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CANTHO IMPORT EXPORT SEAFOOD JOINT STOCK COMPANY Lot 2.12, Tra No 2 I!"#$tr%a& Zo!'( Ca!t)o C%t* ----------0----------

It'+ .1/ 1 2 S,' %-% at%o! .2/ Name of product Raw material (scientific name) D'$ r%,t%o! .0/ Fro1'! o*$t'r +'at


Ngheu lua: paphia undulata Ngheu trang: meretrix Lyrata o! hu"e#t: arca granosa o! $ie%p: chlamys nobilis 'a" of preser(ing) - *"ster meat is transported to the plant +" a transporting and recei(ing tight truc, (refrigerator-truc,) to a(oid the the raw material direct sunshine in the time not o(er 2- hours. - /t the plant) each lot of raw material is chec,ed +" sensor" a+out freshness) si0e) comple1 matter +efore recei(ing. /rea for e1ploiting the raw *"ster is har(ested at the farming areas material which are controlled and allowed to har(est +" the authorities. ummar" description of the - 3oo,ed o"ster meat) 456. 7ac,ed according specification of the finished to each si0e in 78 +ag) the +ag is sealed. product - Ratio of glai0ng and the pac,ing specification are according to the customer9s re:uirement: 0)2,g) 1,g) 2,g or 10,g;78)<) the num+er of +ags which are pac,ed in carton according to the customer9s re:uirement.
*ther component ?he main processing steps No

= >

?"pe of pac,ing

Recei(ing the raw material (o"ster;arca meat) -@ 'ashing 1 -@ i0ing -@ 'ashing 2 -@ 3oo,ing -@ 3hilling -@ 6ree0ing -@ Ala0ing -@ 'eighing -@ 7ac,ing -@ 7reser(ing) ?a,ing out 7ac,ing 112,g) 212,g) 10,g; 78 ; sealed; carton or according to the customer9s re:uirement
7reser(ed in cold store at temperature -1B03 . 7roduct is distri+uted) transported at the fro0en form) alwa"s assured at temperature -1B03 2- months ma1 since the production date No 7ac,age has complete information as follows: *rigin of product) code of plant) name of product) scientific name) code of tracing) net weight) si0e) production date) e1pir" date) condition of preser(ation and other re:uirements of customer according to each mar,et No

C 10 11 12 1&

3ondition of preser(ing 3ondition of distri+uting) transporting product ?ime of use ?ime of showing product Re:uirements of la+eling

112 1= 1>

pecial re:uirements ; conditions 7urpose of use *+Dect of use

7roduct must +e coo,ed +efore eating 6ood for e(er"one e1cept those who are allergic to o"ster Regulations) re:uirements /ccording to Eietnamese standard and the need compliance standard of the import countr" (not lower than Eietnamese standard)

Fate : 02;01;201& A,,ro2'" :

CANTHO IMPORT EXPORT SEAFOOD JOINT STOCK COMPANY Lot 2.12, Tra No 2 I!"#$tr%a& Zo!'( Ca!t)o C%t* ----------0----------


PRODUCTION 5ATER .SSOP 61/ R8384E4NA ?G8 R/' H/?8R4/I 337 01 '/ G4NA 1 1


4J4NA '/ G4NA 2

2NF R**H


R8384E4NA 7/3K/A8 78 ; 7/

'84AG4NA-78 7/3K4NA ?8H7*R/RL 7/3K4NA 3*H7I8?8 7/3K4NA 3G/NA4NA 7/3K/A8 7R8 8RE4NA F8?83?4NA H8?/I ?/K4NA *M? &RF R**H


Fate : 02;01;201& 7'r%-%'":

Fate : 02;01;201& A,,ro2'":

CANTHO IMPORT EXPORT SEAFOOD JOINT STOCK COMPANY Lot 2.12, Tra No 2 I!"#$tr%a& Zo!'( Ca!t)o C%t* ----------0----------


