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[G.R. No. 115324. February 19, 2003] PRODUCERS B N! OF "#E P#$%$PP$NES &'o( F$RS" $N"ERN "$ON % B N!

) , Petitioner, v. HON. COURT OF APPEALS AND FRANKLIN VIVES, respondents. DECISION CALLEJO, SR., J.: This is a petition o! !e"ie# on certiorari o the De$ision% o the Co&!t o Appea's (ate( J&ne )*, %++% in CA,-.R. CV No. %%.+% an( o its Reso'&tion) (ate( /a0 *, %++1, (en0in2 the 3otion o! !e$onsi(e!ation o sai( (e$ision i'e( 40 petitione! P!o(&$e!s 5an6 o the Phi'ippines. So3eti3e in %+.+, p!i"ate !espon(ent F!an6'in Vi"es #as as6e( 40 his nei2h4o! an( !ien( An2e'es San$he7 to he'p he! !ien( an( to#n3ate, Co'. A!t&!o Do!oni''a, in in$o!po!atin2 his 4&siness, the Ste!e'a /a!6etin2 an( Se!"i$es 8Ste!e'a o! 4!e"it09. Spe$i i$a''0, San$he7 as6e( p!i"ate !espon(ent to (eposit in a 4an6 a $e!tain a3o&nt o 3one0 in the 4an6 a$$o&nt o Ste!e'a o! p&!poses o its in$o!po!ation. She ass&!e( p!i"ate !espon(ent that he $o&'( #ith(!a# his 3one0 !o3 sai( a$$o&nt #ithin a 3onths ti3e. P!i"ate !espon(ent as6e( San$he7 to 4!in2 Do!oni''a to thei! ho&se so that the0 $o&'( (is$&ss San$he7s !e:&est. ; On /a0 +, %+.+, p!i"ate !espon(ent, San$he7, Do!oni''a an( a $e!tain Est!e''a D&3a2pi, Do!oni''as p!i"ate se$!eta!0, 3et an( (is$&sse( the 3atte!. The!ea te!, !e'0in2 on the ass&!an$es an( !ep!esentations o San$he7 an( Do!oni''a, p!i"ate !espon(ent iss&e( a $he$6 in the a3o&nt o T#o H&n(!e( Tho&san( Pesos 8P)<<,<<<.<<9 in a"o! o Ste!e'a. P!i"ate !espon(ent inst!&$te( his #i e, /!s. Ino$en$ia Vi"es, to a$$o3pan0 Do!oni''a an( San$he7 in openin2 a sa"in2s a$$o&nt in the na3e o Ste!e'a in the 5&en(ia, /a6ati 4!an$h o P!o(&$e!s 5an6 o the Phi'ippines. Ho#e"e!, on'0 San$he7, /!s. Vi"es an( D&3a2pi #ent to the 4an6 to (eposit the $he$6. The0 ha( #ith the3 an a&tho!i7ation 'ette! !o3 Do!oni''a a&tho!i7in2 San$he7 an( he! $o3panions, in $oo!(ination #ith /!. R& o Atien7a, to open an a$$o&nt o! Ste!e'a /a!6etin2 Se!"i$es in the a3o&nt o P)<<,<<<.<<. In openin2 the a$$o&nt, the a&tho!i7e( si2nato!ies #e!e Ino$en$ia Vi"es an(=o! An2e'es San$he7. A pass4oo6 o! Sa"in2s A$$o&nt No. %<,%*>. #as the!ea te! iss&e( to /!s. Vi"es.?1 S&4se:&ent'0, p!i"ate !espon(ent 'ea!ne( that Ste!e'a #as no 'on2e! ho'(in2 o i$e in the a((!ess p!e"io&s'0 2i"en to hi3. A'a!3e(, he an( his #i e #ent to the 5an6 to "e!i 0 i thei! 3one0 #as sti'' inta$t. The 4an6 3ana2e! !e e!!e( the3 to /!. R& o Atien7a, the assistant 3ana2e!, #ho in o!3e( the3 that pa!t o the 3one0 in Sa"in2s A$$o&nt No. %<,%*>. ha( 4een #ith(!a#n 40 Do!oni''a, an( that on'0 P+<,<<<.<< !e3aine( the!ein. He 'i6e#ise to'( the3 that /!s. Vi"es $o&'( not #ith(!a# sai( !e3ainin2 a3o&nt 4e$a&se it ha( to ans#e! o! so3e post(ate( $he$6s iss&e( 40 Do!oni''a. A$$o!(in2 to Atien7a, a te! /!s. Vi"es an( San$he7 opene( Sa"in2s A$$o&nt No. %<,%*>., Do!oni''a opene( C&!!ent A$$o&nt No. %<,<;)< o! Ste!e'a an( a&tho!i7e( the 5an6 to (e4it Sa"in2s A$$o&nt No. %<,%*>. o! the a3o&nts ne$essa!0 to $o"e! o"e!(!a#in2s in C&!!ent A$$o&nt No. %<,<;)<. In openin2 sai( $&!!ent a$$o&nt, Ste!e'a, th!o&2h Do!oni''a, o4taine( a 'oan o P%.*,<<<.<< !o3 the 5an6. To $o"e! pa03ent the!eo , Do!oni''a iss&e( th!ee post(ate( $he$6s, a'' o #hi$h #e!e (ishono!e(. Atien7a a'so sai( that Do!oni''a $o&'( assi2n o! #ith(!a# the 3one0 in Sa"in2s A$$o&nt No. %<,%*>. 4e$a&se he #as the so'e p!op!ieto! o Ste!e'a. * P!i"ate !espon(ent t!ie( to 2et in to&$h #ith Do!oni''a th!o&2h San$he7. On J&ne )+, %+.+, he !e$ei"e( a 'ette! !o3 Do!oni''a, ass&!in2 hi3 that his 3one0 #as inta$t an( #o&'( 4e !et&!ne( to hi3. On A&2&st %;, %+.+, Do!oni''a iss&e( a post(ate( $he$6 o! T#o H&n(!e( T#e'"e Tho&san( Pesos 8P)%),<<<.<<9 in a"o! o p!i"ate !espon(ent. Ho#e"e!, &pon p!esent3ent the!eo 40 p!i"ate !espon(ent to the (!a#ee 4an6, the $he$6 #as (ishono!e(. Do!oni''a !e:&este( p!i"ate !espon(ent to p!esent the sa3e $he$6 on Septe34e! %*, %+.+ 4&t #hen the 'atte! p!esente( the $he$6, it #as a2ain (ishono!e(. > P!i"ate !espon(ent !e e!!e( the 3atte! to a 'a#0e!, #ho 3a(e a #!itten (e3an( &pon Do!oni''a o! the !et&!n o his $'ients 3one0. Do!oni''a iss&e( anothe! $he$6 o! P)%),<<<.<< in p!i"ate !espon(ents a"o! 4&t the $he$6 #as a2ain (ishono!e( o! ins& i$ien$0 o &n(s.?. P!i"ate !espon(ent instit&te( an a$tion o! !e$o"e!0 o s&3 o 3one0 in the Re2iona' T!ia' Co&!t 8RTC9 in Pasi2, /et!o /ani'a a2ainst Do!oni''a, San$he7, D&3a2pi an( petitione!. The $ase #as (o$6ete( as Ci"i' Case No. 111@*. He a'so i'e( $!i3ina' a$tions a2ainst Do!oni''a, San$he7 an( D&3a2pi in the RTC. Ho#e"e!, San$he7 passe( a#a0 on /a!$h %>, %+@* #hi'e the $ase #as pen(in2 4e o!e the t!ia' $o&!t. On O$to4e! ;, %++*, the RTC o Pasi2, 5!an$h %*., p!o3&'2ate( its De$ision in Ci"i' Case No. 111@*, the (ispositi"e po!tion o #hi$h !ea(s:

IN VIEA OF THE FORE-OIN-, B&(23ent is he!e40 !en(e!e( senten$in2 (e en(ants A!t&!o J. Do!oni'a, Est!e''a D&3a2pi an( P!o(&$e!s 5an6 o the Phi'ippines to pa0 p'ainti F!an6'in Vi"es Boint'0 an( se"e!a''0 8a9 the a3o&nt o P)<<,<<<.<<, !ep!esentin2 the 3one0 (eposite(, #ith inte!est at the 'e2a' !ate !o3 the i'in2 o the $o3p'aint &nti' the sa3e is &''0 pai(C 849 the s&3 o P*<,<<<.<< o! 3o!a' (a3a2es an( a si3i'a! a3o&nt o! eDe3p'a!0 (a3a2esC 8$9 the a3o&nt o P1<,<<<.<< o! atto!ne0s eesC an( 8(9 the $osts o the s&it. SO ORDERED.?@ Petitione! appea'e( the t!ia' $o&!ts (e$ision to the Co&!t o Appea's. In its De$ision (ate( J&ne )*, %++%, the appe''ate $o&!t a i!3e( in toto the (e$ision o the RTC.?+ It 'i6e#ise (enie( #ith ina'it0 petitione!s 3otion o! !e$onsi(e!ation in its Reso'&tion (ate( /a0 *, %++1.%< On J&ne ;<, %++1, petitione! i'e( the p!esent petition, a!2&in2 that I. THE HONORA5LE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED IN UPHOLDIN- THAT THE TRANSACTION 5ETAEEN THE DEFENDANT DORONILLA AND RESPONDENT VIVES AAS ONE OF SI/PLE LOAN AND NOT ACCO//ODATIONC II. THE HONORA5LE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED IN UPHOLDIN- THAT PETITIONERS 5ANK /ANA-ER, /R. RUFO ATIENEA, CONNIVED AITH THE OTHER DEFENDANTS IN DEFRAUDIN- PETITIONER 8Si$. Sho&'( 4e PRIVATE RESPONDENT9 AND AS A CONSEFUENCE, THE PETITIONER SHOULD 5E HELD LIA5LE UNDER THE PRINCIPLE OF NATURAL JUSTICEC III. THE HONORA5LE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED IN ADOPTIN- THE ENTIRE RECORDS OF THE RE-IONAL TRIAL COURT AND AFFIR/IN- THE JUD-/ENT APPEALED FRO/, AS THE FINDIN-S OF THE RE-IONAL TRIAL COURT AERE 5ASED ON A /ISAPPREHENSION OF FACTSC IV. THE HONORA5LE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED IN DECLARIN- THAT THE CITED DECISION IN SALUDARES VS. /ARTINEE, )+ SCRA .1*, UPHOLDIN- THE LIA5ILITG OF AN E/PLOGER FOR ACTS CO//ITTED 5G AN E/PLOGEE IS APPLICA5LEC V. THE HONORA5LE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED IN UPHOLDIN- THE DECISION OF THE LOAER COURT THAT HEREIN PETITIONER 5ANK IS JOINTLG AND SEVERALLG LIA5LE AITH THE OTHER DEFENDANTS FOR THE A/OUNT OF P)<<,<<<.<< REPRESENTIN- THE SAVIN-S ACCOUNT DEPOSIT, P*<,<<<.<< FOR /ORAL DA/A-ES, P*<,<<<.<< FOR EHE/PLARG DA/A-ES, P1<,<<<.<< FOR ATTORNEGS FEES AND THE COSTS OF SUIT.?%% P!i"ate !espon(ent i'e( his Co33ent on Septe34e! );, %++1. Petitione! i'e( its Rep'0 the!eto on Septe34e! )*, %++*. The Co&!t then !e:&i!e( p!i"ate !espon(ent to s&43it a !eBoin(e! to the !ep'0. Ho#e"e!, sai( !eBoin(e! #as i'e( on'0 on Ap!i' )%,

%++., (&e to petitione!s (e'a0 in &!nishin2 p!i"ate !espon(ent #ith $op0 o the !ep'0?%) an( se"e!a' s&4stit&tions o $o&nse' on the pa!t o p!i"ate !espon(ent.%; On Jan&a!0 %., )<<%, the Co&!t !eso'"e( to 2i"e (&e $o&!se to the petition an( !e:&i!e( the pa!ties to s&43it thei! !espe$ti"e 3e3o!an(a. %1 Petitione! i'e( its 3e3o!an(&3 on Ap!i' %>, )<<% #hi'e p!i"ate !espon(ent s&43itte( his 3e3o!an(&3 on /a!$h )), )<<%. Petitione! $onten(s that the t!ansa$tion 4et#een p!i"ate !espon(ent an( Do!oni''a is a si3p'e 'oan 8mutuum9 sin$e a'' the e'e3ents o a mutuum a!e p!esent: i!st, #hat #as (e'i"e!e( 40 p!i"ate !espon(ent to Do!oni''a #as 3one0, a $ons&3a4'e thin2C an( se$on(, the t!ansa$tion #as one!o&s as Do!oni''a #as o4'i2e( to pa0 inte!est, as e"i(en$e( 40 the $he$6 iss&e( 40 Do!oni''a in the a3o&nt o P)%),<<<.<<, o! P%),<<< 3o!e than #hat p!i"ate !espon(ent (eposite( in Ste!e'as 4an6 a$$o&nt.?%* /o!eo"e!, the a$t that p!i"ate !espon(ent s&e( his 2oo( !ien( San$he7 o! his ai'&!e to !e$o"e! his 3one0 !o3 Do!oni''a sho#s that the t!ansa$tion #as not 3e!e'0 2!at&ito&s 4&t ha( a 4&siness an2'e to it. Hen$e, petitione! a!2&es that it $annot 4e he'( 'ia4'e o! the !et&!n o p!i"ate !espon(ents P)<<,<<<.<< 4e$a&se it is not p!i"0 to the t!ansa$tion 4et#een the 'atte! an( Do!oni''a.%> It a!2&es &!the! that petitione!s Assistant /ana2e!, /!. R& o Atien7a, $o&'( not 4e a&'te( o! a''o#in2 Do!oni''a to #ith(!a# !o3 the sa"in2s a$$o&nt o Ste!e'a sin$e the 'atte! #as the so'e p!op!ieto! o sai( $o3pan0. Petitione! asse!ts that Do!oni''as /a0 @, %+.+ 'ette! a((!esse( to the 4an6, a&tho!i7in2 /!s. Vi"es an( San$he7 to open a sa"in2s a$$o&nt o! Ste!e'a, (i( not $ontain an0 a&tho!i7ation o! these t#o to #ith(!a# !o3 sai( a$$o&nt. Hen$e, the a&tho!it0 to #ith(!a# the!e !o3 !e3aine( eD$'&si"e'0 #ith Do!oni''a, #ho #as the so'e p!op!ieto! o Ste!e'a, an( #ho a'one ha( 'e2a' tit'e to the sa"in2s a$$o&nt.%. Petitione! points o&t that no e"i(en$e othe! than the testi3onies o p!i"ate !espon(ent an( /!s. Vi"es #as p!esente( (&!in2 t!ia' to p!o"e that p!i"ate !espon(ent (eposite( hisP)<<,<<<.<< in Ste!e'as a$$o&nt o! p&!poses o its in$o!po!ation. ?%@ Hen$e, petitione! sho&'( not 4e he'( 'ia4'e o! a''o#in2 Do!oni''a to #ith(!a# !o3 Ste!e'as sa"in2s a$$o&nt. Petitione! a'so asse!ts that the Co&!t o Appea's e!!e( in a i!3in2 the t!ia' $o&!ts (e$ision sin$e the in(in2s o a$t the!ein #e!e not a$$o!( #ith the e"i(en$e p!esente( 40 petitione! (&!in2 t!ia' to p!o"e that the t!ansa$tion 4et#een p!i"ate !espon(ent an( Do!oni''a #as a mutuum, an( that it $o33itte( no #!on2 in a''o#in2 Do!oni''a to #ith(!a# !o3 Ste!e'as sa"in2s a$$o&nt. %+ Fina''0, petitione! $'ai3s that sin$e the!e is no #!on2 &' a$t o! o3ission on its pa!t, it is not 'ia4'e o! the a$t&a' (a3a2es s& e!e( 40 p!i"ate !espon(ent, an( neithe! 3a0 it 4e he'( 'ia4'e o! 3o!a' an( eDe3p'a!0 (a3a2es as #e'' as atto!ne0s ees.?)< P!i"ate !espon(ent, on the othe! han(, a!2&es that the t!ansa$tion 4et#een hi3 an( Do!oni''a is not a mutuum 4&t an a$$o33o(ation,?)% sin$e he (i( not a$t&a''0 pa!t #ith the o#ne!ship o his P)<<,<<<.<< an( in a$t as6e( his #i e to (eposit sai( a3o&nt in the a$$o&nt o Ste!e'a so that a $e!ti i$ation $an 4e iss&e( to the e e$t that Ste!e'a ha( s& i$ient &n(s o! p&!poses o its in$o!po!ation 4&t at the sa3e ti3e, he !etaine( so3e (e2!ee o $ont!o' o"e! his 3one0 th!o&2h his #i e #ho #as 3a(e a si2nato!0 to the sa"in2s a$$o&nt an( in #hose possession the sa"in2s a$$o&nt pass4oo6 #as 2i"en.)) He 'i6e#ise asse!ts that the t!ia' $o&!t (i( not e!! in in(in2 that petitione!, Atien7as e3p'o0e!, is 'ia4'e o! the !et&!n o his 3one0. He insists that Atien7a, petitione!s assistant 3ana2e!, $onni"e( #ith Do!oni''a in (e !a&(in2 p!i"ate !espon(ent sin$e it #as Atien7a #ho a$i'itate( the openin2 o Ste!e'as $&!!ent a$$o&nt th!ee (a0s a te! /!s. Vi"es an( San$he7 opene( a sa"in2s a$$o&nt #ith petitione! o! sai( $o3pan0, as #e'' as the app!o"a' o the a&tho!it0 to (e4it Ste!e'as sa"in2s a$$o&nt to $o"e! an0 o"e!(!a#in2s in its $&!!ent a$$o&nt.); The!e is no 3e!it in the petition. At the o&tset, it 3&st 4e e3phasi7e( that on'0 :&estions o 'a# 3a0 4e !aise( in a petition o! !e"ie# i'e( #ith this Co&!t. The Co&!t has !epeate('0 he'( that it is not its &n$tion to ana'07e an( #ei2h a'' o"e! a2ain the e"i(en$e p!esente( 40 the pa!ties (&!in2 t!ia'.?)1 The Co&!ts B&!is(i$tion is in p!in$ip'e 'i3ite( to !e"ie#in2 e!!o!s o 'a# that 3i2ht ha"e 4een $o33itte( 40 the Co&!t o Appea's.)* /o!eo"e!, a$t&a' in(in2s o $o&!ts, #hen a(opte( an( $on i!3e( 40 the Co&!t o Appea's, a!e ina' an( $on$'&si"e on this Co&!t &n'ess these in(in2s a!e not s&ppo!te( 40 the e"i(en$e on !e$o!(.?)> The!e is no sho#in2 o an0 3isapp!ehension o a$ts on the pa!t o the Co&!t o Appea's in the $ase at 4a! that #o&'( !e:&i!e this Co&!t to !e"ie# an( o"e!t&!n the a$t&a' in(in2s o that $o&!t, espe$ia''0 sin$e the $on$'&sions o a$t o the Co&!t o Appea's an( the t!ia' $o&!t a!e not on'0 $onsistent 4&t a!e a'so a3p'0 s&ppo!te( 40 the e"i(en$e on !e$o!(. No e!!o! #as $o33itte( 40 the Co&!t o Appea's #hen it !&'e( that the t!ansa$tion 4et#een p!i"ate !espon(ent an( Do!oni''a #as a commodatum an( not a mutuum. A $i!$&3spe$t eDa3ination o the !e$o!(s !e"ea's that the t!ansa$tion 4et#een the3 #as a commodatum. A!ti$'e %+;; o the Ci"i' Co(e (istin2&ishes 4et#een the t#o 6in(s o 'oans in this #ise:

50 the $ont!a$t o 'oan, one o the pa!ties (e'i"e!s to anothe!, eithe! so3ethin2 not $ons&3a4'e so that the 'atte! 3a0 &se the sa3e o! a $e!tain ti3e an( !et&!n it, in #hi$h $ase the $ont!a$t is $a''e( a $o33o(at&3C o! 3one0 o! othe! $ons&3a4'e thin2, &pon the $on(ition that the sa3e a3o&nt o the sa3e 6in( an( :&a'it0 sha'' 4e pai(, in #hi$h $ase the $ont!a$t is si3p'0 $a''e( a 'oan o! 3&t&&3. Co33o(at&3 is essentia''0 2!at&ito&s. Si3p'e 'oan 3a0 4e 2!at&ito&s o! #ith a stip&'ation to pa0 inte!est. In $o33o(at&3, the 4ai'o! !etains the o#ne!ship o the thin2 'oane(, #hi'e in si3p'e 'oan, o#ne!ship passes to the 4o!!o#e!. The o!e2oin2 p!o"ision see3s to i3p'0 that i the s&4Be$t o the $ont!a$t is a $ons&3a4'e thin2, s&$h as 3one0, the $ont!a$t #o&'( 4e a mutuum. Ho#e"e!, the!e a!e so3e instan$es #he!e a commodatum 3a0 ha"e o! its o4Be$t a $ons&3a4'e thin2. A!ti$'e %+;> o the Ci"i' Co(e p!o"i(es: Cons&3a4'e 2oo(s 3a0 4e the s&4Be$t o $o33o(at&3 i the p&!pose o the $ont!a$t is not the $ons&3ption o the o4Be$t, as #hen it is 3e!e'0 o! eDhi4ition. Th&s, i $ons&3a4'e 2oo(s a!e 'oane( on'0 o! p&!poses o eDhi4ition, o! #hen the intention o the pa!ties is to 'en( $ons&3a4'e 2oo(s an( to ha"e the "e!0 sa3e 2oo(s !et&!ne( at the en( o the pe!io( a2!ee( &pon, the 'oan is acommodatum an( not a mutuum. The !&'e is that the intention o the pa!ties the!eto sha'' 4e a$$o!(e( p!i3o!(ia' $onsi(e!ation in (ete!3inin2 the a$t&a' $ha!a$te! o a $ont!a$t.). In $ase o (o&4t, the $onte3po!aneo&s an( s&4se:&ent a$ts o the pa!ties sha'' 4e $onsi(e!e( in s&$h (ete!3ination.?)@ As $o!!e$t'0 pointe( o&t 40 4oth the Co&!t o Appea's an( the t!ia' $o&!t, the e"i(en$e sho#s that p!i"ate !espon(ent a2!ee( to (eposit his 3one0 in the sa"in2s a$$o&nt o Ste!e'a spe$i i$a''0 o! the p&!pose o 3a6in2 it appea! that sai( i!3 ha( s& i$ient $apita'i7ation o! in$o!po!ation, #ith the p!o3ise that the a3o&nt sha'' 4e !et&!ne( #ithin thi!t0 8;<9 (a0s. )+ P!i"ate !espon(ent 3e!e'0 a$$o33o(ate( Do!oni''a 40 'en(in2 his 3one0 #itho&t $onsi(e!ation, as a a"o! to his 2oo( !ien( San$he7. It #as ho#e"e! $'ea! to the pa!ties to the t!ansa$tion that the 3one0 #o&'( not 4e !e3o"e( !o3 Ste!e'as sa"in2s a$$o&nt an( #o&'( 4e !et&!ne( to p!i"ate !espon(ent a te! thi!t0 8;<9 (a0s. Do!oni''as atte3pts to !et&!n to p!i"ate !espon(ent the a3o&nt o P)<<,<<<.<< #hi$h the 'atte! (eposite( in Ste!e'as a$$o&nt to2ethe! #ith an a((itiona' P%),<<<.<<, a''e2e('0 !ep!esentin2 inte!est on the mutuum, (i( not $on"e!t the t!ansa$tion !o3 a commodatum into a mutuum 4e$a&se s&$h #as not the intent o the pa!ties an( 4e$a&se the a((itiona' P%),<<<.<< $o!!espon(s to the !&its o the 'en(in2 o the P)<<,<<<.<<. A!ti$'e %+;* o the Ci"i' Co(e eDp!ess'0 states that ?tIhe 4ai'ee in commodatum a$:&i!es the &se o the thin2 'oane( 4&t not its !&its. Hen$e, it #as on'0 p!ope! o! Do!oni''a to !e3it to p!i"ate !espon(ent the inte!est a$$!&in2 to the 'atte!s 3one0 (eposite( #ith petitione!. Neithe! (oes the Co&!t a2!ee #ith petitione!s $ontention that it is not so'i(a!i'0 'ia4'e o! the !et&!n o p!i"ate !espon(ents 3one0 4e$a&se it #as not p!i"0 to the t!ansa$tion 4et#een Do!oni''a an( p!i"ate !espon(ent. The nat&!e o sai( t!ansa$tion, that is, #hethe! it is a mutuum o! a commodatum, has no 4ea!in2 on the :&estion o petitione!s 'ia4i'it0 o! the !et&!n o p!i"ate !espon(ents 3one0 4e$a&se the a$t&a' $i!$&3stan$es o the $ase $'ea!'0 sho# that petitione!, th!o&2h its e3p'o0ee /!. Atien7a, #as pa!t'0 !esponsi4'e o! the 'oss o p!i"ate !espon(ents 3one0 an( is 'ia4'e o! its !estit&tion. Petitione!s !&'es o! sa"in2s (eposits #!itten on the pass4oo6 it iss&e( /!s. Vi"es on 4eha' o Ste!e'a o! Sa"in2s A$$o&nt No. %<,%*>. eDp!ess'0 states that ). Deposits an( #ith(!a#a's 3&st 4e 3a(e 40 the (eposito! pe!sona''0 o! &pon his #!itten a&tho!it0 (&'0 a&thenti$ate(, an( 'e*+,er a -e.o/*+ 'or a (*+,-ra(a0 (*00 be .er1*++e- e23e.+ u.o' +,e .ro-u3+*o' o4 +,e -e.o/*+or /a5*'6/ ba'7 boo7 in #hi$h #i'' 4e ente!e( 40 the 5an6 the a3o&nt (eposite( o! #ith(!a#n.?;< Sai( !&'e not#ithstan(in2, Do!oni''a #as pe!3itte( 40 petitione!, th!o&2h Atien7a, the Assistant 5!an$h /ana2e! o! the 5&en(ia 5!an$h o petitione!, to #ith(!a# the!e !o3 e"en #itho&t p!esentin2 the pass4oo6 8#hi$h Atien7a "e!0 #e'' 6ne# #as

in the possession o /!s. Vi"es9, not B&st on$e, 4&t se"e!a' ti3es. 5oth the Co&!t o Appea's an( the t!ia' $o&!t o&n( that Atien7a a''o#e( sai( #ith(!a#a's 4e$a&se he #as pa!t0 to Do!oni''as s$he3e o (e !a&(in2 p!i"ate !espon(ent: HHH 5&t the s$he3e $o&'( not ha"e 4een eDe$&te( s&$$ess &''0 #itho&t the 6no#'e(2e, he'p an( $oope!ation o R& o Atien7a, assistant 3ana2e! an( $ashie! o the /a6ati 85&en(ia9 4!an$h o the (e en(ant 4an6. In(ee(, the e"i(en$e in(i$ates that Atien7a ha( not on'0 a$i'itate( the $o33ission o the !a&( 4&t he 'i6e#ise he'pe( in (e"isin2 the 3eans 40 #hi$h it $an 4e (one in s&$h 3anne! as to 3a6e it appea! that the t!ansa$tion #as in a$$o!(an$e #ith 4an6in2 p!o$e(&!e. To 4e2in #ith, the (eposit #as 3a(e in (e en(ants 5&en(ia 4!an$h p!e$ise'0 4e$a&se Atien7a #as a 6e0 o i$e! the!ein. The !e$o!(s sho# that p'ainti ha( s&22este( that the P)<<,<<<.<< 4e (eposite( in his 4an6, the /ani'a 5an6in2 Co!po!ation, 4&t Do!oni''a an( D&3a2pi insiste( that it 3&st 4e in (e en(ants 4!an$h in /a6ati o! it #i'' 4e easie! o! the3 to 2et a $e!ti i$ation. In a$t 4e o!e he #as int!o(&$e( to p'ainti , Do!oni''a ha( a'!ea(0 p!epa!e( a 'ette! a((!esse( to the 5&en(ia 4!an$h 3ana2e! a&tho!i7in2 An2e'es 5. San$he7 an( $o3pan0 to open a sa"in2s a$$o&nt o! Ste!e'a in the a3o&nt o P)<<,<<<.<<, as pe! $oo!(ination #ith /!. R& o Atien7a, Assistant /ana2e! o the 5an6 D D D 8EDh. %9. This is a $'ea! 3ani estation that the othe! (e en(ants ha( 4een in $ons&'tation #ith Atien7a !o3 the in$eption o the s$he3e. Si2ni i$ant'0, the!e #e!e testi3onies an( a(3ission that Atien7a is the 4!othe!,in,'a# o a $e!tain Ro3eo /i!aso', a !ien( an( 4&siness asso$iate o Do!oni''a. Then the!e is the 3atte! o the o#ne!ship o the &n(. 5e$a&se o the $oo!(ination 4et#een Do!oni''a an( Atien7a, the 'atte! 6ne# 4e o!e han( that the 3one0 (eposite( (i( not 4e'on2 to Do!oni''a no! to Ste!e'a. Asi(e !o3 s&$h o!e6no#'e(2e, he #as eDp'i$it'0 to'( 40 Ino$en$ia Vi"es that the 3one0 4e'on2e( to he! an( he! h&s4an( an( the (eposit #as 3e!e'0 to a$$o33o(ate Do!oni''a. Atien7a e"en (e$'a!e( that the 3one0 $a3e !o3 /!s. Vi"es. A'tho&2h the sa"in2s a$$o&nt #as in the na3e o Ste!e'a, the 4an6 !e$o!(s (is$'ose that the on'0 ones e3po#e!e( to #ith(!a# the sa3e #e!e Ino$en$ia Vi"es an( An2e'es 5. San$he7. In the si2nat&!e $a!( pe!tainin2 to this a$$o&nt 8EDh. J9, the a&tho!i7e( si2nato!ies #e!e Ino$en$ia Vi"es J=o! An2e'es 5. San$he7. Atien7a state( that it is the &s&a' 4an6in2 p!o$e(&!e that #ith(!a#a's o sa"in2s (eposits $o&'( on'0 4e 3a(e 40 pe!sons #hose a&tho!i7e( si2nat&!es a!e in the si2nat&!e $a!(s on i'e #ith the 4an6. He, ho#e"e!, sai( that this p!o$e(&!e #as not o''o#e( he!e 4e$a&se Ste!e'a #as o#ne( 40 Do!oni''a. He eDp'aine( that Do!oni''a ha( the &'' a&tho!it0 to #ith(!a# 40 "i!t&e o s&$h o#ne!ship. The Co&!t is not in$'ine( to a2!ee #ith Atien7a. In the i!st p'a$e, he #as a'' the ti3e a#a!e that the 3one0 $a3e !o3 Vi"es an( (i( not 4e'on2 to Ste!e'a. He #as a'so to'( 40 /!s. Vi"es that the0 #e!e on'0 a$$o33o(atin2 Do!oni''a so that a $e!ti i$ation $an 4e iss&e( to the e e$t that Ste!e'a ha( a (eposit o so 3&$h a3o&nt to 4e s&e( in the in$o!po!ation o the i!3. In the se$on( p'a$e, the si2nat&!e o Do!oni''a #as not a&tho!i7e( in so a! as that a$$o&nt is $on$e!ne( inas3&$h as he ha( not si2ne( the si2nat&!e $a!( p!o"i(e( 40 the 4an6 #hene"e! a (eposit is opene(. In the thi!( p'a$e, neithe! /!s. Vi"es no! San$he7 ha( 2i"en Do!oni''a the a&tho!it0 to #ith(!a#. /o!eo"e!, the t!ans e! o &n( #as (one #itho&t the pass4oo6 ha"in2 4een p!esente(. It is an a$$epte( p!a$ti$e that #hene"e! a #ith(!a#a' is 3a(e in a sa"in2s (eposit, the 4an6 !e:&i!es the p!esentation o the pass4oo6. In this $ase, s&$h !e$o2ni7e( p!a$ti$e #as (ispense( #ith. The t!ans e! !o3 the sa"in2s a$$o&nt to the $&!!ent a$$o&nt #as #itho&t the s&43ission o the pass4oo6 #hi$h Atien7a ha( 2i"en to /!s. Vi"es. Instea(, it #as 3a(e to appea! in a $e!ti i$ation si2ne( 40 Est!e''a D&3a2pi that a (&p'i$ate pass4oo6 #as iss&e( to Ste!e'a 4e$a&se the o!i2ina' pass4oo6 ha( 4een s&!!en(e!e( to the /a6ati 4!an$h in "ie# o a 'oan a$$o33o(ation assi2nin2 the sa"in2s a$$o&nt 8EDh. C9. Atien7a, #ho &n(o&4te('0 ha( a han( in the eDe$&tion o this $e!ti i$ation, #as a#a!e that the $ontents o the sa3e a!e not t!&e. He 6ne# that the pass4oo6 #as in the han(s o /!s. Vi"es o! he #as the one #ho 2a"e it to he!. 5esi(es, as assistant 3ana2e! o the 4!an$h an( the 4an6 o i$ia' se!"i$in2 the sa"in2s an( $&!!ent a$$o&nts in :&estion, he a'so #as a#a!e that the o!i2ina' pass4oo6 #as ne"e! s&!!en(e!e(. He #as a'so $o2ni7ant that Est!e''a D&3a2pi #as not a3on2 those a&tho!i7e( to #ith(!a# so he! $e!ti i$ation ha( no e e$t #hatsoe"e!. The $i!$&3stan$e s&!!o&n(in2 the openin2 o the $&!!ent a$$o&nt a'so (e3onst!ate that Atien7as a$ti"e pa!ti$ipation in the pe!pet!ation o the !a&( an( (e$eption that $a&se( the 'oss. The !e$o!(s in(i$ate that this a$$o&nt #as opene( th!ee (a0s 'ate! a te! the P)<<,<<<.<< #as (eposite(. In spite o his (is$'ai3e!, the Co&!t 4e'ie"es that Atien7a #as 3in( &' an( poste( !e2a!(in2 the openin2 o the $&!!ent a$$o&nt $onsi(e!in2 that Do!oni''a #as a'' the #hi'e in $oo!(ination #ith hi3. That it #as he #ho a$i'itate( the app!o"a' o the a&tho!it0 to (e4it the sa"in2s a$$o&nt to $o"e! an0 o"e!(!a#in2s in the $&!!ent a$$o&nt 8EDh. )9 is not ha!( to $o3p!ehen(. C'ea!'0 Atien7a ha( $o33itte( #!on2 &' a$ts that ha( !es&'te( to the 'oss s&4Be$t o this $ase. D D D. ;%

Un(e! A!ti$'e )%@< o the Ci"i' Co(e, e3p'o0e!s sha'' 4e he'( p!i3a!i'0 an( so'i(a!i'0 'ia4'e o! (a3a2es $a&se( 40 thei! e3p'o0ees a$tin2 #ithin the s$ope o thei! assi2ne( tas6s. To ho'( the e3p'o0e! 'ia4'e &n(e! this p!o"ision, it 3&st 4e sho#n that an e3p'o0e!,e3p'o0ee !e'ationship eDists, an( that the e3p'o0ee #as a$tin2 #ithin the s$ope o his assi2ne( tas6 #hen the a$t $o3p'aine( o #as $o33itte(.;) Case 'a# in the Unite( States o A3e!i$a has it that a $o!po!ation that ent!&sts a 2ene!a' (&t0 to its e3p'o0ee is !esponsi4'e to the inB&!e( pa!t0 o! (a3a2es 'o#in2 !o3 the e3p'o0ees #!on2 &' a$t (one in the $o&!se o his 2ene!a' a&tho!it0, e"en tho&2h in (oin2 s&$h a$t, the e3p'o0ee 3a0 ha"e ai'e( in its (&t0 to the e3p'o0e! an( (iso4e0e( the 'atte!s inst!&$tions.?;; The!e is no (isp&te that Atien7a #as an e3p'o0ee o petitione!. F&!the!3o!e, petitione! (i( not (en0 that Atien7a #as a$tin2 #ithin the s$ope o his a&tho!it0 as Assistant 5!an$h /ana2e! #hen he assiste( Do!oni''a in #ith(!a#in2 &n(s !o3 Ste!e'as Sa"in2s A$$o&nt No. %<,%*>., in #hi$h a$$o&nt p!i"ate !espon(ents 3one0 #as (eposite(, an( in t!ans e!!in2 the 3one0 #ith(!a#n to Ste!e'as C&!!ent A$$o&nt #ith petitione!. Atien7as a$ts o he'pin2 Do!oni''a, a $&sto3e! o the petitione!, #e!e o4"io&s'0 (one in &!the!an$e o petitione!s inte!ests?;1 e"en tho&2h in the p!o$ess, Atien7a "io'ate( so3e o petitione!s !&'es s&$h as those stip&'ate( in its sa"in2s a$$o&nt pass4oo6.;* It #as esta4'ishe( that the t!ans e! o &n(s !o3 Ste!e'as sa"in2s a$$o&nt to its $&!!ent a$$o&nt $o&'( not ha"e 4een a$$o3p'ishe( 40 Do!oni''a #itho&t the in"a'&a4'e assistan$e o Atien7a, an( that it #as thei! $onni"an$e #hi$h #as the $a&se o p!i"ate !espon(ents 'oss. The o!e2oin2 sho#s that the Co&!t o Appea's $o!!e$t'0 he'( that &n(e! A!ti$'e )%@< o the Ci"i' Co(e, petitione! is 'ia4'e o! p!i"ate !espon(ents 'oss an( is so'i(a!i'0 'ia4'e #ith Do!oni''a an( D&3a2pi o! the !et&!n o theP)<<,<<<.<< sin$e it is $'ea! that petitione! ai'e( to p!o"e that it eDe!$ise( (&e (i'i2en$e to p!e"ent the &na&tho!i7e( #ith(!a#a's !o3 Ste!e'as sa"in2s a$$o&nt, an( that it #as not ne2'i2ent in the se'e$tion an( s&pe!"ision o Atien7a. A$$o!(in2'0, no e!!o! #as $o33itte( 40 the appe''ate $o&!t in the a#a!( o a$t&a', 3o!a' an( eDe3p'a!0 (a3a2es, atto!ne0s ees an( $osts o s&it to p!i"ate !espon(ent. 8#EREFORE, the petition is he!e40 DENIED. The assai'e( De$ision an( Reso'&tion o the Co&!t o Appea's a!e AFFIR/ED. SO ORDERED. G.R. No. %94:240 No5e1ber 3, 1939

; RG R$" <U$N"OS a'- NGE% . NS %DO, Plaintiffs-Appellants, "s. BEC!, Defendant-Appellee.

$;PER$ %, J.: $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 The p'ainti 4!o&2ht this a$tion to $o3pe' the (e en(ant to !et&!n he! $e!tain &!nit&!e #hi$h she 'ent hi3 o! his &se. She appea'e( !o3 the B&(23ent o the Co&!t o Fi!st Instan$e o /ani'a #hi$h o!(e!e( that the (e en(ant !et&!n to he! the th!ee has heate!s an( the o&! e'e$t!i$ 'a3ps o&n( in the possession o the She!i o sai( $it0, that she $a'' o! the othe! &!nit&!e !o3 the sai( she!i o /ani'a at he! o#n eDpense, an( that the ees #hi$h the She!i 3a0 $ha!2e o! the (eposit o the &!nit&!e 4e pai( pro rata 40 4oth pa!ties, #itho&t p!ono&n$e3ent as to the $osts.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 The (e en(ant #as a tenant o the p'ainti an( as s&$h o$$&pie( the 'atte!Ks ho&se on /. H. (e' Pi'a! st!eet, No. %%.*. On Jan&a!0 %1, %+;>, &pon the no"ation o the $ont!a$t o 'ease 4et#een the p'ainti an( the (e en(ant, the o!3e! 2!at&ito&s'0 2!ante( to the 'atte! the &se o the &!nit&!e (es$!i4e( in the thi!( pa!a2!aph o the stip&'ation o a$ts, s&4Be$t to the $on(ition that the (e en(ant #o&'( !et&!n the3 to the p'ainti &pon the 'atte!Ks (e3an(. The p'ainti so'( the p!ope!t0 to /a!ia Lope7 an( Rosa!io Lope7 an( on Septe34e! %1, %+;>, these th!ee noti ie( the (e en(ant o the $on"e0an$e, 2i"in2 hi3 siDt0 (a0s to "a$ate the p!e3ises &n(e! one o the $'a&ses o the $ont!a$t o 'ease. The!e a te! the p'ainti !e:&i!e( the (e en(ant to !et&!n a'' the &!nit&!e t!ans e!!e( to hi3 o! the3 in the ho&se #he!e the0 #e!e o&n(. On No"e34e! *, %+;>, the (e en(ant, th!o&2h anothe! pe!son, #!ote to the p'ainti !eite!atin2 that she 3a0 $a'' o! the &!nit&!e in the 2!o&n( 'oo! o the ho&se. On the .th o the sa3e 3onth, the (e en(ant #!ote anothe! 'ette! to the p'ainti in o!3in2 he! that he $o&'( not 2i"e &p the th!ee 2as heate!s an( the o&! e'e$t!i$ 'a3ps 4e$a&se he #o&'( &se the3 &nti' the %*th o the sa3e 3onth #hen the 'ease in (&e to eDpi!e. The p'ainti !e &se( to 2et the &!nit&!e in "ie# o the a$t that the (e en(ant ha( (e$'ine( to 3a6e (e'i"e!0 o a'' o the3. On No"e34e! %*th, 4e o!e "a$atin2 the ho&se, the (e en(ant (eposite( #ith the She!i a'' the &!nit&!e 4e'on2in2 to the p'ainti an( the0 a!e no# on (eposit in the #a!eho&se sit&ate( at No. %*)%, Ri7a' A"en&e, in the $&sto(0 o the sai( she!i .$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0

In thei! se"en assi2ne( e!!o!s the p'ainti s $onten( that the t!ia' $o&!t in$o!!e$t'0 app'ie( the 'a#: in ho'(in2 that the0 "io'ate( the $ont!a$t 40 not $a''in2 o! a'' the &!nit&!e on No"e34e! *, %+;>, #hen the (e en(ant p'a$e( the3 at thei! (isposa'C in not o!(e!in2 the (e en(ant to pa0 the3 the "a'&e o the &!nit&!e in $ase the0 a!e not (e'i"e!e(C in ho'(in2 that the0 sho&'( 2et a'' the &!nit&!e !o3 the She!i at thei! eDpensesC in o!(e!in2 the3 to pa0,ha' o the eDpenses $'ai3e( 40 the She!i o! the (eposit o the &!nit&!eC in !&'in2 that 4oth pa!ties sho&'( pa0 thei! !espe$ti"e 'e2a' eDpenses o! the $ostsC an( in (en0in2 pa0 thei! !espe$ti"e 'e2a' eDpenses o! the $ostsC an( in (en0in2 the 3otions o! !e$onsi(e!ation an( ne# t!ia'. To (ispose o the $ase, it is on'0 ne$essa!0 to (e$i(e #hethe! the (e en(ant $o3p'ie( #ith his o4'i2ation to !et&!n the &!nit&!e &pon the p'ainti Ks (e3an(C #hethe! the 'atte! is 4o&n( to 4ea! the (eposit ees the!eo , an( #hethe! she is entit'e( to the $osts o 'iti2ation.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 The $ont!a$t ente!e( into 4et#een the pa!ties is one o commadatum, 4e$a&se &n(e! it the p'ainti 2!at&ito&s'0 2!ante( the &se o the &!nit&!e to the (e en(ant, !ese!"in2 o! he!se' the o#ne!ship the!eo C 40 this $ont!a$t the (e en(ant 4o&n( hi3se' to !et&!n the &!nit&!e to the p'ainti , &pon the 'atte!s (e3an( 8$'a&se . o the $ont!a$t, EDhi4it AC a!ti$'es %.1<, pa!a2!aph %, an( %.1% o the Ci"i' Co(e9. The o4'i2ation "o'&nta!i'0 ass&3e( 40 the (e en(ant to !et&!n the &!nit&!e &pon the p'ainti Ks (e3an(, 3eans that he sho&'( !et&!n a'' o the3 to the p'ainti at the 'atte!Ks !esi(en$e o! ho&se. The (e en(ant (i( not $o3p'0 #ith this o4'i2ation #hen he 3e!e'0 p'a$e( the3 at the (isposa' o the p'ainti , !etainin2 o! his 4ene it the th!ee 2as heate!s an( the o&! e'et!i$ 'a3ps. The p!o"isions o a!ti$'e %%>+ o the Ci"i' Co(e $ite( 40 $o&nse' o! the pa!ties a!e not s:&a!e'0 app'i$a4'e. The t!ia' $o&!t, the!e o!e, e!!e( #hen it $a3e to the 'e2a' $on$'&sion that the p'ainti ai'e( to $o3p'0 #ith he! o4'i2ation to 2et the &!nit&!e #hen the0 #e!e o e!e( to he!.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 As the (e en(ant ha( "o'&nta!i'0 &n(e!ta6en to !et&!n a'' the &!nit&!e to the p'ainti , &pon the 'atte!Ks (e3an(, the Co&!t $o&'( not 'e2a''0 $o3pe' he! to 4ea! the eDpenses o$$asione( 40 the (eposit o the &!nit&!e at the (e en(antKs 4ehest. The 'atte!, as 4ai'ee, #as not entit'e( to p'a$e the &!nit&!e on (epositC no! #as the p'ainti &n(e! a (&t0 to a$$ept the o e! to !et&!n the &!nit&!e, 4e$a&se the (e en(ant #ante( to !etain the th!ee 2as heate!s an( the o&! e'e$t!i$ 'a3ps.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 As to the "a'&e o the &!nit&!e, #e (o not 4e'ie"e that the p'ainti is entit'e( to the pa03ent the!eo 40 the (e en(ant in $ase o his ina4i'it0 to !et&!n so3e o the &!nit&!e 4e$a&se &n(e! pa!a2!aph > o the stip&'ation o a$ts, the (e en(ant has neithe! a2!ee( to no! a(3itte( the $o!!e$tness o the sai( "a'&e. Sho&'( the (e en(ant ai' to (e'i"e! so3e o the &!nit&!e, the "a'&e the!eo sho&'( 4e 'atte! (ete!3ine( 40 the t!ia' Co&!t th!o&2h e"i(en$e #hi$h the pa!ties 3a0 (esi!e to p!esent.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 The $osts in 4oth instan$es sho&'( 4e 4o!ne 40 the (e en(ant 4e$a&se the p'ainti is the p!e"ai'in2 pa!t0 8se$tion 1@. o the Co(e o Ci"i' P!o$e(&!e9. The (e en(ant #as the one #ho 4!ea$he( the $ont!a$t o commodatum, an( #itho&t an0 !eason he !e &se( to !et&!n an( (e'i"e! a'' the &!nit&!e &pon the p'ainti Ks (e3an(. In these $i!$&3stan$es, it is B&st an( e:&ita4'e that he pa0 the 'e2a' eDpenses an( othe! B&(i$ia' $osts #hi$h the p'ainti #o&'( not ha"e othe!#ise (e !a0e(.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 The appea'e( B&(23ent is 3o(i ie( an( the (e en(ant is o!(e!e( to !et&!n an( (e'i"e! to the p'ainti , in the !esi(en$e to !et&!n an( (e'i"e! to the p'ainti , in the !esi(en$e o! ho&se o the 'atte!, a'' the &!nit&!e (es$!i4e( in pa!a2!aph ; o the stip&'ation o a$ts EDhi4it A. The eDpenses #hi$h 3a0 4e o$$asione( 40 the (e'i"e!0 to an( (eposit o the &!nit&!e #ith the She!i sha'' 4e o! the a$$o&nt o the (e en(ant. the (e en(ant sha'' pa0 the $osts in 4oth instan$es. So o!(e!e(.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 Avancea, C.J., Villa-Real, Laurel, Concepcio G.R. No. =0294 ;ar3, 23, 1990 C "#O%$C >$C R POS"O%$C OF "#E ;OUN" $N PRO>$NCE, Petitioner, "s. COUR" OF PPE %S, #E$RS OF EG;$D$O OC" >$ NO a'- ?U N > %DE@, Respondents.


5e o!e the Co&!t a!e a 3otion o! !e$onsi(e!ation an( a s&pp'e3enta' 3otion o! !e$onsi(e!ation i'e( 40 petitione! !e'atin2 to the (e$ision o the Co&!t (ate( Septe34e! )%, %+@@. The $o33ent an( opposition the!eto ha"e 4een i'e( 40 the p!i"ate !espon(ents an( a !ep'0 #as i'e( 40 petitione!.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 Petitione! a!2&es that the in(in2s o a$ts o the Co&!t o Appea's in CA,-.R. No. ;@@;<,R a!e: 8%9 $ont!a!0 to the 'a#C 8)9 $ont!a!0 to the in(in2s o the t!ia' $o&!tC 8;9 $ont!a!0 to the in(in2s o the Co&!t o Appea's in CA,-.R. No. <@@+<,RC 819 $ont!a!0 to the a(3issions o the pa!tiesC an( 8*9 4ase( on a $'ea! 3isapp!ehension o histo!i$a' an( e$$'esiasti$a' a$ts 3a(e o B&(i$ia' noti$e, #hi$h a!e #e'' #ithin the eD$eptions $onsistent'0 a(he!e( to 40 this Co&!t as in Republic vs. Court of Appeals. 1 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 The Co&!t in(s no 3e!it in this $ontention. The sai( (e$ision o the Co&!t o Appea's (ate( /a0 1, %+.. in CA,-.R. No. ;@@;<, R #as a'!ea(0 e'e"ate( to this Co&!t 40 petitione! th!o&2h a petition o! !e"ie# in -.R. No. L,1>@;) entit'e( Catholic Vicar Apostolic of the ountain Province vs. Court of Appeals and !eirs of "#midio $ctaviano, %hile the heirs of Juan Valde& and Pacita Valde& a'so i'e( a petition o! !e"ie# o the sa3e (e$ision in this Co&!t (o$6ete( as -.R. No. L,1>@.) entit'e( !eirs of Juan Valde& and Pacita Valde& vs. CA, et al. In a 3in&te !eso'&tion (ate( Jan&a!0 %;, %+.@, this Co&!t (enie( 4oth petitions o! 'a$6 o 3e!it.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 It is in pai( petition o! !e"ie# #he!ein the petitione! sho&'( ha"e :&estione( the in(in2s o a$ts o the appe''ate $o&!t in CA, -.R. No. ;@@;<,R 4&t sin$e sai( petition ha( 4een (enie( o&t!i2ht, the a o!estate( (e$ision o the appe''ate $o&!t #hi$h has 'on2 4e$o3e ina' an( eDe$&to!0, is res 'udicata as 4et#een the pa!ties an( the in(in2s o a$ts the!ein a!e $on$'&si"e. Th&s, the a$t&a' in(in2s in sai( ina' B&(23ent $annot 4e !e"ie#e( ane# in the p!esent p!o$ee(in2s.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 The !e'e"ant :&estion that sho&'( no# 4e as6e( is, $onsi(e!in2 the a o!estate( (e$ision o the appe''ate $o&!t an( 2&i(e( 40 the in(in2s o a$ts the!ein, #ho is entit'e( to the possession o the 'ots in :&estionL Aho o#ns these 'otsL $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 CA,-.R. No. ;@@;<,R #as a 'an( !e2ist!ation $ase #he!e petitione! an( p!i"ate !espon(ents #e!e as6in2 o! $on i!3ation o thei! a''e2e( i3pe! e$t tit'es to the 'ots in :&estion &n(e! Se$tion 1+ 849 o the P&4'i$ Lan( A$t. 2 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 In the sai( (e$ision, the appe''ate $o&!t o&n( that the petitione! #as not entit'e( to $on i!3ation o its i3pe! e$t tit'e to Lots ) an( ;. In sepa!ate 3otions o! !e$onsi(e!ation i'e( 40 p!i"ate !espon(ents Hei!s o O$ta"iano an( Hei!s o J&an Va'(e7 !e'atin2 to the sa3e (e$ision, the0 a'so as6e( that sai( t#o 'ots 4e !e2iste!e( in thei! na3es. On A&2&st %), %+.., the Co&!t o Appea's (enie( 4oth 3otions. E e$ti"e'0, the!e o!e, in the sai( (e$ision the appe''ate $o&!t !&'e( that neithe! the petitione! no! the p!i"ate !espon(ents a!e entit'e( to the $on i!3ation o i3pe! e$t tit'e o"e! sai( t#o 'ots. That is no# res 'udicata.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 Ahat is the nat&!e o these t#o 'otsL P&!s&ant to the sai( (e$ision in CA,-.R. No. ;@@;<,R, the t#o 'ots in :&estion !e3aine( pa!t o the p&4'i$ 'an(s. This is the on'0 'o2i$a' $on$'&sion #hen the appe''ate $o&!t o&n( that neithe! the petitione! no! p!i"ate !espon(ents a!e entit'e( to $on i!3ation o i3pe! e$t tit'e o"e! sai( 'ots.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 Hen$e, the Co&!t in(s the $ontention o petitione! to 4e #e'' ta6en in that the t!ia' $o&!t an( the appe''ate $o&!t ha"e no 'a# &' 4asis in o!(e!in2 petitione! to !et&!n an( s&!!en(e! possession o sai( 'ots to p!i"ate !espon(ents. Sai( p!ope!t0 4ein2 a p&4'i$ 'an( its (isposition is s&4Be$t to the p!o"ision o the P&4'i$ Lan( A$t, as a3en(e(. 3 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 The p!esent a$tions that #e!e instit&te( in the Re2iona' T!ia' Co&!t 40 p!i"ate !espon(ents a!e a$tions o! !e$o"e!0 o possession 8accion publiciana9 an( not o! !e$o"e!0 o o#ne!ship 8accion reivindicatoria9.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 In the a o!estate( (e$ision o the appe''ate $o&!t in CA,-.R. No. ;@@;<,R, the o''o#in2 a!e a3on2 the in(in2s o a$ts: +th. The tota'it0 o o!e2oin2 to2ethe! #ith e"i(en$e o opposito!s 3&st $on"in$e this Co&!t that as to 'ots ) an( ;, it #as opposito!s #ho #e!e possesso!s &n(e! bona fide $'ai3 o o#ne!ship th!& thei! p!e(e$esso!s sin$e a!o&n( %+<>C an( that appe''ee $a3e in on'0 in the $on$ept o a 4o!!o#e! in commodatum, 4&t that appe''ee too6 it &pon itse' to $'ai3 an( !ep&(iate the t!&st so3eti3e in %+*%, an( sin$e !o3 that ti3e at 'east, possession o opposito!s ha( 4een inte!!&pte(, neithe! $an the0 $'ai3 !e2ist!ation &n(e! Se$. 1@, pa!. 4 o the P&4'i$ Lan( La#, Co3. A$t %1%, as a3en(e( 40 R.A. %+1)C this 3&st 4e the ina' !es&'t,

an( the!e #o&'( 4e no 3o!e nee( to !&'e on the e!!o!s i3p&2nin2 the pe!sona'it0 o appe''ee to se$&!e !e2ist!ationC 4 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 F!o3 the o!e2oin2, it appea!s that the petitione! #as in possession o the sai( p!ope!t0 as 4o!!o#e! in $o33o(at&3 !o3 p!i"ate !espon(ents sin$e %+<> 4&t in %+*% petitione! !ep&(iate( the t!&st #hen it (e$'a!e( the p!ope!t0 o! taD p&!poses &n(e! its na3e. Ahen it i'e( its app'i$ation o! !e2ist!ation o the sai( p!ope!t0 in %+>), petitione! ha( 4een in a("e!se possession o the sa3e o! at 'east %% 0ea!s. A!ti$'e *** o the Ci"i' Co(e p!o"i(es as o''o#s: A!t. ***. A possesso! 3a0 'ose his possession: 8%9 50 the a4an(on3ent o the thin2C $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 8)9 50 an assi2n3ent 3a(e to anothe! eithe! 40 one!o&s o! 2!at&ito&s tit'eC $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 8;9 50 the (est!&$tion o! tota' 'oss o the thin2 o! 4e$a&se it 2oes o&t o $o33e!$eC $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 819 50 the possession o anothe!, s&4Be$t to the p!o"isions o A!ti$'e *;., i the ne# possession has 'aste( 'on2e! than one 0ea!. (ut the real ri#ht of possession is not lost till after the lapse of ten )ears . 81><a9 8E3phasis s&pp'ie(.9 F!o3 the o!e2oin2 p!o"ision o the 'a#, pa!ti$&'a!'0 pa!a2!aph 1 the!eo , it is $'ea! that the !ea' !i2ht o possession o p!i"ate !espon(ents o"e! the p!ope!t0 #as 'ost o! no 'on2e! eDists a te! the 'apse o %< 0ea!s that petitione! ha( 4een in a("e!se possession the!eo . Th&s, the a$tion o! !e$o"e! o possession o sai( p!ope!t0 i'e( 40 p!i"ate !espon(ents a2ainst petitione! 3&st ai'.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 The Co&!t, the!e o!e, in(s that the t!ia' $o&!t an( the Co&!t o Appea's e!!e( in (e$'a!in2 the p!i"ate !espon(ents to 4e entit'e( to the possession the!eo . /&$h 'ess $an the0 p!eten( to 4e o#ne!s the!eo . Sai( 'ots a!e pa!t o the p&4'i$ (o3ain.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 AHEREFORE, the 3otion o! !e$onsi(e!ation is -RANTED an( the (e$ision o this Co&!t (ate( Septe34e! )%, %+@@ is he!e40 set asi(e an( anothe! B&(23ent is he!e40 !en(e!e( !e"e!sin2 an( settin2 asi(e the (e$ision o the appe''ate $o&!t in CA,-.R. Nos. <*%1@,1+ (ate( A&2&st ;%, %+@. an( (is3issin2 the $o3p'aints o! !e$o"e!0 o possession, #itho&t p!ono&n$e3ent as to $osts.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 SO ORDERED. G.R. No. %91B4B4 O3+ober 25, 19:2

REPUB%$C OF "#E P#$%$PP$NES, Plaintiff-Appellee, "s. ?OSE >. B G" S, (e en(ant, FE%$C$D D ;. B G" S, -1*'*/+ra+r*2 o4 +,e $'+e/+a+e E/+a+e 0e4+ by +,e 0a+e ?o/e >. Ba6+a/, petitione!,appe''ant. P D$%% , J.: $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 The Co&!t o Appea's $e!ti ie( this $ase to this Co&!t 4e$a&se on'0 :&estions o 'a# a!e !aise(.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 On @ /a0 %+1@ Jose V. 5a2tas 4o!!o#e( !o3 the Rep&4'i$ o the Phi'ippines th!o&2h the 5&!ea& o Ani3a' In(&st!0 th!ee 4&''s: a Re( Sin(hi #ith a 4oo6 "a'&e o P%,%.>.1>, a 5ha2na!i, o P%,;)<.*> an( a Sahini#a', o P.11.1>, o! a pe!io( o one 0ea! !o3 @ /a0 %+1@ to . /a0 %+1+ o! 4!ee(in2 p&!poses s&4Be$t to a 2o"e!n3ent $ha!2e o 4!ee(in2 ee o %<M o the 4oo6 "a'&e o the 4&''s. Upon the eDpi!ation on . /a0 %+1+ o the $ont!a$t, the 4o!!o#e! as6e( o! a !ene#a' o! anothe! pe!io( o one 0ea!. Ho#e"e!, the Se$!eta!0 o A2!i$&'t&!e an( Nat&!a' Reso&!$es app!o"e( a !ene#a' the!eo o on'0 one 4&'' o! anothe! 0ea! !o3 @ /a0 %+1+ to . /a0 %+*< an( !e:&este( the !et&!n o the othe! t#o. On )* /a!$h %+*< Jose V. 5a2tas #!ote to the Di!e$to! o Ani3a' In(&st!0 that he #o&'( pa0 the "a'&e o the th!ee 4&''s. On %. O$to4e! %+*< he !eite!ate( his (esi!e to 4&0 the3 at a "a'&e #ith a (e(&$tion o 0ea!'0 (ep!e$iation to 4e app!o"e( 40 the A&(ito! -ene!a'. On %+ O$to4e! %+*< the Di!e$to! o Ani3a' In(&st!0 a("ise( hi3 that the 4oo6 "a'&e o the th!ee 4&''s $o&'( not 4e !e(&$e( an( that the0 eithe! 4e !et&!ne( o! thei! 4oo6 "a'&e pai( not 'ate! than ;% O$to4e! %+*<. Jose V. 5a2tas ai'e( to pa0 the 4oo6 "a'&e o the th!ee 4&''s o! to !et&!n

the3. So, on )< De$e34e! %+*< in the Co&!t o Fi!st Instan$e o /ani'a the Rep&4'i$ o the Phi'ippines $o33en$e( an a$tion a2ainst hi3 p!a0in2 that he 4e o!(e!e( to !et&!n the th!ee 4&''s 'oane( to hi3 o! to pa0 thei! 4oo6 "a'&e in the tota' s&3 o P;,)1%.1* an( the &npai( 4!ee(in2 ee in the s&3 o P%++.>), 4oth #ith inte!ests, an( $ostsC an( that othe! B&st an( e:&ita4'e !e'ie 4e 2!ante( in 8$i"i' No. %)@%@9.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 On * J&'0 %+*% Jose V. 5a2tas, th!o&2h $o&nse' Na"a!!o, Rosete an( /ana'o, ans#e!e( that 4e$a&se o the 4a( pea$e an( o!(e! sit&ation in Ca2a0an Va''e0, pa!ti$&'a!'0 in the 4a!!io o 5a22ao, an( o the pen(in2 appea' he ha( ta6en to the Se$!eta!0 o A2!i$&'t&!e an( Nat&!a' Reso&!$es an( the P!esi(ent o the Phi'ippines !o3 the !e &sa' 40 the Di!e$to! o Ani3a' In(&st!0 to (e(&$t !o3 the 4oo6 "a'&e o the 4&''s $o!!espon(in2 0ea!'0 (ep!e$iation o @M !o3 the (ate o a$:&isition, to #hi$h (ep!e$iation the A&(ito! -ene!a' (i( not o4Be$t, he $o&'( not !et&!n the ani3a's no! pa0 thei! "a'&e an( p!a0e( o! the (is3issa' o the $o3p'aint.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 A te! hea!in2, on ;< J&'0 %+*> the t!ia' $o&!t !en(e! B&(23ent , . . . senten$in2 the 'atte! 8(e en(ant9 to pa0 the s&3 o P;,>)*.<+ the tota' "a'&e o the th!ee 4&''s p'&s the 4!ee(in2 ees in the a3o&nt o P>)>.%. #ith inte!est on 4oth s&3s o 8at9 the 'e2a' !ate !o3 the i'in2 o this $o3p'aint an( $osts. On + O$to4e! %+*@ the p'ainti 3o"e( eD pa!te o! a #!it o eDe$&tion #hi$h the $o&!t 2!ante( on %@ O$to4e! an( iss&e( on %% No"e34e! %+*@. On ) De$e34e! %+*@ 2!ante( an eD,pa!te 3otion i'e( 40 the p'ainti on No"e34e! %+*@ o! the appoint3ent o a spe$ia' she!i to se!"e the #!it o&tsi(e /ani'a. O this o!(e! appointin2 a spe$ia' she!i , on > De$e34e! %+*@, Fe'i$i(a( /. 5a2tas, the s&!"i"in2 spo&se o the (e en(ant Jose 5a2tas #ho (ie( on ); O$to4e! %+*% an( as a(3inist!at!iD o his estate, #as noti ie(. On . Jan&a!0 %+*+ she i'e a 3otion a''e2in2 that on )> J&ne %+*) the t#o 4&'' Sin(hi an( 5ha2na!i #e!e !et&!ne( to the 5&!ea& Ani3a' o In(&st!0 an( that so3eti3e in No"e34e! %+*@ the thi!( 4&'', the Sahini#a', (ie( !o3 2&nshot #o&n( in 'i$te( (&!in2 a H&6 !ai( on Ha$ien(a Fe'i$i(a( Inta', an( p!a0in2 that the #!it o eDe$&tion 4e :&ashe( an( that a #!it o p!e'i3ina!0 inB&n$tion 4e iss&e(. On ;% Jan&a!0 %+*+ the p'ainti o4Be$te( to he! 3otion. On > Fe4!&a!0 %+*+ she i'e( a !ep'0 the!eto. On the sa3e (a0, > Fe4!&a!0, the Co&!t (enie( he! 3otion. Hen$e, this appea' $e!ti ie( 40 the Co&!t o Appea's to this Co&!t as state( at the 4e2innin2 o this opinion.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 It is t!&e that on )> J&ne %+*) Jose /. 5a2tas, J!., son o the appe''ant 40 the 'ate (e en(ant, !et&!ne( the Sin(hi an( 5ha2na!i 4&''s to Ro3an Re3o!in, S&pe!inten(ent o the NV5 Station, 5&!ea& o Ani3a' In(&st!0, 5a0o34on2, N&e"a Vi7$a0a, as e"i(en$e( 40 a 3e3o!an(&3 !e$eipt si2ne( 40 the 'atte! 8EDhi4it )9. That is #h0 in its o4Be$tion o ;% Jan&a!0 %+*+ to the appe''antKs 3otion to :&ash the #!it o eDe$&tion the appe''ee p!a0s Nthat anothe! #!it o eDe$&tion in the s&3 o P@*+.*; 4e iss&e( a2ainst the estate o (e en(ant (e$ease( Jose V. 5a2tas.N She $annot 4e he'( 'ia4'e o! the t#o 4&''s #hi$h a'!ea(0 ha( 4een !et&!ne( to an( !e$ei"e( 40 the appe''ee.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 The appe''ant $onten(s that the Sahini#a' 4&'' #as a$$i(enta''0 6i''e( (&!in2 a !ai( 40 the H&6 in No"e34e! %+*; &pon the s&!!o&n(in2 4a!!ios o Ha$ien(a Fe'i$i(a( Inta', 5a22ao, Ca2a0an, #he!e the ani3a' #as 6ept, an( that as s&$h (eath #as (&e to force ma'eure she is !e'ie"e( !o3 the (&t0 o !et&!nin2 the 4&'' o! pa0in2 its "a'&e to the appe''ee. The $ontention is #itho&t 3e!it. The 'oan 40 the appe''ee to the 'ate (e en(ant Jose V. 5a2tas o the th!ee 4&''s o! 4!ee(in2 p&!poses o! a pe!io( o one 0ea! !o3 @ /a0 %+1@ to . /a0 %+1+, 'ate! on !ene#e( o! anothe! 0ea! as !e2a!(s one 4&'', #as s&4Be$t to the pa03ent 40 the 4o!!o#e! o 4!ee(in2 ee o %<M o the 4oo6 "a'&e o the 4&''s. The appe''ant $onten(s that the $ont!a$t #as commodatum an( that, o! that !eason, as the appe''ee !etaine( o#ne!ship o! tit'e to the 4&'' it sho&'( s& e! its 'oss (&e to force ma'eure. A $ont!a$t o commodatum is essentia''0 2!at&ito&s.1 I the 4!ee(in2 ee 4e $onsi(e!e( a $o3pensation, then the $ont!a$t #o&'( 4e a 'ease o the 4&''. Un(e! a!ti$'e %>.% o the Ci"i' Co(e the 'essee #o&'( 4e s&4Be$t to the !esponsi4i'ities o a possesso! in 4a( aith, 4e$a&se she ha( $ontin&e( possession o the 4&'' a te! the eDpi!0 o the $ont!a$t. An( e"en i the $ont!a$t 4ecommodatum, sti'' the appe''ant is 'ia4'e, 4e$a&se a!ti$'e %+1) o the Ci"i' Co(e p!o"i(es that a 4ai'ee in a $ont!a$t o commodatum , . . . is 'ia4'e o! 'oss o the thin2s, e"en i it sho&'( 4e th!o&2h a o!t&ito&s e"ent: $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 8)9 I he 6eeps it 'on2e! than the pe!io( stip&'ate( . . .$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 8;9 I the thin2 'oane( has 4een (e'i"e!e( #ith app!aisa' o its "a'&e, &n'ess the!e is a stip&'ation eDe3ptin2 the 4ai'ee !o3 !esponsi4i'it0 in $ase o a o!t&ito&s e"entC The o!i2ina' pe!io( o the 'oan #as !o3 @ /a0 %+1@ to . /a0 %+1+. The 'oan o one 4&'' #as !ene#e( o! anothe! pe!io( o one 0ea! to en( on @ /a0 %+*<. 5&t the appe''ant 6ept an( &se( the 4&'' &nti' No"e34e! %+*; #hen (&!in2 a H&6 !ai( it #as 6i''e(

40 st!a0 4&''ets. F&!the!3o!e, #hen 'ent an( (e'i"e!e( to the (e$ease( h&s4an( o the appe''ant the 4&''s ha( ea$h an app!aise( 4oo6 "a'&e, to #ith: the Sin(hi, at P%,%.>.1>, the 5ha2na!i at P%,;)<.*> an( the Sahini#a' at P.11.1>. It #as not stip&'ate( that in $ase o 'oss o the 4&'' (&e to o!t&ito&s e"ent the 'ate h&s4an( o the appe''ant #o&'( 4e eDe3pt !o3 'ia4i'it0.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 The appe''antKs $ontention that the (e3an( o! p!a0e! 40 the appe''ee o! the !et&!n o the 4&'' o! the pa03ent o its "a'&e 4ein2 a 3one0 $'ai3 sho&'( 4e p!esente( o! i'e( in the intestate p!o$ee(in2s o the (e en(ant #ho (ie( on ); O$to4e! %+*%, is not a'to2ethe! #itho&t 3e!it. Ho#e"e!, the $'ai3 that his $i"i' pe!sona'it0 ha"in2 $ease( to eDist the t!ia' $o&!t 'ost B&!is(i$tion o"e! the $ase a2ainst hi3, is &ntena4'e, 4e$a&se se$tion %. o R&'e ; o the R&'es o Co&!t p!o"i(es that , A te! a pa!t0 (ies an( the $'ai3 is not the!e40 eDtin2&ishe(, the $o&!t sha'' o!(e!, &pon p!ope! noti$e, the 'e2a' !ep!esentati"e o the (e$ease( to appea! an( to 4e s&4stit&te( o! the (e$ease(, #ithin a pe!io( o thi!t0 8;<9 (a0s, o! #ithin s&$h ti3e as 3a0 4e 2!ante(. . . . an( a te! the (e en(antKs (eath on ); O$to4e! %+*% his $o&nse' ai'e( to $o3p'0 #ith se$tion %> o R&'e ; #hi$h p!o"i(es that , Ahene"e! a pa!t0 to a pen(in2 $ase (ies . . . it sha'' 4e the (&t0 o his atto!ne0 to in o!3 the $o&!t p!o3pt'0 o s&$h (eath . . . an( to 2i"e the na3e an( !esi(en$e o the eDe$&to!0 a(3inist!ato!, 2&a!(ian, o! othe! 'e2a' !ep!esentati"e o the (e$ease( . . . . The noti$e 40 the p!o4ate $o&!t an( its p&4'i$ation in the Vo& de anila that Fe'i$i(a( /. 5a2tas ha( 4een iss&e 'ette!s o a(3inist!ation o the estate o the 'ate Jose 5a2tas an( that Na'' pe!sons ha"in2 $'ai3s o! 3onopo'0 a2ainst the (e$ease( Jose V. 5a2tas, a!isin2 !o3 $ont!a$t eDp!ess o! i3p'ie(, #hethe! the sa3e 4e (&e, not (&e, o! $ontin2ent, o! &ne!a' eDpenses an( eDpenses o the 'ast si$6ness o the sai( (e$e(ent, an( B&(23ent o! 3onopo'0 a2ainst hi3, to i'e sai( $'ai3s #ith the C'e!6 o this Co&!t at the Cit0 Ha'' 5'(2., Hi2h#a0 *1, F&e7on Cit0, #ithin siD 8>9 3onths !o3 the (ate o the i!st p&4'i$ation o this o!(e!, se!"in2 a $op0 the!eo &pon the a o!e3entione( Fe'i$i(a( /. 5a2tas, the appointe( a(3inist!at!iD o the estate o the sai( (e$ease(,N is not a noti$e to the $o&!t an( the appe''ee #ho #e!e to 4e noti ie( o the (e en(antKs (eath in a$$o!(an$e #ith the a4o"e,:&ote( !&'e, an( the!e #as no !eason o! s&$h ai'&!e to noti 0, 4e$a&se the atto!ne0 #ho appea!e( o! the (e en(ant #as the sa3e #ho !ep!esente( the a(3inist!at!iD in the spe$ia' p!o$ee(in2s instit&te( o! the a(3inist!ation an( sett'e3ent o his estate. The appe''ee o! its atto!ne0 o! !ep!esentati"e $o&'( not 4e eDpe$te( to 6no# o the (eath o the (e en(ant o! o the a(3inist!ation p!o$ee(in2s o his estate instit&te( in anothe! $o&!t that i the atto!ne0 o! the (e$ease( (e en(ant (i( not noti 0 the p'ainti o! its atto!ne0 o s&$h (eath as !e:&i!e( 40 the !&'e.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 As the appe''ant a'!ea(0 ha( !et&!ne( the t#o 4&''s to the appe''ee, the estate o the 'ate (e en(ant is on'0 'ia4'e o! the s&3 o P@*+.>;, the "a'&e o the 4&'' #hi$h has not 4een !et&!ne( to the appe''ee, 4e$a&se it #as 6i''e( #hi'e in the $&sto(0 o the a(3inist!at!iD o his estate. This is the a3o&nt p!a0e( o! 40 the appe''ee in its o4Be$tion on ;% Jan&a!0 %+*+ to the 3otion i'e( on . Jan&a!0 %+*+ 40 the appe''ant o! the :&ashin2 o the #!it o eDe$&tion.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 Spe$ia' p!o$ee(in2s o! the a(3inist!ation an( sett'e3ent o the estate o the (e$ease( Jose V. 5a2tas ha"in2 4een instit&te( in the Co&!t o Fi!st Instan$e o Ri7a' 8F,)<<9, the 3one0 B&(23ent !en(e!e( in a"o! o the appe''ee $annot 4e en o!$e( 40 3eans o a #!it o eDe$&tion 4&t 3&st 4e p!esente( to the p!o4ate $o&!t o! pa03ent 40 the appe''ant, the a(3inist!at!iD appointe( 40 the $o&!t.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 ACCORDIN-LG, the #!it o eDe$&tion appea'e( !o3 is set asi(e, #itho&t p!ono&n$e3ent as to $osts.$ G.R. No. 1322=4 C February 2=, 200: "E%ENG" N BRO"#ERS D SONS, $NC., Petitioner, v. UN$"ED S" "ES %$NES, $NC. a'- +,e COUR" OF PPE %S,Respondents. DECISION G RC$ , J.:

