2013-14 Congress Legislation UIL

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Student Congress Pilot 2013-2014 District Legislation

The first 5 pieces of legislation for prelims and finals are locked but the remainder of the docket may be reordered. Congressional District competition preliminary round legislation may also be used at Invitational Congress meets. The final round legislation may ONLY be used at qualifying district meets.


Table of Contents
A Resolution to Eliminate Standardized Testing. page 3 A Bill Banning Alcohol Advertising on Television... page 4 A Resolution to Regulate Voting Machines.. page 5 A Resolution Concerning Pollution Credits.. page 6 A Bill Regarding Public Sector Unions.. page 7 A Resolution Regarding Increase in Teacher Salarypage 8 A Resolution Regarding Humanitarian Aid to Africa.. page 9 A Bill to Reorganize and Improve Indian Reservation.....page 10 A Resolution to Adjust the Currency. page 11 A Resolution Concerning Statehood for the District of Columbia page 12 A Resolution to Reduce Military Funding. page 13 A Resolution Regarding Regulation on Non-Point Source Pollution....page 14 A Bill to Legalize Gambling.page 15 A Resolution to Convert the U.S. to Renewable Energy..page 16 A Bill to Require Free Air Time for Candidates....page 17 A Resolution to Restrict Public Surveillance Technology...page 18 A Bill Concerning Education Certification.....page 19 A Resolution to Ban Diplomatic Immunity....page 20 A Resolution Regarding American Financial Institutionspage 21 A Bill to Ban Congressional Insider Trading..........page 22
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A RESOLUTION TO ELIMINATE STANDARDIZED TESTING 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 WHEREAS: Texas is currently basing education systems on the standardized testing; and WHEREAS: The removal of standardized tests would eliminate the need of educational focus on standardized testing material allowing teachers to focus on other school curriculum; and WHEREAS: The No Child Left Behind Act was created because of standardized testing which hinders teaching by causing teachers to stop class when students are distracting the class; and WHEREAS: Standardized testing does NOT show individual intellect; and WHEREAS: School funding is based on the results of standardized tests meaning some schools do not receive sufficient funding; and WHEREAS: Standardized tests have no role in decisions as to whether a student advances to a university or college level education; and WHEREAS: The No Child Left Behind Act has not brought any improvement in public education; and BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED BY THIS UIL CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED the standardized testing should be eliminated.

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A BILL BANNING ALCOHOL ADVERTISING ON TELEVISION BE IT ENACTED BY THIS UIL CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED THAT: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 SECTION 1: No alcohol advertisements will be allowed on for-profit or non-commercial television and radio stations. SECTION 2: Advertisements will be defined as the paid sponsorship slots available during all for profit or non-commercial television and radiobroadcasting time slots. SECTION 3: This ban will become effective January 1, 2015. SECTION 4: Enforcement will be through the Federal Communications Commission. SECTION 5: Any and all existing state or federal laws conflicting with this legislation will be considered null and void.

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A RESOLUTION TO REGULATE VOTING MACHINES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 WHEREAS: WHEREAS: WHEREAS: WHEREAS: After the hanging chad debacle in the 2000 presidential election, many states have moved to touch screen voting machines, and; It is estimated that 10% of touch screen machines fail in each election, and it is impossible to know when they fail because there is no paper trail to back it up, and; WHEREAS: Frozen machines, inaccurate vote tallies, flipped votes, and machines that begin to count backwards are examples of problems encountered with touch screen voting machines, and; Election workers are not well trained in the technology and are overly dependent on vendors who have a vested interest in saying there is no problem with the machine and are not well regulated, and; In a close election, no paper trail would make vote recounts impossible.

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED BY THIS UIL CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED that voting machines in the State of Texas should be required to back up all election results with a paper trail or use optical scan technology.

