Job Satisfaction Amrit

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SUBMITTED TO . Ms. Priyanka Girdhar Assistant Professor SUBMITTED BY: AMRIT MONGA BBA


RO"" NO.####$%#&&$



Post Box 81, Barnala Road, S rsa! 1"#$## P%& $1'''!"(811' E!Ma l& )*+,-d..or/

Guide +e,ti-i+.te
This to 'ertify that AMRIT MONGA( Ro)) no. ####$%#&&$( a st*dent of +Ba'he)or of B*siness Ad,inistration in de-art,ent of ,ana.e,ent st*dies( /an Nayak 0ho*dhary De1i)a) Instit*te of B*siness Mana.e,ent( Sirsa has s*''essf*))y 'o,-)eted the s*,,er trainin. -ro2e't on +/OB SATIS3A0TION IN !INDUSTAN UNI"E4ER "IMITED5 Ad,inistration. #,i/+i01e D,23u1dee0 Si/45 Pro2e't .*ide Ms. Priyanka Girdhar Under ,y

.*idan'e to6ards the -artia) f*)fi)),ent of Ba'he)or of B*siness




I( AMRIT MONGA Ro)) no. ####$%#&&$( BBA


Se,. here7y de')are

that the s*,,er trainin. re-ort entit)ed 8MAR9ETING STRATEGIES O3 !INDUSTAN UNI"I4ER "IMITED8 s*7,itted in -artia) f*)fi)),ent of re:*ire,ent for the a6ard of the de.ree of Ba'he)or of B*siness Ad,inistration to G*r* /a,7hesh6ar Uni1ersity Of S'ien'e ; Te'hno)o.y( !issar thro*.h De-art,ent of Mana.e,ent St*dies <Instit*te of B*siness Mana.e,ent=( Sirsa is an ori.ina) 6ork done 7y ,e and has neither 7een s*7,itted nor -*7)ished e)se6here. 3*rther( the s*..estions as a--ro1ed 7y the Trainin. G*ide and S*-er1isor are d*)y in'or-orated.

Amrit Monga



I e>-ress ,y -rofo*nd .ratit*de to ,y )earned and 6orthy Trainin. S*-er1isor Ms. Priyanka Girdhar for his 'onstant .*idan'e( affe'tionate attit*de and in1a)*a7)e s*..estions. !is into the s*72e't 6as a -er-et*a) so*r'e of ins-iration for ,e and I )earnt a )ot fro, the en)i.hten Inter-retation he offered on ,y 6ork. ?itho*t his enth*sias, and deter,ination this 6ork 6as not -ossi7)e. E1en tho*.h 6ords 6on@t s*ffi'e( I take this o--ort*nity to e>-ress ,y sin'ere thanks and .ratit*de to ,y re1ered -arents. I a, e>tre,e)y .ratef*) for their affe'tion( 'are( s*--ort( ins-iration( en'o*ra.e,ent and 7)essin.s. I o6e a .ratit*de to a)) those 6ho he)-ed ,e dire't)y or indire't)y in the 'o,-)etion of this 6ork. A7o1e a))( I a, .ratef*) to A),i.hty 6ho ena7)ed ,e to a''o,-)ish this 6ork s*''essf*))y. Tho*.h this resear'h 6ork has 7een 'o,-)eted 'a*tio*s)y( ho6e1er the -ossi7i)ity of any ,istake 'annot 7e r*)ed o*t. I take ,y res-onsi7i)ity for any ,istake( if any. Am,it Mo/4.

#REFACE Sin'e ,ana.e,ent is fast tra'k 'areer so if re:*ired )ot of theoreti'a) as 6e)) as -ra'ti'a) kno6)ed.e. The defi'ien'y of kno6)ed.e f*)fi)) thro*.h the ')ass roo, st*dy. ?hi)e -ra'ti'a) e>-os*re 6e 'an .ain thro*.h ind*stria) trainin.. If 6e see todayAs 7*siness synerio 6e find that e1ery BBA st*dent 6hether he is in the *ni1ersity or any instit*te has to .et 6eeks e>-os*re in his s-e'ia)iBed fie)d. Therefore as a -art of the '*rri'*)*, of ,y st*dy( I ha1e 'o,-)eted ,y s*,,er trainin. at Te),os A*to,o7i)es P1t. "td. I 6as assi.ned the -ro2e't on ,y s-e'ia)iBed fie)d i.e. Marketin. and the na,e of ,y -ro2e't is +Marketin. Strate.ies for !ind*stan Uni)i1er "i,ited 5

C5.0te, No2 C5.0te, ( I/t,odu+tio/ I/du8t,9 #,o-i1e Com0./9 #,o-i1e C5.0te, & I/t,odu+tio/ to t5e #,o=e+t M.,?eti/4 St,.te4ie8 M.,?eti/4 St,.te4ie8 o- T.t. Moto,8 C5.0te, > C5.0te, ) C5.0te, 7 C5.0te, : C5.0te, ; C5.0te, < Ob=e+ti@e8 o- t5e Stud9 Re@ieA o- Lite,.tu,e Re8e.,+5 Met5odo1o49 D.t. A/.198i8 ./d I/te,0,et.tio/ Fi/di/48 ./d Co/+1u8io/8 Su44e8tio/8 ./d Limit.tio/8 Bib1io4,.059 A//eCu,e $ue8tio//.i,e -o, Cu8tome,8 Tit1e #.4e No2 '(%'7 ':%'; '<%&: &;%>( >&%>) >7 >:%>; ><%>B )'%)7 ):%7> 7)%77 7:%7; 7< 7B%:&


/o7 Satisfa'tion ,ay 7e defined as an indi1id*a)@s .enera) attit*de to6ards his or her 2o7. It is 'on'erned 6ith the 8fee)in. 8 one has to6ards the 2o7. These fee)in.s are -art of their 'ons'io*s state and -ro1ide to ,ake de'isions a7o*t their a'tions and rea'tions to their 2o7s. These 'ons'io*s states are )oose)y ter,s tho*.hts and fee)in.s. If a 6orker is not satisfied 6ith his 6ork( 7oth the :*a)ity and :*antity of his o*t-*t 6i)) s*ffer. If he is satisfied 6ith his 6ork then definite)y there is an i,-ro1e,ent in 7oth the :*a)ity and :*antity of -rod*'tion. 3a'tories in 6hi'h the 6orkers are satisfied 6ith their 6ork are a)so 'hara'teriBed 7y a hi.h ,ora)e. /o7 dissatisfa'tion ,ay )ead to in'reased a7senteeis,( t*rno1er and other *ndesira7)e 7eha1io*rs( and so e,-)oyers 6ant to de1e)o- satisfa'tion a,on. their e,-)oyees. The s*r1ey of United States re1ea)s that 1ast ,a2ority of 6orkers are satisfied 6ith their 2o7s( a)tho*.h they ,ay 7e dissatisfied 6ith s-e'ifi' as-e'ts of the,. O)der e,-)oyees and hi.her o''*-ationa) )e1e)s es-e'ia))y tend to ha1e hi.her satisfa'tion. !i.her 2o7 in1o)1e,ent )eads to dedi'ated -rod*'tion 6orkers. !i.h -erfor,an'e and

e:*ita7)e re6ard en'o*ra.e hi.h satisfa'tion thro*.h a -erfor,an'eC satisfa'tion effort )oo-. !i.her 2o7 satisfa'tion *s*a))y is asso'iated 6ith )o6 t*rno1er and )esser a7senteeis,. 0o,,itted e,-)oyees are a)so ,ore )ike)y to e,7ra'e 'o,-any 1a)*es and 7e)iefs <its '*)t*re=.


MEANING AND DEFINITION OF JOB SATISFACTION : To .et a ')earC'*t idea of 6hat the ter, 2o7 satisfa'tion ,eans( it is

ne'essary to *nderstand ,eanin. of the ter, 2o7 and satisfa'tion indi1id*a))y. Job : The 6ork 2o7 is *sed in a restri'ted sense and rea'hes to a s-e'ifi' task. It 'an 7e said in si,-)e 6ords that the 2o7 ,eans a 'o))e'tion or set of tasks( d*ties( res-onsi7i)ities 6hi'h as a 6ho)e is re.arded as a re.*)ar assi.n,ent to 6orkers or e,-)oyees or the tota) re)ationshi- of e,-)oyees or the tota) re)ationshi- 7et6een an indi1id*a) e,-)oyee and the e,-)oyer for 6hi'h the indi1id*a) is 'o,-ensated. It 'an a)so 7e said that 6hen tota) 6ork to 7e done is di1ided and .ro*-ed into -a' 6e 'a)) it a 2o7. S.ti8-.+tio/ : Man is an e1er 6antin. ani,a). !e a)6ays desires to satisfy an infinite series of his needs. ?hen one need is satisfied( he shifts o1er to another( then another and another. This is an on .oin. -ro'ess. 3or e>a,-)e( a -oor ,an has a 'y')e. Then his desires 6iden for a s'ooter and then for a 'ar and so on. If he .ets these thin.s 6itho*t any de)ay then he .ets satisfa'tion other6ise he enters the s-here of dissatisfa'tion fr*stration. The ter, @satisfa'tion@ refers to the si,-)e fee)in.Cstate a''o,-anyin. the attain,ent 7y an i,-*)se of its o72e'ti1es. The ter, @/o7 Satisfa'tion@ refers to the fa1o*ra7)eness 6ith 6hi'h e,-)oyees 1ie6 their 6orks and the ter, 2o7 dissatisfa'tion( the

*nfa1o*ra7)eness 6ith 6hi'h they 1ie6 their 6ork. /o7 satisfa'tion is *ndo*7ted)y re)ated 6ith attit*de( fee)in.s( needs( ,oti1es and fr*stration. It refers to a .enera) attit*de res*)tin. fro, 1ario*s s-e'ifi' attit*des re)atin. to : a= S-e'ifi' 2o7 fa'tors <s*'h as steadiness of e,-)oy,ent( s*-er1ision( ad1an'e,ent of o--ort*nities( 6orkin. 'onditions( fair e1a)*ation of 6ork( fair treat,ent 7y e,-)oyerD,ana.e,ent( so'ia) re)ations on the 2o7 and si,i)ar other thin.s. 7= Ind*stria) 'hara'teristi's <s*'h as e,-)oyee@s a.e( se>( -er,anent desires( )e1e) of as-iration et'.= '= Gro*- re)ationshi- o*tside the 2o7 <s*'h as e,-)oyee@s fa,i)y re)ationshi-s( so'ia) stat*s( re)ationshi- 6ith )a7o*r( -*re)y so'ia) or -o)iti'a) or.anisations et'=. An e,-)oyee@s -erfor,an'e and satisfa'tion are )ike)y to 7e hi.her if his or her 1a)*es fit 6e)) 6ith the or.anisation. 3or instan'e( the -erson 6ho -)a'es hi.h i,-ortan'e on i,a.ination( inde-enden'e and freedo, is )ike)y to 7e -oor)y ,at'hed 6ith an or.anisation that seeks 'onfor,ity fro, its e,-)oyees. Mana.ers are ,ore )ike)y to a--re'iate( e1a)*ate -ositi1e)y and a))o'ate re6ards to e,-)oyees 6ho fit in and e,-)oyees are ,ore )ike)y to 7e satisfied if they -er'ei1e they do fit. Satisfied and 'o,,itted e,-)oyees ha1e )o6er rates of t*rno1er and a7senteeis,. Mana.e,ent needs infor,ation on e,-)oyee 2o7 satisfa'tion in order to ,ake so*nd de'isions( 7oth in -re1entin. and so)1in. e,-)oyee -ro7)e,.


MEASURING JOB SATISFACTION : A -erson@s 2o7 is ,ore than 2*st the o71io*s a'ti1ities of sh*ff)in.

-a-ers( 6aitin. on '*sto,ers or dri1in. a tr*'k. /o7s re:*ire intera'tion 6ith 'o6orkers and 7osses( fo))o6in. or.anisationa) r*)es and -o)i'ies( ,eetin. -erfor,an'e standards( )i1in. 6ith 6orkin. 'onditions that are often )ess than idea) and the )ike. This ,eans an e,-)oyee@s assess,ent of ho6 satisfied or dissatisfied he or she is 6ith his or her 2o7 is a 'o,-)e> s*,,ation of a n*,7er of dis'rete 2o7 e)e,ents. The t6o ,ost 6ide)y *sed a--roa'hes are : #. E. (2 Sin.)e .)o7a) ratin. S*,,ations s'ore Si/41e 41ob.1 ,.ti/4 : This ,ethod is nothin. ,ore than a'tin. indi1id*a)s to res-ond to one :*estions( s*'h as 8A)) thin.s 'onsidered( ho6 satisfied are yo* 6ith yo*r 2o7F8 Res-ondents then re-)y 7y 'ir')in. a n*,7er 7et6een # and that 'orres-onds 6ith ans6ers fro, 8!i.h)y satisfied8 to 8!i.h)y Dissatisfied.8 &2 Summ.tio/ o- =ob -.+t8 : This a--roa'h is ,ore so-histi'ated. It identifies key e)e,ents in a 2o7 and asks for the e,-)oyee@s fee)in. a7o*t ea'h. Ty-i'a) fa'tors that 6o*)d 7e in')*ded are the nat*re of the 6ork( s*-er1ision( -resent -ay( -ro,otion o--ort*nities and re)ations 6ith 'oC6orkers.

These fa'tors are rated on a standardiBed s'a)e and then added *-to 'reate an o1era)) 2o7 satisfa'tion s'ore. Int*iti1e)y( it 6o*)d see, that s*,,in. *- res-onses to a n*,7er of 2o7 fa'tors 6o*)d a'hie1e a ,ore a''*rate e1a)*ation of 2o7 satisfa'tion. !o6e1er( the resear'h doesn@t s*--ort this int*ition. This is one of those rare instan'e in 6hi'h si,-)i'ity 6ins o*t o1er 'o,-)e>ity. 0o,-arisons of oneC :*estion .)o7a) ratin.s 6ith the ,ore )en.thy s*,,ationCofC2o7Cfa'tors ,ethod indi'ate that the 'on'e-t of 2o7 satisfa'tion is inherent)y so 7road( the sin.)e :*estion a't*a))y 7e'o,es a ,ore in')*si1e ,eas*re. JOB SATISFACTION OF OMEN OR3ERS

/o7 satisfa'tion refers to a .enera) attit*de res*)tin. fro, 1ario*s s-e'ifi' attit*des re)atin. to s-e'ifi' 2o7 fa'tors( Ind*stria) 'hara'teristi's and .ro*- re)ationshi-s o*tside the 2o7. 4roo, has defined it as the -ositi1e orientation of an indi1id*a) to6ards the 6ork ro)e 6hi'h he is -resent)y o''*-yin.. It 'an 7e e>-ressed +as an indi1id*a)As )ikin. ,ore as-e'ts of his 6ork than he dis)ikes(5 Genera))y( it refers to an e,-)oyeeAs .enera) attit*de to6ards 2o7. In -sy'ho)o.i'a) needs s'hoo)( s*'h as( Mas)o6 and "ikert see ,oti1ation as the 'entra) fa'tor in 2o7 satisfa'tion and 'on'entrate their attention on sti,*)i )ike needs of indi1id*a)s for a'hie1e,ent( re'o.nition( res-onsi7i)ity( stat*s and ad1an'e,ent 6hi'h are 7e)ie1e to )ead to ,oti1ation. Psy'ho)o.ists )ike Mo*ton and 3ied)er see the 7eha1iors of s*-er1isors as an i,-ortant inf)*en'e on e,-)oyeesA attit*de.

