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After a hem or seam is removed, there are often unsightly holes left in the fabric.

These holes can be removed by placing a cloth, moistened with distilled vinegar, under the fabric and ironing. BALLPOI T I !" #ub glycerine into area$ let stand fifteen to twenty minutes, and wash with dishwashing detergent. Or spray with ine%pensive hair spray, and flush with water. #ub glycerine into area, and let stand fifteen to twenty minutes. &se dishwashing detergent and water sparingly. 'ab with cool water$ dry flat. " To remove ballpoint pen from your (eans, soa) the spot in a bowl of mil). The mil) will turn blue, you may have to repeat it a couple of times. But it wor)s li)e magic. *ou will not believe your eyes. Ballpoint Pen" To remove ballpoint pen from your (eans, soa) the spot in a bowl of mil). The mil) will turn blue, you may have to repeat it a couple of times. Add cologne to the final rinse water. Or try metho.To remove ballpoint pen from vinyl, spray with hairspray and wipe clean. It wor)s li)e magic+ Banana ,tains" Let it stand in !ende% false teeth powder for hr, then pour hot water over it. Blan)ets" ,et the cycle, add detergent, and let the machine fill. .hen all the soap is dissolved, add the blan)et. Let it soa), and then wash on gentle. Add -/-01 cups white vinegar to the final rinse. It will give the blan)et a clean smell and give it a little fluff. Blood ,tains" #emove with hydrogen pero%ide. Blue 2eans" To soften new blue (eans, soa) them overnight 3or for -1 hours4 in cold water with plenty of fabric softener. Then wash as usual. Body Oil ,tains" To remove body oil stains from collars and cuffs of coloured shirts and blouses, rub hair shampoo directly on the stains. #inse out the shampoo, and then wash the clothes as usual. Brighten fabric colours. Add a 5 cup vinegar to the rinse cycle. 67O6OLAT8" ,tart with a combination solvent for grease, then follow up with a digestant for protein, if necessary. ,tart with an oil solvent for grease. 'ab with vinegar for color if necessary. 'ab with cool water$ dry flat. 6lean a scorched iron plate by heating e9ual parts vinegar and salt in a small pan. Then rub the solution on the cooled iron surface to remove dar) or burned stains. 6lothes will rinse better if a cup of vinegar is added to the last rinse water. The acid in vinegar is too mild to harm fabrics but strong enough to dissolve the al)ali:s in soaps and detergents. 6O;;88" &sing an eyedropper, flush with vinegar to remove colour. ;or sugar, flush with water. ;or mil), follow up with a combination solvent. 'ab with vinegar to remove colour. ;or sugar, flush with water. ;or mil), follow up with an oil solvent.

6o)e 6ola" To remove grease from clothes" 8mpty a can of co)e into a load of greasy clothes, add detergent, and run through a regular cycle. The 6oca/6ola will help loosen grease stains. It will also clean road ha<e from your windshield. 6otton and wool blan)ets become soft, fluffy and free of soap odour if 1 cups of distilled vinegar are added to the rinse cycle of the wash. 6urtains" #estore the body to limp 'acron curtains by soa)ing them in one gallon of water mi%ed with one cup 8psom salts, then rinse. =a)e good loo)ing curtains from bed sheets, either plain or fancy. 'elicates" ,lip them in a covered (ar with a little cold/water soap and sha)e until they are clean. . 'eodorant and anti/perspirants stains may be removed from clothing by lightly rubbing with distilled vinegar and laundering as usual. 'eodori<e a wool sweater" .ash sweater, then rinse in e9ual parts vinegar and water to remove odour. 'esigner 2eans" The first time you wash them, soa) them for two hours in cold, heavily salted water 3> tablespoons per gallon4. This will set the dye. Then wash, using the cold water setting. 'etergents" If you use concentrated li9uid detergent, )eep a plastic cup handy by the machine. &se it for measuring. After you pour in the detergent, throw in the cup 3or the plastic cap for the bottle if you use this to measure4. The wash will pic) up all the e%cess that was left in the cup. 'on?t overload the clothes dryer. 6lean lint filter from dryer after each use. ever dry clothes completely in the dryer. Ta)e them out while they are still damp and let them hang dry. .ith -@@ percent cotton, don?t put them in the dryer. 7ang dry and they will have fewer wrin)les. 'ried blood comes out with a little effort. The hydrogen pero%ide. 'ye dingy lingerie with onion s)ins. ,immer the dried s)ins of A/-@ onions with -01 cup salt and 1 tablespoons alum in a large pot of water. Add several items of lingerie at a time. 6oo) the dye bath over low heat, stirring gently but constantly, until the desired shade is achieved. 'epending on the fabric content, onion s)in dye will colour lingerie from gold to rust. 'ye graying white fabrics. If 6loro% bleach won?t whiten a graying white garment, soa) the item in hot, strong brewed Lipton tea until it is a shade dar)er than you desire. Then rinse in cold water and let dry. 8%cess laundry suds that develop during hand laundry may be eliminated by splashing a little vinegar into the second rinse. ;ollow this with another rinse in plain water.