Th!& this petition o! !e"ie# on certiorari &n(e! R&'e 1* o the R&'es o Co&!t, petitione! Te'en2tan 5!othe!s J Sons, In$. 8Te'en2tan9 see6s the !e"e!sa' an( settin2 asi(e o the (e$ision% (ate( Jan&a!0 @, %++@ o the Co&!t o Appea's 8CA9 in CA-*.R. CV +o. ,-./0 #hi$h a i!3e( in toto the (e$ision (ate( Jan&a!0 %<, %+@*) o the Re2iona' T!ia' Co&!t o /ani'a, 5!an$h ;@, in(in2 petitione! 'ia4'e to !espon(ent Unite( States Lines, In$. 8U.S. Lines9 o! (e3&!!a2e an( (a3a2es. Petitione! Te'en2tan is a (o3esti$ $o!po!ation (oin2 4&siness &n(e! the na3e an( st0'e La S&e!te Ci2a! J Ci2a!ette Fa$to!0, #hi'e !espon(ent U.S. Lines is a o!ei2n $o!po!ation en2a2e( in the 4&siness o o"e!seas shippin2. D&!in2 the pe!io( 3ate!ia', the p!o"isions o the 1ar "ast Conference 2ariff +o. ,3 %ere spe$i i$a''0 3a(e app'i$a4'e to Phi'ippine $ontaine!i7e( $a!2o !o3 the U.S. an( -&' Po!ts, e e$ti"e #ith "esse's a!!i"in2 at Phi'ippine po!ts on an( a te! De$e34e! %*, %+.@. A te! that (ate, $onsi2nees #ho ai' to ta6e (e'i"e!0 o thei! $ontaine!i7e( $a!2o #ithin the %<,(a0 !ee pe!io( a!e 'ia4'e to pa0 (e3&!!a2e $ha!2es. As !e$ite( in the (e$ision &n(e! !e"ie#, the a$t&a' ante$e(ents 3a0 4e s&33a!i7e( as o''o#s:$!a:na( On J&ne )), %+@%, !espon(ent U.S. Lines i'e( a s&it a2ainst petitione! Te'en2tan see6in2 pa03ent o (e3&!!a2e $ha!2es p'&s inte!est an( (a3a2es. Do$6ete( as Ci"i' Case No. R,@%,%%+> o the Re2iona' T!ia' Co&!t o /ani'a an( !a 'e( to 5!an$h ;@ the!eo , the $o3p'aint a''e2e( that 4et#een the 0ea!s %+.+ an( %+@<, 2oo(s 4e'on2in2 to petitione! 'oa(e( on $ontaine!s a4oa!( its 8!espon(entKs9 "esse's a!!i"e( in /ani'a !o3 U.S. po!ts. A te! the %<,(a0 !ee pe!io(, petitione! sti'' ai'e( to #ith(!a# its 2oo(s !o3 the $ontaine!s #he!ein the 2oo(s ha( 4een shippe(. Contin&in2, !espon(ent U.S. Lines a''e2e( that petitione! in$&!!e( on a'' those ship3ents a (e3&!!a2e in the tota' a3o&nt o P+1,<<<.<< #hi$h the 'atte! !e &se( to pa0 (espite !epeate( (e3an(s. In its a3en(e( ans#e! #ith $o3p&'so!0 $o&nte!$'ai3, petitione! Te'en2tan, as (e en(ant a 4uo, (is$'ai3s 'ia4i'it0 o! the (e3an(e( (e3&!!a2e, a''e2in2 that it has ne"e! ente!e( into a $ont!a$t no! si2ne( an a2!ee3ent to 4e 4o&n( 40 an0 !&'e on (e3&!!a2e. It 'i6e#ise 3aintains that, a4sent an o4'i2ation to pa0 !espon(ent #ho 3a(e no p!ope! o! 'e2a' (e3an(s in the i!st p'a$e, the!e is B&sti ia4'e !eason to !e &se pa03ent o the 'atte!Ks &n#a!!ante( $'ai3s. 50 #a0 o $o&nte!$'ai3, petitione! states that, &pon a!!i"a' o the $on"e0in2 "esse's, it p!esente( the 5i''s o La(in2 85=Ls9 an( a'' othe! pe!tinent (o$&3ents $o"e!in2 se"en 8.9 ship3ents an( (e3an(e( !o3 !espon(ent (e'i"e!0 o a'' the 2oo(s $o"e!e( 40 the a o!esai( 5=Ls, on'0 to 4e in o!3e( that !espon(ent ha( a'!ea(0 &n'oa(e( the 2oo(s !o3 the $ontaine! "ans, st!ippe( the3 o thei! $ontents #hi$h $ontents #e!e then sto!e( in #a!eho&ses. Petitione! &!the! states that !espon(ent ha( !e &se( to (e'i"e! the 2oo(s $o"e!e( 40 the 5=Ls an( !e:&i!e( petitione! to pa0 the a3o&nt o P%);,.;@.<1 4e o!e the 2oo(s $an 4e !e'ease(. It th&s p!a0s that !espon(ent 4e o!(e!e( to pa0 the a o!estate( a3o&nt #ith inte!est. A te! (&e p!o$ee(in2s, the t!ia' $o&!t o&n( o! !espon(ent U.S. Lines, as p'ainti the!ein, an( a$$o!(in2'0 !en(e!e( B&(23ent, as o''o#s:$!a:na( AHEREFORE, in "ie# o a'' the o!e2oin2, the Co&!t in(s ?petitione!I 'ia4'e to ?!espon(entI o! (e3&!!a2e in$&!!e( in the a3o&nt o P++,1<@.<< #hi$h s&3 #i'' 4ea! inte!est at the 'e2a' !ate !o3 the (ate o the i'in2 o the $o3p'aint ti'' &'' pa03ent the!eo p'&s atto!ne0Ks ees in the a3o&nt o )<M o the tota' s&3 (&e, a'' o #hi$h sha'' 4e !e$o3p&te( as o the (ate o pa03ent in a$$o!(an$e #ith the p!o"isions o A!ti$'e %)*< o the Ci"i' Co(e. EDe3p'a!0 (a3a2es in the a3o&nt o P@<,<<<.<< a!e a'so 2!ante(. The $o&nte!$'ai3 is (is3isse(. Costs a2ainst ?petitione!I. 8Ao!(s in 4!a$6et o&!s9 ; $han!o4'es"i!t&a''a#'i4a!0 Pa!t0 eDp'ains the t!ia' $o&!t in its (e$ision:1 $!a In othe! #o!(s, $ont!a!0 to ?petitione!KsI $ontentions, 4oth the p!o"isions o the $ont!a$t 4et#een the pa!ties, in this $ase the 4i'' o 'a(in2, an( the inte!p!etation 2i"en 40 the hi2he! $o&!ts to these p!o"isions a!e to the e e$t that (e3&!!a2e 3a0 4e 'a# &''0 $o''e$te(. As a 3atte! o a$t, ?!espon(ent U.S. LinesI has s&43itte( o i$ia' !e$eipts sho#in2 that on 3an0 othe! an( p!e"io&s o$$asions, ?petitione!I pai( (e3&!!a2e to ?!espon(entI 8EDhi4its NFN, NF,%N to NF,1N, N-N, N-,%N to N-,1N, NHN, NH,%N to NH,1N, an( NIN, NI,%N to NI,;N9. ?Petitione!I is, the!e o!e, in estoppe' to $'ai3 that it (i( not 6no# o (e3&!!a2e 4ein2 $ha!2e( 40 ?!espon(entI an( that it ha( not a2!ee( to it sin$e these eDhi4its sho# that ?petitione!I 6ne# o this (e3&!!a2e an( 40 pa0in2 o! the sa3e, it in e e$t, a2!ee( to the $o''e$tion o (e3&!!a2e. DDDDDDDDD On the othe! han(, ?petitione!I $'ai3s that ?!espon(entI $o3pan0 o#es the3 the a! 'a!2e! s&3 o P%);,.;@.<1 40 #a0 o (a3a2es a''e2e('0 s& e!e( 40 thei! 2oo(s #hen ?!espon(entI $o3pan0 !e3o"e( these 2oo(s !o3 its $a!2o "ans an( (eposite(

the3 in 4on(e( #a!eho&ses #itho&t its $onsent. It is not (isp&te( that ?!espon(entI $o3pan0 (i( not ?si$I in a$t !e3o"e these 2oo(s 4e'on2in2 to ?petitione!I !o3 its "ans an( (eposite( the3 in #a!eho&ses. Ho#e"e!, this #as (one 40 a&tho!it0 o the 5&!ea& o C&sto3s an( o! that p&!pose, ?!espon(entI a((!esse( a 'ette!,!e:&est to the Co''e$to! o C&sto3s, o! pe!3ission to !e3o"e the 2oo(s o (e en(ant !o3 its "ans 8EDhi4it NLN9. DDD. DDDDDDDDD The Co&!t in(s that the $ha!2es o! #a!eho&sin2 #e!e ne$essa!0 eDpenses $o"e!e( 40 the te!3s o the 4i'' o 'a(in2 #hi$h the $onsi2nee #as !esponsi4'e o!. The!e is the!e o!e no# no ne$essit0 o (is$&ssin2 #hethe! o! not the $o&nte!$'ai3 o ?petitione!I ha( p!es$!i4e( o! not. Neithe! is the!e an0 :&estion o 4a( aith on the pa!t o ?!espon(entI. Ahen it !e:&este( o! a&tho!it0 to !e3o"e ?petitione!KsI $onsi2ne( 2oo(s !o3 its "ans an( (eposite( the3 in #a!eho&ses, ?!espon(entI ha( a'!ea(0 2i"en $onsi2nee s& i$ient ti3e to ta6e (e'i"e!0 o the ship3ent. This, ?petitione!I $hose not to (o. Instea(, it sat pat 40 the te'ephone $a''in2 #itho&t 3a6in2 an0 positi"e e o!t to $he$6 &p on the ship3ent o! a!!an2e o! its (e'i"e!0 to its a$to!0. On$e a!!i"e( at the po!t, the ship3ent #as a"ai'a4'e to $onsi2nee o! its p!ope! (e'i"e!0 an( !e$eipt an( the $a!!ie! (is$ha!2e( o its !esponsi4i'it0 the!e o!. Rathe!, 40 its ina$tion, ?petitione!I #as 2&i't0 o 4a( aith. On$e it ha( !e$ei"e( the noti$e o a!!i"a' o the $a!!ie! in po!t, it #as in$&34ent on $onsi2nee to p&t #hee's in 3otion in o!(e! that the ship3ent $o&'( 4e (e'i"e!e( to it. The ina$tion o ?petitione!I #o&'( on'0 in(i$ate that it ha( no intention o ta6in2 (e'i"e!0 eD$ept at its o#n $on"enien$e th&s p!e"entin2 $a!!ie! !o3 ta6in2 on othe! ship3ents an( !o3 'ea"in2 po!t. S&$h &neDp'aine( an( &n4&siness,'i6e (e'a0 s3a$6s hi2h'0 o 4a( aith on the pa!t o ?petitione!I !athe! than o the ?!espon(entI. 8Ao!(s in 4!a$6et, a((e(9. Appea'in2 to the CA, #he!eat its !e$o&!se #as (o$6ete( as CA-*.R. CV +o. ,-./0, petitione! $onten(e( that the t!ia' $o&!t e!!e( in 8%9 ho'(in2 it 'ia4'e o! (e3&!!a2e, 8)9 (is3issin2 its $o&nte!$'ai3, an( 8;9 a#a!(in2 eDe3p'a!0 (a3a2es an( atto!ne0Ks ees to !espon(ent. As state( at the o&tset, ho#e"e!, the CA, in its assai'e( De3*/*o' -a+e- ?a'uary =, 199=,* a i!3e( in toto the B&(23ent o the t!ia' $o&!t. Un(a&nte(, petitione! is no# #ith this Co&!t via the p!esent !e$o&!se, i3p&tin2 to the CA the o''o#in2 e!!o!s:$!a:na( A. DDD in $on$'&(in2 that it ?petitione!I #as the one at a&'t in not #ith(!a#in2 its $a!2o !o3 the $ontaine! "ans in #hi$h the 2oo(s #e!e o!i2ina''0 shippe( (espite (o$&3enta!0 e"i(en$e an( #!itten a(3issions o p!i"ate !espon(ent to the $ont!a!0. 5. DDD in a i!3in2 the t!ia' $o&!tKs o!(e! o! the !e$o3p&tation o the B&(23ent a#a!( in a$$o!(an$e #ith A!ti$'e %)*< o the Ci"i' Co(e $ont!a!0 to eDistin2 B&!isp!&(en$e an( #itho&t an0 e"i(en$e at a'' to s&ppo!t it.> $han!o4'es"i!t&a''a#'i4a!0 The petition is pa!t'0 3e!ito!io&s. It is &n(isp&te( that the 2oo(s s&4Be$t o petitione!Ks $o&nte!$'ai3 an( $o"e!e( 40 se"en 8.9 5=Ls #ith Shippe!Ks Re e!en$e Nos. S,%>@11, S,%>@1>, S,%>@1@, S,%..1@, S,%..*<, S,%..1+ an( S,%..*%. #e!e 'oa(e( o! ship3ent to /ani'a on !espon(entKs "esse's in $ontaine! "ans on a NHo&se=Ho&se Containe!s,Shippe!s Loa(, Sto#a2e an( Co&ntN 4asis. This shippin2 a!!an2e3ent 3eans that the shippin2 $o3pan0Ks $ontaine! "ans a!e to 4e 4!o&2ht to the shippe! o! 'oa(in2 o its 2oo(sC that !o3 the shippe!Ks #a!eho&se, the 2oo(s in $ontaine! "ans a!e 4!o&2ht to the shippin2 $o3pan0 o! ship3entC that the shippin2 $o3pan0, &pon a!!i"a' o its ship at the po!t o (estination, is to (e'i"e! the $ontaine! "ans to the $onsi2neeKs $o3po&n( o! #a!eho&seC an( that the shippe! 8$onsi2nee9 is s&ppose( to 'oa(, sto# an( $o&nt the 2oo(s !o3 the $ontaine! "an.@ Li6e#ise &n(isp&te( is the a$t that the $ontaine! "ans $ontainin2 the 2oo(s $o"e!e( 40 th!ee 8;9 o the a o!esai( 5=Ls, pa!ti$&'a!'0 those #ith Shippe!Ks Re e!en$e Nos. S,%..1@, S,%..*< an( S,%..*%,+ #e!e (e'i"e!e( to a #a!eho&se, st!ippe( o thei! $ontents an( the $ontents (eposite( the!eat.%< $han!o4'es"i!t&a''a#'i4a!0 On the a!2&3ent that the !espon(ent, &pon the o!e2oin2 &n(isp&te( a$ts, "io'ate( its $ont!a$t&a' o4'i2ation to (e'i"e! #hen, instea( o (e'i"e!in2 the 2oo(s to the petitione! as $onsi2nee the!eo , it (eposite( the sa3e in 4on(e( #a!eho&se=s, petitione! #o&'( no# s$o!e the CA o! in(in2 it at a&'t o! non,#ith(!a#a' o its $a!2o !o3 the $ontaine! "ans #ithin the %<,(a0 !ee (e3&!!a2e pe!io(. P!essin2 the point, petitione! a!2&es that, sin$e the CA (!e# an e!!oneo&s $on$'&sion !o3 an &n(isp&te( set o a$ts, petitione! no# asse!ts that the 3atte! o #ho is at a&'t , its i!st assi2ne( e!!o! , $o&'( 4e t!eate( as a 'e2a' iss&e an( not a :&estion o a$t.

A te! $a!e &' $onsi(e!ation, the Co&!t s&stain the CAKs stan$e a&'tin2 the petitione! o! not ta6in2 (e'i"e!0 o its $a!2o !o3 the $ontaine! "ans #ithin the %<,(a0 !ee pe!io(, an ina$tion #hi$h 'e( !espon(ent to (eposit the sa3e in #a!eho&se=s. It 3a0 4e that, #hen the !e'e"ant a$ts a!e &n(isp&te(, the :&estion o #hethe! o! not the $on$'&sion (e(&$e( the!e !o3 40 the CA is $o!!e$t is a :&estion o 'a# p!ope!'0 $o2ni7a4'e 40 this Co&!t.%% Ho#e"e!, it has a'so 4een he'( that a'' (o&4ts as to the $o!!e$tness o s&$h $on$'&sions #i'' 4e !eso'"e( in a"o! o the (isposin2 $o&!t. %) So it 3&st 4e in this $ase. At an0 !ate, the Co&!t in(s that petitione!Ks i!st $ontention !aises a :&estion o a$t !athe! than o 'a#. An( sett'e( is the !&'e that a$t&a' in(in2s o the CA, pa!ti$&'a!'0 those $on i!3ato!0 o that o the t!ia' $o&!t, as he!e, a!e 4in(in2 on this Co&!t, %; sa"e o! the 3ost $o3pe''in2 o !easons, 'i6e #hen the0 a!e !ea$he( a!4it!a!i'0. %1 $han!o4'es"i!t&a''a#'i4a!0 As it #e!e, ho#e"e!, the $on$'&sion o the CA on #ho $onteDt&a''0 is the e!!in2 pa!t0 #as not eDa$t'0 (!a#n !o3 a "a$&&3, s&ppo!te( as s&$h $on$'&sion is 40 the !e$o!(s o the $ase. Ahat the CA #!ote #ith so3e 3eas&!e o 'o2i$ $o33en(s itse' o! $on$&!!en$e:$!a:na( Ho#e"e!, ... Ae in( that ?petitione!I #as the one at a&'t in not #ith(!a#in2 its $a!2o !o3 the $ontaine!s #he!ein the 2oo(s #e!e shippe( #ithin the ten 8%<9,(a0 !ee pe!io(. Ha( it (one so, then the!e #o&'( not ha"e 4een an0 nee( o (epositin2 the $a!2o in a #a!eho&se. It is in$&34ent &pon the $a!!ie! to i33e(iate'0 a("ise the $onsi2nee o the a!!i"a' o the 2oo(s o! i it (oes not, it $ontin&es to 4e 'ia4'e o! the sa3e &nti' the $onsi2nee has ha( !easona4'e oppo!t&nit0 to !e3o"e the3. So&n( 4&siness p!a$ti$e (i$tates that the $onsi2nee, &pon noti i$ation o the a!!i"a' o the 2oo(s, sho&'( i33e(iate'0 2et the $a!2o !o3 the $a!!ie! espe$ia''0 sin$e it has nee( o it. DDD. Appe''ant t!ies to shi t the 4'a3e on the ?!espon(entI 40 statin2 that it #as not in o!3e( 4e o!ehan( o the 'atte!Ks intention to (e'i"e! the 2oo(s to a #a!eho&se. It 'i6e#ise a''e2es that it (oes not 6no# #he!e to $onta$t ?!espon(entI o! it a!2&es that the pe!son 3annin2 the 'atte!Ks o i$e #o&'( on'0 ho'( o i$e o! a e# ho&!s, i not a'#a0s o&t. 5&t ha( it ta6en the ne$essa!0 steps o in:&i!in2 o! the a((!ess o ?!espon(entI !o3 the p!ope! 2o"e!n3ent o i$es, then it #o&'( ha"e s&$$ee(e( in in(in2 the 'atte!Ks a((!ess. J&(2in2 !o3 the ?petitione!KsI #a0 o $on(&$tin2 4&siness in the past, Ae $o3e to the $on$'&sion that it is &se( to pa0in2 (e3&!!a2e $ha!2es. EDhi4its NHN an( NIN a!e $e!tain'0 p!oo s o appe''antKs p!a$ti$e o not 2ettin2 its $a!2o !o3 the $a!!ie! i33e(iate'0 &pon noti i$ation o the 2oo(sK a!!i"a'. %* 8Ao!(s in 4!a$6et a((e(.9 It $annot 4e o"e!,e3phasi7e( that the $ontaine! "ans #e!e st!ippe( o thei! $a!2o #ith the p!io! a&tho!i7ation o the 5&!ea& o C&sto3s. The t!ia' $o&!t sai( as 3&$h, th&s:$!a:na( It is not (isp&te( that ?!espon(entI $o3pan0 (i( not ?si$I in a$t !e3o"e these 2oo(s 4e'on2in2 to ?petitione!I !o3 its "ans an( (eposite( the3 in #a!eho&ses. Ho#e"e!, this #as (one 40 a&tho!it0 o the 5&!ea& o C&sto3s an( o! that p&!pose, ?!espon(entI a((!esse( a 'ette!,!e:&est to the Co''e$to! o C&sto3s, o! pe!3ission to !e3o"e the 2oo(s o ?petitione!I !o3 its "ans 8EDhi4it NLN9. The $o!!espon(in2 a&tho!it0 #as 2!ante( 40 the 5&!ea& o C&sto3s to (o so as e"i(en$e( 40 a "an pe!3it . 8EDhi4it N/N9. In othe! #o!(s, #hi'e ?!espon(entI a(3its that it !e3o"e( the 2oo(s o ?petitione!I !o3 its "ans an( (eposite( the3 in "a!io&s #a!eho&ses, the!e is no :&estion that this #as (one 40 a&tho!it0 o the 5&!ea& o C&sto3s #hi$h is the p!ope! a2en$0 o the 2o"e!n3ent $ha!2e( #ith the s&pe!"ision an( !e2&'ation o 3a!iti3e $o33e!$e. Ve!i'0, the a&tho!it0 se$&!e( !o3 the 5&!ea& o C&sto3s is in(i$ati"e o the bona fides o !espon(entKs intention. An( as he'( 4e'o#, the a&tho!it0 th&s a$:&i!e( !e'ie"e( !espon(ent o its o4'i2ations &n(e! the 5=Ls #hen it $a&se( the $ontaine!s to 4e st!ippe( an( the 2oo(s sto!e( in 4on(e( #a!eho&ses. Not 'ost on this Co&!t is the a$t that the 5=Ls &n(e! #hi$h petitione! an$ho!s its $o&nte!$'ai3 a''o# the 2oo(s $a!!ie( to 4e (e'i"e!e( to 4on(e( #a!eho&ses o! the shippe!Ks an(=o! $onsi2neeKs a$$o&nt i it (oes not ta6e possession o! (e'i"e!0 the!eo as soon as the0 a!e at its (isposa' o! !e3o"a'. Se$tion %. o the Re2&'a! Lon2 Fo!3 In#a!( 5=L o the !espon(ent %> #hi$h is in$o!po!ate( 40 !e e!en$e to the Sho!t Fo!3 o 5=L%. p!o"i(es:$!a:na(

%.. The $a!!ie! sha'' not 4e !e:&i!e( to 2i"e an0 noti i$ation #hatsoe"e! o a!!i"a', (is$ha!2e o! an0 (isposition o o! a$tion ta6en #ith !espe$t to the 2oo(s, . e"en tho&2h the 2oo(s a!e $onsi2ne( to o!(e! #ith p!o"ision o! noti$e to a na3e( pe!son. The $a!!ie! o! 3aste! 3a0 appoint a ste"e(o!e o! an0 othe! pe!sons to &n'oa( an( ta6e (e'i"e!0 o the 2oo(s an( s&$h (e'i"e!0 !o3 shipKs ta$6'e sha'' 4e $onsi(e!e( $o3p'ete an( a'' !esponsi4i'it0 o the $a!!ie! sha'' then te!3inate. It is a2!ee( that #hen possession o the 2oo(s is !e$ei"e( o! ta6en 40 the $&sto3s o! othe! a&tho!ities o! 40 an0 ope!ato! o an0 'i2hte!, $!a t, . o! othe! a$i'ities #hethe! se'e$te( 40 the $a!!ie! o! 3aste!, shippe! o $onsi2nee, #hethe! p&4'i$ o! p!i"ate, s&$h a&tho!it0 o! pe!son sha'' 4e $onsi(e!e( as ha"in2 !e$ei"e( possession an( (e'i"e!0 o the 2oo(s so'e'0 as a2ent o an( on 4eha' o the shippe! an( $onsi2nee, .. 0/o *4 +,e 3o'/*6'ee -oe/ 'o+ +a7e .o//e//*o' or -e0*5ery o4 +,e 6oo-/ a/ /oo' a/ +,e 6oo-/ are a+ +,e -*/.o/a0 o4 +,e 3o'/*6'ee 4or re1o5a0, +,e 6oo-/ /,a00 be a+ +,e*r o(' r*/7 a'- e2.e'/e, -e0*5ery /,a00 be 3o'/*-ere- 3o1.0e+e a'- +,e 3arr*er 1ay, /ubEe3+ +o 3arr*erF/ 0*e'/, /e'- +,e 6oo-/ +o /+ore, (are,ou/e, .u+ +,e1 o' 0*6,+er/ or o+,er 3ra4+, .u+ +,e1 *' .o//e//*o' o4 au+,or*+*e/, -u1., .er1*+ +o 0*e (,ere 0a'-e- or o+,er(*/e -*/.o/e o4 +,e1, a0(ay/ a+ +,e r*/7 a'- e2.e'/e o4 +,e 6oo-/, an( the shippe! an( $onsi2nee sha'' pa0 an( in(e3ni 0 the $a!!ie! o! an0 'oss, (a3a2e, ine, $ha!2e o! eDpense #hatsoe"e! s& e!e( o! in$&!!e( in so (ea'in2 #ith o! (isposin2 o the 2oo(s, o! 40 !eason o the $onsi2neeKs ai'&!e o! (e'a0 in ta6in2 possession an( (e'i"e!0 as p!o"i(e( he!ein. 8E3phasis O&!s9 On the se$on( iss&e !aise(, the Co&!t in(s as e!!oneo&s the t!ia' $o&!tKs (e$ision, as a i!3e( 40 the CA, o! the !e$o3p&tation o the B&(23ent a#a!( as o the (ate o pa03ent in a$$o!(an$e #ith A!ti$'e %)*< o the Ci"i' Co(e. In $a''in2 o! the app'i$ation o the a o!e3entione( p!o"ision, !espon(ent &!2e( that B&(i$ia' noti$e 4e ta6en o the s&$$ee(in2 (e"a'&ations o the peso vis-5-vis the US (o''a! sin$e the ti3e the p!o$ee(in2s 4e2an in %+@%. A$$o!(in2 to !espon(ent, the $o3p&tation o the a3o&nt th&s (&e !o3 the petitione! sho&'( a$to! in s&$h peso (e"a'&ations.%@ $han!o4'es"i!t&a''a#'i4a!0 A!ti$'e %)*< o the Ci"i' Co(e states:$!a:na( In $ase an eDt!ao!(ina!0 in 'ation o! (e 'ation o the $&!!en$0 stip&'ate( sho&'( s&pe!"ene, the "a'&e o the $&!!en$0 at the ti3e o the esta4'ish3ent o the o4'i2ation sha'' 4e the 4asis o pa03ent, &n'ess the!e is an a2!ee3ent to the $ont!a!0. EDt!ao!(ina!0 in 'ation o! (e 'ation, as the $ase 3a0 4e, eDists #hen the!e is an &n&s&a' in$!ease o! (e$!ease in the p&!$hasin2 po#e! o the Phi'ippine peso #hi$h is 4e0on( the $o33on '&$t&ation in the "a'&e o sai( $&!!en$0, an( s&$h in$!ease o! (e$!ease $o&'( not ha"e 4een !easona4'0 o!eseen o! #as 3ani est'0 4e0on( the $onte3p'ation o the pa!ties at the ti3e o the esta4'ish3ent o the o4'i2ation.%+ EDt!ao!(ina!0 in 'ation $an ne"e! 4e ass&3e(C he #ho a''e2es the eDisten$e o s&$h pheno3enon 3&st p!o"e the sa3e.)< $han!o4'es"i!t&a''a#'i4a!0 The Co&!t ho'(s that the!e has 4een no eDt!ao!(ina!0 in 'ation #ithin the 3eanin2 o A!ti$'e %)*< o the Ci"i' Co(e. A$$o!(in2'0, the!e is no p'a&si4'e !eason o! o!(e!in2 the pa03ent o an o4'i2ation in an a3o&nt (i e!ent !o3 #hat has 4een a2!ee( &pon 4e$a&se o the p&!po!te( s&pe!"ention o eDt!ao!(ina!0 in 'ation. As it #e!e, !espon(ent #as &na4'e to p!o"e the o$$&!!en$e o eDt!ao!(ina!0 in 'ation sin$e it i'e( its $o3p'aint in %+@%. In(ee(, the !e$o!( is 4e!e t o an0 e"i(en$e, (o$&3enta!0 o! testi3onia', that in 'ation, na0, an eDt!ao!(ina!0 one, eDiste(. E"en i the p!i$e in(eD o 2oo(s an( se!"i$es 3a0 ha"e !isen (&!in2 the inte!"enin2 pe!io(, )% this in$!ease, #itho&t 3o!e, $annot 4e $onsi(e!e( as !es&'tin2 to 6e7traordinar) inflation6 as to B&sti 0 the app'i$ation o A!ti$'e %)*<. The e!osion o the "a'&e o the Phi'ippine peso in the past th!ee o! o&! (e$a(es, sta!tin2 in the 3i(,siDties, is, as the Co&!t o4se!"e( in 8in#son vs. Calte7 9Phil:, ;nc., )) $ha!a$te!isti$s o 3ost $&!!en$ies. An( #hi'e the Co&!t 3a0 ta6e B&(i$ia' noti$e o the (e$'ine in the p&!$hasin2 po#e! o the Phi'ippine $&!!en$0 in that span o ti3e, s&$h (o#n#a!( t!en( o the peso $annot 4e $onsi(e!e( as the eDt!ao!(ina!0 pheno3enon $onte3p'ate( 40 A!ti$'e %)*< o the Ci"i' Co(e. F&!the!3o!e, a4sent an o i$ia' p!ono&n$e3ent o! (e$'a!ation 40 $o3petent a&tho!ities o the eDisten$e o eDt!ao!(ina!0 in 'ation (&!in2 a 2i"en pe!io(, as he!e, the e e$ts o eDt!ao!(ina!0 in 'ation, i that 4e the $ase, a!e not to 4e app'ie(. Lest it 4e o"e!'oo6e(, A!ti$'e %)*< o the Co(e, as $o&$he(, $'ea!'0 p!o"i(es that the "a'&e o the peso at the ti3e o the esta4'ish3ent o the o4'i2ation sha'' $ont!o' an( 4e the 4asis o pa03ent o the $ont!a$t&a' o4'i2ation, &n'ess the!e is N a#reement to the contrar).N It is on'0 #hen the!e is a $ont!a!0 a2!ee3ent that eDt!ao!(ina!0 in 'ation #i'' 3a6e the "a'&e o the $&!!en$0 at the ti3e o pa03ent, not at the ti3e o the esta4'ish3ent o o4'i2ation, the 4asis o! pa03ent. ); The Co&!t, in obil $il Philippines, ;nc. vs. Court of Appeals and 1ernando A. Pedrosa,<3/ o!3&'ate( the sa3e !&'e in the o''o#in2 #ise:$!a:na(

In othe! #o!(s, an a2!ee3ent is nee(e( o! the e e$ts o an eDt!ao!(ina!0 in 'ation to 4e ta6en into a$$o&nt to a'te! the "a'&e o the $&!!en$0 at the ti3e o the esta4'ish3ent o the o4'i2ation #hi$h, as a !&'e, is a'#a0s the (ete!3inati"e e'e3ent, to 4e "a!ie( 40 a2!ee3ent that #o&'( in( !eason on'0 in the s&pe!"ention o eDt!ao!(ina!0 in 'ation o! (e 'ation. To 4e s&!e, neithe! the t!ia' $o&!t, the CA no! !espon(ent has pointe( to an0 p!o"ision o the $o"e!in2 5=Ls #hen$e !espon(ent so&!$e( its $ont!a$t&a' !i2ht &n(e! the p!e3ises #he!e the (e inin2 Na2!ee3ent to the $ont!a!0N is set o!th. Nee('ess to st!ess, the Co&!t sees no nee( to spe$&'ate as to the eDisten$e o s&$h a2!ee3ent, the 4&!(en o p!oo on this !e2a!( 4ein2 on !espon(ent. 8#EREFORE, the assai'e( (e$ision o the Co&!t o Appea's is FF$R;ED #ith the ;OD$F$C "$ON that the o!(e! o! !e$o3p&tation as o the (ate o pa03ent in a$$o!(an$e #ith the p!o"isions o A!ti$'e %)*< o the Ci"i' Co(e is (e'ete(. Costs a2ainst petitione!. SO ORDERED. G.R. No. 2:0=5 u6u/+ 12, 192B

SE>ER$NO "O%EN"$NO a'- PO"ENC$ N ; N$O, Plaintiffs-Appellants , "s. BEN$"O GON@ %E@ SA C#$ ;,(e en(ants,appe''ee. ?O#NSON, J.: PRINCIPAL FUESTIONS PRESENTED 5G THE APPEAL$han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 The p!in$ipa' :&estions p!esente( 40 this appea' a!e: 8a9 Is the $ont!a$t in :&estion a pacto de retro o! a 3o!t2a2eL $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 8b9 Un(e! a pacto de retro, #hen the "en(o! 4e$o3es a tenant o the p&!$hase! an( a2!ees to pa0 a $e!tain a3o&nt pe! 3onth as !ent, 3a0 s&$h !ent !en(e! s&$h a $ont!a$t &s&!io&s #hen the a3o&nt pai( as !ent, $o3p&te( &pon the p&!$hase p!i$e, a3o&nts to a hi2he! !ate o inte!est &pon sai( a3o&nt than that a''o#e( 40 'a#L $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 8c9 /a0 the $ont!a$t in the p!esent $ase 3a0 4e 3o(i ie( 40 pa!o' e"i(en$eL ANTECEDENT FACTS$han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 So3eti3e p!io! to the )@th (a0 o No"e34e!, %+)), the appe''ants p&!$hase( o the L&7on Ri$e /i''s, In$., a pie$e o! pa!$e' o 'an( #ith the camarin 'o$ate( the!eon, sit&ate( in the 3&ni$ipa'it0 o Ta!'a$ o the P!o"in$e o Ta!'a$ o! the p!i$e o P)*,<<<, p!o3isin2 to pa0 the!e o! in th!ee insta''3ents. The i!st insta''3ent o P),<<< #as (&e on o! 4e o!e the )( (a0 o /a0, %+)%C the se$on( insta''3ent o P@,<<< #as (&e on o! 4e o!e ;%st (a0 o /a0, %+)%C the 4a'an$e o P%*,<<< at %) pe! $ent inte!est #as (&e an( pa0a4'e on o! a4o&t the ;<th (a0 o No"e34e!, %+)). One o the $on(itions o that $ont!a$t o p&!$hase #as that on ai'&!e o the p&!$hase! 8p'ainti s an( appe''ants9 to pa0 the 4a'an$e o sai( p&!$hase p!i$e o! an0 o the insta''3ents on the (ate a2!ee( &pon, the p!ope!t0 4o&2ht #o&'( !e"e!t to the o!i2ina' o#ne!.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 The pa03ents (&e on the )( an( ;%st o /a0, %+)%, a3o&ntin2 to P%<,<<< #e!e pai( so a! as the !e$o!( sho#s &pon the (&e (ates. The 4a'an$e o P%*,<<< (&e on sai( $ont!a$t o p&!$hase #as pai( on o! a4o&t the %st (a0 o De$e34e!, %+)), in the 3anne! #hi$h #i'' 4e eDp'aine( 4e'o#. On the (ate #hen the 4a'an$e o P%*,<<< #ith inte!est #as pai(, the "en(o! o sai( p!ope!t0 ha( iss&e( to the p&!$hase!s t!ans e! $e!ti i$ate o tit'e to sai( p!ope!t0, No. *)@. Sai( t!ans e! $e!ti i$ate o tit'e 8No. *)@9 #as t!ans e! $e!ti i$ate o tit'e !o3 No. 1<, #hi$h sho#s that sai( 'an( #as o!i2ina''0 !e2iste!e( in the na3e o the "en(o! on the .th (a0 o No"e34e!, %+%;. PRESENT FACTS$han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0

On the .th (a0 o No"e34e!, %+)) the !ep!esentati"e o the "en(o! o the p!ope!t0 in :&estion #!ote a 'ette! to the appe''ant Poten$iana /anio 8EDhi4it A, p. *<9, noti 0in2 the 'atte! that i the 4a'an$e o sai( in(e4te(ness #as not pai(, an a$tion #o&'( 4e 4!o&2ht o! the p&!pose o !e$o"e!in2 the p!ope!t0, to2ethe! #ith (a3a2es o! non $o3p'ian$e #ith the $on(ition o the $ont!a$t o p&!$hase. The pe!tinent pa!ts o sai( 'ette! !ea( as o''o#s: Si!"ase nota! :&e (e no esta! 'i:&i(a(a esta $&enta e' (ia ;< (e' $o!!iente, p!o$e(e!e3os B&(i$ia'3ente $ont!a V(. pa!a !e$'a3a! 'a (e"o'&$ion (e' $a3a!in 0 'os (aos 0 pe!B&i$ios o$asiona(os a 'a $o3paia po! s& in$&3p'i3iento a' $ont!ato.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 So3os (e V(. atentos 0 S. S. S/ITH, 5ELL J CO., LTD. 50 8S2(.9 F. I. HI-HA/ T!eas&!e!. -ene!a' /ana2e!s LUEON RICE /ILLS INC. A$$o!(in2 to EDhi4its 5 an( D, #hi$h !ep!esent the a$$o&nt !en(e!e( 40 the "en(o!, the!e #as (&e an( pa0a4'e &pon sai( $ont!a$t o p&!$hase on the ;<th (a0 o No"e34e!, %+)), the s&3 P%>,+>*.<+. Upon !e$ei"in2 the 'ette! o the "en(o! o sai( p!ope!t0 o No"e34e! ., %+)), the p&!$hase!s, the appe''ants he!ein, !ea'i7in2 that the0 #o&'( 4e &na4'e to pa0 the 4a'an$e (&e, 4e2an to 3a6e an e o!t to 4o!!o# 3one0 #ith #hi$h to pa0 the 4a'an$e (&e, 4e2an to 3a6e an e o!t to 4o!!o# 3one0 #ith #hi$h to pa0 the 4a'an$e o thei! in(e4te(ness on the p&!$hase p!i$e o the p!ope!t0 in"o'"e(. Fina''0 an app'i$ation #as 3a(e to the (e en(ant o! a 'oan o! the p&!pose o satis 0in2 thei! in(e4te(ness to the "en(o! o sai( p!ope!t0. A te! so3e ne2otiations the (e en(ants a2!ee( to 'oan the p'ainti s to 'oan the p'ainti s the s&3 o P%.,*<< &pon $on(ition that the p'ainti s eDe$&te an( (e'i"e! to hi3 a pacto de retro o sai( p!ope!t0.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 In a$$o!(an$e #ith that a2!ee3ent the (e en(ant pai( to the p'ainti s 40 3eans o a $he$6 the s&3 o P%>,+>*.<+. The (e en(ant, in a((ition to sai( a3o&nt pai( 40 $he$6, (e'i"e!e( to the p'ainti s the s&3 o P;*1.+% to2ethe! #ith the s&3 o P%@< #hi$h the p'ainti s pai( to the atto!ne0s o! (!a tin2 sai( $ont!a$t o pacto de retro, 3a6in2 a tota' pai( 40 the (e en(ant to the p'ainti s an( o! the p'ainti s o P%.,*<< &pon the eDe$&tion an( (e'i"e!0 o sai( $ont!a$t. Sai( $ont!a$ts #as (ate( the )@th (a0 o No"e34e!, %+)), an( is in the #o!(s an( i2&!es o''o#in2: 8epan todos por la presente= $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 F&e nosot!os, 'os $on0&2es 8everino 2olentino ) Potenciana anio, a34os 3a0o!es (e e(a(, !esi(entes en e' /&ni$ipio (e Ca'&3pit, P!o"in$ia (e 5&'a$an, p!opieta!ios 0 t!anse&ntes en esta Ci&(a( (e /ani'a, de una parte, ) de otra, (enito *on&ale& 8) Chiam, 3a0o! (e e(a(, $asa(o $on /a!ia Santia2o, $o3e!$iante 0 "e$inos (e esta Ci&(a( (e /ani'a. /ANIFESTA/OS G HACE/OS CONSTAR:$han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 P!i3e!o. F&e nosot!os, Se"e!ino To'entino 0 Poten$iano /anio, po! 0 en $onsi(e!a$ion a 'a $anti(a( (e (ie$isiete 3i' :&inientos pesos 8P%.,*<<9 3one(a i'ipina, :&e en este a$to he3os !e$i4i(o a n&est!a ente!a satis a$$ion (e Don 5enito -on7a'e7 S0 Chia3, $e(e3os, "en(e3os 0 t!aspasa3os a a"o! (e (i$ho Don 5enito -on7a'e7 S0 Chia3, s&s he!e(e!os 0 $a&saha4ientes, &na in$a :&e, se2&n e' Ce!ti i$a(o (e T!ans e!en$ia (e Tit&'o No. 1< eDpe(i(o po! e' Re2ist!a(o! (e Tit&'os (e 'a P!o"in$ia (e Ta!'a$ a a"o! (e NLu&on Rice ills Compan) LimitedN :&e a' in$o!po!a!se se (ono3ino 0 se (eno3ina NLu&on Rice ills ;nc.,N 0 :&e esta $o!po!a$ion nos ha t!ans e!i(o en "enta a4so'&ta, se (es$!i4e $o3o si2&e:$han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 >n terreno 8'ote No. %9 $on 'as 3eBo!as eDistentes en e' 3is3o, sit&a(o en e' /&ni$ipio (e Ta!'a$. Lin(a po! e' O. 0 N. $on p!opie(a( (e /an&e' U!:&i$oC po! e' E. $on p!opie(a( (e 'a /ani'a Rai'!oa( Co.C 0 po! e' S. $on &n $a3ino. Pa!tien(o (e &n p&nto 3a!$a(o % en e' p'ano, $&0o p&nto se ha''a a' N. 1% 2(s. %.K E.@*+.1) 3. (e' 3oBon (e 'o$a'i7a$ion No. ) (e 'a O i$ina (e Te!!enos en Ta!'a$C 0 (es(e (i$ho p&nto % N. @% 2(s. ;%K O., .. 3. a' p&nto )C (es(e este p&nto N. 1 2(s. ))K E.C *1..< 3. a'

p&nto ;C (es(e este p&nto S. @> 2(s. %.K E.C >+.)* 3. a' p&nto 1C (es(e este p&nto S. ) 2(s. 1)K E., >%.1@ 3. a' p&nto (e pa!ti(aC 3i(ien(o &na eDtension s&pe! i$$ia' (e $&at!o 3i' (os$ientos (ie7 0 seis 3et!os $&a(!a(os 81,)%>9 3as o 3enos. To(os 'os p&ntos no34!a(os se ha''an 3a!$a(os en e' p'ano 0 so4!e e' te!!eno 'os p&ntos % 0 ) estan (ete!3ina(os po! 3oBones (e P. L. S. (e )< D )< D .< $enti3et!os 0 'os p&ntos ; 0 1 po! 3oBones (e' P. L. S. 5. L.: 'a o!ienta$ion se2&i(a es 'a "e!(a(e!a, sien(o 'a (e$'ina$ion 3a2neti$a (e < 2(s. 1*K E. 0 'a e$ha (e 'a 3e(i$ion, %. (e e4!e!o (e %+%;.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 Se2&n(o. F&e es $on(i$ion (e esta "enta 'a (e :&e si en e' p'a7o (e $in$o 8*9 aos $onta(os (es(e e' (ia %. (e (i$ie34!e (e %+)), (e"o'"e3os a' eDp!esa(o Don 5enito -on7a'e7 S0 Chia3 e' !e e!i(o p!e$io (e (ie$isiete 3i' :&inientos pesos 8P%.,*<<9 :&e(a o4'i2a(o (i$ho S!. 5enito -on7a'e7 0 Chia3 a !et!o"en(e!nos 'a in$a a!!i4a (es$!itaC pe!o si t!ans$&!!e (i$ho p'a7o (e $in$o aos sin eBe!$ita! e' (e!e$ho (e !et!a$to :&e nos he3os !ese!"a(o, enton$es :&e(a!a esta "enta a4so'&ta e i!!e"o$a4'e.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 Te!$e!o. F&e (&!ante e' eDp!esa(o te!3ino (e' !et!a$to ten(!e3os en a!!en(a3iento 'a in$a a!!i4a (es$!ita, s&Beto a $on(i$iones si2&ientes: 8a9 E' a':&i'e! :&e nos o4'i2a3os a pa2a! po! 3ens&a'i(a(es "en$i(as a Don 5enito -on7a'e7 S0 Chia3 0 en s& (o3i$i'io, e!a (e t!es$ientos setenta 0 $in$o pesos 8P;.*9 3one(a i'ipina, $a(a 3es.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 8b9 E' a3i''a!a3iento (e 'a in$a a!!en(a(a se!a po! $&enta (e (i$ho Don 5enito -on7a'e7 S0 Chia3, asi $o3o ta34ien 'a p!i3a (e' se2&!o $ont!a in$en(ios, si e' $on"inie!a a' !e e!i(o S!. 5enito -on7a'e7 S0 Chia3 ase2&!a! (i$ha in$a.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 8c9 La a'ta (e pa2o (e' a':&i'e! a:&i estip&'a(o po! (os 3eses $onse$&ti"os (a!a '&2a! a 'a te!3ina$ion (e este a!!en(a3ieno 0 a 'a pe!(i(a (e' (e!e$ho (e !et!a$to :&e nos he3os !ese!"a(o, $o3o si nat&!a'3ente h&4ie!a eDpi!a(o e' te!3ino pa!a e''o, p&(ien(o en s& "i!t&( (i$ho S!. -on7a'e7 S0 Chia3 to3a! posesion (e 'a in$a 0 (esah&$ia!nos (e 'a 3is3a. C&a!to. F&e 0o, 5enito -on7a'e7 S0 Chia3, a 3i "e7 oto!2o :&e a$epto esta es$!it&!a en 'os p!e$isos te!3inos en :&e 'a (eBan oto!2a(a 'os $on0&2es Se"e!ino To'entino 0 Poten$iana /anio.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 En testi3onio (e to(o 'o $&a', i!3a3os 'a p!esente (e n&est!a 3ano en /ani'a, po! $&a(!&p'i$a(o en /ani'a, ho0 a )@ (e no"ie34!e (e %+)). 8F(o.9 SEVERINO TOLENTINO 8F(a.9 POTENCIANA /ANIO 8F(o.9 5ENITO -ONEALEE SG CHIA/ Fi!3a(o en p!esen$ia (e: 8F(os.9 /OISES /. 5UHAIN 5. S. 5ANAAAn eDa3ination o sai( $ont!a$t o sa'e #ith !e e!en$e to the i!st :&estion a4o"e, sho#s $'ea!'0 that it is a pacto de retro an( not a 3o!t2a2e. The!e is no p!etension on the pa!t o the appe''ant that sai( $ont!a$t, stan(in2 a'one, is a 3o!t2a2e. The pe!tinent 'an2&a2e o the $ont!a$t is: Se2&n(o. F&e es $on(i$ion (e esta "enta 'a (e :&e si en e' p'a7o (e $in$o 8*9 aos $onta(os (es(e e' (ia %. (e (i$ie34!e (e %+)), (e"o'"e3os a' eDp!esa(o Don 5enito -on7a'es S0 Chia3 e' !e e!i(o p!e$io (e (ie$isiete 3i' :&inientos pesos 8P%.,*<<9 :&e(a o4'i2a(o (i$ho S!. 5enito -on7a'es S0 Chia3 a !et!o"en(o!nos 'a in$a a!!i4a (es$!itaC pe!o si t!ans$&!!e (i$ho p'a7o (e $in$o 8*9 aos sin eBe!$ita! a' (e!e$ho (e !et!a$to :&e nos he3os !ese!"a(o, enton$es :&e(a!a esta "enta a4so'&ta e i!!e"o$a4'e.

Lan2&a2e $annot 4e $'ea!e!. The p&!pose o the $ont!a$t is eDp!esse( $'ea!'0 in sai( :&otation that the!e $an $e!tain'0 4e not (o&4t as to the p&!pose o the p'ainti to se'' the p!ope!t0 in :&estion, !ese!"in2 the !i2ht on'0 to !ep&!$hase the sa3e. The intention to se'' #ith the !i2ht to !ep&!$hase $annot 4e 3o!e $'ea!'0 eDp!esse(.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 It #i'' 4e note( !o3 a !ea(in2 o sai( sa'e o pacto de retro, that the "en(o!, !e$o2ni7in2 the a4so'&te sa'e o the p!ope!t0, ente!e( into a $ont!a$t #ith the p&!$hase! 40 "i!t&e o #hi$h she 4e$a3e the NtenantN o the p&!$hase!. That $ont!a$t o !ent appea!s in sai( :&ote( (o$&3ent a4o"e as o''o#s: Te!$e!o. F&e (&!ante e' eDp!esa(o te!3ino (e' !et!a$to ten(!e3os en a!!en(a3iento 'a in$a a!!i4a (es$!ita, s&Beto a $on(i$iones si2&ientes:$han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 8a9 E' a':&i'e! :&e nos o4'i2a3os a pa2a! po! 3ens&a'i(a(es "en$i(as a Don 5enito -on7a'e7 S0 Chia3 0 en s& (o3i$i'io, se!a (e t!es$ientos setenta 0 $in$o pesos 8P;.*9 3one(a i'ipina, $a(a 3es.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 8b9 E' a3i''a!a3iento (e 'a in$a a!!en(a(a se!a po! $&enta (e (i$ho Don 5enito -on7a'e7 S0 Chia3, asi $o3o ta34ien 'a p!i3a (e' se2&!o $ont!a in$en(ios, si 'e $on"inie!a a' !e e!i(o S!. 5enito -on7a'e7 S0 Chia3 ase2&!a! (i$ha in$a. F!o3 the o!e2oin2, #e a!e (!i"en to the o''o#in2 $on$'&sions: 1irst, that the $ont!a$t o pacto de retro is an a4so'&te sa'e o the p!ope!t0 #ith the !i2ht to !ep&!$hase an( not a 3o!t2a2eC an(, se$on(, that 40 "i!t&e o the sai( $ont!a$t the "en(o! 4e$a3e the tenant o the p&!$hase!, &n(e! the $on(itions 3entione( in pa!a2!aph ; o sai( $onta$t :&ote( a4o"e.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 It has 4een the &ni o!3 theo!0 o this $o&!t, (&e to the se"e!it0 o a $ont!a$t o pacto de retro, to (e$'a!e the sa3e to 4e a 3o!t2a2e an( not a sa'e #hene"e! the inte!p!etation o s&$h a $ont!a$t B&sti ies that $on$'&sion. The!e 3&st 4e so3ethin2, ho#e"e!, in the 'an2&a2e o the $ont!a$t o! in the $on(&$t o the pa!ties #hi$h sho#s $'ea!'0 an( 4e0on( (o&4t that the0 inten(e( the $ont!a$t to 4e a N3o!t2a2eN an( not a pacto de retro. 8Inte!nationa' 5an6in2 Co!po!ation vs. /a!tine7, %< Phi'., )*)C Pa(i''a vs. Linsan2an, %+ Phi'., >*C C&3a2&n vs. A'in2a0, %+ Phi'., 1%*C O'inovs. /e(ina, %; Phi'., ;.+C /ana'o vs. -&e$o, 1) Phi'., +)*C Ve'a7:&e7 vs. Teo(o!o, 1> Phi'., .*.C Vi''a vs. Santia2o, ;@ Phi'., %*..9 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 Ae a!e not &n3in( &' o the a$t that sa'es #ith pacto de retro a!e not a"o!e( an( that the $o&!t #i'' not $onst!&e an inst!&3ent to one o sa'e #ith pacto de retro, #ith the st!in2ent an( one!o&s e e$t #hi$h o''o#s, &n'ess the te!3s o the (o$&3ent an( the s&!!o&n(in2 $i!$&3stan$es !e:&i!e it.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 Ahi'e it is 2ene!a' !&'e that pa!o' e"i(en$e is not a(3issi4'e o! the p&!pose o "a!0in2 the te!3s o a $ont!a$t, 4&t #hen an iss&e is s:&a!e'0 p!esente( that a $ont!a$t (oes not eDp!ess the intention o the pa!ties, $o&!ts #i'', #hen a p!ope! o&n(ation is 'ai( the!e o!, hea! e"i(en$e o! the p&!pose o as$e!tainin2 the t!&e intention o the pa!ties.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 In the p!esent $ase the p'ainti s a''e2e in thei! $o3p'aint that the $ont!a$t in :&estion is a pacto de retro. The0 a(3it that the0 si2ne( it. The0 a(3it the0 so'( the p!ope!t0 in :&estion #ith the !i2ht to !ep&!$hase it. The te!3s o the $ont!a$t :&ote( 40 the p'ainti s to the (e en(ant #as a Nsa'eN #ith pacto de retro, an( the p'ainti s ha"e sho#n no $i!$&3stan$e #hate"e! #hi$h #o&'( B&sti 0 &s in $onst!&in2 sai( $ont!a$t to 4e a 3e!e N'oanN #ith 2&a!ant0. In e"e!0 $ase in #hi$h this $o&!t has $onst!&e( a $ont!a$t to 4e a 3o!t2a2e o! a 'oan instea( o a sa'e #ith pacto de retro, it has (one so, eithe! 4e$a&se the te!3s o s&$h $ont!a$t #e!e in$o3pati4'e o! in$onsistent #ith the theo!0 that sai( $ont!a$t #as one o p&!$hase an( sa'e. 8O'ino vs. /e(ina, supraC Pa(i''a vs. Linsan2an, supraC /an'a2nit vs. D0 P&i$o, ;1 Phi'., ;)*C Ro(!i2&e7 vs. Pa3int&an an( De Jes&s, ;. Phi'., @.>.9$han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 In the $ase o Pa(i''a vs. Linsan2an the te!3 e3p'o0e( in the $ont!a$t to in(i$ate the nat&!e o the $on"e0an$e o the 'an( #as Np'e(2e(N instea( o Nso'(N. In the $ase o /an'a2nit vs. D0 P&i$o, #hi'e the "en(o! &se( to the te!3s Nsa'e an( t!ans e! #ith the !i2ht to !ep&!$hase,N 0et in sai( $ont!a$t he (es$!i4e( hi3se' as a N(e4to!N the p&!$hase! as a N$!e(ito!N an( the $ont!a$t as a N3o!t2a2eN. In the $ase o Rodri#ue& vs. Pamintuan an( De Jesus the pe!son #ho eDe$&te( the inst!&3ent, p&!po!tin2 on its a$e to 4e a (ee( o sa'e o $e!tain pa!$e's o 'an(, ha( 3e!e'0 a$te( &n(e! a po#e! o atto!ne0 !o3 the o#ne! o sai( 'an(, Na&tho!i7in2 hi3 to 4o!!o# 3one0 in s&$h a3o&nt an( &pon s&$h te!3s an( $on(itions as he 3i2ht (ee3 p!ope!, an( to se$&!e pa03ent o the 'oan 40 a 3o!t2a2e.N In the $ase o Villa vs. 8antia#o 8;@ Phi'., %*.9, a'tho&2h a $ont!a$t p&!po!tin2 to 4e a (ee( o sa'e #as eDe$&te(, the s&ppose( "en(o! !e3aine( in possession o the 'an( an( in"este( the 3one0 he ha( o4taine( !o3 the

s&ppose( "en(ee in 3a6in2 i3p!o"e3ents the!eon, #hi$h a$t B&sti ie( the $o&!t in ho'(in2 that the t!ansa$tion #as a 3e!e 'oan an( not a sa'e. In the $ase o Cu)u#an vs. 8antos 8;+ Phi'., +.<9, the p&!$hase! a$$epte( pa!tia' pa03ents !o3 the "en(o!, an( s&$h a$$eptan$e o pa!tia' pa03ents is a4so'&te'0 in$o3pati4'e #ith the i(ea o i!!e"o$a4i'it0 o the tit'e o o#ne!ship o the p&!$hase! at the eDpi!ation o the te!3 stip&'ate( in the o!i2ina' $ont!a$t o! the eDe!$ise o the !i2ht o !ep&!$hase.N$han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 Re e!!in2 a2ain to the !i2ht o the pa!ties to "a!0 the te!3s o #!itten $ont!a$t, #e :&ote !o3 the (issentin2 opinion o Chie J&sti$e Ca0etano S. A!e''ano in the $ase o -o"e!n3ent o the Phi'ippine Is'an(s vs. Phi'ippine S&2a! Estates De"e'op3ent Co., #hi$h $ase #as appea'e( to the S&p!e3e Co&!t o the Unite( States an( the $ontention o the Chie J&sti$e in his (issentin2 opinion #as a i!3e( an( the (e$ision o the S&p!e3e Co&!t o the Phi'ippine Is'an(s #as !e"e!se(. 8See (e$ision o the S&p!e3e Co&!t o the Unite( States, J&ne ;, %+%@.9 1 The Chie J&sti$e sai( in (is$&ssin2 that :&estion:$han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 A$$o!(in2 to a!ti$'e %)@) o the Ci"i' Co(e, in o!(e! to B&(2e o the intention o the $ont!a$tin2 pa!ties, $onsi(e!ation 3&st $hie '0 4e pai( to those a$ts eDe$&te( 40 sai( pa!ties #hi$h a!e $onte3po!a!0 #ith an( s&4se:&ent to the $ont!a$t. An( a$$o!(in2 to a!ti$'e %)@;, ho#e"e! 2ene!a' the te!3s o a $ont!a$t 3a0 4e, the0 3&st not 4e he'( to in$'&(e thin2s an( $ases (i e!ent !o3 those #ith !e2a!( to #hi$h the inte!este( pa!ties a2!ee( to $ont!a$t. NThe S&p!e3e Co&!t o the Phi'ippine Is'an(s he'( the pa!o' e"i(en$e #as a(3issi4'e in that $ase to "a!0 the te!3s o the $ont!a$t 4et#een the -o"e!n3ent o the Phi'ippine Is'an(s an( the Phi'ippine S&2a! Estates De"e'op3ent Co. In the $o&!se o the opinion o the S&p!e3e Co&!t o the Unite( States /!. J&sti$e 5!an(eis, spea6in2 o! the $o&!t, sai(: It is #e'' sett'e( that $o&!ts o e:&it0 #i'' !e o!3 a #!itten $ont!a$t #he!e, o#in2 to 3&t&a' 3ista6e, the 'an2&a2e &se( the!ein (i( not &''0 o! a$$&!ate'0 eDp!ess the a2!ee3ent an( intention o the pa!ties. The a$t that inte!p!etation o! $onst!&$tion o a $ont!a$t p!esents a :&estion o 'a# an( that, the!e o!e, the 3ista6e #as one o 'a# is not a 4a! to 2!antin2 !e'ie . . . . This $o&!t is a'#a0s (ispose( to a$$ept the $onst!&$tion #hi$h the hi2hest $o&!t o a te!!ito!0 o! possession has p'a$e( &pon a 'o$a' stat&te. 5&t that (isposition 3a0 not 4e 0ie'(e( to #he!e the 'o#e! $o&!t has $'ea!'0 e!!e(. He!e the $onst!&$tion a(opte( #as !este( &pon a $'ea!'0 e!!oneo&s ass&3ption as to an esta4'ishe( !&'e o e:&it0. . . . The 4&!(en o p!oo !estin2 &pon the appe''ant $annot 4e satis ie( 40 3e!e p!epon(e!an$e o the e"i(en$e. It is sett'e( that !e'ie 40 #a0 o !e o!3ation #i'' not 4e 2!ante( &n'ess the p!oo o 3&t&a' 3ista6e 4e o the $'ea!est an( 3ost satis a$to!0 $ha!a$te!. The e"i(en$e int!o(&$e( 40 the appe''ant in the p!esent $ase (oes not 3eet #ith that st!in2ent !e:&i!e3ent. The!e is not a #o!(, a ph!ase, a senten$e o! a pa!a2!aph in the enti!e !e$o!(, #hi$h B&sti ies this $o&!t in ho'(in2 that the sai( $ont!a$t o pacto de retro is a 3o!t2a2e an( not a sa'e #ith the !i2ht to !ep&!$hase. A!ti$'e %)@% o the Ci"i' Co(e p!o"i(es: NI the te!3s o a $ont!a$t a!e $'ea! an( 'ea"e no (o&4t as to the intention o the $ont!a$tin2 pa!ties, the 'ite!a' sense o its stip&'ations sha'' 4e o''o#e(.N A!ti$'e %)@) p!o"i(es: Nin o!(e! to B&(2e as to the intention o the $ont!a$tin2 pa!ties, attention 3&st 4e pai( p!in$ipa''0 to thei! $on(&$t at the ti3e o 3a6in2 the $ont!a$t an( s&4se:&ent'0 the!eto.N $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 Ae $annot the!eto $on$'&(e this 4!an$h o o&! (is$&ssion o the :&estion in"o'"e(, #itho&t :&otin2 !o3 that "e!0 #e'' !easone( (e$ision o the 'ate Chie J&sti$e A!e''ano, one o the 2!eatest B&!ists o his ti3e. He sai(, in (is$&ssin2 the :&estion #hethe! o! not the $ont!a$t, in the $ase o Lichauco vs. (eren#uer 8)< Phi'., %)9, #as a pacto de retro o! a 3o!t2a2e: The p&4'i$ inst!&3ent, EDhi4it C, in pa!t !ea(s as o''o#s: NDon /a$a!ion 5e!en2&e! (e$'a!es an( states that he is the p!op!ieto! in ee si3p'e o t#o pa!$e's o a''o# &napp!op!iate( $!o#n 'an( sit&ate( #ithin the (ist!i$t o his p&e4'o. The i!st has an a!ea o .; 4uiones, @ balitas an( @ loanes, 'o$ate( in the sitioo 5atasan, an( its 4o&n(a!ies a!e, et$., et$. The se$on( is in the sitio o Pananta2'a0, 4a!!io o Ca'&3pan2 has as a!ea o .; he$ta!es, )) a!es, an( > $enta!es, an( is 4o&n(e( on the no!th, et$., et$.N$han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 In the eDe$&to!0 pa!t o the sai( inst!&3ent, it is state(: KThat &n(e! $on(ition o !i2ht to !ep&!$hase 8pacto de retro9 he se''s the sai( p!ope!ties to the a o!e3entione( Doa Co!ne'ia Lao$han2$o o! P1,<<< an( &pon the o''o#in2 $on(itions: Fi!st, the sa'e stip&'ate( sha'' 4e o! the pe!io( o t#o 0ea!s, $o&ntin2 !o3 this (ate, #ithin #hi$h ti3e the (eponent sha'' 4e entit'e( to !ep&!$hase the 'an( so'( &pon pa03ent o its p!i$eC se$on(, the 'an(s so'( sha'', (&!in2 the te!3 o the p!esent $ont!a$t, 4e he'( in 'ease 40 the &n(e!si2ne( #ho sha'' pa0, as !enta' the!e o!, the s&3 o 1<< pesos pe! ann&3, o! the e:&i"a'ent in s&2a! at the option o the "en(o!C thi!(, a'' the !&its o the sai( 'an(s sha'' 4e (eposite( in the s&2a! (eposito!0 o the "en(ee, sit&ate( in the (ist!i$t o F&iapo o this $it0, an( the "a'&e o #hi$h sha'' 4e app'ie( on a$$o&nt o the p!i$e o this sa'eC o&!th, the (eponent a$6no#'e(2es that he has !e$ei"e( !o3 the "en(o! the p&!$hase

p!i$e o P1,<<< a'!ea(0 pai(, an( in 'e2a' ten(e! $&!!en$0 o this $o&nt!0 . . .C i th, a'' the taDes #hi$h 3a0 4e assesse( a2ainst the 'an(s s&!"e0e( 40 $o3petent a&tho!it0, sha'' 4e pa0a4'e 40 an( $onstit&te a $ha!2e a2ainst the "en(o!C siDth, i , th!o&2h an0 &n&s&a' e"ent, s&$h as 'oo(, te3pest, et$., the p!ope!ties he!ein4e o!e en&3e!ate( sho&'( 4e (est!o0e(, #ho''0 o! in pa!t, it sha'' 4e in$&34ent &pon the "en(o! to !epai! the (a3a2e the!eto at his o#n eDpense an( to p&t the3 into a 2oo( state o $&'ti"ation, an( sho&'( he ai' to (o so he 4in(s hi3se' to 2i"e to the "en(ee othe! 'an(s o the sa3e a!ea, :&a'it0 an( "a'&e.K DDD DDD D D D$han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0

The opponent 3aintaine(, an( his theo!0 #as a$$epte( 40 the t!ia' $o&!t, that 5e!en2&e!Ks $ont!a$t #ith Lao$han2$o #as not one o sa'e #ith !i2ht o !ep&!$hase, 4&t 3e!e'0 one o 'oan se$&!e( 40 those p!ope!ties, an(, $onse:&ent'0, that the o#ne!ship o the 'an(s in :&estions $o&'( not ha"e 4een $on"e0e( to Lao$han2$o, inas3&$h as it $ontin&e( to 4e he'( 40 5e!en2&e!, as #e'' as thei! possession, #hi$h he ha( not $ease( to enBo0.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 S&$h a theo!0 is, as a!2&e( 40 the appe''ant, e!!oneo&s. The inst!&3ent eDe$&te( 40 /a$a!io 5e!en2&e!, the teDt o #hi$h has 4een t!ans$!i4e( in this (e$ision, is "e!0 $'ea!. 5e!en2&e!Ks hei!s 3a0 not 2o $o&nte! to the 'ite!a' teno! o the o4'i2ation, the eDa$t eDp!ession o the $onsent o the $ont!a$tin2 $ontaine( in the inst!&3ent, EDhi4it C. Not 4e$a&se the 'an(s 3a0 ha"e $ontin&e( in possession o the "en(o!, not 4e$a&se the 'atte! 3a0 ha"e ass&3e( the pa03ent o the taDes on s&$h p!ope!ties, no! 0et 4e$a&se the sa3e pa!t0 3a0 ha"e 4o&n( hi3se' to s&4stit&te 40 anothe! an0 one o the p!ope!ties #hi$h 3i2ht 4e (est!o0e(, (oes the $ont!a$t $ease to 4e #hat it is, as set o!th in (etai' in the p&4'i$ inst!&3ent. The "en(o! $ontin&e( in the possession o the 'an(s, not as the o#ne! the!eo as 4e o!e thei! sa'e, 4&t as the 'essee #hi$h he 4e$a3e a te! its $ons&33ation, 40 "i!t&e o a $ont!a$t eDe$&te( in his a"o! 40 the "en(ee in the (ee( itse' , EDhi4it C. Ri2ht o o#ne!ship is not i3p'ie( 40 the $i!$&3stan$e o the 'esseeKs ass&3in2 the !esponsi4i'it0 o the pa03ent is o the taDes on the p!ope!t0 'ease(, o! thei! pa03ent is not pe$&'ia!'0 in$&34ent &pon the o#ne!, no! is s&$h !i2ht i3p'ie( 40 the o4'i2ation to s&4stit&te the thin2 so'( o! anothe! #hi'e in his possession &n(e! 'ease, sin$e that o4'i2ation $a3e !o3 hi3 an( he $ontin&es &n(e! anothe! $ha!a$te! in its possession,a !eason #h0 he 2&a!antees its inte2!it0 an( o4'i2ates hi3se' to !et&!n the thin2 e"en in a $ase o force ma'eure. S&$h 'ia4i'it0, as a 2ene!a' !&'e, is o!ei2n to $ont!a$ts o 'ease an(, i !e:&i!e(, is eDo!4itant, 4&t possi4'e an( 'a# &', i "o'&nta!i'0 a2!ee( to an( s&$h a2!ee3ent (oes not on this a$$o&nt in"o'"e an0 si2n o o#ne!ship, no! othe! 3eanin2 than the #i'' to i3pose &pon onese' s$!&p&'o&s (i'i2en$e in the $a!e o a thin2 4e'on2in2 to anothe!.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 The p&!$hase an( sa'e, on$e $ons&33ate(, is a $ont!a$t #hi$h 40 its nat&!e t!ans e!s the o#ne!ship an( othe! !i2hts in the thin2 so'(. A pacto de retro, o! sa'e #ith !i2ht to !ep&!$hase, is nothin2 4&t a pe!sona' !i2ht stip&'ate( 4et#een the "en(ee an( the "en(o!, to the en( that the 'atte! 3a0 a2ain a$:&i!e the o#ne!ship o the thin2 a'ienate(.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 It is t!&e, "e!0 t!&e in(ee(, that the sa'e #ith !i2ht o !ep&!$hase is e3p'o0e( as a 3etho( o 'oanC it is 'i6e#ise t!&e that in p!a$ti$e 3an0 $ases o$$&! #he!e the $ons&33ation o a pacto de retro sa'e 3eans the inan$ia' !&in o a pe!sonC it is a'so, &n:&estiona4'e that in pacto de retro sa'es "e!0 i3po!tant inte!ests o ten inte!"ene, in the o!3 o the p!i$e o the 'ease o the thin2 so'(, #hi$h is stip&'ate( as an a((itiona' $o"enant. 8/an!esa, Ci"i' Co(e, p. ).1.9 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 5&t in the p!esent $ase, &n'i6e othe!s hea!( 40 this $o&!t, the!e is no p!oo that the sa'e #ith !i2ht o !ep&!$hase, 3a(e 40 5e!en2&e! in a"o! o Laon$han2$o is !athe! a 3o!t2a2e to se$&!e a 'oan. Ae $o3e no# to a (is$&ssion o the se$on( :&estion p!esente( a4o"e, an( that is, statin2 the sa3e in anothe! o!3: /a0 a tenant $ha!2e his 'an('o!( #ith a "io'ation o the Us&!0 La# &pon the 2!o&n( that the a3o&nt o !ent he pa0s, 4ase( &pon the !ea' "a'&e o the p!ope!t0, a3o&nts to a &s&!io&s !ate o inte!estL Ahen the "en(o! o p!ope!t0 &n(e! a pacto de retro !ents the p!ope!t0 an( a2!ees to pa0 a !enta' "a'&e o! the p!ope!t0 (&!in2 the pe!io( o his !i2ht to !ep&!$hase, he the!e40 4e$o3es a NtenantN an( in a'' !espe$ts stan(s in the sa3e !e'ation #ith the p&!$hase! as a tenant &n(e! an0 othe! $ont!a$t o 'ease.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 The appe''ant $onten(s that the !enta' p!i$e pai( (&!in2 the pe!io( o the eDisten$e o the !i2ht to !ep&!$hase, o! the s&3 o P;.* pe! 3onth, 4ase( &pon the "a'&e o the p!ope!t0, a3o&nte( to &s&!0. Us&!0, 2ene!a''0 spea6in2, 3a0 4e (e ine( as $ont!a$tin2 o! o! !e$ei"in2 so3ethin2 in eD$ess o the a3o&nt a''o#e( 40 'a# o! the 'oan o! o!4ea!an$e o 3one0,the ta6in2 o 3o!e inte!est o! the &se o 3one0 than the 'a# a''o#s. It see3s that the ta6in2 o inte!est o! the 'oan o 3one0, at 'east the ta6in2 o eD$essi"e inte!est has 4een !e2a!(e( #ith a4ho!!en$e !o3 the ea!'iest ti3es. 8D&nha3 vs. -o&'(, %> Johnson ?N. G.I, ;>..9 D&!in2 the 3i(('e a2es the peop'e o En2'an(, an( espe$ia''0 the En2'ish Ch&!$h, ente!taine( the opinion, then, $&!!ent in

E&!ope, that the ta6in2 o an0 inte!est o! the 'oan o 3one0 #as a (etesta4'e "i$e, hate &' to 3an an( $ont!a!0 to the 'a#s o -o(. 8; Co6eKs Instit&te, %*<C Ta0'e! on Us&!0, 11.9$han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 Chan$e''o! Kent, in the $ase o Dunham vs. *ould, supra, sai(: NI #e 'oo6 4a$6 &pon histo!0, #e sha'' in( that the!e is s$a!$e'0 an0 peop'e, an$ient o! 3o(e!n, that ha"e not ha( &s&!0 'a#s. . . . The Ro3ans, th!o&2h the 2!eate! pa!t o thei! histo!0, ha( the (eepest a4ho!!en$e o &s&!0. . . . It #i'' 4e (ee3e( a 'itt'e sin2&'a!, that the sa3e "oi$e a2ainst &s&!0 sho&'( ha"e 4een !aise( in the 'a#s o China, in the Hin(& instit&tes o /en&, in the Ko!an o /aho3et, an( pe!haps, #e 3a0 sa0, in the 'a#s o a'' nations that #e 6no# o , #hethe! -!ee6 o! 5a!4a!ian.N$han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 The $o''e$tion o a !ate o inte!est hi2he! than that a''o#e( 40 'a# is $on(e3ne( 40 the Phi'ippine Le2is'at&!e 8A$ts Nos. )>**, )>>) an( )++)9. 5&t is it &n'a# &' o! the o#ne! o a p!ope!t0 to ente! into a $ont!a$t #ith the tenant o! the pa03ent o a spe$i i$ a3o&nt o !ent o! the &se an( o$$&pation o sai( p!ope!t0, e"en tho&2h the a3o&nt pai( as N!ent,N 4ase( &pon the "a'&e o the p!ope!t0, 3i2ht eD$ee( the !ate o inte!est a''o#e( 40 'a#L That :&estion has ne"e! 4een (e$i(e( in this B&!is(i$tion. It is one o i!st i3p!ession. No $ases ha"e 4een o&n( in this B&!is(i$tion ans#e!in2 that :&estion. A$t No. )>** is NAn A$t iDin2 !ates o inte!est &pon K'oansK an( (e$'a!in2 the e e$t o !e$ei"in2 o! ta6in2 &s&!io&s !ates.N $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 It #i'' 4e note( that sai( stat&te i3poses a pena't0 &pon a N'oanN o! o!4ea!an$e o an0 3one0, 2oo(s, $hatte's o! $!e(its, et$. The $ent!a' i(ea o sai( stat&te is to p!ohi4it a !ate o inte!est on N'oans.N A $ont!a$t o N'oan,N is "e!0 (i e!ent $ont!a$t !o3 that o N!entN. A N'oan,N as that te!3 is &se( in the stat&te, si2ni ies the 2i"in2 o a s&3 o 3one0, 2oo(s o! $!e(its to anothe!, #ith a p!o3ise to !epa0, 4&t not a p!o3ise to !et&!n the sa3e thin2. To N'oan,N in 2ene!a' pa!'an$e, is to (e'i"e! to anothe! o! te3po!a!0 &se, on $on(ition that the thin2 o! its e:&i"a'ent 4e !et&!ne(C o! to (e'i"e! o! te3po!a!0 &se on $on(ition that an e:&i"a'ent in 6in( sha'' 4e !et&!ne( #ith a $o3pensation o! its &se. The #o!( N'oan,N ho#e"e!, as &se( in the stat&te, has a te$hni$a' 3eanin2. It ne"e! 3eans the !et&!n o the sa3e thin2. It 3eans the !et&!n o an e:&i"a'ent on'0, 4&t ne"e! the sa3e thin2 'oane(. A N'oanN has 4een p!ope!'0 (e ine( as an a("an$e pa03ent o 3one0, 2oo(s o! $!e(its &pon a $ont!a$t o! stip&'ation to !epa0, not to !et&!n, the thin2 'oane( at so3e &t&!e (a0 in a$$o!(an$e #ith the te!3s o the $ont!a$t. Un(e! the $ont!a$t o N'oan,N as &se( in sai( stat&te, the 3o3ent the $ont!a$t is $o3p'ete( the 3one0, 2oo(s o! $hatte's 2i"en $ease to 4e the p!ope!t0 o the o!3e! o#ne! an( 4e$o3es the p!ope!t0 o the o4'i2o! to 4e &se( a$$o!(in2 to his o#n #i'', &n'ess the $ont!a$t itse' eDp!ess'0 p!o"i(es o! a spe$ia' o! spe$i i$ &se o the sa3e. At a'' e"ents, the 3one0, 2oo(s o! $hatte's, the 3o3ent the $ont!a$t is eDe$&te(, $ease to 4e the p!ope!t0 o the o!3e! o#ne! an( 4e$o3es the a4so'&te p!ope!t0 o the o4'i2o!.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 A $ont!a$t o N'oanN (i e!s 3ate!ia''0 !o3 a $ont!a$t o N!ent.N In a $ont!a$t o N!entN the o#ne! o the p!ope!t0 (oes not 'ose his o#ne!ship. He si3p'0 'oses his $ont!o' o"e! the p!ope!t0 !ente( (&!in2 the pe!io( o the $ont!a$t. In a $ont!a$t o N'oanN the thin2 'oane( 4e$o3es the p!ope!t0 o the o4'i2o!. In a $ont!a$t o N!entN the thin2 sti'' !e3ains the p!ope!t0 o the 'esso!. He si3p'0 'oses $ont!o' o the sa3e in a 'i3ite( #a0 (&!in2 the pe!io( o the $ont!a$t o N!entN o! 'ease. In a $ont!a$t o N!entN the !e'ation 4et#een the $ont!a$to!s is that o 'an('o!( an( tenant. In a $ont!a$t o N'oanN o 3one0, 2oo(s, $hatte's o! $!e(its, the !e'ation 4et#een the pa!ties is that o o4'i2o! an( o4'i2ee. NRentN 3a0 4e (e ine( as the $o3pensation eithe! in 3one0, p!o"isions, $hatte's, o! 'a4o!, !e$ei"e( 40 the o#ne! o the soi' !o3 the o$$&pant the!eo . It is (e ine( as the !et&!n o! $o3pensation o! the possession o so3e $o!po!ea' inhe!itan$e, an( is a p!o it iss&in2 o&t o 'an(s o! tene3ents, in !et&!n o! thei! &se. It is that, #hi$h is to pai( o! the &se o 'an(, #hethe! in 3one0, 'a4o! o! othe! thin2 a2!ee( &pon. A $ont!a$t o N!entN is a $ont!a$t 40 #hi$h one o the pa!ties (e'i"e!s to the othe! so3e non$ons&3a4'e thin2, in o!(e! that the 'atte! 3a0 &se it (&!in2 a $e!tain pe!io( an( !et&!n it to the o!3e!C #he!eas a $ont!a$t o N'oanN, as that #o!( is &se( in the stat&te, si2ni ies the (e'i"e!0 o 3one0 o! othe! $ons&3a4'e thin2s &pon $on(ition o !et&!nin2 an e:&i"a'ent a3o&nt o the sa3e 6in( o! :&antit0, in #hi$h $ases it is $a''e( 3e!e'0 a N'oan.N In the $ase o a $ont!a$t o N!ent,N &n(e! the $i"i' 'a#, it is $a''e( a N$o33o(at&3.N$han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 F!o3 the o!e2oin2 it #i'' 4e seen that the!e is a #hi'e (istin$tion 4et#een a $ont!a$t o N'oan,N as that #o!( is &se( in the stat&te, an( a $ont!a$t o N!entN e"en tho&2h those #o!(s a!e &se( in o!(ina!0 pa!'an$e as inte!$han2ea4'e te!3s.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 The "a'&e o 3one0, 2oo(s o! $!e(its is easi'0 as$e!taine( #hi'e the a3o&nt o !ent to 4e pai( o! the &se an( o$$&pation o the p!ope!t0 3a0 (epen( &pon a tho&san( (i e!ent $on(itionsC as o! eDa3p'e, a!3 'an(s o eDa$t'0 e:&a' p!o(&$ti"e $apa$it0 an( o the sa3e ph0si$a' "a'&e 3a0 ha"e a (i e!ent !enta' "a'&e, (epen(in2 &pon 'o$ation, p!i$es o $o33o(ities, p!oDi3it0 to the 3a!6et, et$. Ho&ses 3a0 ha"e a (i e!ent !enta' "a'&e (&e to 'o$ation, $on(itions o 4&siness, 2ene!a' p!ospe!it0 o! (ep!ession, a(apta4i'it0 to pa!ti$&'a! p&!poses, e"en tho&2h the0 ha"e eDa$t'0 the sa3e o!i2ina' $ost. A sto!e on the Es$o'ta, in the $ente! o 4&siness, $onst!&$te( eDa$t'0 'i6e a sto!e 'o$ate( o&tsi(e o the 4&siness $ente!, #i'' ha"e a 3&$h hi2he! !enta' "a'&e than the othe!. T#o p'a$es o 4&siness 'o$ate( in (i e!ent se$tions o the $it0 3a0 4e $onst!&$te( eDa$t'0 on the sa3e a!$hite$t&!a' p'an

an( 0et one, (&e to pa!ti$&'a! 'o$ation o! a(apta4i'it0 to a pa!ti$&'a! 4&siness #hi$h the 'esso! (esi!es to $on(&$t, 3a0 ha"e a "e!0 3&$h hi2he! !enta' "a'&e than one not so 'o$ate( an( not so #e'' a(apte( to the pa!ti$&'a! 4&siness. A "e!0 $heap 4&i'(in2 on the $a!ni"a' 2!o&n( 3a0 !ent o! 3o!e 3one0, (&e to the pa!ti$&'a! $i!$&3stan$es an( s&!!o&n(in2s, than a 3&$h 3o!e "a'&a4'e p!ope!t0 'o$ate( e'se#he!e. It #i'' th&s 4e seen that the !ent to 4e pai( o! the &se an( o$$&pation o p!ope!t0 is not ne$essa!i'0 iDe( &pon the "a'&e o the p!ope!t0. The a3o&nt o !ent is iDe(, 4ase( &pon a tho&san( (i e!ent $on(itions an( 3a0 o! 3a0 not ha"e an0 (i!e$t !e e!en$e to the "a'&e o the p!ope!t0 !ente(. To ho'( that N&s&!0N $an 4e 4ase( &pon the $o3pa!ati"e a$t&a' !enta' "a'&e an( the a$t&a' "a'&e o the p!ope!t0, is to s&4Be$t e"e!0 'an('o!( to an anno0an$e not $onte3p'ate( 40 the 'a#, an( #o&'( $!eate a "e!0 2!eat (ist&!4an$e in e"e!0 4&siness o! !&!a' $o33&nit0. Ae $annot 4!in2 o&!se'"es to 4e'ie"e that the Le2is'at&!e $onte3p'ate( an0 s&$h (ist&!4an$e in the e:&i'i4!i&3 o the 4&siness o the $o&nt!0.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 In the p!esent $ase the p!ope!t0 in :&estion #as so'(. It #as an a4so'&te sa'e #ith the !i2ht on'0 to !ep&!$hase. D&!in2 the pe!io( o !e(e3ption the p&!$hase! #as the a4so'&te o#ne! o the p!ope!t0. D&!in2 the pe!io( o !e(e3ption the "en(o! #as not the o#ne! o the p!ope!t0. D&!in2 the pe!io( o !e(e3ption the "en(o! #as a tenant o the p&!$hase!. D&!in2 the pe!io( o !e(e3ption the !e'ation #hi$h eDiste( 4et#een the "en(o! an( the "en(ee #as that o 'an('o!( an( tenant. That !e'ation $an on'0 4e te!3inate( 40 a !ep&!$hase o the p!ope!t0 40 the "en(o! in a$$o!(an$e #ith the te!3s o the sai( $ont!a$t. The $ont!a$t #as one o !ent. The $ont!a$t #as not a 'oan, as that #o!( is &se( in A$t No. )>**.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 As o4noDio&s as $ont!a$ts o pacto de retro a!e, 0et ne"e!the'ess, the $o&!ts ha"e no !i2ht to 3a6e $ont!a$ts o! pa!ties. The0 3a(e thei! o#n $ont!a$t in the p!esent $ase. The!e is not a #o!(, a ph!ase, a senten$e o! pa!a2!aph, #hi$h in the s'i2htest #a0 in(i$ates that the pa!ties to the $ont!a$t in :&estion (i( not inten( to se'' the p!ope!t0 in :&estion a4so'&te'0, si3p'0 #ith the !i2ht to !ep&!$hase. Peop'e #ho 3a6e thei! o#n 4e(s 3&st 'ie the!eon.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 Ahat has 4een sai( a4o"e #ith !e e!en$e to the !i2ht to 3o(i 0 $ont!a$ts 40 pa!o' e"i(en$e, s& i$ient'0 ans#e!s the thi!( :&estions p!esente( a4o"e. The 'an2&a2e o the $ont!a$t is eDp'i$it, $'ea!, &na34i2&o&s an( 4e0on( :&estion. It eDp!esses the eDa$t intention o the pa!ties at the ti3e it #as 3a(e. The!e is not a #o!(, a ph!ase, a senten$e o! pa!a2!aph o&n( in sai( $ont!a$t #hi$h nee(s eDp'anation. The pa!ties the!eto ente!e( into sai( $ont!a$t #ith the &'' &n(e!stan(in2 o its te!3s an( sho&'( not no# 4e pe!3itte( to $han2e o! 3o(i 0 it 40 pa!o' e"i(en$e.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 Aith !e e!en$e to the i3p!o"e3ents 3a(e &pon sai( p!ope!t0 40 the p'ainti s (&!in2 the 'i e o the $ont!a$t, EDhi4it C, the!e is he!e40 !ese!"e( to the p'ainti s the !i2ht to eDe!$ise in a sepa!ate a$tion the !i2ht 2&a!antee( to the3 &n(e! a!ti$'e ;>% o the Ci"i' Co(e.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 Fo! a'' o the o!e2oin2 !easons, #e a!e &''0 pe!s&a(e( !o3 the a$ts o the !e$o!(, in !e'ation #ith the 'a# app'i$a4'e the!eto, that the B&(23ent appea'e( !o3 sho&'( 4e an( is he!e40 a i!3e(, #ith $osts. So o!(e!e(. "#$RD D$>$S$ON EUFE;$ %;ED a'RO;E% %;ED , Petitione!s, G.R. No. 150=0: P!esent: GNARES,SANTIA-O, J., Chairperson, AUSTRIA,/ARTINEE, CORONA,O NACHURA, an( REGES, JJ. P!o3&'2ate(: Jan&a!0 )@, )<<@ D,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,D

$!a'a#, "e!s&s ,

B "# % ; R!E"$NG $NDUS"R$ES, $NC., Respon(ent.

