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KONU TASNFL CMLE DOLDURMA TEST (1-10 ARASI TENSE SORUSU) 1. My mother has really hated going to the hairdresser's ................ . A) until they promised to style it the way she wanted B) when my aunt offered to cut her hair for her C) by the time it becomes really necessary D) because she believed that it was a waste of both money and time going there E) ever since one accidentally dyed her hair orange 5. It was only after she left the examination room that .............. . A) she's promised herself to study harder next time B) she remembered the past tense verb endings C) she is relieved that it is now all over D) she will have been preparing for it for over a week E) she is starting to get worried about her exam results

Baarmak iin YESDL!

6. She only passed her driving test two months ago, but since then ........... . A) she had to pay a fine for speeding twice just last month B) she probably won't have had any major traffic accidents C) she drives to her office, which is in a busy centre of the city D) she has driven two thousand kilometres in her car E) she drove her friends everywhere they wanted to go

2. ........... when the waiter brought the desserts. A) B) C) D) I've decided to order another drink We had barely finished our main course You can ask the waiter for our bill You've been taking too long to drink your soup E) I don't think I'll have finished my steak

3. Until the teacher pointed out all my mistakes to me, ............. . A) I don't really expect to get such a high score B) I won't know whether I did well in the exam or not C) I have always come top in every exam D) I really believed my translation exercise was perfect E) I expect she'll praise the effort I've made

7. Before the trainees dive into the water, ............ . A) they practised putting on their wet suits and diving equipment without help B) they were swimming in the ocean around some rocky cliffs C) the sea had been quite calm all day, with almost no waves D) they always checked the water temperature first E) the instructor checks that their diving equipment is properly fitted

4. They'll let us know the exact price ............... A) after they had been calculating it for at least five minutes B) when they took the measurements of all the rooms C) as soon as they've calculated the total amount of carpet we need D) since the moment we went to the shop and asked them for it E) just as we were entering the carpet shop

8. ............. by the time you finish your game and come to table. A) You've been at your computer all afternoon B) We are eating our dinner C) I don't think I can wait D) We've just started eating our dinner E) Your dinner will be cold


9. Suddenly, he came up with fresh ideas about the end of his novel ................ . A) ever since he started to take these walks along the seashore B) whenever he goes to the park and stares at the ducks in the pond C) while he was sitting on a park bench absent-mindedly D) when the electricity comes back on and he is able to use the computer E) until it was ready to be handed in to his publisher

13. If I had saved enough money last year, ........ . A) I still can't pay the bill B) I would have gone to Europe this April C) we may even be able to buy a car D) I was also working as a shop assistant E) we had been staying in a big hotel

14. Unless the necessary precautions are taken immediately .............. . A) we shall not be able to control the epidemic B) there has been heavy rain resulting in widespread flooding C) all the attempts to rescue the passengers were in vain D) the casualties have been taken to the nearest hospital E) the country suffered the worst economic disaster since 1927

Baarmak iin YESDL!

10. ..........., I'll probably have left the office, but if you have any questions you can call me on my mobile. A) While I'm trying to arrange the annual reception B) As soon as you completed typing that report C) During the argument you had with the secretary just now D) By the time you finish your meeting E) Until we received the message from head office

15. ............... if all nations work together. (11-31 ARASI IF CLAUSE SORUSU) 11. If the rules hadn't been ignored ........ . A) B) C) D) the problem could become that serious it will be easier to communicate with them this error would never have occurred there have been no disagreements so far E) they may not feel a need to strengthen the police force A) The threat to the environment can only be overcome B) They wouldn't have been in such a difficult position now C) The committee decided to sign the agreement D) There would be a steady improvement in the company's trading position E) The new manager has many problems to solve

12. If we don't start early in the morning, ........ . A) you'd better pack up now B) we may not get there before it gets dark C) the main road has been blocked D) we wouldn't have had time to enjoy the view E) we were still worried about our flight to Rome

