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American Journal of Electrical Systems ISSN (Paper) 2568-51 !

ISSN ("nline) 2568-5 #6 $ol%1 No%1 2#11


NatiWeb: A Cross Platform Hybrid Application for Mobile Devices

Ale( )ar'e *arat+&a,a *itraman,al-s Institute of .ec+nolo'y/0o+a'aon/Pune Abstract 1it+ t+e &orl, 'oin' 'a'a o2er mo3ile ,e2ices an, mo3ile applications/ t+e soft&are in,ustry is &itnessin' a s+ift in ,e2elopment from t+e tra,itional 3inary applications to mo3ile &e3 applications% 1it+ t+e a,2ent of 4.*05/ t+e tren, of ,e2elopin' &e3 applications +as increase, fourfol,/ so muc+ t+at t+e &e3 +as 3een con2erte, into an operatin' system for most mo3ile ,e2ices suc+ as ta3let P5-s an, is in t+e process of 3ein' ,e2elope, as a full fle,'e, operatin' system for cell p+ones as &ell% 5onsi,erin' t+e present c+allen'es of ,e2elopin' t+e 1e3 as an operatin' system &+ic+ inclu,e t+e fact t+at 4.*05 is still to 3e fully incorporate, 3y most mo3ile &e3 3ro&sers/ a full fle,'e, &e3 operatin' system is still a fle,'lin' concept% 1it+ Nati1e3/ &e aim to ,e2elop a miniature of t+e 1e3 as an operatin' system/ 3y pro2i,in' a nati2e interface t+rou'+ our application &+ic+ &ill connect to t+e &e3 an, pro2i,e features similar to t+e tra,itional nati2e interface use, for interactin' &it+ core mo3ile applications suc+ as p+one3oo6 an, messa'es% Keywords7 &e3 applications/ 4.*05/ interface/ operatin' system. 1. ntrod!ction .+e a,2ent of 4.*05 +as opene, ne& ,oors for ,e2elopment in t+e mo3ile soft&are in,ustry% 8e2ice specific applications are no& slo&ly fa,in' a&ay in t+e li'+t of cross-platform mo3ile applications &it+ t+e 'ro&in' popularity of &e3 applications% A ma9or reason for t+is popularity of &e3 applications is t+e fact t+at most users o&n more t+an one mo3ile ,e2ice an, face pro3lems t+at ran'e from a &i,e an, almost ,ifferent 2ariety of applications a2aila3le for ,ifferent 3ran,s of mo3ile ,e2ices for a same purpose to ,ata stora'e/ access an, retrie2al as &ell as ,ata sync+roni:ation &+en t+e mo3ile ,e2ices are of ,ifferent ma6es% 1e3 applications cross t+e 3or,ers of ,e2ice specific applications an, &or6 on almost e2ery ,e2ice in t+e same manner/ ma6in' it a perfect c+oice for t+e multi-mo3ile ,e2ice user% .+e concept of t+e &e3 as an operatin' system +as alrea,y 'aine, momentum an, is 3ein' practically &or6e, out 3y No6ia-s 5lou,3erry;1< for mo3ile p+ones to c+ec6 its feasi3ility if an, &+en it enters t+e commercial mar6et 6eepin' in min, t+e on'oin' tren, an, t+e user-s e(perience &it+ multiple mo3ile ,e2ices as &ell t+e c+allen'es in c+al6in' out a full fle,'e, &e3-3ase, operatin' system;2<;=</ &e present Nati1e3 > A cross platform nati2e application for mo3ile p+ones &+ic+ &ill pro2i,e a &e3 interface to perform core functions of storin'/ accessin' an, retrie2in' ,ata from t+e mo3ile-s p+one3oo6 or ,iallin' a call or sen,in' an, recei2in' messa'es% .+rou'+ t+is paper/ &e &ill present t+e concept/ on &+ic+ Nati1e3 is 3uilt/ t+e core features t+at it aims to accomplis+ as &ell as ot+er relate, &or6 t+at is 'oin' on re'ar,in' t+e &e3 as an operatin' system%

American Journal of Electrical Systems ISSN (Paper) 2568-51 ! ISSN ("nline) 2568-5 #6 $ol%1 No%1 2#11