Man'hester B*siness S'hoo) 7y "*-ton and "e..e e>a,ine the effortC re6ard 7ar.ain as an i,-ortant 1aria7)e 6hi'h )eads to a 'onsideration of ho6 the of s-e'ifi' .ro*-s are 'onstr*'ted and the inf)*en'e of fa'tors( s*'h as( o1erti,e -ay,ent and the state of )a7o*r ,arket on earnin.s and e,-)oyeesA attit*des to6ards the,. ?riters )ike 0roBier and Go*)dner ha1e 'ate.oriBed 1arieties of ,ana.e,ent 7eha1ior as G-*nish,ent 'enteredA( and G,o'kA 7*rea*'ra'y. P*nish,ent 'entered 7*rea*'ra'y is the ty-e of ,ana.e,ent 7eha1ior 6hi'h res-onds to de1iations fro, r*)es and -ro'ed*res. In GMo'kA 7*rea*'ra'y an or.aniBation has r*)es and -ro'ed*res 7*t neither the ,ana.e,ent nor the 6orkers a''e-t the, in a''ordan'e 6ith )a6. !erB7er. s'hoo) and so,e 'ontri7*tors 'onsider 2o7 satisfa'tion in ter, the de.ree of fitness 7et6een 6hat an or.aniBation re:*ires of its e,-)oyees and 6hat the e,-)oyees are seekin. of the fir,. As s*'h 2o7 satisfa'tion is -ositi1e)y re)ated to the de.ree to 6hi'h oneAs -ersona) needs are f*)fi))ed in the 2o7 satisfa'tion. The resear'h res*)ts indi'ate that ,oti1ators are the -ri,ary 'a*se of satisfa'tion and hy.ieni' fa'tors are the -ri,ary 'a*se of *nha--iness on the 2o7. The ,oti1atin. fa'tors are intrinsi' to the 2o7 6hi)e dissatisfa'tionC a1oidan'e or hy.ieni' fa'tors are e>trinsi' to the 2o7. (2> HAT DETERMINES JOB SATISFACTION : ?e no6 t*rn to the :*estion : ?hat 6orkCre)ated 1aria7)es deter,ine 2o7 satisfa'tion F. An e>tensi1e re1ie6 of the )iterat*re indi'ates that the ,ore i,-ortant fa'tors 'ond*'i1e to 2o7 satisfa'tion are ,enta))y

'ha)) 6ork( e:*ita7)e re6ards( s*--orti1e 6orkin. 'onditions and s*--orti1e 'o))ea.*es. .D Me/t.119 C5.11e/4i/4 o,? :

E,-)oyees tend to -refer 2o7s that .i1e the, o--ort*nities to *se their ski))s and a7i)ities and offer a 1ariety of tasks( freedo, and feed7a'k ho6 6e)) they are doin.. These 'hara'teristi's ,ake 6ork ,enta))y 'ha)) /o7s that ha1e too )itt)e 'ha))en.e 'reate 7oredo, 7*t too ,*'h 'ha))en.e 'reates fr*stration and fee)in.s of fai)*re. Under 'onditions of ,oderate 'ha))en.e( ,ost e,-)oyees 6i)) e>-erien'e -)eas*re and satisfa'tion. bD EEuit.b1e ReA.,d8 : E,-)oyees 6ant -ay syste,s and -ro,otion -o)i'ies that they -er'ei1e as 7ein. 2*st( *na,7i.*o*s and in )ine 6ith their e>-e'tations. ?hen -ay is seen as fair 7ased on 2o7 de,ands( indi1id*a) ski)) )e1e) and 'o,,*nity -ay standards( satisfa'tion is )ike)y to res*)t. Of 'o*rse( not e1eryone seeks ,oney. Many -eo-)e 6i))in.)y a''e-t )ess ,oney to 6ork in a -referred )o'ation or in a )ess de,andin. 2o7 or to ha1e .reater dis'retion in the 6ork they do and the ho*rs they 6ork. Si,i)ar)y( e,-)oyees seek fair -ro,otion -o)i'ies and -ra'ti'es. Pro,otions -ro1ide o--ort*nities for -ersona) .ro6th( ,ore res-onsi7i)ities and in'reased so'ia) stat*s. Indi1id*a)s 6ho -er'ei1e that -ro,otion de'isions are ,ade in a fair and 2*st ,anner( therefore( are )ike)y to e>-erien'e satisfa'tion fro, their 2o7s. +D Su00o,ti@e o,?i/4 Co/ditio/8 :

E,-)oyees are 'on'erned 6ith their 6ork en1iron,ent for 7oth -ersona) 'o,fort and fa'i)itatin. doin. a .ood 2o7. St*dies de,onstrate that

e,-)oyees -refer -hysi'a) s*rro*ndin.s that are not dan.ero*s or *n'o,forta7)e. Te,-erat*re( ) noise and other en1iron,enta) fa'tors sho*)d not 7e at either e>tre,e C for e>a,-)e( ha1in. too ,*'h heat or too )itt)e ) Additiona))y( ,ost e,-)oyees -refer 6orkin. re)ati1e)y ')ose to ho,e( in ')ean and re)ati1e)y ,odern fa'i)ities and 6ith ade:*ate too)s and e:*i-,ent. dD Su00o,ti@e Co11e.4ue8 : Peo-)e .et ,ore o*t of 6ork than ,ere)y ,oney or tan.i7)e a'hie1e,ents. 3or ,ost e,-)oyees( 6ork a)so fi))s the need for so'ia) intera'tion. Not s*r-risin.)y( therefore( ha1in. friend)y and s*--orti1e 'o6orkers )eads to in'reased 2o7 satisfa'tion. St*dies .enera))y find that e,-)oyee satisfa'tion is in'reased 6hen the i,,ediate s*-er1isor is *nderstandin. and friend)y( offers -raise for .ood -erfor,an'e( )istens to e,-)oyees( o-inions and sho6s a -ersona) interest in the,. (2) IM#ORTANCE OF JOB SATISFACTION : /o7 satisfa'tion is an i,-ortant and interestin. 'on'e-t and has d*)y re'ei1ed the attention it deser1ed. O71io*s)y( 2o7 satisfa'tion 'ontri7*te to e,-)oyee -rod*'ti1ity and ,ora)e. An ind*stria) or.anisation 'an 7e s*7stantia))y 7enefited if it 'ares to de1e)o- .enera) indi1id*a) attit*des in its -ersona) that 'an effe'ti1e)y 'ontri7*te to 2o7 satisfa'tion. If an or.anisation or 'o,-any a--ro-riate)y dis'o1ers attit*des on fa'tors re)ated to the 2o7( it 'an take ne'essary ste-s to -re1ent that sit*ation and there7y i,-ro1e the 2o7 satisfa'tion of its e,-)oyees.

4i'tor !. 4roo, e>a,ined the re)ationshi- 7et6een 2o7 satisfa'tion and 'ertain as-e'ts of 2o7 7eha1io*r 1iB.( t*rno1er( a7senteeis,( a''idents and 2o7 -erfor,an'e. !e fo*nd that hi.her an e,-)oyee@s satisfa'tion the )ess o-tion he has to )ea1e the 2o7. There is -ositi1e re)ationshi- 7et6een the a,o*nt of 2o7 satisfa'tion and the de.ree of 6ork a7senteeis,( there is ne.ati1e or no re)ationshi- 7et6een a''idents and 2o7 satisfa'tion sin'e there is 'onsidera7)e e1iden'e to sho6 that ,ost a''idents are 'a*sed si,-)y 7y 'han'e fa'tors( and that 2o7 satisfa'tion has no re)e1ant re)ationshi- 6ith a't*a) 2o7 -erfor,an'e. /o7 satisfa'tion is ,*)tidi,ensiona) -heno,enon 6hi'h )i1es 6ith e,-)oyees and inf)*en'es 6ho)e or.anisation. It is )ar.e)y he)d 7y the ,ana.e,ent e>-erts that an or.anisation has to or.anise itse)f in s*'h a 6ay that it ,ay 7e a7)e to attain its o6n .oa) and a)so -ro1ide o--ort*nity to their e,-)oyees to ,eet their -ersona) .oa)s. Pre1io*s)y 7*siness or.anisations 6ere so)e -ro-rietorshi-s. and 6orkers 6ere not distin.*ished and i,-ortan'e of 2o7 satisfa'tion 6as 1ery )o6. There is no s*7stit*te to 2o7 satisfa'tion. /o7 satisfa'tion re)ates to the a-tit*de of the e,-)oyee. If the e,-)oyee is 6ron.)y fit in a 6ork for 6hi'h he has no a-tit*de( no attra'tion to hi,. /o7 satisfa'tion is re)ated to 6orkin. 'onditions a)so. The 6ork 6i)) 7e ,ore attra'ti1e if his 6orkin. 'onditions are 'on.enia) to the task -ro-osed to a''o,-)ish. 3ro, the a7o1e des'ri-tion it is o71io*s that 2o7 satisfa'tion is a7so)*te)y essentia) for any or.anisation to e>ist( -ros-er and .ro6. It is on)y 2o7 satisfa'tion that de1e)o-s ty-e of attit*de( hi.h ,ora)e and enth*sias, for 6ork in the e,-)oyees as sho6n in the fi.*re #.


FACTORS RELATING TO JOB SATISFACTION : /o7 satisfa'tion is a 'o,-)e> -heno,enon. the nat*re and e>tent of

fa'tors 'ontri7*tin. to it are not yet f*))y kno6n. B*t a .ood dea) of resear'h st*dies ha1e 'ontri7*ted and are sti)) tryin. to 'ontri7*te ,ore and ,ore. /o7 satisfa'tion is deri1ed fro, and is 'a*sed 7y ,any interre)ated fa'tor 6hi'h 'annot 7e 'o,-)eted iso)ated fro, one another for ana)ysis. The fo))o6in. fa'tors ha1e 7een .enera))y a.reed to ha1e a dire't 7earin. on )e1e) of satisfa'tion of 6orkers. 3a'tors are as fo))o6s : A2 #e,8o/.1 F.+to,8 : A)) indi1id*a)s ha1e sa,e distin'tion( different -e'*)iarities. Their ha7its( attit*des and ,ode of -er'e-tion are different fro, others. The st*dy of 2o7 satisfa'tion 7e ,ore 'o,-)i'ated *nder the referen'e of indi1id*a) differen'es( for instan'e *nder e:*a) .i1en or.anisationa) en1iron,ent and 'onditions( one -erson ,ay find hi,se)f satisfied 6hi)e other ,ay not. Th*s( indi1id*a) differen'es effe't the 2o7 satisfa'tion. So,e of these indi1id*a)s or -ersona) fa'tors inf)*en'in. 2o7 satisfa'tion 'an 7e se>( a.e( ed*'ationa) :*a)ifi'ation( fa,i)y 7a'*nd( inte))i.en'e( fa,i)y 'o,-osition( ) of ser1i'e( attit*de( et'. BD F.+to,8 I/5e,e/t i/ t5e Job : If the fa'tors inherent in the 2o7( 6hi'h has a 'onsidera7)e 7earin. on the 2o7( are a''ordin. to his attit*de( interests and 'a-a7i)ities he fee)s satisfied 7*t if a 6orker finds his 2o7 a.ainst his attit*de and 'a-a7i)ities he

7e'o,es dissatisfied. These ,ay 7e nat*re and ty-e of 6ork( ski))s re:*ired( o''*-ationa) stat*s( siBe of the -)ant( re:*ire,ent of the 2o7( et'. CD F.+to,8 Co/t,o11ed b9 M./.4eme/t : There are ,any fa'tors 6hi'h the ,ana.e,ent 'an 'ontro) in order to 7rin. a7o*t e,-)oyees satisfa'tion )ike -ro,otion a1en*es( 'o,-ensation and re6ard( 'onsiderate )eadershi-( 6orkin. 'onditions( ; sa)ary. A)tho*.h( the ro)e of a)) these fa'tors and ,any other fa'tors 'ontro))ed 7y ,ana.e,ent 'an not 7e defined( yet the 6a.e ;sa)ary fa'tor 'an o1er-o6er a)) the -re1ai)in. fa'tors. 3i.. E sho6s the 'onse:*en'es of -ay dissatisfa'tion.


JOB SATISFACTION AND OTHER RELEVANT VARIABLES The ter, 2o7 satisfa'tion has different fo)ds of re)ations 6ith other

1aria7)es as des'ri7ed 7e)o6 :C #. /o7 Satisfa'tion and Prod*'ti1ity : Pre1io*s)y it 6as ass*,ed that 2o7 satisfa'tion )eads to hi.h -erfor,an'e and -rod*'ti1ity. As 6e)) satisfied 6orker 6i)) take initiati1e in in'reasin. his -rod*'ti1ity. B*t )ater on ,ana.e,ent resear'hes -ro1ide that this ass*,-tion is not 'orre't. A satisfied 6orker ,ay 7e hi.h or a1era.e or )o6 -rod*'er. This re)ationshi- has three distin't -ossi7i)ities as 7e)o6 : .D Hi45 #,odu+ti@it9 i8 ,e8u1ted b9 1oA =ob 8.ti8-.+tio/ 1e@e1 : In this 'ase( 6hen te'hni:*e of s'ientifi' ,ana.e,ent s*'h as ti,e st*dy( ,otion st*dy( fati.*e st*dy( et'. are a--)ied to an or.anisation in a 7id to i,-ro1e -rod*'tion 7y in'reasin. the -rod*'ti1ity then nat*ra))y there 6i)) 7e )o6 2o7 satisfa'tion a,on. 6orkers. bD LoA 0,odu+ti@it9 ./d 5i45 =ob 8.ti8-.+tio/ : There ,ay 7e sit*ation 6hen -rod*'ti1ity is )o6 and 2o7 satisfa'tion is hi.h. This sit*ation is -ossi7)e 6hen s*-eriors are of the 1ie6 that effe'ti1e or.anisation 7eha1ior ,eans kee-in. the 6orkers ha--y. B*t s*'h sit*ation is a short )i1ed affair 7e'a*se an or.anisation 'an not 7orne )osses d*e to hi.her 'ost and )o6 -rod*'ti1ity. +D Hi45 #,odu+ti@it9 ./d 5i45 =ob 8.ti8-.+tio/ :

Third -ossi7)e sit*ation ,ay 7e 6here hi.h -rod*'ti1ity and 2o7 satisfa'tion and dire't)y and -ositi1e)y 'oCre)ated. It is e1ent*a))y and desira7)e arran.e,ent. &2 Job S.ti8-.+tio/ ./d Tu,/o@e, : /o7 satisfa'tion and t*rno1er are 'onsistent)y 'oCre)ated. It , ha1e 7een that the 6orkers ha1in. )o6 2o7 satisfa'tion ha1e :*it the or.anisation as ear)y as -ossi7)e. Th*s( )o6 2o7Csatisfa'tion in'reases t*rno1er and hi.h 2o7 satisfa'tion )essens it. !en'e( re)ationshi- is ne.ati1e 6ith t*rno1er. >2 Job S.ti8-.+tio/ ./d Ab8e/teei8m : A7senteeis, has sa,e re)ationshi- 6ith 2o7 satisfa'tion as the )a7o*r t*rnCo1er has satisfa'tion tends to re,ain off for, the 2o7. )2 Job S.ti8-.+tio/ ./d Mo,.1e : More often @E,-)oyee Attit*de@( @/o7 Satisfa'tion@ and @Ind*stria) Mora)e@( a)) these ter,s are *sed synony,o*s)y 7*t they are not the sa,e. A fa1o*ra7)e attit*de ,ay 'ontri7*te to satisfa'tion 7e'a*se it is the res*)t of sa,e ty-es of attit*des )ike satisfa'tion and ,ora)e do not 'arry the sa,e ,eanin. tho*.h 2o7 satisfa'tion i,-ro1es the ,ora)e i.e. re)ationshi- is -ossi7)e. 72 Job S.ti8-.+tio/ ./d F,u8t,.tio/ : The -ro7)e, of fr*stration is a)so re)ated 6ith the 2o7 satisfa'tion. If a -erson is not satisfied 6ith his 6ork and he fee)s that his dri1es are 7)o'ked in rea'hin. to desired .oa) and his efforts are *se)ess. !e ,akes any e>terna)

efforts and does not .et in1o)1ed in the 2o7. Th*s( the fr*strati1e 7eha1ior has a)so ne.ati1e re)ationshi- 6ith 2o7 satisfa'tion. :2 Job S.ti8-.+tio/ ./d Commu/it9 Co/ditio/8 : /o7 satisfa'tion is inf)*en'ed 7y 'o,,*nity. It is .enera))y ad1o'ated that -oor 'o,,*nity 'onditions -*)) do6n 2o7 satisfa'tion and 7etter 'o,,*nity 'onditions -*sh it *-. B*t this is not a)6ays tr*e( if 2o7 satisfa'tion is 7etter than that of 'o,,*nity 'onditions then 2o7 satisfa'tion is hi.her. (2; THEORIES OF JOB SATISFACTION : Se1era) different theories e>ist 'on'ernin. the dyna,i's of 2o7 satisfa'tion and its .enera) i,-a't on 6orkers 7eha1ior. These theories ha1e 7een in1o)1ed 7y ,ana.e,ent e>-erts and resear'hers to as'ertain and e1a)*ate the i,-ortan'e and the i,-a't of 1ario*s fa'tors on 2o7 satisfa'tion. O6in. to )i,itations of s-e'iate( it is not -ossi7)e to des'ri7e a)) the theories so on)y a fe6 i,-ortant ha1e 7een o*t)ined 7e)o6 : i= ii= iii= i1= #= T6o fa'tor theory 3*)fi)),ent theory Dis're-an'y theory E:*ity dis're-an'y theory TAo F.+to, T5eo,9 : This theory 6as de1e)o-ed 7y 3redri'k