16. If the advertisement were on television, ............ . A) there may be a great demand for it B) they would have had a place in the market C) it might reach a larger group of people D) they were selling more and more goods E) it can be too expensive and complicated for them


17. ........... it's important to replace the water you lose through sweating. A) When sales of bottled water had increased B) Even if you don't feel thirsty after exercising C) Although more than half the weight of the human body is water D) Not only do we get some water from the foods we eat E) Since tap-water is the most reliable source

22. We'll have to manage to cook dinner with the one electric hob on the cooker this evening, .......... . A) unless the gas delivery man comes soon B) only if I'd intended to cook two main courses C) whether or not we'll have another powercut D) in case our guests arrived earlier than expected E) or I'll cook something practical, like an omelet 23. You can choose a different essay topic from those on the list .......... . A) unless you found any of them interesting B) as long as you clear your title with me first C) whether or not you could compile enough information about it D) if it were related to the subject we are studying E) even if you don't like the topics I have chosen 24. .......... even if I get offers from supposedly better universities. A) I would have studied Geography B) Eventually I would like to be a teacher C) I was accepted by Sterling University about two months ago D) I have made up my mind to go to Birmingham University E) I was disappointed to be offered places only at mediocre universities

Baarmak iin YESDL!

18. If only you had consulted the dentist when the trouble began, .......... . A) the pain naturally stops as soon as you arrive for your appointment B) this tooth could not have been saved C) you can get his number from the telephone directory D) you would not be needing all this expensive treatment now E) I can recommend mine with great confidence 19. ............. I would invite you to dinner. A) If I knew how to cook B) Since it was only six o'clock in the evening C) Unless the shops are all closed D) Even though everyone was free E) Whether my wife can get back in time

20. ......., I would refuse to obey that order. A) B) C) D) E) If I were you Although he's wrong When I leave the meeting Whether you signed the document As long as the lecture lasted

25. ............ were any health and safety officials to inspect it. A) As more products would be manufactured per hour B) The factory would probably be closed down C) Even if they improved the working conditions in coal mines D) A number of dairies were operating in unsanitary conditions E) Construction workers usually don't have social security

21. If I had known you were coming, .......... A) I may ask John to join us B) there is a very good meal waiting for you C) l would have arranged to stay at home this evening D) you won't need to take a taxi to the station E) I ought to have given you my telephone number


26. The young singer has become a lot more confident of herself .......... . A) when she was invited to join the most popular band in the country B) if the media hadn't attacked her private life so severely C) since she released her second album and received favourable criticism D) after she had successfully completed her first major concert E) as her first video clip was climbing the charts

30. ........... I'm sure his wife will abandon him. A) Until he learns how to control his gambling B) Unless he improved his behaviour towards her C) If he has gambled all his wages away again D) Just in case he continued treating her badly E) Only if there is a slim chance she'll stay

Baarmak iin YESDL!

27. We had better clean the apartment thoroughly .......... . A) or your mother will be shocked at this mess B) until the guests came back from their tour around the city C) when the cleaner didn't do her job properly D) before you left for your semester holiday E) as if it would never look like a proper house

31. If you agree to our job offer, ........... ? A) did you decide to leave your present company B) can you come and start next Monday C) do you think you would have been much happier here D) might you have needed further information E) haven't I tried so hard to change your mind

28. If the economy hadn't collapsed in Indonesia, ......... . A) I guess she regrets having to leave the country so soon after going there B) she has decided to stay there for a little longer anyway C) she only wanted to stay there for a couple of years D) I wonder if she would still be working there E) she had to look for a job somewhere else

(32-46 ARASI NOUN CLAUSE SORUSU) 32. You really have to go to Australia for the conference ........ . A) B) C) D) E) whether or not you are scared of flying if your manager goes instead of you which town is it being held in how long it will take to get there who will be presenting the new proposals

29. ............ the university judo club will never reach the national finals. A) Ever since it was first founded B) Even if they had taken part in many matches C) When the best players of the team left D) In case more students want to do the sport professionally E) Unless they can find a successful coach

