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New fiction: Aravind Adiga His master's voice Sep 11th 2008 From The Economist print edition

!"#$H%N$ thro&gh a nove' a da( for near'( si) months* the +&dges of the ,an pri/e* -ritain0s premier award for fiction* 1&ic.'( ma.e two discoveries: that most 2oo.s start we'' and then sin. ha'fwa( thro&gh* and that a'most a'' the nove's soon so&nd the same3 So a new voice is as we'come* and as rare* as a fine ending3 4hich is wh( a'' five +&dges wanted Aravind Adiga0s first nove' to 2e on this (ear0s short'ist* anno&nced on Septem2er 5th3 And what a sing&'ar voice he has3 6The 4hite Tiger7 the form of a series of 'etters to 4en 8ia2ao* the 9hinese premier3 -a'ram Ha'wai* the -anga'ore 2&sinessman who writes the 'etters* wants to te'' the 9hinese premier something a2o&t how 'ife rea''( is in %ndia: not the pin. sari of the to&rist trai' :pin. is %ndia0s nav( 2'&e; or the sentimenta' imager( of the poor* doe<e(ed chi'dren3 -a'ram 2e'ieves that povert( is so corr&pting it prod&ces monsters= he sho&'d .now for he is s&ch a monster himse'f3 The son of a poor<p&''er who is ta.en o&t of schoo' as a 2o( and p&t to wor. in a teashop* -a'ram n&rses dreams of escape3 He fina''( gets his chance when a rich vi''age 'and'ord hires him as a cha&ffe&r for his son* his da&ghter<in<'aw* in.( ,adam* and their two omeranian dogs* 9&dd'es and &dd'es3 The fami'( moves to >e'hi3 There* amid the coc.roaches and the ca'' centres* the ?@0*000*00A gods* the shopping ma''s* the 2rown enve'opes and the cripp'ing traffic +ams* -a'ram 'earns a2o&t modern %ndia* where the air is so 2ad that it ten (ears off a man0s 'ife &n'ess he drives ro&nd in an air<conditioned car3 6The cars of the rich go 'i.e dar. eggs down the roads of >e'hi3 Ever( now and then an egg wi'' crac. openBa woman0s hand* da//'ing with go'd 2ang'es* stretches o&t of an open window* f'ings an empt( minera' water 2ott'e onto the roadBand then the window goes &p* and the egg is resea'ed37 As -a'ram0s ed&cation e)pands* he grows more corr&pt3 Cet the reader0s s(mpath( for the former tea2o( never f'ags3 %n creating a character who is 2oth witt( and ps(chopathic* ,r Adiga has prod&ced a hero a'most as memora2'e as ip* proving himse'f the 9har'es >ic.ens of the ca''< centre generation3 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< The 4hite Tiger Deview 2( Adrian T&rpin &2'ished: Apri' 15 2008 01:20 E !ast &pdated: Apri' 15 2008 01:20 The 4hite Tiger -( Aravind Adiga At'antic -oo.s F12355* ?21 pages FT price: F103?5 !iterat&re has a no2'e tradition of s(mpathetic ps(chopaths3 -a'ram Ha'wai* protagonist of Aravind Adiga0s impressive first nove'* demands admittance to their ha'' of fame3 "n the r&n after committing m&rder* -a'ram spends his nights writing to the 9hinese premier* who is a2o&t to visit %ndia3 His intention is to correct misconceptions a2o&t his co&ntr(3 -&t what he offers is no 2'ood'ess socio'og( 'esson3 Ever(thing worth .nowing a2o&t the 6new7 %ndia is in the stor( of his 'ife* from vi''age teashop 2o( to -anga'ore entreprene&r3

The 4hite Tiger is a 2oo. of two %ndias3 The first is a co&ntr( of 'ight* the nec.'ace of re'ative'( prospero&s cities near the ocean3 The second* into which -a'ram is 2orn* is 6the >ar.ness7* whose presiding deit( is the m&d of the $anges in which 'itt'e f'o&rishes and from which nothing escapes3 "r a'most nothing3 For* 'i.e the white tiger* -a'ram is a creat&re that (o& might meet once in a 'ifetime3 The son of a driver* he defies the e)pectations of his caste to 2ecome cha&ffe&r to a corr&pt 'oca' 'and'ord3 From here* it on'( needs a 'itt'e 2'ac.mai' 2efore he finds his wa( to >e'hi* driving his 2oss0s son3 Adiga0s portrait of the %ndian capita' is ver( f&nn( 2&t &nmista.a2'( angr(3 From his master0s Honda* an increasing'( &nhinged -a'ram o2serves a cit( riven with stat&s an)iet(* where ever( spar.'ing new ma'' hides in its hinter'and a f'ea<2itten for service staff= ever( 2ott'e of 8ohnnie 4a'.er has a 2oot'eg co&nterpart3 A2ove a''* it0s a vision of a societ( of peop'e comp'icit in their own servit&de: to paraphrase -a'ram* the( are roosters g&arding the coop* aware the(0re for the chop* (et &nwi''ing to escape3 #'timate'(* the tiger ref&ses to sta( caged3 -a'ram0s vio'ent 2id for freedom is shoc.ing3 4hat* we0re 'eft to as.* does it ma.e him G +&st another th&g in %ndia0s &r2an +&ng'e or a revo'&tionar( and idea'istH %t0s a sign of this 2oo.0s 1&a'it(* as we'' as of its mora' serio&sness* that it .eeps (o& g&essing to the fina' page and 2e(ond3 9op(right The Financia' Times !imited 2008 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< The comp'ete review's Deview: The 4hite Tiger is presented as an episto'ar( nove'* a series of 'etters written over the period of seven nights3 %t's +&st an e)c&se* of co&rse* for the narrator* -a'ram Ha'wai* to te'' his stor( << a s&pposed'( creative approach that* at 'east initia''( certain'( gets the reader's attention3 The person -a'ram is writing to is the premier of 9hina* 4en 8ia2ao* d&e to visit the cit( -a'ram is 'iving in << -anga'ore* %ndia << in a wee.'s time3 4hat* one wonders* co&'d possess an %ndian entreprene&r 'iving in -anga'ore to write at s&ch 'ength to the premier of 9hina H -a'ram does have a stor( to te''* 2&t &nfort&nate'( the conne)ion to his ostensi2'e a&dience :the 9hinese premier; is 2are'( made3 S&re* -a'ram e)p'ains that he can te'' the premier a'' a2o&t %ndian entreprene&rship << something he hears 9hina is missing << and he the occasiona' comparisons 2etween %ndia and 9hina* 2&t it &'timate'( proves to 2e a fee2'e e)c&se for him to &n2&rden himse'f* and 2eca&se the premise is so poor'( &ti'ised &ndermines m&ch of the nove'3 -a'ram does have something to get off his chest* of co&rse* and his 'etters to the 9hinese premier are a confession of sorts3 -a'ram te''s his 'ife<stor(* reco&nting how he got to where he now is << a s&ccessf&' entreprene&r in -anga'ore3 And from ear'( on we 'earn that he is a wanted man* as he writes a2o&t a poster descri2ing him and a''&ding to his misdeeds3 And soon he revea's what crime he has on his hands* too3 -&t the stor( he te''s circ'es aro&nd the crime and on'( gets to it in good time* as -a'ram reco&nts the who'e stor( of how he wo&nd &p in the position he now is more or 'ess chrono'ogica''(3 -orn in northern %ndia* in a tin( he''<ho'e ca''ed !a)mangarh* his parents co&'dn't even 2e 2othered to give him a name* +&st ca''ing him 'm&nna' << '2o('3 The near<fe&da' conditions there meant that ever(thing was contro''ed 2( a ver( few powerf&' fami'ies* and that opport&nities were 'imited3 -a'ram ca''s himse'f= Iha'f<2a.edI* 'i.e man( others in the co&ntr( << not a''owed to finish schoo'* with on'( a smattering of a'' sorts of .now'edge3 %n fact* he was a smart 'ad* and that was even recognised 2( a schoo' inspector* who praised him as a 'white tiger'* Ithe rarest of anima's << the creat&re that on'( comes a'ong once in a generationI3 The schoo' inspector promises to arrange a scho'arship and proper schoo'ing for the (o&ng 2o(* 2&t* of co&rse* instead his fami'( him o&t of schoo' and p&ts him to wor. at a teashop :to pa( for marr(ing off one of the da&ghters in the fami'(;3

Fami'( ties mean a great dea' here* and it is the fami'( that decides what happens to the vario&s mem2ers :inc'&ding when and who to marr(; << and that 'a(s c'aim to most of ever(one's earnings3 -a'ram s'ow'( manages to distance himse'f from his fami'(* 2&t it a whi'e3 The( do st&mp &p the mone( for him to driving 'essons* which he sees as a great opport&nit( << and which t&rns o&t to 2e one* as he '&c.s into a +o2 with the re'ative of someone from his hometown3 -eing a driver for ,r3Asho. and his wife* in.( ,adam* a'so event&a''( gets him to >e'hi* comforta2'( far from his demanding fami'(3 -a'ram e)p'ains wh( %ndian servants are so honest: 2eca&se of what he ca''s the Dooster 9oop3 No matter what the opport&nit(* a servant wi'' not ta.e advantage of his master << not when it comes to what rea''( matters3 A 2ag containing a mi''ion do''ars can 2e entr&sted to an( servant* he c'aims* as doing an(thing improper wo&'d have terri2'e conse1&ences3 The servant might get awa( with it* 2&t: on'( a man who is prepared to see his fami'( destro(ed << h&nted* 2eaten* and 2&rned a'ive 2( the ,asters << can 2rea. o&t of the 9oop3 That wo&'d ta.e no norma' h&man 2eing* 2&t a frea.* a pervert of nat&re3 '4hite Tiger' -a'ram* of co&rse* fits the 2i'' 33333 This is a ps(cho'ogica''( prett( interesting sit&ation* 2&t here as e'sewhere Adiga doesn't do m&ch with his premises3 For one* he doesn't conve( ade1&ate'( wh( so man( %ndians are s&pposed'( st&c. in this 9oop << with fami'ies 'i.e -a'ram's* it's a wonder far more don't go on rampages and wipe them o&t themse'ves3 And -a'ram's own pangs of conscience :or indifference; aren't near'( considered eno&gh3 A'ong the 'ong wa( Adiga does a decent +o2 of descri2ing the divide 2etween the haves and have<nots* and the wa( the servant<c'ass is treated3 He's partic&'ar'( good on %ndian corr&ption* from the vote<rigging of the 'oca' e'ections* where the '$reat Socia'ist' candidate is &nopposa2'e* to the conditions at schoo'* where the teacher stea's the mone( for the schoo'<food<programme and se''s the &niforms meant for the st&dents << 2&t no one ho'ds it against him* 2eca&se he hasn't 2een paid in si) months and that's simp'( the wa( the s(stem wor.s3 An(one in power a2&ses it for his or her own 2enefit3 -( the end* when he's a 2oss* -a'ram has certain'( 'earned to wor. the s(stem too << which is 'arge'( a2o&t greasing the proper whee's :and pa'ms;3 -a'ram's advent&res in the 2ig cit( and as an emp'o(ee of a man who .eeps having to pa( 2ri2es to po'iticians :and whose marriage fa''s apart; a''ows for some am&sing o2servations and commentar( on contemporar( %ndian conditions* and a nice contrast of povert( and wea'th* 2&t m&ch of it fee's a 2it forced3 ,ost of the narrative drive comes from the 2&i'd &p to the crime -a'ram commits* 2&t that a'so distracts from Adiga's other p&rposes* for a m&dd'ed mi) where nothing << the crime* -a'ram's 'earning c&rve and then his 2&siness vent&res* the state of modern %ndia << is ade1&ate'( presented3 Ces* The 4hite Tiger 'sa(s a 'ot' a2o&t contemporar( %ndia* 2&t it tries to do so far too hard3 Adiga has some ta'ent* 2&t 'eaves it at 'oose ends here3 4hat s&spense he 2&i'ds &p ear'( on s&rro&nding -a'ram's crime dissipates far too fast* whi'e he tries too hard with his %ndian panorama3 And -a'ram isn't a f&''( rea'ised or convincing character* either* even tho&gh he's ta'.ing :or te''ing his stor(; a'' the time* as Adiga's attempt to ma.e him 2oth a peasant<ever(man :representative of so man( %ndians; and a white tiger conf&ses things3 I%'m tomorrowI* Adiga has -a'ram c'aim ear'( on* 2&t it's &nc'ear what .ind of tomorrow he represents: his s&ccess is fo&nd in imitating the dime<a<do/en corr&pt wea'th( c'ass :which is nothing new; << and in a2andoning his fami'(3 The 'atter seems a m&ch rarer step << is Adiga s&ggesting that is the wave of the f&t&re H and that when it comes << watch o&t HJ Sho&'d these ''etters' ever have reached 9hinese premier 4en 8ia2ao he wo&'d* no do&2t* have 2een comp'ete'( 2aff'ed 2( them << as we'' as wh( the( were addressed to him3 #nfort&nate'(* readers of the nove' 'i.e'( wi'' 2e simi'ar'( 2aff'ed3 There are some good ideas here* and the writing :2it 2( 2it* at 'east; isn't 2ad* 2&t the who'e is disappointing3 :A'so: whi'e Adiga is hard'( the first writer with a privi'eged 2ac.gro&nd to write a 2oo. 'i.e this* it's hard not fee' that it's a 2it rich coming from a we''< and foreign<ed&cated :9o'&m2ia and ")ford J; a&thor to ta.e as his protagonist :and mo&thpiece; someone so down<and<o&t that his

parents didn't even 2other giving him a name and then have the character find s&ccess in this partic&'ar wa(3; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 8ohn Se'f0s She'ves 0831A308Aravind Adiga: The 4hite Tiger osted in Adiga Aravind* ri/e 2008 at K:A@ am 2( 8ohn Se'f Aravind Adiga is one of five de2&t nove'ists on this (ear0s ,an ri/e 'ong'ist* and one of fo&r from the %ndian s&2continent3 :4hat was that a2o&t Lgeographica' 2a'ance0 againH; %f (o& thin. %0m 'a(ing a not<too<s&2t'e hint here 2( '&mping him in as one of man( others* with nothing disting&ishing of his own* then (o& ma( have a point3

To descri2e it in re'ation to 'ast (ear0s ri/e tit'es* The 4hite Tiger has s&perficia' simi'arities to 2oth Anima'0s eop'e :a L1&ir.(0 first person narrative; and The De'&ctant F&ndamenta'ist :a one<sided e)change 2etween two peop'e;3 Here* o&r narrator is -a'ram Ha'wai* an %ndian 6socia' entreprene&r7 and the 4hite Tiger of the tit'e3 He grew &p in a fami'( too poor even to give him a proper name* so his schoo'teacher ca''s him -a'ram :7he was the side.ic. of the god Mrishna7;* and a schoo' inspector* impressed 2( -a'ram0s a2i'it(* gives him the identit( which wi'' f&e' his stor(3 The inspector pointed his cane straight at me3 LCo&* (o&ng man* are an inte''igent* honest* vivacio&s fe''ow in this crowd of th&gs and idiots3 %n an( +&ng'e* what is the rarest anima' < the creat&re that comes a'ong on'( once in a generationH0 % tho&ght a2o&t it and said: LThe white tiger30 LThat0s what (o& are* in this +&ng'e30 And so -a'ram sees himse'f: as an anima' str&gg'ing for s&ccess in a pit which m&st 2e c'im2ed o&t of* the vi''age of !a)mangarh in -anga'ore3 :7% wonder if the -&ddha wa'.ed thro&gh !a)mangarh < as some peop'e sa( he did3 ,( own fee'ing is that he ran thro&gh it < as fast as he co&'d < and got to the other side < and never 'oo.ed 2ac.J7; -a'ram is te''ing a'' this in a series of 'etters to the 9hinese resident* 4eng 8ia2ao* from his position as a s&ccessf&' entreprene&r3 Apparent'(* sir* (o& 9hinese are far ahead of &s in ever( respect* e)cept that (o& don0t have entreprene&rs3 And o&r nation* tho&gh it has no water* e'ectricit(* sewage s(stem* p&2'ic transportation* sense of h(giene* discip'ine* co&rtes( or p&nct&a'it(* does have entreprene&rs3 Tho&sands and tho&sands of them3 -a'ram te''s remier 8ia2ao how he got where he is toda(* from the 2ottom of the heap3 %t is these scenes which are the most diverting part of the 2oo.* detai'ing the miseries and horrors of the c'ass and caste s(stem in modern %ndia3 The son of a<p&''er :7m( father0s spine was a .notted rope7;* -a'ram gets a +o2 as a driver for 2&sinessman ,r Asho.3 %t is here* sti'' 1&ite ear'( in the 2oo.* where Adiga0s ta'e 2egins to droop3 The primar( iss&e is one of characterisation* or 'ac. of it3 %t0s a given that a 2oo. need not have Lf&''( ro&nded0 characters :%0m not even s&re what the term means; for me to en+o( it3 There have 2een disc&ssions on this site recent'( a2o&t the tradition of 'arger<than<'ife* non<rea'istic characters partic&'ar'( in %ndian and midd'e<eastern 'iterat&re3 -&t Adiga is te''ing a thoro&gh'(

4esternised stor(* in A<to<- nove' form* and the pro2'em is that his characters aren0t even 'arge< print caricat&res3 The(0re too sma'' to see3 %n terms of 2ehavio&r and < especia''( < dia'og&e* most of the p'a(ers are indisting&isha2'e from one another3 Ta.e the names awa( and Asho. and in.( ,adam and the ,ongoose and the Stor. having nothing to identif( them3 This matters 2eca&se the who'e of the 2oo. wi'' t&rn on -a'ram0s resentment of his emp'o(er* who so far as % co&'d see* never did an(thing to warrant s&ch dramatic conse1&ences3 %t a'so wea.ens the centra' ideas* some of which are interesting* s&ch as the LDooster 9oop0 of servi'it(* and the po'itica' 2ac.gro&nd with the $reat Socia'ist3 These are not e)p'ored in great depth* nor is the iron( of -a'ram0s event&a' transformation into that which he most hates3 The worst crime is that for most of the 2oo.0s 'ength* this potentia''( fascinating ta'e is drop<dead 2oring3 The deno&ement of the 2oo. is revea'ed at the start* so there is no attempt to .eep the reader in s&spense other than thro&gh the e)p'anation for -a'ram0s revenge on his master* which remains &nconvincing3 For a st&d( of the 2a'ance of power in a master<servant re'ationship which is so far ahead of The 4hite Tiger that it m( chee.s 2&rn in em2arrassment to mention them in the same sentence* read -ernard ,a'am&d0s The Assistant3 For what the S&nda( Times on the 2ac. cover ca''s a 62a'd* angr(* &nadorned portrait of N%ndiaO as seen from the 2ottom of the heap*7 read %ndra Sinha0s Anima'0s eop'e3 -eca&se* to ret&rn to the comparisons % made at the start of this post* the tit'e from 'ast (ear0s which The 4hite Tiger most resem2'es is in fact Ni.ita !a'wani0s $ifted: a 2oo. which charms to 2egin with 2&t 'ost m( interest* and a forgetta2'e de2&t for which the most 1&estion is not* How on earth did it get onto the 'ong'ist* 2&t How did it get p&2'ished in the first p'aceH <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< His monster's voice Mevin D&sh2( tries to warm to the %ndian advent&rer in Aravind Adiga's The 4hite Tiger Mevin D&sh2( Sat&rda( Apri' 15* 2008 $&ardian The 4hite Tiger 2( Aravind Adiga ?21pp* At'antic* F12355 -a'ram Ha'wai* the narrator of The 4hite Tiger* is not going to 'et a 'ac. of ed&cation .eep him in the dar.3 He is heading for g'or( in %ndia's 2right f&t&re= he wi'' 2e one of those who st&ffs cash into 2rown enve'opes for po'icemen and po'iticians* and not +&st another victim3 Aravind Adiga's first nove' is co&ched as a coc.s&re confession from a deceitf&'* m&rdero&s phi'osopher r&nt who has the 2rass nec. to 1&estion his 'ow'( p'ace in the order of things3 His disrespect for his e'ders and 2etters is < even ,ahatma $andhi gets the 'ash of his scornf&' tong&e3 -a'ram has wor.ed o&t ver( ear'( in 'ife that good deeds &s&a''( have awf&' conse1&ences3 This is 2eca&se he* a'ong with most 'ow'( %ndians* inha2its the >ar.ness* a p'ace where 2asic necessities s&ch as c'ean water* a home* mone( and hea'th are ro&tine'( snatched awa( 2( the wea'th(* who 'ive &p there in the !ight3 -a'ram gets his '&c.( 2rea. when he 'earns to hand'e a car* then pesters his wa( into a +o2 as driver for one of the 'and'ords from his vi''age3 :No need to mention that the 'and'ord is evi' and grasping < the( a'wa(s are in modern %ndian nove's3; The master<servant re'ationship s&its -a'ram we''* his o2se1&io&s and ever<attentive e)terior never revea'ing the f&rio&s hatred 2eneath3 -&t we .now* of co&rse* that the anger m&st o&t3 4aiting for that moment is entertaining st&ff 2eca&se -a'ram has the voice of what ma(* or ma( not* 2e a new %ndia: 1&ic.<witted* ha'f< 2a.ed* se'f<* and awesome'( 1&ic. to sei/e an advantage3 He happi'( a2&ses the re'igio&s foi2'es and hatreds of others where it s&its* dispatching a riva' driver to destit&tion via a 'itt'e anti<,&s'im pre+&dice3 Even caste can 2e hand(: the Ha'wais traditiona''( never dran.

