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theSun | THURSDAY AUGUST 6 2009 11


What price family life?

You’ve been in Subang Jaya ever amount is left in it. Selangor is now ruled by
for a long time – 30 years. But Another issue was the time- Pakatan. Is the MCA still
you are not a local. sharing concept. In the 1990s, a needed?
I am from Kota Baru. I did my lot of developers were keen on Yes. If anybody comes to us for
primary schooling in Kelantan, selling club memberships for help, like for transfer of schools by Yap Mun Ching London, bank- symptoms,
my secondary in Penang (Dato RM10,000 or RM20,000 with or anything, we will help. And ers and traders we always
Keramat Convent) and then free holidays every year. They during our walk-around, people A FAVOURITE commercial often earn six- come to the
my tertiary education in Kuala had linked up with places in Port complain to us, for example directed by late filmmaker figure annual same conclu-
Lumpur (Universiti Malaya). Dickson, Europe or Hongkong, about the market. There was a Yasmin Ahmad was aired salaries. But sion: they are
I bought my first house when for instance, and members could big hole on the floor and it had in 2006. The scene opens even in this aware that
the Subang Jaya township was apply to stay there. The problem been left unattended for months. in a yard where four eld- financial Nev- their work-life
launched. Since then I have was, they would only have 30 Nobody took a personal inter- erly women are sharing a erland, reality balances are
moved a few times, but always rooms but 5,000 to 10,000 mem- est. So, we highlighted it to the meal and discussing their has begun to skewed in the
stayed in SJ and now USJ. bers. If many members applied MPSJ and got it fixed within two offspring. The first boasts sink. More and wrong direc-
at the same time for the same weeks. of her successful lawyer more young tions but none
Tell us about your start in
popular location, they might not
be able to get it. Initially, it was
My team in MCA Kelana
Jaya is people-orientated and
daughter and businessman
son whose clients include
are facing
Freespace feel able to
change things.
I got involved in community an exciting concept. But then, holds people’s needs to their Hongkong star Andy Lau. possible bank- Where young views rule “Why not?”
service in 1995. The following there were a lot of complaints. hearts. Last August, the Barisan The second pooh-poohs ruptcy after I demand.
year, a group of friends decided We took this up and highlighted Nasional leadership appointed this and tells of her Lon- living beyond “Because I
to join MCA and urged me to it in the papers. Lee Hwa Beng as Subang Jaya don-based surgeon son their means. may be the next one out,”
join. Later in 1998, I became state assembly development who makes £20,000 an Life in the city often some answer. The lucky
the branch chairman (of Kelana So, you mostly dealt with coordinator and me as officer operation. The third brags means regularly meeting for ones feel too pressured by
Jaya) and in 1999 I became the consumer issues. for the Kelana Jaya parliamen- of her auditor son who drinks, meals at expensive their dependence on their
division wanita deputy chief and Yes. And, apart from that, I was tary constituency. Though makes RM450,000 a year. restaurants and shopping salaries, perks and the life-
state wanita executive council- also involved in education and these two seats are in Pakatan The happiest woman turns at any hour of the work day. style that comes with the
lor. I have not looked back general issues. Over the past one Rakyat hands, the BN wants to out to be the one whose But as many have discov- job. The less fortunate ones
since. I was active in the party’s year, our division picked up on continue serving (the people). son drives an Iswara but ered, life catches up all the stress about simply staying
consumer affairs bureau. I even a lot of issues as we have more Every Tuesday night our office loves his mother so much same. For some, it is a quiet employed. The other things
went on air over Radio 5 to talk chances to meet the people face is open to the public and we still that he would not dream request by human resourc- they have in common are
about consumer rights. I was to face. As long as it is a people have a lot of people coming to of celebrating the season es not to return to work trips to counsellors and the
also interviewed fortnightly by issue, we are for it. us for help. without her. the next day. Last month, a occasional pill to keep the
a Chinese newspaper on con- Yasmin’s clip cannot but 24-year-old socialite trader blood pressure down.
sumer issues. How has it been like after What is your advice for wom- make us think about our who received such an order So perhaps Yasmin is
Pakatan Rakyat took over en interested in politics? lives. What is the right bal- leapt to his death from a right. Career isn’t every-
What are among the sig- the state? Do you have fewer You need to adjust. I am happy I ance between striving for rooftop restaurant. thing, neither is money.
nificant issues you have activities now? have three grown-up kids, all are wealth and living life? Can As if to reinforce this Just before I left my last job
highlighted? No. Our team is still busy. But successful, straight-A children. we do both without sacrific- lesson of the recession, an- a year ago, three colleagues
I took up a lot of issues like the I would say that the March 8 My daughter is on the dean’s ing some part of ourselves other discovery that I made pulled me aside for a chat.
Plus-Tag, now Smart Tag. At general election results – the list almost every semester. My or abandoning our values? recently is the unhappy “Remember, career is im-
that time when you lost the card, tsunami – came as a shock. The son is also the same. Basically, These are some of the fact that all but two of my portant but make sure you
whatever money you had in the party and the divisions had to as mothers, we don’t have to be questions that are being friends who work in this city don’t forget to make time
tag was lost. But now if your tag do a lot of internal adjustment. with our children 24 hours. But contemplated with much suffer from some form of to have a family,” they tell
is stolen and if you have the top From April last year until August, we must know when they need more seriousness now that stress-related illness. Back me. Looks like I have to take
up slip which has your account we were not able to do much for us. Like when they have exams, the recession has exposed pains, joint aches, migraines, them seriously after all.
number, you can still go to the the community as we were busy they must know we are always the unreliability of a life plan nausea – all of which defy
counter, pay the RM15 deposit with party elections. But now we available. And I always motivate based on chasing riches. treatment. As we try to Comments: letters@thesun-
and secure the card and what- are back helping the people. them. Where I am in the City of discuss the triggers of their

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