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Al Sufian

610 C.E.

Table of Content Table of Content Sufa 1 - The Opening (Al-Fatihah) Sufa 2 - The Way (Al-Sufian) Sufa 3 - The Narrative (Al-Qasas) Sufa 4 - The Creator (Al-Khaliq) Sufa 5 - The Manifest (Az-Zahir) Sufa 6 - The Unmanifest (Al-Batin) Sufa 7 - The Great (Al-Kabir) Sufa 8 - The Small (Al-Sagir) Sufa 9 - The Singer (Al-Mugni) Sufa 10 - The Sun (Al-Shams) Sufa 11 - The Moon (Al-Qamar) Sufa 12 - The World (Al-Dunya) Sufa 13 - The Constellations (Al-Buruj) Sufa 14 - The Animals (Al-Hayawaan) Sufa 15 - The Life (Al-Hayy) Sufa 16 - The Death (Al-Mumit) Sufa 17 - The Funeral (Al-Janaaza) Sufa 18 - The Male (Al-Zakar) Sufa 19 - The Female (Al-Untha) Sufa 20 - The Food (Al-Ma'kulat) Sufa 21 - The Water (Al-Maa) Sufa 22 - The Parents (Al-Asula) Sufa 23 - The Children (Al-Atfaal) Sufa 24 - The Neighbour (Al-Mugib) Sufa 25 - The Knowledge (Al-Ailma) Sufa 26 - The Word (Al-Kalima) Sufa 27 - The Logic (Al-Mantaq) Sufa 28 - The Numbers (Al-Muhsi) Sufa 29 - The Cure (Al-Ilaj) Sufa 30 - The Poets (Ash-Shu`ara) Sufa 31 - The Law (Al-Hakam) Sufa 32 - The Almanac (Al-Almanak) Sufa 33 - The Culture (Al-Gami) Sufa 34 - The Time (As-Sabur) Sufa 35 - The Study (Al-Darassa) Sufa 36 - The Scholar (Al-Alim) Sufa 37 - The Academy (Al-Madrasah) Sufa 38 - The Perfection (Al-Quddus) Sufa 39 - The Love (Al-Wadud) Sufa 40 - The Tree of Life (Shajarat Al-Hayah) Sufa 41 - The Wisdom (Al-Hakim) Sufa 42 - The Soul (Al-Ruh) Sufa 43 - The Good (Al-Sabah) Sufa 44 - The Evil (Al-Shirriir) Sufa 45 - The Self (Al-Nafs) Sufa 46 - The Choice (Al-Khiyaar) Sufa 47 - The Volition (Al-Raghba) Sufa 48 - The Abstinence (Al-Imtana`a) Sufa 49 - The Action (Al-Amil) Sufa 50 - The Transgression (Al-Aonaba) 2 5 5 7 8 8 8 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 14 15 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 25 26 27 27 28 29 30 30 31 31 33 34 35 35 36 37 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45

Sufa 51 - The Belief (Al-Iman) Sufa 52 - The Unbelief (Al-Kafirun) Sufa 53 - The Angels (Al-Malak) Sufa 54 - The Spirits (Al-Jinn) Sufa 55 - The Paradise (Al-Jannah) Sufa 56 - The Abyss (Al-Jahannam) Sufa 57 - The Calamity (Ar-Bilaa) Sufa 58 - The Obstacle (Al-Aqaba) Sufa 59 - The Miracle (Al-Mu jiza) Sufa 60 - The Prophets (Al-Anbiya) Sufa 61 - The Offering (As-Sami) Sufa 62 - Day of Judgment (Yawm al-Din) Sufa 63 - Day of Redemption (Yawm al-Fidaa) Sufa 64 - End of Days (Yawm al-Qiyamah) Sufa 65 - The Messenger (Al-Rasoul) Sufa 66 - The Sacred Altar (Al-Baqa) Sufa 67 - UbUr Sufa 68 - Abraham Sufa 69 - Babylon (Babel) Sufa 70 - Marab (Ma'Rab) Sufa 71 - Moses (Musa) Sufa 72 - The Yahudah (Al-Yahuda) Sufa 73 - Jeremiah (Irmiyya) Sufa 74 - The Persians Sufa 75 - Jerusalem (Al-Quds) Sufa 76 - Rome (Ruma) Sufa 77 - Joseph (Yusuf) Sufa 78 - Jesus (Isa) Sufa 79 - Antioch (Antakiya) Sufa 80 - Christians (Masiihiy) Sufa 81 - Manes Sufa 82 - The Sabians (Al-Saba'a) Sufa 83 - The City (Al-Madinah) Sufa 84 - The Struggle (Al-Jihad) Sufa 85 - The Disposition (Al-Fitra) Sufa 86 - The Neat (Al-Nazif) Sufa 87 - The Purity (Al-Saffaa) Sufa 88 - The Heart (Al-Qalb) Sufa 89 - The Beauty (Al-Jamaal) Sufa 90 - The Meditation (Al-Muraqaba) Sufa 91 - The Modesty (Al-Azim) Sufa 92 - The Gentle (Al-Latif) Sufa 93 - The Merciful (Ar-Rahim) Sufa 94 - The Invocation (Al-Dhikr) Sufa 95 - The Homage (Al-Salah) Sufa 96 - The Fast (Al-Sawm) Sufa 97 - The Places (Al-Maqaamat) Sufa 98 - The Pilgrimage (Al-Hajj) Sufa 99 - The Remission (Al-Ibraa) Sufa 100 - The Repentance (At-Taubah) Sufa 101 - The Forgiveness (Al-Gaffar) Sufa 102 - The Imposters (Al-Daggal) Sufa 103 - Uthman

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Sufa 104 - The Owner (Al-Mulk) Sufa 105 - The Authority (Al-Ijazah) Sufa 106 - The Leader (Al-Hadi) Sufa 107 - The King (Al-Malik) Sufa 108 - The Wealth (Al-Gani) Sufa 109 - The Scribe (Al-Qalam) Sufa 110 - The Council (Ash-Shura) Sufa 111 - The Ranks (As-Saff) Sufa 112 - The Measure (Al-Wahid) Sufa 113 The Provider (Ar-Razzaq) Sufa 114 - The Trade (Al-Tijaara) Sufa 115 - The Ally (Al-Ahzab) Sufa 116 - The Enemy (Al-Aduw) Sufa 117 - The Truth (Al-Haqq) Sufa 118 - The Justice (Al-Adl) Sufa 119 - The Honorable (Al-Aziz) Sufa 120 - The Courage (Al-Matin) Sufa 121 - The Sacrifice (Al-Shahiid) Sufa 122 - The Property (Al-Amlak) Sufa 123 - The Contribution (Al-Zakat) Sufa 124 - The Guardian (Al-Muhaymin) Sufa 125 - The Heir (Al-Warif) Sufa 126 - The Slave (Ar-Abd) Sufa 127 - The Thief (Al-Sariq) Sufa 128 - The Sorcery (Al-Sihr) Sufa 129 - The Abaser (Al-Khafid) Sufa 130 - The Debt (Al-Dayn) Sufa 131 - The Covenant (al-Mithaq) Sufa 132 - The Field (Al-Haql) Sufa 133 - The Cattle (Al-An am) Sufa 134 - The Senior (Al-Akbar) Sufa 135 - The Union (Al-Ittihad) Sufa 136 - The Release (Al-Talak) Sufa 137 - The Permitted (Al-Halal) Sufa 138 - The Forbidden (Al-Haraam) Sufa 139 - The Corrupt (Al-Fasiq) Sufa 140 - The Jurist (Al-Faqih) Sufa 141 - The Witness (As-Sahid) Sufa 142 - The Evidence (Al-Dalil) Sufa 143 - The Penalty (Al-Uquba) Sufa 144 - The People (Al-Nas)

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Sufa 1 - The Opening (Al-Fatihah)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 In the name of Allah, the First, the Beginning, the Magnificent: All Praise be to Allah; Creator of Existence; Lord of the Universe; Master of our Day of Judgment. It is you alone who deserves praise; It is you alone we worship; To you alone we pray for help. Reveal to us the straight path; The way of those whom you favour; Not the acts of those who go astray.

Sufa 2 - The Way (Al-Sufian)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 O you who believe! Let it be said: Al-Sufian; The One Way, the True Way; And the second name of Allah, the One, the Absolute, the Almighty. This is the Way of which there is no doubt; As guidance unto those who respect knowledge and beauty; Who reject ignorance and evil; Who seek the well being of their kin and their community; Who honor those gifts bestowed to them; Who seek to learn to practice and to bear witness to what is revealed through the Way. These are the ones who may be certain of the truth that they can never die. The Way is a sacred gift; A gift of one hundred and forty-four Sufa each describing a character of wisdom and an aspect of Allah and existence; And if one should challenge you concerning these sacred characteristics; Then challenge them to write to same Sufa; Which they cannot accomplish. For wisdom and truth is its own witness; And only the willingly blind and deaf could mistake the false words of deceivers from the truth of the Divine Creator. Sufa is character of wisdom, capacity, representative, token or image, picture. Allah gives men and women the ability to think, to reason and to choose.

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Allah gives men and women the ability to think, to reason and to choose. Therefore you yourself do not need to be told what is wicked and that which is true; You do not need to be warned against false scriptures and teachings. If a man or woman tells you to fear Allah first before respect, then by your gift of reason you should know it to be false; If they tell you that perfect prayer is more important than right intention, then by your ability to sense, you should feel it to be untrue; If they tell you that Allah demands sheep-like behavior over a passionate behaviour, then the gifts given to you by Allah should be enough to see through such evil and lies. The true Way of Islam is based on one principle above all others: Respect yourself first and then so shall you respect all others. Only through self respect and respect of others can a person truly love Allah. Those who say a true Muslim must fear the Lord are wrong. Ignorance creates Fear. Fear creates Hate. Hate creates Evil. A man who fears Allah does not honor him, but the demon that told him such a lie. Faith in the Way is simple. It is the belief above all others that there is only one Deity and his true name is Allah; And that he created us; And that he loves us; And the greatest respect we can show is to live a good and holy life in his honor. Anyone who claims I did prescribe great rules and complications upon those who wish to live as Muslims is wrong. O you who believe! If a rule cannot be understood as honoring life in respecting family, community and the Lord, then it is a false rule. If you choose to be ignorant and follow false teachings like a donkey, then Allah will grant your wish and treat you like one. If a person claims I have made a rule that takes a hundred words to say that which may be said in a few words, then it must be a false rule. Behold, Allah is every language and the master of all language; Allah is the father of all wisdom and its source. Thus, when one seeks to deceive you and claim complex and confusing words, it cannot be from the creator of the Universe; But the wickedness of the hearts of men and lesser spirits. Verily, every child is born with a disposition towards goodness and the natural religion (Islam). It is only society that teaches them to follow a dark path. To follow the true path of Islam is the simplest of all to describe: To live a life of self-respect and virtue; To treat others as you expect yourself to be treated and to love this world, And to seek to make it a better place. Any person that does this first, truly loves Allah and has no need of complications. Any person who does not do these things first, does not truly follow Allahs commands and the




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path of Islam. 52 Any preacher or scholar that tells you Islam is first an oath to Allah and secondly to devote yourself to holy scripture, expel them immediately as an imposter against the truth of Islam. Even a monkey can imitate a pious man. Instead, Islam is first a devotion to self knowledge and self restraint- to honor God through your good works and virtuous life. Leave the oaths to liars and market stalls. The greatest enemies of Allah are those who are entered into Islam, who believe false scripture, and who then do evil upon other human beings. What is Islam if not the purity of speech and charity? Do you know what saps the foundations of Islam and ruins it? It is the errors of the ignorant scholar, the disputations of the hypocrite and the orders of kings who have lost the road.

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Sufa 3 - The Narrative (Al-Qasas)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 O you who believe! Let it be said: Al-Muid; The Restorer; The One who Reinstates and who brings back All; And the third name of Allah, the Infinite, the Unique, the All Knowing. Thus nothing is lost from the story of humanity; The story of our beginnings; The story of how we came to be men and women; From the soil of the Earth and the light of the Stars; The story of Divine influence and our relation; Even if false words and false claims be inserted; Nothing may be erased, destroyed or corrupted; Once created in the mind and dream of Allah, it cannot be uncreated. Allah is the ultimate narrator; Our relation to Allah and all his creation is the ultimate Narrative. Some say that we are cursed, we are fallen and that we must atone; Yet such narratives are an insult of our divine creator as if to claim that the creator of the universe would willingly make an error. Other stories speak of only a few having authority from some deity and all others no more than animals; Thus, some such as the Umay-Yad seek to rule not just tyrants but as gods of madness. Nothing could be more insulting to Allah than to speak as if we are born of higher classes and lesser classes instead of one family. Verily, we are one, we are of one father, one mother, all. O you who believe! Listen then to the truth of your heart, let it be your guide as to the narrative. Let not those who wish to control by fear spread their false narrative.


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Sufa 4 - The Creator (Al-Khaliq)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 O you who believe! Let it be said: Al-Khaliq; The Creator; And the fourth name of Allah, the One, the Absolute, the Almighty. Behold! The Creator of all things; The Author and Grantor of Existence; The Designer of its plans and complexity; The Maker of all life and the world; The Bringer of the heavens; The Architect of all knowledge and civilization. Without the Existence of Allah, the concept of nothing could not exist.

Sufa 5 - The Manifest (Az-Zahir)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 O you who believe! Let it be said: Az-Zahir; The Manifest, the Evident, the Outer; And the fifth name of Allah, the Infinite, the Unique, the All Knowing. All that which may be seen is the manifestation of the mind of Allah; That which may be described is through the manifested gift of language from Allah. An ignorant man does not witness his thought. To him, such an idea in itself seems as foreign as a life of a king. An ignorant man places no real value upon the ability to think and to reason; As if such gifts of Allah are worthless to him, like the gold of a merchant lost in the desert and dying of thirst. To him, it is as if our abilities to speak, to think, to reason, to learn and to manifest are no different to breathing, to eating and to relieving of bowels. Such is the crudeness of the ignorant. Yet it is by thinking and by the sacred act of manifesting that Allah brought into being, all we see and hear. The power of thought is strong enough to build empires; Yet dangerous enough to cause men to die of the very things they feared the most.


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Sufa 6 - The Unmanifest (Al-Batin)

1 2 3 O you who believe! Let it be said: Al-Batin; The Hidden, the Unmanifest, the Inner; And the sixth name of Allah, the One, the Absolute, the Almighty.

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All that cannot be seen remains part of Allah; Even all that cannot be named or fathomed; Such is the vastness and incomprehensible supremacy of Allah. An ignorant man sees value only in his words, not the space between them; Yet it is the space between our speech that gives meaning to life. Such is the unmanifest void. Without the existence of the unmanifest, nothing may manifest; Such is the paradox of the Divine. Take away its name and nothing may be described; Such is the mystery of the unmanifest.

Sufa 7 - The Great (Al-Kabir)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 O you who believe! Let it be said: Al-Kabir; The Great; And the seventh name of Allah, the Infinite, the Unique, the All Knowing. To the mountains covered in snow, to the deepest valleys; To the widest rivers and highest cliffs; To the largest of all creatures; All that is Great is so at the design and hand of Allah, the Almighty. Even unto the Sun, the Moon, all the celestial bodies, the greatness of Allah extends beyond what we can see; To the vastness, unseen greatness of existence itself. Yet like the elephant, the great and powerful depend on the small and agile; If not for small birds that catch the insects from around the elephant, it would be taken by the flies. If not for the bee and the water, the great grass fields of Asia would be dust. Thus the great depends on the small.

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Sufa 8 - The Small (Al-Sagir)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 O People! There is no other deity but Allah! The Compassionate, the Beneficent, the Gracious; All praise and worship be to Allah and no other! In the smallest grains of sand, that sparkle in a moving stream; Upon the wings of a butterfly and the smallest of the desert flowers after rain; Behold! Yes, even in the smallest is to be found the hand and wisdom of Allah; Verily, it is upon small things that all great things are made.

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The bee and the great plains of flowers of Asia; The small infant born so fragile and yet so beautiful. Thus the small depends on the great.

Sufa 9 - The Singer (Al-Mugni)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 O you who believe! Let it be said: Al-Mugni; The Song, the Voice, the Singer; And the eighth name of Allah, the One, the Absolute, the Almighty. Through the song of the wind, upon the sand and through the leaves; The roar of waves upon the shore; In the songs of the birds at dawn; In the cry of a new born; Even unto the desert after the rains; All are manifest of the song of life and the voice of Allah.

Sufa 10 - The Sun (Al-Shams)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 O you who believe! Let it be said: Al-Shams; The Sun; And the ninth name of Allah, the Infinite, the Unique, the All Knowing. Upon the first rays of the morning, to the heavenly setting at evening; In the great glow of fire through dust or flame; Or its own hidden nature of fire and turmoil revealed upon an eclipse; Nothing can grow or live without the Sun; Nor can any creature withstand its power even for a full day without shade; The Sun is thus the perfect carnation of Allah in a manner which even the simplest of mind may comprehend.

Sufa 11 - The Moon (Al-Qamar)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 O you who believe! Let it be said: Al-Qamar; The Moon; And the tenth name of Allah, the One, the Absolute, the Almighty. The ruler of the night, the great light; The illuminator of ancient paths and the companion to our ancestors; The revealer of that which is lost against the burning glare of daylight; The mysterious companion to the constellations and stars of heaven;

Whose arrival and departure is without the precision and certainty of its heavenly brothers and sisters; Thus for its mystery, its dominance of the night and its ability to reveal, the Moon reveals even to the most dull minded, the wisdom and power of Allah. Let it be said: Many generations ago, when people did not have such knowledge, nor the ability to read and write; They believed the Moon to be a god or goddess. Of such power did the Moon be to the hunters by night when land was ice and forests grew across Arabia; That they gave the moon certain names and be it worshipped. Yet we have the knowledge of the ancients to know the Moon as heavenly and not as a god or goddess. The ignorant and foolish Umay-yad who terrorize and threaten do not understand. They see the Moon as a supreme deity, in their madness. The merchants and moneylenders have purchased these nomadic people and have tricked them by saying they too worship the goddess Moon. Verily, the false merchant worships only one deity being money. Honor then the moon and our ancestors but not as your god.


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Sufa 12 - The World (Al-Dunya)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 O you who believe! Let it be said: Al-Dunya; The World; And the eleventh name of Allah, the Infinite, the Unique, the All Knowing. All the mountains and rivers, all the valleys and forests; All the great seas and creatures; All the sand and storms; All the clouds, the winds and the fire; Allah is the World and all within the World is part of Allah. Thus to honor the world is to honor Allah. To know the world is to know better the message of Allah. Those who seek to turn their back to the world, do turn their back against Allah. The world is not evil, nor are people evil. Therefore do not turn your back against the world.

Sufa 13 - The Constellations (Al-Buruj)

1 2 3 O you who believe! Let it be said: Al-Buruj; The Constellations, the Heavens; And the twelfth name of Allah, the One, the Absolute, the Almighty.

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The magnificence and glory of the night heavens; The clouds and body of the great speckled serpent; The images of great warriors and signs of history; The most beautiful ceiling which no man has bettered, nor ever can; The magnificence of constellations and roof of Heaven challenge every man and woman to see with their own eyes, the power and majesty of Allah.

Sufa 14 - The Animals (Al-Hayawaan)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 O you who believe! Let it be said: Al-Nur; The Light, the Heavenly Light, the Divine Light in all animals; And the thirteenth name of Allah, the Infinite, the Unique, the All Knowing. Whether it be the beasts of burden that help us in our lives and chores; Or the loyal dogs and companion animals that protect our horses and cattle from predators; Or in the wild majesty of lions and tigers and elephants; Or the beauty of soaring eagle or falcon; It is by the hand of Allah that each animal is formed; That by the wisdom of Allah each and every animal has a purpose and reason for life. Verily, Allah placed all people as stewards of the Earth. Whoever is kind to His creatures, Allah is kind to him. Therefore, upon your death you shall be held accountable for each animal you tended and each you killed. Respect all of Allahs living creations when treating animals of burden: ride them when they are fit to be ridden and get off them when they are tired. Any person who shows cruelty to an animal shows disrespect to Allah. Do not permit animals killed for food to suffer in death. Show even a little compassion to the animals that sustain your life and Allah will show a little compassion upon your day of judgment. The killing of animals for sport is an abomination in the eyes of Allah and is a grave transgression. A true Muslim is not permitted to eat meat of any animal cruelly slaughtered. Do not eat swine flesh, as it makes one prone to madness; Nor should one eat shellfish uncooked; Nor the flesh of birds unless cooked properly. Thus for every fish, or bird, or animal that is rightly slaughtered, pray and give thanks to Allah. Prepare its flesh even after death, treat it with respect and waste nothing. This is the law.


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Sufa 15 - The Life (Al-Hayy)

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O you who believe! Let it be said: Al-Hayy; The Life, the Living, all Creatures; And the fourteenth name of Allah, the One, the Absolute, the Almighty. Upon the existence of all animals and creatures which roam independently; To those forms which remain stationary such as plants and trees; To other forms of simpler life; All life is the manifestation of Allah. O you who believe! When one respects their own life, they respect Allah; When one disrespects life, they cannot possibly love the Creator of Life. Do not be fooled by those madmen, that spit upon the faces of travelers; Those filthy and unwashed wretches who cry out against life as a curse; Who chastise those they clean themselves and take care in grooming their hair with modesty. Some believe these preachers to be prophets on account of their constant speech and forewarning of great plagues against the people; Yet, verily they are fools, who prey upon the ignorant and fearful. Life be no curse, but a blessed gift from Allah. Thus no one may take the life of another unjustly without dishonoring Allah.

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Sufa 16 - The Death (Al-Mumit)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 O you who believe! Let it be said: Al-Mumit; The Death, the Dying, the Change; And the fifteenth name of Allah, the Infinite, the Unique, the All Knowing. In the gentle and honorable death demanded for all animals killed for their flesh; In the death of beloved and loyal companion animals; In the death of those who nurtured us from birth, or the death of siblings or relatives; Behold! Allah is both the way of life and the journey of death; Verily, Allah knows the appointed time for all things to pass and to die; Yet the paradox of existence is even for Allah the limit upon direct intervention in the death or dying of a creature unless through meditation and mind. All things in the Universe die. Be in the world like a traveler, or like a passer on, and reckon yourself as of the dead. Sleep is the brother of death. Death is a bridge that uniteth friend with friend. The grave is the first stage of the journey into eternity. The Faithful do not die for they become translated from this perishable world to the world of eternal existences. Remember often the destroyer and cutter off of delights, which is death.

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When the bier of anyone passeth by thee, whether Khazar, Manichean, Christian, or Muslim, rise to thy feet. Do not speak ill of the dead. Wish not for death any of you; Neither the doer of good works, for peradventure he may increase them by an increase of life; Nor the offender, for perhaps he may obtain the forgiveness of Allah by repentance. It is not how you died, but how you lived by which Allah shall judge you. Wish not, nor supplicate for death before its time comes; A man or woman perfectly able who wishes for death, is an ingrate who has no respect for Allah and the gifts given unto them. A good death is a blessing to a Muslim which can only come through a respectful and honorable life not how they died. A person who causes the death of women and children is a criminal and can never be considered a martyr. No one is dead as long as they are remembered. Death is the ultimate truth, for it separates from us all that we possessed leaving all that we are.

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Sufa 17 - The Funeral (Al-Janaaza)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 O People! There is no other deity but Allah! The Compassionate, the Beneficent, the Gracious; All glory and honor be to Allah and no other! While the dead body shall rot and decay and return to the soil; The mind and soul must be given time to detach itself from its former vessel. Yet the body upon death is an open door to all manner of unhealthy; Thus the Christian invites sickness upon their home when they refuse to bury the dead in a timely manner. Instead, they mimic all kind of ritual and bemoaning around the corpse of loved ones; As if such grief and wailing aids in their passing. Do not extend such grief of days over the body, for it does no help to those who have gone; But manifests greatly the woe. Instead, let the body rest before the setting sun upon the first opportunity. First, let the body be cleansed one last time that the spirit of the beloved be reminded of their forgiveness; Then let the body be wrapped in clean white cloth. As for the place of burial, let it be a place sacred to those of the Way; But if not, then let it be a place sacred for burial and remembrance. As for ceremony at the time of burial, let there be prayers of forgiveness for the dead, the honor of their memory and the prosperity of those who still live. Let not the words of funeral speak of revenge or judgment or hate, nor curse.

