vehicle Crash Injuries Ashley A. Weaver, Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, NC. CoAuthors: Ryan T. Barnard, Patrick D. Kilgo, R. Shayn Martin, and Joel D. Stitzel 3:40 PM Declining Statewide Trends in Motor Vehicle Crashes and Injury-Related Hospital Admissions Patricia C. Dischinger, PhD, University of Maryland, The Charles McC. Mathias, Jr. National Study Center for Trauma EMS, Baltimore, MD. CoAuthors: Gabriel E. Ryb, Joseph A. Kufera and Shiu M. Ho 4:00 PM Availability and Quality of Prehospital Care on Pakistani Interurban Roads Junaid A. Bhatti, PhD, The Aga Khan University, Department of Emergency Medicine, Karachi, Pakistan. Co -Authors: Hunniya Waseem, Junaid A. Razzak, Naeemul-lah Shiekh, Ajmal Khan Khoso, and L. Rachid Salmi 4:45 PM AAAM General Membership Meeting All AAAM members are encouraged to attend.



12:00 PM LUNCH generously sponsored by:

September 24
8:00 AM GET ACQUAINTED BREAKFAST generously sponsored by:


1:00 PM2:00 PM POSTER PRESENTATIONS Moderator: Carl Schulman, MD
Use of KinectTM for Naturalistic Observation of Occupants in Vehicles Kristy B. Arbogast, PhD, The Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia, Ctr for Injury Research and Prevention, Philadelphia, PA Quantifying Results of a Comprehensive School-Age Child Injury Prevention Program Nicole Kozma, MPH, St. Louis Childrens Hospital, St. Louis, MO Statistical Implications of Using Moving Violation Data to Determine Crash Responsibility Allison E. Curry, PhD, MPH, The Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia, Ctr for Injury Research and Prevention, Philadelphia Child Car Seat Inspection Stations: Who Attends and What is the Benefit? Joseph ONeil, MD, MPH, Indiana School of Medicine, Riley Hospital for Children, Dept of Pediatrics, Indianapolis, IN Low-Speed Rear Impact Sled Tests Involving Human Subjects Seong Woo Hong, PhD, Samsung Traffic Safety Research Institute, Seoul, South Korea Evidence of Human Induce Factors in Automotive Crashes in Nigeria Awopeju Abidemi, Nnamdi Azikiwe Univ, Nigeria


NEW members and prospective members welcome. Meet colleagues and learn more about joining AAAM.

9:00 AM Keynote Address: Adnan A. Hyder, MD, MPH, PhD, Professor and Associate Chair, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD

Moderator: Teresa Senserrick, PhD 10:00 AM Injury Risk for Rear-Seated Occupants in Small Overlap Crashes Kristy Arbogast, PhD, Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia, Center for Injury Research and Prevention, Philadelphia, PA. CoAuthors: Caitlin Locey, Rachel Hammond, and Aditya Belwadi 10:20 AM Injury Potential at Center Rear Seating Positions in Rear-Facing Child Restraint Systems in Side Impacts Hans W. Hauschild, MS, Medical College of Wisconsin, Department of Neurosurgery, Milwaukee, WI. CoAuthors: John R. Humm and Yoganandan 10:40 AM BREAK generously sponsored by:


Moderator: Ann Mallory, MS 2:00 PM Evaluation of Chest Injury Mechanisms in Nearside Oblique Frontal Impacts Johan Ireaus, MD, Ume University, Department of Surgical and Perioperative Science, Ume, Sweden. CoAuthors: Mats Lindquist, Sofie Wistrand, Elin Sibgrd, and Bengt Pipkorn 2:20 PM Comparison of AIS 1990 Update 98 Versus AIS 2005 for Describing PMHS Injuries in Lateral and Oblique Sled Tests Narayan Yoganandan, PhD, Medical College of Wisconsin, Department of Neurosurgery, Milwaukee, WI. CoAuthors: Frank A. Pintar, John R. Humm, Gregory W. Stadter, William H. Curry and Karen J. Brasel 2:40 PM The Effects of Cadaver Orientation on the Relative Position of the Abdominal Organs Meghan K. Howes, BS, Virginia Tech-Wake Forest University, Center for Injury Biomechanics, Blacksburg, VA. CoAuthors: Warren N. Hardy and Philippe Beillas 3:00 PM Estimating Side Underride Fatalities Using Field Data Jeya Padmanaban, MS, JP Research, Inc., Mountain View, CA.


