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Survival equipment(n) The necessary or needed

items to survive.

signal flare (n) A tool that produces a
bright flare to show people
where they are.

signal mirror (n) A mirror used to reflect
the sun light in order to
show people where you are.

priority (n) Something that is the
most important.

oars (n) Tools used for moving

first-aid kit (n) A special bag or box
containing bandages and
medicines for quick
J ,a>
emergency blanket A woolen material used to
keep you warm in serious
L L,
survive(v) To continue live.= stay
> _r _a,
whistle(n) A tool used to produce a
loud sound.

sea-sickness tabletn! "edicine you take when
you suffer from sea-
>, a .,>
survival manual(n) a book that contains
information about how to
induce(v) To cause physical
experience (v) To face or deal with .
effort(n) energy >
situation(n) Things that happen to ,s
systematically(adv) #one using a certain
system or plan.
_L _.,
alternative(adj.) Something you use or do
instead of something else.
effective(adj.) Successful producing good

valuate (v) To $udge how useful or
useless is something.
generate(v) To produce% make or
- .
!outines(n) Actions or things that are
done regularly.
bree"e(n) A light gentle wind. ,
antiseptic (n) Substances prevent the
growth of bacteria.
relatively(adv.) &n relation to something
decongestant (n) A medicine used to relieve
the nose congestion
,J la
alleviate(v) "ake less sever = to
relieve = to quieten
gadget(n) A small machine or tool. - > a
probably(adv.) Almost certainly. _.> _
xtract(v) 'emove or take out
especially by force.

fingerprint(n) A mark made on a surface
by a person(s fingerprint
en"yme(n) A substance acts as a
catalyst to bring about a
specific biochemical
From a, b and c choose the right words:
1.Smoking is bad for health, doctors say that it could a heart attack.
a-extract b-induce c- survive d-make
2. All the machines are working well. I think they are maintained
a-probably b- relatively c-systematically d- simply
. I like the spring. !ice .. will blow.
a-signals b- breezes c-blankets d- vaccines
". I ha#e a headache. $his tablet will .. the pain. $ake it.
a-alleviate b- evaluate c-attend d- sur#i#e
Fill in the spaces from the words in the list:
Probably first-aid kit routine signal flair fingerprint
1- The .......heped the rescuers to know where they are.
2- Why shoud we take a ..........when we go campng?
3- The poce man was checkng the car as a matter of ....
4-hen w you be home ? I ........ be home by mdnght.
Match the following words with their definitions:
1. extract ( ) Cause somethng to come from somethng
2. decongestant ( ) To remove or take out.
3.prorty ( ) A medcne used to aevate nasa bockng.
4. whste ( ) An nstrument used to produce a hgh sound.
5. generate ( ) A thng regarded as more mportant than
From a, b and c choose the right answers:
1. If the tckets are too expensve, we them.
a- will b- won't c- wouldn't
d- shouldnt
2. Your pen s bue but ....... s red
a. my b. mine c. me d-
3. How can I go to the staton ? : If you .....ths road , you w
come to the staton
a- foow b-foowng c-foowed d- foows
4. I ........... a fm when the thef broke nto my house.
a- watching b-watched c-was watching
Correct the verbs between brackets:
1- I &ha#e' an inter#iew tomorrow night. 1'
2- (ust after I &finish' my work, I went out. 2'..
- )*, sir. I &start' typing them soon. '.
"- +ook, $he little boy &play' in the street. "' ..

Do as shown between brackets:
1. A cle#er nurse will bind up the man-s in.ury. & Passive '
2. I had some presents for my birthday. &ake negative'
. $he race lasted two hours. & ake a !uestion '
"./ I can-t see clearly from here./ Said Ali to his father. & "eported speech '
#anguage Functions
atch the $ollowing utterances:
1- It may rain today . & ' I ha#en t decided yet .
2- 0hat about ha#ing a sandwich 1 & ' 2ou should go to the doctor .
- 3ow long will you stay there 1 & ' 0hy not 1 I m #ery hungry .
"- I don t feel well . & ' 4ost people like this huge animal .
& ' I doubt it . $he sky is clear.