DEC$S$ON N C#UR , J.C This is a Petition o! Re"ie# on Certiorari &n(e! R&'e 1* o the R&'es o Co&!t, o the De$ision ?%I o the Co&!t o Appea's 8CA9, (ate( Septe34e! ;, )<<%, in CA,-.R. CV No. >..@1, an( its Reso'&tion ?)I (ate( No"e34e! %+, )<<%. The assai'e( De$ision a i!3e( #ith 3o(i i$ation the De$ision ?;I o the Re2iona' T!ia' Co&!t 8RTC9, /a6ati Cit0, 5!an$h %;>, (ate( /a0 +, )<<< in Ci"i' Case No. +@,1%%. $!a'a#So3eti3e in /a0 %++., !espon(ent 5atha'a /a!6etin2 In(&st!ies, In$., as 'essee, !ep!esente( 40 its p!esi(ent Ra3on H. -a!$ia, !ene#e( its Cont!a$t o Lease ?1I #ith Pon$iano L. A'3e(a 8Pon$iano9, as 'esso!, h&s4an( o petitione! E& e3ia an( athe! o petitione! Ro3e' A'3e(a. Un(e! the sai( $ont!a$t, Pon$iano a2!ee( to 'ease a po!tion o the A'3e(a Co3po&n(, 'o$ate( at ))<@ Pason2 Ta3o St!eet, /a6ati Cit0, $onsistin2 o .,;1@.)* s:&a!e 3ete!s, o! a 3onth'0 !enta' o P%,%<.,;1@.>+, o! a te!3 o o&! 819 0ea!s !o3 /a0 %, %++. &n'ess soone! te!3inate( as p!o"i(e( in the $ont!a$t. ?*I The $ont!a$t o 'ease $ontaine( the o''o#in2 pe!tinent p!o"isions #hi$h 2a"e !ise to the instant $ase: $!a'a#SIHTH It is eDp!ess'0 &n(e!stoo( 40 the pa!ties he!eto that the !enta' !ate stip&'ate( is 4ase( on the p!esent !ate o assess3ent on the p!ope!t0, an( that in $ase the assess3ent sho&'( he!ea te! 4e in$!ease( o! an0 ne# taD, $ha!2e o! 4&!(en 4e i3pose( 40 a&tho!ities on the 'ot an( 4&i'(in2 #he!e the 'ease( p!e3ises a!e 'o$ate(, LESSEE sha'' pa0, #hen the !enta' he!ein p!o"i(e( 4e$o3es (&e, the a((itiona' !enta' o! $ha!2e $o!!espon(in2 to the po!tion he!e40 'ease(C p!o"i(e(, ho#e"e!, that in the e"ent that the p!esent assess3ent o! taD on sai( p!ope!t0 sho&'( 4e !e(&$e(, LESSEE sha'' 4e entit'e( to !e(&$tion in the stip&'ate( !enta', 'i6e#ise in p!opo!tion to the po!tion 'ease( 40 hi3C $!a'a#SEVENTH In $ase an eDt!ao!(ina!0 in 'ation o! (e"a'&ation o Phi'ippine C&!!en$0 sho&'( s&pe!"ene, the "a'&e o Phi'ippine peso at the ti3e o the esta4'ish3ent o the o4'i2ation sha'' 4e the 4asis o pa03entC ?>I D&!in2 the e e$ti"it0 o the $ont!a$t, Pon$iano (ie(. The!ea te!, !espon(ent (ea't #ith petitione!s.In a 'ette! ?.I (ate( De$e34e! )+, %++., petitione!s a("ise( !espon(ent that the o!3e! sha'' assess an( $o''e$t Va'&e A((e( TaD 8VAT9 on its 3onth'0 !enta's. In !esponse, !espon(ent $onten(e( that VAT 3a0 not 4e i3pose( as the !enta's iDe( in the $ont!a$t o 'ease #e!e s&ppose( to in$'&(e the VAT the!ein, $onsi(e!in2 that thei! $ont!a$t #as eDe$&te( on /a0 %, %++.#hen the VAT 'a# ha( 'on2 4een in e e$t.?@I On Jan&a!0 )>, %++@, !espon(ent !e$ei"e( anothe! 'ette! !o3 petitione!s in o!3in2 the o!3e! that its 3onth'0 !enta' sho&'( 4e in$!ease( 40 .;M p&!s&ant to $on(ition No. . o the $ont!a$t an( A!ti$'e %)*< o the Ci"i' Co(e. Respon(ent oppose( petitione!s (e3an( an( insiste( that the!e #as no eDt!ao!(ina!0 in 'ation to #a!!ant the app'i$ation o A!ti$'e %)*< in 'i2ht o the p!ono&n$e3ent o this Co&!t in "a!io&s $ases.?+I Respon(ent !e &se( to pa0 the VAT an( a(B&ste( !enta's as (e3an(e( 40 petitione!s 4&t $ontin&e( to pa0 the stip&'ate( a3o&nt set o!th in thei! $ont!a$t. On Fe4!&a!0 %@, %++@, !espon(ent instit&te( an a$tion o! (e$'a!ato!0 !e'ie o! p&!poses o (ete!3inin2 the $o!!e$t inte!p!etation o $on(ition Nos. > an( . o the 'ease $ont!a$t to p!e"ent (a3a2e an( p!eB&(i$e. ?%<I The $ase #as (o$6ete( as Ci"i' Case No. +@, 1%% 4e o!e the RTC o /a6ati. On /a!$h %<, %++@, petitione!s in t&!n i'e( an a$tion o! eBe$t3ent, !es$ission an( (a3a2es a2ainst !espon(ent o! ai'&!e o the 'atte! to "a$ate the p!e3ises a te! the (e3an( 3a(e 40 the o!3e!. ?%%I 5e o!e !espon(ent $o&'( i'e an ans#e!, petitione!s i'e( a Noti$e o Dis3issa'.?%)I The0 s&4se:&ent'0 !e i'e( the $o3p'aint 4e o!e the /et!opo'itan T!ia' Co&!t o /a6atiC the $ase #as !a 'e( to 5!an$h %;+ an( #as (o$6ete( as Ci"i' Case No. *;*+>. Petitione!s 'ate! 3o"e( o! the (is3issa' o the (e$'a!ato!0 !e'ie $ase o! 4ein2 an i3p!ope! !e3e(0 $onsi(e!in2 that !espon(ent #as a'!ea(0 in 4!ea$h o the o4'i2ation an( that the $ase #o&'( not en( the 'iti2ation an( sett'e the !i2hts o the pa!ties. The t!ia' $o&!t, ho#e"e!, #as not pe!s&a(e(, an( $onse:&ent'0, (enie( the 3otion. A te! t!ia' on the 3e!its, on /a0 +, )<<<, the RTC !&'e( in a"o! o !espon(ent an( a2ainst petitione!s. The pe!tinent po!tion o the (e$ision !ea(s: AHEREFORE, p!e3ises $onsi(e!e(, this Co&!t !en(e!s B&(23ent on the $ase as o''o#s:

%9 (e$'a!in2 that p'ainti is not 'ia4'e o! the pa03ent o Va'&e,A((e( TaD 8VAT9 o %<M o the !ent o! ?theI &se o the 'ease( p!e3isesC )9 (e$'a!in2 that p'ainti is not 'ia4'e o! the pa03ent o an0 !enta' a(B&st3ent, the!e 4ein2 no ?eDt!ao!(ina!0I in 'ation o! (e"a'&ation, as p!o"i(e( in the Se"enth Con(ition o the 'ease $ont!a$t, to B&sti 0 the sa3eC ;9 ho'(in2 (e en(ants 'ia4'e to p'ainti o! the tota' a3o&nt o P%,%%+,%<).%+, sai( a3o&nt !ep!esentin2 pa03ents e!!oneo&s'0 3a(e 40 p'ainti as VAT $ha!2es an( !enta' a(B&st3ent o! the 3onths o Jan&a!0, Fe4!&a!0 an( /a!$h, %+++C an( 19 ho'(in2 (e en(ants 'ia4'e to p'ainti o! the a3o&nt o P%,%<.,;1@.>+, sai( a3o&nt !ep!esentin2 the 4a'an$e o p'ainti s !enta' (eposit sti'' #ith (e en(ants. SO ORDERED.?%;I $!a'a#The t!ia' $o&!t (enie( petitione!s thei! !i2ht to pass on to !espon(ent the 4&!(en o pa0in2 the VAT sin$e it #as not a ne# taD that #o&'( $a'' o! the app'i$ation o the siDth $'a&se o the $ont!a$t. The $o&!t, 'i6e#ise, (enie( thei! !i2ht to $o''e$t the (e3an(e( in$!ease in !enta', the!e 4ein2 no eDt!ao!(ina!0 in 'ation o! (e"a'&ation as p!o"i(e( o! in the se"enth $'a&se o the $ont!a$t.5e$a&se o the pa03ent 3a(e 40 !espon(ent o the !enta' a(B&st3ent (e3an(e( 40 petitione!s, the $o&!t o!(e!e( the !estit&tion 40 the 'atte! to the o!3e! o the a3o&nts pai(, not#ithstan(in2 the #e'',esta4'ishe( !&'e that in an a$tion o! (e$'a!ato!0 !e'ie , othe! than a (e$'a!ation o !i2hts an( o4'i2ations, a i!3ati"e !e'ie s a!e not so&2ht 40 o! a#a!(e( to the pa!ties. $!a'a#Petitione!s e'e"ate( the a o!esai( $ase to the Co&!t o Appea's #hi$h a i!3e( #ith 3o(i i$ation the RTC (e$ision. The fallo !ea(s: $!a'a#AHEREFORE, p!e3ises $onsi(e!e(, the p!esent appea' is DIS/ISSED an( the appea'e( (e$ision in Ci"i' Case No. +@,1%% is he!e40 AFFIR/ED #ith /ODIFICATION in that the o!(e! o! the !et&!n o the 4a'an$e o the !enta' (eposits an( o the a3o&nts !ep!esentin2 the %<M VAT an( !enta' a(B&st3ent, is he!e40 DELETED. $!a'a#No p!ono&n$e3ent as to $osts. $!a'a#SO ORDERED.?%1I $!a'a#The appe''ate $o&!t a2!ee( #ith the $on$'&sions o 'a# an( the app'i$ation o the (e$isiona' !&'es on the 3atte! 3a(e 40 the RTC. Ho#e"e!, it o&n( that the t!ia' $o&!t eD$ee(e( its B&!is(i$tion in 2!antin2 a i!3ati"e !e'ie to the !espon(ent, pa!ti$&'a!'0 the !estit&tion o its eD$ess pa03ent. $!a'a#Petitione!s no# $o3e 4e o!e this Co&!t !aisin2 the o''o#in2 iss&es: I. AHETHER OR NOT ARTICLE %)*< OF THE NEA CIVIL CODE IS APPLICA5LE TO THE CASE AT 5AR. II. AHETHER OR NOT THE DOCTRINE ENUNCIATED IN FILIPINO PIPE AND FOUNDRG CORP. VS. NAAASA CASE, %>% SCRA ;) AND CO/PANION CASES ARE 8si$9 APPLICA5LE IN THE CASE AT 5AR. III. AHETHER OR NOT IN NOT APPLGIN- THE DOCTRINE IN THE CASE OF DEL ROSARIOVS. THE SHELL CO/PANG OF THE PHILIPPINES, %>1 SCRA *>), THE HONORA5LE COURT OF APPEALS SERIOUSLG ERRED ON A FUESTION OF LAA. IV. AHETHER OR NOT THE FINDIN- OF THE HONORA5LE COURT OF APPEALS THAT RESPONDENT IS NOT LIA5LE TO PAG THE %<M VALUE ADDED TAH IS IN ACCORDANCE AITH THE /ANDATE OF RA ..%>.

V. AHETHER OR NOT DECLARATORG RELIEF IS PROPER SINCE PLAINTIFF,APPELLEE AAS IN 5REACH AHEN THE PETITION FOR DECLARATORG RELIEF AAS FILED 5EFORE THE TRIAL COURT. $!a'a# In ine, the iss&es o! o&! !eso'&tion a!e as o''o#s: %9 #hethe! the a$tion o! (e$'a!ato!0 !e'ie is p!ope!C )9 #hethe! !espon(ent is 'ia4'e to pa0 %<M VAT p&!s&ant to Rep&4'i$ A$t 8RA9 ..%>C an( ;9 #hethe! the a3o&nt o !enta's (&e the petitione!s sho&'( 4e a(B&ste( 40 !eason o eDt!ao!(ina!0 in 'ation o! (e"a'&ation. De$'a!ato!0 !e'ie is (e ine( as an a$tion 40 an0 pe!son inte!este( in a (ee(, #i'', $ont!a$t o! othe! #!itten inst!&3ent, eDe$&ti"e o!(e! o! !eso'&tion, to (ete!3ine an0 :&estion o $onst!&$tion o! "a'i(it0 a!isin2 !o3 the inst!&3ent, eDe$&ti"e o!(e! o! !e2&'ation, o! stat&te, an( o! a (e$'a!ation o his !i2hts an( (&ties the!e&n(e!. The on'0 iss&e that 3a0 4e !aise( in s&$h a petition is the :&estion o $onst!&$tion o! "a'i(it0 o p!o"isions in an inst!&3ent o! stat&te. Co!o''a!0 is the 2ene!a' !&'e that s&$h an a$tion 3&st 4e B&sti ie(, as no othe! a(e:&ate !e'ie o! !e3e(0 is a"ai'a4'e &n(e! the $i!$&3stan$es. ?%*I De$isiona' 'a# en&3e!ates the !e:&isites o an a$tion o! (e$'a!ato!0 !e'ie , as o''o#s: %9 the s&4Be$t 3atte! o the $ont!o"e!s0 3&st 4e a (ee(, #i'', $ont!a$t o! othe! #!itten inst!&3ent, stat&te, eDe$&ti"e o!(e! o! !e2&'ation, o! o!(inan$eC )9 the te!3s o sai( (o$&3ents an( the "a'i(it0 the!eo a!e (o&4t &' an( !e:&i!e B&(i$ia' $onst!&$tionC ;9 the!e 3&st ha"e 4een no 4!ea$h o the (o$&3ents in :&estionC 19 the!e 3&st 4e an a$t&a' B&sti$ia4'e $ont!o"e!s0 o! the !ipenin2 see(s o one 4et#een pe!sons #hose inte!ests a!e a("e!seC *9 the iss&e 3&st 4e !ipe o! B&(i$ia' (ete!3inationC an( >9 a(e:&ate !e'ie is not a"ai'a4'e th!o&2h othe! 3eans o! othe! o!3s o a$tion o! p!o$ee(in2.?%>I It is 4e0on( $a"i' that the o!e2oin2 !e:&isites a!e p!esent in the instant $ase, eD$ept that petitione!s insist that !espon(ent #as a'!ea(0 in 4!ea$h o the $ont!a$t #hen the petition #as i'e(. Ae (o not a2!ee. A te! petitione!s (e3an(e( pa03ent o a(B&ste( !enta's an( in the 3onths that o''o#e(, !espon(ent $o3p'ie( #ith the te!3s an( $on(itions set o!th in thei! $ont!a$t o 'ease 40 pa0in2 the !enta's stip&'ate( the!ein. Respon(ent !e'i2io&s'0 &' i''e( its o4'i2ations to petitione!s e"en (&!in2 the pen(en$0 o the p!esent s&it. The!e is no sho#in2 that !espon(ent $o33itte( an a$t $onstit&tin2 a 4!ea$h o the s&4Be$t $ont!a$t o 'ease. Th&s, !espon(ent is not 4a!!e( !o3 instit&tin2 4e o!e the t!ia' $o&!t the petition o! (e$'a!ato!0 !e'ie . Petitione!s $'ai3 that the instant petition is not p!ope! 4e$a&se a sepa!ate a$tion o! !es$ission, eBe$t3ent an( (a3a2es ha( 4een $o33en$e( 4e o!e anothe! $o&!tC th&s, the $onst!&$tion o the s&4Be$t $ont!a$t&a' p!o"isions sho&'( 4e "enti'ate( in the sa3e o!&3. Ae a!e not $on"in$e(. It is t!&e that in Pan#aniban v. Pilipinas 8hell Petroleum Corporation ?%.I #e he'( that the petition o! (e$'a!ato!0 !e'ie sho&'( 4e (is3isse( in "ie# o the pen(en$0 o a sepa!ate a$tion o! &n'a# &' (etaine!. Ho#e"e!, #e $annot app'0 the sa3e !&'in2 to the instant $ase. In Pan#aniban, the &n'a# &' (etaine! $ase ha( a'!ea(0 4een !eso'"e( 40 the t!ia' $o&!t 4e o!e the (is3issa' o the (e$'a!ato!0 !e'ie $aseC an( it #as petitione! in that $ase #ho insiste( that the a$tion o! (e$'a!ato!0 !e'ie 4e p!e e!!e( o"e! the a$tion o! &n'a# &' (etaine!. Con"e!se'0, in the $ase at 4en$h, the t!ia' $o&!t ha( not 0et !eso'"e( the !es$ission=eBe$t3ent $ase (&!in2 the pen(en$0 o the (e$'a!ato!0 !e'ie petition. In a$t, the t!ia' $o&!t, #he!e the !es$ission $ase #as on appea', itse' initiate( the s&spension o the p!o$ee(in2s pen(in2 the !eso'&tion o the a$tion o! (e$'a!ato!0 !e'ie . Ae a!e not &n3in( &' o the (o$t!ine en&n$iate( in 2eodoro, Jr. v. irasol?%@I #he!e the (e$'a!ato!0 !e'ie a$tion #as (is3isse( 4e$a&se the iss&e the!ein $o&'( 4e th!eshe( o&t in the &n'a# &' (etaine! s&it. Get, a2ain, in that $ase, the!e #as a'!ea(0 a 4!ea$h o $ont!a$t at the ti3e o the i'in2 o the (e$'a!ato!0 !e'ie petition. This (issi3i'a! a$t&a' 3i'ie& p!os$!i4es the Co&!t !o3 app'0in2 2eodoroto the instant $ase. -i"en a'' these atten(ant $i!$&3stan$es, the Co&!t is (ispose( to ente!tain the instant (e$'a!ato!0 !e'ie a$tion instea( o (is3issin2 it, not#ithstan(in2 the pen(en$0 o the eBe$t3ent=!es$ission $ase 4e o!e the t!ia' $o&!t. The !eso'&tion o the p!esent petition #o&'( #!ite finis to the pa!ties (isp&te, as it #o&'( sett'e on$e an( o! a'' the :&estion o the p!ope! inte!p!etation o the t#o $ont!a$t&a' stip&'ations s&4Be$t o this $ont!o"e!s0. No#, on the s&4stanti"e 'a# iss&es.

Petitione!s !epeate('0 3a(e a (e3an( on !espon(ent o! the pa03ent o VAT an( o! !enta' a(B&st3ent a''e2e('0 4!o&2ht a4o&t 40 eDt!ao!(ina!0 in 'ation o! (e"a'&ation. 5oth the t!ia' $o&!t an( the appe''ate $o&!t o&n( no 3e!it in petitione!s $'ai3. Ae see no !eason to (epa!t !o3 s&$h in(in2s. As to the 'ia4i'it0 o !espon(ent o! the pa03ent o VAT, #e $ite #ith app!o"a' the !atio$ination o the appe''ate $o&!t, vi&.: $!a'a#C'ea!'0, the pe!son p!i3a!i'0 'ia4'e o! the pa03ent o VAT is the 'esso! #ho 3a0 $hoose to pass it on to the 'essee o! a4so!4 the sa3e. 5e2innin2 Jan&a!0 %, %++>, the 'ease o !ea' p!ope!t0 in the o!(ina!0 $o&!se o 4&siness, #hethe! o! $o33e!$ia' o! !esi(entia' &se, #hen the 2!oss ann&a' !e$eipts eD$ee( P*<<,<<<.<<, is s&4Be$t to %<M VAT. Not#ithstan(in2 the 3an(ato!0 pa03ent o the %<M VAT 40 the 'esso!, the a$t&a' shi tin2 o the sai( taD 4&!(en &pon the 'essee is $'ea!'0 optiona' on the pa!t o the 'esso!, &n(e! the te!3s o the stat&te. The #o!( 3a0 in the stat&te, 2ene!a''0 spea6in2, (enotes that it is (i!e$to!0 in nat&!e. It is 2ene!a''0 pe!3issi"e on'0 an( ope!ates to $on e! (is$!etion. In this $ase, (espite the app'i$a4i'it0 o the !&'e &n(e! Se$. ++ o the NIRC, as a3en(e( 40 R.A. ..%>, 2!antin2 the 'esso! the option to pass on to the 'essee the %<M VAT, to eDistin2 $ont!a$ts o 'ease as o Jan&a!0 %, %++>, the o!i2ina' 'esso!, Pon$iano L. A'3e(a (i( not $ha!2e the 'essee,appe''ee the %<M VAT no! p!o"i(e( o! its a((itiona' i3position #hen the0 !ene#e( the $ont!a$t o 'ease in /a0 %++.. /o!e si2ni i$ant'0, sai( 'esso! (i( not a$t&a''0 $o''e$t a %<M VAT on the 3onth'0 !enta' (&e !o3 the 'essee,appe''ee after the eDe$&tion o the /a0 %++. $ont!a$t o 'ease. The ine"ita4'e i3p'i$ation is that the 'esso! inten(e( not to a"ai' o the option 2!ante( hi3 40 'a# to shi t the %<M VAT &pon the 'essee,appe''ee. D D D.?%+I In sho!t, petitione!s a!e estoppe( !o3 shi tin2 to !espon(ent the 4&!(en o pa0in2 the VAT. Petitione!s !e'ian$e on the siDth $on(ition o the $ont!a$t is, 'i6e#ise, &na"ai'in2. This p!o"ision $'ea!'0 states that !espon(ent $an on'0 4e he'( 'ia4'e o! ne% ta7es i3pose( a te! the e e$ti"it0 o the $ont!a$t o 'ease, that is, a te! /a0 %++., an( on'0 i the0 pe!tain to the 'ot an( the 4&i'(in2 #he!e the 'ease( p!e3ises a!e 'o$ate(. Consi(e!in2 that RA ..%> too6 e e$t in %++1, the VAT $annot 4e $onsi(e!e( as a ne# taD in /a0 %++., as to a'' #ithin the $o"e!a2e o the siDth stip&'ation. Neithe! $an petitione!s 'e2iti3ate'0 (e3an( !enta' a(B&st3ent 4e$a&se o eDt!ao!(ina!0 in 'ation o! (e"a'&ation. Petitione!s $onten( that A!ti$'e %)*< o the Ci"i' Co(e (oes not app'0 to this $ase 4e$a&se the $ont!a$t stip&'ation spea6s o eDt!ao!(ina!0 in 'ation o! (e"a'&ation #hi'e the Co(e spea6s o eDt!ao!(ina!0 in 'ation o! (e 'ation. The0 insist that the (o$t!ine p!ono&n$e( in Del Rosario v. 2he 8hell Compan), Phils. Limited?)<I sho&'( app'0. Essentia' to $ont!a$t $onst!&$tion is the as$e!tain3ent o the intention o the $ont!a$tin2 pa!ties, an( s&$h (ete!3ination 3&st ta6e into a$$o&nt the $onte3po!aneo&s an( s&4se:&ent a$ts o the pa!ties. This intention, on$e as$e!taine(, is (ee3e( an inte2!a' pa!t o the $ont!a$t.?)%I Ahi'e, in(ee(, $on(ition No. . o the $ont!a$t spea6s o eDt!ao!(ina!0 in 'ation o! (e"a'&ation as $o3pa!e( to A!ti$'e %)*<s eDt!ao!(ina!0 in 'ation o! (e 'ation, #e in( that #hen the pa!ties &se( the te!3 (e"a'&ation, the0 !ea''0 (i( not inten( to (epa!t !o3 A!ti$'e %)*< o the Ci"i' Co(e.Con(ition No. . o the $ont!a$t sho&'(, th&s, 4e !ea( in ha!3on0 #ith the Ci"i' Co(e p!o"ision. That this is the intention o the pa!ties is e"i(ent !o3 petitione!s 'ette! ?))I (ate( Jan&a!0 )>, %++@, #he!e, in (e3an(in2 !enta' a(B&st3ent ostensi4'0 4ase( on $on(ition No. ., petitione!s 3a(e eDp'i$it !e e!en$e to A!ti$'e %)*< o the Ci"i' Co(e, e"en :&otin2 the 'a# "e!4ati3. Th&s, the app'i$ation o Del Rosario is not #a!!ante(. Rathe!, B&!isp!&(entia' !&'es on the app'i$ation o A!ti$'e %)*< sho&'( 4e $onsi(e!e(. A!ti$'e %)*< o the Ci"i' Co(e states: $!a'a#$!a'a#In $ase an eDt!ao!(ina!0 in 'ation o! (e 'ation o the $&!!en$0 stip&'ate( sho&'( s&pe!"ene, the "a'&e o the $&!!en$0 at the ti3e o the esta4'ish3ent o the o4'i2ation sha'' 4e the 4asis o pa03ent, &n'ess the!e is an a2!ee3ent to the $ont!a!0. In 'ation has 4een (e ine( as the sha!p in$!ease o 3one0 o! $!e(it, o! 4oth, #itho&t a $o!!espon(in2 in$!ease in 4&siness t!ansa$tion. The!e is in 'ation #hen the!e is an in$!ease in the "o'&3e o 3one0 an( $!e(it !e'ati"e to a"ai'a4'e 2oo(s, !es&'tin2 in

a s&4stantia' an( $ontin&in2 !ise in the 2ene!a' p!i$e 'e"e'. ?);I In a n&34e! o $ases, this Co&!t ha( p!o"i(e( a (is$o&!se on #hat $onstit&tes eDt!ao!(ina!0 in 'ation, th&s: ?EIDt!ao!(ina!0 in 'ation eDists #hen the!e is a (e$!ease o! in$!ease in the p&!$hasin2 po#e! o the Phi'ippine $&!!en$0 #hi$h is &n&s&a' o! 4e0on( the $o33on '&$t&ation in the "a'&e o sai( $&!!en$0, an( s&$h in$!ease o! (e$!ease $o&'( not ha"e 4een !easona4'0 o!eseen o! #as 3ani est'0 4e0on( the $onte3p'ation o the pa!ties at the ti3e o the esta4'ish3ent o the o4'i2ation.?)1I The a$t&a' $i!$&3stan$es o4tainin2 in the p!esent $ase (o not 3a6e o&t a $ase o eDt!ao!(ina!0 in 'ation o! (e"a'&ation as #o&'( B&sti 0 the app'i$ation o A!ti$'e %)*< o the Ci"i' Co(e. Ae #o&'( 'i6e to st!ess that the e!osion o the "a'&e o the Phi'ippine peso in the past th!ee o! o&! (e$a(es, sta!tin2 in the 3i(,siDties, is $ha!a$te!isti$ o 3ost $&!!en$ies. An( #hi'e the Co&!t 3a0 ta6e B&(i$ia' noti$e o the (e$'ine in the p&!$hasin2 po#e! o the Phi'ippine $&!!en$0 in that span o ti3e, s&$h (o#n#a!( t!en( o the peso $annot 4e $onsi(e!e( as the eDt!ao!(ina!0 pheno3enon $onte3p'ate( 40 A!ti$'e %)*< o the Ci"i' Co(e. F&!the!3o!e, a4sent an o i$ia' p!ono&n$e3ent o! (e$'a!ation 40 $o3petent a&tho!ities o the eDisten$e o eDt!ao!(ina!0 in 'ation (&!in2 a 2i"en pe!io(, the e e$ts o eDt!ao!(ina!0 in 'ation a!e not to 4e app'ie(. ?)*I 8#EREFORE, p!e3ises $onsi(e!e(, the petition is DEN$ED. The De$ision o the Co&!t o Appea'sin CA,-.R. CV No. >..@1, (ate( Septe34e! ;, )<<%, an( its Reso'&tion (ate( No"e34e! %+, )<<%, a!e FF$R;ED. $!a'a# SO ORDERED. G.R. No. 1B1545 C De3e1ber 19, 200B E<U$" B%E PC$ B N!,O $;EE AU a'- BE? N %$ONE% P S, Petitioners, v. NG S#EUNG NGOROO -o*'6 bu/*'e// u'-er +,e 'a1e a'- /+y0e G!EN ; R!E"$NG,G !EN PP%$ NCE D$>$S$ON, $NC. a'- BEN? ;$N E. GO,Respondents. DEC$S$ON CORON , J.C This petition o! !e"ie# on certiorari % see6s to set asi(e the (e$ision) o the Co&!t o Appea's 8CA9 in CA,-.R. SP No. @;%%) an( its !eso'&tion; (en0in2 !e$onsi(e!ation. On O$to4e! ., )<<%, !espon(ents N2 She&n2 N2o!,1 Ken App'ian$e Di"ision, In$. an( 5enBa3in E. -o i'e( an a$tion o! ann&'3ent an(=o! !e o!3ation o (o$&3ents an( $ont!a$ts* a2ainst petitione! E:&ita4'e PCI 5an6 8E:&ita4'e9 an( its e3p'o0ees, Ai3ee G& an( 5eBan Lione' Apas, in the Re2iona' T!ia' Co&!t 8RTC9, 5!an$h %> o Ce4& Cit0.> The0$'ai3e( that E:&ita4'e in(&$e( the3 to a"ai' o its peso an( (o''a! $!e(it a$i'ities 40 o e!in2 'o# inte!est !ates . so the0 a$$epte( E:&ita4'eKs p!oposa' an( si2ne( the 4an6Ks p!e,p!inte( p!o3isso!0 notes on "a!io&s (ates 4e2innin2 %++>. The0, ho#e"e!, #e!e &na#a!e that the (o$&3ents $ontaine( i(enti$a' es$a'ation $'a&ses 2!antin2 E:&ita4'e a&tho!it0 to in$!ease inte!est !ates #itho&t thei! $onsent.@ $han!o4'es"i!t&a''a#'i4a!0 E:&ita4'e, in its ans#e!, asse!te( that !espon(ents 6no#in2'0 a$$epte( a'' the te!3s an( $on(itions $ontaine( in the p!o3isso!0 notes.+ In a$t, the0 $ontin&o&s'0 a"ai'e( o an( 4ene ite( !o3 E:&ita4'eKs $!e(it a$i'ities o! i"e 0ea!s.%< $han!o4'es"i!t&a''a#'i4a!0 A te! t!ia', the RTC &phe'( the "a'i(it0 o the p!o3isso!0 notes. It o&n( that, in )<<% a'one, E:&ita4'e !est!&$t&!e( !espon(entsK 'oans a3o&ntin2 to USP))@,)<< an( P%,<<<,<<<.%% The t!ia' $o&!t, ho#e"e!, in"a'i(ate( the es$a'ation $'a&se $ontaine( the!ein 4e$a&se it "io'ate( the p!in$ip'e o 3&t&a'it0 o $ont!a$ts. %) Ne"e!the'ess, it too6 B&(i$ia' noti$e o the steep (ep!e$iation o the peso (&!in2 the inte!"enin2 pe!io(%; an( (e$'a!e( the eDisten$e o eDt!ao!(ina!0 (e 'ation.%1 Conse:&ent'0, the RTC o!(e!e( the &se o the %++> (o''a! eD$han2e !ate in $o3p&tin2 !espon(entsK (o''a!,(eno3inate( 'oans.%* Last'0, 4e$a&se the 4&siness !ep&tation o !espon(ents #as 8a''e2e('09 se"e!e'0 (a3a2e( #hen E:&ita4'e !o7e thei! a$$o&nts,%> the t!ia' $o&!t a#a!(e( 3o!a' an( eDe3p'a!0 (a3a2es to the3.%. $han!o4'es"i!t&a''a#'i4a!0 The (ispositi"e po!tion o the Fe4!&a!0 *, )<<1 RTC (e$ision%@ p!o"i(e(:$!a:na(

8#EREFORE, p!e3ises $onsi(e!e(, B&(23ent is he!e40 !en(e!e(:$!a:na( A9 O!(e!in2 ?E:&ita4'eI to !einstate an( !et&!n the a3o&nt o ?!espon(entsKI (eposit p'a$e( on ho'( stat&sC 59 O!(e!in2 ?E:&ita4'eI to pa0 ?!espon(entsI the s&3 o P%) ?3Ii''ion ?pIesos as 3o!a' (a3a2esC C9 O!(e!in2 ?E:&ita4'eI to pa0 ?!espon(entsI the s&3 o P%< ?3Ii''ion ?pIesos as eDe3p'a!0 (a3a2esC D9 O!(e!in2 (e en(ants Ai3ee G& an( 5eBan ?Lione'I Apas to pa0 ?!espon(entsI, Boint'0 an( se"e!a''0, the s&3 o ?tI#o ?3Ii''ion ?pIesos as 3o!a' an( eDe3p'a!0 (a3a2esC E9 O!(e!in2 ?E:&ita4'e, Ai3ee G& an( 5eBan Lione' ApasI, Boint'0 an( se"e!a''0, to pa0 ?!espon(entsKI atto!ne0Ks ees in the s&3 o P;<<,<<<C 'iti2ation eDpenses in the s&3 o P*<,<<< an( the $ost o s&itC F9 Di!e$tin2 p'ainti s N2 She&n2 N2o! an( Ken /a!6etin2 to pa0 ?E:&ita4'eI the &npai( p!in$ipa' o4'i2ation o! the peso 'oan as #e'' as the &npai( o4'i2ation o! the (o''a! (eno3inate( 'oanC -9 Di!e$tin2 p'ainti N2 She&n2 N2o! an( Ken /a!6etin2 to pa0 ?E:&ita4'eI inte!est as o''o#s:$!a:na( %9 %)M pe! ann&3 o! the peso 'oansC )9 @M pe! ann&3 o! the (o''a! 'oans. The 4asis o! the pa03ent o the (o''a! o4'i2ation is the $on"e!sion !ate o P)>.*< pe! (o''a! a"ai'e( o at the ti3e o in$&!!in2 o the o4'i2ation in a$$o!(an$e #ith A!ti$'e %)*< o the Ci"i' Co(e o the Phi'ippinesC H9 Dis3issin2 ?E:&ita4'eKsI $o&nte!$'ai3 eD$ept the pa03ent o the a o!estate( &npai( p!in$ipa' 'oan o4'i2ations an( inte!est. SO ORDERED.%+ $han!o4'es"i!t&a''a#'i4a!0 E:&ita4'e an( !espon(ents i'e( thei! !espe$ti"e noti$es o appea'.)< $han!o4'es"i!t&a''a#'i4a!0 In the /a!$h %, )<<1 o!(e! o the RTC, 4oth noti$es #e!e (enie( (&e $o&!se 4e$a&se E:&ita4'e an( !espon(ents N ai'e( to s&43it p!oo that the0 pai( thei! !espe$ti"e appea' ees.N)% $han!o4'es"i!t&a''a#'i4a!0 8#EREFORE, p!e3ises $onsi(e!e(, the appea' inte!pose( 40 (e en(ants !o3 the De$ision in the a4o"e,entit'e( $ase is DEN$ED (&e $o&!se. / o4 February 2B, 2004, +,e De3*/*o' -a+e- February 5, 2004, */ 3o'/*-ere- 4*'a0 a'- e2e3u+ory *' /o 4ar a/ ?EHu*+ab0e, *1ee Au a'- BeEa' %*o'e0 .a/I are 3o'3er'e-.)) 8e3phasis s&pp'ie(9 E:&ita4'e 3o"e( o! the !e$onsi(e!ation o the /a!$h %, )<<1 o!(e! o the RTC); on the 2!o&n( that it (i( in a$t pa0 the appea' ees. Respon(ents, on the othe! han(, p!a0e( o! the iss&an$e o a #!it o eDe$&tion.)1 $han!o4'es"i!t&a''a#'i4a!0 On /a!$h )1, )<<1, the RTC iss&e( an o3ni4&s o!(e! (en0in2 E:&ita4'eKs 3otion o! !e$onsi(e!ation o! 'a$6 o 3e!it )* an( o!(e!e( the iss&an$e o a #!it o eDe$&tion in a"o! o Respondents.)> A$$o!(in2 to the RTC, 4e$a&se !espon(ents (i( not 3o"e o! the !e$onsi(e!ation o the p!e"io&s o!(e! 8(en0in2 (&e $o&!se to the pa!tiesK noti$es o appea'9, ). the Fe4!&a!0 *, )<<1 (e$ision 4e$a3e ina' an( eDe$&to!0 as to 4oth pa!ties an( a #!it o eDe$&tion a2ainst E:&ita4'e #as in o!(e!. )@ $!a A #!it o eDe$&tion #as the!ea te! iss&e()+ an( th!ee !ea' p!ope!ties o E:&ita4'e #e!e 'e"ie( &pon.;< $han!o4'es"i!t&a''a#'i4a!0 On /a!$h )>, )<<1, E:&ita4'e i'e( a petition o! !e'ie in the RTC !o3 the /a!$h %, )<<1 o!(e!. ;% It, ho#e"e!, #ith(!e# that petition on /a!$h ;<, )<<1;) an( instea( i'e( a petition o! certiorari #ith an app'i$ation o! an inB&n$tion in the CA to enBoin the i3p'e3entation an( eDe$&tion o the /a!$h )1, )<<1 o3ni4&s o!(e!.;; $han!o4'es"i!t&a''a#'i4a!0 On J&ne %>, )<<1, the CA 2!ante( E:&ita4'eKs app'i$ation o! inB&n$tion. A #!it o p!e'i3ina!0 inB&n$tion #as $o!!espon(in2'0 iss&e(.;1 $han!o4'es"i!t&a''a#'i4a!0

Not#ithstan(in2 the #!it o inB&n$tion, the p!ope!ties o E:&ita4'e p!e"io&s'0 'e"ie( &pon #e!e so'( in a p&4'i$ a&$tion on J&'0 %, )<<1. Respon(ents #e!e the hi2hest 4i((e!s an( $e!ti i$ates o sa'e #e!e iss&e( to the3.;* $han!o4'es"i!t&a''a#'i4a!0 On A&2&st %<, )<<1, E:&ita4'e 3o"e( to ann&' the J&'0 %, )<<1 a&$tion sa'e an( to $ite the she!i s #ho $on(&$te( the sa'e in $onte3pt o! p!o$ee(in2 #ith the a&$tion (espite the inB&n$tion o!(e! o the CA.;> $han!o4'es"i!t&a''a#'i4a!0 On O$to4e! )@, )<<*, the CA (is3isse( the petition o! certiorari .;. It o&n( E:&ita4'e 2&i't0 o o!&3 shoppin2 4e$a&se the 4an6 i'e( its petition o! certiorari in the CA se"e!a' ho&!s 4e o!e #ith(!a#in2 its petition o! !e'ie in the RTC.;@ /o!eo"e!, E:&ita4'e ai'e( to (is$'ose, 4oth in the state3ent o 3ate!ia' (ates an( $e!ti i$ate o non, o!&3 shoppin2 8atta$he( to its petition o! certiorari in the CA9, that it ha( a pen(in2 petition o! !e'ie in the RTC.;+ $han!o4'es"i!t&a''a#'i4a!0 E:&ita4'e 3o"e( o! !e$onsi(e!ation1< 4&t it #as (enie(.1% Th&s, this petition. E:&ita4'e asse!ts that it #as not 2&i't0 o o!&3 shoppin2 4e$a&se the petition o! !e'ie #as #ith(!a#n on the same da) the petition o! certiorari #as i'e(.1) It 'i6e#ise a"e!s that its petition o! certiorari #as 3e!ito!io&s 4e$a&se the RTC $o33itte( 2!a"e a4&se o (is$!etion in iss&in2 the /a!$h )1, )<<1 o3ni4&s o!(e! #hi$h #as 4ase( on an e!!oneo&s ass&3ption. The /a!$h %, )<<1 o!(e! (en0in2 its noti$e o appea' o! non pa03ent o appea' ees #as e!!oneo&s 4e$a&se it ha( in a$t pai( the !e:&i!e( ees.1; Th&s, the RTC, 40 iss&in2 its /a!$h )1, )<<1 o3ni4&s o!(e!, e e$ti"e'0 p!e"ente( E:&ita4'e !o3 appea'in2 the patent'0 #!on2 Fe4!&a!0 *, )<<1 (e$ision.11 $han!o4'es"i!t&a''a#'i4a!0 This petition is 3e!ito!io&s. EHu*+ab0e 8a/ No+ Gu*0+y O4 Foru1 /,o..*'6 Fo!&3 shoppin2 eDists #hen t#o o! 3o!e a$tions in"o'"in2 the sa3e t!ansa$tions, essentia' a$ts an( $i!$&3stan$es a!e i'e( an( those a$tions !aise i(enti$a' iss&es, s&4Be$t 3atte! an( $a&ses o a$tion.1* The test is #hethe!, in t#o o! 3o!e pen(in2 $ases, the!e is i(entit0 o pa!ties, !i2hts o! $a&ses o a$tions an( !e'ie s. 1> $han!o4'es"i!t&a''a#'i4a!0 E:&ita4'eKs petition o! !e'ie in the RTC an( its petition o! certiorari in the CA (i( not ha"e i(enti$a' $a&ses o a$tion. The petition o! !e'ie !o3 the (enia' o its noti$e o appea' #as 4ase( on the RTCKs B&(23ent o! ina' o!(e! p!e"entin2 it !o3 ta6in2 an appea' 40 N !a&(, a$$i(ent, 3ista6e o! eD$&sa4'e ne2'i2en$e.N1. On the othe! han(, its petition o! certiorari in the CA, a spe$ia' $i"i' a$tion, so&2ht to $o!!e$t the 2!a"e a4&se o (is$!etion a3o&ntin2 to 'a$6 o B&!is(i$tion $o33itte( 40 the RTC.1@ $han!o4'es"i!t&a''a#'i4a!0 In a petition o! !e'ie , the B&(23ent o! ina' o!(e! is !en(e!e( 40 a $o&!t #ith $o3petent B&!is(i$tion. In a petition o! certiorari , the o!(e! is !en(e!e( 40 a $o&!t #itho&t o! in eD$ess o its B&!is(i$tion. /o!eo"e!, E:&ita4'e s&4stantia''0 $o3p'ie( #ith the !&'e on non, o!&3 shoppin2 #hen it 3o"e( to #ith(!a# its petition o! !e'ie in the RTC on the sa3e (a0 8in a$t B&st o&! ho&!s an( o!t0 3in&tes a te!9 it i'e( the petition o! certiorari in the CA. E"en i E:&ita4'e ai'e( to (is$'ose that it ha( a pen(in2 petition o! !e'ie in the RTC, it !e$ti ie( #hat #as (o&4t'ess'0 a $a!e'ess o"e!si2ht 40 #ith(!a#in2 the petition o! !e'ie B&st a e# ho&!s a te! it i'e( its petition o! certiorari in the CA Q a $'ea! in(i$ation that it ha( no intention o 3aintainin2 the t#o a$tions at the sa3e ti3e. ",e "r*a0 Cour+ Co11*++e- Gra5e bu/e o4 D*/3re+*o' $' $//u*'6 $+/ ;ar3, 1, 2004 a'- ;ar3, 24, 2004 Or-er/ Se$tion %, R&'e >* o the R&'es o Co&!t p!o"i(es:$!a:na( Se$tion %. Petition for Certiorari . Ahen a'y +r*bu'a0, boar- or o44*3er e2er3*/*'6 Eu-*3*a0 or Hua/*9Eu-*3*a0 4u'3+*o' ,a/ a3+e- (*+,ou+ or *' e23e// o4 *+/ or ,*/ Eur*/-*3+*o', or (*+, 6ra5e abu/e o4 -*/3re+*o' a1ou'+*'6 +o 0a37 or e23e// o4 Eur*/-*3+*o', an( +,ere */ 'o a..ea0, 'or a'y .0a*', /.ee-y or a-eHua+e re1e-y *' +,e or-*'ary 3our/e o4 0a(, a pe!son a22!ie"e( the!e40 3a0 i'e a "e!i ie( petition in the p!ope! $o&!t, a''e2in2 the a$ts #ith $e!taint0 an( p!a0in2 that B&(23ent 4e !en(e!e( ann&''in2 o! 3o(i 0in2 the p!o$ee(in2s o s&$h t!i4&na', 4oa!( o! o i$e!, an( 2!antin2 s&$h in$i(enta' !e'ie s as 'a# an( B&sti$e 3a0 !e:&i!e.

The petition sha'' 4e a$$o3panie( 40 a $e!ti ie( t!&e $op0 o the B&(23ent, o!(e! o! !eso'&tion s&4Be$t the!eo , $opies o a'' p'ea(in2s an( (o$&3ents !e'e"ant an( pe!tinent the!eto, an( a s#o!n $e!ti i$ate o non, o!&3 shoppin2 as p!o"i(e( in the thi!( pa!a2!aph o Se$tion ;, R&'e 1>. The!e a!e t#o s&4stantia' !e:&i!e3ents in a petition o! certiorari . These a!e:$!a:na( %. that the t!i4&na', 4oa!( o! o i$e! eDe!$isin2 B&(i$ia' o! :&asi,B&(i$ia' &n$tions a$te( #itho&t o! in eD$ess o his o! its B&!is(i$tion o! #ith 2!a"e a4&se o (is$!etion a3o&ntin2 to 'a$6 o! eD$ess o B&!is(i$tionC an( ). that the!e is no appea' o! an0 p'ain, spee(0 an( a(e:&ate !e3e(0 in the o!(ina!0 $o&!se o 'a#. Fo! a petition o! certiorari p!e3ise( on 2!a"e a4&se o (is$!etion to p!ospe!, petitione! 3&st sho# that the p&4'i$ !espon(ent patent'0 an( 2!oss'0 a4&se( his (is$!etion an( that a4&se a3o&nte( to an e"asion o positi"e (&t0 o! a "i!t&a' !e &sa' to pe! o!3 a (&t0 enBoine( 40 'a# o! to a$t at a'' in $onte3p'ation o 'a#, as #he!e the po#e! #as eDe!$ise( in an a!4it!a!0 an( (espoti$ 3anne! 40 !eason o passion o! hosti'it0.1+ $han!o4'es"i!t&a''a#'i4a!0 The /a!$h %, )<<1 o!(e! (enie( (&e $o&!se to the noti$es o appea' o 4oth E:&ita4'e an( Respondents. Ho#e"e!, it (e$'a!e( that the Fe4!&a!0 *, )<<1 (e$ision #as 4*'a0 a'- e2e3u+ory o'0y (*+, re/.e3+ +o EHu*+ab0e.*< As eDpe$te(, the /a!$h )1, )<<1 o3ni4&s o!(e! (enie( E:&ita4'eKs 3otion o! !e$onsi(e!ation an( 2!ante( !espon(entsK 3otion o! the iss&an$e o a #!it o eDe$&tion.*% $han!o4'es"i!t&a''a#'i4a!0 The /a!$h %, )<<1 an( /a!$h )1, )<<1 o!(e!s o the RTC #e!e o4"io&s'0 inten(e( to p!e"ent E:&ita4'e, et a'. !o3 appea'in2 the Fe4!&a!0 *, )<<1 (e$ision. Not on'0 that. The eDe$&tion o the (e$ision #as &n(e!ta6en #ith in(e$ent haste, e e$ti"e'0 o4"iatin2 o! (e eatin2 E:&ita4'eKs !i2ht to a"ai' o possi4'e 'e2a' !e3e(ies. No 3atte! ho# #e 'oo6 at it, the RTC $o33itte( 2!a"e a4&se o (is$!etion in !en(e!in2 those o!(e!s. Aith !e2a!( to #hethe! E:&ita4'e ha( a p'ain, spee(0 an( a(e:&ate !e3e(0 in the o!(ina!0 $o&!se o 'a#, #e ho'( that the!e #as none. The RTC (enie( (&e $o&!se to its noti$e o appea' in the /a!$h %, )<<1 o!(e!. It a i!3e( that (enia' in the /a!$h )1, )<<1 o3ni4&s o!(e!. Hen$e, the!e #as no #a0 E:&ita4'e $o&'( ha"e possi4'0 appea'e( the Fe4!&a!0 *, )<<1 (e$ision.*) $han!o4'es"i!t&a''a#'i4a!0 A'tho&2h E:&ita4'e i'e( a petition o! !e'ie !o3 the /a!$h )1, )<<1 o!(e!, that petition #as not a p'ain, spee(0 an( a(e:&ate !e3e(0 in the o!(ina!0 $o&!se o 'a#.*; A petition o! !e'ie &n(e! R&'e ;@ is an e:&ita4'e !e3e(0 a''o#e( on'0 in eD$eptiona' $i!$&3stan$es o! #he!e the!e is no othe! a"ai'a4'e o! a(e:&ate !e3e(0.*1 $!a Th&s, #e 2!ant E:&ita4'eKs petition o! certiorari an( $onse:&ent'0 2i"e (&e $o&!se to its appea'. EHu*+ab0e Ra*/e- Pure <ue/+*o'/ o4 %a( *' $+/ Pe+*+*o' For Re5*e( The B&!is(i$tion o this Co&!t in R&'e 1* petitions is 'i3ite( to :&estions o 'a#. ** The!e is a :&estion o 'a# N#hen the (o&4t o! $ont!o"e!s0 $on$e!ns the $o!!e$t app'i$ation o 'a# o! B&!isp!&(en$e to a $e!tain set o a$tsC o! #hen the iss&e (oes not $a'' o! the p!o4ati"e "a'&e o the e"i(en$e p!esente(, the t!&th o! a'sehoo( o a$ts 4ein2 a(3itte(.N*> E:&ita4'e (oes not assai' the a$t&a' in(in2s o the t!ia' $o&!t. Its a!2&3ents essentia''0 o$&s on the n&''it0 o the RTCKs Fe4!&a!0 *, )<<1 (e$ision. E:&ita4'e points o&t that that (e$ision #as patent'0 e!!oneo&s, /.e3*a00y +,e e2orb*+a'+ a(ar- o4 -a1a6e/, as it #as in$onsistent #ith eDistin2 'a# an( B&!isp!&(en$e.*. ",e Pro1*//ory No+e/ 8ere >a0*The RTC &phe'( the "a'i(it0 o the p!o3isso!0 notes (espite !espon(entsK asse!tion that those (o$&3ents #e!e $ont!a$ts o a(hesion. A $ont!a$t o a(hesion is a $ont!a$t #he!e40 a'3ost a'' o its p!o"isions a!e (!a te( 40 one pa!t0.*@ The pa!ti$ipation o the othe! pa!t0 is 'i3ite( to a iDin2 his si2nat&!e o! his Na(hesionN to the $ont!a$t. *+ Fo! this !eason, $ont!a$ts o a(hesion a!e st!i$t'0 $onst!&e( a2ainst the pa!t0 #ho (!a te( it.>< $han!o4'es"i!t&a''a#'i4a!0

It is e!!oneo&s, ho#e"e!, to $on$'&(e that $ont!a$ts o a(hesion a!e in"a'i( per se. The0 a!e, on the $ont!a!0, as 4in(in2 as o!(ina!0 $ont!a$ts. A pa!t0 is in !ea'it0 !ee to a$$ept o! !eBe$t it. A $ont!a$t o a(hesion 4e$o3es "oi( on'0 #hen the (o3inant pa!t0 ta6es a("anta2e o the #ea6ness o the othe! pa!t0, $o3p'ete'0 (ep!i"in2 the 'atte! o the oppo!t&nit0 to 4a!2ain on e:&a' ootin2.>% $!a That #as not the $ase he!e. As the t!ia' $o&!t note(, i the te!3s an( $on(itions o e!e( 40 E:&ita4'e ha( 4een t!&'0 p!eB&(i$ia' to !espon(ents, the0 #o&'( ha"e #a'6e( o&t an( ne2otiate( #ith anothe! 4an6 at the i!st a"ai'a4'e instan$e. 5&t the0 (i( not. Instea(, the0 $ontin&o&s'0 a"ai'e( o E:&ita4'eKs $!e(it a$i'ities o! i"e 'on2 0ea!s. Ahi'e the RTC $ate2o!i$a''0 o&n( that !espon(ents ha( o&tstan(in2 (o''a!, an( peso,(eno3inate( 'oans #ith E:&ita4'e, it, ho#e"e!, ai'e( to as$e!tain the tota' a3o&nt (&e 8p!in$ipa', inte!est an( pena'ties, i an09 as o J&'0 +, )<<%. The t!ia' $o&!t (i( not eDp'ain ho# it a!!i"e( at the a3o&nts o USP))@,)<< an( P%,<<<,<<<.>) In etro anila 2ransit Corporation v. D. . Consun'i,>; #e !eite!ate( that this Co&!t is not a t!ie! o a$ts an( it sha'' pass &pon the3 on'0 o! $o3pe''in2 !easons #hi$h &n o!t&nate'0 a!e not p!esent in this $ase.>1 Hen$e, #e o!(e!e( the pa!tia' !e3an( o the $ase o! the so'e p&!pose o (ete!3inin2 the a3o&nt o a$t&a' (a3a2es.>* E/3a0a+*o' C0au/e >*o0a+e- ",e Pr*'3*.0e O4 ;u+ua0*+y O4 Co'+ra3+/ Es$a'ation $'a&ses a!e not "oi( per se. Ho#e"e!, one N#hi$h 2!ants the $!e(ito! an &n4!i('e( !i2ht to a(B&st the inte!est in(epen(ent'0 an( &p#a!('0, $o3p'ete'0 (ep!i"in2 the (e4to! o the !i2ht to assent to an i3po!tant 3o(i i$ation in the a2!ee3entN is "oi(. C'a&ses o that nat&!e "io'ate the p!in$ip'e o 3&t&a'it0 o $ont!a$ts. >> A!ti$'e %;<@>. o the Ci"i' Co(e ho'(s that a $ont!a$t 3&st 4in( 4oth $ont!a$tin2 pa!tiesC its "a'i(it0 o! $o3p'ian$e $annot 4e 'e t to the #i'' o one o the3.>@ $han!o4'es"i!t&a''a#'i4a!0 Fo! this !eason, #e ha"e $onsistent'0 he'( that a "a'i( es$a'ation $'a&se p!o"i(es: %. that the !ate o inte!est #i'' on'0 4e in$!ease( i the app'i$a4'e 3aDi3&3 !ate o inte!est is in$!ease( 40 'a# o! 40 the /oneta!0 5oa!(C an( ). that the stip&'ate( !ate o inte!est #i'' 4e !e(&$e( i the app'i$a4'e 3aDi3&3 !ate o inte!est is !e(&$e( 40 'a# o! 40 the /oneta!0 5oa!( 8(e,es$a'ation $'a&se9. >+ $han!o4'es"i!t&a''a#'i4a!0 The RTC o&n( that E:&ita4'eKs p!o3isso!0 notes &ni o!3'0 state(= I s&4Be$t p!o3isso!0 note is eDten(e(, the inte!est o! s&4se:&ent eDtensions sha'' 4e at s&$h !ate as sha'' 4e (ete!3ine( 40 the 4an6..< $han!o4'es"i!t&a''a#'i4a!0 E:&ita4'e (i$tate( the inte!est !ates i the te!3 8o! pe!io( o! !epa03ent9 o the 'oan #as eDten(e(. Respon(ents ha( no $hoi$e 4&t to a$$ept the3. This #as a "io'ation o A!ti$'e %;<@ o the Ci"i' Co(e. F&!the!3o!e, the assai'e( es$a'ation $'a&se (i( not $ontain the ne$essa!0 p!o"isions o! "a'i(it0, that is, it neithe! p!o"i(e( that the !ate o inte!est #o&'( 4e in$!ease( on'0 i a''o#e( 40 'a# o! the /oneta!0 5oa!(, no! a''o#e( (e,es$a'ation. Fo! these !easons, the es$a'ation $'a&se #as "oi(. Aith !e2a!( to the p!ope! !ate o inte!est, in +e% 8ampa#uita (uilders v. Philippine +ational (an?.% #e he'( that, 4e$a&se the es$a'ation $'a&se #as ann&''e(, the p!in$ipa' a3o&nt o the 'oan #as s&4Be$t to the o!i2ina' o! stip&'ate( !ate o inte!est. Upon 3at&!it0, the a3o&nt (&e #as s&4Be$t to 'e2a' inte!est at the !ate o %)M pe! ann&3. .) $han!o4'es"i!t&a''a#'i4a!0 Conse:&ent'0, !espon(ents sho&'( pa0 E:&ita4'e the inte!est !ates o %).>>M p.a. o! thei! (o''a!,(eno3inate( 'oans an( )<M p.a. o! thei! peso,(eno3inate( 'oans !o3 Jan&a!0 %<, )<<% to J&'0 +, )<<%. The!ea te!, E:&ita4'e #as entit'e( to 'e2a' inte!est o %)M p.a. on a'' a3o&nts (&e. ",ere 8a/ No E2+raor-*'ary De40a+*o' EDt!ao!(ina!0 in 'ation eDists #hen the!e is an &n&s&a' (e$!ease in the p&!$hasin2 po#e! o $&!!en$0 8that is, 4e0on( the $o33on '&$t&ation in the "a'&e o $&!!en$09 an( s&$h (e$!ease $o&'( not 4e !easona4'0 o!eseen o! #as 3ani est'0 4e0on( the $onte3p'ation o the pa!ties at the ti3e o the o4'i2ation. EDt!ao!(ina!0 (e 'ation, on the othe! han(, in"o'"es an in"e!se sit&ation..; $han!o4'es"i!t&a''a#'i4a!0

A!ti$'e %)*< o the Ci"i' Co(e p!o"i(es:$!a:na( A!ti$'e %)*<. In $ase an eDt!ao!(ina!0 in 'ation o! (e 'ation o the $&!!en$0 stip&'ate( sho&'( inte!"ene, the "a'&e o the $&!!en$0 at the ti3e o the esta4'ish3ent o the o4'i2ation sha'' 4e the 4asis o pa03ent, &n'ess the!e is an a2!ee3ent to the $ont!a!0. Fo! eDt!ao!(ina!0 in 'ation 8o! (e 'ation9 to a e$t an o4'i2ation, the o''o#in2 !e:&isites 3&st 4e p!o"en:$!a:na( %. that the!e #as an o i$ia' (e$'a!ation o eDt!ao!(ina!0 in 'ation o! (e 'ation !o3 the 5an26o Sent!a' n2 Pi'ipinas 85SP9C.1 $han!o4'es"i!t&a''a#'i4a!0 ). that the o4'i2ation #as $ont!a$t&a' in nat&!eC.* an( ;. that the pa!ties eDp!ess'0 a2!ee( to $onsi(e! the e e$ts o the eDt!ao!(ina!0 in 'ation o! (e 'ation..> $han!o4'es"i!t&a''a#'i4a!0 Despite the (e"a'&ation o the peso, the 5SP ne"e! (e$'a!e( a sit&ation o eDt!ao!(ina!0 in 'ation. /o!eo"e!, a'tho&2h the o4'i2ation in this instan$e a!ose o&t o a $ont!a$t, the pa!ties (i( not a2!ee to !e$o2ni7e the e e$ts o eDt!ao!(ina!0 in 'ation 8o! (e 'ation9... The RTC ne"e! 3entione( that the!e #as a s&$h stip&'ation eithe! in the p!o3isso!0 note o! 'oan a2!ee3ent. The!e o!e, !espon(ents sho&'( pa0 thei! (o''a!,(eno3inate( 'oans at the eD$han2e !ate iDe( 40 the 5SP on the (ate o 3at&!it0. .@ ",e (ar- O4 ;ora0 '- E2e1.0ary Da1a6e/ %a37e- Ba/*/ /o!a' (a3a2es a!e in the $ate2o!0 o an a#a!( (esi2ne( to $o3pensate the $'ai3ant o! a$t&a' inB&!0 s& e!e(, not to i3pose a pena't0 to the #!on2(oe!..+ To 4e entit'e( to 3o!a' (a3a2es, a $'ai3ant 3&st p!o"e:$!a:na( %. That he o! she s& e!e( 4es3i!$he( !ep&tation, o! ph0si$a', 3enta' o! ps0$ho'o2i$a' s& e!in2 s&staine( 40 the $'ai3antC ). That the (e en(ant $o33itte( a #!on2 &' a$t o! o3issionC ;. That the #!on2 &' a$t o! o3ission #as the p!oDi3ate $a&se o the (a3a2es the $'ai3ant s&staine(C 1. The $ase is p!e(i$ate( on an0 o the instan$es eDp!esse( o! en"isione( 40 A!ti$'e ))%+@< an( )))<@% . @) $!a Inculpa contractual o! 4!ea$h o $ont!a$t, 3o!a' (a3a2es a!e !e$o"e!a4'e on'0 i the (e en(ant a$te( !a&(&'ent'0 o! in 4a( aith o! in #anton (is!e2a!( o his $ont!a$t&a' o4'i2ations.@; The 4!ea$h 3&st 4e #anton, !e$6'ess, 3a'i$io&s o! in 4a( aith, an( opp!essi"e o! a4&si"e.@1 $!a The RTC o&n( that !espon(ents (i( not pa0 E:&ita4'e the inte!est (&e on Fe4!&a!0 +, )<<% 8o! an0 3onth the!ea te! p!io! to the 3at&!it0 o the 'oan9@* o! the a3o&nt (&e 8p!in$ipa' p'&s inte!est9 (&e on J&'0 +, )<<%.@> Conse:&ent'0, E:&ita4'e app'ie( !espon(entsK (eposits to thei! 'oans &pon 3at&!it0. The !e'ationship 4et#een a 4an6 an( its (eposito! is that o $!e(ito! an( (e4to!. @. Fo! this !eason, a 4an6 has the !i2ht to set,o the (eposits in its han(s o! the pa03ent o a (eposito!Ks in(e4te(ness.@@ $han!o4'es"i!t&a''a#'i4a!0 Respon(ents in(ee( (e a&'te( on thei! o4'i2ation. Fo! this !eason, E:&ita4'e ha( the option to eDe!$ise its 'e2a' !i2ht to set,o o! $o3pensation. Ho#e"e!, the RTC 3ista6en'0 8o!, as it no# appea!s, (e'i4e!ate'09 $on$'&(e( that E:&ita4'e a$te( N !a&(&'ent'0 o! in 4a( aith o! in #anton (is!e2a!(N o its $ont!a$t&a' o4'i2ations (espite the a4sen$e o p!oo . The &n(enia4'e a$t #as that, #hate"e! (a3a2e !espon(ents s&staine( #as .ure0y +,e 3o'/eHue'3e o4 +,e*r 4a*0ure +o .ay +,e*r 0oa'/. The!e #as the!e o!e a4so'&te'0 no 4asis o! the a#a!( o 3o!a' (a3a2es to the3. Neithe! #as the!e !eason to a#a!( eDe3p'a!0 (a3a2es. Sin$e !espon(ents #e!e not entit'e( to 3o!a' (a3a2es, neithe! sho&'( the0 4e a#a!(e( eDe3p'a!0 (a3a2es.@+ An( i !espon(ents #e!e not entit'e( to 3o!a' an( eDe3p'a!0 (a3a2es, neithe! $o&'( the0 4e a#a!(e( atto!ne0Ks ees an( 'iti2ation eDpenses.+< CCORD$NG%A, the petition is he!e40 GR N"ED. The O$to4e! )@, )<<* (e$ision an( Fe4!&a!0 ;, )<<> !eso'&tion o the Co&!t o Appea's in CA,-.R. SP No. @;%%) a!e he!e40 RE>ERSED an( SE" S$DE.

