Thesun 2009-08-06 Page02 Malaysia and Brunei Reaffirm Cooperation

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2 theSun | THURSDAY AUGUST 6 2009

news without borders

Malaysia and Brunei reaffirm cooperation

Malaysia and Brunei yesterday re-
eration in the transportation sector
to further promote trade and invest-
Expressing satisfaction with cur-
rent efforts to promote tourism, par-
Airlines and Malaysia Airlines, which
underlies their commitment towards
significance of the Exchange of Let-
ters, signed on March 16 last year,
newed their commitment to further ment linkages as well as tourism ticularly between Brunei and Sabah tourism development between the over overlapping maritime and
strengthen close bilateral relations between both countries, including in as well as Brunei and Sarawak, they peoples of the two countries. land border issues, which marked
and cooperation, including in trade the Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Phil- welcomed the recent code-share The joint statement also said a historic occasion for Brunei and
and investment. ippines-East Asean Growth Area. agreement between Royal Brunei Najib and the sultan reiterated the Malaysia.
Following a four-eyed meeting “Both leaders reaffirmed their
between Prime Minister Datuk commitment to work together
Seri Najib Abdul Razak and Sultan towards the expeditious implemen-
Hassanal Bolkiah (pix) at the 13th tation of elements agreed in the
annual consultation here, Malaysia document,” it said, adding that the
applauded Brunei’s proposal to es- signing served as a testament to the
tablish joint committees to facilitate strong ties between the two coun-
and create a conducive environment tries in elevating existing friendship
towards promoting cooperation. and cooperation to a strategic part-
“Both leaders expressed pleasure nership.
in Brunei’s interest to participate in The meeting, which discussed a
the economic corridors in Malaysia broad range of regional and interna-
and recognised the potential for tional issues, reaffirmed the need to
increased cooperation between both work closely in dressing the current
countries, especially in Sabah and global economic crisis and pandemic
Sarawak, in such areas as agricul- diseases, including the influenza
ture, halal products and palm oil A(H1N1).
production,” said a joint statement On the close partnership be-
issued to Malaysian journalists at tween the two countries in promot-
the conclusion of the closed-door ing peace, security and prosperity
annual meeting at the Istana Nurul in the regional and international
Iman, here. arena, the leaders expressed their
The annual consultation also satisfaction on the outcome of the
saw the signing of an Avoidance consultation and believed that
of Double Taxation Agreement to such a mechanism strengthened
facilitate greater bilateral economic bilateral relations and coopera-
collaboration, including in energy- tion.
related activities. The Malaysian delegation in-
Under the treaty, the maximum cluded eight cabinet ministers and
rates of withholding tax are 10% Sarawak Chief Minister Tan Sri Ab-
respectively on dividends, individual dul Taib Mahmud and Sabah Chief
or company, royalties and fees for Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman.
technical services. The next annual consultation, the
The two leaders also underscored 14th, is scheduled to take place in
the significance of continuing coop- Malaysia next year. – Bernama

MIC nomination on Aug 22, election on Sept 12

PUTRAJAYA: The MIC election tial election, held in March this year, choice, while Subramaniam and S. K. Bala of Johor, V. Ragu Moorthy and Wanita wings would hold their
steering committee has fixed Aug 22 saw party chief Datuk Seri S. Samy Sothinathan have announced their and P. Subramaniam, both from Se- elections on Aug 16, with nomina-
for nomination and Sept 12 as polling Vellu returned unopposed to retain intention to contest the post. langor. More leaders are expected to tion fixed for Aug 8.
date for the party’s election. the post for a record 11th consecutive For the three-seat veep race, Samy make known their intention to join “We have to hold the election for
Committee chairman Datuk K. term. Vellu has named Human Resources the fray in the near future. Youth and Wanita earlier, because
Vijayanathan said yesterday the The race for the post of MIC Minister Datuk Dr S. Subramaniam, Samy Vellu has yet to announce they would have to elect some 45
three-week campaigning period was deputy president is expected to be Federal Territories Deputy Minister his preferred list of 23 central delegates from each wing to the
to enable candidates vying for posts a a close, three-cornered fight involv- Datuk M. Saravanan and Deputy working committee candidates but general assembly next month.
longer period to canvass for votes. ing incumbent Datuk G. Palanivel, Minister in the Prime Minister’s speculation is rife that more than “These 45 delegates from the
The MIC national election would former MIC deputy president Datuk Department Datuk S. K. Devamany 80 candidates would fight for the 23 Youth and Wanita wings respec-
pick a deputy president, three vice- S. Subramaniam and MIC vice-presi- as his preferred choices. available seats. tively, would be able to cast their
presidents and 23 central working dent Datuk S. Sothinathan. The trio are expected to face a Meanwhile, Vijayanathan also votes to pick the national leaders,”
committee members. The presiden- Palanivel is Samy Vellu’s favoured challenge from businessmen Datuk announced that the party’s Youth he said. – Bernama