F% Complete the $ollowing mini dialogues:
1- A5 .1
6 5 I-m absolutely against throwing rubbish in the streets.
2- A5 I see that you don-t study your lessons hard.
- A5 1
65 I-m sorry. I can-t I-m too busy.
"- A5 Ahmed is #ery good at science, isn-t he1
65 ..........................
&hat would you say or do in the $ollowing situations:
1% 2our friend was in.ured suddenly.

2% 2ou were lost at desert.

- 2ou ha#e a big problem in your life.

"- 2ou were lost at Sea.

'et (ook )uestions
*nswer the $ollowing !uestions:
A' 0e are going to take a signal flares because it is important to be able to let rescuers
know where we are .0e aren-t going to take the mirror because there are other more
important items such as food and drinks.

1- 0hat does the 7irst-aid kit contain1

2- 0hat can a signal flare do1

-0hat does a fisherman need to catch fish1

". 0hat sur#i#al e8uipment do we need when we tra#el in the desert1

9. 3ow can we sur#i#e a sea .ourney1

6' In order to sol#e a problem you should think carefully. $ry to go beyond what is
ob#ious to disco#er alternati#e effecti#e solutions.

1. 0hat is a problem1

2. 3ow should we deal with a problem1

. 4ention some problem-sol#ing strategies

". 0hat does /thinking outside the bo:/ mean1

;' $he sea is a big world, and can be a friend when it is calm, and it can be an enemy
when it is rough and angry.

1. Sea air is good for our health, why1

2. 0hat are the two main benefits of sea air 1

. 0hy shouldn-t we throw away mobiles phone 1

". 0hy do te:t messages only need a short time to send 1

9. 0hy is the sky blue1

<. 0hat happens to your memory when you grow old 1

=. 0hy are fingerprints so important1

>. 0hy do doctors use antiseptic1

+xtra 'et book !uestions:
1- $he word problem has more than one definition. 4ention two
2- 0hat are the most important things that can help you sur#i#e1
- 0hy do people use signal flares and signal mirrors1
". 0hy should we take a first aid kid when we go camping 1
9. 0hat are oars used for1
<. 0hat is an emergency blanket used for 1
=. 3ow can you o#ercome the problem of sea sickness1
>. 0hat are the features of problem sol#ing1
?. 0hy shouldn-t you throw away mobile1
1@. $here are many steps you can take when sol#ing a problem. 4ention two.

"eading #omprehension
Read the following passage then answer the questions below:
Some people hate the results of the modern scientific and engineering ad#ance and
wish that they could return to the earlier days of peace and content 6ut if we could do
that , we should not like that life . In the eighteenth century it was difficult e#en to ha#e
a bath . 3ot water systems were unknown . !o one in !orthern Aurope en.oyed a hot
bath in the depth of winter. It takes time to heat enough water on an ordinary fire to fill a
shallow bath placed in a bedroom and it takes more time to carry it upstairs. In those
days , therefore taking a bath was unusual e#ent and many of the eighteenth century
people were in fact dirty and so were their clothes .
$he people of the past were badly off in other ways . 4any of the houses were small ,
dark and uncomfortable . Biseases were common and death rate was high . !or was it
easy to tra#el from place to another C some people , indeed , li#e and died in one #illage
and ne#er saw any other part of the country . $o us , also their li#es look slow and dull .
A#ery man is conditioned by the age in which he li#es and if he was to return to another
age , he would not be happy . 0e should hate to be ca#e-men and no doubt a ca#e-man
would be alarmed in a modern house by the #arious engineering wonders which we
accept without thinking about them
*%From a, b and c choose the correct answer:
) 1- $he main idea of the passage is 5
* a' ,he people o$ the past were dirty b' -ow to have a warm bath.
+ b% ,he di$$iculty o$ li$e in the past. d% Cave-men
, 2- $he word / diseases/ in line 11 means5
- a' illnesses b' dreams c' ancient buildings d% engineering
. - / it / in line = refers to5
/ a% hot water b' shallow bath c' /orthern +urope d% upstairs
(%'ay whether the $ollowing sentences are true or $alse
". 3ot water systems were common in the 1>th century. & '
9. $ra#elling from a plce to another was completely difficult in the past. & '
<. 3ouses in the past were comfortable. & '
C))Answer the following questions :
=-Imagine that you could tra#el back in time. 0ill you be happy or not 1 0hy 1