11:00 AM Assessment of Head Support System to Prevent Pediatric Out-of-Position: An Observational Study Francisco J. Lopez-Valdes, PhD, University of Zaragoza-TESSA, Zaragoza, Spain. CoAuthors: Jason L. Forman, Joseph H. Ash, Richard Kent, Juan J. Alba, and Maria Segui-Gomez 11:20 AM Comparative Performance of Rear Facing Child Restraint Systems on the CMVSS 213 Bench and Vehicle Seats Suzanne Tylko, BScEng, BScN, Transport Canada, Ottawa, Canada. CoAuthors: Caitlin M. Locey, Felipe Garcia-Espana, Kristy B. Arbogast, and Matthew R. Maltese

11:40 AM Identifying Contributing Factors to Fatal and Serious Injury Motorcycle Collisions Involving Children 3:00 PM ADJOURN in Malaysia Jennifer Oxley, PhD, Monash University Accident Re6:00 PM RECOGNITION DINNER search Centre, Melbourne, Australia. CoAuthors: Mano RestaurantLeParlementaire(walkfromHilton) Deepa Ravi, Jeremy Yuen, Effie Hoareau, and Hizal Hanis Hashim -6-


September 25
Moderator: Jessica Jermakian, PhD 9:00 AM Pedestrian Injury Risk Functions Based on Contour Lines of Equal Injury Severity Using Real World Pedestrian/ Passenger-Car Accident Data Tobias Niebuhr, Dipl.-Math, University of Technology Braunschweig, Braunschweig, Germany. CoAuthors: Mirko Junge and Stefanie Achmus 9:20 AM Biomechanics of Human Thoracolumbar Spinal Column Trauma from Vertical Impact Loading Narayan Yoganandan, PhD, Medical College of Wisconsin, Department of Neurosurgery, Milwaukee, WI. CoAuthors: Mike W.J. Arun, Brian D. Stemper, Frank A. Pintar, and Dennis J. Maiman 9:40 AM Changes in the Severity and Injury Sources Thoracic Aorta Injuries Due to Vehicular Crashes Gabriel Ryb, MD, MPH, University of Maryland Medical School, National Study Center for Trauma & EMS, Baltimore, MD. CoAuthors: Patricia Dischinger, Timothy Kerns, Cynthia Burch, Joseph Rabin, and Shiu Ho 11:00 AM The Impact of State Level Graduated Driver Licensing Programs on Rates of Passenger Restraint Use and Unlicensed Driving in Fatal Crashes Jonathan Fu, BS, Yale University School of Medicine, Department of Emergency Medicine, New Haven, CT. CoAuthors: Craig L. Anderson, James D. Dziura, Michael J. Crowley, and Federico E. Vaca 11:20 AM Identifying Periods of Drowsy Driving Using EEG Timothy Brown, PhD, The University of Iowa, Center for Computer Aided Design, National Advanced Driving Simulator, Iowa City, IA. CoAuthors: Robin Johnson and Gary Milavetz 11:40 AM CLOSING REMARKS 12:00 PM Mary Pat McKay, MD, AAAM President ADJOURN