gor Chinese Assembly Hall (KLSCAH), the He said this unhealthy competition would “in
awards seek to encourage more people to the long run, contribute to the deterioration of
push for social reform, defend civil rights services at the port”.
and increase space for democracy. Balasubramaniam, who is also Malaysian
“The civil society here has a lot to improve. Trades Union Congress vice-president, called on
Hisham wants probe on We are encouraging Malaysian civil society the Port Klang Authority to ensure companies
airing of video clip to speak up,” KLSCAH civil rights committee carried out their businesses in a responsible
chairman Liau Kok Fah said yesterday. manner, without endangering the livelihood of
KUALA LUMPUR: The Home Ministry wants Individuals or any society pushing for the workers. – Bernama
the Malaysian Multimedia and Communications social reform have the chance to be nomi-
Commission (MMCC) to investigate the airing of
a video clip on a website showing a man being
nated. However, the nominations for indi-
viduals must be submitted by other people
Malays and rulers cannot be
assaulted by a group of men that allegedly oc- or organisations. separated: Youth group
curred at a police station. A seven-member committee will se- IPOH: The Malays and Malay rulers cannot
Its minister, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hus- lect three winners, who will each receive be separated and whoever conceives that
sein, said yesterday stern action should be taken RM5,000, a trophy and a certificate. the system of constitutional monarchy is
against those guilty of showing the video clip Nominations are open and will be closed no longer relevant is a traitor and trying to
online. on Sept 16. For more information, visit www. stoke the sentiments of the Malays, 4B Youth
“The investigation is necessary to identify or e-mail Movement general secretary Datuk Wira
those involved in the (airing of the) clip and stern Jamaluddin Abdul Rahim said yesterday.
punishment must be meted against those “If there are Malays who have such an
responsible for putting it online,” he said in a 1,000 local workers in opinion, then it is most regrettable,” he said
statement. danger of losing jobs when commenting on the concern expressed
Hishammuddin said the act was aimed at PORT KLANG: More than 1,000 local workers by Information, Communication and Culture
tarnishing the image of the police and action here are in danger of losing their jobs because Minister Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim on Tuesday
should be taken against those responsible so of the intense competition from cheap foreign on the emergence of a group who conceived
that it would not be repeated. – Bernama labour. that the system of constitutional monarchy
Companies providing ancillary services to was no longer relevant and perceived Malay-
Awards for civil rights the shipping industry are allegedly under-cut- sia to be a “socialistic” nation.
ting each other by charging rates lower than the Jamaluddin said the statement by Rais
champions agreed quantum. was most appropriate because the emer-
KUALA LUMPUR: The Civil Society Awards Some of them were able to do this by gence of such a group, if left unchecked,
2009 on Oct 16 will award three people who employing cheap foreign labour, Union of Em- could affect the harmony, peace and pros-
championed civil rights last year. ployees of Port Ancillary Services secretary A. perity enjoyed by all communities since the
Initiated by the Kuala Lumpur and Selan- Balasubramaniam said yesterday. country gained independence. – Bernama

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