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As for the body, lay it flat or on its side so that the face is towards Al-Baqa and in prayer for the redemption of such sacred place, but do not allow the body to be placed upright. Behold! This is the Way of honoring the dead, the living and Allah. And when a much beloved member of Islam dies, do not make it such ceremony that would shame a poor bride; Than to honor the memory of those who lived well, by striving to live honorably our own lives. Verily, if one seeks to truly respect the words of Allah, then let him honor the dead of his slain enemy as if it be his own sons; That not one corpse be defiled; That not one raven or bird of prey may feast upon such dead flesh. So, if it be the custom of the enemy that their bodies be burned, let them be burned; If it be the custom of the enemy that their bodies be buried, then let them be honored so. Lo, any man who disgraces the dead of his enemy, disgraces Allah and is no Muslim; Truly, one of the most gravest of transgressions is to mock the dead. Behold, if it be a matter of siege, that prevents the proper burial of the dead; Then it honors those fallen that they be not a plague upon the living and their bodies be burned; For their bones shall remain and in good time, a burial shall come. Woe then any scholar who would seek to mock the Way, by showing such ignorance to sense.

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Sufa 18 - The Male (Al-Zakar)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 O you who believe! Let it be said: Al-Zakar; The Male, the Masculine; And the sixteenth name of Allah, the One, the Absolute, the Almighty. The companion, gatherer and protector; The half by which life is conceived; The strength, the warrior, the brave; Allah is indeed masculine. Yet Allah is also feminine. To deny the feminine in favor of the masculine, Is to deny the existence of the night in favor of the day; Or to deny the existence of the sun in favor of the rain. Such thinking is without sensibility, and foolish. To deny the night in favor of the day; Or to deny the rain in favor of the sun. The Male is but one half and can never be properly whole unless with a woman.

Sufa 19 - The Female (Al-Untha)

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O you who believe! Let it be said: Al-Untha; The Female, the Feminine; And the seventeenth name of Allah, the Infinite, the Unique, the All Knowing. The nurturer, the conceiver and supporter; The half by which all life depends; The wise, the intuitive, the more powerful of the sexes. All is indeed feminine and masculine. To deny such logic is the sign of sickness of the mind. The Female is equal in nature and existence; Do not curse Allah through your ignorance. If Female was less, then life would be unbalanced. Nature and existence depends upon the equality of the feminine and masculine. The rights of women are sacred. See that women are maintained in the rights assigned to them. Allah enjoins you to treat women well, For they are your mothers, your sisters and aunts. Shall I not point out to you the best of virtues? It is kindness unto to your daughter even if she return in disgrace. Verily, women are the twin halves of men and equal before Allah. Thus, any judge that issues a greater penalty to a woman than unto a man, Is indeed a poor judge. Any village that stone a woman for infidelity, yet merely chastise the man, They possess no law. If the elders of a village demand harsh penalty, Then let both the man and woman be stoned for infidelity. Better then to admonish your wives with kindness. Allah implores you to treat women well, For they are your wife and your daughters. Therefore, protect your mother, your wife and your daughters, And see that no harm come to them. It is the most solemn law of Allah, That men refrain from intimate relations with young children and especially young girls. Men who respect and defend the honor and life of girls that are not of age, Shall be blessed in the afterlife. Do not take heed then to the wickedness of the merchants and the false immorality of the Umay-yad, That speak against such morality and self responsibility.


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The merchant who possesses no morals in the way of flesh, Are an illness that by the law of Allah must be cleaved from the body of the earth. The rights of women are sacred. It is a grave crime against Allah to prevent women from entering a place to pray. Any teacher then who prevents a woman from entering a place for prayer, Remove him immediately as an imposter. Allah demands equal rights to men and women to honor him. Honor your wife with intimate relations and no other. Do not associate yourself with the prostitute, Nor anyone who would sell their flesh for profit. If a man be displeased with his wife, He may speak to her but not beat her. The merchant and the ignorant Umay-Yad beat their women like donkeys. The merchants disrespect women and claim a sacred right to more than one wife, They openly mock the law of Allah. A true man of faith must not strike his wife, Nor take another at the same time. To have more than one wife at the same time, Is an abomination before Allah. Do not listen then to the wicked and vile behavior of the Umay-Yad and merchants. It is a grave crime against Allah and Islam, To have more than one wife or female companion at the same time.

Sufa 20 - The Food (Al-Ma'kulat)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 O you who believe! Let it be said: Al-Muqit; The Nourisher, the Food; And the eighteenth name of Allah, the One, the Absolute, the Almighty. The host that sacrifices their finest calf for a feast to welcome the stranger; The gardens that produce the most beautiful array of fruits and herbs; The sanctuary that nourishes our base and higher hunger; So Allah quenches our thirst and satisfies our hunger with words that are unmistakable. They nurture our soul and mind. Let it be said the flesh of animals is made lawful unto you for food, Except that which is announced unto you herein. Forbidden unto you for food is any flesh from a diseased, tortured or maltreated animal. Verily, a man who beats or tortures animals, even in preparation for slaughter,

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Is not fit to be called a Muslim. Do not partake in the flesh of swine, as such flesh gives rise to madness. Nor eat uncooked shellfish or flesh of the bird, For such eating shall surely cause much pain and terrible death. Yet in all things that are taken lawfully for food, honor such life as an offering to Allah. You who believe! Let it be said: All good things are made lawful for you. And in preparation of meal, all must observe purification. To eat unclean is an abomination. Do not profane what Allah has given to you in such manner; But respect such gifts and food in the manner of its taking, And the purification of its preparation.

Sufa 21 - The Water (Al-Maa)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 O you who believe! Let it be said: Al-Maa; The Water, the source of Life; And the nineteenth name of Allah, the Infinite, the Unique, the All Knowing. Like the cool waters of a stream that quenches our thirst and cleanses our body; The waters that bring life to the fields, And the rains that transform the desert; So then the wisdoms and teachings of Allah transform even the most barren heart. The waters of forgiveness and compassion of Allah may heal and renew the life of a transgressor. Within the desert and the drought, water is life. Treat each drop with respect. Replace your straw and mud roofs with tiles of clay, So positioned that upon rain the water collects at points and channels. Keep your roof and channels clean, So that the water runs to store. And then store such water in clay urns below the earth, away from the sun. Thus, any village or city may collect great amounts of water. When a village or city be near a river, Do not permit people to bathe or clean clothes at the same place. At the place upon the river for cleaning clothes, Do not let people dispose of waste or clean themselves. At the place upon the river for cleaning and washing,

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Do not dispose of waste. Thus, the river will clean and refresh the water, And no illness to the people shall come. At a Wadi, do not permit the animals to drink directly, But cut them channels so that water can be taken to them; At a Wadi, do not permit cleaning and waste to be thrown into the water, But make a separate place of stone to clean clothes and a separate place to clean. Thus, the Wadi will produce clean water and not be disturbed or bring sickness. Upon a well, line the walls with stone and make them sealed, So that it remains firm. Seal the well firmly and use the Greek pump to bring water to the surface, So that no animal or illness may poison the well. Thus a village may protect its well and water. In the fields, seal and cover the channels, So that no water is wasted. Release the water into the fields at night, When the air is coolest and never during the day. Thus in respecting water, we respect the gifts of Allah.

Sufa 22 - The Parents (Al-Asula)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 O you who believe! Let it be said: Al-Qayyum; The Guardian, the Provider, the Subsisting; And the twentieth name of Allah, the One, the Absolute, the Almighty. The mother that protects and nurtures her children; The father that is kind, yet firm to his sons and daughters; This is the way of Allah as the parent of all people and life. Allah is the loving but firm parent. Allah is the forgiving parent. Allah is the respectful parent. The parent that watches over and protects all children, Even those who disavow their heritage. Allah is never the absent father. The father who is absent from the support and schooling of their children without right cause, Is guilty of a crime against Allah. Allah is the greatest of all parents. The greatest father is one who bestows love and respect to his children,

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That is equal to even an ounce of the love of Allah to him. Allah seeks only the best for his children. A father who does wicked acts risks not only his soul, But those of his children; For it is to our parents that children first turn for example. Admonish your wife with kindness. O you who believe! Let is be said: A Muslim must not hate his wife; And if he be displeased with one bad quality in her, Then let him be pleased with another that is good. A Husband is forbidden to beat his wife. Any man who defies the commands of Allah and beats his wife is no Muslim. Verily, A man who beats his wife in private is a coward, And guilty of a grave crime against Islam. If such a coward is discovered, Let him be beaten in kind for his cowardice and exiled from praying at a mosque. He is the most perfect Muslim whose disposition is best; And the best of all who behaves with respect and honor to his wife. A man is bound to do good to his parents, Although they may have injured him. In the Way of Islam, parenthood is a blessing and an obligation. Verily, parenthood is a solemn obligation; An obligation to which Allah shall hold every father accountable; Not only for any acts of evil and ignorance of the father, But any actions of their children. Parents who bring three or more children into a life of poverty and hardship, Do not honor Allah, nor their community. Any teacher or scholar that claims Allah is pleased with large families for those that live in poverty, Seize them and rid yourselves of such evil imposters. For leaders who encourage the poor to bring hungry mouths into this world, Seek to breed ignorance and fear for their own ends.

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Sufa 23 - The Children (Al-Atfaal)

1 2 O you who believe! Let it be said: Al-Barriy; The Innocent, the Blameless, the Inculpable;

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And the twenty-first name of Allah, the Infinite, the Unique, the All Knowing. In the innocence yet authenticity of the question of a child; In the wonderment of life and learning; In the purity and blamelessness of a child; Thus Allah is innocent and inculpable of willing and deliberate evil. Verily, one who would harm even a hair upon the head of a little one, Is guilty of a terrible transgression against Allah. Verily and most solemnly, one who would deliberately molest or severely injure a child, Is unfit to be known as Muslim. Take those who kill children and cast them into a deep pit; Erase their names and let no one remember them; For those that kill children are worse than animals and disgrace the Way of Islam. Give thanks then for your children; As Allah gives thanks for all living creatures. When planning for children, A father should honor Allah and praise his wife with their first child; Gives thanks and honor to ones tribe upon the birth of any second child; And thereafter seek further children as may benefit the community.

Sufa 24 - The Neighbour (Al-Mugib)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 O you who believe! Let it be said: Al-Mugib; The Responsive, the Answer; And the twenty-second name of Allah, the One, the Absolute, the Almighty. The one who watches over the home and guards against danger. A helper and member of the family called community; A friend and ally through mutual respect and tolerance. Thus Allah is ever present. Verily, the most beloved of Muslims, Are those that would treat his neighbor as a brother; To judge them not by their beliefs, And to protect their home as if it were their own. Thus when wicked and deceitful men seek to rob and destroy. They must sow terror and fear into the hearts of a town; So that neighbor fear and ignore neighbor; So that even if one may hear a cry for help,

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The people shut their doors and hide until sunrise. Behold evil then can only grow, When neighbors do not care nor seek to help their neighbours. The wise man knows this truth. He seeks then amity with all his neighbours. That his community be strong; That his neighbor be safe. Thus the robber and wicked man cannot divide and prosper. The best of persons in Allah's sight is the best amongst his friends; And the best of neighbors near Allah, Is the best person in his own neighborhood. A Muslim who mixes with people and puts up with their inconveniences, Is better than one who does not mix with them, and bears with patience. Do you love your creator? Love your fellow-beings first.

Sufa 25 - The Knowledge (Al-Ailma)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 O you who believe! Let it be said: Al-Ailma; The All Knowing, the Omniscient; And the twenty-third name of Allah, the Infinite, the Unique, the All Knowing. All language, all writings, all history; All disciplines, all scripture, all inspiration; So be it that Allah is all knowledge. Verily, even if a man hath performed prayers; Even if a man has performed fasts, or charity, And all manner of good works, He will be rewarded not by the weight of his piety, But by the proportion of his comprehension. A man who seeks to imitate the mind of a fish and the actions of a monkey, Is a useless waste unto Allah. When a man gladly stuffs his ears with sand and pokes out his eyes, To merely honor the teachings of a false prophet, Then he is lost to Islam. Better the world be that such stupidity never be born, Than to disgrace the Way of Allah. Yet a man who respects knowledge and culture;

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Who seeks to make himself better, Even if he does not follow the way of Islam; Then he is a better Muslim than a thousand pious monkeys, Who refuse to use the gifts given unto them. With knowledge man rises to the heights of goodness, And to a noble position, associated with sovereigns in this world, And attains to the perfection of happiness in the next life. It (knowledge) enables its possessor to distinguish right from wrong; It lights the way to Heaven; It is our friend in the desert; It is our society in solitude; It is our companion when friendless; It guides us to happiness; It sustains us to rise above misery; It is an ornament among friends; And it is armour against enemies. The acquisition of knowledge is a duty, Incumbent on every Muslim, male and female. He who leaves home in search of knowledge, Walks in the path of the Divine and the Prophets. Acquire then such knowledge. One learned man is harder on the devil, Than a thousand ignorant worshippers. Whoever seeks knowledge will get two rewards: One reward is the knowledge of self gained by such a journey; The other reward is attaining the knowledge sought. Therefore, even if one does not attain the original goal; For them is always the greater reward. Seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave; Go in quest of knowledge even unto the farthest lands. The search of knowledge is an obligation laid on every Muslim. O you who believe! Knowledge is the friend of true faith in Allah; Ignorance is the friend of true evil, That masks itself as divine and entraps the souls of men. When you do a good deed,

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Forget it and make no boast about it. Allah sees everything you think and do. A good deed reminded or in a boast is no such thing. The height of intelligence is honesty. No man can be untroubled if he must remember two of everything: The truth and an elaborate lie. In the end, such worry will kill him early. Knowledge is not found in lists, But in the understanding of the connection of things. Spiritual wisdom cannot be found through memorizing lists. Any saying which claims that in Islam knowledge and science is a sin, And ignorance is a virtue, Is a wicked lie by someone who worships demons pretending to be god, And one who cloak themselves as Muslims but worship anarchy. Stand up! Stand up all who claim to follow the path of Islam! Do not dishonor Allah, nor his sacred places by weakness. Let not one false teacher or scholar defile the true teachings of His humble servant. Let not a single sermon praising ignorance. Let not hate stand falsely in any sacred house of Allah. If such ignorance and evil is not moved, Then you must do everything in your power to honor knowledge and wisdom and remove them. To be a true Muslim, the seeking of knowledge is obligatory. If one does not know how to discern, Then one is not yet a true Muslim. The first step towards knowledge and honoring the will of Allah, Is to denounce willing ignorance. Knowledge without character is a most dangerous state. All knowledge must be harnessed through self-discipline and virtue. Verily, It is commanded to you by Allah, Upon the witness of any man who claims to be Muslim, Who preaches ignorance, Who despises knowledge and science; You are commanded to seize them and cast them out. Never let such evil defile a holy place of Islam. They are imposters. A true Muslim respects science as one of the greatest gifts of Allah.

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Only a fool who follows evil men rejects the advancement of science. For no better way can Allah show his love of humanity, Than to reveal the secrets of the Universe. Science proves to all Muslims that Allah is pleased by questioning minds, That know how to ask the right questions. Mathematics is a language that reveals the wonder and magnificence of Allahs creation, That all Muslims are obliged to learn; and the most honoured are those that excel in it. Science is the enemy of evil and is a light upon it. Therefore whenever you hear of men preaching against science, You know you have discovered servants of demons.

Sufa 26 - The Word (Al-Kalima)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 O you who believe! Let it be said: Al-Kalima; The Word; And the twenty-fourth name of Allah, the One, the Absolute, the Almighty. Every symbol and meaning; Every utterance and word; Allah is all languages, all words, all Meaning. Is not Allah the father of all knowledge? And so also the father of all words, speech and language? If Allah only wished to speak to people in one language, There would only be one language. Thus, the existence of many languages, Means the Divine Creator speaks to people in many different ways. Beware then of those who say the Divine only speaks to those who listen through one language. The Maniacs and their Rabbi priests from Persia seek to hide knowledge, With their coded and secret language they call Ebri (Hebrew). The Maniacs do not wish others to learn knowledge. They wish to keep it hidden, even from Allah. Uthman and the moneylenders of his tribe also seek to corrupt The Way, By introducing new secret languages to hidden knowledge; By spreading false scripture. Thus, such imposters say that only one language is truth and the rest are false. Yet ignorant are the Rabbi of Persia and Uthman of history, As they are not the first who thought they could trick Allah.

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The Romans cursed the divine by seizing the tongue of the Etruscans of the north, And reversing it to create Latin. The people of Carthage claimed their corruption of the language of Jeremiah, Which they called Runic and Punic was the only true language. Allah did expose the hubris of Rome and Carthage. Thus let these words be written and spoken in language that people can hear and read. Let the knowledge of Islam spread to all who love justice and honor.

Sufa 27 - The Logic (Al-Mantaq)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 O you who believe! Let it be said: Al-Mantaq; The Logic; The Reason; The Common Sense. And the twenty-fifth name of Allah, the Infinite, the Unique, the All Knowing. The coherent and sensible thought; The method of sensible and ordered thinking; The system of argument that cannot be easily reputed; Allah is the nature of Logic and the concept. A mind that wont think is no better than a cow that wont milk, Or a mare that will not give birth. Allah grants us the skill to discern, to question. These are not by accident. So to the unbelievers, to those who think logic is a mistake? Do you claim that Allah make mistakes? Does he apportion more than is needed? Or does Allah give the right answer at the right time for the right reason? Logic is a gift, a skill a teaching to be honored. Let it be said: All who follow Islam are obliged to learn, and master logic. Nothing is more disgraceful than an ignorant man mimicking prayers, Verily, he does not comprehend. Nothing is more wicked than the promotion of ignorance and fear in the name of Allah. Logic is the enemy of the unbelievers. Logic is the test of the lie of the defrauders from which they cannot escape. A liar and fraud will tell you, do not use logic, They will say logic is a mistake. Only a true disciple of The Way and a true Muslim will embrace a question with respect. Allah hath not created anything better than Reason,

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Or anything more perfect, Or more beautiful than Reason. The benefits which Allah gives are on its account and understanding is by it (Logic). Deliberation in undertakings is pleasing to Allah. A good disposition, and deliberation in affairs, And a medium in all things, These are the qualities of a true Muslim.

Sufa 28 - The Numbers (Al-Muhsi)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 O you who believe! Let it be said: Al-Muhsi; The Numbers; And the twenty-sixth name of Allah, the One, the Absolute, the Almighty. Whether it be the number one, Or the number zero or the number infinity; Allah is all numbers. Whether it be real numbers, Or spiritual (irrational) numbers; The world of Allah may be expressed in numbers. Look to thy body there to find the Mystic Numbers it contains. We are one, born from sacred union of two. Our head to our limbs to our toes. Thus, where spirit joins flesh and life flows, So, the Tree of Life puts forth. The Greeks did not discover it, But were true when they said the Universe is numbers. Allah is indeed the master of numbers.

Sufa 29 - The Cure (Al-Ilaj)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 O you who believe! Let it be said: Al-Ilaj; The Cure; And the twenty-seventh name of Allah, the Infinite, the Unique, the All Knowing. The wisdom and knowledge of the body of living things; The skill of the therapeutae to see the root cause of illness, not just symptoms; The art of preparing herbs and ointments without magic, To sooth or remove pain and to heal illness.

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Allah is the ultimate therapeutae of the soul. The cure of the illness that crosses boundaries. The Romans viewed malady and cure through magic. This is the ignorance of the Umay-Yad who believe illness is because of curse. Do not believe such ignorance. A man who drinks water from a poisoned well will get sick. Just as a man who eats uncooked shellfish or bird, will surely die in agony; A wound that is not clean, will become rotten and kill a man; Just as a man who does not clean his clothes or his intimate parts, Shall attract to himself discomfort and malady. All such words are logic and knowledge, without magic. Should a man be ill with pain or fever, let him eat or smoke from the Kannabis plant; If he be in great pain and malady, give him the juice of the Opion plant. Thus our ancestors have used wisely such gifts of Allah. Thus treat knowledge of cure wisely and respectfully. As Allah seeks not that his children are in pain.

Sufa 30 - The Poets (Ash-Shu`ara)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 O you who believe! Let it be said: Al-Badi; The Incomparable, the Unattainable; And the twenty-eighth name of Allah, the One, the Absolute, the Almighty. The finest painter of words; The wisest architect of meaning; The most frugal and skilled of phrase; Allah is the greatest of all poets; There is no doubt. And if you do not believe, then create a Sura greater than these. Verily, some poetry is dressed in knowledge and art; Yet contains neither wisdom not beauty; But bitterness and hate. This be the sign of the Persians and merchants, who craft words like paint over rust. Sweetly and innocently they sing to those who refuse to use the gifts given to them such as discernment; That they accept hate as love; That they rejoice as poetry words of destruction as creation. Thus the words, choose the ear as much as the master the pen.

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Verily, some poetry contains much wisdom; Yet may appear stiff and unappealing. Such is truth, that it is not what the ear may wish to hear. Yet Allah has such treasures the keys whereof be the words of poets. Thus, the noblest of arts is the poet faithful to the truth of the Divine Creator; Who seeks not to embellish nor impress; But to refine his devotion to the wisdom of Allah.

Sufa 31 - The Law (Al-Hakam)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 O you who believe! Let it be said: Al-Hakam; The Rule; The Truth; The Law; And the twenty-ninth name of Allah, the Infinite, the Unique, the All Knowing. The source, the well of all form, meaning and rule; The beginning point from which all lesser law manifests; Allah is the one true and only Divine Creator. The first law is Divine Law and so the law of Allah. Allah is the Divine Creator of all things, The collection of all words, ideas and form, there is nothing greater. Thus, all law must come from the Divine and Allah, As all the words of law are born from the Creator. A Law is a rule, given from divine instruction, discovery or reason of nature. The existence of such laws are self evident by the existence of the wisdom that frames them. Divine Law is the law that defines the spirit, purpose and instruction of Allah through existence. The key of all Divine Law is the Golden Rule: That all are equal under the law of Allah and subject to it. Natural law is the law that defines the operation of the will of Allah through existence in the form of the world. Therefore, a competent man recognizes Divine Law not simply because he has been told, But that he can see and reason to some of the logic and mind of the Divine Creator. Yet a law made by men, can never be greater than a natural law or Divine Law; Nor can laws made by men, ever be greater than a dictate or decree that gains legitimacy to the extent it does not contradict Divine Law and Natural Law and possesses the consent of the people. An unjust decree or dictate by men, can never be considered law, even if such threat and force is used. All valid law can be reasoned and argued logically. Yet unjust and contradictory laws cannot. A faithful man to Allah therefore has the moral duty to protect just law and challenge unjust

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law. 26 27 An honorable man before Allah has the solemn duty to defend against injustice, And to stamp out tyrants wherever they may be.

Sufa 32 - The Almanac (Al-Almanak)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 O you who believe! Let it be said: Al-Mutakabbir; The Majestic, the Supreme; And the thirtieth name of Allah, the One, the Absolute, the Almighty. The seasons, the signs, the rains and the forewarning of frosts; Allah is all seasons and all signs. Let there be records of the seasons and their refined differences across the land, That farmers may know the best time to sow and the best time to reap. That the villages may know the worst mornings for frosts and the best days for lambs. Let there be records that each day may be blessed, And each day to come may be blessed, That men may not call upon soothsayers and magicians to determine the harvest.