>-0hy would a ca#e-man be alarmed if he were to li#e in a modern house1

$rite a paragraph about : Problem sol%ing:
You can use the foowng gude deas.
). a- What's meant by the word probem?
*. b- The features of probem sovng.
+. c- The steps you may take for sovng your probems
Problem sol%ing
Spelling, Punctuation translation
&' #ircle the mistakes and then write them :
(- I've had ots of styouaton and eksperence .

)* Probabey, they can't en|oy the gente breezzes.
+-Punctuate the following
Omar sad I mustnt sten to saems advce

#-,ranslate the following into good &rabic
Most peope fee stressed every mornng n ther way to work or
schoos. Athough the drvers see the road sgns but most of us dont
foow them . Ths causes a ot of car accdents every day.

#etermined (adj.) 0aving a strong desire to
do something.
_r ,
$nspire (v) To give somebody a feeling
of being able to do
#isability (n) The state of being unable
to use a part of you body.
ngage (v) To attract someone(s
thoughts% time and
_r a>.
Strict (adj.) 1ot allowing people to
break rules.
!igid (adj.) 2ery strict and difficult to
> c.
Specialised (adj.) Trained or designed for a
particular purpose.
Trial and errorn! Testing many ways in
order to find the best
LL> >
#evise (v) To invent or plan a new way
of doing something.
.> .,
$nfluential (adj.) 0aving power or influence
on something.

%heory (n) An idea that tries to
explain something.
&pproach (n) A method of doing

'ook down upon (ph.v) To behave as if you think
someone or something is
not good for you.
(elittle (v) To make someone or
something unimportant or
not good.
L _ _a
)ounsellor(n) A person whose $ob is to
do something.
*romise (v) Assure someone that one
will do something.
)ommon (adj.) #one of found often. - ..
&pologise (v) To express regret for
doing something wrong.
+eep in touch (ph.v)
Stay in contact. _r _a,
%ake up (*hv.) To become interested in a
new activity and to spend
sometime doing it.
'onely (adj.) 3eing alone. >
(rainteaser(n) 4u55le% problem or riddle.
)hallenge (n) A task or situation that
tests someone(s abilities.
)riteria (n) A principle or standard by
which something may be
$udged or decided.

%raffic jam(n) 'oad traffic ,>a
scalator (n) A moving staircase. >. ,
Stuck (adj.) 3e fixed in a position or
unable to move or be
,arble (n) A small ball of coloured
glass or similar material
used as a toy.
*ortrait (n)- A painting% photograph or

'ogic(adj.) A formal method of
reasoning in which ideas
are based on previous
From a, b and c choose the right words:
1. 2ou can ask our neighbour for help. 3e is a well trained
a- brainteaser b-counselor c- theory d- storm
2. )ur research hasn t produced any answer to this problem. 0e need to adopt a
different .. to it.
a. approach b-legend c-paramedic d- smoke .umper
. Aducation was #ery strict and .. at the 2@th century.
a- tri$le b-rigid c-sanctuary d- nice
". A 5 ;hildren with disabilities can learn as well as other children. 6ut they must be
gi#en ... education.
a- modi$ied b-di$$icult c-specialized d- logic
Fill in the spaces $rom the words in the list:
criteria - challenges - common - promised - disabilities - trial and error
1. 4aria turned her attention to education of children with.... She
belie#ed that children learned best when they were happy.
2. $he streets are #ery crowded at the rush hour. $he
sol#e this problem.
. 4y son plays computer games too much. It is a #ery.... problem
". 7inding a solution to this problem is one of the greatest....
9. $he health ser#ice shouldn t be .udged by only financial ...

