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Philippine Christian College

Rizal Extension


Name:_____________________________________________________Date:____________Score:_____________ True or False. Write T on the space before the number if the statement is true, or F if otherwise. ______1. A fact can be measured by objective means. ______2. Ones sentiments can be factual. ______3. An opinion can be factual. ______4. A fact can be an opinion. ______5. The weather forecast is a valid opinion. ______6. Thinking is done only to solve problems. ______7. Deductive reasoning starts from detailed factual premises to arrive at an eventual conclusion. ______8. Inductive reasoning is generalizing from small pieces of facts to arrive at a conclusion. ______9. A rational person thinks over before doing an action repetitively. Otherwise, he will fall into erring. ______10. Personalization and blame are the mother of all guilt. Analyzing Fact and Opinion. Write F on the space provided before the number if the statement is Fact and O if Opinion. ______1. Gone with the Wind is the greatest book ever written. ______2. When the weather is hot and humid, there will be a thunderstorm. ______3. The workers digging that ditch completed one hundred feet today, so they will certainly be able to finish the remaining seventy-five feet tomorrow. ______4. The Surgeon General warns that smoking is dangerous to your health. ______5. According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the hottest place on earth is in Ethiopia. ______6. Baseball is boring. ______7. To date, Katherine Hepburn has won more Oscars in starring roles than any other actress. ______8. The word apnea means the suspension of breathing. ______9. Although they cannot explain the accident and have not examined the wreckage, Air Force officials say they believe that the pilot deliberately crashed his burning plane into the river to avoid a heavily populated area. ______10. A chameleon has the ability to puff up its skin. Identifying Forms of Reasoning. Identify the form of reasoning (inference, generalization, cause and effect, analogy) found in each of the following statements. Write your answer on the space provided before the number. ______1. Because of the rain, the picnic was postponed. ______2. Most of the children in my sisters third grade class have red hair. Therefore, most third graders have red hair. ______3. The new stove must be defective somehow; it either burns the food or leaves it raw. ______4. I will not hire young people; you cannot depend on them. ______5. Both passengers are going to London. They must be together. ______6. Madelyn held a revolver as she walked away from the dead man, so she is the one who killed him. ______7. Chris will be able to swim across the river. He swam across Glassy Lake yesterday, and the lake is wider than the river. ______8. Kelly is like her sister because they both have red hair. ______9. If I sleep eight hours tonight, I can run five miles in the morning. ______10. Half the population has below average intelligence. Analyzing Forms of Reasoning. On the space provided before the number, write I if the item is inductive, or D if it is deductive. ______1. All of the houses on Tabangay Street were damaged by the flash flood. The Gonzales house is on Tabangay Street. Their house must have been damaged. ______2. It has been below freezing for three nights in a row in Sagada, but the water in the pail hasnt frozen. It must have antifreeze or alcohol in it. ______3. All of the teachers at our school are doctorate degree holders. Mr. Fernandez teaches at our school. Mr. Fernandez must be a doctor. ______4. All humans are bipedals. An ostrich is bipedal. An ostrich is a human. ______5. Millions of people ride in LRT and MRT. The government will impose higher fares. Commuters will get into rally. Multiple Choice. Write the letter of your choice on the space provided before the number. ______1. It is a purposeful and deliberate exploration of experiences. a. Thinking b. reasoning c. understanding d. remembering ______2. Which of the following statements is TRUE about thinking and information? a. A man could think about his academic tasks very well even he has limited source of information. b. Information is a raw material and is everywhere. Thinking is needed to process this material and to make it more effective for decision-making or even solving problems. c. Thinking and acquiring information are the same processes. d. None of the above

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.