a'coho'* so he p'a(s on that to wrigg'e free from an acc&sation of drin.<driving3 Sacred cowsH >on't 2e a moo3 The man who desires a 'ife of chande'iers* 'aptop comp&ters and 2randed goods has to 'earn that ever(thing is for sa'e3 -a'ram's 2oss* Asho.* spends m&ch of his time in the shopping ma''s of >e'hi* tho&gh it was in America that he pic.ed &p some s&perficia' 'i2era' tendencies3 His protestations of friendship towards -a'ram can never transcend age<o'd grievances* however* and -a'ram .nows on'( too we'' that this wea. creat&re m&st 2e p&nished for the sins of his forefathers3 That p&nishment* ironica''(* is the stepping stone to -a'ram's g'orio&s p'ace in %ndia's f&t&re < as an entreprene&r in the ha''owed cit( of -anga'ore3 There is m&ch to commend in this nove'* a witt( para2'e of %ndia's changing societ(* (et there is a'so m&ch to ponder3 The sca'es have fa''en from the e(es of some %ndian writers* man( either 'iving a2road* or ed&cated there 'i.e Adiga3 The home co&ntr( is invaria2'( presented as a p'ace of 2r&ta' in+&stice and sordid corr&ption* one in which the poor are a'wa(s dispossessed and victimised 2( their age<o'd enemies* the rich3 9haracters at the co'o&rf&' e)tremeties of societ( are >ic.ensian grotes1&es* hi/ s.etches* adrift in a co&ntr( that is '&rching rapid'( towards 2'and midd'e<c'ass norma'it(3 ,( h&nch is that this is f&ndamenta''( an o&tsider's view and a s&perficia' one3 There are so man( other a'ternative %ndias o&t there* &ncontacted and &nheard3 Aravind Adiga is an interesting ta'ent and % hope he wi'' immerse himse'f deeper into that astonishing co&ntr(* then go on to greater things3 P Mevin D&sh2('s aradise: A Histor( of the %dea That D&'es the 4or'd is p&2'ished 2( Do2inson <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< -oo.s: >riving o&t of dar.ness S3 rasannara+an Apri' 1K* 2008 Too's 9omment rint Emai' Face2oo.J >igg itJ NewsvineJ DedditJ >e'3icio3&sJ TechnoratiJ St&m2'e#ponJ DSS Feed Sing'e age Qiew A A AThe 4hite Tiger 2( Aravind Adiga Harper9o''ins rice: Ds ?5R* ages: ?21 "nce in a whi'e it happens* that sing&'ar voice thro&gh the po'(phon( of %ndia %magined3 A voice that defies the received wisdom of the $reat %ndian ,ar.etp'ace of ,etaphors and 2rings to the r&st'e of the ever<increasing n&m2er of pages a new note of anticipation3 %ndia* c&rrent'( perhaps the most anatomised item on the writer0s ta2'e* deserves s&ch an intervention3 %t does more than 2rea. the monoton(* the tedi&m of aspiration3

Aravind Adiga* at ??* steps o&t of the highwa( of 21st<cent&r( %ndia* a vantage position on the sidewa'.* and* as a co&ntr( of ?@*000*00A gods and ma(2e more dreamers and doers who are a'' set to 2reach the 2orders and con1&er the wor'd /ooms past 2efore his e(es* 2'in.s3 The 4hite Tiger is a nove' 2orn in that infinitesima' moment of dar.ness3 And as a de2&t* it mar.s the arriva' of a stor(te''er who a fine 2a'ance 2etween the socio'og( of the wretched p'ace he has chosen as home and the twisted h&manism of the o&tcast3

Aravind Adiga4ith detached* scato'ogica' precision* he s&rve(s the gre( remoteness of an %ndia where the dispossessed and the privi'eged are not steeped in the stereot(pes of str&gg'e and domination3 The r&th'essness of power and s&rviva' ass&mes a mi''ion mora' am2ig&ities in this nove' powered 2( an %ndia where -anga'ore is 2&i't on -ihar3 %t is written as a 'etter from an entreprene&r in -anga'ore to the 9hinese premier on the eve of his %ndian visit3 4hat emerges from the 'etter that spans over seven nights is a portrait of a man and his co&ntr(3 The man: a f&gitive from >ar.ness :6%ndia is two co&ntries in one: an %ndia of !ight* and an %ndia of >ar.ness7; who has seam'ess'( 2'ended into the stream of 'ight3 The co&ntr(: an %ndia permanent'( ta&nted 2( L4h( can0t we 2e 'i.e 9hinaH0 and a 'and witho&t +&sticeBor merc(3 The 'etter writer* the white tiger* 6the creat&re that comes a'ong on'( once in a generation7* t&rns his transition from the heart of dar.nessB!a)mangarh in $a(a* the 'and of the -&ddha as we'' as the $reat Socia'ist who .nows how to ma.e the son of a >han2ad don ho'd the spittoon for himB to the thro22ing centre of 'ight into a fa2'e of the new %ndia3 The 4hite Tiger is the 2ac. stor( of an escapee from the Dooster 9oop* 6the greatest thing to come o&t of this co&ntr( in the ten tho&sand (ears of its histor(37 The roosters in the coop the narrator finds in the meat shops in "'d >e'hi 6see the organs of their 2rothers '(ing aro&nd them3 The( .now the( are ne)t3 The( do not re2e'3 The( do not tr( to get o&t of the coop3 The same thing is done with h&man 2eings in this co&ntr(73 %n the 2eginning* he is one of the wretched and the name'ess* +&st ,&nna* on the $anga* the 2'ac. river of death which he has re+ected after the 'ast +o&rne( of his mother3 The< p&''er0s son gets a name* and -a'ram Ha'wai 2ecomes the 2rightest in the schoo'3 He 2ecomes one of the spidersBthe 2o(s who wipe ta2'es and cr&sh coa'sBin a teashop3 He 'earns the facts of 'ife 2( eavesdropping3 %n >han2ad* he gatecrashes into the ho&se of a don and gets a +o2 as a driver3 His 'ife as a servant f'o&rishes in >e'hi as he 2ecomes the part<time conscience .eeper of the don0s son* his master* his aspiration* and his victim3 !ife inside a Honda 9it( can0t 2e more fantasticBand fata'3 And AdigaBa former Time reporter from >e'hi who now 'ives in ,&m2aiBas a stor(te''er drives on the fo&rth gear3 %t is eas( to read The 4hite Tiger as a mora'it( ta'eBand as a re+oinder to an %ndia where the perversion of po'itics is on'( matched 2( the pornograph( of wea'th3 There is protest* anger* disg&st and a sense of compassion3

Sti''* the mora'it( of the &nderdog offers 'itt'e conso'ation in a co&ntr( with a dar. core3 Mi''ers on the r&n are good stor(te''ers= the( invent* p'a( Schehera/ade* and e)aggerate memor(3 :Demem2er the wic.ed recipes of the protagonist of 8ohn !anchester0s first nove' The >e2t to 'eas&reH; 4hat the white tiger te''s the 9hinese premier in so man( mesmerising words is that he is a rare creat&re* not as ordinar( as L,ade in 9hina03 He is rare indeedBin fiction3 And Aravind Adiga has on'( 2eg&n the stor(3 ES9ED T FD", THE 4H%TE T%$ED For the >es. of: His E)ce''enc( 4en 8ia2ao* The remier0s "ffice* -ei+ing* 9apita' of the Freedom<!oving Nation of 9hina From the >es. of: LThe 4hite Tiger0 A ,an And an entreprene&r !iving in the wor'd0s centre of techno'og( and o&tso&rcing E'ectronics 9it( hase 1 :+&st off Hos&r ,ain Doad;* -anga'ore* %ndia ,r remier* Sir* Neither (o& nor % spea. Eng'ish* 2&t there are some things that can 2e said on'( in Eng'ish3 ,( e)<emp'o(er the 'ate ,r Asho.0s e)<wife* in.( ,adam* ta&ght me one of these things= and at 11:?2 p3m3 toda(* which was a2o&t ten min&tes ago* when the 'ad( on A'' %ndia Dadio anno&nced3 L remier 8ia2ao is coming to -anga'ore ne)t wee.0* % said that thing at once3 %n fact* each time when great men 'i.e (o& visit o&r co&ntr( % sa( it3 Not that % have an(thing against great men3 %n m( wa(* sir* % consider m(se'f one of (o&r .ind3 -&t whenever % see o&r prime minister and his disting&ished side.ic.s drive to the airport in 2'ac. cars and get o&t and do namastes 2efore (o& in front of a TQ camera and te'' (o& a2o&t how mora' and saint'( %ndia is* % have to sa( that thing in Eng'ish3 Now (o& are visiting &s this wee.* Co&r E)ce''enc(* aren0t (o&H A'' %ndia Dadio is &s&a''( re'ia2'e in these matters3 That was a +o.e* sir3 HaJ That0s wh( % want to as. (o& direct'( if (o& rea''( are coming to -anga'ore3 -eca&se if (o& are* % have something important to te'' (o&3 See* the 'ad( on the radio said* L,r 8ia2ao is on a mission: he wants to .now the tr&th a2o&t -anga'ore30 ,( 2'ood fro/e3 %f an(one .nows the tr&th a2o&t -anga'ore* it0s me3 Ne)t* the 'ad( anno&ncer said* L,r 8ia2ao wants to meet some %ndian entreprene&rs and hear the

stor( of their s&ccess from their own 'ips30 She e)p'ained a 'itt'e3 Apparent'(* sir* (o& 9hinese are far ahead of &s in ever( respect* e)cept that (o& don0t have entreprene&rs3 And o&r nation* tho&gh it has no water* e'ectricit(* sewage s(stem* p&2'ic transportation* sense of h(giene* discip'ine* co&rtes(* or p&nct&a'it(* does have entreprene&rs3 Tho&sands and tho&sands of them3 Especia''( in the fie'd of techno'og(3 And these entreprene&rs Bwe entreprene&rsB have set &p a'' these o&tso&rcing companies that virt&a''( r&n America now3 Co& hope to 'earn how to ma.e a few 9hinese entreprene&rs* that0s wh( (o&0re visiting3 That made me fee' good3 -&t then it hit me that in .eeping with internationa' protoco'* the prime minister and foreign minister of m( co&ntr( wi'' meet (o& at the airport with gar'ands* sma'' ta.e< home sanda'wood stat&es of $andhi* and a 2oo.'et f&'' of information a2o&t %ndia0s past* present* and f&t&re3 That0s when % had to sa( that thing in Eng'ish* sir3 "&t 'o&d3 That was at 11:?K p3m3 Five min&tes ago3 % don0t +&st swear and c&rse3 %0m a man of action and change3 % decided right there and then to start dictating a 'etter to (o&3 To 2egin with* 'et me te'' (o& of m( great admiration for the ancient nation of 9hina3 % read a2o&t (o&r histor( in a 2oo.* E)citing Ta'es of the E)otic East* that % fo&nd on the pavement* 2ac. in the da(s when % was tr(ing to get some en'ightenment 2( going thro&gh the S&nda( secondhand 2oo. in "'d >e'hi3 This 2oo. was most'( a2o&t pirates and go'd in Hong Mong* 2&t it did have some &sef&' 2ac.gro&nd information too: it said that (o& 9hinese are great 'overs of freedom and individ&a' 'i2ert(3 The -ritish tried to ma.e (o& their servants* 2&t (o& never 'et them do it3 % admire that* ,r remier3 % was a servant once* (o& see3 "n'( three nations have never 'et themse'ves 2e r&'ed 2( foreigners: 9hina* Afghanistan* and A2(ssinia3 These are the on'( three nations % admire3 "&t of respect for the 'ove of 'i2ert( shown 2( the 9hinese peop'e* and a'so in the 2e'ief that the f&t&re of the wor'd 'ies with the (e''ow man and the 2rown man now that o&r erstwhi'e master* the white<s.inned man* has wasted himse'f thro&gh 2&gger(* mo2i'e phone &sage* and dr&g a2&se* % offer to te'' (o&* free of charge* the tr&th a2o&t -anga'ore3 -( te''ing (o& m( 'ife0s stor(3 See* when (o& come to -anga'ore* and stop at a traffic 'ight* some 2o( wi'' r&n &p to (o&r car and .noc. on (o&r window* whi'e ho'ding &p a 2oot'egged cop( of an American 2&siness 2oo.* wrapped caref&''( in 9e''ophane and with a tit'e 'i.e: TEN SE9DETS "F -#S%NESS S#99ESSJ or

-E9",E AN ENTDE DENE#D %N SEQEN EASC >ACSJ >on0t waste (o&r mone( on those American 2oo.s3 The(0re so (esterda(3 % am tomorrow3 %n terms of forma' ed&cation* % ma( 2e somewhat 'ac.ing3 % never finished schoo'* to p&t it 2'&nt'(3 4ho caresJ % haven0t read man( 2oo.s* 2&t %0ve read a'' the ones that co&nt3 % .now 2( heart the wor.s of the fo&r greatest poets of a'' timeBD&mi* %12a'* ,ir/a $ha'i2* and a fo&rth fe''ow whose name % forget3 % am a se'f<ta&ght entreprene&r3 That0s the 2est .ind there is* tr&st me3 4hen (o& have heard the stor( of how % got to -anga'ore and 2ecame one of its most s&ccessf&' :tho&gh pro2a2'( 'east .nown; 2&sinessmen* (o& wi'' .now ever(thing there is to .now a2o&t how entreprene&rship is 2orn* n&rt&red* and deve'oped in this* the g'orio&s twent(<first cent&r( of man3 The cent&r(* more specifica''(* of the (e''ow and the 2rown man3 Co& and me3 %t is a 'itt'e 2efore midnight now* ,r 8ia2ao3 A good time for me to ta'.3 % sta( &p the who'e night* Co&r E)ce''enc(3 And there0s no one e'se in this 1R0<s1&are<foot office of mine3 8&st me and a chande'ier a2ove me* a'tho&gh the chande'ier has a persona'it( of its own3 %t0s a h&ge thing* f&'' of sma'' diamond<shaped g'ass pieces* +&st 'i.e the ones the( &sed to show in the fi'ms of the 15K0s3 Tho&gh it0s coo' eno&gh at night in -anga'ore* %0ve p&t a midget fanBfive co2we22( 2'adesBright a2ove the chande'ier3 See* when it t&rns* the sma'' 2'ades chop &p the chande'ier0s 'ight and f'ing it across the room3 8&st 'i.e the stro2e 'ight at the 2est discos in -anga'ore3 B From The 4hite Tiger3 TAravind Adiga 2008 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< At'antic F12355 :?21pp; F113@5 :free pUp; from 08K0 0K5 885K The 4hite Tiger* 2( Aravind Adiga Ta'es from the shadow( side of 2ooming %ndia Deviewed 2( So&m(a -hattachar(a Frida(* 11 Apri' 2008 rint Emai' Search Search $o %ndependent3co3&. 4e2 -oo.mar. U Share >igg %t de'3icio3&s Face2oo. Deddit 4hat are theseH

9hange font si/e: A E A E A "ver the past co&p'e of (ears* an e)traordinar( thing has happened in %ndia3 >riven 2( vertigino&s economic growth* the 2&rgeoning of an aggressive'( cons&merist* astonishing'( wea'th( &r2an e'ite and the rise and rise of the 2e''wether stoc.< inde)* a phrase has gained &nriva''ed c&rrenc(: New %ndia3 This isn't %ndia Shining G the tag'ine previo&s'( &sed to descri2e a co&ntr( whose econom( had +&st 2eg&n to catch fire3 This is an %ndia so da//'ed 2( the g'ow of its own s&ccess that it has t&rned an ad+ective into a proper no&n3 4e have 'earnt to em2race New %ndia as a different entit( G 'i.e the New Testament* perhaps* or New !a2o&r3

E'sewhere* ever(da( %ndia :the o'd %ndia; 'imps* co&ghs* sp'&tters and throws &p a good dea' of 2'ood3 "ne of ever( si) %ndians contin&es to 'ive in the shadow of ins&rgenc(3 Farmers with 'itt'e access to irrigation and devastated 2( fai'ing crops contin&e to .i'' themse'ves3 And near'( ?00 mi''ion %ndians remain &ns&re of where their ne)t mea' wi'' come from3 Aravind Adiga's riveting* ra/or<sharp de2&t nove' e)p'ores with wit and insight the rea'ities of these two %ndias* and revea's what happens when the inha2itants of one co''&de and then co''ide with those of the other3 -a'ram Ha'wai* the narrator of The 4hite Tiger* is a Ise'f<ta&ght entreprene&rI* the stor( of whose &p2ringing is Ithe stor( of how a ha'f<2a.ed fe''ow is prod&cedI3 I% am not an origina'*I he confesses* I2&t % am an origina' 'istenerI3 -&''ied* &ned&cated* &nderprivi'eged* Ha'wai comes from the vast r&ra' hinter'and in which K0 per cent of the nation's pop&'ation sti'' 'ives* often in deprivation3 :Adiga ca''s that 'and Ithe >ar.nessI3; -&t Ha'wai has his armo&r(3 He is gritt(* c&nning and reso&rcef&'* driven 2( a cons&ming am2ition to escape to New %ndia* into the 2right 'ights of the 2ig cit( in which a'' he is denied e)ists3 He s&cceeds3 -&t he a'so pa(s* we discover as the 2oo. &nfo'ds* a terri2'e price3 "ver seven nights* from the office of his own start<&p compan( in -anga'ore* sitting 2eneath an ostentatio&s chande'ier whose 'ight is chopped &p 2( the whir'ing 2'ades of a sma'' fan and scattered across the room* he te''s the stor( of his 'ife3 He narrates it thro&gh 'etters he writes G one ever( da( G to the 9hinese premier* who is sched&'ed to visit %ndia soon3 Ha'wai .nows and fears that the , wi'' visit on'( New %ndia* and is .een to te'' him a'so of the parts of %ndia that he wi'' never see* never imagine3 "&t of the 2e'ief Ithat the f&t&re of the wor'd 'ies with the (e''ow man and the 2rown man now that o&r erstwhi'e master* the white<s.inned man* has wasted himse'f thro&gh 2&gger(* mo2i'e phone &sage* and dr&g a2&se* % offer to te'' (o&* free of charge* the tr&th a2o&t -anga'ore3I The tr&th* as it 2egins to emerge* is as as it is fantastic3 %t's a rich s&2+ect* and Adiga mines a'' its dar.'( comic possi2i'ities3 Ha'wai's voice G wised<&p* mordant* sardonic* se'f< and &tter'( witho&t i''&sions G is as compe''ing as it is pers&asive* and one of the tri&mphs of the 2oo.3 Adiga has a fine'( a'ert e(e and ear3 Here he is on one of the intermina2'e* e)asperating traffic +ams that p'ag&e >e'hi: IEver(one hon.ed3 Ever( now and then* the vario&s horns* each with its own pitch* 2'ended into one contin&o&s wai' that so&nded 'i.e a ca'f ta.en from its mother3I The pace* s&per2'( contro''ed in the opening and midd'e sections* 2egins to f'ag a 2it towards the end3 -&t this is a minor 1&i22'e: Adiga has 2een g&ts( in tac.'ing a comp'e) and &rgent s&2+ect3 His is a nove' that has come not a moment too soon3 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< At'antic F12355 The 4hite Tiger* 2( Aravind Adiga

A chatt( m&rderer e)poses the &nder2e''( of %ndia's tiger econom( in this thri''ing de2&t nove' Deviewed 2( >avid ,attin S&nda(* 11 ,a( 2008 De'ated Artic'es 4h( do 2oo. pri/es ignore the 2est readsH D&shdie she'ved 2( +&dges -oo. e)tract: The Secret Script&re 2( Se2astian -arr( Sea of oppies* -( Amitav $hosh The 9'othes on Their -ac.s* 2( !inda $rant The Northern 9'emenc(* 2( hi'ip Hensher A Fraction of the 4ho'e* 2( Steve To't/ rint Emai' Search Search $o %ndependent3co3&. 4e2 -oo.mar. U Share >igg %t de'3icio3&s Face2oo. Deddit 4hat are theseH 9hange font si/e: A E A E A Towards the end of this de2&t nove'* its vo'&2'e* digressive* m&rdero&s protagonist a prediction: I4hite men wi'' 2e finished in m( 'ifetime*I he te''s &s3 I%n 20 (ears time it wi'' +&st 2e &s 2rown and (e''ow men at the top of the p(ramid* and we''' r&'e the wor'd3I He's ta'.ing a2o&t the phenomenon at the heart of this da//'ing narrative: the emergence of that m&ch<hera'ded economic powerho&se* the Inew %ndiaI3

Co& have* no do&2t* read a2o&t it3 %n fact* (o& ma( have done so co&rtes( of Aravind Adiga* who is Time maga/ine's Asia correspondent3 -&t with The 4hite Tiger* Adiga sets o&t to show &s a part of this emerging co&ntr( that we hear a2o&t infre1&ent'(: its &nder2e''(3 4e see thro&gh the e(es of -a'ram* who was 2orn into the Idar.nessI of r&ra' %ndia* 2&t entered the 'ight that is >e'hi via a +o2 as driver to ,r Asho.* the son of a rich 'and'ord3 Now* tho&gh* -a'ram has escaped servit&de and is himse'f a rich 2&sinessman3 4hat's more* his &n'i.e'( +o&rne( invo'ved a m&rder3 The res&'t is an %ndian nove' that e)p'odes the c'ichVs G ornamenta' prose* the scent of saffron G associated with that phrase3 4e'come* instead* to an %ndia where ,icrosoft ca''<centre wor.ers tread the same pavement as 2eggars who 2&rn street r&22ish for warmth3 Adiga's whimsica' conceit is to give &s -a'ram's stor( via seven 'etters to the 9hinese prime minister* who* -a'ram has decided* m&st 2e to'd the tr&th a2o&t %ndia 2efore a forthcoming state visit3 So -a'ram 2egins: he te''s of >e'hi's servants* who 'ive in rotting 2asements 2e'ow the g'ass apartment 2'oc.s that are home to their emp'o(ers3 He te''s of how Asho.'s fami'( 2ri2e government ministers* and how nationa' e'ections are rigged3 Asho.* trend( and 'i2era'* is forever e)pressing g&i't over -a'ram's treatment* 2&t his fine words never come to an(thing3 %t's a thri''ing ride thro&gh a rising g'o2a' power= a p'ace where* we 'earn* the 2r&ta'it( of the modern cit( is compo&nded 2( that of age<o'd tradition3 I%n the o'd da(s there were one tho&sand castes and destinies in %ndia*I sa(s -a'ram3 IThese da(s there are two castes: ,en with -ig