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A RESOLUTION CONCERNING POLLUTION CREDITS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 WHEREAS: WHEREAS: WHEREAS: WHEREAS: WHEREAS: WHEREAS: Pollutants can injure health, harm the environment and cause property damage, and; The current criteria pollutants are Carbon Monoxide, Lead, Nitrogen Dioxide, Ozone, Particulate matter, and Sulfur Dioxide, and; WHEREAS: The world adds more than 6 billion tons of carbon dioxide, a pollutant, to the air each year, and; Pollution credits have been posed as an international way to deal with world pollution issues, and; Countries are currently permitted to sell their credits to other member countries, in essence creating a market, and; Countries do not pay for their allotted credits, so there is no funding to actually clean up the pollution, and; If the planet is to be sustained, we must end this allowed pollution of our atmosphere. BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED BY THIS UIL CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED that the United States abide by the regulations regarding pollution credits as set in the Kyoto Protocols without signing the Kyoto Treaty.

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A BILL REGARDING PUBLIC SECTOR UNIONS BE IT ENACTED BY THIS UIL CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED THAT: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 SECTION 1: Unions, in order to promote organization and collective bargaining, shall be allowed in all public sectors of the United States, its territories or possessions once more than fifty percent of the employees by secret ballot indicate the desire for a public sector union and if there are twenty or more employees of that public entity. SECTION 2: Political entities and political sub-units (hereafter called management) shall be prohibited from any restrain to the creation of said union. SECTION 3: Exclusive bargaining representative for a unit of employees will be limited to one. SECTION 4: Employees and management must negotiate in full faith. SECTION 5: The Union and management shall promote the commonly accepted practices and procedures of collective bargaining in all respects. SECTION 6: Enforcement of this legislation shall be by newly created National Labor Relations Board within the Department of Justice, which shall be granted such power as is necessary to write and enforce regulations pursuant to this legislation. SECTION 7: Violations of this law will incur a maximum penalty of $5000 per incident per day. Repeated occurrences of the same violation may result in incarceration of not less than one year, nor more than five, for each offense. SECTION 8: This law shall be in full force and effect as of August 1, 2014.

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A RESOLUTION REGARDING INCREASE IN TEACHER SALARY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 WHEREAS: WHEREAS: WHEREAS: WHEREAS: Teachers prepare the future leaders of America, and public schools in Texas continue to suffer a severe shortage of qualified teachers willing to teach under current pay, benefits, and working conditions, and; The American Federation of Teachers reports that average teacher pay lags $10,000 to $15,000 behind average pay for jobs requiring comparable skills and knowledge in the private sector, and; Roughly 20% of Texas teachers have been assigned to teach in fields for which they lack appropriate subject-matter training, according to the State Board for Educator Certification, and; Half of all new Texas teachers leave within the first five years of employment, often leaving for jobs that pay significantly better. BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED BY THIS UIL CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED that a tax increase be imposed in Texas to provide a 30% increase in teachers salaries and provide teachers with benefits to better the schools and our education system.

A RESOLUTION REGARDING HUMANITARIAN AID TO AFRICA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 WHEREAS: WHEREAS: The percentage of Africans in poverty has been increasing for the past 20 years; and The aid currently being given is being taken by corrupt politicians and causing the economy to spiral downward even further; and WHEREAS: This is preventing many African countries from improving their economies; and WHEREAS: There are many resources in high demand in Africa that are unable to be mined because of the lack of technology to extract these resources; and WHEREAS: The improvement of humanitarian aid may lead to the improvement of relations with many African countries; now BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED BY THIS UIL CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED that all military aid given to Africa be converted into humanitarian aid.

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A BILL TO REORGANIZE AND IMPROVE INDIAN RESERVATIONS BE IT ENACTED BY THIS UIL CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED THAT: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 SECTION 5: SECTION 6: SECTION 4: SECTION 3: SECTION 2: SECTION 1: Communal land held by Indian tribes as reservations will be allowed the opportunity to be converted into private property for possession by residents. Any communal land converted to private property will still be legally part of the reservation in that it is subject to the laws of the tribal government; the tribal government may also prohibit or cancel specific sales of the private property formerly owned communally. The Bureau of Indian Affairs will oversee and provide permits for the aforementioned conversions, as well as oversee the following allotments. The BIA will have its budget improved as provided by paragraph two of this section. This additional funding will be allotted to police security, education, tax incentives for companies to move near reservations, and costs associated with overseeing any conversion to private property. Funding for this bill will come from a 2 billion dollar cut to the military budget, a 500 million dollar cut to foreign aid to Israel, and a 30% duty on any alcohol or tobacco related products imported by private or communal entities on reservations. This law will take effect during the second fiscal year after passage. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.