I% ". NA# W$%: #H$ C&NC$P# Nati2e ? 1e3/ as &e meant it to 3e/ is a nati2e application &+ic+ &ill pro2i,e a &e3 interface for interactin' &it+ t+e mo3ile ,e2ice-s core features suc+ as p+one3oo6/ messa'es/ ,ialer/ camera/ etc as &ell as for storin'/ accessin'/ retrie2in' an, s+arin' t+e user-s ,ata alon'&it+ ot+er &e3 applications t+at &ill 3e ma,e a2aila3le in t+e &e3 interface of Nati1e3%

A. 2%1 Features Nati1e3 is meant to 3e for mo3ile p+ones at present% It is a 3inary application t+at &ill 3e cross platform% After Nati1e3 is ,o&nloa,e, from respecti2e @app storesA/ t+e user &ill nee, to si'n in to create an account% "nce t+e account is create,/ t+e user can lo' in% .+is mar6s t+e en, of t+e nati2e application part t+at Nati1e3 &as suppose, to play an, also t+e 3e'innin' of t+e &e3 interface t+at it is suppose, to act as% Nati1e3 &ill no& +a2e a &e3 interface calle, @ApPa'eA &+ic+ &ill comprise of t+e features liste, 3elo&7 1) Phonebook: .+e user &ill 3e a3le to access +is p+one3oo6 an, ma6e calls 2ia Nati1e3% 2) Messages: .+e user &ill 3e a3le to sen, an, recei2e messa'es 2ia t+e interface of Nati1e3% 3) Users data: .+e user &ill 3e a3le to store/ retrie2e an, access t+e ,e2ice-s ,ata &it+ ot+er p+ones +e o&ns as &ell as s+are ,ata &it+ ot+er users &it+ +is consent% Other Web appli ations: P+one3oo6 an, messa'es are t+e core 3ut amon' only a fe& features t+at mo3ile ,e2ices pro2i,e to,ay% Applications suc+ as 'ames as &ell as t+ose relate, to 3usiness are also pro2i,e, so t+at can 3e use, &it+ Nati1e3-s &e3 interface an, t+e user ,oes not +a2e to 9u''le 3et&een t+e nati2e an, &e3 interfaces on +is ,e2ices% ) .+e user &ill 3e 'i2en t+e option to si'n out on e2ery pa'e of t+e 1e3 interface/ in case +e &is+es to ,o so an, t+e application &ill s+ut ,o&n% .+e a3o2e liste, features +i,e 3e+in, t+emsel2es t+e arc+itecture of Nati1e3 &+ic+ is ,escri3e, in t+e .ec+nical "2er2ie&%

2%2 !e hni al O"er"ie# $atiWeb #orks on the %ollo#ing prin iples: &inar' installation: Nati1e3 &ill +a2e a 3inary installation i%e% it &ill 3e a2aila3le on all @app mar6etplacesA from &+ere it can 3e ,o&nloa,e,% .+e main a,2anta'e of creatin' Nati1e3 as a nati2e application is t+e fact 2

American Journal of Electrical Systems ISSN (Paper) 2568-51 ! ISSN ("nline) 2568-5 #6 $ol%1 No%1 2#11