Sufa 33 - The Culture (Al-Gami)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 O you who believe! Let it be said: Al-Gami; The Gatherer, the Unifier of all people; And the thirty-first name of Allah, the Infinite, the Unique, the All Knowing. In riches of music, of art and building; Between the stalls and wares of great city markets; By the clothes, dress and customs of ancient peoples; Allah is all cultures and all peoples. The path to Allah is many. That a man may begin of a different faith does not exclude him from the love of the Divine Creator. A different belief alone does not justify poor respect; Thus, to respect culture is to express love of Islam. To hate or destroy culture is to be a heretic. Verily, a man cannot be both a hater of culture and a Muslim. Truly, if any man claim to be upon the path of Islam and proclaim intolerance to another culture; Seize him from any position of authority and banish him from the community. If he incites violence and hatred through ignorance,

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It is the solemn duty of all Muslims to destroy him, to grind his bones to dust; That there be no memory of such illness within the heart of Islam. Let it be said, when a Muslim stands in honor of the funeral of one who has passed of another faith; He honors the Divine Creator of all things as his emissary.


Sufa 34 - The Time (As-Sabur)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 O People! There is no other deity but Allah! The Compassionate, the Beneficent, the Gracious; All prayers and homage be to Allah and no other! All moments and days; All space and distance; All movement and each event; Allah is all time and places. Do not be concerned then by Christian time, Nor even concerned by Persian time. Only reject the ignorance and stupidity of the Umay-Yad who worship the moon as a deity. Truly there are no more ignorant and disrespectful to Allah, Than those who ignore the day only to worship the night. What brings life? what warms us? Truly, the Moon is our most ancient companion. Yet she is the bridesmaid.

Sufa 35 - The Study (Al-Darassa)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 O you who believe! Let it be said: Al-Wasi; The Vast, the All-embracing, The Boundless; And the thirty-second name of Allah, the One, the Absolute, the Almighty. The journey, not the destination; The walking, not the path; The man, not the clothes in which he is adorned; Allah is the study of life as well as life itself. Allah is the learning of love and respect of learning. Everything in the universe is based upon learning as well as experiencing. To deny learning, is to deny a purpose of existence and being. A man who refuses to learn, profoundly disrespects Allah.

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To live, is to learn: To learn right from wrong, good from bad, truth from falsity; To learn how we might overcome our difficulties. Before we can learn, we need to learn how to learn, And before we can learn how to learn we need to unlearn. The greatest expression of Islam is love. The greatest goal is education. Education is the enemy of ignorance and evil. He dies not who gives life to learning. Whoso honors the learned, honors Allah. It is a most wicked crime against Allah and Islam to deny education to women and children. Do not be distracted by the pettiness of the false skeptic, That seeks to argue against the tides and prove nothing is true, so as to learn nothing. This is the quicksand of feeble minds. Go in quest of knowledge even into strange places. Seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave. Do you know what corrupts the foundation of a people and then ruins them? The arrogance of the learned weakens it; The disputations of the hypocrite distracts it; And the orders of ignorant kings finally destroys it. To spend more time in learning is better than spending more time praying. The support of deep faith is through wise contemplation. It is better to teach knowledge one hour in the night than to pray all night. One learned man is harder against wickedness than a thousand ignorant worshippers. The pursuit of knowledge is a divine commandment for every Muslim; Do not waste knowledge on those who are unworthy of it. It is like putting pearls, jewels, and gold on the necks of swine. A man or woman who shall pursue the path of knowledge, Allah will direct them to the path of Paradise. Verily the superiority of a learned man over an ignorant worshipper, Is like that of the full moon over all the stars. A tyrant and imposter against Islam is one who denies proper education to their people. It is commanded to all Muslims to rebel against such evil. He who knows his own self, knows Allah. Verily the best of Allah's servants are just and learned laborers; And the worst are corrupt and ignorant kings. To listen to the words of the learned, and to instill into others the lessons of science,

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Is better than religious exercises. He who leaves home in search of knowledge, walks in the path of Allah. One hour's meditation on the magnificent works of Allah, Is better than seventy years of prayer. The acquisition of knowledge is a duty incumbent on every Muslim, male and female. Acquire knowledge. It enables its possessor to distinguish right from wrong; It lights the way to Heaven; It is our friend in the desert; It is our companion when friendless; It guides us to happiness; It supports us to overcome misery; It is an ornament among friends, And it is armour against enemies. With knowledge, a man rises to the heights of goodness and to a noble position, He may associate with the wealth in this world but never be beguiled by it, Yet attain to a perfection of happiness and simplicity in this life and the next. Learn to know thyself. The calamity of knowledge is forgetfulness; And tragedy is to waste knowledge and speak of it to the willingly ignorant. Who are the learned? They who live by the virtues of what they know. Education makes a city easy to govern but impossible to enslave. Expel any preacher or scribe who speaks against study, or knowledge or right education. Cast them out as imposters who would deny the importance of knowledge and sensible reason for all Muslims. This is an obligation to all members of a holy place of worship of Islam. Learn to truly know thyself. To listen to the words of the learned, And to instill into others the love of learning. Verily, any man or woman who shall die while studying and improving the knowledge of Islam, Shall be beloved by Allah as equal to the greatest of messengers. Therefore, whosoever honors the learned, honors Allah.

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Sufa 36 - The Scholar (Al-Alim)

1 2 O you who believe! Let it be said: Al-Alim; The Scholar, the Teacher, the Master;

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And the thirty-third name of Allah, the Infinite, the Unique, the All Knowing. The father that does not eat until all his children are fed; The master that travels at the rear of the caravan, not the head; The king that dresses as a humble servant, unless required by law to adorn his vestments; Thus Allah is the scholar and teacher of humility, hindsight and balance. A true Muslim is a scholar, there can be no doubt. A disbeliever is one who hates knowledge. A heretic against Allah is one who hates the words of the Divine Creator being all wisdom. Therefore, do not be fooled by the agents of Uthman and the Umay-Yad, That say they are Muslim and support Islam yet hate knowledge. If a man who claims to be Muslim strikes a scholar or a student for learning, Let him confess his crime and have his offending hand cut off. If a man damage or even destroy a scriptorium, let him lose his head for such deliberate ignorance. No man can both love Allah and hate knowledge without being a heretic or an idiot. Instead protect the scholar, respect the scholar and allow them to learn. If then a scholar raise a subject of controversy, let him speak. If he be in error, let men of learning debate him. Yet if learned men cannot through reason and logic defeat the argument of the scholar, Then let them welcome him to the brethren of knowledge and respect him. Verily, if Allah were intolerant of students, mankind would no longer exist.

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Sufa 37 - The Academy (Al-Madrasah)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 O People! There is no other deity but Allah! The Compassionate, the Beneficent, the Gracious; All praise and worship be to Allah and no other! The sanctuary into which no sorcery, nor ignorance, nor corruption may pass; A place of learning and debating with respect; A source of even greater wisdom and knowledge of the world through writing in all languages; The presence of Allah is to be found first in such an Academy before any temple or other sacred site. Let there be the very best Academy throughout the lands that scholars may come and students may learn; Where reason and logic may debate and the knowledge of Islam may increase. Upon a community professing its respect for wisdom and prosperity, Let it establish its own academy. Yet let no teacher enter to an academy, nor any student be accepted,

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if not the Way of Islam be explained. Verily, this is the way and the truth. Let each teacher be so versed, that every word of the Way (of Islam) be memorized. Let each student be taught that they may know the Way by heart and mind.

Sufa 38 - The Perfection (Al-Quddus)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 O you who believe! Let it be said: Al-Quddus; The Sacred, the Pure, the Perfect; And the thirty-fourth name of Allah, the One, the Absolute, the Almighty. The perfect uniqueness of the Great Circular Constant, That the Christians still choose to name after the Greek; The perfection and detail of the smallest living form to the largest; The perfection of the heavens; The perfection of a new born child; Behold! All are but shades of the perfect greatness of Allah. Let it be said, the perfection is to be found not in the extreme, But in the balance of imperfection; Not in a face of perfect symmetry, But perfect asymmetry; Not in a building of simplistic shape, But imperfect wholeness; Not in the stark array of trees and gardens, But in the journey and celebration of the hand of the Divine. Thus, a student of the Way of Islam knows the key to perfection is found through imperfection. Verily, we are the living expression of such imperfect perfection. That our flesh shall corrupt and decay, yet our spirits are immortal. A true Muslim never forgets the balance.

Sufa 39 - The Love (Al-Wadud)

1 2 3 4 5 6 O you who believe! Let it be said: Al-Wadud; The Love, the Loving, the Consuming Passion; And the thirty-fifth name of Allah, the Infinite, the Unique, the All Knowing. The love of a mother to her first and newborn; The love and respect of a young husband to his beautiful virgin bride; The love of a teacher to his most esteemed student;

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The love of a warrior who sacrifices his life to defend the safety of his land; No love is greater than the love of Allah to all who believe. No greater respect can a man show to Allah that to love his neighbour as if his family. The Way of Islam is love; Love is the way of a true Muslim. No greater love can a person offer to the teaching of Islam. Than to offer their life in the defense against those who preach tyranny, evil and ignorance. Truly a community that exists on hate, destroys its soul. Like a terrible drought, hate destroys life. Therefore, do not hate your enemy.

Sufa 40 - The Tree of Life (Shajarat Al-Hayah)

1 2 3 4 5 6 O you who believe! Let it be said: Shajarat Al-Hayah; The Tree of Life, the Source, the Knowing; And the thirty-sixth name of Allah, the One, the Absolute, the Almighty. The ten plus one, being the one hundred and one in a way a mind may comprehend; The most ancient mysteries and paths of the ancients; The mystery between Allah and Wisdom, Understanding, Knowledge, Discipline, Gentleness, Beauty, Majesty, Timelessness, Disposition and Respect; The three deaths by three and the three re-births; The births to reason and existence of life; The death to the corruption of flesh upon the vow of restraint; The death to addiction of the flesh upon the vow of abstinence; And the death to gluttony and greed of flesh upon the vow of poverty. Thus rises the mystery of freedom and rebirth of purity of the body. The death to the anger, hatred and negativity of mind, upon the vow of forgiveness; The death to addiction of desires of mind upon the vow of obedience of the law; And the death to fear, especially of death upon the vow of truth and honor. The Tree of Life is the manifestation of Allah as the highest wisdom; Only those who dedicate their life unto the Way will fully see. The tree of life is rooted within all. You are the tree and a branch of it. Nothing is absolute. There is no end nor beginning to potential. Existence, form, words, all limit, constrain, diminish, enclose; Thus we are enclosed within the dream and existence of the universe; The dream of the Divine Creator.

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That our flesh is an illusion.

Sufa 41 - The Wisdom (Al-Hakim)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 O you who believe! Let it be said: Al-Hakim; The Wisdom; And the thirty-seventh name of Allah, the Infinite, the Unique, the All Knowing. Allah is the light I have attained, And in the light I live. To know that I do not know, And the wisdom of humility to avoid such displays of arrogance. To avoid preaching to the willingly ignorant, And those who do not want to listen; To avoid judging lest we be judged for our transgressions. It is not a sixth or a tenth of a man's devotion which is acceptable to Allah, But only such portions thereof as he offers with understanding and true devotional spirit. Verily, even if a man has performed many prayers, fasts, charity, pilgrimage and all other good works, He will not be rewarded except by the proportion of his understanding. Those that have attained the meaning of the greatest wisdom know that Allah Loves Life. When one has final understanding of self, A man may know that the most important things in life are values, family and community. Integrity needs no rules. The heart of a fool is his mouth; The mouth of a wise man is his heart. A wise man knows that he learns more from the unjust, the wicked and the cruel, Than those that never fail to honor Allah; For when confronted by evil, a wise man stands firm, And learns the power of his faith and integrity to overcome. Verily, Virtue means nothing if not tested.

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Sufa 42 - The Soul (Al-Ruh)

1 2 3 4 5 O you who believe! Let it be said: Al-Ruh; The Soul; The Immortal Soul; And the thirty-eighth name of Allah, the One, the Absolute, the Almighty. The ancient mystery of the Egyptians and the mystery schools; The power to live beyond a single life;

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The power to live beyond a single life; To live again and to never die. Thus the soul is Allah and all souls are Allah. What then of the soul? Of the Soul, the Maniacs from Persia and the Hindu say: Only some men and women are borne possessing a divine immortal soul they call ahu-man; The Rabbi priests of the Maniacs say: All slaves, the poor and foreigners do not possess a soul and so are less than animals and cannot return to life. The religion of the Maniacs they call Manes and Aryan say: Some men possess a second soul called hu-man and few possess a third soul they call baman. Of the Soul, the Jain say: All living things possess a soul that is separate from its existence and its body. Every plant, every animal, every man and women possess a soul, the Jain say. Of the Soul, the Mithrains and Christians say: All men and women possess souls, but no other living thing. The Mithrains and Christians say: Our souls travel down from Heaven into our body at birth and upon death we shall be judged and if we fail we shall be subject to torment in an underworld to atone for our transgressions. Behold! Only Allah and no other holds the key to the riddle of soul, no other. Do not be deceived by those who seek to divide you with fear, Or beguile you with elaborate fantasy. Can the heart of an animal be separated from its body and the animal survive? Can the mind of a man be separated from himself? Soul is but a word designed to separate and control. Soul is no different to ancient psyche of the Greeks to ego of the Romans and self. We are but one, yet within one, we are split into parts. Thus, you are the living paradox. Verily, you can never die, as all around you is the illusion. The dream of the Universe of Allah. Therefore, it is your choice to live in ignorance, or wisdom.

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Sufa 43 - The Good (Al-Sabah)

1 2 3 4 O you who believe! Let it be said: Al-Sabah; The Good; The Right; And the thirty-ninth name of Allah, the Infinite, the Unique, the All Knowing. To do what is right, even in private if no one is watching;

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To perform in a manner pleasing with the laws of Allah; To be considerate to others and respectful of others, Even if they show no respect for themselves; Thus Allah does not judge us or act against us due to our transgressions, But is forgiving and looks to the best within each of us. Good exists in the moment of choice and action. Truly, the notion of an absolute good or evil is a figment of the Persian mind. The Persians seek control through awe and fear. Thus they speak in terms of absolutes. An educated mind knows the key to life and harmony with the will of Allah is balance. Thus the greatest goodness is to respect life and to live ones life to the fullest, As if only one more day has been granted.

Sufa 44 - The Evil (Al-Shirriir)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 O People! There is no other deity but Allah! The Compassionate, the Beneficent, the Gracious; All glory and honor be to Allah and no other! That no falsity be attributed to Allah! Let no one claim to be Muslim defile the greatness or wisdom of the one true Creator! There be some with such a hatred towards the divine and creation, That the words of Allah and his prophets be deliberately corrupted by them. This is the essence and root of all evil! When men are so sick in mind; When certain men so hate the Divine; That they would curse his name in public; Yet claim to be his greatest teachers and servants in public. This is the face of evil! The love of the false word is the root of all evil. Every man being hath two inclinations: One prompting him to good and impelling him thereto; And the other prompting him to evil and thereto impelling him. Yet Divine assistance is nigh; And he who asks the help of Allah in contending with the evil promptings of his own heart obtains it. Allah gives men and women the ability to think, to reason and to choose. Therefore you yourself do not need to be told what is wicked and that which is true.

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If a man or woman tells you to fear Allah first before respect, If they tell you Allah hates and demands blood atonement, If they tell you that ignorance is a blessing, Then the gifts given to you by Allah should be enough to see through such evil and lies. Ignorance is no excuse.

Sufa 45 - The Self (Al-Nafs)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 O you who believe! Let it be said: Al-Nafs; The Self, the One, the Being; And the fortieth name of Allah, the One, the Absolute, the Almighty. The separation of the I from the family and community; The perspective of the world from being aware of ones own existence; The awareness of the I to its own existence; Self is therefore nothing more than a unique perspective, And part of the greater self of Allah as it observes the dream of creation. The most excellent Jihad is that for the conquest of self. He who knows his own self, knows the Divine Creator. Devotion of religious duty will not atone for the fault of an abusive tongue. A man cannot be a Muslim till his heart and tongue are so. Whoever has been given gentleness, Has been given a good portion in this world and the next. Whoever suppresses his anger, when he has in his power to show it, Allah will give him great reward. That man or woman is wise and sensible who subdues his carnal desires and hopes for rewards from Allah; and he is an ignorant man who follows his lustful appetites, and with all this asks for Allah 's forgiveness. Do not mistake wisdom for holiness, or holiness for virtue. Allah gives great and wondrous gifts to those he pleases. Thus a wise man may be no better than the worst moneylender. Wisdom is no measure of virtue. A man blessed by Allah as a messenger may be no better in virtue, Than the a woman who sells herself without honor. Divine commission does not make a man better than the poorest farmer. Thus the greatest respect is unto those who never give up. May Allah fill the heart of that person who suppresses his anger with safety and faith. He is not strong and powerful who throws people down;


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But he is strong who withholds himself from anger. If any scholar or preacher speaks of Jihad being an external battle against a non-believer, Expel them immediately as an imposter. For a true Muslim knows that Jihad is a battle within, That we might be virtuous and self-restrained, That we might be victorious against the urges within. Verily, it is not the victory over self, as even the most holy man is at times defeated by himself; It is that a man never surrenders, That no action is taken without an earnest test of character. In the end a man who does not yield to his urges, is a man indeed.

Sufa 46 - The Choice (Al-Khiyaar)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 O you who believe! Let it be said: As-Sabur; The Timeless, the Patient; And the forty-first name of Allah, the Infinite, the Unique, the All Knowing. The left or the right, the up or the down, The day or the night, to leaving or remaining; The giving or taking, the good or the bad, The honor or dishonor, the discipline or lack of it; All are manifestations of choice; Verily, it is our choice whether to believe or not to believe in Allah; It is our choice to obey or disobey his clear commandments; It is our choice to wake up or remain asleep. It is your own conduct which will lead you to reward or punishment, As if you had been destined. Therefore, be persistent in good actions. Verily, nothing is predetermined within the Universe; If it be so, then no will would Allah possess. Thus the tricky Persian seeks to dash hope upon the rocks of absolutes; To deny our ability to determine our destiny. Everything in the universe is based upon learning as well as experiencing. To deny learning, is to deny a purpose of existence and being. A man who refuses to learn, profoundly disrespects Allah. To learn right from wrong, good from bad, truth from falsity. To learn how we might overcome our difficulties.

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Truly, before we can learn, we need to learn how to learn, And before we can learn how to learn we need to unlearn.

Sufa 47 - The Volition (Al-Raghba)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 O you who believe! Let it be said: Al-Raghba; The Volition, the Intent, the Free Will; And the forty-second name of Allah, the One, the Absolute, the Almighty. The reason and motive of action; The existence of thought and idea, Before its existence within the dream. The ability to affect the dream of life through clear volition. A commitment to being engaged in existence, not merely asleep. Allah is volition. Verily, existence is a choice at each and every moment. Therefore, do not look to the heavens as some great machine; But the effect of many choices of free will to continue to exist; Behold! The mystery of existence of the dream of the Divine Creation of Allah. Do not set your heart on wealth! There is no ignoring the conflict of inner voice. Do not let your heart go straying, For every man comes to his hour. Do not labour to seek increase, What You have, let it suffice. If riches come to You by theft, They will not stay the night with You. Do not rejoice in wealth from theft, Nor complain of being poor. If the leading archer presses forward, His company abandons him! The boat of the greedy is left in the mud, While the bark of the tranquil sails with the wind. You shall pray to Allah at first light, He will give You your needs for this life, And You will be safe from fear.

Sufa 48 - The Abstinence (Al-Imtana`a)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 O People! There is no other deity but Allah! The Compassionate, the Beneficent, the Gracious; All prayers and homage be to Allah and no other! To control those urges and primal desires, That make the uneducated and undisciplined no better than animals and monkeys; That one may stand as a man or a woman and not dishonor Allah, By mimicking the behaviour of wild beasts; To refrain from those foods, drinks or actions which we dearly love; That we do not allow our bellies to balloon, And our behaviour to become like the moneylenders and traders that eat and act like swine; That we respect the gifts of food from Allah, And give thanks for bounteous gifts. Remember the Divine whenever you retreat from society, And make prayer your sleep, and hunger your food. Kill not your hearts with excess of eating and drinking. The world is sweet in the heart, and green to the eye; In retreat for prayer, Illumine your hearts with hunger, And strive to conquer yourself using hunger and thirst. The nearest to Allah are the abstinent, whoever they are, wherever they are. A keeper of the fast, who does not abandon lying and detraction. Allah cares not about his leaving off eating and drinking. A man while fasting must abstain from all bad expressions, And must not even resent an injury. There is no monasticism in Islam. True faith does not live outside of a community, but within it. Allah gives men and women the ability to think, to reason and to choose. Therefore you yourself do not need to be told what is wicked and that which is true. If a person tells you to kill those who have intercourse before marriage, If they tell you this is demanded by Allah, Then the gifts given to you by Allah should be enough to see through such evil. The greatest sin, above all others is to kill in the name of Allah. If any saying contradicts this, then it is false. Modesty and chastity are part of the faith. It is to men first that chastity and honor applies.

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For men have stronger urges. A man who is not a virgin upon his first marriage, Is guilty of a far greater sin than any woman. Chastity is given unto you as a rule, not for pain, but to save you from it. A person who gives in too easily to urges and desires at a young age, Quickly loses all self-respect and soon becomes a slave of wicked vices. Those who demand women are chaste before their first wedding, Yet turn the other way concerning men are guilty of false judgment in the eyes of Allah. A married man who defiles the chaste honor of an unmarried virgin girl is such a grave sin, Allah demands all guilt be placed upon the man and the girl be released from all guilt, without question. A family that harms a daughter out of some false sense of dishonor at her loss of chastity, Is guilty of a grave dishonor to the trust placed in them by Allah. Allah entrusts each family to protect and nurture their own, not inflict evil upon their children.

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Sufa 49 - The Action (Al-Amil)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 O you who believe! Let it be said: Ar-Raqib; The Watchful; And the forty-third name of Allah, the Infinite, the Unique, the All Knowing. Every motion of wind, rain, sea and air; Every movement of the world and the heavens; Every action of every living creature; All motion is governed by the laws of the Universe; Which Allah created in mind. A true test of a man is not what he does in public, But what he does in private. Defeat is not the worst; The worst is cowardice to act against evil. Never judge the actions of a man until you know his reason. It isnt what you have, but what you are, that makes a true Muslim. It is easy to destroy a city. But is takes a true Muslim to build a great community. Beware! Beware! Neither a curse, nor a strike in anger can be withdrawn. When preparing for battle, think with patience and act with haste. The smallest good deed is better than the grandest intention. All actions may be judged by the motive prompting them.

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A man without conscience is lost. To know what is right and to fail to act, Is as grave as a false action. When a man is at peace with his conscience, he has no real enemy. A person who relieves a person from distress in this world, Allah will in like manner relieve him in the next. He who shall do good to those in need, Allah will do good to him in this world and the next. Be persistent in good actions. It is your own conduct which will lead you to reward or punishment.

Sufa 50 - The Transgression (Al-Aonaba)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 O People! There is no other deity but Allah! The Compassionate, the Beneficent, the Gracious; All praise and worship be to Allah and no other! The failure, the lapse, the weakness, the impulse; The choice, the breach, the forfeit, the injury; The deception, the objection and manipulation; Thus in the face of transgression, the penitent is remorseful, For assistance and for forgiveness. Can anyone walk through water without wetting his feet? Thus, no man may claim to be free from transgression. Given unto us is the ability to learn, to reason and to choose by free will. Any man who denies the right of such gifts is culpable of the gravest injury against Allah, And is not worthy to be known as a Muslim. Verily, it is because of these gifts that the injury of transgression exists. The Umay-Yad are but the monkeys of vile merchants and the Persians. Thus, it is the merchants and Persians that shall be held account first, Before any of those who did behave like animals. If all men behaved as lunatics, without the ability to learn, to reason or choose by free will, Then Allah could no more hold a man to account for his actions, than a wild dog killing a goat. It is because we can think, it is because we can learn and reason, That Allah demands we stand to account for our actions. Therefore if a man pleads himself as a mindless animal for his actions, Then must be treated as one treats wild dogs that attack your flock. This is the way in treating the Umay-Yad and those that follow their lies.