33. ........ will become clear later. A) Whenever he goes to visit his family in Ireland B) When will the new owners take over the car factory C) Since the businessmen decided to buy this loss-making factory D) How the new ownership will affect the employees E) Who will the boss appoint as the new manager


34. ........ was his only desire. A) Whether there would ever be peace in his country B) If he could manage to afford a Mercedes Benz C) Without the compassion shown to them by the community D) That his family could live without fear of persecution E) Although they had managed to arrive in Miami safely

38. The airline didn't explain ......... . A) B) C) D) E) that the plane will stop to get fuel why the plane had been delayed that wasn't very nice of them what time did we leave Heathrow Airport how long does it take us to get to Istanbul

39. The police underestimated ......... . A) when so many police officers leave the police force B) particularly which politician had the terrorists targeted C) how many demonstrators would turn up D) the fact was that the situation was out of control E) whenever there is a football match in the town

Baarmak iin YESDL!

35. ........., so it will probably take me longer than usual to get to work. A) I couldn't remember where I had put the shampoo B) My sister has bought a much faster car C) The reporter has just remarked that two lanes of the highway are closed D) The fact that she slows down at every junction E) Jennifer implied that I should buy a faster car as soon as possible

40. Do you know ........? A) B) C) D) E) how much sugar does he take where is Patricia going on holiday since Sonia was back from holiday is Freddie coming to dinner tonight how Julia likes her coffee

36. The environmentalist argues ......... . A) how is the environment going to be affected if a nuclear accident should occur B) that genetically modified salmon are a threat to the wild species C) whether they will allow this species to be grown in the UK D) which could possibly breed with wild salmon E) who believes genetically modified fruit poses a danger to the human health 41. Yesterday at school, we learnt ........ . A) how glass is made B) what is the procedure in making porcelain C) that was extremely interesting D) whether we enjoy it or not E) which concerned the teacher most of all

37. The Foreign Minister refused to comment on ......... . A) whether we would withdraw food aid if the human rights abuses continued B) why hasn't the government done something about these human rights abuses C) how can they allow these abuses to happen without doing anything D) ever since a breakdown in law and order developed in the area E) the situation is now completely out of control in the area

42. It is widely believed in Turkey ..... . A) although nothing has been proved about their superstitions B) whether a blue bead really protects me from the evil eye C) because bad luck can wreck a person's life D) as other cultures have a variety of good luck symbols E) that an envious look cast upon you can bring bad luck


43. Our boss always wants us ......... . A) because our quotations had been taking a long time to prepare B) whether we could type some reports for him C) to clear our desks at the end of the day D) that we shouldn't receive any customer complaints E) if we could work some overtime next week 44. Did the company acknowledge ........? A) that we should be compensated for the delay B) if this is their normal level of service C) if only we could arrive before the meeting D) whether we can get a refund or not E) how much longer we are going to wait 45. All of us wondered ........ . A) whether I have been told about the scandal involving the family or not B) why the whole family had suddenly moved to Canada without saying anything C) that is because of the problems he is having at his current school D) to know if the family had overcome all the difficulties there E) the fact that his son actually managed to become a doctor 46. The council don't seem to appreciate ........ . A) how did they sell the land to the supermarket chain B) why aren't the opinions of the town's people being considered C) will there be free parking at the new supermarket D) how much the people of the town value their traditional market E) whatever the outcome of the meeting of the farmers had been

48. Furnishing a house is so expensive these days ......... . A) that couples have to save for months before they can afford it B) even if you bought the most essential items like a bed and a few kitchen gadgets C) as they haven't saved up enough to be able to get married D) after the price of property went up dramatically E) to allow couples to live away from their parents 49. ........ as the one we did in these hills last year. A) As far as I can remember, this hill is much higher B) This hike doesn't sound as if it will be as strenuous C) According to my guide book, the route you mentioned is different D) There is a nice restaurant on the top of the hill E) The weather conditions are a lot worse this year

Baarmak iin YESDL!