atch the $ollowing words with their de$initions:
1. engage. & ' $o make something seem small.
2. belittle. & ' $o in#ol#e in an acti#ity.
. lonely. & ' $o e:press regret and sorrow.
". apologiDe. & ' $o feel unhappy because of he is alone

From a, b and c choose the right answers:
1-I ha#en-t met this boy before. 3e is the boy................. plays in our school team.
a-who b-whose c-which d- where
2-0hat do you think of this new watch1 I think it-s I ha#e e#er
a-most beauti$ul b-more beauti$ul c-the most beauti$ul d- beauti$ul
-3ow long has he been learning Anglish1 3e-s been learning Anglish ..............ten
a-$or b-ago c-since d- before
"-3e could win the race. ....... of his in.ury,
a- so b-because c-but d-although
Correct the verbs between brackets:
1-3a#e you e#er been to Agypt1 2es, I & stay ' there for three months.

2- If I were in your shoes , I & study ' harder .
-0hat happened to Ali1 3e & fall ' down and broke his leg.

"-Eenicillin & disco#er ' 6y Ale:ander 7leming.
Do as shown between brackets:
1-0e went home. 0e had en.oyed the wedding party. &1se a$ter'

2-If the car is too e:pensi#e, &Complete'

-Scientists can predict hurricanes and earth8uakes. &Passive'

"- After I had arri#ed , the stores were opened. &1se be$ore'

#anguage Functions
atch the $ollowing utterances:
1. ;an you stay with us1 & ' It-s up to you, he isn t my friend
2. I told him he was silly. & ' Sorry. 3e s out.
. Bo you like my suit1 & ' )*. $he weather is good.
9. +et-s go for a walk. & ' 2es, it-s good.
& ' I can-t. I must lea#e.

'upply the missing parts in the $ollowing mini-dialogue:
1. A5 I am #ery sorry. I #e broken your pen.
2. A5 3ow about coming to dinner this e#ening1
A5 .
65 $hanks my son. It is #ery kind of you.
"% A5 ;an you lend me your bike1
'et (ook )uestions
*nswer the $ollowing !uestions:
A' 4aria 4ontessori was nominated three times for the !obel EriDe. $he last time was
in 1?92 , the year of her death . 3owe#er, it was ne#er awarded to her.
1. 0ho is 4aria 4ontessori1

2. 0hat is 4ontessori famous for1
. According to 4ontessori, what circumstances contributed to the success of children at

".3ow should the society treat the children with disabilities1

9. Students spend too much time on the computer. Fi#e a solution for this problem.

6' $hese days, people face a lot of challenges. Some of them are traffic .am, pollution
and wars.
) 1. 0hat can we do to protect animals1

) 2. - 3ow many planets are there in the solar system1

. $o reduce pollution we can do many things. Fi#e e:amples.
". 0hat should people do when we they make mistakes1

+xtra set book !uestions:
1. 3ow did the Italian society treat children with disabilities in the 2@th century1
2. Bescribe 4aria 4ontessori-s character.
. 0hat did 4aria 4ontessori do1
". 0ho can you ask if you ha#e a difficult problem1
9. 3ow can you help the person who feels lonely1
<. 0hat circumstances that can enable students at school to succeed1

"eading Comprehension
"ead the passage , then answer the !uestions below:
It makes the world go round. A#erybody wants it. A#erybody works for it.
!obody can li#e without it. 0hat is it1 It is money, of course. )ur simplest needs and
greatest dreams are often connected with money. 3ome trade with it buying and selling
depends on money. International trade with its imports and e:ports is carried out by
means of money. $he work of banks relies on money whether customers borrow, lend,
sa#e, in#est, or e:change currencies.
A#ery country has its own currency. 7or instance, the GSA has its Bollar, (apan
has its 2en, Agypt has its Eound and *uwait has its Binar. Some currencies are
beginning to disappear as groups of currencies combine together to ha#e one currency,
in Aurope, many countries now use one currency, H$he AuroI. $his Auropean Gnion
aims at $acilitating and encouraging trade among them. 2ou can easily e:change
different currencies according to their #alue e:change rates which can go up and down
from day to day because the #alue of the currency is one that can be e:changed easily
for another because it is not likely to liable to ha#e any losses. $heir money is usually
con#erted into hard currencies which results in great demands for it. )n the other hand,
other currencies are usually cheaper but a trade runs the risk of losing some money when
using them.
From a, b and c choose the correct answer:
1- / it / in line 2 refers to5
a' ,he currency o$ a country. b' oney. c' ,he world. d% dreams