St', .1/ Ma%! t' )!% a& ,ara+'t'r .2/ - 3ertificate of *rigin - 7reser(ation temperature -3 D'$ r%,t%o! .0/ - /li(e *"setr N /rca meat is transported to the plant +" tight truc, (refrigerator-truc,) - 8ach lot of o"ster is chec,ed on sensor" (colour) taste) freshness) si0e) - 8ach lot of o"ster which enters the plant has certificate of origin of lot /fter recei(ing) the raw material is washed through 2 clean water +asins) temperature of the washing water 23. 3hange water after washing not o(er 100,g of semi-finished product - ?he semi-finished product is si0ed according to the customer9s re:uirement. - 3ontinue to eliminate the remained foreign o+Dect in the semi-finished product . - 4ce to ,eep temperature of product >03. - Use hand to stir the product in bas et !ight!" to c!ean comp!e# matter$ %ash through & c!aen %ater basins in turn$ temperature of the %ashing %ater '0 C( - Ha,e con(e"or +elt run sta+l") when temperature reaches --003) the semifinished product can +e placed on the con(e"or +elt) free0e. - 7roduct is gla0ed according to the customer9s re:uirement . - Ala0e to increase the sensor" (alue) to a(oid losing water) free0er- +urn or o1idi0ing the product in the preser(ation process .


'ashing 1

- ?emperature of the washing water 2 03


- Temperature of semifinished product 70C - Sizing: according to the customers requirement

'ashing 2

?he washing water : t0 203 - 3hanging the washing water 200,g. ?ime of free0ing 12&0 minutes



?emperature of the gla0ing water -03

'eighing N 7utting into 78 +ag

)eighing net %eight * addition

- 53 chec,s +alance +efore carr"ing out - Eolume when weighing depends on the customer9s re:uirement O addition how to assure the weight indicated on pac,age. -/fter weighing) o"ster is put into a sealed 78 +ag according to the weight of the customer9s re:uirement.

7ac,ing; Ia+elling

10 ,g;carton or pac,ing according to the customer9s re:uirement


?emperature -1B 03 No 6e 2.0 mm 3u 2.2 mm and M &.0 mm in product.

Fetecting metal

?a,ing out

- 8cah o"ster +ag with the same si0e) grade is put into 01 carton) weight according to each actual order. - Name of 3ompan") 8M code) code of tracing) origin of product) name of product) scientific name) si0e) grade) production date) e1pir" date are indicated completel". 6astened +" 02 hori0ontal strings ) 02 (ertical ones. /fter pac,ing) product is +rought into cold store immediatel" to preser(e the finished product at temperature -20O;203. 8ach product carton is passed metal detector to disco(er and eliminate a possi+le piece of metal in product. Fetector will issue a signal when the product carton contains a piece of metal with dimension : 6e: 2.0mmP 3u: 2.2 mm and us: &.0 mm. 7roduct is ta,en out when all the micro+iological) anti+iotic and sensor" norms meet re:uirement and getting the ta,ing out order from the chief of trade department. ?he procuct is ta,en out in the cold condition -20O;- 203 . Fate : 02; 01 ;201& A,,ro2'":

Name of 3ompan" : CANTHO IMPORT EXPORT SEAFOOD JOINT STOCK COMPANY /ddress : Lot 2.12, Tra No 2 I!"#$tr%a& Zo!' 4 Name of product : FROZEN OYSTER MEAT Hethod of preser(ing and distri+uting : (266C 26C 'a" of use : COOKED 8EFORE EATIN3 *+Dect of use : E7ERY O8JECT

Ca!t)o C%t*
I"'!t%-* t)' ,'!'trat%!9 ,ot'!t%a& )a1ar"$, o!tro&&'" or '!)a! '" at t)%$ $t', ;<

I!9r'"%' !t: ,ro '$$% !9 $t',


Are there any significant food safety hazards ?


E=,&a%! -or t)' "' %$%o! at o&#+! .0/

5)at ,r'2'!tat%2' +'a$#r'$ a! >' a,,&%'" to ,r'2'!t t)' $%9!%-% a!t )a1ar";

I$ t)%$ $t', a r%t% a& o!tro& ,o%!t; .Y'$ : No/



( 8IOLO3Y: Q 7athogenic microorganis m presents on the raw material.


