These Six P

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THESE SIX P'S In The Motivation Breakthrough, Richard Lavoie outlines six and $or !ho the" !

ork% otivational strategies, ho! the" can #e used

Praise& S'eci$ic, sincere 'raise $ocused on e$$ort and i 'rove ent is e$$ective $or $or those otivated #" status, recognition or a$$iliation (a need to #elong)&

ost children, es'eciall"

Po!er& *$$ering inor choices !ill hel' otivate 'o!er+driven, autono ous and aggressive children& ,voiding 'o!er struggles eans $iguring out ho! to give kids so e 'o!er !ithout ceding "our o!n& Pro-ects& .sing 'ro-ects to connect di$$erent disci'lines can sti ulate and in/uisitive child& otivate an autono ous or

Peo'le& Though all children need 'ositive relationshi's, it's es'eciall" i 'ortant $or adults to #uild 'ositive relationshi's !ith 'eo'le+oriented kids& Pri0es& Pri0es hold huge a''eal to children driven #" status, recognition, a$$iliation or 'o!er& But #ecause $or al re!ard s"ste s a" divert attention $ro the actual task, Lavoie suggests inter ittent re!ards not announced ahead o$ ti e to cele#rate #est e$$orts& Prestige& To so e extent, all children need to $eel i 'ortant, #ut $or autono ous, aggressive, status+ or 'o!er+driven children, 'restige and recognition are $unda ental& 1onsistent encourage ent and o''ortunities to sho!case their talents are i 'ortant& ++++++++++++++++++++

Inspirational / Humorous Stories Inspirational Quotes

2,!aken 'eo'le's curiosit"& It is enough to o'en + ,natole 3rance 2, teacher is one !ho + Tho as 1arruthers inds, do not overload the & Put there -ust a s'ark&2

akes hi sel$ 'rogressivel" unnecessar"&2 ering on a

2, teacher !ho is atte 'ting to teach, !ithout ins'iring the 'u'il !ith a desire to learn, is ha cold iron&2 + Horace Mann (4567+4896) 2Education costs one", #ut then so does ignorance&2 + Sir 1laus Moser

2Education&&&is a 'ain$ul, continual and di$$icult !ork to #e done in kindness, #" !atching, #" !arning,&&& #" 'raise, #ut a#ove all ++ #" exa 'le&2 + :ohn Ruskin 2Education's 'ur'ose is to re'lace an e 't" ind !ith an o'en one&2

+ Malcol

3or#es e to $ish and I eat $or a li$eti e&2

2;ive e a $ish and I eat $or a da"& Teach + 1hinese Prover# 2;ood teaching is + :ose$ ,l#ers

ore a giving o$ right /uestions than a giving o$ right ans!ers&2

2I$ "our 'lan is $or one "ear, 'lant rice< i$ "our 'lan is $or 4= "ears, 'lant trees< i$ "our 'lan is $or 4== "ears, educate children&2 + 1on$ucius 2The #usiness o$ teaching is carried $or!ard & & & #ecause so e individuals o$ extraordinar" vitalit" and strength o$ 'ersonalit" engage in it, and the $ire that hel's to guide the kindles the s'irits o$ the "oung 'eo'le !hose lives the" touch&2 + >oodro! >ilson 2In a co 'letel" rational societ", the #est o$ us !ould as'ire to #e teachers and the rest o$ us !ould have to settle $or so ething less, #ecause 'assing civili0ation along $ro one generation to the next ought to #e the highest honor and the highest res'onsi#ilit" an"one could have&2 + Lee Iacocca 2?ever dou#t that a s all grou' o$ thought$ul, co thing that ever has&2 + Margaret Mead itted 'eo'le can change the !orld& Indeed, it is the onl"

2Inside ever" great teacher, there in an even greater one !aiting to co e out&2 + ,uthor .nkno!n 2,ll kids are gi$ted, so e -ust o'en their 'ackages earlier than others&2 + Michael 1arr 2M" heart is singing $or -o" this orning& , iracle has ha''ened@ The light o$ understanding has shone u'on " little 'u'il's ind, and #ehold, all things are changed&2 + ,nne Sullivan 2, trul" great teacher is 'er'etuall" rocking the #oat in the cause o$ $urthering the !aves o$ understanding that $lood over the !alls o$ de$ense and denial #uilt u' around "oung 'eo'le's thirst" inds&2 + Aaniel Mark 1hilds 2It is the su're e art o$ the teacher to a!aken -o" in creative ex+'ression and kno!ledge&2 + ,l#ert Einstein 2To e the sole ho'e o$ hu an salvation lies in teaching&2 + ;eorge Bernard Sha! +++++++++++++++++++++++