Moderator: Matthew Maltese, PhD 10:00 AM Crash Rates of Quebec Drivers with Medical Conditions Jamie Dow, MBA, MD, Socit de l'assurance automobile du Quebec (SAAQ), Qubec, Canada. CoAuthors: Michel Gaudet and milie Turmel 10:20 AM The Relationship Between Older Drivers Performance on the Driving Observation chedule (eDOS) and Cognitive Performance Sjaan Koppel, PhD, Monash University Accident Research Centre, Melbourne, Australia. CoAuthors: Judith Charlton, Jim Langford, Zarfiroula Vlahodimitrakou, Marilyn Di Stefano, Wendy Macdonald, Barbara Mazer, Isabelle Gelinas, Brenda Vrkljan, and Shawn Marshall 10:40 AM Adolescent Balloon Analog Risk Task and Behaviors that Influence Risk of Motor Vehicle Crash Injury Jessica Walthall, BS, Yale School of Medicine, Dept of Emergency Medicine, New Haven, CT. CoAuthors: Federico E. Vaca, Sheryl Ryan, Alison Moriarty-Daley, Antonio Riera, Michael Crowley, and Linda Mayes

Join Us in Munich, Germany, Next Year! October 12-15, 2014 Abstracts Due January 7, 2014


For Guests of Our Delegates:


Sign up for the Accompanying Persons Package and enjoy all social events during the AAAM Conference.
SUNDAYEVENINGWELCOMERECEPTION TheHiltonQubecHotelonSundayevening. MONDAYSPECIALTOUROFQUEBECCITYandSURROUNDS AnidealwaytoseewhatQubecCityhastooer.Inthemorning,spend 2 hours walking tour through Old Qubec, the Plains of Abraham, the for ed city including the Citadelle and theChateau Frontenac, the Place Royale and more. In the a ernoon the group will spend 4 1/2 hours traveling by bus driving along the Beaupre coast and the Island of Orle ans. Make a stop at the chocolate factory on the island. Stop at the Ste AnnedeBeaupreShrine,andnallyseeMontmorencyFalls. ThebasilicainSainteAnnedeBeauprwasbuiltfor tworeasons:toprovideaplaceofworshipforthenew se lersintheareaandtohouseamiraculousstatue ofSt.Anne. TUESDAYEVENINGRECOGNITIONDINNER Directly across the street from The Qubec Hilton is the Restaurant Le Parlementaire at 1045 Rue Des Parliamentaires. Designed by architects Omer Marchand and Georgesmile Tanguay in the beaux arts style in vogue at the end of the 19th and the beginningof the 20thcenturies, the restaurant is remarkable for its high ceiling,majes c columns, richly ornamental decor and contras ng colour scheme. Le Parlementaire was originally a gathering place reserved for the Members, for Na onal As sembly personnel and for the press. It opened its doors to the public in 1968. Over the years, it has welcomed many dis n guished guests. Witness to parliamentary social life, host of numerous State dinners and formal recep ons and venue par ex cellence for Qubec products, Le Parlementaire is uniqueamong the regions restaurants. A special tour of The Parliament will beavailable.

MontmorencyFalls,at275 high,(and 150feetwide)arethehighestinthe provinceofQuebecand98 higherthan NiagaraFalls!

NOTE: IfwedonothaveasucientresponsebyAugust1,Mondaystourwillbecancelledandarefundissueda erthemee ng.


Program Committee
Joel Stitzel, PhD (Chair) Jessica S. Jermakian, DSc (Vice Chair) John H. Bolte, PhD Jamie Dow, MD James C. Fell, MS Jason Forman, PhD James Funk, PhD Andrea C. Gielen, PhD Andrew R. Kemper, PhD Sjaan Koppel, PhD Ann E. Mallory, MS Matthew Maltese, PhD R. Shayn Martin, MD Sridhar Natarajan, MD Yves Page Carl I. Schulman, MD William Mike Scott, PhD Teresa Senserrick, PhD Mark R. Sochor, MD Carl A. Soderstrom, MD Anthony C. Stein, PhD Beth A. Winkelstein, PhD William A. Woods, MD

Sustaining Members
Mark W. Arndt Stephen W. Arndt Uwe Meissner

Corporate Sponsors

TOYOTA MOTOR NORTH AMERICA, INC. American College of Emergency Physicians Biodynamic Research Corporation BMW AG Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Companies Takada Corporation Volkswagen of America, Inc.


