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QUIZ 1 CCE- 3 NOVEMBER 2013 Name : MARZIZAN BIN AZIZ Matric/ ID Number : 2011356905 / 800126055249 Question 1 True False

Art is defined as an activity or educational subject that consists of creating paintings, sculptures and other idea or objects for people to feel at and admire or think deeply about (Taylor, 2006). Constructivist theory believes that knowledge is socially constructed Sensor motor stage (birth 6 years old)The child, through physical interaction with his or her environment, builds a set of feeling about reality and how it works. Gestalt psychologists emphasised the importance of the whole learning experience, including perception, active searching for meaning and the learning context. Childrens creativity can also be understood by looking at the four dimensions of creativity namely looking at what constitutes the creative person, the process, the environment that surrounds the child and the product of the creative art activities. Robert Fisher, is a teacher, researcher and actor on teaching thinking and creativity According to Laura H. Chapman, teachers or facilitators need to give guidance and clear instructions to students on how each medium and tools are use. This will ensure that the materials gives value and meaning to the art work produced. Through Taylor's model, a teacher would be able to expose students to a much wider range of talent areas Visual art creations are drawings, paintings, sculptures, photographs and decorative arts such as ceramic, jewelry making, furniture design and wood carving. According to Taylors model, creativity will allow a person to feel free and responsible to act accordingly and participate in society positively.




Question 11



Internal locus of evaluation means, the personal characteristics of self-confidence, independence and the individual can makes a decision and is willing to accept responsibility for the outcome. Originality is an idea that is truly unique and it is not like any other product, it is one of a kind (E. Paul Torrance). Lowenfeld felt that the process is more important than the product and teachers need to take on a passive, hands-off role According to Victor Lowenfeld, scribbling is a first stage of
self expression





Exposing children to different kinds of stimulus will enhance their thoughts because children need to understand in advance how objects around them work so that the process of imitation can be applied to their artwork. When young children use their imaginations in play, they are more creative but cannot develop a good problem solving approach to learning and perform better at school tasks. Jean Piaget said that children in the preoperational stage of cognitive growth (ages two to seven) use magical thinking until they learn the properties of physics and reality a trial and error process that takes years Symbolic thinking allows children to develop schemes to recognize and learn new objects and symbol systems also allow children to invent, create, think, reinvent, a neverending cycle of thought and creation. Creative play will enhance childrens basic mathematics skills such as geometry (size and shape), measuring, and sorting. According to Vygotsky, symbolic play enables children to develop a variety of represented meanings that serve as a basis for successful literacy development.






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