MTLB Topical Questions

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Medical Technology Laws and Bioethics RA 5527 1. What is RA 5527? When was it approved? 2.

Enumerate the different amendments of RA 5527. 3. Mention the sections amended by: a. RA 6138 b. PD 498 c. PD 1534 4. How many sections are there in RA 5527? 5. Who signed RA 5527 into law 6. Give the title of all sections of RA 5527? 7. Define the following: a. Practice of medical technology b. Pathologist c. Medical Technologist d. Accredited Medical Technology Training Laboratory e. Recognized School of Medical Technology 8. Describe the composition of council of medical technology education. 9. Who approves any changes of the Medical Technology curriculum 10. Describe the composition of the Board of Med Tech. a. who appoints them b. who recommends them c. what is their term of office d. what is the rule of succession in the vacancy of the Board 11. Qualifications of the board member. 12. Functions and duties of the Board. 13. Who can appoint and remove a board member from his post. 14. What are the grounds for the removal of board members? 15. Who are not inhibited and who are inhibited against the practice of medical technology. 16. When is the board examination, what are the venues of the examination? 17. How must the written policies of the exam be published? 18. What are the qualifications of applicant for examination? 19. What are the subjects included in the examination and their respective relative weights? 20. When should the schedule of subjects for examination be published? 21. How can an applicant pass a board exam? 22. How must the rating of the exam be computed? 23. Who are allowed to take the professional oath of the Medical Technology? 24. Who are not issued the certificate of registration? 25. How can one become a medical lab technician, without examination? 26. When can the board refuse to issue the certificate of registration? 27. Who can conduct administrative investigation? 28. What are the possible sanctions for erring MT? What kind of votes is required in each case? 29. How long is the penalty of suspension? 30. When is a med-tech perpetually disqualified from the practice? 31. How can one get the second copy of the certificate of registration? What are justifiable reasons of requesting for a second copy. 32. Define foreign reciprocity. What are the advantages and the disadvantages 33. Who prepares the roster of medical technologists?

Medical Technology Laws and Bioethics 34. What are considered illegal practices of Medical Technology? CODE OF ETHICS FOR NEW MEDICAL TECHNOLOGISTS 1. What are the responsibilities of a RMT? a. Doctor b. Patient 2. What are considered illegal practices of RMT? 3. What are the other members of the health profession? How should we compete with them? 4. What are the signs and symptoms of illegal work? 5. How many employments does a RMT make? 6. How does a RMT perform his professional work? 7. How do you review the work of a colleague 8. How do you help PAMET? 9. How do you use your technical knowledge as RMT? 10. What do you do with people committing infractions of professional conduct of MT? 11. In what manner should you conduct profession? PROFESSIONAL REGULATION COMMISSION 1. 2. 3. 4 4. 5. 6. 7. What is PD 223? What is the date of approval? What is the role of PRC? What amended PD 223? 5.What is RA 8981? What is the date of approval of RA 8981 What is the composition of the PRC? What are the qualifications of commissioner of PRC? What are the powers, functions and responsibilities of the commission? What are the powers, functions and responsibilities of various regulatory boards?


1. Who, when, and why should the TOS be finalized? 2. Enumerate the professional subjects of medtech, state the relative weight of each . 3. What are the subjects that are grouped to form clusters? State the number of questions of each.

CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION 1. What is the purpose of CPE? 2. Who can offer CPE activities for MT professionals? 3. State the composition of CPE council. 4. What is the term of office of the CPE Council? 5. How can RMT earn CPE units? State the number of credit units earned for the renewal of his license. When is the renewal of professional license done?

Medical Technology Laws and Bioethics 6. State the units required from RMTs and medical technician? 7. Are excess CPE units credited? 8. How can an agency /organization/association be accredited as CPE provider?? 9. What is the procedure for the accreditation of the activity by the CPE provider? 10. What are the post accreditation requirements of a scientific activity?.