-e''ies* and ,en with Sma'' -e''ies3I Soon eno&gh* of co&rse* -a'ram m&st te'' &s +&st how* e)act'(* he grew a -ig -e''( himse'f3 Tired of a 'ife of servit&de* he the vio'ent action that sec&res his p'ace among >e'hi's rich3 Adiga's p'ot is somewhat predicta2'e G the m&rder that is committed is the one that readers wi'' e)pect thro&gho&t G 2&t The 4hite Tiger s&ffers 'itt'e for this fa&'t3 9a&ght &p in -a'ram's wor'd G and his wonderf&' t&rn of phrase G the pages t&rn themse'ves3 -rimming with idios(ncras(* sarcastic* c&nning* and often hi'ario&s* -a'ram is reminiscent of the end'ess ta'.ers that pop&'ate the nove's of the great 9/ech nove'ist -oh&mi' Hra2a'3 %nventing s&ch a character is no sma'' feat for a first< time nove'ist3 Arch<defenders of %ndia's c'aim to 2e tr&'( democratic* even<handed'( prospero&s and corr&ption< free :and these m&st 2e few o&tside of the %ndian ca2inet; might 2a'. at The 4hite Tiger3 Ever(one e'se* s&re'(* wi'' 2e sed&ced 2( it3 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< %n the dar. This de2&t nove'* in the form of a series of 'etters* paints a grotes1&e pict&re of %ndia 4hen compared with the +o&rna'ist or the scho'ar* the fiction writer seems a2s&rd'( free3 He :or she; can constr&ct a stor( in an( wa( he chooses3 His characters have the freedom to sa( whatever the( 'i.eBin fact* the( are most pers&asive when we fee' them to 2e 6free7* and not mo&thpieces for the a&thor0s ideas3 A'' we demand in ret&rn is not that the stor( 2e tr&e* 2&t that it 2e p'a&si2'e3 -&t* this re1&irement shows &s that the fiction writer0s freedom is act&a''( a diffic&'t freedom3 9onstr&cting a p'a&si2'e stor( from scratchBa stor( in which narration* dia'og&e and p'ot constr&ction wor. together to prod&ce the effect of 'ived e)perienceBcan 2e harder than reporting or ana'(sing a tr&e stor(3 This is the reason wh(* when +&dged 2( the highest standards* most nove's are fai'&res* some are hono&ra2'e fai'&res and few are s&ccesses3 Fiction writers can mis&se their freedom thro&gh simp'e incompetence* or 2( manip&'ative p'otting* or 2( a fai'&re to imaginative'( rea'i/e the inner 'ives of their characters* or 2( simp'ified and schematic that waters down the comp'e)it( of the wor'd3 Aravind Adiga0s nove' The 4hite Tiger seems instr&ctive in this regard* 2eca&se it seems to fai' in a'' the wa(s mentioned a2ove3 The 4hite Tiger the form of a series of 'etters addressed 2( an entreprene&r* -a'ram Ha'wai* to the 9hinese remier* 4en 8ia2ao3 %t is a s'ic. mono'og&e somewhat reminiscent of ,ohsin Hamid0s The De'&ctant F&ndamenta'ist 2&t* whi'e Hamid0s protagonist 9hange/ addresses the reader* there seems no good reason for -a'ram to address 4en3 "ver the co&rse of seven nights* -a'ram te''s 4en the stor( of how he was for 'ong a deni/en of 6the >ar.ness7 and how* after m&rdering his emp'o(er* he str&c. riches3 Some other reviews of Adiga0s nove' have praised -a'ram0s c(nica'* wor'd<wear( voice as a refreshing view<from<2e'ow* an antidote to romantic a2o&t 6the new %ndia73 -&t* the( ignore the e)tent to which The 4hite Tiger itse'f participates in the perpet&ation of simp'e 2inaries3 The two most conspic&o&s words in the narrative are 6ma''s7 :prospero&s* materia'istic &r2an %ndia; and 6the >ar.ness7 :2enighted* s&ffering r&ra' %ndia;* a rea'm of rapacio&s 'and'ords and fata'istic citi/ens reconci'ed to 'iving in 6the coop73 -a'ram0s vi''age* !a)mangarh* has man( ma'no&rished chi'dren with e(es that shine 6'i.e the g&i't( conscience of the government of %ndia73 %t is certain'( tr&e that %ndia0s ma'no&rished chi'dren are an indictment of government3 -&t wo&'d a man s&ch as -a'ramBa m&rderer* and corr&ptBconcept&a'i/e a sit&ation in these termsH "r* is this +&st Adiga thro&gh his character* tr(ing to win some 2rownie points for socia' concernH Adiga0s stor( is never more wretched than in one of the c'osing scenes3 -a'ram now r&ns a ta)i service in -anga'ore* and one of his drivers .noc.s down and .i''s a (o&th3 -a'ram has contacts with the :inevita2'( corr&pt; po'ice* and gets the case h&shed &p3 As a gest&re of charit(* he visits the aged parents of the deceased with compensation of Ds2R*0003 The mother wi'' not ta.e it3 -&t 6the o'd man* the father* was e(eing the enve'ope7* reports -a'ram3 Event&a''(* the( ta.e the mone(3 This scene is reprehensi2'e not 2eca&se -a'ram is so despica2'e :a'tho&gh he is;* 2&t 2eca&se of

Adiga0s imp'ication that an(2od(Beven parents whose grief is as fresh as a wo&nd Bcan 2e 2o&ght in %ndia as 'ong as the price is right3 The %ndia of Adiga0s nove' is certain'( grotes1&e* 2&t Adiga g'eef&''( feasts &pon and e)aggerates this grotes1&erie3 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< $etting and spending Na.&' Mrishna &2'ished 2K ,arch 2008 rint version !isten DSS The 4hite Tiger Aravind Adiga At'antic -oo.s* ??@pp* F12355 "ne is s&re'( tired of 2eing informed that one had 2etter resign onese'f to the prospect of an %ndian<r&n andWor 9hinese<dominated wor'd3 >rear( o'd Isho&'d we fear red:dish; 9hinaI de2ates apart* there are 1&arters in which it is dec'ared prefera2'e that the %ndians sho&'d ta.e over3 %ndia < 'i2era'* democratic* Eng'ish<* westward<'* investor<friend'(* no 'onger non<a'igned %ndia < is where the action's at3 %t is where the action of Aravind Adiga's The 4hite Tiger is at* and Adiga's is what might 2e ca''ed a ca&tionar( ta'e3 I,r remier*I his narrator 2egins* addressing His E)ce''enc( 4en 8ia2ao of 9hina in a 'etter that 'asts the entire 'ength of the nove'* Ineither (o& nor % spea. Eng'ish* 2&t there are some things that can 2e said on'( in Eng'ish3I The nove''s framing as a seven<part 'etter to the 9hinese prime minister t&rns o&t to 2e an &ne)pected'( f'e)i2'e instr&ment in Adiga's hands* accommodating ever(thing from the he'pf&' e)p'anator( aside to digressions into po'itica' po'emic3 %t is a'so +&st the thing he needs to te'' the stor( of his narrator* -a'ram Ha'wi < from his origins in a part of %ndia he ca''s Ithe >ar.nessI to his c&rrent position as a s&ccessf&' entreprene&r in -anga'ore's IE'ectronic 9it(I3 -&t -a'ram is emphatica''( no<c'ass hero* and he 1&ic.'( shows himse'f to 2e wor'd'(* c(nica' and conscio&s'( immora'3 Hired as cha&ffe&r for the son of the vi''age 'and'ord* -a'ram is to'd :and the metaphorica' resonance is made amp'( o2vio&s; that the road Iis a +&ng'e* get itH A good driver m&st roar to get ahead on it3I 4hen he gets to >e'hi* we are treated to some of the most ac&te socia' criticism (et made of the new %ndian midd'e c'ass3 As he writes: IThe rich of America or Eng'and*I who have no servants* Icannot even 2egin to &nderstand what a good 'ife is3I An e)amp'e: Now* whi'e the( wa'.ed aro&nd the apartment 2'oc.* the fatsos made their thin servants 3 3 3 stand at vario&s spots on that circ'e with 2ott'es of minera' water and fresh towe's in their hands3 Each time the( comp'eted a circ&it aro&nd the 2&i'ding* the( stopped ne)t to their man* gra22ed the 2ott'e < g&'p < gra22ed the towe' < wipe* wipe < then it was off on ro&nd two3 "ne might note the distinctive narrative voice* rich with the disconcerting sme'' of coarse a&thenticit(3 %t is sim&'taneo&s'( a2'e to conve( the seeming'( congenita' servi'it( of the 'ang&age of the r&ra' poor as we'' as its potentia' for .nowing s&2version3 %t sends &p the neo<Thatcherite voca2&'ar( of the new rich* their a2s&rd e)travagance and ga&d( taste* 2&t manages to do it tender'( and with &nderstanding3 %n a t&rn of phrase that reca''s the ear'( Q S Naipa&'* it &nderstands f&''( this wor'd of Iha'f<2a.ed cities* 2&i't for ha'f<2a.ed menI3 Adiga's st('e ca''s to mind the wor. of ,&nshi remchand* that great Hindi prose st('ist and chronic'er of the nationa'ist movement* especia''( in passages 'i.e this: IA rich man's 2od( is 'i.e a premi&m cotton pi''ow* white and soft and 2'an.I* 2&t the Istor( of a poor man's 'ife is written on his 2od(* in a sharp penI3 4e wo&'d pro2a2'( 2e right to descri2e the imp&'se of Adiga's fiction as a .ind of socia' rea'ism* contemporar( %ndia offering +&st the sorts of conspic&o&s contrasts on which s&ch writing thrives3 He is too cann( an o2server to 'a2o&r &nder romantic i''&sions a2o&t the poor= the fai'&res of %ndia's o'd 'eft are good reason not to e)pect an( immediate redemption

from that 1&arter3 The a&thor's optimism tends in a different direction3 Adiga might overstate the point* 2&t he is s&re'( right when he writes that Ithe difference 2etween333 this %ndia and that %ndia NisO the choiceI3 9&t thro&gh a'' the rhetoric* and it is pro2a2'( tr&e that where %ndia offers more ca&se for hope than 9hina is in the possi2i'it( that with economic freedom might come a meas&re of the po'itica' and socia' 'i2era'ism which was the fo&ndation of progressive change in the west3 He o2serves tho&ghtf&''( that* in cities a'' over the co&ntr(* peop'e Isit &nder 'amp posts at night and read3 ,en h&dd'e together and disc&ss and point fingers to the heavens3I 4hich is not to sa( that the %ndian Devo'&tion is nigh* 2&t it certain'( sa(s something3 4hen the d&st from a'' the new constr&ction has sett'ed* -anga'ore :and the man( p'aces 'i.e it; Ima( t&rn o&t to 2e a decent cit(I* more decent than the 2r&ta' wor'd its immigrants have 'eft 2ehind3 Adiga's narrator 1&otes with approva' the #rd& poet %12a'* who said: IThe( remain s'aves 2eca&se the( can't see what is 2ea&tif&' in this wor'd3I erhaps that 'ine* and the nove'* serve as a manifesto for the sort of writing that the new %ndia needs 2&t isn't getting eno&gh of3 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< The 4hite Tiger -( Aravind Adiga* Free ress= X2A This fast<moving nove'* set in %ndia* is 2eing so'd as a corrective to the g'i2* dream( e)oticism 4estern readers often get3 :The ad campaign sa(s 6No saris3 No scents3 No spices37; The &nderside of the s&2continent t&rns o&t to 2e prett( grim* a p'ace where caste sti'' matters :a 'ot;* servant c&'t&re is even more ingrained than it was in The Demains of the >a(* and nothing ever gets done &nti' someone hands over a s&itcase f&'' of r&pees3 This is a m&rder m(ster(* to'd 2ac.ward: The .i''er0s revea'ed ear'(* and the rest is wh(<he<d&nit rather than whod&nit3 -&t the rea' point is to show contemporar( %ndia* which comes off high'( aggressive and gr&22(* 'i.e the nineteenth<cent&r( America of $angs of New Cor.* p'&s tech<s&pport centers and ce'' phones3 %f these are the hands that 2&i't %ndia* their grand.ids rea''( are going to .ic. America0s ass3 -#C %T <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< %ndia's Native Son: Aravind Adiga's 'The 4hite Tiger' -( S9"TT ,E>%NTY E Apri' 25* 2008 SHADE E D%NT E E,A%! Add to de'3icio3&s Add to >igg Add to Face2oo. Add to Newsvine Aravind Adiga's a&spicio&s de2&t nove'* IThe 4hite TigerI :Free ress* 288 pages* X2A;* is at once a fascinating g'impse 2eneath the s&rface of an %ndian economic Imirac'e*I a heart<stopping ps(cho'ogica' ta'e of a premeditated m&rder and its aftermath* and a metic&'o&s'( conceived a''egor( of the creative destr&ction that's driving g'o2a'i/ation3 9'ic. %mages for S'ideshow

#rie' Sinai W $ett( Qehic'es stop at a red 'ight* on Apri' 1?* 2008 in -anga'ore* %ndia3 ,an( residents wor. for m&'ti< nationa' cooperations and the econom( is 2ooming3

That ma( so&nd 'i.e a 'ot to ta.e in* 2&t IThe 4hite TigerI is &npretentio&s and comp&'sive'( reada2'e to 2oot3 %ts hero* -a'ram Harwai* te''s the stor( of his own +o&rne( from a hope'ess'( impoverished (o&th

in %ndia's Idar.I interior to entreprene&ria' s&ccess in -anga'ore* the center of his co&ntr('s %T 2oom3 His narrative is framed as a series of 'ong e<mai's* pres&ma2'( &'edged* to 9hinese remier 4en 8ia2ao in anticipation of that officia''s fact<finding trip to 'earn Ithe tr&thI a2o&t %ndian entreprene&rship3 The tr&th* as -a'ram portra(s it* t&rns o&t to 2e 1&ite a 2it than an(thing (o& ma( have read in the 2&siness pages a2o&t the s&2continent's 2o&'evards of g'eaming new office towers3 And whi'e his against<a''<odds rise owes m&ch to hard wor.* co&rage* and determination* -a'ram most decided'( 'ac.s the se'f'ess virt&e of the 2ootstrapping Horatio A'ger character: He c'aws his wa( from indent&red servit&de to economic empowerment via acts of r&th'essness and* as he confesses in the first chapter* m&rder3 A'ong with the events that 'ead &p to the crime* we catch g'impses of the sort of indignities and in+&stices endemic to a co&ntr( that's sti'' emerging from decades of po'itica'* economic* and socia' d(sf&nction B teachers who don't teach* hospita's witho&t doctors3 The top st&dent in his pathetic vi''age schoo'* the (o&ng -a'ram is promised a scho'arship 2( a visiting dignitar(* on'( to have his ed&cation c&t woef&''( short when he's forced into servit&de 2( the 'oan shar. who financed a re'ative's wedding3 !ater* he 2egs his wa( into a +o2 as the second<string cha&ffe&r to a fami'( that feeds off p&2'ic reso&rces 2( 2ri2ing government officia's3 These new emp'o(ers are I2etter than nine in ten*I -a'ram admits* and he soon fa''s &nder the protectorship of Asho.* the mi'der* more .indhearted son3 Asho. has spent time in America* and won't a2ide the most e)treme forms of caste<2ased discrimination= &n'i.e the rest of his fami'(* he'edges -a'ram's 2asic h&manit(3 This tenderness goes 2( the wa(side* however* when -a'ram is needed to ta.e the fa'' for Asho.'s wife* who has care'ess'( .i''ed a sma'' chi'd 2ehind the whee'3 Sti''* Asho.'s re'ative decenc( ens&res that we are s&ita2'( appa''ed as -a'ram te''s of p'otting and carr(ing o&t the 2r&ta' .i''ing of his tr&sting* if f'awed* emp'o(er3 Tr( as one might* however* it's awf&''( hard not to read his crime as the tri&mph of p'&c.( entreprene&rship over cron( capita'ism: -a'ram .i''s for a 2ag of cash Asho. was &sing to grease a p&2'ic officia'* and the 2'ood mone( 2ecomes the start<&p capita' for -a'ram's soon<2ooming 2&siness3 !i.e H&m2ert H&m2ert B or Ton( Soprano* for that matter B -a'ram proves to 2e a serio&s'( charming sociopath3 Far 'ess se'f<deceiving than Na2o.ov's narrator* his tone is witt(* even p'a(f&'* 2&t a'so g&i'e'ess and matter<of<fact3 4hen he te''s &s that in %ndia there are Ion'( two destinies: eat* or get eaten &p*I we don't hear it as an e)c&se for his actions* 2&t simp'( as a description of the conditions in which he 'ives3 ITo 2rea. the 'aw of the 'and B to t&rn 2ad news into good news B is the entreprene&r's prerogative*I dec'ares -a'ram* 'i.e some irrepressi2'e* A(n Dand<o2sessed 2&siness g&r&3 8oseph Sch&mpeter* the first economist to st&d( entreprene&rship* famo&s'( pop&'ari/ed Icreative destr&ctionI as shorthand for the wa( innovation periodica''( .i''s off the 2&siness esta2'ishment and prepares the soi' for new economic growth3 -&t the term had its roots in Niet/sche3 %n IThe 4hite Tiger*I ,r3 Adiga 2ri''iant'( the origina'3 ,r3 ,edint/ is the editor of #pstart* a maga/ine a2o&t (o&ng entreprene&rs3 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< The 4hite Tiger 2( Aravind Adiga :Free ress= X2A; The New Apri' 1A* 2008 Te)t Si/e: Sma'' Te)t ,edi&m Te)t !arge Te)t rint E<,ai' Feeds Me(words 6The 4hite Tiger7 :Free ress= X2A;= Adiga* Aravind= >e2&t Nove's= %ndia= %ndians= ,&rder= 9ha&ffe&rs %n this dar.'( comic dV2&t nove' set in %ndia* -a'ram* a cha&ffe&r* m&rders his emp'o(er* +&stif(ing his crime as the act of a 6socia' entreprene&r37 %n a series of 'etters to the remier of 9hina* in anticipation of the 'eader0s &pcoming visit to -a'ram0s home'and* the cha&ffe&r reco&nts his transformation from an honest* 2o( growing &p in 6the

>ar.ness7Bthose areas of r&ra' %ndia where ed&cation and e'ectricit( are e1&a''( scarce* and where vi''agers 2anter a2o&t 'oca' e'ections 6'i.e e&n&chs disc&ssing the Mama S&tra7Bto a determined .i''er3 He p'aces the 2'ame for his rage s1&are'( on the avarice of the %ndian V'ite* among whom 2ri2es are commonp'ace* and who perpet&ate a s(stem in which man( are sacrificed to the whims of a few3 Adiga0s message isn0t s&2t'e or nove'* 2&t -a'ram0s appea'ing'( sardonic voice and ac&te o2servations of the socia' order are 2oth winning and &nsett'ing3 Z <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 4hen the eterna' a''&re of %ndia wears thin Francesca Sega' on The 4hite Tiger E Qoice "ver E Shadowing the S&n Francesca Sega' S&nda( Apri' 1?* 2008 "2server -a'ram Ha'wai is writing a 'etter to the 9hinese premier* who is coming to -anga'ore to 'earn a2o&t 2&siness initiative in Aravind Adiga's The 4hite Tiger :At'antic -oo.s F12355* pp?21;3 'Apparent'(* sir* (o& 9hinese are far ahead of &s in ever( respect* e)cept that (o& don't have entreprene&rs3 And o&r nation has no water* e'ectricit(* sewage s(stem* p&2'ic transportation* sense of h(giene* discip'ine* co&rtes(* or p&nct&a'it( < 2&t it does have entreprene&rs3 Tho&sands and tho&sands of them3' -a'ram is something of an entreprene&r himse'f* having enterprising'( m&rdered his master* a2sconded with a 2ag of 2an.notes and +oined what he considers the New %ndia < opport&nities for a''* so 'ong as (o&'re one of the few wi''ing to 2rea. (o&r wa( o&t of the 'rooster cage' of povert( and servit&de3 -etra(ing a master means the certain revenge s'a&ghter of one's own fami'( < and for a'' 2&t a ver( few* this cost is rather too high3 The son of a<p&''er from a vi''age on the 2an.s of the $anges* -a'ram sees hope and possi2i'it( seeping into the 2'ac. m&d of the river and 2e'ieves his sa'vation 'ies far awa( in the cit(3 -&t a +o2 as a driver for a rich fami'( in >e'hi is simp'( to 2e an indent&red servant with a fancier tit'e < he sti'' washes his master's feet* 2'ow<dries the omeranians and is e)pected to ta.e the fa'' when the master's wife commits a crime3 "ver the co&rse of seven nights* -a'ram writes to the premier of his own genesis: from the dar.ness &nti' the moment he decides to ma.e 'ight for himse'f3 His voice is engaging < ca&stic and f&nn(* descri2ing the man( in+&stices of modern %ndian societ( with we''<2a'anced h&mo&r and f&r(3 -&t there's 'itt'e new here < the 2'&r2s c'aim it's redressing the misg&ided and romantic 4estern view of %ndia < 2&t % s&spect there are few to whom %ndia's corr&ption wi'' come as a s&rprise3 As socia' commentar(* it's disappointing* a'tho&gh as a nove' it's good f&n3 ,&ch<h(ped de2&ts are a theme this month* with a&' A&ster ca''ing 9V'ine 9&rio''s Qoice "ver :Fa2er F10355* pp20?; 'the finest first nove' % have read in man( (ears 333 1&ite simp'( one of the most origina' and 2ri''iant'( e)ec&ted wor.s of fiction 2( an( contemporar( writer % .now of'3 Serio&s c'aims indeed3 %nvisi2'e to a'' the trave''ers* a (o&ng woman spends her da(s anno&ncing the train times at the $are d& Nord3 -&t it's not on'( the station trave''ers who don't see her3 There is a sense thro&gho&t that she is neg'ected 2( aris itse'f* and she spends her da(s 'onging to 2e with a man she can't have whi'e o2serving him with his Ange* the 're2e''io&s ange'' he's 2een with since the night she first met him3 'Ces*' she te''s herse'f* the( do ma.e a nice co&p'e3' erhaps it was inevita2'e that with e)pectations raised s.(<high the 2oo. wo&'d disappoint= perhaps it's simp'( an essence that's 'ost in a trans'ation of a nove' m&ch admired in its origina' French3 -&t % str&gg'ed: 9&rio' maintains a sense of 'one'(* oneric detachment in her heroine* (et the sense of disconnection from the cit( is e)tended to the reader and it's a cha''enge to sta( with the &nremitting* de'i2erate'( f'attened prose3 The 'ac. of dia'og&e serves to heighten the

impression of an invisi2'e* ghost<'i.e protagonist* 2&t at a cost of emotiona' accessi2i'it(3 Her ne)t one is 'i.e'( to 2e one to watch* however= 9&rio' has a ta&t* discip'ined st('e that* in+ected with a 'itt'e warmth* ma( evo've into something marve''o&s3 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< "&t'oo. DEQ%E4 -'eached Ho&se 9at An &ns&ccesf&' fora( on 2ree/(<a2s&rd territor( where an(thing goes3 Co& can't even ta.e the a&thor to co&rt3 ,an+&'a admana2han E e<mai' E one page format E feed2ac.: send E

-rowse Deviews 2(: A&thors A-9>EF$H%8M!,N" [DST#Q4SCY -oo.s A-9>EF$H%8M!,N" [DST#Q4SCY Deviewers A-9>EF$H%8M!,N" [DST#Q4SCY

