Practice Reported Speech

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Reported Speech
Put the following texts into the reported speech with the introducing verbs in the past tense. 1. My name is Arthur Tann. I was born in 1952 and educated at Wallin !ord "rammar School# where I passed !i$e %&le$els. I le!t school in 19'( and went to wor) !or an insurance company. Then I came to li$e in Middle!ord and ot a *ob at the library. I+$e been there !or about three years but I don+t thin) I+ll stay there much lon er. At the moment I+m li$in in "ladstone A$enue but I may lea$e soon. I want to do a Mana ement course but I can+t do it until I+$e passed some A&le$els.


,o you )now a irl called Mary who wor)s at the library- Is she doin a course at the .olle e- Will she marry /ruce- ,id you ta)e any A&le$els at school- 0a$e you bou ht those three boo)s yet-

Put the following sentences into reported speech, with the introducing verbs in the past tense: 1. 2. 1. 2. 5. 3. '. 4. 9. 1(. It is cold in here. Is the window open,o you thin) it will rain- It is $ery cloudy. I must write some letters now. What date is it0ow do you li)e Maisie+s new dress- I bou ht it !or her at a sale. We are oin !or a country wal). Would you li)e to come tooWhat time is it- My watch has stopped. This is a most interestin boo). 0a$e you e$er read itWhat is the matter- 5ou don+t loo) $ery well. That loo)s di!!icult to do. .an I help youAre you !ree tomorrow ni ht- I would li)e you to come to my party.

Put into reported speech.

1. 2. 1. .lean it yoursel! Wrap it up in a piece o! paper .ut the corners o!! . . .

2. 5. 3. '. 4. 9. 1(. 11. 12. 11. 12. 15. 13. 1'.

6asten your sa!ety belts ,on+t sit on my bed Wait there until I come ,on+t spea) until you+re spo)en to 7ea$e it on the piano ,on+t wipe your dirty !in ers on my nice clean tablecloth ,on+t try to be !unny /rush it o!! when it ets dry ,on+t put your elbow on the table 7oo) where you are oin Mind the steps "et your hair cut "o to bed and don+t et up until you+re called 8at up your dinner at once or I+ll punish you

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Write your name clearly at the top and then ta)e down these points as I call them out.
/rin in the two accused men and ta)e care they don+t *ud e...: et away. 9The


,on+t spend all your money on !ood and drin). Sa$e some !or the !uture.

Put the following sentences into reported speech, introducing them with a verb in the past tense. 1. 2. 1. 2. 5. 3. '. 4. 9. I am ill I met him last year They will be here soon She has !inished now I am li$in in 7ondon 0e is oin to /erlin tomorrow I+$e *ust been to the butcher+s I can come ne;t wee) I don+t )now what he+ll say . . . . . . . . .

1(. 11. 12. 11. 12.

They went away yesterday I would do the same mysel! i! I were in your place I tried to ride a bicycle but I !ell o!! three times I shall e;pect to see you ne;t Wednesday These apples won+t )eep# they are too so!t

. . . . .

15. 13.
1'. 14. 19.

I ha$en+t had enou h time to !inish what I intended to do. I can do some more later on . I e;pect to hear some news tomorrow< I will tell you i! I do so that you needn+t worry .
5ou must lea$e the country at once =eople mustn+t !ish in this ri$er 5ou must decide what you want to do . . .


5ou must do it all a ain be!ore ne;t wee)# althou h I must con!ess it+s the !irst bad repair you+$e done. 5ou+ll et a new *ob to do when you+$e !inished it .

Put the following sentences into REPORTED PEE!" with the introducing verb in the past tense. #ar$ the introducing verb. 1. 2. 1. 2. 5. 3. '. 4. 9. 1(. 11. 12. 11. Are you en*oyin yoursel!,id you see the >in yesterday,oes she always wear a hat0a$e you seen my new hat,o I loo) all ri htAre the rapes sourIs it time to oWill the ta;i be here at ei ht o+cloc).an you hear a noise%u ht the li ht to be onAre my shoes cleaned yet,id the reen rocer ha$e any !resh $e etables,oes your car always ma)e a nasty smell-

12. 15. 13. 1'. 14. 19. 2(.

May I use your telephoneIs it rainin hea$ily,o you sleep in the a!ternoonsMust the door be )ept shutWas the train $ery !ull0a$e the children put away their toys,id /ill i$e you that rin -

Put the following sentences into REPORTED verb in the P% T tense. 1. What a lo$ely house? 2. 0ello? What do you want1. My oodness? 5ou are slim?

PEE!" with the introducing

2. 0a$en+t you e$er been here be!ore- 90e was surprised...: 5. What a dirty !ace you ha$e? 3. %h? I+$e cut mysel!? '. 0elp me? 4. The house is on !ire? 9. What ha$e you done to your hair1(.What on earth has happened-

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