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300,000 COPIES DAILY Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations (Malaysia)

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Award winning newspaper
for excellence in
investigative reporting

No. 4818 PP 2644/12/2009 (023092)

August 6, 2009

The beautiful 5
» MACC commissioner gets death threat pg4 » Answering the call of politics pg10-11 eXtra

politician pg1 AFPPIX

by S.Tamarai Chelvi


Hock Chuan, a lawyer.
Yesterday’s inquest started at
9.10am. The first of six people to

testify was security guard Siti
samples taken from Kajang Zabedah Yahya who first spotted
councillor Tan Boon Wah and Teoh’s body. She said she went to
technician Lee Wye Wing do the storeroom of her office during
not match the unknown DNA found lunch break at 1.10pm on July 16 as
on political aide Teoh Beng Hock’s
blazer and belt.
This was revealed by lawyer
she was fasting.
“After 20 minutes, I got up to close
the windows. I looked down and I
torn and there was blood.
He also said the MACC office is
Tens of thousands
Gobind Singh Deo on the second day
of the inquest into the death of Teoh
who was found sprawled on a cor-
saw a man lying near the fifth floor
corridor. I didn’t know whether the
man was lying (down) or
located on the 14th floor and part of
the 15th floor is also used by them.
Third witness senior secu-
bid Aquino farewell
ridor of Plaza Masalam fainted. rity officer Mohd Khairul Izwan M. MANILA: At least 150,000 people It took over four hours for the vehicle
on July 16, where the “I took a screw Nasir testified that about 1.50pm, he took to the rain-soaked streets to travel just one third of the route.
Selangor Malaysian TEOH (from a table) and received a call on his walkie-talkie yesterday to bid farewell to former Millions more, including from
Anti-Corruption Com- dropped it to wake from Ridzuan and Rosli about the president Corazon Aquino, whose the 8.7-million-strong overseas
mission (MACC)’s BENG the person. The man body. “People Power” democracy Filipino community, monitored the
office is located. did not move. After movement ended decades of progress of the cortege on television
Gobind said this HOCK five minutes, he did
He said he saw a fair skinned man
lying on his abdomen and covered dictatorship. and Internet streaming sites.
in response to Tan
Hock Chuan, who is
inquest not get up. (Then)
I called my friend,”
the body with a black plastic sheet.
Questioned by Gobind and shown
Aquino, who died aged 76 after
a long battle with cancer, was
“She made me proud again to be a
Filipino,” said Father Catalino Arevalo,
assisting in the inquest, she said, adding that a photograph of Teoh’s body, Khairul buried in a private ceremony after a recalling Aquino’s bloodless triumph
who said in the afternoon that 97 wit- she alerted Mohd said he was not sure if the inside of a long funeral procession skirting the against the 20-year dictatorship of
nesses, including three chemists and Ridzuan Samsuri of the building’s pocket was exposed (as in the picture) city’s gleaming business towers and Ferdinand Marcos in 1986, three
three pathologists would be called to maintenance department. when he first saw the body. teeming shantytowns. years after her husband Benigno’s
testify (photo page 4). Ridzuan, who testified that he was Another security guard, Wan Rosli With a national holiday called as assassination.
Hock Chuan, who is representing in a restaurant on Level Two, rushed Wan Adam, said he was on duty from part of 10 days of official mourning, Men and women standing at least
the government, said the second to the site with colleague Rosli Salleh. 8pm on July 15 to 8am on July 16. thousands surrounded her coffin 10-deep on both sides of the road
DNA report has been completed and “From afar, a man was lying in a sus- When Gobind asked if it is normal as it left Manila Cathedral following openly wept as the truck crawled
a copy given to the lawyers. picious manner. I went near and he for MACC officers to work till the a mass just before noon draped through the swelling crowd, while
“Swab samples were taken from was covered with blood. I ran away early hours of the morning, he said in the national flag. Eight police military helicopters circled overhead,
157 individuals for analysis with as I panicked,” said Ridzuan. the officers worked round the clock. officers in full dress uniform served showering them with yellow confetti.
the DNA swab found behind Teoh’s He said he alerted his superior and Another security guard at Plaza as pall-bearers, carrying the casket People in buildings lining Manila’s
blazer and belt. Swab samples taken the security personnel on his walkie- Masalam, Abdul Rahman Rahim, to a flat-bed truck festooned with streets opened their windows, hung
include those from Selangor MACC talkie. He said he saw the deceased testified that he did not record who yellow and white flowers. yellow banners and dropped confetti
staff, police personnel involved in wearing a blazer and white pants. He came in and out of the building on By mid-afternoon, police told onto the sea of mourners below. A
the investigation, Forensic Depart- said the man’s knee had dried blood. that day. reporters 150,000 people lined the crowd of nuns released white doves
ment personnel, office cleaners and During examination by Gobind, The inquest before Azmil 18km route from the cathedral to the and yellow balloons – yellow was
two individuals (Tan and Lee),” said Ridzuan said the man’s pants were Muntapha Abas continues. cemetery where she was laid to rest. Aquino’s signature colour. – AFP

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