!erB7er.. !e asserted that satisfa'tion and dissatisfa'tion are inde-endent of ea'h other. The o--osite of satisfa'tion is not dissatisfa'tion. !erB7er.

findin.s indi'ate that the e>isten'e of d*a) 'ontin*,( the o--osite of satisfa'tion is non satisfa'tion and the o--osite of dissatisfa'tion is nonC dissatisfa'tion. There are so,e 'onditions of a 2o7 dissatisfa'tion e,-)oyees 6hen they are not -resent. !o6e1er( the -resen'e of these 'onditions does not 7rin. hi.h satisfa'tion. !erB7er. 'a))ed these fa'tors as G,aintenan'eA or Ghy.iene fa'torsA sin'e they are ne'essary to ,aintain '*rrent stat*s i.e. a reasona7)e )e1e) of satisfa'tion. !erB7er. )isted ten ,aintenan'e fa'tors. These are: #= E= $= %= = H= I= J= K= #&= 0o,-anyAs Po)i'y ; Ad,inistration Te'hni'a) S*-er1ision. Inter-ersona) re)ations 6ith s*-eriors. Inter-ersona) re)ations 6ith -eers. Inter-ersona) re)ations 6ith s*7ordinates. Sa)ary. /o7 Se'*rity. Persona) )ife. ?ork 0onditions. Stat*s.

On the other hand( there are so,e 2o7 'onditions 6hi'h( if -resent( 7*i)d hi.h )e1e) of 2o7 satisfa'tion. !o6e1er( if these 'onditions are not -resent( they do not 'a*se ,*'h dissatisfa'tion.

He,Fbe,4 +oded t5e8e -.+to,8 .8 G8.ti8-ie,86: #= E= $= %= = II= A'hie1e,ent. Re'o.nition. Ad1an'e,ent. The 6ork itse)f. Res-onsi7i)ity.

Fu1-i11me/t T5eo,9: 3*)fi)),ent theorists -ointed the ter, Gsatisfa'tionA as o*t'o,e or

re6ard 6hi'h a -erson re'ei1es or the e>tent to 6hi'h a -ersonAs needs are satisfied. S'hafter thinks that 2o7 satisfa'tion 6i)) 1ary dire't)y 6ith the e>tent to 6hi'h those needs of the indi1id*a) 6hi'h 'an 7e satisfied are a't*a))y satisfied. 4roon a)so des'ri7ed satisfa'tion in ter,s of -ositi1e)y 1a)*ed o*t'o,e that a 2o7 -ro1ides a -erson. The diffi'*)ty 6ith this a--roa'h to the 2o7 satisfa'tion is that satisfa'tion is a f*n'tion of not on)y 6hat a -erson re'ei1es( 7*t a)so of 6hat he fee)s sho*)d .et. ?hat ,ay satisfy a -erson ,ay kee- another dissatisfied. III= Di8+,e0./+9 T5eo,9 : This theory tr*sts that satisfa'tion is a fo*ndation of 6hat a -erson sho*)d re'ei1e or 6hat he e>-e'ts to re'ei1e. dissatisfa'tion. A''ordin. to "o'ke( G/o7 Satisfa'tion and dissatisfa'tion are f*n'tions of the -er'ei1ed re)ationshi- 7et6een 6hat one 6ant fro, oneAs ?hen a -erson a't*a))y re'ei1e so,ethin. )ess that 6hat he had e>-e'ted( it 6i)) 'ertain)y )ead to

2o7 and 6hat one -er'ei1es it is offerin.. re'o.niBed. I4. EEuit9 Di8+,e0./+9 T5eo,9 :

This a--roa'h is )ar.e)y

E:*ity dis're-an'y theory -resents the 'onso)idation of 7est feat*res of the 7oth e:*ity and dis're-an'y theory in the si,-)ified ,ode) of satisfa'tion. It defines the satisfa'tion as the differen'e 7et6een the o*t'o,e that re'ei1ed to the a't*a))y re'ei1ed and o*t'o,e that one fee)s that he sho*)d re'ei1e re)ated to -er'ei1ed o*t'o,e in 'o,-arison to others. #.J HO EM#LO!EES CAN EH#RESS DISSATISFACTION :

One fina) -oint 7efore 6e )ea1e the iss*e of 2o7 satisfa'tionL E,-)oyee dissatisfa'tion 'an 7e e>-ressed in a n*,7er of 6ays. or.aniBationa) -ro-ertyL or shirk a -art of their 6ork res-onsi7i)ities. Re80o/8e8 to Job Di88.ti8-.+tio/ : A'ti1e E>it Destr*'ti1e Ne.)e't 4oi'e "oya)ty 0onstr*'ti1 e 3or e>a,-)e( rather than :*it( e,-)oyees 'an 'o,-)ain( 7e ins*7ordinate( stea)

Passi1e .D ECit : Beha1io*r dire'ted to6ard )ea1in. the or.aniBation. In')*des )ookin. a ne6 -osition as 6e)) as resi.nin.. bD Voi+e :

A'ti1e)y and 'onstr*'ti1e)y atte,-tin. to i,-ro1e 'onditions. In')*des s*..estin. i,-ro1e,ents( dis'*ssin. -ro7)e,s 6ith s*-eriors( and so,e for,s of *nion a'ti1ity. +D Lo9.1t9 : Passi1e)y 7*t o-ti,isti'a))y 6aitin. for 'onditions to i,-ro1e. In')*des s-eakin. *- for the or.aniBation in the fa'e of e>terna) 'riti'is, and tr*stin. the or.aniBation and its ,ana.e,ent to +do the thin.5 dD Ne41e+t : Passi1e)y a))o6in. 'onditions to 6orsen. In')*des 'hroni'

a7senteeis, or )ateness( red*'ed effort( and in'reased error rate. E>it and ne.)e't 7eha1io*rs en'o,-ass o*r -erfor,an'e 1aria7)esC Prod*'ti1ity( a7senteeis,( and t*rno1er. B*t this ,ode) e>-ands e,-)oyee res-onse to in')*de 1oi'e and )oya)ty( 'onstr*'ti1e 7eha1io*rs that a))o6 indi1id*a)s to to)erate *n-)easant sit*ations or to re1i1e satisfa'tory 6orkin. 'onditions. It he)-s *s *nderstand sit*ations( s*'h as those so,eti,es fo*nd a,on. *nioniBed 6orkers( 6here )o6 2o7 satisfa'tion is 'o*-)ed 6ith )o6 t*rno1er. Union ,e,7ers often e>-ress dissatisfa'tion thro*.h the .rie1an'e -ro'ed*re or thro*.h for,a) 'ontra't ne.otiations. These 1oi'e ,e'hanis,s a))o6 the *nion ,e,7ers to 'ontin*e in their 2o7s 6hi)e 'on1in'in. the,se)1es they a'tin. to i,-ro1e sit*ation.


BENEFITS OF JOB SATISFACTION STUD! : If 2o7 satisfa'tion st*dies are -ro-erty -)anned and ad,inistered( they

6i)) *s*a))y -rod*'e a n*,7er of i,-ortant 7enefits( 7oth .enera) and s-e'ifi'. .D Mo/ito,i/4 Attitude8: A s*r1ey te))s ho6 e,-)oyees fee) a7o*t their 2o7s( 6hat -arts of their 2o7s these fee)in.s are fo'*sed on( 6hi'h de-art,ents are -arti'*)ar)y affe'ted( and 6hose fee)in. are in1o)1ed <for e>a,-)e( s*-er1isors( e,-)oyees( or staff s-e'ia)ists=. The s*r1ey is a -o6erf*) dia.nosti' instr*,ent for assessin. 7road e,-)oyee -ro7)e,s. bD Additio/.1 Be/e-it8 : The flow of communication in a)) dire'tions is i,-ro1ed as -eo-)e -)an the s*r1ey( take it( and dis'*ss its res*)ts. S*r1eys 'an ser1e as a safety 1a)*e( or e,otiona) re)ease( for -eo-)e to .et thin.s off their 'hests and )ater fee) 7etter a7o*t thin.s. Trainin. need 'an 7e identified( sin'e e,-)oyees 'an re-ort ho6 6e)) they fee) their s*-er1isor -erfor,s 'ertain -arts of the 2o7( s*'h as de)e.atin. 6ork and .i1in. ade:*ate instr*'tions. S*r1eys 'an a)so he)- ,ana.ers plan and monitor new programs, 7y .ettin. feed7a'k on -ro-osed ' in ad1an'e and then 'ond*'tin. a fo))o6C*- s*r1ey to e1a)*ate the a't*a) res-onse.



E.# INTRODUCTION +P*t on yo*r tr*st in ,oney 7*t -*t yo*r ,oney in tr*st.5 The ter, G7ankA is ')ear)y defined 7y the 7ankin. 0o,-anies A't( #K%K as +The a''e-tin.5 for the -*r-ose of )endin. or in1est,ents( of de-osits of ,oney fro, the -*7)i' re-aya7)e on de,and or other6ise and 6ithdra6a) 7y 'he:*e( draft( order or other6ise. In ,odern ti,es( 7ank ,oney 'onstit*tes the 7est of 'ir'*)ation of ,oney in any 'o*ntry. These days ,en are not re:*ired to 6a)k aro*nd to ea'h otherAs ho*ses 6ith 7a.s of 'oins 2*st for -ay,ents and re-ay,ents. No s*'h -ro7)e, arises o*t of deferred -ay,ents: no ,ore diffi'*)ties in stora.e of 1a)*e for *se in f*t*re( no fear of the risks of 'arryin. 7*)ky 7*nd)es of 'oins o1er )on. distan'esL no ,ore re'*rrin. trans-ortation 'ostsL as tho*.h 7y a ,ira')es( e1ery thin. see, to ha1e 7een 'han.ed for the .oodL thin.s ha1e 'o,e 1ery easy and 'on1enientL a)) these are o6in. to the f*n'tionin. of the ,a.i'ian in the e'ono,y 'a))ed Bank. As a-t)y des'ri7ed 7y /ohn 0. 0a)ho*n( a senator of the USA.( #J$H( it is a +-o6er <has= risen *- in the .o1ern,ent .reater than the -eo-)e the,se)1es5. A''ordin. to Geoffrey 0ro6ther( +a 7anker is a dea)er in de7ts his o6n and other -eo-)eAs5 Pa*) A. Sa,*etson 'o,-ares 7ankin. 6ith a 7*siness 'on'ern ,*'h )ike any other 7*siness. A 7ank -ro1ides 'ertain ser1i'es for its '*sto,ers and in ret*rn re'ei1es -ay,ents fro, the,. It tries to ea'h a -rofit for its sto'k o6ner. Th*s 6e 'an define the ter, 7ankin. as

an instit*tion that 'o))e'ts the sa1in. fro, the -eo-)e and )ends the 'o))e'ted ,oney on interest and there7y earns -rofits to r*n its 7ankin. o-erations. &2& EVOLUATION OF BAN3ING :% Bankin.( in its 'r*de fro,( is an a.eCo)d -heno,enon. It 6as in e>isten'e e1en in an'ient ti,es. As a ,atter of fa't( the of 7ankin. )ies in the 7*siness of ,oneyC' in an'ient days. Another fa'tor that s*--orted the e,er.en'e of 7anks in the ear)y -eriod 6as the need for 7orro6in. 7y the ,onar'hi'a) .o1ern,ents fro, finan'e 'o,-anies. 0o,,er'ia) 7ankin. on)y after #H%&( 6hen .o)ds,iths started re'ei1in. de-osits fro, the -*7)i' for safe '*stody and iss*ed re'ei-ts for the a'kno6)ed.e,ents 6hi'h 6ere 7ein. *sed as 7earer de,and notes )ater on. 0ro6ther( th*s( s-eaks a7o*t three an'estors of a ,odern 'o,,er'ia) 7ank( 1iB: the ,er'hant( the ,oneyC)ender and the .o)ds,ith. The ,er'hants or traders iss*ed do'*,ents )ike Gh*ndiA or re,iot the f*nds. Modern 7anks introd*'ed 'he:*es or de,and drafts for re,ittan'e -*r-oses. MoneyC )enders .a1e )oans. Bankers too .a1e )oans. Go)ds,iths re'ei1ed de-osits and 'reated 'redit. Banks a)so re'ei1ed de-osits and ado-ted the -ro'ess of 'redit in a si,i)ar fashion( 7y iss*in. 'he:*es. In short( the e1o)*tion of 'o,,er'ia) 7ankin. is re)ated to the -ra'ti'e of safeCkee-in. of .o)d and other 1a)*a7)es 7y the -eo-)e 6ith ,er'hantsD.o)ds,ithsD,oney )enders.