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But is a man accepts he is responsible for his own actions, Then let him speak and give account for himself according to the law. When a man commits infidelity, the spirit of faith leaves him; But when he leaves such evil ways, the spirit of faith will return. The infidelity of the eye is to look with desire on the wife of another; And the infidelity of the tongue is to utter what is forbidden. Every wandering eye of a married man or woman that stares upon another with crude intent is a philanderer. If an unmarried woman dresses immodestly, perfumes herself and goes to an assembly where married may be, She is guilty only of poor self-respect. But if a man stares upon her with crude intent in mind, Then he is guilty of infidelity. The sharp word or hasty sword is a sure sign of weakness or guilt. The husband who disgraces his marriage through infidelity is always the loudest to claim adultery. The greatest crime against Allah is not the one who kills others in the name of the Divine Creator, But the scholar who wrote such lies and the preacher whom gives life to such evil. Allah blessed men and women with the ability to construct civilization and the rule of natural and fair law. When a scholar raises himself above the laws of the community and seeks to usurp the law, He is committing a grave crime against Islam. Thus, the greatest sin, above all others in Islam is to kill in the name of Allah. Thus, the greatest sin in Islam is for a man to place himself as a god above others. Verily, this is the law. It is a grave transgression against Allah and Islam to destroy religious sites, holy books and knowledge of any community. It is a grave transgression against Islam to act or accept Kingship. Rule by birthright is forbidden in Islam and anyone who commits this crime is an imposter and not a true Muslim. It is a most grave transgression against Islam to give a Martyr's funeral to one who deliberately caused the deaths of women and children by his actions. Any man or woman who is cruel to living animals is a disgrace in the eyes of Allah. A man or woman who is cruel in private but pleasant in public is a coward and unfit to be called a Muslim. Allah sees all and upon their time they must account for what was done in secret and in the open.


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Sufa 51 - The Belief (Al-Iman)

1 O you who believe! Let it be said: Al-Mumin;

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The Guarantor, the Sponsor, the Affirming; And the forty-fourth name of Allah, the One, the Absolute, the Almighty. The acceptance of the overwhelming truth by those who can see or hear; The surrender of ignorance, doubt, pettiness and self-harm to the Way; The welcoming to a community of respect, tolerance, knowledge and pursuit of wisdom; Thus the Belief is the Way and the Way is the Belief of true Islam.

Sufa 52 - The Unbelief (Al-Kafirun)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 O People! There is no other deity but Allah! The Compassionate, the Beneficent, the Gracious; All glory and honor be to Allah and no other! The willing ignorance; The ones who stuff their ears with wool and shield their eyes; Lest they hear the words of truth; Or the true wonders of a loving and divine Creator. They disavow the miracle of creation, And believe in nothing. This is the stupidity of unbelief. That one who can see can see; And one who hears can hear; But a mind so full of mischief and ill intentions; Must pluck out its eyes to ward itself against wisdom; And the power of Allah to forgive. Thus the deceiver preaches the weak not to see or to hear; But to chant, to pray like birds snapping at insects. Without thinking, without feeling. Therefore you yourself do not need to be told what is wicked and that which is true. If a man tells you to kill those who abandon the faith of Islam; If they tell you this is demanded by Allah, Then the gifts given to you by Allah should be enough to see through such evil and false scripture. The greatest transgression, above all others is to kill in the name of Allah. If a man or woman chooses to abandon the faith of Islam, To turn their back on Allah then let them be. Allah will be reminded of the error of their actions in good time. Do not be so blasphemous as to assume the role of judge of apostates,

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As this is a position reserved only for Allah. A grave transgression it is to display such arrogance.

Sufa 53 - The Angels (Al-Malak)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 O you who believe! Let it be said: Al-Jabbar; The Irresistible, the Compeller, the Lofty; And the forty-fifth name of Allah, the Infinite, the Unique, the All Knowing. The guides and protectors; The voice of reason against hate and ignorance; The messengers of the Divine; All angels are part of Heaven and serve the voice of Allah. Do not fear them, nor worship them as their own deities. Verily, a man who calls out to angels by name and devises all kind of prayers, Is no better than a merchant sorcerer blessing or cursing for profit. There is only one true Creator. Let your prayers and devotions lead you to him and no other.

Sufa 54 - The Spirits (Al-Jinn)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 O you who believe! Let it be said: Al-Jinn; The Spirit, the Collective Spirits; And the forty-sixth name of Allah, the One, the Absolute, the Almighty. The voice of self-doubt, unreason and self hate; The voice of violence and intolerance; The one who keeps us in a state of depression; The shadows and chills of ancient ruins; The unresolved regrets and unwanted visitations; The unknowing hand and purpose of Allah. Thus it is a tragedy of life that those who die in ignorance condemn themselves to a time in spirit. It is a great transgression against Allah to defile the remains of the dead, causing such suffering of spirit. Verily, many a sober man has seen the dead rise before a moon or storm upon a bloody field of battle. Do not fear them, nor curse them nor seek to create more misery as the worst Persian sorcerer. Pray for your family. Pray for your ancestors and your friends.




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Pray for the dead. Pray for all spirits that they find peace.

Sufa 55 - The Paradise (Al-Jannah)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 O you who believe! Let it be said: As-Salam; The Peace, the Source of Peace and Safety, the Place of the Savior; And the forty-seventh name of Allah, the Infinite, the Unique, the All Knowing. The spiritual place of splendor, grace and peace; The united heaven of all angels and spirits; The reuniting with loved ones and resolution of all regrets; A reflection of our obligations in this world; A right of all who respect and serve the true laws of Allah. It is easier for a man who denies the truth of Allah yet loves humanity to enter Paradise, Than it is for person who claims to be Muslim but whose heart is full of hate. If any preacher or scholar is so arrogant to judge who will or will not go to heaven, Expel them immediately as an imposter against Islam. For only Allah is judge. Deal gently with the people, and be not harsh; cheer them and condemn them not. To any who question you, what is the key to Heaven? Reply to them the key to Heaven is to testify to the truth of Allah, and to do good works. A parrot shall be welcomed into Heaven, before a person behaving as one. Any man can mouth praise, but it is by his actions he shall be known. During travel, Allahs apostle was asked about the details of Heaven. Any man who speaks in great detail concerning the nature of Paradise, And promises you endless gardens, and virgin companions as if you were kings is a liar and an imposter. And any man who follows such a teacher is a fool. Concern yourself only in doing good works and your reward will be beyond imagination.

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Sufa 56 - The Abyss (Al-Jahannam)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 O you who believe! Let it be said: Al-Awwal; The First, the Beginning-less; And the forty-eighth name of Allah, the One, the Absolute, the Almighty. The nightmare and darkness of the most deceptive of spirits; The absence of light, hope or reason; The detached mind without grounding or means of deeper sight; The place formed by a life of ignorance, hate, deception and disbelief;

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The place formed by a life of ignorance, hate, deception and disbelief; Thus the Abyss is part of existence and where the wardens are our selves. Our creator loves all his creations. He is master of the universe and all creation. Any preacher or scripture that says Allah shall burn and torture some of his children for eternity, Then these are the sayings of evil men, who worship demons, not Allah. Hate is a sure way to hell. Not even Allah can save a man who fills his heart with hate. Verily, a man consumed by hate, consumes himself in this life and the afterlife. Only men who love evil, who love demons speak of burning people, of eternal torment. Expel such men immediately from Islam where you find them. Do not allow them to disgrace any sacred place.

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Sufa 57 - The Calamity (Ar-Bilaa)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 O People! There is no other deity but Allah! The Compassionate, the Beneficent, the Gracious; All prayers and homage be to Allah and no other! Beware the day of great calamity that most certainly comes. The day when we must reveal our intentions and hearts; The day upon our death. And upon the time when men and women will pray for death; Lest they face the turmoil and horror of upheaval; When people will be less than animals; When water will be more precious than gold; A time when even the most ignorant will seek repentance. Do not concern yourself with calamity and the end. All flesh dies, all that is born must die. Concern yourself with the manner of your approach to each day. That you may face each sunrise as if it be your last. That you leave no regrets nor burdens for others. Thus a man with no regrets or burdens has nothing to fear concerning calamity.

Sufa 58 - The Obstacle (Al-Aqaba)

1 2 O People! There is no other deity but Allah! The Compassionate, the Beneficent, the Gracious;

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All praise and worship be to Allah and no other! That Give praise to Allah when in prosperity; Yet we should give our greatest thanks to the Divine when facing adversity; For this is when we truly learn how to be better Muslims. It is only in adversity can a man become fully acquainted with himself; Only then are we free of all distractions and support to enable true character to be revealed. The blessings of life are sweeter on account of the trials of adversity we must all face. Beware! Beware! Both troubles and weeds thrive when unattended. The wisest path out of a difficulty is through it. A lie is a cowards way of delaying the inevitable. If you seem to attract difficulties, ask yourself then why are you so misfortunate; Verily, why does Allah in his wisdom keep reminding you of what you need to change? He is not a perfect man of fortitude, who has not fallen into misfortunes. Experience is the father of reason.

Sufa 59 - The Miracle (Al-Mu jiza)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 O you who believe! Let it be said: Al-Mujiza; The Illustrious, The Magnificent; And the forty-ninth name of Allah, the Infinite, the Unique, the All Knowing. The creation of existence from nothing; The creation of rules and form of the Universe; The separation of mind and dream and the creation of all the heavens and worlds; The creation of all living creatures and the right of free will; The granting of the gift of language and knowledge, and the ability for certain gifted creatures to know the mind of Allah; The ability for higher minds to live more than one lifetime and choose to return again; All creation, all life, everything we see, feel and hear are countless miracles of Allah. Thus the true Muslim does not speak of Miracles as does the Christian. As the true Muslim knows that around him all life is a miracle and each day is a blessed gift. Do not concern yourself then in the improbable and supernatural, the feared and the fearful; But concern yourself in what can be seen, sensed and respected each day as the Miracle of existence through Allah.

Sufa 60 - The Prophets (Al-Anbiya)

1 O you who believe! Let it be said: Al-Muqaddim;

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The Expediter, the One who Brings Forward, the Messenger; And the fiftieth name of Allah, the One, the Absolute, the Almighty. Those chosen by Allah to receive and transmit messages to the people; Those to whom the angels come and call upon to do their duty; Those borne of such qualities of the Holly, That they are worthy to receive the wisdom of the Divine. Verily, only unto the most Holly did the most sacred message come. Thus the burden unto this obligation falls upon a Son of Adam and a Son of Man. A humble servant of Allah descended from the Holly and the ancient Chief Priests and Keepers of the sacred Al-Baqa of Abraham and the Divine. Son of Chief Priest Abdullah ibn Shaiba and Keeper of the sacred Al-Baqa. A Son the Chief Priests of Yeb, on account of blood and good conscience. Thus to the legitimate sons and messengers of Allah that followed Moses, all are recognized as truly prophets. The first of the great prophets of Yeb being Aaroniah; The second of the great prophets of Yeb being Enociah; The third of the great prophets of Yeb being Zadokiah; The fourth of the great prophets of Yeb being Obadiah; The fifth of the great prophets of Yeb being Elijiah; The sixth of the great prophets of Yeb being Shemaiah; The seventh of the great prophets of Yeb being Ahaziah; The eighth of the great prophets of Yeb being Azariah; The ninth of the great prophets of Yeb being Ananiah; The tenth of the great prophets of Yeb being Amoziah son of Ananiah; The eleventh of the great prophets of Yeb being Isaiah son of Amoziah; The twelfth of the great prophets of Yeb being Ezekiah; The thirteenth of the great prophets of Yeb being Amariah; The fourteenth of the great prophets of Yeb being Edaliah; The fifteenth of the great prophets of Yeb being Zephaniah; The sixteenth of the great prophets of Yeb being Michaiah; The seventeenth of the great prophets of Yeb being Jeremiah; The eighteenth of the great prophets of Yeb being Baruciah son of Jeremiah; The nineteenth of the great prophets of Yeb being Osiah son of Baruciah; The twentieth of the great prophets of Yeb being Oakiah son of Osiah; The twenty first of the great prophets of Yeb being Eliah son of Oakiah; The twenty second of the great prophets of Yeb in exile being Oadiah son of Eliah; The twenty third of the great prophets of Yeb in exile being Oananiah son of Oadiah; The twenty fourth of the great prophets of Yeb in exile being Adiah son of Oananiah;

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The twenty fifth of the great prophets of Yeb at Leontopolis being Oniah son of Adiah; The twenty sixth of the great prophets of Yeb at Leontopolis being Eleziah son of Oniah; The twenty seventh of the great prophets of Yeb at Leontopolis being Simoniah son of Eleziah; The twenty eighth of the great prophets of Yeb at Qumran being Zadokiah son of Simoniah; The twenty ninth of the great prophets of Yeb at Qumran being Barachiah son of Zadokiah; The thirtieth of the great prophets of Yeb at Qumran being Zachariah nephew of Barachiah; The thirty first of the great prophets of Yeb at Bethel being Yahusiah (Esus) son of Miriam daughter of Barachiah; The false prophet of Yeb at Qumran being Yahuaniah (John Baptist).


Sufa 61 - The Offering (As-Sami)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 O you who believe! Let it be said: As-Sami; The All Hearing; And the fifty-first name of Allah, the Infinite, the Unique, the All Knowing. The right intention, the right preparation and the right oblation; The presentation of an act, a promise without the harm of any other living creature; The abolition of all forms of animal and blood sacrifice; An action of clear and knowing mind, pleasing to Allah in respecting wisdom; Let no other offering be known as acceptable to the creator of all things. When men were ignorant and fearful, they believed the ground would rise up, And swallow them if they did not appease the gods of the angry mountains. Now, only a foolish man builds his home upon the slopes of an unstable mountain. When they were ignorant and fearful, they believed the water would swallow them up if they did not appease the gods of the river. Now, only foolish and ignorant men build homes without stilts in the mud of a river that floods during the wet periods. A sacrifice in ignorance is none at all. A man must be knowing of his offering and within his ability without the taking of what is not his. Allah does not give you permission to kill a cow, or a goat or even a bird as sacrifice. Superstition is not pleasing. The death of a cow that can give milk to sustain a family is an abomination to Allah who gave the cow. The death and burning of a goat or sheep, to waste the flesh, Is an abomination to Allah who promised to nourish and feed the faithful. Do not insult Allah with old superstitions. Indeed, the sacred smoke of Frankincense, Was given unto Abraham by Allah, as the spirit and witness to such covenant,


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To end all sacrifice of life and animal. Verily, a man who disregards the will of Allah in manner of sacrifice, Is not worthy to be known as a true Muslim. Verily, the slaying of children and women as sacrifice is especially displeasing unto Allah. What fool and coward sacrifices his son or daughter to please a demon, against the wishes of creator of the Universe? Most solemnly, it is the duty of every Muslim of every generation to seize and execute not only every sorcerer of the sacrifice of women and children, But to purge their name, their tribe, their town and their land from the earth. Allah commands it and it is the most holy of Jihad. Verily, when you seize them, some say, we must, we have no choice. All men have choice. All animals that are not in cages have choice. A man that surrenders his choice has nothing to offer Allah that is pleasing except his own life. If a life is to be sacrificed, then let it be for a noble cause of greater life, than death. To protect the people, to defeat an enemy, to save a village. These are noble and heroic. But to kill a child, to kill women, these are cowardly and terrible acts. Allah! There is no other except Him, the Almighty, the Eternal. Behold! nothing in the earth or in the heavens is hidden from Allah. There is no other except Him, the Almighty, the Wise.


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Sufa 62 - Day of Judgment (Yawm al-Din)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 O People! There is no other deity but Allah! The Compassionate, the Beneficent, the Gracious; All glory and honor be to Allah and no other! Pray not then for the coming of the Day of Judgment; And a time and place of which you know not. Do not be like the Christians and the Maniacs who now cry out for doom; Who call out for the Day of Judgment; Yet know not what it is or what it means. Verily, a prayer to the Almighty out of ignorance or fear; Is like a broken vessel that has lost its value. It is the false cry of the animals at dusk; It does not honor one who seeks to live the Way of Islam. Behold! The Day of Judgment is upon the day of your death; Not the death of your neighbor, nor your enemy; Do not then call out for your own death;

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Out of ignorance or hatred for the gifts given unto you; As a child that does not respect the love of a father. Your death and your judgment shall come soon enough; Do not temp the angels nor fate lest you be found wanting. And when that day of fate shall come; When the Day of Judgment presents itself; Upon your death and arrival before the judgment of Allah; It shall be your actions and your intentions that shall be judged; Nor shall any excuse or complaint diminish your culpability. The greatest sadness then be the death of those who were not prepared; Who celebrated their ignorance; Who stomped and called out like roosters; But without true knowledge of Allah or their own purpose. Woe to those who face the Day of Judgment with illness of the mind; Lest such a choice of curse cause them to roam as ghosts for generations. Therefore, any who say the path of Islam is to call for the hastening and coming Day of Judgment is false. Allah gives men and women the ability to think, to reason and to choose. Therefore you yourself do not need to be told what is wicked and that which is true. If a person tells you to fear Allah first before respect; If they tell you Allah hates and demands blood atonement; If they tell you that ignorance is a blessing; Then the gifts given to you by Allah should be enough to see through such evil and lies. Allah loves all his family. Reward for a deed is in the deed itself. In honorable deeds a person may find great things. In wicked deeds a person may bring ill upon themselves. You shall be judged soon enough as to what truly is in your heart. Did you respect knowledge, or did you worship ignorance? Did you live in honor of your family and your community? Or did you live life like the moneylenders and traders who consume all and contribute none? Verily, even the wealthiest man is powerless to prevent his Day of Judgment. Do not confuse the meaning of the Day of Judgment and the judging of disbelievers and those that harm you. Wish no ill judgment upon others, even unto your enemy; Lest you be judged by Allah in the same manner. Verily, every day is a test. All people have the capacity for divine inspiration.

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But some who claim it and then raise themselves up as prophets and leaders only deceive. Therefore Allah has taken from them a way they might make mischief. Question deeply the source of things. Even crocodiles can smile sweetly.

Sufa 63 - Day of Redemption (Yawm al-Fidaa)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 O People! There is no other deity but Allah! The Compassionate, the Beneficent, the Gracious; All prayers and homage be to Allah and no other! Forget not the Day of Redemption, When all shall be returned; When all shall be rebalanced. Welcome then the time when we are promised such a gift.

Sufa 64 - End of Days (Yawm al-Qiyamah)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 O People! There is no other deity but Allah! The Compassionate, the Beneficent, the Gracious; All petition and thanks be to Allah and no other! Verily, even Allah is powerless to stop it; Lest all creation end; All life has its seasons; And upon a time and a place, Even our childrens children shall cease; Either by our own hand or by forces many times greater than ourselves. A time when all life as we see and know shall end; A great Day of Calamity. Verily, it is neither by choice nor design of Allah that such a Day awaits. It is the collective choice of man. That shall determine our fate.

Sufa 65 - The Messenger (Al-Rasoul)

1 2 3 O you who believe! Let it be said: Al-Hasib; The Bringer of Judgment; And the fifty-second name of Allah, the Infinite, the Unique, the All Knowing.

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The one who bring the message of Allah, but knows they are not worthy; The one whom the angels pressed and wrestled to acknowledge their duty to Allah and the great honor; The one chosen not by best character, or blood right, or sanctity or obedience, But by the grace and choice of Allah. The one who merely transmits the message without corruption, But cannot ever be claimed to be the source of such wisdom or knowledge. I am no more than man; when I order you anything respecting One Islam, receive it; And when I order you anything about the affairs of the world, Then I am nothing more than man. Allah gives men and women the ability to think, to reason and to choose. Therefore you yourself do not need to be told the surety of words claimed to be from me. If a person tells you a saying claimed to be from me that advocates evil, cursing, death or ignorance, If they tell you any sayings that defy the notion of Allah being eternal love, wisdom and gentleness, Then the gifts given to you by Allah should be enough to see through such evil and false statements. If anyone claims authority to speak on behalf of Islam who is a prince in a palace of Gold and marble , Then they are an imposter. If anyone claims authority to speak on my behalf, Who wears the finest threads and eats more than their fill, Advocating death and destruction, Then they are false teachers. Only a man that humbles himself as the lowest servant, Who dresses with modesty and respects knowledge and science is worthy to speak with authority. Only fools follow kings and tyrants on matters of faith. The light of sfya (sophia or wisdom) I have attained and in the light I live. Do not worship me as the last, or the first; Nor trouble your minds whether I be the greatest. Instead, consider the truth of the wisdom which has been revealed to you; Challenge false teachings and false scripture; Submit to Allah who loves all his creations, And seek to make this world a better place. Any man who speaks constantly of me and not Allah, does me no honor. I am but a servant, no more. Verily, any man who seeks to raise his standing higher, Shall be lowered before Allah,

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And any man who makes himself a servant of humanity, Shall be raised to the highest.

Sufa 66 - The Sacred Altar (Al-Baqa)

1 2 3 4 5 O you who believe! Let it be said: Al-Baqa; The Sacred Altar, the Resting Place of the Divine, the Doorway to Heaven. And the fifty-third name of Allah, the One, the Absolute, the Almighty. Let the truth be now revealed concerning the most ancient city of learning known as Al-Baqa; A city of such age and honor it was Abraham himself who founded the great city as a symbol of his covenant with Allah; Al-Baqa being the name given to the city by Abraham on account of its first purpose and shape of the temple; A circular temple and place of reckoning and respect of the cycle of the heavens, The constellations and the movement of the sun, the moon and all celestial bodies; The first and most sacred temple in honor of Allah. A great circular time piece that through the light of the sun and light of the moon did record time for thousands of years using the shadow and shape of the temple called Ka Bakka or the Doorway of the Spirit of Allah. While Al-Baqa was a place of ancient and great learning of numbers, of time and astronomy, of language and culture, of history and learning; A place where even the great priests of Yeb (Elephantine Island) did sometimes come for their studies; To the descendents of Abraham and the city of UbUr, the place was believed the most important earthly symbol of the first covenant and the closest doorway to Heaven. While Al-Baqa was for countless generations a place respected even by enemies of culture and knowledge; The false prophet of Syria known as Uthman coveted it as a means of power and control. Thus Uthman did take the sacred city and falsely rename it Mekka. While no one who respects knowledge and the supernatural did ever dare to step into the realm of the KaBakka, Uthman and the Umay-Yad did desecrate this oldest and most sacred site of all Arabs; Cursing the name of Allah, closing the doorway to Heaven by replacing a square room upon the foundations of the ancient circular temple. Thus, the Altar of the ancients between heaven and earth since the time of the first civilizations and so a fitting and honorable place of worship of Allah; A place destroyed and defiled by the Sabians and Umay-Yad under Uthman with no respect to history and merely in pursuit of power and wealth. Now only a pile of rocks in worship of the Moon goddess of the Umay-yad and a symbol of the worship of ignorance. To curse the great city of learning, Uthman has now called it Maqqua (Mecca) and erected a square temple to his moon-goddess upon the ruins of the most sacred circular altar of Allah. Yet the false prophet Uthman is not the only one to be held account for this most grave sacrilege, but the people who now celebrate as the city of Maqqua. For Mekka did not fall in war or siege. The city of Maqqua was formed through treachery and dishonor against Allah.