THE 4H%TE T%$ED 2( Aravind Adiga Harper9o''ins ages: ?21= Ds3 ?5R ,&nna Ha'wai a'ias -a'ram a'ias the epon(mo&s 4hite Tiger of this satirica' first nove' 2( Aravind Adiga is either a ver( f&nn( fe''ow or a ver( anno(ing one3 %t a'' depends on how m&ch (o& 'i.e a sass( anti<hero who m&rders his hatef&' ND% 2oss to c'aw his wa( o&t of the >ar.ness of %ndia0s impoverished mi''ions into the !ight of %ndia0s p'&mp and wea'th( h&ndreds3 % fo&nd the 2oo. a tedio&s* &nf&nn( s'og* 2&t the 2ac.<cover 2'&r2 sa(s it is Icompe''ing* angr( and dar.'( h&mo&ro&sI3 The tone of the writing is 2ree/(<a2s&rd* which means we can0t ho'd the writer acco&nta2'e for an(thing that happens in the 2oo.3 Two<foot<'ong gec.os and corpses whose toes send messages from 2e(ond the p(reH No pro2'em3 After a''* compared to the rea'<'ife a2s&rdities of %ndian 'ife* where p&2'ic 2&ses ro&tine'( mow down pedestrians on the roads of the capita' cit( and ordinar( citi/ens m&rder their da&ghters<in<'aw on a dai'( 2asis* the events in the 2oo. are entire'( commonp'ace3 The a&thor0s target is the cr&e''( insensitive 'and'ord c'ass* so we can re'a) in the .now'edge that he0s a &reheart* 2att'ing for the downtrodden and the &nderprivi'eged3

Echoes of D&shdie* Sea'( and can 2e traced3 -&t the fina' res&'t has none of their '&mino&s 1&a'ities3 Too 2ad the( won0t 2e the ones reading or even 2&(ing this attractive<' hardcover 2oo.J At near'( Ds A00* it is accessi2'e on'( to that vi'e c'ass which wi'' no do&2t en+o( recognising itse'f as the vi''ain of the piece3 That0s +&st another part of the a''<pervasive a2s&rdit(Battac.ers

and defenders have no choice 2&t to sit at the same ta2'e* snar'ing over which of them has the greater right to capita'ise &pon the s&ffering of the m&te and toi'ing masses3 The 2oo. the form of a 'etter addressed to His E)ce''enc( 4en 8ia2ao* premier of 9hina* d&ring this dignitar(0s state visit to %ndia3 -a'ram has decided that the f&t&re I'ies with the (e''ow man and the 2rown man now that o&r erstwhi'e master* the white<s.inned man* has wasted himse'f thro&gh 2&gger(* mo2i'e phone &sage* and dr&g a2&seI3 4h( does the protagonist choose the 9hinese premier as the recipient of this 'etterH He te''s &s that it0s 2eca&se I"n'( three nations have never 'et themse'ves 2e r&'ed 2( foreigners: 9hina* Afghanistan and A2(ssinia3 These are the on'( three nations % admire3I This statement ma( seem at odds with the reference to the Ierstwhi'e masterI that occ&rs on the same page* 2&t so whatH There0s no acco&nta2i'it( in the 2ree/(<a2s&rd schoo' of 'iterat&reJ Ever(thing goesJ Nothing is rea'J !ie 2ac. and open wide3 The 'etter* which e)tends the f&'' 'ength of the 2oo.* is written across seven da(s and nights d&ring which time -a'ram sets down the stor( of his 'ife* 2eginning with his ear'( str&gg'es as the son of a ha'wai<t&rned<ric.shawp&''er in a r&ra' 2ac.water ca''ed !a)mangarh3 Fo&r 2estia' 'and'ords oppress the vi''agers of this A''<%ndia<garh3 Co&ng -a'ram faces the ro&tine h&mi'iations of his c'ass 2efore 2eginning his evo'&tion o&t of the primordia' s'ime 2( 2ecoming a driver3 His emp'o(er Asho. happens to 2e the son of one of the !a)mangarh 'and'ords3 Asho.0s wife is a tro&ser<wearing* 2adminton<p'a(ing s&per2itch 2( the name ofBcan (o& g&essHB in.(3 Her dogs* 9&dd'es and &dd'es* are white omeranians3 The car is a Honda 9it(3 And the m&rder weapon* when it comes time for -a'ram to ta.e the 1&ant&m<'eap from s'ave<c'ass to entreprene&r* is a 2ro.en whis.e( 2ott'e<nec.3 Echoes of the %ndo<%nternationa'ist c'&2 of 'iterat&re can 2e heard thro&gho&t3 % discerned traces of Miran Nagar.ar0s Davan U Eddie in the compassion for the &nderdog* %3 A''an Sea'( in the iron(* Sa'man D&shdie in the s&rrea' f'o&rishes3 -&t the composite res&'t has none of the geni&s of these a&thors* neither the comp'e)it( of p'ot* nor the 2ri''iant command of 'ang&age* nor the depth of vision3Ces* the %ndia Shining image that so man( of &s find na&seating in its dishonest( and comp'acenc( deserves to 2e revi'ed3 -&t is this schoo'2o(ish sneering the 2est that we can doH %s it eno&gh to paint an &g'( pict&re and then s&ggest that the wa( o&t is to s'it the oppressor0s throat and 2ecome an oppressor onese'fH 4o&'d the m&te and toi'ing masses 2e gratef&' to 2e championed th&sH % don0t thin. so 2&t then again* who am %H 8&st another >evi'0s spawn 'and'ord< wanna2e* rightH So go on: read the 2oo.3 Co& decide3 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< San Francisco 9hronic'e '4hite Tiger': 4hen 'ife is to eat or 2e eaten !ee Thomas S&nda(* Apri' 2K* 2008

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< rint E<mai' de'3icio3&s >igg Technorati Deddit Face2oo. S'ashdot Far. Newsvine $oog'e -oo.mar.s Share 9omments :1; $eorgia :defa&'t; Qerdana Times New Doman

Aria'Font E Si/e: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< The 4hite Tiger -( Aravind Adiga The Free ress= 2K@ pages= X2A Aravind Adiga's first nove'* IThe 4hite Tiger*I de'ivers an indomita2'e centra' character and an %ndia 2rist'ing with economic possi2i'it(* competing 'o(a'ties and c'ass str&gg'e3 Adiga's training as a +o&rna'ist 'ends the immediac( of news to his writing* 2&t it is his rich'( detai'ed stor(te''ing that wi'' captivate his a&dience3 -a'ram Ha'wai* the son of a p&''er* and his str&gg'ing fami'( 'ive in Ithe >ar.ness*I the name for the vast %ndian co&ntr(side3 After their father's death* -a'ram and his o'der 2rother* Mishan* 'eave their sma'' vi''age to see. wor. in the teashops of >han2ad3 Event&a''(* -a'ram 'ands a +o2 as a driver for a wea'th( fami'( in >e'hi3 IThe 4hite TigerI echoes masterpieces of resistance and oppression :2oth IThe 8&ng'eI and INative SonI come to mind;3 -&t Adiga depicts the modern %ndian di'emma as &ni1&e3 %ntense fami'( 'o(a'ties and a c&'t&re of servit&de c'ash with the &nf&'fi''ed promises of democrac(3 Ear'( in the 2oo.* a schoo' inspector sa(s a2o&t -a'ram* ICo&* (o&ng man* are an inte''igent* honest* vivacio&s fe''ow in this crowd of th&gs and idiots3 %n this +&ng'e* (o& are the rarest of anima's < the creat&re that comes a'ong on'( once in a generation3I The creat&re of which he spea.sH The white tiger* of co&rse3 Adiga's Iha'f<2a.edI protagonist :-a'ram ca''s himse'f that 2eca&se he dropped o&t of schoo' ear'(* 2&t credits his ha'f<formed nat&re with am2ition: IEntreprene&rs are made from ha'f<2a.ed c'a(I; sets o&t to f&'fi'' this promise3 Names ho'd partic&'ar significance in a co&ntr( where ever(thing seems to 2e in the midd'e of a transformation3 The poor fina''( get a whiff of opport&nit(* eno&gh to inc&2ate hope= the rich 'ive 'i.e .ings in a shin(* new wor'd where servants are e)pected to respond to their ever( whim* even to serve prison sentences for crimes committed 2( their masters3 IThe 4hite TigerI +&)taposes the e)tremes of modern %ndia thro&gh -a'ram's e)p'oits as a driver3 The care'ess imp&'ses of his master* ,r3 Asho.* often have devastating conse1&ences for -a'ram3 Asho. care'ess'( p'a(s games on his ce'' phone whi'e his driver contemp'ates the end of his 'ife as he has .nown it3 Thro&gh -a'ram* Adiga e)poses the a2so'&te devotion of the servant c'ass: INever 2efore in h&man histor( have so few owed so m&ch to so man( 333 (o& can p&t the .e( of his emancipation in a man's hands and he wi'' throw it 2ac. at (o& with a c&rse3I -a'ram evo'ves to see the in+&stice of having to choose 2etween fami'( and se'f* s'avish devotion to the master and a&tonom(3 There seem to 2e two f&t&res avai'a2'e: Iin the o'd da(s there were one tho&sand castes and destinies in %ndia3 These da(s* there are +&st two castes: ,en with -ig -e''ies* and ,en with Sma'' -e''ies3 And on'( two destinies: eat < or get eaten &p3I -a'ram see.s a third option: to 2rea. free from the c'ass of the eaten3 IThe 4hite TigerI contains passages of start'ing 2ea&t( < from ref'ections on the e)1&isite '&)&r( of a chande'ier in ever( room* to descriptions of s.inn( drivers h&dd'ed aro&nd fires f&e'ed 2( p'astic 2ags3 Adiga never 'ets the precision of his 'ang&age overshadow the rea'ities at hand: No matter how potent his 'ang&age one never 'oses sight of the men and women fighting impossi2'e odds to s&rvive3

IThings are different in the >ar.ness3 There* ever( morning* tens of tho&sands of (o&ng men sit in the tea shops* reading the newspaper 333 The( have no +o2 to do toda(3 The( .now the( won't get an( +o2 toda(3 The('ve given &p the fight3I Thro&gho&t the nove'* what sets -a'ram apart from his fami'(* fe''ow servants and even emp'o(ers* is that he never gives &p the fight3 Toward the end of IThe 4hite Tiger*I on a wa'. thro&gh the Nationa' Yoo in >e'hi* -a'ram thin.s* IThe moment (o& recogni/e what is 2ea&tif&' in the wor'd* (o& stop 2eing a s'ave3I IThe 4hite TigerI adheres to this reve'ation < 2ea&t( a'wa(s e)poses in+&stice* rather than m&te'( serving it3 -&t the nove' a'so'edges the comp'e)it( invo'ved in freedom3 IThe 4hite TigerI s&cceeds as a 2oo. that caref&''( 2a'ances fa2'e and p&re o2servation3 As one character e)p'ains to another: IThings are comp'icated in %ndia* Asho.3 %t's not 'i.e in America3 'ease reserve (o&r +&dgment3I \s2o)] <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< From The S&nda( Times Apri' @* 2008 The 4hite Tiger 2( Aravind AdigaDeviewed 2( Adam !ive'( Aravind Adiga's e)traordinar( and 2ri''iant first nove' the form of a series of 'etters to 4en 8ia2ao* the 9hinese premier* from -a'ram Ha'wai* the -anga'ore 2&sinessman who is the se'f< st('ed 64hite Tiger7 of the tit'e3 -anga'ore is the Si'icon Qa''e( of the s&2continent* and on the eve of a state visit 2( 8ia2ao* o&r entreprene&r Ha'wai wishes to impart something of the new %ndia to the 9hinese premier < 6o&t of respect for the 'ove of 'i2ert( shown 2( the 9hinese peop'e* and a'so in the 2e'ief that the f&t&re of the wor'd 'ies with the (e''ow man and the 2rown man now that o&r erstwhi'e master* the white<s.inned man* has wasted himse'f thro&gh 2&gger(* mo2i'e phone &sage and dr&g a2&se73 Ha'wai's 'esson a2o&t the new %ndia is drawn from the rags<to<riches stor( of his own 'ife3 For Ha'wai* the son of a r&ra'<p&''er* is from the 6>ar.ness7: 6 'ease &nderstand* Co&r E)ce''enc(* that %ndia is two co&ntries in one: an %ndia of !ight* and an %ndia of >ar.ness3 The ocean 2rings 'ight to m( co&ntr(3 Ever( p'ace on the map of %ndia near the ocean is we''<off3 -&t the river 2rings dar.ness to %ndia < the 2'ac. river37 The 2'ac. river is the $anges* 2e'oved of the sari<and<spices to&rist image of %ndia3 :6NoJ < ,r 8ia2ao* % &rge (o& not to dip in the $anga* &n'ess (o& want (o&r mo&th f&'' of faeces* straw* sogg( parts of h&man 2odies* 2&ffa'o carrion* and seven different .inds of ind&stria' acids37; At first* this nove' seems 'i.e a straightforward p&''ed<&p<2(<(o&r<2ootstraps ta'e* a'2eit given a da//'ing twist 2( the narrator's sharp and satirica' e(e for the rea'ities of 'ife for %ndia's poor3 :6%n the o'd da(s there were 1*000 castes333in %ndia3 These da(s* there are +&st two castes: ,en with -ig -e''ies* and ,en with Sma'' -e''ies37; -&t as the narrative draws the reader f&rther in* and dar.ens* it 2ecomes c'ear that Adiga is p'a(ing a 2igger game3 For The 4hite Tiger stands at the opposite end of the spectr&m of representations of povert( from those images of doe<e(ed chi'dren that dominate o&r e'ectronic media < that sentimenta'ise povert( and even s&ggest that there ma( 2e something enno2'ing in it3 Ha'wai's 'esson in The 4hite Tiger is that povert( creates monsters* and he himse'f is +&st s&ch a monster3 De'ated %nternet !in.s -&( the 2oo. here Ta'. of 6'essons7 sho&'d not 2e ta.en to s&ggest that The 4hite Tiger is a didactic e)ercise in 6iss&es7* 'i.e a newspaper co'&mn3 For Adiga is a rea' writer < that is to sa(* someone who forges an origina' voice and vision3 There is the voice of Ha'wai < witt(* pith(* &'timate'( ps(chopathic3 And there is imager(* with which the a&thor 2rings the themes into foc&s3 How a2o&t this for high

definition* as Ha'wai at 'ast arrives in the cit( and 'ands a +o2 as a driver: 64ith their tinted windows &p* the cars of the rich go 'i.e dar. eggs down the roads of >e'hi3 Ever( now and then* an egg wi'' crac. open < a woman's hand* da//'ing with go'd 2ang'es* stretches o&t of an open window* f'ings an empt( minera' water 2ott'e onto the road < and then the window goes &p* and the egg is resea'ed37 The 'ife of the poor* however* is ver( different: 6$o to "'d >e'hi 333and 'oo. at the wa( the( .eep chic.ens there in the mar.et3 H&ndreds of pa'e hens and 2right'( co'o&red roosters* st&ffed tight'( into wire<mesh cages333The( see the organs of their 2rothers '(ing aro&nd them3 The( .now the('re ne)t3 Cet the( do not re2e'3 The( do not tr( to get o&t of the coop3 The ver( same thing is done with h&man 2eings in this co&ntr(37 % wi'' not spoi' the effect of this remar.a2'e nove' 2( giving awa( e)act'( how the 4hite Tiger 2rea.s o&t of the coop < what form his act of 2'ood<stained entreprene&rship ta.es3 S&ffice to sa( that % was reminded of a2oo. that is tota''( different in tone and st('e* Dichard 4right's Native Son* a ta'e of the m&rdero&s career of a 2'ac. .id from the 9hicago ghetto that awa.ened 15A0s America to the rea'it( of the racia' divide3 4hether The 4hite Tiger wi'' do the e1&iva'ent for toda('s %ndia < we sha'' see3 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< #nsentimenta' Tr&ths This sparing'( written de2&t nove' steers c'ear of '(ricisms N%D A! S%N$H >HA!%4A! FD", THE [#A$,%DE of post<co'onia' '(ricism* %ndian writing is deve'oping a new voice to e)press gritt( rea'ities3 !i.e other postco'onia' 'iterat&res* s&ch as those of Africa and So&th America* %ndia0s inferiorit( comp'e) vis<^<vis the deve'oped wor'd has 2een artic&'ated with an addiction to 'ing&istic f'o&rish rather than writing that +&st conve(s its peop'e0s e)periences with 2'&nt and '&cid simp'icit(3 -&t as %ndia now engages ro2&st'( with the wor'd* %ndian writers are fina''( off their insec&rities and &sing Eng'ish with confidence and p'a(f&' inso&ciance3 The 'atest e)amp'e of this is The 4hite Tiger* Aravind Adiga0s de2&t nove'* a dar. wr( ta'e of a co&ntr( 2&mp.in0s rise to freedom and wea'th in the new %ndia3 %t is a deceptive'( inte''igent 2oo.* written with great wit and simp'icit(3 %ts anti<hero* -a'ram Ha'wa* em2odies the arriviste energies* anger and mora' am2ig&ities of contemporar( %ndia3 A poor'( paid driver for a corr&pt* wea'th( fami'(* -a'ram is a wonderf&' &nderdog3 Se)&a''( fr&strated* he forever 'ongs to 6dip his 2ea.7 into his emp'o(er0s wife and gir'friend3 He engages in ever( t(pe of pett( scam and sends nothing 2ac. to his grasping 2&t impoverished fami'( in the vi''age= instead* he 2'ows a sma'' fort&ne on a ridic&'o&s 2&t hi'ario&s 1&est to have se) with a 2'onde hoo.er3 And he is prepared to see his entire fami'( s'a&ghtered whi'e he escapes after m&rdering his 2oss3 %t is not s&rprising to .now that Adiga 'ived in America3 !i.e S&.et& ,ehta* whose ,a)im&m 9it( dea't with ,&m2ai with revo'&tionar( tr&thf&'ness* Adiga0s prose has an American grit and energ(3 His writing is no homage to Americana B it is too fi)ated on %ndia0s harsh act&a'it( to 2e acc&sed of that B 2&t he &ses a voice that0s distinct'( American in the wa( it &ses Eng'ish to dea' with 'oca'* contemporar( iss&es3 This nove' is deep'( reminiscent of African< American writers and comedians* s&ch as Dichard r(or* who tac.'ed the tr&th of America with e)p'etive<'aden ro&tines that went to the heart of its nationa' d(sf&nctions aro&nd race* c'ass* e)p'oitation and se)*

THE 4H%TE T%$ED Aravind Adigra Harper 9o''ins RA?pp= Ds A5R and did so with a 2ree/(* +aded noncha'ance3 Adiga* &n'i.e Ar&ndhati Do( and Dohinton ,istr(* doesn0t condescending'( portra( the poor as righteo&s cas&a'ties of capita'ism and corr&ption3 He revea's them for who the( are: a&tonomo&s* free h&man 2eings* who ma.e individ&a' and often 1&estiona2'e choices3 The ini1&it( of %ndian po'itics is a constant theme and is hand'ed with 'aconic ease3 4hen his vi''age er&pts with enth&siasm at e'ection time* -a'ram s&ccinct'( s&mmarises the 'imitations of democrac(: 64o&'d the( do it this timeH 4o&'d the( 2eat the $reat Socia'istH Had the( raised eno&gh mone( of their own* and 2ri2ed eno&gh po'icemen* and 2o&ght eno&gh fingerprints to winH !i.e e&n&chs disc&ssing the Mama S&tra* the voters disc&ssed the e'ections in !a)mangarh37 Adiga is not the on'( %ndian now writing in p'ain* &nsentimenta' terms3 A'taf T(rewa'a ret&rned from st&d(ing in America to write No $od %n Sight* which &s into the 'ives of crimina's* peasants and a2ortionists* revea'ing a com2ination of heroism* mediocrit( and mora' am2ig&it(3 4ith his pared<down writing st('e* he eschews '(ricism to ta.e &s on a +o&rne( thro&gh what one of his characters ca''s 6the mess* sweat* dirt* 2'ood and m&co&s of rea' 'ife73 Even poetr( is freeing itse'f from the constraints of '(ricism3 Having assimi'ated the straightforwardness of America0s post<2eatni. 'iterat&re* 8eet Tha(i' B another ret&rnee from the #S B is the most accomp'ished of %ndia0s 'atest crop of poets3 Em2o'dened 2( their e)perience in the4est* Tha(i'* Adiga* ,ehta and T(rewa'a 2ring a raw fran.ness to the nation0s iterat&re3 %n a co&ntr( teeming with s&ppressed stories* this is s&re to open a andora0s 2o)* &n'eashing &g'iness* 2ea&t(* miser( and 2ri''iance3 -e gratef&' for it3 From Tehe'.a ,aga/ine* Qo' R* %ss&e 1@* >ated Apri' 2@* 2008 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< The Te'egraph E)posing the rea' %ndia !ast #pdated: 12:01am -ST 2KW0AW2008

Nee' ,&.her+ee reviews The 4hite Tiger 2( Aravind Adiga %n the c&rrent free< 'ove fest to which %ndia has 2een invited < the co&ntr( 2oasted $> growth of 53@ per cent 'ast (ear < 'ine1&a'it(' is a word that has 2een s&ccessf&''( air2r&shed o&t of e)istence3 Cet what does an 'economic mirac'e' mean when even a cas&a' ac1&aintance with %ndia shows that a ver( 'arge ma+orit( 'ives in a2+ect* povert(* that the gap 2etween the rich and the poor is a vast* &n2ridgea2'e* ever<growing chasm* and that socia' redistri2&tion po'icies are either &nenforcea2'e or have fai'edH 4ho e)act'( is 2enefiting from this growthH advertisementNot the have<not c'ass from which -a'ram Ha'wai* the protagonist and narrator of Aravind Adiga's 2'a/ing'( savage and 2ri''iant first nove'* The 4hite Tiger* hai's3 -orn in !a)mangarh* into the .ind of hope'ess s1&a'or that %ndia does so we''* -a'ram watches his<p&''er father co&gh &p 2'ood and die of t&2erc&'osis in the +o.e that is the p&2'ic

hospita'3 He p'ans his escape from his fami'('s no<e)it e)istence into a 2etter 'ife with something approaching entreprene&ria' no&s3 He 2ecomes driver to Asho. Sharma* the son of one of the 'and'ords of !a)mangarh who r&th'ess'( e)p'oit the poor* and fetches &p in >e'hi3 4ritten as a series of 'etters to 4en 8ia2ao* the 9hinese premier* on the eve of his visit to %ndia* this is -a'ram's corrective version of the sanitised* censored* prospero&s %ndia that 8ia2ao is inevita2'( going to 2e shown3 Thro&gh -a'ram's persona' ta'e of how he came to m&rder his emp'o(er* stea' K00*000 r&pees from him and set himse'f &p as the owner of a f'o&rishing ta)i<service in -anga'ore* he offers the stor( of the rea' %ndia3 $rid'oc.ed in corr&ption* greed* inh&manit( and a2so'&te ine1&a'it( < of c'ass* caste* wea'th* re'igion < this %ndia is &nredemptive3 4hat Adiga 'ifts the 'id on is a'so ine)ora2'( tr&e: not a sing'e detai' in this nove' rings fa'se or fee's confected3 The 4hite Tiger is an e)coriating piece of wor.* stripping awa( the veneer of '%ndia Dising'3 That it a'so manages to 2e s&ff&sed with mordant wit* mod&'ating to c'ear<e(ed pathos* means Adiga is going p'aces as a writer3 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< The Te'egraph Deview: The 4hite Tiger 2( Aravind Adiga !ast #pdated: 12:01am -ST 05W08W2008

eter Do2ins on an antidote to the %ndian dream A sign* for the peop'e who notice that sort of thing* of +&st how thr&sting %ndia's econom( has 2ecome: it can now 2e em2odied in fiction 2( a desperate .i''er3 The satirica' m&rderer in 1&estion is -a'ram Ha'wai* the 4hite Tiger of The 4hite Tiger* and a'so its narrator and anti<hero3 For the d&ration of the nove'* he sits in a 1R0 s1 ft office in -anga'ore* 2eneath a Hindi<movie<st('e chande'ier* writing a 'etter to 4en 8ia2ao* premier of 9hina* on the s&2+ect of the %ndian entreprene&r3 advertisement-a'ram considers himse'f an entreprene&r3 His definition of the term* however* ma( 2e wider than some: he mentions an Iact of entreprene&rshipI that p&t his :fort&nate'( rather 2'&rred; face on wanted posters a'' over the co&ntr(3 He proposes to e)p'ain his entreprene&ria' ed&cation* in the schoo' of ver( hard .noc.s3 There is no trace in -a'ram's stor( < himse'f perhaps e)cepted < of an( rising midd'e c'ass3 He 2egins in the r&ra' I>ar.nessI* a wor'd of 'and'ord and peasant3 And when he escapes to the I!ightI of the cities* it is into a wor'd of servants and masters3 The secret of %ndia* he te''s 4en* is the wa( that its e)treme ine1&a'it( is sta2i'ised 2( its strong fami'( str&ct&res: INever 2efore in h&man histor( have so few owed so m&ch to so man(3I Advancement can 2e achieved on'( 2( patronage and corr&ption < if (o& ma.e friends with the 'oca' po'itica' th&gs* (o& might get a +o2 as a 2&s cond&ctor < or 2( -a'ram's event&a' method: stepping o&tside the IcoopI of conventiona' mora'it(3