Conference Sponsors

The AAAM thanks the following sponsors for their generous support of our Annual Meeting. Their donations enable the AAAM to build a more dynamic conference. Contact if you are interested in sponsoring next year.

In addition to sponsoring the new member breakfast, Virginia Tech Wake Forest University, School of Biomedical Engineering and Sciences has once again printed all handouts and poster signs for this years conference. We greatly appreciate their continued assistance to the AAAM.


AAAM2013 Registra onForm


Ville de Qubec
Presenters, please check box

Please print or affix your business card

First Name :________________________________________ Last Name: ____________________________________________ Degree (MD, PhD, MS, etc): __________________________ Title _________________________________________________ Company/Institution:_______________________________________________________________________________________ Address _________________________________________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip, Country____________________________________________________________________________________ Email (required for registration): _____________________________________________Phone ___________________________ How did you hear about our mtg?_____________________________________________________________________________ Specify professional specialty (ie orthopedic surgeon, emergency medicine, research engineer, student, public health, etc) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Your first name as you would like it to appear on name badge: ______________________________________________________ Any special needs/accommodations (please specify): _____________________________________________________________ Accompanying Guests name (if applicable):____________________________________________________________________
AAAM Membership Benefits: AAAM Members enjoy the benefits of peer reviewed journals, reduced registration fees on annual conference/courses and 20% discount on publications. Early Registration After August 15

For Physicians Only: CME Credit ................................................................................................................................. Book Format of the Conference Journal(CD-ROM included with registration) .......................................................

$90 $35

$90 $55 $960 $700 $1100 $960 $250

AAAM Member2014 Dues and Conference Fee (All Countries) ............................................................................. $860 AAAM MemberConference Fee Only ......................................................................................................................... $600 Non Member Conference Fee (save $$ become a member, see next two lines) ..................................................... $1000 Non Member Conference Fee (with New Membership Application, All Countries) ................................................... $860 Student Conference Fee (required: current student ID) ............................................................................................
Free: Student Memberships. No dues required during first year of membership. Complete an application and submit with a CV.
Membership is dependent on the AAAM Membership Committees review and acceptance of your application. See


Conference Fee includes attendance at all sessions as well as lunches breaks and recognition dinner. This section is for guests who are accompanying the conference participant to the social events. Tickets are required for participation in the Welcome Reception & Recognition Dinner.
Extra Ticket(s): Welcome Reception ...................................................................................................................................................... _____ ticket(s) at $65 per person Extra Ticket(s): Recognition Dinner ...................................................................................................................................................... _____ ticket(s) at $125 per person Guest Tour Package (includes reception, dinner and Monday Tour) .................................................................................................. _____ ticket(s) at $110 per person REGISTRATION PAYMENT. Payment must accompany your registration form. TOTAL ENCLOSED: $____________ Check AMEX VISA MASTERCARD

I plan on attending the Student Symposium I will NOT attend

Card Number __________________________________________________ Expiration Date __________ Security Code: _________ REFUND POLICY: Cancellations must be received in writing prior to 08-15-13 to receive a refund less $100 processing fee. No refunds after 08-15-13. HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS: AAAM is not responsible for hotel accommodations. Book early to receive our preferred rate at the Hilton Quebec. Hotel Information: The Conference will be held at the Hilton Quebec located at 1100 Rene-Levesque East, Quebec,QC, G1R 4P3, Canada Hotel Telephone: 1-418-647-2411 Hotel Website: ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF AUTOMOTIVE MEDICINE
PO BOX 4176 BARRINGTON, IL 60011-4176 USA TEL: 847 844 3880 FAX: 847 844 3884

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