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Elementary Mathematics Lesson Design TemplateModified Basal Title of Lesson: Recognize and use the relationship between addition

and subtraction Student: Emily Lougheed Grade: 1st I. Lesson Objective s!" A ! Students will understand "arious meanings of the addition and subtraction of whole numbers !Students will recognize the in"erse relationship between the operations of addition and subtraction - Students will understand the effects of adding and subtracting on whole numbers ! Students will become familiar with the language of addition #sum$ in all$ altogether$ how many more$ and total% and subtraction #difference$ ta&e away$ what is left$ how many more% ' M#.$.%.% &''' Recognize and use the relationship between addition and subtraction II. Management Time ! (ntroduction: ) minutes$ Game: *+ minutes$ Game with story ,uestioning: ) minutes$ Going o"er answers: - minutes$ .losure: minutes /aterials: number cubes #numbered 1!0%$ one for each pair of students$ ten frame 1par&ing lots$2 one per student #sheet attached below%$ twenty toy matchbo3 cars per pair of students$ white board and mar&ers ! one of each per student$ number sentences sheet ! one per student #sheet attached below%$ computer for anticipatory set "ideo 'eha"ior: ( will be placed in a way in which ( can see all the students from where ( am at all times ( will remind students how much time they ha"e$ especially when it gets time to being almost done !( will do a handclap attention getter that the students are familiar with if the noise le"el gets out of control The students will understand that when ( do the clap$ they will need to repeat it bac& to me and that means they are too loud and need to go bac& to a lower "olume le"el !/y teacher already has in place a beha"ior management techni,ue (f students are misbeha"ing and ha"e already recei"ed a warning$ they ha"e to go mo"e their clip down one le"el$ indicating they need to get bac& on tas& ( will implement this during my lesson if needed

Space: The students will be seated on the floor in the 4bac& of the room5 as my teacher calls it for the anticipatory set After anticipatory set ( will e3plain wor&stations and dismiss them with their group to their designated location around the classroom Their groups will ha"e been predetermined ( will ha"e the students return to their des&s to do the closure Adaptations: Students will be paired high learner to low learner That way the students can learn from each other with this lesson Learners that need e3tra or more help can as& an adult to help when needed E3tra time can be gi"en to those that need it$ along with more one on one help later in the day ( will model to the students that need it$ to show what they should6need to be doing III.Lesson (resentation" A Anticipatory Set)(ntroduction watch "ideo: https:66www youtube com6watch7"8d9um,:zTL;+ <iscuss how commute means to go bac& and forth ( will choose two "olunteers to go to the front of the class Let=s say they are Ann and 'ill Tell them to &eep mo"ing bac& and forth$ changing places >Are they still Ann and 'ill7> ?es Their positions or order changed$ but they are still the same two people The .ommutati"e 9roperty of Addition wor&s in this same way ?ou add - @ A and get 1B ?ou can change the order of the addends to A @ -$ and it will still e,ual 1B Sometimes order is important Cor e3ample$ you put your underwear on before your clothes Dowe"er$ as we see with the .ommutati"e 9roperty$ sometimes order isn=t important: ( will write this on the board A@-8-@A Ann @ 'ill 8 'ill @ Ann Statement of purpose ! Today we are going to e3plore different models of subtraction$ including finding a missing addend$ ta&ing away$ and comparing$ to help us sol"e math problems B. Body)Inp*t)O*tp*t i 1Today we are going to e3plore addition and subtraction with the help of some cars and a par&ing lot ?ou will use these #hold up cars% as the cars and this ten frame #hold up the ten frame page% as the par&ing lot Dow many cars can par& in this lot7 ?es$ ten Ee are going to begin with a game called 49ar&ing .ars5 2 1?ou will be playing this game with a partner Each of you will ha"e ten cars and one par&ing lot ?ou will share a number cube Ehen


