Homework 1. For Practice

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Full Name: ___________________

Homework 1

A. Complete the sentence. Use only one word for each sentence.
1. Try to be more _____________ and dont think only about bad things. 2. She is a very ____________ girl. She doesnt play with other children in school. 3. They are really ___________. They like all nationalities, religions and cultures. 4. You are ____________ because you cant have the same car, arent you? 5. That actor is really _____________ because he gives some of his money to the poor. 6. I hate __________ people because they tell me what I should do. 7. Her daughter cant sit in one place for two minutes. She is such a/an _________ child! 8. That you man is very __________! I cant believe he called me stupid! 9. He isnt very __________. He only says yes or no when I ask a question.

B. Present Simple or Present Continuous

10. ___________________ (you/ go) her? 11. He _________________ (not/ play) the drums regularly.

generous selfish jealous confident optimistic cheerful bossy shy talkative rude lazy modest lively

12. No, I dont like that band now. I _____________(listen) to Muse these days. Do you know them? 13. He is so boring! He usually________________ (talk) about his favorite sports team and Im not interested in it. 14. My girlfriend ___________________ (not/ understand) why I like heavy metal. 15. Look, he ___________________ (fall) asleep again! I cant believe it! 16. ___________________ (he/ read) anything at the moment. 17. His father _________________ (prefer) detective stories. 18. ________________ (her husband/ come) from Wales?

C. Complete the following echo questions.

19. She is Welsh. ______ she? 20. She thinks I am from Ireland. ________ she? 21. Hes got a bilingual daughter. _________ he? 22. I love my community and its traditions. __________ you? 23. They are complaining about their boss. __________ they?

D. Complete word form.

Noun 24. arrogance 25. carelessness 26. cheerfulness 27. cleverness 28. ____________ 29. ____________ 30. excitement Adjective _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ cultural entertaining _________________ Noun optimism pessimism punctuality romance rudeness selfishness Adjective _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________



ritain's multicultural society is bringing a lot of interesting new & l-) ffiideas to the arts these days. Young black and Asian authors are

l-lwriting about their lives, and their books are very popular. There are plays and fil:ns about tl'le life of Britain's ethnie eommunities, and exciting rnusic frcm rnany different sqltges. Multiculturalisrn !s making Britain a very lively place.

Andrea Levy

is typical of these authors: she comes from

Britain and all her books are set in London but her parents are from the Caribbean. Her prize-winning novel, Smatt lsland, is about people like her parents and their lives in Britain

the 1940s and 50s. In the book, she writes about the

Apache Indian

(real name:

experiences of Jamaican soldiers in Wodd War 2 and their lives when they move to England in 1948.

Parrninder l'lagra is the star of the popular football film, Bend lt Like Beckham. She comes from the English town, Leicester, where there is a large Asian population. In the film, she acts the parl of a lively gid called Jess Bhamra. Jess decides to rebel against her family and to play football. This amusing film shows the problems of young British people growing up in two cultures. These days Parminder Nagra is starring in the American W hosoital drama. ER.

Steven Kapur) is a worldfamous musician from England's second city, Birmingham. His home city has large Jamaican and Indian populations and his music brings together reggae from the West Indies, bhangra from lndia and hip-hop. The words of his songs are about trying to understand his identity in a multicultural world. His most famous song, Boom-Shack-A-Lack is in five Hollywood films and more than fifty TV advertisements.


Read the anicle again. Tick true and cross false.

g W

Read the questions. Then read the afticle

1 Cultural life in Britain is very


quickly and clrcle the correct answers. 1 The article is about British a society. c history.

2 There are British rnriters, musicians and

tr U

actors from ethnic


3 Andrea Lery is the only black

4 Andrea


a b

c d


2 Paragraph 2 is about an author who is:

bilingual. writing now

living outside Britain. writing in another language.

3 Paragraph 3 is about a an American star. c a footballer. b a comedian. d a British actress.

5 Parminder Nagra is a footballer. 6 Benct It Li,ke Beckham is a crime film. 7 At the moment Parminder Nagra is working in an American hospitat. 8 Steven Kapur is from Jamaica. 9 His music comes from different cultures.
Complete the sentences with the words from Exercise 2.


Lely writes about people living

Ll n tr f] I l-l

4 Paragraph 4 is about


b a Hollr,'wood

c Indian music. d a man from Jamaica.

Complete the definitions with the correct underlined words from the adicle.

1 Teenagers often rebel against their parents. 2 When you travel you learn about different

amueinQ (ad7) makes you laugh or smile (n) the ideas and actir,eties of 2_
drnrrnq nf npnnlp

(rr) music, lheatre, film et c. not science (z') to fight authority, for example, 4_ the government, parents or teachers (n) a type of music from Asia 5_

on the Internet. 4 My brother is a scientist and he isn't inl eresl ed in _ . 5 Bhaji, on the Bectch is an _ film aboul a group of Asiarr women on a journey.
3 You can listen


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