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The people of Maqqua did turn their back on the Divine Creator and invite Uthman and the Umay-Yad to come; The people of Maqqua did help Uthman destroy the sacred altar of Allah; The people of Maqqua still serve darkness by willingly support Uthman and his ignorance. Yet Allah is more than stone and a city. The Christians build great temples to their belief, hoping this will instill favor with the Divine Creator. The Maniacs build elaborate temples in the hope that it will be pleasing the dark forces in their hatred of Allah. Yet what is the most sacred to Allah? Allah is every stone, every piece of marble, every piece of earth as well as every living thing. The earth is already the greatest temple to Allah. It is in the space of things that we find the most pure form of mind of Allah; In the air and breath; The greatest roof are the stars. The greatest light is the sun and the moon. The greatest temple therefore is one that respects the space, that sees the stars, that allows the moon and the sun. Thus the people of Yathrib would rather die than dishonor Allah. The people of Yathrib refuse to yield to the forces of the Umay-Yad and Uthman. Thus, Allah bestows upon them the honor as being Madinah and the new city of light. Here shall be the place of the new covenant with Allah.

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Sufa 67 - UbUr
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 O People! There is no other deity but Allah! The Compassionate, the Beneficent, the Gracious; All praise and worship be to Allah and no other! Let the truth be now revealed concerning the first city known as UbUr; The birthplace of Abraham; The founding of the people now known as Arabs. Let not the ignorance scribe speak of ancient time they know not; Nor the king nor emperor speak of generations they cannot name in succession. Verily, if a man is unable to speak with confidence the generations of his ancestors; Let him not speak of such things. Before the age of Sargon and Uruk; Before even the age of the four great rivers the Christians call the Pison, the Tigris, the Euphrates and the Gihon; The lands of the south of Arabia were lush, green and full of life. While men had plenty to eat and drink, they did not respect life or any law of Allah.

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Instead, like animals they preyed upon one another until one day the great man known as Abraham was born. Allah spoke to Abraham and told him to build a great city called UbUr on the Mahrab River that did once travel in the south of Arabia connecting great lakes and into the Persian Sea. With guidance from Allah, Abraham gave the people their first law. But the people rebelled against Abraham and the law of Allah, by sacrificing children and animals to pagan gods. So Allah instructed Abraham at the site of Al-Baqa to being knowledge to the world and to use the sap of the frankinsense plant as and acceptable offering instead of the smell of burnt flesh of sacrificed children. Thus, Abraham is the father of all of Arabia and the East.


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Sufa 68 - Abraham
1 2 3 4 5 6 O People! There is no other deity but Allah! The Compassionate, the Beneficent, the Gracious; All glory and honor be to Allah and no other! Let the truth be now revealed concerning the great prophet Abraham; May honor and peace be forever upon his name and his memory. He is the first to honor the covenant of Allah to cease the practice of sacrifice of animals and children; He is the bringer of Divine Law and Civilization to the lands. Truly, if one honors the memory of Abraham and all his descendents, then honor the Covenant, the Law and the Way of Islam. Reject the wicked practice of sacrificing animals. Do no waste that which Allah has granted to you as food. Reject the corruption of law. Honor the Way of Islam. The sacred smoke of the altar of Al-Baqa was to replace the wicked ways of the ancients; The sacred incense of the ancient lands of the Marab people. Given by Allah unto Abraham was to end the ways of sacrifice of animals and children. Allah is pleased by the sacred smoke as this respects his covenant with Abraham. No greater injury can be done to Islam than to kill an innocent animal or another living being in the name of Allah. Only the most ignorant and disrespectful to the Creator of all Things continue in the sacrifice of animals and children. Thus, the Persians who hate Allah and who hate all of creation, do still practice the sacrifice of animals and young children. They do for power and control, knowing not the true origin of such practice; Nor the true name or nature of the demons to which they worship. Do not therefore be tricked by the Persian upon the sacrifice of animals and honor the name of Abraham in respecting the sacred smoke.

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Sufa 69 - Babylon (Babel)

1 2 3 4 5 6 O People! There is no other deity but Allah! The Compassionate, the Beneficent, the Gracious; All prayers and homage be to Allah and no other! Let the truth be now revealed concerning the most ancient city of Babel; Upon the great peril and conflict against the Marab people, It was Sargon who led an army out of the wilderness of Arabia to defeat first the forces of separate cities of the Sumerians. The great city of Eridu was captured and the land of the Mesopotamia and Tigris were conquered. The court of Eridu settled upon a new city they called Mari. Upon the death of Sargon they attacked the south. Babel was formed as their new capital. Yet these men of Babel with all their wisdom, refused to honor the one Creator. Instead, they regarded themselves as above all men, as the priests of all priests. In their hubris and arrogance, they became the architects of religion. They formed the stories and texts which found their way to all quarters of the world of history. When the lands were in ruin, the priests of Babel seized control and formed the religion of Mithra. Then again, under the terrible reign of the Aryan princes, Babylon formed the religion of Manes. Thus, the poison of the world beings from Babel. The falsity of the world begins from Babel. The confusion and curse of the world begins from Babel. Though its walls have been taken and its scribes silenced, Babel still calls to corrupt and destroy through the alliance Uthman and the scholars of the Manes. Believe nothing which has come from this terrible city. For it is seeded in hatred of the Divine and arrogant priests, Who see themselves as gods amongst men.

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Sufa 70 - Marab (Ma'Rab)

1 2 3 4 O you who believe! Let it be said: Al-Dukhan; The Sacred Smoke; And the fifty-fourth name of Allah, the One, the Absolute, the Almighty; Let the truth be now revealed concerning the most ancient people known as the Marab and the Arab to the Romans and Christians. The first civilization and bringer of knowledge and wealth to Mesopotamia, Egypt and Syria;

The people of the great forests and lakes, who conquered the seasons and were masters of architecture and science; These be the people and the heritage of the Arab people. Thus the stubbornness of the Bedouin, is not against the elements, but in remembrance of their ancestors. As civilization begins in these lands and mountains.

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Sufa 71 - Moses (Musa)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 O People! There is no other deity but Allah! The Compassionate, the Beneficent, the Gracious; All petition and thanks be to Allah and no other! Let the truth be now revealed concerning the great prophet Moses; May honor and peace be forever upon his name and his memory; As the Pharaoh of Egypt known as Akenaten, who saved the people of Egypt from the plagues; The most powerful and wealthiest man in the world of his time, Who jeopardized his own dynasty to follow the commands of Allah by a different name. The Pharaoh of Egypt who was cursed by the superstitious Egyptians for daring to recognize Allah by a different name; The exiled Pharaoh who was betrayed by his own people, Who chose the Manes of the swamp to make king and worship animal and human sacrificed under the symbol of the ram; The exiled Pharaoh who with survivors build a city of knowledge upon the Syrian coast and disavowed his name to be called Moses as the rock of Allah;

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Sufa 72 - The Yahudah (Al-Yahuda)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 O People! There is no other deity but Allah! The Compassionate, the Beneficent, the Gracious; All praise and worship be to Allah and no other! Let the truth be now revealed concerning the Yahudah; The followers of Allah by the different name known as Yahuweh; The name given to Allah by those that remained loyal to Moses, Upon the founding of their new home at the city of Ur of Syria upon the coast; The former tribes of court of Moses when he was once Pharaoh, Being the tribes of scribes, priests, astrologers and doctors, builders and architects, inspectors and tax collectors. The followers of Allah as Yahu who became feared throughout the ancient world for having survived the plagues and so believed to possess supernatural powers; The prisoners captured by the false Egyptian kings after the death of Moses and returned to Egypt as slaves believed to possess magical powers; The slaves forced to rob the tombs of their ancestors for the Manes as the false Pharaoh of




the Rams, while their children were sacrificed for their blood; 13 The people who lost their faith in Allah and cursed all gods and who upon gaining their freedom, split into groups with the former priests and scribes beginning to worship lesser gods, demons and spirits; The people taken captive by the King of Babylon only to be freed by the Persians and who then chose to defy the will of Allah in the formation of the pagan abomination of Mithra; The people who still in part refused to return to Allah at the destruction of the Temple by the Nazarene followers of Jesus who then formed the horrible heresy of Mania in following Manes and the claimed duality of the universe.



Sufa 73 - Jeremiah (Irmiyya)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 O People! There is no other deity but Allah! The Compassionate, the Beneficent, the Gracious; All glory and honor be to Allah and no other! Let the truth be now revealed concerning the great prophet Jeremiah. May honor and peace be forever upon his name and his memory; The High Priest of Yeb (Elephantine Island); The friend of righteousness and truth; The Messenger commanded by Allah to warn the Yahudah of their doom; The custodian of the symbols of the Messiah Kings, Who returned them to the Holly Priests of the Sacred Island; The Messenger who brought forth the Tara as the law of Allah, also known as the Tara.

Sufa 74 - The Persians

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 O People! There is no other deity but Allah! The Compassionate, the Beneficent, the Gracious; All prayers and homage be to Allah and no other! Let the truth be now revealed concerning the Persians; People who boast of their antiquity but know nothing of history. Those who some called the Chaldeans and the Aryans; Those who others call the Mithrayans and the Judains. The exiles of the false Pharaohs who worshiped the Ram; The exiles of Egypt that found sanctuary midst the swamps of the Chaldees; The pirates and merchants that formed an alliance against Allah with the Yahudah held as slaves by the Babylonians; The kings that ruled worshipping darkness, black magic; That ruled cursing all the name of Allah; The founders of the false religion of Mithra;

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The rulers under Darius that created the false scriptures of Mithra; The founders of the false religion of Judaism in worshiping the Roman Emperor as Lucifer; The Emperor Vespasian and Josephus son of Mithra priest Mattias being the founders of the false scripture, the unholy Septuaginta. The founders of the false religion of Menes and the wicked corruptions of the Talmud. The creation of a faith of darkness and worship of demons under ArdaShah and then his grandson BabaRab. Persia and Babylon be the birthplace of unspeakable evil, because of the evil inflicted upon them by the Pharaohs of the Ram. Thus the abused became the abuser, the victims the oppressor. No greater hatred against the Divine and against all life be the madness of the scribes of hate in Babylon. No men so affected by addiction, light head and drunkenness have written such filth against moral law than the insane scribes of Babylon. Yet their anger and hatred against Allah has no end, for they do not know its beginning. Thus history repeats itself upon the merchants and the Umay-Yad, In those seen as possessing special powers once again rally the poor, the fearful and the ignorant to do their bidding.

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Sufa 75 - Jerusalem (Al-Quds)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 O People! There is no other deity but Allah! The Compassionate, the Beneficent, the Gracious; All petition and thanks be to Allah and no other! Let the truth be now revealed concerning Jerusalem; That most sacred city to the Yahudah; And the most sacred city to the Mithrains of Persia and Rome; Now a sacred city for the second false religion of Persia and the Manes; Who the Christians call the Maniacs on account of their madness and ignorance; The ignorant and fanatical that follow the false Persian scriptures known as the Mishnah and Talmud. A city bathed in blood of victims sacrificed to demons and leaders who cursed Allah. A city of deep evil and division; The second Babel, the beloved of the Aryans. Thus Christians revere the city for the prophet Jesus. His was a mission to end the madness of this city of blood. It was this city that Constantine cleansed of its history, In making it most sacred to Christians. Yet a true Muslim never forgets the history of this place. Nor is tricked by the lies and blood still printed upon its streets. Better a man worship a cloud, than say one prayer to Jerusalem.

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Verily, any man beguiled by the Persians to worship Jerusalem is not a true Muslim, As a true Muslim knows Allah would never revere a place sacred to the Persians. Only a man ignorant of the will of Allah would accept such a lie.

Sufa 76 - Rome (Ruma)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 People! There is no other deity but Allah! The Compassionate, the Beneficent, the Gracious; All praise and worship be to Allah and no other! Let the truth be revealed concerning that city of ghosts; A city borne from treachery and blood; From which a great and terrible force did spring; Only to be consumed itself by its own perfidy and hatred of Allah. Lo! Behold! The once mighty center of the world, in ruins by the hand of its own northern legions. Let it be said: Do not forget the lesson of Rome. Whereas Philadelphia (Ravenna) commands the north and centre of the land of Italia; Rome once ruled the known world. The Sabia and Umay-Yad are ignorant of such history; They speak of the ruins as if it were ancient Greek or Persian Kings; Yet the Persians never forget. Behold! For Persia did stretch out its tentacles and suffocate the rule of Just men; That poisonous scribes and greedy merchants might claim some false right. Verily, this is the truth of the proud birth of Rome; That has been since abandoned and mere ruins for more than seven generations. It be the sea peoples of the Island of Greece they called AtiAntis meaning the Magical Horse who created Rome. These be most ancient descendents of the Yahudah who came to the Island the Romans called Pegasus after the fall of Ur-Garit to the Egyptians. Two cities they did build, the first they called Sum-Ur, which the Greeks called Chalcis, but which the Romans called Remus; The other city upon the island of Atlantis the Yahuda called Sulum-Ur, which the Greeks called Eretria and the Romans called Romulus. Upon the time of Jeremiah and the great uniting of the sea peoples under the law of Tara as a new covenant, the Yahudah refused unite and instead fought against the Hibiru tribes. To the Persians, the men of Atlantis did appeal and with the might of Darius of Persia did conquer southern Italy and found a new city they first called Satan-Ur. Then upon the might of Xerxes, the men of Atlantis did rename their city Roma as a curse against the Hiburu, the law of Tara and the one true Divine Creator. Where there be light, the men of Atlantis swore in hatred against the Divine to put it out. Where there be knowledge and science, the Romans swore against Heaven to destroy all culture.

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Where there be harmony, the men of the city of Satan brought bloodshed and war. Many generations and wars did pass, with the Romans true to their curse conquering the world and bringing only misery and bloodshed. Until Allah saw fit to bring plague after plague upon the Romans until they grew fearful in their hubris. Thus the scorpions fell upon each other, with each Roman house killing the other; Roman brother against Roman brother, Son against Father, Mother against child, till Roman was in turmoil. One by one, the superstitions and false magic of the Romans failed. The false Persian religion of Mithra to whom all the legions swore was destroyed upon the destruction of the Temple of Mithra at Jerusalem by the Nazarenes. The false Persian religion of Judaism in which Emperor Vespasian made himself savior and Lucifer the lightbringer failed upon the destruction of Heliopolis. Even upon the arrival of Constantine, the Roman families could not control themselves, killing their own in the hope of appeasing the great Holly Emperor. Thus Rome destroyed itself, it devoured itself until in the end, the legions of Christian Rome from Antioch swept down and destroyed the den of serpents forever. To their old home of Tunis and North Africa, upon the ruins of Carthage the Roman families did escape, to hid and plot their revenge. Now, these have become the merchants and cheats that seek to corrupt the wisdom of the people of Arabia; These once noble families have become petty robbers to try and gain the Frankincense trade. This is the story of Rome.


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Sufa 77 - Joseph (Yusuf)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 O People! There is no other deity but Allah! The Compassionate, the Beneficent, the Gracious; All glory and honor be to Allah and no other! Let the truth be now revealed concerning the great prophet and King Joseph. May honor and peace be forever upon his name and his memory. The Holly King who sought to end the evil of the Persians. The sacred king who refused the might of Mithra. A beloved of Allah and all true men.

Sufa 78 - Jesus (Isa)

1 2 3 4 5 O People! There is no other deity but Allah! The Compassionate, the Beneficent, the Gracious; All prayers and homage be to Allah and no other! Let the truth be now revealed concerning the great prophet Jesus. May honor and peace be forever upon his name and his memory;

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The Christians call this great teacher Jesus, While the Hibiru honored the hero Esus. The Nazarenes called their leader YahSua. The great prophet is all of these names. Verily, YahSua was a Son of Man of the line of prophets. Yet he is not a deity. Thus, Christians who worship Jesus Christ as a god are in error. This is against the teachings of Allah. No man may be raised up as a god amongst men. No man, even a prophet may be considered greater or lesser. Thus a true Muslim respects all religions and all wisdom, But does not respect such prophets as gods.

Sufa 79 - Antioch (Antakiya)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 O People! There is no other deity but Allah! The Compassionate, the Beneficent, the Gracious; All praise and worship be to Allah and no other! Let the truth be now revealed concerning Antioch; The great city founded by Constantine; The site of the founding of Christianity; The most sacred city of Christianity. Beautiful Antioch, home of the great temple of Hagia Sophia. The jewel and the magnificent city upon the cross roads of Asia. Whereas once you were a beacon of hope for the world, You have now become all that is wrong with the world. Fearful and isolated, you do not appoint moral men to your provinces, But men of poor character and deep pockets in search of family fortunes. Antioch you have lost your way.

Sufa 80 - Christians (Masiihiy)

1 2 3 4 5 O People! There is no other deity but Allah! The Compassionate, the Beneficent, the Gracious; All petition and thanks be to Allah and no other! Behold! Let the truth be now revealed concerning Christians; And what they have become;

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At first the Christian was one who followed the teachings of Jesus they called Christ; To live with the same honor and virtue of the Way of Islam, That one might have used the word Islam or Christian as one and the same. True Christians were sworn to speak the truth and honor their word; True Christians were sworn to respect all faiths and do no harm; True Christians were sworn to honor spirit and Divine Law. Now, many Christians put all their faith in supernatural in objects and remains. They place greater focus on magic than on meaning; Their rituals are unthinking and mandatory; Their leaders confuse and hide knowledge; Christianity is a religion ruled by fear and superstition by intolerant men of questionable wisdom. It is a faith that no longer follows its own truths. It defiles the name of Jesus and the other prophets. Christian marauders destroy heritage because they know not its value. A man should not be judged poorly if he professes his faith to be Christian. No man may be compelled to change his faith. Nor should Christians be regarded as evil. Do not harm or touch a Christian Temple or text. To destroy and or damage a Christian shrine or text is one of the greatest transgressions against Allah. For the destruction of a Christian Shrine or text is the destruction in part of greater Islam, As all religions and all faiths are ultimately part of Islam.

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Sufa 81 - Manes
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 O People! There is no other deity but Allah! The Compassionate, the Beneficent, the Gracious; All praise and worship be to Allah and no other! Let the truth be now revealed concerning the false prophet Manes; The false religion of the Aryans. The wicked poison burst forth of Babel. A false god and false prophet, Who never existed. False texts and false scripture, That defile and dishonor the wisdom of Allah. Nothing of their wicked and evil texts is true. They confuse the mind to control it.

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They speak of one thing, but mean another. They prey upon weak and confused minds, That they may control obedience through ignorance.

Sufa 82 - The Sabians (Al-Saba'a)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 O People! There is no other deity but Allah! The Compassionate, the Beneficent, the Gracious; All glory and honor be to Allah and no other! Let the truth be now revealed concerning the Sabians; The ones who believe in nothing but themselves; But claim to be devout and pious followers of all faiths. They be not the first inhabitants of the land, But pirates and robbers, who wrap themselves in their gains, Who pretend in all manner of ways to be the custodians, Of a desert of which they know nothing. Do not be deceived by the Sabians. They cannot speak truth, nor do they know it. They would sell even their son as a slave, If it meant avoiding the hardship of work. Verily, before the family of Islam is truly united, The lands must be rid of the Sabians who plague it.

Sufa 83 - The City (Al-Madinah)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 O you who believe! Let it be said: Al-Ahad; The Unity, the Indivisible; And the fifty-fifth name of Allah, the Infinite, the Unique, the All Knowing. Let the truth and honor be now revealed concerning the City of Light; Whereas the people of the city now called Mekka did abandon Allah and their honor, The people of the city of light held firm. Blessings be upon you the people of the city! Whereas the people of the city now called Mekka did stuff their ears and pluck out their eyes to avoid the truth, The people of the city of light did rejoice in hearing the Way of Islam. Verily, Allah then shall raise this city be raised above all others. Let it be said, it shall come to pass that the streets and roads shall be like fine marble,

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And its waters shall be made sacred, And people shall travel to pilgrimage, From the four corners of the world to venerate and pay homage to this city. Here all who hear or read or believes these words to be true. It is your duty to pay homage to the city as the cradle that saved the Way.

Sufa 84 - The Struggle (Al-Jihad)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 O you who believe! Let it be said: Al-Muqtadir; The Determiner, the Dominant, the Strong; And the fifty-sixth name of Allah, the One, the Absolute, the Almighty. To overcome ones more baser emotions; To be better, to seek to make the world a better place; To fight against ignorance, corruption and deception; To honor Allah through each action. The duty of a junior to a senior brother is as that of a child to its father. He is not a perfect performer of the duties of relationship who does good to his relatives as they do good to him. He is perfect who does good to his relatives when they do not do good to him. He is the most perfect of Muslims, whose disposition is most liked by his own family. A man is bound to do good to his parents, although they may have injured him. The best of men in the sight the Divine Creator is the best amongst his friends; The best of neighbors near Allah is the best man in his own neighborhood. Allah gives men and women the ability to think, to reason and to choose. Therefore you yourself do not need to be told what is wicked and that which is true. If a person tells you to kill those who abandon the faith of Islam, If they tell you this is demanded by Allah then the gifts given to you by Allah should be enough to see through such evil and false scripture. The greatest transgression, above all others is to kill in the name of Allah. Happy is the Muslim for if good befalls him, he praises and thanks Allah; and if misfortune, praises God and bears it patiently; Therefore a Muslim is rewarded for every good he does, Even for his raising a morsel of food to the mouth of his family. O you who believe! When you speak, speak the truth; Perform when you promise; Discharge your trust; Commit not fornication; Be chaste;

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Have no impure desires; Withhold your hands from striking, and from taking that which is unlawful or evil. The best of men are those who, when seen, remind others of the Way of Allah; The worst of men are those who carry tales about to do mischief and separate friends and seek for the defects of the good. He who believes in Allah and the Hereafter, let him speak what is good or remain silent. He who believes in Allah and the life beyond, let him not injure his neighbors. That which is lawful is clear, and that which is unlawful likewise: But there are certain doubtful things between the two from which it is well to abstain. The Faithful are those who perform their trust and fail not in their word, and keep their pledge. No man is a true believer unless he desires for his brother that which he desires for himself. It is unworthy of a Muslim to injure people's reputation; It is unworthy to curse anyone; It is unworthy to abuse anyone; It is unworthy of a Muslim to talk vainly; It is better to sit alone than in company with the bad; And it is better to sit with the good than alone. And it is better to speak words to a speaker of knowledge. Than to remain silent; And silence is better than bad words. You will not enter Paradise until you have faith, And you will not complete your faith until you love one another. That person is not a perfect Muslim who eats his fill, yet leaves his neighbors hungry. Verily, if a man cannot feel his heart at the sight of goodness or tragedy, then he is lost to Allah. For no man whose heart is so hardened follows the true path of Islam. If your future depends upon the next words you utter, Let it be your heart, not your head that guides you.

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Sufa 85 - The Disposition (Al-Fitra)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 O you who believe! Let it be said: Al-Musawwir; The Fashioner of Forms; And the fifty-seventh name of Allah, the Infinite, the Unique, the All Knowing. Our deepest nature, instinct and purpose; The oneness from our birth; The remembrance of what we are and what existence is. Every child is born with a disposition towards the Way;

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It is therefore the parents and the community who make a Christian, or Maniac or Sabian. Much silence and a good disposition, there are no two works better than those. It is better to sit alone than in company with the bad. And it is better to sit with the good than alone. And it is better to speak words to a speaker of knowledge. Than to remain silent and silence is better than bad words. Whoever hath been given gentleness, hath been given a good portion in this world and the next. A man cannot be a Muslim till his heart and tongue are so. The exercise of religious duty will not atone for the fault of an abusive tongue. Look to those inferior to yourselves, so that you may not hold the benefits from Allah in contempt. When you see a man, who has been given more than you in money and beauty then look to those who have been given less Honor in Allah and give thanks to the smallest benefits and you can be trusted with great benefits. Treat everyone with courtesy, even those who are impolite, Not because they are respectful, but because you are. It is not by one's estate, but by character that a man is either wealthy or in poverty.