-a'ram 2egins at the ver( 2ottom* witho&t so m&ch as a name= his fami'( ca'' him on'( I,&nnaI* or I2o(I3 His mother might have named him* 2&t she was too 2&s( d(ing of T-3 His father was too 2&s( p&''ing a* wea.ening himse'f to 2e c'aimed 2( the same disease3 A schoo'teacher has to name him instead= 'ater* a 'oca' officia' decides on his date of 2irth in order to faci'itate the stea'ing of his vote3 4hen '&c. and a r&th'ess e(e for the main chance 'and him a driving +o2 in the I!ightI of New >e'hi with one of the 'and'ords' fami'ies* the mora' dar.ness on'( increases3 4e do meet someone who might a'most 2e a s(mpathetic character < the idea'istic* New Cor.< ed&cated 'and'ord's son for whom -a'ram wor.s < 2&t he proves soon eno&gh to 2e wea. rather than virt&o&s* acc&m&'ating a record of 2etra(a' that -a'ram's ro&te to the top seem a'most straightforward3 The 4hite Tiger is a f&rio&s and 2r&ta''( effective co&nter2'ast to sm&g I%ndia is shiningI rhetoric < that partic&'ar s'ogan is never mentioned* 2&t the e'ection it 'ost is cr&cia' to the p'ot < which a'so directs hard* we''<aimed .ic.s at h(pocris( and th&gger( on the traditiona'ist %ndian !eft3 %t is certain of its mission* and p&rs&es it with an &ndeviating determination (o& wo&'dn't e)pect in a first nove'3 %t reads at a tremendo&s c'ip3 %ts caricat&res are sharp'( and confident'( drawn3 %t is f&'' of 2ar2ed wit* if not < and not tr(ing to 2e* so far as % can te'' < act&a''( f&nn(3 %t won't win an( pri/es for s&2t'et(3 -&t it hasn't 2een nominated for one of those3 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< The 4hite Tiger 2( Aravind Adiga The Times -a'ram is the 4hite Tiger of the tit'e: 6the creat&re that comes a'ong on'( once in a generation73 He's destined to stand o&t from the other 2o(s in his vi''age* 2&t .nows how to give destin( a he'ping hand3 4hi'e he's s'aving in a teashop* he r&ns into the 'and'ord from his home* and is hired as cha&ffe&r to his son3 -a'ram's c(nica'* g'eef&' voice capt&res modern %ndia: no nosta'gic '(ricism here* on'( e)&2erant rea'it(3 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Time "&t New Cor. W %ss&e @RR : Apr 1@G22* 2008 9aste in do&2t Aravind Adiga pens a satire of c'ass conf'ict in %ndia3

-( Scott %ndrise.

T" SEDQANT 4%TH !"QE Adiga imagines the 'ife of a resentf&' %ndian 'a2orer3 hotograph: A.ash Shah Aravind Adiga0s de2&t nove'* The 4hite Tiger* e)p'ores a side of %ndia not often high'ighted in fiction: the degrading wor'd of the servant c'ass* where economic s&rviva' might mean massaging a rich man0s feet for a handf&' of r&pees3 The 2oo. fo''ows its impoverished (et am2itio&s narrator* -a'ram* from his home vi''age to >e'hi* where he 'ands a +o2 as a menia' 'a2orer for ,r3 Asho.* an aristocrat recent'( ret&rned to %ndia from the #nited States3 -a'ram* however* fancies himse'f an entreprene&r with higher aspirations than c'eaning Asho.0s pa'atia' mansion and fetching 2ott'es of 'i1&or for him3 His severe resentment 'ends the 2oo. a 2itter'( satirica' overtone and 'a(s the gro&ndwor. for -a'ram0s pec&'iar path to s&ccess: He p'ans to .i'' his 2oss3

"ver the phone from his home in ,&m2ai* Adiga* ??* sa(s he aimed to get inside the tho&ghts of someone with great potentia' 2&t no chances for c'ass mo2i'it(3 6% wanted to &nderstand what it might fee' 'i.e for someone trapped in a +o2 and in a societ( where he was so painf&''( aware of the fact that he was st&c.*7 the a&thor sa(s3 68&st what wo&'d (o& do &nder those circ&mstancesH7 ,&ch of The 4hite Tiger0s comic energ( comes from -a'ram0s treatment of his crimina' drive to 2ecome a 2&sinessmanBhe event&a''( goes on to r&n a car serviceBas an admira2'e stor( of s&ccess3 The nove' itse'f is to'd in a series of 'etters addressed to 4en 8ia2ao* the premier of 9hina* who visited %ndia in 200R and e)pressed c&riosit( a2o&t its entreprene&ria' spirit3 4hat -a'ram doesn0t seem to &nderstand in these near<sociopathic missives is that &pward mo2i'it( doesn0t +&stif( s'a&ghtering (o&r masterBa'tho&gh in the conte)t of %ndia* that might 2e what it ta.es3 Adiga himse'f was 2orn in so&thern %ndia and 'ived there &nti' the age of 1R* when he 'eft for Eng'and* A&stra'ia and New Cor. 2efore ret&rning to his home co&ntr( in 200? as a correspondent for Time maga/ine* an e(e<opening e)perience that provided m&ch of the fodder for The 4hite Tiger3 He was ama/ed to rediscover the rea'it( of the 'ower c'asses* which had on'( swo''en more grotes1&e'( after the co&ntr(0s economic 2oom in the 050s3 6Even the midd'e c'ass in >e'hi have three or fo&r servants: a cha&ffe&r* a coo.* someone to have aro&nd the ho&se to 'oo. after (o&r .ids*7 Adiga e)p'ains3 6After % ret&rned* % went to the 'i1&or store and it was a h&ge reve'ation3 %t hit me that % was the on'( g&( 2&(ing m( whis.e( for m(se'fBever(one e'se there was a servant* 2&(ing it for someone e'se37 The nove' 2&rrows deep into this mi'ie&* in which the poor are gratef&' to have +o2s* no matter how menia'3 -a'ram 'a2e's his wor'd 6the 9oop*7 'i.ening fe''ow servants to o2edient chic.ens3 Adiga e)p'ains that -a'ram0s fre1&ent'( hi'ario&s anima' metaphors ref'ect a partic&'ar %ndian mind<set3 64hen (o& come here* (o&0re str&c. 2( the anima'sBcats* dogs* stra( cows* mon.e(s roaming wi'd within the cities* stra( anima's* diseased anima's* anima's ' for gar2age*7 the a&thor sa(s3 6This tends to ref'ect in the wa( %ndians ta'.B%0m m&ch more 'i.e'( to &se a metaphor invo'ving an anima' now3 %t a'so ref'ects how the narrator* 'i.e a 'ot of %ndians of his c'ass* sees 'ife as 2eing a 2r&ta' and harsh >arwinian str&gg'e37 -a'ram0s menia' d&ties grow increasing'( h&mi'iating3 4hen ,r3 Asho.0s dr&n.en wife is invo'ved in a fata' hit<and<r&n* -a'ram is forced 2( his master to accept 'ega' responsi2i'it( for the death3 -&t when the intrepid narrator fig&res o&t how to get his hands on the corr&pt Asho.0s vast s&ms of mone(* he finds his wa( o&t of the so<ca''ed 9oop and into the capita'ist rat race3 -a'ram0s chaotic socia' c'im2ing forms the 2asis for a f&nn( and imaginative to&r of modern %ndia3 The 4hite Tiger certain'( has s(mpath( for its protagonist* 2&t it0s m&ch more than a simp'e socia' criti1&e3 %ndia comes off as a deep'( f'awed nation :6%t is deve'oping a&tistica''(Bit0s the .id who can do ama/ing math 2&t can0t tie his shoe'ace proper'(*7 sa(s the a&thor;3 And -a'ram is a comp'icated antihero: vain* entit'ed* and wi''ing to sacrifice an(thing* even his fami'(* to start his own 2&siness3 6% was tr(ing to capt&re a voice and a wa( of ta'.ing a2o&t %ndia and a2o&t 'ife here which % don0t find represented in 2oo.sBa .ind of mora''( am2ig&o&s* vena'* vio'ent .ind of voice*7 Adiga sa(s3 %n ref&sing to wa''ow in s&perficia' e)oticism or So&th Asian fami'( tensions* The 4hite Tiger finds its own path to m&'tifaceted s&ccess: %t0s 2oth a riveting e)istentia' crime stor( and an e)posV of socia' in+&stice3 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< -( >eirdre >onah&e* -o2 ,in/esheimer* 9aro' ,emmott and 8ames Endrst* #SA T">AC The 4hite Tiger -( Aravind Adiga

Free ress* 2K@ pp3* X2A Aravind Adiga's The 4hite Tiger is one of the most powerf&' 2oo.s %'ve read in decades3 No h(per2o'e3 This de2&t nove' from an %ndian +o&rna'ist 'iving in ,&m2ai hit me 'i.e a .ic. to the head B the same effect Dichard 4right's Native Son and Da'ph E''ison's %nvisi2'e ,an had3 -&t Tiger isn't a2o&t race or caste in %ndia3 %t's a2o&t the vast economic ine1&a'it( 2etween the poor and the wea'th( e'ite3 The narrator is an %ndian entreprene&r detai'ing his rise to power3 His %ndia is a merci'ess* corr&pt >arwinian +&ng'e where on'( the r&th'ess s&rvive3 Thin. (o&ng Qito 9or'eone in The $odfather ref&sing to 2e a p&ppet 2&t s&2tract the sentimenta'it(3 This is an ama/ing and angr( nove' a2o&t in+&stice and power3 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< F%9T%"N 9hanging !anes En'arge hoto

_ Top ?R Arts U !iving Artic'es _ ,ost op&'ar on washingtonpost3com T""!-"S Desi/e rint E<mai' CahooJ -&//SaveWShare ` >iggNewsvinede'3icio3&sSt&m2'e %tJ DedditFace2oo.m(space 9",,ENT No comments have 2een posted a2o&t this item3 9omments are c'osed for this item3 >isc&ssion o'ic(Co&r 2rowser's settings ma( 2e preventing (o& from commenting on and viewing comments a2o&t this item3 See instr&ctions for fi)ing the pro2'em3 >isc&ssion o'ic( 9!"SE9omments that inc'&de profanit( or persona' attac.s or other inappropriate comments or materia' wi'' 2e removed from the site3 Additiona''(* entries that are &nsigned or contain Isignat&resI 2( someone other than the act&a' a&thor wi'' 2e removed3 Fina''(* we wi'' ta.e steps to 2'oc. &sers who vio'ate an( of o&r posting standards* terms of &se or privac( po'icies or an( other po'icies governing this site3 'ease review the f&'' r&'es governing commentaries and disc&ssions3 Co& are f&''( responsi2'e for the content that (o& post3 4ho's -'ogging_ !in.s to this artic'e S&nda(* 8&ne 8* 2008= age -40@ THE 4H%TE T%$ED -( Aravind Adiga This Stor( Aravind Adiga 4ins !iterat&re's ,an ri/e F%9T%"N: 9hanging !anes Short Stac.: A2o&t Adiga Free ress3 2K@ pp3 X2A Aravind Adiga's The 4hite Tiger attempts to te'' the stor( of contemporar( %ndia* of those few who have mone( and those great man( who do not* of caste and c'ass and stif'ed desire3 He capt&res this incongr&o&s 'and 2( 2'ending a 9h&c. a'ahni&.<st('e confession with a Nann( >iaries ironic insider's 'oo. at %ndia's wea'th(3 This a'ternating'( f&nn( and tragic anatom( of a2&se and cr&shed hope is depicted 2( a we''<meaning (et am2itio&s (o&ng man named -a'ram Ha'wai3 %n a 1&est to

2etter himse'f* he finag'es a position as a driver for a wea'th( fami'( in >e'hi3 4hat ens&es is -a'ram's 2'istering description of the inner wor.ings of %ndia's corr&pt &pper c'ass3 The 2oo. is narrated thro&gh a 'ong series of &nanswered 'etters from -a'ram to 9hinese remier 4en 8ia2ao << who is soon to visit %ndia on a fact<finding +&n.et3 This str&ct&re a''ows Adiga to weave the two most ascendant s&2+ects of o&r da(: %ndia and 9hina* two enormo&s co&ntries dea'ing with massive socia' change3 The innocent (o&ng man is eas( to 'i.e* 2&t thro&gh hint and 'iterar( s'eight of hand* we &nderstand ear'( that -a'ram has m&rdered someone3 Tho&gh we don't .now &nti' the end precise'( who* it's eas( to divine that the victim is one of -a'ram's masters3 And what a ga''er( of rog&es this rich fami'( is: Thro&gh nic.names 2ased on their characteristics* -a'ram introd&ces &s to the 4i'd -oar* the Stor. and the ,ongoose3 He drives mem2ers of this gang of thieves aro&nd >e'hi as the( de'iver sac.s of cash to the po'iticians the( wish to 2&( off3 A'' of them are so vi'e that it's hard to choose which one sho&'d 2e m&rdered= -a'ram* on the other hand* is a vi''ain we 'i.e3

>oes The 4hite Tiger 'ive &p to its own am2itionsH Sort of3 There comes a moment in this 2oo. where the narrative has a rea' chance to 'eave 2ehind the pop and f'&ff of The Nann( >iaries iron( and achieve a deep "rwe''ian insight3 ,idwa( thro&gh the stor(* in a dr&n.en disp'a( of raw power* -a'ram is forced o&t of his .ingdom << the car he drives << as his so&sed mistress over the whee' and 'eaves him on the side of the road3 8&st how 'itt'e -a'ram tr&'( possesses in the wor'd on this dar. night 2ecomes tragica''( evident to him and the reader3 -&t then his mistress drives 2ac.* pic.s him &p and proceeds to r&n over a vagrant chi'd3 %t is here that the nove' fa''s apart3 The poignanc( of -a'ram's deso'ation 'asts on'( for a moment3 The death of the chi'd is not reported* nothing comes of it* and the 2oo. ret&rns to its eas( of &pper c'ass %ndian 'ife3 Ces* it's fresh* f&nn(* different* and it wi'' p'ease those ' for insights into contemporar( %ndia* 2&t The 4hite Tiger offers something 'ess than it might have achieved3

<< Ton( >'So&/a's most recent nove' is IThe Mon.ans3I <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Aravind Adiga 4ins !iterat&re's ,an ri/e

_ Top ?R Arts U !iving Artic'es _ ,ost op&'ar on washingtonpost3com T""!-"S Desi/e rint E<mai' SaveWShare ` >iggNewsvinede'3icio3&sSt&m2'e %tJDedditFace2oo.m(space 9",,ENT No comments have 2een posted a2o&t this item3 9omments are c'osed for this item3 >isc&ssion o'ic(Co&r 2rowser's settings ma( 2e preventing (o& from commenting on and viewing comments a2o&t this item3 See instr&ctions for fi)ing the pro2'em3 >isc&ssion o'ic( 9!"SE9omments that inc'&de profanit( or persona' attac.s or other inappropriate comments or materia' wi'' 2e removed from the site3 Additiona''(* entries that are

&nsigned or contain Isignat&resI 2( someone other than the act&a' a&thor wi'' 2e removed3 Fina''(* we wi'' ta.e steps to 2'oc. &sers who vio'ate an( of o&r posting standards* terms of &se or privac( po'icies or an( other po'icies governing this site3 'ease review the f&'' r&'es governing commentaries and disc&ssions3 Co& are f&''( responsi2'e for the content that (o& post3 4ho's -'ogging_ !in.s to this artic'e The Associated ress T&esda(* "cto2er 1A* 2008= R:?K , !"N>"N << Aravind Adiga has won the prestigio&s ,an pri/e for his first nove'3 This Stor( Aravind Adiga 4ins !iterat&re's ,an ri/e F%9T%"N: 9hanging !anes Short Stac.: A2o&t Adiga Adiga's nove' IThe 4hite TigerI feat&res a protagonist who wi'' &se an( means necessar( to f&'fi'' his dream of escaping impoverished vi''age 'ife for s&ccess in the 2ig cit(3 The +&dges a'so praised the 2oo.'s h&mor3 The ?A<(ear<o'd Adiga is the (o&ngest of the fina'ists for the pri/e3

TH%S %S A -DEAM%N$ NE4S # >ATE3 9hec. 2ac. soon for f&rther information3 A 's ear'ier stor( is 2e'ow3 !"N>"N :A ; a %rish writer Se2astian -arr( was the 2oo.ies' favorite T&esda( in a wide<open fie'd of fina'ists for the prestigio&s ,an pri/e for fiction3 -arr('s IThe Secret Script&re*I a stor( of miser(* memories and secrets in 15?0s %re'and* was RW2 front<r&nner among si) contenders for the award* according to 4i''iam Hi''3 Diva' 2oo.ies ! had -arr( as 2W1 front<r&nner3 -oth firms had %ndian writer Amitav $hosh as second<favorite for ISea of oppies3I The winner wi'' 2e anno&nced 'ate T&esda(3 The R0*000 po&nd :#SX88*000; pri/e is among the wor'd's highest<profi'e 'iterar( awards* open to nove's in Eng'ish 2( writers from -ritain* %re'and or the 9ommonwea'th of former -ritish co'onies3 4inning 2rings a 2ig 2oost in profi'e* and &s&a''( in sa'es3 'a(wright and nove'ist -arr( was previo&s'( nominated in 200R for IA !ong !ong 4a(3I Qictor( wo&'d ma.e him the third %rish winner in fo&r (ears3 The 200R pri/e went to 8ohn -anvi''e for the IThe Sea*I and 'ast (ear's winner was %re'and's Anne Enright for IThe $athering3I The 200@ winner was %ndia's Miran >esai for IThe %nheritance of !oss3I This (ear's short'ist 'ac.s the star power and ho&seho'd names of some previo&s contests3 Few of the si) short'isted a&thors are ho&seho'd names* and two are first<time a&thors: %ndian nove'ist Aravind Adiga* nominated for IThe 4hite TigerI a the stor( of a man's dreams of escaping poor vi''age 'ife for s&ccess in the 2ig cit( a and A&stra'ia's Steve To't/* short'isted for spraw'ing father<son saga IA Fraction of the 4ho'e3I Two Eng'ish a&thors are a'so in the r&nning a !inda $rant for IThe 9'othes on Their -ac.sI and

hi'ip Hensher for IThe Northern 9'emenc(3I Among those sn&22ed 2( the +&dging pane' was Sa'man D&shdie* who was on the pri/e's 1?< 2oo. 'ong<'ist for the IEnchantress of F'orence3I %n 8&'(* D&shdie was named the greatest<ever winner of the 'iterar( pri/e for I,idnight's 9hi'dren*I which too. the in 15813 $raham Sharpe* e)pert at 2oo.ies 4i''iam Hi''* said the +&dges' decision to omit another high'( praised 2oo.* 8oseph "'Nei'''s post<5W11 New Cor. saga INether'and*I from the short'ist was ine)p'ica2'e3 I%t's certain'( not a vintage (ear either for the 1&a'it( of the 2oo.s or the gam2'ing on the o&tcome*I Sharpe said3 ICo& haven't got the 2ig names* the controvers( a an(thing to spar. a f'ame of interest in the short'ist3I 4i''iam Hi'' p&t KW2 odds on $hosh and $rant* fo''owed 2( To't/ at 5W23 Adiga and Hensher were 2oth RW1 o&tsiders3 The award was fo&nded in 15@5 and was 'ong .nown as the ri/e3 %t was renamed when the financia' services cong'omerate ,an $ro&p !9 2egan sponsoring it five (ears ago3 "n the Net: http:WWwww3theman2oo.erpri/e3com aaa And the ,an ri/e $oes to3333 4hite Tiger 2( Aravind Adiga3 The nove' that earned him FR0*000 :ro&gh'( X8@*000; is narrated 2( an %ndian cha&ffer named -a'ram Ha'wai who writes Ia 'ong series of &nanswered 'etters 333 to 9hinese remier 4en 8ia2ao << who is soon to visit %ndia on a fact<finding +&n.et3I