Philippine Christian College

Rizal Extension


______3. The person who has a rich background on language use will eventually have an advantage in presenting what he thinks. Thinking is therefore related to ______. a. Feeling b. talking c. acquiring information d. perception ______4. Morgan had a small earning in the bank and he decided to invest it in a business. His friend told him he knows one that could make his small investment multiply. Without having any second thought, Morgan handed the money to his friend. At the end of the day, he learned he was swindled. What purpose of thinking did Morgan miss? a. Obtaining an answer to a problem b. Arranging information to obtain a conclusion c. Decision-making d. Assessing facts according to ones experience ______5. What aspect of ones personality is related to thinking in the following example? Joana, 16, went home feeling exhausted after a long and tiring exam in the school when her mother scolded her for coming home late. Joana lost her temper, taken aback by the situation, sobbed and went out to her friend. a. Talking b. perception c. attention d. feeling ______6. In the preceding example, where must thinking find its place? a. Contemplating on the situation b. Assessing the situation and giving immediate remedy on the trouble c. Having a tight grip on everybodys temper and thinking over on the solution to the confrontation d. All of the above ______7. What error in thinking did Joanas mom commit? a. Partialism b. ego centricity c. adversary thinking d. ego-involvement ______8. The manager of a bank called for an emergency meeting. Bank staff started startling when the big boss went on for his report. He asked what the problem was. A courageous employee told honestly that the boss report was erroneous. No words but youre fired was next heard in the conference room. In this situation, the employee violated the boss__________. a. spirituality b. ego c. arrogance d. authority ______9. What error in thinking is exemplified in the preceding situation? a. Partialism b. ego-centricity c. adversary thinking d. ego-involvement ______10. What must be wrong in the boss decision? a. He based it not on his employees performance but on the mere situation. b. He based it on his assumption that the employee must be against his report. c. He must be the boss and he must be always right. d. The employee is against the report so it is just fine to terminate an employee who is not very supportive. ______11. If you are wrong, therefore, I am right. What error in thinking follows this dictum? a. Egocentricity b. partialism c. adversary thinking d. ego-involvement ______12. Which of the following is a sound and valid reasoning? a. Since taking health restorer, I have become well and strong. I recommend it heartily to all who suffer. b. Justos umbrella is still in the office; therefore he hasnt gone home. c. There are about thirteen million voters. Why should I vote? One vote more or less wont make any difference. d. The law says parents must provide their children the basic education. Therefore, at any rate, parents are mandated to send their children to elementary and high school because its a responsibility for them and not a choice. ______13. What makes the following reasoning invalid? I wont pay any P30 for that suit. I bought just as good as one five years ago for P25. a. The speaker must consider the price of the item hes buying. b. The speaker must consider the style of the item. c. The speaker must consider the time when he saw a cheaper but similarly looking item. d. The speaker must be lying. ______14. A model advertises a cheap but effective whitening cream to a number of people with considerably dark complexion. When would her discussion NOT be valid? a. If he is also from the same race with that of his clients. b. If he is also having the same status in life with that of his clients. c. If he is also at least of the same age with that of his clients. d. If he is residing in an urban area while his clients in a rural area. ______15. A man is asked to prove that smoking is dangerous to ones health. Which of the following should he say? a. Researches say that first hand smoking can cause lung cancer, emphysema and other diseases which involve respiration.

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.

Philippine Christian College

Rizal Extension


Im a chain smoker. I stopped smoking since two years ago and I feel so relieved and strong now. You should do the same. c. Smoking as a vice is really hard to stop and its detrimental to your health. d. Smoking is really bad to your health. You want eating a lot but its bad. You wa nt working hard but its not good for you. Smoking too, if too much, is detrimental. ______16. Which of the following is a false analogy? a. If the ants know how to earn for their food so that they are prepared before the rainy season comes, how much more for humans like us? b. Smoking as a vice is really hard to stop and its detrimental to ones health. c. Because Meralco won the baseball championship of the Bay League last year and the year before, they will win it this year. d. Buy the Shine Bright toothpaste and save three dollars a year. ______17. All Ilocanos are frugal. This statement conveys what kind of logical fallacy? a. Hasty generalization b. Dicto simpliciter c. Appeal to pity d. Ad populem ______18. Which of the following statements attacks the man rather than the issue? a. Senator X just divorced his wife. How can his proposal be any good? b. The Filipino people are fed up with corruption. We dont want corrupt politicians. Do we? c. We must be submitting to the authority whoever he is because the bible says we should do so. d. Everytime I forget my umbrella, it rains. Next time, Ill bring my umbrella so it wont rain. ______19. Everybody is doing it. Why cant you? This statement implies a. False analogy b. Either-or c. Testimonial d. Bandwagon appeal ______20. Joey said, The food they offered is saltless. They must be suffering from kidney trouble. What logical fallacy did he commit? a. Hypothesis contrary to fact b. Testimonial c. Circular argument d. Hasty generalization ______21. Which statement is an example of ad miserocardiam or appeal to pity? a. We cant elect him as president. He is just a high school graduate. b. If you are not with us, you are against us. c. Please accept me for the job. My son who is blind and needing medical attention needs me and the money I could get from this work. d. Jane nauseates every morning. She must be pregnant. ______22. Which of the following reasoning shows valid cause and effect? a. Whenever my cellular phone is placed near the television, the signal gets intensified. b. The moment I bring with me my blue wallet, the ATM machine always turns offline. So, I will not use my blue wallet anymore. c. My scores in quizzes get higher when I gaze on the ceiling. d. A low pressure area is being monitored 100 km off Aurora. It will be rainy in Nueva Ecija. For items 23-27 : Choose the letter of the logical fallacy being described in each statement. Refer to the choices below. a. Name calling b. Bandwagon appeal c. Testimonial d. Either-or e. Hasty generalization ______23. This can be committed by concluding drawn from only few evidences. ______24. This logical fallacy is done when a speaker makes the listener to believe on only two alternative choices. Believing on one means the automatic unbelieving of the person on the other. ______25. This is somehow bringing in preaching to the contention. The speaker tries to persuade the listener by citing religious or philosophical statements that compel somebody to believe on a universal truth. ______26. The personality of the man being opposed is attacked rather than the issue is this kind of logical fallacy. ______27. Which statement is a known valid fact? th a. The Independence Day of the Philippines is on July 4 , 1898. b. There are 296 house representatives in the Philippines to date. b.