t+at nati2e applications can access t+e core features of t+e mo3ile ,e2ice suc+ as p+one3oo6 an, messa'es as &ell as t+e camera an, music player% Partial #eb based appli ation de"elop(ent: Nati1e3 is ,esi'ne, to act as a &e3 application after 3ein' installe,% .+us/ t+e &e3 interface &ill 3e completely ,ri2en 3y 4.*0/ 5SS an, Ja2ascript% P+one3oo6 an, messa'es are t+e core applications &+ic+ &ill 3e &ritten as &e3 applications an, users also &ill not +a2e to ,o&nloa, or install ot+er &e3 applications a2aila3le on Nati1e3 separately on any ,e2ice e2ery time t+ey lo' into Nati1e3% In s+ort/ t+e applications a2aila3le insi,e Nati1e3 &ill 3e 9ust lin6s% .+is approac+ &ill ena3le all soft&are up,ates to 3e ma,e on t+e ser2er si,e an, t+e c+an'es to 3e instantly seen on t+e all t+e clientsNati1e3 applications/ &it+out t+e nee, of +a2in' t+e client clic6 t+e tra,itional @up,ate no&A 3utton Users data #ill be stored in the loud: .+e user-s ,ata &+ic+ &ill inclu,e t+e p+one3oo6 contacts as &ell as messa'es &ill 3e store, in t+e clou,% .+is ena3les t+e user to access +is ,ata from multiple ,e2ices at once 3y lo''in' in from t+e respecti2e ,e2ice% )!M*+ and O%%line ,upport: It is un,erstoo, t+at it &ill 3e te,ious for a user to retrie2e e(istin' contacts e2ery time a call is nee,e, to 3e ma,e% .+e use of 4.*05 ma6es it easy to retrie2e an, cac+e ,ata in t+e offline mo,e; </ 9ust in case t+ere is no internet connecti2ity a2aila3le to t+e user at t+at time 2.3 Wh' $atiWeb.+e current pro9ects &+ic+ focus on t+e &e3 as an operatin' system an, are commercially a2aila3le are 4P Palm 1e3"S;5< an, *o:illa-s )oot to Bec6o;6< &+ile t+at in t+e researc+ p+ase an, most closely relate, to Nati1e3 is No6ia-s 5lou,3erry% .+ese are 3asically operatin' systems a2aila3le for a particular ,e2ice% 1+ile No6ia-s 5lou,3erry ,eals &it+ 8e2ice specific API-s;!<;8< for accessin' t+e core features of a mo3ile p+one/ Nati1e3 &ill use t+e fact t+at it is a 3inary application an, +ence is allo&e, to use t+e core features of a mo3ile p+one%.+eir ,ifference is as follo&s Parameters .ype A2aila3le on ,e2ices NatiWeb Application 5ross Platform application for mo3ile p+ones Ces is a 3inary application Ces/ for storin' user ,ata% Partially &e3 3ase, for accessin' core features of t+e ,e2ice% Not ,o&nloa,a3le as of no& Clo!dberry "peratin' System "n No6ia ,e2ices only

8o&nloa,a3le 5lou, 3ase, 1e3 3ase, ,e2elopment .op 0e2el Eser Interface

No/ is an operatin' system Ces/ for storin' 3ac6up of user ,ata Dully &e3 3ase, ,e2elopment 8o&nloa,a3le

2% Ad"antages .+e main focus of Nati1e3 is to pro2i,e t+e user a +assle free e(perience of o&nin' an, usin' multiple mo3ile p+ones &it+out +a2in' to continuously ta6e 3ac6ups/ store/ access/ retrie2e or s+are ,ata or applications from ,ifferent mo3ile ,e2ices% .+e user can 9ust lo' in to Nati1e3 from any ,e2ice an, +a2e access to all t+e ,ata an, &e3 applications% 8ata can 3e s+are, 2ia a temporary I8 an, pass&or, 'eneration session &+ic+ &ill 3e in2ali, after a user +as finis+e, ,ata s+arin' so t+at t+e user-s ,ata remains secure% 8ynamic &e3sites suc+ as NetDli(;2<;F< +a2e 3een reporte, to +a2e @nano soft&are releasesA t+rou'+out t+e ,ay/ t+e ma(imum 3ein' upto 6 times till no&;2<% In Nati1e3/ t+e user &ill not +a2e to 'o t+rou'+ t+e painful tas6 of up,atin' t+e &e3 applications &it+in Nati1e3% .+ey &ill 3e ,one at t+e ser2er si,e itself an, 3e instantly reflecte, &it+in secon,s in all user ,e2ices%

2%5 8isa,2anta'es Nati1e3 is still a concept &it+ limite, features% P+one3oo6 an, messa'e access &ill only 3e pro2i,e, at present% Also/ t+e concept of t+e top le2el user interface 3ein' ,o&nloa,a3le;1< is still a ne& concept an, reGuires a lot of researc+ an, +ence is not a2aila3le for Nati1e3 at present

American Journal of Electrical Systems ISSN (Paper) 2568-51 ! ISSN ("nline) 2568-5 #6 $ol%1 No%1 2#11