,an ri/e winner %ndian a&thor Aravind Adiga3 :Stephen HirdWDe&ters;According to -oo. 4or'd's 8&ne review* this ris.( str&ct&re a''ows Adiga to te'' the stor( of %ndia and 9hina* Itwo enormo&s co&ntries dea'ing with massive socia' change 33333 NandO of those few who have mone( and those great man( who do not* of caste and c'ass and stif'ed desire3I And* most convenient'(* it I.noc.NedO m( soc.s off*I e)p'ained the chairman of the pri/e committee3 This is the first nove' 2( the ??<(ear<o'd Adiga3 : a&se a moment to swa''ow (o&r +ea'o&s(3; He van1&ished s&ch worthies as Amitav $hosh :see ne)t S&nda('s -oo. 4or'd for a review of his Sea of oppies;* Se2astian -arr( :The Secret Script&re;* !inda $rant :The 9'othes on Their -ac.s;* hi'ip Hensher :The Northern 9'emenc(; and Steven To't/ :A Fraction of the 4ho'e;3 And he's 'i.e'( to add ins&'t to in+&r( with a ver( genero&s 2&mp in sa'es3 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< The 4hite Tiger wins the 2008 ,an ri/e for Fiction Aravind Adiga 2ecomes the fo&rth de2&t nove'ist to win the coveted pri/e 1A "cto2er 2008 Aravind Adiga is tonight :T&esda( 1A "cto2er; named the winner of the FR0*000 ,an ri/e for Fiction 2008 for his nove' The 4hite Tiger* p&2'ished 2( At'antic3 The thirt(<three (ear o'd nove'ist was presented the pri/e at an awards ceremon( at $&i'dha''* !ondon3 Adiga 2ecomes the fo&rth de2&t nove'ist* and the second %ndian de2&t nove'ist* to win the award in the fort( (ear histor( of the pri/e3 The three other de2&t nove'ists to have won the

pri/e are Meri H&'me for her nove' The -one eop'e in 158R* >-9 ierre in 200? for his nove' Qernon $od !itt'e and Ar&ndhati Do( in 155K for The $od of Sma'' Things3 Aravind Adiga's winning nove' The 4hite Tiger is decri2ed as a Lcompe''ing* angr( and dar.'( h&moro&s' nove' a2o&t a man's +o&rne( from %ndian vi''age 'ife to entreprene&ria' s&ccess3 %t was descri2ed 2( one reviewer as an L&nadorned portrait' of %ndia seen Lfrom the 2ottom of the heap'3 Adiga* who has wanted to 2e a nove'ist since he was a 2o(* was 2orn in ,adras and now 'ives in ,&m2ai3 He 2ecomes the fifth %ndian a&thor to win the pri/e* +oining QS Naipa&'* Sa'man D&shdie* Ar&ndhati Do( and Miran >esai who won the pri/e in 15K1* 1581* 155K and 200@ respective'(3 %n addition* The 4hite Tiger is the ninth winning nove' to ta.e its inspiration from %ndia or %ndian identit(3 The win is a first for p&2'isher At'antic= a'tho&gh the( had 2oo.s short'isted for the pri/e in 200? with The $ood >octor 2( >amon $a'g&t* and in 200A with -itter Fr&it 2( Achmat >angor3 The 4hite Tiger was one of si) short'isted tit'es for the pri/e3 A'so short'isted for this (ear's pri/e were Se2astian -arr( for The Secret Script&re :Fa2er;* Amitav $hosh for Sea of oppies :8ohn ,&rra(;* !inda $rant for The 9'othes on Their -ac.s :Qirago;* hi'ip Hensher for The Northern 9'emenc( :Fo&rth Estate; and Steve To't/ for his de2&t nove' A Fraction of the 4ho'e :Hamish Hami'ton;3 Each of the si) short'isted a&thors* inc'&ding the winner* receives F2*R00 and a designer<2o&nd edition of their 2oo.3 ,ichae' orti''o* 9hair of the 2008 +&dges* made the anno&ncement* which was 2roadcast 'ive on the --9 Ten "' 9'oc. News3 eter 9'ar.e* 9hief E)ec&tive of ,an $ro&p p'c* presented Aravind Adiga with a che1&e for FR0*0003 The +&dging pane' for the 2008 ,an ri/e for Fiction comprised: ,ichae' orti''o* former , and 9a2inet ,inister= A'e) 9'ar.* editor of $ranta= !o&ise >o&ght(* nove'ist= 8ames Heneage* fo&nder of "'s 2oo.shops= and Hardeep Singh Moh'i* TQ and radio 2roadcaster3 ,ichae' orti''o commented: IThe +&dges fo&nd the decision diffic&'t 2eca&se the short'ist contained s&ch strong candidates3 %n the end* The 4hite Tiger prevai'ed 2eca&se the +&dges fe't that it shoc.ed and entertained in e1&a' meas&re3 IThe nove' & the e)traordinari'( diffic&'t tas. of gaining and ho'ding the reader's s(mpath( for a thoro&ghgoing vi''ain3 The 2oo. gains from dea'ing with pressing socia' iss&es and significant g'o2a' deve'opments with astonishing h&mo&r3I orti''o went on to e)p'ain that the nove' had won overa'' 2eca&se of 'its origina'it('3 He said that The 4hite Tiger presented 'a different aspect of %ndia' and was a nove' with 'enormo&s 'iterar( merit'3 Aravind Adiga st&died at 9o'&m2ia and ")ford #niversities and is a former correspondent for Time maga/ine in %ndia3 Adiga's artic'es have a'so appeared in p&2'ications s&ch as the Financia' Times* %ndependent and S&nda( Times3 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< %ndians fear Aravind Adiga's 'The 4hite Tiger' sa(s too m&ch a2o&t them Aravind Adiga's The 4hite Tiger was praised for high'ighting the in+&stices and povert( present in the rapid'( changing %ndia when it won the ,an ri/e* 2&t now man( %ndian critics have

e)pressed o&trage at the +&dges' decision3 -( Amrit >hi''on in >e'hi !ast #pdated: 2:A8 , -ST 18 "ct 2008 ,an( %ndians fee' that Aravind Adiga's ri/e winning nove' < The 4hite Tiger < presents their co&ntr( in a poor 'ight hoto: E A For some* Adiga's savage indictment of the wa( the rich treat the servant c'ass panders to western pre+&dices3 I% fe't the 2oo. too. &s 2ac. three decades*I said fo'. art e)pert Dit& Sethi3 I%t had ever( stereot(pe going in it3 The --9 &sed to show nothing 2&t cows on the roads for (ears3 4e're 2ac. to that with this 2oo.3I "thers criticised the nove' for 2eing d&'' and demeaning3 A&thor and p'a(wright ,an+&'a admana2han dismissed it as Ia tedio&s* &nf&nn( s'ogI3 She agreed that m&ch of the recent h(pe a2o&t %ndia as an emerging s&perpower was dishonest and comp'acent 2&t as.ed: I%s this schoo'2o(ish sneering the 2est that we can doHI Having 2o&ght the 2oo.* aff'&ent %ndians ma( shift &ncomforta2'( in their seats3 The dai'( inh&manit( shown 2( the rich towards their domestic staff in The 4hite Tiger is something of which man( wi'' rea'ise the( too are g&i't(3 The fearf&' crime which the protagonist -a'ram Ha'wai commits wi'' send a frisson of fear &p their spines3 Adiga sa(s the %ndian midd'e c'ass is paranoid a2o&t servants and their I'a/inessI* IgreedI and IthievingI tendencies 2&t e)presses ama/ement that* given the h&ge disparities of wea'th* so few act&a''( commit an( crime3 I!oo. at the intimate access that servants have to their masters in their homes* and (et there are ver( few m&rders or attac.s3 -&t that doesn't reass&re the midd'e c'ass3 %t is 2ecoming more insec&re than 2efore 2eca&se it is richer now and has more to 'ose*I sa(s Adiga3 The 4hite Tiger mar.s a new depart&re in %ndia 2( portra(ing the emotions* sorrows* and aspirations of the hitherto invisi2'e poor3 For Adiga* his achievement is capt&ring Isomething newI in %ndia* a stirring* a g'immer of a ref&sa' 2( the poor to accept the fate ordained for them 2( their masters3 -&t this f' of an Iawa.eningI does not mean the end of the c&rrent socia' order where the poor s'ave 2AWK as coo.s* c'eaners* drivers* nannies and maids so that the we'' off can fee' comforta2'e3 IThe s(stem is 2eginning to deteriorate 2&t it remains3 %t wi'' remain* 2&t with higher 'eve's of crime and 'ower 'eve's of sec&rit(*I sa(s Adiga3 The a&thor 'oo.s at %ndia with the perspective 2oth of an insider* having grown &p in %ndia* and as o&tsider* having emigrated for (ears and then ret&rned3 IAs an immigrant in the #S and Eng'and* % was an o&tsider3 % spent a 'ot of time 2eing conf&sed* tr(ing to fig&re things o&t3 That was how % &nderstood how %ndian vi''agers fee' when the( move to the 2ig cities for wor.*I Adiga sa(s3

4i''iam $reen* former Time Asia Edior &nderstands wh( the 2oo. has raised %ndian hac.'es3 I%t is an &nsett'ing nove'* it to&ches ver( raw nerves* 2&t % thin. he capt&res the comp'e)it( and s&2t'et( of %ndia in fiction in a wa( that (o& don't see in +o&rna'ism*I he sa(s3 For some %ndians* The 4hite Tiger is an appa''ing regression3 8&st when the( tho&ght the( had fina''( shed the o'd image of %ndia as a 'and of povert(* cows and sna.echarmers and started 2eing respected as a hi<tech* prospero&s nation* a'ong comes Adiga to* as it were* r&2 their noses in the dirt again3 I% &sed to hate Naipa&' for ta'.ing contempt&o&s'( a2o&t %ndia* a2o&t how c'eaners mop the f'oor in resta&rants 2( cro&ching and moving 'i.e cra2s and a'' that ta'. a2o&t %ndians defecating in the open*I said a free'ance editor* An+a'i Mapoor3 IAdiga is the same* foc&ssing on ever(thing that is 2ad and disg&sting3I <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< '>angers of ignoring %ndia's poor are greater'

Aravind Adiga3 hotograph: A.ash ShahWThe 4hite Tiger* Free ress

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,a( 02* 2008 %n Aravind Adiga's The 4hite Tiger* a 'ow'( vi''ager ca''ed -a'ram Ha'wai rises in the ran.s when he 2ecomes a cha&ffe&r in an aff'&ent fami'(3 Nothing that goes on aro&nd him << 2e it po'itics or fami'( fe&ds << escapes his e(e* even as he feigns to 2e a mee. servant3 As the nove' progresses* the homicida' cha&ffe&r his own destin(* and 2ecomes an entreprene&r3 He even thin.s he can 'ect&re a visiting 9hinese 'eader a2o&t %ndia's socia' hierarch( and the rise of the new entreprene&ria' comm&nit(3 The first nove' from +o&rna'ist Adiga* ?A* has 2een trans'ated into at 'east 1@ 'ang&ages and has received e)ce''ent reviews in p&2'ications ranging from New to The Times* !ondon N%magesO3 He spo.e to Arth&r 8 ais3

How did this 2oo. come a2o&tH %t came o&t of m( e)perience of coming 2ac. to %ndia3 % grew &p in the so&th= 2&t % ret&rned to the north :>e'hi;* after having 'ived in A&stra'ia* and st&died Eng'ish 'iterat&re at 9o'&m2ia #niversit( in New Cor. and ")ford #niversit(3 % 'ived a2road from the age of 1R &nti' 283 Then % came 2ac. and wor.ed for Time maga/ine in 200?3

As a correspondent for Time* % trave'ed a 'ot in p'aces % hadn't seen 2efore* 'i.e #ttar radesh* -ihar3 The 2oo. is a record of a discover( of a new side of %ndia3 These were an entire'( new e)perience of %ndia to me3 4hat was the most important of these e)periencesH The first thing that came to mind that % had forgotten was the servant<master re'ationship* the c'ass s(stem in %ndia3 Especia''( in north %ndia* even toda(* a midd'e<c'ass person is we'' off and can have three* fo&r servants* a driver* a gardener* someone to ta.e care of the chi'dren3 The other thing that str&c. me is the disparit( in income3 The rich are so rich3 The %ndian econom( is 2ooming 2&t the mone( was not rea''( getting down to the poor and the difference in the wor'd 2etween the rich and the poor was phenomena'3 And that made (o& thin. And this 'ed to the 1&estion wh( there was so 'itt'e crime in %ndia compared to that in New Cor.* So&th Africa and !atin America* where povert( is the 'eading ca&se of Nthe high rates ofO crime3 %n %ndia* even if there is a phenomena' disparit( in wea'th there is ver( 'itt'e crime d&e to povert(3 The nove' 2egan as a .ind of an e)periment3 4hat .ind of e)perimentH !i.e* % was ' into wh( the c'ass s(stem sta(s in p'ace* wh( there is so 'itt'e crime* and what the conditions wo&'d 2e for the s(stem to 2rea. down3 4as there something that str&c. (o& mostH % was 2&(ing f&rnit&re in New >e'hi five (ears ago and the storeowner said* e>on't give me cash* give me a deposit of Ds 1*000 NX2RO* and give the rest to the man when he de'ivers it3' So when the man came to m( ho&se << and he was a ver( poor man << he p&t down the f&rnit&re and then % paid him the mone(3 Then he as.ed for a Ds 10 tip which % gave it him3 % was ama/ed that this man who made a ma)im&m of Ds 1*000 a month or perhaps even 'ess* was a 2&nd'e of mone( to give to his master3 4hat was the 2iggest 1&estion that came to (o&r mindH % wondered what made this man and peop'e 'i.e him honestH This is something peop'e in %ndia ta.e for granted3 %n essence* the nove' 2egan as a wa( of &nderstanding this phenomenon3 The socia' str&ct&re of the master and the servants* % rea'ised* was not an(thing 'i.e in the Nrest of theO wor'd3 -&t (o&r servant in the 2oo. is ver( different from the ones (o& have 2een ta'.ing a2o&t3 ,( character is someone who 2rea.s the s(stem and % 2egan to wonder &nder what circ&mstances wo&'d a servant de'i2erate'( and co'd<2'ooded'( .i'' his master and ta.e his mone(3 4hat .ind of a man does he have to 2e3 %ncreasing'(* % have 2ecome convinced that the socia' str&ct&re in %ndia is 2eginning to sha.e3 % am not sa(ing that it wi'' fa'' apart 2&t the potentia' for socia' disr&ption is growing 2( the da(3 4h( do (o& thin. so man( poor peop'e remain honest and faithf&' to their mastersH

%t is* 'i.e* 2asica''( (o& fo''ow (o&r dharma or code of 'ife 2eca&se who (o& are depends on the economic we''<2eing of (o&r fami'( and the name (o&r fami'( has3 Co& cannot ta.e the mone( and r&n 2eca&se that wi'' p&t (o&r entire fami'( in peri' or in disgrace3 Now* % 2e'ieve this e)traordinar( socia' str&ct&re is 2eginning to come apart to some e)tent3 4hat do (o& thin. are some of the ca&sesH The shame'ess wa( wea'th is f'a&nted is e)traordinar(3 oor peop'e NseeO the mone( the ver( rich have3 ,igration of 'a2or is increasing in a 2ig wa(* especia''( in north %ndia3 "'d traditiona' ties and socia' str&ct&re in the vi''ages and sma'' towns are disappearing* and socia' &nrest and resistance are growing3 The Na)a'ite N,aoistO movement is reviving in man( parts of the co&ntr( and is gaining strength3 ,( nove' attempts to 'oo. at what .ind of man wo&'d 2e prepared to 2rea. the str&ct&re3 Co& can in essence sa( this is a warning stor(* a fa2'e of things that might 'ie ahead for %ndia3 The 2oo. is certain'( not a2o&t %ndia shining3 4hat co&'d 2e the tag'ine for the 2oo.H %t co&'d 2e Shining and >ar. %ndia3 % 2e'ieve 2oth sides of %ndia have to 2e represented in fiction3 ,( concern is to 'oo. at the vast disparit(3

9o&'d some peop'e mista.e -a'ram's voice to 2e (o&r ownH % am 1&ite st&dio&s and most of m( 'ife has 2een spent reading3 Some of his N-a'ram'sO opinions are 1&ite distastef&' to me3 -&t it was important to create a pict&re of someone who wi'' cha''enge (o& as a reader= it was important not to create a sentimenta' portrait of an oppressed* poor person3 Some peop'e ma( sa( that this is 2oo. ver( negative a2o&t %ndia* and some ma( sa( that (o& received good reviews in the 4est 2eca&se the 2oo. foc&ses on povert( and socia' i''s in the co&ntr(3 This is a 2oo. that a passionate case for the 2etter treatment of two<thirds of Na'' %ndiansO << who are poorer3 %t is an attac. on the s(stem that governs %ndia3 -&t the s(stem is not the same as the peop'e in %ndia3 The nove' has received ver( good reviews in %ndia* too3 % don't thin. ever(one in the 4est who reads the 2oo. wi'' 2e happ( with it3 4h( is thatH % don't thin. man( peop'e in the 4est wi'' ta.e comfort from this fig&re* the main character in the 2oo.3 %t is not a fig&re the( can patronise or condescend to3 This character is ver( entreprene&ria' and smart and he has a ver( negative view of 4esterners and of white peop'e3 He is 1&ite happ( to ta.e on the 4est3 He is 1&ite an aggressive* confident character3 This co&'d have 2een easi'( a ver( 2ig 2oo.* r&nning into more than R00 pages3 Co& have it &nder ?00 pages3 % can't e)pect from the readers to p&t &p with more3 % can't stand 'ong and 2oring 2oo.s3 % admire writers s&ch as "rhan am&. especia''( for s&ch 2oo.s as ,( Name is Ded3 %t is a deep 2oo. and (et it moves ver( fast3 % don't thin. serio&s 2oo.s sho&'d 2ore an(one3 The 2oo. is f&'' of dar. h&mo&r3

"&tsiders don't rea'i/e how f&nn( we %ndians are << how m&ch wit and sarcasm is present in the da(<to<da( speech of poor peop'e in states 'i.e -ihar3 oor %ndians ma( have nothing e'se << not even a roof over their heads << 2&t the( a'wa(s have one weapon to fight 2ac. with against the s(stem: And that is h&mo&r3 Some peop'e might sa( that fi'mma.ers s&ch as ,rina' Sen and M A A22as in the 15@0s and 15K0s and a few nove'ists s&ch as Miran >esai have shown &s the %nvisi2'e ,an* the man who is a'wa(s e)p'oited3 These are great artists << % thin. Miran >esai is a tremendo&s writer3 However* if % to'd (o& romantic 'ove has 2een ade1&ate'( covered in the wor.s of Sha.espeare << Domeo and 8&'iet for instance << and there is no need for an(one to write ever again a2o&t 'ove* wo&'d that stri.e (o& as a c'ever s&ggestionH To sa( that the divide 2etween the rich and the poor* and the invisi2i'it( of the poor is an iss&e that has 2een edea't with' is to trivia'ise its profo&nd and perpet&a' importance3 The pro2'em is omnipresent* its manifestations .eep changing* and 'iterat&re and the arts have to .eep responding3 4h( is it important for a writer to foc&s on povert( and e)p'oitationH % wo&'d arg&e that toda(* in %ndia* amidst the hoop'a and h(pe of the economic 2oom* the poor are more invisi2'e than ever 2efore* and the dangers of ignoring them are greater than ever 2efore: The proof of this is in the res&rgent Na)a'ite* armed re2e''ion in the heart of %ndia* where comm&nist g&erri''as* fighting in the name of the poor* are waging a 2r&ta' war against the state3 4ho are some of the writers << %ndian and non %ndian << who have inf'&enced (o& the mostH 4hat have (o& ta.en from themH %'ve mentioned three great 2'ac. American writers of 4or'd 4ar %% and the immediate post war era* Dichard 4right* Da'ph E''ison* and 8ames -a'dwin* who have inf'&enced this 2oo. immense'(3 % admire D M Nara(an a 'ot* especia''( his nove' The $&ide3 His writing is wonderf&''( comic and acer2ic at the same time3

The writer a&' Thero&) once to'd me that the 2iggest fear he had as a writer was not that he co&'d r&n short of ideas 2&t that he ma( end &p writing a 2oring 2oo.3 4hat is (o&r 2iggest fearH No one who is a'ive to the poetr(* anger* and h&mo&r of %ndia is ever going to 2e in danger of writing a 2oring 2oo.3 So %'m not concerned a2o&t that3 ,( concerns in %ndia are more m&ndane and pressing3 %'m worried that there are going to 2e massive water c&ts in ,&m2ai this s&mmer* and % won't have water in m( apartment3 %f (o& had a magic wand* who wo&'d (o& choose to direct the fi'm version of (o&r 2oo.* and who wo&'d p'a( the 'ead charactersH This is not a 2oo. that can 2e fi'med easi'(3 % have a friend in New Cor.* a fi' named Damin -ahrani* and %'d see. his advice if an(one ever came &p with a proposa' for this to 2e t&rned into a fi'm3 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< IThe 4hite TigerI :Deviewed 2( S&dheer Apte SE 5* 2008;

