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Interactive Info-graphic

Ralph Klein Park

Kelly Rocque

Walk Through
Interactive Info-graphic
Ralph Klein Park

The initial concept behind this collection of interactive Waste Management Info-graphics was the power of self-realization. Weve heard it all before. We need to start living more waste conscious lives. We need to make changes but this we talk has become noise over time. These interactive info-graphics talk to the individual, and more importantly communicates the changes that need to be made through the process of self-assessment and research based categorization of the individual participants. There are three separate components to this interactive info-graphic displace. Two self assessment based and one puzzle designed to supply facts of based upon questions asked in the other two pieces.

1 2 3 View of display area. Approaching feature wall. Feature wall marble track.

Kelly Rocque


Walk Through
Interactive Info-graphic
Ralph Klein Park

4 5 Feature wall right side view. Feature wall birds-eye-view.

Kelly Rocque


Walk Through
Interactive Info-graphic
Ralph Klein Park

6 7 8 View of display area. Approaching Elevator wall graphic. Elevator wall graohic and alcove info graphic.

Kelly Rocque




Walk Through
Interactive Info-graphic
Ralph Klein Park

9 View of elevator wall graphic and alcove graohic. 10 View of elevator wall graphic. 11 Birds-eye-view alcovel.

Kelly Rocque


Feature Graphic How good are you at managing your daily waste?

This complex weaving and winding marble track is more than just a cool display of mechanics. It is designed to categorize the participants in to one of four funnels. The idea is that as participants interact with the display they will be forced to access their own everyday choice that by the end of the marble track are categorized as: Awful, Not Awful, Not Great, and Great.

Feature Wall
Interactive Info-graphic
Ralph Klein Park

Kelly Rocque


Feature Wall Graphic

Interactive Info-graphic
Ralph Klein Park

How to play? - As Indicated on Wall

There are many simple everyday choices you can make to help reduce your daily waste but are you making the right choices? How environmentally cautious are you? If youre up to the test before you start, make sure all dial arrows are pointing up. Then grab a marble and place it in the start slot. As the marble hits the dials it will come to a stop. Answer the question with the corresponding number to the left of the track and turn the dial either LEFT or RIGHT depending on your answer. There are two sets of questions, one set for the 16 + participants in blue and anther set for 10 15 participants in purple. Complete the questions and see where your marble ends up!

Throughout the display there are a few areas with LED lights that are activated. These areas are: The Marble bucket There is a glowing trace on the wall around the bucket. The Starting section There is a glowing trace around the starting marble compartment. The Question dials As the marble travels through the track the trace of the dial it lands on will glow. The Funnels When the marble lands in the funnel the trace around the funnel will glow.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Marble bucket. Start slot. Corresponding question dials Numbered questions. Marble Track and dimensions. Categorized marble funnels Ledges for funnels

Kelly Rocque


Elevator Wall Graphic - Can You Put the World Back Together?

The concept behind this graphic is in the physical interaction the participants have with it - physically solve the puzzle that puts the world back together. The square puzzle panels slide around and revile interesting facts and tips that can help the participant in making real world efforts in putting our planet back
Alcove Graphic - How Much Water do You Save?

This Piece is designed to make the participant realize how big of a difference just three everyday choices can make in how much water he or she saves. The idea is that through the participants self-assessment, they will learn how easy it is to make changes in their everyday water usage. Using specific situations will hopefully remind the participant the next time they are in that particular situation and result in them making the change.

Elevator Wall & Alcove Graphics

Interactive Info-graphic
Ralph Klein Park

Kelly Rocque


Elevator Wall & Alcove Graphics

Interactive Info-graphic
Ralph Klein Park

How to play?- As Indicated on Wall

Elevator Wall Lets rebuild the world. Its not going to be easy but lets see if you can do it! Slide the pieces around the board until the puzzle is solved. Dont forget to keep a look out. You might stumble across some interesting and helpful tips and facts about how you can rebuild the world you live in as well. You can do it! Alcove We waste enormous amounts of water a day without even thinking. There are lots of ways you can cut back on your daily waste. To start there are a few key everyday choices we can make - But how much water are YOU saving? Lets find out! Before you start make sure all the raindrops are pushed in towards the wall.

Take the disk (this represents your water) slide the disk into the START slot. At each row of raindrops you will be asked a question. Indicated below each question is an answer that will direct you to pull the LEFT or RIGHT raindrop. If Left - pull the raindrop on the left of which the disk rests. If Right pull the raindrop on the right of which the disk rests.

Elevator Wall Throughout the two displays there are a few areas with LED lights that are activated. These areas are: The puzzel - There is a glowing trace around the whole puzzle. Alcove The Start slot - There is a glowing trace around the slot where you place the disk. The sliding raindrops - As the disk lands on the raindrops, the two suporting it will glowing trace. The buckets - When the disk lands in a bucket it will have a glowing trace. The Gallons - When the disk lands in the bucket the gallons of water saved will have a glowing trace.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Elevator wall solved puzzle image. Elevator wall puzzle. Elevator wall revealed information. Alcove graphic Start point. Alcove graphic side view of sliding raindrops. Alcove graphic Corresponding raindrop row questions. Alcove buckets indicating how much water is saved.

Kelly Rocque


- Restaurants are huge waste producers! They pre duce 98 000 pounds of waste a year. Preparing your own home cooked meals can save up to 60% of this waste. - 67 pounds of discarded school lunch packaging waste per school year. This amount could be drastcally changed if school lunches were made up of more home prepared snacks. Alcove Graphic Questions 1. Do you let the water run when you brush your teeth? 2. Do you take Short Showers (5 10min) or long showers (15 20 min/ bath?). 3. Do you the water run for cold water or use water jug from the refrigerator?

Type Solutions
Interactive Info-graphic
Ralph Klein Park

Feature Wall Questions:

Adult: 1 Did you take a shower or bath? 2 Did you drive to work or walk/city Transit? 3 Did you pack a lunch or go out to eat? 4 When disposing of a recyclable item did you recycle it? 5 How much of your dinner was prepackaged or bought frozen? Children 1 Did you let the water run while brushing your teeth? 2 How did you get to school Bus/walked or car? 3 When disposing of a recyclable item did you recycle it? 4 How much of your lunch was pre-packaged. 5 Did you take a shower or bath?

Elevator Wall & Alcove:

Elevator Wall Graphic Facts - Recycling 54 KG of newspaper will save one tree. - It is estimated that 95% of business information is still stored on paper. - chemicals released by fridges account for 30 percent of supermarkets direct emissions, yet only 0.5 percent ofstores have been fitted with greener equipment. - Frozen food takes 10 times more energy to produce than fresh food. Fresh is best. - Using public transit versus driving private vehicles can save you up to 30% of your household emissions. - A ton of recycled paper frees up more than 3.3 cubic yards of space at a landfill.

1 2 3 4 Elevator Wall - How to and Facts. Alcove graphic - Questions. Alcove graphic - How to. Feature Wall - How to and Questions.

Kelly Rocque


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