'.f!t!re scope 1e &ill 3e &or6in' to support Nati1e3 to comprise of t+e music player an, ot+er features t+at may 3e missin' no&/ in near future% Alon' &it+ pro2i,in' support to mo3ile p+ones/ &e plan to ma6e Nati1e3 a2aila3le to .a3lets/ P5-s an, ot+er smart p+ones an, ,e2ices as &ell to ma6e it completely ,e2ice in,epen,ent% Also/ t+e aspect of security &ill +a2e to 3e en+ance,;1#< consi,erin' t+e fact t+at &+en Nati1e3 is ma,e a2aila3le &i,ely/ an, t+e ,ata store, 3y users is of a lar'e amount/ t+ere may 3e a,2ance, security t+reats (.)elated wor* 4P 1e3"S/ *o:illa-s )oot to Bec6o 3asically focus on t+e &e3 as an operatin' system for ta3let P5-s an, smart p+ones% No6ia-s 5lou,3erry focuses on mo3ile ,e2ices of No6ia t+at &ill +a2e a &e3 interface% .+ese operatin' systems are +o&e2er ,e2ice specific an, limit t+e user e(perience to some e(tent% Nati1e3/ as of &+at &e 6no&/ is t+e only application &+ic+ aims to pro2i,e a +assle free multi-mo3ile e(perience% Al3eit &it+ a fe& features at present/ ne&er &e3 applications suc+ as t+at of t+e music player access can 3e a,,e, &it+ time an, t+e 3est part is t+at users nee, not &orry of ,o&nloa,in' t+e &+ole t+in' a'ain as it &ill 3e a2aila3le instantly on all mo3ile ,e2ices as an, &+en t+ey are a,,e, +. Concl!sion .+rou'+ t+is paper/ &e intro,uce Nati1e3 > a cross platform application &+ic+ &ill not only re,uce t+e +assles of +a2in' multiple mo3ile p+ones 3ut also pro2i,e a 3ase for future operatin' systems t+at aim to intro,uce t+e &e3 as an operatin' system% 1e +a2en-t yet researc+e, on t+e scope of +a2in' a ,o&nloa,a3le user interface 3ecause of certain limitations t+at applications +a2e% "n t+e &+ole/ &e +o&e2er 3elie2e t+at Nati1e3 is a no2el concept t+at still +as many ,oors to e(plore 3efore users can finally &itness a complete &e3 3ase, operatin' system &it+ entirely user frien,ly applications% % )eferences Antero .ai2alsaari/ Hari Systa @.loudberr': )!M*+ .loud Phone Plat%or( %or Mobile /e"i es/A IEEE Soft&are/ 2#11% .ommi *i66onen/ Antero .ai2alsaari/ @Apps "s. Open Web: !he &attle o% the /e ade0A in t+e procee,in's of t+e 2n, &or6s+op on Soft&are En'ineerin' for *o3ile Application 8e2elopment (*SE-2#11/ Santa *onica/ 5alifornia/ ESA/ "cto3er 2!/ 2#11)/ pp% 22-26% .ai2alsaari/ A%/ *i66onen .%/ In'alls/ 8% an, Palac:/ H% Web &ro#ser as an Appli ation Plat%or(: !he *i"el' 1ernel 23perien e Sun *icrosystems 0a3oratories .ec+nical Ieport .I- 2##8-1!5/ January 2##8% (2#12) 1orl, 1i,e 1e3 5onsortium &e3site% ;"nline<% A2aila3le7 +ttp7JJ&&&%&=%or'J.IJ+tml5Joffline%+tml (2#12) .+e )oot to Bec6o &e3site% ;"nline<% A2aila3le7 +ttp7JJ&&&%mo:illa%or'Jen-ESJ32'J Allen/ *% Palm 1e3"S% "-Ieilly Pu3lis+in'/ 2##F% (2#12) .+e 1e3Hit &e3site ;"nline<% A2aila3le7 +ttp7JJ&&&%trac%&e36it%or'J&i6iJKt1e3Hit (2#12) .+e 1e3Hit &e3site ;"nline<% A2aila3le7 +ttp7JJ&&&%trac%&e36it%or'J&i6iJ1e3Hit2 (2#12) Netfli( 1e3site ;"nline<% A2aila3le7 +ttp7JJ&&&%netfli(%com (2#12) )ro&ser Security 4an,3oo6 1e3site ;"nline<% A2aila3le7 +ttp7JJco,e%'oo'le%comJpJ3ro&sersecJ&i6iJ*ain

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