Aravind Adiga* who now 'ives in ,&m2ai* has written 2&siness and news artic'es a2o&t %ndia 2efore for American and -ritish p&2'ications3 The 4hite Tiger is his first nove'3 The 4hite Tiger is a 1&ic.<reading thri''er* written in the &ni1&e voice of its centra' character3 %t is written as a first<person narration 2( one -a'ram Ha'wai* a se'f<descri2ed entreprene&r in -anga'ore* a2o&t how he came to 2e s&ccessf&'3 He grew &p in a sma'' coa' mining vi''age in -ihar* 2orn to a poor<p&''er* and named on'( I,&nna*I I2o(*I &nti' his teacher named him I-a'ramI and gave him a 2irth date so that he co&'d vote for the 'and'ord3 -a'ram has a sarcastic* c(nica'* and cr&de voice* whose wit .eeps the pages t&rning3 He refers to the vi''age on'( as The >ar.ness* 2eca&se* (o& see: I%ndia is two co&ntries in one: an %ndia of !ight* and an %ndia of >ar.ness3 The ocean 2rings 'ight to m( co&ntr(3 Ever( p'ace on the map of %ndia near the ocean is we''<off3 -&t the river 2rings dar.ness to %ndia < the 2'ac. river3I 4e 'earn first<hand of the terri2'e conditions in which -a'ram's fami'( and c'an 'ived in the >ar.ness* a'wa(s &nder the th&m2s of powerf&' 'and'ords3 -a'ram's father died of t&2erc&'osis in a government hospita' that was d(sf&nctiona' 2eca&se of endemic corr&ption3 He has had ver( 'itt'e schoo'ing3 This is a c'assic ta'e* reto'd to the point of c'iche* 2&t thro&gh -a'ram's c'ever voice comes his wor'd view: I$o to "'d >e'hi 333and 'oo. at the wa( the( .eep chic.ens there in the mar.et3 H&ndreds of pa'e hens and 2right'( co'o&red roosters* st&ffed tight'( into wire<mesh cages333The( see the organs of their 2rothers '(ing aro&nd them3 The( .now the('re ne)t3 Cet the( do not re2e'3 The( do not tr( to get o&t of the coop3 The ver( same thing is done with h&man 2eings in this co&ntr(3I This IDooster 9oopI ana'og( is +&st one of the man( devices that ma.e The 4hite Tiger a f&n read* despite 2eing a2o&t s&ch a depressing s&2+ect: the terri2'e caste s&2+&gation* reg&'ar rigging of e'ections* and poor peop'e's votes 2eing cast for them 2( their masters* are heav( topics* 2&t when we read that the vi''agers e)cited'( ta'. a2o&t 'oca' e'ections I'i.e e&n&chs disc&ssing the Mama S&tra*I we get it right awa(3 -a'ram teaches himse'f to drive* and event&a''( 'ands a +o2 as a driver for a 'oca' 'and'ord and his two sons3 Soon he moves with them to >e'hi where the (o&nger* #3S3<ret&rned son Asho. needs to sta( so that he can more easi'( 2ri2e government ministers3 After a few months of driving his master aro&nd and overhearing conversations* -a'ram is determined Ito .now* +&st for a da(* +&st for an ho&r* +&st for a min&te* what it means not to 2e a servant3I -( some immora' decisions* -a'ram a 2rea. for freedom and 2ecomes Is&ccessf&'3I %n the 15A0's* African<American a&thor Dichard 4right's Native Son to'd a simi'ar ta'e a2o&t a poor 2'ac. man named -igger Thomas* 2&t there are two important differences3 "ne is that the -a'ram Ha'wai character easi'( gets awa( with his crime* and the second is that -a'ram's character never act&a''( changes: he a'read( has a se'f<descri2ed mode' of how the wor'd wor.s and of his p'ace in it: I%n the o'd da(s there were 1*000 castes333in %ndia3 These da(s* there are +&st two castes: ,en

with -ig -e''ies* and ,en with Sma'' -e''ies3I -a'ram is determined to do whatever it to 2ecome a 2ig<2e''ied man* and this he resorts to doing in the on'( wa( he .nows how: 2( 2ecoming a crimina'* 2ri2ing the po'ice* and 2ending the r&'es3 The %ndia that we see in The 4hite Tiger is a 2r&ta'* dog<eat<dog wor'd* tota''( corr&pt and &n+&st* where peop'e 2ehave 'i.e anima's and ever(thing is for sa'e: far distant from the Shining %ndia depicted in so man( recent artic'es and p&2'ications3 4hen this 2oo. was nominated for the ,an pri/e this (ear* the a&thor said in an interview: I,( 2ac.gro&nd as a 2&siness +o&rna'ist made me rea'i/e that most of what's written a2o&t in 2&siness maga/ines is 2&''shit* and % don't ta.e 2&siness or corporate 'iterat&re serio&s'( at a''3I Nor does -a'ram* who f&n of s&ch 2oo.s at one point << part'(* of co&rse* 2eca&se he is &na2'e to read Eng'ish* 2&t a'so 2eca&se he .nows how the wor'd wor.s3 The nove' is written as a series of passages 2eing written in a 'etter 2( -a'ram to the 9hinese premier* who is going to visit -anga'ore soon3 This device* disconnected from the p'ot* seems rather meaning'ess* e)cept for this point that -a'ram to the 9hinese 'eader: I333o&t of respect for the 'ove of 'i2ert( shown 2( the 9hinese peop'e* and a'so in the 2e'ief that the f&t&re of the wor'd 'ies with the (e''ow man and the 2rown man now that o&r erstwhi'e master* the white<s.inned man* has wasted himse'f thro&gh 2&gger(* mo2i'e phone &sage and dr&g a2&se333I This h&m2'e* if cr&de'( p&t* prediction is one in which the &n'ettered -a'ram is +oined 2( man( modern p&ndits* e)cept that he has arrived at it via his pec&'iar 2rand of simp'istic shortc&ts3 This narrator is &ned&cated* 2&t it doesn't stop him from in the 2ig pict&re3 The most en+o(a2'e part of this nove' is the rich'( o2served wor'd of the have<nots in %ndia: the f'oc.s of drivers hanging o&t 2( their vehic'es o&tside air<conditioned 2&i'dings* waiting for their masters to s&mmon them= the 2eggars at traffic stops* who get mone( most'( from the poor= the pett( manip&'ations among the servants of the ho&se3 This is the view missing from so man( %ndia nove's with a midd'e<c'ass sensi2i'it(3 And with his .een o2servations and sharp writing* Adiga &s into -a'ram Ha'wai's mind* whether we want to or not3 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Sp'it with agent: Adiga spea.s &p Amit Do( !ondon* "ct3 2K: Aravind Adiga* who won the with his de2&t nove'* The 4hite Tiger* has said he parted compan( with his principa' New Cor.<2ased 'iterar( agent 2eca&se the a&thor was 6&nhapp(7 with the wa( he was represented and the decision had 6nothing to do with mone(73 Adiga confirmed he had to'd 8a( ,ande'* of the 4i''iam ,orris Agenc( :4,A;* that he no 'onger wished to 2e represented 2( them3 However* Adiga angri'( re+ected a s&ggestion in a -ritish newspaper report that 4,A had 2een sac.ed 6s&dden'(7 or that the ca&se of the rift was over mone(3 Adiga emphasised to The Te'egraph: 6 % did not 'eave 8a( ,ande' recent'(= the 2rea. came in Novem2er 200K* 2efore the 2oo. was p&2'ished37 He added: 6The reasons had nothing to do with mone(3 % was &nhapp( with how % was 2eing represented 2( 8a( ,ande'37

He has &rged his p&2'ishers* At'antic -oo.s* an imprint of $rove At'antic* to p&2'icise the reasons for the 2rea. and to correct what he fee's have 2een inacc&rate reports which have appeared in 2oth the #M and %ndia3 Adiga* who is sensitive to acc&sations* often made 2( %ndians who have not (et read his 2oo.* he fee's* that he has 2een 6anti<nationa'* anti<Hind&* anti<poor7* to give wide circ&'ation for the reasons for his decision to part with 4,A3 6Some of the negative p&2'icit( was 2eginning to die down*7 said Adiga* 6now it wi'' 2e whipped &p again37 Since Novem2er 200K* 6% have 2een witho&t an agent*7 disc'osed Adiga3 6%t0s not necessar( or comp&'sor( for a writer to have an agent3 %t0s not as tho&gh (o& have to have an agent3 -&t now % pro2a2'( have to get an agent to dea' with stories 'i.e this37 He wi'' certain'( need a good agent to dea' with interview re1&ests* foreign rights* trans'ations and possi2'( fi'ms rights in the f&t&re3 He spo.e of wh( he had 2ro.en with 4,A in New Cor.3 6%t had nothing to do with mone(*7 he repeated3 6% was &nhapp( with the wa( the( were dea'ing with me3 At vario&s times* there was no response to m( 1&eries3 Fina''( % decided % don0t need an agent37 %t is not &n.nown for writers to change agents3 Sa'man D&shdie changed his twice 2efore ending &p with the New Cor. 2ased Andrew 4('ie* who is one of the most high profi'e agents in the wor'd3 After p&2'ication of his 2iograph( of Q3S3 Naipa&'* atric. French a'so switched to 4('ie after 'eaving >avid $odwin* who is 2est .nown f%ndia as Ar&ndhati Do(0s agent3 -&t other writers* who have en+o(ed a 'ong and sta2'e re'ationship with their agents* inc'&de Naipa&' himse'f3 His agent* $i''on Ait.en* has achieved the remar.a2'e feat of 2ecoming the a&thor0s c'ose and tr&sted friend3 Adiga a'so disagreed with the s&ggestion in the -ritish newspaper report that his agent had faci'itated his win3 6An agent has nothing to do with 'iterar( pri/es* otherwise Andrew 4('ie0s writers wo&'d win ever( time*7 he said* a reference to the a''eged'( aggressive tactics adopted 2( 4('ie to 2&''( others into conceding the 2est of ever(thing for those in his 'arge 6sta2'e73 The #M newspaper report had credited 9athr(n S&mmerha(es* who wor.s for 4,A0s #M office* for having 6sec&red an e(e<watering advance for him at the !ondon -oo. Fair 'ast (ear7* as we'' as 6he'ping Adiga win the FR0*000 pri/e73 4i''iam ,orris Agenc( :#M; !td3 sa(s it 6provides a va'&a2'e and necessar( 'in. 2etween the entertainment comm&nities on 2oth sides of the At'antic3 The agenc(0s !ondon office has achieved &nprecedented commercia' and artistic s&ccess for 4i''iam ,orris in the #3M3 and thro&gho&t E&rope37 4,A0s 'iterar( department in !ondon adds that it 6represents 2est<se''ing and pri/e<winning

a&thors from $reat -ritain* the #nited States* A&stra'ia* New Yea'and and 2e(ond3 The department has a'so 2een s&ccessf&' se''ing 2oo.s to fi'm and te'evision* as we'' as se''ing te'evision tie<ins to 2oo. p&2'ishers37 A 6r&ef&'7 S&mmerha(es was 1&oted as sa(ing a2o&t the 2rea.: 6% g&ess (o& can ca'' it 2eing Lsac.ed0'3 No reason was given wh(3 He +&st sent a 'etter to the #S office to sa( that we wo&'d no 'onger 2e representing him* 2&t that we wo&'d sti'' 'oo. after the 2oo. rights3 % don0t thin. (o& wi'' find* however* an( p&2'isher who said we didn0t do a great +o2 on the 2oo. and no one had a 2ad word to sa( a2o&t &s37 Adiga made it c'ear that his interaction with S&mmerha(es had 2een ni' since she had 2een hired* not 2( him* 2&t 2( 4,A0s main New Cor. office3 He to'd The Te'egraph: 69athr(n S&mmerha(es was never m( principa' agent= it was 8a( ,ande' in New Cor.3 % have never met ,s S&mmerha(es37 The Te'egraph toda( approached 2oth 9athr(n Ha(es at 4,A and $rove At'antic for comments and was waiting for their responses to the iss&es raised 2( Adiga3 The 4hite Tiger* a m&rdero&s ta'e of %ndian &nshining to'd thro&gh -a'ram Ha'wai* a ric.shawa''a* is o2vio&s'( se''ing 2ris.'( in !ondon3 A woman who had 2een invited to the 'avish part( thrown 'ast wee. to mar. the R0 th 2irthda( of the !ondon hostess* S&rina Nar&'a* went into a to get her a cop( of Adiga0s nove' G among !ondon0s rich %ndians* S&rina Nar&'a is &n&s&a' in that she en+o(s reading 2oo.s :she and her h&s2and* H S Nar&'a* sponsor the 8aip&r !iterar( Festiva';3 6The 4hite Tiger was so'd o&t*7 said her g&est3 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Aravind Adiga From 4i.ipedia* the free enc(c'opedia 8&mp to: navigation* search Aravind Adiga -orn 2? "cto2er 15KA :15KA<10<2?; :age ?A; ,adras* %ndia "cc&pation 4riter Ethnicit( %ndian 9iti/enship %ndianWA&stra'ian A'ma mater 9o'&m2ia #niversit( Nota2'e wor.:s; The 4hite Tiger Nota2'e award:s; 2008 ,an ri/e :The 4hite Tiger; "fficia' we2site !iterat&re porta' Aravind Adiga :Mannada: * 2orn 2? "cto2er 15KA;N1O; is a +o&rna'ist and a&thor* who ho'ds d&a' %ndian and A&stra'ian citi/enship3 His de2&t nove'* The 4hite Tiger* won the 2008 ,an ri/e3N2O3 9ontents NhideO 1 -iograph( 131 Ear'( 'ife and ed&cation 132 9areer 13? ri/e

13A -etween the Assassinations 2 -i2'iograph( ? Deferences A E)terna' 'in.s

NeditO -iograph( NeditO Ear'( 'ife and ed&cation Aravind Adiga was 2orn in 9hennai in 15KA to M3 ,adhava and #sha Adiga* Mannadiga parents hai'ing from ,anga'ore* Marnata.aN?ONAO3 He grew &p in ,anga'ore and st&died at 9anara High Schoo'* then at St3 A'o(si&s High Schoo'* where he comp'eted his SS!9 in 15503 He sec&red first ran. in the state in SS!9NRONAO3 After emigrating to S(dne(* A&stra'ia* with his fami'(* he st&died at 8ames D&se Agric&'t&ra' High Schoo'3 He st&died Eng'ish 'iterat&re at 9o'&m2ia 9o''ege* 9o'&m2ia #niversit( in New Cor.* where he st&died with Simon Schama and grad&ated as sa'&tatorian in 155K3N@O He a'so st&died at ,agda'en 9o''ege* ")ford* where one of his t&tors was Hermione !ee3

NeditO 9areer Adiga 2egan his +o&rna'istic career as a financia' +o&rna'ist* interning at the Financia' Times3 4ith pieces p&2'ished in the Financia' Times* ,one( and the 4a'' Street 8o&rna'* he covered the stoc. and investment* interviewing* among others* >ona'd Tr&mp3 His review of previo&s ri/e winner eter 9are('s 2oo.* "scar and !&cinda* appeared in The Second 9irc'e* an on'ine 'iterar( review3NKO He was s&2se1&ent'( hired 2( T%,E* where he remained a So&th Asia correspondent for three (ears 2efore going free'ance3N8O >&ring his free'ance period* he wrote The 4hite Tiger3 He c&rrent'( 'ives in ,&m2ai* %ndiaN5O3

NeditO ri/e Aravind Adiga's de2&t nove'* The 4hite Tiger* won the 2008 ri/e3 He is the fo&rth %ndian< 2orn a&thor to win the pri/e* after Sa'man D&shdie* Ar&ndhati Do( and Miran >esai :Q3 S3 Naipa&' is of %ndian ancestr(* 2&t is not %ndia<2orn;3 The five other a&thors on the short'ist inc'&ded one other %ndian writer :Amitav $hosh; and another first<time writer :Steve To't/;3N10O The nove' st&dies the contrast 2etween %ndia's rise as a modern g'o2a' econom( and the 'ead character* -a'ram* who comes from cr&shing r&ra' povert(3N11O At a time when %ndia is going thro&gh great changes and* with 9hina* is 'i.e'( to inherit the wor'd from the 4est* it is important that writers 'i.e me tr( to high'ight the 2r&ta' in+&stices of societ( :%ndian;3 That's what %'m tr(ing to do << it's not an attac. on the co&ntr(* it's a2o&t the greater process of se'f<e)amination3 g

He e)p'ained that the criticism 2( writers 'i.e F'a&2ert* -a'/ac and >ic.ens of the 15th cent&r( he'ped Eng'and and France 2ecome 2etter societies3N12O Short'( after winning the pri/e it was c'aimed that Adiga had sac.ed the agent who he'ped him to victor(<< and to reach a dea' with At'antic -oo.s at the 200K !ondon -oo. Fair3N1?O3 However* it 'ater emerged that these stories were fact&a''( incorrect: Adiga had fired his agent a'most a (ear 2efore* in Novem2er 200K3N1AO NeditO -etween the Assassinations Adiga's second 2oo.* -etween the Assassinations* is d&e for re'ease in %ndia on Novem2er 13 The rights have not (et 2een so'd o&tside of %ndia3 The 2oo. feat&res 12 short stories3N1RO

NeditO -i2'iograph( The 4hite Tiger: A Nove' :At'antic -oo.s* !td :#M;WFree ress :#S;* 2008; NeditO Deferences h http:WWwww3e)pressindia3comW'atest<newsW%ndian<nove'ist<Aravind<Adiga<wins<< pri/eW?K?@?KW h I%ndian nove'ist Aravind Adiga wins pri/eI* Agencies* E)pressindia :"ct 1R* 2008;3 Detrieved on 2008<10<1@3 h for MannAdigaI* >eccan Hera'd :"ct 1@* 2008;3 Detrieved on 2008<10<1@3 h a 2 IMarnata.aW,anga'ore News:,anga'oreans re+oice over aravind adiga's winI* The Hind& :"ct 1@* 2008;3 Detrieved on 2008<10<1@3 h IA'mamater ce'e2rates Adiga's winI* -anga'ore ,irror :"ct 1@* 2008;3 Detrieved on 2008<10<1@3 h http:WWwww3co'&m2ia3ed&Wc&WrecordWarchivesWvo'22Wvo'22aiss2?Wrecord222?31?3htm' h http:WWthesecondcirc'e3netWarvWcare3htm' h Adiga is the first c&rrent or former T%,E staffer to win the ,an ri/e* or its predecessor* the ri/e3 h The second circ'e h IFirst<timers g'or(I* --9 :5 Septem2er 2008;3 Detrieved on 2008<10<1@3 h IDeview: The 4hite Tiger 2( Aravind AdigaI3 The Te'egraph :05W08W2008;3 Detrieved on 2008< 10<1@3 h I% high'ighted %ndia's 2r&ta' in+&stices: AdigaI* Dediff :1@ "cto2er 2008;3 Detrieved on 2008<10< 1@3 h in* Aravind Adiga sac.s agentI* 9NN<%-N :"ct 2@* 2008;3 Detrieved on 2008<10< 2K3 h http:WWwww3hind&onnet3comWho'n&sW0002008102K0?0@3htm h >onthi* raveen :2008<10<2?;3 IAdigas second 2oo. to hit she'vesI* >eccan Hera'd3 Detrieved on 2008<10<2K3 NeditO E)terna' 'in.s "fficia' we2site Aravind Adiga #M 4e2site G in Eng'ish G ,an ri/e 4inner 2008 T%,E ,aga/ine < Search Des&'ts for Aravind Adiga Artic'es 2( Aravind Adiga for The Second 9irc'e* A Deview of 9ontemporar( !iterat&re Aravind Adiga's comp'ete 2i2'iograph( IAravind Adiga in 9onversation with Hirsh Sawhne(I* -roo.'(n Dai'* Septem2er 2008 I%nterview with Aravind AdigaI* #ntit'ed -oo.s* Apri' 2008 IDeview of The 4hite TigerI* The Te'egraph INove' A2o&t %ndia 4ins the ,an ri/eI* The New Cor. Times* 1A "cto2er 2008 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< From the ,an ri/e* 2008 %ntrod&cing a ma+or 'iterar( ta'ent* The 4hite Tiger offers a stor( of cor&scating wit* 2'istering s&spense* and 1&estiona2'e mora'it(* to'd 2( the most vo'ati'e* captivating* and &tter'( inimita2'e narrator that this mi''enni&m has (et seen3 -a'ram Ha'wai is a comp'icated man3 Servant3 hi'osopher3 Entreprene&r3 ,&rderer3 "ver the co&rse of seven nights* 2( the scattered 'ight of a prepostero&s chande'ier* -a'ram te''s &s the terri2'e and transfi)ing stor( of how he came to 2e a s&ccess in 'ife << having nothing 2&t his own wits to he'p him a'ong3 -orn in the dar. heart of %ndia* -a'ram gets a 2rea. when he is hired as a driver for his vi''age's wea'thiest man* two ho&se omeranians : &dd'es and 9&dd'es;* and the rich man's :ver( &n'&c.(; son3 From 2ehind the whee' of their Honda 9it( car* -a'ram's new wor'd is a reve'ation3 4hi'e his peers f'ip thro&gh the pages of ,&rder 4ee.'( :I!ove << Dape << DevengeJI;* 2arter for gir's* drin. 'i1&or :Th&nder2o't;* and perpet&ate the $reat Dooster 9oop of %ndian societ(* -a'ram

watches his emp'o(ers 2ri2e foreign ministers for ta) 2rea.s* 2arter for gir's* drin. 'i1&or :sing'e< ma't whis.e(;* and p'a( their own ro'e in the Dooster 9oop3 -a'ram 'earns how to siphon gas* dea' with corr&pt mechanics* and refi'' and rese'' 8ohnnie 4a'.er -'ac. !a2e' 2ott'es :a'' 2&t one;3 He a'so finds a wa( o&t of the 9oop that no one e'se inside it can perceive3 -a'ram's e(es penetrate %ndia as few o&tsiders can: the coc.roaches and the ca'' centers= the prostit&tes and the worshippers= the ancient and %nternet c&'t&res= the water 2&ffa'o and* trapped in so man( .inds of cages that escape is :a'most; impossi2'e* the white tiger3 And with a charisma as &ndenia2'e as it is &ne)pected* -a'ram teaches &s that re'igion doesn't create virt&e* and mone( doesn't so've ever( pro2'em << 2&t decenc( can sti'' 2e fo&nd in a corr&pt wor'd* and (o& can get what (o& want o&t of 'ife if (o& eavesdrop on the right conversations3 So'd in si)teen co&ntries aro&nd the wor'd* The 4hite Tiger reca''s The >eath of Qishn& and -ang.o. 8 in am2ition* scope* and narrative geni&s* with a mischief and persona'it( a'' its own3 Amora'* irreverent* deep'( endearing* and &tter'( contemporar(* this nove' is an internationa' p&2'ishing sensation << and a start'ing* provocative de2&t3

,edia Deviews -oo.-rowse < Sarah Sacha >o'' Adiga's nove' is hi'ario&s and impo'ite* a fa2&'o&s co&nterpoint to some of the 2ea&tif&'* '(rica' %ndian nove's that have s&rfaced in the past decade3 Adiga does not s&garcoat -a'ram's view of %ndia* and the res&'t is a tr&e* &ni1&e view of a co&ntr( we ma( have tho&ght we &nderstood3 F&'' Deview :mem2ers on'(* 1A@2 words;3

&2'ishers 4ee.'( Starred Deview3 %t's the perfect antidote to '(rica' %ndia3 Schoo' !i2rar( 8o&rna' -a'ram's evo'&tion from 'i.a2'e vi''age 2o( to co'd<2'ooded .i''er is fascinating and 2e'ieva2'e3 Even more s&rprising is how we'' the narrative wor.s in the wa( it's written as a 'etter to the 9hinese premier* who's set to visit -anga'ore* %ndia3 Mir.&s Deviews His commentar( on a'' things %ndian comes at the e)pense of narrative s&spense and character deve'opment3 3333Adiga's pacing is off too* as -a'ram too 1&ic.'( reinvents himse'f in -anga'ore* where ever( cop can 2e 2o&ght3 An &ndiscip'ined de2&t* 2&t one with p'ent( of vita'it(3 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< %ndia: A Qiew from -e'ow Aravind Adiga with Hirsh Sawhne( 2( Hirsh Sawhne( The homes of midd'e c'ass and wea'th( %ndians are staffed 2( teams of servants who cater to their emp'o(ers0 ever( need3 -orn in poor states 'i.e -ihar or co&ntries 'i.e Nepa' and -ang'adesh* these 'ive<in drivers* coo.s and c'eaners often wor. twe've<ho&r da(s and seven<da( wee.s3 >espite the economic &pswing that has ena2'ed their 2osses to decorate their homes with p'asma te'evisions and p&rchase E&ropean cars* the 'ifest('es of domestic wor.ers have on'( improved margina''( in recent (ears3 Their conditions remain &nreg&'ated* and as %ndia0s pop&'ation contin&es to grow at e)ponentia' rates* their wages remain 'ow* from fift( to one< h&ndred and fift( do''ars a month3