CLINICAL LABORATORY LAW 1. What is the purpose of the clinical laboratory? 2. What is RA 4688? 3. What is AO No. 59 S. 2001? 4. What is the Scope of AO no. 59 S. 2001?. What are not covered by the AO No. 59 S. 2001? 5. What are the ways of classifying clinical laboratories? 6. Differentiate CPL and APL. 7. Differentiate hospital based and free standing laboratories. 8. Differentiate primary, secondary and tertiary clinical laboratories. 9. What is the minimum requirement of instruments for a)primary category b) secondary category c) tertiary category laboratories. 10. What are kinds of records in the clinical laboratory? How long should we keep these different records? 11. How do we determine the laboratory fee for each service? 12. Who are the signatories of laboratory reports? How do we issue laboratory test reports 13. Differentiate internal quality control program and external quality control program. 14. What are the measurements of the working space for all categories of clinical laboratories (both hospital and non-hospital based) 15. Who should manage a clinical laboratory? How can a licensed physician manage a clin lab? What category of the clin labs is supervised by each? Who are considered staff members? 16. What are considered violations of the clinical laboratory law. 17. What to do: a. in case of transfer of location? b. in case of transfer of ownership? c. in case of the upgrading of the license category? TRAINING OF MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY INTERNS 1. What is a training laboratory for MT interns? 2. What is CHED Memo no. 6 S. 2008? 3. What are the qualifications and functions of a CI (Clinical Instructor)? 4. What are the qualifications and functions of a TO (training officer). 5. What is MT training program?

RA 7719 1. Define: a. RA 1517 (June 16, 1956) b. RA 7719 (May 5, 1994) c. A.O. no. 9 S. 1995 (Section 26 to 32 omitted)

Medical Technology Laws and Bioethics d. A.O. no. 17- A. S. 1998 (section 26 to 32 were revised) 2. What are the purposes of RA 7719? 3. Define the following: a. Blood Transfusion Services b. Blood Bank/Blood center c. Blood Collection Unit d. Blood station e. Blood service facility f. Blood bank donor 4. How is voluntary blood collection promoted? 5. Who should implement National Voluntary Blood Services Act? 6. What blood bank/blood center are to phased out by RA 7719? 7. What is the type of operation of blood bank/blood center? 8. Who should import blood bank/blood center equipment , blood bags and reagents? 9. What are considered violations of RA 7719? AO no. 9 S. 1995 1. What are the blood transmissible diseases? 2. What is the composition of the National Blood Services Program Commitee? Who is the chair, who is the field of representative? 3. What is DOH program management? 4. What are the sources of funds of NVBS program? 5. What are the subcommittees under promotion of voluntary blood donation? 6. What are the agencies under subcommittee on public education and information? 7. What are the agencies under subcommittee on curriculum development? 8. What are the agencies under subcommittee on professional education and rational use of blood/blood products? 9. Give the composition of hospital blood transfusion committee. 10. What is the blood services network? What is the direction? 11. What is the composition of monitoring and sub-evaluation committee? 12. Where is the licensing of blood bank? 13. What type of blood bank/blood centers is to be phased out? 14. What are the contents of SOP? 15. What donors should be immediately rejected? 16. When is emergency transfusion justified?

AO no. 17 A.S. 1998 1. Differentiate category A, BB/BC a. Hospital-based b. non-hospital based 2. Differentiate category B, BB/BC a. Hospital-based b. Non-hospital based 3. Differentiate Category A from Category B. 4. Who should own a license to operate a BB/BC? 5. Enumerate the documents necessary for application of license. 6. Discuss the requirements of approval of license.

Medical Technology Laws and Bioethics a. Human resource head b. Physical plant c. Equipment, reagent/glassware/supply 7. Describe the human resource requirements of laboratory: a. head b. staff 8. Differentiate the MT staff of BB-A and BB-B. a. MT staff of BB-B b. MT staff of BB-A 9. What is the validity of license?

RA 8504: HIV/AIDS LAW 1. What is HIV/AIDS? 2. What is RA 8504? 3. Define: a. Anonymous testing b. HIV/AIDS monitoring c. Contact tracing d. HIV/AIDS control e. HIV transmission f. High risk Behavior g. Informed consent h. Medical confidentiality i. Pretest counselling j. Post-test counselling k. Prophylactic l. Window period/phase 4. Give the person responsible for the following: a. HIV/AIDS education in schools b. HIV/AIDS information as a health service c. HIV/AIDS education in the workplace d. HIV/AIDS education for Filipinos abroad e. HIV/AIDS education campaign for tourism 5. What is AIDSWATCH? 6. What are the exemptions of medical confidentiality? 7. What are the considered health services of HIV patient? 8. Discrimination of HIV patient in the: a. workplaces b. school 9. What is PNAC? Composition? 10. What is compulsory HIV testing? 11. What is Blood Transfusion Services? PHILIPPINE DANGEROUS DRUG LAW 1. What is: a. RA 6425 Dangerous Drug Act of 1972 b. RA 9165 Damgerous Drug Act of 2002