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.

Philippine Christian College

Rizal Extension


The political system in the Philippines is parliamentary. MV St. Thomas Aquinas and MV Sulpicio Express 7 collided and caused the loss of more than a hundred lives. ______28. Which statement best differentiates fact from opinion? a. A fact is observable and measurable by objective means. An opinion is only based on ones feeling judgment, or prediction. b. A fact may or may not be true. An opinion is always true but may or may not be valid. c. A fact can be verified. An opinion cant be. d. None of the above. ______29. Which does NOT belong to the group? a. Weather has always been of interest to men and women. b. Mariners used to forecast the weather by studying the sky. c. The science of meteorology is fascinating. d. Weather forecasts are a waste of time because they are usually wrong. ______30. Which of the following is an opinion? a. Human beings will never be able to eliminate ozone pollution. b. The Earths crust moves every day. c. The Philippines belongs to the Pacific Ring of Fire. d. The sun is the Earths source of energy. ______31. The earth passes through warming and cooling cycles. This statement is ______. a. A true fact b. A false fact c. A valid opinion d. An invalid opinion ______32. My sister likes candies. She must like any sweet. What form of reasoning is used in this statement? a. An invalid inference b. A valid inference c. A valid generalization d. A hasty generalization ______33. In the statement, A cigarette stick is EDSA in a puff, what form of reasoning is employed? a. Inference b. Analogy c. Cause and Effect d. Generalization ______34. Which statement is a hasty generalization? a. My girlfriend is like a rose. b. Whenever I am with my girlfriend, my stomach growls. c. Majority of attendees in the church are old. The younger generation may not feel comfortable in the church. d. She plays guitar very well. She must be good in violin. ______35. In the choices in the preceding statement, which is an invalid inference? ______36. Hasty generalization is committed when _____. a. There are too few evidences to draw a conclusion. b. A lack of evidences to show comparison is present. c. The cause is not related to the effect. d. The conclusion is drawn from inconsistent and sometimes irrelevant information. ______37. I will win the competition if I will wear red clothes. This statement is _____. a. An invalid inference b. A hasty generalization c. A False analogy d. An Unrelated Cause and Effect ______38. Which of the following statements is a valid analogy? a. A problem is as large as the ship and the solution as the ocean. b. You seem to be a walking dictionary. c. The cell is like a factory. d. The human brain is like a computer. ______39. Which of the following statements is pure prediction? a. Surely, there is life in Planet Z. b. Planet Z is probably capable of sustaining human life because of the oxygen levels in its atmosphere. c. Within our lifetime, specimens brought back from the surface of Planet Z will prove that life existed there. d. Ice crystals were discovered in Planet Z in 2013. c. d.

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.