"ne s&ch domestic* a driver named -a'ram Ha'wai* is the narrator and protagonist of Aravind Adiga0s hard<hitting de2&t nove'* The 4hite Tiger* which has 2een short'isted for this (ear0s ,an ri/e3 -a'ram0s 2eginnings epitomi/e a common %ndian stor(3 -orn a poor vi''ager* witt(* pensive -a'ram ends &p a driver for a corr&pt 2&sinessman in $&rgaon* a >e'hi sate''ite cit( st&dded with ma''s and %T offices3 His emp'o(er offers him fa'se gest&res of .indness and hope 2&t doesn0t hesitate to frame this innocent for a crime that his wife act&a''( commits3 4ith no prospects of en+o(ing a s'ice of the new %ndian dream* the driver attempts to a'ter his fate 2( &n&s&a'* heino&s means3 He m&rders his 2oss and awa( with mone( that was meant for a government 2ri2e3 After starting a s&ccessf&' 2&siness that provides transportation to ca'' center wor.ers in -anga'ore* -a'ram writes a 'etter of confession to none other than the remier of another Asian economic s&ccess stor(* 9hina3 This incisive* engrossing 2oo. attac.s povert( and disparit( witho&t 2eing sentimenta' or condescending* and for this reason it is a gro& %ndian nove'3 % met with Adiga* a former -roo.'(n resident* whi'e the a&thor was visiting New Cor. 'ast 8&'(3

Dai': Te'' &s a2o&t the %ndia (o&r 2oo. is set in3

Adiga: The 2oo. dea's with an %ndia smac. in the midd'e of 6the 2oom*7 and it cha''enges a 'ot of comforta2'e ass&mptions a2o&t %ndian democrac( and economics3 % want to cha''enge this idea that %ndia is the wor'd0s greatest democrac(3 %t ma( 2e so in an o2+ective sense* 2&t on the gro&nd* the poor have s&ch 'itt'e power3

Dai': 4hat are some of the things (o& 'earned a2o&t %ndia d&ring this era of h(pe and optimism* when (o& were as a reporter for TimeH

Adiga: The fact that a 'ot of %ndians have ver( 'itt'e po'itica' freedom* especia''( in the north of %ndia3 That e'ections are rigged in 'arge parts of the north %ndian state of -ihar* and the(0re a'so accompanied 2( vio'ence3 There0s 'i.e thirt(<five .i''ings d&ring ever( e'ection3 %f (o& were a poor man (o&0d have to pic. 9hina over %ndia an( da( 2eca&se (o&r .ids have a 2etter chance of 2eing no&rished if (o&0re poor3 Co&r wife is more 'i.e'( to s&rvive chi'd2irth3 Co&0re 'i.e'( to 'ive 'onger3 There are so man( wa(s in which %ndia0s s(stem fai's horri2'(3

Dai': How are these dist&r2ing aspects of the co&ntr( woven into (o&r nove'H

Adiga: -a'ram0s father* for e)amp'e* dies of t&2erc&'osis3 t2 .i''s a tho&sand %ndians a da(Bpoor peop'e3 %t0s a disease that the midd'e c'ass doesn0t even .now a2o&t3 There0s a who'e set of diseases in %ndia that on'( aff'ict the poor3

Dai': To descri2e the %ndian hinter'ands in which poor peop'e tr( to ma.e ends meet* (o&r narrator &ses this eerie generic term* 6the dar.ness37 How did (o& come &p with thatH Adiga: % wanted something that wo&'d provo.e and anno( peop'e3 % was tr(ing to capt&re this g&'f in the co&ntr(3 4hen % was in 9a'c&tta* % spent the night with peop'e who p&''ed hand<ric.shaws3 : eop'e in -om2a(* 2( the wa(* don0t 2e'ieve me when % te'' them that there are hand<ric.shaws in 9a'c&tta* 2eca&se it seems incredi2'( primitive to them3; A 'ot of these hand< drivers

were ,&s'ims from -ihar* and % as.ed them* 64h( do (o& do thisH 4h( don0t (o& wor. in the fie'dsH Even that has to 2e 2etter than this37 "ne man pointed to the shed in which the( were sta(ing and said* 6This ma( seem to (o& 'i.e a dirt( dar. p'ace* 2&t for &s* this is a cit( of 'ight3 -ac. home is the dar.ness37

Dai': A''ow me to read a passage: 6The +ai's of >e'hi are f&'' of drivers who are there 2ehind 2ars 2eca&se the( are the 2'ame for their good* so'id midd'e<c'ass masters3 4e have 'eft the vi''ages 2&t the masters sti'' own &s* 2odies* so&'s* and arse3 Ces* that0s right: we a'' 'ive in one of the wor'd0s greatest democracies3 4hat a f& +o.e37 %s -a'ram imp'(ing that servants are 'i.e 2onded 'a2or or s'avesH

Adiga: At points it does get 'i.e that3 -&t this is the servant0s perspective3 %t is his s&2+ective views* which are prett( depressing3 There are a'so two crimes that he commits: he ro2s* and he .i''s* and 2( no means do % e)pect a reader to s(mpathi/e with 2oth the crimes3 He0s not meant to 2e a fig&re whose views (o& sho&'d accept entire'(3 There0s evidence within the nove' that the s(stem is more f'e)i2'e than -a'ram s&ggests* and it is down faster than he c'aims3 And within the stor( % hope that there0s evidence of servants cheating the masters s(stematica''(333to s&ggest a person0s capacit( for evi' or vice is to grant them respectBis to'edge their capacit( for vo'ition and freedom of choice3

Dai': For someone 'i.e -a'ram* is the on'( hope for s&ccess or socia' mo2i'it( crimeH

Adiga: %f (o& don0t have Eng'ish* an ed&cation* or hea'thcare* then how are (o& going to do something to transform (o&r 'ifeH A poor man in %ndia A*000 r&pees a month is never going to transform things3 The on'( transformation possi2'e is crime for someone 'i.e -a'ram* otherwise he0s going to 2e s&rro&nded 2( fantasies* dreams* and not ma.e it o&ti"ften 'ife is so to&gh (o& +&st have to 2e 2r&ta'3

Dai': Has %ndia0s rich<poor divide act&a''( 'ed to an o&t2rea. of crime 2etween servants and mastersH

Adiga: The servant<master s(stem imp'ies two things: "ne is that the servants are far poorer than the richBa servant has no possi2i'it( of ever catching &p to the master3 And second'(* he has access to the masterBthe master0s mone(* the master0s ph(sica' person3 Cet crime rates in %ndia are ver( 'ow3 Even tho&gh the midd'e c'assBwho often have three or fo&r servantsBare paranoid a2o&t crime* the rea'it( is a master getting .i''ed 2( his servant is rare3 -&t it0s on its wa(i 4hat is stopping a poor man from to the crime that occ&rs in Qene/&e'a or So&th AfricaH

Dai': 4h( don0t %ndia0s c'ass divides 'ead to the crime rates that occ&r in other Third 4or'd co&ntriesH

Adiga: Co& need two things Nfor crime to occ&rOBa divide and a conscio&s ideo'og( of resentment3 4e don0t have resentment in %ndia3 The poor +&st ass&me that the rich are a fact of 'ife3 For them* getting angr( at the rich is 'i.e getting angr( at the heat -&t % thin. we0re seeing what % 2e'ieve is a c'ass<2ased resentment for the first time3

Dai': -&t on the s&rface the c'ass divide seems to 2e shrin.ing3 The media te''s &s things 'i.e ca'' centers and o&tso&rcing are not on'( threatening the American econom( 2&t a'so revo'&tioni/ing %ndian societ(3

Adiga: % wanted to pro2'emati/e the depiction of o&tso&rcing within %ndia and o&tside3 %n the 'ong r&n it0s not a partic&'ar'( good thing for the co&ntr(3 %t doesn0t create rea' +o2s3 %t doesn0t act&a''( give emp'o(ees an( s.i''s3 %t0s .ind of 'i.e a shot of s&garBit0s great at first* 2&t it act&a''( has no n&trition3 An(one who thin.s o&tso&rcing is going to fi) %ndia0s economic pro2'ems is de'&ding himse'f3 "&tso&rcing co&nts for 'ess than 1j of the econom(3 55j of %ndians have pro2'ems that are entire'( separate: water* agric&'t&re* irrigation* e'ectricit(3 % wanted to show that this is a ver( sma''* weird part of the %ndian econom( and the 2&'. of 'ife is wa( o&tside this3

Dai': of water* -a'ram sa(s* 6There is no water in o&r taps* and what do (o& peop'e in >e'hi give &sH Co& give &s ce'' phones37 %n fact* %ndia has more than 2A0 mi''ion ce'' phone &sers3

Adiga: The ce'' phone is fascinating 2eca&se it has a'wa(s he'd &p in %ndia as a sign of progress3 Even the poor have ce'' phones now3 -&t access to water has deteriorated in the past ten (ears3 And most deve'opment economists wi'' te'' (o& that a 'ac. of access to waterBto c'ean waterBis the sing'e 2iggest ca&se of povert(3 Sa( a constr&ction gets t(phoid and can0t go to wor. for two wee.s3 He 'oses his +o2 and there0s no ins&rance3 He0s 'iving in povert( and is going to sta( in povert(3 Thro&gho&t %ndia (o& see the water ta2'e seems to 2e fa''ing* crop (ie'ds are dec'ining* peop'e are having greater tro&2'e finding access to water3 %t0s one of the c'earest c'ass divides in %ndia: if (o& have access to reg&'ar water in %ndia* (o&0re rich= if (o& have no access to water* (o&0re poor3 Techno'og( is one aspect of progress= it is not progress in itse'f3 rogress is ho'isticBit0s water and ce'' phones3 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< The 4hite Tiger Doars Th&rsda(* Apri' 2A* 2008

Aravind Adiga* po'itica' +o&rna'ist and de2&t nove'ist* ta'.s to De2ecca Co''and a2o&t rewriting %ndia= forgoing the si'.* saris and spices for corr&ption* s'ea/e and the rising midd'e c'asses3 '8o&rna'ism is 'eaving Nan iss&eO as a dish* and a nove' is it &p and shoving it in the reader's face3' Aravind Adiga sho&'d .now3 revio&s'( a T%,E correspondent and now a new nove'ist* he is a man who seems to 2e itching with a desire to 'o2 the first pie3 %n a mi'd'( cha''enging tone he confesses to e)ha&sting ever(one with his 2e'iefs: '%'ve scared awa( so man( peop'e at parties ta'.ing a2o&t them*' he sa(s3 Cet his first nove'* The 4hite Tiger* is an entertaining and apparent'( immora' romp where the to&gh &nder'(ing messages sit 'ight'( and where an i''<ed&cated m&rderer for ver( entertaining compan(3 Adiga's narrator* -a'ram Ha'wai* is a cha&ffe&r 2orn in 'the >ar.ness' of r&ra' %ndia= a p'ace where povert( and chi'd 'a2o&r are part of fami'( 'ife3 %n some wa(s a 'what if' stor(* Adiga tried to imagine how he wo&'d manage if he had 2een denied an ed&cation and grown &p with dai'( 2r&ta'it(3 '4hat if % were st&c. here and % was someone 'i.e me*' he panics* someone with a 'capacit( to admire what is 2ea&tif&'3' -a'ram t&rns on the e)isting hierarchica' caste<2ased s(stem* m&rdering his emp'o(er and esta2'ishing his own 2&siness in a ver( modern %ndia* and

Adiga too has t&rned= 1&estioning the c'ass str&ct&re of %ndia* and evident'( f&rio&s at the vast discrepanc( 2etween rich and poor3 Adiga himse'f was 2orn and ed&cated in %ndia &nti'* aged fifteen* he moved to A&stra'ia3 !ater he st&died at 9o'&m2ia #niversit( in New Cor. and then in ")ford* 2efore on a career in +o&rna'ism3 S&ch internationa' hopscotching has c'ear'( affected him3 He remem2ers his first impressions of A&stra'ia and 'the sheer nastiness of 'ife in the cit(*' +&st as -a'ram is overwhe'med 2( New >e'hi3 %ndeed* The 4hite Tiger shows forcef&''( the dangers of mass migration as vi''agers are drawn to the cit( and then str&gg'e to find wor.3 ,ore important'(* Adiga's ret&rn to %ndia* as a T%,E correspondent in 200?* prompted him to re<eva'&ate his notions of the co&ntr(3 He ta'.s of the writing of The 4hite Tiger as a 1&est to &nderstand 'm( ' at %ndia again3' 8o&rna'istic ha2its are hard to 2rea. and Adiga peppers his conversation with statistics* man( of them grim 'istening3 His nove' however 'eaves s&ch facts for the c&rio&s reader to discover for themse'ves3 Economic discrimination against ,&s'ims* the Na)a' re2e's in centra' %ndia* changing re'ations with 9hina* and &nsett'ing i''iterac( 'eve's G Adiga hints at a'' these 2&t 'eaves the reader 1&esting for more3 %n part* this is a conscio&s decision: his narrator's ignorance and pre+&dices f&e' o&r fr&stration and effective'( revea' his 'imitations3 ',( narrator is a composite of man(* man( men that % spo.e to as % trave''ed*' he te''s me* and c'ear'( he re'ished those conversations on trains and street corners3 '-eing %ndian made this easier3 % was an o&tsider and an insider too3' 'To depict someone is to depict them in a'' their am2ig&it( and a'' their mora' comp'e)ities*' c'aims Adiga* a'tho&gh he on'( seems .een to app'( this reasoning to -a'ram3 % mention the 'ac. of s(mpathetic fema'e characters* even of f&''( ro&nded ones* 2&t he has a swift answer3 That is e)act'( as -a'ram wo&'d see them* he 2e'ieves* '(o& can't change his attit&des entire'('3 He is however 1&ic. to disassociate himse'f from his narrator's attit&des3 'The narrator is not me333 % don't agree with a 'ot or most of what he sa(s3' %ndeed the choice to &se a narrative voice came in p'a( in the second draft3 '% wrote this in the first person initia''(*' he e)p'ains* '%t was a ver( serio&s* earnest wor.3' Then he came &p with the idea of the 'etters and narrative voice3 The narrator is &ntr&stworth( and -a'ram '2eing aware of his nastiness is part of the con'3 The res&'ting nove' is f&'' of energ( and 'a&ghter3 'H&mo&r is not something (o& associate with the 2oo.s that come o&t of %ndia*' Adiga s&ggests and he is o2vio&s'( .een to create a voice of his own3 9ritics have made m&ch of Adiga's depart&re from the more common 'iterat&re of %ndia* with its co'onia' re'ish and e)cesses of co'o&r and sme''3 '-eca&se %'m from %ndia % can't see the e)otic= the spices and the or the (oga'* he asserts* dismissing it a'' as 'a2so'&te crap'3 %n fact it is the seedier side of %ndia he so s&ccessf&''( depicts= a sens&a' wor'd* a2so'&te'(* 2&t one of se) and sweat and disease3 %n spite of :or perhaps 2eca&se of; Adiga's enth&siasm for 2ea&t(* it's the &g'iness and ine1&a'ities he foc&ses on3 So whi'e he gives &s water 2&ffa'oes and paan and mar.ets* these images are often twisted: the water 2&ffa'o spea.s of rape* the paan disco'o&rs servants0 teeth* and the mar.ets are f&'' of prostit&tes3 4e are whipped thro&gh '&)&r( hote's and 2&s( streets in a 'imo&sine 2&t the most powerf&' scene in >e'hi is when -a'ram shits in the s'&m3 ,an( of his scenes are rich with comed(3 The image of a fat master r&nning whi'e his thin servant provides him with water on his +og is 1&ite 2ri''iant3 'Ever(thing %'ve p&t in this 2oo. is 2ased on things %'ve seen*' c'aims Adiga* 2egging the 1&estion of the fat master's identit(3 'Some of m( friends in %ndia have 2een &pset 2eca&se the( thin. the portra(a' of the rich is not f'attering*' he comments indignant'( 2efore adding with a 'a&gh* 'The( pointed o&t to me that % wasn't e)act'( poor to 2egin with3' Adiga's awareness of his aw.ward position within %ndian societ( is a ver( 'arge part of his appea'3 At times h&ge'( practica'* he'edges he has more in common with -a'ram's emp'o(er than with the driver himse'f and when 1&i//ed a2o&t the h(pocrisies of writing in Eng'ish he 'oo.s at me with 2ewi'derment3 '%t's the on'( 'ang&age % co&'d rea''( write in*' he states3 4hat is important for Adiga is that the stories are to'd3 Having the advantages of ed&cation and financia' sec&rit( is mere'( Lan e)tra o2'igation to write a2o&t peop'e witho&t those 2enefits'3 Depeated'( descri2ed as angr( 2( the press* he co&nters 'there is a 'ot to 2e angr( a2o&t3' He ret&rns again and again to the 2ig 1&estions of ed&cation* hea'thcare :hospita's are 'mind<2ogg'ing'( 2ad'; and 'ega' protection* and he has 2een acc&sed of 2etra(ing his co&ntr( 2(

foc&sing on %ndia's corr&ption and pro2'ems3 '% can't see what co&'d 2e more patriotic than a passionate p'ea for the 2etter treatment of two thirds of m( co&ntr(men*' he retorts3 His an)iet( to protect his co&ntr( is pa'pa2'e and his great fear is that crime and socia' &nrest wi'' e)p'ode to So&th African proportions &n'ess reforms are carried o&t3 The 4hite Tiger is his ca&tionar( ta'e3 An ordinar( tiger is a potent s(m2o' of %ndia 2&t the white tiger is a frea.= a genetic anoma'( thrown &p once ever( few generations3 -a'ram is that anoma'( < the man in the 'ine who chooses to step o&t of it <and so too is Adiga* whose passion is infectio&s whether or not a'' his opinions 2ear &p &nder c'ose 1&estioning3 '-a'ram is sti'' the white tiger 2&t he co&'d end &p 2eing a ver( ordinar( tiger in twent( (ears' is his fina' warning3 Adiga is c&rrent'( on his second nove' 2&t is 2ashf&' a2o&t it3 ',ost peop'e on'( have one* right*' he te''s me 'a&ghing'(3 -&t Adiga is not most peop'e* and whi'e he contin&es to &pset po'ite dinner parties with angr( rants a2o&t prostit&tion and povert(* his nove' finds a 'ighter wa( to voice these iss&es3

The 4hite Tiger 2( Aravind Adiga -a'ram Ha'wai* 2orn in the >ar.ness on the 2an.s of ,other $anga and constrained in his am2itions 2( his shop.eeper0s caste* had an &npromising start to 'ife* 2&t he0s not going to 'et that stand in his wa(3 #sing a'' the g&i'e and charm avai'a2'e to him* he wrang'es himse'f a +o2 as cha&ffer to his corr&pt 'and'ord0s fami'( and 1&ic.'( himse'f an indispensi2'e mem2er of the ho&seho'd3 His da(s are spent ferr(ing his master and his American wife aro&nd in a shin( new Honda* and himse'f avai'a2'e to their ever( whim3 -a'ram has 'oftier am2itions* however* and is determined to c'aim his rightf&' p'ace in the new %ndia* as a free man and s&ccessf&' entreprene&r333 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Nove' A2o&t %ndia 4ins the ,an ri/e Sign %n to E<,ai' or Save This rint Deprints Share !in.edin>iggFace2oo.,i))CahooJ -&// erma'in. -( Q%9T"D%A C"#N$ &2'ished: "cto2er 1A* 2008 !"N>"N B Aravind Adiga* ??* won the A0th ,an pri/e on T&esda( night for his de2&t nove'* 6The 4hite Tiger*7 a vivid e)p'oration of %ndia0s c'ass str&gg'e to'd thro&gh the stor( of a vi''age 2o( who 2ecomes the cha&ffe&r to a rich man3 S.ip to ne)t paragraph En'arge This %mage A'essia ierdomenicoWDe&ters Aravind Adiga after winning the 2008 ,an pri/e in !ondon3 De'ated D&shdie Sn&22ed on Short'ist :Septem2er 10* 2008; Times Topics: ,an ri/e ,an ri/e 4e2 Site,r3 Adiga* who 'ives in ,&m2ai* was 2orn in %ndia and 2ro&ght &p part'( in A&stra'ia3 He st&died at 9o'&m2ia and ")ford and is a former correspondent for Time maga/ine in %ndia3 He is the second (o&ngest writer to win the award= -en ".ri was ?2 when he won for 6The Famished Doad7 in 15513 ,ichae' orti''o* a former ca2inet minister and the chairman of this (ear0s pane' of +&dges* praised ,r3 Adiga0s nove'* sa(ing that the short 'ist had contained a series of 6e)traordinari'( reada2'e

page<t&rners37 However* ,r3 Adiga0s 2oo. had prevai'ed* he said* 62eca&se the +&dges fe't that it shoc.ed and entertained in e1&a' meas&re37 ,r3 Adiga said his 2oo. was an 6attempt to catch the voice of the men (o& meet as (o& trave' thro&gh %ndia B the voice of the co'ossa' &nderc'ass37 This voice was not capt&red*7 he added* 6and % wanted to do so witho&t sentimenta'it( or portra(ing them as mirth'ess h&mor'ess wea.'ings as the( are &s&a''(37 4hen he accepted the award* ,r3 Adiga dedicated it to 6the peop'e of New >e'hi where % 'ived and where % wrote this 2oo.37 4hen as.ed what he wo&'d do with the mone(* ,r3 Adiga +o.ed* 6The first thing % am going to do is to find a 2an. that % can act&a''( p&t it in37 The ,an pri/e* -ritain0s 2est<.nown and most genero&s 'iterar( award* is given ann&a''( to a nove' written 2( an a&thor from -ritain* %re'and or the 9ommonwea'th nations and is accompanied 2( a chec. for FR0*000 B a2o&t X8@*000 B as we'' as an inevita2'e increase in sa'es3 This (ear0s 'ist of fina'ists was one of the 'east star<st&dded in recent (ears3 %t inc'&ded two first< time nove'ists* and severa' of the favorites were sn&22ed 2( +&dges3 8oseph "0Nei''0s critica''( acc'aimed 6Nether'and7 was omitted from the short 'ist* as was 6The Enchantress of F'orence7 2( Sa'man D&shdie3 As a res&'t* were divided over the 'i.e'( winner* osci''ating 2etween ,r3 Adiga and the %rish writer Se2astian -arr(* R?* whose 2oo. 6The Secret Script&re7 is the stor( of an %rish patient in a menta' hospita' sharing her fami'( histor( with her ps(chiatrist3 The other 2oo.s on the short'ist were 6Sea of oppies7 2( Amitav $hosh* 6The 9'othes on Their -ac.s7 2( !inda $rant* 6The Northern 9'emenc(7 2( hi'ip Hensher and 6A Fraction of the 4ho'e7 2( Steve To't/3 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

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