Ety,o)o.i'a))y( ho6e1er( the 6or)d G7ankA is deri1ed fro, the Greek 6ork 7an:*e( or the Ita)ian 6ord Ban'o 7oth ,eanin. a 7en'h M referrin. to a 7en'h at 6hi'h ,oneyC)enders and ,oneyC'han.ers *sed to dis-)ay their 'oins and transa't 7*siness in the ,arket -)a'e. Modern 2ointCsto'k 'o,,er'ia) 7anks( ho6e1er( 'a,e into the -i't*re 6ith a -assa.e of the Bankin. A't of #J$$ in En.)and. In India( ho6e1er( ,odern 7ankin. started 6hen the En.)ish a.en'y ho*ses in 0a)'*tta and Bo,7ay to ser1e as 7ankers to the East India 0o,-any and the !ind*stan Bank 6as the first 7ankin. instit*tion of its kind to 7e esta7)ished in #IIK. &2> GRO TH OF BAN3ING INDUSTR! :

The 7ankin. s'ene in the 'o*ntry has * a sea 'han.e sin'e the nationa)iBation of #% ,a2or 'o,,er'ia) 7anks in #KHK. The ind*stry has .ro6n( not on)y in ter,s of siBe of its o-erations and the n*,7er of 7ank 7ran'hes( 7*t a)so in ter,s of its f*n'tiona) di1ersifi'ation. This ,*)tiC di,ensiona) .ro6th( *n-ara))e) in any de1e)o-in. 'o*ntry 6as a''o,-anied 7y ,any or.aniBationa) ' It a)so ne'essitated so*nd ,ana.e,ent of h*,an reso*r'es. !*,an reso*r'es( therefore( are the key reso*r'e 6hi'h inf)*en'e( to a )ar.e e>tent( the attain,ent of a 7ankAs o72e'ti1es. Moreo1er( the in'reasin. 'o,-)e>ities in the 7ankin. ind*stry sin'e #KJ& ha1e ,ade this as-e't of ,ana.e,ent e1en ,ore 'r*'ia). This )eads one to the :*estion of -ersonne) -o)i'ies 2o7 satisfa'tion( et'. The -erfor,an'e of an e,-)oyee and his 2o7 satisfa'tion are interde-endent. Both these de-end( in t*rn( *-on a n*,7er of fa'tors

7e'a*se ,an ne1er 6orks in a 1a''*,. Sin'e e,-)oyerCe,-)oyee 'onf)i'ts are rea) and 'o,-)e>( ,ost ,ana.e,ents are 'on'erned a7o*t the 2o7 satisfa'tion of their e,-)oyees. HAT IS A BAN3I A 7ank is a -rofitCseekin. 7*siness fir,( dea)in. in ,oney and 'redit. It is a finan'ia) instit*tion dea)in. in ,oney in the sense that it a''e-ts de-osits of ,oney fro, the -*7)i' to kee- the, in its '*stody for safety. So a)so( it dea)s in 'redit( i.e.( it 'reates 7y ,akin. ad1an'es o*t of the f*nds re'ei1ed as de-osits to needy -eo-)e. It( th*s( f*n'tions as a ,o7i)iser of sa1in.s in the e'ono,y. A 7ank is( therefore( )ike a reser1oir into 6hi'h f)o6 the sa1in.s( the id)e s*r-)*s ,oney of ho*seho)ds( and fro, 6hi'h )oans are .i1en on interest to 7*siness,en and others 6ho need the, for in1est,ent or -rod*'ti1e *ses. A 7ank is an i,-ortant instit*tion of the ,oney ,arket as it .i1es shortCter, )oans to its '*sto,ers. Most 'o,,on)y( 7anks ha1e 7een defined as dea)ers in de7t. This definition( of 'o*rse( ,ore a-t)y des'ri7es a 7ankAs a'ti1ities. Sayers ,ore ')ear)y states. +?e 'an define 7ank as an instit*tion 6hose de7ts <7anks de-osits= are 6ide)y a''e-ted in sett)e,ent of other -eo-)eAs de7ts to ea'h other. A 7ankin. 'o,-any in India has 7een defined in the Bankin. 0o,-anies A't( #K%K as one A5i+5 t,./8.+t8 t5e bu8i/e88 o- b./?i/4 A5i+5 me./8 t5e .++e0ti/4 * -o, t5e 0u,0o8e o- 1e/di/4 o, i/@e8tme/t* o-

de0o8it8 o- mo/e9 -,om t5e 0ub1i+* ,e0.9.b1e o/ dem./d o, ot5e,Ai8e ./d Ait5d,.A .b1e b9 +5eEue* d,.-t* o,de, o, ot5e,Ai8e A''e-tan'e of 'he:*e a7)e de,and de-osits and )endin. the, to others are the t6o distin'ti1e feat*res of a 7ankin. instit*tion. BAN3 REGULATION The 7ankin. ind*stry has e>-erien'ed s*7stantia) ' in re'ent years. The ind*stry has 7e'o,e ,ore 'o,-etiti1e d*e to dere.*)ation. Today( 7anks ha1e ,*'h f)e>i7i)ity on the ser1i'es they offer( the )o'ations 6here they o-erate( and the rates they -ay de-ositors for de-osits. A)tho*.h .enera))y 1ie6ed as fa1o*ra7)e( this f)e>i7i)ity is 'reatin. intense 'o,-etition a,on. 7anks and e1en 7et6een 7anks and other finan'ia) instit*tions that no6 offer 7ank ser1i'es. Banks ha1e re'o.niBed the -otentia) 7enefits fro, e'ono,i's of s'a)e and e'ono,i's of s'o-e. Many 7anks ha1e e>-anded a'ross the 'o*ntry 7y o-enin. ne6 7ran'hes or ,akin. a':*isitions in an atte,-t to *se their reso*r'es effi'ient)y. Others ha1e di1ersified a'ross ser1i'es to 'a-ita)iBe on e'ono,i's of s'o-e. Many 7anks ha1e e>-anded 7eyond their traditiona) 7ankin. 7*siness and no6 offer other finan'ia) ser1i'es. Bank re.*)ators ha1e atte,-ted to ,ana.e the s-eed of inte.ration 7et6een 7anks and other finan'ia) ser1i'e fir,s. Bank re.*)ation is needed to -rote't '*sto,ers 6ho s*--)y f*nds to the 7ankin. syste,. By -re1entin. 7ank r*ns that , o''*r if '*sto,ers 7e'a,e 'on'erned a7o*t the safety of their de-osits( re.*)ation ens*res a safer 7ankin. en1iron,ent. Re.*)ators a)so atte,-t to enhan'e the safety of

the 7ankin. syste, 7y o1erseein. indi1id*a) 7anks. The re.*)ators do not atte,-t to ,ana.e indi1id*a) 7anks( 7*t do i,-ose so,e dis'i-)ine so that 7anks ass*,in. ,ore risk are defa*)t. That is( re.*)ators are shiftin. ,ore of the 7*rden of risk assess,ent to the indi1id*a) 7anks the,se)1es. This 'ha-ter e>-)ains the re.*)atory str*'t*re and the key re.*)atory e1ents that ha1e had the .reatest i,-a't on 'o,,er'ia) 7ankin. o-erations. REGULATION OF BAN3 O NERSHI#

0o,,er'ia) 7anks 'an 7e inde-endent)y o6ned( or o6ned 7y a ho)din. 'o,-any. A)tho*.h so,e ,*)ti 7ank ho)din. 'o,-anies <o6nin. ,ore than one 7ank= e>ist( oneC7ank ho)din. 'o,-anies <B!0s= are ,ore 'o,,on. More 7anks are o6ned 7y ho)din. 'o,-anies than are o6ned inde-endent)y. The -o-*)arity of the ho)din. 'o,-any str*'t*re ste,s fro, #KI&( 6hen a,end,ents to the Bank !o)din. 0o,-any A't of #K H 6ere ena'ted( a))o6in. B!0s to -arti'i-ate in 1ario*s nonC7ankin. a'ti1ities( s*'h as )easin.( ,ort.a.e 7ankin.( and data -ro'essin.. As a res*)t( B!0s ha1e .reater -otentia) for -rod*'t di1ersifi'ation. &2) ORGANISATION AND STRUCTURE OF BAN3S :% Bank are na,ed after their 6ay of f*n'tionin. 6hether they ha1e one offi'e or ,ore offi'esL 6hether they are 'ontro))ed 7y a ho)din. 'o,-any or 7y indi1id*a)s and fa,i)y ,e,7ers( et'. If a 7ank has on)y one offi'e in 6hi'h a)) its 7*siness o-erations are 'arried on( then it is 'a))ed as the U/it b./?2 On the 'ontrary( B,./+5 b./?i/4 is so 7e'a*se a sin.)e 7ank si en.a.ed in the 7ankin. 7*siness thro*.h the o-eration of t6o or ,ore 7ran'hes( )o'ated at different -)a'es. G,ou0 b./?i/4 o''*rs 6hen the o-erations of t6o or ,ore 7anks are 'ontro))ed 7y a ho)din. 'o,-any. The

C5.i/ b./?i/4 syste, is na,ed after the 'ontro))in. of the o-erations of t6o or ,ore 7anks 7y an indi1id*a)s ,e,7er of the fa,i)y( or other ')ose)y asso'iate -ersons. .D UNIT BAN3ING :% This syste, of 7ankin. is -re1a)ent in the United States of A,eri'a. The .ro6th of *nit 7ankin. se1ere)y restri'ted 7y the .o1ern,ent of the USA for fear of ,ono-o)y and( therefore( they are not a))o6ed to s-read o*t their 7ran'hes. The *nit 7anks .enera))y o-erate in s,a)) to6n and 'ities and are th*s( na,ed as 'o*ntry 7anks and 'ity 7anks( in t*rn( ha1e their de-osits in other 7anks in the sa,e 'ity and in the 7anks o-eratin. in ,etro-o)itan 'ities. bD BRANCH BAN3ING :% The 7ran'h 7ankin. is the 7a'k7one of the 7ankin. o-erations in ,any 'o*ntries. A 7ran'h 7ankin. syste, is one 6here a 7ank sha)) ha1e an enor,o*s n*,7er of 7anks a)) o1er the 'o*ntry or an area( in')*din. a n*,7er of 7anks in the sa,e 'ity or to6n. The 7ran'hes ha1e their head offi'e in a -rin'i-a) 'ity. Tho*.h in India( a 7ank is a))o6ed to o-en its 7ran'hes in any -art of the 'o*nty( it is not the 'ase 6ith USA. In *nited stat*s of A,eri'a( a 7ran'h 7ank is a))o6ed to o-en its 7ran'hes on)y in the -arti'*)ar state 6here its head offi'e is sit*ated. +D GROU# BAN3ING :% It is an e>')*si1e feat*re of the 7ankin. syste, of the United State of A,eri'a tho*.h a fe6 other 'o*ntries ha1e a)so started fo))o6in. this ,ethod in re'ent ti,es. The esta7)ish,ent of ho)din. 'o,-anies to 'ontro)

si,*)taneo*s)y t6o or ,ore se-arate)y 'harted 7anks is 'a))ed the .ro*7ankin. syste,. The ho)din. 'o,-any ,ay not ne'essari)y 7e a 7ank. On the 'ontrary( it 'an e1en 7e a finan'ia) instit*tion or an or.aniBation of 1ario*s interests. The ho)din. 'o,-any a':*ires its 'ontro) either 7y ha1in. E -er'ent o6nershi- or 7y ha1in. 'ontro) o1er t6o or ,ore 7anks. The ho)din. 'o,-any is 'a))ed the -arent 'o,-any and the 7anks are 'a))ed the o-eratin. 'o,-anies. The -arent 'o,-any o71io*s)y 'ontro)s the ,ana.e,ent of the o-eratin. 'o,-anies *nder the .ro*-( 7*t ea'h 7ank is .i1en the -ri1i)e.e to ,aintain its se-arate na,e and entity as 7efore( i.e. 7efore 'o,in. *nder the 'ontro) of the -arent 'o,-any. 3ina))y( the -arent 'o,-any ,ay e1en 7e one of the o-eratin. 'o,-anies. dD CHAIN BAN3ING :% This is a)so a s-e'ifi' feat*re of the 7ankin. syste, of the United State of A,eri'a. Under this syste,( an indi1id*a) or a .ro*- of indi1id*a)s 'ontro) t6o or ,ore 7anks( and in this as-e't it differs fro, .ro*- 7ankin. 6here the 'ontro) is e>er'ised 7y a ho)din. 'o,-any. A )ar.e n*,7er of sto'ks in 'o,,er'ia) 7anks are o6ned 7y "ife Ins*ran'e 'o,-anies( In1est,ent 'o,-anies( M*t*a) Sa1in. 7anks( and e1en 7y the 'o,,er'ia) 7anks the,se)1es in their tr*st de-art,ents. The and short'o,in.s of the 'hain 7ankin. syste, are the sa,e as those of the .ro*7ankin. syste,. eD MIHED BAN3ING :% ?hen a 'o,,er'ia) 7ank .rants )oans 7oth for the shortCter, and )on.Cter, -eriods to trade( ind*stry and 'o,,er'e et'.( it is 'a))ed ,i>ed 7ankin. f*n'tions. This syste, is in o-eration in 'o*ntries )ike Meth*)ands(

Be).i*,( !*n.ary( et'. In India( the 7ankin. syste, is 'a))ed the ,i>ed 7ankin.. -D CORRES#ONDING BAN3ING :% Under this syste,( the 7anks ,aintain a 'orres-ondent re)ationshi6ith one another( and there7y earn a n*,7er of fa'i)ities and hen'e( 'an ser1e their '*sto,ers 7etter than if ea'h 6ere 6orkin. a)one. 3or e>a,-)e the 7anks in r*ra) areas here their de-osits 7anks in 'ities and to6ns and the 'ity 7anks( intern ha1e de-osits in the State Banks of the sa,e 'ity and other 'ities. Under this syste,( the s,a)) 7anks are .i1en so,e fa'i)ities of -*r'hase of se'*rities( et'. It has the 'o,7ined ad1anta.e of 7oth the *nit and 7ran'h 7ankin. syste,s. The dra67a'k of this syste, is( ho6e1er( ne.)i.i7)e. T!#ES OF BAN3 : The 7ankin. 7*siness has a 6ide ran.e of a--)i'ations that .i1e rise to a )ot of s'o-e for s-e'ia)iBation. The s-e'ia)iBation is the ,ain 'a*se for the e>isten'e of different ty-es of 7anks 6hi'h 'an 7e seen as fo))o6s. .D COMMERCIAL BAN3S :% The e>isten'e and o-eration of the 'o,,er'ia) 7ankin. syste, is the 'o,,onest for, of 7ankin. instit*tion a)) o1er the 6or)d. The 7ankAs 'hief '*sto,ers are their de-ositors. The '*rrent a''o*nts fro, a ,a2or -ortion of the tota) de-osits *nder this syste,. 0he:*es are the ,ost fre:*ent)y *sed for, of 'redit instr*,ent in 'o,,er'ia) 7anks. The )oans and ad1an'es are ,ade ,ain)y for short -eriods.


SAVING BAN3S :% As the na,e s*..ests the sa1in. 7anks 'onsists of de-osits( ,ain)y 7y

s,a)) sa1ers. The sa1in. 7anks i,-oses 'ertain )i,itation on its '*sto,ers for 6ithdra6a) of 'ash fro, their de-osits. 3or instan'e( the '*sto,ers are re:*ired to 'o,e in -erson 6ith their -ass7ooksL the ,a>i,*, a,o*nt to 6hi'h ,oney 'an 7e dra6n in a .i1en -eriod of ti,e is a)so )i,ited. There is a s,a)) interest .i1en on the s,a)) sa1in.s 7y the '*sto,ers. In India( the -osta) sa1in.s s'he,e 'an 7e 'ited as an e>a,-)e for s*'h sa1in. 7anks o-erations. +D MORTGAGE BAN3S :% The )on.Cter, )oans are .ranted on , of oneAs -ro-erty or rea) estate( and the or.aniBation 6hi'h ind*).es in s*'h )endin. on , is ter,ed a ,ort.a.e 7ank. In India( the )and ,ort.a.e 7ank ha1e 7een introd*'ed ,ain)y to .rant )oans to far,ers and a.ri'*)t*ra)ists on the ,ort.a.e of their -ro-erties. dD INVESTMENT BAN3S :% The in1est,ent 7anks he)- the in1estors 7y -ro1idin. -aidC*- 'a-ita) for the, to esta7)ish an ind*stry or any other 7*siness *ndertakin.. The in1est,ent 7anks -*r'hase the sto'ks and shares of the ne6)y esta7)ished 2ointCsto'k 'o,-anies and th*s ,ake in1est,ent in the, on a )on.Cter, 7asis. Under the in1est,ent 7ankin. syste,( the de-osits are re'ei1ed and )oans are ,ade on)y for )on. -eriods of ti,e.


