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Project A: Facilitator:

Ride out with Police, Fire Department, Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Student Sel !directed

Class Requirements: "# Students will complete a complete shi t with police, ire, or EMS# $ shi t may %e & hours, "' hours, or "( hours# )ou may not as* the o icer to leave early# +he o icer can dismiss you or a num%er o reasons, including encountering a dangerous situation where civilian personnel,s presence is not appropriate# (-' points)

(# +he student is responsi%le or contacting the appropriate department, and completing the re.uirements to participate in the ride out# /# )ou are representing $ustin 0ommunity 0ollege and are e1pected to dress appropriately, engage in discussions as appropriate, and %e respect ul# 2# Reaction Paper will %e dou%le!spaced, with correct ormat and grammar, including cites and resources i re.uired# $ pro essional, handwritten note than*ing the o icer, a properly addressed and stamped envelope will %e handed in with the Reaction Paper# Description: "# +he Reaction Paper (2' points) will identi y at the +3P 3F +4E P$PER the o icer, unit, %adge num%er, his5her contact in ormation, and the actual times o your participation# 0ontact in ormation or EMS and Fire Department will include unit commander, shi t, and noted o icers# (# +he Reaction Paper will %e ( pages descri%ing what happened during your ride out, your o%servations, and general in ormation you learned rom the o icer# (2' points) /# +he Reaction Paper will also include a handwritten note rom you to the o icer or unit than*ing him5her or allowing you to participate# +his note can %e a card with your comments (not 6ust 7than*s or the ride8) or appropriate stationery (no lined paper)# +he note will include a stamped envelope ready %e mailed with the o icer,s name and mailing address# 9eave the envelope open# 2# :3+E; )ou will receive a grade o ' i a than* you note is not included# Due Date: <ithin a wee* o your ride out# Grading Matrix: "# Participation in Ride out (-' points) (# Reaction Paper, including note to o icer or unit (2' points)

Project B: $ series o 2 individual Reaction Papers which re lect =lo%al, :ational, or 0ommunity $wareness


Student Sel !directed

Class Requirements: "# Students will complete a series o individual $%stract5 Reaction Papers to %e due5su%mitted though the semester# Each paper is worth (> points# $ll papers must %e completed and su%mitted to receive a total grade# :o late papers accepted#

(# +he student is responsi%le or accessing and participating in each assignment# /# )ou are representing $ustin 0ommunity 0ollege and are e1pected to dress appropriately, engage in discussions as appropriate, and %e respect ul# 2# Papers will %e dou%le!spaced, with correct ormat and grammar, including cites and resources i re.uired# Description: (MW (!!" Assignment A#$elect a minimum o% a & "our presentation o%%ered t"roug" '''#p(s#org ()*+A, FR*)!-.)/, American /xperience B# !our !exas Capitol, Alamo, Bo( Bulloc3 Museum (4 , -B5 Museum (4 *R Mo6ie Re6ie' on go6ernment related topic C# Write a letter to an elected or appointed municipal, count9, state, or %ederal o%%icial on appropriate topic %or action# D# Attend state legislati6e "earing, count9;cit9 council meeting, sc"ool (oard meeting Requirement & page paper# .nclude cites, sources Due Date MW 0 $eptem(er &1 !!" 0 $eptem(er &2 MW 0 *cto(er 2 & page Reaction Paper !!"7 *cto(er &8 & page Re6ie' Paper . page t9ped letter to o%%icial (see correct use ,appropriatel9 addressed, 'it" stamped en6elope & page Reaction Paper MW 0 *cto(er :8 !!" 0 *cto(er :&

MW 0 )o6em(er <8 !!" 0 )o6em(er <&

=ma9 (e online

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