2- $he word /facilitating/ in line 1@ means5
a' aking things easier b' helping people solve a problem.
c' 2ncreasing the value o$ a currency. d% combine

. $he suitable title for the passage is5
a' Famous currencies. b' ,he +uropean 1nion.
c' ,he importance o$ money. d% let money speak

'ay whether the $ollowing statements are 3 true% or 3$alse%:
"- A:change rates ne#er go up and down. & '

9- In Aurope , few countries use the Auro. & '

<- 3ard currency can be e:changed easily. & '
*nswer the $ollowing !uestions:
>-0hy do traders prefer to use hard currency1

?-0hat will happen if the Arabs combine their currencies to ha#e one currency1

Jeading is a #ery useful hobby. It broadens one s mind and increases one s knowledge.
&rite a report about this topic showing the importance of reading books, where you
can get books from and the kind of books you like to read. KKKKK4uide words:
Important L read L e#eryday L know L nature L in#entions L stories L habits L add L
knowledge L .udge L well L borrow L library L friends L buy


'pelling and punctuation

Circle and rewrite the mistakes:-
1-Jeged and stikt theories in education don-t help students.
Bon-t bilitle the people with disabelety

Punctuate the $ollowing:-
1. what a beautiful car it is
2. it s mine

Translate the following into Arabic:
$sunamis are huge killer wa#es, often in the pacific and Indian oceans. $hey are caused
by an earth8uake or #olcanic action at sea.

.nit /

A serious unexpected and
often dangerous.
!escue(n) An act of saving someone
or something from danger.
0olcano(n) A mountain with a large
opening at the top through
which melting rock% hot
vapour and gas are erupted
from inside the earth.
arthquake(n) A sudden and violent
shaking of the ground.

1urricane(n) A storm with a violent
wind that moves in a
funnel- shaped circle.
rupt(v) 6hen a volcano becomes
active and throws out lava%
ash and gases.

&valanche(n) A mass of snow% ice and
rocks falling rapidly down a
_> _>
*ush out(ph.v) Throw something out in a
violent or sudden way.
*owerfully(adv.) 0aving great power or
*late(n) 7ne of the very large
sheets of rock that form
the surface of the earth.
*redict(v) To say what is going to
happen in the future.
!esist(v) To remain unchanged by
the damaging effect of
%sunami(n) A very large ocean wave
caused by an earthquake.
Simply(adv.) "erely L,,
)oastguard(n) A person who watches on
the sea near a coast.
_> >
Stranded(adj.) 8nable to move from place
to place.
> _r as
'uckily(adv.) 9ortunately > _>
'ift(v) 'aise to a higher position
or level.

1alt(v) 3ring or come to a sudden
'ightening(n) A natural bright flash of
light happens in the sky.
!ealise(v) To become aware or
conscious of something.
&uthority(n) Someone or something
with official power.
&lert(n) To make somebody aware
of possible dangers.
*aramedic(n) A person who is trained to
do medical work.
!isky(adj.) 9ull of possibilities of
danger : dangerous.
Salvage(n) The rescue of a wrecked
(reed (v) 6hen an animal produces
- .
)hallenging(adj.) #emanding physical or
psychological effort.
$solated(adj.) 9ar away from other
places% buildings or people.