No Q ?he contaminatio n of the pathogenic microorganis m Q ?he growth of the pathogenic microorganis m 3G8H4 ?RL: Q Riologic to1in: / 7) F 7) 7 7) N 7 Q 3ontaminatin g chemical: NhieSm hoTa cha#t: - -- *il - Gea(" metal : 7+) 3d) Gg - 4nsecticide : 73Rs) Fi:uat) 8ndothall and monometh"l ester) Al"phosate) 2)-F) /ldrin and dieldrin) 3hlordane) 3hlordecone) FF?) Geptachlor and Geptachlorep o1ide) Hire1. 7GL 43 : No I"'!t%-* t)' ,'!'trat%!9 ,ot'!t%a& )a1ar"$, o!tro&&'" or '!)a! '" at t)%$ $t', ;<


*"ster is har(ested at the areas which are not contaminated and controlled +" the authorities. - 6acilit" for the o"ster preliminar" process meets the re:uirement of food sanitation safet" Q 3ontrolled +" *7

Q 3ontrolled +" AH7

Les Les

R' '%2%!

Q *"ster can filter and assem+le +iologic to1in in (iscera. Q ?he o"ster farming area at the sea area near estuar" can +e contaminated chemical (oil) hea(" metal) insecticide) from industrial and agricultural production.

Y'$ Q *nl" recei(e o"ster which is e1ploited from an allowed e1ploitation area. Q 'ith certificate of origin enclosed with each lot. Y'$

I!9r'"%' !t: ,ro '$$% !9 $t',


Are there any significant food safety hazards ?


E=,&a%! -or t)' "' %$%o! at o&#+! .0/


5)at ,r'2'!tat%2' +'a$#r'$ a! >' a,,&%'" to ,r'2'!t t)' $%9!%-% a!t )a1ar";

I$ t)%$ $t', a r%t% a& o!tro& ,o%!t; .Y'$ : No/



- BIOLOGY : + ?he contamination of the pathogenic microorganism + ?he growth of the pathogenic microorganism - CHEMISTRY No ( PHYSICS No - BIOLOGY + ?he contamination of the pathogenic microorganism


+ 3ontrolled +" *7

,o + 3ontrolled +" AH7


+ 3ontrolled +" *7

+ 3ontrolled +" AH7


+ ?he growth of the pathogenic microorganism - CHEMIS !Y No (PHYSICS No - BIOLOGY ?he contamination of the pathogenic microorganism


+ 3ontrolled +" *7

,o + 3ontrolled +" AH7


+ ?he growth of the pathogenic microorganism - CHEMISTRY No ( PHYSICS No Riolog" : O ?he contamination of the pathogenic microorganism 3hemistr": No 7h"sics : O / piece of metal


3ontrolled *7




O / piece of metal from free0er can contaminate product. O 3ontrolled AH7 O 3ontrolled *7 +"

O ?he following step of metal detection will eliminate all possi+le pieces of metal.



Riolog" : O ?he growth of the pathogenic microorganism O ?he contamination of the pathogenic microorganism 3hemistr" : No 7h"sics : No

No No


I!9r'"%' !t: ,ro '$$% !9 $t',


I"'!t%-* t)' ,'!'trat%!9 ,ot'!t%a& )a1ar"$, o!tro&&'" or '!)a! '" at t)%$ $t', ;<

Are there any significant food safety hazards ?


E=,&a%! -or t)' "' %$%o! at o&#+! .0/

5)at ,r'2'!tat%2' +'a$#r'$ a! >' a,,&%'" to ,r'2'!t t)' $%9!%-% a!t )a1ar";

I$ t)%$ $t', a r%t% a& o!tro& ,o%!t; .Y'$ : No/




Pa B%!9


D't' t%!

Riolog" : O ?he growth of the pathogenic microorganism O ?he contamination of the pathogenic microorganism 3hemistr" : No 7h"sics : No Riolog" : O ?he contamination of the pathogenic microorganism 3hemistr" : No 7h"sics : No Riolog" : O ?he contamination of the pathogenic microorganism 3hemistr" : No 7h"sics : No Riolog" : O ?he contamination of the pathogenic microorganism 3hemistr" : No 7h"sics : O / piece of metal

No No

O 3ontrolled AH7 O 3ontrolled *7




3ontrolled *7



3ontrolled *7



3ontrolled *7



O / piece of metal can remain in product +ecause the last step has not controlled O 3ontrolled *7 +"

O Mse metal detector to chec, products continuousl"



Riolog" : O ?he contamination of the pathogenic microorganism 3hemistr" : No 7h"sics : No


Fate : 02;01;201& A,,ro2'" :