;abric ,oftener" To ma)e your own fabric softener sheets, dab a little li9uid fabric softener onto a washcloth. Throw it into the dryer. ;8LT/TIP I !" ;lush with denatured alcohol using an eyedropper$ wash with dishwashing detergent. #ub glycerin into area$ let stand fifteen to twenty minutes, then use alcohol. 'ab with cool water$ dry flat. ;ill a clean Tomato ,auce dispenser with water for your steam iron. !eep it near the ironing board to save steps. ;reshen up the washing machine. 6lean the hoses and unclog soap scum. ;#&IT B C8D8TABL8" 3(uice, (am4 ,tart with denatured alcohol. &sing an eyedropper, flush with vinegar to remove remaining colour, then dishwashing detergent to remove residue. ,ame as for washables, using water sparingly. 8ven if you can?t see stain, point out area to dry cleaner, since any sugar that remains can caramelise when dry/cleaned. Det rid of lint in clothes. Add -01 cup of vinegar to the rinse cycle. Det smo)e smell out of clothes by adding a cup of vinegar to a bath tub of hot water. 7ang clothes above the steam. Drass stains / !aro ,yrup Drease ,tains/ use 6oca 6ola$ it will also remove grease stains from the driveway overnight. .e )now it will ta)e corrosion from batteries+ D#8A,8" 3butter, oil, mayonnaise4 ,tart with a combination solvent. ;ollow up with mineral spirits or an oil solvent if necessary. &se an oil solvent, then dab with cool water$ dry flat. Drease you can?t get off, try ,prite or E/&p. Drease" #emove grease by using a few drops of coconut or banana oil, then mild suds. 7ave hot water heater chec)ed periodically by a professional. If you are out of laundry detergent, substitute -0F cup powdered dishwasher detergent per load. &se this O L* if the clothes you are washing can stand a little bleach. If you run out of fabric softener, add a little of your hair cream rinse to the rinse cycle. 6lothes will be soft and fluffy. In place of the oil add Laundry 'etergent, - 6up soap fla)es, 5 6up washing soda, 5 6up bora%, =i% ingredients together. In) ,tains" To remove in) stains from clothing, scrub with a washcloth dipped in rubbing alcohol. #inse with clean water. Insulate hot water pipes well. Iron" To clean the bottom of the iron, sprin)le salt on the ironing board and iron bac) and forth. Ironing" To clean your steam iron, fill it with white vinegar. Let it steam the big bursts are over. Turn it off, and pour out the vinegar after it has cooled.