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Sufa 86 - The Neat (Al-Nazif)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 O you who believe! Let it be said: Al-Qabid; The Restrainer, the Straightener; And the fifty-eighth name of Allah, the One, the Absolute, the Almighty. The outward manifestation of an inwardly clean and ordered mind; A respect to those gifts and possessions granted to us for use; An outward sign of respect towards Allah and creation. The most important cleanliness in Islam is the heart and the mind. The cleaning of the body is firstly hygiene and secondly self discipline. Any preacher or scholar to obsesses about cleanliness of the body with great volumes of rules and commands are mindless fools. Honor the gift of your body, but give priority to the purity of your intentions. Allah gives unto each of us a body as a vessel for this life. Honor this gift and take care of your health and Allah shall reward you accordingly.

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Sufa 87 - The Purity (Al-Saffaa)

1 2 O you who believe! Let it be said: Al-Baqi; The Immutable, the Infinite, the Everlasting;

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And the fifty-ninth name of Allah, the Infinite, the Unique, the All Knowing. Is it not true that we are much made of water? Is it not true that when we bathe in clean water we clean properly? That the water may clean our skin and our clothes? Does not a mother of any newborn seek to clean it after birth? Is it not an ancient truth that one must clean the hands as host? Why then would one follow the madness of some Christians and Maniacs of Persia? Those false prophets who proclaim the only way to the Divine is filth. What madness and illness is it when men and woman curse purity! Verily, a mind so ill that it believes filth is the path to the Divine, needs itself to be cleansed of such ill thinking. Truly a man who lives and acts as a filthy animal does insult the gifts given unto him by Allah. A sacred act done in a state of filth shows an absence of respect towards the Divine Creator and the law. Therefore, do all acts with a clean heart, a clean mind and a clean body. This is the law. First, let the source of water be correct, else purification is false. Water from a sealed well, or spring or cistern, or fresh pond, or wadi from which animals are prevented from dwelling are all correct sources. Water from a creek or river untouched by cleaning or waste and even water from the sea are all correct sources. Water that has changed its color, taste and smell and becomes thick from use is prohibited. Water that has been used for cleaning, or cooking, or left over from animals is prohibited. Thus the source of purification must itself be pure. One cannot be made clean by filthy and prohibited water. If a clean source of water cannot be found and one must prepare before eating or prayer, then take for yourselves clean sand or earth, and rub therewith your faces and hands. Therefore no Muslim may say I could not prepare myself before food or prayer or ritual. There be two forms of Ablution that all faithful must follow being part and full. All must perform full ablution at least once before the next sunrise. There are three obligatory acts and if one is omitted, it must be returned and then completed so that one is completely clean: The first is to rinse and clean the inner mouth; The second is to sniff and gargle water before expelling it out; The third is to wash the entire body in a rigorous manner. As to the third act, both hands up to the wrists must be cleaned. Wash the sensitive parts under the arms and between the legs to remove all dirt and filth from the body. Water should be poured over the head three times so that it flows all over the body. As to part ablution, before one sits in meeting or preparing a meal or eat, or before one prays or before one enters a home after a journey, one must perform part ablution.

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First, wash your faces, and your hands (and arms) to the elbows; Second, rub your heads (with water); and (wash) your feet to the ankles. If one be ill, then part or full ablution may be done to clean the body. If one come in contact with uncooked or rotting material, then full ablution may be done to clean the body. Thus, your body is a gift to be respected. When you honor your body in its cleanliness you honor the Divine Creator who gave it to you. But do not obsess about your appearance, for vanity is a path to doom.

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Sufa 88 - The Heart (Al-Qalb)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 O you who believe! Let it be said: Al-Qalib; The Heart, the Empathy, the Enthusiasm for Life; And the sixtieth name of Allah, the One, the Absolute, the Almighty. Let it be said: Our love of life and our family is like water to the soul; Tenderness nurtures our being and calms the mind; Like the bloom of the desert after winter rains, Our heart bursts forth with such green light. A beacon a thousand times more powerful than any watchtower. Guard against the false light of jealousy and self infatuation. Beware the hardening of the heart through anger and hatred. Your heart is a gift from Allah that enables one to discern the truth from the false teachings. Thus, the first act a false prophet seeks to do is close the heart. This is the way of Uthman, the Persian merchants and the Umay-Yad. They desire hate against them, that we may close ourselves to the Divine. They want to be victims that we may lose our discernment to truth. The more then we hate the more we become like them. Guard then the closing of your heart. That you remain open to the love of Allah.

Sufa 89 - The Beauty (Al-Jamaal)

1 2 3 4 5 O you who believe! Let it be said: Al-Jammaal; The Beauty; And the sixty-first name of Allah, the Infinite, the Unique, the All Knowing. The beauty of youth fades and corrupts. But the beauty of a kind heart lasts for eternity.

A person who chooses to wear nothing but fine threads, never to feel rough weave against their skin, Is not fit to be called a Muslim. Verily, a man who is fond of having good clothes, and good shoes, Makes no place in his heart but for himself. Yet a man who chooses to wear nothing but rough weave when he has means to modesty, Exhibits false piety. Be careful against extreme. Instead, embrace modesty of appearance. Upon betrothal and matrimony, is a cause of celebration and much color. So be the nativity of a new born infant. Foreign cloth deprives the village farmer and garment maker of a living. Support then your craft and do not be beguiled by the merchants and their fine silks, Nor be seduced by those who say that too much color is a transgression.

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Sufa 90 - The Meditation (Al-Muraqaba)

1 2 3 4 5 6 O you who believe! Let it be said: Al-Habir; The All Aware; The deeply thoughtful. And the sixty-second name of Allah, the One, the Absolute, the Almighty. It is through proper meditation that we come to learn and know the magnificence of Allah. To dwell upon a thought and see its progression. To conceive of an idea and consider its association and perfection in the universal dream of the Divine Mind. Thus right thought, right meditation is the way of a true Muslim. A tranquility and healing of the mind. A peace and perspective of the mind. One hour's right meditation on the work of the Creator is better than seventy years of prayer.

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Sufa 91 - The Modesty (Al-Azim)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 O you who believe! Let it be said: Al-Azim; The Magnificent; And the sixty-third name of Allah, the Infinite, the Unique, the All Knowing. Modesty of dress is pleasing to Allah. The merchants and moneylenders love to flaunt expensive and rare silks and embroidery, As an outward sign of their extravagance and love of materiality. These same merchants and moneylenders then force their women slaves to be dressed as prostitutes; Yet their many wives and daughters are forced to wear rough and plain clothes from head to

toe, 9 10 With only a opening for their eyes and mouth. These thieves and defrauders say that such custom is for fear of someone seeing and then desiring one of their female wives and daughters, So they sometimes also dress their private guards in the same dressing. Yet they deprive women held against their will as slaves of the modesty of dress, as if prize cattle or goats. Allah finds such cruelty an abomination of respect. A man is a man and should dress in a manner that he may engage without needing to be carried. A woman is to be respected and in manner of modesty has right to show her face and hair, And to wear dresses and comfortable cloth. Do not listen or believe the moneylenders and merchants who believe not in Allah, But their own present pleasures in matters of dress. True modesty as humility is the source of all virtues. Modesty and chastity are parts of the Faith.

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Sufa 92 - The Gentle (Al-Latif)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 O you who believe! Let it be said: Al-Latif; The Gentle, the Kind, the Caring; And the sixty-fourth name of Allah, the One, the Absolute, the Almighty. Swine when fed may squeal and thrust themselves ahead in all manner of disquiet; So too the birds of the sea that flock at the sign of fish or some carcass. Yet monkeys may at times be the loudest and most offensive. A true Muslim strives to rise above such acts where men behave worse than monkeys and swine. Good courtesy and gentleness unto others therefore is a sign of a man who knows his faith and respects the word of Allah. Verily, a man teaching his child manners is better for him than giving one bushel of grain in alms. Respect people and show courtesy, even in the face of aggression. Behold! Even unto your enemies, a wise man shows respect. A wise general respects his enemy, that he may learn their strengths and weaknesses. Even unto the aggressive and boastful man who may threaten harm, be gentle. If you must strike, let your strike be purposeful, swift and accurate. An angry man loses control of his emotions and blade. A gentle man, has full control and does not waste his strength. The Umay-Yad scream and rattle their swords like baboons, thinking such clatter is fearful. O you who believe! Let your gentleness be mistaken as weakness by your enemies, that they underestimate you.

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A courteous man who truly loves Allah, rises from his seat. And offers it to any elderly who may be standing or any women, especially women with small children. No man has given his child anything better than good manners. Abuse nobody, and if a man abuse you, and speaks upon a vice which he knows about you; Then do not respond in kind and refrain from disclosing vices which you know in him. When three persons are together, two of them must not whisper to each other without letting the third hear, Until others are present, because this a lack of respect. Eat together and not separately, for the blessings are associated with the company. It is not right for a guest to stay so long as to incommode his host. When food is placed before you no man must stand up till it be taken away; Nor must one man leave off eating before the rest; And if he does he must make an apology. It is a sign of a true Muslim that a man shall come out with his guest to the door of his house. Whoever is humble to men for the sake of the Divine, may Allah exalt his eminence.

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Sufa 93 - The Merciful (Ar-Rahim)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 O you who believe! Let it be said: Ar-Rahim; The Merciful; And the sixty-fifth name of Allah, the Infinite, the Unique, the All Knowing. In the name of Allah, the Kind, the Merciful: Feed the hungry, care for the ill and dying and do not abandon any orphan. Render firm and fair justice, forgive honorable debts and never torture men or animals. This is the law. A true Muslim bestows mercy and so shall have mercy shown upon. A true Muslim is just and firm, never cruel. Thus, it is the obligation of a neighbor first, that his neighbor and family have enough to eat. If the neighbor does not have enough food, then it is to the village elders the obligation fall. If the village does not have enough food, then it falls to the leader of the region to feed and help the hungry. That is why to beg is an abomination before Allah. As a man forced to beg for food, has a wicked neighbor or village or leader. Nor should the sick and dying suffer greatly. There is not any Muslim who visits another in sickness, in the forenoon, But that seventy thousand angels send blessings upon him till the evening; And there is no one who visits the sick, in the afternoon,

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But that seventy thousand angels send blessings upon him till daybreak, And there will be a pardon for him in Paradise. Whoever visits a sick person, an angel calls from heaven, Be happy in the world, and happy be your walking, And take you a habitation in Paradise. Whoever visits a sick person always enters into and swims in a sea of mercy until he sits down; And when he sits, he is drowned therein. When you go to visit the sick, Comfort his grief and speak of positive things but do not lie. For no good comes from an untruth to either a sick or a dying man. Assist any person oppressed, whether Muslim or non-Muslim. Care for the orphans that all are fed and kept safe. If a man who has honored his debt or rent fall upon hard times, forgive the debt. When a landlord behaves as the Persian merchants do and sell families into slavery, Let him be handed over and his property divided amongst the community. If an enemy be defeated, let them gather their dead in the manner of their custom. A Muslim is forbidden to desecrate the remains of the dead, no matter what their custom. If a sentence demand a blood penalty, let the sword be sharp and the swordsman the strongest and finest. Verily, a swordsman who does not complete his work in one blow commits a grave transgression against justice and the word of Allah. If a sentence of death be yielded as torture, find those responsible and immediately execute them; Then find the judge and officials that permitted such torture and immediately execute them as responsible. Allah abhors torture as the worst transgression. A true Muslim is forbidden to behave with such dishonor.

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Sufa 94 - The Invocation (Al-Dhikr)

1 2 3 4 5 6 O you who believe! Let it be said: Al-Hamid; The All Praiseworthy; And the sixty-sixth name of Allah, the One, the Absolute, the Almighty. A man who gives thanks for nothing, deserves nothing in return. A man who divorces the Divine from his life, creates his own doom. Yet a man who gives thanks to Allah even for the smallest of wonders of a day, is a man rich in blessings. Thus, a true Muslim prays not because of fear or ignorance, but out of knowledge and respect. The frequency of formal prayer is in the binding of good habit, leading to good character.

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He whom prays yet does not cease from wrongdoing and evil, gains nothing but in remoteness from the Divine. Right prayer then is right intention, right mind and right action. In prayers, all thoughts must be laid aside but those of the Divine in conversation. No word in prayer is to be uttered which afterwards a man seeks to repent. No word in prayer is to be uttered if no mind or knowledge of meaning be present. If a teacher or scholar tells you that your prayer if not valid to Allah unless done according to this or that ritual, Expel them immediately as the very worst of imposters. Do not allow such blasphemies to be spoken in any holy place of Islam. Verily, Allah rewards not those who perform as monkeys with stone hearts, But a person who submits without condition to the will of Allah, And comes with a pure heart of compassion. Above all things, what is most pleasing to Allah when you pray, is a still mind and a warm heart. Allah cares not how many times you bow, but how many heartbeats are truly felt in prayer. O you who believe! Obey not those who wish to make you speak as birds and behave as sheep, But be honest in your intentions in prayer. The most powerful of prayer is to pray for the well being and benefit of strangers. The most evil of actions is to pray for misfortune to befall another. To use prayer to pray for the misfortune of others is a grave transgression against Islam. As is written in the Way of Islam, which is the same as it is in Heaven, our mind never dies, but lives on into the next world. Beware those that wish to claim stories of naming of prophets that honor the Merchants view of history. There is a different truth in the lines of messengers honored by the Divine. How convenient then for some if the Persian view of history is turned into mine. The zealot UMAY YAD did claim terrible things of Allah upon the sacrifice of animals Allah forbid such practice by the followers of Mithra as inherently evil, Yet these devils found a way to cloak themselves as Muslims, And infect truth with their lies. Sacrifice no living thing on account of Allah, But dedicate your life to good. Any saying which claims Allah calls for the murder of women and children, or for torture, Or for hate, or for ignorance over wisdom, Even for superstition over common sense is false. Any saying which claims Allah commanded the times for prayer and to pray is false. The Divine Creator of all existence does not force himself upon our free will. It is for us to choose to honor our Creator of all things.

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Even a bird can be taught to bow down and pray. Use the discipline of prayer to remind you of what is important, And set your mind clear of negative emotions and distractions. You do no honor to yourself nor to Allah in behaving as if the mind of a bird. One Earnest session of prayer is ten thousand times more fitting than every prayer as if a trained donkey. Allah knows everything that is in your heart and your mind. The path of a true Muslim is sometimes difficult. Regular prayer with sincerity each day calls a person to be fully immersed in the waters of wisdom of Allah. A man who claims to be Muslim can never be fair-weather. Any saying which claims a prayer involving a curse is proper and pleasing to Allah is false. No prayer that curses is acceptable to the Divine.

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Sufa 95 - The Homage (Al-Salah)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 O you who believe! Let it be said: Al- Afu; The Pardoner, the Effacer, the Forgiver; And the sixty-seventh name of Allah, the Infinite, the Unique, the All Knowing. A man who gives thanks because he seeks to do the best, Is beloved than a thousand who worship in false piety. The most wicked of transgression is false piety. Homage is firstly a secret relation between a man and Allah, And second an open relation before community. Give thanks to those who help, but never worship a man as a god.

Sufa 96 - The Fast (Al-Sawm)

1 2 3 4 5 6 O you who believe! Let it be said: Al-Qawwi; The Strong; And the sixty-eighth name of Allah, the One, the Absolute, the Almighty. Before the Way of Islam, men did become animals in time of famine and war; That they would think of nothing but filling their stomachs, letting stores waste. Thus men who are hungry without morality or knowledge quickly become like the Umay-Yad and monkeys that eat one another. Yet the Way of Islam teaches all to grow food, to tend a flock, to store and use water and to prosper. Before the Way of Islam, when a city was blessed with prosperity, officials would themselves grow corrupt and incompetent; So that in time stores and grain would be stolen, food would spoil and the prosperity wasted

and famine would return. 10 11 12 13 14 15 Thus, the danger for all communities is to have nothing or to have too much. How then does a community that prospers under the Way of Islam serve the will of Allah? By an act of piety that reminds all of the dangers of complacency. This is the sacred act of fasting (Ramadhan). For the cycle of one Moon, all adults who are faithful to the Way of Islam, Are called upon to pledge and oath, to better themselves and to fast between dawn and sunset; For all meals before dawn and after sunset, let the faithful abstain from all forms of flesh; For all contact, during the sacred time, Let there be no intimate relations, nor partaking in such worldly pleasures but meditation and prayer. For this, Allah asks that all who are blessed in this knowledge remember what has been gained.

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Sufa 97 - The Places (Al-Maqaamat)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 O you who believe! Let it be said: Ar-Rasid; The Guide to the Right Path; And the sixty-ninth name of Allah, the Infinite, the Unique, the All Knowing. The most sacred place in Islam is the home; The community rests upon the sacredness and dominion of the home. The second most sacred place is the academy. The place of learning and speaking the truths of Allah. Allah demands that every place of an academy be sacred, That no fighting nor blood be spilled upon its grounds, Nor any student be hindered or injured, That all children and all boys and girls are welcomed. The third most sacred place is the therapeutic gardens, The place of healing and of therapeutic arts. Where a true Muslim visits the sick and the elderly. Any man who defiles such a sacred place disgraces all of Islam, And turns his back on Allah as the worst abaser. The fourth most sacred place is the fields and the markets, Where talents and gifts of Allah are put to good use, And the future prosperity of the town and city are founded. Finally, the most sacred place is a temple or place of worship. Allah always puts such dedicated places as the least sacred of all places. It is because a true Muslim makes sacred the soil beneath his feet,

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It is because a true Muslim makes sacred the soil beneath his feet, By kind and sacred acts in honor of Allah, In obeying and rejoicing in the Way of Islam, In giving thanks for all that he does and receives. Thus, sacred places are filled by the sacredness of right action and right mind, Not the sands of time or memory.

Sufa 98 - The Pilgrimage (Al-Hajj)

1 2 3 4 5 6 O you who believe! Let it be said: Al-Wagid; The Perceiver, the Finder, the Unfailing; And the seventieth name of Allah, the One, the Absolute, the Almighty. In generations to come, they will write and speak of those who stood firm in the Way of Islam; Those who were willing to die in the name of truth of Allah, than live as slaves to the Persians. Allah willing, the forces of Uthman and the wickedness of the Umay-Yad shall be banished from these sacred lands; Then the faithful shall wipe clean the curse and abominations of Uthman and the people of Maqqua (Mecca); The KaBakka shall be rebuilt as the circular temple to Allah and the idols of the Umay-Yad banished forever. And upon cleaning the city of Al-Baqa shall be reborn new. In these times, Allah willing, when evil had finally been banished from our midst, It shall be the solemn obligation of every Muslim to journey to the sacred cities of Madinah first and then Al-Baqa second; To give thanks for deliverance from evil. To honor the doorway to Heaven. But let not this most sacred site of Allah and our first father Abraham be desecrated again. Let no man, or pilgrim step into the shadow of the KaBakka. Let no structure by men cast any shadow over the most sacred reclaimed KaBakka. Let time and the stars be returned to their rightful place. For any man not a priest to step unto this sacred ground, he disgraces Allah and curses himself.

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Sufa 99 - The Remission (Al-Ibraa)

1 2 3 4 O you who believe! Let it be said: Al-Ibraa; The Remission, the Forgiveness, the Redemption; And the seventy-first name of Allah, the Infinite, the Unique, the All Knowing. That man is nearest to the Divine, who pardons, when he had in his power him who would have injured him. Allah does not curse his creation,

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Instead he waits patiently for his children to ask for his help and forgiveness. When a preacher or a scribe claims the Divine Creator will condemn a person and punish them in hellfire, Seize them immediately and expel them from staining the sanctity of any sacred place of Islam. For these are imposters who worship not Allah, But serve demon gods who pretend to be the Divine. Allah is almighty. Allah is the creator of all things. He hates not one of his creations. Any saying that contradicts this truth is a wicked lie. Allah's kindness towards his children is more than a mother's towards her babe. Only ignorant men, possessed by the power of demons pray for the burning and torment of other souls. Their blasphemy against Allah and Islam is a grave transgression. Any preacher or scribe who so arrogantly assumes they know the nature of Allah, And how he shall judge a particular man or woman, Seize him immediately and expel him from Islam, For he is an imposter and guilty of the gravest of transgressions against Allah.

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Sufa 100 - The Repentance (At-Taubah)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 O you who believe! Let it be said: Al-Gafur; The Much-Forgiving; And the seventy-second name of Allah, the One, the Absolute, the Almighty. All who walk the path of Islam will stumble. It is not to judge that we are without blemish, But that we never surrender our virtue as true Muslims. Any man who speaks of a smooth path is a merchant and liar. Only when a man is challenged, Only when he knows hunger, Can a man finally see his character. Thus suffering is not the cause, but the catalyst. Repentance is not the cure to a trespass, But the state of mind and action necessary to discern right from wrong. A man who has no conscience, abandons his soul, Yet even a man who makes great wailing and sorrow at repentance, Has learnt nothing of Islam.

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Repentance therefore is for the healing of the spirit first, The mind second and the body third. A man who shows true contrition must be afforded a measure of dignity and respect, Confesses his transgression before the accusation is raised. Verily, a man who is found to have transgressed and then claims repentance has none. Thus, any man who confesses a transgression without the need for adjudication, Must be afforded clemency as the greatest act of repentance. Yet a man who wails in repentance after the fact of their culpability, Must be treated as one in contempt of the mercy of Allah.

Sufa 101 - The Forgiveness (Al-Gaffar)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 O you who believe! Let it be said: Al-Gaffar; The Repeatedly Forgiving; And the seventy-third name of Allah, the Infinite, the Unique, the All Knowing. Allah is ever forgiving and merciful. Yet a man who refuses to forgive, curses himself. Not even Allah can lift such an injury, Until a man in life or in spirit, resolves to forgive others, And in doing so, free themselves of such misery. Therefore, do not hold grudges, nor engage in feuds. Better to die with a clean conscience than unresolved bitterness.

Sufa 102 - The Imposters (Al-Daggal)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 O People! There is no other deity but Allah! The Compassionate, the Beneficent, the Gracious; All prayers and homage be to Allah and no other! The most disgusting act is to prey upon the weak and the young in the guise of piety. Truly, the Persians are the master imposters. They feign holiness when they are wicked, They claim modesty upon their women behind coverings, Yet they dress their most ardent assassins in such garments, They claim knowledge and wisdom of Allah, Yet all their scriptures are fake and full of ignorance. Woe to you imposters. Your judgment shall come soon enough.

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Let not a man, who claims knowledge of things Divine, Place himself between you and Allah. If he does, cast him out as an imposter. If a teacher does not read or produce these words in tongue, Saying they are too complicated or too sacred, Cast him out as an imposter. If a man raises himself as a king, Saying Allah ordains it, Seize him and cast him out as an imposter. And if a man kills innocent women and children, Claiming it to be the will of Allah, Seize him and all his followers, Let not one bone of his body remain, Nor name, nor memory, nor house. Cleanse the stain against Islam by such imposters, Who kill in the name of Allah. That their memory be dust to the wind.

Sufa 103 - Uthman

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 O People! There is no other deity but Allah! The Compassionate, the Beneficent, the Gracious; All petition and thanks be to Allah and no other! Oh Damascus, why do you speak such lies! Uthman, the Persian spy does injure you, He casts doubts amongst the people, saying, I honor Islam, I speak for Islam, When he worships the wickedness of the Aryans. He is the wolf sent by Allah to test the shepherd, Shall he succeed? If a man hears the wisdom of Allah, He may agree and follow it instruction, But when a man hears the half-truth, he is now called to decide, Now he must know the will of Allah. This is the challenge of the Way of Islam, This is why no harm must come of Uthman. If his lies beguile you, that is your destiny.

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If the truth of the Way of Islam wins out, Then this is the time ordained by Allah. Allah seeks only the best for his children, It is our choice to hear his words.