The /a!$h )1, )<<1 o3ni4&s o!(e! o the Re2iona' T!ia' Co&!t, 5!an$h %>, Ce4& Cit0 in Ci"i' Case No. CE5,)>+@; is he!e40 NNU%%ED o! 4ein2 !en(e!e( #ith 2!a"e a4&se o (is$!etion a3o&ntin2 to 'a$6 o! eD$ess o B&!is(i$tion. A'' p!o$ee(in2s &n(e!ta6en p&!s&ant the!eto a!e 'i6e#ise (e$'a!e( n&'' an( "oi(. The /a!$h %, )<<1 o!(e! o the Re2iona' T!ia' Co&!t, 5!an$h %> o Ce4& Cit0 in Ci"i' Case No. CE5,)>+@; is he!e40 SE" S$DE. The appea' o petitione!s E:&ita4'e PCI 5an6, Ai3ee G& an( 5eBan Lione' Apas is the!e o!e 2i"en (&e $o&!se. The Fe4!&a!0 *, )<<1 (e$ision o the Re2iona' T!ia' Co&!t, 5!an$h %> o Ce4& Cit0 in Ci"i' Case No. CE5,)>+@; is a$$o!(in2'0 SE" S$DE. Ne# B&(23ent is he!e40 ente!e(: %. o!(e!in2 !espon(ents N2 She&n2 N2o!, (oin2 4&siness &n(e! the na3e an( st0'e o NKen /a!6etin2,N Ken App'ian$e Di"ision, In$. an( 5enBa3in E. -o to pa0 petitione! E:&ita4'e PCI 5an6 the p!in$ipa' a3o&nt o thei! (o''a!, an( peso,(eno3inate( 'oansC ). o!(e!in2 !espon(ents N2 She&n2 N2o!, (oin2 4&siness &n(e! the na3e an( st0'e o NKen /a!6etin2,N Ken App'ian$e Di"ision, In$. an( 5enBa3in E. -o to pa0 petitione! E:&ita4'e PCI 5an6 inte!est at:$!a:na( a9 %).>>M p.a. #ith !espe$t to thei! (o''a!,(eno3inate( 'oans !o3 Jan&a!0 %<, )<<% to J&'0 +, )<<%C 49 )<M p.a. #ith !espe$t to thei! peso,(eno3inate( 'oans !o3 Jan&a!0 %<, )<<% to J&'0 +, )<<%C+% $!a $9 p&!s&ant to o&! !&'in2 in "astern 8hippin# Lines v. Court of Appeals,+) the tota' a3o&nt (&e on J&'0 +, )<<% sha'' ea!n 'e2a' inte!est at %)M p.a. !o3 the ti3e petitione! E:&ita4'e PCI 5an6 (e3an(e( pa03ent, #hethe! B&(i$ia''0 o! eDt!a,B&(i$ia''0C an( (9 a te! this De$ision 4e$o3es ina' an( eDe$&to!0, the app'i$a4'e !ate sha'' 4e %)M p.a. &nti' &'' satis a$tionC ;. a'' othe! $'ai3s an( $o&nte!$'ai3s a!e (is3isse(. As a sta!tin2 point, the Re2iona' T!ia' Co&!t, 5!an$h %> o Ce4& Cit0 sha'' $o3p&te the eDa$t a3o&nts (&e on the !espe$ti"e (o''a!,(eno3inate( an( peso,(eno3inate( 'oans, as o J&'0 +, )<<%, o !espon(ents N2 She&n2 N2o!, (oin2 4&siness &n(e! the na3e an( st0'e o NKen /a!6etin2,N Ken App'ian$e Di"ision an( 5enBa3in E. -o. SO ORDERED. G.R. No. %94B=B= ?u0y 24, 1942

G$% ? RDEN$%, Plaintiff-Appellant, "s. #EF"$ SO% S &alias #EP"$ SO% S, ?EP"$ SO% S), Defendant-Appellee. ;OR N, J.C $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 This is an a$tion o! o!e$'os&!e o 3o!t2a2e. The on'0 :&estion !aise( in this appea' is: Is (e en(ant,appe''ee 4o&n( to pa0 the stip&'ate( inte!est on'0 &p to the (ate o 3at&!it0 as iDe( in the p!o3isso!0 note, o! &p to the (ate pa03ent is e e$te(L This :&estion is, in o&! opinion $ont!o''e( 40 the eDp!ess stip&'ation o the pa!ties.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 Pa!a2!aph 1 o the 3o!t2a2e (ee( !e$ites: F&e en $onsi(e!a$ion a (i$ha s&3a a&n po! pa2a! (e DOS /IL CUATROCIENTOS PESOS 8P),1<<<.<<9, 3one(a i'ipina, :&e e' S!. Hepti So'as se $o3p!o3ete a pa2a! a' S!. Ja!(eni' en o antes (e' (ia t!eintai&no 8;%9 (e 3a!7o (e 3i' no"e$ientos t!eintai$&a!to 8%+;19, $on 'os inte!eses (e (i$ha s&3a a' tipo (e (o$e po! $iento 8%)M9 an&a' a pa!ti! (es(e e$ha hasta e' (ia (e s& "en$i3iento o sea t!eintai&no 8;%9 (e 3a!7o (e 3i' no"e$ientos t!eintai$&at!o 8%+;19, po! 'a p!esente, e' S!. Hepti So'as $e(e 0 t!aspasa, po! "ia (e p!i3e!a hipote$a, a a"o! (e' S!. Ja!(eni', s&s he!e(e!os 0 $a&saha4ientes, 'a pa!$e'a (e te!!eno (es$!ita en e' pa!!a o p!i3e!o 8%.9 (e esta es$!it&!a. De en(ant,appe''ee has, the!e o!e, $'ea!'0 a2!ee( to pa0 inte!est on'0 &p to the (ate o 3at&!it0, o! &nti' /a!$h ;%, %+;1. As the $ont!a$t is si'ent as to #hethe! a te! that (ate, in the e"ent o non,pa03ent, the (e4to! #o&'( $ontin&e to pa0 inte!est, #e $annot

in 'a#, in(&'2e in an0 p!es&3ption as to s&$h inte!estC othe!#ise, #e #o&'( 4e i3posin2 &pon the (e4to! an o4'i2ation that the pa!ties ha"e not $hosen to a2!ee &pon. A!ti$'e %.** o the Ci"i' Co(e p!o"i(es that Ninte!est sha'' 4e (&e on'0 #hen it has 4een e7pressl) stipulated.N 8E3phasis s&pp'ie(.9 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 A #!itin2 3&st 4e inte!p!ete( a$$o!(in2 to the 'e2a' 3eanin2 o its 'an2&a2e 8se$tion )@>, A$t No. %+<, no# se$tion *@, R&'e %);9, an( on'0 #hen the #o!(in2 o the #!itten inst!&3ent appea!s to 4e $ont!a!0 to the e"i(ent intention o the pa!ties that s&$h intention 3&st p!e"ai'. 8A!ti$'e %)@%, Ci"i' Co(e.9 The!e is nothin2 in the 3o!t2a2e (ee( to sho# that the te!3s e3p'o0e( 40 the pa!ties the!eto a!e at #a! #ith thei! e"i(ent intent. On the $ont!a!0 the a$t o the 3o!t2a2e o 2!antin2 to the 3o!t2a2o! on the sa3e (ate o eDe$&tion o the (ee( o 3o!t2a2e, an eDtension o one 0ea! !o3 the (ate o 3at&!it0 #ithin #hi$h to 3a6e pa03ent, #itho&t 3a6in2 an0 3ention o an0 inte!est #hi$h the 3o!t2a2o! sho&'( pa0 (&!in2 the a((itiona' pe!io( 8see EDhi4it 5 atta$he( to the $o3p'aint9, in(i$ates that the t!&e intention o the pa!ties #as that no inte!est sho&'( 4e pai( (&!in2 the pe!io( o 2!a$e. Ahat !eason the pa!ties 3a0 ha"e the!e o!, #e nee( not he!e see6 to eDp'o!e.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 Neithe! has eithe! o the pa!ties sho#n that, 40 3&t&a' 3ista6e, the (ee( o 3o!t2a2e ai's to eDp!ess thei! a2!ee3ent, o! i s&$h 3ista6e eDiste(, p'ainti #o&'( ha"e &n(o&4te('0 a((&$e( e"i(en$e to esta4'ish it an( as6e( that the (ee( 4e !e o!3e( a$$o!(in2'0, &n(e! the pa!$e',e"i(en$e !&'e.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 Ae ho'( the!e o!e, that as the $ont!a$t is $'ea! an( &n3ista6a4'e an( the te!3s e3p'o0e( the!ein ha"e not 4een sho#n to 4e'ie o! othe!#ise ai' to eDp!ess the t!&e intention o the pa!ties an( that the (ee( has not 4een assai'e( on the 2!o&n( o 3&t&a' 3ista6e #hi$h #o&'( !e:&i!e its !e o!3ation, sa3e sho&'( 4e 2i"en its &'' o!$e an( e e$t. Ahen a pa!t0 s&es on a #!itten $ont!a$t an( no atte3pt is 3a(e to sho# an0 "i$e the!ein, he $annot 4e a''o#e( to 'a0 an0 $'ai3 3o!e than #hat its $'ea! stip&'ations a$$o!(. His o3ission, to #hi$h the 'a# atta$hes a (e inite #a!nin2 as an in the instant $ase, $annot 40 the $o&!ts 4e a!4it!a!i'0 s&pp'ie( 40 #hat thei! o#n notions o B&sti$e o! e:&it0 3a0 (i$tate.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 P'ainti is, the!e o!e, entit'e( on'0 to the stip&'ate( inte!est o %) pe! $ent on the 'oan o P), 1<< !o3 No"e34e! @, %+;) to /a!$h ;%, %+;1. An( it 4ein2 a a$t that eDt!a B&(i$ia' (e3an(s ha"e 4een 3a(e #hi$h #e 3a0 ass&3e to ha"e 4een so 3a(e on the eDpi!ation o the 0ea! o 2!a$e, he sha'' 4e entit'e( to 'e2a' inte!est &pon the p!in$ipa' an( the a$$!&e( inte!est !o3 Ap!i' %, %+;*, &nti' &'' pa03ent.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 Th&s 3o(i ie( B&(23ent is a i!3e(, #ith $osts a2ainst appe''ant.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 @ulo, C.J., $&aeta and (ocobo, JJ., $on$&!.

Se.ara+e O.*'*o'/ $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 P R S, J., (issentin2: $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 Un(e! the a$ts state( in the (e$ision o the 3aBo!it0, I $o3e to the $on$'&sion that inte!est at the !ate o %) pe! $ent pe! ann&3 sho&'( 4e pai( &p to the (ate o pa03ent o the #ho'e in(e4te(ness is 3a(e. Pa03ent o s&$h inte!est is eDp!ess'0 stip&'ate(. T!&e, it is state( in the 3o!t2a2e $ont!a$t that inte!est #as to 4e pai( &p to /a!$h ;%, %+;1, 4&t this (ate #as inse!te( 3e!e'0 4e$a&se it #as the (ate o 3at&!it0. The eDtension note is si'ent as !e2a!(s inte!est, 4&t its pa03ent is $'ea!'0 i3p'ie( !o3 the nat&!e o the t!ansa$tion #hi$h is on'0 a !ene#a' o the o4'i2ation. In 30 opinion, the !&'in2 o the 3aBo!it0 is ano3a'o&s an( at #a! #ith $o33on p!a$ti$e an( e"e!0(a0 4&siness &sa2e. G.R. No. %95909: O3+ober 11, 19=5 P C$" F. REFOR;$N a'- #E$RS OF FR NC$SCO REFOR;$N , Petitioners, "s. "#E #ONOR B%E > %ER$ NO P. "O;O%, ?R., a/ ?u-6e o4 +,e Cour+ o4 F*r/+ $'/+a'3e, Bra'3, I$, CEBU C$"A, S#E%% REF$N$NG CO;P NA &P#$%S.), $NC., a'- ;$C# E%, $NCORPOR "ED,Respondents.

CUE> S, J.: #o( 1u3,, by (ay o4 0e6a0 *'+ere/+, /,ou0- a Eu-61e'+ -eb+or .ay +,e Eu-61e'+ 3re-*+or9 */ +,e *//ue ra*/e- by +,e REFOR;$N S &,ere*' .e+*+*o'er/) *' +,*/ Pe+*+*o' 4or Re5*e( o' 3er+*orar* o4 +,e Re/o0u+*o' o4 +,e #o'. re/.o'-e'+ ?u-6e >a0er*a'o P. "o1o0, ?r. o4 +,e +,e' Cour+ o4 F*r/+ $'/+a'3e o4 Cebu9Bra'3, I$, *//ue- *' C*5*0 Ca/e No. R9112B9, a' a3+*o' 4or Re3o5ery o4 Da1a6e/ 4or *'Eury +o Per/o' a'- %o// o4,a'rob0e/5*r+ua0a(0*brary 3,a'rob0e/ 5*r+ua0 0a( 0*brary ",e -*/.o/*+*5e .or+*o' o4 +,e a//a*0e- Re/o0u+*o' rea-/ a/ 4o00o(/9 $' 0*6,+ &/*3) o4 +,e 4ore6o*'6, +,e 3o'/*-ere- 5*e( ,ere +,a+ by 0e6a0 *'+ere/+ */ 1ea'+ /*2 &:J) .er3e'+ a/ .ro5*-e- 4or by r+*30e 2209 o4 +,e C*5*0 Co-e. %e+ a (r*+ o4 e2e3u+*o' be *//ue-.3,a'rob0e/5*r+ua0a(0*brary 3,a'rob0e/ 5*r+ua0 0a( 0*brary SO ORDERED. 1 3,a'rob0e/ 5*r+ua0 0a( 0*brary Petitione!sK 3otion o! the !e$onsi(e!ation o the :&estione( Reso'&tion ha"in2 4een (enie(, the0 no# $o3e 4e o!e Us th!o&2h the instant petition p!a0in2 o! the settin2 asi(e o the sai( Reso'&tion an( o! a (e$'a!ation that the B&(23ent in thei! a"o! sho&'( 4ea! 'e2a' inte!est at the !ate o t#e'"e 8%)M9 pe!$ent pe! ann&3 p&!s&ant to Cent!a' 5an6 Ci!$&'a! No. 1%> (ate( J&'0 )+, %+.1.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 He!e&n(e! a!e the pe!tinent ante$e(ents: $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 On J&ne ., %+.), B&(23ent #as !en(e!e( 40 the Co&!t o Fi!st instan$e o Ce4& in Ci"i' Case No. R,%%).+, 2 the (ispositi"e po!tion o #hi$h !ea(s, AHEREFORE, B&(23ent is he!e40 !en(e!e( in a"o! o the p'ainti s an( thi!( pa!t0 (e en(ants an( a2ainst the (e en(ants an( thi!( pa!t0 p'ainti s as o''o#s: O!(e!in2 (e en(ants an( thi!( pa!t0 p'ainti s She'' an( /i$hae', In$o!po!ate( to pa0 Boint'0 an( se"e!a''0 the o''o#in2 pe!sons: 8a9 ...$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 DDD DDD DDD $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 829 P'ainti s Pa$ita F. Re o!3ina an( F!an$is$o Re o!3ina the s&3 o P%;%,<@1.<< #hi$h is the "a'&e o the 4oat F 5 Pa$ita I'' to2ethe! #ith its a$$esso!ies, ishin2 2ea! an( e:&ip3ent 3in&s P@<,<<<.<< #hi$h is the "a'&e o the ins&!an$e !e$o"e!e( an( the a3o&nt o P%<,<<<.<< a 3onth as the esti3ate( 3onth'0 'oss s& e!e( 40 the3 as a !es&'t o the i!e o /a0 >, %+>+ &p to the ti3e the0 a!e a$t&a''0 pai( o! a'!ea(0 the tota' s&3 o P;.<,<<<.<< as o J&ne 1, %+.) %ith le#al interest !o3 the i'in2 o the $o3p'aint &nti' pai( an( to pa0 atto!ne0Ks ees o P*,<<<.<< #ith $osts a2ainst (e en(ants an( thi!( pa!t0 p'ainti s. On appea' to the then Co&!t o Appea's, the t!ia' $o&!tKs B&(23ent #as 3o(i ie( to !ea(s as o''o#s, AHEREFORE. the B&(23ent appea'e( !o3 is 3o(i ie( s&$h that (e en(ants,appe''ants She'' Re inin2 Co. 8Phi's.9, In$. an( /i$hae', In$o!po!ate( a!e he!e40 o!(e!e( to pa0 ... The t#o 8)9 (e en(ants, appe''ants a!e a'so (i!e$te( to pa0 P%<<,<<<.<< #ith 'e2a' inte!ests !o3 the i'in2 o the $o3p'aint &nti' pai( as $o3pensato!0 an( 3o!a' (a3a2es an( P1%,<<<.<< $o3pensation o! the "a'&e o the 'ost 4oat #ith 'e2a' inte!est !o3 the i'in2 o the $o3p'aint &nti' &''0 pai( to Pa$ita F. Re o!3ina an( the hei!s o F!an$is$o Re o!3ina. The 'ia4i'it0 o the t#o (e en(ants o! an the a#a!(s is so'i(a!0.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 DDD DDD DDD ED$ept as 3o(i ie( a4o"e, the !est o the B&(23ent appea'e( !o3 is a i!3e(. The (e en(ants,appe''ants sha'' pa0 $osts in a"o! o the p'ainti s. Appe''ants She'' an( /i$hae' an( thi!( pa!t0 (e en(ant Anita L. A4e''anosa sha'' sho&'(e! thei! !espe$ti"e $osts.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0

SO ORDERED. 3 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 The sai( (e$ision ha"in2 4e$o3e ina' on O$to4e! )1, %+@<, the $ase #as !e3an(e( to the 'o#e! $o&!t o! eDe$&tion an( this is #he!e the $ont!o"e!s0 sta!te(. In the $o3p&tation o the N'e2a' inte!estN (e$!ee( in the B&(23ent so&2ht to 4e eDe$&te(, petitione!s $'ai3 that the N'e2a' inte!estN sho&'( 4e at the !ate o t#e'"e 8%)M9 pe!$ent pe! ann&3, in"o6in2 in s&ppo!t o thei! a o!esai( s&43ission, Cent!a' 5an6 o the Phi'ippines Ci!$&'a! No. 1%>. Upon the othe! han(, p!i"ate !espon(ents insist that sai( 'e2a' inte!est sho&'( 4e at the !ate o siD 8>M9 pe!$ent pe! ann&3 on'0, p&!s&ant to an( 40 a&tho!it0 o A!ti$'e ))<+ o the Ne# Ci"i' Co(e in !e'ation to A!ti$'es ))%< an( ))%% the!eo .$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0$han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 In s&ppo!t o thei! stan(, petitione!s $onten( that Cent!a' 5an6 Ci!$&'a! No. 1%> #hi$h p!o"i(es , 50 "i!t&e o the a&tho!it0 2!ante( to it &n(e! Se$tion % o A$t )>**, as a3en(e(, othe!#ise 6no#n as the NUs&!0 La#N the /oneta!0 5oa!( in its Reso'&tion No. %>)) (ate( J&'0 )+, %+.1, has p!es$!i4e( that the !ate o inte!est o! the loan or forbearance of an0 3one0, 2oo(s, o! $!e(its an( the !ate a''o#e( in 'ud#ments, in the a4sen$e o eDp!ess $ont!a$t as to s&$h !ate o inte!est, sha'' 4e t#e'"e 8%)M9 pe! $ent pe! ann&3. This Ci!$&'a! sha'' ta6e e e$t i33e(iate'0. 8Ita'i$s s&pp'ie(9 in$'&(es the B&(23ent so&2ht to 4e eDe$&te( in this $ase, 4e$a&se it is $o"e!e( 40 the ph!ase )n( the !ate a''o#e( in B&(23ents in the a4sen$e o eDp!ess $ont!a$t as to s&$h !ate o inte!est ... N in the a o!e:&ote( $i!$&'a!.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 The petition is (e"oi( o 3e!it. Conse:&ent'0, its (is3issa' is in o!(e!.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 Cent!a' 5an6 Ci!$&'a! No. 1%> #hi$h too6 e e$t on J&'0 )+, %+.1 #as iss&e( an( p!o3&'2ate( 40 the /oneta!0 5oa!( p&!s&ant to the a&tho!it0 2!ante( to the Cent!a' 5an6 40 P.D. No. %%>, #hi$h a3en(e( A$t No. )>**, othe!#ise 6no#n as the Us&!0 La#. The a3en(3ent !o3 #hi$h sai( a&tho!it0 e3anate( !ea(s as o''o#s, Se$tion %,a. The /oneta!0 5oa!( is he!e40 a&tho!i7e( to p!es$!i4e the 3aDi3&3 !ate o! !ates o inte!est o! the loan or rene%al thereof or the forbearance of an) mone), #oods or credits, an( to $han2e s&$h !ate o! !ates #hene"e! #a!!ante( 40 p!e"ai'in2 e$ono3i$ an( so$ia' $on(itions: P!o"i(e(, That s&$h $han2es sha'' not 4e 3a(e o tene! than on$e e"e!0 t#e'"e 3onths.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 In the eDe!$ise o the a&tho!it0 he!ein 2!ante(, the /oneta!0 5oa!( 3a0 p!es$!i4e hi2he! 3aDi3&3 !ates o! $ons&3e! 'oans o! !ene#a's the!eo as #e'' as s&$h 'oans 3a(e 40 pa#nshops, inan$e $o3panies an( othe! si3i'a! $!e(it instit&tions a'tho&2h the !ates p!es$!i4e( o! these instit&tions nee( not ne$essa!i'0 4e &ni o!3. 8Ita'i$s s&pp'ie(9 A$tin2 p&!s&ant to this 2!ant o a&tho!it0, the /oneta!0 5oa!( in$!ease( the !ate o 'e2a' inte!est !o3 that o siD 8>M9 pe!$ent pe! ann&3 o!i2ina''0 a''o#e( &n(e! Se$tion I o A$t No. )>** to t#e'"e 8%)M9 pe!$ent pe! ann&3.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 It #i'' 4e note( that A$t No. )>** (ea's #ith inte!est on 8%9 'oansC 8)9 o!4ea!an$es o an0 3one0, 2oo(s, o! $!e(itsC an( 8;9 !ate a''o#e( in B&(23ents.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 The iss&e no# is,#hat 6in( o B&(23ent is !e e!!e( to &n(e! the sai( 'a#. Petitione!s 3aintain that it $o"e!s a'' 6in(s o 3oneta!0 B&(23ent.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 The $ontention is (e"oi( o 3e!it.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 The B&(23ents spo6en o an( !e e!!e( to a!e J&(23ents in 'iti2ations in"o'"in2 'oans o! o!4ea!an$e o an0 K3one0, 2oo(s o! $!e(its. An0 othe! 6in( o 3oneta!0 B&(23ent #hi$h has nothin2 to (o #ith, no! in"o'"in2 'oans o! o!4ea!an$e o an0 3one0, 2oo(s o! $!e(its (oes not a'' #ithin the $o"e!a2e o the sai( 'a# o! it is not #ithin the a34it o the a&tho!it0 2!ante( to the Cent!a' 5an6. The /oneta!0 5oa!( 3a0 not t!ea( on o!4i((en 2!o&n(s. It $annot !e#!ite othe! 'a#s. That &n$tion is "este( so'e'0 #ith the 'e2is'ati"e a&tho!it0. It is aDio3ati$ in 'e2a' he!3ene&ti$s that stat&tes sho&'( 4e $onst!&e( as a #ho'e an( not as a se!ies o (is$onne$te( a!ti$'es an( ph!ases. In the a4sen$e o a $'ea! $ont!a!0 intention, #o!(s an( ph!ases in stat&tes sho&'( not 4e inte!p!ete( in iso'ation !o3 one anothe!. 4 A #o!( o! ph!ase in a stat&te is a'#a0s &se( in asso$iation #ith othe! #o!(s o! ph!ases an( its 3eanin2 3a0 th&s 4e 3o(i ie( o! !est!i$te( 40 the 'atte!. 5 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0

Anothe! o!3i(a4'e a!2&3ent a2ainst the tena4i'it0 o petitione!sK stan( a!e the #he!eases o PD No. %%> #hi$h 4!o&2ht a4o&t the 2!ant o a&tho!it0 to the Cent!a' 5an6 an( #hi$h !ea(s th&s, AHEREAS, the inte!est !ate, to2ethe! #ith othe! 3oneta!0 an( $!e(it po'i$0 inst!&3ents, pe! o!3s a "ita' !o'e in 3o4i'i7in2 (o3esti$ sa"in2s an( att!a$tin2 $apita' !eso&!$es into p!e e!!e( a!eas o in"est3entsC AHEREAS, the 3oneta!0 a&tho!ities ha"e !e$o2ni7e( the nee( to a3en( the p!esent Us&!0. La# to a''o# o! 3o!e 'eDi4'e inte!est !ate $ei'in2s that #o&'( 4e 3o!e !esponsi"e to the !e:&i!e3ents o $han2in2 e$ono3i$ $on(itionsC $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 AHEREAS, the a"ai'a4i'it0 o a(e:&ate $apita' !eso&!$es is, a3on2 othe! a$to!s, a (e$isi"e e'e3ent in the a$hie"e3ent o the (e$'a!e( o4Be$ti"e o a$$e'e!atin2 the 2!o#th o the nationa' e$ono30.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 Co3in2 to the $ase at 4a!, the (e$ision he!ein so&2ht to 4e eDe$&te( is one !en(e!e( in an A$tion o! Da3a2es o! inB&!0 to pe!sons an( 'oss o p!ope!t0 an( (oes not in"o'"e an0 'oan, 3&$h 'ess o!4ea!an$es o an0 3one0, 2oo(s o! $!e(its. As $o!!e$t'0 a!2&e( 40 the p!i"ate !espon(ents, the 'a# app'i$a4'e to the sai( $ase is A!ti$'e ))<+ o the Ne# Ci"i' Co(e #hi$h !ea(s, A!t. ))<+. I the o4'i2ation $onsists in the pa03ent o a s&3 o 3one0, an( the (e4to! in$&!s in (e'a0, the in(e3nit0 o! (a3a2es, the!e 4ein2 no stip&'ation to the $ont!a!0, sha'' 4e the pa03ent o inte!est a2!ee( &pon, an( in the a4sen$e o stip&'ation, the 'e2a' inte!est #hi$h is siD pe!$ent pe! ann&3. The a4o"e p!o"ision !e3ains &nto&$he( (espite the 2!ant o a&tho!it0 to the Cent!a' 5an6 40 A$t No. )>**, as a3en(e(. To 3a6e Cent!a' 5an6 Ci!$&'a! No. 1%> app'i$a4'e to an0 $ase othe! than those spe$i i$a''0 p!o"i(e( o! 40 the Us&!0 La# #i'' 3a6e the sa3e o (o&4t &' $onstit&tiona'it0 sin$e the /oneta!0 5oa!( #i'' 4e eDe!$isin2 'e2is'ati"e &n$tions #hi$h #as 4e0on( the inten(3ent o P.D. No. %%>.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 IN VIEA OF THE FORE-OIN- CONSIDERATIONS, an( in(in2 the instant petition to 4e #itho&t 3e!it, the sa3e is he!e40 DIS/ISSED #ith $osts a2ainst petitione!s.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 SO ORDERED. Concepcion, Jr., Abad 8antos, elencio-!errera, "scolin, Relova, *utierre&, Jr., De la 1uente, Alampa) and Pata'o, JJ., concur.chanroblesvirtuala%librar) chanrobles virtual la% librar) a?asiar, CJ., %ith separate opinion of Justice Plana.chanroblesvirtuala%librar) chanrobles virtual la% librar) A4uino, J., concurs in the result. $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0

Se.ara+e O.*'*o'/

P% N , J., $on$&!!in2 an( (issentin2: $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 %. Cent!a' 5an6 Ci!$&'a! 1%> (ate( J&'0 )+, %+.1 in$!ease( the !ate o inte!est a''o#e( in B&(23ents !o3 >M to %)M pe! ann&3. To 30 a6no#'e(2e,4e o!e the instant $ase, tha "a'i(it0 o C5 Ci!$&'a! 1%> ha( not 4een $ha''en2e( in this Co&!t. In Vi'o!ia "s. Co&!t o Appea's, %); SCRA )*+, it #as ass&3e( that the Cent!a' 5an6 # as ''e2a''0 a&tho!i7e( to iss&e the sai( Ci!$&'a!. The on'0 iss&e the!e !aise(#as #hethe! the in$!ease in inte!est !ate $o&'( 4e 2i"en !et!ospe$ti"e ope!ation.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0

). % (o not 4e'ie"e the Cent!a' 5an6 a&tho!it0 he!e in :&estion is p!e3ise( on Se$tion %,a o A$t No. )>** 8Us&!0 La#9, as inse!te( 40 P!esi(entia' De$!ee %%>. The $ite( se$tion !ea(s: Se$. %,a. The /oneta!0 5oa!( is he!e40 a&tho!i7e( to p!es$!i4e the ma7imum !ate o! !ates o inte!est o! the 'oan o! !ene#a' the!eo o! the o!4ea!an$e o an0 3one0, 2oo(s o! $!e(its, an( to $han2e s&$h !ate o! !ates #hene"e! #a!!ante( 40 p!e"ai'in2 e$ono3i$ an( so$ia' $on(itions: P!o"i(e(, That s&$h $han2es sha'' not 4e 3a(e o tene! than on$e e"e!0 t#e'"e 3onths.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 In the eDe!$ise o the a&tho!it0 he!ein 2!ante(, the /oneta!0 5oa!( 3a0 p!es$!i4e hi2he! ma7imum !ates o! $ons&3e! 'oans o! !ene#a's the!eo as #e'' as s&$h 'oans 3a(e 40 pa#nshops, inan$e $o3panies an( othe! si3i'a! $!e(it instit&tions a'tho&2h the !ates p!es$!i4e( o! these instit&tions nee( not ne$essa!i'0 4e &ni o!3.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 The a4o"e 'a# (oes not e3po#e! the Cent!a' 5an6 to iD the spe$i i$ !ate o inte!est to 4e $ha!2e( o! 'oans. It 3e!e'0 2!ants the po#e! to p!es$!i4e the ma7imum inte!est !ate, 'ea"in2 it to the $ont!a$tin2 pa!ties to (ete!3ine #ithin the a''o#a4'e 'i3it #hat p!e$ise'0 the inte!est !ate #i'' 4e. In othe! Ao!(s, the p!o"ision p!es&pposes that the pa!ties to the 'oan a2!ee3ent a!e !ee to iD the inte!est !ate, the $ei'in2 p!es$!i4e( 40 the Cent!a' 5an6 ope!atin2 3e!e'0 to !est!i$t the pa!tiesK !ee(o3 to stip&'ate. So "ie#e(, Se$. %,a $annot in$'&(e a p!o"ision on interest to be allo%ed in 'ud#ments, #hi$h is not the s&4Be$t o $ont!a$t&a' stip&'ations an( the!e o!e $annot 'o2i$a''0 4e 3a(e s&4Be$t to inte!est 8$ei'in29, #hi$h is a'' that Se$. %,a $o"e!s. Note that Cent!a' 5an6 Ci!$&'a! 1%> itse' in"o6es as the 4asis o! its iss&an$e Se$. %, !athe! than Se$. %,a, o the Us&!0 La#. ;. 50 p&!pose an( ope!ati"e e e$t, Se$. % o the Us&!0 La# is (i e!ent !o3 Se$. %,a. Se$tion %. The !ate o inte!est o! the loan or forbearance o an0 3one0, 2oo(s, o! $!e(its an( the rate allo%ed in 'ud#ments, in the a4sen$e o eDp!ess $ont!a$t as to s&$h !ate o inte!est, sha'' 4e siD pe! $ent&3 pe! ann&3 o! s&$h !ate as 3a0 4e p!es$!i4e( 40 the /oneta!0 5oa!( o the Cent!a' 5an6 o the Phi'ippines o! that p&!pose in a$$o!(an$e #ith the a&tho!it0 he!e40 2!ante(. 9;talics supplied This se$tion en"isa2es t#o sit&ations: 8a9 a 'oan o! o!4ea!an$e o 3one0, 2oo(s o! $!e(it, #he!e the pa!ties a2!ee( on the pa03ent o inte!est 4&t ai'e( to iD the !ate the!eo C an( 849 a 'iti2ation that has en(e( in a ina' B&(23ent o! the pa03ent o 3one0. In eithe! $ase, the !o'e o Se$tion % is to iD the spe$i i$ !ate o inte!est o! 'e2a' inte!est 8>M9 to 4e $ha!2e(. It a'so i3p'ie('0 (e'e2ates to the Cent!a' 5an6 the po#e! to 3o(i 0 the sai( inte!est !ate. Th&s, the inte!est !ate sha'' 4e >M pe! ann&3 o! Ns&$h !ate as 3a0 4e p!es$!i4e( 40 the /oneta!0 5oa!( o the Cent!a' 5an6 ...N 1. The a&tho!it0 to $han2e the 'e2a' inte!est that has 4een (e'e2ate( to the Cent!a' 5an6 &n(e! the :&ote( Se$tion % is a4so'&te an( &n:&a'i ie(. It is t!&e that Se$tion % sa0s that the !ate o inte!est sha'' 4e > M pe! ann&3 o! Ns&$h !ate as 3a0 4e p!es$!i4e( 40 the /oneta!0 5oa!( o the Cent!a' 5an6 ... in a$$o!(an$e #ith the a&tho!it0 he!e40 2!ante(.N 5&t neithe! in the sai( se$tion no! in an0 othe! se$tion o the 'a# is the!e a 2&i(e'ine o! 'i3itation i3pose( on the Cent!a' 5an6. The (ete!3ination o #hat the app'i$a4'e inte!est !ate sha'' 4e, as (istin2&ishe( !o3 inte!est !ate ceilin#, is $o3p'ete'0 'e t to the B&(23ent o the Cent!a' 5an6. In sho!t, the!e is a tota' a4(i$ation o 'e2is'ati"e po#e!, #hi$h !en(e!s the (e'e2ation "oi(.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 *. Un(e! the "ie# ta6en a4o"e, it is &nne$essa!0 to 3a6e a (istin$tion 4et#een B&(23ents in 'iti2ations in"o'"in2 'oans an( B&(23ents in 'iti2ations that ha"e nothin2 to (o #ith 'oans.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 >. I $on$'&(e that the Cent!a' 5an6 a&tho!it0 to $han2e the 'e2a' !ate o inte!est a''o#e( in B&(23ents is $onstit&tiona''0 (e e$ti"eC an( in$i(enta''0, this "i$e a'so a e$ts its a&tho!it0 to $han2e the 'e2a' inte!est o >M pe! ann&3 as to 'oans an( o!4ea!an$e o 3one0, 2oo(s o! $!e(its, as en"isa2e( in Se$tion % o the Us&!0 La#. I this $on$'&sion 4e $o!!e$t, it is i3pe!ati"e to ena$t a 'a# eithe! in$!easin2 the 'e2a' inte!est to a !ea'isti$ 'e"e' o! s&pp'0in2 the (e i$ien$ies o the Us&!0 La# #hi$h !en(e! the (e'e2ation o po#e! the!ein $onstit&tiona''0 (e e$ti"e. 2eehan?ee, J., concur.

Se.ara+e O.*'*o'/

P% N , J., $on$&!!in2 an( (issentin2: %. Cent!a' 5an6 Ci!$&'a! 1%> (ate( J&'0 )+, %+.1 in$!ease( the !ate o inte!est a''o#e( in B&(23ents !o3 >M to %)M pe! ann&3. To 30 a6no#'e(2e,4e o!e the instant $ase, tha "a'i(it0 o C5 Ci!$&'a! 1%> ha( not 4een $ha''en2e( in this Co&!t. In Vi'o!ia "s. Co&!t o Appea's, %); SCRA )*+, it #as ass&3e( that the Cent!a' 5an6 # as ''e2a''0 a&tho!i7e( to iss&e the sai( Ci!$&'a!. The on'0 iss&e the!e !aise(#as #hethe! the in$!ease in inte!est !ate $o&'( 4e 2i"en !et!ospe$ti"e ope!ation.$han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 ). % (o not 4e'ie"e the Cent!a' 5an6 a&tho!it0 he!e in :&estion is p!e3ise( on Se$tion %,a o A$t No. )>** 8Us&!0 La#9, as inse!te( 40 P!esi(entia' De$!ee %%>. The $ite( se$tion !ea(s: Se$. %,a. The /oneta!0 5oa!( is he!e40 a&tho!i7e( to p!es$!i4e the ma7imum !ate o! !ates o inte!est o! the 'oan o! !ene#a' the!eo o! the o!4ea!an$e o an0 3one0, 2oo(s o! $!e(its, an( to $han2e s&$h !ate o! !ates #hene"e! #a!!ante( 40 p!e"ai'in2 e$ono3i$ an( so$ia' $on(itions: P!o"i(e(, That s&$h $han2es sha'' not 4e 3a(e o tene! than on$e e"e!0 t#e'"e 3onths.$han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 In the eDe!$ise o the a&tho!it0 he!ein 2!ante(, the /oneta!0 5oa!( 3a0 p!es$!i4e hi2he! ma7imum !ates o! $ons&3e! 'oans o! !ene#a's the!eo as #e'' as s&$h 'oans 3a(e 40 pa#nshops, inan$e $o3panies an( othe! si3i'a! $!e(it instit&tions a'tho&2h the !ates p!es$!i4e( o! these instit&tions nee( not ne$essa!i'0 4e &ni o!3.$han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 The a4o"e 'a# (oes not e3po#e! the Cent!a' 5an6 to iD the spe$i i$ !ate o inte!est to 4e $ha!2e( o! 'oans. It 3e!e'0 2!ants the po#e! to p!es$!i4e the ma7imum inte!est !ate, 'ea"in2 it to the $ont!a$tin2 pa!ties to (ete!3ine #ithin the a''o#a4'e 'i3it #hat p!e$ise'0 the inte!est !ate #i'' 4e. In othe! Ao!(s, the p!o"ision p!es&pposes that the pa!ties to the 'oan a2!ee3ent a!e !ee to iD the inte!est !ate, the $ei'in2 p!es$!i4e( 40 the Cent!a' 5an6 ope!atin2 3e!e'0 to !est!i$t the pa!tiesK !ee(o3 to stip&'ate. So "ie#e(, Se$. %,a $annot in$'&(e a p!o"ision on interest to be allo%ed in 'ud#ments, #hi$h is not the s&4Be$t o $ont!a$t&a' stip&'ations an( the!e o!e $annot 'o2i$a''0 4e 3a(e s&4Be$t to inte!est 8$ei'in29, #hi$h is a'' that Se$. %,a $o"e!s. Note that Cent!a' 5an6 Ci!$&'a! 1%> itse' in"o6es as the 4asis o! its iss&an$e Se$. %, !athe! than Se$. %,a, o the Us&!0 La#. ;. 50 p&!pose an( ope!ati"e e e$t, Se$. % o the Us&!0 La# is (i e!ent !o3 Se$. %,a. Se$tion %. The !ate o inte!est o! the loan or forbearance o an0 3one0, 2oo(s, o! $!e(its an( the rate allo%ed in 'ud#ments, in the a4sen$e o eDp!ess $ont!a$t as to s&$h !ate o inte!est, sha'' 4e siD pe! $ent&3 pe! ann&3 o! s&$h !ate as 3a0 4e p!es$!i4e( 40 the /oneta!0 5oa!( o the Cent!a' 5an6 o the Phi'ippines o! that p&!pose in a$$o!(an$e #ith the a&tho!it0 he!e40 2!ante(. 9;talics supplied This se$tion en"isa2es t#o sit&ations: 8a9 a 'oan o! o!4ea!an$e o 3one0, 2oo(s o! $!e(it, #he!e the pa!ties a2!ee( on the pa03ent o inte!est 4&t ai'e( to iD the !ate the!eo C an( 849 a 'iti2ation that has en(e( in a ina' B&(23ent o! the pa03ent o 3one0. In eithe! $ase, the !o'e o Se$tion % is to iD the spe$i i$ !ate o inte!est o! 'e2a' inte!est 8>M9 to 4e $ha!2e(. It a'so i3p'ie('0 (e'e2ates to the Cent!a' 5an6 the po#e! to 3o(i 0 the sai( inte!est !ate. Th&s, the inte!est !ate sha'' 4e >M pe! ann&3 o! Ns&$h !ate as 3a0 4e p!es$!i4e( 40 the /oneta!0 5oa!( o the Cent!a' 5an6. . .N 1. The a&tho!it0 to $han2e the 'e2a' inte!est that has 4een (e'e2ate( to the Cent!a' 5an6 &n(e! the :&ote( Se$tion % is a4so'&te an( &n:&a'i ie(. It is t!&e that Se$tion % sa0s that the !ate o inte!est sha'' 4e > M pe! ann&3 o! Ns&$h !ate as 3a0 4e p!es$!i4e( 40 the /oneta!0 5oa!( o the Cent!a' 5an6 ... in a$$o!(an$e #ith the a&tho!it0 he!e40 2!ante(.N 5&t neithe! in the sai( se$tion no! in an0 othe! se$tion o the 'a# is the!e a 2&i(e'ine o! 'i3itation i3pose( on the Cent!a' 5an6. The (ete!3ination o #hat the app'i$a4'e inte!est !ate sha'' 4e, as (istin2&ishe( !o3 inte!est !ate ceilin#, is $o3p'ete'0 'e t to the B&(23ent o the Cent!a' 5an6. In sho!t, the!e is a tota' a4(i$ation o 'e2is'ati"e po#e!, #hi$h !en(e!s the (e'e2ation "oi(.$han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 *. Un(e! the "ie# ta6en a4o"e, it is &nne$essa!0 to 3a6e a (istin$tion 4et#een B&(23ents in 'iti2ations in"o'"in2 'oans an( B&(23ents in 'iti2ations that ha"e nothin2 to (o #ith 'oans.$han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 >. I $on$'&(e that the Cent!a' 5an6 a&tho!it0 to $han2e the 'e2a' !ate o inte!est a''o#e( in B&(23ents is $onstit&tiona''0 (e e$ti"eC an( in$i(enta''0, this "i$e a'so a e$ts its a&tho!it0 to $han2e the 'e2a' inte!est o >M pe! ann&3 as to 'oans an( o!4ea!an$e o 3one0, 2oo(s o! $!e(its, as en"isa2e( in Se$tion % o the Us&!0 La#. I this $on$'&sion 4e $o!!e$t, it is i3pe!ati"e to ena$t a 'a# eithe! in$!easin2 the 'e2a' inte!est to a !ea'isti$ 'e"e' o! s&pp'0in2 the (e i$ien$ies o the Us&!0 La# #hi$h !en(e! the (e'e2ation o po#e! the!ein $onstit&tiona''0 (e e$ti"e.

G.R. No. 1193B9. Se.+e1ber 25, 199= RODE%O G. PO%O" N, SR.,Petitioner, "s. HON. COURT OF APPEALS 8E'e"enth Di"ision9, RE-IONAL TRIAL COURT IN /AKATI CITG 85!an$h %;)9, an( SECURITG DINERS INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION, Respondents. DEC$S$ON RO;ERO, J.C Assai'e( 4e o!e this Co&!t in a Petition o! Re"ie# on Certiorari is the (e$ision% o the Co&!t o Appea's in CA,-.R. CV No. ;;).< a i!3in2 the (e$ision o 5!an$h %;) o the Re2iona' T!ia' Co&!t o /a6ati Cit0. P!i"ate !espon(ent Se$&!it0 Dine!s Inte!nationa' Co!po!ation 8Dine!s C'&49, a $!e(it $a!( $o3pan0, eDten(s $!e(it a$$o3o(ations to its $a!(ho'(e!s o! the p&!$hase o 2oo(s an( othe! se!"i$es !o3 3e34e! esta4'ish3ents. Sai( 2oo(s an( se!"i$es a!e !ei34&!se( 'ate! on 40 $a!(ho'(e!s &pon p!ope! 4i''in2. Petitione! Ro(e'o -. Po'otan, S!. app'ie( o! 3e34e!ship an( $!e(it a$$3o(ations #ith Dine!s C'&4 in O$to4e! %+@*. The app'i$ation o!3 $ontaine( te!3s an( $on(itions 2o"e!nin2 the &se an( a"ai'3ent o the Dine!s C'&4 $a!(, a3on2 #hi$h is o! the $a!(ho'(e! to pa0 a'' $ha!2es 3a(e th!o&2h the &se o sai( $a!( #ithin the pe!io( in(i$ate( in the state3ent o a$$o&nt an( an0 !e3ainin2 &npai( 4a'an$e to ea!n ;M inte!est pe! ann&3 p'&s p!i3e !ate o Se$&!it0 5an6 J T!&st Co3pan0. Nota4'0, in the app'i$ation o!3 s&43itte( 40 petitione!, O !i$ano Can'as o4'i2ate( hi3se' to pa0 Boint'0 an( se"e!a''0 #ith petitione! the 'atte!s o4'i2ation to p!i"ate !espon(ent. Upon a$$eptan$e o his app'i$ation, petitione! #as iss&e( Dine!s C'&4 $a!( No. ;>*%,)%).>>,;<<*. As o /a0 @, %+@., petitione! in$&!!e( $!e(it $ha!2es p'&s app!op!iate inte!est an( se!"i$e $ha!2es in the a22!e2ate a3o&nt o P;;,@%+.@1 #hi$h ha( 4e$o3e (&e an( (e3an(a4'e. De3an(s o! pa03ent 3a(e a2ainst petitione! p!o"e( &ti'e. Hen$e, p!i"ate !espon(ent i'e( a Co3p'aint o! Co''e$tion o S&3 o /one0 a2ainst petitione! 4e o!e the 'o#e! $o&!t. The 'o#e! $o&!t !&'e(, th&s: AHEREFORE, B&(23ent is he!e40 !en(e!e( o!(e!in2 (e en(ants to pa0 Boint'0 an( se"e!a''0 p'ainti : a9 The a3o&nt o P;;,@%+.@1 an( inte!est o ;M pe! ann&3 p'&s p!i3e !ate o S5TC an( se!"i$e $ha!2es o )M pe! 3onth sta!tin2 /a0 +, %+@. &nti' the enti!e o4'i2ation is &''0 pai(C 49 An a3o&nt e:&i"a'ent to )*M o an0 an( a'' a3o&nts (&e an( pa0a4'e as atto!ne0s ees, p'&s $osts o s&it. Aith !espe$t to the $!oss,$'ai3 o (e en(ant O !i$ano Can'as, (e en(ant Ro(e'o -. Po'otan, S!. is o!(e!e( to in(e3ni 0 an(=o! !ei34&!se the o!3e! o! #hate"e! he 3a0 4e o!(e!e( to pa0 p'ainti . The Co&!t o Appea's a i!3e( the !&'in2 o the 'o#e! $o&!t. Hen$e, this petition. Petitione! assi2ns the o''o#in2 e!!o!s: I RESPONDENT COURT OF APPEALS CO//ITTED AN ERROR OF LAA IN RULIN- AS VALID AND LE-AL THE FOLLOAIN- PROVISION ON INTEREST IN THE DINERS CARD CONTRACT, TO AIT: PAG/ENT OF CHAR-ES , DDD DDD DDD The Ca!(ho'(e! a2!ees to pa0 inte!est pe! ann&3 at ;M p'&s the p!i3e !ate o Se$&!it0 5an6 an( T!&st Co3pan0. DDD DDD DDD P!o"i(e( that i the!e o$$&!s an0 $han2e in the p!e"ai'in2 3a!6et !ates the ne# inte!est !ate sha'' 4e the 2&i(in2 !ate o $o3p&tin2 the inte!est (&e on the o&tstan(in2 o4'i2ation #itho&t nee( o se!"in2 noti$e to the Ca!(ho'(e! othe! than the !e:&i!e( postin2 on the 3onth'0 state3ent se!"e( to the Ca!(ho'(e!.

The Ca!(ho'(e! he!e40 a&tho!i7es Se$&!it0 Dine!s to $o!!espon(in2'0 in$!ease the !ate o s&$h inte!est in the e"ent o $han2es in p!e"ai'in2 3a!6et !ates an( to $ha!2e a((itiona' se!"i$e ees as 3a0 4e (ee3e( ne$essa!0 in o!(e! to 3aintain its se!"i$e to the Ca!(ho'(e!. II RESPONDENT COURT OF APPEALS CO//ITTED AN ERROR OF LAA IN RULIN- IN EFFECT THAT PRIVATE RESPONDENTS STATE/ENT OF ACCOUNT 8EDh. )9 AS A JUDICIAL AD/ISSION THAT /RS. POLOTAN HAD ALREADG PAID COULD 5E CONTRADICTED AITHOUT THE PRIVATE RESPONDENT LAGIN- THE PROPER 5ASIS FOR THE INTRODUCTION OF CONTRARG EVIDENCEC III RESPONDENT COURT OF APPEALS CO//ITTED A -RIEVOUS ERROR OF FACT IN FINDIN- AS CREDI5LE THE ILLO-ICAL AND A5SURD EHPLANATION OF PRIVATE RESPONDENTS /R. VICENTEC IV RESPONDENT COURT OF APPEALS ERRED IN NOT AAARDIN- DA/A-ES TO PETITIONER. In the i!st assi2n3ent o e!!o!, petitione! a!2&es that the p!o"ision on inte!est !ate is o4s$&!e an( a34i2&o&s an( not s&s$epti4'e o !easona4'e inte!p!etation pa!ti$&'a!'0 the te!3s p!i3e !ate, p!e"ai'in2 3a!6et !ate an( 2&i(in2 !ate. In e e$t, the!e #as no 3eetin2 o 3in(s. As s&$h, this 4ein2 a $ont!a$t o a(hesion, an0 a34i2&it0 sho&'( 4e !eso'"e( a2ainst the one #ho $a&se( it. Petitione! a((e( that the sai( p!o"ision #as a'so i''e2a' as it "io'ate( the 'a#s an( Cent!a' 5an6 Ci!$&'a!s. Ahi'e sai( p!o"iso a''o#e( o! the es$a'ation o inte!est, it (i( not a''o# o! a (o#n#a!( a(B&st3ent o the sa3e. In his se$on( an( thi!( assi2n3ent o e!!o!, petitione! $'ai3e( that Dine!s C'&4 a(3itte(, th!o&2h its state3ent o a$$o&nt, that petitione!s #i e, /!s. Po'otan, ha( no 3o!e a$$o&nt #ith it. 5&t then, he $'ai3e( that the 'o#e! $o&!t an( the Co&!t o Appea's a''o#e( the testi3on0 o one /!. Vi$ente eDp'ainin2 that the !eason #h0 /!s. Po'otan ha( no 3o!e a$$o&nt #ith it #as that 4ein2 a s&pp'e3enta!0 $a!(ho'(e!, he! a$$o&nt #as $onso'i(ate( #ith that o petitione! in a$$o!(an$e #ith its ne# po'i$0. He a!2&e( that sin$e Dine!s C'&4 a(3itte( that /!s. Po'otan ha( no 3o!e a$$o&nt #ith it, the on'0 #a0 it $o&'( $ont!a(i$t s&$h a(3ission #as 40 (e$'a!in2 that the sa3e #as a !es&'t o a pa'pa4'e 3ista6e in a$$o!(an$e #ith Se$tion 1 o R&'e %)+ o the Re"ise( R&'es on E"i(en$e. In a(3ittin2 sai( eDp'anation, the 'o#e! $o&!t an( the Co&!t o Appea's "io'ate( the !&'e on the #ei2ht to 4e a$$o!(e( $on 'i$tin2 e"i(en$e. In e e$t, petitione! insists that 4oth $o&!ts a"o!e( the &n$o!!o4o!ate( testi3onia' e"i(en$e o /!. Vi$ente o"e! the (o$&3enta!0 e"i(en$e p!esente( 40 petitione! an( a(3itte( 40 Dine!s C'&4. In its o&!th assi2n3ent o e!!o!, petitione! $'ai3e( that he sho&'( ha"e 4een a#a!(e( (a3a2es 4e$a&se o Dine!s C'&4s 4a( aith. This Co&!t in(s petitione!s $ontentions #itho&t 3e!it. The iss&es p!esente( 40 petitione! a!e $'ea!'0 :&estions o 'a#. Not#ithstan(in2 petitione!s s&43ission o the a4o"e e!!o!s, ho#e"e!, the $o!e iss&e is 4asi$a''0 one o a$t. This $ase ste33e( !o3 a si3p'e $o3p'aint o! $o''e$tion o s&3 o 3one0. The 'o#e! $o&!t an( the Co&!t o Appea's o&n( that petitione! in(ee( o#e( Dine!s C'&4 the a3o&nt 4ein2 (e3an(e(. In the $ase o Re)es v. CA,) this Co&!t he'( that a$t&a' in(in2s o the t!ia' $o&!t, a(opte( an( $on i!3e( 40 the Co&!t o Appea's, a!e ina' an( $on$'&si"e an( 3a0 not 4e !e"ie#e( on appea'. The eD$eptions to this !&'e a!e as o''o#s: 8%9 #hen the in e!en$e 3a(e is 3ani est'0 3ista6en, a4s&!( o! i3possi4'eC 8)9 #hen the!e is a 2!a"e a4&se o (is$!etionC 8;9 #hen the in(in2 is 2!o&n(e( enti!e'0 on spe$&'ations, s&!3ises o! $onBe$t&!esC 819 #hen the B&(23ent o the Co&!t o Appea's is 4ase( on 3isapp!ehension o a$tsC 8*9 #hen the in(in2s o a$t a!e $on 'i$tin2C 8>9 #hen the Co&!t o Appea's, in 3a6in2 its in(in2s, #ent 4e0on( the iss&es o the $ase an( the sa3e is $ont!a!0 to the a(3issions o 4oth appe''ant an( appe''eeC 8.9 #hen the in(in2s o the Co&!t o Appea's a!e $ont!a!0 to those o the t!ia' $o&!tC 8@9 #hen the in(in2s o a$t a!e $on$'&sions #itho&t $itation o spe$i i$ e"i(en$e on #hi$h the0 a!e 4ase(C 8+9 #hen the Co&!t o Appea's 3ani est'0 o"e!'oo6e( $e!tain !e'e"ant a$ts

not (isp&te( 40 the pa!ties an( #hi$h, i p!ope!'0 $onsi(e!e(, #o&'( B&sti 0 a (i e!ent $on$'&sion an( 8%<9 #hen the in(in2s o a$t o the Co&!t o Appea's a!e p!e3ise( on the a4sen$e o e"i(en$e an( a!e $ont!a(i$te( 40 the e"i(en$e on !e$o!(. On'0 a $'ea! sho#in2 that an0 o the a4o"e,$ite( eD$eptions eDists #o&'( B&sti 0 a !e"ie# o the in(in2s o a$t 3a(e 40 the 'o#e! $o&!t an( &phe'( 40 the Co&!t o Appea's. In the instant $ase, a !e"ie# o the (e$isions o the 'o#e! $o&!t, as #e'' as the Co&!t o Appea's, sho#s that the $on$'&sions ha"e 4een 'o2i$a''0 a!!i"e( at an( s&4stantia''0 s&ppo!te( 40 the e"i(en$e p!esente( 40 the pa!ties. 5e that as it 3a0, this Co&!t sees it it an( p!ope! to (is$&ss the 3e!its o this petition 4ase( on petitione!s $'ai3 that sin$e the $ont!a$t he si2ne( #ith Dine!s C'&4 #as a $ont!a$t o a(hesion, the o4s$&!e p!o"ision on inte!est sho&'( 4e !eso'"e( in his a"o!. A $ont!a$t o a(hesion is one in #hi$h one o the $ont!a$tin2 pa!ties i3poses a !ea(0,3a(e o!3 o $ont!a$t #hi$h the othe! pa!t0 3a0 a$$ept o! !eBe$t, 4&t $annot 3o(i 0. One pa!t0 p!epa!es the stip&'ation in the $ont!a$t, #hi'e the othe! pa!t0 3e!e'0 a iDes his si2nat&!e o! his a(hesion the!eto, 2i"in2 no !oo3 o! ne2otiation an( (ep!i"in2 the 'atte! o the oppo!t&nit0 to 4a!2ain on e:&a' ootin2.; A(3itte('0, the $ont!a$t $ontainin2 stan(a!( stip&'ations i3pose( &pon those #ho see6 to a"ai' o its $!e(it se!"i$es #as p!epa!e( 40 Dine!s C'&4. The!e is no #a0 a p!ospe$ti"e $!e(it $a!( ho'(e! $an o4Be$t to an0 one!o&s p!o"ision as it is o e!e( on a ta6e,it,o!,'ea"e,it 4asis. 5ein2 a $ont!a$t o a(hesion, an0 a34i2&it0 in its p!o"isions 3&st 4e $onst!&e( a2ainst p!i"ate !espon(ent. In(ee(, the te!3s p!i3e !ate, p!e"ai'in2 3a!6et !ate, )M pena't0 $ha!2e, se!"i$e ee, an( 2&i(in2 !ate a!e te$hni$a' te!3s #hi$h a!e 4e0on( the 6en o an o!(ina!0 'a03an. To 4e s&!e, petitione! ha!('0 a''s into the $ate2o!0 o an o!(ina!0 'a03an. As apt'0 o4se!"e( 40 the Co&!t o Appea's: D D D ?AIppe''ant 40 his o#n a(3ission is a 'a#0e! 40 p!o ession, a !ep&ta4'e 4&siness3an an( a note( 'ea(e! o a n&34e! o so$io,$i"i$ o!2ani7ations. Aith s&$h i3p!essi"e $!e(entia's, this Co&!t is ha!(,p&t to atho3 so3eone o his $a'i4!e ente!in2 into a $ont!a$t #ith e0es 4'in( o'(e(.1 Ne"e!the'ess, these t0pes o $ont!a$ts ha"e 4een (e$'a!e( as 4in(in2 as o!(ina!0 $ont!a$ts, the !eason 4ein2 that the pa!t0 #ho a(he!es to the $ont!a$t is !ee to !eBe$t it enti!e'0.* The 4in(in2 e e$t o an0 a2!ee3ent 4et#een pa!ties to a $ont!a$t is p!e3ise( on t#o sett'e( p!in$ip'es: 8%9 that an0 o4'i2ation a!isin2 !o3 a $ont!a$t has the o!$e o 'a# 4et#een the pa!tiesC an( 8)9 that the!e 3&st 4e 3&t&a'it0 4et#een the pa!ties 4ase( on thei! essentia' e:&a'it0. An0 $ont!a$t #hi$h appea!s to 4e hea"i'0 #ei2he( in a"o! o one o the pa!ties so as to 'ea( to an &n$ons$iona4'e !es&'t is "oi(. An0 stip&'ation !e2a!(in2 the "a'i(it0 o! $o3p'ian$e o the $ont!a$t #hi$h is 'e t so'e'0 to the #i'' o one o the pa!ties, is 'i6e#ise, in"a'i(.> It is i3po!tant to st!ess that the Co&!t is not p!e$'&(e( !o3 !&'in2 o&t 4'in( a(he!en$e to thei! te!3s i the atten(ant a$ts an( $i!$&3stan$es sho# that the0 sho&'( 4e i2no!e( o! 4ein2 o4"io&s'0 too one,si(e(. . In this $ase, Petitione!, in e e$t, $'ai3s that the s&4Be$t $ont!a$t is one,si(e( in that the $ont!a$t a''o#s o! the es$a'ation o inte!ests, 4&t (oes not p!o"i(e o! a (o#n#a!( a(B&st3ent o the sa3e in "io'ation o Cent!a' 5an6 Ci!$&'a! +<*. The $'ai3 is #itho&t 4asis. 1irst, 40 si2nin2 the $ont!a$t, petitione! an( p!i"ate !espon(ent a2!ee( &pon the !ate as stip&'ate( in the s&4Be$t $ont!a$t. S&$h is no# a''o#e( 40 C.5. Ci!$&'a! +<*.@ 8econd, petitione! ai'e( to $ite an0 pa!ti$&'a! p!o"ision o sai( Ci!$&'a! #hi$h #as a''e2e('0 "io'ate( 40 the s&4Be$t $ont!a$t. 5e that as it 3a0, the!e is nothin2 inhe!ent'0 #!on2 #ith es$a'ation $'a&ses. Es$a'ation $'a&ses a!e "a'i( stip&'ations in $o33e!$ia' $ont!a$ts to 3aintain is$a' sta4i'it0 an( to !etain the "a'&e o 3one0 in 'on2 te!3 $ont!a$ts. + Petitione! &!the! a!2&es that the inte!est !ate #as &ni'ate!a''0 i3pose( an( 4ase( on the stan(a!(s an( !ate o!3&'ate( so'e'0 40 Dine!s C'&4. In 1lorendo v. CA,%< this Co&!t has he'( that:

D D D the &ni'ate!a' (ete!3ination an( i3position o in$!ease( inte!est !ates 40 the he!ein !espon(ent 4an6 is o4"io&s'0 "io'ati"e o the principle of mutualit) of contracts o!(aine( in A!ti$'e %;<@ o the Ci"i' Co(e. As this Co&!t he'( in PN5 ". CA 8%+> SCRA *;> ?%++%I9: In o!(e! that o4'i2ations a!isin2 !o3 $ont!a$ts 3a0 ha"e the o!$e o 'a# 4et#een the pa!ties, the!e 3&st 4e mutualit) 4et#een the pa!ties 4ase( on thei! essentia' e:&a'it0. A $ont!a$t $ontainin2 a $on(ition #hi$h 3a6es its &' i''3ent (epen(ent eD$'&si"e'0 &pon the &n$ont!o''e( #i'' o one o the $ont!a$tin2 pa!ties, is "oi(. D D D The $ont!a$t&a' p!o"ision in :&estion states that i the!e o$$&!s an0 $han2e in the p!e"ai'in2 3a!6et !ates, the ne# inte!est !ate sha'' 4e the 2&i(in2 !ate in $o3p&tin2 the inte!est (&e on the o&tstan(in2 o4'i2ation #itho&t nee( o se!"in2 noti$e to the Ca!(ho(e! othe! than the !e:&i!e( postin2 on the 3onth'0 state3ent se!"e( to the Ca!(ho'(e!. This $o&'( not 4e $onsi(e!e( an es$a'ation $'a&se o! the !eason that it neithe! states an in$!ease no! a (e$!ease in inte!est !ate. Sai( $'a&se si3p'0 states that the inte!est !ate sho&'( 4e 4ase( on the p!e"ai'in2 3a!6et !ate. Inte!p!etin2 it (i e!ent'0, #hi'e sai( $'a&se (oes not eDp!ess'0 stip&'ate a !e(&$tion in inte!est !ate, it ne"e!the'ess p!o"i(es a 'ee#a0 o! the inte!est !ate to 4e !e(&$e( in $ase the p!e"ai'in2 3a!6et !ates (i$tate its !e(&$tion. A(3itte('0, the se$on( pa!a2!aph o the :&estione( p!o"iso #hi$h p!o"i(es that the Ca!(ho'(e! he!e40 a&tho!i7es Se$&!it0 Dine!s to $o!!espon(in2'0 in$!ease the !ate o s&$h inte!est in the e"ent o $han2es in p!e"ai'in2 3a!6et !ates D D D is an es$a'ation $'a&se. Ho#e"e!, it $annot 4e sai( to 4e (epen(ent so'e'0 on the #i'' o p!i"ate !espon(ent as it is a'so (epen(ent on the p!e"ai'in2 3a!6et !ates. Es$a'ation $'a&ses a!e not 4asi$a''0 #!on2 o! 'e2a''0 o4Be$tiona4'e as 'on2 as the0 a!e 'o+ /o0e0y .o+e/+a+*5e bu+ ba/e- o' rea/o'ab0e a'- 5a0*- 6rou'-/.%% O4"io&s'0, the '&$t&ation in the 3a!6et !ates is 4e0on( the $ont!o' o p!i"ate !espon(ent. As to the se$on( an( thi!( assi2n3ents o e!!o!, it is 3is'ea(in2 o! petitione! to sa0 that p!i"ate !espon(ent ha( B&(i$ia''0 a(3itte( that its state3ent o a$$o&nt is p!oo that /!s. Po'otan has a'!ea(0 pai( he! a$$o&nt #ith p!i"ate !espon(ent. P!o$ee(in2 !o3 sai( p!e3ise, it is &!the! 3is'ea(in2 o! petitione! to $on$'&(e that p!i"ate !espon(ents testi3onia' e"i(en$e a4o&t a ne# po'i$0 $ont!a(i$te( its B&(i$ia''0 a(3itte( (o$&3enta!0 e"i(en$e #itho&t 'a0in2 the p!ope! 4asis o! the int!o(&$tion o $ont!a!0 e"i(en$e an( in "io'ation o Se$tion ), R&'e %)+ o the Re"ise( R&'es on E"i(en$e, #hi$h p!o"i(es that: A(3issions 3a(e 40 the pa!ties in the p'ea(in2s, o! in the $o&!se o the t!ia' o! othe! p!o$ee(in2s (o not !e:&i!e p!oo an( $an not 4e $ont!a(i$te( &n'ess p!e"io&s'0 sho#n to ha"e 4een 3a(e th!o&2h pa'pa4'e 3ista6e. Ce!tain'0, Dine!s C'&4 $o&'( not (en0 the eDisten$e o EDhi4it ) #hi$h is the State3ent o A$$o&nt iss&e( to /!s. Po'otan sin$e, p!e$ise'0, it #as the one #hi$h iss&e( sai( state3ent. 5&t to $on$'&(e that sai( State3ent o A$$o&nt #as 'i6e#ise an a(3ission that /!s. Po'otan has no 3o!e a$$o&nt #ith Dine!s C'&4 #o&'( 4e e:&i"o$ato!0, o! non,se:&it&!. Ahi'e p!i"ate !espon(ent a(3itte( the eDisten$e o EDhi4it ), it $o&'( not ha"e a2!ee( to the p&!pose o! #hi$h the eDhi4it #as p!esente(. As satis a$to!i'0 o&n( 40 the Co&!t o Appea's an( to #hi$h this Co&!t a2!ees: Appe''ants a''e2ation is 3is'ea(in2. On the $ont!a!0, appe''ees !e4&tta' #itness, A' !e(o Vi$ente, $ate2o!i$a''0 state( that the !eason the State3ent o A$$o&nt in the na3e o A'i$ia Po'otan sho#e( a 7e!o 4a'an$e 8EDh. )9 #as (&e to the a$t that e e$ti"e Fe4!&a!0 %+@+, &n(e! a ne# s0ste3, sepa!ate 3onth'0 state3ents #e!e p!o(&$e( on s&pp'e3enta!0 $a!( 3e34e!s. P!io! to Fe4!&a!0 %+@+, the a"ai'3ents o /!. an( /!s. Po'otan #e!e in$o!po!ate( &n(e! one state3ent. /o!eo"e!, it is to 4e o4se!"e( that #hi'e the Co3p'aint #as i'e( on %* /a0 %+@., the Dine!s C'&4 /onth'0 State3ent in the na3e o A'i$ia 5. Po'otan is (ate( a'3ost t#o 8)9 0ea!s 'ate! o! <)=<@=@+ 8EDh. )9. This 4o'ste!s the testi3on0 o A' !e(o Vi$ente !e2a!(in2 the ent!0 o 7e!o 4a'an$e in /!s. Po'otans na3e. A'tho&2h sai( eDhi4it #o&'(, 40 itse' , sho# that /!s. Po'otan ha( no 3o!e a$$o&nt #ith Dine!s C'&4, it #o&'( not ha"e 4een $on$'&si"e to p!o"e that sai( a$$o&nt #as a'!ea(0 pai(. The p!ope! e"i(en$e #o&'( ha"e 4een a !e$eipt o pa03ent. Si2ni i$ant'0, petitione! (i( not $ontest the p&!$hases as in(i$ate( in the state3ents o a$$o&nt 4&t 3e!e'0 a''e2e( that so3e o the p&!$hases 4ein2 $'ai3e( to ha"e 4een 3a(e 40 petitione! #e!e not s&ppo!te( 40 in"oi$es. The 'o#e! $o&!t o&n( othe!#ise. %)

In 'i2ht o the a4o"e, this Co&!t sees no !eason to a#a!( (a3a2es to petitione!. 8#EREFORE, in "ie# o the o!e2oin2, the petition o! certiorari is he!e40 DENIED an( the De$ision o the Co&!t o Appea's AFFIR/ED #ith the /ODIFICATION that the atto!ne0s ees a!e !e(&$e( to %*M. SO ORDERED. G.R. No. 14=491 C February =, 200B SPOUSES @ C R$ S B CO%OR a'- C "#ER$NE B CO%OR, Petitioners, v. B NCO F$%$P$NO S >$NGS ND ;OR"G GE B N!, D GUP N C$"A BR NC# a'- ; RCE%$NO C. BONU N, Respondents. DECISION S NDO> %9GU"$ERRE@, J.: Petition o! Re"ie# on Certiorari &n(e! R&'e 1* o the %++. R&'es o Ci"i' P!o$e(&!e, as a3en(e(, assai'in2 the De$ision % o the Co&!t o Appea's in CA,-.R. CV No. 1..;) p!o3&'2ate( on Fe4!&a!0 );, )<<% an( its Reso'&tion (ate( /a0 ;<, )<<%. On Fe4!&a!0 %%, %+@), spo&ses Ea$a!ias an( Cathe!ine 5a$o'o!, he!ein petitione!s, o4taine( a 'oan o P)11,<<<.<< !o3 5an$o Fi'ipino Sa"in2s an( /o!t2a2e 5an6, Da2&pan Cit0 5!an$h, !espon(ent. The0 eDe$&te( a p!o3isso!0 note p!o"i(in2 that the a3o&nt sha'' 4e pa0a4'e #ithin a pe!io( o ten 8%<9 0ea!s #ith a 3onth'0 a3o!ti7ation o P*,;@<.<< 4e2innin2 /a!$h %%, %+@) an( e"e!0 %%th (a0 o the 3onth the!ea te!C that the inte!est !ate sha'' 4e t#ent0, o&! pe!$ent 8)1M9 pe! ann&3, #ith a pena't0 o th!ee pe!$ent 8;M9 on an0 &npai( 3onth'0 a3o!ti7ationC that the!e sha'' 4e a se!"i$e $ha!2e o th!ee pe!$ent 8;M9 pe! ann&3 on the 'oanC an( that in $ase !espon(ent 4an6 see6s the assistan$e o $o&nse' to en o!$e the $o''e$tion o the 'oan, petitione!s sha'' 4e 'ia4'e o! ten pe!$ent 8%<M9 o the a3o&nt (&e as atto!ne0Ks ees an( i teen pe!$ent 8%*M9 o the a3o&nt (&e as 'i:&i(ate( (a3a2es. As se$&!it0 o! the 'oan, petitione!s 3o!t2a2e( #ith !espon(ent 4an6 thei! pa!$e' o 'an( 'o$ate( in Da2&pan Cit0, Pan2asinan, !e2iste!e( &n(e! T!ans e! Ce!ti i$ate o Tit'e No. 1<@).. F!o3 /a!$h %%, %+@) to J&'0 %<, %++%, petitione!s pai( !espon(ent 4an6 P1%), %++.;>. The!ea te!, the0 ai'e( to pa0 the !e3ainin2 4a'an$e o the 'oan. On A&2&st ., %++), petitione!s !e$ei"e( !o3 !espon(ent 4an6 a state3ent o a$$o&nt statin2 that thei! in(e4te(ness as o J&'0 ;%, %++) a3o&nts to P@1<,@1*.>%. In its 'ette! (ate( Jan&a!0 %;, %++;, !espon(ent 4an6 in o!3e( petitione!s that sho&'( the0 ai' to pa0 thei! 'oan #ithin i teen 8%*9 (a0s !o3 noti$e, app!op!iate a$tion sha'' 4e ta6en a2ainst the3. D&e to petitione!sK ai'&!e to sett'e thei! o4'i2ation, !espon(ent instit&te(, on /a!$h *, %++;, an a$tion o! eDt!a,B&(i$ia' o!e$'os&!e o 3o!t2a2e. P!io! the!eto, o! on Fe4!&a!0 %, %++;, petitione!s i'e( #ith 5!an$h 1< o the sa3e RTC, a $o3p'aint o! "io'ation o the Us&!0 La# a2ainst !espon(ent, (o$6ete( as Ci"i' Case No. D,%<1@<. The0 a''e2e( that the p!o"isions o the p!o3isso!0 note $onstit&te a &s&!io&s t!ansa$tion $onsi(e!in2 the 8%9 !ate o inte!est, 8)9 the !ate o pena'ties, se!"i$e $ha!2e, atto!ne0Ks ees an( 'i:&i(ate( (a3a2es, an( 8;9 (e(&$tions o! s&!$ha!2es an( ins&!an$e p!e3i&3. In thei! a3en(e( $o3p'aint, petitione!s &!the! a''e2e( that, (&!in2 the $'os&!e o !espon(ent 4an6, it $ease( to 4e a 4an6in2 instit&tion an(, the!e o!e, $o&'( not $ha!2e inte!ests an( instit&te o!e$'os&!e p!o$ee(in2. On A&2&st )*, %++1, the RTC !en(e!e( its (e$ision (is3issin2 petitione!sK $o3p'aint, ho'(in2 that:$!a:na( 8%9 The te!3s an( $on(itions o the Dee( o /o!t2a2e an( the P!o3isso!0 Note a!e 'e2a' an( not &s&!io&s.

The p'ainti

!ee'0 si2ne( the Dee( o /o!t2a2e an( the P!o3isso!0 Note #ith &'' 6no#'e(2e o its te!3s an( $on(itions.

The inte!est !ate o )1M pe! ann&3 is not &s&!io&s an( (oes not "io'ate the Us&!0 La# 8A$t )>**9 as a3en(e( 40 P.D. No. %>>. The !ate o inte!est, in$'&(in2 $o33issions, p!e3i&3s, ees an( othe! $ha!2es, on a 'oan o! o!4ea!an$e o an0 3one0 et$., !e2a!('ess o 3at&!it0 D D D, sha'' not 4e s&4Be$t to an0 $ei'in2 &n(e! o! p&!s&ant to the Us&!0 La#, as a3en(e( 8C5 Ci!$&'a! no. +<*9. Hen$e, the )1M inte!est pe! ann&3 is a''o#e( &n(e! P.D. No. %>>. Fo! so3eti3e no#, &s&!0 has 4een 'e2a''0 non,eDistent. Inte!est $an no# 4e as 'en(e! an( 4o!!o#e! 3a0 a2!ee &pon 8Ve!(eBo ". CA, Jan. )+, %+@@. %*. SCRA .1;9. The i3position o pena'ties in $ase the o4'i2ation is not &' i''e( is not p!ohi4ite( 40 the Us&!0 La#. Pa!ties to a $ont!a$t o 'oan 3a0 "a'i('0 a2!ee &pon the i3position o pena't0 $ha!2es in $ase o (e'a0 o! non,pa03ent o the 'oan. The p&!pose is to $o3pe' the (e4to! to pa0 his (e4t on ti3e 8-o Chio$o ". /a!tine7, 1* Phi'. )*>, )>*9. 8)9 The $'os&!e o 5an$o Fi'ipino (i( not s&spen( o! stop its &s&a' an( no!3a' 4an6in2 ope!ations 'i6e the $o''e$tion o 'oan !e$ei"a4'es an( o!e$'os&!es o 3o!t2a2es. In "ie# o the o!e2oin2, p'ainti s ai'e( to s&4stantiate thei! $a&se o a$tion a2ainst the (e en(ant. ) $han!o4'es"i!t&a''a#'i4a!0 On appea', the Co&!t o Appea's !en(e!e( its De$ision a i!3in2 the De$ision o the t!ia' $o&!t. Petitione!Ks s&4se:&ent 3otion o! !e$onsi(e!ation #as (enie(. Hen$e, this p!esent petition o! !e"ie# on certiorari !aisin2 this 'one iss&e: #hethe! the inte!est !ate is NeD$essi"e an( &n$ons$iona4'e.N It is the petitione!sK $ontention that #hi'e the Us&!0 La# $ei'in2 on inte!est !ates #as 'i te( 40 Cent!a' 5an6 Ci!$&'a! No. +<*, the!e is nothin2 in the sai( $i!$&'a! #hi$h 2!ants !espon(ent 4an6 carte blanche a&tho!it0 to !aise inte!est !ates to 'e"e's #hi$h Neithe! ens'a"e the 4o!!o#e! o! 'ea( to a he3o!!ha2in2 o thei! assets.N ; $han!o4'es"i!t&a''a#'i4a!0 In its $o33ent 1 , !espon(ent 4an6 3aintaine( that petitione!, 40 si2nin2 the Dee( o /o!t2a2e an( P!o3isso!0 Note, 6no#in2'0 an( !ee'0 $onsente( to its te!3s an( $on(itions. A $ont!a$t 4et#een the pa!ties 3&st not 4e i3pai!e(. The inte!est !ate o )1M pe! ann&3 is not &s&!io&s an( (oes not "io'ate the Us&!0 La#. * $han!o4'es"i!t&a''a#'i4a!0 The petition 'a$6s 3e!it. A!ti$'e %+*> o the Ci"i' Co(e p!o"i(es that no interest shall be due unless it has been e7pressl) stipulated in %ritin#. He!e, the pa!ties a2!ee( in #!itin2 on Fe4!&a!0 %%, %+@) that the !ate o inte!est on the petitione!sK 'oan sha'' 4e )1M pe! ann&3. At the ti3e the pa!ties ente!e( into the 'oan t!ansa$tion, the app'i$a4'e 'a# #as the Us&!0 La# 8A$t )>**9, as a3en(e( 40 P.D. No. %>>, #hi$h p!o"i(es that the !ate o inte!est o! the o!4ea!an$e o 3one0 #hen se$&!e( 40 a 3o!t2a2e &pon !ea' estate, sho&'( not 4e 3o!e than >M pe! ann&3 o! the 3aDi3&3 !ate p!es$!i4e( 40 the /oneta!0 5oa!( o the Cent!a' 5an6 o the Phi'ippines in o!$e at the ti3e the 'oan #as 2!ante(. Cent!a' 5an6 Ci!$&'a! No. .@;, #hi$h too6 e e$t on J&'0 %, %+@%, !e3o"e( the $ei'in2 on inte!est !ates on a $e!tain $'ass o 'oans, th&s:$!a:na( SECTION ). The inte!est !ate on a 'oan o!4ea!an$e o an0 3one0, 2oo(s, o! $!e(its #ith a 3at&!it0 o 3o!e than se"en h&n(!e( thi!t0 8.;<9 (a0s sha'' not 4e s&4Be$t to an0 $ei'in2. > $han!o4'es"i!t&a''a#'i4a!0 In the p!esent $ase, the te!3 o the s&4Be$t 'oan is o! a pe!io( o %< 0ea!s. Consi(e!in2 that its 3at&!it0 is 3o!e than .;< (a0s, the inte!est !ate is not s&4Be$t to an0 $ei'in2 o''o#in2 the a4o"e p!o"ision. The!e o!e, the )1M inte!est !ate a2!ee( &pon 40 pa!ties (oes not "io'ate the Us&!0 La#, as a3en(e( 40 P.D. %%>. This Co&!t has $onsistent'0 he'( that o! so3eti3e no#, &s&!0 has 4een 'e2a''0 non,ineDistent an( that inte!est $an no# 4e $ha!2e( as 'en(e! an( 4o!!o#e! 3a0 a2!ee &pon. . As a 3atte! o a$t, Se$tion % o Cent!a' 5an6 Ci!$&'a! No. +<* states that:$!a:na(

SECTION %. The !ate o inte!est, in$'&(in2 $o33issions, p!e3i&3s, ees an( othe! $ha!2es , on a 'oan o! o!4ea!an$e o an0 3one0, 2oo(s, o! $!e(its, !e2a!('ess o 3at&!it0 an( #hethe! se$&!e( o! &nse$&!e(, that 3a0 4e $ha!2e( o! $o''e$te( 40 an0 pe!son, #hethe! nat&!a' o! B&(i$ia', sha'' not 4e s&4Be$t to an0 $ei'in2 p!es$!i4e( &n(e! o! p&!s&ant to the Us&!0 La#, as a3en(e(. @ $han!o4'es"i!t&a''a#'i4a!0 /o!eo"e!, in 2rade A ;nvestment Development Corporation of the Philippines v. Roblett ;ndustrial Construction Corporation, + this Co&!t has !&'e( that:$!a:na( Aith the s&spension o the Us&!0 La# an( the !e3o"a' o inte!est $ei'in2, the pa!ties a!e !ee to stip&'ate the inte!est to 4e i3pose( on 3oneta!0 o4'i2ations. A4sent an0 e"i(en$e o !a&(, &n(&e in '&en$e, o! an0 "i$e o $onsent eDe!$ise( 40 one pa!t0 a2ainst the othe!, the inte!est !ate a2!ee( &pon is 4in(in2 &pon the3. The!e is no in(i$ation in the !e$o!(s that an0 o the in$i(ents #hi$h "itiate $onsent on the pa!t o petitione!s is p!esent. In(ee(, the inte!est !ate a2!ee( &pon is 4in(in2 on the3. Aith !espe$t to the pena't0 an( se!"i$e $ha!2es, the sa3e a!e &n$ons$iona4'e o! eD$essi"e. Petitione!s in"o6e this Co&!tKs !&'in2s in A'3e(a "s. Co&!t o Appea's %< an( /e(e' "s. Co&!t o Appea's %% to sho# that the inte!est !ate in the s&4Be$t p!o3isso!0 note is &n$ons$iona4'e. Thei! !e'ian$e on these $ases is 3isp'a$e(. In Almeda, #hat this Co&!t st!&$6 (o#n as 4ein2 &n$ons$iona4'e an( eD$essi"e #as the &ni'ate!a' in$!ease in the inte!est !ates !o3 1=J to :=J. This Co&!t !&'e( th&s:$!a:na( It is p'ain'0 o4"io&s, the!e o!e, !o3 the &n(isp&te( a$ts o the $ase that !espon(ent 4an6 u'*0a+era00y a0+ere- +,e +er1/ o4 *+/ 3o'+ra3+ by *'3rea/*'6 +,e *'+ere/+ ra+e/ o4 +,e 0oa' (*+,ou+ +,e .r*or a//e'+ o4 +,e 0a++er. In a$t, the 3anne! o a2!ee3ent is itse' eDp'i$it'0 stip&'ate( 40 the Ci"i' Co(e #hen it p!o"i(es, in A!ti$'e %+*>, that NNo inte!est sha'' 4e (&e &n'ess it has 4een eDp!ess'0 stip&'ate( in #!itin2.N Ahat has 4een Nstip&'ate( in #!itin2N !o3 a pe!&sa' o the inte!est !ate p!o"ision o the $!e(it a2!ee3ent si2ne( 4et#een the pa!ties is that petitione!s #e!e 4o&n( 3e!e'0 to pa0 )%M inte!est D D D. Petitione!s a'so $annot in( !e &2e in /e(e'. In this $ase, #hat this Co&!t (e$'a!e( as &n$ons$iona4'e #as the i3position o a BBC inte!est !ate pe! ann&3. In the instant $ase, the inte!est !ate is on'0 3/C per annum, a2!ee( &pon 40 4oth pa!ties. 50 no 3eans $an it 4e $onsi(e!e( &n$ons$iona4'e o! eD$essi"e. Ve!i'0, petitione!s $annot no# !ene2e on thei! o4'i2ation to $o3p'0 #ith #hat is in$&34ent &pon the3 &n(e! the 'oan a2!ee3ent. A $ont!a$t is the 'a# 4et#een the pa!ties an( the0 a!e 4o&n( 40 its stip&'ations. %) $han!o4'es"i!t&a''a#'i4a!0 Petitione!s &!the! $onten( that (&!in2 the $'os&!e o !espon(ent 4an6 8 !o3 Jan&a!0 %, %+@* to J&'0 %, %++19, it 'ost its &n$tion as a 4an6in2 instit&tion an(, the!e o!e, $o&'( no 'on2e! $ha!2e inte!ests an( instit&te o!e$'os&!e p!o$ee(in2s. In the $ase o (anco 1ilipino 8avin#s A ort#a#e (an? vs. onetar) (oard, Central (an? of the Philippines, %; this Co&!t !&'e( that the 4an6Ks $'os&!e (i( not (i3inish the a&tho!it0 an( po#e!s o the (esi2nate( 'i:&i(ato! to e e$t&ate an( $a!!0 on the a(3inist!ation o the 4an6, th&s:$!a:na( D D D. Ae (i( not p!ohi4it ho#e"e! a$ts s&$h as !e$ei"in2 $o''e$ti4'es an( !e$ei"a4'es o! pa0in2 o $!e(ito!sK $'ai3s an( othe! t!ansa$tions pe!tainin2 to the no!3a' ope!ations o a 4an6. The!e is no (o&4t that that the p!ose$&tion o s&its o! $o''e$tion an( the o!e$'os&!e o 3o!t2a2es a2ainst (e4to!s o the 4an6 40 the 'i:&i(ato! a!e a3on2 the &s&a' an( o!(ina!0 t!ansa$tions pe!tainin2 to the a(3inist!ation o a 4an6. D D D. Li6e#ise, in (anco 1ilipino 8avin#s and ort#a#e (an? vs. @bae&, %1 #he!e one o the iss&es #as #hethe! !espon(ent 4an6 $an $o''e$t inte!est on its 'oans (&!in2 its pe!io( o 'i:&i(ation an( $'os&!e, this Co&!t he'(:$!a:na( In 5an$o Fi'ipino Sa"in2s an( /o!t2a2e 5an6 ". /oneta!0 5oa!(, the "a'i(it0 o the $'os&!e an( !e$ei"e!ship o 5an$o Fi'ipino #as p&t in iss&e. 5&t the pen(en$0 o the $ase (i( not (i3inish the a&tho!it0 o the (esi2nate( 'i:&i(ato! to a(3iniste! an( $ontin&e the 4an6Ks t!ansa$tions. The Co&!t a''o#e( the 4an6 'i:&i(ato! to $ontin&e !e$ei"in2 $o''e$ti4'es an( !e$ei"a4'es o! pa0in2 o $!e(ito!Ks $'ai3s an( othe! t!ansa$tions pe!tainin2 to no!3a' ope!ations o a 4an6. A3on2 these t!ansa$tions #e!e the p!ose$&tion o s&its a2ainst (e4to!s o! $o''e$tion an( o! o!e$'os&!e o 3o!t2a2es. The 4an6 #as a''o#e( to $o''e$t inte!ests on its 'oans #hi'e &n(e! 'i:&i(ation, p!o"i(e( that the inte!ests #e!e 'e2a'.