COO#RATIVE BAN3S :% It is an e>'e))ent e>a,-)e of ho6 -eo-)e of the -rofession 'an 'o,e

to.ether( -oo) their reso*r'es( and he)- ea'h other in ti,e of 'rises. The 'oo-erati1e 7anks are 6orkin. in the r*ra) and se,iC*r7an areas. "oans are .ranted to its ,e,7ers on the 7asis of -ersona) se'*rity. -D EHCHANGE BAN3S :% These are on)y 'o,,er'ia) 7anks doin. the nor,a) 7ankin. 7*siness f*n'tions 7*t are so 'a))ed 7e'a*se they ha1e their head offi'es a7road. In addition to the .enera) 'o,,er'ia) 7ankin. f*n'tions( they *ndertake forei.n e>'han.e 7*siness in 7i. 6ay. 4D CONSUMER BAN3S :% These are the 'ons*,er 'oo-erati1e so'ieties that -ro1ide )oan fa'i)ities for their ,e,7ers indi1id*a)s to 7*y any d*ra7)e 'ons*,er .ood of their 'hoi'e. The ,e,7ershi- is a''orded on the o-enin. of an a''o*nt 7y an indi1id*a)s 6ith the so'iety. A no,ina) rate of interest is 'har.ed for the )oans .ranted to its ,e,7ers. 5D THE CENTRAL BAN3S :% The 'entra) 7anks of any 'o*ntry is a note iss*in. and 'ontro))in. a*thority. It is the 7ankers 7anker and a)so the .o1ern,ent 7anker. It does not ha1e any dire't dea)in.s or 7ankin. 7*siness 6ith the -*7)i' and it ne1er o-erates on the 'riterion of earnin. -rofits. A-art fro, the a7o1e( there are a n*,7er of ty-es of 7ank( 1iB. ins*ran'e( e>-ort and i,-ort( ho*se 7*i)din. so'ieties et'. Moreo1er( ,any 7anks -erfor, ,ore than one kind of a'ti1ity.

3or e>a,-)e( a 'o,,er'ia) 7ank ,ay *ndertake the forei.n e>'han.e 7*siness or )oans and ad1an'es for ho*sin. on a )on.Cter, 7asis( et'. B*t .enera))y( the 7anks are ')assified into 1ario*s ty-es on the 7asis of their s-e'ia)iBed f*n'tionin. in a -arti'*)ar)y fie)d. i= #RIVATE BAN3S : Pri1ate 7ank 'an 7e inde-endent)y o6ned or o6ned 7y a ho)din. 0o. More 7anks are o6ned 7y ho)din. 'o,-anies than are o6ned inde-endent)y. The -o-*)arity of the ho)din. 'o,-any str*'t*re ste,s fro, #KI&( 6hen a,end,ents to the Bank !o)din. 0o,-any A't of #K H 6ere ena'ted( They are doin. the sa,e a'ti1ities )ike a''e-tan'e of de-osit( )endin. of f*nds( *se of 'he:*e syste, 6hi'h are a)) done 7y the -*7)i' 7anks. FUNCTIONS OF BAN3S : 0o,,er'ia) 7anks -erfor, se1era) 'r*'ia) f*n'tions( 6hi'h ,ay 7e ')assified into t6o 'ate.ories : <a= Pri,ary f*n'tion( and <7= Se'ondary f*n'tions. #,im.,9 b./?i/4 -u/+tio/8 of the 'o,,er'ia) 7anks in')*de : #. A''e-tan'e of de-osits fro, the -*7)i'L E. "endin. of f*ndsL $. Use of 'he:*e syste,L and %. Re,ittan'e of f*nds


ACCE#TANCE OF DE#OSITS FROM THE #UBLIC :% A''e-tan'e de-osits is the -ri,ary f*n'tion of a 7ank. By re'ei1in.

de-osits fro, the -*7)i'( 'o,,er'ia) 7anks ,o7i)iBe sa1in.s of the ho*seho)d se'tor. Banks .enera))y a''e-t de-osits in three ty-es of a''o*nts: <i= 0*rrent A''o*ntL <ii= Sa1in.s A''o*nt and <iii= 3i>ed De-osits A''o*nt. &2 LENDING OF FUNDS :% Another ,a2or f*n'tion of 7anks is to e>tend )oans and ad1an'es o*t of the ,oney 6hi'h 'o,es to the, 7y 6ay of de-osits to 7*siness and entre-rene*rs a.ainst a--ro1ed se'*rities s*'h as .o)d or si)1er 7*))ion( .o1ern,ent se'*rities( easi)y sa)ea7)e sto'ks and shares( and ,arketa7)e .oods. Bank ad1an'es to '*sto,ers ,ay 7e ,ade in ,any 6ays : <i= o1erdrafts( <ii= 'ash 'redits( <iii= dis'o*ntin. trade 7i))s( <i1= ,oneyCatC'a)) or 1ery shortCter, ad1an'es( <1= ter, )oans( <1i= 'ons*,er 'redit( <1ii= ,is'e))aneo*s ad1an'es. >2 USE OF CHE$UE S!STEM : It is a *ni:*e feat*re and f*n'tion of 7anks that they ha1e introd*'ed the 'he:*e syste, for the 6ithdra6a) of de-osits. There are t6o ty-es of 'he:*es : <i= the 7earer 'he:*e and <ii= the 'rossed 'he:*e.


REMITTANCE OF FUNDS : Banks( on a''o*nt of their net6ork of 7ran'hes thro*.ho*t the

'o*ntry( a)so -ro1ide fa'i)ities to re,it f*nds fro, one -)a'e to another for their '*sto,ers 7y iss*in. 7ank drafts( ,ai) transfers or te)e.ra-hi' transfers on no,ina) 'o,,ission ' In addition to these 7anks -erfor, a ,*)tit*de of other nonC7ankin. f*n'tions 6hi'h ,ay 7e ')assified as <A= a.en'y ser1i'es( and <B= .enera) *ti)ity ser1i'es. AD AGENC! SERVICES : Bankers -erfor, 'ertain f*n'tions for and on 7eha)f of their '*sto,ers( s*'h as : <a= To 'o))e't or ,ake -ay,ents for 7i))s( 'he:*es( -ro,issory notes( interest( di1idends( rents( s*7s'ri-tions( ins*ran'e -re,ia( et'. 3or these ser1i'es( so,e ' are *s*a))y )e1ied 7y the 7anks. <7= To re,it f*nd on 7eha)f of the ')ients 7y drafts or ,ai) or te)e.ra-hi' transfers. <'= <d= To a't as e>e'*tor( tr*stee and attorney for the '*sto,erAs 6e)). So,eti,es( 7ankers a)so e,-)oy in'o,eCta> e>-erts not on)y to -re-are in'o,e ta> ret*rns for their '*sto,ers 7*t a)so to he)the, to .et ref*nd of in'o,e ta> in a--ro-riate 'ases. <e= To 6ork as 'orres-ondents( a.ents or re-resentati1es of their ')ients.

Often( 7ankers o7tain -ass-orts( tra1e)erAs ti'kets( se'*re for their '*sto,ers( and re'ei1e )etters on their 7eha)f. BD GENERAL UTILIT! SERVICES :% Modern 'o,,er'ia) 7anks *s*a))y -erfor, 'ertain .enera) *ti)ity ser1i'es for the 'o,,*nity( s*'h as( <a= "etters of 'redit ,ay 7e .i1en 7y the 7anks at the 7ehest of the i,-orter in fa1o*r of the e>-orter. <7= Bank drafts and tra1e)erAs 'he:*es are iss*ed in order to -ro1ide fa'i)ities for transfer of f*nds fro, one -art of the 'o*ntry to anotherL <'= Banks ,ay dea) in forei.n e>'han.e or finan'e forei.n trade 7y a''e-tin. or 'o))e'tin. forei.n 7i))s of e>'han.eL <d= Banks ,ay a't as refers 6ith res-e't to the finan'ia) standin.( 7*siness re-*tation( and res-e'ta7i)ity of '*sto,ers. <e= Shares f)oated 7y .o1ern,ent( -*7)i' 7odies and 'or-orations ,ay 7e *nder 6ritten 7y 7anksL <f= 0ertain 7anks arran.e for safe de-osit 1a*)ts( so that '*sto,ers ,ay entr*st their se'*rities and 1a)*a7)es to the, for safe '*stody. <.= Bankers a)so 'o,-i)e statisti's and 7*siness infor,ation re)atin. to trade( 'o,,er'e( and ind*stry. So,e 7anks ,ay -*7)ish 1a)*a7)e 2o*rna)s or 7*))etins 'ontainin. resear'h on finan'ia)( e'ono,i' and 'o,,er'ia) ,atters.







MANAGEMENT :% !*,an Reso*r'e ,ana.e,ent <!RM= as a f*n'tion is .ettin. ,ore and ,ore -o-*)arity. A),ost a)) the or.aniBations 7y no6 ha1e esta7)ished either ne6 de-art,ents to -erfor, this f*n'tion or at )east ha1e added ne6 ro)es to their -ersonne) de-art,ent. In the 'o,in. ti,e this f*n'tion 6i)) 'ertain)y dra6 6ider attention and 7e'o,e :*ite i,-ortant as it offers s'o-es for se)fCrene6a) of or.aniBation. !*,an reso*r'e ,ana.e,ent of the 7ankin. se'tor in India ref)e'ts the ,any ra,ifi'ations of .ro6th. ?ith a 1ie6 to re'r*it :*a)ified -ersons in the 7anks and to ens*re their 'areer de1e)o-,ent( enhan'e their ad,inistrati1e 'a-a'ity( ,oti1ate the, to 'ontri7*te their 7est and to i,-ro1e the o1era)) effi'ien'y of the 7ankin. syste,( it is 1ery ,*'h ne'essary to ha1e a -ro-er)y desi.ned 'entra) ,a'hinery in a)) the 7anks for h*,an reso*r'e ,ana.e,ent. In 1ie6 of the 'ontin*o*s deterioration in -rofita7i)ity of 7ankin. o-erations 6a.e re1ision fro, ti,e to ti,e of 7ank e,-)oyees and its 'onse:*ent i,-a't on -rofit ,ade it i,-erati1e for 7anks to ens*re o-ti,*, *ti)iBation of h*,an and other reso*r'es. Sin'e the nationa)iBation( in ' ro)e( the 7anks are re:*ired to e:*i- their staff in 1ario*s ne6 'o,-eten'ies and a''ordin.)y re)e1an'e of trainin. has in'reased in the h*,an reso*r'e ,ana.e,ent. The 7ankin. ind*stry has rea)iBed in ,id se1enties and started )ookin. for a s*--)e,entary ,e'hanis, for de1e)o-in. h*,an reso*r'e( and th*s !RD fo*nd i,-ortan'e in 7ankin. ind*stry. A need e>ists to de1e)o- an

a''o*ntin. or infor,ation syste, in 7anks 6hi'h 6i)) ref)e't the '*rrent 'ondition and ' in the 7ankAs h*,an assets. The nationa)iBed 7anks -ro1ide trainin. to 'ent -er 'ent of its offi'ers as 6e)) as ')eri'a) staff. One of the ,ost i,-ortant e)e,ents( res-onsi7)e for the s*''ess of any or.aniBation is +,oti1ation5. There are se1era) ,oti1ationa) te'hni:*es *sed 7y 7ank e>e'*ti1e to ,oti1ate their -ersonne)s. Different -eo-)e 6ant different ty-e of treat,ent fro, their s*-eriors( so an a--ro-riate treat,ent is ne'essary for satisfa'tion. The in'reasin. 'o,-)e>ities in the 7ankin. ind*stry ha1e ,ade the as-e't of ,ana.e,ent ,ore 'r*'ia) and a)so )ead to the :*estion of 2o7 satisfa'tion a,on. 7ank e,-)oyees. The -erfor,an'e of an e,-)oyee and his 2o7 satisfa'tion are inde-endent. Both these de-end( in t*rn( *-on a n*,7er of fa'tors 7e'a*se ,an 6orks in a 1a''*,. Sin'e e,-)oyerC e,-)oyee 'onf)i'ts are rea) and 'o,-)e>( ,ost ,ana.e,ent are 'on'erned a7o*t the 2o7Csatisfa'tion of their e,-)oyees. In India( 7anks are i,-ortant finan'ia) instit*tion for a'hie1in. e'ono,i' de1e)o-,ent and so'ia) *-)ift,ent. P)annin. and h*,an reso*r'e de1e)o-,ent ass*,es .reat si.nifi'an'e in )a7o*r intensi1e ind*stry )ike 7ankin.. P*7)i' Se'tor 7anks in o*r 'o*ntry ha1e sho6n a .ood dea) )f interest in desi.nin. and *sin. !RD syste, and ,e'hanis,s for i,-ro1in. effe'ti1eness of their e,-)oyees. In -*7)i' se'tor 7anks the fo'*s of h*,an reso*r'e de1e)o-,ent <!RD= efforts to de1e)o- 1ersati)ity and ens*re f)o6erin. of -otentia) of the indi1id*a) thro*.h inno1ations. In rea)iBation of these o72e'ti1es( these 7anks introd*'ed N*a)ity 0ir')es for tea, 7*i)din. and 6ork )ife i,-ro1e,ent( 'ir')e ,ana.e,ent and 7ran'h ,ana.e,ent

7oards as a trainin. .ro*nd for de1e)o-in. ana)yti'a) and de'ision ,akin. ski))s for a)) )e1e)s of -ersonne)( in1o)1e,ent of 'ross se'tion of -eo-)e in de'ision ,akin. -ro'ess for 6ider -arti'i-ation in -o)i'y for,*)ation( ,editation roo, for 'reati1e thinkin. and or.aniBationa) rene6a). Banks has .i1en 'ontin*ed e,-hasis of 1ersati)ity de1e)o-,ent thro*.h st*dy 'ir')es( 7rainstor,in. session( -*r-osef*) staff ,eetin. at their 7ran'hes( effe'ti1e /o7 rotation 7y for,a) one year ad1an'e -)annin.( en'o*ra.e,ent to se)fCde1e)o-,ent thro*.h in'enti1es and o*t kno6)ed.e 7ook)ets )ike 'o*nse)in. te'hni:*es !RD 'o,-endi*, et'. Mana.e,ent M Union re)ations in Indian 7anks a':*ired ne6 dire'tion in years. The trade *nion 'o,,*ni'ation is 7asi'a))y asso'iated 6ith esta7)ishin. )ink 7et6een e,-)oyerAs and e,-)oyees so as to red*'e the .a7et6een t6o fa'tors of ,ana.e,ent -ro'ess. Bank e,-)oyees are *s*a))y 6hite 'o))ar )iterate e,-)oyees 6ho are :*ite 'a*tio*s a7o*t their ri.hts and d*ties. ?hat ro)e the trade *nions 'o,,*ni'ations -)ays in 7*i)din. *- .ood ind*stria) re)ations( de1e)o-in. e,-)oyees kno6)ed.e a7o*t ,ana.e,entAs a--roa'h to6ards 6orkers at )ar.e and o1era)) 6orkin. 'onditions. In re'ent years( se1era) ne6 inno1ations took -)a'e in ind*stria) re)ations in 7ankin. se'tor. N*a)ity 0ir')es -)ays a do,inant ro)e in ,akin. an or.aniBation effi'ient and effe'ti1e thro*.h in'reased e,-)oyees -arti'i-ations. In 7ankin. ind*stry( at the 7ran'h )e1e) the Bran'h a'ts as the 'oordinator. The G3a'i)itatorA( 6ho is no,inated 7y the Bran'h , -ro1ides .*ide)ines re.ardin. the f*n'tionin. of the N*a)ity 0ir')e. The another inno1ation in the ind*stria) re)ation in the 7ankin. se'tor is the

'on'e-t of :*a)ity of 6ork )ife. The 7asi' iss*e in1o)1ed in the -hi)oso-hy of :*a)ity of 6ork )ife is that do 7etter 6hat a1ai)a7)e to *se and 6ork s,arter and ha--ier 7*t not harder. The 'on'e-t of 6orkerAs -arti'i-ation in ,ana.e,ent referred to share in de'ision ,akin. -o6er. Indian 7anks( -arti'*)ar)y -*7)i' se'tors 7anks( are 'onsidered to 7e a,on. the -rin'i-a) -*7)i' se'tor or.aniBations 6here the s'he,e of 6orkerAs -arti'i-ation in ,ana.e,ent has 7een i,-)e,ented. In #KI$( the re)e1ant -ro1isions of the State Bank of India A't( #K and the State Bank of India <s*7sidiary Banks= A't #K K.