#eliver(v) 3ring something to the
right address or person.
2ilderness(n) A large area of land. s ,
Smoke jumper(n) A firefighter for forest(s
, _L
sanctuary A nature reserve. ,L >
!ust(v) To become covered with

&ffect(v) To have an effect on
somebody or something.

xtremely(adv.) To a very high degree. , > _
!estore(v) To bring something back
to an earlier or better

Fill in the spaces $rom the words in the list:
"escued - predict - coastguards - simply - isolated - lightning
1-scietists ..that it will be #ery hot this summer .
2-3e is .in a special room in Al Sabah 3ospital .
-5.are great people and are ready all the time . $hey work day and night to sa#e
". 0hat do you know about the . 1 It is a flash of light in the sky.

atch the $ollowing words with their de$initions:
1. Simply. & ' $o cause to stop.
2. Sanctuary. & ' $o throw something out in a #iolent way.
. 3alt. & ' A natural reser#e.
". Eush out. & ' 4erely, .ust.
From a, b and c choose the right answers:
1. 3urricanes can be tracked by satellites. $rees and buildings
a' destroy b' destroys c' are destroyed d- destroying
2. $hey are formed while the unborn baby ... 65
a' developed b' develop c' is developing d- de#eloping
. If you .. to Alaska , you would en.oy the risky mountains.
a' travel b' travelled c' travels d-tra#eling
". .the snake comes out of the eggs, it looses the outer layer of its skin.
a' *lthough b' however c' as soon as d- but
Do as shown between brackets:
1. 4r. Ali didn t get the dri#ing license because he didn t train well. & Gse If '

2. $hey built the castle. &passi#e'

. $hey play football in the park .$hey went home tired. & (oin using after '

". I m preparing a research about natural disasters. & ask a 8uestion '

#anguage Functions
atch the $ollowing utterances:
1- I need some help . & ' 2es .0e should clean it .
2- )3, the baby is ill . & ' It s good .
- $he school is dirty . & ' 3ow can I help you 1
"- It s dark , here . & ' +et s take him to the doctor .
& ' 2ou can switch on the light .
'upply the missing parts in the $ollowing mini-dialogue:
A 5 ICm bored . I don t know how to spend the weekend .
6 5 ..........................................................................................
A 5 ...........................................................................................
6 5 I don t agree with you . And you shouldn t go to the cinema
A 5 2ou should study Anglish . $he e:am is on Sunday .
6 5 .............................................................................................
'et (ook )uestions
*nswer the $ollowing !uestions:
A ' In 2@@" ,a terrible tsunami in the Indian )cean hit 11 countries. It killed more than
19@,@@@people and made millions homeless .
1.0hy is a #olcano dangerous1
2.0hat is a #olcano1

.0hat are $sunamis1

".0hat are $sunamis caused by1
9.4ention four e:amples of the forces of nature.
<.3ow can a hurricane take place1
=.0hat damage does a hurricane cause1
>.0hen does an earth8uake happen1

?. 0hat happens when a tsunami take place1
1@.3ow is the strength of the earth8uake measured1
11. 3ow can we sur#i#e the forces of nature1
12.0hat modern technology that can sa#e li#es1
6' $here are many dangerous .obs in our community. $eaching is one of the most
dangerous .obs in the Arabian communities .
1. 0hy is the coastguard-s .ob #ery important1
2.0hat does a paramedic do1

. 0hat do di#ers wear1
". 3ow do smoke .umpers protect themsel#es1

+xtra set book !uestions:
1. 0hat is an earth8uake 1
2. 3ow is the stenght of an earth8uake measured1
. 0hat are tsunamis1
". 0hat damage can be caused by an earth8uake1
9. 3ow can we sur#i#e the forces of natureL
<. 0hat modern technology can sa#e lio#es1
=. 0hy is coastguard-s .ob is #ery important1
>. 0hat does a paramedic do1
?. 0hy is it dangerous to be a parademic1
1@. 0hat do di#ers wear1
!o one can deny that happiness is the dream of e#eryone. $here are many sources of
happiness that we all look for. 0rite a report of about &1@-12 sentences' on the sources
of happiness. 2ou can consider the following points.
-Alements to happiness. - Eositi#e feelings. -7amily, friends, enough money

,ranslate the $ollowing into *rabic:
1. $sunamis are huge killer wa#es, often in the pacific and Indian oceans. $hey are
caused by an earth8uake or #olcanic action at sea.
2. Aarth8uakes happen when two massi#e earth plates M mo#e past each other. $he
ground is shaken powerfully . Aarth8uakes can destroy buildings , streets and bridges.
. $sunamis are huge killer wa#es, often in the pacific and Indian oceans. $hey are
caused by an earth8uake or #olcanic action at sea.