In ine, #e ho'( that the inte!est !ate on the 'oan a2!ee( &pon 4et#een the pa!ties is not eD$essi"e o! &n$ons$iona4'eC an( that (&!in2 the $'os&!e o !espon(ent 4an6, it $o&'( sti'' &n$tion as a 4on(in2 instit&tion, hen$e, $o&'( $ontin&e $o''e$tin2 inte!ests !o3 petitione!s. 8#EREFORE, #e DENA the petition an( FF$R; the $ha''en2e( De$ision an( Reso'&tion o the Co&!t o Appea's in CA, -.R. CV No. 1..;). Costs a2ainst petitione!s. SO ORDERED. G.R. No. %930BB1 ;ay 2=, 19=4 %$ ; % 8, Plaintiff-Appellee, "s. O%A;P$C S 8;$%% CO. a'- E%$NO %EE C#$, (e en(ants,appe''ants.

/ELENCIO,HERRERA, J.= This is an appea' 40 (e en(ants !o3 a De$ision !en(e!e( 40 the then Co&!t o Fi!st Instan$e o 5&'a$an. The appea' #as o!i2ina''0 ta6en to the then Co&!t o Appea's, #hi$h en(o!se( it to this instan$e statin2 that the iss&e in"o'"e( #as one o 'a#.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 It appea!s that on o! a4o&t Septe34e! ., %+*., p'ainti 'oane( P%<,<<<.<<, #itho&t inte!est, to (e en(ant pa!tne!ship an( (e en(ant E'ino Lee Chi, as the 3ana2in2 pa!tne!. The 'oan 4e$a3e &'ti3ate'0 (&e on Jan&a!0 ;%, %+><, 4&t #as not pai( on that (ate, #ith the (e4to!s as6in2 o! an eDtension o th!ee 3onths, o! &p to Ap!i' ;<, %+><.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 On /a!$h %., %+><, the pa!ties eDe$&te( anothe! 'oan (o$&3ent. Pa03ent o the P%<,<<<.<< #as eDten(e( to Ap!i' ;<, %+><, 4&t the o4'i2ation #as in$!ease( 40 P>,<<<.<< as o''o#s: That the s&3 o SIH THOUSAND PESOS 8P>,<<<.<<9, Phi'ippine $&!!en$0 sha'' o!3 pa!t o the p!in$ipa' o4'i2ation to ans#e! o! atto!ne0Ks ees, 'e2a' inte!est, an( othe! $ost in$i(ent the!eto to 4e pai( &nto the $!e(ito! an( his s&$$esso!s in inte!est &pon the te!3ination o this a2!ee3ent. De en(ants a2ain ai'e( to pa0 thei! o4'i2ation 40 Ap!i' ;<, %+>< an(, on Septe34e! );, %+><, p'ainti instit&te( this $o''e$tion $ase. De en(ants a(3itte( the P%<,<<<.<< p!in$ipa' o4'i2ation, 4&t $'ai3e( that the a((itiona' P>,<<<.<< $onstit&te( &s&!io&s inte!est.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 Upon app'i$ation o p'ainti , the T!ia' Co&!t iss&e(, on the sa3e (ate o Septe34e! );, %+><, a #!it o Atta$h3ent on !ea' an( pe!sona' p!ope!ties o (e en(ants 'o$ate( at Ka!an2'an, N&e"a E$iBa. A te! the A!it o Atta$h3ent #as i3p'e3ente(, p!o$ee(in2s 4e o!e the T!ia' Co&!t "e!se( p!in$ipa''0 in !e2a!(s to the atta$h3ent.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 On Jan&a!0 %@, %+>%, an O!(e! #as iss&e( 40 the T!ia' Co&!t statin2 that Nafter considerin# the manifestation of both counsel in Chambers, the Co&!t he!e40 a''o#s 4oth pa!ties to si3&'taneo&s'0 s&43it a /otion o! S&33a!0 J&(23ent. 1 The p'ainti i'e( his /otion o! S&33a!0 J&(23ent on Jan&a!0 ;%, %+>%, #hi'e (e en(ants i'e( thei!s on Fe4!&a!0 ), %+>'. 2 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 On J&ne )>, %+>%, the T!ia' Co&!t !en(e!e( (e$ision o!(e!in2 (e en(ants to pa0 p'ainti Nthe a3o&nt o P%<,<<<.<< p'&s the &!the! s&3 o P>,<<<.<< 40 #a0 o 'i:&i(ate( (a3a2es . . . #ith 'e2a' !ate o inte!est on 4oth a3o&nts !o3 Ap!i' ;<, %+><.N It is !o3 this B&(23ent that (e en(ants ha"e appea'e(.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 Ae ha"e (e$i(e( to a i!3.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 Un(e! A!ti$'e %;*1 o the Ci"i' Co(e, in !e2a!(s to the a2!ee3ent o the pa!ties !e'ati"e to the P>,<<<.<< o4'i2ation, Nit is p!es&3e( that it eDists an( is 'a# &', &n'ess the (e4to! p!o"es the $ont!a!0N. No e"i(entia!0 hea!in2 ha"in2 4een he'(, it has to 4e

$on$'&(e( that (e en(ants ha( not p!o"en that the P>,<<<.<< o4'i2ation #as i''e2a'. Con i!3in2 the T!ia' Co&!tKs in(in2, #e "ie# the P>,<<<.<< o4'i2ation as 'i:&i(ate( (a3a2es s& e!e( 40 p'ainti , as o /a!$h %., %+><, !ep!esentin2 'oss o inte!est in$o3e, atto!ne0Ks ees an( in$i(enta's.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 The 3ain th!&st o (e en(antsK appea' is the a''e2ation in thei! Ans#e! that the P>,<<<.<< $onstit&te( &s&!io&s inte!est. The0 insist the $'ai3 o &s&!0 sho&'( ha"e 4een (ee3e( a(3itte( 40 p'ainti as it #as Nnot (enie( spe$i i$a''0 an( &n(e! oathN. 3 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 Se$tion + o the Us&!0 La# 8A$t )>**9 p!o"i(e(: SEC. +. 2he person or corporation sued sha'' i'e its ans#e! in #!itin2 &n(e! oath to an0 $o3p'aint 4!o&2ht o! i'e( a2ainst sai( pe!son o! $o!po!ation 4e o!e a $o3petent $o&!t to !e$o"e! the 3one0 o! othe! pe!sona' o! !ea' p!ope!t0, see(s o! a2!i$&'t&!a' p!o(&$ts, $ha!2e( o! !e$ei"e( in "io'ation o the p!o"isions o this A$t. The 'a$6 o ta6in2 an oath to an ans#e! to a $o3p'aint #i'' 3ean the a(3ission o the a$ts $ontaine( in the 'atte!. The o!e2oin2 p!o"ision en"isa2es a $o3p'aint i'e( a2ainst an entit0 #hi$h has $o33itte( &s&!0, o! the !e$o"e!0 o the &s&!io&s inte!est pai(. In that $ase, i the entit0 s&e( sha'' not i'e its ans#e! &n(e! oath (en0in2 the a''e2ation o &s&!0, the (e en(ant sha'' 4e (ee3e( to ha"e a(3itte( the &s&!0. The p!o"ision (oes not app'0 to a $ase, as in the p!esent, #he!e it is the (e en(ant, not the p'ainti , #ho is a''e2in2 &s&!0.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 /o!eo"e!, o! so3eti3e no#, &s&!0 has 4een 'e2a''0 non,eDistent. Inte!est $an no# 4e $ha!2e( as 'en(e! an( 4o!!o#e! 3a0 a2!ee &pon. 4 The R&'es o Co&!t in !e2a!(s to a''e2ations o &s&!0, p!o$e(&!a' in nat&!e, sho&'( 4e $onsi(e!e( !epea'e( #ith !et!oa$ti"e e e$t. Stat&tes !e2&'atin2 the p!o$e(&!e o the $o&!ts #i'' 4e $onst!&e( as app'i$a4'e to a$tions pen(in2 an( &n(ete!3ine( at the ti3e o thei! passa2e. P!o$e(&!a' 'a#s a!e !et!ospe$ti"e in that sense an( to that eDtent. 5 ... Se$tion )18(9, Rep&4'i$ A$t No. @.>, 6no#n as the A!4it!ation La#, #hi$h too6 e e$t on %+ De$e34e! %+*;, an( 3a0 4e !et!oa$ti"e'0 app'ie( to the $ase at 4a! 4e$a&se it is p!o$e(&!a' in nat&!e. ... : AHEREFORE, the appea'e( B&(23ent is he!e40 a i!3e(, #itho&t p!ono&n$e3ent as to $osts.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 SO ORDERED. G.R. No. 139290 C ;ay 19, 200: "R DE D $N>ES";EN" DE>E%OP;EN" CORPOR "$ON OF "#E P#$%$PP$NES &For1er0y P,*0*..*'e E2.or+ D Fore*6' %oa' Guara'+ee Cor.ora+*o', Petitioner, v. ROB%E"" $NDUS"R$ % CONS"RUC"$ON CORPOR "$ON, ROBER"O G. B$ER a'- %E"$C$ B$ER , a'- P R ;OUN" $NSUR NCE CORPOR "$ON, Respondents. RESOLUTION "$NG , J.: Un(e! $onsi(e!ation a!e the 3otion o! !e$onsi(e!ation% (ate( ); De$e34e! )<<* an( s&pp'e3enta' 3otion o! !e$onsi(e!ation) (ate( ); Jan&a!0 )<<>, 4oth i'e( 40 !espon(ent Pa!a3o&nt Ins&!an$e Co!po!ation 8Pa!a3o&nt9 #ith !e2a!( to o&! De$ision; (ate( %% No"e34e! )<<* #hi$h (ispose( o the $ase as o''o#s:$!a:na( AHEREFORE, p!e3ises $onsi(e!e(, the petition is he!e40 -RANTED. The De$ision o the Co&!t o Appea's is REVERSED an( the B&(23ent o the Re2iona' T!ia' Co&!t is REINSTATED #ith the o''o#in2 3o(i i$ations: a9 o!(e!in2 !espon(ents Ro4'ett, the A4ie!as, an( Pa!a3o&nt, Boint'0 an( se"e!a''0, to pa0 petitione! Phi'2&a!antee the a3o&nt o P%%,..*,>%%.)*, #ith the o''o#in2 !ates o inte!est an( pena't0 $ha!2e, to #it:

i. o! !espon(ent Pa!a3o&nt, ei2hteen pe!$ent 8%@M9 inte!est pe! ann&3 !o3 * J&ne %++< &nti' &''0 pai(C ii. o! !espon(ents Ro4'ett an( the A4ie!as, siDteen pe!$ent 8%>M9 inte!est pe! ann&3 !o3 * J&ne %++< &nti' &''0 pai(C an( pena't0 $ha!2e o siDteen pe!$ent 8%>M9 pe! ann&3 $o3po&n(e( 3onth'0 !o3 * J&ne %++< &nti' &''0 pai(C 49 o!(e!in2 !espon(ents Ro4'ett an( the A4ie!as, Boint'0 an( se"e!a''0, to pa0 petitione! Phi'2&a!antee the a3o&nt o P%@,<)+,)%+..@ p'&s %)M inte!est the!eon !o3 the ti3e o ina'it0 o B&(23ent &nti' &''0 pai(C $9 o!(e!in2 !espon(ents Ro4'ett an( the A4ie!as, Boint'0 an( se"e!a''0, to pa0 petitione! Phi'2&a!antee ten pe!$ent 8%<M9 o P%%,..*,>%%.)*, as atto!ne0Ks ees, p'&s the $osts o s&itC (9 o!(e!in2 !espon(ent Pa!a3o&nt, Boint'0 an( se"e!a''0 #ith !espon(ents Ro4'ett an( the A4ie!as, to pa0 petitione! Phi'2&a!antee P%<<,<<<.<< as !easona4'e atto!ne0Ks eesC e9 o!(e!in2 !espon(ents Ro4'ett an( 5en'ot, Boint'0 an( se"e!a''0, to !ei34&!se !espon(ent Pa!a3o&nt #hate"e! a3o&nt it #o&'( pa0 petitione! Phi'2&a!antee in$'&(in2 a'' inte!ests, atto!ne0Ks ees an( the $ostsC an( 9 o!(e!in2 a'' the !espon(ents, Boint'0 an( se"e!a''0, an( the thi!(,pa!t0 (e en(ants, a'so Boint'0 an( se"e!a''0, to pa0 petitione! Phi'2&a!antee 'e2a' inte!est o %)M pe! ann&3 on the B&(23ent a#a!(s !espe$ti"e'0 a2ainst the3 !o3 the ti3e o ina'it0 o B&(23ent &nti' &''0 pai(. SO ORDERED.1 $!a In s&ppo!t o its 3otion o! !e$onsi(e!ation, Pa!a3o&nt s&43its the o''o#in2 2!o&n(s: 8%9 Pa!a3o&nt iss&e( a 4i((e!Ks 4on( an( not a pe! o!3an$e o! 2&a!antee 4on( so that #hen !espon(ent Ro4'ett In(&st!ia' Const!&$tion Co!po!ation 8Ro4'ett9 eDe$&te( the s&4,$ont!a$t a2!ee3ent, Pa!a3o&nt #as !e'ease( !o3 'ia4i'it0 the!e&n(e!C 8)9 petitione! is 2&i't0 o 3is!ep!esentation an( $on$ea'3ent in se$&!in2 Pa!a3o&ntKs $ontin&in2 $o33it3ent to ans#e! o! Ro4'ettKs !epa03ent s$he3eC 8;9 petitione! an( Ro4'ett ente!e( into a !eha4i'itation p!o2!a3 #hi$h no"ate( the p!in$ipa' o4'i2ation o the pa!ties !es&'tin2 in the (is$ha!2e o Pa!a3o&ntC 819 the s&4Be$t s&!et0 4on( eDpi!e( #itho&t an0 $'ai3 4ein2 3a(e a2ainst the sa3eC an( 8*9 Pa!a3o&nt is not 'ia4'e o! atto!ne0Ks ees. The s&pp'e3enta' 3otion o! !e$onsi(e!ation essentia''0 !eite!ates the a''e2ations an( a!2&3ents o&n( in the 3otion o! !e$onsi(e!ation #ith the a((itiona' $ontention that the inte!est $ha!2e on the p!in$ipa' (e4t is &n$ons$iona4'e. Ae ha"e pe!&se( the instant 3otions an( in( no ne# s&4stantia' a!2&3ents to #a!!ant the !e"e!sa' o! 3o(i i$ation o o&! Decision. Respon(entKs 3otion essentia''0 $on$e!ns iss&es that ha"e 4een passe( &pon an( &''0 $onsi(e!e( 40 the Co&!t in the (e$ision so&2ht to 4e !e$onsi(e!e(. Th&s, #e in( no $o2ent !eason to (epa!t !o3 the !&'in2 s&4Be$t o this !e$o&!se. The on'0 3atte! 'e t to 4e !eso'"e( is the "a'i(it0 o the inte!est $ha!2e a2ainst the p!in$ipa' a3o&nt in"o'"e( in this $ase. Un(e! the s&!et0 4on(,* Pa!a3o&nt 4o&n( itse' Boint'0 an( se"e!a''0 #ith Ro4'ett to pa0 petitione! to the eDtent o P%%,..*,>%%.;* o! #hate"e! (a3a2es an( 'ia4i'ities the 'atte! 3a0 s& e! 40 "i!t&e o its $o&nte!2&a!antee. Pa!a3o&nt &!the! a2!ee( to pa0 petitione! inte!est the!eon at the !ate o %@M pe! ann&3 !o3 the (ate o !e$eipt o petitione!Ks i!st (e3an( 'ette! &p to the (ate o a$t&a' pa03ent. In o&! De$ision, #e o&n( that none o the pa!ties :&estione( the "a'i(it0 o the stip&'ate( inte!est !ate. Fin(in2 the sa3e 'e2a', #e &phe'( its "a'i(it0. Aith the s&spension o the Us&!0 La# an( the !e3o"a' o inte!est $ei'in2, the pa!ties a!e !ee to stip&'ate the inte!est to 4e i3pose( on 3oneta!0 o4'i2ations. A4sent an0 e"i(en$e o !a&(, &n(&e in '&en$e, o! an0 "i$e o $onsent eDe!$ise( 40 one pa!t0 a2ainst the othe!, the inte!est !ate a2!ee( &pon is 4in(in2 &pon the3.> Ne"e!the'ess, #e !&'e( that Pa!a3o&ntKs 'ia4i'it0 the!e o! sho&'( $o33en$e !o3 the (ate o B&(i$ia' (e3an(, o! on * J&ne %++<, an( not !o3 the (ate petitione! 3a(e a o!3a' noti$e o (e3an( to Pa!a3o&nt. This is 4&t ai! as the (e'a0 in the pe! o!3an$e o Pa!a3o&nt is att!i4&ta4'e to the ai'&!e o petitione! to in o!3 the o!3e! o the (e"e'op3ents in the ne2otiations #ith Ro4'ett. Pa!a3o&nt a!2&es that it is 3a(e 'ia4'e o! app!oDi3ate'0 P1@ 3i''ion, the 4&'6 o #hi$h is the inte!est $ha!2e an( not the p!in$ipa' a3o&nt. It then s&43its that the inte!est is $'ea!'0 ini:&ito&s, &n$ons$iona4'e an( eDo!4itant, th&s $ont!a!0 to 3o!a's,. $itin2 o&! !&'in2 in /e(e' ". Co&!t o Appea's.@ In the sai( $ase, #e he'( as "oi( the stip&'ation on inte!est at the !ate o

*.*M pe! 3onth o! >>M pe! ann&3, on a P*<<,<<<.<< 'oan, the sa3e 4ein2 NeD$essi"e, ini:&ito&s, &n$ons$iona4'e an( eDo!4itant, hen$e, $ont!a!0 to 3o!a's 8N$ont!a 4onos 3o!esN9, i not a2ainst the 'a#.N+ $han!o4'es"i!t&a''a#'i4a!0 It #o&'( see3 that Pa!a3o&ntKs opposition to the inte!est a#a!(e( he!ein (oes not sp!in2 !o3 the in"a'i(it0 o the stip&'ate( inte!est !ate 4&t !athe! on the !es&'tin2 a3o&nt o inte!est $ha!2e a'one, #hi$h i $o&nte( !o3 the (ate o B&(i$ia' (e3an( #o&'( $o3e to !o&2h'0 P;) 3i''ion #hi$h is th!i$e the a3o&nt o the p!in$ipa' (e4t o P%%,..*,>%%.;*. Ahi'e the Co&!t !e$o2ni7es the !i2ht o the pa!ties to ente! into $ont!a$ts an( #ho a!e eDpe$te( to $o3p'0 #ith thei! te!3s an( o4'i2ations, this !&'e is not a4so'&te. Stip&'ate( inte!est !ates a!e i''e2a' i the0 a!e &n$ons$iona4'e %< an( the Co&!t is a''o#e( to te3pe! inte!est !ates #hen ne$essa!0. %% In eDe!$isin2 this "este( po#e! to (ete!3ine #hat is ini:&ito&s an( &n$ons$iona4'e, the Co&!t 3&st $onsi(e! the $i!$&3stan$es o ea$h $ase.%) Ahat 3a0 4e ini:&ito&s an( &n$ons$iona4'e in one $ase, 3a0 4e B&st in anothe!. In a n&34e! o $ases,%; this Co&!t e:&ita4'0 !e(&$e( the inte!est !ate a2!ee( &pon 40 the pa!ties o! 4ein2 ini:&ito&s, &n$ons$iona4'e, an(=o! eDho!4itant. Nota4'0 in the $ase o De"e'op3ent 5an6 o the Phi'ippines ". Co&!t o Appea's%1 , #hi'e this Co&!t he'( that !espon(ents #e!e 'ia4'e o! the stip&'ate( inte!est !ate o %@M pe! ann&3, #e e:&ita4'0 !e(&$e( the sa3e to %<M pe! ann&3 a te! in(in2 that the inte!ests an( pena't0 $ha!2es a'one eD$ee(e( the a3o&nt o the p!in$ipa' (e4t. As s&$h, the inte!ests #e!e o&n( to 4e eD$essi"e. Ae &!the! he'( that the a((itiona' pena't0 $ha!2e o @M pe! ann&3 #o&'( s& i$ient'0 $o"e! #hate"e! e'se (a3a2es petitione! 3a0 ha"e in$&!!e( s&$h as atto!ne0Ks ees an( 'iti2ation eDpenses. In the instant $ase, the !es&'tin2 inte!est $ha!2e has t&!ne( o&t to 4e eD$essi"e in the $onteDt o its 4ase $o3p&tation pe!io(, an( hen$e, &n#a!!ante( in a$t an( in ope!ation. Ae a!e not &n3in( &' o the 'en2th o ti3e this $ase has 4een pen(in2 in $o&!t o! #hi$h the a3o&nt in"o'"e( has 4a''oone( to the o&t!a2eo&s a3o&nt o 3o!e than P1* 3i''ion #hi$h is 4our +*1e/ the p!in$ipa' (e4t. Ahi'e #e ha"e s&staine( the "a'i(it0 o 3&$h hi2he! inte!est !ates o )%M pe! ann&3 in 5a&tista ". Pi'a! De"e'op3ent Co!po!ation%* an( )1M pe! ann&3 in -a!$ia ". Co&!t o Appea's%> as the a$t&a' $i!$&3stan$es the!ein #a!!ant, it is #e'' to note that $o3pa!e( to the instant $ase, the sai( $ases #e!e 'iti2ate( o! a sho!te! pe!io( o ti3e,%) 0ea!s an( ; 0ea!s, !espe$ti"e'0. De"e'op3ent 5an6 o the Phi'ippines%. #as ina''0 (e$i(e( a te! on'0 %< 0ea!s o 'iti2ation. He!e, the $o3p'aint #as i'e( in the 'o#e! $o&!t on * J&ne %++< o! siDteen 8%>9 0ea!s a2o. Conse:&ent'0, the a'!ea(0 h&2e p!in$ipa' (e4t s#e''e( to a $onsi(e!a4'0 (isp!opo!tionate s&3. Th&s, #e (ee3 an inte!est !ate o %)M pe! ann&3 is 3o!e !easona4'e &n(e! the $i!$&3stan$es. AHEREFORE, p!e3ises $onsi(e!e(, !espon(ent Pa!a3o&ntKs 3otion o! !e$onsi(e!ation an( s&pp'e3enta' 3otion o! !e$onsi(e!ation a!e -RANTED IN PART an( o&! assai'e( De$ision (ate( %% No"e34e! )<<* is he!e40 ;OD$F$ED. The inte!est !ate o %@M pe! ann&3 as stip&'ate( in the s&!et0 4on( is e:&ita4'0 !e(&$e( to %)M pe! ann&3. TheDecision is FF$R;ED 8$"# F$N %$"A in a'' othe! !espe$ts. SO ORDERED. [G. R. No. 13:0=0 C ?a'uary 1:, 2002] E S"ERN S#$PP$NG %$NES, $NC., Petitioner, v. COURT OF APPEALS an( /ANILA -AS CORPORATION, respondents. DECISION PARDO, J.: The Case The $ase is a petition o! !e"ie# on certiorari o the (e$ision o the Co&!t o Appea's?% #hi$h !e"e!se( that o the Re2iona' T!ia' Co&!t, /ani'a?) (i!e$tin2 the /et!opo'itan T!ia' Co&!t, /ani'a to ho'( in a4e0an$e the en o!$e3ent o its (e$ision?; o! eBe$t3ent, pen(in2 the !en(ition o (e$ision in $i"i' $ases in"o'"in2 the sa3e pa!ties on the iss&e o o#ne!ship o the s&4Be$t p!ope!t0.

The Fa$ts The a$ts, as o&n( 40 the Co&!t o Appea's, a!e as o''o#s: /ani'a -as Co!po!ation 8petitione!9, a 2o"e!n3ent $ont!o''e( $o!po!ation, is the o#ne! o a pa!$e' o 'an( sit&ate( at the easte!n si(e o San$ian2$o St!eet, Pa$o, /ani'a #ith t#o !onta2es on the no!the!n si(e o Pa7 /. -&an7on St!eet $ontainin2 an a!ea o %),><< s:&a!e 3ete!s, 3o!e o! 'ess. On No"e34e! +, %+@), petitione! ente!e( into a $ont!a$t o 'ease #ith Easte!n Shippin2 Lines, In$. 8p!i"ate !espon(ent9 #he!e40 it 'ease( to the 'atte! the a o!esai( p!ope!t0 o! a pe!io( o ten 8%<9 0ea!s 4e2innin2No"e34e! %*, %+@) &p to No"e34e! %*, %++). The pa!ties a2!ee(, a3on2 othe! thin2s, to the o''o#in2 pe!tinent stip&'ations, to #it: %. PERIOD OF LEASE The 'ease sha'' 4e o! ten 8%<9 0ea!s $o33en$in2 on No"e34e! %*, %+@) an( sha'' eDpi!e on No"e34e! %*, %++), &n'ess the sa3e 4e eDten(e( o! anothe! pe!io( s&4Be$t to 3&t&a' a2!ee3ent o 4oth pa!ties. Ho#e"e!, sho&'( the LESSOR (e$i(e to se'' the 'ease( p!e3ises (&!in2 the te!3 o the 'ease( pe!io(, he sho&'( noti 0 the LESSEE at 'east thi!t0 8;<9 (a0s !o3 !e$eipt o the noti$e &n(e! the te!3s an( $on(itions as 3a0 4e 3&t&a''0 a2!ee( &pon 40 the pa!ties. ). PRE,TER/INATION Pa!a2!aph % a4o"e not#ithstan(in2, the pa!ties he!eto a2!ee a te! the i th 0ea! o 'ease o the option=!i2ht to p!ete!3inate this Cont!a$t o Lease on an0 2!o&n( #hatsoe"e! #itho&t pena't0 p!o"i(e( a'' o&tstan(in2 o4'i2ations ha"e 4een sett'e( an( 2i"in2 one to the othe! %)< (a0s p!io! noti$e. 8Un(e!s$o!in2 s&pp'ie(9 On No"e34e! )), %+@), the pa!ties a3en(e( the $ont!a$t 40 'i3itin2 the a!ea to 4e $o"e!e( 40 the 'ease to %),%@+ s:&a!e 3ete!s on'0, he!eina te! !e e!!e( to as the 'ease( p!e3ises. On Jan&a!0 ;<, %+@+, 'ea!nin2 that petitione! #as a3on2 the 2o"e!n3ent,o#ne( o! $ont!o''e( $o!po!ations &n(e! $onsi(e!ation o! p!i"ati7ation an( sa'e, p!i"ate !espon(ent #!ote petitione! o its intention to eDe!$ise its option &n(e! C'a&se % o the 'ease $ont!a$t to p&!$hase the 'ease( p!e3ises. Respon(in2, petitione! #!ote p!i"ate !espon(ent that sin$e the 2o"e!n3ent 3an(ate is to p!i"ati7e o! se'' its sha!es o! the enti!e inte!est o the Nationa' De"e'op3ent Co3pan0 8NDC9 #ith petitione! an( not B&st assets an(=o! 'an(, it #as the opinion o its 5oa!( o Di!e$to!s that C'a&se % 3a0 not 4e in"o6e(. Petitione!, ho#e"e!, ass&!e( p!i"ate !espon(ent that in the p!epa!ation o the 4i((in2 2&i(e'ines, it #o&'( ta6e $o2ni7an$e o the 'ease an( p!esent the sa3e to the 4i((in2 p&4'i$ as pa!t o NDCs (is$'os&!es. On Septe34e! %., %++%, p!i"ate !espon(ent a2ain #!ote petitione!, a("isin2 it o its intention to eDten( the te!3 o the 'ease $ont!a$t o! anothe! ten 8%<9 0ea!s a te! its eDpi!ation on No"e34e! %*, %++), an( !eite!atin2 its p!e"io&s o e! to p&!$hase the 'ease( p!e3ises. On O$to4e! )@, %++%, petitione! a("ise( p!i"ate !espon(ent that it $o&'( not 2!ant its !e:&est o! a %<,0ea! eDtension as it ha( a'!ea(0 (!a#n &p its ina' p'ans to se'' the enti!e pa!$e' #hi$h $onsists o 1 'ots $o"e!e( 40 1 tit'es an( $ontainin2 a tota' a!ea o %*, 1>+.*< s:. 3. 8he!eina te! !e e!!e( to as the p!ope!t0 in :&estion9 in$'&(in2 the 'ease( p!e3ises an( #as p'annin2 to se'' it 4e o!e the 0ea! en(e(. An( petitione! in"o6e( its !i2ht to p!e,te!3inate the $ont!a$t &n(e! C'a&se ) the!eo , a("isin2 p!i"ate !espon(ent, ho#e"e!, to pa!ti$ipate, i it #ishe(, in the p&4'i$ 4i((in2. T#o p&4'i$ 4i((in2s #e!e 'ate! he'( 40 petitione! 4&t ai'e( on a$$o&nt o #hi$h it (e$i(e( to instea( se'' the p!ope!t0 in :&estion on the 4ases o a ne2otiate( sa'e #hi$h it anno&n$e( #o&'( 4e he'( on Fe4!&a!0 %<, %++). On Fe4!&a!0 %<, %++), th!ee 4i((e!s o the p!ope!t0 in :&estion in$'&(in2 p!i"ate !espon(ent #ho 3a(e $'ea! that its pa!ti$ipation sho&'( not 4e inte!p!ete( as a #ai"e! o its option to p&!$hase &n(e! the $ont!a$t ten(e!e( thei! !espe$ti"e o e!s. The 'a# i!3 o Ca!a2, Ca4a''es, Ja3o!a J So3e!a #ho 3a(e a 4i( o! an &n(is$'ose( $'ient e3e!2e( as the hi2hest 4i((e! at P@<,)%@,<<<.<< o! the p!ope!t0 in :&estion. P!i"ate !espon(ent then in o!3e( petitione!, 40 'ette! o Fe4!&a!0 %., %++), that it #as eDe!$isin2 its p!e e!entia' !i2ht to p&!$hase the p!ope!t0 in :&estion o! the sa3e a3o&nt as that ten(e!e( 40 the hi2hest 4i((e!, en$'osin2 the!e#ith a $ashie!s $he$6 o! P*,>1>,1<1 !ep!esentin2 %<M o the p&!$hase p!i$e, an( p!o3isin2 to pa0 the !e3ainin2 +<M #ithin ;< (a0s !o3

eDe$&tion o the ina' (ee( o a4so'&te sa'e in its a"o!. P!i"ate !espon(ent at the sa3e ti3e !ese!"e( its !i2ht to :&estion the o e! o the hi2hest 4i((e! on the 2!o&n( o "io'ation o $e!tain 4i((in2 !&'es an( !e2&'ation an( o e!e( to p&!$hase the p!ope!t0 in :&estion, in the e"ent the sai( hi2hest 4i((e! is (is:&a'i ie(, at the neDt hi2hest ten(e!e( p!i$e o P>*,<<1,;><.<<. Petitione! !et&!ne( the $ashie!s $he$6 to p!i"ate !espon(ent an(, 40 'ette! o /a!$h %>, %++) sent 40 its $o&nse', the O i$e o the -o"e!n3ent Co!po!ate Co&nse', o!3a''0 (e3an(e( p!i"ate !espon(ent to "a$ate the 'ease( p!e3ises #ithin * (a0s !o3 !e$eipt the!eo , a''e2in2 that its $ontin&e( o$$&pan$0 4e0on( Fe4!&a!0 )*, %++), the eDpi!ation o the %)<,(a0 2!a$e pe!io( !o3 O$to4e! )+, %++% 2i"en to it in a$$o!(an$e #ith the $ont!a$t ha( 4e$o3e &n'a# &'. P!i"ate !espon(ent !e &se( to 'ea"e the 'ease( p!e3ises, ho#e"e!, hen$e, petitione! i'e( on Ap!i' %*, %++) the p!esent &n'a# &' (etaine! $ase a2ainst it #ith the /et!opo'itan T!ia' Co&!t 8/TC9 o /ani'a #hi$h #as (o$6ete( as Ci"i' Case No. +1,.%;+; an( !a 'e( to 5!an$h % the!eo . P!i"ate !espon(ent, as (e en(ant, a''e2e( in its Ans#e! #ith Co&nte!$'ai3 that petitione!, as p'ainti , ha( $o3e to $o&!t #ith &n$'ean han(s, an( ha( s&pp!esse( the t!&e a$ts o the $ase in o!(e! to (is2&ise it as one o! eBe$t3ent #hen it #as not as the 'ease $ont!a$t the0 ente!e( into is $o&p'e( #ith inte!estC that at the 3ost, it is (ee3e( to ha"e p&!$hase( the 'ease( p!e3ises at the te!3s an( $on(itions o the hi2hest 4i((e! at the ne2otiate( sa'e p!o$ee(in2s on Fe4!&a!0 %<, %++) o!, at the 'east, it is entit'e( to eDe!$ise its !i2ht o i!st !e &sa'C an( that at the "e!0 'east, it is entit'e( to a (e$'a!ation that the 'ease is (ee3e( !ene#e( o! anothe! ten 8%<9 0ea!s 4e2innin2 No"e34e! %>, %++). On /a!$h ), %++;, petitione! i'e( a S&pp'e3enta' Co3p'aint a"e!!in2 that as the %<,0ea! 'ease pe!io( ha( a'!ea(0 eDpi!e(, the $ontin&e( o$$&pan$0 40 p!i"ate !espon(ent o the 'ease( p!e3ises ha( 4e$o3e &n'a# &' an( #itho&t 4ases i!!espe$ti"e o #hethe! o! not the $ont!a$t o 'ease #as p!ete!3inate(. P!i"ate !espon(ent, in its S&pp'e3enta' Ans#e! #ith Co&nte!$'ai3, $o&nte!e( that petitione! is 4a!!e( 40 estoppe' an( 'a$hes !o3 in"o6in2 the a&to3ati$ eDpi!ation o the $ont!a$t. D&!in2 the pen(en$0 o the eBe$t3ent $ase 4e o!e the /TC, a $e!tain Santia2o C&a 8C&a9 i'e( a $ase o! inB&n$tion 4e o!e the Re2iona' T!ia' Co&!t 8RTC9 o /ani'a a2ainst petitione! see6in2 to enBoin petitione! !o3 p!o$ee(in2 #ith its 4i((in2 o the p!ope!t0 in :&estion, $'ai3in2 that he #as the hi2hest 4i((e! in a p!e"io&s 4i((in2 an(, the!e o!e, petitione! sho&'( a#a!( an( se'' the sa3e to it. The $ase #as (o$6ete( as Ci"i' Case No. +),><+>* an( #as !a 'e( to 5!an$h 1+ o the sai( $o&!t. P!i"ate !espon(ent inte!"ene( in sai( $ase, in"o6in2 its !i2ht o i!st !e &sa'. C&a 'ate! 3o"e( to (is3iss the $ase #hi$h #as 2!ante(. The (is3issa' #as appea'e( 40 p!i"ate !espon(ent to this Co&!t an( is no# pen(in2 $onsi(e!ation in CA,-. R. CV No. 1<++.. On Ap!i' %1, %++1, p!i"ate !espon(ent i'e( at the RTC o /ani'a a $ase a2ainst petitione! an( C&a, (o$6ete( as Ci"i' Case No. +1,.<%1<, see6in2 to ann&' the sa'e o a ;,%+@.@< s:&a!e 3ete! 'ot $o"e!e( 40 TCT ;+1@) eDe$&te( 40 petitione! in a"o! o C&a, #hi$h 'ot (oes not o!3 pa!t o the p!ope!t0 in :&estion. The pen(en$0 o the t#o a4o"e,3entione( $ases #as in"o6e( 40 p!i"ate !espon(ent in its Position Pape! i'e( onJ&'0 )), %++; #ith the /TC as 2!o&n( o! the s&spension o the eBe$t3ent p!o$ee(in2s. In a (e$ision o J&ne %>, %++1, the /TC !eBe$te( p!i"ate !espon(ents position an( &phe'( petitione!s p!ete!3ination o the 'ease $ont!a$t (&e to the a4sen$e o a 3&t&a' a2!ee3ent 40 the pa!ties o! its eDtension. The /TC he'( that sin$e the pa!ties ai'e( to !ea$h a 3&t&a' a2!ee3ent on the p&!$hase o the 'ease( p!e3ises, the!e is no 4asis in $on$'&(in2 that p!i"ate !espon(ent ha( p&!$hase( the sa3eC an( that the pen(en$0 o the t#o othe! $i"i' $ases #as not a 4a! to the !eso'&tion o the eBe$t3ent $ase. The (e$!eta' pa!t o the /TC (e$ision !ea(s: Ahe!e o!e, B&(23ent is he!e40 !en(e!e( in a"o! o p'ainti , o!(e!in2 (e en(ant, its !ep!esentati"es, a2ents, e3p'o0ees an( assi2ns, to "a$ate the 'ease( p!e3ises an( to pa0 to p'ainti the o''o#in2: a9 Pa03ent o! the &se o the 'ease( p!e3ise( in the a3o&nt o One H&n(!e( T#ent0 SiD Tho&san( Pesos 8P%)>,<<<. <<9 pe! 3onth sta!tin2 on Fe4!&a!0 )*, %++), &nti' (e en(ant "a$ates the 'ease( p!e3isesC 49 Atto!ne0s ees in the a3o&nt o Fi t0 Tho&san( Pesos 8P*<,<<<.<<9C $9 Costs o s&it.

P!i"ate !espon(ent appea'e( the /TC (e$ision to the RTC o /ani'a #he!e it #as (o$6ete( as Ci"i' Case No. +1,%;+;. On J&ne ), %++*, !espon(ent $o&!t, 5!an$h ;1 o the RTC o /ani'a to #hi$h the appea' #as !a 'e(, !en(e!e( a (e$ision the (ispositi"e po!tion o #hi$h !ea(s: AHEREFORE, 'et the !e$o!( 4e !e3an(e( to the Co&!t a :&o #ith &!the! o!(e! to ho'( the en o!$e3ent o the (e$ision in a4e0an$e pen(in2 ina' (e$ision o the $ases, na3e'0, CA,-. R. CV No. 1<++., entit'e( Santia2o C&a, p'ainti ,appe''ee "s. /ani'a -as Co!po!ation, et a'., (e en(ant,appe''ant, Easte!n Shippin2 Lines, In$., p'ainti ,inte!"eno!,appe''ant 4ein2 $onsi(e!e( 40 the Co&!t o Appea's an( Ci"i' Case No. +1,.<%1<, entit'e( Easte!n Shippin2 Lines "s. /ani'a -as Co!po!ation, et a'. pen(in2 t!ia' 4e o!e 5!an$h 1. o the Re2iona' T!ia' Co&!t o /ani'a.The!ea te!, to !en(e! a (e$ision 4ase( !o3 the ina' (e$ision on the a4o"e,$aptione( $ase. 8Un(e!s$o!in2 s&pp'ie(9.?1 On A&2&st )@, %++*, !espon(ent /ani'a -as Co!po!ation i'e( #ith the Co&!t o Appea's a petition o! !e"ie# o the !e2iona' t!ia' $o&!t (e$ision.?* On De$e34e! %, %++;, petitione! Easte!n Shippin2 Lines, In$. i'e( an ans#e! to the petition.?> On /a!$h %;, %++@, the Co&!t o Appea's p!o3&'2ate( a (e$ision,?. !e"e!sin2 the (e$ision o the Re2iona' T!ia' Co&!t, /ani'a, 5!an$h ;1?@@Petition, AnneD U, Rollo, pp. )1%,)**.@ an( !einstatin2 the (e$ision o the /et!opo'itan T!ia' Co&!t, /ani'a, 5!an$h %.?+ On Ap!i' ., %++@, petitione! ESLI i'e( a 3otion o! !e$onsi(e!ation?%< o the (e$ision. On O$to4e! %+, %++@, the Co&!t o Appea's (enie( the 3otion.?%% Hen$e, this appea'.?%) The Iss&e The on'0 iss&e !aise( is #hethe! petitione! Easte!n Shippin2 Lines, In$. has &n'a# &''0 #ithhe'( possession o the s&4Be$t p!e3ises !o3 !espon(ent /ani'a -as Co!po!ation. The Co&!ts R&'in2 Ae (en0 the petition. An a$tion o! &n'a# &' (etaine! 3a0 4e i'e( #hen possession 40 a 'an('o!(, "en(o!, "en(ee o! othe! pe!son a2ainst #ho3 the possession o an0 'an( o! 4&i'(in2 is &n'a# &''0 #ithhe'(, a te! the eDpi!ation o! te!3ination o the !i2ht to ho'( possession, 40 "i!t&e o a $ont!a$t, eDp!ess o! i3p'ie(.?%; In /an&e' ". Co&!t o Appea's,?%1 #e $ate2o!i$a''0 state( that: P!o$ee(in2s in o!$i4'e ent!0 an( (etaine! a!e #ho''0 s&33a!0 in nat&!e. The a$t o 'ease an( the eDpi!ation o its te!3s a!e the on'0 e'e3ents o this 6in( o a$tion. The :&estion o o#ne!ship is &nessentia' an( sho&'( 4e !aise( 40 the (e en(ant in an app!op!iate a$tion. An0 $ont!o"e!s0 o"e! o#ne!ship !i2hts $o&'( an( sho&'( 4e sett'e( a te! the pa!t0 #ho ha( the p!io!, pea$e &' an( a$t&a' possession is !et&!ne( to the p!ope!t0. In the $ase at 4a!, the 'ease $ont!a$t 4et#een the pa!ties #as e e$ti"e'0 p!ete!3inate( p&!s&ant to the stip&'ations the!eo . At an0 !ate, the 'ease pe!io( eDpi!e( on No"e34e! %*, %++). Th&s, as $o!!e$t'0 he'( 40 the Co&!t o Appea's, e"en ass&3in2 that the p!e,te!3ination o the $ont!a$t #as not "a'i('0 eDe!$ise(, the $ont!a$t o 'ease has nonethe'ess eDpi!e( #itho&t the pa!ties ente!in2 into a 3&t&a' a2!ee3ent eithe! eDten(in2 o! !ene#in2 it, th&s !en(e!in2 &n'a# &' the o$$&pation o the p!e3ises 40 petitione! Easte!n Shippin2 Lines, In$. Conse:&ent'0, ha"in2 4een 2i"en a (e3an( to "a$ate the p!e3ises in :&estion, petitione! Easte!n Shippin2 Lines, In$. is no# &n'a# &''0 #ithho'(in2 possession o the 'ease( p!ope!t0 !o3 /ani'a -as Co!po!ation, #hi$h is entit'e( to ph0si$a' possession as the !e2iste!e( o#ne! o the s&4Be$t 'an(. The a2e,o'( !&'e is that the pe!son #ho has a to!!ens tit'e o"e! a 'an( is entit'e( to possession the!eo .?%* In Co Tia3$o ". Dia7,?%> #e e3phasi7e( that the p!in$ip'e &n(e!'0in2 the 4!e"it0 an( si3p'i$it0 o p'ea(in2s in o!$i4'e ent!0 an( &n'a# &' (etaine! $ases !ests &pon $onsi(e!ations o p&4'i$ po'i$0. Cases o o!$i4'e ent!0 an( (etaine! a!e s&33a!0 in

nat&!e o! the0 in"o'"e pe!t&!4ation o so$ia' o!(e! #hi$h 3a0 4e !esto!e( as p!o3pt'0 as possi4'e, an(, a$$o!(in2'0, te$hni$a'ities o! (etai's o p!o$e(&!e #hi$h 3a0 $a&se &nne$essa!0 (e'a0s sho&'( 4e $a!e &''0 a"oi(e(.?%. S&$h $ases a!e (esi2ne( to p!o"i(e o! an eDpe(itio&s 3eans o p!ote$tin2 a$t&a' possession o! the !i2ht to possession o the p!ope!t0 in"o'"e(. ?%@ Easte!n Shippin2 Lines, In$. #hi$h is o$$&p0in2 the p!e3ises &p to the p!esent ti3e is $'ea!'0 &n'a# &''0 #ithho'(in2 possession a te! te!3ination o the 'ease pe!io( an( !e &ses to 'ea"e the p!ope!t0 (espite (e3an( to "a$ate the p!e3ises.?%+ Hen$e, a $o3p'aint o! &n'a# &' (etaine! #as p!ope!'0 i'e( #ithin one 8%9 0ea! the!e !o3.?)< In a$tions o o!$i4'e ent!0 an( (etaine!, the 3ain iss&e is possession de facto,?)% in(epen(ent'0 o an0 $'ai3 o o#ne!ship o! possession de 'ure that eithe! pa!t0 3a0 set o!th in his p'ea(in2.?)) As in$i(ents o the 3ain iss&e o possession de facto, the in e!io! $o&!t $an (e$i(e the :&estions o 8a9 #hethe! o! not the !e'ationship 4et#een the pa!ties is one o 'an('o!( an( tenantC 849 #hethe! o! not the!e is a 'ease $ont!a$t 4et#een the pa!ties, the pe!io( o s&$h 'ease $ont!a$t an( #hethe! o! not the 'ease $ont!a$t has a'!ea(0 eDpi!e(C 8$9 the B&st an( !easona4'e a3o&nt o the !ent?); an( the (ate #hen it #i'' ta6e e e$tC 8(9 the !i2ht o the tenant to 6eep the p!e3ises a2ainst the #i'' o the 'an('o!(C an( 8e9 i the (e en(ant has 4&i't on the 'an( a s&4stantia' an( "a'&a4'e 4&i'(in2 an( the!e is no (isp&te 4et#een the pa!ties as to the o#ne!ship o the 'an( an( the 4&i'(in2, thei! !i2hts a$$o!(in2 to the Ci"i' Co(e. De en(ants $'ai3 o o#ne!ship o the p!ope!t0 !o3 #hi$h p'ainti see6s to eBe$t hi3 is not s& i$ient to (i"est the in e!io! $o&!t o its B&!is(i$tion o"e! the a$tion o o!$i4'e ent!0 an( (etaine!.?)1 In an &n'a# &' (etaine! $ase, the on'0 iss&e is #hethe! the (e en(ant has &n'a# &''0 #ithhe'( possession o the p!e3ises a te! the eDpi!ation o! te!3ination o its !i2ht to ho'( possession &n(e! an0 $ont!a$t, eDp!ess o! i3p'ie(. Th&s, #hen the !e'ationship o 'esso! an( 'essee is esta4'ishe( in an &n'a# &' (etaine! $ase, an0 atte3pt o the pa!ties to inBe$t the :&estion o o#ne!ship into the $ase is &ti'e, eD$ept inso a! as it 3i2ht th!o# 'i2ht on the !i2ht o possession. Petitione!, ho#e"e!, insists on its !i2ht o! option o i!st !e &sa' to p&!$hase the p!ope!t0 4e'on2in2 to /ani'a -as Co!po!ation to ho'( tena$io&s'0 on to the p!e3ises. As $o!!e$t'0 !&'e( 40 the Co&!t o Appea's, e"en i 8petitione!9 ha( the !i2ht o i!st !e &sa', its eDe!$ise $o&'( not 4e e:&ate( #ith a&to3ati$ o#ne!ship, 2i"en the inB&n$tion &n(e! C'a&se % 8&n(e! te!3s an( $on(itions as 3a0 4e 3&t&a''0 a2!ee( &pon 40 the pa!ties9 o the $ont!a$t that the pa!ties 3&st i!st a!!i"e at te!3s an( $on(itions 3&t&a''0 a$$epta4'e to the3, 4&t the!e #as none.?)* Nonethe'ess, an0 s&ppose( iss&e as to petitione! Easte!n Shippin2 Lines, In$.s !i2ht o! option o i!st !e &sa' is 'iti2ate( 4e o!e the Re2iona' T!ia' Co&!t, /ani'a,?)> #he!e a $ase o! spe$i i$ pe! o!3an$e 8p!a0in2 o! the iss&an$e o a Noti$e o A#a!(9 #as i'e( 40 Easte!n Shippin2 Lines, In$., as p'ainti ,inte!"eno! the!ein an( is sti'' pen(in2 4e o!e the t!ia' $o&!t. As he!eto o!e state(, petitione!s !i2ht o i!st !e &sa' $o&'( 4e sett'e( in the app!op!iate $o&!t hea!in2 the $ase. Ho#e"e!, in the eBe$t3ent $ase, it is eno&2h that the 'ease ea!'ie! ente!e( into 40 the pa!ties has eDpi!e( an( petitione! is &n'a# &''0 #ithho'(in2 possession o the p!e3ises !o3 its o#ne!, the /ani'a -as Co!po!ation. Hen$e, petitione! Easte!n Shippin2 Lines, In$. 3a0 4e e"i$te( the!e !o3. The Fa''o 8#EREFORE, the Co&!t DIS/ISSES the petition o! 'a$6 o 3e!it, an( AFFIR/S the (e$ision o the Co&!t o Appea's?). in toto. No $osts. SO ORDERED. G.R. No. %9::=2: u6u/+ 19, 19== B N! OF "#E P#$%$PP$NE $S% NDS, Petitioner, "s. "#E $N"ER;ED$ "E PPE%% "E COUR" a'@S#ORN C! Respondents.

COR"ES, J.: The o!i2ina' pa!ties to this $ase #e!e Ri7a'(0 T. Esho!na$6 an( the Co33e!$ia' 5an6 an( T!&st Co3pan0 o the Phi'ippines ?he!ea te! !e e!!e( to as NCO/TRUST.NI In %+@<, the 5an6 o the Phi'ippine Is'an(s 8he!ea te! !e e!!e( to as 5PI a4so!4e( CO/TRUST th!o&2h a $o!po!ate 3e!2e!, an( #as s&4stit&te( as pa!t0 to the $ase.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 Ri7a'(0 Esho!na$6 initiate( p!o$ee(in2s on J&ne )@,%+.> 40 i'in2 in the Co&!t o Fi!st Instan$e o Ri7a' , Ca'oo$an Cit0 a $o3p'aint a2ainst CO/TRUST a''e2in2 o&! $a&ses o a$tion. ED$ept o! the thi!( $a&se o a$tion, the CFI !&'e( in a"o! o Esho!na$6. The 4an6 appea'e( to the Inte!3e(iate Appe''ate Co&!t #hi$h 3o(i ie( the CFI (e$ision a4so'"in2 the 4an6 !o3 'ia4i'it0 on the o&!th $a&se o a$tion. The pe!tinent po!tions o the B&(23ent, as 3o(i ie(, !ea(: IN VIEA OF THE FORE-OIN-, the Co&!t !en(e!s B&(23ent as o''o#s: $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 %. O!(e!in2 the (e en(ant CO/TRUST to !esto!e to the (o''a! sa"in2s a$$o&nt o p'ainti 8No. )*,1%<+9 the a3o&nt o U.S P%,<<<.<< as o O$to4e! )., %+.* to ea!n inte!est to2ethe! #ith the !e3ainin2 4a'an$e o the sai( a$$o&nt at the !ate iDe( 40 the 4an6 o! (o''a! (eposits &n(e! Cent!a' 5an6 Ci!$&'a! ;1;C $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 ). O!(e!in2 (e en(ant CO/TRUST to !et&!n to the p'ainti the a3o&nt o U.S. P;,<<<.<< i33e(iate'0 &pon the ina'it0 o this (e$ision, #itho&t inte!est o! the !eason that the sai( a3o&nt #as 3e!e'0 he'( in $&sto(0 o! sa e6eepin2, 4&t #as not a$t&a''0 (eposite( #ith the (e en(ant CO/TRUST 4e$a&se 4ein2 $ash $&!!en$0, it $annot 40 'a# 4e (eposite( #ith p'ainti s (o''a! a$$o&nt an( (e en(antKs on'0 o4'i2ation is to !et&!n the sa3e to p'ainti &pon (e3an(C $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 DDD DDD DDD $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 *. O!(e!in2 (e en(ant CO/TRUST to pa0 p'ainti in the a3o&nt o P@,<<<.<< as (a3a2es in the $on$ept o 'iti2ation eDpenses an( atto!ne0Ks ees s& e!e( 40 p'ainti as a !es&'t o the ai'&!e o the (e en(ant 4an6 to !esto!e to his 8p'ainti s9 a$$o&nt the a3o&nt o U.S. P%,<<<.<< an( to !et&!n to hi3 8p'ainti 9 the U.S. P;,<<<.<< $ash 'e t o! sa e6eepin2.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 Costs a2ainst (e en(ant CO/TRUST.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 SO ORDERED. ?Ro''o, pp. 1.,1@.I Un(a&nte(, the 4an6 $o3es to this Co&!t p!a0in2 that it 4e tota''0 a4so'"e( !o3 an0 'ia4i'it0 to Esho!na$6. The 'atte! not ha"in2 appea'e( the Co&!t o Appea's (e$ision, the iss&es a$in2 this Co&!t a!e 'i3ite( to the 4an6Ks 'ia4i'it0 #ith !e2a!( to the i!st an( se$on( $a&ses o a$tion an( its 'ia4i'it0 o! (a3a2es.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 %. Ae i!st $onsi(e! the i!st $a&se o a$tion, On the (ates 3ate!ia' to this $ase, Ri7a'(0 Esho!na$6 an( his #i e, Shi!'e0 -o!ospe, 3aintaine( in CO/TRUST, F&e7on Cit0 5!an$h, a (o''a! sa"in2s a$$o&nt an( a peso $&!!ent a$$o&nt.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 On O$to4e! )., %+.*, an app'i$ation o! a (o''a! (!a t #as a$$o3p'ishe( 40 Vi!2i'io V. -a!$ia, Assistant 5!an$h /ana2e! o CO/TRUST F&e7on Cit0, pa0a4'e to a $e!tain Leo"i2i'(a D. Di7on in the a3o&nt o P%,<<<.<<. In the app'i$ation, -a!$ia in(i$ate( that the a3o&nt #as to 4e $ha!2e( to Do''a! Sa"in2s A$$t. No. )*,1%<+, the sa"in2s a$$o&nt o the Esho!na$6sC the $ha!2es o! $o33ission, (o$&3enta!0 sta3p taD an( othe!s tota''in2 P%..1> #e!e to 4e $ha!2e( to C&!!ent A$$t. No. )%<1>*,)+, a2ain, the $&!!ent a$$o&nt o the Esho!na$6s. The!e #as no in(i$ation o the na3e o the p&!$hase! o the (o''a! (!a t.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 On the sa3e (ate, O$to4e! ).,%+.*, CO/TRUST, &n(e! the si2nat&!e o Vi!2i'io V. -a!$ia, iss&e( a $he$6 pa0a4'e to the o!(e! o Leo"i2i'(a D. Di7on in the s&3 o US P%,<<< (!a#n on the Chase /anhattan 5an6, Ne# Go!6, #ith an in(i$ation that it #as to 4e $ha!2e( to Do''a! Sa"in2s A$$t. No. )*,1%<+.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0

Ahen Esho!na$6 noti$e( the #ith(!a#a' o USP%,<<<.<< !o3 his a$$o&nt, he (e3an(e( an eDp'anation !o3 the 4an6. In ans#e!, CO/TRUST $'ai3e( that the peso "a'&e o the #ith(!a#a' #as 2i"en to Att0. E!nesto Esho!na$6, J!., 4!othe! o Ri7a'(0, on O$to4e! )., %+.* #hen he 8E!nesto9 en$ashe( #ith CO/TRUST a $ashie!Ks $he$6 o! P@,1*<.<< iss&e( 40 the /ani'a 5an6in2 Co!po!ation pa0a4'e to E!nesto.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 Upon $onsi(e!ation o the o!e2oin2 a$ts, this Co&!t in(s no !eason to (ist&!4 the !&'in2 o 4oth the t!ia' $o&!t an( the Appe''ate Co&!t on the i!st $a&se o a$tion. Petitione! 3&st 4e he'( 'ia4'e o! the &na&tho!i7e( #ith(!a#a' o USP%,<<<.<< !o3 p!i"ate !espon(entKs (o''a! a$$o&nt.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 In its (espe!ate atte3pt to B&sti 0 its a$t o #ith(!a#in2 !o3 its (eposito!Ks sa"in2s a$$o&nt, the 4an6 has a(opte( in$onsistent theo!ies. Fi!st, it sti'' 3aintains that the peso "a'&e o the a3o&nt #ith(!a#n #as 2i"en to Att0. E!nesto Esho!na$6, J!. #hen the 'atte! en$ashe( the /ani'a4an6 Cashie!Ks Che$6. At the sa3e ti3e, the 4an6 $'ai3s that the #ith(!a#a' #as 3a(e p&!s&ant to an a2!ee3ent #he!e Esho!na$6 a''e2e('0 a&tho!i7e( the 4an6 to #ith(!a# !o3 his (o''a! sa"in2s a$$o&nt s&$h a3o&nt #hi$h, #hen $on"e!te( to pesos, #o&'( 4e nee(e( to &n( his peso $&!!ent a$$o&nt. I in(ee( the peso e:&i"a'ent o the a3o&nt #ith(!a#n !o3 the (o''a! a$$o&nt #as $!e(ite( to the peso $&!!ent a$$o&nt, #h0 (i( the 4an6 sti'' ha"e to pa0 E!nestoL $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 At an0 !ate, 4oth eDp'anations a!e &na"ai'in2. Aith !e2a!( to the i!st eDp'anation, petitione! 4an6 has not sho#n ho# the t!ansa$tion in"o'"in2 the $ashie!Ks $he$6 is !e'ate( to the t!ansa$tion in"o'"in2 the (o''a! (!a t in a"o! o Di7on inan$e( 40 the #ith(!a#a' !o3 Ri7a'(0Ks (o''a! a$$o&nt. The t#o t!ansa$tions appea! enti!e'0 in(epen(ent o ea$h othe!. /o!eo"e!, E!nesto Esho!na$6, J!., possesses a pe!sona'it0 (istin$t an( sepa!ate !o3 Ri7a'(0 Esho!na$6. Pa03ent 3a(e to E!nesto $annot 4e $onsi(e!e( pa03ent to Ri7a'(0.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 As to the se$on( eDp'anation, e"en i #e ass&3e that the!e #as s&$h an a2!ee3ent, the e"i(en$e (o not sho# that the #ith(!a#a' #as 3a(e p&!s&ant to it. Instea(, the !e$o!( !e"ea's that the a3o&nt #ith(!a#n #as &se( to inan$e a (o''a! (!a t in a"o! o Leo"i2i'(a D. Di7on, an( not to &n( the $&!!ent a$$o&nt o the Esho!na$6s. The!e is no p!oo #hatsoe"e! that peso C&!!ent A$$o&nt No. )%<,1>*,)+ #as e"e! $!e(ite( #ith the peso e:&i"a'ent o the USP%,<<<.<< #ith(!a#n on O$to4e! )., %+.* !o3 Do''a! Sa"in2s A$$o&nt No. )*,1%<+.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 ). As o! the se$on( $a&se o a$tion, the $o3p'aint i'e( #ith the t!ia' $o&!t a''e2e( that on De$e34e! @, %+.*, Esho!na$6 ent!&ste( to CO/TRUST, th!& -a!$ia, US P;,<<<.<< cash8pop&'a!'0 6no#n as 2!een4a$6s9 o! safe?eepin#, an( that the a2!ee3ent #as e34o(ie( in a (o$&3ent, a $op0 o #hi$h #as atta$he( to an( 3a(e pa!t o the $o3p'aint. The (o$&3ent !ea(s: /a6ati Ca4'e A((!ess: $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 Phi'ippines NCO/TRUSTN $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 CO//ERCIAL 5ANK AND TRUST CO/PANG $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 o the Phi'ippines $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 F&e7on Cit0 5!an$h De$e34e! @, %+.* /R. RIEALDG T. ESHORNACK $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 J=OR /RS SHIRLEG E. ESHORNACK $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 Si!=/a(a3: Ae a$6no#'e(2e( 8si$9 ha"in2 !e$ei"e( !o3 0o& to(a0 the s&3 o US DOLLARS: THREE THOUSAND ONLG 8USP;,<<<.<<9 o! sa e6eepin2. Re$ei"e( 40: $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0

8S2(.9 VIR-ILIO V. -ARCIA It #as a'so a''e2e( in the $o3p'aint that (espite (e3an(s, the 4an6 !e &se( to !et&!n the 3one0.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 In its ans#e!, CO/TRUST a"e!!e( that the USP;,<<< #as $!e(ite( to Esho!na$6Ks peso $&!!ent a$$o&nt at p!e"ai'in2 $on"e!sion !ates.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 It 3&st 4e e3phasi7e( that CO/TRUST (i( not (en0 spe$i i$a''0 &n(e! oath the a&thenti$it0 an( (&e eDe$&tion o the a4o"e inst!&3ent.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 D&!in2 t!ia', it #as esta4'ishe( that on De$e34e! @, %+.* Esho!na$6 in(ee( (e'i"e!e( to the 4an6 US P;,<<< o! sa e6eepin2. Ahen he !e:&este( the !et&!n o the 3one0 on /a0 %<, %+.>, CO/TRUST eDp'aine( that the s&3 #as (ispose( o in this 3anne!: USP),<<<.<< #as so'( on De$e34e! )+, %+.* an( the peso p!o$ee(s a3o&ntin2 to P%1,+)<.<< #e!e (eposite( to Esho!na$6Ks $&!!ent a$$o&nt pe! (eposit s'ip a$$o3p'ishe( 40 -a!$iaC the !e3ainin2 USP%,<<<.<< #as so'( on Fe4!&a!0 ;, %+.> an( the peso p!o$ee(s a3o&ntin2 to P@,;*<.<< #e!e (eposite( to his $&!!ent a$$o&nt pe! (eposit s'ip a'so a$$o3p'ishe( 40 -a!$ia.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 Asi(e !o3 asse!tin2 that the USP;,<<<.<< #as p!ope!'0 $!e(ite( to Esho!na$6Ks $&!!ent a$$o&nt at p!e"ai'in2 $on"e!sion !ates, 5PI no# posits anothe! 2!o&n( to (e eat p!i"ate !espon(entKs $'ai3. It no# a!2&es that the $ont!a$t e34o(ie( in the (o$&3ent is the $ont!a$t o (eposit&3 8as (e ine( in A!ti$'e %+>), Ne# Ci"i' Co(e9, #hi$h 4an6s (o not ente! into. The 4an6 a''e2es that -a!$ia eD$ee(e( his po#e!s #hen he ente!e( into the t!ansa$tion. Hen$e, it is $'ai3e(, the 4an6 $annot 4e 'ia4'e &n(e! the $ont!a$t, an( the o4'i2ation is p&!e'0 pe!sona' to -a!$ia.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 5e o!e #e 2o into the nat&!e o the $ont!a$t ente!e( into, an i3po!tant point #hi$h a!ises on the p'ea(in2s, 3&st 4e $onsi(e!e(.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 The se$on( $a&se o a$tion is 4ase( on a (o$&3ent p&!po!tin2 to 4e si2ne( 40 CO/TRUST, a $op0 o #hi$h (o$&3ent #as atta$he( to the $o3p'aint. In sho!t, the se$on( $a&se o a$tion #as 4ase( on an a$tiona4'e (o$&3ent. It #as the!e o!e in$&34ent &pon the 4an6 to spe$i i$a''0 (en0 &n(e! oath the (&e eDe$&tion o the (o$&3ent, as p!es$!i4e( &n(e! R&'e @, Se$tion @, i it (esi!e(: 8%9 to :&estion the a&tho!it0 o -a!$ia to 4in( the $o!po!ationC an( 8)9 to (en0 its $apa$it0 to ente! into s&$h $ont!a$t. ?See, E.5. /e!$hant ". Inte!nationa' 5an6in2 Co!po!ation, > Phi'. ;%1 8%+<>9.I No s#o!n ans#e! (en0in2 the (&e eDe$&tion o the (o$&3ent in :&estion, o! :&estionin2 the a&tho!it0 o -a!$ia to 4in( the 4an6, o! (en0in2 the 4an6Ks $apa$it0 to ente! into the $ont!a$t, #as e"e! i'e(. Hen$e, the 4an6 is (ee3e( to ha"e a(3itte( not on'0 -a!$iaKs a&tho!it0, 4&t a'so the 4an6Ks po#e!, to ente! into the $ont!a$t in :&estion.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 In the past, this Co&!t ha( o$$asion to eDp'ain the !eason 4ehin( this p!o$e(&!a' !e:&i!e3ent. The !eason o! the !&'e en&n$iate( in the o!e2oin2 a&tho!ities #i'', #e thin6, 4e !ea(i'0 app!e$iate(. In (ea'in2 #ith $o!po!ations the p&4'i$ at 'a!2e is 4o&n( to !e'0 to a 'a!2e eDtent &pon o&t#a!( appea!an$es. I a 3an is o&n( a$tin2 o! a $o!po!ation #ith the eDte!na' in(i$ia o a&tho!it0, an0 pe!son, not ha"in2 noti$e o #ant o a&tho!it0, 3a0 &s&a''0 !e'0 &pon those appea!an$esC an( i it 4e o&n( that the (i!e$to!s ha( pe!3itte( the a2ent to eDe!$ise that a&tho!it0 an( the!e40 he'( hi3 o&t as a pe!son $o3petent to 4in( the $o!po!ation, o! ha( a$:&ies$e( in a $ont!a$t an( !etaine( the 4ene it s&ppose( to ha"e 4een $on e!!e( 40 it, the $o!po!ation #i'' 4e 4o&n(, not#ithstan(in2 the a$t&a' a&tho!it0 3a0 ne"e! ha"e 4een 2!ante( $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 ... Ahethe! a pa!ti$&'a! o i$e! a$t&a''0 possesses the a&tho!it0 #hi$h he ass&3es to eDe!$ise is !e:&ent'0 6no#n to "e!0 e#, an( the p!oo o it &s&a''0 is not !ea(i'0 a$$essi4'e to the st!an2e! #ho (ea's #ith the $o!po!ation on the aith o the ostensi4'e a&tho!it0 eDe!$ise( 40 so3e o the $o!po!ate o i$e!s. It is the!e o!e !easona4'e, in a $ase #he!e an o i$e! o a $o!po!ation has 3a(e a $ont!a$t in its na3e, that the $o!po!ation sho&'( 4e !e:&i!e(, i it (enies his a&tho!it0, to state s&$h (e ense in its ans#e!. 50 this 3eans the p'ainti is app!ise( o the a$t that the a2entKs a&tho!it0 is $onteste(C an( he is 2i"en an oppo!t&nit0 to a((&$e e"i(en$e sho#in2 eithe! that the a&tho!it0 eDiste( o! that the $ont!a$t #as !ati ie( an( app!o"e(. ?Ra3i!e7 ". O!ienta'ist Co. an( Fe!nan(e7, ;@ Phi'. >;1, >1*, >1> 8%+%@9.I Petitione!Ks a!2&3ent 3&st a'so 4e !eBe$te( o! anothe! !eason. The p!a$ti$a' e e$t o a4so'"in2 a $o!po!ation !o3 'ia4i'it0 e"e!0 ti3e an o i$e! ente!s into a $ont!a$t #hi$h is 4e0on( $o!po!ate po#e!s, e"en #itho&t the p!ope! a''e2ation o! p!oo that the $o!po!ation has not a&tho!i7e( no! !ati ie( the o i$e!Ks a$t, is to $ast $o!po!ations in so pe! e$t a 3o'( that t!ans2!essions an(