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A RESOLUTION TO ADJUST THE CURRENCY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 WHEREAS: WHEREAS: The penny is the most regularly discarded subdivision of United States currency, and; The penny is more of a nuisance than a help, and;

WHEREAS: The penny would not be necessary if there were no "oddities in prices, and; WHEREAS: WHEREAS: The penny could easily be removed from circulation in a quick period of time, and; The standardization of prices can be easily changed to eliminate prices not in multiple of 5s. BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED BY THIS UIL CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED that the penny be eliminated from the United States Currency system. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that sales prices of all material goods and services within the United States be made into multiples of 5, for pricing ease.

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A RESOLUTION CONCERNING STATEHOOD FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 WHEREAS: WHEREAS: People of the District of Columbia have no voting representation in the United States Congress, and; The people of the District are taxed in the same manner as those that have full representation and voting privileges in the Congress, and; WHEREAS: It is time for the people of the United States to extend equal representation to all of its citizens. BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED BY THIS UIL CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED that the District of Columbia should be granted full statehood and its citizens all of the rights and privileges that it entails.

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A RESOLUTION TO REDUCE MILITARY FUNDING IN THE UNITED STATES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 WHEREAS: The United States military is receiving an exorbitant amount of funding; and WHEREAS: Of the worlds total military expenditure, the United States makes up almost half; and WHEREAS: Funding is being cut from other essential United States programs such as education and allocated to the U.S. Armed Forces; and WHEREAS: The funding of the U.S. military has increased each year; now, BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED BY THIS UIL CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED that the federal government reduce the amount of funding it gives to the U.S. Armed Forces annually.

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WHEREAS: Nonpoint source pollution (NPS) is currently the nations largest water quality problem; and WHEREAS: 40% of Americas rivers and 46% of Americas lakes are polluted for fishing, swimming or aquatic life; and WHEREAS: NPS is often overlooked due to the fact that it comes from many different sources including litter, pet waste, garden chemicals and oil; and WHEREAS: NPS will cause the inevitable loss of clean water and extinction of marine species; now BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED BY THIS UIL CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED to increase the amount of regulation placed on manufactures of products known to contribute to NPS to increase the quality of water and preserve species and habitats.

A BILL TO LEGALIZE GAMBLING BE IT ENACTED BY THIS UIL CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED THAT: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 SECTION 3: SECTION 2: SECTION 1: Certain cities within each state will be declared gambling hubs where gambling is federally legal. Gambling hubs will refer to particular cities designated by the federal government to permit legalized gambling within city limits. The National Indian Gaming Commission in collaboration with state legislators will designate specific cities to allow gambling along with plans of taxation. SECTION 4: Implementation will be delegated to these agencies by December 31, 2014. Designation of cities and establishment will be executed by December 31, 2015. SECTION 5: All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.

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A RESOLUTION TO CONVERT THE US TO RENEWABLE ENERGY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 WHEREAS: WHEREAS: The United States is currently dependent on non-renewable sources of energy, such as petroleum, coal, and natural gas; and These resources dwindle every day; and

WHEREAS: It would only take solar panels covering 10% of the total area of Nevada to power the entire United States; and WHEREAS: Solar powered water heaters can eliminate 50% of a small familys natural gas usage; and WHEREAS: North and South Dakota are estimated to have enough harvestable wind to power the entire world, if properly exploited; and WHEREAS: Technology is well on its way to meeting our energy needs; and WHEREAS: Proper government backing is all that stands between the United States total energy independence; now, BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED BY THIS UIL CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED that the United States begin to transfer to renewable energy in lieu of non-renewable energy sources.