Use the following words in meaningful sentences:
) 1- 4y grandpa likes to walk on the beach and en.oy the sea breeze.
* 2- )ur stairs are made of marble.
+ - $he paramedic helped me after the accident.
, "- $he volcano destroyed the #illage.
- 9- Snakes can survive in the desert.
. <- )ur teacher made a test to evaluate us.
/ =- Bon t talk to your teacher this way, you should apologise.
; >- 4y father inspires me to generate new ideas.
< ?- 7inally I realised the truth.
) 1@- Aducational systems in Italy were so rigid in the past.
* 11- 4r. Ehilas 7ogg was a lonely man.
+ 12- 7iremen s .ob is so risky.
, 1- 2ou should study systematically to get the best results.
- 1"- It will probably rain tomorrow, I m not sure.
. 19- $he storm blew power$ully and destroyed the #illage.
Literature Time
Around The World In Eighty Days( Episode 4)
((The next day he saw an advertisement for a circus and asked the owner if
he would give him a $ob.((
) 1- If you were Passepartout would you accept the job to have money?

((They returned to the =eneral =rant and they set sail for San 9rancisco
that same evening.(( ((9ix was also on the ship.((

) 2- Why didn't Mr !i" arrest Mr !o## in $o%ohama?

Around The World In Eighty Days( Episode )
(("r. 9ogg began to think he could not succeed . 0e was stuck in snow in the
middle of America on a train that could not move . 3ut all was not lost.(( 9ix
had an idea.((
) 1- Ima#ine that you are in the same situation& would you wait till the snow
melts? Why?

) 2- 'o you thin% travellin# on a sled#e with a sail on it is safe?
Around The World In Eighty Days( Episode !)
((4hileas 9ogg tried to persuade the captain to take them to >ivepool % but
he failed.((
((very well then%(said 9ogg .( Take me to 3ordeaux.(
((&don(t take passengers%( the captain replied rudely.
((& will pay you *%??? @ for each of the three passengers% (said 9ogg((
1 - Ima#ine that you are Mr !o## and that you didn't have money & how would
you persuade the captain to ta%e you on his ship?
2-'o you thin% that it was worthy for Mr !o## to endan#er himself just for

Ministry of -ducation
.ahra -ducational /one
. aL a
-0, Super%ision
_ >.
School 1ear )2(2 3 )2((
_ , 0202 / 0200
,arget -nglish
4rade 5 . ,
Spelling 6rd Period - .
0ord !o. 0ord !o
first-aid kit
sur#i#al e8uipment

S)S % Sa#e )ur
Souls 2"
look down upon
a.m.% ante
meridiem 29
take up
GSA% Gnited
States of America 2=
$N% tele#ision
1@th % tenth
;m % centimeter
% centimetre @
- . ,. 7efinitions 6rd Period

Befinition 0ord !o
a determined attempt . Affort
a thing that is regarded as
more important than
a gentle wind. 6reeDe

a method of doing
something or dealing with a
a nature reser#e . Sanctuary
cause a particular physical
become in#ol#ed in an
bring or come to an abrupt
stop .
&of a #olcano' become acti#e
and e.ect la#a ,ash and gases.
another possibility. Alternati#e
occurring, found or done
often, pre#alent.
to a #ery high degree. A:tremely
almost certainly as far as
one knows or can tell.
stay in contact. *eep in touch
force or throw & something '
out, typically in a #iolent or
sudden way.
Eush out

) Ah . > ,,. . c, , . _,. _.
la ,

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