Sufa 104 - The Owner (Al-Mulk)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 O you who believe! Let it be said: Al-Mulk; The One, the True, the Only Owner of All Things; The first designer, the first creator, the first steward; And the seventy-fourth name of Allah, the One, the Absolute, the Almighty. Let it be said, no man may claim to be the absolute owner of his land, or house or cattle. If a man so arrogantly claim to be the one, the true and only ultimate owner; Arrest him and cast him into the deepest pit for his deepest insult against the Divine Owner of All. Truly, the madness and ignorance of the Persian and merchants is revealed upon this very idea. The Maniacs through their filthy writings claim to be their own idols; They claim the Divine Creator has abandoned the earth; And they submit to the demon called Sabbat. If this be so, then even Sabbat whom is their name for Satan is not the owner. We all be stewards and custodians of this life, the land and the animals. Thus, when Uthman and the Umay-Yad seize and destroy cities, they own nothing. They are a tool of Allah, despite their blasphemy. It is why then a man must have witness to his right of custody of an animal or land. His neighbours must be able to testify to the truth of his good conduct and fairness as well as possession; A claim is nothing without good character and truth.

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Sufa 105 - The Authority (Al-Ijazah)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 O you who believe! Let it be said: Al-Ijazah; The Absolute, Final and Unquestionable Authority; The one from whom all covenants, edicts, actions and rights of use are derived; And the seventy-fifth name of Allah, the Infinite, the Unique, the All Knowing. As a man cannot claim to be the owner of his own land, home or animals but custodian; The highest form of right a man may be given is the right of Divine Use. These are the gifts that Allah has given to you of your flesh and your mind.

It is why no man may claim another as slave, without declaring himself a heretic and a thief before the Divine Creator. As a man cannot claim to be the owner of the wisdom of Allah; The highest form of right a man may be given to the word of the Divine Creator is the right to teach the Way of Islam and protect these sacred words. Thus the most respect and highest authority in Islam is the teacher not the merchant or a king. Blessed are the teachers who honor these words and the law of Islam.

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Sufa 106 - The Leader (Al-Hadi)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 O you who believe! Let it be said: Al-Hadi; The Leader of All Existence; And the seventy-sixth name of Allah, the One, the Absolute, the Almighty. Verily the best of Allah's servants are just and learned leaders, And verily the worst are bad and ignorant leaders. Do not ask for any high office, For if you are given it after asking, You will be left to discharge it yourself, If you are given it without asking, You will be helped to discharge it.

Sufa 107 - The King (Al-Malik)

1 2 3 4 5 6 O you who believe! Let it be said: Al-Malik The Supreme Sovereign over all Creation; And the seventy-seventh name of Allah, the Infinite, the Unique, the All Knowing. The Homerites were not the first Kings. Nor were the Sabeans. The Nabateans were not the earliest Kings, or even the Romans. Yet what is a king but a tyrant who seeks to convince the people to accept their plight and his rule as Divine? Thus the first thing a warlord does upon conquering a people is demand the books of knowledge to be burnt; The second act is he summonses the priests, soothsayers, preachers and elders and demands they recognize his rule as Divine Law; The Third Act is he summonses the scribes and magistrates and demands new laws be written to reward his heirs and claim the people consent to his rule. Thus kings and kingdoms corrupt by their nature. They attract and desire power, they contort knowledge for their own ends. They add nothing to the land through war and treachery. They add nothing to knowledge through its corruption, capture and destruction.

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Verily, a King does claim himself to be an idol which is a grave transgression and heresy. Thus the Way of Islam does not permit Kings or Queens or any other noble title of rule by birth.

Sufa 108 - The Wealth (Al-Gani)

1 2 3 4 5 O you who believe! Let it be said: Al-Gani; The greatest Wealth and Splendor; The most valuable of treasures; And the seventy-eighth name of Allah, the One, the Absolute, the Almighty. Let it be said for all their wickedness, the Persians are not so ignorant to what is of greatest value. Thus, wealth and splendor distinguish men, not for their presence, but for what it reveals as to character. The merchants are not so dangerous for their perceived wealth of riches and finery, but for the knowledge of the world they possess. Ignorant and immoral men may kill a caravan, seizing their cargo and burn their books and manuscripts; Yet a wise man knows that spices and fabrics can be replaced, but the written word and knowledge of an interpreter of a caravan is worth ten times in ransom. The Umay-Yad reveal themselves as monkeys with swords, that swarm upon the land, breaking and destroying everything. They shall burn out, like fire after drought, until they feed upon their own. Thus, when the ancients speak of wealth and splendor, it is to knowledge, not gold. Riches are found not from an abundance of animals, servants and land but from an educated mind. Yet do not be fooled by those zealots who curse the very needs of community and prosperity; Do not be tricked by those Christians preachers celebrating their filth and speaking of inheritable curse and damnation. It is difficult for a man laden with riches to climb the steep path which leads to bliss, simply because he carries too much baggage. Whoever desires in modesty the world and its riches, in a lawful manner, In order to withhold himself from begging, And for a livelihood for his family, And for being kind to his neighbor, Will come to Allah with his face bright as the full moon. Therefore, do not disregard wealth but view it as a solemn responsibility. A wealthy mans first obligation given his wealth, Is not only to provide for his family but to his community. That it may prosper and then to the region that it may prosper. Instead, a man who destroys a thing of value does not honor the Divine, but show reckless disregard to the gifts given unto him. Therefore, be not obsessed in riches, nor disrespectful to prosperity. A wealthy man who does not attend to his own community,


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Is a disgrace in the eyes of Allah.

Sufa 109 - The Scribe (Al-Qalam)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 O you who believe! Let it be said: Al-Mubdi; The Originator, the Producer, the Initiator; And the seventy-ninth name of Allah, the Infinite, the Unique, the All Knowing. Verily, let it be said the ink of the scholar is more holy than the blood of the martyr; Yet there be no greater assassins than the historian and the translator. Thus the learned scribe possessing moral character is the teacher and future for a community; Whereas the corrupt mind, may destroy more in a day of writing than a year of rule under the worst of tyrants. Therefore, to the scribe it is said do the good and you will prosper. Never dip your pen to injure a man. Allah knows and sees all. He is the best of scribes. Do not think that such corruption will last. The ground never forgets a killing. The scribe who cheats with his finger, risks his soul.

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Sufa 110 - The Council (Ash-Shura)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 O you who believe! Let it be said: Al-Barr; The Good, the Beneficent, the Just; And the eightieth name of Allah, the One, the Absolute, the Almighty. No one is above the law of Allah, all are equal. Therefore, the wisest politic is the wisest council, before the law. Let not men believe they can be wiser than the law of Allah. A man then who claims to be leader and his word the law, Even if he denies himself king is an outlaw and heretic. Only a just man in search of seizing the head of a tyrant and restoring the law, may stand true; But only to clear a path for the wise scribes and elders. Who seek the counsel and approval of the people; Who quell the dissension and talk of tyranny. That they are the people and the community are they.

Sufa 111 - The Ranks (As-Saff)

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O People! There is no other deity but Allah! The Compassionate, the Beneficent, the Gracious; All praise and worship be to Allah and no other! Let it be said, there is a time for peace and a time for battle. Whereupon a man is called to defend his family, He may choose to surrender as a slave or stand as a man. No man is called beyond his ability. Nor may men become an army without rank or discipline. Therefore, let there be rank between the men on skill and experience not simply age or family. But not so many in rank that the general and his officers are far removed. The General is the head of an army, but to lead he must be present. The officers of a General are the commands of the general and must lead. Therefore, if there be no rank but one, an army shall fail, If there be many, an army shall fail. Do not march an army during the day unless necessity and never without water. When marching to battle, place your weakest men at the front and strongest in the rear, That the spies of the enemy may sense you as weak. A man is strongest when he fights to protect his family and land, therefore, do not send an army too far. A man and a community loses strength and fight if he is away too long from his family, Therefore do not keep an army too long. When an order is given even to those who choose to join and it is not followed, Execute the officers who failed to obey and let the men choose one in ten to meet the same fate. Such men will never disobey again. Do not permit an army to harm the people of a conquered city, But gather the wealth of the merchants and distribute it as reward. If a city be dishonorable and without remorse, Kill the men, send the women to work the fields but do not kill their sons. Let such boys learn to fight and through service redeem their women. Such young men are the best of fighters.

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Sufa 112 - The Measure (Al-Wahid)

1 2 3 4 5 O you who believe! Let it be said: Al-Wahid; The One, the Unique; And the eighty-first name of Allah, the Infinite, the Unique, the All Knowing. Let it be said the finer the scales the fuller the belly of the people. If there be no fair measure, then the people will not trade;

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They shall not plow their second field and there shall be hunger. Do not tamper the scales, nor falsify the weights, nor diminish the fractions of the measure. Do not desire a measure of the fields, and then neglect those of the treasury. A merchant who seeks to cheat by false weights and crooked scales steals more than the coin of the people. Let the magistrates of the town employ the most honest men and seize a crooked merchant that all may witness. Then let all measures and weights be tested, that there be fair warning. That all merchants may witness the execution of one who seeks to destroy the prosperity of the community. Surely, they will think twice. Allah, sees and knows what is in the heart of all men and women. He knows the true weight and measure of the merchant. He sets the fairest price. Do not make for yourself deficient weights, They are rich in grief through the might of Allah. If You see someone who cheats, keep your distance from him. Do not accept a farmer's dues and then assess him so as to injure him. Do not conspire with the measurer so as to defraud the share of the residence. Measure according to its true size, your hand clearing exactly. A measurer who indulges in cheating, the eye of Allah seals the verdict against him.


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Sufa 113 The Provider (Ar-Razzaq)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 O you who believe! Let it be said: Ar-Razzaq; The Provider; And the eighty-second name of Allah, the One, the Absolute, the Almighty. The one who tills the soil; The one who tends the animals; The one who bakes the bread; The one who mixes the herbs; The one who weaves the cloth; The one who cures the skins; The one who cleaves the stone; The one who carves the wood; The one who bakes the clay; The one who fires the metal; The one who renders and seals the walls;

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The one who carries to market; Are all emissaries of the Divine when they devote their best skill. Thus, let it be said the prosperity of the community is to be found in the skill and diversity of providers. If there be too few, then a provider may demand a higher price with no competitor. If there be too many, then the quality of work will suffer. Thus, the wise council of a people encourage and protect providers.

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Sufa 114 - The Trade (Al-Tijaara)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 O you who believe! Let it be said: Al-Karim; The Bountiful, the Generous; And the eighty-third name of Allah, the Infinite, the Unique, the All Knowing. Wealth, properly employed, is a blessing, And a man may lawfully endeavor to increase it by honest means. To trade with neighbors is to increase prosperity providing it be without corruption. Therefore beware of dishonest merchants and the spell of foreign wares, Lest the local providers suffer through changing fate. Let is be said that the prosperity of the people is first they be self sufficient in food and knowledge; That they may acquire in modesty that which may give lasting value. Beware! Beware! The Persians seeks not the educated custom, nor prosperity, but to beguile and spell; To sell exotic wares and finery that satisfy no more than morning dew. They convince the leader and warlord to banish the artisan and crafts people on false pretense; That they may possess a monopoly and control the destiny of a land through coin. Verily, Monopoly is unlawful and a grave transgression in Islam. It be a solemn obligation of all Muslims that those who grant a monopoly, And those who seek it or control it be captured and executed. Truly, once a merchant gain a monopoly, he is handed the fate of the people. One who controls the grain to a city may sell it cheaply, ruining his competitor. Or the merchant may choose to hold back the grain, causing the price to rise. Thus the crafty merchant granted control, extends his influence through artificial drought and flood, To manipulate the fate of the people. Therefore, do not permit a merchant a monopoly; Nor the actions of dishonest merchants to ruin the marketplace. Enforce strictness in trade that only that which may be delivered within a season or a cycle of the moon be agreed and empty promises forbidden.

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Nor should merchants be permitted to charge interest upon their loans, lest they use such temptations to ruin.

Sufa 115 - The Ally (Al-Ahzab)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 O you who believe! Let it be said: Al-Wali; The Friend, the Patron, the Helper; And the eighty-fourth name of Allah, the One, the Absolute, the Almighty. Verily, the key is to make peace not war. Let your word be sacred under the tent of truce. Even if an ally betray you, let not your word be weakened by treachery. Nor be quick to judgment or battle in face of breach. There are many, especially the Persian who have prospered when elephants fight. Therefore, let there be clarity before any action to defend honor. Let your strongest ally be those who you appoint to govern the conquered city. The best be the exiles granted return upon the defeated tyrant. The worst be the foreigner or patron of a conquering general. Grant then the conquered city its right to govern and encourage the prosperity of its people. There you will find your strongest ally.

Sufa 116 - The Enemy (Al-Aduw)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 O People! There is no other deity but Allah! The Compassionate, the Beneficent, the Gracious; All glory and honor be to Allah and no other! In disputes over land and possessions, Even brothers can be mortal enemies. In drought, even parents may be enemies of their children. Thus who is your kin today may be your enemy tomorrow, And who is your enemy today may be your ally tomorrow. To avoid dispute and to avoid war, Is the noblest and highest goal of all who are on The Way. But when forced to fight, one must not hesitate, For kindness may always be treated as weakness. In pursuing peace, honor the dead of your enemy, And refrain from acts of retribution. Do not provoke your adversary,

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So as to make him tell his thoughts. Do not leap to come before him, Fear is the enemy; Hate is the enemy; Jealousy is the enemy; Above all, ignorance is the enemy, When You do not see his doings. First gain insight from his answer, Then keep still and You will succeed. Leave it to him to empty his belly, Know how to sleep, he will be found out. Grasp his feet, do not harm him. Be wary of him, do not ignore him. Indeed You do not know the plans of the Divine Creator, And should not weep for tomorrow. Settle in the arms of Allah, And your silence will overthrow them.

Sufa 117 - The Truth (Al-Haqq)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 O you who believe! Let it be said: Al-Haqq; The Truth, the Reality; And the eighty-fifth name of Allah, the Infinite, the Unique, the All Knowing. Set your goodness in the belly of men, Then You are greeted by all. One welcomes virtuous man. One spits upon the Persian assassin. Guard your tongue from harmful speech, Then You will be loved by others. You will find your place in Paradise. You will share in the prosperity of your Divine Creator. When You are revered and your coffin conceals You, You will be safe from the power of Allah. Do not shout accusations against a man, When the cause of his flight is unknown. Whether You hear something good or evil, Resolve the matter away from others, that no harm come from false accusation.

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Put the good remark on your tongue, While the bad is concealed in your belly. Say what is true, although it may be bitter and displeasing to people, It is not worthy of a speaker of truth to curse people, Strive always to excel in virtue and truth. He is not of me who, when he speaks, speaks falsely; Who, when he promises, breaks his promises; And who, when trust is reposed in him, fails in his trust. No man is true in the truest sense of the word But he who is true in work, in deed, and in thought. Strive always to excel in virtue and truth. It is not worthy of a speaker of truth to curse people. Appropriate to yourselves the truth. Avoid lying. Say what is true, Although it may be bitter and displeasing to people.

Sufa 118 - The Justice (Al-Adl)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 O you who believe! Let it be said: Al-Adl; The Justice, the honor and respect of fair law; The one, true and only Rule of Law; And the eighty-sixth name of Allah, the One, the Absolute, the Almighty. To know of what one is accused; To know the evidence upon which one may be condemned; To be granted the opportunity to defend ones honor; To allow others to testify in ones defense; To be told the form of law upon which one will be judged; For such matters to be heard by a judge without motive or interest with either the accuser or accused; That all speak nothing but the truth; To free a man and penalize his accusers if the accusations are false; To execute the penalty as described if the accusations be proven true; This is Justice. This is the law. Allah is Just and Justice is to honor the living law of the creator of all the heavens; To follow it carefully and to render judgment fairly. Knowing that the Justice of Allah never sleeps.

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In truth and justice, there is no disparity. In the absence of justice, there is no rule of law. Justice cannot exist without knowledge.

Sufa 119 - The Honorable (Al-Aziz)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 O you who believe! Let it be said: Al-Aziz; The Honorable, the Highest, the Almighty; And the eighty-seventh name of Allah, the Infinite, the Unique, the All Knowing. Do not recall yourself to a heroic ancestor; Nor claim protection from a powerful kin; Do not hide behind the name of the tribe; Nor the respect of the father or mother. In honor it matters nothing our blood or kin. Honor is but the demonstration of virtue of character, As Honor is nothing if not tested. Let it be said a man cannot be born honorable, Nor can he be made honorable. Only his actions may be deemed so. Thus a man may be respected as honorable upon his past, until once against tested. Therefore, let no man be judge unless he be honorable; Let no general lead men into battle unless he be honorable; Let no man administer the treasures of the city unless he be of the highest honor. Take care of the sick and the elderly; Never abandon orphans. Seek out and punish those that may of rob a poor wretch or attack a cripple. Do not stretch out your hand to touch a famous man, Nor snatch at the word of a great one. Do not let yourself be sent on a wicked errand, Nor be friends with him who does it. Do not raise an outcry against one who attacks You, Nor return him an answer yourself. Pause before speaking and do not be the carrier of slander. If one has no good words to speak of a man, let silence be the witness to his character.

Sufa 120 - The Courage (Al-Matin)

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O you who believe! Let it be said: Al-Matin; The Firm, the Steadfast; And the eighty-eighth name of Allah, the One, the Absolute, the Almighty. The bravest is one who overcomes his desires, Than him who conquers his enemies; For the hardest victory is over self. Ten people who speak make more noise than ten thousand who are silent. The strongest man in the world is he who stands alone. The bravest are surely those who have the clearest vision of what is before them and yet still go out to face it. The true test of moral courage is the ability to ignore an insult. Courage is not the absence of fear, but the conquest of it. A man who speaks the truth is courageous, but friendless. Courage is standing firm to virtue when all around bend to the winds of change. Violence should never be claimed an equal to Courage. A man who defends his family and lands does so out of duty, Whereas a man of courage, Is one who does not denounce his life of virtue in the face of violence.

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Sufa 121 - The Sacrifice (Al-Shahiid)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 O you who believe! Let it be said: As-Sakur; The Pleased, the Grateful; And the eighty-ninth name of Allah, the Infinite, the Unique, the All Knowing. The gift of a life of knowledge, of virtue, of courage and honor; This is the most pleasing sacrifice to Allah. To deny self the pleasures and temporary delights of a life without thought and moral; The empty existence of the robber, the thief, the abuser, the prostitute, the imposter. Nor does Allah welcome the false sacrifice of blood, for the sake of blood. The madness and offerings of old false gods who bathed themselves in the blood of innocence. What ignorance be that the creator of all things would worship the destruction of that which he creates and loves; What hypocrisy be the poison spoken to claim the death of an animal by magic, Is somehow pleasing to the creator of all knowledge and wisdom. To give up something in ignorance is no sacrifice but carelessness. Be not too quick to throw your life for a lesser cause, but guard against emotions of pride, of arrogance. Let your sacrifice be both pure of heart and mind;


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So if a man be willing to sacrifice his life to Allah be must first be a scholar, then second a martyr. Yet, never to harm the head of an innocent. Never to spill blood, except as a matter of last resort. Never to resort to violence as a means of first resolution. To the foe who bangs his shield, let him tire. To the enemy that makes crude threats against your family, let him lose his voice from shouting. Remain steadfast and resolved, to defend your city to the last man; To give your life in the name of truth and wisdom; To not flinch at the first thrust, nor hesitate at the first strike. O you who believe! Live an honorable, virtuous life of service. This is the most pleasing of all sacrifice.

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Sufa 122 - The Property (Al-Amlak)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 O you who believe! Let it be said: An-Nafi; The Propitious, the Benefactor, the Source of All Good; And the ninetieth name of Allah, the One, the Absolute, the Almighty. It is not the robber that destroys the city, But the neighbor who claims what is not his by cheating. It is not the invading army that creates chaos and famine, But the landholder that changes the borders and marks of his tenants. When one claims the law to seize what is not rightfully due, There be three injuries being the law, the victim and certainty. Thus, do not move the markers on the borders of fields. Nor shift the position of the measuring-cord. Do not be greedy for a small measure of land; Nor encroach on the boundaries of a widow. The trodden furrow worn down by time, is a true marker. He who disguises it in the fields, When he has snared it by false oaths, He will be caught by the might of Allah. Seize any man that steals property in such a manner, As an oppressor of the weak, And an enemy against the community. When even a man is permitted to steal land, no community or empire can stand. Let it be said, the rock upon which a community thrives is to honor right of possession.

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Thus, the thief through trickery destroys the very foundation of it. He lights the fire that destroys the storehouse. Therefore, beware of destroying the borders of fields, Lest such terror carry you away. One pleases Allah with the might of justice, When one discerns the borders of fields. Desire your community to be sound. Do not erase another's furrow, It profits You to keep it sound. Plow your fields and You will find what You need, You will receive bread and your animals shall fatten. Better is a bushel given You by honest labor, Than five thousand through wrongdoing. Better is poverty honoring Allah, Than tribute in the storehouse. Better is bread with a happy heart, Than wealth with vexation.

Sufa 123 - The Contribution (Al-Zakat)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 O you who believe! Let it be said: Al-Wahhab; The Bestower, the Contributor, the Sustainer; And the ninety-first name of Allah, the Infinite, the Unique, the All Knowing. A house divided, cannot stand. A community must exist for the benefit of all its members; Thus all members of the community should contribute to its well being. Every good act is charity. The best of alms is that which the right hand gives, and the left hand knows not of. Yet if a rich man ignores the plight of his poor neighbour, Then the walls of his own home will soon be breached, The city shall surely fall. Thus, Almsgiving is duty unto you. Alms should be offered by those with plenty and given to those in need. The best of almsgiving is that which springs from good intention, And is uttered by the lips to soften the wounds of the injured. A mans first duty is to be useful to his family, his neighbors and his community,


That he may first feed and clothe himself and second that he may provide a home and food for his family. A man who neglects his own family or neighbors to care for the needs of the community, Leaves the door of his home open for the thieves of divorce, regret and ruin. The most excellent of alms is that of a man of small property, which he has earned by labor, And from which he feeds his family first and then gives as much as he is able. He who has not the means thereto to give of his wealth, Let him do a good act or abstain from bearing witness to evil. That is his charity. When you speak, speak the truth; Perform when you promise; discharge your trust; Commit not fornication; be chaste; Have no impure desires; withhold your hands from striking, And from taking that which is unlawful and bad. The best of Allah's servants are those who when seen, remind others of the best qualities of virtue; And the worst of Allah's servants are those who carry tales about, And do mischief and separate friends, And seek for the defects of the good. Every good act is an act of charity. Doing justice between two people is charity; And assisting a man upon his beast, And lifting his baggage is charity; And pure, comforting words are charity; And answering a questioner with mildness, is charity; And removing that which is an inconvenience to wayfarers, such as thorns and stones, is a charity. Every good act is charity; And verily it is a good act to meet your brother with open countenance, And to pour water from your own water-bag into his vessel. Your smiling to your brother's face is charity; And your exhorting man to virtuous deeds is charity; And your prohibiting the forbidden is charity; And your showing men the road, in the land in which they lose it, is charity; And your assisting the blind is charity. The Sufa of the Way of Islam is a proof of gain to you, Prayers lighten the heart, And charity is proof of faith.

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Charity that is concealed pleases Allah.

Sufa 124 - The Guardian (Al-Muhaymin)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 O you who believe! Let it be said: Al-Muhaymin; The Guardian, the Protector, the Custodian; And the ninety-second name of Allah, the One, the Absolute, the Almighty. It is the duty of the father to protect the House. It is the duty of the mother to protect her children. It is the duty of the adult children to protect their elderly parents. It is the duty of the neighbour to protect and aid his neighbour. It is the duty of the leader to protect the community. Thus, all are guardians. Behold! Through the Way of Islam no one is an orphan. If a child be without parents, then the family of the father must care. If the family of the father cannot care, then the family of the mother. If the family of the mother cannot care, then the neighbour. If the neighbor rejects their obligation or cannot care, then the community shall care. Thus, through the Way of Islam, no child shall live as an orphan.