50. The more Susanna accomplishes for her new boss at work .......... . A) although she had worked reluctantly for her previous manager B) the higher salary she earned due to the overtime she did C) it hasn't helped her to obtain a promotion though D) as she has always been a conscientious employee E) the greater the work load he gives to her

(47-57 ARASI ADJECTIVE & ADVERB SORUSU) 47. The better I get to know him .......... . A) the more the outcome had seemed unpredictable B) I'm afraid I really can't stand him C) I realized to what extent they had been involved. D) the less I like him E) the more reliable were the data

51. The Latin-American version of the Spanish dance Bolero is similar ........ . A) for an alternative version where the steps are more graceful and delicate B) whereas the original is rather more difficult C) from any other dances originating in this area D) to the original, but the steps are slower and simpler E) enough for amateur dancers to be able to perform it skilfully


52. Our country's tennis tournament doesn't award enough prize money to the winners ........ . A) to the champion of last year's men's singles B) most of them are amateurs from regional tennis clubs C) that the best tennis players refuse to enter the competition D) to attract the most successful tennis players E) than they used to when tennis was a really popular sport

56. This design seems to be the most suitable .......... . A) out of all those we have been shown so far B) than all the others available in the shops around here C) that we should proceed with the production right away D) as the other one was a bit out-offashion E) just like the others we have already seen 57. You must be feeling very tired and sleepy today .......... .

Baarmak iin YESDL!

53. ........., we hired our car from them. A) Their cars were not really as good as the other companies B) Because a jeep would have been more suitable for us C) Thinking that we might have difficulty affording one D) They were known to be so unreliable that E) As they offered the most economical rates 54. I think he should have explained the safety procedures more fully .......... . A) in order not to bore the trainees with lengthy instructions B) because most of the group were complete beginners C) letting inexperienced mountaineers climb a rock-face unsupervised D) than the other instructor, who demonstrates it instead of explaining E) the more the trainees wanted to learn about the area 55. ....... without reducing the amount of sugar and fat in your diet. A) Do not increase the risk of your developing heart disease B) The consequences of this illness are not so serious C) You can't expect to get any slimmer D) As a qualified doctor, you should take my advice seriously E) A healthy diet is one which includes a wide range of nutrients in it A) that you'll find it hard to cope with the daily tasks in the office all day B) than you usually do because our neighbours had the television on until four in the morning C) even though you sat in front of the computer all night trying to finish your assignment D) because you went to bed rather later than usual last night E) as I keep hearing a noise like somebody walking around downstairs

(58-73 ARASI RELATIVE CLAUSES SORUSU) 58. There are certain countries in the world ........... . A) B) C) D) E) that is developing rapidly where famine is still a serious problem unless the rainfall is heavy as the food supplies are limited even if rice is the main diet

59. ............. which I had grown myself. A) B) C) D) E) Here are some of the bananas For the salad I will use the lemons They don't want those I gave her some of the flowers I am sending her some of the pears


60. Faxing is a means of telecommunication, .............. . A) that worked on a system similar to the telephone system B) which has developed very quickly over the past few years C) therefore charges will vary according to the time of the day D) unless companies were using it in place of telex machines E) whether or not you state the name of the receiver

65. What I consider to be the best way to spend Sunday .......... . A) when I normally relax and enjoy myself B) before I return to work on Monday morning C) is to go for a walk in the countryside D) which is my favourite day of the week E) have made a real difference to my life

Baarmak iin YESDL!