>2( STATEMENT OF THE #ROBLEM :% The 'on'e-t of 2o7 satisfa'tion and its 'onse:*en'es are e>tre,e)y i,-ortant for any ind*stria)Dser1i'e or.aniBation. It entire)y de-ends *-on the or.aniBation 'on'erned to enhan'e or )essen the 2o7 satisfa'tion a,on. the e,-)oyees. It is not on)y the 2o7 6hi'h 'an satisfy or dissatisfy 7*t a)so a ,ost of other fa'tors 6hi'h ,ain)y 'ontri7*te to 2o7 satisfa'tion 'o,-rise of or.aniBationa) re)ated fa'tors and indi1id*a) re)ated fa'tors. The or.aniBation 'an in'rease the )e1e) of 2o7 satisfa'tion 7y -ro1idin. 7etter G:*a)ity of 6ork )ifeA. In the indi1id*a) re)ated fa'tors( the attit*de of the e,-)oyee to6ards the 2o7 as 6e)) as to6ards the or.aniBation are the ,ain 'ontri7*tors to the 'on'e-t. The -resent to-i' has se)e'ted kee-in. in 1ie6 its si.nifi'an'e for the indi1id*a)s( the 7akin. ind*stry( the so'iety and the nation as a 6ho)e. >2& OBJECTIVES OF THE STUD! :% The ,ain o72e'ti1e of the st*dy is to ana)yse the attit*de of the e,-)oyees to6ards the 2o7 and the fa'tors affe'tin. it. !o6e1er( the s*7sidiary o72e'ti1es 6hi'h 'ontri7*te to the attain,ent of ,ain o72e'ti1es are as *nder :C #. To stress *-on the 1ita) si.nifi'an'e of 2o7 satisfa'tion in the or.aniBationa) de1e)o-,ent 1isCOC1is indi1id*a) de1e)o-,ent.


To ana)yse the ,eas*re of 2o7 satisfa'tion and s*7se:*ent)y the fa'tors 'ontri7*tin. to it.


To as'ertain the de.ree of o1era)) 2o7 satisfa'tion -re1ai)in. a,on. the 7ank e,-)oyees.


To re1ie6 the attit*de of the e,-)oyees to6ards the 7ankin. 2o7 and the 7ankin. ind*stry.

To st*dy the i,-a't of different 1aria7)es s*'h as the o''*-ationa) )e1e)( a.e( se>( ed*'ation and or.aniBationa) ')i,ate on the 1ario*s fa'tors affe'tin. 2o7 satisfa'tion and o1era)) 2o7 satisfa'tion.


To ana)yse the e,-)oyeeAs o6n 1ie6s on fa'tors to i,-ro1e their 2o7 satisfa'tion.


METHODS OF DATA COLLECTION : The st*dy 7ein. e>-)oratory in nat*re( 7oth ty-es of data -ri,ary as

6e)) as se'ondary ha1e 7een *sed. The st*dy is s*7stantia))y -ri,ary data 7ased 6hi'h is 'o))e'ted thro*.h a $ue8tio//.i,e 7y a--)yin. S.m01i/4 Te+5/iEue2 !o6e1er( se'ondary data has 7een *sed as -er re:*ire,ent. THE $UESTIONNAIRE : The data has 7een 'o))e'ted 6ith the he)- of 6e)) str*'t*red ')osed :*estionnaire. A-art fro, -ersona) infor,ation the :*estions fro, different as-e'ts re)ated to 2o7 and satisfa'tion are in')*ded in :*estionnaire. As a 6ho)e a tota) of $# <#& :*estions fro, .enera) and -ersona) infor,ation( E# :*estions fro, 2o7 and satisfa'tion )e1e)= 'onstit*te the :*estionnaire.

SAM#LING : Sa,-)in. siBe is restri'ted to #&& res-ondents 6orkin. in different P*7)i' ; Pri1ate 7anks of re-resentati1e 'ities of !aryana ; 0handi.arh. St,.ti-ied R./dom S.m01i/4 has 7een a--)ied 6hi)e se)e'tin. the 7ank 7ran'hes and 'on1enien'e sa,-)in. in 'ase of res-ondents.


ANAL!SIS AND INTER#RETATION OF DATA : 9ee-in. in 1ie6 the ,ain and s*7sidiary o72e'ti1es of the st*dy( the data 'o))e'ted thro*.h the :*estionnaire has 7een ana)ysed and inter-reted 6ith the he)- of statisti'a) ta7*)ation 7y *sin. a1era.e and -er'enta.e too)s. Ta7*)ation has 7een done in E>'e) Pa'ka.e. >2) SIGNIFICANCE OF THE SUTD! : The o7ser1ations and findin.s of the 2o7 satisfa'tion st*dy are e>tre,e)y *sef*) for any or.aniBation in .enera) and for 7ankin. ind*stry in -arti'*)ar. By dis'o1erin. the attit*de of the e,-)oyees on 1ario*s fa'tors re)ated to the 2o7( an or.aniBation 'an 'orre't *nfa1o*ra7)e sit*ations )eadin. to hi.her )e1e) of 2o7 dissatisfa'tion. I,,ediate kno6)ed.e of the res*)ts a't as a sti,*)atin. for'e tho*.h its effe'ts are a)so re)ated 6ith the -attern of interC-ersona) re)ations in the or.aniBations. 3ro, the 2o7 satisfa'tion st*dies it 7e'o,es -ossi7)e to kno6 the after M effe'ts of s-e'ifi' in'enti1es( -o)i'ies and -ro.ra,,es. It is a)so i,-ortant for an intensi1e st*dy of the inf)*en'e of ho*rs of 6ork( ,ethods of 6a.e -ay,ent( :*a)ity of 6ork )ife( -ersonne) -o)i'ies and -ra'ti'es( *nionC,ana.e,ent re)ations and str*'t*ra) or.aniBation of the ind*stry. As a 6ho)e( the st*dy .i1e 7etter is hei.hts of the 7ankin. ind*stry as 6e)) as satisfa'tion )e1e) of the e,-)oyees 6orkin. in it. >27 LIMITATIONS OF THE STUD! :

The st*dy on this -ro2e't has 7een done 6ith f*)) efforts and *tter,ost 'are. B*t sti)) there ,ay 7e so,e )i,itations 7eyond 'ontro) 6hi'h , ,ake the findin.s and 'on')*sions in this st*dy -ro1e to so,e de1iations fro, the a't*a) res*)ts. These so,e )i,itations ,ay 7e as fo))o6s :C 3irst )i,itation of st*dy 6as s'ar'ity of ti,e 7e'a*se ti,e d*ration 6as 1ery short for the -ro2e't 6ork. !en'e on)y )i,ited s*r1ey 'o*)d 7e done. The sa,-)e siBe of #&& is too s,a)) to dra6 inferen'e fro, s*r1ey. !en'e( it is too diffi'*)t to .i1e 'on'rete and ')earC'*t res*)ts. D*e to s,a)) s*rfa'e siBe so,e error ,ay 7e there in the res*)ts of -ro2e't. Res-onses fro, res-ondents ,ay 7e different fro, a't*a) 1ie6s. As the st*dy 6as 'ond*'ted in s,a)) areas of on)y se1en distri'ts( res*)ts e1o)1in. o*t ,ay not 7e tr*e at nationa) )e1e). Res-ondents , ha1e not dis')osed their a't*a) 1ie6s 7e'a*se of kee-in. it se'ret. It is too diffi'*)t to 'on1in'e the e,-)oyees for fi))in. the :*estionnaire.

Ana)ysis of data The infor,ation a7o*t the res-ondents .enera) 'hara'teristi's and satisfa'tion )e1e) ha1e 7een 'o))e'ted 6ith the he)- of a 6e)) str*'t*red :*estionnaire. A)) the res-ondents 6ere 'onta'ted -ersona))y and infor,ation 6as .athered. The infor,ation th*s 'o))e'ted has 7een -ro'essed in different ta7)es( and ana)ysis and inter-retation ha1e 7een ,ade a''ordin.)y. The entire ana)ysis has 7een 'ate.oriBed in t6o 7road 'ate.ories i.e. Genera) 'hara'teristi's of the res-ondents and re)ated to 2o7 satisfa'tion infor,ation. -ersona) 0hara'teristi's of the Res-ondents The o7ser1ations of .enera) 'hara'teristi's of the res-ondents are 1ery ne'essary to ha1e -ro-er assess,ent for the -*r-ose. The res-onses of the e,-)oyees are e)i'ited thro*.h :*estionnaire on the fo))o6in. fa'tors : #. E. $. %. . Se> Marita) Stat*s Tota) ) of ser1i'e " of ser1i'e in -resent 2o7 3a,i)y 0o,-osition

H. I. J.

Month)y Sa)ary A.e Ed*'ationa) N*a)ifi'ation A)) these fa'tors are re)ated 6ith ea'h other and 'o))e'ti1e)y affe'ts

the satisfa'tion )e1e) of the e,-)oyees.

#. Distri7*tion of Res-ondents 7y se> TABLE NO2 (

O0tio/KO,4./i8.tio/ Ma)e 3e,a)e Tot.1 E HDFC ICICI <J%= <#H= EE $ &7 #NB <JJ= <#E= L(''D &7 L(''D E SBI <#&&= TOTAL K$ I (''

<#&&= E# %

&7 L(''D &7 L(''D

Fi4u,e8 i/ #.,e/t5e8e8 .,e #e,+e/t.4e

The )e1e) of 2o7 satisfa'tion is a)so affe'ted 7y the se> of the e,-)oyee. Ta7)e # re1ea)s that K$P of res-ondents 6ere ,a)e and on)y IP 6ere fe,a)e.


,arita) stat*s of the res-ondents : TABLE NO2 &

O0tio/KO,4./i8.tio/ Married Un,arried Tot.1 #

HDFC <H&= <%&= J

ICICI <$E= <HJ= &7 E

#NB <#&&= E

SBI <#&&=




&7 L(''D &7 L(''D





Fi4u,e8 i/ #.,e/t5e8e8 .,e #e,+e/t.4e

It has 7een .enera))y noti'ed that the fee)in. of satisfa'tion and dissatisfa'tion is ,ore e>-osed 7y the ,arried -eo-)e( ,ay 7e 7e'a*se of their fa,i)y res-onsi7i)ities. Ta7)e E sho6s I$P res-ondents 6ere ,arried and EIP 6ere *n,arried. Un,arried res-ondents 6ere fro, -ri1ate 7anks.


Ed*'ationa) :*a)ifi'ation of the res-ondents TABLE NO2 >

O0tio/KO,4./i8.tio/ UnderCGrad*ate Grad*ate Post Grad*ate Professiona) Others Tot.1



#NB <#E= <H&= <E%= <%= $ #% % %

SBI <#E= < H= <#H= <#H=

TOTAL H $ #J %#

% % #I

<#H= <#H= <HJ=

E % #K

<J= <#H= <IH=

# H #

&7 L(''D &7 L(''D






Fi4u,e8 i/ #.,e/t5e8e8 .,e #e,+e/t.4e





%. A.e Gro*- of Res-ondents TABLE NO2 )

O0tio/KO,4./i8.tio/ Be)o6 E yrs E C$ yrs $ C% yrs A7o1e % yrs Tot.1 &7 L(''D &7 L(''D &7 L(''D HDFC K # # <$H= <H&= <%= H #K ICICI <E%= <IH= #E J #NB <E&= <%J= <$E= % #% I &7 <#H= < H= <EJ= L(''D SBI TOTAL E& & E$ I (''

Fi4u,e8 i/ #.,e/t5e8e8 .,e #e,+e/t.4e

A.e has its o6n ro)e to assess the )e1e) of 2o7 satisfa'tion in any or.aniBation. E1ery e,-)oyee 'o,es fro, a different a.e .ro*- affe'tin. the o1era)) satisfa'tion of the or.aniBation. It 'an 7e seen fro, Ta7)e % that ,a2ority of the e,-)oyees i.e. &P e,-)oyees 6ere in a.e .ro*- E C$ and E$P res-ondents fro, $ C% a.e .ro*-.



O0tio/KO,4./i8.tio/ Be)o6 C#& yrs ##CE& yrs A7o1e E& yrs Tot.1 yrs

HDFC E$ E <KE= <J=

ICICI E% # <KH= <%= # # K




<%= <H&= <$H= L(''D

% ## #& &7

<#H= <%%= <%&= L(''D

J EH #K (''

&7 L(''D &7 L(''D


Fi4u,e8 i/ #.,e/t5e8e8 .,e #e,+e/t.4e

" of ser1i'e of an e,-)oyee( tota) as 6e)) as in the -resent 2o7( affe'ts the satisfa'tion )e1e) to a .reater e>tent. It is a 6e)) esta7)ished fa't that in 'ase of sta.nation( a fee)in. of 2o7 dissatisfa'tion 'o,es in the e,-)oyees. I 'an 7e seen fro, ta7)e res-ondents ha1in. e>-erien'e 7e)o6 that fro, !D30 and I0I0I 7anks years. In SBI ; PNB 7anks

res-ondents ha1in. e>-erien'e 7et6een ##CE& years.



O0tio/KO,4./i8.tio/ Be)o6 C#& yrs ##CE& yrs A7o1e E& yrs Tot.1 yrs

HDFC #K #K <IH= <IH= E

ICICI <#&&= I # $




<EJ= <H&= <#E= L(''D

H #$ H &7

<E%= < E= <E%= L(''D

$E EJ K ((>

>< L(7&D &7 L(''D


Fi4u,e8 i/ #.,e/t5e8e8 .,e #e,+e/t.4e

Ta7)e H sho6s the infor,ation re.ardin. the ) of ser1i'e in -resent 2o7. Res-ondents of !D30 and I0I0I 7anks IHP ; #&&P 'an 'ate.oriBed as ne6 re'r*iters 7e'a*se their tota) ) of ser1i'e in the -resent 2o7 is )ess than years and in PNB ; SBI 7anks H&P ; EP

res-ondents 6ere ha1in. e>-erien'e in the -resent -osition 7et6een ##CE& yrs.


O0tio/KO,4./i8.tio/ Sin.)e More than One Tot.1 HDFC #K H <IH= <E%= ICICI E& <J&= <E&= #% ## &7 #NB < H= <%%= L(''D #H K &7 SBI <H%= <$H= L(''D TOTAL HK $# (''

&7 L(''D &7 L(''D

Fi4u,e8 i/ #.,e/t5e8e8 .,e #e,+e/t.4e


O0tio/KO,4./i8.tio/ U-to E More than E Un,arried Tot.1 # <H&= E# <J%= &7 L(''D &7 L(''D HDFC #& <%&= % ICICI <#H= #E #$ #NB <%J= < E= I #J SBI <EJ= <IE= TOTAL $$ $# $H (''

&7 L(''D &7 L(''D

Fi4u,e8 i/ #.,e/t5e8e8 .,e #e,+e/t.4e

SiBe of the fa,i)y( n*,7er of the 6orkin. ,e,7ers and no. of de-endents indi1id*a))y as 6e)) as 'o))e'ti1e)y ,ake a -erson satisfied ; dissatisfied. Ta7)e I sho6s that in HKP of the 'ases sin.)e ,e,7ers 6ere 6orkin.. Ta7)e J sho6s that $HP of res-ondents 6ere *n,arried( $$P of res-ondents 6ere ha1in. de-endents *- to E on)y.