is your turn$ roll the cube and put that number of cars in your par&ing lot (f the number you roll is greater than the number of empty spaces in your par&ing lot$ you lose your turn So$ if you ha"e * empty spaces in your lot and you roll a F$ you lose your turn Cour is greater than * ?ou must roll a 1 or a * in your ne3t turn in order to par& more cars The goal is to be the first person to fill your par&ing lot with ten cars ?ou can decide who starts the game by each rolling the cube once The person with the highest number goes first ( will gi"e you about 1- minutes to play$ so when you finish one game you can start o"er with another game Ta&e turns going first 2 ( will pair up students #pre!determined% and gi"e each pair one number cube$ *+ cars or chips$ and two ten frames ( will around to obser"e students$ noticing which students are able to ,uic&ly recognize the missing addend #how many spaces they need to fill to ma&e ten% ( will as& ,uestions such as: 1If yo* have seven cars in yo*r par+ing lot no,- ,hat n*mbers co*ld yo* roll to fill the empty spaces./ #B$ or 1 and then *$ or 1 and 1 and 1% 1I see that yo* have % cars in yo*r par+ing lot. 0an yo* finish filling it ,ith only one more t*rn./ #Go$ because ( need se"en more cars and ( can5t roll anything higher than a si3 So$ ( need at least two more turns % 11hat is the fe,est n*mber of t*rns it ,o*ld ta+e for someone to fill his)her par+ing lot./ #Two$ because he6she could get a and a - or s6he could roll a 0 and then a F % Ehen students ha"e only a few minutes left to play$ ( will gi"e them notice that they should finish the game they are playing and not start a new one ( will collect the number cubes and as& students to each &eep ten of the cars and one of the par&ing lots they used for the game Gi"e each a piece of paper and a pencil or a white board and a mar&er to use for writing the appropriate number sentences They will be wor&ing independently for the ne3t acti"ity at their des&s 1( will be telling some stories and you will be sol"ing the problems using the cars and the ten frame par&ing lot Listen carefully to each story to decide if you will be adding or subtracting cars from your par&ing lot Hse your cars and ten frame par&ing lots to show your wor& Erite a number sentence that tells how you sol"ed the problem using addition or subtraction 2 ( will go o"er each problem with the whole group after it is finished

Cor 1 1 1 *

1 *

1 *

( will then tell stories that re,uire a "ariety of solution strategies e3ample$ simple addition: 12o*r par+ing lot has 3 cars. Three more cars p*ll in and par+. 4o, many cars are in yo*r lot./ #0 @ B 8 I% Simple subtraction or 1ta&e away2 : 1There are 5 cars in yo*r par+ing lot. 6ive leave. 4o, many remain./ #A J - 8 B% /issing addends: 12o*r par+ing lot has 7 cars. 4o, many more cars ,ill need to par+ in yo*r lot for it to be f*ll./ #F @ 0 8 1+$ or the in"erse operation 1+ J F 8 0% 12o*r par+ing lot has 8 cars in it. #n ho*r ago yo*r par+ing lot had 9 cars. 4o, many cars left yo*r par+ing lot./ #- @ F8 I$ or the in"erse operation I J F 8 -% .omparisons: 1I have % cars in my par+ing lot and yo* have 9 cars in yo*rs. 4o, many more cars do yo* have./ #Ee both ha"e B and then ( ha"e 0 moreK or B @ 0 8 IK or I J B 8 0 % 12o*r par+ing lot has : cars in it. My lot has 9 cars in it. 4o, many more cars are in my lot./ #The ) in his6her lot match up with ) in the teacher5s lot Then the teacher has * e3traK or ) @ * 8 IK or I J )8*% /ultiple operations: 12o*r par+ing lot has 3 cars par+ed in it. 6o*r cars drive o*t. 6ive cars drive in. 4o, many are par+ed there no,./ L#0 J F% @ - 8 )M 12o*r par+ing lot has 8 cars in it. Three cars drive in and par+. 6o*r cars leave. 4o, many cars are in the lot no,./ L#- @ B% J F 8 FM

( will obser"e students as they model and record their solutions ( will select students to show their wor& on an o"erhead proNector to teach to the class what they did ( will choose some students to create story problems for their classmates to sol"e As students tell their own stories and listen to their classmates offer solutions$ ( will as& the story tellers to compare their own solutions with those of classmates 0oncl*sion)clos*re ! Da"e students return bac& to the rug$ ,uietly seated ( will as& 4what is addition75 4what is subtraction75 4how are addition and subtraction related or similar74 4when sol"ing a problem$ how do we &now how to sol"e it75 ( will then as& some students to share their answers to see how they understood the lesson

Cormati"e ! ( will obser"e how the students are engaged and interacting This will pro"ide information on whether the students need to be paired differently ne3t time or what needs to be added or changed Obser"e students playing the 9ar&ing .ars game to understand which strategies they are comfortable using to ma&e ten Summati"e ! ( will collect the students wor& from their wor&stations in order to assess if they ha"e made a connection and mastery to the standard and obNecti"e we are wor&ing towards . Independent (ractice ! Students will wor& independently to complete the number sentences sheet using the cars and ten frames to help find a solution Students should choose a number sentence$ ma&e up a story about cars that models the problem$ and sol"e to find the missing number ( will tell students to write the number in the blan& and then turn the paper o"er to chec& their answer #9rior to this acti"ity ( will write the answers in the blan&s on one side to create the self!chec&ing acti"ity ( will laminate the pages and students will use dry erase mar&ers to sa"e paper% < ;eso*rcesP (Q Hni"ersity Student5s Analysis of Lesson A Dow many students achie"ed the obNecti"e for today7 Cor those who did not$ why not7 ' Ehat were my strengths$ opportunities for growth7 . Dow would ( alter this lesson7 < Dow would ( pace it differently7 E <id ( ha"e all students acti"ely helping in the learning process7

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