Teacher's ABC
Author Unknown

A is for th !"#$%!$& of '# stio$s !$% ( !r$i$) B is for "oth i$*!r% !$% o#t*!r% " !#t( C is for &r !ti+ , !r$i$) D is for %oi$) it o+ r -ti, it-s ri)ht E is for th ffort (o# .o#r i$to .r .!ri$) i$to !&h $i)ht

F is for *!t&hi$) ho* f!r * &!$ )o G is for s i$) #s ",osso/ !$% )ro* H is for r !&hi$) for th!t st!r so hi)h I is for i/!)i$!tio$0 for th &o#r!) to tr( J is for 1o( i$ to#&hi$) ! &hi,%-s ,if i$ ! / !$i$)f#, *!( K is for 2i$%$ ss (o# "ri$) &hi,%r $ !&h %!( L is for th ,o+ of t !&hi$) * s M is for th 3/ 3 (o#-r h ,.i$) / to " N is for $ + r " i$) to "#s( to .r!( O is for o+ r&o/i$) o#r % sir to str!( P is for .ositi+ s (o# "ri$) to !&h Q is for th '#i$t ss $ti!, *!( to t !&h R is for (o#r *i,,i$)$ ss to )i+ #s ! r !so$ S is for t !&hi$) #s to !..r &i!t !&h s !so$

T is for to#&hi$) thos th!t sit " for (o# U is for #$% rst!$%i$) o#r f !r of !,, th!t is so $ * V is for th +it!,it( (o# sho* !&h %!( W is for + r( *o$% r/ $t (o# "ri$) o#r *!(

4 is for th

7tr! s. &i!, t !&h r * s

5 is for o#r s $s of ( !r$i$) to " 0 !$% 6 is for th "i) 3(!hoo3 s $t fro/ (o#r + r( o*$ 38oo39

*ne da" a teacher asked her students to list the na es o$ the other students in the roo 'a'er, leaving a s'ace #et!een each na e&

on t!o sheets o$

Then she told the to think o$ the nicest thing the" could sa" a#out each o$ their class ates and !rite it do!n& It took the re ainder o$ the class 'eriod to $inish their assign ent, and as the students le$t the roo , each one handed in the 'a'ers& That Saturda", the teacher !rote do!n the na e o$ each student on a se'arate sheet o$ 'a'er, and listed !hat ever"one else had said a#out that individual& *n Monda" she gave each student his or her list& Be$ore long, the entire class !as s iling& 2Reall"B2 she heard !his'ered& 2I never kne! that I eant an"thing to an"one@2 and, 2I didn't kno! others liked e so uch&2 !ere ost o$ the co ents& ?o one ever entioned those 'a'ers in class again& She never kne! i$ the" discussed the a$ter class or !ith their 'arents, #ut it didn't atter& The exercise had acco 'lished its 'ur'ose&The students !ere ha''" !ith the selves and one another& That grou' o$ students oved on& Several "ears later, one o$ the students !as killed in Cietna teacher attended the $uneral o$ that s'ecial student& and his

She had never seen a service an in a ilitar" co$$in #e$ore& He looked so handso e, so ature& The church !as 'acked@ !ith his $riends& *ne #" one those !ho loved hi took a last !alk #" the co$$in& The teacher !as the last one to #less the co$$in& ,s she stood there, one o$ the soldiers !ho acted as 'all#earer ca e u' to her& >ere "ou Mark's ath teacherB2 he asked& She nodded% 2"es&2 Then he said% 2Mark talked a#out "ou a lot&2 ,$ter the $uneral, ost o$ Mark's $or er class ates !ent together to a luncheon& Mark's !ere there, o#viousl" !aiting to s'eak !ith his teacher& other and $ather

