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Campus Awakening Vision

Every day in cities all over America, thousands of students gather in one locationtheir campus. For years, as a pastor working with youth and young adults, we had been pressing in for a strategy on how to impact the schools, colleges and universities in our city and nation. We were never satisfied with just great church meetings or a Campus Ministry that has large numbers; we wanted to reach the city and influence entire campuses. We always knew prayer would be at the heart of this movement but we were looking for a strategy that would prove fruitful and sustainable. Then the Lord released a dream to me. In the dream I was looking at a chart of a man. I could see the left half of his body from the waist up. His arm was stretched out with his hand open. While I was studying this picture, I realized the heart of the man was prayer. This fit perfectly with what we already knew the heart of the campus movement would be prayer. Then I looked at his hand and had a revelation. Not only was his heart prayer, but his handthe part of his body with which he 'reached out'was also prayer. I knew instantly these were prayers of blessing, prophecy and healing. Then the dream switched scenes and in the next image I was in a theater style room on a campus amidst a gathering for the Life Change Club. It was clear that their mandate was based around students boldly sharing how Jesus had changed their life. Some told of how His love had changed their life, some testified to how His power had changed their life, and some shared how His Word had changed their life. I was standing up front and strategizing with the students on how we could get other students to the meeting so they too could hear how Jesus changes lives. Then the dream ended. When I awoke, I knew God was showing us a strategy to release students into revival on their campuses. It seemed so simple: prayer, power, and testimony. We were to encourage and empower students to be dedicated to express the 'heart' of the movement: to intercede for their campus. They would also have a passion to demonstrate the hand of the movement: to find people on the campus needing prayer. This prayer meeting would be mobile and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. And through prayers of blessing, prophecy and healing, these students would pray for others to come into a 'God encounter'. As God began to answer these prayers, we would encourage students to live a life that demonstrates to others what God has done for them and to share their stories of breakthrough. In the midst of the Lord revealing these blueprints, one of our staff told us of a dream she had. I was walking on campus and realized that I was late for a class. When I went to the classroom the class before mine was still in session. There was a group of people waiting outside, looking in the little window on the door at what was going on inside. Some people decided to venture in and see for themselves and I joined them. The teacher was praying in tongues over the class and the Holy Spirit was touching people. There were bodies lying under desks on the floor. I sat down next to a girl who asked me what prayer was and what was going on. We prayed. Then I realized I had forgotten my homework for the class and should go grab it. It was a paper on the history of revival. As I was walking across the campus I thought that I should go find Pastor Bill. So I went into the church office and told him that people were slain in the Spirit and just being hit by the Holy Spirit in the school. He came with me and so did Pastor Kris. Kris had tears in his eyes. On the walk

through the campus Pastor Bill kept stopping to talk to students on the way. I walked off to the side and was worried wed miss something, but he was connecting with people. I told him that it was all going on in room D4. When we got to D4 they were setting up for worship, but there was no longer any students in the classroom. I couldnt even walk in the room because the presence of God was so strong I had to crawl! We started making our way back though the campus towards the office and realized where all the students had gone. They were out praying for the sick and for others who hadnt been there. There was not a single person who was not praying for someone or being prayed for. I knew that some of these kids who were praying and seeing these miracles had not even been saved the morning before all of this had broken out. They were witnessing blind people see, deaf people hear, people in wheelchairs walk, and people getting healed of physical and emotional sicknesses. God was stirring us to take action on our campuses, so we began to assemble our campus leaders and dream together. What if we could gather Christians and activate them in prayer and power. What if, as students walked the halls they began to pray for other students who experienced God encounters. What if those students testified about how they had been healed or how they had lived in depression until a Christian student prayed for them. What if stories began to circulate around campus of how these certain students told them something they could have never known about their life and revealed the plan God has for them? Can you imagine if the word on the campus was, if you're sick or need encouragement or desire to be free from depression then have those Christian students pray for you? That's what you and I are called to dotell people the Kingdom of God is near and then show them through a demonstration of power and love. Like wind-driven wildfire, an entire campus can be impacted by the prayers of just a handful of students if they really believe God will show up when they pray.

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