Medical Technology Laws and Bioethics c. EO no. 102 S. 1999 2. Define the following: a. accreditation b. chain of custody c. confirmatory test d. cut-off e. screening test f. procedure manual 3. What are the classes of drug testing laboratory? a. As to ownership b. Institutional character c. Service capability 4. Who are the clients of mandatory drug testing? 5. Who are the clients of random drug testing? 6. What are the technical requirements in licensing for a DTL? a. What are the requirements for a physical plant? b. Who will be in charge? 7. What are the technical requirements for accreditation of DTL? a. records b. security c. chain of custody d. storage of reports e. test levels f. procedure manual g. equipment and instrument 8. How do you report test result? 9. Describe the access of laboratory results. 10. What is meant by failure of proficiency? 11. What are the considered violations of drug testing? 12. What is the validity of the test result? WATER TESTING LABORATORY 1. What is the PD 866? 2. What is EO 31 S. 1979? 3. What are the aspects in the accreditation of water testing? 4. Who should own a water testing laboratory? 5. When is inspection of a water testing laboratory? 6. Describe the head of water testing laboratory. 7. How many water testing laboratory may be handled or supervised? 8. Describe the qualification of assistance. 9. Describe the physical area of water testing laboratory. ORGAN DONATION ACT OF 1991 1. What is RA 7170? 2. Define the following: a. Organ Bank Storage Facility b. Decedent c. Testator

Medical Technology Laws and Bioethics d. Donor 3. What are the transplantable organs? 4. Who declares that the person is dead? 5. Who may execute a legacy? 6. What are the qualifications of persons who may execute a legacy? 7. Who may become a legatee? 8. What is the manner of executing a legacy? 9. Who is authorized to remove a transplantable organ 10. What organizations are allowed to engage in information drive regarding benefits of transplantation?

NEWBORN SCREENING ACT OF 2004 1. What is RA 9288? 2. What is Newborn Screening? 3. What are the metabolic disorders? 4. Define: a. NIH b. Newborn c. Newborn screening center 5. When is Newborn Screening performed? 6. When is Newborn screening be refused? 7. What is the specimen for newborn screening? 8. Who may perform Newborn Testing? 9. What are the possible treatment for metabolic disorders? 10. What may require institutions to provide Newborn Screening? 11. Who are the members of the advisory committee of Newborn Screening?

HISTORY l. What is medical technology according to a. Heinemann b. Fagelson c. Walters d. RA 5527 2. Define the following a. clinical laboratories b. pathologist c. pathology

Medical Technology Laws and Bioethics d. medical technologist e. medical technician 3. How are hospitals classified according to size (hospital beds) 4. What are the branches of Pathology? Differentiate anatomic and clinical pathology. 5. Enumerate the employment opportunities of BS Medical Technology graduates in the Philippines? 6.What are the good personal traits of registered medical technologists? 7.Why are these special characteristics important to the medical technology professional? a. service oriented b. patience c. honesty, accuracy, skills d. dedication e. emotional maturity f. x factor

THE DEVELOPMENT OF MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY PROFESSION 1.Who is the Father of Medicine? 2. What is the Hippocratic Oath? 3. What are the four humors or body fluids in man? 4. What is the beginning of medical technology according to a. Vivian Herrick b. Ruth Williams c. Anne Fagelson 5. Give his contribution to the medical technology profession. a. Anton von Leeuwenhoek

Medical Technology Laws and Bioethics b. Malphigi c. Virchow d. Anne Fagelson 6. Give his contribution to the history of the medical technology profession a. Dr. William H. Welch b. Dr. William M. Osler c. Dr. James C. Todd 7. In the US, what are the first a. clinical laboratories b. schools of medical technology 8. Give his contribution to the history of medical technology in the Philippines? a. 26th Medical Laboratory of the 6th US Army b. Dr. Pio de Roda c. Dr. Prudencia Sta. Ana d. Dr. Wilia Hilgert Hendrick e. PUC- Manila Sanitarium and Hospital f. Dr. Jesse Umali g. Dr. Antonio Gabriel and Dr. Gustavo Reyes h. Rev. Fr. Lorenzo Rodriguez i. Dr. Horacio A. Ilagan and Dr. Serafin Juliano j. Mrs. Purificacion Sunico-Suaco k. Crisanto Almario l. Atty Dexter Bihis 8. What is PASMETH? What are its objectives? 9. What is PAMET? What are its objectives?

Medical Technology Laws and Bioethics 10. Who are the past presidents of PASMETH? 11. Who are the past presidents of PAMET? What are their outstanding contributions? 12. Describe the insignia of PAMET

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