Laundry 'etergent" - 6up soap fla)es, 5 6up washing soda. 5 6up bora%, mi% ingredients together. Laundry" ;or husband?s wor) clothes, I used a degreaser, li)e the ;ormula AA )ind$ it?ll give a good clean and great for stains too. If whites aren?t very white and 6loro% will not do the tric), I?ll boil the soc)s and other small white in a big pot 3I have (ust for the clothes4 and add (ust a bit of detergent. Lingerie" =a)e some very strong tea and soa) dingy lingerie until it is (ust a little dar)er than desired. #inse 9uic)ly once in cold, clear water, and the dye is set. LIP,TI6!" &se a combination solvent to remove grease. &sing an eyedropper, flush with vinegar or a mild bleach to remove remaining color. &se an oil solvent to remove grease. 'ab with vinegar to remove remaining color. 'ab with cool water$ dry flat. =&'" ,ha)e or scrape off residue. ;or large areas, presoa) in a solution of warm water and laundry detergent. ;or small areas, use a combination solvent. ;ollow up with vinegar or pero%ide if necessary. ,ha)e or scrape off residue. &se dishwashing detergent and water sparingly. 'ab with vinegar for colour. =&,TA#'" ;lush with ammonia solution, then wash with dishwashing detergent. Try dabbing with vinegar$ you may need the dry cleaner. eed to remove bloodstains from clothing. Of course the faster the better. ,oa) in cold water immediately$ remember hot water will set the stain. 7ydrogen pero%ide is very good for removing blood stains. The fresher the easier of course, but even dried blood comes out with a little effort. The hydrogen pero%ide seems to do no damage to any fabric I?ve tried it on. ever dry clothes completely in the dryer. Ta)e them out while they are still damp and let them hang dry. .ith -@@ percent cotton, don?t put them in the dryer. 7ang dry and they will have fewer wrin)les. ylon hose will loo) better and last longer if - tablespoon of vinegar is added to the rinse water when washing. Once a month pour one cup of vinegar into the washing machine and run the machine through a normal cycle, without clothes. Panty hose" Add a dash of li9uid fabric softener to the final rinse when washing panty hose. It lubricates the fibres, and adds life to the hosiery. *ou can )eep it handy in a leftover dishwashing detergent s9uirt bottle. Prevent grease build up in washing machine" Place a small pac)et 8pson ,alts into detergent container in machine and run machine with clear cycle. 'o this regularly to prevent build up Prevent lint from clinging to clothes" Add one cup vinegar to each wash load.

!eep bright colours from running. Immerse clothes in full strength vinegar for -@ minutes before washing. P#OT8I " 3blood, egg, grass4 ,oa) bloodstains in cold salt water first. &se digestant. If necessary, flush with vinegar or hydrogen pero%ide, using an eyedropper, to remove color. &se dishwashing detergent, dab with cool water, and blot out e%cess moisture$ dry flat. #emove In) from 6lothing #ead the care label+ If it says dry/ clean only, or the mar) is large, rush it to the cleaners. .ashable" Try cleaning fluid, spot remover, or petroleum/based pre/wash spray. Test in an inconspicuous area to be sure it?s safe for the fabric. #emove In) from 6lothing" #ead the care label+ If it says dry/ clean only, or the mar) is large, rush it to the cleaners. .ashableG Try cleaning fluid, spot remover, or petroleum/ based pre/wash spray. Test in an inconspicuous area to be sure it?s safe for the fabric. Place garment stain side down on paper towels and dab cleaner on stain using a paper or terry/cloth towel. 6hec) paper towels underneath and move fre9uently so there?s always a clean area under the stain to absorb in). Let area dry and chec) it. If in) remains, treat with pre/wash spray and launder. Before drying, chec) again. ,till visible" #epeat steps. #emove perspiration stains from clothes by applying one part vinegar to four parts water, then rinse. #emove tough stains. Dently rub on fruit, (am, mustard, coffee, tea. Then wash as usual. #emove wine stains with salt. Place garment stain side down on paper towels and dab cleaner on stain using a paper or terry/ cloth towel. 6hec) paper towels underneath and move fre9uently so there?s always a clean area under the stain to absorb in). Let area dry and chec) it. If in) remains, treat with pre/wash spray and launder. Before drying, chec) again. ,till visible" #epeat steps. #epair lea)ing hot water taps. #e/route your washing machine hoses so that your water drains outside for use in watering your landscaping. ,A&68," 3tomato, )etchup, barbecue4 ,coop off e%cess. &se a combination solvent for grease. Then, using an eyedropper, flush with vinegar for colour. ,crape off e%cess, if necessary. &se an oil solvent for grease, then dab with vinegar for color. 'ab with cool water$ dry flat. ,ay goodbye to stains. &se e9ual parts of dishwashing li9uid, water, vinegar. ,9uee<e lemon (uice on the stain, place stained item between two pieces of cloth, and press in) stain onto the surrounding fabric. .ash as usual.

