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Subject: English Class: Year 5 Lili Enrolment: 18 boys and 19 girls Level: Below average Date/ Day: 18 August

2010/ Wednesday Time: 11.00 am- 11.30 am Theme: World of knowledge Topic: People Focused skill: Reading Integrated skill: Listening and writing Language content: Grammar (Subject- verb agreement)

Curriculum specifications: Learning Outcomes Reading 3.4 Read aloud expressively and fluently pronouncing words correctly and observing correct stress and intonation and sentence rhythm. Listening 1.4 Listen to and follow simple instructions and directions accurately. Writing 4.7 Give accurate information when writing messages, instructions, simple reports, and when filling out forms. 3.4.1 Read aloud phrases and sentences, pronouncing them correctly. Specifications

1.4.1 Listen to and follow simple instructions.

4,7.1 Write simple instructions, directions, messages for a purpose.

Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Chant the nursery rhyme with correct pronunciation of subject-verb agreement found in the lyrics. Act with suitable actions and expressions according to their roles in the group Draw a poster which incorporated the moral values in it

Educational emphases: Thinking skills (Be creative in performing art)

Multiple intelligences (The incorporation of linguistic, musical and kinaesthetic intelligences)

Moral values: Be cooperative: The musical performance will not be successful without cooperation from all the students Be responsible: When taking the public transport, offer help if anyone needs help. Previous knowledge: Students have learned other simple nursery rhymes. Anticipated problems: Students have difficulties to come up with necessary moral values for the activity.

Stage Set induction (+/- 2 minutes) Presentation (+/- 3 minutes)

Content Video presentation Revising the lyrics of the nursery rhymes

Teaching learning activity Teacher shows video of the nursery rhyme that is going to be taught in the lesson. Teacher pastes the The Wheels on the Bus lyrics on the white board. Teacher and students chant along the nursery rhyme lyrics. Teacher emphasises on the subject-verb agreement found in the lyrics so that students will not pronounce them wrongly. Teacher divides students into 3 groups: 18 students in acting group (Group A), 12 students in singing group (Group B) and 6 students in poster group (Group C). Teacher asks students to imagine that they are advertising their production internationally to be the best children entertainer. Teacher explains the role for each group and they have to discuss and practise in their group.

Rationale To grab students attention to the lesson. To let students chant with correct pronunciation and intonation.

Teaching aids A video entitled The Wheels on the Bus Manila card

Practise (+/- 13 minutes)

Production of nursery rhyme performance Acting group has to act as: -the wheels -the bus driver -the horn -the wipers -mummy and the baby -the bell -other passengers Singing group has to sing the whole nursery rhyme

To make it easier in managing students. To engage students with the learning To let students use their creativity in performing their talent

A3 paper

The poster group has to draw a poster to attract people to come to the show and incorporates the moral values in the show Production (+/- 10 minutes) Students performance Teachers feedbacks and corrections Students perform The Wheels on the Bus musical performance in front of the class. Teacher records the video while students are performing. Teacher gives feedback to improve students skill. To let students perform their musical performance. To reward students for their effort in performing musical performance in front of the class. To check students understanding of the lesson. To strengthen students knowledge. Camera

Closure (+/- 2 minutes)

The revision of what have been learned Subject-verb agreement Moral values from the activity

Students revise and recall the knowledge retrieved in the lesson.

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