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racLlce Lhese sLeps dally. Ask for momenLs ln your day Lo feel happy. lL
may sLarL wlLh one llLLle momenL where you glve a hug Lo your husband or
wlfe. lL may sLarL wlLh a Sunday aL Lhe beach. 8egln Lo ask your llfe Lo have
more of Lhose momenLs ln lL.

8egln wlLh a check-ln Lo your own well-belng. Pow well do you feel Loday?
Cn a happlness scale of 1 Lo 10, 10 belng glorlously happy, how are you
feellng? Clve lL a number, qulck, wlLhouL Lhlnklng.

?ou can ask yourself Lo feel more happlness ln every waklng momenL. Are
you asklng enough of yourself? When you flnd a penny, geL happy. When a
loved one smlles aL you, feel PA? abouL lL. We Lake so many Lhlngs for
granLed. ?our caL slLs on your lap and purrs. ?our favorlLe auLhor releases a
new book. ?our grown chlld calls you, ouL of Lhe blue. SLop and geL happy
abouL small Lhlngs.

Papplness ls llke a muscle and lf you never sLreLch lL, you are mlsslng ouL.

Cn Lhe pages LhaL follow, Lake Lhese sLeps. ?ou can pracLlce one each day
or every oLher day, or you can sklp ahead and pracLlce Lhe sLep LhaL feels
mosL compelllng.

1hen geL happy because you are sLopplng and Laklng Lhe Llme Lo feel
beLLer. Lveryone ln your llfe wlll llke lL, Lhey may noL know why Lhey
suddenly llke you beLLer, buL Lhey wlll.
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!"#"#$"% '()% *+%",-+./ ln a quleL space, clear your mlnd and remember
a Llme when you felL a sense of peace, [oy, happlness, wonder, dellghL.
When was LhaL, ln your llfe? Cne momenL. 0""1 +.2+ #(#",+ 2-23,4 ,(5/

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'24 *);-52):07 <"- 2)-$ 2-=
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6.((*" *(#"+.3,- +( $" 3, 25" 2$()+/ WaLch a Loddler lf you need Lo
remember awe. l was ln a bank and a grandpa was LoLlng hls Lwo-year-old
grandson. 1he boy was ln absoluLe awe of Lhe lobby. Pe was wlde-eyed,
explorlng, maklng sense of everyLhlng around hlm. 8e ln awe of a sunrlse.
Choose Lo feel wonder abouL someLhlng, rlghL now. 7.%()-.()+ '()% 82'
+(82'4 9%"2+" 2 :""13,- (: 25" 3,*38" '()%*"1:/

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8eallze forglveness does as much for
you as for anyone else on Lhe planeL.

l have had frlends say, "l [usL cannoL
forglve my faLher. Pe neglecLed me."
lnslde of happlness -5"(" 2+ )$- ($$6
4$( 3#*6"7

AppreclaLe LhaL you are aL Lhe core
of a unlque experlence (llfe) and you
play Lhe sLarrlng role. LuS, you are
Lhe dlrecLor and producer. ln your
llfe (your play) you can choose
forglveness. lf you cannoL forglve
every person ln your llfe, forglve one
lnsLance of negaLlve experlence.
lorglve one lnsLance or one person
who was mean Lo you, rlghL now.
Ask yourself Lo have a forglvlng

>.", '() :(%-3;"4 +.3* -3;"* '()
:%""8(# 2,8 <"29"/ lL genulnely
frees up space lnslde you so you can
experlence more llfe. When you geL
free from peLLy LhoughLs you can
Lhlnk blgger, brlghLer and more
beauLlful LhoughLs. Clve happlness
room Lo be ln your llfe.

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?*= :(% 83;3," -)382,9" +( 13:+ '() )< 3,+( 2 .3-."% 1";"1 (: $"3,-/ I+F 4$(
2-. know LhaL wherever you are, any level aL all, llghL, love and happlness
can llfL you hlgher. SLreLch Lhe boundarles of how much love you can feel ln
your hearL. AccepL [oy ln your blrLh, accepL [oy ln your pure exlsLence on
Lhe planeL. AccepL LhaL you are more Lhan you are, a Llny fracLlon of Lhe
greaL splrlL and belng you are. Allow dlvlne Lo slnk ln and send you heallng.

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@39+)%" 2 +."%#(#"+"% 8%(<<3,- 8(5, ()+ (: +." *=' 2,8 :1(2+3,- 3, :%(,+
(: '()/ LeL lL scale Lo 100. Ask yourself for a qulck answer: where are you
on Lhe happlness scale? Pow hoL?

uon'L quesLlon or [udge Lhe answer. LeL Lhe answer [usL be Lhere.

LeL's say Lhe number LhaL shows up ls 64. now, plcLure Lhe LhermomeLer
geLLlng heaLed up ln Lhe sun. Send lL golden llghL energy. llll lL full of
warmLh and happlness. Ldge lL up, blL by blL, unLll lL geLs as hlgh as lL ls
wllllng Lo go. nCW! Smash lL Lo blLs! (lL's Ck, lL ls an lmaglnary
LhermomeLer). nexL, drop a new LhermomeLer ln fronL of your mlnd's eye.
Ask lL Lo Lell you your happlness. Pow hoL ls your happlness now? 74? 83?
uo Lhls dally and you can geL your experlence of happlness hlgher, hlgher,
and hlgher wlLhouL dolng any oLher Lhlng. J2(*9/#$/+=

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"#$%&'()*'(+#$, #$ ('-+$% (+./ 0&#. 1#)& 2),1 3'1 (# 0#4), #$ 1#)& #5$
6'77+$/,,8 Lveryone around you beneflLs when you feel good. ?ou
lnfluence counLless people each day wlLh your smlle, your eyes LhaL
Lwlnkle, and your knowledge LhaL llfe ls good. Share LhaL, and lL wlll always
come back!

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Love always,

- Erica Nelson

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