,et the hot water heater thermostat to no more than HI degrees 6elsius. ,O* ,A&68",tart with water and dishwashing detergent. &sing an eyedropper, flush with hydrogen pero%ide for remaining color. &se water and dishwashing detergent sparingly, then dab with vinegar for remaining color. 'ab with cool water$ dry flat. ,tains on clothes / use 6olgate toothpaste. ,tains" To remove stains from polyester clothing, rub in a little white toothpaste, then rinse the garment. ,weat ,tains J vinegar. ,weaters" Outline the sweater on an old framed screen. =a)e the outline in white chal). After you have washed the sweater, bloc) it to fit the outline. Put the screen upon bric)s so that the air circulates. Or rest the screen over the tub to catch drippings. Ta)e grease off suede. 'ip a toothbrush in vinegar and gently brush over grease spot. Tang, instead of detergent. 3The dishwasher should be empty when doing this4.To clean cloudy glass vases, carafes and other glassware" ;ill with warm water and add an effervescent denture/cleaning tablet. Then sha)e. The fi<<ing scours away the residue. To remove gravy stains from clothing, soa) the item in cold water to dissolve the starch before laundering. Tea B coffee stains / .ipe off with a few drops of ammonia in a cup of water. T8A" &sing an eyedropper, flush with lemon (uice to remove colour, then stronger bleach if necessary. ;or sugar, flush with water. ;or mil), follow up with a combination solvent. 'ab with lemon (uice to remove colour. ;or sugar, dab with water. ;or mil), follow up with an oil solvent.To ma)e your own fabric softener sheets, dab a little li9uid fabric softener onto a washcloth. Throw it into the dryer. Tie 'ye T/shirt / mi% a solution of !ool Aid in a container, tie a rubber band around a section of the T/shirt and soa). To obtain a sharper crease in your )nit fabrics, dampen them with a cloth wrung out from a solution of -0> distilled vinegar and 10> water. Place a brown paper bag over the crease and iron. To remove ballpoint pen from vinyl, spray with hairspray and wipe clean. It wor)s li)e magic+ To remove gravy stains from clothing, soa) the item in cold water to dissolve the starch before laundering. To remove old glue before re/gluing wooden items, try incorporating hot vinegar. Turn off hot water system if you?re going on vacation. &nclog steam iron by pouring e9ual amounts of vinegar and water into the iron?s water chamber. Turn to steam and leave the iron on for I minutes in an upright position. Then unplug and allow to

cool. Any loose particles should come out when you empty the water. &se cold water to wash clothes when possible. &se in laundry to cut soap. &se old diaper pins to hold soc)s together when washing. CI AID#8TT8" &se a combination solvent for grease$ then, using an eyedropper, flush with vinegar for colour. &se an oil solvent for grease, then dab with vinegar for colour. 'ab with cool water$ dry flat. .AK O# D&=" &se ice to free<e wa% or gum, or place item in free<er$ scrape or crac) off as much as you can, then use an oil solvent or mineral spirits to remove residue. ,ame as for washables. .'/F@" #emoves tomato stains from clothing. .'/F@" Lubricates fan belts on washers and dryers and )eeps them running smoothly .'/F@" #emoves lipstic) stains. .hen dyeing fabric, add a cup full of distilled vinegar to the last rinse to set the colour. .7IT8 .I 8" ;lush with water, and wash as you normally would. 'ab with cool water$ dry flat. Point out to dry cleaner, even if spot is not visible, since any sugar that remains can caramelise when dry/cleaned. .ine stains, pour on the salt and watch it absorb into the salt. .hites" ,oa) white laundry in lemon (uice and water. Lemons have a natural bleaching ingredient and can be used to whiten clothes. .hen changing your doona cover, use a peg to hold each corner as you place the doona inside the cover.

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