#!on2s 40 s&$h a!ti i$ia' 4ein2s 4e$o3e i3possi4'e ?5isse'' ". /i$hi2an So&the!n an( N.I.R. Cos )) N.G )*@ 8%@><9.I NTo sa0 that a $o!po!ation has no !i2ht to (o &na&tho!i7e( a$ts is on'0 to p&t o!th a "e!0 p'ain t!&is3 4&t to sa0 that s&$h 4o(ies ha"e no po#e! o! $apa$it0 to e!! is to i3p&te to the3 an eD$e''en$e #hi$h (oes not 4e'on2 to an0 $!eate( eDisten$e #ith #hi$h #e a!e a$:&ainte(. The (istin$tion 4et#een po#e! an( !i2ht is no 3o!e to 4e 'ost si2ht o in !espe$t to a!ti i$ia' than in !espe$t to nat&!a' pe!sons.N ?;bid.I $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 Ha"in2 (ete!3ine( that -a!$iaKs a$t o ente!in2 into the $ont!a$t 4in(s the $o!po!ation, #e no# (ete!3ine the $o!!e$t nat&!e o the $ont!a$t, an( its 'e2a' $onse:&en$es, in$'&(in2 its en o!$ea4i'it0.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 The (o$&3ent #hi$h e34o(ies the $ont!a$t states that the USP;,<<<.<< #as !e$ei"e( 40 the 4an6 o! sa e6eepin2. The s&4se:&ent a$ts o the pa!ties a'so sho# that the intent o the pa!ties #as !ea''0 o! the 4an6 to sa e'0 6eep the (o''a!s an( to !et&!n it to Esho!na$6 at a 'ate! ti3e, Th&s, Esho!na$6 (e3an(e( the !et&!n o the 3one0 on /a0 %<, %+.>, o! o"e! i"e 3onths 'ate!.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 The a4o"e a!!an2e3ent is that $ont!a$t (e ine( &n(e! A!ti$'e %+>), Ne# Ci"i' Co(e, #hi$h !ea(s: A!t. %+>). A (eposit is $onstit&te( !o3 the 3o3ent a pe!son !e$ei"es a thin2 4e'on2in2 to anothe!, #ith the o4'i2ation o sa e'0 6eepin2 it an( o !et&!nin2 the sa3e. I the sa e6eepin2 o the thin2 (e'i"e!e( is not the p!in$ipa' p&!pose o the $ont!a$t, the!e is no (eposit 4&t so3e othe! $ont!a$t. Note that the o4Be$t o the $ont!a$t 4et#een Esho!na$6 an( CO/TRUST #as o!ei2n eD$han2e. Hen$e, the t!ansa$tion #as $o"e!e( 40 Cent!a' 5an6 Ci!$&'a! No. )<, Rest!i$tions on -o'( an( Fo!ei2n ED$han2e T!ansa$tions, p!o3&'2ate( on De$e34e! +, %+1+, #hi$h #as in o!$e at the ti3e the pa!ties ente!e( into the t!ansa$tion in"o'"e( in this $ase. The $i!$&'a! p!o"i(es: DDD DDD DDD $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 ). 2ransactions in the assets (es$!i4e( 4e'o# an( a'' (ea'in2s in the3 o #hate"e! nat&!e, in$'&(in2, #he!e app'i$a4'e thei! eDpo!tation an( i3po!tation, shall +$2 be effected, eD$ept #ith !espe$t to (eposit a$$o&nts in$'&(e( in s&4,pa!a2!aphs 849 an( 8$9 o this pa!a2!aph, #hen s&$h (eposit a$$o&nts a!e o#ne( 40 an( in the na3e o , 4an6s. 8a9 An0 an( a'' assets, p!o"i(e( the0 a!e he'( th!o&2h, in, o! #ith 4an6s o! 4an6in2 instit&tions 'o$ate( in the Phi'ippines, in$'&(in2mone), $he$6s, (!a ts, 4&''ions 4an6 (!a ts, (eposit a$$o&nts 8(e3an(, ti3e an( sa"in2s9, a'' (e4ts, in(e4te(ness o! o4'i2ations, inan$ia' 4!o6e!s an( in"est3ent ho&ses, notes, (e4ent&!es, sto$6s, 4on(s, $o&pons, 4an6 a$$eptan$es, 3o!t2a2es, p'e(2es, 'iens o! othe! !i2hts in the nat&!e o se$&!it0, e7pressed in forei#n currencies, o! i pa0a4'e a4!oa(, i!!espe$ti"e o the $&!!en$0 in #hi$h the0 a!e eDp!esse(, an( 4e'on2in2 to an0 pe!son, i!3, pa!tne!ship, asso$iation, 4!an$h o i$e, a2en$0, $o3pan0 o! othe! &nin$o!po!ate( 4o(0 o! $o!po!ation !esi(in2 o! 'o$ate( #ithin the Phi'ippinesC $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 849 An0 an( a'' assets o the 6in(s in$'&(e( an(=o! (es$!i4e( in s&4pa!a2!aph 8a9 a4o"e, #hethe! o! not he'( th!o&2h, in, o! #ith 4an6s o! 4an6in2 instit&tions, an( eDistent #ithin the Phi'ippines, #hi$h 4e'on2 to an0 pe!son, i!3, pa!tne!ship, asso$iation, 4!an$h o i$e, a2en$0, $o3pan0 o! othe! &nin$o!po!ate( 4o(0 o! $o!po!ation not !esi(in2 o! 'o$ate( #ithin the Phi'ippinesC $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 8$9 An0 an( a'' assets eDistent #ithin the Phi'ippines in$'&(in2 3one0, $he$6s, (!a ts, 4&''ions, 4an6 (!a ts, a'' (e4ts, in(e4te(ness o! o4'i2ations, inan$ia' se$&!ities $o33on'0 (ea't in 40 4an6e!s, 4!o6e!s an( in"est3ent ho&ses, notes, (e4ent&!es, sto$6, 4on(s, $o&pons, 4an6 a$$eptan$es, 3o!t2a2es, p'e(2es, 'iens o! othe! !i2hts in the nat&!e o se$&!it0 eDp!esse( in o!ei2n $&!!en$ies, o! i pa0a4'e a4!oa(, i!!espe$ti"e o the $&!!en$0 in #hi$h the0 a!e eDp!esse(, an( 4e'on2in2 to an0 pe!son, i!3, pa!tne!ship, asso$iation, 4!an$h o i$e, a2en$0, $o3pan0 o! othe! &nin$o!po!ate( 4o(0 o! $o!po!ation !esi(in2 o! 'o$ate( #ithin the Phi'ippines. DDD DDD DDD $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 1. 8a9 All receipts of forei#n e7chan#e shall be sold dail) to the Central (an? 40 those a&tho!i7e( to (ea' in o!ei2n eD$han2e. A'' !e$eipts o o!ei2n eD$han2e 40 an0 pe!son, i!3, pa!tne!ship, asso$iation, 4!an$h o i$e, a2en$0, $o3pan0 o! othe! &nin$o!po!ate( 4o(0 o! $o!po!ation sha'' 4e so'( to the a&tho!i7e( a2ents o the Cent!a' 5an6 40 the recipients %ithin one business da) follo%in# the receipt of such forei#n e7chan#e . An0 pe!son, i!3, pa!tne!ship, asso$iation, 4!an$h o i$e, a2en$0, $o3pan0 o! othe! &nin$o!po!ate( 4o(0 o! $o!po!ation, !esi(in2 o! 'o$ate( #ithin the Phi'ippines, #ho a$:&i!es on an( a te! the

(ate o this Ci!$&'a! o!ei2n eD$han2e sha'' not, &n'ess 'i$ense( 40 the Cent!a' 5an6, (ispose o s&$h o!ei2n eD$han2e in #ho'e o! in pa!t, no! !e$ei"e 'ess than its &'' "a'&e, no! (e'a0 ta6in2 o#ne!ship the!eo eD$ept as s&$h (e'a0 is $&sto3a!0C P!o"i(e(, &!the!, That #ithin one (a0 &pon ta6in2 o#ne!ship, o! !e$ei"in2 pa03ent, o o!ei2n eD$han2e the a o!e3entione( pe!sons an( entities sha'' se'' s&$h o!ei2n eD$han2e to (esi2nate( a2ents o the Cent!a' 5an6.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 DDD DDD DDD $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 @. St!i$t o4se!"an$e o the p!o"isions o this Ci!$&'a! is enBoine(C an( an0 pe!son, i!3 o! $o!po!ation, o!ei2n o! (o3esti$, #ho 4ein2 4o&n( to the o4se!"an$e the!eo , o! o s&$h othe! !&'es, !e2&'ations o! (i!e$ti"es as 3a0 he!ea te! 4e iss&e( in i3p'e3entation o this Ci!$&'a!, sha'' ai' o! !e &se to $o3p'0 #ith, o! a4i(e 40, o! sha'' "io'ate the sa3e, sha'' 4e sub'ect to the penal sanctions provided in the Central (an? Act. $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 DDD DDD DDD Pa!a2!aph 1 8a9 a4o"e #as 3o(i ie( 40 Se$tion > o Cent!a' 5an6 Ci!$&'a! No. )@%, Re2&'ations on Fo!ei2n ED$han2e, p!o3&'2ate( on No"e34e! )>, %+>+ 40 'i3itin2 its $o"e!a2e to Phi'ippine !esi(ents on'0. Se$tion > p!o"i(es: SEC. >. A'' !e$eipts o o!ei2n eD$han2e 40 an0 resident pe!son, i!3, $o3pan0 o! $o!po!ation sha'' 4e so'( to a&tho!i7e( a2ents o the Cent!a' 5an6 40 the !e$ipients #ithin one 4&siness (a0 o''o#in2 the !e$eipt o s&$h o!ei2n eD$han2e. An0 resident pe!son, i!3, $o3pan0 o! $o!po!ation residin# or located %ithin the Philippines, #ho a$:&i!es o!ei2n eD$han2e sha'' not, &n'ess a&tho!i7e( 40 the Cent!a' 5an6, (ispose o s&$h o!ei2n eD$han2e in #ho'e o! in pa!t, no! !e$ei"e 'ess than its &'' "a'&e, no! (e'a0 ta6in2 o#ne!ship the!eo eD$ept as s&$h (e'a0 is $&sto3a!0C P!o"i(e(, That, #ithin one 4&siness (a0 &pon ta6in2 o#ne!ship o! !e$ei"in2 pa03ent o o!ei2n eD$han2e the a o!e3entione( pe!sons an( entities sha'' se'' s&$h o!ei2n eD$han2e to the a&tho!i7e( a2ents o the Cent!a' 5an6. As ea!'ie! state(, the (o$&3ent an( the s&4se:&ent a$ts o the pa!ties sho# that the0 inten(e( the 4an6 to sa e6eep the o!ei2n eD$han2e, an( !et&!n it 'ate! to Esho!na$6, #ho a''e2e( in his $o3p'aint that he is a Phi'ippine !esi(ent. The pa!ties (i( not inten(e( to se'' the US (o''a!s to the Cent!a' 5an6 #ithin one 4&siness (a0 !o3 !e$eipt. Othe!#ise, the $ont!a$t o depositum #o&'( ne"e! ha"e 4een ente!e( into at a''.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 Sin$e the 3e!e sa e6eepin2 o the 2!een4a$6s, #itho&t se''in2 the3 to the Cent!a' 5an6 #ithin one 4&siness (a0 !o3 !e$eipt, is a t!ansa$tion #hi$h is not a&tho!i7e( 40 C5 Ci!$&'a! No. )<, it 3&st 4e $onsi(e!e( as one #hi$h a''s &n(e! the 2ene!a' $'ass o p!ohi4ite( t!ansa$tions. Hen$e, p&!s&ant to A!ti$'e * o the Ci"i' Co(e, it is "oi(, ha"in2 4een eDe$&te( a2ainst the p!o"isions o a 3an(ato!0=p!ohi4ito!0 'a#. /o!e i3po!tant'0, it a o!(s neithe! o the pa!ties a $a&se o a$tion a2ainst the othe!. NAhen the n&''it0 p!o$ee(s !o3 the i''e2a'it0 o the $a&se o! o4Be$t o the $ont!a$t, an( the a$t $onstit&tes a $!i3ina' o ense, 4oth pa!ties 4ein2 in pari delicto, the0 sha'' ha"e no $a&se o a$tion a2ainst ea$h othe!. . .N ?A!t. %1%%, Ne# Ci"i' Co(e.I The on'0 !e3e(0 is one on 4eha' o the State to p!ose$&te the pa!ties o! "io'atin2 the 'a#.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 Ae th&s !&'e that Esho!na$6 $annot !e$o"e! &n(e! the se$on( $a&se o a$tion.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 ;. Last'0, #e in( the P@,<<<.<< a#a!(e( 40 the $o&!ts a 4uo as (a3a2es in the $on$ept o 'iti2ation eDpenses an( atto!ne0Ks ees to 4e !easona4'e. The a#a!( is s&staine(.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 AHEREFORE, the (e$ision appea'e( !o3 is he!e40 /ODIFIED. Petitione! is o!(e!e( to !esto!e to the (o''a! sa"in2s a$$o&nt o p!i"ate !espon(ent the a3o&nt o USP%,<<<.<< as o O$to4e! )., %+.* to ea!n inte!est at the !ate iDe( 40 the 4an6 o! (o''a! sa"in2s (eposits. Petitione! is &!the! o!(e!e( to pa0 p!i"ate !espon(ent the a3o&nt o P@,<<<.<< as (a3a2es. The othe! $a&ses o a$tion o p!i"ate !espon(ent a!e o!(e!e( (is3isse(.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 SO ORDERED. G.R. No. %930511 February 14, 19=0

; NUE% ;. SERR NO, Petitioner, "s. CEN"R % B N! OF "#E P#$%$PP$NESK O>ERSE S B N! OF ; N$% K E;ER$"O ;. R ;OS, SUS N B. R ;OS, E;ER$"O B. R ;OS, ?R., ?OSEF R ;OS DE% R ; , #OR C$O DE% R ; , N"ON$O B. R ;OS, F$%O;EN R ;OS %EDES; , RODO%FO %EDES; , >$C"OR$ R ;OS " N?U "CO, a'- "EOF$%O " N?U "CO, Respondents. Rene Dio?no for petitioner.chanrobles virtual la% librar) 1.". "van#elista A *lecerio 2. $rsolino for respondent Central (an? of the Philippines.chanrobles virtual la% librar) 1eliciano C. 2umale, Pacifico 2. 2orres and Antonio (. Peri4uet for respondent $verseas (an? of la% librar) Josefina *. 8alon#a for all other respondents. ,,R anila.chanrobles virtual

CONCEPC$ON, ?R., J.: Petition o! mandamus an( p!ohi4ition, #ith p!e'i3ina!0 inB&n$tion, that see6s the esta4'ish3ent o Boint an( so'i(a!0 'ia4i'it0 to the a3o&nt o Th!ee H&n(!e( Fi t0 Tho&san( Pesos, #ith inte!est, a2ainst !espon(ent Cent!a' 5an6 o the Phi'ippines an( O"e!seas 5an6 o /ani'a an( its sto$6ho'(e!s, on the a''e2e( ai'&!e o the O"e!seas 5an6 o /ani'a to !et&!n the ti3e (eposits 3a(e 40 petitione! an( assi2ne( to hi3, on the 2!o&n( that !espon(ent Cent!a' 5an6 ai'e( in its (&t0 to eDe!$ise st!i$t s&pe!"ision o"e! !espon(ent O"e!seas 5an6 o /ani'a to p!ote$t (eposito!s an( the 2ene!a' p&4'i$. 1Petitione! a'so p!a0s that 4oth !espon(ent 4an6s 4e o!(e!e( to eDe$&te the p!ope! an( ne$essa!0 (o$&3ents to $onstit&te a'' p!ope!ties iste( in AnneD N.N o the Ans#e! o !espon(ent Cent!a' 5an6 o the Phi'ippines in -.R. No. L,)+;*), entit'e( 6"merita . Ramos, et al vs. Central (an? of the Philippines,6 into a t!&st &n( in a"o! o petitione! an( a'' othe! (eposito!s o !espon(ent O"e!seas 5an6 o /ani'a. It is a'so p!a0e( that the !espon(ents 4e p!ohi4ite( pe!3anent'0 !o3 hono!in2, i3p'e3entin2, o! (oin2 an0 a$t p!e(i$ate( &pon the "a'i(it0 o! e i$a$0 o the (ee(s o 3o!t2a2e, assi2n3ent. an(=o! $on"e0an$e o! t!ans e! o #hate"e! nat&!e o the p!ope!ties 'iste( in AnneD N.N o the Ans#e! o !espon(ent Cent!a' 5an6 in -.R. No. )+;*). 2 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 A so&2ht o! eD,pa!te p!e'i3ina!0 inB&n$tion a2ainst 4oth !espon(ent 4an6s #as not 2i"en 40 this Co&!t.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 Un(isp&te( pe!tinent a$ts a!e: $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 On O$to4e! %;, %+>> an( De$e34e! %), %+>>, petitione! 3a(e a ti3e (eposit, o! one 0ea! #ith >M inte!est, o One H&n(!e( Fi t0 Tho&san( Pesos 8P%*<,<<<.<<9 #ith the !espon(ent O"e!seas 5an6 o /ani'a. 3Con$ep$ion /aneBa a'so 3a(e a ti3e (eposit, o! one 0ea! #ith >,M inte!est, on /a!$h >, %+>., o T#o H&n(!e( Tho&san( Pesos 8P)<<,<<<.<<9 #ith the sa3e !espon(ent O"e!seas 5an6 o /ani'a. 4 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 On A&2&st ;%, %+>@, Con$ep$ion /aneBa, 3a!!ie( to Fe'iD4e!to /. Se!!ano, assi2ne( an( $on"e0e( to petitione! /an&e' /. Se!!ano, he! ti3e (eposit o P)<<,<<<.<< #ith !espon(ent O"e!seas 5an6 o /ani'a. 5 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 Not#ithstan(in2 se!ies o (e3an(s o! en$ash3ent o the a o!e3entione( ti3e (eposits !o3 the !espon(ent O"e!seas 5an6 o /ani'a, (atin2 !o3 De$e34e! >, %+>. &p to /a!$h 1, %+>@, not a sin2'e one o the ti3e (eposit $e!ti i$ates #as hono!e( 40 !espon(ent O"e!seas 5an6 o /ani'a. : $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 Respon(ent Cent!a' 5an6 a(3its that it is $ha!2e( #ith the (&t0 o a(3iniste!in2 the 4an6in2 s0ste3 o the Rep&4'i$ an( it eDe!$ises s&pe!"ision o"e! a'' (oin2 4&siness in the Phi'ippines, 4&t (enies the petitione!Ks a''e2ation that the Cent!a' 5an6 has the (&t0 to eDe!$ise a 3ost !i2i( an( st!in2ent s&pe!"ision o 4an6s, i3p'0in2 that !espon(ent Cent!a' 5an6 has to #at$h e"e!0 3o"e o! a$ti"it0 o a'' 4an6s, in$'&(in2 !espon(ent O"e!seas 5an6 o /ani'a. Respon(ent Cent!a' 5an6 $'ai3s that as o /a!$h %), %+>*, the O"e!seas 5an6 o /ani'a, #hi'e ope!atin2, #as on'0 on a 'i3ite( (e2!ee o 4an6in2 ope!ations sin$e the /oneta!0 5oa!( (e$i(e( in its Reso'&tion No. ;)), (ate( /a!$h %), %+>*, to p!ohi4it the O"e!seas 5an6 o /ani'a !o3 3a6in2 ne# 'oans

an( in"est3ents in "ie# o its $h!oni$ !ese!"e (e i$ien$ies a2ainst its (eposit 'ia4i'ities. This 'i3ite( ope!ation o !espon(ent O"e!seas 5an6 o /ani'a $ontin&e( &p to %+>@. B $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 Respon(ent Cent!a' 5an6 a'so (enie( that it is 2&a!anto! o the pe!3anent so'"en$0 o an0 4an6in2 instit&tion as $'ai3e( 40 petitione!. It $'ai3s that neithe! the 'a# no! so&n( 4an6in2 s&pe!"ision !e:&i!es !espon(ent Cent!a' 5an6 to a("e!tise o! !ep!esent to the p&4'i$ an0 !e3e(ia' 3eas&!es it 3a0 i3pose &pon $h!oni$ (e'in:&ent 4an6s as s&$h a$tion 3a0 ine"ita4'0 !es&'t to pani$ o! 4an6 N!&nsN. In the 0ea!s %+>>,%+>., the!e #e!e no in(in2s to (e$'a!e the !espon(ent O"e!seas 5an6 o /ani'a as inso'"ent. = $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 Respon(ent Cent!a' 5an6 'i6e#ise (enie( that a $onst!&$ti"e t!&st #as $!eate( in a"o! o petitione! an( his p!e(e$esso! in inte!est Con$ep$ion /aneBa #hen thei! ti3e (eposits #e!e 3a(e in %+>> an( %+>. #ith the !espon(ent O"e!seas 5an6 o /ani'a as (&!in2 that ti3e the 'atte! #as not an inso'"ent 4an6 an( its ope!ation as a 4an6in2 instit&tion #as 4ein2 sa'"a2e( 40 the !espon(ent Cent!a' 5an6. 9 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 Respon(ent Cent!a' 5an6 a"e!s no 6no#'e(2e o petitione!Ks $'ai3 that the p!ope!ties 2i"en 40 !espon(ent O"e!seas 5an6 o /ani'a as a((itiona' $o''ate!a's to !espon(ent Cent!a' 5an6 o the Phi'ippines o! the o!3e!Ks o"e!(!a ts an( e3e!2en$0 'oans #e!e a$:&i!e( th!o&2h the &se o (eposito!sK 3one0, in$'&(in2 that o the petitione! an( Con$ep$ion /aneBa. 10 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 In -.R. No. L,)+;>), entit'e( 6"merita . Ramos, et al. vs. Central (an? of the Philippines,6 a $ase #as i'e( 40 the petitione! Ra3os, #he!ein !espon(ent O"e!seas 5an6 o /ani'a so&2ht to p!e"ent !espon(ent Cent!a' 5an6 !o3 $'osin2, (e$'a!in2 the o!3e! inso'"ent, an( 'i:&i(atin2 its assets. Petitione! /an&e' Se!!ano in this $ase, i'e( on Septe34e! >, %+>@, a 3otion to inte!"ene in -.R. No. L,)+;*), on the 2!o&n( that Se!!ano ha( a !ea' an( 'e2a' inte!est as (eposito! o the O"e!seas 5an6 o /ani'a in the 3atte! in 'iti2ation in that $ase. Respon(ent Cent!a' 5an6 in -.R. No. L,)+;*) oppose( petitione! /an&e' Se!!anoKs 3otion to inte!"ene in that $ase, on the 2!o&n( that his $'ai3 as (eposito! o the O"e!seas 5an6 o /ani'a sho&'( p!ope!'0 4e "enti'ate( in the Co&!t o Fi!st Instan$e, an( i this Co&!t #e!e to a''o# Se!!ano to inte!"ene as (eposito! in -.R. No. L,)+;*), tho&san(s o othe! (eposito!s #o&'( o''o# an( th&s $a&se an a"a'an$he o $ases in this Co&!t. In the !eso'&tion (ate( O$to4e! 1, %+>@, this Co&!t (enie( Se!!anoKs, 3otion to inte!"ene. The $ontents o sai( 3otion to inte!"ene a!e s&4stantia''0 the sa3e as those o the p!esent petition. 11 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 This Co&!t !en(e!e( (e$ision in -.R. No. L,)+;*) on O$to4e! 1, %+.%, #hi$h 4e$a3e ina' an( eDe$&to!0 on /a!$h ;, %+.), a"o!a4'e to the !espon(ent O"e!seas 5an6 o /ani'a, #ith the (ispositi"e po!tion to #it: $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 AHEREFORE, the #!its p!a0e( o! in the petition a!e he!e40 2!ante( an( !espon(ent Cent!a' 5an6Ks !eso'&tion Nos. %)>;, %)+< an( %;;; 8that p!ohi4it the O"e!seas 5an6 o /ani'a to pa!ti$ipate in $'ea!in2, (i!e$t the s&spension o its ope!ation, an( o!(e!in2 the 'i:&i(ation o sai( 4an69 a!e he!e40 ann&''e( an( set asi(eC an( sai( !espon(ent Cent!a' 5an6 o the Phi'ippines is (i!e$te( to $o3p'0 #ith its o4'i2ations &n(e! the Votin2 T!&st A2!ee3ent, an( to (esist !o3 ta6in2 a$tion in "io'ation the!e o!. Costs a2ainst !espon(ent Cent!a' 5an6 o the Phi'ippines. 12 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 5e$a&se o the a4o"e (e$ision, petitione! in this $ase i'e( a 3otion o! B&(23ent in this $ase, p!a0in2 o! a (e$ision on the 3e!its, a(B&(2in2 !espon(ent Cent!a' 5an6 Boint'0 an( se"e!a''0 'ia4'e #ith !espon(ent O"e!seas 5an6 o /ani'a to the petitione! o! the P;*<,<<< ti3e (eposit 3a(e #ith the 'atte! 4an6, #ith a'' inte!ests (&e the!einC an( (e$'a!in2 a'' assets assi2ne( o! 3o!t2a2e( 40 the !espon(ents O"e!seas 5an6 o /ani'a an( the Ra3os 2!o&ps in a"o! o the Cent!a' 5an6 as t!&st &n(s o! the 4ene it o petitione! an( othe! (eposito!s. 13 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 50 the "e!0 nat&!e o the $'ai3s an( $a&ses o a$tion a2ainst !espon(ents, the0 in !ea'it0 a!e !e$o"e!0 o ti3e (eposits p'&s inte!est !o3 !espon(ent O"e!seas 5an6 o /ani'a, an( !e$o"e!0 o (a3a2es a2ainst !espon(ent Cent!a' 5an6 o! its a''e2e( ai'&!e to st!i$t'0 s&pe!"ise the a$ts o the othe! !espon(ent 5an6 an( p!ote$t the inte!ests o its (eposito!s 40 "i!t&e o the $onst!&$ti"e t!&st $!eate( #hen !espon(ent Cent!a' 5an6 !e:&i!e( the othe! !espon(ent to in$!ease its $o''ate!a's o! its o"e!(!a ts sai( e3e!2en$0 'oans, sai( $o''ate!a's a''e2e('0 a$:&i!e( th!o&2h the &se o (eposito!s 3one0. These $'ai3s sho&( 4e "enti'ate( in the Co&!t o Fi!st Instan$e o p!ope! B&!is(i$tion as Ae a'!ea(0 pointe( o&t #hen this Co&!t (enie( petitione!Ks 3otion to inte!"ene in -.R. No. L,)+;*). C'ai3s o these nat&!e a!e not p!ope! in a$tions o! 3an(a3&s an( p!ohi4ition as the!e is no sho#n $'ea! a4&se o (is$!etion 40 the Cent!a' 5an6 in its eDe!$ise o s&pe!"ision o"e! the othe! !espon(ent O"e!seas 5an6 o /ani'a, an( i the!e #as, petitione! he!e is not the p!ope! pa!t0 to !aise that :&estion, 4&t !athe! the O"e!seas 5an6 o /ani'a, as it (i( in -.R. No. L,)+;*). Neithe! is the!e an0thin2 to p!ohi4it in this $ase, sin$e the :&estione( a$ts o the !espon(ent Cent!a' 5an6 8the a$ts o (isso'"in2 an( 'i:&i(atin2 the O"e!seas 5an6 o /ani'a9, #hi$h petitione! he!e inten(s to &se as his 4asis o!

$'ai3s o (a3a2es a2ainst !espon(ent Cent!a' 5an6, ha( 4een a$$o3p'ishe( a 'on2 ti3e a2o.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 F&!the!3o!e, 4oth pa!ties o"e!'oo6e( one &n(a3enta' p!in$ip'e in the nat&!e o 4an6 (eposits #hen the petitione! $'ai3e( that the!e sho&'( 4e $!eate( a $onst!&$ti"e t!&st in his a"o! #hen the !espon(ent O"e!seas 5an6 o /ani'a in$!ease( its $o''ate!a's in a"o! o !espon(ent Cent!a' 5an6 o! the o!3e!Ks o"e!(!a ts an( e3e!2en$0 'oans, sin$e these $o''ate!a's #e!e a$:&i!e( 40 the &se o (eposito!sK 3one0.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 5an6 (eposits a!e in the nat&!e o i!!e2&'a! (eposits. The0 a!e !ea''0 'oans 4e$a&se the0 ea!n inte!est. A'' 6in(s o 4an6 (eposits, #hethe! iDe(, sa"in2s, o! $&!!ent a!e to 4e t!eate( as 'oans an( a!e to 4e $o"e!e( 40 the 'a# on 'oans. 14 C&!!ent an( sa"in2s (eposit a!e 'oans to a 4an6 4e$a&se it $an &se the sa3e. The petitione! he!e in 3a6in2 ti3e (eposits that ea!n inte!ests #ith !espon(ent O"e!seas 5an6 o /ani'a #as in !ea'it0 a $!e(ito! o the !espon(ent 5an6 an( not a (eposito!. The !espon(ent 5an6 #as in t&!n a (e4to! o petitione!. Fai'&!e o he !espon(ent 5an6 to hono! the ti3e (eposit is ai'&!e to pa0 s o4'i2ation as a (e4to! an( not a 4!ea$h o t!&st a!isin2 !o3 (eposita!0Ks ai'&!e to !et&!n the s&4Be$t 3atte! o the (eposit $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 AHEREFORE, the petition is (is3isse( o! 'a$6 o 3e!it, #ith $osts a2ainst petitione!.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 SO ORDERED. G.R. No. 1029B0 ;ay 13, 1993 %U@ N S$ , Petitioner, "s. COUR" OF PPE %S a'- SECUR$"A B N! a'- "RUS" CO;P NA, Respondents. D >$DE, ?R., J.: The De$ision o p&4'i$ !espon(ent Co&!t o Appea's in CA,-.R. CV No. )>.;., p!o3&'2ate( on )% A&2&st %++%, 1!e"e!sin2 an( settin2 asi(e the De$ision, (ate( %+ Fe4!&a!0 %++<, 2o 5!an$h 1. o the Re2iona' T!ia' Co&!t 8RTC9 o /ani'a in Ci"i' Case No. @.,1)><%, entit'e( NLUEAN SIA vs. SECURITG 5ANK an( TRUST CO.,N is $ha''en2e( in this petition o! !e"ie# on certiorari &n(e! R&'e 1* o the R&'es Co&!t.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 Ci"i' Case No. @.,1)><% is an a$tion o! (a3a2es a!isin2 o&t o the (est!&$tion o! 'oss o the sta3p $o''e$tion o the p'ainti 8petitione! he!ein9 $ontaine( in Sa et0 Deposit 5oD No. *1 #hi$h ha( 4een !ente( !o3 the (e en(ant p&!s&ant to a $ont!a$t (eno3inate( as a Lease A2!ee3ent. 3J&(23ent the!ein #as !en(e!e( in a"o! o the (ispositi"e po!tion o #hi$h !ea(s: AHEREFORE, p!e3ises $onsi(e!e(, B&(23ent is he!e40 !en(e!e( in a"o! o the p'ainti an( a2ainst the (e en(ant, Se$&!it0 5an6 J T!&st Co3pan0, o!(e!in2 the (e en(ant 4an6 to pa0 the p'ainti the s&3 o , $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 a9 T#ent0 Tho&san( Pesos 8P)<,<<<.<<9, Phi'ippine C&!!en$0, as a$t&a' (a3a2esC $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 49 One H&n(!e( Tho&san( Pesos 8P%<<,<<<.<<9, Phi'ippine C&!!en$0, as 3o!a' (a3a2esC an( $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 $9 Fi"e Tho&san( Pesos 8P*,<<<.<<9, Phi'ippine C&!!en$0, as atto!ne0Ks ees an( 'e2a' eDpenses.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 The $o&nte!$'ai3 set &p 40 the (e en(ant a!e he!e40 (is3isse( o! 'a$6 o 3e!it.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 No $osts.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 SO ORDERED. 4 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 The ante$e(ent a$ts o the p!esent $ont!o"e!s0 a!e s&33a!i7e( 40 the p&4'i$ !espon(ent in its $ha''en2e( (e$ision as o''o#s:

The p'ainti !ente( on /a!$h )), %+@* the Sa et0 Deposit 5oD No. *1 o the (e en(ant 4an6 at its 5inon(o 5!an$h 'o$ate( at the Foo6ien Ti3es 5&i'(in2, So'e! St., 5inon(o, /ani'a #he!ein he p'a$e( his $o''e$tion o sta3ps. The sai( sa et0 (eposit 4oD 'ease( 40 the p'ainti #as at the 4otto3 o! at the 'o#est 'e"e' o the sa et0 (eposit 4oDes o the (e en(ant 4an6 at its a o!esai( 5inon(o 5!an$h.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 D&!in2 the 'oo(s that too6 p'a$e in %+@* an( %+@>, 'oo(#ate! ente!e( into the (e en(ant 4an6Ks p!e3ises, seepe( into the sa et0 (eposit 4oD 'ease( 40 the p'ainti an( $a&se(, a$$o!(in2 to the p'ainti , (a3a2e to his sta3ps $o''e$tion. The (e en(ant 4an6 !eBe$te( the p'ainti Ks $'ai3 o! $o3pensation o! his (a3a2e( sta3ps $o''e$tion, so, the p'ainti instit&te( an a$tion o! (a3a2es a2ainst the (e en(ant 4an6.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 The (e en(ant 4an6 (enie( 'ia4i'it0 o! the (a3a2e( sta3ps $o''e$tion o the p'ainti on the 4asis o the NR&'es an( Re2&'ations -o"e!nin2 the Lease o Sa e Deposit 5oDesN 8EDhs. NA,%N, N%,AN9, pa!ti$&'a!'0 pa!a2!aphs + an( %;, #hi$h !ea(s 8sic9: $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 N+. The 'ia4i'it0 o the 5an6 40 !eason o the 'ease, is 'i3ite( to the eDe!$ise o the (i'i2en$e to p!e"ent the openin2 o the sa e 40 an0 pe!son othe! than the Rente!, his a&tho!i7e( a2ent o! 'e2a' !ep!esentati"eC DDD DDD DDD $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 N%;. The 5an6 is not a (eposito!0 o the $ontents o the sa e an( it has neithe! the possession no! the $ont!o' o the sa3e. The 5an6 has no inte!est #hatsoe"e! in sai( $ontents, eD$ept as he!ein p!o"i(e(, an( it ass&3es a4so'&te'0 no 'ia4i'it0 in $onne$tion the!e#ith.N $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 The (e en(ant 4an6 a'so $onten(e( that its $ont!a$t #ith the p'ainti o"e! sa et0 (eposit 4oD No. *1 #as one o 'ease an( not o (eposit an(, the!e o!e, 2o"e!ne( 40 the 'ease a2!ee3ent 8EDhs. NAN, NLN9 #hi$h sho&'( 4e the app'i$a4'e 'a#C that the (est!&$tion o the p'ainti Ks sta3ps $o''e$tion #as (&e to a $a'a3it0 4e0on( o4'i2ation on its pa!t to noti 0 the p'ainti a4o&t the 'oo(#ate!s that in&n(ate( its p!e3ises at 5inon(o 4!an$h #hi$h a''e2e('0 seepe( into the sa et0 (eposit 4oD 'ease( to the p'ainti .$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 The t!ia' $o&!t then (i!e$te( that an o$&'a! inspe$tion on 8sic9 the $ontents o the sa et0 (eposit 4oD 4e $on(&$te(, #hi$h #as (one on De$e34e! @, %+@@ 40 its $'e!6 o $o&!t in the p!esen$e o the pa!ties an( thei! $o&nse's. A !epo!t the!eon #as then s&43itte( on De$e34e! %), %+@@ 8Re$o!(s, p. +@,A9 an( $on i!3e( in open $o&!t 40 4oth pa!ties th!& $o&nse' (&!in2 the hea!in2 on the sa3e (ate 8;bid., p. %<)9 statin2: NThat the Sa et0 5oD Deposit No. *1 #as opene( 40 4oth p'ainti L&7an Sia an( the A$tin2 5!an$h /ana2e! Ji330 5. Gnion in the p!esen$e o the &n(e!si2ne(, p'ainti Ks an( (e en(antKs $o&nse'. Sai( Sa et0 5oD #hen opene( $ontains t#o a'4&3s o (i e!ent si7es an( thi$6ness, 'en2th an( #i(th an( a tin 4oD #ith p!inte( #o!( KTai Pin2 Shian2 Roast Po!6 in pie$es #ith Chinese (esi2ns an( $ha!a$te!.N Con(ition o the a4o"e,state( Ite3s , N5oth a'4&3s a!e #et, 3o'(0 an( 4a('0 (a3a2e(.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 %. The i!st a'4&3 3eas&!es %< %=@ in$hes in 'en2th, @ in$hes in #i(th an( ;=1 in thi$6. The 'ea"es o the a'4&3 a!e atta$he( to e"e!0 pa2e an( $annot 4e 'i te( #itho&t (est!o0in2 it, hen$e the sta3ps $ontaine( the!ein a!e no 'on2e! "isi4'e.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 ). The se$on( a'4&3 3eas&!e %) %=) in$hes in 'en2th, + ;=1 in #i(th % in$h thi$6. So3e o its pa2es $an sti'' 4e 'i te(. The sta3ps the!ein $an sti'' 4e (istin2&ishe( 4&t 4e0on( !esto!ation. Othe!s ha"e 'ost its o!i2ina' o!3.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 ;. The tin 4oD is !&st0 insi(e. It $ontains an a'4&3 #ith se"e!a' pie$es o pape!s st&$6 &p to the $o"e! o the 4oD. The $on(ition o the a'4&3 is the se$on( a4o"e3entione( a'4&3.N 5 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0

The SECURITG 5ANK AND TRUST CO/PANG, he!eina te! !e e!!e( to as S5TC, appea'e( the t!ia' $o&!tKs (e$ision to the p&4'i$ !espon(ent Co&!t o Appea's. The appea' #as (o$6ete( as CA,-.R. CV No. )>.;..$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 In &!2in2 the p&4'i$ !espon(ent to !e"e!se the (e$ision o the t!ia' $o&!t, S5TC $onten(e( that the 'atte! e!!e( in 8a9 ho'(in2 that the 'ease a2!ee3ent is a $ont!a$t o a(hesionC 849 in(in2 that the (e en(ant ha( ai'e( to eDe!$ise the !e:&i!e( (i'i2en$e eDpe$te( o a 4an6 in 3aintainin2 the sa et0 (eposit 4oDC 8$9 a#a!(in2 to the p'ainti a$t&a' (a3a2es in the a3o&nt o P)<,<<<.<<, 3o!a' (a3a2es in the a3o&nt o P%<<,<<<.<< an( atto!ne0Ks ees an( 'e2a' eDpenses in the a3o&nt o P*,<<<.<<C an( 8(9 (is3issin2 the $o&nte!$'ai3.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 On )% A&2&st %++%, the !espon(ent p!o3&'2ate( its (e$ision the (ispositi"e po!tion o #hi$h !ea(s: AHEREFORE, the (e$ision appea'e( !o3 is he!e40 REVERSED an( instea( the appe''eeKs $o3p'aint is he!e40 DIS/ISSED. The appe''ant 4an6Ks $o&nte!$'ai3 is 'i6e#ise DIS/ISSED. No $osts. : $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 In !e"e!sin2 the t!ia' $o&!tKs (e$ision an( a4so'"in2 S5TC !o3 'ia4i'it0, the p&4'i$ !espon(ent o&n( an( !&'e( that: $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 a9 the ine p!int in the NLease A2!ee3ent N 8EDhi4its NAN an( N%N 9 $onstit&tes the te!3s an( $on(itions o the $ont!a$t o 'ease #hi$h the appe''ee 8no# petitione!9 ha( "o'&nta!i'0 an( 6no#in2'0 eDe$&te( #ith S5TCC $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 49 the $ont!a$t ente!e( into 40 the pa!ties !e2a!(in2 Sa e Deposit 5oD No. *1 #as not a $ont!a$t o (eposit #he!ein the 4an6 4e$a3e a (eposita!0 o the s&4Be$t sta3p $o''e$tionC hen$e, as $onten(e( 40 S5TC, the p!o"isions o 5oo6 IV, Tit'e HII o the Ci"i' Co(e on (eposits (o not app'0C $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 $9 The o''o#in2 p!o"isions o the :&estione( 'ease a2!ee3ent o the sa et0 (eposit 4oD 'i3itin2 S5TCKs 'ia4i'it0: +. The 'ia4i'it0 o the 4an6 40 !eason o the 'ease, is 'i3ite( to the eDe!$ise o the (i'i2en$e to p!e"ent the openin2 o the Sa e 40 an0 pe!son othe! than the Rente!, his a&tho!i7e( a2ent o! 'e2a' !ep!esentati"e. DDD DDD DDD $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 %;. The 4an6 is not a (eposito!0 o the $ontents o the Sa e an( it has neithe! the possession no! the $ont!o' o the sa3e. The 5an6 has no inte!est #hatsoe"e! in sai( $ontents, eD$ept as he!ein p!o"i(e(, an( it ass&3es a4so'&te'0 no 'ia4i'it0 in $onne$tion the!e#ith. a!e "a'i( sin$e sai( stip&'ations a!e not $ont!a!0 to 'a#, 3o!a's, 2oo( $&sto3s, p&4'i$ o!(e! o! p&4'i$ po'i$0C an( $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 (9 the!e is no $on$!ete e"i(en$e to sho# that S5TC ai'e( to eDe!$ise the !e:&i!e( (i'i2en$e in 3aintainin2 the sa et0 (eposit 4oDC #hat #as p!o"en #as that the 'oo(s o %+@* an( %+@>, #hi$h #e!e 4e0on( the $ont!o' o S5TC, $a&se( the (a3a2e to the sta3p $o''e$tionC sai( 'oo(s #e!e o!t&ito&s e"ents #hi$h S5TC sho&'( not 4e he'( 'ia4'e o! sin$e it #as not sho#n to ha"e pa!ti$ipate( in the a22!a"ation o the (a3a2e to the sta3p $o''e$tionC on the $ont!a!0, it o e!e( its se!"i$es to se$&!e the assistan$e o an eDpe!t in o!(e! to sa"e 3ost o the sta3ps, 4&t the appe''ee !e &se(C appe''ee 3&st then 4ea! the 'ose &n(e! the p!in$ip'e o Nres perit domino.N $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 Uns&$$ess &' in his 4i( to ha"e the a4o"e (e$ision !e$onsi(e!e( 40 the p&4'i$ !espon(ent, Bpetitione! i'e( the instant petition #he!ein he $onten(s that: I IT AAS A -RAVE ERROR OR AN A5USE OF DISCRETION ON THE PART OF THE RESPONDENT COURT AHEN IT RULED THAT RESPONDENT S5TC DID NOT FAIL TO EHERCISE THE REFUIRED DILI-ENCE IN /AINTAININTHE SAFETG DEPOSIT 5OH OF THE PETITIONER CONSIDERIN- THAT SU5STANTIAL EVIDENCE EHIST 8sic9 PROVIN- THE CONTRARG.

II THE RESPONDENT COURT SERIOUSLG ERRED IN EHCULPATIN- PRIVATE RESPONDENT FRO/ ANG LIA5ILITG AHATSOEVER 5G REASON OF THE PROVISIONS OF PARA-RAPHS + AND %; OF THE A-REE/ENT 8EHHS. NAN AND NA,%N9. III THE RESPONDENT COURT SERIOUSLG ERRED IN NOT UPHOLDIN- THE AAARDS OF THE TRIAL COURT FOR ACTUAL AND /ORAL DA/A-ES, INCLUDIN- ATTORNEGKS FEES AND LE-AL EHPENSES, IN FAVOR OF THE PETITIONER. = $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 Ae s&4se:&ent'0 2a"e (&e $o&!se the petition an( !e:&i!e( 4oth pa!ties to s&43it thei! !espe$ti"e 3e3o!an(a, #hi$h the0 $o3p'ie( #ith. 9 Petitione! insists that the t!ia' $o&!t $o!!e$t'0 !&'e( that S5TC ha( ai'e( Nto eDe!$ise the !e:&i!e( (i'i2en$e eDpe$te( o a 4an6 3aintainin2 s&$h sa et0 (eposit 4oD . . . in the 'i2ht o the en"i!on3enta' $i!$&3stan$e o sai( sa et0 (eposit 4oD a te! the 'oo(s o %+@* an( %+@>.N He a!2&es that s&$h a $on$'&sion is s&ppo!te( 40 the e"i(en$e on !e$o!(, to #it: S5TC #as &''0 $o2ni7ant o the eDa$t 'o$ation o the sa et0 (eposit 4oD in :&estionC it 6ne# that the p!e3ises #e!e in&n(ate( 40 'oo(#ate!s in %+@* an( %+@> an( $onsi(e!in2 that the 4an6 is 2&a!(e( t#ent0, o&! 8)19 ho&!s a (a0 , it is sa e to $on$'&(e that it #as a'so a#a!e o the in&n(ation o the p!e3ises #he!e the sa et0 (eposit 4oD #as 'o$ate(C (espite s&$h 6no#'e(2e, ho#e"e!, it ne"e! 4othe!e( to in o!3 the petitione! o the 'oo(in2 o! ta6e an0 app!op!iate 3eas&!es to ins&!e the sa et0 an( 2oo( 3aintenan$e o the sa et0 (eposit 4oD in :&estion.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 S5TC (oes not s:&a!e'0 (isp&te these a$tsC !athe!, it !e'ies on the !&'e that in(in2s o a$ts o the Co&!t o Appea's, #hen s&ppo!te( 40 s&4stantia' eDi(en$e, a!e not !e"ie#a4'e on appea' 40 certiorari. 10 The o!e2oin2 !&'e is, o $o&!se, s&4Be$t to $e!tain eD$eptions s&$h as #hen the!e eDists a (ispa!it0 4et#een the a$t&a' in(in2s an( $on$'&sions o the Co&!t o Appea's an( the t!ia' $o&!t. 11S&$h a (ispa!it0 o4tains in the p!esent $ase.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 As Ae see it, S5TCKs theo!0, #hi$h #as &phe'( 40 the p&4'i$ !espon(ent, is that the NLease A2!ee3ent N $o"e!in2 Sa e Deposit 5oD No. *1 8EDhi4it NA an( N%N9 is B&st that , a $ont!a$t o 'ease , an( not a $ont!a$t o (eposit, an( that pa!a2!aphs + an( %; the!eo , #hi$h eDp!ess'0 'i3it the 4an6Ks 'ia4i'it0 as o''o#s: +. The 'ia4i'it0 o the 4an6 40 !eason o the 'ease, is 'i3ite( to the eDe!$ise o the (i'i2en$e to p!e"ent the openin2 o the Sa e 40 an0 pe!son othe! than the Rente!, his a&t'io!i7e( a2ent o! 'e2a' !ep!esentati"eC DDD DDD DDD $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 %;. The 4an6 is not a (eposito!0 o the $ontents o the Sa e an( it has neithe! the possession no! the $ont!o' o the sa3e. The 5an6 has no inte!est #hatsoe"e! sai( $ontents, eD$ept as he!ein p!o"i(e(, an( it ass&3es a4so'&te'0 no 'ia4i'it0 in $onne$tion the!e#ith. 12 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 a!e "a'i( an( 4in(in2 &pon the pa!ties. In the $ha''en2e( (e$ision, the p&4'i$ !espon(ent &!the! a"e!s that e"en #itho&t s&$h a 'i3itation o 'ia4i'it0, S5TC sho&'( sti'' 4e a4so'"e( !o3 an0 !esponsi4i'it0 o! the (a3a2e s&staine( 40 the petitione! as it appea!s that s&$h (a3a2e #as o$$asione( 40 a o!t&ito&s e"ent an( that the !espon(ent 4an6 #as !ee !o3 an0 pa!ti$ipation in the a22!a"ation o the inB&!0.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 Ae $annot a$$ept this theo!0 an( !atio$ination. Conse:&ent'0, this Co&!t in(s the petition to 4e i3p!esse( #ith 3e!it.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 In the !e$ent $ase CA A#ro-;ndustrial Development Corp. vs. Court of Appeals, 13this Co&!t eDp'i$it'0 !eBe$te( the $ontention that a $ont!a$t o! the &se o a sa et0 (eposit 4oD is a $ont!a$t o 'ease 2o"e!ne( 40 Tit'e VII, 5oo6 IV o the Ci"i' Co(e. No! (i( Ae &''0 s&4s$!i4e to the "ie# that it is a $ont!a$t o (eposit to 4e st!i$t'0 2o"e!ne( 40 the Ci"i' Co(e p!o"ision on (epositC 14it is, as

Ae (e$'a!e(, a spe$ia' 6in( o (eposit. The p!e"ai'in2 !&'e in A3e!i$an B&!isp!&(en$e , that the !e'ation 4et#een a 4an6 !entin2 o&t sa e (eposit 4oDes an( its $&sto3e! #ith !espe$t to the $ontents o the 4oD is that o a 4ai'o! an( 4ai'ee, the 4ai'3ent o! hi!e an( 3&t&a' 4ene it 15, has 4een a(opte( in this B&!is(i$tion, th&s: In the $onteDt o o&! 'a#s #hi$h a&tho!i7e 4an6in2 instit&tions to !ent o&t sa et0 (eposit 4oDes, it is $'ea! that in this B&!is(i$tion, the p!e"ai'in2 !&'e in the Unite( States has 4een a(opte(. Se$tion .) o the -ene!a' 5an6in2 A$t ?R.A. ;;., as a3en(e(I pe!tinent'0 p!o"i(es: $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 NSe$. .). In a((ition to the ope!ations spe$i i$a''0 a&tho!i7e( e'se#he!e in this A$t, 4an6in2 instit&tions othe! than 4&i'(in2 an( 'oan asso$iations 3a0 pe! o!3 the o''o#in2 se!"i$es: 8a9 Re$ei"e in $&sto(0 &n(s, (o$&3ents, an( "a'&a4'e o4Be$ts, an( !ent sa et0 (eposit 4oDes o! the sa e:&a!(in2 o s&$h e e$ts. DDD DDD DDD $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 The 4an6s sha'' pe! o!3 the se!"i$es pe!3itte( &n(e! s&4se$tions 8a9, 849 an( 8$9 o this se$tion as depositories o! as a2ents. . . .N8e3phasis s&pp'ie(9 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 Note that the p!i3a!0 &n$tion is sti'' o&n( #ithin the pa!a3ete!s o a $ont!a$t o deposit,i.e., the !e$ei"in2 in $&sto(0 o &n(s, (o$&3ents an( othe! "a'&a4'e o4Be$ts o! sa e6eepin2. The !entin2 o&t o the sa et0 (eposit 4oDes is not in(epen(ent !o3, 4&t !e'ate( to o! in $onB&n$tion #ith, this p!in$ipa' &n$tion. A $ont!a$t o (eposit 3a0 4e ente!e( into o!a''0 o! in #!itin2 8A!t. %+>+, Ci"i' Co(eI an(, p&!s&ant to A!ti$'e %;<> o the Ci"i' Co(e, the pa!ties the!eto 3a0 esta4'ish s&$h stip&'ations, $'a&ses, te!3s an( $on(itions as the0 3a0 (ee3 $on"enient, p!o"i(e( the0 a!e not $ont!a!0 to 'a#, 3o!a's, 2oo( $&sto3s, p&4'i$ o!(e! o! p&4'i$ po'i$0. The (eposita!0Ks !esponsi4i'it0 o! the sa e6eepin2 o the o4Be$ts (eposite( in the $ase at 4a! is 2o"e!ne( 40 Tit'e I, 5oo6 IV o the Ci"i' Co(e. A$$o!(in2'0, the (eposita!0 #o&'( 4e 'ia4'e i , in pe! o!3in2 its o4'i2ation, it is o&n( 2&i't0 o !a&(, ne2'i2en$e, (e'a0 o! $ont!a"ention o the teno! o the a2!ee3ent ?A!t. %%.<, id.I. In the a4sen$e o an0 stip&'ation p!es$!i4in2 the (e2!ee o (i'i2en$e !e:&i!e(, that o a 2oo( athe! o a a3i'0 is to 4e o4se!"e( ?A!t. %%.;, id.I. Hen$e, an0 stip&'ation eDe3ptin2 the (eposita!0 !o3 an0 'ia4i'it0 a!isin2 !o3 the 'oss o the thin2 (eposite( on a$$o&nt o !a&(, ne2'i2en$e o! (e'a0 #o&'( 4e "oi( o! 4ein2 $ont!a!0 to 'a# an( p&4'i$ po'i$0. In the instant $ase, petitione! 3aintains that $on(itions %; an( '1 o the :&estione( $ont!a$t o 'ease o the sa et0 (eposit 4oD, #hi$h !ea(: $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 N%;. The 4an6 is a (eposita!0 o the $ontents o the sa e an( it has neithe! the possession no! $ont!o' o the sa3e.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 N%1. The 4an6 has no inte!est #hatsoe"e! in sai( $ontents, eD$ept as he!ein eDp!ess'0 p!o"i(e(, an( it ass&3es a4so'&te'0 no 'ia4i'it0 in $onne$tion the!e#ith.N $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 a!e "oi( as the0 a!e $ont!a!0 to 'a# an( p&4'i$ po'i$0. Ae in( O&!se'"es in a2!ee3ent #ith this p!oposition o! in(ee(, sai( p!o"isions a!e in$onsistent #ith the !espon(ent 5an6Ks !esponsi4i'it0 as a (eposita!0 &n(e! Se$tion .) 8a9 o the -ene!a' 5an6in2 A$t. 5oth eDe3pt the 'atte! !o3 an0 'ia4i'it0 eD$ept as $onte3p'ate( in $on(ition @ the!eo #hi$h 'i3its its (&t0 to eDe!$ise !easona4'e (i'i2en$e on'0 #ith !espe$t to #ho sha'' 4e a(3itte( to an0 !ente( sa e, to #it: N@. The 5an6 sha'' &se (&e (i'i2en$e that no &na&tho!i7e( pe!son sha'' 4e a(3itte( to an0 !ente( sa e an( 4e0on( this, the 5an6 #i'' not 4e !esponsi4'e o! the $ontents o an0 sa e !ente( !o3 it.N F&!the!3o!e $on(ition %; stan(s on a #!on2 p!e3ise an( is $ont!a!0 to the a$t&a' p!a$ti$e o the 5an6. It is not $o!!e$t to asse!t that the 5an6 has neithe! the possession no! $ont!o' o the $ontents o the 4oD sin$e in a$t, the sa et0 (eposit 4oD itse' is 'o$ate( in its p!e3ises an( is &n(e! its a4so'&te $ont!o'C 3o!eo"e!, the !espon(ent 5an6 6eeps the 2&a!( 6e0 to the sai( 4oD. As state( ea!'ie!, !ente!s $annot open thei! !espe$ti"e 4oDes &n'ess the 5an6 $oope!ates 40 p!esentin2 an( &sin2 this 2&a!( 6e0. C'ea!'0 then, to the eDtent a4o"e state(, the o!e2oin2 $on(itions in the $ont!a$t in :&estion a!e "oi( an( ine e$ti"e. It has 4een sai(: NAith !espe$t to p!ope!t0 (eposite( in a sa e,(eposit 4oD 40 a $&sto3e! o a sa e,(eposit $o3pan0, the pa!ties, sin$e the !e'ation is a $ont!a$t&a' one, 3a0 40 spe$ia' $ont!a$t (e ine thei! !espe$ti"e (&ties o! p!o"i(e o! in$!easin2 o! 'i3itin2 the 'ia4i'it0 o the (eposit $o3pan0, p!o"i(e( s&$h $ont!a$t is not in "io'ation o 'a# o! p&4'i$ po'i$0. It 3&st $'ea!'0 appea! that the!e a$t&a''0 #as s&$h a spe$ia' $ont!a$t, ho#e"e!, in o!(e! to "a!0 the o!(ina!0 o4'i2ations i3p'ie( 40 'a# !o3 the !e'ationship o the pa!tiesC 'ia4i'it0 o the (eposit $o3pan0 #i'' not 4e en'a!2e( o! !est!i$te( 40 #o!(s o (o&4t &' 3eanin2. The $o3pan0, in !entin2 sa e,

(eposit 4oDes, $annot eDe3pt itse' !o3 'ia4i'it0 o! 'oss o the $ontents 40 its o#n !a&( o! ne2'i2en$e o! that, o its a2ents o! se!"ants, an( i a p!o"ision o the $ont!a$t 3a0 4e $onst!&e( as an atte3pt to (o so, it #i'' 4e he'( ine e$ti"e o! the p&!pose. A'tho&2h it has 4een he'( that the 'esso! o a sa e,(eposit 4oD $annot 'i3it its 'ia4i'it0 o! 'oss o the $ontents the!eo th!o&2h its o#n ne2'i2en$e, the "ie# has 4een ta6en that s&$h a 'esso! 3a0 'i3it its 'ia4i'it0 to so3e eDtent 40 a2!ee3ent o! stip&'ation .N?%< A/ JUR )(., 1>>I. 8$itations o3itte(9 %> It 3&st 4e note( that $on(itions No. %; an( No. %1 in the Cont!a$t o Lease o Sa et0 Deposit 5oD in CA A#ro-;ndustrial Development Corp. a!e st!i6in2'0 si3i'a! to $on(ition No. %; in the instant $ase. On the othe! han(, 4oth $on(ition No. @ in CA A#ro-;ndustrial Development Corp. an( $on(ition No. + in the p!esent $ase 'i3it the s$ope o the eDe!$ise o (&e (i'i2en$e 40 the 4an6s in"o'"e( to 3e!e'0 seein2 to it that on'0 the !ente!, his a&tho!i7e( a2ent o! his 'e2a' !ep!esentati"e sho&'( open o! ha"e a$$ess to the sa et0 (eposit 4oD. In sho!t, in a'' othe! sit&ations, it #o&'( see3 that S5TC is not 4o&n( to eDe!$ise (i'i2en$e o an0 6in( at a''. Assa0e( in the 'i2ht o O&! a o!e3entione( p!ono&n$e3ents in CA A#ro-lndustrial Development Corp., it is not at a'' (i i$&'t to $on$'&(e that 4oth $on(itions No. + an( No. %; o the NLease A2!ee3entN $o"e!in2 the sa et0 (eposit 4oD in :&estion 8EDhi4its NAN an( N%N9 3&st 4e st!i$6en (o#n o! 4ein2 $ont!a!0 to 'a# an( p&4'i$ po'i$0 as the0 a!e 3eant to eDe3pt S5TC !o3 an0 'ia4i'it0 o! (a3a2e, 'oss o! (est!&$tion o the $ontents o the sa et0 (eposit 4oD #hi$h 3a0 a!ise !o3 its o#n o! its a2entsK !a&(, ne2'i2en$e o! (e'a0. A$$o!(in2'0, S5TC $annot ta6e !e &2e &n(e! the sai( $on(itions.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 P&4'i$ !espon(ent &!the! post&'ates that S5TC $annot 4e he'( !esponsi4'e o! the (est!&$tion o! 'oss o the sta3p $o''e$tion 4e$a&se the 'oo(in2 #as a o!t&ito&s e"ent an( the!e #as no sho#in2 o S5TCKs pa!ti$ipation in the a22!a"ation o the 'oss o! inB&!0. It states: A!ti$'e %%.1 o the Ci"i' Co(e p!o"i(es: NED$ept in $ases eDp!ess'0 spe$i ie( 40 the 'a#, o! #hen it is othe!#ise (e$'a!e( 40 stip&'ation, o! #hen the nat&!e o the o4'i2ation !e:&i!es the ass&3ption o !is6, no pe!son sha'' 4e !esponsi4'e o! those e"ents #hi$h $o&'( not 4e o!eseen, o! #hi$h, tho&2h o!eseen, #e!e ine"ita4'e.K In its (isse!tation o the ph!ase 6caso fortuito6 the "nciclopedia Jurisdicada "spaola 1Bsa0s: NIn a 'e2a' sense an(, $onse:&ent'0, a'so in !e'ation to $ont!a$ts, a 6caso fortuito6 p!e"ents 8sic9 1= the o''o#in2 essentia' $ha!a$te!isti$s: 8%9 the $a&se o the &n o!eseen an(s &neDpe$te( o$$&!!en$e, o! o the ai'&!e o the (e4to! to $o3p'0 #ith his o4'i2ation, 3&st 4e in(epen(ent o the h&3an #i''C 8)9 it 3&st 4e i3possi4'e to o!esee the e"ent #hi$h $onstit&tes the 6caso fortuito,6 o! i it $an 4e o!eseen, it 3&st 4e i3possi4'e to a"oi(C 8;9 the o$$&!!en$e 3&st 4e s&$h as to !en(e! it i3possi4'e o! one (e4to! to &' i'' his o4'i2ation in a no!3a' 3anne!C an( 819 the o4'i2o! 3&st 4e !ee !o3 an0 pa!ti$ipation in the a22!a"ation o the inB&!0 !es&'tin2 to the $!e(ito!.N 8$ite( in Se!"an(o vs. Phi'., Stea3 Na"i2ation Co., supra9. 19 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 He!e, the &n o!eseen o! &neDpe$te( in&n(atin2 'oo(s #e!e in(epen(ent o the #i'' o the appe''ant 4an6 an( the 'atte! #as not sho#n to ha"e pa!ti$ipate( in a22!a"atin2 (a3a2e 8sic9 to the sta3ps $o''e$tion o the appe''ee. In a$t, the appe''ant 4an6 o e!e( its se!"i$es to se$&!e the assistan$e o an eDpe!t to sa"e 3ost o the then 2oo( sta3ps 4&t the appe''e !e &se( an( 'et 8 sic9 these !e$o"e!a4'e sta3ps insi(e the sa et0 (eposit 4oD &nti' the0 #e!e !&ine(. 20 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 5oth the 'a# an( a&tho!it0 $ite( a!e $'ea! eno&2h an( !e:&i!e no &!the! e'&$i(ation. Un o!t&nate'0, ho#e"e!, the p&4'i$ !espon(ent ai'e( to $onsi(e! that in the instant $ase, as $o!!e$t'0 he'( 40 the t!ia' $o&!t, S5TC #as 2&i't0 o ne2'i2en$e. The a$ts $onstit&tin2 ne2'i2en$e a!e en&3e!ate( in the petition an( ha"e 4een s&33a!i7e( in this ponencia. S5TCKs ne2'i2en$e a##ravated the inB&!0 o! (a3a2e to the sta3p $o''e$tion. S5TC #as a#a!e o the 'oo(s o %+@* an( %+@>C it a'so 6ne# that the 'oo(#ate!s in&n(ate( the !oo3 #he!e Sa e Deposit 5oD No. *1 #as 'o$ate(. In "ie# the!eo , it sho&'( ha"e 'ost no ti3e in noti 0in2 the petitione! in o!(e! that the 4oD $o&'( ha"e 4een opene( to !et!ie"e the sta3ps, th&s sa"in2 the sa3e !o3 &!the! (ete!io!ation an( 'oss. In this !espe$t, it ai'e( to eDe!$ise the !easona4'e $a!e an( p!&(en$e eDpe$te( o a 2oo( athe! o a a3i'0, the!e40 4e$o3in2 a pa!t0 to the a22!a"ation o the inB&!0 o! 'oss. A$$o!(in2'0, the a o!e3entione( o&!th $ha!a$te!isti$ o a o!t&ito&s e"ent is a4sent A!ti$'e %%.< o the Ci"i' Co(e, #hi$h !ea(s: Those #ho in the pe! o!3an$e o thei! o4'i2ation a!e 2&i't0 o !a&(, ne2'i2en$e, o! (e'a0, an( those #ho in an0 3anne! $ont!a"ene the teno! the!eo , a!e 'ia4'e o! (a3a2es,

th&s $o3es to the s&$$o! o the petitione!. The (est!&$tion o! 'oss o the sta3p $o''e$tion #hi$h #as, in the 'an2&a2e o the t!ia' $o&!t, the Np!o(&$t o ). 0ea!s o patien$e an( (i'i2en$eN 21$a&se( the petitione! pe$&nia!0 'ossC hen$e, he 3&st 4e $o3pensate( the!e o!.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 Ae $annot, ho#e"e!, p'a$e O&! i3p!i3at&! on the t!ia' $o&!tKs a#a!( o 3o!a' (a3a2es. Sin$e the !e'ationship 4et#een the petitione! an( S5TC is 4ase( on a $ont!a$t, eithe! o the3 3a0 4e he'( 'ia4'e o! 3o!a' (a3a2es o! 4!ea$h the!eo on'0 i sai( pa!t0 ha( a$te( !a&(&'ent'0 o! in 4a( aith. 22The!e is he!e no p!oo o !a&( o! 4a( aith on the pa!t o S5TC.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 AHEREFORE, the instant petition is he!e40 -RANTED. The $ha''en2e( De$ision an( Reso'&tion o the p&4'i$ !espon(ent Co&!t o Appea's o )% A&2&st %++% an( )% No"e34e! %++%, !espe$ti"e'0, in CA,-.R. CV No. )>.;., a!e he!e40 SET ASIDE an( the De$ision o %+ Fe4!&a!0 %++< o 5!an$h 1. o the Re2iona' T!ia' Co&!t o /ani'a in Ci"i' Case No. @.,1)><% is he!e40 REINSTATED in &'', eD$ept as to the a#a!( o 3o!a' (a3a2es #hi$h is he!e40 set asi(e.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 Costs a2ainst the p!i"ate !espon(ent.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 SO ORDERED. G.R. No. %932BB= No5e1ber 14, 1930 $'5o0u'+ary *'/o05e'3y o4 ;ar*a'o >e0a/3o a'- Co., e+ a0. CO;P L$ GR$CO% DE U%"R ; R, $'ai3ant,appe''ee, "s. >$CEN"E NEPO;UCENO, assi2nee,appe''ant.

OS"R ND, J.:$han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 It appea!s !o3 the !e$o!( that on /a!$h %., %+)., the !e2iste!e( pa!tne!ships, /a!iano Ve'as$o J Co., /a!iano Ve'as$o, Sons, J Co., an( /a!iano Ve'as$o J Co., In$., #e!e, on petition o the $!e(ito!s, (e$'a!e( inso'"ent 40 the Co&!t o Fi!st Instan$e o /ani'a.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0$han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 On the %>th (a0 o Ap!i', %+)., the Co3pania A2!i$o'a (e U't!a3a! i'e( a $'ai3 a2ainst one o the inso'"ents /a!iano Ve'as$o J Co., $'ai3in2 the s&3 o P%<,<<<, #ith the a2!ee( inte!est the!eon at the !ate o > pe! $ent pe! ann&3 !o3 Ap!i' *, %+%@, &nti' its &'' pa03ent #as a (eposit #ith sai( /a!iano Ve'as$o J Co. an( as6e( the $o&!t to (e$'a!e it a p!e e!!e( $'ai3.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0$han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 The assi2nee o the inso'"en$0 ans#e!e( the $'ai3 40 inte!posin2 a 2ene!a' (enia'. The $'ai3 #as the!e&pon !e e!!e( 40 the $o&!t to a Co33issione! to !e$ei"e the e"i(en$e, an( on Septe34e! );, %+)+, the $o&!t !en(e!e( a (e$ision (e$'a!in2 that the a''e2e( (eposit #as a p!e e!!e( $'ai3 o! the s&3 3entione(, #ith inte!est at > pe! $ent pe! ann&3 !o3 Ap!i' *, %+%@, &nti' pai(. F!o3 this (e$ision the assi2nee appea'e(.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0$han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 The e"i(en$e p!esente( 40 the $'ai3ant Co3pania A2!i$o'a (e U't!a3a! $onsiste( o a !e$eipt in #!itin2, an( the testi3on0 o Jose Ve'as$o #ho #as 3ana2e! o /a!iano Ve'as$o J Co. at the ti3e the note #as eDe$&te(. The !e$eipt !ea(s as o''o# 8t!ans'ation9: /ANILA, P. I., April D, ,0,-.$han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 Re$ei"e( !o3 the NCo3pania A2!i$o'a (e U't!a3a!N the s&3 o ten tho&san( Phi'ippine pesos as a (eposit at the inte!est o siD pe! $ent ann&a''0, o! the te!3 o th!ee 3onths !o3 (ate.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0$han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 In #itness the!eo , I si2n the p!esent.

ana#er. P%<,<<<.<<.