61. ......... who crossed the Atlantic alone in a small sailing craft. A) B) C) D) E) That must be the man The news is that I can't believe that anyone I didn't realize how few people Presumably he was lying

66. For some time now Alice has been busy writing a play .......... . A) which she intends to start when she's graduated from university B) that will be performed at the end offterm festival C) which was a lot better than her previous works D) who had been devoting her every spare minute to it for three years E) whose favourite subject in high school had always been literature

62. .......... whose coat was stolen last week? A) B) C) D) E) Why were they surprised Do you have their address How unusual is it Isn't that the new librarian Is here any news yet

67. Ellis Island is a small island, lying southwest of Manhattan, .......... . A) who built a monument there, which is now a tourist attraction B) famous for his role in writing the American constitution C) was once used as an American military base D) where twelve million immigrants into the USA were processed E) one of whose favourite places was the beach because of the tranquility there

63. He is looking for an engineer ............ . A) B) C) D) E) if the pay is good enough it was four years ago who knows both German and English until the department was opened who really had a lot of experience

64. I still haven't had a chance to thank the nurse ............ . A) until the child was well enough to go home B) why she visited us every day for a week C) who looked after my mother so well in hospital D) whose carelessness would make recovery slow E) whether any more treatment was necessary

68. ............ the cheapest of which charges fifty dollars per week. A) I enjoy going to the weekly market to buy my fruit and vegetables B) I have found out the prices of several car hire firms C) Both of the hotels we have in this region D) I know how expensive it is to keep a pet dog E) This cassette recorder is using a lot of batteries


69. She would have received better service .......... . A) about whom she complained to the manager and demanded a refund B) until she learns how to be more demanding about the things promised to her C) if she had stayed at the hotel recommended to her by Julie D) as soon as she noticed that the area wasn't quiet at all E) where she is planning to stay for the first week of her holiday

73. In 1992, about 131 billion dollars was spent on advertising in the USA, . A) that shows just how much cheaper goods would be if they weren't advertised B) has doubled since 1970, when magazine and newspaper advertising was much more popular C) is indicating a yearly increase of approximately twenty percent D) spending about thirty percent of this on television and cinema advertising E) twenty-five percent of which was spent by the top 100 national advertisers

Baarmak iin YESDL!

70. The owners of the pension, who are known for their hospitality, .......... . A) even gave us a lift to the start of the hiking trail B) which was definitely more than they had to do C) until they suffered some financial difficulties D) having built up their business from almost nothing E) which, nowadays, is a very rare quality indeed (74-87 ARASI REDUCTION SORUSU)

74. ......... from the destruction of many forests, much of the Scottish Highlands is now marshy wasteland. A) B) C) D) E) To result To have resulted Result Resulted Resulting

71. ........... which need to be continually practised so that fluency will remain stable. A) She wanted to study medicine and eventually became a surgeon B) To become an accomplished musician and song writer C) Language skills, especially oral skills are abilities D) The teacher gave us a long vocabulary list to learn E) I must admit that my brothers are more talented than me 72. Whatever the reason was for Schindler to save Jews from the Nazi death camps, ........... . A) they are known as the places where millions of Jews were executed B) whose story has been made into a feature film by Stephen Spielberg C) whom many Jews know that they owe their lives to D) it was an heroic act at a time when such acts were extremely rare E) which was found responsible for the deaths of millions of Jews

75. .......... English and Business at University, Elif is looking for a job in an import office of an international company. A) B) C) D) E) To study Studied Being studied Having studied To have studied

76. Not ......... for more than twenty minutes, Sarah was certain that she hadn't got the job. A) B) C) D) E) having been interviewed having interviewed interviewing to be interviewed to have interviewed


77. ......... from the thirteenth century, the 'Kzl Kule', or 'Red Tower', in Alanya was very skilfully restored in the 1950s. A) B) C) D) E) To date Dating Having dated To be dated To be dating


Devoting every spare minute of his time to the mountain rescue service, . . A) mountaineers should not climb mountains alone B) the money raised by volunteers is well-used C) mountains should be open to the public for leisure purposes D) he hardly has any time to stay with his family E) his dogs and children help him occasionally

78. ........... his proposal to the board of directors, the young manager waited for their reaction to it.

Baarmak iin YESDL!