O0tio/KO,4./i8.tio/ &&&C#&&&& ##&&&CE&&&& E#&&&C$&&&& $#&&&C%&&&& Tot.1

HDFC ## #% <%%= < H= # K #

ICICI <H&= <$H= <%= E E& $

#NB <J= <J&= <#E= #$ I

SBI <E&= < E= <EJ=

TOTAL $$ H ## &

&7 L(''D &7 L(''D






Fi4u,e8 i/ #.,e/t5e8e8 .,e #e,+e/t.4e

Ta7)e K 'ontains data on .ross ,onth)y sa)ary of the e,-)oyees. HP ; $HP of res-ondents fro, !D30 ; I0I0I 7anks( J&P ; EP res-ondent fro, PNB and SBI 7anks .ot sa)ary 7et6een ##&&&CE&&&&( %%P ; H&P in -ri1ate 7anks .ot 7et6een &&&C#&&&&.

#&. "e1e) of /o7 Satisfa'tion TABLE ('

O0tio/KO,4./i8.tio/ 3*))y Indifferent Partia))y Not Satisfied Tot.1 HDFC #H E H # <H%= <J= <E%= <%= &7 L(''D &7 L(''D <E&= ICICI E& <J&= #H K #NB <H%= <$H= I <EJ= #J SBI <IE= TOTAL I& ## #J # (''

&7 L(''D &7 L(''D

Fi4u,e8 i/ #.,e/t5e8e8 .,e #e,+e/t.4e

/o7 satisfa'tion is effe't a)) the 6orkin. e,-)oyees in any or.aniBation. If he is not satisfied 6ith his 2o7( the -erfor,an'e of the or.aniBation 6i)) 7e ad1erse)y affe'ted. Ta7)e #& ref)e'ts the attit*des of the e,-)oyees re.ardin. this ,atter( 6hi'h sho6s that I&P of the tota) res-ondents 6ho 6ere f*))y satisfied( #JP 6ere -artia))y satisfied and the rest ##P re,ained indifferent on)y #P e,-)oyees 6ho 6ere not satisfied 6ith the 2o7. In !D30 ; I0I0I 7anks H%P ; J&P res-ondents and fro, PNB ; SBI H%P ; IEP res-ondents 6ere f*))y satisfied.



O0tio/KO,4./i8.tio/ Most of the ti,e O''asiona))y Ne1er Tot.1

HDFC #J H # <IE= <E%= <%=

ICICI #K H <IH= E% # #&

#NB <H&= <%&= E& % #

SBI <J&= <#H= <%= (''


&7 L(''D






Fi4u,e8 i/ #.,e/t5e8e8 .,e #e,+e/t.4e




Nat*re of /o7 1isCOC1is A7i)ity( Interest( 0a-a7i)ities and A-tit*de of the Res-ondents TABLE (&

O0tio/KO,4./i8.tio/ Yes No 0an@t Say Tot.1

HDFC #H <H%= <E&= % <#H=

ICICI #J I <IE= EJ #K % E &7

#NB <IH= <#H= <J= L(''D EE E # &7

SBI <JJ= <J= <%= L(''D

TOTAL I #J I (''

&7 L(''D &7 L(''D

Fi4u,e8 i/ #.,e/t5e8e8 .,e #e,+e/t.4e

E1ery e,-)oyee( 6hether in a fa'tory or in offi'e( -refers to ha1e a 2o7 a''ordin. to his a7i)ity. ?hen the standard of the 2o7 is in a''ordan'e 6ith the a7i)ity and interest of the -erson doin. that 2o7 then the 2o7 .i1es ,ore satisfa'tion( 6hi'h 'onse:*ent)y )eads to6ards the s*''ess of the or.aniBation. So for this -*r-ose it has 7een noti'ed fro, the Ta7)e #E that I P of the res-ondents 6ere satisfied 6ith the nat*re of the 2o7( #JP are not satisfied( 6hi)e IP 'anAt say anythin.. In -ri1ate 7anks !D30 ; I0I0I H%P ; IEP ; in -*7)i' 7anks PNB ; SBI IHP ; JJP res-ondents 6ere satisfied 6ith their nat*re of 2o7.





O0tio/KO,4./i8.tio/ Nat*re of the 2o7 HDFC #$ < E= <#E= <%= <J= <#E= <J= <%= H I <E&= <E%= <EJ= # E # ## $ &7 <%= <J= <%= <%%= <#E= L(''D I ICICI <EJ= I #NB <EJ= H # # E # J H &7 SBI <E%= <%= <%= <J= <%= <$E= <E%= L(''D TOTAL $$ % $ H #& EI #I (''

Beha1io*r of the S*7ordinate $ Perks Ty-e of Mana.e,ent Sa)ary Re-*tation of Or.anisation ?orkin. 0ondition Tot.1 # E $ E #

&7 L(''D &7 L(''D

Fi4u,e8 i/ #.,e/t5e8e8 .,e #e,+e/t.4e

E,-)oyees do a -arti'*)ar 2o7 d*e to their )ikin. for its 'ertain as-e'ts. This is the on)y reason that they donAt 6ant to 'han.e their -rofession. Ta7)e #$ sho6s that nat*re of 2o7 is )iked ,ost 7y the res-ondents <i.e. $$P= EIP res-ondents )ike the re-*tation of or.anisation and rest )ike the other as-e'ts.



O0tio/KO,4./i8.tio/ Yes No 0an@t Say Partia))y Tot.1

HDFC #E # K $ <%J= <%= <$H= <#E= I

ICICI #I # <HJ= <%= $ <EJ= # &7 #H

#NB <H%= <E&= <#E= <%= L(''D J &7 #I



<$E= L(''D

#K (''

&7 L(''D &7 L(''D

Fi4u,e8 i/ #.,e/t5e8e8 .,e #e,+e/t.4e

Ta7)e #% sho6s that HEP res-ondents tho*.ht that their 'a-a7i)ities 6ere -ro-er)y and #KP of the 1ie6 that their 'a-a7i)ities 6ere -artia))y *ti)iBed. In !D30 ; I0I0I Bank %JP ; HJP res-ondents and in PNB ; SBI H%P ; HJP res-ondents tho*.ht that their 'a-a7i)ities 6ere -ro-er)y *ti)iBed.


O0tio/KO,4./i8.tio/ Yes No 0an@t Say Tot.1 HDFC #I H E <HJ= <E%= <J= ICICI E& <J&= <E&= # &7 #K #NB <IH= <E&= <%= L(''D #K $ $ &7 SBI <IH= <#E= <#E= L(''D TOTAL I #K H (''

&7 L(''D &7 L(''D

Fi4u,e8 i/ #.,e/t5e8e8 .,e #e,+e/t.4e

Undo*7ted)y( ? and Sa)ary are the ,ost i,-ortant fa'tors in deter,inin. the )e1e) of 2o7 satisfa'tion. E'ono,i'a))y satisfied 6orkers 6i)) definite)y 7e ,ore satisfied 6ith their 2o7. Ta7)e # sho6s that HJP ; J&P res-ondents fro, !D30 ; I0I0I 7anks( IHP ea'h fro, PNB ; SBI 6ere satisfied fro, their sa)ary.



O0tio/KO,4./i8.tio/ Medi'a) A))o6an'e !RA Bon*s S'ooterD0ar Maintenan'e S'hoo)in. DA A''o,,odation 3*rnit*re P3 Ne6s-a-er A))o6an'e Grat*ity Unifor, Fi4u,e8 i/ #.,e/t5e8e8 .,e #e,+e/t.4e #J # #K # E HDFC E& #K #E J ICICI E# E& #I $ # E% E # E$ # H I E$ $ J E$ $ # #NB E& E% SBI #J E#

Additiona) -erks definite)y -)ay an indis-ensa7)e ro)e in ,oti1atin. the e,-)oyees at 6ork. So( it 1ery essentia) to -ro1ide different ty-es of additiona) -erks a''ordin. to re:*ire,ents of the e,-)oyees. Ta7)e No. #H re1ea)s that the no. of res-ondents fro, ea'h 7ank 6ho 6ere .ettin. additiona) -erks in addition to their sa)ary. In -*7)i' 7anks res-ondents 6ere .ettin. ,ore -erks rather than -ri1ate 7anks. (;2 #RO#ER RECOGNITION AT BAN3

O0tio/KO,4./i8.tio/ Yes No 0an@t Say Partia))y Tot.1 HDFC E# E E <J%= <J= <J= % <#H= ICICI E# <J%= E& # E E &7 #NB <J&= <%= <J= <J= L(''D &7 L(''D E SBI <#&&= TOTAL JI $ % H (''

&7 L(''D &7 L(''D

Fi4u,e8 i/ #.,e/t5e8e8 .,e #e,+e/t.4e

Ta7)e #I sho6s that JIP res-ondents 6ere .ettin. -ro-er re'o.nition at their 7ank( and HP 6ere .ettin. -artia) re'o.nition.




O0tio/KO,4./i8.tio/ Yes No Tot.1

HDFC #K H <IH= <E%=

ICICI #J I <IE= <EJ= #I J &7

#NB <HJ= <$E= L(''D E% # &7

SBI <KH= <%= L(''D


&7 L(''D &7 L(''D

Fi4u,e8 i/ #.,e/t5e8e8 .,e #e,+e/t.4e

The e,-)oyees 6ho are -aid ade:*ate)y 6i)) 7e ,ore satisfied than those 6ho are -aid )ess. The res-onses of the e,-)oyees *nder the st*dy in this 'ase is sho6n in the Ta7)e #J. IHP ; IEP res-ondents fro, !D30 ; I0I0I 7anks( HJP ; KHP res-ondents find their sa)ary ; -erks in -ro-ortion to their 6ork( others donAt find a''ordin. to their 6ork.



O0tio/KO,4./i8.tio/ Basi' ne'essities of the )ife A)) the fa,i)y de,ands De'ent standard of )i1in. "*>*ries of the )ife Tot.1

HDFC K J <$H= <$E= <E&= $ <#E=

ICICI #% % I < H= <#H= <EJ= #I H E

#NB <HJ= <E%= <J= # H $ # &7 L(''D &7

SBI <H&= <E%= <#E= <%= L(''D


E% #I % (''

&7 L(''D &7 L(''D

Fi4u,e8 i/ #.,e/t5e8e8 .,e #e,+e/t.4e

Ta7)e #K sho6s that $HP ; HP res-ondents fro, !D30 and I0I0I 7anks( HJP ; H&P res-ondents fro, PNB ; SBI 7anks 6ere a7)e to ,eet a)) 7asi' ne'essities of the )ife( o*t of their sa)ary $EP ; #HP res-ondents fro, !D30 and I0I0I 7anks and E%P fro, ea'h PNB ;SBI had res-onded that they 6ere a7)e to f*)fi)) a)) the fa,i)y de,ands.



O0tio/KO,4./i8.tio/ Yes No Tot.1


ICICI #K H <IH= <E%= E# % &7

#NB <J%= <#H= L(''D EE $ &7

SBI <JJ= <#E= L(''D

TOTAL J& E& (''

&7 L(''D &7 L(''D

Fi4u,e8 i/ #.,e/t5e8e8 .,e #e,+e/t.4e

Ta7)e E& sho6s that J&P res-ondents fro, a)) the 7anks ha1e eno*.h ti,e to -ay attention to their fa,i)y( re)ati1es and friends( E&P res-ondents ha1e no ti,e to -ay attention to their fa,i)y( re)ati1e and friends.



O0tio/KO,4./i8.tio/ 3*))y Indifferent Partia))y Not Satisfied Tot.1

HDFC #% E K < H= <J= <$H= K

ICICI ## <%%= <E&= <$H= I # I #&

#NB <EJ= <%= <EJ= <%&= L(''D &7 K # #&

SBI <$H= <%= <%&= <E&= L(''D

TOTAL %# K $ # (''

&7 L(''D &7 L(''D


Fi4u,e8 i/ #.,e/t5e8e8 .,e #e,+e/t.4e

The Pro,otion -o)i'ies affe't the satisfa'tion )e1e) of the e,-)oyees to a .reat e>tent. Their e>isten'e 6i)) yie)ds fee)in.s of satisfa'tion. Ta7)e E# sho6s that HP ; %%P res-ondents fro, !D30 ; I0I0I 7anks( EJP ; $HP res-ondents fro, PNB ; SBI 7anks 6ere f*))y satisfied( $HP ; $HP res-ondents fro, !D30 ; I0I0I 7anks( EJP ; %&P res-ondents fro, PNB ; SBI 6ere -artia))y satisfied.



O0tio/KO,4./i8.tio/ 3*))y Indifferent Partia))y Not Satisfied Tot.1

HDFC #% E I E < H= <J= <EJ= <J=

ICICI #& % K E <%&= <#H= <$H= <J= K $ &7 #$

#NB < E= J E <$H= <#E= L(''D ## % &7

SBI <$E= <J= <%%= <#H= L(''D

TOTAL % J $H ## (''

&7 L(''D &7 L(''D

Fi4u,e8 i/ #.,e/t5e8e8 .,e #e,+e/t.4e

Ta7)e No. EE sho6s that HP ; %&P res-ondents fro, !D30 ; I0I0I 7ank and EP ; $EP res-ondents fro, PNB ; SBI 7anks 6ere f*))y satisfied fro, the transfer -o)i'y of the 7ank.




O0tio/KO,4./i8.tio/ Yes No Tot.1

HDFC E# % <J%= <#H=

ICICI E& <J&= <E&= #I J &7

#NB <HJ= <$E= L(''D &7 E

SBI <#&&=


&7 L(''D &7 L(''D



Fi4u,e8 i/ #.,e/t5e8e8 .,e #e,+e/t.4e

Ta7)e E$ sho6s that J$P res-ondents fro, a)) the 7anks tho*.ht that honest and hard 6orkers ha1e f*t*re in 7anks.



O0tio/KO,4./i8.tio/ Yes No Tot.1

HDFC E E$ <J= <KE= %

ICICI <#H= <J%= I #J &7

#NB <EJ= <IE= L(''D % E# &7

SBI <#H= <J%= L(''D

TOTAL #I J$ (''


&7 L(''D &7 L(''D

Fi4u,e8 i/ #.,e/t5e8e8 .,e #e,+e/t.4e

It is 1ery diffi'*)t to find o*t after a)) 6hy a -arti'*)ar e,-)oyee 6ants to 'han.e his 2o7 or -rofession. J$P res-ondents fro, a)) the 7anks did not 6ant to 'han.e their 2o7. In -ri1ate 7ank !D30 ; I0I0I KEP ; J%P and in P*7)i' Banks PNB ; SBI IEP and J%P res-ondents did not 6ant to 'han.e their 2o7.



O0tio/KO,4./i8.tio/ Nat*re of the 2o7 E'ono,i' reasons ?orkin. 'onditions Merit is not re6arded E>-)oitin. attit*de of M.t. Tot.1

HDFC # <%= # E

ICICI <%= <J= %

#NB E # <#H= <#E= #

SBI <J= <%= <%=










Fi4u,e8 i/ #.,e/t5e8e8 .,e #e,+e/t.4e

Man is an e1er 6antin. ani,a). !is needs .o on ' fro, ti,e to ti,e. E1ery -erson 6ants his 6ork to 7e re'o.niBed 7y his s*-eriors. B*t if e1ery7ody is treated on the sa,e footin. then .ood -ersons 6i)) not )ike to -*t their 7est efforts and it 6i)) )ead to dissatisfa'tion and th*s( 'a*ses t*rno1er of the e,-)oyees. Res-ondents 6ants to 'han.e their 2o7 7e'a*se of the nat*re of the 2o7( ,erit is not re6arded or 6orkin. 'ondition.



O0tio/KO,4./i8.tio/ Borin. ; Montono*s To)era7)e En2oya7)e Don@t 0are Tot.1

HDFC % E #J # <#H= <J= <IE= <%= # $

ICICI <%= <#E= <J%= # ## #$

#NB <%= <%%= < E= #J E

SBI <J= <E&= <IE=



&7 L(''D &7 L(''D






Fi4u,e8 i/ #.,e/t5e8e8 .,e #e,+e/t.4e

The "e1e) of 2o7 satisfa'tion is a)so affe'ted 7y the -resent 2o7 assi.n,ent of the e,-)oyee. The ta7)e EH sho6s that IEP ; J%P res-ondents fro, !D30 ; I0I0I 7anks( EP ; IEP res-ondents fro, PNB ; SBI 7anks fee) their -resent 2o7 assi.n,ent en2oya7)e.