Philippine Christian College

Rizal Extension


______40. Congressmen are elected by people. They make laws. They know what is best for the country. This statement is an invalid reasoning. Why is it so? a. Premises are totally unrelated. b. Premises given do not follow any logic. c. Contentions are not tied up with each other. d. All of the above. For Items 41-49 : Choose the level of thinking employed in each statement. Refer to the choices below. a. Knowledge b. Comprehension c. Application d. Analysis e. Synthesis f. Evaluation ______41. Demonstrate good communication skills. ______42. Propose supporting facts from a given contention. ______43. Write a democratic song from a political rally. ______44. List names of herbs and their medicinal values. ______45. Define thinking and reasoning. ______46. Deciding upon who the best leader in the class is. ______47. Distinguish fact from opinion. ______48. Prepare a critical essay based on things learned about valid reasoning. ______49. When a person speaks about all the things he knows about a matter, he is using his _____ level. a. Knowledge b. comprehension c. synthesis d. evaluation ______50. After peer performances, students were asked to rate their classmates. What thinking level among students was the teacher trying to test? a. Analysis b. synthesis c. evaluation d. comprehension ______51. Jennys boyfriend did not greet her on their first anniversary. The poor woman couldnt help but waited for nothing. Jennys boyfriend must practice what level of thinking? a. Knowledge b. comprehension c. evaluation d. synthesis ______52. A young scientist performs chemical combinations after reading a module. What level of thinking is he employing? a. Application b. analysis c. synthesis d. evaluation ______53. Carls mom takes a few minutes deciding upon what kind of fish to buy in preparing for a certain re cipe. She considers the budget but not sacrificing the quality. What level of thinking is she employing? a. Application b. analysis c. synthesis d. evaluation ______54. Application involves _____. a. Demonstration of a skill or ability b. Understanding concepts c. Memorizing facts and data d. Evaluating concepts and their relevance ______55. Synthesizing necessitates _____. a. Composition of new understanding b. Creation of learning c. Input and output d. All of the above ______56. In the revised Blooms levels of thinking, the highest is _____. a. Analyzing b. Understanding c. Evaluating d. Creating ______57. Which does NOT belong to the group? a. Recall b. label c. repeat d. dramatize ______58. Which word is NOT for synthesis? a. Formulate b. design c. compose d. rate ______59. Which word pertains to analysis? a. Examine b. record c. construct d. describe ______60. Which of the following statements is pure prediction? a. Surely, there is life in Planet Z. b. Planet Z is probably capable of sustaining human life because of the oxygen levels in its atmosphere. c. Within our lifetime, specimens brought back from the surface of Planet Z will prove that life existed there. d. Ice crystals were discovered in Planet Z in 2013. Understanding Words in Context. Read the following passage. For each of the words following the passage, use context clues to choose the definition that most closely matches the meaning of the word as it was used in this material. Then write the letter of the correct definition before the appropriate number.

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.

Philippine Christian College

Rizal Extension


Alaska, the largest state in the Union, is a land of peerless beauty and endless variety. The topography includes towering mountain peaks, broad plains, and deep fertile valleys. The long coastline is indented with glacier-made fiords and sounds of great depth. Cataracts of unpolluted water rush down steep crags to form swiftly flowing rivers, which could be harnessed to provide hydroelectric power for the growing population. Prospectors discovered the first bonanza of underground wealth when they panned for gold along the Yukon River. The discovery of rich veins of gold was just a harbinger of more wealth, for sixty years later, in 1957, geologists discovered vast pools of oil on the Kenai Peninsula. One of the paradoxes of this fascinating state is that, despite Alaskas short growing season, farmers harvest quantities of fruits and vegetables of unusual size and beauty. The reason is that, during the summer, the sun shines twenty hours a day. This brief review of facts about Alaska should dispel any belief that it is a frozen wasteland of little value. ______1. Peerless a) invisible b) unrivaled c) rich vein of gold or silver d) disperse ______2. Topography a) rugged rock b) handwriting c) surface features d) forecasters ______3. Fiord a) gentle slope b) waterfall c) narrow inlet d) automobile ______4. Sound a) pond b) waterfall c) hear d) channel ______5. Cataract a) long inlet b) large waterfall c) narrow inlet d) lake ______6. Crag a) rugged rock b) disperse c) rough d) uneven ______7. Bonanza a) ponderosa b) rugged rock c) without equal d) rich vein of ore ______8. Harbinger a) dispel b) herald c) wide channel d) surface map ______9. Paradox a) surface feature b) disperse c) contradiction d) without equal ______10. Dispel a) large waterfall b) rich vein of ore c) narrow inlet d) drive away Suffixation: -en, -ify, -cation. From the adjective hard, you can make the verb to harden, which means to make something hard. Convert each of these nouns and adjectives to verbs, using the suffix en. 1. Short _________________ 2. Broad _________________ 3. Strength _________________ 4. Soft _________________ 5. Length _________________ Some verbs are formed with the suffix ify. Write the appropriate form of the verb in the following spaces. The words with asterisks require some change in spelling. 6. To find the identity* _________________________ 7. To make solid _________________________ 8. To make liquid* _________________________ 9. To make pure* _________________________ 10. To make humid _________________________ The suffix cation indicates a noun. Convert each of the ify verbs above into a noun by changing the y to i and adding cation. 11. _____________________________ 12. _____________________________ 13. _____________________________ 14. _____________________________ 15. _____________________________


The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.

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