/ARIANO VELASCO J CO. 50 8S2(.9 JOSE VELASCO $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0

In his testi3on0, Jose Ve'as$o state( that his si2nat&!e on the !e$eipt #as a&thenti$ an( that he !e$ei"e( the sai( s&3 o P%<,<<< !o3 the appe''ee an( (eposite( it #ith the 4an6 in the $&!!ent a$$o&nt o /a!iano Ve'as$o J Co.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0$han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 In o&! opinion the $o&!t 4e'o# e!!e( in in(in2 that the $'ai3 o the appe''ee sho&'( 4e $onsi(e!e( a (eposit an( a p!e e!!e( $'ai3. In the $ase o *avieres vs. De 2avera 8% Phi'., %.9, "e!0 si3i'a! to the p!esent $ase, this $o&!t he'( that the t!ansa$tion the!ein in"o'"e( #as a 'oan an( not a (eposit. The a$ts o the $ase #e!e that in %@*+ I2na$ia (e -o!!i$ho (e'i"e!e( P;,<<< to Fe'iD Pa!(o (e Ta"e!a. The a2!ee3ent 4et#een the3 !ea( as o''o#s 8t!ans'ation9: Re$ei"e( o SeSo!ita I2na$ia (e -o!!i$ho the s&3 o ;,<<< pesos, 2o'( 8;,<<< pesos9, as a (eposit pa0a4'e on t#o 3onthsK noti$e in a("an$e, #ith inte!est at > pe!$ent pe! ann&3 #ith a h0pothe$ation o the 2oo(s no# o#ne( 40 3e o! #hi$h 3a0 4e o#ne( he!ea te!, as se$&!it0 o the pa03ent.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0$han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 In #itness #he!eo I si2n in 5inon(o, Jan&a!0 ;%, %@*+.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0$han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 FELIH PARDO DE TAVERA A te! the (eath o 4oth pa!ties, -a"ie!es, as p'ainti an( s&$$esso! in inte!est o the (e$ease( I2na$ia (e -o!!i$ho, 4!o&2ht the a$tion a2ainst T!ini(a( H. Pa!(o (e Ta"e!a, the s&$$esso! in inte!est o the (e$ease( Fe'iD Pa!(o (e Ta"e!a, o! the $o''e$tion o the s&3 o P%,1);..*, the !e3ainin2 po!tion o the ;,<<< pesos. The p'ainti -a"ie!es a''e2e( that the 3one0 #as (e'i"e!e( to Fe'iD Pa!(o (e Ta"e!a as a (eposit, 4&t the (e en(ant insiste( that the a2!ee3ent a4o"e :&ote( #as not a $ont!a$t o (eposit 4&t one o 'oan. This $o&!t sai(: A'tho&2h in the (o$&3ent in :&estion a (eposit is spo6en o , ne"e!the'ess !o3 an eDa3ination o the enti!e (o$&3ent it $'ea!'0 appea!s that the $ont!a$t #as a 'oan an( that s&$h #as the intention o the pa!ties. It is &nne$essa!0 to !e$&! to the $annons o inte!p!etation to a!!i"e at this $on$'&sion. The o4'i2ation o the (eposito!0 to pa0 inte!est at the !ate o > pe! $ent to the (eposito! s& i$es to $a&se the o4'i2ation to 4e $onsi(e!e( as a 'oan an( 3a6es it 'i6e#ise e"i(ent that it #as the intention o the pa!ties that the (eposito!0 sho&'( ha"e the !i2ht to 3a6e &se o the a3o&nt (eposite(, sin$e it #as stip&'ate( that the a3o&nt $o&'( 4e $o''e$te( a te! noti$e o t#o 3onths in a("an$e. S&$h 4ein2 the $ase, the $ont!a$t 'ost the $ha!a$te! o a (eposit an( a$:&i!e( that o a 'oan. 8A!t. %.>@, Ci"i' Co(e.9 In the $ase o Javellana vs. Lim 8%% Phi'., %1%9 this $o&!t, spea6in2 th!o&2h J&sti$e To!!es sai(: A&tho!it0 !o3 the $o&!t ha"in2 4een p!e"io&s'0 o4taine(, the $o3p'aint #as a3en(e( on the %<th o Jan&a!0, %+<.C it #as then a''e2e(, that on the )>th o /a0, %@+., the (e en(ants eDe$&te( an( s&4s$!i4e( a (o$&3ent in a"o! o the p'ainti !ea(in2 as o''o#s:$han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 Ae ha"e !e$ei"e( !o3 An2e' Ja"e''ana, as a (eposit #itho&t inte!est, the s&3 o t#o tho&san( siD h&n(!e( an( ei2ht0,siD pesos an( i t0,ei2ht $ents o pesos fuertes, #hi$h #e #i'' !et&!n to the sai( 2ent'e3an, Boint'0 an( se"e!a''0 on the )<th o Jan&a!0, %@+@. , Ja!o, )>th o /a0 %@.+. , Si2ne(: JOSE LI/. , Si2ne(: CEFERINO DO/IN-O LI/.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0$han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 That, #hen the o4'i2ation 4e$a3e (&e, the (e en(ants 4e22e( the p'ainti o! an eDtension o ti3e o! the pa03ent the!eo 4in(in2 the3se'"es to pa0 inte!est at the !ate o %* pe! $ent on the a3o&nt o thei! in(e4te(ness, to #hi$h the p'ainti a$$e(e(C that on the %*th o /a0, %+<), the (e4to!s pai( on a$$o&nt o inte!est (&e the s&3 o %,<<< pesos, #ith the eD$eption o #hi$h the0 ha( not pai( an0 othe! s&3 on a$$o&nt o eithe! $apita' o! inte!est, not#ithstan(in2 the !e:&ests 3a(e 40 the p'ainti , #ho ha( the!e40 4een s&4Be$te( to 'oss an( (a3a2es. DDD DDD D D D$han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0

The (o$&3ent o in(e4te(ness inse!te( in the $o3p'aint states that the p'ainti 'e t on (eposit #ith the (e en(ants a 2i"en s&3 o 3one0 #hi$h the0 #e!e Boint'0 an( se"e!a''0 o4'i2e( to !et&!n on a $e!tain (ate iDe( in the (o$&3entC 4&t that, ne"e!the'ess, #hen the (o$&3ent appea!in2 as EDhi4it ), #!itten in the Visa0an (ia'e$t an( o''o#e( 40 a t!ans'ation into Spanish #as eDe$&te(, it #as a$6no#'e(2e(, at the (ate the!eo , the %*th o No"e34e!, %+<) that the a3o&nt (eposite( ha( not 0et 4een !et&!ne( to the $!e(ito!, #he!e40 he #as s&4Be$te( to 'osses an( (a3a2es a3o&ntin2 to @;< pesos sin$e the )<th o Jan&a!0, %@+@, #hen the !et&!n #as a2ain stip&'ate( #ith the &!the! a2!ee3ent that the a3o&nt (eposite( sho&'( 4ea! inte!est at the !ate o %* pe! $ent pe! ann&3 !o3 the a o!esai( (ate o Jan&a!0 )<, an( that the %,<<< pesos pai( to the (eposito! on the %*th o /a0, %+<<, a$$o!(in2 to the !e$eipt iss&e( 40 hi3 to the (e4to!s, #o&'( 4e in$'&(e(, an( that the sai( !ate o inte!est #o&'( o4tain &nti' the (e4to!s pai( the $!e(ito! the sai( a3o&nt in &''. In this se$on( (o$&3ent the $ont!a$t 4et#een the pa!ties, #hi$h is a !ea' 'oan o 3one0 #ith inte!est, appea!s pe! e$t'0 (e ine(, not#ithstan(in2 the a$t that in the o!i2ina' (o$&3ent eDe$&te( 40 the (e4to!s on the )>th o /a0, %@+., it is $a''e( a (epositC so that #hen the0 4o&n( the3se'"es Boint'0 an( se"e!a''0 to !e &n( the s&3 o ),>@>.*@ pesos to the (eposito!, Ja"e''ana, the0 (i( not en2a2e to !et&!n the sa3e $oins !e$ei"e( an( o #hi$h the a3o&nt (eposite( $onsiste(, an( the0 $o&'( ha"e a$$o3p'ishe( the !et&!n a2!ee( &pon 40 the (e'i"e!0 o a s&3 e:&a' to the one !e$ei"e( 40 the3. Fo! this !eason it 3&st 4e &n(e!stoo( that the (e4to!s #e!e 'a# &''0 a&tho!i7e( to 3a6e &se o the a3o&nt (eposite(, #hi$h the0 ha"e (one, as s&4se:&ent'0 sho#n #hen as6in2 o! an eDtension o the ti3e o! the !et&!n the!eo , inas3&$h as, a$6no#'e(2in2 that the0 ha"e s&4Be$te( the 'en(e!, thei! $!e(ito!, to 'osses an( (a3a2es o! not $o3p'0in2 #ith #hat ha( 4een stip&'ate(, an( 4ein2 $ons$io&s that the0 ha( &se(, o! thei! o#n p!o it an( 2ain, the 3one0 that the0 !e$ei"e( appa!ent'0 as a (eposit, the0 en2a2e( to pa0 inte!est to the $!e(ito! !o3 the (ate na3e( &nti' the ti3e #hen the !e &n( sho&'( 4e 3a(e. S&$h $on(&$t on the pa!t o the (e4to!s is &n:&estiona4'e e"i(en$e that the t!ansa$tion ente!e( in to 4et#een the inte!este( pa!ties #as not a (eposit, 4&t a !ea' $ont!a$t o 'oan.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0$han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 A!ti$'e %.>. o the Ci"i' Co(e p!o"i(es that , NThe (eposito!0 $annot 3a6e &se o the thin2 (eposite( #itho&t the eDp!ess pe!3ission o the (eposito!.N$han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 NOthe!#ise he sha'' 4e 'ia4'e o! 'osses an( (a3a2es.N A!ti$'e %.>@ a'so p!o"i(es that , NAhen the (eposito!0 has pe!3ission to 3a6e &se o the thin2 (eposite(, the $ont!a$t 'oses the $ha!a$te! o a (eposit an( 4e$o3es a 'oan o! 4ai'3ent.N$han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 NThe pe!3ission not 4e p!es&3e(, an( its eDisten$e 3&st 4e p!o"en.N DDD DDD D D D$han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0

/o!eo"e!, o! the !easons a4o"e set o!th it 3a0, as a 3atte! o $o&!se, 4e in e!!e( that the!e #as no !ene#a' o the $ont!a$t o (eposit $on"e!te( into a 'oan, 4e$a&se, as has a'!ea(0 4een state(, the (e en(ants !e$ei"e( sai( a3o&nt 40 "i!t&e o a !ea' 'oan $ont!a$t &n(e! the na3e o a (eposit, sin$e the so,$a''e( 4ai'ees #e!e o!th#ith a&tho!i7e( to (ispose o the a3o&nt (eposite(. This the0 ha"e (one, as has 4een $'ea!'0 sho#n. The t#o $ases :&ote( a!e s& i$ient to sho# that the ten tho&san( pesos (e'i"e!e( 40 the appe''ee to /a!iano Ve'as$o J Co. $annot (e !e2a!(e( as a te$hni$a' (eposit. 5&t the appe''ee a!2&es that it is at 'east an Ni!!e2&'a! (eposit.N This a!2&3ent is, #e thin6, s& i$ient'0 ans#e!e( in the $ase o Ro2e!s "s. S3ith, 5e'' J Co. 8%< Phi'., ;%+9. The!e this $o&!t sai(: . . . /an!esa, in his Co33enta!ies on the Ci"i' Co(e 8"o'. %%, p. >>19, states that the!e a!e th!ee points o (i e!en$e 4et#een a 'oan an( an i!!e2&'a! (eposit. The i!st (i e!en$e #hi$h he points o&t $onsists in the a$t that in an i!!e2&'a! (eposit the on'0 4ene it is that #hi$h a$$!&es to the (eposito!, #hi'e in a 'oan the essentia' $a&se o! the t!ansa$tion is the ne$essit0 o the 4o!!o#e!. The $ont!a$t in :&estion (oes not &' i'' this !e:&i!e3ent o an i!!e2&'a! (eposit. It is "e!0 appa!ent that it #as not o! the so'e 4ene it o Ro2e!s. It, 'i6e an0 othe! 'oan o 3one0, #as o! the 4ene it o 4oth pa!ties. The 4ene it #hi$h S3ith, 5e'' J Co. !e$ei"e( #as the &se o the 3one0C the 4ene it #hi$h Ro2e!s !e$ei"e( #as the inte!est on his 3one0. In the 'ette! in #hi$h S3ith, 5e'' J Co. on the ;<th o J&ne, %@@@, noti ie( the p'ainti o the !e(&$tion o the inte!est, the0 sai(: NAe $a'' 0o&! attention to this 3atte! in o!(e! that 0o& 3a0 i 0o& thin6 4est e3p'o0 0o&! 3one0 in so3e othe! p'a$e.N$han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0

No! (oes the $ont!a$t in :&estion &' i'' the thi!( !e:&isite in(i$ate( 40 /an!esa, #hi$h is, that in an i!!e2&'a! (eposit, the (eposito! $an (e3an( the !et&!n o the a!ti$'e at an0 ti3e, #hi'e a 'en(e! is 4o&n( 40 the p!o"isions o the $ont!a$t an( $annot see6 !estit&tion &nti' the ti3e o! pa03ent, as p!o"i(e( in the $ont!a$t, has a!isen. It is appa!ent !o3 the te!3s o this (o$&3ents that the p'ainti $o&'( not (e3an( his 3one0 at an0 ti3e. He #as 4o&n( to 2i"e noti$e o his (esi!e o! its !et&!n an( then to #ait o! siD 3onths 4e o!e he $o&'( insist &pon pa03ent. In the p!esent $ase the t!ansa$tion in :&estion #as $'ea!'0 not o! the so'e 4ene it o the Co3pania A2!i$o'a (e U't!a3a!C it #as e"i(ent'0 o! the 4ene it o 4oth pa!ties. Neithe! $o&'( the a''e2e( (eposito! (e3an( pa03ent &nti' the eDpi!ation o the te!3 o th!ee 3onths.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0$han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 Fo! the !easons state(, the appea'e( B&(23ent is !e"e!se(, an( #e ho'( that the t!ansa$tion in :&estion 3&st 4e !e2a!(e( as a 'oan, #itho&t p!e e!en$e. Aitho&t $osts. So o!(e!e(. G.R. No. %911BB: u6u/+ 30, 195=

R ;ON GON@ %ES, Plaintiff-Appellee, "s. GO "$ONG a'- %U@ON SURE"A CO., $NC., Defendants-Appellants. ;ON"E; AOR, J.C $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 De en(ants -o Tion2 an( L&7on S&!et0 Co. a!e appea'in2 !o3 the (e$ision o the Co&!t o Fi!st Instan$e o /ani'a, J&(2e /a2no S. -at3aitan p!esi(in2, the (ispositi"e pa!t o #hi$h !ea(s as o''o#s: ;n vie% %hereof, B&(23ent is !en(e!e( $on(e3nin2 (e en(ant -o Tion2 an( L&7on S&!et0 Co., Boint'0 an( se"e!a''0, to pa0 p'ainti the s&3 o P1,+)< #ith 'e2a' inte!est !o3 the (ate o the i'in2 o the $o3p'aint &nti' &''0 pai(C B&(23ent is a'so !en(e!e( a2ainst -o Tion2 to pa0 the s&3 o P;,>@< &nto p'ainti , a'so #ith 'e2a' inte!est !o3 the (ate o the i'in2 o the $o3p'aint &nti' &''0 pai(. -o Tion2 is a'so $on(e3ne( to pa0 the s&3 o P%,<<< as atto!ne0Ks ees, p'&s $osts. The appea' #as i!st ta6en to the Co&!t o Appea's, the 'atte! in(o!sin2 the $ase to &s 'ate! &n(e! the p!o"isions o Se$tion %. 8>9 o Rep&4'i$ A$t No. )+>, on the 2!o&n( that the iss&es !aise( #e!e p&!e'0 :&estions o 'a#.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 -o Tion2 o#ne( a !i$e 3i'' an( #a!eho&se, 'o$ate( at /a4ini, U!(aneta, Pan2asinan. On Fe4!&a!0 1, %+*;, he o4taine( a 'i$ense to en2a2e in the 4&siness o a 4on(e( #a!eho&se3an 8EDhi4it N9. To se$&!e the pe! o!3an$e o his o4'i2ations as s&$h 4on(e( #a!eho&se3an, the L&7on S&!et0 Co. eDe$&te( -&a!ant0 5on( No. )+1 in the s&3 o P%@,;;1 8EDhi4it O9, $on(itione( pa!ti$&'a!'0 on the &' i''3ent 40 -o Tion2 o his (&t0 o! o4'i2ation to (e'i"e! to the (eposito!s in his sto!a2e #a!eho&se, the pa'a0 !e$ei"e( 40 hi3 o! sto!a2e, at an0 ti3e (e3an( is 3a(e, o! to pa0 the 3a!6et "a'&e the!eo , in $ase he #as &na4'e to !et&!n the sa3e. The 4on( #as eDe$&te( on Jan&a!0 )>, %+*;. -o Tion2 ins&!e( the #a!eho&se an( the pa'a0 (eposite( the!ein #ith the A''ian$e S&!et0 an( Ins&!an$e Co3pan0.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 5&t p!io! to the iss&an$e o the 'i$ense to -o Tion2 to ope!ate as 4on(e( #a!eho&se3an, he ha( on se"e!a' o$$asions !e$ei"e( pa'a0 o! (eposit !o3 p'ainti -on7a'es, tota'in2 ;>@ sa$6s, o! #hi$h he iss&e( !e$eipts, EDhi4its A, 5, C, an( D. A te! he #as 'i$ense( as 4on(e( #a!eho&se3an, -o Tion2 a2ain !e$ei"e( "a!io&s (e'i"e!ies o pa'a0 !o3 p'ainti , tota'in2 1+) sa$6s, o! #hi$h he iss&e( the $o!!espon(in2 !e$eipts, a'' the 2!an( tota' o @>< sa$6s, "a'&e( at P@,><< at the !ate o P%< pe! sa$6.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 On o! a4o&t /a!$h %*, %+*;, p'ainti (e3an(e( !o3 -o Tion2 the "a'&e o his (eposits in the a3o&nt o P@,><<, 4&t he #as to'( to !et&!n a te! t#o (a0s, #hi$h he (i(, 4&t -o Tion2 a2ain to'( hi3 to $o3e 4a$6. A e# (a0s 'ate!, the #a!eho&se 4&!ne( to the 2!o&n(. 5e o!e the i!e, -o Tion2 ha( 4een a$$eptin2 (e'i"e!ies o pa'a0 !o3 othe! (eposito!s an( at the ti3e o the i!e, the!e #e!e *,@1. sa$6s o pa'a0 in the #a!eho&se, in eD$ess o the *,<<< sa$6s a&tho!i7e( &n(e! his 'i$ense. The !e$eipts iss&e( 40 -o Tion2 to the p'ainti #e!e o!(ina!0 !e$eipts, not the N#a!eho&se !e$eiptsN (e ine( 40 the Aa!eho&se Re$eipts A$t 8A$t No. )%;.9.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 A te! the 4&!nin2 o the #a!eho&se, the (eposito!s o pa'a0, in$'&(in2 p'ainti , i'e( thei! $'ai3s #ith the 5&!ea& o Co33e!$e, an( it #o&'( appea! that #ith the p!o$ee(s o the ins&!an$e po'i$0, the 5&!ea& o Co33e!$e pai( o so3e o the $'ai3. P'ainti Ks $o&nse' 'ate! #ith(!e# his $'ai3 #ith the 5&!ea& o Co33e!$e, a$$o!(in2 to -o Tion2, 4e$a&se his $'ai3 #as (enie( 40 the 5&!ea&, 4&t a$$o!(in2 to the (e$ision o the t!ia' $o&!t, 4e$a&se nothin2 $a3e !o3 p'ainti Ks e o!ts to ha"e his $'ai3

pai(. The!ea te!, -on7a'es i'e( the p!esent a$tion a2ainst -o Tion2 an( the L&7on S&!et0 o! the s&3 o P@,><<, the "a'&e o his pa'a0, #ith 'e2a' inte!est, (a3a2es in the s&3 o P*,<<< an( P%,*<< as atto!ne0Ks ees. -on7a'es 'ate! !ene#e( his $'ai3 #ith the 5&!ea& o Co33e!$e 8EDhi4it S9.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 Ahi'e the $ase #as pen(in2 in $o&!t, -on7a'es an( -o Tion2 ente!e( into a $ont!a$t o a3i$a4'e sett'e3ent to the e e$t that &pon the sett'e3ent o a'' a$$o&nts (&e to hi3 40 -o Tion2, he, -on7a'es, #o&'( ha"e a'' a$tions pen(in2 a2ainst -o Tion2 (is3isse(. Inas3&$h as -o Tion2 ai'e( to sett'e the a$$o&nts, -on7a'es p!ose$&te( his $o&!t a$tion..$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 Fo! p&!poses o !e e!en$e, #e !ep!o(&$e the assi2n3ent o e!!o!s o -o Tion2, as #e'' as the assi2n3ent o e!!o!s o the L&7on S&!et0, a'' !ea(in2 th&s: I. The t!ia' $o&!t e!!e( in in(in2 that p'ainti ,appe''eeKs $'ai3 is $o"e!e( 40 the 5on(e( Aa!eho&se La#, A$t ;@+;, as a3en(e(, an( not 40 the Ci"i' Co(e.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 II. The t!ia' $o&!t e!!e( in not eDe3ptin2 (e en(ant,appe''ant -o Tion2 o! the 'oss o the pa'a0 (eposite(, p&!s&ant to the p!o"isions o the Ne# Ci"i' Co(e.N. DDD DDD D D D $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0

I. The t!ia' $o&!t e!!e( in not (e$'a!in2 that the a3i$a4'e sett'e3ent 40 an( 4et#een p'ainti ,appe''ee an( (e en(ant -o Tion2 $onstit&te( a 3ate!ia' a'te!ation o the s&!et0 4on( o appe''ant L&7on S&!et0 #hi$h eDtin2&ishe( an( (is$ha!2e( its 'ia4i'it0.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 II. The t!ia' $o&!t e!!e( in 4o'(in2 that the !e$eipts o! the pa'a0 !e$ei"e( 40 -o Tion2, tho&2h not in the o!3 o N:&e(ansN o! #a!eho&se !e$eipts a!e $ha!2ea4'e a2ainst the s&!et0 4on( i'e( &n(e! the p!o"isions o the -ene!a' 5on(e( Aa!eho&se A$t 8A$t No. ;@+; as a3en(e( 40 Rep&4'i$ A$t No. )1.9 as a !es&'t o a 'oss.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 III. The t!ia' $o&!t e!!e( in not ho'(in2 that the p'ainti ha( !eno&n$e( an( a4an(one( his !i2hts &n(e! the 5on(e( Aa!eho&se A$t 40 the #ith(!a#a' o his $'ai3 !o3 the 5&!ea& o Co33e!$e an( the eDe$&tion o the Na3i$a4'e sett'e3entN.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 IV. The t!ia' $o&!t e!!e( in not ho'(in2 that the pa'a0 (e'i"e!e( to -o Tion2 $onstit&tes 2!at&ito&s (eposit #hi$h #as eDtin2&ishe( &pon the 'oss an( (est!&$tion o the s&4Be$t 3atte!.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 V. The t!ia' $o&!t e!!e( in not (e$'a!in2 that the t!ansa$tion 4et#een (e en(ant -o Tion2 an( p'ainti #as 3o!e o a sa'e !athe! than a (eposit.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 VI. The t!ia' $o&!t e!!e( in (e$'a!in2 that the L&7on S&!et0 Co., In$., ha( not $o3p'ie( #ith its &n(e!ta6in2 (espite the 'i:&i(ation o a'' the $'ai3s 40 the 5&!ea& o Co33e!$e.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 VII. The 'o#e! $o&!t e!!e( in a(B&(2in2 the he!ein s&!et0 'ia4'e &n(e! the te!3s o the 5on(. Ae sha'' (is$&ss the assi2ne( e!!o!s at the sa3e ti3e, $onsi(e!in2 the $'ose !e'ation 4et#een the3, a'tho&2h #e (o not p!opose to (is$&ss an( !&'e &pon a'' o the3. 5oth appe''ants &!2e that p'ainti Ks $'ai3 is 2o"e!ne( 40 the Ci"i' Co(e an( not 40 the 5on(e( Aa!eho&se A$t 8A$t No. ;@+;, as a3en(e( 40 Rep&4'i$ A$t No. )1.9, o! the !eason that, as a'!ea(0 state(, #hat -o Tion2 iss&e( to p'ainti #e!e o!(ina!0 !e$eipts, not the #a!eho&se !e$eipts $onte3p'ate( 40 the Aa!eho&se Re$eipts La#, an( 4e$a&se the (eposits o pa'a0 o p'ainti #e!e 2!at&ito&s.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 A$t No. ;@+; as a3en(e( is a spe$ia' 'a# !e2&'atin2 the 4&siness o !e$ei"in2 $o33o(ities o! sto!a2e an( (e inin2 the !i2hts an( o4'i2ations o a 4on(e( #a!eho&se3an an( those t!ansa$tin2 4&siness #ith hi3. Conse:&ent'0, an0 (eposit 3a(e #ith hi3 as a 4on(e( #a!eho&se3an 3&st ne$essa!i'0 4e 2o"e!ne( 40 the p!o"isions o A$t No. ;@+;. The 6in( o! nat&!e o the !e$eipts iss&e( 40 hi3 o! the (eposits is not "e!0 3ate!ia' 3&$h 'ess (e$isi"e. Tho&2h it is (esi!a4'e that !e$eipts iss&e( 40 a 4on(e( #a!eho&se3an sho&'( $on o!3 to the p!o"isions o the Aa!eho&se Re$eipts La#, sai( p!o"isions in o&! opinion a!e not 3an(ato!0 an( in(ispensa4'e in the sense that i the0 e'' sho!t o the !e:&i!e3ents o the Aa!eho&se Re$eipts A$t, then the

$o33o(ities (e'i"e!e( o! sto!a2e 4e$o3e o!(ina!0 (eposits an( #i'' not 4e 2o"e!ne( 40 the p!o"isions o the 5on(e( Aa!eho&se A$t. Un(e! Se$tion % o the Aa!eho&se Re$eipts A$t, one #o&'( 2athe! the i3p!ession that the iss&an$e o a #a!eho&se !e$eipt in the o!3 p!o"i(e( 40 it is 3e!e'0 pe!3issi"e an( (i!e$to!0 an( not o4'i2ato!0: SECTION %. Persons %ho ma) issue receipts. , Aa!eho&se !e$eipts 3a0 4e iss&e( 40 an0 #a!eho&se3an., an( the 5on(e( Aa!e4o&se A$t as a3en(e( pe!3its the #a!eho&se3an to iss&e an0 !e$eipt, th&s: . . . . N!e$eiptN as an0 !e$eipt iss&e( 40 a #a!eho&se3an o! $o33o(it0 (e'i"e!e( to hi3. As the t!ia' $o&!t #e'' o4se!"e(, as a! as -o Tion2 #as $on$e!ne(, the a$t that the !e$eipts iss&e( 40 hi3 #e!e not N:&e(ansN is no "a'i( 2!o&n( o! (e ense 4e$a&se he #as the p!in$ipa' o4'i2o!. F&!the!3o!e, as o&n( 40 the t!ia' $o&!t, -o Tion2 ha( !epeate('0 p!o3ise( p'ainti to iss&e to hi3 N:&e(ansN an( ha( ass&!e( hi3 that he sho&'( not #o!!0C an( that -o Tion2 #as in the ha4it o iss&in2 o!(ina!0 !e$eipts 8not N:&e(ansN9 to his (eposito!s.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 As to the $ontention that the (eposits 3a(e 40 the p'ainti #e!e !ee 4e$a&se he pai( no ees the!e o!, it #o&'( appea! that -o Tion2 in(&$e( p'ainti to (eposit his pa'a0 in the #a!eho&se !ee o $ha!2e in o!(e! to p!o3ote his 4&siness an( to att!a$t othe! (eposito!s, it 4ein2 &n(e!stoo( that 4e$a&se o this a$$o33o(ation, p'ainti #o&'( $on"in$e othe! pa'a0 o#ne!s to (eposit #ith -o Tion2.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 Appe''ants $onten( that the 4&!nin2 o the #a!eho&se #as a o!t&ito&s e"ent an( not (&e to an0 a&'t o -o Tion2 an( that $onse:&ent'0, he sho&'( not 4e he'( 'ia4'e, appe''ants s&ppo!tin2 the $ontention #ith the !&'in2 in the $ase o La 8ociedad Dalisa) vs. De los Re)es, ** Phi'. 1*), !ea(in2 as o''o#s: Inas3&$h as the i!e, a$$o!(in2 to the B&(23ent appea'e( !o3, #as neithe! intentiona' no! (&e to the ne2'i2en$e o the appe''ant $o3pan0 o! its o i$ia'sC an( it appea!in2 !o3 the e"i(en$e that the then 3ana2e! atte3pte( to sa"e the pa'a0, the appe''ant $o3pan0 sho&'( not 4e he'( !esponsi4'e o! (a3a2es !es&'tin2 !o3 sai( i!e. . . . . The t!ia' $o&!t $o!!e$t'0 (ispose( o this sa3e $ontention, th&s: The (e ense that the pa'a0 #as (est!o0e( 40 i!e neithe! (oes the Co&!t $onsi(e! to 4e 2oo( o! #hi'e the $ont!a$t #as in the nat&!e o a (eposit an( the 'oss o the thin2 #o&'( eDe3pt the o4'i2o! in a $ont!a$t o (eposit to !et&!n the 2oo(s, this eDe3ption !o3 the !esponsi4i'it0 o! the (a3a2es 3&st 4e $on(itione( in his p!oo that the 'oss #as 40 o!$e 3aBe&!e, an( #itho&t his a&'t. The Co&!t (oes not see !o3 the e"i(en$e that the p!oo is $'ea! on the 'e2a' eDe3ption. On the $ont!a!0, the a$t that he eD$ee(e( the 'i3it o the a&tho!i7e( (eposit 3&st ha"e in$!ease( the !is6 an( #o&'( 3i'itate a2ainst his (e ense o non,'ia4i'it0. Fo! this !eason, the Co&!t (oes not o''o# La So$ie(a( vs. De Los Santos, ** Phi'. 1) :&ote( 40 -o Tion2. 8p. ;, De$ision9. Consi(e!in2 the a$t, as a'!ea(0 state(, that p!io! to the 4&!nin2 o the #a!eho&se, p'ainti (e3an(e( the pa03ent o the "a'&e o his pa'a0 !o3 -o Tion2 on t#o o$$asions 4&t #as p&t o #itho&t an0 "a'i( !eason, &n(e! the $i!$&3stan$es, the 4ette! !&'e #hi$h #e a$$ept is the o''o#in2: . . . . This !&'e p!o$ee(s &pon the theo!0 that the a$ts s&!!o&n(in2 the $a!e o the p!ope!t0 40 a 4ai'ee a!e pe$&'ia!'0 #ithin his 6no#'e(2e an( po#e! to p!o"e, an( that the en o!$e3ent o an0 othe! !&'e #o&'( i3pose 2!eat (i i$&'ties &pon the 4ai'o!s. ... It is i''o2i$a' an( &n!easona4'e to ho'( that the p!es&3ption o ne2'i2en$e in $ase o this 6in( is !e4&tte( 40 the 4ai'ee 40 si3p'0 p!o"in2 that the p!ope!t0 4ai'e( #as (est!o0e( 40 an o!(ina!0 i!e #hi$h 4!o6e o&t on the 4ai'eeKs o#n p!e3ises, #itho&t !e2a!( to the $a!e eDe!$ise( 40 the 'atte! to p!e"ent the i!e, o! to sa"e the p!ope!t0 a te! the $o33en$e3ent o the i!e. A'' the a&tho!ities see3 to a2!ee that the !&'e that the!e sha'' 4e a p!es&3ption o ne2'i2en$e in 4ai'3ent $ases 'i6e the p!esent one, #he!e the!e is (e a&'t in (e'i"e!0 o! a$$o&ntin2, o! the 2oo(s is B&st a ne$essa!0 one. . . . 8+ A.L.R. *>>C see a'so Hanes vs. Shapi!o, @1 S.E. ;;C J. R&sse' / 2. Co. vs. Ne# Ha"en, S.5. Co., *< N.G. )%%C 5e$6 vs. Ai'6ins,Ri$6s Co., %<) S.E. ;%;, F'eish3an vs. So&the!n R. Co., *> S.E. +.19. 5esi(es, as o4se!"e( 40 the t!ia' $o&!t, the (e en(ant "io'ate( the te!3s o his 'i$ense 40 a$$eptin2 o! (eposit pa'a0 in eD$ess o the 'i3it a&tho!i7e( 40 his 'i$ense, #hi$h a$t 3&st ha"e in$!ease( the !is6.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0

The L&7on S&!et0 $'ai3s that the a3i$a4'e sett'e3ent 40 an( 4et#een -on7a'es an( -o Tion2 $onstit&te( a 3ate!ia' a'te!ation o its 4on(, the!e40 eDtin2&ishin2 an( (is$ha!2in2 its 'ia4i'it0. It is e"i(ent, ho#e"e!, that #hi'e the!e #as an atte3pt to sett'e the $ase a3i$a4'0, the sett'e3ent #as ne"e! $ons&33ate( 4e$a&se -o Tion2 ai'e( to sett'e the a$$o&nts o -on7a'es to the 'atte!Ks satis a$tion. Conse:&ent'0, sai( non,$ons&33ate( $o3p!o3ise sett'e3ent (oes not (is$ha!2e the s&!et0: A $o3p!o3ise o! sett'e3ent 4et#een the $!e(ito! o! o4'i2ee an( the p!in$ipa', 40 #hi$h the 'atte! is (is$ha!2e( !o3 'ia4i'it0, (is$ha!2es the s&!et0, . . . . 5&t an &n$ons&33ate( . . . a2!ee3ent to $o3p!o3ise, a''in2 sho!t o an e e$ti"e sett'e3ent, #i'' not (is$ha!2e the s&!et0. 8*< C. J. %@*9 In !e'ation to the ai'&!e o -o Tion2 to iss&e the #a!eho&se !e$eipts $onte3p'ate( 40 the Aa!eho&se Re$eipts A$t, #hi$h ai'&!e, a$$o!(in2 to appe''ants, p!e$'&(e( p'ainti !o3 s&in2 on the 4on(, !e e!en$e 3a0 4e 3a(e to Se$tion ) o A$t No. ;@+;, (e inin2 !e$eipt as an0 !e$eipt iss&e( 40 a #a!eho&se3an o! $o33o(it0 (e'i"e!e( to hi3, sho#in2 that the 'a# (oes not !e:&i!e as in(ispensa4'e that a #a!eho&se !e$eipt 4e iss&e(. F&!the!3o!e, Se$tion . o sai( 'a# p!o"i(es that as 'on2 as the (eposito! is inB&!e( 40 a 4!ea$h o an0 o4'i2ation o the #a!eho&se3an, #hi$h o4'i2ation is se$&!e( 40 a 4on(, sai( (eposito! 3a0 s&e on sai( 4on(. In othe! #o!(s, the s&!et0 $annot a"oi( 'ia4i'it0 !o3 the 3e!e ai'&!e o the #a!eho&se3an to iss&e the p!es$!i4e( !e$eipt. In the $ase o Andreson vs. Erue#er, )%) N.A. %+@, %++, it #as he'(: The s&!et0 $o3pan0 $on$e(es that the 4on( #hi$h it 2a"e $ontains the stat&to!0 $on(itions. The stat&te . . . !e:&i!es that the 4on( , sha'' 4e $on(itione( &pon the aith &' pe! o!3an$e o the p&4'i$ 'o$a' 2!ain #a!eho&se3an o a'' the p!o"isions o 'a# !e'atin2 to the sto!a2e o 2!ain 40 s&$h #a!eho&se3an.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 The s&!et0 $o3pan0 the!e40 3a(e itse' !esponsi4'e o! the pe! o!3an$e 40 the #a!eho&se3an o a'' the (&ties an( o4'i2ations i3pose( &pon hi3 40 the stat&teC an(, i he ai'e( to pe! o!3 an0 s&$h (&t0 to the 'oss o! (et!i3ent o those #ho (e'i"e!e( 2!ain o! sto!a2e, the s&!et0 $o3pan0 4e$a3e 'ia4'e the!e o!. Ahe!e the #a!eho&se3an !e$ei"es 2!ain o! sto!a2e an( !e &ses to !et&!n o! pa0 it, the a$t that he ai'e( to iss&e the !e$eipt, #hen the stat&te !e:&i!e( hi3 to iss&e on !e$ei"in2 it, is not a"ai'a4'e to the s&!et0 as a (e ense a2ainst an a$tion on the 4on(. The o4'i2ation o the s&!et0 $o"e!s the (&t0 o the #a!eho&se3an to iss&e the p!es$!i4e( !e$eipt, as #e'' as the othe! (&ties i3pose( &pon hi3 40 the stat&te. Ae (ee3 it &nne$essa!0 to (is$&ss an( !&'e &pon the othe! :&estions !aise( in the appea'.$han!o4'es"i!t&a'a#'i4!a!0 $han!o4'es "i!t&a' 'a# 'i4!a!0 In "ie# o the o!e2oin2, the appea'e( (e$ision is he!e40 a i!3e(, #ith $osts.



CONCEPCION, JR., J. Pe!"!"o# $or %a#&a'us a#& Pro("b"!"o#, )"!( Pre*"'"#ary I#+u#,!"o#, !(a! see-s !(e es!ab*"s('e#! o$ +o"#! a#& so*"&ary *"ab"*"!y !o !(e a'ou#! o$ .(ree /u#&re& F"$!y .(ousa#& Pesos, )"!( "#!eres!, a0a"#s! res1o#&e#! Ce#!ra* 2a#- o$ !(e P("*"11"#es a#& Overseas 2a#- o$ %a#"*a a#& "!s s!o,-(o*&ers, o# !(e a**e0e& $a"*ure o$ !(e Overseas 2a#- o$ %a#"*a !o re!ur# !(e !"'e &e1os"!s 'a&e by 1e!"!"o#er a#& ass"0#e& !o ("', o# !(e 0rou#& !(a! res1o#&e#! Ce#!ra* 2a#- $a"*e& "# "!s &u!y !o e3er,"se s!r",! su1erv"s"o# over res1o#&e#! Overseas 2a#- o$ %a#"*a !o 1ro!e,! &e1os"!ors a#& !(e 0e#era* 1ub*",. [1]Pe!"!"o#er a*so 1rays !(a! bo!( res1o#&e#! ba#-s be or&ere& !o e3e,u!e !(e 1ro1er a#& #e,essary &o,u'e#!s !o ,o#s!"!u!e a** 1ro1er!"es *"s!e& "# 4##e3 565 o$ !(e 4#s)er o$ res1o#&e#! Ce#!ra* 2a#- o$ !(e P("*"11"#es "# G. R. No. L79357, e#!"!*e& 5E'er"!a %. Ra'os, e! a*. vs. Ce#!ra* 2a#- o$ !(e P("*"11"#es,5 "#!o a !rus! $u#& "# $avor o$ 1e!"!"o#er a#& a** o!(er &e1os"!ors o$ res1o#&e#! Overseas 2a#o$ %a#"*a. I! "s a*so 1raye& !(a! !(e res1o#&e#!s be 1ro("b"!e& 1er'a#e#!*y $ro' (o#or"#0, "'1*e'e#!"#0, or &o"#0 a#y a,! 1re&",a!e& u1o# !(e va*"&"!y or e$$",a,y o$ !(e &ee&s o$ 'or!0a0e, ass"0#'e#!. a#&8or ,o#veya#,e or !ra#s$er o$ )(a!ever #a!ure o$ !(e 1ro1er!"es *"s!e& "# 4##e3 565 o$ !(e 4#s)er o$ res1o#&e#! Ce#!ra* 2a#"# G. R. No. 79357. [2] 4 sou0(! $or ex-parte 1re*"'"#ary "#+u#,!"o# a0a"#s! bo!( res1o#&e#! ba#-s )as #o! 0"ve# by !("s Cour!. 9#&"s1u!e& 1er!"#e#! $a,!s are O# O,!ober 13, 19:: a#& ;e,e'ber 17, 19::, 1e!"!"o#er 'a&e a !"'e &e1os"!, $or o#e year )"!( :< "#!eres!, o$ O#e /u#&re& F"$!y .(ousa#& Pesos =P150,000.00> )"!( !(e res1o#&e#! Overseas 2a#- o$ %a#"*a. [3] Co#,e1,"o# %a#e+a a*so 'a&e a !"'e &e1os"!, $or o#e year )"!( :-?< "#!eres!, o# %ar,( :, 19:6, o$ .)o /u#&re& .(ousa#& Pesos =P700,000.00> )"!( !(e sa'e res1o#&e#! Overseas 2a#- o$ %a#"*a. [ ] O# 4u0us! 31, 19:8, Co#,e1,"o# %a#e+a, 'arr"e& !o Fe*"3ber!o %. @erra#o, ass"0#e& a#& ,o#veye& !o 1e!"!"o#er %a#ue* %. @erra#o, (er !"'e &e1os"! o$ P700,000.00 )"!( res1o#&e#! Overseas 2a#- o$ %a#"*a. [!] No!)"!(s!a#&"#0 ser"es o$ &e'a#&s $or e#,as('e#! o$ !(e a$ore'e#!"o#e& !"'e &e1os"!s $ro' !(e res1o#&e#! Overseas 2a#- o$ %a#"*a, &a!"#0 $ro' ;e,e'ber :, 19:6 u1 !o %ar,( 4, 19:8, #o! a s"#0*e o#e o$ !(e !"'e &e1os"! ,er!"$",a!es )as (o#ore& by res1o#&e#! Overseas 2a#- o$ %a#"*a. ["] Res1o#&e#! Ce#!ra* 2a#- a&'"!s !(a! "! "s ,(ar0e& )"!( !(e &u!y o$ a&'"#"s!er"#0 !(e ba#-"#0 sys!e' o$ !(e Re1ub*", a#& "! e3er,"ses su1erv"s"o# over a** &o"#0 bus"#ess "# !(e P("*"11"#es, bu! &e#"es !(e 1e!"!"o#erAs a**e0a!"o# !(a! !(e Ce#!ra* 2a#- (as !(e &u!y !o e3er,"se a 'os! r"0"& a#& s!r"#0e#! su1erv"s"o# o$ ba#-s, "'1*y"#0 !(a! res1o#&e#! Ce#!ra* 2a#- (as !o )a!,( every 'ove or a,!"v"!y o$ a** ba#-s, "#,*u&"#0 res1o#&e#! Overseas 2a#- o$ %a#"*a. Res1o#&e#! Ce#!ra* 2a#- ,*a"'s !(a! as o$ %ar,( 17, 19:5, !(e Overseas 2a#- o$ %a#"*a, )("*e o1era!"#0, )as o#*y o# a *"'"!e& &e0ree o$ ba#-"#0 o1era!"o#s s"#,e !(e %o#e!ary 2oar& &e,"&e& "# "!s Reso*u!"o# No. 377, &a!e& %ar,( 17, 19:5, !o 1ro("b"! !(e Overseas 2a#- o$ %a#"*a $ro' 'a-"#0 #e) *oa#s a#& "#ves!'e#!s "# v"e) o$ "!s ,(ro#", reserve &e$","e#,"es a0a"#s! "!s

&e1os"! *"ab"*"!"es. .("s *"'"!e& o1era!"o# o$ res1o#&e#! Overseas 2a#- o$ %a#"*a ,o#!"#ue& u1 !o 19:8. [#] Res1o#&e#! Ce#!ra* 2a#- a*so &e#"e& !(a! "! "s 0uara#!or o$ !(e 1er'a#e#! so*ve#,y o$ a#y ba#-"#0 "#s!"!u!"o# as ,*a"'e& by 1e!"!"o#er. I! ,*a"'s !(a! #e"!(er !(e *a) #or sou#& ba#-"#0 su1erv"s"o# reBu"res res1o#&e#! Ce#!ra* 2a#- !o a&ver!"se or re1rese#! !o !(e 1ub*", a#y re'e&"a* 'easures "! 'ay "'1ose u1o# ,(ro#", &e*"#Bue#! ba#-s as su,( a,!"o# 'ay "#ev"!ab*y resu*! !o 1a#", or ba#- 5ru#s5. I# !(e years 19::-19:6, !(ere )ere #o $"#&"#0s !o &e,*are !(e res1o#&e#! Overseas 2a#- o$ %a#"*a as "#so*ve#!. [$] Res1o#&e#! Ce#!ra* 2a#- *"-e)"se &e#"e& !(a! a ,o#s!ru,!"ve !rus! )as ,rea!e& "# $avor o$ 1e!"!"o#er a#& ("s 1re&e,essor "# "#!eres! Co#,e1,"o# %a#e+a )(e# !(e"r !"'e &e1os"!s )ere 'a&e "# 19:: a#& 19:6 )"!( !(e res1o#&e#! Overseas 2a#- o$ %a#"*a as &ur"#0 !(a! !"'e !(e *a!!er )as #o! a# "#so*ve#! ba#- a#& "!s o1era!"o# as a ba#-"#0 "#s!"!u!"o# )as be"#0 sa*va0e& by !(e res1o#&e#! Ce#!ra* 2a#-. [%] Res1o#&e#! Ce#!ra* 2a#- avers #o -#o)*e&0e o$ 1e!"!"o#erAs ,*a"' !(a! !(e 1ro1er!"es 0"ve# by res1o#&e#! Overseas 2a#- o$ %a#"*a as a&&"!"o#a* ,o**a!era*s !o res1o#&e#! Ce#!ra* 2a#- o$ !(e P("*"11"#es $or !(e $or'erAs over&ra$!s a#& e'er0e#,y *oa#s )ere a,Bu"re& !(rou0( !(e use o$ &e1os"!orsA 'o#ey, "#,*u&"#0 !(a! o$ !(e 1e!"!"o#er a#& Co#,e1,"o# %a#e+a. [1&] I# G. R. No. L-793:7, e#!"!*e& 5E'er"!a %. Ra'os, e! a*. vs. Ce#!ra* 2a#- o$ !(e P("*"11"#es,5 a ,ase )as $"*e& by 1e!"!"o#er Ra'os, )(ere"# res1o#&e#! Overseas 2a#- o$ %a#"*a sou0(! !o 1reve#! res1o#&e#! Ce#!ra* 2a#- $ro' ,*os"#0, &e,*ar"#0 !(e $or'er "#so*ve#!, a#& *"Bu"&a!"#0 "!s asse!s. Pe!"!"o#er %a#ue* @erra#o "# !("s ,ase, $"*e& o# @e1!e'ber :, 19:8, a 'o!"o# !o "#!erve#e "# G. R. No. L-79357, o# !(e 0rou#& !(a! @erra#o (a& a rea* a#& *e0a* "#!eres! as &e1os"!or o$ !(e Overseas 2a#o$ %a#"*a "# !(e 'a!!er "# *"!"0a!"o# "# !(a! ,ase. Res1o#&e#! Ce#!ra* 2a#- "# G. R. No. L-79357 o11ose& 1e!"!"o#er %a#ue* @erra#oAs 'o!"o# !o "#!erve#e "# !(a! ,ase, o# !(e 0rou#& !(a! ("s ,*a"' as &e1os"!or o$ !(e Overseas 2a#- o$ %a#"*a s(ou*& 1ro1er*y be ve#!"*a!e& "# !(e Cour! o$ F"rs! I#s!a#,e, a#& "$ !("s Cour! )ere !o a**o) @erra#o !o "#!erve#e as &e1os"!or "# G. R. No. L-79357, !(ousa#&s o$ o!(er &e1os"!ors )ou*& $o**o) a#& !(us ,ause a# ava*a#,(e o$ ,ases "# !("s Cour!. I# !(e Reso*u!"o# &a!e& O,!ober 4, 19:8, !("s Cour! &e#"e& @erra#oAs 'o!"o# !o "#!erve#e. .(e ,o#!e#!s o$ sa"& 'o!"o# !o "#!erve#e are subs!a#!"a**y !(e sa'e as !(ose o$ !(e 1rese#! 1e!"!"o#. [11] .("s Cour! re#&ere& ;e,"s"o# "# G. R. No. L-79357 o# O,!ober 4, 1961, )(",( be,a'e $"#a* a#& e3e,u!ory o# %ar,( 3, 1967, $avorab*e !o !(e res1o#&e#! Overseas 2a#- o$ %a#"*a, )"!( !(e &"s1os"!"ve 1or!"o# !o )"! C/EREFORE, !(e )r"!s 1raye& $or "# !(e 1e!"!"o# are (ereby 0ra#!e& a#& res1o#&e#! Ce#!ra* 2a#-As Reso*u!"o# Nos. 17:3, 1790 a#& 1333 =!(a! 1ro("b"! !(e Overseas 2a#- o$ %a#"*a !o 1ar!","1a!e "# ,*ear"#0, &"re,! !(e sus1e#s"o# o$ "!s o1era!"o#, a#& or&er"#0 !(e *"Bu"&a!"o# o$ sa"& ba#-> are (ereby a##u**e& a#& se! as"&eD a#& sa"& res1o#&e#! Ce#!ra* 2a#- o$ !(e P("*"11"#es "s &"re,!e& !o ,o'1*y )"!( "!s ob*"0a!"o#s

u#&er !(e Eo!"#0 .rus! 40ree'e#!, a#& !o &es"s! $ro' !a-"#0 a,!"o# "# v"o*a!"o# !(ere$or. Cos!s a0a"#s! res1o#&e#! Ce#!ra* 2a#- o$ !(e P("*"11"#es. [12] 2e,ause o$ !(e above ;e,"s"o#, 1e!"!"o#er "# !("s ,ase $"*e& a 'o!"o# $or +u&0'e#! "# !("s ,ase, 1ray"#0 $or a &e,"s"o# o# !(e 'er"!s, a&+u&0"#0 res1o#&e#! Ce#!ra* 2a#+o"#!*y a#& severa**y *"ab*e )"!( res1o#&e#! Overseas 2a#- o$ %a#"*a !o !(e 1e!"!"o#er $or !(e P350,000 !"'e &e1os"! 'a&e )"!( !(e *a!!er ba#-, )"!( a** "#!eres!s &ue !(ere"#D a#& &e,*ar"#0 a** asse!s ass"0#e& or 'or!0a0e& by !(e res1o#&e#!s Overseas 2a#- o$ %a#"*a a#& !(e Ra'os 0rou1s "# $avor o$ !(e Ce#!ra* 2a#- as !rus! $u#&s $or !(e be#e$"! o$ 1e!"!"o#er a#& o!(er &e1os"!ors. [13] 2y !(e very #a!ure o$ !(e ,*a"'s a#& ,auses o$ a,!"o# a0a"#s! res1o#&e#!s, !(ey, "# rea*"!y are re,overy o$ !"'e &e1os"!s 1*us "#!eres! $ro' res1o#&e#! Overseas 2a#- o$ %a#"*a, a#& re,overy o$ &a'a0es a0a"#s! res1o#&e#! Ce#!ra* 2a#- $or "!s a**e0e& $a"*ure !o s!r",!*y su1erv"se !(e a,!s o$ !(e o!(er res1o#&e#! 2a#- a#& 1ro!e,! !(e "#!eres!s o$ "!s &e1os"!ors by v"r!ue o$ !(e ,o#s!ru,!"ve !rus! ,rea!e& )(e# res1o#&e#! Ce#!ra* 2a#- reBu"re& !(e o!(er res1o#&e#! !o "#,rease "!s ,o**a!era*s $or "!s over&ra$!s sa"& e'er0e#,y *oa#s, sa"& ,o**a!era*s a**e0e&*y a,Bu"re& !(rou0( !(e use o$ &e1os"!ors 'o#ey. .(ese ,*a"'s s(ou& be ve#!"*a!e& "# !(e Cour! o$ F"rs! I#s!a#,e o$ 1ro1er +ur"s&",!"o# as Ce a*rea&y 1o"#!e& ou! )(e# !("s Cour! &e#"e& 1e!"!"o#erAs 'o!"o# !o "#!erve#e "# G. R. No. L-79357. C*a"'s o$ !(ese #a!ure are #o! 1ro1er "# a,!"o#s $or 'a#&a'us a#& 1ro("b"!"o# as !(ere "s #o s(o)# ,*ear abuse o$ &"s,re!"o# by !(e Ce#!ra* 2a#- "# "!s e3er,"se o$ su1erv"s"o# over !(e o!(er res1o#&e#! Overseas 2a#- o$ %a#"*a, a#& "$ !(ere )as, 1e!"!"o#er (ere "s #o! !(e 1ro1er 1ar!y !o ra"se !(a! Bues!"o#, bu! ra!(er !(e Overseas 2a#- o$ %a#"*a, as "! &"& "# G. R. No. L79357. Ne"!(er "s !(ere a#y!("#0 !o 1ro("b"! "# !("s ,ase, s"#,e !(e Bues!"o#e& a,!s o$ !(e res1o#&e#! Ce#!ra* 2a#- =!(e a,!s o$ &"sso*v"#0 a#& *"Bu"&a!"#0 !(e Overseas 2a#- o$ %a#"*a>, )(",( 1e!"!"o#er (ere "#!e#&s !o use as ("s bas"s $or ,*a"'s o$ &a'a0es a0a"#s! res1o#&e#! Ce#!ra* 2a#-, (a& bee# a,,o'1*"s(e& a *o#0 !"'e a0o. Fur!(er'ore, bo!( 1ar!"es over*oo-e& o#e $u#&a'e#!a* 1r"#,"1*e "# !(e #a!ure o$ ba#- &e1os"!s )(e# !(e 1e!"!"o#er ,*a"'e& !(a! !(ere s(ou*& be ,rea!e& a ,o#s!ru,!"ve !rus! "# ("s $avor )(e# !(e res1o#&e#! Overseas 2a#- o$ %a#"*a "#,rease& "!s ,o**a!era*s "# $avor o$ res1o#&e#! Ce#!ra* 2a#- $or !(e $or'erAs over&ra$!s a#& e'er0e#,y *oa#s, s"#,e !(ese ,o**a!era*s )ere a,Bu"re& by !(e use o$ &e1os"!orsA 'o#ey. 2a#- &e1os"!s are "# !(e #a!ure o$ "rre0u*ar &e1os"!s. .(ey are rea**y *oa#s be,ause !(ey ear# "#!eres!. 4** -"#&s o$ ba#- &e1os"!s, )(e!(er $"3e&, sav"#0s, or ,urre#! are !o be !rea!e& as *oa#s a#& are !o be ,overe& by !(e *a) o# *oa#s. [1 ] Curre#! a#& sav"#0s &e1os"!s are *oa#s !o a ba#- be,ause "! ,a# use !(e sa'e. .(e 1e!"!"o#er (ere, "# 'a-"#0 !"'e &e1os"!s !(a! ear# "#!eres!s )"!( res1o#&e#! Overseas 2a#- o$ %a#"*a )as, "# rea*"!y, a ,re&"!or o$ !(e res1o#&e#! 2a#- a#& #o! a &e1os"!or. .(e res1o#&e#! 2a#- )as "# !ur# a &eb!or o$ 1e!"!"o#er. Fa"*ure o$ (e res1o#&e#! 2a#- !o (o#or !(e !"'e &e1os"! "s $a"*ure !o 1ay "!s ob*"0a!"o# as a &eb!or a#& #o! a brea,( o$ !rus! ar"s"#0 $ro' &e1os"!aryAs $a"*ure !o re!ur# !(e sub+e,! 'a!!er o$ !(e &e1os"! C/EREFORE, !(e 1e!"!"o# "s &"s'"sse& $or *a,- o$ 'er"!, )"!( ,os!s a0a"#s! 1e!"!"o#er.
,ra*a) ,ra*a) ,ra*a)


'.R. N(. 11%231. A)*+, 1$, 1%%" PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK, Petitioner, vs. HON. PRES. JUD'E BENITO C. SE, JR., RTC, BR. 45, MANILA- NOAHS ARK SU'AR REFINER.- ALBERTO T. LOO.UKO, JIMM. T. 'O and /ILSON T. 'O, Respondent. .(e sour,e o$ ,o#$*",! (ere"# "s !(e Bues!"o# as !o )(e!(er !(e P("*"11"#e Na!"o#a* 2a#s(ou*& 1ay s!ora0e $ees $or su0ar s!o,-s ,overe& by $"ve F5G Care(ouse Re,e"1!s s!ore& "# !(e )are(ouse o$ 1r"va!e res1o#&e#!s "# !(e $a,e o$ !(e Cour! o$ 411ea*s &e,"s"o# Fa$$"r'e& by !(e @u1re'e Cour!G &e,*ar"#0 !(e P("*"11"#e Na!"o#a* 2a#- as !(e o)#er o$ !(e sa"& su0ar s!o,-s a#& or&er"#0 !(e"r &e*"very !o !(e sa"& ba#-. Fro' !(e sa'e $a,!s bu! o# a &"$$ere#! 1ers1e,!"ve, "! ,a# be sa"& !(a! !(e "ssue "s Ca# !(e )are(ouse'a# e#$or,e ("s )are(ouse'a#s *"e# be$ore &e*"ver"#0 !(e su0ar s!o,-s as or&ere& by !(e Cour! o$ 411ea*s or #ee& (e $"*e a se1ara!e a,!"o# !o e#$or,e 1ay'e#! o$ s!ora0e $eesH .(e (ere"# 1e!"!"o# see-s !o a##u* F1G !(e Reso*u!"o# o$ res1o#&e#! Ju&0e 2e#"!o C. @e, Jr. o$ !(e Re0"o#a* .r"a* Cour! o$ %a#"*a, 2ra#,( 45, &a!e& ;e,e'ber 70, 1994, "# C"v"* Case No. 90-53073, au!(or"I"#0 re,e1!"o# o$ ev"&e#,e !o es!ab*"s( !(e ,*a"' o$ res1o#&e#!s Noa(s 4r@u0ar Re$"#ery, e! a*., $or s!ora0e $ees a#& 1reserva!"o# e31e#ses over su0ar s!o,-s ,overe& by $"ve (5) Care(ouse Re,e"1!s )(",( "s "# !(e #a!ure o$ a )are(ouse'a#s *"e#D a#& F7G !(e Reso*u!"o# o$ !(e sa"& res1o#&e#! Ju&0e, &a!e& %ar,( 1, 1995, &e,*ar"#0 !(e va*"&"!y o$ 1r"va!e res1o#&e#!s )are(ouse'a#s *"e# u#&er @e,!"o# 76 o$ Re1ub*", 4,! No 7136 a#& or&er"#0 !(a! e3e,u!"o# o$ !(e Cour! o$ 411ea*s &e,"s"o#, &a!e& ;e,e'ber 13, 1991, be "# e$$e,! (e*& "# abeya#,e u#!"* !(e $u** a'ou#! o$ !(e )are(ouse'a#s *"e# o# !(e su0ar s!o,-s ,overe& by $"ve (5) Bue&a#s sub+e,! o$ !(e a,!"o# s(a** (ave bee# sa!"s$"e& ,o#$or'ab*y )"!( !(e 1rov"s"o#s o$ @e,!"o# 31 o$ Re1ub*", 4,! 7136. 4*so 1raye& $or by !(e 1e!"!"o# "s a Cr"! o$ Pro("b"!"o# !o reBu"re res1o#&e#! R.C Ju&0e !o &es"s! $ro' $ur!(er 1ro,ee&"#0 )"!( C"v"* Case No. 90-53073, e3,e1! or&er !(e e3e,u!"o# o$ !(e @u1re'e Cour! +u&0'e#!D a#& a Cr"! o$ %a#&a'us !o ,o'1e* res1o#&e#! R.C Ju&0e !o "ssue a Cr"! o$ E3e,u!"o# "# a,,or&a#,e )"!( !(e sa"& e3e,u!ory @u1re'e Cour! &e,"s"o#. ./E F4C.@ I# a,,or&a#,e )"!( 4,! No. 7136, !(e Care(ouse Re,e"1!s La), Noa(s 4r- @u0ar Re$"#ery "ssue& o# severa* &a!es, !(e $o**o)"#0 Care(ouse Re,e"1!s FJue&a#sG FaG %ar,( 1, 1989, Re,e"1! No. 180:7, ,over"#0 su0ar &e1os"!e& by Rosa @yD FbG %ar,( 6, 1989, Re,e"1! No. 18080, ,over"#0 su0ar &e1os"!e& by RN@ %er,(a#&"s"#0 FRosa N0 @yGD F,G %ar,( 71, 1989, Re,e"1! No. 18081, ,over"#0 su0ar &e1os"!e& by @!. .(erese %er,(a#&"s"#0D F&G%ar,( 31, 1989, Re,e"1! No. 1808:, ,over"#0 su0ar &e1os"!e& by @!. .(erese %er,(a#&"s"#0D a#& FeG 41r"* 1, 1989, Re,e"1! No. 18086, ,over"#0 su0ar &e1os"!e& by RN@ %er,(a#&"s"#0. .(e re,e"1!s are subs!a#!"a**y "# !(e $or', a#& ,o#!a"#s !(e !er's, 1res,r"be& $or #e0o!"ab*e )are(ouse re,e"1!s by @e,!"o# 7 o$ !(e *a).

@ubseBue#!*y, Care(ouse Re,e"1!s Nos. 18080 a#& 18081 )ere #e0o!"a!e& a#& e#&orse& !o Lu"s .. Ra'osD a#& Re,e"1!s Nos. 1808:, 18086 a#& 180:7 )ere #e0o!"a!e& a#& e#&orse& !o Crese#,"a K. Lo*e!a. Ra'os a#& Lo*e!a !(e# use& !(e Bue&a#s as se,ur"!y $or !)o *oa# a0ree'e#!s - o#e $or P15.: '"**"o# a#& !(e o!(er $or P73.5 '"**"o# - ob!a"#e& by !(e' $ro' !(e P("*"11"#e Na!"o#a* 2a#-. .(e a$ore'e#!"o#e& Bue&a#s )ere e#&orse& by !(e' !o !(e P("*"11"#e Na!"o#a* 2a#-. Lu"s .. Ra'os a#& Crese#,"a K. Lo*e!a $a"*e& !o 1ay !(e"r *oa#s u1o# 'a!ur"!y o# Ja#uary 9, 1990. Co#seBue#!*y, o#%ar,( 1:, 1990, !(e P("*"11"#e Na!"o#a* 2a#- )ro!e !o Noa(s 4r@u0ar Re$"#ery &e'a#&"#0 &e*"very o$ !(e su0ar s!o,-s ,overe& by !(e Bue&a#s e#&orse& !o "! by Lo*e!a a#& Ra'os. Noa(s 4r- @u0ar Re$"#ery re$use& !o ,o'1*y )"!( !(e &e'a#& a**e0"#0 o)#ers("1 !(ereo$, $or )(",( reaso# !(e P("*"11"#e Na!"o#a* 2a#- $"*e& )"!( !(e Re0"o#a* .r"a* Cour! o$ %a#"*a a ver"$"e& ,o'1*a"#! $or 5@1e,"$", Per$or'a#,e )"!( ;a'a0es a#& 411*",a!"o# $or Cr"! o$ 4!!a,('e#!5 a0a"#s! Noa(s 4r- @u0ar Re$"#ery, 4*ber!o .. Looyu-o, J"''y .. Go a#& C"*so# .. Go, !(e *as! !(ree be"#0 "&e#!"$"e& as !(e so*e 1ro1r"e!or, 'a#a0"#0 1ar!#er, a#& E3e,u!"ve E",e Pres"&e#! o$ Noa(s 4r-, res1e,!"ve*y. Res1o#&e#! Ju&0e 2e#"!o C. @e, Jr., "# )(ose sa*a !(e ,ase )as ra$$*e&, &e#"e& !(e 411*",a!"o# $or Pre*"'"#ary 4!!a,('e#!. Re,o#s"&era!"o# !(ere$or )as *"-e)"se &e#"e&. Noa(s 4r- a#& "!s ,o-&e$e#&a#!s $"*e& a# 4#s)er )"!( Cou#!er,*a"' a#& .("r&-Par!y Co'1*a"#! "# )(",( !(ey ,*a"'e& !(a! !(ey are !(e o)#ers o$ !(e sub+e,! Bue&a#s a#& !(e su0ar re1rese#!e& !(ere"#, averr"#0 as !(ey &"& !(a! "9.*** I# a# a0ree'e#! &a!e& 41r"* 1, 1989, &e$e#&a#!s a0ree& !o se** !o Rosa N0 @y o$ RN@ %er,(a#&"s"#0 a#& .eres"!a N0 o$ @!. .(erese %er,(a#&"s"#0 !(e !o!a* vo*u'e of sugar indicated in the quedans stored at oahs !r" #ugar Refiner$ for a tota% consideration of P&',(((,(((.((, MMM .(e ,orres1o#&"#0 1ay'e#!s "# !(e $or' o$ ,(e,-s "ssue& by !(e ve#&ees "# $avor o$ &e$e#&a#!s )ere subseBue#!*y &"s(o#ore& by !(e &ra)ee ba#-s by reaso# o$ 1ay'e#! s!o11e& a#& &ra)# a0a"#s! "#su$$","e#! $u#&s, MMM 91o# 1ro1er #o!"$",a!"o# !o sa"& ve#&ees a#& 1*a"#!"$$ "# &ue ,ourse, &e$e#&a#!s re$use& !o &e*"ver !o ve#&ees !(ere"# !(e Bua#!"!y o$ su0ar ,overe& by !(e sub+e,! Bue&a#s. 10. MMM Co#s"&er"#0 !(a! !(e ve#&ees a#& $"rs! e#&orsers o$ sub+e,! Bue&a#s &"& #o! a,Bu"re o)#ers("1 !(ereo$, !(e subseBue#! e#&orsers a#& 1*a"#!"$$ "!se*$ &"& #o! a,Bu"re a be!!er r"0(! o$ o)#ers("1 !(a# !(e or"0"#a* ve#&ees8$"rs! e#&orsers. 51 .(e 4#s)er "#,or1ora!e& a .("r&-Par!y Co'1*a"#! by 4*ber!o .. Looyu-o, J"''y .. Go a#& C"*so# .. Go, &o"#0 bus"#ess u#&er !(e !ra&e #a'e a#& s!y*e Noa(s 4r- @u0ar Re$"#ery a0a"#s! Rosa N0 @y a#& .eres"!a N0, 1ray"#0 !(a! !(e *a!!er be or&ere& !o &e*"ver or re!ur# !o !(e' !(e Bue&a#s F1rev"ous*y e#&orse& !o PN2 a#& !(e sub+e,! o$ !(e su"!G a#& 1ay &a'a0es a#& *"!"0a!"o# e31e#ses. .(e 4#s)er o$ Rosa N0 @y a#& .eres"!a N0, &a!e& @e1!e'ber :, 1990, o#e o$ avo"&a#,e, "s esse#!"a**y !o !(e e$$e,! !(a! !(e !ra#sa,!"o# be!)ee# !(e', o# !(e o#e (a#&, a#& J"''y .. Go, o# !(e o!(er, ,o#,er#"#0 !(e Bue&a#s a#& !(e su0ar s!o,-s ,overe& by !(e' )as 'ere*y

a s"'u*a!e& o#e be"#0 1ar! o$ !(e *a!!ers ,o'1*e3 ba#-"#0 s,(e'es a#& $"#a#,"a* 'a#euvers, a#& !(us, !(ey are #o! a#s)erab*e "# &a'a0es !o ("'. O# Ja#uary 31, 1991, !(e P("*"11"#e Na!"o#a* 2a#- $"*e& a %o!"o# $or @u''ary Ju&0'e#! "# $avor o$ !(e 1*a"#!"$$ as a0a"#s! !(e &e$e#&a#!s $or !(e re*"e$s 1raye& $or "# !(e ,o'1*a"#!. O# %ay 7, 1991, !(e Re0"o#a* .r"a* Cour! "ssue& a# or&er &e#y"#0 !(e %o!"o# $or @u''ary Ju&0'e#!. .(ereu1o#, !(e P("*"11"#e Na!"o#a* 2a#- $"*e& a Pe!"!"o# $or Cer!"orar" )"!( !(e Cour! o$ 411ea*s, &o,-e!e& as C4-G.R. @P. No. 75938 o# ;e,e'ber 13, 1991. Per!"#e#! 1or!"o#s o$ !(e &e,"s"o# o$ !(e Cour! o$ 411ea*s rea& ")n issuing the questioned *rders, the respondent +ourt ru%ed that questions of %a, shou%d -e reso%ved after and not -efore, the questions of fact are proper%$ %itigated. ! scrutin$ of defendants affir.ative defenses does not sho, .ateria% questions of fact as to the a%%eged nonpa$.ent of purchase price -$ the vendees/first endorsers, and ,hich nonpa$.ent is not disputed -$ P 0 as it does not .ateria%%$ affect P 0s tit%e to the sugar stoc"s as ho%der of the negotia-%e quedans. 1hat is deter.inative of the propriet$ of$ 2udg.ent is not the existence of conf%icting c%ai.s fro. prior parties -ut ,hether fro. an exa.ination of the p%eadings, depositions, ad.issions and docu.ents on fi%e, the defenses as to the .ain issue do not tender .ateria% questions of fact (see 3arcia vs. +ourt of !ppea%s, 4&5 #+R! 645) or the issues thus tendered are in fact sha., fictitious, contrived, set up in -ad faith or so unsu-stantia% as not to constitute genuine issues for tria%. (#ee 7ergara vs. #ue%to, et a%., 45& #+R! 55'8 9ercado, et a%. vs. +ourt of !ppea%s, 4&: #+R! 55). ;he questioned *rders do not specif$ ,hat .ateria% facts are in issue. (#ee #ec. <, Ru%e '<, Ru%es of +ourt). ;o require a tria% not,ithstanding pertinent a%%egations of the p%eadings and other facts appearing on the record, ,ou%d constitute a ,aste of ti.e and an in2ustice to the P 0 ,hose rights to re%ief to ,hich it is p%ain%$ entit%ed ,ou%d -e further de%a$ed to its pre2udice. )n issuing the questioned *rders, 1e find the respondent +ourt to have acted in grave a-use of discretion ,hich 2ustif$ ho%ding nu%% and void and setting aside the *rders dated 9a$ : and Ju%$ <, 499( of respondent +ourt, and that a$ 2udg.ent -e rendered forth,ith in favor of the P 0 against oahs !r" #ugar Refiner$, et a%., as pra$ed for in petitioners 9otion for$ Judg.ent." : O# ;e,e'ber 13, 1991, !(e Cour! o$ 411ea*s #u**"$"e& a#& se! as"&e !(e or&ers o$ %ay 7 a#& Ju*y 4, 1990 o$ !(e Re0"o#a* .r"a* Cour! a#& or&ere& !(e !r"a* ,our! !o re#&er su''ary +u&0'e#! "# $avor o$ !(e PN2. O# Ju#e 18, 1997, !(e !r"a* ,our! re#&ere& +u&0'e#! &"s'"ss"#0 1*a"#!"$$s ,o'1*a"#! a0a"#s! 1r"va!e res1o#&e#!s $or *a,- o$ ,ause o$ a,!"o# a#& *"-e)"se &"s'"sse& 1r"va!e res1o#&e#!s ,ou#!er,*a"' a0a"#s! PN2 a#& o$ !(e .("r&-Par!y Co'1*a"#! a#& !(e .("r&-Par!y ;e$e#&a#!s Cou#!er,*a"'. O# @e1!e'ber 4, 1997, !(e !r"a* ,our! &e#"e& PN2s %o!"o# $or Re,o#s"&era!"o#. O# Ju#e 9, 1997, !(e PN2 $"*e& a# a11ea* $ro' !(e R.C &e,"s"o# )"!( !(e @u1re'e Cour!, G.R. No. 106743, by )ay o$ a Pe!"!"o# $or Rev"e) o# Cer!"orar" u#&er Ru*e 45 o$ !(e Ru*es o$

Cour!. .("s Cour! re#&ere& +u&0'e#! o# @e1!e'ber 1, 1993, !(e &"s1os"!"ve 1or!"o# o$ )(",( rea&s "1=>R>?*R>, the tria% 2udges decision in +ivi% +ase o. 9(-5'(:', dated June 46, 499:, is reversed and set aside and a ne, one rendered confor.a-%$ ,ith the fina% and executor$ decision of the +ourt of !ppea%s in +!-3.R #P. o. :59'6, ordering the private respondents oahs !r" #ugar Refiner$, !%-erto ;. @oo$u"o, Ji..$ ;. 3o and 1i%son ;. 3o, 2oint%$ and severa%%$A (a) to de%iver to the petitioner Phi%ippine ationa% 0an", the sugar stoc"s covered -$ the 1arehouse Receipts/ Buedans ,hich are no, in the %atters possession as ho%der for va%ue and in due course8 or a%ternative%$, to pa$ (said) p%aintiff actua% da.ages in the a.ount of P'9.4 .i%%ion, ,ith %ega% interest thereon fro. the fi%ing of the co.p%aint unti% fu%% pa$.ent8 and (-) to pa$ p%aintiff Phi%ippine ationa% 0an" attorne$s fees, %itigation expenses and 2udicia% costs here-$ fixed at the a.ount of *ne =undred ?ift$ ;housand Pesos (P45(,(((.(() as ,e%% as the costs. #* *RC>R>C.5 ' O# @e1!e'ber 79, 1993, 1r"va!e res1o#&e#!s 'ove& $or re,o#s"&era!"o# o$ !("s &e,"s"o#. 4 @u11*e'e#!a*8@e,o#& %o!"o# $or Re,o#s"&era!"o# )"!( *eave o$ ,our! )as $"*e& by 1r"va!e res1o#&e#!s o# Nove'ber 8, 1993. Ce &e#"e& 1r"va!e res1o#&e#!s 'o!"o# o# Ja#uary 10, 1994. . Pr"va!e res1o#&e#!s $"*e& a %o!"o# @ee-"#0 C*ar"$",a!"o# o$ !(e ;e,"s"o#, &a!e& @e1!e'ber 1, 1993. Ce &e#"e& !("s 'o!"o# "# !("s 'a##er ")t -ears stressing that the re%ief granted in this +ourts decision of #epte.-er 4, 499' is precise%$ that set out in the fina% and executor$ decision of the +ourt of !ppea%s in +!-3.R. #P o. :59'6, dated Cece.-er 4', 4994, ,hich ,as affir.ed in toto -$ this +ourt and ,hich -eca.e una%tera-%e upon fina% and executor$. " 4 Pr"va!e res1o#&e#!s !(ereu1o# $"*e& be$ore !(e !r"a* ,our! a# O'#"bus %o!"o# see-"#0 a'o#0 o!(ers !(e &e$er'e#! o$ !(e 1ro,ee&"#0s u#!"* 1r"va!e res1o#&e#!s are (ear& o# !(e"r ,*a"' $or )are(ouse'a#s *"e#. O# !(e o!(er (a#&, o# 4u0us! 77, 1994, !(e P("*"11"#e Na!"o#a* 2a#- $"*e& a %o!"o# $or !(e Issua#,e o$ a Cr"! o$ E3e,u!"o# a#& a# O11os"!"o# !o !(e O'#"bus %o!"o# $"*e& by 1r"va!e res1o#&e#!s. .(e !r"a* ,our! 0ra#!e& 1r"va!e res1o#&e#!s O'#"bus %o!"o# o# ;e,e'ber 70, 1994 a#& se! re,e1!"o# o$ ev"&e#,e o# !(e"r ,*a"' $or )are(ouse'a#s *"e#. .(e reso*u!"o# o$ !(e PN2s %o!"o# $or E3e,u!"o# )as or&ere& &e$erre& u#!"* !(e &e!er'"#a!"o# o$ 1r"va!e res1o#&e#!s ,*a"'. O# February 71, 1995, 1r"va!e res1o#&e#!s ,*a"' $or *"e# )as (ear& a#& ev"&e#,e )as re,e"ve& "# su11or! !(ereo$. .(e !r"a* ,our! !(erea$!er 0ave bo!( 1ar!"es $"ve (5) &ays !o $"*e res1e,!"ve 'e'ora#&a.

O# February 78, 1995, !(e P("*"11"#e Na!"o#a* 2a#- $"*e& a %a#"$es!a!"o# )"!( 9r0e#! %o!"o# !o Nu**"$y Cour! Pro,ee&"#0s. I# a&+u&",a!"o# !(ereo$, !(e !r"a* ,our! "ssue& !(e $o**o)"#0 or&er o# %ar,( 1, 1995 51=>R>?*R>, this court here-$ finds that there exists in favor of the defendants a va%id ,arehouse.ans %ien under #ection :5 of Repu-%ic !ct :4'5 and according%$, execution of the 2udg.ent is here-$ ordered sta$ed and/ or prec%uded unti% the fu%% a.ount of defendants %ien on the sugar stoc"s covered -$ the five (5) quedans su-2ect of this action sha%% have -een satisfied confor.a-%$ ,ith the provisions of #ection '4 of Repu-%ic !ct :4'5. 55 Co#seBue#!*y, !(e P("*"11"#e Na!"o#a* 2a#- $"*e& !(e (ere"# 1e!"!"o# !o see- !(e #u**"$",a!"o# o$ !(e above-assa"*e& or&ers o$ res1o#&e#! +u&0e. .(e PN2 sub'"!s !(a! ). P 0s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e "ssues 1rese#!e& be$ore us "# !("s 1e!"!"o# revo*ve arou#& !(e *e0a*"!y o$ !(e Bues!"o#e& or&ers o$ res1o#&e#! +u&0e, "ssue& as !(ey )ere a$!er )e (a& &e#"e& )"!( $"#a*"!y 1r"va!e res1o#&e#!s ,o#!e#!"o# !(a! !(e PN2 ,ou*& #o! ,o'1e* !(e' !o &e*"ver !(e s!o,-s o$ su0ar "# !(e"r )are(ouse ,overe& by !(e e#&orse& Bue&a#s or 1ay !(e va*ue o$ !(e sa"& s!o,-s o$ su0ar. Pe!"!"o#ers sub'"ss"o# "s o# a !e,(#",a*"!y, !(a! "s, !(a! 1r"va!e res1o#&e#!s (ave *os! !(e"r r"0(! !o re,over )are(ouse'a#s *"e# o# !(e su0ar s!o,-s ,overe& by !(e $"ve F5G Care(ouse Re,e"1!s $or !(e reaso# !(a! !(ey $a"*e& !o se! u1 sa"& ,*a"' "# !(e"r 4#s)er be$ore !(e !r"a* ,our! a#& !(a! 1r"va!e res1o#&e#!s &"& #o! a11ea* $ro' !(e &e,"s"o# "# !("s re0ar&, &a!e& Ju#e 18, 1997. Pe!"!"o#er assevera!es !(a! !(e &e#"a* by !("s Cour! o# %ar,( 9, 1994 o$ !(e

'o!"o# see-"#0 ,*ar"$",a!"o# o$ our &e,"s"o#, &a!e& @e1!e'ber 1, 1993, (as $ore,*ose& 1r"va!e res1o#&e#!s r"0(! !o e#$or,e !(e"r )are(ouse'a#s *"e# $or s!ora0e $ees a#& 1reserva!"o# e31e#ses u#&er !(e Care(ouse Re,e"1!s 4,!. O# !(e o!(er (a#&, 1r"va!e res1o#&e#!s 'a"#!a"# !(a! !(ey ,ou*& #o! (ave ,*a"'e& !(e r"0(! !o a )are(ouse'a# s *"e# "# !(e"r 4#s)er !o !(e ,o'1*a"#! be$ore !(e !r"a* ,our! as "! )ou*& (ave bee# "#,o#s"s!e#! )"!( !(e"r s!a#& !(a! !(ey ,*a"' o)#ers("1 o$ !(e s!o,-s ,overe& by !(e Bue&a#s s"#,e !(e ,(e,-s "ssue& $or 1ay'e#! !(ereo$ )ere &"s(o#ore&. I$ !(ey )ere s!"** !(e o)#ers, "! )ou*& (ave bee# absur& $or !(e' !o as- 1ay'e#! $or s!ora0e $ees a#& 1reserva!"o# e31e#ses. .(ey $ur!(er ,o#!e#& !(a! our reso*u!"o#, &a!e& %ar,( 9, 1994, &e#y"#0 !(e"r 'o!"o# $or ,*ar"$",a!"o# &"& #o! 1re,*u&e !(e"r r"0(! !o ,*a"' !(e"r )are(ouse'a#s *"e# u#&er @e,!"o#s 76 a#& 31 o$ Re1ub*", 4,! 7136, as our reso*u!"o# 'ere*y a$$"r'e& a#& a&o1!e& !(e ear*"er &e,"s"o#, &a!e& ;e,e'ber 13, 1991, o$ !(e Cour! o$ 411ea*s F:!( ;"v"s"o#G "# C4-G.R. @P. No. 75938 a#& &"& #o! 'a-e a#y $"#&"#0 o# !(e 'a!!er o$ !(e )are(ouse'a# s *"e#. Ce $"#& $or 1r"va!e res1o#&e#!s o# !(e $ore0o"#0 "ssue a#& so !(e 1e!"!"o# #e,essar"*y 'us! $a"*. Ce (ave ,are$u**y e3a'"#e& our reso*u!"o#, &a!e& %ar,( 9, 1994, )(",( &e#"e& Noa(s 4r-s 'o!"o# $or ,*ar"$",a!"o# o$ our &e,"s"o#, &a!e& @e1!e'ber 1, 1993, )(ere"# )e a$$"r'e& "# $u** a#& a&o1!e& !(e Cour! o$ 411ea*s ear*"er &e,"s"o#, &a!e& ;e,e'ber 13, 1991, "# C4-G.R. @P. No. 75938. Ce are #o! 1ersua&e& by !(e 1e!"!"o#ers ar0u'e#! !(a! our sa"& reso*u!"o# ,arr"e& )"!( "! !(e &e#"a* o$ !(e )are(ouse'a#s *"e# over !(e su0ar s!o,-s ,overe& by !(e sub+e,! Care(ouse Re,e"1!s. Ce (ave s"'1*y reso*ve& a#& u1(e*& "# our &e,"s"o#, &a!e& @e1!e'ber 1, 1993, !(e 1ro1r"e!y o$ su''ary +u&0'e#! )(",( )as !(e# assa"*e& by 1r"va!e res1o#&e#!s. I# e$$e,!, )e ru*e& !(ere"# !(a!, ,o#s"&er"#0 !(e ,"r,u's!a#,es ob!a"#"#0 be$ore !(e !r"a* ,our!, !(e "ssua#,e o$ !(e Care(ouse Re,e"1!s #o! be"#0 &"s1u!e& by !(e 1r"va!e res1o#&e#!s, a su''ary +u&0'e#! "# $avor o$ PN2 )as 1ro1er. Ce "# e$$e,! $ur!(er a$$"r'e& !(e $"#&"#0 !(a! Noa(s 4r- "s a )are(ouse'a# )(",( )as ob*"0e& !o &e*"ver !(e su0ar s!o,-s ,overe& by !(e Care(ouse Re,e"1!s 1*e&0e& by Crese#,"a K. Lo*e!a a#& Lu"s .. Ra'os !o !(e 1e!"!"o#er 1ursua#! !o !(e 1er!"#e#! 1rov"s"o#s o$ Re1ub*", 4,! 7136. I# &"s1os"#0 o$ !(e 1r"va!e res1o#&e#!s 'o!"o# $or ,*ar"$",a!"o#, )e ,ou*& #o! ,o#!e'1*a!e !(e 'a!!er o$ )are(ouse'a#s *"e# be,ause !(e "ssue !o be $"#a**y reso*ve& !(e# )as !(e ,*a"' o$ 1r"va!e res1o#&e#!s $or re!a"#"#0 o)#ers("1 o$ !(e s!o,-s o$ su0ar ,overe& by !(e e#&orse& Bue&a#s. @!a!e& o!(er)"se, !(ere )as #o 1o"#! "# !a-"#0 u1 !(e "ssue o$ )are(ouse'a#s *"e# s"#,e !(e 'a!!er o$ o)#ers("1 )as as ye! be"#0 &e!er'"#e&. Ne"!(er ,ou*& s!ora0e $ees be &ue !(e# )("*e #o o#e (as bee# &e,*are& !(e o)#er o$ !(e su0ar s!o,-s "# Bues!"o#. O$ ,o#s"&erab*e re*eva#,e "s !(e 1er!"#e#! s!"1u*a!"o# "# !(e sub+e,! Care(ouse Re,e"1!s )(",( 1rov"&es $or res1o#&e#! Noa(s 4r-s r"0(! !o "'1ose a#& ,o**e,! )are(ouse'a#s *"e# "#torage of the refined sugar quantities .entioned herein sha%% -e free up to one (4) ,ee" fro. the date of the quedans covering said sugar and thereafter, storage fees sha%% -e charged in accordance ,ith the Refining +ontract under ,hich the refined sugar covered -$ this Buedan ,as produced. " & I! "s #o! &"s1u!e&, !(ere$ore, !(a!, u#&er !(e sub+e,! Care(ouse Re,e"1!s 1rov"s"o#, s!ora0e $ees are ,(ar0eab*e.