2>e !ant to sho! "ou so ething,2 his $ather said, taking a !allet out o$ his 'ocket& 2The" $ound this on Mark !hen he !as killed& >e thought "ou ight recogni0e it&2 *'ening the #ill$old, he care$ull" re oved t!o !orn 'ieces o$ note#ook 'a'er that had o#viousl" #een ta'ed, $olded and re$olded an" ti es& The teacher kne! !ithout looking that the 'a'ers !ere the ones on !hich she had listed all the good things each o$ Mark's class ates had said a#out hi & 2Thank "ou so uch $or doing that,2 Mark's other said& 2,s "ou can see, Mark treasured it&2

,ll o$ Mark's $or er class ates started to gather around& 1harlie s iled rather shee'ishl" and said, 2I still have " list It's in the to' dra!er o$ " desk at ho e&2 1huck's !i$e said, 21huck asked e to 'ut his in our !edding al#u &2 I have ine too,2 Maril"n said& 2It's in " diar"&2

Then Cicki, another class ate, reached into her 'ocket#ook, took out her !allet and sho!ed her !orn and $ra00led list to the grou'& 2I carr" this !ith e at all ti es, 2 Cicki said and !ithout #atting an e"elash, she continued% 2I think !e all saved our lists&2 That's !hen the teacher $inall" sat do!n and cried& She cried $or Mark and $or all his $riends !ho !ould never see hi again& The densit" o$ 'eo'le in societ" is so thick that !e $orget that li$e !ill end one da"& ,nd !e don't kno! !hen that one da" !ill #e& Re e #er, "ou rea' !hat "ou so!, !hat "ou 'ut into the lives o$ others co es #ack into "our o!n& ++++++++++++++++++++

How to Tell if You are a Real Teacher

Author Unknown Real teachers grade 'a'ers in the car, during co ercials, in $acult" end o$ the six !eeks) have #een seen grading in church& eetings, in the #athroo , and (at the

Real teachers cheer !hen the" hear ,'ril 4 does not $all on a school da"& Real teachers clutch a 'encil !hile thinking and ake notes in the argins o$ #ooks&

Real teachers can't !alk 'ast a cro!d o$ kids !ithout straightening u' the line& Real teachers never sit do!n !ithout $irst checking the seat o$ the chair& Real teachers have dis-ointed necks $ro Real teachers are !ritten u' in !riting on #oards !ithout turning their #acks on the class&

edical -ournals $or the si0e and elasticit" o$ kidne"s and #ladders& inutes, 48 seconds& Master teachers can eat

Real teachers have #een ti ed gul'ing do!n a $ull lunch in D $aster than that&

Real teachers can 'redict exactl" !hich 'arents !ill sho! u' at *'en House& Read teachers volunteer $or hall dut" on da"s $acult" eetings are scheduled&

Real teachers never teach the con-ugations o$ lie and la" to eighth graders& Real teachers kno! it is #etter to seek $orgiveness than ask 'er ission& Real teachers kno! the #est end o$ se ester lesson 'lans can co e $ro Block#uster&

Real teachers never take grades a$ter >ednesda" o$ the last !eek o$ the six !eeks& Real teachers never assign research 'a'ers on the last six !eeks or essa"s on $inal exa s& Real teachers kno! the shortest distance and the length o$ travel ti e $ro Read teachers can 2sense2 gu & their classroo to the o$$ice&

Real teachers kno! the di$$erence a ong !hat ust #e graded, !hat ought to #e graded, and !hat 'ro#a#l" should never again see the light o$ da"& Real teachers are solel" res'onsi#le $or the destruction o$ the rain $orest& Real teachers have their #est con$erences in the 'arking lot& Real teachers have never heard an original excuse& Real teachers #u" Excedrin and ,dvil at Sa 's& Real teachers !ill eat an"thing that is 'ut in the !orkroo Eteacher's lounge& Real teachers have the assistant 'rinci'als' and counselors' ho e 'hone nu #ers& Real teachers kno! secretaries and custodians run the school& Real teachers kno! the rules don't reall" a''l" to the & Real teachers hear the heart#eats o$ crisis< al!a"s have ti e to listen< kno! the" teach students, not su#-ects< and the" are a#solutel" non+ex'enda#le&

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