A) B) C) D) E)

To have presented Having presented To present Presented Being presented


Chasing the chickens back into their coop, .......... . A) the birds ran in all directions B) for fear that they would disturb the visitors C) Farmer Oak's patience was wearing thin D) the old farmer tripped and hurt his knee E) they would thus lay their eggs in the proper place

79. ........... goodbye to his brother, David watched the train pull out of the station. A) B) C) D) E) To wave Being waved To be waving Waving To have waved

80. Not willing to offer her grandchildren shop-bought cakes, .......... . A) she couldn't resist buying the fruit-cake she saw in the window of the bakery B) I really like trying the new recipes I receive from my neighbours C) grandma knows that children like to buy lots of junk when they are out D) my mother spends hours in the kitchen making them herself whenever we visit her E) I phoned and told Mrs Green not to bother trying to prepare some food for us 81. Having tasted the pleasures of modern city life ......... . A) some of them would have been reluctant to return B) they found life in their village hard and unattractive C) they had worked hard to improve their living standards D) the children will be educated and trained for a special job E) people don't realize how lonely they are 84. Having bought the fiat between them, .. . A) his devotion to restoring them to their former styles was admirable B) I thought the high price was justified because it had an extensive garden C) it was really amazing how quickly they renovated it D) my sisters will share the cost of the alterations made in it E) the house has a large balcony and a wonderful sea view


Having once been a vital aid to local shipping, .......... . A) the lighthouse is now a museum B) modem technology has now taken over C) it is very interesting to see the video D) the surrounding seas can sometimes be very rough E) I was fascinated to see how it worked



86. After making an emergency landing on a small island, ......... . A) lightning had struck one of the engines B) their chances of being found alive were scarce C) there was nothing but sand and palm trees for miles D) there were, fortunately, no casualties E) the pilot radioed air-sea rescue 87. Since opening this pension three years ago, .......... .

91. .......... despite the fact that he had received many warnings. A) Admittedly, he is extremely bored with his job B) I still haven't forgiven him C) The others have always supported him D) Clearly he is not the only one to blame E) He repeatedly came late to the office

92. In the end I went by bus ........... . A) B) C) D) since I was feeling very tired if I hadn't got up so late that it stops so near the library unless there has been a suitable train E) whether or not it will arrive on time

Baarmak iin YESDL!

A) virtually the same customers came to stay here every year B) we have added several facilities, including a swimming-pool C) the possibility of going bankrupt still threatens us D) our chef is now regarded as the best around here E) it has become one of the most popular in town (88-120 ARASI CONJUNCTIONS & TRANSITIONS SORUSU)

93. After working in an insurance company for more than a year, . . A) the company officials might have decided to give him a promotion B) he had already left his job C) they would have hired him as assistant manager D) he started his own firm E) he is leaving the office early

88. Although we hadn't met for 20 years, ......... . A) B) C) D) E) I recognized him at once it was a long time again he has grown much older she is much prettier than I am the other team seemed surprised

94. Since starting to make a handwoven rug last month, ........ . A) B) C) D) E) the harmony of the colours looks wonderful the pattern was more difficult than it looked she has rarely been seen outside her room she isn't interested in anything else it was a very complicated pattern, though

89. Even though they applauded well, ....... . A) the conductor won't resign B) the poet has failed to impress the audience C) no one really enjoyed the concert D) the actor had forgotten his speech E) the members of the orchestra haven't all arrived

95. ......... the factory has been working at its lowest capacity. A) Owing to the high efficiency of the new manager B) Due to the shortage of some essential raw materials C) Because of the considerable decrease in production D) In spite of the cancellation of many important orders E) In order to meet the ever-increasing orders

90. However long it may take ........... . A) we are determined to get to the top B) we have never been there before C) it was one of the most pleasant journeys in my life D) they successfully carried out the experiment E) the patient has recovered remarkably quickly



96. ........ all the problems she encountered, she managed to finish her homework on time. A) B) C) D) E) By the time In spite of Even though However Apart from

100. Since the price of land is rising rapidly, .......... . A) you have been lucky to find something at that price B) he would have drawn all his money from the bank C) the method of advertising would have been changed D) there was no need to express your views so strongly E) this land is not suitable for growing trees of any kind

97. To many foreigners, cricket appears to be a slow and boring game, ....... .

Baarmak iin YESDL!