O0tio/KO,4./i8.tio/ To )ar.e e>tnet To so,e e>tent Not at a)) Tot.1

HDFC #$ H H < E= <E%= <E%=

ICICI #$ H H < E= <E%= <E%= &7 H #%

#NB <E%= < H= <E&= L(''D &7 #& #&

SBI <%&= <%&= <E&= L(''D

TOTAL %E $H EE (''

&7 L(''D &7 L(''D

Fi4u,e8 i/ #.,e/t5e8e8 .,e #e,+e/t.4e

Ta7)e EI sho6s that EP ea'h fro, !D30 ; I0I0I 7anks( E%P ; %&P res-ondents fro, PNB ; SBI 7anks fe)t ha--y to 'han.e in d*ties ,ake the, ha--y to )ar.e e>tent.





O0tio/KO,4./i8.tio/ Yes No Tot.1 HDFC E% # <KH= <%= ICICI E$ E <KE= <J= &7 E& #NB <J&= <E&= L(''D E$ E &7 SBI <KE= <J= L(''D TOTAL K& #& (''

&7 L(''D &7 L(''D

Fi4u,e8 i/ #.,e/t5e8e8 .,e #e,+e/t.4e

En1iron,ent at 6orkin. -)a'e 'ontri7*tes a 7i. dea) in deter,inin. the )e1e) of 2o7 satisfa'tion of the e,-)oyees 6orkin. in any or.aniBation. Ta7)e EJ ref)e'ts the KHP ; KEP res-ondents fro, !D30 ; I0I0I 7anks( J&P ; KEP res-ondents fro, PNB ; SBI 7anks f*))y satisfied 6ith their 6orkin. en1iron,ent.




O0tio/KO,4./i8.tio/ Tense Genera))y Nor,a)

HDFC $ #% <#E= < H= <$E= #

ICICI <%= <H%= <$E= K &7 #H

#NB <H%= # #& <$H= L(''D #% &7

SBI <%= <%&= < H= L(''D

TOTAL E# %& $K (''

#H J

!ar,onio*s ; 0oCo-erati1e J Tot.1

&7 L(''D &7 L(''D

Fi4u,e8 i/ #.,e/t5e8e8 .,e #e,+e/t.4e

Ta7)e EK ref)e't that HP ; H%P res-ondents fro, Pri1ate 7anks !D30 ; I0I0I and %&P res-ondents fro, SBI 7ank fo*nd o1era)) en1iron,ent in their 6orkin. -)a'e .enera))y nor,a).



O0tio/KO,4./i8.tio/ 0oCO-erati1e NonC0o-erati1e 0onsiderate NonC'onsiderate Tot.1

HDFC E# <J%=

ICICI #J # <IE= <%= <E%= E# %

#NB <J%= <#H= E&

SBI <J&= <E&=



<J= <J=

&7 L(''D &7 L(''D






Fi4u,e8 i/ #.,e/t5e8e8 .,e #e,+e/t.4e

Beha1io*r of the seniors 'ontri7*tes .reat)y to6ards 2o7 satisfa'tion. If the s*-eriors are 'oCo-erati1e ; 'onsiderate then the e,-)oyees o71io*s)y 6ithdra6 ,ore satisfa'tion fro, their 2o7s. Ta7)e $& sho6s that in !D30 ; I0I0I J%P ; IEP res-ondents( PNB ; SBI J%P ; J&P res-ondents fe)t that there seniors 6ere 'oCo-erati1e.





O0tio/KO,4./i8.tio/ E>'e))ent Good A1era.e Bad Tot.1 &7 L(''D &7 L(''D &7 L(''D &7 L(''D HDFC J #% $ <$E= < H= <#E= ICICI #& #$ E <%&= < E= <J= #$ K $ #NB < E= <$H= <#E= #E #$ SBI <%J= < E= TOTAL %$ %K J & (''

Fi4u,e8 i/ #.,e/t5e8e8 .,e #e,+e/t.4e

E,-)oyees are a)6ays 1ery s*s'e-ti7)e to the 7eha1io*r of their 7osses. Inter-ersona) re)ations 7et6een seniors and 2*niors do ha1e 7earin. on 2o7 satisfa'tion. Ta7)e $# .i1es an idea of re)ations 7et6een the e,-)oyees and their s*-eriors. In !D30 ; I0I0I 7anks $EP ; %&P res-ondents( PNB ; SBI 7anks EP ; %JP res-ondents ha1in. e>'e))ent re)ation. HP ; EP res-ondents fro, !D30 ; I0I0I 7anks( $HP ; EP res-ondents in PNB ; SBI ha1in. .ood re)ation.



O0tio/KO,4./i8.tio/ Month)y O''asiona))y Rare)y Ne1er Tot.1

HDFC J #$ <$E= < E= J

ICICI <$E= <HJ= K #$ E

#NB <$H= < E= <J= <%= L(''D &7 J # E

SBI <$E= <H&= <J=

TOTAL $$ J %



# &7

&7 L(''D &7 L(''D



Fi4u,e8 i/ #.,e/t5e8e8 .,e #e,+e/t.4e

?hen a s*-erior dis'*sses or.aniBationa) ,atters 6ith the e,-)oyees( it .i1es the e,-)oyees a sense of 7ein. res-onsi7)e -erson in the or.aniBation. So( the s*-eriors he)- the, in satisfyin. -sy'ho)o.i'a) needs( s*'h an a'tion an -art of s*-erior adds to the 2o7 satisfa'tion. Ta7)e $E sho6s that in a)) the or.aniBations JP res-ondents take -arti'i-ation

o''asiona))y in dis'*ssin. the or.anisation ,atter.



O0tio/KO,4./i8.tio/ Nat*re of the 2o7 M.t. Po)i'ies !o*rs of ?ork ?orkin. 0onditions ti,in. of ?ork Tot.1

HDFC J E J % $ <$E= <J= <$E= <#H= <#E= E #

ICICI <J= <%= <%J= <J= <$E= &7 H #E E

#NB <E%= <%J= <J= <E&= % H I $ L(''D &7

SBI <E&= <#H= <E%= <EJ= <#E= L(''D

TOTAL E# #K EJ #J #% (''

#E E J

&7 L(''D &7 L(''D

Fi4u,e8 i/ #.,e/t5e8e8 .,e #e,+e/t.4e

No sin.)e h*,an 7ein. had e1er 7orn 6ho is a)6ays satisfied 6ith the 1ario*s as-e'ts of )ife. Ta7)e $$ ref)e't in !D30 7ank( $EP res-ondents 6ere dissatisfied 6ith nat*re of 2o7 or the ho*rs of 6ork( in I0I0I 7anks %JP res-ondents 6ere dissatisfied fro, ho*rs of 6ork( in PNB %JP res-ondents fro, ,ana.e,ent -o)i'y( EJP res-ondents dissatisfied fro, 6orkin. 'ondition in SBI 7ank.



O0tio/KO,4./i8.tio/ One in a 6hi)e 6e need O''asiona))y 6e need Most of the ti,e Ne1er Tot.1

HDFC ## J $ $ <%%= <$E= <#E= <#E=

ICICI #E I # <%J= <EJ= <%= <E&= #& #& E $ &7

#NB <%&= <%&= <J= <#E= L(''D &7 #E J

SBI <%J= <$E= <E&=

TOTAL % $$ ## ##

&7 L(''D &7 L(''D



Fi4u,e8 i/ #.,e/t5e8e8 .,e #e,+e/t.4e

Ta7)e $% sho6s that in a)) the 7anks % P res-ondents fe)t that for i,-ro1in. their -erfor,an'e they need trainin. -ro.ra,,e on'e in a 6hi)e( $$P o''asiona))y( ##P ,ost of the ti,e( ##P fe)t that they ha1e ne1er need trainin. -ro.ra,,e for i,-ro1in. their -erfor,an'e.




O0tio/KO,4./i8.tio/ Often 4ery Often On'e in a 6hi)e Tot.1

HDFC #% H < H= <E%= <E&= # H %

ICICI <H&= <E%= <#H= #H $ H &7

#NB <H%= <#E= <E%= L(''D E& $ E &7

SBI <J&= <#E= <J= L(''D

TOTAL H #J #I (''

&7 L(''D &7 L(''D

Fi4u,e8 i/ #.,e/t5e8e8 .,e #e,+e/t.4e

Ta7)e $ sho6s that HP ; H&P res-ondents fro, !D30 ; I0I0I( H%P ; J&P res-ondents fro, PNB ; SBI 7anks fe)t that their 7oss often sho6 interest in so)1in. their -ersona) and fa,i)y -ro7)e,s.



O0tio/KO,4./i8.tio/ A.ree Ne*tra) Disa.ree Tot.1

HDFC J # E <$E= <H&= <J=

ICICI #% ## < H= <%%= #% ##

#NB < H= <%%= #J I


TOTAL % %% E

&7 L(''D &7 L(''D






Fi4u,e8 i/ #.,e/t5e8e8 .,e #e,+e/t.4e

Ta7)e $H sho6s that $EP ; HP res-ondents fro, !D30 ; I0I0I 7anks( HP ; IEP res-ondents fro, PNB ; SBI 7anks a.ree. H&P ; %%P res-ondents fro, !D30 ; I0I0I 7anks( %%P ; EJP res-ondents fro, PNB ; SBI 7anks are ne*tra) a7o*t that their sa)ary is s*ffi'ient to ,eet their fa,i)y re:*ire,ents.



O0tio/KO,4./i8.tio/ Sa)ary Se'*rity of 2o7

HDFC $ # <#E= <%= <IE= <#E= # I $

ICICI <#E= E J <H&= <EJ= $ ## #

#NB <J= <$E= <#E= <%%= <%= L(''D &7 H % #&

SBI <E&= <E%= <#H= <%&=

TOTAL #$ # %& $# #

Better 'han'es of -ro,otion #J Presti.e in so'iety Re'o.nition in or.. Tot.1 $

&7 L(''D &7 L(''D




Fi4u,e8 i/ #.,e/t5e8e8 .,e #e,+e/t.4e

Ta7)e $I ref)e'ts the reasons 6hi'h 'reates the e,-)oyeeAs interest in the 7ank( %&P res-ondents fro, a)) the 7anks tho*.ht that they ha1e 7etter 'han'es of -ro,otion in their 7ank( $#P res-ondents 7e'a*se of -resti.e in so'iety( # P res-ondents 7e'a*se of se'*rity of 2o7( #$P res-ondents 7e'a*se of sa)ary.



#. E. Ma2ority of the res-ondents are ,a)e. A)) the e,-)oyees fro, P*7)i' 7anks are ,arried ; ha1in. ,ore than E de-endent ; in Pri1ate 7anks EIP are *n,arried ; ha1in. *to E de-endent 7e'a*se in -ri1ate 7ank e,-)oyees are yo*n. than -*7)i' 7anks. $. In -ri1ate 7anks e,-)oyees are ser1in. the 7ankin. ind*stry fro, )ess than yrs ; in -*7)i' 7anks res-ondents are ser1in. fro, ,ore

than one de'ade. Be'a*se the -ri1ate 7ank are ne6 entrants to the ,arket. %. In -ri1ate 7ank J&P e,-)oyees are -rofessiona) ; in -*7)i' 7ank H&P are .rad*ate. . In -ri1ate 7anks J&P e,-)oyees ; in -*7)i' 7anks IEP e,-)oyees are f*))y satisfied fro, 2o7 ; they re,ain satisfied fro, the 2o7 ,ost of the ti,e.


J P of e,-)oyees fro, a)) the 7anks fee) that their 'a-a7i)ities is 7ein. -ro-er)y *ti)iBed.


In -ri1ate 7anks &P e,-)oyees )ike the nat*re of 2o7 ; in -*7)i' 7anks %&P e,-)oyees )ike the re-*tation of the or.anisation.


E P res-ondents fro, a)) the 7anks are not satisfied 6ith their sa)ary ; EEP e,-)oyees find their sa)ary )ess than the 6ork they do in 7ank.

K. #&.

JIP e,-)oyees .ot -ro-er re'o.nition at their 7ank. P of the e,-)oyees o-inion that their sa)ary 'an 2*st ,eet their 7asis ne'essities of )ife.


&P e,-)oyees in -ri1ate 7anks $&P e,-)oyees in -*7)i' 7anks are satisfied 6ith transfer ; -ro,otion -o)i'ies of their 7ank.


J$P e,-)oyees think that honest ; hard 6orkers ha1e f*t*re in the 7ankin. ind*stry.

#$. #%.

#IP res-ondents 6ant to 'han.e their -rofession. K&P e,-)oyees are satisfied 6ith the 6orkin. en1iron,ent in their 7ank.

# . #H.

J&P e,-)oyees find their seniors 'o))ea.*es as 'oCo-erati1e. JP e,-)oyees dis'*sses the or.aniBations ,atter 6ith their senior o''asiona))y.


EJP e,-)oyees dissatisfy 6ith the ho*rs of 6ork E#P e,-)oyees dissatisfied 6ith the nat*re of 2o7.


##P e,-)oyees tho*.ht that they no need o''asiona) trainin. -ro.ra,s for i,-ro1in. their -erfor,an'e. To s*, *-( e,-)oyees are reasona7)y satisfied 6ith 7ankin. ind*stry.

Tho*.h there are 'ertain fa'tors 6hi'h dissatisfy the 7ank e,-)oyees. The satisfa'tion )e1e) of the e,-)oyees 'an 7e enhan'ed 7y i,-)e,entin. 'ertain s*..estions 6hi'h are ,entioned on the ne>t -a.e.

Mana.e,ent Po)i'ies ha1e 7een one of the .reatest disCsatisfier for the e,-)oyees. ?hi)e fra,in. the -o)i'ies e,-)oyees -arti'i-ation 'an 7e initiatedDin'reased to ha1e .ro6th oriented rea)isti' -o)i'ies ?orkin. 'onditions of the ind*stry is the another disCsatisfier. A.ain -arti'i-ation of the e,-)oyees 'an -)ay an i,-ortant ro)e in ha1in. and i,-)e,entin. effe'ti1e 6orkin. 'onditions. !o*rs of 6ork and ti,in.s of 2o7 a)so dissatisfy the e,-)oyees to a .reater e>tent. By a--)yin. effe'ti1e ti,e st*dy and effe'ti1e ti,e ,ana.e,ent( this -ro7)e, 'an 7e red*'ed. ?ith the arri1a) of -ri1ate 7anks( retention of 'o,,itted and effe'ti1e e,-)oyees has 7e'o,e need of the ho*r as these e,-)oyees ,ay find 7etter -ros-e'ts in -ri1ate 7anks. So to retain the,( e>tra in'enti1es ,ay 7e .i1en to the res*)t oriented e,-)oyees. This 6i)) a)so de'rease the dissatisfa'tion of the e,-)oyees fro, sa)ary front. Pro,otion -o)i'y sho*)d 7e s*'h that the seniority of the e,-)oyees ,*st 7e re6arded.

In -*7)i' 7anks there sho*)d 7e re'r*ited the -rofessiona)s 7e'a*se no6 the 7anks are 'o,-*teriBed and there is hard 'o,-etition 7et6een -*7)i' ; -ri1ate 7anks. There sho*)d 7e so,e e>tra re6ards for honest and hard 6orkers. /o7 -ress*re 1isCOC1is ,arket s'enario sho*)d 7e ad2*sted a''ordin.)y. E,-)oyees sho*)d 7e 'onsider that they are the -art of 7ank. So that they 'an .et 7etter 'han'es of -ro,otion on the 7asis of their -erfor,an'e.

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