Name of 3ompan" : CANTHO IMPORT EXPORT SEAFOOD JOINT STOCK COMPANY /ddress : Lot 2.12, Tra No 2 I!"#$tr%a& Zo!' 4 Ca!t)o C%t* CCP Cr%t% a& &%+%t O 'ith certificate of origin and notice shows that the farming area is allowed to har(est and time of har(esting 5)at O Notice "ay of #onitoring HoC Fr'D# '! * O Re(iew and chec, and compar e +etwee n notice and the har(est ed area O Re(iew and chec, and compar e +etwee n notice and the har(est ed area 5)o Name of product : FROZEN OYSTER 4 ARCA MEAT Hethod of preser(ing and distri+uting : (266C 26C 'a" of use : COOKED 8EFORE EATIN3 *+Dect of use : FOOD FOR HUMAN Corr' t%2' a t%o! - Fo not recei(e the lot of raw material when there is not cartificate of origin or the content of the certificate is not li,e the notice of the authorities. Not' - Notice shows that the farming area is allowed to har(est and time of har(esting. - 3ertificate of origin of the lot of raw material uper(ision report of the step of recei(ing the raw material. - Notice shows that the farming area is allowed to har(est and time of har(esting. - 3ertificate of origin of the lot of raw material uper(ision report of the step of recei(ing the raw material. 7'r%-% at%o! O ?he super(ision record of the correcti(e action and (erification is re(iewed dail" after finishing production.

Ha1ar" 3hemistr ": Q Riologic to1in: / 7) F 7) 7 7) N 7

O 8ach O 53 lot at step of recei(i ng

Recei(in g

Q *il) hea(" metal) insecticid e

- Notice shows that the farming area is allowed to har(est and time of har(esting. - 3ertificate of origin of the lot of raw material.

Notice 3ertifi cate of origin of the lot of raw materi al.

O 8ach O 53 lot at the step of recei(i ng. O 8ach lot

- Fo not recei(e the lot of raw material when there is not cartificate of origin or the content of the certificate is not li,e the notice of the authorities.

O ?he super(ision record of the correcti(e action and (erification is re(iewed dail" after finishing production.


MoE% !9#*

8%'F! ,)aG, 9%aG+ $aGt

Ha<!) HoF!9

T)aI+ tra

3%JG% )aK! tJG% )aK! 7h"sics : O / piece of O No 6e metal in 1)2 mmP 3u product 2.0mm and M 2)2 mm in product. Fetecti ng metal

CaG% 9O

CaG ) !a<o

TaP! $#aEt O /ll the cartons contain product

A% O 7erson nel operate s detecto r

$LMa )LNa O 4solate the cartons from the time when the detector cannot identif" the test sample to the last accepta+le chec, time) carr" out the following steps: 3hec, the sensiti(it" of detector - Re-chec, all the products which are isolated - Re-process and remo(e the products which ha(e metal out of the lot

3)% )'G, O 337 super(isio n report of detecting metal * ?he super(ision record of the correcti(e action and (erification is re(iewed dail" after finishing production. O 53 chec,s metal detector +" the test samples 6e U 1)2 mm) 3u U2)0 and sample M U 2)2 mm at the +eginning) e(er" &0 minutes and at the end of each +atch.

O O Hetal 7resen detecto ce of a r piece of metal in product

Fate : 02;01;201& A,,ro2'" :

CANTHO IMPORT EXPORT SEAFOOD JOINT STOCK COMPANY Lot 2.12, Tra No 2 I!"#$tr%a& Zo!'( Ca!t)o C%t* ----------0----------


Na+' o- ,ro"# t : FROZEN OYSTER 4 ARCA MEAT
Q#'$t%o! 1 .Y'$ : No/ /0S1$ Q#'$t%o! 2 .Y'$ : No/ Q#'$t%o! 0 .Y'$ : No/ Q#'$t%o! ? .Y'$ : No/ CCP .Y'$ : No/


Ha1ar" - CHEMIS !Y + .io!ogic to#in: 2S1$ 1S1$,S13 + 4i! + 5nsecticide + 6ea7" meta!





'ashing 1 i0ing 'ashing 2 6ree0ing Ala0ing 'eighing N 7utting into 78 +ag 7ac,ing ; Ia+elling 7reser(ing Fetecting metal ?a,ing out

7h"sics : O /piece of metal 7h"sics : O / piece of metal -

Les Les -

No Les -

Les -

Les -

No Les -

Fate : 02;01;201& A,,ro2'":

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