A) but in fact it requires a lot of skill and a quick eye B) therefore it will make a headline news in the press C) so there were a great number of amateur cricket clubs D) whereas it is team work rather than individual performance that matters E) as a result the police prevented the crowd from getting onto the field

101. ........ when I retire next year. A) I expect Richard will take over as Chairman B) The meeting has been put off C) Many changes would have taken place D) I hadn't decided what to say at the party E) I would be able to send you the price list

98. Even though most people seem to like him ............ . A) he would be invited to every committee meeting B) he doesn't have many friends, either C) nobody really wants him to be made director D) so I must admit that he is a good writer E) why none of us have rejected his advice

102. ......... we need to find ways to cope with it. A) B) C) D) E) If relaxation was essential for a healthy mind and body After we had learned the living conditions Since we cannot remove stress from our lives Whether he has confidence in our plans or not As the disease wasn't cured

99. ......, they vary in their arrangement and in their manner of presenting the material. A) Whether the lives of all such authors are included in biographical reference books B) If the book you want is listed in the catalogue C) Since the table of contents appears at the front of the book D) Although all good dictionaries contain essentially the same kind of information E) As dictionary compilers do not themselves decide the meaning and spelling of words 103. ........ even though she is a lot younger than the rest of us. A) The girls did better than the boys in the race B) The flowers we sent her are still looking fresh C) Whoever said that was mistaken D) None of us actually saw it happen E) You should have invited her sister to join us



104. ........ until you have found another job. A) There are so many unemployed B) There are a lot of advertisements in the papers C) Don't tell anyone you are leaving D) I thought you were perfectly happy working here E) Nobody else could have advised

109. As its surface is so hard, .......... . A) gem stones are not only used for jewellery but also in Industry B) she bought some new blankets for the children C) you'll find cushions more comfortable than chairs D) it is actually composed of soft elements E) a diamond can only be cut with another diamond

105. ........ we really ought to leave as soon as possible.

Baarmak iin YESDL!

A) Since we shall probably have a long wait at the bus station B) Since the roads are always busy at this hour C) Though it is getting very late D) Until we know which plane they are coining on E) If there is no need to hurry 106. ........ even though the quality of the goods is rather poor. A) They had felt obliged to vote on it B) The effectiveness of the campaign had been prevented C) In my opinion, it was already too late D) Buyers could not have been found E) His business is expanding quite fast 107. ........, so it is a good idea to make a reservation. A) The hotels can be very busy at this time of year B) I think there will be plenty of seats left C) l guess he had arrived at a very late hour D) Package tours are getting more and more expensive E) We haven't decided where to go on holiday yet 108. ........... he wrote more than 600 songs in his brief musical career. A) Although the German composer Schubert died at the age of 32 B) Chopin was born in Poland but spent most of his adult life in Paris C) At a young age, Beethoven began to suffer from early symptoms of deafness D) By the time Brahms completed the first of his four symphonies E) Rossini, who reigned as Italy's foremost th composer of the early 19 century

110. .........., it's difficult to decide which one to buy. A) In addition to the high costs of medical services in the country B) When the gallery owner has offered his opinion C) Assuming that this armchair may not fit in the place D) Until a friend of ours made the decision for us E) As we like both pictures so much

111. Besides the threat from illegal hunting, . A) they have been unable to stop this brutal trade B) the people who kill gorillas or capture them for zoos C) the mountain gorilla is in danger from human settlement D) human beings have virtually wiped out certain species E) it is still not too late to save the giant panda 112. Although my brother likes most aspects of his job, ........ . A) he has never got used to travelling abroad on business B) he still isn't thinking of applying for a different position C) he enjoyed going on business trips as well D) I think it would be foolish of him to quit now E) he works really hard in order to obtain a promotion