Sufa 125 - The Heir (Al-Warif)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 O you who believe! Let it be said: Al-Warif; The Heir, the Inheritor of All; And the ninety-third name of Allah, the Infinite, the Unique, the All Knowing. Verily, all the people of the Earth are its heirs by Allah; No man, or race, or group may claim to be the sole inheritors of the Earth. Such is this rule of inheritance that it need not be written or spoken, As it is perfect truth. So it is these rule of inheritance that did apply in ancient times, Needed not paper or official to witness, That if the first wife of a man should die before him, Then he shall inherit all her property; Yet it the second wife of a man should die before him, Then he must share her property equally with her house. That if the first husband of a wife with children should die before her, Then she shall inherit all his property until all his children are of age;

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Yet if the first husband of a wife possess no living children should die before her, Then she must share her property equally with his house. If a man divorces his first wife and takes a second wife then dies, Then his children of the first marriage shall inherit all his property. If a widower or widow dies, then the children shall inherit; Yet if there are no living children to inherit, Then the house of the widower or widow shall share the property equally. To the eldest living heir shall go the house, its name and its lands; To the second eldest shall go the animals and their produce; To the third eldest shall go all texts, books and the administration of all in service to the house. This is the wisdom and law of Allah. That the eldest shall keep the good name of the house, To support those born to the house and earn from the lands; That the second eldest shall keep good care of the animals and stores, And earn from their produce good management; That the third shall protect and help keep the house in order, And serve the greater good of his or her eldest sibling. Therefore, a man may forfeit his inheritance, by his own actions and will, Yet no man may be deprived of his inheritance without cause. Truly a man who takes possession of what he is not entitled, is a thief. A man or woman who murders for an inheritance, loses all right and disgraces his house from any entitlement. But a man who takes possession by false claim of inheritance is both a pirate and abaser of law, Such men forfeit all rights even unto life.

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Sufa 126 - The Slave (Ar-Abd)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 O People! There is no other deity but Allah! The Compassionate, the Beneficent, the Gracious; All prayers and homage be to Allah and no other! Let it be said, It is an abomination before Allah for any man or woman to enslave another. Whether by bondage, obligation, fear or debt, Slavery in all forms is the gravest of transgressions. Verily, any man or woman who partakes in slavery is forbidden to be known as a Muslim. It is better a man lose his life in the eyes of Allah than permit one of his family be sold into slavery. It is better a man lose his sight than trick another into slavery through debt and bondage.


It is more merciful that a man lose both his arms than receive a single coin in reward for slavery. Woe unto those who promote slavery in defiance of the will of Allah. Verily, All Muslims are called by sacred obligation: To seek out and destroy all who partake in slavery and debt slavery; To destroy any records and registers of debt slavery, wherever such records may be held; To free and liberate any and all who have been forced into bondage by obligation, fear or debt. Solemnly, it is the sacred duty of every true Muslim to seize every moneylender and merchant of slavery, And end their disgraceful lives. Truly, if a Muslim community ignores their sacred obligation against slavery and slavery by debt and bondage, Then they are no better than the slave traders and money lenders and must be treated as so. Rise up! Rise up! And rid this world of such filth and disrespect as is all forms of slavery. Slavery is a transgression against heaven and earth and the gravest transgression against Islam. A Muslim is forbidden to partake in slavery. Verily, any preacher who claims slavery is permitted under Islam must be immediately seized, And thrown into the deepest pit, that their existence be wiped from the eyes of Allah for such contempt against Divine law. A man who treats ill any in his service, as if they be a slave, Does not deserve to be kindly treated by Allah. A wealthy man who does not give those in his service the same to eat and drink as himself is a tyrant.

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Sufa 127 - The Thief (Al-Sariq)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 O People! There is no other deity but Allah! The Compassionate, the Beneficent, the Gracious; All petition and thanks be to Allah and no other! Beware the thief. Find him and punish him swiftly and without favor. Beware the thief as he steals more than what he can carry. The decline of a city or town begins with leaders tolerating beggars and thieves. Soon shops and honest merchants no longer feel safe around beggars and thieves and move to nearby towns. Soon people of vice come as new tenants as people lose prosperity and seek distractions. Soon lawlessness comes and the city becomes a vile jungle of ill will. Thus a thief steals more than bread and food, a thief steals priceless trust and confidence. Once trust is taken, it takes many years to return.

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Therefore punishment of the thief is not disproportioned, But is both just and necessary, Because of the injury to the trust of the community, And the danger if such theft and damage left unpunished.

Sufa 128 - The Sorcery (Al-Sihr)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 O People! There is no other deity but Allah! The Compassionate, the Beneficent, the Gracious; All praise and worship be to Allah and no other! The Persian is obsessed in sorcery and magic. These merchants see their fortune in conjuring and spells. Truly they believe they have the power to beguile and mask their vile hearts. Ignorance and fear are the only veils. Knowledge and virtues are the weapons to destroy them. The spell of a Persian is only as powerful as belief. Thus, much expense and ritual is made to convince poor victims. Allah abhors such trickery and deception. Thus, a true Muslim is forbidden to consult oracles, Or partake in the occult ceremonies beloved by artisans of magic and false scripture. To consult oracles and magic is forbidden, Not because it has some power, but because its only true power is to deceive. All wise knowledge is honored in Islam except that which is make believe. Signs and omens exist all around us. Do not concern yourself with seeking to divine such meaning. Instead, keep your heart true to Allah and your head clear and you shall have no need of omens.

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Sufa 129 - The Abaser (Al-Khafid)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 O People! There is no other deity but Allah! The Compassionate, the Beneficent, the Gracious; All glory and honor be to Allah and no other! Woe unto the abaser who dresses in charity and acts in piety, yet hides a hateful heart; Allah knows and sees all. Those who act as imposters before Allah are the very worst of beings. This is the way of the Umay-Yad and the merchants. They drape themselves in finery and piety, yet believe and do none of it.

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They are whatever faith or from whatever tribe shall please their patrons. Let the impious live. Let them live as the lowest servants to those they injured. Woe unto the worst abaser being those who dishonor the Way of Islam.

Sufa 130 - The Debt (Al-Dayn)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 O People! There is no other deity but Allah! The Compassionate, the Beneficent, the Gracious; All prayers and homage be to Allah and no other! A true Muslim honors his word. Thus all obligations made freely and fair by word and oath must be honored. So it is the merchant and moneylender declare all debts must be paid. Indeed, all debts through agreement are first with Allah and secondly with the merchant. Thus to break such an agreement willingly is to breach the oath and promise with Allah. Yet the merchants and money lenders are artful with trickery They load an obligation with interest, which is forbidden under the law of Islam, They add penalties and burdens to an obligation for the most trifling of reasons, The misrepresent the size of the burden And seek at costs to extract the bond of ones word and oath, As if a promise or oath given under bad faith still holds true. Verily, when one is deceived in promise, When one is forced to take a burden greater than they can carry, When merchants change the terms, or add burdens or interest, Then such debts are obligated to be broken. Even when a debt is taken, the money lenders and merchants have many devious ways to extract benefit. They often forbid such debts to be traded against obligations owed. Instead, they demand one must pay, even when withholding what is owed to settle. Verily, a man must be afforded the opportunity of settling his debts, And receiving settlement of the debts owed to him, At least four times a year, So that no man of a community who works and earns his way is required to hold a full debt for a year or more. Merchants and money lenders who refuse to balance the debts of a community in this way, Default their right to all debts owed to them. Truly, it is better to forgive debt and retain honor than to demand the torture or death of a poor man who cannot pay his debts.

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Whoso desires that Allah should redeem him from the sorrows and travail of the last day, Must delay in calling on poor debtors, or abusing the position of those of poor means. A man of honor before Allah will forgive the debt in part or whole before the end of year if such debt has been itself honored. Whoso has a thing wherewith to discharge a debt, and refuses to do it, It is right they be dishonored of actions not worthy of any true Muslim.

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Sufa 131 - The Covenant (al-Mithaq)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 O you who believe! Let it be said: Al-Wakil; The Trustee, the Dependable, the Advocate; And the ninety-fourth name of Allah, the One, the Absolute, the Almighty. The merchants and moneylenders say that a vow or covenant can be broken; If it be with foreigners and if homage is paid to their demon gods. The deceptive moneylenders claim that if an Agreement is made with an unworthy suitor, Then they make deny the agreement if they choose. The Christians on the other hand have shown themselves to be no better than the moneylenders and merchants, When they demand the right to change agreements and price, based on superior position, not honor. Thus people are weary of agreements, And so fewer people engage in agreements in the event that the other side fails to honor their part. This is not The Way. Agreements that are valid are firstly offered to Allah and then the men and women who make them. All valid agreements must be kept if one is to honor The Way of Islam and the laws of Allah. To deliberately break an agreement is therefore a great transgression against Allah. Allah does not permit agreements to be broken. The word of a man is his bond. It is sufficient that a man declare himself to be of the Way of Islam, Then to give his solemn word, Rather than any manuscript be needed to witness the fact. Thus, a true Muslim always keeps his word. Verily, any man who cannot keep his word cannot be a Muslim.

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Sufa 132 - The Field (Al-Haql)

1 2 O you who believe! Let it be said: Al-Bari; The Evolver, the Fashioner, the Designer;

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And the ninety-fifth name of Allah, the Infinite, the Unique, the All Knowing. No one may claim the land, nor seize it as their own possession. All earth, water, air, fire and life is the possession of the Divine Creator. Any master of field or steward of an estate that demands submission as absolute owner, Must be seized and executed as a terrible thief. When such men are allowed to divide the land, no future the city holds. But when men obey the truth that all are stewards, Then a community may exist for generations to come. Divide the land into fields and pasture. Do not over graze your cattle; Establish fences; Plant bushes to ward again loss of soil; Line the walls and trenches; Whoever brings the dead land to life; Whoever cultivates waste land, Does a great honor to his community and in the eyes of Allah. Allah shall judge then whether he showed respect in the planting of trees, In the sowing of fields, And the care of birds and beasts.

Sufa 133 - The Cattle (Al-An am)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 O People! There is no other deity but Allah! The Compassionate, the Beneficent, the Gracious; All petition and thanks be to Allah and no other! Give good care and consideration to all cattle and animals in your care; Lest you be judged a bad steward. At all times keep account for their place and their number; That they be free of illness, thirst or hunger; That they are not in danger of predator or calamity; So you may be regarded as the best of shepherds. A man entrusted in small things, who gives care and diligence, May be then entrusted with greater things; Yet a man who cannot be trusted as a shepherd or steward, Is good for nothing but the galleys and caravans. If you live near a man in possession of many cattle and goats,

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Do not let jealousy blind you. Honor the cattle and goats of your neighbour. Steal no animal. Above all, let no living thing in your custody suffer, especially in slaughter for food. Any man that willfully causes suffering to animals is unfit to be called a Muslim.

Sufa 134 - The Senior (Al-Akbar)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 O you who believe! Let it be said: Al-Mu-izz; The Giver of Honor; The Respecter of Wisdom; The Senior above all. And the ninety-sixth name of Allah, the One, the Absolute, the Almighty. A community in which the youth have no respect for the elders is doomed and already dead. A man who shows respect and honor to his elders, is closest to Allah. Those that have made the path before us are the first to testify before Allah; Thus a true Muslim is always respectful to the elders of the community. If You see one greater in age than you, walk behind him respectfully. Give a hand to an elder or food or shelter if needed, respect him as his children would. The arm is not hurt by being bared; The back is not broken by bending it. A man does not lose by speaking sweetly, nor does he gain if his speech is straw. The pilot who sees from afar, he will not wreck his boat. Do not revile one older than You, Verily, he shall surely see Allah before you. He has seen the wisdom of Allah before You. Let him not report You to Allah, saying this youth reviled an old man. Verily, to honor an old man or woman is showing respect to Allah. To every young person who honors the old, on account of their age, May Allah appoint those who shall honor him in his years.

Sufa 135 - The Union (Al-Ittihad)

1 2 3 4 5 6 O you who believe! Let it be said: Al-Ittihad; The Sacred Union, the Eternal Matrimony, the Supreme Vow; And the ninety-seventh name of Allah, the Infinite, the Unique, the All Knowing. The willing and free choice to be united; The binding of vows and exchange of promises; The becoming of one between one man and one woman of sufficient age;

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The cornerstone of all community, tribe and civilization is union. Allah shows us the most important of laws in every aspect of the world around us. The most noblest of creatures of the land, sea and air do but have one mate for life. The eagle and the grey wolf. Even the most feared of animals such as the crow and the vulture, Show greater character and respect of the laws of Allah, than many merchants or moneylenders. Yet the moneylenders and merchants who pretend to worship Mithra, Manes and demon gods, Do reply that the most powerful of creatures such as the Lion does have more than one mate. The merchants and moneylenders and their desire to twist the words of Allah, To permit all manner of vice and pleasure argue that it is only natural for great men like lions to have more than one wife. Lo! How stupid an ignorant these defrauders of law and truth: The Lion is but a servant to the lionesses. It is not the Lion who is in control, but the females who control the single male; And when they grow tired, force the Lion into exile or a fight to the death with a younger more virile Lion. No, there is nothing natural in the laws of Allah that one may have one more than wife. Behold, if one should say to you, O Messenger, I did hear you have more than wife, Before Allah and all eternity, cut out the tongue of such a speaker of lies. For the messenger of Allah, humbly obeys the laws of Allah and takes but one wife. Yet some men say, but what if my brother should die, How then may I care for the widow if I do not take her in? Take her in, but honor the memory of your brother by not taking her to your bed. Lo! Behold! What honor exists in the bedding of a widow upon the memory of a dead brother? Some say, but what if my wife does not bear children? Then adopt. Orphans need parents and if a man is a terrible father to an orphan, He will not possibly be suitable for his own blood kin. Some say, but what if my relation is loveless, and I desire companion, Is not matrimony with two wives better than bedding with a prostitute and deceiving one wife? A man, who lacks discipline, will seek the fulfilment of a sexual pleasure, Will sleep with prostitutes no matter how many wives as he is permitted. Therefore, such a man or low morals should not marry. Some say, but did not Abraham and ancient prophets have more than one wife? It is true that in history there have been men of character with more than one wife, But that does not make it correct in the eyes of Allah. A prophet is chosen by Allah, not because he is unblemished, but because Allah wills it.

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Sufa 136 - The Release (Al-Talak)

1 2 3 4 O People! There is no other deity but Allah! The Compassionate, the Beneficent, the Gracious; All praise and worship be to Allah and no other! The merchants and moneylenders say that their woman slaves have no right to choose separation, As the merchant claim such women are owned and so are property. The wicked people say their religion permits them to kill their women as divorce is forbidden. The Christians say that Divorce is both immoral and unlawful, And that once bound in matrimony a male and female can never be separated. Thus, like the moneylenders and merchants, many wives are murdered, Rather than being granted the independent right to be recognized. Verily, by the Law of Allah, it is every womans right to ask for divorce. It is every husbands duty to show respect unto the laws of Islam and grant a womans wishes of separation. There is no dishonor in divorce, only in men who defy the laws of Allah and Islam, And consider their wives as mere property, which theyd rather steal or destroy than surrender. It is a crime against Islam to refuse the right of a woman to ask for divorce when a just reason is given. Verily, a woman may be granted release from an unhappy matrimony, Yet by the laws of heaven she may not engage in matrimony for a second time. The sacredness of matrimony is inviolable in the halls of justice of Allah. Thus, once recorded for all time, it cannot be undone. Yet Allah grants to all the blessing and wisdom against undue suffering, Which may befall a man or woman in matrimony. Beware then of those that take such matters too lightly, And do not consider carefully the sacred act of matrimony. Beware to all who deny the wisdom of Allah.

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Sufa 137 - The Permitted (Al-Halal)

1 2 3 4 5 O People! There is no other deity but Allah! The Wise, the Loving, the Patient; All glory and honor be to Allah and no other! The Way is not made to be a burden; Nor is Islam the denial of joy and pleasure.

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Verily, the Way is to honor of life and liberty. It is the teaching, the respect, the happiness. A community with no discipline and no knowledge, may be blessed by rains or cursed by flood. Yet a community without law, is a dark and evil place in which much suffering exists. Thus, Allah gives to his people a way to end suffering, By recognizing all who live in community must abide by some rule of law. The permitted is not then a trial, or a test, but a means to lasting happiness and prosperity.

Sufa 138 - The Forbidden (Al-Haraam)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 O People! There is no other deity but Allah! The Compassionate, the Beneficent, the Gracious; All prayers and homage be to Allah and no other! A child quickly learns not to touch the firestones; All men and women must learn what is good and bad for their soul. Some declare certain days and times taboo for certain actions, Prohibiting certain rituals such as the Maniacs and Rabbi. The Yahudi forbid the wearing of head dress as a form of dishonor and hiding ones self from Allah. Taboo and superstition is not sufficient reason for an action to be prohibited or permitted. The Way of Islam prohibits certain actions that cause men and women to digress backwards, Actions that promote ill will and allow evil to flourish. Of actions being forbidden, it is forbidden for a Muslin to beg. Every man who shall beg in order to increase his property, Allah will diminish it. Verily Allah loves a Muslim with a family, who is poor, And withholds himself from the unlawful and from begging. Whoso opens unto himself the door of begging, Allah will open unto him the door of poverty. Verily it is better for any of you to take your rope and bring a bundle of wood upon your back and sell it, In which case Allah guards your honor than to beg of people, whether they give or not. Whoever hath food for a day and a night, it is prohibited for him to beg. Verily it is not right for the rich to ask nor for a strong, robust person; But it is allowed for the indigent and the infirm. Do not confuse poverty with austerity. A good man seeks a life dedicated to Allah and leads an austere life free of material distractions, Whereas the poor man is too distracted with the material severity of their circumstances. Begging is a transgression for Muslims,

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Begging is a transgression for Muslims, But refusing to help those in genuine need is a much greater transgression. Poverty breeds ignorance, whereas austerity sustains holiness. Shame on those that change or corrupt the words of Allah concerning simplicity and austerity to the promotion of poverty. If such men live in palaces and riches, seize them and hold them accountable for their evil. Nothing saddens Allah more than people who live in filth and squalor as happily as pigs. Such ignorance is the playground of demons. Only tyrants and evil men claim poverty a virtue; To then exempt themselves from their duties to Allah and to recruit fools for wars. The Christians allow those who seek to beg as a sign of outward piety and reminder of the great prophet Jesus Christ. Yet now, there are whole armies of beggars, no longer seeking to emulate a life of poverty and piety, But who are forced by hidden overlords to pressure, frighten and sometime rob people of cities. Beggars have become bedfellows with thieves and all kinds of low moral people who sell their bodies, Their children and anything else in the promise of pleasure, Only to take the life of those poor unfortunate souls who succumb to their offering. A man who has taken an oath to austerity to honor the message of Allah should be commended. Yet, such a man should not require the need to beg on the main street of the town, In order for the town to recognize their obligations to Allah and ensure the man is properly housed and fed. Thus, there is no valid reason for anyone who is called to higher purpose to be on the street corners, begging for food. Similarly, families and others who seek assistance should be able to bring up their needs to the council without being denied a voice.

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Sufa 139 - The Corrupt (Al-Fasiq)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 O People! There is no other deity but Allah! The Compassionate, the Beneficent, the Gracious; All petition and thanks be to Allah and no other! Let your word stand as true, by your actions. Do not speak ill of others or make accusations in private, But bring the claim before the law for hearing. Keep records of account that you may know to whom you owe and what you are owed; That you do not over pay, nor cheat those in your service. Enter into a covenant only with those who are your equal to you in virtue and character, And always from good faith and without bias.

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Above all, honor all agreements made in good faith. Thus, if a man can be trusted, then his house and lands may be properly administered; If the traders and merchants of a city are known for honest dealing, Then the city shall thrive and prosper. But if a man cannot honor his word, if he cannot speak the truth; Then he cannot be trusted and is not fit for any office. If a man cannot be trusted, he will find no buyer or seller and his house will fail. If a city be run by thieves, then the people will suffer. Thus the greatest transgression of corruption is not only disrespect of the word of Allah, But the injury to ones name, ones family and ones community.

Sufa 140 - The Jurist (Al-Faqih)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 O you who believe! Let it be said: Al-Faqih; The Perfect Jurist; And the ninety-eighth name of Allah, the One, the Absolute, the Almighty. As the most learned in law and justice; The fairest of all judges in resolving all matters of controversy; All jurists owe their office to the highest jurist of all being Allah, no other. Do not confound a man in the sanctuary of law, In order to brush aside one who is right. Do not incline to the well-dressed man, And rebuff the one in rags. Do not accept the gift of a powerful man, And deprive the weak for his sake. Righteous Law is a great gift of Allah. He gives it to whom he wishes. Indeed, the might of him who resembles him, Saves the poor from his tormentor. O you who believe! Do not make for yourself false documents, They are a deadly provocation, They mean the great restraining oath, They mean a hearing by the herald. Do not falsify the oracles in the scrolls, And thus disturb the will of the Divine Creator. Do not use for yourself the name of Allah, To hide as if a holy man.

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Hand over property to its owners, Thus do You seek life for yourself. Do not give false witness, Or your bones belong to the execution-block.

Sufa 141 - The Witness (As-Sahid)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 O you who believe! Let it be said: As-Sahid; The Eternal Witness; And the ninety-ninth name of Allah, the Infinite, the Unique, the All Knowing. Let it be said: the one who stands as our sponsor ready to testify to our character; The one who has firsthand knowledge of all that may be written, spoken or acted; The one who gives freely and with perfect truth the evidence of our purpose, And the Way to live a fulfilled and honorable life; Allah is the most perfect witness. Do not go to a place of law or before an official in order to falsify your words. Do not vacillate in your answers, when a witnesses accuses. O you who believe! Do not labor with long oaths and flowery speech. Tell the truth lest it be brief or long. If another day you come before him a judge and place of law, He will incline favorably to all you say, An observed as true of heart and intent. A man is nothing, if his words carry no weight. My word is my bond. Any agreement is firstly with Allah and secondly with the other. Thus, when an agreement is broken, It is broken first with Allah and then with the other. If one says to you that an agreement can be broken, An agreement before Allah is and has always been by word and deed, not by paper.

Sufa 142 - The Evidence (Al-Dalil)

1 2 3 4 5 O you who believe! Let it be said: As-Samad; The Eternal, the Absolute, the Self-Sufficient; And the one-hundredth name of Allah, the One, the Absolute, the Almighty. What the eyes see, there can be no doubt; What the ears hear, let no one say otherwise;

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The proof is given, now let the unbeliever state their argument; By all law and logic, each word is measured and with purpose; Every phrase has reason and meaning; As these sufa (characteristics) are divine and if one should doubt it, Let them write such sufa greater than these, which they cannot. Therefore, evidence speaks for itself. Let not a man give false evidence, Nor permit a man to be condemned upon falsity. A man sworn before a jurist to speak the truth who instead speaks falsity is good for nothing. Take such a disgraceful man and upon proof of his perfidy, Execute him, so that no more shall he defile the law. The penalty for false evidence is death. This is the law.

Sufa 143 - The Penalty (Al-Uquba)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 O People! There is no other deity but Allah! The Compassionate, the Beneficent, the Gracious; All praise and worship be to Allah and no other! What then of penalty? The Maniacs of Persia follow both the price and revenge, So that only the rich can afford to pay; And the poor must face retribution greater than the crime. The Christians seek to change the heart, When money is used as remedy, justice and the poor suffer. The only penalty that is fair is one that fits the transgression for all, without exception. A rich man that steals is no worse or better than a poor man that steals. Neither of them have a right to break the law. The penalty must be the same. If it is not, then no justice prevails. An eye for an eye is no less no more. A life taken cannot be returned through ransom.

Sufa 144 - The People (Al-Nas)

1 O you who believe! Let it be said: Al-Qadir;

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The Omnipotent, the All Able; And the one hundred and first name of Allah, the Infinite, the Unique, the All Knowing. The perfection and completion of knowledge of All; The being and disposition of action of life from beginning to end; Behold! The end of fear, of uncertainty of darkness; A new age of light through wisdom; Let not one word be altered; Lest those that alter the word of Allah be judged. And let the word of Allah transform your heart, your life and spirit.

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