Pe!"!"o#er a#,(ors "!s ,*a"' a0a"#s! 1r"va!e res1o#&e#!s o# !(e $"ve F5G Care(ouse Re,e"1!s "ssue& by !(e *a!!er !o !("r&-1ar!y &e$e#&a#!s Rosa N0 @y o$ RN@ %er,(a#&"s"#0 a#& .eres"!a N0 o$ @!. .(erese %er,(a#&"s"#0, )(",( $ou#& !(e"r )ay !o 1e!"!"o#er a$!er !(ey )ere #e0o!"a!e& !o !(e' by Lu"s .. Ra'os a#& Crese#,"a K. Lo*e!a $or a *oa# o$ P39.1 %"**"o#. 4,,or&"#0*y, 1e!"!"o#er PN2 "s *e0a**y bou#& !o s!a#& by !(e e31ress !er's a#& ,o#&"!"o#s o# !(e $a,e o$ !(e Care(ouse Re,e"1!s as !o !(e 1ay'e#! o$ s!ora0e $ees. Eve# "# !(e abse#,e o$ su,( a 1rov"s"o#, *a) a#& eBu"!y &",!a!e !(e 1ay'e#! o$ !(e )are(ouse'a# s *"e# 1ursua#! !o @e,!"o#s 76 a#& 31 o$ !(e Care(ouse Re,e"1!s La) FR.4. 7136G, !o )"! "#>+;)* :5. 1hat c%ai.s are inc%uded in the ,arehouse.ans %ien. - #u-2ect to the provisions of section thirt$, a , sha%% have %ien on goods deposited or on the proceeds thereof in his hands, for a%% %a,fu% charges for storage and preservation of the goods8 a%so for a%% %a,fu% c%ai.s for .one$ advanced, interest, insurance, transportation, %a-or, ,eighing coopering and other charges and expenses in re%ation to such goods8 a%so for a%% reasona-%e charges and expenses for notice, and advertise.ent of sa%e, and for sa%e of the goods ,here defau%t has -een .ade in satisf$ing the ,arehouse.ans %ien. #>+;)* '4. need not de%iver unti% %ien is satisfied. - ! , having a %ien va%id against the person de.anding the goods .a$ refuse to de%iver the goods to hi. unti% the %ien is satisfied." 4$!er be"#0 &e,*are& #o! !(e o)#er, bu! !(e )are(ouse'a#, by !(e Cour! o$ 411ea*s o# ;e,e'ber 13, 1991 "# C4-G.R. @P. No. 75938, !(e &e,"s"o# (av"#0 bee# a$$"r'e& by us o# ;e,e'ber 1, 1993, 1r"va!e res1o#&e#!s ,a##o! *e0a**y be &e1r"ve& o$ !(e"r r"0(! !o e#$or,e !(e"r ,*a"' $or )are(ouse'a#s *"e#, $or reaso#ab*e s!ora0e $ees a#& 1reserva!"o# e31e#ses. Pursua#! !o @e,!"o# 31 )(",( )e Buo!e (ereu#&er, !(e 0oo&s u#&er s!ora0e 'ay #o! be &e*"vere& u#!"* sa"& *"e# "s sa!"s$"e&. "#>+;)* '4. need not de%iver unti% %ien is satisfied. - ! , having a %ien va%id against the person de.anding the goods .a$ refuse to de%iver the goods to hi. unti% the %ien is satisfied." Co#s"&er"#0 !(a! 1e!"!"o#er &oes #o! &e#y !(e e3"s!e#,e, va*"&"!y a#& 0e#u"#e#ess o$ !(e Care(ouse Re,e"1!s o# )(",( "! a#,(ors "!s ,*a"' $or 1ay'e#! a0a"#s! 1r"va!e res1o#&e#!s, "! ,a##o! &"s,*a"' *"ab"*"!y $or !(e 1ay'e#! o$ !(e s!ora0e $ees s!"1u*a!e& !(ere"#. 4s ,o#!ra,!s, !(e re,e"1!s 'us! be res1e,!e& by au!(or"!y o$ 4r!",*e 1159 o$ !(e C"v"* Co&e, !o )"! "!R;. 4459. *-%igations arising fro. contracts have the force of %a, -et,een the contracting parties and shou%d -e co.p%ied ,ith in good faith." Pe!"!"o#er "s "# es!o11e* "# &"s,*a"'"#0 *"ab"*"!y $or !(e 1ay'e#! o$ s!ora0e $ees &ue !(e 1r"va!e res1o#&e#!s as )are(ouse'a# )("*e ,*a"'"#0 !o be e#!"!*e& !o !(e su0ar s!o,-s ,overe& by !(e sub+e,! Care(ouse Re,e"1!s o# !(e bas"s o$ )(",( "! a#,(ors "!s ,*a"' $or 1ay'e#! or &e*"very o$ !(e su0ar s!o,-s. .(e u#,o#&"!"o#a* 1rese#!'e#! o$ !(e re,e"1!s by !(e 1e!"!"o#er $or 1ay'e#! a0a"#s! 1r"va!e res1o#&e#!s o# !(e s!re#0!( o$ !(e 1rov"s"o#s o$ !(e Care(ouse Re,e"1!s La) FR.4. 7136G ,arr"e& )"!( "! !(e a&'"ss"o# o$ !(e e3"s!e#,e a#& va*"&"!y o$ !(e !er's, ,o#&"!"o#s a#& s!"1u*a!"o#s )r"!!e# o# !(e $a,e o$ !(e Care(ouse Re,e"1!s, "#,*u&"#0 !(e u#Bua*"$"e& re,o0#"!"o# o$ !(e 1ay'e#! o$ )are(ouse'a#s *"e# $or s!ora0e $ees a#& 1reserva!"o# e31e#ses. Pe!"!"o#er 'ay #o! #o) re!r"eve !(e su0ar s!o,-s )"!(ou! 1ay"#0 !(e *"e# &ue 1r"va!e res1o#&e#!s as )are(ouse'a#.

I# v"e) o$ !(e $ore0o"#0, !(e ru*e 'ay be s"'1*"$"e& !(us C("*e !(e PN2 "s e#!"!*e& !o !(e s!o,-s o$ su0ar as !(e e#&orsee o$ !(e Bue&a#s, &e*"very !o "! s(a** be e$$e,!e& o#*y u1o# 1ay'e#! o$ !(e s!ora0e $ees. I'1era!"ve "s !(e r"0(! o$ !(e )are(ouse'a# !o &e'a#& 1ay'e#! o$ ("s *"e# a! !("s +u#,!ure, be,ause, "# a,,or&a#,e )"!( @e,!"o# 79 o$ !(e Care(ouse Re,e"1!s La), !(e )are(ouse'a# *oses ("s *"e# u1o# 0oo&s by surre#&er"#0 1ossess"o# !(ereo$. I# o!(er )or&s, !(e *"e# 'ay be *os! )(ere !(e )are(ouse'a# surre#&ers !(e 1ossess"o# o$ !(e 0oo&s )"!(ou! reBu"r"#0 1ay'e#! o$ ("s *"e#, be,ause a )are(ouse'a#s *"e# "s 1ossessory "# #a!ure. Ce, !(ere$ore, u1(o*& a#& sus!a"# !(e va*"&"!y o$ !(e assa"*e& or&ers o$ 1ub*", res1o#&e#!, &a!e& ;e,e'ber 70, 1994 a#& %ar,( 1, 1995. I# $"#e, )e $a"* !o see a#y !a"#! o$ abuse o$ &"s,re!"o# o# !(e 1ar! o$ !(e 1ub*", res1o#&e#! "# "ssu"#0 !(e Bues!"o#e& or&ers )(",( re,o0#"Ie& !(e *e0"!"'a!e r"0(! o$ Noa(s 4r-, a$!er be"#0 &e,*are& as )are(ouse'a#, !o re,over s!ora0e $ees be$ore "! )ou*& re*ease !o !(e PN2 su0ar s!o,-s ,overe& by !(e $"ve F5G Care(ouse Re,e"1!s. Our reso*u!"o#, &a!e& %ar,( 9, 1994, &"& #o! 1re,*u&e 1r"va!e res1o#&e#!s u#Bua*"$"e& r"0(! !o es!ab*"s( "!s ,*a"' !o re,over s!ora0e $ees )(",( "s re,o0#"Ie& u#&er Re1ub*", 4,! No. 7136. Ne"!(er &"& !(e Cour! o$ 411ea*s &e,"s"o#, &a!e& ;e,e'ber 13, 1991, res!r",! su,( r"0(!. Our Reso*u!"o#s re$ere#,e !o !(e &e,"s"o# by !(e Cour! o$ 411ea*s, &a!e& ;e,e'ber 13, 1991, "# C4-G.R. @P. No. 75938, )as "#!e#&e& !o 0u"&e !(e 1ar!"es "# !(e subseBue#! &"s1os"!"o# o$ !(e ,ase !o "!s $"#a* e#&. Ce ,er!a"#*y &"& #o! $ore,*ose 1r"va!e res1o#&e#!s "#(ere#! r"0(! as )are(ouse'a# !o ,o**e,! s!ora0e $ees a#& 1reserva!"o# e31e#ses as s!"1u*a!e& # !(e $a,e o$ ea,( o$ !(e Care(ouse Re,e"1!s a#& as 1rov"&e& $or "# !(e Care(ouse Re,e"1!s La) FR.4. 7136G. /HEREFORE, !(e 1e!"!"o# s(ou*& be, as "! "s, (ereby &"s'"sse& $or *a,- o$ 'er"!. .(e Bues!"o#e& or&ers "ssue& by 1ub*", res1o#&e#! +u&0e are a$$"r'e&. Cos!s a0a"#s! !(e 1e!"!"o#er.

'. R. N(. 1 && # 0 J1,2 13, 2&& PHILIPPINE E3PORT AND FOREI'N LOAN 'UARANTEE CORPORATION, Petitioner, "s. V.P. EUSEBIO CONSTRUCTION, INC.- 30PLE3 INTERNATIONAL, INC.- VICENTE P. EUSEBIOSOLEDAD C. EUSEBIO- EDUARDO E. SANTOS- ILUMINADA SANTOS- AND FIRST INTE'RATED BONDIN' AND INSURANCE COMPAN., INC., Respondents. .("s ,ase "s a# o$$s(oo! o$ a serv",e ,o#!ra,! e#!ere& "#!o by a F"*"1"#o ,o#s!ru,!"o# $"r' )"!( !(e IraB" Gover#'e#! $or !(e ,o#s!ru,!"o# o$ !(e I#s!"!u!e o$ P(ys",a* .(era1y-%e&",a* Ce#!er, P(ase II, "# 2a0(&a&, IraB, a! a !"'e )(e# !(e Ira#-IraB )ar )as o#0o"#0. I# a ,o'1*a"#! $"*e& )"!( !(e Re0"o#a* .r"a* Cour! o$ %a-a!" C"!y, &o,-e!e& as C"v"* Case No. 91-190: a#& ass"0#e& !o 2ra#,( 58, 1e!"!"o#er P("*"11"#e E31or! a#& Fore"0# Loa# Guara#!ee Cor1ora!"o#1 F(ere"#a$!er P("*0uara#!eeG sou0(! re"'burse'e#! $ro' !(e res1o#&e#!s o$ !(e su' o$ 'o#ey "! 1a"& !o 4* 4(*" 2a#- o$ Ku)a"! 1ursua#! !o a 0uara#!ee "! "ssue& $or res1o#&e#! E.P. Euseb"o Co#s!ru,!"o#, I#,. FEPECIG. .(e $a,!ua* a#& 1ro,e&ura* a#!e,e&e#!s "# !("s ,ase are as $o**o)s O# 8 Nove'ber 1980, !(e @!a!e Or0a#"Ia!"o# o$ 2u"*&"#0s F@O2G, %"#"s!ry o$ /ous"#0 a#& Co#s!ru,!"o#, 2a0(&a&, IraB, a)ar&e& !(e ,o#s!ru,!"o# o$ !(e I#s!"!u!e o$ P(ys",a* .(era1y%e&",a* Re(ab"*"!a!"o# Ce#!er, P(ase II, "# 2a0(&a&, IraB, F(ere"#a$!er !(e Pro+e,!G !o 4+ya* .ra&"#0 a#& Co#!ra,!"#0 Co'1a#y F(ere"#a$!er 4+ya*G, a $"r' &u*y *",e#se& )"!( !(e Ku)a"! C(a'ber o$ Co''er,e $or a !o!a* ,o#!ra,! 1r",e o$ I;5,41:,089804: For abou! 9@N18,639,::8G. 7 O# 6 %ar,( 1981, res1o#&e#! s1ouses E&uar&o a#& I*u'"#a&a @a#!os, "# be(a*$ o$ res1o#&e#! 3-P*e3 I#!er#a!"o#a*, I#,. F(ere"#a$!er 3-P*e3G, a *o,a* ,o#!ra,!or e#0a0e& "# ,o#s!ru,!"o# bus"#ess, e#!ere& "#!o a +o"#! ve#!ure a0ree'e#! )"!( 4+ya* )(ere"# !(e $or'er u#&er!oo- !(e e3e,u!"o# o$ !(e e#!"re Pro+e,!, )("*e !(e *a!!er )ou*& be e#!"!*e& !o a ,o''"ss"o# o$ 4< o$ !(e ,o#!ra,! 1r",e.3 La!er, or o# 8 41r"* 1981, res1o#&e#! 3-P*e3, #o! be"#0 a,,re&"!e& by or re0"s!ere& )"!( !(e P("*"11"#e Overseas Co#s!ru,!"o# 2oar& FPOC2G, ass"0#e& a#& !ra#s$erre& a** "!s r"0(!s a#& "#!eres!s u#&er !(e +o"#! ve#!ure a0ree'e#! !o EPECI, a ,o#s!ru,!"o# a#& e#0"#eer"#0 $"r' &u*y re0"s!ere& )"!( !(e POC2.4 /o)ever, o# 7 %ay 1981, 3-P*e3 a#& EPECI e#!ere& "#!o a# a0ree'e#! !(a! !(e e3e,u!"o# o$ !(e Pro+e,! )ou*& be u#&er !(e"r +o"#! 'a#a0e'e#!.5 .(e @O2 reBu"re& !(e ,o#!ra,!ors !o sub'"! F1G a 1er$or'a#,e bo#& o$ I;761,8088:10 re1rese#!"#0 5< o$ !(e !o!a* ,o#!ra,! 1r",e a#& F7G a# a&va#,e 1ay'e#! bo#& o$ I;541,:088901 re1rese#!"#0 10< o$ !(e a&va#,e 1ay'e#! !o be re*ease& u1o# s"0#"#0 o$ !(e ,o#!ra,!.: .o ,o'1*y )"!( !(ese reBu"re'e#!s, res1o#&e#!s 3-P*e3 a#& EPECI a11*"e& $or !(e "ssua#,e o$ a 0uara#!ee )"!( 1e!"!"o#er P("*0uara#!ee, a 0over#'e#! $"#a#,"a* "#s!"!u!"o# e'1o)ere& !o "ssue 0uara#!ees $or Bua*"$"e& F"*"1"#o ,o#!ra,!ors !o se,ure !(e 1er$or'a#,e o$ a11rove& serv",e ,o#!ra,!s abroa&. 6 Pe!"!"o#er P("*0uara#!ee a11rove& res1o#&e#!sA a11*",a!"o#. @ubseBue#!*y, *e!!ers o$ 0uara#!ee 8 )ere "ssue& by P("*0uara#!ee !o !(e Ra$"&a"# 2a#- o$ 2a0(&a& ,over"#0 100< o$ !(e 1er$or'a#,e a#& a&va#,e 1ay'e#! bo#&s, bu! !(ey )ere #o! a,,e1!e& by @O2. C(a! @O2 reBu"re& )as a *e!!er0uara#!ee $ro' Ra$"&a"# 2a#-, !(e 0over#'e#! ba#- o$ IraB. Ra$"&a"# 2a#- !(e# "ssue& a 1er$or'a#,e bo#& "# $avor o$ @O2 o# !(e ,o#&"!"o# !(a! a#o!(er $ore"0# ba#-, #o! P("*0uara#!ee, )ou*& "ssue a ,ou#!er-0uara#!ee !o ,over "!s e31osure. 4* 4(*" 2a#- o$ Ku)a"! )as, !(ere$ore, e#0a0e& !o 1rov"&e a

,ou#!er-0uara#!ee !o Ra$"&a"# 2a#-, bu! "! reBu"re& a s"'"*ar ,ou#!er-0uara#!ee "# "!s $avor $ro' !(e 1e!"!"o#er. .(us, !(ree *ayers o$ 0uara#!ees (a& !o be arra#0e&.9 91o# !(e a11*",a!"o# o$ res1o#&e#!s 3-P*e3 a#& EPECI, 1e!"!"o#er P("*0uara#!ee "ssue& "# $avor o$ 4* 4(*" 2a#- o$ Ku)a"! Le!!er o$ Guara#!ee No. 81-194-F 10 FPer$or'a#,e 2o#& Guara#!eeG "# !(e a'ou#! o$ I;761,8088:10 a#& Le!!er o$ Guara#!ee No. 81-195-F11 F4&va#,e Pay'e#! Guara#!eeG "# !(e a'ou#! o$ I;541,:088901, bo!( $or a !er' o$ e"0(!ee# 'o#!(s $ro' 75 %ay 1981. .(ese *e!!ers o$ 0uara#!ee )ere se,ure& by F1G a ;ee& o$ 9#&er!a-"#017e3e,u!e& by res1o#&e#!s EPECI, @1ouses E",e#!e P. Euseb"o a#& @o*e&a& C. Euseb"o, 3-P*e3, a#& @1ouses E&uar&o E. @a#!os a#& I*u'"#a&a @a#!osD a#& F7G a sure!y bo#&13 "ssue& by res1o#&e#! F"rs! I#!e0ra!e& 2o#&"#0 a#& I#sura#,e Co'1a#y, I#,. FFI2ICIG. .(e @ure!y 2o#& )as *a!er a'e#&e& o# 73 Ju#e 1981 !o "#,rease !(e a'ou#! o$ ,overa0e $ro' P:.4 '"**"o# !o P:.9:6 '"**"o# a#& !o ,(a#0e !(e ba#- "# )(ose $avor !(e 1e!"!"o#erAs 0uara#!ee )as "ssue&, $ro' Ra$"&a"# 2a#- !o 4* 4(*" 2a#- o$ Ku)a"!.14 O# 11 Ju#e 1981, @O2 a#& !(e +o"#! ve#!ure EPECI a#& 4+ya* e3e,u!e& !(e serv",e ,o#!ra,! 15 $or !(e ,o#s!ru,!"o# o$ !(e I#s!"!u!e o$ P(ys",a* .(era1y %e&",a* Re(ab"*"!a!"o# Ce#!er, P(ase II, "# 2a0(&a&, IraB, )(ere"# !(e +o"#! ve#!ure ,o#!ra,!or u#&er!oo- !o ,o'1*e!e !(e Pro+e,! )"!("# a 1er"o& o$ 546 &ays or 18 'o#!(s. 9#&er !(e Co#!ra,!, !(e Jo"#! Ee#!ure )ou*& su11*y 'a#1o)er a#& 'a!er"a*s, a#& @O2 )ou*& re$u#& !o !(e $or'er 75< o$ !(e 1ro+e,! ,os! "# IraB" ;"#ar a#& !(e 65< "# 9@ &o**ars a! !(e e3,(a#0e ra!e o$ 1 ;"#ar !o 3.36666 9@ ;o**ars.1: .(e ,o#s!ru,!"o#, )(",( )as su11ose& !o s!ar! o# 7 Ju#e 1981, ,o''e#,e& o#*y o# !(e *as! )ee- o$ 4u0us! 1981. 2e,ause o$ !("s &e*ay a#& !(e s*o) 1ro0ress o$ !(e ,o#s!ru,!"o# )or- &ue !o so'e se!ba,-s a#& &"$$",u*!"es, !(e Pro+e,! )as #o! ,o'1*e!e& o# 15 Nove'ber 1987 as s,(e&u*e&. 2u! "# O,!ober 1987, u1o# $oresee"#0 !(e "'1oss"b"*"!y o$ 'ee!"#0 !(e &ea&*"#e a#& u1o# !(e reBues! o$ 4* 4(*" 2a#-, !(e +o"#! ve#!ure ,o#!ra,!or )or-e& $or !(e re#e)a* or e3!e#s"o# o$ !(e Per$or'a#,e 2o#& a#& 4&va#,e Pay'e#! Guara#!ee. Pe!"!"o#erAs Le!!ers o$ Guara#!ee Nos. 81-194-F FPer$or'a#,e 2o#&G a#& 81-195-F F4&va#,e Pay'e#! 2o#&G )"!( e31"ry &a!e o$ 75 Nove'ber 1987 )ere !(e# re#e)e& or e3!e#&e& !o 9 February 1983 a#& 9 %ar,( 1983, res1e,!"ve*y. 16 .(e sure!y bo#& )as a*so e3!e#&e& $or a#o!(er 1er"o& o$ o#e year, $ro' 17 %ay 1987 !o 17 %ay 1983.18 .(e Per$or'a#,e 2o#& )as $ur!(er e3!e#&e& !)e*ve !"'es )"!( va*"&"!y o$ u1 !o 8 ;e,e'ber 198:, 19 )("*e !(e 4&va#,e Pay'e#! Guara#!ee )as e3!e#&e& !(ree !"'es 'ore u1 !o 74 %ay 1984 )(e# !(e *a!!er )as ,a#,e**e& a$!er $u** re$u#& or re"'burse'e#! by !(e +o"#! ve#!ure ,o#!ra,!or. 70 .(e sure!y bo#& )as *"-e)"se e3!e#&e& !o 8 %ay 1986.71 4s o$ %ar,( 198:, !(e s!a!us o$ !(e Pro+e,! )as 51< a,,o'1*"s(e&, 'ea#"#0 !(e s!ru,!ures )ere a*rea&y $"#"s(e&. .(e re'a"#"#0 46< ,o#s"s!e& "# e*e,!ro-'e,(a#",a* )or-s a#& !(e 7<, sa#"!ary )or-s, )(",( bo!( reBu"re& "'1or!a!"o# o$ eBu"1'e#! a#& 'a!er"a*s. 77 O# 7: O,!ober 198:, 4* 4(*" 2a#- o$ Ku)a"! se#! a !e*e3 ,a** !o !(e 1e!"!"o#er &e'a#&"#0 $u** 1ay'e#! o$ "!s 1er$or'a#,e bo#& ,ou#!er-0uara#!ee. 91o# re,e"v"#0 a ,o1y o$ !(a! !e*e3 'essa0e o# 76 O,!ober 198:, res1o#&e#! EPECI reBues!e& IraB .ra&e a#& E,o#o'", ;eve*o1'e#! %"#"s!er %o(a''a& Fa&(" /usse"# !o re,a** !(e !e*e3 ,a** o# !(e 1er$or'a#,e 0uara#!ee $or be"#0 a &ras!", a,!"o# "# ,o#!rave#!"o# o$ "!s 'u!ua* a0ree'e#! )"!( !(e *a!!er !(a! F1G !(e "'1os"!"o# o$ 1e#a*!y )ou*& be (e*& "# abeya#,e u#!"* !(e ,o'1*e!"o# o$ !(e 1ro+e,!D a#& F7G !(e !"'e e3!e#s"o# )ou*& be o1e#, &e1e#&"#0 o# !(e &eve*o1'e#!s o# !(e #e0o!"a!"o#s $or a $ore"0# *oa# !o $"#a#,e !(e ,o'1*e!"o# o$ !(e 1ro+e,!.73 I! a*so )ro!e @O2 1ro!es!"#0 !(e ,a** $or *a,- o$ $a,!ua* or *e0a* bas"s, s"#,e !(e $a"*ure !o ,o'1*e!e !(e Pro+e,! )as &ue !o F1G !(e IraB" 0over#'e#!As *a,- o$ $ore"0# e3,(a#0e )"!( )(",( !o 1ay "!s FEPECIAsG a,,o'1*"s('e#!s a#& F7G @O2As #o#,o'1*"a#,e $or !(e 1as! severa* years )"!( !(e 1rov"s"o# "# !(e ,o#!ra,! !(a! 65< o$ !(e b"**"#0s )ou*& be 1a"& "# 9@ &o**ars.74 @ubseBue#!*y, or o# 19 Nove'ber 198:, res1o#&e#! EPECI a&v"se& !(e 1e!"!"o#er #o! !o 1ay ye! 4* 4(*" 2a#- be,ause e$$or!s )ere be"#0 e3er!e& $or !(e a'",ab*e se!!*e'e#! o$ !(e Pro+e,!.75

O# 14 41r"* 1986, !(e 1e!"!"o#er re,e"ve& a#o!(er !e*e3 'essa0e $ro' 4* 4(*" 2a#- s!a!"#0 !(a! "! (a& a*rea&y 1a"& !o Ra$"&a"# 2a#- !(e su' o$ 9@N86:,5:4 u#&er "!s *e!!er o$ 0uara#!ee, a#& &e'a#&"#0 re"'burse'e#! by !(e 1e!"!"o#er o$ )(a! "! 1a"& !o !(e *a!!er ba#- 1*us "#!eres! !(ereo# a#& re*a!e& e31e#ses.7: 2o!( 1e!"!"o#er P("*0uara#!ee a#& res1o#&e#! EPECI sou0(! !(e ass"s!a#,e o$ so'e 0over#'e#! a0e#,"es o$ !(e P("*"11"#es. O# 10 4u0us! 1986, EPECI reBues!e& !(e Ce#!ra* 2a#- !o (o*& "# abeya#,e !(e 1ay'e#! by !(e 1e!"!"o#er 5!o a**o) !(e &"1*o'a!", 'a,("#ery !o !a-e "!s ,ourse, $or o!(er)"se, !(e P("*"11"#e 0over#'e#! , !(rou0( !(e P("*0uara#!ee a#& !(e Ce#!ra* 2a#-, )ou*& be,o'e "#s!ru'e#!s o$ !(e IraB" Gover#'e#! "# ,o#su''a!"#0 a ,*ear a,! o$ "#+us!",e a#& "#eBu"!y ,o''"!!e& a0a"#s! a F"*"1"#o ,o#!ra,!or.576 O# 76 4u0us! 1986, !(e Ce#!ra* 2a#- au!(or"Ie& !(e re'"!!a#,e $or "!s a,,ou#! o$ !(e a'ou#! o$ 9@N86:,5:4 FeBu"va*e#! !o I;761, 8088:10G !o 4* 4(*" 2a#- re1rese#!"#0 $u** 1ay'e#! o$ !(e 1er$or'a#,e ,ou#!er-0uara#!ee $or EPECIAs 1ro+e,! "# IraB. 78 O# : Nove'ber 1986, P("*0uara#!ee "#$or'e& EPECI !(a! "! )ou*& re'"! 9@N86:,5:4 !o 4* 4(*" 2a#-, a#& re"!era!e& !(e +o"#! a#& so*"&ary ob*"0a!"o# o$ !(e res1o#&e#!s !o re"'burse !(e 1e!"!"o#er $or !(e a&va#,es 'a&e o# "!s ,ou#!er-0uara#!ee.79 .(e 1e!"!"o#er !(us 1a"& !(e a'ou#! o$ 9@N86:,5:4 !o 4* 4(*" 2a#- o$ Ku)a"! o# 71 Ja#uary 1988.30 .(e#, o# : %ay 1988, !(e 1e!"!"o#er 1a"& !o 4* 4(*" 2a#- o$ Ku)a"! 9@N59,179.83 re1rese#!"#0 "#!eres! a#& 1e#a*!y ,(ar0es &e'a#&e& by !(e *a!!er ba#-.31 O# 19 Ju#e 1991, !(e 1e!"!"o#er se#! !o !(e res1o#&e#!s se1ara!e *e!!ers &e'a#&"#0 $u** 1ay'e#! o$ !(e a'ou#! o$P46,867,363.98 1*us a,,ru"#0 "#!eres!, 1e#a*!y ,(ar0es, a#& 10< a!!or#eyAs $ees 1ursua#! !o !(e"r +o"#! a#& so*"&ary ob*"0a!"o#s u#&er !(e &ee& o$ u#&er!a-"#0 a#& sure!y bo#&.37 C(e# !(e res1o#&e#!s $a"*e& !o 1ay, !(e 1e!"!"o#er $"*e& o# 9 Ju*y 1991 a ,"v"* ,ase $or ,o**e,!"o# o$ a su' o$ 'o#ey a0a"#s! !(e res1o#&e#!s be$ore !(e R.C o$ %a-a!" C"!y. 4$!er &ue !r"a*, !(e !r"a* ,our! ru*e& a0a"#s! P("*0uara#!ee a#& (e*& !(a! !(e *a!!er (a& #o va*"& ,ause o$ a,!"o# a0a"#s! !(e res1o#&e#!s. I! o1"#e& !(a! a! !(e !"'e !(e ,a** )as 'a&e o# !(e 0uara#!ee )(",( )as e3e,u!e& $or a s1e,"$", 1er"o&, !(e 0uara#!ee (a& a*rea&y *a1se& or e31"re&. .(ere )as #o va*"& re#e)a* or e3!e#s"o# o$ !(e 0uara#!ee $or $a"*ure o$ !(e 1e!"!"o#er !o se,ure res1o#&e#!sA e31ress ,o#se#! !(ere!o. .(e !r"a* ,our! a*so $ou#& !(a! !(e +o"#! ve#!ure ,o#!ra,!or "#,urre& #o &e*ay "# !(e e3e,u!"o# o$ !(e Pro+e,!. Co#s"&er"#0 !(e Pro+e,! o)#erAs v"o*a!"o#s o$ !(e ,o#!ra,! )(",( re#&ere& "'1oss"b*e !(e +o"#! ve#!ure ,o#!ra,!orAs 1er$or'a#,e o$ "!s u#&er!a-"#0, #o va*"& ,a** o# !(e 0uara#!ee ,ou*& be 'a&e. Fur!(er'ore, !(e !r"a* ,our! (e*& !(a! #o va*"& #o!",e )as $"rs! 'a&e by !(e Pro+e,! o)#er @O2 !o !(e +o"#! ve#!ure ,o#!ra,!or be$ore !(e ,a** o# !(e 0uara#!ee. 4,,or&"#0*y, "! &"s'"sse& !(e ,o'1*a"#!, as )e** as !(e ,ou#!er,*a"'s a#& ,ross-,*a"', a#& or&ere& !(e 1e!"!"o#er !o 1ay a!!or#eyAs $ees o$P100,000 !o res1o#&e#!s EPECI a#& Euseb"o @1ouses a#& P100,000 !o 3-P*e3 a#& !(e @a#!os @1ouses, 1*us ,os!s.33 I# "!s 14 Ju#e 1999 ;e,"s"o#,34 !(e Cour! o$ 411ea*s a$$"r'e& !(e !r"a* ,our!As &e,"s"o#, ra!"o,"#a!"#0 as $o**o)s ?irst, a11e**a#! ,a##o! &e#y !(e $a,! !(a! "! )as $u**y a)are o$ !(e s!a!us o$ 1ro+e,! "'1*e'e#!a!"o# as )e** as !(e 1rob*e's bese!!"#0 !(e ,o#!ra,!ors, be!)ee# 1987 !o 1985, (av"#0 se#! so'e o$ "!s 1eo1*e !o 2a0(&a& &ur"#0 !(a! 1er"o&. .(e su,,ess"ve re#e)a*s8e3!e#s"o#s o$ !(e 0uara#!ees "# $a,!, )as 1ro'1!e& by &e*ays, #o! so*e*y a!!r"bu!ab*e !o !(e ,o#!ra,!ors, a#& su,( e3!e#s"o# u#&ers!a#&ab*y a**o)e& by !(e @O2 F1ro+e,! o)#erG )(",( (a& #o! a#y)ay ,o'1*"e& )"!( "!s ,o#!ra,!ua* ,o''"!'e#! !o !e#&er 65< o$ 1ay'e#! "# 9@ ;o**ars, a#& )(",( s!"** re!a"#e& over&ue a'ou#!s ,o**e,!"b*e by EPECI.

#econd, a11e**a#! )as very 'u,( a)are o$ !(e v"o*a!"o#s ,o''"!!e& by !(e @O2 o$ "!s ,o#!ra,!ua* u#&er!a-"#0s )"!( EPECI, 1r"#,"1a**y, !(e 1ay'e#! o$ $ore"0# ,urre#,y F9@NG $or 65< o$ !(e !o!a* ,o#!ra,! 1r",e, as )e** as o$ !(e ,o'1*",a!"o#s a#& "#+us!",e !(a! )"** resu*! $ro' "!s 1ay'e#! o$ !(e $u** a'ou#! o$ !(e 1er$or'a#,e 0uara#!ee, as ev"&e#! "# P/ILG94R4N.EEAs *e!!er &a!e& 13 %ay 1986 . ;hird, a11e**a#! )as $u**y a)are !(a! @O2 )as "# $a,! s!"** ob*"0a!e& !o !(e Jo"#! Ee#!ure a#& !(ere )as s!"** a# a'ou#! ,o**e,!"b*e $ro' a#& s!"** be"#0 re!a"#e& by !(e 1ro+e,! o)#er, )(",( a'ou#! ,a# be se!-o$$ )"!( !(e su' ,overe& by !(e 1er$or'a#,e 0uara#!ee. ?ourth, )e**-a11r"se& o$ !(e above ,o#&"!"o#s ob!a"#"#0 a! !(e Pro+e,! s"!e a#& ,o0#"Ia#! o$ !(e )ar s"!ua!"o# a! !(e !"'e "# IraB, a11e**a#!, !(ou0( ear*"er (as 'a&e re1rese#!a!"o#s )"!( !(e @O2 re0ar&"#0 a 1oss"b*e a'",ab*e !er'"#a!"o# o$ !(e Pro+e,! as su00es!e& by EPECI, 'a&e a ,o'1*e!e !ur#-arou#& a#& "#s"s!e& o# a,!"#0 "# $avor o$ !(e u#+us!"$"e& 5,a**5 by !(e $ore"0# ba#-s. 35 .(e 1e!"!"o#er !(e# ,a'e !o !("s Cour! v"a Ru*e 45 o$ !(e Ru*es o$ Cour! ,*a"'"#0 !(a! !(e Cour! o$ 411ea*s erre& "# a$$"r'"#0 !(e !r"a* ,our!As ru*"#0 !(a! I RE@PON;EN.@ 4RE NO. LI42LE 9N;ER ./E ;EE; OF 9N;ER.4KING ./EO EPEC9.E; IN F4EOR OF PE.I.IONER IN CON@I;ER4.ION FOR ./E I@@94NCE OF I.@ CO9N.ER-G94R4N.EE 4N; ./4. PE.I.IONER C4NNO. P4@@ ON .O RE@PON;EN.@ C/4. I. /4; P4I; 9N;ER ./E @4I; CO9N.ERG94R4N.EE. II PE.I.IONER C4NNO. CL4I% @92ROG4.ION. III I. I@ INIJ9I.O9@ 4N; 9NJ9@. FOR PE.I.IONER .O /OL; RE@PON;EN.@ LI42LE 9N;ER ./EIR ;EE; OF 9N;ER.4KING.3: .(e 'a"# "ssue "# !("s ,ase "s )(e!(er !(e 1e!"!"o#er "s e#!"!*e& !o re"'burse'e#! o$ )(a! "! 1a"& u#&er Le!!er o$ Guara#!ee No. 81-194-F "! "ssue& !o 4* 4(*" 2a#- o$ Ku)a"! base& o# !(e &ee& o$ u#&er!a-"#0 a#& sure!y bo#& $ro' !(e res1o#&e#!s. .(e 1e!"!"o#er asser!s !(a! s"#,e !(e 0uara#!ee "! "ssue& )as abso*u!e, u#,o#&"!"o#a*, a#& "rrevo,ab*e !(e #a!ure a#& e3!e#! o$ "!s *"ab"*"!y are a#a*o0ous !o !(ose o$ sure!ys("1. I!s *"ab"*"!y a,,rue& u1o# !(e $a"*ure o$ !(e res1o#&e#!s !o $"#"s( !(e ,o#s!ru,!"o# o$ !(e I#s!"!u!e o$ P(ys",a* .(era1y 2u"*&"#0s "# 2a0(&a&. 2y 0uara#!y a 1erso#, ,a**e& !(e 0uara#!or, b"#&s ("'se*$ !o !(e ,re&"!or !o $u*$"** !(e ob*"0a!"o# o$ !(e 1r"#,"1a* &eb!or "# ,ase !(e *a!!er s(ou*& $a"* !o &o so. I$ a 1erso# b"#&s ("'se*$ so*"&ar"*y )"!( !(e 1r"#,"1a* &eb!or, !(e ,o#!ra,! "s ,a**e& sure!ys("1. 36 @!r",!*y s1ea-"#0, 0uara#!y a#& sure!y are #ear*y re*a!e&, a#& 'a#y o$ !(e 1r"#,"1*es are ,o''o# !o bo!(. I# bo!( ,o#!ra,!s, !(ere "s a 1ro'"se !o a#s)er $or !(e &eb! or &e$au*! o$ a#o!(er. /o)ever, "# !("s +ur"s&",!"o#, !(ey 'ay be &"s!"#0u"s(e& !(us 1. 4 sure!y "s usua**y bou#& )"!( ("s 1r"#,"1a* by !(e sa'e "#s!ru'e#! e3e,u!e& a! !(e sa'e !"'e a#& o# !(e sa'e ,o#s"&era!"o#. O# !(e o!(er (a#&, !(e ,o#!ra,! o$ 0uara#!y "s !(e 0uara#!orAs o)#

se1ara!e u#&er!a-"#0 o$!e# su11or!e& by a ,o#s"&era!"o# se1ara!e $ro' !(a! su11or!"#0 !(e ,o#!ra,! o$ !(e 1r"#,"1a*D !(e or"0"#a* ,o#!ra,! o$ ("s 1r"#,"1a* "s #o! ("s ,o#!ra,!. 7. 4 sure!y assu'es *"ab"*"!y as a re0u*ar 1ar!y !o !(e u#&er!a-"#0D )("*e !(e *"ab"*"!y o$ a 0uara#!or "s ,o#&"!"o#a* &e1e#&"#0 o# !(e $a"*ure o$ !(e 1r"'ary &eb!or !o 1ay !(e ob*"0a!"o#. 3. .(e ob*"0a!"o# o$ a sure!y "s 1r"'ary, )("*e !(a! o$ a 0uara#!or "s se,o#&ary. 4. 4 sure!y "s a# or"0"#a* 1ro'"ssor a#& &eb!or $ro' !(e be0"##"#0, )("*e a 0uara#!or "s ,(ar0e& o# ("s o)# u#&er!a-"#0. 5. 4 sure!y "s, or&"#ar"*y, (e*& !o -#o) every &e$au*! o$ ("s 1r"#,"1a*D )(ereas a 0uara#!or "s #o! bou#& !o !a-e #o!",e o$ !(e #o#-1er$or'a#,e o$ ("s 1r"#,"1a*. :. 9sua**y, a sure!y )"** #o! be &"s,(ar0e& e"!(er by !(e 'ere "#&u*0e#,e o$ !(e ,re&"!or !o !(e 1r"#,"1a* or by )a#! o$ #o!",e o$ !(e &e$au*! o$ !(e 1r"#,"1a*, #o 'a!!er (o) 'u,( (e 'ay be "#+ure& !(ereby. 4 0uara#!or "s o$!e# &"s,(ar0e& by !(e 'ere "#&u*0e#,e o$ !(e ,re&"!or !o !(e 1r"#,"1a*, a#& "s usua**y #o! *"ab*e u#*ess #o!"$"e& o$ !(e &e$au*! o$ !(e 1r"#,"1a*. 38 I# &e!er'"#"#0 1e!"!"o#erAs s!a!us, "! "s #e,essary !o rea& Le!!er o$ Guara#!ee No. 81-194-F, )(",( 1rov"&es "# 1ar! as $o**o)s I# ,o#s"&era!"o# o$ your "ssu"#0 !(e above 1er$or'a#,e 0uara#!ee8,ou#!er-0uara#!ee, )e (ereby u#,o#&"!"o#a**y a#& "rrevo,ab*y 0uara#!ee, u#&er our Re$. No. LG-81-194 F !o 1ay you o# your $"rs! )r"!!e# or !e*e3 &e'a#& IraB ;"#ars .)o /u#&re& @eve#!y O#e .(ousa#& E"0(! /u#&re& E"0(! a#& $"*s s"3 (u#&re& !e# FI;761,8088:10G re1rese#!"#0 100< o$ !(e 1er$or'a#,e bo#& reBu"re& o$ E.P. E9@E2IO $or !(e ,o#s!ru,!"o# o$ !(e P(ys",a* .(era1y I#s!"!u!e, P(ase II, 2a0(&a&, IraB, 1*us "#!eres! a#& o!(er "#,"&e#!a* e31e#ses re*a!e& !(ere!o. In 456 676n4 (8 d68a1,4 92 V.P. EUSEBIO, :6 ;5a,, )a2 2(1 1&&< (8 456 (9,+=a4+(n 1n)a+d bu! "# #o ,ase s(a** su,( a'ou#! e3,ee& IraB ;"#ars FI;G 761,8088:10 1*us "#!eres! a#& o!(er "#,"&e#!a* e31e#ses. F>.phasis supp%iedG39 Gu"&e& by !(e above'e#!"o#e& &"s!"#,!"o#s be!)ee# a sure!y a#& a 0uara#!y, as )e** as !(e $a,!ua* '"*"eu o$ !("s ,ase, )e $"#& !(a! !(e Cour! o$ 411ea*s a#& !(e !r"a* ,our! )ere ,orre,! "# ru*"#0 !(a! !(e 1e!"!"o#er "s a 0uara#!or a#& #o! a sure!y. .(a! !(e 0uara#!ee "ssue& by !(e 1e!"!"o#er "s u#,o#&"!"o#a* a#& "rrevo,ab*e &oes #o! 'a-e !(e 1e!"!"o#er a sure!y. 4s a 0uara#!y, "! "s s!"** ,(ara,!er"Ie& by "!s subs"&"ary a#& ,o#&"!"o#a* Bua*"!y be,ause "! &oes #o! !a-e e$$e,! u#!"* !(e $u*$"**'e#! o$ !(e ,o#&"!"o#, #a'e*y, !(a! !(e 1r"#,"1a* ob*"0or s(ou*& $a"* "# ("s ob*"0a!"o# a! !(e !"'e a#& "# !(e $or' (e bou#& ("'se*$.40 I# o!(er )or&s, a# u#,o#&"!"o#a* 0uara#!ee "s s!"** sub+e,! !o !(e ,o#&"!"o# !(a! !(e 1r"#,"1a* &eb!or s(ou*& &e$au*! "# ("s ob*"0a!"o# $"rs! be$ore resor! !o !(e 0uara#!or ,ou*& be (a&. 4 ,o#&"!"o#a* 0uara#!y, as o11ose& !o a# u#,o#&"!"o#a* 0uara#!y, "s o#e )(",( &e1e#&s u1o# so'e e3!ra#eous eve#!, beyo#& !(e 'ere &e$au*! o$ !(e 1r"#,"1a*, a#& 0e#era**y u1o# #o!",e o$ !(e 1r"#,"1a*As &e$au*! a#& reaso#ab*e &"*"0e#,e "# e3(aus!"#0 1ro1er re'e&"es a0a"#s! !(e 1r"#,"1a*.41 I! a11ear"#0 !(a! Le!!er o$ Guara#!ee No. 81-194-F 'ere*y s!a!e& !(a! "# !(e eve#! o$ &e$au*! by res1o#&e#! EPECI !(e 1e!"!"o#er s(a** 1ay, !(e ob*"0a!"o# assu'e& by !(e 1e!"!"o#er )as s"'1*y !(a! o$ a# u#,o#&"!"o#a* 0uara#!y, #o! ,o#&"!"o#a* 0uara#!y. 2u! as ear*"er ru*e& !(e $a,! !(a! 1e!"!"o#erAs 0uara#!y "s u#,o#&"!"o#a* &oes #o! 'a-e "! a sure!y. 2es"&es, sure!y "s #ever 1resu'e&. 4 1ar!y s(ou*& #o! be ,o#s"&ere& a sure!y )(ere !(e ,o#!ra,! "!se*$ s!"1u*a!es !(a! (e "s a,!"#0 o#*y as a 0uara#!or. I! "s o#*y )(e# !(e 0uara#!or b"#&s ("'se*$ so*"&ar"*y )"!( !(e 1r"#,"1a* &eb!or !(a! !(e ,o#!ra,! be,o'es o#e o$ sure!ys("1.47

/av"#0 &e!er'"#e& 1e!"!"o#erAs *"ab"*"!y as 0uara#!or, !(e #e3! Bues!"o# )e (ave !o 0ra11*e )"!( "s )(e!(er !(e res1o#&e#! ,o#!ra,!or (as d68a1,46d "# "!s ob*"0a!"o#s !(a! )ou*& +us!"$y resor! !o !(e 0uara#!y. .("s "s a '"3e& Bues!"o# o$ $a,! a#& *a) !(a! "s be!!er a&&resse& by !(e *o)er ,our!s, s"#,e !("s Cour! "s #o! a !r"er o$ $a,!s. I! "s a $u#&a'e#!a* a#& se!!*e& ru*e !(a! !(e $"#&"#0s o$ $a,! o$ !(e !r"a* ,our! a#& !(e Cour! o$ 411ea*s are b"#&"#0 or ,o#,*us"ve u1o# !("s Cour! u#*ess !(ey are #o! su11or!e& by !(e ev"&e#,e or u#*ess s!ro#0 a#& ,o0e#! reaso#s &",!a!e o!(er)"se.43 .(e $a,!ua* $"#&"#0s o$ !(e Cour! o$ 411ea*s are #or'a**y #o! rev"e)ab*e by us u#&er Ru*e 45 o$ !(e Ru*es o$ Cour! e3,e1! )(e# !(ey are a! var"a#,e )"!( !(ose o$ !(e !r"a* ,our!. 44 .(e !r"a* ,our! a#& !(e Cour! o$ 411ea*s )ere "# u#"so# !(a! !(e res1o#&e#! ,o#!ra,!or ,a##o! be ,o#s"&ere& !o (ave &e$au*!e& "# "!s ob*"0a!"o#s be,ause !(e ,ause o$ !(e &e*ay )as #o! 1r"'ar"*y a!!r"bu!ab*e !o "!. 4 ,oro**ary "ssue "s )(a! *a) s(ou*& be a11*"e& "# &e!er'"#"#0 )(e!(er !(e res1o#&e#! ,o#!ra,!or (as d68a1,46d "# !(e 1er$or'a#,e o$ "!s ob*"0a!"o#s u#&er !(e serv",e ,o#!ra,!. .(e Bues!"o# o$ )(e!(er !(ere "s a brea,( o$ a# a0ree'e#!, )(",( "#,*u&es d68a1,4 or .ora,45 1er!a"#s !o !(e esse#!"a* or "#!r"#s", va*"&"!y o$ a ,o#!ra,!. 4: No ,o#$*",!s ru*e o# esse#!"a* va*"&"!y o$ ,o#!ra,!s "s e31ress*y 1rov"&e& $or "# our *a)s. .(e ru*e $o**o)e& by 'os! *e0a* sys!e's, (o)ever, "s !(a! !(e "#!r"#s", va*"&"!y o$ a ,o#!ra,! 'us! be 0over#e& by !(e %ex contractus or 51ro1er *a) o$ !(e ,o#!ra,!.5 .("s "s !(e *a) vo*u#!ar"*y a0ree& u1o# by !(e 1ar!"es F!(e %ex %oci vo%untatisG or !(e *a) "#!e#&e& by !(e' e"!(er e31ress*y or "'1*","!*y F!(e %ex %oci intentionisG. .(e *a) se*e,!e& 'ay be "'1*"e& $ro' su,( $a,!ors as subs!a#!"a* ,o##e,!"o# )"!( !(e !ra#sa,!"o#, or !(e #a!"o#a*"!y or &o'","*e o$ !(e 1ar!"es.46 P("*"11"#e ,our!s )ou*& &o )e** !o a&o1! !(e $"rs! a#& 'os! bas", ru*e "# 'os! *e0a* sys!e's, #a'e*y, to a%%o, the parties to se%ect the %a, app%ica-%e to their contract, su-2ect to the %i.itation that it is not against the %a,, .ora%s, or pu-%ic po%ic$ of the foru. and that the chosen %a, .ust -ear a su-stantive re%ationship to the transaction . 48 I! 'us! be #o!e& !(a! !(e serv",e ,o#!ra,! be!)ee# @O2 a#& EPECI ,o#!a"#s #o e31ress ,(o",e o$ !(e *a) !(a! )ou*& 0over# "!. I# !(e 9#"!e& @!a!es a#& Euro1e, !(e !)o ru*es !(a! #o) see' !o (ave e'er0e& as 5-"#0s o$ !(e ("**5 are F1G !(e 1ar!"es 'ay ,(oose !(e 0over#"#0 *a)D a#& F7G "# !(e abse#,e o$ su,( a ,(o",e, !(e a11*",ab*e *a) "s !(a! o$ !(e @!a!e !(a! 5(as !(e 'os! s"0#"$",a#! re*a!"o#s("1 !o !(e !ra#sa,!"o# a#& !(e 1ar!"es.549 4#o!(er au!(or"!y 1ro1ose& !(a! a** 'a!!ers re*a!"#0 !o !(e !"'e, 1*a,e, a#& 'a##er o$ 1er$or'a#,e a#& va*"& e3,uses $or #o#-1er$or'a#,e are &e!er'"#e& by !(e *a) o$ !(e 1*a,e o$ 1er$or'a#,e or %ex %oci so%utionis, )(",( "s use$u* be,ause "! "s u#&oub!e&*y a*)ays ,o##e,!e& !o !(e ,o#!ra,! "# a s"0#"$",a#! )ay.50 I# !("s ,ase, !(e *a)s o$ IraB bear subs!a#!"a* ,o##e,!"o# !o !(e !ra#sa,!"o#, s"#,e o#e o$ !(e 1ar!"es "s !(e IraB" Gover#'e#! a#& !(e 1*a,e o$ 1er$or'a#,e "s "# IraB. /e#,e, !(e "ssue o$ )(e!(er res1o#&e#! EPECI &e$au*!e& "# "!s ob*"0a!"o#s 'ay be &e!er'"#e& by !(e *a)s o$ IraB. /o)ever, s"#,e !(a! $ore"0# *a) )as #o! 1ro1er*y 1*ea&e& or 1rove&, !(e 1resu'1!"o# o$ "&e#!"!y or s"'"*ar"!y, o!(er)"se -#o)# as !(e processua% presu.ption, ,o'es "#!o 1*ay. C(ere $ore"0# *a) "s #o! 1*ea&e& or, eve# "$ 1*ea&e&, "s #o! 1rove&, !(e 1resu'1!"o# "s !(a! $ore"0# *a) "s !(e sa'e as ours.51 Our *a), s1e,"$",a**y 4r!",*e 11:9, *as! 1ara0ra1(, o$ !(e C"v"* Co&e, 1rov"&es 5I# re,"1ro,a* ob*"0a!"o#s, #e"!(er 1ar!y "#,urs "# &e*ay "$ !(e o!(er 1ar!y &oes #o! ,o'1*y or "s #o! rea&y !o ,o'1*y "# a 1ro1er 'a##er )"!( )(a! "s "#,u'be#! u1o# ("'.5 ;e$au*! or .ora o# !(e 1ar! o$ !(e &eb!or "s !(e &e*ay "# !(e $u*$"**'e#! o$ !(e 1res!a!"o# by reaso# o$ a ,ause "'1u!ab*e !o !(e $or'er. 57 I! "s !(e #o#-$u*$"**'e#! o$ a# ob*"0a!"o# )"!( res1e,! !o !"'e.53 I! "s u#&"s1u!e& !(a! o#*y 51.6< o$ !(e !o!a* )or- (a& bee# a,,o'1*"s(e&. .(e 48.3< u#$"#"s(e& 1or!"o# ,o#s"s!e& "# !(e 1ur,(ase a#& "#s!a**a!"o# o$ e*e,!ro-'e,(a#",a* eBu"1'e#! a#& 'a!er"a*s, )(",( )ere ava"*ab*e $ro' $ore"0# su11*"ers, !(us reBu"r"#0 9@ ;o**ars $or !(e"r "'1or!a!"o#. .(e

'o#!(*y b"**"#0s a#& 1ay'e#!s 'a&e by @O254 revea* !(a! !(e a0ree'e#! be!)ee# !(e 1ar!"es )as a 1er"o&", 1ay'e#! by !(e Pro+e,! o)#er !o !(e ,o#!ra,!or &e1e#&"#0 o# !(e 1er,e#!a0e o$ a,,o'1*"s('e#! )"!("# !(e 1er"o&. 55 .(e 1ay'e#!s )ere, "# !ur#, !o be use& by !(e ,o#!ra,!or !o $"#a#,e !(e subseBue#! 1(ase o$ !(e )or-. 5: /o)ever, as e31*a"#e& by EPECI "# "!s *e!!er !o !(e ;e1ar!'e#! o$ Fore"0# 4$$a"rs F;F4G, !(e 1ay'e#! by @O2 1ure*y "# ;"#ars a&verse*y a$$e,!e& !(e ,o'1*e!"o# o$ !(e 1ro+e,!D !(us 4. ;es1"!e 1ro!es!s $ro' !(e 1*a"#!"$$, @O2 ,o#!"#ue& 1ay"#0 !(e a,,o'1*"s('e#! b"**"#0s o$ !(e Co#!ra,!or 1ure*y "# IraB" ;"#ars a#& )(",( 1ay'e#! ,a'e o#*y a$!er so'e &e*ays. 5. @O2 "s $u**y a)are o$ !(e $o**o)"#0 5.7 .(a! P*a"#!"$$ "s a $ore"0# ,o#!ra,!or "# IraB a#& as su,(, )ou*& #ee& $ore"0# ,urre#,y F9@NG, !o $"#a#,e !(e 1ur,(ase o$ var"ous eBu"1'e#!, 'a!er"a*s, su11*"es, !oo*s a#& !o 1ay $or !(e ,os! o$ 1ro+e,! 'a#a0e'e#!, su1erv"s"o# a#& s-"**e& *abor #o! ava"*ab*e "# IraB a#& !(ere$ore (ave !o be "'1or!e& a#& or ob!a"#e& $ro' !(e P("*"11"#es a#& o!(er sour,es ou!s"&e IraB. 5.3 .(a! !(e %"#"s!ry o$ Labor a#& E'1*oy'e#! o$ !(e P("*"11"#es reBu"res !(e re'"!!a#,e "#!o !(e P("*"11"#es o$ 60< o$ !(e sa*ar"es o$ F"*"1"#o )or-ers )or-"#0 abroa& "# 9@ ;o**arsD 5.5 .(a! !(e IraB" ;"#ar "s #o! a $ree*y ,o#ver!"b*e ,urre#,y su,( !(a! !(e sa'e ,a##o! be use& !o 1ur,(ase eBu"1'e#!, 'a!er"a*s, su11*"es, e!,. ou!s"&e o$ IraBD 5.: .(a! 'os! o$ !(e 'a!er"a*s s1e,"$"e& by @O2 "# !(e CON.R4C. are #o! ava"*ab*e "# IraB a#& !(ere$ore (ave !o be "'1or!e&D 5.6 .(a! !(e 0over#'e#! o$ IraB 1ro("b"!s !(e br"#0"#0 o$ *o,a* ,urre#,y FIraBu" ;"#arsG ou! o$ IraB a#& (e#,e, "'1or!e& 'a!er"a*s, eBu"1'e#!, e!,., ,a##o! be 1ur,(ase& or ob!a"#e& us"#0 IraBu" ;"#ars as 'e&"u' o$ a,Bu"s"!"o#. 8. Fo**o)"#0 !(e a11rove& ,o#s!ru,!"o# 1ro0ra' o$ !(e CON.R4C., u1o# ,o'1*e!"o# o$ !(e ,"v"* )or-s 1or!"o# o$ !(e "#s!a**a!"o# o$ eBu"1'e#! $or !(e bu"*&"#0, s(ou*& "''e&"a!e*y $o**o), (o)ever, !(e CON.R4C. s1e,"$"e& !(a! !(ese eBu"1'e#! )(",( are !o be "#s!a**e& a#& !o $or' 1ar! o$ !(e PROJEC. (ave !o be 1ro,ure& ou!s"&e IraB s"#,e !(ese are #o! be"#0 *o,a**y 'a#u$a,!ure&. Co1y $ !(e re*eva#! 1or!"o# o$ !(e .e,(#",a* @1e,"$",a!"o# "s (ere!o a!!a,(e& as 4##e3 5C5 a#& 'a&e a# "#!e0ra* 1ar! (ereo$D 10. ;ue !o !(e *a,- o$ Fore"0# ,urre#,y "# IraB $or !("s 1ur1ose, a#& "$ o#*y !o ass"s! !(e IraB" 0over#'e#! "# ,o'1*e!"#0 !(e PROJEC., !(e Co#!ra,!or )"!(ou! a#y ob*"0a!"o# o# "!s 1ar! !o &o so bu! )"!( !(e -#o)*e&0e a#& ,o#se#! o$ @O2 a#& !(e %"#"s!ry o$ /ous"#0 Q Co#s!ru,!"o# o$ IraB, o$$ere& !o arra#0e o# be(a*$ o$ @O2, a $ore"0# ,urre#,y *oa#, !(rou0( !(e $a,"*"!"es o$ C"r,*e I#!er#a!"o#a* @.4., !(e Co#!ra,!orAs @ub-,o#!ra,!or a#& @4CE %E;IO CRE;I.O )(",( )"** a,! as !(e 0uara#!or $or !("s $ore"0# ,urre#,y *oa#. 4rra#0e'e#!s )ere $"rs! 'a&e )"!( 2a#,o &" Ro'a. Ne0o!"a!"o# s!ar!e& "# Ju#e 1985. @O2 "s "#$or'e& o$ !(e &eve*o1'e#!s o$ !("s #e0o!"a!"o#, a!!a,(e& "s a ,o1y o$ !(e &ra$! o$ !(e *oa# 40ree'e#! be!)ee# @O2 as !(e 2orro)er a#& 40e#!. .(e @evera* 2a#-s, as Le#&er, a#& ,ou#!er-0uara#!ee& by Is!"!u!o Ce#!ra*e Per II Cre&"!o 4 %e&"o .er'"#e F%e&"o,re&"!oG @eI"o#e @1e,"a*e Per LA4ss",uraI"o#e ;e* Cre&"!o 4**AE31or!aI"o#e F@a,eG. Ne0o!"a!"o#s )e#! o# a#& ,o#!"#ue& u#!"* "! su&&e#*y ,o**a1se& &ue !o !(e re1or!e& &e$au*! by IraB "# !(e 1ay'e#! o$ "!s ob*"0a!"o#s )"!( I!a*"a# 0over#'e#!, ,o1y o$ !(e #e)s ,*"11"#0 &a!e& Ju#e 18, 198: "s (ere!o a!!a,(e& as 4##e3 5;5 !o $or' a# "#!e0ra* 1ar! (ereo$D

15. O# @e1!e'ber 15, 198:, Co#!ra,!or re,e"ve& "#$or'a!"o# $ro' C"r,*e I#!er#a!"o#a* @.4. !(a! be,ause o$ !(e #e)s re1or! !(a! IraB &e$au*!e& "# "!s ob*"0a!"o#s )"!( Euro1ea# ba#-s, !(e a11rova* by 2a#,o &" Ro'a o$ !(e *oa# !o @O2 s(a** be &e$erre& "#&e$"#"!e*y, a ,o1y o$ !(e *e!!er o$ C"r,*e I#!er#a!"o#a* !o0e!(er )"!( !(e #e)s ,*"11"#0s are (ere!o a!!a,(e& as 4##e3es 5F5 a#& 5F-15, res1e,!"ve*y.56 4s $ou#& by bo!( !(e Cour! o$ 411ea*s a#& !(e !r"a* ,our!, !(e &e*ay or !(e #o#-,o'1*e!"o# o$ !(e Pro+e,! )as ,ause& by $a,!ors #o! "'1u!ab*e !o !(e res1o#&e#! ,o#!ra,!or. I! )as ra!(er &ue 'a"#*y !o !(e 1ers"s!e#! v"o*a!"o#s by @O2 o$ !(e !er's a#& ,o#&"!"o#s o$ !(e ,o#!ra,!, 1ar!",u*ar*y "!s $a"*ure !o 1ay 65< o$ !(e a,,o'1*"s(e& )or- +n US D(,,a*;. I#&ee&, )(ere o#e o$ !(e 1ar!"es !o a ,o#!ra,! &oes #o! 1er$or' "# a 1ro1er 'a##er !(e 1res!a!"o# )(",( (e "s bou#& !o 1er$or' u#&er !(e ,o#!ra,!, (e "s #o! e#!"!*e& !o &e'a#& !(e 1er$or'a#,e o$ !(e o!(er 1ar!y. 4 1ar!y &oes #o! "#,ur "# &e*ay "$ !(e o!(er 1ar!y $a"*s !o 1er$or' !(e ob*"0a!"o# "#,u'be#! u1o# ("'. .(e 1e!"!"o#er, (o)ever, 'a"#!a"#s !(a! !(e 1ay'e#!s by @O2 o$ !(e 'o#!(*y b"**"#0s "# 1ure*y IraB" ;"#ars &"& #o! re#&er "'1oss"b*e !(e 1er$or'a#,e o$ !(e Pro+e,! by EPECI. @u,( 1os!ure "s Bu"!e ,o#!rary !o "!s 1rev"ous re1rese#!a!"o#s. I# ("s 7: %ar,( 1986 *e!!er !o !(e O$$",e o$ !(e %"&&*e Eas!er# a#& 4$r",a# 4$$a"rs FO%E44G, ;F4, %a#"*a, 1e!"!"o#erAs E3e,u!"ve E",e-Pres"&e#! Jesus %. .aRe&o s!a!e& !(a! )("*e EPECI (a& !a-e# every 1oss"b*e 'easure !o ,o'1*e!e !(e Pro+e,!, !(e )ar s"!ua!"o# "# IraB, 1ar!",u*ar*y !(e *a,- o$ $ore"0# e3,(a#0e, )as 1rov"#0 !o be a 0rea! obs!a,*eD !(us EPECI (as !a-e# every 1oss"b*e 'easure $or !(e ,o'1*e!"o# o$ !(e 1ro+e,! bu! !(e )ar s"!ua!"o# "# IraB 1ar!",u*ar*y !(e *a,- o$ $ore"0# e3,(a#0e "s 1rov"#0 !o be a 0rea! obs!a,*e. Our 1er$or'a#,e ,ou#!er0uara#!ee )as ,a**e& *as! 7: O,!ober 198: )(e# !(e #e0o!"a!"o#s $or a $ore"0# ,urre#,y *oa# )"!( !(e I!a*"a# 0over#'e#! !(rou0( 2a#,o &e Ro'a bo00e& &o)# $o**o)"#0 #e)s re1or! !(a! IraB (as &e$au*!e& "# "!s ob*"0a!"o# )"!( 'a+or Euro1ea# ba#-s. 9#*ess !(e s"!ua!"o# "# IraB "s "'1rove& as !o a**ay !(e ba#-As a11re(e#s"o#, !(ere "s #o assura#,e !(a! !(e 1ro+e,! )"** ever be ,o'1*e!e&. 58 I# or&er !(a! !(e &eb!or 'ay be "# &e$au*! "! "s #e,essary !(a! !(e $o**o)"#0 reBu"s"!es be 1rese#! F1G !(a! !(e ob*"0a!"o# be &e'a#&ab*e a#& a*rea&y *"Bu"&a!e&D F7G !(a! !(e &eb!or &e*ays 1er$or'a#,eD a#& F3G !(a! !(e ,re&"!or reBu"res !(e 1er$or'a#,e be,ause "! 'us! a11ear !(a! !(e !o*era#,e or be#evo*e#,e o$ !(e ,re&"!or 'us! (ave e#&e&. 59 4s s!a!e& ear*"er, @O2 ,a##o! ye! &e'a#& ,o'1*e!e 1er$or'a#,e $ro' EPECI be,ause "! (as #o! ye! "!se*$ 1er$or'e& "!s ob*"0a!"o# "# a 1ro1er 'a##er, 1ar!",u*ar*y !(e 1ay'e#! o$ !(e 65< o$ !(e ,os! o$ !(e Pro+e,! "# 9@ ;o**ars. .(e EPECI ,a##o! ye! be sa"& !o (ave "#,urre& "# &e*ay. Eve# assu'"#0 !(a! !(ere )as &e*ay a#& !(a! !(e &e*ay )as a!!r"bu!ab*e !o EPECI, s!"** !(e e$$e,!s o$ !(a! &e*ay ,ease& u1o# !(e re#u#,"a!"o# by !(e ,re&"!or, @O2, )(",( ,ou*& be "'1*"e& )(e# !(e *a!!er 0ra#!e& severa* e3!e#s"o#s o$ !"'e !o !(e $or'er. :0 2es"&es, #o &e'a#& (as ye! bee# 'a&e by @O2 a0a"#s! !(e res1o#&e#! ,o#!ra,!or. ;e'a#& "s 0e#era**y #e,essary eve# "$ a 1er"o& (as bee# $"3e& "# !(e ob*"0a!"o#. 4#& &e$au*! 0e#era**y be0"#s $ro' !(e 'o'e#! !(e ,re&"!or &e'a#&s +u&","a**y or e3!ra+u&","a**y !(e 1er$or'a#,e o$ !(e ob*"0a!"o#. C"!(ou! su,( &e'a#&, !(e e$$e,!s o$ &e$au*! )"** #o! ar"se.:1 %oreover, !(e 1e!"!"o#er as a 0uara#!or "s e#!"!*e& !o !(e be#e$"! o$ e3,uss"o#, !(a! "s, "! ,a##o! be ,o'1e**e& !o 1ay !(e ,re&"!or @O2 u#*ess !(e 1ro1er!y o$ !(e &eb!or EPECI (as bee# e3(aus!e& a#& a** *e0a* re'e&"es a0a"#s! !(e sa"& &eb!or (ave bee# resor!e& !o by !(e ,re&"!or.:7 I! ,ou*& a*so se! u1 ,o'1e#sa!"o# as re0ar&s )(a! !(e ,re&"!or @O2 'ay o)e !(e 1r"#,"1a* &eb!or EPECI. :3 I# !("s ,ase, (o)ever, !(e 1e!"!"o#er (as ,*ear*y )a"ve& !(ese r"0(!s a#& re'e&"es by 'a-"#0 !(e 1ay'e#! o$ a# ob*"0a!"o# !(a! )as ye! !o be s(o)# !o be r"0(!$u**y &ue !(e ,re&"!or a#& &e'a#&ab*e o$ !(e 1r"#,"1a* &eb!or. 4s $ou#& by !(e Cour! o$ 411ea*s, !(e 1e!"!"o#er $u**y -#e) !(a! !(e +o"#! ve#!ure ,o#!ra,!or (a& ,o**e,!"b*es $ro' @O2 )(",( ,ou*& be se! o$$ )"!( !(e a'ou#! ,overe& by !(e 1er$or'a#,e 0uara#!ee.

I# February 1986, !(e O%E44 !ra#s'"!!e& !o !(e 1e!"!"o#er a ,o1y o$ a !e*e3 &a!e& 10 February 1986 o$ !(e P("*"11"#e 4'bassa&or "# 2a0(&a&, IraB, "#$or'"#0 "! o$ !(e note ver-a%e se#! by !(e IraB" %"#"s!ry o$ Fore"0# 4$$a"rs s!a!"#0 !(a! !(e 1as! &ue ob*"0a!"o#s o$ !(e +o"#! ve#!ure ,o#!ra,!or $ro' !(e 1e!"!"o#er )ou*& 5be &e&u,!e& $ro' !(e &ues o$ !(e !)o ,o#!ra,!ors.5 :4 4*so, "# !(e pro2ect situationer a!!a,(e& !o !(e *e!!er !o !(e O%E44 &a!e& 7: %ar,( 1986, !(e 1e!"!"o#er ra"se& as a'o#0 !(e ar0u'e#!s !o be 1rese#!e& "# su11or! o$ !(e ,a#,e**a!"o# o$ !(e ,ou#!er-0uara#!ee !(e $a,! !(a! !(e a'ou#! o$ I;781,41480:: re!a"#e& by @O2 $ro' !(e Pro+e,! )as 'ore !(a# e#ou0( !o ,over !(e ,ou#!er-0uara#!ee o$ I;761,8088:10D !(us :.1 Prese#! !(e $o**o)"#0 ar0u'e#!s "# ,a#,e**"#0 !(e ,ou#!er0uara#!ee .(e IraB" Gover#'e#! &oes #o! (ave !(e $ore"0# e3,(a#0e !o $u*$"** "!s ,o#!ra,!ua* ob*"0a!"o#s o$ 1ay"#0 65< o$ 1ro0ress b"**"#0s "# 9@ &o**ars. I! ,ou*& a*so be ar0ue& !(a! !(e a'ou#! o$ I;781,41480:: re!a"#e& by @O2 $ro' !(e 1ro1ose& 1ro+e,! "s 'ore !(a# !(e a'ou#! o$ !(e ou!s!a#&"#0 ,ou#!er0uara#!ee.:5 I# a #u!s(e**, s"#,e !(e 1e!"!"o#er )as a)are o$ !(e ,o#!ra,!orAs ou!s!a#&"#0 re,e"vab*es $ro' @O2, "! s(ou*& (ave se! u1 ,o'1e#sa!"o# as )as 1ro1ose& "# "!s pro2ect situationer. %oreover, !(e 1e!"!"o#er )as very 'u,( a)are o$ !(e 1re&",a'e#! o$ !(e res1o#&e#!s. I# $a,!, "# "!s 13 %ay 1986 *e!!er !o !(e O%E44, ;F4, %a#"*a, "! s!a!e& EPECI a*so 'a"#!a"#s !(a! !(e &e*ay "# !(e ,o'1*e!"o# o$ !(e 1ro+e,! )as 'a"#*y &ue !o @O2As v"o*a!"o# o$ ,o#!ra,! !er's a#& as su,(, ,a** o# !(e 0uara#!ee (as #o bas"s. C("*e P/ILG94R4N.EE "s 1re1are& !o (o#or "!s ,o''"!'e#! u#&er !(e 0uara#!ee, P/ILG94R4N.EE &oes #o! )a#! !o be a# "#s!ru'e#! "# a#y ,ase o$ "#eBu"!y ,o''"!!e& a0a"#s! a F"*"1"#o ,o#!ra,!or. I! "s $or !("s reaso# !(a! )e are ,o#s!ra"#e& !o see- your ass"s!a#,e #o! o#*y "# as,er!a"#"#0 !(e vera,"!y o$ 4* 4(*" 2a#-As ,*a"' !(a! "! (as 1a"& Ra$"&a"# 2a#- bu! 1oss"b*y aver!"#0 su,( a# eve#!. 4s a#y 1ay'e#! e$$e,!e& by !(e ba#-s )"** ,o'1*",a!e 'a!!ers, )e ,a##o! (e*1 u#&ers,ore !(e ur0e#,y o$ EPECIAs b"& $or 0over#'e#! "#!erve#!"o# $or !(e a'",ab*e !er'"#a!"o# o$ !(e ,o#!ra,! a#& re*ease o$ !(e 1er$or'a#,e 0uara#!ee. :: 2u! sur1r"s"#0*y, !(ou0( $u**y ,o0#"Ia#! o$ @O2As v"o*a!"o#s o$ !(e serv",e ,o#!ra,! a#& EPECIAs ou!s!a#&"#0 re,e"vab*es $ro' @O2, as )e** as !(e s"!ua!"o# ob!a"#"#0 "# !(e Pro+e,! s"!e ,o'1ou#&e& by !(e Ira#-IraB )ar, !(e 1e!"!"o#er o1!e& !o 1ay !(e se,o#& *ayer 0uara#!or #o! o#*y !(e $u** a'ou#! o$ !(e 1er$or'a#,e bo#& ,ou#!er-0uara#!ee bu! a*so "#!eres!s a#& 1e#a*!y ,(ar0es. .("s br"#0s us !o !(e #e3! Bues!"o# %ay !(e 1e!"!"o#er as a 0uara#!or se,ure re"'burse'e#! $ro' !(e res1o#&e#!s $or )(a! "! (as 1a"& u#&er Le!!er o$ Guara#!ee No. 81-194-FH 4s a ru*e, a 0uara#!or )(o 1ays $or a &eb!or s(ou*& be "#&e'#"$"e& by !(e *a!!er:6 a#& )ou*& be *e0a**y subro0a!e& !o !(e r"0(!s )(",( !(e ,re&"!or (as a0a"#s! !(e &eb!or.:8 /o)ever, a 1erso# )(o 'a-es 1ay'e#! )"!(ou! !(e -#o)*e&0e or a0a"#s! !(e )"** o$ !(e &eb!or (as !(e r"0(! !o re,over o#*y "#so$ar as !(e 1ay'e#! (as bee# be#e$","a* !o !(e &eb!or.:9 I$ !(e ob*"0a!"o# )as sub+e,! !o &e$e#ses o# !(e 1ar! o$ !(e &eb!or, !(e sa'e &e$e#ses )(",( ,ou*& (ave bee# se! u1 a0a"#s! !(e ,re&"!or ,a# be se! u1 a0a"#s! !(e 1ay"#0 0uara#!or.60 Fro' !(e $"#&"#0s o$ !(e Cour! o$ 411ea*s a#& !(e !r"a* ,our!, "! "s ,*ear !(a! !(e 1ay'e#! 'a&e by !(e 1e!"!"o#er 0uara#!or &"& #o! "# a#y )ay be#e$"! !(e 1r"#,"1a* &eb!or, 0"ve# !(e 1ro+e,! s!a!us a#& !(e ,o#&"!"o#s ob!a"#"#0 a! !(e Pro+e,! s"!e a! !(a! !"'e. %oreover, !(e res1o#&e#! ,o#!ra,!or )as $ou#& !o

(ave va*"& &e$e#ses a0a"#s! @O2, )(",( are $u**y su11or!e& by ev"&e#,e a#& )(",( (ave bee# 'er"!or"ous*y se! u1 a0a"#s! !(e 1ay"#0 0uara#!or, !(e 1e!"!"o#er "# !("s ,ase. 4#& eve# "$ !(e &ee& o$ u#&er!a-"#0 a#& !(e sure!y bo#& se,ure& 1e!"!"o#erAs 0uara#!y, !(e 1e!"!"o#er "s 1re,*u&e& $ro' e#$or,"#0 !(e sa'e by reaso# o$ !(e 1e!"!"o#erAs u#&ue 1ay'e#! o# !(e 0uara#!y. R"0(!s u#&er !(e &ee& o$ u#&er!a-"#0 a#& !(e sure!y bo#& &o #o! ar"se be,ause !(ese ,o#!ra,!s &e1e#& o# !(e va*"&"!y o$ !(e e#$or,e'e#! o$ !(e 0uara#!y. .(e 1e!"!"o#er 0uara#!or s(ou*& (ave )a"!e& $or !(e #a!ura* ,ourse o$ 0uara#!y !(e &eb!or EPECI s(ou*& (ave, "# !(e $"rs! 1*a,e, &e$au*!e& "# "!s ob*"0a!"o# a#& !(a! !(e ,re&"!or @O2 s(ou*& (ave $"rs! 'a&e a &e'a#& $ro' !(e 1r"#,"1a* &eb!or. I! "s o#*y )(e# !(e &eb!or &oes #o! or ,a##o! 1ay, "# )(o*e or "# 1ar!, !(a! !(e 0uara#!or s(ou*& 1ay.61 C(e# !(e 1e!"!"o#er 0uara#!or "# !("s ,ase 1a"& a0a"#s! !(e )"** o$ !(e &eb!or EPECI, !(e &eb!or EPECI 'ay se! u1 a0a"#s! "! &e$e#ses ava"*ab*e a0a"#s! !(e ,re&"!or @O2 a! !(e !"'e o$ 1ay'e#!. .("s "s !(e (ar& *esso# !(a! !(e 1e!"!"o#er 'us! *ear#. 4s !(e 0over#'e#! ar' "# 1ursu"#0 "!s ob+e,!"ve o$ 1rov"&"#0 5!(e #e,essary su11or! a#& ass"s!a#,e "# or&er !o e#ab*e =F"*"1"#o e31or!ers a#& ,o#!ra,!ors !o o1era!e v"ab*y u#&er !(e 1reva"*"#0 e,o#o'", a#& bus"#ess ,o#&"!"o#s,567 !(e 1e!"!"o#er s(ou*& (ave e3er,"se& 1ru&e#,e a#& ,au!"o# u#&er !(e ,"r,u's!a#,es. 4s a1!*y 1u! by !(e Cour! o$ 411ea*s, "! )ou*& be !(e (e"0(! o$ "#eBu"!y !o a**o) !(e 1e!"!"o#er !o 1ass o# "!s *osses !o !(e F"*"1"#o ,o#!ra,!or EPECI )(",( (a& s!er#*y )ar#e& a0a"#s! 1ay"#0 !(e 4* 4(*" 2a#- a#& ,o#s!a#!*y a11r"se& "! o$ !(e &eve*o1'e#!s "# !(e Pro+e,! "'1*e'e#!a!"o#. /HEREFORE, !(e 1e!"!"o# $or rev"e) o# certiorari "s (ereby ;ENIE; $or *a,- o$ 'er"!, a#& !(e &e,"s"o# o$ !(e Cour! o$ a11ea*s "# C4-G.R. CE No. 39307 "s 4FFIR%E;. No 1ro#ou#,e'e#! as !o ,os!s.

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