113. In addition to its strategic location that has made it a centre of commerce, .. . A) many companies have their headquarters there B) today the city is not so important internationally C) the city is an important cultural centre D) many people move there to work E) it is, however, no longer the capital city

117. .......... , whereas that one is better for self-study. A) At the end of this course, you will be presented with a certificate B) This book is meant to be used in group lessons C) She studied Turkish Literature at Istanbul University D) Text books are designed for different learning situations E) You are planning to study on your own 118. In his opinion, the company's negligence and cost cutting measures .. . A) there was a fierce competition in the industry B) whichever way they have been implemented C) was a consequence of their shrinking profits D) has only been applied since the beginning of the month E) caused this catastrophe to happen

Baarmak iin YESDL!

114. .........; at a zoo, however, they can see in captivity the wild animals from all over the world. A) Wild budgies bathe in dew-wet grass, but for the cage budgie, extra water is needed B) Animals are better off in their own habitats, where they can be observed behaving naturally C) Many people don't even have the opportunity to observe the wildlife of their own country D) The only people who deserve pets are those who take good care of them B) Pets are not just playthings you can neglect when you are tired or when you go on vacation 115. ........ but one that is teased will quickly inflict a nasty peck. A) Voice training methods are the same for a parrot as those for a budgie B) A gently handled parrot can become a clever and affectionate companion C) The size of the cage for your canary depends upon the bird D) The cat has been a pet since the days of ancient Egypt E) Few pets became popular as quickly as parakeets, also called budgies 116. In addition to customers who have seen our advertisements, .......... . A) they are normally only interested in special offers B) we obviously need to put them into more newspapers C) coming mainly to buy specific things which have been advertised D) we gain a lot of clients through personal recommendations E) they usually display some of our best products

119. The air near the centre of an active volcano is so sulphurous .......... . A) during eruptions poisonous gases fill the air making it almost impossible to breathe B) even though scientists wore special masks which filtered the air to enable them to carry out their studies C) whether or not scientists can study them depends on the amount of sulphur in the air D) that scientists need to wear special breathing equipment when studying volcanic activity E) yet these sulphurous gases give off a strong smell similar to that of rotten eggs 120. ....... if it weren't for the existence of speed limits on motorways. A) My car can go up to three hundred kilometres per hour B) In cities in England, it's illegal to exceed 25 miles per hour C) Car insurance protects against loss when vehicles crash D) Even more people would die in traffic accidents each year E) In 1992, the state of Montana raised its maximum speed




1. E 11. C 21. C 31. B

2. B 12. B 22. A 32. A 42. E 52. D 62. D 72. D 82. D 92. A 102. C 112. A

3. D 13. B 23. B 33. D 43. C 53. E 63. C 73. E 83. D 93. D 103. E 113. C

4. C 14. A 24. D 34. D 44. A 54. B 64. C 74. E 84. D 94. C 104. C 114. C

5. B 15. A 25. B 35. C 45. B 55. C 65. C 75. D 85. A 95. B 105. B 115. B

6. D 16. C 26. C 36. B 46. D 56. A 66. B 76. A 86. E 96. B 106. E

7. E 17. B 27. A 37. A 47. D 57. D 67. D 77. B 87. B 97. A

8. E 18. D 28. D 38. B 48. A 58. B 68. B 78. B 88. A 98. C

9. C 19. A 29. E 39. C 49. B 59. D 69. C 79. D 89. C 99. D 109. E

10. D 20. A 30. C 40. E 50. E 60. B 70. A 80. D 90. A 100. A 110. E

Baarmak iin YESDL!

41. A 51. D 61. A 71. C 81. B 91. E 101. A 111. C

107. A 108. A 118. E

116. D 117. B

119. D 120. D


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