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A BILL TO REQUIRE BROADCASTERS TO PROVIDE FREE AIR TIME FOR ALL CANDIDATES FOR FEDERAL OFFICE BE IT ENACTED BY THIS UIL CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED THAT: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 SECTION 1: In exchange for obtaining a valuable license to operate a broadcast station using the public airwaves, each radio and television licensee is required by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to provide a reasonable amount of free airtime for political advertising for all legally qualified candidates for federal elective office. Such free airtime must be made available during a stations entire normal broadcast schedule, including television prime time and radio drive time. SECTION 2: The term broadcast station includes all AM radio, FM radio and TV stations licensed as commercial by the FCC, i.e. radio and TV stations that generally support themselves through the sale of advertising. The term federal elective office includes President of the United States, United States Senator and United States Representative. SECTION 3: The Federal Communications Commission (FCC), the federal agency directed by Congress to regulate broadcasting, shall implement this legislation and monitor compliance. The Enforcement Bureau of the FCC shall determine the punishment for violators of this law. SECTION 4: This legislation shall take effect on January 1, 2015. SECTION 5: All laws or portions of laws conflicting with the provisions of this legislation shall be declared null and void.


A RESOLUTION TO RESTRICT PUBLIC SURVEILLANCE TECHNOLOGY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 WHEREAS: WHEREAS: WHEREAS: WHEREAS: Public surveillance is an inescapable aspect of everyday life with cameras hanging from the sides of buildings, on traffic lights, at ATM machines, in homes, stores, and parking lots, and; The constitutionality of public surveillance has often been questioned under the Fourth Amendment because it can be used to track people, and; The probability of public surveillance abuse becomes more likely as advancements in technology are made, and; The annual funding that goes into public surveillance does not prove effective because crimes rates have not been significantly lowered due to public surveillance technology. BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED BY THIS UIL CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED that the federal government significantly reduce funding for public surveillance and limit the use of public surveillance.

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A BILL CONCERNING EDUCATION CERTIFICATION BE IT ENACTED BY THIS UIL CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED THAT: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 SECTION 5: SECTION 4: SECTION 1: The Department of Education will develop federal certification examinations for K-12 teachers in the United States. SECTION 2: Beginning July 1, 2015, all states will use the federal certification examinations, and cease using state versions of certification examinations. SECTION 3: Funding for research and development of the examinations will be provided through the Department of Education annual budget. States will continue to fund the examination training and process as is currently the case in each state. Failure to comply with this legislation will result in the withholding of Federal education funds.

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A RESOULUTION TO BAN DIPLOMATIC IMMUNITY IN THE UNITED STATES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 WHEREAS: WHEREAS: There are several cases of protected diplomats who have violated the laws of a host country, and; Protected diplomats have received immunity for acts of espionage, smuggling, murder, rape, and child custody violations, and; WHEREAS: A host country is limited in the type and degree of punishment it can dispense against a protected diplomat, and; WHEREAS: A host countrys usual limitation of punishment is to declare the diplomat persona non grata and to order the diplomat remove him/herself for the host nation, and; WHEREAS: The diplomats country is often negligent at administering punishment once the diplomat returns to his/her native country, and; WHEREAS: Lenient consequences toward diplomats who break the law can compromise the national security of the United States. BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED BY THIS UIL CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED that diplomatic immunity will not be recognized by the United States.

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A RESOLUTION REGARDING AMERICAN FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 WHEREAS: WHEREAS: The European debt crisis has significantly and negatively impacted the markets and the economy of the United States of America; and Said instability in Americas economy has caused lingering, crushing unemployment, which is a clear and present danger to the security of the nation; and WHEREAS: The relationship between Americas and European financial institutions is a root cause of this instability; now, BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED BY THIS UIL CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED that all United States financial institutions should be prohibited from holding more than five percent foreign debt as part of the institutions portfolio.

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A BILL TO BAN CONGRESSIONAL INSIDER TRADING BE IT ENACTED BY THIS UIL CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED THAT: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 SECTION 6: SECTION 4: SECTION 5: SECTION 3: SECTION 2: SECTION 1: Any member of Congress found to be participating in insider trading will be prosecuted the same as all other American citizens. Insider trading will be defined as the illegal buying and selling of securities by persons acting on privileged information, as constituted by the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Failure to comply with this bill will result in the withholding of congressional salaries of guilty parties. This bill shall take effect January 1, 2014. The Justice Department shall be responsible for enforcing the provisions of this bill. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.


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