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Courtney Mae Schellin Email: cschellin@smu.

edu Cell: (949)-584-7059

Twitter: @cschellin

Pr !ile: c urtne"schellin.w rd#ress.c m 2010-2013 Senior at Southern Methodist University - Double major in Journalism & Sport Management; Graduate May 20 ! - "#perien$e %ith broad$ast & print journalism& in$luding $overing Dallas pro sports teams 'rom the press bo# on deadline & intervie%ing ()* star Deion Sanders "#e$utive +rodu$er o' SMU ,-.s Sports Sho% /+0"SS +1SS2 - 0esponsible 'or $reating SMU.s 'irst ever student run sports sho% - "#perien$e %ith an$horing& produ$ing& 3G& server& audio and dire$ting 4ost o' Dave 3ampbell.s ,e#as )ootball 5nline Sho% /Double 3overage2 - "#perien$e %ith on-$amera sports reporting over topi$s related to ,e#as )ootball - "#perien$e %riting stories 'or D3,) %ebsite & running D3,) so$ial media promotions Dallas 3o%boys 6road$ast 7ntern - 8or9ed %ith 3o%boys -ision 'or all Dallas 3o%boys home games at 1,&, Stadium - 8or9ed in-game produ$tion in$luding broad$asting so$ial media 'rom the $ontrol room& 'ilming game day a$tivities & es$orting -7+ guests Sta'' 8riter:6road$ast 0eporter 'or Sports 7llustrated & )ansided.s SportD)8;$om - "#perien$e %ith both %riting & on-$amera reporting over D)8 sports 'ran$hises & events in$luding the Dallas 3o%boys& Dallas Stars& Dallas Maveri$9s & )3 Dallas "S+( Dallas -olunteer 7ntern - 3overed the 20 < ()* dra't 'rom the Dallas 3o%boys -alley 0an$h 'a$ility - 0esponsible 'or trans$ribing intervie%s& 'ilming segments & so$ial media intera$tion Daily Update & Daily 3ampus Sta'' 8riter =SMU (e%s Sho% & +aper> - "#perien$e %ith broad$ast & print %riting & )inal 3ut +ro ? - "#perien$e %or9ing as multiple $ontrol room positions@ ,e$hni$al Dire$tor& 1udio "ngineer& Server& 3G:Still Store& ,eleprompter& 3amera & )loor Dire$tor 3ontributing 6road$ast 0eporter 'or S$out;$om /+ony Stampede2 Sho% - "#perien$e %ith on-$amera stand-up reporting on SMU )ootball

Courtney Mae Schellin Email: Cell: (949)-584-7059 Pr !ile: c urtne"schellin.w rd#ress.c m

Twitter: @cschellin

3ontributing 8riter 'or Dallas South (e%s& +egasus (e%s & 0ivals;$om - "#perien$e %riting & reporting stories & blurbs - )or 0ivals;$om& $overed top high s$hool 'ootball re$ruits 'or ,3U 1ssistant )ilm 3oordinator %ith SMU )ootball ,eam - 0eports dire$tly to 4ead )ilm 3oordinator 'or SMU sin$e 1ugust 20 0 - 0esponsibilities in$lude 'ilming pra$ti$es:games & editing 'ilm %ith 8ebb "S+( 3ollege Game Day -olunteer 7ntern - 0esponsible 'or event set up & event photography 'or both "S+( & ,he 4ome Depot )a$eboo9 pages & %ebsites A,i$9et 3hi$9. 'or Dallas Sports 0adio Sho% < 0 /,he ,i$9et2 - 0esponsibilities in$luded promoting the radio sho% by ma9ing appearan$es at di''erent events in Dallas ranging 'rom $on$erts to sporting events M*6 8inter Meetings 20 7ntern 'or 8orld S$out *eague:+rospe$t 8ire - +romoted both $ompanies to vast group o' pro'essionals - Met %ith multiple Media 5utlets *ive 5n-3amera 1nnoun$er at SMU 6as9etball Games - "#perien$e %ith live& on-$amera announ$ements during time-outs 3ontributing -ideographer 'or (e#t *evel 1thlete - "#perien$e 'ilming 4S )ootball $amps in$luding ,e#as ,op 00 )ootball 3amp 36S Sports SMU )ootball ,-:5nline Sho% /Stampede2 - "#perien$e intervie%ing & gathering:s$heduling players 'or 'ormal intervie%s 5ther "#perien$e@ - Member o' Bappa Bappa Gamma& 'ormer member o' SMU 3heer& SMU 0ho Gamma =sorority re$ruitment mentor>& 4S 'ootball team manager Personal and Professional references available upon request.

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